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Nonmltor 2OIl4


Vol 6'S No 6


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FoJ;boo,.t.:....,., pO«" od...- "'"do in.t.: Mon<gOm<'fy """', yoo ,t.. of. ("",...., ho.d. From ,t". ,""" .."",ion of 0'" nurbltd .tid NIGI-IT "'""";'" mmins rooou,., til< w",,,,h.oJ r<I""",,,,, of O.of ""'" and _ _ 111< l<fIm<I>" c.p;",1 Hoi offm. I<vd of ,n ,UJU<Y an.! d= u""..;w,&. .. w.... """'ponbi< hutds. And it', aU Ioat..:! on "'" T<rn' Jon<> WlfTr.UL "'" ,""""",ion.. colJ l}O!·2'JO.12l~ ."....,m o

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Alabama Bar Institute

far Continuing Legal Education Adnncing tht L.'gil! Profc.~i<ln through Educ~ljon and s",n-icc

ABICLE provides me with the moth~lion and skills to continue my goals in assisting the elderly and those with spt'(:ial necd~. My reward is helping others attain the highest quality of life and access to much needed ~ervice.~. Lynn Campi~i

Lynn Campbi, P.C. Allorncy al Ui ....

rna aw er

No.emb. r 2004

Vol. 65. NO. 6

ON THE COVER! wildAo.." .. blooming in the (aU, Gulf ShottS. Alabama PhotO by ","ul Crawford, JD AUMMA STAT!! BAR HI!ADQUARTU $ STAff

. ,, Dum A...... M. . ,IOO><tl'. AI. lIi l04 (''') __ ".,. 1_ ) '1oI~1" . f A)[ I'''') 26' .... 10 !- ""'ill.~ ,-"'J · Wtb oi,~ ........


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Remarks of Albert P. Brewer, Alabama State Bar 2004 Annual Meeting, Grande Convocation, July 24, 2004


Birmingham Student Awa rded Alabama Law Foundation Law School Scholarship

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Is It Affirmative Action o r Discrimination? By Dougl.. Ii Kauffman



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Rn'itwcd by Chari", A.

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Book Review Tlte SOli/bane lIIlIsion by Norman Ielmlmdsen, Ir.









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ConolM ......


Estate Planning for Protected Persons By Mich.d A. Kirtland

Table of Contents » .... min""" on P"~ J62

Table 01 Contents » frqm I'<'V 361

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Mediation, Bankruptcy and the Bankruptcy Administrator


_No..o..........,.. ,-"

By J. ThoIlW CorWtt


Statistical Demographics and Outcome Study of Chemically Dependent Attorneys II, TImothy J. S...... ney



President's Page Progress: Il1Ipossible Wit/IOIII Cllllngt:


Executive Director's Report R«ognizillg Suvict


Important Notices

About Members, Among Firms

378 39. 392


Judicial Awom of Merit Nomillations Due


Malldatory Cominuing Ugtll £duration (MCLE) Ru/eaJld Rrgulntion Clumgts,l'jftctivt /al1lUlry 9th, 2(}/)4


ASH Fal1lily Law &dion Mmli)~rs/lip




Applimtion 100 .

Bar Briefs Young Lawyers' Section So Far, So Good Legislative Wrap· Up Nrountllbility

Opinions of the General Counsel "OIw-s, Old BJoS£


Disciplina ry Notices



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CIeri:: w. cain •Sencr ~er · o:ail@Iard<rn,COOl Rebecca E. MiwliISCo •fiqefq RepresentatM! •~.COO1

President's Page


Progress: Impossible Without Change


...,rgc IItrn..d Shaw OJK~,

' Progms;$ imf>O«ible ",jlbeul change, .nd those who cannot €lIOns< ,heir mind, cannot ch."S~ Iny-

thing.-! don', thin~ ht was ,all<ing . OOUI thO$« lUnd. of ... change> that throw _ .... yand

culture into ron· vul,ion, or changing finnly·hdd mo",l conviction<, but ,..ther .oout &imply _king 10 impr<:>W the , toW. quo>.

TIlt A1aNm> Swe 8", Was founded in Januory 1879, and has b«n 1«1 by m.ny gre., La"'l"'rs w!>o ha ... be<n .. n";_ tiv< to ",,"pins oor har and iu .. rvkt to Abooma I.wyt,.. on the rutting <:<Iso_Since .... . re 3

mandOlO'1' or ";ntCgr>l«l" bar, m.mbor>hip i, rtquirtd 10 practice law in lh. Stale of Abbama. By .We Low, Our major run";on i> ~uJ.tory, m•• ning wt h.vt the r<'$ponsibility to 0 .....« tilt admis.ion, prIX.$$, including charact.r and fit...." rt<ju;r<menu .nd the b.1r uamin. lion. Addition.lIy. WI' h.... tho ~I,'ory

IUporuibili,i .. of law)'tr di$Cipline, prof....'m, continuing ..:!ucalion and other "'I....:! duti ... w••,... blt$Std with an =eIlent .. aff which Our Kgulatory fu nClion, and al'" l'<'COf,fIius 3n addit ional func _ tion of our rut. bar, which i. to " ' " Our membe ... My go.>l.nd the of the bar , .. ff U to provide " level of ..rvices which would mm members w.ml0 bolons to Ihe AI.b.m. State Bar....... if it we", nol mandatory."~ ",.Iitt IMIIO accomplish thi.g.,.l ...e must bo ~n 10 chan~ to provide the most up·tO·d ... program. and servic.. 10 mtt1 the ptOf""ion.1 eh.lleng.. COnfronting]'<>u .. an Alabama lawytr. ra" of the process of improving involvn Our [,oilS-Range Planning Initiative. Caine O'Rear has graciously consent..:! '0 Ie~ Our long-range pLtnning dfurt, which will include 0 diverse group of legal ptOfeWonais from olI O>tt our .101e. ....~ win 01"" continue the initiat;'" commen«:d by former P=idmt Bill (lark to impkm<nt the AI.bama State Ilar I.ndn>hip rorum_ Pat G ... Alyce Sprudl did. &",at jot> in pulling together th" ;n;t;atiwo. and the Abbama Su,. Bor



In<krship Forum r=ivt<I • ~..,.., .... contribution from Allm Dodd.nd John David Dodd in lhe .mounl 0£ $ 11),000, in Ih. memory of I~r I,"e low pa.n~ and former ,Ult tw- Prni<knl Sill S<rugg$. This is. gml ltadttship inilial;w. and I.wyers who • .., U,I.....I«I should download an .ppliulion from Ih. Ab""m. Stal~ liar Web sile• ..... w.aJa/Ja,_"'1 We wiU conlinue olher iniliali"... .Iorl_ .d by Bill Clark and olner ~ president ... uch a.I the work of Our ad hoc commiu"" on judici. l .. l«tion. indigent del'en .. commi"ion ~.l.tion, .nd th. work of our .. ,k fo",. on adm;"io"", which h'$ . lmOSI comple1«1. coun"l affili.,ion rule.



'h i41 " ""''''''

La" yr", the legisJ .. u,. p...ed .n act amending .!<Ction. 34-J-40 .nd 34-3-41 of the A/aMmo Code, enlarging th. board of bar .omm;"ion<'T$ by nin .. .. _large mem~n50 ,he comm;"ion can more appropriately reflect Ih. radal. ethnic. s.nd .... 'ge, and goo_ graphi< diwnity of the me-mben o£ the ,Ute bar_Th. new b.. commi"ion,," for 'he at_lo,ge posilion' will take offie., in july 200S, pUl' to the tetm. of the on_ASB Vic._P, ..iden, Anthony J05<ph is leading an ad hoc commit!"" 10 dewl _ op the rules for implemenl.tion of Ihe act a.I r«[uir«l by low. Po .. Peesident Dag R,o..... is he.ding a commin"" to r.,.iow the rul .. and pro«-

dures for th •• l«tion of ,h. pr<$idcnl_ el«t of th. Alabama SUIe B.or. Tbc COm min"" will ~ examining i"u .. 10 radii· t.te the el«tion P""""" a.I well as the u>¢ o f eI«troni< communication, which i, currently not mentioned in our rules. Ac«ss to jou.i.,. il-l .... haw alw:oys been • m.jor concern in the kgal prof<M;on. Lawyrn ha"" traditionally shoulder«! the burden for providing lepl..."ic.. ,o tho .. people in our £Ocicty who cannot afford l.wyers. With the d«,.... in funding .nd tho coruolidation oflegol .. rvices inlo onccorpofiition in Alabama, we orc beginnins to ..·think how we can lakt ca.., of tho legal ~ ofth. poor in Al,b>ma. Sam Stockman,.n 31torncy in

ORDER ALL 4 590 -.r.c".u."C>«><S..::cu>IW. """- "- _ _ u .. _ _ 1 ANDSAVE S15! 4 Book Set



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President's Page

eo1lfilllled from page 365

/''Iobiir, hal oJlftd 10 .hair an Aca:ss 10 J "'lj« T.~ For« 10 ;n~igat~ new .... ys

we can 10k "~of th¢ n«<h of our poorest dti..... Thi. is. ot.iou. •. N.tions and .1. IOS which h.... n.cglect<d 11K Iq.Il BffiU of 1M poor hutorially tu ... not fart<! wrlI. Cawmakcr is an acitinK mtmbt. bnI· mt coming onl .... in approximatdr .w.. mon1hs. This is .Itpl ,ae-~...:h crn~ by bwyn1 fot bwyns. and at \.uI count. 111111.. had jointd tht ~ family. Evny lawyer in Abba ..... will ""... a«a$ to tho datobase of tIw: Abbama Ubrary. as wdI .. tht dmbua of.U 0. .... CoOC1ll. kn nates.


Thnmsh . he- ASI! \\'01) sj ..

vigor. f'ntuJ'f II\Oft' ,1wI twT, OUT ma·

(www...Ioba""'l'J. youwillbe.bltto

lio""'i!" with Iht (Oill1$

on ... rn.i ... lib.. ry. including Alaboma I.',UIOS and ' 1'1'<'11>.. cOurt <k<i.i(ln.s., I !til Circuit decision. and. _ahh of other .1.1. and fed<nJ mou.«t. I. ""'Y not include every



you nttd, WI

for a

'""'* p<a<lia is limitt<l 10 cnI

uwytr £I.01t :and kd_

COlI'" in A1aNma. it is vny compl't-

t.m.M. Thnt' wm be noduo<\!,< 10

Alabama ~ \0 "'"""'~. Anothtr inil ....... this roar is lilt Judicial Lililon Committ .... Jere &uky

:and Sam F.mtkHn


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your ptactice. CAE~IEO



Iy ALAII ......

~m)RN~Y "


......... ~ ATTORNEVS


bt m,ngthcMd, .. loge1h ... _ 63mi"" the lop! prof<:l4lon', co.... I~ of ;n'wi'Y' $n'\'~~ .nd r. i,na.f. W( mus, II,ift t~hH 10!>;n the aallmct of our Itpl rymm. Only 100000hH can _ saM problems of p.ofwioct.>liom. civility, wun fundin!.Dd rtSp«I for the rulr of law. 1'.., lItud;t."id lhat tilt ItpI pmJnsian is that holds 1OFll>c-r dtmocrocr. I don' 'l"itugm: with that ownntnt. bta_ I ~ it is Iht rulr of low that holds t~htr democracy. W( bwron an: C1lt rult'" wilh III<: """",,rd· ship of 1M rult of Lzw, 10 (MJ' .olt i$ vi,oI.

m. " ...


