AL DIA News Print Edition May 22 - 29, 2019

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Joseph DOMINGUEZ Chief Executive Officer at ComEd BY EMILY NEIL | PAGE 14 |

Tech growth needs in Philly. Necesidades de crecimiento en Tech in Philly. POLITICS | PAGE 4 |

More Latinos needed on boards. Se necesitan más Latinos en Juntas. LEADERS | PAGE 8 |

Windmills in Philadelphia. Molinos de viento en Filadelfia. CULTURA | PAGE 22 |




MAY 22 - 29, 2019 • VOL XXVII NO. 34

EDITORIAL Editor in Chief | Hernán Guaracao Deputy Editor, Spanish | Lucía Tejo


Writer & Content Producer | Emily Neil Writer & Content Producer | Yamily Habib


La Filadelfia que imaginamos The new Philadelphia we picture













Writer & Content Producer | Jensen Toussaint Production Manager | Juan Alba Gente Photographer & Editor | Peter Fitzpatrick Vice President of Technology | Michael Unegbu


SENIOR CONTRIBUTORS Julie Lopez (Guatemala) Sandra Acosta (Spain)


Los candidatos a puestos At-Large escuchan a líderes locales en tecnología At-Large candidates hear from local tech leaders

Juliana Bedoya (Colombia) Albor Ruiz (USA) Rafael Cervera (Spain) Eli Siegel (USA)









De vuelta a la campaña presidencial Back to the presidential campaign trail

Chief Executive Officer | Hernán Guaracao Chief Financial Officer | Elizabeth Guaracao



El simposio de HACR prepara a los hispanos para el liderazgo en los negocios Symposium by HACR prepares Hispanics for leadership roles in business

JOSEPH DOMINGUEZ Un CEO para una época global A CEO for a global age


MAY 22 - 29, 2019

Chief Executive Office at ComEd BY EMILY NEIL | PAGE 14 |

Molinos de viento en Filadelfia Windmills in Philadelphia Así fue cómo el fundador y editor de AL DÍA hizo de Philly un hogar This is how the founder and editor of AL DÍA made a home in Philly




Newseum honra a periodistas latinoamericanos en D.C. Newseum acknowledges two Latin American journalists in D.C

JOSÉ ANDRÉS El chef español visita Filadelfia para promocionar las aceitunas Renowned Spanish Chef visits Philadelphia to promote olives as a delicious, nutritious snack

Tech growth needs in Philly. Necesidades de crecimiento en Tech in Philly. POLITICS | PAGE 4 |

More Latinos needed on boards. Se necesitan más Latinos en Juntas. LEADERS | PAGE 8 |

Windmills in Philadelphia. Molinos de viento en Filadelfia. CULTURA | PAGE 22 |



Manuel Flores/AL DÍA News

2 • MAYO 22 - 29, 2019 • ALDÍ


Joseph Dominguez, CEO global de AL DIA Global Speaker Series Joseph Dominguez, A Global CEO at the AL DIA Global Speaker Series


The new Philadelphia we picture

La Filadelfia que imaginamos AL DÍA Global Speaker Series forced us to think why an event like that could add something unique to our city— “so full of events,” as a guest said last week.


hiladelphia as a Global Center was probably in the mind of the founder of our city, Mr. William Penn.

La serie global de oradores de AL DÍA nos obligó a pensar por qué un evento como ese podría aportar algo único a nuestra ciudad, “tan llena de eventos”, como espetó un invitado la semana pasada.


a idea del fundador de nuestra ciudad, el Sr. William Penn, era probablemente la de convertir a Filadelfia en un epicentro global. He branded our city a “Holy Experiment,” in 1682, when he first imagCalificó a nuestra ciudad como un “experimento sagrado” en 1682, cuando se la ined it, standing on the swamps of the Delaware River, naming the city imaginó por primera vez, de pie en los pantanos del río Delaware. Aquella ciudad existing only in his imagination after an ancient and now disappeared city que entonces solo existía en su imaginación fue bautizada como una ciudad antiin the Middle East, perhaps intrigued that maybe the Greek roots of that name (Phigua, actualmente desaparecida, en el Medio Este. Quizá pensó que las raíces griegas de ese los, brother; Delphos, Brother) would inspire its inhabitants to look up to the highest nombre (Philos: amor y Delphos: hermano) inspirarían a sus habitantes a apuntar hacia lo and pursue the ultimate human aspiration of loving one another. más alto y perseguir la máxima aspiración humana de amarnos los unos a los otros. “The City of Brotherly Love,” the commercial slogan made up by less sophisticat“La ciudad del amor fraternal”, el eslogan comercial creado por mentes menos sofisticadas ed minds in a PR firm, has trivialized our founder’s elevated vision. de una empresa de relaciones públicas, ha trivializado la visión elevada de nuestro fundador. That essential and original aspiration was probably on the minds of our FoundEsa aspiración esencial y original estuvo probablemente más tarde también en la mente ing Fathers, from Benjamin Franklin, who settled here in 1726, to Thomas Jefferson, de nuestros padres fundadores –desde Benjamin Franklin, quien se who first arrived from Virginia in 1775, to Thomas Paine, when estableció aquí en 1726, hasta Thomas Jefferson, que llegó de Virginia came from Scotland in 1774. en 1775, o Thomas Paine, cuando llegó de Escocia en 1774–. These three, along with the other exceptional minds gathered Ellos tres, junto con las otras mentes excepcionales reunidas en in Independence Hall in the summer of 1776, possessed by that el Independence Hall en el verano de 1776, sintieron esa inspiración above-the-ordinary inspiration to give birth to our republic. superior para dar a luz a nuestra república. The fundamental documents they crafted here, today the politLos documentos fundamentales que elaboraron aquí, y hoy en día ical scripture of our nation, inspired thousands to march, to chalson las escrituras políticas de nuestra nación, inspiraron a miles de lenge the greatest Army on Earth at that time, and, in the process, personas a marchar y a desafiar al ejército más grande de la Tierra radically modify the destiny of 13 colonies into independent states, en ese momento. Y, en el proceso, a modificar radicalmente el destino all under one same flag, and one same Constitution, of a brand new de 13 colonias, convertidas en estados independientes bajo una misma and independent nation that has changed the course of humanity. bandera y una misma Constitución: una nación completamente nueva That is in the DNA of this city, where a code of conduct for the e independiente que ha cambiado el curso de la humanidad. free world, free of the European absolute monarchies, was crafted Esto es algo que está en el ADN de esta ciudad, donde se elaboró in 1776. un código de conducta para el mundo libre, libre de las monarquías All revolutions of the Western world, including the French Independence Hall. absolutistas europeas, en 1776. Revolution, in 1789, and the many others that decades later creDespositphotos Todas las revoluciones del mundo occidental, incluida la Revoluated dozens of new and independent nations across the Americas — ción Francesa de 1789, y muchas otras que décadas más tarde crearon docefrom here to Patagonia in South America— were most likely inspired nas de naciones nuevas e independientes en todo el continente americano —desde aquí hasta by the early American Revolution of 1776, conceived here in our backyard, in Indela Patagonia, en América del Sur— fueron probablemente inspiradas por la revolución amependence Hall. ricana de 1776, llevada a cabo en el Independence Hall. Venezuelan Francisco Miranda, for example, or Colombian Ambassador Manuel El venezolano Francisco Miranda, por ejemplo; o el embajador de Colombia, Manuel Torres, or Cuban exile Father Felix Varela, the early Latinos who preceded us in the Torres; o el exiliado cubano, el padre Félix Varela, los primeros latinos que nos precedie18th and 19th century, came to this city for only one reason: ron en el siglo XVIII y XIX, llegaron a esta ciudad por una sola razón: To drink from the fundamental and original fountain of free thinking and conBeber de la fuente fundamental y original de pensamiento libre y seguro que resonaba fident action that was reverberating from Europe to America and back to Europe, desde Europa a América, y de regreso a Europa, inspirada en América, como la libertad inspired by America, as Liberty seemed to be “The Destiny” of our continent, as que parecía ser “el destino” de nuestro continente, como escribió el escritor colombiano Colombian writer Germán Arciniegas wrote. Germán Arciniegas. They were attracted to the America that today keeps dreaming the same dream— Se sintieron atraídos por la América que hoy sigue creyendo en el mismo sueño que inspiring millions of immigrants to seek the simple right to be left alone, to be free inspiró a millones de inmigrantes a buscar el derecho, no solo a quedarse, también a ser as individuals before the powerful institutions of governments and churches, not individuos libres ante las poderosas instituciones de gobiernos e iglesias, algo que no esfound in the old and intolerant Europe of the 17th and 18th centuries, not found totaba presente en la antigua Europa del siglo XVII, del siglo XVIII y todavía no lo está en day yet in dozens of different places from across the world from which many more docenas de lugares diferentes de todo el mundo, desde donde muchos más recién llegados newcomers dare to traverse the oceans to arrive here. se atreven a cruzar los océanos para llegar hasta aquí. Today, Philadelphia is committed to be the epicenter of new things, on the sound Hoy, Filadelfia se compromete a ser el epicentro de lo nuevo. Creemos que es la base de foundation of a new demographic growth not seen in 70 years, and a new global make un nuevo crecimiento demográfico, no visto en 70 años, y una nueva composición global de up of the newest residents of our city, coming from every distant corner on the planet. los nuevos residentes de nuestra ciudad, provenientes de lugares lejanos de todo el planeta. Added to that, the demands of a global economy —pressing more and more on the Si a ello le sumamos los imperativos de una economía global, que presiona cada vez más future of the cradle of the U.S. democracy— is making our destiny as “global city” sobre el futuro de la cuna de la democracia de los Estados Unidos, hace de nuesnot a luxury, by a renewed imperative. tro destino como ciudad global un imperativo renovado. We are forced now to stay competitive as a center of global business, Ahora nos vemos obligados a seguir siendo competitivos, como centro de aggressive technology innovation, and major cultural activities, comnegocios globales, innovaciones tecnológicas agresivas y actividades cultupeting against nearby Baltimore, or Boston, or DC or NYC. rales importantes, contra Baltimore o Boston, o D.C. o NYC. Beyond that, Paris, Los Angeles, Amsterdam, or Mexico City. Pero también con París, Los Angeles, Ámsterdam o la Ciudad de México. The Global Speaker Series that AL DÍA launched last week asLa Serie de Oradores Globales que lanzó AL DÍA la semana pasada aspira pires to bring to Philadelphia leaders of national or global stature that a traer a Filadelfia líderes nacionales y mundiales con el objetivo de inspirar a will enlighten our local leaders, inspire our professionals and ignite Hernán Guaracao nuestros líderes y profesionales locales y encender el pensamiento global desde global thinking from Philadelphia, of the same kind that led to the forFiladelfia, de la misma forma que aquella revolución que condujo a la formaFounder & CEO mation of the most powerful nation on earth, here on a ground made ción de una nación poderosa en la Tierra, situada en un terreno sagrado por el Editor in Chief sacred by the sacrifice of many, in our own Independence Hall. n sacrificio de muchos, en nuestro propio Independence Hall. n

ALDÍ • MAY 22 - 29, 2019 • 3







Reportero de AL DÍA News AL DÍA News Content Producer

Las empresas emergentes del sector tecnológico local tuvieron la oportunidad de conversar con candidatos al Concejo Municipal durante un evento auspiciado por WeWork y la Urban League of Philadelphia.

Local technology startups had the chance to engage with candidates for City Council during a recent event hosted by WeWork and the Urban League of Philadelphia.



l martes por la noche, los candidatos a puestos At-Large al Concejo Mut-Large City Council candidates had the opportunity to discuss the nicipal tuvieron la oportunidad de conversar sobre el futuro del desarrofuture of business and economic development in Philadelphia with llo empresarial y económico en Filadelfia con emprendedores locales en local entrepreneurs at WeWork’s Northern Liberties location on las instalaciones de WeWork de Northern Liberties. Tuesday night. El evento fue organizado por WeWork y Urban League of PhiladelThe event was organized by WeWork and the Urban League of Philphia para generar un diálogo entre los emprendedores tecnológicos y los futuros adelphia to generate dialogue between tech entrepreneurs and future political líderes políticos de la ciudad. leaders of the city. Los candidatos presentes incluyeron a los demócratas Beth Finn, Fernando Candidates on hand included Democratic at-large nominees Beth Finn, FerTreviño, Isaiah Thomas, Eryn Santamoor y Ogbonna Paul Hagins; y al republinando Treviño, Isaiah Thomas, Eryn Santamoor and Ogbonna Paul Hagins. cano Drew Murray. Republican candidate Drew Murray was also in attendance. El panel de líderes de empresas emergentes que llevaba la conversación incluyó The panel of startup leaders who led the conversation included Kim Ramirez a Kim Ramirez (cofundadora de Factsumo), Rasheed (co-founder of Factsumo), Rasheed Coleman Coleman (cofundador de The Fellowship: Black Male (co-founder of The Fellowship: Black Male EduEducators for Social Justice), Anushree Vora (fundadocators for Social Justice), Anushree Vora (foundra de AdmitAlly), y Jacob Walker (fundador de Rivet). er of AdmitAlly), and Jacob Walker (founder of Los miembros del panel señalaron los actuales desaRivet). fíos de la municipalidad que la comunidad de empresas Members of the panel pointed out challenges emergentes locales podrían ayudar a abordar. Ramirez, currently facing the city that they believe the Coleman y Vora lideran, individualmente, iniciativas local startup community could help address. de tecnología educativa. Ramirez, Coleman, and Vora each head educaRamirez citó los problemas flagrantes de educación tional technology initiatives. y alfabetización como principales preocupaciones para Ramirez cited glaring education and literacy la municipalidad en su camino hacia el futuro. Cerca problems as concerns for the city moving fordel 40 por ciento de los residentes de Filadelfia que viven ward. Nearly 40 percent of Philadelphians liven la pobreza no se han graduado de la escuela secuning in poverty lack high school credentials, and daria, y se estima que 550.000 tienen bajas aptitudes de an estimated 550,000 individuals in the city have alfabetización. low literacy skills. La innovación puede desempeñar un papel clave Innovation can play a key role in solving the para resolver el problema, según Ramírez. Su empresa problem, according to Ramirez. Her company se especializa en un software digital de aprendizaje perspecializes in personalized digital learning softsonalizado que puede ayudar a acelerar los procesos de ware which can help accelerate reading and lanaprendizaje de lectura e idiomas. guage learning processes. La empresa de Coleman trabaja en establecer la Coleman’s venture is working to establish igualdad racial entre la fuerza laboral docente y la poracial parity between Philadelphia’s teaching blación estudiantil de Filadelfia. En un distrito escolar workforce and its student population. In a school en el que el cuerpo estudiantil es afroamericano en un district where the student body is more than 50 50 por ciento, y afroamericano masculino en un 27 por percent Black, and 27 percent Black male, only 4 ciento, solo el 4 por ciento de todos los docentes son hompercent of all teachers are Black men. bres afroamericanos. “You can’t be what you can’t see,” noted Cole“No se puede ser lo que no se ve”, señaló Coleman, man. He emphasized the importance of encourRasheed Coleman quien hizo énfasis en la importancia de alentar un inteaging the entrepreneurial interests of students

“En mi opinión, se trata de la promoción y de asegurarnos que las personas entiendan que esta es una dirección que pueden tomar y una oportunidad que se tiene para dirigir la propia experiencia personal” “For me, it’s about advocacy and making sure that people understand that this is a lane that you can take and an opportunity that you have to curate your own life experience.”

4 • MAYO 22 - 29, 2019 • ALDÍ




KEITH ELLISON, DIRECTOR de Urban League Entrepreneurship funge como moderador de una conversación con los emprendedores locales Kim Ramirez, Rasheed Coleman, Anushree Vora, y Jacob Walker sobre el futuro de la industrial de las empresas tecnológicas emergentes en Filadelfia. Foto: Mike

URBAN LEAGUE ENTREPRENEURSHIP Director Keith Ellison moderates a conversation with local entrepreneurs Kim Ramirez, Rasheed Coleman, Anushree Vora, and Jacob Walker on the future of the tech startup industry in Philadelphia.

Gray, TML Communications

Photo: Mike Gray, TML Communications

rés por el emprendimiento entre los estudiantes de Filadelfia y dijo que la municiin Philadelphia and said that the city could work harder to raise students’ palidad podría hacer más por incrementar el conocimiento de los estudiantes soawareness of the opportunities available to them through social entrepreneurbre las oportunidades disponibles para ellos mediante el emprendimiento social. ship. “En mi opinión, se trata de la promoción y de asegurarnos de que las personas “For me, it’s about advocacy and making sure that people understand that entiendan que esta es una dirección que pueden tomar y una oportunidad que se this is a lane that you can take and an opportunity that you have to curate your tiene para dirigir su propia experiencia personal”, dijo Coleman. own life experience,” said Coleman. La empresa de Vora también ayuda a los estudiantes de Filadelfia. AdmitAVora’s company also serves to help students in Philadelphia. AdmitAlly partlly asocia a jóvenes de la escuela secundaria con mentores que son estudiantes ners high school students with mentors who are current college undergrads to universitarios para ofrecerles orientación y apoyo en el proceso de admisión a la provide guidance and support through the college admissions process. universidad. Although the mission of his company is not as civically-driven as the other Aunque la misión de su empresa no es tan cívicamente motivada como las de entrepreneurs who spoke, Jacob Walker indicated that the social and economic los otros emprendedores que participaron, Jacob Walker indicó que el desarrodevelopment of the city remains critically important to his business and for all llo social y económico de la ciudad sigue siendo crucial tech startups in the city. para su empresa y para todas las empresas tecnológiHe highlighted that Philadelphia is a very cas emergentes en la ciudad. “liveable” city with many cost-saving benefits, Walker también subrayó que Filadelfia es una ciubut when placed in comparison to cities like New dad muy “habitable” con muchos beneficios económiYork, Houston, and San Francisco, outsiders can cos, pero cuando se compara con ciudades como Nueva feel skeptical. This can often make the task of York, Houston y San Francisco, las personas de fuera securing outside employees and investors more pueden sentir escepticismo; lo que, con frecuencia, puechallenging. de hacer que la tarea de asegurar empleados e inverso“I would rather pay more business taxes to do res de fuera sea más difícil. something to improve the perception of the city “Preferiría pagar más impuestos empresariales nationally,” said Walker. para hacer algo para mejorar la percepción de la ciu“Anything to improve the perception of the dad a escala nacional”, dijo Walker. city nationally is incredibly helpful for market“Cualquier cosa para mejorar la percepción de la ing, advertising, talent acquisition, and every ciudad a escala nacional es de enorme ayuda para la aspect of the business,” he added. comercialización, publicidad, adquisición de talento, y As transplant entrepreneurs in Philadelphia, todo aspecto del negocio”, agregó. both Walker and Vora suggested the city governComo emprendedores transferidos de otras ciudades ment could do more to provide business guidea Filadelfia, tanto Walker como Vora sugirieron que lines for new entrepreneurs. el gobierno municipal puede hacer más para ofrecer “The process of figuring out what you need to directrices empresariales a nuevos emprendedores. do is very difficult,” said Walker. “I have worked “El proceso de descifrar lo que uno necesita hacer in several other cities and I can say that, while es muy difícil”, dijo Walker. “He trabajado en varias it’s always universally difficult, in Philadelphia ciudades y puedo decir que, aunque siempre es difícil there’s definitely room in the city government en general, en Filadelfia sin duda hay mucho margen for improvement.” para mejoras en el gobierno municipal”. The panelists all agreed that city government Todos los panelistas aceptaron que los funcionarios officials could do a better job of becoming more del gobierno municipal podrían hacer una mejor labor aware and actively engaged with emerging startJacob Walker en cuanto a ser más conscientes y comprometidos con ups in the city. n las empresas emergentes en la ciudad. n

“Cualquier cosa para mejorar la percepción de la ciudad a escala nacional es de enorme ayuda para la comercialización, publicidad, adquisición de talento, y todo aspecto del negocio” “Anything to improve the perception of the city nationally is incredibly helpful for marketing, advertising, talent acquisition, and every aspect of the business.”

ALDÍ • MAY 22 - 29, 2019 • 5






DE VUELTA A LA CAMPAÑA PRESIDENCIAL El presidente Trump ha presentado su nuevo plan de inmigración, con la meta de priorizar el sistema de méritos y romper con la reagrupación familiar. Sin embargo, no propone ninguna solución al desastre administrativo ya existente.


onald Trump ha desvelado su último esfuerzo de campaña para las presidenciales 2020. Esta vez ha elegido el jardín de la Casa Blanca para presentar su visión para el sistema migratorio estadounidense. “Hoy presentamos un claro contraste”, dijo. “Los demócratas proponen fronteras abiertas, salarios más bajos y, francamente, un caos sin ley. Nosotros estamos proponiendo un plan de inmigración que ponga en primer lugar los empleos, los salarios y la seguridad de los trabajadores estadounidenses. Nuestra propuesta es proestadounidense, proinmigrante y protrabajador. Se trata sencillamente de sentido común”. La propuesta implica, nuevamente, la omisión de las prioridades migratorias de un grueso de la población inmigrante en el país.


Mientras su proyecto plantea priorizar “trabajadores altamente calificados sobre aquellos con familiares que ya se encuentran en el país”, no contempla una solución para los jóvenes indocumentados llegados al país cuando eran niños. Asimismo, el plan permitiría a los solicitantes “aumentar su elegibilidad en función de factores como la edad, la capacidad de hablar inglés, las ofertas de trabajo y su récord educativo”, según explicó el Washington Post. Quizás lo más sorprendente del asunto, es que ni su discurso ni su proyecto abordan la crisis migratoria en la frontera con México, lo que pareciera ser un giro en su estrategia por tratar el asunto de campaña desde un punto de vista más “positivo”. Según dijo un funcionario de la administración el pasado martes, la propuesta pretende “unificar a los Republicanos” y garantizar el apoyo en el Congreso. La “suavidad” de la propuesta sortea el

6 • MAYO 22 - 29, 2019 • ALDÍ



Reportera de AL DÍA News AL DÍA News Content Producer

President Trump has presented his new immigration plan, intending to prioritize the merit system and break with family reunification. However, it does not propose any solution to the administrative disaster already in place.


onald Trump has unveiled his latest campaign effort for the 2020 presidential race. This time he has launched his vision for the U.S. immigration system from the White House Rose Garden. “Today we’re presenting a clear contrast,” he said. “Democrats are proposing open borders, lower wages and frankly, lawless chaos. We are proposing an immigration plan that puts the jobs, wages, and safety of American workers first. Our proposal is pro-American, pro-immigrant and pro-worker. It’s just common sense.” But the proposal implies, once again, the omission of migratory policies which would benefit a large part of the immigrant population in the country.

La propuesta implica, nuevamente, la omisión de las prioridades migratorias de un grueso de la población inmigrante en el país. But the proposal implies, once again, the omission of migratory policies which would benefit a large part of the immigrant population in the country.


While his project raises the priority of “highly qualified workers over those with relatives who are already in the country,” it doesn’t include a solution for the undocumented youth who arrived in the country as children. Besides, the plan would allow applicants to “increase their eligibility based on factors such as age, ability to speak English, job offers and education record,” the Washington Post explained. Perhaps the most surprising thing is that neither his speech nor his project addresses the migratory crisis on the border with Mexico, which seems to be a turning point in his strategy to approach the campaign issue from a more “positive” point of view. An official of the administration said last Tuesday the proposal aims to “unify the Republicans” and guarantee support in Congress.




EL PRESIDENTE DE los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, habla durante un evento de Rose Garden sobre inmigración en la Casa Blanca el 16 de mayo de 2019 en Washington, D.C. El presidente Trump reveló su plan con un cambio importante sobre quiénes podrán emigrar a los Estados Unidos de América. (Foto por Alex

U.S. PRESIDENT DONALD Trump speaks during a Rose Garden event on immigration at the White House May 16, 2019, in Washington, DC. President Trump unveiled his plan with a major change on who will be allowed to immigrate to the United States of America. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Wong/Getty Images).

lenguaje contra la inmigración indocumentada, así como el impacto negativo que ha tenido toda su política en sus índices de aprobación.

