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One malpractice insurer is still here and continues to maintain stable premium rates! AIM: For the Difference! Attorneys Insurance Mutual

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THE ALABAMA LAWYER Vol. 63. NO.7 f November 2002

On the Cover: "Access to Justice" is the overall theme of the November 2002 issue of TheAlaooma Lawyt:r. The OOver design by Jack Durham of J. Durham Design of Montgomery, with inspiration from Alaoom3 State Bar Commiuee on Volunteer Lawyer Programs/Access to Legal Services members Allison Alford and Linda Lund, su<:cessful1y captures that theme through a mi~ of images and tex\. lbese images inc;lude a photo of the oolumns and pediment of the United States Supreme Court inscribed with "Equal Justice Under Law;" the American bald cagle, a sy mbol of free路 dolO; and photos of clients served by One of Alabama's legal Services programs.


Dedication, U.S. Courthouse, Middle District 01 Al abama


Phil anthropy Education


Get Your Name On This Pag e 8y J."nru< Mari. u$li., RN, M.Ed

357 SPECIAL EDITION - Access to Justice 357 363

Pro Bono in Alab ama The Growth of Pro Se In Alabama ByH""Y~


A Judge's Perspective 01 the Mobile Bar Association's Volunteer lawyers Program


The VLP and a House


By 1'"",</. /I, fhK:y


!DLTA Program Provid es Access to Justice By 1h>::y ll<mitl



Rights of Indigent Defendants in Criminal Cases after Alabama v. ShaJton By '-Ph P. Ibn Ik<n Providing Access to Justice - Alabama's Legel Serliees Programs By Mdindo M. _ 1Ioono<r.< G. Ktith

.... KnoMth R. CWt and



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Vol. 63. NO.7 November 2002



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_....... Civil Rights-Past. Present and Future, Part / (This is the first installment of a three--part series of articles.!

bo S!lIe of Alabama was • major ...,m.. for the d<\.elopmem of the cumn! riglllS~­ nlCn!. A iuilS!aneial pan of nly ~lIftr Iu$ betn deV<J4rd 10 misting indi.iduall in obI.inin, !bei, co.mi!U!ion.1 riShll1$ It.. ~i.i l ri8JIlIlJlOllomem de"eloped. I UlouaJIl I woold $han: with the ..... n'bors of oor bar I ipeech I dtli...,r<:d ~I It.. annual con...,nllon of the Internallonal Sociely of Barrill"" in Wei! lndiu on Man:h IS. 2001. Evtry Sunday br,inninl in January 2001 uDtil May 2001. r in",,1td from TUI~, AlabImlo 10 Ourtwn. NonJI Caroli ..... when: I "'1101 desilDltcd the ~ Hamilton 1l0l0lll0n I"rof",-- .. Nonh CaroI'DI ~n~ Uai""';!y·5 Scbool 01 law. to leach . cou"'",1td Rilllll-PUI. ~ and Fut.1ft." Let ..... sIwI: ".. ith )'0'1 ",Iu" I ift my Iyllabus 10 IhII course:



"'The ccnInIl ~ of die WIne is 10 eumi ... the role oIlaw in ~ mainIaiain& and !WO' vW.Iin& for o;;ril rig/lu lind the e~minMion of nciaI ia~ In a11101pO'W of Amm.:aa life ineW .... but _ IlmiIalIO. votiQa,lIdrninisrrabon of justitt...........!ion. bomin& and employ. ..... 1Il. 'Thi, wiU Ji..., tho IlUdeaIS an oppgnunlty 10 critically cumm. tho role 01 law in elimina!_ in, racial ;"jllSlices in the Unilal Scates. II will also _k 10 Ii"" SluoknIs an Clp(lOrlllnily 10 urKlmland tho ruooru for and the notttSSil)' 01 the rule of Law in order 10 obIaill, maintain and preonve ciril ri&Jlll. and 10 dt-tcrmi ... the presenl Sill ... in the filed olei'il rigIIlS and when; do

we go from 11m." Il.~ ""' • few of!1Ie IeJsons chat llried 10 convey 10 t.hooc Iludents and a few of my P<""JOII<1I c~peri.""". u lawy.r b Dr. Monin Lulbo, King. Mrs. Rou Parks


NOVEt.tBER 1001

and many others in the ci,il riaJIts field durinltho

coo"," of a pnc!ice 'P""nilll more than 4S y• ...,.

Historical Perspective Thi. i •• 'cry crilical li ..o in the hi.tory of!t.. Unilrd StateS. because we i""ugunlled a ne'" presidenl and ",e face many """Im,u,ial il$"'" in tile field of civil rights. So. il is fillin, and proper thai we talk • IiI· lie bit oOOu. ·" Rigllll-Pl$l. ~nl and Pulure:' ""' mmy people .oday "'00 beliew, African Americans no IonJcr ha"" 10 Iii in the back of the bu$. eaJ1 ..",nd ...ltOutaJllI ot their oboice if they an afford il. and .... attend variool ilUlllUlionJ of higher learni", "iUlouI bei", disaimiDltcd apillSl. thai all ofw racial barriers ha..., betn I"mIO\'cd and there is no ...... need for any dilCUl$iorllboul c;"'il rig111I.. ... IOIIIC ,,'00 .Iew ci~il riJbts .. _ thi .., of w pa$t. ...,. on i _ for die ~nI, and .,.,.. Iainly 1101 aD 1_ for the fu.u.... I.. OIlIer 10 un.;iemond ,,1lefe "'0 an: today. we need 10 W:c. hiJwrical , lew of civil rip and see how il has developed in the Uniled SW<::I. The bas.ic docwnonIS upon ...·hicb the In.. of A....n.:~ n'$I me w M~pI Cana. tho DecbnliOll 01 Rights and ~ the DecI ..... iflII 0( Inde-pendmce. and tho U",tcd SI.... C<>rutilution. illCbxlin, ill .......wr..nts. The found.1.tion of 1.", 1$ "'" fon/l in those dflt:u..... 0.. deal. with tile riaJI .. of wbile En,lislunon and white Arouic:I.IU. uWe lbo peop1c:" o(!he: ;nImble 10 the eoo,tiluti"" did not include person, woo 1<lOkl"d like me, The <IraIk .. of the Mag"" Can... the De<:l.nui"" of RiaJIl' and GriCVInCq. the Declaralion of lndopendl:""" and the eooSlilUlioo of lhe Uniled Stale.< w.... not conc"med aboul tile righll ot AfricilO


Americans. II became necessary to adopI amendments to !be Unitoo SlateS Constitution and PO$$ OOdilionallaws in order to provide African-American, with any rights. In Dettmbtr 1865. tbt 13th .mendment to Ibt Con,titution abolished 'lavery. In luly 1868. the 14th """,ndment to lhe United SlaleS Con'tilution made African Amcricans oiti,.l!1U of 1M UnitO(! Stales and ""tended protection to !bem through !be due proctss and equal proteCtion clauses, Parenthelically. you know whal happenal to the d... pnxes, and "'lual prot""lion dau""" of tbe 14th amendmcnt; even though !bey we", passed primarily for the plItp05C of protecting the right, of African American,. they DOW pro\eCt everybody". rights. Then. early in 1870. the 15thamcndmcot to the Constitulion prohibited deni.1 of \l()\ing rigIlts on the basi, of race. The 13th. 14th and 15th amcndrnt:nts to the ConslilUtion are lbe amendments to ,,"'hkh I have de""tOO my 45 yean ofpmctice. for the PUrpOSe of seeing that all persons 11,110 are American citizen. have the rights they are supposed to ha,'e. J have U5ed lhese amendments in trying to break down the waU, of segrtgation. The wrongs to be c""""tO(! ""'e'" deeply enueDChed. TIley surtcd ""heo the fint slave, landed in JameslO\>'n. Virginia in 1619. African Amcrkans are the only ethnic gl'QUp in the Uni~ SlaleS who came 10 America withoul their consen!. TIley we", brought as $Iave$. Stgrtgation in education btgan when f"", COmmon schooling was w",tchedly poor for whites, and nontxi'tent for African Americans. Even wben some school' l>ecamc available to African A .... ricans. lhose soho<>l. "'e'" inferior to the 0 .... '

available to whiles , Int"""tingly. some people Ihink that only lhe soulh had segrtg.tion laws. bullhe firsl school deseg",ga' tion case occurred"", in Alabama or M issio.<ippi but in Boston. In a case argued by Charle, Sumner on behalf of Sarah Roben,. the Massachuselts SUJmme Coun in 1850 held that 8OS100 could seg"'g'le child",n based On r.ICe.' Then !bert was ,be D,-ro Seo/l decision in 1857. ",'1\<,,,, the Chief lustice of the United Slate. Supreme Coun held that a Negro whose ance.tOO sold a. 'laves could not become a "",,,,btl- of 1M communily and. tIlu, . could not file a $ui, in a federal coyn l>ecause be was not. cili,,,n.' That case i. proba_ bly mosl famou,ly u.o".'n as in "1f""1 holding that. N"gro had 00 rights Ihal. white man was obligated to ",speeI. On ,be huls of ,hat decision. in 1861 to 1865. Co~. passed laws specifically pro,iiling for !be "'gf'egation of ",hool. in the Di strict of Columbia. In lighl of this background. it "'asn', a .urprise when in 1896 the SUP'"'me Coun dc<;1"",d the doclrine of "separate but equal. in the field of ttansporlatiOtt.' I doctrine thaI has plagued US . 'Of)' since. 1bose conditions !la"e changed bul J wanl you to know thatlht", are still some problems. As we look at it today. I think you will be a ble 10 help solve some of the", probkm. •



Endnotes _ . ~dBo-. 59 Mao. (5 CUlltI ' 98I ' M, Soorr. ~ Ell U.S.I'i! Howl :l9:l! '!IS7L

1'ImI'. ' - '63 u.s. 531111198).

a (enlury under" our bel~ )QU could .say we know :oil the,,, i'lto leJi lh mort' than Italf

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for putting your faith in ul. • MISSISSIPPI V.o.LLEY 'l'ITLE ' •• " 'INSURAN'CECOMPANY w.'~ JI.~.

William D. "Bill" Scruggs, Jr. Service to the Bar Award


! its Se~mbn

"""'ing. the Board of Bar Commissioners Cl'ta.ed an aw:mJ named after ronner SIal" bar presidenl and Ft. P:lY"" nalive DiLL &ruggs. An aword honoring Bill had been sugge.ted no! long after his de3th las, November. 'The .ward, as was $ugg.. ~. ,,'Ould bonor hi. rntrnory by recognizing individuals whose m:ord of SC1'Vice to the stat. bar Bill's Bar Commissio,,,,r It""ky W"lSOn and Ci r<:Uit Judge David Rains. bo!h of F'!. Payne and clOS<' friends of Bill's. spearheaded the effort. The $laltd pur_ pose of the .word as ~ by the Commission i,e ..... to honor the .....11IO<)' and accompli,h· "",nts of William D. "BiW' Scruggs. Jr.. and 10 ellCQU"'ge ,he emulation of hi. ~p <kvotion and servioe 10 (he Al.bama Stale Bar by =08nizing OIIlSlanding. Iong·!Onn service by living mcmbc ... of tl1e Bar of this .... l<: to the Alabama Slate Bar as an organiz.o.lion." 'The awards commiltee will be comprised of the ....10 bar', presickn,..,I..,.., uocu.jve direclOr. general counsel and tWO mtmb<Ts of the Boon:! of Bar Commissioners appointed by tht p<r$ident. Although them is 00 requirement for the award to be madl> anno· ally. =ipienlS will be prescnlCd the award during the bar', annUAl """ting_ A pmnanent plaq .... liMing the recipients will be display..,! at tbe Slale bar building. Bill loved the bar and dtVOltd a gll.'at dt~1 of time to improving it A perfect """mple of Bill'. dMi"3ti<>n occurr«l only a fe w month. prior to hi. dtath. In Augu'l 2001. Bill 3W:nde<I hi s I. " bar committee """ling. lie !Caveltd to Montgomery to anend the






"' Bi!l~

Scruggs, Jr.

SERVICE TO T HE BAR AWARD - ~i11 ~'" • ,w"""tJ.



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meeting, which was but a few months after he had undergone major .urge!)'. It might have been I hard· ship for anyone el<.t to a"end this """'ting 50 soon after su'Xery. butlKll. for Bill. He enjQytd i<' ..... ing tbe bar and the legal prof.ssi"" too mueh IKII. to anend. Our bar W(I$ fonunate 10 have Bill', leadership and sage coonsel for.,..,.., than thru decade.>. II i•• fining tribute mal an award 10 recognize service to the ,tale bar be named for him. Knowing Bill'. love for the .tato bar. [.m su", he woold feci bonon:d. Ed ue. UonallHbl Load (.lim b!; The educational dtb! load for those laking the July 2002 bar """m witne>sed • sharp i""Il.'~. &lucali"".l debl ."oragtd $58.736 for those with <lebl. Several e umi ..... had education.IINn< toIaJing $]70.000! Even in today's favorable ime"," rale environment. I len.yoar "",,"rIDent with an inl""'" rate of 6 percenl means that the overage deb! load would "-'<lui", monthly payments of $652. •

The new United States Courthouse for the Middle District of Alabama was formally dedicated on September 13. 2002. Included here are photographs from the dedication ceremony of the new facilities.

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1111: Alabama Lawyer nO IlIng" p"blishu 'uldu....

lind telepho". n"mbe,.., "nle.. th. "nna"num, ,,' 'till'" 'n I1pe" ing of" ".'" firm or .01" p(IJ€lic• . PII!IU' ~on'inu. '" und in ""n"unU ..."'" ondl", lu/Ju.. dwng" /0 ,h. AlliN_ StnU 11M


M. mb.,.hip IHparlm, ,,,, at (JM) 261·6110 (fax) M P.O. Box 671. Mon'g"m. " J6IOI.

Rer ".".-il •• l...,rko,·llS. lS(lm & K"," ner. J>C announces that C harles A. P",,,Ll . I V is a ,barebolda of the finn. B... & Ingram, J>C anllOUnces 'hat Pau l H. has joi .... the finn as an associ.te. Duell . \ ·. a ...... ' II! S]>inll. J>C OIInoullUS that J oy A. Ja) . hasjoilled tile firm. Domin"'k. ~'~t< he r, Yellding, Wood & Lloyd . PA that J .... ]>h W. Sirickla nd .nd Pat rick ~: Smilh havejoilled tht finn. ann(l.mtt~

About Memben C lin ' W. BuUer ""JI(lUoce< tile op<ning of his office at AmSouIh Building. 200 Clinton Avenue. West. Suite 70 I. Huntsville 35001. Phone (l56) 53-6-3382. D. J a mes Dup l""hin anllOll""'" ,he op<ning of hi. office "t614 East Silt Avenue. ~'oral . 36442. Phone (334) 858·5858. KOMrt ~: N. lson anDOUoce<the op<ning of hi. off"",.t 2.'i S. Coon S' reet. MontgO<nl:ry 3611)1. I'!Ione (334) 834·5700. Wendy ~'"",ma n ['ope annoull(e. tht optning of her office "",.ttd .. 731 Middle Street. />10"t ....·.lIo 3S I 15. I'!Ione (21l'i) 665-41 80.

J ason A. StO"H annooll(es tht op<ning of his office

"",,,td.,9 Office Park Cirde. Suite 2<11 . Binningham 35223. I'!Ione Oll'i) 870-4802.

Among Finns '!'be Philip Dale Segrest 1.>". lind M ediaclon Center an"""l1(<'$ tbat MlchllelD. W.ldOll has become a partner with tht finn. and the new finn name is Sq,:,res' & W. ldon.

Alro rd. CI~usen & McDonald, LLC anllOUnces that l .... d 1'. K""'agt has joilled the finn . s an assedat •. 344


.'. Id. H),de, Ly le. We rth. in .. r & Rryanl. I' C allllOUJ><e.I lhat K~lly A. Thrasher has joined the fi rm

as an associat •.

John T. ns h ~r. J r.. Pa ul E. S kidmore and Ted StriCk land OIIl1OUnce tht fonnation of ~¥lS h e r. Skidmore & St rkkla nd. PC. Offices"", Io<o.,ed at 1406 22nd A,'. nu • . Thscaloos. 354{J1. Pho ... (205) 344-4414 , Ita m & Zundel. LLC and S'ankt.>Sk l & S tank... kl, LLP annou~ the forma tion of llam, Slank06lr.i. S!.Iln" ... k l II! Zu nd el. LLP . Office."", localed ", 338 Fairhope A'"nue. Fairhope 36531 I'!Ione (251) 9288200. UBygood, Ck,'ela" d & 1'1.,." • • LU' ' n"""n<'U that Thom "" S. Mellon has become of co~flSd. Rober' F. J ernigan a nd Kyan S. S mall anDOU lI(e the fonnation of Jornigan & S .... ll. LLP. with offi""~ .t2J73 Capita! Coon. Mobile 36695. Phone (l51) 607·7153. Kon Marlow and John Morrison an"""nce tbe for· of Ma riow & Morrison. U . C and the ",Ioc.a~on of office. to 3178 C !'tlham f'lIrkway. !'tlham 35124. Phone (2<15) 620-4556. ma~on

N4.jar [k,na bu rg, PC an"nunc.. tha. K"I'\'n G. KoIacu:k has joilled the firm as .., associate. R u mberge r. Kir k & Ca ld ..'d l, I'A anoounce. th.t Ma rc Da"-,,,y has joilled the finn as.n associ.te. •

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Judge Willam Bu.h Matthews. Sr. diM in al!Ar~. Alabama on May 20. 2002. At the time of hi. Judge M .nbews wa< serving 3.$' diStricljudge in the 33rd Judicial Circuit He was first elec10d to !he bench in 1992 and was _I""ted in 1998. Prior to his eleelion 10 1be bench. Judge Mat!hews was engaged in!he~_ .ice of law for J6 years in hi. adopted homelOwn of

""'" The

above paragraph reads as one would expect a lr'Odiuonal obituary.o begin. llle words. while aceu... e. fall far.bon of deseribing!he life of Judge Mall hews. His "'as a life filled with pride. passion and professionahsm, He was a man of boundless eneIXY. opIimi.m and good wilL H. was a man possessed of every qu.lific.auon the public should expect fn)m' member of.he judiciary. lie was a man of unquestion. able integri.y. a man of scholarship.OO a man wi.h a .lro<Ig work ethic, II<now !hese things bc:<,use '"Buddy" M.llhews was my frieOO for 33 years. Shortly befOn! his death. be was ~ by. host of friends and officials ot a orre""""y in the courtroom he had ottupied as a judie since 1992. At that ceremo_ ny the presidini cireuit judge. P.B. Md..lluchlin ..... id that two words charac1e-rized Judge Matthews. T'he$e words were "commitment~ and ·'Ioyalty." I met Buddy in 1969 wilen I b<:<:ame e~ecuti.e direc· tor of the Alabama State Bar. He had alt<:3<ly served three years on the Board of Bar Commi<Sion<rs. "">_ ing been elected in 1966 at the age of 35. For years, bolh ofus "'"e the youngest lawyers in the room wben !he OOard ""'t. and we s.hared many of !he same goals and iduls for our profession and .he stat. bar in ie""",!. Buddy servM .. bar commissioner for a toLal of 18 years. ewer a 27·ycar perioo. He left the commission in 1993 following his election 3.$ dis", .. judge. During his service on the commission. Buddy was elected by his peen .0 se"", on every major com· mill'" of the bar that had anything to do with profes· ,iooal responsibility. He chai~ 1be state bar's Gru,V3nCe Committee and a Di ..iplinary Panel of the state bar. and beaded !he commiuee whi~h eSlablisbed the Standards of Di,dplinary Enf""'~""'n! that we", adopted by !he Supreme Coon of Alaharna. He ,..,.;eived the ASB ~idem'sAward in 2002. There was no phase of Buddy's life whet<: his pa •• sion. pride and profos.sionalism could be hidden. Whether it was hi. family. high school and collegiate athleli",. the Iocol and ,tate bar. or the Rotary Club. Judge M.ubo:w, gO\'C hi. ""ry best. us""lIy 110 percent. Hi, passion for athletic< was on ,,'hen be served as bead cheerleader for the Uni""rsity of Ttnnes~', 1951 Nation.l Ch.mpion football team. as an tm<iergmd .... t<:. If you played gulf with him. or atter>ded. or even Ii.<tened 10. a Vandemill basketball




K""'" with him. you felt thi, same passion. One ofbi, favorite !itles was thai of "Unk,~ a niclname be ",med in alar\:; :,~:::~ ,::.;~. ally'" would the sland •. In a dose game. his ""phew possessed the ball and Corron High had a one-point lead. 11Ie ratber con · serv.ti>e coach had wlnICd!he hall held. but Buddy yelled for hi' nephew 10 shoot. Fonun.tely. the shot was good oottbe coach. c"en though >icton"" •• "'lIS quesuQIling!he player' ""UQII in taking!he.ooc, His only defense was that. uUnde Buddy lold me to .I>00I.'" The name stuck and "Unk" coached from the .tands no small number of ga""" "'ben hi. ""'n chil· drtn pl.yed. He was a f.n·s fan. Buddy"'" I humanitarian without equal and hi' passion for the a ..r\:; R01ary Club. where he had 36 years of perfeel attendance. was legendary. If .ver.hI> R01ary ideal of ~service abo"e selr' had a proIOIype. il was Judge Malthew, . tle wa< the primary auctioneer for 1be annual ROIary Club auction in Oz.ark whe", he helped rai"" over S5OO,(XX) for the Vivian B. Adams School and Other children's charities. He was a Paul Ilams Prllow and was.warded the H.rry Hall Distinguished Setvice Award. Judge M.uhews "'lIS born in Memphis. TenneSKe in 1931. He wos .-.i$rd in Memphis and attended tbe Gulf Coast M iliutry Madcmy. He earned hi, SA deg,..,.; from the Uni""rsity of Ten""s._, He served 3.$ a first lieutenant during the Korean Wor.OO il "'as while be w.. in the office of tbe Staff Judge Advoc",e at Fl. Ruc~er that be n.." his wife of 47 year$. Flor<nce Carroll. lie earned his I.w degree from the Vandemilt Uni ... rsi!y School of Low, Hi. legal c""",rcovered 45 years. 36 of those involved in pri"'t" ~Iice in a>.. rt. H. beld pIlblic office as both 1be chief assistant district attorney and the O<arl: city anomey. When he became .judge in 1992. he quickly gained tbe ",pul •• ion 3.$ a judge who was both swift but fair in lOdministcring t;ce. as well ~s .judge "'ho could tempoer justice with Sheriff Bryant Mi,on "",ed that tbe jUdie did not agonize over decisions because he always did what be thought right. In addition to 1be pride and passion be exhibited for hi. profession. be was «! proud of hi. family. His lat" brotb<-r. Joe. was an outstanding .ttorney in Texas. Botlt of hi. ron,. William B. Maubews, Jr.• nd Warren Carroll M.t1bews. are .norney •. His daughter. Maureen. is manied to Dot~.n 3"orney o..>id JohnSton. Buddy took great pride in his wife. Florence. and the univ.rsallove and ",spect sbe enjoyed in her homelown. He also is survived by t.n graOOchildren who Im-.d and admired him i",.tly. judie Matthew$ was. dynamic force in the com",u ·




lIOIy ...'1Itre he liwd. pnct«d and~, His portrait in the Dale Coolluy Counhousc in mbtue 10 !he ~ic:e he~!Idtretl th< cili~ oI!hot))n:l Judicial Ci~uit; however, in "'" ~fe he palmed a larJn portnIil !hal .nU Ii~ as a mnilldcr 10 all wlao knew him. ThaI ponni. II one of a _ _ profculonal, lin ..... ccmod publ;" """""l • lew"" $011 •• ~ btoohCf. I dedicated falhCf-. and a chenWd bu>band. No! only did!he Alabama State Oar ""'" I valued member


in Judge Matthews'. paUl",. but the toIrI'1I of Ozart. IoI.t one of its ~at ciliZCM. [0 addition 10 his kp::ies IIOICd .~, this ~i", 01 one 01 the bQI frinds • p<"fWII <:(II01d ban", as " "U .. a fuo companion 10 be with. lea..,. a void ill the lives of thooc ...'ho knew and called him friend. •

-Rr,;1I01d T. 11_



Thomas H. lacksoll TIle beroch and bar of the 1kSS<'1OC< Divi,ion of County. along ,..ith the cit;..,ns in OIIr IRI and the S"'''' of Alabama at larxe. suffomll tn&k loss onApriJ 12, wbnl'!bomas H. J1ICbon, k_n to many Jcff~

'1...IwynThm.~ passed .......y, Mr. Jadson ....... hom on July 29. 1m io the _th, mI pan of andTom literally walked to JdIooI. JMlfti_ bamOOt. prior to hi. _illi 10 kffcrson COlinty. Tom is """ive<! by hi. lewi", ""ife. M.-prcte. ...·hom he met "'hile servin, our <:(IIOntl)' in Ocmwty. and he and Margatt.e -.-" rnarrit<I in <'lee.<S 01" yeaN at the time ofhi. death. Ton> i. aoo .urvi,'N by hi. ehild~n. d.ughter Katherine Nkholli and her hus-


banod, Gerald. and son Thon",. Hall Jacbon. 1Il . and

his .... ifc, V",k",; four .,......,xhikfnon: and.wo ~at· .,......,xhildmt. wlao " 'illl(ftly mi" him. Tom served;n !heAI........ It""", of Rcpn'$Cltlalli_ from 1\167 .ntil 197 L. and KrvCd his con<IihoCrocy " ... U, "hilc ..... nt.aining I full·li""" t.w


As I mcmbes of the De! mer Oar AIIocialioo. Oirmi"&bim Oar Associ.ltion and Alab.una State Oar. he . ignifled the .<tIture ond ~putation 01111 of the lawyero in AWwno ond .... ilI be mined by all .... 1ao k ... "" him. -/I. JaJJ Fa""""I. p,.uld,nl. 8~IJ'm~. 8",. AJliQCialiolt

Ale:ro:lltlder, Roger L. Owingsvill e. Kentucky Adm iu~-d:

Man ning, Glenn Franklin Huntsv ille Adminoo: 1948 Di ed: Au gusl 7. 2002


Died: June 4. 2002 Atwell , J<'nnif<' r Lynn [)Qlhan Admiltcd: 1989 Died: August 5, 2002

Johnson. Clifton Wade

l'ad gelt, Ven lOn Harper, Jr.

