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Aksel Alvarez-Jurgueson | Architekt
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Alvarez Jurgueson, Aksel Javier Brahms 6, 68165 Mannheim 0621 1228.51.77 0157 7874.32.65 Spanier 21.9.1981 Männlich
Berufserfahrung Zeitraum Beruf oder Funktion Wichtigtätigkeiten und Zuständigkeiten Name und Adresse des Arbeitsgebers Tätigskeitbereich oder Branche Zeitraum Beruf oder Funktion Wichtigtätigkeiten und Zuständigkeiten Name und Adresse des Arbeitsgebers Tätigskeitbereich oder Branche Zeitraum Beruf oder Funktion Wichtigtätigkeiten und Zuständigkeiten Name und Adresse des Arbeitsgebers Tätigskeitbereich oder Branche Zeitraum Beruf oder Funktion Wichtigtätigkeiten und Zuständigkeiten Name und Adresse des Arbeitsgebers Tätigskeitbereich oder Branche
Architekt | Aksel Alvarez-Jurgueson
1.12.2009 - 30.6.2010 Projektleiter Koordinierung des Teams für die Entwicklung von bundesweiten Prototypen und Projekten von Sozialwohnungen. Ministerium für öffentliche Arbeiten und Wohnungsbau Av. Fco. Miranda MOPVI Gebäude, 1010A Caracas (Venezuela)
Amtlich 1.4.2009 - 30.11.2009 Direktionsassistent Projektleiter * Vorbereitung öffentlicher und privater Ausschreibungen. * Projektbegleitung. Gesamtkosten: ca. 30 Mio. USD * Koordination von Geschäftpartnern und Unterlieferanten Grupo Padiper, C.A. Av. Ppal. Bello Monte C.C. Bello Monte Ofc. 4L, 1010A Caracas (Venezuela)
Baugewerbe / Bau 1.2.2009 - 30.4.2009 Junior Architekt Koordinierung von Aktivitäten der Nationalwohnungsprogrammplanung im südlichen Venezuela Ministerium für öffentliche Arbeiten und Wohnungsbau Av. Fco. Miranda MOPVI Gebäude, 1010A Caracas (Venezuela)
Amtlich 1.4.2008 - 28.2.2009 Architekt Berufserfahrung in Wettbewerben und der Entwicklung von kommerziellen Projekten. Koordination und Zusammenarbeit mit Technischen Beratern Lasala y Lasala Arquitectura S.A. Av. Ppal. Bello Monte CC Bello Monte Ofc. 5K, 1010A Caracas (Venezuela)
Baugewerbe / Bau
Zeitraum Beruf oder Funktion Wichtigtätigkeiten und Zuständigkeiten Name und Adresse des Arbeitsgebers Tätigskeitbereich oder Branche Zeitraum Beruf oder Funktion Wichtigtätigkeiten und Zuständigkeiten Name und Adresse des Arbeitsgebers Tätigskeitbereich oder Branche
1.8.2007 - 28.2.2008 Geschäftpartner Gründung der Firma in Zusammenarbeit mit der Architektin Diana Garrido. Projektentwicklung: „Heiligtum von Mutter Candelaria de San Jose“ und „Erneuerung des südlichen Hauptfriedhofs, Caracas“ Circuitos Urbanos, C.A. Av. Maria Teresa Toro Las Acacias Sede ONG, 1010 Caracas (Venezuela)
Baugewerbe / Bau 1/10/2005 - 30/7/2007 Dozent Dozent in der Abteilung für Architektonische Komposition (Design) auf den Niveaus I, II und IV | Dozent am Seminar „Die Öffentlichkeit und das Private in Architektur und Städtebau“ Los Andes Universität | Fakultät für Architektur und Kunst Av. Ppal. La Hechicera FADULA, 5010 Merida (Venezuela)
Erziehung und Unterricht
Schul- und Berufsbildung Zeitraum Bezeichnung der erworbenen Qualifikation Name und Art der Bildungs- oder Ausbildungseinrichtung Stufe der nationalen oder internationalen Klassifikation Zeitraum Bezeichnung der erworbenen Qualifikation Name und Art der Bildungs- oder Ausbildungseinrichtung Stufe der nationalen oder internationalen Klassifikation
3.7.2006 - 15.7.2007 Msc. in Kritik, Geschichte und Theorie des Architektur (nicht fertig) Los Andes Universität | Fakultät für Architektur und Kunst | Mérida Venezuela | ISCED 7 15.3.1999 - 12.12.2004 Architekt Los Andes Universität | Fakultät für Architektur und Kunst | Mérida Venezuela | ISCED 6
Persönliche Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen Muttersprache(n) Sonstige Sprache(n)
Spanisch Englisch B2*, Deutsch B1* (*)Referenzniveau des gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen
IKT-Kenntnisse und Kompetenzen
Künstlerische Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen
