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Robert Garcia
By | Por: FERNANDO MILLÁN | AL DÍA News Print EditorRobert Garcia was born in Lima and came to the United States when he was ve years old. His family settled in Long Beach (California), a city with a high Latino in uence. He has spent six months in the U.S. Congress defending his convictions. He talked to AL DÍA about his life, his family and his work in politics, where he has excelled with honors.
We should start by saying, he is the rst Peruvian-born elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He is the rst openly gay immigrant elected to Congress. He was the rst Latino elected to be vice mayor of Long Beach and the youngest in the history of the country. He has served as mayor and councilman there.
“Most of my childhood friends were Mexican. I spoke Spanish and had to learn English. But many people in Los Angeles are Mexican,” he told AL DÍA, recalling the Latino in uence in California.
Garcia served two terms as mayor of Long Beach and from that position he promoted the improvement of international trade, human rights, public health and the environment.
He is now a congressman and has not lost sight of what he has always fought for. He is even critical of his Republican colleagues, whom he calls “extremists”. He particularly referred to George Santos, federally indicted representative of New York, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, representative of Georgia.
In his legislative work, he has secured more than $18.5 million in federal funds for community projects in Long Beach. In addition to this, the International Human Rights Defense Act, focused on the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.
In this regard, he stated that “as a gay person, I feel responsible to the community. We know that our rights are o en being revoked all over the world”.
On the other hand, this edition includes the story of Alyssa Reynoso-Morris, an Af-
ro-Latiné/x Dominican and Puerto Rican queer storyteller and author of the children’s book Plátanos Are Love.
She was born and raised in the Bronx, New York, and lives in Philadelphia. Her grandmother was her anchor to the culture that has surrounded her. “I write to keep her memory, our traditions and our stories alive,” she said.
In addition to Plátanos Are Love, she has published e Bronx Is My Home. And Gloriana Presente: A First Day of School Book, will be o cially published in 2024. z
Robert García nació en Lima y llegó a Estados Unidos siendo un niño de cinco años. Su familia se estableció en Long Beach (California), una ciudad con una alta in uencia latina. Hoy tiene seis meses en el Congreso de Estados Unidos defendiendo sus convicciones. Habló con AL DÍA de su vida, de su familia y de su labor en la política, en donde se ha destacado con honores.
Para empezar, es el primer peruano de nacimiento elegido para la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos. Es el primer inmigrante abiertamente gay elegido para el
Congreso. Fue el primer latino elegido para ser vicealcalde de Long Beach y el más joven en la historia del país. Ha sido alcalde y concejal de allí.
“La mayoría de mis amigos de la infancia eran mexicanos. Yo hablaba español y tuve que aprender inglés. Pero mucha gente en Los Ángeles es mexicana”, dijo a AL DÍA, al recordar el peso latino en California.
García estuvo en dos periodos como alcalde de Long Beach y desde el cargo impulsó el mejoramiento del comercio internacional, de los derechos humanos, de la salud pública y del medio ambiente.
Ahora es congresista y no ha perdido de vista por lo que ha luchado siempre. Incluso, es crítico de sus colegas republicanos, a quienes calica de “extremistas”. Se re rió particularmente a George Santos, representante de Nueva York procesado federalmente, y a Marjorie Taylor Greene, representante de Georgia.
En la labor legislativa ha logrado la destinación de más de 18,5 millones de dólares en fondos federales para proyectos comunitarios en Long Beach. Además, la Ley de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos Internacionales, centrado en los derechos de la comunidad LGBTQ+. Sobre este caso, manifestó que “como persona gay, me siento responsable con la comunidad. Sabemos que nuestros derechos, a menudo, están siendo revocados en todo el mundo”.
Por otra parte, esta edición incluye la historia de Alyssa Reynoso-Morris, narradora queer afrolatiné/x dominicana y puertorriqueña, autora del libro infantil Plátanos Are Love.
Nació y creció en el Bronx, Nueva York, y vive en Filadel a. Su abuela fue su ancla de la cultura que la ha rodeado. “Escribo para mantener vivos su recuerdo, nuestras tradiciones y nuestras historias”, manifestó.
Además de Plátanos Are Love, ha publicado e Bronx Is My Home. Y se alista para que en el 2024 empiece a circular Gloriana Presente: A First Day of School Book.z
By | Por: JENSEN TOUSSAINT AL DÍA News Sta WriterWhen Elena Reygadas was growing up in Mexico City during the late 1970s and 1980s, she was always fascinated by words.
However, a er graduating from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, food became her passion.
Her childhood memories of energetic family meals and an appreciation for Mexico’s diverse culinary culture drove her to enroll at the International Culinary Centre in New York.
From there, she went to London, where she spent several years working alongside Italian chef Giorgio Locatelli at the Michelin-starred, Locanda Locatelli.
Over her years working in the Italian restaurant, Reygadas picked up some key elements of Italian cuisine, and eventually used it for her own culinary adventures.
She eventually opened her own restaurant, which has helped her earn her numerous accolades.
is year, she received perhaps her most prominent, as e World’s 50 Best Restaurants named Reygadas as the World’s Best Chef.
“I did not expect it and it has been a very nice surprise; it is very exciting to obtain recognition like this,” she said during an interview with Noticias Telemundo about the recognition.
In many ways, her entire life and career has led to this moment.
In 2010, Reygadas opened the doors to her rst and signature restaurant, in Mexico City.
e menu consists of a robust list of traditional Mexican dishes, and features versatile o erings with a focus on seasonal, local ingredients sources from small producers.
During an interview with Noticias Telemundo, Reygadas credited Rosetta’s success on its focus on biodiversity and sustainable production.
Since opening her rst restaurant, Reygadas has earned the reputation and cache to open several other restaurants across Mexico
Cuando Elena Reygadas crecía en Ciudad de México, a nales de los años setenta y ochenta, siempre le fascinaron las palabras. Sin embargo, tras licenciarse de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, la comida se convirtió en su pasión.
Sus recuerdos de infancia de animadas comidas familiares y un aprecio por la diversa cultura culinaria mexicana, la llevaron a matricularse en el Centro Culinario Internacional de Nueva York.
De allí se fue a Londres, donde estuvo varios años trabajando junto al chef italiano Giorgio Locatelli, en el restaurante Locanda Locatelli, galardonado con una estrella Michelin.
Durante sus años de trabajo allí, Reygadas aprendió algunos elementos clave de la cocina italiana y los utilizó para sus propias aventuras culinarias.
Finalmente abrió su propio restaurante, que le ha ayudado a ganar numerosos galardones. Este año recibió quizás el más importante, ya que e World's 50 Best Restaurants la nombró como la mejor chef del mundo.
"No me lo esperaba y ha sido una sorpresa muy agradable; es muy emocionante obtener un reconocimiento como este", dijo durante una entrevista con Noticias Telemundo sobre el reconocimiento. En muchos sentidos, toda su vida y carrera la han conducido a este momento.
Reygadas abrió en 2010 las puertas de su primer y emblemático restaurante Rosetta, en Ciudad de México. El menú consta de una amplia lista de platos tradicionales mexicanos, con una oferta versátil enfocada en ingredientes locales de temporada, procedentes de pequeños productores.
Reygadas atribuyó el éxito de Rosetta a su apuesta por la biodiversidad y la producción sostenible.
Desde que abrió su primer restaurante, se ha ganado la reputación y el caché necesarios para abrir varios restaurantes más en
I did not expect it and it has been a very nice surprise; it is very exciting to obtain recognition like this.
No me lo esperaba y ha sido una sorpresa muy agradable; es muy emocionante obtener un reconocimiento como este.
By | Por: ALAN NUÑEZ | AL DÍA News Sta WriterBack in March 2021, Republican Rep. María Elvira Salazar unveiled her Dignity Plan, which represented one of the rst major immigration reform e orts to come from Congress other than the DREAM Act in the last decade-plus.
e plan would give immediate legal status to DREAMers and implement two, 10-year programs for undocumented immigrants to go through to eventually obtain permanent resident status.
Eleven months later, in February 2022, Salazar would o cially introduce the rst legislative version of the Dignity Act without receiving much fanfare, despite the major issue of immigration it attempts to tackle and Salazar’s early attempts at nding common ground.
Now, a little more than two years a er Salazar’s rst plan was unveiled, the Dignity Act has a new and improved version that was introduced on Tuesday, May 23, 2023. It updates some of the initial policies she proposed and also includes Democratic Rep. Veronica Escobar as a chief co-sponsor, putting the bill’s bipartisanship at the forefront.
“ is is a historical moment. Two members of Congress — one Democrat, one Republican — decided to work on one of the most divisive topics in this country: immigration. Who wants to do that? Very few people,” Salazar said.
Other sponsors of the bill include Puerto Rico Resident Commissioner Jenni er Gonzalez-Colón, a Republican, alongside Democratic Reps. Hillary Scholten and Kathy Manning, and Republican Reps. Lori Chavez-DeRemer and Mike Lawler.
En marzo de 2021, la representante republicana María Elvira Salazar dio a conocer su Plan Dignidad, que representó uno de los primeros esfuerzos importantes de reforma migratoria por parte del Congreso, exceptuando la Ley DREAM en la última década.
El plan otorgaría un estatus legal inmediato a los DREAMers e implementaría dos programas de 10 años para que los inmigrantes indocumentados eventualmente obtengan la residencia permanente.
Once meses después, en febrero de 2022, Salazar presentó o cialmente la primera versión legislativa de la Ley de Dignidad sin recibir mucho clamor, a pesar del importante tema de la inmigración que intenta abordar y los primeros intentos suyos de encontrar puntos en común.
Ahora, después de un poco más de dos años de que se diera a conocer el primer plan de Salazar, la Ley de Dignidad tiene una nueva y mejo-
rada versión, que se presentó el pasado martes 23 de mayo. Actualiza algunas de las políticas iniciales que ella propuso y también incluye a la representante demócrata Verónica Escobar como copatrocinadora principal, poniendo el bipartidismo del proyecto de ley en el centro de atención.
"Es un momento histórico. Dos miembros del Congreso -una demócrata y una republicana- han decidido trabajar sobre uno de los temas que más divisiones genera en este país: la inmigración. ¿Quién quiere hacer eso? Muy poca gente", dijo Salazar.
Otras impulsadoras del proyecto de ley incluyen a la comisionada residente de Puerto Rico, Jenni er González-Colón, republicana, junto con las representantes demócratas Hillary Scholten y Kathy Manning, y las representantes republicanas Lori Chávez-DeRemis y Mike Lawler.
De acuerdo con un comunicado de prensa de la o cina de Salazar, el nuevo y mejorado proyecto de ley tiene cuatro componentes principales: detener la inmigración ilegal; proporcionar una solu-
I don't want anyone to confuse amnesty with dignity. No quiero que nadie confunda amnistía con dignidad.
Rep. María Elvira SalazarReps. María Elvira Salazar and Veronica Escobar are two Latinas leading the push for immigration reform on Capitol Hill. Gettyimages
According to a press release from Salazar’s o ce, the new-and-improved bill has four main components:
Stopping illegal immigration; providing a digni ed solution for undocumented immigrants living in America; strengthening the American workforce and economy; and ensuring the United States remains prosperous and competitive in the future.
e updated bill would allow undocumented migrants to work and safeguards them from deportation. It would also speed up the asylum process and detain asy-
lum-seekers who enter the U.S. through the southern border at one of ve “humanitarian campuses,” where they will be detained until their cases are decided.
e “dignity” part of the Dignity Act, according to Salazar, is in regard to border patrol agents, who she said are “overworked and underpaid,” the business community in needs of workers, and the “millions and millions of people who are invisible to most Americans, who are doing the jobs others are unwilling to do.”
For Escobar, a Mexican American who represents El Paso in Congress, she spoke
ción digna para los inmigrantes indocumentados que viven en Estados Unidos; fortalecer la fuerza laboral y la economía estadounidenses; y garantizar que Estados Unidos siga siendo próspero y competitivo en el futuro.
La nueva versión del proyecto de ley les permitiría trabajar a los inmigrantes indocumentados y los protegería de la deportación. También aceleraría el proceso de asilo y detendría a los solicitantes de asilo que ingresan a los Estados Unidos a través de la frontera sur en uno de los cinco "campus humanitarios", donde permanecerán detenidos hasta que se decida sobre sus casos.
La parte de "dignidad" de la Ley de Dignidad, según Salazar, se re ere a los agentes de la patrulla fronteriza, de quienes dijo están "sobrecargados de trabajo y mal pagados", a la comunidad empresarial que necesita de trabajadores y a los "millones y millones de personas que son invisibles para la mayoría de los estadounidenses, que están haciendo los trabajos que otros no están dispuestos a hacer".
Escobar, una mexicano-estadounidense que representa a El Paso en el Congreso, comentó del impacto real que su comunidad ve
e humanitarian crisis unfolding before our eyes requires a bipartisan solution.
La crisis humanitaria que se desarrolla ante nuestros ojos requiere una solución bipartidista.
María Elvira Salazar
By | Por: CARLOS NOGUERAS | AL DÍA News Sta Writer ENGLISH ESPAÑOLIn her rst public address since winning the Democratic nomination for Philadelphia mayor, said she trumped the system fair and square.
“Everyone doesn’t get a trophy. Your dignity doesn’t come from getting a trophy. Dignity comes when you work hard in a race… in a race of any kind. No matter what it is. And that prescription is one that I support.”
For Latinas in city politics, there is neither dignity in the current prescription nor trophies waiting at the nish line. at doesn’t stop them from laying their reputations on the line to ght for a seat in any elected o ce.
Luz Colón is a relentless optimist. Anywhere on the campaign trail, Colón’s smile stretched ear-to-ear as the timbre of her voice rose octaves within the delivery of one sentence. She referred to supporters in her orbit as “my friend,” wearing the same grin.
Since her launch for City Council atLarge at a Colombian-owned real estate ofce in South Kensington, Colón, 44, promised to run a joyful campaign, hoping to revive the fun in politics and voting.
At forums and events, Colón spoke gleefully about her plans to aid Council in tackling crime and bringing her years-long state government experience to City Hall and return to her Philly roots.
But that wasn’t the case one day campaigning at a Cousin’s, where Colón broke down for the rst time while circulating petitions “because I knew it was bad, but I didn't know it was that bad. To the point that nobody even wanted to sign a petition.”
e road laid out for Colón was complex but not unrealistic. Her choice to pursue an at-Large seat in Philly City Council meant her campaign needed to be citywide.
Her bid required masterful relationships, an ability to fundraise, and obtain endorsements to become a viable candidate.
En su primer discurso público desde que ganó la nominación demócrata para la alcaldía de Filadel a, dijo que había ganado limpiamente. "No todo el mundo recibe un trofeo. Tu dignidad no viene de conseguir un trofeo. La dignidad viene cuando trabajas duro en una competencia... en cualquier tipo de competencia. No importa cuál sea. Y esa es la fórmula que yo apoyo".
Para las latinas en la política municipal, no hay ni dignidad en la fórmula actual ni trofeos esperando en la línea de meta. Eso no les impide arriesgar su reputación para luchar por un escaño en cualquier cargo electo.
Luz Colón es una optimista infatigable. En cualquier lugar de la ruta de campaña, la sonrisa de Colón se extendía de oreja a oreja mientras el timbre de su voz sube de octava en octava al pronunciar una frase. Se refería a los simpatizantes en su trayectoria como “mi amigo”, con la misma sonrisa.
Desde que se presentó como candidata al Concejo Municipal para At-Large en una ocina inmobiliaria de propiedad colombiana en South Kensington, Colón, de 44 años, prometió realizar una campaña alegre, con la esperanza de revivir la diversión en la política y el voto.
Habló alegremente en foros y actos sobre sus planes para ayudar al Concejo a hacer frente a la delincuencia y aportar sus muchos años de experiencia en el gobierno estatal al gobierno municipal y volver a sus raíces de Filadel a.
Pero no fue el caso un día mientras hacía campaña en uno de los Cousin (cadena de supermercados), donde Colón se sintió fracasar por primera vez mientras circulaba peticiones "porque sabía que estaba mal, pero no sabía que estaba tan mal". Hasta el punto de que nadie quería rmar ni siquiera una petición.
El camino que Colón tenía por delante era complejo, mas no irrealizable. Su decisión de optar por un escaño en At-Large en el Concejo de Filadel a signi caba que su campaña tenía que abarcar toda la ciudad.
Erika Almirón and Luz Colón were both unsuccessful in their at-Large City Council runs in 2023. But the future is bright in their eyes. Gettyimages/AL DÍA ArchivesForming those partnerships early on is critical to ensure a candidate’s name circulates frequently among insiders who will eventually carry those prospects to the mainstream conversation.
Despite having deep relationships with mainstream Philly Latinos, Colón fell short of obtaining name recognition and raising enough cash to run a competitive operation. She was endorsed by Maria Quiñones Sánchez two weeks before the primary and Angel Ortiz was on hand at her launch party, but neither seemed to have enough sway.
“I had it in my mind that maybe, in some way, we could’ve been supported…” Colón
said. “I don't think that Latinas are supported in this realm as much as they should.”
2023 was Érika Almirón’s second shot at City Council at-Large a er unsuccessfully pursuing a bid in 2019, the previous cycle.
From her home in Northwest Philly, a three-story house that she’s owned for 13 years, Almirón takes her loss in stride, deeply proud of the coalitions she’s built over her life.
ere are Latinos spread across Philly, and ward turnout in other regions with
Para convertirse en una candidata viable su oferta requería relaciones a alto nivel, la capacidad para recaudar fondos y obtener respaldos. Formar esas alianzas desde el principio es fundamental para garantizar que el nombre de un candidato circule con frecuencia entre los miembros internos, que eventualmente, llevarán esas perspectivas a la corriente mayoritaria.
Colón no consiguió el reconocimiento de su nombre ni recaudó su ciente dinero para operar de manera competitiva, a pesar de tener profundas relaciones con los principales latinos de Filadel a. Inclusive, dos semanas antes de las primarias recibió el respaldo de María Quiñones Sánchez y Ángel Ortiz estuvo presente en
su esta de presentación, pero ninguno de los dos pareció tener su ciente in uencia.
"Tenía en mente que tal vez, de alguna manera, nos podrían haber apoyado...". dijo Colón. "No creo que las latinas sean apoyadas en este ámbito tanto como se debería", agregó.
Después de perseguir sin éxito la candidatura al Concejo de la ciudad en At-Large en 2019, Erika Almiron tuvo ahora su segunda oportunidad en este 2023
Desde su casa en el noroeste de Filadel a, una casa de tres pisos que ha poseído durante 13 años, Almirón toma su pérdida con calma, Continues in pag. 32 |Continúa
Mantenemos la vida en movimiento.
Desde los ciclos de lavado hasta los entrenamientos de ciclismo, siempre estamos trabajando para abastecer de energía tu día a día. Conoce más en peco.com/shine
It's not about controlling the Latino vote. It's about inspiring the Latino vote.
No se trata de controlar el voto latino. Se trata de inspirar el voto latino.
Erika Almirón
An editorial analyzes Joe Biden's deal with the Republicans to raise the debt ceiling. It has averted, he says, "an economic catastrophe that threatened to drag the entire world economy into an unknown territory of instability (...) Had this limit been reached without an extension or suspension, the US would have run out of money to pay its expenses for the first time in two and a half centuries of history as of Monday. The White House and the Federal Reserve have spared no drama over the situation. U.S. bonds are considered to be fully secure, and their default would have had unknown consequences on a global scale. The good news of the agreement, however, does not hide the irresponsibility of the Republicans in playing with the fundamentals of the financial system. The U.S. government cannot go into debt without the permission of Congress, which imposes public debt limits by law. Every time the debt approaches the figure authorized on the last occasion, the legislature has to raise or suspend that limit, or the government would not be able to meet its payments. It was always a mere formality, until the Republican Party decided to use it as a political weapon to impose spending cuts on the White House during Barack Obama's mandate".
En un editorial se analiza el pacto de Joe Biden con los republicanos para elevar el techo de la deuda. Se ha evitado, dice, “una catástrofe económica que amenazaba con arrastrar a un territorio de inestabilidad desconocido a toda la economía mundial. (…) De haberse alcanzado este límite sin una ampliación o suspensión, EE UU se habría quedado sin dinero para pagar sus gastos por primera vez en dos siglos y medio de historia a partir del lunes. La Casa Blanca y la Reserva Federal no han ahorrado dramatismo ante la situación. Los bonos estadounidenses son un valor considerado plenamente seguro, y su impago habría tenido consecuencias desconocidas a escala mundial. La buena noticia del acuerdo, sin embargo, no oculta la irresponsabilidad de los republicanos al jugar con los fundamentos del sistema financiero. El Gobierno de EE. UU. no puede endeudarse sin permiso del Congreso, que mediante una ley impone límites de deuda pública. Cada vez que la deuda se acerca a la cifra autorizada en la última ocasión, el Legislativo tiene que elevar o suspender ese límite, o el Gobierno no podría hacer frente a sus pagos. Siempre fue un mero trámite, hasta que el Partido Republicano decidió hacer de ello un arma política para imponer recortes de gasto a la Casa Blanca durante el mandato de Barack Obama”.
