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Advocacy Materials on adolescent SRHR
Resource Type: Strategic Plan
Resource Type: Review Report
Resource Type: Review Report
This resource provides guidance to accelerate momentum for women's, chidren's and adolescents' health. It encompasses of nine action areas ranging from a country leadership, financing for health, humanitarian and fragile settings to accountability for results, resources and rights and elaborates on their implementation. Read More
Source: Every Woman Every Child. 2015. "Global Strategy for Women's, Children's and Adolescents Health 2016-2030."Italy
Sexual Health, Human rights and the Law
This resource is of a report that not only contains a table highlighting core international human rights treaties and their protocols relevant to the protection of human rights in the context of SRH but also addresses censorship of CSE by the state and communities. It includes general comments from Child and Adolescent principles and resolutions that illustrate facts on among other things; early marriages, adolescent pregnancies. Furthermore, it highlights case laws that showcase interventions made on issues such as forced marriages in conflict settings. Read More
Source: World Health Organization. 2015."Sexual health, Human rights and the Law." ed.Jane Patten. Geneva. ISBN 978 92 4 156498 4.(WHO/RHR)
The State of African Women.
This resource is of the State of African Women report designed to contribute to the realization and promotion of women and girls’ rights, especially in SRHR through raising awareness of commitments and tracking progress made towards their full implementation. It outlines among other things, key gaps on women and girls’ SRH and reproductive services, a timeline of key frameworks for women and girls rights and SRHR at the global and African Union level. It also highlights the main insights on women and girls’ rights and SRHR in the African Union Framework.

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Source: Eerdewijk van Anouka, Kamunyu Mariam, Nyirinkindi Laura, Sow Rainatou, VisserMarlies and Lodenstein Elsbet. 2018. "The State of African Women.The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) Africa Region.