Urban design proposed for a multipurpose with multi use buildings comprises of convention center , mall & multiplex, an office building and a hotel. To get rid of the traffic of vehicles a multilevel car parking building was later introduced. The concept derives from the circle converted into a pie shaped blocks and later achieved an urban form as a whole. The focus was given on green facade and to achieve maximum sustainability through design. This is done by installing solar glass panel, a atria was created in building of more then 6 storey to trap natural air. The site also focus on maintaining social distance to prevent the spread of covid 19. This is achieved by installing hand sanitizer at each checkpoint of the building block. Sitting in conference hall multiplex have reduced to half for achieving our aim.
This project is a college based urban design concept created by 4th year students of accurate institute of architecture and planning. Group 2
The members are Shlok,Utkarsh,Akansha,Muskan,Himani and