The Akitan Winter 2019

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winter issue



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Cover photo by Caitlin Wilcox


MEET THE AKITAN STAFF pimms hubbell Director of Publications

Hey folks! I’m Pimms, and I’m in my 4th year in Akita. You’ll probably come to know me as the PA working at the Education center. I love eating food, going on cyling trips, visiting festivals, eating more food, and relaxing in onsen. I hope you enjoy Akita as much as I do.

priscilla chong Editor & Creative Director

Hi everyone! I’m Priscilla, a 3rd year from Ugo Town. I lack self control and have a serious snack problem. Fun thing about living alone, no one will know if you eat a tub of ice cream in one night. I love food, coffee, skincare, and a good forest onsen.

reza danesh pajooh Editor of Book Reviews

I’m Reza Danesh-Pajooh, a fourth year living in Yokote. My hobbies are avoiding people, staying indoors, and making plans while secretly hoping that someone will cancel so I don’t have to go. Surprisingly, I’ve been told I’m a pleasant person.



JOIN THE PRC akita jet public relations committee ABOUT US The Akita JET Public Relations Committee (PRC) is made up of the JETs currently responsible for creating and managing four digital platforms for collaborative information exchange, promotions, and communication.

POSITION OPENINGS The PRC will be undergoing a complete handover in the oncoming year. We are opening applications early to find the best candidates for each position. Stay tuned for more information on the application process. The positions available include: Social Media Manager Editor & Creative Director of The Akitan Manager of the AkitaJET Wiki

NEW CONTENT OPPORTUNITY From May 1 2019, the AkitaJET Youtube Channel will be discontinued. We are interested in developing a new platform (for example, podcast, blog etc.). If you are interested in joining the PRC under a new position please pitch us your idea at: Priscilla Chong PRC Coordinator


From the editor

Making snowmen and memo Hello all you lovely readers, it’s been a short winter hasn’t it?

The big melt has begun but it will be a while still before we really feel the start o

always had a bit of a love-hate relationship with spring. The gradual blooming of

the warmth of the sun brings me back to life, but it also means saying goodbye to t

white scenery I’ve become so fond of. I enjoyed my final Akita winter to the full snowmen, snowball battles, trying to run up snow banks and failing, eating

around the kotatsu, sitting with kids in igloos, swinging giant balls of fire around

know, the normal winter things. With each season that passes I get more teary (

was such a sentimental person). I’m thankful to this wonderful season but it’s tim Thanks for the memories Akita. [cue sad emo music] Spring brings new beginnings, new school years, new colleagues, and a time for

our minds and prepare for the future. How do we refresh you may ask? By going full M on your place. Spring cleaning is good not only for the mind, but will help air

build-up that happens during winter. Start cleaning early in the season before hay-f

allergens and pollens fill the air. To those of you returning to your home country in summer months will be busy, so get rid of excess junk as early as possible.

In this edition of The Akitan, join us as we recap some of the big festivals, explore o and guide you to some of the best cafes in Akita.

Priscilla Chong, Editor and Cre




of spring. I’ve

f flowers and

this beautiful

lest, building shabu-shabu

d myself, you

(who knew I

me to let go. us to refresh

Marie Kondo out the dust

fever causing

n August the

onsen culture,

eative Director “Ms. Oppai” (Ugo), Priscilla Chong


Snowy mountain drives (Ugo), Priscilla Chong

if  you’re not first you’re last

IF YOU’RE NOT FIRST YOU’RE LAST kate smith If you had one shot, or one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment. Would you capture it, or just let it slip? In my case, I let my opportunity slip.

Every year at the beginning of March, the

Actually I let it roll a couple times then

“けっつじょり 世界選手権 (Ketsujori World

sadly slide across the finish line. My

Championship)” is held. A winding course

little town, Chokai, does its best to get

carved out of the snow up by the Sarukura

on the map. “How can we attract more

Onsen is the stage for this competition.

tourists? How can we show the rest of

You trek to the top of the slope and slide

Akita that we’re more than just a hike up

down on a fertilizer bag using your hips to

a mountain?” Well, by hosting a sledding

navigate the turns. You get two timed runs

competition, duh.

and they’re added together, the lowest total


Sledding competition, Priscilla Chong


time is the winner. Then you’re thrown

the end. No biggie, my practice runs went

onto a podium and showered with local

well and I was confident that I’d get my

goodies, and then you get lunch! Why it’s

Three Time World Champion title. After

considered a “world” championship is

a successful first run crashing into the

beyond me, but it’s definitely an event.

staff at the end of the course, I was tied for the fastest time with another lady.

I have been the reigning world champion

Literally everything was on my second

for the last two years with record times,

run. As I stood at the top waiting for my

and I was going for that sweet Three

turn, I turned into B-Rabbit from 8 Mile.

Time World Champion title. An odd flex,

My palms were sweaty, knees weak, arms

I know, but it’s all I have going for me.

were heavy. I didn’t have mom’s spaghetti

As soon as February hits, the ketsujori

on my sweater though I was definitely

buzz begins. “Kate, will you be champion

nervous but on the surface I looked calm

again?” At first I laughed it off because

and ready to- you get it.

it’s a sledding competition. But seeing how the entire town prepares for this event, that competitive fire in me wanted that number one podium spot. This year the course was different. It was longer with harsher turns, and a jump at


if you’re not first you’re last

Unfortunately, the pressure became too

is very welcoming and the energy is

much and on the last turn, I lost the

almost so overwhelming that you can’t

edge and went for a tumble. Sounds of

stop smiling all day. As a bonus, the view



of Mt. Chokai is impeccable, even when

echoed from the crowd and the dream

you take a little spill down the course, you

was crushed.

can look up and she’s there to comfort



the failure that you are. And as a bonus All joking aside, this event never fails to

bonus, all sliders get lunch at the onsen

be a blast. Even though it’s a sledding

after. Overall, it’s a Sunday well spent.

competition, it’s taken very seriously

Nothing but good vibes, good people, and

and everyone in the community chips

sore tailbones.

in. Students, parents, and staff are either competing or volunteering, showing up at 6:30am to prepare the course. Everyone

(I will get my title back next year though)


(above) Kate Smith during an interview, Priscilla Chong


(opposite) Mini Kamakura, Jillian Camille



Mt. Chokai (Yurihonjo), Priscilla Chong


THE NAKED TRUTH The history of onsen and how public bathing can help fight body stereotypes

Priscilla Chong


Bathing customs around the world developed from a variety of things, such as religion, status, and lifestyles. These lifestyle habits though, are heavily influenced by the geography and climate of the region itself. It comes as no surprise that a volcanic country like Japan with high levels of geothermal activity developed a culture around natural hot springs. It’s not as if Japan is the only country in the world with access to spring water, Rome and Greece both once had public bathing. So why is it that those cultures have just about died out, but Japan’s prevailed to this day? What exactly is special about Japanese onsen?