An editorial refers to Mexico's decision on important aspects of the free trade agreement with the United States and Canada. Washington reacted "to the Mexican government's decree to gradually phase out imports of transgenic corn, as well as to prohibit preparations that use glyphosate (...) Washington's attempts to force Mexico to purchase genetically modified corn produced in American territory must be framed within the historical attitude of the governing class of that country to assume as a matter of State the requests, the interests and even the whims of its large companies. Although U.S. authorities and legislators try to present their case as a defense of the farmers (...), the data are eloquent: today, corn is a business monopolized by a handful of giant transnationals corporations that control the entire production chain and appropriate virtually all the profits of this business". In the case of glyphosate, the United States "it seeks to go beyond Mexican sovereignty to force the continued import of a commodity whose potential damage to human health has been pointed out by its own legal system and threatens both biodiversity and the land and water that can be contaminated".
Un editorial se refiere a la decisión de México en aspectos importantes del tratado de libre comercio con Estados Unidos y Canadá. Washington reaccionó “por el decreto del gobierno mexicano para eliminar gradualmente las importaciones de maíz transgénico, así como prohibir las preparaciones que emplean glifosato. (…) Los intentos de Washington de forzar a México a adquirir el maíz genéticamente modificado que se produce en territorio estadunidense deben enmarcarse en la histórica actitud de la clase gobernante de ese país de asumir como asunto de Estado los intereses, las peticiones y hasta los caprichos de sus grandes compañías. Aunque autoridades y legisladores estadunidenses tratan de presentar su caso como defensa de los granjeros (…), los datos son elocuentes: hoy por hoy, el maíz es un negocio acaparado por un puñado de gigantescas trasnacionales que controlan toda la cadena productiva y se apropian de la práctica totalidad de las ganancias de ese negocio”. En el caso del glifosato, Estados Unidos “pretende pasar por encima de la soberanía mexicana para obligar a que se siga importando una mercancía cuyos potenciales daños a la salud humana han sido señalados por su propio sistema legal y amenaza tanto a la biodiversidad como a las tierras y aguas que pueden contaminarse”.
Journalist Rafael Santiago Medina analyzed the issue of the U.S. government debt ceiling. "What is considered the safest receivable debt in the world has been close to ceasing to be so. The United States has reached the maximum permissible public debt. Countries such as China, Japan and Great Britain are the largest buyers of U.S. federal government bonds in the international bond market. Likewise, individual investors, retirement schemes for private and public employee retirement systems and large banks have invested in U.S. federal government bonds. All of these investors are losing their confidence in U.S. government bonds. America is too indebted, and its economy is no longer as strong as it once was. The agreement reached by Republicans and Democrats in the United States would suspend the U.S. debt limit until 2025. (...) Puerto Rico has based its economic development into U.S. federal funding allocations. Puerto Rico's economic dependence on transfers of federal funds from the imperial metropolis has been increasing in the last decades".
El periodista Rafael Santiago Medina analizó el tema del techo de la deuda del gobierno de Estados Unidos. “La que se considera la deuda cobrable más segura del mundo ha estado cerca de dejar de serlo. Estados Unidos ha llegado al tope de la deuda pública permisible (…). Países como China, Japón y Gran Bretaña son los más grades compradores de los bonos del gobierno federal estadounidense en el mercado internacional de bonos. Igualmente, inversores individuales, sistemas de retiro de empleados privados y públicos y grandes bancos han invertido en bonos del gobierno federal de Estados Unidos. Todos estos inversores están perdiendo su confianza en los bonos del gobierno estadounidense. Estados Unidos está demasiado endeudado, y su economía ya no es lo fuerte que fue en el pasado. El acuerdo a que han llegado republicanos y demócratas en Estados Unidos dejaría en suspenso el límite de la deuda estadounidense hasta el año 2025. (…) Puerto Rico ha cifrado su desarrollo económico en las asignaciones de fondos federales estadounidenses. Se ha ido incrementando en las últimas décadas la dependencia económica de Puerto Rico en las transferencias de fondos federales provenientes de la metrópolis imperial”.
Jordi Juan, editor of La Vanguardia, wrote about Hillary Clinton's words during a recent visit to Barcelona regarding the war in Ukraine. "Clinton, who has not been seen much after her electoral defeat against Donald Trump in 2016, (...) recognized that Vladimir Putin should have been stopped earlier to avoid war in Ukraine. The former head of US diplomacy in the first administration of Barack Obama said that she 'did not want to believe' that Putin could become an aggressor after Russia's intervention in Georgia in 2008 or the annexation of Crimea in 2014. 'We engaged in imposing some sanction and criticizing him rhetorically’ she pointed, regretting not having acted more forcefully. She was critical of China for its alliance with Russia and also left a phrase for general reflection: 'Our policy towards Ukraine is our policy towards China.' In her opinion, if the Russian invasion had been successful, it is possible that China would have reacted by considering the annexation of Taiwan."
Jordi Juan, director de La Vanguardia, escribió sobre las palabras de Hillary Clinton durante una reciente visita a Barcelona en cuanto a la guerra en Ucrania. “Clinton, que no se ha prodigado mucho después de su derrota electoral frente a Donald Trump en el 2016, (…) reconoció que se tenían que haberle parado antes los pies a Vladímir Putin para evitar la guerra en Ucrania. La exresponsable de la diplomacia estadounidense en el primer gobierno de Barack Obama dijo que ‘no se quería creer’ que Putin podía convertirse en un agresor después de la intervención de Rusia en Georgia en el 2008 o la anexión de Crimea en el 2014. ‘Nos dedicamos a imponer alguna sanción y criticar retóricamente’, señaló, lamentándose de no haber actuado con mayor contundencia. Fue crítica con China por su alianza con Rusia y dejó también una frase para la reflexión general: ‘Nuestra política hacia Ucrania es nuestra política hacia China’. En su opinión, si la invasión rusa hubiera sido un éxito, es posible que China hubiera reaccionado planteándose la anexión de Taiwán”.
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A través de Project UP, Comcast está comprometiendo mil millones de dólares para proveer a millones de personas con los recursos, habilidades y oportunidades que necesitan para triunfar en un mundo digital y construir un futuro de posibilidades ilimitadas.
Robert Garcia has accomplished a great deal, having served in some of the highest elected local and national o ces in the U.S.
e Long Beach native has achieved several large milestones in the last two decades, most recently becoming the rst Peruvian-American to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and the rst openly-gay immigrant elected to Congress in the 2022 midterm elections.
He rst served on the Long Beach City Council and later became the port city’s Mayor before joining Congress where six-months into his rst year, the President of the freshman Democratic class has further grown his legislative and cultural pro le.
Garcia was a part of the record-high class of 13 Latinos to be elected to Congress last November and as an immigrant himself, and a gay lawmaker, he looks to continue his life’s work on the national level alongside a growing crop of next-generation leaders.
e California native spoke with AL DÍA at his D.C. o ce all about his immigrant experience, early life in Southern California, his political career, and new job on Capitol Hill.
Born in the Peruvian capital of Lima, a veyear-old Garcia and his family immigrated to the U.S., and landed in Long Beach, California — one of the Golden State’s largest cities.
e lawmaker re ected on some of the earliest memories of arriving in Southern California.
“Our apartment,” Garcia said. “We had a little apartment.”
“It was my mom, my dad, my aunt. I remember going to McDonald’s for the very rst time. I remember going to the beach. I just remember being a pretty happy kid,” he added.
California has historically been a favorite destination among immigrants, particularly Latinos, where they more o en than not nd employment in the produce and farming industry.
Latinos, according to the latest U.S. Census Bureau gures, account for nearly 44% of Long Beach’s over 451,000 population, which made for an upbringing embedded in Latino culture where most of those around him spoke the same language he did.
“Most of my friends growing up were Mexican. I spoke Spanish and had to learn English. But so many people in L.A. are Mexican,” he said.
Garcia’s parents would divorce early on once in the U.S., leaving his mother Gaby to raise a single child.
Despite his father’s absence in the a ermath of the divorce, Garcia cited some of the things he’d later nd out to have come from him, as well as the many things that his mother instilled in him.
“My mom, for her work ethic, for love of this country. She started o by cleaning houses, and then worked in healthcare for almost 25 years as a nursing assistant,” he said. “She always instilled in me to be grateful to be here in the country and to give back.”
Garcia’s mother passed away in 2020 from COVID-19 complications.
“I didn’t live with my dad, but we became close towards the last 10 years. He’s really just an innovative person. I think I’ve learned a lot about how to communicate through him,” he added.
Originally a journalism major, Garcia founded the Long Beach Post in 2007, a local news and sports reporting outlet. e site became popular among local political gures and community leaders. Garcia sold it prior to being elected mayor in 2014.
Less than two-years later a er starting the Long Beach Post, Garcia would take his rst shot at running for public o ce.
He defeated six other candidates to win his rst-ever seat on the Long Beach City Council. He was reelected in 2010 and was unanimously elected to a two-year term as Vice Mayor by the City Council in 2012, becoming the rst Latino Vice Mayor in Long Beach and the youngest in the city’s history.
“I was pretty young and I had a lot to learn. But I think it went really well. Long Beach is a big city so it was really, I think, very successful years” he said.
A er ve years on City Council, Garcia went on to run for Mayor and became both the city’s youngest and rst elected openly-LGBTQ+ mayor. He was also the rst Latino to hold the o ce.
Garcia was also the second person of color to ever be mayor of Long Beach.
He was openly gay throughout this time, but says it never posed any professional challenges.
“But it certainly made a lot of people upset,” he admitted.
“ ere was a lot of homophobia from some folks. I de nitely dealt with that. Dealt with people pushing back on inclusion or LGBTQ+ rights, certain parts of the population.”
Garcia served two-full terms as Mayor and worked in part on improving international trade and human rights, labor and worker rights, public health, environment and climate change.
In December 2021, Garcia announced his candidacy for California’s 42nd congressional district.
e lawmaker made headlines on swearing-in day when he swore his oath of o ce using the U.S. Constitution, a picture of his parents and an original Superman #1 comic to o cially become the rst Peruvian-American and rst openly gay Latino in Congress.
He opened up to Al DÍA about the political adjustment of working on Capitol Hill.
“ e big di erence here in D.C. versus back home, a vast majority of everybody is progressive. Everyone’s politics are generally more similar in California, but especially in Long Beach,” he said. “ at’s not the case here.”
“I’ve never worked with so many people that I disagree with. I’m used to working in environments where we might disagree, but we’re disagreeing within the progressive space. Now it’s just very di erent,” he added. “I think most of the Republicans in Congress are extreme.”
Garcia cited recently federally-indicted New York Rep. George Santos and Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene as examples of current extremism on Capitol Hill, whom he’s publicly and legislatively attacked.
e California lawmaker spoke to his willingness to call out others.
“As a longtime educator, I have a hard time seeing people blatantly lie and distort the truth, and not call that out,” he said.
In Garcia’s over six months in Congress, he has secured over $18.5 million in federal funding for community projects in Long Beach and introduced the International Human Rights Defense Act, a bill centered around LGBTQ+ rights alongside Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.).
“As a gay person I feel responsible to the community. We know that our rights, o entimes they’re being rolled back across the world,” he said. “We have to ensure that the State Department and the administrations long a er President Biden is around are strong on this issue.”
e State Department would document and respond to bias-motivated violence against any LGBTQ+ person abroad as well as develop a national strategy to prevent and address criminalization, discrimination, and violence against these communities.
Garcia also touched on immigration, and how there has not been any real immigration reform in nearly 40-years since President Ronald Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 that gave over 3 million undocumented immigrants their citizenship — including Garcia and his family.
“You’re starting to see more within the agriculture business, in construction, in need of labor,” he said. “ e immigration issue is about pathways to citizenship for folks that have paid their dues as Americans and deserve a pathway to citizenship. We should be able to do all those things, while securing the border at the same time.”
“ e fact that we haven’t done that is mostly the fault of extreme Republicans in the House,” Garcia added. “We have to win
the house back. We have to keep the presidency. It’s gonna be hard but we got to keep the Senate.”
Congressman Garcia has previously referred to himself as an educator who just happens to be an elected o cial.
For him, it really boils down to a few things — having love for your home and helping others.
“Everything I’ve done has always been just about public service and trying to give back to my community and country.” Garcia concludes. “I love this country immensely. is is just an opportunity to try to make it a better place for everybody.” z
She always instilled in me to be grateful to be here in the country and to give back.
Rep. Robert Garcia on his mother
Habiendo servido en algunos de los cargos electos locales y nacionales más altos de los Estados Unidos, Robert García ha logrado mucho Ha alcanzado varios hitos importantes en las últimas dos décadas. El más reciente fue ser el primer peruano-estadounidense en ser elegido para la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos y el primer inmigrante abiertamente gay elegido para el Congreso en las elecciones intermedias de 2022.
Robert García se desempeñó primero en el Concejo Municipal de Long Beach y, más tarde, se convirtió en el alcalde de la ciudad portuaria antes de unirse al Congreso, donde a los seis meses de su primer año, el presidente de la clase de demócratas novatos ha expandido aún más su per l legislativo y cultural.
García formó parte de la promoción récord de 13 latinos electos al Congreso el pasado noviembre y, como inmigrante y legislador gay, busca continuar su obra a nivel nacional junto a una creciente cosecha de líderes de la próxima generación.
Habló con AL DÍA en su o cina de D.C. sobre su experiencia como inmigrante, sus primeros años de vida en el sur de California, su carrera política y su nuevo trabajo en el Capitolio.
Nacido en Lima, la capital peruana, García y su familia emigraron a Estados Unidos cuando él tenía cinco años y se asentaron en Long Beach, California, una de las ciudades más grandes del Estado Dorado.
El legislador re exionó sobre algunos de los primeros recuerdos de su llegada al sur de California. “Nuestro apartamento -dijo García-. Teníamos un pequeño apartamento.”
“Vivía con mi mamá, mi papá y mi tía. Recuerdo haber ido a McDonald’s por primera vez. Recuerdo haber ido a la playa. Solo recuerdo ser un niño muy feliz”, agregó.
California ha sido históricamente uno de los destinos favoritos de los inmigrantes, sobre todo de los latinos, que suelen encontrar empleo en el sector agrícola y ganadero.
Según las últimas cifras de la O cina del Censo de Estados Unidos, los latinos representan casi el 44 % de los más de 451.000 habitantes de Long Beach, lo que propició una crianza inmersa en la cultura latina, donde la mayoría de los que le rodeaban hablaban su mismo idioma.
“La mayoría de mis amigos de la infancia eran mexicanos. Yo hablaba español y tuve que aprender inglés. Pero mucha gente en Los Ángeles es mexicana”, a rmó.
Una vez en Estados Unidos, los padres de García pronto se divorciarían dejando a su madre, Gaby, para criar a un solo hijo.
A pesar de la ausencia de su padre a raíz del divorcio, García citó algunas de las cosas que más tarde descubriría que provenían de él, así como las muchas cosas que su madre le inculcó.
“Mi madre, por su ética de trabajo, por el amor a este país. Empezó limpiando casas, y luego trabajó en la sanidad durante casi 25 años como auxiliar de enfermería”, dijo. Indicó que “ella siempre me inculcó estar agradecido de estar aquí en el país y retribuir”.
La madre de García falleció en 2020 por complicaciones debidas al COVID-19. “Yo no viví con mi padre, pero nos hicimos muy cercanos durante los últimos 10 años. Él es realmente una persona innovadora. Creo que he aprendido mucho sobre cómo comunicar a través de él”, agregó.
Originalmente estudiante de periodismo, García fundó Long Beach Post en 2007, un medio de comunicación de noticias locales y deportes. El sitio se hizo popular entre las guras políticas locales y los líderes comunitarios. Antes de ser elegido alcalde en 2014, García lo vendió.
Menos de dos años después de fundar el Long Beach Post, se presentó por primera vez a un cargo público.
Derrotó a otros seis candidatos para ganar su primer escaño en el Concejo Municipal de Long Beach. Fue reelegido en 2010. En 2012, fue elegido por unanimidad para un mandato de dos años como vicealcalde por el Concejo, convirtiéndose en el primer latino de Long Beach en ese cargo y el más joven de la historia de la ciudad.
“Era bastante joven y tenía mucho que aprender. Pero creo que me fue muy bien. Long Beach es una gran ciudad, así que creo que fueron años de mucho éxito”, aseguró.
Después de cinco años en el Concejo, García se postuló para alcalde convirtiéndose en el más joven y el primero abiertamente gay en
ser elegido. También fue el primer latino en ocupar el cargo.
García también fue la segunda persona de color en ser alcalde de Long Beach. Fue abiertamente gay durante todo este tiempo, pero a rmó que esto nunca planteó ningún desafío profesional. “Pero ciertamente molestó a mucha gente”, admitió.
“Hubo mucha homofobia por parte de algunas personas. De nitivamente lidié con eso. Traté con personas que se oponían a la inclusión o los derechos LGBTQ+, con ciertas partes de la población”, recordó.
García sirvió dos mandatos completos como alcalde y trabajó en parte para mejorar el comercio internacional y los derechos humanos, los derechos laborales, la salud pública, el medio ambiente y el cambio climático.
García anunció su candidatura para el distrito 42 del Congreso de California, en diciembre de 2021.
En la toma de posesión el legislador ocupó los titulares del día cuando juró su cargo usando la Constitución de Estados Unidos, una foto de sus padres y un cómic original de Superman #1 para convertirse o cialmente en el primer peruano-americano y el primer latino gay en el Congreso.
Se sinceró con AL DÍA sobre la adaptación política que supone trabajar en el Capitolio. “La gran diferencia aquí en D.C. frente a Long Beach, es que la gran mayoría de las personas son progresistas. La política de todos es generalmente más similar en California, pero especialmente en Long Beach. Ese no es el caso aquí”, dijo.
“Nunca había trabajado con tanta gente con la que no estuviera de acuerdo. Estoy acostumbrado a trabajar en entornos en los que no estamos de acuerdo, pero estamos en desacuerdo dentro del espacio progresivo. Ahora es muy diferente”, agregó.
“Creo que la mayoría de los republicanos en el Congreso son extremistas”, expresó.
García citó al representante de Nueva York George Santos, recientemente procesado federalmente, y a la representante de Georgia Marjorie Taylor Greene como ejemplos del extremismo en el Capitolio, a quienes ha atacado pública y legislativamente.
El legislador californiano se re rió a su voluntad de llamarles la atención a los demás. “Como educador que soy desde hace mucho tiempo, me cuesta ver a la gente mentir descaradamente y distorsionar la verdad y no denunciarlo”, dijo.
En sus más de seis meses en el Congreso, García ha asegurado más de $18.5 millones en fondos federales para proyectos comunitarios en Long Beach e introdujo la Ley de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos Internacionales, un proyecto de ley enfocado en los derechos LGBTQ+ junto al Senador Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.).
“Como persona gay, me siento responsable con la comunidad. Sabemos que nuestros derechos, a menudo, están siendo revocados en todo el mundo”, señaló. Asimismo, manifestó que “tenemos que asegurarnos de que el Departamento de Estado y las administraciones que vengan mucho después de que el presidente Biden esté presente, sean fuertes en este tema”.
El Departamento de Estado documentaría y respondería a la violencia motivada por prejuicios contra cualquier persona LGBTQ+ en el extranjero, así como desarrollaría una estrategia nacional para prevenir y abordar la criminalización, la discriminación y la violencia contra estas comunidades.
García también se re rió a la inmigración, y a cómo no se ha producido ninguna reforma real de la inmigración en los casi 40 años transcurridos desde que el presidente Ronald Reagan rmara la Ley de Reforma y Control de la Inmigración de 1986, que concedió la ciudadanía a más de 3 millones de inmigrantes indocumentados, entre ellos García y su familia.
“Empiezas a ver más necesidad de mano de obra en el negocio agrícola y en la construcción”, dijo. Señaló que “el problema de la inmigración se trata de vías para lograr la
ciudadanía para las personas que han pagado sus cuotas como estadounidenses y merecen una vía a la ciudadanía. Deberíamos estar en capacidad de hacer todas esas cosas, al mismo tiempo que aseguramos la frontera”.
“La razón por la cual no lo hayamos hecho es, sobre todo, culpa de los republicanos extremistas de la Cámara”, añadió García. A su juicio, “tenemos que recuperar la Cámara. Tenemos que conservar la presidencia. Va a ser difícil, pero tenemos que conservar el Senado”.
El congresista García se ha referido previamente a sí mismo como un educador que resulta ser ahora un funcionario electo. Para él, realmente se reduce a unas pocas cosas: tener amor por tu hogar y ayudar a otros: “Todo lo que he hecho siempre ha estado relacionado con el servicio público y con intentar devolver algo a mi comunidad y a mi país”.