Mortgage LlIst Will" Testament Will Probste Estate Administration G_rd'-n.oip .. ConlMH"Vatonhip Power of AHorney Lea . . .. Ea sement Eviction Corporation Adoption Crimi.... Defe n . . Crimi.... Prosecutor Gen era' Practice Timber Purchale LttigaUon

In memory of

JACQUELINE C. HEARTSILL Il«aust lh. rol. of lh. It gal prof... ion i. inslru", il i. inlp<"f3live ,h., Wt .,r.mine ou ... tvcs to bt 'u ....... . ... di' · I'ltcbi ng our .... pon,ibiliti .. wit h the high. " , undard, of 'h • ....:lt, and moral virtu •. Public P='tption of Ih. It gal prof... ion i. not sonl.'hing .... can t nlirely comrol or manipub lt.tho ugh I do btli""e i, i, impon. n, ,h., 'he p ublic un<!trsland ' ht ,"'" n.tu ... of ,h. Itgal prof... ion and ,hal a! tim.. o ur calling ~ui .... WI to lakt on unpopwordi.n" and cau .... h is myd .. i... 10 promote I proptr undtrst.nding of the rolt of I.wyers .nd tilt rul. of law in our society_ Civil ord.r without ....\'«t for tb. rul. of low i. not po>iibl •. R<>\'«t for th. ruk of low wit hout ,h. vigilanIT of ' he I"S"I prof... ion abo is no, po .. iblt. Not too long "go. AlaMma lawyers held tb. nl'jority position, in our ".", honst of uprtstnlOtivt$ and in tht ....It Many lawye""hrough Alab.m" hi'tory. hove undered guat serv~ ., I• • in·, 1egi,I.,i"" OOdies. To<l.y. th"'" arc only 11 bwyns in th. Alab,m. honst of u p ... stn,.,;""" .nd 11 lawyers in st>l... nate. Our , .. te bor motto is "L3wyers Render $eTVic.: and I t hink of no bell"- way ro strvt tilt public ,h.n by our unique 'nining. skill•• nd talmts in·m.king process. On. of my goal, th i, year is to '-unman initiative to get mOre bwyers ba~k in the legisl.tive pro« ... TIlt character and fitness ~uirtmmts for admission to the A4bmu Su", Bar a,. va)' impon.nL Ow- ""th of nffict requ;'-'" th>1 .... demean ou ...1ves with certain .nribu, ... which mean> that the ItgoI pro· f...ion is no< for nff)'Ont. ! woukllikt to ... initiative:! in law scl>ooIs and in p<imary . nd secondary schools would mlu",. ,he cha.r.oa..- and fit ..... of tno.. who ...k admi$$ion to the ItgoI pror...ion. I ha .... ~ kit worthy Of tNt I actuaUy meas· mod up 10 the standards . nd bigh moral ch.rxI..- ~uired of ~ I am mindful .....-y day of my own .Ibortconlings.. but I anl """,uotly .ncou",-ged by the eumple

Execu tive Assistant, Alabama Center for Dispute Resolution September 18, 1935 - September 29, 2004

of.., m.tny of the gmt .nd honorable ",.."hers of our bar whom I Onl m«\ing .. llravd around the st''''. TIlt programs.nd >Clivilies of the Abbama Stat< liar art designed to ...-v. the nxmbm of the bu, 10 imp""" tht admin· i$tnt;on of i"'lict. and 10 ........ tht public

al large. In oddition to 19 comtnitttn and fi~ task the b,u maintain. 23 5CC1ions which a,. designed to fKm ... t • ",mmunication .nd oIu,. info"",, ;"n :unong m<mben of the >eai<>ns. I invite _ h of you 10 8"" imof>t,d in $latc baT OCIivitin. Wt rIHd your Itadtrship. •






Executive Director's ______~R~e~o~rt~--------------------------

Recognizing Service he Alaboma number of owanb dill .~ preoml«l to '«<>gni>.c bar ~mbel'$, firrru and I\0Iluwy."rs. Th<y ...... -r of saying "THANK YOtr' to tho$t who bavt lIP"" """'" and btjound wh.ot was pp«kd to ~ othcn. tilt profnaion .. 1M :odminl>'... tion of jWlo«. DelcribC'd btIow ..... the aw>.rds ...-..1«1 by tht .\U'~ bu Of • ....non of


Ih< st.Il< bar .nd tilt rt<:ip...,,, of th<x ...... rds. EIapI .. indialcd, Ihtx awards Of. no! 1lt(.Wari/v p..e• each}Uf.


1974 /lOM. """"II T. Hr/Un. Tu"",m""

.t. S'e>o'!l" O'lI<1mWM, fwmtce RoW., M. Hill, FIo ... nr~ fo~h F. Joh>Ulon, Birmin:""'"


O>nrwl M. A>w/tT. Cc/um/Mna M. u;glr I/IIrriJon, Clrl &or. Mon'go.......,. Rlmrr~ G. £/i",... FIormu


M. ~

II'iIlMm MIlhMI ~. M",,'f"""'T 1V75 (),..,.;4 EN~. CIoiargrl> Owrla T. Clmmm. MINI'gomtr}'

Eo T. BrowN. Birm,"f"'''''


D. "Bill" Scruggs, Jr. Service to the Bar Award Th; •• ,...,d wucr.>I..d in 2002 in honor Qf th, h •• lIill Scruggs, form ••

" ... b;or "",id.nt, 10 '«<>gnu" oU!stand,ng and dffi,c;"td ..rvi<. 10 "'" Sial. 11.1 ••

2003 Il. T. B"""",


Alabama State Bar Award of Merit Eollbli>h..d on ]973,th,. award recogni ... oum.ndmg ron.lruc' ;.... ~ 1<> th. Itg..l profes'ion. "') c"n"lk IV. 0>01. Tuscaloosa Ti<nOlhy III. C'<>nW<ly, Birmingham 3e8


1m Dr. Marlrews, T~ ....1oosa Gt<rrv p. /ll>wtIrd. lI'~ru",pL. N. LN Cropn. Birmi"gha",

J.O Senrrll. Monrgo......y

Prime 0Jb0m. III. /t>cksorMIk. Aorido:r /'177 lamn L. Norrh. B,'rmin:""'", Willillm B. JIaj"""" ,." Birming/>:.... \i.II/,... KrMht. Montgom<r']' IIiIbm P. DtnrrisJlm. Mobik 1V78 W"u" ... F. MdJarrMll, SNffidd

Im M. I.eiP H<rniMm. T"'"""'IlJi80 J. Mart WII;1e, Birm'..".,... Hall, JwpIr D. Phdpo. Mo"'gomer)' Norl>mrrt C $1<1 ..... Jr.• BoIy MiM"~ &lwdrd M. l'I>11mon. Mon'tr'mnr 1!lIII \Villi~ ... N. CLork. Birming""'''' Hon. Robrr, P. Bradley. Monrgcmery 1982


D. Scru"" Jr.• Fort hlY'"



C ""gr, Jr.. ~.'"'"'V""" 1.«. III. Hum.vil/.

ltlgr. !r.. Birmi"ghnm "" Joeu,.,uc. Iv.c.wady, En/..-pri..


m. 1985

"'" 1987 1988


I/arold F. Herri"g. Hum ••'II. /Whel A. Huffaker, M."'gam...,. David R. &yd. MOM/gem...,. RI>bnI L PrJw. RI>",,,,. H.nry T. H."ul, Birmingham Carr C Hu,kalry. Hun".ill< Ro M. T.agur. Birmingham !am"S. \\fard. Birmingham Roy J. Crawford. Birmi"glwm Joh" B. Sam, Jr., MOlllgom...,. \\filhe G. Silbeman. Birmingham Mary Ly" Pike, Mo"'gom...,. Richard H. Ma"ky, Ckmopol;, o."ni, &1,1., MO"'gem..-y HOll. Albc, P. B,..,...,., Ilinningham

z003 Edgar C c,,"'k. III. Birmi"ghum Su"",, Shimd: Dtltl<Jla. MM/gOmny

Pro/war Brad 8isi1op, Birminghom S,c"", IV. Ford. T..."aIO<},," Robtrr IV. In. Jr., Birmingham

m, Dr. Rirhord A. Thigptn, T"",,/oosa ,m

"" "" m,



Robel P. o.n"i"o". Mobil< Marshall Timll<',lakt. Ilirmi"gnnm Hon. a"-,,r W. Adom.. B,rm,ngham Hon. Albc, P. B,..,...,., Birmingham C/uJrk; F. Carr. Birminglwm I/on. \\fjJJiam L Thompoon. Manlgem..-y /om., Eo Rorch, Birmingham Thom05 G. ki,h, Hunt,.iiI, /31o"j.. lVilliam~ BifmingMm

Alabama State Bar Judicial Award of Merit Th. 1udicial Award of 1.1..;1 was <r"l~ 10 rewgni ... bolh tri.l.nd .pp<1Iat.1evd judgtl. not ytt Iflimi, for !hoir contribu · tion to the I dminist ... tion of juS/ie<. 1989 s.,.t.:>um H. Lyn"'. SmiM Ihriud DUtric, Judgt, NonI>ern Dim"ia lame< O. Haky. Ci ..... i' Judge, r.n,h J~diriol 0m.;1


1990 J0'"Ph D. Phelps. O"u;' !udgr, Fift ...."h Jud;,;ial Cireu,' /)Ql'id A. Rains, Cim.i, Judge. N,mh Judicial Ci""i,


wher~-, I L _goUU peap e UCcame

exceptional lawyers.

Cont inuing Legal Education Fall 2004 Seminars November








18"' A nnual Workers ' Compensation Seminar Corporate Fraud: Tile Inlerseclion of Civil Suits and Criminal Prosecutions "Trials of tile Century" featuring Todd S. Winegar Annual Employment Law Update Recent Developments In Insurance Fra ud & Sad Faltll Law Civil L1tlgatlon Update - Mobile Hot Topics in Litigation ; Discovery of Electronic Documents and Representing the High Profile CI;ent 11" Annual CLE By The HOIJr

For SE!tllinar details, l'is~ our Web site: or call 1-8OO-881l--7454 (in Birm;ngham. call 726-2391). E·ma il us Brochures ara ma iled approximately sOc weeks prkJ( 10 seminar dale. Saml<)fd Univetsity i$ an Equal Opportunity lnstilulion and weIoome!I applications 10< ernpIcyrml11 and aclucalionol programs trom

8IIlndivicMois regardless ot race. color. se" . • . disability. or natior\rll or ethnic origll\

Executive Director's Report I99J

s..m C. A>i"ttr.l,., U"i/td Sr~I<"

Disfrirl Iudf'. Nonhtr" Dim;,,1 199f W"oIl",,,, II. Gc>tdoot, Cim<iI/uJgr. Fifrm"/o IwJiriaJ CirruJl

19911 IM'pIt D. c....t. """""',., , .."w, Supmote Courr of At.oN"", 1997 Am. Hugit Maddox. ..........1'


}u"iu. S..p.tme of )Jab.lmQ 1998 , ... DtMem. Unirro SIOI .. mmin

Dis"", Hrndrick$<ln Storm. Ci",,,,,

Jud". MUMI,

200/ s"ndn>

IwJgt. Tm,h I..JiciaJ Ci ..... ,'

' ' 'sr.

1001 '"" I. F"oddi"f, Um.i/ r'-''T'"Mnd. JuJiri,,/ CimoJl

100J Owrla II. 6un.,.. Jr,. U"",.J S""d DurricJ Judge. Sour"""" 0;".", 2Q:)j ~I<'

John"',., Disrrin ludtt. Tauh ludkial CirculI

umti/llied from pagt 369

100J £. f'Ill"a· H;I/, /I,mu";ll. C"~ ~,,,gMm, &.mdJ, Yonce, C"",, Mobik \\'il/;'m I.N. (""'*"1



200-1 i\IlisolllolforJ, Mall''''''"'' M"Y"4rJ, c.o"p.r do c"k, Bimu"gMm

Local Bar Achievement Award This ..... ni w .. c"'~lN '" 1m 10 n:c. ogni.z.e the ...;"l of Iood bu 0000<"';"'" fo. lht r"'V'=or KIiVltinconductfll in ~ ","KUla. l'l'" AwndJ .... made ba...:I on the >i.u of the ho •. 1m Him,sv,/k·MQ Jt$on Cown!:" /la, A.<ic><1"lron CalhowII·CI,hwrrl' ("" .. nr,.. BQ'


Pro Bono Award

1995 M""',.,mny CoUnty 11<>,

Tht pro bono ;rw;mI ...... <.mal in 1998 and ifpwn onn.wN. II ~ thoot ...... h.a ... ~.....,tc<I dienIs wiIb ciYillcpl needs unable 10 afford. ~

1996 L« Coso"". Bro, Aswrio,ion 19'J7 &aombuo CAunly & . A<s<ri:Ilioll

Or r~""" ~fu"t..r.d ......-. IcpII<1Viot programs in AJ.tmn.a. 1998 I/"g/' Ufo n.""/oo,,, No"0' Swan. MDmg""''',-

Phillip MjlCheI~ Dmlw, /999 ktI /1JlnJaJl, T""aloouI Mt/,nd;r k-brnt, M<mlll"ttW'I, /<Imn II. SmJ.-. !of"""".,...,. v""" H. Loti. Jf., M<Jbik

"'m 0. w"rd, M01ltgr>mery 2000 KdJi Hop<' Ma"", ,,,rd ,Ile {ou",'"' "I ~ Mobil< Pro Bolt(! Pr<>gr"nI (Jrril,ophtr Robin KIll.,. (f""lem a"",rdJ 1001 Will.... '" I/. Ro ...., Pi_ Iltrkowin. Ufbwin. /......, KMsh ......