合い” (hadaka no tsukiai)

Being isolated from foreign influence for


200 years, Japan was free from the modesty

friends, and colleagues is still to this day



quite a normal activity. The idea is when

Christian, and Confucian beliefs. During

we are naked we take off our daily mask,

this time onsen bathing became deeply

for example, subordinate or superior. We

rooted in Japanese culture and social

remove all our makeup, our fashion, our

behaviour. Originally everyone bathed

carefully created personas of who we

together because there were few water

think we should be and just simply go

sources available. If there was a natural

back to our natural form.






or “skinship”. your


hot spring in the region, it made sense that all the townspeople used it. It became

Throughout history, onsen were never

a social activity as all family, friends, and

used purely for hygiene purposes. Before

coworkers would relax together and talk.

the arrival of western medicine, mineral-

Relationships were deepened as everyone

rich spring waters were commonly used

got along in this communal bath. This

for their healing properties. Different

concept is now referred to as “裸の付き

baths were used to treat specific ailments;


the naked truth

iron baths improved blood circulation,

depression, and hostility, all key factors

acidic baths healed skin conditions, and

for stress relief and relaxation. Now, these

so on. These beliefs still exist today with

effects can be achieved in the comfort

many people travelling to specific onsen

of your own home and bathtub, but why

because of its mineral content.

settle for that when Akita has mineral rich, natural onsen in abundance.


To gain the full benefits it’s important

nowadays most western countries opt for

to know not only the kind of water but

showering out of convenience. We have

also the pH level. Onsen can be classified

become a culture where ‘time is money’.

as acidic (pH 2-3), weak acidic (pH 3-6),

With what little time we have left to relax

neutral (pH 6-7.5), weak alkaline (pH

each week, a long bath seems boring in

7.5-8.5), and alkaline (pH 8.5 and above).

comparison with yoga, hiking, or dinner

Acidic springs have strong anti-bacterial

with friends. It seems we are missing out

and sterilizing properties. This works

on a lot of physical and emotional benefits

similar to a chemical peel, and is able to

by choosing a 10-minute shower.

exfoliate and tighten your pores. Alkaline




springs are the real treat though, they According to some Japanese researchers,

are also known as bijin no yu or ‘beauty

it might be worth it to take a step back,

springs’. Thanks to the higher alkalinity,

slow down, and have a regular soak in the

the water feels much thicker than a regular

tub. A recent 2018 study* has proven that

spring. This gives a sense of buoyancy and

regular immersion bathing improves our

reduces all the pressure off your joints,

perceived health, skin condition, smile,

. They can dissolve surface sebum, this

social functioning, and mental health.

helps softens and smooth the skin.

Not to mention also lowering anxiety,


*Y. Goto, S. Hayasaka, S. Kurihara, and Y. Nakamura “Physical and Mental Effects of Bathing: A Randomized Intervention Study” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol 2018


Kinosaki Onsen Town (Hyogo), Priscilla Chong


the naked truth

Quite on trend at the moment in western


countries, perhaps you have come across

An onsen enthusiast myself I’ve tried

the word shinroku in a bookstore or on

everything from konyoku (mixed gender

some ‘self-love’ inspo websites. It means

bathing) to sunnayu (sand baths) in a

‘forest bathing’ and is a kind of meditation

wide range of regions across Japan. I am

where one ventures out into nature for

proud to say Akita is home to many of my

no specific purpose other than to just be

all time favourites. Nothing quite beats

in nature. Now, it doesn’t actually mean

the charm of soaking in a secluded forest

taking a bath in a forest, but since we live

onsen listening to the sounds of the wind

in Akita we CAN do that, too! I mean, is

and river. So just strip off and get in,

there a more natural way to meditate in

sounds simple right?

nature than being naked?

Sulphur spring eggs in Hakone onsen region


(Kanagawa), Priscilla Chong


The daunting part about all this isn’t

these as the norm. Just like that, we set the

whether or not you’ll have to book it

standards for beauty into an unreachable

with a bare buttock if a bear happens

position and every time we fail to reach

upon your rotenburo (outdoor bath). It’s

that bar our self-esteem takes a hit. Why

getting naked and being naked around

is this important? Well, there is a link

other people. We are comfortable with

between our self-esteem and our overall

shirtless men, tiny crop tops, barely-there

life satisfaction. Our psychology is quite

bikinis, underboob and side boob. (Does

fragile and can easily be influenced by

that tiny piece of fabric covering a nipple

negative thoughts. Body dissatisfaction is

or pubic area REALLY keep it a mystery?)

often the biggest contributor to negative

Why does the thought of full-body public

self-esteem. I believe public bathing could

nudity instil so much fear in us?

be beneficial in countering negative body stereotypes.

The answer is simple. We have become conditioned to think of our body as

A psychological study in 20117* explored

shameful. This isn’t a modern concept,


historically social status and religion

activities and self-esteem.

were the big enforcers of this “shame”.

widely defined as “going without clothes

Now we buy into ‘revenge bodies’, ‘beach

in the presence of non-intimate others,

bodies’ and even ‘post-baby bodies’.

or being nude in public without the

There is nothing wrong with wanting to

intention of being sexually stimulating”.

get in shape. However unrealistic body

The study concluded that seeing other

expectations are constantly being re-

people naked positively influenced the

enforced by social media. We have allowed

participant’s body image. An interesting

ourselves to be exposed to carefully edited

read if you have the time, the paper is

images of “real” bodies, internalising

available free.




Naturism is

* West, K. J Happiness Stud (2018) 19: 677. “Naked and Unashamed: Investigations and Applications of the Effects of Naturist Activities on Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Life Satisfaction”


the naked truth

It got me thinking, if seeing other people

constantly try to live up to. You don’t need

naked in naturist activities had this

to discuss your insecurities with other

impact. Then, onsen is a much easier

patrons in the onsen. You don’t need to

method, especially while living in Japan.

feel pressured to look a certain way or

Being naked to take a bath is the most

impress someone. Just the act of sitting

common reason for nudity, it can’t really

quietly in a public onsen (even if other

be considered a ‘nudist’ activity. Public

guests aren’t around) shows a willingness

bathing, either gender segregated or

to be vulnerable and accept being seen

mixed (work within your own comfort

as you are. Isn’t that what we are all

level) provides us with a controlled space

hoping for anyway, acceptance for being

to free ourselves of the expectations we





onsen experiences: two sides of the same bath priscilla chong For most of my formative years I had a

the one staring at others. There were

very unhealthy relationship with my

perky breasts, saggy breasts, wrinkly

body. Before I was 12 I was worried about

breasts, big ones, small ones, and nipples

the ‘extra’ bits of flab that other girls my

of every kind. I began to realise that no

age didn’t seem to have. I hated that no

one looked or judged, because no one

matter what I ate (or didn’t eat) I couldn’t

cared. The variety of bodies allowed me

look the way my friends did. I knew this

to step outside my anxiety and away from

kind of behaviour was unhealthy, but

the bikini body expectations I drilled into

I maintained this mentality for a long

myself from growing up by the beach.