- Expertenkenntnisse: Auto-CAD bis 2011, Adobe Illustrator, PowerPoint, Word, Outlook, Adobe Encore, Adobe Acrobat - Erweiterte Kenntnisse: Adobe Photoshop, VectorWorks, Adobe InDesign, Adobe PageMaker, Grafik- und Animationssoftware CINEMA 4D, Excel - Grundkenntnisse: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Soundbooth, Inventor, Adobe Flash, MS Project, Adobe Premiere Fotografie mit digital und analogische Mittel Zeichnen, Abbildung und 3D-Abbildung
Aksel Alvarez-Jurgueson | Architekt
Aksel Alvarez-Jurgueson | Architekt
Project Data Year of Design 2011 Name of Project: Single Family House Prototype Client: Private Ubication:
Budget: n/d Area: Standard lot: 240m2 Implantation area: 84m2 Construction area: 120m2 Schedule: 1 month to design a proposal Team: Aksel Alvarez - Architect Position held on Project: Designer
Architekt | Aksel Alvarez-Jurgueson
A Real-Estate Agent interested in explore new possibilities in Venezuela‘s medium-high market asked for three different choices for single family houses, one of them have to be oriented to a young and professional buyer with a standard family - a couple and two kids The location and the surrounding conditions are not well defined, therefore the proposal is conceived as an isolated unit able to be combined with the other more conservative models. The House‘s location on lot is based
in standard venezuelan regulations and have to be adapted to local regulations after define the final location. The house divide the public or social program from the private one. Even the fathers are separated from childrens to have enough privacy but still having control on children‘s rooms. The lower floor is a free one to allow different configurations an posibilities, thinking in the active social life of young parents as well the huge family‘s partys.
Left page above: Upper floor | The rooms are separated by the staircase, that creates a two level space at the entrace from the garage. The scheme is very simetrical to make the entire house really consistent and balanced. Left page under: Lower floor | Thinking about the intense social use of common spaces, is proposed a floor plan that allow different variations and exploit the connection of the inner space and the garden, i.e. extending the kitchen to the garden
This page above: View from the street | The house‘s image is focused on the contrast of the upper volume‘s massiveness and the lower level‘s transparency. The front door is conceived as a stereotypical social machine, also it‘s located in the middle axis with a contrasting image, an image of what a frontdoor have to be. This page under: View from the garage entrance | The private spaces are located apart, to emphasize that there are only small doors, that are emphasized by the contrasting lighting
Aksel Alvarez-Jurgueson | Architekt
Project Data Year of Design 2011 Name of Project: Façade System to the regional seat of Youth Orchestra System of Venezuela Client: PDVSA Ubication:
Venezuela | Maturín
Budget: n/d Area: Piazza: 2.160m2 Façade: 1.200m2 Schedule: Proposal: 2 Weeks Team: Jesús Guerrero - Project Leader Aksel Alvarez - Façade Designer Position held on Project: Creative Consultant
Architekt | Aksel Alvarez-Jurgueson
The Youth Orchestra System ‚Simón Bolívar‘, an important music program directed by master José Antonio Abreu for more than 35 years, is experimenting at this time a consolidation phase focused on the building of seats in every region of Venezuela. The task was to define a system that accomplish with the functions as a façade solar protection system and fits to the use as a whole to be the main element of the access plaza‘s roof. Additionally to those conditions the system would be easy to build and low maintenance.
The proposal consist in a hexagonalgrid based - 8x5 meters each cell - that allows deformations in every node in a range from 0 to 30 degrees with variations of 5º. Made of linear elements with standarized lengths and simple montage, all the panels are planar and were proposed as perforated elements to enhance the the dramatic game of light. Piazza‘s roof is composed by two layers to enhance the roof‘s plasticity and to maximize the shadow‘s game.
