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McElroy's Alabama Evidence Fifth Edition and its 2001 Supplement

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F", O1oro tn." 10 Y'''', Mc(l.. "y'o "'!.lnm~ E"i d ' n ce ...... no:d .. . ""mp~h.n.i'" gWdc ,~ cvi,i<"'iary .. ,.,. in ... Iob.",. . . .. I. .... N..... on i",


.00 ..p<n<k<I to "'" "","rna. Me!:! ..,,.,> AI.b. m. h i,l~n"" ,ji ......" . .. , tn. Abb."" Rul .. of F."k..,. "hKh bo.-..". df.",;,,, "" J>n....,. I, 19%,....J 1'f""<I<s .....o.d ~ to "",.,,,,~ ... w...n. low. fifth

The 200 I Supplement discusses the follQwing breaking developments: 1.

2. 1. ~.

I"rioo-T.,ru""",y Offered .. on Exc.pti<>n to lIu""1 undt. Rule 804(b}(1), R"luiring Subsuntiol Sim,luity of Portia; R.j«tioo of ond the eo",in .. 'ion of the Fry< <io<trln<: wxJ.:,- the Expcn Wi,,,,, .. Prir>cipl< found in Ruk 7()l SUMO<)' Pn,ji<gu Und« RoJ< WI R..... 1<tloru "" P"'an ..,.J I'nctiot Evidenoo .oo.r Rul .. «l4(b)


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'" <404(6) S. Col ... "' .... M~"" Eridtnce Offered 'loiru'. M«IicaI s..,.""" Pnni<kr und<r Ruia 404(b) " '\0; 6 . Itulc 4Of(b) Notitt I'ro.'isIon .. Appli<d U...!.o, Oth<r Rul .. 7. aM'" y. Goa Obj«;tion> 8. 'Sim,l.rly 50, ... «1" l1 ..toJ.c.r., I'r<wiod<n .. 1;'p«1 Wi""""" ;" TOft c-. undtr the AI,Mnu. n><dic.! J;.b;lily Act 9. Spo<I.tiotI of Erid<n« and R",.!tm,lnf<T<oot. 10. "'dmilting Cc,tifocd Copic> of c....'if..d Copito und<r tk Pub!.,

• • •• • • •• •

R«:<><do E=p<ioo to H• .....,.

•• Samford University Press Order Form

"''' McEhDy'J Alabam. E,lden,.


ShlpplnQ iii Hudlln;








15th edition ). by Charles W. Gamble McEI'IIf'l5th EdHlon ZOOt Suppl. ment, by C!I3I1es W. Gamtlle

TO ~ I


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cheek payable to Samlord UnlVlrslty PrlIss.

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Alabama Bar Institute for Continuing

Legal Education Ad''aocing tlY J..cogal Profeasion through Education and Sc.n路ice

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LAWYER Vol. 63. No. I f January 2002

On the Cover: -~"""I'...tC-ft>nl.



fait 2001 Admitlees


Cabaniss Johnston Scholarship Keeps Giving


Cyber-JurisdiClion: When Does Use of the Internet Establish Personal Jurisdiction? By r...,.,ne B~JhJJny "nd ~(111 Shirl~y


When Does A Party Waive Its Right To Enforce Arbitretion? 8y}",,,,, W. D.>,....


Africen·American Attorneys Assume Top Association Offices 8y EliUJiw.h \.fa 8"""'n


2001 Pro Bono Honor Roll

lMy W. lllom.

One Lawyer Who Truly Made A Difference


have come 10 realize that my lif~ is lillie morelhan bcing a "Sponge:'! soak up traits that I admire from

ooe. person. try 10 COpy aOO implement that trait and usually fail mi ..l1Ibly. I then hear some stirring speecll or gre.u dosing argument and .Hemp! 10 imilllle the onlOr and usually f'lI nat. My problem is l!I3I. I "'..., JlOI had an original though!. phlllSC or qOOlali<.>n to my mom· ary. so I am rekcgrur:d to sf'OOging off the intollool of OIhe .... E' .. n so. if you eboose)'QUI idols and sources wisoly. you can enjoy. CttUIin dogree of success. My heroes "'..... Iways been sport.< figu,.,.. govorn· ment kc......... and 1..."Ym- I "'.... enjo)'oJ being Brut Starr. Pee Wee Reese. J""kie ROO;"""" and "DoclOr 1"" on n\aJ\y "" Alabama playground. AI; .I.wy.... my heroes ha"e been grc.u onto!>' and le""hers IiI:<: .".. ncis Ho"" Sr~ I.cigll llarrison. I>:on M.... dor and Cha ..... Gantble. Those.nd other legal giants "'ve in!pired members of our bar 10 distingui!.h themsel"'S among !he elite jurists in this <:(!Untry. Of course. like many p«>ple. 1dorh.. inspi",tion and detmnin.tion 011. daily bui. frum !':wI William Bryant. It is JlOI that I could obtain lhe Slllt"re of these heroes. but it ,~ helps 10 ha ..... dmim and .ision on thi.joumoy. and these kgeods h.... left. wonderful rood map for us 10 follow. TIlere IS one ~ hero th'thelps me and many I..wy .... every day. lIoweli ll en in mu!! h..... had me in mind when he did away with pleading OIlongth in a romplain!. H" muSt h.... had me in mit><! wn.n he aoolis.hed demu,,",rs. pl... in sltort by """"'nt. red· embroidered ribbon on appoll3le brief. and other sptti. r,ed self· ..... ing ",I.. whieh def...ted meritorious oI.ims. Bcea."" of his efforts and many OIhe", helping




him. lawyers were fin.lIy able to h..... ",lid cases ~ on merit rather than on form ...·hich barred • pany from justice baseJ on -10"'" antiquated rule. If yOll do not believe one man can mak., a difference. examine lhe reconl of Judge Hemn. I ha • .,just fin· ished reading a wonderful book .bout Judge Heflin's c....... "- Judge In rh~ ~lU1te. J believe it should be mandatory lUlling for all AI.bama lawyers. It is a wonderful study in hislory and 3 wonderful lesson that one man can 1>:".. a huge impart. If you doubt that one dedica,ed individu.l with purpose and vi,ion can make a difference. """,ider!he following: I. After I[enin SC1"\Ied as presiden, of the Jlate bar frum ! 9M to 1966. tile American Bar AS$<Xiation. for the first and only tinIC. awarded Alabama its CO'''led Award of Progress as having the most pr0gress;,,, bar for that year in the nation. 2. In that year. a Cit;zen's Confe",nc" was formed to evalu'!e the lellal sy"em in thi' Slate. Thi. confer· ence be<oame the nucleus of the s.PJlOfI for the adopIion of the Judicial Artide. 3. In the early '70s, AI.bama'sjudidal system ranked at the boItom by most national leg.l "'bolars. AooordinlllO State Supnmt! Coo", in Sto,. and Nttr;an, the .tate·s .ppell.te COIlrts """re "'lOlally controlled by old men" or<! operating under potty. ludicrou,.r<! antiqu.tedrules. Further. rul .. of pleadinll "'e", dictated by t"el:<:ry that varied from circuit to circuit. Four years latcr. the ",me publica· ,ion wrote '"under the leadership of H"",.. II Heflin. a

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THE ALABAMA LAWYER Vol. 63. N o. J Janu ary 2002


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leg.1 'ys,.m fraugh, wi,h iocplncs, and injus,ice has swiftly become a model for ,he Nation." An anicle in The New red TImes s'a,ed. ··AI.bama has become ,he mos, dramatic exam· pie in ,he COUntry 10 improve ,he qu.1i,y in <ta,e courtS .nd i, is .uribu,.ble to ,he Ie"<lorship of Howe!! Heflin.'" 11>0 80"011 G/~. N(J.Jh.·jll~ 8alln~' and W(J.Jhinglon P(J.J! all joined in praising ,he dtama,;o ohange in Alabama·, oourt sys~m.

Wi,hou, q~"ion. Judge Heflin had. 101 of help in passing and implemen,ing the$l: change,. However. he ,,·as $late bar presiden, and sh<>nly ""'reaf,e, chief juslice ,,·hen ,he$l: .tar· ,ling ove,haul. occurred. He coH,·in.ccd many people 10 assist in pulling the wagon but he was in charge ofdriving the mul",. A, • re.uh of oroe man making a differe""". a sy.lem off.imes .. equali,y and justice beeame "'" rule ra,he, Ihan ,he e xceplion in ,he Alab.m. coons. This new ,ys~m is nOW aln"'" 25 years old. n.. majorilY of .u~s in Ihis 'l1i~. ,hank goodn.s<. have roever e'perieoced lhe deadly feat Ihal .. IS in when a lawyer realizes he hIS len off lhe eireuil court·s jurisdictional avennenlS. and his clienfs appeal i. di ~mi.,.d wi,ilool any ",Iinll on ,he meritS. Thi, ··good old boy .• system had doprived many" deseNing human being ofhisjuS! day in court. It is IIIIlewonhy to considerthe Slringenl opposi,ion lhe Judicial Anicle was facing. After fur· ,her reflection. ,I al", m.y have cu",,"' application in ,ooay·, clim"«s. Black Bel! ··Bourbons:· as they we .. offeolionOldy called. coo,isted of lhe large lall<lo",·..,... of the slale. 5i""" 190 I. lhey• • Iong wilh ,he large induSlrialists. had formed an alii.""" Ihal conlrolled !be kgisl","re. n.. 190 I C'ms,i'u,i"" gave judici.1 ",I.making and """"edural power '0 lhe legislative branch of go>ern""'"t Hence. in order for the judiciary to change ilS .,anner of doing business. il had 10 ha'·e legislali'·e approval. The "'pam'ion bolween.he Iwo brand"'.. of govern""'n'. at boil. "'.• , blurrrd. if. indoed, il existed al all. In essence. if you coolrolled lhe legislature. you controlled the judiciary. Thai wa, the climale undcr ,,·hkh Judge Heflin and his followers bogan lhe arduous ,ask of changing ,he legalsyslem by ch.nging Article VI of lhe conSli,u'ion. Through $Ome clever polilics, ,neh as ",oking judg",· widows lhe beneficiary of "ate re,iremen! and O1her skillful .,a ... ' ·cring. Judge Heflin was able '0 brinB ,he lawyers. circui, judges. proba~ judge•. eireu il clerk•. and all coun p.",.""nollogelber in a common causc. J am confiden,lite reason the official court reporters signed on wilh '" mneh enlhusiasm was OO! bee.u,", 'hey would beeome eligible f", .l1i1e re.i .."",n. 1>\11 beeau ... they want"" a change for justice. I am Sllle.he same is lrue of !be probale judges and cireuil clerks who agreed lOllo off ,he fee sy"em. n..y jus, wan,ed 1l00d go>em"","t. 1'0< whalev.r "'''SOn. Judge Heflin·, vision o..",d $lr'OfIg support for. new 'y.tem. Ilowell Heflin then had lhe diffICult ,ask of coo'·inoing lhe leBi,I'lUre 10 glve up $0"", of lhoir power and 10. the peOple vOle on the now Judicial Artid •. Again. wi.h an awfullO! of help. Ihis h.ppened and lhen the people changed the entire ani· cle by • 62 percenl am"""'i'·e VOle. n.. legal and judicial 'Y'•em. afler 30 years. oays. ·'Thank you, Judge Henin:· So here we are--SO yean after Big Jim 1'01""", explained how Ihi. ou1moded CORSti!U!ion pushes wor\;ing people down a.nd

pus.hed lhe ··Big Mules·· up. and 35 years si""" ,he ne...., ··New South'· governor we I.ove ..·.r had courageou,ly insisted we improve and revise ,he 1901 documem (Of the good of Alaba",a . A lbort II"" .... . was called a ··pinko liberal"· among ",her 'hings for bi, effons. which may well have cos, ,his honor.Ibk and lalented lawye,!be governorship. OIher well in,e nded omce hold· ers ha.c ch.,.,.,~ri;:ed.he O(II'S.ituli"" as Slining, archaic.nd repressi,·e. YCI..!>O on< person has Slepped up 10 lead. After reading ludge Heflin·s biography. I realize more th." eve' Ihal your'l1i1e bar will OO! enjoy a banner ye.,like 1%5. [ have OO! grabbed an obvious need for change by ,he.lhroa.. and asked you 10 follow me. M.ybe cowardice and poiilical sears h,,·e ","ven'ed me froo] ... doing. BUll am wimng to pledge my effons.o. yoong Howell Henin who is willing!O give his time for all the righ, reasons 10 ge' us started lQWard a s""e conslitu . lion up '0 21" cen,ury standards. on< who i. willing (Q sacrifICe his efforts loward lOX fairness and allowing a sySlCm where local people soh.. local problems. I",', illime for a lawyer 10 lead? Twen.y of the fi", 23 presidents of litis counll)' wore lawyers Isn·, i"i"", for a lawy<:r 10 read A Judg~ in 1M Se""1< and ",aI_ ize Ihal on< dedicated """I can ""Iy moke a diff.... nce? Howell Heflin is my hem. J wanl some man: heroes. I belie'.. some man: will s!Cp forward in the IIllJtIC of honor. in !be name of equali,y and in !be IIllJtIC of justice.. Many W<>n<Icrl"ul move,ne"" ha,.. begun wilh. smalllcller nailed!O. church door or on< courageous perwn not will,ng ,0 move 10 ,he. back of ,he bus. lsn·, i"i .... for US willt • un;1ed rron. '0 say "lhe 'ime i. righ~ !be cause is juS!. !>Ow g" il <lone.'? I bolieve we can. •


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..ceosarily b«!<r ",,)";'s; hi: sa]'>. "Tho)· 110" ,impl)· Ioomod 1>0.. 10 moMt .... i, ...... i<oo." A ,o« .. ,ru l '01. p<Io<Ii'iono, woo O<IC< """,led '" onroc. <I;"n ... Wltd 'r<di1S ", hlt1WOIlnd 10 • ",f,rro' moMtinl 'j·",m ht <Io'.'1op«I >i. j~'" "10"I ,,~, """" <load b!oIt< and d_lIi", in _ '" "",i", SlOO.OOO • )<or. pr"'i<,l ly o·"mi&h~ "hi: SOj'. dopt:nd on I<f<mol .. ht _ bon '"" on< in 100 u><o' ",(."..1 ')"" " ... "Withou, , 'j'lm!. fOr."..!. mot><)" ... "'"

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ot 100'"80 f<lfTllltf""1e bar praldmc G • .,.

II lKbby of H""tS~;11e mailed me I bound copy of .... ~Pro<ttdinp of tho Thiny-El&hth Annual Mecling of the AJabam.o. SLaLe Bar ASSOC;II;on. This volume Iud been prcoe<led by • bound ~y of the "Proceedinjls of the Thiny. Ninth M

Annual Meeting of the Alabama Slate Bat A!.SOCia';on" lhal [ n:cci,ed from S h~rl')' l b(lonas of Birmingham. The 38lh aJ>d 39th annual meelilll'_'" held in ]<;Ilj IUId 1916 resp<:<:lively. Gary and Sheny Mel t'OfIIe K1'OSS tbe<e \I01"me$ in \lftd book shops lind Md "'Ul1Cd the .<We bar 10 have them. Both or these mectlnp oct1IfRd prior 10 1M p&SSlp oiqisWiooo in 1m =Mini I mudaIory lIMe ..... Prior 10 1m. "'" $We bar ""'" I YOIuawy UIOcia· liool. n...c minlll<:l f'tllo<t iS$lloe$ coafro."i", Ihe pnr fes&ion Il5 yean ago and offer """'" important Iel.sooI5 for todaY, AI"" 1916 mttting ..... "'us....... "'po<1td ,hal the bM ."odation's receipl.< for 191 S we", $2,920 and

disbul'S<'menlS _'" S 1.647 .4a. Annual dues wen: $5


""" th<", we'" 283 mtmberl. By oom""rison (or ell year 2000-2001. ,tale bar """';PIS we", Sl.7J(J,I6.'l.n and disbursement! were SUO? .S97 .07. Our members numbered 13.200. The 1916 minuleS included <qlOIU obouIq;<Iatim ~ duri,. .... J91S 1ePWi"" JcMioa. Al thai time. 1M Iq:islabn mot in biotnoIiaI Jmions. LcgisIItion ..... cnX'ICd in ]915 10 pmnit .... Nt as.socialioII \0 pn:!ICCUIC .uomeys for ethical rinloOoos in "'" ......., of the __ "-ncheIlcaI1y................ S~ Bar AssociaIion UJpcd !he profession', lin! rode 01 tthlcs in 1888, Th.i, oodo: woold La1er serve lIS 1hc roodel for 1hc oodo: fA tthics odoptd by 1hc Ano:rinrI 8ar Auoci&tion in 1hc early l'i1OOs.. OIhcr major legislative enactmenlS rq".>ru:d !It 1hc 1916 """,ling included: .bolilioo of equily <.'OOr!S;



allowin& (lib)' cf dd-..h jtod&mtnu aflCf Xl days; !Oak. iDg 1hc trial ..,..,', oral ch:orJe and all dwqes rrl'uscd or p\lm 1 pori of 1hc f'C<'<ItII in .tl cases: alk>wi",judges to apportion roots in all c-. and 1hc Ir..... r.,-ofa case filc:d in one cjrcuillO 1hc lJII'RlI'IiaIC one for trial, During 1hc 1916 n'II'tli"ll, I<:V<1al oomminoes "..,.. reports and t=lIllll><ndali<:m. A'''''''' ~ rommi= were 1hc Commin ... on Lepl l:dualion and 1hc CtnlnIl Council. 'Thoo Coounlll<:e on legal E<Iucation ...:ommtftd<d thal.1l>i:r<t; 5t!dtina to become bvoycn lint rteeive 1 "coin< cf IWdy wb>IaroiaIly <'qUi"*'" 10 thai. p' ...... ibcd 10 aCllWlly hiJh odIooI: and lin<: yaqcf ' - odiooI, In raponIe 10 public moo.m. levelc:d 1I1hc ~ ~ 1hc e>.oessi ....... mI>er cf bw)oers and ""'4'".'''y Win, '... lilt. rq:.on of 1hc bar....,.,.. lion', Ccnua1 Council, auchoftd by IIMry Up''''' Simms.. susgesw:d a tOlici~ modol similar 10 1hc one in England and ... uornsh.. iniCmWp. Wrilinc for 1hc comminc.., Mr, SiOlll1$ ~ : ','" While w~ ClnnOlllClUally limil lhe number of lawyers in Allbaml, or eve:n ..... lly r<:duce Ihe number who in one wly or ano<ho:r ~ce!be profeMion, '"'" can probably SttU'" tile ""lI<!.. mem of laws di~idi", lhe la .... Y"rs in«.> 1OO<e -..-1>0 """,,ice ccnenJly and 1bote ,,'ho hr-'O 1hc privilqe cf apptari"l in causes in lhe Superior Coo".. Then .... can ""'luire as • pi\'liminary uainiollO ..,.,earinl I I . bMn,i<1' in (OW1. Ih= yean INdy in an oppn:l\'Od law Jehoo1. fol· lowed by two or ilft'O Y"'" lIS 1hc clnt. of • bani .. ...- inlb, offOC'O; and Ihen fol],o.,,·in,1hc wbol" five: or .il years lrainin, by ... rieI u"m· inalion u>llk • .<Uptn'ision of 1hc 8 ... Associalion of the SUI". If f'OqUircmenlS are .pvlird wilhou' ,"ccption, .ve:n 10 applkonl$ from Olher St.t.., in due time, 1 beli.,'e the number of prac1icing

barrilt(1l in Alobo"", will be putly reduted. TIltn if the d i"","""nlilalutcs an: oimplified as we recommo:nded 1ut)'Uf. so 1lwoI. buTiSte'·llittnsc~ ... be nJlCl'11cd 0I'l """,,;0., and trial ill .... AppO:!Late Court. wilhout UII ..._ ,..,ntiOOI 0/_ jIIry. I btli<:ve the ~dtic.. stan<brdt of)"OOlt bat CIII be maa ...... ncd:


"'11$' hot mp;c;ll the 1916 .......inl bccawc

of IegislotiOl'l ~ed in 191$ ""luiri", randidal<:lO for the lWdl.!c rowt5 ,o take pan in prinwies. Prior to the 1915 Ie •• illation. Ippeltlte coun jlMllICS "'ere elected at the general elec· tion in whll ..·os IInl.mounl lO I non'pani>af1 elcct ion. Bar lMOCi.tion ","",iden, C hllrles S. M<:Ilo"'~1I COOlnltnted on thi, c hange l11he ","ling. 'If the unyieldin. IfId •.ellous a,"waleS of the pri....y .y.. em for clloosin. jlMlgcJ "'" Iot;ical, they nlUSllO fu,_ ....... Itwl ,hey ha'4 ~ and declare. vinuaily. IhM they do not want men uport the courts not beatuse of lheir IepJ aU..IIIIllf:fU. t.u. ~ of tht:i, jX>I.itiral a1ip. men~ All nIC1I ruopize I difference bcfwee" • political IIId judicill ofl'>tt...... we sboukll«<>plize .~. din. difference bt!WttIl nndidates for these offoca . ..• TIlt jud.Je doel; not make the Law. and il is not the",· f""" mal"';a1 what he thinu aboul cu,",nl poIiticol i..ucs. lie i. chosen 10 serve the people. not 10 n:pR'SORl them; he doeJ IIOIlransl.te thei, conviclions into statote •. nor .hape tile policy o f I"" Sta«. Hil om"" is .imply to hold !leIla of jusI''''' ~ven as belween I"IWI and "Ill". arid tile ohould roe,.." be forced into I conIes! which nlull il>e"itably ~nl"ndc, plWion and pKjudi"" .... hich on: (.tIIl to judicill poise .. .'


()ac of the ItIOre ince..,..;n. episodes II the 1916 met:ti", involYOd a raoI\Ition to cenwtr: I bar tnnnbtr. Tho bat membtr had ...·ritlen Ilctln" to f~11ow Iowyers containi", dilpa/1lling n:mart.J aboul torp:Jnte Ln.,-m and the jlMliciary-. A taoI... ion cef1surin. the tawyor 110"1$ JlIOI'I'$<'d II the meetint which n:(maI to....,menu; In m..leu~r to be not only untnIC bul !a11011O en~n:ly .... illtout f<>Unl:lation IS to be the abourd vaporin,s of • disonJcrtd mirld .. . TIlt JII<lIlOOCd resolution was R •••


W . tAr. .5t6ries .... .

1Jw AkI!IImu t.-vn iI looking for -.....u otories" to publWl in upt:(Iminc issuts, hwoosous taIu m:I MI«dotCll about AIWmi bw)oers lOd judgu. Obviously, lor such lIoriu to be published, thry muot be la) true. (h)

$llpporttd and ohallen&«l .... ith IJ"II pas&ion and eioqu<nce by """'" of the >l3te's bat known and moollllCUSllful lawyen. TIlt moll meania&ful upccI of the deblote. '"-'.,.,.... was ..... di&nity with ,,·Itidt il ...-as conoJlM;1//d. Allltoup an ..... nded vcnion of the resolllllon ",,,,,,,,iq the -wpori .... Jam&taate did pas.l. ~Mlity ........... order of the dIoy. Allltoup l"B.lII)' ",,""&Cll ha"" ~ in !he Icpl profession oi""" 1916. civility IIId prof<S$ionalism on: .. imporwII today as Il'I yurs .,... R~..,nc. of the ~lUfe or sill!alion. we iJ>ould mal<e every effon 10 en""", that OUt oonduct will IW>d 85 years 1o", as. worthy uampLe for the profession. • R

Set alabar as Your Homepaqe _ _ .... IIIW ........ fod_ .. _

......... _


II ...... ,. ........._ _ _ ..... _ . _

untIfing lOd Ie) !&Steful. So""}'>UT mninisc:cnC<:s to; TheAlabamu I~. P.O. BoJ; 4156. Montgomtry 36101. fk l u", to Indudt)'Oll. nomo. add...,.s ond a tboy!:lmt nUnlbtr, in cue we need to COn laCl)'O\l.


n.e Unin rsily o r Alabama

S<h.....1 01 La ..'.

National M ..... t Coo rt Team has placed second in !he Region.1 Compelilion held N"", 12·14 al!he law ""hool, Tl>e Itam will adV(loc. to n,uional ,o"'pcti. tion in New York CilY early Ihi. year. Team memhers Ben MeAnioch, Laura Roben..,n and Mite'" Shah were led by tcam manager Jord.n Montiel in compelition wilh nine Qlher I.w schools thmu&h<>u.!he Sootheasl. • Tl>e Alabama VClerinary Medical Association pre$CnlOd lloyd Whlghsm , dislriet allomey for Bullock and Barbour coonties, willt a special award =ently at the AJ.VMA Annu,l Conv"nliO"."'" award was for Whi gh<>m'. personal direction in lilt in ..... ~galion that alfordood tilt coofiscation of ovcr 200 abu.'iCd He was also instrome"",1 in aUowing humane organiza~"", 10 find homes for the abu.'iCd animals. Additionally, Whigham 's prose<:ution of the individual charged included a cease and desist.,.-der, along with a Substantial fine and probation lime.

Tl>e .. aclions w... noICwonhy sitIC.!he offender had avoided senoo. ""tlCtions by V3!1OU$ Slltt. and fedo",1 agetlCi.1 for ovcr ten y...... Tl>e Nalional Jlldici.1 ColI.g. has named John T. Cro,,-der to lilt NJC Advisory Council. Crowder practices with Cunningham. Bounds. Y.""o, Crow<kr & Brown of Mooil •. The NJC Advisory CootlCil provides philamhropic leadership. advice and suppon for !he dt,'olopmcnt of the Collego', ........ "'.. and operalions . Crowder is I graduale of the Univ .... ity of Alabama School of Law and is cenified as a Civil Tria! Speciali<t by !he Nalion.! Board of Trial Ad,'ocacy and • cenilied diplo",", of the American Board of Pruf<$sionaJ Liabilily Allomeys. • C la ... nc. M. S Q.all . J r. and T ho mas W. Ch ristian have been $C1""lOd for membctship in the American Board of Trial Advoc3Ie •. Both practic. willt Christian & Small LLP in BirrninghaJl1. •

We"ve Got You Covered 12



1-800-627-65 14


barre tt

o'cniteclu ,e .. i~lerio, design 205 570.3090 / """"" . gOlfj~n bo lfen . com

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S ." 3 go

. ."







n" /O"ll~' publishe, "ddrtUtl Im d ul'p!oo"t ~amb ..... u"lu. tilt """"unUI.UII' 111~



,dm., ,.. 110, opI!ni"ll of" " .... firm ~ .olil """,du.

Pin.. ~o"ti"U'I" I.M in "n""""umllllJ lind/iN" tIddt'ns eN"'," 10 tlo. AIIdHuIur SUUo IItu M."u",rJhip D<pan"' ''1. '" (JJ.I) 16/-fJ/() (luI or 1'.0. &x '11. M<HIfJlnfO.,., 3'1/11.

About Members Itithanl G. llrocl< lIlOOUDCCS 1M f(ll'1tWioa of American ... ·gal Sa"h, !.I. e otrl<'U an: located II 132 1''';,""",1 Drive. Birnlingham ]S2 1), Phone (205) 87 1·)223. F"","klin M. Cauthen, Jr. onllOUllCe$lhe opening o f


omoe., 601 GrttlUOOro ,'".nut. AlslOd l'I""e,

Suile 700, Twcaloosa JS40L Phone (lOS) 3494101.

Tom .:. .:11.. onDQuDl;eS lhe opo!ni", 0( his offo« II OffICe Park Drive. Suite 309. BinninJham 3S223. PhoDc (205) 87(}.SS65.


Ca., l P. I'rhfll IIIIIOlInca !he rdocMioa of her otrlCe to JOO U..... IWI Dri ve. StIlle 220. lI innin&fwn ]5209. I'hone (2m) 868-1240.

Mlchad S. McNair UUIOIIIICCI 1M ",\ocacioa of hi. olft« to 21St Governmem Streel. Mobik 36606. Phone (25 1) 45().{)lll.