Lor~ o,un,y

B<u k.<ocial;"11

Mob,k S-~",Iimr 1999 MMg.:tn

eo""", 11<>, Aut>r;a/;Qn

2000 Ba,/M",·/Jull,d Cortnl,. &, A<w<-i~I","



1002 J. Timor",. Smirll. B;rmi..,.,.. ...

/I",wI, AmldIzI~ Mobil< MoIilJ;> B'igg. Hwrr~". ("ud.m QwtlrJ) 370

NOVIM l f~

2 ~~.

1998 floll. I/mt<ou AI"."" MM"JI'mtr)' Non. It>nK SItom. Birm'''IMm 1001

s"..n s.n-, MOII'P-'Y

200-1 Robt-rt L McOori<}l


Administrative Law Section: Eugene W. Carter Medallion Nanvd in honor of the fo,mn CIrculi

judF of rho: Fif1....'h Judicial Circui,. the !wJmUlOS'.." .... Uw Sed;"" pret<'lll$ rho: Cat1<1' M«Wbon 10 /Ormn p<IbIic .... .... n.. in =ogni.ion of thei. txt ......... ....cords of (O"';'l<n' , f.i. and hoO'l<'$' bal · .nting of govcrn.,...,."a1 int"""" .galnl' tho rishu of individual •. 19$.1 ~'''gt'n' IV. Carin

19a4 f'tIha", J. Ml"I'riU I~ I""~ St~,,1ty Fmur 1<JOIl6 Wil'",m A Thompson 1992 I)Q,,"" Gonlo" Gill

IJ19.1 /.aula FNmd Dun" 199;' Gt<>.S" S..,,,,y Wrighl 1998 Clint"" J~cb<m Calq

2Q1B (,,,,I L ""''''

c..'Iro""·Ckb",,... 0>W/l1)' Ba. An«",,,,,,,

Bar Aswriolion c;"..",y Bro, iWDcio>rioto Mobik Bar A"",,;,,/IOII

](}()I Gmnsr"" c;"..n,y



lOOl Mou"" &, Iwo<""ion Mobik Bar ASSO(;clllOn 100J ,w""m u>unr)' Bar Afmin,ion Mobil. B", "-'wid/lOll 2004 Awtaug.:t Co""". & , AssociQ.ioll Mohik &. A<s<ri:I"""

8., ... j~",

U".....,..,. of ScIN><>I of PwbIi<: lAw /,..." .....

tho adminim .. ion of justict in •.

Women Lawyers' Section: Maud McLure Kelly Award N~m<'d fa<Alaho"",·.6rsr WO ..... n la"'1"" ,hi,.wa.d is giftn to • ...;,m.n lawyt. in recogni,ion of .h.. indi,idu.I ', conrribu.ion •• o .he proftslion. 2002 ",IIje Udlow Shorn 2003 .... ,...., F. L«

2()(H N;,."

Alabama State Bar Commissioners' Award c,.,.k<1 in 1\/98, lhi, .wud n:cognius individwb who h.w: h.d. long_.und. ing commitmen, '0 'he Impmvement of


rm<I=d otIlIesaIy ..... 1"",1In is I 0>0bk ,-""inl .Dd •!marl< of ,ho: ~

Itg.aJ profcuion. ",.. individwl< who Jut .... I'K<'ivr<l ."'"'" ..... rds .,., moll d... rvinsand ... i"' "",,"'pin for of us. They ~ wcU. •


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Judicial Award of Merit Nominations Due 1M IImrd of liar Comm,ssion<1'S of 1M A1ob.ama St.,~ 1\;" will r«<i.., nominal;"'" for 1/", SWe bol" Judi<:UJ Aw;m;l of Merit through March I~h, 2OOS. Nomi!\.llions shouJd b< prq>.aml aDd nuikd to: !:rilb B. Norman. !loud of B.u Commw"' ...... A1.b>.m. Scal. JI.;o, P.O. Ro:I; 671


Monlgon><ry. At 3610J ·(l671

1M fudkial Award "r M....i' w ....,.blished in 1987. 1M .word i. not n«e>sarily on onnu.J .ward. It muSI bt p, ....".td to. judge who is no' rcli,t<!. wh.,h.r <I.k "r fed· ...1couII,ni.1 or '1'1><11.,<, who i. d<1.rmintd 10 ho", <:<.>n,,,hul.,j .isnlfic.n~y In the .dminislr.lII<'>n of jUOIkc in Th. ,,,,,jr •• m i. I',...,,,,rd with. crystal &3 ....1 boaring ,he S" " I,., 1....1and ,ho Y'" of p reoenillion. Nomin'llOt» ..... O)d.;.vm:! by • thr.... ·m=lber <onlm,t1C't' opPQinltd by 'M p~nt of lh< ,,.,. Iou, which 111<11 makes • ~ttllt1<11doloon t(> lh< bo,ard of bu comm"""ntr:S with respect 10 • nom~ or whttMr tho: ....... rd >bould be p......,!<'d in ony gi....., ynr. NominalKnU u.ould ."doo.. deuiltd biographic'.J prorlk of III< nomi ..... and a .... mln" oull,nmg th< 'ignifi.canl ronuibu,ion(.) ,II< nom, ..... has '0 ,II< .dminis,m>on of IOU''''. NomUu,io,.. may bt oupportnl W;Ih kit'"" of ~~

Mandatory Continuing Legal Education IMCLE) Rule and Regulation Changes. effective January 9th,2004 tff«ri ... /,'n""'J' 9, .'004, M~ndato'J' Cum,n,,,'nK Legal k'd'I(~,ion Rqul"rion 2.7 """ L>dopud ~tld MeLt Rul. 1.Cl. Rult j, R"I.5.8. R"/r 6.A, and Ru/r 6.8 ....., "mtndtd. Ano",.ys ... now rc-quirc-dlo carn one hour tach Y"" of .. hico 0. profusionali'm (mll!. l1It minimum numOO of hours .muiru 12 hours cach rca •. ()lh.rr MCl£ Ruk r<Vi»oru indudo on ina-nK 0( IlI<b,c fihng I« to 5100 and the b", comJ>lianct w to 5100. Attornq$ who &iJ to (Omp/y ...lth the MCLE Ituko for bit filing .nd b,. compbana: will bt rc-quind 10 ~ on aclo:hlional $.100 noncompliaru 1«. A,torneys who n:oidt and ma",w.. a pnocq>.d oIIict '" moth<r Aak that mpoifts MCI.E and who ~n dmton"ralt comp/ianol" willi his or h<r princip.J "alt 0( practiot .... ~P' frono the 1Z·hour CLF:. rtquirement but m"" fiIo Ibt)'C"......nd Annual Repon 0(


Th. Ruin ...... ,.io'" clarify lhal aW ... nl 0. dtruty a nOInt)'> "n... l and d,,,rkt ,u"""'yo., '~Ul.nt or dtruly dislrict mo.ncys, and public defend.,", arc nol exempt from the MCtE Ruin. Fo. a compl ... lis""8 o( all """;.;0,.. .n<! 11K full conteni of Ihe MC'LL:: Ruk on<! R.tgul'lion changn. 1'1..... vilil Ihe AI.b=a S"'te B.t Memhcr p.1g< 01 .......... alabar.o'l". • 372



r--------- --- ---- ----- --------------" ALABAMA



Family Law Section MEMBERSHIP


Memboersh ip pe.iod ,uly 200-1 - June 2005 Namr: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Spo'*" _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Finn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mailing Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Strttl Address (if dill" ... nl from abo",): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cily' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Office Loco tion · COunly: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

E· Add'e..' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ '~I<phone

Numboer: ( _ _-', _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

FoxNumboer. ,'_ _ Web,i .. URL: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ New Memboer Ren ......1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (I fnew membe. ) Refe.rt<! By _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Annual Dues $50.00 Mal<c your ch« k payable 10: Family $('Clion Alabama Sla, e Ba . Mail payment '0: Brian Huff, $('Ction $('Crdary, Suite 302, 2801 University Boulevard, Bir , AL 35233

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I f

-finto--~ _;,,_, 'W _,,,,*,,,,,,,,_

.-,.. .... . , \


,,,...... , o.,.n_ .. (»4J .loI'~'O

(Ia:J_ro ... '11. I ,,"dj

• •,..101101.

About Members Dmnis I.. Thompon an .... " ....... ~

opoU"I of his offior "' J 12 1$1 Str<fl. Well, Fort Po,.... }S967. Phone (256) SoIS.saSS.

judicial O"",il, .nd Ih< firm·......... hu b«n .... nse<! 10 Sim.. Grw:ldkk 8c

""""'"'"J. fIemina.


~ WaI ... G. Ch ud< Miller and Robnt J. Heds< annountt tht of H..n ing, ~ Miller 8c UP, with otrlCCS located al 169 Dauphin S,rftI, Sui~ 204. Mobik .l6601. """"" (251) 432-4070.



Among Firms Dimict Atlornq John S. And .......

S«ond Judici.1Ciml;l. onnou",es1110, Tin. Cokt. IOrdOR. formerly law d .... k ,n Alobom. Supmne juslict }ta" IImwn.1w joointd hi. ,,1f1U OS I n assi.lanl di!uicl l uorn")'.


Au. till, ~;. & Simms PC Innoul>Ctl 11101 Williom E. Pipkin, Jr. and T~rry A. Moo .... ha~ ;oincd Ih. fltrn 0$ sha,ehold..... In 1'" Mobil< offiu, ond Joxph E. B. Sttwart h... b«omc I sh=boIdn in the Birmingham off.ct.

Bolch & Bingham LLP llUKIWIU$ "'.. HOWIIrd Nriswm .... has joined 1I~ firm., A11n1, Crow, ~""in. Portis ",. Mila PC aru>ou.nca WI Waky a...twic.k Cook Iw btcomt .... """",,,"t. with .... lirm.

B...... .. Forman lhal Mupm K. Oarlt, 0.- A. OaYidson.

Tori D. FIdd$,Graham w. Gttb&rdt,Amy K. Jordan. April M. Maoan, Maltbew T.

Mitchdl, 11<111 A. O-st-oy. JoanM I'ottttSOn. Alphonoo Simon, Ir., and 0.00 G. \'.'an.... toJo " - pined 1M fU1tl

lam.r, Mill .., Norri. 8c Feldm.n PC announen tlu, S'''Phen D. Chrill;" and Mich.d L H'lIPrd """" l10-00.... ill....... hoIdtrs. and ,... finn n ......... bun .... ngt<l to Lamar, MiIkr. No ....... Hagard 8c Chri ..... PC. Tho 6nn al$o lllOOUn<eI La: s......rt and tu ... in South ha"" b«omr o.uociotel.


McCoU um 8c 8rown u.c announces tho. f. Tun M<Collum IwjoiNd ,... fum.

M<Co<m;"k 8c Brown

u.c announces

,ho, H...... S. Snodc-kr and J. Ray II.., Jr. """" joined tM firm at o.uociores.

CoptIand, Cook, Taylor &: 81llh PA announta llul EOn> Pauon has jointd the firm.

Mn'ris-S ..... BridZC Company. Inc. that I)avid P.L Compbell Ius htm in·bo .... coun ..l.

