81 minute read
Health & Rights (SRHR) during COVID
ResourceType: Research Article This resource is of a qualitative study conducted to explore and understand young people’s knowledge of modern contraception and to identify their reservations concerning it. The study’s findings are said to provide additional insights to actors, to enable the design of appropriate age and gender specific SRH interventions that are aimed at addressing contraception myths and misconceptions
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Source: Mwaisaka, J., Gonsalves, L., Thiongo, M. et al.2020. Exploring contraception myths and misconceptions among young men and women in Kwale County, Kenya.BMC Public Health 20,1694 . https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-09849-1
Resource Type: Research Article
This article is of a study that developed and validated a measure that assesses the latent construct of sexual and reproductive empowerment among adolescents and young adults. Read More
Source: Ushma D. Upadhyay, Ph.D.,M.P.H, Phoebe Y. Danza, M.P.H, Torsten B. Neilands, Ph.D, Michelle J. Hindin,Ph.D., M.H.S, Diana Greene Foster, Ph.D, Shari L. Dworkin, Ph.D, M.S. 2020. Development and Validation of the Sexual and Reproductive Empowerment Scale for Adolescents and Young Adults.
Resource Type: Data Article This data article is on two data sets that widely describe adolescents’ sexual and reproductive behaviors in Nigeria and is informed by a study population that comprised of heads of selected households and unmarried adolescents aged 13-18. The datasets provide demographic, socioeconomic and other correlates of adolescent sexual and reproductive behavior; elaborates on gender norms and ideologies that drive adolescent SRH and highlights strategies to improve access to SRH information and services for adolescents
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Source: Mbachu, C.O., Agu, I.C. & Onwujekwe, O. 2020. "Survey data of adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health in selected local governments in southeast Nigeria." Sci Data 7, 438.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-00783-w.
Resource Type: Case Study
This resource is on a study done and described to have qualitatively explored to comprehensively understand the experiences, perceptions and feelings of adolescents regarding the barriers that influence their access to and use of reproductive health services (RHS) in their local context. In its findings, it identifies and expounds on these barriers across individual, community and health system contexts Read More
Source: Nmadu, A., Mohammed, S., & Usman, N. 2020. “Barriers to adolescents’ access and utilisation of reproductive health services in a community in north-western Nigeria: A qualitative exploratory study in primary care.” African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 12(1), 5 pages. doi:https://doi.org/10.4102/phcfm.v12i1.2307.

Resource Type: Case Study
This case study highlights the positive impacts of using the media to change attitudes and harmful gender norms related to female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in the context of Kuria, Western Kenya. Secondly, it outlines successful approaches to promote the rights of girls and women as well as shares key insights from the Association of Media Women in Kenya (AMWIK). This resource also states and elaborates on media interventions such as radio content to spark community dialogues and the training journalists on ethical, gender-sensitive reporting.
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Source: Girls not Brides. 2021. Using the Media to Address FGM/C and Child Marriage: The Case of the Association of Media Women in Kenya.

Resource Type: Data Article This resource comprises of a questionnaire and learning modules on; qualitative and quantitative methods of research, ethics in research and programming with very young adolescents. Its questionnaire is described to be useful in collecting information on sexual and reproductive health, adversity and violence, romantic and sexual experiences and media engagement on very young adolescents
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Source: World Health Organiazation- John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The Global Early Adolescent Study(GEAS) Questionnaire and Training Suite: A Resource for Research and Programming with Very Young Adolescents.
African Youth SRHR ScoreCard
Resource Type: Advocacy Tool This advocacy tool is sectioned in parts of six on: health sector interventions, critical enablers, civil society, education, young LGBTQI persons and on budget and financing. It includes a scorecard containing sixteen elements each of which evaluate a different aspect of the response to Adolescent and Young People SRHR interventions by different stakeholders, government, civil society and funding partners across Kenya, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Read More
Source: Accountability International. 2020. "African youth SRHR ScoreCard." CapeTown.
Resource Type: Guidance Document This resource is of a guidance document which is informed on the fact that adolescents (People aged 10-19 years) have unique health needs, experience and challenges which are crucial to include in research. Designed to inform people involved in sexual reproductive health research with adolescents, it highlights some of the most common challenges faced by people involved in adolescent research and how such challenges may be managed. It also outlines the terminologies used to describe different groups of adolescents, the notions of autonomy consent and assent, the suggestion of best interests to reconcile ethical and legal obligations and some best practices surrounding information –sharing in the context of sexual and reproductive health research with adolescents
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Source: World Health Organization.2018."Guidance on ethical considerations in planning and reviewing research studies on sexual and reproductive health in adolescents." Geneva. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.

Resource Type: Program Guide
This resource is described as a guide for successful sexual and reproductive health and rights programmes for young people. It outlines a number of essential conditions and commitments that are said to be necessary for any successful comprehensive SRHR concerning young people, highlights new lessons learnt about working in partnership at local, national and international levels and contains practical tools for self-assessment questions, baseline mapping and other resources to help find more information on ones point of interest.
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Source: Rutgers International. 2016. "Essential Packages Manual: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Programmes for Young People." Edition 2016. Access, Services and Knowledge Programme.
Resource Type: Evaluation Guide
This resource is described as a practical guide on conducting post- project evaluation of ASRH projects. It's purpose is to help evaluators (May also be of interest to project managers and funders) to think through the key decisions to be made, inorder to yield the most rigorous evaluation possible, given available financial, human resources and project documentation. Read More
Source: World Health Organization.2019. “The Project Has Ended but We Can Still Learn From It! Practical Guidance for Conducting Post-Project Evaluations of Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health projects.” Geneva: Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO
Resource Type: Policy Brief This resource (policy brief ) seeks to explain why decriminalizing adolescent consensual sex would contribute to elimination of the AIDS epidemic by 2030 by among other things, elaborating on criminal law impacts on normative adolescent sexual behavior and highlights recommendations for a positive approach to adolescent sexuality
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Source: Kangaude Godfrey.2019. "Challenging Criminalization of Adolescent Sexuality in Africa." Policy Brief. Accountability International: Simama.

Resource Type: Clinical Guideline This resource is of the WHO clinical guidelines, that provide evidence-based recommendations for quality clinical care for children and adolescents who have, or may have, been subjected to sexual abuse. All to mitigate the negative health consequences and improve their well-being. Included are good practice statements informed by the guiding principles and the values, preferences of survivors, their caregivers and health-care providers Read More
Source: World Health Organization.2017.“Responding to children and adolescents who have been sexually abused: WHO clinical guidelines.” Geneva:. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
Fertility among Very Young Adolescents
Resource Type: Fact Sheet
This resource contains population facts on fertility among very young adolescents, specifically girls aged 10-14 years. Its facts are presented around issues such as: Data on child bearing among the girls being not routinely collected and early child bearing being more common in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean than in other parts of the world.
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Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division.2019. Fertility among Very Young Adolescents. Poulation Facts. No.2019/1.
Resource Type: Fact Sheet
This resource highlights and outlines key statistics on adolescent mortality rate, need for contraception, marriage age and adolescents deaths caused by direct conflicts. It also advocates and elaborates on strategies organizations can adopt when designing and implementing SRH programs that benefit adolescents in emergency settings.
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Source: Inter- Agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises (IAWG). 2021. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs in Emergencies.
Advocacy Materials on Adolescent SRHR

Advocacy materials on adolescent SRHR are tools that provide easily accessible resources on adolescent SRHR. These materials ensure that all the necessary information needed has been collated and packaged in a way that one can access the specific information that they need. SRHR advocacy materials for adolescent girls have been tailored to influence people, decisions, policies, laws, budgets, practices, structures, and systems, among many others, to bring about change that positively impacts the lives of adolescent girls. Over the years, many advocacy materials have been published to highlight various topics, such as Comprehensive Sexuality Education: education for a healthy future. This curriculum can be used as a tool for adolescent SRHR to teach and learn from.

Resource Type: Toolkit
This resource is a toolkit that provides young people with a safe space to learn in a youth-friendly environment. Further elaborating that it enables the youth to have a much more comprehensive understanding of the topic and influence decision-makers in the community to make decisions that will positively affect young people's SRHR.
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Source: YMCA Africa Alliance. "Training of Trainers Manual, Program Development with a focus on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights."

Resource Type: Compendium
UNFPA describes this resource as a compendium of key articles and writings that examine the social dynamics of normative human behaviours. They further state that it presents some of the most promising strategies for changing social norms and achieving gender equality. Its chapters contain iResource Guide. Read More
Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). 2020. "How Changing Social Norms is Crucial in Achieving Gender Equality."
Resource Type: Toolkit

This resource is sectioned into five phases of community mobilization with detailed guides for planning, implementing, and monitoring each step. Raising Voices advises organizations to use the Guide as a foundation for their community intervention. It contains a suggestion of a structure to facilitate social change through the active participation and leadership of a cross-section of community members. Included are a variety of low-cost activities and practical examples of learning materials, training events and documentation, monitoring ideas for direct use, or inspiring other ideas. It also includes illustrative case studies that are supported by figures.
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Source: Michau Lori &Naker Dipak. 2003. "Mobilizing Communities To Prevent Domestic Violence: A Resource Guide for Organizations in East and Southern Africa." Raising Voices.

