MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 | VOL XXIV NO. 26
2 » AL DÍA » MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 » ALDÍ
La organización aceptará solicitudes de aquellos candidatos que cumplan con los requisitos para el cargo hasta el primero de abril. 5
La campaña “Shut Down Berks” se ha encargado de denunciar condiciones abusivas que enfrentan familias inmigrantes en las instalaciones. 6
La Asociación Nacional de Enfermeras Hispanas (NAHN) celebra su primera Latino Community Health and Wellness Conference el próximo 2 de abril. 7
Redefining DIVERSITY in Our City's Workforce
APRIL 27 12PM - 4PM PA CONVENTION CENTER Receive one-on-one career advice from the city's top executives Connect with the region's top employers
La revelación del jazz afrocubano Daymé Arocena se presentará en el Museo Afroamericano de Filadelfia este jueves 24 de marzo. 12
El festival, dedicado a acercar a los habitantes de todas las edades a las diferentes disciplinas científicas, volverá del 22 al 30 de abril. 13
Visit the Resume Review Station for personalized feedback
De ser aprobada, esta propuesta de ley podría restringir el asentamiento de refugiados en ciertos estados de la nación. 16
Sit in on professional development workshops and presentations
Al prepararnos para la semana más santa del año, nuestro enfoque debe ser apoyar y defender a nuestra familia cristiana de la fe en el Medio Oriente. 17
Un presidente de EE.UU. llegó a La Habana, no con las actitudes imperiales de antes, sino con el respeto que el pueblo de Cuba merece. 17
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Los siguientes son copias verdaderas y correctas de resoluciones conjuntas de la Asamblea General de Pennsylvania que propone dos enmiendas a la Constitución de Pennsylvania. De conformidad con los procedimientos establecidos por el artículo XI, Sección 1 de la Constitución, la Asamblea General propuso primero las enmiendas durante la sesión de 2013 y las aprobó el período de sesiones de la legislatura por segunda vez durante el 2015. Según lo requerido por el Artículo XI, Sección 1 de la Constitución y la ley estatutaria, el Secretario de Estado de Pennsylvania ha causado las enmiendas propuestas que se publicarán aquí.
entre corchetes (por ejemplo, [Constitución]) se suprimen. Las palabras que no estén en negrita se mantienen sin cambios en la Constitución.
De conformidad a la ley, el Secretario de Estado de Pennsylvania presentará las enmiendas propuestas a los electores de Pennsylvania en la forma de dos preguntas en la papeleta en la elección primaria general que se celebrará el 26 de abril de 2016. Si se aprueba una pregunta de la papeleta por una mayoría de los electores que voten esta pregunta, la enmienda correspondiente se convierte en parte de la Constitución. Esas partes de las resoluciones conjuntas que aparecerán en negrita son las palabras de la Constitución que se proponen por la Asamblea General para su adición o eliminación. Si se aprobara una enmienda, las palabras subrayadas se añaden a la Constitución y las palabras
Cualquier persona que necesite ayuda para leer este anuncio o que necesite el texto de las enmiendas propuestas en un formato alternativo puede llamar o escribir al De- partamento de Estado de Pennsylvania, Oficina de Comisiones, Elecciones y Legislación, Sala 210 Oficina del edificio del Norte, Harrisburg, PA 17120, (717) 7875280,
Se propone una enmienda a la Constitución de Pennsylvania, que se conceda una indemnización y jubilación de los magistrados, jueces y jueces de paz de la Asamblea General. La Asamblea General del Estado de Pennsylvania resuelve lo siguiente: Sección I. Se propone la siguiente enmienda a la Constitución de Pennsylvania, de conformidad con el artículo XI: Que sección 16 (b) del Artículo V se modificará como sigue: § 16. Compensación y retiro de jueces, magistrados y jueces de paz *** (b) Jueces, magistrados y jueces de paz serán retirados en el último día del año natural en que alcanzan la edad de [70] 75 años. Jueces jubilados y exjueces, magistrados y jueces de paz recibirán la compensación que dispone la ley. Salvo lo dispuesto por la ley, ningún salario, beneficios de jubilación u otra compensación, presente o diferida, se pagarán a cualquier, juez o juez de paz que, en virtud de la sección18 o bajo el Artículo VI, está suspendido, retirado o excluido de la celebración de un cargo judicial para la condena por un delito grave o mala conducta en la oficina o conducta que vaya en detrimento de la administración de la justicia o lleve la oficina judicial al desprestigio. *** Sección 2. (a) Cada primer paso por la Asamblea General de esta propuesta de enmienda constitucional, el Secretario de Estado de Pennsylvania procederá de inmediato a cumplir con los requisitos de publicidad de la sección 1 del artículo XI de la Constitución de Pennsylvania y emitirá los anuncios necesarios para dos periódicos en cada condado que se publiquen en los diarios con el tiempo suficiente después del paso de esta propuesta de enmienda constitucional. (b) En cuanto al segundo paso por la Asamblea General de esta enmienda constitucional propuesta, el Secretario de Estado de Pennsylvania procederá de inmediato a cumplir con los requisitos de publicidad de la sección 1 del artículo XI de la Constitución de Pennsylvania y emitirá los anuncios necesarios en dos periódicos de todos los condados que se publiquen en los diarios al tiempo suficiente después de la aprobación de esta propuesta de enmienda constitucional. El Secretario de Estado de Pennsylvania deberá presentar esta enmienda constitucional propuesta a los electores de este Estado en la primera elección primaria, general o municipal que cumpla los requisitos y esté en conformidad con la sección 1 del artículo XI de la Constitución de Pennsylvania y que ocurre por lo menos tres meses después de que la enmienda propuesta se haya aprobado por la Asamblea General.
Pregunta en la papeleta ¿Deberá enmendarse la Constitución de Pennsylvania para requerir que los magistrados de la Corte Suprema, jueces y los jueces de paz (conocidos como jueces de distrito magistrales) se retiren en el último día del año que cumplen la edad de 75 años, en lugar del requisito actual de retirarse en el último día del año que cumplen la edad de 70 años?
Declaración en Inglés Simple de la Oficina del Procurador General El propósito de la pregunta de la papeleta es modificar la Constitución de Pennsylvania para exigir que los jueces, magistrados y jueces de paz (conocidos como jueces de distrito magistrales) se retiren en el último día del año natural en que alcanzan la edad de 75 años. Actualmente, la Constitución de Pennsylvania dispone que los jueces, magistrados y jueces de paz se retiren en el último día del año natural en que alcancen la edad de 70 años. Los jueces de paz se conocen actualmente en el distrito como jueces magistrales. Si la pregunta de la papeleta se aprobara, los jueces, magistrados y jueces de distrito magisteriales se retirarán en el último día del año natural en que alcanzan la edad de 75 años en lugar que del último día del año natural en que alcanzan la edad de la enmienda 70 años. Esta enmienda de la edad obligatoria de jubilación se aplicará a todos los jueces y magistrados en el Estado, incluyendo los jueces de la Corte Suprema de Pennsylvania, los jueces de la Corte del Estado de Pennsylvania, Tribunal Superior, las cortes de primera instancia de los condados, tribunales comunitarios, tribunales municipales en la ciudad de Philadelphia, y jueces magisteriales. La pregunta, en la papeleta, está limitada para que no modifique otras disposiciones de la Constitución de Pennsylvania relacionadas con las aptitudes, elección, la titularidad, o la compensación de los magistrados, jueces o jueces magistrados de distrito. El efecto de la pregunta en la papeleta sería la de permitir a todos los magistrados, jueces y jueces de distrito magistrales a permanecer en el cargo hasta el último día del año natural en el que cumplen la edad de 75 años. Esto permitirá que todos los jueces y jueces de distrito magistrales sirvan un período adicional de cinco años más allá de la edad actual de jubilación requerida.
Siguiendo a las enmiendas propuestas se encuentra el texto de las preguntas que se pondrán en la papeleta electoral. Debajo de cada pregunta hay una “Simple declaración en inglés”, elaborado por la Oficina del Fiscal General, y publicado como exige la ley, lo que indica el propósito, las limitaciones y los efectos de la pregunta de la papeleta a la gente de este estado.
Pedro A. Cortés, Secretario de Estado de Pennsylvania.
Se proponen enmiendas combinadas a la constitución del Estado de Pennsylvania, eliminando la corte de tránsito vehicular de Philadelphia. La Asamblea General, del Estado de Pennsylvania, por la presente se resuelve de la siguiente manera: Sección 1. Las siguientes enmiendas combinadas a la Constitución de Pennsylvania se proponen de conformidad con el artículo XI: (1) Que la sección 1 del artículo V se modificará para que diga: § 1. Sistema judicial unificado. El poder judicial del Estado corresponderá a un sistema judicial unificado que consiste en el Tribunal Supremo, el Tribunal del Estado, los tribunales de primera instancia, tribunales comunitarios, municipales y tribunales [de tránsito vehicular] para la ciudad de Philadelphia, los demás tribunales que se establezcan por la ley y los jueces de paz. Todos los tribunales y los jueces de paz y de su competencia estarán en este sistema judicial unificado. (2) Que el título y el inciso (c) del apartado 6 del artículo V se modificarán para que diga: § 6. Tribunales comunitarios; corte municipal de Philadelphia [y la corte de tránsito vehicular]. *** (c) Deberá haber una corte municipal en la ciudad de Philadelphia [y una corte de tránsito vehicular]. El número de los jueces y la jurisdicción [de cada una] serán previstas por la ley. [Estas cortes] Esta corte existirá, siempre y cuando que un tribunal de la comunidad no se haya establecido o en el evento que se haya descontinuado bajo esta sección. (3) Que el inciso (d), de la sección 10, del artículo V, se modifica como sigue: § . 10. Administración Judicial *** (d) El Presidente del Tribunal Supremo y presidente jueces de todos los tribunales con siete o menos jueces serán la justicia o juzgar más larga de servicio continuo en sus respectivos tribunales; y en el caso de su renuncia a este cargo la justicia o el juez el próximo más largo de servicio continuo será el Presidente del Tribunal Supremo o el juez presidente. Los jueces presidentes de todos los demás tribunales serán elegidos por un período de cinco años por los miembros de sus respectivos tribunales [salvo el juez presidente de la corte de tránsito vehicular en la ciudad de Philadelphia será nombrado por el Gobernador]. Un Presidente del Tribunal Supremo o el juez presidente podrá renunciar tal posición y seguir siendo un miembro de la corte. En caso de empate en la votación para el cargo de juez presidente en un tribunal que elige a su juez presidente, la Corte Suprema designará como juez presidente a uno de los jueces que reciban el mayor número de votos. *** (4) Que el inciso (b), de la sección 12, del artículo V, se modifique como sigue: § 12. Requisitos de los jueces, magistrados y jueces de paz. *** (b) [Los jueces de la corte de tránsito vehicular en la ciudad de Philadelphia y los jueces] Los jueces de paz serán miembros de la barra de la Corte Suprema o deberá completar un curso de formación y la instrucción en los deberes de sus respectivos cargos y aprobar un examen antes de asumir el cargo. Tales cursos y exámenes serán las fijadas por la ley (5) Que el inciso (a) de la sección 15, del artículo V, se modifique como sigue: § 15. Titularidad de jueces, magistrados y jueces de paz. (a) El término regular del mandato de los magistrados y jueces será de diez años y el término regular de la oficina para los jueces de la corte municipal [y la corte de tránsito vehicular] en la ciudad de Philadelphia y de los jueces de paz será de seis años. La titularidad de cualquier justicia o juez no se verá afectada por los cambios en
los distritos judiciales o por la reducción en el número de jueces. *** Sección 2. (a) Cada primer paso por la Asamblea General de las enmiendas constitucionales propuestas, el Secretario de Estado de Pennsylvania deberá proceder de inmediato a cumplir con los requisitos de publicidad de la sección 1, del artículo XI, de la Constitución de Pennsylvania y emitirá los anuncios necesarios para dos periódicos en cada condado en el que los diarios se publican con el tiempo suficiente después de la aprobación de estas enmiendas propuestas constitucionales. (b) Después de recibir la segunda pasada por la Asamblea General de las enmiendas propuestas constitucionales, el Secretario de Estado de Pennsylvania deberá proceder de inmediato a cumplir con los requisitos de publicidad de la sección 1, del artículo XI, de la Constitución de Pennsylvania y emitirán los anuncios requeridos a dos periódicos en cada condado en el que los diarios se publican con el tiempo suficiente después de la aprobación de estas enmiendas constitucionales propuestas. El Secretario de Estado de Pennsylvania deberá presentar las enmiendas constitucionales propuestas en la sección 1 de la presente resolución a los electores de este Estado como una sola pregunta de la papeleta en la primera primaria, elección general o municipal que cumple los requisitos de y está en conformidad con la sección 1, del artículo XI, de la Constitución de Pennsylvania y la que se produce al menos tres meses después de que las enmiendas constitucionales propuestas son aprobadas por la Asamblea General. PROPUESTA DE ENMIENDA CONSTITUCIONAL 2 ABOLICIÓN DE LA CORTE DE TRAFICO DE PHILADELPHIA
Pregunta en la Papeleta ¿Deberá enmendarse la Constitución de Pennsylvania para abolir la Corte de Tráfico de Philadelphia? Declaración en Inglés Simple de la Oficina del Procurador General El propósito de la pregunta de la papeleta es modificar la Constitución de Pennsylvania para abolir la Corte de tránsito vehicular en la ciudad de Philadelphia. Actualmente, la Constitución de Pennsylvania establece que la Corte de tránsito vehicular de la ciudad de Philadelphia sea parte del sistema judicial unificado. Si se aprobara la pregunta de la papeleta, la Corte de tránsito vehicular en la ciudad de Philadelphia sería abolida mediante la eliminación de todas las referencias a la Corte de tránsito vehicular y los jueces de la Corte de tráfico en la ciudad de Philadelphia de la Constitución de Pennsylvania. Legislación promulgada en 2013 emitió las funciones realizadas por la Corte de tránsito vehicular en la Corte Municipal de Philadelphia. Como resultado, violaciones del Código de Vehículos previamente adjudicados por la Corte de tránsito vehicular en la actualidad están siendo juzgados por el Tribunal Municipal de Philadelphia. La enmienda propone abolir oficialmente la Corte de tránsito vehicular mediante la eliminación de todas las referencias a la Corte de tránsito vehicular y sus jueces de la pregunta en la papeleta de la Constitución de Pennsylvania. Esta pregunta en la papeleta se limita que si la Corte de tránsito vehicular en la ciudad de Philadelphia debe ser eliminada. La pregunta de la papeleta no se modifique ninguna otra disposición de la Constitución de Pennsylvania más allá de la eliminación de todas las referencias a la Corte de tránsito vehicular y sus jueces. De la pregunta electoral sería abolir la Corte de tránsito vehicular en la ciudad de Philadelphia. Como se mencionó anteriormente, la legislación promulgada en 2013 transfirió las funciones de la Corte de tránsito vehicular a la Corte Municipal de Philadelphia. Esta enmienda eliminará oficialmente a la Corte de tránsito vehicular mediante la eliminación de todas las referencias a la Corte de tránsito vehicular y sus jueces de la Constitución de Pennsylvania.
4 » MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 » ALDÍ
EDITORIAL Philly, U.S. Supreme Court grapple with stop-and-frisk
uesday, as we went to press, the ACLU and the city of Philadelphia had just met with a judge to discuss stop-and-frisk in Philadelphia. You might remember that in 2011, during Michael Nutter’s tenure as mayor, the city signed a consent decree with regard to Bailey v. Philadelphia, a lawsuit brought by ACLU of Pennsylvania which alleged that a high rate of police stop-andfrisks were undertaken without reasonable suspicion and could not be explained by any other factor than race and ethnicity (African Americans and Latinos). A 2013 report filed with the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania by the ACLU, stated: “By our analysis, pedestrian stops are being made without reasonable suspicion in approximately 43 to 47 percent of the cases ... Frisks are being conducted without reasonable suspicion in over 45 percent of the cases ... By race, 76 percent of the stops were of minorities (AfricanAmericans and Latinos) and 85 percent of the frisks were of minorities [...] Tens of thousands of persons in Philadelphia continue to be stopped each year (and a significant number frisked) without reasonable suspicion.” On March 22, the ACLU filed another report in court (as part of the monitoring process of the 2011 decree) covering the first half of 2015. According to the organization, it “documents continued widespread violation of both the consent decree and the rights of thousands of Philadelphians. If the Kenney administration does not make rapid and significant progress, the plaintiffs will seek sanctions from the court later this year.” For his part, Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross, who attended the filing along with Managing Director Michael DiBernardis and City Solicitor Sozi Tulante, said he felt optimistic about the meeting and that he didn’t want any one group in Philadelphia to feel like they were targeted by police. Meanwhile, the U.S. Supreme Court is considering a stop-and-frisk related case that could have significant impact how police do business in cities like Philadelphia. In question are the circumstances under which police may use evidence they find after they make a stop that is determined to be unconstitutional. The case the Supreme Court will hear, Utah v. Strieff, involves a narcotics detective who stopped a man — without reasonable suspicion of any crime having been committed — as he left what was suspected to be a drug house. The state acknowledged the stop was illegal, but as result of the stop, the cop discovered the man had an outstanding warrant and arrested him, subsequently finding drug paraphernalia on him. If the Supreme Court rules in favor of police in the case, many fear it would incentivize cops to stop more people (particularly those in high crime areas) as a kind of “fishing expedition.”
