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6.1. No.1

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6 7

,. 13 19

2. 21

Motion Practice· Birmingham Bankruptcy law Update· Birmingham DUI Defense In Alabama· Birmingham Depositions· Birmingham Alabama Update· Mobile Alabama Update· Montgomery Corporate Investigations: Criminal and Civil liability. Birmingham


• ,. 5 9

12 17 18 18 19 27..Jan 3

Tort law Update· Birmingham Estate Planning· Birmingham Trial Skills· Huntsville Alabama Update· Huntsville Depositions· Montgomery Video Replays· Tuscaloosa Trial Skills· Montgomery Alabama Update. Birmingham Trial Skills· Birmingham Ski and CLE· Breckenridge, Colorado


THE ALABAMA I.AW),ER Vol. 6-1. NO.7 I NO'o·t mber 2003

On the Cover. Hunls,·ilk> Mu.wum of An

loal<d 'Q _ _.. 11l1/li",11< .. 8" Spnnl IIIICmalIoIioal Pad.. .... II ......·,U" Mu..... nI {)( An i.

-.., Alabama·, ..~'''' , .......... 00""". l1>e notion.alJy·oc<ml,t<d mII .... nI fil1, ,II ...-.-n aoJltries " ·'IIl ••-ari<ly of IrFChn, uh,h,1lom !be }..., .......... ,Ill """,., f""" ," own 2,)00.~ P<"fl'UI'<nl ooIltcI"", Pholo by P."I 00" '1001.




The Magnuson Moss Act Defense to AtbitJllion: Whit'S left After Davis V. South'rn Energy Homes, Inc. By If. ~Ii/' SjmpMHr and Gonlon L. BUl;'


Alabama Municipal EmploYEles' Rigltts to Paid Military Leave 8y $cOli


1 1~"ic*

and Paul Myrirl:

The American Inns 01 Court Establishing Professionalism Through Camaraderie

By la, £ Slow,


Authentication, Founda!ion, RlISOnabllnen and Cause!ion: Admission 01 Medical Records and !1Ie Burdens of Prool in ttle Injury Case By ~I G. Bodi"

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Publications Order Form The Alabama State Bar is pleased to make available to individual aHorneys, firms and bar associations, at cost only, a series of brochures on a variety of legal topics of Interest to the general public. Below Is a current listing of public information brochures aval1able for distribution by bar members and local bar associations.

Brochures - - - - - To Serve the Public $10.00 per 100 · .. Highlights and details of bar public service programs from the TO SERVE THE PUBLIC video presentation.

Qty -

' --

Law As A Career $10.00 per 100 Oty __ • _ __ · . . Information on the opportunities and challenges of 8 law career today. Lawyers and Legal Fees $10.00 per 100 Qty _ · .. A summary of basic legal procedures and common legal questions of the general public.

S_ _ _

Qty _

$ __

Last Will & Testament $10.00 per 100 · .. Aspects ot estate planning and the Importance of having a will.

Legal Aspects 01 Divorce $10.00 per 100 · .. Offers options and choices Involved In divorce. Consumer FlnancerBuying On Time " $10.00 per 100 aty __ ' _ __ · .. Outlines Important conSiderations and provides advice on financial matters. Mediation/Resolv/ng Disputes $10.00 per 100 Oty _ · .. An overview of the mediation process In questlon-and-answer form.

$ _ __

ArbitratIon Agreements $10.00 per 100 Qty _ · .. Answers questions about arbitration from the consumer's perspective.

$ _ __

Advance Health Care Direct/ves $10.00 per 100 Qly __ • _ __ · .. Complete, easy to understand Information about health directives In Alabama.

ACRYL.IC BROCHURE STAND $ 5.00 EACH Qty __ • _ __ · .. Individual stand Imprinted with attorney, firm or bar association name for use at brochure distribution points. One stand per brochure Is recommended. Name 10 Imprint on stand: Mailing Address; Shipping & Handling

$ 5.00


' ---

PIN" CHECK OR MONEY ORDER MADE PAYABLE TOTHE ALABAMA STATE BAR tor lhe amouoilialed 00 lhe TOTAL II... and forward It with thl, ordar form to; SUM O And..., DI..cIO< of Communication •• Ala. .",. 8m. Bar, P,O, BOlt 671, MOnIQOlMry. AL 36101


n !he few shon months Ihal1 have been president of the Alabama Slale Bar, we have seen the leaders (>f both OUr stale =Ul;"" and judicial branches of g<Wemmtnt in tilt ",",ion.l new&. Each .n,..,.need he felt an obJigalion 10 the people of Alabama: c;o,..omo< Riley bo<:ause he fell he had a dUly to Ie.>«n the w oortlen on !he Jess ronunate among us., and !O inc= re""nlleS 10 ",.." the .... nlially funda,..,."",] needs of Alabama; o,ief Ju,tice Roy MO<If'e tw:<:ause he fell he had a duly 10 proU'<:1 Alabama's righl (Q ad'nowkdge God. In both in,rance •• the Alamon .. Stale Bar respond_ ed: 10 ~mor Riley', w. proposal by publi'hing I brochure and maintaining a Web .;1. designed 10 educalC: Alabamians on both sides of !he i-s"" and eJ>CQufaging \101m 10 VOle for what was best for Alabama. To !he Ten CommandmenlS mOIlument i.sue. the: stale bar issued. press .. It..., emphasiting!be imponance of !he rule of law, and I mel with tht chief justice 10 discu" lhe 'pplu:alion Oflhe rule of law 10 that Reganlless .00..1 bow O/Ie reels Governor Riley'. plan, it .«<ms clear thaI if Alabama i. going to """';1$ fundamental responsibilities to its citi::ens. we mu<l ... is<' ... , ••. be vas1ly more eflicienl in !he """ .... lion of Slale g<)",m"",nl. Of dramatically red""" servic. es. All of these poIenlial""liollS mjui'" aclion by !he legisl"ure.



The ASB has ""'.n no "",ilion on !he ur.derlying issue on !he mon""",n .. i.~" ",he!her!he monumonl in and of il.. lf and ils placemenl are constilutional. How""er.!he Alabama SI.I. B.r 'Iaun<hly supports lho "rule of l.w.M In onkr to bellor undtrslMld this C(ln' eopl. il is holpfullD revi.w lbe bislOfy of thai funda· menLO] principle. The ",Ie of law is not jllSl ano<h<r bun"""<l. II is a key principle" whim form, the fouMalion of OUT American system of governmenl. The rule of law can be traced back 10 121~ when King John " ... forced by the barons. with the suppon of the ellu"," and 0Ihers. 10 sign !he Magna Carta. ltlimitoo the power 0( the kin,. and caused him to govern aceonling 10 ~LOblisM:I rules of law. At Runnymede in England whore King John signtd the Magna Carta lh= is lho Magna Carta national memorial ertoe:1M by the American Bar Associ",i"". The crealion of patiiamenLOry gO\lt'llunenl followed in ""gland in tho 14th Century with the crealion of the House of Lords and tho House of Commons. In !he 171ll Cenlury !he Sluart king. and their Parliaments quam:1ed over a varielY or issues ihCluding "'Iigioo, At the heart of Ihi. dispute "'as a uy question: "MuS! the king g"'" em through Parliamentary law1" In 1628 Parliament forced King OwIe. 10 sign the ~tilion of RighI. ,,'hi<:h 8""""'1=1 EnglishmeJt eenain fuooamental rights. In

View Fo,m F,tes


was desi\llllld espelor small firms and solo practitloners who seeking \0 minimize overl1ead e~penses while e~panding their areas of practice. • Wa otfor you a seIoction 01 Form Files. aach 01 which is a set 01 related documenl forms.

• 'I'bu hove the option 01 selecting only the Form File you need 10 181<8 core 01 your clOOI.

• Each Form Fila may be previewed and downloaded lor Immedlale usa and rfJl.lsOO again and again 10 expedite \'<lYr~. ~Elllro





Mortgage Lllst Will" Testllment Will Probate Estata Administration

GuardlanKhlp" Conservatorship Power 01 Attorney Lease" Easement Eviction

Corporetlon Adoption

Criminal Delena" Criminal Pros &cutor General Practice

Timber Pureha ... Litigation Dow" load

tilt GIQriou$ Re"llutiQn 0( 1688. King Jamoo. 11 WU ",,,,.. thrown. He hid been lCCuoed 0( tryiag 10 make Roman Catholici .... tilt !laic: "'IWon 0( England. A """,I. 0( tilt """Iu· .ion was tilt Englilotl Bill 0( RighI$.. ~ did _ pr0vide for f=<lom 01 ",1..- . boo. tilt ACI of Tl>Imtion paSSfd iOOII ~ o;Ijd. II pe frttdom oK IO"<lnIup 10 ~. ..",. En&lilotl BIn of RIghI$. ..... a1cd tilt old idea !hal g"'''''''' men ........ be ..:oon!ing.o tilt nile 0( law. BoIh JOYCmment. lhe I"'"Cf'Icd mu~ obty tilt laws of !he I.and.~ 1lle Arnoritan onIoniSl$. in ordtr 10 JlI"fJkd tlltir fund:l ....... tal ril>l",. i1\S""cd on .be Ofta,ion of a gnvel1llll<n, of law •. n.. lJnilcd Slat"" COIt$tilu,ion was nlodeled .flC1" tilt Virxini. Plan. wh ich p"I'kIcd for booh (edt",1 and Slale governments ond ere· ~ted three br".nchu-kgi.lati~c. e~ocU!i~~ and judicill . n.. Supn:rnaey ClIou"" of tilt Con.,i.uti"" provides that ,he Cnnsti.utioo -.J alilawl and ueatieo "PJII'O"ed by Cnn&ress in CJlC1"Ciling ill CflUmcnled p""..,... an: ,he ""P"'me I.... of.he land. ThaI ~I_ (urtht-r providH lh:>1 j..tges in lOUIe rouru nI .... follow lilt Coou'illllion. or ftd<-ralIa..."S and uea~ ....hen: thrft i. I coonicl willi IWC Law. la lSOJ. in tilt tI>C of M ari>l<?,. MoJiso<!. tilt Supmne Cnun ~ !he righl 01 j ....... ~. i~. !he righilO in""P'ri "'" CnnsIitutiQn. Five Y".... bd"nre AIeundrr H:urulwn ..... cd tI\IIl ~ ..• A comIi'lIIian is. in flC!. and IJIIISI be n:pnScd by .he judges. •• funda ..... nlalla .... II tlltre(nre beloop 10 lhom 10 ascenain its meanin l.~ Thi! FtdtroU.. n8. 1788. This hi .. oric:al f'e\'ie... bring. in,o sharp focus tilt IWI) cri liell is.ues We ,,"Ye b«n f."ing in Alabama over !he past fow


month,. Is !heR. • rela'inn$hip be ....ttn Ihcsc hi.otnrieal princi. ples and lho ""..... "" probItnu ...~ flC"O: in Alabam:l and !be Ten CnmmIroimenc.s moIIument? 1 believe thrft il. n.. BoanI of Bar CommiS>ioncn m:ently oppovcd Fred Ciny'~ Ibeme. "1.hi)"Cf"J R......... St-<vice.~ M !be mOIllO of the A~ S~ Bar. One of !be primary mIts of IWC JOYCmmtftt i. 10 ~ tilt public. Govemor Riley Slid hi. w plan ...... inlended 10 i....,.,:we !be SC1">"~ of JOYC"I"llment 10 Alabamians: Cbi.r Justice M""", $aid hi' ptx.,ment of tilt monumen. was in,ended .n ....."., OW" citizens by remindinll tlltm of" nne of ,he foond:ltinns OUr law. both laudable goal •. In Governor Riley'. c..., 1he process ..... il.ble 10 him under OUr sy;.om is the ,,"ocutivd legisl.tive pnX<:" .,tablillted by law. In Chief JU ltice Moore's ell$(:. the ~ .... il.ble 10 bim under our ;1 the judicial process and tilt Ic,gislatu ... as ..... 11 aslhcsc 'Y"o"". provide.he means by ...·hich tilt ",Ie of law may be followed. s..,., .. well IS leadmJlip. by public 0ff,cialllO the peo. . of Ailbarna <:Oml'S iq many forms. Iklw"",", i. _ms that fundamenwlO 1he 1cadcnhip ond $C1"Vice obI'ption< of our lllle·. eleacd nlfJcials is tilt l"CCOI"i.ion thai ,,~ mu<l wor:k within our Iysrcm of" ..,..,...,....... nt. It i. ;1IIp)OWII1tIaI both !be and the ~ obey !he Iaw$ 01 tilt lind. Good ....... and WOfI"ICfI. good IIow)",'1 and good judge<. may differ on important i.sues. bu1 it il hoped thai we III """" a dedication 10 tilt ancient .1Id fundamen.aI principle ",Ie of1.w. Noto, Hi"",,;cII .. f.",nces from w,. IA~ Prop/e. ,lit Ci,i,.n ,md lite ConstiMion. Center for Ci~k !lduel.i"" (1987). •



The ~ ~ 11M ~ Refeml ServIa! QIl pn:MOt you with ill exallent 1119115 of srnkI& lIMn&. SO Ills IIird to believe Ihat. only ~ percent of Alibim.I attorneys puttdpm In this seMel utS was you to consider joining. The Lawyer Rdmll Servkf, Is not I pro bono Iepl servkt. Attorneys Igret! to dYrgt no more thin $2S for ill Initi.1I COIISUltation, not to exctf'd 30 mlnws. H; after Iht COIISUltation, Iht attorney deddes to ampt Iht case. he or she miY then dYrgt his or her normal fees.

I!lIow dttzens. Most hu·


Koilll l . _

It's a Family Affair


Oni A lbriU .... of Andalusia. ll roox G arren, Jr. of Brewton. Wes I~ pes of Mobil •. lI~nry Pins of Selma. and A ly<~ Spru~1I of Tuscaloosa "'" IIItmbon of 1M Alaban\3 St.te Bar Board of Bar Conuni"ionen. TIlty all h"-e "''''''tbing else in common bosidcs boing commi..ionerJ and la"'y.",. bowever. Wh.t !hey share is !hal IMir f.IMn al", se,.... cd on 1M comnlission or "'ere slate bar president •. Alyce's f.IMr. Rk k M&nl~y of Demopolis. served as a cOnlmi5Sioner for 24 years from 1M 17l1> circuit Md.un PillS of Selma. (atller of Henry Pitts. represented lht 4lh .ircu;t. Wes Pipes', fatber. Sanl Pipes of Mobile. served as .t,M bar prtslgent from 1968· 1969, Rroox C armi, Sr. not only represenlM lht 21.1 cireuil for 24 ~ars as commissioner. bul as .ioepresidenl in 1981 -1982. he was called to ......'e as ,tale bar prts;denl for eighl months following lht untillltly dealh of Harold Hughsto... Tom Albrillon is lht Ihird generation of Albrinon, to ••,,'" on lht commission. NO! only did his f.l .... r. now United Slales District C ourt C hid Judge lIarold Albrino n. serve for eight yem as commissioner for the 22nd .ireu;1 ar.d as ~aIe bar prtsidem in 1990-1991 . hi. grar.dfather, Rohert D. A lbrilton of Andalusia, served as president in 19711972. In addilion. Tom's great·uncle. M . l"ti n J. Alb rin o n. represented tbe 2200 cin:uit for njlle years. including the year his brother. Bob, was president.


Nove ..... BER 1(0)

TIlt stale bar has had 3t le ..1 llIttt other father·""" presidents. TIlt firslleam was made up of ll!e O ' Neals ofuudm:lale County, Ed ..'ard was presidenl in 18811882 and his """. t: mmeU. was presidem in 19091910. tnl<f'eSlingly. lht O'Neals we", bOIh el<elM gov· ernor al the ronclu,ioo of their terms as ~13le bar pr.sidenl. TIlt """I father-son combination was Thonl~" Goode J o n.. in 19(X).1901 and his """. Wa lter II. Jon ... in 1954·1955. Doth hailed from Montg<>mery. Thomas Goode Jones. who ""rved os go'~ in 189().1894. was 1M drafter of 1M bar's firs! codt of r!hies in 1887. whieh setved os lhe example for the model code of cll>ies app,.,wrd by !be American Bar Associa,ion that w.. later adoplM by mosl of 1M $llIIeS. His SOlI was a county judge in Monlgomery. founder of Jones law School and ,he fir.;t edilor of TIre Alabama ~. TIlt r.nal f.ther-""" stale bar presidents w.... Mobilians .' rancls J. I ng. in 1934· 1935 and FlO"'c;, II. IIII:<' in 1955·1956. TIlt,"" been a number of Alabama lawyers who served as s13l<: bar pr.sidenl and hod sons who sen'ed as commissioners. TIltse inohldc: Jo hn 0. M<:Quem of ThscaJoosa. prtsidenl in 1932-1933. and hi. """. Jo hn I). M<:Qu.. n. Jr.• "'ho served as commissioner for the 6th circuit from 1953-1912; Jacob A. Walker of Opelib. president in 1942·1943. and his SOlI. J arob A. Walker, Jr.. who setved as comm;'sioner for !be

5th cimlll (IIOW 37th) from 19.54-1911 ; ~'"' ...... lIan (J( B,rminJlwn. pRSi<ImI in 1~9-I9S0, and IM$ ...... . 'raDcis It. "RroI,,"," lIarr. J r.. ,,'110 ~1III:d the 100. ciJaail from 1985·1991; and Tommy Grn ... (J( Mobile. paidem in 19151916. and /lis 1KlfI, M ac R. Gm" ... "oo",~ the I(AI, c;n:ul1 from 1992·2001. f aIlle ... and SOIl. woo have ..rvN •• oolllmi .. ioners include: Cal" . O' R~~r, J r•. of Jasper. from 1971).1974. and Ca,ne O ·Ru t. III . of Mobile. from 1992·2001; 1I~.ry W. C amb"'. in the c~ly 1940s. and lIar.y W. ( ;an,ble. Jr.. from 191(>1m. b<Lth (J( Selma: Roy 1>. Mrl:onl, from 1955-1916. ond Ro)' O. Mrl:ord. from 1'»1,1991. b<Lth ofGadsdrn; and. from Ancbl ...... Ab ... r It. p.",dl. ,,"'110 ICrvcd from 1915-19111. and Ab ... r R. I'o .. eIL 1II... ho>eonl from 1989-1996. lbo fin. fao,," and dMi&lM'" to ......., ao ~minionr,. ..'en:: A.R. lt oW" "," ... 00 >eonI from 1964· ]981. and I.,-nn Robtruon J arkson . " 00 ..,,-ed from 1986- 1998, ~h ... pn:scnted the 3rd cin:uil . Al'hou,h Il0l. commiuiOOl'r. Jud ge J olIn 8. SroIL ..rved " Slale bar ueculive di=lor and _rotary of the Boanl of B... Con,mi ... ioners from 195().1969. J ohn B. SrotL Jr•• iii. son. n'"P<I'S'"nlt;(! the ISth dn:ui. ao romm1S$iI:Itrr from 198}·1986. BeWda Bob and Mar"o'in Albrillon of Andal ...... ~ have bern I"" OIher stU of blvd ... , 10 ...."., the mtc bar. Ibrvld S.... ake of Moulton ..rved as commiHioocr from 1972· 1915 and Q$ folkl>"ed by hi, brodu-. J ."""."oo al-so $<rVttl the

360lI cif"" ;1 from 1915-1978. UkewiK, S. I>ag ..... RoOlt (J( HUDuvi11e .....·ed ao commiHionrr from 1987-199-l and hi. broth<r. BeQjamin T. Row . .... Mobl,le. oerved from 19891998. thus becoml", the Ii........... family ....""""" to ...."., si multaneOUSly u commissionrn. Wilh Dag Rowe laI... OCI'V'nl ... ,tI,e bar prtSiMn. from 1997· 1998, ,III: R",,-O$ became only ,he secor>d .., of broLhel"$. OLhtr than Bob and Mar"o'in AlbrillOO, 10 .."'. together as 'Ift'e b~ pres,de"1 and comm'l· I am s.ure thtre ..... family OOIlJlt(:lions:lfnO<l8 the laW)'m whe> stn'UI the bar dun", '1$ funnMi..., yeM$ in the laLe IBOOs and the early 20th cmtury. ThoR may be 0Ibm f...." _ reallt ~i..,.,. ..'loom I ha,,,~. Ifyoo ~ or..,y lptCi;aJ family ",Lotions :lfnO<I8 thcioJIe .. 110 110,,, >erved ao bar <;OmIIli.......... or oIflCffl, r _Id }"OUr len.", Ill<'



Educational Debt Continues to Climb ~lfTy,live ptl'ct"nl of the ,..ami ...... 1i1!in& for the July 2003 bar ""am,nacion had ed ...... llonolloans. Tbe a>~ ed""aI_· ;aJ tIfI:o; ..-as 561.904. "'th the tIfI:o; amountS ""'&illj from • low

.... $4.000 to a bigh AIswni"C' ~ymnM period .... ten yeM$ at a f.vorabk ~ file .... 4.0 ptl'ct"1lI. the """",n, of the lverage moolbly paylll<'RI _Id be 5626. •

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• Th" ", ... II. 1I . ,!dcl"5Gtl. J r.. CEO of 1M ASS<l<'ialion ofTriollawyers of America for the 1"'" 15 years. recemly was awarded II>e. 151 .. Key Aword. The Key Award is the American Society of Associal;on· higl>e.s' oword for association ehicf ...aff execu.;ves. Henderson i, a gradua,e "f m.. Un;,,,rsily of Alabama School of law and was adminO<lIO ,be ASB in 1966. J"'" 1... Willia ms of Troy was recenlly olecttd 10 ~rve. Ih~ year 1trm as a membtr of the Hoose of DelegaleS. Region J. Im.malional. He is a 1981 ASB admin ... anorney and ASB P\>St Presidenl F.....t O. G....y rteonlly was awarded the Soaring Eagles Award from lhe M inorily Caucus of the A:;socia/iOll of Tri.llawyers of America. The symboliu-s the olnlggle of lawyer! of color as they pursue personal and professional excellence and Success.


• Oa"I<1 F. Beasl<y of HunlSvill. was electtd a membtr of .he board of direc1<n of the Foundation of the [.,em •• ional A.<Soda.ion of De fome COIln""l. The jAOC Foundation supports projects and activi.ies tha.scek to impro'" lite civil JUSlice syStem. lite practice of law and the profession.1 in1efeSts of membtrs' c~enlS. C. Glenn P,," -ell. general cOIonsel for11>c Uni,mity of Alabama SY'l<:m. """,ntly I'ttirM. after.,.,.., Ih.n 30 years of service to Alabama's largesl higher educalion enlt'Pri ... Powell holds the dis1ioc.ion of having ....... ed every campus presi· dent in the hiStory of The Uni'ersilY of Alaroma a. 358

NOV~ M B~1t


Birmingham (UAR) and The Uni'''rsi'y of Alabanla in HunlSvil~ (UAH). as wcll as evcry VA president ,illCC 1966 and every UA 'y,It'" chancellor ,ince .he 'ystem was "labli,hod. Powell earned hi, B.A. <leg"'" from the Universi.y in 1964. and "",eived his LLB. from the VA School of law in 1966. He was inducted in.o.he Fanalt Order of Juri.prudeoc<. waS president and lIl'asUrcT of Pltil Della Plti I<gal fraternity. case 1liiie edi.or of A/~b<>",~ Low Rtv;rw and c<>-chair of Law Day.

1M YOllflg lawyers' Section of lhe Binningham Bar A~ia.ion rruntly honotl'd JefTen;on CoulI'Y C I""u l! J udge Ton. King, J r. for hi. conunitmrnt to .he job and 10 helping .he section. Judge King "'lIS presented wi.h lhe Dr.lylOn Jame, Aw-.ord . ... hich is given annu.lIy 10 a S'ale or federal judge who M<I exemplifies Jam,,'s legacy of friend_ ,bip to yoong lawyers pr>Ctking in Jefferson COU n1Y. King i'the founh award =ipienl.