Resource Type: Technical Brief
This resource is based on a compendium to support programming on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. It elaborates on social norms, highlights barriers to social norm change, approaches to social norm change and includes a figure on a program design framework for social norm change.
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Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). 2021. "How Changing Social Norms is Crucial in Achieving Gender Equality."
Resource Type: Video Resource:
A companion to the resource guide on Mobilizing Communities to Prevent Domestic Violence, this resource is a tool for organizations working to prevent domestic violence by using a community-based approach. It highlights the experiences of two organizations said to have pioneered the technique, namely, the Center for Domestic Violence Prevention (CEDOVIP) in Kampala, Uganda, and Kivulini Women's Rights Organization in Mwanza, Tanzania. Read More
Source: Raising voices and People's Picture Company. 2007. "The Approach in Action: A Training Video for Mobilizing Communities to Prevent Domestic Violence."
Resource Type: Guidance Note
This resource is designed primarily to support activist and feminist civil society organizations in low -and middle-income countries (LMICS) to navigate and build meaningful, long-lasting collaborations in Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) research. It elaborates on the "Why, When, and Who" of research partnerships and how to carry out the research process. It includes a box highlighting the qualities of a research partner to consider.
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Source: Raising Voices and the Sexual Violence Research Initiative. 2020. "Learning Together: A Guide for Feminist Practice in Violence Against Women and Girls Research Collaborations." Kampala, Uganda and Pretoria, South Africa.

Resource Type: Toolkit
This resource is referred to as the zines delves into movement building; intersectionality, working in repressive contexts, and self and collective care to enhance understanding. It does this by focusing on what they look like and why they are essential for violence against women, including questions and strategies for reflection and action. It contains a movement-building toolbox, intersectionality toolbox, repressive contexts toolbox, and self and collective care toolbox.
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Source: JASS, FURIA, and Raising Voices. "Strengthening and Amplifying Our Voice, Vision and Collective Power to End Violence Against Women and Girls."
Resource Type: Documentary Film
This resource is a documentary film that introduces the viewer to grassroots movements and community leaders who are standing up for fundamental human rights. These leaders are working on ending child, early, and forced marriage in Pakistan. Included is the trailer of the film. It also contains a link to host a virtual community screening that is accompanied by a discussion guide a n d a h o s t a s c r e e n i n g t o o l k i t u p o n s i g n i n g u p . https://fundamental-film.com/host-a-community-screening/
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Source: Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Global Fund for Women. "Fundamental."
Resource Type: Toolkit
This resource is a toolkit for empowering autistic girls and girls with learning disabilities about themselves, their bodies and relationships. It contains content on online safety, mental health and well-being, body image, menstruation, and one for parents and carers where the creator answers frequently asked questions.
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Source: Peer productions. "Generation girls online - for girls with learning disabilities and autistic girls."

Akili Dada - SRHR
Resource Type: Toolkit This resource in the Prospero library, which contains interactive theatre and art resources that are free to access, is Akili Dada's proof of concept on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights.
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Source: Akili Dada. Prospero Digital Library
Resource Type: Case Study
This resource is a study that calls for a greater understanding of the effectiveness and impact of involving young people in SRHR programs. It further elaborates that participatory methods were employed to compare global and local conceptualization of participation and explore how group participation has enabled 16- 24-year-olds to address social, cultural, economic, and political barriers to social inclusion.
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Source: Anna Page. 2016. "Navigating Liminal Spaces: An Examination of the Impacts of Youth Group Participation on Young People's Social Exclusion in Rural Western Kenya." The University of Amsterdam.
Resource Type: Toolkit
This resource is a toolkit that is a practical guide providing information on Menstrual Health Management(MHM) at schools. Organized in four modules, each module has a set of activities that the pupils and/or teachers must work through to meet the module's objectives. The modules start with menstrual hygiene management in school, knowledge on menstruation, MHM-friendly toilets and washing areas, and materials and disposal.
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Source: Ministry of General Education, Lusaka, Zambia. 2016. "Menstrual Hygiene Matters. Menstrual Hygiene Management."

Impact of COVID -19 on Adolescents in Kenya
Resource Type: Toolkit
This resource is a report that seeks to understand the impact of COVID -19 pandemic on adolescents in Kenya. It addresses adolescent pregnancy, providing data on known risk factors for pregnancy in the short- term including transactional sex and unprotected sexual activity, limited access to sexual and reproductive health services and also measures the increase in unintended pregnancy in the short and medium term.
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Source: Executive Office of the President, Population Council. 2021. “Impact of COVID -19 on Adolescents in Kenya.”


During their formative stages, adolescent girls are faced with a number of challenges such as ascertaining their own identity, emotional and social changes.
The process of dealing with these challenges increases the vulnerability to mental illnesses for adolescent girls. Poverty, abuse, or violence, can also increase vulnerability to mental illness. Psychological consequences of miscarriage, abortion or complications stemming from teen pregnancy, and the lack of support following childbirth, further determine the mental health outcomes of adolescent girls.
The more risk factors adolescents are exposed to, the greater the impact on their mental health. Mental health and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) are inherently linked and failure to acknowledge their relationship inhibits their access to SRH services.
This section focuses on aspects around integrating mental health services into sexual reproductive health policies, strategies, programmes, services, statistics, training and publications.

Resource Type: Research Article This resource is of a paper described to have examined the social process of stigma surrounding young people's sexual and reproductive health at the community level. It also explored what is described as the micro - level stigmatisation process by analysing its presence, forms and potential implications for young peoples' access to sexual and reproductive health information and services in two communities in Mwanza Region, Tanzania.
This resource is of a study whose target population were adolecents aged 15-19 years, it is described to contribute to understanding the experiences of adolescents in a low- resource setting who have engaged with a mental health service, integrated into maternity care, during and after pregnancy. It further explores the barriers to service access for adolescents in low-resource settings.
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Source: Laura Nyblade, Melissa Stockton, Daniel Nyato & Joyce Wamoyi. 2017. “Perceived, anticipated and experienced stigma: exploring manifestations and implications for young people’s sexual and reproductive health and access to care in North-Western Tanzania, Culture, Health & Sexuality,19:10, 1092-1107, DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2017.1293844.

Adolecent Mothers: A Qualitative Study on Barriers and Facilitators to Mental Health in a Low - Resource Setting in Cape Town, South Africa

Resource Type: Research Article
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Source: Field, S., Abrahams, Z., & Honikman, S. 2020. “Adolescent mothers: A qualitative study on barriers and facilitators to mental health in a low-resource setting in Cape Town, South Africa. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine,12(1),9pages.doi:https://doi.org/ 0.4102/phcfm.v12i1.2279
Resource Type: Advocacy Toolkit
This resource is of a toolkit that illustrates linkages between mental health and;sexual health, HIV/STI, Gender-Based Violence, harmful practices, discrimination, reproductive health. It also includes an activity for trainers to clarify on myths surrounding SRHR and mental health.
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Source: #MyBodyMyMind. World YWCA & Feminism in India. 2020. A Young Woman’s ToolKit for Advocacy on Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights and Mental Health. Module 6.

Resource Type: Review Brief
This resource is described as a review of what interventions are effective in supporting the mental health of adolescents living with or affected by HIV. It includes case studies, elaborations on what,might and does not work and intervention types and outcomes.
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Source: FrontlineAids.2020. Supporting Mental Health of Adolescents Living with or Affected by HIV.
Edutainment on Adolescent SRHR

Edutainment has proven to be a successful and impactful strategy in adolescent SRHR. It plays both the roles of educating and entertaining those in need of the information, especially the adolescents. Given that adolescents get distracted easily, most Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) prefer integrating edutainment into their SRHR training as a strategy to educate and entertain their target audiences without them getting distracted easily. The most common channels of delivering edutainment are through songs, dances, games, documentaries. etc. This strategy also keeps the target audiences engaged, improves their positivity, acts as an avenue of exploration and gives them the freedom to enjoy learning.

Resource Type: Video Resource
This resource is of a short animated video created to help demystify comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). The source gives a larger public factual information around CSE and highlights the benefits of having children have information on CSE.
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Source: TICAH, PVI. 2021. “Comprehensive Sexuality Education - Why is it important?”
Straight Talk Ke- SRHR
Resource Type: Mobile Application
This resource is an application that contains information aiming to close the gap on promoting gender and human rights awareness around HIV/ AIDS, teenage pregnancies, sexual abuse and safe and responsible sexual behaviours.
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Source: Straight Talk Kenya. “Straight Talk Ke- SRHR
Resource Type: Article This resource is an online magazine elaborating on what sexual exploitation is, specifically sexual harassment in schools. It contains illustrations, confessions from girls, highlights questions shared and replies from the magazine. Included are recommendations on what one is to do if experiencing sexual harassment in schools.
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Source: Straight Talk: The Voice of the Youth & Adolescents. 2019. “Sexploitation.”