García concluye: “Amo inmensamente a este país. Esta es sólo una oportunidad para intentar que sea un lugar mejor para todos.” z
Ella siempre me inculcó a ser agradecido por estar aquí en el país y retribuir.
Rep. Robert García sobre su madre
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June 18, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
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BY | POR: AL DÍA NEWS‘Plátanos Are Love’ is a children’s book written by Alyssa Reynoso-Morris, an Afro-Latiné/x Dominican and Puerto Rican queer storyteller. is picture book is inspired by her grandmother and the memories they created together with every food they made, stories that will live on from generation to generation thanks to Alyssa's passion for literature and Latinx culture.
“With every pop of the tostones, mash of the mangú, and sizzle of the maduros, a little girl learns that plátanos are her history, they are her culture, and—most importantly—they are love,” read the description of the book.
Ever since she was a child, Alyssa wanted to be a writer. e number one reason was because she grew up with her grandmother–the original storyteller. Her grandmother had a second-grade education, but that didn't stop her from telling the best stories that captivated everyone's attention. As she recalls, Alyssa looked up to her so much that she wanted to be just like her. “I think she knew that because she would rope me into helping her tell her stories.”
In fact, Reynoso-Morris still has the rst book she wrote at age 7, which she now shares with students during school visits as a children’s book writer.
For the author, her grandmother was the anchor of her culture becoming the center of her stories. "I write to keep her memory, our traditions and our stories alive."
Reynoso-Morris was born and raised in the Bronx, New York, and currently lives in Philadelphia with her partner and daughter. During the day, she works with community members, nonpro ts and government ocials to make the world a better place. en, she puts on her writer's hat to write heartfelt stories about home, family, food, and the fun places she's been.
Alyssa is the author of ‘Plátanos Are Love’ and ‘ e Bronx Is My Home.’ Her third book, ‘Gloriana Presente: A First Day of School Book' will be o cially published in 2024 and is a Spanglish picture book that features a Dominican American girl overcoming anxiety and nding her voice in the classroom. Alyssa is also working on two picture books about Philadelphia.
To learn more about her literary journey and the importance of representation in children's literature, we spoke exclusively with Reynoso-Morris. Here our conversation:
‘Plátanos Are Love’ es un libro infantil escrito por Alyssa Reynoso-Morris, una escritora queer afrolatiné/x dominicana y puertorriqueña. Este libro ilustrado está inspirado en su abuela y en los recuerdos que creaban juntas con cada comida que preparaban, historias que perdurarán de generación en generación gracias a la pasión de Alyssa por la literatura y la cultura Latinx.
“Con cada estallido de los tostones, el puré del mangú y el chisporroteo de los maduros, una niña aprende que los plátanos son su historia, son su cultura y, lo más importante, son amor”, reza la descripción del libro.
Desde que era una niña, Alyssa quería ser escritora. La razón principal era que había crecido con su abuela, la narradora original. Su abuela tenía sólo estudios de segundo grado, pero eso no le impidió contar las mejores historias que cautivaron la atención de todos. Alyssa, según recuerda la admiraba tanto que quería ser como ella. “Creo que ella lo sabía porque me involucraba para que la ayudara a contar sus historias”.
De hecho, Reynoso-Morris aún conserva el primer libro que escribió a los 7 años, que ahora comparte con los alumnos durante sus visitas escolares como escritora de libros infantiles.
Para la autora, su abuela fue el ancla de su cultura convirtiéndose en el centro de sus historias. “Escribo para mantener vivo su recuerdo, nuestras tradiciones y nuestras historias”.
Reynoso-Morris nació y se crió en el Bronx, Nueva York, y actualmente vive en Filadel a con su pareja y su hija. Durante el día trabaja con miembros de la comunidad, organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro y funcionarios públicos para hacer del mundo un lugar mejor. Después, se pone el sombrero de escritora para crear historias conmovedoras sobre el hogar, la familia, la comida y los lugares divertidos en los que ha estado.
Alyssa es autora de “Plátanos Are Love” y “ e Bronx Is My Home”. Su tercer libro, ‘Gloriana Presente: A First Day of School Book’ se publicará o cialmente en 2024 y es un libro ilustrado en spanglish que presenta a una niña dominicana estadounidense que supera la ansiedad y encuentra su voz en el aula. Alyssa también está trabajando en dos libros ilustrados sobre Filadel a.
Hablamos en exclusiva con Reynoso-Morris, para conocer más sobre su trayectoria literaria y la importancia de la representación en la literatura infantil. He aquí nuestra conversación:
My hope is that my books help Afro-Latinx kids feel loved and empowered.
Mi esperanza es que mis libros ayuden a los niños afro-latinx a sentirse queridos y empoderados.
Why did you decide to become a children’s book author?
I have done many cool things in my life, like building water puri cation systems in other countries, researching witness protection programs for the Tribunal of Rwanda, and organizing multilingual COVID-19 clinics at the height of the pandemic. But I always loved telling stories and never stopped reading and writing. I am glad I get to reinvent myself and that I am now able to focus more on my rst love–writing.
Currently, I write picture books, but I want to write across all genres. I am learning more about novel writing to write middle grade, young adult, and adult novels. I also want to write an intergenerational memoir honoring the women that came before me. But for now, I love writing picture books because as a mom and former teacher, I know rsthand how smart and kind kids are. It is an honor to write stories for kids because they are the future. Writing stories rooted in love and hope is my way of making the world a better and more empathetic place.
How did the idea of ‘Plátanos Are Love’ come up? Did your abuela also say “plátanos are love”?
‘Plátanos Are Love’ is about a little girl and her sister learning about the ways plantains shape Latinx culture, community, and family from her abuela.
My love of my abuela, her stories, and the food we made together inspired Plátanos Are Love. While I do not remember her saying the actual phrase “plátanos are love,” I know it is what she meant because cooking was how my Abulea showed her love.
Do you think Latine/x/o/a representation in children’s books is important? Why?
Books are a safe way to try on new ideas, identities, and be exposed to opportunities. If a child is not able to read about Latine/x/o/a character doing amazing things, then it is harder for them to imagine themselves doing amazing things. My hope is that my books help Afro-Latinx kids feel loved and empowered. I hope they know their culture and experiences are important and sources of pride. I also hope my books will serve as a window that fosters empathy for kids that do not identify as Afro-Latinx.
What does being Afro-Latinx mean to you right now? Has it changed with the years?
Yo soy Afro-Latinx because I acknowledge my African roots. Growing up I never questioned my Latinidad because I knew I was Dominican and Puerto Rican. I spoke Spanish and was immersed in the culture. Pero, I had racist tías that told me I had “pelo malo” and to stay out of the sun so I don't get blacker like “carbón.” ey told me I better marry a white man to “blanquear la raza.” ese moments of aggression, hated, and oppression taught me at a young age again that I was di erent.
en I had the privilege of studying abroad in Tanzania located in East Africa. It was one of the rst times in my life in which I felt like I belonged and also felt beautiful. is experience coupled with my knowledge of the transatlantic slave trade helped me claim my blackness with pride. Once I declared that I was Afro-Latinx I felt empowered. Now I love my hair. Now I bask in the sun and I'm grateful for my melanated skin that protects me from getting burned. Now I know that I am beyond over simplistic boxes.z
¿Por qué decidió convertirse en autora de libros infantiles?
He hecho muchas cosas interesantes en mi vida, como construir sistemas de puri cación de agua en otros países, investigar programas de protección de testigos para el Tribunal de Ruanda y organizar clínicas multilingües de COVID-19 en el apogeo de la pandemia. Pero siempre me encantó contar historias y nunca dejé de leer y escribir. Me alegro de poder reinventarme y de poder centrarme más en mi primer amor: la escritura.
Actualmente escribo libros ilustrados, pero quiero escribir sobre todos los géneros. Estoy aprendiendo más sobre la escritura de novelas para escribir novelas para niños, jóvenes y adultos. También quiero escribir unas memorias intergeneracionales en honor a las mujeres que me precedieron. Pero, por ahora, me encanta escribir libros ilustrados porque, como madre y ex maestra, sé de primera mano lo inteligentes y amables que son los niños. Es un honor escribir historias para niños porque ellos son el futuro. Escribir historias arraigadas en el amor y la esperanza es mi forma de hacer del mundo un lugar mejor y más empático.
¿Cómo surgió la idea de “Plátanos Are Love”? ¿Tu abuela también decía “plátanos are love”?
Plátanos Are Love” trata de una niña y su hermana que aprenden de su abuela cómo los plátanos in uyen en la cultura, la comunidad y la familia latinx.
Mi amor por mi abuela, sus historias y la comida que preparábamos juntas inspiraron “Plátanos Are Love”. Aunque no recuerdo que dijera la frase “los plátanos son amor”, sé que quería decir eso porque mi abuela demostraba su amor cocinando.
¿Cree que es importante la representación latine/x/o/a en los libros infantiles? ¿Por qué?
Los libros son una forma segura de probar nuevas ideas, identidades y de exponerse a oportunidades. Si un niño no puede leer sobre personajes latine/x/o/a que hacen cosas increíbles, le resultará más difícil imaginarse a sí mismo haciendo cosas increíbles. Mi esperanza es que mis libros ayuden a los niños afro-latinx a sentirse amados y empoderados. Espero que sepan que su cultura y experiencias son importantes y motivo de orgullo. También espero que mis libros sirvan como una ventana que fomente la empatía hacia los niños que no se identi can como afro-latinx.
¿Qué signi ca para usted ser afro-latinx ahora mismo? ¿Ha cambiado con los años?
Yo soy Afro-Latinx porque reconozco mis raíces africanas. Al crecer nunca me cuestioné mi latinidad porque sabía que era dominicana y puertorriqueña. Hablaba español y estaba inmersa en la cultura. Pero, tenía tías racistas que me decían que tenía “pelo malo” y que me mantuviera fuera del sol para no ponerme más negra como “carbón”. Me decían que mejor me casara con un blanco para “blanquear la raza”. Estos momentos de agresión, odio y opresión me enseñaron de nuevo a una edad temprana que yo era diferente.
Luego tuve el privilegio de estudiar en el extranjero, en Tanzania, ubicada en África oriental. Fue una de las primeras veces en mi vida en la que sentí que pertenecía y también me sentí hermosa. Esta experiencia, unida a mi conocimiento de la trata transatlántica de esclavos, me ayudó a reivindicar mi negrura con orgullo. Una vez que declaré que era afro-latinx me sentí empoderada. Ahora adoro mi pelo. Ahora tomo el sol y doy gracias por mi piel melanizada que me protege de quemarme. Ahora sé que soy única e individual. z
By | Por: JENNIFER HERNANDEZ | AL DÍABorn in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, and brie y raised in the Barahona province, Jose Garcia-Orozco immigrated to the United States with his parents at the age of three—despite his parents getting divorced, the assimilation process, as he recalls, was smooth— his grandparents were the rst to move the U.S. followed by his aunts and then later, his mother, the last member to join. As the oldest child, Garcia-Orozco lived in Newark, New Jersey, for most of his life.
As with many immigrants, the prospect of improving their socioeconomic situation seems to be one of the countless and unique reasons why many come chasing the famous American Dream.
Garcia-Orozco notes that his mother wanted “a better life and better education for me and my siblings and the future of the family she wanted to start,” which provided countless opportunities the Dominican was able to take advantage of—a full college scholarship, meet Vice President Kamala Harris, and receive a job o er from Ernst & Young, growth opportunities later discussed.
Before attending Villanova University, Garcia-Orozco, and his family moved to Charlesburg, Pennsylvania— “a big move for us,” explained Garcia-Orozco, who went to an all-boys private Catholic school and in 7th grade was accepted to St. Benedict’s Preparatory School, a Catholic college, that serves boys and girls in kindergarten through twel h grade. During his time here, Jose was on high honors for eight semesters, including being the President of the National Honors Society and Business Manager of the school newspaper.
St. Benedict’s motto is “Whatever hurts my brother hurts me. Whatever helps my brother helps me.” Young men at the school bene t from Early College Courses and College Placement.
Garcia-Orozco shared his acceptance story with e Villanova and said, “I just re-
member knowing that whatever I do here, not only academically, but also extracurricular, I will, as a person, I will grow my leadership skills, and I will be successful no matter what.”
His con dence and desire to succeed led him to change career paths from computer engineering to pursuing an accounting major, which he credits to “exploring the world a bit more” for his newfound sense of direction—wanting to have his own business and accounting. Although a broad profession, he will focus on forensic accounting, investigations, and compliance work.
e recent graduate obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting with double minors in Real Estate and Business Law.
Nacido en Santo Domingo (República Dominicana) y criado por poco tiempo en la provincia de Barahona, José García-Orozco emigró a los Estados Unidos con sus padres a la edad de tres años.
A pesar de que sus padres se divorciaron, el proceso de asimilación, como él recuerda, pasó sin contratiempos.Sus abuelos fueron los primeros en trasladarse a los Estados Unidos, seguidos por sus tías y por último su madre. Como hijo mayor, García-Orozco vivió en Newark, Nueva Jersey, la mayor parte de su vida.
Como ocurre con muchos inmigrantes, la perspectiva de mejorar su situación socioeconómica parece ser una de las innumerables y únicas razones por las que muchos vienen persiguiendo el famoso sueño americano.
García-Orozco señala que su madre quería "una vida mejor y una mejor educación para mí y mis hermanos y para el futuro de la familia que quería formar". Por eso, le proporcionó innumerables oportunidades que el dominicano pudo aprovechar: una beca universitaria completa, conocer a la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris y recibir una oferta de trabajo de Ernst & Young.
Antes de asistir a la Universidad de Villanova, García-Orozco y su familia se mudaron a Charlesburg, Pennsylvania. “Un gran cambio para nosotros", explicó García-Orozco, quien asistió a una escuela católica privada sólo para varones y en séptimo grado fue aceptado en la Escuela Preparatoria de San Benito, un colegio católico, que atiende a niños y niñas desde jardín de infantes hasta duodécimo grado.
Durante su tiempo aquí, José obtuvo altos honores durante ocho semestres, entre ellos el de presidente de la Sociedad Nacional de Honores y gerente comercial del periódico escolar.
El lema de San Benito es "Todo lo que hace daño a mi hermano me hace daño a mí. Lo que ayuda a mi hermano me ayuda a mí". Los jóvenes de la escuela se bene cian de los cursos de universidad temprana e ingreso a la universidad. García-Orozco compartió su historia de aceptación con la Villanova y dijo: "Simplemente recuerdo saber que haga lo que haga aquí, no sólo académicamente, sino también extracurricularmente, lo haré. Como persona, creceré mis habilidades de liderazgo, y seré exitoso pase lo que pase"
Su con anza y su deseo de triunfar le llevaron a cambiar de carrera, pasando de la ingeniería informática a una carrera en contabilidad, lo que atribuye a "explorar un poco más el mundo". Por su nuevo sentido de la orientación: desear tener su propio negocio y trabajar en contabilidad. Aunque se trata de una profesión amplia, se centrará en la contabilidad forense, investigaciones y veri cación de idoneidad. Recientemente obtuvo una licenciatura en Contabilidad con dobles estudios menores en bienes raíces y derecho comercial.García-Orozco ha aplazado la oferta de trabajo
ENGLISH ESPAÑOL The Villanova graduate will continue to be involved in the regional chapter. Courtesy El graduado de Villanova seguirá participando en el capítulo regional. CortesíaENGLISH ESPAÑOL
Garcia-Orozco has deferred EY’s job o er for 2024 because of the potential of attending graduate school.
ASEZ (“Save the Earth from A to Z”) is a group of university student volunteers of the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) that seek to impact the world and implement the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through volunteer e orts on campus and around the community. ASEZ aims to create real and lasting change through the SAVE (Social Service, Awareness Raising, Victim Relief, Environmental Protection) movement.
e chapter has received many accolades: the U.S. President’s Volunteer Service Award (Gold) from former U.S. President Donald Trump and President Barack Obama, President Biden, and recognition from the Korean Government, the White House, and local agencies.
e goal, explains Jose, is to establish clubs around the globe to ensure student involvement— ASEZ unites students and communities to attain a common goal— the SAVE movement.
e worldwide organization is something Garcia-Orozco is passionate about, adding that it has been “the most amazing group that I have been a part of just because the work that we do focuses on volunteer services, disaster relief, and social services.”
e UN established the 2030 Agenda for Sustainability Development with 17 SDGs, urgent calls for action like no poverty, zero hunger, quality education, gender equality, reduced inequalities, and sustainable cities and communities. Garcia-Orozco has been able to help ful ll those goals, which he said: “has been amazing, and then working with di erent people…has been a great passion of mine.”
For Earth Day, Vice President Harris spoke to young men of color about di erent initiatives and discussed climate change and mass incarceration; Jose was one of the young men who received the opportunity to discuss his role as President of Villanova Chapter ASEZ and discussed various initiatives.z
According to the WMSCOG, the work of ASEZ takes place in more than 175 di erent countries, with ASEZ volunteers partnering with government o cials and municipalities.
de Ernst &Young para 2024 por la posibilidad de cursar estudios de posgrado.
ASEZ ("Salvar la Tierra de la A a la Z") es un grupo de estudiantes universitarios voluntarios de la Iglesia del Mundo Sociedad de Dios (WMSCOG por sus siglas en inglés), que buscan impactar al mundo e implementar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (SDGs por sus siglas en inglés) de las Naciones Unidas, a través de esfuerzos de voluntariado en el campus y alrededor de la comunidad.
ASEZ tiene como objetivo crear un cambio real y duradero a través del movimiento SAVE (Servicio Social, Concienciación, Alivio de Víctimas, Protección Ambiental).
El capítulo ha recibido muchos elogios: el Premio al Servicio Voluntario del Presidente de los Estados Unidos. (Oro) del ex presidente Donald Trump y el presidente Barack Obama, el presidente Biden y el reconocimiento del gobierno coreano, la Casa Blanca y las agencias locales.
El objetivo, explica José, es establecer clubes en todo el mundo para garantizar la participación de los estudiantes en el movimiento SAVE. ASEZ une a estudiantes y comunidades para alcanzar un objetivo común.
La organización mundial es algo que a García-Orozco le apasiona, quien agrega que ha sido "el grupo más increíble del que he sido parte, simplemente porque el trabajo que hacemos se centra en servicios de voluntariado, ayuda en caso de desastres y servicios sociales".
La ONU estableció la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible con 17 ODS. Son, llamamientos urgentes a la acción como la erradicación de la pobreza, cero hambre, educación de calidad, igualdad de género, reducción de las desigualdades y ciudades y comunidades sostenibles. García-Orozco ha podido ayudar a cumplir esos objetivos, lo que, según dijo, "ha sido increíble, y luego trabajar con diferentes personas ha sido una gran pasión para mí".
Para el Día de la Tierra, el Vicepresidente Harris les habló a los jóvenes de color sobre diferentes iniciativas y discutió el cambio climático y el encarcelamiento masivo. José fue uno de los jóvenes que tuvo la oportunidad de hablar de su papel como Presidente de la sección de ASEZ y diversas iniciativas. z
Según el WMSCOG, la labor de la ASEZ se realiza en más de 175 países, con voluntarios de la ASEZ que colaboran con funcionarios gubernamentales y municipalidades.