UNA PROPUESTA NO ES UNA LEY De una u otra manera, su intención parece enfocarse directamente en el Congreso. “Es difícil construir consenso mientras se mantiene la urgencia”, explica Vox. “El esfuerzo de Trump por transmitir un mensaje más positivo también es una forma de acumular más exigencias a un Congreso que no está interesado en cumplir con las solicitudes de inmigración más modestas de la Casa Blanca”. Por lo tanto, esto es, nuevamente, tan solo un plan de campaña, no una propuesta de ley. ¿Por qué entonces hacer tanto alboroto al respecto? Esa respuesta podremos encontrarla en las próximas encuestas por las presidenciales. n

“Lo que estamos tratando de hacer en ciudades como Filadelfia es conseguir la representación equitativa a través de candidatos que den voz a la población”. “What we are trying to do in cities like Philadelphia is to achieve equitable representation through candidates that give voice to the population.”

The “softness” of the proposal evades language against undocumented immigration, as well as the negative impact that his policy has had on approval ratings.


One way or another, his intention seems to focus directly on Congress. “It is difficult to build consensus while maintaining urgency,” explains Vox. “Trump’s effort to put forward a more positive message is also a way to pile more demands on a Congress that’s proven uninterested in meeting even the most modest White House requests on immigration.” Therefore, this is, once again, just a campaign plan, not a bill. Why then make such a fuss about it? We may find that answer in the next presidential polls. n


ALDÍ • MAY 22 - 29, 2019 • 7






a pasada semana, Lucy Pinto tomó un descanso de su trabajo en Google para sumergirse en una conferencia sobre el desarrollo de liderazgo para los hispanos más sobresalientes en el ámbito empresarial. Salió de ella con nuevas destrezas y una sólida red de latinas de alto rendimiento para ayudarle a seguir con su carrera empresarial. Pinto dijo que le emociona que una de esas latinas sea directora ejecutiva en una de las empresas conocidas como Big Four (las cuatro empresas internacionales de servicios contables y profesionales) y alguien a quien espera emular. “Conocí a tantas latinas poderosas”, cuenta Pinto, una de las 400 personas que asistieron al Simposio anual sobre Responsabilidad Social de la Asociación Hispana (HACR por sus siglas en inglés) en el J.W. Marriott Marquis del centro de Miami. Otros puntos destacados del simposio incluyeron una conversación con Rosie G. Rios, la tesorera número 43 del país, quien actualmente es profesora visitante en el Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study en la Universidad de Harvard; el papel de la educación superior para ayudar a preparar a los latino a ser miembros de consejos administrativos; y varios desayunos y reuniones de networking n los que solo se pudo participar mediante invitación. “Los paneles estuvieron bien, pero siento que lo que más aprendí fue de otras latinos que asistieron”, dijo PInto. “Algunas de nosotras tenemos planes de tomar un café, para aprender más sobre nuestras experiencias en el terreno corporativo”. Pinto, que trabaja como gerente de un programa de sistemas y diseño de diversidad en Google, fue escogida para participar en el programa Young Corporate Achievers del HACR, un esfuerzo de desarrollo de liderazgo. Y espera que sus jefes consideren su participación en el simposio de HACR como una inversión sólida en el futuro de ambos. Aún queda por ver si será suficiente para impulsar a Pinto, quien define su puesto en LinkedIn como “el trabajo en las iniciativas que invierten en comunidades que están subrepresentadas en línea para explotar su potencial y dirigir el impacto en los resultados dentro de los niveles superiores del mundo empresarial”.


MARILYN GARATEIX Especial para AL DÍA News AL DÍA Exclusive

Symposium prepares Hispanics for leadership roles in business. MIAMI


ucy Pinto took a break last week from her job at Google to immerse herself in a leadership development conference for top Hispanics in business. She walked away with new skills and a solid network of high-achieving Latinas to aid her as she pursues her corporate career. She is excited that one of those Latinas, Pinto said, is a managing director at a Big Four company (the four largest international accounting and professional services firms) and someone Pinto hopes to emulate. “I met so many powerful Latinas,” said Pinto, one of about 400 people who attended the 27th annual Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR) Symposium at the J.W. Marriott Marquis in downtown Miami. Other highlights of the symposium included a conversation with Rosie G. Rios, the country’s 43rd Treasurer who is currently a visiting scholar at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University; the role of higher education in helping to prepare Latinos to sit on corporate boards; and several by invitation only networking breakfasts and meetings. “The panels themselves were ok but I feel like I learned the most from other Latinas in attendance,” Pinto said. “Some of us are planning to grab coffee one-on-one to learn more about our experiences navigating the corporate landscape.” Pinto, who works for Google as a diversity systems & design program manager, was chosen to be part of HACR’s Young Corporate Achievers program, a leadership development effort. She hopes her bosses will view her time at the HACR symposium as a sound investment in both of their futures. It remains to be seen whether it will all be enough to propel Pinto, who defines her job on LinkedIn as “work on initiatives that invest in communities that are underrepresented online to untap their potential and drive bottom line impact,’’ into the upper echelons of the business world.

Las latinas ocupan sólo el 2 por ciento de los puestos en los consejos corporativos y el 4 por ciento de los puestos ejecutivos en Fortune 500. Latinas hold only 2 percent of corporate board seats, 4 percent of executive positions in Fortune 500.


Ser miembro del consejo administrativo de una empresa de Fortune 100 o 500 es un objetivo difícil de lograr para muchos hispanos, así como para otros grupos minoritarios y mujeres. Según un informe publicado el año pasado y sobre el que se conversó durante el simposio de HACR, las latinas solo ocupan un dos por ciento de los puestos en los consejos de administración y un cuatro por ciento de los cargos ejecutivos en las empresas Fortune 100. Y solo un uno por ciento de los CEOs son latinas. Todo ello pese a que las latinas son el sector de más rápido crecimiento en el 8 • MAYO 22 - 29, 2019 • ALDÍ


Joining the board of directors of a Fortune 100 or 500 company remains an elusive goal for many Hispanics, as well as other minorities and women. According to a report released last year and discussed during the HACR symposium: Latinas hold only two percent of corporate board seats and four percent of executive positions in the Fortune 100 companies. Only one percent of direct reports to CEOs are Latinas. This is true, even as Latinas are the fastest-growing sector of the entrepreneurial market and are the primary financial decision makers in their households, according to HACR, which is launching a year-long research project to determine the obstacles Latinas face in securing corporate board seats.

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THE HONORABLE ROSIE G. Rios speaks during an executive session at the 27th annual HACR Symposium.

LA HONORABLE ROSIE G. Rios habla durante una sesión ejecutiva en el 27º Simposio anual de HACR. Foto:

Photo: Keyvan Antonio Heydari

Keyvan Antonio Heydari

mercado empresarial y las principales responsables de la toma de decisiones en sus hogares, según HACR, que está poniendo en marcha un proyecto de investigación de un año para establecer los obstáculos que enfrentan las latinas a la hora de asegurar un puesto en los consejos administrativos. Quienes lograr llegar hasta arriba están bajo la mirada del microscopio y cada paso que dan es escudriñado. A principios de este año, Geisha Williams, la primera y única latina que ocupa el puesto de CEO de una empresa Fortune 500, se retiró como líder de Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), una empresa de servicios públicos, propiedad de inversores, ante las acusaciones que vinculaban a la empresa con los incendios forestales. Williams, una mujer de negocios cubanoestadounidense se convirtió en CEO y presidenta en 2017.



Entre el 2016 y el 2026, se prevé que las mujeres hispanas tendrán el mayor incremento porcentual en la fuerza laboral entre todas las mujeres, Between 2016 and 2026, Hispanic women are projected to have the largest labor force percentage increase.

El informe ‘Missing Pieces Report: The 2018 Board Diversity Census of Women and Minorities on Fortune 500 Boards’, publicado por la Alliance for Board Diversity (Alianza en favor de la diversidad en los consejos -ABD por sus siglas en inglés), un grupo de organizaciones, entre las que se encuentra HACR, ofrece opiniones diversas. Las buenas noticias: desde el 2012, el número de compañías Fortune 500 con una diversidad mayor al 40 por ciento se ha duplicado. Además, las mujeres afroamericanas y las asiáticas/isleñas del pacífico constituyeron el aumento porcentual más grande en puestos en los consejos que ocuparon tanto en las empresas Fortune 100 como Fortune 500. La ABD estableció una meta para que el 40 por ciento de todos los puestos fueron ocupados por mujeres y/o personas de grupos minoritarios en las compañías Fortune 500 para el 2020. A este ritmo, dicen que la meta será alcanzada en el 2024. Las noticias para los hispanos: • Entre el 2016 y el 2018, los hombres hispanos llegaron a ocupar tres puestos en los consejos de las empresas Fortune 100, para un total de 40, y 21 puestos más en los consejos de las empresas Fortune 500, para un total de 147. • El setenta por ciento o cerca de 350 empresas Fortune 500 no contaban con un hispano en su consejo. • Solo un dos por ciento o 10 CEOs de empresas Fortune 500 son de ascendencia hispana. • Solo un cuatro por ciento de las empresas Fortune 500 contaban con dos hispanos en su consejo. Otro motivo por el cual las latinas necesitan estar representadas en los niveles 10 • MAYO 22 - 29, 2019 • ALDÍ

Those who do make it to the top are under a microscope with their every move scrutinized. Earlier this year, Geisha Williams, the first and only Latina CEO of a Fortune 500 company, stepped down from leading Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Company, an investor-owned utility, amid accusations linking the company to wildfires. A Cuban-American businesswoman, WIlliams became CEO and President in 2017. The Missing Pieces Report: The 2018 Board Diversity Census of Women and Minorities on Fortune 500 Boards, published by the Alliance for Board Diversity (ABD), a collection of organizations, including HACR, offers mixed reviews. The good news: Since 2012, the number of Fortune 500 companies that are more than 40 percent diverse has doubled. Also, African American/Black women and Asian/Pacific Islander women made the largest percentage increase in board seats gained in both the Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies. ABD set a target for 40 percent of all board seats to be occupied by women and/or minorities in the Fortune 500 by 2020. At this pace, they say the target will be met in 2024.


These are the actual numbers: • Between 2016 and 2018, Hispanic men gained three seats on the boards of Fortune 100 companies, bringing the total to 40. They gained 21 seats on the boards of Fortune 500 companies making the total 147. • Seventy percent or nearly 350 companies of the Fortune 500 did not have a Hispanic on their board. • Only two percent or 10 Fortune 500 CEOs are of Hispanic heritage. • Only four percent of Fortune 500 companies had two Hispanics on their board. Another reason Latina women need to be represented at the top, advocates say: Between 2016 and 2026, Hispanic women are projected to have the largest percentage increase in the labor force among all women, according to Catalyst, a nonprofit that works with CEOs and companies “to build workplaces that work for women,” and a member of ABD. Cid Wilson, President & CEO of HACR, called for leaders at the symposium and beyond to advocate on behalf of their Hispanic counterparts. He mentioned that when he meets other CEOs and major leaders, he educates them



más altos, dicen los defensores, es que entre el 2016 y el 2026 se prevé que las mujeres hispanas tendrán el mayor incremento porcentual en la fuerza laboral entre todas las mujeres, según Catalyst, una organización sin fines de lucro que trabaja con CEOs y empresas “para crear lugares de trabajo que funcionan para las mujeres” y es miembro de la ABD. Cid Wilson, presidente y CEO de HACR, hizo un llamamiento para que los líderes participantes en el simposio aboguen por sus homólogos hispanos. Y mencionó que cuando conoce a otros CEOs y líderes importantes, los educa sobre la dinámica de la comunidad hispana y el poder que podrían ejercer. “Les digo todo el tiempo que la diversidad e inclusión es una mejor estrategia que la globalización”, dijo Wilson. “Este es el momento para que las comunidades hispanas se levanten y digan aquí estamos y necesitamos estar en esos consejos”.


El simposio de HACR concluyó con una mesa redonda en la que participaron tres CEOs: Arnold W. Donald de Carnival Corporation, Jo Ann Jenkins de AARP, y Tim Ryan de PwC. Donald, quien dirige una empresa de más de 120.000 empleados, le dijo al público que la manera más segura de aumentar el número de las personas de minorías y de mujeres en los consejos de administración sería que los líderes empresariales sencillamente “lo asimilen”. “Es necesario ser intencional y deliberado”, dijo Donald. “Hay que decir que esto es importante para mi empresa”. Donald, uno de los pocos CEOs afroamericanos que dirige una compañía Fortune 500, aseguró que se deben dar a la diversidad e inclusión la misma prioridad que se da a hacer dinero. “Ninguno dice ‘bueno, vamos a pensar sobre sacar alguna ganancia’”, dijo. “Sencillamente lo hace”. Así, exhortó a los miembros del consejo subrepresentados a que ayuden a traer sangre nueva a sus organizaciones en vez de aceptar más y más nombramientos. El ‘Missing Pieces Report’ señaló que las “tasas de recirculación” —la tasa en

“Este es el momento para que las comunidades hispanas se levanten y digan aquí estamos y necesitamos estar en esos consejos. “This is the time for Hispanic communities to rise up and say we are here and need to be on boards.” Cid Wilson on the dynamics of the Hispanic community and the power they could wield. “I tell these CEOs all the time that diversity and inclusion is a better strategy than globalization,” Wilson said. “This is the time for Hispanic communities to rise up and say we are here and we need to be on these boards.”

RÍOS FIRMANDO MONEDA estadounidense que tiene su nombre completo, Rosa Gumataotao Ríos. Foto: Keyvan Antonio Heydari.

RIOS SIGNING U.S. currency which has her full name, Rosa Gumataotao Rios. Photo: Keyvan Antonio Heydari.

Tu Corazón, Tu Salud, Tu Idioma El Programa Lationoamericano de Cardiologia ofrece los mejores especialistas en la salud cardiaca tanto para las mujeres como para los pacientes masculinos. Nuestros medicos latinos ofrecen una atencion personal en tu idioma. Para obtener mas informacion sobre el Programa Latinoamericano de Cardiolgia, o para programar una evaluacion, llame al 215-456-3930.


HACR’s symposium wrapped up with a roundtable featuring three CEOs: Arnold W. Donald from Carnival Corporation, Jo Ann Jenkins from AARP, and Tim Ryan from PwC. Donald, who runs a company with more than 120,000 employees, told the audience the surest way to increase the number of minorities and women on corporate a boards would be for business leaders to simply “own it.” “You have to be intentional and purposeful,” Donald said. “You have to say this is important to my company.” Donald, one of a few black CEOs leading a Fortune 500 company, did not hold back as he spoke at HACR’s symposium. Corporate business leaders, Donald said, have to give diversity and inclusion the same priority they give to making money. “Nobody says ‘oh we’re going to think about making some profit,’” he said. “They just do it.” He urged existing underrepresented board members to help bring in new blood to their organizations rather than just taking on more board appointments.

Dr. Christian Witzke-Sanz Cardiología intervencionista

Dr. Leandro Slipczuk Cardiología clínica

ALDÍ • MAY 22 - 29, 2019 • 11


EL PRESIDENTE Y CEO de HACR, Cid Wilson, con un asistente al Simposio HACR en Miami. Foto: Keyvan

Antonio Heydari.

que las personas individuales sirven en más de un consejo— aumentaron para muchos grupos minoritarios entre 2016 y 2018. Las mujeres hispanas/latinas y las mujeres afroamericanas tuvieron tasas de recirculación de 1,36 y 1,39, respectivamente. En contraposición, los hombres blancos tuvieron una tasa de recirculación de 1,19. Pinto dijo que la mesa redonda de los CEOs fue una señal de que “más y más ejecutivos del nivel “C-suite” (término utilizado para describir a los ejecutivos y directores corporativos) están interesados en acercarse a nuestra comunidad dado el poder colectivo económico que tenemos”. Y agregó que “esta es una oportunidad que nuestra comunidad puede aprovechar”. El consultor Jose Pinero ha trabajado en ambos lados de la historia, capacitando a los hispanos sobre cómo salir adelante y ayudando a las empresas a que se diversifiquen. Pinero, propietario de The Cultivation Company, ha trabajado con empresas Fortune 100 y 500 que incluyen a Amazon, Google, Facebook y Microsoft sobre la mejor manera de adoptar la inclusión. “Necesitamos tener gente en los consejos que entienda nuestra historia, nuestros valores y nuestra manera de pensar”, dijo Pinero, señalando que los hispanos eventualmente conformarán un tercio de la población estadounidense. Las empresas que ignoran la voz latina sencillamente ignoran el resultado final, dijo. Los informes publicados sitúan el poder adquisitivo hispano en 1.700 millones de dólares. Al mismo tiempo, los hispanos necesitan ser conscientes y establecer expectativas más altas para sí mismos, dijo Pinero. También necesitan adaptarse sin perder su identidad hispana. “No funciona si ocultamos quiénes somos para ser exitosos” dijo Pinero. n

12 • MAYO 22 - 29, 2019 • ALDÍ


HACR PRESIDENT & CEO Cid Wilson with an attendee at the HACR Symposium in Miami. Photo: Keyvan Antonio Heydari.

The Missing Pieces Report pointed out the “recycle rates” — the rate at which individuals serve on more than one board — increased for many minority groups from 2016 to 2018. Hispanic/Latinas and African American/ Black women had “recycle rates” of 1.36 and 1.39, respectively. In contrast, Caucasian/White men had a recycle rate of 1.19. Pinto said the CEO roundtable was a sign that “more and more C-suite (a term used to describe corporate officers and directors) level executives are interested in getting more proximate to our community given the collective economic [and] purchasing power that we have.” She added: “This is an opportunity for our community to capitalize on.” Consultant Jose Pinero has worked on both sides of the aisle, coaching Hispanics on how to get ahead and helping companies diversify. Pinero, owner of The Cultivation Company, has worked with Fortune 100 and 500 companies including Amazon, Google, Facebook and Microsoft on the best way to embrace inclusion. “We need to have people on boards that understand our story, our values and how we think,” said Pinero, noting that Hispanics will eventually make up one third of the U.S. population. Companies that ignore the Latino voice are simply ignoring the bottom line, he said. Published reports put Hispanic purchasing power at $1.7 trillion. At the same time, Hispanics need to be self-aware and set higher expectations for themselves, Pinero said. They also need to adapt without losing their Hispanic identity. “It doesn’t work if we hide who we are to be successful,” Pinero said. He didn’t attend the HACR symposium, but Pinero said organizations like HACR need to continue advocating for better representation on corporate boards and preparing Hispanics to take on such high-profile jobs. “We have to keep pushing the boundaries,” he said. n


por jubilarse luego de 28 años de servicio, que incluyeron 13 como Presidente y Director General, en Health Partners Plans (HPP). Nosotros, la Junta Directiva, le agradecemos por: Hacer crecer de forma significativa las membresías de HPP para asegurar que más pensilvanos reciban cuidados. Establecer el programa Food is Medicine (La comida es medicina), el cual tiene reconocimiento nacional y que ha provisto de más de 665,000 comidas nutritivas a los miembros. Liderar HPP al tener el único plan Pennsylvania Medicaid con estatus excelente otorgado por el Comité Nacional de Garantía de Calidad a partir del 12 de septiembre de 2018.


Sobre todo, le agradecemos por su profunda preocupación por nuestros miembros en todo lo que hace.

Barry R. Freedman, Chairman President and CEO, Einstein Healthcare Network

Loree D. Jones, Vice Chair Chief of Staff, Office of the Chancellor, Rutgers University–Camden

Herbert P. White, Secretary Interim Senior Vice President & CFO, Temple University Health System & Temple University Hospital

Michael Walsh, Treasurer Sr. Vice President, Finance, and CFO, Aria/Jefferson Health

Board of Directors

Larry R. Kaiser, MD President and CEO, Temple University Health System

Cynthia Figueroa Commissioner, Department of Human Services, City of Philadelphia

Clarence D. Armbrister, J.D. President, Johnson C. Smith University





Reportera de AL DÍA News AL DÍA News Content Producer

JOSEPH DOMINGUEZ CEO of ComEd, Largest Energy Company in the Midwest



LOS INVITADOS DE varios sectores profesionales se presenciaron para el primer evento de la serie de oradores globales de AL DÍA.

DISTINGUISHED GUESTS FROM various sectors gathered at the inaugural AL DÍA Global Speakers event on May 15. Photo: Manuel Flores / AL DÍA News

Foto: Manuel Flores / AL DÍA News

El primer latino en convertirse en CEO de la compañía energética pública más grande de Illinois, ComEd, compartió su visión sobre el futuro de la energía en Estados Unidos en el acto inaugural del evento AL DÍA Global Speakers el pasado 15 de mayo.

The first Latino to serve as CEO of the largest public utility company in Illinois, ComEd, shared his vision for the future of energy in the U.S. and beyond at the inaugural AL DÍA Global Speakers event on May 15.

acía tan solo cuatro meses que Joseph Domínguez estaba al frente de la empresa de servicios públicos más grande de Illinois, cuando tuvo que enfrentarse a los desafíos de “uno de los inviernos más brutales en la historia de Chicago”. La peor tormenta de hielo de los últimos veinte años en la Ciudad del Viento se produjo justo después del Día de Acción de Gracias y llegó seguida de un vórtice polar sin precedentes a finales de enero de 2019. Las temperaturas bajaron hasta los -30 grados Fahrenheit, pero el viento hacía que la sensación térmica fuera de -60 grados. Las escuelas y las oficinas cerraron sus puertas, las líneas eléctricas dejaron de estar operativas y el gobernador de Illinois, J.B. Pritzker, declaró el estado de emergencia. Como director general de Commonwealth Edison, más conocida como ComEd, Domínguez se ha enfrentado a muchos retos a la hora de garantizar que la energía eléctrica se restablezca o esté disponible para los más de cuatro millones de clientes con los que cuenta la compañía en la zona norte de Illinois (de los cuales casi 10.000 se quedaron sin energía durante el vórtice). Esto significa trabajar hasta altas horas de la noche y temprano en la mañana, comenzando con llamadas sobre la estrategia y el progreso de la compañía a las 6 a.m. Sin embargo, para Domínguez, en esa ocasión su trabajo no fue nada en comparación con los esfuerzos de muchos de los trabajadores de la compañía en el terreno, a los que se refiere como “las tropas” y quienes asegura le hicieron sentirse “orgulloso” de liderar la empresa. “La forma en la que estas personas, a las que llamo deliberadamente héroes, salieron para mantener la electricidad de 4 millones de familias y empresas en las peores circunstancias… No puedo asistir a eso sin desprendérseme una gran sensación de asombro y un gran sentido del orgullo por ocupar este asiento con el que les represento”, asegura Domínguez. El CEO cuenta que los trabajadores en el terreno, que enfrentan condiciones climáticas extremas, son solo un ejemplo de los muchos que ponen de relieve la necesidad de que las empresas de servicios públicos y todas las corporaciones del sector ener-

oseph Dominguez had just taken over the helm of the largest public utility company in Illinois a scant four months before when he was faced with challenges borne of “one of the most brutal winters in Chicago history.” The worst ice storm in twenty-plus years to hit the Windy City blew through just after Thanksgiving, and that was followed by the unprecedented polar vortex at the end of January 2019. Temperatures went down to negative 30 degrees Fahrenheit, with a wind chill that meant that it felt like negative 60 degrees when you stepped outside your door. Schools and offices closed as conditions worsened, power lines went down, and Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker declared a state of emergency. As CEO of Commonwealth Edison, better known as ComEd, Dominguez has faced many challenges in his work to ensure that electrical power was either restored or ensured for the company’s more than four million customers across Northern Illinois - nearly 10,000 of whom lost power during the polar vortex. That meant late nights, working until 10 p.m., and early mornings, starting with calls about the company’s strategy and progress as early as 6 a.m. But for Dominguez, his constant work directing quick action was nothing compared to the efforts of many of the company’s workers on the ground, “the troops,” as he refers to them, who he says have made him “proud” to be in a position to lead the company. “These folks, who I deliberately call heroes, the way they go out there to tackle keeping the lights on for 4 million families and businesses under the worst circumstances, you can’t watch that without coming away with a great sense of awe, and you can’t watch that without coming away with a great sense of pride to be in the position, to have this seat to represent them,” he said. The CEO said that thinking about the workers on the ground facing those extreme weather conditions is just one example of many that highlight the necessity for public utility companies and all corporations in the energy sector to develop substantive tools to combat the effects of climate change and mitigate the factors contributing to global warming.



