Lawyer 1 05 web

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abama aw er YOI. 1iIi. No.1

January ZOO5

ON THE COVER Co.I Barg< Ent ... ing Wh.d ... Locl<s on ,h. T...,n.,...,., Ri ver Near F1o"'n~. Alabama WM<,ltr Locl<s .nd Dam ;. pari of the Ttnn<SS<t' Vollq' Au'hority (TVA) 'Y',om of dam. on lh. Tonne~ River. TVA is Am ... iu's larges, public PO"'" rompany, and ilS fadli'i .. incJudt 29 hydroekctric dam .. II plan, .. ,Iutt nucltor- pLmt .. six wmbw;,ion 'orbin, pl.n, .. and J7,000 mil.. of l ron,miosion Ii"" •. A"bam. has l.. ge dtposil1 of co. l, and co.1 barses .'" one of the primary "",an. of ,ronsporling Ihi. na,ural '''''mtt. Fo, ptNp«Iivt on ,iu, ..., nnpkJyu "~nding un {rum 'ano .... o{bacg<. Pho'a by ,he P,,,I Crawfard, /D AlAllAMA STATf.IlAR UUDQUAIm'.RS STAff 415 A......, M. . ~ .... ~AL30I(\4



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ASB Fall 2004 Ad mittees


Fighti ng Over Government Contracts

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2004 Pro Bono Honor Roll


Nav igat ing the Appellate Process: A Guide fo r Appellan ts in Civil Cases By Toni j. Braxton

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By "rOine S. G.big./,.


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Table of Contents» can/;n".d O~ p<lg< 6

Table of Conlenls» /rPm paS'" 5

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Is it Time fo r the " Plain English" Jury Charge? By Hon. Scon OonaJruon


President's Page ~Trulh is IIIlllpSi/flll dt'{mc ofdeftllllllioll n

About Members, Among Firms



Executive Director's Report


Bar Briefs

WillllllentllliOllal Tmde lnws Impld lilt! Licetlsillg alld Regulal1i.", ojLIIIY)""J if! Au/bamai'


Important No tices






Poslii(m A milaNI': Assislallt Gmemf Coullsel

Judidal AWIlrd ofMml A'OIlIIiullio!ls Dill'


Opinio ns of the General Counsel Retentiolf IIlfd Des/mctioll Qiem Files


ASH lnwyers' Hal! ofFame Nomillllliolls Due Notice ofElectioll

Legislalive Wrap-Up SpecMl Sffiiolf


Disciplinary Notices


_ _ _._

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Michael E.Rid:! •fu I'resOOlt Hea M.nager1Ca.nse! . ~.COO1 Foster Goo::dMn •Acp'q Represen!ati'.\; •~.a::m CIar\:. W. Cain • 'ienioJ ~ ' crain@Iarrl:I11 .(OO1 ReOO::ca E. Manasco •/lg5'q Representatil'e •~ ,rom

President's Page

By Deugl", MeEI",

this is nol aoout drl.m.tion. It', about.linl. boy trying to wiSgkoul of a tight.pot and th. thought pro«.. it provolord. You 5«, when our )'I>ung<:>l child was only 1m y<ars old, he had the poor judgment 10 call hi> nex' older ml<r, then .bout II 'I, yra.. old, an unkind no"",. In oma to ,«<iot • r~uc«l for hi. tnn._ gression. h..... s givtn lh. opportunity 10 write. I,tter of apology and retracTion. On my oflict k" .. h•• d, h. penned th. following:





1Of> :IOI"f; for ~ ,.,.. (> - • •••••••• but tf'<Ith .. a> ~ defer>c of deferI<l'fion. J wi try oot to do it agin

""' """""

While th. na""" unfortunately, was IlOI

,h. WOn!! had heard in our ho".... til< apology $km"! >omewh., ,incer<, ""'" if tht '<'Iraction lack<d • lone of

conviction. Uk, any fO!'W3rd-thinking,


I~I'I!H ~ Y


conniving l'~r-I"rent. 1 .....d the 1<11" for fulurt....,. Thnt thin~ !end to pro· .;de no .mall en ltlUinrntnl .t gr.odua_ 'ion pani .., family goHogolhers, wed-

ding rrhea,w parti.. . nd th.lik. In rulily. [was amau.J allh. COrr«1 . ppli . calion by. l"'· Y"., .old of.ocII. loS-I p,incip!.. NOl lh.1 tho", was any trulh in whal he callO<! hi. Oi'I'" bUI h. had ..,m<how. I a$$umo by Olm",,, from liv· ing with. foth<r.ll"'Y"'. picktd up this co,,..,.,1 p,incipl •. My wif(,. Ekanor, has ,tatO<! Ih .. her warning to Ih. chil o d",n, "Wail un til you, rath .. com .. hom.; h.lp<tIaUof Our child,.n karn def.n.. mategi .. at an •• ,ly Ig<. Thi' . ",m pl. got "'" thinkill8 about ... hal it i, Iii« 10 1i,... in I hom. wh. ", lhe .pou../p is . l.1wytt. If you Ihink .bout il ..... l.wyrrs h.",. uniqu.1y tough job. I can think of 11<1 other prof«$ion wh<", juS! .bout . 11 or our daily a<liYi l~ "p«i.Uy in litiga. tion, include I n «Iuol but oppo,it. pro· f...ion. l lo obj«t to our ..... m"''' and

proclaim !hu =rything we: say i. ~ith~r illogical, m;'interpre1ed, misgukled or an <>i>viou. diSlonion of lh, lnnh, the fam Or lh. I.w.' No other p",ft$Sion olft .. !h;' unusual ch.lkn&<". In rntdidnt. when a <Io<:lor makes. a dwgnmi. and prn<:ribes l",alment for his poti,nl. 1\0 other doctor;' p..",nt !o objeclto the di'g"",i, and .dv;'" !h~ puient thot the olher d<xtor ;. ,ompletely off·I>o. ... Likcwi ... when 0 mini,! .. ,tand, at the pulpit 10 pl"tl<h. no othe. m;ni" .. ;, p ..... nt 10 try I nd <onvin« the congrc-ga · lion that h ~ ;' wrong . nd to p•••ch on beh.lf of the doil. Not only th ... but practically eVtt)1hins _ do ;. ",rut;· nized by • judse. a jury and oth..

In _

lawyers. Make I mistake and iI" on the record for=r. Of cou .... , " .. also h.... all of'ho.. deodl;nt$. And woe unto ... Iowren if_ miu the statuI< of limi!at;on> or the time for filing on appeal or the ""'pon.. for ""l""t for admi ... ion, o. any olh.. number of de.dlines ;mpO$<d by court orders, di..,., .... ry rule.. scheduling orders, "atutes and so forth. 11mQw I.wym who get SO llTeSS<d out that they cannot ,1..1' at night. Imasine th.ll A lawyer friend of min~ told me thot on"" h. awakened It night, and b<fof< h~ could go bad to sle.-p, hu mind drifted Ovtr to a a.. he wa, h.n· dling. He kn"'" the st.tu!e of lim;!at;on>

wa, getting dose and t.... u.. he w" SO con""rned lbout iI, h. got out of b«I at 3 •. m . and _nt to hi' offoa: 10 make .ure he hod not .$lept through th. ,tAtute. No wondtt R'<nI! studie< found that I.1wyers gi .... -Iub<tantial indicalion of a profession op""'ting at exlmntly high Jey. .Is of psychologicol In foct, the .. m. study meuuml <yrnptoms of!"Ychologial .JUt..... luch os anxiety. oboessi", compu4iwness. dep ....ion and SO forth. The percentage oflawyers suffering from tMs< maL1dits ,.os IiteraUy off the ,h.m comp. red to Ih. general populolion. Researd>e" affili.ted with Johm Hopkin$ Uni~ty found , ,.ti$lioilly significant elevations of M>jor Pq>rmivt:


<II ... """" _

AUTHOR MIKE "Iri.1 AIlIit"')'





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President's Page I>isordo, in only th..., of 104 O«UpalioN.' ~ IOpptd "" Iisr, ",Ifni", from M.;or l)epressM Disordtr .1 a .. ~ 01 ........

bur Im.e. highor than _-~ who ~ Ihrir kq~pIUc 1raOl$. Th< nit of akohoIiwn ~ bw)otrs is

doubk tho< ...1~ of aIwboIism arTIOIIII odulu~. and 0"" ou1of 1111'00' u~ wlftrs from dinial dtpression.

okoholism or drug . bU$(','1b<st art f'ishl.ning statistics. Th< Alab;o"", 51". 8.. tw on uullonl p""",m ur.dc1- 1M di~1on of ltann< !>Wi< 1AIit. who Iw rtUiYtd notional rta>pUt;"., for Ih<

Alobo .... l-J'" ~ hvp'am. If J'O" Of onoohn- a...,.,r JOY know ;. suffer· ins from Iny of thtK probltms. pIeuo COOtaa Ieom... Morio 01 (lJ4) &34-7516. Al.wnu I.owyffl Hdping Uwrtn iJ . notl\(t out.S!.nding program ht~ by

n • • id Wooldridt<. Confidtnlial hdp is

ovailable. MOil of Wi know INI il is "'" ~ • ..". \0 tum off oil of me.. pmMoW wh(n ..., hi! "" door 10 our horne!. "l;rwynJprxtn in Iht ........ ~ pmfossionaI mvironmml. with 0DIItaprs. oppooina CIIIURiel, and dienu all brtathin& 00wn Ihrir n<da. And, in IN.I cmiron """,I, JU«'.QI """0$ that t~ Iu....,

to M1

up ddmlt n,.d,. nisrns thl! "'" hlrd for tomc-iml"""ibie tOr otht~o ,witch

"fh. tho front door,"' It is ckar .hl! Iht c:aUing of • L>wrrr pours IM1" inlO home ~fio, whcthtT if. "",.mill ulb .t homc bit "' night 0.- uklns)'OUt britfast on >Va_ Uon. I CftUin/y nm:I tho ... ppon and """'.114'".. n1 and undcnt.onding that my family sMs. bul I...,. fTtqutndy con· <nnrd .... , thry "'" o:poK<I In tht dan8't'" <>f my <Ire$$. lik.t otC(Indhond lInOkt. living with. lawyn' ""Y b< loughtr than actualJy boillA' Iawyu. Some of OUr uniq ... pft$OnaI ch.<aC_ ktist,,* ju$. dod'l play wry wdl .1 homo. For =mpl<. _'", tr.ined 1O • ....tyu ~;'" fo..........b. b.(hc.rdo, .....

-rs- up, and down: '0 quos,ion NC'f)' ...... and ..-...ry fKfl of..-...ry d«ioion, .nd I~' iU>l doesn' play.oo ..d]al ho ..... w.. ~.oo laughtlO a.gut and 10 fighl wit h ouropponenll. Law i,llte only profession O1h .. Ihan.., .... oporto (wrestling. bozi", and foo.boll <0 .... to mind) wh<r. _.~ ,au",' 1(1 fight willt our opponrnl$, and !hal j .... donn', play 100 -U al hnrnt. Add ' 0 our Typ<'-


A. a/ways ""''- .........uhoIic, procrastl~'· ing. awaoi¥<. a>mpeli'M pcnolUlit .... .nd '~I abo ju~ doesn', play 100 ..dIal ho ..... ] gu<U you rould $Of b~" art . 1_Yf,h<" J"OpJt in 'he world with whom 10 li~.


'ha. _


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I.aI.t yur a boo\; ca .... ou,, Should Y.,., Marry a UJwyrrl ~ .nitw I rto>d said !ha, it should ~ bftn • vny ""'" booIt indmI, b only two lettm wm: molly noodtd 10 ans...... .... q..ation:

· N· ..... "O... n..-booI< __ writtm by Foona Travis,. ps)'Chokogist who'. marriN '0' Iawyn. Sbt talb of tilt chal~ of 00", mmitd 1(I.1a~ Wc·WQI"k klO8 hours. md,,~ momnou$ llress, and 'rl' im .... rl«\ in. pn:>ft$$ion thaI talion..!.'y """" emotMm" Tn",,, quoIn! ..... opoux wbo $Oid .... __ lim! of


00", (roM·~innl and .fIOIl><T wbo tUd, "He'd ..... Irial1«hniquts 10 ..... k my poin, of ...... un~." Sound fam~url Thr book _ rtaIIy _


.bou, tilt chaIlmtp of bring .....rritd 10 . b~t ,h.n tilt q....cion, "Should y<.lu marry a lawyer]" fuvio lUg·

gnu I~' boing InUTitd to • t.wytr ""Iu!.t$, "Mou l""imct. mort under· Oland. .... Cnllinly """" Ilc:xibilily."

I IIhd Eklnor and""r child ....... luI if. bftn ~k living wi,h • bwyn. Eka_ quickly Sllled,'[ InmnllO know my faell bofOl"e [ tlisruu an ........ Our flmi, Iy quickly I..",ed 1ht rnnim: " For by ,hy word. 'hou >h.11 be juolifotd, Ir>d by Ihy word. Ihou ,h. 1I be condmlnn!.·· One of our JOn. $Oid, "Pretty girb .$.$umt<l Ihall mighl be. la~r 100. Thi. probI. bIy K01 me mo~ d.1CS llun [ Ihoukl ha~

btm .Ilownl.' He abo $lid Iltll tN' Itm>t<l it _ impoounl to anlicil"'IC 1M of his d«isions. Thm, lhen _ ..... of ou, 0' ..... ..,... who __ aboul 10 un<krzo • medial diagnoslic proudUrl' wltc:n ,be ,«hnidan .....:ov>i...-d hi. I'll and .s!tM if his .... wu • I.~ r.


Ih: 'htn turned 'n hi' coll .. gu ... nd l"'1In! OUI, "Bett • • do Ihi. one righ., S"fS-

His f"Mr'" I.wya.· V,in, )'OW" lawytrly >kill< to condUCI J'OU' home lik """",irna backlitel. Ar. 1nII ......, ancI 0/1.., 1DlK. !han Qn(t, a ......k Ek._ h,ndo mt • dtpooi' llip lOr her IOCO(MInl willt the .mounlll~ady filltd in. Sh< ...yo, "!king "",,,itd to a la~r lui dtveloptd my logic: Ind <fili · ,"I'hinking .kiIl, In 1>0".. jmlify why I

need. new dopo,it e>eh week." If I ..,~r intimate th't he. a""ount m.y be """.drown, ,he "",ort. th.t she is not ove.drawn, but that r ... jtut "undor.d<po$it«! " htr KCOunl. One of my daughte .. stated,"I .. w how you al .... Y'.nrou .. gcd pwpk. Th.t", why I Want to bt. tawytr. I want to do that." My owr dlught..,., WM as I teenage. had In .tT«:t;on for wrecking the familr whkk., quipp«l how grateful she ot father for lawyer to m'Il<u",," h..,. through th .... difficulti ... 5«, it', not.lI bad. Whil. Ih. "r.ct~ of law c~".inly p~n" our famili .. with unique ch;aj· leng..-.nd the pol<nti;aj for SU>1 pit. fall.-wt don't h''''' to faU into that trap. M important .. ou. prof"";"n i. (.. I h."" wrinen in . pr..,io",calumn), th.~ I~ ... me Ihing.'h.t.~ ... n more impomnl: our f.ith and Our;". Our f,mili .. mu", know that they,~ more imporunt to u. than our work. My '«<"'lOr;" h... II .... ys been instruct«! Iha, they <an in .."upt me if FJ"lI(>r Or on. of my childrm <aIls. [ .... M my family 10 know thot I"m .!ways lCCtUibl. to their nttd$. They didn·t often "",.ds< this prrrogalive, bul the crucial thing "'., that they knew Ihey were more important to m. th.n my work. Laot y.... when my son Dousl" ..... pl.oying foot hall. I got. copy of the >cMduk e.dy on and made sure that gAm. tim .. were blod,.d off ... thot no meetings Or dtpO.itioru: Or me<li.>.tio", wtre >ch«l uled, and I was able to . nend III of hu gAm ... In f,,,, all of ourchil· dren·, octi.iti... whetbcr cheerluding, .pom o. o'herwiK. wtre put on my cal.nd.. j"'t like o,her appointments Ind COurt .settings. J knno it wu important to my children that I was there, bUllhe SUa'''' "'.... rd was mi .... You might careid..,. setting .. ide ... me porlion of your lime lhal i. no' for "'~ maybe a weekly date night with you. $pouse O. a weekly family night with your kid. or a school pl.y Or b.ngom<$-whkh you. offICe st.tT knows is ab.olutely



off.limi".nd non . ncgoti.bk for other >ch«luling purpo:se<. I btU... thaI by being mindful of ,,·h..,.. our tm<: prio.itics1i. and by p"'actively selling uide lime for them we <an prolect ou' f.mili .. ftom m.ny of Ih. h • .,rd, with. lawyt •. Our .pouses 1ft ky players in our pro~ion beause, allust $p<'3king for Hlyself, I know I could not do "'lilt I do with.,.,,1 my wik Like you. $pous<, mine hO$ serwd 0$ .n a<.llrnt sounding board. <::lIming inOut"'" .nd balanu-d fritnd. [ .... how my family has dealt with my last·minut< od>edule ,hanga.. undor,,00<1 lhal I somelimes ha.... to work On vacations and givnI rot ''''''mQ<U moral .uppon. We OW< our f,mil;" .Ittm.n· do", dtbt of gratilude. •

Endnotes _H. , ...... SoauVllJfW.Mop-,,-11l1



ComioJABoa&8n.aC s...~~ _ ,... _ _ ..lI"lII_Ps,d ' ;

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Executive Director's

By ki,h B.


Will International Trade Laws Impact the Licensing and Regulation Of Lawyers in Alabama? ho, do \\"1'0, GAT'S. Doh., Track J. Tr.d II, USTR, RtqutSt lnd Off..-, MW, . nd Moy I, 2005 ",...n? If.hnt acronyms. Imn$.nd dat. tack any special o.ignifi-


for y(m, ,hen you are 00,.100 •. Surprisingly. ,My could mean . great deal


to I.~rs .... 'hry could SOOn shape

the ~I.'i"n and ii<en,ing of L.wynl in Al.b. 1I\.l and <11M. ,,.,.. as wdL In 1994, more ,han 140 na,ion" ignM a IfNly CT"'ing ,he w",ld Trad. Organi .... 'ion ("WTO").' Th. 'S'""mom ..",bli,hing 'he WTO had MvCnJ agr«"_ rn.ol$ ,ha, were .nnexed 10 il. On. of th .... a!!Jttmtn" the """oml Agtu",,,,/ <>n TI'4Ih in Strvia< ("GATS· ).


Thi. is the ~ry firs! m"llilm.... llrade agr«menllh., .ppl~ 'p«:ir""l1y to oervices ;n'«3d of good •. The provision. of GATS cover trade in .. rvic.... CoCOun'_ ing ....... ices, .rchi'«'u, [ourim. $<.vic ... . nd.1I the oth..- kinds of ........i= imaginable. Thi. m.. n. that 'he rules govtming l<gol sorvic.. as promulg.llr<l by tht various ,Iat<$ a~ 'Uhj«110 GATS. GATS required wro memb<-r SI.l<$10 ~ ntgOli>lion$ 10 li~i"lrode bar· ricrs. In the Doh. Min;'!trioi [l,,;:lamion jjgn<d in N~mber 2001 (il was .ignffi in Doha. Qatar), wro membenS<11 limmblt for Ih<$e new ntgOli'lions. Thest n<goti>lion. are gmerally refared 10 I. 1M "Doha Round." Tht Office of Ihe U.S. Trod< Rl'pre<tntali~ ("USTR") Iw 12

r ~N U A~Y


roordinalr<ll1>< ntgOli>lion$ for Ihe Unitr<l SUMS. Tho ntgOli>tionl uk pla« Ihrough Iho framework of a "R<qU<$1 and Offer." In i" " R<quem; the U.s. wiU i<knlify rul .. lhot m.k Ihe praclice of law difficull for U. S. lawyt-rs who .~ opt.. ling tompororily or in a bral\Ch in .noth.. rounlry. In iu "Off..: Ihe U.S. will.we wh>1 practkt righl. il will offer 10 fo~igl1lawyers coming into Iho US. The fin.1 round of Ih<$e ntgOli>lion. for lpt'Cific rommilmenl' was 10 """,,]ude by January I. 2005. but h.. ~ ohifir<llo May I. 2005 . $imull'n«Iu< 10 lhese n<goti>lioo. ;. • """,,,,1< "Irack" of ntgoti.,ions. Tradt 1. or the Doha Round, addresses Iho ronwl<-ion> • rountry il willing 10 mak in order 10 allow fo~ign lawyers 10 pra<tkt law. Track II deal. with wh<1her 10 txlmd 10 11>< legal prof=ion II>< " Discip~nn for 11>< Accountancy Seaor; whi<h """' odoplr<l in 1998. Sine. 1m,. working group has bttn Iludying 11>< use of Ihe Accounting Disciplines os a rno<ItI fru- drafting dil<:i . pH .... for other ..,,-vices, il\Cluding legal ~. Tht Inianotionalil>. Asoocialion ("II1K) ,..., osI«d by 11>< wro whcth ... the aisling Accounling Di$Opli ........... , uil.blt or necdtd 10 be . uppltm<-nl<d. Tht lilA has responded with . number of spKific chan~ thai IDould be if lht-y .... applit<110 legal ocrvic ... G"-TS likdy will have very lild. impo<l on how most lawyr-rs practia law in Alabama. Tht most . ignifo<anl impo<l


GATS could ha", W<>UId be in the rn;mntt <lfliceming fomgn !.wym dtsiring to pr.w;li« in ~ Tht U.s. Iw 001 o~ 10 rnaJ;" any changes in >,at.l.,... c:on=ning fomgn Iawy= UsrR rep .. om!;>,i"", ha", indnted they do no! intend to dispLItt $lat. "tIu!.>!ion. In fact.

to 113...... ~ NIt included in GATS. the .!;>~ cannolla,er decide to be 1lIO.. .... ricliv<: without triggering..",... obligalion "" lhe pm of the federal ~t. N<edbs to ...y. this portend.< grr.l<r fMn_ al.i>.ation <If ... t. proctict ruks. Although GATS may nOt be. "b.o.d

think that ruIcs adop,ed in

and butter" issu. fOT mO$t Alal>am. lawytn. Ihe <nang.. it win bring or. liktIy to bot fundon .."t.1 .nd far·ruching. J ~ncourage you 10 .. ay informed. Tht USTR is currently sharing inform.tion with v..;ouslegal organiz.1tion. includ_ ing 1M Amtric.n Bar Association. Confermu of Chief Notional Conferenu of". N>lion.! Organiz.1tion of Bar Coun ... l, Nation.l Association Df Al1D,noys Gentral. and Associ .. ion Df American L>w S<:h0n4. Additional informatinn is ... ilablt

$Onlt ~


to GATS may ~nt ... l1y kad 10

fewer ....trictions .gainst muhi_juri$dic_ tion'! pr.w;li« t"l\.ljP') by bwy= throughout the u.s. This is because ... tes typically will 001 desi .. 10 givo f"oreW1 "''''J'I'fS an by offering them las ....rictiv< P""tict rults. tn addition, becaust tht UsrR is n<"gOIioting their posi · tion on rcguIating foreign lawyrn based on SU~ .. hia <:Odes that .!....ty go-.nn U.S, l..~ the ... t.. will 11.1 ..... Itss IIcxJbility 10 ch.nge them in the futu ... If. "a'e agrees


through the ABA', Web ,it.