IIsku. Jr., D" .ld 11. lIyrne. III , Tw G. M.wdo"'s, Genold II. TaI lor, J r•• lIenjamh, II . AlbriUon. Da,'id F. Mit, li, and .' nmk Woodson .... ve bcwme o{COI'n' sellO \he firm. .·ca &: Bu.-,- PC """"",nca!hal J_ph D. Aiello bas ~ an associa", wi ... 1he rlJ'tll, ""rko ..';'''' L.clko.'11S, Isom &: Kushnu PC annoubCCS!haI Jonathan K. Gdsm, Mil ..... D. lIohbs.Jr_ Uarrl'" T. h r, ' )oRa1(! J. NtI .16. J _ M. Osbont, and S....<ly S. Sparrow ha~ joined !he rlrnllS~.

a .... dl.y /Irani K_ I.: Whl .. U . P lI1f'I()l>""'" tlw Chris . bwkl .... Usa MU$S, IlriM" \\',,111 and Lau ra Watkl ... hlIve joined .he fi rm II ISsoclat ...

Walston. Wells. And. rwn I.: lIal ... l.U' allnouRCa 1M. Da"'n lIel ms Sharlf bas become • p;ulner, and An u Mahat ...... Bnody lind ~:mll y S. l..assilt r .... ve ~ usocialel .... i ... !he lirm, Uoyd, Gny &: WhUOMN PC _nca .... lIo ..... n:1 V. Oo"'ney Iw become a ~ wi ... lht rlJ'tll, and A~"y J:' Mannln, and .:mlly K. Nieur ba~ become ~ ..w ,,'1 '" lht lirm. Ca hanl<$. J ob .... on. Gardner. Duma!l &: O'Nnl aruoourooa thai G. Thom lll Su ll;"an Iw joined lht finn as a panne •• and Amy S.11 Nelson bas join«! U an associale.


William C. Maddo. 1I111OU1IteS.hal Charles Mldoael Herrington has l>xoooo aMOCiated ,""lib .... firm.

Ibn .....y. Baxley & Md)oogle lI1OOII~ lhlol ~ t. lIampt"" Kinky bas become ....,.,iaLcd .... illl the rlrnl.



,,,os. Gillis &. SHy ' 'C ......,..,..;u dw

M .. L Acolf.

\ .. .. ~ o.....U 1>. Coky. Roo) """'" l.. Johnson. Jc~ JaRleS l.. Ridley. Pau' C. Wil.ia"", John W. Adams. J._ and PaowIa Robinson m ill'"


""'"Is &. Sin""" PC announ<'CS!haI Joel and S MI~y 0 , lIo"lon ... ,.., joined the

lirm .. associIlCS.

Smith. S pins &: !'Ndy PC ......... nces .... SMri K. i\kMnllen and Jonnir... M. Williamson ha •.., joined lht finn .. associIlO.

n:call'y became sbarebolden In 1M Iirm. ""..... y. AI"" ... Crow, Mtlh"in. " Of'tls &. Miles PC lI1nourooa tlw D. Mith.ol And"' ..... Charks W. lIarl"ool. Ronald A. Camy, Mo1l_ /I . " rlrk~ .. , and W. Kogor S mllh. II ba.e becolll<! u soclatw with the lim •. C, GIhron \ ·anc., J.I'. Sa"'l'u , ''',\Jan,ln ~:. 14


Morris. C.ry &. .0.00"'''1 U .<: announces \hat Cory II. Drigg''''' """joined the fi nn. IIoI'd & Ftm~",bu<'1I>(; aJlnoonc .. 1M. Itkhurd ._ Vi"""nt has joined the Ii.", and the finn nan .. has been changw m ll"l'd • •·t rn"",bu<'1 I.: Vin«nt PC

R. llen Hoga n, III .nrtOODCeS tile for· malio" of H "I:~ n Law Ofnc. PC and thai Christopher I). Glo,'c. joined the firm as an associa"'.


The Law Offices or Ma~ Cassady I'C anrtOOne .. Ihal Ulopi~ Cas.sady Ius joined lhe finn os a pari"'" and the firm name has been changed 10 Cassady & Cassady I'C lIalci>e., Siubbs, l..and. HoIl;' & ROIl!srhlld antI(JU9CC$ 1Iw t;.l,,'ard P. lI udson has become .. prutncr in lhe firm. t' armer. Fam,.., Malo". & Shern. PA anrtOOnees Ihal Virginia Lyn" NichOlls joined Ihe finn as an associ ale.


become ",sociated wilh lhe finn in;ts Mobileomce.

Patrick Sirubo-i and f)a,'ld I. Oro""" J •• have become associal<:$.

Glenn N. But.r LI. C annoyrlCes ih31 Gentry has become lWOCialed wilh "'" flnn _

Tan ... r & GlIin LI, C annoonces thai J uslln G. Willian.. has joined the finn as an as<oci.! ~_

Ferguson, Frosl & I>odson U .P announces thai Lisa F. Bro..-n and William R. Allen, 11.1 h..,.joined tile finn "' "<sociaICS.

Young, \ 'o ung & I'ork< annonnceJ thai Christopher L. ,\\briglll has booo,"" associaled with lhe firm.



(,hill ip Eo Ad wnos. Jr•• Arnold W. Um bach. J ... I'alriok C. D~,'idson and Mallh, .. W. Wh" e announce the fonna. lion of Adams. Umbach, f)'d,'i!l5oo & Whit. L.Lf'. OffICes will at 2O!i 9th Slreel, Opelika.

~"' is

n .h.r lIenderson & Claxton U .P an"""""es 1""1 C .... ig A. COl..-.rl has ~joined 1110 finn as an associate. Richar dson Callahan LLP annou""es Ihal W. B",d English """joined the finn as an associa",_

Wilkins. B""k~I' r. Biles & W)'nne announee Iho, C. J.-ph No" on h.. joined 1110 firm.

f)a,'id M. Wilson and Junalhan I.

(205) 252-4441.

Willi"m H. Webster aoo D. Mitchell Ifenry annou"'" ,110 form'li"" Olf Webster & lIeo.y PC .oo thai A. Tread"'ell is an associale with tile finn_ o m"". "'" al 418 Scotl SIrtt1. Suil< B. MontgOmery, Phone (334) 2649472.

C1a.k, Swll & S ulli'-an PC anrtOO""cs lhal Benjamin C. lI.ino has

lIuic, Fem Hmbucq & S",w.n U . P aml(>U9CC$ that BrwJley J . McCibmw:y, J.

1Ie..,-hili .""""nee lhe (ormalion of Wilson & llerryhillPC. and thai JlId C. Slan(Olrd and Irene IUon,. .. ""mp """" beoome llSSOCiaies of tile flflfl. Offict:< "'" located at 1475 Financial Cenle,. 505 20th SUffi, Nonh. Birmingham 35W3. Phone

Young, \ 'o ung & I' ark< annon""os th'l ChrislOll'her L. Albrighl has joined ,he firm. Ferguson. Frosl & I>ods<>n LU ' annOY""cs thai Lisa F. Bro"'. and Wi llia m R. Allen. 11/ joined the finn. •

7 im e and ayain, Ih e f e aders " 1 Je d/c alio n and serv i c e. lVith mort tIlan hair a cemury unde,

our bo!~ you rould say we 1.0I0\0I a1llhell: ~ 10 know about tille inluran,". BUI i,'$ nOI jusl aboul ~IICS$.



h', abolll lrIoooing our clients and

earning Ih.-i, lIm!. Ou, lawyers h.n-e donc jllSl

thaL By h"'ing Ihe aperien<o and imighl III pl"Q\'irlc ,;1.11 und.rwriting solutions.

Weu raled the numbe' one lillt UuU11\IIC.

company in Mis.Iis5ippi and Alabama, urm'ing ~ financial stabilil)"" ratings. Thank

you fOr pulling ~ur f.i,h in us.






1lIO,8<~ I 688 . _


f. 'Jj


Jam es A. TUTller The TIiIcaIooA CooanIy S. A$!ociaI"", Io!ot • di""n·

pi.toed member on J..... XI. 2001 "'iIII ~deMh of James A. n.n.r • age n . Jimmy Thmer l"O"l'C'iomIlaw in ~ for 49 yar<. earninl & repuIaIlon ... od''OCate and • genlicman 0( unqueSlionc:d honescy and irnp«<ablc in'egrity.

I I. "'IS born August 22, 1925 in the B"""n,illc Co",munily of Tuscaloosa County. He ""'" up durinl the hc'''U of the J)q>rts>.ion IIId whon !IOI in IChooI, he would ""'lft on tho family farm or woold haIollop and <;<)fd IlI<Xld 10 ho<lp "'AX'" his family. On 0CI0ber 22. ]943 he "'*"'<llhc Unilcd 5131.. Mari ... C-. Atier boo.ic InIininc he Ihoppnl 0lIl10 Ihc Cc:ranI Pacir", ODd panicil*t'd III !he d lwo Jimaon February 19. 1945. " 'limo tho t.Wi .... f.oul lOOmeoitho hIocdie<t and nul furious ctImbIt of WOOd Ww II. (M 1>_ 5. 1945, 15<1>)'1 afI.:, Iandi"ion lwo lima, Jimmy Thmer ...... .......ndy injured. n:.:civi", five bullets 10 hi. faa: and lOIally ond pmnancnlly blindi", him (Of life. For bis octioo on lwo Jima. he ....... ,,'lIrdod the t'urpIe Hcan. H. was .. n, to tho United Siales Navy II .... pita! in Philadelphia for tre:llmenl and ",habilil.lion. While there he under _nl tho fm! of ocvcnd painful ....,.,..\I<UCli"" ~. tk would also lisIefll0 individo,Qts rrum van.. ...... professions brought in 10 speak 10 him and many ",hen like him woo had been woondcd and blin<led in 00InbaI. He ~soened i~ly .... day 1O .. 1UOn'IOy and ..11m he lin~ speali"£. Jimmy TIomn had <k<:idood



lie ...... ~onApriI 12. 1946l11don Ins dis-

charJe papcn IisIcd law aslUjob pn:f<fmDO. lie n:\J.Irned tune and enrolled in Ihe Univcnily of Alabama under m. GI bill. Doe to !\is inj"""'- ~adm were pi'!). .i<lod f... him who ~ hi< boIlb. """'" and onms to him. II"~ soon apparenl to hi' ~ and hi' prof... son Ihal he had ~ phenomenal menlOf)'. H~ would ha,.. $(:..,ral reader< during hi' undl:rp1Idua1~ ~~ors "" m.n: wu one thai wu special to him. IIcr 1I0II"IO wu !.Qui5C l" and they ....... married in Jan...,. 1943. 'J"o&cIher they soon bog.aft ~ Iilmily and Iboir fUS! son. James Donald. wu born in Cbobo:t 1943. Mr. 'l"brntt palkw.;d from 11M: Univct:sity of Alabama one! ~ Ibo Unl.."gy of AIaIwm. Uw SdIox>I in 19049 one!hl$ ...·if~. !.Qu;"e. joined him a year 1aIcr. They ........ abo joinod by Ihrir I«ODd son. ~ Dillin!. havinJ ....... born In

n.-,... "-"II as an ¢lCt"1. IenI 0Iuden1 excellinJ in his studies. lie" In'lM from m. Uni......-slty of AI.ibama Law So:MoI in 19S2 and hi, wife. lDJi ... gndtlatM a year IattT in 19S3. They esIabliWd the low fum oln.n..t &. Tllmrr. ilIo.<atno firm whkh bears their name iOOay. Il ls fifll "ff"tc~ was on m. nin~1 floor of the FIN NBlion:ll Bank Buildini. II()W kIIOWn .. the AmSooth 1I:tn1r. lIuildill£. wllr ... he pn>[)ea:.m.r 19049. Jimmy



acded to ...... Iy starve I() death. as JOOnI1rwyot1 do. T ...... "'-en: "'" lOOp for lone as he soon pi""" a tq>u. torion as • ~ drtntrunttl advocate who would unmnch,ng!y figlot for hiHlien'" righu:. lie gained the odmir.>1ion of hi. peen by taking on .;:ases oo..r l.wyers

would Il0l. and winnin, th<",. n.. laIC OI,n Zeanah. a prom;""nl :IIId di .. inguiWd lowy", in hi. own righl. once ""mmented thai lIr haled 10 try ta.<U wilh Jimmy and !.Qui"" n.n..t lOOn: lhan any IlIher 1Jr.tiyct$. He waukl $LOU' that Jimmy WU jto$llOO me"" :IIId thai louise was .. sweet. the jury ju§I fell in kM: with her. Their family continoued 10 pow " M"tchad (ikon. their third - . ..11$ born inJuly 19S5. and thrir ..... pnocticc <'OIIIiIu:d I() pow as .... IL 10 19601 theofficcsofn.n..t& lbrncr ....... moved 10 the River Hill Buildi"l 011 ~ A......... """"" Iht fum..-..ll:l be IooaIed forthe nal 26 yan. In 1968. Jimmy Thmer ..... elcacd ~ ofthe~ County B... A~ion by hi, pcmt and in 1974. Jimmy Thmer', eldest kilt. Don. joined his fill>« and mIllIIcr in the .,....,.,;.:e of I ...... In 1976. Jin"ny I tloan .,tack bul ""lIS ""'" back III his law pncIK:c. lie ""ffcml. SC<:<lfld m.s· '""" heon alUICk in 1986 ord urderwent ~pIo bypa$f ~. He ~ 10 wort \lui nIlloo&er rned jury cascs and limil1ed his practice I() con.,......,ion ord Social SecurilydNtbilily.1 spociMy~" ~ 1962. In 1988. Jillm)" Thmer's!ClOOlld tort. Rie.joiJI<'d the finn. In 1990. Tumtr& 1\Irnor moved to iI< ~ Io<:>bon on llnd A,-..-. AU ....... ~ It ' - ' qoiri<Jy "" ...~ obit to I<a"JI his ""a'J onu>d .......... 1luikI&n& and .... roundinp. bul Jimmy 1\Irnor ......... comid=d himself 10 be disabled. Jimmy Thmer conllnuod 10 handk So,,,.1 St=ily disability cascs jtoSI pri..-IO his death and was obit 10 wil· ItoOSS hi' grwwlson. Orion Donald. join the firm in 1998. Throogh the 19905 he lIral'" probkm< bul would asl<)und :IIId ""_ CI'tI}'OO" with hi< "". IOUP· ..... and I<naoily in I><i"l ob\c 10 ... bound rrom these problems. UnfortunalCly he ..... "'" obit to ",...-corne hi< Wt illness and dcpancd .hi< life on June 27, 2001. n.. rupca he ~arned was n'i<knt by the '"""Y "'"'"""" of the bar ..tIo ....... in Itttnd:ort<:c: It this f\ona"aL He il...vivtd by Iu....·,'" of53 yan. Loui§e; ...... Don. Ric: and Glenn; panclchlldrm Brian. Linthay and Brin;u,y: and sra'I-panclchild t'''';s Anne. He will be """"~ as a 1OIIih, IYRl and fitn:e a:MlcaIc and one ..tIo "-llhe law IIId pncIiccd ~ ...·ith honcsIy and homilily. lie ..-as an ullllple 10 all and I menlO< \0 1IWl}'. H;~ wil and wisdom will be ~.dy mi....J by hi, family. friends and coIle",ues.


_Tho/llas D. Bobill. II. To'.I'<lJoo.«I C"'If1ly Bar "'nodm;""

Lee Edmu"dsOIJ Bai"s, Sr. u.: Ilains ..... diSlinguiohcd member 0I1bo 8


Ii.. '


so rea'" and duriDg Ihosc yean JCI"'Cd .... prof<Mion. his mmmuniiy. IUs family and his clienIs willi di .. A$ooriaDon for II"IIR Ihaa

6ncUon and Ioonor. lie died July 4. ZOOL lie " ... born in 8e1 ALobuna and ~ from Bcsxm:r II ,p SctIooI. !he Vnh....sity 01 ALat-no and !he Un;versi~y 01 Abobama ~hooI oIUw.1k h<pI his pra<tice in Bcsxm:r in 1936 ond ~ed various groupo and individUlIJ. 1


ill"'udi", l.bor union •• rorponIions. individual •. municil"'li~icl. and SI.~c l.WlCi~~OoM. He aho ,,,,yed as cil)' .l1omey for ~he Cily of Iksscnw:r ilnd. on nu""'rous OCC3Sions. os It.; tnSi(lcnl of "'" ~mcf IJar A",,)d.tion. 8«:_ of his Itpl abililies and skill .. he ""'" • member 01 nil ...............Ie and n:otiorW Ioonor JOCietics and held " .. ",bmlllpi in many IcpI orpniZ3liom. Im!II ooQbIy "'" praljp)us American CoIiqe of T rial ......."m.. u.: B;MM ""'" aloolgtimo: mtr'IWr 01 .... F..,. UniL<.! foldlnlO<t ClMnb of Ik$omw:r. ,.'ben: he taq:hI Stmday School lUlI"IIR !han SO yean. and !lUI r=nt1y ~ hi5~ ""his God_ his deCl. • II Suo!day School rt:a<lI '" Cauntlury VniIed Methodist CIudI and III Fair II ...... Methodi<I RcIi:rtn ..... CenIer. lie e>.hibilCd hi. oontinoous desj", 10 i"'l"""" boIlo Ioi. mind and his body lhrough ~inoous srudy and n;adinl and of pIlyQ ..:tivily. in<lllding daily .wim< al "'" YMCA. lona.<J, .. I"""" $kiin, and .talina. for which he ~vcd Presidenl,.1 .w...w. "'0" 01 which _'" OOt:Iioed afler lhe <lie of 60.


lIis """,ice 10 lhiJ lWion. .. hidl bea'" upon IUs enllallCe illlo World W." I[ and conlinued lhrouJIIouIlIl.lcpl-..r=. inclwed hi. obtaini"l "'" nnl of Rear Admiral. '-inl JCI"'Cd as "'" Commandi", OffICer of "'" Dinnin&f\am Na..aJ ReJCf'<~ Group. II dirKtor 01 .... N..-..I Reseo-e Q(fJ«t1O' ~bool. II memba of Ibo National Naval R<$eO'I! Policy ~ • • cradUlae 01 .... ~nior N.,-..I Resct'VC eou"", II Ibo N.,'Il w." Conc", and Ibo Nllional Was C ollege in defen", stnIl"I)'. and. unlit shortly before hi' depanu", from Ihi. lifc. he was tilled upo<o l<> "'presenl lho! Navy by ma1;inglocal appo:.... ~ 3nd $P"«I\e$_ Il i. rnany c ivi~ ""Ii ,ilics i""ludin, bein, eleell:<! chairman of lho! B.... mtr o.nlOCl'lIlle Euculi,'e C""'nlince and an a ll ...... • live delqale 10 "'"""l1ic C""ve.,ion nlminl Fnnklin D. Roosevell for hi. lItird !e<m in off"",. """,inl as "",.iden! of !be IkS$fn>cr ~ of Edl><a!ion. OS II _mbtr 01 .... Jkw:n>cr Ki"""';$ club, U • nw:rnbc:r of Ibo IkN<:nlCf Parks &: RC<'ft:alion ~ and as presidem 01 "'" YMCA 80ud 01 Di=ton. I I~ ~ e>ampIcs for !he bar as 10 "'" propel' role th:a! a """'rn should taI:e in .... 1II(M:.uion of hil time and all<nIiooI '" his family. !lavin, awriod h" ,.·,fc. Ruel Burton Bairu. in 19lB and havi", ntlsed lit..... children. Aaila Da;nl llanJctpft. Mynle Lee B,;nl and Lee Bai",. Jr.• IW<) of ""horn anCtlded 13'" 5d>ooI and ,!'adulled in !he lop of lbrir classes. Ilc II", de\Ioted much lime and ""e" lion 10 hi •• i. gandchikl",n .

William Doyle Scruggs, Jr. • ·.brnary1, 1974· AUl(u st 15. 2001 'The daI.. above ~ !he li_ Ii"" 01 ~ l iven", !he AIab;oI11l SIaoc B"" by Dill Sauw. ilS I 10th presidelK (198(). 1m). B,1l ~lImbcd ' 0 cancer in IUs lWi"" DeKalb eoun~y ... N ........ bc:r 6. 2001. at "'" "'" 0158. lie had praaic:ed law in Fort I'a)',,", lince his admi""", 10 !he bar ill 1968. followi", his If"Idualioo f""" lhe Uni"""';IY 01 Alabanu. School of ........ Bill was ... exemplary nw:rnbc:r 01 "'" legal profession for 33 years and. lhen:in. he ,,-as recoc.niud as .... of!ho! fInes! la"'ye" evcr 10 praaite in Alabama. Fonner C!>",f J .. "ice "Do" 1brt>crt ....poOOcd "No." who!n ..ked by """""oc ICCkin8 his opin;"" on hiring IClIal counsel. if DiU ScW"" w.. lhe ''besl """n1ry laW)'~~' in Alabam., lie WO<lld IIItn e>plain Ihll. "Ilill StwUI ..... Iho! bm lawycr in Alabama." iii. elcc1ion as. Fcn"", of "'" Americ... Colle,e of T rill ....wyen was an alief","ion 10 Ibo rupocl ho! cnjoyed as a resuh of bi. considenblc """"room !al~, Bill'J WC«$$ as. """'rn " ... p'OU_ in a SlrOnI 0"""'(1' of .......... '" imetrily. I brill;"'1 mind. • COIIIin_ uinl",,"", fot ~lcdl" . an abundance 01 common ......... and ....... and disumi", "';~'. DiU's abili~y 10 lpeaIr; with !he ....... leamod and one ""ilh minimal aIlililic$, at lilt: ...... time. and 111"" boIb "ndenw>d him clcarty. was legendary. l ie P""1..1c<l • special lale", for lakinl e>~ly di!licuJ~ and romple> IIW_ len and .,mplifyi"1 ""'m fot 0Ihcrs 10 undc"tand. IU rI'h oflhc J3 ran he pr.!IC!iced la.... Dill _leIi .... ly involval in me""in&ful ways 10 improve.....- prOf<:$Sion. II", friend >lid J~>lice Sa", lI"ally. summed up lIill's """" :occonlln8' Iy: "Mud, oIlhe ll<cnli~1 n''' ..... of "'" Alabam;t S!:>IC 11 ..- bear5 lhe .wnp of hu in,crtS!. In tlw. ho! is bUly f,~ all\OIIi equab."

"'' ' her.

Bill wasn'l jusI on II cornmi_ liSl. l ie ~ up and, II"IIR often !han IIOl, was Itadi", .........".", eft'on he and 0Ihcrs had been ....... to tondenake. v.'c: wen: frimtIs bcf<Ire I worked closely wiIh Dill in .. official ~ fa 20 oIlhosc yean. ran inc1uded Iho5e in which doe IcpI profeMion ....................... change. .... only in i", """,1Il. boil in issues """ eoofn:dtd .... profe<$ion. No one was II"IIR po:rsonaIly i"""'va1 in ...... inc 10 moe! the chaI· lenges: faci", "'" bill' lban was Dill Smogs. Rill 00<npIelCd. by _ $IlndonIs. yeoman ~ 10 !he prof~ very rarty in his career. A s''X"Ssion of bench and bAr leaden ronlinucd to .... k his ",Me., and his personal invol .... menl in "'" beltermenl of "'" tw and in belpiog il b'-lie< moe! its P\lblle re:sponslbitily. Bill ... as eleeled bar conlmi .. ioner for lbe 9!h Judicial Circuil on February 7. 1974 10 fill "'" .-.caney rel'ullioB from tho! Creation of Jacbon Coo",y lIS the :»IIh Jwicial Circuil. The prt:\'i_ OUI rommiWoncr f""" "'" 9!h C ircuit resided in Ibo n.ew 38th Circuit. Bill ...... clcclcd by Ibo 80ud 0( Commi55loners. under pre"ai11", rules. .. pon lho! recommendation of "'" lawy." of the 9th Jwleill Circuit. He was 31 ~ars 01,... Dill was lilt: com-. mi$sioner for !hi: 9th Jwic-ia! Circuil unLil he rnicncd 1m 1986 10 usume Ibo AS B presidency 10 ...·hocb he had been clected. He WJ4I ..... Icclcd .. I bar commiss;"""'r. fo1loo1iol hu yur lIS ~ ident. in 1987 and S<r\Ied lllllil 1<)9). lie had occcpted "" oppoinlmenl to !be Coon of lho! JudiciI<)' whore t.; "'U serving 01 lho! 'ime of hi. deach_ In It.; !piril of 1(1'111 limilS "",enlly adopIed. lhough no! yellegally IWllelbl. 10 him. ho! Icn "'" COnlmi,,;on a year carly. Bill tnSidtd 0 .... lWO onnuII n_ln&< for "'" ""'" bar. "'" 1982 Hun .. ,ilIe I'IIO<:ling and Ihc 1987 Mobile n"";n,. l ie was 5ClVing



Bi I SC~V.99s ~~P;;# (... a " d do" t fO"get t he qt-ICI il) 18



0$ =:ond vicb-I""sidem of !he bar fu<!he ye:It$ 19&1·82. During !hal year. Presidenl Harold V. Hughston died. He was SI~ by B"",x Gam:tt. Sr.. !he president woo served !he remaioder of !he ttrnI. 1.1,- Gam:tt wO$ taUn ill in Huntsville. !he ",""ing before !he annual moeting ....... to begin. and "'turned 1I0oI-.. to Brewton. Ilill. as 2nd vice-presiden~ ""lIS thrust into Ihc role of presiding <n"ef the moe1ing. I awakened him behn 7 a.m. to wll him ofhi. new "'IJ'O"Sibility. A$lJ$uaI. Bill C(IOd..;ted the moeting flawkl.sly ,,-ith bOO! gra;:c and humor. It was aI this lime Bill bog"" kidding me. bOO! publicly and privately. about·'The Script:· ''The Script·· was m=ly adcuikd suggeSted game pi",,·· for the use Qf the president in running the Annu"1 Mtcting. r twr been preparing it yearly f.". just such an e"ttl as had CICCUl"l"t<!. Bill had fun (and he confeMed. great sense Qf!CCUnty) at my eJ<PORSe. Script was. again. a prop he used very dTec1i"ly at his own annual moeting in 1987 and • • gain. aI my a!">"nse, In 1987. he used n.. Script to welcome our G...-.nde Convocation Speaker. U. S. Secretary QfT""'!~tion Eli,.abeth Dolo. He professed to wanl to welcome her with. leiss. bul said n.. Scnpt forbade: ,uch familiarity with a Presidential Cabinet member ("""n though this wa$JI·t eVJ:n m<ntioned in n.. Scnpt). Mrs. Dole turned the tables on Bill. oaying that was a jXIOI" exc"", f.". a lad Qf Soothem !tospilallty and he wasn' t getting olf thai easily, To his surprise. and the audience·' dolighl she hugged him and planted a lei.. on his choek. At thaI mee1ing, Bill WIS ~nted with. 'pecial Bifl in rec<>gnilion of his e"<ptiooal leadership and se",icc. above Ihat tQ be rell$Onably expected of any bar pll'$ident. This was a lim and, tQ dale. only stICh expression Qf gralilude for a "'tinng president. special recognitiQn was in additioo tQ the traditional pn:sident"s se",ice plaque. 1l>c gift included the ··Golden Slingsh<lt A"'atd. symboli~ing Dill"s David· like succe<$CS again>! numerou, (loliaths during his year. He was also present. ed an authentic reprodl>Ction Qf the Parker Shotgun. suggelted and acquired by his fri~nd.ludge lohn Oryan. Bill WlI< an avid hunter. ronservationist and rollec1.". Qf fine firearm,. A major chll1lenge the bar faced in 1986-87 ""'" the role it would play in !he highly PQliticized debare on 1M ",foon which was gon· orated by introduction of a legislall..., p3Cnge referred 10 as Civil Justice Refoon M"">Ute$. "The conf'denoothe boo.rd twr in B,II"I IeadersJ\jp was manifested in its decision 10 defer to him ookly the artku lation <>f the bar', po;itioct. Bi ll had analyzed ea;:h bill to dettrnli"" !he impac1 it would have on existing statutes ard case Low f{)< considn-ation by the full board Di ll'$ oppcantnr:e bt:forn the stale &nate Commillee is still ",membered as the luming poim in thi' Iogislalive debate ard one of the most effective ever, Bill had led !he bar's so.o:;.:;e$Sful panieipotion. with the advice ard COtt5CflI of the Executive Coomril1ee. in the ",view of a signifICant body <>f u




CI. ot. Virgini. Lpn

Birminl)h¥n ~nod . 1!113 Died: May 15. 200\ fri ....... M• ..r. III 8irm .......... AIlrrWtteIl. I956 [)leO. September Z~. 200t CriUI. ad. Eoogenl A""..... III Brookl in!. IdA

Admmod. \974 [)led:

Fet.-uary 28. 200\


H"IlDG<l. Joh. AUir




bo ._ .