Mon'gomery allorney Gibson Va""" was "",emly el""'M Ittasu",," of the Alabama Trial Lawyers Associal'on. He;s a sharthold« in the finn of Beasley. Allen. Cro .... Me,hv;n. Portis & M iles. Judge Robel1 Kl:t>dall. presiding judge of the 13d! Judicial Cirrui~ "'lIS elfded "..."iiltn. of the ALtbama Circuit Judges Al;sociation . Judge Kerodall was been " cirrui. judge in Mobile Counly for 19 years. He sits on !he SIa1e Coon of !he Judiciary and became !he presiding judge of!he 131h Cirrui. in 1999 Judge Kcrodall reaivcd hi, law dcgrtc from the Uni' ....ity of Alabama. where he """' • member of the A/abiuM u,.." R"';...•. Cin:ui' Judge John KlISh . ~ingjudgeof Ihe 19th Ci",w~ """' elen<tl $OCJ'WIry."""",,,,," of the Association. He rteeivcd hi< B.s. in public adminiW'a· lion from Aubum Uni"~,y in 1978. ",he", he waS pR'Si<lcn. of the Sllldtnt Cio-<ernrnen. Association. He """,ivcd his J.D. from the C lIlltberIand School of law. Samford Uni..,...,ily. in 1981. "'here he a1",,,,,,,,,] as preSiden. of.he Student Bar Associalion. Richard S. J a ffe. senior parmer wilh ,he f,m, of Jaffe. S.rickland & Drennan. has been sea.ed on ,he board of .Ite Nalional A:;socia.ion of Criminal De fense Lawyer!. Rtgisttr'. Who', Who in Uecuu''Cf and Professooroals ftttDtly

tile """"""" EmpiO)',..,..,... Law Councilllld charter f. llow and font'ltf pttSidtm of thc Collese of labor and

8CIdo:d Mkhael W, Jackson,' ScllNl .nome)" Jackson is I 1991 admmee 10 tile AS8 and " '111.".,... in tile 2004 fdi,ion of tile publk:l.tion.

EmpIoy .... nt~

• Tho

• Tho A"",rioan Bar A<so<iation, Judic,.1 DivisIOn, ftttntly """"",need the election of JIKIJI<' James Scott Slcdle IS clw. of the dh'isuJII. Tho JU<60ial Divisoon n"potil"lIU all judges. IIlCludonJ ..... e and roden!. mWllcipal. ~,~. trial and apptllal<. l~ SItdgt ...-.u as Unltftl SWtl Bankrupq JudI" for the Nortbem District of AIalwna. He is put ma.r of the NahOlllll Cootfermce of!'edenl Trill JudlC" IIId curn:ntJ)' om"", as the dui. of tile Alabamo Sial<' Council on tile Am.

• The Amerioan Bar AS!O(JOiotion dll<'IM C b Mr lc!i A. I'uwcll , HI. pan"'" wi.h !he BirminJh;tm (,rm of John~on Banon PnxIor &; PoIo't1i LU', to Ihe s-d of Qoo....mon. A•• "",mbc1' of tile peminJ bod)' for the ABA. PoIoell ..iII ~ Ihe Scc1Mln of labor and Emplo)'mtnlt Low """'tlllw aI"" ..,...'ttl tho ABA as f ......... oecuon chair. """"boroftho II""", of Iklegltes and dwr of the Comm Ittee on the Developmtnt of !he Low unde. the National Labor Relations AC1. He il. foundinll membe. of

• Konald A, w i n. partner "itil W.I"on Wells Anc:Itnon &; B.inl. LU', has bcctI named preoident of tile Birmingtwn TU Fontm. Tho Forom i. WI organiution of'ax attomc:y' a nd accoun..... '" who ~ commiuw to providing continuing wuc.tion and infonnati<)n about .ig.nifican, ~ iss""", Levin serves IS vice-chai. of !he S Corp Commil1oe of !he ABA Scc1iort 0( TautMln. l ie bls B.S .. MBA IIId J.I). ff1)fll The U,,;~ty of Abbam:a. and his u..M. in TUMion ff1)fll tho Univmi.)' 0( Flonda.

• }'orrrotr UnI,'" S,atts ~t(>l' 11 011'. 11 lI enin n:cendy ftttivcd!he JOOn Manhall A"·ard. I IIIItional honor c .... ted by the ABA Jus,ice Cente. to fCCOjlni1A: illdividnal. responsible for cnraordinary improve"",nt in the odmini""uion of ju... to:ol. Henio.\efYed in the ~""Ie from 1919 ~Mil bls re\itt"",nt in 1997. and pritt oo1bat. .... cbid' justice of the AbbasIIII Supre.... COWl. Ilefl,n IS • pad-\We of Birmiogham Southern College and the Univcnlt)' of Alabama School .flaw, He tcn~ nASB ~n. in 1971 and led I sta,e initio~"" 00 ~ I new Jud;':ill An;':ie 10 !he Alabama Con>!it "'ion. which se~ as. modol for I unified '!.lie ronn. sy"em andjudicill odminim,,~on. •

2003-04 License/Special Membership Dues Invoices Invoices for the 2003-04 occupational licenses and special membership dues were mailed September 22.2003. Your 2002-03 occupational license or special membership expired September 30. 2003. License fees and special membership dues for 2003-2004 were due in the Alabama State Bar office by October 31. 2003 and are now delinquent. Occupational licenses purchased after October 31. 2003 had a $37.50 penalty added. Payments should be sent to the Alabama State Bar or may be made online at 'NWW,aJabar. org. If you have a question, contact the ASS Membership Department bye-mal!,, or by telephone, (334! 269-1515. L - - -_ _ _



1M Alab<""" w.~, /ong~, publilh~. addnSies ~tUI ul~ph"ne numbers u"I~•• Ih' a""ou"um~1lf '~l4u. 10 Ih. oJ"ning of" M'" firm or 1010 prtr~li"', PI~a'" conlinue u> und in "n"(junc.",,,," O,,,IIM addrtSI ch~nges 10 Ih~ "I4Mma SlaU 8ar M~mbership lH(HUfm",'. (1/ 03.1) 161·6JII1 (flU) or P.O. 80x 671. M Oll'g"",,,, 36/01.

About Members

office al 119 S. Coon SUttt. FlOftrl<e. Phone (256) 767-1 058.

Joho Amari the ",Ioc.tion of hi. office

to IS?) Gads<kn Highway. Binningham. Phone (205)


J. u.,nnls 8<llIey an!' the ",\o<:ation of hi. office to 1873 GadS<kn Highway. Bim,ing/lam. Phone (205) 655-0404. Champ L.yo",,- III OMOOra, !he """n;ng of his office at The Highland, Building. 220] Arlington A'·.nue. South. Binnilljham. I'Ilooe (205) 933·5112. Melinda Lee Maddox the ",location of

her office to 712 Oak Cird~ Dri,-e W"I. Mobil •. Phone (2.'i I) 660--0261. Julie Baker M<"Connl<k annouras!he ",locatiOll of her office 10 105-B Grand Avenue South. !'on ~yne.I'Ilooe(~)845~8n .

T. Eric l'ond~r anoouDCCs the ",location of his office 10 2706 Winding Lane. Allanla. Phone (67 S) 530-9'}j)). S h.ard... n N. Pride announces tile """ning of her office at 906 S. P<:rry Stll'el. Suit. 102. Monlgomt!ry. Phone (334) 269--2799. CoUler H. S,,·..,kor :lrtoourl<<< !he """ning of bi, office at 337 E. Mav><>liaA,.. nu •. Suit. 6. Auburn. Phone (.134) 821-4464. Steven L.amar Terry announces the ",Ioealion o f hi. offlCO to 273 Azole. Road. TWo Office Part. Su ite 300. Mobil •. I'Ilooe (251) 461-0853. n eath K Trousda" the opening 0/ hi'

Among Firms Ables. IIHxtu . Park.r & HHII. I'C, thaI Ronald W. S milh has become associ~Iod with the frnn. Adl,.,. ". 1m;••, th.l Ke lly McDonald Jordan h.u joined the finn. Alford . Oo .... n & M<I>9nald. 1..I.c announce~ thaI C h8r .... J. 1'011. has joined the finn .. a panncr. 1Iu,,·ron. l..alla & Wasden. I'C announces thai Kristin T. As hworth h.. joined the ftnn as an associale. 8radl~y Arant Roso & While. L.L.P anOOunces thai J eff... y O. Oyess and R. Thomas Wa rburton have joined llIe ftnn.

Hu rr & . 'ormao. L.L.I', th.t nun""" II. IIlair and N .. m;y O. Bolyard haY<: joined the firn> ... pan ......... and J. M urphy MoMillan. I II has joined a, an ..5OC'al •. lI ~nry C. Chappell announces his wilh<!",w.l .. a "'arebolder of Rushion. Sta~ely. Johnston & Gomoll . I'A. Monlgomery. dftclivo Augu.t 31. 2003. in ordc-r 10 assu"", duties as chicf coon ... ). Alabama u.,l"'rtmeol of Re,·."" •. Monlgomc:ry.

Coker 8. Cle~e l Bnd and Jon K. Virkers annourl<e the formal ion of C ..... land & Vkkers, L.L.C. Offices are loeated al 21 (II 6 th A,·enue. Nonh. Suite 115. Binningl!.m. Phone (205) 324·1 217.

KON llI.mond. III. JaOMS F- 11_ •• J ... J ........ II .••...... t ond Stu.n V. L",,~

mange o(!heir

announce a _

110,.. firm 10 l>i.noond. 11_

•• FI"I>SI'"


()gIrlrtt. !)roth"" 1\1..10. Smoak & SI.... n.1'C ..,nouncd lha1 JOMph \ '. IIlllMO. JOM W. Koborts IlJId AI)'SODI><' O. 1I.III...d "-'~ bfo;orno

1$$(1<"'' ' .


TImothy L. Uilbord and Ath.';" F11 0m. I Y ..,noullCe !he fonnotioon 0( IlIlborll ... 110m. U ,I' ",,10 otrlC« k>c.ol. ..cI '"' WI S S«<lOd A\''''' ..... Nonlt. Founh Floor. The IInry BUlldi ••. Birmingham. Phone (lOS) 2S 1.2823.

MrGlltt<hoy Starford announces lhal !)a_1d A. No ••b has joi,.,.. ,hoir firm.

Nl\ijar Ikn.bulli. I'C ..,,,,,,,nce. that Will ian, R. M)'• .., has joined Ihe firm OS a~l'Iokk1.


..... rt<>tt G . N... Victor L. Millo •• Jr. and ..."......, A. firrtbon ... , all Formnly or N... man. Millor. Leo ... 0 ·1'0,.. .. _ ,lie fonnatioa or N.,,'mao. Milk .... 1" • ...,bonM.

Jmklns. Gibson'" Fo.. Io ••

LLI' announca tNt Kobtn S. PIotI. Terri 0. Tompklns and 1\••'ln A. M<:('oO.'.m ""..., joined !he fi rm as...,...




I'C an"""",," thol

I)s.ld K. Mollolt Ita. b«orne ...oc:i31ed

",i,1I the ftrm in lhoir Birmingham offtce, 1\,"", .... Webb. I'C ..,no,tt,,:es lhal Chn. t:. Roberu hasjoin<d the ftml "'" a shartboIdt:r, The firm IWYOt has <~ 10 Th.". •• Wtbb & Roberts. I'C. The IIniltd SI.1ft; AlIo""y', on-~ For I.... Mlddlt Obt ..... 01 Abo ........ ............... tNt Julia Jonbn Wd .... wu promoICd 10 lin.! Aimwn IlIliIed SI3IeS AllOl'1lley. as of JIII1\131)12003, ""ricia A. Sn,·do. f'tIurntd to \he off"", in April 2003. U 1111 ASli.wtl llni,ed Siaies Al1omey.


a ... _

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I,-on IIA la



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1JOO,OOO!.<wI T"",


• " u. "" = "" =


Waln .. rigltl. l'ope'''' McM ..... ;... I'C announces !hat 8r11dloy J. Cain has joined lho firm UIII1 associa~.


ARE YOU PAYING TOO MUCH FOR LIFE INSURANCE? ____ .. _ _ ....,._ T._ .. ...., ,1,.,.... ...... __ ,.._ .... ___.


W.II11«. Jorda n. Ra UlIT & " ",nd\, LLC""""" ...... thai GIo: .....:. t:SltsS. Jr. Iwjoined \he fIrm u a mtmber."'" that Ju~ 80nMr 1leA .... n and Jobn I). ToIbfn have joi..... u 0WIciatn.





.." ,,,.






lIardin &

Ty ... LU' announce. thai W. Ryan deG",rr.nried. III has joi"'" ,ho firm .. an ;lS~i4'C. l ie l'I'~nll ,ho fif'h g"""ration in hi, family 10 practice al an

allomey. G. Thomas V'.I'I)UI . .. aul J. Spina. 111 and l'aul K. ...,...110 annouroce Iha \he f"'" formn1y ~'n U I>ucil • \',.. ......1 ... Spl.... PC i ~ __ \·........1. Spin. " La_·elk. I'C. and Joy J. MlnMr and Christy L. Pbillips haw. become UJoCiltted with lhe lirm. Ryan S. Mar51.llo:r I'I'mtoiM usoxiltted ,.,ilb !he lirm,


Opportunities 1llc Alabama Mand:ttory UE

Comrn,s,ion ronlinua!!y e'':Iluales and appro"c~ in·Slale. as

"ell ,~~ oalionwio:lc. program. "hieh <In; ITwinlailll:d in a compu1ct daW! All

an: identified by <PJnwr.1ot;a&ion. dale: aPd speei.IIty ara. For . ' "' ' ' n

Iisbnc of .:ImI:IIl a.s ...........


Drane Insurance

Carter H. Drane

,• ..J8;:, OO~), ~ 20:;;3:: -0~3~6.:. 5 ._


Ludger D. Martill Tho Ewwah Counly Bar loot one of ils _

elDquml IO>d o:onviYial practllionen of !he juridical ..u 011 May 2).200). ""dI!he pIlSOI.., of LudICf D. Manin Gaochd<1IIl !he • of 82. ann ,,"in, ~ ..... here for SO years. Ludgc. pwkwoil from Ibckneywille Hi." School (in !he days " 'hen !he playas had ajump ball .nrr~ery SU<tt$!.ful pi), Pirdmom Col~ (when: he mel hi, kwtly wif~. Gayle) and !he Uniwrsily of Alaboma School ofuw (in 1948). lie Strwd In World War II and 5~nl 18 mombs aIlS· Air FOR:<: lIeadquaJlers in haly melt'Of<)luii$l . He was I member and Sunday School ~acher .1 First UnilN Melhodi~ ClluR'h and Ilad ilIulhl Sullday School at ChriS! CenI",1 Uniled Melhodisl Church for 36 ~ars. He w"" full of ,"""nlr")' " ';sdom Ihat he used 10 ..,00 8IMnlagc ia making many a ,,·lMin. j"'Y ............. He ...... also III admirer of .00<1 poelr")'. " 'hlrh he had a knock for ,." .. (...:I memoriz· ia. in ad......,.,) and 1ISi".... oppoolll/lle _ duro ial hi. doliap. ....ell .. hoi"1 I ..,00 .."ri~ "'"""If oIlOpica1 >"aX from hi. college days on ..w . One of !he poems he ..nxe in toIkgc ..... hi , flUltfal H. prac1ictd booh civil and trimi""ll"w. w.o< pUI presidem of !be EIO...alo Coonly Bar As~ialion and a bar oommi,,;oner for 12 y...... H. openl IS yeMS 3S a pan·lime de]>U ,y d;'lrk, all"",,,y. lOme of






NOVUUBl 100)


Ihat ..'bile in pannm.hip .. ilh his I<ln. Owics D. Martin. "m aI.., ...... I pan .lime pnl6«UIor. Ludger lOOt dtlailtd iOOI ... of..-ay defei\Stc lllOfDeY', "'1'" _ ...:I • ...,fully rrlIIMltd cacfI poinl, afItr ,,"in, I"I1CfI tbc i"'Y', llknlion by. IS lhey used 10 say. Cr1Iwlinl inlo IIot i"'Y bo.< and chonin, !hem. He. alo<\g "'illo !he d~oricI .IIome)' for _ of hi. prosttII. oorial carttr. William W. Rayburn. prooocUled all tbc bi, cases in EI()Wah Coon'y. 11. ".,.. .10..''''''''.. w"bou1 peer.nd hod. fund of joItn and 'IOrieS for.1l occasions. One eu; s~al:t!. asl:ed for a Joke 10 Ust before living a dry wi fact·follt<! llilk. and 1"1 one thaI ~ill ""'W tbc roond~ 'oday_ Ludlcr hod a ,winkle in his eyc and was always ,00II rorTipany. His enjoymcnl was tsprC'i.lly .n~ ...htti _nd his f"""ly. He i:s surviwd by his w,f•. IAyIe; _ . Charies D. Martin. and hi, ",·ifc. Nancy; panddaII&lMcn Jennifer (Iohn) T"""",Ie. Kelly and !blic Man;n: ';S\tfl V..". (o.vid) Reaves and I._III ( B,U) w.d: broctotr Sam (Bini) Manu.. and I nounbtr of niccc:o and ...-pheIo-s. MNow cracks • noble: hean. Qood.nilhl. sWUl prince. and flights of ... Iii« 10 dly rest!~ William


,.Is .i..,

Sh:ak~. H~,"lrl

_Clrllricl Crn.nfi. lIan. c!QM'oh CounlY Bar MGM;{Jlion

Thomas Drake



I forsl read !he following ~m in an anide by James Harvey TIpler of And.lusia. on ,he oc~asion of lhe death of hi. falher, Frank I , TIpler, Ir.. as primed in !he Marth 1999 wil;on ofTh~ A/oiKIma wW)'tr. "S1<'!' alllhe clock.<, CuI oIT Ihe lelephone, Prevenl lhe dog from barl;ing with a juioy bone, Silence lhe pi.nos and with mum.d drum Bring ""Ilhe coffin, leI I"" mourners come, "111 "'roplancs ojrel. moaning overheod Scribbling on !he .ky lIIe message He I, Dead , Pul crep" bows roond !he while neck.< of public do.'es. 11, "'" U1lffie police"",n we", black cWon gloves. "He was my North. my Soulh. my EaS! and West My """king wttk and my Sunday. "'''. My noon, my midnighl, my talk my song: I thoughllhal he ,"'OUld lasl fore.'.r. I wru; wrong. ''Ine.Wl are no! " 'anled now: pul oul .very one: Pad up "'" moon and diAAl.ntle "'" sun; Poor ''''''y I"" oce.n and ' Wttp up ,he wood: For nothing now can ev.r come 10 any good," _ Iv. II. Aud~n

Mler eulogizing"'" very prod..clive.nd memorable life of hi' fallK-r, !he ~ulbor concluded forr"",",


"My bm<her <aid, 'I am hero to lell you Ihal God exi,,,.!hal lie love, each and e.'cry 000 of us. and ,hat at lhe end of lin .. we 101m ~Il be togelher again: "My falher believed Ihat. 10(>. and ~ although lhedeplh of loss e.pressed in !he ~m by W. H. Auden is very ,ul. 1 would liloe 10 think thaI my falher i, looking Ikrwn on 0< loday. liSlening. and lhal he ,,'OUld wanl each ofu, no! 10 be .<ad aboul hi. passing, I Ihink he would have liked these wocd, wrinen by another ~I: "Do not 'land at my grave and Wttp. I am IlOl there; I do IlOl sleep. I am a Ihousand winds thaI blow. 1 am the diamond glintS on snow. I am lhe ,unlight on ripened gmin. I am ,he genlle autumn rain. When you awak. in !he moming', hush I am !he ,wift "pflinging rush of quiet hi,ds in circling flight I am the soft star-,hine.l nigh!. Do IlOl <land 31 my gm,.., and ery. I am IlOl tllere; 1 did not die."

-An""J''''''''' I iden~fied with"'" fttlings upressed above lhen. and oow repoealtb<-m on. more personal level. I would odd IwO addi,ion.1 ile"",: one,' room. deh"red by Daddy, as !he keyr>Ole 'peak.,.. 00 tile occasion of my hi'" ",hool gradualion. which has alway, remained in my mind. and which exemplifies our rene"..ed emphasi, on .... Ni""," The other is a $On" ",·rillen by Kim Noblilt. which has gi"en "'" grea! ""mfM, ,ince my ,;,1",. Lynn. nude me of il:





An old n",n. going a lone highway. Camt: a! "'" evening. cold and gray, To ~hasm, V2S1 and deep and wide, Through ".. hich ..... as flowing a .... n.n lide. The old man c.........:! in the twi!ighl dim:

The ,uUen Stream had 00 fears for him; BUI he ,urnc;l whon saf. on tile OIher ,ide And built a bridge to.pan "'" tide, "Old man." said. fe!low pilgrim .... ar, "You.,., wasting strength with building~: Your journey win.nd wilh lhe ending day; Yoo .... ver again mu" pass this "'ay; You have crossed !he chasm, deep and wide _ Why build)'O\l the bridge al!he "ventide?" The builder lifted hi' old gray head: ''Good friend, in tile path I "'we con ..... he said. ''Inere fOU",",,'Nh aftCT me loday II youth whose feel must pass this way. Thi. chasm thaI has been naughllo me To that fair·haired youth may. pitf.ll be. He. tOO, muS! cros, in !he twilighl dim: Good friend. I:lm building lhe bridge for him." -Will AII~n Dm",gool~ "tryou CooW Stt Me Now" (Kim Nobliu) Our pnye" have aU been answered, 1 finally anived. The healing thai It.>d been delayed has now been reali'",d. No onc's in a hulT)'. There', 110 ",lIedule 10 kttp. We're an enjoying lesu •. jU!! ,iuing.' His ftet Chorus: 1f)'O\l could..,. me now, I'm w:llking ,treetS of gold. If you could see mt: now, ['m slanding .trong and ",1>oIe. If)'O\l could Stt "'" now, you'd know I've seen iii, face. If)'O\l could..,. "'" now, you'd know the pain is .... sed. You w<;Hlldn'l ""anl me to .... r leave this place, If yoo could only..,. me oow.


