Lawyer 1 04 web

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... AND PROUD OF IT! lSI. INSURANCE SPECIALISTS. INC cumnll), serves in ilS founh decade of Insurance Program Administration 10 Members of the Alabama Siale Dar. E$tablished in 1959. lSI entered its affi liation in Alabama in the early seventies. Since then. the Agency has cxpaOOcd \0 the West Coast. New England and Atlantic Siaies. but maintains ils home in the SoUlIi where il began. We understand Lawyers and their needs, and strive \0 maintain lhe tradition orexccllencc Ihal SCtS us apan over limo.

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Vol. 65. No. I I January 2()().1

On the Co.-. Mobile Ray Fen)" Departing rrom Fort l\lorgan "Th< Mobole II_~ I'<ny <am., ...mltle. and """"'Km bcoWOO1l Fort MOIJOlI and I)uJpII," lsWod... the entnrlC<: 0( M"b,1e II _~ ,n IN Gulf 0( Mexoro. Al.<o visible "'" , ..... off........ dnll ,n, pi_if""",. Pho<o /Jy fa.1 C","fiml. if)


24 31

ASB hll2003 Admittees Appellll!1I Medilltion Arrives in Alabama By Judilh M. K.UfDn


Bankruplcy lawyers: If You Want Attorney路s Fees Irom the IRS, Exhausl Your Admini$lrative Remedies. It Might NOI Be a Bad Idea Anyway By Sou

- --



The Enfon:eability of Covenants Not 10 Compete in Alabama ByMirltMl EiI>o."rrlJ. Midttld F,.,_ fIIWI MOlJMw CIl,mll


ZOO3 Pro Bono Honor Roll


"lawyers' Cases for Kids路


Tho _ _ Boo, (10l ""' . .,.~ _1Il10HI56.,..,.. ~ 2&1-1$15 ' _ _ "'II


January 2004




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Are footprints as fool proof as fingerprints?

1M Muky's E·Ma,1 News Rep(m nonfocd the: dtkn .... att(lrJlCy of a .eem! COUrt dtcil.lOn f,om tho higlln. COUrt in ~ rteighbori", SUI •. H. wu surprised ' 0 find the prO$ttUtion's upcn wi,neu had also , ...ifitd in ,h.. c ...... 11.. 1 .he COUrt held ,ha, fOOtprints from insid•• shoe: we •• not " reoogniled . rU for expert tcstimony uncler D.uhon s,andard. "'s Ih.


def.n ..... "orney conlinu«i hIS ..... 1'<:1> of . n" lytinl lOurc.,. from Matthew Bc.rI<k~ induding Moo.~. FM..,aJ PTtI€I'€~ on ,he: le~l$N<'Xis~ ftT'Iias. M quickly found furthtr $upporri~ (ommetUary:loo a"aly";s, Whn! you nn-d ." SO a ...... bq<ond ",sn and codes in your .",...... h, u.... ,lit wisNexi$'" TOfal R..... rcb Sys=n---«'. how you know.


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Itonored recently 10 have .... <l!lIlOf\unily 10


10 110< Morga n County Bar "..-xl_lio.. 1I

\h(ir annual JIIeflinl' TlIere on: many dillinpishtd ;n lh~l 3.$soci3!ion. but John Cad ..... c~arly SUlIIW oul. Mr. Cacl.ckll ""gan the practice of1.w in 1933, and ;~ 93 )'Un old. Mr. Caddel110ld mo. SOme",hal apologetically. Ihll he IpCnd •• ish. houri. <IIoy in hi' office. lie also ~lioroe<IlhIol he is prcpari", for • jury llial! Jolin Caddell is ... OII'SW>din, lawyer and lCf'mll of .... oommu";ly and our profcssioa. fie: i, I member 01; .... Am<ri<an Col~ 01 Trial lawyers. iCtYCd praidtnl pro ItnIpOre of .... ,y of Alabama Board of TrmItn. n , in 19j1 ..... elcacd ~I 01' the Alabama Sll~ 8 ... lie cp"omizes .... hal \l1l1I rno:aa when ...., Ulik ........ '"pfof<3Sionalism~ We .1Il he proud of .... Ie......,p thai he and 0Ibers provided ... I pan of ... hat Tom Brokaw called. "Thc Ore.lesl (Je .... ",tioo." W. can be Jl"'Wd to be S\IC«SSor'S 10 the professionalism of "Thc GrealUl (lc .... rolion:' bul have w. lived up lO the hiah standard, llwy~ ..




SCI by our ~ ... ootS1 Thiny-li". years "io thi. put A",lISt] returned from I Y"Of as an advisor in VI... Nam 10 be,in II ... ICbooIlllht UnivcrsilY of Al.bama. Al lIIal'i ..... in poll. of' lhe public', perception of varioIol jobt and professiom. lawyers wen: mod near the: lOp .. hiS. .... mil· iIary ' " ' _ .... botlOOl. Thiny-live)'nll~. II>< po&itions have ~ Whfl Why the dramMic chan", ill the pntqlIioa ol the public rqardi"l IIwycn and the mili.ary? fTrioaps 1/1( I>lOO fundamental chan&e for \he miliwy .... !hal afit'r Viti Nam!he Kniof kadmJlip in the Army did the tQui,.. ltn! or. Klf·l.I«$Smo:nI."There "'IS. mum 10 ~ni!iorI of the military os a p<Of~ssion--in!he ...... Knse IS medicine. the prac.i<t of l.>w alld 1he ckrgy. To bo a u". professional i. [0 ha.'. an alkgi~ncc 10 a higher calling: in [be mini.try. 10 God; in I.",. 10 lbe rule of 8



law: in mcdidnc. to the ~ of lif~; and in the military. dtdkallOlllo the Krvic<: and drftnS<! of own.t!ioo. Each of!hoc: profeMlOIIl I'tqu,rc:s kaming the lnsk skills and the fundamenlal principles Ihal arc ne<:e$SaI)' 10 clfTJI oullha, profession', mission. "The professi""al know, I>Ol ooly how 10 do his pr0.fession Clill for. bu! ,,'hy he or sbc does iI, and the hi.· tory of the prorC:Sli.on. i.t" when: i. 1w been. and "'hen: il i. ""III. Above .11. lboulh. 1/1( profO$.SiolpJ is commincd 10 servo. The AnrIy did IlOl Kl aboul to change ilS image for ~ sakt-. The AnrIy Kt aboullo male fundamenial cban"" '0 btllC'f mabie il 10 <:any oul its mi..ion. 1mpro'o'm1mlS in lr.lininl: c<n wen: eotabli","" for orrlt'Cfl. NCO', and wlisotd sol· dier$; and tQuipmrnl WU uppaded. As tbc:se gOlls w.... mtl. 1101 only did the Army ':Iually boiler per. form its mi .. ion. it also beeame man: professional. The Army focuKd "" its mi ..,on and be;n, prepared 10 perform mission. 111,00 thin focusing on what oth· .... thought about it. In .bon .• he Army focu>e<i "" oru.winll thai its ..,W,... and Wlit. w.,." ready to Krvc their n.tlion. whcrcvcr cilled uPOll 10 10. So. ,.,ha, happmcd.o 11"')'<'''', 10 our profession1 CerWoly. I<pl traini., has improved. lawyen aK gellcnIly """'f'CleIIl in the uS<! oltod.nolog. and all ot.ates ha'" ..ubIi","" fIIlcs ol pmfQ$oonal conduct. Wtw's missi",1 One .ipi(an. chan&e lou been the focus 011 the practice ol ..... as I business nothcr than ... """. ice pmfts.<lon. Owing th.u 3S yun.. when lhe AnrIy tried In foau 011 management lecllniques learned in bu5iness. il JOOlI di<e'OVC1'W lIgt """"' is a dirr~ren« in management and ~adtMip. A plaloon ~ado:r can'l !TIanIIf;~. pla.oon up. hill. The focus on busineJ! lochnlqucs alld CCODOmic ;"""nlives may ha~ improved.IM: "bottom line·' for 1.... )'<'''. bu.iw been dctri""lnl.l.o the law .. a pro-




r..sion. Ala rutnl ......"Ii", of tht American 6ar Associatioo1ln

San I'ranc:isco. one of Ihc ~U"" comrnt:nlifti 00 tht


pr:n:tplioo by Ihc puoblk of lawyers noIed that llIne '""" 0\"C1 800.000 Web lites " 'hid! an: devued to lawyer jol... Many 5WC ban around 1M counlry ....... ottemplCd to thangc lhal perception by I\I1I,n, ad\-enilinl campaips 10 Ihc i~ of 1.... yUS. Whik _II ad "Al"*h has mrrit. pertIaps rallltr than r""lI$ifti on i"""",,"in, our image. ",., sbauld fttOlIIue tbat tht IfIPIic:Mion of bu.iness techniques and technolosy 10 Ihc pnoc1ic:e of I.... i. ~ ~Iy C<jui\Unl 10 Ihc ........ ic:e • ~po:<:'od of uS by our dic:nts, and os J'f1)fouiooals. Following appropriot~ bu.;ness prJ""ipl.. is /lOt in and of i!StU a mi, W:c. It is only ... ho:n the r"".J on "",iness ovenides our passion to serve our diona. ,he public and lhe profession tha, problems arise. If)'OOr plMion i. for J/:lmelhi", 01 ... if you have t>OI .I",ady. you n'Ilty ...... bt:c0fl'le diw,isflod ... ;,h Ihc I.",. Tl>osc "00 d'OOSe tho: I.... for (WOOITIic: IUSODS ~n bIcome fruwatM. In ~~. many 1a... yt"1'S ..·00 """"'" ilos .... oppor. lunily lOr tcrvocc lind Ihc law 10 be ncitinc and dlallen,i",. Wbetbcr one is n:pn:!enl'", • eorp:nlion or u individual. ",a] people and lhel. Ihoes ..., aff«ttd. They ""pe<.1 us 10 IUc tlltm and mr;. probknl$ seriously. Scr<iflg our dic:na i. Ihc c:QC""" of what we do. but ...., mu .. /lOt forget our obliplioll< 10 our commun;l",," our prof..sion and our familiel. St\'\'fIJ l"'1fS .,.,. the Alabama Stale Bar iniliated a """ram 10 enhance professionalism amon, lawy<:r.l in Aloboma.

' ' I' ' J>'e

CIIrn:nUy. CIImbcrland and !be Un",.,rsilY of Alabama],.... 5/:lIool. ro<OlI: !be "",,,"ntalion 01. propam 00 profeuiooaJism 10 all ...... adminto'$. L>....ym from • ....-ieIy o f _ ofprll(tice "",,,"III a day.1cng ",minar. A,,-& 1M t:OR\II'Otda ~\"td in lhe evaluallollS by !be pmUcipanIJ in !be ....1 .-.alii propam ......, 00CICCm. that in mr;. brief ,ime 01 pnctice tIICJI bad seen la .... yas ..'110 !bey Ihou&h' romied I ",fmJltr oounoe oa profe5-" l ionalilm. That ~n, "'mir>ds me of tht admonition my mo!he. often "'..... me .. I ..'~nl out tht door. ~~ha ..... )'CIIllYlf. you never know \\'00 is "'alohin, .~ It illO be e>.pectcd llIal ~oun. l.... yen k>oI< tn those al",ady in pntlice for III enmple . It I. Important thaI we "'I,ILa, e~ample In I positi,..., and profes5ional wa~. We 5hou1d. however, lry to do the right llIin. not ju" because ",meone is walohinll. ""I because il is the ri&h' ,hinlto do. A ~ COUf1e in professionalism is enoomp:wcd in \\'ha, ~'I rornrniuion 00 profes.ioNolism described as !be-stop and Ihi""~ 5/:hool of professionaJil/n, Too oflcd 1(Ida~ 1e11tJ1. are ......1""'. e-maik ...... and pltadinp likd .... ithout ",Rr:<1im, on ..1Iether lho decision woe an: obnul '0 male or the communialion .... e an: aboul 10 ~ is mically iale. in Ihc best inIereu .. our client. and "","""'til ... ith CIIIf p i '" prof_ionaI rooduct. Qvilily bel ..un oppooinl La....ym ohould IlOl be a pl. i, ohoukl M Not only should our ~ffom at professionalism focus on opposin, counsel. ""I . 1", on our "'Iotion'hip wilh our clients.



Notice of Election ~ I. fJtl'fIfI h«I1wIlh

punuanr 10 rill! AJabany Sute IIuIes ~ fktion 01 f'1e5Ki11f1r·lkt IJtId c.mnw-s

PRESIDENT-ElECT The AIabernI Slat. 8/lr .... elect 3 preso.Ient..1ec1 in 2004 \0 _ t h e pre$IIlenty of the bar in July 2005 Ivri t.ltW:flllatl_ be a nanbeI on good Il3I:Ong on Man:h 1st. 2004 1'e1,\IO:IS ~ , t.ltW:fotlil1e mun bear the sionaMI of 2!> l1*Iobto. In good ,!¥ding of the Alabama State Bar an:! be .eceMld l7r the seaetar'/ of the stale bar on or before Maordt 1st 2004 AA/ ca." chdile for thil offICe IflISl also subm,1 WIIIt the non\InalU'I!I pellllOfl a black aoo wMe phclogtlftt an:! bingraplucal t!m 10 be published In !he May 2004 AJIbamiI


BallolS .....,]1 be fTI(Illoo belwetlll May 15th arid JlIM lSI an:! mJS1 be .eceMld althe <lllte bar by 5 p.m. on me second Friday in JtnIIIJ .....

lIth, 20041

COMMISSIONERS Bar ro:nmoS'''Jne<l w,lI be eleo;too by time ~ wuh !he<. ",irw;opal offices in !he follOWJog eorcults ls~ Jrd: 5th. 6th. pIaaj no, 1. 7th; 10th, pIaaj no 3, place no 6; 13th, ~ no 3, place no 4, 141h. ISm, place no 1, place no 3, place no 4. 23rcf. plate no 3: 251h. 261h. 28th. 32nd. an:! 37m Addlllln!ll comrroSSOW! will be elected I'lthese otaIts for eadt lXL IfIIIfllbefs 01 the st3\e bar WlIh p'1'ltIpa/ otfoc:es hat .... The new corrmrssooner peiJll(I'lS WIll be delt!O,,,ihed l7r a _ on Mard'llst 2IDI an:! wcaiCies c:ertJfied l7r !he seaeuwy no law !han Mard'I I Slh, 2004 All l\lbseQuIo1 tetms .....,]1 be lor tlJ'ee year, Nomona1K1'lS 1liiy be made by pelll101't bearIng !he s'\lf\i1 .. n of INt! rrarbeos I'l good standing Wl1I1 P"Q:,pal oI!ites III the ClfCUllI'l whoc:h !he tlec1lO1't WIll be held or by !he candodate', "'linen dec:larallOl't of candodac:'y Ellher muSl be rec:eMld l7r !he seaeQrj no lale1 !han 5 P m. (lI'l!he lall friday tnAllfillApril :Dttt.1OO4) Ba IlQlI will be ",epared am fTI(IlH'w:f to rno'!Il'OOr' between MaV \11 alld May 15th. 1004 Bil ilots muSl bII.a11Kf alld rel ..ned I7y 5 p.m, on lhe lasl Fridav In May IMay 28th, 20041 10 the Alabama St318 Sa.

Inroom.1 rurvey. done in G«>rgi. ",n""ted 1lI.,loo of'en ttnain

eI",m e'J>e<:.alion, o f.he lawyer/client "'[alion,hip are IlOl me, in Ihc eye. of the dien •. Thing$lhe .. rvey ",poncd diem. expect inc[utJ.d: • AI !he lleginning of the ",preson""ion. an OWI'Mllon of lhe process .• he charges or fee arrangemenl. ~me eXJ>e<:Ia,ion for resolution of !he prOblem. al!ema,i,.. , '0 ,he coon 'Y5lem; • A full ....... men' of Ihc case •• Ithou, ""'gar coo,ing"; • Li'lening '0 !he dicn, .nd "" •• ing !he dien, with respo:<:t. compassion and ... n,',;vi'y; • Promp< ""urn of phone c.lls: and • Effecti'''' compe,en, and efficicnt represenl>,'on comple,ed in. ,imely manner. In Ocorg;:o, ,he $lUdy concluded ,hat ,he", .... '" "unfoou"",e ""nd. of commercialization and loss of professional community In ,he prac,ice of law ..'hich .... manifested in an und"" empha_ sis on the f'nancial rewards of prac1ice.• lack o f and civili'y among memll<rs of our ~fession. a lad of respect for lhe judiciary and of OUr.ySlcln of jm'ice. and • look or "'gard for I)thers and for ,he common good."The Georgi. Sludy wen, on 10 Slate,

As a communi,y of ~f..,ional ... " .. should strive 10 nI.1ke ,he ;n",m.1 ",wanls of service. craf•• and

character. and IlOl the ex<crnal reward of financial gain. our prinwy rewards of Ihc prac1ke of law. In our prac.ices "'e !ohould remember ,bat ,he primary justif..;.. i"" for who we are and wbat we do i$ the conunon good "'. can achieve through !lie failhful "'p<escnla"on of people who doslre 10 "'SOJve !heir di.pII'es in a ",,>Cefu! manner and '0 prevenl (u,"'" di,putes. W.!hould remember. and .... should help OUr eli""" ",member. 1111" ,he ....y in which OUr clienlS ",solv. !heir disputes dofi"es pan of the C""""'lrr of our socie'y and " .. <hould acI rcudingly.

....e<! Gnoy. my ~essor al prcsident of the Alabama S ... ", Bar. introduced "Lawyers RcntJ.r Service:' which has !>OW been adopted .. ,he lII0I'0 of ,he Alabama S,a,e Bar. That truly is our chanenge a. lawy01l. 10 remain lJ'Uc to that g(>3.l-«rvi<e 10 our dien .. , 10 our profession, 10 our conlmunl,;"'. and '0 our families. When ..'. sel"" ,hese opporIUnllies for ""'Ice we add ful· and. incidentally. improve the r,llment and "",a"ing to our public', confid<nce In and ..... pee, for our profw;loo. I am exciled abou,!he opporIunl!i"" for ",rvlce we h...... lawyers in Alabama in ,he lh' century. and sa,isfied ,hal ,he Alabama S"le Bar is tt'IlI<le up of lawyers COmmilled '0 ..,rvice. I ,ugge" Ill., we.n 11)' ,he .... op and llIink approach 10 ~fessl"""IIIm. and dedlca,e ou .... l>... '0 pullin& ;nlO practice our tlcW 'Ia,e bar lII0I10. "Lawyers Render Service." •



Judicial Award of Merit Nominations Due The Board of Bar Commissioners of the Alabama State Bar will receive nominations for the state bar's Judicial Award of Merit through March 15th. 2004. Nominations should tle prepared and mailed to: Keith B. Norman, seCrtltary Board 01 Bar Commissioners Alab ama State Bar P.O. Box 671 Montgomery AL 36101-11671 The Judicial Awa rd of Merit was established in 1987. The award is not necessarily an annual award. It must be presented to a judge who is not ret ired, whether state or federal court, trial or appella te. who is determined to have contributed significantly to the administration of justice in Alabama, The recipient is presented with a crystal gavel beariflQ the state bar seal aoo the year of presentation. Nominations are considered by a three·member committee appointed tJy the president of the state bar, which then makes a recommendation to the board of bar commissioners with respect to a nominee or whether the award should be presented in any given year. Nominations should include a detailed biographical profile of the nominee and a narrative outlining the significant contribul io~sl the nominee has made to the administration of justice. Nominations may be supponed with leners of endorsement.




United All Over Our I and Everyvvhere ~ ~ il AIitIama, yoo can find it l...rdAmeri:a represen~ neiIIbj. \/lie are v.flere)OJ need us. Yh!n )OJ need us. As ~ SClI.I'Il:' fer real e;tate transaction 5efVicEs, Jrlrlog title Ilsu'anre, 00' representaWes are~, profE5Sicnal cn:::Ill'SpGlCI oMth fOiesig!lt an:! irloovatD'I to 'fCAJ dlanging needs. IMlether yoor next transaction is CCilliI*x a siTllIe. call us to ~ the l..cJldAmerica difference.



(01111101 . oIIYldllandTIt\e ~T,* l~

nsuo__ ~


r.. ImInnce Con'IpiIny

FiIan:iaI ~ IK. • 2200\"b::dJ1!'1 PIacr. 'iIiIl' 330, Bi'rriIJjml. AI. 35209 PIolr: (DJ) 831-{J!IJ7 • faIc (205) 868-1011 •\'MW.IinIa'n.arn t.'dlaeI E. ROle •Ya Pn:;i:le II; Area}!rKcu15el . iil'dlualardm.can ~

FosterGoo6Mn · />Ipq~ · ~

aa-t.w. Caio ·SertJ ~ . ~COO1 Rebecca E. Oook . Aqi!«::f~ . ~.CO'Tl

One Hundred Twenty-Five and Counting


be Alabama Siale Bar celebrate< its 1251h anni>' Of Quasquicenteflnial. Ihis month. The record< ren.."lh., a prqw1l1Ofy ~Ii"g 10 fOfm lhc association was lirst hold in Montgomery on o..cember 13, 1878. Following this mttIing. a <311 was issued for .""h CO\Inty bar 10 "'00 a delegate to meet on January 15. 1879 fOf!he purp:xe of organizing. Siale association. The organizational Stssion was held in !lie chamben of the Alabama Hoose of R~n ... (i>ts. The session concluded on January 20, 1879. with lbe adoption of a roJU,iMion and byloWll

CLE Opportunities The Alabama Mandatory CLE

Commission continually evaluates and approves in-stale. as welJ 3S nationwide. pr0grams which are maimaincd in a CQlllputcr database. All are identified by sponsor. loca(;on. dale and specialty "",a, For a complete

li<ting of current CLE oPJlQl1unilie, or a calendar. cQntarl the MCLE CUlllrni<sion officc at (334) 269路1515. extension 117. 156 or 158, or you may ,-iew a complele li<!ing of ~ prognuns allhe Slate bar's Web site, _alabvu.0'l',



200 4

for lhe Alabama Siale Bar A.<soci.tion. W~ltu W. Bngg of !>lo nlg<>ffiCry was elecled 10 serve as lhe aSSOCialion's firsl preSidenl unlil lhe firsl ""nu.1 meeling sci for lhe firsl Tuesday of Doc~mbcr 1819. On February 12, 1819, lhe go ... mor awroved an acl i""01JlOr'Iling lhe Alabama Stale Bar Associalion. The 30 lawyers who had organ;'.cd lhe stale bar bc<:a"", its fi"l ""'mbers. Allhe associalion', firsl meeting on December 4, 1819, E.W. PcClrn of Dalla. Counly ekcled as lhe Sial. bar', second president. The minUles of lhe aS$OCialion', early meelinss relkcllhallhe ...1<: W wos pri""ipally a social organizalion drawing togelhe' lawyers from ""ross the Slate. The annual meelings Ilso prm'ided lhe opponunily for lawyOl"$ 10 present papers on SUbjects of inl<:lIeclu.1 . 1Id professional inlCrt:SI. Our pre.~nl4ay annual """'lings likewise pro'ide a co.wivial '''''''sphere for n:newing old ac:q ... inlances and professional ed""a_ tion. Although social fU""lions.1Id !"Of."ioo,1 edu 路 calion still conlinue to prMQmina", annual ,tale W meetings, 100ay'. Slate W has evolved from its simple beginnings of social inletac:l;on to . romplex """icc agcuey administering . ' .ry ospec1 of lhe legal profession', licen,ure and regulalion in Alaba"",. The 1923 acl of lhe legislature transformed lh<: volunlary bar into lhe seoond inl<:graled bar io the coun_ Iry. By this acl, every I.wyer licensed 10 pr.>::ti<:. law in lhe Siaic of Alabama became I""mlltrs of lhe Alabama Slale Bar. The Slale bar .... s gi"rn lhe authorilY 10 carry OUlli>e rule. !"Omulsaled by the supreme court. Thus. the ,talc bar . nf"","" lhe admis,iOlt rules, rules of prof.,sional roI>CIucI, mandalory legal edueal;OII rules, elicnl set"lity fund rules, and rules of 'pecial;:talion. As. self路regulated profeSSion, the supreme coun', ",Its are carried OUI by groups of

,"",UIII ... r bar memllcn.. includi", the Cbaracler and Filness Commil1 .... lhe BoInl 0( Bu E.>.aminen., the [)iscipli...., Commi",ioo., the [)iscipli...., Ikaring PlIn<ll. the DiKiplirwy Appnb PlIn<I. the MCLE Commis.oion, the Oitdl SttIlt1IY Fund Commil""'. and lhe Board 0( LepI Specialization.