time trying everything from paleo to the cabbage soup diet. I obsessed over

After moving to Japan I quickly fell in love

the number on the scales, ignoring the

with onsen culture. It has changed my

negative impact on my physical and

relationship with myself and improved

mental health.

my self-esteem. I’m not and never will be the idealised tanned and toned Australian

The first time I experienced public bathing

beach girl, but I’m okay with that. There

was during a spontaneous solo trip to

is no such thing as a “perfect” body and

South Korea when I was 19. I fretted in

we shouldn’t feel ashamed for being

the change room for a good 30 minutes


worried about other women judging my body, body hair, or stretch marks. I didn’t

As women we should expose ourselves,

realise it at the time, but in retrospect I

our peers, and future generations to a

must have looked like a pervert as I was

variety of bodies. I think it’s important we


the naked truth

view our physical differences in a positive

As an extreme minority living in rural

light, not only for ourselves but for each

japan, I get stared at. A lot. Of course,


it comes with the territory. I’ve learned very early in my time here in Akita to not

Everyday we experience things that give

let it get to me and to create a barrier to

us opportunities to change, to rise up from

protect myself from the criticisms, nasty

our personal weaknesses, to positively

looks, double-takes, you name it. In an

influence those around us, or make an impact on issues we believe in. These changes don’t need to be recognised by

“How did she even end up here?”

masses of people to be valuable, as the saying goes, all journeys start with a few

onsen however, I just cant seem to escape

small steps.

those looks. It’s a combination of being in an enclosed space, naked, with strangers who are different, yet racially, the same in silence, probably. Everyone assumes I don’t speak Japanese, so as I strip I’ll

jackie francois Many people associate going to onsen as “relaxing”, “refreshing” or “calming”. Taking in the natural landscape while

always here these side comments:

“Where could she be from? Africa?” “Should she really be here?”

immersing oneself in warm water and

“How did she even end up here?”

steam would encourage one to say so. In

“Woah! Is that what a black body looks

fact, I’d like to believe thats the case, too.

like? I didn’t know that [insert body part

However, like the famous JET saying goes, not every situation is the same.


here] looked like that…”


“Look at her hair! It’s [insert slightly

The stares linger a bit longer. The glances

offensive Japanese onomatopoeia for

become quizzical. The room gets a bit quieter.

kinky, curly hair here]”

Of course, my experiences aren’t always “Do black people even wash their hair?”

negative, but they do vary. I believe that

(this I get a lot because I can’t be

coming from a conservative family, the

bothered to spend an hour detangling,

idea of bathing publicly in the nude is

shampooing, and conditioning my hair

shocking, to say the least, but as an artist,

in the public bath.)

I’ve attended many nude model drawing sessions for classes. So the idea of nudity

You can correctly assume that I haven’t

wasn’t novelty to me. The reception

always had a positive onsen experience. In

towards my own, however, was.

fact, the comments affected me so much, that I just stopped going for a long time.

I don’t think one should let experiences

I got tired of interjecting conversations,

like these shake you. I’ve missed out on

and telling people off that it’s just rude to

many good opportunities and invites

talk about others, especially when they’re

because I let those negative experiences

sitting right in front of you.

and comments, get to me, but at the end of the day, like everything else, you just






gotta do you.

sexualised imagery that are often placed on black women, which are enforced by the little media that pervades into this island. I often hear much more sexually


based comments about my body than I do with my lighter-skin counterparts.


onsen feature: lamp no yado

Entrance of the waterfall viewing bath at Lamp no Yado (Aomori), Priscilla Chong



onsen feature

Lamp no Yado Aoni Onsen, Aomori Hidden deep within the mountains near the small town of Kuroishi lies a charming inn. It’s only December 1st, and yet the snow has already piled up into large snow drifts lining the narrow windy roads. The only transport available is a small shuttle bus; the skilled driver completely at ease as he expertly navigates us down a steep decline into the valley. Steam lightly floats through the air, and a few gas lamps create a hazy glow against the snow covered surroundings. A weekend away Lamp no Yado (Aoni onsen) felt as if I had time-slipped into an era past. Hundreds of gas lamps line the ryokan halls and light pathways to the various baths. It’s unlike any other ryokan I’ve stayed in. The lack of electricity, power outlets, and phone reception forced us to go off the grid. A lovely weekend with nothing but good company, simple food, and four beautiful onsen to enjoy.


onsen feature: lamp no yado ďťż


over the river and snowy forest, a small ryokan

veranda sitting above the moat running

experience is in the food. However if

around the ryokan, and a small lamp

traditional Japanese cuisine is not your

providing a golden glow over the room.

cup of tea, you may find yourself in a bit of

The bedding was a dream, the softest

a pickle (pun intended). Dinner included

linens on a futon so comfortable you just

simmered dishes, fresh salmon,

melted into it.






nabe, and more. Breakfast was a selection of pickles, rice, miso soup, and grilled


fish caught fresh from the river running

Lamp no Yado has four beautiful baths

by the inn. The chefs prepare seasonal

for guests to enjoy, including 3 gender

produce with simple flavors that pair well

separated baths and 1 konyoku (mixed).

together, truly a delight to the palatte.

The mixed outdoor bath and waterfall viewing bath are separated from the main


building across a small bridge on the

Warm and inviting are the two words I

property. Enjoying the cool air walking

would use to describe our accommodation

in a yukata (provided) along a dimly lit

for the night. Tatami, a window with views

path is part of the charm of this onsen. The largest bath (pictured opposite) was my favorite. Made from Hiba wood, with high ceilings and glass panelled windows , the bath had completely different atmospheres during





Lamp no Yado was founded in 1929. Traditional breakfast, Priscilla Chong



Large bath (above); Liam Fahy; Lamps at dining hall (below), Priscilla Cong

white is b This is the 3rd winter I’ve spent in Japan, but my first winter in Akita. For the last 2 I was in Kansai, so they were only cold with no snow. Coming to Akita I was afraid of the long winter, but now as it is already about to finish I am quite sad that there will be no more fun snow activities. Winter with endless white rice fields, beautiful snowy mountain views, and many activities to take part in is much more fun than the grayish-dark days in the city. I hope that many people can experience it. It is nice to become a child again and build a snowman with

Hachimantai Snow Monsters, Andrea Danko

eautiful! a team, take part in a snowball or rope pulling contest, or even build an igloo! But if you are not in the playing mood, you can just go and watch a ski contest, cheer for the fastest skiers, or just watch a snow volleyball match. Enjoying snow shoeing is a must, but it’s also quite tiring. For the views we could see on the day of Hina matsuri at the top of Hachimantai mountain I don’t mind walking for 14kms. They call the frozen trees ‘snow monsters’ or you can just call them zombies too. View of the mountains on such a clear day was just breathtaking.