.,udiN under M•. Pay". ..,alize ....ha1 I frat that ...-as! When I bopn my IIw .,udia at the Uni>"eBity of Alabama. I ........ , by Mr. PayllC'solfoce and inl~ my!Clf. lie ukcd me. " 'ith. crin. if I k_ that he "'as tbt only professor 10 111'" my dad a ~8- (it -.....d to he. mar ..... of~ pride)1 MillY noubles; ........., OIl' ranD hi .... come from the au. of '611AISQ ....·I><n I lalkcd wilh M,.,. Ginny Bryant. ".. ho succcedtd "Mi" Anna" U ""iSlnlr, she looked up the m:ortls of my ""ndd;Jddy and (om· ""'nled. "lIoy, hive yoo 11'" SQm. bi, shoes to fill!"' II ...... ,,,,.1 to !lee Clmnce Small.nd '-0."" ...1" Bill bckson, " '00 all.nded I.", $Chaol with Daddy, as .... 11 as a numbrr of ",I><. allorneys for ... hom Daddy held. spoeial place in thoi. hrarts. at the Samford rt<WJJt(Ito Opelika. pratIlCln,la", with the film of Samford &: Samford, in uiSl ........ nee the I!IOIA He RrvCd ",ith dil.tinclion as Opellu MUllkipol Jud", fur 21 )'tars. from 196110 1988.......... he joinotd the "'ubum Uni¥eBilyor>campII.wr. He ..,...-..1 lllIIlIiOmq' for ....... m Univusiry for "2 ~ fll$ll5 .... .....xi:aIe ............~lliam J. Samford. beginnin& in 1961. thrn III'tf'I'rII coon..1 from 1965 10 1995. ond finally .. ceneraI """"",I • ....ntl'S until shortly bdoa: his detih. la lIddilion .o ",,_in, his Itpl C...,..,.. Thoma< Samford did not il""'" hi. comlTUtnily, lie .......... ide'" of lhe local Ki ...·ani. Club and Chambr. ofCommerct, He ..... alSQ acti"" in .nd/or m;c-i,'ed o:<:ognilion from the Hoy Sc001<, Uniled Way. Community C\Ie1;I, Joye<e· •. Alpha Tou Omega Fnolemily. and Junior ,,"chie'...... n!. lie m:tivetl the u,.:, Coonty Bar "',sodation Spud Wrighl JurispMkntial ...... ard, "in fttOlIIilion of. Cartt. of ~~uaordio>ary conlri""lion. and .. rvice to lhe leial profeuion ond 10 the communilY.God '"'as the f"",,1 point of Thomas Samford', lift, '"'" ...-l in nu_rou< ~ad<nhip positions in the Fill! Premy!erian Cbw'ch. II ",.11 II Trinily United M01hodiSl Churrh. both oJ Opelika. '"'" k..-ed iO In<'It hi. SurdIty School clwu and 10 si", in a number of choirs. In addilion to ..,....i", hi. communi. 1)'. his profession and Ius chun:h. his re>pC)fI, ilHlil;'" as. Iou<band and f~ "-=' Dot "'S~led. He married Jack~. hislovinl wife of 48 ye .... , in 193~. and $llC'CeMful1y raised four deVOled children. Thoma, Dnk. Samford. IV ( '86 of MOOlgomtry), Lynn s>mford F.....son of8inningham, Rohrn Max lvtll Samfonl and Richard Dnkc Simford. both of Opelika. God Bless You, Doddy. and God llles1ll1ose who k.. p lIN! memory of 10>-<"<1 0005 in theit helIU. II""" lhey loved,.nd continue 10 Iove .... ho """ill the brld'.... for the ...l of u.! In Iov·


inl .... mary _. Tom

My lighl alld I.mpootry lrialJ h:;.........ud 001 for my JOOO, To know il brou&hl fli m ,lory ,,'1><,,1 misu~. "Thou", _ ...., had our...........s.lbey can never .....1'1..... Jesus in _ for ..s.. "" bnzuqe can ~ (ChonlltWICC) You WOUldn't wan, me to e-o-er """'" thi. perfCCl pbte If you could only _ me ....... If you could ICe me __ If you could only ICe me now



Thomas Simford o•• mplifoed all of the qualilies mJIIirtd of 1 Il>tteSSfuII.wy••. He led by ""ample., hi. God, his oh""'h, his fomily and hi. cO<I1munily. 8<)1"n in """"'h 1934. he grew up in Optlika. bee"",,n& an Ea~ Scool. and lal .... Ilntdu,

alinS from I'!iIlC<:IQn University. Arle. servins honorably in lhe Unitod Slales Mori". Corp$ and M"" .... CIJf)'S Re~. he paduatcd filll in hi. eta.. from the UIIi .... nity of AJatwna Sl:hooI of 1.1... in 1961. ",;th the distinruon of hav;", only one ~a,~ Ii...... by Prof..,.,.,. ~ H u,.,k Jack- P:o.yne.. Many of you ,,'110

Ad ai r. Cha rles RoiM.'rt, Jr. Dadeville Admined: 1948 Died: July 14,2003

Daniels. Glad ys Marie

Blac kburn, Slephen T.

Q'Kea r, ClillIe, Jr. Jasper Admiued: 1949 Died: Augusl 25. 2003

Indian Springs Admitted: 1990 Dkd: August 8, 2003

Rookoul. John Garber Montgomery Admitted: 1959 Died: July 18.2003

C0111ns, Fred Gano Mobile A d mined: 1950

Died: July 20. 2003



1 001

Mobile Admiucd: 1985 Died: July 25. 2003

Trammell. Warren Seymo re UniOR Springs Admined: 1950 Died: July 31. 2003 Wr~illl:er,

AlaR 8 . Mobile Adl1lillcd: 1953 Died: July 7. 2003

II Smart!/I MAthletes, Academics and

the Law:

Law: Pley h Smartl ~ is a project sponsored by the Alabama

State Bar. The project will identify v sity college athletes, in the sports of footba ll and basketball from major Alabama colleges, who are now successfullawvers and involve them in speaking to students about a career in law. focusing OIl the 9th grade and above.

The goal will be two-fold: 1) to highlight successful athlete/lawyers at halftime presentations during fall and winter sports schedules: and

21 to have participating lawyer/athletes make appearances at area schools to talk to high school students about the importance of focusing OIl academics with an eye toward a future in law Of similar professions. Athletics is a great training grOllld for personal development aOO can be a stepping stone 10 many future opportunities and fields of endeavor. The project began in October 2003 and runs through April 2004. We are currently compiling a list of lawyer/athletes. If you lenered in collegiate spons or mow of colleagues who did, and are interested in participatif19 in this program, please contact Susan Andres. director of communications. at 800-354路6154. ext. 132, Of send an e路mailto,


.. 11111

Election Law Changes


his year more 'ignificam ch.nges in !he election law wc~ made IlIan any year since the pa<sage of the ftderal VQoing RightS A<1. n.. ).,gi".I= passed tilt following law, lbal will hc live upon lhe Justice Department's 'JIIl"",.l and in ,i~


for ,he 2004 el«"ion"

Act 2003-381 , Voter Identification This bill requires an VOIers to cmy a form of idtm;Ik,,,ion with 'hem 10 the polls [Of each elec,I"". There are at lcast 17 different forms of idtnlifi •• lion and if the VOIer has IIOne of these • person may Slill " Ole

"'lItn two of the voting officials sign the vote,', lisl !>latins they positively know the VOl.,.,

Act 2003-339, Automatic Recount In"" .Ieel;"" for public offICe or for a b;,1I0I meosU",. if • candidate or the ballO! loses by 0.5 pem:nl or loss of the VOleS cast, a ~nl mU>l be bold within 72 boun. In an .\=iod for public offltt, the ~ing candida", may submit I wrinen waiver of """",nl within 24 Ilours of the cenili<:alion of the e,""lion """lIS and tho """",01 will "'" hc held. If the.1t<1iQn is for a ft!dtral. SUI", eir_ C\Ii~ or distric! offICe the waivt, is subminNl to lhe

"A Must for New Lawyers" ALABAMA LAW OFFICE PRACTICE DESKBOOK NINTH EDITION, with ''New'' 2003 Supplement by

Robert L. McCurley, Jr. ThIS boOk Mo - . , Jl<lII'Mr Wdh _ _ 1>'0<1".,....,. ...... 1982 Ttus ho«IbooJnd 616 _ ",nh. Sot _ ~


ment. is oo,,,,e...ioontly c/Iopt .... "AM~E


"'., .:J

I~ ... Iho late .. low.! I!vougI1 t"2003 ReguIO< Sots..,., ot Iho - - . . loogosJot""'. Also _ ... Iho new chop .... ond HOt.,.,. 9. ~ of 0I!Icf CustC<1y Low. new fCO'TlS

on vec _

for B......... En".... All ..... ot E....... T... ond Dut_ _ ot !", IINI'" c. •.

"'' ' ' '-Y

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Please send me c:opoes 01 ALABAMA LAW OFFICE PRACTICE DESKBOOl(. Ninth Eclilion. 2000 WIth 2003 POCket at $83.00 each ($75.00 plL>S $8.00 tax. postage and hand6r>g1. 2003 Pocke! Par18ione 524 .00.


copes of ALABAMA DIVORCE. ALIMONY AND CHILD CUSTODY HORNBOOK. Thitd Edition Please send me WIth current PocI<e! PJf\ at 599.40 ($90.00 plus $9.40 13.. postage and handling). 2000 Poci<e! Par1 ak:>ne 533.00.

LAWYERS EDUCATIONAL PRESS Post Office Box 861287 Tuscaloosa . Al35486




AlIOO"ders must De PREPAID. Ma~e ch&ch payable to LAWYERS EDUCATIONAL PRESS. II not sati sfied you may return the book within 10 days for II full refund.

S«tttary <If !he SWt. If iI is I COUIII)'.1eruon, Iho ,,1Iiver is ..... 10 &be '""op .... prnbaIe~. Tho S«tttary o(!tIe Swe or !he pn>bale judac IJIlI<I immr:diaItly 00' &be rmll;2lll1O be c:ancdbL Pftcinct .Jcaion msu .... ml$ be pr:1ILtd 01 a pIa<o: u. &be rounI)I tOWIhouie cksi""Ltd by !he proboIo judF- Tho ....wl$ mIISl be

... bjoect 10 *"idell/lCS SCl lip by die Secmary of Slate in dttmnining funhcr'lIlli,f.CJlionl.

S. \bier ldcntilicatMln and Re.mtif>eaOOo. This IaIO' ~uom • WIe, that Iw oqi~ by mail .., """" one of ...... raI

forms of identifICation !he fi~ (i"", they""",. "The vote" ,,·110 do IlOl vote '" """',.. woo tu. ... f. iltd 10 VOle for fou, years ar.d wbose n.rr.eJ hi ... been "riden from the YQlcr "siSlralil)1l lisl and placed on lhe in""",.., lut may he per· ntiUM to '"Ole provided !hoy comple •• I VOter r't", form. This form mlUl be accotnpiltIicd by (he ..,..".'. name. dri.....·~ Iiceme IIIlmber or other idtmifyu., number. dale of bonh. oddrcos. race. sa. and pIa<e <If YQling.


110 la1er!han lwo hours after !he poll' close. 1I""·e"\~. rou",j~ lru.1 ru.\"" ""nlr.llliud ballolin .... ""l:>lion may IlOl be ""Iuirnl to comply with llIis poslin, ""Iulr't"me"lI' "n,il January I.


Act 2003-311, Presidential Elections Certification The: dale for fili", lho aniflCalion of oominatia, polltiom for p'.".ioouial.1«1oo has bem chanJtd ,0 September 6cb preeN. in. lho date of lho pmidontial .loctiOll .

6. l'r't"ciDCts. EIcb poIli", place must he <quipped ... "h • VOlin, machine that will PfO'"ide for I rnOOul of the ""'" in the polling place "lid II leut one machine lh.u will acwm· modale handicap vQ(eri,

Act 2003-400, Municipal Elections The: municipal elfCIion laws an: fwlld in Tille J I. Chapte' 46 ,..bor't"M ' Wt. coumy and ftdoraJ electiom are """"ifled in TItle 17 <If (he Code'"AIJJbomg. n..,., mWlicipaJ pmct"dun'$ blIve !>em O.1.m" ,..,ly lmended. Mooicipal.JcctioIIs .....rally are bekl ... diffcnon. time than ",her electIOnS and an: !tie =fIOII'i. b;lity of &be municipality.

Act 2003-337, Polling Hours All pollil1ll pl",",,~ mu~, be op'n 'Ilca~. from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and r't"nll,n opo" for 12 cOl\5ttuti.e hours. Chambtrs County alld Lee County ""'y decide to open and c ..... 10 e,lho, East ..... or c...'r.>1 Time Zones.

House Bill 104, Restoration of Voting Rights for Convicted Felons (V.1OOd by lho Gm"Crno:o")

Act 2003-313, Help America Vote Act Tho I'cdcraJ Htlp A_ric. Vole ACl 200'2. public Law 107· 252. pHKd by CIlft&'T"'S. ~"ln:$ e""h $laiC (0 nWu «NIfonr.. inB clllft&es to !he stale law. Alabuna IIdopIo:d its compliance law llIi,)"O. and affects!he fol"""'"1' I.


,,",,"Ido$ the So<ttury of Sta •• i, the chid el«:1ioo oIflCOl" alld ...... " rule maldng authorily to the Secrt1ary Qf Sta.e. Fun,""" defi .... s the proba,e judge u ,hi: chi.r election offi· cial for the county. R~"ir't""

«n'r.>! VOter rqiSlration liSl thai ii willlin the

otrlCe of lht Sttrmry of Sill..,. 1.


l'I-oYides for proviiional _i..,. Tbis replaces challenge VOlin, add provides *uideli~ for e~ .., __ ,,11m the" name docs "'" appear OIl the -u., Ii ... Board Qf RepSlnn. "The appoin,,,,,,nt of the 8<>ard Qf RcSistrat'l r't"mai1l5 ,..i,h the Go'·cmor. S«Tttary of A,riculture. and Slate Audilor. how....... I""'" p'1"SOIl1 mUI! pr:1Iscn minimum compu..,,- and map r't"adil>j .ldlls and are


~r Information. "The probale judi' w ill providt ill)Lruclion card< for


8. Abscnltt VoIi..,.


rtqUired to aUow ......... "'" in

North America and mibwy pcr$QIInI<l ovenc.. 10 ~ ..... all ....... tcc ballot lbmu&h the SecrcI3I)' of SllIte'~ 0IfK:e is


9. Ccnif",alion of R.tu...... Ccnifiealion of mums p!01Iides WI electioo =ult> mil'>! be cenifled "" the 5«Ond Friday oncr "'" electiQl"l. Cum'ntly. ceniflcaliQl"l i•• he firs, Friday

.r,er .Iection .. the dale for «rtifying Qf the r't"su ltl . 10. Prohibited 1'rx{;""I. latinl the Act.

Pnwide. additional


for vic>-

II. SI3Ie PbD. n.. S«mary <If Sta'" mu$t ...... isc I ""'" .1«tion plan composed 0( individu.lhl from ....-ious «>nSlit""'.... and "'illl lho .... _ Qf eJection <>fficiab. 12. Admini5tra1ive Re.icw of Complaint>. A new ]lI"IXedur't" mllit be e$llblishcd to provide for In adminj"rative "vicw Qf complainll of Jl"OIlle woo II«: dcnie<llhe righl ,0 "",c.

Election Law Committee

. . ,tII tile major cfwI&ts due in many sections tbrou&hoW Title

17 of the CoMo{ A''''' "'. the IMtiwIe has IORIIenalen I "",lew <If the OllIe', elections In... Titlt 11. to clarify !he illOOnloi5lmcics ...1>0" !hoy may uiA and to heller orpniu the Title for """" .!fOClive ule. Alabama evolved. u ~ IUlts, from >'QIing on paP" ball",. tQ I....... machines.nd now to .lectronic \'01inl. lho l.wl ha ......... .,. been synt,"""ittd,o Cr't"ate one election procc. dW"C. Thi. rommiu.., is allfmpLing 10 do lh.u and 10 Iool", inooonsiSlencics deoJinl " 'illl r't"CQUDII ift contested d...,tiorli. A pr-opos.ed r't"Ofganization of the eJection rode would blI,-e cbllp. ..., u f<llloo/s:


Sc=wy of SUIc:


Htlp America Vole Act


Voter R'giSlr;IIIion


Candidale Requl"nlCnli



H()f'I()r.lble Bobby Junkins. Gadsden

Ele<:lioo Preparatioo


Troy King. MomgonlCry

M.nagement of Election.

OIhni Lathrnm. Binningham Senatro Zcb Lin]., Cullman AYRn MOlingo. Montgo""'!)' Mary Pon,. Montgomery

VII. Primary Elections Vill. ~"""'I EI<,<,,;OIl S



Special Election,

Honorable Rip ProctOf. MOIlI,,,,,

Post El<:ction Pro::cdu.."

Quentin Riggin$. Montgomery William Selltrs. Montgomery S,.,nda Smith. Montgomery Ken Smith. Montgomery Honorable NaMY Worl.y. Montgomery

The oomm;n.. has had its initial me<'linl and .~P<"'IS this Sludy to last a yt'a.-. Any changes (JC rwrganiza,i()ll musl be pred'artd by !be Justice DtpartmenL. This will require an explanation of each change. We Ilope to the ",vision oomple'ed by 2005 lQ be app<OvW by tilt legisillture. The earliest thaI changes could be effective will be for the 2(X)6 eleclion.


Commitke Members Jame, M. Campbell. chair. Ann;,1On AI Agricola. Montgomery Robert Bates. Cullman Bill Clark, Binningham Honorable Don Da,", Mobil< Peck Fox. Montgomery Represemative Ken Guin. Carbon Hill Lre Hale, Mobile SMriff James Hayes. Gad>dcn Corinne Hum. Opelika Ho""",bl. Earlcan [sa:><, EULoW


R. pot1.n

Sob McCurley. TUscaloosa Vicki Balogh. Monlgomet)' For more information about the lnstit"te or any of its projects. Bob McCrut.y. director. Alabama Law I",titute. at P.O. 80.. 861425. TUscaloosa 3S486«111. r... (205) 348·8411. phone (205) J48-7411 or W. b site at .."M ..... ~/i. sta,.. ~I.~ $. • COflta<:1


L McCoor\oy• .If.

-'-~I<;'''-''''-''''-.''''-''''~-''' ~

_ MU'. - ......._ .....

T HANK YOU ALABAMA LAWYERS AS • result of your K"nen.>sity. the book

cee«d its goal of .... ising S2S.000 for Alabama Law Foundation. Special thanks to the following r.nns for their kindness in sponsoring this proje<:l:

AmSouth Bank Annbrecht. JackSOll. L.L.P. Blackburn and Con""r. P,C. Carr. Allison. Pugh. Howard. Oliver &. SiSSOll. PC. Chason &. Cltason. P.C. Citrin &. McGlotltren. P.C. Coak. Dukts. Kirtpatrick &. Crowley. P.C. C unningham. Bounds. Yance. Crowdtr &. Bm",,,. LLC. Daniell. Upton. Perry &. Morris.. P.c. IIhy &. Heard. r .c. Slone. Granade &. Crosby. P.C. The H"chen Foundation Wilkins. Bankest.r. BM!! &' W)'IlIl<'. P,A. Wills&. Simoo ALABAMA LAW FOUNDATION




What's Left After Davis V. Hom

Laban'll's bn><h 0IId bar have been inu ..... lN "'illl orbitnllon i»ues J,jnce Tn",;,,':' C""'fK'"~'" 11tC. "Dob.",,' 1IUde!be UfOO:«IlLO' of llbilnlion ~mmu in AI ....... a lnIi,y. Unlil rt«ft~y. 0:- of tho _ ronln>Ya1.ial iSiUeS was ..bnbor 000$UJDtI" ...'a/'dllly daims an: atbilrable. In 1997. ~r Jlldll'l' Myron Thompson dr:cidod Wilsoo! " m:. ....rlu I/omt!s, I ..e.'•



.. fli(h held tluoL the Ma"'........ ~ioos W:.nllly-FcdcnI Tndo Comm'I$;o" ImptOl'ClM'u AcI (MM.uson Moss A<t7 pReludes "'lIfTlI!1OfS frotn .,.,..lIing con· ... mer claims ,o orbitnliod. WiIs<M...,.. ruJ;titmll.l; f()l manufKlulmI "'00 Nod rome 10 ~ly on orbilnL;on 10 resolve prodllC1 ""afTa/lly dispu\eS ohon of ri"y jury ,rials. In Alabama. wamln,y claims arc paniculorly dani"""'S for warranL0r5 Df autOmobiles Ind manufllCLurro hom,,. ~a"", Iho$e daims will on"""" mrntal a"lui,h awards, .,cn in <&<e$ whe",!he plainliff suffered no oc'.al ""y5ka] injury.' M, •• Wilson, ami. u no Ior\g<r a ufo harbor foc ",arm",,,,,,.

,,,"ion ...


Subscqucnl rcdcnJ docisions from Alabamo narrov.-ed Ihe IW/sooo boldine 1QnIl'"OIo'1w., ~ ~ Iw<Id thai; Ihe M"",,_ Moss Act only !ftC1IIdes ....1I3Iion of ...'ritl~" warramy ~Iauns and M""",... t,toss Act claims.' All Olb:r !)'pel of claims brt......... _ " " " ' 5 and ................., $rill could be arbirraood. 'I'IIeK dec ....... did not dimini'" 11M: impact of MIl-. Comu.".... Slill could JIr"mI manufllClUfaS from arbitrali", 11M: mon: valuable claims: U]lR'SS ............. y claims (""I\tn, menLll ""iuisb ~ an:~) MId t,tossAct claims (...tIiooh permir rhe ",,'Vd of r....j. S~ll plainriffs' Iawyas reacted ro these do'%<JOI$ by plrading ,ingk COUn. COIIIplainrs tn~h <>f express ..'amn'y under the Magnuson M""" Act. ~ end resul' was ,he same- warranry claims oould 001 be arbi' l'lucd. and dof~ ndanrs paid IIan<llornoe sellle"","1S 0< s.. /fen:<! Ihe cooS<)quenca alllM: IwIdo of Alabama j uria 11 did !loOt rue lori, for Wi/Jon to Caloh on. In 1999. Ihc AI""""," Supreme Coon released ~"So,tl~~m wrv H_J. life.. ..,hich .oopud the IWIscM ~ in • 1ive.lO-rour decWooo.' tJhimwly•• null'lber of jwisdictions did the AIM. AmooII thote j~rUdictions ........ kdcnl tfutriru in V.,pnia and MiO$i$Sip(li. MId.we ...... Uate couru in c...:.-pa. Tuas. Illinois and M issis.ippi.' For tIfte years. e¥efY court 10 address 11M: (~a,md .... ilh WilJon, ~ ~ Trade Commlosion. ... hich ilthe ,.,el>O')' !hal promulgate< ,qul"lions ulXk'r Ihc MagnufOll Moss Act. even adopIed the IW/_ rule.'




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After the 2000 judicial election changed ,he compos;'''''' <>f the A I ~ S"PRmc Court. the coun _ _ idCrN Ih .. issue. in SolaN", hwrv If_.. /.... " Anl. another 1i''C'..... four decision. the coon ~ '!lelf. MId hield duo, .... M"goosoa Moss Act dot< "'" !ftC- wlnolion of ",arranly claims. ' This deci.IOII ...... the r..... of its IJnd I() rejCCt Mn ..... The Anldeci· lion pn>nlIlIed and TulIS 10 ....,1«1 M./"'" OS ...~U." The fcdcnJ be ... h iiI'S! n'jocotd MIIJor, in HM~ Mobi/~ lIorMJ, LLC. " Fifth Circui, decision." Wi'hin I few mon ..... ,hie E1C\~mh Cimoi, foll",",'ed wit In E-fJY lIomt'J. /oc .. the Ekven,b Cil'l'uir abrop'ed Wi,."".nd irs proaeny. effectively ending rhe Magnuson Mo.. Act dofcnse 10 albillalioo ." Although Wilrooo has been rejc<:1Cd allOO.<l uni""rsaJly. ooe by. product of IWlrooo """,in"", 10 pl:;Ia\le ........annn Bcfon: .... IiItvtn!h Circuil dtcick<.t it ..... wnfroolCd wilh a .. Ialed Mo&nusm 1>1""" Act u.- in C_InS""'" Y. FIN",,,,,,,,, Homa '" GHlrid. 1M." In C~ .• home manufactum' IOUghlito oompc:l nirmioa of lbe home purdItim. clainu apinsr iI b;>S<'d on an ;'ido:p:,d<, • ..t:oimoIion bet...·""" die purdIascts and sdl« of .... home.~ The ........ f"""""' ..... _ • pony 10 thai ",,« " k 'll. bu, """gill", mf..... ;, .. a rluni>pany beneficiary. ~ The co.rn expresoly rcfuKd 10 decide 11M: Wilsooo ' - . and focustd il' on • I'd-.d illl I ...i>cthtt the Mopuooo Moss Act rtq'Jlres" ,..arTanror 10 ofuc,,* ... arbiIntion clau", willoin


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Unlil thr documcm rule is]lfO(lefly reconciled "'ith ~nl deci ,lons. warranlors face a "Caroh.22'" .il .... li<)fl. If .... ar· r.onlon place lheir oubilnoli<)fl agreements in prodoo " 'amlnlies. then lhe def.n~ oflack of mU1uai usent can .. JKk, I~ "lIl'ttmcnll uocnfortt3blo. On ,he 0IhtT hand, if warnnlors .. Iy on !.C:pulIldy ' ;aned "i_menls. thon the .ingle doc:umcnl NIe: may pN!<'ludc the enf~,""nl of....,h II is hoped WI thr Elevenlh Cireui! and lhe ALob;oma SUP"'me COUll will ",,"~11IIe IoinaJe docu ..... nl Nle in light of reanl deci ...... 10 mill c'-ily 10 Ihis impol1am



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"''''Ve entiA"'''","'

A~ S~ Court adopIaI thr C""""'sloano docu· "'....... Nle in E.t. p<lrI~ T71id/iIt- IasI year. Thi. Nle pre5t1lU •• u!>Mantia! impedimeDlIO thr of wamonly-arbilralion agm:"",nls beeause lhe def.n~ of lack of mUlual aSscn' c~ pN!<'lude thoir .nf~men'. COOtn.o;1ll$scnl is usually proV\'n Ihl'01llo1lo written agl'ttment si~ilM by lhe par_ Ii... The plainliff'llia""IU," i. thr besl evidence of .......1 in ...... drcumsulncos. ~ Coniu""", """",,lies. hoooo'e>'or. generally an: '"'" signed by tilher the ooow""", or \Io'am.Mor. 1lM:y an: .. "",Iy deli~ wiolo thr prOOi>Cl, A,iff can _void a war· rancy·arbitnlion "l'ftmm1 by quing tIw he ne\"n reai~ or ond thr ......-y.·The Abbama SuptmIO Coun 1m bcm reap. Ii", 10 olois -WUmml ......... in uses ,,""" thr plaintiff lilts • claim for bmdI of ....Ift" ......".."y (""hi<h ~~ IIw the plo.inhff""";~ ....:an".uy in Ihe firII pIa:e).The JOOd _ . for "'lmln1On is tIw tbo EkVI'nth Cimo~·. anal~s in 1)oW, tonnicu ""iolo ;IS hoIdi", in C"""",,Ioano. The C"",,;ns/wl ... , ingle documenl rule may to. .ubj«! 10 c hallm&e fiA" oIois "'1l$OfI, In tIeIormininl thai an mtnltion provision ",u, 1 to. ..1 foro. within lhe Ie" of lhe "'3rn\n1y i1.<clf.lhe CUllliin, /wlm toull .. lied upon a J'rocra1 Trade Commission ..g . ulalioo o:quirt$ "infonnal disptlle St"loment mtch:uti,m,'" 10 be di<played within the w""""ly." The ClUining/wl", roIIn conrlU<lod that oubiltlltion is an ••..h..,..~ve disptllC: """'menl mtch:utism" under W, ~g"l .. ion.~ The D<wis roIIll hal &ince ~jO<Yd thai ilMtrprI'UI" ....• The Fifth and Thin! cite.ill """, II "..,11." Arbotralion ~mmIll .... IlOl "informal disptlle .c,,1emont mechanilJM tIIoior the M"""""", M .... Act. I~ad. they .... viewed II funtm Jd«Ilon cbuscs." This imp:onatM di>linc· tioa ohoukll't1ldl/r tbo .....Ie documml ruk iillppl~ 10 " .... ran,y·art>ittatial ~mtDIL Stparattly ..,ilM arbittalion ..,-. .,..,... btl ............:anantors and consumers ohoukl to. .... f~ablc.