Resource Type: Resource Article
This resource states it aims at helping teach or facilitate lessons on female genital mutilation (FGM). It contains 10 resources that were recommended for use in primary and secondary schools in the UK. It includes materials such as short films, a game, an animation story and a documentary.
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Source: Nora Helal. 2016. “Classroom to Community: 10 Education Resources on FGM.” Amnesty International UK.
Resource Type: Research Report
This resource is a help desk report that explores the evidence around innovations and technologies that increase access through broadening the availability and reach of information and services. Divided into sections, the resource identifies evidence on the use of mobile - based approaches to improving access to SRHR, evidence on the use of web-based approaches to increasing access to SRHR and points out other technological innovations that have been developed to improve access to SRHR.
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Source: Tessa Hewitt. 2016. “Helpdesk Report: Increasing Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Via New Innovations and Technologies in Africa.” Heart.
Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) on Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (ASRHR)

Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) for adolescents ensures that they gain better knowledge about their rights and can make informed decisions about their bodily autonomy and live healthy and productive lives.
Civil society organisations can play an important role in bringing sexuality education to young people or to vulnerable groups that wouldn t receive education on sexuality otherwise. Adolescent girls often lack the knowledge required to make informed decisions about their sexuality, leaving them vulnerable to coercion, sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy.
According to Plan international, two of the leading causes of death among adolescents in the developing world are; maternal mortality and AIDS, which are linked to SRHR and preventable with adequate treatment and care.
The resources in this section offer insights from research indicating that access to age-appropriate CSE has positive effects on the behaviours of adolescent girls and can contribute to delayed initiation of sexual activity, reducedrisk-taking, and more genderequitable attitudes.

Curricula and Other Educational Materials on Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health
Resource Type: Curriculum
This resource is a curriculum containing a list of high-quality adult-led and peer-led (or youth-led) curricula designed to improve youth SRH. The curricula aims to be specific, structured, and targeted while culturally adaptable and appropriate for low-resource settings. These materials are described to provide scientifically and medically accurate information and include a section with supplemental materials and games.
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Source: The Interagency Youth Working Group (IYWG).
Ministry of Education and Sports: National Sexuality Education Framework

Resource Type: Toolkit
This resource is a National Framework on Sexuality Education which seeks to create an overarching national direction for providing young people with sexuality education in the formal education setting.
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Source: Republic of Uganda Ministry of Education and Sports.
Resource Type: Research Report

This resource is a report which summarizes the presentations and discussions from a workshop convened by The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), in collaboration with the Population Council. The workshop provided an opportunity to researchers to review research and programs in the area of adolescent reproductive health and development.
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Source: UNFPA, Population Council , & United Nations. (2003). (rep.). “Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health(pp. 6–34).” New York , New York : Population Council . Retrieved from https://www.popcouncil.org/uploads/pdfs/adolsrh.pdf

Resource Type: Research Article
This resource highlights Sub- Saharan Africa’s CSE curriculum adaptation and implementation challenges. It briefly discusses popular CSE curriculum content, different approaches to sexuality education, CSE relevance and reviews CSE adaptations and implementation challenges with recommendations to resolve them.
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Source: Wangamati , C. K. (2020, December 9). “Comprehensive sexuality education in sub-Saharan Africa: adaptation and implementation challenges in universal access for children and adolescents.” Taylor & Francis.
Resource Type: Research Paper
This resource is a research paper that sought to summarize literature on education and SRHR. It contains an overview of how education and SRHR interrelate, discussions of discourse on sexuality education from three perspectives; morality, health and rights-based. Additionally, it provides policy recommendations on parental and community opposition to sexuality education and the role of teachers.
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Source: Altinyelken, H.K., & Olthoff, J. (2014). “Education and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: A Review of the Critical Debates.”The Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR) University of Amsterdam.

Resource Type: Research Report
This resource is a report that presents findings from a comprehensive review and situation analysis of ASRH programming in Bangladesh, with an aim to identify programmatic and evidence gaps, as well as best practices and support the development of effective, inclusive and sustainable ASRH programs that operate at scale. It includes a box defining what ASRH programs are, case studies such as Read More
Source: Ainul, Sigma, Ashish Bajracharya, Laura Reichenbach, and Kate Gilles. 2017. “Adolescents in Bangladesh: A Situation Analysis of Programmatic Approaches to Sexual and Reproductive Health Education and Services,” Situation Analysis Report. Washington, DC & Dhaka, Bangladesh: Population Council, The Evidence Project.
Resource Type: Research Paper
This resource is a research paper which sought to answer the question: What are youths’ SRHR issues and Kenyan teacher’s related education strategies for providing SRHR information? and how are teachers’ strategies connected to the strategically selective context, including youths’ issues, teachers’ agency and professional identity? It highlights SRHR issues for female youth, teachers’ education strategies for SRHR, contains an outline of a teacher's workshop and an outline for a youth workshop.
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Source: Karen Smith. 2021. “The Taboo and the Teacher: Youth Sexuality and Teacher’s Education Strategies for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Kenyan Maasai Land.” University of Amsterdam.
Resource Type: Case Study
This resource is a research paper that describes how it sought to understand how micro(agentic) and macro (structural) factors affect the implementation of CSE and how such programs are perceived by local stakeholders. It includes revisiting the research questions and recommendations advised by the findings.
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Source: Natalie Browes. 2014. “The Strategies of Teachers & Students in Sexuality Education: The Case of One School - Based Program in Ethiopia.” University of Amsterdam. 43
Resource Type: Case Study
This resource (Study) is on the In the Know (ITK), which is described as an integrated in-person and technology-based sexual intervention. The study evaluates ITK’s effectiveness on its ability to increase contraceptive use and use of clinical health services among adolescents. The findings of this research are stated to possibly inform the development and implementation of future youth-focused health interventions that are considering incorporating technology.
This resource(Report) presents an analysis of policies and curricula on sexuality education in Kenya and their implementation in secondary schools, focussing on key stakeholders and the experiences of principals, teachers and students in three geographically and ethnically diverse counties in Homa Bay, Mombasa and Nairobi Kenya.
This resource is of a TEDxTalk by Dr. V. Chandra – Mouli (He works on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) at the World Health Organization’s Department of Health and Research). Presenting five points, he elaborates that we are shying away from sexuality education and explains that sexuality education is more about giving information to prepare young people for a healthy, happy sexual reproductive life than teaching about sex, reproduction or how to avoid problems.
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Source: Decker MJ, Gutmann-Gonzalez A, Price M, Romero J, Sheoran B, Yarger J. 2020. Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Intervention Integrating Technology and In-Person Sexual Health Education for Adolescents (In the Know): Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.”JMIR Res Protoc;9(8):e18060.

Resource Type: Case Study
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Source: Sidze EM et al.,.2017. From Paper to Practice: Sexuality Education Policies and Their Implementation in Kenya.New York: Guttmacher Institute.
Why We Shouldn't Shy Away from Sexual Education

Resource Type: Video Resource
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Souce: TEDxTalks:Dr. V. Chandra - Mouli .2015. https://youtu.be/-7V9S9wdLfc
Resource Type: Guidance Tool This resource is described as one that offers in-depth programmatic guidance on how to design CSE programmes that are relevant and safe for different groups of children and young people. It is based on the available research, evidence and the experience of designing and implementing out-of-school CSE programmes. It contains sections highlighting programme planning and development, teaching and learning methods and programme delivery for gender-specific groups such as young people in detention, young people in humanitarian settings, young intersex people, and young people living with HIV among others.
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Source: UNFPA. 2020.International Technical and Programmatic Guidance on Out-of-School Comprehensive Sexuality Education : An Evidence- Informed Approach for Non- Formal, Out-of-School Programmes.
Resource Type: Learning Toolkit
This resource is described as a toolkit for one who wants to facilitate participatory learning activities with adolescents and young people, inorder to equip them with the knowledge, positive attitudes and skills to grow up and enjoy sexual and reproductive health and well being. It is available in Swahili, Portuguese and French versions
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Source: FrontlineAIDS.2019."Sexuality and Life-Skills: Participatory Activities on Sexual and Reproductive Health with Adolescents and Young People."

Resource Type: Toolkit
This toolkit offers guidance and resources on how to deliver CSE for children, adolescents and youth in non-formal and formal settings and encourages other stakeholders to develop and implement CSE policies and programs.
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Source: International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). 2017. Deliver + Enable Toolkit: Scaling-up Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE). 45
Resource Type: Learning Toolkit
Resource Type: Advocacy Toolkit
Resource Type: Teacher's Guide
This resource is of a collection of learning materials available in English, and two local languages (Acholi and Lango) to aid adolescents and adults: study on a range of topics such as reproductive health, gender based violence and gender roles; speak on how to support young people to grow up with good reproductive health, an equality of boys and girls and act to support changes in the home and community for adolescents. Included are activity cards for very young adolescents, older adolescents, married/parenting adolescents etc.
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Source: Georgetown University's Institute for Reproductive Health, Save the Children and Pathfinder International.2013. "The Gender Roles, Equality and Transformative (GREAT) Scalable Toolkit."