Scottsboro Admilled: 19% Di ed: August 18. 2002

Cullman Admitted: 1965 Died: May 24. 2002

Br insfield, Sol E:ro:aviar. J r. Montgomery Adminoo: 1934 Died: August 27. 2002

J.a ckey, Louis Herbert. Jr. Tuscaloosa

Roberson. Ch ristian Ed.·ard

Admiued: 1954 Dil-d: August 2. 2002

Admiued : 1992 Died: August 18.2002

Chett.. Robe r! Lee, Jr.

La . 'son, Thomas Seay, Hon. Montgomery AlJm illed: 1929 Di ed: Se ptember 2, 2002

Montgomery Ad m illed :


Died: A u g u Sl 29, 2002

B inn i n g ham

Williams., 1I0r act G uice,


Eufaula Adm illed: 19% Died: AuguS1 26. 2002




l MeCotlor. Jr.

Landlord-Tenant Act ha,'.

n tho los( fow yean; se ......1 bills bet" inlroduct<! in "'" Alabama legist","", ."""emi"g I.ndlord·tenant I..... The approach laI<cn by 1~ bills has be<:n quite di.., .... and res"lIed in a toquesl by the le,isl.tu", thO! tho AI.bama Law IImil"l. undenalre. study of resitltntial landlord·lenant law •. A commi11ee was formed. chaired by Jam .. M. " ngle of Bimingham. which held iu first mttling in St"",m~r of 2001. For ~ than" y.... lhi. committee "",( to draft I statule for AI.bama. Alabam. is "". "rthe few """ in the n.tion that does noI <u ..... ntly a land_ !on:I ·tcnanl law. n.., commillce used as its guide !he Uniform ResidrntiaJ landlord·Tenant MI drafted by the N'liOlU>I Conference of Conuni"io""" on Unifonn S"I1< Laws in 1972. This Act has bttn adopI. ell in 20 sla' ....



II- l.and lo rd Obli",HotlS A landlord .anno! ormand. <rCurily deposil in excess of one monlh·, ",", except for and increasrd risk 10.he premioes. Upon 'ermi· nalion of the lease. lhe landlord mu,' "'fund .ny unex""n<kd securi.y deposi, wi"'in 21 dayo. Failure 10 do so will allow the "nanl'O rtCO'·er ,wicc the 311>0lIn1ihal ,hould h..·• ~n "'funded had the funds been ""urned promptly. plu •• reasonable .lIomey·o fcc. The l.ndlonJ mu" comply wi!h all building and code. m.lerially ./fe<' ing he.llh and safe.y. This include. I:<eping in good and oafe working order III elec.rical. plumbing. san· ilMy and he'ling facili.ies. and provide Nnning w ••• r and rr:l.$" "moun" of h<"x wa'er. A rl ic~


A r.ic ~

The oc1 is comprised of six anid ••



AMid. I-C..,...,ral Provisions This Act appli.s to and i. "'" exclusive ",mo· dy to "'gulate 01><1 delenn; .... the rights nr the landlordltcnan, ",Ia,ioos.hips under I ",mal as"'Cmen' in Alabama. It appli~s only!Q ""i· den,i.1 landlord·'ena"' rel.'ion,hips. The acl dots "'" ~"'.,~ any dulio' in '''" or causo, of "",ion in lor! nor 00.:, il dcJ>ri'''' anyone of any c.use, of ac1ion in lor! IIuoI may oxi&!.pan fTOm !hi , act Oiher principle, of law and "Jui. Iy "'" $upplemenlallO !hi, oct Exdudtd fmm co'·orage is a reoidence in an in,,;,ulioo . public or pnV31e ...·here the re';· de""" i. incidemallO all<llh« primary pu~ .uch:l.S. ""idencc in a prison. bospilal. "ul"$· ing home. dormi,OI)' ow1>O<l and openlled by. college. or a rosidencc by a landlord·, employ· ee ,uch • • a cu&!odian or carel.ker. Nor does the ACI apply 10 fmlemili ••. h<"xel •• coodomini· urn. or propeny ",nled primarily for agricullur. al pu."".. •. A dwelling unil i. der.1>O<I 10 include . manu· fXlUred home """ is ",nltd:l.S. rt:.idencc. 348



111_ Tenan. Obligallons

The muM comply wi'" all .ppli~.b"'

building and housing codes ./ heal'" and safety ond keeping the premis<' .nd !.afe. of ,II< minimum dUlies which i. the l.ndlord owes ' The tenant muM .llow the landlord.o in;p<C' the JIIl'miS<$ and make ,he necessary repairs. The lenanl mu" us< the premiSO! only as a dwelling unit


Arllc~ I V_ It.m~i ...

Eill>er pany may 'emLinale the lease for a m • ..,rial non-wmpliance in 14 days if the breoch is no! ",medied wi"'in ,hal ""riod. Thi' inrlode. failu", '0 make "'pairs. pay ",n' and other brtache, of the .grremenl. When lbore ;! • minor defec ...·hieh 10 "'pair would cos' k" .h.n half. monlh·, rent.nd the landlord fail' '0 COITOC' the condilioo wi"'in se'..,n calendar day •. the lenaJl' m.y cauSO lhe woO; 10 be done and ded"""he cos. ofrep.irs from lhe nul ",on"'·, rent. If lhe landlord unl3wful1y exclude, lhe .<nan, or willfully cu" olf ulili,ies. lhe lenanl m.y rtCOver possession or lermina'e lhe ogrremenl and rtCO''''' an .moonl no! more .han "'rre

times tho monthly ",nt or three ti ..... tho 8CtU.11 suwinod, ~is pcIIIOr.


II" the ........ nodolll the dweIlinc or a- ~ iI the ... b _ thon 14 di!I)1d.tI"·d>d,,••• is ... the J.'od.. IotdhMno<UylO_the ........·s~hlmoy~ d. IOiIh:d:, t % . _. Tho brdcrtfs lim <JtI ~dthe ........ rnnoint; ............ p1U"i<bI ilAbbona Cado t JS.

n. '


Joininl James M. llngle OIl tho CO''Ilm;ltec are l.a Vecda

Mo.... n


Birmingham:; Profouor C . ..... 8ro"n.

Uniwnity of Alabama School of La ...: John S. C- r. l-knon;

G""IUIOry M. M~


) ' I'fd

T.•:nskn •

J ..1r. Floyd. Gadl.dt:n: WIlliam J. GamlM,

ScI"",; "imam F. 11.....,.. Ope~b; 11M JohMOtl.

Birmingham; Prof_ o..1d l.a"!:um. Cumberland School of

z.. M~r. MO<Itgon>ery: G. Watkins. Jt.. UvinK"on: IUId Jtr. y Wood . Montaomn)'. Copies of.1Ie commin",,', tl",ft will be 'VlOil~ble in bnuary

Uw; John V.!..ft. Mobile; William

11. Flo)'d S MmwI. Jt..

Ar1ido v~ Condo.... 1'10. londlonl arm! maIiaIc by n:nt or~~ "~the ........ h3s00n~;IIboot~ vit:ILatioo d ~ Wildin& IRl hoosing code <r krl: d habitabili1y. NWr...... laoldIonl '''''l' cvia only for good.,..,.. Good irrlI<loo a foik"" d ..... _ 10 po)' n:nt IRl canpIy "iIh ~ Irod hous.itc rode ...quit..

di:sairninaIeIy.... "




A"""" Va-.:nm;..., .... Tho EI ..ill booJmecffoctM.bnuIoy 1. 200l hlllppiios 10 ........... ,I(.cs......,;t "'<r~<r.........,;l(ll<r


2003. ~lon ......... Janu:ary 14. 2003 (It" doys) ........................................... Janu:ary 20. 2003

Orga.IIll:oltJ...,,1l l"au~utlltion

RC'KuLar Session ..........................MadI 4. 2003 ( l~ <by.)

for """" informalion about the Institute or any of;1S pro;..:ts.. Bob ~1<CorrI<y. ditW1tlf, Alabama law lM<iwIo:... P.O.


NoIc...-d 'This.a 00.. rd. ............. \OCdIftS. "Eviaion" ond ",....ful ~ IICtiCIIs "'" C<JlI"'1I!d 10 be iIdu<bI in • !IoiO> m;l bin wI'Iid\ ..iU "I'I'IY rd. <:riy 10 n:::sidacial ~ ~ boIlO«"I\II1'ftCial venW .... IS well. Tho commit· tt'e i. d,.... ftina a bi ll which wi ll unify the ptm'i.ions "lawful detainer" in Title 6 ~r<l the Sanderson Act ptm'i • • i"", in ll11e 35.


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ries" to publish in upcOming ~ue$, humorous lila and an«doles about

Alabama lawyef$ and judges. ObI.iousIy. for wch Wlries 10 be publi5hed. tIley must be (a)

true, (b) arnusirlll and (d l.istefut Send your mninisanus

It); ~ Alabama Louyer, P.O. Box 4156, Monlgomery 36101.

Blumberg 9<cel~g,..


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So ::r

J. I\oIhoay M,loi.


Q C1l

::s C1l

-nill 0

c ::s en



Absent valid attorney's lien, the file of the client belongs to the client Question: Situation No.1: A law finn (the "Finn")

. "3<1



rcpn:~015 a di~nl (lbe 'C1ienl") and rnain,ain. fi.~ differcntliles relating 10 fI," ditT.","1 maUe", (" Maller I. M.,ler 2. Maller 3. Maller 4. I>bller 5") all of which :He diff""'"L The Firm has an att(Hlnl lUeivable due from !he Client 'dating to WDr~ performed on Mauer S. rot all """",,"IS due the Firm for previous wort p<rfonnt<l on MaIlers ilhrouglt 4. ;nclus;"". have bttn paid in full. TheClienliw; deli ....·rt! ~ leu .... to lite Finn dire<:li"3 Ihe transfer of his me. 10. diff",,", flfT" (tho "New FIrm"). Willi ""I'"'" to lht (""'going. please =pood

10 ,he following questions: l. Docs tbe I'inn have a lien, ~"'''''''IIO Se<1ion 34-3-61 Code of Alabama ( 1975). on all papers of !he Clien! in it. possessioo. which would include.1I papers ro,.,ing to MaIlers I through Mat'''rs 5. ;",,1u.iw:. even though Mauen; I through 4 were noI in refere""" 10 tbe MeNkes rendered crealin, the purported lien. Dr 2. Doe. the Fiflll ha"e • li~n wltly on lhe popers ~13ting!n Mancr 5 and lhu, mu" 350




lhe N~w Rflll, in acwnl~ wilh lhe insullClions .•1I file$ ~13ting!0 matlers I "'rough 4. inclu.i,e?


.'0<1 S il""UO" No>. 2: Assume!he same f",,1S ,hat ore contained in Fac1 Situation No, I ",(oepc!hot all wnrt prodUCl nr!he Firm ~1.ting!O maners l lhrougl15. ifIClusi"". has been maintained and kep1 in 0"" file nr lhe C lient. Would lhe queSlin". ,,"I fnnh in Facl Silual;on No.2 be "",,,,,,,red in lhe same manner, and if n01, pie"", explain? Becau,," clien' mallm:ltt now pending and worI:: has been rtqueSled on various dient files. (much nr which i•• malta of urgency). die abilily !o ptrform servi~. i. depeode'" on)'Qllr ruling"" the above faclS. Acoortlingly, please expedile your re,ponse 10 lhis rul, ing rtql>eS!,"

Answer: Fact Situation Nn. I: A. a matter of <lh;"s. il woold appear that lhe Fiflll would have a lien <>Illy on lhe papers rela'ing In Maner 5. and. therefore. must release ,he dien, file. in accordane. wilh lbe client's instruC!ion •.

[);soussion, ~ OisciplilW)' COInmiS!ion has tq)taa«lly htld thai tho liks of I ditM 10 \he cJienI obocnI """" fcc dispule or .. wmey'llim. See RO-86-Q2, R0-91-«i and 11.0-9(1.92. Sfttifo<::olly, iQ R0-86-02, the Commi..ioo swed: "Subject 10 the Itlomcy'llicn P"";ided for in Code 01 Alablo!1\ll (1975). f.l4-J61. the aHomey mus. p..:wide copies of. di...,!'s complete flle!O!he e1ien1 upon reqUeil if,l;J motorial deli",,~ 10 the lawyer by 1M clicn, 01' if ;1 consis15 of "" origi",,1 ciocumcnl prepared by tho lawyer for tho elient " The Commission fUl'lho'r Opined!hac " Wilt", the anomey has reuived full " .. ' ........ Iian for hi. Krilccs Ic;od",ed ;" ~ ....'11 a ,iWfljik. lilt II"IU$I surTefldn Ihclot ..... criaillO the dient IJPOOIIbc client'. ~.H f&tplt<uis


sWidJ. lbil

"""",pie ..... ",.ffirmed in RO-

117· 148 "ihicb futly d iet tho 1hen-appli· cable Disciplin.ary Ru le, as wdl as the SlllUlor)' pt<)\'iJion <'OI'oC<'mlng anomey's

lien •.

) ..... Silpilion No.l: [(the wort; prodIIcI oIlhe Finn Iri>IioIg 10 moaen I Ihrou&:h 5, iacJw.ive, .. "" inaiaIoly ~ d\III it ClnnOI be ""8' ~ ",ilh ",~effon.lhe_ ...... kllI'I'""'" 10 allow !he aaomey'. lien to

IIl1aCb 10 !he "";n: wort; product.

DiSctlSSion: The WQ<. prOOll<'l or It.. f-inn ",Io,ing 10 maners I lhrooih S. inclu,;ve. mayor may...,. be SIIbjccl ll> "'~galioo. If 11>0 w<rl prodUCt il''''''' ,Ju.llhe manu. for which tho Hrm hal bet" compe ....!N cannol be tepanl<d from tho .. hole. wit/loooM ruscnable clfon. .... laD"",,,, of ........ ute would appur 10 proICC1 ..U papen of .... in~ file. If, (101 .... 0Iher band, with the of reasonable elfon, ...... K&<qMion of the wvrl: ~ I1:la,ing \0 II\;II[[qI I through 4~... be .wonpli<ht<l, thed the ""wt"f I" Fac1 Si'",,'ion N", 2 would be lhe ... me U thaI slaled in Facl Situation


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ye. lfIn year ill a .lUn'<'y bMed 01\ 'ICm·

tud (edofaJ ILl rt1ums. ..1>r.... AlaboIm:I rqularty nmb lJOOfI£ the Lop $ix WIles for .,'....11' rlwi",ble COIllrib.nioo •. AI tile ..",. tin... Atabama rnnkl far l!clow '>Ih<' Slales in ,iving thlOO&h orpniud philamhropy. repo<tin& in yoar 2IXlO I IOIaI 0( only ~!iO f:>mily. corpom.: or roonmud,ly yan,.nI3I;inl (ounda. liorls in the mtc. ~ Alabama Giving pmje<1II1IU 10

dIOIl,e ItIM second swistic, bIIildi", on the ""k"""'k'dged ~nllih in individual ,ivinl w,lIIa bo'oIod.~ offoo to build philanthropy throughout II.. ~"' • . AI.banl,'. olw",eY" will lit p>r1 of IM.I elTon. llunl;a to. new COlI"'" developed by ,he: Soulbeawtm Courx:il 0( I'ounda'ion .. ,,'" con~nuin, Irpl <'du o calion course 011 philanthropic opIions will be co-spomottd by the Bus;","" La ... lJId CO<pOntc Section ar>d ..... Rell Proptny. I'I'oNlC and TnISI Law s..:lion of the AI3bam:l S"". Bar and off.", two CLE boon; for l'l"licipanlS. Accordin,io Je ... Stribling. roordina_ 10< of Alabama Giving and uO'CUti"" dirtCl<lf of the Joooph S. Bru"" a.antob\e foundation. the cou,,- are deo,pod ill ponicul ... for .nomeys who m 1031 aJ",ady upnu in IU and euMc pianni",. BUI they abo may lot ""IUIObIr for .qx><iahsu ... OO "-W1O know """" iIboul the bt ... r.ts of phi..."lIuopy to the donor I~ "'oil oslO the corum""i,y. •.".,.'" "'" lIlany ".. sa"in", .,.. i1.b~ 10 indi,idullis. famil". and corpo""ion. ",1>0 $e' up pri ..... foond.uioos or uSC

"""" or ",iSlin, romlllunily foun<btJons for Iholt ch.." . . . giving; S"ibhn, oaid. MBUI tMoe lilWX'ial btndilS ..., just !he """nn,,,,, MPI\ilanttoopy i. vitalm Il1o 0I00I11111l11ilies and (l<'Op1c of AI>banu. So. talkin, aboul dwiL>blc ii'ing invoh~. """" ,h.n dis<u",ng o>tale pl.nning and """. tidily wilb weaJlhy clients-il ''''''1'0> .... · ling lif. 11""1. for anyone;u ally Ieve1. M

Throop the u~ COOrYS pbn!>td for 2003. anomey. ,,"'ili lcam ICChnoqua for oddn:soi", $DCh ,moes ..",til Il10,, clients. They also " 'ill PIn .., ~i"i of Iho ...-zys that IIIOIIC')' flOn! SC111c"..nlll. inhtrilarocc:s or Iwd wotk can e", ... <>ppOJ!unilie5 to rmle an impllCl on the communily through plan!>td ,ivina. '"Altomey. vital COIn""""nl 0(


iflIin,thi. ~ .,... and eduatinz Il1o public. espe<"ially IJI rural _ ...~ !hey of.... pby many dilT.,..,nl ...... "" orumd IdvilOn. laid S"", ~tclnnish. dim;tor of lhe Alabama Civil I"slice Foondalion. " We ",..nI to make su'" .'~rynnc: "'ho i, inl.",.IM has an opporIunily 10 lake od'lnllgc of thtio! H


"""" COUIKS.'"

All>b.ama Giving .. a ~ oflhe Abbam:a Fundtn Forum. a ODIISOI'lium 0( public and poi ..... fOOll'OCb· I"",". Fuooi", for AJama Giving """ beeD providtd in pan by a grant. one 0( seven made rwionwidr. IbrouJh New ¥emures in PIIil.mhropy. an inili.,i,', of the Forum of Regiooal Auorialion< of, 1lle ""nl providu " ,,"up fundini for .frons '0 lbe cn:alJOII of_ f""Ddations and C(If'J)OfI" , ,,in, pmgrams. incn:.... new I'Fb IO ,..illi", foundations and marlet !he .-..1 .... and imponancc: of philamhropy. Earlier this year. repres<1Ilativu of Allobama Giving and Il1o SOUlhe ..... m Cooneil of roondalion. sc'"P an oxhibu., ,he AI.bama 5,.,. Bar ron""",ion and pr0vided many of'hose who anendrd with a copy of the $ooi'Ma"~'" TooIUI joT GMn, . I fCSOU"'" for Iltorneys ond

' ' ' ' ' ' ide

- ......... Min

~ challcng,"I

<WiIOt1'''' times.

promotion or phila-.hropy i. """" enti. cal llwt ever in S1Rn. tJocnlll, our rom· munil"'~. 1lle imporWlCC of lbe Alabam.> Giving projec. cannot be ","'or·

"",,1M:' .aid Ban Mom""". direclor of New VOnIU",' in PhH.nlhropy. addin& thal.he ~ wu cl>oscn from I highly compeIili ... pool 0(28 Ipplkan .. from W >laIeli and 'milQrtU. -We hope 10 Mo::aIe !he ~ pi. ""'" and CtJopoo .... donors in .... _ about tJoc .-aJue or whal ...., can do IO£e!bor 10 i~ philonlhRlpy:n;l .oout tile many l>::ncliu of philan. thropy in IOnnsofgrowth and lhe quaJily of lif.!IOW and in tJoc fu'"",:·.said Dill JoI"moo. chairmad of tJoc Alabama Fundcn IUwn :n;l~oflhc

""""'" ""'" -w. Four.Iation.