..,..,...~llIm"I.(Jrgkp'lg~'sJg<lu..h(Jm., h'ml.

Debt Load for July 2004 Bar Examinees Thl"« hundml .nd ....... n. or 75 p"""m. of 'ho r."Him. exam inffi taking 'he July bar tum had MU_ eOlion.! debt. The ...... deb, for e..,h was 565.899. •


Endnotes ThoWlO_~_in-"


SwirzorIord Tho Tho ~ ... _ _ _-'" __ ~-., ~~ '--""eoIo<ing .b" ...,,,,,,"WlO _ _. _



Alabama Legal Forms! 'WVV' YOU>1 SOU>1CF Fan At A(lAMA I FGAI

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.<t..o.a ....... ~"OI1NEVS "Oft ...... B... ~ ATT(}IONEVS


Important Notices

Position Available: Assistant General Counsel Tht Ab""= Stile 11,0, is now Ka'pling Ipplieolioru br kit ... wl1h resurnn from q~hrocd bwycn for the position "f ... i>unt gtntrll mun$d Thet< appl .... '10". should he .dd •.....,! and"" '"

J. An.h,>ny Md...,in Golltnl Coun<l'l P.o. Box 67 . Monl~.Abblm.36101

11Iis position mJllun III apcrien<:cd Jawrrr wnli I "rong,w bK.I<p-ound. s..lary will bo rommtnoum. wilh •• .nd J1\1lurily. n,. okodJil\t for ,ubmi$$i<>n is Feb.u.ry IS, 2005. The Abl:>.oma Sm. !!aT is .n <qu.1 opponunily employtr.

ASB Lawyers' Hall of Fame Nominations Due Alabama has olw>ys bun tn ,he fomront of tt.. IepI prof...ion, and ,Ii..,..", rho Lawrou' HaIl of F.""" Ih. Al.b."", S,",e !lor COfltin~ ill tudiuon of OOMfing " ' ou"llnding lowyen who hlw d.:mon$,,...,«l. hklim< n( achievement. flollO'C<'< m..;! b< Al.l>anu LoW)'ff> who h..... madt ext,ao,din •• y ronlribulions th_&/l the law .1 .he "",ion.1 ". inln".,;.,,,.1 ~l.nd nlM 11,. e,iter" of ,ho .ward. Cri~ria ir>cludoo • br.",hh of achic .<",cnl, I profound rnp«1 for pr<lffl.sioruJ .,hiu, rommWlIly k-.o<knlllp and ~ r<'COgn;u.;l ability to mtntor. k-MI "" ~ othrn '" tht pursuit of jultn. l\oIo 110_ ""'" h.avt btm doocnSC'd at lca>t ."'" ye... will be tdtc.m A third honortt. <k-cnscd .. k-aot 100 "'..... ",;0 abo bo tdtc.m A 12-petW<I pond SC'f\'CS" the Sekaion Commin... with S'rminglum onomq' ond funnt. ASH I'ToKkn. Sam Rumou St .... ing .. <ommi".. ch.i., Th .. dUl ofinduotnwill bo onnounc.-d at ,h.I>o's 2005 annu,] mcoting, and a Form.1 «:umony ",ill be held.l. W'01 d", •. 1br i""U8U'.I.l cl.a$s of inducl,," indt>dtd o.,an AIbnt I'o.rall, Judgt" Anni. Lola I'ria. Arthur 5J>or<s and Judgt" Frank J.... nlOn. Nomm.lions it<: opm to tho bu and community and 1M dot.dli ... toT nomi· na,ion IUl>rnisoion is March I, 200s. NomiNtlons ~ ... bmi1l.-d will bo con,id· en:d wi,h.n _ nom;NIJ(Jn$. Nomin .. ion fonn ..... abo...mhlt from tho ASS Wob sil', ......... aloba •. I>1g. All nom .....""" fonns lhould bo mailed 10: $,om Rumou. Ahb;om. laWl"'''' Hall of Farn •• P.o. 110.< 61 I, MonlJlOmo'Y }/;IOI.











Nominee ,~,



1M.,.., Of MoIdoon)

Died (oat. lOCI PIaoo)

(0.\0""" PIaoo)

Pl note: ThBfflSr8 two categories of nominees: Thou nominees who have been d8ceSS6d alle8st two years and Ihose nominees who have been deceasOO alla8s1 01'18 hundred )'98rs.



General statement of nominee's qualifications and achievements:





(Contmu.d on nul p.1gt".)


I 2QlS Alobo>mu


u...,....' Hall of "".... CON11NUW.


Biographical Description of Individual being Nominated



Please provide the following information (no more than two pages):


A. B.

Professional (vocational ) history - chronologically



Other information which supports nomination


D. E.

Sources containing biographical data (author, tiUe, publisher, and pagination)

Significant achievements

Picture - Black and white. if available

Nomination submitted by:



Nomination endorsed by:



Sam Rumore Alab am a Lawyers' Hall of Fame P. 0 , BOil 671 Mo ntgom ery , Alabama 36101

March 1, 2005




IANUAar 100'


Notice of Election No,i« i. Vw" btmvi'h I'"TS"a", '" ,bt<""" S'al< &I, R.d.. GC>'trn;ng EJt.;';on and Stl",ion of Pu>idtn'_£hcr and Boo,d of Q"'mn«ion ......

President-Eleci The Al.bama Sta" Ba, witl <1«, • pr..siden,_dOXt in 2005 to assume ,he p,esidency of ,he bar in July 2006. A.ny "andida .. muSl I>< • meml><r in good ... nding on March I. 2005. Peri!ions nomin.,ing a cmdid .. e muS' bear ,h. signa'ure of 2S members in good ".nding of 'he Alobam. Iktr and I>< received by Ihe _ ..... ry of Ihe "ale har on or bdorc M.rch 2005. Any (lmdida'. for Ihis office muSl also submit w;lh the nominaling pe"li'ion • black .nd wh ile pho' ograph and biographi"" dat. 10 I>< publishtd in the M.y 200S




B. llol< ",iU I>< m.iltd belWtt1t M.y IS .nd Jun( J .nd mUS, I>< r«eived a'th. ,ta" bo, by 5 p.m. on the second Friday in June (ju"" 10,2005).

Elected Commissioners B>r commissioners will be by thO$<' lawyos "'i,h ,hoi, p,in,ip. 1 offi,.. in .h. following circuit" 8.h; Il>th. place n<» 4 .nd place n<» 7; Ikssemer Cut -Off; 11th; 13.h. pI.... no. I; 151h. pl ..e n<» 5; 17th. 18th; 19th; 21.,; 22nd; 23rd'I'lace no. I; lOth; 31st; 33rd; 3-4lh; 35,h; 36th; 40th; and 41st. Additional c"mmissi"n"rs will b<' .I... td in thO$< ,;n:uits fo, eadt 300 meml>< .. of .M st.le bar ",i.h prineip.1 offiet:< herein. The Ole'" commissioner I",.i.ions will I>< detertnined by • census On M.rch I, 2005 and;" certified by 'M """erary no 'ha" M..dt 15,2005. All $u b~uent term, will b<' fOT th,.. Nomination, may I>< by p<tition I><.,ing the ,ign>tur.. of fi", membeT. in good .1.nding wi.h I',i""ipal off= in Ihe circuit in which Ihe el«lion will be held or by the candid ... '. w.iuen deel .... ion of candidacy. Eith.r must be TCcei",d by .he _mary no bter .h.n 5 p.m. on the 1"'1 F'iday in April (April 29. 20(5). BaUo" will be pfOpa.-.d .nd m,iltd 10 membn-s bel ..... n May 1 .nd May 15.2005. !Wlo.. must I>< ",.td .nd re.urned by 5 p.m. On the la .. Friday in May (May 3)' 20(5) 10 the IIlabam. Sla" Bar.


At-Large Commissioners The Bo..d of II.. Commission ..... will .. Iect nin~ .1-large commissione ... The inilial .erm. of 1M nine .. _large commission... will be .. aggerOO: three at-large commissioners will I>< ..l«led for 'erm, of on. ~ar each; thr....-large commissioners will be $ for ,.,-ms of two yra"; and th ...... _large will I>< $tIeaOO for "rOll, of Ih .... yr... each. The commission "'ill be responsible for .. Iecl;ng candida .. , "'ho art members in good standing .nd ,.Hecl lhe .aci.I, .. hnic, gender, 'S", and geographic d i",,,ity of the membe .. o f 1M IIlaOOm. Sla'. Bar. The .. _large po>ilion. will be /ilk<! from appli'"'ion. which musl be rec.i,-"d by ,he Secretary no than 5;(10 p.m. On April I, 2005 . The application will I>< available On , I\< $t.t. bar Wtb ,itt, www.alabar.atg,I><ginningMardl 1.2005. Tho$t $tlecltd 10 .he aIlarS" position. will be notifitd promptly of lhei' $tl<c.ion. The ,erms of Ihe at-I.rge commissioners will COmmence on July I. 2005.

Judicial Award of Merit Nominations Due The Board of Bar Commissione" of Ihe Alab.m. S.... ~r will rerei", nominations for ,h. SI.te bar'. Judicial Awan! of Moril lhrough Moroh IS.1OOS. Nominations .hould I>< prepared .nd m.iled 10: Keilh B. Norm. n, _ ...... r y Bo.rd of Bar Commissione.. Alabom. Stat. Bar P.D. Sm 67 1 Monlgomery, Al. bam a 361 0 1-067/ The Judicial Award of Merit was e".bli,htd in 1987. The .w>rd" nol rl«tsS3,ily.n annual.ward.1t muS' I>< p",.. nttd 10 .judS" who i. not '.tired, whcther .. ate or fede",1 ,ourt, trial or 'PI"'Il"t. who is dt1e,mintd 10 havt com, "gnificantly'o the admin_ ISl"nion of jUSlia in Th. Ittipienl is pTtStn,ed with .. <1")'>101 sa""l bearing the .,a.. bar $tar and Ih. yrar of p,... nlation. Nomin ..;on •• re con,ide,td by •• h...,-mtmbtr commin.. apl>oin.«l by the pr .. idtnt of lhe state bar. which lhen moks a r<'CQm_ ~dation '0 the boan:I ofhar commi.s.<X>ne .. with mpect to a ""min« 0' whether tM award .hould I>< preoenl«l in .ny gi",n J'tl'. Nomin3lioIU should indud< • delail«l biographical profile of tho: nomi".. and • n.. ra';'" ou~ining tho: significmt ,onlribul ion{.) lh. ""mi".. ru.. made to the adminis,ralion of ;US1~. Nominations may I>< ,upponed with let .... of endorseltlent.


About Members. Firms .,.., AW-oo ,....,.,. ....... ,. I r f!




................. . .

UO,",.OI '"'""" '" . . .,....n.,o{. -/fto",ooIo".mc.. -.. .-I .. "_"""""'" .,....__


R.oben R. 8<dwoI1. III .nd J. Ckn

About Members

dta""" .. tIw.u./M.... St." &r

Paul R. Holland .nnounc.. 1M IIp<ning o(Th. LowOffiu.,f Poul R.

(fox! "" 1.0. 1Iox611. Mo"""""", J6IOJ.

Holl"nd, 01 11.lO 6t h Awnut. Sf. Decatur J~l. P~n~ (1:16) :106.00&8.


o.p.m ......,. III (JJ4) 161 ~ III

or,.,.."..,.<Itantr j, ...J;... ~,

.......,_""~.... · M....,6.n.·~ ... "1okmbtT 1Ar1,,· _ ~ ,"'~j"""""

Raymond L lohnson. Jr. announces 1M (",motion of Low Offi«o <>f Roymond L Jo/Iruo", Jr.• lank<! a, 1117 ZZr>d S1rttl, Soulh. llirminp.= 35lO5· 2313. Phont: (205) 9l'H10OO. 1'01'1"'" ............. , United Anorll<)' Ronald R. lru ....... artD(lUn<eS t/)( opnUlll of his oIfo« •• 2126 Morris


A""""". Binnin&Mm 3SZOJ. Phon< (205)

232· 2100.

Among Finns Sin,., Cnddi<k & Do,bon PC Ch.rln A. C .. ddick, Sr, h.. b«n Ippoint..d by Covnnor Riley to 'M posiuon or ,;«ui, iudv. Thin~,h )udio;i..l Circuit, and Iht firm'. n>.m< has Iwn chang«110 Oodoon .5< Slndman .nn"unc~llh.t


lIniftnily of A1Wma SysI"", trUSIca appoInted Michael Bow.... as

oecm,'1'. "Thomu Lft Ro"",_ -. ...:ently d«t..d diltrkt o"orntY for th< 41 .. Judiciol Orcu;t or Alablrno {Blount

County}. &kh 8< 8inghonlllP 'nnoun<a !II.>, Gin. Dnoskr. Tal .. john.«>n N~. Tyn:U )onbn ..1<1 Ryan Sl<'WUI h• .., b«om< .....a.ta in the Birminghanloff"",. The fi:m obo:u\l\Ol,lr'lCel ....., john G. SmiIh and G. UrIc Kn/thl .. putnor and 1WOci· II<:, mptethdy. in w Monlp>tfy office.. Thorn .. 0. liar .nd Chri .. i A.. Robn1 •• nnounu lhe form.lion of Bel. II< Robtn. U.c. w"h otrKefWled ., IH40 MqnoI" A_ ... ,SuJ~ 300. MqnoIio Springo )65SS. Pbonr (lSI ) 9U·30n. lkl.I~, Allt-n, Crow. Mtlh.;n. Pori ;' & M;I~ PC anl'H)un«< thl! WnI~ a.odwick Cook h.. b«onlC an with the fim,.


Podz<:I. Innoun« tile formotion of 8edwdlll< Pad#11 PC with offica wted ., 16 W. Front S.~. 11Ionusvill. )678-1. !'hon. (3HJ 6.16·'rn)4.

B,"nll.y & McLendon LLC .nnouncn tll.>ljon. Pmick Anluon Iw.joillCd W fi, m .. I n _""~. Brinyttrk & l« PC .nnounco du., a.rillOpt\CT L. Fredtridt has b«otllC assoc"'ted w,llI tho firm. 0fI'1Ca .~

wled in TtI ..... loo.. ond Eu.. w.

ikown.lhidF'" PC .nnou"".... lUI .... dut .... 10 ""'"",1, Green PC. 8urr & For ..... n I.LP In"",,"""" lhal Dow A. DovidlOn, T.... i D. Field!, G,"ham W. Gc:. hlrdl, Amy K. I<>rdan, April M. Moson. MouhewT. Mi,cheU. )oo"n. l'o" •• 5<>n. Alp!..,n ... 5im"n, J•. , Ind [) G. W.nhlilio h..... joined Ih~ Bi.mingham offlCo ... _ i ...... Qa.k. Dolin, Mo .... Oneal. &

PC announces 11... BnodLry]. Smith Ind LIley W.lo"',o ~ borom< rnnnbnl. Jordan pm'iou.sIy ",""led $maIO< ItIf btoou wllh hi$ work on w Sena~ )udJcOory Comnt~l«.

Danidl, UpIO<l. Pt-rry II< MorN PC an"""n«< lha, William D.Andonon and 1o.""lton R. Law haw joined tile firm ... associot .... 0.,.1 .... & Woodrow .nl'H)un<a thlt Melody Smith llrook. h.s joined a•• 1'1""<'1' Ind lhlt th~ fi'm ""me hI. b«n chlnJ«! to 0(>11",. Woodrow & Brooko. EtIQ. Sondors & LLC announc .... hll D. Harron Lauman llu j<>ined the firm ... an """"i....

IUs II< Burp PC"""""""" that Donny 0. IkndrrIOn has ~'"<DIIIr$I'/ 10 w linn.and that CaroIyrt A.. ~kAIi<ttt has btcomo ., with w linn. f\owft1. Foodt.rtn(IUtICft WI Stcphm has h«otn< OftIior vic~-prnidonL


C.rdn .... 101 iddlebrooko, Gibbon .. P<:: announas I n.RIC 'h.n~ to Go.dn~r. Mlddl~b,ooks, Kittr<il & OI.-n

Com;n~.d un {>d~ 20

I .... "~." •• A"o •• ""~

I••• d D.'.,".n


Forensic lCPAs = ......

D•• Dmu ••••

7DS 3H 6630 Inf.Of .... ,,<·.po, • • , ..... '" f ..... , •.• po ••• ,

S.". lOH F;,.o"ol C .... , SOS 'h"~ 'O,~ S"." 1I,.,.~h ••• Al 35703

About Members Gibbon.. Klurdl, 01_ Walker 8< Hill PC. and thal lo!. Vanu McCnry has !l'IO¥Cd from lhe Birmingham office"o

HiU , Hili, Co .." , Franw,Cok &: 8bd;


PC am>Wn«f WI Amand.o Morpn A11Ml Iw joiM<! the fi.m as on associato.

1M MobiIHffi«,

John.lon., Ada m .. Bail.,.. Gordon & Horri. LLC .""",,ne.. ,hal Sonya LaShu Crawford and FIlth Ann Pat. joint<! the firm.

D.nk1 B. G",_ . nd 81. ke I. T<>mpkinJ .nnOull(~ tho form.. ion of Gro_ & Tompkins LLC, localN a t JOO9 Fi.,figh t" Lane. Birmingham }S209. Phone (205) 802·61! l.


0,,1... J""kin, 01."'" £. Harrioon and

Ham. S'. nkosI<i, Sbonkosld 8< ZurKld LLP anno...,," thaI Josh... P. Myrick h.. joined 1M linn .. an uaocia'o. Hand A.mdoll u.c IIlIlOUn<es Wt Gi"F'" Goddy has b«iOtnt • mnnbor of tM firm, and L H.... mell and ~


It Todwdl ....... bommt associates.

Samuel w. Junkin annou~ 'M ron".>l1oo of /unIOn, Iturison 8< Jomkin PC. wilh t>ffi<Q Ioal«l in f~ and ThscaIoosa.

Ka"f...... & R""Mtdet PC announces that D. Br<1l' W~I .. Sonh S. Joh ...."n and John Rodgm Morpn. III ....... ;ou..<I the firm as _iota Wnar, MiIIrr, Norrio & Fddman PC """"""'" W t SIq>hm D. OIristie and

a..rlu A. Hardin and Ihvid A. Hu","" .nOOuDU 1M wnnat;on of

Michod 1. H...,., ..... bo:wmt ~ boIdm. and the firm IWn< Iw ~

Hardin &: Hugh .. LLP.