HERNÁN GUARACAO Editor & Publisher Twitter: @ALDIACEO
SABRINA VOURVOULIAS Managing Editor Twitter@followthelede
Twitter: @ALDIAnews
MARCOS YESID VARGAS Director of Creative Twitter: @YesidVargas
Cartas al lector:
An American saint of Latino descent: Father Felix Varela
Although his sainthood is yet to be declared by the Catholic Church, miracles abound in the life of Father Felix Varela, the champion of thousands of Irish immigrants who in the 19th century suffered, fought and, eventually, prevailed in carving out their own space in the American society, just as Latinos are doing today.
he announcement of the sanctification of Mother Teresa, scheduled to take place in Rome on Sept. 4, 2016, reminded me of another virtuous member of the Catholic clergy who, in no different manner than Mother Teresa did in the 20th century, championed the poor and the persecuted, right here in the United States, 150 years earlier. His name is Padre Felix Varela y Morales, better known as Father Varela to thousands of immigrants who came to America in the first half of the 19th century, when another wave of immigration was washing over our shores. And, not much different from today, that wave of immigrants stirred con- FATHER FELIX VARELA troversy in American society, inevitably clashed with “the natives,” but, in the end, enriched the cultural, econom- first Spanish-language publications ic and political tapestry of an America ever written, printed and published in that grew richer and stronger with the United States. their unique contributions, celebrated But his greatest achievement in life recently on St. Patrick’s Day. was not this advocacy for the indeFew know that Father Varela start- pendence of his homeland, written ed his American journey right here in out in that journalistic enterprise he launched in Old City Philadelphia, Philadelphia, in 1824, when but what he did in the followhe came to our city that year in ing 30 years, when he moved search for a printer to publish to New York City and led a life a little journal with a huge viof charity in defense of the sion he called “El Habanero” poor and undereducated im(The Man from Havana) in migrants coming to America whose pages the island of in the first half of the 19th Cuba — then still a colony of century, mostly from an isa crumbling Spanish empire HERNÁN land called Ireland. — was first imagined as an GUARACAO independent nation, free of Not from the island of colonial power, the shame of Puerto Rico, not from the slavery and remorse. island of Cuba, not from Varela is revered today by Cubans Mexico, where the 19th century relative in Cuba, where he is widely known and prosperity made emigration unnecesconsidered a “local saint,” for the vir- sary. tuous Christian life he led, although St. Patrick’s Day, the big celebration it was mostly spent on U.S. soil. He is of Irish pride in America, should realso referred as “the man who taught member Varela, another yet-to-be-saint us how to think,” because of his philo- that, like St. Patrick, became the chamsophical and political thinking about pion of the same oppressed people, the destiny of his homeland. only this time in America, fleeing what He developed his thinking here in is known as “The Great Famine.” Philadelphia, where he came to pubBefore the majestic St. Patrick Calish the first few issues of “El Haba- thedral was established on 5th Avenue nero,” which today remains one of the as the spiritual center of the emerg-
ing Irish American community in the 20th century, Father Varela pioneered a smaller shelter for them, where the widows, orphans and the unemployed men found somebody who cared for them and protected them. In lower Manhattan, not far from where the ships coming from Europe docked, Father Varela established the small “Church of the Transfiguration,” with meager means but immense heart, to perform countless and unknown miracles for the hungry and poor escaping extreme poverty. One day the Vatican, now presided by the first Latin American Pope in the history of the Church, will do justice and will fully recognize this early American of Latino descent who left his mark in 19th century America. “No single Latino left a greater imprint on 19th century American culture than Varela,” writes former Philadelphia Daily News writer and New York Daily News columnist, Juan Gonzalez in his book “Harvest of Empire.” Pope Benedict XVI in 2012 declared Varela “venerable” of the Church, the stage prior to beatification and canonization, the three-step process under which Mother Teresa was granted sainthood status, completing her canonization only 19 years after her death. Padre Varela was interred for 163 years in St. Augustine, Fla., in 1853. His remains were transferred to Havana decades later, where they were laid to rest in the University of Havana’s Aula Magna. Saint Juan Paul II paid respect to the site when he visited, and Pope Benedict XVI spoke of him in his own visit to Cuba. Popular culture in Cuba has already declared him a saint (“El Primer Santo Cubano,” José Martí called him), and the few people who know him in the United States don’t doubt the power of his spiritual life and world accomplishments. All of us were secretly hoping Pope Francisco would make the announcement of Varela’s canonization when he spoke at Independence Mall, a few blocks from where “El Habanero” was born in 1824.
ALDÍ « MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 « AL DÍA « LOCAL « 5 Archivo particular.
EL ACTIVISTA MIGUEL Andrade es el actual director interino de GALAEI.
A la búsqueda del nuevo director/a de GALAEI ANA GAMBOA Con más de dos décadas de evolución y lucha por la justicia social de los latinos en la comunidad LGBT, GALAEI se encuentra en transición y a la búsqueda de un nuevo director que capitanee esta nueva etapa para la organización. El pasado 26 de febrero se anunció que Elicia Gonzáles, quien trabajó como directora ejecutiva de GALAEI por los últimos seis años, dejaría su posición con el propósito de buscar otras oportunidades profesionales. “Realmente apreciamos el tiempo y el compromiso que Elicia dedicó a mover la organización hacia adelante”, dijo Rafael Alvarez, presidente del consejo administrativo de la organización. “A través de sus años de servicio hemos sido capaces de llevar a cabo un proceso de planificación estratégica, una campaña de mercadeo, y más recientemente, la reubicación de la organización en North Philly, área en donde los servicios de GALAEI más se necesitan”. Fundada en 1989 por el líder y activista David Acosta, la organización comenzó con el propósito de servir como plataforma y puente entre la comunidad LGBT y los latinos. “Trabajamos directamente con la comunidad latina, que ha estado creciendo exponencialmente durante el último par de años. Hay más latinos y más servicios que necesitan ser proporcionados para nuestra comunidad”, dijo Miguel Andrade, quien tras la salida de Gonzáles tomó el cargo como director interino. El activista declaró que están instando a toda persona que
sea elegible a que presente su solicitud. La fecha límite es el próximo primero de abril. Como requisito el o la candidata debe ser bilingüe, para poder servir a la comunidad hispanohablante, así como contar con un conocimiento sobre la experiencia latina en los EE.UU. “Buscamos a alguien que tenga una gran disposición por la justicia social y la lucha por los derechos de nuestras comunidades”, dijo Andrade. “También que sea capaz de entender las complejidades de la superposición de ser latino y una organización LGBT”. Andrade se ha mantenido activo en la comunidad inmigrante latina de Filadelfia desde finales de 2008, y desde entonces se ha convertido en una de las principales voces jóvenes de la ciudad a favor de los derechos de los inmigrantes, la equidad en educación y los derechos humanos. Después de unirse a la organización sin fines de lucro “Juntos” en 2011, co-fundó uno de los únicos programas de liderazgo de jóvenes latin@-inmigrante que ayudó a proveer una plataforma a las experiencias de jóvenes inmigrantes en Filadelfia. El activista agregó que, aunque la justicia social y la potenciación de la comunidad es algo que le apasiona, por el momento no consideraría tomar la posición de director ejecutivo a tiempo completo y piensa que puede apoyar a la organización como director interino y abriendo el paso a la persona que liderará esta nueva etapa. Para más información visite GALAEI. También puede seguirlos en Twitter @ galaeiphilly, en Instagram @ galaeiphilly1 o Facebook.
NOCHE LATINA JUEVES 9PM – 1AM ¡Salsa, bachata, merengue y cha-cha... disfrute de bebidas especiales, buena música y baile toda la noche! Clases de baile gratis • 9:30PM - 10:15PM Actuación en vivo • 11:30PM
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6 » LOCAL » AL DÍA » MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 » ALDÍ
Familias detenidas en Berks piden ser parte del proceso legal ANA GAMBOA Familias inmigrantes que actualmente se encuentran detenidas o recientemente fueron recluidas en Berks County Residential Center (BCRC), presentaron una petición para poder ser parte de la batalla legal sobre la revocación de la licencia operacional del centro. “Creemos que es esencial que sus voces sean escuchadas en este proceso. También exigimos la liberación inmediata de las familias”, dijo John D’Elia, miembro del programa de servicios legales de Villanova, “Farmworker Legal Aid Clinic”. El pasado 30 de enero el Departamento de Servicios Humanos anunció que la concesión de la licencia de operaciones de BCRC se vencería el 21 de febrero y que se no sería renovada. Sin embargo, el Departamento de Servicios Sociales de Pensilvania permitió que el centro permanezca abierto debido a que éste inició un proceso de apelación para poder renovar su licencia. “En primer lugar, estamos de acuerdo con la decisión del Estado de revocar la licencia debido a que el gobierno estatal simplemente no concede licencias al condado para alojar a niños y
familias”, dijo D’Elia. “Creemos que existen conductas negligentes en el funcionamiento de las instalaciones”. Desde hace un año la campaña “Shut Down Berks” (clausuren Berks), se ha encargado de denunciar condiciones abusivas que enfrentan familias inmigrantes que recluidas en las instalaciones. Los miembros de esta campaña incluyen a Detention Watch Network, GALAEI, Juntos, #Not1More, Make the Road Pennsylvania, Migrant Power Movement, PICC, UUPlan y We Belong Together. Durante una conferencia de prensa el pasado 16 de marzo, miembros de la campaña reportaron que recientemente se reportó el caso de una menor de cuatro años que contrajo Shigella en las instalaciones, enfermedad infecciosa que causa vómitos y diarrea. “También hay evidencia de casos no tratados de diarrea y hongos, que se prolongaron durante semanas o meses sin tratamiento, a pesar de que los menores visitaron el centro médico”, dijo D’Elia. “En base a la información que tenemos no sabemos si el centro de detención ha tomado medidas para evitar una mayor propaga-
JOHN D’ELIA, MIEMBRO del programa de servicios legales de Villanova, “Farmworker Legal Aid Clinic” durante la conferencia de prensa el 16 de marzo. Ana Gamboa/AL DÍA News ción de esta enfermedad, asegurando que los niños tengan acceso a instalaciones dónde puedan lavarse las manos, desinfectando los baños y las áreas de preparación de alimentos”, dijo Katherine Yun, médico pediatra y miembro de la junta del Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition. Este caso es uno de varios incidentes reportados por Human Rights First, organización independiente de acción y defensa, que en febrero publicó un reporte sobre varias cuestiones de salud médica sin resolver en las instalaciones del centro. Una de las problemáticas que más resaltaron es que ningún miembro de personal de enfer-
mería o trabajador/a social habla español, el primer idioma de la gran mayoría de las personas detenidas. “La atención oportuna de un médico, enfermera o asistente de médico son importantes para el diagnóstico precoz de enfermedades como la Shigella. La comunicación es absolutamente la base de una diagnosis y un tratamiento preciso”, dijo Yun. “Exigimos al Departamento de Salud y al Centro para el Control de Enfermedades investigar de inmediato las condiciones médicas dentro de Berks. Un brote de Shigella es muy peligroso para las familias, pero especialmente para los niños”, dijo Erika Almiron, directora
de Juntos. “Este tipo de negligencia es también una enorme responsabilidad para el condado y el estado; en otros lugares del país en las que se ha producido un brote de Shigella, familias afectadas han presentado demandas por millones de dólares. Recomendamos encarecidamente que se investigue al centro y su clausura inmediata dado este nuevo desarrollo”. De acuerdo con D’Elia, la petición se encuentra actualmente ante la Oficina de Audiencia y Apelaciones en el sistema del Departamento de Recursos Humanos de Pensilvania, y por el momento están a la espera para saber si les concederán poder intervenir en el caso.
EL HOSPITAL FOX CHASE CANCER CENTER AHORA EN EL TEMPLE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Dos de los proveedores de servicios de salud más confiables de la región se han unido en el Fox Chase Cancer Center en Temple University Hospital. Esta asociación significa que nuestros pacientes tienen acceso a estudios y opciones de tratamiento superiores, y a un sólido programa de investigaciones clínicas que ofrece novedosos tratamientos para el cáncer que no están disponibles en la mayoría de los hospitales. En el Hospital Temple, los médicos oncólogos como el Dr. Álvaro Pereira-Rico, trabajan con un equipo de especialistas de ambos hospitales para proveer el cuidado compasivo de alta calidad que los pacientes con cáncer complejo necesitan y esperan.
Álvaro Pereira-Rico, MD Médico Oncólogo
800-TEMPLE-MED Temple Health se refiere a las actividades de salud, educación e investigación realizadas por los afiliados a el Temple University Health System (TUHS) y Lewis Katz Temple University School of Medicine. TUHS no provee ni controla la provisión de cuidados de salud. Todo el cuidado de salud es provisto por las organizaciones miembros o proveedores de cuidado de salud independientes afiliados con las organizaciones miembros de TUHS. Cada organización miembro de TUHS es propiedad y opera conforme a los documentos que la rigen.
Temple Health/FCCC, Pereira-Rico Ad Al Dia
Insertion: Wednesday, March 23, 2016
ALDÍ « MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 « AL DÍA « LOCAL « 7
Filadelfia acoge una feria de salud organizada por NAHN LUCÍA TEJO El capítulo de Filadelfia de la Asociación Nacional de Enfermeras Hispanas (NAHN) celebrará su primera Latino Community Health and Wellness Conference en la ciudad. El evento, que tendrá lugar el próximo 2 de abril entre las 8:00 a.m. y las 2:00 p.m. en la Escuela Julia De Burgos (401 West Lehigh Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19133), tendrá como tema principal la reforma de salud llevada a cabo por la Administración Obama. “Hay muchos mitos y mucha información incorrecta con relación a la reforma de salud [...] Hay muchas personas que gracias a esta ley tienen seguro médico por primera vez y por eso mismo no conocen cuáles son los beneficios que tienen, qué servicios son gratuitos dentro de sus seguro médico... ”, explica Raquel R. Díaz, presidenta de NAHN en Filadelfia. Aunque el Afordable Care Act no será el único tema que se abordará durante la conferencia. Los expertos de la asociación
también informarán a los asistentes sobre la diabetes (una enfermedad prevalente en la comunidad latina), el derrame cerebral —“lo que es la prevención, factores de riesgo, información sobre si desarrollan esos síntomas qué deben hacer...”, cuenta Díaz— y los ataques al corazón. Por otro lado, también habrá un espacio dedicado a la enfermedad mental, por ejemplo cómo manejar el estrés y la depresión. “El no atender esa depresión o no poner atención a ese estrés que se tiene puede causar una complicación en cualquier otra enfermedad crónica que tenga”, advierte Díaz. NAHN también impartirá un taller especial destinado a niños en edad escolar, Múevete USA, que estará centrado en nutrición y actividad física. Además, a lo largo de la jornada, que comenzará con un desayuno, se llevarán a cabo chequeos y análisis de la presión sanguínea de manera gratuita. Y todo ello con el fin de cumplir el principal objetivo de la asociación. “Nosotros tenemos el compromiso de
MIEMBROS DEL CAPÍTULO local de la Asociación Nacional de Enfermeras Hispanas durante uno de los eventos desarrollados en la ciudad. NAHN. ayudar al progreso de las comunidades latinas y a dirigir, promover y abogar por oportunidades educativas, profesionales y de liderazgo para los profesionales de enfermería hispanos”, sentencia Díaz. Para recibir más información sobre la conferencia o sobre el capítulo local de NAHN visite www.nahnphiladelphia. org. Si desea participar en el evento debe registarse previamente. Puede hacerlo
en eventbrite ( nahn-philly-1st-latino-communityhealth-and-wellness-conference-tickets2 2 5 9 5 2 4 2 9 8 0 ? a f f = e a n d n e o n s h re & re f =eandneonshre), enviando un email a o llamando al teléfono 215-707-6544. Tan solo tiene que dejar un mensaje (puede ser en español) indicando su nombre y el número de personas que asistirá al evento.