Ieadon :n;l

professional odviS<lN to be impManl poutn<'1'$ i

"In 1'3me"lar. we w:ullto


out LO!be comn>uflitiu

"h<~ OOl.rn;wd philantllropy

is !be eJ<~~'on ",!bc-r 1IwI!be rule. To craie !be Ila! CItV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,- for our $I.OIr • ...., IW<'d 10 ha,e!be suppon of WOOl, f.......tacion>---pri ... le. COOpiWaIC and

rommunlly_in nnJ IS ,,~Il as ..mar. ....aC Pannen in Alaboo"", Qivi", include fi"" community fOllfllb· lion...The Community Foundalioo> of G",a~ 8inninpam. Corumunuy Foundal_ 01 Soulh Alabama. CeDUal AlaNm.> Corumunlly Foul\dlouon. Communi!y Foundalion of Sou!betil Alahoma. and Calhoun C<)Un,y CommunilY Foul>da1i_ well as !he AI.ban .. Po".. Foul\dlor;oo.\:l Child Caring FouOOauon. JOiICph S. BN"" ChariLabie FouOOa!ion. EyeS;",! Pound"u,," of Alaba .... ond Alaban .. Civil Ju"ice Foundarion. Dalrs for I~ upo;oruinK d~ will ~ :rnno'''lCed SOOO. To mJ"e" more infOl'TlUtion on re5OUl'CClI al~ady a,'ailoble for pmf'Sli()f'llll adv,llM'S. 10 to ~'W'W.olab<Jmagiyiflg."" or nil (ZOS) J l .l-4ll27. Sou rta: AcrordillllO Urban InSli!ule'. NII""",I CCftlr. for Ct\arnab~ S"'''lIlC$. A"~ COCISiSlrndy ranks amoIIJ !be .op ,,~ SIllIeS for indlvidualliv"'110 clwi.xs. bas«! on !be _"""it chamablc toNri"".;.,., per lax ~ ..... IS a pm:enIaIe 01 the

-"",... a"""'i" ,ncome. Accord,", to a ~pon from ... Soo.!bcastem Council 01 Founda.ion .. "hld!~ .. Abtwna. AIbnsas, florida. Georgia. Kenlldy. Loui.iana, MissiWpp;. NonII C..-oIi .... Soulh Caroli .... Tcn~. Virginia. and West Virginia. AI.bon.. cumntly has ~~ K"'nlmakitql (oond.lion •. wilh com· bi ncd of $1.7 billion . ~ fill""" "'!l«'!<enl 6 I"=«<n' of ,he 'Olal number of foondalions in !he Soolhel$! ~ilon (8.913) 000 3 jl<'I'tcn' of '0011 founda,ion!s for lhal _a (SS7 bil· lion), "h,ch ;""Iooks Alobama. Artansas. Florida. Gc<qia.


Kenlucky. Louisiana, Missi ..,pp;. Nonh C..-oIi .... Soulh Carolina. T~. Virzin;" and WnI Virg;,.i$. Con.xt: Elizabeth 0.",,;';' tho ~arch and c0mmunications ...;.am for tho Alabama (ji";"1 ProjocI. 8cth ;, .....tin, .. illl ",,-era! communi.ies ~ !be lUIC 10 accus !beir philanlhropie pooenoial ond will be 1O'Ori:.i"l ... Ih tho Alabama Swc Bar 10 coordinalt: !he sd>N.Iulin .. publiricy and promotion O(!he upcominll CL.E COIIJX5. 8e!h can be ~acbcd at (205)


IlIfomwtiOtl lor lhi. ~rlid~ ~<IS I!r<".jd~d by Alabama Gjyj~g

ami lite Ala/xmul Fund~f'S f"". .... 0 IIatl"M'jae orJIanj",tiOtl InIJIh up of pI<bI~ and pri,'Ot~ 1""nd.1tw..s.

Set alabar as Your Homepage Sellinq alabar as your default homepaqe is easy! fach time you access the lUeb. you'll be rouled10Ihe HSB sile. !here. you can count on the most up·to·date information about bar actiuities andresources.




Get On I


r yOIl are one of !be tbcusands of lawyers in AI.baJlllt woo first turns to the disciplinary page 10 see woo's

bttn reprimanded, you have b«n chal_ lenged to get YOll. name 011 Ihi< page and help be pan of !be SOI UliOll ,


I clearly remembe'r lO>owing when 1 1001< lht job u dire.;,or of lho SMe bar', Alabama Lawy<cr As,is"""", Pro&mm (ALAP), that people for money "'"as ".,. my fone, I could DOl imagine doing, orrrnng hope and the Ii life or lht bu!'d!:n of drpres, sioo ",'as my """iOll. ThaI "'os somelhing 1 lr3ined for and knew wu

my calling. As with any ende.vor,


s,p.;,. c-.;", _ &ul<); AVoP Dirm« kMM MaN Inl;" Carol 5<"""", AS8 P"sidnu FmJ C"", 0Itd ASH ~" DiIr'dM hiM N."""" .Iido IN "'" IN A _




.w~ ~Jr-IN",..,"'H""&_


locked !be fifl.lnCial mean. to pay for it. ~pl" change; lawyeo; do re.;o"er and rt1um as valuable membtt< of lhtir fam, ilies, communities and lhe legal profes. sion. Asking for money 10 os,iil ,he .. I.wy<crs during lhtir IIreateS! time of nent has become my new fcrvor. YOIl see, no one is immune to the di ..... of addiction or !be <lebi li, .. ing elf«,! of depression. Those people ean easily be so"""",,, Y"" kl>OW and care about. fur more information on bow yon call (3J4) 834·7576,


help. •

The Alabama ~ AssIsrar<;e Fruldation was incorpo;r.ned in ZOOt , k is a llOOlJIOIit oorp::l1a'ion [501]cX3l] tnler the maoagemem of an uletted board of directors. The J'I'.IrIlO$I! af the fourdation is to provide financial sssistarce to Alabama f8WjerS SlJffering from Mdic· tlOm to alcohoVotu!ls and other JOOIltal illnesses, and who lad:; the ,8som:es to pay for approfIIiate help. This is oot a -giYHway,' blJt "" opportooily to help these Iawyern oolp themselves A revoIv~ loan food grYe$ ]ay,yers in need the opportooity to gel trea\menl.l.oaros from the hn.I are paid dil\!ctly la the treatment care ~_ Rep;r,mem is e.-pected ooce the I~ is bad; on his or her foot. sa money will be available ta aid the next

Iawver ." oeed. fI>'ldraising kd,ed off May 1, ",til a goal to raise $500,000. Response has been O'V8tWtlelmingl We graciously thank all cootriblJtors so far aod wi ll be teCOGn~ing al l contributions in lJIlComing issues, Thanks also to the marry .oIonteelS who helped make tIlis ha9Pen arid to the law firm of Burr" f<lrman for



~esett., 1





To StlTYe the Public .................................................................... .$1O' 00 pt' 100 Illy. dI!Iails of till jUIIic _ programs lIqlIigllted on 1111 ro SfRVf THE PUfJUCI'!deo presema1l0n

................................$10.00 per 100

Ls.;!~!B:9;.;li;;;;;. ~ .;i;;;;~;.;;;;.;~


Lawyefl' lind Leglll Fees ............................................................$1Q'OO p,,1oo 1lIy. _ _ _ • _ a so:.mmary 01 lin.: inlormallOll on am'JlCfllegaI quesbCn RI ~ Itr" thllI"*tI public /..ast Will" TlIstamenL_•• _._._._._. __ ._._._._._ •• _._ •.•• .sID.GII JIll< 1111 mwn asped:I 01 tl$1aIe ~ m:l1he irnp:r1ante 01 ~ ....


Leg/l/ Aspects of Oirorce ••.• _•..•• _............................_._ .•..• _......$10.GII "'" 100


oilers opIlOfIS m:I cIu;es III\/OIYtId II divorce


Consumer Finllnce or -Suying on Time - ................................$ID.1II P" 1111


Mediefion/Reso/ving Disputes .................................................$1D.1I1 per 100 prCMdes .... MrYiew of tIIII ~bOn process ., qu$$1IOn-~ Ittm Arbitrllti,,,, AgrtflmenIJ .• ~ •..•. _........................_..... _._ ..... _._ ....s10.1111 per 100 a'ISWefS qwst_ on WtrllbOn frtrn die ~ ~ "":::::.: Hellhh C4" Oirectilffi.............................................S11l.DD ,.,101 . ~te. usy III ..-dentand "Iormallon aIwt health di!ectNes ., ALabamII


Qty. OIJll ioes imponall1 consoderlllOt1S and provides acIvice on fll\¥lClal malletS allecbO!j Ihe indIVIdual Of family


.,. ",.

Acrylic Brochu.. Siano! ..$5.00 .. c~ Clty. indMdualltand ompronted with individual. firm III till 1»$OC:",lior1 fIII'Ilt fof use at distribJtlOO pomli Dna :II/mel per brDCtkJr8 i$ r~. N..... 1G

imp,im OR l!lI nd:

• S

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

ShcJpong" ~ S 5.00





Pro Bono In Alabama


bot III\mtI civil kpl--.b 01 AIabamI', poor ~......,... IIIOUI. Al:abama's IcpI cammumly works throop 0C>IeI' . 1 JlfOIrams in an effon to mec11ho:1e needi. Pro bono


reduttd·fee ",~n'alioo. communily leg.l educ"ion


pulJlCl'>hips willi ~hll1the$ and (llhc,r SttVi.ce providcn and fur>drai.u.g for ~p1 Services ~ are """"" !he ...ous "'oays ALaboma bwycn: fulflli lheir obIiption 10 p.'. bad 10 !he community by ""Ipi", to meet1he civil ~"I ~, of!he poor. Trying 10 c~plun:: a cltar picture of Alabama', pm bono dforu brings 1(1 mind !be parable of Ihc blind .... a ......, v. ...... , ....... e\qllDM. !lid> maf1 reaches a diff......, COI>CllISion bastd upon 1M puI "" Iw """,I>td. So il i. with pro bono. It is hard 10 tee !he whole erron "'hen clCk pan is.o dirt"",nt. Alabama hu four ClCioniud pro bono proanml and allhooo,h we: do noI hII"C • W>luallfl in ""flY _ y ~ """" volunt«rs willlllll<> 8CUpI ca>a ia evny COIIDI)' in Ihc .... The f"'" pro bono programs are: Modi ..... County Lawyer Rofenal Servke,

Mobil<: Bar AHOd.,i"" VolunltCl' LIowyers Progr'llm, Binningham Bar Aswoi,'ion VoI .. nlttr Low~ .. l"rogram and the AlabamI St.lle Bar \UlUIlittr lawyttll'ropmn. The lin.! of Ihese procr3<I>I "''IS Ihc M~ County Lawyer Rtfetr.ll Service. which was ~ishcd in 1982. AI\OnIeyI"'1lo wish 10 be rcliSltrtd wilh the county 1awl'<'r rtfemol 5<: ..... ice IIIIftd to lake one pro bono Ctie pt. year for every area of Law in whiclllhcy rqislC1'Cd. In onler 10 ........ IIIC1me)'S who wan! 10 pnfonn pro bono ~ b,lI do "'" wislloo be ;""Iuo(kd 01\ Ibc lawyer ",rani panel. M.a dilOl\ Coun(y opaneled ilS progrom in 1999 to i..;lude a pu",ly ..,lun~r com~nl, In 1987 Ibc Mobile Bar Assoeia~OI\ "",.Ied \he Mobile Dar Pro Bono Project. which was "'named La.c year 10 the Mobile Bar \10"""_ ~ Pn:IpaIn. This proaran! has bet1\ hi&hlY JUCCHSrui willi O'<tt 50 p<1'ttnl ('Ii \he Mobile 8 ., AuociMion participa[in, in \he JII'O&IU1. Dased 00 the SU<:<:eS5 of [he Mobile JIfO&fVIlI reso/u[iOll "'IS pol'SCnled 10 \he Alabama Sf.iIO~ Bar Board of 8 ar C~ in J~ly 1990 10 create a Jl"CIInII'I lOc;parMI pro bono lepI ...... kes Ihrou&fIouI \he lI3Ie. Throu&h Ihc passqc 01 Ihis reso/u.ion \he Atabamll Slate Bar \/0111111_ Lawycl"'$ l'ro&nom wu crealed. As . f.iIOlood in lhe RaoluliOl\. lbe purpo»e

of \he pro&nIm i. 10 provide an ~dlicicnl "'1laniud ",hid. Ibrou&h " 'lIieh auomeys .... y voIunlCef 10 ad,';'" UId repn:xl>l.

wilhoou npt<'Wiooo 0( oom~ looI-inox>me AlabaIni.ons who cannQ\ afford ouch 1epI.oervica'" In 1992 !hi! Alabama Sta.e Dar Volunl"'" I..Iwy." f'roplom. WOIkin, willi Ihc Binni""""" Bar A$socillMln, rQl"Jllfd Ibc Binnin"""" Bar Association VOI~nlCCr LaW)'Ull Propun. lQ addition 10 \he diff<'mllllislOries. eadI pro bono procram bas dewlopM diff....,nl pmjttu 10 _Ibc """""" of the ..............vnI in thcircooll1lunilies.l1IQe dirr.... nl projecu have COme aboul as lhe ","ull of ","",tiOllS (ron. member ..,luntoe.., oU>er .,,,,,iu who roo.oli""ly .."'" willi 00II' client populMion and from \he 0U0DtIS of ocher ~ All ('Ii ~ dirr"",iIoCeI "'" an .rrOrl 10 opimi1.c lind ""parMI limited raoun:a while makin, Ibc exptritnce ('Ii providin, ..."'ices a p<»iti~ one fOf volunl ..".

Ju.u as.1I lhediffemll pans ofche ~Iephanc male up WOd,Uftlfood ,,·boIe. Alabamo.·, four pm bono ~ do .......,11. Only Ij~... .rlel" che fiB! Mcempc co P'V"idc ... oopni..:d !lnICt'" for pm bonD S<'1'o"itt i" Abbama Ihtr"C are oopni..:d volunccers 10 oetVe .11 67 counties. TodIIy 26 pcrcmI of Alab;wm I.... ~ ... ith an "",i..., li""nse panicipace in ~ "'''y ",ilb ~ o f che four programs. Althoogll this i, ",..,11 above che I>Itional of 17 percent we ""Iy make • dent in the "nmet IcllllllOCd$. of Alabama', poor. E...,n addinll the 14.548 cases h.mlltd by AI . banla', upl Strvio~, l"rogrom! to.1I lhe pro bono case. h.mlled. only about W percent of lhe d";llegol ........ of Alabama'~ poor are met E...,ry Alaba"", la"'y .... WOIlld ho..., to we fIlI>I'e \IWl a /1(11/ do:.~n c'"" evt'l)" ~. to l\andle !he ...",.j oompltto:ly. New IIftdJ for pro bonD """"",DllItion .rue ,,"'ith exh 11M"",, disa>lCl' and tncic: C'o"CIII. AlthouJlh Alabama i•• Jooc ..... y from N~ YorI<. our ""to: .lIi1l ""'.. deal willi !he "fImn>th <>f che Sq:lIe~ I I &~. Amrrica·,all to arms niSCIItpI issues for mill)' 01 AJ.lNma·. citi ... n JOIdien. Alabama·,



military per0pfflI1ion _:~,~ lOnUIIloor flood cff=s " rqi<IoI ofow, ...... deWo)'I"I hDmes and lives, vol .......... aUor· ney> I" in.o providinl counsel and lId~itt 10 ~ictimc;. Pick any "",a of law and thrre are Alabam.o ]a"'y.... pro'oiding si",ifie .... pro bono S<'1'o"iccs. service that of.... fail. CO make the radar screen. of publie awareness. Some lawyers may ilJUrnble aboul pro bono ....ying that no one asks electrician. CO gi..., their servi"". frcely. BUI they mi .. the dini!ICti"" I."'yen h • ..., from deccrioian.<. (oth<T than the obvious. tl'I3I d..:cricw\,.", ",nerolly bene' liUd and bette. p.>id). The legal profeMion i, lied tD pro bono onvice. noc by ARPC 6.1. bu1. through its hi."",. No mane. how important i. i. 10 be an elccuiciu 01\ • roId momin, ... hen !hie power is Otn. being .. Ia~ is about belnl" pan 01" JYM(1l\ of jwice on ",hida ow ....,iny is built.. Alabama Iawy.... a....., many opporI... 1li6c:< '0 """ide and upand _ _ 10 ;..,u..., throuch AlaboIma·. pro bono propmu..


Madison County Lawyer Rafet,aI and lnfonnation Services And VoIunta er lawyers PiGgiam

., .......... ,......

ha,.., ....



Fer many )'l'MSIbiI "''''' !hie only orpnized delivay of pro bonD ~ HI Madi"", Cou",y. lbe bonuJ of clIe procram ...... that)'Oll could build)'Oll' pncUc:e ,",'hilt. prrformin, a put.. lie service. With tM I...... uplosio.c in auomey lId..., it beeame "PPI""nt II(Il .11 auorney, lell ,he ...,.,.j to be • p;trI 01 the ",fofl1>l service. but .till had a d",i", 10 perform public Krvlce.





A """tly ooluntn. prosnnl. lllIO;h as !hie sLote bar', Yolun!Ct. Low~rs Prog""". Ittmod the 1It$...... The: SlI.IC bar bad been handling thi' for Madi"", County for a Jhon lime. but i. only made ... "..., that both programs are fUn from !hie oame offia:. lie""". chotces for Madi_ County MlOn>O)'S. Eking • "..mbtt of thr Madi"", Conn.y VoIunc= Lawyns I'rogran> only reqUl/'eS you 10 talc up '0 t,..., pro bono cues per ye.- iD as many as 16 diff...... , "",as of La", A ease ..... y be,.,,;..:.w for uy rea<on socb as thr P"'U of ~""'. e!C. Be,ng. mombe. 01 !hie Vl.P al""'.. an ~tlOm<'y' hllk ",ore ilu,bility. but noc the bonu. of paying "'fCfT'l!s. Something '0 fil "'.cry type o f "",,,lice! We h3 .. e btoen fortun.te to I\o .. e • base of tkdkaled, hard· wor~ing 8Uomcy. in ro~h prog'""'. Many. if noI ,"""t. of.1Ie c.... , referred are d ifficult. time con,uming ami "'" .Iw. ys ac'r¥h .... )'~t ",rely hal an .uomtl' rejected. ~ase when oalled by the l.RIS and VI.P .... ft". l1\ank you to . .~h for their conlin· ued support and hclp in ~nting those '" hoo mi&ht ocherwise


'" "lIreprescnccd.

-_....._.___..__-'--_ . . s_._. . ...

........... ... ~




In 1Oda(. "odeey "'e . 11 oboia:.s. cOOi= about 00><' Ii ...... \OIIOIt. s pend 0IlI' monty and ...... n 00.. w, belp 00>c1"). In Madi_ County. pro bono onvic< i. all abou, ooo,o~'. \Ii< ate umquc in !hac Madi_ Cwnty a\CorneY' "0 I"'f"&=l' chrou&h "hich lhey <"VI mffi their hi.tolical and ethical obli,,"· lion 10 provlllc pro bonD '(I indig<'" clionlS F....... !hIere i, \be La .... yer Rc-ferral and Inl""""hon So-rv"", of Madi_ Counly.lnc, (l.RIS). F<>mied in 1982 bl tho. H"",,villc.,.:M ><lI_ Coun,y Bar Association. the l.RI S prmMle$ fee.'........ ;na "'f..... l. to parti<lp"ting otIO. ""y, in)O d,ft"e",nt are .. of law. A fcc of 5100 for up 10 !hoe are... ofla .... i. required with ~n "<kIi.ional $W rcc for eaeh additional are. of I.w in wb iob anorney" "'ish to <nroll. n,."" ~ttomey, agr« to" reduced consultation fee on "'ferral' as wdl as a8=ing to ta ~e one pro bono case per ye .. for each ."'. of law in '" hlc h lOOy .,.., li,ted. At the ,i.-l.RI S "'.... lonr.ed.1Im: was IinlelO none auorne)' ad ..... ni,;n. and tht bat as....ia,ion Id, this would be. be""flrlal nt for ~llOrn<')" and olil:n!$. ".,.... pro bono eaocs are 5Cfftncd for eligibililY by l.cpl SnvICU of NOfth.c~""1 AIaba ...... Inc. The only moon !hoc. panicipot"'1 '''01lI0)' could "'jecca pro bonD case thn:IuJlh LRIS _Id be due 10 • conflict of imcresL

... .....

_ _ ...... u .... e - _ .. l>oo . . . . _ 11 11


.. _


Mobile Bar Association Volullt: er lawyers Picqam 8,,,""_

The MOOile aar Association Volumttr LawytlS Program has several uniqut featu~. suth as .nomey and elient ron,ultation, tWO afternoon, I week. a 100 per<:em 0000r roll for I.w firms, an e"",mely ocli,,, Mobile Bar Association Volunteer Lawyers Program Commi"cc. and. !he nlain ingmli. cnt. enthusiastie, dt-dicated voluntee' lawyers. Fifty ·si. percent I)f the MOOile Bar AWlCiation members volunteer their time and e.peni ... With tllese inflO'o...tions along with many """'rs. OU' legal oommunity tllk .. an rtive role in ."iSling!he I..... · income residents of MOOHe County. Our program gj,,,.!he lawym the choice of '''In,ing to 00' VQluntttr LawytlS Program's office one aflemoon. ~ar \()

Ib//UI"" allOIMY SIad<- G. 1I1u-. ri$lu. j.,,,,i<ws """nl;,.1 <I;~n" VU' ofJk<.

d' ,f" MIJbi/, &Jr MIo<..


inte!View clients. or having clients rcfc=<.l dirtttly to !heir om.e. The lawyers who voluntccr to come tooor I)fTice are. Slrong CQmpontnt of oor legal se!Vices. After we taken tile dienC, information over llle telephone. ll1e VQlumeer- La""Y"rs Program', staff as,ign, that person an in.omc. appointment based on tile Moilcd"led lawyer's subjec1 matter. Six to eight clients are selled"led for a panicul.r afternoon. Thi. numbor has !>ttn to accommooale emergencies 'hat come up with clienlS and to h.ndle "'" un.rshow" cl"'nlS. Each client is sent a pOStcard confirming !he date and time of !heir appointment. In a<ldition. tile d.y before tlleir appointment eoch client is calk<! and rcminded. Oients are asl:ed to be at !he Volunteer Lawyers Program office at I: I S p.m .... lhat all of the neOOed paper work can be completed prior to tile attomey's arrival. Our ,"Olunteer la""Y"r is asl:ed \() be at !he om.e at 2:00 p.m. to begin Stting clients. W~n IIdshe ani,.... all of the clients "'" rcady for tlltir legal consuhalions. This method has wor\ed vel)' succc.. fully SO that our lowyor doe! not ha"e any "down ti""," waiting for dienl.< to arrive for their appninllnerns. Some lawyers have con,ulted with all ofthcir dienlS in an hour or SO while other lawye" have spent seve",1 hours. The lawyer does


not Stt tilt cases untillldshe reaches tilt Volunteer Lawyers Program's omce. so IIdshe has the "'I'I"'"unily to accept or rc~t.och case On its individual Most of OUr volunteers ""el)' dient they met with that afternoon. normally six to .ight cases. If the case ;SOCCCpled. it i. a.. ig.r>ed 10 thatl.wyer and. full pade! of inf<>rmation i, sent to himlher. If tIIt.ase;~ rejer:ted. it immediately comes back tO !HE VLP director to find. lawyer who handles lhat subject mailer. She then COIttacts that lawyer and if I><:Ishe OC""pIS !he cas-. the dient to hislhcr "m.e. !f rcjected, tilt ..lmh for another lawyer i. "oned. Thi. method works for evel)'one-1he dienl, tile I.wyer and tbe Volunlcer I..awyen Program', ".ff. The Volunteer Lawy .... Program dirr<:tor schedults tl) en",re that each legal subjec1are. is co,'Oml evel)' month, scheduling up to six month, in >d'"llJlCC. Voluntcer I.wye" for these aflemoons"", faxed. kUcr with their schedu led da, •. If !hey have a OO<lni<1 with !he scheduled date. they notify !he Volunteer Lawy .... Program's director. The ... me leller i. rc· faxed as. rcmilKler a month bofore hi.rhe-r appnintrnent and tilt lawyer is<! the day before as a rcmilKler and to Stt if any· thing UneJI!l«'ted has app<an:<I 0<1 hislhe-r schedule for the afternoon. If. I.... ~r i. unable to make hi"""r scheduled .j>pI>intment. be/,he nonnally reschedule, for """,,,,,," day lhat is convenient. If tilt eancellatiO<l is at "'" lasl minute. the Volunteer Lawye" Program's director meets ... ith the dients. Many times the "01· "nteer lawyer ~ho " 'as originally scheduled for thataftCn\OQn will ... view the c .... with !he VtJ> director, choosing !be cases IIdshe will handle. Three years .go. 100 pe",enl Honor Roll for law firms wa.' established by Ihc Volunteer- Lawyers Program . The 1(")(")% Honor Roll h... been an excellent "",ruiling tool for mlnnttt' lawyers and h.s been a successful way to promote. e".oorage and rai .. public aw.rc""" of our I"" borio kgal ",,·ice,. La" ~ru-. 45 law firms had 100 pelttnt participation in the VLP. All yeru-Iawyers"", recruited. with. ""'jor m:ruili ng drive """. duC1ed ....el)' fall. Solo practitioner I.",· ftnn. arc li".d. as "'ell as large law flnns. In No'·ember. the honor- roll i, "]>dated. printed and framed. It i. then displayed at the annual Mobile Bar Associ>tion', Decembor meeting and is ~dly displayed in tile ci",uit coun's hallway at Govcn>nlCnt Plaza. Thi' 100% Honor Roll i, a tribute to the law ftnn' that""'''' "i101 to OIIf progT1lm's exiSlence. as ..... 11 as giving recognition .n<! public eXpOSure to tbe Volunteer'<;IS Pmgrdm. A SlJ"Qng c(>n\punrnt of 00' I""grarn's SUOCtsS i, OtJf dedical· ed Mobile Bar Association Volunte<'r Lawyers I'rogr;Im Committee choiml by Gilbon B. I..a<kn. This CQmmittee meets monthly, exeept for- July so .." .. bers can attend the AI.b..""" SUtte Bru-'s Annual Meeting, and December, when ,he Volun,..,