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IUt of a .......anty.· The a)tII1 hrld m... ~ tile arbitr.olilln .. ~ did 1>01 appt2l' .. pan of ~ ""$inJ:1e doo;umtnl" ...ithon tht .... t of tbo ...-..rancy. thr aouId '"'" hr cnfurud. To "'"'"" \his rauh. tbocoun ~Iicd ... " FcdmoITr.Ie CoawnWion oquIatioa !hOI ~ "informal di'l"* JeQIemmI med>;omSilOl~ 10 be dispbyf<I "idlin thr _, of ~ .....-y.~ The ~

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Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Regulation Change. The loliowmg regulation CMJlgeS 'Mlre approved by the Board of Bar CommissiOl1efs and became effective July 14. 2003 Rqul.tion 42 A list of or(lanililtions whose continuing legal education activities are presumptively approved tOI crelli t and the organization has paid the required annual sponsor let! of $250 shall be compiled and published annually by the MClE Commission. A list of approved sponsors is available upon request. Other organizatIOns may be added 10 the lisl as their identities are confirmed by the commission by aPlllicalion and upon payment of an 3nnLJaI sponsor fee of 5250.

Rlgul. tion 4.1 Any OIganizatioo that lias 001 been designated an iIjlpfoved $pOIISOf by the rorrwnission must pay an ilPIIlicalion fee of S50 for each application submitted durill(l a calendar vear This application fee must be attached to the application

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elf Program Materials

from the 200J Alabama State Bar Annual Meeting and Legal Expo

Pl ........ ~ CHile.,; OR MO NIEY D RDIR MADII PAYAIILII TO TIIII ALABAMA STArII: B AR tor $15 and fcrw...d:ll; ><Ith dQ ~ r.:,.,. to>

Co • • uniaoticc>. DepuIa."t. A1.abto •• !bra


P.O. Box 61L

~ •• ry,

AL 36101

Alabama Municipal Employees' Rights to

eave os! Alabama munidpatili'" "'" well a"-..,, of1bei. obligalions under (he Uni/amltJ S,n-ias f.·mpl{}Jm~m & /(m"pl,,;;m~m Righ" MI of 1994. 38 U.S.c. 14301, n .~q_ . ",,,"n municipal employ"". n:ques1 a leave of a~1IC< to ",,..,e in lht militnry. c;.,~r:lIly. all empl<>yelS (iocloding municipalities) muS! allow I.av~s of absc",,~ of up to r.v~ y~an for mjJj"rr ..,rvi~. and muS! rei."ale cmplO)'ees upon romplelion of lht rnili'arr "'rYi~ to lhe ... "", j<lb or a substantially similar jOO. In lighl of (he on-goins call-up of our Na1i"".! Guard and U.S. R"",~ for ~"en ;ive "P"'1I,ioos in 1be Middle Eo>1.nd el ... where. Alabama muni~ipalilie. also :<J\Ould be aw"", of 'heir ,>Jdi/iQm>/5I>lC low oblig.!ions!O provide ~mployees a «,,>in """",n, of ptJid milil<Uy In'.., each c.lcndar ~ar. as well os. =tntly .nr,w law ("", all",," (but does "'" require) munic;· p;olilies 10 pro,ide supplen>tn,al pay for nlUni~il"'l crnploy ....s calioo 10 ser'''e in I"" ""ar ""Ierrori,m. Under Illn/xlnw Cod. §31 ·2-13(a). AI.bam. municipal ~mploytt• ...., ~ntitltdto 168 t\o<Jn of paid lea,. each calendar year for mililary dUly nq"ind by /Mualla", and an additional 168 hoon of paid leave each year if calloo by the Go'"mor/or




"'~ .,m~'

All offi~e,.. and employ~. of [any) Stal. of Alabam •... municipaliIY ... who...., octive "",milt,.. of the AI.ban'lll NaliOflal Guard. Naval Militia. the Alabama Slate Guard organitt<.! in liru ofille Nalional Guard. or of any OIlier rese,,'e component of the anne<! fo.«' of the Uni,oo S...... shall be emilloo 10 mililary Ie • ...., ofabscllCe from ,heir ~t><"li,'c civil dUli .. and occupations on all daY' Ihat tbey ore engaged in field or roast defense or other Ir.ining I,.. on ~ber ..",ice ordc~ under lhe Nation.1 Defense ACI. oroflhe fMc ... lla""" "",eming lhe Uniled Slates ...." .... wilhout loss of pay. lime. emciellCY raIing. annnal ,·ocauon. or . ick leave

Notwilhslanding the foregoing. no pcr:l<ln """,td. k"," of .bscllCC with pay wll Ilt paid for morc than 168 working hours' pcr calcnd3r year. and those person,; ,han be enlitled. in additiontherclO. lO be paid for no more than 168 working boo,.. al any 01>0 time while caned by t"" Go'.. mor 10 dUly in the acli,,, .<tTl'i"" of lhe Slale, . .. Illn. Cod~ §31-2-13ia).' The law doc. "'" apply 10 pri""te empIQye,..' Secl;on ) 1.2.13(') addrc<Se' paid lea",! of absellCC for lwo n,ulully exclu,i...., Iypes of military serv;'" _ "fcdcfal dUly" and ''s!:lIC dUly"' _ and mandates 168 t\o<Jrs of paid military it.", each cakndar year for erh Iype of duty. Ike.use mililary serv;"'. in """,I cases. is II"'~ by fed<-rallaw. municipalilil'$ 8.~rolly will be rcqui~ ooly to provide 168 hours of paid military 1<• ...., in any given calendar year. Only in those ran: insl""""s when a municipal e mploytt i$ absent for bmh '"fMc",1 dUly" military se",ice and military ""service 10 the .tate'· during the lame eatendar year would lhe municipality have an obligalion 10 pay tho employ.. for """" Ih:ln 168 hours in the calendar year.'

Slale Military Duly versus Federal Military Duly In mosl .• munieipal employ",,', absence for military du'y is ~uired by feder.llaw. and the employtt i. paid by the f.deral govC1llmenl. Accordingly. when lhe Pre.idenl coJl, a U.s. Rese",ist or N'lionoJ Guard' memher 10 ao;I;,,, duty under ,he Nal;onnl I>rf.n" A~t. ,he .... "'ice is dearly und<r federal law and "only lhe provision of i31·2·13 pro"idini Ie • ...., for fedend se",ice is applicable:' lillY- G~n. Op. 90.00398, 1'1'.2·3. Similarly. abse"""$ for Na,ioo.) Guard lraining are usually .on· side~ "for federal military duty" willtin lhe mean ing of Ala. M

Code §31-2.13(a) becaus.e thes.e absences are required undcr the Nationallk/.ns, lI.eland paid for by tile fellc",) ,Io,omIDem:

11>0 Ieoo "full-lime Nalional Guard dUly~ means train_ ing or Qlh<,r dUly. OIlier lhan in3<I;'" du ly. J!<'rfOf"l1led by • n.. mber of the Army N'liooal Guard of lhe United Stales or lhe Air NJlional Guard of lhe United Slales in lhe member's .I.:IIU , 1$ a IIN'mber of the Nalional Guard nf. Stale or "'rrilory. the Commonwealth of Pucno Rico. or lhe Di,trict of Columbia under 5CClioo 316. 502. 503. 504. or 50~ of IiI Ie 32 for which lhe mcmber is entitled 10 pay from the Uniled SIa"" or for which the member ba, ,,"'ai""" pay from the United S"'les. 10 U.S.C.

§101(d)(~). '

In COllI,..". mililary duly "in tbe acti"" s.ervice of the slale'" wilen called by lbe Governor' is limi1ed 10 lbe e nf""'emenl of the law. the prtst"alioo of the pe"'" or for lbe 5CCOrily of the rights and li""s of cilizens or prote<:1ion of propeny in aid and reli.f of cilizens in disastet. or any , imilar duly. or any ",her ...,,,ice thallhe Go.. mor may for specific reasons so de,ignale ilia. Codr §31·2-38. A municipal employee'. absence for military training is """,;dered "in the acti"" ..,tvice of the I ta"':' and Ihus coonled again" the 168 hours of dUlY" paid 10."0. ooly when lhe I",ining i5 ordered by AlablOlna', Governor and wben "such dUly is paid for solely from ' laIc funds and DO f<dcraJ funds are uM:d:' Cod~ §31.2.38.


Supplemental Pay far "War an Terrarism" Duty While II.laba"", Cod. 131.2-13(0) grants municipal employees lhe righl10 paid mililary le ..'e. Ihallaw also .stablisbes the """,imum amounllh ... munieipal employ.,. may pay-DO more !han 168 hours for mililary dUly absence •. "Alabama law p«>hibil$ any pcr$OfI gJ3nled • I•• "" of .b..,nce from hi. or her respecli"" ci,il dUlies and occupalion. because of IICI;'-e mililary dUlY. from rrceiving '"pplemenllli pay for more lhan 168 worting hours." II.lIy. o.,n. Op.'UX)2.129. p.3. In other words. " [IJbe paymenl of Ille difference ~Iw..,n [an ~mploy«"J mililary pay and his public. civili.n pay i. a viol3tioo of lhe s""u' • ." 11.11)< o.,n, Op,96-OOI88. p.2. In 2002. the Alabama ugi.,.lure passed a comI""hensi"e stalule entilled "P""un;ati(M <if Rights and B~n~fits

During Mililary



lhal became effecl;"o July 1.2002. C",l. §31-12-1 ~I .~q, Under thi. law. Alabama 316



municipalilies may !lOW. under limited circum>lances. impleJllCn, .upplemental mililary pay polieies ; ~ go,-eming body of any local g",'em" .. nlal e"lily in thi. >I.le may pr<wide for any public employe. of lhe omily who is callrd into acl;I', s~nlic-e in rho Q"".d/Q":;~s af 1M Unj,d Stale' during III#" ""'r QIi '~rrorijm "'him romm~nctd in S~p'~mMr 2001. 10 recei"e from hi' or ber employ,,, com!",n""lion in an amoum which is equal 10 lhe dif/.""nce Ih. low.r aeri •.., dury ",ililaf)' pal


and Ih. highu pO/hlie emplCl)'lMni ""'ary "'Men h, or she would Iu.... rt!ui,..d if IlOl call.d 10 aCI;"r un·kr. Ala. Cod. §31 - (emphasis added). N01.bly. Ihis slaluIe expressly exciudes from it> co"era8e absence. for "normal N01iooal Guard and Reserve "'""kend drill. annual 113i"ing. and rrquired ,,,Il001. as described in 32 U.S.C. §5{)2(0) Ihrough (e). inclu,;"". and Olher relaled Stalule.:· Ala. C()(l~ §31- 12-4. f.a,c:h Alabama munieipalilY rrmain. frtt 10 craft il< own policies and procedures for Ihis .upplemenl.l oomJ!<'nsalion: 11>0 amounl of compen"lio" whien may he paid under this 5CClion 10 a local public employee called inlo acli'-e .. /Vice may be paid for. period '" de1eooil\ed by the local goveming

body un"', rub and "'gul.tion. for j)I'(Ittssing claims for and paymenlS of the compensalion promulg.ted .nd implemented by.he local goveming body.

Will iam (Bill) H . Odum. Jr.

Board Cenified £ntomologi~1 Liligalion Teslimony - Entomology Consullulions

P,O. Box


Dolhan. AL 36302



Facsimile: 334-671 -8652

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5. S0032US.C-1J1!I_Goord_ ..... bot~ .. _ . " " " _ • lifto ' - - ' 32 U.S!. j~ 1 _ Gu..:t - . 10 _ _ II>! d ond inmEtion. _ 4B ...... "'. _ ond _ io.......,._ '"". _ \ ~ iIiys _ _ llZ U . S . C . I~!Tho ~ 01 ... """' ond ... Sooro!o!y of "'" M fo!to ..... ~ II>! _ _ pon;cipooon " ' . . . -






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Municipal employers and employ"" have ' iinific.ntly diffe,em rights and responsibilities with ""1"'<".0 paid mi lita!)' kaYe when compared with private employers. Municipali,ies shouJd review thoir obliga.ion, 10 ensure compliance with .he.. Sla'e law, designed 10 pro'note panicipalioo in our nation', ~

Guo<\! _

Goord " ' _ ............. ' - " " """I1'iNd ~lO<I_ of "'" _ o j Stoteo' _ •••~ , IIT1IId. ond oquoppod ......., .. pontylt _ _ _ " ,0 U.S.C, 11011tl Soo Nrr- Goo. £1011·150) ~ .......... """ botpoodlor_,...-'lat _ _ o->oWIll A!t\', Goo. ...,."... _ _ ;tw _ io ... _ _ ""'" bot pood lor "oioq _ L AnI' """- ~~~I~ 0II'ifII<>j. _


According ly, municipalities may (but are not required (0) adopt polici~. thal permit payment of the diff.",nce !:oo1w",n a lower military pay and. higher civilian salary once the 168 bou", of paid lea'.. are e.dJ:lUSlcd. bu. only for absences OCCasioned by """live ..",ice in tho war on ltmJrism." If the munici. ~ily chooses 10 adopI .".,h a policy, it has complete discrtlioo 10 decide how long il will make these supplemental paymenlS. Municipalil~ should fonnally odopI . supplemcOl;tl pay policy by ordif\l1JlCe or other formal action 10 a...,;d po!entialli:d)ili.y under the ge ......1 military pay stalUI•. A/,Ihlunn COih §J 1-2- 13{a).


Ma. Cod~ 13 1- 12-4.

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n !be Taming '11M Shnw. Sh:tl..p""'" advised """"nUe ri''a1'10 "Idlo "" od~r· do in "rive mighlily but Ul and drin~ a, fri.nds_" AI the lime Shal;.,poe"'" wrotc the 1ilmins of II., S,"""" in 1~84, the F...nglish lx<rri'lm had .Iready e'tablished organil(lOlion, foc n",,,,~J'$ of !heir bar and b<,,,,,h known I. the "Inn. "rlhe Coon," 'l1Ic: "Inn. of the Com," ",ore'" here English "'<~IIJ ",c.110 '.~"'''~




Ina<!" and ... gage in fc1!ov. ,hlp_ Such Engh<h Inll' conl",u" 10 Ih" do)'_ In 1M 1970.. mIn)' "'~pc'C10<l jun", and < l<> lui "". oow bt>come ~"""" n a\ tho "AnlCnean lnn< "f eoun" (AIC) ba.<.N upon Ibe Engl.'" Inn •. In 1980. U.S. SUl'f"me Coun Cliler Ju"icc Wan-ttI BUrg<"r. fonncr s,,1"'n .... C>en<"t1IJ Ru lU' and FNo",] I)",ricl Jud~ A Sbtnnan Chri,t.n~n began !he ... morican Inn' of Court and ~bhsllcd '" firlt .""pter In Utah. JIf""""""pI ..... adop<<d from !be British hms of Coon sy.~m .. he", , .... tdu. cation and tnining of ,u"""'Y' "'.,,, • procc"


camc.'os.'her .",.'e '"

of nItn'9fllll and do,.lopmg nprne"". ll>rtoJgb f......ship "nh II..".., np<ner.:cd bani>IeQ. Since ih fornUIIOII. Ale ch.~" ha,'~

b«n ~'Ia~li'hod Ih""'goo...1 lho Un;IN 'Tbc", "'" p"'><ndy J 11 ctul"~" acl;'.. and org, 'hr?"ghoullho Un'IN Slales .. nh an act;ve nlC'mhe"h,p (If 23.000judg.s.I .... y~"'.I"'" le>cho" .nd l.... St"~,.



$Iudtn ... Tho A le pm"M~C' ethic, and 'kill oflho btnch nnJ tho bar. Tbc Slaled mission of the A Ie;. '·10 fo>lcr ucdI.nee in professio,,,,li,.,.• Ihi~ a"d lego] , kill. for judge •. I.... ye ... ""adem,.""". "nd

·<lu<len15 oflaw in order 10 perfecl ilIe .""ilabiliIY and dfi~i~ncy of juslice in Ille Uniled SUle•.~ AIC eh,p!ers bellefol ilIeir Itg.1 com· mUnilies in IMny diffe",nl "'''Y'. TIley provide a me<h.1nism of lr.lining for lawyers in small foml$ and rural areas. Thi' i. ""ry imporlanl in OIate, ,och as Alabama ""here .uch a large perttntage of ""'. altomey. practice in .mall form. or in solo p<1ICtices. The AIC helps a"orHe)"s by fIlling in the gaps in law school edLl<"ion. The tdocatiOIl provided by AIC ch.ptc", i. often more enjoY'ble and more fr«]""nllhan ronlinuing legal tdllC'lion courses Ihal atlC>m<'YS must .Ilend on. yearly basi •. By bringing 1<>gelher members of !he be""h and bar. the AIC fosters rommunicalinn bet""..,n them. In Mditioo 10 lhe tduc.tion.1 and infnnnatioo.1 .spects of the AIC chapter meeting •. !he AIC provides opponunity fOf allorney. 10 devel<>p ronlacts. and AIC membership pro,·ide. all"",ey. with the prestige of being associ.led with lhe Ofganizalion ilself.' In 1989. the forst Alabanta AIC chapt.. was OTg,niztd in Monlgomery. The Monlgl)m/!ry AIC ehapler has oow been ",na.1td the Hugh MOOdox AIC Chap"'r. Si"". its eOiablishment. six otbcr AIC chaplers have b<:<:n .,,,,blisl>ed or char· tom:! for eOiablishmen, in TUscaloosa County. Birmingham. Madison Counly. Mobile Counly. Calhoon County. and Etowah CounlY. Each AIC chapl" meeIS at \casl once a monlh for nine months oul oflhe year. Allbe meeting•. not only do members of the bar get an O(lporI"nily to """,ializ. wilh otbc-r .Ilorneys and judges. bul also an: presenltd programs designed 10 pr0mote kgal e~celleJlCe. civilily. profes· sionalism and elhics. Some ChaplCrt even for conlinuing leg.1 tducalion credits for membel'S .lIending lhe program<. The growlh of the AIC in Al.bama has been greatly er.couragtd by ",.peeled members o f lhe .tale bar .nd hench. such as JUOlice Maddox . JuSlice Maddox was piVOlal in the formation of the AIC chap-tor in Monlgomery and has helped 10 pronlO!e the AlC Ihroughoutlhe 01.<0 and nationwide. He is p""~nlly a n",m· bor of the Board of TrusteeS for lhe National ATlltric.n Inns of Coun and i. ~ .... ing on lhe Slra<ogic Planning Commiitee, which has b<:<:n ~>lablished 10 study and <le>elop stral~gic plans con·

aming lhe goals. operaliOO and fin.""" oflheAIC. Ju"ice Maddox COIIlend.lhal the AIC. through Ibe div .... ;ty of membership of the individual chaplert. helps promote coIlegialilY among the anornty Tlltm~


and. thus.. promotes civilily lhe emi", legal communily. lie Ibe AIC chapters should .trive 10 anain representalive ""'mborthip of the legal comn,unity ~ by ,he ChaPler includ· ing not only a di"""", gender and racial maleup. but di ........ ily in the type of I.w pr.><:ti~ among il> membe.-., lie sillies thai chaplC1" n",mbo:rthip i$ !really enhanced ""hen il i""ludes boIb f~raI and Sillte juodges. Justice MOOdox .ugge,IS Ih.1 il i$ impOrulnllO have memo ~ ~nling differenl and COmpeling aspeeIS of the bar. including prosocu. ton. criminal defense .ttorntys. govern· "",nl allorntys. poi''lIt. sector .ttorntys. civil defense anorntys. and trial lawyen. Each AIC chapt .. divides iIS member_ .hip inlO th"'" separale groops based on the Itngth of lime lhal each member has pracI~ law. Those groups include m.... ler benchel'5. barris"rs and associ.",s. Within these categories. membership i. .ubdivided into pupilage learns ron.i.~ng of iuodivid u.l. front each rnomhership cal· egory. 11lesc pupilage lOam memb<-rs assist in lhe p""sentalioo of programs and an: encouragtd to mainl,,;n rontaCl OUI· .ide ilIe monthly mtttings for the pu" pose of allOWing les!I experienced allor· ntys \0 learn more effective advocacy from Ibe man: e.-operienc<:<l allorntys and judges in the pupilage gl'Qllps. The use of AIC chapters for mentoring young or kss experienced anorney. has been .-.:cogniud by many panicipants of stICh chapters. Nora C. Port.. 1KIIt<i Ibe impoftaJlCe of the Inn. for foslering .tlCh menloring relationships in her anic1e. "Enriched by··. Porter wrileS; ' In lhe U.S,. as preceplorsltips for novice lawyrrt bo:<oame a 'hing of the pasl. lbere armc an ob\-iou, need to provide. way for anorneys 10 learn from ilIe experience of wi~r colleague. as well as 10 meet informally with judges and some· lime-adversaries or compelilors in • w.y!ha1 would fosler«>mmon ideal. and goal •.

The culTtnl presi<knl [of Ibe Cumberland County. l'enllSylvania Chapl", of lhe Alej. Marlin McCaleb.