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dwep:d 10 I;omar. MiIIrr. Noms, H~ " Oerioti< PC Tho lime .... announces

lhM .... 51",,",," and I:>toomc ossoci.,,,,-

,,,,,in Soulh " -

Moyn. rd.Coop<r & Col. PC 0.. 010 "0100 t hl: Corol S"" Nol"'n ond Chris Mil<MIi h, ... joinN:M fi rm .. .h.",holda., .nd th o: Sl u.orl M. Mour. H. rr ison "- SW>op, lOtI C. Pore .... lno'" S. Gro .... . Jooh ... I). Jones. Thtodo .. P. lldl. And .... M. G ........, T. M"~in Mdllroy, II . Anduy Y. DupOol, jQnoehon D. Kipp, 8o<Inic L S ..... um. \\~.u A. Smilh, Gnu C. Robin..,... OIrioeophn' I. Willi&rm, and Robm D.

H. e><odt h.... be<»m< ...-io:a. t-kDowtlI Knip' R....tdtt " SINg<

u.c .nnou"," 1M: Wmiam G. Oeuon. Co .. tin~tJ on /><'gt 21



CormIen. eortII~ evaluMes and

_\MIS ""SUte. n _

n ..-io;n.

wede.1$fr9'1fIII \'dIicIl are lrIiIeneaWaI in • oomp,ner database. All are edeotified by $pOI\$OI'.loeatlOl'l. date and specialty 3rta. for • eorrIfIIeteliseing of e:ooent

ClE OppMlJl'llties or • e.Iendar, <;(lI1IaCI Ih:e MIlE Corrroisslorl offece 8t (334) 269-1515.8IUensue 117. 156 or 158. or \'IlU1M!'-' tuflplelllistmg 01


The Grand Holel • Point Clear, Alabama July 21-23, 2005

« •

About Members, Among Firms Ann. Lour;' Sm;. h ~nd J _ 0. W.U, hIve btwmt _ i .t,d with II>< firm. M~rrill. J[orrison &. Adam • • nn"~",,", that O•• id K.. Hogg has bt.:Omt usoc ia, ·

od ",i,h ,he firm.

MKiuod .... An<knon and ",""I B. st. .... Jr. announa: the opening of ShawAnderson LLC ., 2924 Cre$c,nt ...""" ...,

Homo:w<>od 35m. rho".. (W ) B71·'i/S'ioO. Smi.h. Spira &: PNdy PC announces

And.- I- Smith, PbUlp H. ""midI"'.

Wim'"" R. C.- ond A. ~


:ulAOunu tilt lOrma.iod of hrtrid&<. Smith PC. "Tho ol'fia mamn, addrao it P.o. Bo:I 8142'. Mobile 36699. Phon( (2S1 }).l8·0566. Ph. lp•• "'nkin .. Gibson &.



Inoounces tIm 11'0>« H. Henderson has joinnl "'" firm .. "p"rt nu. RoHn, Cook,~, Sh!ou ...k '" Qkhh ... PA anroow>as!hot Stua rt D. AIIla, "'".Ulam S. PooIoo, 111 Ind Old L Ilobbt ha ... joinod tho firm at Ru.lllon, StaUly, Job ...,,,,, $, Garrell ' A .nnounccs that R. BKII Ca"cU has


dial Griffin M. Shirley has joint<! the firm .. ... ..-iolf.

""on>eys PC

Sommer Barnard annourKel d"" J~h joUxd of <oun/4

w.eo... hu

Kemp. Tomica O(mon. Richard, CLo",nc. Rich ....l. ill , Carl W. Robinl(ln , Rom,d.nlh Sala. m. Joi C. ScOI1 . Ja.cq ...[in< C. Smok<. Chri.. oph .... K. ....'hit.Mad. Aprit D. WiUi<lm.. and Ansell WiUiam.· lIomes h. ... joinfd ,I..,~

1\&r...... & MilItt llC a""""ncn lha. D. lami< Corrulh has joinod.ho finn.u an lIIoIOcial(. John Unlokktr announCtl lhc 0~njn8 of V. rn d & 8o",ling of SoUII..-rn Alabaona LLC. with otrlal 001«1 •• 162

E!i... be1h C. SlOllwo,.h .nd Anllt!. M. 'ohJl5On announU .hee rorn».ion of S.all_rth Johnson u.c. wi.h offica located a. L11 N. TtlI'« Noech SU<:fl,

Sain. f...... nud SI r«< . Fir" Floor, Mobik

T"'l')6OII 1. Ph.onr ())4j 670-0450.

}2102· J007. PlIo"" (25 1) 432..()311.

Slone, G......... & Croobr PC Shawn t: Alwo and R. announca Srott Uwit \)«on>( par'ntT'S of lht

.ha. ha,...


....'ahton. Wdb, ..............n & llain. LLP announca thaI Jobn P. S.roi>m, o..nna I.. Woldn ... . nd ShaIa R. I'Irid>u 11>'0'( bfoo...... JIOCi,tt«l with lht firm .

John .... !tu_n. III . nnoUl'l«S the 1WOC;.. ion of his ...n, /ohn A. RIIMOU, IV,.nd 1M finn', """..has brm (honstd 10 RuudI &: 1Wosdl.

The low Offiu of Coli"" tL. Swocw llC ... nOunC'" • n~m( du.ngt .0 Swuk<r & Spatk$ u.c. and .h. Chtilloph ... Ryon Spariu hu b«ome a pam...r.

WI.wn. deGrafr.... reid & l yra LLP Innou",.. . hat Suzan ... H. Mill. h .. joined.M firm .. an associa ••.

Scott. Sulli...... $ " F.n PC anJ>(MIncQ lhat Chris L AI"",,,' Iw jotned.1I< finn U In associate.

Thoma$, MftJu, GiUd & Sny PC !luI J.Ooyton<. lr~ Mo..... Mt<:.onq G.o ........ Pa,ricia V.

W _ & Wn.oon. with offica Iocatt<l at 212 Main Slrttt. Wurior lS 180. Phone (205J m · 1[2t.

joint<! II>< firm I I In ......,.,;., •.

Jona.han S, W....,n . nd lacq ...Jyn H. W<$IOn .nr>(lllIl« lht

_-_o.._ . _u_ ___-- _ --_ _ _ ..-__ _-We an ",.... your

cflLIcI aupport . nd u_~.1<KL divorce coo_ .s ...y •• I ... Z••• 3 ... I. En,er the c.._ Infomuotion Z. P rint ,1M Document.

3. Fila with the Cou n . . . .,0... _


.... ,.00II _ _




...,..,. . - ...'''*-''...... .... ...... ...... ............ ...... _ . ..- - .-_ _....... _OotI_,_,,_ -.. . _._, -. -......._... ",,,~-



. "....

' ...... 0... _ _





to ..... 'Ime _nd money?

Unc:Onle$1ed Divorce In Alabama 2.0 ... _.. $595

Child Suppotl in Alablt ma 2.0 ... _..~ ._~"~".~"~.s::

334·244·2983 B ~ n A (;lIA



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Save an .. ldilioo ... $'1OCI by sigI- '9 up U • 'O'Igh 'PO""ogo~..... ,." .. ... ...... ...,lA::!i s· TIll AI,b.m. SIal< Bit Progrom PrClfllOltl todl " PF'{)6, for mor. rnlor .. , tioo1 on r •• hsr- 2IlG4.

0.1 Lau,. C.IIow,y "13341269-1515 or go ,•

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Allon It 8rown. Jr .. I mnnbcr of the Mobil,!!.or ~ialion. ditd FtbruHf 21. 2004. H...... bom NoYrmbc1- 21. 1926 in Gunlon~ilk H....... grad ... t. of 1M UniVftl"Y of AlaN"", School '" low and • mnnbtr 01 tho forrah Ordtr.1'oIIowin& his padua,"" in 19S4, II>OO'N 10 MoI>iIt and bopn p'Mlicin& bw in July. In 1969. o/\f'[ -.nI )'m'S or practi«, AI IOrmcd Iht r"", 01 Brown H....... PC.


AI was odm;ncd to w Unilrd SU"", Sup ........ Coun, rho Unitrd StakS Coon of AppeaJs. lOrehoo 5111.00 11th circuits. and d,. Ab~ma SuP""""' Coun. H. _ • mnnbcT of the Mobilt and An'l<'fi<:on

bor """'''liom. IS ~JI ... the A1.b,,,,,, Sl'~ 11> •• 1M Al>hml. om. .... Lawyns AI.oo<:i.atioo. lilt l>ritnS<' Rest.."h lJ\$.i1U!r. tho South,roj'em Admiralty Ltw lrutilu~. WId the Murumt I.AHodoIJOn of the United SUItS. H;, main area of prKIia _ m.u1'lflOt dtfrns." AI was I VO'Inad of ....'or\d ' II and tht komon Con!lict. H.- .."tn:d !lot u.s. Mililuy in 1944,1inI with 1M U.s. Muilirno t"d. __ known .. tlw MtKhanl M•• int. and Lot .. with tM U.s. Anny Europan Com"'-'. H. rctirt<l from .he U.s. Army Tran.porution Corps;" 19&2. fQ/lowing J.4 mrs rtf com· bined milit.ry k'T'V;';" with \I,. rank of colontl. h•• ing ..rvN .. Ih, com"",n<kr oflht 1180Ilh Arm)' ~TtnninaJ Unit in Mobilf .nd II,. 315th MOIor 1ianspon Groo",abo in Mobik. H.was tbt m:il'itm 0{ lilt Anny Commendation M<d.aI widl Oak J.n( Ouwr. M<riwrious M<d.aI .nd upon of Mnit, aJDOIl3 othn awmIs. AI ...... abo • ....",. btt of American l.tpon and lho VCkran$ of ForripI W.n I'\:)a 49, AI was 1M IOrrnn dUI;.mln of w M. n:h of Di","" in Mobil<.nd I ~I prnidenl of II,. Univmily of"o. Alumni Auoci.lion. H~ was ""iv< wilh Ih~ M<>bilf !'rcta and 1M M<>bik A.e. :s.m.:....




C..mlwr of Commo:n:.:. as ...Uas bring octive in OIhor civic .nd poIilical orpniulicIlu. He: abo IIftWd as praidc:nl of W Mobil<' 110, Auoriation in 199~. Alwa I """'00 of Phi Ddu1hrto fnoemity. and Phi AIph;o Ddu law fra· ......ity. Hf on. .n KIM mrmlwr of lIw boar<! or dirmorJ of lho AmtricIn Rcsou,", lnlur.n« Comp,>ny of Mobil<: .nd " _mho. or St. M.,1<o Unilt<! Mtlhodisl C.un:h. He iSf" .... i..., by hi:! wife of 26 ~rs. loy« t>t.. ina llrown; hi:! sin". An,.. UUrI Brown ....'hilt of 0U0rd, Ohio, his Ih,..., child,.... Allon ItM$ Brown. III and hi:! wife.1boi. of Mobil<-: Kitty Brown StockTOn ond hor husbond. Bob, of Otapd Hill.; and Wdl.iam Thompson Brown ond hi$ wife. VIfginiA. of Stoltle-. Ht iI.also IW"vMd by. SItpfOn. J>wishl a Htndonon. J•• ond hi$ wik.1"hcm:a. of 1uIwviIIt. Nonh CaroIilll: K\'m snndclWdrm; ond nurnm)UI OIhor CQul.inj. n~ ntp/>tws. mal;"'" and hicndJ.

-JornnA yo ....... p.... AU(l";,,';on

idno'. Mobil<! Bar

SAM U EL MARTI N M c MI LL A N Sam",' M.rlin McMillan, a mcml>tr of the Mobile Bar Associ>!",". diN! Aprill, 200-1. H. was. and lifelong mem-

1:><. of Mooi"'. H. 'Honded


School and Murphy High School. Aft" grad",,!ion. h. joinM lh' Un ited St. t••

Mari"" Corps, oerving ... ",doc cngi=r in the P.cific ,h • .,a of Op<rahon. dUTing World W.r II. AfttT th. ""'t, h. studied h;.[ory.1 the Uni .... rs;tyo( " l.bama, whcu he was a Imm,,", of Phi Ikt. KlIpp. fraternity_H. allcn<k<! Harvard Law School and gr.d<! f'<lIn th.,. in 19>4.

In 1956. Sam was .ppointNl u ,ped.1 <oun,d 10 the $<n.\<, Small Bu" n... Clmmi"'" by U,S. Suato, )<>hn I. Sp""",,n of A1ab. ma . In 1976. the r~ ..1Republic ofGcrm.ny appointed Sam .. Hononry 0m,ul in Alob. rna. H.

I,"cr ,..oov«! the Officer', etc,"" Br ItIt


James Donald Huntsville Admitted: 1974 Died: August 24, 2004

Ordt, of Merit by lh. ~ra1 Republic of Gemuny for .. rving.s Honorary Con,ul,. po>ilion h. h.ld until 1993. Sam cnt,ml tho pri..,1t p..,,;u oH.,. in Mobil •. and at 'he lime of his d.. th. w• •• IlKm"', of Ihe fi,m of Ingo. McMillan & Coky. In ,ru, ..<ly 19500. ru, 3100 l<'rY<d 3 •• n o.\$ ",li<il0r unMr Circuit Solicilor Carl Booth. Hrrnoon Ingo.h .• hi. law pann ... ofm.ny ~ar•• .. id. ·S. m wu . b'il!iontl.~r. H. could always giv<: you 'ho cOm'<t .nSwor 10 .ny Itgal qutstion." Sam wos pr«<dtd in death by hi, wif•. Ican Mcinnis McMillan. H. is .urYjvW by hi, ",n. Mortin McMillan of Upton. Ntw York; his d.ught ... Ann McMiUan of Sunnyvale. CaHforni,; hi' .i.'.... Delphin. lohnson of Mooil.; ,"'" grandchildren. s..ird and Pamo McMillan, and num... ou. nie«s a nd n'"Phe.....

-}arne< A. Ya>ln. prnithnr. Mobil. Bar


Grow, Joh n Gulf Shores Admitted: 1962 Died: September 6, 2004

Low, James Vincent Gadsden Ad m itted: 1973 Died: Augu st 6, 2004

Eva ns, Carl Lenford Montgomer y Admitted: 1967 Died: September 6, 2004

Kelley, Jennie Lee Alexander City Admitted: 1970 Died: November 19, 2003

Reid, Laurence Byron Fort Lauderdale Admitted: 1991 Died: September 5, 2004

Fuller, Kenneth Tifton Phenix City Admitted: 1957 Died: November 1,2004

Loper, Cecil Lamar Mont gomery Admitted: 1988 Died: September 15,2004

Weiss, Sanford D. Crestview Adm ined: 1960 Died: November 9, 2004


May It Please The Palate ... the first ever statewide

May it p lease the Palate ...

Bench and Bar cookbook .

'11,,, v.,l"",.",........ y.,.. Pr'>gr~",. I\e"d, &. 8. . Oel,cio" . Red ... :.


......... _--_ ........ _---- ............. _-_ ........ _--- .. _-

These beautiful books contain over 570 recipes from members oCthe legal profession around the state. The book includes wonderfully clever recipes such as Easy Slaw for Men In O veralls and favorites such as C aj un Pecan A rmad illo and Padlock Oven-Baked Possum. Remember the proceeds from the book wi II help fund Alabama's Vo lunteer Lawyers Programs, which provide access to justice for Alabama's poorest citizens . -- ............ __ ..... __ ................ __ ... _._ --. __ .. .

Order Your Cookbook Today! (Cookbook s are $15.00 each plus $2.50 shi pping and handli ng. M ake checks payable to the V L P.)

Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __

Address __________________________________ City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

State _ __ Zi p _____

NumberofBooks ______ Complete the order fonn above and mail with your check to: Volunteer Lawyers Programs Cookbook. P. O. Box 671. Montgomery. AL )61 01








NIIn'IIIn' lining ro. aam.*.*.*.*.*._._._._. _ _ _ _ .__ ._._._... __ ._.• ___ ·__ ···· __ ....... __ ....... __ .__ _ Numbef cmifio.d 10 Supl'('01t Court of Alaba .......................... _..•..•..•. _._ .... _._._._. __ ._____ ._._._._ (ntifialiotl rat.- __ ._. __ ._._._.~ .... "* •• " .•.... _ .. _... __ .__ ._._ .. __ .__ .. __ ._._ ............................. _.... _ ... .



' t rctnUlg ..

Uni"""";ty of Aloha ..... School or uw ..... _._ ................................................................ _... _._ ....... _._._ .... _._ .. Birmingham School of low ............ _~._ ................. "."." .......................................... _..................................... . Cum\>oTLond School of La .... .............................................................................................................................. .

JontS S<hool of La", ..........•••••••••••......•.................•...........•.•.....•.....•........ . ........•.............•........•....... Miles <:olIOS" of Low ••••.....•................•...................•...........•..... .................•..............•..•..•...........•..•....... '1",I~d.. only

those ,uuwfullr """;"1 Nt ""am ~"d MPRf

9-4.2 p<T«n1

n.' p<T«(nl 8U P'tr'<tnl Sl.S P't.anl 6.3 P't.Ctnl

Alabama State Bar Fall 2004 Admittees AI_Homo...!. W:oWd Nor.n

_ n , Wdli.m Cra"


Ab.on<kr.1r. Roderick M.. k Alfonl. s......, S<>ow

Brown, Willi •., 1I>d;.,

D«I>< ••

Du".",,~" M"k

AlInI. ~hlml Moy A11t«1.1>Md 0.,&

IIryan.Cor<ylN.n .... 1Iuclu,,",~. [l<b<. lIend<r>on Bu._.

............. "",."..rid<

Burp. \'o",JI ..... Graham

ri 1Io<.Ir>~s...ah ~[~ f.mrKk. III ~u...u

u.. M,,_

J;.l" 11.m.lOn



Ibll""n !II.1J,


F.nIi><", Cowkr E",,". LrnJ"y I\rOOK

H.y<>. I""'" !Ju... n It..y<>. li,. C~.;'''n. N,.I Il.y<>. \\,.1,,,, Sh;'k!>

II. ...... ~1r< ...... I:.....yrv Ii<dpp<th. ~.ll""n I~i.

M .. ",.Ir>hn Edwanl

H<hon, S..nkr Itoton-,

Appl<blum. km'ny M,d...1

Burl<1on. Brodlql SroI,

""r><>IJ, .'.lion !)u,h.,"

llusby. O.. id An'hony

A>brlI, Mi,h.>d 1.,<01

0.1<.1 .... 11. I., ely<!< ItoruWI

M ...... More .. lynn Anpl.> C.,hcrin<

At.,n.. ~br .. l<c

CorP<. 0

SaUl, MUSU.. n....(;" ..

CMnrth, lamo< Can",. An ... DorOIh,

F"'II""M. klhr Fro",,<>

c...y. M....... M.. k/1.m c...y.I •.

~lr1<h ...,

r......... j.n, ~hri."

I!oldrn, H,,,h Sr<nw


f .... m.n, 11>o"n O.k..."hidd

Hollow"" Ry"" P~illip Hoi""", Riclu..d \'0'111;'


1 4 .,...., ~1i<h.>tlll<Cu1o ~ .. n"'t.

11<>1,,- W""nglon

!l.<rn", ]' ...... Iohn

1\.>' .. " •.111".... POW .... '1<"" •• In 100000h 10m<>

i;:=~ IIuo.. Jr.~lilfCU' IW,.

... AIItrt.



I",,,, 1/;,.



""""'" RoN-tt



brlo".u, Oi."", Gt<rr~

llimdon.lohn I'<f,y


[Jrub<th I'mrktw-

R..nin$- I,-.ndj'


Sh.v\;r R.,



(,,-',..,.,n, Il<b<c<>

'"nltf,{:h""opbet _


1r>hn Ahe'

' ' '.mlll''. . . <>I<y D.u.

'""'- II,-..lrim



lI"n<i.c:t, JIlllon bllY>.J

.. '" .. \[,{;O.~


B,uor, bu,. 1..1><1


A..[rcw V<m<>n

Hi<b. Holly .'!«h<It

lI,nd.o, Rob<"I."" 11-' 001<1 l<l.ond

lIodg<->. I..-,moM. M"h.<I

Ilolmn, S<on An'bon •

Hool<r. M..... y.h N"",m.Jr

110m. I'r>n«ri>< AJ". H.. rI<y

",,,.rr. R,cl>.onl B",,,

H"u"on,II."I><. M.tir: lIoyk, Todd 0",,, lI"bby J«.,-,I I

0>Imut<. Md .. I ""n.

",."l.on. ,h.n. Ny\<". Si<inJK"T

Jon r..-kr

Hll<h<rn, I<ff«r<

fl<ll. ]oWI.,. Adolrh

Connri!v. ';W<'n.J.>lm E,h.1

G... on.

1ItU. Tf>t,>do>n 1'","'"

Coo ....·, i<no,kr 11<1_

41y. En< Un.don

1I11$h<y. 8..."dor1 1)0""",

wah ....



G<mk.l'>ub ~l1rit _,.,."n

1\'".1.1.",..,1>00 P....


B,oh''1"I..''''.I.<' BI."". Krill 0,,,;,11<

r",,·fonl.I'cob w.

G.-r-.sJ>ty. SMa/> Eli»b<th G<rh..anl,. Gnlwn W<b>I ...

1mkin>,l11 Jolon M",,,,

G<r1h, 1.lOn a"k<


,,<phrn \1>nNl1

BI.mkmhip. An" E1iuh<1h 8t.1n'~n.