' PI'OintN by Gowrn"r BOO Riky to tho pmition of eireui, judgt, Thirt<en'h 100.

Th. , .fferson Coun,y Med' ..1Soci.. y .nnounen ,U, Mar,hl W..... Wiot h.. b«n .ppointed _.«<uti"" dir«lor.

... usocialt$.

Oodton 8c S,ndml n PC annOUT><e$

NOV fi MB~l


MtraI'1' Air c..n..... Inc. annou",," ,hat Duid Moore Iw b«n appointed ~ counsd and .IC< .... ory.

'ut Chula A. Graddid, Sr. hu b«n 314

R<>lKn II. Frcnch, Jr. PC of Fort Payn. onnouncn ,h. , Tom n.y AII. n I'r.nch hu joined firm.



Th. Pflroleum TechnoiOfY Tnn, f.. Coun<il, Eo".m GulfRogion, Innou"," thal lI ... n'" L 8.. rd. n h.. bttn ' l'P'li n,ed director.


Forensic lCPAs ~

;"fo~il!o '".;~.cpo •. no' .... w. !" (,, ,;e-cpo •. n.


B;,minghom, Alob<>mo


Members, Colltirmed from page 274

Pomrf>eld, I-brper. Mills It M<>tIow PA announca WI Lyman H. Huris and kfI"~ L HoIli$ " - ;oint<! lh< firm.

StoM.Grana.X &: Croobr PC ""noun«> tlu.t ~ T. Alva Ind R. SaIII Lewis ha", bc<omt ~

Tht Shit Dtpulmml. nllOW>«$ , ...., Don HdIin Iw bHn oppoiniN ~Uty DiO't'Clor of ~ .. Affo'" fur Africa.

Taylor, !>I.nino 8< Hodge PC :mnounas onm>< chlnge 10 Toy"" Manino PC.

Volkert & Ao$ocial.. Inc. I nnouncn 1"" Rog., Guill." II .. been .ppoinled FO....I oounod.

and IhOl F. Brady RiJ<lon,Ilobm W. 1l~'lh. Mark F. Ptn.. ko>ic and o..iSIOI'M. W. lohn ... n II ..... joined

fi,m U



Thomas, !>Inn.. Gilli, 8< Sear PC Innou_ th,.. Mon<1 McCorvey Goi_ hlricia V. Knap. Tomle, Ckmon. Rkh.rd,Oarmcc Ridurd, Ill, k>i C. SCOU,< C. Smou, all;'tOrhr. K. Whild...d, and April D. Willi, m, h..... joined 1M form.

pm... T. s....r, Ih .... L. Rluand Jennif... Cunningham Bar ..... anno~ tilt formation 0( s.-.. Rlu 8< Barber. wilh olf"ocro Ioa'ed •• Broo.d SIIttI, Gadsdm. Phone (256) 546-0611.


Sp""wood u.c of Birminglum Krnn<th D. Sanoom Iw b«omo • membn of the Iinn.nd th., IoIIn R., Jr, "'" bu:omr ... ;wocialO,

onnI)O,UI<ft .... ,

Tht OlyofTuocaIoosIl.tpI thai Thorn ... D. Sobin, IIIw Men appointed ;afan &SolONU city ~nment &nJ>OUJ>(U


ARE YO U PAYING TOO MUCH FOR LIFE INSURANCE? r...po... _ _ ,..""",..-.-,,10 --. _1oP'!'_



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Wah'on, An<Irnon & lMOUI>CCI 1"'1

Ba'... UP S. Rosns Iw

11«0.... an usocia,<. WarranlyCorpono,ion, W.... o,y Acuplan<t Corponll ion, Conadian W.rran'y Corpo .. 'ion, Rl:Ic"'"", Inc" and DirK! Mail ln' ... na'ioool annouD<t ,hOI Dougl.. A. &ymilkT Iw bttn ""mod ICCMary and F""''' oo..D$<I'o 1M comr-ics. _



Tl'eAlabarni ~ OJ CorIwi..... i~_IWI8s.-l ajlIlnMIS iIHIaIe. as .... as lllluon....,.. Pi't9iII11S 'IIfiId'i ... onaorur.ed in • ~ iIa\atmI, All ... identifoed by $(IOOIO!, Iocaloo. dale and S!l8Ciatl'j "'N. fa< 8 o:arnpIele lisl l/lll of CURen\ OJ ~ 01 • talandar. COIllact the MCl.E Cori.,' 100 office .. (334) B1515. _ 'fIIU IRI'/ _ a

eompIele lisllng of


117, 15601' 158. 01'





Free online legal research is on the way to ASB members The 2004-2005 combined edition of

The Alabama Bar Directory will be in the mail to ASB members February 1st, 2005. MAKE SURE all me mber infor mation is corrected by December lst, 2004. E-mail ch anges to ms@alabnT.Qrg,ormail it to ASB Membership, P.O. Box 671, Montgomery, Ai 3610 I.




James Douslu H...;,., Sr. diN •• homo in MODtgom<'ry on JUM 7, 2004 at \he as< of 89. H;' was • lon, and produ.c:lm, Uk of .......u to his family. friends, church and wun.ry. An EImon County .....,;.... Dou& .ncndcd 1M Uniwfli.y 01 Alabam.o Ind Ibm oerYCd his coun,ry ;n II.. Unitrd Sut~ Armyduring WWll. He was admitted 10 lh. m,clnr in 1942 . nd prac' i«<:Il. w br;'Oy In Talll$$«. Aft•• hi> military .. rvic<. be mowd his f.mily 1(1 Monlgomuy, whom he cnjo)d • Jong and twn'fuJ profwional co ...... Doug .........d as • Ionrine ofticn with oht I'ub/ic; So:rvioor Commission and bitt t...:a"",1he accutM: dlm:tor of tbt AUbama TrudinS AI4ocia,ioo. Called back by the Law. howtvtr, he $d up • 0010 p"'eli« in Montgomrry.lp«illizing in mOtor carrier



H" ~ .. chid"wimnl for AnorM')' 0 - CroIJ,aI>d, 0$ city .ttomq' under mayors lim Robinson and Emory FoImor, and .......ior p"' ..... of tbt firm of Huris II< ttorriJ "". It _Ihm: that we had tilt 'i&nifioont opportunity of ......bng with I f.lh<. who not only nrtd d.qIly for WI ~Iopn .. nl Ind Iucass, bUI olsQ <kmonlnl'N inl<'gri.y and an .biding "O$<' of humo ••••• ching ns ,h. 1 " il docsn', cost much 10 mak< .... m<'On< cUe fed good" Hisciric Qlr=waslikwUoo~· thy. Doug hdpfd 10 orpnu... and ~ as preoidm. of Montaomtf)' Link ~ baseb;ill. Ii< was cnairman 01 Momgomery'. Senior Ciliznu Commincc and I board """noo of the Th<:bl>atch« CourIC~ of Iho !lot' ScoulS. H. belped org.miu 1M jimmy IIilchco<k 3 78

NovlMlrl lOOt

M"nl(lrilol Award and was an .dvisor tn

1M YMCA Youlh Ugid.o\U",. He WI, presi<knl of tho Monlgomny [Jonl Oub. Alwa"'" ..... n of greal f.ilh , II< ntvn ....1 hi$ £amity, bul ahayt took .... to tho Firot IlapWi OIurdl, wbtt.1w _ • dtaUln, choir .... mOO Ind Sundq School I~. tit di.ed <O<Udou:o of God .nd wi,hou, rear .nd will be mi....d by mollY who kMw and kMd Ibis (olorfui.nd oxullml m.n. All honor,o his n..",. Ho i•• urvived by hi. wire of 61 yr"s. Ed .... flournoy H~rris.; his five MIN, ,."... D. Hmu.. ,r.• Michao-Il« Harm. Jobn Robcn H• • ris. Dm.:! ""Irick

Harm. Ind ...."~I;.m Biohop Harno; a

broIoo, Robm P. Harrio; ........ ,.... Woodfin: II ",...dchiklrm: dpn grta, gran<khildun; and numofOUl frimdl .nd profwion.J ","",iola. - ",nO($ 0. /lam.. J" BoKiing /GrrPlud)l lind D. Allria Harris.

c::...n. "'''''!pi...,.

TIMOTHY ALAN MASSEY Our b.r )"'( '1r~asur«l m.mOO upon lhe of Timothy Al.n Mauer on June 25, 2004. H. wu born On StplemMr 17, 19S1, in Birmingham, and wu • lifelong resident of u.!.... n Jefferson County. He gnduatcd from 1M Univusityof Ab b. ma . l Birmingham

and lh. Cumberland School of Law, Samford Uni",,,ity. H. (,.",I.d • much 1(10 ,horl, but happy .nd .ucc... ful, ro,ad in hi. law praaice-and in his life. He .,med as a $010 pmtitioner and built. low fi rm of which tit w .. wry proud. Tim loved bting . I• ...,..._ nd he loved life. He was ,h. founding part"" •• nd b«lro<k of wh.1 is now M."")',Stou..r & Nichol .. PC in Birmingham. He was rap«lcd

both (", hi. exp<nisc and hi. abihty In

",nd« "'<vicc in a way Ih. t maM each dien t feel as ifhe or 'he we", hi. p... mount ronam.

Tim wo, grnuous or his lime and his talcnt •. He .. Ned as .Ie;odtr in 1M Ea"

Jdfaoon M•• ~;ng Group.lhc Truuvilic Ch. mbor of Commcru and ocvcral oth .... profwion. l.nd civi<; orpniulion •. H~ was a StTOng 5uppomr of educational and athletic program. in nu$$ville. On a p<nonal le ....1. Tim', gon<m5ity and kindness louched an unlold numoo of)iva., for h., gonero>i,y was often, at hi, demand, anonymous. He will be mi.....:! de. rly by family, friends.. colleagu.. and d;'nl<.. i. su ... ivtd by hi< wife. knnma M.... y. thrN childrm. T.. ra Reed, Emily M .... y and Timothy M .... y; by hi'


cousin. Edward ~Ie. and hi . wif•• Barbo,. ~Ie. all r.. id<nt. ofTruuville. _Randall W. Nichols, Birmingham

JOHN RANDOLPH MATTHEWS, JR. [n hi, 55th yt"ar as a mtmoo of t he AW>am. St.te Bat. John Randolph Mattht ...... Jr. dqxtrted thi' lift on April 28,2004. John was born January 20, 1925 in Montgomery, the $On of 1>1''$"",t FuJl~r and lohn Randolph Manhe ...... He an~nded Clo",rd.k, Barnes, Baldwin Jr. High and Lan;'r High "'hools in Montgom .. y befo ... mtefing the Uni .... "ityof AI.bam. in 1942. In 1943, he entem! !he U.S. NOV)' and graduatt<! From Midshipman', School at Columbia Uniycrsity, =eiving hi!. En.ign', Commiu;"n "' ag. 19. He immediatdy commenct<! amphibious training on th~ Higgins Boat and the LST and arri""! oJ Okin ..... for the in,,",ion of/'pan in

August 1945 shortly Wo ... World War II endt<!. He complrred hi. undergraduate stud· ies", lhe Uniycrsityof A1abam •. and in 1948. m.rrit<! Caroline B;jJ and ,og<ther they al1endt<lthe Un~rsity of Alabama Sdlool ofL>w, graduating in 19SO. In 19SO. John commenct<l private pta<:_ ticc wilh Ball & IkIll in Montgomery and remained with th., firm, whkh lot.. beame Ball Ball, Matthews & Novak. until his de>th. He developed an ~n.iyc ... pr""i« and avi .. ion dde= p... ctice• .."..... nting the tnaj<>r aiter.ft manuncturers in this . ..... His aggrasM and .ff""'iYC .."..... n'alion of hi, clients is OOt cvidmced by the monnous mpe<:!

COlllill ued 011 page 380

Memorials and frim<hhip ht ftliortd among nxm_ 11m of tbt bu. lit ...... d«wd 10 tho: praliPous

Amc1"ican AademrofTrial LoWJ'f"'.~ ..1«1 &"lup of trial .t10'rIt'f$ in 1M Uni'M SI.tts. Hr ~ &$ dun of fones

Low School (rom 1955 thmugh 1968. H. was oppointod by United St"n District Iud.. Fnnk Iohmon \0 dM' Hum.ttl

Ris/lu Corruni,,~ for

Putlow Hoopiw.