''[It]o as althersaries ltO in [aID, strine migqtilR hut cat aM ltrink as frienlts." -Sha kespeare finds thai lhe AIC meets a real need. --In Ibe I3Ie '60s. when r g.rad ualtd from I.w school. there were ooly .boul50 lawyers in the counly. AI thai time il was rom_ mon practice for many of lhe older 1.... yel'S 10 meel for lunch. Foo- younger lawyers. silling down with them wa< an invaluable way to learn (he nulS and bolts of practice. Nowaday •• "'ilh 250 \0 3(X) law~rs in the counly. that'. no longer feasible. Illtink if•• g"'at idea 10 ha~e an orpniUlioo set up whe", we can pick each other's brain. and k!am from what others have done: ~ The formalitie. of the American Inns of Coun vary throughoul each individual chapter. Some chapters concenlr.lte more than others do OIl lhe """,ial funclioning of the American Inn, of Coun. OIlIer chaplel'S may have more elaborale tduca· tional sessions. ",<sinn! oflen

i""IDdt skilS. <kmon.mui"",. and WOftohops in aoJdition 10 W1om. The EIOWIII COWMy ... IC chapler w. esublished in 1999. 11 has "''a" 58 ch;Iprtf mtmbtrs. lIS me .... bmbip i, "''a" :10 P='U'1 of the bench ......... in EIowaII Counly. The EIo:lvo'all Counly ... IC chapler tw optIl membmbip fOf the ..ui", """DIy and much di'lttlily in ilS me .... beMip. h. membmbip includes memben 0( lhe: ftdtral and slale bench. and

anorney. from


of paclio •.

includi"~ ~U101"$.

criminal ""fe"", lawyers. II"ncl1ll pI1IC1iliono .... lrial lawym. ~;"il ""fen... I.wy ..... and ",.1 eswe I11DmeY1L Each """'lillg lias Ilec· lUre Of cm10red on improving the mtmbmhlp· and promoIia& prof..woowism and <",ili,y. The mocIinp pro.-ide the """".nmily for IUDI"fIeyS 10 III •• dinner Md f.I"""'· 5hip ,,',111 othtr <n<mb<n o(!be btndt and ' -. The meeti .... pro.-ido attorneys


an "Il\>O'1unilY III 5ee OIhen whom may only sec cath DIhcf whi!., ~rfooming in their profwional ....10 •. Thi. >ooi31 ... ,_ 'ing probobly docs mon: 10 prDIllIIIe

fritnd>.hip lllrou,ghoul ,he: Coun'y bar !han any othtr~y bar funnion. Withoul ql.\eilion. the bilJlOSl draw uch re.... is the ann ...1 ileal ooot;ou, homd by ludse ...11otI M,Uiuot. E~ is ablo ID relall. Lllk ..... ;on .... illl each oches in" -err infonnalleninl witbou! the .. uffi and formalily thc practice 0( Ia ... 10 ofltn ~i ..... The l1"""",bie Il",,'ard T. Mart.y. <kan of lhe John MIMln School "f 1..>.... no«:d i. hi, spe«h .. ,he: annuli ...... ling or lhe: "'''lerican Inns or Court "" June 10. 199) lII.t c""h n",mber of the: bar mllSl do hi. Of her pan 10 prorRI){/! profwionalism. The establishmenl 0( " mernl>enhip in the ... IC could be an importanl portIO ons ..-ering tIw ""P""libility. Dean MNtty eneoura,..:J tIw ~Ilawycrs ....... Id 10 <XNMi1>Cl [Ihem.[ .. 10 mat. lbe phrue ·ethical lawyer' " n:dul!dancy.~ He UJvd lhac 1be ... morican I"", on: proving 1b3t thc IOlulion lies cloler Jo ........ It 1... willi the indlviduall.wy... Each of us must.can ... illl oursel,'''S a nd Wilh our choic. of • pot""".1 lodestar. " .tar 10

51 ..... by as "'.• pnoctke our ancienl


fcuiod as COIW"Isdors and ~ 0( our fellow You mlHl ...." ... for thc choke )'011 10 hl .. ory if IlOIlO Il(I <llhn. Choose .. )'0\1 .... ill. but. I bet of you choolC! fOr • lawyn Iode.w is" mm: mcc .....ic." .... JU5li« MadcJoJ< nOIed in his artie"'. -...n Old Tradition willi I r-<tw Mission the ... mtrica Inn. of Court." thaI participalion in .1oe.1 ... IC chapI<T cl n be


",thou! "


prodUClh~ and .njoyablo


lio. lhl! on .I1ortley can be • mrmOCr. Enjoying lhe expotric~ " probobly the I0O$I importlnl I"'rt or joining an ... IC clllp...• Too ofl.n. a11orney' do J>OI do",,"'" relationships ""illl ocher mrm· bers of lhe: bar "'hen the OJlPDr1unily Jo fOml such frinldsllips willi Others thaI .shan: their love of the ..... 10 readily ""i>lS. \1,illiam Cobet fIOICd. ~"'11 "..... srd: the >ooiccy of ~ who lIIink and act .........·1II1Iile themsel...,.." Despile the divmilY in the mrmbomhip ofthc AIC chap1cro. eath membn IIwes the low: of pI1IC1ice of I.... and lhi. i, ,,·hall.nds 10 lhe: promOIion of ci.ilily. Then: is much nlOm fOf rTlU(;h growth of the ... IC in"'~ E""n Iawyns in smal10r communitie5 can foom chapl .... by joininl ~ other III01Ilbers 0( thcir jucIiooial eirt\lll or COU>ltie5 in c"",,", pro>.imity. The "",,111 of the ... IC ,,;111 the p i of n:ftImi", profew.ionoJiw and civility 10 the Itpl profmion cal only be SlKQgtbencd by the "",,111 of dae orpnizations. ~ the SUllO. Expansion cl the ... IC can oftly help 10 ~ proffflionaliw and i~ the pc=pIlon that the JIaIO cilizenry hal cll11ClmO)" on<l thc juroce syS1Cmln~.

... did you make your point?


h'l " fld. INI ...... ~ I'IeIpI !hey _ When e"l"'Ud 11> -...... of


0 ....... 1. the low or ...... WMIiIIg


0.. ct<IJfied ~ <XII'IIUIIInts c.'I work ..... \'OIl 10 diglllly display key •• ideo .... auciellIepIIMIons _ iInporQnI ~ in oro.r Jo keep the jury Ioc:vMd on \he ' - In your "$0 ..-.:I \he _ of your time In Iron1 of them. C.. 1OCIIy 10"" _ _ can help with your next_.

Wilson Price


(33-4) 271-2200 www.wilsonpriceil.c:om




fOr ItJomoYI inlrfel;tod in esl.lblishing "'merican In", orCoun in theirCOUnly or judiciol dtCuil.lnquiries regarding mrm· bership can be din:eted 10 the American In", 0( COlIn Foundation. 121 S. Paylon Su-. Suioe 201. ....... andri.a. ViIJiQ;" 223 14. (10)) ~ fall (703) 614J«f/; ......."inIuoJi:'<ooon."'I.



" . oI eou. ........ _ _ 011.-.· ' - ~~A(rillm

1 _

C ....... "&ritNII '" ~ lilt

,.•• "

_~• .IoIy.~

2002. JIll. 20-2'

J ",,_pp. l'

........ f+4' ~ 'linOldIroditionW.fI . ~TlIt ............. """ 01 c...t.. no. _t.w,w. "" II. pp. .... llm


PROFESSIONAL CREED OF THE AMERICAN INNS OF COURT w........... the Rule of law is .""nli.1 10 prese",ing 0IId proIe<ting !be righlS and libertie. M a r"", people; and

• k:~ prolh.ion and will uphold !be ,Wldanls of the profession ,,"'jib dignity. civilily aDd courtesy. 1 will ""]1Ife my inlCgrity ab,w. all. My W<)I'd i. my bond. I will develop my prac1ice wi,h dignity.1Id will be mindful in my oommu"",,,ions wilh the ""blic thaI what is C'OnSliluliQnally pt" mi .. ible may 1101 be professiOllally

Wh.reas. lIIJ1)Ughou, hislory. lawyers and judge. have prest~. ~l<:d and defended ,be Rule of Law in order 10

en,"", iu"i« (Of all: and Wilt"' .... p",,,,,,,,,,.'ion and pnll"ul",lion of lbe highest standard. of excd· I.""" in professionalism. elhics. civility, and leg.1 skill , ore ,,\.Senti.l to ach ieving j",'ice und<r!he Rule of Law: Now Ih .... f"re, os I member of an Am<ric"" Inn of COUll. I hereby adop1 this Prof.ssion.1Ctttd ",ith. piNg/: 10 I>onor its prirICipl ... and practices: I wili,,,, .. tbe Jlf1'C.;ce of law ..

American Inns of Court Chapter Growth


1 will SO"'e 0$ on officer of ,be coon. encooraging =P"'" for the law in all th.t I do.o<I avoiding .buse or misuse of lIIe law. it> pr0cedures. i~ panicipants """ its procc .....

American Inns of Court Membership Growth

I will n'(nS"nt II>< i"ten'sl' of my cli~nl wilh vigor and will Sttk !he mosl ex]>'ditious.o<I I."" rosIly $01",i0l15 to probkms. Il'SOlving di'flUlt< through IItg",i,'iQll " 'I><n· eve, possible. I will """' con,inuously to auain the highesl level o(knowledge and , kill in II>< "flC3$ of !he law in which I praoli"", I will contrilxlt. lime aDd ",sou"",. to public service. chari",. ble ac1ivilie< and pro bono wor ~. I will "1II'k to make ,he legal sys,em mo'" ac<:e5sibk. ",spOn$ive and efT.,."i ••. I will honor tl>< n'<]ui",,,,,,"'s. ,/.., spiril and the int.n, of''''' applicable rules of codes of professiQll.1 condUCl lor my iuri!idiClion. and will ellCournge Othors to do II>< ..m<.

.. ..l_. _d_ . _. .

JollS. ....

__ _c.r 00IIi0, _""" dHo",_

Southern Opinion Research Accurate, reliable survey research, specializing in • Media and audience analysis • Politics and public policy • Intellectual property • General research services

In 80_ 8633-43 Tuscaloosa, AL 35<166-0030 205-3S6-06H 205·3S6-0618 (f•• )

In Virgin ..: 80. 12t1

Emory. VA 2.327 276·!J.W-6889

he admission of reoords ar.d sa,i,· fying llIe bunkns of proof in "'" injury case: oflen present lawyers with a myriad of hurdles. This ",,;cle amse out of my de,ire to answer q~.


lions thaI ron,iSlendy pr=nlM !km· sel ... in c"",, .ft.... case and it is a com pilation of rescan:h.lri.1 and e!ml", and numorous discussions wilh .~peri.nced practilioners. With this in mind. this ani· de will dl",uss the nalUre of these i,sues and proposes explanations and practical $Olu,;on, 10 admissiOQ of n:cords and ,lie burden.< ofpmofand production in llIe injury case. with =pecllO law and pr0cedure in Alabama.

Authentication Aul h.nt;.,ati .... or identification is lht: first evidentiary hurdle which a OOc:u_ 382


men! or aniele of evidence mus,


COme in oo;\e, to gain admissibility a1 triaL Aulhtntication i. simply ac.oura~ idtntificatioo of an item of ",,;<knee 10 delenn;"" if that ilem i. tbe ~g.n"i"" aniele:' Authenticalion is tbe firsl.tcp or the "prtliminary" foundation for admis_ sion of record, and il ;"<>Ially "'pam!. from tile ~ui,..ments of establishing a foundation ur.der the business reconl ~'''''p1ion_ "Authontication alone is never .uflici~nt to admit ~ OO<nmenta.< a busi· ness record ov..... pany's objection .' Ahhollgh authentication and foundal;"" "'" of"" used int<rchangeably. thcji "'" di.<t;DCt ~vidtnt;ary isSll~s and I add,.,ss them separately in this article.' n.. .uthenticalion of. business record is. mat'" of proving thai the record or document is ",,,,,jne and mmwonhy, According to the Alabama Rules

Evidtn<. 901(1), " [tJhe .-..qui,.,,,,,,nt of .uthenticalion or identifICalion,. ,i. SlOt· i,tiM by ""ide""" sufficirntto support. finding ihatlhe maUe, in quoSiion is ",hat the [>fOIlOflC'n! claims,'" In other word •• the mo,'ant pro-.-o' that lhe document or j"m of o"ide""" is authontic or lhe ,.,althing. the '·g~nnine articlr:' that il ,.,ally is ",hallhe movanl say. il is, In a persooal injury daim. a plaintiff's medk.1 records and bills muSi be "uIMOI;C31«1 by the appr<)prialO medical providt-r before lhe docu"",nls are admissible allri.l. In praclicallefTllS. lhe medical providt-r, usually the physician through deposition leslimoroy or the cus· todian of records, i. ask«llo identify the document an<Vor leslify ihalthe medical record is what il is daimed to be, Thus, the record is lICCur;lIcly identified by lhe appropriate pel'SOO and is .hown 10 be

Authentication, Foundation, Reasonableness and Causation:

Admission of Medical Records and the Burdens of Proof in the Injury Case


• •

the sen"l ... aniele. TIle penon who IO:lually authemic.,OS!he "cord dot. 001 ha" II) be the custodian of record,' or have firsl-hand or personal knowledge of II>< c<mlen", of tbe ~.' or be 1he~_ wn who ""iuaJly prtpared the original record' i.e" the physician who diC1.lCd ,be medical ",pan. Howe',,'. even Ihough lbe a"wnlie.ting W;tneM does noI r.eed to be the person ,,'110 <",au,d the record or h:".., srecifoc knowledge of itS rontentS, thi, wilJ1eS$ must be able 10 •• plain and can be cl'OSH'xan,intd as 10 the mannr, in which the businesses' records "'ere made. loop! or slOred.' One .. a business or "",die.1 rttord has ~n a"thenlicaled as genu;IIe or cenilied as a !rue and ~' cOp)'. il bas <korM an important prtlimirwy hurdle. but il is slill hearsay. Tbe record c."fIO! be odmil1ed in.o evidence "00." the bu.;·

neSS r<'<XIrili u~l'Iion to lilt btarsay rule until a prop<1" fOllOOalion is laid.'

Foundation Once an anicl. of evidence is authemi· caltd, the RC<>nd huntle 10 admission is fouooatJo.n. Foundation goes to the btan

of !he reliability of the =on! ar.dlor i15 COIl1.nt. If 'uthenlic3lioo i, !he oceur.ltc i<kntifi~atioo of an item of C'o'ider.c<: thrn foundalioo is fa.c1ual proof of bow the item of C'o'idence W3S COI'TtCdy prepared. SIOred. and retrieved, Foundatioo is s.imply e~plairv:d as "'" ~hai".()f"'u~tody fooan ilr"' of C'o'i<kr.c<: to formally estabUsh i15 reliability, \Vher=. Authonti03lioo may allow thr introdUoCtion of the book into evidence. the tri .. of fa.c1 cannot open tho book and read Ihe fll"lt lint of page one ulttil its foundation is established,

MMical "",ords an; busint', record< and an: he.u'say. But if these rusint'" reo=d, are qualif>ed by the busi""", reo=d. uC"f!Iion by the rules li,!M below, they are deemed exceptions to hearsay. In an injury Claim. medical record< an: typically P"'patt:tl in Ihe <)I'di. nary 00II"'" ofoo'i ...... by. medic.1 I"""ider. ~fore. they must be properly =ifiod by tStablishing. foundatioot for thrir odmissioo to qualify IS. hearsay exceptioo, In order !o achieve odmissibili· !y at trial. the pr.iCIitiooer must establish 1b31 the "foundalioo" of the documentary C'o'ider.c<: is solid. n:liabJ. and bUst'>«)fthy. If \hi. cannot be establisl>od, the C'o'i<\e""" i. dotlllM he3lSay and il'lOodmissibi<!. The na! logical question is bow do you establish the foundatioo for the odmissioo nf medical record<? Establishing Ihe f<>un· dation is a four-step process. In Alabama.


!he procedure ,. sec fonh in dfte JqIM1IIC ",Its II'1II ..... pIoy oimillo- q..ahfY;1Ii Jan.


Fim, acc<>rding

'0 R~/r 80J 115).

amnl>l.·, Alabama Rul~1 of EV/;/MU. the appropriate witness mw.t testify that ,he Ir.lIIscribtd !tate"","' in ,he busln""" "",OR!: (I )

i,. rtecnl oftba! businQI:

(2) .he "' ........ know. !he ..... hod ..sed \0 ma4 ...,.. =ords:

(3) i, _Ihc ...gularlrouti... JnC'ice 01 tbe busincu make the mconlo:



(4 ) the n:cord W3S made in tbe ordinary

ooursc: of busi ..... or ••",.on~ble ~mo thtRalk •. ' ~ tbe aboveliJlCd procedure for ...... blW"'" !he fOUlldo1ion 01. business rtecnl i. also sec fonh in Rule 44(11) oI .he AIal:>ama Ruks of Civil ~, which ruds: '"Any writinS or r=II'd (medical

r=II'd) . . . made as a ....monr.dum

esublisIIlhe fomtdaIion by ~ It:SUmony?The proccdW1lJ ""p"~. used to aute a (ou",,"1ion "'" P"l"'"eII lhnlol&h "'" l<$Iimony of !he cuS!Od'..,. I "'presenl" Ii"" of ,he modical pnwidcr who Jnp.trr<l ,he rt<:onl (!he ",""",), the treali"i phy. i. ci .... or any employee of !he who can gll.fy !he """,ired ele~ 01 !he businelS rt<:ord ~." The pmon 1tIIify"'l to !he foundolimol facu doa _ """" 10 be !he pmon " ... pqIIIm:I !he informotioa, creale\J !he reconI, or documentfd!he k_ltdge first·hand. IC) !he declarant or .ypically in .., inju')'

or r=II'd of any lOCI. lnnlaClion. 0<X1Im'fItt, or e>'(fII ihalllll: admis$i. hie in evi<lcncoo I f proof 01 ouch acI • !JUlSllClioot., 0«"","",,",. or • .",n~ if i, was made in !he !qui.. oou,"" of ..,y bu.ineso .. .. and i, "''lI$!he "'8u, I.1r _ 01 tbe bus'nel.< \0 mo.I:t ouch ""'monndum or r=II'd at !he time of....tllOCl ... or ',;ilhin • mi' S<lfIabIo .i"", lhm'aIItr . .. •Third, !he lIallllOfy eqWvalenlto Rule 44(11) and Rille 800(6) ,,!he AbIwna B ..inel.< Record Act. Scttion 12·21-43. CoM of Alabama. A ptqltrly au,he",;"a,. od busil\<'SS n:cord is atlmissible in ""i, donee when I fouDdalion i. esllblished by "",",illi:


CISO.lhe palien,', phY';"i..,. The Alaoom. Supre"'" COU!11\>s held: '"1lIo rule (<<{h) A. R .Ci~. P.) doa noI ..,quire IIw <he POI'Klll " 'ho made

I) tba! ,he m:oro or"11$ mode as • m:ord 01 an a;t, ~. , .

!he miry III: !he "';tneu ..... byo !he foundation for <he inlroduclIOII ol'M reconII into ""idmce . ... AfrY ..·it· lIeU who k_. <he "",thad ~std UI

2) !he n:cord "'"lIS n\IIdc iQ !he fq;uW """"" of busillllU \0 ma4 ouch .. • r=II'd at tbe timo 01 ouch lOCI . . . or

!he btuint:ss 01" makinl ff:CORb . and Irnowi il was lhe relular I)f ,he bus;",," II) mak~ .ut:n


• relKllllble ,ime ,,,"",af•••. " l'inally..... ho i. qu.tlift«! ' 0 lt$1ify to

::Jime and ai/ain , Ihe fe a derJ

dedrca l i on a nd Jerl)rce. Ilw, Iglf a c~IItUl'}' under our bdl, rou rould ~)' w L>ow 011 .11011: illO

('Q)illl man:

kn()W about .i,ll: inlllr.mco. Bul it'l 1>01 j llM about kn(t\li "g our

bwinr:& h', obwt knowing "'" dim .. and ~ing 1hrir1JUll.0ur1a)'m u.~ ~juII


&t' halifl( lilt npcrimo:t and insight to

pwoidt lilal wKln"riting lOIutioru. Wt're ""a/'ht numilerollt tillt inSllr.u~

company in ~limppi olld Ab'tomo, m:riIing ~ )'011

fllWlCw .wiIi'y" ...tingt. Th:onk

fOr p.miJl!l )OUr w.h in ....





litO ]

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m:ords II tho ,imo 01 the ~... m in qlJC$liQn Of I spccifKd fUOOO· able ,ime Ihrrnflel' is coonp<'ICm 10 lay the f01llldalillol by Itllifyi", IhIt !he CJlbibu ilouch a record."U


~f<In:. 1/1)'

ernpI<>yco of tho busi".,.. CMl1eSIify ard'or lIoy !he foundalion rooodrn>sNoo or !he C'<~. Additionally. 1""k Ilf PU$(lI\a1 ~lI(lWled", (as lO the Inllh e"","ined in lhe rooord) cooceming ,ho eotriH io tho OOS;''I('SS r«Ord by !he .nlr:oollcu,.Qdian ""'" oot affect the lIdmi .... bilily 01 !he r«Ord. Such lICk Df penoml kl\OWJtdie by the tnlr:oollcUW)di.., ""'" . ffect !he "'dghl of !he evidence 10 be decided by the trier Ilf f><:t. M In R~I" X"" !heAIabama SUpn'me

c.-c bdd:

iocn ... 4'P .... - ........... 1CSli· fiI:I lhat • 5WmICnl. ..'hicIt doriYCS M . . .. .

from a declan",,'1 fUSl·band knowl· edge. in M .utMuicated boW"",, ~ was nude and If':lIUJlIiu<<110 lhI: makrr pur$uan. lO • 1'OtI~1IC busi".,.. dUly•• hen.ho,....",.-,j can be introduced 10 pIO\"e tlIC I""h a.;scn<d in the $Wemenl ond !be maker', Iac~ of prrsonal

u -'k<Ip! of the foru rtCCRIed presIII inue of cmlibilil~ only.....


But cau",,",- the declarant 00- p.non ",too c.....~ the ...,.,.,;I ard'or rq>Med !he informalion (IC. !he pbyWci..,j lO !he

""tranlkuoodi.... muU flOSS"S$ pcr$(II\II 00- flrst·1\and ~Ltd", of the infOfTl'tlllioo in tlIC...,.,.,;I. Of tlIC infotma1ioo "'as "'" received in the ....gul ... COlI .... of business and i. i. ho'''''y, M

Hospital Record Exception to Hearsay The SWt 01 Alabama ooosi<Im bospi· .... I'KOI'ds lnUI'Mlf1IIy" md tht kgisJa. tun: axIlfocd I MalIllOry proc:cOJ .... aI ......• in& tht int1O<lt.:tion or cenifitd copies 01 oriclnal lupilal mndl. "iillOlrl ha\'ing 1(1 call 10 trial Of dtPI* Iloc boWness trnpIooyw:. cuJ1O<li .... Of pb~ 10 ""thmbcaIc and./« tilablislt • founcLuion for in.mduclion 0( tht ho$pi\2lll"COlds. Sc<1ion 12·21·5 'Il 7, Cod~ ofAWbama: Pkkrt •. Sin". 4S6 S\>.2d 330 (Al1.Crim.App.1982)" Sc<:llons 12·2 1 ·~ lO 7 provide •

pr1'C,;"~1 ~u'"


by copies 01. pMien!', modicalll"COlds ..., admilU>d .. ooun pro«<dinp. ...;d""n tho .............., CJlpcnx and deIIy ia caU· i", tho ~w ~ '" Ia~ • fOlllldatiod Of ~ fot Idnussibility.M In prxticallCmlJ. """" !he hoopiw "",oodlan reed"", the Mibpocna d~ lC<.'Um.. !he cus,od~ mu,l ropy !he ~nl' l mod;"a1re<;<lr11s. IS providod in Stttion ! 2.2 ! ~ 7. ond f"",'a/'d ,be cen;· fled mc:d;"al r«Ords 10 the COUJ'1's ~Icrk fOf

admission 0' triol. On<e submi,lc:d 10

!he <:QIIn ......... lhi'lllIlu'Ofy procuhm:. !he ruords ..., ronsidoml business 1I"COIds' w:q:JIiooIlO brar:<ay. !hey wi<fy tholUlulIIf)I f01lIXblionalIajlJin:men1S of Section 12·21..&). Cotit' ofAJobDmo. -.l !hey ..., ~bIt in - t stale 001Ir1 "lmou. the IIddiIioftal ratlmIlII)' 01 !he "'1\1<""00 • AIIh01I&h !he form be ...... is in f 12·21·71he qi.Jonm: rodif,.., I ~ or ruords' ceniflC~lC. lOS folIOVl". ''TlM: ""nir.~.1C Ilf d~ e"stOO'''' Dr lbe bQspiul rooorol provideJ fOf in Secii"". 12·2 1·5 and 12·2 1·6 .ball !how ,he n~me or !he p.1Jti."D!he

nQI ...... ircd ....tIaIim.~


('t ',\ ll\UU _\:-:1) ,( IIO()I 01 - L. \\ \' It.nur·l..1.iItmNnfiJ6

Co nti nuing Legal Edu ca tion FaIl200J Semina rs NO"ember

14 21



" " 18


Spea~ing to Win : The An IlfEffeclive Speaking for LawyCTS featuring SIeve Slark A Day in Discovery: Win YoorCase Before Trial fea'uring James W. McElhaney

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Of nil 1-300-888-7454 (in Birmingham. caU 726-2391 ). Brochu.u an: mailed appnuimatcly six " 'eCu prioo- 10 lhe xminar dale.