"'iULar1y compa!e !he StOlte bar 10 I "sandwich: AdmisslOOl and discipll .... the IWd ~ ...~II·k"""'.. d flUlClions I

of the .... lC bar..... lil;c me lwo oJkes or bread ",IlIIe lhe Olhrr less ""ell·""""·" pI'<>lnll1l .... lil;c the meal IItI...'..... tho I..... .Ikes oIbn:ad . 1lIe La ... OffICe MMage ......1 A .. i~....., I'roiram. lhe: Volunl ... r Lawyers !'TOgram. lilt Lawyer Refenal Servk<:. all(! lhe U"'ycr Assislance Program au eumplcs of programs lh. 1Io""e lhe " .. milt .. of !he bar ar.d ...,ptl!scnl lhe rt.1 "meal" of the bu. l ",.Ii", lha. lhl< an.logy is simplislit. !>.n lhe....... lhe prosl'lnns ar.d "".i"ili.. lhal have helped lhe: -WI" bar bc<~. """" romplelC """it(: Igclll'y by fulfilli". iu ]ia"..n, and ""ul>lOry obIiplions to tho l"'biit and iu assoclliional ~ibillll"l0 bar memben.. The StO.. bar IllS flllrle<d I ""I' ~ "'~ the C<MX 01 the WI 125 yeal'll. 1lIe qal prof......... has likt:I\'l~ Uptlitllt'«i ~ chanJe dunn, ""_lime. The thin, thai has ",nwntd COlI' swI! from 1879 unlil now. hI:>a"e\~. is !he notion thM our profeuion IS OM based O<l $t:t\'ICl'. Al ilS ",....i", lall ScpIcmber. the Ikwd or 8 ... Comml'sjoners appt<)V<'<I as • Jl<'I"U""nl mollo for lhe: ~ale bar tho theme of Fred Oroy's year as ",";. denl. "Lawycrs Ronde. Scnoioe." A< " 'c celebrale me olale bar', Qu""lu i<onnlenial. Ie, u, COlllin,," our lJ1Idilion of """icc for lhe llClll 125 yean. •

Free Report Shows Lawyers How to Get More Clients Calor-Why <10 ><>mr 1> ...,. ... JeI rich ..luI< ocb<n

......1...... tlo" moMh. Y""

"""ui-to pa)

A .. ' ........ poem. Ward ..p. .... Ion". ,. a ........, <:>l .1.. ", .. month lfI<' m<>rIIII. ye&f af.... year " I' r..l. If..' U> rom< ",.he offi, .....:ry day knowin, the phone "',II rini aoo new .... i"... " ,III>< "" ,he I,...." W>nl h.. tw~, lUI ",f<tn.l sy..... to 0'1'<' l.$OO In, y... ~"Ofl<lwo<lc. and Ills ,,·n,1On •



'Tht ''''''Cf. """"«hnl 10 MI<InI<y. 0..><1 »I . Wo.n.l tIu """',," ",d<> "ith llIcnI. aluralIOII, Iwd woei. or ""n lock '"1'b< "",I:<: ,he ~ii 1m: not iI1 1><".. 1.~,J'ffi'''.'' .. y•. ""'y h"" "mply toow to

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.... " 5<'fV,,",,_" A ~u1 >Ole pt3<h..,..,.

~N> orrugIc<IlO"""", clocnu. Vo'>rd m<Iot< Ioos IIIrJIortaod ID a .. r<mll marU-unl .ysc<-m ..

del'<1op<d'" ye¥> .,.,. -I ...'" from _ _ ..:I

oJrooo·ni", i. ol.b< '" .........

$300.000 • )'.". pnc'''all~ ov"n"pL-h< .. p Mou la,,'y... depend "" he tIO!eS. "'" no< one In 100 U5C •• ",f.mrJ S)''''''l "Vol,,,,,,,, • sY'I<m. odemll. >r< unpredictable. Yoo ""'~ g..


may-:"" ..p.

..... "'pori,

'·110" To


M..... (:II<RI> In A M .... ' . TIuo" \."" S.... Cd",U \·.... r !" ~~"'h mlCai. - . OIl)' Ia'"}'Cf <all W< tho •• y<tem '" JeI """" and thei,



Aloborna I~ <an JeI • " li Ef. copy <:>lit> .. ..-port by call,,,, 1·-'562-Ui27. a 24·

""'" free reoconlc<I ""''''ge. or "'o<i"n, ...... w.b '''' ,


hn 1' :11 .... ~ '.d . vld u td.""",



l;nrnlY. "The~e

trial lawyers have held nOlhing back in the way they have prescnled their ideas aboul dosing arguments. Old idea~, Kinvenlw iden, and ~upcrbly original ideu filJ the pages orthis book.- johnnie eom.-.n




~ loIahoma fA ",}"" n" t.",g~, publi$h~. tuftfrrsus anJ ul~ph"ne numbers Imle.. Ih. "nnouncomMI ,..1"" . 10 Ih, "fH!ning of" n...· firm or ...10 ",...ene.. Piau conlilille 10 . md in an""unum,nl, and/lN addrrS$ changts 10 Ih. Alabama SIal, &u MenlMrship V'p<ll'lmml, 01 O J4) 161_61 / 0 if"") or 1'.0. Box 671. Momgom~ry 36101.

About Members Janie Baker CIa",e announces the opening of her

offICe at 11 2 1>1 S! ....!. West, Fort PaY"" POOnc (2S6) 845-m5_

Danlool E. Iloone arutOtll"IOeS that J asper Da". Perry bas joinod his ftml as an associate.

Chorie5 W. Ednoondsan. fooncrly of Alar&: ""P.

8radl<-y Arant Rose & Wh;t~. U . P annoonccs !haI Jobn I). Bond. III bas joinod the firm as l pan....-.

UC. annouoo:s the opening of his off"" 31 621 S. I'cny Street. Montgomery. Phone (3:14) 2l6--9034. Sle.'~

R. Gnlham. forrnor pmsooutor and di.trict. attorney for Lauderdale Coon!y. bas his retirement and his elec!ion to become a supernumerary diMnc! 8!tomoy. He has openod an office for !be getlmll practice of law at 210 W. ThS(aIOO$lt Strttl. FIon:noc.


Phone (256) 767·3050. at

lindley M, Iiale art"""nces the opening of his offICe 1431~ Coon Suw, Mool!Ofl_ POOnc (156) 9054991

Marilyn May lIudsoI~ U .c announces theopen; ng of her offICe 31 The Annislon Offl« C... tcr. 1316 Noble Stttfl. Snit<: I-I. Anniston. Phone (2S6) 215-9105. ~Iy

R. Knlghl 8J\!IOlWICe$ the opening of offICeS 31 1Wo Perimel'" Pan: Sooth. Snit<: 31~. East. Bim,iftgham. Phone (20:5) 967-6304.

J _ph C. K... ps ""notJnets the ope"ingofhis office a! 1313 Alford A,'.nu •. B;rmingham. Phone (205) 823-m~.

Jcff...y C. Robinson 8J\!IOlWICe$ the opening of his off"", 31 719 Ilroad Street. Selma. Phone (3:14) 8n-lOll.


Tassin anroounces the oprning or hi, offl« 31 1015 Iligh ....y 72. Eas!. Thscumbia. I'hone (256) 383--0802.

Among Finns The Alabama Seaetary or Slale's Off"", annouoo:s thai Trey (; ... nger bas been S(lc:<;Ied to SCf'."C as general cou"'C1 fO<r the ~ncy.

Alford. Cla ..... n & McDot",Id. LLC 3l\l1OUItCe'l that M;gnon M. Ikl.aslmoct. E. Larkin lIatcltell, 0........ C. ""m]x,rly. III and 1>. 8rian Murph)' have joined the lim, as O5IiOciares. 14

8wlon & Cft>!eno. LU' ~ !hal Tra,'", 8. !lolly has become an associaIe.



8u.h Inl.II .... luat Properly l.Itw Group. L LC annotJTtCCS that M~rk D. t:rdberg has joinNl the firm as an asS<l<'iat<: and thaI Gerald M. Walsh ha< become a{cQuaul. Campbell & Kuker LU' annouDl'« thai 1>. Ktlron M<Go"in bas joined the ftml as an associ:ue. Campbell. l.a lludde & Weston LLC 3I\IX1Unces' change 10 T. Il,,,id WOSIQn. U .c. Han"y Campbell and Frank L.all ........ wlU serve as of COOlIOU/ to the ftnn. I\arttO

Capell & !loward. I'C arutOtll"IOeS that John II. R~h bas b<:oome an .....-;:ue of the firm _ Leon M. Capouano. Paul l~ Bedman, J r. :utd Ronald W. Russell art/lOIlItte the fOOllalioo of Capouano.llHk""," & RtJSSclI, LLC. OfflC"CS are 10031· ed at 560 S. McDonough Street. SU;I. C. Montgomery. POOnc (3:14) 834---4808. Carr. AUison arutOtll"IOeS !hal Alan K. Ik-Ikt""r. Danlel A. Frig. St..,""n N. ti tts. lll. E~",lx-Ih Jackson. Cody D. Robi"""" and Matthew P. Stephens have joined the ftml as associalc$ and ...., Incated in the Ilirrningham omo.. Jan,.. C. Mom. bas become associ.ted with the firm in the Mobile O/flCe. John W. Clark. Jr.• Judith E. Dolan. \\'a)'". Morse. Jr.. S hB"~ M. O tK1t le .• nd 8 arry W. Ha;r annotJTtCc!he fonna!;on of Clark. I)ola n. Morse. OtK1tle & Hair. PC .nd that lindley J. Smi th, I.ucy W. Jord~n .lId Cltarle!; I). Slewarl. J r. ha,'C joinNl the finn as oSSQCiO!<;._ Offices art looated al 800 Shadc~ Cre< ~ Parkway. Suile 850. Ilirmingh.rn. Pholl<: (205) 397.2900.

Clark, Scotl &: Sulli'lIn. PC ~ !hac f'rmrh McMiUan .... joined ilS

Mobile o/fx:e .... ~ E51es, Sa nden &: Wllli a ..s, 1.1.C announCU Illal Tllnmas C lai born" William , III' ;oi~ ,be firm a< ad . ..odll • . t1dolily National nUt Insurano;o,

Com"""Y01 N"w Yori< annQIIJ"aS 111M J~ruollt Sl . ........ G .... nd has btc:oroo: "",iswu vice-prc$idrnt and AI:aba!na state COOtllltl.

.' rIedn"", If< Uu .......y. PC ~ tIIat Knill M. Gwlliltl"l and Ilaph .... S. Jacbon II,,,,, joinod tile rlml as -.socialc$.

Gidirft, lIin"'" If< IIffndon .........:eo tl\al 1I. Robert JoII_ has joino:d !he

rum .... ~ J"""", T....a Guu., Jdl"rty GcnId Tickal. Laurya Ak_ I ........... and Kmt Mi<batI l...... rdaIt ............... tile form:IIion 01 Gillbot:<-, l "\dua1. La... rd:oIe '" Laudcrdalr, UJ'. Off.,.. an: Iocatcd at 700 Avenue D. Opcli\;L I'hono: (334) 749·

.sw..... &: Alchison 1.1.P """""","" that Ni<oIo M . UtdIly, Son,.. U Sheth. \\"~Iiam llp10n ~ I. u..n Morris. and Hobin W. ~ ",",,,, joino:d tbt finn .. _ ·

1.)00" Pipts &: Cook, PC announc:eo thaI Hnodl., H, Sand-f... Jr. IllS joiDed "'" firm ., :an _ill~

If< Nlrhoh, I'C """""DCa that Hk ....rd A, linin!... is __ • pan.,.,. in lhe firm. M..,...,. S I_

GrI"f:O<Y H. SI"" and l lenry Hrt"WSltr

_ tI\:oI ~bry );. I'Ikhtr hIlS joined tho f"'" .. I ..... mbor. and the r"", ~ is now Strin, 8 ... ~ ... & I'khtr, u.c.

N."man, Mil1ft', 1_ '" 0 '1'1'''''' an/lOUnca • I\lIIDe cblo~ to 1_ '"


Sttphcm, Milli......... Jlarrison If< Gamn ....... ""nouras IMt H<>ht!1 J. Wem,ulh joined the firm as I\l1 as.soci:u•.

Th. Hoblnsun taw .1rm, PC AnnouottS th .. l,.II urie S u~nn e MI>.e Il .nde....., hn become a ..... mbtr ofthe


Silt .. & lI"rbbun or AoJan ... """""nces that M"rIIO,w ... C - 1I00I01. has joined !he Jirm. She is. IW I ~ "'!he U"''''""'LY (]( ...Iabama .'kl>ool (]( Uw and I ............. 1ab.n:a su.. &r,

RLOShlon, ~y, ,Johnston &. (;,,",",1, PA _ that J....... R. Oid<.o .... bas joino:d the f"'" .... aHociaIc..

or""' ...

ToITtI & Altmann, PC ............ Ihac r_ 8. lIarriton Willis has joinod tho finn

Si"". &: i'<tnnutl, PC IIIlIIOlInca thaI Amandll C nR lIines Iw become >WOci. "", w,th \he firm.



YOU"ft. \ . ... "1 & 1'1ort.s IIIIIOIIOOtS Ihac V.1erie N. lIulchinson has joined tho finn as pofUltf. and !he firm ",-ill ""'" opo:nte unr.Itr the of \"OOUIj!, I'1orb &. Ilutdtl.......... •

Sm ilh, Spil"OOl &. ~dy, PC annoulXU thal H..... " D. SttWlrt and Ste.'tII M. Hron, ha", joiDed the firm .. . ...Od.l ...


Sll~ .

Iland Amlllall onnouncc:s th>.t Mich...-l Co 1'1' ......., ... Iw< joined the firm as a rncmbor. and S. lbuIna 8.onkest .... Ilo\:>Ior"l Smith


lIa"'-'Od< and W. 8nod1ry

II,,,,, btc:oroo: uooci>lCS.

R.. 1<)'1e lIannon and KJ'''' C II:orrtnllnt II\DOlIDCC tile IonnIIiIOII of lIannon & Banmtinr, U .c _ith ofIioes \oxaIcd. 1901 Clsswdl"'.~ Sui", 2. I'toll I'hono: 00') 3)8..'3»


. . w_ . ____ _.s-._




_c- ...


llill, 11m , Car"ltr, t'nnro, Cole: '" Rlack, I'C Innou~ that Srou M. Speagle htu joiJ\/:d lhe firm IS an lS_iat< . W~tson,

lIomsby &. BIadc ...d onnQUI1CC::< tIIat ,k,,,,irer L ~k"""n hIlS been IWIIOd a jwUor partner of !he lIO<"n>by.


.Ja<kIIoa Walu.-. 1.1.1' "'oo.'n<'($ _ J_ L ~ .... btc:oroo: omior ~l in tho AlWin, Toao office.

.. , . . . . _ _ 111IO..LIOII

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Drane Insurance Carter H. Drane

Jol,,-.. Barton, Proctor & I'o»WL U ,P .....ourom Ihac Kfttny M. ".Iliannon, ...... n O. Malh" and N'trok S. t'ox ha...., btc:oroo: ISIIOC~ ' " tile f"",. The 1.10... 0I"IIre'" Sand .... II. Lc"is, PC announces """ Ka,."n I. Maslin Ius become ...,.,..i>tod with the f"",.

To_ ..a .., .... .,... ....... _




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Judge William Loy Campbell Judge W. Loy Campbell of ScoI"boro . • "",,,,be< of tho Jackson COUnty and Alabama Stole Bar, passed .wayon November 6. 2003 "' the age of 75. He was born No,'.mbcr26. 1927. lbe 01<1<$1 of ~ sons of John HOf11Ce Campbell and Dol Blackwell Campbell. His rare"IS bo!h school {.""ben in hi, younger >""" 011 a fann on Sand MoonlOin. and hi. ~n"ed 1h= !emu; as WI. assessor for County. He .uended school inilially in Fyfk Al.t>am~ and lale' 0.[ DeKaib County Iligh &hool in FL Payne. who"' .... graduated in 1946. Judge Campbtl1 obIained hi. bachdo.-'. and law degrees from the University or Alabam. and ,,!,Ied


upon graduation 10 begin 1110 pnII:lice of law in Scot",boro in 1952. Hi. broIher. H.R. Campbell. graduated from the Uni>'C1'SilY of Alabama S<hool of Law and ..rved lwo years in the Army btfore joining his brother in ,he practice of law in ScolIsborn in 1955. Hi, younger broIher. Jolin Paul CamJ>beli. followed the palh of hi. partn,. into the ,.""hing profo.,ioo. n.. partnership of the CornpIxll b<oIbo:fs in the pr.ICIke of 1_ uistcd for """" 20 yC3J'$. during "'"i<h limo Judge Campbell served as an ~ .....t ",I;"itor for hcbon County from 1954 until 1%2. He ~Iectt<l to and served a! a ....p'~''''n\ative in the "ate legislature from 1962 until 1967. He alwserved as 3ttC>mcy for the Jackson County Commission from 1967 umil 19H. In 1975. he was appointed by Governor George Wallaa to a ne... ly crrnle<t 5«:<lDd cimoil COlllt jPdgeship in Jackson County. fie began hi. <arttr on the bench $CrYing willl


John B. Tally and beeamt!he pre<iding jPdge of the elmoil aft ... the retiremem of Judge Tolly in 1982. Hc ",,..wood the presiding judge in the ,,;reuit until his retiremenl in 1997. his Carttr on the bo:nch spanning "lOre Ihan 21 yean.. During his tenu'" on the b<""h. he ......."t:d as ~idcnt of the Circuit Judges· Associalion in 1995 and 1996. Judge Campbell was pnIC!icing I.w with hi~ brother. Bun~ Campbell. wilen he 1<»1 both of his Icgs as • result of • car explosion on Dccembo:, 4. 1972. Confloed ,,'. wheelchair for IIIe la .. 30 Y""r$ of his lifc. lie <1<>Qd ,"cry tall in tlK: judici.1 Jl<Ofcuion among his colleagues and the attorney' and litigants who appeared bo:fore him. Sorne his oolleagues on the beoch described him as having an ""ule gJ1I$p of the I.w. and knack for applying the I.w tocomroon sense and. mentalloughness and sense of humor that beli¢d his phySical handicap. In a 1995 interview. Judge Campbell $Oid he m,,"(Cr fdt like gi,·ing up aftcr he lOS! his legs. He attributed hi' pe=''Cr.lJICe 10 hi' upbring_ ing. Judge Campbell st.ted. ··Being in a ... heelchair i, IlO\ the worslthing IIl.t OO\Ild happen 10 a pe""". My disability has gi,..,n me a much bette, perception ofhfe as wollas art appf«iatiOl\ for il:· Judge Campbell is ~urvived by his wif<.llliub<:IIl Hail Campbell; hi, daughter. Ramona Colli",; IwO Slep<OOS. I);)nald Kenna",er and Bmy Kennamer; two bro!hers. ILR. Campbell and J<>Iut Paul Campbell: and gnmdchil<lren Carson Coliins. Eth:m Collins and "tYler Krnn3rT'ltl". _ Don Word.<,n'. Jacksrm Crxmry B~r Auodmirm

Richard Lee Reed Richard Lee R~. a "",mbe. of U..: Mobile Bar ASSOCiation. died January 22. 2003 .. the ag" of 52 M •. Reed. a nalive ofLooi.ville. Kenlucky and I Ionglime ""ident of Mobil •. graduated from high school in Huntsville. He =ived. bachelor·s degree from the University of Ala])arna and later =i,"t:d. juris doctor degree from the Univer$ity·$ School of Law. He al.o ."cOOed the U niv~ ... ily of l-lorid. whe", he rtttivcd c,,"ifICalion as • laX altomey. He prncriced I.... lhe Pillans la'" firm from 1981 IIlrough 1997 and •• became general cooI'II,.1 for Southern Medical and Springhill Medical Ccnler. A>ido from his law pnlCli"" and "'P"'SCnting Springhill Medical. Mr. Ro"t:d was an "'."oornpli$hed carpenter as tesrmed 10 by numcrou~ "'modeling: jobs

Ihal he did on his ho""'. He "'·IS also an avid golfer. loved football and wlS a '''''y failhful Crimson Tide fa n. He al", scn"d on the b\l.1.rd of di""'tQrs for Mai",U"Ce1 Mobile and atlendcd St. Ignatius Catholic Chureh. Cecili> Wall""". head of Mobile·s Springhill Ccntcr..... id. '·He was. wonderful coonsclor. and IK: i. going to be sorely mi,sed:· M•. Reed i. ,urvived by his wife. Cynlhia While R=I: three children. Ann Taylor. Sam""l Todd Reed and Ridwd Oli,,,, Ro:<d: hi, po",nt!. OJ. Samuel F. Ro:<d. Jr. and Ann R=I of Hou. ton. Texas: and Iwo .islers. Brenda R=I Beyer of Columbus. Ohio. and Lir.da Reed Carroll. of Hou,ron. - MichMl D. Knigh,. I,,,riden/. Mobil, Bar AssodmiOli

Alall B. Weissinger .0.1111 B, Weissin,e •. I Mobile I.wye •• dlc:d Sunday. July 6. 2003 al the qe of 81 . He was born in Binninglllun on Au,lUl 19. 191j and \Q$ .,.,Ju<::ucd in tht public II<'boob in Opelika. l-k allt...;.d Aubum Uni,ns;ly. obIaininl boIh hio uncltrpad"'le and muIer', dtJlftl ,n busi · ness. ,Ie enlCml tht United SI.IIeS Amy 011 July 2. 19041 and was dill<'liaq;nI 011 May I j . 1946 wilb the nnk of licut.,wlI ~I. Duri", his mili.ary career, he....-ved in tht Cbina Olfenlive and was romll'lll1dcr a small base In China. wh~h ",rllC'lcd pI ..... for "rik'" in lhe war again" h p;on. lie was awarded tht Asialic P:tcif", Campai", MO<b1. Follo"'illJ his hononble disc:~. he Mlondcd lhe Uni.-eni'Y of Alabama School of Law and gndUM' cd in J..."""l' 1~3. I'oIkIw"" .... b' .. ino Abn moved 10 Mobile and cmcn:d tht pri_ p!XIioe 01 Jaw wilb Myl ... R. En",I. lie ",malned in pri. ,"'" ~ for apprwiml1ely ,,,''' y"'"- lJ\ I~j. AI2n joined Joo", Wah~ 8. Gillion:l in forminl TIlle Guar3ll1y and Absuv< CompAOy. AfIC. tht death of Joo,. Gilliard . .0.1111 and Gc<:qe Williams ineo'l"","ed Really TIde: in July 1964, II. ",maine<i wilh lhal eompany uOlil his n:<i",me'" in July 1989. Alan "'as pot'JWI o(!he company and \'I;I<l ~11o)'al cmploytc:s. !Me ol " 'hom J.WIUl ",ill! him '" 1955 and Rmaincd wilb him until he mimi. These mIpIorccs wen: Sally Thorn ..... Sarah Robcns and Jean A<k:ock. Sally said. "AI2n was tht besI boss anyone «><lid 1\1>"' ....... hod. l-k "'"2$ al~ one 10 If)' 10 hdp!lis • ,,~ "" good bealll! b<n<{iIJ and he able 10 panlcipoIe in a


", or IRA pl2n. You «><lid DOl h,,,.., a bel· friend or COOfodanlC !han M f. Wei .. inger." Saoo Robcns said of 1ler old boss. "I SW'Ied WO'kin, for him riJllt DII1 0( high 11<'I>00I. Whtn I left Real.yTuk for I few years II:Id ~_k. he made me feel .. if I \'I;I<l DCYCr lell l .. ... a ............. le MId knl ....... Adcock oaid. wHe "'... a wonderful prt"I(Ift. Ht ...,..... wked w about hi.....lf. Another Imt;timc ernployt!e. J... ~ BflUIdt. said. " lIe alwIYS spoI;e 10 CYCf)'OIIe in tht offICe ..'11m he came into work in tht ....... inl. He "'"a$ a """ lIOOu."m g<nl1cman and Ibe Vta!· esI ~Ile man. Be \oval tht ~t1c work. FollowillJ hi. reli",mont. he spenl. pan of C'o"'Y day.' the local library. l-k ",ad hundmls of boob and would I" from one bbrary to tht od>rt. l-k read """Jlh;'" he ooukl "" \lis iIIIlds 011. A.... 1100 played Ibe OI'JII' II:Id piano II ~ and "" leAmld 10 pllY boIh ollhcsc inwumrnu by ... l-k enjoyed ".,hing hi, granckbiJomn bow 10 play. A.... ...a$ reeopiiu<i " one of lhe mosl "",-,lIndi", tille I.wyen in Ibc t n,ire ltal<l. .0.1111 "'as married 10 Mary F. Weil$in'~ 011 Novtmber 20. 1948 in lhe Opelika Presbyle,;,n Cliu«:h. Hc is <... ",h·ed by Mary: Ihrff daugllten.. Mary Ann Johnsoo of Mobile. Susan lee Weis.inger of BosIOII and loi. Camille ~ of Scmmu: lwo ....... Alan B. Weiss;..,.... Jr. and Lcorwd A. Weil&i",~. boIh of Grofton. MA; one brother. l.conard A. Weissill£Cf of New Orleans:: and ";ne pandchildrtn. -Midtattl 0. KIIi,III. Mo#>iu Bor " ..-....ion ICf





Frederick G. COIliIIS Frcdcric:k O. Collins. a Mobile lawy .... di«! July 2. 2003 II Ibe . , of 79. I'1td I native of Alexandria Bay. New Yort. IIInIdoi LaSalle ColIeJ:e in Philadelphia. lie then ........,10 tht Navy 0If""" Traini", School II M I. St . Mary" CoIleg< in Maryland. micbhip. man ..,Il001 at Columbia Univtl'$ily", New Yor~. and eommunicalion 11<'I>00I al lEuvard Univcrsily. Durin, World War n . he $CNed In Ibe U.S. Navy on Eniwel"" Aloll in Ibe Soulb PacifIC. FmI J:fIduated from tht UrUveni.y of Alabama School of Law in 19049 and he, ... praotio"" in Mobile in 19S0. He was a foundi", partner in tht firm ofColliM. Galloway &: MtorpIIy. In 19U. FmI""a$ employed os Mobile Ci,y AUorney and Rmaintd in thai capac;. Iy for some 3(1 yan. relinn, in 1989. PcuY Beadncll. otrlCe man&jl'" for lhe dly',legal dcp;u1monl, ",..... mbert<! him IS a (\e(li~'''ld ""non whose long y..... of ..,,,,icc .. head of tht depannlenl m;ode him in~altl3ble. She ~ id. "'He ",ally WaJ an

""pen in municipal law ItId "" "'U I ",ally

Iood Ia"")'ft'.w Fred· • . . . - . ofappro:<imllcly 40 ye..... Tom Gallo"'ay. pnioed hi. llbilitics IS an IIlOme)' and said. wHe Oel"UC'nlt(\ <he ei,y ,,'ben the city was undtrgol", dllC' 10 ~ga6on io......" lie worked do..,ly wilb former ma)'<lf1 l.a:iglUl. Ou,llw and Oole. (Fred and Tom law ..,Il001and became partners.) Fred wu' foondinll member of S1. Dominic Catholic OI" n:h and the friendly Sons of SI. Pa!rick. II. was .00 I membr:r of lilt Mobile. Alabama ond American bar IWICiaOOu.. lie: left ouMvi.., him !lis ..if. of S2 y...s. lloelma Namiu Col\inl. and right clliJd..,,,: C.lby CoI~ .... S _ CoIlilll. Carolyn Da~i<bon. Rick Comn •. Linda Jensen. Patrick Colli .... Laurie Kilpatrick. and J05Cph Collini. In addition. he Iud 13 vand<hildren. _ Midw.t D. Knight. prrsid. nl. Mooil. Bar " ..odation