ComEd provee servicios para más de 4 millones de clientes en la región de Chicago. ComEd serves more than 4 million customers in Northern Illinois.

ALDÍ • MAY 22 - 29, 2019 • 15



gético desarrollen herramientas para combatir los efectos del cambio climático y mitigar los factores que contribuyen al calentamiento global. En una entrevista con el CEO de AL DÍA, Hernán Guaracao, en el Union League de Filadelfia el pasado 15 de mayo, y durante el discurso inaugural de la serie Global Speaker de AL DÍA, ante una audiencia de más de 100 personas, Domínguez destacó la importancia de una estrategia cohesiva por parte de las corporaciones de energía y las empresas de servicios públicos, como ComEd, para abordar tanto el cambio climático como los problemas de equidad social existentes en Chicago, Filadelfia y otras ciudades y áreas de todo el país. Domínguez, que continúa siendo desconocido para una audiencia nacional –ha ejercido de CEO de ComEd durante solo 10 meses–, admitió en su entrevista con AL DÍA que, naturalmente, prefiere trabajar más “entre bastidores” y mantener un perfil bajo. Pero su disposición a discutir temas como el cambio climático, la equidad laboral y la diversidad e inclusión dejan claro que se encuentra a la vanguardia de esa oleada de líderes empresariales con una mentalidad global que están definiendo el futuro de los EE.UU. y del mundo.


El camino de Domínguez hacia el éxito corporativo fue cualquier cosa menos predecible. Nació en Union City (Nueva Jersey), donde se establecieron sus padres huyendo de Cuba a principios de los 50, tras la revolución con la que Fidel Castro llegó al poder. Su padre era un trabajador del metal y “desde su perspectiva, también hubiera sido bueno que Joe se dedicara a lo mismo“, cuenta Domínguez. Pero su madre tenía ideas diferentes. “Mi madre fue, quizás, la persona más increíble que he conocido en mi vida”, asegura Domínguez, quien la perdió hace más de 15 años. Aunque nunca se graduó en la escuela secundaria, era una ávida lectora que podía

“A menos que esté preparado para ayudar a las personas a adaptarse y permitir diferentes estilos, entonces no va a cambiar nada”. Joe Dominguez llegar a “leer un libro por noche”, en inglés o en español, recuerda. Fue su “apetito voraz por el conocimiento” y su compromiso con la educación lo que llevó a Domínguez y a su hermana a decidirse a realizar estudios de pregrado y posgrado. Domínguez comenzó siguiendo los pasos de su padre, quien de joven soñaba con ser ingeniero en Cuba, pero nunca tuvo suficiente dinero para poder inscribirse en ningún programa. Sin embargo, tras obtener su licenciatura en Ingeniería Mecánica en el Instituto de Tecnología de Nueva Jersey y trabajar de ello, Domínguez decidió, con el estímulo de su madre, perseguir su sueño de convertirse en abogado. El ingeniero se graduó en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Rutgers y trabajó en el área de Filadelfia, como socio del bufete de abogados White and Williams, LLP, y de abogado asistente de los Estados Unidos en el Distrito Este de Pensilvania. Precisamente es su experiencia en el campo de la energía, tanto en le terreno legal como en el sector de la ingeniería, lo que le otorga una perspectiva única como ejecutivo en el sector. “Me gusta pensar que la base que tengo, comenzando desde el lado técnico y trabajando como ingeniero durante unos seis años, y luego, el haber pasado por la ley y la política pública, me ha dado la experiencia necesaria para asumir el papel de CEO”, explica Domínguez. En 2002, se unió a Exelon, la compañía matriz de ComEd y PECO con sede en Filadelfia, como abogado general asociado, responsable de los litigios en la zona del Atlántico. Domínguez se convirtió en consejero general de PECO en 2004, y, en 2007, en vicepresidente senior de asuntos gubernamentales y regulatorios estatales y en consejero general de Exelon Generation. Antes de ser nombrado director general de ComEd, ejerció de vicepresidente senior de comunicaciones en 2009 y fue vicepresidente ejecutivo de asuntos gubernamentales, regulatorios y políticas públicas de Exelon, una función que le permitió centrarse en el desarrollo y la implementación de regulaciones y estrategias de

16 • MAYO 22 - 29, 2019 • ALDÍ

“Crear oportunidades para las personas que no las han tenido es la clave del éxito”. “Creating opportunities for people who haven’t seen them is kind of the key to success.” Joe Dominguez

JOE DOMINGUEZ IGHLIGHTED the steps that all corporations in the energy sector and beyond must take in order to confront the challenge of climate change. Photo: Manuel Flores / AL DÍA News In a one-on-one interview with AL DÍA CEO Hernán Guaracao at the Union League on May 15, and in a keynote address delivered to an audience of more than 100 people that evening as the inaugural event of AL DÍA’s Global Speaker series, Dominguez stressed the importance of a cohesive strategy on the part of energy corporations, and public utility companies such as ComEd, in particular, to address both climate change and also the existing social equity issues present in Chicago, Philadelphia, and other cities and areas throughout the country. Dominguez remains mostly unknown to a national audience - he has served as the CEO of the ComEd for just 10 months, and admitted in his interview with AL DÍA that he naturally prefers to work more “behind the scenes” and maintain a low profile. But his willingness to step up and discuss issues of climate change, work equity, and diversity and inclusion has made it clear that Dominguez is at the forefront of a wave of globally-minded business leaders who are defining the future of the U.S. and beyond.


Dominguez’s path to corporate success was anything but predictable. He was born in Union City, New Jersey, to parents who had fled Cuba in the early 1950s after the revolution occurred and Fidel Castro came to power. His father was a sheet metal worker, and “from his perspective, it would have been great if Joe was a sheet metal man, too,” Dominguez told AL DÍA. But his mother had different ideas. “My mother was, perhaps, the most amazing person I have ever met in my life,” said Dominguez, who lost his mother over 15 years ago. Though she never graduated high school, she was an avid reader who could “read a book a night,” in English or Spanish, he recalled. It was his mother’s “tremendous appetite for knowledge” and commitment to education that led Dominguez and his sister to pursue undergraduate and graduate studies as they got older. Dominguez originally followed in the footsteps of his father, who had dreamed



of becoming an engineer as a young man in Cuba, but never had enough money to be able to enroll in any programs. But after earning his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and working in the field, Dominguez decided, with the encouragement of his mother, to pursue his dream of becoming a lawyer. The former engineer graduated from Rutgers University School of Law and went on to work in the Philadelphia area as a partner in the law firm of White and Williams, LLP, as well as an assistant U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Experience in both the engineering and legal fields of energy has given Dominguez a unique advantage as an executive in the sector, he noted. “I like to think that the foundation I laid, starting out from the technical side working as an engineer for about six years or so, and then moving into law and public policy gave me a good rounding to take on the role of the CEO,” said Dominguez. In 2002, Dominguez joined Exelon, the parent company of both ComEd and Philadelphia-based PECO, as their associate general counsel, responsible for litigation in the Mid-Atlantic region. Dominguez became general counsel for PECO in 2004, and in 2007 became senior vice president of state regulatory and government affairs and general counsel of Exelon Generation. From there, Dominguez also served as senior vice president of communications in 2009. Before becoming CEO of ComEd, Dominguez was the executive vice president of government and regulatory affairs and public policy for Exelon, a role which allowed him to focus on developing and implementing regulatory and public policy strategies at the federal, state, and regional levels for one of the country’s largest electrical companies.

JOE DOMINGUEZ DESTACÓ los pasos que deben tomar todas las corporaciones en el sector de energía y más allá para lidiar con el cambio climáctico. Foto: Manuel Flores / AL DÍA News políticas públicas a nivel federal, estatal y regional para una de las compañías eléctricas más grandes del país. El resultado es una impresionante lista de logros, que incluye varios reconocimientos y premios, que ha marcado una trayectoria profesional que, según aseguró Domínguez a AL DÍA, nunca se había planeado. Simplemente se centró en aprovechar al máximo cada puesto y en desarrollar sus habilidades en cada paso del camino.


Domínguez cuenta que para él, igual que sucede en el caso otros líderes, tener una comprensión de una experiencia y una herencia cultural única es un activo en América corporativa. “Si sale de un contexto en el que creo que no siempre sintió que encajaba, en cada situación, sé que no lo hice, creo que su sensibilidad aumenta”, reflexiona. “Y su capacidad para hablar con la gente y hacer que se sientan cómodos y sean sensibles a sus problemas es mayor, y creo que esa es la verdadera clave para el éxito”. La inclusión integral es algo que Domínguez considera una parte fundamental de todas las corporaciones. Así, reconoce que de todos los consejos que daría a otros ejecutivos de su compañía, el más frecuente sería el de “crear oportunidades para otros”. “Sabemos que el talento existe en todas partes. Resulta que el señor lo esparció como mantequilla de maní. Pero la oportunidad no está presente en todos los lugares. Por lo tanto, crear oportunidades para las personas que no las han tenido es la clave del éxito”, destaca Domínguez. Asimismo, agrega que las empresas deben tener su “corazón y alma” en la diversidad y la inclusión para que sea “no solo un juego de números”. Ya que, para garantizar que la inclusión esté realmente allí, la “cultura de la empresa” en sí misma también debe ser reevaluada y reformulada. “A menos que esté preparado para ayudar a las personas a adaptarse y permitir diferentes estilos, entonces no va a cambiar nada. Y creo que aquellas compañías que dicen ser diversas y han atraído a personas pero no pueden cambiar las

“Unless you’re prepared to help people fit in, and allow for different styles, then you’re not going to move the needle.” Joe Dominguez It’s an impressive list of achievements, which includes various honors and prizes that Dominguez has been awarded along the way. But he told AL DÍA that his career trajectory was never planned - he simply has focused on gaining the most from each position and developing his skills each step of the way.


Dominguez said that for him, and for other leaders, having an understanding of a unique cultural experience and heritage is an asset in Corporate America. “If you come out of a background where I think you didn’t necessarily always feel like you fit in, in every situation - I know I didn’t -, I think your sensitivity is heightened,” he reflected. “And your ability to kind of talk to folks and make them feel comfortable, and be sensitive to their issues, is heightened, and I think that’s a real key to success.” Comprehensive inclusion is something that Dominguez believes is integral to the bottom-line of all corporations. He said that of all the advice he would pass on to other executives at his company, the most prevalent - would be to “create opportunities for others.” “We know that talent exists everywhere. As it turns out, the good Lord spread it around pretty much like peanut butter. But opportunity hasn’t existed everywhere. So creating opportunities for people who haven’t seen them is kind of the key to success,” said Dominguez. Dominguez added that companies have to have their “heart and soul” into diversity and inclusion so that it’s “not just a numbers game.” To ensure that inclusion is truly there, the “company culture” itself also has to be reassessed and reformed. “Unless you’re prepared to help people fit in, and allow for different styles, then you’re not going to move the needle. And I think those companies that claim to be diverse and in fact have brought people in but can’t move the needle, it’s because they haven’t taken advantage of that diversity,” he said.

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COVER cosas es porque no se han aprovechado de esa diversidad”, sostiene. Domínguez reconoce que los últimos siete años en ComEd han sido sus mejores años, con una mejora en la fiabilidad eléctrica de más del 60 por ciento, y no es una coincidencia que ese crecimiento se haya sumado a los esfuerzos sustantivos por aumentar la diversidad y la inclusión dentro de la organización. En el mismo periodo de siete años, ComEd cuadruplicó la cantidad de dinero gastado en empresas propiedad de mujeres y personas de color, hasta el punto de que en la actualidad 40 centavos de cada dólar que gastan es con un negocio propiedad de mujeres o personas de color. Además, el 70 por ciento de los contratados han sido personas de este colectivo y el equipo directivo de Domínguez es un 60 por ciento más diverso. “Para mí, la diversidad y la inclusión no está desconectada del éxito que hemos tenido como negocio”, confiesa Domínguez. “Creo que la gente solía decir: ‘Oye, ComEd es una gran compañía, y hace diversidad e inclusión’. Hoy creo que la gente dirá que ComEd es una gran compañía porque hace bien la diversidad y la inclusión”.


Aunque aún es un asunto controvertido en la política nacional, muchos líderes corporativos aceptan la necesidad de abordar el cambio climático como una necesidad. Los eventos climáticos extremos, el aumento de las temperaturas, los vórtices polares y otros fenómenos afectan las ganancias, a los equipos, a la base de los consumidores y a todo. Ignorarlo y no establecer medidas para mitigar sus efectos y reducir su im-

pacto es un fracaso no solo de la conciencia moral sino también de la visión de negocios, según Domínguez y las opiniones expuestas por la empresa matriz de ComEd. En su discurso ante los cerca de 100 invitados reunidos en el Union League de Filadelfia, Domínguez dedicó casi todos los 40 minutos de su discurso a explicar los desastres y las dificultades a las que el cambio climático ya ha contribuido en todo EE. UU., y lo que ComEd y otros en el sector energético pueden hacer al respecto.

“Hoy creo que la gente dirá que ComEd es una gran compañía porque hace bien la diversidad y la inclusión”. “People will say that ComEd is a great companay because it does diversity and inclusion well.” Joe Dominguez Dominguez emphasized that the last seven years for ComEd have been its best seven years, with an improvement in electric reliability of over 60 percent and it’s no coincidence that that growth has come alongside substantive efforts to increase diversity and inclusion within the organization. In the same seven-year period, ComEd quadrupled the amount of money spent with businesses owned by women and people of color, to the point that now 40 cents of every dollar they spend is with a woman-owned business or a business owned by people of color. In the workforce, 70 percent of those hired have been women and people of color. Right now, Dominguez’s management team is 60 percent diverse. “To me this focus on diversity and inclusion is not disconnected from the success we’ve had as a business,” Dominguez said. “I think people used to say, ‘Hey, ComEd is a great company, and it does diversity and inclusion.’Today I think people will say that ComEd is a great company because it does diversity and inclusion well.”


DOMINGUEZ HABLÓ ABIERTAMENTE sobre los retos que los ingenieros tienen que enfrentar para adaptar el sistema para incorporar más fuentes de energia renovable y continuar a proveer poder a sus clientes de una forma confiable. Foto: Manuel Flores / AL DÍA News DOMINGUEZ TALKED OPENLY about the challenges that engineers must confront in order to adapt the electrical grid so that it incorporates renewable energy sources, while still ensuring reliability in providing power to its customers. Photo: Manuel Flores / AL DÍA News 18 • MAYO 22 - 29, 2019 • ALDÍ

Though still controversial at the level of national politics, the need to address climate change is accepted by many corporate leaders as a bottom-line necessity. Extreme weather events, increase in temperatures, polar vortexes, and more affect profits, equipment, consumer base - anything and everything. And to ignore it and not put in place measures to mitigate its effects and reduce its impact is a failure of not simply moral conscience but business acumen, according to Dominguez and the views outlined by ComEd’s parent company of Exelon. In his speech to the close to 100 guests gathered at the Union League of Philadelphia, Dominguez devoted nearly all 40 minutes of his address to explain-


EN UNA ENTREVISTA íntima con AL DÍA CEO Hernán Guaracao, Dominguez habló de su niñez, su familia y el desarrollo de su carrera profesional. Foto: Emily Neil / AL DÍA News

La empresa matriz de ComEd, Exelon, es una de las 13 corporaciones Fortune 500, y sus subsidiarias recientemente formaron el CEO Climate Dialogue, un grupo dedicado a recomendar políticas a nivel nacional que planean reducir las emisiones de carbono en un 80 por ciento para el año 2050. Domínguez y otros líderes del campo de la energía coinciden en que, en ausencia de una legislación nacional sobre el cambio climático, este tipo de conversaciones en el sector privado y a nivel estatal y local es los que impulsará las acciones necesarias para crear un entorno verdaderamente sostenible de red eléctrica y suministro de energía para el futuro. Esto significa incorporar fuentes de energía renovable, como la energía solar y eólica, a la red eléctrica; al mismo tiempo que se encuentra una manera de garantizar la calidad y la consistencia de la energía, pese a que algunas de estas fuentes de energía reno-

“Si usted, como yo, cree que el cambio climático es real...vamos a tener que reunir todos los recursos para abordar”. Joe Dominguez vable son intermitentes y no se puede confiar en ellas para proporcionar energía 24/7. Aunque Domínguez reconoció en su discurso que es un desafío similar al del ”aterrizaje en Marte”, cree que estamos preparados para enfrentarlo. Pero una parte integral del establecimiento de este nuevo sistema es la creación de oportunidades para las comunidades que han sido privadas de ello durante mucho tiempo. “Si usted, como yo, cree que el cambio climático es real y que vamos a tener que reunir todos los recursos para abordar, entonces eso va a crear muchas oportunidades de empleo”, asegura Domínguez a AL DÍA. “Es importante que [las empresas como] Exelon, PECO y ComEd se aseguren de que esas oportunidades de trabajo y todas las cosas buenas que surgen de esta transformación se hagan sentir en los lugares donde necesitamos empleos y oportunidades económicas”. n


IN AN INTIMATE one-on-one interview with AL DÍA CEO Hernán Guaracao, Dominguez talked about his upbringing and his career path. Photo: Emily Neil / AL DÍA News

ing the disasters and difficulties climate change has already contributed to for people across the U.S., why utility companies such as ComEd need to care, and what ComEd and others in the energy sector can do about it. ComEd’s parent company, Exelon, is one of the 13 Fortune 500 corporations and their subsidiaries who have recently formed CEO Climate Dialogue, a group dedicated to recommending policy at the national level that would reduce carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050. For Dominguez and other leaders in the energy sector, it is clear that in the absence of national legislation on climate change, these kinds of conversations in the private sector and at the state and local levels will be what drive necessary action to create a truly sustainable electric grid and energy supply for the future. That means incorporating renewable energy sources - such as solar and wind energy - into the power grid, while at the same time figuring out a way to ensure power quality and consistency. This, however, presents challenges due to the

“If you believe, as I do, that climate change is real, it’s something that we’re going to have to marshal every resource to tackle.” Joe Dominguez fact that most renewable energy sources are intermittent, and cannot be relied on 24/7 to provide power. Though Dominguez acknowledged in his speech that it is a challenge on par with “landing on Mars,” it is one he believes that we are prepared to tackle. But integral to creating that new system is creating opportunities for communities that have long been deprived of them. “If you believe, as I do, that climate change is real, it’s something that we’re going to have to marshal every resource to tackle, then that’s going to create a lot of job opportunities,” Dominguez told AL DÍA. “It’s important that [companies] like Exelon, PECO, ComEd ensure that those job opportunities and all the good things that spring from this transformation get felt in the places that we need jobs, and we need economic opportunity.” n

ALDÍ • MAY 22 - 29, 2019 • 19








Reportera de AL DÍA News AL DÍA News Content Producer

Los nombres de los periodistas Javier Ortega y Paúl Rivas serán agregados al monumento de Newseum, en memoria de aquellos periodistas que fallecieron en el cumplimieto de su deber.

The names of journalist Javier Ortega and photojournalist Paúl Rivas will be added to the Newseum Memorial. To remember those who perished while pursuing the news.



l próximo 3 de junio, Newseum agregará 21 nuevos nombres —incluidos los de dos periodistas ecuatorianos secuestrados y asesinados en 2018— a The Journalists Memorial, un monumento ubicado en Washington D.C, en honor a periodistas fallecidos mientras hacían su trabajo. El 26 de marzo, el periodista Javier Ortega, el periodista fotográfico Paúl Rivas y el conductor Efraín Segarra viajaron a la frontera entre Ecuador y Colombia. El equipo estaba cubriendo una serie de ataques contra las fuerzas de seguridad ecuatorianas por parte del movimiento guerrillero Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) cuando fue secuestrado. Los reporteros permanecieron cautivos durante 16 días antes de ser asesinados. El frente Óliver Sinisterra —de las Fuerzas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC)—, al mando de Walter Arisala (alias Guacho) se atribuyó el secuestro. Un año después del evento, las familias de los periodistas ecuatorianos siguen luchando. No solo para entender qué sucedió con sus seres queridos, sino también para saber qué hizo el gobierno ecuatoriano para recuperarlos con vida. Según el Comité para la Protección de Periodistas, en 2018, 54 periodistas de todo el mundo fueron asesinados mientras trabajaban. De los 21 que se agregaron al memorial de este año, 8 son del continente americano: 4 murieron en el tiroteo de Capital Gazette (EE. UU), 2 murieron reportando sobre la tormenta tropical Alberto (EE.UU) y 2 mientras cubrían la frontera entre Ecuador y Colombia. Para Ricardo Rivas, hermano de Paúl Rivas, este homenaje es una victoria agridulce en su lucha por encontrar respuestas. “La herida todavía está bastante abierta”, dijo. “Nadie se imagina a un miembro de su familia en un museo por haber sido asesinado en el desempeño de sus funciones”. Según Reporteros sin Fronteras, en 2019, Ecuador ocupó el puesto número 97 de los 180 países clasificados por nivel de libertad de prensa (siendo el número uno el país que ofrece mayor libertad para los periodistas). EE.UU obtuvo el puesto 48.

n June 3, Newseum will add 21 new names to its Journalists Memorial, including those of two Ecuadorian journalists kidnapped and murdered in 2018. On March 26, journalist Javier Ortega, photojournalist Paúl Rivas, and the team’s driver Efraín Segarra were following a series of attacks against the Ecuadorian security forces by the guerilla movement Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) when they were kidnapped. The reporters were held captive for 16 days, before being murdered at the hands of FARC’s branch Óliver Sinisterra, commanded by Walter Arisala, alias Guacho. A year after the event, the families of the Ecuadorian journalists are still fighting to know what happened to their loved ones, and what the Ecuadorian government tried to do to get them back alive. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, in 2018, 54 journalists across the globe were killed on the job. Out of the 21 being added to this year’s memorial, eight are from the Americas: four died at the Capital Gazette shooting, two died reporting on tropical storm Alberto and two died while covering FARC at the Ecuador-Colombia border. For Ricardo Rivas — Paúl Rivas' brother — this tribute is a bittersweet victory in their fight for answers. “The wound is still pretty much open,” he said. “No one ever pictures themselves having a family member at a museum, for being murdered in the course of their duties." According to Reporters Without Borders, in 2019, Ecuador placed 97 out of 180 countries ranked by the level of press freedom (with number one being the country which affords the most freedom for journalists). The U.S placed 48. The memorial aims to increase public understanding of the importance of a free press and First Amendment rights. Even though the tribute will only display the names of the journalist and photojournalist, the family of Efraín Segarra shares Rivas’ feelings and is hap-

“Nadie se imagina un miembro de su familia en un museo por haber sido asesinado en el desempeño de sus funciones” “No one ever pictures themselves having a family member at a museum, for being murdered in the course of their duties.”

20 • MAYO 22 - 29, 2019 • ALDÍ


PERIODISTA JAVIER ORTEGA, Fotoperiodista Paúl Rivas, y el conductor Efraín Segarra.