COIltimled from page 379

on which hot ~ with disliDClion. tk otrvcd as chairman of tbt boon:! of dil«lOn of the o.ildrt'll', Cc-n .... of Moolgo"""l'. prniMnl of tht Monlgom<ry Chap'''' of 1M Amerkan Red erou., 'rus'~ .nd prnidtnt of lhe bo.rd of 51. lamn S<chool. on lh. vnlry of St. Jolin', Ep~ o.urch. ond on tbt board of dirMOn of 1M Autism Society of Ablwna.

U. ;'",rn..:d by his wif•• Cat<>/inl'; his d.lldrtft, CamIint M. Cutchins, Richmond., Virginia, Ja .... M. Ann.poIio, Muylond; John R. Matthno!$. HI ond Pm! B. M.tthew$. Monlgomny;


r.~ ,nn<khildun;.nd on. 8''''-gnnd· child. John will be "'rtly m~. but n<>' (orson"", by his f.mUy, low p"rtnlT$ and

..... nyfrimdo.. -/tIdMIrrI A &II. Jr.•


SIMEON SEALY WILBA N K S Sim<on Sealy Wilbanks, 92. ptiOOd --r on April ) ), 2004. Hr_oom Oaobo:r 29,1911, in hi! bdowd AknncIttCily. .nd rnnainM an Alnonokr City .... id.ot until the time ofhi.<dt.lh. H...... 1929

s;raduate of AlcxandC1' Citr Hi&h Sd>ool fk altmdcd E..-y UnMnily. and grad. UOItd from tbt Uniomi.,. of Alotwn;o School of Uw. Ht ~ his prxtlct of law in 1936, and ..... I m<n.ber of tho AlaNma SUle Bar at tho ti"", of his de>th. H, S<"rvtd .. Sf"'CW oourUtl fOr Southern 1I.aiIroad•• nd miml from Norfolk Southcm bilwq as vice·presiden. and -"ton. to tho prUidmL H.-. IOo.u>dtr and CEO of tho Cilibank Group. whidI _ On<" of Iht fin! bank ~ compon;" in Abbo.m&, and ..... founder and CEO of~ Fi""ncW StOrt. Inc. Mr. V.'~Nnks S<"rWd on tho bo;otd of II Alhms St.t, ColItst and llirminglwn Soulhrm CoIIcfIr, and ..... 0rI tho board '" wWtors of Enw-y UnMnily. Ht __ i.... rummul in foundi", Iht Ab>.nder a.y Am Council. and _ . manbtt of


tho Uo... aub, Ind po" presi· dent of tM A1c:ander aty Ou.mber of

COm .... «: •. In shan ........" . CMe oct~ Mr. Wdbanks hdd numftOW offica in Iht Fi.... Methodisl anum in AIaa .......


wbtR .... _



....mb: •. Mr. W~bo.nks onvcd his (()Untry during World War 11 in , .... Jud~ Advocat. G.n,ul·$ Corps of tho United StottS 380

Novu.lta lOG<

No.,. .. Ilitutmam junia< ",,<It. Ht ..... • ~frion. Dmwxr.t. Mr. Wdb.nh ..... an lIVid int.,,,,,tional " ..... Ior•• nd owned.n ancient OOUnlry I>o.M in Alcestcr. England. flnr Stratford upor,.,""-"'"",. Hefm]utntljl "'lu.t$t«! thotlii<ncU and d>urth nw;mbt.. visit and JI2y at this homo. Mr. Wilbo.nks indtrd came from Itim< in tho past. but like hi. English home. _IInIlyvalu_ ,bit- '$S<"t to th. world. The valu ..... ith which h...... ",iO«! wrrt t .... values h. kept to the end. H. had • " ... ~ for his ~ fOr lift and 1 true for ~ Orr. /oJ; was mtod itt Iht AIo:xa",,", aIJ'Dot/Ioot. in an utidt

follow ..... n.1 " ... ~

rdkcting on Mr. W~bo.nks· puoing. "He _ " ..... $Ou'oon stmltman and, friend to tvtl)'On<: in th. conn"uni1y." Amen. W. will mw you. Mr. Wilbanks. Ik is surviYtd by his wift. lonnie W. WtlNnb. of AIaandtr City; one ...... Sim<on Sca/y v.'bnb. and wift Ann of JIinnincham; II"... d.outhl(l"l, Narq W~banb SdItrs and husband Fred


Birmingham. Amc-lio Wilb.nkt Self and h.oo.nd Ou.rIes of NOI"m.on. Oklahoma. and Alia \Vdbanks JohIUOll and h...t>and 8mn of 8imUrtglwn; I L y.ondchildrm. s-wt Sca/y V.'1hnks and wi ... A>hIty; Capt. Fmlrid< Hapn Sc!Im.IJSAF: ROOm Wdbanb SeDm and wik Kim; c-,e Simt<Jn WiINnkI:: Simeon Sca/y W~bo.nk$ john..,,": N~\.Uh;I Nioolt Self. Lara Not!It Stlf. Kira Katrina Self: Sdma

OuiSIi"" Self. Morpn l>anid WoIwtkt; and Smi.h auistiao WilNnb; ..... grt"It_ granddtild, lily Marjorie Sdkrs; one sist... Ali« Wdbonks Cannady. of Falls o,urch. VlfJinio: and """ sisler·in·law. Nell FuIltr v.-Ihnkt, of Ala:andcr 0.,.. Ik _ ~ oedtd in deoth by Iris pomItS. on<' brrJIhrr. Robf:n Smith v.-.......... Jr.. and one Ali« OuiS!ion Sealy. One: of hi. g",ndehildml. St.... n Se.)y Wilb.nll. is , p,.eli<:ing .norney in Aknndtr City. AnQthor. SimtOn Staly W~bo.nb )011110,,". is ... niot law .,udent tho< Univoni.,. of Alaba .... School of law. Hio gnonddaushtcr. Nac.asha Ni<ok Self. ita junior law iCuOtn. a. tho

""ndmothtr. a'

Univeoity of Tau.


-C'rruir lud:- Ray D. Mllrl,·n. Mt.ntndD"

Avant, Grady Jr. Birmingham Admitted: 1962 Died: June 2, 2004

Keener, Irby Arthu r Jr. Centre Admitted: 1949 Died: March 2, 2004

Sides, Jim mie Miller, Hon. Jacksonville Admitted: 1956 Died: August 1,2004

Belser, Howa rd McG riff Jr. Decatur Admitted: 1973 Died: May 31,2004

Pett us, Erie Jr. Birmingham Admitted: 1935 Died: June 26, 2004

Simon, Thomas Daniel Montgomery Admitted: 1994 Died: August 4, 2004

Fleisher, Louis L Birmingham Admitted: 1947 Died: June 21, 2004

Reynolds, Ja mes Donald Montgomery Admilted: 1966 Died: July 18,2004

Whitfield, James Bryan Jr. Demopolis Admitted: 1949 Died: January 24, 2004

Gray, John Merrilill Birmingham Admitted: 1985 Died: July 14,2004

Segrest, Douglas Broward Montgomery Admilted: 1959 Died: August 7,2004


2004-05 License/Special Membership Dues Now Delinquent Invoices for the 2004-05 occ.upationallicenses and special membership dues were mailed September 3rd, 2004. Your 2003-04 occupational license or special membership expired September 30th, 2004. license fees and special membership dues for 2004-2005 were due in the Alabama State Bar office by October 31st 2004 and are now delinquent. Occupational licenses purchased after October 31st, 2004 have a $37.50 penalty added. Payments should be sent to the Alabama State Bar,

or you may pay online at www.a/ If you have a question, contact the ASS Membership Department bye-mail,, or by telephone, (334) 269-1515.


Remarks of Albert P. Brewer, Alabama State Bar 2004 Annual Meeting, Grande Convocation, July 24, 2004


boy. t~t) ... ~.t ambition in my li~ ..... to be I lowyn. My lif.'.journty ha$ run th( COUll< from boyhood 10 law Khoot, 10 gonenl practi«. 10 tho mit kgi.l>,u..." to th. off..:t or litu ...... n. ~rnor. 10 ,he govnnor's, ond back


10 I.wochool. r rw:ivtd my low degrtt 52 yom.go wI month ond. wi.h it. my lie.nlt In pruli""

loa",. I h• .., bf(n I mcmbn of ,h" bar for 52 yeus. r wondtr ;()'<)II rtmtmbtr wh<n you d.ddnl you ~ntnl 10 be. lowy...-. I an', mncmbn ........ wanling to bt anything 01$<. Uwyo<1 ~ import.nt in our communi· ty. Julton HUN was I mcmbn of tho Dta.tur City !loud of Ed"",'ion. His bro<htr, Norman HIm., ~Ied our COUIlIy in IIw ItpsIatll'•. NobIt a......u was • mcmbn 01 tht ItJ#WUrt. R......tJ Lyn ... was my ICOU' mul< •. Ilis oIdtr bmthn. ' ..... Styboutn lyn.... "'... appoin •..t by i'rni<Imtl'ruman 10 Unit"" StaleS rn.tricl Judgtdw No.them DioIrict of Alal>ama, wf>rno "" ~ lOr !1'10« ttw. 50 ynn..lo/In Cadddl waf l)oQ"ur City A110moy•• truoI ... of tilt Uniwrsity 01 AUbarna, pmidm, of the bar, and • ~ of tht ....It Democntic ElDmItiYo Commilltt. As; I ..... growing up. it jlW _tmd to mt th .. tvay tim< l .. bwyn, J _ . penon .. ho ..... importam. IlliIl fed ,h., way.oout bwytrs r "".... oft~n ~ h.t ttlt two molt p",. (ioUI things I h ...... '" my family .nd my right to prKtiu r._r rotl undntrving of ~ilh ... but I h ..... botn th~ btndici.. ryof opportunities which J could not It ..... im.gin«l : In addition 10 btinS liun~ to praai« law for 52 ~..s, J "" .... held publicoffi.. fo r 16 ~.... ha"" botn a di""'tor and gtntral coun~1 for a b.tnk for 33 yoan and h."" lpCnt the past 17 ~... tnching at Cumbt,w.d School of law. Non~ of this would """" botn pouiblt without my low licen>e. w~ ",ltbra~ today IU $\.Ot. uoociation. Our molto is the truism "I.twycn Rmdor Sorviu." w~ rmcItt savic< to Our diotnu, to Our iwt;':. Jy>t..... to the publk, to OU, communitica, and to ow ICIIow bwyns. Owl is. nobk ~ AlaisdoTocquMIIo, in his ISJOs hook, l:Itmomxyin JInotrirA. mack IhiI obon"nlion about ••tomq't in ...morican .oo.ty:






" Democn.jc ...... nmmt &.0" "'" poIitiool p(fW\'f of\ow)'m. WJ..t" "'" ri<h, "'" nobIo, and tltt pri_ are acIudod from "'" lI"""""""l, tht bw)om "'1' intO tbtir fuU rigtu, for ""'r are "'" only men both mlighlMtd 100 dtillful. .. "By birth .nd int(rffi a laW)'" is one of the pcopl~, bUI h~ is an aristocn.t in his It.bill and WI«. .. In ....... rica th.", art ".ith.. nobln no ..... n or 1<1..". and Ih .. pcoplo dist rul~ th~ wtaltlty. Thtrrlo"" tit. lawyers form th. political upptr da!-$ and ttlt moll int.lJ« $Klion of the iOCicty... 382


"If you ask me whe~ Ihe American ariSlocracy is found. I Iu.... no hesi!.:"i"n in an ....... ing Ihal il i, n,,' among lhe rich. wh" ha>? no <1>mmon link uniting lhem. 11 is ",he bar "r lhe b<n<h Ih .. the American arislOCracy is found."

parti .. who h3d nol pTtviously anSWef..l Our circul." aboUI their indtbled".... " Let it bt known to Ih. world that the l<gal prof"';"n i,

mad. up of men of the highest honOf."