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Philadelphia Protestant Home
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Delgado Ricardo
Delphia Distribution
Dennis James
Dermondy Lauren
Deshazo Stephan
Dessein Shanika
Diaz Jonathan M
Diaz Ramuel
Diaz Wanda
Dickerson Warren
Dikoiza Paulino
Dillard Stephen L
Din Mumtaz Z, Martha
Dinh Hoa C
Douglas Watson Sandra
Doyle Charles Joseph, Michael J
Duran Maria
Durant Nadine
Edmonds Lynwood
Edney Frederic
Edouard Clairemose
Egn Jeong Inc
Eirng Dourn
Ellerbe Tyron
Encarnacion Elizabeth
Estate of B Clarke
Estate of Elsie Wright
Estate of Kevin Brown
Estimmond Virgitha N
Evans Bonita
Executive Shields Llc
Eyecare Vision Pc
Facey Yvonne
Faison Robert
Family Life Worship
Farhat Ashraf
Felder Shakeema
Feliciano Verushka
Feliz Matos Felix Matos
Figueroa Juan
Figueroa Sharon
Florian Nancy
Foley Desarae M
Ford Gianni
Ford Oscar
Freeman Dennis
Freeman Thomas
Furey Florence
Futchko Virginia
Gales Gloria Estate
Garcia Luis A
Garcia Miguel
Garrett Robert L
Gethers Toni
Gibson Ortoria N
Givens Kevin G
Gold Harry
Goldwire Alexsis
Gonzales Martha
Gonzalez Christian
Gonzalez Jose A
Gonzalez Katty
Gonzalez Lisely
Grant Sylvia
Gries Robert N
Grullon Anibal
Hall Gregory
Hall Phyllis
Hall Shakeema L
Ham Henry N
Ham Steven S
Hanh Nhon Doan MD
Harris Lamicha E
Hasty Tyshon
Hayes Virgie
Haynes Andrew J
Heim Carol F
Henderson Robert F
Henry Dedan E
Hermann Edna F
Hernandez Claudio
Hernandez Juan
Hernandez Maria
Hernandez Santiago Siomar
Hernberg Donald
Herrera Pablo
Herzog Richard S
Heyward Shakirah
Hickenbottom Tracy L
Hoang Duc
Hobes Betty R
Holmes Gary
Holness William S Est
Horton Cytiria A
Hummel Daniel M
Hunt Mark
Ignatovig Josephine
Ilarraza Ariel
Im Sam R
J A Diaz Llc
Jackson Eric
Jackson Joshua
Jaquezreyes Esteffani
Jean Cazeau Ent
Jean Edner
Jefferson Terrence
Jenkins James
Jenkins Shannon
Jennings Fbo Jetseea A
Jimenez Jeorge
Johnson Gerald
Jones Jerry
Jones Robert
Jones Sherri
Jones Stephanie M
Jordan Helene C
Jose Edgar Mawete
Joshua Ivan
Juste Moise
Kearney Michael D
Kek Sanet
Kendall Latoyia K
Kent Richard
Keoseyan Artin
Kerns Muriel
Kerrigan Margaret
Kevin Givens
Keys Bernitha
Khoeum Srey
Kien Duong
Kim Phuong
Kimble Amelia
Kitchen Charles
Knight Gary
Kong Felicity
Krug Thomas J
Kubai Anna
Kwasnjuk Susan
Lam Longtuan
Lang Seng S
Latorrevalentin Eusebio
Lauer Marshall
Laureano Tricia L
Lawson Sandra Est
Le Han
Le Xuan
Lebron Carmen M
Lee David
Lee Smith Jasmine B
Lee Tae J
Lewis Amos A
Lim Yung
Linares Hector
Live In Hope Foundation
Lloyd John F
Lo Phia
Logan Eric N
Lokey Earnestine W
London William B
Lopez Angelica
Lopez Edwin E
Lopez Guillermo
Lopez Miguel
Lopez Torres Norma L
Lorenz Dolores M
Lugo Jacqueline
Luu Tung T
Maack Guenter W
Mack Johnny
Macklin William
Mai Qi C
Maldonado Julio
Mam Savy
Mandes Anthony R
Manon Amanda
Marrero Grace
Martin James F
Martin Latasha A
Martina L Showalter
Martinez Gerardo
Martinezcarcamo Jesus
Martinezrodri Omar G
Masone Angelo J
Mathew Sijy P
Matusz Roman
Mccann Philadelphia Invest
Mccray Natasha
Mccullough Joseph T
Mcdonald Alice Est
Mcnally Joseph J Jr
Mecum M Ruth
Meehan Kathleen M
Meikle Charmaine
Mena Agustin
Menz Carl Lothar
Middleton Lenya
Miller Kristina
Mireille Chrispin
ofield Dana
Mojica Jaime
Molina Milagros
Montalvo Russell
Moore Rodina
Moore Sana T
Moraleslazaro Thelma C
Moreno Eduardo Leal
Morgan Donovan
Morris William
Moses Sylvia
Murray Diorveth
Mychlyk Victoria A
National Collision Inc
Natural Touch and Nurtur
Nebres Cipriano K, Veronica A
Nelson Mark
Nelsons Plumbing and Heat
Newsome Jillian Siobhan
Newton Myron
Ngo Tonythanh
Nguet James
Nguyen Nga
Nguyen Tom
Nguyen Vi
Northeastern Hosp Nurses
Northeran Warren V
Nunez Alicia
Nunez Elvis R
Nuon Johnny V
Odrick Israel
Omfs Physicians of Athens
On Di Go Jamaican Rest
Only Wireless Inc
Ortiz Eileen M
Ortiz Justin A
Ortiz Mayra
Osorio Adalid Gonzalez
Osullivan Elisabeth
Oung Sarann
Pacheco Alvin Antonio
Pan Jayse
Pan Vy
Park Haun Go
Parker Colville
Parnell Paul
Paschall Charmaine
Paul Arnold
Pembleton Hassan R
Pen Chroch
Penadecapeda Katry
Pendergrass Theodore
Penn Kimberly
Perez Guillermina
Perez Roselinda
Perez Sandra
Perry Harold
Peterson Kia
Petrucci George
Pettaway E Est
Pham Hung
Pierre Marie Y
Pinder Talibah A
Pleasant James
Polanco Magaly
Postell Neva N
Prather Bennie Est, Luther
Preston Deborah
Price Sharon A
Purvis Reginald
Quile Sasha A
Quintero Oswaldo
Rainey Jamel L
Ramir Roger
Ramirez Jose I
Randolph Raymond
Ransom Jeanine
Ransome Nina
Ream Joshua R
Reavis Sharon L
Reyes Grullon Bladimir
Reyes Herrera Jose Alex
Reynolds Roy E
Rhoads Ida
Rice Narberth
Richardson Aikia
Riddell Joel
Riddick Lashonda V
Rilio Pierre
Rincon Ramon
Rivera Cristino
Rivera Idamariannie
Rivera Juan
Rivera Miguel
Rivera Rolando
Robinson Patricia
Robinson Willie
Robles Jose
Robles Leonilde A
Rodriguez Ada
Rodriguez Juan
Rodriguez Maria I
Rodriguez Pablo
Rodriguez Yolanda
Roman Marlin
Roman Miriam
Rosario Robert
Rosenex Michel Est
Ross Norman
Rossis Marilyn
Rothwell Anthony D
Ruiz Ana
Russell Antoine
Russell Sonya
Sak Souriya
Sanchez Henry
Sanchez Jose
Sanchez Wholesale
Sandersbell Keisha D
Sanna Carlo, Rose
Santana Elizabeth
Santiago Emmanuel Diaz
Santiago Nicolasa
Santos William
Saunders Antonio L
Schrader Dorothy Ann
Schulz Albert
Scott Chante L
Scott Corrie
Scott Wanya
Scottdarden Elaine M
Sen Savoeun
Seriki Abdullateef
Shanks Cynthia C
Sherman Edward J
Shoemaker Charles B
Shorter Deanna L
Sieng Neachea
Simkar Corporation
Simkar Hra Union
Simpson Clinton
Sin Tomson
Skiendzielewski Paul
Smallwood Aleem A
Smith Christopher
Smith Roosevelt
Smith Victoria
Smith Willie M
So Erica
Sok Sereyvorn
Son Cang T
Song Daniel Y
Soto Days J
Soto Hector M
Sotocruz Jose Manuel
Soukhaphat Somphong
Stanley G C
Starks Derrick L
Suarez Carmen M
Sudaiyah Transport
Sulaiman Alexander
Sullivan Sonya A
Suos Ang
Sv Pa Phi 3 Llc
Swain Gertrude
Taing Ky
Tang Pharmacy
Tassy Max
Taylor Elizabeth
Teap Fophy
Terrell Tanya
Thach Borumsavady
Themig Angelika
Thevenin Nolberton
Thivarath Panh
Thomas Mabel D
Thomas Raymonde
Thompson Alton
Thorne Louise P
Torresrivera Deborah L
Trail Ann
Tran Khiem
Truitt Mionna
Tse Jack
Tumbuctu African Market
Turner Antwoine
Turner Stephanie
Twin Drug
Twitty Chareana
Wear Group Inc
Ung David S
Upchurch Frederick
Vazquez Eneida
Velasquez Domingo
Vong Seak
Vu Thomas D
Walker Robin Y
Wall Miriam A Est
Wall Ray
Washington Calvin
Watson John D
Wayne Gantt Harden
Web Hosters Llc
Weber Mary A
Wells Rakia
Whack Tierra
White James
Wilkins Keith B
Williams Veronica
Williamsturner Lacharese S
Wilson Maurice
Wilson Nifees
Wise Dominique
Womack Gabrielle
Woolford Janine E
Wright Rasheeda
Yav Mengly
Yj Carpet
Yoos Auto Service and Coll
Youmans Mark A
Young Dorothy M
Yun Ahreum
Zaengle Margaret S
Zepernick Justine
Zhang Jun W
1844 Margaret Llc
Aaliyahs Place
Abreu International
Abreu Maria D
Acosta Carlos
Acosta Frank
Adeyemi Bola Y
Agramontetorres Odenis T
Ahmad Badeah
Aidoo Stephen Kwesi
Alberto Carlos
Aldi Supermarket 49
Alexander Estrolita O
Ali Norma J
Alicea William
Almonte Humberto
Almonte Klebel A
Altime Bertine
Alvarez Rosa I
Ambulance Express
Americare 1 Pharmacy
Angelo Alfred F III, Alisa J
Antrom Lorenzo Andre
Arrington John H III
Arroyo Osvaldo
Avery Benjamin
Ayala Aileen
Azeez Sheherazad
B & G Optics Inc
Baez Jose
Bailey Kyree
Ball Dawn
Barbi Anna
Barbour Mealine
Barnes Harry
Bassett Darwing G
Basso Amanda Baur Brian
eaufil arie
Beausoleil Edwin
Belton Peggy
Bennett Johnny
Beranza Victor M
Bersin Barbara
Biedrzycki Kathleen
Black Althea
Blessings Auto Body
Boursiquot Hubert
Bowers Donald
Brainoo Theresa
Brent Weinerman DO
Bright Antoinette
Brinkley Alexander
Brito Diana
Brito Supermarket
Brockington Shyarah T
Brown Farah
Brown Paul
Brown Steven
Brown Terrence J
Buch Trevor
Buehler Doris L
Burgos Ivette
Burgos N M
Burgosguzman Luis R
Burns Betty J
Campbell Carole Denise
Caonabo Andino Jose
Caraballo Antulio
Carmichael Anthony E
Carrasquillo Daniel
Carter Rashena N
Casiano Elsa M
Casillas Alomar Wanda I
Castanosdejesus Ramon
Castellanos Carmen
Castillo Wilfredo
Celestin Pierre Rene
Chambers Nakisha S
Chan Joyce
Chaplin Tawanda
Chattin Rosemary
Che Sen
Cheyney Robert W
Chiropractic and Rehab
Ciccone Thomas J Jr
Clancy Alfred
Clark Victoria
Cleary Gloria C
Cofield David
Coleman Dwayne
Collazo Dorothy T
Colon Erica
Colon Jorge M
Colon Maria
Connor Keon, John
Connor James G
Cooley Andre
Cooper Adrienne
Cooper Kareen
Corcoran John
Cordero Liliana
Corro Stephanie
Cosby Veronda Mann Est
Cosme Alicia M
Costello Kristi L
Coston James
Coston Valdez F
Covey David C
Cox Rosemarie
Cross Alese
Crump Khaleed A
Cruz Luis D
Cruzmarte Genesis P
Curiel Maria
Dang William
Dattilio William H
Daughtry Shyntell
Davila Yvette R
Davis Crystal
Davis William Cust Gus
Dawejko Mary
De Andino Juana
Delacruz Warlin Manzueta
Deleon Rosa
Delgado Paulina G
Deller Michelo
Deluna Deborah
Depiera Deborah A
Dever James
Dhs Donations Fund/Holiday
Diamond Helen
Diamond Noir Auto Sales
Dickens Nasir
Difonzo Ronald A
Dilks Dennis M
Dillard Terry
Dilone Ramon
Dinh Julie
Dipilla Harry A
Dominguez William
Donato Vincent
Dorival Sarah D
Drayton Chermine
Drizin Weiss Post 215
Drysdale Kathleen
Duddy Edward M Est
Duncan Mark
Dunn Linda
Dunston Rakeem
Duwana Francis Kelmor
Emma Auto Tag Multiservic
Erwin Bill
Estate of Dorothea Gabriel
Estate of John T Schmitt Jr
Estate o Robert Brown
Estate of Shawn D Jenkins
Estate of Thelma Washington
Estevez Eva
Eustache M R
Evangelist Mark
Evans Donrell
Ewing Jacqueline R, Mary I
Convenient Services
Farina Giuseppe
Farris Jamar
Fetherson Garrin
Fetko Cheryl L
Figueroa Carmen
Figueroa Maritza
Fine Fare
Fisher Catherine
Fisher John R
Fitzgerald Shawn A
Flik It Llc
Ford Cleveland Jr
Ford Francis W
Foulk Beverly
Frketic Alice E
Fuentes Rebecca
Gabor Lisa
Gaither Latasha
Gakou Abdoulay
Galarza Cesar Jr
Gale Neal
Gans Lamaj T
Garaycolon Darielys
Garcia Luis J
Garcia Rafael
Gary Kelly
Gary Tyrone A
Gaskill Margaret
Gauthier Luis R
Gaymon Pamela
Gebre Jeffrey
Gibson Thomas, Mary
Gibson Jerome
Gonzalez Brenda
Gonzalez Carmen I
Gonzalez Dearguin Gianna
Gonzalez Elena
Gonzalezperez Oshualee
Gonzalezsoto Alberto
Gonzzales Indiana J
Gpha Frankford Avenue
Gpha Pharmacy
Graber Jr H
Graham Paulette
Green Emma
Griffit endell
Grimes James E Jr
Grimstead Arthur
Guerrier Albert N
Guevarez Pedro
Halbe Kevin J
Hall Tisha M, Twyla M
Handal Marco
Hanton Teresa
Harbisons Dairies Division
Hargrave Christopher M
Harris Shaniqua L
Hawes Richard
Haydon Bolts Inc
Hernandez Domingo
Hernandez Luz I
Hessenthaler Matthew R
Higgins Jennie S
Hill Sheila A
Ho Daisy
Hoang Thenh
Hodson Anna Marie
Hoffman Patricia A
Hollis Isis S
Holmes Derrick W
Howard Malik
Howerton Tyrone
Huang Kunying
Hunt Theresa M
Jacquez Adrian Jose
Jaquez Mayelin
Jaskowski Robert
Johnson Adele M
Johnson Cortney T
Johnson Craig
Johnson Mark
Johnson Matthew
Johnson Shereema
Jones Josephine E, Peter T
Jones Ana
Jones Christina
Jones Shadirrah
Jones Sherriff
Jordan Maria
June Barr Edwards Est
Juniata Golf Foundation
Karasek Alexander
Kareem Neal Shemarr J
Kazmierczak Jozefa
Khan Ali H
Kirkland Natalye E
Knaul Elizabeth Elizabeth
Kneisler Richard D
Knight Latesha S
Koch Helena E
Koita Assetou
Kowlesar Sugrim
Kubik Florence B, Louis L
L Rubio Corp
Lafortune Ronald
Lam Do V DO
Langley Rachel
Laskowski Jennie
Lavalley Laurence R
Lecompte Margaret
Lee Jong Min
Lee Jong Mmin
Leftridge Ebony
Lian Xian Di
Liberty Cavaliere
Lighty George
Lighty Tiara
Lin Yituan
Lindsay Pauline
Liu Chang Wang
Liz Ana F
Long Thomas W
Lopez Jackeline
Lopezacevedo Frankie
Lora Nicole
Lossie Bruno H
Loudon Brandon
Lydia Webb
Mack Helen
Mack Thomas W
Maclennan Meriam Seda
Makeni Inc
Maldonado Edwin
Mann Veronda
Manning Darrin N
Mappone Ralph S
Mariana Bracetti Acad
Marino Portes Guzman
Marmolejos Ari
Marrco Paper Co
Marrow Barry Jr
Martin Nyeema
Martinez Alex
Martinez Elvira F
Martinez Melvin
Massa George
Mathis Isaiah
Maxwell Fred
Mcbride Michael
Mcclain Joeanna
Mcclam Samuel
Mccormick Charles P
Mccoy Bryant S
Mcdonnell Charles
Mcerlean Birdie
Mcghee Khyana
Mcguigan James
Mckeever Donna
Mckenzie Ruth
Mcknight Anthony
Mcknight Davon T
Mcnally Daniel, Kelly
Mcneely Lakeesha
Medina Alexis J
Medina Anthony
Medina Felix
Mensch Lawrence C
Mercado Carmen
Michel Monique J
Mickey Daniel J
Micos Wonderland Daycare
Middleton Gloria A
Miller Antoine D
Miller Christine
Miller Herth Rakim
Miller Jannie
Mohammed Imtiaz
Montgomery Jeffrey
Rolando Favian
Morales Paola Rodriguez
Moreno Diaz Evelyn Kim
Moronta Carlos
Morris Joshua
Moses John D
Mosicasepul Alexis
Muhammad Rasheed H
Murillo Yanet
Murray Joyce
Mutual Pharmaceutical Co
Mystal Midelka
Negrin Roberto J
Negron Carmencita
Negron Erick
Negron W C
Nehrig Mary Estate
Nelson Michael C
Nelson Shubert Najah Andrea
Nguyen Loan
Nguyen Ngoc Kieu Thi
Nguyen Phuc H
Nguyen Thanh V
Nguyen Xuan
Niangane Baidy
Nichols Tashnika
No 1 Ben City Supermarket
Nolde Janice M
Norphans Inc
North Mary A
Northeast Auto Land
Northwood Academy Charter
Nuckols Willie
Nunez Obdulio
Nunez Ponciano
Odonnell William J
Ojeda Dtoniel
liver eofi ta arca
Ortiz Angel
Ortiz Jeremy
Ortiz Viviana
Ostrower Daniel
Owens Steven B
Oxford Healthcare Pc
Oyola Manuel
Pa Auto Ins Outlet Corp
Pabon Julia I
Pace Edwin
Pacita Fausto A
Pagan George L
Pallavi Velagapudi M D
Palmer Suzette A
Partridge Co
Patel Chandrabala
Pearson Patricia
Peguero Maria A
Pegues Patricia D
Peralta Eligio
Peralta Juan J
Perez Alexandra A
Perez Emely Rodriguez
Perez Fior
Perez Nolberto
Perry Ines D
Pfender John P
Philadelphia Halal Foods
Philadelphia Wooden Boat
Pilotti Kelly
Pinocordero Maria
Piotrowski Edward T Est
Pnc Bank
Pohl Hieronim
Ponder Alonzo
Poole William
Pope Taa Hirah
Postlethwait Daniel
Prime Storage Philadelphia
Przybylowicz Lena, Joan
Puellosalcedo Wilfredo
Quinones Samantha D
R Delega Real Estate
Ramos Rafael
Rapha Foot and Ankle Cent
Rare Rentals Llc
Rawls Spencer A
Rector Annette T
Regalado Estela
Rejuvenations Medical Rehab
Rementer Edward C
Restrepo Karol Hawkins
Reyes Alberto
Reyes Elisha L
Rios Luis
Rios Shamieka
Roberto Sam Est
Robinson Alfred W
Robinson Monica
Robles Lorenzo
Rodriguez Javier
odri ue anfi Jr
Romero Antonio M
Rosa Ramon
Rosado Victor
Rosario Aida
Roth Charles Est
Rouse Darryl
Rudd Miyah
Ruiz Yanelyn J
Sadorf Elizabeth Est
Sakho Aly
Salcedo Oscar R
Salcedolopez Faudina A
Salcedolopez Rocio A
Samawova Barnar
Sanchez Joselito
Sandher Amritpal
Sankofa Freedom Academy
Santiago Louis
Santos Orfelina
Santos Salas Amalia
Sdc Tx Llc A Delaware
Sealey Benjamin
Seawright Regina
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Seddon Raymond
Serrano Ismael
Serrano Juan A
Serrano Oscar
Sharp Asia
Sills Robert
Silva Vanessa
Simmons Dawn
Singletary Markeith
Singleton Tammy
Skipto Dorothy
Smith Cecelia M
Smith James
Smith Lamont
Smith Phyllis
Soto Pedro
Soto William
Spann Ernest M
Stacy Dolores A
Starling Asia
Staublein Linda J
Stith Denise E
Sudler Marcus S
Sunrise Complete Auto
Susan Staffo
Szymanski Barbara
Tang Be
Tanzler Shane M
Taveras Juan
Taylor Yoshiterah W
Taylorsmith Phyllis D
The Estate of Margaret M Demarco
Thoi Nhi
Thomas Colette
Thomas Hemphill
Thomas Illian
Thompson Valerie
Thrower Naja
Tidwell Shadee J
Tirado Hector
Toledo Mirta
Topley William P
Toro Raymond
Tortel Joan
Trautz Ellenor Marie W
Trinh Thi Cam Tu
Trippett Nicole
Truong Thao
Tucker Benjamin
Tull Niya
Ty Tran Ta Pretty Nails
Urbina Wilfredo
Urgilesdaza Javier M
Url Pharma
Urquia Elmer M
Varela Angelita
Vargas Cesar S
Vargas Elizabeth
Vargas Maranyelisse O
Vazquez Cristian
Vazquez Jose