This resource is of a toolkit which highlights the different settings for comprehensive sexuality education; formal settings –schools and informal settings –community and faith centers. It also illustrates the components that make sexual education comprehensive and differentiates between myths and facts about CSE and it also advocates for mental health education stating “CSE programs should include mental health within the curriculum.” Read More
Souce: World YWCA & Feminism in India. 2020. "A Young Woman’s ToolKit for Advocacy on Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights and Mental Health." pg(43-46).Module 7.

This resource is of a guide described to give one a step-by-step support on how to get the most out of materials on:HIV and AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections; Drug and substance abuse;negative Children's norms; stigma/discrimination; gender-based violence and life skills. The materials are designed for use with pupils/ students at three levels; 1. 10-12 year olds , 2. 13-14 year olds and the 3. 15-19 year olds. Read More
Source: Kenya Ministry of Education.2017."Teacher's Guide For Sexual and Reproductive Health Life Skills for ADOLESCENTS."UNESCO.

Resource Type: Guidance Document
This resource is described to reaffirm the position of sexuality education within a framework of human rights and gender equality. It is said to promote structured learning about sex and relationships in a manner that is positive, affirming and centered on the best interest of the young person. Divided into sections; it provides the definition and rationale for CSE accompanied with an updated evidence base, presents key concepts and topics together with learning objectives sequences by age group and provides guidance on building support for CSE as well as recommendations for delivering effective programmes
Curriculum – Although addressed to primary care providers, this resource is a curriculum whose insightful contents could enlighten all actors key in implementing Adolescent Girls SRHR. It contains a table that outlines attitudes that are described to be fundamental components of all the competencies in Adolescent Health Care. Included is a questionnaire containing a review of topics linked to management of specific clinical situations in adolescents (Sexual and reproductive health history-taking, menstrual hygiene and pain, STIs, bullying, sexual assault, youth and dating violence etc.)
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Source: World Health Organization. 2018. “International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education: An Evidence - Informed Approach.” UNESCO. CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO
Resource Type: Curriculum

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Source: Michaud, André Pierre and Baltag Valentina. 2015. Core Competencies in Adolescent Health and Development for Primary Care Providers: Including a tool to assess the adolescent health and development component in pre-service education of health - care providers.World Health Organization.ISBN9789241508315.Geneva
Resource Type: Curriculum
This resource is of a training curriculum which is described to focus on the use of peer education on sexual and reproductive health and the preventions and management of HIV, other STIs and substance abuse. Although created for the Y-PEER initiative- whose primary audience is young people (Ages 10-24), the methodology of peer education is said to be applicable with any age group in almost any cultural setting. Included is a section on HIV/AIDS which offers an example of a peer education activity for use in the field, it is described as a 3-4 hour education session that can be offered to a group of adolescents
This resource is of a curriculum designed to help facilitate dialogue between adults and young people on issues related to adolescent reproductive health. Within it, facilitators (Be it teachers, community, religious and youth leaders, health care professionals and anyone working with young people) can examine their own values and attitudes towards gender and relationship, build knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and develop participatory facilitation skills to impact crucial life-saving information to young people (Prescribed for use with adolescent boys and girls aged 10-19)
This curriculum offers content on nearly all topics one might want to include in teaching young people about gender, sexual health, HIV, sexuality, relationships, communication, intimate -partner violence, puberty, reproduction, contraception, abortion or advocating for their own rights. Included are fact sheets.
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Source: United Nations Population Fund.2005. "Youth Peer Education Toolkit: Training for Trainers Manual." ISBN: 0-897-14759-6.

Resource Type: Curriculum
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Source: KARHP, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health(PATH) and Population Council.2006. "Tuko Pamoja:Adolescent Reproductive Health and Life Skills Curriculum."

Resource Type: Curriculum
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Source: International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group.2009."It's All One Curriculum: Activities for a Unified Approach to Sexuality, Gender, HIV and Human Rights Education. Revised edition 2011. Population Council 48
Resource Type: Compendium
The Interagency Youth Working Group (IYWG) compiled a list of high-quality adult-led and peer-led (Youth-led) curricula designed to improve youth SRH. Each entry contains a summary of and links to the materials outlined in the compendium and information on whom the materials intend to serve or benefit
One of three books developed with teachers, pupils, the Zambian Ministry of Education among other partners, this book contains many learning activities and illustrations, which enagage young people in understanding themselves and their world. It separates and expound on topics for Grade 6- 7 students and its's learning activiies include class and home activities
This curriculum focuses on the how to teach information, it advises that the most effective methods for teaching about sexulaity, HIV, gender and rights is by use of participatory, learner-centered educational methods. It comprises of 54 engaging sample classroom activities.
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Source: Family Health International. 2010. Curricula and Other Educational Materials on Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health.

Resource Type: Book
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Source: International HIV/AIDS Alliance. 2007.Our Future : Sexuality and Life Skills Education for Young People. Grades 6-7.
Resource Type: Curriculum

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Source: International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group.2009."It's All One Curriculum: Guidelines for a Unified Approach to Sexuality, Gender, HIV and Human Rights Education. Revised edition 2011. Population Council.
The standards on adolescent sexual reproductive health and rights set out the minimum acceptable level of performance and expectations for each component of reproductive health services, expected functions of service providers, the various levels of service delivery and basic training content required for the performance of these functions.
These standards delineate strategies of developing key adolescent SRHR; especially measures tailored to social, cultural and economic realities. Existing service providers need to be aware of existing best practices to which they can use to provide adolescent friendly services that eliminate barriers that adolescents face in accessing services.

This section comprises of resources guiding and informing the delivery of effective adolescent friendly services.
Resource Type: Advocacy Toolkit
Resource Type: Research Article
Resource Type: Training Manual
A toolkit developed by young people, it’s function is described to be to guide the design, implementation and monitoring of an effective national advocacy action roadmap, to bring about positive policy- specific changes to improve the health and well-being of adolescents. Each of the toolkit’s five chapters include examples and exercises that aids one and their networks to influence your country’s national health planning process Read More
Source: World Health Organization. 2017.”Advocating for change for adolescents! A Practical Toolkit for Young People to Advocate for Improved Adolescent Health and Wellbeing.Geneva: (WHO/FWC/NMC/17.2). Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
This resource is of an article which highlights cross-cutting strategies for the implementation of a comprehensive approach to SRHR for adolescents and outlines specific considerations in delivering each intervention in the package of essential SRHR interventions.
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Source: Danielle Marie Claire Engel,Mandira Paul,Satvika Chalasani, Lianne Gonsalves,David Anthony Ross, Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli,Claire B. Cole,Cristina de Carvalho Eriksson,Brendan Hayes,Anandita Philipose,Sally Beadle,B. Jane Ferguson. 2019. “A Package of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Interventions- What Does it Mean for Adolescents?” Journal of Adolescent Health. Elsevier.
This resource is of a training manual designed to assist in the capacity building of Youth Friendly Service (YFS) providers in providing family planning and reproductive health services and information to Youth through a training workshop. The manual contains samples of workshop agenda’s, pre-posts tests and evaluation forms. It includes a session on youth friendly services and handouts for the same
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Source: UNFPA Egypt, Family Health International(FHI). 2008.Training Manual: For the Providers of Youth Friendly Services.
Resource Type: Guidance Document
This is an overview of sexual and reproduce health and rights issues important for the human rights, health and well-being of adolescents (aged 10-19 years) and the relevant World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines on how to address them in an easily accessible, user- friendly format.
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Source: World Health Organization. 2018. "WHO recommendations on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights." Geneva. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.a
Resource Type: Guidebook
This resource is of a guide book which defines ‘adolescent-friendly health services’ from the perspective of quality and provides step-by-step guidance on developing quality standards for health service provision to adolescents especially standards tailored to social, cultural and economic realities. It provides materials that can be used to prepare for and conduct a workshop. Included are lists on five dimensions of quality health services for adolescents and the twenty characteristics that relate to them as well as actions to be taken by actors in local levels to improve the quality health service provision to adolescents. Read More
Source: World Health Organization. 2012. Making Health Services Adolescent Friendly: Developing National Quality Standards for Adolescent Friendly Health Services. ISBN: 978 92 4 1503594
Resource Type: Briefing Paper
This resource is of a briefing paper which examined the right to access contraceptive information and services for women and adolescents. It outlines the benefits of contraceptive access, lists human rights framework supporting this rights, it identifies the normative elements of this right and provides an overview of how to apply a human-rights based approach to the provision of contraceptive information and services
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Source: UNFPA and The Center For Reproductive Rights.2011.The Rights to Contraceptive Information and Services For Women and Adolescents.
Resource Type: Tool: Asset Cards
Resource Type: Policy Brief
Resource Type: Policy Brief
This resource is of a brief containing a table that elaborates on global standards to improve the quality of healthcare services for adolescents. The standards highlighted include health literacy of adolescents, inclusive treatment and care services, non-judgmental attitude and respect to adolescents seeking service. Highlighted as important is the involvement of adolescents all through the phases of health services and in decisions on their own care.
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Source: Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health, WHO. 2015. A Standards- driven Approach to Improve the Quality of Health-care Services for Adolescents. Policy Brief.WHO/FWC/MCA/15.06.
This brief elaborates on how meeting the demand to respect, protect and fulfill sexual health and rights are linked to SDG goals and targets. It frames the issue, highlights solutions and interventions which they elaborate on using case studies, highlights the benefits of investment and outlines the calls to action Read More
Source: Savannah Russo (Women Deliver). Oct 2019. "Respect, Protect and Fulfill Sexual Health and Rights: Facts, Solutions, Case Studies and Calls to Action." Policy brief. deliver for GOOD.
This resource is a technical brief that presents the main findings and programmatic insights into the social drivers of health worker’s behaviors in providing contraceptive services to adolescents. These findings emerged from a qualitative research conducted by Save the Children, done to better understand the impact of social norms on a health worker’s decision to provide contraceptive services to adolescents. It’s also points out key program considerations for provider behavior change efforts.
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Source: Save the Children US. 2020. "Am I Doing the Wrong Thing?"How Social Norms Influence Provider Provision of Contraceptive Services to Adolescents.
Adolescents & Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) in Conflict