1'h. nQbility of ou, prof'»ion is 'en"'t..l in Ihe int"8,ily of I."'}'trs. In April 1906•• g~'1 fire .nd ,.r1hqU;lU prKlkaUy dtslr<>ye<i Son Franc;",,,, and .lIlhelx>oks "f .""ounlS of the BancroflWhitn..,. Publishing Company we'e d..lroyro. Whal happc1Ied is. g,.at t,ibulelO Ih. legal profO"loSion. The following is the <1>mp. ny·. "d,nowledgmen I: "On April 18. 1906.lhe dale oflhe great fir." the legal fra· lcrnilY of this country was indebted to us for hundreds of th"usand, of dol).". The fire destroyed ,11 "f our book. of acrount .. "Hoying no Ii", of patrons. we .. nl a cireub, I.n., to the la"'}'t" named in Martindale'. Legal Directoryady;';ng them of "ur I".. and .sI<ing for inf"rmation"l0 Iheir indebtedne» to u'.

"Evtry I.wytr ought 10 be proud of hi, pmfnsion; e>?ry I."'}'tr throughout Ih. world OughltO fed, ond I think feci., Ih., in the 'who~ world there is no nobler profession ,h.n tlul of the I.w."

"The rcspon ... 10 this circular were $Q prompt and $Q gratifying that we think Ihe legal pmfession should know Ih.l of tha t01;l1 indtbledn... 9l percent h.. already b«n reported to us .nd we are receiYing adYkes ev...-y day from



I would liu to think .• nd I bt~.>? that th. sam. fesUIt would be ""I.ined today. Mich ael Mill.,.. lhen pr.. ident of Ihc New York Counly lowyns A$$o<ialion. re).ln that when. call_nt oUI Sept.mber 24.2001. for lawyns 10 V(llunlC<T 10 htlp 9f11 yioim,.nd their .... lh. respon .. was. mnindcr of"lh. nobility"flh. pmf.»ion." AI . ochedukd I.. ining .... ion in Midtown Manhauan the "".1 nighl, a line of at1"m,ys four-d""p ,piU..l oul of the building for more tlun a block down the strut. Judge S. A.lynne. Judge Scybourn lyn""·1 father. in an addf'" before th, Morg.>n Counly 8 .. A$$o<i.tion. qooted tilclC word.:

In thi, 125th Y"" "f our exatcncc ., a f.. lernity of I."'}'trs. Judge lynn.', words utlered OveT SO Y"''''go ... m p.nkul.. ly app,opr;"lC;




comprehensive training programs for new and experienced media10rs


• cu ApprOied

• "<*>h:l AIoIxI, Wl MadIoIo<s snce


• '~Progo"n$OI'Ieted ~ • C\.IsTon'twd IrW-Iouse TronIng AvoId:>Ie • Mae!:;

me "<*>h:l Reqo.*emants of tne AIoIxI, Wl CenIe< let [Ispu!e ~



~ (8001 AOIHflM


"I .... lilomi", my>df 10 Ian .... 1M ' - ' of 1M Roman Gat($, with his 1_ be.$. ....~I\h 1M ont 1 '""" upon IlK I»JI .nd hallow and wntnlt 1M m<mory of 1M 1l.Jwaru .nd ITWler >pi.iu of this ~. of yal~a., while wilh 1M O1h ... wilh 1M $;1m<: <Om<$tnl'$l and with «Iuu .nthmi · um, I Ihc fUlu.e, hoping.nd confidently btli",ing you will corry lhe 10rch <nlru't..!IO you 10 new . nd high· er heiJhu and nobIa a«ompIWuntnu."

Thr pI'.aclia of ' - has chanJl«l ~tlr in u.. .... haIf-«nlury. I .. whm I bcpn the pncOor oIlrw it .........:I thai. not ~Ii"'" b«:owc of I lad of dim", _Iud t;"10 rioit wrth cou~ p...ormtl,1O drink ootr« wrth our fdIow Iowyao. 10 visit wilh u.. judges. and.~. 10 """'"' at • much sIown I*< Ihln .... do to<by. VUI chonga hi... <om< in the prac· Ii« of 1.1,., .nd _ S«m 10 h .... 1cst lim< 10 truly enjoy the prac' Ii« of 1.1,.. In facl.1WVq'$ of II,.,...,.. rowal widt$p..~ dil.oalis· faClion with procli« lOdoy. W. - " 10 .. Ihink our prioritin.



First, we need to recommit to our professional responsibilities. 'Nt: n«d 10 .. membn our dul y.O do pro bono wod. From lhe first dlY you pracliced ! h..... bttn called upon 10 help othm who u.nnol pay for ltgal ....... i<cs, Ind you hopd"uUy h.... noI r<fus«! this all. Today. OUr b.o. is ...,.lring to addrat 1M p<f\III.M probkm of indismt dcfnut. just onr ISpec1 0( 1M ........U IcpI needs of our .... IOrlunal< <itizens. Thm: is ...... whicb ilIl1J1nla litis idea. In ,'''' tole of Ihtiw St~/a 0("' ........... .. 1M"", Rooy Smitll. Bm Moo .. of the Monlgomerr Co.unty Sa. w;u .ppointed by the Unit..! Sut ... DistrM:I eour! 10 rqlrutnt. convi<1ed dcfm· dtnl _Iring posHonv;':lion ..lid" from the _Ien<o ;mpoo«l upon him. Al hi.o"," ap<nse. wilhom .. in,burscment 0. rom · pWs.;It;On, M., Moo .. made an alm,i... in ..... ig't\;on, p.cporcd .nd alJU<d motion$. Ind! • ~ Ippe;tI 10 the Filih Clmlit eour! of Appeals. The districl jud~. Jud~ Frudt M. Johnson. ;" open ..,..r!. JUtted:

" Mr. Moo... I -wd like 10JUtI. lOr the rt:ODrd.sinoo you hI... ...-...d on this (:OK by vin"" of the Coun', .ppoint· ...... t without any <omp<IU;Ition. Jin« tht Court knowt Ih.t you hi", 'PCn •• con,idcnblc amount of tim< ........ d.)1> in ....tigoling Ihi' cue, to th. a1<nl of going to South A1lbo ..... nd No.thern Florid. , in.... tigoting.nd in\tTrog>!ing wi"_.t you. OWn 01"'01<. !hal in my jud$m<nt yout K!;o", .nd yout .ttitude a .. rornmmd.· able and 1 WAnt to aprcos my .ppm:iation 10 you lOr YOUt CONCitntio_ thot you. actio .... your and the ....nnt. in whicb you hno "I"¢ltntcd this man without ......pensalion mItcts not only cm:I~ upon you as an auon~y.nd mcrnbc-r of tIw: b.o. but upon the Bar iudf." Bill Moo .. ', .cp.acnt.tion of tlti. diml w;u ctruinly in 1M highest tradition of the legal profwion, .nd doubl!e.s ",.,.t Lo~ ...,uld ho....C$pond«l OS Hill did. 384


10 0 ~

Second, we need to respond to the opportunity and responsibility for public service. I.awJom: ... uniquc/y qualified for poIitialladenhip and publk..mcc. Thomas kfI"mort ~i>;cd u.. 10k 0( Iowym In providing poIitiaolladenhip 0'I'ft' 200 ynrs . . when M WeI: "Tht MUdy 0( tM low qu.liM a man to br UI<ful to him · self, ,n his ntighbol$. and to tht public. It i, tht ",.,.t ct.· "in . tepping .to... to p .. f•• menl in th. politicolli ...." When I w;u el«led to tM .t.1<Icgi<la'urc 50 . go. olm<»t ...... half the mcrnbtrs of u.. ItgisIaturc wore Lowyers. In faCI. when I w;u lieu'enant B"""f"OI",' ....jority of the membm of the ............. ~ M1~ has bttn tha, In.yrna .. .....iqudy quaIilicd 10 makt LoW$. 10 to tIw 1cJisI";", ptocao their analytical abaity and their drafting WlIs. The lenor of debolt is mo .. civil and ron'!r\lCri ... when condooed by pro. ftu.ionul. I ,imply bd~ thaI Lo,.,...,.. bring 10 the qis!.otl ... pto)CnS a dynlmic th.t ron!ribu!.. to flir .nd rt:asnnlbl< kgiil • • t;On. I "".tainly found legal t .. ining to bt. "'ry impo.tanl .dvantage in servin8 u &""'Orn" •.

Third, we should be detennined that the practice of law will be satisfying, rewarding and uplifting.


w< rhould enjoy bori", bwycn! I ..... u.ncd with mytludtnl$l bomily whicb I all"8rOWI'r on bring. Lowyer.- ",.... ... ..,..,... rrlIcctioru of om- 5O)\'"Irs u


A.... an you...lotionsJti"" ""th your climts. '{our dient ..... I..asu", I..,... "fknowledge, information and ap<rim«, Whik 10m< .... "" noI woll·rouco!..!, m.ny of tltt'" hi", a Ph.D. dtgrH in common serut. wtC" to thtm. """""'" thnn. In... from them. Thty tIacrvc to be t .... t«l ",i!h dignity.nd "'pc'Ct. no matter how """ina,. or <lcmanding. I ha.......rd b~ talk down to dienu. ponicuL>rly ;" diYoo« ' - ' and ahninol CO$U, ;" • dcrncaning and iruuItini mannes. If u.. dimt is not worthy of)'OW" mpcct. thm let that diml go to anochcr Lowyer• Sotond .......,;0 ... with ot ..... ~ and judp. Ou. _ cbt;on 1$ an o.ganlmJ bar JiYa; U$ the Clppon ..... ity to owoci.ot. wilh PfOPIt of likt interest and apni<ncts. My brot fritnd$ we .. OIher l.1~rs. Those rtlat;on>hips we .. among lh. "'",. .......ding.nd fulftllingofmy li(•. It it .mazing how 1o~1l'"

drawn to.Kh Olther. Lawye .. at social gathering< tend to con· gr<ga'" to talk about m." .... of mutual interest, Olfttim.. dr.w· ing the i... Olf thei, 'pou~ whOl ... mOln't .... " that thry h.\Ot" ~n with the other lawye .. all week. whydo th.y want to .ptnd time with them now! 1 suppose th. an,Wtl i.< lhal ~ .implyenjoy Ih. company Olf bwyers. I ...<olIod being in New.W. offic. on. morning when hi. S<'<T<I.ry inl.rruptod U$ to tell him that Bibb AIl.n w~ calling. 1 he .. d only Neal·, .ide of the cO""" ..... tion. but il W". . . pp.>T<nt Ihal Bibb ..... calling 10 posIpon. I dq>osil"'n they hod .. he<!. uled th.t .fternoon. N• • rs r"poll>< ..... ,h"they would ..he<!. uk it btu. Then Neal $.iid, "Sina " .. dQn'l th. depooitwn Ihi.< . fternoon, do you want 10 hil a ftw!" They then . grtt<l to m..,t at 1::\0 for. round of golf. In<i'ility i. not. problem wh .... I.wye .. h ..·• relalionMips li~ th.,... And,lawyers care fo, each oth ... Th. "Lawyers Helping Lawyers" program Olf Olur .Ute bar is an effwive ' ''POll>< to the problem Olf impairedl.wyen. Our bar I....,.,i.tion ha •• Iways bttn very collegial I.m .. mindod of an exam pl. of this collcgi>.lity from Judge John II. Scol1', report of the 1%7 annu.1 con"'ntion of Olur bar. fudge Scon ..l.ted Ihe following: "After the Con",nt"'n ad;Ourned. the rugged youlh of Our .ssociation ,ook th"""'l .... to the country fur • lat. .vening .nd night , fT,i,. A blaring orch .. tra disquietod the sylvan Ktn. with soun<u hideous tOl m. but mU'K tOl the ears of Ih. young. wll<> we ... d,iw" by il to aU .IOrtS of contortion •. hopping .nd 8yrOlion •. which .lOme .. fe"od to as dancing." Third, l"'uselOl .meU th. rooe>. In law school we h.ard the W<lrd. intottod 0V<1" and over. "Thel.w is 0 je01<lus mistress." While the dem.nd, of ,I.w practice ar. rompelling.lhere ... OtbeT dimension, th .. give fUlfillment,Ol our liW$: f.mily. friends. chu ... h Ind hobbies. Ntgle<:t of one·, f.mily i, not , nl<l<kl of profe..<m. I knew an Al.bama !.itwyer who h.d. reputalion .. th. p.. mie .. praclitioner in hi' field. He WaJ proud of his proctice and frequently >bou. hi, work habil ... He worked sewn days. Wttl:, ".WT look a ~acolio" and had no outside inl ....ts. Not ,urpri,ingly, h. had no child .. n. He,.., found d .. d of . h.. n .ttackone$unJay .fternoon in his olli«. Did you ....... hear of . retiTing lawyer wll<> said Ihal he wishod h. h.d 'penl more tim •• t his ollice? Fourth, guard your "'I'u"";on. We.ptnd. lif.,im. gaining Our ... putotion. and ~ an lOSt it in On' instanc•. with on. mor.ll.pse or Olnc prof... iolUl miS1'~' Ours is an .d....... r;..1 and compelitiw prof... ion . • nd Ihere is >temp,",ion to ta~ Mort CUIo,lOl seek an imp'Olper ,d'antag<, tOl be unlruthfUl . It·, $imply not "",nh it. Remember the low i. OeM Ind blood; it is peopl •• nd th~ir problems. U~ .1I10wyers, J h..... 1<nown Ih. = tasy Olf~i<:tory, the agony of d,ft .. , ~xpai'ncod ,he ""row of di.nts .•:thil.ral· ed in Ih~i, .ucc....... sharod in their failures, bUlthrough il.II,1 known fulfillment, ",ti,f,own, pkasme, achi.vement. a nd rcw>.rd fa r beyond my bold .., d«."", when J dedded 10 he •