Judge E. B. Haltom. Jr. l1lc HOflOf1>ble Elbcrllknram Haltom, Jr.. re1iw:i senior United SLo!e' Di,tri~t Judge, died Octobtr 12,2003, He wa, one of tl>o Shoal. are.', mosl distinguished legal ",bol .... and ~ilittn<_

Judge HallOm was a native of Fl"",nce. He graduated from Coff« High School and allcoded Fl"",nce SLo!e Teacl>on; College (now 11>0 Univen;ily of Nonh Alabama.). During WWl1 , 1>0 new 35 rombalrnission, as a balllu""t gunner in. B-24 bomber with 11>0 15th AfTTlY Air CO<pS. halian l1lcater of Operalion,_ Judge Hallom graduated in 1948 from tI>o Unh'e .. ity of Alabama School of Law. He was. !llember of Phi Della Phi legal f""e m ily and Phi Gamma Dell. social f"'!emily Hi, law be"", in fIor.nce with tI>o firm of Brad,h.w & Ba""'t!. After len yea ... 1>0 and Donald Pauerson. the late Laud<rrlal< CounlY ~i"'uit judge. fouoded the finn of HallQm & Pauerson. After I ,'ery diS!ingui,hed law prac1iee of 32 years, be was Ippointed Uniled SUlles di"ricl judge for the Nonbem DiS1ric1 of Alabama by President Jimmy CWer in 1980. He ReliRed in 1995 as a senior judge, Judge Hallom was a ..... mb<rofthe Alabama SLote Dar. tI>o A!llerican Bar Associalion, a Fellow of the A ..... ricon College of

Trial Lawycn, and a Fellow of the International Society of Barri.te ... Judge Haltom was one of tI>o f""'''''''t ci,ic leaders in L:tudenlale County. He "'IS former 1""sidcn, of the F1on:oce Chamber of Commerte. the Flon:""" Junior Chamber of C<)n\J!"Itf'tt and llIe I-~""" Exchange Club. He was also ...... m· be, of the Flore""" Rotary Club. He "''IS fom><:r .""inN" of the Ri,,,rbend Center for M"".. I Health Boord of Di""'tO<S, and a SlOle director of B1o... Cross and Dille Shield of Alabam•. Ile also $<1Wd tI>o Shoal<.,.," and the "ate ,'ery di .. incti,,,ly in both 11>0 House of Representatives (1954-58) aOO the Scnale (1958-62), He IosI in a !\100fT to Jim Allen for It. Governor in 1962, A lifelong ...,ti,,, "",mb<, of the First United Methodist Chu",h of Florence, 1>0 se,,-cd as chairman of both the adminis· Dalive lx>aTd and lhe Paslor·Parish Relation, Committee. He was. longtime Sunday Schoolteacher of the Men'. Bible Class and tI>o founder and t.actler of lhe Ferguson Class. Judge Hallom is su",i,-cd by hi' wife. Nonnie. his daughlt" Emily Olsen, aOO her hu,band, Nonnan, and t"" grandchild",n. Emily and iknt:lm Olsen, ~Ralph E. HoII, La~JaJale COlmty Ba, .4..,,,,,;ali,,,,

HOIl. Richard W. Vollmer. Jr. The Honorable Rkhard W. Vollmer, lr... senior United States District Judge. died at hi. borne on March 20. 2003 at tl>o age of 77. Richard W. Voll!ller. Jr. waS born in SI. louis on March 7. 1926. the 50n of Richard W. and Deall'itt Burke Voll"",,- Hi , family moved to Mobile wl>on be wa> I young boy, He atlended McGill Institute, graduating in 1944. and then en!em! Springhill College for his 1""-law studi ... whkh were inl<rrupled by. lwo.year tOUr in the U.S. Navy. lie gradu"'ed in 1949 and ent..-.d the Univc .. ity of Alabama School of Law, only 10 have his ",udies inlerrupted again by serv\ce in the Navy for two years. ultima!ely "","iving his degree in 1953. While in law school. he ,,-as. ""'mner of the lx>ard of edilors of the .4/"1><111'" La", R",';<w. He worked in the claims dtpan"",nt of SU!e Farm Inlurance Company from 1953 to 1955. and then joined the law firm of Pill.ns. Reams. Tltppan. Wood & Robtn. in 1956. From 1956 through 1990. be engaged in on ...,ti,,, lri.l pno:lice. in boIlt fedt",1 and $ta!e roons. He defended civil case, almost daily for over 30 years and never had a substantial judgmtnt ret>dered against any o f his clienlS. Judge Vollmer was a ..... mberofthe Mobile. Alabama and A"",ricon bar ",,,,,,ial;"n,, and while serving OS 1""sidenl of the MBA in 1990, wa, appointed 10 the bench by President George W. Rush on the "",ommendalion of lhen u.s. R"l""senlalive Sonny Callalt.1n_ At the lime of his appoin!!llent. his firm wos known as Reams, Vollm",. Phili"" Killion, Brooks & Schell,


JANUA R Y 2004

In hi. ",'cryd;ly pno:tiee. he WIS known to b<. man of his word. """"'ing respec1 to the roon OS ",,,11 as to hi. fellow lawyers. He lO<lk senior ''''1U!",. U.S. Districi Judge in lk<:ember 2000. after having se,,-cd on llIe be""h for ove.- Itn Y"""'- In pttparalioo for the unveiling of hi.< portrait to hang in the U. S, Disuicl C""nhouse. hi.< Iongti!lle law panner and fmoo. Fred W. Killion. k. unbc~,oown" to JOOge Vollmer, ",I;ciled rom· "",nlS from ..... mbers of tI>o bar who I!ad appeared b<fore the judge. Those l.wyers "'spe<:tfully described him as, "A judg. of tht old selraoJ-...<ouru:s 10 ~," " Hondlt:s the business of the coun in an "'''n-handed manner,M "Attorneys receive very fair I",at!llenl from him.M "rn:ats "'''ryone wilh digniIY:' "I've ne>'tf 5ttn any sign that he', partial toward one side or the other.. .! don't think he favors either .ide.M Judge Vollmer ..-as a religious man. completely deVOled to his family and hi, wif~. Marilyn Jeon Slikes VoII!ller. whom he married in 1949_ He WO$ oflcn heard to say. 'Tv~ gOl it madeI've gOl Marilyn and the kids," Judge Vollmer is , urvh'ed by hi. wife and their five child"'n. Marilyn Ann Bum; Rkhard W. Vollmer. 111; St""n H. Vollmer; Mary Elizab<lh Delchamps; ond Ja""" Durke VOU"",,, ond nine gran<khildron. Judge Vollmer', love of tI>o law and exemplary life obviously ted t"" of hi' children to become lawyers. Richard and James. - M;chMl D, Knighl, p",.id~nI, Mobil~ A.."".... ,;(!n


Erlillg RUs, Jr. Erhn, Riif. Jr.• • Mobile In<ycr. died ;" Point Clear ... Motrh U. 2003 M Ihc "FoI"1S. lie ..... born in Camden. Mansasoo July ll. 1927.llis flmily II'IOYtd " 'ilh ID!Cmalional Pllper Compoony 10 Mobolo in Ihc ea.ty 1940s. He wu .Ion&li.... ,"KIt", of Mobile brfore mavIn, 10 I'oilll Clear 011 Ihc ~ Sbon:. Erling wu . Univmily Military School gradu· ale. Af\c-r jll""lldualioo from UM S High 5<:1>001. he ", ..... ..:1 in Ihc U.S. Navy during World War H. Ite =eived his bachelor's <lejltee from lIoward College in 1951 and his law <le&tee from the Univcr1ity of Al.bamIo School of 1..1."" in 195J. &Ii", ,,-as IOdnllU..:I 10 Ihc Alabama SLOIe 8ar in 1~3 and WU I rntmbrr of Ihc Mobile. Alabama and Arnt";"... bar _ cial>OnS f...... lh.aIli .... on. ...-vi", as presidenl of the MBA in 1975. £Iii", bepn hOi II"" pnt"ti« wi'" M ...... Vden and Ed Thornton. and. iQ 19$6. bro:~ I roundin~ membrr of the rllTl1

of V",1:ttJ. Ruf. MIlI"nlY .t Curran. He also 5a"Cd ..... ~ MIOfnC)' for Mobilo CwnIyduru.,1bc 19600Erline ..... I former pMoicnI of!he RoIary Club of Mobi .. and the Athelsun Club. He ..... affilia!cd ..itlt lite Senior Bowl Commi_:IIIId 'US l loo>jl· time member of AU Samu Episoq>a! Oudt in Mobile. M<R ...,...~y. he was I member of St. PauI's Episoopll Chur<:h in Mll&Mli. Springs.

"",""" he ~ lIS •



&ling n...-riod MOl)' Semple on ntttn>ber I. 19.54. and they had fi"" childn:n; lwo daughters. FflUl Dick of louisville. Kentucky and Betsy Leslie of ~kmphis: and thR:e IOnS. ErIi", Riif. 11l. B=y Rii. ond lim Rii$. all of Mobilo. He also lett survivillg • Ms!er. Dolly Ba!CS.of~lobile.and]4 ~

-MicIoMl D.



Btlr ,4""";",,;,,,

Illez Duke Searcy ]""'~ Duke Searq. I member of the Alabama Swe liar. died Ju,,", 12. 2003 at lhe 1ge of 102. Mrs. Seotry was born on Augull 30. 1900. Ihc ...... &I''"r of Alice H. Duke and!.um Duke. woo "' ....·ed u d""uitjud,. from 1911lthrough 1923400 Lee Coumy probale judge from late !9J2 until J~nlLOl)' 1935. M rs. Scotry wu educaled in the pllblic ",hoots of Opelik..a and fC«ived her uDdcfJl""lldll3le <le&reC in 1920 from The HolliM. """" " -·n .. 1\oIIins Unh-m;ily. Sbe ..... tbc rID! female Illw ochool pa<iualc of the Uni'"CBity of A]abama and Ihc JCaIOId _ _ .tmincd 10 !he Alabama SL01e Bar. In 1929. &he "'"'""'" 10 her botllttooton of Opelibt and rom.........,., tbc prw;1icc ollaw ..ith her bro!hcr. Wi]];u. S. DuL: . ..i>OJC diUo",ulo.hcd law c...,.,. s.panncd 69 years in Opelika and Mmtsomcry. In 193]. Mn.. Sea..,y married W. "..,. Ulil ScartY and II'IOYtd 10 Th .. aJoosa ..·1Itre &he assi<tcd her hu~ in hio IIw pnc!ice. She .........t as ... iotam rqi§1er in cquily for

AIOI .."', Frank Oll,·n. Sr.

Gar ....., John 1l.,1.,


Mooile Admll1ed: 1961 DIed: Oclob:r 18. 200J

A ltooll' AdmiUed; 1961 Died: Juno 9. 2003

Coopn. Jr"", .. ,\ Irm:! B,rmlnJlwn Admlllro; 1936 Died: Ocl<lba 14.2003

Ho"·ard. John J ..... ln Columbus. Ge<qia Adm".... ' 1996 Died: 2003

Comrlt. lIon",r Wilson. Jr. i'hcn" CIty Adlrutted, 1950 !);cd: SqlIemhcr 19. 200J

J ......... Ed ... ln Ikl'~ Dearborn. MIcltipn


J u hn R""" .. Blrm,ngl\am Adllnnod: 195-1 Dkd: Augu.t 23. 2003

Admitted: 1984 Died: June 25. 2003 Jnh""OIl. Joltn R...... Jr. Bim,ingiurn Admitt«l: 1947 Died: Oclobel ]2. 2003

Thoc.toosa CoulllY from 1940 unttl 19$6. She "'tllmOd 10 Opelih in 1956 and ",sided in thil C(lmntunity unli1 her <lea .... M .... Scuty wu ocli~ly in'"<llved In the civic IlI\d cull u",] arrai ... IIf this community a. witncw;<! by her $Crvi"" on nu"",,"OUS civic.oo rommunily COIIlmil1ceJ.OO u <lemon't ... ted by her k!odcnhip in fouOOi",1hc l'w~"tiC1h Century Sludy Club. She wu devoted to her C",,~lor and WIS ocli"" in lhe atrairs 0( Ihc FiBi Biplisl a.urch ofOprhka and did U1en~ve won: wilb. the Women', Missionary Un;'" and JCrvcd .. president of thai OfJllli ... I;"'. Mr1. SCartY ..... bo:>wn in Ihc <:nmmun~y for her pacious dip;,y. fllloC milll1. sound j~1 and COIM"IOII _ _ She was ... impinIloa 10 women iQ tbc prof""",,, of law in AIIbama. Mn.. San:y ...... a dcvoIcd I1IIIIhcr ond iI .....-Md by 1..-0 ...... 0uI;e Seooty...110 is abo .. 1lIIIlnICJ. and ThnscoU SeIn:y. Jr. -Con...... Tor"", Ilu,"",. p,."iik1tl. Lu C"""" &lr M'OCW1;OO Mdlotni. I, \\"llliaon Joseph Bim,;ngham Admined: 1953 Died: SeI"Cmber 13.2003

&hr n<k. Ma tlh~w Alan II lmll"gham Adlnlu~d: 1993 Died, Oclober 27. 2003

Mlms, Roy l AOII Blrmingham Admiued: 1963 Died: lilly 28. 2003

Sto kes. JlOCkson WiDiam Elba Admttu.L 1953 Died; ScpIember 6. 2003

Po"tli. Shennan IIlad<uont. Sr. Falhille Admitted: 1940 !);cd: Octohtr 10. 2003

It"". William



Admitted: ]979 Died; Sel"ember 21. 2003

..... f'l"dy. C1o,,~ t:nur. Jr.


AdmItted; 1929 Oled; Scplember 24. 2003 \\'111""" llIIn k-1 t:UI!~"" IIlmllngh3m Adm LUed, 1919 ]),ed, September 29. 2003



2003 Special Session ith k .s Iha" IwO week< befOfC the clld of III<: fi",.J y~ar. ,lie 'egillatur.: was called into Special Se>olon to pass a General Fund and an Ed""alioo Budge,. In [he ,"'"O-weck period. the legislalUre pa~ an EdllC'lion Budget of approxim.ltly $4.5 billioo and. General Fund Budge, of appro~im.1lCly $ L2 billion and 80 Other bills_ Of lbese 80 bill,. JO were local AcIS and 42 bills .ppropri.,oo fund, 10 ""n-.lalc agencies 11131 had previou,ly been in


the bodge" wh;"h were funded unlillhe end orille 2003 year. Only Ih= bill, of Sl310wi& ""~m arrec'· ed the goneno] public.1 large. Art 200J...4 15 (1I11_J}-~ ~oMion '" ,oti n~ righls 01' a ron,icttd M ..., had previously been pa.«<d in lhe 2003 Regular Session arol been ,~ by !be Governor. This new bill was subslanlially different from !he one the G<wttnoc vtlood. NomiTIlllK>os to II>:: f'ardooI and Parole Iloord. ~ rnado ooly by the Govtmor fmm • lis! providod by thc Chief ) ... lic<: Ill<: SUfJI'I'm<: Coon. lhe Presiding Judge of !he Coon of Criminal Appeal<. and lhe L1. Governor, oowldds to !he nomination comminee


the SpcaI:cr of !he H""", of R<p'csrnwi".,. and !ho President Pm-Tern of the Sell.1le. The hiU allows the Qo..anor 10 appoinl four perrons 10 serve as special m<:.m..-r.s of tilt bo>nIllIrough September 30. XI06, 1lI<,... by expanding tile board from Ihree n.. mbers 10 se,.. n arid authorizing tllem 10 ,il in tv." panels of Ihree each for tile purp:tSe of conducting hoarings. wilh tile eh:oi"""" of Ii>: board son-iog as an allCfNle for eilher p"""L 'Th<: bill funi>:. p<O,ide •• I"""cdure for rostoralion of eligibilily 10 regi"., 10 ,<lie by <kel.~ng III< require. menllhal. I'"~ mu" be paroled for .,Ieas, three y<:ar< without any ~Ie ,-iol,I;OII bef~ ono i. eligi. ble to have tllei. voting rights restoml. It shor\<,n. tile time for III< initial appllc.,ion for rei"Slatemenlto boord members from 60 d3y. to 45 d.y. and del.tes tile automatic revocation of the certificate of eligibility to register whon. I'"rsoI!'S parole is revoked , 1I0'0'.. "<r, ono convicled of any of 15 crimes listed in tbe Act are not eligible for resloration of , ... ing righls Act 2003-130 (Sn.39)-Sotlr""'tion of Suspend"" Driwrs lice...... A./a, CiJlh Section 32-6-17 has betn anlet>ded to <kel.", the ~"iremenl for the Depa"ment of Public Safely to notify by Mecnified" ""'il any person


Vlow Form Fllos


VtlVtIVtI~ Leg a

I For m

s-AL~ co m

LegeIForR1s.AL.cOR1 was cJas9'ted espefirms and solo praclitioners who are seeNng to minimize overhea d expenses

a.y !or small

wt1 lle el(j)andlng thofr a reas 01 practioo, • We off9r you a seIectioo 01 Form Rles, each of which is a sot at related dooumenl Iorms. • 'rou hilve the option at selecting only the Form Rle you need to take care 01 your client.

• Each Form File may be previewed and downloaded lor Immediate lJSI;I and reused aga in and again to e xpedite your practice,

Mortgage Laat Will & Teatamenl Will Probate Ea ta te Administration Guardlanahlp & Conaervat0<3hlp Powar 01 Attorney lease & Easement Eviction Corporation Adopllon Criminal Dafense Criminal Prosecutor General Pracllce Timber Purchase litigation OO ... "tooCl



lOO .

""hooe Ii«_ his bttn ~ _lied or ~ and __ ptrIII,"lIOIIrlnOOn 10 be made by ....... I.~

Act lOClJ.5 16 (S841}-Tni", hrks. Prcwiob a ... y for lho ""'1Itt of a tniler pari< to d"p::>SC! of lIWIufa<1urt<i housinl lefl on lho" propeny "hen: ( I) Sixly day ......'C ~Iapsed .i""'l lhe lemI'nlIlion or CApiration of lhe leue q=menl and. (2) lho

"'lIIIn' ho, bt<:n obstn' C<>IlIinuously for 30 day • .rIC' I.=illll· lion of by .00" ()O'dor Utal tu.s t>OI bocn exoo u,ed, Tl>c I.ndlonl mUil,ivc t>OIK:e JIOf'!OIIlUy or by e<:"irled maillO lho ",nonl OS ..... n OS 10 ""y lien holder. 1( lhe propc11y i. IKIl I't'mo>l'd. lhe landlord can ",...:we lhe lNflufOClul't'd homo and :all pononaI proprrry. dwge for ~. or doolal't' lho rr<¥"y :obandoncd and d;,.pose '" it afkr publi$hin& a _icc in lho paper. If the IefUoIM does _ I'C5f"I'Id ...·'th'n lho time period Of does _ 1't'MC»'C lho rnanufOClun:d hornte .... ith in 4 ~ days. the rnanufrtuJ'Cd homo and any p<11<lII.3l proptny .... iIl he 000010· oi""ly Jl"C'um<:d 10 be abandoned, Tl>c lien bolder may make lho nlOOlhly pay,ncnt~ and Ie.>. ,he ll'Ii1c:r .'Ibe p;uk for up 10 12 month$. This Atl I>tt""'" drooli>'e December I. 2003.


2004 Regular Session l'I'Ie 2004 Rqubr Ses.ioa bcgJM I'dlNory 1. 2004. It is p.~ dw. lho $We """III "ill be in a flllldine crWs. l'I'Ie 2003·2004 budt;ets...., 1S million doIlara k:<.< than the prior ye ..... OJ •• ,,.. ialion. boll 430 million dollan below the essmli.:al ....eds '" the Wlle, T1>c cum:1ll ye ..... bud,<1 " 'U W iSled by • one-III'II: Iran, of $260 million to Alab.tmIt by \he f«leral gO"'. cmnll:nl .... hich ...'as . pan of lho $20 billion in ftdrrall't'li.f

.ffU1 IOWard otaICS. Tho", is no expectation thallhis (undi", from lho fcdonll ~ ",',0 QCNI ......... The Law InscilU'" is npoctcd 10 inlfl.l<lltoe the (Qllowi", billl dun", !he 2004 Rqubr Session. and copies .... iII he available on lho Insli"""'·1 Web oil<.

I, The Uniform Residenlial Landlord Ten.anl A<1. ($« i\lII. /,l,w)".r. Man:h 2(03) 2. The Uniform Trus, Code. ($« 11111. La"'}vr. May 2(03) 1. Uniform Secwiliel Act. (S« III... Lawytr. July 2(03) 4. A l'C"i!.lon '" Artic:1e 7 of !he UCC. "Documents '" Title.~ A diSCUlolion of thio anic:1e and the I'CVilion '" UCC Artic:1e 1 ...',11 be .... Iaoer U_. The tlUliluK! is cWI'Cfllly scudyil\lthe Alabama Eleclion La .... and Business Enlilic:.s ........ ,. howevc:r. il is _ CAJIOCled III .. any 1'l.'00mlllOndation ,,·ill be available unlil the 2005 Regular Sus\on fOf these I"", projc:<:IJI. FQr.-e inf<:tmWion abou, lhe Inllilu IC. conlacl 80b McCurley. dil'CClOr. Alabanv. La .... tno;eiluIC. P.O. Bo~ 1161425. 1\osc.aIoosa 3S486-001 3: fa>. (W) 348-8411: phi::lnf< (lOS) 3487411 : Of visit our Web Ii ..... .........II/i.muUU. .u •

_l_. . ._". _. ._. ._. _'" 1tId:wIor. ..It.




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" SUo..- I< Alchl50n lawyer Ashlt-y W.lkI ... U",bad\ lepI Sccmaric$ Associaoon",2003 u..yerol!he V_. La<t )'t...... """""'. klchr.rd [I11b. 01 ~ pt=nICd che plaque.. N"""1 Ibm!.·, kpI J«RIIfy..:l !he Bi.SA :!OOl M(1IIbrr 0I!he V_. nomiMtd Iott. _

IIiInIOd !he


U.s. l>btrid Cc>IIr1 J Karon O. IIowdn 01

S,""'......... ba$ hto:n .......... Alu...... 0I1h:: y.,..

by Samf<lftl U""-m;,,y, She is. 1971 Samford JRdu. ~ ODd. 1981 C'Iornb:rlalld School oILow pad.we. s.o.."", was JIaQ10ed fedmol donne. COWl jlOdll'.

NOflho:ro> Du.In<. of A ....... in 2001 Sh< ...."" "' C'IoO>btriand from 1990 "",il 200]' and ",.. di=wr ofche sebool"l Lcpl ~"and W';uoa~. Prior.o .tw. s/Ooe was I partner 1he fiml of R"'~ " PeItIlOO. Gabdm auon..-y Gngory S. c..sIn....... It co-cdil<lr of I newly publi>locd nati<:w"lal1oO~·



volume wa1;. enci.1ed.

ur;"""", r"" CiUts. designed '" ... i>'l lriall.w~,," I() "",Iu· au:: and PfI.""P"'" 1011 c_. The As.oci:uion of Trial Lawycn; of ~ ond Thom;orJWc>, ptlbli ...... !he ..m:. "'hieh ha< br:cn ~b<'d IS "!he lIIO>I


~hensive twmII. wverage at 1M Ctit$ :wi pro. eeWr:al i _ ..... .n.e In !hem.~ C'Iosunaoo "a 1968 paduaIe of Ihe URi....mly of Alabomro School of I.- and pM!. ~ of che Alnmo Trill Uwym "'-">cilllim. tic is a rnetnbo1" of .... ATLA 80Md of Govemon. pUI <I..,. oflht NlllioIIaI Col ..... 01 AIh-oc:acy and 0I1e of only "'"

I"'"IJIICIIII at dot Ufco""" Ad\oc"Toe" ..... A....... prcscnI' cd by che ~ ofTnal u..")'CR 01 Amorica..

'*"'"'" ..,...

Mati Umbb. I Ihe Bifmin&ham linn 01 IInodlqr A...... Ro5o: I< While 1..1,1'. is lilt ....... praodeat 01 !he 9""""","", K;......... Club. che ~ Ki,,"OiiiS Club in !he workI.. ....... IMI S.lO "",,,obe>5- A• • 37. he " Iht yoonp presidtN in che gs. r- hiS/Ofy oIche Sumu,,,,",,, club. Lc:mbI;c is I _ _ rum "'ud<: gnoduaIe of Rhocb CoIqe and a gnoduaIe '" the Un,,'I'"'Si'Y 01" VIfIiniI ScflooI of Uw. Ik was RlCtrIlly appoolllCd by !he Alabama Supn:rne Coun I()....-ve .... !he Sl:UIdin& Commiu« 1)11 Rilles of tQnducl and Canons at Judidal EdI.; •.