For xminar details. >;,il oor Web si,..: }ulp:lkrunbtrlaNl.ltU7l/orrl.ttW.

_ford I).,....;oy 10 .. t:q...t

Oppon""'" I......... "'" • ._

_i0000i_ ""'"'

ro.......,........ "'" _ .....

.... _ t<pdl<ioot.-._....... ~ ..... I;,y .. _

011 ....- .

case Of p!'OCffding and .... _

ol .... court 10 . 'hich made. by ...... op;.

capbOO. and >aid oeniflCalC >hall be in form in w~ lIS follows.. I<>"11: . betoby oenify and affi"" In wnl,n,llw I am of;::::::HoopoUlI. • oo.pital orpnizcd or 0JIC'fpuB •• nllo Of under lhe laws of Alabama. loe_IOId in _ _ • Alabama, IhOl [ 1m CUllodian Qr lhe hospilal ~ Qf ... id oo.pilal and lhal lbe "'ilhin eopy of !.aid hospilal ncO<ds an: an tOKl. full. I~ and rom'<1 top)' olpKl 00sp112.1 ncO<ds'.110 I funberoenify IhaII lUll familiar ,..i1ll and kD<Iw. and blew ... tIn made and cblrJed. .... I"taSOIUIIbk .,,["" and pn~ rOO" die van..,... ~ made and .......'11 ia pid hool"U11 m:onIs penaini", lO



::-=c::o::.and llw ""id ctwgtS .., In my judi _hi iust • .......,t",bk and JIhlPC'r and in k«pinll .. ilh lOOse ,enerally ch~ in the coun'Y and rommunily whe~ .</lid hospi",1 is located. All of ..'hich I he~by ~rtify 3M ~ffirm on Ihis day of

_.20_." U.. c.nioIl. rntdit::lIlKl)ftk nust stiU be ftin'anllO be Untssible" Ihd .... C<XIc SIOCIions tin IlOl al.". Ihe Ib6dIU or ""'" bbrnche 1Idmi!.sib~1Y ol all hospiW ....,.,.,..... "'" o:.umpIo. Itoauoe ,..K>rion ..... lO "'ei&hl ollhe e>'idmce Ihd IlOIlO tho ~~IY Of .. tllcnlicilYof .... art.w IN:Ud. SUtIC'mmU in a hospiIaI rtcORl "conami"l Ihe C'OI<Jt' or manno:f of injury. which do IlOl ",fef 10 diag:M<i< 0."".. tJl<1t1 in .... rtcORl. an: inadmi!;Siblt h=$ooy.M~ 1.T./I. •. w'R,/i" 628 SIl. 2d 894. son (AI •.Civ.API', 1993). FUrther. 00Ie lhallhe p;uty objtc1ill8 10 !he illll'l)duclion of e>'idence in I mtdio:all'NUd



CIMIlI ~ •

broad oo;.rnon but "natSI

I3f!eI sptejfic ponlons of "'" ~ ...cord: ~. ~ 10 lito medical mcood . . . .boIe.., ..""",I) 0¥aTU1cdWhy i. lhe e>'ideno:e 011 paiknl's diqJlOSi. and "",,,,,,nl a<lmiuible under the hospilal rcconIs eo«plion. bul evi· dence of toU.</l'iQor in the rcconIs i. IlOl admissible? 1'hi' question "'IS an,wered in I'kurl" SWlr 4S6 SIl.1d no (Ala,Crim.App. 19821. I'iru/l ....., . stXual abuse case where ,he Siale j!>Sued. subpoena dl>CeS 'flCum ,0 I oo.piLOI

(u...... Coo.. lofC'IiooM 12· 21·S It! al.) dirtCh'" 11M: hoopol2.110 prod""" lbc vic· lim', hospilll r«Ord 1l1ri1l. "The hoopil2.l m:onI was ,rmod~ 10 J'I'O''e lbc .;c. 11m u~ tnUmI 1$ di",_ by \be .-<&tncy room p/lysicilln. "The evi· dence of ' .. um~ "'lIS t>01 diSf>ltled and no ..... idcntt as 10 causa'ion or man",,' of injury ""as 1IIIed In lhe rtc<>r<l •. The mmittal appeal' COlIn held InalilH: "icliln', hoIpi1aI...:ords "'.re admi .. jblc beca....e first. I~y wm ....... stWQOlly.M Second. e>'idcl'lCC! of du. pal"""'" dill""," sis and IIMlmmI wm aM'tIIially "dtont·


0.- i. ocher """"'"' the c1illical diapIosis ol lnUmI was undisputed Ihd "odlor medical uptru ..,..Id hQI !Ia,.., ~ ....III Ihe ~M Tho a>W1 abo ""Id IhaI croos eumination olllM: 1IlCndi", physiclon woold IlOl !Ia•.., shal· .... the fOllndation of Ihe eYidm:e Of undermined ill reliabili,y." Third. Ihe hoipi ...1 m:oo:I did IlOl menlilln Ihe defendant Of ~ lhal the dcfeov.lanl Of anyoroe el", caustdlhe i'1iury. for an oddilktnal exantpIo. o:;onsm thrse fac«. A pnwn brtili their arm dur· ing • cor coIliOOn. Tho physici:ln', "docutnOh1X)"" ol. broken .". would aenmdly IlOl be dilpJled 1$ ~ is ~ .mI rdiablc Ihd lnI$I.......v.y. I ............. cvidcnce <II' .. hoOf .. hili auscd bmt.eto.....injury is MIeJ/iIItotUQI " ~ in _ . Tho tI$imonial eo.Wnce of causa-

tion is IlOl COIlMlICntly ~loabIe ond 11 is challenged. 1'htn'f(ft. m. phyJi.

cian'l lQIlrnoniol QPinion of "'lI*im cant>01 be admined wilhoull ........ lCSIimony and il i, wbjcc1to cross-examinatioo to give pall)' the opportunilY 11) .ither CSIablis/! or ",fule m. 1C1.w .au", <ll'injury. Tr.limmial evidcnoc is abo oubjoc! 10 CfOM-V.aminalion bocausc ..... idmce 0( causation is fmr.ormly wbjoa 10 "~. 1""1 ~ fnJm other exports" and of the physician may cas! <IouIlI ... upole the op.... 10 olher e>.pon o"."io... dill .,.;p. "¥hob: Ihe foundoDon <If"'" m:ord 0.- undmmno. its reliabi~IY.""

Probable Cause In A Civil Case? Cauwion is !he lhitd 01 four de""'"t$ 01 prooIlhM m"" be -"fled by I majailY of evidence lO 1"'1"'" nosJigcnce in tho civil case. In I JlCfSOhI'l injury Of ntgl~

"... it illhe plaulblf'1 burdrn 10 1"'1"'" by a mIjOriIy of e>'idence dIIllhe "'jury oornpbined of ... caused by Ihe defendalw.·, rqligcoM ICI. ~ ..... does IlOl afford • 01 action. "Liabili.y is only


;".p.ed ..'bon nqligc,.,. is the pro:<imal<: ......., ol injury lind Ihe nalural and probable consoquence of tho llOJIigenl Itt."S Tho ""-" q_ion IhM must be anlwtttd who i, q.... ljfled II) IOtify andIo.- gi .... their ","nion to tsIIblis/!,he cause 01 an ;njllf)'. Fin!. lIS I gcnml J'I"lIlOIilion. a by "i\r'll:$l may IlOl \/:$Iify lhal one 1hill8 caused """"""'.~ A "lay opinion as 10 the uhimlle issue <If pro:<imoIe cause i!I IlOl admiwble evidenee.M ~ ~ alIhouglt Ihe plai$fI' ,.., It$lify IS 1Oc:uw.. mano:n ftbltna 10 Jns,1xr in........ Ihd damap::s.. Ihe pbinlifl'.....aIly cannot ...afy IS 10 lito


...... ol hi>h1or injuritS. Medical opt>ions..-.:l t'OftChtsion< '"'lui", uporItestit1lOll)'. "An uporl witness may testify II) the ulli""'te issue of c,usa,iOtl in I Ion ICli()Ol ...• ""~ting physician is ....rnpt1enlll) ,ive hi, opinion Qf lbc cau~ Qf hi. ""lieM', injuries'"" " If the ""IuililC predicalc ill Iald fOf the eJlporlleslirrony. and if the uporl is duly qualified, he IX!JIt can Jive "" opinion as 10 the C*Ust 01 • ...,.,...;[ and i ...fI'l'd..... In tnr6<'al1tfml:. !his "",,,ires the plain'ill'"' physician 10 1eSIlf'y Ihd ......... IIM: opinion Il'w Ihe eli....... ......... by art ,,1Iich is .. ~ ....Ily proYCOI1O he negUzence. CIIuwion can be esublislled Ihrouch the ltSIit1lOll)' 011 physician. a medical doctor. and '" Ihe Aiaburul Supreme Coon has =tnlly held •• chilOjA'aClOI'.· Firs,. Icsllmony as '0 the proba· hi' ""~$' Q( III injury ..",bli,hes lhe ne<:eMIty medical elu",ion. Tho j..... of medical causation muSI be esLOblj!hed by probotb1e than pouib1e call$¢"

,,,,;..;..s ,,__


Aphysician does _ I.,,,.., 10 lesIiry!haI

he Of she is t!osoIulCly cen.ain lIS to the "'""'" of an injllty. ~~. in • civil daim.the plaintilrs uaditional burden of .,..,.,r1S 10 auwion i. w i.rtcd by • tnaiorilY (pt"OINIIilil)') 01"'" .... ide""". Tho Alabama S...,......e Coon stalOd: ",he """'" possibilily duI'lUI injury cou.ld causc I condition i, not ,uff",ien, 10 su"""" the burden of proof res,ing on the plainliff. ~ ,.,Iimany m",'CSLObIi,h a probabilily. t>01 a " .. re pouibilily. of such cauIIII oonr.o<:,ion. M





~ is a long hold myth in tho legal profession thai the bunlen of proof for c3usa<ion is ""...".lh:an establishing the pmMbiliry of !he <a".e. This problem is compounded by the common but ~ue Itgall""" "to a ~asonabk degree of med· icaI otnainly:' which conf~ physicians and lawy= ahle and is mi.ltading as to lhe proper burden of proof in • civil c,w,. ''A n:asooable degm: of medical =tainl~ .<OOnds ,!tiking)y similar to • defendam',

burden of proof in • crimil\al ClOSe or

the plaintiff', cond ition ",as probllbl)'

It also negatively implies than !he burden of proof in a

caused by his/heT injury."" N.,.e I~f"", thallho aml>ig..ou. tttm. "a rcasonru:.Ie

civil case is ~Iule ocicmifl<' cenainly or 90%, as "I'JI'=d to !he SO.I p<"m'nl pro/)abilily burden of proof required in • civil case. In "-bl~rn Ry. ofAla ~ 8"",.. , tho Alabama Su~"", Coon a<I<I=scd the oonfll$iorl and confirmed WI tho \efm "to • IUSOIlabIt de&"", of medical ceru.inty" is "an expression of an expen opinioo that

degree of medical =tainty" and the "pro!xIbility of "a.salion'· boIh moan 50.1 ]lCrttnl or tho probob'" cause of an injwy in a civil cas.r.Second, • physician', op;nion "" In cau_ "lion is "",limited to the p/lysical ""am;"..;00 of the patie"!. In oddilioo to (he ",uminalioo and/or I<slS. the basis of \he

''beyond •

~ason:Il>'" (\(>Ubi,"

physician', opinion of probable <"""'lion

can .1$0 be based OIl ··otaternen!$ made by the pallenl in the form of a mtili~al hislory $0 Jong as II>< fOC!S in lhe hislOry are pan of the basis of the physician', opiniOll of the nalure and ~xl'nl of the injlll)':'" Therefore. 10 OSlabJi,h the probable cause and .tTecl of an injury. II>< physician may teSlify to and base his/hor expert opiniOll OIl the pali .... SlalemenlS and the pallen!"' hi.1Ory of the case.Unfortunately. physicians are """asional· Iy rel\II!WI11O teSlify '0 the probable cause or a per$OtIlIl injlll)' bcuuse lIo:y do 001 know the compIe1e facts surrounding 110: pali ....!"s injlll)'. The .. pert nwSl ur<Icr. uand tIw ~liJnAlabam:I an .. pen is alJo\\.m 10 le$Iify wl"lotll<-r certain fOC!S


cOI<Id or ..'OUld cause • resul~ but no! wl"lotll<-r !hey "",Mlly did.- The .. pen doe$ JlOI ha.e '0 pcrsooally "';mess the act tIw is alleged to ha", ~aused ,I>< injury and ""'""'fore the ..pert canl'lQl ltSIify IIW I>< or .\he has JI"f'OII'IIknowJt.dge tIw spt. cif'" act aclually caused the injury. The "'pen can rely 00 the panics' fOC!S to ..,laI>lish bi<ibtr expert opiniOll ;IS to cauS>' lion. The medical .. pen·sl<Slirnony i,1IOI used to establish the palien!". ",",",ion or facts .. the absolute nulh. bu1 in establish· ing an opinioo. 110: npert ~an assume thaI

patiem', "",ion or facts in the palitn!"o hiSlOf)' are l:Ue and Iak<'n "l:Ue. ,,"OU1d have probably the ~lling injury.

Reasonable Expenses

And Necessary Treatment In an injuryl ....glig.nce claim. a plain' tiff must al$O pmve by a pn'pOJ>del1l/lCe of ,I>< e.ider.ce lIIal he or she incurred damage as a result of a defendant"s ntg· Iigenc:e. With respec.1O damages. a pl.inliff m.y ooly n"COvor .bose "..,a·

... and 388







.,..."f",*lI,. shovo'n 10 J\ao,~

from 1I""mrnl made necasary

by !he nr&l~nl act of I dd"...ta..~ 4 Fim. tho q""S'_ of ~UOnabIe ""P<'Md Mel ncceuary ""~lmtm i. a """"_ of f.:1 bul init;aJly. it is .Iso. pr!IC<'du",1 """.11on requiring !he trial """n judie (0 delCrmi"" .. beth« Iht'" is .ub>lInl'31 tIIidcnce to be submilled 10 the: nier o(foet" Se<:ond. OO<e "y;denee

of .... "SOflable I",allncnl and ....:ossary npt~< i. submillN 10 Ihcjwy. Ihe jury mu .. also .;IeU"lI'Il"" by I majority oI1M evi<knoe !hill "nUncnl IIId upcl\SeS _'" IUIORabIe and ~. "Pmo( of an _m ""p<ndtd f(W med· iaI UUlmtIII mull include !he tkm<n, of ruoonab~ of the charJe for 1M snva """ the ~'Y of ""almem. Earh d ..... nt IS one or fact roo-tho jury..... TIle fl'l.KINObkneu and II<'CtUily of modic. 1.~pc_$ i, • ,...,1>51.0"1;,,, jury q.... ,iOf1lnd the JUry il not oo..nd to award rn«iical cApcn'lell mtrely bttau$e lhey _'" incurrW and inlrodoced al triaL H The",f"",. the jury or offact h:a.< • ,,,'ofold dUlY 10 delemlillC ",hclher the claimed medicl l t.<pcnm"~ ""3$OOIable ...:I no«sAsy and pro.irn:olCly


C8U5W by the de(tndlnl'.lqli~." Tho qu<$lioool of ",a5OONbIe CXJlM'CS and ~ IrealrntIlI ""'" be _,,~ Ihrougll .... "",!>ion _unony of ... ""pen ""tnou .~ ~. .. hm:!he """";lyof medicallreMmml ;, ... idmi from !he in,.wy. like an ,mmcdiaIe ."."l"'''Y 100m y;,.u _ide", ..... "",,=ily of .... dwJes ""'y be IIdmi .. ible "'i!houl Idlimony.~ In [)aiT)'imwl IlIJumna Ca. ~ J<1d:wn. IIIe Alabama Suprt'me Coon .rI(fJ'JIil'lOd IIIe trealing phy.ician "is w.II.q.wifl«llo .,;'" an .. pen opinion ;OS \0 ,,1Ic!htr .... ~ n 10 • plaintiff "'as noceI&aIy """ ,,1Ic!htr .... eh>Iges ' fair and rttiOnIIbIo: - ln Dt>iT)iand, .... ~ roun """ held ....... (IIkl.,k) room pbysici:an C.


.i. .


p... ho. "PnKkl '" 10 .... "'.............. of a hospilar•• n"lI."(1 room c.tpemcs.. To Q>.. cime and ~"po'1Ue5 and .. podi ... trial, J*1>eS (;lin lIIbmrc ""JI>eSI'I kJr odmiWons 10 0JIP0'i"l panico 10 facllwly establish .... "'~ of (ha/ges or tho """Wicy 0( u..acn .. nt M[fa pany ",fuso; 10 """""i~ <he ""'iou •. and il is !aler prOVen Ihrough deposilion or trioJ Ie$. limony thaI tho ~t.:..rses WO", in facl rea-

""""'* and tho _ I _



Ihe ""'"'" J*tY can ......... Ihe CO\UI ..... apiMI. .... J*tY dmyinc ....


requesc.- Thc



I. IaSUlIly t1 ....... and !his ...... should be I!I$O/ved Ie> Irial. I am D(O. ."""'" of a <klcu""fflltd.,..., "'here. cn,,,,. ins phy$ician leSIifced thaI hW'her charge< " ..", /WI •.....lSIJnIbIe.. or Ihe p':l1i.n", cn,3lmenl ~ noc ",odic.lIy .'tk<:<:ssary." Nevttlhelest.<he ql>eScion "'''51 be asltd. ans",""",- and the .... iclltSSCS· ......"'" must be pRSOnccd 10 !he lticr 01 face in order \0 "";~y ItIe elome", of ...........


Stipulation Between The Parties


Cbjkoo CoyoJy Iltn;" lM:I-f llTll 2~ la'H ...hlI toid: homo ot 11"";"1 l.ot9. beJucllill hay Mkh. lMoodand ..,.. ~.,..... one! limbn-oOr-..



'Iipulations or apumellll 00II IIIe admiwbilicy of ... idenctc loa", cime and .xJlt~ 01 the partie< and m.dical

pmonntl-"'ho,.,,, ofcen incoovenie~

by mi..i", work 10 appear II tri.1or deposition. PaniH can slipulale 10 i .."". O)f causalion .nd aW<'" \hal clw&es we", .... uon.tblc and medically necessary or undiSPUled medical evi· denee i. lulllenlie and IIdmi .. ible. wichOUI the formalily of HllIbli!ohina' foundac;.,n for ;rnrodllClion III trial . Thc pre-Irial ctlnf...,nee. '" set fonll in R..k 16 A.R.CP'. provi<b ItIe opponulli. I)' for Ii. . . 10 lakeoctiooc "10 obtain IIdmi$sio:lns of flOCl lflii of docuJntnu; "'hiell will.void un~ proof. Slipul.liorI ....pnJinllhe aulhen\icic1 of docuII"kn". and IIdvance nllinp from the COlIn on the admiuibilic1 of evidtnce .. II>(! lhe .voidance O)f uo"""es~ proof al>(! cumulalive evide""",,"" Avr-:!I\I:olS and itipulalions Iconcern· iOI q...... ions 0( lawl made in • pre-trial order and IIdmiuod In COIIII are binding on the panief. and admiuible imo ~ ~ NoI,,'\hscandilll. allhough .... paniH can ..... aipulale 10 !he issue 01 proxImaIe ause. !he SlipulMion II"IIUt w ~ willi the =imony and .. i<knce pro$nIIed .. trial. ",..sdnmfd below.

m.rau ......,

Verifyi"llhli mnooabIc and mtdicaI tmllmonI ..... ~ will 001 saci.t'y lice plaintiff'J turdm of proving

Cbillon Cpyocy '19 """ "jib 20 """ lake one! _ ...... krnisGn. .._ - - . -..I 1UIIi,.. many!lOme.iteo . . . . . .0<

Fot """" inrOrmaIioto Of! ..... ond -r_........."

Danny Hester 3341235-0306 1·888·704· 1499


in I cqligonce...,..,. A \el.limony thac trtalmrnl for an injury was modically r>ecessary does not P"I'~ thac the ;oj"1)' ...... prox.imac~ly cauoed by I cqll&<,ol ....,. Su S/rid:/in ~ phyU~"


Ski~r." Also.


be that e\It1l ..-brre """"' i, a p"'.triaJ >tipubtioo belwcen the parti'" as to the rt3SOl'l3bkDt$$ of cI\arg« and necessity of tre.umen~ "'here the pro•. in"l:110 C3Use of an injury is III issue. the court is not boo .... by the pwtie$' agrre. ment ifil iscontnl/}" 10 the .... ~di s· clo9:d.t triaJ .~ In Stridlin. e\It1l wben: the par1i", >lipullU<d 10 '"the reasonable medical bills and """""""y \l'uln",., of the plaintiff." the coun or the jut)' could Ri«< the parties' 51i""llIIioo...'hen·"the [factual] questioo of ""'t..lhtr C<!Itain """,.,al expenses wen: proximately caused by the acciden, "'" dearly at iMUe at lrial,"" •

ENDNOTES ~ . 6Mo~ n:. SIIi So.ld597, S99 ..... 1\1911 .... """ -.ang "" - . ..... ·_'1 ........ t< 21 """" - . _ 01 "" _

-. _ ~0I_


... _

....... _


rOCMll_oon; lOll 1I ........ dow-

· Soolho_f.", &_

~Co. . _.o.ooSo. ldIOO Wo 198:11. _ ~ ' -...d~ "'" "" _ """' .. " " ' -

tlt>1*rI ..... . - . .. ' _ " " " - ,

.,.......,.. ""....Id" mll... b¥' """ ~._ """'Y _ 599.




5 _ • ...,.SJ.t So.ld 1101. 1113.(.010. 1_ l"lId:.oI...,-...",.. b¥ Iho _ . . . , be _111 ...... __ Iho~oIh

... _


... 111"" its _-"."): _ . b< Clr/>. 118 So, ld 19l, 184-1ISWo 19121

5, _ . 268So lda184-18S. - . SJ.t So.ld a111l _ . "",,-.m So, ld:'; , JOO{Alo 19151.

1 _ _ t _ •.-.._ot&a!n:w 11 9!l6l _ I o.C,_ , ~_ ~


- . 0 ; So<tion 2St.QII3Pd od, 19m. _ , - . 7!i5 So, 2116&. II {AloClft.l(lp

_tIlJI6l_. __

1991lt,.... lAS So. lIla !llt. _ _ _ _11<1._'2·21-<13, CoOrot ......... 1915.


