Friends, In our culture, people are involved in various types of delicate relationships, one of which is between guru and disciple. The relationship between guru and disciple is one of unconditional love, oneness, true and total surrender. A stain should neither fall upon nor be seen on such a sacred relationship. Warning about this, Param Pujya Dadashri used say that a guru should not have any impurity whatsoever especially regarding money or sexual matters. If one notices such behavior then one should immediately walk away from there. Many examples of this sacred relationship have been presented in this issue. The fine understanding of why we need a guru, what a true disciple (student) should be like, how a guru moulds a student, what intentions should a student have towards the guru, etc has been weaved together in the form of short stories. So come, let us enjoy this excellent issue, and get the inspiration to become true disciples.