Foto: Francisco Caceres Guillen


JOURNALIST JAVIER ORTEGA, photojournalist Paúl Rivas, and the team’s driver Efraín Segarra. Photo: Francisco Caceres Guillen

“Es una invitación para que los periodistas reclamen sus derechos. Hemos estado luchando por la verdad, la justicia y para que esto nunca vuelva a suceder. Los periodistas merecen poder hacer su trabajo sin miedo”. “It’s an invitation for journalists to claim their rights. We have been fighting for truth, justice and for this to never happen again. Journalists deserve to be able to do their job without fear.” El memorial tiene como objetivo aumentar la comprensión pública de la importancia de una prensa libre y de la Primera Enmienda. A pesar de que el tributo solo mostrará los nombres de los periodistas, el hijo de Efraín Segarra asegura compartir el sentimiento de Rivas y está feliz con el reconocimiento. “Nos dio otra razón para seguir luchando por la verdad”, dijo Patricio Segarra. “Es una invitación para que los periodistas reclamen sus derechos. Hemos estado luchando por la verdad, la justicia y para que esto nunca vuelva a suceder. Los periodistas merecen poder hacer su trabajo sin miedo”. Desde 1800, el Newseum selecciona anualmente un grupo representativo de periodistas cuyas muertes representan los peligros que enfrentan los periodistas de todo el mundo. Los nombres de Javier Ortega y Paúl Rivas se agregarán a los de los 2.323 periodistas que murieron en busca de la noticia. Gene Policinski, presidente del Freedom Forum Institute, dijo que es un símbolo que representa los peligros que enfrentan los periodistas todos los días en todo el mundo. “El memorial y este evento anual de dedicatoria nos recuerda a todos, todos los días, que el mundo es un lugar cada vez más peligroso para quienes reúnen e informan sobre las noticias”. n

py with the acknowledgment. “It gave us another reason to keep fighting for the truth,” they said. “It’s an invitation for journalists to claim their rights. We have been fighting for truth, justice and for this to never happen again. Journalists deserve to be able to do their job without fear.” Every year, the Newseum selects a representative group of journalists whose deaths represent the dangers faced by journalists around the world. Javier Ortega and Paúl Rivas’ names will be added to those of 2,323 journalists — dating back to the 1800s — who died in pursuit of the news. Gene Policinski, president of the Freedom Forum Institute, said it’s a symbol representing the perils faced by journalists every day around the world. “The memorial and this annual rededication event remind us all, every day, that the world is an increasingly dangerous place for those who gather and report the news.”n

ALDÍ • MAY 22 - 29, 2019 • 21







as palabras de Cervantes, que cobran vida en Don Quijote, nos llevan a un mundo donde no existen límites para el caballero errante.


Un viejo hidalgo de más de cincuenta años, originario de un lugar desconocido de La Mancha (España). Alonso Quijano, un hombre como cualquier otro, decide viajar a tierras lejanas para buscar aventuras y batallas. Allí, la realidad de todo lo que le rodea comienza a cambiar cuando adopta el nombre de Don Quijote, creando así un nuevo mundo donde la libertad se contagia a todo personaje que lo conoce. Tal es el poder de las palabras de este hombre, que en el transcurso de este relato los mismos personajes empiezan a contar la historia del Quijote. Cuánto más vivo está nuestro personaje, más involucrados están en esta realidad; de tal forma que cuando empieza a morir, estos personajes quieren morir también, pues en realidad, viven de los sueños del Quijote.


Aunque el autor fue un hombre de sangre noble, un soldado y recaudador de impuestos, se consideraba, ante todo, escritor. Sabía lo que significaba ser un hombre normal y corriente. Y tal como lo explica Rogelio Miñana, nuestro invitado en la última producción de ‘Literatura Oral: Literature to Listen to’, conocía el sufrimiento de la vida cotidiana. De la misma forma que Shakespeare, Cervantes también capturó esa esencia de la época en la que vivió y


Reportera de AL DÍA News AL DÍA News Content Producer


he words of Miguel de Cervantes that come alive in Don Quixote, take us to a world where there are no limits for the knight errant.


An old gentleman around 50 years of age, from an unknown place in La Mancha (Spain). Alonso Quijano, a regular man who decides to travel to distant lands to look for adventures and battles. The moment when he decides to change his name to Don Quixote, the reality of everything that surrounds him also begins to change, Creating a new world where freedom is contagious among all those who learn about him. Such is the power of the words of this man, that in the course of the story, the same characters begin to tell the story of Quixote. The longer our character stays alive, the more they get involved in this reality. At the moment he starts to die, Rogelio Miñana tells us that these characters want to die, too. Because, in reality, they live from the dreams of Don Quixote.


Although the author was a nobleman, a soldier, and a tax collector, above all he considered himself a writer. He knew what it was like to be a common man. And as explained by Rogelio Miñana, our guest on the most recent production of Literatura Oral: Literature to Listen to, he knew about the struggle of everyday life.



DON QUIXOTE Y su secuas Sancho Panza.

DON QUIXOTE AND his sidekick Sancho Panza.

Foto: Getty Images

Photo: Getty Images

que, aún hoy, tiene relevancia. Una tarea que los conocedores de la literatura bien saben que no es fácil. Sin embargo, Cervantes ha logrado mantener esa esencia durante siglos, gracias a un personaje idealista y soñador, como muchos en este país, que va en busca de un futuro mejor.


“No hay lugar para Quijotadas… No ves molinos de viento, solamente rascacielos” “There is no place for Quixotadas ... you do not see windmills, all you see are skyscrapers”

And as Shakespeare did, Cervantes also captured that essence from the time in which he lived, and is still relevant to this day. For those who know about literature, it’s known that it is not an easy task to make that essence permanent. But Cervantes managed to keep creating an idealistic and a dreamer in his character, like many in this country who are looking for a better future.

En una nación acostumbrada a vivir a un ritmo tan acelerado, como es Hernan Guarcao los Estados Unidos, es difícil encontrar In a country that doesn’t stay still, as algo semejante a ese lugar de La ManAL DÍA CEO and Founder it is the United States, it is difficult to cha, de cuyo nombre el autor nunca find something similar to the place of quiso acordarse. Y, tal y como asegura La Mancha. AL DÍA Founder, Hernán el fundador de AL DÍA, Hernán GuaGuaracao, talks about that here, “There is no place for Quixotadas ... you do not see racao: “No hay lugar para Quijotadas… No ves molinos de viento, solamente windmills, all you see are skyscrapers,” he said. Instead, what we find is a society rascacielos”. En cambio, lo que sí podemos encontrar es una sociedad en busca in search of freedom, similar to the idealist character of this story. de la misma libertad que el personaje idealista de este relato. Although we do not go in search of battles with giants, or have sidekicks and Porque aunque no vayamos en busca de batallas con gigantes o estemos acommaidens, we have the same dreamer inclinations as this character. And thanks pañados secuaces y doncellas, tenemos las mismas ganas de soñar que este persoto this, Quixote remains alive. n naje. Y, gracias a ellas, el Quijote continúa vivo. n


ALDÍ • MAY 22 - 29, 2019 • 23




THIS IS HOW THE FOUNDER AND EDITOR OF AL DÍA MADE A HOME IN PHILLY ASÍ FUE CÓMO EL FUNDADOR Y EDITOR DE AL DÍA HIZO DE PHILLY UN HOGAR N. Del E.: Los latinos en Estados Unidos a menudo se ven representados solo a través del lente de la inmigración y otros “problemas” latentes. Pero aquí en AL DÍA News, sabemos que hay mucho más en nuestras historias que solo lo que se muestra en la mayoría de las principales agencias de noticias. Con nuestra nueva campaña, Cuéntame/Tell Me, buscaremos artículos de opinión sobre la experiencia latina de todo el país (escritos en español o inglés) y los publicaremos en forma bilingüe semanalmente. Cuéntame sacará de las sombras nuestras historias inéditas y las exhibirá en un espacio que se alinea con el núcleo de la misión de nuestra publicación: empoderar a los latinos para que escriban su propia historia y definan la experiencia latina de manera proactiva.

Editor’s Note: Latinos in America are often viewed only through the lens of immigration and other hot-button “issues.” But here at AL DÍA, we know that there’s so much more to our stories than just what is shown in the mainstream media. With this, we’re taking your untold narratives from the shadows and showcasing your wisdom and observations in a space that aligns with the core of our publication’s mission: To empower Latinos to write their own story and define the Latino experience proactive



o davía no sé cómo acabé en Filadelfia. Se trata de una especie de enigow I ended up in Philadelphia is still sort of an enigma to me. One that ma, que nunca he querido desentrañar, por respeto a un misterio que I am careful not to unravel, out of respect for a mystique that has been at siempre ha formado parte de mi vida; una situación que a muchos puethe center of my life, made up, no different from all of yours, when you de resultarles familiar; una serie de eventos en cadena que, en retrospecthink about, of unexpected chains of events that in hindsight make all tiva, hacen que todo tenga sentido mucho tiempo más tarde. En mi caso, sense— but not until much later on, particularly now in my case, 30 years ese periodo ha sido de 30 años, cuando levanto la cabeza, observo todo el camino later, when I can turn my head over my shoulder and comfortably look back at the que he recorrido y me tomo un momento para reflexionar. considerable stretch already traversed and take a moment to ponder. Cuando nos enfrentamos por primera vez a esos eventos, que nos parecen ineviBut when first confronted by those events, coming at us as inevitable and tables, puede que hayamos sido víctimas del pánico, la ansiedad o calamitous, we might have suffered from panic, anxiety, depression, la depresión, combinados con un poco de sudor en nuestras manos combined with a bit of sweating on our hands and tons of uncertainy toneladas de incertidumbre en nuestra cabeza. ty in our head. Filadelfia era en ese momento una ciudad remota en la costa este, Philadelphia was at the time a remote city on the East Coast, two days a dos días de distancia en Greyhound desde Iowa City, donde en 1991 away on a Greyhound bus ride from Iowa City, where I was a graduate estaba estudiando un programa de doctorado en el que me habían student of Journalism until 1991, when I finally dropped out from a PhD aceptado tras terminar, a los 31 años y casi sin aliento, una carrera Program I had been accepted to after finishing, at age 31, almost out of contrarreloj para graduarme en una Maestría en Artes para tratar de breath a race to graduation day in a Master of Arts program in the unalcanzar la profesión no convencional que elegí a los 16 años. conventional profession I had decided to pursue at age 16. Recuerdo que fue un libro (con la cubierta verde y amarilla y puA book I bumped into, green and yellow covers, published in blicado en España) con el que me topé el que me inspiró a seguir un Spain, I remember, inspired me to follow a different path from my camino diferente al de mis dos hermanos mayores, ingenieros exitosos two older brothers, both successful and well paid engineers with soly bien pagados con trabajos sólidos en una sociedad que exigía profeid jobs in a society that demanded professionals in the exact sciencsionales en ciencias exactas (lo que se conoce como STEM) y no tanto es (STEM, they call it today), not so much in dreamy subjects like en áreas de ensueño como ‘Periodismo y literatura’, el título exacto del “Journalism and Literature,” the exact title of the book I had come libro que cayó en mis manos durante mi adolescencia. across during my gullible adolescence. Hernán Guaracao ¿Licenciado en Periodismo? No era lo que la sociedad necesitaba Bachelors of Arts in Journalism? It wasn’t what society was urFounder & CEO con urgencia en su rápido camino hacia el progreso. gently requiring in its rapid road to progress. Editor in Chief De hecho, permanecí desempleado casi dos años tras recibir ofiI effectively remain unemployed almost two years after officially cialmente mi diploma de licenciatura, y la experiencia no fue diferenreceiving my undergraduate diploma, and the experience was no difte cuando obtuve mi maestría en la Universidad de Iowa, en Iowa City. ferent when I got my Master’s degree from the University of Iowa, in Iowa City. Me salté la ceremonia de graduación en el gran auditorio de la Universidad de I skipped the commencement ceremony in the University of Iowa’s big audiIowa (honestamente no podía imaginarme con ese gorro y esa túnica negra). No torium (I couldn’t honestly stand picturing myself with that cap and that black como mi hermano Raúl, quien se lo tomó muy en serio y decidió llevar corbata a la robe) and it was my brother Raúl (he took it that seriously) the one who wore a ceremonia de graduación de mi licenciatura en ‘Comunicación de masas y periodistie to the graduation ceremony for my Bachelor of Arts in “Mass Communicamo’, en Bogotá (Colombia), casi 10 años antes. Yo, en cambio, elegí unos pantalones tion and Journalism,” in Bogotá, Colombia, almost 10 years earlier. Jeans and vaqueros y una chaqueta deportiva, en lo que fue una especie de protesta silenciosa a sport jacket was my sober attire to quietly protest the excess of the academic contra ese excesivo ritual académico del que nunca me había sentido parte. ritual I have never felt part of. Enrollé los diplomas firmados, piezas para el recuerdo impresas en un carísimo The signed diplomas, memorable pieces of very expensive paper I received papel –que recibí por correo– y los metí rápidamente en el baúl de cosas inútiles —by mail in the Iowa experience— I quickly rolled up and threw in the trunk

24 • MAYO 22 - 29, 2019 • ALDÍ




que vamos almacenando a lo largo de nuestra vida. Ahora decoran las paredes de mi oficina de Filadelfia, por fin he encontrado una forma de darles uso. Así, cada vez que un aprendiz atento viene a nuestra redacción, me dirijo a ellos para enseñarles la primera lección de la profesión: “Mire, ninguno de estos dos papeles (diplomas de pregrado y postgrado) me ha conseguido un trabajo en ningún lugar en mi vida”. “Valore su experiencia aquí”. “Sí, tiene que ser práctico, cometer errores, las manos le doleran después de su largo esfuerzo, a veces incluso sangrará por la nariz tras golpear la pared”. “Así es como realmente se aprende”, les digo siempre con énfasis a los sorprendidos aprendices que llegan a AL DÍA. Tras sobreestimar la academia, y comprobar que la deuda les llega a los estudiantes al cuello, es inevitable convertirse en un “disscepolo della sperientia” (discípulo de la experiencia), como escribió Leonardo da Vinci en su famoso ‘Autorretrato’.


Solo recuerdo dos libros que leí con placer, de los aproximadamente 150 asignados para una lectura precipitada y de repaso en seminarios, cursos avanzados y clases de todo tipo necesarias para completar los “créditos” para la graduación. Mi primer invierno como desempleado en Filadelfia, con mi diploma de Maestría en Artes cuidadosamente guardado en mi maleta de Iowa, fue muy frío. Más frío que esos tres inviernos en el ventoso medio oeste a los que acababa de sobrevivir. No recuerdo los detalles, pero los sentimientos están grabados bajo mi piel y todavía vuelven, cuando pienso en ese periodo de mi vida. Me rechazaron una y otra vez mientras buscaba un trabajo, cualquier trabajo, pero recuerdo tres instancias en particular: Una en el Philadelphia Daily News, otra en La Actualidad (el periódico en español del vecindario en el que vivía, en North Philly) y una más en el diario en español del Miami Herald, El Nuevo Herald, en el downtown de Miami. Tres solicitudes que presenté con entusiasmo a posibles empleadores destacando mi talento, validado por mis credenciales académicas y que, por un momento, me dieron la ilusión de que finalmente podría comenzar a ganar un salario estable como nuevo profesional para apoyar a mi joven familia de tres miembros. Lo que sucedió fue, literalmente, eso de “la clavija redonda que no podía encajar en el

of useless things we carry around all our lives. They are now in display in my Philadelphia office, and I have finally found a good use for them. Whenever an attentive apprentice come to our shop, I turn to them to teach them the first lesson in the profession: “Look, none of these two pieces of paper (undergraduate and graduate diplomas) has ever landed me a job anywhere in my entire life.” “Value your experience here.” “Yes, it has to be hands-on, making mistakes, your hands sore after your long effort, sometimes even bleeding from the nose when you hit the wall.” “That is how you really learn,” I always say with emphasis to the surprised apprentices at the AL DÍA shop. After the overestimated academia is done, and the student debt is hanging over your neck, you quickly become a “disscepolo della sperientia” (disciple of experience), as Leonardo da Vinci wrote on the famous “Self-Portrait.”

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I only remember two books I read with enjoyment, out of the 150 or so assigned for hasty reading and review in the seminars, advanced courses, and classes of all sorts needed to complete the “credits” for graduation. My first winter of being unemployed in Philadelphia, with my Master of Arts Diploma carefully stored away in my Iowa suitcase, must have been bitter cold. Colder than those three winters in the windy Midwest I had just survived. I don’t remember the details, but the feelings are seared under the skin and I can still evoke them every time I think of that demanding period of my life. I was rejected over and over again while looking for a job, any job, but I remember three instances in particular: One at the “Philadelphia Daily News,” one at “La Actualidad,” the Spanish-language newspaper from the neighborhood I lived in, in North Philly, and one more at the Miami Herald’s Spanish-language daily, “El Nuevo Herald,” in corporate downtown Miami. Three applications I enthusiastically submitted to potential employers highlighting my talents, validated by my academic credentials, which for a moment gave me the il-



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HERNÁN GUARACAO, CEO and founder of AL DÍA, receiving an award in the initial years of AL DÍA. Photo: AL DÍA

HERNÁN GUARACAO , CEO y fundador de AL DÍA, recibiendo un premio en los primeros años de AL DÍA. Foto: AL DÍA


agujero cuadrado”. “Usted es bueno para Philadelphia Daily News”, dijo el dueño del periódico en español en el norte de Filadelfia, el Sr. Candelario Lamboy, a quien fui a ver después de haber sido rechazado indirectamente por el Daily News, donde una amiga mía, Alba Martínez, entonces columnista del periódico, me ayudó a conseguir una entrevista de trabajo con un editor. Me hizo sentir que no estaba los suficientemente cualificado para el trabajo que había solicitado en el centro de Filadelfia, en la White Tower en Broad Street, donde el emblemático edificio de Inquirer compitió con la City Hall Tower por altura y visibilidad. De la misma forma, estaba sobrecualificado para el trabajo disponible en el periódico hispano del norte de Filadelfia, en la sección de Olney, donde se encontraba La Actualidad (en una casa de 2 pisos y un sótano en la esquina de las calles 5th y Ruscomb). El segundo entrevistador me pidió mis “clips” en inglés. Tengo un montón en español, le dije, ni uno solo en inglés todavía. Pero tengo muchos trabajos académicos de mi maestría en ese idioma, agregué rápidamente. No obtuve respuesta. El segundo entrevistador, el Sr. Lamboy, me preguntó si al menos podía vender anuncios, lo que en su opinión pragmática era más urgente para la publicación que la actividad superflua de proporcionar una buena historia de los hispanos en Filadelfia, o hacer un mejor diseño de las páginas en blanco y negro de su muy modesta publicación. “¿Tal vez podría escribir historias y hacer mejores diseños para que alguien más pueda vender algunos anuncios?”, me atreví a sugerirle al Sr. Lamboy. Su respuesta fue rápida y plana. “No, hijo. Eres bueno para el Daily News”. Bueno, el Daily News tampoco quedó impresionado por mi currículum. “¿No tiene experiencia en una sala de redacción en los Estados Unidos?” Es como un médico graduado en la República Dominicana, que intenta obtener su licencia para ejercer en un hospital de Estados Unidos, y que busca la simpatía imposible del consejo de ancianos que administra ese examen absurdamente largo para calificarlo. “De ninguna manera José”. Lo divertido es que no fue diferente cuando me entrevisté durante todo un día con el Nuevo Herald, en Miami, donde el personal era mayoritariamente cubano-estadounidense, antes de reunirme con el legendario editor de The Miami Herald, D.H. Lawrence, al final del día. - “¿Qué libro está ahora en su mesilla de noche?”, Preguntó el señor Lawrence con entusiasmo. - “Uh, Uh, Uh, Don Quijote ... y la Biblia”, (me inventé). ¿Quién tiene tiempo para leer libros cuando está buscando un trabajo con ansiedad?. Con El Nuevo Herald pensé que lo tendría fácil, principalmente debido a la ventaja de dominar el español, escrito y hablado. Eso me haría una ‘contratación fácil’, pensé. No necesariamente. No estaba para nada preparado para la pregunta inesperada que me sorprendió tanto que me precalificó desde el comienzo del día tan largo de entrevistas y exámenes en Miami. - “¿Eres cubano?” - “¿Uh? No. Lo siento”. n

lusion I could finally start earning a steady salary as a new professional to support my young family of three. But I was literally the proverbial “round peg that couldn’t fit the square hole.” “You are good for the Philadelphia Daily News,” pronounced the owner of the Spanish-language newspaper in North Philadelphia, Mr. Candelario Lamboy, who I went to meet with after being indirectly turned down by the Daily News, where a friend of mine, Alba Martinez, then a columnist of the paper, had helped me get a job interview with an editorial page editor. I was made to feel underqualified for the job I had applied for in downtown Philadelphia, in the White Tower on Broad Street where the Inquirer emblematic building competed with the City Hall Tower for height and visibility— same as I was made to feel vastly overqualified for the job at the Hispanic newspaper of North Philadelphia, in the Olney section, where “La Actualidad” was based, in a house with 2 floors and a basement on the corner of 5th and Ruscomb streets. The second interviewer asked for my “clips” in English. I have plenty in Spanish, I told him, not a single one in English yet. But I had many academic papers from my Master’s in that language, I quickly added. No reply. The second interviewer, Mr. Lamboy, asked me if I could at least sell ads instead, which in his pragmatic opinion was more urgent for the publication than the superfluous activity of furnishing a good story from Hispanics in Philadelphia, or to do a better design of the black and white pages of his very modest publication, now folded. Perhaps I could write stories and do better layouts so that somebody else could sell some ads for the better looking pages?, I dared to pitch to Mr. Lamboy. His answer came back fast and flat. “No, son. You are good for the Daily News”. Well, the Daily News was not impressed by my resume, either. No experience in a newsroom in the U.S.? It is like a medical doctor graduated in Dominican Republic, trying to get his license to practice in an American hospital, seeking impossible sympathy from the council of elders that administers that absurdly long exam to qualify you. “No way, José.” Funny enough, the treatment was not different when I interviewed for an entire day with the “Nuevo Herald” in Miami, with the mostly Cuban-American Staff, before facing legendary Miami Herald Publisher D.H. Lawrence at the end of the day. - “What book is now on your bedside table?,” Mr. Lawrence ceremously asked. - “Uh, Uh, Uh, Don Quixote… and the Bible (I just made it up. Who has time to read books when you are anxiously looking for a job?). With his staff in “El Nuevo Herald” I thought I would have it easy, mainly because of the asset of commanding Spanish, written and verbally, as good, or better, as they did. That would make me a no-brainer hire, I thought. Not necessarily. I wasn’t prepared at all for the unexpected question that floored me as much it pre-qualified me from the very beginning of the very long day of interviews and tests in Miami. - “Eres Cubano (Are your Cuban)?” - “Uh? No. Lo siento.” n

“Usted es bueno para Philadelphia Daily News”. “You are good for the Philadelphia Daily News.”

26 • MAYO 22 - 29, 2019 • ALDÍ







i alguna vez ha visitado un restaurante en la Península Ibérica o viajado a través de Andalucía, en el sur de España, sabrá que el país está repleto de aceitunas. Este producto tan popular en el Mediterráneo es clave en la alimentación local y consumido, o como tapa o como guarnición, junto a platos como la paella o la tortilla de patata. Solo España es responsable del 21 por ciento de la producción de aceitunas de todo el mundo y el 30 por ciento de las exportaciones. En los Estados Unidos, por ejemplo, importamos más de 155 millones de libras de aceitunas europeas al año, más del 95 por ciento de las cuales proceden de España. Para promocionar este delicioso aperitivo, el famoso chef español José Andrés —una de las ‘personas más influyentes del mundo’, según la revista Time, y el más humanitario del 2018, por James Beard Foundation— visitó Filadelfia para subrayar la importancia de las aceitunas españolas. “Siempre han sido españolas”, dijo Andrés. “Son un aspecto clave de nuestra historia. Forman parte de quiénes somos y jamás dejarán de ser importantes”. En el evento ‘Have an Olive Day’ (Consuma una aceituna al día), celebrado en la azotea de las Versailles Residences en Center City, Andrés y su equipo presentaron seis tipos de aceitunas: aceitunas verdes rellenas de pimiento, aceitunas negras maduras, aceitunas gordales, aceitunas negras maduras rebanadas y aceitunas rellenas. Una oportunidad que el chef también aprovechó para hablar sobre sus múltiples beneficios para la salud, así como su versatilidad. Andrés siempre ha usado este producto desde su llegada a los Estados Unidos para trabajar como chef. Precisamente a él se le acredita el haber importado el concepto de las tapas españolas a los Estados Unidos, con más de 31 restaurantes en todo el país. Sus negocios incluyen desde el restau-



Reportero de AL DÍA News AL DÍA News Content Producer


Spanish olives Photos by Andre Flewellen

f you have ever visited a restaurant in the Iberian Peninsula or taken a drive through Andalucia in Southern Spain, you will know that the country is teeming with olives. The Mediterranean staple is a major part of the local diet and consumed both on its own as a tapa, or as a garnish on dishes like paella or tortilla espanola. Spain alone produces 21 percent of the world’s olive production and 30 percent of olive exports. Here in the United States, we import over 155 million pounds of European olives a year with over 95 percent coming from Spain. To promote this tasty Spanish snack, renowned Spanish Chef José Andrés, one of Time magazine’s “World’s Most Influential People,” and the James Beard Foundation’s Humanitarian of the Year in 2018, visited Philadelphia this May to highlight the importance of Spanish olives. “They have always been Spanish,” said Andres. “They are an important aspect of our history. They form part of who we are and will not stop being important.” At the “Have an Olive Day” event, located on the rooftop of the Versailles Residences in Center City, Andres and his team from Spain featured six types of olives: green olives stuffed with pimiento, black ripe olives, queen olives, green olives, sliced ripe black olives and stuffed olives. He noted the health benefits of the food as well as its versatility. Andres has used the product throughout his long tenure as a chef in the United States. He is credited with helping to bring the Spanish tapas concept to America with over 31 restaurants throughout the country. His businesses range from 2-starred Michelin restaurant Minibar by José Andrés — “a study in avant-garde cooking where each bite is designed to thrill the senses by pushing the limits of what we have

Andrés también señaló la importancia de las aceitunas para la economía española, en especial en las áreas de ingresos más bajos sin muchas fuentes de ingresos. Andres also noted the importance of olives to the Spanish economy, particularly in lower income areas without many sources of revenue.