II. C. - . r.tfioy"o~ boItnar. So<i"" 2St.011Jl3r!! .... (971). 10. """ 4-IIN. - . . _01 C"MI_ I I. _ _ _ _ 11<1._12·21-<13. CoOr 01 ~ b _1iiI/I. 53 So. 2d a882; Il> . Sr.!w. SID So.:!II 111. SO;".-'f>p. t!l'lll, 12. _,In So, 2Ut JOO: b S2II So. lIl., 8IIl Dictt . S-OiICo. 011_ 167So. M Wo, 19351 _ _ _ bI Eam. _ 1 . C . - . J.tii<ll(J_



boItnar, _

2St.011Jl3r!! od. I!lm.

13. _ , m So ld ., JOO: ~1ir!I Ar.oIol. s..or. J!,4 So,:!II «1, 12 .... C"..ow 19771:!oiIor. _c..r, .... & IIIibodCc. l'SSo. ld 111, 110-111 JAIl. boItnar, _


t GomoIo, 2501.01t3l.

l ~t

_ ' ~Rftod.


"""1IIIiIIl_ 1I & 12.

_ _ • o-b>. Clr/>.118 So. 2d 19lWo

l lml _ . In So, :!II . JOO: - . . SJ.t So. ld a1113-1111. IS. - . . SJ.t So. Zd. 1111 "I ",""",,"', _.~" ,l-1!1. McQor

-......, ,.,.. _ " ' " '" <hoc .... Iho _ inrl party -."111 be

...., ~ _

_ 2S0 01Cl1:hn_"....~

_ 161 So. 2d m JAIl. 1Sl6l_"-' SJ.t So. Zd. I 11 3-1111 JAIl. 19I1IlJlo,.,.. ,,_ ~""'

It. 1'.jWr. SIIIt. G So, N l\o1 .....~ 19I!1~ 1\1. ~ . SI<Itro. lSI So. 2d 1171 Wt.C<iooLOwlet Soor ., JOO So ltIll. 11 ..... , ltIQ



SIo>tt, $/Mo, 11~ So. ld QlIl4~ 191!\I

12 ~ 181 So. 1IIml

II _.AIoJImi, b1 i11l111i1. _ 1 1 _ 3 SooSootion 901Iol_I _ _ ot ~ l lt!l5j. ·MrI*!Y-..g wri!o'VI. """ iuI '*""""l. ot;o<ts. n _ .... or _ _


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23 ' . . . -• • s..or..oQJ So.ld!lSO Wt.tnn. ....... 1.1) WWOtGSo. ldl\o1 14 J.Tlt. Q1 So. 1<! IIS4, 1871'Jo , c;,~ 1993!. SmttIt . S-, 354 So. ld 11S7I'Jo.Cr-'f>p. 1977).


tGnllt, ~'_f_ 2StQ101. _ l l l r d .... 197/1.

2S. kI.." 891 ~ _ 1 ~Sold"m

Mediation and Arbitration Rosters

Available! The 2003·04 A[abama State Coun Mediator Roster and the Alabama Arbitrator Roster are now available. Please call the Alabama Center for Dispute Resolution at (334) 269·040910 order them. The Mediator Roster is $5 per copy and the Arbilrmor Roster is $3 per copy. Postage is included in the price.


NOVHM8H R 200 ~

_9fs....._ . .

11 I'd«I. l!o6 So. ld .. 335-J37 <'5.

....... -""'".,..._-..v_.-...... .... --0_

lI. Id.. f<n .po.......... _ . _""""'"YO will

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Ethics of a Lawyer's Protection Letters Question: r:>oe. IlJ\ allomey I"". an .,hical obligalioo!O I>Or>Or ''proIectioo Ien.... sent by the I llOmey to \be e<edilQtS 0( a eli. .... . ilh<r or !lie cli.nt', "'IlleS! or with the M

ditd(t ~Iedge and 1f'I'AI""'J. ,",10m \be dim! ...... KqIOtnLly inSUUCIS !he luom..)' IlOl \0 pay Iho emli.



In lhe course of "p"''ltntinll shall not ~lIOWingly:

"'lOmey is ethically romptlkd ' " fu lfill commit.

.... nlS made \0 .d;'n'·H~il<JrS punuanlW Rule$ 4. L(I). 8.4(c). I. IS(b) and l.2(d) rA !be Rules of Profepional Conduct.

(a ) M3kc a fal ... .ua","",nl Q/" "","'rial facL or law \0 a lhird penon ....~ Of similar impon i, Rule &.4(e): ~Rule

Discussion: freque nt occu~""" in the legal profession .hal III anomer will """"... nl. diem ",1>0 bas I "",ri.ori· OUI . ,U... 01 O<tion bu. \0'110 ... 100 lBcwnd su!>6W1. Iial i ...... tudnas. l k client .... )' have iDCUrl'ed med· icaI Hpcnse5 for I=U".", 0( !tie injuries which \he basil of ,he _ of O<tion or !he i ...... brLdl!t$. may be \he rw.all of !lie d icn(, inability to work d... 10 $uch injuries or i. may be Ih:o. for >Orne 0Iber ~a.on the elknl is unable to """" hi, or her financial oblip· lions. If ,he: aruicipalN r<'<:O>'ery "" beho,f of the .Iient would be lIu(fICirru \0 pay \be . Iklll', dtbu.!be dieM rnay ask !lie III<1mty 10, or ...... far !he allOme)' ' 0. conlaCllbc diem', credi"'" and '"IlleS! fOfWMWlCe In roIl«liorI dJOIU in =1wIfe for pmmiS10 of pay .... ,,' upon ~ipl of settle ...... , or judl" .. n' procce<b fro." 1M elien!', pending CIU ... of oclion. SlICh wrinon rom· milmenls on lhe !WI o( lhe l!lomey lIe c<><nmOf\l)' .. (em(! 10 l$ ")lroI«IOon kum." IL tomttimts i>appe1lS LhaI upon IU'dpl of Ihc pr0ceeds Lhc dietl! ..,iU I chanJe of he.... and.. <bpi'" Lhc Pl"ious iMUUClicn Of IUlboriuoicn. will It is


in~u\lcl lhe lllOlTle)' IlOIlO pay the diml·' m<LilOn. Ihus plocing lhe anome), in an ethical diicrnrna. The .nomey i~ (aced with llie choice of either diSttganiing


8.4 Mi>COlldu<:1

11 is profes.ion.1 miscollch>el for. I.. ,,'yot 10:




4 . 1 Tnld!fulnr$s in SlIltmclltS 10


Answer: An

the dien!". express d irecti,.., or Z;"inllhe Ippearan<e o( having lied 10 lhe: elkn!" •• mlilon. f! owe>-ef. !he: Rule. Q/" Prof.........} COOilucL providoo tthinI pidanc! in lI<lcftssina thi. dilemma. Ru}., 4 .I(aJ. for .... ampIe. pn:r.-idn. in peninnll iW'- as follooo""


(e) EnW' in COOilUCI involvina dishono:>ly. fraud. <Iett'l or m~proxnLillI_:· While in "'""Y. if _ _ insun;:n. pr<)IttbOn Iet_

...... are proyKled in COOCI faid!. OIl IIIOmCy would be pill)' of vioIaIiftl Rule 4 .1(1) and Rule U(c) if. at lhe: Lime proU>C:tion lencn wen: senl.!he anorncy h;>d ...lOll 10 belic..... oreven 'U!p<Cl. IMllhe elicnt d id not ... lIy im.nd 10 P"Y Ihe ctedilor,' I'unher lIuidantds foond in Rule 1.1 S{b). which ~.., 1I1OmCy·. ctlrical DI>IipLlORS upon IU'dpl 01 funds or OIl...- pn>peny in "'1Iid\ a dlird penon has

.. ;nlefat. " Ru le 1.1, Safck..,pina Propen),

Upon rcccivinill fu nds Of (lIber propeny in ,,'hich • elknL or third person has &II in"'rest from • _~ other IlwIIhc dienl or !he: third

prnon. • IIIW)'''' wll prompIl)' IIOtlfy 1M elicni or durd penon. E.lcep .. ltItl!d ",Ibi, Rule or odIerwi", permiued by law or by ~mnll ",ilh!he dkm. I la""),,,, sh.a.1I promptly deli,.... to lhe elionl or Ihird person any funds or O1bet prope<t)' Utallhe ;litnL or

Ihin! penon i. enlilled 10 receive and, upon requeSi by lhe diem or Ihin! person, shall promplly "'nder I full ocoouming ",g arding Ihal propeny,M

II i. the opinion of the Disciplinary Commi" ;.,,, ilIAl

an al10mey

woo has50m a proIe<lion ~Iler 10. elienl'. ertdilor and who i. holding in truSI, fund. 10 pay lhe credilor, i. e lltica lly obligalM by the above-qUOIed Rule 10 pay lhe credilor those fund, which the crrdilor "i, e milled 10 receive", Perhaps lhe Rule IIIOSl ",10"""110 the i"ues prt50nlM here is Rule 1.2(d), which pI'Q\Iide" in part, as follow", " Rule 1.2 Scope of Representolion (d) A lawy .... shall no! C<)Ilnsel a dienllO engage, or as. i. 1 a diem, in conducllhal the law)'e, know. i. niminol or fraudulenl ....M In R()'90-48, lhe DiSC iplinary Commi .. ion cor.cluded lItal an anomey wbo releases all """Iemenl or judgmenl ~ 10 the dienl. after having lold lhe diem', credil"" ilIAlthe Jlf'OC"C<ls woold he used 10 pay the client'. deb<s. has assi. ted lhe diem in I fraudulent acl as •• pressly prohibilM by Disciplinary Rule 7· 102(AX7), which i, the verbalim prt<Iecessor. under the prtvi. ouS Code of Professional Responsibilily, 10 the above-quoted Rule 1.2(d ). HOv.'Cvcr. the Disciplinary Commission i. of lhe opinion ilIAt RO-90-48 i. due 10 be modified in one respec1. Tho inquiry of lhe anomey rttjuesting thai opinion was "'hetllef he could e1hi·

cally interplead the money claimed by a dienl', credilor when the client refusW 10 authorize paymen110 the creditor. Tho Disciplinary Commission opir>ed Ihal he could .lItkally do so. Tho Commission wi,lIo:s lO ",fine Ihi , posilion further by holding lhal mooey which an attorney has promiS<:<.! 10 pay credit"" should IlOI be interpled unless there i. a dispute bet",.. n the dient and the <..wilor as 10 • • illellCC of lhe debt, the amount of the deb< or the rtasonableocss of the dem. A«onlingly, RO-9048 i, hereby modified in accordance ",illt thi. opinion. In , ummalioo. il is the opinion of the Disciplinary Commission ilIAtlhe Rules of Professional Conductelltically poulude an altOIDe}' fmm failing or rtfu,ing 10 honor his com· mitmentlo pay I dien1'5 credilOl'$, The all<:>mey i• • "'ically obli· galed 10 fulfill hi. commitmenl and pay the CrtdiiOfS. despite the', ill5iSlence thai he 1>01 do so. However, lIti. ethical obliga. tion existS only where lhe deb<. and the lJOOUmthereof, i. ",a· .«>nable and undisputed. If there is a Iegil;rnate quoslion cor.ceming the debI. or lhe amoonl of the debt, the anorney $I>ould i01",-' plead the displl1ed fund. and le1the C<)Iln rtacb a determin.tioo rtgarding the creditor', daim.IRO·20034.!1 •


I. '


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.. ....., ........... in ......... ..., cfIorvI. This _~ wifo Iho __

"ClIo,,,•• """"""

q.p....,. Do



am looking forward to '""QI~r fun and exciting

year with lhe Alab:ima Young Lawy~rs' S«tion. This p;iSl ye ... we hod great attondance al oor Seminar (held 00 the third weekend in May

ChriStian &: Small. llP. Birmingham

every year). Tht sp<akers. OS usual. did a p/leoo"",nal job and I belie,,, all participants "'.~ "'ell fed "lid wdl entertained . None of thi. would have b<:<:o pos~j. bit: ",i{!Iou' the g.""roo. support of oor sponsors. Than\: you to IlI¢ following sponsors for helping the

Cory. Walson . C"'IO,<i<r & De<;aris. PC. Birmingham

YLS with the Sandrslin fI'I«';ng; 1l<:1lS1.y, Alle n , C row, Mothln , l'otlls &: M il.,.,

Foshtt &: Turner Coon Reporters

I-'.c.. M01l1gomory. sponsor for breakfllSlS and brul:s. Th)'lor. Martlo &

1I("d ~.

P. C" Mobil., sponsor for

Friday's golf (oomarnenl. lfa "" \\'l nn, No" '." & N."'lon, L.L..P..

Birmingham. sP'> for Friday', beach pany . •'osh.,., & Tun .. ,. Coon Ropo:>neJ'S, sponsor for SllUrd.y'S beach pany.

General SponlJO,.:

I)iamood. H"-ISO'r. Frosl &: Luckie. Mobile

Emond. Vines. Gort!am &: Waldrtp. PC. Birmingham The Finkbon"", law Finn, llC, Mooil.

Friedman. l uk &: Bloom. PC. Bimlingharn Gardner. Middlebrook<. Gibbons. K;"",II &: Ol .. n. PC. Mobile Gamson. SoOIl. Gamble & Ros<nlhal. PC, Birmingham Henderson &: Aswei.les Coon Reporters. Mobile Hare. Wynn, Newell &: Ne""I"". llP. Binninghan' Heninger & Btuge. llP. Birmingham

Alford. Clanstn &: McDonald, Mobile

Jinks. Daniel &: Crow, llC, Union Springs

Armbrttht Jackson. Lt P. Mobi'"

Jo'mSlon. Bmon. Proctor &: J>ow<,II. LLP.

Adams &: RecscJLange Simpson. Ll.P. Birmingham Bainbridge, MintS. Rogers & Smith. LLP. Birmingham


C.baniu. Johrulon, Gardne •. Duma, & O ' Neal. Birmi nghalniMobile

Birmingham law Office of Archie Lamb. Birmingham Lanie,. Ford, Shaver &: Pay"'" PC. 11um.ville

Balch &: Bingham. LLP. Birm ingham

lighlfoot. F<1lI1khn &: While. LlC, 8irmingh.m

Ba.lty. Dillard. Dauphin &: McKnighl. Birmingham

lloyd, Gray &: Whilehead, PC. Birmingham

Beasley. Allen. Crow. Melhvin. Portis & Mil.s. PC. Monlgomery

lUlher. Oldenoorg &

Maynard, Cooper & G.1e. Birmingham

Berkowiu.. ldkovi ... born &: Kush""r. Birmingham

McCallum Law Firm. lLC. Binningharn

Bratlley Ar:lnI R=: &: White. LlP. Birmingham

McCallum &: Melhvin. PC. Bim,ing/larn

Burr & Forman. llP. Birmingham

McDowell. Knighl. Roe<kIeT &: Sledge. Mobile



PC. Mooile

McKen:tie. Thylor & ZaroIur, Pensacol. Ow.n~

& M ill saps, LLP, Tuscaloosa

Roben Baule. BilTllingllam LaBarron Boone, Montg<>m«)'

Piltman, llooks, OUllon, Kirby & Hdlums, pc, BilTllingllam

Bonjamin Bowden. Andalusia

Prince P:>l1eoon Law FilTll, Tuscaloosa

Anna Katherine Bowman, Birmingham

SiJ'Ole & Perm"li, Birmingham

Bl)'an Cigelsb. Mobile

Smith, Spires & Peddy. pc, Birmingham

1'3111 DeM arco. BilTllingllam

T.ylor, M.nino & lIedge, pc, Mobile

Suzanne Dorseu. Hunts.ille

Thylor & Thylor, Birmingl'lam

Chari.. Fl<:ming, jr.. Birmingllam

Vickers, Rii., Mu""y & CUmlII, LLC, Mobile

James F. Hughey. HI. Birrn.ingllam

Walston, Well., Anderson & Bains, UP, Birmingllam

OIY A. Lanham. Mobile

W"'on, Ji"II"crsoo, Givhan, Manin & McKinney, pc, flunt.-ille

I'3lrick MoCalman. Andalusia

Whi'e, [>tlOn & Booke., Birmingllam Yearout & Traylor, pc, Birntingham

llIc Yoong Lawyers' Stttion deeply apprt<:iate$ e'..y()ne's in,'Olvement in and support of the Sandestin $tmin.,. Thi~ year al$O marks on. O«<Ind .n"""llron Bowl CLIO. 10 be held No""mbor 21St , the day bef~!he Iron Bowl. 81 Jones School of Law in Montgorr>el)'. Confinned speakers incll>de Judge Sha ron \ 'ates, pre<idingjudge oftheAlabama Coon of Civil Appeal,. and Judge Terry Ho.... man. di~tri,1 "<)Un judge of Low"des Coomy. This promise. 10 be .nother grtal and MU_ oalionru .'1;n, SpOnsored by the YLS. If yoo h."" any questions about the I"", Bowl CLIO. please 00l1!1I(;1 J im bo Te r rell or Am.. Kalhcr itH: Ho,,'n.a n. E.<ccuti .... Commil1ee Members of the Alabama YLS this yrat "'"": Bran oon J. Bud. prtsitknt-<,Ie<I, Birmingham Christy D. C"",', secretary. Union Springs Roman Shaul. treaSurer. Montg<llNl)' R<>bcn G. Moth,·in. Jr.. immediale pas! pre<idenl Nolan Awbrey. BilTlling.ham R<>bcn Baily. II . Hunts,ill<

C",ig Manin. Mobile George R. Parke,. MonlgOmery

Jamu Pinman. ))aphne Robin Roli>Oll. Mobile Christophe. Sansprtt. Montg<lmel)' J""I Smith. Eufaula Matthew SI"1'hens. Birmingham Norman Stockman. Mobile Jaltle$ M. Tem:lI. Birmingham Kimberly Walker. Mobile Harlan Winn, Birm ingham Tucke rYance. Mobile Throughout the year I willl:etp yoo up to

""Ie on 00. numer-

OU. proj«ts. such O$lhe Admission. C.",moniu. ,he Mi nority

Pre·Law Conference. FEMA Response Proj«! and. nf cotu"St". lhe Sandestin $tmi"at. We look forward 10 the chall<ng.. and hard wort (along with the fun) ilia, ,hes. proje<1S provide. • Stu a n Y. Luck ie is. p~ntH:r In lhe fil"lTI of Dia mond. Hasser, .'rost " Luck ie.


Notice i. hereby gi'"en 10 M~I"ill Lamu 8ail~y. II ho practiced I",," in UPP'" Marlbcro. Maryland and whose whereabouts"", unknown. Ibal pur· SU'"IIO an ",,"'riO show cau'" of the Disciplinary Commission of the Alabam. Slale Bar, dated April I~. 2003. he has 60 days from lhe dale of this publication (Nov~mber 15. 2003) to Come into C< "ilh the Mandalory Continuing Legal 6dl>l:",ion requirements for 2002. NOllCOmpliance wilb the MCLE require· menl' 'hall result in a ,.,pension of his lioen$<, IClf No. 03·82)

° Notice is hereby givon 10 Roy l./Ojuan I)"n<y,,",y. ,,·ho practiced law in Birmingham. Alabama and "''''- whe,."l:>oulS are unknown. that pursuant to "" ordtr 10 shQ\\' Cause of the Disciplinary Commission of the Alabama State Bar, daled June 10.2003. he has 60 days rrom the date of this publication (No>'omher 15. 20(3) 10 come into complianoe with the- Mandatory Continuing Legal 6dueation requirements for 2002. Noncompli, with the MCLE requirements shall re,ult in a ,u,· p"n,ion ofher lic~nse, (CLE No, 03 ·111 )

° Notice is hereby gi'·en to Adam N<Kice

The software designed by

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l)an""lI1&n . who Jm><t;cedl.w in Bimlingh.m. Alaba"'" and ",!lOS' whereal:>out~ are unknown. thaI pursuant to ~ order 10 $how Cau"" of the Disciplinary Commission or tbe Abba"", State B3r, daled May I. 2003. he has 60 days rrom tbe dale of thi~ publicalioo (No'·ember 15. 2003) 10 come inlO wilh tile Mandalo!), Client Security Fund Asses,mtntl'ee requirement for 200], Noncompliance " 'ith the Client Security Fund Assessment Fee requirelllo"t.hatl re,ult in a ,uSp"nsion of hi, license. (CLf No. 03· 17 )

hereby giwcn 10 Klm bt'rly M. Neighbo"" CO"'Y' who prxticed law in Mobit~. Alabama and ... hose where.bouts are unlncw.·n, that pu"uanl to ... ord<, to show cause of the Disciplinary Commi"ion of the Alabama Stale Bar, d.,ted April 14.2003. she ha., 60 d.y' fmm the dale of this publication (November 15. 2003) to come into compli.""e wilh the M~ndaloty Continuing Legal 6dueation requirements for 2002. with the MCLf require· ment, shall re'ult in a sU'p"nsion of her lic<nse. (Clf No. 03·g]) IS

one '" .... __ • , _ ...

Disability Inactive • Gun"",wille al10mey R<>Ixrt Cn ...y Mann ""as transferm! to disabilily ir'llOctive StalUS p"mw1110 Rule 27(c). IIlahoma Rulu of DistiplinIJry procrou,..,. effooi,.. June 19. 2003, [Rule 27(c);

Pet, Nn. 03.m1

did not show any ch«k payable ,0 the IR S on behalf of the complainant. Hemphill misappropria,ffi tile romplainant funds 10 hi. own use or '0 the use of other perst>ll$. and thereby violated ",Ies 1.15(3). l.I5(b). 8.4(c) and (,).IIIab.Jnw Rula <J/ Pro!us;ona/ Condun InASB Nn. 01·152(A). on o<abou, Marth 4. 1998. tht rom·


plainanl R:!ained Hemphill 10 represenl her ""th her divortt and

• The Dis<iplill3l)' Board. Panel V. upon ~iewing tile ptliliOl\ ro< l"CinSllUemenl of Deephaven. Minnesota lawyrr JOOI. lIIdAiMlon Mudd ortIcred lha, Budd be rein'tated 10 tile practice of law in tile S"". of Alabrun:l. witbout tile neces.i.y of a liearing. eff«.1i,.. August 13.2003. Budd was $U$pel>ded on Doc<:mbcr 6. 1999 fo< OOII-<:OIIlplianct with MO.E.[Pn, No_

03-il61 The Dis<iplinary Soard. Panel V. onle~ thai fonner Birmingham allllf'llCy Whl'n ... A. Th"""'" be rcinstaled to tile practice of I,w in tile Stale of Alaban~ ",'ith C(:rtOin conditions. eff<'C1ive June 17. 2(03. l1Iomas "'as issutd • r,,'e.year SU$pr1I' sion on M"",h 13. 1998. The Boani'> order. dated June 19. 2003. "'Il< adopIffi by tile Alabama Supn-me COUf1 on July 3.

2003. (Pel. Nn. 03--031

Suspensions • Effective AUgust 8. 2003. allllf'llCY o..,"\s l>uane Carr. of Glenview. IlIillOis. has betn su,pended from tile pm< of I.w in tile Stale of Alabama for noncornplianct with tile 2002 Mand3lory Coolinuing Legal Education '""Iuiremen" of tile AI"bama Stale U..., (Cl£ No, 0341] On M"",h 7. 2(03. the Supn-me Court of Alabama adoptffi the ~bruary 7. 2(03. order entered by the Disciplill3l)' Boord.


paid him. ftt of$364. Although tile complainan' ..... unable mle her husband fo< sorvice. she asked Hemphill to complete tile d;"""", by ""hatever means I'I<'ce$$3f"J' and ~ 10 pay any addilional COi\lS and fees. IlemphiU would not respond 10 ",je. phon< call, or comspondence from tile complainan" On January 3. 2001. tht complainan, requested a refund beeau!'r of IlemphiU ', ""81«:1 and his failure '0 communicate ",ilh her about her legal "",nor. Despil< thrtt Ir-Uef'S from tht oaice of Gen..-al Counsel. Hemphill failed 0< "'fuS«! !n R:spond. Hemphill "'' '' suilly of violatill8 ",Ies 1.3. l.4{a). 1,5(.), 8.1(b). and 8.4(g). Alabama R~I•• <J/ Profmional Cond,~1. In ASB Nn. OI.I64(A). Hou .. hold Fi""""" eo.po.,..ion of Alabama (Household) "'''' tht ownerd some rra] prOpCny in Pmllville. Alabama, H""",hold acquired 1i,Ie through an earlier mongage forr<OlO$"",_ A buyer neg<l(ia'ffi 10 PJn:hase tile property from Household, The \:oJyer obloined mongage r,lIlUlCing from Uncoln Mongage. u.c.

