Asarwa: Industrial Neighbourhood in the core of Ahmedabad

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A S A R WA , A h m e d a b a d | P o r t f o l i o PUT21079

Asarwa: A Low Income, Industrial Neighbourhood In The Core Of Ahmedabad

“Asarwa has developed informally where mixed-use is predominantly seen in terms of built & land development.”



I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards our Tutor, Mrs. Vanishree Herlekar for guiding us

The study was performed on a one-square- kilometre area of the Asarwa. It is a historic industrial

through the entire process of learning and perception of the subject. I would like to thank our Teaching

district in Ahmedabad's eastern fringe, near to the walled city. It is east of the Sabarmati River and

Associate Ms. Mallika Sehgal for her constant support and guidance at every stage of learning

south of the Civil Hospital.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Rutul Joshi and Mr. Umesh Shurpali for their assistance in

Through qualitative and quantitative analysis, this Portfolio attempts to decode and assess the living

helping us comprehend the idea and its application in a city. I'd also want to thank my classmates for the

conditions of people in Asarwa. A critical analysis of built form transformation over a few decades,

ongoing debates that help us learn. I'd want to express my gratitude to my family and friends for their

highlighting the achievements and downfalls and give an insight of how they influence in creating the

unwavering support during the course of my studies.

place that one perceives today.

Acknowledgment Preface

Table Of Content 1. Situating Asarwa 1.1 Asarwa delineating the character of Industrial City 1.2 Change In Urban Morphology

2. Spatial Growth of Asarwa 2.1 Comparison About Ground Coverage & Population 2.2 Special Extent & Building Typology 2.3 Typical Household Sizes

3. Public Realm & Infrastructure 3.1 Compactly Packed - Unregulated Public Spaces 3.2 Waste Collection Management 3.3 Complex Distribution of Water Supply

3.4 Encroachment of Street Infrastructure

4. People & Choices 4.1 Assessment of Livelihood – Through Case Studies

5. In Conclusion

6. Reference

M 2021 l UTC Studio l Asarwa, Ahmedabad.

Situating Asarwa

1. Situating Asarwa 1.1 Asarwa delineating the character of Industrial City

Macro Time-line of Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad located on the North–West corner of the India, state of Gujarat Asarwa is one of the major “Textile Hub” of Ahmedabad in the state of Gujarat

Urban Local Body

Modern Industrial economy (Early 19th Century)

Home of Cotton Textile Mills (There after in 19th Century)

Manchester of India (Early 20th Century)

Identity Largest Industrial Footprint

Character Mixed used neighbourhood

Micro Time-line of Asawra

Amdavad Municipal Corporation Economy Textile Asarwa

In terms of public transit, industrial centre, and one of the key commercial centres, Asarwa is a diverse core of Ahmedabad. It saw a substantial quantity of immigration, which resulted in an increase in housing demand. The precinct's surrounds were likewise impacted by the industrial centres and developed more informally in terms of

interconnectivity, street activities, and the informal sector of employment. There were numerous informal

About Into Lime-Light – Early 1970’s

communities dotted across the area, resulting in an extremely low standard of living. 01


M 2021 l UTC Studio l Asarwa, Ahmedabad.

Situating Asarwa

1.2 Change In Urban Morphology

2004 1. Industrial Demolitions





Asarwa Lake Development

1. Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM)

1. New Building

AUDA 2008-2010

Rajiv Awaz Yojana – Demolition for new constructions

2. Chamunda flyover Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM)

New Public housing BRTS Corridor (kalupur)

Divisional Railway Manager Office(Public)

2. Asarwa Railway Station Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM)

2. Mill Re-Development Policy New Industrial Footprints

3. Industrial Demolitions Rajiv Awaz Yojana – Demolition for new constructions

Through this image it is predominantly visible how Asarwa's hardscape and landscape have transformed over the last two decades. Even though the improvements were not immediately noticeable, they had an impact on Asarwa's growth. From 2004 to 2012, the urban fabric remained mostly unchanged, with the exception of the relocation of open areas and the removal of industry. It demonstrates how capable this location can be in the proper hands. There is potential for development t in this location, with residents, businesses, and government regulations all working together for the good of the region. New Public Space


Ecological Change

Building Demolished

Water Body

New Building

Transport - Infrastructure change


M 2021 l UTC Studio l Asarwa, Ahmedabad.