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Photos by Andre Flewellen

Photos by Andre Flewellen

rante Minibar by José Andrés, con dos estrellas Michelin —“un estudio de gastronomía de vanguardia donde cada bocado está diseñado para maravillar los sentidos al rebasar los límites de lo que hemos llegado a esperar”— hasta el Pepe Food Truck, que ofrece una variedad de emparedados que incluyen el de jamón serrano y queso manchego y una hamburguesa española de cerdo con salsa alioli y brava. Andrés también señaló la importancia de las aceitunas para la economía española, en especial en las áreas del país donde escasean las fuentes de ingresos. “Las aceitunas son fáciles de transportar y se producen en áreas rurales”, explicó Andrés. “Importarlas siempre es bueno para esos lugares”. Andrés también ha dedicado una parte importante de su larga carrera al trabajo humanitario y a ayudar a los necesitados. En el 2010, creó World Central Kitchen, una organización sin fines de lucro que “ofrece soluciones inteligentes para poner fin al hambre y la pobreza al utilizar el poder de los alimentos para potenciar a las comunidades y fortalecer las economías”. La organización ha servido más de 3,6 millones de comidas en Puerto Rico tras el paso del Huracán María. Más recientemente, en 2016, Andrés se retiró de un negocio en el Trump International Hotel en Washington D.C. en protesta por los comentarios denigrantes de Trump sobre los mexicanos durante su campaña presidencial; y continúa mostrándose igualmente crítico con las políticas del presidente actual. n

28 • MAYO 22 - 29, 2019 • ALDÍ

“Las aceitunas son fáciles de empacar y se producen en las áreas rurales” “Olives are easy to package and are produced in rural areas” José Andrés

come to expect” — all the way to Pepe Food Truck, a mobile food truck that offers a variety of sandwiches ranging from jamon serrano y queso manchego to a Spanish pork burger with alioli and brava sauces. Andres also noted the importance of olives to the Spanish economy, particularly in lower income areas without many sources of revenue. “Olives are easy to package and are produced in rural areas,” explained Andres. “To import them is always good for those places.” Andres has dedicated a significant part of his long career to humanitarian work and helping those in need. In 2010, he established World Central Kitchen, a non-profit “that provides smart solutions to end hunger and poverty by using the power of food to empower communities and strengthen economies.” The organization served over 3.6 million meals to the people of Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria. More recently, in 2016 Andres pulled out of a restaurant deal at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., protesting Trump’s disparaging comments about Mexicans during his presidential campaign. He remains an outspoken critic of the current president’s policies. To learn more about Chef José Andrés or Spanish olives, check out or his own website at n




PA Convention Center CEO John McNichol with a guest.

Joseph Dominguez, CEO of ComEd, speaking to attendees.

Attendees smiling for the camera.

Joseph Dominguez, un CEO Global en la serie de AL DÍA Global Speaker

Maria Montero, Elvira Méndez

El evento inaugural del “AL DIA Global Speaker Series” reunió a líderes y profesionales de la localidad para escuchar al Director Ejecutivo de ComEd, una filial de Exelon, y la empresa de servicios públicos más grande de la región central de los EE. UU. Durante su discurso, Joseph Dominguez habló sobre el impacto de la energía potente y el cambio climático.

Joseph Dominguez, A Global CEO at the AL DIA Global Speaker Series LA RECEPCIÓN

Professionals at the Global Speaker Series.

Enjoying the wine.

El evento se celebró en el Lincoln Hall del Union League of Philadelphia y dirigido por parte del Director Ejecutivo de AL DIA, Hernán Guaracao y el Vicepresidente de comunicaciones de PECO, Douglas Oliver, así como por el orador principal, Joseph Dominguez. En el evento, Dominguez habló sobre los impactos y efectos del cambio climático. Los participantes tuvieron la oportunidad de disfrutar de un bar abierto y una variedad de quesos.


Más de 100 personas asistieron al primer evento de la AL DIA Global Speaker Series, el 15 de mayo. Entre los invitados estuvieron representantes de PECO, la empresa más grande de energía eléctrica y gas natural de Pensilvania. Douglas Oliver, Vicepresidente de comunicaciones de PECO se dirigió brevemente a la audiencia.

ALDÍ • MAY 22 - 29, 2019 • 29




Attendees having a good time listening to Joseph Dominguez.

Marisol Maldonado with another guest.

AL DÍA CEO Hernán Guaraco with Nelly Jimenez-Arevalo and another guest.

Getting acquainted at The Union League of Philadelphia.

Guests pose at the podium.

Joseph Dominguez speaking on climate change.

The inaugural AL DÍA Global Speaker Series event brought together local leaders and professionals to listen to the CEO of ComEd, an Exelon subsidiary and the largest public utility in the midwest. During his speech, Joseph Dominguez addressed the impact of strong energy and climate change. 30 • MAYO 22 - 29, 2019 • ALDÍ

Malik Brown, Sulaih Picorelli


Global Speaker Series

The event, which took place in Lincoln Hall at the Union League of Philadelphia, featured an address from AL DIA CEO Hernan Guaracao and PECO Vice President of Communications Douglas Oliver; as well as keynote speaker, Joseph Dominguez. At the event, Dominguez spoke on the impacts and effects of climate change. Attendees were afforded the opportunity to partake in an open bar and a variety of cheese.


More than 100 people attended the first-ever AL DIA Global Speaker Series event on May 15. Guests included representatives from PECO, Pennsylvania’s largest electric and natural gas energy company. Douglas Oliver, the Vice President of Communications at PECO briefly addressed the audience.


DIVERSITY hiring made SIMPLE TIEMPO LÍMITE: Lunes 4:00 PM para la semana siguiente. Todos los anuncios tienen que ser prepagados. Asegúrese de revisar los anuncios en la primera edición que aparecen. No nos hacemos responsables por más de una inserción incorrecta. Llame al 215-789-6964 inmediatamente con cualquier error. NO se hace devolución de dinero, sólo se otorga crédito para nuevo anuncio. DEADLINE: Mondays at 4:00pm for Wednesday publication. Prepayment required. Make sure to revise your ad first week when published. We are not responsible for incorrect ads after the first week. CALL 215-789-6964 immediately if you find an error. No refunds only credit for future new ad.

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By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F327218 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 5TH Day of JUNE, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the AUDUBON BORO, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 127 HAMPSHIRE AVENUE, AUDUBON, NJ 08106 Being Tax Lot: 20, Block: 148.06 on the Official Tax Map of the City of Camden Dimensions approximately: 62 X 130 Nearest Cross Street: AUDUBON AVENUE BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT 20, SECTION F, AS SHOWN ON MAP ENTITLED "PLAN FOR AUDUBON MANOR, INC BY MARSHALL N. HAMMON P.E. AND L.S." FILED ON JULY 14, 1953 AS MAP NO. 271-1 "THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION." PRIOR LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES SEWER OPEN WITH PENALTY $59.84 CCMUA OPEN WITH PENALTY $503.18 TOTAL AS OF APRIL 5, 2019 $563.02 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: MIREILLE M. DOONE, ET ALS, and taken in execution of MTGLO INVESTORS LP GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001392 Dated: May 14, 21, 28, 2019; June 4, 2019 FEIN, SUCH, KAHN & SHEPARD, P.C. 7, CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 201 PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 $152.64

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215-789-6964 SHERIFF’S SALE

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F02271018 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 19TH Day of JUNE, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF HADDON, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 229 BRADLEY AVENUE, HADDONFIELD, NJ 08033 Tax Lot: 17, Block: 11.03 Dimensions of Lot (Approximately): 70.00 FEET by 125.67 FEET Nearest Cross Street: BUCKNER AVENUE SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: MARY BETH HARRELL, ET AL, and taken in execution of NEW YORK AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS CWABS, INC. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001615 Dated: 05/28/19, 06/04/2019, 06/11/2019, 06/18/2019 KML LAW GROUP, PC 216 HADDON AVENUE SUITE 406 WESTMONT, NJ 08108 $132.48


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F02074617 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 12TH Day of JUNE, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the CITY OF CAMDEN, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 256 BOYD STREET, CAMDEN, NJ 08105 Being Tax Lot: 88, Block: 1234 Approximately Dimensions: 208.43' X 17.98' X 95' Nearest Cross Street: BANK STREET "THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION." Subject to restrictions of record regarding transfers subject to applicable provisions of the Fair Housing Act and/or applicable regulations of the Council of Affordable Housing (COAH). Purchasers of this property at the Sheriff's Sale are limited to qualified bidders according to the Housing Act, The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: BETTE G. ARTHUR, ET AL, and taken in execution of NEW JERSEY HOUSING AND MORTGAGE FINANCE AGENCY GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001539 DATED: May 21, 28, 2019' June 4, 11, 2019 PLUESE, BECKER & SALTZMAN 20000 HORIZON WAY SUITE 900 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $146.88

ALDÍ • MAY 22 - 29, 2019 • 31


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02121518 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 5TH Day of JUNE, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the CITY OF CAMDEN, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2428 SOUTH 12TH STREET, CAMDEN, NJ 08104-2616 Being Tax Lot: 14, Block: 629 on the Official Tax Map of the City of Camden Dimensions approximately: 20.00FT X 95.00FT Nearest Cross Street: FAIRVIEW STREET The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT WWW. AUCTION.COM OR CALL *800) 280-2832, WEBSITE IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: JEAN TARA LEGAULT, AS ADMINISTRATRIX OF THE ESTATE OF JOSE A. ROSADO, DECEASED, ET AL, and taken in execution of PHH MORGAGE CORPORATION GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001432 Dated: May 14, 21, 28, 2019; June 4, 2019 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 $172.80 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F02561317 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 19TH Day of JUNE, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF PENNSAUKEN, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 6325 IRVING AVENUE, TOWNSHIP OF PENNSAUKEN, NJ 08109 Being Tax Lot: 17, Block: 5011 Dimensions approximately: 7501 SQFT Nearest Cross Street: CENTRE STREET SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): Subject to: If property is located in a Homeowner's Association, then it is sold subject to any assessments and other fees which may be responsibility of new owner under NJ Supreme Court case of Highland Lakes, Country Club & community Association c. Franzino, 186 NJ 99 (2006); The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. Seized as the property of: PAUL REEDER, HIS HEIRS, DEVISESS AND PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES AND HIS, HER OR ANY OF THEIR SUCCESSORS IN RIGHT TITLE AND INTEREST, ET AL, and taken in execution of US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001601 Dated: May 28, 2019; June 4, 11, 18, 2019 ROMANO GARUBO & ARGENTIERI 52 NEWTOWN AVENUE P.O. BOX 456 $158.40 WOODBURY, NJ 08096

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00774516 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 29TH Day of MAY, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of WINSLOW TOWNSHIP, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 7 TAILOR LANE Being Tax Lot: 32, Block 306.07 Dimensions approximately: 20.00' X 80.00' Nearest Cross Street: KELLY DRIVE SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): All unpaid municipal taxes, assessments and liens' Any set of facts which an accurate survey would disclose; Any restrictions or covenants on record which run with the land; Rights of the United States of America, if any; Any Condominium lien priority, if any; Any outstanding PUD or Homeowner's Associations dues or fees, if any' Any occupants or persons in possession of the property, if any; Additional municipal charges, liens, taxes or tax sale certificates and insurance, if any. WINSLOW TWP 2ND QTR TAXES 2019: HOLDS A CLAIM FOR TAXES DUE AND/OR OTHER MUNICIPAL UTITLIES SUCH AS WATER AND/OR SEWER IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,549.20 AS OF 03/27/2019 WINSLOW TWP WATER & SEWER ACCOUNT #298814 0 HOLDS A CLAIM FOR TAXES DUE AND/OR OTHER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SUCH AS WATER AND/OR SEWER IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,023.00 PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS AS OF 03/30/2019 SUBJECT TO FINAL READING CCMUA ACCOUNT #360162572 HOLDS A CLAIM FOR TAXES DUE AND/OR OTHER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SUCH AS WATER AND/OR SEWER IN THE AMOUNT OF $768.46 PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS AS OF 5/31/2019 VACANT LOT CHARGE-CONTACT PROCHAMPS @ 321421-6639 OR WWW.PROCHAMPS.COM FOR ADDITIONAL BILLING, PAYMENT, AND RENEWAL DETAILS (IF APPLICABLE) The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: KAITLIN KOPAKOWSKI AKA KAITLIN KOPAKOWSKI-SOTO, ET AL, and taken in execution of PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001318 Dated: May 7, 14, 21, 28 2019 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 $164.16 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00999818 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 29TH Day of MAY, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the BOROUGH OF COLLINGSWOOD, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 135 E WAYNE TERR, COLLINGSWOOD, NJ 08108 Being Tax Lot:: 22.06, Block: 1.07 on the Official Tax Map of the BOROUGH OF COLLINGSWOOD Dimensions approximately: 112.50FT X 35.00FT X 112.50FT X 35.00 FT Nearest Cross Street: MAPLE AVENUE FOR SALE INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT AUCTION.COM OR CALL (800) 280-2832 WEBSITE IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE The Sheriff here by reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/r have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: WILLIAM R. THOMPSON, ET AL, and taken in execution of DITECH FINANCIAL LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001364 Dated: May 7, 14, 21, 28 2019 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD SUITE 100 MT LAUREL, NJ 08054 $172.80


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04041514 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 29TH Day of MAY, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the CITY OF CAMDEN, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1111 NORTH 26TH STREET, CAMDEN, NJ 08105 Being Tax Lot: #52, Block: #840 Nearest Cross Street: Wayne Avenue Dimensions approximately: 14x100 A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interests remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so, the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney.** The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JANEAN GOODEN, ET AL, and taken in execution of DITECH FINANCIAL LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001325 Dated:May 7, 14, 21, 28 2019 MILSTEAD & ASSOCIATES, LLC 1 E. STOW ROAD $164.16 MARLTON, NJ 08053

32 • MAYO 22 - 29, 2019 • ALDÍ

SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F02146518 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 12TH Day of JUNE, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Commonly known as: 33 ORIOLE PLACE, CLEMENTON, (GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP), NEW JERSEY 08021 Tax Lot: 17, Block: 13602 Dimensions of the Lot are (Approximately): 90 X 32 X 90 X 32 Nearest Cross Street: SITUATED ON THE NORTHWESTERLY SIDE OF ORIOLE PLACE, NEAR CARDINAL DRIVE The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to NJSA 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ homeowner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ALYSSA D. WILDS, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, NA. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001543 Dated: 05/21/2019, 05/28/2019, 06/04/2019, 06/11/2019 SHAPRIO & DENARDO, LLC 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $149.76



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F02383518 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 19TH Day of JUNE, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF PENNSAUKEN, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1850 44TH STREET, PENNSAUKEN, NJ 08110 Being Tax Lot: 25, Block: 913 Dimensions approximately: 20 X 92 Nearest Cross Street: HIGH STREET *Also subject to subsequent taxes, water and sewer plus interest through date of payoff. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. FOR SALE INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT AUCTION.COM AT WWW.AUCTION.COM OR CALL (800) 280-2832 A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: ROSARIO FIGUEROA AND VICTOR M. FIGUEROA, ET AL, and taken in execution of LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001643 Dated: May 28, 2019; June 4, 11, 18, 2019 PARKER MCCAY P.A. 9000 MIDLANTIC DRIVE SUITE 300 P.O. BOX 5054 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $155.52

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F0215318 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 5TH Day of JUNE, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1121 PRICE AVENUE, GLENDORA, NEW JERSEY 08029 Being Tax Lot: 8, Block: 604 Dimensions of the LOT are (Approximately): 125 X 50 X 125 X 50 Nearest Cross Street: SITUATED ON THE WEST DIE OF PRICE AVENUE, 255 FEET FROM THE SOUTH SIDE OF EVESHAM ROAD PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO SUBORDINATE MORTAGE HELD BY WACHOVIA BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION RECORDED FEBRUARY 7, 2006 IN BOOK 8109 PAGE 597 IN THE APPROX. AMOUNT OF $40,400.00. The sale is subject to any unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to NJSA 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien prioirty of any condominium/homeowner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ROSE MARIE KEARNEY AKA ROSE M. KEARNEY, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK NA GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001418 Dated: May 14, 21, 28, 2019; June 4, 2019 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B $161.28 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00111118 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 5TH Day of JUNE, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF WINSLOW, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 78 HOPEWELL LANE, SICKLERVILLE, NJ 08081 Being Tax Lot: 18, Block: 11805 Dimensions approximately: 150 feet by 25 feet Nearest Cross Street: HAMPTON GATE DRIVE The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. THE PLAINTIFF HAS OBTAINED A LETTER OF INDEMNIFICATION WHICH WILL INSURE THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER AT SALE IN RESPECT TO: TAX SALE CERT. DATED 11/18/1994 RECORDED 1/19/1995 IN BOOK 4318, PAGE 255 CERT NO. 962484 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE $114.40 TAX SALE CERT DATED 6/8/1995 RECORDED 7/17/1995 IN BOOK 4284, PAGE 41 CERT NO. 161595 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE $282.64 TOTAL: $397.04 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: SHERRI R. PERKINS, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS ADMINISTRATRIX OF THE ESTATE OF DONALD D. CARY ET AL, and taken in execution of US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001382 Dated: May 14, 21, 28, 2019; June 4, 2019 KML LAW GROUP, PC 216 HADDON AVENUE SUITE 406 WESTMONT, NJ 08108 $158.40


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F02096318 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 19TH Day of JUNE, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of CAMDEN CITY, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 730 VINE STREET Being Tax Lot: 94, Block: 782 Dimensions approximately: 14' X 71.50' Nearest Cross Street: 130' FROM 7TH STREET SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): All unpaid municipal taxes, assessments, and liens; Any set of facts which an accurate survey would disclose; Any restrictions or covenants on record which run with the land; Rights of the United States of America. if any; Any Condominium lien priority, if any; Any outstanding PUD or Homeowner's Associations dues or fees, if any; Any occupants or persons in possession of the property, if any; Additional municipal charges, liens, taxes, or tax sale certificates and insurance, if any. CAMDEN CITY 2019 2ND QTR TAXES HOLDS A CLAIM FOR TAXES DUE AND/OR OTHER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SUCH AS WATER AND/OR SEWER IN THE AMOUNT OF $208.15 AS OF 04/15/2019 CCMUA ACCT #080104946 HOLDS A CLAIM FOR TAXES DUE AND/OR OTHER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SUCH AS WATER AND/OR SEWER IN THE AMOUNT OF $1519.50 PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS AS OF 04/15/2019 CAMDEN CITY- MUNICIPAL LIEN TAX, WATER, SEWER, CCMUA-CERT #020515 HOLDS A TAX SALE CERTIFICATE IN THE AMOUNT OF $52,113.60 AS OF 04/30/2019 The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: WILFREDO ZAYAS, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, NA. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001577 Dated: May 28, 2019; June 4, 11, 18, 2019 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200, OORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $181.44 ALDÍ • MAY 22 - 29, 2019 • 33


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F01068218 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 12TH Day of JUNE, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF CHERRY HILL, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 508 FOREST ROAD, CHERRY HILL, NJ 08034-1240 Being Tax Lot: 9, Block: 338.03 on the Official Tax Map of the TOWNSHIP OF CHERRY HILL Dimensions approximately: 1496.00FT X 113.53FT X 60.21FT X 48.17FT X 153.13FT Nearest Cross Street: RAMBLE ROAD The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. PURSUANT TO 28 USC SECTION 2410C THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO A 1 YEAR RIGHT OF REDEMPTION HELD BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY VIRTUE OF ITS LIEN: 1. LIEN: DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY- INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE VERSUS TAGWA E.ELNOUR; DATED NOVEMBER 15, 2011 AND RECORDED NOVEMBER 25, 2011 IN BOOK 9501 PAGE 626 IN THE AMOUNT OF $79,001.73 2. LIEN: DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY- INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE VERSUS TAGWA E. ELNOUR DATED MARCH 14, 2012 AND RECORDED MARCH 29, 2012 IN BOOK 9564 PAGE 1150 IN THE AMOUNT OF $26,494.63 3. LIEN: DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE VERSUS TAGWA E. ELNOUR DATED DECEMBER 10, 2015 AND RECORDED JANUARY 21, 2016 IN BOOK 10326 PAGE 1592 IN THE AMOUNT OF $30,422.02 4. LIEN DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY- INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE VERSUS TAGWA E. ELNOR DATED APRIL 26, 2015 AND RECORDED MAY 7, 2015 IN BOOK 10193 PAGE 1833 IN THE AMOUNT OF $53,744.62. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding remain or record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: TAGWA ELNOUR, ET AL, and taken in execution of DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY AS TRUSTEE FOR MASTR SPECIALIZED LOAN TRUST 2007-01 MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001501 Dated: May 21, 28, 2019; June 4, 11, 2019 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMON & JONES, P.C. 1617 JFK BOULEVARD SUITE 1400 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103 $227.52 34 • MAYO 22 - 29, 2019 • ALDÍ



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F00005819 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 19TH Day of JUNE, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP, County of Camden, State of New Jersey Street & Street No: 25 DEL SOL PLACE COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 25 DEL SOL PLACE, GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP, NEW JERSEY 08081 THE MAILING ADDRESS IS 25 DEL SOL PLACE, SICKLERVILLE, NEW JERSEY 08081 Tax Lot: 25, Block: 15703 Dimensions approximately: 43' X 80' Nearest Cross Street: MISSION LANE SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): All unpaid municipal taxes, assessments, and liens; Any set of facts which an accurate survey would disclose; Any restrictions or covenants on record which run with the land; Rights of the United States of America. if any; Any Condominium lien priority, if any; Any outstanding PUD or Homeowner's Associations dues or fees, if any; Any occupants or persons in possession of the property, if any; Additional municipal charges, liens, taxes, or tax sale certificates and insurance, if any. GLOUCESTER TWP. -2019 2ND QTR TAXES HOLDS A CLAIM FOR TAXES DUE AND/OR OTHER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SUCH AS WATER AND/OR SEWER IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,321.50 AS OF 04/16/2019 GLOUCESTER TWP. MUA-SEWER ACCT #40198 0 HOLDS A CLAIM FOR TAXES DUE AND/OR OTHER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SUCH AS WATER AND/OR SEWER IN THE AMOUNT OF $139.66 PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS AS OF 04/16/2019. CCMUA- ACCT #150133163 HOLDS A CLAIM FOR TAXES DUE AND/OR OTHER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SUCH AS WATER AND/OR SEWER IN THE AMOUNT OF $262.19 PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS AS OF 04/16/2019. VACANT LOT CHARGE- CONTACT PROCHAMPS @ (321) (421-6639 OR WWW.PROCHAMPS.COM FOR ADDITIONAL BILLING, PAYMENT AND RENEWAL DETAILS (IF APPLICABLE) The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01247015 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 29TH Day of MAY, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF WINSLOW, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 7 FOX HOLLOW LN WITH A MAILING ADDRESS OF 7 FOX HOLLOW LN SICKLERVILLE, NJ 08081 Being Tax Lot: 11, Block: 12704 Dimensions approximately: 60 X 100 Nearest Cross Street: STONE HOLLOW DRIVE BEGINNING at a point in the northwesterly line of Fox Hollow Lane (50 feet wide), distant 218.18 feet northeastwardly from the northeasterly end of a curve, radius 20 feet, connecting the said line of Fox Hollow Lane with the northeasterly line of Stone Hollow Drive (50 feet wide), said beginning point also being in the division line between Lots 11 and 12 on the Block and Plan hereafter mentioned and runs; thence Pursuant to a tax search of 03/20/2019; 2019 TAXES: QTR 2: 05/01/2019: $1,718.10 OPEN, WATER ACCT# 256411 0 PAID TO 12/27/2018; SUBJECT TO FINAL READING. SEWER ACCT# 256411 0: 04/01/2019-06/30/2019 $100.00 OPEN & DUE 05/30/2019. VACANT LOT CHARGE: $500.00 PAID TO: 02/10/2019. CONTACT PROCHAMPS FOR ADDITIONAL BILLING, PAYMENT, AND RENEWAL DETAILS. CCMUA ACCT# 360121834: 03/01/2019-05/31/2019 $88.00 OPEN & DUE 04/15/2019: $349.81 OPEN + PENALTY: OWED IN ARREARS. Subject to a prior judgment #J-1967082002 in favor of Chase Manhattan Bank USA NA f/k/a Chemical Ban, N.A. in the amount of $18,047.80, entered 08/26/2002. Deponent does not warrant the accuracy of this representation and herein makes no representation regarding the status of title. Interested parties are advised to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether there exists any outstanding interest or amounts due. (This concise description does not constitute a legal description. A copy of the full legal description can be found at the Office of the Sheriff.) The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01002317 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 5TH Day of JUNE, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the BOROUGH OF PINE HILL, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 108 WEST 3RD AVENUE, CLEMENTON, NJ 08021-6109 Being Tax Lot: 1,2,3 & 4, Block: 676 on the Official Tax Map of the BOROUGH OF PINE HILL Dimensions approximately: 150.00FT X 85.00FT X 150.00FT X 85.00FT Nearest Cross Street: MT. ARABAT AVENUE The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT WWW. AUCTION.COM OR CALL *800) 280-2832, WEBSITE IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:

SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: GERALD LEVIE, ET AL, and taken in execution of CITIMORTGAGE,INC. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001616 Dated: 05/28/2019, 06/04/2019, 06/11/2019, 06/28/2019 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $216.00

SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: MICHAEL YOUNG, ET AL, and taken in execution of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001279 Dated: May 7, 14, 21, 28 2019 FRENKEL LAMBERT WEISS WEISMAN & GORDON, LLP 80 MAIN STREET SUITE 460 $207.36 WEST ORANGE, NJ 07052





SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: MICHAEL T. SHAW, ET AL, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001401 Dated: May 14, 21, 28, 2019; June 4, 2019 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 $172.80 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054







SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: GERARDO GONZALEZ; CARMEN SANTINGO AKA CARMEN SANTIAGO, ET AL and taken in execution of MIDFIRST BANK. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001524 DATED: 05/21/2019, 05/28/2019, 06/04/2019, 06/11/2019 GROSS POLOWY, LLC 2500 PLAZA 5 SUITE 2548 $158.40 JERSEY CITY, NJ 07311

SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: EDGARDO T. SALDANA, HIS OR HER HIERS, DEVISEES AND PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES AND HIS, HERS, THEIR OR ANY OF THEIR SUCCESSORS IN RIGHT TITLE AND INTEREST, ET AL and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D/B/A MR. COOPER GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001494 DATED: 05/21/2019, 05/28/2019, 06/04/2019, 06/11/2019 GROSS POLOWY, LLC 2500 PLAZA 5 SUITE 2548 JERSEY CITY, NJ 07311 $172.80




By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F01376518 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 12TH Day of JUNE, 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF WINSLOW, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 236 WILLIAMSTOWN ROAD, BERLIN, NJ 08009 Tax Lot: 7.01 (FKA LOT 7.A), Block: 2703 Approximately Dimensions: 221 X 100 X 22 X 228 X 353 X 100 Nearest Cross Street: ANGELOW ROAD The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. To the best of this firm's knowledge, the property is not an affordable unit subject to the Fair Housing Act. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: MICHAEL F. BROSCHARD AND NICOLE S. BROSCHARD, and taken in execution of JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number 19001472 DATED: 05/21/2019, 05/28/2019, 06/04/2019, 06/11/2019 MCCALLA, RAYMER, LEIBERT, PIERCE, LLC 485 ROUTE 1 SOUTH, BLDG F, SUITE 300, ISELIN, NJ 08830 $135.36 ALDÍ • MAY 22 - 29, 2019 • 35







JEWELL WILLIAMS Sheriff on Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at

First District Plaza, 3801 Market Street, at 9:00 AM. (EST) Conditions of Sheriff’s Sale for JUDICIAL/FORECLOSURE SALE Ten percent of the highest bid for each property auctioned off shall be deposited in certified check, attorney’s check or money order with the Sheriff by each bidder when his bid is registered, provided that in no case shall less than Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) be deposited, otherwise upon failure or refusal to make such deposit, the bidder shall lose all benefit of his bid and the property may be offered again and sold unless a second bid has been registered, then, the second highest bidder will take the property at the highest bid price. Additionally, where there is active bidding, the highest bidder, and the second highest bidder, if any must post the entire amount of the cost of the distribution policy for the property at the time of sale by certified check, attorney’s check or money order with the Sheriff. The Sheriff reserves the right to reject any certified check, attorney’s check or money order that on its face has an expired use date and is presented for payment of the deposit. The balance of the purchase money must be deposited in certified check, attorney’s check or money order together with a Deed poll for execution by the highest bidder to the Sheriff at his office within 30 days from the time of the sale. An extension of time for an additional 30 days may be granted at the discretion of the Sheriff upon receipt of written request from the buyer requesting the same, except when a second bidder has been duly registered. Also, if the first bidder does not complete settlement with the Sheriff within the thirty (30) day time limit and a second bid was registered at the sale, the second bidder shall be granted the same thirty (30) day time limit to make settlement with the Sheriff on his second bid. Thereafter, the Sheriff shall be at liberty to return the writ to court. A second bid must be registered on any property immediately after it is sold. The second bidder must present the same amount of deposit that the highest bidder delivers to the Sheriff at the sale. An extension of time under no circumstances will be granted or honored by the Sheriff whenever a second bid is registered on a property at the sale. The first bid or opening bid on each property shall be set by the City of Philadelphia. In no event will the successful bidder be allowed to settle on the property unless all the Sheriff’s costs are paid notwithstanding the final bid. The deposit by any bidder who fails to comply with the above conditions of sale shall be forfeited and the funds will be applied to the Sheriff’s cost, then to any municipal claims that the City of Philadelphia has on the property. Finally, if a balance still remains, a Sheriff’s Distribution








Policy will be ordered and the money will be distributed accordingly. No personal checks, drafts or promises to pay will be accepted in lieu of certified checks, attorney’s checks or money orders made payable to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County. The Sheriff reserves the right to grant further extensions of time to settle and further reserves the right to refuse bids from bidders who have failed to enter deposits on their bids, failed to make settlement, or make fraudulent bids, or any other behavior which causes disruption of the Sheriff Sale. Said bidders shall be so refused for the sale in which said behavior occurred and for said further period of time as the Sheriff in his discretion shall determine. The Sheriff will not acknowledge a deed poll to any individual or entity using an unregistered fictitious name and may, at his discretion, require proof of identity of the purchaser or the registration of fictitious names. The bid of an unregistered fictitious name shall be forfeited as if the bidder failed to meet the terms of sale. All bidders are advised to remain at the sale until after the last property is sold. The Sheriff reserves the right to resell any property at any time before the end of the sale, upon the successful bidders’ failure to tender the required deposit. The Sheriff reserves the right to postpone or stay the sale of any property in which the attorney on the writ has not appeared and is not present at the sale. Prospective purchasers are directed to the Web site of the Philadelphia Bureau of Revision of Taxes, (BRT) for a fuller description of the properties listed. Properties can be looked up by the BRT number – which should be cross checked with the address. Prospective purchasers are also directed to the Room 154 City Hall, 215686-1483 and to its website and to its website at where they can view the deed to each individual property and find the boundaries of the property. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE NATURE, LOCATION, CONDITION AND BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPERTIES THEY SEEK TO PURCHASE. The BRT # refers to a unique number assigned by the City Bureau of Revision of Taxes to each property in the City for the purpose of assessing it for taxes. This number can be used to obtain descriptive information about the property from the BRT website. Effective Date: July 7, 2006 NOTICE OF SCHEDULE OF DISTRIBUTION The Sheriff will file in his office, The Land Title Building, 100 South Broad Street, 5th Floor, a Schedule of Distribution Thirty (30) Days from the date of the sale of Real Estate. Distribution will be made in accordance with the Schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. The name first appearing in each notice is that of the defendant in the writ whose

property is being sold. All Writs are Writs of Executions. The letters C.P., Court of Common Pleas; O.C., Orphans’ Court; Q.S., Court of Quarter Sessions; C.C., County Court - indicate the Court out of which the writ of execution issues under which the sale is made: S. 1941. 223. means September Term, 1941. 223, the term and number of the docket entry; the figures following show the amount of debt; and the name following is that of the attorney issuing the writ. Attention is called to the provisions of Act No.104, approved July 27, 1955, which requires owners of properties which are used, designed or intended to be used by three or more families, or of commercial establishments which contain one or more dwelling units, to deliver to the buyers of such properties a use registration permit at the time of settlement, under certain terms and conditions. Sheriff Sales are not subject to provisions of the said Act and the Sheriff will, therefore, not deliver use registration permits in connection with any sales conducted by him. Very truly yours, JEWELL WILLIAMS Sheriff City and County of Philadelphia

OPA#034069700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Charlotte Nicholson; Cheryl L. Branch C.P. January Term, 2018 No. 03977 $72,565.68 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-305 2801 Holme Ave 19152 57th wd. 5,903 Sq. Ft. OPA#571027500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Stephen W. Edwards and Kimberly A. Edwards C.P. August Term, 2017 No. 02343 $195,480.42 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1906-306 3212 Wallace St 191042028 24th wd. 2,340 Sq. Ft. OPA#242080300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Rosemarie L. Gadson a/k/a Rosemarie L. Gatson a/k/a Rosemarie Lecoin Gadson C.P. January Term, 2019 No. 00909 $62,300.52 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-307 7124 Oxford Ave 19111 35th wd. 5,874 Sq. Ft. OPA#353315100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jennifer Chybinski C.P. May Term, 2018 No. 03449 $138,270.09 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1906-308 2555 S Massey St a/k/a, 2555 Massey St 19142-2122 40th wd. 1,018 Sq. Ft. OPA#406115300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Bernice L. Townsend C.P. April Term, 2017 No. 03704 $52,329.77 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-309 7828 Thouron Ave 19150 50th wd. 1,337 Sq. Ft. OPA#502145300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Lutissua Ballard as Administratrix of the Estate of Horace McAllister Deceased, Keisha Henderson, Anthony McAllister as Administrator of the Estate of Horace McAllister Deceased and Derrick Washington C.P. March Term, 2018 No. 00458 $200,747.79 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-310 494 Evergreen Ave 19128 21st wd. 3,159 Sq. Ft. OPA#212388400 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: S/D W/B GAR 2.5 STY FRAME; NEW CONSTRUCTION WGF Evergreen, LLC; Noel Terrell & Luciana Terrell C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 00303 $88,193.24 Amar A. Agrawal, Esquire 1906-311 2323 W Cumberland St 191324119 16th wd. 1,440 Sq. Ft. OPA#162293500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Kimberly E. Robinson C.P. June Term, 2018 No. 03076 $67,082.39 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-312 4704 Tacony St 19137 45th wd. 1,600 Sq. Ft. OPA#453425800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jacqueline Castillo C.P. February Term, 2018 No. 01812 $111,452.62 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-313 316 Howell St a/k/a, 316 E Howell St 19120-1111 35th wd. 1,496 Sq. Ft. OPA#352123200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Lamarcus Smith C.P. March Term, 2018 No. 00184 $130,245.73 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-314 5879 N 7th St 19120 61st wd.

1,320 Sq. Ft. OPA#612251400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jose Wilson Aguirre a/k/a Jose W. Aguirre C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 04042 $78,894.03 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-315 2740 N 45th St 19131 52nd wd. 1,328 Sq. Ft. OPA#521226700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Shawnette Fleming C.P. December Term, 2014 No. 02943 $162,615.05 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-316 5017 Penn St 19124 62nd wd. 3,109 Sq. Ft. OPA#621490500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Revella Coles C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 03797 $77,771.76 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-317 4916 Walton Ave 19143 46th wd. 1,680 Sq. Ft. OPA#462076100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Kimberly Allen Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Joseph P. Stewart, Deceased, The Unknown Heirs of Joseph P. Stewart Deceased, Josette Stewart Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Joseph P. Stewart Deceased, Yvonne Stewart Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Joseph P. Stewart Deceased and Lasandra Ward Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Joseph P. Stewart Deceased C.P. May Term, 2018 No. 00834 $189,277.53 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-318 5815 Akron St 19149 62nd wd. 1,240 Sq. Ft. OPA#621440500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Alesia Brewer C.P. September Term, 2017 No. 01634 $114,739.92 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-319 5312 N Camac St 19141 49th wd. 1,764 Sq. Ft. OPA#493175900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Josh Sumpter C.P. December Term, 2015 No. 00756 $178,696.20 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-320 1912 Evarts St 19152 35th wd. 4,093 Sq. Ft. OPA#562241300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Antonio Sferra, in His Capacity as Heir of Annette Sferra, Deceased; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title or interest from or under Annette Sferra, Deceased C.P. June Term, 2018 No. 02875 $126,343.49 Robert Crawley, Esq. Id No. 319712 1906-321 6518 N 21st St 191382546 10th wd. 1,024 Sq. Ft. OPA#102088700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Laverne Baker C.P. March Term, 2017 No. 00598 $72,367.38 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-322 7524 Gilbert St 19150 10th wd. 1,380 Sq. Ft. OPA#102478900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jerelyn Potter C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 01552 $74,387.10 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-323 515 E Gorgas Ln 19119 22nd wd. Land Area: 12,185 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 2,424 Sq. Ft. OPA#222119600 IMPROVEMENTS: DET W/D GAR 2 STY MASONRY Christopher L. Thomas, Co-Personal Representative of the Estate of Sanford King; Jacqueline Y. Davis, Co-Personal Representative of the Estate of Sanford

King; Estate of Sanford King; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title or interest from or under Sanford King C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 02705 $411,762.58 Robert Crawley, Esq 1906-324 3400 Lester Rd 19154 66th wd. 3,506 Sq. Ft. OPA#663097500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Kimberly Dewald and Sean Duffy C.P. August Term, 2018 No. 02257 $230,983.74 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-325 339 E Haines St 19144 59th wd. 1,017 Sq. Ft. BRT#5920005500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Steven Brown, Administrator of the Estate of Claudena Brown, Deceased C.P. January Term, 2019 No. 00572 $12,952.68 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1906-326 1829 E Cambria St 19134 25th wd. 1,530 Sq. Ft. OPA#252097900 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Carlos Maldonado, Jr., a/k/a Carlos G. Maldonado, Jr. C.P. September Term, 2016 No. 02219 $120,159.81 Justin F. Kobeski, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski LLC 1906-327 356 E Montana St 19119 22nd wd. 1,508 Sq. Ft. OPA#221145300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY April Anderson Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Clifton Childs Deceased, Susan E. Anderson Individually and in Her Capacity as Heir of Clifton Childs Deceased, Teresa R. Childs-Evans Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Clifton Childs, Deceased and The Unknown Heirs of Clifton Childs Deceased C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 00329 $75,452.60 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-328 3421 N 22nd St 19140 11th wd. 1,632 Sq. Ft. BRT#112306000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Eric Little and Tracey Horton C.P. March Term, 2016 No. 01707 $81,180.16 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1906-329 3305 N Mascher St 19140 7th wd. 700 Sq. Ft.; Improvements: 1,008 Sq. Ft. OPA#072051000 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 2 STY MASONRY Barry Chapman, in His Capacity as Heir of William Chapman a/k/a William L. Chapman, Deceased; Randy Chapman in His Capacity as Heir of William Chapman a/k/a William L. Chapman, Deceased; Alisa Black a/k/a Elisa Black a/k/a Lisa Black, in Her Capacity as Heir of William Chapman a/k/a William L. Chapman, Deceased; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under William Chapman a/k/a William L. Chapman, Deceased C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 02447 $33,639.95 Robert Crawley 1906-330 5812 Alter St 19143 3rd wd. 1,334 Sq. Ft. BRT#033128100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Jacquelyn Bell C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 03831 $34,898.50 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1906-331 1969 Lardner St 19149 62nd wd. 3,039 Sq. Ft. OPA#621178900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Amneris Rosado C.P. June Term, 2018 No.

02967 $134,290.02 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-332 3333 Lester Rd 19154 66th wd. (formerly part of 58th wd.) 1,844 Sq. Ft. BRT#663104600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Michael Harold Franklin a/k/a Michael Franklin a/k/a Michael H. Franklin C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 00476 $245,816.52 Powers Kirn, LLC 1906-333 1319 Foulkrod St 19124 23rd wd. 2,113 Sq. Ft. OPA#234103500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Kenneth M. Grose and Natonda T. Grose C.P. September Term, 2015 No. 02553 $175,903.93 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-334 3035 Boudinot St a/k/a 3035 N Boudinot St 19134 7th wd. 812 Sq. Ft. OPA#071480900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Vera S. Matthis a/k/a Vera Matthis C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 00202 $66,655.62 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-335 1828 W Venango St 19140 11th wd. 2,080 Sq. Ft. OPA#112128300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Bruce Gordon Hoffman a/k/a Bruce G. Hoffman C.P. July Term, 2017 No. 03007 $53,452.13 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-336 5825 Fernwood St 19143 3rd wd. 1266.4 Sq. Ft. OPA#034033500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Gabriel S. Young C.P. October Term, 2016 No. 00784 $124,076.09 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-337 8628 Michener Ave 19150 50th wd. Land: 1,511 Sq. Ft.; Improvement: 1,146 Sq. Ft.; Total: 1,511 Sq. Ft. OPA#501143200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Kenisha T. Dockery and Dwight K. Dockery C.P. July Term, 2017 No. 00734 $214,579.19 Richard M. Squire & Associates, LLC 1906-338 1734 Rhawn St 191112920 56th wd. 3,277 Sq. Ft. OPA#561586606 IMPROVEMENTS: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Donna M. Hartley C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 00404 $98,725.73 Hladik, Onorato, & Federman, LLP 1906-339 5718 W Oxford St 19131 4th wd. 1,422 Sq. Ft. OPA#043263800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY The Unknown Heirs of Mary Travick Deceased, Bernard Travick Solely in His Capacity as Heir of Mary Travick Deceased, Cynthia Travick Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Mary Travick Deceased, Marvin Travick Solely in His Capacity as Heir of Mary Travick Deceased, Veronica Travick Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Mary Travick Deceased and Vernon Travick, Jr. Solely in His Capacity as Heir of Mary Travick Deceased C.P. February Term, 2018 No. 02811 $74,248.48 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-340 1908 Plymouth St 19138 10th wd. 1,050 Sq. Ft. OPA#101309400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Qasimibn C. Bell C.P. October Term, 2017 No. 01816 $107,776.82 KML Law Group, P.C.

1906-341 1619 S Newkirk St 19146 36th wd. 920 Sq. Ft. BRT#364360100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Bethann Quirk a/k/a Beth Quirk, Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of James J. Quirk, Deceased and Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under James J. Quirk, Deceased C.P. March Term, 2018 No. 02621 $13,880.10 Powers Kirn, LLC 1906-342 6128 N 17th St 19141 17th wd. ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY; 1,416 Sq. Ft. BRT#172207600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Lee-Lashell Grant, Executrix of the Estate of Debra E. Grant C.P. August Term, 2016 No. 03150 $121,281.24 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1906-343 2537 E Indiana Ave 19134 25th wd. 996 Sq. Ft. OPA#251097200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY John J. McCloskey C.P. August Term, 2018 No. 00267 $31,609.01 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-344 144 N Lindenwood St 19139 44th wd. 975 Sq. Ft. OPA#441159700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY The Unknown Heirs of Lila Fox, Deceased C.P. November Term, 2017 No. 02767 $43,072.86 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-345 5845 Christian St 19143 3rd wd. ROW 2 STY MASONRY; 1,290 Sq. Ft. BRT#033049400 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Wendell Anderson, Known Surviving Heir of Audrey Anderson and Unknown Surviving Heirs of Audrey Anderson C.P. November Term, 2017 No. 01259 $97,364.22 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1906-346 5726 Colgate St 19120 35th wd. 1,088 Sq. Ft. OPA#351318100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Michelle D. Jones C.P. June Term, 2018 No. 02443 $119,563.06 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-347 254 W Gorgas Ln 19119 22nd wd. ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY; 1,504 Sq. Ft. BRT#223126100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Denise Smith C.P. May Term, 2018 No. 03612 $214,636.36 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1906-348 1617 S Ringgold St 19145 36th wd. ROW 2 STY MASONRY; 948 Sq. Ft. BRT#364156300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Tony Curtis Lewis a/k/a Tony Lewis C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 00433 $45,254.60 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1906-349 345 E Upsal St 19119 22nd wd. ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY; 956 Sq. Ft. BRT#221097300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Abimbola Oshogbo, Administratrix of the Estate of Donald Leroy Bradford a/k/a Rasheed Zulubaba Oshogbo C.P. October Term, 2017 No. 04128 $70,456.16 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1906-350 609 N 65th St 19151 34th wd. 1,275 Sq. Ft. OPA#344291700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESI-

36 • MAYO 22 - 29, 2019 • ALDÍ

www.Officeof Philadelphia

SPECIAL NOTE: All Sheriff’s Sales are conducted pursuant to the orders of the Courts and Judges of the First Judicial District. Only properties that are subject to judgments issued by the First Judicial District are listed for sale. By law, the Sheriff’s Office cannot decide if a property can be listed for sale; only the District Courts can order a property to be sold at auction.

SHERIFF’S SALE OF Tuesday, June 4, 2019 1906-301 2609 W Hagert St 191323535 28th wd. 1,176 Sq. Ft. OPA#281262600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Lorenzo Bailey; Veron Ackridge a/k/a Vernon Akridge C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 03025 $33,968.62 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-302 1814 S Napa St 191451656 48th wd. 1,441 Sq. Ft. OPA#482412700 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Michael D. Ardron a/k/a Michael Ardron C.P. May Term, 2018 No. 02462 $98,393.71 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-303 5326 N Sydenham St 19141 17th wd. 1,680 Sq. Ft. OPA#172100400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jermaine Davis, Known Heir of Mary L. Davis, Deceased and Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Mary L. Davis, Deceased C.P. February Term, 2018 No. 02979 $110,301.36 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1906-304 5814 Florence Ave 191434530 3rd wd. 1,610 Sq. Ft.