LaW)'ft'l Procram C(>.bo$lS Ibt monthly Mobik SaAuoci •• ion luncbcoo. These ~ 1101 only ";.;.,, ""••~ ,,,; arise ... ith Ibt bu. they handle the IIOlic,uuion of other I.... yelland I.... firms for nIOfI<liU)' ,uwon for the Volunt<tT Lawyell f'ro&ram. 'I11cy...., definitely a Iwi<b;..,., and very ....,ive IW1 of the opmorion. of OUr pro&rlIm. Anomer defini", pili' i.1lw maQy of the 1aW)"<1"J in the Mobik Region:tl Off",,, of lqal Services CorponIion of AloIMma...., tommincc "",m· bon, aotd the two orpniUlioos mjoy I ~ coopm!IIive and hannorIioos ......tin, relatiomhip. Thil oommil1OC is cntainIy one 0( Ibt _ dedic:alCd commil1Cd 0( the Mobile Ibr ASIIOClMion aotd C(N'Itributc.S an ill\ll1tawrablc _ of Ii ..... v.p<11ise and to our pro bono procram. Our voluntoc. I~wy.... di'play a dedicated and ~1hU$i .... ic ,piril "'prdini pro bono wort. It hal been this .... y ,inc"his


ilhod in 1931, and thallopi"t C1Jntin_ 10 1IrOI>£C' today with 570 lawyers OIl OUr

l.nd 69S on ou, membenhip ""'or. which inel!ldes OIl' 10011 judge•. As """",n(ly l>OIed by Donald M. Brisklll.1.n, pn:.idcn. of the Mobile Dar Auocialion. the Volunltt. Lawyer> Program is proud 10 "'""'" as ,he ~nagship of the Mobile Bar Auocialion~ as Wl! Wive 10 1otI"VC those: ~ fonu~e Mobik County residents.

. . . _. . _. __'-"' 4



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Binninghan VoIUlit Br lawyers Program


'I11c Bi,mingham Volllnlttf Lawym f'ro&ram (VLP) has I

$trona and ""Ii ...... ml)o:"hip of 71 S volunl«rs. 'I11c VLP uks

tha' • ..:h ""Iuotocr I.wyo. in Jefferson Coun.y. e, clt>ding the Besse""" Cu,..()ff. accepl tWO case ",fenab p'" y.... in Ibt ....1I(1)ofl.w they clooose or pnform 20 boon of Iqal ho'ip ~ re-...hiehe-.",. comr:s Iir$t. If I voI"nlm" Iowyn cannot anpt rase "'fnnls. we $imply m tlut they au.iSI and ~ in ocber ways. 'I11c vol"""",," can pnform dim. ini.ia! i~'" ......., as I "",.tor 10. less e:lperienccd ....,llIIIIttf Iowye.-........ sutr al10fneylll t..pI Serviccsof Metro BimtiR£ham.. Inc. with .hei, I",," c.... \oad,. make fi,,,,nd.1 C(N'Ilribuli.,.... and/or 'poll' OOI"lCmin.r>1training" 'I11c VLP spomors ~mirurs ea.:h yearlllAl go,'. Volum= Lawye, Program and Prj,... ", AtlOme)llnvol ...... m Program volllnltetJ lit oppot""Iunity 10 eam lip 10 12 hours of Cl.E cmli!. This i. our way of honoring our YOIuMecn and .. the AmC time

Our 2002 schedule 01 trainings is listed below:

NoYerrtIer 1.1002

l"l'WIrding them wilh the CU , credi.s they may need f(>t" tbe year. We are • ..,. ap]'It'CiJlj,·c of tbe vol untee. t,..~incrs who condoo tho' trainings year afte. year. 'I11cy are ge ... ",lIy Ihr _ IlIlOme)1s and jt>d~ who con,inually ftnd time in Ule'f • ..,. busy schedules 10 ho'lp and support Ihe prt>pIm. Most l\lI.e it"f\"ed as trainen and desipm .inee we tqan ofI"nirt, these traini .... in 1993. The VLP;I proud tlut ".., can ~nd on the de!.ipm of Ibt tntirtinp and Ibt mincrs 10 of thermel,..,. in this way. Most of all w ..... doq>Iy """,ful for their ",mnl_ ~ 10 ....... and..,pport the VLJ>; Anne M ilc1te1l dcsi,ncd our I'roi),ale La,,' Training in 1999 and she has done 50 """in this Timothy LuJllno«i also ","signed tbe B:mbupiCy for 2001. All VLP volunl«rs and Priva", Anomer IrtYO-Ive"",nt (PA l) program .... mben,..., i""ited 10 anC1ld frce of ch3tJe. All "",,·mcmbo:rs..., ..ked to ~y • nominal rqistmion foc for each Ir3i1ring being prnontcd or limply join the VLP bef(ft Ihe scheduled train"" 10 llI",nd frecclc!wge.. We ha", a plOd and .iable \bIun"",," LaW)"<1"J Procram in the Binningham ...,a. We..., l'1'",ful for lhe couperati'" effon. of tho' Birmingham Bar Auoci.tion. lhe Alabama Law Foundalion. 1.... ,l..(pl SC ..... iccs o f Mctro Birmingham. Inc. and ,be many cumn' VLP ,,,I"moen who en~u'" tho' SUtteSS of this ""'l" important program.


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NoYentIe! 14. 1002

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Taking tho Show On tho Road The Alabama State Bar IIOlun..... L....""'.. PlGgianl Community legal Educatic:wl Plograms Ldon', ~oow about you. bu, ll{»'e old l1>O>'i ••• e>jl<'Ci.lly mu'i<als. I canOOI """m lht number of ,im.. I'"" walohtd "" Mickey ROO/Ity and Judy G.rlan.d. Bing Crmby. or A" .... liC.oo F"'n~i. "..""Itl gCll1lc "lJds" ,oselber and pul OIl. ' how. Wilb tbis..,mylOOl~ <afdy jmbt:d<ltd in my plyohit il is 1>O"''O<Idct thai wlltn uw lhe opponunily 10 <>blain I vanl from the AliA I. ;n etSeD«. Jl"IlIIO'ed 10 "put 01\ a show: 'TIl<" show Of( seOO of s/>oIII$ [ propo::>6rd "..,Ifc J10II mllSic; b,n ''',.... if\ r""t. <duo;aIiOllaL To be pruise. thry........, ComrtIlInily Ugal Ed ..... ,"'" Procmm. Jim as the"tMIs" Judy""" Mickey gOl wgcthc'r ah.'llys IUrr'Itd OU\ 10 be oodl·ualncd protessiollols.. my "kid," ""ffi'.$ ,,·elL 'IlIqI. !low"' lraill<'d IlOl ift lap and '''''''' bul ,n UCC. PI'As and Estale AdminiW'alion. TheIC CommunIty '-"sal E.du<.-alioo Programs " ...... • ",isioncd.oll "'ar 10 •• pand Ihc program. S'I>C<' ilS ;,,"pI;oo. the primary

focus of [he Alabama s ... ~ Bar Vt.P has !><-en dirt'<:1 1e",1 "'P<"'«o,alion of rlienlS in ,i,',1 malU,rs. 'TIl<" VlP r.~ ..,fcr_ rals from AI"bam,', three usal Services progrIIm. ensuring Ih~1 lite: clioms have iocome b<low 125 percent of ,"" fe<kral I",.eny le ... 1. The VLP ttltn allcrnpLI to pi""" the CIJ.\C'S .... ith I

-n.ese CQnlmuni'y EdllCal;on """",n,, are an .",,"'ple of I public/pri ... te pann'''mip thll "'orb and is esscnliaJ in liSh' of 1i1c currenl mcag... f.""ing of !.tllil Servic~ for the poor:' We Iud~" ovc ........ lming n::sPOOK from ,ndi .. iduII volunl.... aUor_


VLP .uQm<y in the clt"ofllocal arca. Communily Educllion Program. allow VLP luom"1' 10 educate and adviK Iowi""""", m..mbtn or their eomrn" .. ity 0<I1tpI ifSUIIS " 'bile ..00:;... in roIlaboniiort ",ith C<lRItIlIIIIi(y groups and local Up! Srovioa ~L In the .... lwo )Tars ...., ... ve calm our show on the rood. We have.....ted .. ith wcnIetfullo<al auomey .... untcen..l.cpI

Se.vices proar:>mS and eomrnunity . . . .'" across the ".'" from FIortnce CO DoIIwt and Odord CO DapMe. All or the proo.amc bas.ic format: dienl regiwacioo follovoed by lWO or !Ivte lpe,tl;M 0<1 various aspo<:l$ of the O>',,",U loPe_ aft ... which dicnu would be .ble 10 met one-on...,...., with volun_ lett ."...... y, CO receive counscl and advice , All panicipants recci .. e I packe! of '"" riuen nI.1lerialS propared by lhe VlP arod the spo,tl;ers, Ahboo&lt (JUr p"bljoity is wgetrJ CO the Iow_ i _ cotnmuni!y. everyone can anend the "",aktt portion or the proviIm. We Iim;lthe "",,-on...,...., >es>ioo ,.illt an Illtome)' CO I"'*' m..mbffl; or the 11><1",...,. ",bo "...,. our ~ di,ibil_ ity lWIuin::mrnl:l. i.e .• ",illt i......... btlow 125 pon::en! of the frJ. gnntI ... ,., the

..... P""'fIy .....,.. Clinl:l. ¥OIunIffr ..1(WJIt)'$. ~ Sttvic:es ~I ond rontnIullity ,.,....,~ all pa<itively n::spoodtd CO the uparu.tOn 0( the VLP beyond di=c dien! ~. The procnms have belped individUllI cI~ ... iib cri!i<:;ol ......:Is.. inchodin, an imptndinl mortpac fOl'CCIostrn:: """ ",ns 0( Ihou .. nds 0( dol· IMI in child "'PJIC'l1 l=ar.l¥. They ... ve also 1lttYcd • • po$i_ live rtflo:c,ioo of the kill communily..... jllt eaoh progmn reccivinz p<l<ilive ",rJil coverage. Melinda WalC1'S .• xc<:uli .. e dim:lor of I.c:gal Services Corponolion of AlalJ;urno, ..... ed.

n..""I_ W}/UnIU' ~r_"u,~ IA••, • C"""...... , C-...lry IArai ~ioft 1'",,"""


""YJ. In frl. in

~ec;Jlloclliom we wen:: in the unfamiliar posiliooc 0( hlvin, COO many ,·olunl«fS and !pmi"S doo>ll offM 01 usistana::! The Alabama SIal. Bar ............... Uwycn Program curn::fIIly has over 1.000 voIuM .... J*llc:ipat"'l ill the procnm. ~ auomeys Joe1ca Ihc _ 01 ....... in ... hich they .., ",iUin, CO a«qlI ca$tS. By tnrQI1irll in the provam. ~ """'" 10 KCepilWO c .... n::f""",, I )lUI. Pri<Jr CO memo!. all 01 our clienl$ an: "",-"""",ned by """ 01 the Usa! Sel"'ices pr0gram offlCC5 10 erlSW'1! that Ihe clie.1 iJ truly ~y. I..a<t year the proviIm l\andled oyer 1.000 maliM. makin, 669 c"", n::f.._ .-:01. CO volunteer au ...... yJ. T1Ie O>'e ..... hclming ptrCc1l1age of lIw:se cases 68 pereen!. when in the aJ"C3 offam ily law. divo«<. odopIion. cuSlOdy. and chlld SUpporl. The .ve.-:o&" number of boors >pent by an altorney in I VLPcase n::f.rnl WIS S.24


if,... _IJ likL ~ iftjormar/tM "" ,,,.. """"ru, ~rs Prosmm or .._ It> .,.mli. ph<IM COIOItI<'f /.indQ l.wId <II 1M Aw...- SUlw Bt>r. P. O. Box 61/. M_,-.,. Aw...)6101. J7Iri>- (3j4) 169-/$/j. •


L ....... _ .. _ c -..... 5loo _ ..... u _ _.... __ __ ..... J.II . . . . _ .. _

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Counties By Participation Rate

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" REMEMBER WHEN You BELIEVED IN JUSTICE FOR ALL? " ,,,.. _-_ ..... _- ................ _--------------_ .. _--------------------------. ALABAMA STATE BAR VOLUNTEER LAWYERS PROGRAM , ,




NOVE MB E R 1001














o o



COMPLETE AND FAX TO (334) 261-.6310 ._~ _~~_ •• CC__C.C__C.C . C__= . C.C . =C.- •• ' •••••• _•• _••••••••••• _____________ ••• o Gu,o,ROIANSHIPS. CONSERvATOR-




means ~oo 00<:" '~C<IUl1" a

0".-. bqp.alr~ R~pr=n!i"g onbclf

',,,,..,.'-cd Amllrican ~ihon and It.

"(till under Articl~ J~ to of w AbIWina Con>,ItUl'on. aUI «Jf·rerresema,'oo raises """"1'" 8"""'8 judges aboot 110"'''11 ,be court ~ LI ••,y",:" m..,«1 f~l;ngt: oboot pro M reprt'S<'flwiQn. both for owpomi. InS()ftS and II", k<..,~ of~ aboul ".. betber Ihdiugarll$' nglltS "'" be",.

r ba.,.


:-"c"cnheless, p"' ..." repres.rntahon is al. eIIdy ~ in • b" "BY HI AI.b;Jrna,. Aooarding to sau;51ics from the Adn""IJIraI "~ Olfo<:<: of Courts. '" 2001 only I S perc"'" of Iht oi",] cases filed in ...IIIb1ma bod allOft'I")'S on bo<b sido:!;. Both ,ides w"'" pro y ~9 pen:enl of lhc lime, and ...... side had a I," 'yer but the <>Ihcr di,Jr,', '6 J>CKCIlI of 1M ';me. 'rhus<' .... m~..., ~ ed OOIIle'A'ha' by the Iarg. numt.:< 01 disu;", coWl and ,mall.lai"", CU«. bu, . ' -en the numbers In ,~r <:aitgories are sUI"\ing. Only 44 perc ••11 of aU .ircuil <oon .;>11 caJ<'S had 1.";.-.,,, on both .ides. 13 pe",.n, "iff(: "'tally pro u, and 43 peroen' ""'''' mixed_ Many Alabomi.ns arc fending for th~I. t$ .n the on:as or child 5Uppon and domel<!,e rdOliOfl!l. TW""1y·ni~ (If child '''I'f>O<l......,.,,~ pro u on bmh sides. 6S f>Cfccnt ".'" """,<,I, and <J<\ty 6 p.,n:.,,! had 11",),= on both lide$. In tho are. of domc>t;c ",13t;\>n.\. only 2,4 pffl'e<11 had I"wy,... on both sid'S. 63 percent "'ore n,i,e<~ 1\l\d 13 pffl'~ut ""'" t(>!ali}' pro ,e ,




1H''', / ,,,,IN

2000 Alabama Pro 5e Case Statistics

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2001 Alabama Pro 5e Case Statistics

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cases mort" e~pal'''ClUSly. Whal II Alobanll doing abou'l'ro .... liligana?ln eatly 2000. ,he Alabama StalO Bar ond Ch,ef Ju,,;o< Perry Hoopct "",..«I I Il''' JI' 1.\. for<. which me, """0,,,1 limeS. S<'"'~ mc·",bo."f' of 'he commi""" "onl 10 ,\";mna '0 studl' tho there. Ilowo,",. the Nmmi'1« lias IIOl met .m,,, Chief Jus,ice Roy M""," 1""'- offoc. In IlIC wu. of thr Opp:>f<"1\1 demise of IlIC pros" task f~.!be SUle bar's Cornrrullre OIl VQlunlttr La"),,, l'rograrnIIAcc= 10 Legal So.-. ices hIS OPPOIflInl a fubcornml1'cc 10 >1udy pro .<t. i$nIe<. Sub,.-<>mmil'!'O Chairm;ln Al Ym:land 0lI)-" -We.,.., ,.wng oo",e baby i''''''~ The com",,"'" is .S,,",mblina • rolkc!i"" Qf P'fU' form ... hich i, pill'" 10 di.ssentino'e 10 tho Logal Ser. ices Vo)u",.." Lnwym Program ofIiees;n the fllie for their u"" and Conl_ m<flb. ""Ifth...", (!Ood '"PO''''' '0 the f(lf11lll, we: m.y try 10 e<pand 1heit .... .,,-



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. "" .... ". 0 _ _ . _


Some 1;li"",S thnnscl,-cs b) chOlet. 1:101 man~ of lh<m do IlOl. partieularl~ In chit.! ouppon.1Id domC$lie ",I.· lionl ea>c5. "W. see • 101 of peopI< ih !he art. of ebll,1 suppon .. ho <",",01 .lford~" ~lIomey and nced help quickly:' $lIY. Ann Sle'" of"'" Mobilo 8 .. A.soci311un \l,.>h.. " ...... u,"Y"'" I'rogram. The: Im<lerl'undcd upl Sen ieu offICes in Alabama <"IIlftOI mcelll>e M<!() fo< I~I "' ..... ,1;($ 10 low-iI>romr coti1r:ns. _ooIing k> 'b. S1edI ~F<>r time·,""",;_ lhe....non. ,1>Cb u po:Ulions 10 modi!) child WIppOfI or eviction ~ ".

"" e some pm >t fnrm. and diTn:tlons plot_"" by vur Ioo;.nl bu <ommHlre that ..... iP'" 10 lh. clients_""


Coun ulI"l ~rvic,," offices. and pru bono fIfOW1Inw in {IIhet Slatcs .... tumi"1! «>pro _<r pr()jlrams as. low. COS~

A,d op<1"81~. pro bono ~hne!hal petmils <hrots 10 .all .... ,th pro bono ne)s and t«~I'" ad,',ccon how 10 pro<ec<I pro S~ ,fthey...., not eliiPb1e for fftt legal ..,,,,iees. Aeootdm& 10 1999 pro ..e ... illane. J!'"OI>I"II"" greMly ;nertase pu~lk .",,0$1 '0 the Nun. for and low.,o-medium ineomo 1;I;gants. The .~iilabiliIY of eourl'orrrov«l forms. IMU\k:rionJ and informa11oo impr""cs the qu;oJ,ly and Wliformi,y of pleadings lik<l • .....Juc:i"3 fnlSl"'ion by li,igam. and the ooun. Coon cltrb ",joy 11>.",,& a pboc1: 10 ref.. pro s~ h',ganlS for adyice and Aocordina 10 !he stud). an ...... ;.pcc1Cd benelillO !he ooun .ys,em i. WI pro K programs help moH

effic ient .. ~y of nl.ol1/li the n«<ls

of 10" ·,noon.. p<1WIIl<. Aboul 40 sta,es

ha,,, fOIl.. sort ofpro .". progr..n it>


pl~. The SUIiCf!l)< COIIrt Marieopa Counl)·. A"~ol," Ulllil<'. ",Ir·scrvi"" conte, al,he courthouse whkh provide. iou""",ioos ", US(11I1U\d ...,.,." io,,,,,,,,,i.-. We\;> si,e ,1~11 oJ!ows clients '0 IiJI out fonno. MllS<IW"i is tes,ill£ a rem<lle ,,1""!fOIIle fi""& <)IS"'m for aduh a~U5e r1UII'UJ which alWvoi shel' .. ad, 0talcs to hdp YlClinu complete pe'1l1ions online and 5UbmH!heID ,0 lbe aMI. In other ,tates. tll.<IOmef ' " " ie.. CftllC,.. in ,he courtlll)ult i""O";dt brod,u..... , fomts and ~Ii~ in!AAl<1iM' \illunl .... 11")'<" pro,,","'" have al.., de ..1opcd a ,vietl ot S<'f\ it., 10 m«l the necd" "f fin; I. lillgana. In Balon Rouge. \olunlcer Inom"y, pro' ide .. ""k<fld di'm,,~ "-orksh"JIS for pro.e di vorce JirigM IJ. Ccmral Vif'8ini. Legal


amen'•• broade, <li:lCUSSioo1 abou, pnn, ~.;>~ ,n AI3"" ...... ~ say.