Velasquez Sinclair I
Verna Norine
Villa Keylach
Villafane Maria S
Villahermosa Jerry
Vu Amy
Waisnis Donald
Walker Anita
Walker George
arfield illiam J
Warner Charles S
Washington Angel G
Watford-Kenner Stephanie
Watfordkenner Stephanie
Watson James W
Webb Anne M
Weiying Chen
Wells Latysha T
White Cross Sleep Products
White Kathy D
Whitehead Lillian itfield adi a itfield anda
Wilkerson Nija
Williams Lamonica
Williams Theresa C
Wilson Gloria M
Winckler Courtney
Wolfe Geneva H
Wood Stanley L
Woods Amira
Woods David
Wu Yongdong
Yancey James
Ye Qing
Yusuf Muibi Adebayo
Zhao Ying
Vazquez Lorenzo
3173 Richmond Street
3441 Civic Association
Aazlani Noureddine El
Abramson Medical Asso
Acosta Edwin R
Acosta Velasquez Marlon
Ad Prima Charter School
Adames Christopher T
Adams Carpet Centers
Alicia Jose
Alleborn Amy
Allegheny Dental 1
Allen Katrina T
Alliance Home Care
Almonte Rafael
Alvarez Lauren
American Paper Products
Anderson Clifton
Aponte Isabella
Arias Daniel
Associated Auctioneers
Atcosta Robert
Aviles Frank R
Ayala Ramos Jose R
B & A Wholesale
Baez David
Baker David
Barbosa Luis R
Barnes Sheila
Barnes Tyrone
Bartlett Helen Est
Batista Elliot
Bauman Margaret
Baumhauerhicks Isabella
Beatty James
Bellmon Thomas
Benitez Jose
Bennett Bettina
Bennett Javas
Bergey Alan
Bills Container Service
Boehmer Christopher
Bolorin Enrique
Bonilla Jose
Bratcher Mary
Brockenborough Van Jr
Brown Thomas
Bryant Eric
Brysln Kay
Budzilo Christopher
Bumpers Jessica D
Burgos Jeffrey
Burke Colin
Burwell Patty
C R Grocery
Cabrera Miguel
Cakir Asli
Calderwood Brian
Camacho Nilsa E
Cameron John
Campbell Baggett Billie M
Carbrey Katie
Carnahan Harry
Casper Donald J
Castro Ana
Ceballos Etanislao
Cedeno Milagros
Centeno Angela
Center for Child & Adole
Chavez Maurico
Chic Eye
Chiquiana Carmen
Chiro Rehab and Wellness
Chomen Stephen
Cione Antonio
Clark Joseph
Cnm Appliances
Collins Steven
Colon Alma
Colon Santa
Comey Matthew D
Compan Alex
Cooper Kenyatta
Corchado Roberto
Cortes Elliot
Costa Carolanne
Cruz Nancy
Cuevas Amed G
Cunningham Anna Marie
Daniels Thomas
Dann Linda
Darreff Ellen M
De Jesus Efrain R
De Marco Rosemary E
De Night Owen
Dean Charles E Jr
Dec Rafal
Dejesus Michelle Ortiz
Delgado Diane
Delgado Hector
Deluca Joseph W
Demsey James Est
Desteffano Andrew
Diamond Furniture Inc
Diamond Industrial Serv
Diesel Fit Center & Gym
Dilaurentis Lori
Dinh Phu
Dodd Michael F
Dombrowski Mark P
Donegan Anna
Doran Maude M
Dowdy Ruth J
Doyle Daniel W
Dst Sutdios Llc
Earle Gilbert J Est
Eaton Mary A
Emery Lisa
Emma Residential
Epstein Janice
Esparra Evinelia
Espinosa Yesemia
Estate of Elizabeth Boykin
Estate of Florence Landwajtowicz
Estevez Alexander
Evans Cevion
Evans Mallie
Farling Edward W, Flora L
Farmer Betty
Ferris Marie
Figueroa Luis
Fixtureone Corp
Flanagan Harold Est
Flemming Ann
Floresconcepcion Ivette Mari
Forden Elisabeth
Forehand Lynn
Foster Walter
Four Sons Pizza
Fox Michael Z
Frantz Robert
Fred Alexander
Fresh Super Market
Fuentes Frank
Gagemills Marcie
Gaghan Patrick M
Galasso Renee
Gallagher Edward J
Galligar Mary
Garcia Benjamin
Garcia Gabriel
Gardner Jeffrey A
George Brown
Gillespie Shawn
Gleason Louise
Glynn Timothy
Goldsboro Gregory
Gonzalez Elbin O
Gonzalez Idalia
Gonzalez Savannah R
Good Pharmacy
Grasela Helena
Green Shynese L
Green Terrance M
Greenscape Tree Serv
Guckin Funeral Home
Guzman Anthony
Hall Edward
Hart Michael
Hassiepen Helen
Hatch Catherine
Hawkins Janeete
Hazley Edward J
Hearn John J
Helverson Eleanor M
Herling Robert L
Hernandez Alex Ruiz
Hernandez Francisco
Hernandez Rosalyn
Herrera Kevin
Hill Jalen D
Hincapie Juan C
Ho Thu
Holder Hasely
Holler Nikki
Holmes David
Holmes Robert
Hompson Crystal L
Horger Freda
Horsey Virginia
Hudson Jeffery N
Huneke Nicole
Infanti Robert
Ingage Security Llc
Ison Keith T
Iyad Mohammad t a New
Jackson Eugene
Jackson Michael
Jackson Thea Mae
Jackson Theodore
Jacobson Helen J Est
Jann Home Services
Jbr Property Llc
Jeanlouis Jillienne
Jennifer C Fonseca
Jensen Edward
Jimenez Marianita
Jimenez Zullette
Johnson Michael
Johnson Nathaniel L
Johnson Timothy N
Jones Jaquann
Jones Shawn
Juan L Gonzalez dba Gonz
Junius Dasia Monet
Kelly Michael
Kennedy Timothy E
Kensington Exterminating
Kielbowicz Elzbieta, Mariusz
Kilroy Robert F
King Swami Inc
Kinsey Tisha
Kneer Thomas
Kober Eva
Koenig Harry M Est
Kremis Christine M, Adam P Jr
Kurbanov Delovar
L & R B K Inc
La Colombe
Labenz Joann R
Lacko Joseph
Latin American Restaurant
Laude Joanne
Lauff Jessie L
Lautenbach C
Lavenhouse Felicia A
Law Mark S
Leahy Transportation
Lebron Angel L
Lebrongarcia Arichely
Lee Koung Eun
Lempa Anna
Lennon Michael J
Lepori Kelly
Les Elizabeth
Lewis Anthony
Lewis Ellsworth
Lewis Milton
Lillien Irving
Linda Construction Corp
Llc Unlimited Wireless
Lopez Maria L, Roberto
Louis Anthony J
Luecke Thomas W
Lugo Isis
Maria L Lopez Trust
Marino Anna
Martinez Idalia
Marvalpimentel Ivan A
Masy Pharm America
Mathews Anna
Matki Boskiej Czestochowski
Matos Christopher E
Matosperez Ruben D
Matt Kathy
Matthews Daniel
Mc Mullin Joseph
Mcaneny Francis J
Mccade Denise
Mccann Philadelphia Investor
Mccarthy Scott
cclaflin y al
Mcfadden Danl
Mcknight Jaclyn
Medina Food Market
Medina Venus
Meehan Thomas
Melendez Marilu
Melnyk Olena
Memphis Street Pediatric
Mentor Pelo
Mercado Jazmin
Michael Miaglilo dba Mag
Micucci Mary
Milligan Loretta L
Mlicki Alexander
Moffett Jamie
Molina Nancy
Mondesir Nehemiah
Monterrosas Sosa Nicolas
Mooney Bruce
Moralesnieves Jose
Morillo Keyomyra
Morris Michelle Morris Susan
Morrison Herbert Christophe
Mota Alana Suanellis
Mroczek Joanna
Munoz Samuel
Murphy Mary C
Nagle Austin
Nash Ron
Negron Taina
Neri Jennie
Nienalt Nicol
Nieves Tino
Nobblen Denise
Nogowska Thelma
Nogowski Ona
Nottolo Linda
Novak Clara
Novick Arielle
Ocasio Aurea E
Odriscoll William J
Olmeda Felix
Olszewski Steven
Ortiz Jezebel
Otero Rafael Sr
Pae Hye S
Paluch Veronica T
Paniagua Jesus
Paredes Rodolfo
Parker Giahnna
Payne John Pelaez Angel
Pena Felix
Peralta Yahelis A
Perez Eduardo
Perez Jorge P
Perez Maria M
Perez Persio M
Perez Wanda E
Pestenis Antanas
Petaccio Margaret
Phila Marine Intl Long
Phillips Jamar
Pickett Caroline Pierce Mark
Pirela Edicto
Poland Joseph
Polo Alysha C
Pomykacz Florence, Michael
Port Richmond Theatre Co
Porter Robert
Powell Ashley N
Prado Anthony M
Pro Ventures Phila Llc
Ptr Baler & Compactor
Puerto Italia Inc
Quiles Luis
Ramoscubille Samuel Javier
Randolph Michelle
Reed Susan
Renal Institute
Rerrican John W
Reyes Erasmo
Reynoso Lucia
Richard R Keller
Rinault Francis
Roberts Albert
Roberts Robert L
Robinson Dorothy
Roche Robert
Rodney Diane
Rodriguez Daniel
Rohena Jonathan
Rosado Maria C
Rosario Juliana
Rosario Wanderley Cruz
Rouse Arthur
Russell H Conwell Middle
Sanchez Carrasquillo Kevin
Sanchez Jose Juan
Sanchez Lisander
Santiago Casandra
Santiago Jonathan
Santiago Siani
Sattorov Shukhratjon
Sc Residential II Llc
Schada Nancy
Scheck Michael A
Schmidt Jr Frank J
Scott James
Seda Antonio
Sellecchia Libero
Semper Utilities Llc
Serrano Roman Yadiel
Sgrignuoli Florence T
S a afiyf oma
Shecter Robert
Sheppard Jude A
Silva Esniel
Skalski Thomas W
Slavin Michael
Smichowski Edward T
Smiechowski Liz
Smith Armani
Smith London
Smith Paul Estate
Smith Robert A
Sommerville William
Soriano Kiyomi
Sotogonzalez Jennifer
Souvigney Michael A
Springs Monica L
Sproat Margaret
St Christophers Hosp for Chil
St Christophers Hospital
Stein Pauline K
Steward Nyshaun
Stewart Christina
Subacus John
Suero Santa D
Sunoco Aplus
Sweet Home Primary Care
Swiderek David A
Swiezak Joseph Jr
T West
Taglialatela Robert E
Tandc Tow and Recovery
Tanzola Steven Craig
Tate Hassan
avera fi enia
Teachy Calvin
Tenet Healthsystem St Chris
The Estate of Thorwald R Jensen
Thomas Damien
Thomas Jimia
Thornton Tyre
Thurber Anthony G
To the Estate of Dennis M Mccarron
To the Estate of Joan Blair
Tonis Tags Llc
Torres Carmen L
Torres Edgardo
Torres Maria Campos
Torres Nicholas
Tran Calvin
Truong Hang
Trzaskawka Marilyn
Tucker Lamont
Ultrasound Image Center
Usha B Desai MD
Valentin Andrea
Valentin Shyna S
Vargas Edwin
Vargas Gabriel
Vargas Mildred
Varmah Josephine M
Vazquez Irma I
Vazquezrodriguez Luis O
Vega Christian Mota
Veight Mark Sr
Venti Idilia M
Villegas Maria
Walsh Helen M
Warenecki Gregory
Watt Audrey
Wehrman Martha S
e tfield Je ica
Williams Albert E
Williams Andrea
Williams Ceirra
Williams Quiana
Wise Timothy H
Wodack Edward
Wolfe David
Wolfrum Harry
Wolicki Margaret
Wong Alisia
Wood James L
Wood Mark Alan
Yesvil Liliyana
Zawieja Barbara
Zayas Jose
Zheng Jia Hua
Zinni Geraldine
42nd Street Properties
4629-31 Baltimore Ave
8520 Syed H Rizvi
Abdulqadir Aisha
Aberra Faten
Adane Gebeyehu Minalu
Adjesson Yawa
Agnew William
Ahmadi Sandra S
Aho Christopher
Alberta V Eason
Allen Freddy L
Allen Vernon
Alston Alexander
Alston Pamela L
Alvey Blake E
Amerihlth Caritas Northeast
Ames Gregory L
Amorosi Alfonso J, Edith
Amorosos Baking Co
Amsterdam Madeline L
Anderson Audrey M
Anderson Calvin
Anderson Louise
Anderson Sharon
Ard Helen
Arkay Construction
Arnold Cynthia
Arthur Edna
Avent Brenda
B Simmons C
Bacon Jr Roosevelt
Badger Chauncey
Baeza Pablo
Bailey Annette I
Bailey Darryl
Bailey Edward
Baines Tahira
Bajpai Arjun
Baker Roseanna C
Baldi Linda
Barnes Lafayette A
Barnes Raushauna
Barry Ranee
Barsky Pearl
Bartash Printing
Bauer Nettie Y
Becoat Wydia
Belizaire Fildort A
Belt Duane
Bestill Biddle Daniel R
Bird Robbin Estate
Black Steven G
Blackshear Deidra
Blagmon Sharon
Blair Dearice
Blessing Investment
Board Grayson
Bond Andre
Bond Josiah
Bonilla Rafael D
Borbas Kathryn L
Bowers Anthony J
Bracey Jamie M
Bradham Ameer S
Braley Cody Robert
Brandon Clara C
Braswell Dimka
Bridgeway Council Serv
Briscoe Sylvia
Broaddus Matthew
Bronner Carol J
Brooks Winifred
Brown Ernest W Jr, Velma
Brown James W Jr Est
Brown Iasha
Brown Irma
Brown Patrick F
Brown Ronald B
Brown Rose
Brown Shelly
Brown Sylvester
Brown Terron
Bryan Kevin
Bryant Rachel A, Clara
Buckley Kathleen E
Bunting Lorenda
Burton Medhin
Bush Gerald A
Butler James Bernard
Bynum Margie M
Caine Christine
Caldwell Barry, Ruth
Caldwell Victoria A
Camp Karen
Capasso Rachael
Carl Lp
Carmichael Steven
Carr Sherita
Carrigan Kaitlyn
Carter Yolanda D
Caswell Nancy R
Chambers Claire
Chassagne Germine
Chen Zhoumiao
Cheschi Incorporated
Chinchilla Horacio
Choice Sharon A
Chomistek Steven
Christian Thelma
Clark Christina
Clark Malcolm
Clarke Joseph
Clayborne Hope R
Cleary Mahiri T
Cliggitt Lauren
Coan Andrea
Coates Essie M
Cobb William
Cochrane Helena A
Coe Willia H
Coker Anthony
Coleandlatz Inc
Coleman Katharyn A
Collier Keith, Shawnier
Collier Walter R
Collins Jesse
Concord Express Llc
Connor Robert J
Conover Earl G
Cook Margaret E
Cooper William
Copeland Agnes
Cousar Tonya
Crabbe Danielle
Crevelle Hollis P
Crews Derek T
Cruckshank Alyce
Cunningham Pearl G
Dance Beverly
Dancy Venus
Danford Ian D
Daniels Lauren
Daniels Valerie
David W Veit Trust
Davidson Karen M
Davis Cheyanne M
Davis Christopher
Davis Deena
Davis Hosten Andrea
Davis Matthew
Davis Rian
Day Samuel Jr
Dc Humphrys Co Inc
Del Angel A G
Dellior Reba V
Deloatch Benjamin
Deluna Rafael
Dennis Henry
Dent Anita
Devaughn Allen M
Devlin Shakeen
Dewitt Priscilla
Diallo Aboubacar
Diamond Cut Gold Trim
Dickerson Carrie M, Phillip
Dicks Roosevelt, Mary
Dicks Roosevelt Jr
Dinkins Gerald
Donovan Amira S
Dorsey Louise
Dorsey Mildred D
Douglas Tanya E
Drake Irving
Droste Elise
Drummond Reginald, Evan
Duck Marlene D
Duddleston Eeva
Dunn Rita Estate
Durbin Rashon A
Early Gerald L
Edens Shervene
Edney Lakenya
Edward T Fell Deceased Estell
Egzabher Laien
Eichelberger Kevin
Elliot William D IV
Elliott Fayette D
Elliott Robert A
Ellison Wilfred Jr
Epps Ronald
Esbrook Paige A
Estate of Agnes Wheeler Halmon
Estate of Carrie M Dickerson
Estate of Clyde Chester Garrison
Estate of Geraldine Tuck
Estate of Thomas Gatling
Ethengain Shirley
Evans Janine M, Loyce J
Evans Loyce J
Evans Senaysia
Faison James
Fentress Rodney L Jr
Festa Anthony P
Feuquay Regina
Fields Isaiah
Finnaren Grace S Est
Fitzhugh Jeanette
Flemming Shirley
Floyd Kent P
Fluck Mack
Flynn Thomas J Jr
Foley Ryan M
Foster Carole E
Foster George E
France Mary Francis Fh
Francis Funeral Home
Frazier Edith J
Fredrickson Angie
French Mary Estate
Freund Alec
Fuentes Cindy F
Funderburg Frederick III
Gadson Ishtar T
Gant Delores J
Garland Elida Est
Garner Sharqun
Garrison Latricia E
Gbassana Alice D
Gibbs Ruby D
Giles Carl
Gilgarcia Anthony A
Gillespie Tonisha T
Gillett Alexander G
Gilliam Everett II
Gilliard Howard
Girls Cartel Records
Gleason Lacey P
Glickman Lena W
Global Leadership Academy
Glover Crystal D
Goitom Roberto
Golden Kiua
Goodies Transport
Goodman Edith
Gordon Willa M
Govan Tevin
Gpha Dental & Behav
Grant Jamilla J
Gray Derek
Green Anthony
Greene Jessica
Greene Sylvester
Greene Willie M
Greer Joniece
Griffin lice
Griffin ei a
Grimes Bertha L
Guilbeault Douglas
Haakfrendscho Emily
Hackney Eugene
Haff Alexander M III
Hall Marquitta
Hall Nathaniel B
Hall Sr Milton Est
Hamilton Kiana
Hammond Catherine
Hammond Tias
Hampton Christoph
Hamtil Amanda
Hanahan Kyle J
Hargett Sharnell
Hargette Catherine
Harris Anthony
Harris Asia T
Harris Jessie
Harris Kareemah
Harris P Veronica
Harrison Felicia R
Hayes Lamona A
Hearle Patrick
Heart Care Consultants
Heather Nichols
Hendricks James
Henry Tyreef H
Herbert Michael
Hernandez Katherine
Hicks Willie
Hill Kara
Hill Khalil
Hill Lenore
Hill William
Hilliard Laron L Jr
Hitson Sandra
Hoang Huy
Hodoian Ohannes G
Hoffman Lee
olifield Lauren
Holland Clifton
Holley Jervis
Holloman Ronald
Home Francis F
Hooper William F III
Hopkins Edward Franklin
Horne Robin
Hossan Mohammed
Hudson William Hugee Sarah L
Huggins Mary L Est
Hughes Chuck
Hughes Magdalene
Hughes Vincent
Hume Isaac
Hunter Mary M
Hyppolite Sherley M
Idris Jamil A
J A Properties
Jackson Alonzo C
Jackson Della
Jackson Keith
Jackson Vallie
Jarman M E
Jeffers Mark Est
Jimenez Emmanuel Y
John Ashley
Johnson Ciani A
Johnson Daone Y
Johnson Earl
Johnson Erik
Johnson James
Johnson Kyia L
Johnson Lamira A
Johnson Tomeka
Jones Kevin
Jones Rickie
Jones Ricky Jones Ronnette
Joseph Bernstein MD
Joyner William H
Kahn Nora
Kargbo Abibatu, Albert
Karlen Vincent
Katen Arlyn
Kawa Susan M
Keels Charles L
Kellam Lessie L
Kelly Shawn
Kertis Veit Jennifer H
Kertisveit Jennifer H
Kim Esther M
King Martina
King Rosalie E, Robert S
Kirby Kalid
Klamkem Sura
Ko Eunice
Koita Idrissa
Kotte Srinivas
Krikorian Jesse
Labrooy Rosheena
Lampkin Tyriek
Langley Myrtle, Thomas
Larsen Shanell
Latasha Kemp
Lateeh Shereea
Laws Thomas E Jr
Lazarus Henry
Le Hai
Leary Rhonda
Lee Barbara H
Leiba Andrea
Lev Talia J
Lewis Millicent Est, Eustace
Lewis Cheryle T
Lewis John
Li Ligong
Liao Youming
Lillian Plamerio
Lindsey Aysha S
Little Christopher
Little Michelle
Lofton Malik S
Lolio Adalene
Long James
Lovitt Sean
Lowman Johnny
Lucero Elizabeth
M Edwards Publishers
Mack Elizabeth
Major Tara
Major Tours
Mandell David S
Mandiou Karamoko
Manzo Roberto A
Marega Tidiany
Markita Reed
Markovich Shawn
Marshall Sarah
Martin Keir
Martinez Francisca
Martinwaters Katrina C
Mason Daniel L
Matthews Mona
May Fannie
Mcbride Letitia
Mccants Bobby
Mcclain Laura R, Elaine
Mcclellan Barbara A
Mccloud Shanika M
Mccord Clarence J
Mckenzie Lawrence H
Mckinley Carole A
Mcneely Ava C
Mcrae John M Est
Md Top Notch Trucking
Meacham Roselle
Mears Stephanie
Meek Peter J
Miller Faridah
Miller John
Miller Regina
Mims Dominique
Mitchell Dalaneisha
Mitchell Valencia
Moderski Florence
Monk Katrina
Monya White
Moore Augusta
Moore Eliza A
Moore Luvenia
Moore Maricel B
Morris Traci
Moses Curtis
Mosley John O