A. II. GKdt .• Iso I rimIer ",i.h lindley Anlll t i. ,ioc'prUidcn' of TIle Arrottkan ColI.~ or

ComIniCOOn Lowyat.. an Ilflaniza.ion of 120 IIW)'<'i'1 from .. ross Ihe CQIliIUy dedi· c.led 10 ",,«lienee in che !pOCialized prxIoce of co. .uuctioo I..... Hc lias br:ca • Fd ...... of w ACCl. ..""" 1991 and is \he '1USUm". Gatdt is • &raduMt 01 Yak U...,.....,.y and Duke a-.s. Uni\"Cl"Sity School of Low. and is a ".;,,,b.. oflhtAmtrican Law IMlIl .... and Ihe C1>anrn:d lMIi ..... 01 Arbnr31M. Ik .... '" IU"CN. Iy appJii\IW by Ihe Ameri<:an Bar ASSOCI ........ 10 sen.. on i.. Law Scl>ool Aocrcdi.lIlOn ComnlillC". whlch 1ttWdl.. all U.S. law schools. AI--... Governor Bob Riley appoinled R. b«a W. Pri.clIdl lO .... ISW<". lhrce"",mbcr Oil and G .. Bo.1nl. The board is chargcd wilh pre-."tnling lhe w;ute of AI.baoJ\a·,";1 and ..... reS()I,U'C"". and proICCIina the ,;gIIlS assocloltil wi'" ""'nc:...rup in.."."... in properly. minuaJ or roy~lly ,;gII" ",131;'. I() the e.<J'IOnIion and dcvtJopmcni of oil and gas I\"SOIIftt$. I'rilChell sen....... st"nc-ral """". ..110 .... Alaboolll.l Fa""""" AModa.Ioi\. and .. I rnetnbo1" <CA1he Board ofTno>lCt:< 0I1he Alabama Foi"C'o.... Wild Lard TIUSI. !he 9innin&l>am RqionaI C1wnber at Coonmenx En'''ironrnmW and WaItt Board Cornmiu«. the s....ineu C......cil of A~ Emirororoollal Comminec and its B""""f.;kis Wo-tgroup. She is aKbairol .... EuaobI"C Womeii·. RowxbhIt in Bifrninchaon. <hair 01 .... AI ..... S1.OII: Bac Em-uonrnmtal and Nallnl Resoootccs Law So><tioo and I member of Ihe Bonninpam


As!ociation Envin:Inno/QIaI Commi.1<e.

• Eo )" Jo/I........ Imcmhtr of Jo/IlISton. aanon. Pro<tor I< ......"CII..... in"",1cd IS I mrmht,·lI· large "" che E..«ulil"C Board 0I1he National Associa.ion 01 WOOltiI Law)'<'i'1. She joined NAWL in ZOXl. and j, oo-cbair 0I1bc llIinmalJn& CommiIlCf'. which publi.tocs The NlIiooal Oi~ of W(lO'rItn.Q,..·ned La .. Firms alld W(lll>tn lawyen. The NAWL i. I volunla<)' kill pmfeWooal 0fIlJ1;. ution dcvoIcd 10 lhe inl(I"CS" 0( women I.w~'" and .... promoIion of W(ln>en·. riglllO. In 2001. Ms. Joonson received lhe American Bar Aswcia~on's Pro Bono PubliroAwilOl rorthe nineyear pm booo ..,.,.....,malion of M)"harl Pan!uc. "", in hi. rekuc from pri"", in 2001. arlo. ins ..,,"cd 28 l"""'" Also in 2001 . lhe Univeni.y of


Alabama School of Law named her an HOOOOU')' Memt..r of the Dfder of the Sammla .... She is cum:n!ly tho:. Alabama c0c hair of!he Women'J Ad,"O<'!e Commi!t<>!: of the ABA S«1.ion of Litigation. She se""'''' on the ABAs Standing Conunit"'" on Pro Bono and Public Se,..,.ice. M .. John"", i, a grad u,te of the llni'"e ... i!y of South Alabama. where she w.. on the [)can', l.iSl, and the Univeni'y of Alabama School of Law. ",·bert she was the senior editor of the Alabama Law Review. She i •• member of the Dfder of the Coif. ".... a Dean M. Leigh Harrison Schol ... and Hugo Bl"" ~ Scholar. partiei_ p""..d on !he Notional MOOI Coon Team. and se ....·ed on the John A. Campb<1l 1.1 001 Coon Boord. • Jonathan G ~i .. n . in the Birmingham officc of Bake r, I>onelson, Bear ma n, Ca ld,... 11 & B er k o "· it ~. w.. named vicc-<hair of the CO<JlO"'te Coo nscl Commi""" and Planning Il<)ard and ,he Business Law Commi"",,_


l ,aura E. i'n:J<lo r, a shartbo1de, in lhe Birmingham offICe of Bak..,., Donrlson. Wa'l appoi nted to chair the Young Lawye ... · Committee of the Defcnsc Rescar<h Inslitute, As chair. Pro<:u:xwill P'""sOde Ol'<Cr tile nrganiution', """""" largest commit"'" with 0,",' 2.500 mr",ben and oversee 19 su~-<o"'milt=. DRl is the largest national organilation of dcfcn .. trial lawye", and COfJlOflltc coun.<el in the country with o,,,,r 21.000 memt..n.

The H~·Mou ntain BrooI: Kiwani, Club selooIM J ,

Soou Sin .. as lhe 2003 Kiwanian oflhe Year. Sims ".... recognized for hi' Itadership e fforts with his club. ""here he bas been nominaIM to ........., llis second temt on the boanI of direct"" and as the Ki wani, Advisor to the HO<OOll-ood High School Key Club. He i, a lso. "",rnb<r of the Boanl of DUttlors of tho Homewood City Schools Found.>tion. Sims w.. """'n~ y nanled to tho Birmingham< Joum,,/"s Top 4() Unlit' 4(). and i, • gradu.te of the Birmingham Cbambc:1"', Leadership Ikvdormtnt Class of 1995 and Pmjtct Corporate l1adership_ He is a shareholde, with S ir04~ & Permutt. P.C. S;m, gta<\"a ted from the lln i'"Jl;ity of AI.b."",.nd retti"ed hi, law deg~ from ClIm~rland School of Law.


~iatiOfl el«ted the following officers: J a m.,; Van lVilki" .. Syla:;auga. president: J ob Fa nnin . Tall :>dcga. vice-r<eJi(lent: and J ennir.. n. C . ra,,'a y. Tollldega. ~retarylln:3sun:r_

Tbc Talladega COUll1y liar

IV. l>OUglas ArAnt aJl<l Il<>m ard A . Monagh ~n. J r. won: among lhe =ent inductee, into the Downtown Ki"'ani, Club's 2003 CI .... of lbe Birmingham B",;"".. Hall of Fame, C",.tcd by the Downtown Ki w.nis Club in 1997. lbe Hall of I'amt =ogni",s Birminghom !:oJsioess leaders woo hOl'e exemplifted strong leade",hip or made extraordinary contribu· tiott' 10 the gr..-. te, Birmingham are', W. Do\Jglas Amnt was a 192J cum l{Jud~ graduate of V.le Univ.",ity. where he ...... editor-in-.:hief o f the Y(/I~ /.i1w )"""'(1/. In 1927. he joined the limt of Tilman. Bradley & Baldw;n. which I.te, beeame llradl~y Anon l Ros. & W hite 1.1.1'. and "" h ieh will celebrate its centenni.l next year.


Bernard A. Monaghan. Jr. "arned hi' hIochelof', dcgn!c and • Phi Beta Kappa Uy at Birmingham.SOtlll",m College and I I.... degree from Hor;ard Uni"""'ty. He was • Rhode::. Scholar to New College, Odoni llni' 'CfSity in 1939_ Hc tlIctJ joined Bmdley

ArtlJIl R= & White In 1958. be be= .....""""6,,, vice-pmi. <len, of \'ulc:>n Mate rials Con'pany and "'"II< named pn:sidtnt and ehairman of the tx«'Uu.,.., committee in 1m. Monaghan doctom!e ofbumanities dcg= from BinninghatnSouthern College in 1967 and the Gold Knigh! of Management Award from the Nati<Jnal M3n3gcmcnl As$o(:iotion. I-k wM ind""ted inlO tho Alabwna Academy of Ilonor in 1978. ti n;' 5 1. J ohn of Cullman be<:amt I Fellow of the American Colkge ofTri.1 Lawy ..... Tbc Colkgc is nwle up of ,he be" of the triol bar from the UniIM Slates and Canada. Fellowr.hip in the College is by in"ilation ""Iy. SI. John i. a pan"'" in the roml of SI. J ohn & St. John and has been in pr.I<."tice for 20 ye...... He is an alumnaoflht: Uni''''''ity of Alabama and tho Uni""";ty of Virginia School of Low. and i, • mrmbet- of the Board of Trustees of the Uni"""ity of Alabama Sy'tem , Ashley lh G r "r ofVi"""","1 and J ohn Re. of ren City ha,'c been awardttl Cabani ... Johnston sc.-hoI"",hips by the Alabot ma Law Foundal ion. The sc.-hol ..... hips are given ea:;h year to second·year law students who are Alabama resi<lentS I itending an ABA·"""rulited law ..,1>001.. 11>< ..,holarship was endov."ed by lhe rtml of Ca b.lliss. JOh lll1011. Gardner. Dllm"S & O ' Nea l. G,; ..... gt11duate of Bimtingham·Southem College. will «:Inlinue her <ludies .,l)uju, Unive ... ity. and II.ta. I UAB graduate. is ""eMing Vale Law School.. • J o n"l ha ll C. AuguSlill ~. with Adams & 11."""" U . P. ""as elected e xecuti..., vicc-presidenl of the Young Democrats of America.

Wnde II. 8.~"'y . • ..,nior)WIner with the Dothan r,rm of 1I..."""y, 8u)(,y & M cDougle and a pMt president of lhe AI.baml State Bar. was elected to the Americln Bar Associllion Board of Go"."""".


Bria n P. M cCa rth y. I memher tbe of M<:IJo ..'~II, " n igh' . Roedde r & Strollf'. U .e. hos bttn n~ the "",tIIe.".m region vkc-prt'SOdent of the National Associllion of Rail..,..,;l Trial Counsel. 11>< A,sociation. formed in 1955. is de<igned to f""ilitate e,<lunge of infonnation and ideas :unoog lawye ...... ho defended the railroads. McCarthy is. 1981 grodu"e of IIli"';s State llni.'.",ity and • 1986 graduate of the llnivOO'iity of Alabama School of La,,'. T raey Cary. HOIL"on C oonly B. r Associa,ion JlI'eSidenl. said tile HCBA recently donated. te!evision 10 the jut)' ....,mbly room 31 the counly counhoo..,. Come"'t Cable i. providing f~ cable ..,,..,.;ce for lhe televisiun. which COSt approxima,.ly $400_ Kutheri ne N. Barr . a shareholder It S ir04. & Permutt. ha, be<:n ..,Iected as <haimlan of the American Bar Associati",,'s 11. ••1 I'ropcny, Probate and TruSt Low Sectioo Commill"" ott Long.term Car<c. Medlcaid and Special Needs Trusts.

• 11>< St. C lair COll n t)' Bar Associalio n =emly made a $?SO donation to tbe Hannah llome, SI, Clair Coonty, Il annah Homr has bttn open si""" AuguSl 2002 and is a place where womrn and ohildren can go who are n""ing from dome'llc •. ROMrt M inor . pre<i<lent of the SI. Clair County B ... Associ.tiott. Slid the Odea 10 help Hannah Home was unln;""",sly al>Jl"'O"w by the osweiati""_ •


" t R , I I , ,,""N

Statistics Number sining for nam



.. ... ... .. . .. ... ... ... ........ ... ... ... .. . .. ... ... ...

Number cmifoed to SIIpn"mc Coon of Alabama. ... ...... .. .

.. . .. . .. ...

Crniftcation rate· •..•.........


386 69.5 percent

Ce rtification Pe rcentages: Univcn<i ly of A labama School of Law. Binningham School of Law .. , ...... .

Cumberland s..hool of L:.ow •••.• _ Jones School of Law ....................................................... . toMes College of Law .•.........

*/"cludu only thou sucrusfully (IOSs;"g bar r..Ulm /Utd MPRE

9-1.2 percent 33.3 percent 86.8 percent


60.' 9.7 percent

Alabama State Bar Fall 2003 Admittees Abercrombie.laKistla Al len Abston. Jame, David Albea. Stuart Ilemis A1exaalrll. MdleIe AR.Ieroon, ArrJrfffl Patrid

AOOerSOll. Thomas Trelltlen Armstroog. BenfSIfHn Scott Arn::1Id. Hobart HUIlIoo Arnold. limotlr; lee

AIls...,. Step/'lell Jared A\IOIl. Matthew Jay

Ayes. Donna TlICler !laggen, &nii'! Leigh ilaIIakel. A1ffeoj Mart l!ankester. Susan Leama Ilarll:s. Page Am

Barbe<. ~ Owen Barge<, Cyrus C1iffoo! Batiste. Dorothea Beasley. Robin wade Belcher. Sitk"ey 6ru;e Bell. Raben lara Bell. Shaunath!r1 Clint

Bence. Tur\; L1mai 8ens''W. Bdl Oe\.ooey

Ber1"Iaw. Karef1 Renoo Bethea. Blm Venuon Bilbrey. Shelley lynn £lilts. Waite< Thomas Bisl"lo!l. Blandon Todd Blsl"lo!l. lialTison Kimt.oogh Bla<.iwell. Vi'llini. Lee Blumberg • .Jarrod Abrams BooJie. Melissa J &ttoms BoOOs. Thomas Dewayne BoocIeras. lyle·Andrew Bonwick. 1lenIy Green EIo"MIen, Canio3 M.o;helle &\<:I. leon Augustus Branum. Emily AhBa Gary Blasher. Charles Harry Bridwell. Philip McCall !Imn!<. GeorQll David !!roIon Tiffany Anne iIrt:MIli"ll. John Phil ip Bryan. Chad Wesley Bryant. rw; Elaine Bullard, leigh Hallen Bur'<IloIder. DavId Randall &mett. 0..."... Roooo Burton, SIIavon latr8SS Bussey. Heather Mar$

Itjoo1I, Terr'1 Randall

Catlleriroe Mo;C(:meIl Ca.,. David S~ Calabrese, Jeffrey Auo}.lst Caldwell, Jesslca l'jTJl Vet1tterll Call igas,lOlJis Mrdlael Caron lee Cabani$S,

<"""n, O~niel James farley, ShamJrI Mit:helle farmer, Melissa Beth

kug. Daniel A1e.<a..oo< h!IS8f1. MIChaoeI Josep/1 ferguson, CharleS Mcllonal~

fonnegan. Pand Conor

~, Jotv.~

FlUS, Stephen Nobje

Ql!TllbeII. Joseph flardall

FlemIng. O""d MIChael Fleming. Enn Brool:. Flowers. Virgillia Ame room. lilTlllhy Jay Ford, Benjamin YOlWlg Ford, CamIlle Root Fe)(. Nocole SmIU1 FtaSUle. Loo Am Frederd. Oinstopher Lee Freeman. Robin Cobb flJlts. Oeaooa l eigh fu't. Hilary leigl1 Gallo!. Freddie Garrett. John Kinman Gil l. Sle\tIOOie Celeste G~ssood. Steven Ryan G~son. Rathel tlisabet/1 Goldsteon. S~ .J<ri Goleman. Aooald flay Goodman . .James Jefferson Graffeo. Vir(ellt Jom Graveline. Jol/frey lkoald Graves. Michael Lee Gray. AHreda Roekell Gray. Bridgett VaS$8l Grecu. Monica Denise Hall Greene. Andrea Morgan Greene. Rosalioo Gnffin. C..nja llooel1l Griffin. Kelli BIaI:a Goffin. MtdIaeI flay Grubb. ArcI1ibald Irwin Hall. O\arles Philip Harriug, leigl1 Anne Hami!roo, Wilham Eric Hammond. Susan Nielsen HaOO. Robert Tyler 1IarIsen. SUlam!! Bailey Hardage, .kna!han Alex 1IarpeI. Carol Gan1 Harris. Ashley Steven Harris-Hill. DoMa Patrise Haidlccd:.leslie Carol Hatchett. Elizabeth Larkin

Cantrell.!lPher William Carpenter. Davi~ O'Mil Carroll, Dlarle$ Clay Carter, Merodith Jean Casey, Th:.>mas l ee Chandiramani. KlJIliIl Lald'laod Chandler, Albert Oaltm

Chesser. Mary tlizsOOm Cloud, Brian Mochael COiI' er. TameI:a Aoo Cochran. Missty Blue Collins. Terry tl.l{l'n' Coote. DlriS10liler Thomas Coote. Emily Rice C<:x>per. Am; Michele C<:x>per. Dalioa Masani Cornelius. W,lIbain Da!roo Cotw. Edward Devereawc Cranfotd. ElizabetI1 Ashley Crost:rv. Arge~ JoIyn Crmk. Michelle Leogl1 Cumnirw. Arge~ Rochelle Marlena O·Olive. Harry McLeod Oanlels. Solette Elizabettl Darwv. Spencer Wavoe [)e Gwect. Benjamin Joho DeLucia. John Michael Oid<eos • .lame$1Iaymnl 00n/hIe, Sosarl Gale Octsoo, Mic:haoel Jeremy

Dotson, TraceyCrisan Oowi i~. (histie Eil leen Lvrnao Dubin. .Jacoh fosi Dock. Christop'ler Ramsey JosepI1 Roben 1Joo1ap. 5 _ Reid Easley. Patricia Loolse Edwards. Cami lle leiQl1 Bdridge. Kethryn Nicllols Roe EUerbrocl. Raben Steven Ellis. Eli,abeth Anne Erllberg. Marli: DavId


Haves. C1viSleO laMonica Heath. fIoberI Wayne f\eaveo. Jennifer Belle f\einss, Dlristop'le! Fred flenderson. laurie Suzaooe Mile flemy. AlISsell Rawls Hill, NaS/IarIt<l Latise Mare Hines, Amanda Craft

Hinson. Madeline PatnM Hinson. Robert Ivan Hod!l IIlS, Al lison looise fioff. SllaMOf1 flilabelh fb}ao, SteP>eo Richard

How, David Earl Holly. Tr1M' Blal:a Holtham. Soot! Jeffrey Home!, Kimbe!ty Aooe

Hood. Pa~id; Jose~ Hooks..knalhao Midlael Howell. Sally Aoo Brewer HoweIl·Best Katherine Erika HLJrSt. Blian ~ Hutchinson. Valerie Numelly IItman. Raben Morgan Ingram. Safiya l'IM Ivey. IJsa Marie Jadsoo. EJ i,abeth JadsIln. fie.ther Kelly Jadsoo. Ja:>an Matthew Jacksoo. JosepI1 Dudley Joc:obs. Jame-s Allen Mons. Charles Richard Joe. Jenruler Denise JoIvIsoo. Brenda Aoo JoIvIsoo. Joho W Jomson. Wil liam TiptOn JoIvl$!(VI. Kesa Marie Jones. AJe>.anler 'Mute Jones. laShante Juan;,a Brown Jor(Ian. Julie


.bdan, To"" Coter Kam~is. Julie Taylor Kerry. Clifford Ealeb Kil lebrew. Amelia Robinson Kim. Do Ta King. Arge~ Renoo KitdIen. Charles Andrerw Klos. Katherone Marie Knowles. lea flartlin Koch. Jennifer lyle! Kreps. Joseph Claude ((ruger. Kirli: Mthony


_ .... _.....- ---

Alabama State Bar Fall 2003 Admit/ees Kusu. Kew\ I\aojmond IDa. AmbaI LI'II

Ma.ntaon. Clinton DeIIone Mwser. AmI Mane

lM'Ide<$, ~ I:eoIh lee, PaUOll ~


UlienthDI, Morril Herber1 Liodsey, Kec:tu Juan logan, Meredith AIIBa lrog. Feheia Abernathy

Nation. fUiJte fIerO~ Naugle. Margot Vanoa Neeley. Andrea DenICe


Neese. L1oo.n lee Nesmith. Kip Allen

long, Wi llianlJloeob u,...", &;wdi lIM

Ndm. April Elli5

lrog. 01"-


Mmt.w TockI

...... ..., ....

lIaS. Jeff.-y Neil MaUl, 'kIoroI SIunUl

MInton.lnIiI Jo ~ Ma1Jn. ~em lee Mann SIII'IIey Allen ~.AlWlo..I

May, Am-; Nicole

May, Erin ElizabutI1 Maze, Corey Landon

McCIlIn'mI. Patrice Erruta

Nd'ds. Ea.w. 8ry3Io Nittd$. ~ f'IIgI

........,... """ .... '"

Nortoo. James l'atrd

aM.. Sa.ah Moon

(co,,,;.", d)

IlOo ..... Richard AIe>3:de! Ar:b< ..... &oth l.&1J Rodgers. Woliam Lee fUsseI.1'aJI VaujIan Salaam. I\amadImh ~ SinJerl, 8rad1ey FIobert Sass.1loI1y Dawn Sc:tu:t LI'"f' ~ Soott./wf .James Scott. David L1mar

fOlD!. E1hIn Tv\Bf foctwell. DanoeI8oar1 fllglB. Jasoo er,.m 11)11'(bl1;. BIake,lewetl Toolt. Ashley WarrflO

-..,................ -""'" _...- --"" s-ty. John Edwin

Seder. Kme1y Gail Sheley Sell. ~ EI<mm SeoeI. ~ EWleth

Too..dIstene. William Franklin Troppe • .JasIJl Andrew Jucta. Jeremy Clean l...nopseed,l:emeIh McShan VwINortwd. AacheI Ellen ',\;Igt. Elliot Joseph WadI, MO;!W ~"-ts

PhiIIips . .Jemifa Dawn It.dson

Sheley-TrtlfI"bIaJ. Shaman MIne SOTrnonl. fIizabe!Il Ammead SOTrnonl. J=n Teny Torothy &arOJn Sledge. EdwarC Sifmms Srmth./wf Dalton Smith. Cynthia Parris SmIth. EliLabe1h Ame SmIth. J=n Ray SmIth. .lI.<S1IIlee s.n.m. L~ Mane

1'tJ¥ntef. t.91JI Miller

Stow. James WII'tnld Soa!bae. Mmy Dawn ~ (nsI8I Paige

..... Go, ...... Parter. ~ Aoon Piner. WaI\ef W~ Parrish. Russell ~ Partin. John W,IIOO1 Pate. Oav!d Hunt(lr Patterwn. Jon Howard Patto'l. Marl Ellen Gimclc I'e¥ml. lerr!esiI NichIIIe



Wale!, SarM Ki<t!nI WIlWd.. Bnan Allen WBIIWl.ljdia Am

Watbns, JoshJa Martin Watklns, Melanie Chism Weeb.IIo/lbI.NI&loe Werm\Jth. Robert .Iose\tl 'MIa1e'i. Brardi Jo 1'h1ley, Maoy Bnnson

----"' ' _ ....""""'" -_ ... --- -"""--_ ....... -""'"""" ... "" ----'" -"'""" ---"""""' """"" """" ...."'" ...... ""'' "'

McCluer, Swart Halkett tkGowin. S~ Gielw. /kGuIre,1Iichird ~

MddiIIIn. FterdI ArIhw McMiaan. Toll., EnInUJ McHieI . .IaI:OO Bden ~$Ot~

Susan a.....

Uaadows. Mc:t.IBr...m

MM:hanI. George WaynI Mi lleI'. Alan Benton

Mil le!. MICah MaM'I Miller. TfIC'j MIChelle Milil. Demd: A,. MinIf. Joseph TockI Mitthell. James Ellongton MoncnaI. BfontanwI Md'IaeI

Moo.,_,. Mo:tIIIe

MoonI. c.oIlm HIlkII Moore, Glen OlaM Moore, t.bvoII GnId Mo-gan. a...! Allen Mmn. ~I Ntw'MDI Moms • ..Ieme$ CarnM I MO'"$, Larry 6enjanwl


Z00 4

Speagle. Soon Michael S;eli:er. Glem ~ ~. John Thtmas Steenslar<l. MaurICe John SlajiIsos. Matthew l'I1illip St,oson. Charles Bradforo StoUs. Ronald Ke;th Stowe. James Vogil

1Ie~ .. food, Jertmi l-v Il¥e.liu;IPalroI

s.t... ~ Cattoama

Rid .. 1hu l AI'QIIina Mane Rittman. IItnanda f'IIgI Riley. Ab!r1 s..n.d IbJrt. a,_alee Oo:mn Tapley. ffri JerO'ne T8jQ. Allison Suzame T8jQ. CoretliI Bare T~. ROOert TfI1f

limo EIao\wf

"",..,.,.I"ilrd GIIm


I'IU. G!aopy {Mh 1't'aI. Phillip Alan PuM!re, ~ IIrm Rani:!<i. 0aW.I8etIjarrw1 Raper, ..t.res Lutt. RapMn.lori Michele Ratliff. Robert Al len Rayborn. W,lI iam Mo:wgan

Stutz. ~ 0aWI

'_.Lydia Thatp. Jamoe AIisa Ni>:

Roberts, John Wi lliam ~.

Cody [)ewayr-.

ThctnIe"i. John Soon

'MllIe..IosIw IIo:yro

WodImIn. JarroIi Am

W,"-.AIn ......

Will-. Ap~ 0..-.

WiIharni.l.esha m.;" Wilklml. lane Jasoo Willn, Micah CtIiId Wilh8ll'l$. Phillop WIryrr!