AI"", 0.""

J\IuIto>n. \I'iUIaIIlI'ri« IIkJ"ot. I......, .\!.. k

("..--..M<h... ~ c..._~M.o.k

81,,"".lIri •• Mi1<bd

Pom. lind. "fh><r Thi

IIaI><>. Robin liliz.Ib<1h

o..ugh«1y, N ...I;' Ann

1I<>(.nl;.on,p. ~,cnt ])oug1.o.

P"id.I«""",h 100000h O.. idson. [)o.. Ambrooc

1Io""I!". I•. I.m.. Ruf".



{~ ... n'. fl.", """" Gc>nlon. I. WiIMn IlcF

lIou,1><1, M...t'""",ndo


Po.... TtrDOtbyMO<had

lor.,"" ~ .. Cr>is


ltin.w. ........ t,1I Monis lbmn .. ,k

P<.n. lui;.... F.... TtUcir. O<.n, M"t..<1 G<qIOfT

lifo< •• """""'" o.:.nn... H.d,.... RDb<ru L

" .n non. Kimb<rly Mu,"" ...

Sh.un Add;,,,n




8 .... lIon.

Sb<n", IU<




,.l(-P... k

Bruob, k I'.mo<Ih Alkn


"",wn. E1".. b<th I!olluld

l)ogg.. t.

11",,,,n. M ilh I'<nn""",oo

llon.M",n, I mily e",,1


r,.... r ..... S",n' Giliion



~I.I" ..


".I"" An,bon' '-li,1I III.!"",

• Joh.o>toa. MndoIl I\U,,,,, fona., """... O.n",1 jo...,·Sm"h. ~I"l' f .. n,., ]"rdan, Amy Ka,II<""" ron!.>", Tyr-.IlI1.m,ng I"""''', ".lui M"h.K1 J;od,dnun,lII krhn willi i:.olWIry. Afu"", "'..

Ihlbrook>. E1iub<th Ann

Kamm", fJir.b<1h \I .. i< 1>.\"''',5>",...1RoJ.",.

H.II.0Imonr:! i..>w",."

K< .. RuI>< ..

H.n. Thcf<'>.l OIll;'1





I""';", I•.

Gi!cs. IJ<'Mo ... Gi ....... krnnr sm ... GWt..... tidr.Qwb

8oo<dm. Dr..i<I \.....,.,

,l"num,llonni< l<c




BrUIt ...... n

Ibm",.". ~""" 11.",,, flu.abnh n .....


1I.. ,,~ r.nrukr Anr><

J;n,gh.', G"mn 1.>.""

Ihn, D.not! Gamu

J;n<>pf. M,fXon.ld M",1I<1I

Il>u ..., HIlI«1 UO)1l 1.>.w,."",

J.. ktn ... n. [)ouSt... !\,orron

i:mIbrororp..lm Jan

""""h..>n 1'1<."

l&ndrnu. M.. lh<w Jon

Murphy. K.,h'J'II EHubdh

RUS5<U.IV John Archibald

T>dw<ll. I.y Ephri'"

Lan<y. 1.<>" I.n



Tound. B~ky Thom ..

Law. I,,",'b.n Robrrt<

N<lson. Guy Vincrn'

Sa>o<r. Micll ..lyn La"",

ToU<y. n,vid Wg<1l<

~"'.llll.m<>, Ed ..... rd r.y Ogl<. 0",;"11\0'10"

s"tttrfidd, Willi.m W.nm

Tril'!'<' ldi. M«h<ll.

I".. And .... $0 ....

Sca,brou&il, L<ah I.,.n""

Tun., Hilly G<n<


J<»hu>. P>.u1

Ir. lohn Willi.",


l«.s" .. mubdh

Oli""r. Lan« Vi<.or

S<hiLkci.1Il Vin,ml Io><ph


1,*"",, Ali« Amy IOJ'

Ov<"on, Bradl<y Ry>"

5<ott. !lobby t...

V.uglun, Gf<$,oty f.d"",ol


PaImn, Lau,. Ann

Scott. Gun. lolIn s..1s, w.J1",. 1\llutl\<)'

W,irs.lll Ch.,I .. lUrn",nd


Li"rb<y. M"h ..1 W.. ky

"" [rin L<igh

!'.mily loy

VNI, /er=Iy Dougl ..

I.ind><y. I'dli.m Urnry

$o,lf, Aim« o.n""

Il'aldKlI' ernt,"" R.n«' FI.ming

l';ul<. lu"in 1I>""t

Stw<ll. Tmyd". And«,

IN:&lhr. Micllad !';,

Seymou" "'~I"r Rodm<k

W"llor, Ir. ",cllliam Chr",oph«

Porn', h. W<loon Rushing

Sh<o , D""I Ll"'..d Shirk),. G,iffin Morrill

I,'>!,h. Sh.nnon Miko

Pt"SO", M..". Ri<hmond

Shott, Mi,h,d F.dwatd

W• ...J. III I'm<> Rob<"

hlfr<y, Tho .... Md'.lrath

Shub<tt. Kimb<,ly Rrn<.

w..«n, Ang<la Nichol<

1'<",... loftr<y

SimonJ'. Alphonso

I'<",...,n E,,,, Gill l Pt''''II<, Michdk Diall<

Singl"""" S<w;"tt Jtlid><Il< Smith. Ann, lau,i.

II'",,,, JM<l'h Griffin

PbHliI"jW""" 1<>'011

Smith, April Niro;"

W<bb, 11m... l«

Pick"~ I,ff, 5ilrolt Pib,,,, £mlly W'dliom.

Smith, B,y:," D.niol

W«d, P,m.', 1.<, 1\0>;'10

Smith, Chr"1OpIt" EdIt","


M.z<, Oint LoDon

Pinyon, P.ul And,.w

Smith.l.n Mic.ih Co in

Wrir, Ang<I. O.y

M<8r"n'y, !ll I.m", Thorn ..

Pinm.n, Dan.o 1.<.

SJI\lth, SMn..,h.'rn

Wol;"" lo .. ph Oli"..,

irk>, I.. cd N"h.n

I':oul. Eri. B')'lIn

lrncl>, Sba>""on Ikn...

I\om<, I"n", O<lb«1

M.dokn. Wmdy A"n M.k,. L>ura Sidwdl Mmlt, Ctyuol ~bson,Ar,i l



M.ut.i in, L>uro Sh.n"on M,""" III lohn Fmk,id; M• ..,y, Stu."


M.oy. Crnthi.nth..- LaShon ~Ioy;

Jl fcd..•.. ~<1I<

W.nh ..:do, l).,.id c:. .. ld

·U}'htk •• It, Tim01hy Paul

W", .. s"nd", K.y fngl'nd

J""", Ow<n

M<Oonili, 1l<5lt.. non Nicok

Polson, Whi'n,y II<nj.min

Sn'ith. Ilcdl Alon


M,Elroy.1I Thorn ..

Pook, III W,jli.m Shtt

Sn<d<nb<ti<r, Mi<h'c1llor

W"""n, 1""I.... lyn Iludson


Po,,«, 10<1 Ot.ndl<r

Snow. Hrod.iI< S<ar<y

Whlt,hud. St<ph:uti< IJionn<

Mc1.<mor<, 1",1 Ill ....

Po"t=)'.II'tlli.m Br<\l

s;,rr<11s, Edw1rd &nn'"


Md.bhon , III Io><ph ~'Y"'ond

Pu>oll<, Koth<r'"<non.

M.lton, lori. Wizobdh


South<'land.loltn I.... Spoin. Amu,,1.! Fr:onca

Mc1,·in. T,,,,,i. T,,,,>n.

R,"bo, R<>!>ndo D.mond

Sporkm.n, Ridu,d Ash;",

M«i ..~th«.IV Will .. I. m"

Rromond. Rd>«ca Brond

S.. bkr, D.n;.1 Trice

M<»<" fli ... b<,h Gone<


S,rinoo,ff, IV GiIbd, Colvin

MiII«, loch< lynn<

Reid. Am.nd.!



MIX",n, And .. , I.",


l<if,q' Gnnt

M."h<w Bmt



Willi.m .. Otri.rophl'f J'm<> Will;',,.., Cynth;. NQ'""'" W.Jli.m •• Vm


Roit«, Ri<hard Brinton

S\>......x.,O.. id~

Wiboll, I.nll, Rutlcdg,

Strohm. /OlIn I'ook

Wil"'n. Timo,hy Ron.ld

MoI:tl<y, Corolin< I'ornti;.

Rr-,noId" Drid«!:>ron< John"'n Rhodt<, o..n. Andr<w

50"'"8.1""", McCo,u.

Wi"nun, S>.br. Micoh II>m."

MOD<,,<i. L.u,. Ann.

Ri<h.olson. Co,h.rill< Hounnn

SVO·.nn. lui .. 5<lk ..

\\~th< .. l'o<>n, Ch"d"t 1""0

M<Jntgom<t"f.}ohn H",inB

Ri<il.ordson. IUndoJl K<rmit

Wohlf<id. Ann, La... «IK•

MOOn<j·h,m. Douglos l11rokl

Rish<f, Chriotm o.iT<

....... "k, 0 .. « Willi"" S"",o!>.l",,", ... I.mi",n

Wovd. I<nnif« AlI<y

Moo.., III ChiTin Ri,h"d

Ri"b<y; Ni<hol .. l""Ph

Swy<, .. [)<I>o,oI>


M"'!!.n, An .. nda Koy

Robut .. J" IUp'r iI<roujon

T,.",on, ll<r<k 1.<,

1I'0nn.n. Kolly Loui.

MOI'g.n.llIlohn RodS'"

Il<>b<ruon. Rrian AV<ty

T.yIOl, Sh.n. Alt.1I

W'ight. M.tth<w David

M"IJ:tII.l<>i;" !i1 1 Mo"ioon. r.m .. Con rod

Rob<"",n. Pougl .. N.. h.n

Too"", lohn Mich.<l

Young. ~,;,,'in Nicol,

Robiruon, G.. « Ch,i"i.n

Thorn ... P.trjd laon

I.. n•• Anthony Phillip

Mo,row. Abi~.i1 Loun>bt.try

~ Gilb<" 8rough'''''

Mom"y, I.n,,;f« M,r<i«

RumS<)', s"m",1 R.. gon

Thom»On. lu"in Thom"",n, \(im,ly TrullKk

Munci,. III I"" .. AI ...""",

Rwsoll. I><k PtrwinB

Thompson, III Ri,h:ttd Don"....n


Riutdo And",,'

Zi<gi.r. !(u,n R.n, Zucrat., Kimb<'I~ Ch.m""


Kimbn/y Dralu! (2(](),j), Tummy f)riIU ( 198,}), rum ()"'~ (1963), C/om,;", Drllk, (J W/r;, [}nJU (1989) Ad"';,/«, h Ii$h.ond, I gIAorrt .. ·r",.·. molAn_i" .1..,... b""hrr . ,,,. "",.

fu/iU<l T.lH~1I (2(J().t) '111.1 Ili<h"../ Grrsorr f),g" (2(](),j)

''''I' glOd hliSbdml"'ffl

$g",,,,,,IuI Smilh (lOO4). Wlda ·/r:!,.p miln (1993). Git/i"" (/996), u"'rMg<~ Smith (1979) Adm"',.... nlDlh..,.•• iner./g,hrr

Cia,· J. ln~m_" (1()O.j), 1Ii/l ·/nom .....n (1970), &tk,· TIoOmlU"" (1M) I"'minu, Ig,h..,., siJlor

f~ 11.

Robt-ns, fr. (2(JO.j) gnd jllJpn B. lIolH"rIS, S,. ( 1969) ",/m;lIn gnJ IUlhtr


fA"'" m~ (lO(Ioj)<I""

c"",,' \\ill:n_ (lOOf)

H~"J ,,,III "'if' iW",iuUI>.


v.m. f.!0041 "nd ILtgh 1""';' , 19117)

AdmIn., .. nd


Griffin M.rriII SNrlq (2(J(UJ "tul w,JI

Sh"",, N. S. C"nt.zn (1OOf/ "/lJ R. ,(Qro"

M..,..;I/ Shirlq (1976) AlI"'i".... ,,,,d f,uh ....

Adm;nu ""d h .../Ja"J


/Jo""/,/,,,,, (1()(U) "/ld rtf! 1.l(J1I"'I~M

11:lI63/ Jldmi.".. ..nd fi"h ...

'~I;. StIlt .. S"'un IZOIH I ""II


.s.u.r.rJ99JI ,"",m,U'" "1f<I ~""'Mr

GarIta" (1(100/

Ang<'" C.."' ....n (20041.,,11 Moltr I:. (1'1991


Ad"';".... "lid $;"""

""d/II,h ....

R. Garn




"",I Wil/i<lm L

/" (1965)

Ad"';".... "lIIlla,h ....


Gnau t:. Rebi"",,. (lOCH) "M Clurrln G. R<>bi/tSOfl (l97J)

"',,1oM1 1\ i>l1.n (2(J().f). ,\fQrion

""lin (19761. r;.,"'V II,,/in- (1m)

Mmi"..... "Unl.""~'

M ...mff .. M !Q'M

Wil/iQm G",h"", /1,,'1'"" ( 1(J().f). GttgfIry llu'V" ( ' 995). ll'iIl,·.,m P. Su,.,.... (1973)

G" _ . (""~!_~~ .;•••.• """ ( 1974)

lId".i"..... /n-o,hrr. !",hrr

Mmi/Jrr and !mhrr

R"ndQl/ K. Rld'Qrdson (lDOf) Qn.!

111101111" Rltl,,,,,I,.,,, C.,·jl'll" (2002) Iod"""......'d ",ur


G. RQlnrr (2(J().f) .. M Nt.ncy J. /1",",, (1997) Iod,n'lll"t alld


JoihUQ I'. M}"rirk (1(J().f) "lid Pa"1 D. Myrirk (1976)

JI,lmi"" lind "uhrr


11>C~~rlyn lI~d"'n II'nHn (lOOf)



S. II........ (/996) AJ",,,,,~ .. ,,J h,..".,""

SJ,.II')' /,n<'is (JOO.f) ~nd Phi'ip (19-'5)

tlie F.amil


Willi"", R. Gord"n.I,. (lOO4 ) ....d J~J~ 1Ii1/,.. ", 11.. Gord<>n ( 1969)

Adm;"" and lath"


SIo ..un IHC.. ud .... /1O!H) "nd [)on JHC<>o>J .... (/9N ) """'",... "..d f"'~

A ...and.. Kay '\/0'1"" ,1./1",,, (Z004 ), Ihn'M Cr"~ AllrrJ (lOtH).

IV"•.."d h..,b"nd

admi,,_ /",hrr.i" ·", .../f,,,hrr

Adm'"'' .md Imh ..

\\'ill,um Thrl.. 1I"''''n (1QlU) ,md 5Irph,,, J;. /lro .." (/974) 11<1",;,,,.. """ f~'hrr

I'tlullu/""",, 11(04) and JaJ' J~lit",o (1977)


,,"<I f"'h~r

/oft/,,,,, LynM /Mggr/r (2()(J.jj .. nd 1'.11 ..",,/ II'hl'fi'''' DoAAm (/973)

Ad"""" ""J [arh"


/drtta «. M.,U"",, (Sp<'Ng Jrof) .nJ M ..'I""" M.a,,",,,,,,, C-r (1004) 8rr>rh" .,,01 rui"',IIU

lI''*r J. l'Irillips (200t!. Dniu lI';gIn'an (1002). Ihln '\,iKinlOn , 1'175) Adm;' .... "'.... i" I.

_ .."I ..i.... c-Iry Ezd""t I]/)Q(). M<>rk •


Cohe .. (19.19) Adm;II ...., hMJl,. nd. I'" hff' j" gr"""I",Irt".i".law

/III'n M;<had IN(A'//1 & ..1Ry IZfJO.f). Fljk /kOI,'a &,r/ar (197'J). (1965) Ad",jll'" ''''''hrr. g""n,'/mh.,


/0>1," Pawl lliGlrfo

Allm I),

A",ald (1/)Q() ""d Sr.phr" R. ...."'.101 (I'I7~) Ad,nillrr u"d /IJrhrr

llill auu... ( ;?()fU )• .AI"'~ Cho>sott ( 197''')011" f:"rlc Ch ....." (1961 ;

• u1Kl~

Su,,",.,..h I... "c' ChllMn 1100-1, ."" .loo=" .... ;\. .... 111 Child", (1979)

IodJotm.... nd ",,,d,,.,.

10m" A. Rt4U"II. /I' (,l00f) "ltd '~h A 1b<..,II, /1/ (975) 1I<lm;'1« QltJ f~IM'


(""'ltet ,II...., (100f) ,fltd Hob." a."u ( 1!l6..1) ....1"';11 .... UII"


Ch.,I.. R. M""rt, III (200f) .nd C.

Rirhun/ Mao", Jr. ( /976) ..../mill .... a''''lmh ....


EJ.. ... nJ £. M,?\" {J()(U) .."J Ed....nJ £. M.." S .. (J WMJl Admm... And {..tlln

$/IIIn""" M,,~ldm (J()(U ) And M..,t Dull"" (J()(U)

ColIS'" ,o.iUl"'tIIU$

M",..,../f.ISI"..,/ti (200t), ,\fork Mr.o..;,d (l9l 6). 11 ...ri 8~tl... M,o.. .. ld (19771 Mm;,,". {"'h....;".',, ..; moth ....· ;" ·"' ..

Stn;", Auo<i.... J~!r;r. J. ,,,,',,,0.. 11......'''''. Jr. (/956) "",/ Ouh.ri" .. 1I0IISton Ri€h .. nJ..,tI (2004) Unrl.. ""d;tlu 38



"'mto M. St"",..",,I... (lOIH ) ~n4 Cofhtri ... lt S,......,"dtr (lm) Ad",u,,, ,,"d ..-if.

Each commemorative brick wi ll be placed in the new addition's Legacy Plaza, creating a permanent tribute to family, friends, and achievements. Don't miss this chance to participate in the Law School's progress. Please visit bricks to order online. Or call 205-348-5752 for more information. THE UNIVERS I TY OF




GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS Introduction =;0' Go"'rnm'nl cMlracl5 orr • Riley has obstrved:

ronltibu,,,, «. Abb.m.'. «:<>nomy. Govtrnor

IOtf,,,,,,, ~nding ;'] .n ongiM of <COllOmie growth tlul brings and Crt., ..

g<><><t qu.lity jobs for "l.Mma. Over 30,000 of our citizen. Ofe employed on our military b . ..... . nd thousand. mofO throughout the ".", h.Y< jobs tod.y b<ou$<' ,''''so ~ . rr ]"Cllle<! h<re. Alabarn. ', milit.ry ;n,.. I1";OIl$ rXCMd $.( bill"'" in op<1'31ing budgtts .nd payrol'" crNling • mubi-binion doll .. impoet IOOur >l310«o"omy.'



•'.'..... is '..' ..' n ~,

-~ n



sta\uIary right ...

Of lh • .lO,OOO jobs, m.ny of thorn ar. ,ubject to !>ting 00''''''''''..:1 10 indumy through gov<mmem <ontrae".' Much of II>< four billi,," doll ... in ",,",oting budgets for Al.,,"m" military in".U.,ion. is .pcnl lh,(}ugh gove,nmen. a,nl"",... Although unm<n'ioncd by Riley, fou, {edt..1contracting :activities in Abb.m •• nnually .ward many more billion. doll,., to compan;"" that prim.. ily per· form the work in Oth .... ".tt<. T~ four fMorn oont ... <tinga<t;'iti.. art tho U.S . Nmy Avi.tion .nd Mi<sileComtn.nd; NASA', M. ... h.lI Space Flight unter; the Missile Def.n.. Agency; and th. CorpsofEngin..,.. Support U nt.r. For .",mpl•• in fi,..1rur 2003. " Redston." (i.r_•• h. milit.ry (ont<>,. ing activities loc.ted On Reditone A,.,.n.!) awaruM about $Il.l billion in f«loral <ontra<ts.


I"""ri>b/y. wi><'n con"><I. art compelitivdy .w;><'rt art ·winn.... and iooon." Unlike the priva'" ~or the dioappointtd 'o'<Ddor ~ co.srntially no m;ou .... all uru~ful offeror for • frd<ral pro<u",nlmt has • • WUlory right 10 prot<st.' As; .. plain«! by lhe Coun of Appeals for lhe Elevenlh Or"';I, Congress """,td ,his right becouse ",he public.nd ... bidMrs have • Strong ;"ttrt<l in crnainly in the bidding pl"O<c<S .... To ocIti<-vt this cmainty. SlIiel ~ 10 Ii><' procedures ror bidding is n<ec>sary."'