andrea danko

white is beautiful

Making igloos, Andrea Danko



For people who want something a little bit easier, and have no energy to walk in the snow I would recommend ice fishing. Gandouko is in Iwate prefecture, but still near to Akita. An even easier activity is to take a train to a sake brewery and taste the many freshly made sake in one of the open-events (for example, Yashima, Yuzawa etc.) Finally, for people who do not drink you can enjoy winter fireworks by Lake Towada, Ooyu, or in Omagari. I enjoyed many festivals this year, including Yuzawa Inukko, Oga Sedo ‘Namahage’, Kamifusen




Hirosaki Castle lantern festival in Aomori. At Inukko I could enjoy cute snow dog shrine sculptures and many food stalls. The famous scary Namahage was too touristy for me, it felt crowded like Kyoto. Kamifusen paper lantern festival was just beautiful, although I could not stay until the end. I just hope it won’t get more crowded, otherwise people cannot enjoy it.


Hirosaki Castle snow lantern festival was the best for me. It is 3 days long so you can go anytime. During the daytime you can admire the snow sculptures and the park then at night everything is lit up. Since the castle garden is quite spacious you can walk around freely without bumping to other visitors. Talking about visitors, it felt like a real local festival, we met almost no foreigners as mainly locals enjoyed the festival. Just do not stay inside because it is cold, it is cold inside anyway. Find the best activity for yourself and enjoy it with the locals!


Snow volleyball, Andrea Danko

winter festiv

Akita is home to some of the most visually stunning events in

regions, paired with cold snowy winters, people here love to

your evening having fun in the snow isn’t the worst way to sp

most number of festivals throughout the year, and not only th

monsters, but where else do you find fire swinging, bamboo fi

Here are some of the best snapshots of some A

vals in akita

n Japan. Perhaps due to being one of the top sake producing

o hold festivals. Drinking nihonshu to stay warm and spend

pend winter. Compared to the rest of Tohoku, Akita holds the

he most but the most interesting. Sure Yamagata has Zao snow

fights, igloo cafes, and monsters that purposely scare children.

Akita winter fun taken by our own Akita JETs.

naked man festival Braving the cold in your birthday suit

The walk to the shrine (Yurihonjo), Caitlin Wilcox

Participants pose for a photo (Yurihonjo), Caitlin Wilcox

kamifusen A paper balloon sky lantern festival in Senboku

As the last big festival I hadn’t experienced

advise taking the train in. The festival was

it was my mission to go to Kamifusen this

magical, to say the least. Kicking it off was

winter. Having heard the nightmarish

a timed release of both large and small

traffic stories of the previous year, we set

decorated balloons soaring into the sky

out rather early to get to Kamihinokinai.

to a backdrop of fireworks. Spectators

It was a wise decision for as we started

are encouraged to join in the action,

closing in on the town around 5pm most

but finding an open space to hold the

car parks had already filled up. At 8pm

balloon was a battle in itself. Apart from

there were still hundreds of cars stuck in

the delightful sky views, the highlight of

traffic trailing down the mountain with no

the night was being able to decorate and

chance of reaching the festival. For those

release our own lantern with wishes for

of you thinking of going next year, I highly

the new year. Let’s hope they come true!


priscilla chong

Kamifusen festival (Senboku), Priscilla Chong

inukko festival Snow dogs and snowy days

Inukko (Yuzawa), Caitlin Wilcox



Inukko snow dog and shrine (Yuzawa), Caitlin Wilcox

Taiko performance at Inukko Festival (Yuzawa). Pimms Hubbell

the g


good doggos of akita Adorable snapshots of some festival floofers


sedo ‘namahage’ fes Making children cry since 1964

Namahage at Sedo Festival (Oga), Andrea Danko


Namahage at Sedo Festival (Oga), Caitlin Wilcox



takeuchi festival One of Japan’s most dangerous events

Round 3 fighting at Takeuchi, Priscilla Chong

felix clutson We set out for Misato armed with

Our drive to the car park was

slightly bewildered curiosity and

delayed by a bunch of drunk lads

very little knowledge. We knew

wandering aimlessly down the

there was a lot of bamboo, some

middle of the road, one of whom

fire, and what the Akita JET wiki

had nabbed a security officer’s

page had described as, ‘more

flashing baton and was waving it

hooligan fights than an English

gleefully at the rest of the officials,

soccer match’

who blithely ignored him.

Bonfire at Takeuchi, Priscilla Chong


The town’s men were divided into

it, so ignite it they did... They’d taken

two groups (representing North and

all the lunar new year decorations to

South of the town). There didn’t

made a giant bonfire, and they lit the

appear to be any pre-match stretching

beast before the third round. To the

or tactical recaps being handed out by

huddled masses it was a welcome bit

anyone you’d guess was the gaffer, but

of warmth, and watching the glowing

there was a bloke, standing stoically

ashes of new year wishes floating

with his arms crossed in a robe and

into the night really did have a poetic

a motorbike helmet. The lads were

quality to it.

basically milling around, attempting to bang their bamboo poles together,

To be honest, it was impressive

which to be fair, was pretty tricky,

anyone landed decent blows, because

because those sticks are probably five

the poles are so unwieldy, and real

or six metres.

heavy, so getting them back into the sky amongst a storm of other poles,

The build-up consisted of a lot of

after striking downwards, was quite

whooping, battle cries, horn-blowing

an achievement in itself. After the

and stick-bashing, wonderfully under-

three rounds, the North was declared

scored by a recording of some kids

victorious (thus, as tradition goes,

singing gentle songs drifting over the

securing a good rice harvest for the

tannoy. However, we didn’t have long

year). By what criteria and whose

to wait until our MC called a start to

judgement this decision was taken,

proceedings. The lads charged and

appeared to be a complete mystery,

went hell for leather at each other for

but I doubt anyone will be worried

a couple of minutes. It was a derby

about that when they’re tucking into

that was crying out for a spark to ignite

an onigiri at the end of summer.