BiI"o _ _ .o.:tgo _ _ _ _ ..Ilo ... _

""-8il ..... _



~ ~ Iso:I tIo ~ tNt _ . . - .. or-. ... oI-.

Mclu1her. Pool Gr. h_


Mnot1r!d: 1 ~7

rlVii 16. 200\


Dood. June B, ZOOi

• • Jolon HOHlt

MOIIi,. Krog La",""


Admtttod: t 94\ Died, May 18. 2001 M. rrill.



Iiollin Admttted: t 949 Died: ..... 2001



Admitted May 5. 1Wl

Died: September ~ . 2001 P. rry. Wi ll •• Ennen J •. Bir"""'lo>m Admo11ed: 1950 Died: October 21. 2001


...... oI ....

.......... ~tt.8iI_

......... ~ ..... """"""'r II. ~ ............ m

AdrMtod. \ 942 [)led:


law. in a hiPly charged PQliti<:al climate. "The bar. """"gh Bill. twr role and the ~fJecti..., ...... was been able to p1:oy. truly due w the fact the bar was able w avoid being ponta}'ed IS a pany <>f special in",resu. Bill S<;",W. with the drahing as.sistan<:e from oow Jtl.,tice Champ L~ Jr" pmonaIly dirttled one of the bar', greatest Iegi,lative " oxes,es by "",riting a signilkant portion of the originallegisl'li'" package. Bill chaired tlMo bar llIsl< I'or<:e "" Lawyer Di scipli"" whioh developed the first major changes in bar dl$cipline. !Jill·, last visil to the >late bar was August 15. 2001 and. ironically. hi, continuing """""'" for professionalism was the reason for hi' 1rip. He was leading a trnining ~ion f{)< the Ourn<:ter and Fit"".. commit. t~ and their oppcal, boord, We had planned tQ have lunch togeth. er. but the ~ion lasted longer than expected and lunch was sen1 in. I did. howe\-"Cr. have lunch "'lth his son·in·law who had driven him down and when we rUutned W the .lat<, bar. Bill was waiting on the front porch to go 1I00I-... We bid each other goodbye. with001 my "", that """,Jd be my last fxe-to-facc vi!il with Oill. It $Orn<1>ow seems appropriate thaI my last visual memor,- of Dill " 'ill be aI the place he had led and served well "" long. A better lawyer and bar loader, a St.Ole bar ",''U had. Bill·, family-hi, wife Kay, daugh"'r and son,in,law, Shannon and Christopher Campagna. granddaughter (j,,a Bank, . and his sister. Jone-must koow their los, is !hared by " vast cirele Qf Bill Scruggs·s admire,..: hi, fnends, his di~nls, his professi<>ttal CQlkagues. and the many people hi' good w<>rks benefited woo never u.ew their benefactor. If r could, r would gladly "",,-rite·'The Script:· knowing full well ew:ty player ()n life'. stage must ultinwely make an exil and I would most cenainly have del.yed BiI]"s. Al his memorial ",",,'ice, the mini,tcr shared aspects of a final OOspilal vi,it .... ith Bill and BiU'U dmonition whim folkrwing a discussion <>f Scripuu-e. ... .. and don·1 rorget the quaiL'· (Ref. Exodus 16:13). His Iongtit1le frieods., Rardy. Teddy. Jeff and Marl<. beller kJICM-lt as ALABA · MA, also p1~ • "'mcmbr:>n<e in their hotntIawn I"'f>"t which noted the Biblical ref""""'" to quail , "The miniMer intelpR:ted Bill", remarks w explain that Bill recognized ~ """ a lif. '""'" abun· dant than just the basic< of ~>ing. Dill most cenainly cootribuLed abundant measure 10 the Ii>", of those ,,'110 I;new and l<>ved him, Bill &roU'. I94J·1IXIl _R~i1W1d T. Ill"'''''''

1rIIlIT'IintI_"""". _



lor ..... ""'_ ~ died, awe

I'noOl B. .. 011 EoIwO«! llitrrunghom AdfMt8d: 1956 Oft. Sept_ 6. 2001

Selliei. Mi n PI .I SirmlngMm ~tted 1950 Died: fe!noary 18. 200 \ SPOH. Sam • • 1 o\l..ondl .




Died; Octot..- ~ \, 2001


.. 11111

Fourth Special Sa ssion The....x.. _ ~1OI1cd 10 nailC funds (Kille E<IIIoauon fllJd&ct. la tho ~all was a revision 01 .... Bu";lICS1 Pnvik&e 1U (118. I )(di~J); S"'f'C'I'ion of Loosa for 1"tt.oo y.,... (118 . 2): FJi",i ... tion of Coo$oIid-.cI COfpOnIIC 1U ltc,,,",,, (118. 4): Tu TmoImcnl of Limil((J Liability Emilia (lIB. S); Muhi. Carry~

s~ ....... Compacl OIB. 7): Esnblilb Eduo2l00n ltainy

Oay Fund and M ale .......1.abIe SJ1 1 M ilJioa ( 11 8. 8). Also ~ by bothlwuocs ..... on cdl phones (H8. 62); ~'" of ..w;SICd Uvi", Adrni~ (58. I I); Crime of 11..--.... Sports Offiriab (SB. 16); AboIiWn&: OrI·Si\t. AbKnc ... 1J.al1OO", (SB. 304); ond Prohibition 011 ~ ",he! _ do;:(~ in I !'any Primary from ruMi", as a candidale in "'lOItIcf party the wno ~ (58. 36). Altbou~ both howes """" pa$$Cd Ibeac: bills, !bey ml'Sl each be "&nod 10 become Low. Plcase """",It"" qislatu",'1 Wob $ite for final s-sago'



2002 Regular Session The 2002 Rogular &$,;"" of the: logi,l.lure be"", Jlnuary 8. 2002 and can cootin ... until April 22. 2002. l.asl year the le,i,II'urtc IlOl only had tlleir "'Ilular !!eM"'" bul four special sessions which 1ef1 k,; ••• ,on ..... Iy from !heir honle$ about hlMthc year. A nlOjor iss<It ffCina tho ,o.Jabamo IogisIM= and 45 0Ila lqioJ.,,'U " the Wrp dro!:J in w n:YCnUeS. Si~\CII:n SIaICI n ~ in critical oondillon in ,,'hidI


reverooes lie ~ and sr-flnI i$ dian expected III curtmI bucI&et proFtions. These includtournei&hborinc WICS oICCorP ond ~" ";"'W ".1.. n<aby Nonh c.roIina. AbbIomI is IQ«d in ~ lYINIium in ..'lI0:II ..,............, ~ IhIa .. pcacd Iu. spmdinc is


"" IIfFI wi'" CUfmlII:udcet ~ This 000",,000. isJftoRd by Bondi ondTcoo _ 0Ny four >UIIC:lha", ~ 0fI1aIJeI willi CUfmlI bud&eI prtIJO(1ionJ. This inf<lfTnllioo is from .... N...... ConI'cmooe of s.. ~ in !he.. Dua"b:J 2001 puhIi<aIion. II is 1110 npccl(d IhaIlbo 2002 lIbl ..... ido and It,. iolilive ~1CCtiOnI ""ill hive an impact on lbo semon. April S. 2002 is lbo Ia.u <IIy fOl' candidalc$ '«ki", """'inatiod by I pany prilllll)110 me • decllrMioro fOl' candidlcy "",Ill ..... Slile pony ~hairman 01' COIIIIIy pany chairmaJl. ~ inili.1 primary el«,ion i. June 4 ""illl the: run""" el«tlon June 1$. 2002.

lBw'_"'" Legislation

.41"00"'" Uniform .411(JIQmkal Gift MI. The: bill d";· rleS !he ri&!tll; of panics in....,.vcd in the don.alion of ,heir 20


body pan< and Iho atIIloily and ~ fOl' im-oI>"" ia rcmoo;inl and _ L Ikt.\oy, '" tnmpImQ'" a pan. See Mardi 2OO1.4/a1.1amtl La>o~,. ~ Uttifr;mr 1 _ ~_",o{f)I(1_~lir ~ Onlt!TS. "The IC1 pmvilb • "",form .y>Iem f(lf enforcemeDl of d<Imes.tic violence """"",ioco onItn ~ f;l;IIC Uneo. nw f.11 (;ojlll ..... m:dil pmv~ directs :IUIeS 10 honor.....,.,i<r JII"'Ito:Iion onltr.l ;.....".;1 by .... j"';§dicions and 10 trnt ""'"" ordm as if!hey .. en: 1heir"",11. See ~brdl200I.4~ I.m<"p" .4~ U"if""" IlUIi/~'iotIoJ FUNb Ar/. In 1993 Alabam...doped,he Uniform Manaccmcnl of Irl5li,utional Fund. ACI, however. il ..,.. ~,ri<:1ed 10 "ed ......,ional inslilulion$" Ihorcby other 'RSIII", ion,., as Ihr: SI:II. Bar. rc.i,ious organilCa,iQn, .. ,he SLate BapiiSi Association and lbo MethodiS! OI.,ri<l<. Ind ,hose civic organi~.,ioo, IS Kiwlni. and ROIIU)' could not . , .. ilihelllie. ~' of in,...slmcn' option. as a rod""i . 1U)'.1he amendmenl'" lhe &I"","ional ln" ilUli""al Fund. ACI W<)U ld rcIOOV~ lhe limit.'ion of this oct 10 "" 'y ~ducali"" in,'itulion'. II "'i l! 001 alTecl lhe Cum,"1 I.w ... i. ,d . , •• ,O edtICltionaJ In .. iW I;""o. Thi. will provide Alaba"", wilh the WllC: .WI<lardI fOl' judiciary invc5lmcnlS .. found in I00:I1 othor >1.01<'< •

Lavv Institute Major Revisions Effective 2002 ElTCCI;~ JIII1W)' I. 2002;~ It~. i"'" UCC Al1k .. '

""",""in, KCUrcd lta4<aIC1ion .. n..... ore ...,.." form,., ".,.,.. filing ~u"", and in mMY f ...... ".,.,.. fihn.

pbces. ~ should comult the ...,.." .... wtlidl II ...... clT«1;"" in oil SO ...".. ~ Uniron.. Den ......... Tn~ionJ A ... IhaI A ......... passed in 2OO11w ""'" """ lIIloped in lS ~ In lhose swes IhaI --., noI Idopted IIIos «t. !hey _ ~ by Iho ~ EItaronic 5<"",,,,,,,,, in Global _ N.. iomtl C"".""'c N:t (If ~E-5i",~ law.

Nev.< Web Site Our ....... Wdo ~ .. " ... ,...ali..< For _ information ~mjnl the IJI$IJ'.te 01' any of proj. «IS conlact Bob McCurley. d il'CClOl'. Alaba"", Law hUli,., •. P.O. 801 861 41$, n.",aloo<a 330486-0013; FAX (205) 348-8411; phone (205) 348·74 1 I. •



L Moc..J". ".


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snce rh Inception ,n 1995. the ROADSHOW hal assocloTions. The ASS is pleased fo now lawyers. ConIQC! Susan Andres. director e-maIl TO

• The ASS's Low o your questions on • The,direclor of the Alabama and ..-.cielllonding of soIul'on 10 this growing problem.

Kaegon. d~ectOf

• Judy the latest



of the A/oboma ~fa~f::;::;:::'~ and ImportanT cases from n

• General Counsel Tony McLoin keeps bar mem~ mformed of rncIOr legal developments In Nobomo and ocrO$S the nation. • Volunteer Lawyers Program Director Llndo Lund has developed on ethics ond professional component covering slgniflcant developments on a local and notlonol1&vel.


Attorney's Right to Communicate with Opposing Party's Expert Witness QUESTION: In R0087.74 and RO·88-28. the DIsciplinary Commi ..ion of the Al.bamI SLoll: e ... t<ldre$&Od the q"~sti"" of who'her. and under whll circum'lanca, an "wmey m.aoy CO"""'" and communk ••• with all c~PC" wilness employed by an "I'P""ing party. The Commission ronclPded ,11;11 i, "'IS ethically penni ..,· bI<: fCK an altOl'l'l<y 10 communicale willi I..:b. wi\DtSS <bpile the (lOCI. that tht opposi"l party is ft'PIl:S"nwl by coomcl and despite the f.a thallbe auomey bas IlOl oblaincd pcnnission from opposin, 0001_110 CtlPF in ouch communication willi \be"';tnea. The Commiu.ion based ,IS opinion in I..., pan up"" Ihrcc "",nions of the American Bar Assod.,ion Commill« on EIhK:s and PmfcssiolW Respoouibilily: Foolnal Opinion 117 (1934). FonnaI Opinion IV (193~) and InfOfllUOI Opinion 892 (1965). In 1\193. Ibc: Amcric." Bar AMoci",jon issued Fonnal Opinion 9) ·)78 which modified. 10 some extent. its oatli., rulinal on lIIi. iSlue, Accordingly. lbe [)jodplinary Commission considers i1 inappropriate '0 revisi' and n'OOIIskler ilS P'I'opinion. rq:arding con""', with opposina u",",


Subject to caulo cooditians di'lC'llNal below. it i. lIil1 pami..ibk, woder ....... c i m o _ for III auomey 10 contocI and rommunicalc with an upcn wilMSf; ,,~ try an opposi", .,any. I~. if the mal.... i. ptnding in f..:lcnl COW1. or in any od'Ier juMdictioo which has """",td an upen diSCOYery ",k paI.crned af.Of Foderal R ~k or C ivil Pro<t!dure 26(bX4XA). an IUOI'IIe)' who ~ng"fl'S in woh ron"'" could be in _iol8lion of Rule 3.4 (e) of !he RuieJ of ProfeJiion.1 CondOC! of.he AI.baml SIa.e 8 or. 22

)"I'I U "RY l Oot

DISCUSSION, NOIhing in .he Rules of l'rofu.siOll>I CO<>d"'-'l """. c1usively pn><IUlb an anomer from ini.laung oon(a<. wi!h!he opposing pIny" expon. Rule 4,2 prohibi!S an anOl'lle)' f""" commu"k •• i"1 wi.h I i»"Y or OIh<r per_ son' . only if $lI<h pany or perwn i, ~n!ed by ano!hcr a!101'11e)'. Nci.her Rule 4.2. oor any OIher ",Ic. u",r>d$!his ~e<lion ((I wilJltUeJ or expen w i l _ diff"", from fK1 wilnQSt:L 1k obovc-Jl,a!cd is rorui ...... wi!h 1ht hoId;""g or tho AlabMlI Supn::n-e COWl in R-w " "'~rs 476 So.2d 51 (A .... 1985) .• medial malpnotlcc ouc in whid! 1ht person.1 " ...... nwi"" of I do: ...... pallen1 ton1mdcd dill leslimony or !he <k«as,.:r. In'l,ini pIIysician _



"'A""' ........ /""..

inadmissible """"U$e!he dof• ...tanC. anorn.:y hid di$cussed !he ease willi ,he phylkian wilhou ...1lIori..lion from !he "'puKm •• ''''' of ,he esl.' •. 1k coon ...jecIed thiJ atgUlne"' noein& "1.1""'" is no .estimonial privilege in AlaN",. eo,'e,;", communicat;oos ~'we<:n. physici." and his p.o.i.". or ,be physkian's mowltdge of !he paI;"m', condi,ion aoquired by rea· .... or !he ....... iono.hip." 476 So.2d II 54. fOOOlOlC 2. 1k Coun wen. on 10 QOOIt: wi,h lppI"C'l'o'aI from OM M E:li lilly '" Co.. 99 F. R. D. 126 (D. D. C. 1931).';<:


fIC'OIXI',OOoI. ~. DO party 10 ~tig>lion has I/I)'Ibin& rt:5embllnt I proprioIary


• As I


,;chllO "Y ",itno:sl', e,.. idenct:. Abocn1 • pri'oilcge "" pany is ..,titled to _riel on ""'..... 'M·S access 10 ""Y witness. ~ partial or importan. ((I him. by imi>li", upon!On'k notion ohllcgi-.e. Even an .~ pett ""hose k...,...ledge has bet'tI purolla<cd O~ ~ ulor«<! by the party who is p.oying him on Ih:i. """nd alone. Unless impeded by ;oivilogc an advcnuy may inqui .... in advance

of trial, by any lawful manner I<> learn wh.1 any wilne« " - ' . if O!her appropriale condilioo. the w itnes< alone may impoSe an: ",I;Sfled, e.g .. rompen<rui"" fo< his time and expenise 0< payment of rt3Sl)nable expenses ;nvol~ , . .' ", 476 So.2d'l1 55 (cil'lions omitted) lIow.:ver, there "'" cenain ethical reslricli"", "" c""lacts wilh any wil!\eM which rue obviously "'W.lly applicable I<> •.• pert wilnesses. For e~amplo, Rule 4.3 requires oandor and tnllhfuh>tu 00 lhe pan of an attomey dealing wilit on unrepresenled person. WIlen an anomey cootacl$ any person who i. nO! "'presenled by coun ..l. ,,,,,Iuding a lay 0< .'pel1 WilneSS, 11>0 allomey muSlen'ure lh.1llh1! person conlXted fully uOOerslar\d, the .uomey·' rol. in IhI! maller and hi' ",I.tionship to thl! cast: 0< C""tl"m'orsy th.t has g;"," rise to the conlact. Ful"\hermor-e, Rule 4. I (a) prohibilS .n auomey from """'ing fal.., $1.1"'"",nl$ of n1.1terial fact or I.w to a litird persQll . This rule precludes any coolOCl with. wit!\eM which would con.oy the~_ sage. direclly 0< indi=tly, th.llhe wil· ne" muSt Speak with Ihe attorney. As is the case with any pen<>n 0< witne» nO! under subpoen., an e.pen witnes, m.y "'fusc I<> discu"" the cas.e ... iill "I'!""ing counsel. In focI. Rule 3.4{d) expressly =ogniu:s IhI! rigbt of an attorney ""00 h... hired an expen 10 illSt""" the expel1 not 10 discuss the cast: wiill opposing counsel. Qb.,.iou,ly an all<>mey may not coerce 0< intintida", an opposing e'pen 01" in any .... y attempl to change or influence lhe e.pel1·s loslimony. Tl>e proh ibilion in Kule 3.4{b) againsl coun .. hng 0< ... sisl· ing I ... ilneSS to testify falsely awlie, wilh lhe"""", forc. and efTec1 to an oppontnt'. wit""<$C' 0$ i, doo. 10 ,he anomey', own ... it .... sses. Finally. in any contact wilh either a facl or npert wit· """ •. IhI! allorney may not allempllo elicil conflden'ial Of privileged inform.· ti"". A corollary to Rule 1.6 which pr0hibits an .nomey from re ..... ling C!i~nl confidences is that an allomey may"'" aJtelTlplto e.use anO!her 10 b<e""h .",h confidences. Howe",r, the ItIO$t signifi. cant impacl on lhe validily aM applicabil ily of tho~ opinions which permil con!ac! wiill opposing expen. came aboul 0$ a result of rules ",hich ha"" been OOopted by $Orne jurisdictions gov-

eming the disco.,.ery of e~pel1 teslimony. Fortmosl among lhe~ is Rule 26(b)(4)(A) of the F«kral Rules of Civil Procedure. Pursoanl to iIli, rule, ~ i. • I",o-Slep proces, ,,'hich ",ust be: fol_ lowed in onIor to obtain discovery of f""t' and opinion< ~Id by an adversary', expert "'00 is expected to t."ify atlri.L Thi' rule requires iIlal, prior 10 any c",,_ t"", wilh 3n opposing npen, inlerrogalories mu,t be: served njX)ll ,he npen. If the allorney fcel' the responses to lhe inlerrogalories an: insufficicnt. loa.,.e Oflh1! court must be obtained in onIor 10 conduet additional disco,"'l'. In Iwo differenl Opini""., the United S"'Ie, Coun of Appeal' for the Ninill C;l"C\Iit h... held Ihat an allomey woo makes t" pam c",,_ ,acl wilh the opposing party', .xpen. as opposed 10 """'plying wilh prescribed procedures, has committed a "fl.grant .iol'lion" of Rule 26(b)(4)(A). See. Campbdll~du.<lri.... Gemini, 619 E2d 24 (9th Cir. 1980) and Al1I£rican ProlectiOl1 I~su"'nce Co. v. MGM Gr-and.148 F.2d 1293 (<JIh Cir. 1984). s.:.eral States h,a.,.e also ad.<>pIed covery I\Iles Ihal an: pallemed after. and similar to, Federal Rule 26(b)(4)(A). One of these i, our neigbboring SI.le of Georgi •. In Heyde ~ X,,,,man, I"".. 199 Ga. AW 303.404 S.Il.2d 607 ( 1991),lhe Georgi. COUll of Appeals held th.t an altorney woo had ",fused 10 follow man· daled discovery procedures "should "'" be allowed 10 ci",umvent lhem by engaging in e~ pa,u C<lmmuniC3liOl1 wilh IhI! opposing pany'. expen." 404 S.E.2d al 61 l. Additionally. ~jurisdiC1iOfls h..e OIller stalutory prohibitions against cerlain attomey-wil!\eM contacts. In many 51ales, il is unlawful for a I",ating phys;.


cian 10 discu5S. palient'. cast: ... iill any_ one withoul first obtaining the ~ti.n'" consenl. There may also be .imilar prahibi'ion, involving O!her profes,ional, "'00 may be employed as e' pen,. Rule 3.4 (c) of the Rules of !'n)f.ssiol\(ll Cond""" of the Al.bama Bar pr0vides as follows: "Rule 3.4 Faimes.s 10 Opposing Pany and Counsel A lawyer .h.lI Il0l:


• •• (c) knowingly disobey an obhga· lion under lhe rul., ofa ,ribunal except for an open refu .. l hascd on an .,sertioolbal no valid obliga. tiOIl exist,"~ Applying iIlis rule 10 the i,,,,e here il is IheOpinion of th. Di,riplinary Commission that. while ex parle conlacl wiill the opposing pany', cxpen i. nO! elhically prohibiled, pu u, such co<"",,, and communicalio" wilh an expert wilness in • juri<diclion whe", ,uch conlact and communication is p<Ohibited or reslricted by stalute or proc .... dural rule, constitutes a .,.iolation of Rule 3.4(c) a<>d could. lhe",f""" ,ubject the atlorney who "ngag'" in ,uch conlact 10 disciplinary action. Thi. opinion is con· si'lenl ""ilh thai of the An .. rican Bar Associalion Commiltee on Ethic. and Profossion.1 Re'pOnsibilily, Formal Opinion9)-378. IRQ·OI-021 • ~nlo<l.

Endnot •• ~ 4.1

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thO eo..-ID'" ~ ~ •

nOt ..... """" ""' portOII. _


..."." ""' Of "'"

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:' ... who .. ' ... .. . "" .......... thO .....-


DON'T HAVE TO BE. The Alabama Lawyer Assistance Program can help. Calls are strictly confidential.

Phone [334) 834-7576 or (334) 395-0807 (24-hllUI" p8!Jl!r). Jeanne Marie Leslie, program director


1-"1 S.


y first articl~ as PfC~jdent ofthc Young Lawyers' Section of tbe Alabama SIOle Bar

was to be publi,t.ed in the N,,'v:mbcr i"ue of The A/,Il""'tll l.oW)"t:,• • nd "'as due 10 !hi: publi,""r in mid-S.pI.mber. Tbe .trt;':!e I had wrillen....,1I\Cd insen,iti ve and • lillie 100 edgy for Ib05C: days following Septen,be, II. aoo I lnI>hed ;1. My first (unpublished) artide discusS<:<! tbe moral decline of Americ. and was 10 be entilled "W. ~. tip America:' I na'.

puJ1<:<l p<>r<ion. "r Ihal ankle 0Il1 of 1M <I$h for Ihi. ankle. t "'anI every young lawyer lO koow the irnpon.onc. of tbeir position. II should be apparent thaI there has bc\'n a .Iow decline in SOO,Ny'S """"'ily. What is con. ,;"""'" fIOflMl behavior today W3$ <:QIIsidered deviant behavior in lhI: I.,t general ion. This """",SiS of bo<:oming desen,ilil.e<i 10 irnmQl1ll cooduct has advanced roomany p"",ioo. generations bringing lhis country to i[. present condition. This d<>es 001 thaI morality muS! coolinue 10 dec line, In my u"published anicle. r discu,sed Itt. declining t imes of the Roaring Ws and how World War lJ Slopped lhe decline and pnwidcd a ",.iV31 in nalional unily. "'l igion:lOO lhe law. The question I posed in my 1i...1 "npublishW article was "'he,,, WOII ld the p",scnl decline e nd? Whicb go"""" lion """Id stand up and]>lli' .top to lhe decline? My article was to challe"ge oor generalion"r yOODg I.wye ... 10 help pul. Slop 10 lhe declinc H",,'.'-cr. lhe answer .ame "" Septen,""r II. Se~m bor II honilied and s,um>ed Ihi, nalion . bY! loo~ al it$ ",suits. W. n.~e seen an i"" ... ..., in n.I;""a] unily .... Iigion and lhe law. It was a wake-up c.1I1<> oor gene",tion to make changes. We as lawy.... mu,1 ,peak up and take a "and againSI imllKlral and un<:ivili:ted rondl>CI. II is easy. bul Wtoog. 10 belie'-c thai yoo can_ 1>01 make. diff• ..,oce. Speaking .llasl sprinS'. annual VLS seminar and meeting.t Sandestin (,,'hieh every yoong lawyer should ,"end). 8 ry a n Sle.'tn..,n . foonder of lhe Equal Juslice Iniliative of Alabama. reminded u, tn31lawy" ... bold pOSi,ions of lrusl and thai oor words are ,""",enul in confronling injuSlice. Bryan', """ivalional .' pcecb ,bowed u, thai we have a respon,ibilily 3$ la""),<,,,, I<> be "areful of what we say and how we ""I. and Ihal • word of encooragement ..... a sound word of cauti"" can Ito,'e a lasling impact on many live,. The ... is 24




pow ... in Ihi' profes,ion, Seplcmbc:r II Iw; "..,3ted a ",viva! in America in nalional unity....1igion.oo lhe law. II is n(>W oor duly I<> ""ntin ... thi. reviva! and LOk. a ,tand ag.inil iOOividu,l. curpornte.nd political imm<Klll conduct. As yoong lawyers. "'e should chalk ngo "llI'SO lves e,'ery d3y 10 make our ""nlmunilies boiler pl""es and 10 promote lhe public', welfare. The Voong Lawyers' Secli"" of the Alabama St.IC 8 0T will do everylhing pOSsible lIlis year IU promote lhe general welfare of thi,stale. Ifyoo are nOt involved in yoor local ohaplet. plea .. get i"vol,ed. Ho ... is lh is yea ... El1cculi'e Commill"'" " o bo n G. M elh ,i n, ni mlin gha m, presid e" ... I""1 Ii",nno .. J . Buck. Uirm ingbam. S«reta ry Slu~n \ '. !-uc kie. Mobil., I....,",,, ,,, .. C ole J. l'oni", Mon lllOn.. ry, immediale p;os1 pl"tSide nl Th o m ... U. Albriu o n. And~lusia N" lan Allb,..,)", 8innillg halll " ,,"" n N. 8 ail. y. Ui r mingllanl Lll liarron N. Roone. Mon lgOllH'ry 8enja mln M. lI<> ..'d e n. Andalusia Kimborly J. C alamelli , Mob ile li r,.a n N. Cigel$k• . M ob ile ChriSlin ~ I). C row. Union S pri ngS I'aul J. 0.1'o\"rco, li irn1in gha m Sll ll nne C. l.Itl..... u . H u nls, me J im l1 11ghc)". liinllinghan , C .... ig O. Manin. Mobile Patrick W. M <"Calman , Anda lusia Apsil . h G. M ill""p 'h Thsca lOOSll Koma n Shaul, Munl g<>me ry J a mes Pillm a n . Mob ile lI arla n t: Winn, li irmillghalll Thc ker Va ntt. M ob ile This fllle e;<ceuti,.. comnlill<:<: will undertake nun ..,' 00' projttLllllis y.", .och os the Bar Admini"" Ceremony. the VoulllJudicial Program, the M inorilY Participation Confcrc~., Federal Emergency Man<i8emenl Act R.'PIlnse Projfct. and the Voung Lawye"" Section Sandes~n SCmin .... We look forward 10 u~ k ing Ihese challenges. • TOOd SlrohJrt~vr is" partnu QI Sinu. CrtJddirl< & /)ods"" in Mobile.