Moustapha Dia and Ditech
Muhammad Khadijah J
Mundy Ann A
Murray Phyllis A
Myers Rickey
Nance Oscar Jr
Neeley Milan
Nembhard Ingrid
Neubert David P
Newsome James W Sr, Virginia
Ngawang Sonam
Nguyen Jennie
Nguyen Minh D
Nottingham Bracey
Nutter Glenmore
Nutter Mattew M
Nwankwo Elizabeth
Nwoga Susan
Obrien Shannon
Oduor Jacqueline J
Oglesby Florence E
Ogunsola Ayobami
Olds Andree
Osman Wazhmah
Overton Edwin M
Overton Kareem S
Oviedo Martha C
Pak Kevin
Palmer Carmell M, Daphne
Palmer Hall Frances
Paris Herman
Parker Vernice E
Parks Albert G
Parks Ap P Estate
Parnell John
Patida Juan
Patrick Elgie
Patterson Anthony
Paul William L
Paulin Keturah
Payne Kwasi
Payne Theresa L
Pearson Stacey
Pertsch Karl
Peteete Jasmine C
Pham Thoa Thi
Philadelphia Auto Body
Philadelphia Serengeti All
Pierson Ellen
Pinkney Melvin
Plover Colin
Pogue Barbara
Pomponio Antonio
Porter Andrew Calvin
Powell Clare Lamont
Powell Porsha S
Prusinowski Peter
Pugh Ernest
Pugh Jessica V
Purnell Maron
Qualiano Christopher J
Quaye Saeyda
Rash Brian
Ravitch Sharon
Rawls Caple Sandra
Raysor Gwendolyn
Reaves Martha
Redford Jerome
Reed Shanea
Reese Saleah D
Reid James
Reid Vinjetta
Reyes Waldwin
Rhynes Aleah J
Richard Allen Charter
Richard Allen Prep
Richards Cecille
Richaunda Gibbs
Ringgold Lucy M
Rivers Carl D
Roberts Dave
Roberts Naya M
Robertson Edward H
Robinson Earl
Robinson Marlo L
Robinson Nageeria
Robinson William A
Roebuck James R
Rosenzweigabuelhaj Reem E
Ross Lea
Ross White Jacqueline
Rossiter Jacqueline
Rosso Kenneth
Roye William T Jr
Rucker Mildred
uffin Leanna uffin ic elle
Runkle Cynthia L, John H
Ruse Alaine
Rush Mildred C
Russell Robert
Russell Rose L
Rutledge Colleen
Saddler Earl
Saunders Janice
Sayyahmanesh Maryam
Scruggs Freeman A
Seng Heng Inc
Sevon Kodzoko
Shamsuddin Muraad
Shaw Dwayne A Jr
Shaw Ethel
Shedrick Tonya H
Sheppard Renato P
Shinnick Julianna E
Shivers Lynne
Shore Miles
Simmons Danielle
Simmons James
Simmons James L Jr
Simmons William Simms Lillian
Sims Steven Sims Tommie
Sims William H
Singleton Manston
Slater Megan
Slawek Marie Estate
Smith Allen Theresa
Smith Charles
Smith Isaac
Smith Jalia
Smith Mary B
Smith Norman
Smith Paul
Smith Paul Preston Matthew
Smothers Herbert, Kevin A
Snyder Dillon
Sor Thoeun
Spain Erin
Spearman Caribe
Spencer Robert
Spencer Sean
Springgs Braxton K
Staley Joseph
Stanley Carolyn
Sterrett Eloiseann, Anne
Stevens Mark
Stout Alison
Strother Grace E
Sturgest Edna
Sturgiswatson Trinity J
Sunkett Galoria B
Tate Andre
Taussig Markus D
Taylor Allen L
Taylor Karen E
Taylor Robbin A
Teame Dawit M
Tejada Espinal Elvis M
Tejada Jose
Tesfamichael Million
Tessema Ermias
Tettey Justice K
The Estate of Carrie M Williams
Theal Dorothy C
Thomas Barbara
Thomas Eddie
Thomas Louise N
Thomas Patrick
Thomas Shaniece L
Thompson Charlene
Thompson John W
Thompson Lawrence
Thorpe Anthony
Tie Dijian
Tilley Kia
Tillman Nasir
Timbers Kevin
Timothy Dhanyl S
Tobey George A
Todd Josephine
Tori Sean
Townsend Denise
Trumark Financial Credit
Tucker Estella C
Tucker Jasmine R
Tucker Tausha
Turner Aurisha
Turner James F
Turner Laverne
Turner Leslie P
urner afi
Ulrich Jeffrey
Underwood Rose M
Usa Sale Mart
Vaagbay Esther K
Walid Khalid
Walker Brian
Walker Melvin
Walker Rachel A
Walker Sean
Wallace Adrianne D
Wang Donghui
Wang Yutong
Ward Dennis
Ward Kim
Warren Lisa C
Warrengibson Richard
Washington Audrey
Washington Herman
Washington Janie
Washington Ronald
Watson Harvey
Watson Virginia
Weaver Sebastin
Weeks Timothy
Wells Leon
White Dwayne A
White Larlee
White Robert J
Whiters Aja
Whitney Stephanie
Whitney Theodore R Jr
Wilkins Kiana
William Rileisha
Williams Amir K
Williams Anthony
Williams Carrie M
Williams Eleanor
Williams Lakeia
Williams Moyer Gloria A
Williams Vickie
Williamson Eric M
Wilson Betty J
Wilson David L
Wilson Kelly
Wilson Merlin J
in field aulette
Winston Geraldine
Wise Gazel E
Womack-Gaither Dana
Wood Dorothy M
Wood Ralph
Woolfenden Jeffrey D
Woolford Charles
Wright Claudia
Wright James Oscar
Wright Kelly
Yedinak Mallory H
Ytterhus Kari
Zeanbo William
Zhang Lanhua
Zimmerman Robert
1728 S 2nd St Partners
628 Winton Partners er ic et ffice
Abuznaimeh Maen
Acampora George V
Acostaurena Alberto A
Adams Christopher
Adams Sean
Alam Rabab
Algeo Thomas
Allen Raynell Yvette
Alquiros Felicia
Alvarado Solis Mario Alberto
Alvarez-Zavaleta Martin
Amato Janet A
Americana Llc
Ameur Mohammed
Ancona Lauren S
Angkor Pharmacy
Ares Deterdin Eva
Argentina Nichola
Arguellas Maria
Ash John
Aslam Zakria
Auddino Joseph
Austin Ebony R
Avanzato Filiz
Bailey Michael Jason
Banning James
Baranello James D
arefield Jame
Barnes Eliza
Barone Kristin M
Baselice Gregory J
Batachoka Bienvenue
Bauer Carl
Beaudry John
Begley Eileen J
Beldyk Brian
Bell James
Belletieri Frank L Est
Berg Melvyn
Berry Sarah
Bhutanese American Organ
Black John E
Black Michael
Bodek Robert
Bostic Arnetta
Bowman Frances R
Boyle James
Bradell Violet
Bratsis Evangelos
Bright James
Broadridge Matrix Trust
Brooks Oliver L Jr
Brotnitsky Paul
Bruns Craig
Bruzio Ruth T
Bryant Amira
Bryant Joseph
Bui Hung
Burke Ryan
Burleson Creed
Busby Bradley
Buzby Theresa B
Cacia Marygrace, Vincent
Caemmerer Kevin
Caffarelli Catherine Est
Cai An Pon
Cai Chunguang
Caliber Collision
Cameronmanchak Heather
Campana Joseph
Caraballo Antonio
Cardillo Samuel
Carosella Michael
Carter Nicole
Cassel Ian
Castro Inocente H
Chau Hoac
Chen Fengjiao
Chen Jia
Chew Weng
Chhay Saren
Chhen Kassey
Chia Stephanie
Chin Edwin J
Cholminski Robert
Chu Michelle
Chung Paul
Cichon Josephine A Est
Clark Richard
Cleaver James
Club Risque
Coccia Ernest
Colosi Michael
Corazo Kevin
Cornejo Oscar
Cotter Mary V
Cox Kyle Lee
Crusha Josephine
Cullen Janet
Cunningham Christophe H
Curran Donnamarie
Curtin Claire
D Amanda Christopher MD
D Ambrosio Rodolfo, Liliana
Dalin John
Dang Andy Tien
Davis Marcus
Day Claire E
Deendayal Shaneza
Degregorio Edith M, John B
Delaurentiis Sophia
Demarcos Italian Specialties
Demichele Joseph, Regina
Denicola Tiffany
Depiso Edward
Detwiler Brandon C
Devine Matthew
Dibiaso John
Diep Lee Vinhngoc
Digregorio Victoria
Diiulio Pauline
Dilbert Lollie E
Dinardo Roselina M
Distefano Jessica L
Donahue Joey
Doors of Hope Ministries
Dougherty Thomas J
Duk Vanny
Duncan Christina M
Dunn Amber
Ecker Alyssa R
Anitra D
Eggear Faye
Ek Joseph W
Ell Christopher P
Elling Debra
Elliott Jennifer
Elvian Sorongan
Emma Di Bona
Engelke Edward
Errotaberea R C
Esposito Robert
Estate of Joseph R Hunter
Estate of Margaret Dever
Estate of Sarah Diventi
Evangelista Joseph
Evers Peter
Ferguson Victor
Five Guys and A Fog
Flores Salvador
Flynt Brian D
Forline Christina
Fortino Albert J
Fowler Matthew
Frank M Mazzotta DO
Frank M Ponzio
Freed Francesca
Gallagher Erin
Gallagher Mary
Gallo Frank J
Galloza Ezequiel
Gamble Patrick
Garcia Guadalupe
Garcia Maria
Gariffo Patricia
Gaynor Irene
Gelashvili Inguli
Generac Power Solutions
Giancaspro Joseph M
Giannoni Louis J
Gigi Lauren
Girard Chris
Giuliano Albert, Norma
Giunta James
Gonzales Christina
Grajales Andres
Grookett John K
Gurung Nar
H2gro Llc
Haggar Julia E
Hajjaji Abdelali
Harkin Gabriel
Harkin Matthew
Harris Gregory
Hartman Kyle
Hayes Maryanne Est
Hearsay Ent Docs
Heffron Anna M
Heras German
Hernandez Cupertino
Hernandez Jasmin Serrano
Hershey Carol J
Hill Nichole
Holmes Kelly
Holt Christian
Hong Houy
Horan Andrew J
Horth Hak
Hotel Rest Assoc Llc
Howlett Helen M
Howley Kevin
Huang Ming S
Huang Shuming
Hundzynski Vivian
Hutchins Zachary
Iannece Vincent
Ibbotson Tomas
Impagliazzo Rita
Israel Jason
Ivey Jillian
Jamal Azhar
Jc Consulting Inc
Jerdon Jennifer
Jeso Advanced Family
Jiang Li
Jimenez Dionicio
Jimenez Jose Manuel
Jimenezperez Dulce M
Jjiandri Evelyn
Johnson Anne
Johnson Miss Reaver
Jolly Jessica
Jones Jearlean, Honey
Jones Martin A
Josaphovitch David
Jose Antonio Munoz
Juniper Commons
Jurchak Marc C
Kachchach Soumia
Kakhidze Mzia
Kalemnous Stefani
Kaplan Jessica Emily
Keeney Timothy P
Kemraj Zameela
Keyer Rachel
Khan Farman
Khan Nhak
Khan Yousaf
Khlot Timmy
Kim Sophoeun
King Bianca
Kington Frances
Kivell Sheldon
Knecht Karen A
Kong Pech
Kothgasser Frank, Anna
Krause Andrew J
Kuikel Indra
Kukieza Eric
Kunz Katherine
Labelson Hannah
Lam Vuong
Lara Rafael
Lear Sean
Lebron Maria
Lerro Frances
Li Meizhu
Li Xiao D
Li Zhong Y
Lin Jiaohong
Lin Tony
Little Harry E Jr
Liu Bang
Lorenzo Bernardina
Lucchesi Damon A
Lucia Julia
Luko Thomas
Luong Joe H
Lynch Bessie
M and P Auto Repair
Mach Nghiep
Macwilliams Dorothy
Malcolm Bobby Beacher
Maldonado Horacio
Maldonado Nicholas
Marcelo Ana H
Marchiano Josephine
Markert Daniel J
Marone Carmela
Marozzi Mario
Marro Nicholas
Martedetaveras Ana
Mason Bianca
Masterson Warren Mary J
Matos Grace
Mc Closkey Kathleen T & Patricia
Mcclain Eileen
Mccloskey Barbara Est
Mccone Kate
Mcdonough Christopher P
Mcdougall Jaime K
Mcglinsey Sean
Mcgrath Amanda E
Mchugh Natalie
Mckelvey Virginia
Mckeown Christian
Mckeown Pauline
Mclaurin Sherida
Medina Lucia G
Menniti Cosimo
Metrowaste Inc
Metz Mildred
Mey Rothanak
Mezine Mohammed
Micciche Nicole
Miller Evan R
Miller Samantha L
Miranda Alisha L
Moore Howard
Morales Tabatha
Moran Rachel
Muth Paul P
Naing Myo Min
Nayak Nisha Est
Neth Rick
Nguyen An
Nguyen Dung H
Nguyen John
Nguyen Tam
Nieto Susan
Nighswander Estelle
Nou Maly
Novelli Christina M
Nundu Ebengo
Nuriddin Yusef A
Oksten David
Olde Philly Pharmacy
Omalley Francis T
Ouimet Alison
Pak Crystal S
Patrone Catherine
Pediatric and Adolescent
Pepe Anna M
Perez Romero Juan M
Pestrak Judith
Petrongolo Gina
Peyton Joseph James
Pham Tam
Phi Sigma Pi
Philadelphia 76ers
Phillips Emma
Piang Len Za
Pineiro Edna
Pinto James
Porter Justine
Pov Sovanarith
Pov Sovannarith
Power Vincent T
Prak Malis
Procacci Bros Sales
Prusinowski Aidan
Pulaski James
Ramos Olmeda Jose R
Rastegar Samira
Ray Esther
Raymundo Magdaleno Alberto
Reitze Alexander
Renatta V Metkowski
Rheum Assoc of Phil
Rice Lawrence A
Richetti Anthony
Ricks Cabaret
Rivera Edwin Ramon
Robertson Amanda
Rodriguez Santiago Frankie
Romano Christyn
Ros Judy
Rosales Christophe
Rosania Lillian M
Rossiter Sean P
Rotella Matthew C
Rowe Anubhuti
Rudloff Dennis
Ruggiero Genevieve Est
Ryals Jesse
Sahoui Mourad
Saia Maria M
Sanchez Pedro A
Sandoval Stephen
Sang Michael
Santiago Construction
Santiago Javier
Santora Dominic
Savage Indust Inc
Scandura Jeanne
Scannapieco Peter J
Schneider David
Schottland Daniel M
Schuman Michael J
Scolaro Gertrude
Scott Mark J
Scott Richard
Scur Nikola
Sealy Sabir M
Seascortez Jose A
Segal Bruce
Selvaggi Sabrina M
Senick Beth Anne
Senk Jason E
Senpai Kohai
Serge Laura M
Shearstone Nadene
Sheerer Catherine
Shi Jiasheng
Shi Xiaofeng
Shields Shannon
Sidman Lillian B
Simusis Eva
Sinakin Demetrie D
Slade Samantha E
Small Tiffany
Smith Louis Jr
Sok Ansopanha
Soukaseum Pavathsah
Spector Rachel
Spectra Food Services
Spectrum Ltd
Stadium Bar and Rest
Staples Eric
Staub Mackenzie
Stevens Robert
Stewart Dennis
Sullivan Daniel
Suon Volek
Sy Phuc N
Syloc Phenh S
Sylvan David
T & C Perfect Inc
Tamang Budha Singh
Tamang Suk B
Tammaro Stephen A
Tang Fang
Tang Nghiep D
Taylor Margaret
Thach Selina T
Tham William
Thatcher Susananna A
The Estate of Victor S Scarano
Theobald Sean
Thompson Kyle R
Tien Mai
To Sa
Tran Tai
Trent Motel Associates
Troccoli Jarrett L
Trombetta Isabel
Troutner Samantha M
Truong Henry
Truong Phong G
Turner Emily
Turner Rodger
Upperman Jennifer
Van Sciver Eric
Vargas Thomas
Varillo Ann
Velasquezgonzalez Roberto
Velez Stephanie F
Vernacchio Annunziata
Verratti Thomas A
Vin Cafe Llc
Voeun Vout
Vuongsankey Staci
Walsh Brian
Wang Yun D
Wedge South
Wells Richard
Wilkerson Marsha
Williamson Corliss
Wissman Charles J
Woolsey Peter J
Wu Feng
Yapurta Shumida
You Ean
Zappardino Nicholas
Zavaleta Adrian
Zhang Mingzhu
Zheng Jun Y
Zheng Yong
Para obtener información acerca de la naturaleza y el valor de la propiedad, o para verificar si hay nombres adicionales, visite :
City, such as Rosetta Bakery, casual Mexican restaurant Lardo, and Café Nin, a bistro.
In one of her rst comments a er being named ‘ e World’s Best Chef,’ Reygadas said in part, “For me, this award belongs to my entire team, as well as to all the women in the kitchen who have preserved our culinary legacy for generations,” she said.
roughout her career, Reygadas o en struggled with the responsibilities of being a leader.
“I didn’t realize — or maybe I didn’t want to see it, or I was afraid to understand
it — that there are many young girls out there who see me as a reference,” she noted.
Upon coming to that realization, Reygadas felt the need to do something.
“I had to embrace the person and the gure that I have become, because I don’t really have a ‘protagonist personality’, but I felt that it was a responsibility. If I didn’t do it, it would have been sel sh of me,” she thought.
Reynadas has since been a key cog in helping advance other women chefs.
In 2022, she launched the Beca Elena Reygadas scholarship to provide young women an opportunity to pursue a career in cooking.z
Ciudad de México, como Rosetta Bakery, el restaurante mexicano informal Lardo y Café Nin, un bistró.
Tras ser nombrada "Mejor Chef del Mundo", Reygadas dijo en uno de sus primeros comentarios: "Para mí, este premio pertenece a todo mi equipo, así como a todas las mujeres de la cocina que han preservado nuestro legado culinario durante generaciones".
A lo largo de su carrera, Reygadas luchó a menudo con las responsabilidades de ser una líder. "No me daba cuenta -o quizá no quería
verlo, o me daba miedo entenderlo- de que hay muchas mujeres jóvenes ahí afuera que me ven como un referente", señaló.
Al llegar a esa conclusión, sintió la necesidad de hacer algo. "Tuve que asumir la persona y la gura en la que me he convertido, porque realmente no tengo una 'personalidad protagonista', pero sentí que era una responsabilidad. Si no lo hacía, habría sido egoísta por mi parte", pensó.
Desde entonces, Reynadas ha sido una pieza clave para ayudar a progresar a otras mujeres chefs. En 2022, puso en marcha la Beca Elena Reygadas para ofrecer a las jóvenes la oportunidad de dedicarse a la cocina.z
of the real impact her community sees on a daily basis due to the legislative inaction of Congress on the issue of immigration.
“Decades of congressional inaction on immigration law has real consequences, and the humanitarian crisis unfolding before our eyes requires a bipartisan solution,” she said. “With the introduction of this legislation that Representative Salazar and I have been working on since December 2022, it is our hope that Congress seizes the opportunity to solve the immigration challenges of today and tomorrow.”
Early comparisons have been drawn between the Salazar-Escobar bill and Ronald
Reagan’s Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Reagan’s bill made penalties harsher on companies for hiring illegal immigrants, but is widely celebrated for legalizing most of undocumented immigrants that arrived in the U.S. prior to 1982.
Salazar drew a clear line between the two bills.
"I don't want anyone to confuse amnesty with dignity," Salazar said. " is is not amnesty. Amnesty is what the undocumented have right now and have had for 30 years. Free roads, free schools and free hospitals. In the Dignity Law, everyone pays for their ride." z
a diario debido a la falta de acción legislativa del Congreso sobre el tema de la inmigración.
"La crisis humanitaria que se desarrolla ante nuestros ojos debido a la falta de acción del Congreso sobre la ley de inmigración durante décadas, tiene consecuencias reales y requiere una solución bipartidista", dijo.