... 60

yokote kamakura Chilling with friends in igloos

Kamakura at Yokote Castle, Priscilla Chong



Mini Kamakura by the river, Caitlin Wilcox

winter festivals


Kamakura, Caitlin Wilcox (opposite) Hiburi Kamakura, Priscilla Chong

hiburi kamakura Fire bending in Kakunodate

winter festivals Cancer by horoscope, water monkey by

as Zuko. The hiburi kamakura festival is

zodiac, it’s pretty clear that my affiliated

one of my favorite winter events in Aktia.

element is the good ol’ mizu. But in the

Where else in the world would it be chill

words of one of the best shows ever....

to pass children a ball of straw on a rope,

everything changed when the fire nation

set it on fire, then tell them to swing it

attacked. Channeling my inner Avatar

for good luck, then let that flaming ball

I felt a rush of endorphins as the giant

of fire fly dangerously into the area of

ball of fire swung around me. Perhaps I

onlookers. The festival is held over 2

was too into my character, for suddenly

nights in Kakunodate. It’s only a mere

the fire was dangerously close to my face,

500yen to join in, for that kind of price

almost leaving me with the same scar

you can do it again, and again, and again.



priscilla chong

(above and opposite) ALTs at Hiburi Kamakura, Priscilla Chong


priscilla chong & guests


Tasit dis quationet exeruntiae est pro cum cuptatur aut laut velland ignist delitis volorem quo ilis reian delendis et rerum vollacienis et volorem oluptatias sam lab ipsum et autas dolupti aepero quaturias et aut que nusda volectur?

Easy Vegetable Soup Serves: 4 Time: 60 minutes What you’ll need:

In a large soup pot heat the olive oil

1 Tbsp olive oil

Add onions, carrots, and celery and saute

1/2 brown onion (chopped)

4 minutes

2 large carrots (chopped) 1 1/2 sticks of celery (chopped)

Add garlic and saute for 30 seconds

2 cloves garlic (minced) 2 cans low-sodium chicken broth or

Add in broth tomatoes, potatoes, parsley,

vegetable broth

bay leaves, thyme

1 can diced tomatoes (undrained) 2 potatoes (peeled and chopped)

Season with salt and pepper and adjust

1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley

herbs to taste

1 bay leaves 1/4 tsp dried thyme

Bring to a boil, then add green beans

Salt and freshly ground black pepper 3/4 cup chopped frozen or fresh green

Reduce heat to medium-low, cover and


simmer for 20 - 30 minutes

1/2 cup frozen or fresh corn 1/2 cup frozen or fresh peas

Add corn and peas and cook 5 minutes


winter recipes

Japanese Souffle Pancakes

Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites into two bowls

Serves: 3 pancakes Time: 45 minutes

Cover the whites with plastic wrap and chill in the freezer for 15 minutes.

What you’ll need: 2 large eggs

Add milk and vanilla to the yolks and

1 ½ Tbsp whole milk

whisk until frothy (the mixture should

¼ tsp vanilla extract

turn slightly pale and thicken)

¼ cup cake flour ½ tsp baking powder

Sift flour and baking powder into the

2 Tbsp sugar

yolk mixture, gently whisk to combine

1 Tbsp neutral flavor oil 2 Tbsp water (for steaming)

Remove egg whites from the freezer then sing an electric mixer beat the egg

Serving Suggestions:

whites until frothy

Stack the pancakes to get the ultimate

Slowly add the sugar in small portions,

wobbly satisfaction

beating continuously until all the sugar is added and the egg whites turn glossy

Highlight the pancakes flavor by

and make soft peaks

keeping it simple with a cube of butter and maple syrup

Gently fold egg whites into yolk mixture(be careful not to break the air

Go for the insta-worthy aesthetic with fresh berries and fresh cream


bubbles or it wont be fluffy)


Heat a large frypan on low and lightly

After 2 minutes add final scoop of batter

brush with oil

and some more water, cover and steam

Scoop batter for 3 pancakes into the

After 6-7 minutes carefully flip the

heated pan (you will layer the batter so

pancakes over

don’t go overboard in the first round) Add some water, cover with a lid and Carefully add a second layer of batter to

cook for 4-5 minutes

the pancakes, and then a third layer Check out the recipe with visual instructions at:

Add water to the pan, cover with a lid,

and steam for 6-7 minutes



winter recipes

Aubergine Parmigiana (Eggplant Parmesan) Slice the aubergine into rounds about Serves: 2

1cm thick, sprinkle with salt and set

Time: 60 minutes

aside for 15 minutes

What you’ll need:

Put some flour in a shallow dish or plate,

2 medium aubergines (eggplants)

season with salt, pepper, oregano, and

Plain flour

other herbs as you please

1 egg (beaten) 1 jar tomato & basil pasta sauce

Rinse the aubergines and pat dry with

Dried oregano

paper towels

Salt and cracked black pepper Panko crumbs

Heat a generous amount of oil in a pan

Parmesan cheese

Dip the aubergine slices in the egg then

Mozzarella cheese

coat in flour mixture, shallow fry the

Neutral oil (for frying)

slices until golden In an oven dish, layer the aubergine with the pasta sauce, and cheeses Top the dish with panko crumbs mixed with parmesan cheese Bake in the oven at 200°C for 20-30 minutes

... 73


08 Coffee (Akita City), Sasha Katzalay

the lonely sasha guide: cafes

Cafes has become a very versatile factor in my life: They find a place in my day at 7am when I rush through Starbucks with barely enough time to make my transfer, and then they also find a place in my weekend when I want to disappear into my scrap book for a few hours. The difference in experience balances on the question: am I consuming or am I tasting? When it comes to tasting, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the cafes sprinkled about Akita City and I have composed the following guide in the hopes that it will enrich your next caffeinated or sweets related experience.

Café 1: Kissa KitoKito 喫茶キトキト (Kissa KitoKito). Seated in the Kawabata area. Open from 10 am until 8 pm, the café offers an ideal night time setting for those who don’t drink but still want to have a nightlife experience. A rustic antique interior suggests that the café’s beginning drew inspiration from a western or European-styled home. Old



and new books and magazines fill the

め (osusume) coffee,” or simply find the

shelves, simple lights drop down from the

price you want to pay, point, and see what

ceiling, and the carefully crafted cluttered

shows up. During my visit, I went with

gives off the sense of a warm and fulfilling

the ‘cake and drink set’ for 900 yen which

inhabitants. While the brick walls and

gave me the freedom to choose a slice of

wooden dining furniture may present as a

cheesecake and a glass of orange juice. My

novelty to the locals, it reminds me of home

visit fell around 6pm and the lights that

in Canada. Various coffee, cakes, teas, and

bloomed from the surrounding bars made

liquor are abundantly scratched across a

something of a quiet, magical moment.

chalkboard for the customers’ viewing. Note that the menu is entirely in Japanese,

Kito Kito is closed on Tuesday and

so if you are unsure, go with the “おすす


喫茶キトキト〒010-0921 秋田県秋田市大町3丁目2−31


the lonely sasha guide: cafes

カフェ フェルム (Creperie cafe Ferme) 〒010-0003 秋田県秋田市東通1丁目11−3

Café 2: Cafe Ferme カフェ フェルム (Creperie cafe Ferme) can

importantly, the rich and flavorful meal

be found on the south side of かんとうの通

did not transform into a heavy weight at

り (Kanto no dori) on the east side of Akita

the bottom of my stomach. Crepes range

Station. The spirit of the name ‘Ferme’

from approximately 650 to 800 which

(farmhouse in French) is directly reflected

settles well when you can experience

in the warm and wooden interior that

the taste of locally, responsibly sourced

greets the customer. A plethora of foliage

ingredients. Reminiscent of someone’s

bursts from the walls and ceiling to throw

country home, the café incorporates the

deep shades of green across the space and

customer to feel a sense of familiarity and

are only broken up by the chandeliers

during your stay, you may even be visited

and faerie lights mounted about the

by the owners’ child whose excitement

small room. The big draw of the café,

can be heard throughout the venue.