""'' 'ttl

Hemphill was tile attorney to< the \:oJY"- and tile len<icr. Uncoln Mongag.:. at tht closing of the sale. The real e:SIate transaotioo



Panel IV. ~in8 the conditional guil,y plea enlere<! by Monlgomrry auomey Kenneth Tahill Hemphill , This $""",nsinn was tile R:sult of tht following four bar romplaints. (llemphill has betn suspended since Ftbruary 18. 2001.[

Are you watching ~ you care about seH-cIestnIcting because of akohoI or drugs?

In ASB No. 01-41 (A). tile co",plainanl hittd Hemphill to I'I'JlI'I'-

he they telling )'OU they have it; under control?

&en, her and ho:r COIllpany in a civillawsuiL The COIllplainant

was tht dcf<'Tldant in con"""'ion ".. ith • , .. lip and fall" injury. On or abou, June 1. 1999. Ot tile dil'ttlion of Hemphill. 10 $<"I1le tile

lawsui'. tile complainan, gave him a check in tht amounlOf $4.700 payable 10 his II\Ist 3C<:Wnl. Thi' chec ~ was deposiled inln Hemphill', II\I$[ account on IhII1 &an'I" dalI:_!.Mer, tile OOm· plainan' '""I .... ted documentation of tht !'rulemrn, of her law_ SUiL Hemphill produced a copy of a case actioo .rummary ..row. ing tlw tht lawsui' bad been dismiS>O<\ AUgus14. 1999, (11)e C!8!ir actioo summary alst> ~'s tht ease ",-as. ini,ially settled on January 5. 1999.) Hemphill's trust """""" R:COrd$ did 001 con· lain any checks made payable 10 tht plaintiff or her anomey. In 8J>()t/Ior m.u..-. on or about July 12, 1999. tile COIllplainan' gave Hemphill a oheck for $8,80) payable '0 his tn1$I3C<:Wnl. Hemphill ..... '" usc this money 10 negoIi ... a <t:ttkmrnt with tho IRS in regaId to a $ 17.727.63 lax liabili,y """" by tile oomplainanL n.e ohed was deposited inlO Hemphill'. account 011 July 13. 1999. Hemphill did not ~gotiale with 1M IRS on ,·, behalf.• nd ""ve. paid the IRS any money on tho complainan.-, behalf. On Cklober 2. 2000. tile complainanl reccivffi a "Reminder of Ove",ue T.... from the IRS . Wi,h illiOrest on b .. paymen,. tile lO1al amoun, owffi hod i""R:~ 10 $2 I .39~_60. HernphiW, truS' accOUnt records


lo-"'L"" :::"" I

They don't.

~)'OUcan't. they can handle it.'

M.ybI ny'N"')'OIj It's none of)'OUr busNss,

It Is. .........ochedln

was 0"*<1 by H~mphiU on November 3. 2000. Tho pu~ha$e price was f7'l.OOO. llooochoid ..... 10 rtuive proceeds in !he ImOUni 0($76.492 .60. in return fo< a <ko:d 10 !he propmy. HOIISthoid deedtd the propMy 10 !he buyer. Hemphill i»UN I worthless dlrck for $76.492.60 hum his InISI 8C00UnI. Household made $f,O>....-:aI dtmaDds \hal Hemphill pay CMf!he We pt<)Cftds. bul he failed 10 do ..... H~mphill did not proo vide a "'nU~n resporuc 10 !he OffICe of General Counlel rqanli", lhe complai.u. H~l>okl filfd ",il "Pin" H~mph,II .!he buy~, and Urocoln Mongagc:. A llef.ull jud,_ IMnl wal obta,ned apin'l Hempllill. Defaults &gainSllhe 0Iht-r llefendanll ..~re leI asille. H~mpllill was guilly of ,ioI ~ti", ruk. I. I S{I). 1.1 S{b). 1.1 S(d). 8. I(b). 8.4(b) •• nd 8.4(,). "Illb/m,,, Rules of ProfeuiotWl CmullK'. In ASH No. 01 · 19S(A). Hempllill filed a ~(T 13 8ankn.t~ for !he complainant in IW] and failed 10 proper_ ly oddras the iSMICS of her unpaid outdent kwu.. AfI(T be'n, ...tirled about lilt problem " 'ittl her Sluderlt 1ooIn. lilt complli"""t IIIlICmptftllO conta<t Hemphill fOf astislaJ><:e ia ~QJ thi. problem. Hemphill failed lID tab any KIiort. Tho IlIIemal R e\~n ... Senoia ..ithhtld two COIlIiOCUti.., )'aD' w ",fund checks due !he complainant 10 apply 10 lilt kINI . ~re three ~ from lilt OffICe of GtntnI Counlel. Il~mphill did 001 provide a ..."ntn ,"""""",. HemplliIJ ...... luilty of 'iolltin, rules 1.3. 1.4(1) Ind 8.1(b). Alab/",,,, R"I~. '" ProfrsriotWl CoodUCI. Ikmpllill .."tered a pka of guilty 10 tht! allcptioos in Ihe formal charJn med in ASH nos. 0I41(A)and OI.I64(A). and aceepI. ed a '"",""year "'S(lOns"'" OS concurrent discipline in I tot.:ol of

r"", a>mpIainIs. Ddanl .. had alrcldy been ... '=<1 in ASB nos. 0I -152{A) and 01·19S(A~ [ASH _ 014J(A). 0 1·152 (A). OJ· 1M (A) mil 01 · 195 (A))

• Effo:ctt... ADp&SI S. 2003. aaornty lI.obm

- On July 10. 2003 ..... Oioclplll"lat)' Coounluion of the Alab.1tn:I SL>le Bar~ pttr'"'IWIt \(> Rule 20(10). il/oMma Rul~. Diriplinflf)' Pn><OMUll'. IIw Sylac.u,", IUomc:y Michael ""II.ony Gi..... be summarily IUSpell(ied fro", tht pno<!ice of law in the St:lre of Alabama. Tho onler of the Oisciplillllty Coounlosion ....... baled 00 a pelll"'" filed by the Otl"tce of GenrntI ~I evidmci"ll Gi"l"n5'J IIo;k of response 10 !he bot rtptding disciplil"lat)' II1Ilkn. Tho .... ure of Gi"",,·. anInc1



n:pn::senIed a 10 his pn:$m! cliCtlu.. oJ ...~II .. 10 .... """"" ben of the public .. IaoJe ...fIO on: poIenIial elionu..

On July 28. 2003.• ~ ..... htlid htlr"", Dilcipliaary

s.:-d. Pantl V. ]lUI"$IIaIl11O c;;..m,'J ""hutioa for DHsoIWon 0< oflnlmm S.............. Sum"..,. S...........~ cm-ens cmemI a '"Conditional Guilty "","" 10 all pending oornplain .. pendins "idI the ba". The DiKiplil"lat)' Board onlered !hal. Gi"1"n5 rtui.., a """"Y'"'" SilS(lOnl"'" lrom tht practice of law in Alabama. the in"""ilion of "lUch "'iII be SiI>pe1l(ied and htlkI in abeyance pendi", •• wo-year probIItiorwy pMnd. witll .pocial condi.ions. IRule 20 (0) ~ilion 0).{J7. ASB nos. 01· ~

304(A). 02.I29(A). (].l.17(A). 03-113(A). and (].l.171 (A»)

America~ Best"Selling Corporate and UC Outfits FOI discfiminallllg clients. we offer a lull selection of outfits

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... __ ....- ......--..........·--_.--"'--___._-_--._0_,,_. .·_·. _. --1 ...- ....----..-_ ....'1," ... ,'"




c.....,. !\Iann of

Gunlersville. AlIboma. """" ouspcnIlcd from !he ~ of !he Stale of Alabama lOr 1OOI1IXII''IlIiarn wi ... dIr: 2002 MandIlcly Conoinuilll LtpI BdueMion ......,...,........ of .... AIabamI SIIIe Bar. [a...E No. OJ.41 [

Have you visited the ASB"s Web

International Conference on Addictions For Legal, Medical and Law Enforcement Professionals (Approved for C LE credits) Dates: March 6th and 7th, 2004 Place: Birmingham Civic Center, Birmingham, Alabama

SPEAKERS lNCLUDE: IlT. A ndrt'p Barthwcll. 1\10, FA 5AI\t Deputy Direclor, White House: Office of Nalional Drug Control Policy I)oug!as Cook, litO: Palmeuo Addiction Recovcf)' Cemer Timolh)' J. S weeney, Esq.: 51aff Auorney, Healthcare Connection of Tampa. Rorida JepnIW Marie Leslie, RN, 1\1.1':0 : Din:c\or. Alabama Lawyer Assistance Progrnm. Alabama Slale Bar An thony M cLain,

EMJ.: General Counsel, Alabama State Bar

Judge Robf'rt L. Childel"$: Tennessee Lawyer Assistance Program

For More information call Char Jones at 334路262路1629 or register online at To pre-register, fill oul the information requested below. A brochure with a complete agenda, costs and addit.ional information will be mailed to you. N am ~

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l'rorossional Tim _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __

Add n'SS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ci.y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S.a.o _

Zip _ _ _ _ __

Telephon< 'L_ ---', _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E路mail _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

COSA路 NCADD 100 Commer<:e Street, Suite 800 Montgomery, AL 36104 Sponoortd by .... C"""dJ "" Sub$tonce Ab\lse-NCADD



RATES MlrnlIl.., Twa freo:IlislIro,js 0150 words or less ~ bar ...... per ~ yu EXCEPT fer "polI100n -'led" or "po$IIlOII ollered" ~sbngs-S3S per inseruon Of 50 words or ~u. S,50 per addi!lorlill WO<d. Nonmemblrs: S35 per inse<tion Of 50 words or lIIu. S,50 per ~;ti(n;lf word. CI~ssilied 'O\I'f.rld ~ mUll 00 reteived .:tOIdil'llllO !he following publisrung schedulll. s.ptember 2003 il$Ul deao,1lineJuly Jrd. 2003; NO'o'ember 2'003 iss", deadl ... ~ 51h. 2003;.!anu3ry 2004 iswe-deIoIl...., Nowttnber 3«1. 2003. NO deIoIl...., 1M_lOllS wiU bu madI. ~ ela$$ilied ClVf;nl paynan. payatM 10 "'" AJDna laIoyer Clissililck. rJc ~ Barman. '0. eo. (156. "-""",'e,. Al36101

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• TlU.FRC "CCfDEHT It[CQfoISTIII.ICT1DIt IIIM-..:ted .... ]JD1 w~o; a:cidIInU.,13 I.... 011 ......... _ .... ........ 1IMIhoing Wtb. - . ............. AnI. II1II r.m ....,.,11, ~"",*I1ed 0-........ p-epn:IlO lustra'" ~ _ , 0.... XI_I" _ira .. IKOI\1t!11tt • ;,g _odInu. So.a-c«!~iId "" o\ClAA. c",iICI Jcihll Bole', IOII·kee. il (tIOO) 299-~ • IWIDWIUTHiG EXPfIll/fORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINER: ABfDE caufllil. ""*'r dotI, CDsloaref

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• IRiEf WIIIT1H&JL(G"'- II(SEMt/l: r -

1tI!I1IIIlmef ...

h .......... CcutcolCM . . . . """'InI"MiIq_· IS. ...... a IepI ~ 0I11/ff111iP u.. CllllIIerI ....... to 12C6IS4I-03S1i"'..., ..... III_, ? 'Opi• . aom. • ENGlNHRIN G/COHSTftUCTION OP(IIlS: (h.... mutIL..I. ~. ~ .-vOl prcr:.s <:tenical. £IfS Istux:01 mold II1II _ , HVAC 101 ,...Ioomll ~ inckIstri11l1li cIIeoIicIIllCIIiIIIs. ~ C(II'(UIW 1 - . COlI>_ ~ .... port lII\II;tI.ros. 8IasbniI ....... _ • .... ~ ~ aonm.ctoon ~~


_,Ial>' coIlN:VlliIIIrIMor ..... loads.

Uie_UII IIIMityfOg - " ..... lice-. .... ~

JAMES WEINER, M.D. Forensic Pathology of SE U.S., Inc. 2000 Via Venice Punta Gorda, Fl 33950

941-833-8360 400



~ . " _ ' " l1liI;1I1II'''''' _ _ in ~ l1li 10'== CeDa HIll. c... MoIoiIo. I'IooN 12!>1l661-2fm. t-fllllit"-h • al_ .......... ~

_.Iing . .

• DOCUMENT EXAMIHER E I Il>ItOcoI ........ dI:Jai. - . Cenditd knnsot <IoarlIW _ _ llwtr-_ ,.an' . . .e"" in III knnsot ~ .."",,-, Forn-eI!'. d"otI ~ ~ II\IIyst, USA. Cr'oIWIII Investigauan [Q1IOi .... ~ kWiodI-fIBfOE.l.'.eo"MIr. ASODL 10\1, SADft NAClW.. ""'"'" IIId I. td'otduIo upDI\ ~, IIw MIIW GOdion. 218 Mttr,monI~. ","""ta. Geo<g.a XI!:JJ7. """"" (70618$).(2f1

• PflIOAITY SERVICE Of PflOCE5S, INVUTI· CAnONS &. SUIIVlIUANCE. Wiltbn l00.rr>Ie radius of Mobilt. a.. 6.CIXl aut <lDa.menlS 1(1' ~Iiver.o mai~ perSlW'ltl~ Wooed , OYer 1.soo .......ugalions;nj ....... ill8nce case= ccmpIetod, IIoctlls &. AssGaa!OS. ~O 8m 1!1Oll6, MobiIt 36Ill8-0066. Phone 12S1I64!J. 4~ IIi<fmfJd tneI bonded~ • STANDARD OF CARE EXPERT WITNESS: ~di$abi~


Itt_""" ...

• INSUftANCE. EXPERT WITNESS, forty"....,... ........,:t, intlud""l2'year.' m:Ir;· ....... mom ........... "lfU\IIIir"Q, Pte·tilifItj MkJatiorr, <Iepoootic!l. 1..11IIIOf1\'. Policy """"'ogo, cap!M!', excess, deI:lJc1itNes, selllI'IUanCI. -"'I' ond di,oct 0Ap0I"IM0I. fM.<lnIy ~ lou IOWJ. tara. Didding. '~. policy 'IMI'W, ~. ~1oUdit, modifica_

11M""'. imtatl ~1as f Mil"'......... SRMC, at 11DJ1162·!i601. t2I:6I ggs.oo)2 ~I (I' 0HMi1 ~«"""1ItI.

• FORESTlIY EXPERT WITNESS: TWII11'o'· ...... -,.ears. _ _ in <:Of\$UIllfIg lor"".,.,

Trespass an. I........ and insect· ord damage 1(0- tax t>JI>Ifl_ ~ 1(I'es!... AlabImII tneI G«w~. Society of American Foresters, Certmod foreS1llt Cootact 6nrct N. EJson. BNE Manigemom s.voc.., F'hont 13341 ~9J57 (I' 0""';1 ~',MI.

• SECURIT'I EXPEIIT: lie!> 01 VioIonao. Pr ....... Lial>li1'o', S/Jcur'1'o' Negligeroct CrnuttnJ ~ Rapo. "",<lor. assouIt. .-y, bdna!Jpong. ExtensM _ _ in ~.-...:. .

CHI aMlysil, 'ep<Il!I. cor.m~tion

w.tirnorIy f'oiicy, """"",.ion. 1I8IJIinij. oecui1'o' """"I". noIIOI. foresoeabili1'o'. data tolltc:bor1 to anaIysi~ lIfO" ......1p-oliling. _UK! ,. ~ """". "1'0' guao:\I.IofI-6.oIy ~io!. Fom-. dnc!or of floriclo polio! acar!ernV. hliMi •• tato 1'IOIII1c:. firing.~.I"",,"

• DOCUMENT EXAMINATIONS: 8oar<I certrfllld ~""Il ¥Id ~l 20 year,' ~: ItOtrfoeol in ftate..-J federal ........ Reured ....... docunont ......... ~ Dept. 01 For8l1SlC Scltnces. MerrW-

,'*'""'" _

_icon AcarIemi For"""" ~ Sou1hoest"'" Am. For .... '" Ooa.mont E<aminerl: Amer_ Sr:ociety Ouwionld Doa.ment fDminor, (pKMsiorIaIIllich¥d A. Roper, 795Il Va9ln Rood, 1141. Montgcmory 36116. Phono 13341 J'56.7S56, f" 13341260Z552 E-mail .ocI>~ctm. • MEDICAl EXPERT WITNESS: 2.00J ModicaI Maiplao:DaI £>:pen W . - III ~ 1181 ,IW ,tf6or.... YOU' satisfactioot !JIOf3fI!eId,

""l MiMesollo ,tate P.O.S.r.. OJrIIO'aw SIICWi· 1'0'. "",I.stall!. insurOf"(;f, police and _ . lioN. f'IiIlisiIId IIIIhDr. ~ - . _

,""",,,,,*,"', ~iliod profmionol aimincMogoI~ poIic:e/-..iIy spec:i3~1I. poIite/___ rod _ ,

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lorrtIordi. PIt.D, MBA. at 1IDlIIi28-:I4~.


,.tafdatllln/lpoall dIca!J«l/Jnenlal healtMusinO Ioon>e ;nj h:»poIal .tarlior1l of carl, Er:pen witnou """"'" pr<Mdod relatacilO ~d of car. issue< in "-"lilt ;nj tunan .......... agoncio$. Contact William A.l~, PIlD. 1116201221-6(15, t~ .. _

Ctlitop8Clic: CoosuIIioIlS, Twemy-.rgln year.' pPeI_. Second~, inlpaimwll ~. ings, capar:.rt OMIuatlons.. _ideI*od.,t .unwtaUOfl •• .,.,;.... 01 ,""""". Cootact (). ......., Clbral DC. DABCC. 201 W...... Ilriwt. 8i~ J5209. F'hont (2tl5l87I·2205.

M on~,


• PRIVATE INVESn GATOR: lioIn$ed PI *>'ing AIIbomo ord 1100 om ... DIIhoast. Spotialiling in

perkrlll in,Uy, .........,. assot _ . preass wving. ~.,te«l ........ No in,", '"' tIlarQIl CooIaC! Oeno.. o.uet. lI't. J! (888I nl-1l'l52 11oil·lreot .. Mobile fZ5Iilli5 l .;u;s Go" 81 Membor. APIA. NAlS, atl(fl1ey~.



Position Offered • ATIORNEYS NEEDED I'IIraujIM ~ [Go" In~ Iog8I rnorrW •. jnC1r1lOn . ... proffmd ~..'"" ....",wy into:>-ne, s.irrI-


it. to .. HMO f" ,........ to 1!ll4) T»OO2J " t-mail ~~I"""""" ..t AM Norma Garrrnom. us laQaI ~ Low:. F'hont IIDJI J'56.l!\WS

CAN Whece

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w. oro workinj! "ilh ..,'.raI ""tstandi n~ la ... (,nm "bo ",an' to .... blisJr or .,pond thoi. ",","nce in "'" Sta,. or i\lal>arno. Thoy.,.., indi,'idual pra<:tir:c groups.


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""","list!, for • low till teo. Contact MeI>MaI EXI'ElI1s, int, ~ WIOW~""""


in law Ii"", .. "~II as

(8881521·3&11 • QUItO DRAfTING: OORO PrOOIemIl ~ 1(1' ERISA. military. tederal ord mte g<M«>mom pOSitions. Fi»ld let 01 t5JS (billable 10


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yo:o.w client",. dwsernenIJ n:ludtt;.u (#. 'espondeJlco

..,11> plan ord "";SIOnS. Pens"",

valuation. I!<d tI:jIeI1 ,.,timo:Jnl' lor diYora! ord maIpratbc:e cases, AlIIO¢ dono bJ"';· .ad OOAO ouomoy. full ~ al .........~"'" ODRO SOOIions.lnt .. 2914 Prof .......1PUwoy. Augusta, Georgi. JJ931 Phono ~ 813-37161or nt. b-odue. • INJURY EXPEIIT WITNESS: Medic.II tspeC:lS of injury, inc:Iuding ....... ~ .telelal arr diIir:Q ord I(OII'IeI ~. ~~Iied ciwop'ac:tor. Diplomate. ArrIIfica<t 8oo<d 01

All inquiries are strictly confidential. In AI. b-~ n, a , ,"" ntac t: •

RIchard G. Brock. ~:..q. al {SOOI930·9128 or dlrttl dial [2051930·

981 I or nohard"'llltl'!Cankp[Y"rrh,C9!D: nr

Brannon Ford. Esq. al (2051930-9898 or bnmDO nO:ao~Qkp l 'MHrb.\MIJ.

,*""_ ....... ,....,..

• LAW OfflClS fOR RENT: Two...-__

orr_ ......


Iilrayw...... _ _~OOI

Law Clerk for Federal Judge United States Bankruptcy Court, Middle District of Alabama State Bar n.!.ftItd ~ta l\rin4II<vC<lun I.. !hi MiOdIo OisUlC1 01 ~ is ~"""""bl""'dlrl:pOII_ 1011 _ _ _ ' ; ..... lt l l l o _ 01 2ttM

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s.nd._ . . _ ...... . . ""mr. __ S

IH' fill __ i'*"_1111 III'"


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CIIOII ..... ~ R. ~ 1'0. Boo:lS. MooillPi_, :1>101. III;

1nII; . . . and hoIh-

.. :wllo<ral ... _

Oo.p~ ... - - .. _iii . . . ." "'111~"'" _"",...-...,...(...-.o;q..

• LAW DmtlS fOIl 110ft. fM I'bnJ SaudI IIw oIfioL 0IIie.s ......... 111 22rd Str..c. SGo/Ih, AI ...,." - . am IS

'....,...:IOom. CQIto.a _

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The University of Alabama System The l.Iniversity of Alabama System illYites nominations and applications 101 the position of !jeneral counsel, the chief legal offICer of Alabama's largest and most complex IIighef education enterprise, SelViIJ,l the board of trustees, the chancellor, tafTlIUS presidents and all CllfflIX>' rents of the UA System, the general rounsel represents these entilies in all legal matters and is responsible fOi the delivery of all legal services, including the coOOUCI and resolution 01litigation, the prosecution and senlement of all claims, and the legal review 01 al l significant transactions, This position is charged with staffing, organizing and &dminist8fing the Offire of Counsel in the University System Office (located in Tuscaloosa). and offices at The University of Alabama, The University of Alabama at Birminghan and the UAB Health System, and The lkliversity of Alabama in HuntsVille, as well as retaining and managing all outside comseI performing legal services 101 the lkliversity. candidates 101 !jeneral counsel should: Present the ability to serve as the maMgef of a dyn¥nic legal operatiOll, serving clients with wide ranging issues including health care, higher education. employrnenl and litigation in a complex. rapidly ~nding organization; Relatll well as a peer to leading lav.yltfs statewide: and Have a sopI'tisticated warting knowledge of the Alabama legal system and all its parts. Salary is to be ~iated with the dJancellOI, subject 10 awoval by the board 01 trustees. Nominations and app lications should be submined immediately to: Ms. Fannie Turner, The University of Alabama System,401 Queen City Avenue, Tuscaloosa 35401. or send an The University of Alabama System is an Equal Opponunity. Affirmative Action EmpIO'{tlf. 402



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