Spatial Growth of Asarwa

2. Spatial Growth of Asarwa 2.1 Comparison About Ground Coverage & Population




59 41




Ground Coverage

31% Setbacks

9% Vacant

5% Open Space

14% Transport

Property price in per sq.m

Plot Wise Population Density

Less than 10,000/-

20,001– 50,000/-

1,00,001- 1.50,000/-


11- 50

101- 200

10,001 – 20,000/-

50,001 – 1,00,000/-

> 1,50,000

1 - 10

51- 100

> 200

Industries and residential units are predominant in Asarwa. The north side of the precinct was dominated by chawls and row housing. As a result, land values in the north are lower than those in the south. On the northern edge, population density is relatively high. The south end is dominated by larger industrial footprints and public buildings. The presence of BRTS and a railway station has increased the value of land. Less ground covering Figure Ground



combined with a lower FSI and a high PPH has resulted in a high population density. This comparison demonstrates how the same place can have two distinct characteristics.



M 2021 l UTC Studio l Asarwa, Ahmedabad.

Spatial Growth of Asarwa

2.2 Special Extent & Building Typology



0 -15 SQM

13592 – Total DU 74767 – Population Density


Row Housing



15 -30 SQM

30 -60SQM

3547 – Total DU 19474 – Population Density

653 – Total DU 3607 – Population Density


60 -1 20 SQM


120 SQM Above Special Extent

0-15 SQM

15-30 SQM

30-60 SQM

60-120 SQM

120 SQM Above

Building Typology



This illustrates the association between spatial growth and building typology along with population residing in it. Asarwa has 90% informal residential settlements which are jam-packed. These settlements follow no restrictions, with no setbacks and no consideration for fire safety rules and regulations, with some even exceeding the FSI limitations by constructing or encroaching on the property. This illustrates the living conditions of Asarwa people. 07


M 2021 l UTC Studio l Asarwa, Ahmedabad.

Spatial Growth of Asarwa

2.3 Typical Household Sizes 9m





12m 8m



Row House


Commercial (15 Shops)

Area- 170sqm 10 Families - 60 Members 2.8 sqm/person

Area- 100sqm 4 Families - 20 Members 5 sqm/person

Area- 130sqm 4 Families - 20 Members 6.5 sqm/person

Area- 220sqm


Ground Coverage





Ground Coverage




Ground Coverage




Ground Coverage


1.4 10

M 2021 l UTC Studio l Asarwa, Ahmedabad.

Public Realm & Infrastructure

3. Public Realm & Infrastructure 3.1 Compactly Packed - Unregulated Public Spaces

72 Points of permeability (5pm– 8pm) The higher points of permeability shows us the nature, how dense the commercial units are in Asarwa



High Permeability


leads to


Public Space

3% Unregulated Public Space

Large Public Interaction


Private Space

17% Regulated Public Space

The most footfall was seen in Asarwa’s 150m Chamanpura street (Study Area) which has public realm due to street sellers. In the evening, the buffer zone between retail and the road transforms into a public gathering space. The predominance of informal over formal operations reveals the character of an industrial zone with a large number of workers. Despite the fact that the Asarwa Lake is a regulated public space, it is poorly managed and extremely unhygienic. Due to Asarwa's lack of dedicated public realms, various public locations with such engaging personalities might increase and cater to large-scale public engagement.



M 2021 l UTC Studio l Asarwa, Ahmedabad.

