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Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (ASRHR) & HIV/AIDS
Resource Type: Case Study
This resource is a study that assessed the accessibility of SRHR rights information among marginalized young people in three municipalities in Tanzania. It targeted approximately 100,000 people, including 100 youths with disabilities and those living with HIV. Findings obtained from this study aim to inform ongoing programs on SRHR and generate new scientific insights on the best approaches to reach the marginalized young people with information and education on SRHR.
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Source: Ngilangwa, D. P., Rajesh, S., Kawala, M., Mbeba, R., Sambili, B., Mkuwa, S., Noronha, R., Meremo, A. J., & Nyagero, J. (2016). "Accessibility to sexual and reproductive health and rights education among marginalized youth in selected districts of Tanzania." The Pan African medical journal, 25(Suppl 2), 2. https://doi.org/10.11604/pamj.supp.2016.25.2.10922
Resource Type: Research Paper
This resource is a research paper that provides an overview of implementation issues in ASRH programming and raises a number of the critical questions and problems which need to be addressed. The study aimed to discuss the topics in the review to provide a starting point for broader consultations with frontline program staff, program managers, policymakers, and others interested in improving adolescents' well-being and sexual and reproductive health. It includes a table on core skills and competencies for managers in ASRH and an annex containing research tools and program resources.
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Source: Department of Child and Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, WHO. 2004. "Key Issues in the Implementation of Programmes for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health."

Resource Type: Research Report
Resource Type: Research Report
Resource Type: Review Report
This resource generally and specifically speaks to SRHR issues within Ghana, Liberia, Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. Some of these issues are on abortion, early and forced marriages and youth access to SRHR. It includes case studies and recommendations Read More
Source: Munyati Mwiinga Bob. 2017. "AAI Scorecard for Women and Girls SRHR in Africa: A Call for Accountability in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals". AIDS Accountability International. CapeTown.
This report is of a study done to explore the relation between having a child before 18 and economic opportunity. It presents findings from a multi-country analyses to examine the short-and long-term impacts of having a child before 18 on employment and monetary compensation (cash earnings). Included is a descriptive analysis conducted for this report, which presents information on married/ cohabiting women’s sole control over earnings Read More
Source: Women Deliver and The Population Council. 2019. “Having a Child Before Becoming an Adult: Exploring the Economic Impact in a Multi-Country Analysis.” New York: Women Deliver.
A report published in 2011,the goal of this review was to identify the key organizations involved in adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health at the time, organize a generall inventory of their activities and start to assess the extent to which they are using eviednce-based interventions that are ready for national scale up Read More
Source: FHI 360/PROGRESS and the Ministry of Health, Kenya. 2011. "Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health: Taking Stock in Kenya."

ResourceType: Review Report This resource is of a review that outlines the need for family planning programmes to recognize the value of engaging men as supportive partners. Using a gender lens, this review creates a nuanced comprehension of the various approaches and communication channels that family planning programs use for engaging men in different roles be it as clients, influencers or partners. Read More
Source: Sahay, A., Joseph, J., Prashad, V.P., Yadav, K., Jha, S., Vachhar,K., Seth, K. 2021. How are Men and Couples Engaged in Family Planning? Learnings from a Review of Programs. New Delhi: International Center for Research on Women.
Resource Type: Assessment Report
This resource is on an assessment conducted by Akili Dada, to understand the contextual factors attributed to adolescent pregnancy, consequences of adolescent pregnancy and strategies that can be employed to reduce adolescent pregnancy in the ten selected counties with moderate to high teenage pregnancy rates in Kenya. It generates quantitative and qualitative data, highlights on what state and non- state actors are doing to address adolescent pregnancy in the hotspot counties and identifies context specific strategies that can be employed to reduce Adolescent pregnancies in Kenya.
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Source: Akili Dada. Adolescent Pregnancy: A Contextual Assessment of Ten Counties in Kenya.
Resource Type: Research Report
Advocating that to resolve deep-seated gender inequalities, countries require intersectional data to focus efforts and track progress. This resource is on working paper informed by Women Deliver, who carried out a desk review and identify in this paper more than 150 gender data and knowledge gaps across nine thematic areas. Included is a How- To- Guide to assist one to use the study’s findings in their gender equality advocacy efforts.
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Source: Women Deliver. 2020. "Advocating For A Stronger Evidence Base For Gender Equality: An Analysis of Gender Data and Knowledge Gaps."