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A Judge's Perspective the Mobile Bar Association's Volunteer Lawyers Program



ired Mooi]e Coomy Proba te Ju.dge L. W. "Red" Noonan hal noted and 'hared wilh ,he unde";gr>ed"IId

Mobilt probal~ I"wyen f()r yem ,hal when Judge Noonan was. Itt"ag" in the .my 1930s in Mobile. ,lie Mobile

Rescue Mission was located on Cow,rnmtnt SU',," hel"''''" R(>y.l and Water "ree,s (rresenl site of ,he Adam. Mart Hote!). The Resc,", M is'ion was k>c.,ed .... ar Mooile'. walerfron, and train ":lIion on a highly ltawkd pan of Go.em"",". Judge Noonan vividly =.11. 1""1 the R"",,,,, Mi"ion ha.d a l'Il" while ba"no, 00 ils rear "",II. which wa, '-ery '-;sible 10 ptrson, walling in fron. <If.1I< Re.'O:ue Mi ... ;on during lhe day-


,ime and . , nighl (when il was liglltrd). This \>.1nn('T eo.ll.ino<! ,he following message : -"Th<- test of. real man is how he ''''"IS another who could he of no possible use to hinl," J am remiMed ofthi....... ge when 1 .hink of the Mobile Bar Associ.ti",,', Volunl~r Lawyer Prog""" (vlJ') and tho hund~ of M obile lawy.... woo participate in the VLP. 11>0 ronst itutiooal.nd propeny righa of many proplo from • 11 walks of life "'" deah with or affected e'"C1)' day in AI,bam,', probate rouns. Oftentimes these pel"SOllS have limit· ed tinaneial m"",,,. 11>0 I",,~ of tintln<ial meanS does 001 ""gate the ~ of tiltse persons obtaining legal rtlief lhrough Alab.mas coon .ystem and specifically the probate COIIJU. as 10 "",nen within the probate COlIn,· juri><iiClioo. Additiooally. in many inSltln<e5 the pel"SOll' an inlere.t in the matle" pending befon: the probate cooJU...., infants. minors and inca· Jl3"itatcd adull •. 1l>e "'lUre of the proceedings. from the perspeeliv. of tilt pany Sttking judicial relid or of the per$Oll wlto may be .ffected by or the primary subject of the legal proc<'ed. ing. undcrscOR$ the need for a ll woo are required to come befon: tilt probale roun, having the OflIlOt1unity of being represented by Itg"1 rotln«:l In Mobile. the Probale Cou:r1 and the VLP have forrn«l a strOIIl! coopcrarive relationship .ira the inc:eplion of the VLP in 1989. which W<l<t$ for the bend;1 of mo.. in occd of legal "'I"""'ntation and assistance. but """bit to poy for 1ht """"'. 11-. Mobile COUnty Prob.ue Coun and the VLP inter:l<:l in the following """""""'

Guardianship and Conservatorship Cases Frequently the VLP initiate, guanJianship and conservator· ship c"""'. When ad"ised of the <limt, the.\<! ._,.'" «:< at the beginning of the colln·s docket to tf)' 10 minimize the alnoont of ti"'" the voluntttr lawyer has to he ~...,nt in CO\In. Genen lly.

the roun will w.ive coon costs in these cases. In Inany in.\La~'.' guardian ad litem lias to be appointed Funher. in guardianship procttd ings. a "coon "'~«:nt.tive·· must be appointed. 11>0 VLP has fumisilt<l the coon with. lisl of laW}·e .. ","00 an: willing to serve a. guardians ad litem andfor coon "'presentative, on a volunteer basi. and waive their ftt<. Whtn the VLP hoi initiatM a guardianship and/or conse""torship c .... the COlIn utilizes the VLP·. volu nt"'" liS! f<)< the gllMdian ad lilem and COlIn representatives IPPO;ntmen1<.

Adoptions,t.lame Change PetitionS/Petitions To Claim Allowable Exemptions Before Estate Administration,IEstate Administration Cases 1l>e VLP also II.<si'I$ q ualified

in adoption. name change .•• emptioo and e5ta", admini."'''ion c3S<'$. llIe ""'''' prac1ices outlined in the preceding parngraph an: folloWM in e_S in~olving lawyers woo a re '·olunteering thtir tin'" and ",I· ~nt in these type. of cases . 11>0 COtln fttl. sl1Ol'lgly that all persons should ha' "e tht opportunity of h.ving legal rtprtsen"'tioo. Wht n l per<ort oomes before the COlIn and .tales that they w()Uld lil:e legal rtp"'sentation but canlIOI afford the same. if. delay in the coon htaring will IlOl "",judi"" the OIher intere>ted panies in the COtln continues soid case. for a ",,,,,,,,able period of time 10 onable said per<ort 10 ascenain whether they qualify for lOMi.· Lance through the VLP and to enable the VLP lawy.r to bcc<Ime involved in the pending ma11er. TIle coon .. Iso attemptS 10 encoomg. panicipotion in the VLP by appointing the lawyers who llave IIOluntttred to .. rve as guardi an' ad litem orCOlln "'presenLative and waive the ftt for their "'presentation 10 the next IIOII-pro bono case the coon 1Ia, requiring" guardian ad litem and/or coon ",present.tive. 11>0 COOR exprtsse. i~, grntitude to the VLP and the ind ividual 1.W}'<'rs who panicipate in the VLP for the $O" i"", they provide to the needy in the Mobile community. Truly. these I.wye .... ..:' in the ,pirit of the molto of tile old MobH. Rescue M i'sion and. in the estimate of the coon , are ",.".r· lawy..... and a c",ditl0 the legal professioo . •

--... ..-


""'..:. ......___ ._ . _ . _ . _r-or._ . . . . . _ .... _ .. ___ "' _ c-.-. ... _


-.. -.--""-,- '--

... ~ - "' '" ...... -.""'"--~ ...


hi, is a""'Y about a I""'yt, and. hou>c, 1l>e lawy .... is J. TinlOlhy Smith of ll00ver. Alahama. who received the 2002 Alabama Stale Bar', Pro Bono

'~::::Y Aword. The hou$e has no lisled address or phone

II is hidden in tho woods. bttause ,he f""Ople who IlIcT1' need protection. They flT<lutndy "'lme wjlh no\h. lng but the clothes on their backs; 00 wallets. no license, 1\0 """"'y. no Car ~y$. Some come with bloody r"'l and no .boes. having ned on fool. Many ani'"e wilh cuts. bruises. StilCbes and contu,ion •. One ani"ed with ber Car lOrn off. Some are l'i<'ke<l up al hospital emergeDCY room. by \be l>ou5e's slaff and broughtlO the bouse. "The people ,,"'110 come ;




this house are from all backgrounds a nd """". Despite

,,"'>(they do 001 have. lhey bring ",-hal is most precioo" ""ir children and their will to snr.""" llte house i. SafcHouse of Shelby County. II is an emergency shelt .... for abused women and ~hildren_ lIow did TIm Smith get involved in SareHouse? In 1989, Woo women came 10 Tim', law office w:kill3 hi. help. Allllal . I~ was 00 sheller for abused women and children in I 1l>e WOmen asl:ed if Tim wO\Ild help th<m set



10 ",rve on the board

, In its ~arli~SI y~3r"$> IItlped fInd

f..,ilily and ",i$<:<l funds 10 ,uPJlOfl ac,ivili ... ".., firsl year of Safe House', exi'tence: "'as "a niVl1m....,.~ ils ,urvival during its first r.v~ l"'3r"$ ",as ofl<:n doub1ful. b<>3rd ",i$<:<l funds Ihrough car ",asbe, and g3t:\g~ saks. n'IQI\ey. When it came lime 10 make 'I sufficient funds ,he passed. :~::,:.~~::~~~':: <011";1 whal they coold 10 make up as much of pay_ and




,Safe House has an annual bYdget of ros1<:f of 72 volun,<'el'$. a >taff of 2J of three building •• • , wtll a< Qff.,il<: and provide< servi« •• uch as individual and


servic ... It also , and servic· i, . Through the ,,'00 are abuse , SafeHoose also off... domeslic violeDCC

Pro bono. lim sul'Pli<"$ all oflhe legal services for smoHoose and any of its ""id<-nts who can~ retain an a11Ol"-

Itt.i .. is their faul!. lx<oaLL'" of their fail_ ney. He rcl""scms lhe "umen "."" rome to nres. weal:nesses and inadequacies, The SafeHouse in di""",,,, or ouw><ly di.putos: children woo come to Saf.House too no! only tOOse ".. "" are indigent and qua~fy often ~ "",n only in ll1e rok of abuse'. under the bar', VOlun!eCr Lawyers Program' for fltt Irgal .."'iStano:<. which According to the SafeHoose Malf. for ", •• make them ineligible for such S<1'Vices but ident. to see. man "'00 is respectful. ,,'00 caJlno! gain actt>.S to!hose .....1S with· kind and unde"tanding i. inva lua ble. out coun into"",ntioo. Tim "''''''';'''''s r<:~ Do,neMi. ,;olenee ;s a peI"l"4';'0 probscnts Safe Hou>e, as "'hen it;s subpoe......:l 10m in 00' socie'Y. Acoording to lhe for rttOr'Ils (which i1 is legally prohibited """n<iy ",leased "'pan by the Alabama from .upplying. but must ""pond ,,-ith Won .. n', Initiati'''' In< .. almo't 0< ... lOO!ions and oflen by appearing at coun fourlh of an repone<l violenl offenses are hearlngol. Alx>ut once • .....ek. rom receives do""'Mtc ,·iolence' Aocording '0 tho 11,. Smirh "nd Joy MCCdrlnry ~ IIM 2002 • call from Saf"House asking f", his help in Alabama Criminal Jus,ice Inform,,,;on V/J' I'U<'plw" "fir' 1\", ~..,. """"d ",. assisting a residen!. Ont SafoH~ staff Center. of the 21.127 violent offonse, ""'pwnl of II" Pro &-> ,,"Will'" mo:mber related how she oalied Tim late on 0 repaned in 1999.4.358 wen: dU" 10 ~y a fternoon tooee if he could handk: dome"i< violence including 50 oomia pr<:II""ti"" onIor hearing the o.. t morning .idrs. 187 "'peS. 59 robberies. and 4. 062 in the Shelby County courtt.>use. E""n aggr"4,-ated as ..... h.} To !ake one example. thougl1 Ti m ...... seheduled to be at a hearing in the City of Binningham. do""esti. "iofor a ","';1Ied " lien, in a JelfClWn Coumy lenee is the leading couse of oomieides.' coun at the .. me time. he amtIIged to han_ Why does 11m Smith do wha, lot does dle bo<h maltell. "",ing from Jeffe""", for SafeHouse. day aher day. year after Coumy to Shelby County in time \0 ~ year1ln 11m's wonJs: "I jns' lhoogl1t it was so unjusl and so unfair for these .. m the SaCeHouse residon!. Gcuing informalion from Tim alx>ut "'omen to rome oot of. situation liko wh", he does for Sore llouse and it' ",si'hoy ha"e. S<J beat down. or<! 1hen to ha,,, donlS i, ""'" to impossible. Like. ~alei, '0 figh' 10 gO! legal help also. " . I don't !rant wiUleS' boing cl'O$S-txamilled. he think 1" 01 difT.","L I see ta,,")'CO do things responds with the bareSt doseription alld !Q hdp ali!hr ,i"",: ~ • only when prompted by some bit of infor_ ,""tion 1" ,,, already obtailled. The .tafT of Sof, HoySO'. woo nomina'ed Tim for ,he VLP Award, however. is glowingly fortbcom· Tho_~~. . ~ _ ... fo9'oIr _ l u i Mct>ilo!lor _ .... . inll , Here is whal they tell alx>ut Ti m', devorion to SafeHouSO'. iowoonin_ .. ,,",, _ _ On one recem occasion, Tim came to S.feHoo« .•• amined ... """.. to,- t(JWing .. . . - . . , .. ;>!] ....., pol __ " .... ~ _ .. W fTomlllgol_ oII. . the facility ''-' de'enni"" what needed to be fixed. purch.sed the <>e<:es>ary matori.l.. and organiud a "WorkDay" with «ven or .......:I ......... _ . - - ......... _Ior-"ond~ " '""" .... ......, .. _ in 20 ..... " ....1ond till ........ din is eight mlunteers. to repair what is on hi. liS!. R""ently, 11m 1tI_fG<_~t- ... iI\ .. SO'r"\'td as the Chef for "Panlper Day." On Pamper n.y, the ehil· -...Ir l l,!1l5~ .... _d.fwl drcn "aying at Saft HouSO' are 1"-ken out by Safolloose volun· l _ _ .. tn-. ..... ThoSti ... "_int-...;p.,_ s teers for fun activities. and hairstylis!.S and manicurisl' come in to a1!end tho women . T11e day', final. i. a din"",. At 'ho most ""en, HPompcr Day.H 11m no! only prepared an dogan' feos!. wonhy of. (,V,,""$I...- n:1'"uran' (corni,h game hon, with OI"3l1ge s. ~ 1""""""""" woriwlg .'''''~, _ J. Soo!h., sauce. wild rice. ehocola!O It1(>Usse). ho borro,,'td . il,.. , pl>te t2CS1lZl-li50. CO'.. n from tho Summit Club and trained the SafcHouse MafT in the proper ", .... inll techniques. On another """n, w«kend. 11m and his old d.ugl1ter grilled dinner for the famili.. ".y_ inllat S.follou",. As """ staff ""'mber said. "i! meant so much _ H.e.., to 'ho", ladies for..,rneooe to!al:o tim< '0 make 'hom feel . pe. _COOOVO ......... JD r.oo . ,.,1 .... w_ _ _ ...... _ ... _ _ ,,_ daL"



(Vl1I"_"_" '99t _~


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, "'" ••


- ..........-. ----...-.................... ...--..... _"-.... _ ...... _.'m ....

As abuse ,iet;lnS, the WOTI'Itn woo rom< 10 SafeHoo", are embarrassed. dopressed. humiliated and uhausted. They ha'" no self r,s'eem or SOn", of personal power for lhey hay< been told, many .ince they were small children. !hat the abuse th<!y 368





...... !Ioo _ _ .... _ _ ... _ _ _ _ ... ~

~ """ ... c -.. _ , - , - - _ .. "",,_

IOLTA proc;rra.m provides A CCeSS t0 1 u

"E qu.aI

JUSbOe Undtr!..roo'" is inoaibcd oboYe !he portio::> of IhI: Unnrd S.-s Supmne C(O,D'I, For poor pe<lpk in Amerioo 111M! JOOItlif1'a mighl a. "",11 be a sip aI>o.we !he """"""'" door thai SIIY'. "Ahwldon hope . 11 yo ",110 rnlrr lIMe" nllltly pt<JpIe limply QM()I alford 10 hi", • ~. 'IlIrougOOuI .... COUIIII)' -.I .... - . "'-'--. Iflm, "'" groups and I"'OIlk


.... poor. The ....... 1"""'.'" fundrd to;. tho: LcpI Savica C""JXll1"KJa ""'" • IR1JIOO. dous ......, for """""1II>ODi "CU"" of dornt:uic~. Many ofdltm ""'" Ir.IppCd in a cycJr of"!C 001 could no! alford lO hire. bwyn 10 bolp ,lIem break m... The AI"""",,, law l~liQn .IIqlpOd iD and f\ll\ded IIwyetl1 to 1wIoJ1" \he caICS of vidims of domestic >iok""'l. Us! yt:IC O'I'CI" VICIImS of dornt<;tic


from f<JUll<la.

dnlicMcd 10 P"O"'On, ;too:;:Ce$i 10 ju:'lIicc for dlOIiC wbc> on: """"'" 10 pay . Ilwyefl (-.JOLTA I"'JIRI"" ........ ~

violence m:ej>'Cd _

rIO" fun<t;na qal aid 10 Ibe poor.

willin& 10 ~ q..J ~ 011 3 pro

JOLT" is on oon;.I)'nI for !he [Me=! on Lawyen;' TN>! AccoonL< progtaI'IL II i• • prov.un !h.,1IiU olkw.'ed the """""",nily 10 COOp<IOIle with lhc IepI ~Iy 10 _ the citUrns of

bono bQsis. "They.-J an adnuni'''''li,.., .y>IftI1 to g<"1 cases in and ... ignru OI" ", 1a"')'Cf5. The Alabama Law !'oundatioo ]lro'Iides fur.:!i"l for tht AJobama S1aIe \\:II ....... l.awyeB Prov.un. \he

bankin. AJat.nI'. IOLTA JlfOIf8III"'" CSIabIuhtd In 19117..J we hIYe ~ ower $11 ... Dioa in plIrIIS since lira tlmO. How docs JOLTA....n1I..awyen ...... oineIy hold funcb for c~ A law)'er is rtqUirtd 10 keep client funcb srp>t'Ole from the lawytr'. OWn money. The Iawyrr est»$ one or t1"IC:« dr:mand d<po:iil _!lIS into "'hich they can d< funds ol .... ltiple dienu oro:! di!obun:e thtm 10 the eli..." II Ihc IJII)I'Opri>oo rime. Irdi,idual c.nnoI cam inIrtea 011 d>&s money """"- Ihetr money is eiIbor _ hrld IorIt: or is. ",~Iy &111<&11 amounI of money. 0iJcipIin.y rules prevmt laW)'ft'J f..., nmilll ~ on diem ful>lis. The IOLTA p<u&ram allows llIomty It\I)I account!; to be ohangrd IQ intcreM demand deposit accounts with the inI=>I bcin& ~ to Ihc AIWmI Low Rlundatim. A Iawya- or law finn !ala • "RequcM 10 &tabh$h IOLTA AccounI" 10 Ihrir boont. The bW: d.... chaQgo:$ rho V\ISI



Our __ ' - """'Y Ln')'ft' who ....


MobiIo Bw ~ \bIun!M" ~ Program ood .... B'rtJIi.n&I=llbr AiIociaIion \bIWIIm" ~ Progrwn.

Combined. ......


Alabama IhaI "... have ..... , raICS of pro bono

pMicil"lion ,


I _ rws ... cum1IIIy at 1beir kMs """" .... IOLTA procnwn "' ... ~ .... m.. IpmftIl ill JIlIl6I~, R...-cnue on IOLTA ......... IS u]>«'led 10 be $(50.00) "'" year. clWlcftge in .... yearohead "'ill be 10 PIa.O,mile latTA




IIXOIIOII 10 all """""".w.rins IICaIIIOII one!

mniIs !he inIm=sI ....... "" "'" Il«:tlUnl IO

~Each M"",h the fow.;laiion mUa pIU Df IOLTA funds. Most of the funds awanl· ed go 10 program< tIw Jll""'ide legal aid 10

..._ ----......_ _.... u. _ _ _


"'1"" __

....... CoIIIfo .. •




hile the "Iamma SllOle Ibf'J VoIun\_ ....."'1«5

Program provi<icJ

to illdig(n, die.,s in various civil nail.!'$. thc Alat=>.>. and Unilrd Slale< .<$iltonc~

COllS~'UI;o". KuanJllI:C K'CaoIIIO

thc .... islaJ>CC of Ie,a' COO"""

'nodi,""" clients in criminal .... nen. "".. "d,,", •• 10 .... URi .... SW<$C~lutiOll glW"_ _ _ thai ~;,. aU mmllw pn!lCCU1ioGs. !he KCUKd "'-II enjoy thc ri&hl ... 10 ha,.., !he AssilWlCe of CouJl.lCI f~ his d<f.IlSe.~


~ Si~1It

U.S. COI<!<T., "-"E.'<[). VI. The Sixth Am<ndmtn. riglll 10 toonxl applies 10 alL fedtr;l] and SllII< crimi· naJ ptOS<'<'IIlioMs ..1><", !he dd.,,,laou is acaIKd 011 felony orof. miodcmaflOl' if. "'nl • ...,. of illC3l1:ftSlion il impoKd. JohnJlOtI •. 7.ubSl.)O.j U.S. 4S8, 46J (1938) btld tha, the Si~th Amtnd"..n. ri""10 couMCllppI'" in fe<knJ


!hOI ".'"vid .....1 ;IIMead on probal;on. Thi! i. quite cum""", in misi\c,,,.anor eases ;n dIller diSlr;C1 Of muniei!,,1 roIlrlS. If the dcfondam rompl.<es lhe term of probal;on \l/ilhoul ;",,;den!. and compleloCS all ,he rf<jUI~ !("tmS of probation. !be ,",,'!'Coded ..... !("nee is IhnI liflod and the defendanllft'"U no jail li_. I"",,"~. i' the defend••" fails 10 <>!IRIpkIe all rf<jui..,monu of the ICm"I of probatioIl and pmbaIion .. remkal. lhe wspendcd scnl(n<:e "..y he impollCd and the defend.." imprisoned fo< 1he lorm of lhe su'pended .. n-


I....... In II/Bbama v. SI.d,OfJ. the coon btld that " W$peRdcd son· lenOI: .... y no! be bier i....,.-l unless the def.ndanl ""lIS 1o::(;OnI. cd ""Ihe guiding hand of COURSOl"' in the ong· i.w P'"'*C",ioI\ fo< the crime elwIed. Id. '" 1767 {""",in, /t"",,",~r " HBmlu..


4m U.S. 23. 4(} (1972). The Un;,'" S"'es Suprtme Coun

Gilko<I v. 1\I:U""""Shl. 312 U.S. lJS. 342 ( 1963) held

,h., the Sixth Amondn>enl rith,.o counsel applies In

"plleld the Alabama Supn:me Coun'S virw 111>1 " s.uponded .......

.lale criminal prooccdings

throop !he founeetolh Amtndm<nL 'I1li$ ri&b' 10 ..,......,IIILacbes at the ini · tiation of adversarial jlldi· dol proceedings. "",hc,htr by w"Y of fOll1\llI c/wgt, p<tlimi. nary hearing, indictment, inf""",,,'ion or """';anmrnl." Kirby " il/i"";s. 406 U.S. 682. 689 ( 1972). A ~ Uniwl Sial.. Supreme Coon opinion elarilied lhe riPlIG courucl afforded ;ndiJenl defendams by delin;", a ~__ pmd<d 5m!mCe~ OJ. ~ ofi",,~ Ktwly imJX*<l.. diu< ~nU!linl ... indipl dtfendan! 10 appointmenl. of COII ..... l. A/abam/I~. SMI/(}fl. 122 S.O. 1764 (May W. 2002).' Oflon in a criminol e~S<\. " !rial judge "..y scnlCn<:e " <lof.ManI to a lorm of ;mpriSOr(menl aDd su,p..." the sonlO""O. plodng 370


"' ..... C(JII$U1UICS •

"lerm of impriJon-

_nl"" ..i!hin lhe mean· ;IIl of AW""i"g~r. '''Pm. and Sroll •. IlUnoi•• 440 U.S. 367 (1979). even lhough i""art .... I;"" is ~ immediale 0< ;nc.;labl. II the lime the sonl<>nc:e is imJ'l'lS'd. S/..,I,OII. 122 S.C!. II 1no.

In6. ".., Supmno COIlfl IIOIcd that "In Alabama. _. the of the



IeYOCIIKlfl hearing currenlly afforded is ... an ',nfannal" one' ... at ,,'hlCll the dtfcndar!, has no rilhl 10 COIInSCi. and !hi: COlIn 110 obiop.1ion 10 observe ",I.. of t\lidenc •. • ,., More .i,nincanl. lhe ...1e is..uc" lhe Iproba.lion revocation] hearin, - apan from (\c1~rmina'i0ll5 "bou,!hI:


r.ecessily of conti""n .. nl ... ;s ... helher tile defcndanl breached IIIe I..",s o f probalion .... 1be .. lidi,y or reliabilily of the undedying conviclion is btyond .Ilack:· Shcl"'n. 122 S.C!. al 1712 (cndl\OleS added). ··Deprived of coonsel when tried. convicled. and sen~l>Ced. and unable 10 challen~e the original judgm<nl al a 'u~ucn' proba,ion ",vocation hearing.' a defendanl in Shellon·. ci",um,!!"",,,, fatts i""""",,,,,i,,,, on. <XInvic,ion ,hal has never been .ubjected 10 ·the cI"IICible of meanin~ful >d,·crsanal .eSling: Unil~d S,m~s \". Cronk. 466 U.S. 648. 6.S6 (1984). "The Sixth A"",ndmtnl 00.,.Il0l coun,.,naroce 'hi ' resul,:· Sht/lOn. 122 S.C!. at 1772. Following the opinion in She/"",. each defendant charged willt misdt"",anors in any SLa,., coun,. which result in sentences of proballon which illClude sU'p<nded jail sentences. are oonsti.u· 'ionally guaran,eed the right 10 coonsel. If delennilled to bt iDdi_ ",nl. the defendant is entitled to have coonsel appoinled 10 repre. sent him or her. and 1111 of the righlS which go wi,h thai righl.

