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Our Community
I havewrittenquite abitinthe past about giving back to the community.And this monthIwant to personallyinviteyouto joinme and take partinaneffort thatis particularlyclose to myheart.
This November16th marks the second annual ICE Walk benefittingtheMarionCountyYMCA.TheICE Walkisafreetwo-milewalkthatmystaff and I started toshowwhatwebelieve:thatwalkingandrunningis beneficial to those with and without heart disease.
Here are fourreasonswhy:
First,you do nothave to be apro to doit! Otherthan comfortable shoes, loose-fittingclothing, and plenty ofwater, no expensive equipmentis needed and there are plentyof shaded parks and streetsinour neighborhoods to explore.
Secondly,what I personallylike most aboutwalking and runningis thatpeople of alllevels of fitness can getsomethingoutofit. Unlike the trendyhigh-impact, high-intensityworkoutswe hearabout,you canwork atyourcomfortlevel.
Next, runningandwalkingis suitable forallages. This means thatwe cancome togetheras afamily, across generations andwalk and learnand laugh.
And finally,itinspires. Seeingmyfamily, staff, patients, friends, and neighbors exercisingtogether fortheirhealthand to supporteachotherrenews my visionforthe ICEWalk. Itcanhelp make ourcommunityone of theheart-healthiestinthe nation.Join ICE in this effort and let’s put ourheartsintowalking togetherthis November.
Asad U. Qamar, MD

Our three pillars of care: Innovation, compassion, and excellence
As summer comes to a close, ICE, too, ushers in a new season. Our changes reflect years of listening to our patients and responding by evolving our practices to their needs. It is because what guides us is our vision of becoming the ultimate wellness center in the region focused on healing hearts. It is Innovation. Compassion. Excellence. Realized.
The result is three pillars of care that allow us to deliver services in the most accessible and specialized way yet. The Institute of Cardiovascular Excellence, Institute of Medical Excellence and the Limbstitute are where the area’s finest health care professionals and cutting-edge technology meet to serve patients from Florida, the region, and from around the world. It’s what we’ve learned you need.
First, the Institute of Cardiovascular Excellence, our area’s premier heart care center, remains housed in four locations covering Lake, Sumter, Levy, and Marion counties. In holding true to Dr. Qamar’s founding ideals, physicians and staff continue to provide patients with the physical and emotional care their hearts need to beat on. We use the most advanced medical technologies and have the most highly skilled practitioners in the field. We procure and evaluate our equipment so that we can be confident we are delivering the most innovative and accurate tests and treatment. And we remain compassionate in all of this — our office staff and medical technicians master their jobs, manage stress behindthe-scenes, and provide a comforting, relaxing environment to our patients.

The Institute of Medical Excellence solves a common challenge we face in medicine today: continuum of care. We’ve discovered that by pooling our resources we can deliver continuous care to our patients — from annual checkups and common aches and pains to specialized treatment. By combining family and primary care services in four locations with our cardiovascular expertise, we can provide our patients with a
Cardiovascular Practitioners
Asad Qamar, M.D.
Justin Ferns, M.D.
KalpeshSolanki, D.O.
Sheila DePaolo, PA-C, MPAS
Kevin Noon,ARNP, MSN
Mike Richards, PA-C
TomTran, PA-C complete medical package, meaning we will not skip a beat in caring for the whole of you.
The third pillar is the Limbstitute, a center for limb salvage and comprehensive vein care where our goal of keeping our patients active is manifested. At our new facilities we aim to prevent, test, and treat legs and feet that may be at risk of amputation. Under one roof we can treat venous insufficiencies, detect PAD, and treat nonhealing wounds, all of which contribute to critical limb ischemia.
Finally, we know that education is empowerment. With this Impulse journal as our vehicle, we combine our expertise in hopes of healing hearts, bodies, and minds.
And you can expect us to keep listening and checking your pulse.
PAD Evaluation Includes:
• Complete physical examination
• Doppler ultrasound
• CT angiography
Vein and Wound Care Services:
• Radiofrequency ablation
• Spider vein treatment
• Varicose vein treatment
• Ambulatory phlebectomy
• Advanced wound care management
A new life for limbs
Now, those in fear of losing their leg, foot, or other limbs can find comfort and hope in ICE’s newest specialty treatment center. The Limbstitute is now open to patients with venous insufficiencies, peripheral arterial disease, and non-healing wounds.
Located in Summerfield, the new facility is retrofitted to include all the technology and diagnostic resources necessary for testing, locating, and facilitating the treatment of damaged arteries.
Expanding ICE’s services into a division dedicated solely to limb salvage and vein care answers a critical need in the community. Many amputations performed across the nation could have been prevented, and this center makes it easier for patients to receive worldrenowned care under one roof.
In addition to the management of PAD, services include the use of the most innovative, technological, and minimally invasive procedures for the advanced treatment of veins and wounds.
From initial examination and non-invasive testing to determine if an artery is blocked, to pinpointing the location of the blockage, the practitioners and staff at the Limbstitute provide focused, expert care for patients with specialized needs.