¡Agregue su proyecto a la 9a. Limpieza anual de primavera en Filadelfia!
¿Inmigró recientemente? ¿Viajando a casa a ver la familia? ¿Viajando fuera del país?
ACEPTADA EN CUALQUIER PARTE DEL MUNDO! DOCUMENTO INTERNACIONAL DE MANEJO, emitido por el club internacional de conductores de automóvil (IADC), válido para conducir en cualquier estado de la nación. Procesado en computadora el mismo día sin pasar examen. Llene la aplicación en la parte de atrás y por favor de mandar una foto tamaño pasaporte.
NO NECESITA SER RESIDENTE. • No necesita tener Seguro Social • Identificaciones para estudiantes
Usted es la clave para hacer que las labores de limpieza del presente año sean mejores y más grandes que nunca. Venga con el proyecto que le gusta, añádalo a la lista e invite a su familia, amigos y vecinos que lo acompañen. ¡Y eso no es todo. Vamos a recogerlo, Filadelfia!
Sábado 9 de abril | 9am - 2pm LO
8 » MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 » ALDÍ
Siga día a día las últimas noticias en
PREPÁRESE PARA MANDAR UN MENSAJE Nuevos apps dan evidencia de la importancia de los votantes latinos ‘millennials’ y su poder —aún no materializado— en las urnas. SABRINA VOURVOULIAS uizá haya escuchado que los latinos no votan. Quizá haya escuchado que los ‘millennials’ —alrededor del 36 por ciento del grupo total de votantes— tampoco votan. Y ya que cerca de la mitad (44 por ciento) de los electores latinos en 2016 son ‘millennials’, estos latinos podrían ser la po-
blación que uno menos esperaría encontrarse en las urnas… Esperen un momento, dice Antonio Gonzalez, presidente del William C. Velasquez Institute, la organización principal de investigación y políticas públicas latinas de la nación. “Los electores latinos registrados participan en cantidades elevadas en las elecciones presidenciales generales. En promedio, el 80 por ciento de los electores latinos registrados emiten su voto —¡y así ha sucedido por los últimos 40 años!”, le dijo a AL DÍA. “Para los votantes latinos jóvenes registrados, el índice promedio es el 75 por ciento”. Gonzalez calcula que alrede-
dor de 15 a 16 millones de latinos registrados tendrán edad para votar en el 2016, y que cerca del 80 por ciento, o entre 12 y 13 millones, votarán. “Ambas cantidades totales constituirán un máximo histórico”, dijo. “Durante las elecciones presidenciales el verdadero reto es la inscripción de los 12 a 15 millones de latinos elegibles pero no registrados. Para eso se necesita organización de base y fondos que normalmente solo están disponibles en nueve estados competitivos (Florida, Nevada, Colorado y Ohio, entre otros) donde, sin embargo, se encuentran solamente el 15-20 por ciento de los votantes latinos ele-
gibles e inscritos”. Ese desafío, en la opinión de por lo menos tres organizaciones, podría ser superado al comprometer a los ‘millennials’ latinos ‘en el lugar donde viven’ —a través de sus teléfonos—. Voto Latino presentó su aplicación, VoterPal, el 15 de marzo en el enormemente influyente evento SXSW; a principios de febrero, el National Council of La Raza (NCLR) y el sitio tecnológico mitú se asociaron para producir la aplicación Latinos Vote; y “Feet in 2 Worlds” —la organización de medios enfocada en los inmigrantes, con sede en la ciu-
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LA REVOLUCIÓN POLÍTICA se llevará a cabo vía apps a parecer por la proliferación de nuevas applicaciones para teléfono móvil para facilitar la inscripción de los votantes latinos ‘millennials’. EFE
ALDÍ « MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 « AL DÍA « PORTADA « 9
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dad de Nueva York, fundada hace 10 años— está por presentar su propia aplicación, Voto2016, en el mes de mayo. “La idea para la aplicación Voto2016 surgió de mi experiencia con mis estudiantes en The New School, donde tiene su sede Feet in 2 Worlds”, dijo John Rudolph, productor ejecutivo de Feet in 2 Worlds. “Al principio de cada semestre le pregunto a mis estudiantes en la clase de periodismo de dónde obtienen sus noticias. Ninguno de ellos depende de los medios con los que yo crecí. No escuchan la radio, no ven la televisión y no leen periódicos. Obtienen casi toda su información en línea, y la mayor parte esta, en sus teléfonos”. Tanto los ‘millennials’ como los latinos son personas que usan su teléfono móvil primero, únicamente y hasta de forma dependiente. El 15 por ciento de los estadounidenses de entre 18 y 29 años de edad dependen de sus teléfonos inteligentes para tener acceso en línea, según un informe de Pew de 2015. El 13 por ciento de los latinos y el 12 por ciento de los afroamericanos (en comparación con el 4 por ciento de las personas de raza blanca) dependen exclusivamente de sus móviles para obtener información. “Empecé a pensar sobre esto en el contexto de las elecciones de 2016, específicamente en términos del electorado latino”, dijo Rudolph. “Nuestra misión en Feet in 2 Worlds es narrar las historias de los inmigrantes actuales al resto de los Estados Unidos. Hace ocho años, en 2008, empezamos a cubrir las elecciones presidenciales desde la perspectiva de los inmigrantes, y naturalmente, llegamos a enfocarnos en los electores latinos, ya que los latinos son uno de los grupos de más rápido crecimiento en la sociedad estadounidense, y muchos latinos tienen más cercanía con sus raíces inmigrantes de lo que tienen muchos otros estadounidenses”. “Este año, el desafío de Feet in 2 Worlds fue encontrar la manera de aumentar nuestro entendimiento de los desafíos y oportunidades que afrontan los electores latinos, a la vez de reflejar los cambios en la forma en que las personas consumen las noticias”, dijo Rudolph. “Sabemos que los latinos y otros jóvenes de todas las etnias están rezagados en comparación con el
AMBOS PARTIDOS POLÍTICOS buscan inscribir a votantes ‘millennials’, quienes forman el 36 por ciento del total de votantes registrados. EFE
440.000 Votantes latinos elegibles
% de la población
‘Millennials’ (18-33 años)
total latina
Ciudadanos de nacimiento
Origen puertorriqueño
Origen mexicano
Origen dominicano
Origen cubano
Origen salvadoreño
Otro origen latinoamericano
13,9% 0
Fuente: Gráfico: AL DÍA Newspaper
resto del país cuando se trata de la participación electoral. Sabemos que los latinos adoptan los teléfonos inteligentes de forma rápida en el país. Y sabemos que los latinos jóvenes representan una fuerza poderosa, aunque en general inexplotada, en las políticas electorales”. Así mismo, la NCLR y mitú consideraban su aplicación como la forma perfecta para crear una plataforma para esta generación de latinos. “Con el voto de más rápido crecimiento, los electores promedio más jóvenes y nuestras cuestiones de interés en el centro del debate, nuestra comunidad puede ver que las elecciones del 2016 probarán ser cruciales”, dijo Janet Murguia, presidente y directora ejecutiva de NCLR, al anunciar el lanzamiento de la aplicación. “El trabajo de NCLR es asegurar que nuestros electores —y de forma igualmente importante, los millones de electores potenciales en nuestra comunidad— cuenten con las herramientas necesarias e información que necesitan para participar y tomar decisiones informadas para sus familias y su futuro. Al aunar fuerzas con una compañía de medios tecnológicos de vanguardia como mitú es un paso importante para ampliar tanto el grupo de electores en noviembre, como nuestra importancia en los resultados de las elecciones”. Por su parte, los creadores del app de Voto Latino reconocen
que “la principal razón por que los latinos se registrarán para votar, es si se les pide que lo hagan”, dijo la presidente y directora ejecutiva María Teresa Kumar. “Le estamos dando a cada persona, en la palma de su mano, la capacidad para ir y registrar a sus amgios y familiares”. Las aplicaciones harán cosas similares, en formas un tanto diferentes, y sus diferencias parecen reflejar la forma en que las organizaciones visualizan que serán utilizadas después de que se lleve a cabo el registro inicial del elector.
Según indica Rudolph, Voto2016 —diseñada para iPhone y a la que después de su lanzamiento en mayo se le agregará funcionalidad de Android— ofrecerá dos transmisiones de contenido: una enfocada en cómo registrarse para votar, y la otra con noticias sobre los candidatos, y temas electorales, tomados de una amplia gama de fuentes, y disponible en inglés, con un poco de español y ‘Spanglish’. “Un tercer elemento serán las herramientas de los medios sociales (inclusive los emojis de diseño personalizado), que les permiten a los usuarios comentar y compartir información, vídeos, audio y artículos que encuentran en la aplicación”. “Voto2016 será la única aplicación —que yo sepa— dirigida a los electores latinos jóvenes que
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10 » PORTADA » AL DÍA » MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 » ALDÍ
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PA ONLINE VOTER REGISTRATION (OVR) Nuevas inscripciones de ‘millennials’
ESTUDIANTES DE LA Universidad de Temple se reunieron en el centro estudiantil el 9 de marzo para ver juntos el debate demócrata, un evento patrocinado por The Next Majority —una organización que fomenta la participación cívica de ‘millennials’ afroamericanos y latinos—. Dominique Johnson/ AL DÍA News combina estos tres elementos”, dijo Rudolph. “También es la única aplicación en la que sé que adopta un criterio periodístico para comprometer a los latinos jóvenes en el proceso político. Nos estamos asociando con las fuentes de noticias y grupos sin fines de lucro para ofrecer noticias e información en la aplicación y para ayudar a comercializar la aplicación para los latinos ‘millennials’ […] El financiamiento inicial de Voto2016 se obtuvo de una campaña de ‘crowdfunding’ exitosa que se realizó el año pasado. Desde el principio Voto2016 ha sido un proyecto en linea”.
“VoterPal le permite a cualquiera convertirse en organizador y activista y registrarse ellos mismos y a todos a su alrededor para que voten”, dijo America Ferrara, presidente conjunta de la coalición de artistas de Voto Latino, al anunciar el lanzamiento de la aplicación hace varios días. Esta aplicación para iPhone llena el nombre, dirección, número de licencia y otra información al escanear el permiso de conducir, algo que Voto Latino dice reduce significativamente el tiempo que toma llenar el formulario de registro para votar —lo que lo convierte en un vehículo ideal para inscribir a las personas en reuniones. “Más del 40 por ciento de los latinos ‘millennials’ usa exclusivamente sus móviles, y por eso, existe la necesidad de contar
“Durante las elecciones presidenciales el verdadero reto es la inscripción de los 12-15 millones de latinos elegibles pero no registrados. Para eso se necesita organización de base y fondos que normalmente solo están disponibles en nueve estados competitivos (Florida, Nevada, Colorado y Ohio, entre otros) donde, sin embargo, se encuentran solamente el 15-20 por ciento de los votantes latinos elegibles e inscritos” Antonio Gonzalez Presidente, William C. Velasquez Institute
con tecnología en el proceso de inscripción de electores para ponerse al día con el siglo XXI. Con esta aplicación, contamos con el potencial para crear una red de organizadores cívicos en todo el país”, dijo Kumar.
Latinos Vote
“Los jóvenes latinos tienen la posibilidad de tener un enorme impacto en las elecciones de 2016”, dijo Murguia en el lanzamiento de febrero. “Pero todo empieza con inscribirse para votar”. Esta aplicación de Android iOs acompaña al elector a través del proceso de registro y ofrece información sobre los requisitos para votar en el estado del usuario, con la idea que entonces el usuario puede imprimir y enviar
su solicitud por correo. Así como en la aplicación Voto2016, existen funciones para compartir socialmente, pero los usuarios de Latinos Vote también reciben avisos. “NCLR y mitú se mantendrán en contacto con esos electores”, según la información proporcionada por NCLR, “ayudándolos a completar el proceso, avisándoles sobre fechas límite importantes y otra información que necesitan para ejercer su derecho para votar, y comprometiéndolos para que ayuden a otros electores elegibles para que hagan lo mismo”.
La táctica en línea de Pensilvania
En agosto de 2015, Pensilvania instaló un sistema de registro de electores en línea (OVR, por sus siglas en inglés) tanto en espa-
ñol como en inglés. Aunque no cuenta con los elementos sociales o compromiso adicional de las aplicaciones antes descritas, desde el 1 de enero 85.000 residentes de Pensilvania elegibles lo han utilizado para presentar nuevos registros de electores o para actualizar su información de registro. Existen algunos patrones interesantes que han surgido de esos nuevos registros. Como cabe esperar, los registros al Partido Demócrata son alrededor de cinco veces la cantidad de los registros para el Partido Republicano en el condado de Filadelfia (D=15.489; R=3.288; Otro=1.633). Lo que sí sorprende es el hecho que los registros al Partido Demócrata también sobrepasan a los republicanos en los cinco condados circundantes de Montgomery, Delaware, Chester y Bucks. En los cuatro condados circundantes, el número de registros nuevos de los ‘millennials’ más jóvenes es mayor que el número de registros de los ‘millennials’ de edad más avanzada. Esto es algo esperado ya que la categoría incluye a quienes acaban de cumplir la edad necesaria para poder votar. Pero el condado de Filadelfia es atípico. Más personas entre los 25 y 34 años de edad (6.319) se han registrado recientemente en el condado de Filadelfia a través de OVR que los que tienen entre 17 y 24 años de edad (4.782). Desafortunadamente, la información demográfica reunida a través de
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CONDADO DE FILADELFIA 17 - 24 años 4.782 25 - 34 años 6.319 CONDADO DE MONTGOMERY 17 - 24 años 3.211 25 - 34 años 2.446 CONDADO DE DELAWARE 17 - 24 años 2.178 25 - 34 años 1.416 CONDADO DE CHESTER 17 - 24 años 2.566 25 - 34 años 1.395 CONDADO DE BUCKS 17 - 24 años 2.770 25 - 34 años 1.597
PA ONLINE VOTER REGISTRATION (OVR) Nuevas inscripciones por partido CONDADO DE FILADELFIA Demócrata 15.489 Republicano 3.288 Otro 1.633 CONDADO DE MONTGOMERY Demócrata 7.564 Republicano 3.848 Otro 1.152 CONDADO DE DELAWARE Demócrata 4.322 Republicano 2.448 Otro 660 CONDADO DE CHESTER Demócrata 4.479 Republicano 2.722 Otro 802 CONDADO DE BUCKS Demócrata 4.876 Republicano 3.443 Otro 762
ALDÍ « MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 « AL DÍA « PORTADA « 11
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OVR no indica qué porcentaje de estos son de nuevos residentes o de residentes recién comprometidos, ni las étnias o razas que están representadas. La iniciativa de educación para los electores del Departamento de Estado de Pensilvania EveryoneVotesPA (que ofrece un kit de herramientas educativas en línea y contiene una lista de capacitaciones presenciales en toda la mancomunidad), así como OVR mismo están disponibles en español —lo que seguramente refleja el crecimiento del 43 por ciento de la comunidad latina en todo el estado, a lo largo de la última década—.