Keeps Giving I

niSS? F. .IJ . Cabani .. """ked up hi' life and nlov<d from .iny Uni"" Springs, AI.bam" to ,be buSlllng city of B inningham (0 law ~Iice. One hundred years 1",.r Cabani." Johnston. Ganlner, Duma. &


O"Ne.l.the now "''Y ,,,,,. """ful l.... finn be staned. found the perfect """Y !O e<>mmemor.U. him aDd his fLm", immcnse oo""riOOlion to "'" legal pt<)fcs.;on

In 1987. on tt.. finn's lOOlh anniYersary. tile lilt. for "'" Cabani .. Johnston Scholarship was formed. n.. Cabani.. John>!on Scholar.;hip is" ",,""I "",hip awarded each Y<C'" 10 oerond·ycar law students who ~re Alabama ..... i· den .. ""ending an American Bar As.sooiation·accreditcd law ""hooi. Roy Cnwford is. paone. and has bttn with tho; fInn .iDee 1977. Ind he rememben lhin~ing mOl endowing a scholarship for

la", ,{"dont. would be. grt.u way 10 ttlebr:uc the finn's anniversary. Fl. Slill feels that ",ay lOd.:ly. "Pr<:Jvid ing .ssi'tanee U. bright. young la .... "udent< is the ngh, thing 10 do," Crawford said. "And. of COUM. it is hen· eficialto lhe profession 10 help !he heil minds can gel tho education they need:· Crawford also pointed ""tthat while many I.w finns endow scholarships, they usually '0 go to a >PC<'i f,c scbool. T1Iose receiving a Cabanis< John«on Scoolarship can go 10 any law school tbey choose as long as il is accredited by th<o A"",rican Bar Associ .. ;"". The Cabanis< John\ton Scbolarship is ><Iministered by lhe Alabanta law Foundation .• non·Jmlfil organizali"" dedicaled to law_related charilics. Wtlen the foundalion w,.. formed. Crawford was asked 10 <10 th<o i""Ofpor:"i"" worl:. H. scrved on ,he founda tion·, board of

trustees. and asked them to administer the scholarship prognun. They agreed. and Crawford conlin .... lly praises them on the job they have <lone. "The Alabama law Foundation has been WOIlderful. They have done an . , ,,,llent job administering !he Caballi" Johnst"" Scbolarship fund each year:· he said. ·'Of couf$c. it i, such" small part of what lhey do. With a ll of their program$. cspeciany tho IOLTA (lnteresl on Lawyers' Tru« Accoun") Grant Program. tbey have helped so many Won"n. cbild~n and disail'3nlaged. They do. lre"",n· dou~ amount of good:'

Crawford also prepared lhe scoolarship guid<hncs thaI the foundoti",,·, commit_ tee ""'s <0 pick the winners each year. The committee i. made up of two la""yen from the finn and thrtt ""'er "",mben aP'POinted by foundalion·s tru" .... Thi' year, the foundation toM aw:udt;d the 2001 Cabaniss lollnstoo Scholarship <0 two""ceptional studenlS. Harrison Rishop from DoIhan and Henry Walker from Deo;atur each received a $3,500 scholarship to continue their lc£aI edocation. lIisl>op graduated from Nonhvie ... High School in Do<han and wenl on 10 grad u,te from Biffilingham Southern College with a okgn:c: in bu,iness admin· istration. lie is now in his sec<)nd year of law school", the University of Nonh COTQlino. Bishop ""pressed his J!1Ililude to the foundalion and ,he finn no< only for the scholarship he g<lt, but also ,heir dcdi.ation to legal education in general. "Thi • ...,holarship toM boen ~ 8"'"' help 10 me. but I am " I", extrtlne ly grateful '0 the Alabama Law Found.1ti"" and the firm or CabaniSS. Johnston. Gard .... r. DuntaS & O· Ncal for tbeir coolin"ing ,upport of legal education for Alabama <ludenlS:· he .. id. Walker graduated from Dec.tor lIigh School and ~ived hi' bachelor·s degrtt from !he University of NOfth Alabama. lie then ..... nt on 10 get hi, maste" a nd Ph.D. from the University of AlabrunL Walker is now a"onding Cumberland Law School. thank< in pan '0 the Alab,"", law Foundalion and lhe Cabaniss Johnl<on Scbolarship Program. For 15 years. lhe Cabani .. Johnston Schol.rship program has been awarding scholarship. 10 promising law school slu· den .. from Alabam • . TOileth ..... the Alabama Law Foundation and the law finn of CabaniSS. Johnston. Gard .... " Dumas & O·Ncalnro helping students further lheir edllCalion and n:a1iu: their "",emial. •


Amendment to Alabama Rules of Appellate Procedure The Alabama Supreme COurt 11M ,,"'iIlIodo!d Rule 5, RI.>Ie 211dl. Ao.rle 2ndl. Rule 211. Rule 32. Rule J9dl. RlJle 391fl. Rule ~I, and

Rule 4O;g). Alabama Rules 01 Appellate f'foced\J.e. and MS Idop\ed Cooct Comments 10 \hose .rr,e"dl<lE!nts (lllCept!he ameodmenu to fMe 21(dl8Od Rule 27Idll. 1he ameOOrnem 01 thw! Rules and the acIo!rliorl o1l11e CooII eoor""".ts are effective J\.nII. 2002: t.Jwever. the sup-eme t(JUrt lIIWJ;JgeZ rnenblrs of the bar to begm compliance WltII these oew ruIea as SIXWlIS possible.

.f. .

The dl"~ \0 ~ 5 ~ Ihe ~ kl" p.n.q • permi$SM! aweaI from .. 1I1Ief1OO:UIDrI ordIII and ompJSeS • paoge IimI\atitrl 0II1he P!\IbCllllof "'"" ...... , 10 ilJPUllI'd.., _ t o the pennon. The "".0;1".11$10 RUe 1B and RUe 32 make sq.'ica,1 cI'iIr9IIll the Ionnal ancllefqlh o1l.,.!4s..:l O!her doa.wT8ns IIItmn.110 ~ ~ COoII1S. and the illllelld",eon 10 Rule J2 ind.des sanctoons lor '1OIICOIIpha.'u WltI1 these Rules The .,.. d"eru to Rule 211d!, Rule 271d1. Rule 391dl Rule 3!XfL ~e 39;hlaroj Ro.rie 4(M:gl prOI'KIe that the doo.menl$ addressed .. those various ""e\' conform to Aule ~al and II'I1jl(l$II page hmltatlOrlS for mose documems.

The otder amending these rules and iIdopbog the Court Comments 10 tl'ese roles iljlpWS ," In IKNJrce shee1 of Sourhem f/epM1K o»ted on or abwI Decemt:er 20, 200\ The orlle! and the text mthe a.. aidmenlS InlIhe corm>enlS may also be found 811he AdmonosIratI¥I Office III Cwu" Well lite B1 _waSaaut~ and at the ALabirni State law librlIry'5 Web ue " WIOWAWn:.~

Take a moment now to check your address on any mailing label from the Alabama State Bar.

Is it correct?--Jr:::--. If it isn't. you have until ....-:::

April 1st, 2002 to change it and still get it in the 2002 directory. 20






Number sining for ~a m, ........................................... , , , ... . Numbe1" «nified to SUP"''"'' Coon of Alabama ........... . Certification rate· ....................................................... .

Ce rtifica tion Percentage.: Uni~ersi(y o f Alabama School of Law ....................................... . Birmingham S<:hool of La .... , ...............•.••........... __ ....•.......... Cumberland School of Law ............................................... . Sones School of Law ..................•••••••• ,." ...................... . Miles College of Law .................................................... . ·'ndud~~


32l 58.8 perttnt

83.8 perttnl 33.3 8 1.4 35.1 1l.3

percent percent percem percem

only thou ~ucc~ssfully paning bar Uam and MPR E


Alabama State Bar Fall 2001 Admittees

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.11,,'""1 Alan


,10k, <0>-_"""1

Important Reminder About Your Continuing legal Education Requirement Hyou had a membersillp status cllooge at "nv time during z001. \'00 ""'V have been reqUlled to eam and re~ 12 hoors of elE credn by December 31, z001. MaIldaIOl\' COn1iourng Lega l Education Rules require anomeys who hold an occupatiooalhcense {regu lar memberslt ipl any t,me during the calendar ve"' 2001 to earn 12 hours of ClE credit. If you are !'OJ1 cunenllv a regular membeI 00\ were a regula' member for pall of the vea' \'OlJ are still feGu ired to compr,. with MClE Rules, {MeLE Rule 2.51 For exanljlle, if'fOlJ were illaCti"" or held a specia l memberslt ip am COIIVIll1ed 10 a regula' membership dunng 2001, you a'e required to obtain 12 hours of CLEcredit. If 'fOlJ were a regular member dlJrirlg z001 !MIt cooveI1ed to special member or to ir\OCtrve sta1uS you are also requ ired to complV with the 12-ltour ClE requirement. Yoo are not required to obta in 12 hoors of ClE Ciedit if 'fOlJ are eligible to ~Iai m an exemptioo from !he MClE Rules. YOUf exemption. Ilowt!.er, must have been claimed 00 the 200\ ClE repor1ing form wI1ith was ma,1ed 10 you in early December 11'fOlJ rleed to locate approved CLE pror;prOOlS YOO 1113V 18QIIE!St a ca lelldar 01 approved ClE PlO9'ams from the ASS ClE departmem or from the state bar's Web site at w,,,.,ulailarOlg. Call !he Alabama Slate 8a~s elE depal1rrteOl at 13341269-1515, extension \58. \58 or 117, for more infocmalKln.


,/ ' " " t ,

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In Over.Yonr Head? .. ~.=:!.iI

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MARCH 14 - 16, 2002

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JS T«hnolosla. In<-

[11I800.B27.1457 for II Flff Otmomlrotion www.CoU«lMuV'

Judicial Award of Merit Nominations Due The Board of S. CormuIoSioners oI1te AlDnII StaW S. \MIl . . - IIOII\III<IbOO$ for {!oj $lale ba(s .k.diaaI Award of Men! tto-ouo;;. MardI 15, 2002 NIIII\IIIiIIl(WI sIwId be prepared ard ~1 1ed to: Keith B. Narman. $&treta ry

Board of Bar CQmm'lIione,~ Alabama Slate Ba, PO BOl 671 Montgomery. Al 36101

The Juli;iaI Awartl ~ Mem was e$IabI<$hed on 1!II7. The 3Waf(! 0$ not necessarit,- an annual awan1 It ITlIS1 be ~ 10 a p;Ige v.ffi is Il}\ retired. whetllur state or federal COI.rI. tn3I or appeflale. wh/ll$ cletermined 10 have eontrillu1ed $IQ01ificantt,- to the ummstraliOll of Justoce 10 Aiabamil. The 'eClp<80t oS preseoloo with a crystalija\f\ll bea,>ro;t the state bar seal and the 1'6<" mpresentation. Nomioa\lOllS iIIe toIIIIidered by a tIne-member cormllnoo appOtnltd by the president of the stal8 tw. wtuc:h tIJen makes a <llcorntw am'IIISSIOf'eIS woth ~ to a I"OIIIIIlIII or wheltler the awan1 shoukf be preseII\eO on .., goven year.

mendiltKlO 10 the board 01

Ntminallons Ihlo.IkI ondJde a 6etai1lld bo(Igoaphocolf profile 01 the I'ICIII\Ia and I fI3Il3IM! oothl\ll'l9 the SIgIlificant eontnblllOl'4sl the nominee lias made 10 the aoi"nini51I1IU(on oj jvstote tbnirla\lOllS may be supported woth letters of endorsement.


' ''~U'' ~ Y 100:

AI.b.",. St.te B.r

1II1II1l1H MEET/III" 2002 JULY 17-20 • OJII\I\I"( 8(1\(11

Alabama State: Bar NYlual oV.eeting 2002 July 17-20, 2002 · Perdido Beach Resort

T"ursdlAl.f: 8tIKh BoIr ~ SpN\er. Konorabll! W~Ii.lm W.8edsworth, {alifornii Coon of .+.w)/s" Santa oW, CA Nationally syooicated ( aod~hor.

FNtInd'Mlrkshop: TIlt fme In IWIidI Wt /.Nt - ~ 15. 5twrity PrMtnIer:: BaITy ~ USAF Prolifff~ Cemer d the Air war (~MaxwdI Air Foret ~ Matrtgomer}o. ..".~

Alabama State Bar Coo.UiI p,rty

Alumlli lereplioos

Membetl.hip Reception - l'ooIside

FridlAl.f: PIer..ry • John V.M6IIi/lt.eq., D.lILls.1a.Js f~miIy & (rinWllIw ~ iOd ~ .ro.imed olUthor specWiliog in ~ pNk perfonmnce ~ I!IiienI:t iOd ~-d.


10pic WIMiI19 YOlK ~ WIW WII1I'1ing fAa' ~ Jor IIId HNIIhin W Pr¥tiaoll..lw":T'Ml-hour~ to follow.

'SlAtl,lrdIALf: Gt;illd CotNociltioo Spea~ Honorable

Richard Shelby. U. S. Stoator from Alabama. WiShing\oll DC

PLUS ... • ru opportllllities in the mornings •

afttn'lOOllS frtt!

Alabami YWfoondalion Anmui Golf TClIJlllamMl


M In,"m<~ lilu; lel"'iSioo and radio ""f~ 'I. ho< """ome an imporlanl soo= for enter· la'nmen~ r.ew•• ItchnoIOSY. communication. and bu"ness, The de'-elopmcm of tM Inl.mtl con,in"". '0 prodPCe OppOrtunities and advanlaitll. bul. lilu; any innovation, !hi, ","",vin, medium procnts uniq"" probIe ..... especiaUy in the .. aim ofpcnonal junsdio:· 'ion. To date. the E)",..."h Cimlil and AlobMv. haw not yel oddrcucd ",'beD p:nonaI jurisdiclion uisu cr.oa • rom", defondan' based up"" the dermd..... , cybcr· OO<IllICIJ. Ho\o-e,'.... do< 10 the pen-asi~ of the mt<iium. wclI a dccl<ion i. imminent Thi. anicle pr0vides ... OYel'Vicw of how OIher coons hIl~ Idapled and awlied fulldamenLll conccplS of jlfflOIIaI jurisdi<1ion juri~pruderw:c 10 <),W-«M"""I' in onIcr 10 predk' how AI3]):o"'~ coo'" may decide the i5$"".


Oueruiew of Personal Jurisdic~on I'enoMI jurisdiclion can be ... tablWled by • platMitr of''NO .....ys: 1m<nIl jun.dicuon or opccifIC juritdiclion. Sn Bu'V, Krill Corp. " RuduM"iq,. 411 US. 462. 473 n. I ~ (198!i). Gmenl juri$dictiool may be eslObiishod ..,bed the .s.fmdanl.·. ronla<ts .... ith the forum an: _,in""", and .ySloma'ic. Su Hrlicop,~ms NMio;wl~sdr ColO<Mia. SA. ~ Hall. 466 U,S. 408. 416-17 ( 1983). To cstobli.h specifIC jurisdiclion. the Out rnx"" Clause of the """"..,nlh AnlCnd,ncnl rcqulrt$ that. plaintiff sholv that the defendant has II lotil minimum contacts ""ith lhe forum Illite IUC~ t]):ol mainlClIanCC of the OUil in the doeI not offend "Irad]· lional notions or ,air play and .ui><Wllial justice. In,,,,,,,,ional Sh« Co. " I+luh..,.,_. 326 U.S. 310. 316. (194~). AdditionaUy. the MqualilY and oW"",M 01 the def....da.u·. Klivilics wilbin the _ mu ......ure thai it iI ~uonabIc and fair'" 10 .....,in: it to def.nd in tM ..... KMIJ:e Y. Slq>erior C""" 0/ Califono;". 4)6 US. 114. 92. (1978). M[TIhc,y that ito critical ", d..e process analysa. iI . .. that the ... ronll...[".00<1· duct and COfIJIC<"l,on .... ith the fonom S"'te "'" wch thai he ~kl rusonably anlicipalC kin, haJcd inlo COlIn the ... IIbrld- Widt \.\:>IkJ>,."p~ " W<><><f.lotl. 444 U.S, 2&6.297 ( 1980). Specific ~ juri.<dktion I't<IU'''' • pl.intlff to ,how lkat the defendant h.~ ''purp<JSely i~




dim:'od" its II<tivitlos ., residenls of ,he forum. and Ihal !lie lili",liQII !l$ullJ (rom IlIcgC<.l i'1iurie< that "arise OUI of or .. late"," thai p"rpoiIClul IVlilmen,. Bu~ , Kin, Corp.. 471 U.S. 11472. n..... basic prindpIeJ pnl'o'ide the fOUndation for "",,,mUn;n, ~rIONl jurisdiclion In cybcr <"ISOS.. Ho\o..,...,.. Ihc uruq"" d"",m$WIt'eI pn:ocntcd by the 100o:mct nccasllatcd the ","",ution or.1CSl that COlIId pnl'o'idc both ",idance and IUObilily in the ~ <:\'01";", of .Itoctronjc ~

Web Sites and Personal Jurisdic~on A . The Zippo Decl.lon end the Sliding Seele One inn""ntill district COlIn opinion which has been ..r.... need by many of the COlI"1 is Zippa Manujac"'ri", Co. .. Zippo Dol C""" I~.. ~2 F. S"PI'. 1119 (W.o. I't.. 1997). In that c.... . ~a ...yl"3JIia pllilllifT baI k-.. ror ........ flCluring ~ I~ """'&hi • UlOdtmart InfrinV_ actloa api .... I California I~mtl ........ ocnice ..... rqistemllhc domain natncI <> <Zippo.n<t> and <Zippoo!e"llis.QOm.> ",hich _n: oa$tXI by the def.ndanl to solicit eu ........... for its ....... "£IOOp KrVice!.. After compicli", III onl,ne appl'Cllion and payi., the defendanl di=tly Over the Int(fnct or by 'clcpllOllC. CuStOmers ro:<:eived a p.u.wonl. which .lInwed IMm ", view and downlOAd the def.ndant"s r.ewsgroop """"its. Of 140,000 payi., "ubscribers. approximately 3.000 (or 2 ~""'nl) ...... ~nn'ylvania resKlc:nts. n.. def.ndanl IlIOVCd ", diuni"" the action for lack 01 ~nonaI jurisdiction. In .... Iyxing the Web sile$, the Zippo coon .--J the varying dqrtoc$ 01 commm:ial Klivity thai can be performed llorou&h the InlmlCl: At.- eod olthc IfICCINm an: .ituatiofts ""~' dcfendanl .learIy does business over the latenICI. If the ""endanl mItn 1... 0 _uvu with 1't$i. dmts of I f"",i", juriidiClion thai ,"""'"., the k~", and repealed lt1W>lIi5$ion or computer files over the Internc1. J'I"l'S'l'IOI jurisili<1iOlt ;, proper. Allhe opposite eod "'" .itUAtion, whe ... de'endanl has .i mply po3tcd infon""lion on an

'"/ " ,II,,,, ,,",,,,


Inter'll<1 Wdl site which is accessi. bIe to usm in fon:ign jurisdictioru.. A pMsive Wdl >it<: tbat does ~tt" """" lIIan make infortnation aVllil. able to those ",'110.., in~ in it i. l1(li pounds for the: ~ise lof] ~I jurisdiction, The mid. dle pound is 0ttUpic:d by ir",,",c. tive Wdl sites where • uSCl" can exchange infomwion willi the: hosI OOIIIpuIer. la thc:se eases. ttae cxu. cise of juri5diction is delemlir'lCd by examini"l the level of Intenc1i~,ty ond <(N i.i""d.1 ....un: of the exchange of information thai <><nuS on the Wdl .ite. Zlppo. 9S2 1'. Supp. at 1124. !-indinE lhIol jurisdiction w.. propel, the Zlppo ctIiII'I roncllOded tbat the defendant's COlIUICtS wi'h 3,000 hnnsylvania =idonl$ Q_ the I"te ..... "COIUI;tu,cld) the pur. posefullVllil ....... ofdninl~"'" in Pennsylvania" due "" the nature and 'IUIllity of rommm:iaIactivi,y tbat lihe defendantl ronductlod) ",..". the: Inl"""'t." td. al 1126, The "slid;'" rak" adopted by the: 'lippo C<lUI1 Ilas been IIdoptt(I by • nuojority Qf the cil'l:uil5 fOlein, the oamc clctttmiruttions 0( pcnon.aI jurisdirocn. 5«, e.I.. s.:- Mtdicill t~I~"'. ~ Sltlndard C""n~rrd Bank. 196 I'.Jd 1292 (10dI Cir. 1999); Min!" AAM. D~.... to~m LLC, 190 p.Jd 333 (Slh Cir. 1999); Cybel"UtL file. ~ Cybe_tL IftC•• 130 I'.ld 414 (9111 0 •. 1997). s", sr~ JD 5,•. , I"". ~ ~m"'~cl! Lab,.. trw., 160 1'.3d 1173 (!'cd. Cir. 1m); &1U1UIUl R~lliJU""" COIp. • Kilt,. 126 F.Jd2!i (2d Ci •. 1997). While tno5t COUlt$ ~ ~ the .WO eods of the 'P"Ctnom OUd"iod in the 'lippo doocision,.he middle glQoOnd i. n()Il dearly defir'lCd one and Ilas served for Vlr)'illl decilions >cross .he nllion.

8 . The P••• ive W.b Sit.

t. fu Mqioriry Rule: ~ Panj"" 5,'.. I. /losl<jficklll l<1 COII/.r Po> __1 .lllriJJictioft A. defir'lCd by.he Zo"ppo COlIn and "'""Y 0Ih<rs. I pauive WdI.Jitc"does little """" !hut mab: information ..-.oil. able 10 those wllo are 'ntcltS.ed in it." 'liptNJ. 952 F. Supp. II 1124, The majori. ty of COlI"'."..,. that I paui •• Weh site may not ~ ~ .the basi. f ... u=i,ing pcnon.aI ,..,odictioa. $«. ,.,.. It_in "

M~rifrtdy. 38

238 1'.3<1 248, 2!i9 n, 3 (3n!



Cir. 2(01); aTE N_ MNlUJ Mrv., I"". ~ lk/ 199 F.Jd 1343. 1 349.~ (D.C. Cor. 2000): Alink ~ MM ~~ 1..Le. 190 I'. Jd3J3, 336-37 (5th Cir. 1999); JD~.. IftC. ~, Aamld Labs., /""'., 160 F.Jd 1373 (Fed, Ci •. 1998); &1U1UIUl R~6'. COIp. M Kiltl, 126 I'.Jd n (2d Cit. 1997); TIU Co.. UC~c-so..~.


ClI. &: B.... Crtdll, lijC .• No. CIV.A.

S:OICVOO(l(l9,2(I(I1 WI.. S43227, II '6 (W. D. v.. toby 16, 2(01); MUu.oi B~r2~. Club, 11tC. V. ~""...n·r UnilM S«u" ~.. 140 F. SIIpp. 2d I3n.IJn.JO(S.D. Flo. 2(01); Cal/away Golf Co,!" ~. /(qy<J c-..JiM GtHjiW'n, In F. SIIpp. 2d 11901. 1203-04 (C,D. Ca. 2(00);A..w.."um HoJdlnll. LLC ~ ~ SiM'J N~·>pQ(Nr. I 10 F. Supp. 2d 332. 337 (D, NJ. 2000); NW8"n CDqJ. v. Nt<} c;.,n Sc",~~u.,. lijC•• 109 P. Supp.2d 724, 729.3(1 (A ~g. 21, 2000); flail" MTurbine De.i,n, I"".. 86 F. Supp. 2d 790, 19S·96 (E-D. TMlI 2000); B,.,..... v. 0.:"". Mhh. 69 F. Supp.2d no. 717.78 ([). S.C. 1999); BII"","" c..~ P"'B, 44 I'. Stopp. 2d 7 17. n3 (E-D. Pa. 1999). One frequently ciled cin;uit CQUn dod. sioa which exCtnplifitt the majcorily·. J>06ilion regardinE fW'ive Web Jites is Cybers~II, 11Ie. M Cybersdl. I"".. 130 E Jd414 (9111 Cir. 1997). In Cybmdl. the Nimh Cin;uil held tha, Idveni~in, on the In~. alone, is ;n""rro<:icnt IQ CilablilJo personal juriodictioa. In Cybe~/I, the defendant main.air'lCd a Web pallO 'hat OODtair'lCd infonnatioo aboot ill produru 1IId.~ and aI"""'ed users to ~ ",khtL(lt\al information. H()Wev<:.,.he defendant did tIOI 5<11 produeu: ""' its WdI.i.e ... dirM OOD' Kts to the forum. In Imomin, the trial <'0IIII', dismi$$lll r... lack Qf penootaI jurisdiction. the Cybe~ell COlIn held ,hll M'lIOmelhing more 1m"" be shown) to indicate tbat ..... def.ndant pIlt'J>O$CfuUy (all>til .Icc. trooIically) direc1ed his activity In I subJWotia) way to ..... foruon swe." Iti. OIhenoise. evny complaint .,"nl out Qf lhe U!le of the I"t.mot WQ\O ld autom ••. ically ~I ill pmonaI jurisdiction w~ the plaintiff is Jontcd, • !\'SUit thaI does not COInp<lrl wilh wNn !rldi.

lionally qualifOC$ II!< invookin.!he boo""ljts and ~"",jon. of the forum 'IalO.

z. MiflOriry App.-:h: A Prusi"" ,..,b

Sile Ma, C""'~r 1'rf"SlNW1 JurisJicli"" ~ Ihe majr:Joity IUIe. • few cuuns have held that petlI>nlI! jwi<diction m.oy he esJIbIished.,....". I defmdont based upon INOICriaI <OnIaino;I in • pasoive WdI ..... 5«, ~.I.. rel= C""""""/calw.u alOOp. 11Ie. ~ An.4ppk" 0..". JIIe.• F. Supp. 404 (E.D. va. 1997): I,..., Sy,.. l..c ~ Inslru<:lion MI, l rot:.. 937 E Supp. 161 (D. 1996). for~ irI J-., the: a:oun held duoot the defnodant the minimum oontacts ICSl by ......,Iy "" ....n is. i", on iii W«> silO ond by lisIiIIJ a 101M"", number lor inquiries, 5« 937 F. Supp. .. 163. I-Iowever, these deci. sions h3ve been heavily cri!icilCd by ...0-





sequen. cas<:J. U~ .•.1 .. ~h. l it('. v. R-.odt 0Hp..S2 P. Supp. 2d 681. 686 (E.D. Va. 1999): Sa,",", ~ Co omh.t p",u. 44 F, SUP!'. 2d 7 11. 727 (E.D. ['lo. 1999). and an: caty lOOil'IIIics in the wMcI Qf cytot...jurisdoction,


n.. Ekw-toil! Cirni'. AId!mroa dIod


While !he UkvcnIh Circuil has "'"

addrc$$td !his isaue.1he only AIDmo C(OUn wilich has f.:aIlhe issue of determini", whether ~ jurilldiction can boo esubIi.tocd 0Vtt!he 1 _ "!'Plied the



and concludod lllal l passive

Web sire was InsuflkimllO> euablish P'" """'" jurisdiaiool. In II"'/~' ~ Ike' Acrou &J F. Supp,ld 1261 (M.D. Ala. 2(00). tho parmi 01_ minor brou&;bl ... KIion in _ cwn"'IIIt an Illinoisca· ponIIion fa" tho .... of beer "' ..... __ After.....ooal. tho fcdmIlriai cwn faced !he issueof ..... ~~j..isdiction prop<rly may be tiOMCd by a federal


coon lini., in divm;ily in Alabama "'.... I ~idom Illinois dc:fendan' in an KIion an,ina from ~ .... made;n lIIiooi, soItly in respoo!C 10 an 0RIcr pl:occd by an Alabam:I ~idc:n' via !he Inlem<lT Id. '" 1264. In r,ndin, th;o< no pcraonaI jlD'isdi<Iioo ui$l«l over !he ~idm1 dd"<11. dane. !he Burl" COIII1 ",aoocd th3I Beer Acrooa Amcrico ""n1a1k ........ sale Sl4.9j.~ which did n(It imd.-e as ..... I ~ oI""ptnonaI ~~ and ill Web siIe "does _

"""""'""I '"

!he """. . ~ 01 ;nfontllQon _ !he ~ """'" less prt:JVi<Io fOf wclI ~~ Id. II I26&.