Adolescent girls are often overlooked in times of conflict or disaster yet millions of girls require effective interventions when faced with challenging circumstances. Crisis heightens girls’ vulnerability to gender-based violence, unwanted pregnancy, HIV infection, maternal death and disability, early and forced marriage, rape, trafficking, and sexual exploitation and abuse. Crisis such as Natural disasters, human-made emergencies, public health emergencies, and protracted conflicts disrupt the support systems that many adolescents rely on — family, schools and livelihoods. In these settings, education, social support, and health systems are suspended or unavailable, leaving many adolescents without access to SRH information and services when they need them most.

Resource Type: Case Study
Resource Type: Research Article
Resource Type: Tool: Asset Cards
This resource is of report on a project conducted by the Women's Refugee Commission (WRC) and Save the Children which is described to have aimed to improve adolescent (10-19 years) knowledge, attitudes and behaviours around select Sexual and Reproductive Health(SRH) issues.
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Source: Tanabe Mihiko, Modigell Isabelle and Manohar Seema. 2013."Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo."Women's Rrefugee Commission, Save the Children. ISBN:1-58030-115-0
This resource is of a study which is described to present findings from a quantitative household survey with Very Young Adolescents (VYA) implemented among displaced populations from Somalia (In Ethiopia) and Myanmar (In Thailand). It highlights gaps in SRH information necessary for healthy transitions through puberty and supplies for menstrual hygiene in the two humanitarian settings. The results from this study are described to be of help to direct policy and program developers towards the bets practice for enabling VYA to access developmentally appropriate information and support, which in turn can help promote their sexual health and well-being throughout adolescence. Read More
Source: Kågesten, A.E., Zimmerman, L., Robinson, C. et al. 2017. “Transitionsinto puberty and access to sexual and reproductive health information in two humanitarian settings: a cross-sectional survey of very young adolescents from Somalia and Myanmar.”Confl Health 11, 24. https://doi.org/10.1186/ s13031-017-0127-8
Building Assets for Humanitarian Settings
This resource is for use in humanitarian contexts and contains draft asset cards containing an asset list on the economic, education, health, participation, safety and social domains. Targeted for girls the age 6-20 years, it outlines the core, early recovery/development and context specific assets across the above domains. The asset list is short and clear;the safety domain for example has among others know location of girl-only spaces, the health domain;know specifics of menstruation and how to manage it, know where and how to get condoms and contraceptives.
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Source: Women’s Refugee Commission(WRC) and the Population Council. 2020. "Building Assets for Humanitarian Settings." New York.
Resource Type: Toolkit
This resource among other things outlines the five objectives of the Minimum Initial Service Package(MISP), which are described as a set of life-saving activities highlighted to be the starting point for ensuring quality SRH in worstcase scenarios. Included is an activity to aid in clarifying concepts surrounding SRH.
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Source: World YWCA & Feminism in India. 2020. "A Young Woman’s ToolKit for Advocacy on Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights and Mental Health." pg24.Module 4.
Resource Type: Toolkit
This resource is of toolkit described to be designed to help program managers at implementing agencies to ensure that the sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents are addressed during all emergency situations,be they natural or man- made. Included is information and guidance to enable one to advocate for ASRH and implement adolelscent- inclusive SRH interventions.
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Source: UNFPA, Save the Children USA. 2009. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings:A Companion to the Inter- Agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings.
Resource Type: Toolkit
This resource is of a toolkit described to provides strategies and tools to help close the SRH service provision gap for adolescents, by building upon the advocacy efforts and lessons learnt from the past decade to advance SRH prioritization for adolescents in humanitarian contexts. Included, is a companion guide containing a short tutorial for how to use the revised toolkit in presentation format. Read More
Source: Inter - Agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises (IAWG). 2020. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) Toolkit for Humanitarian Setting: 2020 Edition.

Girl-centred SRHR is one that consciously adopts the perspectives of girls; their voices, experiences, and insights are key to the development of sustainable and effective programmes, projects and institutions. This approach emphasizes the need to incorporate young people in designing programs meant to improve their lives.
Investing in girls begins with the people working with them each day to engage their active participation as agents of change in their own lives, families, communities, and societies.
This section delivers best practices and learnings around the importance of continuously including girls’ voices and their experiences at different phases of the programmatic cycle, to ensure designs solutions truly work for all girls.
Resource Type: Study Report
This resource is of a report described to represent the first comprehensive compilation of information about abortion in Sub-Saharan Africa and its four sub regions. It does this by connecting data on the incidence and safety abortion, the extent to which the region’s laws restrict abortion and how these laws have changed between the years 2000 and 2019
This resource of a study described to have investigated the relationship between adolescent girls’ agency and social norms regarding early marriage, girls’ education and nutrition in West Hararghe, Ethiopia. The subjects of this study were adolescent girls aged between 13 and 17 years in 2016. It contains a table outlining the items included in the study’s norm scale calculations for education, marriage and nutrition.
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Source: Bankole A et al., 2020. "From Unsafe to Safe Abortion in Sub-Saharan Africa: Slow but Steady Progress." New York: Guttmacher Institute. DOI: 10.1363/2020.3244

Resource Type: Case Study
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Source: Yemane Berhane,Alemayehu Worku, Dagmawit Tewahido,Nebiyou Fasil, Hanna Gulema,Amare W. Tadesse, Semira Abdelmenan. 2019. “Adolescents Girls’ Agency Significantly Correlates with Favourable Social Norms in Ethiopia - Implications for Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health of Young Adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health. Elsevier.
Resource Type: Case Study
This resource is of a study whose aim is described to have been to improve the quality of care for female rape survivors in Scottish Livingstone Hospital, Molepole Botswana. Its study population included female survivors of rape aged 12 years and older. It includes a discussion of its findings in relation to literature and policy.
This resource is of a study described to have explored the motivations and perceived benefits of Age-disparate sex between AGYW and older men, as well as the social, sexual and reproductive health consequences (SRH). The study’s focus group was made up of young people and adult community members in rural urban Tanzania and Uganda, aged 14-24 and 25-49 respectively. Its findings are explained to contain insights on the motivations of and consequences for AGYW and older men that engage in age-disparate sexual relationships based on lived experiences as well as from the point of view of others in the community.
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Source: Debley, O., & Malan, Z. 2020. “Improving the quality of care for female rape survivors at Scottish Livingstone Hospital, Molepolole, Botswana: A quality improvement cycle.” African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 12(1),11pages.doi: https://doi.org/10.4102/ phcfm.v12i1.2238
"Eat and you will be eaten": A Qualitative Study Exploring Costs and Benefits of Age- Disparate Sexual Relationships in Tanzania and Uganda:Implications for Girls' Sexual Reproductive Health Interventions

Resource Type: Case Study
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Source: Wamoyi, J., Buller, A. M., Nyato, D., Kyegombe, N., Meiksin, R., & Heise, L. 2018. "Eat and you will be eaten": a qualitative study exploring costs and benefits of age-disparate sexual relationships in Tanzania and Uganda: implications for girls' sexual and reproductive health interventions. Reproductive health, 15(1), 207. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12978-018-0650-0
Availability, Accessibility and Utilization of Post- Abortion Care in Sub- Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review
Resource Type: Research Article
This resource (study) reviews existing research on the provision, utilization and accessibility of post- abortion care (PAC) in Sub- Saharan Africa (SSA). Focuses on the types of PAC services offered in the SSA region; aspects that influence availability, provision, distribution and quality of PAC services; identifies underlying forces, enablers and disablers guiding utilization of PAC services. It maps interventions in play to improve access, availability and adoption of PAC services as well as their effectiveness in their respective regions.
This resource is of a study described to have investigated the effects of a gender-based violence (GBV) educational curriculum, on improving male attitudes towards women and increasing the likelihood of intervention in witnessing GBV among adolescents in Nairobi, Kenya. It presents the study’s results on issues such as attitudes towards women and belief in rape myths, witnessing verbal harassment, physical threats and physical or sexual assaults and intervening when witnessing verbal harassment.
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Source: Chimaraoke Izugbara, Frederick Murunga Wekesah, Meroji Sebany, Elizabeth Echoka, Joshua Amo-Adjei & Winstoun Muga. 2020. “Availability, accessibility and utilization of post-abortion care in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review.”Health Care for Women International, 41:7, 732-760, DOI: 10.1080/07399332.2019.1703991
A 6 -Week School Curriculum Improves Boys' Attitudes and Behaviours Related to Gender - Based Violence in Kenya

