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Featuring Kilian Martin Robbie Partington Samantha Hughes Aveira Skies New York Bernard Gourlay Tylan Lambert + many more







design - photography - publishing - print

Go Skateboarding ... after reading this magazine.

Introduction Bernard Gourlay urbanexploration gallery

Michael Dempsey world gallery

Kilian Martin interview & gallery

Robbie Partington photo gallery

Samantha Hughes

Submissions photo gallery Tom Brune & Robert Marsden

Tylan Lambert painting gallery

Brianna Wheatley photo gallery

Natasha Krzus gallery

photo gallery

A Quick Note on life

Sam Lloyd usa gallery

Aveira Skies interview

New York City Tanja Duric, Sam Lloyd & Michael Dempsey

Jorge Lafuente fashiondesign

Issue four Akute Magazine Founded & Published by Michael Dempsey and Sam Lloyd AkuteCreative 2013




URBAN EXPLORATION By BERNARD GOURLAY flickr.com/photos/bernardgourlay






SAMAN HUGH submissions


Photographs by

Michael Dempsey

michael dempsey


SMOKE DZA – The Bakery


Kilian Martin G TURN T-SHIRTS

Kilian Martin 22 Prestige Parade Wanagara, Perth. www.aikenheads-sk8.com.au 9303 9911

Luke Parish Mon - Fri: 6:30 am - 5:00 pm Sat: 7:00 am - 2:00 pm

Trade enquires for Kilian clothing and Jimmy - Z Clothing please call: (08) 9303-9911


Kilian Martin I N T E R V I E W

Visuals by Sam Lloyd

The sunsets in Southern California are some of the best I’ve ever seen. I’ve been told it’s because of the pollution. You’d be able see the fine haze of exhaust fumes settling above the horizon when you’re driving in from LA.

Born in the Spanish city of Madrid, Kilian Martin is a 25 year old skateboarder with an intrigueing view on what skateboarding is and how it has progressed throughout the 80’s and into the millenium. I sat down with Kilian after a couple of burritos, a skate and a brief run in with the Oceanside police to ask him a few questions. >>

KILIAN MARTIN INTERVIEW Tell us the basics My name is Kilian Martin, I’m 25 years old and I’ve been skateboarding for about 9 years now.

Who are your sponsors? Powell Peralta, Vision Streetwear, Torque trucks and.... Bull-Taco!

Can you define your type of skating? I’d say it’s a mix between flatland/freestyle skating and street skating.

When did skating become your calling in life? When I started coming up with my own combinations that incorporated tricks that pushed me to do better, it was a lot of fun. So once I realized that not everything had been done in skateboarding, and there was a lot I could give back to the sport, that’s when I really wanted to focus on progressing and I think that motivation pushed skating to become my life.

Do you have any major influences to your style of skating? There’s no specific influence to my skating but basically anyone that skates, I try to take influences from them. So it’s not that your copying someone its that you try to take what impacts you the most and work it into your style of skating, making it your own.

Have you invented any new tricks you can claim as your own? I think it was very popular back in the 80’s, to invent tricks. There are certain combinations that I think I am the only one that has done it, but its not about inventing tricks, for me its more about doing little variations of existing tricks, and showing them in a new way.

Hows Kilian Clothing coming along? Got anything in the works?

What are you thoughts on internet videos and free short films?

There’s a new collection for the spring and I’m very excited about it, so I really cant wait for it come out!

It’s just amazing how the quality of these videos keep getting better and better, but I think it’s helping skateboarding because it’s showing it in a different way to how it’s been shown before and it’s helping it go in a way that is more approachable for everyone else because it’s portraying skateboarding as art.

What’s been your favourite projects to work on so far in your career? I think filming ALTERED ROUTE, the last project that we did, which was backed by Mercedes Benz, was such a great experience. It was just really fun to go out in the desert and skate the abandoned waterpark, coming up with ideas and turning it into a little story. The fact that it was by Brett that just made it even better because Brett and I work really well together. We’re good friends and he is a pleasure to work with.

Got any big films planned? Not right now, I’m just loving to do those short films. I definitely have some ideas for new short films but I don’t like to talk about them until they happen, to help keep them a surprise!

Its showing how aggressive it can be, but at the same time its showing how artistic it can be, and when you showcase the art of skateboarding it appeals to a lot more people, not just skateboarders.