Resource Type: Program Report
Resource Type: Program Report
Resource Type: Research Report
Published in 2017, this report contains Global ASRHR updates at the time, the Lancet commission on adolescent health and outlines the SRHR programs existing at the time across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Carribean, Middle East as well as multi-country projects. Read More
Source: Save the Children Us.2017. "Update: Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights."
This resource is on a global assessment conducted to understand the causes and consequences of early adolescent fertility from the years 2000 to 2017 across the world. It includes highlights and elaborations on among other things the levels and trends of early fertility among girls aged 10-14 years and early adolescent child bearing and demographic dynamics
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Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division.2020. Fertility among Young Adolescents at Ages 10-14 Years – A global assessment. (ST/ESA/SER.A/453).
Young Persons with Disabilities: Global Study on Ending Gender-Based Violence and Realizing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
This report is on a rights-based research which was co- produced and engaged young persons with disabilities in the research process. It is described as the completion of primary and secondary research conducted, to comprehend the barriers with which young persons with disabilities must face to achieve their SRHR and their right to live free from violence especially GBV. It also identifies and describes progress being made at the regional and national levels and includes checklists for stakeholders and policymakers.
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Source: UNFPA. 2018. "Young Persons with Disbabilities: Global Study on Ending Gender - Based Violence and Realizing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights." NewYork.
Resource Type: Review Report
This report is defined as a scoping review of the evidence base on child marriage from 2000-2019, it covers 386 articles that focus on child or early marriages or informal unions. It contains findings outlining on among other things: the prevalence of child marriage (its determinants, correlates and context) and the consequences and interventions to address child marriage. Read More
Source: UNFPA - UNICEF. 2021. "Evolution in the Evidence Base on Child Marriage 2000-2019." Report

Resource Type: Research Report

This research report is of a mixed – method study conducted to examine intersections between schooling, child marriage and adolescent pregnancy of Honduras girls. It is said to inform the timing and nature of efforts to protect girls and increase their chances of successfully completing secondary school, delaying marriage and preventing early pregnancy.
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Source: Graham-Murphy Erin, Cohen .K Alison and Montoya P. Diana. 2020. "School Dropout ,Child Marriage and Early Pregnancy Among Adolescent Girls in Rural Honduras." Girls Not Brides.

Resource Type: Research Report This research report is of a study conducted to understand fertility behaviors and preferences amongst young people in Egypt, the young people’s perspectives on fertility and family planning, their exposure to family planning narratives against their socio-economic, cultural and political environment in the years 2008 - 2014. It also outlines recommendations for targeted and sustainable interventions to address increased fertility among young people in Egypt
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Source: Abdel-Tawab, Nahla, Shadia Attia, Nourhan Bader, Rania Roushdy, Shatha ElNakib and Doaa Oraby. 2020. “Fertility preferences and behaviors among younger cohorts in egypt: trends, correlates, and prospects for change, Research report. Washington, DC: Population Council, The Evidence Project.
Resource Type: Research Report This research report is of a study designed to understand young people’s perspectives and use of sexual and reproductive health services in Ethiopia by: Assessing the awareness and thoughts on available SRH services, exploring the service utilization patterns, behaviors and experiences among young people aged 12-24 year old females and males, unmarried and married, in school and out of school while obtaining SRH services from different sources and to document reasons for nonuse as well
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Source: Jain, Aparna, Hussein Ismail, Elizabeth Tobey, and Annabel Erulkar. 2017. Understanding Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health-seeking Behaviors in Ethiopia: Implications for Youth Friendly Service Programming,” Research Report. Washington, DC: Population Council, The Evidence Project.
Resource Type: Case Study This resource is of a study conducted to determine whether and to what extent young people found the on-demand Mobile health apps (mHealth) platform to be user friendly. mHealth aims at providing SRH information to young people in Kenya. It also highlights among other things, what features worked and what did not and elaborates on the relevance and comprehension SRH content on the platform Read More
Source: Mwaisaka J, Gonsalves L, Thiongo M, Waithaka M, Sidha H, Alfred O, Mukiira C, Gichangi P. 2019. “Young People’s Experiences Using an On-Demand Mobile Health Sexual and Reproductive Health Text Message Intervention in Kenya: Qualitative Study.”JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(1):e 19109 17

Resource Type: Research Report This resource is on a community of practice research by Accountability International who in 2018 conducted 22 interviews with activists from across Sub-Saharan Africa. The research was to answer the question “What are the major challenges that LGBTQI face?" This was to document as they describe, the rich and diverse knowledge and expertise from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, Queer (LGBTIQ) and Gender non-conforming activist friends and colleagues (GNC) activists and their allies on their analysis of the situation, their thoughts and advice on what should be done to improve the movement and access to equality.
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Source: Accountability International. "Chatting with Destabilisers: Accountability To LGBTQI and GNC Africans _ Question: What are The Major Challenges that LGBTIQ Face? Answer: 22 Anonymous Interview with African LGBTIQ/GNC Activists and their Allies."
Resource Type: Case Study This resource is of a study that sought to address key research gaps on the perceptions and prevailing attitudes among young men and women towards gender-based violence, using three institutions of higher learning in Kenya: Pwani University, Maseno University and University of Eldoret. Its findings highlights among others things, student experiences with GBV and includes a table highlighting main ways in which students would like to report GBV when it occurs.
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Source: Akili Dada. 2020. Prevalence of Gender- Based Violence In Selected Public Universities in Kenya.
Gender: A Critical Missing Lens in the Malaria Fight - An Interim Learning Paper
Resource Type: Case Study This resource is an interim learning paper which elaborates on gender knowledge gaps, connectivity between the malaria sector and the civil society gender justice community, system and cultural issues, adolescent girls as agents of change, global health, malaria and gender equity all while identifying advocacy and investment opportunities Read More