Williams, Thomas Claiborne

Williamson. Kenrrt Mallow Willil, Slephaolie Amaoda WiI$OO. JoshJa DM:I Wil$Qn. Natasha lynke Wi~NathanPhilip

WrrOlfty, o.Ies Corbell 'N.d.", ./eItfey,..;t W_Jom~

'MlIIe. Thomas SaIIuI 'MnhInI,1\R.lI1 Keoth

Wr'fjt. Shannon Kay

Lawyers lathe

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Appellate Mediation • •


Alabama 1111111111111


cginning this month. AI.bama will haw: a mediation I'f'O&I'3II1 a,

apology, ""hol"""hip or insufllllCe.

the Supreme Court 01 Alabama

also p<><Sibililie •. Fi l'lh. mediari.on may help to maintain or enhance relalionship<

and the Alabama Coun of Civil AWaJ._

T1Iere are """'Y odV3Jllllges to • mediated ~l1lcmcnl al the appell.te level. FiB!. panics may save the cost of traMcript. reoord and auorncy fee, if mediation fl!Sul15 in a stulemenl. Second, the cI.,. Wre in mediation means thaI there will be DO "Wlicalioos for rehearing or pel;. tions for cert. and p.1I1ies will no! be dis_ lracled from more prodocuve acI;vilics. Third, panic, may .\/Old legal pm-



ceroing. mediiUed 5CulcmenlS are more often oompliotl wim. and rtduce the chanoe ofl.leT ocli"", for modif",",i"" or coUate11ll ",lid. FouI1h. the p<>ICntial re$Olutioo can be flexible. Panics are 001 confintd to "legal" remedies and may adopt remtdies such as

Payment plan. and partial resolution are

in family and employmen, case., and for !host in a continued bu,;""" rebtion_ ship_ Fuully. mediation 0' the appell.1e Icvel help. to avoid unfavorable ~ denl <lI3l ""'Y be used in • I.tcr pr<:I<'ttd. ing of the same Of similar cases. 'l1Ie Supreme CQun Slrulding Comminec

"" Appellate M<rliation. chairtd by JU>lice Champ Lyons. Jr" began meeting in May 2003. and ha< ,,'<lO'I<t:d to "",.. lop a media· tion program for boOI <:<:JUJU. Mcmbo~ of lhe CommiI1Ce included Justice R. IknwtI H."...,oo. Justice 1born>!; A. Woodall. Hon. Sharon G. Yates.Judilh M. K«gan. and Rhonda P. Chambers. On July 17. 2003. IheSupnome COWl of Alabama adopIed Rule 55. AI~ Rules 1111

" . H . I I , "">IN


of Apptll3lC Proc!:durc. This ru" cstab~sbes a confidential media· lion program at the appell3lC ...-.1. Rules for the program we", complete in early D«embc" and the program begins this month. Alabama mediators who have elocted tn participate as appellate mediators we", trained in. "",,-day seminar in D«ember. ll>e morning focused OIl progrnm rule< and forms. ll>e aftemoOfI "'as I skills-based appellate mediation training by Gary F. Canner. Circuit Mediator. United States Coun of Appeals. Eleventh Judicial CircuiL ll>e U'3.ining was hosted by the Alabama Center for Dispute Resolution III the Alabama State Bar. I.ook for a """""" dtlailed article on Alobama appellAte mediation in an upcoming bar publicaOOn.

RULE 55 Appellate Mediation In troductio" . An appo:llate coun may dimot lhe IIItorneyS for t~ parties and 11>< pani .. tn 3P1"'M bcfon: a n appro.-.d mediator. ""00 may be design.t. ed by the Coon. A II.nda~ a t sessio ..... Panic. with full settle· mem authority and pan ies' <oun",,1 ale required 1(, . t,.nd medillion. unless ,,",<,,!oed froro altendar>ce by the mediator. P,;"ileged d~ussio n$. ll>e con,en, of medi .. ion discussions and proceedings. including any statemonts made or documem, prepared by any party. attorney. mediator. or other panicipant. is privikg<:<.l and shall 11<)1. be <""$trued for any purpo:se as an admi ..ion Igainst interest. Confide"tiality. Statements and comment< made during mediation conferences and in "'lal<:<.1 discussions ale <oofidential and shall 001 be disclosed 10 11>< appell.te roun. Appellate mediators.tW1 001 be called as "'itnesses. and the information from the mediation ....... pI for failu", of. pany or counsel to comply with this rule. shall 11<)1. be disclosed to judge • . staff. or employtts of any coun: provid<d. however. thlt it shall 001 be I violation of this sub-


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JAN U A R Y 2004

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section (d)!O disclose!O tl>< appropriate perwn ..... ""tity such infonn:uion as may be necessary to trac~ the mediation and appeal proces •. ll>e PU<pOSeS of disclosing such informa ti""..., to maintai~ SllltuS ,...;on:1s and $!ati<1ics. to cn,,,re ord<rly compliance with this rule. ond to pro'ide a """,bani.m for ... tuminllthe Cl>C 10 the ordinruy appeal J"OC"SS , mediation IIlls 001 resolved tl>< • ...,. Notwithstanding tl>< f..... going. tho bare f""t that a seulcmenll1lls or IIa.< 001 betn ",,,,,bed as ..... ult of mediation shall 001 be conside~ confidential. Medialion not b inding. No pony shall be bound by anything said or done al a mediation .<ession uoless a seulement is ... ""bed a nd tl>< agreement i. ~uced 10 writing. Nonoon'pli~ n ce_ Failure 10 comply with this rule may ",.ult in ,he imposition of ."""tion.. i""luding dismissal of tbe appeal. Court Commen l lO Adoplion 01 Rule 5S EfT«li .·. OcIOMr

6. 2003 At the lime of the adoplion of this rule. the ""p ... me <oun was con.idering tl>< adoption of Appellate Media';on Rule •• o f"",il,talC the m<:<.lia,ion procc.s: lho$e rules hod 001 ye1 betn drafted. ll>e intent of this rule is to pennit and encour· age mediatioo at the appellate I",·cl. ll>e rule contemplates .hat ,tatements and comments made during the mediation prlXcSS sh.ll be privi leged and confide ntial. bul it moosnlus thatlt may be nettSSMY to di,ulge cenain information to the perwn appointed by the roun to track tl>< mediation. woo tNly be . n employee of tl>< roun. ll>e judges 0< justices of the cnun in which tbe appeal is pending may be odvised of wl><tbcr the par. ti •• have l1'""bed • tentative agrttment. but need more time 10 ~n« the agrttment to writing. or "'I><ther the panies need more time to oon~nue mediation. or wbelher the mediator has detennined that additional time for mediation " "QUId 11<)1. be pmductive. No other inftlmlation about.he mediation .hall be con_ ....yed to the judge, 0< ju'tices. •


Adoption of Appellate Mediation Rules Pu rsuanl to Rule 55. Alabama Rules of Appellate Procedure. lhe Alabama Supreme Court adopted lhe Alabama Appcll3le Mediation Rul es. effective January 1. 2004. The order adopting the Appellate Mediation Rul es appea rs in an advance sheet of SOil/hem Reporter dated on or 3bout Dece mber 11th. 2003. - Bilu K. Cm<lry.

I?porur of d~dsions. A/abo-,m" Ap{Jf"lIa/r Court<

eNA and GI.....f . Lawyenl Pro....lonal liability Program prov_ excellent ••8nd we Insurance policy _ don't stop thara. Our comprehenalve Risk Management eervlcea and skilled advloors could help you .vold pot8nIIol legal malpractice and help ka ap your noma out 01 the _11_ LIIg onto _.gllllNlr.comlqulckquolo to apply onIlno or colll-8OC).GILSBAR

exttftlkm 528.



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If You Want Attorney's Fees from the IRS, Exhaust Your Administrative Remedies. I


Mi g ht Not

Be a

Bad I d e a An y wa y

wid! ~mlil(ll' v;.,aaoo... <JI lbo automatic 5I.Iy of II U.s.C. , 362(a) u pan ollhe job for counsel for' dtblor. QIIc, _'III J!PC<' of It1oM' J"""'ons for dtbulr'. """,""I is


~~Ii ...

that lhe o/f~ndi", creditor i. 01\.., ~ to pay.he anomey's fees of the ....,.,.'" in ,he JUly lilisuion. l1lo Slllule '''' p'''$<ly ~Lc",plaLeS award. of fees. 11 U.S.C. I 362(h). This aniele will discu" bow ,I\c inlcrplay belween Sec,;"" J62(h). the fttf'nlly en"",rd 26 U.S.C. § 6)30 (In,,,,,,.1 Rellcnue Code) and 26 U.S.C. t 7430 !be 0( "wmey'J the United S.. ,.,. On bankNpIqI , - .

may .rr"", r"". aa_i""



UNDER PRIOR LAW As ,he In,O/fl'IlI R(\I(:nue s.-....""" is. major creditor in banbupICy cases.' il i. hardly un~IIO\<'n for.he SC ..... ice 10 vio1.,. ,he lUtQmatic st.y. It is not """"m·

mon for IRS ouy violali""'l0 cau""

CO<Im 10 awan:I d:lma,..s payable by oobtT 1Upl.Yff' as "dl :105 or fees to be .......u..t IOdebttt'S COIIMtI from !he Uni.ed StaleS for lilipli", \he suy

,-ioIMion cas.e! The ~"'" Cimaillw held thai. "'" anom.y'. r"", ....wd procedures '" the Inlemal Revenuc Codo, 26 U.S.c.; 1430. as ,..,,11 as ,he &cnmol pro»i,Ooes f(l< fee .ward$lilli~1 ,he Uniled SIa'''. 28 U.S.c. I 2412. awly II> ""IIICSU f(l< award of auomey'J f<e$ ~nSl !he Uniled Sial", in bankruplry <as<:<_In" I/ardy. 97 F.3d 1384. 1390 (11111 Cir. 1996). Anomey·1 fees mIIy also be .,.~ ed .. pan of ... 11 U.S.C. t 1O!i C1JnICmpI order f(l< I ~y VIObuon. IIDn1y. 97 F.3d II 13117. AmoDJ !he Ia/UftmenIs f(l< an ....lIRI of lllOme)'·J fees is IhaIIhc dobIor baJ o.hIw.ocd !liJ admini<lr3oive .......,.. dies. 26 U.S.C. I74~)( I ). Cwru Isavc rq>eatcd thi! n>quimnent, \hen """" "".' for yeano i, ...,.. black JeI!er law \hal !here ...... no riSh' 10 • heanns (I< OIlIer due 1"""""$ "",jew bt:Ji>" lhe Inl<mlll R"",nuc Service could .>.ere;.. for=! 0011"",;00 or dclinquenlllUCS by levy.'



ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAl RtGHTS FOR IRS COLLECTlONS In 1998. Congress. after a parade of bor_ riblcs al hearing. held by SenalOr Roth,' passed !he InlCmal Reven"" Service Restructuring and Reform Act.. Among Ihe provi.ion, of Ihe RtsIrucIuring ACI was Ihe crealion of a righllo an odminisualive appeal before Ihe IRS cook! <aI:e a dolin_ quent laXpayer', proper1y by odminisuaIi,,, levy to deal willi I~ claims of IRS ()\'tI7.f'alousnes$.26 USc. i 6330. Al ie3SllIIiny (30) day. before Ihe IRS may levy (administrali,,,ly garnish) a laX dolinquenl', prOperty, i' muM p-,,!he penon ",nil," noti<e ofhi, right to admini$lrui"" appeal. 26 U.S.c. i 633O(a). Iflhe appeal is made during that thirty day period, Ihe Icvy OCIions m susper>ded during the pendoncy of the appoal un]ffi !he IRS st.;,..., that !here i. good taUS< DOl to '"'fIOad tho: !c...,.. 26 U.S.c. ยง 633(Xc~ ' Tho: appoaJ is heard by Ihe In",""" R",,,n,,,, Service Off"", of Appeals. Tho: Appeals Off",", is ""IUin:d to 0C1 'with.1ricI impartiality bet"""," Ihe ""'payer and Ihe Goo>wnnxnl. ...~ 26 C.ER. i 601.106(1)(1). C~ required that appeals of Jll"OIlO'S<d bit:$ be


J ...

r;u ...



handled by an impartial off..,.". who had prior in'''ol'"menl in tho: mal ...... 26 U.s.C. ยง 633O(b)(3). By regnl3lion. pm. ceeding. b.:fore Appeals are informal. 26 C.F.R. ยง 601.106(0). TOSIimooy under (>alii is DOl """",nltd, aI"""'gh affidavit< or dod.valioru may be required. 26 C.E R. ยง 601.106(0). The request for a coIleclion due PfO"I'$S hearing mus, be in writing. 26 C.ER. ยง 301.6330-1(cXl). Allorneyo or other 1aX1"'Y"f ",,,,,,,,,ntal;''''' must pres...1 a ~,.. or of ""orney form before tho: Appeals Off..,.". will discu .. the matter with Ihe repreoonwive. 26 C.ER. ยง 301 .6103(c)-1. Tho domand for this form by the Appeal. Offk... is DOl mere bureau_ cmic rigidily. Imcmal Revert .. Service employ... , who discuss a laXpayer', laX 5ilUlllion with an unau\hQrittd thin! panirs may f""'" criminal Jll"OS<"ulion. 26 U.S .C. ยง 721J. An appeal may be done ort a ""rilten record or a conference wilh Ihe Appeals OffICer may be requested. Among the i $$U<$ to be C(lruido"'" by the App"als Off..,.". are "innocenl 'pouse" dof,nses' offered by a laX dolinquenl; chaHenges to !he appr-opriatcro:ss of colkction a.;lions; and off..... of colk:ction al",.. such as an i",tallnxnt ag=nxnl. or an offer of compromise. 26 U.S.C. ยง 633(Xc)(2). If the ~ do!inque"1 i. dis$llli5rlCd with the d<1<nninatioo of the Appeal. QtflCt1", 110

he may thtn .... k judieial "",;Cw. The forum for judicial "",iew do""ods on the type of"", i"""vtd. If the ~ 31 issue i. Ihe Iype of "" hich the Uniled Stales Tax Court has jurisdio'ion (50th as on income: ~ or an estate or gift WIT appeal lies to lhe Ta.-. COOrt. 26 U.S.C. ยง 633O(dXI )(A). The Ta.-. Court is located in Washinglon." and pl.adings, including the appoal, musl be filed there . TIle Coort hears cases ""hen i! <'rides cin:ui1" througlt Ihe rutlioo 10 hear cases. In Alabama. the Coon holds session, in Binnillgltam and Mobi!c. Otherwise (as for ยท'Form \141" employ""",I ta.<M or the "100% Prna.1ty" ror fail_ "'" to llUlX'Ycr Trusl Fund ~'" of 26 U.S.c. ยง 6(72) appo.1 lies in Ihe United StaleS Di51rict Cour'- 26 U.S.C. ยง 633O(d)OXB). This righlto an adminis_ trative appeal before IRS collection become effecti"" on J.n"..,. 19, 1999. NOle 10 26 U.S.C. ยง 6330.


ATTORNEY' S FEES fOf the Sou"",", District of AWlama may "'ve t:ttn the first COWl 10 ha .... appIled Ihe administra_ TIle BanimlplCy Coon

live eAAausIiol'I f'tIqUirtmrnI. d 26 US.c. § 7430 10 a f" lIn 10 Il\iIU<: tho administra1M I'mI<dy d 26 U.s.C. f 6330. In rr 1tNU•• B.R. j96 (Ibntr. S.D. AJa. 2002~ ~ Th= tho Court found dial tho IRS h.t ...... debIOrs noUceI ot imtnIlO ieYy. and ornWIy ~ 10 ieYy M dttJoo,$' t-I< 0<0::(IUIll. eI'tIl Ihoua:h debIOrs h.t bren in • t.nkNpIry cue I« !C\'Cf1IJ )'C3I1 {tlltU. B.R. II ~ In fact. tho IRS h.t pm-ioully bren ~ for yiolalions d tho IUlOmiI!ic ~y ~arlier in the same cue. l"fUr. 219 B.R. ;II 599. Ariel" han! foughllj.jplion. the ooun aw;ud:d debloI"s ~ for provtn .-:[. i<aI m!U and lho:ir lime MId '"'~ in IIItnIlinI tho ixmnI. ibN'. B.R. II 6(l.t..6():'i. Tho Court denied dama&cs I«




amenI ond emoIiorW _

IOIJowirq: AidI<> ~ hvI-iJ>a" rlltlllriJ Cmp.• 239 F3d 876, 880 (7Ih Or. 2(01). am I~ rr

lQ)W.26.J B.R. IJ9(N.D. Ala. 2OO1~ ~ United SweJ aped ilia! d<bIcn

be awanled lllOme)", f<:es as lhey hAd _ cxMu>lCd their Mlminisuative mnc:dic:s ulldet 26 U,S.c. • 6330. In regard 10 lhe JIOIicts of jnl~nl !O levy and !he aucmplOO kvy. the COWl agreed. hold_

<:(IUkI _

.... 1haI -as to !he NOOce of I..cry of Noo"tlllbtt 2&. 2OXl. and tho kYy its<:lf in M.. y200 l. no r_ can be pald. All admirJ· isInIive proadwa -..en: OOI~1b.u,.279 B.R. II 606. Tho Court III"<d dIaIlhis mm.niwII~ I'mI<dy d;d 001 exisllI tho limo of its I~ '" MtJJdtR.os. 184 B.R. S94 (Bankr. S.D. Ala. 1m) <I<rision. 219 B.R. II 606. R.i. It may be ,",peeled lhal OIlier Go'-emmen! roun~1 will cilC!he ahau'lioo requi~""'nl filled on in Pam, and Tom". 80th lhe Bankruplcy Code and thc: Inlemal Rev~nue Code $/>OW lhal Cooan:N. whil~ ptO\'idio, _ ~rntdy for taxpayers aurie\'td by Govnnm<-nl IICtion. wended 10 limil tho liabililyof ocher lUpIya1 for any damIJe ..."3fds. " Congms bas imposed M:fl mctt suin· l ..... n~ RI<I"irtmcnu in oqard 10 ........ ....u of daum ., tho Ft:dnal Treasury. For cumple. both Ton Oaims and tax .. f"oo actioN against tho Uniltd Slales ... harrod WIleN the plaintiff had lim filed In odmiRil.lnlllve" COlIn..,1 hoping for an award of IllQr· ney', fCC5 sboold IN~fore ron,ide< bringi", an Ippell of odmini'tralil'e col_

Icctioo 10 the Imerna! Rcvm ... Service Offoce befon: (,[i",. moIlon for for >iolalion of tho IUlOmaIic loIOy in IlII!kt\Ipcy Court 10 ovoid Josill! !heir claim 10 MJOmey', fen. Such ... odmini. tralive oppool ~ abo Ie.od to a quick mel 10 the Slay ~ioblion. ODd mini_ mixe tho damages 10 )'OUr dienl. ~ ~ IdminiWMi~ appeal righ15 of 26 u.s.c. I 6330 may 01<0 he III'e 10 I Tille II banlfllplC)' fili", for a clienl whose "WI an: more limiled '0 tax col· Iection probk"" !han financial probItms generally. The infonnal proccd=s bef.,." IRS Awc:oJ' an: JIOI public. unlike bankrnpcy roun filinp. 'J'lIm, is no need 10 moe public fir>aneial di$~ or 10 imperil other CftdiI. Nor is d>m: a need for the climllO .... lime oK from .....t: to .-.l coun ht.-inp. Bod! die collection lJIPl"ol form.Form 9423. - ' tho poo..... of IIItOme)' I"orm. Form 2848 .... awilabIe II the [RS WdI siIe. Counsel may wi'" to toriouI oonsi(kro6M to using IN odminiW"alive "I'JIOol ri&hls of Soction 6330 to doll wi,h I clicnf, problems bef.,." the IRS. ratho!' lhan filing a bal!l · fllpICy pctiliooo for !he d~l. • A~ab



DIVORCE on the

BEACH The XVIU Ann ual Family Law Section's Divorce on the Beach will be J une 3-5, 2004 til the Sandestin Golf and Beach Reson . Make your plans now to attend and get 12 hours of CLE credit. The group reservation code is 3 18366. Go to 1l'1l'1l' for more infonnation.


...mon_ ...... "" __

lQO _ _ ...:fI • ""aI ' _ _ _

Endnotes l~ .....

Write it down!


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be sure to use (800) 392-5660.


1i 1.l. 1_Co<p. , ~~Q9 u .s.33I,

352 "- 181 19111


5e1 .6W~Ci<

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!lip. ' ~ .. p. 131 J




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I30<0I..,.... ~ :15 u.s.c. I IG J.



contact the

Lawyer Referral


...... ~92 f.lil I!>l9. ISEIlI1HhCi!. 199&1. /IjoIr\ 185 8JI.I9(S.O. Gt. , ~ h If - . 201 l it 1Z7~ N0 .IJa. I. "" o..n. 2D1 SA 13S(8onb. S.D . ..... 11961;"''' ~ I" B.1t ~(8onb. S.D,I,Io , 15BSI; ,,,. /jeI. lOS IA !I1 18oo*r. MO flo 1992).

c(liling area, please use (800) 354-6154 for all departments other than

If you need to


Soa;on /<lIl :15 C.fA i XII 7QO.II<l;JiiL Or,.. - . 2001 v.t 111m2' fBrir_D, ,.11. 0cI. 11, 2001, ThoSoa;on7QO~~IN _oISoa;on$lXl

of Montgomery's local

Lawyer Referral Service.

-..".,. s.ntv


If you ille calling the Alabama State Bar outside

1997 'No eons.-


.. _ _ _ _ tall"" _

_i00i_ .

_."1"" "'"1_" ___

S4S8. _ _ ~ 12 C<>.<oooI_ s...._ -.orr '-_ eo--_ .. ~ cIioro....r.odlrom IN fIS .. _...,., IN

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oI1w,c-CoI>tt ...

_ U . S _ .. _

.. _ _ _


r - - . _ f --~ I o _ o I . - ... _ .

Important Reminder!

Your Continuing Legal Education Requirement If you ha<j a mernbel'shlp SlalUS ctooge al any lime ruing 200J. you may nave been requ ired 10 earn slid repor1 12 !lours of ClE cred,1 by December 31st 200J MalldalOlY COl1lllllJ ing Legal Educal,OII Rules reqUII8 allOme'/S wOO hokl an octUP<lional lireme Iregular membership) any time during the calendar J'l<Ir 200J 10 eam 12 hours of CLE "edil II \'OIl a<e ",,1 turremly a regular member bul were a regular member for P<rt of 2003. roo are still requ ired to COIllIIty with MeL, RUIel;_I MCLE Ru le 2_51 For example, If roo were ,MC1 ive or held a special membe!ship and tonverted to a legular membershIp dUling 2003, roo are requlI8(j to obtain 12 hours of ClE cred,t If roo we<e a regUlai member durrllll2003 but converted to spectal member 0110 inactive status, \'OIl are also reqU lr8(j to COIllPty with the 12·hour CLE 'equire<ne1lt You are NJt requi,8(j to obtain 12 hoofS of ClEcr8(j it if \'OIl a'e eligible to cla im an exe"'lltlOll lrom the MClE Rules Your exemptiOll, however. must have been cla imed 011 the 2003 elE reporting lorm whit:h was mail8(j to you in eally December ~ \'OIl need 10 locate approveo.f CLE progrMlS. yoo reqoest a ca lendar III aJlll"lVl!d ClE programs Iram the ASB CLE Oepartmenl 01 from !he state bar's Web site at """'" aliJOOr,org tall the Alabama Stat. Ba", CLE Depal1mem ' I (334) 269-- IS15, ulension I!iII, 156 or 111, 10' mor. information.



ZO O <


12511 ' 1[0.1161 .. ,., 0I12511.. 1·!j(!;1 ,. . . _O;C .... Y"" ...... "'''' .. _ ........... U.S. AIIomoy I'IIri<io c..- "13301 22].1180, ,. Nonh lIS


Save an

ec:"ltica d $100 by 'UillQ~ tJ • '0 Ifj1 "1'.. 1 09'00:......'"'11 pi 'Oil I kJb& '9The ~ Sta<8 Bar 1'I1q*"lWmottr Code "P!'6 fof ..... fotllS!>ow 10001 tall Lan CaIkrway at 1J341269-1~1~ .. II" III

inIctrnIt,,,,, '"'

_~"'""lOr. . . . lIfII...

01 !he Mure role oIiep techooIogy in day.\O-(jay pl8ClOCe in

a join! i<e')note Iiddfess.

The Enforceability of Covenants Not To Compete In Alabama' O>'enan!$ 90110 compele, which •• , one lime. won: primarily"sM with high-Ie,.. , executives and man.gen. ha" bee""" commonplace in today's workplact.' This ''''00. combined with lhr CUrrtnt downturns in boIh the job mar_ ket and tbe economy in gellCrai. has Jed 10. I«enl iocrease in lbe number of <.<;eo, both in Alal>am". and el~wberc. wbere an empkoyer;s $ttking 10 enforce. oon-<:ompe'. as"",ment or. former employee and his new employer "'" seeking 10 avoid

C ~.'

This aniel. dj>c"~ ,he enforceability of cOVenants not to compele under AI."'ma law. In Alabama. !he enforceability of such agreements is rtsmeted by SI"Ule' and by • judicially imJlO>Cd leSt of n:asonabler.ess. The Al.bama $I3lUte applicable to co .... nants IlOIlo wmpe'" is Section 8-.1_1. enli~ed "'CQnlt3<1$ <e$lr3.ining oo,i!leSS void," 11 r«:"ideo:

(I) Every conlrnCl by which anyone is restrained from exercising a lawful profession, trade ot business of My kiltd otherwise than is pI'O'o'id.!d by thi' """,ion i. to IlIAI e>;tent void. (b) One who sell' the goodwill of. busi"".. may

ag= '",ith!he buyer w one who is tmployt'd 0$ an agenl. Strvant or emplO)lte may agree .... ith hi. emplO)l"'W refrain from caIT}'ing on or engaging in I similar bu,i""ss and from $C)lici,ing old cusIOmers of sueh employer .... ilh· in a 'p"'if,ed <OO"'y. cily or pan lhereofso long as !he buy .... or any person deriving li!1e 10 !he good .... ill from him. or employer oarri<:$ on • IiI:<: bu~inel$ 'hemin. (cj Upon or in anlieipalioo of. disl(liulion of lhe partnership. partners may agree th:u none of !hem will carry on a similar busi,.,... wilhin l11e .."'" "".mty, cily or 1",",'n, or wilhin' specified part !hereof. wll<", lhe pan""rship ..... illeS. has been tran<acled.'