Resource Type: Research Article
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Source: Keller Jennifer,PhD.,Mboya O. Benjamin, Sinclair Jake, M.D., Githua W. Oscar, PhD., Mulinge Munyae, PhD., Bergholz Lou., Paiva Lee, Golden.h. Neville, M.D. and Kapphahn Cynthia, M.D., M.P.H. 2015."A 6 - Week School Curriculum Improves Boys' Attitudes and Behaviours Related to Gender- Based Violence." Academia Journal.
Resource Type: Research Article
This resource is of a study said to have sought to understand and document how people with disabilities perceive the relationships between their use of SRH services, legislation and health policy in three districts of the post-conflict Northern region of Uganda. Its results are outlined through themes such as multiple intersections when using SRH services; disability and gender, disability and violence and disability and HIV/STIs.
This resource is of a research paper which is described to have assessed the results of retrospective implementation research into a five-year social accountability project in Uganda. The research focused on family planning and reproductive health. It presents its findings from an implementation study of as social accountability project that focused on FP and reproductive health and the Healthy Action project (HAP), implemented in Uganda in the years 2009- 2013.
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Source: Muriel Mac-Seing, Kate Zinszer, Bryan Eryong, Emma Ajok, Olivier Ferlatte & Christina Zarowsky. 2020."The intersectional jeopardy of disability, gender and sexual and reproductive health: experiences and recommendations of women and men with disabilities in Northern Uganda. " Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 28:2, DOI: 10.1080/26410397.2020.1772654

Resource Type: Research Article
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Source: Boydell Vicky, Neema Stella, Wright Kelsey and Hardee Karen. 2018. Closing the Gap between People and Programs: Lessons from implementation of Social Accountability for Family Planning and Reproductive Health in Uganda." Africa Journal of Reproductive Health. Vol22, No1.

Prioritizing the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Adolescent Girls and Young Women within HIV Treatment and Care Services in Emergency Settings : a girl- centered agenda
Resource Type: Research Article
This resource is of a research paper described to have examined whether the current emergency response standards and practice adequately respond to the unique risks, vulnerabilities and development needs of adolescent girls and young women (10-24) living with HIV. It includes an outline said to have been identified by experts, which is of five common themes for prioritization within emergency settings and programs tailored to young AGYW and those of reproductive age.
This resource is a technical note that illustrates on how systems like education, health and gender-based violence, child protection and social protection can coordinate action and contribute to the safety, health and learning of adolescent girl-responsive systems. Included are tables outlining among other things; the contributions of different systems to the safety and protection of adolescent girls, global programme outcomes and outputs related to adolescent girl- responsive systems and highlights on lessons on promoting gender equity in and through education
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Source: Roxo, U., Mobula, M.L., Walker, D. et al. 2019 “Prioritizing the sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescent girls and young women within HIV treatment and care services in emergency settings: a girl-centered agenda.Reprod Health 16, 57. https://doi.org/ 10.1186/s12978-019-0710-0

Resource Type: Technical Note
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Source: UNFPA,UNICEF.2020."Technical Note on Adolescent Girl-Responsive Systems."
Resource Type: Research Article
This resource is of a qualitative study which is described to have explored the views of girls who married as children and their experiences in family planning, including barriers to family planning use in a rural community in Beneshangul –Gumuz region, Ethiopia. It illustrates through its findings the awareness and demand for family planning; family, community and partners influence on family planning use.
This resource is of a toolkit that is described to contain a collection of learning sessions and tools designed to empower adolescent girls from internally displaced persons, refugee and host communities in Iraq. The objective being to address key issues on life skills, health, gender-based violence (GBV) and financial education. The toolkit is said to be of support to implementing partners in setting up girl friendly spaces, carrying out girl focused needs assessments and to plan an intervention accordingly.
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Source: Ketema Helen and Erulkar Annabel. 2018."Married Adolescents and Family Planning in Rural Ethiopia: Understanding Barriers and Opportunities." African Journal of Reproductive Health. Vol 22, No4.

The Adolescent Girls Toolkit for Iraq
Resource Type: Toolkit
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Source: UNICEF, UNFPA. 2017."The Adolescent Girls Toolkit for Iraq."

Resource Type: Toolkit
This resource is of a toolkit which illustrates what young women- friendly sexual and reproductive health services look like. Aided by case studies, it highlights that young women have different needs depending on their realities. Included are energies and group act training to motivate participants which would help engagements with adolescent girls fun.
This resource is of a tool referred to as a Girl-Centered Risk register which is described as a tool designed for documenting risks faced at an organizational level, along with actions to manage each risk. This particular version is explained to have adapted the usual framework to assess risks and challenges faced by girls and to help program managers prioritize their responses. A completed risk register is explained to offer an objective way for an organization to prioritize their interventions for girls, specifically during a quickly changing situation.
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Source: World YWCA & Feminism in India. 2020. "A Young Woman’s ToolKit for Advocacy on Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights and Mental Health.Pg.21-23.
Girl-Centered Risk Register
Resource Type: Tool
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Source: She's the First. 2020."Girl-Centered Risk Register.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v9d6K7_WUE pd6RVX2a_Gj5cw1IROGgLI/view

Resource Type: Workbook
This resource is of a workbook which contains worksheets on self care, self advocacy, women & girls networks and stakeholders not forgetting the facilitation tips and talking points included in it, it can be used to inform the development of context specific Adolescent Girls SRHR interventions.
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Source: Kade Kristy, Singh Nisha, Ateva Elena and Fox Jennifer.2020. "The Women and Girls Health and Rights Power Model: Implementation Guidance and Workbook." White Ribbon Alliance.
SRHR Advocacy Toolkit for Young People
Resource Type: Advocacy Toolkit
This resource is of an advocacy toolkit which is described to have been designed for organizations that work with men and boys for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. It defines and elaborates on advocacy and focusses on the different forms of advocacy such media and policy. Included are case studies and resources on advocacy, SRHR, Youth and men.
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Source: Hayley Thomson - de Boor. 2019."SRHR Advocacy Toolkit for Young People."Sonke Gender Justice, MenEngage Africa.

Resource Type: Advocacy Toolkit
This resource is of an advocay toolkit whose objectieve is described to be to encourage and support young feminists to engage in international policy-making. It also seeks to motivate them to push for system change throughout the Generation Equality Forum (GEF) process and other policy spaces related to women's rights and gender equality.
This resource is described to elaborate on the rights- based approach to family planning(FP), highlights on rights conventions that apply to FP and and provides case studies. Includesd is: a tool on FP Costed Implementation Plan (CIP) themes, human rights elements and related actions; template for adding country- specific information and a resource guide containing 15 resources to guide programming on Rights - Based Family Planning
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Source: Women Engage For a Common Future(WCEF). 2020. Young Feminists Want System Change: A Global Advocacy Toolkit For the Beijing+25 Process and Beyond.

Resource Type: Toolkit
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Source: Family Planning 2020. 2018. "Family Planning: A Toolkit for Designing Programs to Respet, Protect and Fulfill the Rights of Girls and Women.Costed Implementation Plan Resource Kit.

Resource Type: Curriculum
This resource is of a curriculum explained to be designed for an Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP). The program's participants are girls who are 10-19 years old from vulnerable backgrounds. The curriculum is described to cover a variety of topics such as sexual reproductive health, life skills, HIV and AIDS, STIs, gender and gender-based violence, leadership, human rights and financial education.
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Source: Population Council. 2013. Population Council: Life Skills and Health Curriculum for the Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP).
Resource Type: Toolkit
This is a resourceful toolkit that is designed for working with adolescent girls that are the ages of 10-24 years. It elaborates on all stages of program design,keen on highlighting community safety mapping and the safe space intervention model, an asset list of the various sectors;menstrual health among others,example of sample games program designers can use to build trust with and within the girls and the best part, all this is accompanied by case studies.
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Source: Austrian Karen and Ghati Dennitah. 2010. "Girl-Centered Program Design:A toolkit to Develop, Strengthen & Expand Adolescent Girls Programs.The Population Council. ISBN9966-956-74-3. Nairobi.

Resource Type: Toolkit
This resource is of a toolkit containing a step - by - step guide on how to most effectively use focus groups to harmonize girls' voices in the decisions one makes as an organization. It includes an intensive guide, a case study and an explanatory video.
This resource is of a training manual developed as part of The NIA Project which is described to be a program designed to equip young adolescent girls with the information and skills they need to make informed decisions, as they navigate puberty and advance in their teenage years. The manual contains modules addressing issues such as resisting peer pressure, managing stress, anger and conflict, elaborates through activities and background notes on puberty; gender, power and rights. Also included are background notes on rules and principles a facilitator should follow when using the manual.
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Source: She's the First. Listening to Girls: A Toolkit for Community- Based Organization.
Resource Type: Training Manual
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Source: Zana Africa.2017. "Nia Yetu Reproductive Health and Life Skills Manual for Young Adolescent Girls." http://www.zanaafrica.org
Resource Type: Guideline
This resource is developed by the United Nations Population Fund and Women Enabled International and is described to provide practical and concrete guidance on the provision of inclusive and accessible services related to gender- based violence (GBV) and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for women and young persons with disabilities.
This resource is of a guide that is described to have been developed as an evidence-informed resource which was based on the most current evidence and experience on very young adolescents (VYA) sexual reproductive health (SRH) and gender programming.
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Source: UNFPA. 2018. "Guidelines for Providing Rights-Based and Gender- Responsive Services to Address Gender- Based Violence and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for Women and Young Persons with Disabilities." New York.