“Get out of the streets!” - Oceanside 5-0

For the exclusive video/interview of kilian martin at oceanside, california head over to:







p h o t o g r a p h y








A “quick note” from Gary Derick. Many philosophers came to the conclusion that nothing really matters. Human beings will expand from Earth to the next galaxy and the next and then what? Our technology will increase without bounds. Life will constantly change for our species but, as a whole, we don’t have a goal nor a well-defined purpose or mission statement for humanity. We are just floating through the universe one day at a time. This is why people fight. They don’t think things through. They crave purpose and meaning. They are incapable of projecting far enough into the future to do something useful. They are irrational, always, and they often cause more trouble than is needed. You could look at all of that and decide you don’t want to live in such a world. But, if you do that you neglect a key aspect of it all – being a human being is a highly unique experience. No one will ever have a brain like yours, your quirks, or your combination of experiences. You could even say humans are different from you. Consider even more the unlikeliness that you are here in the first place. We humans take life for granted because it is all around us but statistically you should not even be here. Neither should I. We are that one in a billion spermy. Many of the potential replacements for you never got the chance to come into existence and as such never got the privilege to truly experience being a human being. They never got the opportunity to develop a brain that is better than any supercomputer, they never got the opportunity to reason and were never able to use the world’s best, all-natural, dynamically adjusting camera lens, our eyeballs. Think about that. When you SEE, you are translating waves of energy into colors. That’s insane. When you HEAR, you are translating pressure waves into the audio you are perceiving. The other sperm never even got the opportunity to hear the most beautiful voice which is capable of sending chills down your spine. We go from hydrocarbon blueprints redundantly encoded in biological structures to sacks of meat and then to children who very quickly figure out for themselves how to take random sensory input like sight, sound, balance, etc. and make sense of it in real time. We are self-aware and dynamically adjust to life’s curve balls. Why is being a human so great? Because as a species, we are not only complex but are statistically anomalies.

You have eternity to be dead.

Photos by

Sam Lloyd


soundcloud.com/aveira-skies “MIND MAPS” NOW AVAILABLE IN THE ITUNES STORE

Perth has been home for some of the best hardcore and metal bands in Australia. In 2011 a band by the name of Aveira Skies came into the scene and blew minds with their debut EP, “Longer than flesh, longer than ashes” which featured in the itunes store as a topseller for Metal music, competing alongside bands like The Amity Affliction. In late January the boys put out a single called “Mind Maps”. With a very positive review from metalcore critics and youtube dwellers, it’s a very exciting time for Aveira Skies. SO we asked them some questions. Can you introduce yourselves and tell us, what do you do? We are Aveira Skies, a metalcore band from perth, Western Australia. My name is Jason I play guitar along with Ash (guitars), Sam (bass), Haydn (vocals) and Dan (drums) How did you guys form and what/who influenced metalcore into your lives? Me, Dan and Ash used to play shitty Nu-metal a few years back until we decided we wanted to step things up and move onto something heavier. Bands that introduced us to metalcore would probably have to be Killswitch Engage, Parkway Drive and I Killed The Prom Queen just to name a few. Where was your first gig? How was it? Our first gig was at YMCA HQ back in early 2011 with our old lineup. it was definitely a lot of fun but I think we were so keen to hit the stage we rushed through it pretty fast. we filmed the set so maybe if everyone’s lucky they might get to see it one day!

How was recording Longer than Flesh, Longer than ashes? Where did you record and is there any specific theme behind the EP? We recorded with Jay Huxtable at Oracle Sound back in 2011 it was a long process, we would sometimes start at 10am and go until 2am the next day but we definitely had a blast with it and a lot of jokes along the way haha. The theme behind the album is based around when people pass away in life and their memories live on with us. How was making “Through the ages” into a music video? Through the ages was a lot of fun, we flooded a warehouse out with water, I remember during filming almost stacking it during every take because the floor was so slippery haha. The release of the video had to be pushed back as we were away in Adelaide at the time. What are your views on the Perth hardcore/metalcore scene? Would you say it’s growing or decling? I would say that it is growing. Theres definitely a lot of talent in this city and its always good to see kids coming to shows, buying merch and supporting all the bands. Who are you favourite bands at the moment? The Ghost Inside, While She Sleeps, Misery Signals, TDWP, Thy Art Is Murder Here’s one straight out of the cannon, Julia Gillard, Beiber and Jennifer Lopez, you gotta marry one, kill one and fuck one, GO! Marry Gillard because you can always get a divorce, bang Lopez And I think we all know who we would kill haha!

New York City IMAGES BY

Tanja Duric Sam Lloyd Michael Dempsey ÂŤ

photos by

Tanja Duric

Sam Lloyd



Luke Parish Ocean Reef Skatepark



Designer: j. LF by Jorge Lafuente Photographer: LC Photo by Luis Contreras Model: Kanani Foxx

Designer: j.LF by Jorge Lafuente Photographer: Diego Navarro Model: Veronika Leo




These amazing paintings submitted by:

Tylan Lambert www.surfstrokes.net


SA HU submissions Couldn’t grab a copy of a previous issue or want future editions? + stickers/free merch?

BERNARD Online orders will be available GOURLAY soon so you won’t have to leave your house for any reason.

Photographs by

Brianna Wheatley



Black & Whites

by Natasha Krzus

FIN Contact www.akutemagazine.com akutemag.blogspot.com @akutemagazine Enquiries/submissions akutemagazine@gmail.com Thanks to everyone who picked up the magazine last year. Big thanks to Aikenheads sk8 Shop for the support throughout the entirety of Akute Magazine. Big ups to The Causeway for venues and on going support and help with promotions. Thanks to Grand Flavour for help with distribution over east. Everyone who contributed, thank you very much. This wouldn’t be possible without submissions and the help from the Perth community. If you have just read this, You rule.

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