Además, "con la introducción de esta legislación en la que la representante Salazar y yo hemos estado trabajando desde diciembre de 2022, es nuestra esperanza que el Congreso aproveche la oportunidad para resolver los desafíos de inmigración de hoy y mañana."
Desde el principio se han hecho comparaciones entre el proyecto de ley Salazar-Es-
cobar y la ley de reforma y control de la inmigración de Ronald Reagan de 1986. Esta última, endureció las sanciones a las empresas que contrataran a inmigrantes ilegales, pero es muy ampliamente reconocida por haber legalizado a la mayoría de los inmigrantes indocumentados que llegaron a Estados Unidos antes de 1982.
Salazar trazó una línea clara divisoria entre ambas leyes. "No quiero que nadie confunda amnistía con dignidad. Esto no es amnistía. Amnistía es lo que los indocumentados tienen ahora mismo y han tenido durante 30 años. Carreteras, escuelas y hospitales gratuitos. En la Ley de Dignidad, todos pagan su viaje". z
dense Latino populations showed strong voter participation. Still, power is concentrated in the seventh councilmanic district.
“I think Latinos are going to be one of the hardest base of voters to control. And it's not about controlling the Latino vote. It's about inspiring the Latino vote,” said Almirón
e Democratic Party is a far cry from achieving that endeavor. No bilingual mailers or Spanish-language voter education
multiply the challenges voters face when electing o cials.
Almirón nished her campaign garnering more votes than her last run. ough she said it’s just the beginning of building what she described as Latino political power.
“ e fact that we don't have three City Council people is actually unjust in the city, given the makeup of how many Latinos live in the city, and they'll pigeonhole us into one neighborhood.” z
profundamente orgullosa de las coaliciones que ha construido a lo largo de su vida.
A pesar de haber latinos repartidos por toda Filadel a y que la participación electoral en otras regiones con una densa población latina fue elevada, aun así, el poder se concentra en el séptimo distrito electoral.
"Creo que los latinos van a ser una de las bases de votantes más difíciles de controlar. Y no se trata de controlar el voto latino. Se trata de inspirar el voto latino", dijo Almirón.
El Partido Demócrata está muy lejos de conseguir ese objetivo. Sin folletos bilingües o
educación en español, se multiplican los desafíos a los que se enfrentan los votantes a la hora de elegir funcionarios.
Almirón terminó su campaña con más votos que en su última campaña. Aunque dijo que es sólo el comienzo de la construcción de lo que describió como el poder político latino.
"El hecho de que no tengamos tres concejales en la ciudad es realmente injusto, dada la composición de cuantos latinos viven en la ciudad, y nos encasillarán en un solo vecindario".z
Diversity hiring made simple
For comprehensive recruitment solutions, please call us at Thomas Hernandez (215) 804-6062
Job Description
This entry-level position is focused on the recruitment and yield of undergraduate students, primarily first-year students. Direct recruitment involves the execution of a travel plan for in-person and virtual high school visits, college nights, college fairs and prospect management. Admissions Counselors attend all on-campus recruiting events, including weekend undergraduate open houses and weekday evening graduate open houses. In addition, review of admissions applications for an undergraduate population will be required. The counselor must be knowledgeable about all undergraduate and graduate programs the University o ers. The individual will, in general, contribute to the execution of Enrollment Management recruitment and retention e orts. This individual will be knowledgeable about the financial aid process and various financing options. The Admissions Counselor (Bilingual) will be expected to present information sessions and meet/communicate with prospective students and families in Spanish. Valid driver's license and vehicle available for travel, Bachelor's degree, required, Bilingual Spanish speaker (215) 572-2955 Donna Saunders
Notice is hereby given that Check & Cash Express 227 W Lehigh Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19133 of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. did on Aptil 24, 2023 submit to the Department of Banking and Securities of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania an application for a Check Casher License located at: 227 W Lehigh Ave, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19133
All interested persons may file comments in favor of, or in protest of, the application in writing with the Department of Banking and Securities, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Non-Depository Licensing O ce, 17 N 2nd St., Market Square Plaza, Ste 1300, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101.
All comments to be considered must be received by The Department not later than thirty (30) days after the date of publication of this notice.
Please take notice that the City of Philadelphia Water, Sewer and Storm Water Rate Board will hold a special meeting at 3 p.m. on June 21, 2023, to vote on a final Rate Determination in the 2023 General Rate Proceeding and TAP-R Proceeding. The meeting will be held online and via phone. The meeting is open to the public; details on how to attend will be available at https://www.phila.gov/departments/watersewer-storm-water-rate-board/meetings/.
Daniel W. Cantú-Hertzler, Senior Attorney WaterRateBoard@phila.govREQUEST FOR PROPOSALS City Hall Façade Lighting Maintenance and Upgrades
The Center City District (CCD), Philadelphia, PA will be accepting proposals for upgrades and improvements to the City Hall façade lighting program in Philadelphia, PA. This original City Hall lighting Project was installed by the CCD in 20O3. Improvements include but are not limited to, expansion of existing lighting arrays, construction of new systems on participating buildings and lighting to new LED façade lighting and expansion of arrays, removal of old light fixtures, installation of new fixtures additional wiring, testing/aiming of new lighting, commissioning and other services to support the new lighting system plan The CCD is seeking a contractor with the ability to oversee and install the entirety of the new lighting and including control systems. Light fixtures will be provided by others. Please contact Halford Welch by email at hwelch@ centercityphila.org for request for proposal packets. More information on the selection process, schedules, design and engineering, and other requirements will be detailed in the RFP. Completed proposals shall be due on June 29th, 2023 email only, by 3pm EST to Halford Welch at hwelch@centercityphila.org. No telephone calls please.
DEADLINE: Mondays at 4:00pm for Wednesday publication. Prepayment required.
Make sure to revise your ad first week when published. We are not responsible for incorrect ads after the first week. CALL 215-789-6971 immediately if you find an error. No refunds only credit for future new ad.
TIEMPO LÍMITE: Lunes 4:00 PM para la semana siguiente. Todos los anuncios tienen que ser prepagados. Asegúrese de revisar los anuncios en la primera edición que aparecen. No nos hacemos responsables por más de una inserción incorrecta. Llame al 215-789-6971 inmediatamente con cualquier error. NO se hace devolución de dinero, sólo se otorga crédito para nuevo anuncio.
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00630318 at Public Vendue on WEDNESDAY the 14th Day of JUNE, 2023 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at 520 Market St, Camden, NJ, 08102 Camden City Council Chambers on 2nd floor. https://www.camdencc.edu/about-1/contact-cccblackwood-directions/
The property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF VOORHEES in the County of CAMDEN and State of New Jersey.
Commonly known as:
Tax LOT 47, BLOCK: 230.27
Dimensions of Lot: (Approximately) 9.89 Acres
Nearest Cross Street: Kresson Gibbsboro Road
Surplus Money: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any past thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4;64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The sheri or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY”
Sheri ’s Number: 22001615
Dated: May 17, 24, 31, June 7, 2023
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00506922 at Public Vendue on WEDNESDAY the 14th Day of JUNE, 2023 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at CAMDEN COUNTY COLLEGE–CAMDEN CAMPUS CAMDEN CONFERENCE CENTER, 200 NORTH BROADWAY CAMDEN, NJ 08102 https://www.camdencc.edu/about-1/contact-cccblackwood-directions/
The property to be sold is located in the BOROUGH OF LINDENWOLD in the County of CAMDEN and State of New Jersey.
Commonly known as: 809 BENTLEY ROAD, LINDENWOLD, NJ 08021 Tax LOT 21, BLOCK: 238.09
Dimensions of Lot: 80.00’ x 145.00’ x 56.74’ x 145.00’ Nearest Cross Street: Mercedes Road THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION.
Surplus Money: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any past thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4;64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The sheri or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any.
The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
Seized as the property of STEPHANIE M. JOHNSON, ET AL, defendant(s), and taken in execution of NEW JERSEY HOUSING AND MORTGAGE FINANCE AGENCY, plainti , GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON
Sheri ’s Number: 23001140
DATED: May 17, 24, 31, June 7, 2023
MT. LAUREL NJ 08054 $158.00
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F0021720 at Public Vendue on WEDNESDAY the 28th Day of JUNE, 2023 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at CAMDEN COUNTY COLLEGE–CAMDEN CAMPUS CAMDEN CONFERENCE CENTER, 200 NORTH BROADWAY CAMDEN, NJ 08102 https://www.camdencc.edu/about-1/contact-ccc-blackwood-directions/
The property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF CHERRY HILL in the County of CAMDEN and State of New Jersey.
Commonly known as: 3 EMBASSY DRIVE Tax LOT 2, BLOCK: 285.05 F/K/A BLOCK 285.D
Dimensions of Lot: approx. 62X113 AV Nearest Cross Street: COOPER LANDING ROAD
BEGINNING at a point in the northeasterly line of Embassy Drive (50 feet wide) said point being 65 feet northwestardly from the westerly end of a curve with a radius of 10 feet connecting the northeasterly line of Embassy Drive with the northwesterly line of Cooper Landing Road, said point also being in the division line between Lot5H1 and 5H2
Pursuant to a tax search of 4/26/23; 2023 Qtr 2 Due:
05/01/2023 41,824.83 OPEN,
2023 Qtr 3 Due: 08/01/2023 TO BE DETERMINED. Sewer: Acct; $250 0 01/01/2023–12/31/2023
CCMUA: Acct: 090028259
04/01/2023–06/30/2023 $88 OPEN AND DUE 05/15/2023
$352.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS. Water: Private. Liens: Year: 2022 Type: 3RD PARTY SEWER, CCMUA
Amount $551.20 Cert No.: 22-00134 Sold: 06/29/2022 To: FIG 20 LLC FBO SEC PTY Lien amount is subject to subsequent taxes + interest. Must all prior to settlement for redemption figures. THE REDEMPTION OF LIENS IS OUTLINED IN N.J.S.A. 54:5-54. Fidelity National Title Insurance company agrees to indemnify Judgment against Demetrios Tsouklides in favor of Rob Evangelisti, in the amount of $10,000 recorded on 09/26/00 in Judgment DJ 189379-2000. (This concise description does not constitute a legal description. A copy of the full legal description can be found at the O ce of the Sheri .) For sale information, please visit Auction.com at www.Auction.com or cal (800) 280. 2832
Surplus Money: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any past thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4;64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The sheri or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any.
For sale information, please visit Auction. at www.Auction.com or call (800) 280-2832.
The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
Sheri ’s Number: 23001272
DATED: May 31, June 7, 14, 21, 2023
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00613421 at Public Vendue on WEDNESDAY the 28th Day of JUNE, 2023 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at CAMDEN COUNTY COLLEGE–CAMDEN CAMPUS CAMDEN CONFERENCE CENTER, 200 NORTH BROADWAY CAMDEN, NJ 08102
The property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF PENNSAUKEN in the County of CAMDEN and State of New Jersey.
Commonly known as: 6822 HIGHLAND AVENUE, PENNSAUKEN, NJ 08110 Tax LOT 18.01, BLOCK: 6604
Dimensions of Lot: approx. 60 FEET BY 94.95 FEET Nearest Cross Street: CENTER STREET
Surplus Money: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any past thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4;64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The sheri or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any.
For sale information, please visit Auction. at www.Auction.com or call (800) 280-2832.
The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
Sheri ’s Number: 23001301
DATED: May 31, June 7, 14, 21, 2023
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01367522 at Public Vendue on WEDNESDAY the 5th Day of JULY, 2023 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at CAMDEN COUNTY COLLEGE–CAMDEN CAMPUS CAMDEN CONFERENCE CENTER, 200 NORTH BROADWAY CAMDEN, NJ 08102 https://www.camdencc.edu/about-1/contact-cccblackwood-directions/
The property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF RUNNEMEDE, in the County of CAMDEN and State of New Jersey.
Premises commonly known as: 707 HIRSCH AVE, RUNNEMEDE, NJ 08078; Being known as: Lot 2.01, Block 68 on the o cial Tax Map ofthe BOROUGH OF RUNNEMEDE.
Dimensions: 100 FT X 150 FT Nearest Cross Street: SINGLEY AVENUE
The Sheri hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice by publication.
*Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by Plainti prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interests remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so, the current amount due thereon.
**If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney.
***If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheri or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
Seized as the property of DEBORAH L. OTTERSON, ET AL., defendant(s), and taken in execution of LOANCARE, LLC, plainti , GILBERT L “WHIP” WILSON SHERIFF
Sheri ’s Number: 23001344
Dated: 6/7, 6/14, 6/21, 6/28/2023
MOUNT LAUREL, NJ 08054 $195.92
Notice is hereby given that proposals will be accepted by the Philadelphia Housing Authority for Solicitation No. P-005219 – TTK Development RFQ Proposals are due no later than 11:00 a.m. on June 22, 2023 at 2013 Ridge Avenue., Philadelphia, PA 19121. Late proposals will not be considered. Request for a copy of the solicitation should be directed to william. cook@pha.phila.gov. Interested parties can also visit www.pha.phila.gov and click on Business Opportunity for more details. PHA encourages minority, woman-owned and Section 3 businesses to submit bids and participate in joint ventures.
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02018319 at Public Vendue on WEDNESDAY the 5th Day of JULY, 2023 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at CAMDEN COUNTY COLLEGE–CAMDEN CAMPUS CAMDEN CONFERENCE CENTER, 200 NORTH BROADWAY CAMDEN, NJ 08102
The property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER, in the County of CAMDEN and State of New Jersey.
Commonly known as: 170 PLYMOUTH ROAD, SICKLERVILLE, NJ 0808;
Being Known as: Lot 15, Block 17504 on the o cial Tax Map of the TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER.
Dimensions: 200 X 350 Nearest Cross Street: ANDREWS ROAD
The Sheri hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice by publication.
*Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by Plainti prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interests remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so, the current amount due thereon.
**If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney.
***If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheri or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any.
The Final Judgment and Writ of Execution were assigned from RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing Corporation. To Freedom Mortgage Corporation. dated March 31, 2023, and filed in the Superior Court of New Jersey on April 4, 2023.
The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
Sheri ’s Number: 21001870
DATED: 6/7, 6/14, 6/21, 6/28/2023
MOUNT LAUREL, NJ 08054 $221.2
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00004523 at Public Vendue on WEDNESDAY the 21st Day of JUNE, 2023 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at CAMDEN COUNTY COLLEGE–CAMDEN CAMPUS CAMDEN CONFERENCE CENTER, 200 NORTH BROADWAY CAMDEN, NJ 08102 https://www.camdencc.edu/about-1/contact-ccc-blackwood-directions/
The property to be sold is located in the BOROUGH OF CLEMENTON in the County of CAMDEN and State of New Jersey. Commonly known as: WHITE HORSE PIKE, CLEMENTON, NJ 08021
Tax LOT 20, BLOCK: 64 Dimensions of Lot: approx. 92’ X 164.50’ Nearest Cross Street: ATLANTIC AVENUE
A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The sale is subject to any unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority.
All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee’s attorney.
Tax Sale Certificate Number 22-00028 in the face amount of $3,971.99 and approximate subsequent charges of $8,617.39 THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION.
Surplus Money: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any past thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4;64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The sheri or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. For sale information, please visit Auction. at www.Auction.com or call (800) 280-2832. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
Sheri ’s Number: 23001205
Dated: May 24, 31, June 7, 14, 2023
475 COUNTY ROAD 520, SUITE 2200, MARLBORO, NJ 07746
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00094919 at Public Vendue on WEDNESDAY the 28th Day of JUNE, 2023 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at CAMDEN COUNTY COLLEGE–CAMDEN CAMPUS CAMDEN CONFERENCE CENTER, 200 NORTH BROADWAY CAMDEN, NJ 08102 https://www.camdencc.edu/about-1/contact-ccc-blackwood-directions/
The property to be sold is located in the CITY OF GLOUCESTER in the County of CAMDEN and State of New Jersey.
Commonly known as:
Tax LOT 5, BLOCK: 132
Dimensions of Lot: approx. 92.00 FEET BY 14.03 FEET ’
Nearest Cross Street: POWELL STREET
Surplus Money: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any past thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4;64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The sheri or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any.
For sale information, please visit Auction. at www.Auction.com or call (800) 280-2832.
The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
Sheri ’s Number: 23001256
Dated: May 31, June 7, 14, 21, 2023
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00760822 at Public Vendue on WEDNESDAY the 21st Day of JUNE, 2023 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at CAMDEN COUNTY COLLEGE–CAMDEN CAMPUS CAMDEN CONFERENCE CENTER, 200 NORTH BROADWAY CAMDEN, NJ 08102 https://www.camdencc.edu/about-1/contact-cccblackwood-directions/
The property to be sold is located in the CITY OF CAMDEN in the County of CAMDEN and State of New Jersey. Commonly known as: 1043 S. MERRIMAC ROAD (A/K/A MERRIMAC ROAD), CAMDEN, NJ 08104
Tax LOT 47, BLOCK: 717 (F/K/A BLOCK 2064)
Dimensions of Lot: APPROX. 16’ X 80’
Nearest Cross Street: COLLINGS ROAD
Prior Lien(s): NONE
Surplus Money: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any past thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4;64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The sheri or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. For sale information, please visit Auction. at www. Auction.com or call (800) 280-2832.
The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
Sheri ’s Number: 23001190
DATED: May 24, 31, June 7, 14, 2023
ROSELAND, NJ 07068 $202.24
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00326722 at Public Vendue on WEDNESDAY the 21st Day of JUNE, 2023 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at CAMDEN COUNTY COLLEGE–CAMDEN CAMPUS CAMDEN CONFERENCE CENTER, 200 NORTH BROADWAY CAMDEN, NJ 08102 https://www.camdencc.edu/about-1/contact-cccblackwood-directions/
The property to be sold is located in the BOROUGH OF LAUREL SPRINGS in the County of CAMDEN and State of New Jersey.
Commonly known as:
Dimensions of Lot: (approx.) 60.00 x 125.00 x 60.00 x 125.00
Nearest Cross Street: CENTRAL AVENUE
The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to NJSA 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/home-owner association liens which may exist.
Surplus Money: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any past thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4;64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The sheri or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. For sale information, please visit Auction. at www. Auction.com or call (800) 280-2832.
The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
Seized as the property of NELSON O. NOVOA; DORIS NOVOA; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ET AL., defendant(s), and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D/B/A MR. COOPER, plainti , GILBERT L. “WHIP” WILSON
Sheri ’s Number: 23001231
DATED: May 24, 31, June 7, 14, 2023
MOUNT LAUREL, NJ 08054 $195.92
Notice is hereby given that proposals will be accepted by the Philadelphia Housing Authority for Solicitation No. P-005212 – 2023 HUD VASH PBV RFP. Proposals are due no later than 11:00 a.m. on June 22, 2023 at 2013 Ridge Avenue., Philadelphia, PA 19121. Late proposals will not be considered. Request for a copy of the solicitation should be directed to william.cook@pha.phila.gov. Interested parties can also visit www.pha.phila.gov and click on Business Opportunity for more details. PHA encourages minority, woman-owned and Section 3 businesses to submit bids and participate in joint ventures.
The Committee on Public Property and Public Works of the Council of the City of Philadelphia will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, June 12, 2023, at 10:00 AM, in a remote manner using Microsoft® Teams. This remote hearing may be viewed on Xfinity Channel 64, Fios Channel 40 or http://phlcouncil.com/watchcitycouncil/, to hear testimony on the following items:
An Ordinance authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property to enter into a sublease agreement with The Magee Hospital for Convalescents d/b/a Magee Rehabilitation Hospital Je erson Health for use by the City of all or a portion of the premises located at 1617 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, under certain terms and conditions.
An Ordinance authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into a lease agreement with Innerport Business Complex Associates, L.P. for use by the City of all or a portion of the premises located at 7801 Essington Avenue, under certain terms and conditions.
An Ordinance authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into a lease agreement with Impact Services Corporation for the use by the City of the Premises located at 1952 East Allegheny Avenue, under certain terms and conditions.
An Ordinance authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to acquire fee simple title or a lesser real estate interest to all or a portion of a parcel of land located in and about the area bounded by Castor Avenue, Richmond Street, Lewis Street, and North Delaware Avenue; all under certain terms and conditions.
An Ordinance authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into a sublease agreement with the Philadelphia Municipal Authority for use by the City of the Premises located at 871620 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, under certain terms and conditions.
An Ordinance authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into a lease agreement with BAM RBC I LLC, for use by the City of all or a portion of the premises located at 28072817 Southampton Road, under certain terms and conditions.
An Ordinance authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into a lease agreement with Hope Plaza, Inc. for use by the City of all or a portion of the premises located at 2150 West Somerset Street, under certain terms and conditions.
An Ordinance authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to acquire fee simple title or a lesser real estate interest in all or a portion of a parcel or parcels of land containing approximately 23,595 square feet, located in and about the area bounded by Market Street, 39th Street, Ludlow Street and 40th Street, under certain terms and conditions.