Opposite Above: Closeup from Piazza‘s roof | Areas where are two layers of panels are dense creating variations in the shadows Above: System‘s front view | The roof was planned to have a sinous profil, but the main directions emphazise the building‘s main access. The largest segment have 110m long. Right: Aerial view | All the roof‘s cells are regular hexagons in floor plan projection, only have variations over their ‚Z‘ axis Under: View to the building‘s access | The façade‘s cells are based in triangles based on an original rectangular grid Opposite Under: Piazza‘s roof small section
Aksel Alvarez-Jurgueson | Architekt
Project Data Year of Design 2009 - 2010 Name of Project: New Housing Prototypes for the National Housing Plan Client: Ministry of Housing and Habitat Ubication:
Venezuela | 180 Dif. Locations
Budget: 55.000 $ / Housing Unit Area: Construction area: 56m2 - 72m2 Schedule: Design Phase: 1 Year Team: Diosdado Cabello - Minister Ulianov Niño - Deputy Minister Aksel Alvarez - Lead. Design Team Ernesto Meléndez - Design Leader Juan J. Núñez - Civil Eng. Lead. Javier Lemoine - Urban Des. Lead. Víctor Hernández - Geological Sup. Catherine Carías - Infraestructure Deifilia Alvarez - Project Analisys Position held on Project: Leader of Design Team
Architekt | Aksel Alvarez-Jurgueson
Housing in Venezuela is an very important matter. The housing deficit is around 3.000.000 units and every year are produced no more than 70.000 units. The ministry of Housing and Public Works grounded an unit to take charge of the design and research of new prototypes that fit to the social needs and can be faster and better build. Taking this in mind the design unit have developed different prototypes that fit to different conditions - urban areas, rural areas, high density, shanty towns, and other cases identified - and are part of a system that starts with idea that the housing unit is a family, so a groups of families are a community and a
group of communities are a major community, or the same a group of housing units are a building, a group of buildings are a ‚block‘ and a group of ‚blocks‘ are a planning area. This simple idea drove the design of a serie of interchangeable housing units that allow the designers and developers achieve different configurations of density, image, characteristics, etc. Most of the construction pieces of the houses are interchangeable and can be easy industrialized in community factories, creating not only homes but also jobs.
Opposite page: Front view of the urban single family house prototype | The relatively small ground area allows to build more houses with less infrastructure grids, saving resources and maximizing the acceso to them Above: Aerial view of the standard urban block with multifamily housing prototypes | The idea of the block comes from the spanish foundation cities. Most of the cities in Venezuela where founded under the guidelines of the India‘s Law by the spanish conquerors, those sectors are the most efďŹ cient sectors of the cities due to different reasons such as the mixed use, the inclusion of parks in the urban grid, the order of the public services and infraestructure, etc. In this way that seems to be the best way to approach to the reconstitution of the venezuelan cities, theres above an 60% of he population that lives in no formal conditions, that means a serios disbalance in the acces to basic infraestructure and services, like security or water. Right: View of an isolated multifamily house | The design of the blocks as standardized pieces is to include not only the buildings but also all the urban elements like public telephones, trashcans, trafďŹ c lightings and other elements. Also the lower leves in the street sides are dedicated to small community comerce to promote the mixed use developments Under: general view of a block core | Those cores are not only to park the cars, even the most important use is the recreational one. Every block have a vast recreative area that can be adapted in function to the general shape of the development, constituing a grid of public spaces that enhances the life quality.
Aksel Alvarez-Jurgueson | Architekt
Project Data Year of Design 2008 - 2009 Name of Project: IACFA Hotel Client: PDVSA Ubication:
Venezuela | Caracas
Budget: n/d Area: 107.000m2 aprox. Schedule: Design Phase: 2 Years Team: Isabel Lasala - Director Ana Lasala - Director Silvia Hernández - Historical Adv. Eduardo Kairuz - Advisor Aksel Alvarez - Architect Silvia Caradona - Architect Fernando Lara - Architect Mariana Lugo - Architect Clara Guerrero - Secretary Position held on Project: Architect
Architekt | Aksel Alvarez-Jurgueson
In the major military facility in Caracas - Venezuela‘s capital - is located a hotel complex to host military visitors as well civilian ones. Due to the importance of this location and the lack of theaters with a capacity over 1.000 spectators in Caracas was called an architectural competition to present schemes for an urban hotel with 300 rooms associated to a theater with capacity to 3.000 spectators. This proposal won the first place and gets on the project phase to develop the complete construction project.