IMfI ... icipaIC

C. The

0,., A.... 01 Zippo!

Inte....tlvlt, v. Comm.rclal N.tu ... 0' the W.b SU. The middle J"lIInd of lip/'" i. QC<.·U, pied by ;nl~nootivc Web ,iles whe", a ..... can coc"'n", infonrullion w;,h lhe """' com"'n .... I. Ihese C-lSn. !he uerci~ 01 juriwic1ioo1ls d<1erminrd by the "level 01 inI<n<tivity and nalu", 0( the uclwl~ 0( informotion thai 0«'Un on the Web ,;Ie.~ Zippo. 9j2 F. Supp . .. 1124.


Thi. middle VOOnd has "",.Ied". bodllepo<izc 01 ctil' I,w [1AI1[ is ineon· ~Slonl.

irrational. and imconcilabl<."

Hoo...-d B. Stra\';u.. ""~ J~riuMtio.r I~ Cylwrspou: So.N/N"t MINr is R"l";...t ... 1M EJ,..".".k StmMIo{C_ru. 49 S.c. L.. R...... 9!S. 939 ( 1998). Some COUIU find Itw an i~ve Web lite lione iloulfocien, 10 wabli!-h minimum con'",,".' 0I1Ien find minimum con"," ,hmug/l addi,""'.

Declinina 10 uetl:ite pmonaI jwi!dic· lion on Lho """'" poIenIiai fa" ~ saIc>« that Lho lile was inICncti,-e, the oourt held that the middle tier 0I!he Zippo ..,.arum rtoqUifts "'delibtnd<: artiaoo wilbia 1M forwn." Mi/lmIIi-. 33 F. S""". 2d II 92 [. The COIII1 InIOIICd pwposefuI "";1"""" rtqUim Lhallhe dd"endan, lake dirtoCl KIion ...t.ich WJOItl the ot:$i. dcnu 0( the fONm bocauoe.:


al non.[nlemtllC1ivily in lhe fORlm.

Web ';Ie• ...., ar:«s<ibl. day and nighllo all .... ho posS.",.,he _es_ ury lo<hooiopcai know·how and <'<iuipmcm. Thu •. if a n in,.roc,;_e Web ,ile can CQrlSlil"'t ·""rpo.dul a..ailmtnl· 0( I forum ,imply by bein, conlin_sly lCCCSSibie I<> ~i<knu oIlhal fONm ... • plain-tiff could _ I (OtI'i", doefen(!an, in In)' fORlm and elaim juriIdi<tiooo baed on the doefendanl', inlerae_ ,ive Web .ite. even if the cause 01 ..,.inn i. ~Ialed 10 the Web .ite. S""h ~ulu Iwdly conform with notioru of 'fair pllY and "Ubslanlial

",prdlw o f whelher ,he lIC'ivi'y is ",Ial · «I '0 lhe un<lcrlyi"i claim ! Fi .... lly. SO""" <oo<U mjui", addilional rondllCl in the fORlm WI i. ",101«1 10 the plaintiff', co ..... 0( lC1ion.' The diVCf)Cn' and fact inl<n!.ivc .nalysil hal "",.Ied """" qlXSlions !han IllS"""'; ~. 0 . wdl ~ opinion sh«b some Iigho oro Ihi. bl.,k hole 0( cy ......juriodicOoa. In 14,1/"""", EIIurprisu. lite. It Mil/e"i"", "'lUk. LP.)) F. SpW. ld 907 (D. 0<. 1999). !he COWl held IAI1 ptnOnaI juriIdictlon could _ be ucrci.ed "'.... the dc:fcndanl b.ued upon lhe inlenlClivc capabilily and poI.nlial tom"""",i'" n.'u", of iu Web ,i,e, In MiII~nni"",. !he pl3inliff. an 0..,,011 mUlic Slore chain. allt.«I thallhe dc:fen,wl1', Web sile. which .. vcni.ed ill music ~ in Soulh Carol) .... vio>Laltd Chgon 1r3<Iemart IawJ.. The plaintiff lflued that per. sonaI jurisdiction uillcd due 10 the inle1_ amvc ow"", 0( 1M iiI< and because the iiI< enabled ......, 10 pu<rhase music online.

jUllia:: The PUP of pc""",r

jurisdiClion was never imended 10 ',,"<h SO (ar and SO wide.

Id.•,913. Mill,,,,,;,,,,, ",iltrues 1M louchs1One reqW",,,,,,,nll 01 pcraonaI jurUdi<tiooo and leaves boIh COW1I and litipnos willi I COIC'OI formula rOf detcnninina cyber. jurisdiction. I, i. hooped that coum ...·iII follow the liih' ~ prov;deI and refocus

".--_---..- _u_ _ ---_..-._-....,____ .....,._-_ _u_.r .----_.. - ..... . __ _._0.0_,_ _ __ -.._---,-_. .- -

The IOftwa", dHlgned I>y lawya .. lor lawyer.

w.e......... you,

child eupporl.nd unconte.ted dlvOT« ....... H I ... 2 ... 3 ... I . Enter 1he CIM Int_ion 2. Prln, lhe Docu"...". 3. F~ _hh 1he COlI"


• .;:e.o, _ _ _ _


, ,"


. CIo<>. _ _ _, _ _ . CIo<>· ..... _ _



Rudy to ..... lime InII money? Uncontested Divorce In Alabama 2 .0 ....... S595

Child Support In Alabama 2.0 .................. __ __ _ RCIoOoISupp<wlC! ' $195 _

. , .

334·244·2983 BArrAGL 'A LAW OFFICE


,,\ H ""

I '"

!I M


,heir i'"'luil')' 00 ,he eondllC' 0( ,he defen· daru. mher !han ,he r.ophi"icatiQn of ilS web !l' e .. ilS poteMiali,y f.. comrroer· cial ""let _nd ,he JIObc.

D. Tr.n. .ctl.......1..... Ov•• the hrt.....t AI lite 0IlP0S'te. lIId _ ck:ar CUI. end or lite Ipcclrum ..., li,lWioM where I def.....w.. e.n"", in'll ronlnlCl. wi!ll "'5Hkn!l of a flln'i,n jurisdie,ioo !IIa, ilWtllve ,he ~nowln, lIId "'pealed """,. mi,sion of rom"",or files (>VCr ,he Inlemo'. Under ,hi. I(enario I defendanl II .OII,iden:d '0 be u"'''''''in, bu,ines, over ,he Inlcmcl and penonal jurisdic· ,;00 is proptI'. Sa 7.ippo. 9~2 f . SlIPI'. al 1123. ..,mi ...1c"", OIl ~"I bu,i""" vi:lllte Ln!emel is C~(\'t!. I ..... M Itll""""'. 89 F..3d 1257 (6!h Cir. (996). In C~(\.... lbc: Siuh C;,rui, f.... nd pet"fORII jurisdiction over lite defendanl. "'!o= he ~lCd CornpuSer'lC·. wft .... are in olhcr $We$. loaded hil5Ofi~ 011'0 CompuSn-vc'. In,,,,,,,,, proIIHkr 'Y"om r.. othe,. to u..,



(and perhaps """,h • ..,). adveniscd 00 lite Iyslem. and e· ......1ed _~ ' 0 CornptaSnvc vi:lllte IYJlem over I peri. od of time yean. The coon ruooncd !hItI ~ 1'aI,..,.., deli~tely ICI mlDOIion an 0I\J0lI'i onarUtin& rdaliomhip .... illt Com~ and he ohould ...... ........... ably f _ n tn. 001'" 10 ...,.,101 ........ """""I""nces in Ohio.~ Comp"Snw. S9



Oohcr CO\In. have htld lIta. I" transaotJ bu'i .....

011<:' the Internet by

,."""l1inll ""onue Ihroullb d i=t contact ~.l.. wilh forum ",.idt;nts.


In',f1I{Jlil>Ml SId(

1t"1,,,., v.

8owI>wt·/J<li,Ju ~mlt"'" lite.. No. 98 C 6823. 19'19 WL 300285. AI'6 (N.D. Ill. Mly 6. 19'19).lar'Jctin, forum ~nu or intendi", an elf«t in lite forum.


'-8.. f""",,'isitM Ina 1..1'. K T<Nf'P"". 141 F.Jd j) 16 (9\10 Cir. (998) .......", a (orum swc's COI'IIP"oetS 10 providto: a <:uscome, bcncfll. IN. I.,. Plus Sy•.• lite."

N_ &1&1""" N~"""'" life.• 804 F. SUP!'. III (0 . Colo. 1992). AI litis tnd of tho loPl'C"rum. the ")'bcr.juri<dic:tional quagmi'" i'li.en ~ clarity: Whon. defcndanl I",,~U lbe ("",m .. oblain. a finaoci~1 be""r.!. ,he tlofcndanl will be detmod 10 be '~saclin, bu,iness lItrouch the Internel and persoo;!l juris·

dicliQn will ""i$!.

I-Hail and Personal JurisdicHon EYff)' day 1lIf1CU .... inutdalCd wilb ..........15. ~ forwarded by (riends . . ro-wort"", and OIhe,. my" a~arin, from c~bc-r-lpooce. C." lhese.·

You CSlIblilh loall r......alin, ..~al lh . We .... ,p)'Oll meet)'OUf 1s. .... hile ~in, your .... ily ...J CWIIC lhrouch imurano:e Ind IilWlCial pOOlICIS.


m.lil, se ..... e as the exclusive basis for ""e",i.inll pel"$(Nlll juri"'icl ioo over ,he oollinal" of lhe mcs""c? lW<> "',;ooal CO\In.llddressillg Ihi. issue I""" thaI jurisdi<:'ioo ~illJt'S upon whether tht mess&&e ..... ",III by lite defendant f.. pu1Iniary pia. Su R~lj""u Hm'j Ind_ Co. " PiMock C.... AJJ:w<

C"",.. No. CIY. A. OI·D-il7·N. 2001 WL ~30. 1<1 • (M.D. Ala. July 19. 20(1): In',~ 000 .......,. lite." 1Wh. BS F. Supp.

n3. 779.8O(S.0 . Mia.

20(1). In lou""" 000 .......,. one of the defen· 2111

HiP1-4 ... ,~" .... s-th s..11~

100 a",..i",,-. AI. J,205 MSI'IJJ-fJOl JANUARY


dams. DIvis. f"sif1Cd the "from" header of an e· ...... l 10 mal:e i, "PP"ar!ha1 ,he m.... ac was bei"a ",nl by Inlemol Doorway. In '"'~mcl S. ..... icc Provider.

and ",nl .......... 11 to pelKllll IIroUnd the W<KkI. i..::hodi", AO$idcolu of Mi ..... ipp;. which .,h"eniscd I pIlnIOVolphic Web ,ile. In!emeI CIoorway ~kd ~il apinst

- ' " dd"mdants. ;""Iudin, Davis. aIlqin, UnIwn Ac1 .iobI..... ...J • >laIC .....

dllm or ~ ' 0 duo ...., .


Davi, lilrd I mOIio::Nt to claimin, thai tht a11e&ed inj"')' <lU\Irred in Te:<1IS. tht iocllioo from "'hich tht e·mAil was


In fI nding thai ,he", was penonli jurisdiCliOl1 (WCr Iwi•• tht Inrmu, IJoofl<:ay CQIIn ~Olllpan:d Ihal case to "n earlier decision in ,,·hieh. Missi"i"", COlIn found jurisdiction where I Mw;ssipPi pllln,i«.ut<! ~idcnl$ of Florida for dd"am>'ion. libel and slander for SlMCmcnl$ pbc'Cd by lite def...Jams 00 • Web tile in ~lorida .. hkI1 """ rcad by rcsidmu or Mississippi. Sa ~ " rlMo Ot';l~. 100 F. S""". 2d 404 (N .D. MilS. 2OQO). Di";n,,,;""nl ~ on !he pound lhal it invol-..:d .. pU.'rve Web site. ,he I ... t""" 000","", coon Slaled!hl, "(he medium in lite illSW>! case i, In .... mai l. ..·hido u octill<:ly sent to the m:ipicn, in Ioope5 thai ,he =ipi. 01'11 ....ould ",ad il$ cOIItenl$ and patroni"" tht Web sile i, was promoona." 138 F. Supp. 2d It m. SlICh • (OCIor ....dghlNI in favor or flndinC ptrsonal jurisdiction." 14. The COlIn aIut beld tIw. like lite mj"')' in /.DjI<M. lite iajury IICCtlI"fCd m Missitsippi " 'hen tht .... mAil "'"as ltCti-..:d and opened In anaIyzin, whether lite f";meIt! and due J'I'O'CCSII richlS 0( ,he defendant. lite CQIIn ...... soncd thai. in Sl/ndin, tht ad ...,,.· ~mcn' all over lite W<KkI. tht dcf",,· dant:



had 10 hive been I Wan: ,hal tht e· mail would he n:cdvcd and in numerous fora. i",,'uding Mississippi. Accordinilly. ,he Coun find. Ih .. il woold be ""ilbcr "unf.i... nor "unjuSl" 10 subjecl her \0 pttSOIIaI jurisdiction in Mitsissippi. 8 y ac:ndinilln .... mAil lOIiriWion 'n lite r... ~ac"" of tht canh for pecuniary pia. ODe docs .. II her .... n peril and t:allIIOI , ..... claim 1.... it is IlOl l'CUOlnItbLy (01 II mble !hItI die will be ""led inl COlI" in .. dislan' jurisdiction 10 an.wc< f.. 1M ramifica,iOlll of thll soiicita' iOll. Id. "'


or ",,~Icr .i",ific",""" than the COlI,,',

holding is IIIe analysis the COIII'\ decl,oo:I apply. Thecoun round Ih>t the Uslid· illl Jtak~ appoICh was ~i~ic:abk 10 the U$e SJ<b }wIicr as the a11qcd """13<1 was _ vi. an Inlemol Web sile. ,"-II Ihroup .... ,"" mail "' i~ly KIll by l)..rud"nI.~ Id. 01 779 ... 4. 1",1Cad of relyin, 011 cybcr ~I. Ihe COIIIt aniculllOd I new \aI fot delerminiog penonal juriodiclion bucd upon an.· mail ~on".c" whelher ot IKIIthe ,..mail ...... sonl fot pocuniary gain. Thi' Ie" which .• lIbough no! aP'l'lied. WI< died wi.h lpproVlIl bY'he Middle Distric. of Alabama in R,linnu Nllli(}ll(lllndelfll1ity Co. " Pinl1Q("/' C",u,dty M.wronc, CMp.• No. CIV. A. OI .O.827.N. 2001 WL 1149S30. at·S (M.D. Ala. July 19. 10

*" business. Now. with the clirk of a Odord. En. 1and 01" O~ford. Alabama. Wbctbcr doxs business by fOOl or by ,""mail. """ fllll<larnenul contepI mnai ... 1IUt": If )'OO IarJC"I forum residents for )'00' ",,'n pocuniary htncfi~ cxptCll(I be ~ by Ihe lonJ·amt of personal juriodiction.

~ "



"""*' ..

_ --- _-.----... --_ ...... _""_ ..-... _.........__"'--., ..... _._..... --., .. ... -.. ..,.,---sill prOIII.<;q dOctIj .. _ "' ..... ...... . - . . 1"ociI~ k . • ~ s.. Cr. ... IIIlS f _ . 111 nq" 20IQ Iti4Iirt



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-.~.'-' r""Co.~1'5U.s.

I.IB. 101 S. Cl. 1$1t. .Uo III 1.511_ ClOdoh G../Oo. Co. C f IJ9!I\lltO ...... 1!I95I~ - . t Orb . I\UIg. C9(j So. 2d /1. 00 """ • • ,pho'........ 1tnI<1l

s... ,• .


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.._ _ _ _ . -






. ' _&d. """' .... ,. l1li 1M 1111. 2IXiO Wi. ·'ISD.N Y•



2OIQ""""' . . . . . .- -



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2OIQ~ "'" _ tilt ~. twsis b , _ _ ,""*,,,",_k_

__--. ........ .......

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had 10 be phy.icaily prexnl ;n the .... te in on\e, 10 be haul«l in(Q COlIn. The In .. mcl has abvialM the tIttd rOl" a defcoda", l" orou $I~I. bonJe""o Iran<.

_lSDMY!It1I.-. ..... _

. . . . ".D _ _ ........... _ ' "


Gone ,.", .he days ,,·IItK I <lrfcDdan.

- ..-_ _---_

.......... _...

...... _fIoIItr _

_ _ """.., "'-" i*,


~-. ..... mfs.. l\M.




.. Iho pIooooI/"I"'lIId . . . . . . - - . _ .MIIOl _ _ -.m:


.... '

. ....... NIIt'IJo<. mflilll!R. • • • c..xa:o .......... ...

......... .., ...ICIiotWoll_ ....... _


based upon III ,""mail IN' "'.... orilinalJy JaIl 10 .he dcf...d ....c"s.~ and ill...h~ntly fOfWll!dcd ' 0 Ibc plaimiff. Citing with "I'IJ'I'OVlI1.he Jm~nul Ooo"""y deci. ion minimum ron· ""'15 cannot be .".blished vi. In .-mail ron .1IC1 Unl"'llthe defendant or ilS agent sollds.he n>eWKe for I po<:uniary gain and noting .hal.he EJey"nth Cim.i, and Alabama' puviou' ]y ..erciocd juriodic_ •ion where .. cool3<l " .... made for a p«uniary benefi •• the """n held thai the fOf...lnltd ,..mail amounlOd 10 unilalcnl OOOIdUCI by the plainliff and ...... insuffi_ 10 cmbIWt p<11oOIIIl jurisdicriooo. These eua may consti ..... the begin· IlinJ: 01. In'>O;j in Inaly6n, p<nOIIIl j uriodiCiion bIscd upon an .·mail con13<1. AI.hou&h they pro.ide. definili~ W"emen' INI an ,""""'il dir..:1ed for pocunWy benefit eswbli,hes pa"$O<Ial jurifdi<lion. they open the door fOf many more quc"ion" 1'01" ".ample. i, perwnal juriodic'iOll es,"bli~ if an ,.. .... 'llino the plain.iff.". Web . ile and will the COIIIt employ 7.ippo. Inumt'l 1)oo"'"IZJ" or • hybrid analysi. in d!:i<"rm;nin, juriodic_ 1inf11 Only lime. and. ,I il ltoptd. well· IU50IICd opiniom ... m pro.ide """wen 10 these qllQlioru;.



--.......,----_ . __ ... _....... -. . .-........ proMI-_.....

III Rd ioll«. Ibc plainlilf aM<'fted per_ oonaI juriodiction ~ Ibc def~...w..


~---.... ... -.....~ WoII .. L~._ _ NV. IIH s.. ldZII .1IJID.H H.zo:Q _ _ oI_in _

... ~. 00 CW $1fOlCL 2001Wi " 111! 1$0 H Y ...... 1120011 (fondong ~...-. ""'. _ .............. !on ..... . . _

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_ ...... __ ... _ .... -.. ~S f Sopp " " D.c. I !iII!II~I*"


11IOUIC. a ddelllbn. CIa sell ilt"""II't:$ in

... ~ .. IM'

1311(£.11 MoI. . . . . . , . _ '

s.. ... ,. .. &0100:~ . . ~ _ -.

I . ' _101 ... ~D .II ~2OIQ"-_

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s... 101 •111111 Colo. llIfiIIIltwoooI-"' 1*" _ _ 1IId _;._.,~....."..

Iho Jocu, ..... Iho _ ""*"<tI _

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_ _ "_"'Ihofoo.-!.·

..... ,

_111' .... ---_"_ __ -_. .. . _.....---_ w".SIofty ._ _

,Ill_"" ..... "


100- . . . . _ 1 1


When Does A Party Waive Its RightTo Enforce Arbitration?


LIMIT rbitralion has become a consumin& iss"" in Alabama. It is (he subjec1 or political ~arnl"'ign. and ""blie .daiion, crusades, and it ha.joined the liS!, along wilh CQ"'rage and


",movability. of ;"'''''' a I.wye. mu" ron,ide. during the ;nilial slaS", of every case:. With fttli ngs "'nning $0 Ilrtlflgly on both sides of the i$O"". one would think thaI in every case whc", an arbitralion clause is prest"t. alleast one of lbe panics would immedi.,ely locale and see~ to e"rom: the agreemem. However. lltere an:. sur· poising num\>eT of ",ported eases in which a party is accused of waiyiog tIS right to arbitral;"" because of delay in uscning tha, right. Perhaps it is not clear at fi l'$t if the OppOSing pany has signed an arbitralion agrument Ptrh>"" the chances of c.fOKing the da"", seem bopcless unlil ttnain te$tirnony is gi,,,,". 0.- the mo.;"g party has .imply changed il.< mind. For whale'-", reason, somc par_ lies wait " 'eck.. monlh, or even years ofw. lite «Impl"; ", is fi led 10 mo>. to compel arbi.raliOll, In the interim .• he ponies may engage in disc<wery and mobon ~Iic<: UIUl>'ailablc in ami,,,,,io" Depending upon the length of delay. the ",,'en' of ,he lit ig..;on "",i,i,y that has taken place .• nd whethtr prtjudice w", e.""d "' a ~ult thereof.

the party may fore"Cr lose its tight to .nforce a valid aro;tnltiOIl 19=mcnt. A party sed,ing to enforce an arbitnl!ion agree· ment mu" be .... ry of initiating any activity. or being gUi lty of i""'-'\ivity. that wou ld "'ai". it. arbitnltion rights. Li kewiSt.' pany ...,king to .v<>id an arbitnltion agreement .hould be ra.,iliar with "'hA' caui;eS a "'lIi"Cr in order to take advantage of mi._ Steps. This ankle cO<ISiders Al.b.ama case law conceming what activi,y and I""judi". will dose the door on a party's right '0 enf"",. an arbitnllion agreement,

A. The Federal Arbitration Act Sets Limits on Common Law Defenses Such as Waiver Like any Other righ •. the right'Q compel arbitra' tion may be wai""'. Wai"Cr i. a com."",,·I.w con· ""pt, bu. il may be applied to arbitration agreements only within tho limits of the Fcdo;,."l Arbitration Act (FAA). The FAA ".t.. that arbitra· tion agreements OJ<: ~ ..... hd. irrevQCable. and

enfOfttable. _ """" soodl l,.,..,.,/s ... uU' '" Iuw fH in ~.'ry for II.~ ....""""ion af lIlly (o••utJn. 9 U.s.C. I 2 (emp/1a,is Iddod). Thus. SIal. llw anDOllnal arl>illalion clau~ with less defcrcJ>Ce 'M" OIlier CQ"'r:tCl Ie""': M

Wha, Swcs may DOl do i, da:idc that a conllai:. if fai' cnouch '" cnfOftt all ilS ....ic terms (price. lmIicc. c~, i.). but _ fai, .......eft 10 enf""'" ilS lftoitrMion dauS!'. "The Act maI:es any fUeh loW< poIiq unla... ful. for that til>d of policy _Jd pllC"C arl>iltalioo daulCl on unequal "'fOOlin,:' directly COOlrat")' to.he Acfs lUlU"," and Con,rcs,' inlenl.

Allied·Bruce Terminil CDltlp<Utie•• Inc. 2M. 281


Dobs.,... S 13 U.S.


B. The Test for Waiver Under Alabama Law A~ "Wl,e<! '" CQnlfllCl. leDer.llly under Alabama law. "waiv·

e," j, ,he Inten'ional rclinqu,\hmrn' of. know" rialt•. I'um,on COftJ'rwt,1o.o & RMlty Co. MByrd. 632 So. 2d 961 (AIL 1992). II m"" be shooo'n in an unequivocal manner and may be fnund only ... bon 'I*\r .... ~ledce 01 all maltriaI fllCU on " 'lIich ...;...... depends. Id. H ~, unli"" CIlbtI" pt'O"is.iortf; 011 ODd· tna. arl>i"",ion apttnl(1l15 arc Ii""n \be: acIded proICC.ion of I ,,..,.,, federal policy in fa"" of their enfOfttn>Cnl . T1Ic"'forc. III doubts ore 10 be ",solved "B"insl "'aiver:

"The Arbitr.llion Act ..",blWIes thai. OJ • mailer of fcdenl law. any doubts concerni", tbc: k<lJIC of orbilnblc iS$lloCS sbooIJd bt rcwIved in of .miuarion, "'hdher the


problem .. hand is the COIWnICtion 01 the COIIUXI Ian· ,...,., i.oclf or an aI\cption of .....;ver. delay. or • lik. dcfe"oc 10 orbilnlbililY.

Mose. II. Cone Mcmo,ialllOJ/,i"" •. Me",,,,.,. C..... ,rwt'iOll C0'P"'"",iOll. 4(j() U.S. I. ~ I (1983). "The bkl>ding 01 rornmon·law waiver ... i'" !he bil>du., fcdenl policy .n fl"" of arbiltalioo .... ,.,...11ed in •• __ part ...... Toshow ....;\ICT of In arbilMion l&"'Cn>Cn' in a.t Alwma swe«lUtl oction. one mUSI prove (i) !11l" the I*\Y seckin, .. rbilr.l'ion has fulmaN/,'ally ;n,okcd the li.igation PfOCC". and (ii) tha •• ..,. rcsull of the derendan.·, loCU..he party opp;>Si", arbitralion ........1d bt.ub._wlly "",judi""" by • '<Ibsc<p,e." ookr ~;,. "" i. '" 1Itbmi. '" .mitralion. CDltlp<UtIo.o Ufo lid C4." ",1Ii1C~U MIl.. lite.. 670 So. 2d 897. 899 (AI •. 199~). Whotbc:r a ,.-.; .......... oa:urred may dtpend upon whether the movin, patty has". ",."""obl. basi. for DOl seck;n, '" ami!nli. tooner .h"" ;. did.~ ldo II 900. Alabama RCOpIitts. as ;1 "",,"-!he SlIOni ro:dcnl policy in fa.or 01 arbi"",ion: '"The rouru ...tll nor licftdy inf", • ";oj",,, 0Ilhr: rieft. 10 """'pel arl>ilta· lion; thu •. the burdett on tho party scckin, to prove,'", i, a heavy one." U.S. ('il'" of J"''''U'''~Y


Fooutdry CD.. I"", " C"""n. 119 So. 2d 1171. I 174 (Ala. 2000). c1INl,,'lIh ..",,"""111 u. Blue Ril>l>tM H_. S"fH'r C~,"er. 1rK".•.

8.11.2001 WL 1392266 (AI •. Nov. 9. 2(01) ( No. 100(820).

C . How Does a Party "Substantially Invoke the Litigation Process?" T1Ic", is no bright·li ... IW for the .......'" 01 iltip'ion OCli>'i· !y 11\11 will ,ubsantiany inV<>l:e lhe li'ig.'iOft prooesI. "No rigid rule exi .... for de'.minin, wh>l coo"i,u,es .... iv.' of ,he rilh' to orbilnl'.; the determination as '" ,,·he1bcr ,here I\aJ boon I waiver mo". inslUd. be baHd on tho panicula.. ra<;U of .Kh caJC..~ lWIiluell. 670 So. 2d ill 899. In ..... case. wailin, rieft' monw is I wai ...... but in another. 11 monw is lOllI,' In ""'" ~. liIi",. moIion '" d,smlM 10 ..... y the""'" in fa"" 01 findiTIII WlIi ...... " 'hile in anoIbcrc .... I >tImmary JUdg.... ", ",OIion docs not! T1Ic AJoboma 5"1"""" Coon ha. $lrc$$<>l on ""'Demu, occatfonJ 'hOI IlIDO$l DO li nlle lClion. by i.... lf. will elu .... wai""r: '"The joinin, of i ...... on .bt meriu. lS5CTlion 01. roun""daim or crou-claim. or en"",nl in <iiICOVer}'. alone. II not sutr.cient "' ..........-.;,'a".M EJ: pant: CtnJ"" HeaJ rA,n_J W .. 486 So.2d 1272. Iln (Ala. 1986). II""""..... ead> 01 the5C 1oCIlons. alon, wi'" 00>cn. may bt of .....i.......


