The Akitan Winter 2019

Page 10

if  you’re not first you’re last

IF YOU’RE NOT FIRST YOU’RE LAST kate smith If you had one shot, or one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment. Would you capture it, or just let it slip? In my case, I let my opportunity slip.

Every year at the beginning of March, the

Actually I let it roll a couple times then

“けっつじょり 世界選手権 (Ketsujori World

sadly slide across the finish line. My

Championship)” is held. A winding course

little town, Chokai, does its best to get

carved out of the snow up by the Sarukura

on the map. “How can we attract more

Onsen is the stage for this competition.

tourists? How can we show the rest of

You trek to the top of the slope and slide

Akita that we’re more than just a hike up

down on a fertilizer bag using your hips to

a mountain?” Well, by hosting a sledding

navigate the turns. You get two timed runs

competition, duh.

and they’re added together, the lowest total


Sledding competition, Priscilla Chong

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