Beyond the Right 10 Coun. . I-The Righi 10 Eftectl". Asslstenc. of Couns.1 Include. lhe Right to Other Servlc.s The righ' 10 coonsel in criminal ca .... as guar.mleed by the Sixth and I'ounttnth ."",ndlIll'nls 10 ,be United States Constitu'ion. illCl"des the righllO effeclive auisrance of counsel. MeMa"" ". Riciwnlwn. 397 U.S . 759. I . n.14 ( 1970): Un;I.d SI"Ie, ~ McCu,c/"on. 86 F.3d 187. 189 (11 th Ci •. 1996). To proIecl thai ri&hl. indigent defendanl$ in both federal and St",e Couns are e n,illed to receive funds for necessary se .... ices inclll<ling in.tstigative and exp<n services. Irnnscripls. and inte'1""te.... Funhermore. Ihe defetUl: m.:oy "'lueS! lhese funds from ,he conn tx part• . Su Ex parlt Moody. 684 So.2d 114 (Ala. 19%) . The Alabama SUI"""'" Coun held ..... an indigenl oriminal defcndan' is cntilled 10 an u pan~ bearing on wbether expon is """"s$a/)'. based 0<> ,he Fifth. Si .. h. and I'oumenth Amendn ... nt.< 10 the UnilM Stat", Constitution:· Id. a! 120. In Moody. lhe Coun .tated. ···[aln indi~enl defendant should notMvt 10 diSClose to ,be Stale informa'ion Ihal. financially secure defendant would no! ha.elo disclost:~ Id.. (citing Uni,.d Sta'es , . Mui"-elhu. 486 F.2d 498. S06 (5th Cir. 1973».



Moreovel. [r)equiring an indi",nt defendan, 10 p"'m.:olu",ly di$clost evidence in a hearing where the state i. presenl e""""",hI" on the privilege <Ig:linSI .lelf-illCrimination. ,,·hkh applies at aU stages of I criminal proceeding. The privilege again" .. If-;IICrimination ··does DOl merely en<ompMS evidence which may lead 10 criminal convictron. bul includes inf0<rT\3tion ... hioh would fumi$h .Iink in lhe chain of evidence that could lead 10 prosecution. as .... n as evidence ..·hich an individual reasonably believes could bt used against him in a criminal prosec!I.ion. /d. (ciling Ma"us ". Meyrrs. 419 U.S. 449. 461 (1975». Pu ... uant 10 Shelton. these riglll$ an! to be «,ended 10 misdememo:r cases ..·bere lhe defendanl faces I suspended ... n,eroce of impri<Ot1menl.

For the pasl 17 yea1$. tilt. roulU have recognized thai an indi· gent defendanl has a ri&ht 10' psychiatris,. al public "-'p<nse. upon. $/lowing tltat lhe defendanl·, mental condilion is . sig· nifieanl issue at trial. Ake \". Ok/a""""'. 470 U .S . 68 (1985). 1be Ele.entlt Circui, olarif,ed Ihis ruling 10 ""Id Ihal .. the righllO psychiatric as,istance does DOl mtan the ri&ht 10 place the ..pon of . ·""utral· psychiatrist btf"", the coun; J1Ither il mean. the righ, to u.le the ..",ice. of I psychiatrist in wha,,,,,er capaci. 1y defense COIItUl:1 deems apprOpriale:· Co""ry ~ Sirid/in. 929 F.2d 640 (II tit Cir. 1991). In the fc<ll:ral conru. 18 U.S.C . § 300M provides for the adequate rcprestnta1ion of defendanl$ in federal criminal c...... In addition '0 the appointmenl of counsel. thai Sla' Ule pcnnil$ funding for .. rvices other than counsel including investiga'ive. ""pen or Other services r.ecessary for ade<]uale "'presentation. 18 U.S.C. Ii .\OO6A(c). The applicable Standard is the ''''''',ing of neces,ily for I"" defense a, set fonh in supra. Likewise. UIIder Alabama law. "-'pen services eXlend btyond the ..,is· tance of a psycbialri .. for mental healtlt issues as described in Ake. Su S,",. v. DuBa.~. 662 So.2d 1156 I17g·79 (Ala. C rim. App. 1993). aff·d. 662 So.2d 1189. 1193 (Ala. 1995). A defendant is entilled to the se .... ices ofan exp<n where he or $he show•• ",ason:tble probabilily ,ha' an expcn woold aid in his defetUl: and thai a denial of an «pen 10 ;l$S;61", trial would resull in I fundamtnlally unfair trilll. Ex part. Moody. 684 So.2d 114 (Ala. 1996). The right 10 fundamrnllll fairness under IhI! d"" prt>ceS$ d.u .. "'<Iuires tha, btfore an accused i. .fforded the <>ppOI1un ily 10 h,,·e an ""p<n his choosing e. ami"" a piece of evidence w~ natu.., is ,ubjecllO varying ""pcn opinion. it should fi ...1 bt determined lha,the cvideroce i. crilical. Evidence is critical for purposes of lhe due proceM dau .. if the parlicular evideroce could ill<lLltt a ..,...,,,,,ble tloub! in ,he minds of enough jurors 10 amid a coMiClion when tha, evidence was developed by skilled counsel and expc:ns. £.. paru Sartd~n. 612 So.2d 1199. 1201 (Ala. 1992) (cilatron, omilled). E:tp<n wi"",!S<s 10 bt soughl and approved in cases a, bting """"'$a/)' to P"'P"'" a defense rnay include e.p"1U on accounting se",ices. ballislic .. eyewilness teslimony. fin~er. prinlS. handwri'ing. linguiStics. mi'igation specialist' (in capital case.). and physicians I"'rforming ""1$ ,och as e1ec'lOC:ncephal""""". Addilionally. in many circunlSlances. tspecially involving rompl"" or voluminous faclS ,,·hich cover a long pcri. od of time or a ... ide goosmphicai loca,io<>. coutUl:1 m.:oy seek 10 "'<Iues1 in'·es~~ative .. rvices. Any .... h rt<JUtsl should indic:Ue • with as much panicularily as possible. why . ... h invesligali,·e se .... ices are necessary. and why defetUl: coun...1 cannOt be "-'peeled 10 perform the necessary investigalion J"'l"OMlly. If necessi,y is shown in a n a pane hearing or moIion. the conns s""uld vie..,1lte "'<Iutsllibtrally and approve the "'<I"""ed funds.


Transc.lplS GriJJi~ ~ //liMit, 351 U.s. 12 (1956) "lid its progeny C$tlIbli .h the prineiple tl>atthe State mu't, ... a mal1er O( equal pr0tection, JIfO"ide ;lIdigent prisoners with the ba,ic tools o( lUI adequ3!e defense or appeal, wilen those ulOls are available for" price 10 other prisoners. Id. at 19. "The Slate muSt provide lUI iooigenl defendant with a Imns<ripl of prior proceeding< wben thotl13llscripl is.....,ded for lUI e/foetive defense or appeal.!k~ Brin v. Nonh Carolina. 404 U,S. 226. 227, n. I (1911) (cita· lions omitted). E,'en without 'p"d fic allegation, as to the OU<J for the trans<ript of prior proct:t:ding$. il can ordinarily be assumed Ihat. lranscripl of. prior mistrial would be valuable to tbe defendant in at kast 1"'0 ways: as a disco"ef)' device in prepa.ration for trial. and as a tool", tbe trial itself for the impeachment of porosc<:ution wit!\eSSe',' Brill. 404 U.S. at 228. In Alabama. the COUn of criminal appeal ' ~ntly noted:

"Altlloogh 'the St.1t. muSt JIfO"ide an iooigent defendant wi'h a transcript o f prior pr-oceeding< ,,"'ben that tran_ script is ~ (or an e ffective defense or appeal.' Bnlr v, North Comlina. 404 U.s. 226. 227. 92 S.C!. 431. 433, 30 LEd,M 400 (1971). 'th<: availability of altemative devices thaI would fulfill tbe Sa",e: functions as a transcript: id., 404 U.S. at 227. 92 S.C!. 3t434. JIfO"ides an adequate substitute for a l13Ilscrlpt in many c .... ,:·

QuiNe •. S,"'~, _

So.2d ~ 2001 WL 504259(Ala, Crim.App. May 15, 20(1). or course, wilb the posoible e:<cep1ion of an aUdiocassette =ording there i, ge""rnlly no altemative device availabk which fulfills the .. me funetion as. trnnscripl. Even in Bn'", tilt Supreme Coun lIOted that Ibis was the t1lre circumstanee: where the defense counsel conceded that an informal request to the roun reponer would ha"" yielded an adequate: aitnna'ive, B<;tt.404 at 229.


Int.rpret ..... A. internation,llnve:l btco""" more accessible to more PfOpie and th<: economy becomes global. we are ~ing ,n incre .... in non-English speaking penons througlloot lhe United Stale. and even in AI.bama. ( h<r the past several years, international <X>nIp.>nie5 have begun to lay roots in Alabama furu...r inerras_ ing the number of oon·English speaking p1'TWIU present in the State. Naturally, the inere .... in non-English speaking individual' in Alabama can be e:<pec1N to lead to on i"".-e .... in the number of non-Engli'h , peuing defendant' .pptaring in Alaba"... ·• couns. When representing I non-Engli.h speuing defelldant. the oriminal dcfense lawyer mu,t be """",,me<.! about tWO aspen! of the clse..olll-of-<:nun pn:pa.ralion and inV<c,,;ga_ tion. and in-court pr-oceedittgll. For out of coon communiCation with a non_English speuing indigent defendant. dc:fense counsel is entitled to funds 10 birr an interprrter 10 prepare the case for lrial alld disc"ss the def.nse with !be dient."The Sixth and Foon«nth Amendment right tn eff.,.t;ve assistaJ>ce of coonsel """,,nlS (ees ('" this necessary $('tVice . In the federal system, !be "other se .... ices·· 3 72



provi$ion in 18 U,S.c. ~ 3006A(e) ineludc. the oecessary e xpen ... for hiring a ,,,m,la',,, f", the preparation of. <lefen .. _ Obviously. if defense counsel .onlIOt communicate wilb bi. di.nt prior to trial. defen ... rou ..... l cannot JIfO"i<le effective assistance o f coun",1 at ,rial. "The requirement of JIfO"iding a lr.on,la'''' in court 10 a crimi_ nal dcfendont who canoot speak or und<rstand English is foullded in. criminal def.ndant', Constitutional guamntetS 10' fair trial aoo 10 confrool the witnesses and evidence against him or her. "The Coun Inte:rprrto", Act of 1978. 28 U,S.c. ~ 1827. man_ dattS the .]l'JIOintment of an intorprrlcr in federal roun whe""v_ er the COUn determines thot a criminal defendant ~pe.ks only or primarily' language otller thon Engli 'h. That provision 01 ... establishes ..... tUtOtY guidance for the use of uanslatOf$. ;0 order 10 en,ure thot the quali,y of the ""nSlation does 1101 fall bel"",. comtilulion'lIy permissible threshold. UniuJ S1l1te~ v, Joshi. 896 F.2d 1303 (11tlt Cit. 1990); Uniud SUIIU v. Marti",,", 616 F.2d 185 (5th C ir. 1980), "The gene",1 standard requires wordfor_word lnlnslation of everything relating 10 the trial that. defendant conV<crsanl in English would be privy 10 lItar. Jo.h;. 896 EM at 1309. "The Alabama Legislature en""ted its own provi,ion for inCOlIn l13Il,lal<)rS for non-English .peaking defendants. ALA. CoDE § 15_1_3. which became effective July I. 2000. requires thot "[ilf the roun in I criminal or juvenile proceeding deter_ mi.., that due procesl con,ido",tions require an inte<prete:r, the COU" shall appoint a qualified penon to interprctlhe proceed_ ing< for the: dtf.ndant. juvenile or witness l«Jue<ting as,i ... laJ>ce:' ALA. COOB ~ I S-I-3(a)(3}. Morem'er .. 'the intorpreter shall al$O interpret the testimony or . .. ,emenlS of tbe defendan!. juveni le. or witnes .. and. where applicable:, assist in communi_ oation. " 'ith coonsel:' Id. Thi' oan f3i rly be in'e<pretc:d to ont;tle a orimi031 def.ndant 10 !be as,iSIance: of an inlOrprcter during the inyosligative and !'"'-trial phases of the: orimin.1 ptOC\'ss, $0 as 10 assiS! coonsel in prr]>aring. defen ... and e"",ring effeet;"e assistance of coonsel at;o]l St.ges of a criminal procttding.

Who I. Indigent' Ale. Code tl5-U·Slbl


In AI.bama. a Ikf~ndanl who is u""bl~ to afford 10 relain coullStl i. detm...J 10 b<: indigent. At.o. . COOl! § 15·]2-1. "]n de1ennin-t r ing indi~ocy. "'" judg~ shall recogniu abilily to pay as a ,ari.ble dtpending 00 lilt n.lure. e~lenl and hquidity of assets. lhe di,pm.b~ ocl income of "'" okfendanl. the nalUre of "'" offense. "'" effort and required 10 gather peninem infonn.tion .• nd lht length and cnmpl., ity of the pnXe<:ding •." At.o.. COOl! § I ~.12.5(b). In addilion .• dtfcndanl who6e rela· tives or friends retain lht services of coon",1 may Slill b<: con· sidered indillent for purpooes of receiving funds for expcn or DIht' i",,,,'ipti"" ",rvi"", when: such se",,,, .. are detm...J to b<: necessary to "'" Ikfense. ThaI i. bttause the assetS of friend, .nd relative •. lIOI1cg.lly respomible for tb<: Ikfcnd.nt. art IlOl include<l "'ithin "'" ".sselS" ref....-ell to in At.o.. C()()£ § 15-12SIb) . S~~ Ex parte Sanders. 612 So.2d 1199. 1201 (Ala. 1993).' Fun"""""",. ronnsd awoi","" to r.~senl an indigent clefen· danl is .1"" '"Iill"" to reimbursemen. for e><penses reasonably incurred in such clefense and approved in advance by the lrial coon. AI-"- COOl! ~ 15· 12·21(d).

E.. n with recent increases in hourly rales for indigent attorneys fee • . "'" la ..·yers who represent indigent defondon" in criminal cases throughout Alabama do '" al a great discoonl fron> whal they WO\Ild (IIhcrwise recei,.. as eilher relained erim· inal Ikfense lawyers or"'en 0$ an hourly ra'e in most civil defense mailers. H"""".... the person. they ",,,,,,sen. art with · 001 quc<liO<l onti,l«Ilo .ffcctive a"i.tance of ronnsel. As JuSlic. Hugo Black ""ted 40 yean ago'

"The right of """ cl"larg"" wilh crime of co"n ..l may not b<: dc<:med fundanlcnlal ond ....,nli.1 10 fair trials in

some countries. bul it is in ours. From the very begin. ning. 011' , lale and nalional constitution. and laws hav" laid g",al empltasi. on procedural and ,ubslanti,,, safc' guruds designed 10 as,ure fair trial. b<:fore impartial trio bunals in whieb every defendant Sland. equal before "'" I.w. This noble ideal cannot b<: •.M if"'" J>OO< man charg"" wilb crime has to bce his """users without a lawyer.o a"ist him .

Under Alabama law. eacb judicial circuil del~rmi ... lht method of providing indigent defense. A few circuits provide fully funded public defender offices. while 0I0.t """", eireuits eilhc, ios"" al>P"intm<:ntsto individuall."'"Y""'" on a case-byease ba,i •• or operate "nok,. COlllt3C1 ' ySl<m. wherein vinually .11 cases before a panicular judge art handltd by ..... 'JII:<'ific lawyer or law fIrm <;Qntf3<''''' by the Slate of AI.bama to pr0vide criminal defense services to indigents in 'hat coon.

lI\:Iinwrighl. 372 U.S. 335, 344 ( 1963).

Endnotes I'r'<w 10 . . Couo1', _

. . ;. .

.. - . . . rVt to _ _ _ ""'"


_ _ _ _ .. "",,,. "_, ........ !oIonv Nt.......,. lid.,

Indigent o..fen.e In AI.beme 1lle fede",1 ronn. in Alabama art divided into three di,triclS. l'ur$uant 10 18 U.S.C. § 300M. and in order to provide odeqU31C repreo.e"l3Iion to indigent defendants in ~riminal c..,..s. "'" M iddle and Soothern distrim provide indigenl defendantS ",~sentation through Communily Defender Organiza~ons (COOS). as wen as panel. of criminal defense .ttomeys appointed to handle criminal cases. 1lle Northern District of Alabama currently relies ",Iely ul"ln a panel of criminal defense anomeys appointed 10 handlt cases in thai dim;'!. The COOS art ,i milar to public defender offices. wilh . Iightly differ· ent management and :>OC"OUnl'bilily. Wbile m:<!i'ing funding from and b<:ing >ccoonlablt to "'" Admini"ralive Office of Unit"" Stale, Coons. the COOs are IlOl u!>der lhe coolrol of lhe judges bul rather an i!\dependenl boanl of dirttlO<$. The offi"", are fully staffed "'ilh ,.veraltrial ol1omeys. full-time in .."igo ' 10<$ and support staff. 1lle COOs ore al", responsible for providing training 10 panel members and adminiSlering the panel of .ttomeys who take criminal appoinuncnts where lhe CDO hal. cooflict of inte",.,. Thi. occurs most often in multi-defendont whcre the okf.ndcrs office can only represenl ..... defendant.



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Providing Access to Justice -Alabama's Legal Services Prog'I'ams "Equal justice under the law is not merely 8 cap-

tion on the Supreme Court building. h is perhaps the most inspiring ideal of our society. h is one of the ends for which our legal system exists: Hon. Lewis

PDweI', Jr., fotmer associ. . justice. United States SuPnmHI Court


~ pmoo1

ill this coonuy is

mptifl'd 1(1 li>'e ..".;Iier and obey m.. law, Our d<" oot.abe.sociely ~ilunolesJ. I I ~. lf ooly_ poop" bullIOI",""""""ve ICCeSS 10 the low. the ju~ite S)'lOlCclll becO)l''''$ unfair and dy.funclioNol. It 15 U... <tI Alab lma 's lAgat '1rt$ PlVllnoms ... pro" Id~ tqual




'0 J"~lI... In cl.'" mWllen ror

10... ·1"""""' AM "n,lans >I'ho ,,'OI,ld nut OIht""'be be Bblt 10 obtain a prj. 'Mlt I UO""Y. IlQlOl""'''. fulfilling mi, role Iw become inc",asinZly diffocul!

bc<:aUIC 01 nalionwide cut> in funding

tc:n'icu for the poor. In 1996. fwldill, from L.tpI ~ Corpomion. the privaIc _.pmIi, oopnimion CSIabIiohcd by Congress ill 19'/4, _ ~ by)O ~nl. Thi. cui rol"""~ I doo;ade 0( wrh fundinl culJ during the 1980s. AdjuSlOd for 20 yem of innaliott. OUr appropriation in 2001 wlIS less !han ~ ]lC>ttn' of " 'hal it ...IU in 1980. Additionally. the Alabama prosmms"", l osin,~. $.'i60,(XX) 'l.alCwide for r,..,11 year 2lXl] due to cuu (Of Iepl

from Lepl 5en'ices Corpontlon ,.. • raul! of die data from .he 2002 Census. Alabama ltpI Se.vices pn::>pams ""ve ....... die dWlnlce by doinllDOrt ...'ill! lea. Staff pool.ions betn ~Iirn_ i""led and cenain employft benefiu ~. R~,.arned as ...omty", fceo have been <leplclCd in order 10 con.inu.e providin, l"C .... Res.rictioo< inlJ>OfN by COO8ftl. now prohibit tI"H> pro"""" from "",kin, .uch coonawarded al1orney"' fceJ. Ihus ~Iiminaling



atI csscnliailOUltt of supplcmental fundin,. M.lr1.... hilo:. die I>t«I for high" qualily IcpJ ~ices for the poxw contin_ ues 10 pow" Willi 0>"Cf U pm:eN of fundi", ~ illl from lApl Se.vices Corpontlon in ....'alhu.,1On. die Alabama lApl Sttvices programo""" ~ac:hcd I poin! ia our 27)"1'_ h;OOI')' ,"'11m nhis boooome impna" live .o divcmfy our fundi"I~_

Foundalions and individual. have btt1l

aJl!lfOJlChcd for Iinanciall.UJ>POII" Granu from ,""n'1InlCn'allgencie. ale IOUline-

Iy 5O<I&"1 by , I.ff and a fund",isi ng cam_ pai", 5\lJlI)OI'kd by ,IK! Alat>anu SlO'"

Ibr is underway wilhin lhe pri~'le bar. IkU~r than any""" ehle .• 'tomey. under. ,and the nttd for equ.1 at:<:eU to lhe letal syslem and are tivint their suppon 10 our effons IlOl only by making finan· cial conlribulion'. bul al>o by I",,,iding dirttl ",,..,.iee.< 10 our clients on a pro bono basis Ihrou£h the Alabama Slale B.,. Volunt..,r Lawyer> Program and other . ""h program. in the ,late. Finally. .nd very importanlly. the Alabama ugal Se,..,.i ~ prognoms continue 10 "",eive vilal funding frQm the Alabama Law Foundalion throu£h il.$ IOLTA program for domeSlic vwlence wort; throutboul the SIal •. Clienl.$ of the Alabama ugal Se,..,.i""s programs "", as diverse as the Slale ilself. corompa5Sing all races. clhnic group. and aga. 1l>t!y ill(lude the wor\;· ing poor. vel"ran,. family f...."..,.. and people with di .. bililies. Some were formerly middle cl .... and became poor bo(,au$e of age. unemployme1l1. illnes, or the breakup of. family. Althougb many clienlll "'" elderly or disabled. lhe major· i,y of ,hem"", employw al one or morl' jobs lMI pay 10..' wages. The majority of clien," "'" women--mosl of them mothers wilh children. TIle legal problems focw by those living in poverly can have $Cri· 00<. long.term conscquetlCell for chilo d",n. and. as a for sociely IS. whole. The odv<JCale. of Alabama', Legal Se,..,.ices programs pro'o"ide. full range of "'...·ices 10 eligible clients in civil matte .... including coun!,.l and .,"·i"". """,i_ ation. administrative and judicial "'pre. scnlalion. appe.l , in awropri>1" cases. and let.l materials and forms. To be eligible for these servioes. a cliem·. income ofler de<iuclioru can"'" exc~ 125 pcrttnl of 1h< (edtml poveny level establi.hed annually by the U.s. of Manage men I and Budgel. Curn:ntly. this mean •. fo< e .. mple. that the monthly income for. hou",hold of four canlIOI be morl' than S l.885 befon: ,",es. AI>o. elienls muSt be U.S. ci,iullS or lepl aliens. In 2001. lbe . taffs oflbe Ihree AlaMma Ltg.l Service.< progr-.n" cJosed mon: than 14..500 cases in"olving issues ""cb 3$ cbild ~upport ..... iSlantt to bat·



lered .pouSt:<. belp with coIISu"",r fmud c..... and as,iSIaIICe in obtaining Soci.1 Security. Medicaid and OIber be~fits. In 200 I. 48 pe=nl of the case, han_ dlw ;1WOlved family law. TIley ""nlen:<! on issues such as proIo<,ion from domeslie abuse and ohild abuse. custody con· f1icl'l. child .upport and bealib. and educaliooal placement of children. Debt. barU:ruptcy and ~onsu""'r case, we", the nexl most frequent ( 19 perttnl) lype of legal problems seen by staffin 2001. Low·income individual • • particularly the elderly. often con .. 10 Ltgal Service. "'. la" n:son to belp them >01>'. displlleS o'"r illegal credil charges. "ehicle "'pai .... warr.nty and .ion cases. and inadequale wor\; per_ formed by ·£hI·· conlraC:lorS. Ltgal Services ".ff. en,ure IMI our dients art juslly t",altd and pr-o<o<ted by consume. law•. Employment and iorome maimenance ( l~ l"""en1) cases "'" among the mosl importanl handlw by 'Laff. """aLI$/: with· oul inconJe. mosl dienl'l canllOl obtain hou,ing. resolve CO'ISU""" debt prot>lenl<. obtain health Cart, ClC. TIle mosl common type. of problems in this ""'. include. denial of SSt benefits. disabilily be~fil'l or unemploymenl compensalion. a. well ... non·pay"",nl or .....g•• and benefits or wrongful discharge. Because low-income re. i<lents of Alabama face many obslacle. in main· laining decem. safe and affordable housing for lheir f.milies. dose 10 12 perttm of case, i""olve law. with OIher housing agencies. Ltpl ServicC$ . taff, "rive to prevent home· Ie.; ....... by belpint clients stabilize their hou,ing silualiolLS and avoid illegal eviclion •. Tk'" "'" pn!",nlly thltt Legal Service.; program, in AiaMma. The I''!lest of the Ihree. Ltgal Services Corporalion o f Alaham... provides free legal assistance 10 low-inco",e people in 60 counlies, with office. in Montgomery. Dothan. Mobile. Selma. Tuscaloosa. ~""". Op<lika. AnniSton.