Del app a la aplicación
Los optimistas números de votantes latinos con que abrió este artículo, son para las elecciones generales. Cuando se trata de las elecciones primarias —como las que se aproximan el 26 de abril (la fecha límite para registrarse es el 28 de marzo), o las elecciones primarias para alcalde de Filadelfia de mayo de 2015— el número de votantes latinos es frecuentemente bastante deprimente. “Los latinos son el grupo étnico principal menos integrado en el sistema de dos partidos”, dijo Gonzalez. “Y las elecciones primarias son básicamente elecciones para los partidarios. Así que es anormal que exista una participación alta de latinos en las primarias. Habiendo dicho esto, la participación de los latinos se vuelve emocionante por varias condiciones: temas candentes; candidatos carismáticos; candidatos latinos viables; elecciones competitivas o abiertas; u operaciones comunitarias financiadas que promueven que las personas salgan a votar. Al verlo, queda claro que algunas de estas condiciones se están dando y explican por qué los números de votantes latinos han aumentado en algunos estados como Iowa, Nevada, Florida, Illinois, y no en otros como Texas o Massachusetts”. Angelo Falcón, un científico político, director y cofundador del National Institute for Latino Policy (NILP), agrega otro factor motivador: el temor. “El papel que desempeña el voto latino en las históricas elecciones presidenciales de este año es importante no en o por sí mismo, sino en la forma en que contribuye a una coalición más amplia de comunidades de personas
han presentado solicitudes a través del sistema de inscripción de votantes en línea
DESDE EL 1 DE ENERO, 2016: Más de
residentes elegibles han utilizado el sistema de inscripción de votantes en línea para registrarse por primera vez o para actualizar su información.
solicitudes de inscripciones de papel se presentaron en los condados en todo el estado
SECRETARIO DE ESTADO Pedro Cortés (izq) anunció el 21 de marzo que el sistema de registro de votantes en línea es capaz de aceptar firmas electrónicas. Junto con Rosalyn McPherson, CEO de la Liga Urbana de Filadelfia, y el alcalde Jim Kenney (drcha), Cortés hizo hincapié en que la fecha límite para registrarse para las primarias es el 28 de marzo. Max Marin/ AL DÍA News
“Los latinos más jóvenes han demostrado ser los más difíciles de movilizar en términos electorales, y si esto se puede o no lograr de forma electrónica es algo que se desconoce” Angelo Falcón Director y cofundador del National Institute for Latino Policy (NILP)
PERO... Aproximadamente
2 millones de residentes de Pensilvania elegibles siguen sin estar inscritos para votar
FECHA LÍMITE DE INSCRIPCIÓN PARA PODER VOTAR: • 28 de marzo para votar en las primarias del 26 de abril • 11 de octubre para votar en las elecciones generales del 8 de noviembre Fuente: Departamento del Estado de Pensilvania
de color y personas blancas progresistas”, le dijo a AL DÍA. “El fenómeno Trump aumenta los desafíos políticos para los latinos en formas que producen mayor número de electores latinos, mayoritariamente —me entristece decirlo— por temor en vez de por esperanza y por la necesidad de un cambio”. “Con las proyecciones de que los latinos podrían conformar hasta el 12 por ciento del electorado nacional el próximo noviembre, las preguntas clave han girado alrededor de los niveles de registro de electores y número de electores que se presenten a las urnas, que históricamente han sido muy bajos para los latinos”, agregó Falcón. “(Con la) consciencia reciente que los ‘millennials’ representan el segmento más grande del electorado latino elegible, varios grupos — siguiendo el ejemplo de la orga-
nización Voto Latino— están desarrollando enfoques dirigidos a los jóvenes para llegar a este sector de la comunidad, con estas aplicaciones. Sin embargo, los latinos más jóvenes han demostrado ser los más difíciles de movilizar en términos electorales, y si esto se puede o no lograr de forma electrónica es algo que se desconoce”. “Los estudios y experiencia han mostrado que no existe sustituto para arremangarse la camisa y salir a tocar puertas para movilizar al elector latino de forma efectiva”, agregó. “El desafío es conseguir los recursos y la voluntad para hacerlo a una escala adecuada para mover a una población de millones. Realmente no creo que exista una aplicación para eso… aún”. Rudolph también es realista en cuanto al número de votantes latinos que anticipa se presentará
a las urnas, pero cree sin lugar a dudas que las aplicaciones tienen un papel que desempeñar en aumentar el porcentaje de ‘millennials’ que votan. “Pese al éxito inicial de Bernie Sanders con los electores jóvenes, involucrar a los ‘millennials’ de todas las etnias y antecedentes continúa siendo un enorme desafío”, le dijo a AL DÍA. “Para los latinos existe una sensación adicional de que el proceso político no funciona para ellos y que la mayoría de líderes políticos no hablan en su nombre. Por mucho que se sientan repugnados por la retórica contra los inmigrantes de Donald Trump, también están profundamente preocupados por el número de deportaciones sin precedentes del gobierno del presidente Obama”. “No suelo hacer pronósticos sobre las elecciones, pero creo que la participación del elector latino en 2016 (inclusive de la participación de los electores jóvenes) aumentará, pero los latinos seguirán quedándose atrás de los afroamericanos y blancos cuando se trata de emitir su sufragio el día de las elecciones”, dijo. “Nuestra esperanza con Voto2016 es empezar a cambiar esa estructura histórica y alentar a los latinos más jóvenes para que realmente se den cuenta de su poder en las urnas de votación”.
12 » MARZO 23 - 30, 2016
DAYMÉ AROCENA SE presentará el jueves 24 de marzo, de 7:30 p.m. a 9:30 p.m., en las instalaciones del Museo Afroamericano de Filadelfia (701 Arch Street).
ANA GAMBOA omo parte de la exhibición “Drapetomanía: Grupo Antillano and the Art of Afro-Cuba”, residentes de Philly podrán experimentar la actuación en vivo de Daymé Arocena. Esta revelación del jazz afrocubano visitará Filadelfia el próximo 24 de marzo para realizar una presentación en vivo en el Museo Afroamericano de Filadelfia, evento en colaboración con AfroTaíno Productions. Creyente de la santería afrocubana y con tan solo 23 años, las interpretaciones de Arocena hacen eco de los cantos africanos de influencia religiosa con los que creció en el icónico barrio ‘Diez de Octubre’ en La Habana. “Tengo una voz muy fuerte, por decirlo simple. Pero cuando
canto, también quiero que la gente aprecie la belleza de los matices y la sutileza. Creo que cuando combino la fuerza y la inteligencia es cuando logro mi estilo actual como solista”, dijo Arocena a Havana Cultura. Su proyecto debut fue nombrado uno de los 50 mejores discos del año por NPR, y continúa redefiniendo la percepción y comprensión de la música cubana a nivel mundial. “Frente al público, y sobre todo en el escenario, se siente libertad. La misma que uno siente cuando está en la ducha, cuando nadie te ve”, dijo Arocena. “No mides tu movimientos y abres el alma, entonces sale de tu voz un ‘feeling’ indescriptible”. Según la interprete, los músicos que más la inspiran son los que dejan un buen sabor, aunque agregó, de todos aprende algo.
Su proyecto debut fue nombrado uno de los 50 mejores discos del año por NPR, y continúa redefiniendo la percepción y comprensión de la música cubana a nivel mundial. “Pero hay personas que después de la vida y la muerte pasaron a ser parte de los espíritus que me acompañan. Tal es el caso de La Lupe, Elis Regina, Ella Fitzgerald, y coronando Nina Simone”. Hasta el momento ha grabado cuatro pistas con productores de Rusia, Chile, Sudáfrica y Suiza,
para después ser invitada a Londres para actuar en el Havana Cultura Mix: The Soundclash album launch. Su voz le han permitido colaborar con varios artistas de renombre como los músicos de jazz Roberto Fonseca y Yasek Manzano, el rapero Kumar, y el DJ Raumskaya de Rusia, con el que grabó el mencionado “U Knew Before”. “Cuando viajas la sangre se te oxigena y pisas otro suelo desde la escena, como lo hago yo ‘sin zapatos’, te conectas con otra cultura y la vida se torna de colores y sensaciones típicas. Es de aquellas pequeñas cosas que ni la muerte te arrebata”, dijo Arocena. Después de su experiencia por un tiempo como miembro de la banda de Joaquín Betancourt, Arocena decidió fundar Alami, una banda de jazz conformada exclusivamente por mujeres,
ante la falta de representación de éstas en el mundo del jazz. “Aun somos muy pocas (mujeres en la industria). El jazz como expresión musical no tiene genero pero sí lleva valentía. Al menos la suficiente para asumirlo como parte de tu vida”, dijo Arocena. “Las mujeres somos lo suficientemente valientes como para parir... nos sobra valentía, pero a veces no lo sabemos y así se nos va la vida”. Daymé Arocena se presentará el jueves 24 de marzo, de 7:30 p.m. a 9:30 p.m., en las instalaciones del Museo Afroamericano de Filadelfia (701 Arch Street). “Me siento agradecida de la vida por tanta buena onda. Tengo la esperanza de sembrar mi semilla en Philly ... y ¡volver! De todo corazón gracias Filadelfia. Ashe!”, concluyó la intérprete. Para adquirir boletos visite Eventbrite.
ALDÍ « MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 « AL DÍA « LA CULTURA « 13
Philadelphia Science Festival está cada vez más cerca LUCÍA TEJO Con una explosión, reacción química mediante, aderezada por una nube de polvo verde (el color emblema). Así quedó oficialmente inaugurada la cuenta atrás de la edición 2016 de Philadelphia Science Festival en la que será su localización principal este año, Great Plaza en Penn’s Landing. El festival, dedicado a acercar a los habitantes de todas las edades a las diferentes disciplinas científicas, volverá a Filadelfia por sexto año consecutivo. Lo hará de la mano de más de 70 eventos que se sucederán del 22 al 30 de abril. Nueve días en los que una de las ciudades más innovadoras del país se convertirá en la cuna de lo ‘nerdy’, tal y como reza el hashtag elegido por la organización para la ocasión #GetNerdyPHL. “Filadelfia tiene una larga tradición en materia de innovación y continúa siendo una incubadora de innumerables avances en un gran número de disciplinas”, aseguró Larry Dubinski, presidente y CEO de The Franklin Institute, en la ceremonia de presentación. “Una fascinante actividad científica sucede a lo largo y ancho de la ciudad a diario. Y el Philadelphia Science Festival trabaja
para mostrar a estos ingenieros, científicos, innovadores, y educadores que están realizando un trabajo excepcional para hacer está gran ciudad tan increíble”. Según aseguró Dubinski, “parte de la misión de este festival es hacer la ciencia más accesible, más divertida y hacer que funcione de la mano de actividades y eventos interactivos que estimulen los sentidos, emocionen y que queráis aprender más sobre la ciencia”. Con un número cada vez mayor de localizaciones extendidas a lo largo y ancho de toda la ciudad, el festival comenzará con la Noche de la Astronomía, que tendrá lugar el 22 de abril entre las 7:30 y las 10:30 p.m. en 26 lugares; y finalizará con el Science Carnival celebrado en Penn’s Landing el día 30 de abril. Entre las principales actividades del festival se encuentran el Discovery Day, que tendrá lugar el sábado 23 de abril, o Explorer Sunday, que se celebrará el domingo 24. La amplia gama de talleres, pensados para todos los miembros de la familia y especialmente para los más pequeños —“Nosotros introducimos a los niños a las maravillas de la ciencia y la tecnología e inspiramos a la próxima generación a considerar una carrera
¡Espere en julio!
STEAM”, declaró Dubinski—, ofrecerán desde la posibilidad desde descubrir el rol que la ciencia juega en el campo de la cocina (en Fun with Kitchen Science) o de qué está compuesta una cerveza hasta conocer la profesión de médico o enfermera o las oportunidades del colectivo LGBT en carreras STEM, entre otras muchas.
DOS MIEMBROS DEL comité organizador del festival, durante la presentación del evento. Lucía Tejo/AL DÍA News.
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14 » LA CULTURA » AL DÍA » MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 » ALDÍ
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EL CONJUNTO DE Luna a a Lunares fue uno de los encargados de amenizar el evento con su espectáculo de flamenco.
‘Foodies’ de Filadelfia reunidos por Garcés y su buena causa LUCÍA TEJO “Piensa en lo local, da a lo local” —”Think local give local”—. Este se ha convertido en el mantra de uno de los chef más célebres de Filadelfia, José Garcés, (fraguado hace cerca de cuatro años en la Garcés Foundation). Y bajo el mismo congregó el pasado viernes 18 de marzo a más de una treintena de restaurantes locales en su evento benéfico anual, celebrado en el hotel Loews de Center City. La cita, pensada para recaudar fondos para su fundación dedicada al apoyo y ayuda a inmigrantes locales, estuvo protagonizada por los deliciosos platos creados para la ocasión por los chef de los locales participantes y aderezada por la música en directo de American Deluxe, Philadelphia Girls Choir y el espectáculo flamenco del ensemble De Luna a Lunares. El chef José Garcés, que se definió a sí mismo como “hijo de inmigrantes de primera generación”, agradeció a todos los presentes su generosidad y su asistencia a una gala que hizo las delicias de la gran comunidad ‘foodie’ con la que cuenta la ciudad.
UNA TREINTENA DE restaurantes locales elaboraron platos de lo más diversos.
Lucía Tejo/AL DÍA News.
EL CHEF GARCÉS, durante el evento, agradeciendo a los asistentes su presencia. Lucía Tejo/AL DÍA News.
MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 « 15 Siga día a día las galerias de fotos en
El 19 de marzo más de 500 líderes de negocios se reunieron para celebrar la décima edición de este evento que celebra la belleza de la cultura latina.
ROBERT CLARK Y Cynthia Figueroa, presidenta y CEO de Congreso, junto a Rhonda y David Cohen, vicepresidente ejecutivo de Comcast.
BAILARINES DE LA organización Casa Venezuela se presentaron durante el evento, que este año tuvo como tema principal la tradición del joropo venezolano. Fotos: Peter Fitzpatrick/AL DÍA
MARIA MONTERO, FARAH Jimenez y Gretchen Wisehart estuvieron entre las invitadas del evento que llevó a cabo en el Hyatt at the Bellevue.
LA MÚSICA Y el baile, dos de la esencias de Cuba, se cuelan inevitablemente en el álbum personal de viaje del juez de Filadelfia Nelson Diaz.
DIAZ TAMBIÉN CAPTURÓ uno de los lugares más emblemáticos de la isla, el popular restaurante-bar La Bodeguita del Medio. Fotos: Nelson Diaz
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16 » ESTADOS UNIDOS » AL DÍA » MARZO 23 - 30, 2016
Ley podría vetar a refugiados en ciertos estados en el país
Foto: Tracy Hunter via Flickr.
Larry Pitt
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Se Habla Español • NORTHEAST 9548 Bustleton Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215) 695-0220
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MAX MARIN ¿Recuerda aquel momento en que el presidente Barack Obama declaró que permitiría que Estados Unidos recibiera a 10.000 refugiados sirios durante los próximos años, para que luego docenas de políticos en todo el país se comprometieron a “cerrarles las puertas”? ¿Recuerda después, cuando los expertos legales señalaron que gobiernos locales no tienen ese poder? Por el momento olvídelo. El Comité Judicial de la Cámara de Representantes de EE.UU. está desarrollando un proyecto de ley que podrá restringir el asentamiento de refugiados en el país, al permitir que aquellos estados o gobiernos locales que “desaprueban” proveer refugio, vetar su asentamiento. Por el momento el proyecto (“Ley de Integridad de Restauración de Refugiados”), dictamina que el gobierno también podría mantener a refugiados bajo vigilancia contínua hasta que cambie su estatus migratorio. Refugee Council USA, una organización nacional de defensa para refugiados, señaló que el proyecto de ley también crearía nuevos procedimientos que retrasarían “significativamente” el asentamiento de muchos refu-
giados. “Bajo el pretexto de proteger a la gente de persecución religiosa, dando prioridad a minorías religiosas de países de particular preocupación, el proyecto de ley podría discriminar eficazmente contra refugiados que son musulmanes, al mantenerlos fuera de Estados Unidos”, declaró la organización a través de un comunicado.
“El proyecto de ley dictamina que el gobierno podría mantener a refugiados bajo vigilancia continua hasta que cambie su estatus migratorio” La organización agregó que “el proyecto de ley también evitaría que los refugiados se ajustasen a una residencia legal permanente”, al menos hasta que hayan residido en el país por tres años, lo que retrasaría la reunificación familiar y las oportunidades de integración. También revocaría el estatus de refugiado de cualquier persona que regrese a su país de origen, aunque sea brevemente, a causa por ejemplo, de un funeral o emergencia familiar.
¿Quieres desarrollar principios de vida? ¿Quieres desarrollar un estilo de vida cristiano? ¿Quieres desarrollar hábitos que reflejen al Cristo que hay en ti?