1be statute begins in wbsec!ion (oj by declaring ¥(lid ~Il ronlracts by "'hkh anyone is ~lrained from exercising. lawful profession, !ride or business .,<cepl as 'p"'lfocally provided by lhe SL11ule. Thus.. in delennining the enforceabilily of. "" •• nanll'1Qt 10 compete gove11lOd by Al.bama law. one: generally should tltgi" wilh lhe pI'OflOSilion thai all 5uch OOVOnants are ¥(lid unle .. !hey fil wi"'in 0"" of !he exception< provitb:l by $ub$c(;6ons (bj or (eJ. Of oourse. ",,!rons on conlnOCL< conLOining COV<:nants no! 10 com""te, in addition W """,l;ng lhe requimmenl$ of Seclion 8I-l(b). are also SUbjecl 10 !he $.lme defenses as any other eon_ tract "",ion. For e .. mple. a pany s«king 10 enforce. conU'ICI containing' COvenaol TlOIlO compete musl have been qualified to do bu5iness in Alabama III !he time.he covenanl wa, ed, unle$$lhe IC.ivili.. conlemplaled by !he 'glftmenl are intersta.e in nalu", ' While thi. ankle focuses primarily on !he enforceabililY of covelWlts not to OO1I1pel<:. pr3Cli.ionen should be .ware tIw lili_ ga'ion in lhis area often inclutle$ Oli>er claims arising oul of !he emplO)lmenl n:la.iomhip and its 'onnin31ioo. For example. in James S. K~mp<" &: C". Sou,h=r. h:. ~ Co.. &: Ass""iar~•. Inc.•' the former employtt sued il$ f"""", employee and hi. "''',. employer. asking for injunc'i,,, rtlief 10 cnfom: lhe covenant dam.S"s ag.illSllhe fonner emplO)l'" for brt""h of COOtl'llCl and damages again'l the DeW "mployer for koowing and inlon.ion.1 interl"erence .... ilh lhe covenant 'The Suprtme Coort of Alabama ",led thai (I) !he COV< " .... enforceable by injuncti"". (2) the former emplO)lte was li.ble for damages for brtach of eon"""". and (3) .he DeW employtr was liabk fa< damagu for inlemional w knowing interl"erencc with !he conlnOC.ual rtlationship be.ween the former emplO)l'" and ilS renner empIO)l"" For PUrpOseS of diocussion. !he agte<'menlS in "'<>lmin1 of.rade "'" disallowed by the Alabam:a StalUle may be divided inw lWO calCgori<:s: (I) CO\'enanlS 001.0 compete beI,,"«n employers w employees. and (2) ('<wenants 00110 com""te ari,;ng from !he sale of. business and dissolu,ion of. pan""Mip.


I /I f

11 '" " "



~ 1/


The employer~mp\oycc =:epIion 10 tbc voictnes. of non-oompele 3gm''''''"1S doe. DOl sa"" • """ . compele agree"",nl unless !be employec-emp\oycr relalioMhip e><isl5 '" fM f~ fM og"''''''''' is e;u· "",~d, .. , Absenl!be .mploy~ployer relationship wben!be agte<""'nl i. e. ecuted.!be agn:emcnl is void. . The voictnes. of \he agrttmc:nl in Ibi. ...... did noI disappear .... bon Pitney emp~ Morri. aI/OO!.I a month after !be Signi ng. Morris did DOl Ie=uIC !be after Pitney .mploy<:d him."

Employer-Employee Covenants IJI<11:asingly. as a rondi6on of employment or O\herwise, employees will agree 001 10 com",,!. with their employers afte, lennina,ion of lheir employment.' Alabama coons have cautioned lh.llhoy ",view such resuaims with di s(,wor ''because !bey ltnd I'IQI only 10 deprive !he p<lblic: (If eff", =vitt. OOt \eoo 10 impo .... rish the i""ividu.L· ~ As the Alabama Supreme Coun ded.rod in CallwOlJl ., B~IIdI•• Inc., ~ "One do.. I'IQI h• ...., an nnr.nom:! ";&hl 10 be frtt of compelition in !his country. and

conlJ'aCl> which setk 10 re.>train one in the exercise of hi.< ri&hl 10 """"lec: a lawful msde or professioo are d;,favored. M

A. Alabama Code Section 8-1-1 Consistent wilh!be COlUn g...."'l IU;IlI(\e towan! pOStemploy".."", restraints. Alabama courts ha,'e narrowly conSlCll<:d the ernployer~mployee excepotion contained;o illabalM CO<k §


Similarly. !be COUrt has ronsuued lhe

agenl. servanl

covenanl noI 10 compe1e enlered into by independent OOIltfaCton; and sale. agents." For inslAnce. in p"",;u Ind,urriai C<>rp. v. MOM"" " !be coun refnotd to enfora: co.e"""ts be' ....e<:n a COf_ pontion and its ·'independent sales agents:· In detennining wbother the independent sales agents we", independenl oontfaC10<$ (e""",nMI not e nforceable) as ~ to employees (oovt:naJlt enf""",ab~).!be COUrt applied the fol1ov.'ing test:

For one '" be on employee. !be nlher party mn .. reLain!be righltodin:c1 tbo manner in .... hich!be bus;tICM ,hall be done. as " "ell as lbe result 10 be acromplisbW. or in nlher words. not unly what .hal1 be doue. but how it ,hall be done."

8-j·!(b). For e.ample. the supreme coun hI' consuued tbe wording "with his emp!Qy<:'" in § 8-[ - 1(b) 10 J"t'C'lude the enforcement of covenants entered intO bot ...... the employee and anyone DIller than his ,hcn--currenl employer. In pjlnry Bowel'. 1",,_ •. B.rnq Office SoI~fio1tS,!be coun bold Ibal a reslriclion signed by individlUJ •• hortly bofore \hey bogan WO<king al a company was unenforceable because !be individu, al. had noI been Pilney I!<Jwes employees al!be time: !be agree· me:nlS we", eJ<Il<'UIe(\:


0< employcc·· in !be . lAlnle 10 p.edndc \he enforeeabilily of I

AbbanlA courts ha"" .1 ... narrowed !be empl")'.r~mpl"yce eX«plioo by holding Ihat;t does not apply to professionals, The basi. for \he coun·, holding on this poinl is ii' interpre1alion of ... bse<:lioo (I) to the Alabama ' lAlulC. which provide. :

AVOID THERAPY Join the Volunteer Lawyers Program Today! • __ .. .,.. _ _ _ _


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r- -



-- -



-- -











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O Family low (cate<py int:IuIu allrno::vrr.

0 Ccnw:nor Ill> indudo u@y.Cflditprobiems. 011_ ot comract ~ o Real Pr<J!M!ftY Ill> ilcWo - . ~


londosur... ovicIionsl Probate (10 ineII.o:Ie simple wills and


o o

~ OAt(I(IV...:I pW<IM;it'al

po ""'""'" VSI lh:oote,ted I>iwrt.o

Divorce li""l/Yi1g_1

sma" ....tesl Complete and Fax to the Volunteer Lawyers Program (334) 261 - 631 0

II""'....... in lipt of our public policy a,:ailOSl laIn;nl1l of 1.",(ullO'_ and (JUr conespondingly stricl ron,uuclion of f g-I - I . !hi s ooun .. ....ill not rccog:.iu a Ihird-party be~f"'iary', riahl '" enf""'" • l"IOO"""""pI"ilion agttmtnl ~nkss I 8· 1-1 man· ~ thai ...., do 10- The fae! Withe IIpftmetll bete Clpca. ly for tbt ea("n:""."u by \he !hinl pony does not in 1\Self lUIhoriu IlS '" rttQIniu soch a,~


Similarly. in Clori S.J>Sl/I/ion<. I.I.C, " ~I"". the court held a rorporation \hat putdwcd the tiSCII of III>OIhcr rorporation ...,.. not ..... illed 10 cn(on:e -..rompnilion . .... ".,IILI tnItfed inIo bel ....... the ( Qop""aoion ..'00.., _......, acquiral..J lIS>yecs.II The .,.,.,., explained thai. tmder the ptWioions of the Alabama Busi~ Corporalion Ac1. tbt ""meR: JlUrcl>asc of a ror· p<lntion', asselS. withoul. ""lid wignme nt of sp<:<:iflC ronlJaCl righcl.- doe> nut &lve the purchaser :011 the righls of the ",Ilet of the M5IIIS. Atton.Iin&Iy. tbete ...... lIQIhinl ablIut • men: purdwc of _ thao woold 0Wfride the languceofScaion 8-1 - 1 limuIng \he of ... fort"C ....... only 10 ernplQyet$._

E..,ry _

by ..'hidI ..~ is ~ fronl

f:lt1ri1in& a bvoful prolC5Oion .•• 0lhentI~ IhMI is """""'" by !hil l«lion is 10 \h.lI Cl",nl mid. N~ilh<1"

5UM«lion (b) 1\01" 5ubKclioo (e) of lhe lIalule e...,mpl conlJaClS ,e,"ml;ng tbt pr¥lic:c of I "prof«llion:' Applyi", !hi, illlaj'nt.,,,jon. tho Sul""me Conn coosi~nlly hal ",(ul/Od 10 en(llltt post..,rnpIo)-mmt ~ricliom oipa! by pm-


B_ Common Law Restrictions on Enforcement of Covenants Not to Compete E"'n ...·bete "" employerlcmplayee reLaOOmhip exi"" and . covenant fall< within tho exception pro"ided by 8-1 - 1. AI.bama CQIIrli still may ",fuoelO enforce rovcnanU unl= lhe fonrcr employ ... denlQlUlnltCS the fol\(lOwing:

I. it hall proICCIable inlerUl; 2. the ~ "

In delining ... ""1 il ' "'prof«llion- and ... l10...., "prof""sinn.1 .... Alabama coorli h",'e ",(erred to U>c laic Dean Roscoe: Pound', definilioo (ound in the i.<J"'Y"" from IoJItiq"ity /Q Mode",


"The ""'" .... fCf'$ to a group of metl puBUi", I leamed altll$ a rommnn elm", in U>c sPril of I public ",,,,icc-M leu. public ... ",ice bocau", il may inci<knl~lIy be a means of livelil>ood. I'umJil oflhe Iramtd .... i.lhe purpose. Gaining .li""li. I>ood is incidm ... L!n:aa. In a business of tndc it is the aui", p""p""'-" The calling. lhe oou" has <klil'of!d Il$ "'profcssinn.- include phy.icians. ~ vc",riJWians~ and "",,,,,,,,nlanlS. bolh public · and terlifoed. ~ Ilow • ....,.r. in Dobbin$ " D.t"",ilW/<m of ItlabtmwJ. I""..- the ooun. noli","lhcn\...., multilU/b of busi· II<:UC' but f.... proI'euions.- "'~ the "'lUmetll WI pes! COlI· troIlCChnidano "'"'" -proftUional,- by vinue of I mlu", .... f.... rinllO tbtm as "petJnM englFd in profeuiooal ",rvices..Finilly. tho oou,,', consl""'lion Q( I 8· 1·1 limits "'" only whelher a covelWll fill< within tho enlployer..,mploy« .~cep­ lion. bu. al$<> ",110 has SWldi", 10 en(Q<Ce $l>Ch ~u ",ben they do. For imwotc. in C......t""";O" Mnr~ria/.. 1Jd. " Kirt(>l'trid. C~rt."'. I.v:_ tbt ""'" held WI I lhinl pony brn· .f",1.ary had no $WIding'" enrom: I covelWll "'" 10 rompele bocauoe no!hi", in • 8· 1-1 rttQJ.IIi~ the righl of a Ihird pany 10 enr""", a coven:u" not '" rompele. 'llIe ooun fUk<!:


reasonably relalCd 10 thai Inlen$!:

J, ,he rc:strictioo i. ",""",able in lim. and place; and

- ."

4 . lhe rewioc1ion inlpo<Oe< no Wldue haRlship on \he

The A~ Suinmt a.n e ........ iud tbt i""","""", of thc - prolCC1able inlcrw- requirement in the 1932 <Ioci,ion of DtI1>t v. CIrMIIw....B In Ot-lli<-. the employer hired and Imined on i"""pn;.~ employee 10 inslall vinyl Iop5 <>II automobile. and bad him sign a live-~ar R'S1ricli"" CQVI/l\3III. After \he emplorff was di$C~ the employer I<JoI&hIIO enfon:e thc CO>"CI\&IlI &pi"" birn. The COlIn beld tIw the mtricIiun was """ cnf~lr. ClplainingWtthe employer did """ ha>'• • -",m. cienlly unique" rigllllO warnm ]>fUloction: If an employ... ;1 in. pooilion '" lain confiden IiaI information. IIOCeSS 10 ..,."" lim. or '" deo;eklp I close rel:l,.iorIship .. i!h clients. the employer may 11.&... a prnooctable intcrcol in ,",.. nling IhaI employee from compeling. BUI in lbe present case, IkVoe learl'o<d no _ than lbe "",m.1 . kill. of lhe vinyl "'" i",lIIla~"" lrade. and he did nut eng.." in t<lIicili", ..momon. 'fbcn, ;s no ev>de..... thai he eilh<1" d<>..,1Qpcd any >pedaI relaoomhip with the customers or had IoCCeSI to any _fodot1llial i"for· molion or Indo 1«rel5. A simple labor skill. ",ilhoul _ . i•• imply not ellOllglllo gi~. an empklycr. . ubolanl"'l righ. unique in~;s 1:oJ5i"""• .-


Sinee /)foli><-. the prot«,ablc in"'''''' rtqui",monl ha<!>crn!he f""u, of mucb liligali"". In a '-ariety of conle.l< . lbe coun ho> ..,f~ 10 ..... po"emplQymonl co".nan" wbett the .mplO)lmenl ..,Ia· lionship ..... of sbon duralion or " ,he.., ,be coon f.lIlhe employee W", like ,he simple labon:, in /)foli><- and did noI posses. eithe, clos.c ..,13Iions.hips ... ilh hi •• mploy....·' clienlS Of kno",ledge of any confidenli.1 inform.tion. For ... mple. the coun has found lhal Ille employer IIad no pfQt«'table in,,,,,," in <'""<S involving an i", .. ralICC ... ho ..... employed for only. year and denied having any custome, inf""""Ii""." copier ,e.;hn>eians.- . ",Ic_ vi.ion ".Iion ad,..,ni,ing salesman cmployed for only lwo monlh •. and a fire ... inguislle, techni · cian,"

de,'elop' close ",Ialion,hip wilh olientS. the employer may Ita,'~ I ptotcetablc in .. resl. ~


Finally. though 00 .. ate court has confirmed Ihi. iOletpn:'"Iioo. lhe Elevenlh Cireu;I has coocludcd lhal under Alabama law. protec,able int.resl also can ari.., fronl an emplnyer', in'.... """nl and Ir:lin· iog nf its emplny"..." E,..,. where an employe' establi,hes lhe existence nf a protectable in"""'I. eithe, in its cU"<>mers or conrldenli.1 informa. lion. the coun will only prnhibi, cumpeli,ion thai IlIre3lensIlIal proteO'lable inte", ... Thi. poinl was illu'''''Ied in lhe C~",,.,,' Banr.IUI"'. dedsinn where Ille cnun stated: We find Ihat lhe re"ric,ion "'ganling cnmpe,i,ion in lhe blIn~;ng business i• ..,,,,,,,,ably relattd 10 Cen,ral B""k', pIOtcctable inlerest. bee.u.., the restriction i. designed 10 prote<I Central Bank only in the area in " 'hieh il has a leg;Iimate in,"res" ,he blinking induS11l'. The agrttmenlspecifically pmhibil$ Bm"roo. and Puckett from compeling in 1be banking bIJ.iness: il does noI preclude BJllnnon and Puc~ett from pursuing worl DUlSide nf banking. "

The coon. howeve,. win find a protectablt in'.",,, and enforte a """.nan' not 10 compe'. whe.., lhe c"ide""" indicates thai the employ.,. had subslantial cU"omo, contact during his employmenl. Fore>ample. in CIIl'" ", U~11)' Nar"l Ule InJumn~ Co.. ~ Ille Alabama SUpll'mo Con" affirmed a judg. men! dedaring ""lid. lIOn-<:ompe,ilion agn:el11<nl signed by an i"'"ran<e .gt"n~ noIing lhal he ..... Liberty National". "sole conlac1" ..'ith il< polieyoolde",. and recognizing Ihal IIlcse relalionships "'ere a '">"aluable "W." SImilarly. the COUI1$ will enforce a <.."..,n,,'" where the evi· dence indbtes thai tltal the employe, h.. impaned confidenti.l compelili'''' informalion 10 his employ.,.. For .>ample. in Con,,,,1 B~I1C.ha",s 01 tn~ $Q",'h. loc . •. Puclcm." the eoort enforced statewide a covenanl bel""",n Central Bank and lwo of its forme, lop .. ceuli"e •. finding Ih,t:

The coun will .1", look al whether lhe R:Striction i, reasonable as to lime and piX<'. The !.>nguage of Section 8·1-1 """,illcally ,,",Ies tha1 an "mployee may agrtt not to OOInpe'" "'ith his employe, ''within a .>pecifled county. dly ot pan thereof so long. "' the .. • emplnyer...mes 00 • tile business therf!in:' Though /hi, would "PI"'ar to lunil the geographk scope of • covenanl not to compele to • dly or coun· Iy. the supreme coun inle1J""LS thi, , .. ,u'oryl""g""ge ;OS ~uiring th:n any rr.striction be '"rtasonable in time and place.~ Where a restriction is overly broad. howtvtr. Alabama courts have the "'IUilable pow.... to suiLe any unre3liOt\ab1e JX"'1iOfl and to '''Iue peneil"' ot rewrite conll3CtS to male il n:asonable.~

Br:lnllOn and Pucke". as key emplnyee. of Central Ban~. had peculiar aecess 10 all nf lhe lechniques and sI"'Iegies nf llle blIn~ responsible for llIal po$ilion. If an cmplO)ltt is in. posilion In gain confidenlial information. """".. In =rel Ii .... or 10

TI>e IK>ftwa,e designed by I.wye •• tor lawyer.

Wecan ma ke y(lur ehlld support and uneontested d lvotce C88". 88 """Y e. t ... 2 ... 3 ... I, Enle, II>e Case Inlo,matlon 2. Ptin' Ihe Documen'. 3. File w~h ,he C<>un


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Whal """,mules. ",uon.bIe ~ic IJU depend!! upon !he proof of .. haI proca:tion!he huo.iness needs. 1U!he ~nlh Cimll1 8Ihiscd in C""*",,. - 1"0 SC<'Un: ~nrom:""'nl of a lI0IIcompcIC C!aUK ... i.hla. panicuJ ... IeniIOry.!he ~mployff """" demon~"'Ie dial i. rotI""uoes 10 ~IIPI:<'. in thai !ocalt. •n !he "",ivIIY;' Jeds '" ...;0;....... AppI)'UIt .. mi...... !he Alabama Supre"'" Cwn endoncd a uial jud",'~ Older lorn ...", 10 one counly doe l"nllOOlI reslriclioa w be ... roroed by i"Junclion ..'here 90 ptrtto1' of .he empIoytT', .,.,<lomen !ocaIN in tNII <:(Ibnly.While few Alabama cases ClIpre$Sly discuss ""hal period of ti"", i. ",UOR,1.ble for a .....lid ~mploy"",,,, "'''ri,orion. il i. d • ., INt dum,ions ortwo yean and 1<... pa ... judicial 0MI1iny, M On """" liI"n one occa.ion the coon has <lated. "!T lhe", Can be: 110 dooblllu.l a IWO-~" pcriod for lhe reoIriction i. ",~I<:'. While the lUpn:"'" <:(Ibn has .......CO" defined lhe (IIl1tf boundary of ...11.11""'" pmod ,. "'~. it has affinned a lrial coun thai n'duced an cm~..,mployce CO'o,,1WII from f"'" yu", 10 dua: yea<$.- and ",f......J w ... fom: all,'e-yeaI' ="nan' ....1ISI1 for· ...... employee ,,1'10 Iud DCd from oompru", for lWO ~atlI and four PIOIIIhs foI"""iQl hi< ItrmJnabon.~ Of\cnIi ...... " 'hen !he coun "'r...... to enfom: a C<M:"UU "" lhe b& IM lhe emplo)<n lads • proo«llIbIe ;ntelCSl.. i. al~ win find as 1iddl11OOal "'ppM for il< dooistod thai Ihc "'l>Cnan, """,W pi..,., an undue hardwp on Ihc ~mploy«." For ClIampl<. in Cit",,,.. v. Copy Produ<:u CO.... lhe coon. afler findin, lhe cmp~r lacl;cd a ~ .. ble interes"


and lhat <:Om'incinS • coun 10 enforce one can be cll1llcngin!-

S"II. whe", lhe faeu wanam. Alabama rouru 111,,, b«n """" ~ willing 10 enfom: "'l>C1IMIIS and !Ia.." dono 50 ,II all sons ~"'u. For in$wJtt. Alabanut COIl,., tnforoed CO'o~


baftIun& occtI",_.. imunnce llgents... lelevision<Icrs.~ Iadio announccn. ~ newspeper pub~sb­ ns." IId...enisi", noanagcn." cu COIIIfWIY" lind dry d~aninl

"'" 10 compcIC .piMt

Jl<$l <:O<>troI ~ ... and I«htlic.ans. ~ \tII",,1 "&Cnl,,- and ...."n I coif"" <aIconwt." _ ' " " " ' ' ' 'M



ITlhe ",.. rielion in queslion 1'1",,,, an


hanl!hip" on Cha"" .... Though he is. highly .killed ......,n;inl man. be: i. "",,,nbele.<s .till only

• "urL", man. and il i. undi5pUIN thaI the only InICk he 1__ and by which he can .... pport h"nsclf lind hI~ family ,~copier JIWnac-

nar.:e and" Similarly. in ~Id ~ ~,.,.""" oourt >Wed. 1lIis morio:tion i~ art ItIIdue hInbIttp on SIooIdcnmin:. "'he> i5 fifty yean old. mamcd.




and pD", ...... "JI"focan, financial oblipions. ...... Howe_.".. lhe supn:"'" coun has rr:cogniud thai paymen1 of l iKn,f"'lInl ron.idtralion 10 Ihc employee for hOi og"",,,,,,nl not 10 rompel. is an imporUnl faelor in ,he undue


hard.ohip analy.i~,"'" COOI'I hoo ..

Considc:rillJ .1I11le ci",urnsl3J'l«" We canllQl hold IhltIlka,<lty will suffer undue twmhip if Ihc <",,,nanl i. cnforoed according 10 iu ......... As a f«mcr direc10r and 011....... of Fim National. he bw· pined for Ind ~;,'ed "'CO". qnancr of. ",,1I1OOl dollM'S for hi. JtOCk. l-k i5 f"'" 10 accqJt employ. ....... in • Iwt~ ouWde of Bakhto'in Counly. or he cut ooocpI a """·banki,,, pos.ition .. im,n Bald""n CounIY. On March 16. 1983. he will be: lOIaIly f"'" of Ihc lIOII..:ompcttlion """"""". W. do "'" ..... how any lesser burden <:(IbId Ix p1a<ed on Bc.. ~y withou1 rompleltly deroaatin8 bo!h Ihc "'l>Cn&nI', I"'I'fIO'C Ind iii ron,ide"'li""." II i< d • ., (ront lhe ded,ion. dioc:ussed ,uP'" ,h., Alobama coon. diJ;(._ p»1-<mploy"",n, non-«Jmpelilion "s"",noen"

Sale of Business and Partnership Dissolution Covenants Subsection (b) of the AlabamI,Utlute PffllUtS the seller of the of. 10 IIJIt"I w,m Ihc bu)'t1' 10 ",frain from cllT)'ln, on or etIJ&&lnl,n a .. n"l .. bus.neJ,S. Ukewise. subseclion (e) pemUtS pan""'" upon or 'n antic,pa'iort of di .... ltnion of. pan""rship '" agrtt Ihal oome of Ihcm will not cany 011. ~wilJ


.imil., toJsi ......• AI~bama coon. ronsiderina cov''''On" not '0 compe,e ""<>culed in .""h .ilualion, have"", been ""arly ~ ""!riai •• in ron·


struing the agw:ments as they h"," been in cOJI'truing covtnrull. """"u,ed by employtt$. AlIllougll no< ..,icu la,ed by an Alabama coun. thi. probably is due to the faetth.t """enanlS e' ''''ulCd in conne<:,ion wi'" the !.ale of. business are far more: likely to h>ve been negO/i.t<:d boctw""n sophistic.,ed individualS capable of arms--Ieng'" bargaining ",ho us .... lly reeeive greater up-fron, consideration foo- Ihci r """-<:<;ImpWlion promi..,. th.n do employees. In order for I covenant IlOl to compete to be "alid wilen exccu,~d in connee'ion wilh ,he $Ole of a busi"".s. il is IlOl """"So s.ary "'.. the contract of we 'pccir.cally S"'te 1h.1, !he tran<action includes tbe ...Ie of goodwill. It is sufficient if the COIItract indica'es ,ha,,1le buyer i. lal<ing ovor. going cOl1C.m. ~ flowe ....... the contrac1 of sale mU<I cOII",in a provi,ion prohibit_ ing compel ilion. becau!;e covenanlS IlOIlo COmpele will "",.. , be implied." Just as contracts .....!rioting the "n""i,,,, of a profession mid in the employment COIIt.XI. so tOO are contracts C'''''"led by "professionals" in conneclion wi'" the .. Ie of a bIl,iness or the dissolu ,iOll of a part"",.,hip. Fo< example. in Friddl~ v. Raymond." the Alabama Supreme CQtln .ffinned a !rial judge', ... fusal to eof"",. I covenant not to compete contained in an agreemenl Ille dissolutioo of. pan""rship belWttn lwo veterinarians. Similarly. in Thomp.OII •. Wii.\:. r & S,,-u,. the coon refused 10 enforce. covtnanl IlOl to compele m<ldc in connection wilh the sale of an accQtlnting p,.,.",iu." n.e coon did hold. """'","or. Ihal while lhe accountani who sold tt-.. praotitt was pennin ed to COmpele. lhe f'l'r· chaser ""as relieved of the obligation to make fulu", pu"'tuse payments to the ..,ller. In ,ubSfijuen, drcisions. ,he (oun has diSlill8uished Thompson and required f'l'rchascrs to continue 10 ma.l:e paymenlS to ..,lIers e'"n 'hough the sellers- "",'enants IlOl to compete we", found void." n.e court has juslified i•• "'ling. in these s"~uent easel; on lhe basis tha, the", w3$ suffieien! coosideration. in additiOll to the covenant. provided by ,he seller to supporl the pureba .. price." Under lhe category of some"'ing '0 consider. the supreme coun has refused to cnjoin the wife oftt-.. seller o f a business


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from competill8 with the business her hu,band sold ".t-..", the wife was Il0l'' party to 1he agn>'men'. In Ru • .,11 Y. Mulli,." an 3O.iOll was brought again" a wife to enjoin t-..r from operating a COI1'"nience"Pre in competilioo with lwo convenience stores her hu,band previou,ly sold '0 1he plain,iff. Ihar ,he wife '"was nor a party 10 .itt-..r contracl.·· and the ..... idenc ••OO"..ed th .. lhe COIl""nience 01.,.., was "owned and operaled sokly" by the wife. the coon denied !he plainuff'. requeSI for injuueti"e relief against the wife. n.e coon d id recogniu. ho""ever. Ihat had the facts sbown "'al the husband assisted hi. wife in open'ing!he """, oo-!he wife as,iSled!he husband in violating the co'·cnant. tile wife properly coold be enjoined." n.e coun has made clear. """'·"""r. that il will nor 101eflU. ci",unIVention of valid .""",,nants not to coml"',e througll the u,", of front people. In Fil~. ~ !khnibl~. " . restauranl owner sold hi. reslaurant, named the ··Elli. R<:d Bam Restaurant"· and ag=<! nOl. '0 compele. Shonly "",,,,afICr. a "''''uranl named IIIe "'Elli' V" opened 30mss ,he S!tttl from tt-.. "Ellis R<:d Bam Restaurant:' Though the lease f'l'rcha .. agreement for the new restauranl was signed by" former Red Bam waitress ralher than by ilS fonne.,he coun had 01) difficulty in affirming a jill)' verdiel agains' !he former owncr for b'l:3eh of rho '8=_ menl wile ... tt-.. e,·ider>ee.1 lrial was "'al the former owner told • number of people lh .. he had manag<:d to find a "''''Y '0 "go' around" the """-<:<;Iml"'titiOll agreement." Like posH,mployment restraint" the coun will enjoin compotilion only for. ",asooable lime and within a rea"""able ge0graphic local ion. n.e cQtln •. """'·c'·er. seem to recognire Ih>t. wider scope .... y be lJl!lfOI>riale in the sale of business COIllex' than it WO«ld be in the employment con",xt. For ""ample. agree_ ments not to compete with sold businesses h>ve been enfon:cd in "",as as expans;,,, 3$ lhe enti.-e Uniled S'ar.. and Canada for a period of five years. " Again. like post"""mployment restninlS. the guiding light has been "'h>t prote;;tion is necessary under the particular faets of the ""... Pul more: simply. "Where d id the sold business opera1. prior 10 rho sale,""


Partial Restraints AI.hama couns long t-..ld "'at !he prohibition of f 8·]_1 against restraints of trade .pplied only to agreements "'at we", general or lOla] ",s"·.i n,, and not 10 agreements thai only pa' . tially ","rained trade. ,och as non_soli~i""ion agn>'mr:nlS. As. ",suit. "'bether a restrainl was general or only partial wo, a holly liliga1ed iss ..... " In 1998. in tt-.. case of Sn·i~r •. Willi. CorrfXm. ,t-.. ,upr"'me ooun abmgatedlbis rule and hl;ld ,bal f 8·1·1 appli .. 10 all restnli nts of !rOde. regardless of w"",her they .... ch"""'terized as total or partial resUllin ... n.e coon reached Ihi. decision .f,er eumi ninll the Iegislati'" hi"ory of § 8-1-] and r.r><ling norhi ng 1hal justified i" prior intcrp«:ration tha' the "atme "Wlied only to ge"" ... l re<lraints.~ Accordingly. the defense 1b.1 a co·... nant nor to compet. is OIIly 3 partial restraint of tnHlc outside o f the termS of 8-1 - 1 is no ionger ,.,.Iid.