The Majority of Protests Filing the Protest 1M GAO protnt prOC<M (lflici.olly b<gin' with the protester Are Filed At the GAO protnt

fding. ,",inen with th. GAO. ~ Th" GAO will not < prot<'$" rd .. ing to (I) conl,. ,! adminiSiMion; (2) ,m.1l bu"n ... administration ma",rs; (3) til. .warding of subcontract., and (4) <h.llengco to> 'w~n,ion •• nd debarm",,'<-" Although the .. U n<> p"o<,ib<d form.\ fur foIing a protn!, th. GAO requir.. ..,m. minimum inform.,jon. u The moo, '"'PO'· Unt information ,ha'. prote"e, mu>! provide i. -. deI.iled ,I>lo,nenl of th. l'sal and factual ground. of protest including copin of "I"".nl document ..' " Th ... ground. for protest gmtrally invol.., aUts'-

A disappointed vrndor hO$ a ,hOKe of tht« forum, in which to fik a protest: the procuring agency. the United Stot.. Court of Fedrntl a.i....., .nd th. General Accounting Office ("GAO").' r"r a variety t>f rca!On •. most p,ot •• " ore filed at tM GAO.' Ov.,r the Y'"'-'. the GAO h... developed a ,uMt.n,i,1 body of precedent for bid prot<$U. In fi"al year 200-1. 1.483 prot .. t. we", filed .tthe GAO. Of thcst 1.483 protesl .. the GAO . u.t.tintd 21 percent. Thi.1ow perc.ntage present. a misleading PKtU" of the eff<Ctivrnc» of the lion. that the prl><uring agency vioLl1ed on. prot<$t proc .... "Tht prin .. 'Y ",ason for the or mort procurement SI"uln or rtgulation>. IUlvantages a low< of ,u.uir.e<l prol .. ts is that a Simult.neous with filing .. pro'''', the promitlOrity of prot .... involvt ill-cotKCived "".r should a 'NJues' for 'p«iC,< do<ua pratest 10 grounds. .m.tellri<hJy prep.ration. or unwar· menU. The document rt<Jues' mu, ranted whining.' ~th.1<ss. th. GAO ",n· the rcleV>.ncy of the rt<ju •• ted documelll' to th tends th .. the "cffeaivcncs.s rat<" for protest. is the prot<sl grounds." approximately 40 p<J«nt. The cffeaiven ... Drafiing a prot .. t 'oquim; ''''t<gil: think· "'t< """8"i= that agrnc;" often ta~ ing not unli"" dr:a~ing a compi>int. Thinking ro"eetive OCti"n in imt.n ... who", lht'" .tratcgicolly. counstl must keop in mind that 'pp".rs 10 be merit t" the prot .. t. Examples of mony GAO prote.t. arc "",n with d"""nl<nt, th .. th •• gency produc.. either in it. agtncy "' •..,.;Ii .... "'tion include revising the ""Kila' tion ..... <lp<'fIing di" .... io'" and ....... Iuating offers. repon or in r.. ponse to a document rt<ju<$t, However, the One of the major a"""nrages of. pro,.. thr GAO is th. agcnq J>«d only p"",ide documents to the prot<$ter that ore automatic .t.y provi.ion •. If properly in""ktd.thOK provisio", relevant.o .he grounds for prot .. t. Hence .• st.lOntd prot<$t prevent the procuring .gency from ....... rding a ""ntract.' If th~ attorney f.,hion, the grounds f"r prot ..t as broadly as poMible <Ont.-.<t h.d been awarded befo", tit< prot.,t i. flied. the outot" fo= the agency 10 produce I<cy documents. In this regard, it "'"'tK .tay provision. can n~nhel ... "qui", th.ogtncy t" is not un,ommon for the GAO 10 .u'tain a proteSt thot is b.sed issue a stop work ord..- un,il 'he protest i. dtcided.' AJ, a p.-.cti. on ground. r.istd in •• upplemental prol ..1 based on wbat the prol .. t<rl .. mtd from documont, p"",ided by Ihe .goncy in .n "I matter, obt.ining. stay;. \'CTy impo"anl from. prot«I"', J'<'r>p«tive. COnsid .... a .itu.tion where there is tIO .t>y; i"'tead. earlirr prot .. t. th •• ward« perform. som, of the work during the month. Ih.t If. prot .. t.. con .,tabli.h that the .gency .ioLutd eilh« a the protes, i. pending. If Ih' GAO .u.t.i", ,It< prot•• t. th. GAO procurcmcnt law or .<gubtion .nd that the .iolation ""ulttd in m.t.y be reluct.nt. bccaU$< of the economic ..... te, to rtCQmmend prejudice I" lhe protest ..... the GAO win probably ,u"ain the 1h.tthe <"ntract be terminated and ",· ",mpet«l. prot .. t. TIle following ore om"ng the more common reason. for The GAO', web . ite, ...........gao.rom, U$<ful guides and ,ust.inN prot .. t" t'C"C<nt deei.ion •. Where th. "'quisition in""l ...... I.'S" quantity • A lack of-full and optn" romp<1ition as required by the of money. saW}' prot«t." .'" li""ly to attorneys with COmpelili"n In Contracting Act; .. ptTicn<e in GAO protest .. Lik<wist. an aStul< .w.,dee is .1so likely to r<"lain «>unselto protectlhe award..,', inl<r<$t by inter· • Failure of the agency to make an .word based on the ~al · vening. To be .ffeelive. intervenor', <oun..,1 .hould wo.k <lostly uation criteria..,t forth in the solicitation; with the 3110tt1<y for lh' procuring agency. • TIle "",Iu.tor> inrorrC<!ly e""luat«l the propooaJs;


hll GAD is

automatic stay




. ~,


TIle .......rtkt'. propooal docs not <"mply with the solkit.· tion;

...J"'ff""'- ",~

The off..,..,,, were no. ,r.. ted oqually during the procu ....



ment pw«ss;




The agency did not engage in adequate di"""ion, regard· ing ddic~nci<$and oignificant "'.. kn ..... in the protest • er. propo .. l, and

• 1""" rtCQrd does not support • .-.tional basis for Ih•• ward deeision. A I,'S" percentage t>f all protesU .. o .ummarily di.missed by the GAO for failing I" romply with strkt limt limits for filing.


pl.Olnl ... ~ ,imeli..... ,uIes v:l.rydcpending on wllm ,II< p..,tn'~' lim btame a... ~ of ,II< ,",uoo. (Of pr<ll<>l .. _11 .. wh<1M • dtbritlinS _ pnwidrd by tho ,,#"ncy. An nomplc o( a >p«iflC 'imeli ............ is ,II< mjuilft'llnl. fo, ..... ndor ,0 pro,a, objotc,ionablt ,...... of ••olidution ri'M prior 10 bid op<rli"l 0, ,ime emblishcd fo, rea-ipt o( initial pn>pOI' aI$. Whm 1>0 >p«ific ,imeli..... rule is applicable, ,... GAO i ...... ltt$ a gt ... r<ll'imd ...... rult-tho protnt must ho filod 1>0 10,., lhan day$ aM 'M b;as;. of prDIt$I is known Of lhould h..... botn known. ~

a" ...


The Agency Report and Release of Documents iI

AI p ...... iowJy indic:l'«l. winning. ptOlffl ohm a mm •• o( "",jng inc. imi.... ing documenl. from ,II< Govn-nmmt. Tht G<ntnnmmt.~. iI reI"".nt 10 procu,rrnm, docummU for ,.... I"nIoOIU. Fi .... tho poopo$ll< of OIM oIfffon mar contain ,udo J«ms. S«ond. tho "S't"'is .....J.... ioon can pro. vido illlich' in.o 'M .....,.•• ddibcntiY< proccssn.. This info._ mo,ion could provido: a (ompe1i,iY< advant"'F '0 .... proia, .... i( .11< G<ntnnmen. _,., r«ft'ired ' 0 ~«>mpe1' .ho acquililioon.< tM nlid «>narns of.ho Go....rnmmt. .M GAO h... utho,i.y ,0 w... prol«liY< onion. " Undrr. prol«liY< o"kr. only . ttOf~ and '~p<rts "",in«! by attorn<yl .,., p<r· ",ill«l",«'$I'o ,h. documonu.ln fact, in· hou .. toun ..1will not bt adn, illffl undor lh' prot.cti .... ord.r unl.". tho in ·ho .. 1C coun ..1<OIwincfl,1I< GAO thai h~ Or MI. il not invol~ in co"'pr1i.i"""·,,,ol:ing on bthalf of Ih. coml'1ny. If .ho prota... ,ubmi1t«l I doctrmmt rrquest with its I,rol<>l. tho "gtncy mull pnwido:. lill of any t<qU<$t«l documonu ,hat 1M ogmcy in,mds to withhold.. Tbt list must bt provid«l,o thr proIlw .... no Lot<, ,han Ii"" day$ boeI"oK 1M pr<ll<>l .... is ....,..,.-idrd with a copy of th.r ogmcy rrpon. Thr prDI .......... I.... days to


objttt 10 tho GAO ~rdin •• ho docurnm .. on th.rl;".~ n.. GAO tnroI.Iragn a"nciQ 10 "LoU<' doc .. mon .. '0 tho prDI..... .. soon .. possibl< rat .... than ddayin, '0 provKk tho doctr........ with tho ....,. ..-port.. " Within )0 cbys of tho protal brins fikd. ,II< procuring activi· 'y mil$! prnridr GAO and tM prDIW .... wi.h " copy o( thr agm<)' rrport. TIIt"S""'Y .tpOn s.hould romi .. of a stal<1Dm1 of facts by tM conltKtins oK,,". a mtmonndum o( law and .M rmvan, doctr .......... • If , htrt ill>O prot«t;'" ordor, tho p .... tat .. is providrd with. rrdacud ,...,..ion or tho agency r<]>O'" •. n.. .«lact«l vnPon a<!uda much or tho propooal:r of til< om.-. vtndors .. _ll as matt~rS .ha, til< ogencydrm" con'pr1ition .. n,iti"".


Protester's Response "V"CY me Upon rea-iving .M


p..,tat.... ",""ulel quickly

1IO>dy tho ...-port to ascrrtain if it jUllitiQ $td<lns odditioorul doc· ummts. Und<r ,ho GAO Rules, tM prDI"''''' nuy rrques! addi·

or lho .....r ...-port wbm rithn thr <1isttnct or thr rdrnnu of I>Onditdoard doc .......... first b«:oma <"ridmt io thr .....,. rq>OIL H _ _, !hil oppommi· .y to r<qU<>I additional docurnm,s a_ t.... cLoys ali .. R'UipI of thr ogmcy rrport. ~ AI p ...... iousIy monlion«!, ""ncy rq>OIu I"nq ... ntly provKk info,"""ioon to Wpporl • , .. ppLomental p"''''''. T.... of ,h. mot< Wmmon grounds railCd in ,ul'plnnrn\;t.l in..,l"" allrgo. ,ionl of tho ... ney (l) f.iling to lint .11 off.rors "Iually. and m incon...ctly <Valuating . hr IwUd«', proposal. To br tilMly. tho ,uppLomen'al pro"". OlIOS' br liled al,h. GAO within I.n days or tho prot ..... "",ivinl tM "V"'Y report." Thr pro!O>I<1" has ton days to file atmmonts 10 "'" ogmcy rrport. Foilu" 10 provi<It "'"'mm.. can result in tho GAO di>missins til< prote>t .. abandontd..- TIlt rommm .. 10 tM "'Il"f1<T ...-port "'" 1M bal opportunity prDI ....... counIC! ' 0

Iion;d doctrmmts &ft<r r«<ipt



. / the right tool for your mediation


William A. Ruliff 205.874.0306

Glt:nn G. Wadddl 205.874.0373




Mdiaf;oll Group


persuade 1M GAO lh., the protes, is mcrilOrioU$. The mo" effect,vt form of od"'l'CaCf is 10 .n.logi~ the focls ;"wlving the contested acquisition 10 .h. facts in . GAO d..,ision whe..., ,h. protes, waS .ust.ine<!.

\?f~~!~h~~Ii~r>~!.~~ rul..In fisul ~ar

2003, the GAO granted hearing. for IJ p<1"«nl of the pro, .....

H• .,ing> . IT prim'rily u.Itd wn<fe Ihrr. are foctu.l disagreemrnts. U,w.l1y, the hearing i. held.1 the GAO o/fico> in W.. hington, D.C. O«uion.lJy, theellO .nornty will ""hedul. thr h•• ring.1 .loca'ion th.t is mor< con",";'n1 for the poMin.

The GAO rules .1I0w "In .... the protester Or the agency 10 rr-qu ..,. hearing. Th. mJue>l mu>! .. ' forth tho IT_ns why. he. ring is neus.sary to '<$<ll"" Ih. prot •• t.~ Allotn.,ively, ,h. GAO may orde, 0 ""..ins on i"own init ..· Ii..." Sin~ the prot..,., burs the burdtn of p"""inS its prot"" ..tut. prot .."rs u.uolly Rqu.". h•• ring. H eo"""""ly, .. r~ly will an .sency '«lues! • hearing. Exptri"nc..J gener_ ally ...-gard the s<h""uling or. hearing as I preliminary indic3l0r Ihor,h. CAO is indin""'O believe ,hal there is m.,.it to the pro .. st Howc=. h".,ings Ire 001 always ben.C,dll to prot..,..... ")'h., hearing presenu a n opportunity for th~ Go .... rnm.n'tO pro"'Iim<lny to O.... "o'ne I lock of a n adminiSlr>li .... 1"«ord. Hearings ..~ '.13li .... ly informal compared to li'igaling in more tradi60nal'ribun.Is.")'h., CAO .uorot")' ha. broad di.scre.i<>n on how Ih. hearing ,.ill be «Induct"". N..... rth.l~ pro .." ..•• «Iunsel i•• Iways given.n <>pportunily ,<> queslion any ,.iln.... If. w;,ness d..ign.lI..J by 'he CAO to gi .... l.. limony does nolattend or fail'lo aruwtT a r"I<-".nt qu .... lion. ,h. GAO may draw I n inr.renct unfavorable 10 Ihe i"'rty for ,.I>om the wilne .. would h..... 'eslifitd..The pos,·h.."ing COm menU are due fi .... days after ,h. he.. _ ing i. complete. If the pro''''er dors nol fil~ «ImrntnU within c, .... d.ys.,h. GAO may di,miss ,h. pro, •• t H In post-hearing «Imrnen, .. ,he pro' .... ' ,hould qu<>re II>< testimony which ,upport. Ihe groun'" fo, prot .. t. When qu<>'ing from lhe tra n. scripl. the prot .. t.. should cite the page and lin. numbers. prior '0 'he hearing, th~ pro'.... r should relain a court reporter to recoTtlth. he.. ing .nd pfOY;d. copi .. of Ihe I",nscripI ,.ithin 2~ hOUr:< .ft« the hearing i, compkte.

.xecul i.... bronch . Hmct.lhe decuion. a",couched ... ,ecommendation. Although any p",ly m"l' request recoruideralion. i, u uncommoo for the GAO '0< il> rC"COmmendation. M Mou importantly, once Ih. lim. 10 reqocsi recoruider.. ion h•• ~xpi",d, i, i. =uding rue for a n agency 10 ,ofuse 10 follow Ih. GAO', recomrntndalion.~ Thirty On' USC S 3S5-4(b)( I) identifi.s ,h. fOllowing rerN _ dies that ,h. GAO "an recomm.nd: (A) Refrain from .ny op,ion, under 'he contract; (EI) Recompere the conlract immtdi.ncly;

(C)1»ue I n.w soIicitalion; (D)Ttrminalt the conl..,ct, .nd

(El AwaTtl • contract consistent ,.ith Ihe require",.,,,,, of such >!atUt. and r~ul.rion. When: the agency h.. nOls1Orrd Ih. performanet of WQ'x until the prol.,,;. decided, the liklihood of Ihe GAO ,rrommending the COntract be t.rminat.d i. ,ignificantly redu<td. ~ In th.,... inst."".. where Ih. GAO , the prot.., but d~ n<>1 recommend th.'lhe ageot")' recompel< immtdi.tdy.,h. vendor. rem..Jy n,.y be lin'it..J 10 reco .... ring Ih. of prq>.ring ito bid or propo"'!. The GAO hu dem<ln"f:i,td that i' w;11 fashion rem..Ji .. ,h., il deem. appropriate. For ttOmpk"he CAO has recomll1C11d..J Ih.ll contract be .waTtl..J 10 the proltSlcr." In anOther inslance. bec.~ the CAO h.d mi.p,i_ings whether Ih. governmenl ,""alualor:< WOrt imparti.l. Ihe GAO rrrommende,J thal,h, .gency replaet Ih. ,"".Iu",of$. ~ The Compclilion in ContraCting AclaUOWsth. recovrry of prot .. t by both 1''8e .nd ,mall busin ...... n Th. ''''lute. how<V<1", granu GAO considerabl. di.scre'i<>n in aUowing reimbUrSement of protW com. In ."", ill di", ... ion, CAO 1».1· an ... "the competing polic;" of ,n«l"raging liligalion of pro · ",r,menl «InAk,,' a nd conlroUing "lilig.'ion COSI""~ If .11 .gency de!'ys taking correclive aclio" unlil oft., ,h. pro,"" .. pfOYides COmm'nlS 10 ,he agency report, Iht GAO i. likely to pennit artorn.y fees on "de.rly rntrito,iou.s prOI.."."" If tho GAO r«ommend. Ihat the contr.<ling .gency pay 'he protes..,. the enst of filing and pu .. uing Ih. prol"'l. th. prOt .."r hIS 6() days to .ubmil • daim to Ih. contrac'ing officer. f.ilure 10 til. Ihecl. im within 6() days <an re.ult in forf.iture of Ihe right 10 r«OVer. ~ If Ih. prot ..", and tlu: contr.Cling Ometr <annO' se"le ,h. claim wilhin • , • ...,nabl. amount of lilne. tht pro, ..,,,, can pelition Ih. GAO 10 r«omrntnd the .mount to be

chum WIt

60 days an result i f ••1ure af



The Decision and Possible Reimbursement Final Comment Of Costs p'id. ~

Once the .dminislrali.... recoTtl is compl ••• , Ih. Complroller General promplly issu .. a written decision. In 'he deci,ion,lh. CAO will.ilh.,. dismiss, deny, or ,\Utain Ihe pro, .... lleause Ih. GAO is part <>f Ihe kgi'lali .... branch. u • ma"er of comlilu'ional la,., a GAO dedsion ""nllOt be binding On the 42


Th, CAO h.s an ~""mpl.ry record of <<>mplying wilh iIS duty to decide prot ..u wi,hin HlO d.ys.~ To .ppr«iatolhe'irnt «In· "raints. .... a n ALobant. cireuil court disposing of • 1.""uit on tilt merits 100 d.y1O .~er ,he f<ling of Ihe,. During ,h.,th;' ,hort period, the .110rneys must compiel< discovery .nd f,1e closing arguments. As shown by Ih. lime con"raints

i<kntiflM in this .,tid•.• ny .norM)' who rrp ..s.rnu. prottst.. "'fo.. th. GAO .hould .midpa" ",m•• hol! .u.ptn ... thai ... likely to h,,,... a dim'pt i", impact on th. rest of his 0. h.rpr;oct~,

II;. • CJA! 211\aV1. II 31 U.S.C. 1 355lI1IWoI

18 'CfA 1213[<1 19


Jcos Ttoo\ Dopervj on Them.' Ja/wry Z!), 1004

s.. _oil'!; _all\o:tM',.. _ory _

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3 ..... _OIJr "'" ~",,0I'l ~ ClimrI<1 '" 1<101 1l!USC ! I<9Il~MII •


D>xIJwMo>i(I<1to""':1 Co, b>o v lhrotl SUm. 76'

3' U.S.C. 13551·!IIi iII"<l


... ,,,",,,Ito> limo Ul '.1." " I ,.. 01 , , - - . . gOP lor Iho....,..y,

Zl (cu HI,3[l}

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h: v _ . <14f1<l859ID.C. Co, Iml _ , ,." _Uat"" Do","'" - . . . . . ...... of 1996 i1o<l. S<m<t ....",~""!or _I"i>dltlton 10> of Januory 1, 2001, US 0.._ C/:ot, '" bod PI""" s...-"r

14 .cIR HI 1\01


11>., ....... J"Iid." .. s.... 2<l22ID CC 2OOl!

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T\Io""", '" O!W~"II" ...,wnat~ GAO .... ! o r - . So. 9f'*'OI~. '-.1 AcQuol;600 1Iogu1.. .., I'FAR'j Mpon 31 _ , ~. ptO-


~"'. """'" on ... ,"""' ............ GAO doe> nol

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""""'~",'''''._ .......... PlO ..., ................. ' .... ..,...., ... be

_bylho n.:'''''''I'0I0!' HorQ, .i'~'Ulf,~Plo""",,,,,,,,"''''''' roqu;,od ttyl'" '''''''''''' nolo> K Iho _ i. ~Iod.., "'" ..,,,h da'i.• i. ~ GAO Ul ..... """"' .... boon ..., to "'" _ _ ......... 01 Iho '"""' ..... AI", • _ ... ""od Ih,,, ... "",,,,",,,,,!or """"'"""....,., _ . there ..... boon. ,_od..., _""" dobrio/'''II ,.~ ,ffo<oot 1~1oN. "II' _;'~"II be f,Iod",':~ ["" dov<




!I. lKIdOt 1 _ ".......-y

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.," ~" ..... ' '11 "'" .... ,...., or "" GAO ...... fAR \ 33.1~111m. """ _ Iho _ ......,...,."'" "'" ....,!or "" 0(Id;1 ""I ,.."" !Nt'eon"",, ",.-.0" be;""'''''' ;"lO'''' ..... ..."lOd S..... • s...FAR\l3I~<nI'"

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_ . Ikorotl s...~, 109 f l


<~.F R j ll.l:gl MOIoy GAIl -..... tOCpASt> "" 0dditi0n0I_ ...... ~ Mod mor. """ tvo<o dovs _.....". .. tho rtWl

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1ll HIl !21.14. OnIr.~"'P'I"l'ean"'• • , _ l o r _ ., ....,.,... ,.", - . . . to ............ <am>! """'"" roarn<iorluon..