however, came from the menu. As the café specialized in crepes, it felt contradictory not to order the ‘compote de pomme’




crepe). I was pleasantly greeted with the option for my crepe to be made with regular flour or buckwheat flower. This made the generous scoops of ice cream and caramelized apples feel slightly less self-indulgent, but more


Café Ferme is closed on Monday.

the lonely sasha guide: cafes

08coffee 〒010-0952秋田県秋田市山王新町13-21三栄ビル2F



Café 3: 08 Coffee

08 Coffee can be found a block away from Yabaseundōkōen, perfect for city ALTs after a BOE day. The inception of this modern meets rustic café occurred back in 2011 and its inspiration, I’m told, was sparked by the need for balance between the antique and modern. Simple and weathered wood rises out of the cracked concrete floor while elegantly crafted chairs of different shapes and sizes find their place around the small room. What attracted me to this space was how many different micro sceneries it held. If you felt privet, you could tuck yourself away at the bar table where your distractions would be minimized to the white bookshelf built into the wall. But for those who wished for a view, the panoramic window could be enjoyed individually at another bar table, or by the two sets of arm chairs.


the lonely sasha guide: cafes

I took the baristas recommendation of

my favourite coffee stop to date. On

crème brulee and the #8 blend of black

your way out, make sure to make a quick

coffee. Delicious, to say the least, and a

right and visit their store where you can

sophisticated marriage between sweet

purchase 08’s original brand of coffee.

and bitter. Unlike the confections and coffee you might find in the convenience

08 Coffee is closed on Wednesday

store and coffee chains, it was evident that my set was made with great care and this sentiment mirrored by timely and gracious service. In the end, my total bill came to exactly 1000 yen but I assure you that the price was worth the absolute calm and peace I was offered. The minimalist interior paired with the unobtrusive music made this possibly



Mini Kamakura, Jillian Camille





horoscopes lexi baker

Make sure to also check your cusp sign, if you were born on a cusp, or your Moon sign! PISCES


(February 19 – March 20)

(March 21 – April 19)

You might be feeling a little overwhelmed

Pisces season isn’t exactly where you

and emotional lately. After all, Mercury is

thrive, but the moon is currently

currently on its way through a particularly



long retrograde in your star sign. Plans



might fail, or you might find yourself falling

sense of urgency into

short of personal goals. Don’t let yourself


fall back on avoidance and escapism!

boredom of March,

Even if you’re feeling overly sensitive, it’s

you’re pretty much

important to remember you excel when it

ready to participate

comes to intuition and emotional literacy.


Rather than getting too frustrated and


ignoring these good qualities, make sure


to address your problems with clear

to slow down and pay

communication when they arise. Post-

attention to all the ways old

retrograde you will thank you!

connections are popping up again




Aries, a






in your life. Is there anything from the This





Strawberry Coolish—sweet like you!


past worth revisiting, or are the people you’re currently spending time with a


better fit? If you have any regrets or old,

try harder to excel in that environment.

unaddressed feelings, now is the time to

You’ve grown more than you believe you

bring them to light; otherwise, let your

have! Make more of an effort to befriend

old baggage go with the retrograde and

coworkers, and really look for new ways

step into the Aries spotlight on the 20th!

to let your creativity shine during deskwarming season at work. Everything will






feel better once the snow finally melts!

Karamucho hot chili potato sticks. Be This month’s lucky conbini snack: Peach


flavored Coca Cola. Get out of your


comfort zone!

(April 20 – May 20) You might be feeling as



GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

clinging to the past

You’re feeling the weight of Mercury’s

while everything in

retrograde this month. You’re full of

your life is sending

energy and ideas for the future, but

you hurtling toward

you’re not quite sure how to make them




a reality! Take notes for yourself, and see




this as an ongoing project—the goals

out of Taurus, you’ll start

that really stick with you a month or two

to feel more at peace with

from now are the ones worth pursuing.

your current situation. Take a deep

Additionally, you’ll enjoy a rush of new

breath and accept that change is not

friendships if you keep yourself open to

always negative; if anything, you should

meeting new people and enjoying new

embrace where you are currently, and

experiences. Aquarius in Venus will hit you



with a heightened ability to connect with

more than happy to return the favor for

others. Say yes to everything, and enjoy

all the support you’ve given them in the

expanding your circle. You’ll definitely

past. They’re simply waiting for you to be

have a fun time this Pisces season, even


if these new relationships don’t solidify into strong friendships moving forward.

This month’s lucky conbini snack: A classic iced latte—go ahead and put a

This month’s lucky conbini snack: Ikinari

caffeinated pep in your step.

Steak flavored Doritos. Enjoy all your new, Japan-exclusive experiences.


(July 23 – August 22)

(June 21 – July 22)

As a fixed sign, be wary of being too

By nature, you’re always thinking about

inflexible this month. Not everything is

what could go wrong, especially when

about you, and your loved ones might

Mercury’s in retrograde. Instead of letting

need you as much as you need them. Are

yourself feel anxious and closed-off, why

you listening carefully when others speak

not try something new and see where

to you? This is a good time to focus on

your inspiration takes you? You’re feeling

relationships one-on-one and reaffirm

deeply connected to your past right now;

how important these people are to you.

accept your history and hold it close, but

Review your closest friendships—or love

be prepared to turn these old feelings

interests—and reflect on how the two

into something productive and new

of you are dividing the emotional labor.

when Mercury turns direct next month.

Accommodating and caring for others can

Stop putting so much of yourself into

be its own reward, and they’ll definitely

others, and don’t be afraid to ask for help

have your back when you need their

when necessary! Your friends would be

support most! Reach out, invite friends to



dinner, and be receptive to anything they






might have to say.

TOUGH gummies. A snack with a weird name, perfect for sharing with friends.

