"Dear Friends,
We have a saying that 'Wounds made by a sword will heal, but wounds caused by bitter speech will not heal.' The war of Mahabharata proves this saying. Draupadi's harsh words for Duryodhan, 'A blind man's son is also blind', started the Mahabharata war, which led to destruction. Such is the effect of speech. Hence, it is said, When you call a one -eyed man (kano), `kano', the taunt feels bitter. Instead, ask him softly, how he lost his eye.
Pleasant speech will never hurt anyone. So, why should we be stingy with pleasant speech? But, what should one do if pleasant speech cannot be uttered? Param Pujya Dadashri has given excellent examples in this issue, which also includes detailed understanding on the scientific effects of spoken words and how to make speech pleasant.
So come, let us put an end to bitter speech, and endeavor to articulate pleasant speech through this understanding."