I. "'Ii~g 0'" A N'~'" '"(A 1n.wering • compl.inl docs 001 'subslanlially inV<lke' lhe liliplion proccs.<." &: pan. ~.s. 709 So. 2d 447. 453 (Ala. 1998). Likewise. !he failure to plead in the aMwer !hoI the plainlitr. clai"", are .ubje<:llo arbilration will 001 in itself con_ "ilUle • waive r. &: pal'/e I/ood. 712 So. 2d 341. 346 (A la. 1998). n., con' e.', of !he an,wer are oflen scl\llini7.e<1. howev· er. in deciding whelher. waiver has occum:d. For in!Ulnce. in one c... where !he mal roun <lenied arbi""'ion.!he . upn:me roun reve ... d and ordered arbilration lI«au .. !he <lefcndanl pled arbi",,\ion in its answer and placed the plainliff. OIl notice of lhe <lefendam·. arbi,,,,,ion riglus. Tu",i~ix Im'l Co. Lid. Ponn.rship •. Jocbo~. 669 So. 2d 893. 896 (Ala. 1995). Co.w.... ,y, in 3n(l(her c.... !he roun oiled (among OIher thing.) !he failu", to !he defense Qf arbilralion in !he .n."'rr as a basi. for finding thaI a ddendanl hod w.ivM arbi_ ,,,,' ion. Morriron R~.rou'l1n1s. Inc, •. I/l1mI:s,"",1 \!jlloge of Fnirhl1JN. ud.. 710 SQ. 2d 905. 'XlI (Ala. 1998). n., value of asserung!he righl and desi", IQ arbi"",e al lhe earliesl possible ",omenl i. shown in &: parte I/ood. 712 So. 2d 341 (Ala. 1998). In Hood. supm. lhe coun found Ihal a defenwnl (Golden) had waived arbilralion in only three nlontru; when il bad ",moved lhe case 10 fede",1 <oun. mel wilh lhe pl.inliff·, (Hood',1 "((orner 10 devdOp a diSW>'ery plan. and only IW<I nl()flth< 1.ler filed il$ answer as ..ning arbilralion and IJI(I,~ 10 compel arbil"lion. n.c fedtral roun remanded ,he case and lhe stale ciROUil judge enl<rtd an nrder compelling arbilralion . n., Alabama Supreme Coun reversed and held !hoI lhe defendanl had wai'~ arbillalion. p!inurily lI«ause the <lefense of WIra· li{)ll was 001 pled >u lhe lime of rtmoval:


We miglll assume thaI if Gol<len had immedi.lely followed its rtnlOvaJ with service of its answer pleading an .rbitralion <lefen,., •• ""h >clion would have been sum_ ticnllO pul Hood on nOlice Ih.1 Golden 51ill imcnded in the federal coun to ",serve ilS righl 10 5«X arbill"!llion. Filing an answer >u soch a lime might haw: indicated thal. Golden inlended 10 pursue arbitralion instead of a federal judicial rtmedy. and il would haw: gi'''" Hood !he Opporlunily 10 .void spending !he ",sou",.. necusary 10 the case remanded 10 the slale coun for A, il was. Golden rtlJl(lved !he case 10 the fedtral roun and proceed. ed as if il " 'as pn:paring for .judicial rtsolul;on of Hood'. claim. Golden'$ answer pleading the arbil"'l;on aglUllltnl .imply e.1IIt lOll lale .• f,er Golck:n had subslanlially in,uked !he judicial proccs.<. 10 the ,ubslanlial p<ejudice o f Hood,



/d. >u:wi. Conw:,...,ly. in CUT"'". !he defendanl rtlJl(lved and. af, ... !he case W;l5 remanded. IJl(lvoti 10 cOnlpel arbi""lion approximately one year afler lhe suil was inilially Iiled. n.c coon found Ihat lhe", "" waiver beeause !he defendanl pled arbilralion in its an.wC1" and notice ofROnlovaJ. 779 So. 2d al 1174. Su also. Blue RUmon I/omes. 2001 WL 1392266 (Ala. Nov. 9. 20( 1).

2. Filing ~ MtJtion I" Tmnifer lenu. If. plainlifJ files .uit in. rounly ",bere vcnue i l iml"O\lC1".

Ihe defendanl may fi"l scd 10 the case I"'n,ferrcd 10 a proper venue withoul waiving arbitralion. Tlwmpson v. Ski~r Rrol Esrore Co.. 729 So. 2d 287 (Ala, 1999). n., <lefendanl in Tlwmp.on moved to compel arbill-.';On clc'.. n nlOOlh. after lhe plainliffs r.led their complainl in Mobile CounlY. n.. fiBt docurnem Iiled by the defendanl was a rnoU{)II IQ lnIIISf... ven"" 10 Baldwin Coumy. along with .. sel of interrogatories. AI lhe plainliff.· rtquest. lhe Mobile County CiROUil Coun delayed rul_ ing ()IIlhe motion 10 lran,fer unlil lhe panies conducled di""ov_ ery on lhe venue i$Sue. "The judge .ul:>sequenlly I... nsfem:d lhe case 10 Baldwin Coumy and !he defcndanl med ;IS motion 10 compel arbilrali{)ll l/utt IJI(Inth< laler. n.c lrial coun in Baldwin Counly ordered the plainliffs 10 arbil"'le and lhe Alabama Supreme Coon .mrm«l. holding IlIaI no waiver had occum:d: "A defcndanl h;l5 lhe righl 10 have the proper venue e.,ablisl>od ~fore il bas any obligalion 10 IJI(Ive 10 conlpel arbitralion." /d, al 292. n.. cOlIn "",ed Ihal eighl nlOOlhs of lhe ll-monih delay ""'rt 'penl liligating , .. no<:. thaI lhe ... ri((Cn discovery and deposilions conducted rtlaled 10 venue. and Ihal the plainliff. I<:amed during dcpol;ilion Ihallhe imended 10 enforce the arbilration &.g!'t<'mtnl. /d Sn also Ex pan~ /l1I.n. 2001 WL 410426 (Ala, Ap!il 20. 20(1) (No. 19916S6. 19917(17) (also hQlding Ihal a defendanl did not waive arbilralion by =~ing 10 h.w: the case lransfcm:d 10 lhe proper ' .. nue. whert no discm'ery was laken and whr:", the moI;on 10 compel arbitralioo was fIled 94 days after lhe $uil was filed), It is not de ... how impOrla.n1 il W;l5 10 lhe roun in Thomps(m thai lhe plainliff, we", pm on OOIice of arbilralion during discovery and 001 for lhe first lime wilen lhe defrndanl filed ilS """ion 10 compel. If faced wilh sucb a case ... <lefendanl should inelu<le in !he moIion 10 tranSfer' Slatemen( Ihal lhe defendant inlends 10 cnf""'" arbitralion once venLle i. detrrmintd. If dillCO'"C1"Y is needed on lhe venLle i!Sue. the chances of wai"~r are prOOably minimited if di""o'"C1"Y is cartfully lai!ortd 10 addrtSS only !he venue i$Sue and 001 tho: merils.

3. HIi~g " Notiu "f Removtll llood and Cum", are compared in delail in lhe _lion above discussing the impor!Al>CC of ploading arbi",,,ion in lhe ;nilial answcr. In Hood , lhe defendanl .... ived arbilralion by re"""'ing lhe case. fIling an 'M"'C1" wililoul menlioning arbi""lion. and wailing Ibrtc monlhs to file lhe motion 10 compel. 712 So. 2d :w I. In Cur,,". !he defcndan, did nOl wai,.. arbil""ion by "'lJI(Iving and wailing ......Iy • year 10 ",,,,,11 ~il .. bilil~. because lhe defendanl pled ~ilration in the an,wer and "'''''n_ ed il in its notitt of rtmQ\'3.l and "'p<>r1 of lbe panie.· pl.nning meeling. 779 So. 2d 1171. In boo.h cases. lhe defendanlS Wert accus<d of waiving .rbil ... ,ion by its "'1JI(I,..110 fede",l coon and lhe corresponding delay. n.. only app"rtnl dislincl;on i. lhe po;nl in lime whr:n ~i""lion w'" firsl raised. Companion Life v. Whitesell is another case in "'hieh lhe <lef.ndanl "'1JI(I"cd bcf~ """king arbilralion. 67(1 So. 2d 897. n.c defendanl removed on groonds lhalille plainliff'$ el. ims ",ere governed by ERISA and panicipaled in developing I disco"ery plan in !he federal diSiricI COOl1. Af, ... !he case was remanded. lhe defendanl IJl(lvoti 10 compe! arbilralion. n., ease




had beea pc""i", """,,!han fiYC -o.s .. hea Lbc i.......... fim raised. IOnd Lbc Alabama SUIft"'" Court held \hat Lbc dd~Dllan(

had ..-aiw:d WlnI;"",

Compan;""·. rem<Wal m Lbc ~_ Ie> Lbc fedtr:al """n. its .u,,"'~ Ie> hive Whilesel!". claim. di.p<>OCd of under ER ISA in Iba, judi~i" forum. and its invocation of ,1>0 arbilral'on clouse approximalely five me>.Ilh< after u.. fil· ing of Whil ....U". conlplainlllld only afler Ilt\ Ill"""'" ",I· i", in Lbc fedor:ol dioukl court. ceruinly i""icOle Ilt\ inlen' I;"" on Cornpanioa's pan. ...... \0 fOffeil iu rip oh,bitl3lioo in favor 01. jIodiciai """"'u....... Ill. II 899. The ""1Id"""", ",Ii"," from Ihc federal coun ".,.. appoo"ilI)' on Ihc plaintiff"1 motion 10 =>and. Then: i.... indication ill W/oi~MlII lh.u Ihc def.-ndan1.«lUgh! '0 too..." ,1>0 fcder:oJ (;OtJn ",\0 on Ihc ".,..its. The only acts. then. thai CQIlkllu"" bro:n an 'II'VOOabon oIlhc liligill"'" p<OCe.I5 wen: lhc""""""'). fiHlIJ an \\I\Swe\" and por1icil"'" ina in Ihc rtQU.irtd parties. pIannin. ~IIJ. Then:f"",.,.-ben. der.:n.bnt """"""'" a cas... WI< in its DOIice of"""""'; !hal ;1 ....... '" pIeod Ihc defmsc ofntnltion in iu _wet, -' """'" 10 COIJ1ld orbilnIloo1 promply aficr mo7o"lIl.


-t "'fflicipalinl in Discl>W:ry Then: is ... >UicI ",\0 cono:emin& "'" .......... of ~ thai moy lie taken bef~ a waiver occurs. DiilroYCfy initilled b)llhc

"""'... --,y. 10 ..."hid! itf ........."'nl rnusI ~ is. facIor !hat a coun "'illlil;dy ~ if "''''..... is noised. 0... p;wI)" ,.lIi...., n · U'Klooo whm iI ..."3i1(!(l .,.,11"o()tIIlI$ afItt ..... aJI"IIfIIMro _ fokd and. in ..... inI<rim. participMcd in wrincn di~. >wioos diJo:ovay ...,.ions and do:po5itionl of lht. plaintiff and <Iri~ f'~".,m SmI'h.1Oti So. 2d 704 (All. 1997). AnoLbcr p;it1y did r.oI waiYC arbitration when. during a ("""molllh period. il propounded 0/iL .,. of il>\entlgalCries and 1'-"0 m:j\lL>tS fo<r pn>.ll.w;lion. bul iKlUghl ... depc:M<i1ions. fupmre~. 712 So. 2d III (Ab.



anoIIILr defmdara did noI ,......., amu.Iion """" lhough. obin&. ~ delay. it fokd Ia!'ICSU for ido, '-&m.. iDIemIpIOries and mjIoeslJ for producuoD. and ..1ILn: "'" defendanllOOI: IWO dqxrcitiolns _ "'" plaintiff Ihrw. T~.-a /",'/ Co. Lrd. I'r>rrnnV!ip ~ .It>t*-<. W1 So. 2d 893. 896 (Al.L 1m). All di ..... very ill 1101 """nled "",,"3RI a wai ...... Rlr in"./ICC. di~OYC'l' OIl ,1>0 i..... of arbilf1Obilj,y does J>O! "invoke 11>0 Ijlip' 11011 ~:. JacIc In8""" Moron. loc. ~ Wan!. 768 So. 2d 362. 366 (All. 1999). U~i ... discovery relaled 10 11>0 ;swe of """IlL ill not • waiV<1". ~. 729 So. 2d al 292. thscovery ",1a1ed 10 class cntif.,aiJOn ~ aI$O ~ CRmJl! from ........~ onaIylil. Su Mal Cmur CtJn. f..c. MSmirJo. 682 So. 2d 382. 38.S (A\a. 1986) (Hoooion.. J.• tonC\IfrinIJ ( "lhe defendanu ....ill IlOl: be detmed /(I I\a>" ..... ..-ro ","or aobiualioo Ii"," by panici· p.otJng ;" di.s<>cn-"ny Of Olber pooowlinp rel ... ed \0 • cbsl cc-nifi. calion:') Finally. discovery Ilw /NNfiIJ lhe panY <JfIPOSing arl)iIralion canllOllogically cause IftJudio:e. IUId lherefon: will not

Notice of Election Not/Cllll gM!f1 herewJth pI.II"SWf1/ 10 th6 Alabama St8te

Bar RII/e$ GotIemmg Elect/Oll o( Presrdtlnt.flecr and CcmmSSlOflef.

President-Elect lila Alabama State Bar WIll aleet a P<e$,deoHlect in 2002 10 B$$(lme me p!8$Oder>;y of me ba, 10 July 2003 Any caoo"tlte mUSI be a rnemII$I 10 good standing 00 March 1.1002 Pet,b005 ",,", 'na""11 Be3nd1dale mt.J$1 Ilea< me SignatU'B or 25 f/1flIT1bers in good srand,"II 01 me AIabatna State Bar and be recelV$fj tfr" me setretary gl tha stat. tNIr 00 or belore Mart/11. 2002 Any o;andidate fIJI this office fTIIm .Iso sutJmn wah !lie r(lInUla1iog pelot"'" • IJIKk and white Pl(lllV~ .-.d btogr~ data to be po.ilI,s/Ied on tha May 2002 ~ /'W)'IIf" s,olots WIll bemailed~MayI5and.ll.nllandmomber--..li1!hestatebarb¥Spm.onthaI«UldFnday ... .lI.nI1.Ule I~.

2002' Commissioners Bar eornm'lSioroe<1; will be .Ieeted b'!' tI1OS!Itaw,-on WIth tha., prro]lll offfClls WI the folJoy"ng CW"CII,ts 8th. IOtti. place roo 4. lOtti. place no. 7; IOtti. Btlsoomer cutoff; 11th; 131h. pliIOO no. 1; 15th. P~B rIO. 5: 17th; 18th; 19th; 21st 22nd; 231d. place no 1. 30th. 31st 33r<!. 34th. 35th; 36th; 40th; and 41 st Add.toooa l tlJl'V'Ussooners WI ll be elected 10 these tfleu,ts fIJI each 300 members of lila state bar w,\h pr,nci(lil offices here10 The rIe" COII"WIl'ssoooer posttoom WIll be determooed b'!' a a!/ISUS 00 March 1 2002 and vacancoes certIfied b'!' the '*'etBI)' no lale' t!Iin Man:h 15. 2001 All aolMq!all tefmS will be for threey8lfS. Nornonatms 1M\' be made by petl1lOI\ bearl'lg tha sqliltunI:S 01 r... in good standio\r WIth prllC]lll offces '" the QtQ/ft on whod"I!he eletboo wiI be held or by !he O31didate·s.....nnen . . ._ oI ..ididacV E.v. must II! ' - * by tha se;;retary no lit. thin 5 P-fII. on the last Fridav in Apil IAprd 26. 20021. &11ots WIll be prepared and malled to _"betS between May 1 IIn(I May 15. 2002. &11ots mu$1 be ¥Oted 1In(I,et\med IJI' 5 p.m. on tha lisl F,lday on May (May 31. 20021 10 the Alabama State Ba,.


'ANUARY 2001

amount to a waiver. Ex fX'n" Phdp•. 672 So. 2d 790. 793 (Ala. 1995); Ex pane McKi.mry. 51.'i So. 2d 693. 70) (Ala. 1987). Disco'.. f)' is risky if. party intends lo .... k arbitration. Although limited disco.ef)' probably will no! constitule I waiver, a party seel ing 10 compel arbilration woold be wise 10 a""id il if pnssible unless Ihe disco • • 'Y relateS 10 .enue or the iss"" of arbitrnbililY itself.

5. Filing



··Joining i..... onlbe merilS.Mwithoul mon:, is no! a waivt:r of arbitralion. F"" P''''~ Cost" and He<Ui (Alrium) /'ui. 486 So. 2d 1272. 1277 (Ala. 19116). Howe,.. r..... l ing a ruling from lhe trial coon on the merits of the claim i, arguably inconsi,t.nt wilh the: righl 10 arbitrale and therefore ri,k, a wai .., of!h .. right. In MOTri"", R~Jt"uT(JnlJ. Inc. ~ Ho .... S/.ad l1iw~ of Fairlw~. LJd.. 710 So. ld 905, 907 (AI •. 1998). lhe plainliff moved for a summary judsltlCn. on liabilitYMand tile .rial coun granled the molion---kfore the defend,u" moved to compel arbitralion, Altboogh lhe defendanl "'as noIthe pany that ftled the "'mmary judgltlCn. molion. the A labama Supreme Coun held Ihallhe defendanl wai.ed its righ l .O arbitmlio" and ",lied heav· ilyon the fact Ihallhe defendanl waited unlil after a ruling on the merits. Id. However. in Jericho Motl<l8",..m. I"c. ~ Fideliry Nat. Titlt Int. C". ofT.nn 2001 WL 792781 (Ala. July 13. 2001) (No. 1980537). the defendant moved to compel arbilra' lion and the:n 1.ler, in open coun. moved for , ummary jUdg_ ment. TIle m.jority found Ihat no wai"e. had occurred (tile motion for ,ummary judgment was menlioned by the dissenl bul no! in lhe majorily opi nion). Filing a ,ummary judgmenl molion or I motion 10 di,mi$$ may not be a .."i ..... ~r ".001 doing so obviously raises a rilk of waiver. A pany who pl~' the c ase ",!""",ly in lhe trial eoun·s hand, should no! "'p<C1 '0 be able l.te. m place il in lhe hands of an arbitrnlor. Thi, Iype of molion pmclice is besl a""i<led if a party intends 10 arbitrate.

6. Participaling in


Cwn A ction

lkfore a 01"" i, crnifil!<!, there can be no ..-ai ...... cooceming the righl 10 arbitrale the: daill1$ of absenl dass members. An OJdor granting or den)'ing arbitrntion in a cl"" action appUes ""ly to memben of a crrtified class; ··[I]n !be abseoce of cl"" cenification. !be trial cowt', ruling concerning a motion 10 com~1 arbi. n."tion in a putati .... d . ss acli"" .ppHed only 10 the: particular individUAls who we", before !be roun:· CroSJ &: 81~. Shi.1d ofAla. " l\OOdn<ff. 2001 WL 527848 (Ala. May 18, 20( 1), If the trial cowt cannot legally enter an 0Jd0. compelling !be arbilnllion of unnamed class members, then • party ,,'110 participates in !be case. even if he wai~ !be righltO arbitt'llte against the Mmi!d parties. shooW not be <k<:med 10 ha.... waived the righ, 10 arbilr:tle !be claims of members of an ut>Ct:J1ified class, E'.. n if a class is certifted and a defendanl participates in lili· galion, he may Jtill compel a rbiit'lliion of claims of class members who opt OUI of the dass suil. In &: pa"~ Merrill Ly"dI. Pi~T«. FOMe' &: S... i,,,, Iftc .• 4'}4 So. 2d I (Ala, 1986). the: plaintiff filM ,uil in spite of bei ng. member of. elus in a pt"e",istin, federal suil. Ten months inlO the: ,,,il. the plaintiff for·


mally opted oul of the: dass aclion. n.. defend.nt moved to compel arbilralion tIlree montM after the opt""" and over. year after the: ,uil was fIled. n.. Alab""", Supreme Coun held tIlal no waiver had occurr«l: Defendan", had no ""'son'o seek arbilratioo before plainliff·, opt""'l. as the:y coold ha.... rtUOn.bly believed Ihal plaintiff would obtain he ... lief in the federal $uil. and. consequently. Ihallhe actioo in [Stale coon] would tIlen be dismissed. , .. We canllOl fInd thai Ihis delay caused plainliff any prejudiCl'. Id. at 3. Se~ ols<> FiTS! Family Fi"""c;"1 Sen·ius. lilt:. o. Jocbon, 786 S<l. 2d Inl (Ala. 2000) (no .... i..' as a resull of panicipatin, in previous liligacioo. in which plaintiff WIS a class member before opting oul and ... here plaintiff', claims in lhe n.... 'uil ...... differenl daims from those rai<ed in the elus aclion.)

7. 110 .. Lim, is r.... Lon, ? Just as there is no formula fordetemUning how much litiga' tion will resull in a wai .... the:re likewise is no formula for detennining how much time can "'fely go by between the liOle the complainl is filed and the lime arbitralion is assened, Three month, was 100 long in lfaoJ, 712 So. 2d 341. bu. 19 months was nOl 100 long in Jericho. 2001 WL 792781.' O bviously. the closer a case gets 10 lrial. the more likely Ihat a defendanl will have waited 100 long to assert arbitrnlion. Couns ha .. consisten tly held tital waiting until "fre, a lrial on the merits is a wai ' er. Polm I/~rba, /I"",,,. Inc. o. C,.,. 689 S<l. 2d 3 (Ala. 1997); &: paN~ P".ndugr1J.<l, 678 S<l. 2d 778 (A la. 1996). Waiting unt illhe e,'e of trial may ~l.., waive arbilrali"". Mnlc/rmaUr I~re",. 1M:. of Mobile v. F,.,."cis. 753 S<l. 2d 52{1 (Ala. C i,. App .. 1999). E..n waiting unlil afl.r a trial setti ng may be too long, Palm Horba, I/Mlt>, I~c. v. Cro,.f"rd, 689 So, 2d 3 (Ala. 1997). Howe .. r. time is IIOl the only fatlor that delcnnines whelhe. a "'aive. has occurr«l; whal i, importanl i, whal ""ppoen, dUT' ing titallime: ··A pany claiming tIlal anoIher party has waivl!<! ilS righltO arbilrat. its dispute normally must show mon: tIlan the: mcre passage oflime.Mu pa"e [)yen. 71Y') S<l. 2d 447. 4S4 (All. 1998). Moreove •. lhe clock does no! olways .. an running ... hen the complainl i, ftlod. Rather, a <oun will measure I;me fron> the poinl thai lhe claim boo ... "" arbitrable: A pany"s panicipaling in di"",,'C'Y al a time before the claim becorn<:$ arbitrable isllOl . factor to be considered in delemtin· in, whethe:r a wai .. r has occurred. The law doe, IIOl .-..qu i... the futile gcslu ... of askin, for arbitrntion before a claim booOnl<J arbilt'llble; any delay in seeking arbitration should be measured fron> the I;me the claim becomes arbitt'llble. Georgu. Prronr C", ~ """in. n7 So. 2d 2. 7 (Ala. 1998) (lime menured from the date amer.ded complainl was filed ... hich firsl nOsed arbilr.lble claims) (dllliion omilted). Thi, rule "'plains the seeming leniency in Jericho. 2001 WL 792781. where the delay was me. ,ured from the time the Unit«! SllIle. Supreme Court ruled tIlal arbitrntion ag=menl$ were enforetable in Al.bama. notwithstaoding stale law to the conlraty,' Allhough the molion 10 compoel in Iba, ease was ft led 19 ffiOII.h5 aft.r!he complainl was ftled, the motion was ftled


only se,'on mo,uh. af,er ,he U.S. Supreme CoIln ruled. n.e

coon con,ide",d only ,he se"n'mon,h delay. and only ,he ""ti,ity tha"ook pi"". dunnB those se'<n mon,hS. and held tha, no ".. ai", OCCurrN. M; Sff (lis" Ex rart. Phdp" 672 So, 2d 790 (Ala. 1995) (a.cconl); Ex par" M~Kw,.y. 515 So. 2d 693 (Ala. 1981) (mol;"" filed '''''0 ycars aflcr litigation rommenced but just ~ few months af,e, a sel1lemen! agreemont was ...""hed wi,h allO!hc:, party, n,al;ing ,he claims arbim,blc for the fl"t 'ime). 1be language of the arbit""i"" agreement nlay .ff"". ,he lenBlh of delay that is ptnni.,ible brfore .rbit""ioo i, waived. In Prende'8ro.<I. the defendant waitcd only Ii" month, brfore moving to """'pcl arbi'l'lIt;"'" bu, nonelhele.. wai,-ed i•• righ' '0 arbi'ra<e. 1be N>un _cd ,h .. 'he arbilra,ion agrt<ment amilra,ion he romme~d "w;lh;n a reason.ble "'<Iu;1ed ,ime afler ,he d ispute has arisen:' 618 So. 2d 780, Even 'hough f,,< months m igh,lIOl br loolonB in a Iypical case. ,he con''''''t I.nguage .bonened lhe ,in", durinB ""hieb arbitra'ion coold be mised.



D. When is a Party "Substantially Prejudiced?" Regardl.,.. of lhe e"en' to whi<h a party 1m> invoked the lilip_ ,ion I'f'OCC'SS, "a finding of ",.. h<:r cannot be made absen, • """,,,'. ing of prcjl><li<e to the party CIpJl<ISing arbitration:' T!t"mpWl1. 729 So.2d .,291. In delemtining whe,beI' prejudico Iw; occurrcd, the AI""","" Supreme Coon Iw; e.umincd 'lIIe ",'en, and na,ure of disro,,1)' e<>nducted."" Tmtfinit ~ )"dMHI. 669 So, 2d 01896. the cosu incum:d by lhe plaintiff. Ex part~ Smi1h. 106 So. 2d 31 106. as well as the I""g,h of ,he del.y. M' Ex pan. B./IIf"rd. 719 So. 2d 718. 181 (Ala. 1998). m'f'nuling "" OI~r grounds trrog"i~ by Ex I",n. AI/tn. 2001 WL 41(»26 n.2. Discovcry se,ved by ,he plaintiff. to which ,he defendanl .... pond •. app.m;nlly <kw:, noI cause prtjudice '0 the plaintiff if lhe defendant lalt' mo, •• '0 compel arbitra'ion. Su luicho. 2001 WL 792781. Nor i, prejudice caused by discovery whi<h is boneficial '0 ,he pany "PI""ing arbitra,ion, Ex parle P~lp•. 672 So.2d 31 793, Howe,cr. in E< pan. I/andlry. 175 So. 2d 141 (AI•. 2tXXl).lhe dofeodanl filed. ,hird·pany indemni'y daim. and Ihi5 "",i"" "'as cited as a , Iep ,he defcndanl'ook in""'" li,iga,ion and cau"" prtjudice 10 the plainliff. Likewi ... lhe coon ruled Ih:n lhe ~pcnse. plaintiff incurred in seeking a remand "'<IS prejudidalto.he plain'iff in 1/00<1. 112 So. 2d al 345, """n lhough the plaintiff ]"I<'Qbably woold h.." soughl ~ l'tmand even if the defendant had 1110""" to compel arbitl'll,i"" earli.r. J>rtjudir. mu~' be shown prove a "",i,·cr.;t!1d ,he looge, lhe delay. the more expense incurred by lhe plainliff. or lhe more effon ,he plaintiff mLl<1 make.o re.!pond non-arbi,ralion fil. ing$ by ,he defendant. the gl'tale1 lhe li kelihood. coun will find ,hal lhe plainlift" has been prejudi=l. If seeking 10 .void a """i",. a pruty should give lIOlice of its inl<n,ions .. sooo as pos,;ble and should he ... I""'"nt'o lake action Ihal "'<Ioi"" a rcsJlOOS<: from the OIher party. unlen i, is related to a subj~ • uch as "nue ,ha, ha< been e. pl't$!ly held not to he. wai'<r.