Public Realm & Infrastructure

3.1 Compactly Packed - Unregulated Public Spaces

Weekday Activity Mapping

AFTERNOON (Activity Mapping)

1:00pm to 4:30pm Activity Footfall : 150 Visitors / Hour


Female Above 50 30-50 18-30

Above 50 30-50 18-30

Below 18

Below 18

Activity Zone As Per Age Group 10%



Public interaction at the beginning of the Chamanpura Road

Major Activities Observed


Informal Vending

Parking of Autos and two wheelers

favourable climatic conditions makes the space more

Need based shopping

active in the Afternoon

Very active foot edge

• •



Same percentage of Male and Female were predominantly seen at the beginning of the street



Due to the presence of commercial nature and

Youth and youngsters were predominately seen in the beginning of the street


M 2021 l UTC Studio l Asarwa, Ahmedabad.

Public Realm & Infrastructure

3.1 Compactly Packed - Unregulated Public Spaces

Weekday Activity Mapping

EVENING (Activity Mapping)

5:00pm to 8:00pm Activity Footfall : 300 Visitors / Hour


Activity Zone As Per Age Group

Female Above 50 30-50 18-30

Above 50 30-50 18-30

Below 18

Below 18

10% 20% 14%



Mass gathering at the halfway of Chamanpura Road

Major Activities Observed


Formal and Informal vending

Food Stalls became active

inside the market makes the area interactive and

Heavy vehicular movement across

socially active in the evening

the market.

The hawkers and vending activities at the edge and

High percentage of Females were observed in the middle of the street

• 38%



Elderly people were predominately seen in the middle of

the street


M 2021 l UTC Studio l Asarwa, Ahmedabad.

Public Realm & Infrastructure

3.1 Compactly Packed - Unregulated Public Spaces Identifying The Busy Activities

Weekday Activity Mapping

NIGHT (Activity Mapping)

8:00pm to 11:00 pm Activity Footfall : 70 Visitors / Hour


Female Above 50 30-50 18-30

Above 50 30-50 18-30

Below 18

Below 18

Activity Zone As Per Age Group 25% 50% 10%

Industrial Vehicles effecting The Pedestrians Access To The Market

Major Activities Observed


Walking along the road

Socialising and window shopping

constraint, results into multiple concentric zones

Moderate vehicular movement

around the market largely around the food joints.

• 55%

Old age people were predominately seen on the Edge of the street along with the youth


• 25%

The decrease in commercial activities due to time

High percentage of males were observed in the street edge




M 2021 l UTC Studio l Asarwa, Ahmedabad.

Public Realm & Infrastructure

3.2 Waste Collection Management In Asarwa, there is a lot of need for improvement in terms of management and waste collection regulations. From collection to supply and management, the city has implemented an efficient and well-planned system. However, the overall outcome is reduced at the monitoring level due to a lack of stringent regulatory procedures and bad management.



Estimated Generation of Solid Waste in Residential Area

Vacant Sites Become Garbage Pits – Due to lack of dustbins

An Average of 4KG is produced on daily bases in a family of 8 Less than 50kg 150-200kg 19

50-100kg 200-500kg

100-150kg Above 500kg

Vacant Sites Become Garbage Pits – Due to lack of dustbins 20

M 2021 l UTC Studio l Asarwa, Ahmedabad.

Public Realm & Infrastructure

3.2 Waste Collection Management The Industrial Area (Arvind Mills) is a self-sustaining model because it uses the PPP model for its SWM. They have enough access to natural resources as a result of this. There are hierarchical disparities in waste collection handling among residents. Segregated waste collection based on economic and road conditions, resulting in the majority of residential

population being neglected. Lack of basic infrastructure in all residential areas, leads to unhealthy residential neighbourhoods.

Residential area with proper roads and better waste management

Segregation of solid waste at Arvind Mills 21

Poor economic conditions leading to bad roads, hence lack of proper waste management 22

M 2021 l UTC Studio l Asarwa, Ahmedabad.

3.3 Complex Distribution of Water Supply

3.4 Encroachment of Street Infrastructure

Contaminated water and supply interruptions come from improperly segregated water lines.