'11"'"'" • eo.qoss ......... n ,,1'''','; _~ oge,...,.I~I, Ul ,mpI..,.,.., lutIy , ,.."".,..,.

19 .,..., ..... Ul _ ... """"""'" of &0.0 ,"""""""" St:oo<m<dv, 31 U.S C. ! l!6O!.W"""", ,flo !:<rnptrol... Goo>o<"Ul - ' .. _01""'~_'

30. " ' " _ ""'''' d Iho . . . . _""" """ "'" ""''''~ of wor\. _ '" • _ _ Nt 'o:ntrlCl ~ '" 1be" "" """ of "" l.IoiIOrl Stata - k1 _ _ . ~ "" GAIl _11101'"01 .... "., """'" od od ltvlN Go.!) .... , "" ~ .... "'" " ... """;.., ~'"" too""","",. _ · "9- or ~ "'" o:ntroct' II U.S,C ! 3S5OIblll.

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Ot.idP_ CtJOd Il. Bo-_

PooI O. _ iotI!' O. _ ~P!lnl

allOrm:y savL-'d us seve ral hund red

Ihousand dollar:; in (!S!ate taxe:; . Their advice W:IS right o n Ihe

moncy. ~

• Thm (N,ings

l!OIl'IOK-a<1 Propcnics loco

GIomLo..-. _ r.t 000u

W. ~&-_

G, _ 8ro<I:.I'. _ W, - . i

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ROADSHOW 2005 TOUR What Can The Alabama State Bar

Do For You? Now starting its tenth year, the ROADSHOW has covered the state of Alabama visiting local bar associations, bringing information on ASB member benefits and resources. The free CLE component continues to be a big drawl For information on bringing the ROAOSliOW to your bar association, contact Susan Andres, Director of Communications, at (334) 269-1515, extension 132 or e-mail for details. DON 'T WAIT BOOK NOW FOR 2005!


CLE Component Features' •

The director of the Alabama lawyer Assistance Program, JEANNE MARIE LESLIE, raises awareness of substance abuse within the profession and tells you how to be part of the solution to this growing problem. • The ASB 's Law Office Management Assistance Program Director LAURA CALLOWAY has insiflht and practical tips for making your office run more efficiently and effectively. • JUDY KEEGAN , director of the ADR Center, brings you a summary of latest updates and important cases from the areas of mediation and arbitration. • General Counsel TONY MCLAIN and Assistant General Counsel ROBERT lUSK keep bar members informed of the latest in disciplinary issues and major legal developments in Alabama and across the nation. * CLE programs are available in 1·3 hour formats.





many lawytrs know, I>mh th .... new to the gome and \hose with many ~rs of .. porion« under thei, bolt, porf""'ing and .uctt»fiilly pr<p .. ing an .pptal in fede ral coun ()T in .t>t< cou,t ct.n b< an <M1"whr lming and !<>mo<h.t daunting t>.!k th< flfSl few times. It i. an .. porion« that mosllawytrs do not jump al the chance 10 h,ve, H""""""" many find tMmselw:s facing this "».II<ng<> without . ny i<ka wh<re to bttin. II is not til<: sulman« of the oppnl that poStS 1M most dilf,culty. .. ptciilly ,in« in many cas<$ ,""U h,a"" already httn through .ununary judgment. H"""""", lhe Ic<hni' cal asp«!< of th< ,Ilks. which may ch'ng< from 0 .... opp<al to the ont. may b< diftkull to navigate. The growing trend low...d el<ctronic filing has only <o m· plicated Ihe pr0cn5. .. p«:ially for thoS< of US who .r< nm too compul.... vvy. Thi, orlick will .ttempt to provide a 'toning point for yonr journey through the civ~ appell"e process .nd oome tips and guiddi".. this procti. tion .. h.. u.>ed many tim« in fili ng .ppeal •. Not lechnialily con b< discussed in this anicl<:-, th ..... forr. il is inlprnttive that you read the Fedrral Rules of Appell.te Procedur< ("FRAP") and/o, the Ablmno Rul.. of Appellate Pl'ocedur< ("AMP"} in (I,d .. 10 properly handle <\IffY u.u. of your ",rticuL., """,.



through the civil appellate process ... "


Federal Appellate Practice

Preliminary Filings A. Finding ,h. Propa R<ooun:~ Fill'. con,ul •• 11< ~r" Rul<$ of Appell ... PrDCCdu ..... ""n if you ju.. ftJc.d an .ppnJ a mon.h ago. ,,,. rules ch'!W ohm. .nd, in fKl, "'""" j .... updolt<l OcIObtr 1, 20040. 1M ....""' ... y 10 lind Iho _ I cu.......,. copy oIlbt Rulcs is to . . to Iho Circuit', Wtb .... and download thnnl' ..........""11 ._ ....1"" When (OII,ul.inglho Rules. do n(ll n<Jk<1 to re..:llho f.Itw-n.h Circui" ' 1oaI ",1<$ and in'.rnal proudu"," which follow .ach rul • . A. limn" rul ... r. more detailed, Or moy ,tii..... Ih. p... ies of"'m. duty ,hat;. ".,t<! in.i>< f.d· ruk.

8. NOlie< ol AI'1'<"I ThiJ is tM fi .... and <Uiest IIq> IIt.a. mUSt II< .lkm. fRAP 3




'1'".. ,"d

c. Ini.ial ForlI\$ '0 be Compk.t<I

n.... Oft ........ Dmo Ih.o. nmllO lit compIttcd and Iilt<lIohonIy

olin Iili", "'" ..000. ol.ppnI. n.. TronscripI o.dn Fonn mUSl bt IiIt<I wilh .... [);SCOO Coun within ~ d.y$ of filint Iho Notiu ol AppnI. This form must IItfiltd ~olwbothcT l .nnocrip is bci"ll ordemI." copy ol.his fonn .... y be obuintd from ./Iot l>istricl Court Ckrk wII(tI tht Nolie< ol ApJInI is filtd.

"The lOIl'WO form. mUll lit ftltd wi,h 'ht FJt .... n,h Clrcul •. " Civil "ppe.1 S"lt"",nl .• Ions wilh copi .... mu .. be llI ..l wi.hin •• n dO]'l of llIing .i>< NoIic~ of Appeal. A copy of • he 0.-00 or judgmmt bring 'pp".1td mUSt be .ttO(htd.•10... wilh any manonndum "Pin;"" 1It.a, was ... ~. FRAIl 33. A copy oIlhis can ..... II< obI.i...., from .11< DislOO Cou .. Ckrk wbm tIlt No.i« of Appnl iJ filtd. 1M f.ltw-nth WIll Knd Afopeanntt 01 Courud form .. with lilt appriLal< ca... number on thnn. to be compl<1t<1 wi.hin I. tbys of >«dr •. FAAI' 12.



and 4 draI wilh how and wbm ,lit notlU of appnJ mUSl lit ftJc.d. " Noli« 01 Appeal mu .. be fikd wi.h .1It United DiJlr1ct Court wi=< tho cut or~n...d wilhi".lO tbys. unless lilt Unilt<! SUles is a I"'''y. ~nd tlltn wi.hin 60 days from Iho

Iin;d 0.- judgmm. bring :apptaI<d. You mUSl ..... M 'M [)Woo Coun. dodcting r..:. clorkan Irll you wha.1ho curren. f... it.. Th< n(lliu il$<lf is rIOl complica.t<I and mu" indodt ,II< nomn of ,II< p.nin in""l~ in ,h~ .~.I. a .........,n. of.h~ judgm.nt or order bting I.d ,h. "am. o f .h~ (oun I" which.i>< appe.1 is bei"l .mn.




comprehensive training programs for new and experienced mediators

MEDIATION www.AlabamaMedlation .co m

.cu_ • • • •

IdTog.llcSxnlo ............... S">ce 1995 ldTog ~0fIe0ed ~ C~ h-4-bMt k**>g AIIdIctlIe Meals ... II~ ~ 01 ... !<tt:Jo I00 CanlOr lew DIIpvte ReIIoUIbn

1.oI<II.I.ol1 >D O!





--------------D. R<wrd on Ap~l Th. only rc<pon<ibaity the apr,dlam Iw regarding the record on .pp<a1 is to f.k the Tr.tJU<ript 0 ....... Form. FRAP 10. The District Coun will notify.U p,orties when the Record on Appeal h.a< bttn roml~et<d. "Th.1t <Cflificat. by the Ckrl< signifi<s wh.n the a pp<llant '. tim¢ for filing the brief S"'1$ 10 rurl. A ropy Qf 1M record should bt ..qUC$t<d from 1M Distr;cI Court Otrk. with oppropriate amtJIgnnt"Ilts for p.ryln.nt <>f copies mode.

The Appellant's Brief AIi.r the preliminary filings h. ..... been don. a nd the lim. fQr filing Ihe bri.f Iw bt-gun. att."tio" must he d.voted to Ih. brid" it .. lf. The 'pp<ll.nt h.. 40 days from the date the rerord w., completed 10 fil. lhe brief. FRAP, notic. of ,om· pletion of th. reco,d win bt .. nt by tho Br .... nlh Circuit derk.


A. Cont.nt. of Ih. Brief The Ruks ..quire ttn Or II oretion< to bt included in ""'"'Y initial brief filed by a n app<l. Lonl. FRAP 26. Thr 11th Cir. R. 18-1 (a) lists the information that .honld be rontai"ro in lhe rovn pagr. FRAP 32(o)(1} .prcifi« furthe, how the ro,,, £hoold bt form.tted. A

Cntijlrnle of imn-mM Prr>Dn, or

Corp<>mte DiscIoJ~", SMtement is '""Iuire.! hy FRAP 26.1 .nd is u•...,Jly Ihe fir$! Ilatem,nl in th. brief following the rover. Thr<t p.g« are to hc num· bere.! C- l, NC. A Slar'no"'t Rt-g4rding Om/ lI'l1u",,'" <on hc indud<d nrxt if the appt"U.nt i. requCSling OT:l!argumenl Qr if th. porti .. h...... Ih.1 the.pP<2l shQuld bt ,ubmiu«l on the brief$. FRAP 34. Th. r~bl. <if Conl.Mu and Tobit of Author;t;.. follow with referen<es included. The .u,honli" ,hQuld he alphabttiat.lly " ... nged. A g<>Od pra<li" il to al." lilt th. a uth<>,ities;n o,der of Ih,ir p<TSuo.ivtnrSS. (j.t., Unit<d St.t.. Supreme Coun. Eleventh Circuit. etc. ). Th. Jurisdictional Slal<m.m ha$ foUT rompon.nll: ( I) the . ubj«t ma tter jUTisdicl ion of Ih. lower oou,t. (2) the b"i, for Ih. cOurt of .Ppt"al"l juri..:liction, ( l ) ming dat.. to ..lOblis/l tim.linns and (4 ) . ,tatem.nt that the .ppt"al i. from a final order or judgrn<nllhal disp<>k$ of.lI d.ims. Citation. to appli· <;abl ..... IUI... nd facti supporting jurisd.iction mu.t be includ· «l. AU of the foregoing 5«tion. sh.1l bt numhered in Ihe brrl with Rom.n numeraJ,. .. they a'" nol indudt<! in Clkulating the number of I"gr' of Ihe brid". Thr .....1 four _tion<.re t.a.ically summan.. of the .ubstan" of the appeal. fir$! is the Stam...m <if ,Iu! IUUd Pr«rnt.d. wh;ch lays out for the Court ooncisdy issues .re hcing app<aled. l"I>ey should not include ..... ry claim broughl by Ihe plainliff in


the lower roUrt if all of th<>se daims are not al issue on appeal.

The Sta"""",,' <if ~ ~ deocribe. wh.1 type of case il is., whal the lower roUrt p~ings wtre.nd wh.1 1M dispolition ...... This oretion .ICIIlhe .tage fo, the .ppell.1< cou,t proc«lutally. wi i. th. Summary <if tlu! .... rgun~lIl. which .hould nol bt • listing of the .rgument beadings. Th. Summary of the Argum¢nt .h<>uld bt ""itten I.. t and then inserted here. A. _ all know too _II. a rgument. <on ch.nge aft ... IhorQugh rev~ of the <vi· d.n« in Ihe record. ThaI is mort lik<ly to h.ppen when r<viewing the a ppellat. r<CQrd whe .. it m.y bt disro...,red that .... idence you th<>ught m.>de it into the record actwlly did not. The .... rgum.1II is. of 'On ...... tho bulk and the . ub.t.n« of th. brief. It mu>t include dt.tion, to aUlhoriti .. and 10 the .«om. The Ilandam of review mu.1 .1." he ....1t<! foreach issu. being 'pp<.It<!. Following the .rgurnent nlll>t be. .ta tement ofthe relief ."ughL The only other I«tion thot m.y bt included in the b,ief would he . Certifuate of Campi;""", if =juirtd by tRAP 12(.)(7} if lhe bri.f acttds th. ],.g. limitation. but fits within th.lype· "olurnelimiwion, which will he di$cus$«l. ....., wilh .11 filings. • Certifir"t~ of Stn-i", ,hould hc inclu~. B. Format ofth. Brief Equally impo...."t 10 the subs"'n" of Ihe brief i, its form.l. Rule 32 $pOlls out Ih. =juiITmtnl1 fo, taeh party', hrim Th. ky requir<mtnl1'" the brief must bt no long« than 30 p,ogtS. doubl'-Ipoud. Or 14.000 wordl o. 1,301) lines. Th. rovrr of the 'ppell_,,!". inilial brief must he bl .... Th. origin.l ond.ix copi« mu,l be filed wil h the El<v<nlh Cirmit Cltrk. and two copies to the roun ..1 fo r each puty. C. R«ord I'.>nrpl. Although fRAP 30 '<:<Jui ... the ,pp<lIant to fIIe.n App<ndix to 1M Brief.. 11th Cir. R. 30 · 1 only require. filing «n .i n "",Oro excerpts _long wilh the inil;.1 bn.f. Th. =rpI$ mu.t include a copy of the following: (1 ) doc""t shttt (<! from th. low.r rour1): (2) complaint; ( l ) . n.wer; .nd H } judgrntnt or order appealed fronl, along with memorandum opinion. if any. Thil; filing .hould bt bound oer<>l$lhe lOp wilh 0 white ro .... r. Th. origin. 1 and fi .... ,opi.. a re to bt .. nt 10 the El ..... nfh Circuit a.rk and on. ropy to oPP".ing rounsel for .. eh p,orty.

Electronic Filing The El ..... nth Circuit now r<:<Jui,.. th.t along with ftling th. requirtd ""mbt, of tum ropi .. ofbri'&' the pm;.,. mUSI al." fik their brief, eleclronically. Thio m •• n< con .... rling your fil. t<> on Adobe Acrobat PDF file .nd upl<>ading itlo the Cour!". Web


--------------si ••• Whm Ih< ru. is ......:I in PDF lOnna., ~ m .... be ""mod in I >p«ific .... n"'" required by d~ Olu, •• of Ih< filo mUM be ,hot ao< number follow«! by Ih< _ ickn.i · r... for .h. pony (in.his ao< "Apll' roo app<lllnlj,.nd ,hrn.h< Iu, nanle of 'he p. ny. Bdo ... )'Ou can <ltc.ron;cally m. ob"rl. tach auornq mus, rqp"" on lh. f.kvtnth Circuif. Wri> . i.o ro •• n ID and pus....on! in ",de. I<> log nnl<>.11< 'Y'.om. Ins.ructions regardi", dtc,roni( fi~n. GIl be found on Ih< Wri> u wdL

n... ...."'"



Alabama Appellate Procedure Preliminary Filings A. Finding ,h. Prope' Ruourc...

Th< .ppoU... procns in 1110 s.. ~ of ~nI' isdifforen, in I Kw wa1' . hal .. iU be add......d hen.Apin. ,he fim ""p is aIwayt I<> ..,..;.w the 'lIh Curren, dl>.... '0 the A1abamo RuIn of CivtI Proud..... an lit round at _ _ Ont 01 .... prdimi""ry mat .... bcfoR ~rking on ...... OO<Irt .ppeal, ~ dmrmininl which .pp<llo~ rourt will ha ... juriKIi(· .ion .,.... )'Out porticuW claiM$, thot AlaN .... Coun of Civil Appolls or.he A1aNnI. Sup.....". Court. On< go<>d "'"""ftC 'hat 5ummuius ,h. '1'1'<11 ... pro«U a n be found nnli.,. at



www.d~ ... n(. .. <l/"pp<lI... ccivil.

which pr<)"id ... an App<II ...


a.... that, ius the jurisdiction <If tach ....~

Ipp<llo~ court.

B. Notice <)f Appnl In , ..... roun. filing.h< notice <)f appoll mean< .imply rom_ pk,ing the standlrd f<),m ond foiinl i, with .he circui, rou .. wh< ... ,he case n,igin .. ed. ARAP-I . The Admin"'r:o,i ... Off"" <)f Cou,u pmvi<ln .. nlpla of each of tho fo,m< n«<Ied (Of ,II< .ppo." procn& onb"" It www."""""n.p IFo....../ltppdk"•. Hownn. the impo".nl diffnm.c.< I"edrnd ODd .... ~.pp<aIs is that in ... ,.coun Ih< notice of appeal m .... be fiIcd 42 days .fI.. tht en.ry of I final judl"""'1 0' order. J\.Lt c...k ( 1975 ) AItAP 4. A dod,n,ng fft ""'" aIoo be ""....


C. Ini, ial rorm. 10 M Campl<ted '" w;,h fede ... l court, a Tr:onsc,ip' Pu. ch ... Ordo, .nd D""keling SUt<menl of Ap~.J mUS, be compl<led ond filed wi,h ,he I'w «Iurt. Thu< fomu COn aIoo be f"und., ,he.t.ov.. Wri> oi,e_Thtte .... two diff....... , docketing .!O~m<nU dtpond. in. on which cour, has ;U'isdiclion. D.Rrcord.onAppoai This portion of the Ipf'<U.. e proc:nI is oomc-wha, d,fferen, in ".~ roun beau .. ,he .pptllan, has mo ... respoo,ibU"y in "",. i""hat ,h. rtcQrd i. dtli ... red .o ,he Ippdlate court. Rule 11(0)(4) requi .... ,hll ,he apprU .." make ..... ngemen" wi,h ,h. trial court dtrk folt. coPl' of'he rewrd on .ppo.1 wi,h lh • • ppoll ... court ,hal h.. jurisdiclion. Th< «>pJ' of ,he rewrd is due I<> .h. appeU ... <011" within 14 days from.he do,. the clerk cenifiu the t«O<d Iw bec-n <ompkted. ARAP 11I ' p<'<1M whO! the t«O<d on .ppeal m .... con!Oin.


The Appellant's Brief In .. a.. rou ... onee 'gain, ,he li"""i .... fo, filing .... mueh l ho ...... hln in fede,., cou". ARAI' 1 I T«jui .... Iu, lhe .pp<l. b,i.ef be med within 28 do)'$ an.. ,he «,tirK"ion of com_ pletion of the rtcQrd. H ........... . Rule ll(d) .11ows 01It ......,·day .... rulon. This can be req..... ed oYtr ,he .eIephone prinT I<> the do~ the brief is d .... with 0 kt1<1' confirming the .... eruion ..... !hot fM'W d ... do~ ..... ' 0 III< <krIc .nd oppooi"l courud.


It.. Can'en" of the Brief

n... ronltnu of the .pp<llonf. bri<f in ".~ coun ... ~irlu,Uy the u ,hose required in fedtrai. A itll...,.... regarding on! "'!tUlntn, i. required ",Mlh ... o rll .'!tumen. i. being "''1uC$,ed 0' 00" AItAP 28(»(1}.