This month’s lucky conbini snack: Tuna mayo onigiri—a tasty and filling classic.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)


As a cardinal sign of the zodiac, you’re

(August 23 – September 22)

highly motivated and insightful—and very

With your ruling planet in retrograde,

easy to make friends with! You like being

you’re seeing problems everywhere with

included, and you like understanding a

your friends or family that you wish you

variety of different viewpoints. If you’re

could simply fix for them. Don’t stretch

feeling a bit drained this month, however,

yourself too thin!While the people you care

it’s okay to step back and take some time

for are working on bettering themselves,

to reinvigorate yourself. Focus on your

take some time to better yourself, too.

own health and wellbeing. Superficial

Rather than coming off as too critical

friends and less-important acquaintances

about how others are living their lives,

will fade to the background, while your

look inward and reflect on the things you

ruling planet Venus will usher in new

could be doing for yourself. Now is a great

and stronger connections with friends

time for some spring cleaning, physically

you really want to know better—so make

and emotionally. When others do come

plans to catch the cherry blossoms with

to you with their troubles, be prepared to

them in April.

listen and support, rather than buckling down to find a solution—otherwise you

This month’s lucky conbini snack: Kappa

might just come across as unsympathetic

ebisen. Almost too fishy to eat, but you

and cold.

can’t put them down, either.





(October 23 – November 21)

(November 22 – December 21)

You’re a very private person, and you like

Jupiter’s transit into your sign this year

your own company more than anyone

is still sending out thoroughly positive

else’s. However, this Mercury retrograde

vibes for growth, transformation, and

calls to your own water sign nature, and

new opportunities! Even if you’ve been

you might be feeling some of the effects!

experiencing a lingering, low-grade sense

This month, let yourself be honest

of anxiety this year, continue to have faith

and open, especially with your friends,

in good things being just around the

and shake things up by joining group

corner for you. Work at your own pace.

activities. Everyone will be thrilled to

This is an ideal time to expand your social

include you! Additionally, your ruling

crowd and try out new hobbies, especially

planet, Pluto, is in Capricorn, prompting

as the weather gets nicer! Make sure to

financial transformation. Rather than

call your loved ones if you’ve been too

letting yourself be stressed by change,

busy to stay in touch lately. They’ll really

remain open to any new career shifts and

appreciate the effort, and they’re looking

opportunities that come throughout this

forward to hearing about all the cool

month and the next. This window of your

things you’ve been doing.

life is all about lowering your walls and benefitting from the results!

This month’s lucky conbini snack: Egg sandwich flavored Pringles. What do you






Snickers bar—it always has your back.


have to lose?




(December 22 – January 19)

(January 20 – February 18)

Your ruling planet, Saturn, is currently at

With Venus entering Aquarius this month,

home in your sign, urging you to think

you have plenty to look forward to. Good

critically about your life. You’re working

things are ready to enter your life as long

hard and seeing results—but are you

as you remain open to them, so say yes

keeping everything in balance, or are

to new opportunities. Additionally, if

certain aspects of your life suffering

you’ve been thinking about a new haircut

while you dedicate yourself to your job? If

or wardrobe upgrade for spring, now is

you’re feeling lonely and closed off from

absolutely the time to follow through!

friends or coworkers, it might be time to

However, be careful you’re not wasting

step back and recognize that, while they

your energy on relationships that aren’t

have faith in your ability to do your work

really going anywhere, or putting too

well, they can’t connect with you if you

much of your time into projects that aren’t

don’t lower your walls a little. Let yourself

bearing fruit. As you take care of yourself,

be genuine and open, and make sure to

remember to throw out any unwanted or

listen to others as well. You’ll see results

unnecessary baggage in your life, too!

in no time! This month’s lucky conbini snack: Pocky This month’s lucky conbini snack: Calbee


Sapporo Vegetable

Chocolate). Be luxurious!







vegetable fries, that means they’re healthy!



winter reads

winter reads reza danesh-pajooh

2001 Nights

colonizing the stars. Accounts include the

Yukinobu Hoshino

exploration of the moon, the development of cryogenics to facilitate space travel, all science-fiction

the way to dark-matter engines capable of

manga about humanity and its tentative

powering faster-than-light travel. On the

first steps into the solar system is as

spectrum of soft Sci-Fi to hard Sci-Fi,

gripping as it is idealistic. Hoshino’s

Hoshino stands closer towards the “hard”



end of the scale. In spite of this, he leaves

effervescent and tangible that even the

room for the fantastic and philosophical.






most battle-hardened cynic will find themselves rooting for humanity as we

One of the episodes in the series that

advance further and further away from

stands out to me is the discovery of a

Earth throughout the course of the series.

planet at the very edge of our solar system that had been undetected until that time.

Published in the mid-1980s, “2001 Nights”

The planet is made up entirely of anti-

opens up with the small discrepancy of

matter and runs in an orbit contrary to

the Soviet Union surviving past the 1990s.

the rest of the planets. Lots of symbolism

After that, however, each episode in the

and metaphors spread on Earth about the

three-volume series portrays a different

“ungodliness” of this celestial body and

event in humanity’s march towards

the Pope, who leads the charge against



interacting with “Lucifer” (the name of

development, he is able to deliver a

the planet and a very subtle reference),

startlingly impactful series in only three

sends Father Chavez—both a priest and

volumes. Combine that with the fact

scientist—to join the team investigating

that his artwork is far divorced from

it. This episode is especially compelling

the stereotypical “anime” art style, “2001

because the main conflict of the story

Nights” is an incredibly approachable

comes from within Father Chavez himself

work even for those who actively avoid

as he tries to reconcile his identity as both

reading comics. Highly recommended

a man of science and a man of faith.

series that can be re-read countless times.






My Rating: ★★★★

spiritual happenings, emphasizes the theme of ambiguous truth, and ultimately concludes the series with the idea that

The Lord of the Sands of Time

even if we are alone in the universe,

Issui Ogawa

we have each other, and the reluctant acquiescence of that fact is what makes

I went back home to America during

this series so powerful.

Winter Vacation and happened to stumble upon this book I had purchased over five

As I mentioned, “2001 Nights” is an

years ago. “The Lord of the Sands of Time”

episodic work, where almost none of the

is a soft sci-fi series clocking in at about

characters are re-used (apt, since the time

200 pages making it a quick read with a

frame between each story ranges from a

fun, if slightly banal, action story. That’s

couple of decades to over hundreds of

about the extent of praise I can muster for

years). By focusing on the leitmotif of his

this book. I’m very heavily biased against

work, rather than individual character

time-travel stories on principle. Out of


winter reads

all the sci-fi I’ve ever read, there were

of upstreaming into the past, and from

only two or three books that managed to

then on it becomes a race to go further

handle time-travel in a way that I thought

and further into the past, shamelessly

was innovative or creative. This was not

rewriting history, all in order to stop the

one of them.

human race from being obliterated.