Visítenos en
ALDÍ « MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 « AL DÍA « OPINIÓN « 17
Algunas reflexiones en el umbral de la semana santa E
l 17 de marzo, el Departamento de Estado catalogó el asesinato continuo de cristianos por el Estado Islámico (conocido como ISIS o ISIL, o más despectivamente como «Daesh») como genocidio. Ésta es solo la segunda vez que el Departamento de Estado ha emitido tal designación, y es una muestra del alcance de la crisis actual. Los cristianos del Medio Oriente han sido llevados al exilio, secuestrados, decapitados, violados o esclavizados por las decenas de miles en los últimos años. Y mientras que la designación de «genocidio» no puede detener o cambiar esos crímenes, esto es un reconocimiento oficial poderoso, que nombra la verdad de una situación trágica. La alabanza por lograr que fuera hecha esta declaración pública debe ser compartida por grupos como los Caballeros de Colón, los
obispos de Estados Unidos, Center for Religious Freedom (Centro por la libertad religiosa) del Hudson Institute y otras organizaciones determinadas que ejercieron presión en el liderazgo de Washington y en los medios de comunicación nacionales para que reconocieran el patrón de fanatismo religioso del estado islámico, de profanación de lugares sagrados y de derramamiento de sangre masivo. El odio hacia los cristianos y otras minorías religiosas no es «incidental» a la política del Estado Islámico. Es el corazón de su política. Y mientras que el Estado Islámico es extremo en su malicia, haríamos bien en recordar que, en general, el historial de la vida cristiana en el Medio Oriente ha sido a menudo doloroso. El brutal tratamiento de armenios y otros cristianos por las autoridades turcas hace un siglo propor-
“En el ámbito local por supuesto, muchos cristianos y musulmanes viven en paz y amistad. Las naciones de mayoría musulmana pueden variar mucho en su tratamiento de las minorías religiosas” MONS. CHARLES CHAPUT
cionó el modelo para el Holocausto judío unas décadas más tarde. En el ámbito local por supuesto, muchos cristianos y musulmanes viven en paz y amistad. Las naciones de mayoría musulmana pueden variar mucho en su tratamiento de las minorías religiosas. Sin embargo, la memoria es importante en la creación de un futuro más humano, y cualquier persona interesada en los hechos históricos de la vida cristiana en la región debe leer la excelente obra, entre los muchos otros, de la erudita Bat Ye’or nacida en Egipto. Al prepararnos para la semana más santa del año —la semana en la que el Hijo de Dios sacrificó su propia vida por nosotros— nuestro enfoque debe ser, al menos en parte este año, en apoyar y defender a nuestra familia cristiana de la fe en el Medio Oriente, donde el Evangelio de Jesucristo
fue primero predicado. Debemos honrar el testimonio de los mártires cristianos heroicos que han muerto en los últimos años a manos de extremistas. El amor no puede separarse de la verdad. Y el amor nunca es una coartada legítima por la falta de valentía en decir la verdad en el nombre de los hermanos cristianos. Cualquier persona con ilusiones sobre el costo del discipulado cristiano hoy en día debe leer la cobertura por la periodista Joan Desmond en este enlace:http:// eyewitness-account-of-isis-attackon-mother-teresas-sisters-in-yemen/. Por favor, recuerde estos mártires Misioneros de la Caridad en sus oraciones durante los próximos días de la Semana Santa, junto con los otros muchos miles de cristianos que sufren en el Oriente Medio.
De la agresión armada a la invasión económica A
sí es, los casi 60 años de guerra secreta, múltiples atentados contra la vida de Fidel Castro y el innecesario y cruel embargo comercial que han caracterizado las relaciones de Washington con Cuba, han dado paso a una verdadera fiebre del oro por parte de toda clase de negocios estadounidenses —Airbnb y Marriott, Verizon y AT&T, para no mencionar la guerra entre los líneas aéreas para asegurarse rutas a la isla, y muchos más— ansiosos por extraer cualquier riqueza que la nación Caribeña pueda ofrecer. Esa es la trascendencia de los cambios en la política de EE.UU. hacia Cuba desde el 17 de diciembre de 2014, cuando los presidentes de ambos países sorprendieron al mundo al anunciar simultáneamente el restablecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas. Si esto no es un transformación radical me gustaría que al-
guien me explicara qué cosa es. Encima de todo, el Presidente Obama aterrizó en La Habana el domingo, y entre otras cosas su viaje debe poner fin cualquier duda sobre la profundidad y la durabilidad de tales cambios. “Durante cinco décadas, toda nuestra política [de Estados Unidos] hacia Cuba consistió en hacer que la familia Castro tirara la toalla (“cry uncle” en inglés)”, ha dicho Sarah Stephens, la directora del Centro para la Democracia en las Américas, basado en Washington, resumiendo 55 años de política norteamericana hacia Cuba. “Tratamos de matarlos y, cuando no lo logramos, buscamos provocar una insurrección entre cubanos a los que intentamos hacer que pasaran hambre y creciera su desesperación, haciéndoles daño con nuestras sanciones.” No funcionó. El pueblo cubano sufrió pero supo resistir, y para el disgusto de los comecan-
“Sin duda que tras medio siglo de desconfianza, permanecen muchas contradicciones sin resolver. No obstante el viaje de Obama debe acelerar, reafirmar y hacer irreversibles los cambios anunciados hace unos pocos meses” ALBOR RUIZ
dela de Washington, el país nunca tiró la toalla. Y ahora, como resultado de esa resistencia, un Presidente de EE.UU. llegó a La Habana, no con las actitudes imperiales de antes, sino con el respeto que el pueblo de Cuba merece, consciente de que la orgullosa nación caribeña nunca aceptaría imposiciones o faltas de respeto. “Aún tenemos diferencias con el gobierno cubano que trataré directamente con ellos. América siempre defenderá los derechos humanos alrededor del mundo”, Obama escribió en Twitter. Sin duda que tras medio siglo de desconfianza, permanecen muchas contradicciones sin resolver. No obstante el viaje de Obama debe acelerar, reafirmar y hacer irreversibles los cambios anunciados hace unos pocos meses. En Cuba, Josefina Vidal, directora general de asuntos de EE.UU. en el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba,
expresó la satisfacción de su gobierno con la visita de Obama. “Su visita representa un paso de avance en las relaciones entre Cuba y EE.UU.”, afirmó Vidal al tiempo que reiteraba la demanda de que se levante el embargo y se le devuelva Guantánamo a Cuba. Volviendo a la fiebre de oro, todo el mundo está de acuerdo en que una ofensiva comercial es preferible a una agresión armada. Pero todavía está por verse cuál será el impacto de un influjo económico masivo por parte de compañías norteamericanas —y de la cultura capitalista de desigualdad y explotación que inevitablemente lo acompaña— en el país socialista. Claro que si Cuba ha resistido la peligrosa enemistad de su poderoso vecino norteño durante casi 60 años, debe ser capaz de soportar su nueva ofensiva amistosa. Esperemos que, en este caso, los dólares no terminen siendo más mortales que las balas.
18 » MARZO 23 - 30, 2016
In accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Voter Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act of 1984, the City of Philadelphia does not discriminate against people with disabilities in providing access to its election process. According to these federal laws, the City of Philadelphia is required to ensure that its election process as a whole is accessible to people with disabilities in all elections. This means that polling places shall be accessible to people with disabilities to the extent that accessible locations are available within each election district. The City Commissioners designates and lists polling place accessibility in varying degrees. Polling places that fully meet all federal and state criteria are designated with an “F” for fully accessible building and an “H” for handicapped parking. If a polling place location does not fully meet these federal and state criteria but provides relative accessibility with minor assistance in entry then that location will be designated with a “B” for substantial accessibility. If a fully accessible location, that meets all federal and state criteria (designated as “FH”), is not available for a polling place in your election Division, voting accessibility will be provided through the use of an Alternative Ballot in accordance with directives issued by the Secretary of the Commonwealth. If you are a registered voter who is disabled or age 65 or older and who is not assigned to a polling place that has been designated as “FH”, you are qualified to vote using an Alternative Ballot. ONLY THE FOLLOWING WARDS AND DIVISIONS POLLING PLACES HAVE BEEN DESIGNATED AS “FH” OR FULLY ACCESSIBLE. IF YOU ARE A REGISTERED VOTER IN ANY ELECTION DISTRICT IN PHILADELPHIA, EXCEPT FOR THOSE LISTED BELOW, AND YOU ARE DISABLED OR AGE 65 OR OLDER YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE FROM HOME USING AN ALTERNATIVE BALLOT OR AT CITY HALL ROOM 142 ON ELECTION DAY USING AN EMERGENCY ALTERNATIVE BALLOT:
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Community College
11, 12
2600 Belmont Ave.
Inglis House Founders Hall
22, 23, 24
1717 N 54TH St
Wynnefield Place
4, 5,
20 E Mermaid Lane
Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting Hse.
4340 Germantown Ave
Nicetown Court
1100 Fairmount Ave.
Gladys Jacobs Apts.
1100 Poplar St.
Street Community Center
3rd and Ontario St.
Marin Munoz School
2800 N American St.
Congresso Edu & Training Center
2400 N. Howard St.
Hunter School
1600 N 8th St
Gray Manor
6400 Greene St.
Cliveden Convales Center
4400 Baltimore Ave.
H.M.S. School
1450 S 50TH St.
Reba Brown Senior Apts.
1800 Lombard St.
Penn Medicine
Rising Sun Ave. & Comly St.
Lawncrest Recreation Center
Langdon & Sanger St
New Fels High School
2101 Strahle St.
Samuel Tabas House
05, 21
13500 Philmont Ave.
Calvary Chapel
608 Welsh Rd.
St. Thomas Syro Malabar Church
1619 Grant Ave
Randi’s Restaurant
9896 Bustleton Ave.
Paul’s Run
4901 Chestnut St.
West Phila. High School
5429 Chestnut St.
Holmes Senior Apts.
8550 Verree Rd.
Villages Pine Valley Clubhouse
608 Welsh Rd.
St. Thomas Syro Malabar Church
3201 Ryan Ave.
Lincoln High School
8301 Roosevelt Blvd.
Wesley Enhanced Living
10980 Norcom Rd.
Norcom Community Center
An Alternative Ballot may be obtained for any election, upon your advance request on an Alternative Ballot Application. In Philadelphia an application for an Alternative Ballot can be made on the regular Absentee Ballot Application by checking the box for “Handicapped or 65 years or older and who is assigned to an inaccessible polling place”. The applications may be obtained at the County Board of Elections in Room 142, City Hall or by contacting (215) 686-3469 VOICE, or TTY/TDD through the AT&T Relay System. TDD users may utilize this service by calling 1-800-654-5984 and telling the communications assistant they want to speak to the Pennsylvania Bureau of Elections at (717) 787-5280. Alternative Ballot Applications by mail must be submitted to the County Board of Elections not later than 7 days before the election. Alternative Ballots must be returned to the County Board of Elections no later than the close of the polls, at 8:00 P.M. on Election Day. Additionally, registered electors with disabilities may apply for an Emergency Alternative Ballot Application and cast their ballot in person at the County Board of Election, in Room 142, City Hall, up to the close of the polls on Election Day. In addition, the City shall provide registration materials in large print at each registration facility, and voting instructions in large print at each polling place. Should you have any questions about your rights, or the City’s obligations under these laws, or if you need assistance in determining if your polling place fully meets federal and state criteria, please contact the Accessibility Compliance Office, or the County Board of Elections.
City Commissioner’s Office City Hall, Philadelphia, PA 19107
County Board of Elections City Hall, Room 142, Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-686-3469 215-686-3943
Accessibility Compliance Office 1401 JFK Blvd, MSB 10th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 – 1677
MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 « 19
De acuerdo con el Título II de la Ley de Americanos con Discapacidades de 1990 y la Ley de Accesibilidad de Votante para los Ancianos y los Discapacitados de 1984, la Ciudad de Filadelfia no discrimina a la gente con discapacidades al suministrar acceso para el proceso de elecciones. Según estas leyes federales, se requiere que la Ciudad de Filadelfia asegure que su proceso de elecciones en conjunto sea accesible a la gente con discapacidades en todas las elecciones. Esto significa que los sitios de votación serán accesibles a los discapacitados de tal manera que haya locaciones accesibles disponibles dentro de cada distrito electoral. Los Comisionados de la Ciudad designan y enumeran la accesibilidad de los lugares de votación en grados variables. Los sitios de votación que cumplen en su totalidad con los criterios federales y estatales son designados con una “F” que indica que es un edificio totalmente accesible, y con una “H” que indica que hay estacionamiento para discapacitados. Si un logar de votación no cumple en su totalidad con estos criterios federales y estatales, pero provee accesibilidad relativa con una pequeña ayuda en la entrada, entonces ese logar será designado con una “B” que indica que tiene una accesibilidad substancial. Si no hay disponible un lugar totalmente accesible, que cumpla con todos los criterios federales y estatales (designados como “FH”), como sitio de votación en su División de elección, la accesibilidad para votar será proporcionada mediante el uso de una Boleta Alternativa de acuerdo con las directrices expedidas por el Secretario del Estado. Si usted es un votante registrado, que es discapacitado o tiene 65 años de edad o más, y no se le ha asignado un lugar de votación que haya sido designado como “FH”, entonces cumple con los requisitos para votar mediante una Boleta Alternativa. SÓLO LOS CENTROS DE VOTACIÓN DE LOS DISTRITOS Y LAS DIVISIONES ELECTORALES QUE SE MENCIONAN A CONTINUACIÓN SE HAN DESIGNADO COMO “FH” O TOTALMENTE ACCESIBLES. SI USTED ES UN VOTANTE REGISTRADO EN CUALQUIER DISTRITO ELECTORAL DE FILADELPHIA, SALVO EN AQUELLOS QUE SE ENUMERAN A CONTINUACIÓN, Y ES DISCAPACITADO O MAYOR DE 65 AÑOS, CUMPLE CON LOS REQUISITOS PARA VOTAR DESDE SU HOGAR MEDIANTE UNA BOLETA ALTERNATIVA O EN LA SALA 142 DEL AYUNTAMIENTO EL DÍA DE LA ELECCIÓN MEDIANTE UNA BOLETA ALTERNATIVA DE EMERGENCIA:
4400 Fairmount Ave.
Angela Court Nursing Home
2862 Germantown Ave.
Warnock Village
4035 Parrish St.
Sarah Allen Senior Housing
4349 Ridge Ave.
Falls Ridge Apts. Com Ctr
40th & Parkside Ave.
School of the Future
501 Jackson St
Jackson Place
4700 Parkside Ave.
Discovery Charter School
Magee & Keystone Sts.
Fire Engine # 38
167 W Allegheny Ave
Villas Del Caribe
4501 G. St.
City Sign Shop
4901 Chestnut ST.
West Phila. High School
1800 Lombard St.
Penn Medicine
2 Franklin Town
Blvd The Water Mark
2600 Moore St.
John Neuman Place
2400 Chestnut St.
2400 Chestnut St. Bldg
1300 W Godfrey Ave.
Community College of Phila.
17th South of Spring Garden
Community College
11, 12
2600 Belmont Ave.
Inglis House Founders Hall
22, 23, 24
1717 N 54TH St
Wynnefield Place
4, 5,
20 E Mermaid Lane
Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting Hse.
4340 Germantown Ave
Nicetown Court
1100 Fairmount Ave.
Gladys Jacobs Apts.
1100 Poplar St.
Street Community Center
3rd and Ontario St.
Marin Munoz School
2800 N American St.
Congresso Edu & Training Center
2400 N. Howard St.
Hunter School
1600 N 8th St
Gray Manor
6400 Greene St.
Cliveden Convales Center
4400 Baltimore Ave.
H.M.S. School
1450 S 50TH St.
Reba Brown Senior Apts.
1800 Lombard St.
Penn Medicine
Rising Sun Ave. & Comly St.
Lawncrest Recreation Center
Langdon & Sanger St
New Fels High School
2101 Strahle St.
Samuel Tabas House
05, 21
13500 Philmont Ave.
Calvary Chapel
608 Welsh Rd.
St. Thomas Syro Malabar Church
1619 Grant Ave
Randi’s Restaurant
9896 Bustleton Ave.
Paul’s Run
4901 Chestnut St.
West Phila. High School
5429 Chestnut St.
Holmes Senior Apts.
8550 Verree Rd.
Villages Pine Valley Clubhouse
608 Welsh Rd.
St. Thomas Syro Malabar Church
3201 Ryan Ave.
Lincoln High School
8301 Roosevelt Blvd.
Wesley Enhanced Living
10980 Norcom Rd.
Norcom Community Center
Es posible obtener una Boleta Alternativa para cualquier elección, a través de una petición por adelantado de una Solicitud de Boleta Alternativa. En Filadelfia se puede pedir una Boleta Alternativa en la solicitud corriente de Boleta para Votar en Ausencia, señalando la casilla de “Discapacitado, 65 años de edad o mayor y a quien se le ha asignado un lugar de votación inaccesible”. Las solicitudes se pueden obtener en la Junta de Elecciones del Condado en Sala 142, del Ayuntamiento o llamando al teléfono (215) 686-3469 VOICE, o por TTY/TDD (Teletipo/Aparato de Telecomunicación para Sordos) a través del AT&T Relay System. Los usuarios de TDD pueden utilizar este servicio llamando al 1-800-654-5984 e informándole al asistente de comunicaciones que desean hablar con la Oficina de Elecciones de Pensilvania en el (717) 787-5280. Las Solicitudes de Boleta Alternativa deben enviarse por correo a la Junta de Elecciones del Condado a más tardar siete días antes de la elección. Las Boletas Alternativas deben devolverse a la Junta de Elecciones del Condado a más tardar al momento del cierre de las urnas,a las 8:00 p.m. del Día de Elecciones. Además, los electores registrados con discapacidades pueden pedir una Solicitud de Boleta Alternativa de Emergencia y depositar la boleta personalmente en la Junta de Elecciones del Condado, en sala 142, del Ayuntamiento, hasta el momento del cierre de elecciones durante el Día de Elecciones. Ademas, la Ciudad proporcionará materiales de inscripción en letras grandes en cada instalación de inscripción, y suministrará las instrucciones en letras grandes sobre cómo votar en cada sitio de votación. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre sus derechos o sobre las obligaciones de la Ciudad según estas leyes, o si necesita ayuda para determinar si su lugar de votación cumple en su totalidad con los criterios federales y estatales, comuníquese con la Oficina de Cumplimiento con la Accesibilidad, o la Junta de Elecciones del Condado.