This brings 10 mind lhe image of Harpt' tn·s Attic", finch, who was def.nding Tom Robin",n, 0 black man accuse<! of .. p. ing. white woman in 0 ,mall ",ulh Alabama communily. Th. ,ause was unpopul .., ,h..... rdio """ predictable; Ih. audience filled Ih' courtroom. the whit .. On the floo"lhe black> in the b.lcony. Auie",' child«n )em a nd Jton l.ouise (.Iso known as Scout) had slipped into the bakony a nd weT< $t•• od near Reve .. nd Sykes, th. black minim1". Th' au'hor de$qii>es the SCene as Ih. jury r<lum, iu .... rdiel. Ih. fo«man handing th" pi..,.. of p.>]><"r to the cleTk who then h.nded illo the judge. Eighl-)"<ar-old Scoul i.< 'peaking'

"I shut my ~yes. Judge Taylor was polling Ihe jury: 'guilty ... guilty ... guilty. "guiily .. .'. J peeked at /em: his hand. we.., whit" from gripping the balcony roil and his shoulders jerked as ;f "ach <guilty' """ a $<p.ra •• $I.b helween lhem. "Judg. Taylor """saying Klm<thing. His sawl was in his fist, bu, h. wasn·' it. Dimly, I .. w AUicu, pushing pope .. from the table inlo his bri.f' ..... H •• napped it .hUl, went 10 Ihe court ... porter and .. id .IOrnt1hing. nod· dod to Mr. Gilmer .nd tben wenlto Tom RobinKln and whi.<ptred .IOrn<1hing to him. H. put his ha nd Oln TOlm·, ,houlder as he whispered. Allicu. took hi. coal off lh' back of his thai .. nd puUcd il ow, his Moulder... he walked quickly dQwn th. middle oi,l. loward Ihe Klulh I follOW«! the lOp of his he.d .. h. mod. hi, way to lhe door. He did nollook up. 'Someone was punching me, but 1 ..... relUCtanllo take my .yes from Ih. people helow ..... nd from the image of Auicus' lonely walk dQwn the .i,I •. "·Mi" Jean U>ui$t?· "Jlooked around. They w" .. ".nding. AIl.tound u'.lh. black peopl. we .. g<lling to Ihc-ir feet. Reve .. nd Sykes' voic. waS .. as Judg. Taylor'.. ··Mi" Jean [.Qui<t.Miss Jean [.Quise, stand up child. YOlUr father·, p."ing."" My fond.,t hope fOlr you is .hat .. you "",Ik from Ih. court· room •.• nd OOordroom •• nd conferenct rootn$ of your lift. your r.uow citizens will figuralively st.nd in .n np .... ion of ull;m". to you, my fellow I.wye,.. •


<tq,J""I'" ~


"1'1"""'''.'. 2(jJ./f85.(}U6


.........."'i4oJ[?T'!!!" """ £Jiu<ltq..t"


~.fpitog Uuiiu • fienfS ynjea pontive, P"'-f'".J ftwirog ~. .. 6rirog ,r;. ........ ."I"... ~!



Birmingham Student Awarded Alabama Law Foundation Law School Scholarship lu:tt O«p of hos btm ..... nl<d • $5,000 Cal>tni .... JohN.on Scholanhip by'M Alabam. Law Foundation, a dwitabk arm of dw Alabo .... St.t~ 1Ia•. st.. .. !he 0( Ri .... and .... rry Deep. AI<:iw is • t«Ond')'l'lr low StUdmt at Corndl Un;.m"y.;and w plan< to p'" ,..., in II.. rclmlifoc 6tIds. A p ...t. of Indian Sprinp Sd>ooI, .". oo,.intd h.... bachdor', Mgrff from


...u"',. .


Princeton Univnsity'. Woodrow \\"ilion


School of J'ublic Policy and Internotional Albil'$ and he, mast..·• in bio·tlh,,, from lh' Univnsily of I'tnn.ylvlni •. Upon compiflion of hr, low dtgret. $I>< hoP" 10 combj"" her Ions' hold ;,no,"" in ",inxt, public policy and law. A. only I<"'m )'0'0" of ,., Ak= ~ oM wan.ed 10 brcomo • bwror. In juruor hizh, "" pis pw I1>OR focused. st.. ..... ~. ~ for Kien«, I"rticu· Jarly V"diQ. .Ad I«hnolosr. By the ti"'" .... W,", rndy lOr coIqt . .". kMw .n. wan.ed 10 purslK 1M conntCtioru bnWfffl III( Low 1m! .a.m_, mnlicine. It<hnology and public policy. Upon ~ivin& h.,.l.", oks'''', .he will be poisN to wor~ wi. h "'nguard legal issues in medicine and ..,;"""0.


Novtlolill lOOo

"F<I. illlwlC.; Aie_ ·lh.~.",

w,," iIWOlving nnbryo CUStody. WhO! if an intmilt rouplt $tiS ..idt nnb')W for implon.i", bUI thtn diYofC<t! Who do eM tmbl')'Ot belong 10. hlln Ot hrrl "'Thm, Ihm:'. lho. fidd of ~ic discriminalion. Soy I com~nf' ~ is ow«peibl< to emain wotkpb« lOlios. Wha, ob~plio", doa eM comp.ony ~ to WI .mplortt!" Atne. iCeS oppottUnilieilo work in m.ny dilf.... m .... 01 of 'M !.w .nd h.. not yet d<-cidcd which p>th 10 pursue.

Sh... rs she mighl wo,k fo, 11.,s< m«lic.1 compit1luch 0$ UAII 0' counsel eo,· pM>lionl on h.. hh ....!.:u«l wues. SlIt is JUt. of On< Ihing. SlIt WOInll to ><t,I< in Binn;n"'_m. Ala« ill shining enmplc of what II>< Caban"'}011"""" Schol&rship ~ to honor. III aim ;'10 hdp pmrttis.ulc low JludmlS bccomr bwyn1 who will mokt • pooH .... ;mp.oc1 on oocic-cy. Fr« """"'" dispute tIutt """'- is poiKd 10 do just tIutL The Caban... 10/1"""" S<hoImbip progam. now in its 17th rear.;'~ by ,ho 6rm of CaNnitt, Gordner. Dum.. '" O'Neal of llirminglwn :and Mobil<,:and is odminist.r«i by tho Ahbonu Low Foutld.:uion. •



faculty COIl.<iSLS of juslices of tbe SUp""rnt Court of Alabama MId StvI:ral mtmbtf'l; of It.. Alabanu COUIU of oi~il MId oriminal appeal<. Six CLE credits h~vl: been app\kd for. iocluding one hour of ethics and ~fc$.<i<mali$m. Topics 10 be covered ioclude PR'~ing error. perfecting"'" .ppe.1 .nd .upplying tbe record. briefing a direcl aPl"'al and applying fOf rebearinB and pc61iooinjl Ille court for a wril of «rtioran. The re&i'lrnlion form and oddiliooal inform.lion may be found on It.. court syslem Web .ile II ......... alm:oul1.gOl·; click on IIIe link "l'Ilndruntnta!s of API"'l!3l~ ~jc~: Procedures and Professionalism" on !he hornt page or COIllaclibe AI.bama Judicial Colkge "I (334) 3~34968_

-----------------------------------Fundamentals of Appellate Practice: Procedures and Professionalism FREE


(Jooore QfIII of rile fvllowing:

o o


Nov. 12, 2004-Montgomery Nov. 19, 2004-Mobile Dec. 17, 2004-Birmingham

'c••..'s;;;~o;================================================================ SSt or Stale Ba, 101

Address Telepllone# I Mail Of f~~ form alleaSi twC weeb prior to !he oomirnu selected 10: Appellale Semillaf$, Alabama Jodicjal ~Iege,

Moolgome<y, AL 361()4, (3341242-2099lfa.<~

JOO 0eX\er Avenue.

Book Review

The Soulbane Illusion A novel by Norma n Jetmundsell, Jr. Paperback Jo hn Hunt Publishing 2004


orman k1mundKn', second book. -n.., Soul"" .... lII..sion. is • fUI.~. rnY'I"y _I. TIlt <ha,act.... ~ wdl ~Ioped. The story IIIO¥a at a "pi<! pact', and I romplc'l..d


the boo/< in no "1m, much r....... ttw. odot. book< of •• imila. Itn,lh. h truly il turd 10 pu, down.lftmundotn',lirst ~I, TM s"ulbn""SlrnlngtMl, "'lS pub· 1isM<! in 2ilOO 10 vtry mons reviews. The book mad< 1'" ...pon.l bmse!kT lilt :uwl _ crownod by an £rWi<h ~ .. oMof' ... · ' ...........,.bcst O .. i.tian Iktion t;tles 11tIUnd.~ In !".oct, 1M f.nslilh booksto •• piKa I<1mllnd....,·. book I monttht 101' Irn Christian book>, right up th ... wilh his

/'tmry m ..... c.s. Uw"is. I .oilWl)' ~

~ Sowl"",..


for Norman Nclr. in 1M March 2000 imx of 1lv Alroba"", W"?'!'". I wndudcd my KYinr by

enron""in, Norm.n 10 w.ito a""'''''. book. Howcvn. I bod no id.. th.llllis $Nond book would buuch • g.w read. 1M Stn<1iN>tIII /Uun.... picks up I ... yn .. &fi... !he point II which 1lv s....u..... Sr"'/QIF" 010'1 mdcd. Tho I>no of 1lv an Amtrinn $Iudetli, Code Bryson. who W;l1 "udying .t Magdakn Coli,,&, in Odord. England. H. UT><O"....lfang<