Remedies for Violation Alabama coons have recognized oo1h monetary damall"~ and inj unctions" as appropriate remedies for lho breach of an

enfon:eable COYCftMIC _ 10 compete." In OOfltrtil 10 !he numer· ou. Alabama cases diKUll.inS ..hen ""'h ="IWlU. are enforce· Ible. 00-.-.:,..,,-. lhen: been ",Iolively few <Me. a n.alyting when or undor "' h~1 cin:umslan«:1 tilher lhe$e lWi) ",,,,e,li.. (or bolh) would hc appropriate. The proper rnea..... or <II...,." for ""'-:h 01. _"...arll ,..,. 10 comp"'" ~ ~ Sl2ndInI btradI or C(IIIIJ'XI. dim~ ......... '" of ..... amounl suffocitnl '" n:l ..... ~ plaintiff 10 lhe poIilion be would IIlove """up~ Md lhe 1n",,"!IOl """urml."" ThiJ con ioclude losl proflls, assuming lhc employ. ...·s formul. for ukul;uing Iosl profil, MttI< lhc ltncnl $WI. dIrtls ",liability i~ I»' Alabama I~w. In CI<r,*. 1M Alabama Suprt"'" Coon Ifflrmtd I loot profil rOf an insu~ ICUlf' ~ioIolion 011 rovenan1 IlOl 10 compel" ant' "",Ie" i", hi. fOl'1tlC1" employer's loot po('IS tal· <."U1~li"" and finding Ih'l il was ",;uon.1.ble aM fair under the cin:ums",oc:<:,. In I'\'aching lIti. ronc:l~iQn. ~ COW1I'\'~1Cd lbt II'"nl', 11'1"""'"1 llw the f"",,,,11 ",,../b,,·ed bcc.u~ il did _ !ale ICCOUIII 01 cenain faclOrS ""'h as the defe""'»u', I0O<I rtt..iorul>ip ""lIt hi. (iOSKII\"ICn. and !he f""lthat defendanf' repl""""",nl did!lOl hive "" good. ",lllion,hip wilh lhe tu.· lomers a. he had. The couu held Ihal Clark hod no righllO ob~1 10 lhc formull on ,r'<)OllI(Is "tbeso: an: u.. vtry thinp thlll u.. noo-compelition .,..,.. .... nl proteCts Ubeny NOIioaaI from and..., not flCtOR by which Clark i. mlilicd 10 h'"'' the IMr of riel dc<:reMe !he IITIOUnl of da~.Olher I'\'medie!l employers fn'<jucntly .so:d "'" tenlpOOlt)' ",,'Iraining orden (",hleh are limiled and ''lIlid for ooly slIon






--_ _.... ----

periods of I'me>-. prtlimillll)' injunctions lind permanent injunctioN. All of lhesc _~ a COlIn order enjoinins lhe employ« from «Impelin., The Alahalna Suprt"'" Coon n'ttnlly ..Jdressed whal III ~ muSl """" to be enlitled 10 I prtliminary injunction "",iMI ilJ fO<1tlCf employee. In 0rJw:0 C"'1"' v. JoNu. ~ roun made clear lh.H III ('III""",'" _U", III ,njuro:1ion ..... 11 wi.fy!he traditiooal n'<ju;"'menlJ for 1 prtliminary injunc~ion. i.e" lhal : (I) withou! an injulIClioolbey woold iuffcr immediale and i ...... pmoble injury, (2) Ihallhey "'we 110 ..:k'qu",e n:medy allow. (3) that they ha,'e I ",l$OrIabie chance: " ' _ " 011 ~ ultinwe menu. of ~ CtiC. and (4) 1haI!he bard<bip implied 011 !he defendanl by ~ injulOClion would DOl \IOI'e;I . .....ably ""I,,·tigh lhe bmefi~ llCaUini 10 Ihtm. • Adopti", Minroesou I.w. lhc coun lhen created ",hal il rtfern:d 10 U a noW ~f.. mewod:~ for delermining whether 1I1 employ"," hll! demonstrated the ~immedillC and im:panble injury" tle""'"1 in covelWltllOl 10 ~ <:ales iIM>I.i.,. llllespcopIc:."' U....... lItii ...... r~. iII"djlIoytt <all create • .....,.,.,u.bk I"f.... ence~ of immediate and irrcporable injury by making I primo f(J<:~ ~ing thaI (1) .... Iid """..:ompclili"" ."""meAl .. im. (2) il h., I pr<llttl.Oble Inlen:'~ and (3) the former employt'e is actively rompcting willt il in the .. me JCOIBpltic ""'I. The employee !hen has ~ opportunilY \0 I'\'hut lIti. inf=nee. AOCCltdl", \0 the COlIn, ~ empioyt'e coukl do lItil",iltl ~~. dmce indkating lha~ the CUS\Ol'!lCl'$' """,!we <leci$ions based prinurily 00 III indc:pcnooll prtfcn:nce for !he particular .0000, the employer ... Iher ~han on lbe ",lllion,hip htlween




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Ille customer and II", o.aIespenon~ Of ~evidcnce indicalinl diller IhIIIIlle ~ did not ..., .. _f""",.ill infonna<ion Of !hal ,he infomwion ".,.. _ rnI1y <'OIIfMXncial ,~ If!he .........

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!he infanee is desuvyed and ,he bunkn Lhcn lhifU i>aok.o Ille omployer 10 proWce addi.ion;tJ e>ido:nce .Iu" i, will be irreparably harmed by the Wt're"""',

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Laws to be Applied Qui .. ofttn, oonUXl!l conlaini", rovcnanu IlOl IO~, lik<: Olhcr _urIS. pn:Mdt ".. Ihq' Wll be 10'''"''''' by !he b .... of ........... .we. Tho Alabama Suprtme COUI1 Iu.! hdd dw. "Ihc: riJIII of parties 10 • conuact 10 choose !he I... KO''''''';01 'heir obIiIa'lonJ is =os:nizcd by Aw..."", law ".,Iy if the con· of ,lu" dOC'lion :on: IlOl COOl""y .0 Alwm.l public policy:'" Acconlingly, thecoun has rdustd 10 tnfOl« a Cnv.:nanl not 10 oomptle lhal non .foul of Atabama', limil< 0/1 skICh tt$uainl$ OV¢n Iho\Jgh the ooYenlOnl ,,'as fully under !he Il w, of the WIle (North Carol,,,") sdecled by Ibt <~ of II'" provision,-




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A. be e>ido:n. from thi. ankle, il i, ort.:n diffICUlt 10 P"'die. where. lrial Of appo1l3l. coon may tlnw the Ii.... Ii"" between reasonable proIe<lion of I n ompKlyer', Of purclu.str', busi"",. iOlt"'", and lIt un",asonllblc: reslrainl Ott !rOde, M Ibt

coon cluliontd in S"'"ffidd., SIOMd~IIlff;",M ~ [Elach panicul.. oonlfXI mu>1 be IeSIed by deiermininl on .he. f":l$ of'~ P"" 1kt<i<Jr CffR .. hellier lhe reoIriction up"" (mo pany is ~Iln' thAn i, ",.,.,...,Iy ~ f.,,1hc pr<:II«1ion of !he Olhcr pony.~ Whi .. this artie .. i. in DO WOIy CAAa.o>t ...... i. i. hop:(! !hal ;1 p<1Wides somo: ,uldana: in the tlnftinl of r=rain", "" compelilion and 10m< assl$tancc 10 coon .. 1 who be drawn inlO dilpultJ in'o'Olving '''''h .g~""'nll,


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2003 Alabama Bar Directory Errata Sheet Members' copies of the ~l"'lahomo Bar OirKlOry 1\>,.., bem ..... i1cd tI""T\'C1', ••,,'C1':ll odd"l<JI\SkorJtttions Dtt:d 10 be made 10 thIS year', edmon. We 1\>•.., comPIled thl< ,nformatlon inlO """""II ,heel ,,'hlCh ClIt be oo..'n· loaded fmm th.: ASB Web $i~> &1 ~'~"',<lII, PIe.... the "Mem"""," pogt fOf n~ informa,;on, M.",lwr,,;hlp Infonna,j"" Is Mt plToctrd,



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AB~CLE _.._.. _--



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(U I /JMoIo C<tk. *-"" """"",S«r>oto_r/lOIJ2.lOOJA· AN, ",.",ns C _ ............. /lOIJ2·Z(J()JJ; a..moa- _ . c mi,._~""", C"",.......,;- . hlw D. ~. " . . . C _ dtdJ, (lOIJ2.Z(J()J!; It<lbi<o /:;"1. It..--

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~ .. S«r>oto fiAt/ M"'1 ~_ &Ul. ,,./,, V. ~'"'". La", D. ~. ~ am.·

"'"' '" J"'~ Do I'ro'"'" • .....t Uowla Ctlk


he W~ La",)',,", Sr<1ion


1M Blrmln"",", liar A!I/IIIOrblion m:nIly ~ a

iulPF dri~ for chi"""" ;" .Jel'knon

Cou.lIy"s fOSl(f ao"l' poOCl"'.~ "Law~'

CutS for Kids" Iq:an .. a oimpIe ""'y '" help chiklml ;" proICCIi"" CUSIOdy or fos..... ~. n\M)' we f~ '" a..., Ihoir bomos "'illl I f.... beloot,ings ;" paper sacks or plMlk bap. A. lhcsc ctlildrm ~ ",1o<:1Ltd from borno '" homt. lhty of~n acquire mort belong. ings. bullhty ha .... noIhing in ""hkh 10 carry lhom. Through "Lawym' for Kid$.'·1ho WornnILaw)"Ct"$ $«.;.,., (»I. Iecttd clo8c 10 ].(0) 5UilCMa. !Ole bags. backpacks and dull1c bop for foo.lCf chil-


dren ;" kfJ<TSOI'I C~y. "Lawycn' Ca!CS for Kids" ""a'l fealurt<i in Iho BinrungMtn N~·s. and Bi,mmpm·. local Fe. affiliale. Channel 6. fW'<1"I'OCI a feal..,., 5IOfY on Iho ...-cuog ......... lbc "'·,lliogncss of Iho local mcdi.1 10 publici,;: " ... wym' for Kdo" il>=2Std ,~ and ... ppoo for Iho proj. ClClWoughoullhc 8'm"0g/wll ....... M""y local ""hooI~ ch"",he$ and "'lloni. >.aIm began toll",,'illjllulll!agc for the projoo. and cmrl~ of tho Gre"'er Ilirmin~hon' Hun..."" Sociely ~ ","un·

,,,,,.-N lhcir $helte, Lo 51:f"V1'''' I drQr>-off Iocalion for donon. lbc Women Ulw)",,,,, Section has """,i,.:<I nulllCfOUS offer.; Lo P">"idc: i1Cms Other luggage ff!< DHR'I fO>ltt c..., prosnm. which i, espe. cially apprccialCd I"..... Iho Wile', cwmll


Unda C..... chair of Ihe Worntn

La ..")'CfI' Section..... Iho 1Upln.. from

the enu", COIr\JIlIU\IIy ..11$ ~n8. no! ooly from lhc ,..,oon·o ..... mbrt<. bu, Il"l

from the many are" Iawyers./ooges. 5taIf

mom""" and families wbo f'lJti<'il"l<d '" g<""""",.ly;o the projocI. The presidenl of the Orealel" Blm,inghom i'osl"fiAdopii'-e

"",,,01 AWICiatjon. Freda Wj[[j",,,,.

expn:sscd 1>0, ho'lI1foll .~Ialio" 10 lhc ""'Iioo and poln,ed 0111 that many f""le,

children <n,kally IlOCd diaper bags. dia1"''''. chiklren's domln8 In 'Jll-ill$. and cnbs. All 100 oneil .... h<n chlklren come inLo lhci, c= .1 ,11 hou" of the day and niJlu. all !hoy "'"'Y h''''e are "'" clotl-es lhty are "<anng. Jul" P<afn and ,\ hhy ' ·. 0 Abl,-..... <hail and co..d ... " of It.: Proj«u C""U"'IItt. ,,,,,arbtadtd Ihe luggage dri,. and roordlll,"<d lho drop-off ka-

'ion, and dcl,,'Cf)' ~rncs Lo DII R's offICe

In Bumlngh"' •. They had ",,""'won and help from thei,c","m",,,,, member!. and "'""yother ,'ol""'ee",,_ r-or more ,,,fo,m.uoo aboul ··Lawye... · Ca"", for Kid,:' ,,,. f,,,. in nnpbnenlrng a .uml:u P"'l!r3m In yoor arca. COI,I><-'I Julie l'ellfCt: al (W5)




The New Landscape of Lawyering be pl'aCticc of la", in 'oday's woo-Id i •• "'" ohanging. ever evolving ond drivtn by lil:e .ignilicalll changes in OIl' society. Qc"" .... lIy. juri'J>Ndc ""e. while lied ((> p=<:dcnl, also aliemplS 10 COlIform itSelf '0 tbe dcl1'lllnd, and mort. uf the public. New theories or recovery appear ... fn:<Jucndy as pop-up ads on lbe Internet. No .... ' position. of dcf.~ COII .... l. which appear Icssth"" m:dibl." firs' blush.


arc rclldily ",-,cplcd by >jut)' in finding for lbe defendant. Lc:gisIOlion. ",I", changes and finoncial issue' e",.,c • nuid world of lawyering wbereby the practitioner is required to ,oru;ide. thins. which "".."ofore were JIOI. r.t<:cssary pro::css fo< the la"'yet. In.tead. the pra.o'i«: uf law beC<lmes ">Ore complic.ted with each lleW stalute or regulalion. and the lawyer's resroosibilily 10 be informed and currenl j""flCOSCS exponentially.

Federal Legislation 'n the Lost r"", months. COOgrl$< Ius ~ 1"-0"1.< wllich ha'le causal quite I stir in the legal community. The Gramm-Luch-B lilcy ACI i. the pm or Icgisl.uioo ", has coolribulOd sill"ifIC&Iltly LO 1Iw ....,k of tra>h you diocard wb<n opening your daily personal mail. Businesses covered by lhe staMe are required 10 provide you w;1/I • pri_y notice oooceming your a.ocounl "'i1/l lhem, MOSI COOS\ImefS haw: learned thallhe "Pri\o3C)' NOIke~ comaiood in 1hcir roomhly Credil card bill "",ril$ 00 <;Qd~i&ralion. mu<h Ie" 3 detailed reading. Initially il was thoughl 1/1althe bill applied 10 I.wyersjusl as il did 10 ~it card CQmp:lnies and banks. The Federal T...... Commis.ion was ..ked by the Amc:rican Bar A,socialion if law~rs were exempted from lhe requirements of tho legislalion. In 2002. tho FfC issued a letter ".ting 1/131 i, laoked the author_ ily 10 granl an exemplion from the "atUle 10 lawyers 60



","cn though requested by the ABA 10 do so. The ABA had hoped for so ..... relief for lawyers from the repon· ing requirements (}f lhe ."'Wle. bIll altemali,,:ly had POSled sample pri,....,y OO!iccs al ilS Web sile. Subst<)uenlly, the ABA and tho New Yorl; Slale Bar Association filed liligalioo in the fcdcrnJ coolU .,king thaI tho FTC be enjoined from enfetting the SIalule againsllawyers. Then ABA !'residenl A.P: Carllon. Jr.. in a January 10. 2003 memo. stated "'" ABA's posilion as f<>lIows.·1lle FTC's O'o'erly broad inlCl'pl'WlUon risks <:CIOfusing ditnt.< aboulthe ",ore stringent pri\o3C)' prole<:lions they already enjoy. All lawyers are wbj<ct 10 "'" I.,,·, of the SO SWes and !he District (}f C<>Iumbia 1Iw slricrJy ~ulaJ' !he pri'"3<)I. <:CIOfJdemi.Uty and security of all diem information. They offer brooder and more suingcnl prot<c1H)nS than are spdlod in the Act," In !he federal coon litigalH)n. U,S . Di,trict Coon Judge Reggie Wall"" of the Districl Coun (}f COlumbia &onio<! !he FTC·s IlIOIi<JQ 10 dismiss !he ABA and New York SIlIlr Bar lawsuit.<. finding 1/Ia~ "[IJI does nor appear thaI CongreM inteflded for llhe A<:t"sJ privacy provisions 10 a!'Ply 10 auomeys." and 1Iw the FTC', insistence in ~nforcing ~ statu"" against a!I<lfneYs "appealS 10 <:CIOstirule 'arbitrary and capricious' agency action." So. for now. =n if you were no< aware of 1/Iis fed· ~r1I1 legislation. il i. hoped 1/101 you are oware of tho possible r1Imir",alion, which il CQ\Ild have on you:os. practicing alt""",y. A ""ood piece offeder1lllegislaliort i. the SaroanesOxley Act. Th is ACI, referred 10 3$ !he corporate IICcoumabilily ""'. required !he Securities Exchange Commi.. iort 10 adopl rules governing lawyo" who appear and prac1ice before the SEC. The SEC, in response '0 tl>< di,...ti\~ of 1lIe Act, adopted rules which. in e""net, require lawyers for public companies 10 report "up the ladde~' within II>< clionl<ompa' ny ,1"",lure f",udulen! securi,i« "",ivities. If !he om·


ci ... .., "",irlN fail 1o oct on the reponed octi.ilies. the Ia... yer could have 10 rqIO<'I the mall~r 10 1M SEC if ....11 would pre""" 1M SEC from btl'" ddraudtd by the clim •.

The Rules of Professional Conduct

fu,Mln. W. mUSI J'fO"i<Je <><Ir inJlllI &lid effon, in ilIi. process 10 B""""''''"' <><Ir con,illllCd riP' 10 =isc OUr indtl",;.M pro. f~ jodgm<ttl 0<1 behalf of our elitn", and funb<T pn:>I«1 the principles 01 pm'ilctl< ...... rideftualily and loyally... bieh are SO C'RICi.110 ourlcplly .. em.. •

bt 1QIIOIIS£ 10 !his \nYe 01 COI'JI'l"It: ~ ~ ...... die ABA CIOnlid=d oubowdiYe ~'iSiODS !Odie Modd Rub

olProfessioNl Coodua. InAupsr2lXl3. 1M ABA House 01 I:k\rplt:l; adopI<d m.-ision< 10 Model Rule$ 1.6 artd 1.13, 'The amend .... nllO Rule 1.6 would allow a 1.... Y"r 10 ",veil

confldenl;al infommion "'here I chom is using"'" lawyer', $trvi~IIO COllun'l. crime ()l' frnu.d ,ha, would C'u~ ronaoci.1 harm 10 othtll, Rule 1.13. ." ImclKled. "'ould allow I l.wyer "'presentinll"n orpni..llion 10 rqlO<I"up.u..,..loddor" violati ..... by COO'pOnl" offICer.! olllwl or Icp.l duties lwmfullO "'" organiulion,

Regulation of Our Profession While your 1m! ol.,....uce ""'y "'" be """"ily 1If«lCd by die ~ --Ittin& should mal;e you remember thII ... profcosion is CORSWIdy bein! JmIIil>@li.and ilia """" 1ft ""'jar fortell at won; aucmpli"l 10 ""uble "" in new..,." and lIiff.,....,. ..... ys thaD any ",-e',.. SOXn bef(ft. Stay informod on thc bealill of <><I, prof05SMln and \bose "'hoo seck 10 "'Bul.Ic: wh., we n.,.. pre>' enjoyed 10 be .... If· policini profession. It il i""umben' upon uS as l.wyen 10 be oware of bow fcderallegisillion and propoocd ChaIlgcs '0 <><Ir ",105 of condUCI can ."nificantly alter"'" land<.clpe of <><Ir pro.

aOOoe-mtnbOIII:ld I'eckr.lI


CORRECTION Plea><: DOl< thc following correclion 10 !he '()pm'ons of the Goneral Counsel" whkh .ppcarotl in ,he N"""mber 2003I11ab""", l..oK}'U, UlI<k:r "UndIlOle •• " ,he Sttond ... n_ lenee ",ads:

"Su<b authori""ion should include: '0 ,he cffCCl Iha,llIe cmlilor ackno.... ledllCS 'M'Ihe IOlhoriUIlon iJ ,,,,,''OCabl. and thc client undt"lan<l. Ih.,. "hen lhe oltor_ ncy bas made a romml1mcm 10 I"'Y the .fOduo< 10 ill., ,ulhori>:ation. the a""""'Y i~ cillioally obhpl<d 1<> do 00, reZanllcJs of .. hether Iht chen!" pre'erence In lhe ma'may d'The .....1"""" should read: -Such aulhoriullon should Indl>llc lang... gc: 10 the effCCl 'N" tho: clien. ad_ledges ill .. !he lulhori>,a uon" Irn"", cable &lid "'" d;"n, ~ands tha,. " 'hen "'" anorney has made I commitment 10 pay the .redn", JIlI",u..,t 10 that OUlhoril.A'ion. Ibe attorney i. clhic.lly obligaled '0 do .... regardlC$' of whcth<r the pttf"fOnce in ,he man" may change,"





Alabama State fur Lawyer Service can proviJir you with an fIC 3 living. $0 it is hard to belicw lhal only thrte pc:n:ent of Alaba mo allorn! rl LRS wants you to consider joining.

The La")'~r R,>ferral Service is not a pro bono Itgal suvicc. At\orncYStgn'e to arg ""more than S!5 for an initial consultation. not to exettd 30 minutes. If, after th~ rnnsultation e attorller dtddes to ;Kcept theca$e. he or she may then ch~rge his or her nornuJ fl'eS. In addu Ion 10 earning a fte for your service, Ih. grealtr reward IS llulJllU wil1~elpins JlIUL fellow ciliuns. ~10S1 rtl'eml dimu hJ'''' I\('\·~r contKttd a la1'o)'ff before. Yal. cou,~ling riLll:.,tx-.ll thaI iJ nmini. or you may offer funhu 5m'ius< No rn;IlIer whall~ OUloom. ~ tit iOitiat constiJlnliollj Ih. nell 11m. th~· or their friend, or' nmlll anom~, th~ ..,. iU romt 10 YI)O,? For more information about Ihe lI~S, comact the stile bar .t (800 ) 354-61~ , Ielt~lg thC\!t'Ceptionis.L kno,," Ihal rou are all attontt)' intc1l'Stoo in htcoming a mtnlbtr of the Lawyer \l.dtrr:ll s.:,,·iCf. Ann".1 fees are $100. and each mcmber mu>t prtwide proof of profcSlionalliabilit~, inlnrnnce.