Resource Type: Guide
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Source: Gayles Jennifer.2019. "Very Young Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender Program Design Guide." Save the Children US.
Creating "Safe Spaces" for Adolescent Girls
Resource Type: Brief
This resource is described as a brief that is informed by the "safe spaces" programs developed by the population council. It is said to address the needs of vulnerable adolescents, particularly girls. It includes a definition of the referred "safe space", an outline of the importance of networks, elaborates on the role of mentors, identifies the ages of the targetted adolescent girls and outlines lessons learnt from the safe spaces program.
This resource is of a policy brief which is described as one looking at examples to highlight how to secure proper and voluntary contraception and reproductive health services for all girls and women. It elaborates as described on evidence-based interventions which are accompanied by a case study. Included is an outline of the linkages between meeting the demand for modern contraception and reproductive health and the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals.
This resource contains a breakdown of key messages on how to build an action agenda for Malaria Gender Advocacy by highlighting investment areas and addressing the gendered barriers, gendered differential impact and proposing solutions and potential for a double dividend on the same.
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Source: Baldwin Wendy. 2011. "Creating 'Safe Spaces' for Adolescent Girls. Promoting healthy, safe and productive transitions to adulthood. Brief no. 39.
Resource Type: Policy Brief
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Source: Catherine Packer and Tricia Petruney (FHI 360). Oct 2019. "Meet the Demand for Modern Contraception and Reproductive Health: Facts, Solutions, Case Studies and Calls to Action. " Policy brief. deliver for GOOD.”
Resource Type: Action Agenda
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Source: Malaria No More. "Building an Action Agenda for Malaria and Gender Advocacy: It Is Time to Bring An Intentional Gender Lens to The Global Malaria Fight."

Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) Financing

Sexual and Reproductive health is essential for reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) on good health and well being which to achieve universal health coverage and equitable access to healthcare services to all men and women.
Strategic investment in adolescent girls’ education, health, safety, and economic opportunities can help end intergenerational poverty; positively affect the most marginalized and underserved communities, and boost the economies of entire countries. ASRH is an investment with value; it can delay first pregnancy, reduce maternal death and disability, improve overall health outcomes, contribute to broad development goals and reduce poverty.
It is essential for organisations working with adolescent girls to identify the recent trends in donor funding for SRHR, how meaningful the commitments are in terms of the additionality of funding, and how SRHR funding will evolve over time.
This section offers resources on the urgent need to increase funding for ASRHR to ensure that adolescents, especially girls, have access to comprehensive and age-responsive SRHR education, information, and services.

Funding for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Low - and Middle - Income Countries: Threats, Outlook and Opportunities
Resource Type: Research Report
Resource Type: Published Article
Resource Type: Report
This report, commissioned by PMNCH, takes stock of current and potential future investments in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) to inform discussions on ensuring adequate support for SRHR. It includes an analysis of SRHR funding by donors and low and middle-income country governments.
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Source: Schäferhoff, M., Van Hoog, S., Martinez, S., Fewer, S., & Yamey, G. (2019). (rep.). "Funding for sexual and reproductive health and rights in low- and middle-income countries: threats, outlook, and opportunities." Open Consultants. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/pmnch/ media/news/2019/srhr_forecast_web.pdf
This resource highlights that one of the biggest challenges faced by SRHR advocates is that financial decisions on SRHR are usually made outside of the health care system. It elaborates on solutions that different actors of SRHR can take to overcome financial barriers.
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Source: Root, R. (2019, June 24). "SRHR, UHC, and the search for increased domestic funding." Devex. https://www.devex.com/news/srhr-uhc-and-the-search-for-increased-domestic-funding-95116.
This resource is an accountability report by Donors Delivering for SRHR that tracks reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health, family planning, and sexual and reproductive rights (SRR) to highlight the importance of support from European donors. It includes a ranking of SRHR donors in Europe (2018), elaborates on donor profiles, and consists of a national policies list.
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Source: Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung and European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual and Reproductive Rights. 2020. "Donors Delivering for SRHR: Report 2020, Tracking OECD Donor Funding for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights."
Resource Type: Report
This resource is of a report described to cover among other things essential sexual and reproductive health services for women aged 15-49 in low- and middle- income countries. It's goal is described to be to guide decision makers, at the global, regional, national and local levels, in making investments in sexual and reproductive health services that would result in large returns for individuals and societies.
Accountability International and its partners conducted an evidence - based advocacy campaign which resulted in this African HIV financing scorecard. It is described as a means to analyze the existing funding, interrogate the gaps in required funding and provide evidence- based advocacy messaging for action by the various stakeholders involved. This research’s findings and recommendations are elaborated to provide evidence to start a discussion across many stakeholders on what and how we can sustainably, inclusively and accountably finance the final stages of combatting the HIV epidemic in Africa
This resource is of an article which outlines the effects of Global Gag Rule(GGR) on health service provision and elaborates on the impact on GGR -compliant and non-compliant humanitarian NGOs SRH work.
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Source: Sully EA et al.,. 2020. "Adding It Up: Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health 2019". New York: Guttmacher Institute.
Mind the Gap: African HIV Financing Scorecard
Resource Type: Advocacy Research

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Source: Accountability International. 2019. Mind the Gap: African HIV Financing Scorecard.

Resource Type: Research Article
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Source: Meghan C Gallagher, Jamie M Vernaelde & Sara E Casey .2020. Operational reality: the Global Gag Rule impacts sexual and reproductive health in humanitarian settings.” Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 28:3, 68-70, DOI: 10.1080/26410397.2020.1824320
Resource Type: Advocacy Toolkit
This resource is of a toolkit described to support and promote creative and practical thinking on mobilization for girls, young women and trans-youth and is said to be applicable to organizations and individuals with different skills and experience. Included is a chapter referred to as a part which contains a compilation of funders and outlines their priorities and locations as well as tools for network mapping and grant prospecting.
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Source: FRIDA|The Young Feminist Fund. 2017.Resource Mobilization Toolkit for Girls,Young Women and Trans Youth.

Resource Type: Research Article
This resource is of a study which is described to have analyzed data collected from NGO representatives, health providers and managers at health facilities to investigate the impact of the expanded Global Gag Rule at multiple levels of the health system. It also explores the changes in funding, policy, advocacy and service provision related to abortion, family planning and sexual and reproductive health services in Kenya.
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Source: Boniface Ayanbekongshie Ushie, Kenneth Juma, Grace Kimemia, Maggie Magee, Emily Maistrellis, Terry McGovern & Sara E. Casey (2020) Foreign assistance or attack? Impact of the expanded Global Gag Rule on sexual and reproductive health and rights in Kenya, Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 28:3, 23-38, DOI: 10.1080/26410397.2020.1794412
Resource Type: Evidence Brief
This resource is of an evidence brief on the financing of Sexual and Reproductive Health services and Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Among its key messages is one from WHO in 2020, which stated that making stride towards UHC an improved access to SRH among other things requires shifting the burden of financing away from individuals especially women and girls, towards increased domestic public funding that combines tax revenue and prepayment schemes.
Source: World Health Organization. 2020. "Universal Health Coverage for Sexual and Reproductive Health." Evidence Brief. WHO/SRH/20.1
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Resource Type: Online Asset
This resource contains quick guides containing short elaborations from "what puberty is, phases of menstrual cycle, how to use a sanitary pad to addressing menstrual myths. The guide also includes guides for parents; Your daughter's first period:Do's and Don'ts, how to talk about periods with your daughter among others."
This resource is of a guide whose target audience is described to be those who work with and advocate for women who use drugs in all their diversity. It is explained to contain practical, evidence- based interventions which will help advance the sexual and reproductive heath and rights (SRHR) of women who use drugs.
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Source: Menstrupedia: Friendly Guide to Healthy Periods https://menstrupedia.com/
Resource Type: Training Guide
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Source: Frontline. 2020. "Advancing the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women Who Use Drugs."
Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights (SRHR) during COVID-19

The toll of the unprecedented COVID-10 pandemic has manifested through an increase in unwanted pregnancies, child marriages, sexual abuse, risky sexual behaviour and severe restriction in accessing sexual and reproductive health information and services across the globe, this in turn becoming a shadow pandemic for adolescent girls.
The lockdowns and curfews, have inhibited access to counselling services and safe spaces, HIV care and treatment, contraception, safe abortion care and post-abortion care remains limited. Subsequently, the lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic could further impact gender gaps in learning due to the deprioritization of education.
In sub-Saharan Africa, social barriers related to teen pregnancies often lock girls from returning to school. Therefore, health services and community centres need to establish new ways of providing information and support to adolescents.
This section provides insights and discourse for concerted actions and approaches in order to secure the continuity in promoting gender equality and provision of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) information, education and services.