'ANUARY 2002

E. Withdrawing a Waiver Can. waiver be laken back? One fedent! rase ,ugg"'ts Ihal a ,ignilleanl change in aease may n:SCI ,he clock and allow a pruty '0 n:can'.n •• rlie, wai ....... We llave ... id .hot invoking judicial process ;.I' ......"'p,;,'t! w.i"•. For il i, easy to imagine ,i,u",ions ... in ""hich such invoc.'ion does noI.ignify an inlenli(l<t 10 ~ in. coon the . >.hL,ion of arbi'l'lIti"". Then: migh' be doubt. abou. arbi· I",bilily. and foar thaI should ,he doubts be resol""" adv",""ly lhe 51atule of limita,ion. mighl ru.,< run. Some iS5ue. mighl he arbilrable. and OIhe", 1101. 1M .ha/~ uf'M ca•• migh' SO alt., as n ruull of ~1I •.Tf'«,~d d",.,I"pmelll. ""ring d;srol'f'ry or mh· ."";sr i, migh' ~0It,. oo"ious ,ho"ite parry .lwkld Iff "lifi,t(1 from il' ""Ili''f'rlmd amj",";OI' "1/0,,,.,110 proot~.



Cabill""'. of .... i~.


" Krofimnid C"binn')~ IlIc.. .$0

F.Jd 388. 390-91 (7th Cir. 199~) (cila,iOOS oo,iued) (underlining added). 1be CabiMt"" opinion i. qUOIed .wice by ,he Alabam. Supll'tne Coon. in 1/00J. 712 So. 2d., 344. and Wh;t~stll. 610 So.2d .,900-01 ( .... i.h lhe coon finding in both in\tanO<O$ tha, ""'ai". had occurn:d).' A "",i",. afle, all. i. , uppused '0 br .oknowing:' and a pany migh' e""vincingly argue that by O(Inscn'ing to liligate ,he daim as f,led. he was 1101 " .. iving arbi""tioo for ,he case i,l"er beeame. 1be Atabama Supreme Coon h., noI ye, ",k;! on ""hal chang.. in. case. if any. woold .laI1lhe c1«k 0''''. A ,imple cool""" ras< could .vol" in,o a dangerou, fr~ud ""'ion. Pemaps an anlOnded complaint ",i,ing dass allegatioo, for ,he ('''''ime. or an ""","dmen, to ,n., ad donmum cl:tu,", deleling' pn:'ioos limi,.,i"" of damag••. woold br .uch. ch.nge. While the <It:<;i!ion to forego arbitra,i"" m.y ha,'. seemed wise when tn3I.I<. a 1.1.. change such IS Ibese rould cause a pany to n:1Itin~ ,h.t ded,;"". 'The Cab;Mlru deci,ion !uggeSl. Ih:ollhe pany should h." an opportuni,y to do .....

F. Other Issues I. Ti,. £jJ~CI of'·No. " "aj,"<,," Cia'.... M any ,uiJil""ioo .gn:cment, incorporal' lhe rulc, of ,he AnlOncan Arbi,ralion A.soci,ti"". which i/lOlude. lhe follOWing .oM-waiver"' provi,ion: "No jud ici.1 proceeding by a pruty 1l'1;,. inglo lhe subject n",Il." of In., am;t""i"" >11.11 be deemed a wai"er of lhe pruty"s righl to arbilla'.:· Rule 47(a). Al'hough tlIOn: is flO Il'ported ded,ion from an Alabama C<l\fn ad<lre"ing the is\uo. OIlier couns h."e held ,h., ,he clau,," <kw:. nOl P'<"'onl • finding of waiver. bu. was in,ended to pcrn,i, parties to obtain provi,i"".1 remedies in coo" (.""h a,. lemporal)' ,eslraining ortkr) wi,hou' ....aiving arbitralion. £.g.• Shay v. 746 B1"()("JK'<lY Corp.. 409 N.Y.S.ld ()9. 71 (N.Y. Sup. 1918). 01"", coorts have held that lhe dau .. " ... n<)1 disposi,i". bu,.imply "an01her facIO< '0 be weighed in the seal",,:' Knorr B",k~ Co'p. " Hamil. I"c" 556 F.Sui'P. 489. 493 n.S (N.DIIJ, 1983). For. ,umnwy of decision, disc\lS,ing .oM-waive1~ dause • . see S&R Co. of King.,o" v. Wlm," Trudeillg, 1,,<.• 159 F,3d 80. 85-86 (2nd G,. 1998) .

1. Wh" ~id~. II'h"h" a

II~i... r has Occurnd? In certain ci",umstantt$. waiver m.y be a q.... stion for the amitrator and IlOl tilt .oon.• uch U ,,·hen tilt .nog~ waiver i• • result o f f.iling to abide by tilt ~ural ttqui",menlS of tho ,rbitration agreement. as ~ to particip3ting in li,ig.tion. /Hun Will , r R~·no/<h. Ir!<:. v. Md)""afd. 758 So. 2d 539. 542 (AI• . 1999) (citalions omit1~). AlIOIber such cirrum"anee i, when tho panies in ,lit amitra,ion <:<KItl"lloCl itself to refer w3iver qucslions 'o lho ami'",,,,r. See Un;; Under..·ri,ur Lif' In!. C". v. Dwton. 736 So. 2d 564 (Ala. 1999).

J. Slan@,d of N~,· i.", On App<>td Genc",lIy. trial COO" orders g"'nting Of denying" motion to compel amiullliun are review~ d. nove on appeal. When it comes to qucstions o f w.ivcr. however. lilt Alabama Supreme COlIn h.. slaled tIt.t ""{<)Inlinarily. we review issues regarding waive. <)f amitrability under an aru",-of-di..,retion Stand3rd : ·

Karl S'orz Endosc<)py-limuica. Inc. " lruegru'M Medical Sym'n!. fllc.. 2001 WL 75566 1 (Ala. July 6. 2(01 ) (No. 100(580). See also Cn·"""" Ind" ...... '. Inc. v. Kirkland. 736 So. 2d 597. 600 n.J (Ala. 1999) (ac<ord); c.. pan~ Handlq. 775 So. 2d 141. 143 (AI .. 2(00) (accord). In practioe. how","cr. I' gol conclusions concerning waive. an: re,·iewed d, nOVO. In Big VolI')" lIome Ine. v. Mumcon. 774 So. 2d 558 (Ala. 2(00). lilt coon "-'pl.incd itS i!amlard .. follows:


Conclusion Wai ..... of arbilt:tlion is "'" a precise an:a <)f lhe law and eau· lion is advised. Sbon of filing a motion to compel amitr.uion immediately upon receiving ",,,,ioe or !he complain'. there is no gU3I1unoe of avoiding a waive •. A case coold be that clear rul«. even if amil"'!"),. would be beue. than the "urrent system. and woultJ le<$Cn ,lit chance that a party will waive ami""tion without in'ending 10 do SQ. For inSlance. tlltre tOII1d be. rule th.t wai ..... is presumed only after" trial setting or upon !he fil· ing of a disposilive moIion. AI'I<:IIM' benchmark mighl be di , · covery related.o the merits that would not be a.,.ailable in arbi · tration (aOO to which lilt party opposi ng amil"'tion spends time aOO resourcellto respond). lIowe.,.e •. to .. main consistent wi,h !he federal policy in f.vor of arbilration . tlle .. mus, be exctplions to any rule for a case where tilt opponent has not boon prejudiced Of where the waivcr wO$ not. ··knowing·· wai.,.e •. Under the ' ystem we have now, • ..,h case i. considered on its individual facts. "Therer"",. a party who is ""ri<)U$ about ami'ra· lion sb<>uld m,R its decision as 500ft as possible and give "",ioe of i,. in'cn~ . ven if it does not mo'.. to com""l amilt:t· tioo until late •. and should avoid lilig3lion Sleps inconsistent • wi,h the right to amitrale.

E"dnot •• ~ ~.



Although" trial determinalion that a pa"y hu waived its right to amilt:tlioo i•• legal concltl$iun subj~t to our plenary review. tilt trial fiOOing' , upponing .hat eondusion ..., ba<ed on questions of fact and will IlOl be overturned u"leu clearly '''roT""",'.


ld. at S60. Su



"·'ntn,h Ci,-.,,,il


s.._&_i\. ....... ~ lISO lII77IWI. \99S!{war;o!_IM_ fA



115 So. 701


Wo 1tlQ rw.;.. _

11 _

to:.. /10 So. 7oI!OS~ _oitto......aut & _

701 1'101Ato. 111951",,"'- _

(.IJo.l9S7)"" _ _ _ ~.


B10 So.1d 891 . ""' .JoridIo~ ft.

•. _ " 11M. rillo hi. Co. '" - . 2001 lOot l'9VIl Wo. U, 11 2OO'I;No. \9tlI5Jn

c.. pane Allen, 2001 WL 755661 ("111t

Federal law concerning wai,·er or an amilt:tlioo agreemenl doe-s not diffe r , igniftca ntly from Alabama law. A fedt",l tOIIrt look..< to fcdernllaw. not Itato law. 10 determine whothe. there has been a " .. ive •. £.g.• SI. ll Con/mew". Inc. v. A.J. raft Coal Co.. Inc.. 906 F.2d 1507. 1514 ( lllh Ci •. 1990). un. d~niM 498 U.S. 1026 ( 1990). A dclailedlnalysis of fe<l.< .. ll.w is beyond ,lit scope of this anicle. For cues fron. !he Eleventh Cirtuil dealing with wai.,.or. u e Mm'"";,,-,, WUl of England Ship". 62 F. 3d 1356. 1366 (I J tll Ci,. 199~). em. d. ni, d. 516 U.S. I I 14 (1995); S& /{ C""'nlc,,,,,.906 F.2d 1507 (··Wlltn delenniniog whether !he otlltr party hu been ....judioet!. we may con. ide. tho length of delay ... and tilt e.pense incu""" by thOl p3"Y from ~icipal ing in tilt li ligatioo process." ); Bro~·1l v. !"IT C"",urne, Fin~n cial Corp.• 211 F.Jd. 1217. 1222· 23 (1 1th Cir. 2(00); SlOM v. E.F. I/Ufl/HI & Co. . Inc.. 898 F.2d 1542 (l llh Cir. 1990); Iltnooy v. Prodt mial·llMh. Su urilits. Inc .. 805 F.2d 1437 ( 11th Cir. 1986); B.lh v. M.rrill L)·nc. Pierw . Fenner & Smith. 693 F.2d 1023 (1 Ith Ci •. 1982): and Miller ~ Duxel B"mmlt" LamMn. fnc .• 191 F.2d 85(1. 854 ( 11th Ci •. 1986) .


19!19l ond _ , . , " " " " " ' . . . . . lrrL 710 So. 2d !KfiWo

2. ~ ~UIIt . _

trial coo" hu llO discmiOll 10 <levi". from. case that is direcllyon point:·)

-I. II"i,·u in

SIl:w /Iff/ ~~. m So 111 181

_Roo--. ft. •




"'""'" Ii12 So.

SIS So. 701 69J


s.. _ _ _ c... •.

~~lJU.S.16!ill l1951

S $00 _ _ • U _ .I Co, 10;.. il0 r.sow 1I1S.0.Aa '9IS!1/IO_ ""'" _ .... ~ 'od ... ~ _ ... _ bop> boo: ""'" ... ~~ IIOd -..!y ~1oi1 . _ _ ,,",... ho. . - . . \20 fS>.opp 701 tm. tllZ ID IIIwai \!I9S'I r ..... ~. di!n1....., 1..... "'..,......, ,",","," ;o _ _ t o _ .... _ t o




... _ _ '" Iitigotoon ..... -; f4woof. 10;..111 , 7oI'1lil. l1l~ Ci!. 19J11. ~""_pn/s~ " , . _ ~ _t;o.p. • fIo. Wll ..... _ , tqor Co. 849 f.Zll761 I2nclCio. \!\!II\I. ~




I. Tho ~opOooo. ~"'"' ~ portyloldwoMod".,.. _ a l .. ,....,""' ... porty _ _ _ tlio1 ... _ .. ~ ..... ilAOl·

_ "'"'"""" in_ to _ _ _ ... eoo.-;oi ......... ~ Wl1h_ ... _Cio::oJiI ....


In ... _ _


J_W. Oori. _w._


"'_ '' is .''''''_''''_ '' _" . '._''",~ " _ "low




rtd Gny lei OUIIO be I mini<.ttr, but by hi, &c:ftOor y,,- in roIlq:e he knew he wanted 10 be • bwya. .... S • youn, blM:t man in MonItomtrY at !he end 01 tho 194Ol. be didn't know any black IUomey.: for thai mauer. he: didn't know any while """-', bul. be ru.d ""ani thall.wyers bolp people Ind helping his fellow African-Americans wos ,,"'hal he wamed to do. In July 2002. Gny will br:corne the fIrst black Ie> ~ as ~I of the AIabamo.


... "".

Reared in th.nler SIMion on weltlide, JudgeClwles I'Iioc cnliJ&od ill the UOliIcd Scale> Army ~ pduMi", from GcorJc Wa$lIinglOn Carvct Hi", School, bcawJe the military oIfnal """'" ~ (fJf blacks. Alia hi. disclwp. he atlt1ldod roIkge in Vorzinia. tht1I ~ "'1m booort from the GcorJc Was/Iin&lon Univer.;ily ScbooI of .... w in W"",inllOn. DC. Now the ~ sidi nll judge of the ISth Judicial Circuil of Alabanuo. Pri"'l will bcoomc!he first black presitknl of Alolwna", Cin;uil Jud&el' ASJOci.llion ,,'hen be """Itle$ the ~'I

011"""" in July lOO2. Aller ~ from t.w !IChooI ill

Kansaa. Tyrone Mcans cII.ooK to ~ 10 MOftI&Om<rY 10 pr'IICIice low. ..... )'OUII&' rt'..u- in<ncIcs ..... Gr=oc counlios mel rek his do:pee oould be ]701110 bmer """ in !he SouIh. RecmIly. be ...... , ....Ird his IemI .. the firs! AfriclUI.American prt:Siodem 0( Ihc SICt, he ot\m ';';Ird

AIWma Triall.lwyers A""';a!iQn. AlIlhroe men hive blazed trail. for OIlIer African·An .. ricans who wanllO p<aC.jce law in Alabama. n..tlhcy are blact I•• i,nificlnl. bill no! .. impo<tan!, ISO


!hey Ay. as !heir ~ and >q>.Italions

as 1I1l11"1>e)'l'.

Tyrone C. Means Bel", fi", isn'l _10 Means.. but be Ars ,hat beinJIbe r,,,, bl..,k in any roI< has 'I) t:«ome ids 0(. priIIrily if yoo wanl II) ~plilh """ain po. Servin! as president 1)( I.... AI.bamlI Trial Lawye .. As.i()Ciatioo WIS pre$liSi<:>uo. he uya, bul he had 10 fit i, inlo lbe responsibilities he has ., hi. law prOoOIice. In odditioo to CftIIIi"l • positive role modtl for ~ bbct .nomeys III tmIboe. Means ...-..&cd 10 bis lam .. presidem 10 Unptwe the pubIic:'. imIce ollawyen.. Hill""I_ III inmaoc: Ibe """"" membenhip ollbe bat association and to m:noil _ African. ....... ricao .. Established in 19016. Ibe Triall..awyen: ASS<lcioDoo rqnscnu _ than 2.000 lIlomeys itaIeVoidc.. Ream! in Chic• • Me.... gndUa(ed from Mon'l\oose CoIlqe in Ad~ta with • baocbelora of.ons deS"'" in mathemat_ ics. He earned . Juris Oocoordc~ ftOm the Un"~ily 01" KMI$a5 Law ScII.ooI in LaWTOncc. Kin_ in 1976. and has been admil~ into the bar in ~ At.bama and GcotPa. He .....ted as a budJCI onaIysI for the City '" ~ ~ri ... the IaIe Mayor Richard Olley'. tftm, WlItII he CMne IIOUth. he investi· pled tht pc:15IoibiJiUeI '" pracUcina in BinnillJlwn or Allaou ~


senJin&: on Montpnery. Be worked .. 11\ assox:iIIe aaorney for Gny. SQy '" La/lgford in MootgOmery. and then funned Thomas. M.~s.. Gilli. It ~y. where his prOoOIla:


Imt'I COIICCftInIII: (l1li p.nonaI injuly a.l .......,.,... deMh lMipIion. ccmumr:r f...ud.


I>UBinc home liIlp&ion. a.l pr'tl<kIs a.l ~ ... Iiability 6hplion.

a.m:r.Jy. he is

• manlJi"ll pan_ollbe 1inn. ..1Iicl\ ~ otrlOtS in 8irmi~gIiam. Allama and !..ivins""",. AlaIwna. NO! only active in local. stale and nalioI'IilI bar ossoci2tions. be frequendy Joorves IS a speaker. chain"""

and m<ldenwr for '-.ra-! conforenoes. Iu the r.mer ollWO ctUldn:n. on. I sudenl 01 Auiun U~ly ,.,im II$piario:Ins as OIl 1IUOmq', Means is ...., 1It\i"" "itbin the oornoruUty as. boIRI "",,,obto 01 .........• OIl:< rMc and KJCiII OIpIintions. With only SIlO 10 600 AfricanAmeric:IfI llIOmCys ,n ALibarna. he takes ltisl'QpOI\Jibili.yas I role model5eri· oosly. Throoih hi, wi'" "'" Tri.1 Lawyers A"'-""alion. he rOllers ""'wOOing IfId <:Onlinuins prof.... ional ed~a,;()fl. "We haY(: lhe ~bilily to exchan,c 'dolS." "'Y$ MtaJU. "AI ad"ocOles for tbe public. "" can lobby for


helle' I'I:prese"!I"ion.~


AlIOI'I'I<)' GenmoI.lpJIOinlCd him as Aetq; Dis>rict Ancmty for EscarrOa eo-y. "11oIIC that JUY." I'Iire .. yo 01 BWey. "Yoo elfl ... y tha1. too." he oai<L In a.' .... when few b1:oo<:u held &lOCh hi", offICeS. Baxley tool; a clwl<e on Price and the p<lIIilion helped hi'" tslabl,>h a solid rep" talion as I lawyer. Before entering pri"'"'' pr3CIke In 1917, Price was Depuly District Allorney for MonlgornctY CQunly and was "I'JIOintcd AuiSllnl M unicipal Judge

Charles Price

MW.II.......body h.u 10 be flfSl. Jl>dge H

I'Iire "'Yl. . . . it ...eds 10 be ...",""".. Like: ..........,;0 ;1 mi&hl as _II be ....." Ercrzetic.ICI''''' ,n hi. profession and quick ' 0 speak his mind. Judie Price ",y. bein. "'" lif!,! ~k any"',nl n _


10 h'm. lb be ,n "'luI.·..... role yoo'"" been pl~. ilays Price. you'". ilOIlO be ,wll'. of wOO you are. bm wiliinitO leI ilO and conccn, ..,. on ,he I>Js,nesJ It hind. 0>eW

Joo,. Price Iqan hi$1tpI cartt:r •

C/oportmonI 01 Justice in .......... npln. D.C~ II1II rtto.II'IIO:'d to ALabama in 1!n3 as .. ...ucant AMmcy 0cn<nL In 1914. his Iiimd. Bill BWey. dIcn the IUIe'S



County ,n 1980.

One ci his proude$I a<:hieverntnLs came on Api14. 198J. when then Gov. Gc<qe C Walb<e "I'JIOi'''ed him lS • MOI\tpnery CouNy Ciml~ Jud&e-

Iv. • ~ in """"'""'" ""' ..........

al seminar$. Priooe ..)'1 iI it • """Yn's mrty

10 conMantIy ups:rade _ ooIy bimsclf. I>J, aI!IO the profession. lie Iw SCfVCd as ~ cithe Montproer)' Trial LaWyer5 AS$(>;'.1ion and il a mentbtr '" the National 1111' A""",.lion. 811 organiz.a. ,ion =atcd for black attorneys. In the

TIMELESS WISDOM ......... FabItJ ...... "'" .........,


They wet< ...,,,... ' 0 I><Ip

Ioadm " - ,hoi. Ii".. >In<l ,I>< 10_ ci.1>< f"OII'I< .00.. 1<"""" ........ A<OOJl', fabIco coax

1<:oJon.o mol. choicco bet"=,, ...,h thh", .. ~ and ¥ivi"ll. arrop"" and humlli.y. and .. If..n 1"""'1'="", ond


r..-io', ..... "'I..... ,.;th

"-on! by R<hn F.


Jt~ •• r\oou ,he ..... ;10 <I the .i,,,d,,,•• udom 1m by A<OOJlHe invu.. bwyfto 10 tIuN< .h.o ~ IhauId both ~ ..... .....; ..

...,.., cn...:,.. -,"ia


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Order Today: \·800-577·9499 Only S24.95 ptt book pIuo S}.(l(I S6.H -.h ....

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Alabarno JlOdges A""""iMion, t.: occrnaryltn:asurer and in 1999, t.: ""'" unIIIirmusly sdo:>:Ied praiding ju<I&e 0(1he 15111 Judicial Circuit, Goi.., bKt home 10 II ........ Suoion, ~ is 5li11 jim Cbar\Q f>ri<e, a fact that keep' him hoombk, If, not ~2Sy explaia· iftg hi, Iii". he ...... bo:aouse moM folb ...... me if )'01> ~ I jud&<:o you P=ide over. COlIn of II... To his old friends and f""""" nc;Jhbon;, t.: he pre,ides ovcr .1I111e Oilier judgcs_ A =;p;~rrl ofille John F. Kon"""'r I'rofil~ In Courqe Award. he was In"'''Ied wilh It.: NII;onal Ildue.,ioo AUocillion'. l)r. Man;n lutller King f!uman;wi"" AW2Id ill 1\198. Among his priud hoonon ;S lhe Rlymoad I'Ke AIexando:r A.....-d. &i...,n 10 him in 2000 by !he N>tionaI 8. AHOCialiooL While en",n.., Ilw _ I mop tiedoion, !tis biu<=U and.- ;m~ ..-as 11131T)'ing hi, wife. Ikmicc Price . ..ho is a col· ~. professor. 'The" lwo childrtn_ fol""';nl in lhetr father', fOOUlepS and an: pursuilll cWttrs in I.w,

suit ruuhi"l in altIIl-onl<1t<l proICIttion of II'IIIrlIoI'J from Sclll'll 10 ~i<:JnI&Orn<ry in 1965; MirdttU Q JtJIuuoIt in 19116. "iIim . . . C- 0( Ihc finI civil .:Uons filed 10 cad 'y>I(!InIQc exc........ of bbds from jury Wi)': and l.ft " M<ICtM. irMlIving Ihc

k1'VeI ..


Fred D. Gray "red OnlY is po--obabIy Ihc _ inn"" ... tial Afric..,·An..ncan tr:ailblazcr in Alabama'. law profOS$iQn. Al O<le of tile IIlOIII crucial times in Ihc 1U1t,,- indeed Ihe ...ion·,- pnui, for ""i l ricb£$. he was !Ct. lin& Ihe IIandard by " ...... all oIhe:r 0Q0r. ""J$. ~Iy bIaeb. ..., ""'" ---..L As . ".". pe&ll<:o: he ............."ylO !he Nashville cm.u.n I~ Ihc only African-Amerio;:an Chun:It ofon.. ....,. p1lI1ed bo::wdUta tchooI. Al 12 yean old, he ""'" 011 • mWlon from God. he ..yo. and was dccamiro<d 1(1 ~ I minisltr. He was ol<cttd pm;i<Icl1l of !he sudem rody and 0$ he u-avcled 11$ I Khool rcp=entatlvc 011 futld.raisiog ,"p'. The: experiences he Iud and Ihc opJ)QI\Wlilieo 10 moe! ~ snve him ....1110 dlis day. he .. ys. II< ~ f....., hiJh school early and arne b.Ioo:k home 10 f.-k>I>Ipncry 10 cn .... Abbama S. . CoIIqe for Ncpoes (""'" AlabMIa Slaic Uni .....ily) ..illl. pIIn 0( bccomia, I social science lad...1IId . minUlcr. II1II I 1(a(her .. 110 on... Iccuwtl on obwnin, ",vi] ....... his mind. Won: .... his .... y 1hnJugh col· lop: ... disukl ......... of tile Alabama .m..rrwJ .......,~, he had 10 ride tho <-I~y t.JOO$ on hi, munds Ihmuih hi' delivery .. millry and can .. fXC-l().face wilh discriminalion bcca"", of hi. no:e.




I"'N IJ "'~Y


DurinJ hi, julllOr ye•• he docidod 10 ..",lid law IChooI and !\'Cum 10 MOIII""""I)' 10 prxIicc and '10 de'lfO)' c'.rylhinl-5t&rq;.led lhall could find," lie keplille drum I Kc .., and in hi • ..,n. ior year, he appHed 10 low sohool. in ci, ~

whe .. he would also have an "I'J'OI'I"n'ly 10 leilood .J>OUgh jobs 10 help P'lY h;~ expcn§cs. He "'1$ acccpled !II Case W~ It.,..,,,,", Urb.."m,y in C1cvc1and. Ohio, "here AI ......... _isred

willi. pwII oa a n:irnl:luBc..,.IK basis_ AdmiI&Cd 10 !;he Cho and A~ . . , ill J~, he camo hon1e 10 Monlpnr:')' ,,'b<n: t.: opened Ius OW1'l P uIficc. One 0( hi:s finI clicnu ""'" Rosa L ~ ,,110 ..... ba:ome his frio:nd and sornccimes lund! .......... in his downtown office. ..-as am:sICdon Dcc. I. 1~5. for 001 &i';'" Uj> her".,.. on I <-II)' M 10 • ,,'hi.. man, Gnoy bc;,_ her anorney and the Moolgornory Bus IJoy<:oo. changed 001 ooly tile history 0( civil riihlS in Alabama and Ihc Mtion, ;. Iaunctxd o.:.y'. long and ~carcct.

In I~ he bcarne !he Iirsl civil ripu OlIOme)' for Or. Martin LuIht:r King. Jr_ and defend<ld him ill the MOnlpn<>y BIIS """'- 1riaI. C-1iPnst Ihc oIheo 97 def<ndlnls indiaaI ;., !he Arne C&5C ..-ere ~ when "ina .... foun:J pilly and the oppral .... diI.mUscd on • ~iIy. Some of Gnty', cases ..., now oubj«t$ of «lII$IilUlionallaw le<ibo<Jb. including Ihc GomiU"", ". liglrlfao<~ . .. hich Ja;d !he foundation ollhe "one man, one VOle" concepe; Wiil;""", ~ I\bil,,,~, I oI""....,ion

iIIIl_ TIII.kcFC Syphilis S!udy in 1972. For """"' 1Ilan 45 yean. Gray las led !he charJe lOobIa,n dvil "&hu for all pcr>OIU and from 1970 10 1974. he ""as lhe fin! black .illCe Itcoon .. ruction '0 "'...... in lhe Alabam. kg" ... Th be ""'"' assured of cieclion, in 1965 he and hi' family moved 10 Macon CoonlY, whe", hi. "Ielli'. office in To,keg'" was pro<pcrin, and oppOrHlni,ics for poIilical otrlCCll we", JKaler. A, presidtlll 0( tile Nlli"",,1 IUr Awx;"uOll in the ","'· I980s. he ;n;I;"I. cd the NOA flail of I'lmC. 10 " 'hich he ".." indor.cled in 1995. lIi' ...'afdf an: os .... mcrous OS is hI.! panicipalioa in pnr feuional and communily orpniuUorts. At 7(1 )'C'lIr1 old, .., "I<' ..·hen moo! Ilwyers have ....ady "'i.-.:d, hc IooU r"",,-urI 10 hi. year as p"'idtnl of the AI~ Sill'" nat. Altboulh he hasn'l yel ..,Illed on"n agenda for hi. ",rm, he know. il will have $Onlelhin~ 10 do wilh impnwing 110: in'"lIe of I.wyen 10 lhe public. "Lawyers .. ndcr I «rvicc.- t.: .. HI. expllin;n. tho need for at""""yl 1(1 I>Itve posil;ve public ;1I\agCS.