_ f. 1Kkio


y !he lime this onic~ i. pub!isbcd. Ibc Alabama V""",~' Setlion will ka,.., conducICd

our second ......w 1l'1)li Bowl C L.t. Co-CIuoin

Jimbo TtrTdl and Alii.. KaIMri.w IIowman ~ hard in pu16", 0<1 "A Vocw from Ihe BendI." Tho speakers for thi. y~at' l «minar "'0..., l>islrid COUl'l Judit Te rry II<».cn,all. elmo'! Court Judge William Sluoshy. ALobama Cour1 DI' Chll Appnols JudI:" S ha ..Oll " a •., and Jl.t.&bt"',. JudI:" Delora !!o) 'd . Thanks 10 aU of tIx2,iu<l&<:s rOt lating 'ime CUI of Ihci. busy ochcdules 10 . .iJ.t on willi Ibis novel Cl.E. Abo. thanb 10 ~Y. Allen. C ......, Melh,in . ...... Is &I for spon$Oring !he door prizes for lbc rcmi ......... lic~Li 10 !he big game. W. hope \he win .... , of the lick. eIS eoojoycd the outcome of the pmoe! We an. aI50 ckqlIy patcfullO Jonos School ot Law for their 1Cf'CI" oo<s doftatiooo 0( the \OM: of lbc1r r.... raci~lie<. Al Ibis bmt. we"", in Mllw,,,, preparinc for our Sandestin So:minar. This year. lhe sm.lnar " ill be: held on May 2 1st and Z2nd. Confinntd IPC"""" to dale"", J ere Beasley. Wuren UghirOOl. "uny Md ... ln and Judg. Jud~" Wells. We are very udlM I(> hive !hi, yeal Uneup '" l pedon a'rudy!



Chairpct1()l1 Kim Wal~er is hard 01 wort setting up the ",minor .0 IlIl pan;cipanu c.n JIlin ,'llwoblc CLE credit and """,, • &ood lime. ] hope ..... an COnlin ... 10 COO/II on lhc ~ ............. ppM of our "fIOI'ISCQ fOl" <hi, ",.l1y unique lemi"..,.. A. you will nolo from the pklures abo1le . 1M Alabama Yount Lowyers' Soo,;"" i, inV(lh-ed in Iidm iniSlCrin&!he .... ' .. ct!"tnlony for !he sta.e bar. Thi, «n::moIIY i. cooducled ' .... icc )'Cally and lake:< a ~$ _rll of lime for our oommiuec "",,,,beu. Co-Chairs ClIri<ly Crow and Moman Shaul an 10 oommtndod for .heir efforts. I can ,1lO1II: wilhou. bt$illllioo ,..,. Chri~y and Ronu\n &rC cauuic 10 the assiSl.tnCe of two of OUr newcs. rommi!!ce members. Chris Sansp_ and Goorge I'• • ker. The You ", Lawyers· Sr:ction haa Olto:r onpng projccu IhaI roo ... mbe hcai", about. iDChadUlg the M inori.y Pne-lAw Confcrmtt and !he !lEMA M""~ ......-'""'. A. always. ""look forward 10 the <""IIent". WI Ihcsc provide. •


s,u"" I.uckie;. a pan .... in .he firm of Oi"""""'Hauer. Frost &. Luckie.

Notice is hereby gi"en u, A nd~r'$ J """b Kayo. who praCticed l.w in Montgomery. AlaNnla_ and who"" where3bouts are unknown. that pu"u.m to an Order to Show Cause of W Disc iplinary Commission of lhe Alab.a'nA Slalo Bar. d.lM QrtOOor 30. 2003, he has 60 days from the dale of this public.~on (January 15. 20(4) tOcom. imo compli>nee wilh the Mandalory Cominuing Legal Educalioo Rule 9 Professionali sm mJuiremenlS. Noncompli>nO<: with the MCLE requi",mcnt' shall result in. ,uspen,ion of hi' license . [CLE No, 03 -123]

Reinstatement On Scptemw 25. 2003. W Supreme Coon of AI3bama enlered an order based upon lhe decision of Panel VI of the Diseiplinary Board of the Alab.arna State B.. reinSlaling former Binningham .\lome}' John '-_man Tanner to W practice of 1.... in the Slate of Alabama. errective June 16. 2003. 1""1. No. 01-091

Suspensions Birmingham Inorney ~' rank Clllrk Gilmore. II [ pled guilty to _lo[lting ru[es 1.1. 1.3. 1.4(0). 1.4(b). [.I6(d). and S.l (b). loR.Poe. Gilnl<)rn was suspended from the practice of l.w in the State of Alob.ama for • period of91 day •. "The 91--d.y ,uspension was suspended and held in al>eyance pending a two-year period of probalion. Gi lmer<: odmitlM thal after being reLoined to rep. resent hi, elients in a civil action f,led against them. he filed an answer on behalf of all defer.danlS. bul did 00 further work in the matter. As a resull of hi. inac:tion. sanctions and a ,job.1t judgmenl "'..,'" entered agaL"'l hi. clients. Gilmore did not notify hi, clienlS of entry of the judgment or odIerwise com_ mklnicate with them aooul the maner or hi. abandonmenl of W "'prosenLotio<! , Furiher. Gilmore ,",'as JANUARY


Notier is hereby given to Lau rene<' By",n Reid . who praCticed I.w in Panam. CilY. Aorid ... and "hose wlicreab<!ulS are un1:nown. that pu"uanl to an Order 10 Sho ... Cause of Ihe Disciplinary Commi"ion oftheAlabama Siale Bar. daled September 12. 2003. be has 60 days from the date of Ihis publicalion (January 15. 2004) to come inlO compli anee with the Mandotory Cominumg Ugal Educalioo requirements for 2002, Noncomplianct ,,·ith the MCLE requirementS ' hall resull in a suspension of his license [CLE No. 03-1221

oon-responsive during tile in''''stigalion by the local grievance C<)mmiuoe of the Bim,ingham B.. A.<socia~on. Gilmore lias agreed to make reslitulion 10 hi. clients in W a""",nl of $1 5.000. Other e<)ooi· li""o of probalion "ere ordered, [ASH No. 02295{A)]


Monlgomery al\Oliley B",,,,,h I). KIoess was ed from tile p""'tice of law in the SUlie of AiaI>ama for a period of one )'e ... efTec~ve Aug,," 8. 2003 by order of the Supreme COO" of Alob.ama. "The supreme coun', order was I:>ased upon tile decision of tile Diseiplinary Commi",ion ~ing KJoeso:'s pica to _ioIaling Rule g.4(b). It/ahoma R~I~s of Profiu;(}fIIJ1

"'""~ On March 6, 2002. KIoess pled guilly in W

Unile([ States Districl Coun for the Middle DistricI of Alabama 10 one misdeno:anor counl of contempt. a _iola~on of 18 U.$.c. §401(1) lmi,beha_ior. i,e.. OOslru<:1ing the admini'lr3~on of justice] and 10 one misdemeanor COIll1t of contempt. a violation of 18 U.S.c. §401(2) [misbeha_ior of any offtcel'S of tbe COlIn in their official 1ra""""ons1. K10ess was sentenced to the o:uslody of lhe Uniled States B"",au of 1'ri5On$ for a total lcmt of II'Irtt month •. together with supel"\'isro ",lease for a period of one year in each case to run concurrently. [ASH No. (X)-68(A)]

Eifoclive September 29. 2003 .• nomey June OslO-a id of Den'..". Colorado has betn $us~ndcd from lbe praclice of law in lbe Slale o f for IIOlIC<)mpliance wilh!he 2002 MandalOl)' COnlinui.g Legal Educalion requi",moms of !he Alabama SIO", aar. ICLE No. 03-114) Birmingllam a"omey Sle ph~n Oanie l l' h illi"" was inlerimly su'p"ndo<I from lbe practice of law in !he Stale of Alabama pU,..U3I1110 Rule 20(0). Alnb",,,,, Rul~. of DiSciplillllT)' Proud,,". by order of!he Disciplinary Commission of lhe Alabama SI.te Bar daled May 12.2003. llle Disciplinary Commission found Ihal Phillips', CQnlinued praclice of law is cau~inll or is 10 cause immediate and $Oriou. injury 10 his dienlS or 10 lhe public.IRul. 20(1): 1'.,. No_ 03-C6) • Uenin allomcy Wa)'ne Hu r i> Smit h was inlenmly ' "S~nd­ ed from lbe praclice of I.", in !he SI.le of Alabama pursuanl 10 Rule 20(0). A/uMrM Rul~. of DiscipJiMry Proadu", by order of !he Disciplinary Commission of !he Alabama Slate Bar daled September 12. 2003. llle Disciplinary Commi"jon found thai Smith·, conlinued prac.jce of law is cau,ing or i. li~"ly '" cause immediate and sen""" injury to hi. dients or 10 lhe public_IR"I. 20(.): POI. No. 03.11) [ASa No. 03· IOI(A} & CSP 03·563(A») Everyeen allornty S.ara Oswa ld Stodda rd ""as inl""Olly suspended from !he praclice of law in lhe 51ale of Alabama pursuanl '" Rule 20(1). A/oba"", Rul~. of V;",iplillllry Proudu~. by onlor of lhe DiscipHnary Commission of the Alabama State Bar effcclive October 24. 2003. llle ortkr of lhe Disciplin>!), Commission W3$ ba$Od 00 a pelilion filed by the Omce of General Counsel based upOrI Stoddard', aJTCSI on Oclober 20. 2003 in Conecuh Counly. Alabama 0<11"'0 charge< of unlawful possessk>n of controlled substance •. (Rule 20(a): Pel. No.03·13) Mobile '"omey I..... i> Ih mjd l u rbe,,-iIIe pled guillY and su,~nded from !he pra<1ice of law in lhe Sl3te of Alabama for • period of one YeM. susptn<lcd and beld in abeyance ~nding a Iwo-year period of probation. condilioned on l'urbe:ville serving 45 tltlys of ,he one-~ar susptnsion. llle ""s~ns.ioo \\'3< made eff<:<:1ivt retroa.<li,,, to April 30. 2003. the date of his interim s ... ~nsion froon lhe of law. In ASB No. 03~9(A}.l'urbe:vilJ. pled guillY 10 vioI.ling Rule 8,4(a). ,t.R.P.e. l'urbe:ville odmilled thai he did IlOl promptly ..,mil an a1lomey', fee 10 his CO--COUIlSOI. which had been pre.paid by ibeirdicnl and which he should h.vt betn holding in UU>l fOrlhe benefil of co--coonsel. Turtxrville .~ 10 mal:e ","lill11ioo to <»-counsel in !he amount of $2.500, In ASS No. 03.S6(A).l'urbe:ville pled guillY 10 ,ioI.ling rules 1.15(0) and (b). II,R.P'e. l'urbe:ville admilted Ihal he =i,'«I funds from • elienl that "'e.. 10 be beld in IrUSI for pay"",nllO • third pany. Turberville cailic<l!he check and commingled the funds with atlOmCy and J!=OlI3l fund<. Turberville failed to promptly <ldi,,,, !he fund. 10 lhe clienl and provi<le a full accounting. T\ubcrvilk admiHC<I Ihal be failed to keep cornpIeIo and !ICC\Ir.l.le =ords of his ",,$I acx:oonl. No restilUtion was d",,_ In ASB No. 02·325(A}. Turtxrville pled guillY 10 'iolaling Rule 1.4(0). II.R.p.e Turberville admilted that he failed 10 limely



respond to n:asonable ~I>O$IS fur inform;nion from his cI~nt roganJing !he $W"" of hi, dienf' criminal case on appeal. In AS B No. 03·13S(A). because of his interim s""pen,ion. Turb<rville could no! oomple1<: worIc on a banknJplcy mal1er for which I>e hod been paid. Turberville made a full ",fund of !he "Iainer in e. change fOf di,mi'$al of 1IIi$ mall ..... In ASH No. Ol-15 1(A) "T\ut:Icrville pled guilty to vmIaIing rub I.I5(a} and (h). Io.R.I'.C. Turberville admi11ed 1l\aJ. on or aboot June 4. 2001.1-.: =ej,"C(\ funds from bis clients tIw. ....,.., 10 be paid 10 tho: ClJapIcr 7 Trustre for !he United Sta1<::S 8ankrup<ry 0Jur1 for the Sootbem Disu'.ct of Alabama. Rather than mal;ing a lump sum paymen'. Turnerville ~tCn>:;I inlo an ag"':1""n! with 1110 Gbaplcr 7 Trusl«: 10 pay 14 "'lual monthly installmtnlS for the benefil of the ballbupICy CSU1<:. Turberville did not timtly mal;. the payments. From August rI. 2002 until wiil1in 60 day. 0( June 5. 2003. Turb<:r'lille did not submil a final paymenl. exct:pi fur a cl>o<k <Ira",n on his ••••ero"r OCCOU/ll thai wa< roIli/fIaJ on "multiple ~ by the l"IytJr bank d... to """.sulflCienl funds:' "TuIbcf"ille ~ 10 make TWilulion 10 !he ~ 7 T~ plus inl<"n:Sl and OOSIS (ir>l:luding altorney', f=) '" pr<:'Iiously ordertd by the B:mkrup<ry COWl Tu rberville &1.., wos .... pended from lbe "",,,lice of law in tbe SIale of Alabama f.". a period of 45 days. df"",i>. November 3. 201)) by or<.Icr of the SUP'"'me Court of Alabama. The suprtme coort's order was based upon tbe Di",ipli"ary Board's order ",YOking Turberville's probation. On February 10. 2003. Turberville enttml. pita to . ;01.1· ing rules l.1. 1.3. 1.4(0). l.4(b). l.16(d). and 8.4(1) (d) and (8). IoWMmu Rul~s of Pro/mianol Conducl. Turbe-rville



!l.f{. J:o<',


t _ . .jf>kt, .II~J'Al.

recej,-"d a 45-<1ay ,usponsion. which wa, suspended peooing two }'<'&r$' pn)bolion. Turberville wa< to male restilul;on in the amounl of $2.'l.(XX) as a condilion of prob:ltion on or befort AuguSl 22. 2(0). The Qffie<: of General Coonsel requested thal Turberville confirm>e ~ad made: reslilu,ion as required. Turberville did not ""pond. The Qffi"" of General Counsel fi led a """ion to re'lOl:e pn)bolion based upon Turberville', fail"", to male restilution. Turbervill. admilted thaI be had not oompHed wilh lhe Disciplinary Soanh OO"Ikr. Based. upon thaI admission. an order ",,-oI:ing his probalion was entered on OcIOl)cr 6. 2003. [ASB No. 01-31S(A)1 Mobile attorney Robert Cooper Wil_ ,,'" sounmarily ..... ponded from the practict 01111,,· in !he SIa1<: of Alabam. P"'''1.1I11 10 Rule 20(~. Alabama Rul~j of Di:ocipliMry PlVffdurt. by onItr of the Di<ciplinary Commission 0( the Alabama Sl.111: Bar effective: N...... mbcr 5. 2003. The O<tkr of the Disciplinary Coounission ~ based on .. petition filed by the Off"", of G<Ilcr:Il Coun.s<I evideDcing that Wilson had failed 10 respond 10 ~uesIS for information from I disciplinary authority during the

""""'" of a di<ciplinary in,,,Stigatioo [Rule 20: PeL No. 0).14)

Public Reprimands On O<tOOer 24. 2003. Decatur attorney Randal l:le>ln Ilf<:k """,ived a I'Ilblic reprimand withoul",ll'Ilblicllion for a viol3!;o., of Ruk: 8.1(b) [bar admissions and disciplinary mal· 1<: ..1, A/ab</mu Rulu of Profu sioMl Conduct. ba.<od upon lhe accep1ance of ~;s guilty plea hy the Diociplinary Board of !he


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Alabama Stale Bill". [n or IOOuI ScplmJber 2000. Mary Mclchu him! Ikd 10 rllc: an OJIPO'itioa 10 e>."<ndI:d vi!.iUllion -&hi by ha cIou~' .... ur:aI f~. She poi<! 8o:<:k S800 fur f_ ond oosu. Beck failod 10 1i1e.)1hillg ",ilh lbo: D<IOII1 in apitc 01 Ius IqI<CKIIIMIORIIO lbo: cmuary. ill J.....ary 2001, lbo: falber filod • pelllIM 10 modi!')' ~i!.iUllioa. A selllemenl ...... r9Ched (Ill A"l~ U, 2001. "'I Md"..... did _ agn>o ",ith w tmnS, and me Iun:d new~l. On 0cI0btr IS, 2001, Mdd~,. filod • compIailll ...',th lbo: t . basical[y a11eP"i Bcd;'& rqIcct and lack 01 rommulIIClliooo "ith ha. Beck lilod I brief resporue ... nh!he: bar on N~nlbtr IS. 2001, admiltiflj mal he Il00, ~ ... f~ill'd 10 comntunkao. cff=i''ely "ith thi~ clien1." The bar $<:nl Book IWO odd;,,,,,,.ll<uers reqL>tSling thatl>e .uppl<menl hi, initial n:!Il"""" and """ide an aa:,..onting for his time and e>.pcnses.. Beck never ~ponded to thooe req....u ... ith any infllnllOlion, [ASS No. O[·~A)J • On $q>Itmbo:r 12. 2(0) Montgomery IItome)' RiOlInM 11.... 11"" C.......,. ~ I public reprimand will.OII' ~ pub[QIOI'I. for .ioI",ionl of rule$ L) and &.l{b) of \he iI./aI:IGnoa RMwl '" Pmfr~1o.tiJJ CO<tJ.rt These rules pro!Cribe willrulllCJlcct 01. lop[ mailer and fail~ 10 =pond to. req~ for infomwion in a disciplinary rNOlIer. On JlIIUlIr')' 11. 2001. DOObjI Card. Jr. ~ Coontr 10 modi· fy hIS ~hikl support and ~rIhan.OC: hi, ",illlion righls with h,. "hild. III' paid a .. Ill' ...... f« of SI.(XXl. Conner e>.pcricnoed probl<nlS with $efV1CC on !he: mother. The Cirellit C..... n Don",tk Relalion, (;k,rI< suggesled thaI !he: C3.'lC be lmI,fetrtd to the Ju""n,1< Coun. The ""lter was novcr lmI,fetrtd. and Con ...... took 110 runber "",ion e\o'en !hou&h Card was on lOCIi"" ntlliwy duly, and had told Conner at the _ uw time was 01 the ...... """. On 0t:I0ber 23, 200[, and December 19. 2001, c..J 10 C _ ~tIg!he: .. fund oIllisSl,ooodue IOC.........,.·' ina<1lOrt. Conner did ""'- respond 10 thooe ~ ""til 45 dlys IMcr ""hen Comer .. funded lite $1.000 retainer. AI that pOOlIl. Card had alrtady lilod I bor compIainl. Abo. in • Ietl4"r'o bar and iQ on ~ with \he MOOllOllltfll Counly ear in'"e$lipoor, Conner $Wed thai the C3.'lC had Itcett .. lilod in Ju,..,nile Court but, api ... om.icc 00 the modter wu not ~ible. The inve5tigloor dclmnilllld throu&h lhe Juveni[e COUrt Ihll eon""r had not filed .ny· Ihinll' Connor did not ..,pond!l' the in''''''igllOr',l<lIer .bout tIli, jW1ioular ["",,. eonDe. [aler explained this fail,nl by saying she w", "100 embunssed" to rtlum his <all •. onc:e Ihe I<amod of he. mlstatc. (ASB No. Ol-63(A)J




• On SepIcInbcr 12. 200). Selma IIIOfDe)' ""~Iiam 'IlIOmIoto."allt ...:etYCd • puIlIic rq'Irimand ... ich ~ ~ IiJr ..... 00r>s oIru"" [.3 [di'*""'J and 1.4(.)I~J, Mobor.r R..u.ifP~~ In!he~ 011999, !he ~ ""'"_I.... Faile about " ....... lIionI him in • I....... inJlll')' QIe q:.oinsl ....... ·M.... Inc. 1ktIo"«ll 1999 and 2002. the ~ had rufliculoy ~ ,..;th Faik by Itl<phono aboul !he WillIS 01 his ase. The complaillllll wnlIC Faile I Icncr 00 June 4, 2002 dcrn>o::Iing I WIntS rqxwt. K""",ing th>l !he $WIt'" ollimiUllion< had run in 2001, Fail< .....1 the complal'WlI1 letter 00 Juno 28. 2002 dc\ai[i", the Iepl the<lries opplicable to his .,..., nnd ,nvi,i", him to """" with him in My, " ... to diK"llSl all rooe!S of the C3.'lC OSJIC"i.oIly wlw we

<an w-- as <aUSing)'Oll1O


[n Faile', re:!pIMe 10 !he t .

00InJIlai1ll. Faile odmioed that the complailWll emplo)'cd him In .... t:Soel. him in his >lip and fal[ ase. Faile !oIIICd that \Io'al-Mowt had ........ !be claim. and ... !he ~1\11111 did IlOl ~ ..till bad KW3lIy CIIHCCI bun 10 filL Faole funhtt ~ dlol. '"Some rime pm.scd and I i......ftICndy IIIowed the II3IUIC 01 ~miubons 10 expirc.~ [ASe No. O2·298(A)I

• On Sepi<mbcr 12. Cernrevillt! attorney MldlAft Lynn Murphy ra:eived 1 public .. prin""" without ",noral publication. in coonec1ion with the "".lIp[ainl filed ",..Util him by Johnny Ray H",,'ll/'d of Hele"", A[aMma. Murf'/ry was hin:d IS the Ittorney for the ",,!All: of Jaok Ho,,"aro. The dc«dont"s widow. VioIe1 [Ioward, ..... the adminiSUlOUx of !he wale. The '''''' Other hein "..,.. V"ro!ol H".,.,..,u', $l<pr:hikWn. M" fI".,.,..,u ~iv..l in ~ paymenu. throu&h Murphy'. oIfrce bt."..~ 199$ and 200[. She ~"n opened lin :IIttIlUOI for the ....... and me nr:w:r proo;idcd IIny _ ~ II> !he prol»Ic roun. althou&h Ihe ..... ordcmllO lID JO 00 """" tharo DOC oeo:asiorL When me .... rmIO'"td u admrlUllrlln.T. ol!he: estate me bad spent aU bill S' of !he $88,000 a)!loc-...t. Murpby rt$pOnded to the romplainl IIw it ..... not his pncIice In ... up _ IttOUr\U.. and thIIll ..... MI. lIo",ard·. rco.ponsibi~ly 10 manage the affairs 0I1ho e>Ull:. Il[)'A.","'. IS !he: lltorney for lite estate, Murphy did 001 rq:nscnl \he admin,Wllux ~, st. "'I the ..... Ie for the bc... fit of all !he heirs, II wu Murplty 's M s, H[)\\o'ard obout ha [~gal edtica[ duty to I""fJ"rly ~'ibilities, and to •.,ok ha .. moval ...... n. and if, i! bo<ame apportnl thai site WI' not fulfilli", tho5e =!'OO,ibilities. Murplly's OOI,du,,, viobled rulc:J [ ,3 [diligence[ and l.4(b) lcomrnunicatiooJ. 01 the AIaiJom/o R..J~~ '" PmpuWnIJJ Conduct. (ASB No. 02·1 [~A)J


• On&pltrnber 12. 2003. Foley IlQOfl'II:)' Janws ll.....u PigoU ~. public rqrimaftcI .... tixd FfI01II publioalion for vi<>IMioDs of rub 1.01(1} Md 1.4(b) ICICIIIIItIU.-.o] 01 !he

""""'- Ruin of P~ eo..dw1.l'i#Mt ........ Ied rtCOI>$ide,...., 01 !bat decision. but "'" ~ .... denied In Scptcmbt:r 1998. Pip was appoonIed to "1.....1111 "Iiotr. ill a probation ~ maner. Thedi~nt'. prot.tion WIll aOOIJ 10 be n-voke(l for his failure 10 I"CflOIIto his probatIOn oIfrcer and f'" leaving the StOle ....itltout pcon;SI;iooo, A hearing "'-a< kid ~nlbtr 18. 1998 dwing wluch theelicnl', probation ....... n-voke(l, On November 23. 1998. Piaotl filod a motion for rt/Iollr'inJ in order" 10 plt'SCllI additional ""idence. Whm Pigott did IlOl "" lin irnrntdiaIe ruli", 00 ~ IIIClIion. he med • JIOIicr: 0I1IIppOal1O the Alabama C""" AppeaIL Pip .......... tblI !he c~ ..... Jivero • rdIt.wiftJ. wbtdo was 1..dled by OIber"...,...,t ..'hidt "'.. IlOl !he .... I'IJOIl did .... ....,.. ifythis bych:dinclltecowt r.... llooo-ever. baodoo this fabe ~~ Pi&OO did ..... file .bndin!he1l'(lClL In Apil 1999, Pip rta:iYtd 1 dc~ IIOtio;e from the O:u"o 01 CnmirIIIl ~ Without """"'1Iin& .... tII "'" client. be wtIunllIily dismis9:d the IIIppOal 00 April 20, [999. I"iJOO did ..,. 1IOlify hi. diem aboul this r..,. until ~26. 1999. when he _10 tum at the 00f"rtCIl0naI r..,ility. I'\JOII invited him 10 file I Rule 32 peli.ion. wtoich he did. and the roun [Iller round, after an ""ldcntiary hearinJ. th.u Pig.,.,1UI<l dismi,,;:d !he toppCal by "mistW and

inad"""""""." [ASS No. O2.M(A)[


RATES Members: Two free listings of 50 words or less per bar member, per cal9ndal year, EXCEPT lor "posrtlOfl wanted" or "position offered" listings-S35 per insertion of 50 wools or less, S50 pe< adC itiooal word, Nonmembers: S35 pe< irISMion of 50 wools or less, S.fIll pe< add~ional word. aassified copy aM paymenl must be received iltCOIlliny 10 the fullowintl publishing sthedule: January 2004 i$sue--November Sill 2003: Mardl2004 rssue--.January 5th, 2004. NO deadlill8 eX\eflsions will be made. Sene classifoed copy ane paymenl to Kimberly Bamllaft, P.O. 80>: 4156, MontQOmelY 36101-.4156. Make r:hecl. or money order payable 10 The Aiabama 1.w.yer Classilieds.

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