8. Form •• of.i>< B,id'

n... ro"""tting ,""uimnmts of the b.itt' in ..... coun .... ..-. .ptcific. An amendment I<> ARAP 32 T«jui"", ,ha, .hot 10m Couritt New Il bt used. n... briri can be 00 Ionp ,tw. 7!1 POK<S- which is much Jonstr llun who. is .u..:.-d in ftdtrII 58




c....... of.he brltf i.uu!»'an,i.olly ,he .. in ftdtrII court. ~., It.. it'''mem "0...1 Argument R<-quos,ed" mull .ppo" , On ,h. (oYcr if .pplic.blt-. Th< <0101"$ of the <O>'fl"$ Ire

--------------FEDERAL APPEALS


Notice 01 Appeal Due

30 days from final judgment

42 days from final Judgment

Briel Due Lenglll ollnilial Sriel

40 days afte r completion of record

28 days after completion of record

30 pages

Number 01 Copies

Original .. 6 copies

70 pages Original .. 9 copies

tho "m<. Th. origin.! and ni"" cop;" must N filed wilh the apptUale courl. with a copy 10 oPl""ing oounoel. The .. i, a 'p<'o cir." form used as the certifICate of ...,.ice when filing bo,h the and lh. 'ppdt ... '. brief•. ARAP 7 and 8. As with mru. things. prK'lict makn ptrf<c1. TM fi.or< you n.vis"" through t~COntplkaled waters, the bener you b<Come.l .voiding the problems ,h. t may N lurking. The Elevmlh Cir<uit', Web . itc ha, a wealth uf ,nfurma,iun to aid .\turney> in the appc.! proceu. as dOt$ the CkTk', olfict. Tht clerKs a .... oftcn vtry helpful and informal'vt, although they an· not givt .ny legal.dvict. la,dy. if you still find the process • Ii,· de Ovt1'Whelming the first time, the Clerk can u,ually grant a 'hon <xt.""iun of tim. if timdy rcqu<'ted. 11>;. informal ion is prOVided only as a st.ning point in per· f«ting and prep.tring your ' and could not J"OI"ibly indude

.11 the information you 11<'«1. eotlSuit th< ~ral or Alabam.

Rul .. of Appellate Procedure before ,taning the proc... as the ruin chang<' often and without notict. Stay organized and focu..." and you will sail right through. Good luck.

""'J._il._. __ ..... _ . ToooIJ. 8,"'"


_ _ .. "" 5100 _ _ _ ..... _


_ _ .... sr.. _ _ _ n._r-.f£.

The 2004-2005 combined edition of



will be online February 1, 2005! If you returned your postcard requesting a printed copy. they will be mailed February 1st. If you did not, contact the ASB Membership Department bye-mail (ms@a/ by January 14,2005.


Is it Time for the "Plain English" Jury Charge? A

'Plain Engli<h" ch.rgr is • d<1ib<r• , •• C01UCiou. an"",pt to phrase

Ih' IegoI inmuClion in tenn$ «1m_ monly undrntood by 1M .¥trag< juror. Should wt cnrnint this . pp .... ch in AI.b.ama? Unainty. 1M nis.;ng pontrn jury instructiom "'" unifonnly r«<>gniud ;1$ ~IICfn st:\1<rnmtS of law. time-tested and provtn. with eslabli,hed appeUa,e rourt .pproval. In r=n1)oUr$, though. th.~ has b«n • ~ movtmenl to

TTIOSIIegoI docummlS into I.n8U38" used by the general publ;': {I"'niru. larly rcprding <;(In$urntT i.!sues).' AU ... t;"n is !>OW turning toward .. form ing the language u..d in jury .horg« as well. with ~ $10'« .illln tumining tht ......, or d...... loping rcvWons. n.... dfum u.uaUy combin. tlK' ttpCrtile of judI!« and idW)ttS with input from "'nSuagt <:Xp<11$ ond non-lawyer> to ~u.t. the 'understandability" of instructions. rei •• ,.

Comploim> . hout the "'Y"'" in Ih • leg.1 proh'$$ion WTit•• nd sptak .rt not

"""'. Evtn Thoma. Jefferson complained about "Ieg.lcoe" when ht criticiW ""ul<> which:

_from ,h.i, "",oo..;ly, lh.i, .ndlns Uutologit<. th.i, involUlion. of "'.. within CI", and parenthesis within par~nth .. is, and th~j, mul_ tipli«! rif(l.I<., ct,lOinty by Ulid, and a!o,...,id.. by 0.. and by "nd" to m.k th~m mo ••, do ••ally r~nd<r th<'m more pnpleud and in«lmp.~htnsibl~, not only to «ImJllOn read.", but to the I.~ .. thtm ..Ivtl.' But the .. may be. «ImpeDing re. son why 'Nt now should h.ighten our in .. rnt in .implifying th .. langu.g. u...:I within tit. syot.m, 'NIt.lht. 'Nt lik;t or not, AI.bama jurors tod.y h.... S<rn


dou", of "trials" on ,tlevUion.nd in movin befo", they t .... r ",och our COurtroomS. Scripl.nd ",,,,,en writers phrase ttlt flClion.1 jury 'horge nOI for 1<g.1 accuracy but for enteffainrntnl purpo«'$. for they know thot they cannot Ih. .nenlion of the .udien"" if the speech of the charaC1<fS annot be unckr<tood. Our jurors • .,i.... in court expecting to hur the .. m. ~o", 01 • ..-, 'imple expla·

not ion of the law to be applied. As .",h, ..... ,.ting the jury ch.rge into longu.go mor< commonly usN d<'$<rvrt r<""wed .naly,i. in pa" becawe of the character· istiC! and background> of modern jurors. 10 be surt, ,h.", is nothing particularly n.... about the con",pI of the · F.nglish' movement. 0". of the ".Ied gom of the origin.1 AI. born. lury Inmuclion, Committee w" to de>dop

inslruct;ons in ".imple und.""nd. bie,"' and the ""mberS of the P.".rn committees have unquestionably meIth .. go.l in , exemplary work through Ihe Bu, if we or. to fulfill our obligation. the public, w. should con.t.ndy pro-actively ex.mine how w,,11 we .'" communicating l<gal iuu", to juries. Th. failure to do so an.rode confldenee in the jury '}'it.n>:

Y"' '''.


L><k of jury und .... '.nding TOi ... • u.p;cion .bout the fairnas of tri.1, .nd cal],; into que"ion the whole jury '),>1"'" and i"l»$ic p",mise' th.t Laypersons. peerS of thO$< bcfo", them, will thoughtfully and dispassion"ely . pply the I.w to ,...,Ive d"puI", in f.vor of the d<'$< ..... ing I"'''y.' So how ott 'hargn ""$1.1,«1 into " English"! H... is an =mple of a tr.ru1.tion .dopt«l by one "at• ...-garding th. bu,den of proof in ,ivil " ..."

Existing Charge: "Prepondennee of tht ""';den",," mt.n' ",iden"" th>! ha.< more convincing fom: th.n th.t opposN to il. Ifth•• vi · den« is $<I ,,-.:niy balanccd Ih., ~nablelo "'y ,halth •• vi _ denee on either side of an WI!< p,cponderat"" you, finding on thai ,<sue mu,1 be ' gain" thl: I"rty who had tho burden of proving il!

The 111.ost diffiClJt problems require tbe

A,lawye". we h,ve no trouble under· standing this con«v'.s we h•• rd the term, repeat«l m.ny t;m", in I.w .. hool .nd in p,,,,iou. tri.1 •. Think . bout how tho« word; would sound, though, if you ",,-.:r went to I.w ..,hoo!. and consider the ,,,,isN " Plain Englishvt1':Sion of the "''''' charge: New CJUlrgr. 'Iih<n I tdl you that •

I"'rty mUSt prove something. I mran that lhe p. rty mu" persuade you, by th. <Vidtnce pr<'$<nt«i in COUrt, that wh.t tit or ,he is trying 10 prove is rn<m likely to be tn.>< than not In.><. This is somt1in'l<$ rd<rr<d to u th. "burden of proof."' • MISSISSJI'!'lVAl.LF.Y TlTt.~

' . , •• ' '!'.lIIJRANCE COMPANY

,,--,,.'m, .....".r... IAI< U A~Y

l OO S

It i. diffIcult to argue againsl the theory that tho ",,1.,«1 charge i. more likely to be unde"tood .nd .pplied by the . ",rage juror, beause it u", more common term. to cxp ..... th. concepl. Some sugg"'! th. t instruction •• hould Ix .pecilially dirrct«i '0 thl: "»=age lit<=)'


I<vd ' of the population as Mttr· min...:! through>is, or mor.likely to re"h ",.dm of Spo'" liIu,t",«d as oppostd to tM Harvard flu,;""" RNiew.' Existing patttrn instruction. (civil.nd criminal) would con,inu' "" the btnchm.," for cone;..,. provtn .• =]';lIe ""emem. of prin' ciples (.inu tht'" mil>, "" an "ceptoble hue from which res'at~menlS a" m.dej. but input would bt rt«ivt<l from non-lawyers as well .. ",,~m in .nd/or ... ding:

Th' role of thela"'}'n> and judges WIluld "" '0 enlu," that tht instructions rorrt<:tly ""press the law. tile rol< of th. by ~roons would"" to enlu", that non· la"'}'n> can unde",.nd them, . nd the role of the re.ding sp«" would bt to .... is! bo,h groups so the inmOlCtions or. o""ura" .nd compT.h.n.i .... y<t, for as many jurorS as po<.<iblt.'



So why would th.". "" net to · Engli.h" ,.vis;"n.l Se .....1valid " ason. totist. Vauern charges or. ,he product of of "holarly drort< of OU"tanding lawyt" and judges. and or. tndoned by the appell.te roUrts. Th.". is cer .. inly tM chanet th.,.n .11emp.. d res'''.men, of an otht .... ;.., apprcwtd or a<etpt...:! charge wiU not r«<i,.. ,he same endo ... men!. Th.". is also th. daunting. enormou. ta,k of und<rtaking such. ".nsbtion with 'he a"end.nt risks of • .,or. Furthermo ... we h.", to r<jKt any unspoken fe.r th.t 'plain" or mO" common" will somehow make II> appear I... kno,,'ledge.ble, .nd/or



dimini,h the integrity of the pro« .. dings. In, th~ opposite i, quite likely to be true-it will r«[ui. e oum.nding legal $kill and .. perti.., to "'_phra" ch.uS'" inlo non_legal. COmmOn trrnu. ... Ii",", when it ... m.,he pri · tn.1ry emph",i. of the jury <huge is to p ..... rve Or eliminatt an iMur for .ppeal ",th.. than providing the jury with . dequate instructions:

c #j £,


A Death

EmbasySllit.. Hotel

Birmi,.tllln. AL

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apprai .. d in ternt' of it< ""t off«t, Inmuctions ... to "" view...:! in thi, COmmOn"n" peflpe-cliv•. and not through the nd d;.lOrt. ing knothole of • distan, appell.,e


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# ./1' 4 ~-f!174"<'~jr f

Seminar De.1to Belt IX"

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IA] jury instruction i, not . bra· cad.bra. It i. not a ",agical inc.n· ,",ion, the slight"'t d<"V"tion from wh;"h will b,..k 'he .~IL Only its .,..mpie> or. formalislic cod" reeit"':! by • tri.l judge 10 pi...., .ppellat. m." ..,. At its ""st • it i. 'imple, rugs...:! communication from. tri.1 judS' to. jury of ordin .. y people, entitled to bt

C># ""'" e-..-#t::eJj. 7-AM7,eJ:


.,"__•••• nl"" _

By on the 'ppell.te ,<"View process. we ....,.....ily limit meaningful di:Ku»ion bttween the trial CO urt .nd coun..,l on bow weU p,oposed charges aclu.lly inform the jury of 'he applicabl. p.incipl($.. and· {'1.pnimenting with. 'n(>V<1' jury instruction i. viewed a, d.n · gcroll> by lawyers and tri.1 cou't judges .Iike.· ~ But we mUSt ,.mind oUrMlv<s that 'he primary purpo" of the cha'ge i. to provide jurors with th. ro.=,!aw to be applied;n. manner they can under_ stand." Innovation should be cauliously evaluated but not ftared .• inet:

/~ <~


-"" ' ' "

Often, comp ..hen,ibility i•• lub· ,idiary gQ.il1 in drafting [jury] instructions. wilh rigid adhct"tnce to.ll the minute ,ubtie1ies of the I.w ""ing th. primary gool.'

./'~,..;. fo.e.'.. 9--e.,."j...p", ;;:kh


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P'~,",9ru;i£ ~ ,n~ ... ; ) ~ ...~ /0' ",~,£s,

Ai-- ....<u'/~,~,~ ._.t'~ u:,S t A~- ....'m//~£?<-r:;r... ::J-;~~(;>/.e-/e.~~, ..:.:./o.,.~ /,,:' ~~""'-""<C ~ ,.st.J, /.J 'A,<;4,l ~e..j ;4~_-Je-~£J . ·Thom.. JdTeroon


011.... rtforrru ' 0 Ilw jury insuuction procao a~ brins I"f'OP'DOCd ... welL The AmtTian Judicatu~ Soci(ty ...sgau cons.i<kn.ion be r n 10 pfOl/idi"8 wri. · I~n copi .. of in"ructioru for .... in ~liber .. ion .. and 10 Si~ .. ","" 10"'" of tilt charges on Iopl issues 01 It.. btpnni"8 of .... trial" Not~ til .. 'hit 'l'P< of ·prriimiru.ry" irulruc. ion difft1's Iiom KMnS Ilw m li .. final cba'll'" brlort do.inS a'Sumon ... wbieh i. d iswu r,wd

in Abba ...... M A oqgacion Iw abo bcm nudt.o penni. m.... mions.o be IU«I in ;oddi.ion to plain Ian ....... " So ohould "'" aamine .he mo~rt1<'nI loward · Pbin Englilh" ch.rges?!f an ;ltjl,uc. ion (p.rlieul.,l, if ... rillcn or adoptod d«adcs qo) JliII ....keo perf.... _lO a,,<><neyi bu.loOUnds lib a Mr· rip lanslla$'" 10 Ilw .......11'" Abba .... jlllOl' 'oday. "'" """"lei 00 action. If juror. do not undo:n ..nd the <barg• • Ilw

ondkl unDOl boo 'rwlf<i and public COIIfi<Imct in Ilw syst~m wiD m>dt. ~I· .... Ii"'!he .... nner in whkh "'" ~ak to juri... moU$ .. n"1U:

l.jU OUr work. OUr wholt lif•. it • mall« of .......antics, l><a ..... Io'{>['(\J

the .ooIs wi.h .....idI ..... ......t<. the "",.rnaJ out 01 which lows are madt. out 01 which the Constitution _ wrlttm.l!Ynylhi"ll dtpm<h on OUr undrnundi", of Ilwm. .. •



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s....,.. '-9I1hwC.1..""" a. ... ...,. __ ........... _ _ ....

Do yoU represent a client w/lO has received medicnl

benefits, lost wages, loss of support, counseling. or funeral and burial assistance from the Alabama Crime Viaim's Compensntion Commission?


..... Soo. .... _

J. _

""'lIIi!I. ""' ..

...... "'" trioI_ 1 _ _ ~in lilt"""'*" """"""'" " - 4. _ I . n.o t.morJorv 01 ()oago!'las)ooliN _ III1\. 1- _ _ . . , _",;;.••• _

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I o...too-'~""~A.-ool .... .Jrr Coo .... _ ~ IN~ /Ix - . . .. .110. L """. " ', szt.s:t 1'991) Ill_~$ooooy. _ _ 1.

UIo._. . . _" ....-.. _

11 o.wol ... s..o-eo.t._~

When )'Our dimt applied for bcmfits, a subrogation agrttmmt was signed punllant to §15-23- 14, Code of Alttbamll (l975 ). lf a crime victim received compensation bc:nefits, an attorney suing on behalf of a crime victim nlU$t give notice to the Alabama Crirm Victims' Compensation Commission, upon filing a lawsuit on behalf of the recipient.

_ ..,h - I " " , ... U_ tI 1iooo," • l1li." US )14 '"II!61I~ J . 5



s.. ..... .-. SIM. m $0111 7Ii. m ..... •a l l .. ,"..... ...." ......... d'!qo Irior"~ Soo; ••• ""'" tlono,


...... :12 t.., """""'" _1iJ I'a " . Qr.IIIIl _ _ _ _ _ O"'-..

.. For funher information, contact Kim Jicrski. staff attorney. Alabama Crime Victims' Compensation Commission al (334) 242-4007.


1l. _ _ .bIictIIn s.e..,. _ _ a.


Gaof; llSlatsoo l """

............. _




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Bar Briefs

The Univcni'y of

Aliliom.o Ftdtrol T;IJC Oink Ikwd of Dim:tor$ VOIM to

............ ... "'" I


ScnooI 01 Uw ... hono< of a..n.. B. &iIry. / •. 01 JohnsIono,Adams. Ilairy. Gordon &: Ib.... LLC. The a..rIeo B. Boiley. Jr. SdIoIoM'P will !his rumt Iilr. Jl(riod dIM ~ &iIty is ont of "Lah.",,', Itod",! 18 IUthoritits IU'Id is fum ..... ch.oin .... n of W I'tdtraI TOll ainie:. H•• bo """"" on ,he AdvOOry Commillff 0.. C.adwto: rox Progra ...... Unnmll)l of Alabama Sd>ooI of '-". as • mrrnbft' ofw I!o.ord oIr....UnMniIJ' 0(11.. Sou,h ( Im·J'9i; as I "~,,ol>e, of Iht Arn<rican CoIqr of RoI ~ t-yns; ond as' mtrIlbtr ollht ModConlIntnl Oil and Gas A<sociation.



ilmnc1' L IIanIno "n!>OUnces he .... b«n Ippoint('<! as invnliptor for .he Alabama lIoa,d or Uctn.un for

1'rofosionaI G<oIogiru. This position is prim.. ily (0. in_igo,ion of compI.inu m:d>'t<l by.he board. !XI ,den 0, dim:lo. of the Pt""ltum T«hnol08Y 'hrur.. Council. Wltm Gulf 1ltJioo. Tuscaloosa. The y"unl 1,.o""J'ftl" S«tion nf II.. 8irminpm 8ar Aloocialion _,I>on 10 bmW, BirmIngham Alhltti.: Ponnenhip. SpeakJ'intll\d P>thw.lys: A Woman',


W.,. ..o......

Stclion ofroan and mnnbcn who



soIf loumamem, >i!m,

IUClion Ind o.1\n fundnising Klivilift inclO>d«l Ann. J(a,herin< CI"lIY<$ I\own •• n, T. Charla Fry. I •.• lenna M.;Cammon Illc<l_. F. W~nd.1l Allen, And' ..... 8. Huck. .nd John Dana. M


D,vid R. Ik>yd •• 1""10" In Ih~ finn o( $c Bingham I.l.P. w .. el«l«I chaIT ohhe 1Ioon! oI"T"",- 01" lhe NolioNJ<Tmct 01" "", .. "'~Th< NCBE is I "", .!O,·pro(il corpor... ion wt.os.. miu.ion indudof <kmopioB .nd pn:Md.JnB l(SU. «IUCllion.a.i p_ g,amJ .nd 01"'" .I<'f'Ikn 10 bar nam· Ining»",fOOI lhe !\alion. TnlS of'fn-altO the ;", '><II'lio", by NCBE aT< Ih. MulliOl.t. 1\>., E.. min.tion. lh. Mulli'.'lt Elsay Enmina.;"n.lhe Mull;'lll( \>trfonn.",. ful . and tho Mull,llll( 1'ro(n&ion.1 Responsibility Enmi!\alion. Ttk worId'$ Iargne all·m.&. sin"nl J«itly , ....... ,. No.1! Fundorbu'll 10 fill an I:lWl"l<kd t.,..,., on its bo.ard of dl=tors. He will help ,uilk the


tt .. mony Sodely. I non·profil orpni2.alion of mo .. th.n 30.000 nule , Ioot.h.. mony ,ing'" in 11>0 Unit«l Sl>-t"" and c.r>ad •.

FundfTbu .... stnior ....;,1101 d..n a. 1M Un .......... ' 01" Alab,a"", School of Law. is. mcmba oI"theCmlrn .... Oup''' in 1M 5o<;"fl t>U::~ Ouuioc1. Ttk 1Ioon! ollhroc1O .. 01" the- AIaba"", Hu .... nnioo Foundation announced tllal Sm ••", Howdl Hollin is tho m:ip· in.. of the 2004 Alab,mu Hum.:mitioo Awan!. Th< mlsl;'," Oflhe AHF ;'10 aUlt and (001" opportuniti(1 to .xploT< hum.n ...1.... and ",.,.ning

'hrough Ik hum.~ilits.

Foundrd in 1974., lk ,tate for lhe N>1ional Endowm""t for th. HUm:l~itics. ,h. AHF is 0 nonprofit organi..,tion. Stnator Hemn i, • gradu ... of the University of Alabama Schoo! of Uw.• nd h....rv«i on lht A1an.m.o 1hch= T.~ur. Commission and., president ofthr Al.I>a .... Commi".. for I\<".r S<hool.. In 1993. k 'pon"'mllhr nomin.'io~ and confirmation of Shrldon Hackn<y. Birmingham n",i~ and tb.n p .... i<knt of The Univc"i,y of P"nn,~IV>.ni •. '0 be, toppedo. chair of lht n.,ional


Endowm<1lt for the Humanities.