Monroeville. and Gadsden. Locatw in Alabama's mosl <lenst:ly populated """. Ltg.l Services of Melro Birmingham pro'o"ide. legal COIln,,"l and "'l""",nI3Iion in Jefferson at><! Sbelby counlies. Lttal Service. of North Central A labama pr0vides servi"". in 1h< Ii,.. count i•• of Mad;"",. Jackson. Morpn. Li"",,,Otte. and Cullman. In the c.... him)rie' that follow. il can be seen lhat for those who canlIOI afford an .nomey. the ugal Servi"". prognoms in Alabama can ma~e lhe difference betwttn goi ng hungry and obtaining food 'lamps. belWttn eviNion or being able to .tay in yoo. home. belween remaining in. dangerous abusive .ilualion 0< ",aehinll .ruely. In solving such letal probl~ms. the", "'" also clear benefit. 10 lhe communily. Fo.- .,:ample. helping ~ family avoid los· ing the" ho"", 0< ulility ",,..,.ice can save the ci(y or counly Ilte COSI of tm<'!lency housing. Helping a qualifiw disabled penon """i~ 551 payments and Mwic.oid can .... ult in saving. of local and ,lale dollars. And. perhaps mosl impoMal1lly. making 'u'" Ihal c'''fYooe b", """'U 10 j."i".,.....,gardkss of income or personal circunl<lance--may prevenl SOmeone from laking lhe law into hi. or her ""'n lIaad, """au$e of. feding of po".trlessltess in 1h< f""" of the increasintly compkx legal,y""m


Right now. with ODe upl Se rvi<:e~ anomey per approxi."",ly 12.000 eligi_ bl. people in Alabama. the program, can otId"", only. f"""ion of the kgal .-d, o f Alabama's poor. Slill. the staffs of the Alabama Legal Services Program. advocale fo< clirnts vigoroo,ly and 10 serve a. many people as possible. The fOllowing dienl stOlin . how lhe skill. ;ngonuily. commitm<nt and tenocity of upl Servi"'" adv""alts. For Al.bama·, poor. upl Services i. a shi.ld againSt unfoimes,. a defender of individual rights and possibly the only meaILS by which low·income cilizens can M~ legal problems "'solved. WMt dots "Equal Access 10 Justi",," mean? For thoosand. of low inco"'" citizens in this Slale. il means """iving as,;stance from Alabama', Ltga] Service, Prog",,,,,,.



"h is important to remember there cannot be 'Equal Access to Justice.' as promised by the inscription on the Supreme Court of the United States building, unless there is

l.o\1.oI, 56, _ m¥OOd III her IItlJsrve IMband for 26 yurs. Aa:ofding 10 IhIIIlg...--oId dauyhtlll, the husbancl beat Lon .. cIiIily. There WIll. lomes wheo the da~tllll0d 10 poelt IIIl her tIIeedin!l met"" off ilia /Io(w' II'1II eal l lIIa police. Lottie', Iubard rr'IOWId OUt, leaving her Wltll no ~ """ no - , 10 make tht IIIObiltItune ~ He ",0s"Q08lI1y filed 101 ~, lDttIII _ . . . . . ,ted brr LIgII Alter • day-Iong I/Iaf.loIc. _ _ lied S420 • mond!~, S100 101, tu'" ""- II'IIlIWfBIilop 01 the mcl* Iont l1'li her car. $I-. IS riOW'MlIb'Ig It. kicaI daycare C8!t~ II'1II his bWlllble to keep rnoOiIe tune brr ~ng back payments doe on ilia hDrnI Wlth the money ,eeeMid hom tht trial



Case .2 Mikbd. ........... , ~ woman ~." f8SIIIoonu .... \II her $iSUIi, _ 1<*1 !hilt sill aM:I rot 8iYOI her chid ill publIC IChooI .ne:u shI! QIliJId po-oduoa • lease IIlcww1g !hilt sI'e _ I bonIi lide res*tt 01 her sisteo-'s horne. Since $hi! was no! on Ilei S,Sleo-', ieast, .... ~ I ment ollila o;hiId _ denied. legal s..- inteMned Wlth the IIoaid 01 tducaOO'l and ilia child was allowed III iIrfOIl ill school

'Equal Access to Justice.'W Hon, Frank M, Johnson. IonnBr presiding judge,

Middle District of

Alabama, United States District Coult

Case .3 lairy, a W1)dlflCi family man. IostlliS diiV8f'S IicaIsIr tJecause he was iowoIvacI in a a.tomobde accident v.41oc:tt the police de ......... was his fault, He Me 00 insurance. Witlwt his diiYtl', bme, I..-ry had no -.roy to get to and " om wort. His ;Jb Will in jeopIidy. Wtlh help "(lfTllIgiI snm, • tettIInwrt _ readied ~ lM!y ~ to PI"! kw tht dimagIs in IItIII _tilly ~ and tIlI_ of till other at JiI(MdecI a '1:Ofldj1iOnll release' 10 INt lMr(s dn'lllf'lliainse aMI be IlIl1S1ated l1'li ht aMI IXitttRil to wort. •

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Lawyers oin the Volunteer Lawyers Program and nceive tile "Basic Issues of law" manual on a 3路112" disk, free. This manual covers nine "bread-and-butter" areas of the law, including adoption; bankruptcy; collections litigation; divorce, custody and post-divorce; guardian and (ol1servator by court appointment; mortgage forec:losure; powers of attorney; and will drafting. To join, simply complete the form below and mail to: Volunteer Lawyers Program, Alabama State Bar, P.O. Box 671, Monllomery, Alabama 36101. Upon receipt of your enrollment form, the VlP will mail to you the " Basic Issues of Law" disk.




Enrollment Form

Alabama State Bar Volunteer Lawyers Program P,O. Box 671. Montgomery. A~bama 36101


Phone (334) 269-1515, e>1. 301 ' FaJC (334) 261-6310 '



I Add ress

TelephonelFax Nurnbe<


I will two c . . . . .f.rr.l. In In. following .....: o AdoptionJLegitimalions 0 Bankruptcy o Family Law

o Real Property

o Probate

o Where you need me

Get on the list of very important people. Enl'OII today!! L _____________ ~-----------~------------J

_11._ . . YLS Executive Committee Named, Events Scheduled J",,! P. Smith, EufaUla l . Man""", Slcjl'hcns. Bim,inlll'am

This )In.. promises 10 be III excili ... one I.". the YounllLawyell' S«!ion. We ha.e In OUlS!.OO;n& IJ'OOp 01 )IOOng IlIIQ<ne)I$ from IICr04S the Ilale who ha"" ~ 10 deVOle sigJIifican\ timo and I'UOUIttI by servi", 011 the Exec~ti"" Commiu<-e. M.mbf/!1 of the 2OI)2.2OOJ Alabama YOU"l Lawyen' EucOO""

J .~

Harlan F. ...."onn. Birmingh:lm

R. TucwYan«. Mobile

Commi1ltt ~, SUWl Y. Luo;I;ie, Mobile---puido"'H:1ca 8 """"", l . Bock. BimU~ o.;oti .... D. Crow, Union Spoinp-4tl!~ Todd S.~. I>iobile--i."""""'Me putpoWdenl

Nolan E. Awtny. Birmin&h&m Roben N. Boiley. U. Hunl,ville

Robtn E. Bailie. Birmi naham Lallarmn

N. Boone. MOlu,o.... '1

Iknjamin M. Bowden. Andalusia Ann.o KatbeTinc Bowman. Birmingham 8 ryan N . Cigebki. Mobile Paul J. OeM""",. BiJmin&ham Suunne C. Do!1ct~ lIuntnille Apoil A. England. ~I""" J<U\'IeS F. Hughey, III, 8 imUfI&Iwn GTqo.y B. McCain. Dodwo

I'alri<:k S. McColman. Ancbhuia Cfllil D. Mani ... Mobile Ap<ilah O. Millsaps. Tuscaloou l OiSCpll A. Morris. Dothan Jamu B. Pium.,, Daphne R<>bin P. Fnurcis RoliJOn. Mobil. Roman A. Shaul. Mootll"""''1 37 8



M. Te",,11. Birmingham

Kimberly C. Walb.' f, Mobile

I take this """,,",unity 10 thank immediale I':lsI I"n'$idem Todd St •..tun<)'U lor III of hi. irani work and leadenhip !hi< put )'tar. This yeM ""~ ,,"'ill be impkmenlinl many i"""'''li...,~. On Wa:!nesday. OcIObcr 16,,,,,,,, bar admiuees par. ticipated in the admi$$ions ct"''''''''Y rNl .....". "'XN'dinata:! by !l.«<uti"" Comm;11Ce Member Christl' Cro .. in conjn"'-'lioo with Ille ilia" of the"", Sl:Ile Bar. Speci.llhanl:.< g<) 10 Chrilly 100 the AI. ba"", S",. Bar Slaff mcmbe!1 who made 'hi' .""nl one 10 ",,,,,,m·



".,. YounllLawyeB' S«tioo will be sport"';",. special continui"l Iqal f/duc~ioo ~mlnar in Birmingham lale. this year, W. hope I(t the ~mi­ nar 011 Frilby, N<wtmber 22, the dIoy btf"", .... Alabuna-Aubum pme. We Hpcc1 to hi"" IIWIW:mIU judxes from ICro$$ the Male ~ak 011 ........ IOpics. Please mak. son 10 mart; your caltndar... ;~ .. ill oot OIIly be informa\i"", but will provide • maoc., I.,.. >lIOmOyI ..1oo unlil the Iut minute" 10 ''''' their a..E houll lor the ynr, Once again ..... will be <pOIIsori ... the MlrIOrhy High Sd.ooI l'ft·Law Conf......... , wruch has proven 10 be one of the 111<»1 meanin,ful e"en~S hosla:! by the YLS. l1>e c<,"ference i$ designed to "" "ide an inside look al .... legal profeuiort 10 \ho$e mir>Orily high


IChooI .. udcnc, in~td in punui"l I Iopl ca/ftO". We ........1· Iy ~ C/'Vn 100 high IChooI studentS in IIICnd.arn. The "u· denlS p!hI"r II "lOrn> UnlYIDllY and In! divided i1MO ..... 11 ~ ror inW\lC1ion _ dilCUssion with $UC:ttSSrul _ di .. in,ui~ mir>orily ..... mbtrs of Lhe bar. lbi. cv..nllw con· linued 10 lei billie, alld bell .. ~lC h y~1I" and under chairman I... lla,,,," Roon.·. Icode"hip. Ihi , ~II" .hould be no excep-


lion. 1" odo.lltiQII. t.... YL$ ,,·ill be impl ...... "ling Lhe Alabama S.. t" 11M' Mcnlnrlng Pn>g .... m . lbi, I'fIllI'Im addrn$e< the: I:OIIC<1"1t tlw many IU-CftI IIw IChooI padualcs are 1101 bel", I.... pnot"lkal aspects of pnoC1icinl IIw duriD11aw school. ()nc.. implenltn!td.!be P'ogJ"'" ... ill.....,h!be ra:tnI p i ....... Lhe praC1ica1 aspecU of pncIicinK Law by pairial the: recenl ,"""alCi ,..itlt ochl"r """" exper1enad .nomcyo throu&h<K" Lhe ...1•. The MomorlnB I"rogrIm has ~n I WCttU in ocher st.:IleS. .IId we hope to h."" this pmg"" n aoi", In "Iaha"", in 11"1< "" ... fulum. ustly. I.... YLS Sand estin s.-nlino, ,,·iII be .... 1<1 again in MlY 2OtH . lbi, O'Y<;nt is on. oft .... h;&ltlighls 01"111<> yu, for ..... 5t"<Iion. _ ;1 provitlts I ".,..,hani,m for )'QUn, alLor....y. :IoCfON the: >Ill ... to pin CLE cm!it _ mcft and =hangc ideas. as ""II as min Lhe beO. The i;uani"" Commitltt ...illll.o be , peatbtading tIWI)'


(Bill) II. Odurn. Jr. Board Certified EnlomoloJist Liligation Testimony - Enlomology Consu ltal ions P.O. Box 1571 Dothan. AL 36302


Office :


Facsimile: 3J4..671-86!i2




more projects ,,·hich In! 100 c.dwolotlve \0 Ii .. hem. I reel confi· dent that Ihis y....... &.cuti..., Comm;11ee i. up to ..... "haIlc",. 01" furtlltrin, Lhe lOlls of the cnli,.., , Wle bar... ,...,11 .. tbc

YOtIn, LII,,,· Seclion.

The Alabama Stale Bar lawyer Referral SeMce Gin provide you with an excellent means of earning a IMng. so It Is liard 10 btlleYe that only three pe«ent of Alabama attorneys partldpale In this set\'lal lRS wants you 10 consider joining. The Lawyer RdenaI ~ Is not a pro bono legal seMct. ~ ~ to dIiIl"gI! no ~ than 125 for an IniIIiII <lIINl1tation, not to exll!el :w minutes. 11; after the ~ the attorney deddes to ao:epI the case, he or she may then charg1! his or her 00fTI1iI11ees.

In addition 10 earning a fee for your servlCl!, the greater rew<lrd Is that you will be helping your fellow dtb:ens. Most refmal dlents have never contacW;l a lawyer before. Your counseling may be all lhat Is need~, or you may offer flIrther servICl!s. No lMtIer what the outcome of the Initial consultallon, the next time they or their friends or famIly need an attorney, they will come to you.

For 111011! inform.ltlon about the lRS, (l.lII\lI(l the statt bar at (8001 354-4;154, letting the rtQPtionist know that you an! an attorney In!~ed In btwmlng a member of the U!wyer Reftrral 5ervke. Armual fffs an' S100, and eadl mtrnber must provide proof of professional liability InsumnCl!.

• N.~,,,,, lSlIn'C'b) gj\m 1<'1 rruk Oll't! C; IIl "ho practiced I." in B~ aDd ~ "hnnboou;a,., unln(>\Oon.1haI puf)UallllO "" order 10 sOOvo of ..... Oi$ClplU\&f)' c............... oflbc All"""'" SI&1~ IW. dalN April 29. 2002. be loa> 60 da~s from die _ o f1luo publialioa (NO'oember is. ~OO21 t~ """'" lJIIorompliar>l,c ... iIh 1M Cli .... ~· FIJDd ~ ~ for 2002.


Nt>n<:omrIWICC 10M !be ('I .... ' license'. ["SIl CSt "0. 1.12-36J


FIJDd ~ ~t sballlftIIlI ...... ~_ ofhis

Reinstatements On Aup" 14.2002. tbo Oi.dplinaty Commission ~n~red "" order dissoh"'" R~J Don Jlat.', ... m_ mary .... pension and ft"irutatin, him to the practice of la .... in Alabama.I Rule 20(.); ASB Pet. No. 02-06] On June 24. 2002. tbe Di.dplinsry fI.oartI. ~IIV_ .nt.m! an order di •..,h,in. Gadwn attorney Joltn Ed,,·.", C unn lngll"m 'l inl<1in' ""pen.ion. Th" dissolu,iOOl"'os conditioned on ,be ,,"0000' th.>t Cunningham odbere to lbe terml of tbe order •• ,.red M.y J I. 2002. which CQllditlQrU induilcd that on audi, of Cunnln&h=·' tru.t ....,oont be condUoCIN by a ••• ified public IICOOllnt,mt in onIcr .o i1ctcrmine wbether tbere had ~n ""y mis.o.ppropria tioo of di.nt fulld •. Cunningham was also ordem! to panicipote In and comply wilh any ~ui",,",,ntl pl~ 011 him by the AI.bamII .....wytt·. A"i"ance Pro&ram and the LIt ... Office M ....,.'""nt A.. i"""",, f'rop3m ofllM!Alabama St:l1oC U.... IRule 20(.); AS8 ~. No.


• On July 23. 2002. Panotl I of the Disciplinary Boord mlr«d an order di...,lyinS Slb'lI C..... Jr.'. ""mmary ... spemioll and rri......un, bim 10 the pnclitt of law in !be Swe of Alaboma. IRule 20(0);



No. 02.09]

Disbarments • Tho AJabMp. S~ Court odop!ed an order of the DiKipiinary Board. Panotll. dilbarring Mobil< a"or_ nq II"",, Snrilllll\>nd, IV from 11M! pacticc of law in the Stale of Alabama ~1fCC1;"" June 1•. 2002. Pond was intmmly IU'pended on M"",h 2 1. 1997. ...a-e filed and senlf(! by publication. No an.wen: w= f,led and IItfaul .. _re . ntered 011 Sc-ptembcr 24. 2001 . Pond', ",","ific wbe",abouu .are unmown .1Id he hal had 1'10 con""" with the bar. The 'h ..... case! in'Olved the willful neilect o f legal mltt~rs ~ntl'\lSlN to Pond. In AS6 No. 9&3 19. Pond 1I!iO mi~pP<QPrialcd fullds belongi", to the fimt and anolhtr dient in order '0 1"'1 o ff the CQmplainin&cli.nt in whose case

be bad ~ 10 fil< ... iL The amount in quowioll ..... """"", 5 10.000. ShonJy beilll con_ fronted about this. Pond di~.ared from the Mobile .area. without 0 word or notice to !tis former law panncn. or his family.


In addil;on to the Ituu case' " 'bich .are at issue in the fornW dW'ges. there ...·~re 5().55 0IJl<"I' files which Pond handled in Similar fashioo. The remain· ing members Orthe Ilw finn,:lnd otbcr lawyer vol· um spent hundreds of houl"l' trying to senile. I~ client.<. whom Pond had neglected .nd .bandoned. The firm members bad to ultimately refund $37.000 10 cli~nt.< briol rePf""'ntcd by Pond. II was abo It~ that Pond. in offect. was . Iealioi from tbo fum ....,oont. i""",mentally. and In 1"",11 amount.<. A, "'.... point. Pond 10ld hi' pracnt ~~. wif. ttw the finn bad not ~n poyi", him monies 10 " 'hich he wos .n'itled. ,,·hile OMOcialN with the ftrm. llH: n· ... if. dl<n bn.>uaht. cllim for Pond'. unpaid """'poMatiotl. Thil claim was fwlld 10 be without morit.


Under Scction 9_22 of 11M! Allbama St..mrdl for ["'l""Sina LltW)'t1 DiKipiine. the too.rd found ~ ~ foclOrl" luIyi",lIpPIic.ability 10 a dolor· minatioll of distipi .... in these tbrtc CDa. A=w-din&Jy. it ..... the docision of the DisdplilW)' Boord tbat Pond be disbarred from 11M! pacticc of law. ~1fCC1i"" the ~ of the order ",,10m! June 14. 2002. raobcr tlwIlIM! dale of hi. earlier intmllllul' peMioa.IASB ..... 96-223(A). %-)(I9(A).t. 97· 164(A)] The Suprt" ..... Court of Alabama adopIed ... order of

the Disciplinary Commissio... dated January 28. 2002. di>burin, UirmillJlUm attorney John 51.......

o.,·idson from the practice of IIW in the Sta,. of Alabama to be offCC1i"" retroilCt''''' 10 N<lV"mbcr 16, 2001. On October II. 2000. Davidion pled i ullty 10 three criminal charges in li1e U,S. Diltricl COlIrt for the Northem Di.trkt of Alabama. llH: cNaraI'$ con _ .i,1N of bankruptcy hoJ. rono<'alment o f •• octS from a tru"" io bankruptoy. and perju" in bank· lU~y "'lUrt. All these crime. COII"i,uted fdony

........ the Uni.ed S1.aIeS Code. David..,., ..... !IeI1'cncW '0 ~ one


year in a f<!de"'! ~.ional radli.y. On November 16. 2000. Davidson_ in1eri.m1y ouopended pouwanIlO Rule 20 of Iho AJ.obama, Rules of Oiseiplinlfy Proccdu",. Da,-icbon "'w .. 1cHcd from prison on Augus' 12. 2001. The Disciplinary Board. Porocl V. ~nlc~

an onkr on October 23. 2001-

deltmlini.n, tIw Davicbon·. crimes o(l...IiNted "serious criroes~ ........ rulcs 8(~)(l) and l'2(a)(2) of \be Alabama Rulr$ of Oiseiplinary Procedu"" Prior disdpliroc w;l$ ronsid· ered. (Rule 22(a). Pe •. No. 01.(131



• Mobile S'tpl!w KrHh Orso was interimly suspended from the pr1IIC,ice of law in the Sl.. e of Alabama pur. >tWt! 10 Rule 20(1). ALa/:IolJn>. Rules of Dilciplinlry ~. by order of the OiIciplinlry CommiJSion of \be Alabama SWc S. <bled July 17. 2002. The Disciplinary COIIlmis.sion found thaI Orso'scolllinuoed practice of law i. ClUsi<l$ or il ~"'Iy 10 cause. immediOle and oerious inj.., 10 IlII dimls or 10 the public. (Rule 20(1); ASB I'd. No. 02·

''1 • Effective July 22. 2002. >uomey 110...... Ann S.ory (""""'Ieo) of A\exando-r Ci.y has been suspended f....... the pncIic:c of law in the S,* of Alabama for IIOtIC0000ipliance "';111 the 2001 MondIIory Continuing Legal BdllCa{ion rtqui .. ",.nll of \be Alabama Stale Bill". (CtE 02·1441

• Eft«ti... July 12. 2002. anomey J _ Roland Cotkrril oIl.oeds has beeII the proruc:.: 01 law in the Sf.Ole 01 Al.Ibama for noncompliantc with the 2001 MondalOr)" COll1 inui"i LepJ &location l«Iulmncnl$ of the Alabo>m:a Stale [0£02- 107)

~ from


Effective: July 12. 2002.11Wme)' Mic .....1 Dou&las IItmn of Jrkson. Milsis.sippi has beeII,u'pended from lhe practice of law in (he Slale of Alabama for noncompliaoce with (he 2001 Mandau",. Continuing Lepl Ed..winn "'"Iu;"'mcnu of the Alabama Stale Bar. (Q.E02-4'.i) Effeclive July 22. 2002 • • uomty Gtorge t' nouer G~l" or J""kson. Mis.sis.sippi has beellsuspended from

the pnctice cI bw in !he State cI

...aVOId. In the _

Alabama for noncompliance with {he 2001 Mand310ry Conlinuing Legal EdllCalion rtqu;",mell1. of the Alabama SUOle Bar. IctE02·)6]

dered against NidInb. the funds held in

• Effecllw l ull' 22. 2002. luome,. (.1aude """,.ell M<R .... Jr. or Gulf Sbon:s hu been suspended froo" the praclice of law in "'" SlOle of Alabama for IIOIlCOIIIPliance with the 2001 Mandalory ConIinuilll LepI EducMinn """,i"""",,1S 01 \be Alabama Stale Bar. (CLE 02-«l] • Effecli.'e July 22. 2002. o"ome)' De\lnnMS~nd"l"$ lligglnbo'ha", of Do<han has beeII .... ponded from the pncIic:c of law in the S,* of AIDmo for , .... OOOI'lpIiIDoe .... ith \be 2001 Mondalory Conlinuing Lepl EdllCl1ion "",lIi"''''''nts of the Alaba ..... S.... Bar. [CLE 02. 1191 Pelham lloomey William o.."id Nic:hoIa was suspended from \be prac. {ice of b..... in \be Sf.Ole of Alabama for • periQd of two yean. n:1ro.c' ''-cly 10 M"",h 23. 2001. lhe da1e of hi. inlOrin> su'pon.oion. ",ith crt:dil for SO days 10 be liven ,oward IUs (..... ~... 11l$pen' oion. from SqMmber 28. 2000 1broup November 17.2000. which was tbe period ofa prior ",111«1 inttr· im s"'pension. by onIer of the Alaba ..... Suprt"'" Coun. The wprtme roon .... en:d its order based upon the decision 01 \be Disciplinary CommiWoo 01 \be Alabamo Sf.Ole Bar.