An Ordinance authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to convey to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, all or a portion of a parcel or parcels of land in and about the area bounded by Belmont Avenue, Mantua Avenue, 42nd Street, and West Girard Avenue, under certain terms and conditions.
Speakers interested in giving testimony on any of these legislative matters must call 2156863448, or send an email to carlos. rendon@phila.gov by 3 p.m. the day before the hearing and submit the following information:
• Full name
• Callback telephone number where you can be reached
• Identify the bill number or numbers that will be addressed
Speakers who submitted the above information within the required time frame will be telephoned during the public hearing and invited to the remote hearing. They will be given additional instructions by the Committee Chair once they are connected. Immediately following the public hearing, a meeting of the Committee on Public Property and Public Works, open to the public, will be held to consider the action to be taken on the above listed items.
Copies of the foregoing items are available in the O ce of the Chief Clerk of the Council, Room 402, City Hall.
POR LA PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que la Autoridad de Transporte del Sudeste de Pensilvania ("SEPTA") celebrará sus Reuniones Mensuales del Comité de Administración y Operaciones ("Reuniones del Comité") el jueves 15 de junio de 2023 a las 12:00 del mediodía y la Reunión Mensual de la Junta Directiva (la "Reunión de la Junta Directiva") el jueves 22 de junio de 2023 a las 15:00 horas.
Las reuniones de los comités y de la Junta Directiva se celebrarán en persona, con la opción de WebEx. En el sitio web de la Autoridad (www.septa.org) se publicará más información sobre cómo inscribirse para asistir a través de WebEx. Se aceptarán y tendrán en cuenta los comentarios del público. Quienes deseen asistir a las reuniones a través de WebEx deberán inscribirse previamente en www.septa.org/notice y quienes deseen intervenir en las reuniones deberán inscribirse previamente antes de las 9:00 a.m. del día de la reunión programada en www.septa.org/notice. Las personas que deseen presentar observaciones orales pueden llamar al 215.580.7211 y enviarlas a través de un mensaje de voz. Las personas que deseen presentar comentarios por escrito pueden enviarlos por correo electrónico al Secretario de la Junta en BoardSecretary@septa.org o por correo postal a SEPTA Board Secretary, 10th Floor, 1234 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Sólo es necesaria una forma de comunicación.
Tenga en cuenta que todos los comentarios deben ser recibidos por el Secretario de la Junta antes del cierre de las actividades el 21 de junio de 2023, para ser considerados para la Reunión de la Junta, o antes del cierre de las actividades el 14 de junio de 2023, para ser considerados para las Reuniones del Comité.
Todos los comentarios recibidos pasarán a formar parte del registro público y se incluirán en la transcripción de la reunión del Consejo, que posteriormente se publicará en el sitio web de SEPTA en www.septa.org. También se publicará una grabación de la reunión del Consejo en el sitio web de SEPTA www.septa.org/notice.
Pasquale T. Deon Presidente
POR LA PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que la Autoridad de Transporte del Sureste de Pensilvania ("SEPTA") celebrará una Reunión del Comité de Pensiones el jueves 15 de junio de 2023, a las 11:50 AM en las oficinas de SEPTA en 1234 Market Street, Mezzanine Level, Filadelfia, Pensilvania. Esta reunión del Comité se llevará a cabo en persona, con una opción de WebEx. Se publicará más información sobre cómo inscribirse para asistir a través de WebEx en el sitio web de la Autoridad: www.septa.org.
Se aceptarán y tendrán en cuenta los comentarios del público. Quienes deseen asistir e intervenir en la reunión del Comité a través de WebEx deberán inscribirse previamente en www.septa.org/notice. Las personas que deseen intervenir en la reunión deberán inscribirse previamente antes de las 9.00 a.m. del día de la reunión programada en www.septa. org/notice. Las personas que deseen presentar comentarios orales pueden llamar al 215.580.7211 y enviarlos a través de un mensaje de voz. Las personas que deseen presentar comentarios por escrito pueden enviarlos por correo electrónico al Secretario de la Junta en BoardSecretary@septa.org o por correo postal a SEPTA Board Secretary, 10th Floor, 1234 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Sólo es necesaria una forma de comunicación.
Tenga en cuenta que todos los comentarios deben ser recibidos por el Secretario de la Junta antes del cierre del 14 de junio de 2023, con el fin de ser considerados para esta reunión del Comité.
POR LA PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que la Autoridad de Transporte del Sureste de Pensilvania ("SEPTA") celebrará una Reunión del Comité de Presupuesto y Planificación el jueves 15 de junio de 2023, a las 11:55 AM en las oficinas de SEPTA en 1234 Market Street, Mezzanine Level, Filadelfia, Pensilvania.
Esta reunión del Comité se llevará a cabo en persona, con una opción de WebEx. Se publicará más información sobre cómo inscribirse para asistir a través de WebEx en el sitio web de la Autoridad: www.septa.org. Se aceptarán y tendrán en cuenta los comentarios del público. Quienes deseen asistir a la reunión del Comité deberán inscribirse previamente en www.septa.org/ notice y quienes deseen intervenir en la reunión deberán inscribirse previamente antes de las 9:00 a.m. del día de la reunión programada en www.septa.org/ notice. Las personas que deseen hacer comentarios orales pueden llamar al 215.580.7211 y enviarlos a través de un mensaje de voz. Las personas que deseen presentar comentarios por escrito pueden enviarlos por correo electrónico al Secretario de la Junta en BoardSecretary@septa.org o por correo postal a SEPTA Board Secretary, 10th Floor, 1234 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Sólo es necesaria una forma de comunicación.
Tenga en cuenta que todos los comentarios deben ser recibidos por el Secretario de la Junta antes del cierre de las actividades el 14 de junio de 2023, con el fin de ser considerados para esta reunión del Comité.
Carol R. Looby Secretaria![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/230606203953-5238f6d087f452223ecb172ce60e9aba/v1/c3a7a748206782099ba9e59248f6d583.jpeg)
Ibegin by saying that I have been an emigrant. Unlike millions of Colombians and Latino Americans, I did not have to leave my country through dangerous borders, I did it with a passport, visa and the money necessary to start a new life. I did very well in the country that welcomed me along with my family. I started businesses and I was successful in that experience of about four decades ago. However, my experience is not the norm for Latin American immigrants. From 12 million migrants in the 1970s to more than 50 million by 2020, the number grows exponentially and is expected to exceed 100 million by the end of 2030.
e question is: Why do Latin Americans emigrate? Well, this phenomenon has been caused by di erent factors, physical and real need for subsistence are some of the rst reasons, since our countries do not o er fair and necessary opportunities to the working population, people do not nd work and if they do, is precarious and underpaid. Other causes are economic difculties, children who receive a poor education, lack of access to basic social needs that seek to improve the standard of living, something they manage to nd in receiving countries where the labor force is well paid, higher and accessible social guarantees and by receiving their income in a strong currency such as the dollar, allows them to send money to their families in so-called remittances, thus making a saving that provides a capital to start a business or guarantee a future income.
ere are also other insurmountable causes such as violence, insecurity, corrupt and tyrannical governments. us we can see that Cubans, Venezuelans, Nicaraguans and other countries with socialist and populist governments, are the ones who most leave their country in search of better luck. Colombia has received close to three million Venezuelans, some stay, others go to the north and south of the continent, sadly we see many of them walking along the roads, carrying small children in their arms
living on charity, the vast majority stripping themselves of their little money they managed to get, to be shorn by border tra ckers and coyotes who pro t themselves from this human need, as well as the drama that thousands are su ering at this time on the U.S. border because of Title 42.
e hope of a better life is pointed towards the United States, the country that receives the most emigrants of all nationalities, from those who arrive with a visa and decide to stay, to those who illegally cross the Rio Bravo. It is followed in second place by Spain for the ease of language and its migration policies. Of course, they also reach other European countries that receive migrants, although to a lesser extent than Africans who invade Europe, but in general this phenomenon will continue as long as there are disastrous governments in these countries that elect inept and corrupt rulers who enrich themselves and perpetuate themselves in power by impoverishing their society.
Although it is true that Latin America is a young and promising continent that has been built autonomously for some two hundred years, the ethnographic mixture of ancestral indigenous cultures with colonizing Europeans, created an in uence of its own that contributed to the formation of the Latin American people under Spanish, French or Italian patterns primarily. e indigenous in uence has predominated in other cases such as in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia that carry their Inca heritage and in Mexico and Central America from the Mayan culture.z
Comienzo diciendo que yo he sido emigrante, no me ha toco como a millones de colombianos y latinoamericanos salir de mi país por fronteras borrascosas, lo hice con pasaporte, visa y dinero para recomenzar mi vida, me fue muy bien en el país que me acogió con mi familia, hice empresa y tuve éxito en esa experiencia de hace unas cuatro décadas. Pero esa no es la generalidad del migrante latinoamericano, pues de 12 millones de migrantes de este continente en la década de los setenta, en 2020 superaban los cincuenta millones y el número crece exponencialmente, se prevé que para nales del treinta superen los cien millones.
La pregunta es: ¿Por qué emigran los latinoamericanos? Pues bien, este fenómeno se viene dando por diferentes factores, el primero por necesidad física y real de subsistencia, pues nuestros países no brindan oportunidades justas y necesarias a una población apta laboralmente, la gente no encuentra espacio de trabajo y si lo consigue es precario y mal remunerado. Otra causa es el bajo nivel de subsistencia, una educación efímera para los hijos, la falta de incentivos y mejor calidad de vida, algo que si encuentran en los países receptores, donde la mano de obra es bien paga, las garantías sociales superiores y además por factores de ingresos en moneda fuerte, les permite enviar dinero a su familia en las llamadas remesas, así mismo hacer un ahorro que le proporcione un capital para montar un negocio o garantizar una renta futura.
Pero aparte de lo anterior, existen otras causas insalvables como son la violencia, la inseguridad, como también los gobiernos corruptos y tiránicos, es solo ver a los cubanos, venezolanos, nicaragüenses y de otros países de gobiernos socialistas y populistas, son quie-
nes más abandonan en busca de mejor suerte. Colombia ha recibido unos tres millones de venezolanos, unos se quedan y otros van rumbo al norte y sur del continente, tristemente muchos de ellos caminando por las vías, llevando niños pequeños en brazos y hombros, viviendo de la caridad, la gran mayoría despojándose de su poco dinero que logró sacar, para ser esquilmados por los tra cantes de fronteras y coyotes que se lucran de esa necesidad humana, así como el drama que miles están sufriendo en estos momentos en la frontera norteamericana a causa del título 42. La esperanza de una vida mejor la apuntan hacia los Estados Unidos, el país que más emigrantes recibe en el mundo y de todas las nacionalidades, desde aquellos que llegan con visa quedándose, hasta los que cruzan furtivamente el rio Bravo. Le sigue España por la facilidad del idioma y sus políticas migratorias. Desde luego que también van a otros países europeos que son receptores de emigrantes, aunque en menor escala de los africanos que invaden Europa, pero en general este fenómeno continuará mientras existan gobiernos nefastos en países latinoamericanos, eligiendo gobernantes ineptos y corruptos que exprimen su riqueza empobreciendo a su sociedad con nes de lucro personal y perpetuación del poder.
Si bien es cierto que Latinoamérica es un continente joven y promisorio que se viene construyendo autónomamente desde hace unos doscientos años, la mezcla etnográ ca proviene de las culturas indígenas ancestrales con los europeos colonizadores, creando una in uencia propia que contribuyó a formar al latinoamericano bajo patrones españoles, franceses o italianos primordialmente, pero en otros casos ha predominado la in uencia indígena como en Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia que registran pasado Inca, tanto en México y Centroamérica proveniente de la cultura Maya. z
(*) Empresario colombiano, comunicador social y periodista y productor de televisión. Cofundador y Presidente del canal de televisión Teleamiga durante 17 años.
By | Por: JENNIFER HERNANDEZ | AL DÍA THOUGHT LEADERSThere has been an in ux of changes in the United States— diversity, equity, and inclusion legislation aim to stop “woke” ideologies—book banning that oaths to retell new narratives of what history looked like—redacting textbooks that use unwelcome language—but our nation can not allow impunity to prevail any further, “for to be free is not merely to cast o one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others,” as Nelson Mandela brilliantly said.
Who killed DEI? Haunts me at night— its meaning, contradicting narratives that wield a sword of discord and containment—that the young immigrant child I once was, holds as I awaken thinking we have succeeded as a nation, to accept diversity of thought—but as Mahatma Gandhi said, “no culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive.”
Many stood ghting for DEI in this nation— Black history erasure ignores the strides, the importance of advocacy and activism that individuals like Martin Luther King, Jr, Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X exude—an extension of what being Black and ghting for civil rights was all about.
But diversity is ending, isn’t it? Do we savor this moment of stopping “woke” ideologies or relish our discontentment for not doing more? Texas begs the di er, with Senate Bill 17 imposing higher education institutions to ban their DEI o ces and programs, and an equally abrasive move by Gov. DeSantis, who signed legislation to defund DEI programs in higher institutions because they present a “distraction from the core mission.”
But what is our mission as a nation, if not to do better by those we continue to fail, time and time again?
Recently, Miami-Dade County, Florida, banned Amanda Gorman's e Hill We Climb poem, which created a historical moment for voices that do not o en have a platform to share their thoughts and convey a clear message: unity and hope.
According to the complaint issued by a parent, the poem causes “confusion and indoctrinate students,” a sentiment echoed as book bans rise—a ecting marginalized voices and failing to acknowledge, once again, that words like “slavery” and “racism” are nouns used predominantly throughout history to distinguish and dehumanize individuals of their signi cance, devalue and appraise their dignity with clear intent— the hill we climb today may seem di erent to some, but equally the same to others— to conquer censorship—to conquer the plague a ecting our freedom of expression and young people’s ability to access true history—their history— our history, that is the foundation of change.
In a tweet, U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona wrote, “A lot of the recently banned books include stories of change, progress, and stories about communities of color. ese books hold a lot of history. You cannot erase history, and I will challenge anyone who tries to.”
PEN America reports a 28% increase in book banning from July- December 2022—of the 874 unique banned book titles thus far in the school year, 26% present LGBTQ+ characters or themes, and within this category, 8% include transgender characters. However, 385 books banned include themes or instances of violence and physical abuse (44%), and content on mental health, bullying, suicide, substance abuse, and sexual wellbeing were also banned.
“ e content of banned books illuminates how the movement to censor books a ects a diverse and varied set of identities, topics, concepts, and stories,” PEN America said.
One of the most banned books in the rst half of the 2022-2023 school year included: Gender Queer, which Maria Vazquez, Superintendent of Orange County Public Schools in Florida, said in an interview with AL DÍA was due to pornography— Florida has one the highest rates of book removals in the country, as researched by PEN America.
Although OCPS has only banned four books at the district level, Vazquez says, “I would venture to say that we have a lot of support in place for our students.”
Last month, PEN America, Penguin Random House, diverse authors, parents, and students in Escambia County, Florida, led a federal lawsuit “challenging removals and restrictions of books from school libraries that violate their rights to free speech and equal protection under the law.”
Based on the Florida Department of Education, the examples of rejected material referencing social justice, taking a knee, and other contents of ‘concern’ do not align with Florida law. Although book banning has a signi cant prevalence in Florida, it has made its way into other states: Texas, Missouri, Utah, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania, to name a few.
But to remove a book from a shelf, to redact its content, is more than a “concern,” it says you hold the power to erase history, and you too, are trying to erase its people. z
Ha habido una a uencia de cambios en los Estados Unidos: la legislación sobre diversidad, equidad e inclusión destinada a detener las ideologías "woke", la prohibición de libros que juran volver a contar nuevas narrativas de cómo fue la historia, la redacción de libros de texto que utilizan un lenguaje no deseado. Pero nuestra nación no puede permitir que siga reinando la impunidad, "porque ser libre no es simplemente deshacerse de las propias cadenas, sino vivir de una manera que respete y mejore la libertad de los demás", como dijo brillantemente Nelson Mandela.
¿Quién mató a DEI? me persigue por las noches. Su signi cado, narraciones contradictorias que blanden una espada de discordia y contención, que el joven niño inmigrante que alguna vez fui sostiene mientras me despierto pensando que hemos tenido éxito como nación, para aceptar la diversidad de pensamiento. Pero como dijo Mahatma Gandhi, "ninguna cultura puede vivir si intenta ser excluyente".
minantemente a lo largo de la historia para distinguir y deshumanizar a individuos de su importancia, devaluar y menospreciar su dignidad con una clara intención. La colina que escalamos hoy puede parecer diferente para algunos, pero igual para otros, vencer la censura, vencer la plaga que afecta a nuestra libertad de expresión y a la capacidad de los jóvenes para acceder a la verdadera historia, su historia, nuestra historia, que es la base del cambio.
Miguel Cardona, secretario de Educación de los Estados Unidos, tuiteó: "Muchos de los libros prohibidos recientemente incluyen historias de cambio, progreso e historias sobre comunidades de color. Estos libros encierran mucha historia. No se puede borrar la historia, y desa aré a cualquiera que lo intente".
HernandezMuchas personas lucharon en esta nación por la DEI. Borrar la historia negra ignora el progreso que se ha logrado, así como la importancia de la defensa y el activismo, que individuos como Martin Luther King, Jr, Rosa Parks y Malcolm X ejempli caron. Eesto es una extensión de lo que signi caba ser negro y luchar por los derechos civiles.
Pero la diversidad se está acabando, ¿no? ¿Saboreamos este momento de poner n a las ideologías "woke" o saboreamos nuestro descontento por no haber hecho más? Texas plantea la diferencia con el proyecto de ley 17 del Senado que exige a las instituciones de educación superior prohibir sus o cinas y programas de DEI. Y una medida igualmente ruda por parte del gobernador DeSantis, quien rmó una legislación para dejar de nanciar los programas de DEI en las instituciones superiores porque presentan una "distracción de la misión principal".
Pero, ¿cuál es nuestra misión como nación, si no hacer mejor a aquellos a los que seguimos fallando una y otra vez?
El poema de Amanda Gorman “ e hill we climb” fue recientemente prohibido por una escuela en el condado de Miami-Dade Florida. El texto creó un momento histórico para voces que a menudo no tienen una plataforma para compartir sus pensamientos y transmitir un mensaje claro: unidad y esperanza.
Según la queja dada por un padre, el poema causa "confusión y adoctrina a los estudiantes", un sentimiento que se repite a medida que aumentan las prohibiciones de libros, afectando a voces marginadas y no reconociendo, una vez más, que palabras como "esclavitud" y "racismo". Son sustantivos utilizados predo-
De acuerdo con un nuevo informe de PEN America, el número de libros prohibidos en las escuelas estadounidenses incrementó 28 % entre julio y diciembre de 2022. De los 874 títulos únicos de libros prohibidos, el 26 % presenta personajes o temas LGBTQ+. Dentro de esta categoría, el 8 % incluye personajes transgénero. Sin embargo, 385 libros prohibidos incluyen temas o casos de violencia y abuso físico (44 %). Otros temas que se prohibieron con frecuencia fueron sobre salud mental, acoso, suicidio, abuso de sustancias y bienestar sexual.
"El contenido de los libros prohibidos ilustra cómo el movimiento para censurar libros afecta a un conjunto diverso y variado de identidades, temas, conceptos e historias", señaló PEN América.
Uno de los libros más prohibidos en la primera mitad del curso escolar 2022-2023 fue Gender Queer, sobre el que Maria Vázquez, superintendente de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Orange (EPCO) en Florida, dijo en una entrevista con AL DÍA que el libro fue retirado porque contenía pornografía. Florida tiene uno de los índices más altos de prohibición de libros en el país, según lo investigado por PEN América.
Aunque OCPS sólo ha prohibido cuatro libros a nivel de distrito, Vázquez dice: "Me atrevería a decir que tenemos mucho apoyo para nuestros estudiantes".
El mes pasado, PEN America, Penguin Random House y un grupo de autores, padres y estudiantes presentaron una demanda federal contra el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Escambia en Florida, "impugnando las retiradas y restricciones de libros de las bibliotecas escolares que violan sus derechos a la libertad de expresión y a la protección igualitaria ante la ley."
Según el Departamento de Educación de Florida, los ejemplos de material rechazado que hacen referencia a la justicia social, a arrodillarse (como símbolo de protesta) y a otros contenidos "preocupantes" no se ajustan a la legislación de Florida. Aunque la prohibición de libros tiene una prevalencia signi cativa en ese estado, se ha abierto camino en otros: Texas, Misuri, Utah, Carolina del Sur y Pensilvania, por nombrar algunos.
Pero retirar un libro de una estantería, redactar su contenido, es algo más que una "preocupación". Eso dice que se tiene el poder de borrar la historia y también se intenta borrar a su gente.
"Verán lo hermosa que soy/Y se avergonzaránYo, también, soy América", dijo Langston Hughes en su poema "Yo, también". z