DENTIAL PROPERTY Tyra R. Byrd a/k/a Tyra Ruth Byrd a/k/a Tyra Byrd C.P. May Term, 2018 No. 02239 $96,654.92 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-351 1915 S Hemberger St 19145 48th wd. 765 Sq. Ft. OPA#482227400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Lucius Walker Solely in His Capacity as Heir of Careathia Ann Walker Deceased, Patricia Walker Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Careathia Ann Walker Deceased and Shirley Walker Individually and in Her Capacity as Heir of Careathia Ann Walker Deceased C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 03747 $23,511.23 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-352 205-11 N 4th St #C5 a/k/a 20511 N 4th St 19106 5th wd. 0 Sq. Ft. OPA#888052386 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Tim Rose, Tokunboh Rose and Toyin Rose C.P. August Term, 2017 No. 00545 $320,242.18 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-353 1645 S 27th St 19145 36th wd. 930 Sq. Ft. BRT#364294000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under John J. Layman, Deceased C.P. November Term, 2018 No. 00976 $32,229.48 Martha E. Von Rosenstiel, P.C., Martha E. Von Rosenstiel, Esquire, Heather Riloff, Esquire, Tyler J. Wilk, Esquire 1906-354 1117 Wallace St 19123 14th wd. 1,150 Sq. Ft. OPA#141295600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Angela F. Venable as Administratrix of the Estate of William Venable, Jr. Deceased C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 02614 $268,078.67 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-355 6626 Lansdowne Ave 19151 34th wd. 1,135 Sq. Ft. OPA#344022900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Charita N. Henry C.P. October Term, 2017 No. 03622 $77,761.59 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1906-356 274 W Delphine St a/k/a 274 Delphine St 19120 42nd wd. 666 Sq. Ft. OPA#422263300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY The Unknown Heirs of Ying Chang, Deceased and King Koch Truong, Solely in His Capacity as Heir of Ying Chang, Deceased C.P. September Term, 2017 No. 00827 $75,019.72 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-357 4553 Oakmont St 19136 65th wd. 1,139 Sq. Ft. OPA#651082400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Max Fanin and Danielle R. Fanin a/k/a Danielle Fanin C.P. December Term, 2017 No. 01220 $106,188.62 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-358 908 E Sanger St a/k/a 908 Sanger St 19124 35th wd. 1,061 Sq. Ft. OPA#351203000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Julio Garcia Jr. and Virgin Garcia a/k/a Virgen M. Garcia C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 03434 $32,327.30 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-359 1517 E Berks St 19125 18th wd. 865 Sq. Ft. OPA#181208300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Mi-

chael Joseph Devine and Carolyn A. Flynn a/k/a Carolin A. Flynn. C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 01927 $43,455.44 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-360 2330 78th Ave 19150 50th wd. 1,920 Sq. Ft.; Improvements: 1,216 Sq. Ft. OPA#501434200 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW B/ GAR 2 STY MASONRY Herbert Woods, in His Capacity as Heir of Mary Woods; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Mary Woods C.P. May Term, 2017 No. 01893 $131,299.89 Robert Crawley 1906-361 5156 Leiper St 19124 62nd wd. 1,473 Sq. Ft. OPA#621475000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY The Unknown Heirs of Frances E. Martin, Deceased and Joseph Eganolf C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 04708 $36,712.27 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-362 8849 E Roosevelt Blvd 19152 57th wd. 3,396 Sq. Ft. OPA#571162500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Frederick C. James C.P. November Term, 2017 No. 01556 $141,139.98 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-363 1951 72nd Ave 19138 50th wd. 1,050 Sq. Ft. OPA#101301400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jourdon E. McPherson a/k/a Jourdon McPherson C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 01097 $112,574.87 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-364 8035 Mars Pl 19153 40th wd. ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY; 1,260 Sq. Ft. BRT#405882644 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Raymond A. Banks, Administrator of the Estate of Alice Geiger C.P. May Term, 2018 No. 00131 $122,034.63 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1906-365 902 Murdoch Rd 19150 50th wd. 3,240 Sq. Ft.; Improvements: 1,552 Sq. Ft. OPA#502514200 IMPROVEMENTS: S/D W/B GAR 2 STY MASONRY Frederick Brooks C.P. May Term, 2018 No. 00255 $117,808.64 Robert Crawley 1906-366 1742 Scattergood St 19124 62nd wd. 1,104 Sq. Ft. OPA#622126200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Loretta Grant C.P. June Term, 2017 No. 01278 $65,911.06 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-367 4948 Pennway St 19124 23rd wd. 1,582 Sq. Ft. OPA#233094800 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Aurelkis C. Nieves, a/k/a Aurelkis C. Torres; Alberto Nieves C.P. September Term, 2017 No. 01776 $48,704.26 Cristina L. Connor, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1906-368 3900 Ford Rd Apt 10Q 19131 52nd wd. Land Area: 0 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,217 Sq. Ft. OPA#888520155 IMPROVEMENTS: RES CONDO 5+ STY MASONRY Unknown heirs, successors, assigns and all persons, firms or associations claiming right, title or interest from or under Gertrude Crawley, Deceased; Cleopatra Maddox, in Her Capacity as Heir of Gertrude Crawley, Deceased; Allen Davis, in His Capacity as Heir of Jacquelyn Crawley-Davis,

Deceased C.P. May Term, 2018 No. 02685 $33,026.89 Robert Crawley, Esq. 1906-369 335 E Rockland St 19120 42nd wd. 1,281 Sq. Ft. OPA#421122200 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Unknown Heirs and/or Administrators to the Estate of James J. Mattos C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 03214 $63,159.82 Cristina L. Connor, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1906-370 1350 E Airdrie St 19124 33rd wd. 900 Sq. Ft. OPA#331238400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Rosaline Serrano C.P. November Term, 2016 No. 01313 $63,491.13 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-371 6472 Matthews St 19119 22nd wd. 2,323 Sq. Ft. OPA#221289500 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Pamela Montgomery, a/k/a Pamela L. Montgomery C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 00645 $157,426.19 Cristina L. Connor, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1906-372 2908 N Howard St 191334128 7th wd. 800 Sq. Ft. OPA#071074800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Hector M. Carrion a/k/a Hector Carrion C.P. November Term, 2018 No. 02715 $33,440.91 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-373 3108 N Spangler 19132 38th wd. 1,575 Sq. Ft. OPA#382192600 Subject to Mortgage Subject to Rent IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Unknown Heirs and/or Administrators of the Estate of Ida Kennedy, a/k/a Ida E. Kennedy, a/k/a Ida Elizabeth Kennedy; Loretta L. Falcon, a/k/a Loretta Lee Falcon, as believed Heir and/or Administrator to the Estate of Ida Kennedy, a/k/a Ida E. Kennedy, a/k/a Ida Elizabeth Kennedy; Donald L. Falcon, as believed Heir and/or Administrator to the Estate of Ida Kennedy, a/k/a Ida E. Kennedy, a/k/a Ida Elizabeth Kennedy; Temeka Murray, as believed Heir and/ or Adminstrator to the Estate of Curtis L. James; Unknown Heirs and/or Administrators of the Estate of Curtis L. James C.P. August Term, 2017 No. 00756 $5,648.36 Meredith H. Wooters, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1906-374 3333 Comly Rd Unit 42 19154 66th wd. 900 Sq. Ft. OPA#888660683 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Paul Warner C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 01190 $66,560.72 Meredith H. Wooters, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1906-375 582 Rector St 19128 21st wd. 2,939 Sq. Ft. OPA#213139000 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY David Brotschul, a/k/a David J. Brotschul C.P. February Term, 2018 No. 01402 $92,177.10 Meredith H. Wooters, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1906-376 7206 Horrocks St 19149 54th wd. 1,485 Sq. Ft. OPA#542342100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY David A. Smith as Administrator of the Estate of Denise M. Smith Deceased C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 02479 $71,452.55 KML Law Group, P.C.

1906-377 1170 E Upsal St 19150 10th wd. Land Area: 1,306 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,024 Sq. Ft. OPA#102331800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Janelle Robinson, Known Heir of Mitchel Robinson; Lysa Robinson, Known Heir of Mitchel Robinson; Michelle Robinson, Known Heir of Mitchel Robinson; Mitchell Robinson, Known Heir of Mitchel Robinson; Pamela Robinson, Known Heir of Mitchel Robinson; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Mitchel Robinson C.P. January Term, 2018 No. 04149 $105,146.20 Robert Crawley, Esq. 1906-378 15020 Milford St 19116 58th wd. Land: 7,868 Sq. Ft.; Improvement: 1,698 Sq. Ft.; Total: 7,868 Sq. Ft. BRT#583183600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY William J. Loughery a/k/a William Loughery and Donna Marie Loughery a/k/a Donna Loughery C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 03473 $211,000.76 Richard M. Squire & Associates, LLC 1906-379 1544 Womrath St 19124 23rd wd. 1121 Sq. Ft. OPA#232008900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Nelson Colon and Antoinette Ortiz C.P. February Term, 2015 No. 01115 $56,675.31 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-380 3840 Bennington St 19124 33rd wd. Land: 975 Sq. Ft.; Improvement: 1,271 Sq. Ft.; Total: 1,271 Sq. Ft. OPA#332281200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Reynaldo Rodriguez C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 01584 $41,640.00 Richard M. Squire & Associates, LLC 1906-381 5014 N 15th St 19141 17th wd. 1,376 Sq. Ft. OPA#172055600 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Joseph Wilson C.P. June Term, 2018 No. 03073 $61,907.80 Cristina L. Connor, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1906-382 933 E Ellet St 19150 50th wd. 2,064 Sq. Ft. OPA#502436200 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Angela I. Alexander, a/k/a Angela L. Alexander; J. Hite Aleander, Jr., a/k/a J. Hite Alexander C.P. May Term, 2017 No. 04207 $166,595.28 Cristina L. Connor, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1906-383 1610 E McPherson St 19150 50th wd. 2,355 Sq. Ft. OPA#501497000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Sonya F. Flowers Individually and as Administratrix of the Estate of Queen E. Flowers Deceased C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 02076 $42,763.49 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-384 148 Wentz St 19120 61st wd. 2,400 Sq. Ft. OPA#612023600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Kien Bich To C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 01194 $99,347.19 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-385 4407 Loring St 19136 41st wd. 1,078 Sq. Ft. OPA#412182700 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Sebrena

Baskerville-Perry, a/k/a Sebrena Baskerville Perry, a/k/a Sebrena Baskerville-Wilkinson C.P. March Term, 2018 No. 02302 $125,424.38 Meredith H. Wooters, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1906-386 6733 N Woodstock St 19138 10th wd. 1,200 Sq. Ft. OPA#102078810 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Lincoln Johnson C.P. July Term, 2017 No. 02588 $97,443.91 Michael Boland, Esq 1906-387 1829 Nolan St 19138 10th wd. 1,400 Sq. Ft. OPA#102227300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY James Spencer C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 01278 $190,266.16 Cristina L. Connor, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1906-388 1050 Byberry Rd 19116 58th wd. Land Area: 22,800 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 2,496 Sq. Ft. OPA#582363000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Ann Daniels, in Her Capacity as Heir of Michael R. Cataline a/k/a Michael Raymond Cataline, Deceased; James Cataline, in His Capacity as Heir of Michael R. Cataline a/k/a Michael Raymond Cataline, Deceased; Joseph Cataline, in His Capacity as Heir of Michael R. Cataline a/k/a Michael Raymond Cataline, Deceased; Marie MacDonald, in Her Capacity as Heir of Michael R. Cataline a/k/a Michael Raymond Cataline, Deceased; Daniel Cataline, in His Capacity as Heir of Michael R. Cataline a/k/a Michael Raymond Cataline, Deceased; Rita Fritz, in Her Capacity as Heir of Michael R. Cataline a/k/a Michael Raymond Cataline, Deceased; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title or interest from or under Michael R. Cataline a/k/a Michael Raymond Cataline C.P. May Term, 2018 No. 02097 $242,853.23 Robert Crawley, Esq. 1906-389 242 S 56th St 19139 60th wd. 1,238 Sq. Ft. OPA#604214700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Shirlene Chowyuk Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Robert L. Harris, Deceased, Anita Harris Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Robert L. Harris Deceased, Marlo Harris Solely in His Capacity as Heir of Robert L. Harris Deceased, Robert Harris, III Solely in His Capacity as Heir of Robert L. Harris Deceased and The Unknown Heirs of Robert L. Harris Deceased C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 03318 $61,668.48 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-390 7335 Rockwell Ave 19111 63rd wd. 2,725 Sq. Ft. OPA#631112301 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Denise Allen C.P. May Term, 2012 No. 00720 $151,294.70 Meredith H. Wooters, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1906-391 580 1/2 Vankirk St 19120 35th wd. 1,196 Sq. Ft. OPA#352099700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY William C. Martin, Jr. C.P. June Term, 2018 No. 01302 $60,669.66 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-392 4719 Conshohocken Ave 19131 52nd wd. 4,547 Sq. Ft. OPA#521193200 IMPROVE-

MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Nakia Holman and Gregory D. Holman C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 01600 $247,644.32 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-393 407 Roselyn St 191201836 61st wd. 1,200 Sq. Ft. OPA#612185900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Tabetha Davis C.P. October Term, 2017 No. 02757 $88,737.57 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-394 4119 Stirling St 191353025 55th wd. 1,200 Sq. Ft. OPA#552053400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Joshua Wark C.P. June Term, 2017 No. 00500 $29,966.47 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-395 1840 N 71st St 19151 34th wd. 3,384 Sq. Ft. OPA#344426500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Richard Giuliani; Jean Giuliani a/k/a Jeanie Giuliani C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 03520 $324,287.64 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-396 408 N 64th St 19151 34th wd. Land Area: 3,125; Improvement Area: 1,646 Sq. Ft. OPA#343082100 A.H. A Minor, Known Heir of Anthony Hussey, Ciera Hussey, Known Heir of Anthony Hussey, Demarco Hussey, Known Heir of Anthony Hussey, Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Anthony Hussey C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 05033 $92,433.25 Brandon Pack, Esq 1906-397 2737 S Fairhill St 191484805 39th wd. 960 Sq. Ft. OPA#395158300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Joseph M. White, in His Capacity as Heir of Frances White, Deceased; James White, in His Capacity as Heir of Frances White, Deceased; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Frances White, Deceased C.P. March Term, 2018 No. 03430 $62,929.75 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-398 2807 Ryerson Pl 19114 57th wd. 1,800 Sq. Ft. OPA#572094623 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jessica Murao; Steven K. Murao, a/k/a Steven Murao C.P. June Term, 2013 No. 02114 $204,698.72 Meredith H. Wooters, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1906-399 6814 Chew Ave 19119 22nd wd. SEMI/DET 2 STY MASONRY; 1,440 Sq. Ft. BRT#222201500 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Jerome Johnson, Sr., Known Surviving Heir of Leacy J. Johnson and Unknown Surviving Heirs of Leacy J. Johnson C.P. July Term, 2015 No. 03389 $148,969.26 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1906-400 4207 Hartel Ave 19136 65th wd. 3,812 Sq. Ft. OPA#651192300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Sophie D. Colpe a/k/a Sophie Dolan and David G. Colpe C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 01010 $65,189.70 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-401 656 N Brooklyn St 19104 6th wd. ROW 3 STY MASONRY; 1,752 Sq. Ft. BRT#061268700

IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Kevin Green, Known Surviving Heir of William Johnson and Unknown Surviving Heirs of William Johnson C.P. November Term, 2017 No. 01742 $79,330.69 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1906-402 3234 N Etting St 19129 38th wd. Land Area: 891 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,199 Sq. Ft. OPA#381253100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Lewis N. Bonds, Deceased; Thomas Benson, in His Capacity as Heir of Lewis N. Bonds, Deceased; Eriq Beard, in His Capacity as Heir of Lewis N. Bonds, Deceased; Celya Beard, in Her Capacity as Heir of Lewis N. Bonds, Deceased; Lewis Bonds, III, in His Capacity as Heir of Lewis N. Bonds, Deceased; Brandon Bonds, in His Capacity as Heir of Lewis N. Bonds, Deceased; Joy Bonds, in Her Capacity as Heir of Lewis N. Bonds, Deceased C.P. May Term, 2018 No. 03127 $71,676.84 Robert Crawley, Esq 1906-403 4767 Tampa St 19120 42nd wd. 1,140 Sq. Ft. OPA#421586200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Mario R. Ortiz C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 00713 $42,547.75 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1906-404 1631 French St 19121 32nd wd. 827 Sq. Ft. OPA#321059800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Lauren J. Chandler and Howard Young Solely in His Capacity as heir of Lauren J. Chandler a/k/a Lauren J. Chandler-Young, Deceased C.P. March Term, 2016 No. 03382 $110,273.53 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-405 5238 N Sydenham St 19141 17th wd. 1,200 Sq. Ft. OPA#172098000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Keith Cooper C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 04801 $165,009.33 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1906-406 3940 N 9th St 19140-3104 43rd wd. 1,024 Sq. Ft. OPA#433142700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Irma Nelly Godizano; Damaris Godizano; Nehemiah Godizano; Evangeline Godizano C.P. January Term, 2018 No. 00749 $18,648.10 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-407 1131 E Sanger St, a/k/a 1131 Sanger St 19124-1130 62nd wd. 1,222 Sq. Ft. OPA#621055700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Billie R. Garfield a/k/a Billie R. Gordon C.P. January Term, 2019 No. 02204 $80,181.78 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-408 6646 N Smedley St 19126 10th wd. ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY; 1,262 Sq. Ft. BRT#101040100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Rashea Edmond, Known Surviving Heir of Mary L. Edmond, Ramika Edmond, Known Surviving Heir of Mary L. Edmond and Unknown Surviving Heirs of Mary L. Edmond C.P. May Term, 2016 No. 01490 $112,393.77 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC

1906-409 6151 Baynton St 191442036 59th wd. 2,610 Sq. Ft. OPA#592194500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Terry Scott C.P. January Term, 2018 No. 01931 $85,934.48 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-410 199 W Chew Ave 191202455 61st wd. 1,800 Sq. Ft. OPA#612049900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Kim Marshall, in Her Capacity as Heir of James Dickerson, Deceased; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under James Dickerson, Deceased C.P. January Term, 2017 No. 01851 $215,056.08 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-411 423-D E Haines St 19144 59th wd. 1,711 Sq. Ft. OPA#592006540 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Joyce C. Alexander, Deceased; Samara Alexander in Her Capacity as Heir of Joyce C. Alexander, Deceased; Eshana Alexander in Her Capacity as Heir of Joyce C. Alexander, Deceased; Tierra Tina in Her Capacity as Heir of Joyce C. Alexander, Deceased; Tanee Tina in Her Capacity as Heir of Joyce C. Alexander, Deceased C.P. January Term, 2018 No. 05464 $63,413.73 RAS Citron, LLC - Robert Crawley, Esq 1906-412 8410 Torresdale Ave 191361518 65th wd. 1,440 Sq. Ft. OPA#652318800 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Michael D Taylor a/k/a Michael Taylor; Sinai T. Taylor C.P. June Term, 2018 No. 00745 $236,002.83 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-413 1342 E Berks St D a/k/a, 1342 E Berks St, Unit D a/k/a 7 191252817 18th wd. 1,689 Sq. Ft. OPA#888180022 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Anthony Covington C.P. April Term, 2017 No. 01063 $471,827.37 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-414 5115 Race St 19139 44th wd. 1,584 Sq. Ft. OPA#441031400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Johnny C. Smith C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 03792 $69,788.31 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-415 7019 Reedland St 191421715 40th wd. 1,024 Sq. Ft. OPA#406210000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Christopher Wyche C.P. December Term, 2017 No. 02807 $55,632.77 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-416 227 W Nedro Ave 19120 61st wd. Land Area: 992 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,168 Sq. Ft. OPA#612101100 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Diane E. Lamar a/k/a Diana Lamar a/k/a Diana E. Lamar, Jasmin M. Lamar Known Heir of Diane E. Lamar a/k/a Diana Lamar a/k/a Diana E. Lamar, Christiana Lamar, Known Heir of Diane E. Lamar a/k/a Diana Lamar a/k/a Diana


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E. Lamar C.P. December Term, 2016 No. 02746 $77,787.81 Robert Crawley, Esq 1906-417 1228-1232 Arch St Unit 4D a/k/a 1228-32 Arch St #4D 19107-2816 5th wd. 856 Sq. Ft. OPA#888038082 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Magda Teresa Vergara C.P. February Term, 2018 No. 03045 $203,142.10 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-418 1321 N. Allison St 19131 52nd wd. Beginning Point: Situate on the East of Allison Street at the distance of one hundered forty-five feet Northward from the North side of Thompson Street OPA#041325400 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 2 STY MASONRY Allan H. Davenport, Sr. C.P. April Term, 2015 No. 00860 $100,093.51 Patrick J. Wesner, Esquire 1906-419 4254 N 16th St 19140 13th wd. 798 Sq. Ft. OPA#132117600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Mary Green C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 00710 $79,374.17 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-420 7041 Buist Ave 19142 40th wd. 1,200 Sq. Ft. OPA#406254100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY George Akanno C.P. October Term, 2013 No. 01637 $55,955.78 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-421 5631 Belmar Terr a/k/a 5631 Belmar St 19143 51st wd. 992 Sq. Ft. OPA#514094500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Nathaniel Isaac C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 02078 $44,668.28 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906422 1518 Womrath St 19124 23rd wd. 1,075 Sq. Ft. OPA#232007600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Marie Joseph and Rosselin Joseph C.P. November Term, 2018 No. 02914 $60,751.21 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-423 6211 Webster St 19143 3rd wd. 1,678 Sq. Ft. OPA#033024900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Bonica D. Lee C.P. May Term, 2017 No. 04439 $46,828.18 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-424 2641 Emerald St 19125 31st wd. Beginning Point: Containing in front or breadth on the said Emerald Street sixteen feet (including on the southwesterly side thereof the Northeasternmost moiety of half part of a Two Feet Four inches wide alley and extending in depth ThirtySix Feet) OPA#311086400 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 3 STY MASONRY Thomas J. Barton & Eileen Barton C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 02352 $121,654.95 Patrick J. Wesner, Esquire 1906-425 1352 South St, Unit 214 19147 2nd wd. 0 Sq. Ft. BRT#888303246 IMPROVEMENTS: RES CONDO 5+ STY MASONRY Jon Coffee C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 03018 $533,984.64 Emmanuel J. Argentieri, Esquire 1906-426 576 Fairway Terr 19128 21st wd. 2,880 Sq. Ft. OPA#213314700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jennifer L. Lazur C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 02390 $177,455.51 KML Law Group, P.C.