In ASB No. 02·I09(A),!he com· pl.inln! hirtd Ni<hols in I<)9S 10 han· dk. "".-ton' compenlWion ""lion. Sbe alleaed thaI Nidlols did ~ on her case and $topp<d communical· ;111 with her in July 2000. NOte lhal this complain{ was not filod u"til March 2002. N'<1>o1 , waived the filing of fonnal dwga and odmiued !hal he vinlaled Rule 1.3 and Rule 1.4(1). A.R.P.C. in ~ <:a$f'. No ratitution "'... Rque>ted orordcred.


1 jud&:ment II .....

will be paid 10 ",,'sly !he jodg,,,,,nl.

In ASB No. OI-2O(A). 1'<ldds pled

,..uiry II) dIorJ<:i IIM!u&h VI1l. vi0lations of rules 1.1. 1.3. IA(b). IS (.). In1l ' .4(1). (~). (d). and IJ). A.R.P.c.. ..,.,cuvoly. Nidd. aped 10 make .... iMion 10 the complain31ll

in (he arrounl of

~"". In ASB No. OI-46(A). Nichols pled

pity 10 dIorJ<:i I " - ' " VI. viobtions 01 RIles 1.3. 1.4(.). 1.4(b). and 3.4(1). (d). and (g).A.R.P.C .. ~i,"ly, Nkhols ~ 10 "","",= =lirulion 10 the cornpIainanl in the amow" 01 S 1.(0).

In ASB No. OI-48(A). Nic:bok ""'""'" 10 male "'5tirubon IO""""'"Y Gerald M. 1'1lC1II:lJI. ",hich .. ,,111'' ' 11$ ",fmal r_ forcliems .. fenro 10 Nkhols by I'l'Ct'man in w1x>se ~ Nichols obIIined and coIle<:Ied 6aoed upon N"oddJ'l 11'((11"'11110 male,.w· lWon. the fo-n>aI charF" ........ dismiW!!<!_


" 0.0'" /'<ftaIIy S<miaoo 0._ "'I VII"


"LooHnllllt _

- , . J I - f * - y (.100))



11... , ........ " __ _ _ I_.-....""''1 .. ~

. . . - . . . , " - c.p;r.l c-.

• r_,p ....... . - _ .. DI'C_ • ,,_,'. . . . -...1_01)• TftI. .

or...a-.. .,..,.

• " ... Dtn._ _ _ _1

In ASB No. OI.{j8(A). Nid,01s pled

guill)' 10 charges 11hroJa)t IX. ,ioIationI oInrles 1.3, 1.4(1). 1.15(1). 1.1S(b). U 5(~). In1l U(I). (~). (d). and W. A.R.P.c.. ~"Iy. 1'<oddJ daimed that the fuo>ds wtn: ........d 10 him for prior 1epI......-t. 1'<""",1. has ~ 10 plaoe the arroull\ in ofup.Ile In Irti';t 10 be held umil welt time as the civil is


lloool. - , . _ 'I AL (20)>) 119-7000 _ IIIUO 0\1

lJOO ,,'_-.. ~ "

In AS8 No. 01·65( .... ). Nichol. aa~ ~o forfd~ and fora.i"" any f_ w CO£t. i""u""" during hi, ... prescn .. • Ii"" of the rompllinanl in wodef·, romprnsalioo case. BIMd "P"" !hal ""","mcn~. !he fomlll charJes wu.: d ismissed.

a rw.-ral

In ASB No. 01-97(.... ). Nirhok plod piky In chqa IIhmup IX.• joJ ....... of ...... 1.3. 1.4(1), I.I~').I.I»). ).4(0). ond 8.4(1). (e). (d). IOId W.

A.R.P.c.. ~Iy. Nicboit acrto.110 "...., rePimrion 10 ill< .........Iinanl in "Wilta""" ..iIh ill< ICmIJ of. cMl judgmcnI ,""'.00 ap;ns. Nidools in dw 01 KdJJ ~ n-.,..... CV·94-(l2. in ill< COUll. ole.... County. IIbhamo "" .... l"il 24. 2001.


ASB nos. ON17( .... ). 01 .... '( .... ). 01· 49( .... ). 01 -191(.... ). and 01·264(A)


di5mi ssW in ud\al'~ for Nichol,·, pie,.

ASO nos. 0 1-122( .... ). 01-241( .... ). <)9. 271 (.... ). 00-171 (.... ). 00-127(11). and 91-269(A) •.-ere di,miued Up"" Nichols·, "3=n.. nl!O make: run resll. Mi"" in u.c:h c~se. These cases we ... ba<cd prinwily """". th:ll Nichol. aceepled ",prescntation and a re\a.i_ and then did liule or no ",·ork in I~ malic' or was .ulprndcd In.,. .. Ct"plina the representation and ",tai...,. and unable KI prrfnrm I~ lcpI services. [.... SB nos. 97·269(,0.).

99-271( .... ). 00-127( .... ). OO-I1I(Al. 01. 08(A). 01·20( .... ). 01-46(A). 01 .... 7{A). OI-48(A). 0 1-49(,0.). OI-65(A). 0 1_ 97( .... ). 01-122( .... ). 01·191{ .... ). 01· 241{ .... ). OI-264(Al. 02..(l7{A). and 02· 109(A)1 • The Su,,",me COlIn of .... LabamIo ..,Iemllll order adopun& !he onkr 01 !he Oi"';pliowy Board. Panel I. MISpendin, former DoIhan "lOme)" Ed ....nI M id ....1V'"'''' frol1lthe pncUce 01110 ... in the Swe 01 Alabama elf",",ive J..... 14.2002. fOf 1 prriod of 91 day". YOIIIIl- who ",·u previoully ......,.r>dcd for 91 day. effccti"" May 19. WOO. ",-as found , .. illy ohioilling Rule 1.3 and Rule 1.4(1) of the Alabama Rules of Profession.1 CoodUCI. Y,",ng acccpled Sl.SOO KI bandle. case for 1 clienl. 11>crtafttt. Younw abandoned ki' J1iK' lice: wilhom noIice 10 Ike client or ""-urn of any fea. Fonnll cklrgtl 382

NOVHM81111 1001

WC'" serwd 011 Young by c,,"ifled mail ..... .udress in Columbus. G«q;ia on November 1S. 2001. Young failed or ... f..sed to answ« and I def.ult ",-as ,,"11'«<1. Young did oot appnr .. tho scheduled hearing on discipline.. [ASB No. 99-104(.... )1


• 0.. M"",h 1~. 2002.. !he Coon '" Abbama adopIcd ill< Fd!ruIIy 21. 2002 order ""~ by !he Discipliowy Board. Panel 1. a:cepIi", tho ,wily pin em=d by funner ROUIOte "lOme)" Willi2m M otp>l Buu", invoIvi", lea bar rompiainll; filed apillSl him. la ASO No. 98.)26( .... ). Butler pled !uilty to clwJc III. in>"Ol~;ng Rule 8.4(c) [ntiscondUC1J '" tho Alabama Rules '" Prof.. \ional Conduct. In .... S8 No. 00298( .... ) and 96-000( .... ). Butle, ",-aind W fiJi"g of formal ~1wE" and ~nll'«<ll plel of , billy 10 a violatioo of Rule 13 (diligence] ofw .... Iabama Rules of Professional Conduct In ASS

No. %-85(,0.) and No. %-108(A). DUlle. "l"'C'lIO refund the focs paid by lbe complainants. In lbe remaining (a.e! caplioned BUlle. pled lIuil ty II> all ch~cs contained the .. in. Two of the C:.lS<'S in'lOI,·ed vioLolions of Rule 1.1 [.OInptIC"".];onccase in'lOlved. violati"" of Rule ).4(1) [fairness KI oppooing pany and coun· sell; roo. of the cases involvod ~iob· lion, of Rule 13 jdiligtnal. Rulc 1.4(') [comm""icalion]; Rule 8. 1 (b) (bar admission and disciplinary mal· .... 1; lwo involved violalions 01 Rule •.4(c) (~l: add lIRe i ....... ved vlOlallons '" Rule 8.4(r) [misconducll of!he .... 1obarno Ru!e$ '" Profti5iorW CorIducL Outler ="h"Cd I )().month ouspcmion reuo.:tive KI July 14. 1999. He lIso ~ to re .... bouw !heAbbama Sw. B..', aiml Securily I'Imd !he wm 01 $5.265.00. "ThiI amounl ... iII be paid in full on or before one year from the dale of !he onIo. enten'd by !he Diseiplinory Board. The inl<rim "''f'CIUion ..,11'«<1 on July 14. 1999 will be dissolved by op,nllioo of Rule 2O(c)(2) of the .... I.bama Rules of Diseiplinary Proo:~u"'. [AS8 ""'" 95.229(A). 9S267(A). %-03(A). 96-85( .... ). 96-


10&(.... ).98-325( .... ). 98-326{A). 9930( .... ). <)9·19-I{A). and OO-298{A)1


CALENDAR! I nternational Conference on A ddictions

For Legal and Medical Professionals (CLE Approved)

Dates: February I & 2, 2003 Place: Montgomery Civic Center, Montgomery, Alabama



"Addiction Screening /or The Profess ional:" "Clinical. Medica! and Legal Issues in Addictioll and Childhood Trallma ; " "Lawyers Helping Lawyers and The Firm; " "Professional Assislance Programs Case Review,''' "Federal Law and Addie/ion; " "Can Opioids Calise Addiction? " and " The Legal Ethical and Medica/ Issues

Related to Narcotic Use. " For more information, caI.J. the Council on $ubstan« Abuse (NCADD) at (14) "%-16%, (email:

o. contact Jeanne Marie Leslie at «3:14) SW-'7S7••


"'",", "01",,

RATES Rates: M"",b~rs: Two frllll lislings of 50 wools 01 less per bar member per calerdar yea< EXCEPT for 'posilion wanled' 01 'pOSition offeff!d'$35 per insertion of 50 words Of less. $,50 per <Oddil imal wud; Nonmembers: 135 per inser1ion of 50 WOlds ".tess. $.50 per additional word. Classified 00fIi and ~ mo,1 be received according \(I tile following publ ishing schedIJ le: November :1002 i$Sul deadline September 5. :1002; J ....... ry 2003 i$Sue-deadline Na.oember 5. 2002: Mard1 2003 issredeaoJ line January 5. 2003. No deaoJl ine extensions will be made. SeOO classified 00flY and pavment payable 10 TIle Alaballl<l Lawyer. to: AI/lIJama LawyerClassiileds. c/o Shaooon Elliott. ~O, BoK 4156, Monlgomery. Alabama 36101 ,

Position Offered • STAt'F A'ITORNE\": Posilion .""ilable with Alabama Supn:mo COUrt Justi"'" Douglas Johnstone. Applicant.< must be "",mben of tbcAlabama Sial. Bar, Applicants mu,1 h",'. at I.asl ooe, and pn:r.r, ably"""", j'ea", • • perience I"'"'ticing law and must hll'" legal "'starrh and wriling experie""". Submi1 resu"",s and wriling sampl.,. ASAP to Juslice Johnswne. 300 Oe:<ICT Avenut, Manigo"",,),. AI.bama :>6 104.

Services QDII.OS AN D I'ENSIONS: QDRD drofting ('" ER ISA plan •. military ",tired pay division ordtrs. (ode",!. State. county and municipal plan,. fixed fee $.485 per oru.r, including.1I com:sponden<e wilh plan and revi.ioos. AUlhor, Th. Compl.,. QDRO HGmibook (publislltd by Amerkan Bar AS>IICiatioo). and frequenlspeaker al CLE scmin:m. We al s.o pr0vide pension v.I">lions arod .<pert te"imany for di""",e and malpmcti"", cases. David Clay too Carrnd, QDRO Solulions. Inc .• 2914 Professi"""l Parl<way. Augusta. Georgia J0901. Call 81)0.813. 3716 or c·m';l uS at injo@qJrruolulioru.nn • PARTY BAND: parties. weddings, re<:eplions. or OIher sp«';al ~"enl$. Big eight.piece brind including tJu-ee.pioce hom .\oeCtionlhal play. tttylhm and blues. rock. etc, Big Daddy', New Band f.aluring Cindy Grill. Call Frank ~lIi at (205) 185-4196. W~b ,;Ie: BDNB.8K. com . • INSU RANC E EX I'ERT W ITNt:sS: J'«.ooly e.pen wimes.s. Th'.",y y~ars' ~. perio""" in ri,k rnanag~mtnt in<ul"lll>CC conSUlting. Pre--foling e .... lu.· 384

NOV E M HE M 2002

~on, deposilioo and lriaL Policy "",-erago, capli,'es. ex"",,,. deductiblu, self insunlIl<e, og.ncy operalions. dirttt wril~"', propeny loss preparation. Member S.R,M.C. ConlaCt Douglas F. Milkr, Employers' Risk Manag.ment. Phont (205) 995· 0002. Binningham or WATS (800) 462-5602. ~'OIl.ENS I C SC I ENTI ~,

EXPt; RT W ITN ESS: BoS .. 1.0 .. min:d laboratory direclor with <wer 2!i yoan' e. perience as I forensic ""iemisl providing teslimony in lucal, Sta'" and ft&taJ eourts. Additi0ll31 skill, induti<: fo", ye ..... litigation experi· once in pro.<eCulion and def.nse. Consultalion and evalualion of ("",.sic rna'ters in eivil or criminal cases, Lawden H. \".,es. 215 2 1" Streel. Nonh. Suite 200. Binningh.m 35203. Phone (877) 250-8233. E, mail: lawdtny @~ ,i'P-n~l, IIIGIIWA\" SAI'L,\" ANI) TRA n ' l e ENGIN EEII.ING: Roadway and .-oM,iti<: hazards, im.t'SO<'lions. gmde c"-,,sings. WOfk zones, """idem rte01"lru<t;on. failure to wam. ele. GE Lohr. PF_ Box 12339, Charl.. wn. So.uh Ca">li",, 29422--2339. Phone (843) 795·12 18, E-mail: lohrg@msn.cOtlt, • S ECURITY NEGLlG~;NCE : NOlional expert on eri"", liabilily: shopping ""nlers. hotels, schools, dubs. Dirtctor of renowned uni" .... 'ly gradua", gram; author of eighl books and 35 ""id" on crimi· oology. sec urity. Poli"", aoadrmy director. Appeared 011 C NN Ne ..... Today Show. Denali .... Dr. Michael Clay Smith. J.D .. Ed. 0 .. LL.M. Phone (601) 264·


mo. ENGINt; ERINGfCONSTII.UCTION EXPERTS: Orai""g'. Slru<tural. mechanical. roof,ng, . ltem•• I, process chemical. EfFS (SlUCCO). mold and milti<:w. HVAC; r", resiti<:nlilll housing. indusmal and chemi·

cal fac:ililie$. pipelinco. comprt'SS<l< scalions, """"""n:i.1 building', and pon suucu.res. Provitk ""pe., 00fI. SUU<\iod cbi"" and di.pule onalysi •• Provide """'puler animation of wuc· wn! behavior ur><lN loIo:k. Ex~ \eSlifyi", ""pens ... i,h licensft and c n'dontiall. Company enginceri", and 00fI1I'aCI« liccMCS ill Abbama and louWana. COIItaC! lIal K. Cain. Mobile. """"" (334) 66 1· 260:S. E-mail: lkcaj~ .JokaIho ...... Web lite: --....Ittcai..........

• E.XPERT W ll1'I'ESS: Dewk"''',,'''''1 disabiliU61m..."a1 mardaciolll.".a ..

......... ionI....... taI hoeaItMII".,illlllomc and hospital ,WIdard of cano-El]l<'tl .. itneos ....... ic.. providtd n:lalN 10 orandanI of can: ill hoeallll and hwnan $<""'Ice .ncleo. William A.


Lybatjn". Ph.D. Phone (620) 221 · 6415, E-mail: Ilyb<l~r~yaJwo.r:om. Web . ile: ""' ..... ,OIIylft<'~r.ctJm.

• POCUMEI'o"l' ~:xA1'>IINU{: fuaminalion of q....1ion«/ documoms.. C"';fted forensic bandW1i1i"l and docu· menl examiner. Thiny· r" ., y.....' ""pe. ricnce in ..I forensic doeumon. prot.. ~rns. Fonncrly. chi.f q~ docu· men. analyst. USA Criminal 1nves1;gaOOn ~oric&. Diplomale (cntifitdj-AB FDE. M=bcr:ASQDE: W. SADJ'E: NACOL Rcsun", and f.., >ehcdule upon request. Han. Ma~ Gi.dioc:Ia. 218 Mcnymon. Drive, Augusca. G:apl30907. Pholne(706) 8tJO.4267. • TRMTIC ACCWE/II"I' RJ.:CONSTRUCTION IST: This ...... · DCCI" has ~ O¥cr 3.000"";. dmts in 23 ........ hip"ys. smets. railmads and high ..-ay conotI\IttiooI ZODC:I

ifMII..u.,; 1I\ICb. ..... CIQ,

pcdesui3nI. nW. and

rarm i~

mrnu. ~.~..-....;f13S .., prqwM II) illusmolc his opinioft$, 0.-... 46 yan' ~ ""peoi",u. Rq:i~ prof......... ~ and fuU bowd cntif_ion by ACTAR. CooIact John T. BaIt$. P.Ii ToII·flft (800)m-~.

• AlTTO INJURY R.: V,,; W: 1Ioanker. lilied modicaJ .<p<ci"im in Alabama for ~ of mcdic:allKOfd< ...,lallll8 10 moIor .... hid" acciden ... For def<ndan1, Prompl.w'l-Iround. AI'3iloble for e. pen restiroony. Phone (256) 539·1211 . Fa.. (256) 529-4007. E-mail: .hJmd@hiM-aay.IWI.

.·ORENS IC UANI)WRITINGAND nocUr.U:/I<o" l' EXAMINER : Th'enly yean' experience in docun""n."nmi· .... ioou: te.uif>td in .... te and federal coonl. Retired so,,;"" docu ...... ,. .~...u and di",iplint mi.f. Alabama Otpanmen. of Form<ic ScicIlCel. Membco". Qt>esUoncd Documen. Section-Am<riean Academy of Fore""ic Sc~: Sooolhta$l<1'1l A..ociation of ForeD$ir Docu .... Euminen: SouIberD ASSO<."iaion of I'orn>$ir Sciemim; Abbama Swc ASJOciaIloa of Foo-en$i<: ScicnuJ (po.u pouiden.j. ContaC! RicI\anlA. Roptt. Ph.D .• ~ Vaughn ~. 1141. MOII'somery 36116. ""'- (334) 260-25n. Fn (334) 26().. 1m. E-mail: rit:hrtJp<!.-DDl.t;OIIt.



IIAl'IDWR ITING EXI'ERT/f'ORENS IC DOCUMENT EXAM IN ER: ABFDE-«nifiN. Formerly chid. Quutioned Docu' .... n.. Div;s.;OII. U.S. Anny Criminal [" ....."iga.ion Labo""ory. American Socie.y of Que.'liooed Document Examine ... American AcA!kmy of I'tnnsk Sciences. Ci"il Ind criminal Ottcptcd. Farnll Shi ....., Nel""" Doeumen. Inves' ilation Labonl.ory. 1903 Lilac Ridge Dri ..... Woodstock. c:Je,;qia )(1189. Phone (770) 5 17..6008. • CONSULTING F.NG IN EUUJ.; XPERT W ITNESS: Professional e",u.c.,. ",i!h

indp~rial. oom.wction,

.. ftty, "'""'''i''"'Y. and pulp'popcr nprriotnce. I am a"'bandJ.<xo~ ell£inetr .. ,!h on n ........1y muna mechanic.. I \fI'OfUd as • ICChniciam ond IIIIIC'hanic bcf"ore .tt· ,i", my dqrft ill ""Ii' nceri",. I bavt ....,..n. troob~in. obili,ies. ",i!h a1horOllgh ~I· rd.., and undcnlanding 0( mochillol'I)', induslriaJ 1Cci· den ... OSHA. buildin.

den ... produc'liabilily and defen$<". lI.obtn T. Tolben. P.E. I'IIone (205) 856-9922. Fax (2()j) 853·

malpracriee. A,1Iibbie for evaIua&iQns ill

BifmiD&ham. P\mc 03fttaCI: Cmsullln& SeMca. Dr. JoIuI E. Cabral. (205) &71 ·220:5. E-mM1:j«abta. ........

For Sale • mHO: BUII,D ING .'011. SA I.E: 900 S . Perry SIrI'fl, MOO'IIlsomery. Appnu. 6.000 sq. feel; lOCar deM·n. .o.... n; 30 parii", SpkU. CaU (334) 832· 1901. • .' IVE POINTS SOlTflll.AW On' IC E: Binningham ofToce ~ .""ilable in I ne..,ly ,"modrk>d office building 1oc.!t<I at 1117 22nd Strc<: •. Soulll . Situattd "';!hin ,en min1l'" courthou ... OIl • ...,nllli uni18 off~r , uch ancillary se"'''''' ~uch lIS confr,"nce room. r=pI'oni\ •. 'el,,· phone w/yuiu mail. fa. JlW;hine. ropi~r. hi·.pcc<l DSL In •• ,....1 connec· tion. and f...,., parting ... Vinu .... (>ffoce i. al", I,,"Hablt. S~ lvailable _ge from 200 10 3.M sq. f(!('l. 'Ibese $<""'itts are provided •• one nl. ....te.wtinJ III S375. /'Irue call Tom PIooff. <"'I .. 11939.0000. •

C'""' c::::c"''-_____________...,



1tt,EilStti Where La...,...".. l.Qok. F~ ~


codes. automobile ace;·

• ~U:DlCA L I.EGAL CONSUI.TA"''T: Mrdicalltlll con· SUll.llll for ease analysis. im~irmcn. rllti"'. ..... pen wi1neSJ. ........ 2S y......' ""perionce in .............ao1M w...1ttaJ cooctiliono, a:eidtIIu, ....;wUr •• """"""'" Salion, pcnonaI injury. and ct>iropi"ltlClic

""---.....,-...-.. ._ ._-



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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.