In Asarwa, most of the roadways have been encroached upon. It is observed most of the public

Residents' requirements are not being met by current infrastructure, which is shown in the

infrastructure encroachment comes with a variety of trade-offs. The Asarwa narrow alleyways

poor water delivery, which is only available for a limited time. A huge number of 20-liter

are a rational choice by households in desperate need of additional floor space and prepared

storage cans were observed around the precinct due to a lack of water.

to give up street space in exchange.

No Proper segregation of Water lines 23

Public Realm & Infrastructure

Encroachment on streets due to parking 24

M 2021 l UTC Studio l Asarwa, Ahmedabad.

People & Choices

4. People & Choices 4.1 Assessment of Livelihood – Through Case Studies Mr. Ajay

Mr. Sunil Bhai

• •

Auto Driver Family of 7 Salary - 10,000/-

• •

Per Capita Space - Chawls – 0.7 sqm/person

Per Capita Space

Fruit Vendor Cart Family of 10 Salary - 15,000/Public Housing – 5 sqm/person

“My family and I are happy with what we have. It's difficult to stay here in

“I have an extremely demanding job, take the shuttle, carry the fruits from the

such cramped quarters, but I'm unable to relocate my family for a number of

market, hire a rickshaw, and travel to your destination, earn money before

reasons." We primarily share a working neighbourhood, which makes me

returning home. My earnings are insufficient to feed ten members of my family.

feel comfortable when I go out for the entire day at work. I can't afford the

My elder brother died a few years ago, leaving me as their primary financial

rents outside of Asarwa, which are beyond my means; therefore, I'm currently

source. Even though I have my own home, it is so overcrowded that only a

residing in my four fathers home, where there is no rent issue. More

handful of our family members sleep on the bed at night. I'm worried I won't be

importantly, this location is close to my wife and children.

able to buy any more space with the money I make.

Mr. Baldev Bhai

Ms. Aruna Behn

• •

Salaried Shop Worker Family of 10 Salary - 15,000/ Per Capita Space - Public Housing – 4.8 sqm/person

Even if I want to, I am unable to retire. My health prevents me from working, yet I have to for the sake of bread and butter. Despite having two working sons, I want to speak up on behalf of my wife and me. We've been in this house for a very long time. Despite the fact that it is congested, it is near to my place of employment, which is the sole reason I am not moving. Even if I change due to a unavailability of PT and IPT services, my travel costs would spike, and I will be

• •

Domestic Help Family of 5 Salary - 7,000/-

Per Capita Space - Public Housing – 10 sqm/person “My dream is to buy a house for my family because I've lived in a rental house with no proper sanitary facilities since I was born." I'm working hard so that my children don't have to go through what I did. As a domestic worker that travels from house to house, I have a lot of transportation needs. Almost 1/3 of my earnings goes to IPT. It would be extremely beneficial if the government took action.

unable to afford it.



M 2021 l UTC Studio l Asarwa, Ahmedabad.

The Conclusion

5. The Conclusion

Over the course of time, Asarwa's urban fabric had grown and became self-sufficient. However, the per capita floor space is poorly maintained due to lack of regulations over the constructions that happened in the precinct. The presence of unregulated public space on major thoroughfares attracts more people, resulting in a good public gathering, despite the fact that the roads are not equipped to accommodate such crowds. Even so, potential development is evident in this location, with residents, businesses, and government regulations all working together for the betterment of the region. In the whole Asarwa, there are no such active Regulative spaces. Morley, with proper planning of affordable rental housing and the addition of Regulated public spaces within the Asarwa, they will have a strong potential for residential growth and public gathering.


M 2021 l UTC Studio l Asarwa, Ahmedabad.


6. Reference

Darshini Mahadevia (2014), Renu Desai(2014), Suchita Vyas(2014). Ahmedabad: City Profile. AUDA Development plan. (2021). Urban Development and Urban Housing Department.

Rully Damayanti (2011). Rully Damayanti (2011). The case study of Ahmedabad: Industrialization and Informal Sector in shaping the city. DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), pp.10-22.


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