1906-427 2423 S Iseminger St 19148 39th wd. 679 Sq. Ft. OPA#394398300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY The Unknown Heirs of Minnie Di Labbio a/k/a Minnie Di Labio Deceased C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 00200 $182,490.02 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-428 6710 Anderson St 19119 22nd wd. 9,972 Sq. Ft. OPA#222253000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING James White, III, Personal Representative of The Estate of Barbara Selby; Estate of Barbara Selby; Sicily Selby Smith, Known Heir of Barbara Selby; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Barbara Selby C.P. August Term, 2017 No. 03160 $199,662.69 RAS Cintron LLC, Robert Crawley Esq 1906-429 7207 Kindred St 19149 54th wd. Land Area: 1,539 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,188 Sq. Ft. OPA#542292200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Richard O. Roland a/k/a Richard Roland; United States of America C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 02754 $103,866.11 RAS Cintron, LLC, Robert Crawley, Esq 1906-430 4615 James St 19137 45th wd. 2,700 Sq. Ft. OPA#453415800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Steven J. Lipp, as Administrator of the Estate of John A. Lipp C.P. November Term, 2018 No. 02910 $62,412.93 Justin F. Kobeski, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski LLC 1906-431 7424 Fayette St 19138 50th wd. 1,616 Sq. Ft. OPA#501013900 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Nicole Hogue, a/k/a Nicole White-Hogue; Unknown Heirs and/or Administrators of the Estate of Nicole Hogue, a/k/a Nicole WhiteHogue C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 00483 $133,844.11 Justin F. Kobeski, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski LLC 1906-432 1857 E Orleans St 19134 25th wd. 1,136 Sq. Ft. OPA#252168100 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Mike C. Jones C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 01708 $57,153.54 Meredith H. Wooters, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1906-433 5035 Stenton Ave 19144 12th wd. 1,275 Sq. Ft. OPA#121217800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Kimberly D. Watson C.P. June Term, 2018 No. 02225 $34,531.97 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-434 3509 Englewood St 19149 55th wd. 1350.56 Sq. Ft. OPA#551505600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Johnny Cruz C.P. March Term, 2016 No. 02045 $148,764.56 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-435 6500 N 18th St 19129 17th wd. 16’ x 90’ or 1,440 Sq. Ft. (lot); 1,856 Sq. Ft. (improvement area) OPA#172282700 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: UNKNOWN Ginns Bond & Mortgage Co. C.P. August Term, 2018 No. 01897 $144,555.55 Donald S. Litman/ Daniel H. Assaraf, The Ginsburg Law Firm

1906-436 8112 Rugby St 19150 50th wd. 2,585 Sq. Ft. OPA#502085400 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Robyn M. Johnson, a/k/a Robyn Johnson; Sarah D. Johnson a/k/a Sarah Johnson (deceased); Brian Johnson, Administrator of the Estate of Sarah D. Johnson a/k/a Sarah Johnson C.P. September Term, 2011 No. 01168 $240,122.56 Meredith H. Wooters, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1906-437 6213 Clearview St 19138 59th wd. 861 Sq. Ft. OPA#592308100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Dorothy M. Rolison a/k/a Dorothy Rolison C.P. March Term, 2018 No. 02052 $41,043.00 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-438 6152 Haverford Ave 191514335 34th wd. 1,260 Sq. Ft. OPA#341072000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Mary E. Mattison a/k/a Mary Mattison; Tyron J. Rush C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 03814 $125,091.55 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-439 419 Tasker St 191481330 1st wd. 1,440 Sq. Ft. OPA#011296100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Phally Ing; Samoeun Oum C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 03176 $37,050.19 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-440 1507 W Courtland St 19140 13th wd. 1,284 Sq. Ft. OPA#132378500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Fatima White C.P. October Term, 2017 No. 02823 $92,028.07 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-441 3343 Morning Glory Rd 19154 66th wd. 2,160 Sq. Ft. OPA#663043400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Eugene Bukh, Natalie Bukh, 3343 Morning Glory Road, LLC, United States of America - Dept. of the Treasury-IRS C.P. December Term, 2018 No. 02915 $170,000.00 The Law Offices of Jon Taylor, Esquire 1906-442 6432 Haverford Ave 19151 34th wd. 1,554 Sq. Ft. OPA#343040300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Paula Harris, a/k/a Paula M. Harris, Beverly Stanford-Harris, a/k/a Beverly R. Stanford-Harris C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 01034 $61,546.33 Justin F. Kobeski, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski LLC 1906-443 3129 Holly Rd 19154 66th wd. 2,826 Sq. Ft. OPA#663017600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Terrianne Deniken C.P. November Term, 2015 No. 02815 $59,956.15 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-444 4526 Van Kirk St 19135 41st wd. 2500 Sq. Ft. OPA#411091700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Keith Graham and Ishelleta Watt Graham C.P. December Term, 2017 No. 04267 $130,841.68 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-445 4506 Belgrade St 19137 45th wd. 2,000 Sq. Ft. OPA#453177700 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS:

RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jaime Bayona; Kristina Scott a/k/a K. Scott C.P. May Term, 2018 No. 01261 $182,044.60 Cristina L. Connor, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1906-446 1212 N 64th St 19151 34th wd. Land: 1,616 Sq. Ft.; Improvement: 1,542 Sq. Ft.; Total: 1,616 Sq. Ft. OPA#344256300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Niaja Brown C.P. July Term, 2017 No. 01855 $74,308.69 Richard M. Squire & Associates, LLC 1906-447 145 Widener St 19120 61st wd. 1,260 Sq. Ft. BRT#612126700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Yvette James, Individually and as Heir of The Estate of Walton James, Deceased and Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Walton James, Deceased C.P. May Term, 2018 No. 01262 $125,453.53 Powers Kirn, LLC 1906-448 12034 Glenfield Rd 19154 66th wd. 3,105 Sq. Ft. BRT#662183400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Ryan C. Hayes C.P. March Term, 2018 No. 00713 $202,875.95 Powers Kirn, LLC 1906-449 3908 Pulaski St 19140 13th wd. 1,023 Sq. Ft. BRT#131209200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Enrique Mir C.P. December Term, 2018 No. 03304 $57,503.09 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1906-450 3534 Kyle Rd 19154 66th wd. 1,799 Sq. Ft. BRT#662352300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Any and All Known and Unknown Heirs, Executors, Administrators and Devisees of the Estate of John D. Broadbent, Sr., deceased C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 00437 $154,110.61 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1906-451 5340 Turner St 19131 52nd wd. 1,024 Sq. Ft. BRT#521048100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Bishop Henry A. Moultrie, II, solely in his capacity as Co-Executor of the Estate of Walda B. Moultrie, deceased and Benjamin Franklin Moultrie, solely in his capacity as Co-Executor of the Estate of Walda B. Moultrie, deceased C.P. February Term, 2018 No. 00674 $86,474.24 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1906-452 3600 Conshohoken Ave Aparment 1409 19131 52nd wd. 1,251 Sq. Ft. OPA#888520562 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Andre Derrick Hubbard, A/K/A Andre D. Hubbard; Debra Hubbard C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 01393 $100,842.47 Meredith H. Wooters, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1906-453 11925 Stevens Rd 191162509 58th wd. 1,332 Sq. Ft. OPA#582579000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Faiza Simankin; Dmitriy Simankin; Ruslan Simankin C.P. June Term, 2018 No. 00378 $159,920.39 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-454 9703 Legion St 191141716 66th wd. 1,480 Sq. Ft. OPA#661011603 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Corey Reed C.P. November Term, 2018 No. 00032 $161,833.32 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP

1906-455 5752 Walton Ave 191432428 46th wd. 1,110 Sq. Ft. OPA#463089500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Minnie R. Smith, in Her Capacity as Heir of Cad Smith a/k/a Cad Vance Smith a/k/a Cad Vance Smith, Sr, Deceased C.P. November Term, 2015 No. 03852 $54,549.51 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-456 7371 Woolston Ave 19138 10th wd. 1,436 Sq. Ft. BRT#102418600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL Roslyn A. Paige C.P. October Term, 2017 No. 01014 $86,939.64 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1906-457 4302 Deerpath Ln 19154 66th wd. 2,157 Sq. Ft. OPA#662446000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Harry J. Wexler a/k/a Harry J. Wexler, Jr. C.P. December Term, 2016 No. 01211 $158,533.98 KML Law Group, P.C. 1906-458 5715 Leonard St 191493518 62nd wd. 1,220 Sq. Ft. OPA#621516000 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Kenneth J. Martus C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 01917 $33,283.77 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-459 516 Cross St 19147-6513 1st wd. 1,112 Sq. Ft. OPA#011292100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Rosalind Mccrea a/k/a Rosalind C. Mccrea C.P. January Term, 2012 No. 00378 $168,747.99 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-460 2901 S Robinson St 191423417 40th wd. 1,216 Sq. Ft. OPA#402090600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Kyha Williams C.P. December Term, 2017 No. 04068 $145,012.00 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-461 6122 Nassau Rd 191514505 34th wd. 1,985 Sq. Ft. OPA#342078200 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Vernon Lucas; Beverly LucasKing; Robert Lucas; Stanley L. Lucas, Jr C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 05268 $19,790.65 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-462 1819 Oakmont St 19111 56th wd. 1,332 Sq. Ft. OPA#561374500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Tashaneke MackBedell C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 04230 $145,400.76 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-463 607 E Hortter Pl a/k/a 607 Hortter Pl 19119 22nd wd. 1,080 Sq. Ft. OPA#221185600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Thelma Brooks C.P. August Term, 2005 No. 03071 $251,954.59 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-464 4266 Griscom St 19124 23rd wd. SEMI/DET 2 STY MASONRY; 1,552 Sq. Ft. BRT#232428100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Shareeta Fowler C.P. April Term, 2017 No. 02256 $109,496.40 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1906-465 7024 Louise Rd 19138-0000 10th wd. S/D W/B GAR 2 STY MASONRY; 1,248 Sq. Ft.

BRT#102448600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Dawn C. Clement a/k/a Dawn Clement C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 01483 $105,192.74 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1906-466 7816 Cottage St 19136 65th wd. ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY; 1,120 Sq. Ft. BRT#651241600 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Timothy Stinger, Administrator of the Estate of William E. Stinger C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 00088 $46,353.92 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1906-467 7135 Lincoln Dr 19119 9th wd. 5,550 Sq. Ft. BRT#09-20993-00 IMPROVEMENTS: COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Emigrant Residential LLC C.P. April Term, 2012 No. 03286 $363,327.72 Christopher J. Leavell, Esquire; Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg LLP 1906-468 1524 W 66th Ave a/k/a 1524 66th Ave 19141 17th wd. 1,840 Sq. Ft. BRT#171362000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL Bernadette Walker C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 01900 $77,021.17 Stern & Eisenberg P.C. 1906-469 1250 Stirling St 19111 53rd wd. Land Area: 1,680 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,376 Sq. Ft. OPA#531050800 Mary Reynolds a/k/a Mary A. Reynolds $148,755.56 Robert Crawley, Esq 1906-470 2904 S. Carlisle St 19145 26th wd. 1,140 Sq. Ft. BRT#261138500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Richard Braude C.P. November Term, 2018 No. 2548 $74,934.37 Weber Gallagher Simpson Stapleton Fires & Newby, LLP, Sarah A. Elia, Esq. 1906-471 6628 Hegerman St 19135 41st wd. 1,601 Sq. Ft. BRT#411371600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Lakeya K. Robinson C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 03537 $175,172.81 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1906-472 709 Mole St 19146 30th wd. 1,395 Sq. Ft. BRT#301286400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Eugene Brown C.P. December Term, 2018 No. 2962 $589,580.99 Weber Gallagher Simpson Stapleton Fires & Newby, LLP, Sarah A. Elia, Esq. 1906-473 9530 Clark St 19115-3902 58th wd. 8,941 Sq. Ft. OPA#58-14268-10 IMPROVEMENTS: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Jean Yves Noel and Elizabeth Noel C.P. February Term, 2017 No. 00505 $266,866.07 Hladik, Onorato & Federman, LLP 1906-474 9355 Tulip St 19114-4016 65th wd. 952 Sq. Ft. OPA#652395215 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY John Mcintyre C.P. March Term, 2017 No. 00114 $161,729.51 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-475 1633 W Grange Ave 19141 17th wd. 1,998 Sq. Ft. BRT#171122700 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY William H. Watson and Dorothy Watson, deceased C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 01773 $82,082.96 Milstead & Associates, LLC 1906-476 4817 Rosalie St 19135-

4142 41st wd. 750 Sq. Ft. OPA#411087700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Dilayla D. Duran, in Her Capacity as Heir of Juan D. Duran, Deceased; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Juan D. Duran, Deceased C.P. March Term, 2018 No. 02177 $65,117.88 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-477 3923 Brown St 19104 24th wd. 1,600 Sq. Ft. BRT#243122500 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 3 STY MASONRY Richard Wilson C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 01435 $53,027.05 Milstead & Associates, LLC 1906-478 6146 W Oxford St 19151 34th wd. 2,331 Sq. Ft. BRT#342093800 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 3 STY MASONRY + OTHER Sherell Baker C.P. August Term, 2018 No. 00477 $66,133.31 Milstead & Associates, LLC 1906-479 4223 Greeby St 19135 55th wd. Beginning Point: Situate on the Northeasterly side of Greeby Street (45 feet wide) at the distance of 183 feet 8 inches Southeastwardly from the Southeasterly side of Erdrick St OPA#552126400 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY Jessica S. Recklau C.P. November Term, 2017 No. 01096 $164,104.59 Patrick J. Wesner, Esquire 1906-480 7425 Elmwood Ave 191531427 40th wd. 1,024 Sq. Ft. OPA#404224600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Andre M. Howard a/k/a Andre Howard; Dorothy Howard C.P. November Term, 2018 No. 01105 $54,588.70 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-481 215 W. Penn St 19144 12th wd. Beginning Point: on the Northwesterly side of Penn Street, at the distance of 150 feet 6-3/4 inches, Southwestwardly, from the southwesterly side of Wayne Avenue OPA#124025100 IMPROVEMENTS: SEMI/DET 2.5 STY MASONRY Tobias Jenkins C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 01431 $210,300.23 Patrick J. Wesner, Esquire 1906-482 127 Mercy St 19148-2613 39th wd. 1,120 Sq. Ft. OPA#391051800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Daniel P. Miller; Marykate Miller C.P. March Term, 2018 No. 03026 $129,785.48 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-483 5122 N. 11th St 19141 49th wd. 2,163 Sq. Ft. BRT#493067100 IMPROVEMENTS: SEMI/ DET 2 STY MASONRY Helen Reynolds and Roxanne Barkley C.P. December Term, 2017 No. 03952 $54,350.86 Milstead & Associates, LLC 1906-484 2421 S Franklin St 19148 39th wd. 737 Sq. Ft. BRT#393218300 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 2 STY MASONRY Charles Williams C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 00988 $24,451.79 Milstead & Associates, LLC 1906-485 5900 Master St 19151 34th wd. Beginning Point: Situate at the point a corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Master Street with the westerly side of Fifty-Ninth Street OPA#342020000 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW CON/

APT 3 STY MASONRY Andargachew Yefatu a/k/a Andergach Andargachew C.P. November Term, 2018 No. 00538 $170,418.19 Patrick J. Wesner, Esquire 1906-486 6307 Eastwood St 19149 54th wd. (formerly 35th wd.) 1313.84 Sq. Ft. BRT#541271400 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY Dianna Moore C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 00256 $178,671.14 Emmanuel J. Argentieri, Esquire 1906-487 232 Lardner St 191115908 35th wd. 1,188 Sq. Ft. OPA#352174800 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Amanda Lyn Betts; Carolina Ramirez C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 03235 $119,624.42 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-488 2723 W Silver St 191322539 28th wd. 754 Sq. Ft. OPA#281412700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Lorenzo E. Bailey a/k/a Lorenzo Bailey; Vernon Ackridge a/k/a Vernon Akridge C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 00356 $33,385.33 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-489 1534 W 68th Ave North a/k/a 1534 68th Ave 19126 10th wd. 2,453 Sq. Ft. BRT#101249100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Christopher Atkinson, Personal Representative of the Estate of Isadroa C. Atkinson a/k/a Isadora C. Waysom Atkinson a/k/a Isadora Atkinson, Deceased C.P. July Term, 2014 No. 00932 $54,989.23 Law Office of Gregory Javardian, LLC 1906-490 1819 Nedro Ave a/k/a 1819 W. Nedro Ave 19141 17th wd. 1,446 Sq. Ft. BRT#171171500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Micha L. Wilson C.P. September Term, 2016 No. 02928 $123,880.72 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1906-491 9946 Woodfern Rd 191152019 58th wd. 1,107 Sq. Ft. OPA#581268700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Unknown Successor Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Sicilia, Deceased Heir of Adel Sicilia; Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns, and All Persons, Firms, or Associations Claiming Right, Title or Interest From or Under Adel Sicilia, Deceased; Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns, and All Persons, Firms, or Associations Claiming Right, Title or Interest From or Under Frank Sicilia, Deceased Heir of Adel Sicilia; Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns, and All Persons, Firms, or Associations Claiming Right, Title or Interest From or Under John Sicilia, Deceased Devisee of the Last Will and Testament of Adel Sicilia; Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns, and All Persons, Firms, or Associations Claiming Right, Title or Interest From or Under Joseph Sicilia, Deceased Heir of Adel Sicilia; Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns, and All Persons, Firms, or Associations Claiming Right, Title or Interest From or Under Ronald Sicilia, Deceased Heir of Adel Sicilia; Patricia Lee Sicilia, in Her Capacity as Heir of Ronald Sicilia, Deceased Heir of Adel Sicilia; Leeann Warnaka, in Her Capacity as Heir of Ronald Sicilia, Deceased Heir of Adel

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Sicilia; Ronald Bart Sicilia, in His Capacity as Heir of Ronald Sicilia, Deceased Heir of Adel Sicilia C.P. November Term, 2015 No. 00772 $99,767.39 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-492 326 Winona St, a/k/a 326 W Winona St 19144 12th wd. 1,744 Sq. Ft. OPA#124059300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Rosetta D. Williams a/k/a Rosetta Williams C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 03613 $127,920.56 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-493 1826 W 68th Ave a/k/a 1826 68th Ave 19126 10th wd. 1,406 Sq. Ft. OPA#101253400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Florence Katie Thompson a/k/a Florence K. Thompson C.P. December Term, 2017 No. 02936 $102,045.14 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-494 1321 S 57th St 191434638 51st wd. 1,452 Sq. Ft. OPA#513039200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Nicole J. Hewlett a/k/a Nicole Jeannie Hewlett, in Her Capacity as Executrix of The Estate of Tangerine B. Hewlett a/k/a Tangerine Terrell a/k/a Tangerine B. Terrell-Hewlett; Jerome Phillip Hewlett, in His Capacity as Devisee of The Estate of Tangerine B. Hewlett a/k/a Tangerine B. Terrell a/k/a Tangerine Terrell-Hewlett C.P. January Term,

2019 No. 02207 $63,804.58 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-495 5814 N. Lambert St 191382912 17th wd. 960 Sq. Ft. OPA#172427100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Stacey Moore; Virgie J. Moore C.P. May Term, 2017 No. 03422 $95,598.29 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-496 102 W Ritner St a/k/a 102 Ritner St 19148-4021 39th wd. 1,400 Sq. Ft. OPA#391128400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Justin Schletterer C.P. June Term, 2016 No. 02099 $200,725.26 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-497 6228 Gillespie St 191353215 55th wd. 1,136 Sq. Ft. OPA#552426100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Juan C. Rodriguez C.P. June Term, 2017 No. 00991 $175,146.37 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-498 3204 W Allegheny Ave 191321016 38th wd. 1,470 Sq. Ft. OPA#382014600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Myeshai Brooks, in Her Capacity as Executrix and Devisee of The Estate of Julia Hawthorne C.P. November Term, 2018 No. 01964 $33,131.85 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-499 1943 Georgian Rd 19138

10th wd. 1,872 Sq. Ft. OPA#101273800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Sharon Holmes C.P. July Term, 2012 No. 02345 $135,637.80 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1906-500 6129 N 7th St 19120-1322 61st wd. 1,536 Sq. Ft. OPA#611145500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jennifer Dancy C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 00210 $212,165.48 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-501 5325 Ogden St 19139-1438 44th wd. 700 Sq. Ft. OPA#442029800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Michele D. Elliott a/k/a Michelle Elliott, in Her Capacity as Executrix of The Estate of Jeannette C. Brown a/k/a Jeanette C. Elliot a/k/a Jeanette Elliott-Brown a/k/a Jeanette C. Brown; William Nembhard, in His Capacity as Devisee of The Estate of Jeannette C. Brown a/k/a Jeanette C. Elliot a/k/a Jeanette Elliott-Brown a/k/a Jeanette C. Brown C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 01910 $40,760.26 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-502 1141 E Hortter St 191503104 50th wd. 1,100 Sq. Ft. OPA#502347100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Morgan D. Miller, Jr C.P. January Term, 2019 No. 03009 $133,759.95 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-503 4644 Locust St 19139-

4414 46th wd. 2,400 Sq. Ft. OPA#461011100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Betty H. Reavis C.P. March Term, 2015 No. 04115 $82,551.17 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-504 1629 S Yewdall St 191435427 51st wd. 990 Sq. Ft. OPA#514162600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Robert B. Covington, Jr, in His Capacity as Administrator and Heir of The Estate of Robert B. Covington a/k/a Robert Bernard Covington, Sr a/k/a Robert B. Covington, Sr; Bryan Keith Covington, in His Capacity as Heir of The Estate of Robert B. Covington a/k/a Robert Bernard Covington, Sr a/k/a Robert B. Covington, Sr; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Robert B. Covington a/k/a Robert Bernard Covington, Sr, Deceased C.P. December Term, 2018 No. 03157 $57,136.96 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-505 1921 S Croskey St 19145 48th wd. 765 Sq. Ft. BRT#482208700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Stephen M. Perry and Mae Perry, Deceased C.P. July Term, 2012 No. 01114 $32,139.86 Law Office of Gregory Javardian, LLC 1906-506 3060 Salmon St 19134-

5828 25th wd. 904 Sq. Ft. OPA#251194000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Francis Kueny a/k/a Francis J. Kueny; Karen Kueny C.P. June Term, 2018 No. 02438 $90,928.12 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-507 4338 Chippendale St a/k/a 4338 Chippendale Ave 19136 65th wd. 1,200 Sq. Ft. OPA#651122300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Yvonne Gibbs, Administratrix of the Estate of Steven Gibbs, deceased C.P. April Term, 2016 No. 02747 $48,689.96 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1906-508 5811 N. Philip St 19120 61st wd. Land Area: 758 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,200 Sq. Ft. OPA#612413600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Takisha Smith C.P. August Term, 2018 No. 00603 $70,834.03 RAS Cintron, LLC - Robert Crawley, Esq 1906-509 3502 Grant Ave 191142616 57th wd. 1,484 Sq. Ft. OPA#572179000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Kara Kolimaga f/k/a Kara Kane; Andrew J. Kolimaga C.P. October Term, 2016 No. 03253 $154,718.58 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1906-510 518 Widener St 19120 61st wd. 1,165 Sq. Ft. BRT#612109100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Lisa J. Brown C.P. July Term, 2018

No. 01340 $92,607.80 Law Office of Gregory Javardian, LLC 1906-511 7252 Mansfield Ave 191381621 10th wd. 2,146 Sq. Ft. OPA#102356300 IMPROVEMENTS: APARTMENTS (2-4 UNITS) Christina J. Lee C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 02333 $257,830.58 Hladik, Onorato & Federman, LLP 1906-512 5856 Oxford Ave 19149 35th wd. 1,131 Sq. Ft. OPA#352342100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY William J. Seltner, Jr. and Christine Snellbaker C.P. December Term, 2017 No. 01929 $11,320.62 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1906-513 4732 Silverwood St 19128 21st wd. 1,522 Sq. Ft. OPA#211535400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Robert M. Murray, Jr. C.P. October Term, 2017 No. 00973 $201,324.03 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1906-514 1454 N Felton St 19151 34th wd. 1,080 Sq. Ft. OPA#342344900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Denise P. Reed C.P. January Term, 2019 No. 01933 $123,119.13 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1906-515 11110 Dora Dr 19154 66th wd. 2,009 Sq. Ft. OPA#662220600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Catherine Morini, Known Heir of Alfred F. Savoni, deceased,

Fred Savoni, Known Heir of Alfred F. Savoni, deceased, Stephen Savoni, Known Heir of Alfred F. Savoni, deceased, Susan Pham, Known Heir of Alfred F. Savoni, deceased and Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Alfred F. Savoni, deceased C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 01033 $165,020.92 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1906-516 3212 Potter St 19134 33rd wd. 707 Sq. Ft. OPA#331412700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Sol A. Aviles, Deceased and Gilbert Aquino, Known Heir to Sol A. Aviles, Deceased C.P. November Term, 2018 No. 01789 $35,133.33 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1906-517A 7930 Frankford Ave 19136 64th wd. on Northwest side of Frankford Ave; 136 feet 3 inches Southwest of Rhawn Street; Front: 33 feet 0 inches; Depth: 166 feet 0 inch BRT#87-12630-50 IMPROVEMENTS: DET OFF/STR 3 STY FRAME Anthony Hoffman C.P. December Term, 2018 No. 02768 $160,873.88 Anthony B. Quinn, Esquire 1906-517B 7924R Frankfod Ave 19136 64th wd. on Northwest Side of Frankford Ave; 169 feet 3 inch-

es Southwest of Rhawn Street; Front: 37 feet 6-3/8 inches; Depth: 90 feet 6 inch BRT#882-9656-95 IMPROVEMENTS: VACANT LAND RESIDE < ACRE Anthony Hoffman C.P. December Term, 2018 No. 02768 $160,873.88 Anthony B. Quinn, Esquire 1906-517C 7926R Frankford Ave 19136 64th wd. on Northwest side of Frankford Avenue 169 feet 3 inches Southwest of Rhawn Street; Front: 18 feet 6 inches; Depth: 90 feet 6 inches BRT#64-2-0795-01 IMPROVEMENTS: VACANT LAND RESIDE < ACRE Anthony Hoffman C.P. December Term, 2018 No. 02768 $160,873.88 Anthony B. Quinn, Esq. 1906-518 8021 Lyons Ave 19153 40th wd. 2,938 Sq. Ft. OPA#405155510 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL Katherine Hargraves and Harold Paden C.P. August Term, 2018 No. 03255 $25,813.63 Jill M. Fein, Esquire 1906-519 5207 Woodland Ave 19143 51st wd. Land: 1,714, Improvement: 1,632, Total 1,714 OPA#871577070 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Pierre Chainey C.P. December Term, 2017 No. 00931 $103,674.15 Richard M. Squire & Associates, LLC


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