Resource Type: Infographic:
This resource highlights how activist organizations prevent violence against women during the COVID- 19 pandemic, outlines the pressures being faced, opportunities, risks, and includes a call to action.
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Source: Raising Voices. "Violence Against Women: During the COVID-19 Pandemic."
Impact of COVID-19 on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in East and Southern Africa
Resource Type: Study Report
This resource is of a report on a study conducted by UN Women and UNFPA, described as an aim to understand better the gendered impacts of the pandemic (COVID-19) and to inform national development planning for recovery. It’s Inclusive of sections on health care and gender- based violence (section 9 & 10), the study’s findings are said to contribute towards expanding the evidence base for gender-responsive planning, budgeting and decision making, in order to realize women’s rights and choices in the region
This resource is of a news article on the use of mobile technology to help respond to concerns of harassment and other forms of gender-based violence. It highlights and expounds on the Women Safety App (An app introduced two years ago by the Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA), Pakistan as an innovative solution to the challenges of mobility and violence facing women and girls). The UNFPA Pakistan Country Representative is quoted commending PSCA for their vision and leadership on using technology which has enabled one to connect women with safety and help during isolation and quarantine.
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Source: UN Women and UNFPA, East and Southern Africa Regional Offices. 2021. The Impact of COVID-19 on Women and Men.” Nairobi
Connecting Women with Safety in Pakistan at A Time of COVID-19 and Beyond
Resource Type: News Article
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Resource Type: Photo Story
This resource is a photo story highlighting ten actions one can take to protect and improve one’s sexual and reproductive health. It includes among others actions: practicing safe and consensual sex, cervical cancer screening and what one can do about menstrual hygiene.
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Source: World Health Organization. 2020. "Self Care During COVID-19." Photo Story
Resource Type: Editorial
This resource is of an editorial described to reflect on some of the notable findings and on the prospects for UHC and SRHR in the midst of what is identified as transformational moments, as countries begin the journey of emerging from the COVID 19 pandemic.
This resource is a commentary highlighting that there is an absence of adolescent SRH services from the “essential” health services during COVID -19. It also elaborates on the impact of COVID-19 interventions on the delivery of SRH services and highlights on the potential of technology to be leveraged for Adolescent Sexual Health Rights but also points out areas of caution.
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Source: Anna Gruending, Pete Chapman, Veloshnee Govender. (2020) “Imagining the world anew”: a transformative, rights-based agenda for UHC and SRHR in 2021 and beyond. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters 28:2.
Resource Type: Commentary
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Source: Priya Nanda, Sahil Tandon & Aarushi Khanna.2020. “Virtual and essential – adolescent SRHR in the time of COVID-19.” Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 28:1, DOI: 10.1080/ 26410397.2020.1831136

Resource Type: Commentary
This resource (Commentary) highlights that the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a change of the social and political determinants of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Building on an existing review that identified the key cross-cutting considerations for fostering accountability for SRHR, this commentary describes the implications of COVID-19 for accountability for SRHR and proposes ways to promote greater accountability.
WHO in this advocacy brief states that there is limited availability of sex- and age- disaggregated data which hinders the analysis of the gendered implications of COVID -19 and the development of appropriate responses. This resource contains a call of action to WHO Member States and all global actors to guide investments in quality and gender-sensitive research on the adverse health, social and economic impacts of COVID-19. Included are six key asks and it addresses on issues such as violence against women and children increase during lockdown and on the access to sexual and reproductive health and rights for women and girls which may be reduced during the pandemic.
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Source: Marta Schaaf, Victoria Boydell, Sara Van Belle, Derick W. Brinkerhoff & Asha George.2020. “Accountability for SRHR in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 28:1, DOI: 10.1080/26410397.2020.1779634
Gender and COVID-19
Resource Type: Advocacy Brief
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Source: World Health Organization. ( 2020) . Gender and COVID-19: advocacy brief, 14 May 2020. World Health Organization. https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/332080. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO
Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (ASRHR) & HIV/AIDS

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are associated with the increased risk of HIV infection and have significant implications for reproductive health outcomes.
Eliminating stigma and discrimination experienced by HIV-positive adolescents requires challenging negative social norms around adolescents’ and young people’s sexual activity, as well as the provision of scientifically accurate information on HIV and AIDS transmission.
In addition, HIV-positive adolescent girls need access to quality SRH services that takes into account their specific needs. Failure to prevent HIV among adolescent girls and to keep them alive will reverse the infant HIV prevention and survival gains made under the Global Plan of realizing an AIDS-free generation.
This section talks to the importance of an integrated youth-friendly SRH and HIV health education and services tailored to adolescents.

SRHR & HIV Linkages Toolkit
Resource Type: Toolkit
This resource is a comprehensive toolkit on SRHR and HIV linkages. Divided into eight categories, namely for those who would like to: understand and advocate for connections, know how to integrate services, monitor and evaluate, conduct research, provide integrated SRHR and HIV services for various populations, protect and promote human rights, apply learning to their areas of integration, mobilize resources and work in partnerships, know about the thematic connections and critical entry points. It includes case studies, national progress on SRHR and HIV linkages, measurement, and research tools.

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Source: WHO, IPPF. 2020. "SRHR & HIV Linkages Toolkit."
HIV/Prevention Shadow Reports 2020
PITCH End Term Evaluation Report
Resource Type: Report
Resource Type: Evaluation Report
Resource Type: Research Report
These shadow reports are on Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Uganda, Ukraine and Zimbabawe. Among other things, it includes ratings across 10 actions from a civil society persepective, including adolescent girls and young women size estimates and packages. It also contains a brief highlight on SRHR services availability without parental consent, intimate partner violence(15-19 years) and HIV prevention services and coverage
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Source: Frontline AIDS. 2020. "HIV/Prevention Shadow Reports 2020."
The Partnership to Inspire, Transform and Connect the HIV response (PITCH) was an advocacy- based programme that focussed on strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations working with LGBT people, sex workers, people who use drugs and adolescent girls and young women. This report highlights issues on sustainability, gender- based approaches and missed opportunities.

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Source: Frontline AIDS. 2017. "PITCH End Term Evaluation Report."
This resource is a supplement report which is described to contain three commentaries and five articles on the Link Up Project which sought to make a rights- based approach to SRHR and HIV programming for young people a cornerstone of its research interest and interventions.
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Source: David A. Ross, John Santelli. 2017. “Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and HIV Programming Among Young People Most Affected by HIV: Lessons From The Link Up Project in Five Countries.” Journal of Adolescent Health.Elsevier
Resource Type: Case Study
Frontline AIDS explain that they saw an opportunity to use ICT to provide adolescents with both SRHR information and safe spaces to engage with their peers and experts. This resource elaborates on what they did, achieved, learnt and what is next for the iREADY Podcast. The iREADY Podcast's role is described as to support and create information and communication technology tools that can be used by adolescents and youth people in Burundi and Mozambique, to promote access to information on SRHR, peer support and adherence to HIV treatment.
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Source: FrontlineAids.2019."Using Podcasts to Deliver Youth Friendly Information about Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Burundi - For Mobile & Print."

Resource Type: Research Article
This resource is of an article which describes a study that draws attention to the complexities associated with adolescence, outlines factors impacting the risk of acquiring HIV among adolescents and discusses the progress made in preventing HIV in adolescent girls and young women.
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Source: Abdool Karim, Quarraisha PhD*,†,‡; Baxter, Cheryl PhD*,†; Birx, Deborah MD§ .2017. "Prevention of HIV in Adolescent Girls and Young Women: Key to an AIDS-Free Generation, JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes." Volume 75 - Issue - p S17-S26.doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001316
Resource Type: Issue Brief
This resource is of a brief described to reflect the outcomes of 36 focus groups in eSwatini, Mozambique and Zimbabwe who were convened to understand the experiences, perspectives and needs of adolescents and young people living with HIV.
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Source: FrontlineAids.2019. Enabling Discosure: Young People's Experiences of Sharing Their HIV Status.
Resource Type: Guide
This resource is of a guide which assists one to plan, record, edit, publish and promote a podcast. It includes exercises outlining what to record, guiding one on how to introduce SRHR interviews and conduct the same.
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Source: FrontlineAids. 2019. How to Produce Podcasts about Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.

Resource Type: Learning Toolkit
This resource is of a toolkit which contains sessions on facts, people and power. It is described to contribute to the better understanding of history, technology, policy, language, rights and other knowledge of both SRHR and HIV civil society staff. It also supports civil society actors to strengthen the quality and depth of understanding in order to identify opportunities for using skills and bridging HIV-SRHR gaps in policies and programmes, amongst other work prospects.
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Source: Accountability International. 2015. "Integrating HIV and SRHR in Southern Africa: A Toolkit."

Akili Dada 3rd Floor Saachi Plaza, Block B, Argwings Kodhek Rd, PO Box 27847-00100 Nairobi Phone: +254 721 552120 www.akilidada.org