His yeor. ~ pro:sidcnI may also ha-.e additional b..,diu.. "'Y' Gray. As !he fum', JaIior pMner, he "'__ 10 SIqI ba:t from !he ev<:rydty dubes II Gray. u.,gfml Saw. MeG,....a... Gray Ii. N"",",,- on Ihc ""'"'"' in ~ 1\rskqce and • .....,. ciIIion ~, he "'ill he olJ<'C'<'d 10 I<nd 101Min<:<S thowghoul!he ....... "r ... bcm oelling everybody thai iI '.lime for lbem III take can: o(!he lhings Ihcy always "-'pcci n.. 10 do:' he Aid. Sktwini d(".,TI ,,·ill allO allow hinl 10 dev<Me ....., time 10 IfI'III'I<ing ",im Ihc~ flu""," and Civil Rlv-s Mullicul1unl C......-. a ".",. proIil faoiJ;.y ill "1Ikh hiswX:aI IIId exhibiu ~!he human _ civil


"#III contrih.Uont of NatIve Amorican<. BIn:Ipean All"" ita", aid AI"","" AJ,,,,,ic... ~Ir Ihcte p""p' ...... ,,""" .... by side. Gray Ayt.. n,h.., we will sec we ha\",. 101 in ...... 1~tl(lO ..• H

_. ........-..-_-............ ...,

EIiI_W._ ,

"" ..., ............. tn·W,..,.

a TIred of hearing bad IaWfllf jokes· and wish you coold do something about them? Worried about the public ilfl39l! of the legal profession but don'! know what you can personally do to help? Thefe is something you can do_ The al1SWef 10 the Qoostions aI:M:we is the ASB's TO SERVE THE PUBtIC VIDEO PRESENTATION - iI complete package that II'ICtudes an award-wiooing eight·mlllllle video, speech pomts and even brochures I~ the audience. Ready 'Of you to lake out 10 CMe organizatlOllS or groups in your area on a moment's notice. tan you imagine the Impact if Alabama laW\"l!rs across the state did just ONE presantalion in their local community? That's right - there would be over 10,(0) positive messages going out about the legal profession!

Every local bar association has a copy of the presentation or you can just call the ASB (800·354·61541 and request one. II has never tJeen easier to do something positive for your profession I


ALABA.MA STATE BAR To Serve the Public

oin the Vo[un~er Lawyers Program and receive the "Basic Issues of Law" manual on a 3¡1/2" disk, free . This manual covers nine. "bread-and-butter" areas of the law, including adoption; bankruptcy; collections litigation; divorce, custody and post-divorcc; guardian and co~tvator by court appointment; mortgage fo~losure; powers of attorney; and will drafting. To join, simply complete the form below and mail to: Volunteer lawy,rs Program. Alabama State Bar, P.O. Box 671, Monlg9mery. Alabama 36[01. Upon receipt of your enrollment form, the VLP will ma~ to you the "Basic Issues of Law" disk.


r---------~---------------------------------, I

Enrollment Form



Alabama Slate Bar Volunteer lawyers Program P,O. Box 671 , Montgomery, Alabama 36101 Phone (334) 269-1515. wet. 301 • Fax (334) 261--6310 ' w;ow,alabawfg


I I Address

TelephonelFax Number


I will acce pt two c ase ,..f. rra l. in the following area. : o Adoption/Legitimations 0 Bankruptcy o Family Law 0 Real Pfoperty

o Pfobate

0 Where you need me

Get on the list of very important people. Enroll todayU L _____________ ~-~---------~------- --- --J

JANU" R Y 20 0 2

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JOINT MEETING OF THE BENCH AND BAR nnll"lUy, January 24, 2002

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Ann H~u-, EMt. DOIn!nI~ n.rc/J.-, Yo1Jdin~ Woo( I. lJDy( PA,.l1innhrfllw4

• • • •• • •• • •• • •• •

" MaotaI JIMitIo Lap! ....... m-1WJd, k. E#q. ""'-; r.,fgr HMdin s..... HMIit2J ho:iIiry, Thoral«w,


..... Falodl... .. c-t CttI r ' ,. ~ Du ~ Cimm JwJg., IBtb JudkMJ CImd( ~ At

Tusre1oo... AL 7030 _ ' :30 7:30 - 1030

R I ' ...Iioo. . . . . UAt... .......

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H~ Rgy S. HotJtW, au.! m.tu:., S""",IM Cwrt III AIaIwmI; H~ At

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Reinstatement • The S""",me Coun 0( Aiabami ...1Cml1ll Of'der based upon \be deci.ion 0( "'" Disdplinary Board. Panei ll . reinsla~ng Gadsden .ttomcy J _ ph Gullallt lIunttr. III 10 lhc: practice ofla ... in the stlte of Alabama d f..:ti •• ft,brual')' 23. 2001 . [Pcl. for Rein .• No. 00.07)

Disability Inactive Scottsboro IIIOI'nC)' am.... Wade Johnson was IraNfermllO diYbilily inxtl"" WIllS pIUlllWlllO Rule 27(c). Alabama Rules cI DiJcipiinary ~ cff...:n.., N"""mber 20. 200 1. [Rule 27(.). Pel.. No. Ol..o.t)

• The Supreme Court of Alalwna 1Odop;e<l1II O<'dcr of lhc: Di",iplin",}, Commi .. ion disburin, f~ !i uOlsvilie anomey Ja ...... lIuUtr. Jr. from lbe pno<::tice of law in lhe State of Alab.ama df..:ti .... Au&USI 21. 2001. On Febnlary 2B. 2001. lhc: Circuit Court of MadilOQ COUn1y. Nonbem District of Alabama. aoo:ptI:d Butler', ",ilty pita 10 lhc: crimes of lhc:fi second ....,.... in lwo cases. CC· 00- IOR9 and CC-OO-31l7. ButIer ........1IIeDCOd lOa rem 01 rove y..s in lhc: 5Wt penitenllary in each .,.... 10 run ~Iy. In bod! casea. Aid ... ounce _ lUopend<d for Ii"" )'tat'! on the ~tion that BUller..,..., on the Madi ..... County Wort. Release Propam uIIlil all ooun-ordemi money il paid. all ftnel paid. lhc: V.rums· Compenwion Act IlUeUmen1 il paid. that he makes rqtitulion to lhc: injumil police officer. and submit 10 DNA sampl ... BUller was already intcrimly su.pended under Rule 20 of llle Alabama Rules or Di",iplinary Procedure. On




May I. 2001 "'" Disdplinary Boanl Panel V. tntt1't<l an 0RItr decrtt"" that Butler ..... convicted of I Mocrious crime" under Rule 22 clthe Alabama Rules of Discipli.....,. ProcWIlfC. On AuguSt 13. 2001. tho: Disciplinary Board. Panel V.• n~rcd "" Order denyin, BUll",', July 30. 2001 motion to di .. miss. The beari ng was beld as scMd uled on Augu.t 20. ZOOI. Butlerdid nocatttl'ld. {Rule 22{A). Ptl. No. 01-01)

• The SUpn!me Court of Alabama .n~rcd an Of'der basod "JIOII "'" tl..:ision of \he Oi,.;ptinary Board. Panel V. diWarrin. W. lIn Jaspor !'riM. Jr. from "'" prvtice 0110... ;" \he S~ 01 Alabama. effocti"" Apil26. 1996.... hich is lhc: .... e 01 his pre>'ious di .. barmenl ordcml by "'" lUpn-me C<)m'! on AUgust II. 1m. Price _ four>d ,uillY 01 viobtin, Rule S.I(b). A.R.P.C. Price failed to ~ 10 requeStS for informalion from "'" Q{foce of Gtnenl Counsel ~ing a complaint lhallud boen filed agaillSl him. [ASB No. 97.232A) • The Ala bama Suprellle ColIn entemil an Of'der basod upon lhc: decision of lhc: Disciplin.ary Board. Panel V. on ~ptember S. 2001. !haI G"'t'lry Dway ne J0nt5 be disbafmd from tbe pnoctOce of la"" in the $tOil: of Alabam;t effocti"" retfOfIClively from 0:10bcr 27.

1993. thuffocti"" dale of JOIIeIl', interim IUSJ"'Mion from "'" praclOce 0110 .... JOIIeIl', conditional guilty plea and 0RItr of di.t.rmmt were based on "'" following: In ASB No. 94-167(A). Jnde< rqnsom«l "'" compIai ...... in a motor vehicle """"idem cue. Jones ....ulcd!he caK on behllrof!he complainam and poid!he complainlnt hot of til< po~s wi'" a pefWl'\lll ~hetk thaI 1'/2;1 ~umcd fN oon·sufflCienl funds. Jonu pled ,ui1(y to viollting Rule g.4(g). A. R.P.c'


respond 10 rtq\leSlS (01 ioformlllon ise coopaa1C durinK!he bar',

La ASB No. 9S.{)S(l(A). J(Jfa($ COlI· vencd (urds hdd in Ir"IlSI fo< Iht I>enefit of !he «>IllplaifW>l. 10 his penonal __ JOIIe$ plod ,uiLLy ,a vioLalinJ Rule


8.4(a). A.R.P.C.


In ASB Nn. 92·~32(A). JOI><$ was p;lid.o ~,,",~n"~ complain"", in a dilJlllte Wilh a former employer over non .poyn... nl of medicaL insurance premiums. Jones did ...,.hing on behalf of hi. elien, and failed ." ~fund!he lUI\&SI:d ponion of her retai ...... The o;..,iplilW}' Commi..ion ini.w ly ordered that Jones ~ve a pri.--. ~mand and mate rao.j,u,""" 10 tb< roroplainanl. Jones failed 10 abide by tb< Diocipli...-y C..............·• Older. lberef"",. fonn:al ctwxes .....,.. filod apinll JOIIeI (0< hi. miscondUCt. Jones pled ",illy 10 vioIa';ng Rules 1.3

In ASH No. ')4.()I3(A). Jones was ""ai""" '0 "'p"'scnl1lw: complainan, in a legal "",".r. Jones did 00 WOfk in lhe c~sc. failed communicale ",,;lh Iht cl~nl ""arding the maIler and "'fU5ed 10 ",fund the unearned reI";n· ... Jone! pled ",il,y 10 vioJat;nl rules

and l.16(d). A.R.P.C. In ASI1 No. 9)·271 (AI. Jones "'as paid '0 ~Jll"C'Cn •• he romplaina",·. lIu,band in. criminal appeal. Jones did 00 wort; in the ma" .... failed <:(Ilnln"ni<",e wi,h Iht elien. and ",(used 10 ",(und .he u".arned mai .... er. JOIIe$ pled ",il,y 10 viollli .., rules 1.3. l.4(a) IIOld l.1 6(d), A.R.P.C. In ASB No. 93-2:86(A). Jones was pM<! 10 rqwacN tb< romplJilWll in :0 """",ful di"" ....... ease. Jones did 00 WOfk in !he mantt. failed 10 DOmIlIW>i· <ate ..i'" hi. " I;"n, and refltled 10 rtfund 1be unearned mai".,.. JOIIe$ pled ,uil.y viola'in, rules 1.3. 1.4(0) and I.I6(d).A.R.P.C. In AS H No. 9)·493(A). Jones ..... ~ 10 "'J1<e",m Iht romplainam in. criminal ma.ter. Jones had.he case con'i"POd. bu1 did 00 ~1Ier WOfk 00 ,he cost. fl:fltled 10 rommunk .. e .. ith tb< d"'''l and ",(used ' 0 ",fund .he unearned rtUiner. JOIIe$ pItd gwllY 10 -.ioIatiQlrules 1.3. L.4(o) and 1.I6(dJ. A.R.P.C. The Dilciplinary Roard ordered Jones .0 mate ~Iirution 10 Iht compIainw in !he amo...11 '"



$3.000. In ASH No. 93498(A). Joneo .."" reLai""" by ,he tomplainanlllO ~ ....."hem in _ Jqal "",te,. Jones did 00 wort; in Iht ma"er and failed '0 conununic.te wi.h the romplain""s rtgardinl lhei' case. Jones al"" failed

Of ...........

invcstipOOa of !he matter. JOIIeI pled , uil.y 10 vioIlIi", rules 1.3.ond 1.4(1).


I.J. 1.4(1) and 1.16(d), A.R.P.C. The Dilciplina.-y Board ordered 1hal Jones mate rao.j'utioo II) Iht compIainanl in !he omoun. In ASS No. 94-043(A). Jones " "" m2inN 10 ~ the complain••" and ",,"ptod pltyme", (or !he ~ scnwion of,.. he had been inlerimly .uspended. Jones did"", i"foon the compl,ilWtl of hi. suspension. did "'" 00 any WOfk in lhe mal"". did "'" communicate .. ith ,he complainant and did...,. ",fund ,he "'Iai,.or. Jones pled !uil.y 10 violaling rules 1.3, L.4(a) and I. I6(dj. A.R.P.C. [ASB not. 9).27 L(A j. 9J.286(A). 9M32(A). 94. 167(Aj. 9S-0:50(Aj. 93493(A). 93-498(A). 94-13(A). and 9443(A)]

On ~.mber 17. 2001 . !he

Di.ciplinll)' 8oan:I. Panel V. iss.....! an order """'pli", Mon,8O""'f)' Ilwmey I'DUI Whilini Copeland', condition.1 guilty plea. Thi, onk, dissolvffi Copeland',in,erim , u'peMion upon acttptaoce at hi. plea. Copeland en1ered • plea ," tb< fim ctwxe in the romplailll filed ....lISt him. On April 26. 2001 . tb< Disc;plilW}' Commiuion oC.he AI""""'- State B....... trimly ~ IIim from the practice of law in !he Slate of AI""""'-. The Older of !he Dilciplina.-y Commiuion ...-u based OIl • peli,ioa filed by !he Off"", aI OeneraJ Coul>S(l evidt""in, Copeland', failu", 10 """,ply .. i'" his . tipulatioo ~n ... nl wilh.he Alabama Law)'('r Assi,,",,,,. Program. On M"",h 9. 2<XXl. Copeland signed. stiJlllI .. ion agree"",n' .. ith AL..AP for

aIcohoIlIbuJe. lbil ""... ,,"' ... called roo tb< wimmcdiale 1UIpen.;,.n ~ of CopeIand'llaw licen .. if he failed 10 comply .... i'" any of 1he proIIisjor,s aI thaI agree""' .... Copeland Yiolated 1he agreemenlOll April II. 2001 by tcstin& posi,;vc for alcobol during' ~ uri"" analyl;. rtquil"fd by his ag=menl. Copeland bas agrtt.d to proba. lion for two years with specw condi· lions. [ASB No. OL. 13O(AjlRuie 20(1). Pel. No. OI -07]

ElT«Iive Oc-tobtr IS. 2001 . Btrminpwn atl(JfnqI CKlItt R.. 8ttiIory .... bcao suopended from !he pnc1K:e of Ia.. in AJaaIIo fo< noon«>« .. ith the 2<XXl M:andaory Continui", Lecll Education require. ments of !he Alabama Slate Bar. [ClE Ol.~]

EIf.."i,. OC1Ob... 8. 2001. All"",a allomc:y I)a r ln WayM C ollier has been suspended from ,he pra<1ic:e of law in Alabama (01 noncompliance wi1h ,he:ZOOO Manda,Of)' Cootinu;nl Lecal Ed..:atioo rtqui",_ of !he Alabama Stat<: Bar. ICLE 01.14] Elf"";", 0:10her I. 2001. Fan Pay"" aIlOme)' S'f""nI Nola has bcca ouopendcd from tb< practice of la.... in Alabama (0< noncompliance wilh .he 2<XXl MandaIOf)' Continuing


CLE Opportunities The ~ Mandatory ClE Ctmniuion COI"IIIrlIaI ~ evalua,es a'Id IIPCIflMII in-sute. • weI.1IiI\i(n. 1MdII. PI"'.'I$ whicIt •• tnarfIIained ... c:ot11IllO' ~ All . . icIancifa! ~ S]DlIOI. kutoI. a'Id spa. ClII!y _ . FQf • tOi.-w Iistn;I 01 a.n..: Q£ OPPOrUntJBS (It • eaIendar. (:OtQtt 1he M(lf. CornmISSian offita at


f33.t1 S ISI5. uter\SlO:1111. 156 (tt 158. (tt 100 may _

• complete list:·

ing 01 CUlTIlt1I PlOIIIet'1$ 1I11he stale bar" Web siw. lIWIlI.slala:"'11.


LelaJ Educalion mjuimncnts of the Alabama Sllle Bar. ICLE OI-3~1 • Effecli~ October 8. 2001. Mi ..... i auo""" !:Ian"" Stual'l Sa<Mr bas been ....... nded from the prx6ce of law in AI ....... fIK noncuopIiance " 'Mille 2000 Mandatory Con\inui"1 Lepl Educalion ""Iui~ .....Dts of the Alabuna Slale B... ]CLEOI-J81 Elfe<:li.e OcIober 8. 2001. New OrleanJ .11omey It.ernry Leopold Sl ra uss has been suspended from lhe prKliaof law in Alabama for non· complionc:c wilh the 2000 MandalOl)' COOlinuinl Le,.1 Educalion mjuire· mcncs of the Allbama SUlC B... ]CLE OI-4~J

e/fecli~ ~r 24, 200 1. Gayle-

WitiiamJ pled I"illy 10 'ioillin, Nics 8.4(.0) (b) (el (d) .....a (Il. Alabama Rules of Prot.,..ionaI Condutl. GayleWilliams ..... arn:tlM :000 dlaq;nI ,.,i1IIlhcft of propcny second degree. Afler her.nut. Williams lhc 0WJ'0Cf of Ille poopeny:oOO_ced • meetinl willi him.....a pled ",illl him I" drop lhc criminal clwJcs and aJlnw her 10 Jrulle teSli~iIUliooo. Coyle· Williams pled ,uilly 10 criminaiuu. pa .. IlIin! degree, a .iol"l;on of Sec~;on 13A·7-4. Which is. violation punishable by nol more llIan 3(1 days in jlil.I ASH No. 00-153(A)1

Public Reprimand • On October 26. 2(1(11 , Andalusil atlOf-

• The Alobuna SUlRmc Coon cn~ an ordtr based uporllhc de<:ision of Panotl IV of lhc o;sdplilW')" 8oan:I OIl October 9. 2I.XXl. llI .... n'lin' DarT)'1 C la"' ....... lIardl n from lhe pncIice of law ill the ,we of Alabama f(l<' peri. od of lIvcc years and six n"",lb •. e/feclive Man:h 27. 1997, Ilardin lICttplCdelllploymenl from ditolS and thcrtaftcr faikd or rrl"llSOd '0 lake I<1Y artion OIl bohaIf fA lhc clients or provide l<1y IcpllCfVica ",ha!socv· cr. 11aN", failed or ~fu.scd 10 n:wm I<Iqlhone eaJls Of mpond 10 ",Tillm ~ from diotnr$ Of odacr· ..... k<q> IhmI i..rormcd as 10 thc _ IllS of!he rqRICfIUIIiorL When clicals filed compIainu ,,"'iIh !he AI.1bamI SIaIc Hardin failed or rrl"1I$<'d 1(1 respond 10 thc a:mpI.ainll. Ilardin pled r;uilty 10 ha.i", vioIMcd Nics 1.1. 1.3. 1.4. and


8.4{f} in each r_, Addi'ionaJly. in ASB No. 92·339(A). Hardin pled guilly 10 •• ioIlliOll fA Rule 1. 1S(b). In ASH No. 93·:B7(A). Hardin pled guilly 10 a vioWion fA!\I1cs 1.8(11). S.I(b) and 8,4(e). And, ill AS8 1'I0I0. 93-347(A). 96Q.IO(A). 96-1~). 96-274(A). 96345(A). 97.(1 IIXA)' 97· I29(A). 97· 1.3(A). 97- I,S(A). ond 97- IS6I.A). Hanlin pkd pilly 10 >ioIIIing Rule 1. 1{b).

• The Alabama Supreme Court en~ an nRlcr based Uporllhe deci.ion fA ,he Oisdpli.wy Commission of lhc Alabama Sllte Bar. su"",OOing

I'fnrttt Kay G.yl~Willia"," from lbe prKlicc of law in lbe stale of Alab.l1N for . period of otIC year. JANUARY 1001

""y J UIft' lIarny llp1t-r """,ivai • public ~primond " 'ilhoullCncraI pub-I""'~ion. Tipler ~lCd Don ... M<qan in • pcrtOIIII injury ...... Durinl lbe ~J>f'='nwion. Tipler had lhc clienl '" 10 lhc o;l&OOOIic lmacing Cenl.". of NonhweM Florida for an MRJ. On Augul~ 29. 1996. ,be signed a I;'n form ,i," n 10 ber allbe Ccnlcr. Tipler Iubocqucnlly """,ivai I judgmenl in 1M amount 01'52',000. On November 9. 1996. TIpler disbumd po~ 10 Ms. M"'Ian and onuin medical provldcn. Tipler did !lOt pay !he Ccmcr's OlIl>W1di", bill of $1.)45 because he did !lOt recci~ lhc lien foom from Ihctn unlil December 2, 1996. Tipler si~ lhc lien form"'" ""umal i1. lhcn:by .d,nowlcdginl =eil" and avecin, 10 J><Ol"'" lhc Cell,.".', In,tInt. The Cell,.". began clninl Ms. Morpn aboul paymenl Inti sbe fin~lly agccd 10 pay lhem 5100 per monlh. She did [I(lI make any PIIy ..... nlS and TIpler senl her a kUor OIl I'cbruary 12. 1998 re<jUC<ting dw she ciiMr pay the bill in full or begin makinl poymenlS. M•. M"'Ian ~fuscd 10 communicalC any funhcr aboul lhc lUil *Pi.... her 0f1 mal1e..Tlpler behalf of lhc etn.e. in lhc OiMricr c-t of Covi",lOa Coualy. The " " .... lricd and I judlmcnl " .... en~ .... ins! Ms. MDrp<I for 51,34~ OIl January Ii. 1999. The Oi",iplinary Commi"ion found Tip""'" ac~ions ronllil"IN a _iol.lion of Rule 1.9 IronOiel <>f inlcrtSlj of lhe Rule. of Pt-ofc~ional Cond'"'t.IAS B No. 00233(A)1 •


The Birmingham Bar Association is pleased to announce the MCLE Commission accreditation of its online CLE program. With the BBA University, taking elE courses just stepped into the 21st century. Now approved for Alabama MetE credit, it's your gateway to 16national courses that you can take 24 hours aday, 7 days a week, on your schedule and at your leisure. Courses include evidence, commercial law, IP, and other substantive legal topics, afld what's

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ittUOdMlg 10 !he Ioilowwlg publisIwlg td:oDJle:

.-....ry 2002 iwn

dWlone liMo,beo S. 2001, MardI 2002 is .. "

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Send da$$.r... (Wi n pr,md. peyabII to /he AI.tImoa'~. to: ~ ~CDssIIieck. cJo SI\Innon Elliott 1':0. IIoIc 4156. Morqomery, AIIIbInIIo 36101

SeMces •


EXPUITS: Dr-., _

II1II..'....... ~*tricIl_-. EFS

Irwa::oI. ....... ~ HVAC: '" i


tIcJuMog. .....


trill .... ct.aIllalillll. popIINs,.....- _ . COl'>

_1IuiIcIinop.. !nil 10'1 _1'Io.ido __ constnI<tICII\ dwnI .... dosputo ~. 1'Ivn;iI ~ _0'1 01 m.:. ..... 1:IWwIor ..... 10I0I0. ~ !e:I~f\'M>;I ~ wid>

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-"·i_b'.«_..... "--~ ........ a-MIrnNo.s..,......... u.n.d .......

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sianoI rvw-'" lui _ c:ortiIQbon iii' AtTAR. Coruo:t JoIrIl Bl1es. PL W-!f.I8IXII299-595C .

• 'NSURANCE (lPERT WITNESS: ~ I~-' l.......rv I'N'" _ _ in risk n'IIf'IIIlIOINI ........ wwuIt· ;"g, f're.fiJing om.otoon. de(oosilion Ind trial, Policy """'.' """"""'" uti", dIduttoblos, soH irulrora. """'" ....t!1orIa.

diIect wn\el1, r:roPIfI\' loss ~rtOOf1 ""'"""'" 5.A.M,C, Contact Dougllb F Mil". ~. RisI: .........-. ~ (205) 995rol'l. ~ ... WAIS IBOOI W·!i&12.

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JIll". '"

mrtiOI\ _ ""'"' fOII!way -..-. _ _ pie aossi1gs. tIIHic WOIrOIs.hogtowa<y q~ sol",

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• IWIDWRITING EXPERT/FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMIN· Ell: ...aFDf. C81tifMld. Fcorma1y CtOeI.lMstiatltd 00e!.rNnu Dimm. US. """ CrimrooI inYHt~ utor.tory ~


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• LAW 80OKS: Ibo lin! «I., 01 ". ~tIoo7trCI901O-1II.'''''


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I( you don' t have the time necessary to research yo ur opponent's a rguments or write yo ur brief, then


For I ease • OfFICE S",CE: :J5O ..... _ . Moo.......,. Uoge fiooHoam _ wI .... ~ ,I,ppor. 1.«II1q 11., 11M tat ..... QUIfy.....-d'n!lt. _1IId IIiII\o'lg iIdocIed. f'hone fl341264-6401

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N ... IIIOmey witb _iJ;bl«n

yun of u pori_",,_ in mnn:b and writiol [ hay. !be ~im~ n""",,'""'Y for !be SUI· L!Iined, uninLe=pUd r . .. ...... 10 afton .-led to


an~ approaches

'law oIfiee In •

bol,' this is 11.' ~UIpII"­ SIIt.-$pec1llc DI. Dnltlng I..IInIII$\

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Blumberg9<c e~'


Ft.<. . . . . ...

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wiD , ".... WHn your c ... il fully rac..m.d )'011 coo ",pR"o~ )'<KLL" elim, wilb _ conIi · .to... " ODd boo better pRpand in ......... I .... anil.blt tor ,boll ruoan.b "u.e.tioonJ; or loft, thie. brior•. My ~IC iJ SJS.OO po. bour. Kalh ... h.. S. W.. d P. O. 0.0. 590104 Binniop.... AL 35l$9

_ --_ _ ...... -_ . ---'"--"'( :z05 l 9 ~ 1 · 1_

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• IIRMINGIWI OffiCE SPACE-SOUlll· SlOE: NiQ ~ oIfQ _ .. SoootISiiIe

..... ......."....., ..........-


... ..,trog 1'1... _ _ , ____

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....... __., ...., .... _ ........... ... ... ~

WIIhoo .. _


... !hi court· ~




_ _ _ _ _ 1M """""""- ' - - ' 11

.... h9>-__ 051.-.... ..... __


"'h-tuoI" offica II .... MiIoioII S - ..... obit raroo ""'" 200 110 3.10111; ,.... TheM ~ Q~I1" '~rll •. PlMst call Torn fbItI, .... ' 11!1JS.mX1.


f'IIo:rc ~ !139-' 1lI • AVE POINTS SOUTH LAW om CE: i)l!io:I _ "';IobIo in I new+r' O1IIio:I


• ATTORNEY !'OsmoN _

.. ""'"


jUn' _ _ ~

Stnl;loonI_ .... _ nl25o\, Moo ,IODi",


, 1M firra ThrM iii fioo

broCfiII-=!, iii P.O. lIDo


touiIditQ IocIted 1\ l11J 22ro:I SnoI. So.oIh

April 12 -13, 2002



The Arnefican Bar AssociatlOO'S GCM!!mIe!It and Public Sector I.awym Ojyjsion. WIth the CG-spoosaship of the Alabama State Bar, presents the Public law Office Management Conlerence Aprill2t!i and 13th. 2IXJ2 in San AntOOIO. The ABA's Government and Public Seclor la........,.ers Division, with the co·sponsorship 01 !he Alabama Stale Bar, will present this day-aoo-a-half conference to provide a 100um 101 public lal'o"f(!rs hom across the nalion and Irom a wide variety 01 public law officls to meet and share ideas for running a sllCcessful office. This is a greal opportunity to Ilam what your public lawyer colleagues are doing to meet the requirements of running an efficient and cost·elfec· live public law office. Topics to be covered include:

* Establishing an Effective Lega l Team; * Information for Clients and the Public; * Technology in the Public Law Office; * Services Provided by the Office; and * Hiring and Firing Legally; * Dealing with the Media There are lots of other reasons why San Antooio is a I"l8t destination. hom the historic Alamo, to the ITIiIIVIlIous sIqJs at La Villila. to the best Tex·Male food in the lone Sial State, MembefS of the Alabama State Bar will receive a distOUllt 00 the registration fee, Fat mote information 01 materoals. contact Theona Salmon at IZ02I662· 1023 Of


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