Oficina del Comisionado de la Ciudad City Hall, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Junta de Elecciones del Condado City Hall, Room 142, Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-686-3469 215-686-3943
Oficina de Cumplimiento con la Accesibilidad 1401 JFK Blvd, MSB 10th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 – 1677
20 » MARZO 23 - 30, 2016
215 789 6964 | Contáctenos: 24/7
ANUNCIOS POR LÍNEA: 5 líneas, 20-25 caracteres por línea. Extra líneas: $7 por línea. TIEMPO LÍMITE: Viernes 5 PM para la semana siguiente. Todos los anuncios tienen que ser prepagados.
Asegúrese de revisar los anuncios en la primera edición que aparecen. No nos hacemos responsables por más de una inserción incorrecta. Llame al 215-789-6964 inmediatamente con cualquier error. NO se hace devolución, sólo crédito para anuncio.
Driver/Orthopedic Fitter Reliable and personable for busy medical equipment company. Full -Time. Requires use of personal vehicle. Send resume to:
Sales Manager The Sales Manager solicits and sells meeting space to assigned vertical market segments and other market segments; responsible for the attainment of short-term and long-term financial goals, strategies, plans and policies; maintains confidentiality of SMG/PCC client, vendor, and contractor information and data in full accordance with SMG/PCC handbook policy guidelines and any other Board of Director or upper management directives. Qualifications: Minimum five (5) years hospitality experience in a sales or marketing function in a Convention Center, Visitor’s Bureau or Hotel environment; Bachelor’s degree required; Ability to work irregular hours, days, weekends & holidays if required; Must be a bronze member of the Philadelphia Area Chapter of Meeting Professionals Internationals (PAMPI); Certification as a Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) is strongly encouraged. Housekeeping & Set-Up Manager The Housekeeping & Set-Up Manager shall be responsible for directing Set-up and Housekeeping labor, overseeing the conversion of the facility from one event to another and the pre-show and post show cleaning of the venue; Work closely with various departments within the Center as well as Show Producers in order to ensure quality of services rendered to PCC clients. Qualifications Minimum three (3) years of experience in a supervisory capacity with major convention or hotel facility or equivalent position; High School Graduate; Operating knowledge of forklifts, floor scrubbers and sweepers; Ability to work irregular hours, including nights, weekends and holidays, in addition to normal business hours. PCC is a 24 hour operation. Please submit your resume and salary requirements to:
BIENES RAÍCES RENTAR SE RENTAN APARTAMENTOS Cerca de las calles ‘F’ & Allegheny y las calles Marshall y Luzerne. Llame a (267) 622-0854. Se renta apartamento. 2/1. $550 mens. / Se vende casa. 3 dormitorios y un baño. Pagaré $390 mens. Llame a 215-901-9902.
PIZZERÍA PARA RENTAR ¡¡Lista para funcionar!! ¡¡Comience HOY !! ¡Totalmente equipada! 2084 E Allegheny Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19134 $1800.00 al mes. Experiencia necesaria.
Por favor llame a Steve Mavrakis al 215-327-9720
APARTMENTS FOR RENT 19XX E. Allegheny Ave 19XX E. Allegheny Ave 31XX Kensington Ave 31XX Kensington Ave HOUSES FOR RENT 34XX Keim Street 33XX Rorer Street 28XX Stouton Street 30XX F Street 32XX Hurley Street 20XX Venango Street 34XX Keim Street 32XX Aramingo Av 18XX E Wishart Street 31XX Tulip Street 31XX Agate Street 31XX Amber Street
BED/BATH AMOUNT 600.00 2/1 500.00 1/1 400.00 Studio 450.00 1/1 BED/BATH AMOUNT 600.00 3/1 550.00 3/1 550.00 2/1 650.00 3.5/1 550.00 2/1 625.00 3/1 650.00 3/1 725.00 2/1 625.00 3/1 775.00 3/1 700.00 2/1 625.00 3/1
Fax 215-457-6970
611 Car Wash hiring for all positions. Apply at 1515 Old York Rd., Abington, PA 19001 or call
at dry cleaner in S. Philadelphia and Delaware County. Experience required. Pay negotiable.
(215) 884-6300
Call (215) 465-1677 / (484)744-8087
DAIVA’S GRILLE Restaurante en Roxborough está buscando
or email
NOW HIRING! Gas station/24-hour convenience store seeking cashier/stock. Must be reliable/dependable. Open availability and work holidays. Experience Preferred. Apply in person at 4524 Germantown Ave. Phila., PA 19144. Aceptando solicitudes para
en locales MARATHON GRILL. Por favor solicitar en persona en nuestra sede 1818 Market St. y preguntar por un mánager. Debe tener experiencia en cena informal o elegante.
6750 RIDGE AVE, PHILADELPHIA PA 19128. Para más información llamar chef Alex: 484 904 3957
Experienced painters. Drivers License Preferred.
Call 610-626-9141
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Long-term use of baby/talcum powder is linked to ovarian cancer. If you or a loved one suffered from ovarian cancer after using Johnson’s Baby Powder, Shower to Shower or other talcum powder, you may be entitled to substantial compensation. Call us at 1-800-THE-EAGLE now. No fees or costs until your case is settled or won. We practice law only in Arizona, but associate with lawyers throughout the U.S.
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s ay 7D k en Wee p O a
GANE DE $25-$100 Diario trabajando de 2-3 horas al día desde casa. Envíe msg con palabra ENTREVISTA al
For busy Main Line restaurant. Full time. Competitive pay. All major holidays off. Must speak English. Apply in person at
863 Montgomery Avenue, Narberth, PA 19072.
#44 Septa bus route is available.
Catch the Value! Trout Season Opener April 2 (regional)
18 Southeastern Counties There is amazing unspoiled land just hours away. Where you’ll be surrounded by natural beauty, clean air and space; not condos, crowds or traffic. Located in Virginia just 3+ hrs from I-95 NJ/ DE line. 23 lots, 3 to 22 acres each, priced $60,000 to $98,000. All are near the shoreline, some w/ excellent water views. Paved roads, utilities, dock, boat ramp and beach. Low property taxes.
Call (757) 442-2171 or email:
Over 3.2 Million Trout Stocked Get your license at: myouthtrout3_2016.indd 1
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03528814 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Merchantville, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Commonly known as: 40 Chapel Avenue, Merchantville, NJ 08109 Being Tax Lot: 18 Block: 25 Dimensions Approximately: 15x117 Irregular Nearest Cross Street: Victoria Street Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Prior Mortgages and/or Judgements: At the time of publication, taxes/sewer/water information was not available. You must check with the tax collector for exact amounts due. Subject to prior mortgages and judgments (if any): Mortgages: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc. as nominee for accredited in the amount of $137,500.00; recorded on 09/18/2006 Judgements: No issue - Camden Co BD Social Services The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
2/23/16 3:03 PM
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. “The Fair Housing Act prohibits any preference, limitation, of discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination” in connection with any aspect of a residential real estate transaction. KML LAW GROUP, PC encourages and supports the equal housing practices of the Fair Housing Act in the conduct of its business.” Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: OBATALA B. SONNEBEYATTA, ET AL, and taken in execution of BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000928 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 KML LAW GROUP, PC 216 HADDON AVENUE SUITE 406 WESTMONT, NJ $190.08
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02108513 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 30th Day of MARCH, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 6956 Walnut Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08109 Being Tax Lot: 19 (FKA LOT 2) Block: 3106 FKA Block 114 Dimensions approximately: 45 x 195 x 45 x 195 Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Southeasterly side of East Walnut Avenue, 405 feet from the Northeasterly side of Bethel Avenue. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JAMES W. TURNER, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000529 DATED: 03/08/2016, 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY, SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64
ALDÍ « MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 « AL DÍA « CLASIFICADOS « 21
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F5365409 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 30th Day of MARCH, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Winslow, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 12 Farm House Road, Winslow Twp., New Jersey Being Tax Lot: 6 Block: 18502 Dimensions approximately: 12.50 x 78.54 x 121.36 x 117/73 Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Northwesterly of Farmhouse Road said point being in the division line of Lots 9.5 and 9.6 The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JAMES GOODWIN, ET AL, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000526 DATED: 03/08/2016, 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY, SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F05034414 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Winslow, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 7 Drexel Gate Drive, Sicklerville, NJ 08081 Being Tax Lot: 4 Block: 12102 Dimensions approximately: 180 x 150 IRR Nearest Cross Street: Williamstown-New Freedom Road *Also subject to subsequent taxes, water, and sewer plus interest through date of payoff. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: RICARDO MONTANEZ, ET AL, and taken in execution of WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, DBA CHRISTIANA TRUST GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000930 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 PARKER MCCAY P.A. 9000 MIDATLANTIC DRIVE SUITE 300 P.O. BOX 5054 MT LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64
Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F2536913 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 30th Day of MARCH, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 10 Constitution Road, Gloucester, NJ 08021 with a mailing address of 10 Constitution Road, Clementon, NJ 08021 Being Tax Lot: 8 Block: 10103 Dimensions approximately: 75 x 125 x 75 x 125 Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Northwesterly line of Constitution Road, 410 feet from the Northeasterly line of Antiethem Drive. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04338714 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 30th Day of MARCH, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Haddon, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 12 Nicholson Road Being Tax Lot: 6, Block: 4.16 Dimensions approximately: 85 x 100 Nearest Cross Street: E Black Horse Pike SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): *Tax Sale Certificate - #14-00046 in the amount of $12,218.22 as of 01/08/2016\with a payoff date of 03/09/2016 plus cost and interest; *Also subject to subsequent taxes water and sewer plus interest through date of payoff. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so, the current amount due thereon. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JAMES DEL ROSSI, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000525 DATED: 03/08/2016, 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY, SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $155.52
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: PATRICIA TRUSTEY ET AL, and taken in execution of DIRECT CONNECT REALTY SOLUTIONS LLC, GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000509 DATED: 03/08/2016, 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016 03/29/2016 MALEY AND ASSOCIATES 931 HADDON AVENUE COLLINGSWOOD NJ 08108 $164.16
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03404714 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Township of Gloucester, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 5006 Aberdeen Lane, Blackwood, NJ 08012 Being Tax Lot: 3 Block: 8001 QUAL #C5006 Dimensions approximately: CONDO Nearest Cross Street: Golfview Drive SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): Subject to any lien in favor of a condominium association which is granted priority pursuant to NJSA 46:B-21(B)(1), if any Also subject to subsequent taxes, water and sewer plus interest through date of payoff. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JOHN P. KELLY, ET AL, and taken in execution of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000932 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $149.76
22 » CLASIFICADOS » AL DÍA » MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 » ALDÍ
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00467914 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Municipality of Stratford Borough, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 127 Suburban Terrace Being Tax Lot: 20 Block: 56 Dimensions approximately: 18.00’ x 110.00’ Nearest Cross Street: 219.30’ eastwardly from Coolidge Avenue SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): Stratford Boro-Taxes-QTR 1 2016 holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $1072.89 as of 02/01/2016 Merchantville-Pennsauken Sewer Authority holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $156.24 as of 10/22/2015 CCMUA holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $87.78 as of 12/01/2015 The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: CINDY HOFFMAN, ET AL, and taken in execution of PENNYMAC HOLDINGS, LLC GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000943 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 04/19/2016 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $164.16
Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F2371715 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20TH Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Winslow, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 143 Baker Avenue, Winslow, NJ 08004, with a mailing address of 143 Baker Avenue, Atco, NJ 08004 Being Tax Lot: 10 Block: 3102.04 Dimensions approximately: 24 x 150 Nearest Cross Street: Crosley Drive BEGINNING at a point in the southwest line of Baker Avenue (50 feet wide) distant 554.86 feet southeast from the southeasterly end of the curve, radius of 20 feet, connecting the southwesterly line of Baker Avenue with the southeasterly line of Crosley Drive, thence; THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. PRIOR LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES: WATER OPEN + PENALTY: $213.42 SEWER OPEN + PENALTY: $48.76 CCMUA OPEN + PENALTY: $441.64 TOTAL AS OF January 28, 2016: $703.82 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02917115 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Camden City, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1256 Whitman Avenue, Camden City, NJ 08104 Being Tax Lot: 92 Block: 1343 Dimensions approximately: 20 feet wide by 97 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Norris Street THE SHERIFF RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION. TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04320709 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Magnolia, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 510 Jackson Avenue, Magnolia, NJ 08049 Being Tax Lot: 14 Block: 7.01 Dimensions approximately: 80 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Charles Road THE SHERIFF RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION. TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: MICHAEL S. BENDER, ET ALS, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000851 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 FEIN, SUCH, KAHN & SHEPARD, P.C. 7 CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 201 PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 $164.16
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JOSEPH HUDSON, JR. AKA JOSEPH C. HUDSON, ET AL, and taken in execution of US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000877 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 RAS Citron Law Offices 130 Clinton Road, Suite 202 Fairfield, NJ 0700 $167.04
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ELAINE A. MURPHYCOLEMAN; PAUL J. COLEMAN, And taken in execution of LSF8 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000878 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 RAS Citron Law Offices 130 Clinton Road, Suite 202 Fairfield, NJ 0700 $167.04
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02094815 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Municipality of Cherry Hill Township, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1700 Blue Jay Lane Being Tax Lot: 10, Block: 434.17 Dimensions approximately: 70.67’ x 142.95’ Nearest Cross Street: 99.13’ from Liberty Bell Drive SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): CCMUA holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $88.00 as of 10/01/2015 The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JULIE B. RAPPAPORT, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000630 DATED: 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $141.12
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02433415 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Municipality of Gloucester Township, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1304 Huntingdon Mews Being Tax Lot: 6.02 C1304 Block: 13307 Dimensions approximately: Unit No. 1304 Nearest Cross Street: Huntingdon Mews, a condominium SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): Gloucester Township-Taxes-QTR 1 holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $667.09 as of 12/17/2015 CCMUA-ACCT# 150108637 holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $176.00 as of 12/17/2015 The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: CHERIE E. DAVIS, ET AL, and taken in execution of US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000914 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $152.64
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00378315 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Clementon, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 93 Lincoln Avenue, Clementon, NJ 08021 Being Tax Lot: 23, Block: 32 Dimensions approximately: 93 x 61 x 76 x 98 x 94 x 110 Nearest Cross Street: Hillside Lane A full legal description of the premises can be found in the office of the Sheriff of Camden County. Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Prior Mortgages and/or Judgements: N/A The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: CHRISTINE M. MARGARVIO, and taken in execution of DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000806 DATED: 03/22/2016 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016 04/12/2016 UDREN LAW OFFICES, P.C. 111 WOODCREST ROAD SUITE 200, WOODCREST CORPORATE CENTER CHERRY HILL, NJ 08003 $152.64
ALDÍ « MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 « AL DÍA « CLASIFICADOS « 23
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04225613 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 3081 Alabama Road, Camden, NJ 08104-2852 Being Tax Lot: 10 Block: 698 Dimensions approximately: 14.00 x 71.47 x 19.80 x 71.47 Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the southwesterly side of Alabama Avenue, 87.26 feet from the northerly side of North Collings Road. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: THERESA VIERLING, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, NA GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000796 DATED: 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY, SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02517414 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of MARCH, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1573 South Eighth Street, Camden, NJ 08104 Being Tax Lot: 25 Block: 523 Dimensions approximately: 18.02 x 77.50 Nearest Cross Street: Thurman Street The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: HAZEL TUTEN, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK MINNESOTA, N.A. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000933 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 04/19/2016 Buckley Madole, P.C. 99 Wood Avenue South, Suite 803 Iselin, NJ 08830 $135.36
Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03294615 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 4808 Oaks Terrace, Pennsauken, NJ 08109 Being Tax Lot: 20 Block: 5305 Dimensions approximately: 58 feet wide by 116 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Russell Avenue THE SHERIFF RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION. TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01235614 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2406 Norwood Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08109 Being Tax Lot: 11 Block: 2223 Dimensions approximately: 74 feet wide by 120 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Madison Avenue THE SHERIFF RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION. TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: HUI MA, and taken in execution of THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000828 DATED: 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 RAS Citron Law Offices 130 Clinton Road Suite 202 Fairfield, NJ 07004 $167.04
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: MIGUEAL A. FIGUEROA, and taken in execution of OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000818 DATED: 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 RAS Citron Law Offices 130 Clinton Road Suite 202 Fairfield, NJ 07004 $167.04
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00584415 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Bellmawr, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 516 Majestice Avenue, Bellmaw, NJ 08031 Being Tax Lot: 8; Block: 123 Dimensions approximately: 60.00’ x 125.00’ x x50.00’ x 125.00’ Nearest Cross Street: Cedar Street The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: MARY BETH CONWAY and taken in execution of FV-I, INC. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000889 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 PLUESE BECKER & SALTZMAN 20000 HORIZON WAY, SUITE 900 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $132.48
24 » CLASIFICADOS » AL DÍA » MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 » ALDÍ