William H. Horton . with th. firm of H..kdl Slaughter Young& Rr<IikH. h.. hrgun • ont-year term .. chair of the Amer;c.n liar Asoo<iation Health uw Stetion', Transactinnal ond IIU$in<"$5 H.alth .... In" .... t Group.

lad S.ld. n .• pan_ in 'he lIirmingham fi,m o f Bradl<y Arant Ro.. & Whi'e LLP. h.. bt<cn in.t.lIrd., p.esidtnlo{TIIt Nation.1 Associ.lion of Form.r Unit<d Stat.. Attomeys. Stlden hI. bt<cn • mcmhrr of ' hr NAFUSA bo..d of dir«tofS for the wt fi" ye.... ntt

Chorks A. 5,......".

m.• ""nneT in ,h. firm of Bradley Arant Ro5< & Whit< I.LP in Momsormry. was re«ntly award· rd the Rich Krochoc1: Awan:! at thr 2004 Ddense Restarch 1051ilul< Annwl Mffiins- H. was hono,...! for providing =mpbl)' ltadcr:!hip and suPI"l" to ,h. OR! Young Uwyttl' Comn';tt.. through 0 variely of programs, induding Ik UW S<hool Initi>1i~. This P"'P"m has allowed OR] '0 .. pand its ......h 10 law "mknts and form DRl chap'..... wilhin 1.1'1 schools. •

Legal Professional Liability Coverage for America's Greatest Law Firms Financial Sta bilit y. CO\'e rage For All Firm Sizes Optional Monthly Payment Plan Rated '"A" by A.M. Rest* Apply Online· App In A Sna~ Earn CLE Credit Online


GRt.:A:I)\'UER lCAN. .. SIaOJIC< .. ""

....... _

Rooiog _ . Mt 2<. 2003 ............. _GtoI>p .......................

02001 b\' _

Nick Baldini Professional Liability Division


Legislative Wrap-Up

By RolHrr L,

Special Session


oveT"'" Riky ",!led ,he A1ab.m.

kgi.lalu .... into Sp<ci.1 $<$.lion on Monday. Novem~r 8, 2004. In a r«<>rd tim< of r. .... 1'1\;,1. ,; .... d.ys, 1M Itg~l>!u .... p~ fivr bills posord """",.rung sUI. hu lth iruuranct. Act 2004-646 (HB 1)-Toach<rs' !itallh lnsur>I>Ci<,:mdM 2004-647 (HB 2)Stat. EmploJ-' H<alth Insuran«, provido fur >h.uing of costs of hnJlh UuUr.lnC<

pfC1ll.iums by cmployt<s and ~irffs C<JV. o:red under ... ~ he:>lth pbns. 'fhnt billi &i"" th. lruuran« Boon! 1/... authority to incrt.... pmniums. <lC•• .mong .11 duses. of 'nlPIoytes .nd rtlirttS by tw,,..!tirrls VO'" of the b<md members. II furthtr p~ thaI <m~ em op1 out of p.mkip.alion in Iht plan .nd oIJows an employee to purcha.. . uppl<mmtol OOVt'rage in I;." of prim..y COI'C'fage.




oun tdown

TOP TEN REASONS THAT CASEMAKER IS FOR YOU! 8) USER FRIENDLY. l'calllre; both basic and ddV',m<:.ed .<,earth tealUre. for alllt'Vck 7) CD ROM. When online access is 1101 availahle, you have a CD at your fingertips. r AI'I U A~Y


Tht bills 01", allow the Imurall« Board to add a """'hary to tho .mpk>yee" con · trihut;"n for .mo\a:r$ and col1$;dcr oth .. "avoid,blt rid f.. tors." Premiwns may be . dju.tN and ,un:haoyd for ( I) f.lmily si .., (2) .mokers, (1) pm=tati,.. CO"" and welln ... I"'l'1icil"',;"n, . nd (4) oth .. ca'<gQrifi of ,ilk tht board approves. An • mplo)'tt who >ubmiu n.. torlo1ly fal~ or misl ... ding informat;"n will bc required to "p"Y the .Ute all d.i"" and apon$<$. plus in1<T<St. Any disput ... will bc <Ni<wtd by a cbirru administrator with "I'J'Oals to tht Montgomery Coumy Circuit Coun. And, the in,u ... n~ boa,d$ may uqui.., «I'l"'ym"U$ by .mpioytts ;n additOon to dtductibln. Th. bills also pro· viM ...istance to Iow·;ncomo nnployees who q, .. lify by the Fnleral Poverty Guidelines. CUrTCn1iy,. family offour with a houSothold incomo bclow $18.850 «Iuld ,octi ..... $uMidy of $82 toward thoir total premium cost of $164. Act 2004·648 (HR 3)--St... Employtts. • nd Act 2004-649 (H8 4)-T• .m.... will '""lui.., 'U .. l<OIifffO .... aft .. Soptom"". 30. 2005 to rnak heahh in.ur· .11« «InlributOon, baonI on tntir Y"ar$ of scrvi~ and r<quirt .... Utts .mploy«! by . llOthn employ<r, with otho. in",,,,no: covorage, to 13k the otho. in.urano:. Currently, all "". omployo-<$ ,<'t iring . fI... t.... Y"'" of scrviu rteti .... tho ... mo h..aJth il1$uranc. t. Fo. ",",mplt. if • ponon ....ires afto. 20 Y"a" of ..",ico, the ".,. would pay 90 petRn' of thtir non· Medic:o.., family premium, i.e, two perttnt foTO><h l""" WId .. 25 Y"a,,' nnploym<nt. CurTCnlly, the SUt. PO)" S673.9-I and ,ho re,i,..,.. paY' $302. With this bill. tho would p.y $606,57 and 1M l<OIi.«', share would bc $369,40. Tho final bill, Act 2004·650 (HB 5), will allow uacho .... Ouiblo benofit health plan =.'ing tho Public Educ"ion H",iblo Iknor." Board for ,h. adminis· 'n'Oon of the program. Th ... wm: aOO 14locol bills passed by Ih. Legislalure . nd 60 moIution$. Tht 200S Rogular Session begin. Feb.uary I.


Majo' ",visio ns prtpar«l by tho Law [n<l ilul" and "'I'o<t«lto t>o «In,iMred by tho 2005 ~sl3tU'0 a"" I. TnUi Code---Ralph y.ilding, «Immi" ... 2. Alab. m. Se<:urit;". Ac~-Mikt WAI.", commi" ... 3. RdiMn,i.ILandlo,d.T<nanl_ l. m... Tin&lr. «Immi" ... chair O,..rting commitl«< oro cur.o"tly <Nis· ing tho following' I. Entilies Low-).mn Prue", «Immi,,« 2. AI.n. m. P... n'3S" Act_No.h Funderburg, «Immi11« 3. Estate Tv: Appo,' Oonment_Lron>rd \\'<"h~im~., «Imrnil1'" ch.i,

4. Limit«ll>.rtn."hipAct-1lob

[)enn;"ton, «Immi" ... d.i. 5. Ro.1 Es",< Laws---John Plunk, «1m· mi" ...

To review tho cunm' Law [""itu,. d.-.ft of 'h .... act<, go '0 ........"di."a'•. aLu~ For mo .. info,m .. ion .oout the Innilu" o •• ny of it< pro;":", «In1>" Bob McCurley, dirtClOr, AI. bam. Law [n"i,u,., P.O. Box &61425, Tuscaloosa 35486-00[3, fax (20S ) 348· &411, or pho"" (20S) 348·7411. •

-.... -"'-.

_ L-... . . __ '''_Low _L-'''.'''' ..-"" ""~ . .... --""~


Join Ihe hundreds of alto rneys, Reaito rs@, appraise rs, s u rveyo rs , and others, who I'd y daily o n Ihe n:a l es la t e information programs we publis h. AlAMAP compuler I,,'og,.am pOlS la x assessors' PR C

c ards 0 " yo ur d esk lop. Find 0 p o,..,el - cli ck - up comes Ihe Ia.~ m op. Click aga in for Ihe a e rial pholo. Lots o f s e a rch o ptio n s and lool s li ke l.rint·coPY· I.asle· a nn u la te m ake AIAMA P a pleas ure 10 use ,

We a lso provid e paper tax m a ps in tablo id s i"te . Call or Em a il for yo ur free d e mu CO ond pric ing. SA TlS I'ACTION GUARANTEED WE OFFER LARGE DOCUMENT SCANNING ON SITE OR IN HOUSE


Opinions of the General Counsel

By J. Antl","y Md.";,,

Retention and Destruction of Client Files QUESTION,


"[ am t«kins.n tthia opinion from •M AI-.bama J\;j, ~tion .cg;onii"3 1M r<1<1l'ion. Rora.< and 1M dUpooins of closed IepI fLks. "My .... firm is quickly depicting its in.'- IIOnI" QI~ity. I ~ bcm iUhd 10 UVI<'W mdhods of """'V and reI ......1ouch .. microfilm. off-si't $l~ •• nd riffil'Oftk oc:anning. Befor. aplo<,nl t~option .. I am re<jlX'$ting )'OIl' uWI."", in fo.mulating a rtuon· • blo pl.n ,b., romplies with i1l applicabit n"".and 11'lutn.

"bwy<1" docs nol h. .... SOlin'll dUly 10 prae ..... all his fiJn prnnIl>C1llly. ~,dOtnIJ .nd Fo",," diom. ...~ '~P«I from IMr .....,.... lhal nJuabio .nd -rul ;"fonna,ion in II.. ditn,', Iilt,.nd no! othtrwist rndily •!t to .... dOtnI, wiU no! t.. pmnalu..,ly ond (U~ dnt~ ABA Commin« 011 Ethia .nd PrnltsSionil Rnponllbili,y, in Formal Opinion 133M


"I.m ow.r. Oflh.



..,.in. elkn!'1 f,lt (or Ii.< )'tarS 'he cast h .. ,uched iu ronclwkm. How rnoy , ... fik be llO'cd! Mun the files .muin in 'h.,d copy' form or ""'T il be I•• "· "",;bt<I to anolhtt mtdiwnl ~ ickn· lily .U mt"'''' rules of conduct rdlli", 10 prom&. and "..,. 011.., tlhies



"Onct. fik is cloKd, nut cnt.lio pao-110M of 1M elk bt mum«i to thulknt! Who.l i.a" .t1or~. obIi8ltion "Prd,n, Ill< porlion of 1M file r<1umod 10 tt.. elim'! Aft .. ,he It.. )'tlnln"ml, wh .. is lilt appropriOl< method of dis"",ing of.

dient', fiI"" 10


(Marth 14.I'InJ. Whilo no .p«if,< ruk$ in ,Iu: Itlnbnma Ruin", Profmi()l,al (Arid,,,, ~rdin8Ihol.nglh of lime • Ia~r i. required 10 ...... in 0 <Iootd filt or llu: di,poIltion of , file .fltT 0 lapst of lime, tI>t DISCiplinary Commi""'n nuhl~ tI>t FoI ...... i"5luidolilltS in Formal Opinion 34-'1. TIw OOUWtrll0 .....~ q..... ions <kpmd on tI>t .".afK nal","" of .... ioulru",nus """la,n«! in It.. roles and

,to. I"'nkulor cimun"'nceo in. gi.....


factu.d JJI""ion. For "'UOO. It.. lilt .nouJd lit namin«! and Iho ",nl<flU ..-grq.ottd in It.. fol ......'ng caltgOf"in: ( I) Do<:un .. nll Ihol 0.. clo Iho

PrGJln'y of I"" diom and ",ayt..

ASB Lawyer

Referral Service

of SOmt inl.iou.i< val .... wh<thor ddiYnnllo 1t..1lwyn br It.. clitol or ~red br tt..lowyn for It.. Ctia>l. _h 0$ wilb, d=b. .. c~ (2) Documtnll which h.... bem dcliv••«1 to It.. 1.W)'tf by Ihe dient and which lilt dicnt would rIOrmilly .. pt<IIO bo retumt<llo him; (J) Do<:umtnt, from I ny sourc. which

may lit of son" fUlure val'" 10 Ih. elitnt htc'UIt of SOmt futu •• .xv.,101',,,,,nl IMI m.yor may not .... t.. ~lil.f; .nd. Hl Documtnllwhid! flU in nriw. of tht obcwt <.~


Do<:umrnll whid! inLO al~ J ohouId bo .mined lOr .n inddinitt pori_ od of limt or prtfmob/y >ho ..1d bo m:ordtd or dtpotilf<i wilh • wun. Do<:umtnll f>.llin, inlO a tOJOTies 2 .nd J shoukl bo .... ined for. r._ ... bl< period of';mt" tho .nd ofwhith rc._ son.ble '''ompll mould bo mad. to cont." Ih. diml .nd Mli"". 1M documents to him or Mr. Documenll ",hich f.U inlo ca tCSOry 4 could bo .ppropr~,.ly


With rtprd t(I timt. therc is rIO'P«ific period Ilt.ot QOIUt;tUIf$ .imt. It dtp<nds on 1M .... tu .. of tbo documrnu in tilt rolt and It.. .nn><hnl <lrnl/n>lonca. Si_ the fiIo is the propmy of tit.< dim,. Ihco«1icaJly il m>y bt immtdiOitty returned LO the clitot when tilt Icpl monn for ",hich tit.< dimt is bring rq>r.....,,0:<1 is ronduded. Fo •• •• ,itly of ".sonl. Lowy.-ra 0<><1 Low firms u..... liy m.inlOin di,nt flits for som. period of lime nnting from. f.w yt' ...


10 penna""" retmlion. T1w InIgth of Ii"", is morc a ""'tin of lilt LoW)'tf's Of tho< firm', policy fa""" tt\2n any nlf1'nally ....,... ,0:<1 "'!.. ircrnmL In aublish· ins Ihis policy. il wouJd not bo ..n.....,..· obit for tilt Lowyft Of Low firm t(I • ... that .t.. ,,", ... e of lim;I""'n, .. ndn lilt Alob.o"", ltpI ~ liobilily Act is lwo yr . .. and , ix yr... for lho filin& of fornul ch .. ga in b.. disdl'li"" m . lItrL Un some cua the t,mt period m.y bo ....ndM.) AI .1It ,xl'i... ion o f tht period of limt eotabliWd br 1M Lowy.-, Or ~ finn for r... retmtion. Iht following minimum

prou<Iurt$1hoo1d bt followed for file dilpooilion. Fint. tht diml ohouId bt

infonnod of It.. di>poal plans and g..... .t.. opporl .. nily of bri", prorickd with tht rolt Or corum,;" 10 its destruction. If tht clinll caMOl M Ioalo:<l br «nified "",il Of ~p<I' noIie •• the file should bt ","ined for. rcasonobk tim< (abotnl unusua! circumstances, il is the Commission', vitw IhOiOi. ~... is sonabl,) ,nd IlItn tk"royt<! wil h the ''''<plion of lholt documents ,Lo .. ifJ,d as co1CSOry I .i)(wc. l'Tior to destroying dienl lilt flit should be- o<r~ to mSurf tlt.ol p<I'"",,,,,nllypc' (caltgOf}' I ) documtn .. and - . I I ... not dcotroyrd. Third •• n i....." ohouId M moinuiMil of filel dcotroyrd. With rqard 10 &lOlaII'<, rlla m>y bt "","«I in any focili'1 in which their confi· dential in"V'IY is "",inuintd, This ""'Y bo in lit.< LoW)'tf·. Of Low firm', off"" Of at so"", ~un o/l"."t.lou,ion. Any rnrdium th>l I'rtKfWO tM in'<yiry of tilt documtnu ;n Iht Illt, whether mitrofllm or by .!t<t,onk oanning. is .ppropr~l •. I RO_1911J· 1G1 •




1Ioo..w-. SCIIo . . tMyII .....

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......... ..., ........ 01 ....... -...,. ~ in . . wniot! lAS -,...~ ....... joiIootg. IIw ~ JIoItoaI ~ ~ "". pnt boollgll_-..,. ""'" tldIIOj!


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IOioII i'Io -..y ~ tll«IfIl tit

CIIf; lor or!ltt ...,. .... dIIrgt Ii< or ""

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~.,...IIb~MOII . ...

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n ...... lM,


....... b.II_bHillo4.lo!*'!I ..... Ii tdlt... ... ,... .... - . , iIIftIIId in boaIIning ....... 01 .. ~ ..... 5oerIilf. ......... .... .. SIOIl ... Ndt .......... ...,.;.;. ptd 01 ~ IIbiI\' II\I,r-I/Q,


Disciplinary Notices Reinstatement '.n ... M.IYin Bums.


whttt.bou ... _ unknown, mUll am...... tilt ALab.l",.. 5m< s"r.lOrmal disciphnuy ~within18~oC

!.nuary I S. ZOOS or, thnnfttr. til< duo'll"" contain«! ihtmn

"'011 bo d<otm<d adml11N and orp.opriatc d"'ipli~ st..!1 bo iml"'std .gainst him in ASII

No. 03· 249{A) We'. tho Discipli""ry Board of 1M SuI< &r. {ASS No. O).2~9(""1

The Sup~"", Coun of Abbam. <n",mi." ordtr b.aSt<l upon ,I>< dtci_ sian oftht Disciplinary Board, Pand V, reinst.lin! Bi,rn,,,,,,"m Willialn t:.1>dC'.nu4o !ht pnoctia

' '<><MY


ofb ... HI thtSU .. 01 Alabama.riI«I~AII&WI It. 2004.l hI. lOr Rein., MEl No. 0),(181

Suspensions Eff<oai~ 5q>,<mbC'r IS, 2(lOoI, Royfurd u., Elhrnon.l r. of Poinl CIt...., Abba .... has btnI ~ from tho pnaia: of Low in tho Slat. of Abl:>ama lOr noncomplio_ with ,ht 2003 ~Wldotory eontinll1l"l$ LtgaI Educalioon rtquimnmu of tho Abba"", StaIC &to [CLENo.04-OI )

Elf..:, •..., Stp.. mbeT 7. 2004, RoIK<t Itlfrt,. ".l~ of Memphis, T."" ....... h.. bftn . usptn<kd from th' p.... ti~ of I.... in tht 51.", .,r A.Lobam. for I\0Il. compl1onu with the lOlll M.nda'...., Conllnuins LtpI Edualion requi .... "","IS of 01... AUbam;o Suo,. s...)CLE No. 04-62]

af«ti,... &pt.mhtt 15.2004. Kri •• i. DUon Morrisof Ashund, AlIMm. loa. b«n .u. pmded from the practk . of law in th~ Stato of Al. bam. for nOn_ roml'lianu with the 2003 M.ndotory eom;nuing kgaI Edur-.tion requiremorn" of the Alaboma St... liar. jell No, ~ .811

0.. ",1'1( I~ 20M ..... Oiscipbnary CommIlSion cnIcrtd • mt"';",. . ordtr ...m ....rily iUSpC1I<Iing lIirmirWum . tlon"q' wmiam Mod. "',,~ from the Conr;nu,,1 on I"'1it 74

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Disciplinary Notic prO(titt of Law in Thilllllpm.ion was based upon lht pclition

for I"",m"r I"'pension row by lh. Off... of ~0.1 Coun$tl of II>t AI.Nona 5,.,< 8,0" ~ ... nl1o this .... pmoion, Pa~ filed. po:Iilion 10 bo 1r;lIuftTm! to di<.bility inKti"l' "'M on July 28, 2004. Tht Dis<,pI .... ry Boon! 0( ,ho 5131< So<

mtt«<!.n orrln Van';n! p~~'. 1"";. lion 10 be tran,ktm:l1O dis;obili,y inac· 1M .I.,u. p.. " ...,,110 Rul. 27«) of

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ScplmlM 7, lOO4, Richl'"

Shu..d of Edw:ontmll., lUinois has bttn ....P<ndtd from IN prxtic. of Law in 1M SUtt of Alabama for IIOnwmpli;",c< wi,h ,ho ZOO) For~,



M.ndo,O<}' Conlin",na L.tpI Education requi,. of 'M Abbam. SIOIt a ... 10.11 N<I.I)4·981 F.ff«;1~ Scpl<:mbe. 16.2004. Ronald f.anlt Subt. of HunlSvillt. Al.Nma has bcm ... spmMd tbe praCli« of t - in d.. of Al.twna for noncompliana with 1M ZOO} M~ Continuing LqaI Edualion req\l;"'"



mml$ of 11K A1abom. Su,. Bu, ICLE No. G4·I821 On AuguII10. 20001, th. Suprt"" eoufl of Abbam •• dorlN lhtluly lJ, 2004 order .n~rcd by tM DiKiplinuy Commimon, .uspmdl... Montgomery .u<>n><y KrlIy Onn V ..t.n. from tilt pta<1itt of!.w in AUbama fOr JO months. On M~ 20, lOO4, ,ho Difcipli".ry Boord of 1M Alo~ SU~ Bar, Pantll, .nl.rtd.n ordtr de'.rmining th., V ..ko" hod """mil'

ted a ".niou. crimt" whm ht ..,,.rtd a g~i1ly pl•• '0 Ill, on luly 24, 2003. in .ho Circuit Court Au,au&, Coun'Y. Vickers ....... "toneed to Oil< l"''' ~nded and two l"'lrs' prob;o. ,ion, 1M COIJrt fined V...:ktn :&lid M is 10 ptdonn 100 hoIIrs of rommun;ty 1otfYitt. l-k w .... bo o~ 10 nW<t .-i,u,ion in Iht amounl of $ 10 1M viclimo and pay $1.000 10 ,h. Alaba"", Crimt Vic' im.'Com~n"'ion Fund.IRuk No. 22(.).~. No. I)4·011



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