The project divides the program in four ‚pieces‘. The first one are the rooms, that are located in a very long volume that works as screen an goes into the mountain in one of its extremes. That volumen is ‚flying‘ over a piazza and the recreation spaces. That cut in the building volumen is made at the pool level, located in the small hill in front of the hotel. The third piece is the theater and the reception. Are located under the piazza level and stablish the contact between the hotel and the theater. The fourth piece are the service areThe lot is a small depression in the as, that are located under the ground mountain limited in the sides and level and host all the services and back by the the mountain‘s slopes personal areas. and in front by a small hill and the sorrounding buildings. That gives to This project aspires to one with the the building an important role in the landscape, not by blending itself as inmediate landscape. In this way was a „green something“, but as an vadefined an scheme that takes advan- luable addition to the existing lanstage of this landscape conditions to cape through an strong image and enhance the building‘s image. presence
Opposite page: Floorplan at Theater‘s level | This floor plan shows the Hotel‘s service level. At this level are located all the employees facilities and service areas like kitchen and storerooms. Above: View from the pool | The pool and the Hotel are connected by a two level bridge that host recreative facilities like the massage areas and other relaxation facilities. The pool occupies the top of the small hill in front of the Hotel, in this way it have a priviledged view of the sorroundings Right: Cross section | The roof of the theater is the piazza itself, so it‘s used to set an open air theater, that could be used to some performances taking advantage of the scenary set made by the rooms building in its back and the mountain in front. Under: View at the access level to the building
Aksel Alvarez-Jurgueson | Architekt
Project Data Year of Design 2008 Name of Project: La Alameda Commercial Center Client: Private Ubication:
Venezuela | Caracas
Budget: 5.600.000 $ aprox. Area: Commercial: 44.000 m2 Public Plaza: 8.000 m2 Schedule: Design Phase: 2 Years Team: Isabel Lasala - Director Ana Lasala - Director Eduardo Kairuz - Advisor Aksel Alvarez - Architect Silvia Caradona - Architect Fernando Lara - Architect Mariana Lugo - Architect Clara Guerrero - Secretary Position held on Project: Architect
Architekt | Aksel Alvarez-Jurgueson
One of the biggest Firm of Groceries Stores in Venezuela owns a priviledged lot in one of the most luxury housing developments of Caracas and they want to develop a new concept that combines the grocerie sales with other commercial activities such as restaurants, stores and offices to improve the quality of the instalations and to maximize their bussiness opportunities.
upper and lower street levels and serves as roof to the commercial activities, as well the „visible“ buildings are small respect to the lot‘s surface.
The piazza works as a garden to the surrounding housing developments, despite they have a high luxury level there‘s no public gardens or piazzas. The entire piazza is open 24/7 and offer different spaces, most Due to the lot‘s really complex of them are green areas with lower topography and the urban restrictions vegetation. the most logical way to abord the project was create an artificial new topography that communicates the
Opposite page: Eye level view from the main acces to the commercial floors | Left: Detail of the model showing the main entrance to the commercial floors |
Opposite page: Superior view of the model | The whole building is integrated in the lot‘s natural contour, the only pieces that stand above the piazza level are the two office buildings - one of the have an accesible roof too - and the main vertical circulation core Above: Cross section | Directly under the ‚ground level‘ is located the supermarket with a variable free height. In this section could appreciate too the gardens located on the back slope, those gardens allow the natural lighting and ventilation Right: View from the elevated side of the piazza
Aksel Alvarez-Jurgueson | Architekt
Project Data Year of Design 2007 Name of Project: Mother Candelaria of Saint Josehp Sanctuary Client: Guárico State Government Ubication:
Venezuela | Altagracia de Orituco
Budget: 1.750.000 $ Area: Chapel: 500 m2 Services: 1.200 m2 Landscaping: 1,5 Ha Schedule: 8 months (including construction) Team: Diana Garrido - Director Juan Lugo - Contract Manager Miguel Bartorila - Lead. Design Aksel Alvarez - Architect Mc Quae & Partners - Engeneers Augusto Garrido - Theological Adv Position held on Project: Architect
In April 2008 was programmed the beatification of Mother Candelaria of Saint Joseph, founder of the order of Carmelite Sisters in Venezuela. She is the second venezuelan that reach the altars. Due to the significance of this, the Catholic Church and Guárico State’s government, decided to build a sanctuary in the place were Mother Candelaria founded a Hospital in the early of 20th century. This place is a little hill located at the side of Orituco river. The hill rises around 50 meters over the town, offering an excelent view of the Town and the surrounding valleys. The project was commissioned on september 2007 and required to be completed before april 2008. So the assignement was develop whole project, includind the Art Works, and its construction in 8 months.
Architekt | Aksel Alvarez-Jurgueson
The concept was very simple, the climb to the hilltop was conceived as a pilgrimage that ends in a small piazza hidden behind a tall perforated-brick wall, that works as an extension of the chapel in special services. The chapel and the cript are contained in one building, simply made of bricks and concrete expressing humility and character, both of them features of Carmelites Order. The buildings also need a very low maintenance and have a „massiveness“ that comforts the pilgrim. The vast employ of perforated-brick, also it helps to maintain comfortable temperatures inside the buildings without mechanical systems.
Left: General view from the Orituco River Valley | The Perforated-brcik wall works as a filter between the town and the chapel Rigth: View of the Chapel‘s interior | The window behind the Altar have view over the Orituco River valley Rigth: General plan of the Chapel and the piazza | At extreme left is the Belfry, that works as a signal to the entire town, even in a geographic scale Left: Opposite view of Chapel‘s interior | Most of the front wall can be open to the piazza extending the chapel space to attend huge services Rigth: view of the Cript‘s interior | Here can the pilgrims contemplate the remains of Mother Candelaria and have the necessary isolation to their contemplation
Aksel Alvarez-Jurgueson | Architekt