The crux of the story centers on the

It goes without saying, the way that

fact that in the far future the Earth

upstreaming works makes absolutely no

is no longer inhabitable due to a war

sense and if there is a semblance of logic

between humanity and a race of bug-

behind it, I couldn’t bring myself to care

like aliens. We were forced to retreat past

about the story enough to try and figure

the asteroid belt and an uneasy ceasefire

it out. For a mostly character-driven

reigned. During this period, we started

narrative the exposition is especially

developing cyborgs capable of perfectly

weak, the bond formed between the main

imitating humans, including our desire

character and his later love interest is

for love, intimacy, creativity, and purpose.

forced, and the aliens are confusingly

After a few years, the cyborgs’ mission is

presented as both mindless insects yet

revealed. They are dispatched to time-

intelligent enough to burrow down into

travel (referred to as upstreaming) into

the Earth’s core to fuel their subsequent

the past to prevent the aliens from ever

upstreams. Finally, the reason why the

being able to overwhelm Earth’s defenses

aliens even attacked in the first place is

in the first place. Naturally, as this is a

ludicrous enough that I wish it hadn’t

story about humanity, the people from

been revealed, and the main conflict is

the past do not take the cyborg’s warnings

resolved with a Deus ex Machina that

seriously and refuse to mobilize quickly

would cause a time paradox; a sin on top

enough to counter the aliens’ plans. As

of a sin.

it turns out, the aliens were also capable




There’s no grand narrative being told

came to “kidnap” the second prince of

here and I think Ogawa is aware of that,

the New Yogo Kingdom to protect him

wanting to present a fun, action-movie-

from assassins within the palace. The

esque story more than anything else.

reason for his assassination is not due to

That, in and of itself, makes “The Lord of

standard court politics, but because an

the Sands of Time” fine for what it is but

ancient demon is suspected of laying an

not worthy of recommendation.

“egg” inside the prince. After Balsa saves

his life by chance, the prince’s mother

My Rating: ★★

decides to entrust him into Balsa’s care. What evolves from there is a fairly typical coming-of-age adventure story where

Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit

Chagum, (the prince) removed from the

Nahoko Uehashi

safety of the palace, has to learn what it means to be independent.

Full disclosure: I’m still working through this book in English. I did, however, read

This alone would make it a fairly run-of-

the Japanese version:「精霊の守り人」so I’ll

the-mill story at best in my eyes. But what

be basing this review off of that experience.

truly gives Moribito momentum is how

“Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit” is more

it breaks a lot of the “rules” of young-

or less a typical young-adult novel with

adult fiction. First and foremost, the main

a basic premise. That being said, there

character is not the child prince Chagum,

are a few factors that make it unique

but Balsa, the 30-year-old female warrior.

and gripping enough to motivate me to

Actually, the only child in the whole cast

complete the entire Moribito series.

of main characters is Chagum himself. Another interesting rule that Uehashi

The story is centered around a female

breaks is that the conflict of the story is not

bodyguard named Balsa, and how she

clear-cut black and white. The existence


winter reads

of the “demon” that plagues Chagum, the

make it seem alive and interconnected.

deeper role it plays in the world, and the

Uehashi obviously wrote about a subject

unlikely cooperation between opposing

that she has authority in and it only

groups makes the latter half of the story

enriches the story as a whole. Also, reading

that much more compelling to older

the story in Japanese is great language


practice, so I can easily recommend “Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit” for

Finally, an interesting thing to note is that

that reason alone!

Uehashi holds a doctorate in ethnology and it shows. So much of the exposition

My Rating: ★★★

in the story describes the class differences between the people in the capital of New Yogo and how the layout of the city formed

The Routledge Course in Japanese

over years of stratification. Balsa speaks


multiple languages and has visited many

Yoko Hasegawa

countries, so a lot of her early lessons with Chagum are about teaching him the

This is a little different from anything

differences between cultures, languages,

I’ve reviewed before, but I think that

and religions. The story also features the

this textbook is a valuable resource that

Yakoo, a tribe of people indigenous to the

people here in Akita might be interested

peninsula where the New Yogo Kingdom

in. “The Routledge Course in Japanese

was founded, and whose traditional

Translation” is, as written on the cover,

festivals and songs have deeper meanings

a course-book for Japanese and English

in regards to the mystery behind the

translation. Personally, I think this book is

demon, and the history of the royal

a must read for anyone aspiring towards

family. So many of these things come into

a career in localization or interpretation.

play and not only flesh out the world, but



Hasegawa compiled this book over the

Amazon works just as well for almost the

course of a few years of teaching classes

same price.

at Berkley. It contains the basics of translation (including relevant vocabulary

I highly recommend this textbook to

used in the industry and so on), but the

anyone interested in translation, and

meat of the book lies in the methodology

also to any aspiring linguist interested

of translating from Japanese to English

in exploring the differences between

and vice-versa. It offers insight not only

Japanese and English.

on practical translation, but also cultural nuance on Japanese writing habits,

My Rating: ★★★★

typical word choice, and so on. This book is effective not only as an introductory text, but can bolster those with translating experience to further improve their techniques. “The Routledge Course in Japanese Translation” makes use of novel excerpts, news clippings, poems, encyclopedia entries, and more in the translation exercises in order to give the reader a balanced sample size of the potential writing styles and source texts out there.

Have any ideas for great books to reccommend to your fellow JETs? Send your suggestions to Reza at!


include a short review, a favorite passage or quote, and why you think it’s the perfect read!


The course-book itself is neatly organized and easy to digest, and should a physical copy be too much of a hassle to carry around, the kindle version available on



(above and opposite) Winter scenes, Jillian Camille


night granite

NIGHT GRANITE felix clutson

You hear a splash

Turning you peer

Then the spread of cold

Through glass bursting

Damp denim

With reflected strips

Cold calves

Cold cut pane

The night draws in

Looming through rubber seals

As your draw your coat

Twice shaped lozenges

And the water draws up your leg

Safe and sound

Drawing a line from puddle downroad

Rattle and bump

Climbing gaps, you mount

Peer harder

Slouch, hope that no one will encroach

Perhaps hand cupped

On our warming, collar up

Searching for secrets in the night

Thawing space

I came for you and your whispered dark



I see nothing

When we return to stamping streets

But it is a nothing of substance

Searching for pools

A nothing of matter

From standing light cranes

Held back by the chunter of speed and

Spaced along pavements


The runway lights of home We watch our shadows

Once past the straight line of station

Against the rain-soaked reflection streets

There is nothing but the dark The dark of valleys and hills

The night is not a trail of dawn and dusk

Of nights with heavy hearts

But a black-hewn stone of strength and silence

The darkness does not look back at you

The cover of evening

It simply removes light

The granite of night

Strips it and bends it back across the land


It is obsidian, hard as the Earth’s foundations


Sake Brewery, Andrea Danko



the staff of the akitan would like many talented contributing

Most photographs are credited in pla

Caitlin Wilcox (background images p.36, 52-55) Sasha Katzalay (background images p.78-85)

Priscilla Chong (background images p.42-43; banner p.102) Danelle Acker (background image p.22) Kate Smith (background images p. 11)

e to extend our grattitude to our writers and photographers .

ace, but we would also like to thank: Josh Rangel, via (background image p.88-89) Toa Heftiba, via (background image p.72) Cera Chiu, via (background image p75) Patrick Tomasso, via (banner p.94)

Thank you for reading



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