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02260014 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Oaklyn, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 204 White Horse Pike, Borough of Oaklyn, NJ 08107-1406 Being Tax Lot: 3 Block: 49 On the Official Tax Map of the Borough of Oaklyn Dimensions approximately: 37.50ft x 122.00ft x 37.50ft x 122.00 Nearest Cross Street: Beechwood Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: DONNA L. KIDAWA, ET AL and taken in execution of BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000948 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $172.80
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F1407408 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 30th Day of MARCH, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Pine Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 38 Melrose Drive, Pine Hill, NJ 08021-6542 Being Tax Lot: 10 Block: 161 On the Official Tax Map of the Borough of Pine Hill Dimensions approximately: 70.00ft x 125.00 ft x 70.00ft x 125.00ft Nearest Cross Street: Estates Road The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: MARIA MARIANO, ET AL, and taken in execution of DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS FKA BANKERS TRUST COMPANY GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000537 DATED: 03/08/2016, 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $172.80
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00569915 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Audubon, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 705 S. White Horse Pike, Audubon, NJ Being Tax Lot: 5.01 Block 49 Dimensions approximately: 50 feet wide by 150 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Princeton Road Prior Lien(s): Sewer past due in the amount of $121.92 Sewer CCMUA past due in the amount of $88.39 First American Title Insurance Company issued an indemnification Letter regarding prior judgments (SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT “B”) *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes. charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of:DAVID BAUER, ET ALS, and taken in execution of POLICE AND FIREMENS SYSTEM BOARD OF TRUSTEES BY ITS ADMINISTRATIVE AGENT, NJHMFA GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000707 DATED: 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 STERN, LAVINTHAL, FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PARKWAY SUITE 302 ROSELAND, NJ 07068 $172.80
Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01598715 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 30th Day of MARCH, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1037 N. 25th Street, Camden, NJ 08105 Being Tax Lot: 22 Block: 858 Dimensions approximately: 40 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest cross street: Wayne Avenue Prior liens/encumbrances: Open Sewer: $185.22 (open plus interest and penalty after 12/25/15) Open CCMUA: $54.75 open plus interest and penalty after 2/15/16 B. SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHERWISE ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. C. SUBJECT TO PRIOR MORTGAGES AND JUDGMENTS (IF ANY). The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: PEDRO D. RIOS, ET AL, and taken in execution of LSF9 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000474 DATED: 03/08/2016, 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016 FRANK J. MARTONE 1455 BROAD STREET BLOOMFIELD, NJ 07003 $178.56
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00163315 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Municipality of Voorhees, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 75 Sandra Court Being Tax Lot: 11 C0075, Block: 150.17 Dimensions approximately: Unit No. 75 Nearest Cross Street: The Mews at Echelon Condominium SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): Voorhees Township Taxes (1ST QTR) holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $1085.99 as of 01/04/2016 Voorhees Twp. Sewer holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $130.00 as of 01/01/2015 CCMUA holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $344.43 as of 01/01/2016 The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F1673910 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Barrington, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 206 Adams Avenue Being Tax Lot: 61 Block: 20.09 Dimensions approximately: 60 x 120 Nearest Cross Street: Russell Avenue *Also subject to subsequent taxes, water, and sewer plus interest through date of payoff. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ANDREW MELTZER, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000703 DATED: 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200, MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $158.40
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: HELEN LOMBARDO, ET AL, and taken in execution of ONEWEST BANK, NA FKA ONEWEST BANK, FSB GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000540 DATED: 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016 PARKER MCCAY P.A. , 9000 MIDATLANTIC DRIVE, SUITE 300, P.O. BOX 5054, MT LAUREL, NJ 08054 $155.52
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F2536809 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 404 Stevens Street, Camden, NJ 08103 Being Tax Lot: 2 Block: 178 Dimensions approximately: 100.00 x 20.00 x 100.00 x 20.00 Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the southerly side of Stevens Street, 20.00 feet from the southeasterly side of Stevens and Fourth Street. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: SHELBY PERRY, ET AL, and taken in execution of HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000866 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $158.40
ALDÍ « MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 « AL DÍA « CLASIFICADOS « 25
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02626615 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Municipality of Clementon, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 188 Niagara Avenue Being Tax Lot: 1 Block: 114 Dimensions approximately: 88.69’ x 109.91’ Nearest Cross Street: Southwesterly line of Lake Avenue SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): Independent Investors holds a tax sale certificate in the amount of $194.00 as of 01/09/2008 Clementon Boro Taxes (1ST QTR 2016) holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $1617.98 as of 01/04/2016 Clementon Boro Water holds a claim for taxes due and/ or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $504.27 as of 01/01/2015 CCMUA holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ALYS WILLIAMS, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000784 DATED: 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016 04/12/2016 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $164.16
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04564413 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 206 Hidden Drive, Blackwood, NJ 08081 Being Tax Lot: 4 Block: 14405 Dimensions approximately: 24 x 124 Situate in the northeasterly line of Hidden Drive with the nearest cross street being Trout Road. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: BRUCE MALSON, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK N.A.. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000661 DATED: 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY, SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $146.88
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00756315 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Lawnside Borough, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 604 Hemmings Way, Lawnside Borough, NJ 08045 Being Tax Lot: 8Block: 202 Dimensions approximately: 80 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: John F Kennedy Boulevard THE SHERIFF RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION. TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: KIM LINDSEY, ET AL, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000835 DATED: 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 RAS Citron Law Offices 130 Clinton Road, Suite 202 Fairfield, NJ 07004 $164.16
Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04816913 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2122 North 46th Street, Pennsauken, NJ 08110-2012 Being Tax Lot: 12 (F/K/A 1/F) Block: 813 (F/K/A 10) Dimensions approximately: 50 x 100 x 50 x 100 Nearest Cross Street: Situate on the northeasterly line of 46th Street, 150 feet from the Southeasterly line of Westfield Avenue. Property is subject to a judgment held by Camden CO BD Social Servs, judgment number CS 0211097 85A in the approximate amount of unspecified. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: KIMBERLY CINTRON, ET AL, and taken in execution of US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000777 DATED: 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY, SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $164.16
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02638013 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 3145 Congress Road, Camden, NJ 08104 Being Tax Lot: 14 Block: 733 Dimensions approximately: 30.06 x 73.26 x 21.75 x 33.41 x 39.15 Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Northwesterly side of South Congress Road, 82.34 feet from the Northwesterly side of Alabama Avenue. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JAVON L. KYSZER, ET AL, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000622 DATED: 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY, SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64
26 » CLASIFICADOS » AL DÍA » MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 » ALDÍ
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00861615 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6TH Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Municipality: Township of Pennsauken County and state: County of Camden, state of New Jersey Street and Street Number: 3415 Pennsylvania Avenue nearest Cross Street: Park Avenue Tax Lot and Block No.: Lot 4, Block: 4004 Dimensions approximately: 50 x 150 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: DIRECT CONNECT REALTY SOLUTIONS AND MICHELE GORMAN, and taken in execution of PAUL FAGERSTROM GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000607 DATED: 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016 BERGMANN & GOOD LLC 320 HADDON AVENUE WESTMONT, NJ 08108 $129.60
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02292314 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 30th Day of MARCH, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Haddon Heights, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1416 Sycamore Street Being Tax Lot: 97, Block: 3 Dimensions approximately: 50’ x 125’ Nearest Cross Street: Glenside Avenue Subject to: $0.00 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ANTHONY JOSEPH PUGLIESE, ET AL, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000533 DATED: 03/08/2016, 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016 MCCABE, WEISBERG & CONWAY, P.C. 216 HADDON AVENUE WESTMONT, NJ 08108 $126.72
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02077713 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6TH Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: All that certain land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Winslow, County of Camden and State of New Jersey. Street: 10 Langdon Court nearest Cross Street: Lehigh Manor Drive Tax Lot and Block No.: Lot 30, Block: 11001 Dimensions approximately: 40 x 37 Prior Mortgages/Liens Not Extingushed By the Sale Are: 1. Delinquent taxes and/or tax liens As the above description does not constitute a full legal description, said full legal description is annexed to that certain deed recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Camden County in Deed Book 8961, Page 1583, et seq., New Jersey, and the Writ of Execution on file with the Sheriff of Camden County. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: WESLEY G. DILLIARD, II, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000595 DATED: 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016 MATTLEMAN, WEINROTH & MILLER 401 ROUTE 70 EAST, SUITE 100 CHERRY HILL, NJ 08034 $152.64
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01519714 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 30th Day of MARCH, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2867 North Constitution Road Being Tax Lot: 6, Block: 689 Dimensions approximately: 18’ x 76’ Nearest Cross Street: Glenside Avenue Subject to: $0.00 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ORRIN EVANS, ET AL, and taken in execution of EVERBANK GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000511 DATED: 03/08/2016, 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016 MCCABE, WEISBERG & CONWAY, P.C. 216 HADDON AVENUE WESTMONT, NJ 08108 $126.72
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F3413014 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13TH Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1004 Niagara Road, Camden, NJ 08104 Being Tax Lot: 8 Block: 663 Dimensions approximately: 16 x 71 Nearest Cross Street: Sumter Road BEGINNING at a point in the southerly line of Niagara Road a corner of Lot 9, Block 4 in the extended middle line of party wall between Nos. 1004 and 1006 Niagara Road 268.05 feet Westwardly from the Southwesterly corner of Sumter and Niagara Road, thence; THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. PRIOR LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES: WATER OPEN + PENALTY: $588.13 SEWER OPEN + PENALTY: $200.00 CCMUA OPEN + PENALTY: $166.50 TOTAL AS OF January 27, 2016: $754.63 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JAMES DAILEY, ET ALS, and taken in execution of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000774 DATED: 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 FEIN, SUCH, KAHN & SHEPARD, P.C. 7 CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 201 PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 $161.28
Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F0469214 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Gloucester, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2 Brantley Way, Sicklerville, NJ 08081 Being Tax Lot: 6, Block: 15604 Dimensions approximately: 100 x 175 x 154 x 98 x 20 Nearest Cross Street: Stone Bridge Drive A full legal description of the premises can be found in the office of the Sheriff of Camden County. Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Prior Mortgages and/or Judgements: N/A The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ROBERT W. COCCHI, TRACY L. MCGUCKIN AKA TRACY L. COCCHI, ET AL, and taken in execution of OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000836 DATED: 03/22/2016 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016 04/12/2016 UDREN LAW OFFICES, P.C. 111 WOODCREST ROAD SUITE 200, WOODCREST CORPORATE CENTER CHERRY HILL, NJ 08003 $155.52
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03827510 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 100 Terrace Avenue, Camden, NJ 08105 Being Tax Lot: 1 Block 1090 Dimensions approximately: 30 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Fremont Street Prior Lien(s): CCMUA Account past due in the amount of $239.61 Old Republic National Title Insurance Company issued an indemnification letter regarding prior judgments (attached exhibit B) *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes. charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: AUDREY ZAMBRANA, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS ADMINISTRATRIX OF THE ESTATE OF WAYNE M. RILEY, ET ALS, and taken in execution of BANK OF AMERICA NA GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000647 DATED: 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/28/2016, 04/05/2016 STERN, LAVINTHAL, FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PARKWAY, SUITE 302 ROSELAND, NJ 07068 $167.04
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00369514 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1107 South Merrimac Road, Camden, NJ 08104-0000 Being Tax Lot: 76 Block: 719 Dimensions approximately: 16 feet wide by 80 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Kearsarge Road THE SHERIFF RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION. TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: NEAL BARRON-BLAXBERG, ET AL, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000617 DATED: 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016 RAS Citron Law Offices 130 Clinton Road, Suite 202 Fairfield, NJ 07004 $167.04
ALDÍ « MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 « AL DÍA « CLASIFICADOS « 27
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02983214 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 4201 Beacon Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08109-1429 Being Tax Lot: 9 Block: 5903 On the Official Tax Map of the Township of Pennsauken Dimensions approximately: 60ft x 132.17ft x 52.65ft x 132.50ft Nearest Cross Street: Hemwood Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: CHANTIA RIVERS, ET AL and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK N.A. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000619 DATED: 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $164.16
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00277813 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of BERLIN, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 320 Minck Avenue, West Berlin, NJ 08091-1405 Being Tax Lot: 3.02 Block: 703 On the Official Tax Map of the Township of Berlin Dimensions approximately: 100.00FT x 129.27FT x 101.54FT x 146.91FT Nearest Cross Street: Walker Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. ADVERTISE SUBJECT USA’S RIGHT OF REDEMPTION: Pursuant to 28, USC Section 2410, this sale is subject to a 120 day right of redemption held by the United States of America by virtue of the Internal Revenue Service lien: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is hereby named a party defendant therein for any lien, claim, or interest it may have in, to, or on the mortgaged premises by virtue of the following FEDERAL TAX LIENS. FEDERAL TAX LIEN: Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service versus George Frank and Rine Wilson, dated 12/28/2009 Book: OR 9155, Page 1655 in the amount of $20,197.51 FEDERAL TAX LIEN: Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service versus George Frank, dated 12/10/2009 and recorded 12/28/2009 Book: OR 9155, Page 1656 in the amount of $1,468.65. Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: GEORGE FRANK, ET AL and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000791 DATED: 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C., 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $218.88
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04687014 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Voorhees, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 10 Whispering Pine Lane, Voorhees, NJ 08043-4214 Being Tax Lot: 36 Block: 304.01 On the Official Tax Map of the Township of Voorhees Dimensions approximately: 100.00ft x 368.09ft x 100.20ft x 375.33ft Nearest Cross Street: Cedar Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: TERRANCE D. CAMPBELL, ET AL and taken in execution of US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000631 DATED: 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $169.92
Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01737915 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Municipality of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1038 Liberty Street Being Tax Lot: 57, Block: 411 Dimensions approximately: 100.00’ x 20.00’ Nearest Cross Street: Southeasterly corner of Tenth Street SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): Amsave Credit Corporation Holds a mortgage in the amount of $6,209.00 as of 01/16/1990 Lillian Zhang holds a tax sale certificate in the amount of $805.25 as of 04/12/2005 US Bank Cust/LLF1-NJ holds a tax sale certificate in the amount of $70.38 as of 1/1/2016 Suze Water holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $678.06 as of 11/9/2015 The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: LILLIAN NORTON, and taken in execution of PMT MTL FINANCING 2014-1 GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000556 DATED: 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016 04/05/2016 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $158.40
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02025215 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 23rd Day of MARCH, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 233 34th Street, Camden, NJ 08105 Being Tax Lot: 113 Block 1086 Dimensions approximately: 20 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Fremont Street Prior Lien(s): CCMUA Account past due in the amount of $234.44 *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes. charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any personclaiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: MICHAEL L. ESPOSITO, ET ALS, and taken in execution of NEW JERSEY HOUSING AND MORTGAGE FINANCE AGENCY GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000642 DATED: 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/28/2016, 04/05/2016 STERN, LAVINTHAL, FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PARKWAY, SUITE 302 ROSELAND, NJ 07068 $155.52
28 » CLASIFICADOS » AL DÍA » MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 » ALDÍ
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01471014 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Cherry Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1312 Chanticleer Drive, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003-4858 Being Tax Lot: 1 C1312 Block: 520.04 On the Official Tax Map of the Township of Cherry Hill Dimensions approximately: UNIT 1312 Nearest Cross Street: N/A CONDO The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. ADVERTISE SUBJECT TO PRIORITY CONDO LIEN: Pursuant to NJSA 46:8B-21 et seq., this sale may be subject to a limited lien priority of the condominium association and any successful bidder at Sheriff’s sale may be responsible for paying up to six months’ worth of unpaid condominium fees. Seized as the property of: BRENDA BURRELL, ET AL and taken in execution of CITIBANK, N.A. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000816 DATED: 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $181.44
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00995512 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 912 Pearl Street Being Tax Lot: 60, Block: 88 Dimensions approximately: 14 x 72 Nearest Cross Street: Ninth Street Beginning at a point in the South line of Pearl Street 117.83 feet from Ninth Street; Pursuant to a tax search of 12/29/15; QTR 4 $328.57 Billed, $267.88 open plus penalty, due date 11/01/2016; Water Acct # Inactive, charges pending activity, subject to final reading; as per an industry-wide indemnity treaty, First National Title agrees to cover the following: DJ-089527-1994 dated 9/23/94 for $4342.79; DJ-050022-195 dated 2/23/95 for $2506.25; PD-044000-2002 Dated 02/20/02 for $123.50; PD-056273-2008 Dated 3/11/08 for $246.50; PD-116178-2008 dated 5/14/08 for $112.55; and PD-123504-2008 for $81.50 (This concise description does not constitute a legal description. A copy of the full legal description can be found at the Office of the Sheriff.) THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: WILHEMENA ROBINSON, and taken in execution of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16001009 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 FRENKEL LAMBERT WEISS WEISMAN AND GORDON, LLP 80 MAIN STREET, SUITE 460 WEST ORANGE, NJ 07052 $178.56
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02532812 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Voorhees, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 207 Ashley Run Being Tax Lot: 23QUAL C0207, Block: 27 Dimensions approximately: CONDO Nearest Cross Street: Preston Avenue Subject to: $0.00 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: LINDA GOLDSTEIN, ET AL, and taken in execution of ROUNDPOINT MORTGAGE SERVICING CORPORATION GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000901 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 MCCABE, WEISBERG & CONWAY, P.C. 216 HADDON AVENUE WESTMONT, NJ 08108 $126.72
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F5643709 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Pine Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 61 East 7th Avenue, Pine Hill, NJ 08021-6339 Being Tax Lot: 25 Block: 64 On the Official Tax Map of the Borough of Pine Hill Dimensions approximately: 125.00ft x 150.00ft x 125.00ft x 150.00ft Nearest Cross Street: Erial Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JENNIFER R. BLANCHARD, ET AL and taken in execution of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000805 DATED: 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $178.56
Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03253814 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Berlin, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 535 Freedom Road, Winslow Township, NJ 08009-9535 Being Tax Lot: 8 Block: 701 Tract #1 Dimensions of the Lot are (approximately) 60ft x 206ft x 2.36ft x 207.39ft Tract #1 Nearest Cross Street: Beginning at a point in the center line of the Berlin=New Freedom Road and in the line of lands formerly owned by John March Tract #2 Dimensions of the Lot are (approx) 60ft x 206 ft x 2.36 ft x 207.39ft Tract #2 dimensions of the lot are (approx) 7.12 ft x 206ft x 33.11ft x 1.40ft x 2.36ft x 206ft Tract #2 Nearest Cross Street: Beginning at a point in the center line of the Berlin New Freedom Road the said point being 60 feet from the intersection of the John March line as established with the aforesaid center line and being also a corner of land about to be conveyed by a corrected deed from Lewis S. Bittle to Samuel S. Pluck. Dimensions approximately: 75 x 125 The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied bythe sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: SANDRA J. DAVIS, ET AL, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000589 DATED: 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY, SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $181.44
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02266115 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Cherry Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 800 Church Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08022 Being Tax Lot: 31 Block 218.01 Dimensions approximately: 125feet wide by 135 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Woodland Avenue Prior Lien(s): CCMUA Account past due in the amount of $379.10 *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes. charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: HOWARD CHOU, ET ALS, and taken in execution of WILMINGTON TRUST, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000651 DATED: 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/28/2016, 04/05/2016 STERN, LAVINTHAL, FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PARKWAY, SUITE 302, ROSELAND, NJ 07068 $155.52
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F06081110 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Municipality of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 3717 Federal Street Being Tax Lot: 5 Block: 4518 Dimensions approximately: 15.05’ x 110’ Nearest Cross Street: 380.91’ from 36th Street SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): Royal Tax Lien Service, LLC holds in the amount of $230.75 as of 5/27/2009 Pennsauken Township-Taxes-QTR 1 2016 holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $586.20 as of 01/04/2016 Merchantville-Pennsauken Sewer Authority holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $100.00 as of 12/0/1/2015 CCMUA holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: CHRISTINE WRIGHT, ET AL, and taken in execution of NEW JERSEY HOUSING AND MORTGAGE FINANCE AGENCY GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16001004 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 04/19/2016 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $167.04
ALDÍ « MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 « AL DÍA « CLASIFICADOS « 29
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F40815 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Lindenwold, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1801 LAUREL ROAD, UNIT 805, LINDENWOLD, NJ 08021 Being Tax Lot #4.05 Block #240 Qual: C0805 Dimensions approximately: Condo Unit Nearest Cross Street: Unknown Taxes Current through4th Quarter of 2015* Current 1st quarter is due in the amount of $637.72 Other: Sewer and solid waste is due in the amount of $637.72 Current 4th Quarter is due in the amount of *Plus interest on these figures through date of payoff and any and all subsequent taxes, water and sewer amounts. THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: DENISE MANDERVILLE, ET AL, and taken in execution of LSF9 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000638 DATED: 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016 STERN & EISENBERG, PC 1040 N. KINGS HIGHWAY, SUITE 407 CHERRY HILL, NJ 08034 $164.16
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01525314 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Lawnside, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 41 LaPierre Avenue, Lawnside, NJ 08045 Being Tax Lot #5 Block #1105 Dimensions approximately: 50’ x 165’ Nearest Cross Street: Holl Ave Taxes Current through 4th Quarter of 2015* Current 1st quarter is due in the amount of $1,574.52 Other: Certificate #15-00113 in the amount of $464.02, good through date 02/19/2016* *Plus interest on these figures through date of payoff and any and all subsequent taxes, water and sewer amounts. THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ERLY SOLIS, MARIA SOLIS, ET AL and taken in execution of WILMINGTON TRUST, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000935 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 STERN & EISENBERG, PC 1040 N. KINGS HIGHWAY, SUITE 407 CHERRY HILL, NJ 08034 $158.40
Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01426115 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 30th Day of MARCH, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Municipality of Waterford Township, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1005 Chew Road Being Tax Lot: 24 fka 17, Block: 7101 fka 276 Dimensions approximately: 240’ x 113.02’ Nearest Cross Street: Corner of Old White Horse Pike (aka School Street) and Chew Road SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): Waterford Twp. Holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $1977.37 as of 01/30/2016. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: CARMELLA OLIVO AKA MILDRED OLIVA, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000517 DATED: 03/08/2016, 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016 03/29/2016 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $149.76
30 » CLASIFICADOS » AL DÍA » MARZO 23 - 30, 2016» ALDÍ
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04255413 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Municipality of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 5431 Plymouth Avenue Being Tax Lot: 3 Block: 5607 Dimensions approximately: 65 x 118 AVG Nearest Cross Street: 380.91’ from 36th Street SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): Pennsauken Township-Taxes-QTR 1 2016 holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $1473.26 as of 01/04/2016 Merchantville-Pennsauken Sewer Authority holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $156.24 as of 10/22/2015 Pennsauken Sewer Authority holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $100.75 as of 12/01/2015 CCMUA holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: MICHAEL DAVID WRIGHT, II, ET AL, and taken in execution of NEW JERSEY HOUSING AND MORTGAGE FINANCE AGENCY GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16001002 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 04/19/2016 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $172.80
INVITATION FOR BIDS BY THE PHILADELPHIA GAS WORKS RFQ # 30541 Sealed bids will be received by the Philadelphia Gas Works at 800 West Montgomery Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19122 lobby, by the Supply Chain Organization for the following: PGW is seeking bids for qualified contractors to; Enter bid details here: PROVIDE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE, MODIFICATIONS, SERVICE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR AT VARIOUS PGW FACILITIES. A MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 24, 2016 AT 11:30 A.M. AT 800 WEST MONTGOMERY AVE., PHILADELPHIA, PA 19122. All jobs will require bonding and a pre-bid meeting. An exact time, date and place for the pre-bid meeting and bid due date will be listed on the bid documents. Bid package may be obtained from the Philadelphia Gas Works, 800 West Montgomery Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19122 lobby. MBE / WBE participation is strongly encouraged. For further information, please contact: Annie Wu at Tel. +1 (215) 684-6097
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F5279009 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 30th Day of MARCH, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Lindenwold, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1606 Arborwood Avenue, Lindenwold, NJ 08021-1841 Being Tax Lot: 7.01 C3606 Block: 243 On the Official Tax Map of the Borough of Lindenwold Dimensions approximately: Unit No. 3606 Nearest Cross Street: N/A Condo The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. ADVERTISE SUBJECT TO PRIORITY CONDO LIEN: Pursuant to NSJA 46:8B-21 et seq., this sale is subject to a limited lien priority of the condominium association and any successful bidder at sheriff’s sale may be responsible for paying up to 6 months worth of unpaid condominium fees. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: ZEV FELDMAN, ET AL, and taken in execution of FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000472 DATED: 03/08/2016, 03/15/2016, 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $184.32
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA The Joint Committees on Public Safety and Housing, Neighborhood Development & The Homeless of the Council of the City of Philadelphia will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, March 28, 2016, at 1:00 PM, in Room 400, City Hall, to hear testimony on the following item: Resolution authorizing joint hearings by the Committees on Public Safety and Housing, Neighborhood Development and Homelessness to conduct hearings to evaluate strategies to mitigate improper mortgage foreclosures in Philadelphia. 160120 Copies of the foregoing item are available in the Office of the Chief Clerk of the Council, Room 402, City Hall. Immediately following the public hearing, a meeting of the Joint Committees on Public Safety and Housing, Neighborhood Development & The Homeless, open to the public, will be held to consider the action to be taken on the above listed item. Michael Decker Chief Clerk City of Philadelphia
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01975913 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 3010 Porter Road Being Tax Lot: 10, Block: 662 Dimensions approximately: 35’ x 68’ Nearest Cross Street: Trent Road Subject to: $0.00 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: IGNACIA PEREIRA, ET AL, and taken in execution of FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORRPORATION GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000950 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 MCCABE, WEISBERG & CONWAY, P.C. 216 HADDON AVENUE WESTMONT, NJ 08108 $126.72
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00217115 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Pine Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Commonly known as: 75 Club Court, Pine Hill, NJ 08021 Being Tax Lot: 4 Block: 134 Dimensions Approximately: 70 feet wide by 125 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Country Club Road The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: YAEL I. RESPES, ET AL, and taken in execution of THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON AKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000770 DATED: 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 KML LAW GROUP, PC 216 HADDON AVENUE, SUITE 406 WESTMONT, NJ $129.60
Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03915314 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Municipality of Cherry Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 408 Hialeah Drive Being Tax Lot: 10 Block: 285.16 Dimensions approximately: 81.09’ x 120.00’ Nearest Cross Street: Northerly sideline of Monmouth Drive SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): CCMUA holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $176.00 as of 10/01/2015 The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: CLARENCE FIELDS, ET AL, and taken in execution of JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000823 DATED: 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016 04/12/2016 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $146.88
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT FUTURE ELECTRIC RATES On March 17, 2016, PECO filed a petition with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (“PUC”) requesting approval of its Default Service Procurement Plan for the period June 1, 2017 to May 31, 2019. This filing is in accordance with the PUC’s Default Service Regulations, its Policy Statement on Default Service, and the PUC’s Final Orders in its Retail Markets Investigation. The purpose of this notice is to provide you with the opportunity to review our filing. To find our filing visit, click on Rate Information, and then click on Filings. You also may visit our business office, located at 2301 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and examine copies of the documents we filed with the PUC. A PUC Administrative Law Judge will review PECO’s proposal and recommend a decision to the Commission. You may file a formal complaint concerning our filing by contacting the: Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Post Office Box 3265 Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265 For more information, call the PUC at 1-800-6927380. You may leave your name and address so you can be notified of any public input hearings that may be scheduled in this case. Complaint forms can also be accessed at the PUC website in Adobe Acrobat format: complaints.aspx Prompt filing of a formal complaint may entitle you to participate in a hearing at which you may present testimony and question Company witnesses. If you have any questions, please call our Customer Service Center at 1-800-494-4000. Small business customers should contact Business Account Services at 1-800-220-PECO. Large Industrial and Commercial customers should contact their Account Representative directly.
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F905410 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Voorhees, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 115-8 Van Buren Road, Township of Voorhees, NJ 08043 Being Tax Lot: 2 QUAL #C1168 Block: 150.02 Being Unit N. 116-B in Tomlinson Green I Condominium, together with an undivided 1.51% interest in the common elements of said condominium, which condominium is located in the property situate in the Township of Voorhees, County of Camden, and State of New Jersey known and designated as Block 150-B, Lot 2 on the tax map of the Township of Voorhees, New Jersey. Subject to the terms, limitations, conditions, covenants, restrictions, easements, agreements and other provisions set forth in the master deed for Tomlinson I Greenn Condominium, as such master deed may now or hereafter be amended as therein provided, said master deed being dated July 1, 1983 and recorded July 3, 1983 in the office of the register of deed and mortgages of Camden County in book 3903 of deeds to Page 571. SUbject to the provisions of the by-laws may now or hereafter be amended as therein provided. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JAMES MEE, ET AL, and taken in execution of US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000886 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY, SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $190.08
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02497815 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Cherry Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 422 Chapel Avenue, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034-1308 Being Tax Lot: 12 Block: 338.20 On the Official Tax Map of the Township of Cherry Hill Dimensions approximately: 75 ft x 125 ft Nearest Cross Street: Douglas Drive The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. As the above description does not constitute a full legal description, said full legal description is annexed to that certain mortgage recorded in the Office of the Register/ Clerk of Camden in Mortgage Book 8248 at Page 330, et seq., Camden, New Jersey, and the Write of Execution on file with the Sheriff of Camden County. THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: FRANK L. GABRIELI, ET AL and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, NA GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000859 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $195.84
ALDÍ « MARZO 23 - 30, 2016 « AL DÍA « CLASIFICADOS « 31
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01795015 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the County of Camden and State of New Jersey Premises commonly known as: 2710 North Congress Road, Camden, NJ 08104 Being Tax Lot: 13 Block: 677 Dimensions approximately: 19 x 100 Amount due for taxes: Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by Plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any other outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled to only a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the mortgagor, the mortgagee, or the mortgagee’s attorney. As the above description does not constitute a full legal description, said full legal description is annexed to that certain mortgage recorded in the office of the Register/ Clerk of Cmaden in Mortgage Book 8925 at Page 309, et seq, Camden, NJ and the Writ of Execution on file with the Sheriff of Camden County. THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: MIKE CARABALLO, NILSAIDA CARABALLO, STATE OF NEW JERSEY and taken in execution of LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000856 DATED: 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016, 04/19/2016 SCHILLER & KNAPP, LLP 950 NEW LOUDON ROAD, SUITE 109 LATHAM, NJ 12110 $190.08
Estamos a su servicio
Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01943614 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of APRIL, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 5504 Browning Road, Pennsauken, NJ 08109 Being Tax Lot: 22 Block: 5601 On the Official Tax Map of the Township of Pennsauken Dimensions approximately: 140.00ft x 100.00ft x 140.00ft x 100.00ft Nearest Cross Street: Elvena Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied bythe sale is:
“APPROXIMATELY” $201,486.15 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. ADVERTISE SUBJECT USA’S RIGHT OF REDEMPTION: Pursuant to 28, USC Section 2410 , this sale is subject to a 1 year right of redemption held by the United States of America by virtue of its lien: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is hereby named a party defendant herein far any lien, claim, or interest it may have in, to, or on the mortgaged premises by virtue of the following MORTGAGE. Ann T. Uff to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, dated 08/06/2010 and recorded 08/06/2010 in Book 9271, Page 129, to secure $307,500.00 Seized as the property of: ANNE T UFF, ET AL and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 16000808 DATED: 03/22/2016, 03/29/2016, 04/05/2016, 04/12/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $195.84
Tutor Perini Building Corp is soliciting bids for the General Construction Package for Temple University Library project. Certified City of Philadelphia Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) Minority, WomanOwned, Disadvantaged and Small Businesses (MWDSBEs) are encouraged to contact Dawn Freitag at (610) 668-4100 or for access to bid packages. Bids are due by 2pm on April 18, 2016. EEO Employer/Contractor
32 Âť MARZO 23 - 30, 2016
Redefining DIVERSITY in Our City's Workforce
APRIL 27 | 12PM - 4PM | PA CONVENTION CENTER Receive one-on-one career advice from the city's top executives
Connect with the region's top employers
Visit the Resume Review Station for personalized feedback
Sit in on professional development workshops and presentations
Meet some of the hiring companies that will be at our Career Fair
Visit to sign up!
For sponsorship opportunities, contact: Aileen Connolly 215 789 6976 or | For event details, contact: Rachel Mancini 215 789 6962 or