Soul"",.. SfT!I,..,..... _



leUtIl hiddtn in Ih. C(lllqt libmy. As il Iu,ns OUI, tilt itl ........ ~ w,iurn Mwtm modt1-n minor """it. who won communicallnS .bout tilt m:rnt suecaICI of lilt [)ry~ in mcourqing dear

and godlessntos in modt1-n society. IIryson and hispdfdrod to in sc.rdl of ",tain r'<"f'OrIS which.rt $oing 10 lit

p"'pu<:d by a junior dt,it. Soulb.".,. In Ihe end, Bryson man_gel< 10 c.aplUrelhe repOrts. He PrQmild a d<»c friend and his girlfriend h. will publish .h. reporro and, in doing 50, exl"'" Ihe <'V ii forc"" It i. here ,ha. T/u; Soul/""", lIIu,ian pick> up 'he "ory. h ha. bttn!Cn since Bryson COme into 1"'" .... ion oflhe rcporr .. He faikd keep hil promi .. ex!"»" the d<'Vil. Inst •• d, h. h.. m","t(] On .. ith his lif•. He il now m.nied 10 hi' colJc-ge girlfriend. Raehael. • nd Ihey have . "'uglner. Bryson find.! himself very suc , cessful in hi. law pr>c.kc and on the verge of becoming a porrner wilh a l Albn ... 1;w firm. Work i. Ih. «n'a of his lifo. In r.<I, il becomn a god of som. All of Bryson', thoughts and energy go int<> furrhering his C..'ttT and into pursuing his &siTt 10 I:>«ome pari. IICr in lhe fi rm. H. grows distanl from hi. family. pulling work befu", oil d ... Bryson man.ges to 5hinc in!he eyes of hi. parr, ne" I>«ou .. he work> all ""u .... m . d,. hi> co ... with !remen' OOll< energy• • nd i.s willing 10 00 anything fOT the firm. Sry..,n m.n.g<s .0 cop"'''' the .ttention of OtIC of the finn', most prominent dients. Th. diem appears to find Bryson'. Irg.aI.bilili.. in ... lu.blt. However. "'''''thing mOTt .inis1CT is going on. Those dt,il. from hi' Oxford d.ys have "ught up with him.nd they.", intenl on cop.uring b .. k lhe repon. Bryson ,"""med ow:oy ten ~'rI before. Complicaling m.n...... Raeh",1 .ir.. of 11>< inatten,ion . nd "",urn . t1>< loss of her best friend and k>v<T. She l>kcs her daughter Nck to England to be with ha mother. Raeh.el .im, ply has 10 S'" a",ay from the deuying m.rriage. Bryson i.s left behind 10 de.1 with hi. railing hi. bI<>...,ming legal car«r and th. incvi .. ble encounter with the d"u·. foot sol· diers. Finany•• w.ktn<:d to the mistr.ble .tate of his exi"en«. Bryson decides to ch.nge things. He b.rely makt. it on I pl.1IC



r ~::~~i~:~:~~~;i:¥":~.:~rro"'IY i sent from to t

from le.ving th. country. When he a"i_ in F.ngl.nd, h. gO<$ ....pc .. te .utch for his wife and daughter. Meanwhile. the dtvil. arc in pUrluit ofthe repons,=n if it me.n, t.... ing his .... ughl<r to get ,hem. In the end.Bryson', struggle culmin.t ... in an unexpected encounter. Jr. is an .1I0rney


& Whil • th.. University of il • dcgr« in H. ' ''ended 'he University 1 school. he clerked fo r Judge Sam Pointa in .he Northern !)i,1rict of Ab b. ma. There.fter, he ,",,""',"ied.t Mogdalen College, Oxford, where h. , an MLiu in Law. While or Oxford, c.s. Lewis become ""'Y import.nt II> him . (L:wis =n taughl " Magdalen College, ",he", h. wrote T/u; Snt:W,a~ Lt-rr.... the inspiT:l,ion for Jctmundscn', first and second novel .. ) Both newet. arc . ... il.blt from local Jx,.,k>tores or ,ia the Inle,ne" You con.15o read mOre about them ", www... ~I/..m •. com.


Bar Briefs ANociation. ~ up ollOl ru.lricl iud.,.. from tht outt', 67 counlieo.

Judgo Wells ..... ..... dffi«l J=i. dtnl-dK1 of tht N.tional Alumni Asoociatioa of the Uniwniry of AUbamo :and will mumr o/Iia: It A.1hy 2005.


At '''''priOIl b 0.. Nrison. tilt _ dtan ofThonw Goode 10""" School of Law. ASS J'midtont Doug

MeFJvy was aIT>Orl@;lI><*wdcominghim 10 Montgomtty:u>cl to tho law ochooI. Prior Co comi", 10 Jolla, Dn.n Ncbon _ willi ~; .... l1nivtniry School of Low lOr }3 J't'Ml. During his I("U"'" Ptppndint.ll>t law IChooi ....."""-il«i by tho Amtrian Bar Awoci"ion (ABA). Dr. Nelson, who wumtd tl>t role of dtan on Aug>llll. sayJ. "}onn School of Law is aIrady. ony JOOd Jaw IChooI. We want Montpno'l'J and Alobama 10 br proud of tilt ochool. AlIA ar:=dit.o. rion will n:o'uully makt. diff~ in bow tht sd>ooI is ~ and will add • """' of confidmct."

Iud&< Judoon W. Wells, Mobile County diaricl i ..... morntly _ dcmd pmoidm. of tht DiluiCl ' . . . ..

Iud. AuhKy ""n!, M1COf\ County di"

Uicl iuds<. r=ndy .-i""d • <<<"fic... rt« com· plclion of 400 hou.. of conoinai", Iopl

«i""",ion. In 1<J8.l, tbt Abban .. Judicial

CoII'1I" and ~""nI,'i"" of !h.

Circuit .nd Dimict judI"" ouocittions Il;lrUd • continuing «I"cltion program. "'. joucIso. Ihtn is no ~t 10 acquiR Q.E cmliL Tho ow;mir; _ I'"'" oen!<d in lOO-hou. ;nmmtnU, wt.i<h mUSl be obtained within • four.~ar pt'riod and with conducted ",ithin the .101. of .0.101>0" ...


Nick Abbett ......<<<nlty eketed pres;.

<1m. of the i\.bmma DiJuiCi Al1omq'J AMociation, which rq>mn>l. tht

Save time and paij online! _lIltS

rr.tMse ,.lttIPI/iIIIIlictlSt • .-! _ .. U II' • • . nDs . . . . iSr;tlllf..,.ntw........ .-! Ul

Log in at /U/U/ 390


interests of 01«10<1 di,,,ict auomt)'$ . nd appointed P'oot'CU!ors aero .. thutate. Abbon h .. b«n, p",,",u!Or in I...., County ,in", 1985 and thed.ct· ed district , uorney ,;nce 1999.


.por!smcn. the AWf is 'he 0100' .nd 10'S"'1 citium' conservation organizalioll.

.... _

1Ubt«. Wrighl !'ritchen.•• harthol<kr of Sirot. I\< Pennuu PC in lIirmingham, w;u «<enlly installed .. p,,,,ident of the AJawm. Wildlife _ """'_ Fctkration. She i, lhe AWF, first female p ..... ident •• inet: its inc."tion in 19l5. Est.bli.<Md by

Un ited States Distr icl !udg< W. Horold Albrin on w;u honored recenlIy al a po"rait pres· entation . nd un,.. il. ing CCfC1ll(lny. m"kingthcco!>clu.ion of Judge Albrilton', $Oven·yu, tnm .. chier judg< of Iht U.S. District Court for tht Middle District of AI. wm , and hi. ;u$umplion or $Onior , UlU$. The port.. il w;u added 10 tht coU«· lion of porlrait' of aU past judge. of tht court. Judge Albrillon w;u appointed to the fe<kral bench by President c;..,'g<

.-w __

H. W. Bush .nd confirmed by 'he U.S. So ..... in 1991. A' Ihe lime of hi> 'ppoin'mem, )udg< Alb,i"on wu serving as ASB p ..... id.nt and .. n;", pHln<'T in 'he AntWusi. finn I:nown then .. Albrilt<)n$, Civh. n & Oiflon. Whilt on the bench. Judge Alb,i"oll hu ..,vet! as. cii'«to, of'he Nallon.! Federal Judges Auoci .. ion, • member of the Coun Adminis".tion and Co$O Man.gemtnl Commil1.. of th. Judicial Conference of 'he Uni,ed S.. les by ' ppoin'men' of Chief Justice William H. Rch"'lui$1 .nd a member of 'he fJeventh Circuil Judici.l Council. He .,.. bli.hed ,h. Albrillon Lorturt ~ at the Uni",,,i,y of AI.wrn. Schoo! or Law .nd w .. hon · ore<! in 200l by the Natio". 11loy $coUlS of Ameria. «<civing lhe Di"ingui,hed Eagle Award. •

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By lI",",.,,,. BIId

So Far, So Good


lit Alobama SlI.e &r YOIlng Uwyrrs' Sccc;on ~ I:qun much

of As ......... '" tht 2(1().1.~ bar )aI'. We ...... aIRa:Iy ~ in tht organiution of tho fall bar ~~ in MonIJOrl'l<1Y. 0....-.- f>Omt will be tht lnI Annual I..,., s-I OJ! that will Lah rt-~ 19th.t 1:OOp.m. Burr& Fortman in Birminglum Jw gACiowly o&Iftd to IlO$l tht W in iu .udilOfium in tht I'orba IIuiIdinB in downtown IIirminII/Wn. Wr ~ you up for the Iron IIowI a..E. For inloomation and. r<'gismtion form, pIr.... conuct 'imbo TnTdI It M<:OdI..m $: Mtthvin in llirmin&ham It (ZOS) 9J9·.1006. The YLS Iw Wo Mgun it. pmn=hip with and support of tho SpnkFin' Dd>att Proplm in tIw Birmi..... city ochooIl}'>IC1n. Young Iawyns (rom the Birmingham ..... an ...... nlCCTinB Ibn. lOrN' 10 work with pftnllludenta who "",rlidp' lt on In "all-Itu· dtl),ut '<om. Sptll:Fim ;. p.u1 of the I...~r IIQnprofit


voup starIN by SttpMn lI""k known a$ Im p""" An AUt.. .... SIIHimC 5<-rvi« Initio.i ..... The YLS iI pro...! 10 be !"-nieiin this worthy (;0_. Anyon< who is in'....lCd in bc;", invo/Ytd in this ~ prt>U2I1> should COIl''':' 1m ..

POt'' '

(203) lS<l · 121 0. All of Ih... rifurl$ .nd acoomplish. "",nlS .rr "'><It poosiblt by LM hard WOI'k of It.. Ex«utM Commin« of tilt

_ _.!Iii •• ",."

u-a.n. _

. lob..... ,

"""""IIo..i", B_1. ~ MI......I J. Clem ..... 8itmonghom s..._Dotsd. ~

a...m ~ Bio •• .,•• W. '"' Gi-.. Jr.. 1•...-· ~f. H"",, III. ~

CII, Llo ........ Mobill

I:r.Ii Mlrti .. MobiII PIIrkk MeCl_. AldIolosrI


G. - ' J r . . 80.......

M_&'M _


G- . II. ......... i>b ..... ,

JlmH Pilllilaii.lla!:Mt Mil.... 8. SlIM.



SIoc-. MoIiio

, ; - M. TOIftIl so...."... KionIItrIl R. Wl rd. Mo.i(IOn\II'\'

r... .. vl .... MWIt

IIorQ. SNul-MmII)l r.b1!(/CIII*Y

Bry... Cig. II.I<.-"..._. Mobi"

mml in sunny Sondtstln, FIotida.

CIwi"Y D. C<M--~~ lhI:rI S!n"Gs

NOV l MBla 1004

I\oIItfI lIIiMy, . , ~

I """"""'" all J"'UIII w..,m 10 muk lO-ll. 2005 on Ihrir ~ b ~ 2005 YOiUIII.-,.m' Sandttlin Smoinu. /14, in prior ynrt. .... wiD haft on oul$Und. inS gro<.p of ~ and grnl "'1<"r1ain·

YLS. The mo:mben of 1M vLS Euculi", Commiut'O for this ,..r .1'<':



SlUM Y. l.uc:ko.-"""';':'I:I pUt ~


... non_minoritil's need not apply.


Is It -Chrrnative Action or Discrimination? INTRODUCTION arious ",_n, a", "ff.. r<! by .mployns for impl.""nling volunlary divtrsilY initi.llivn.sueh os. "divtrsily ",It.; . nd "divtrsity incr ..... goodwill with tho community .nd eu"""",rs." Rog",dl ... of the .....on . ni",l.,ed for divtrsity initi"i"". most .mploY''' b<-lievc the ... i.I value in h•• ing. divtr ... workforcr. Furth.., ... mult of the Unilr<! S,.t.. Sup",,,,,,, Court dtei.ions involving th. UniV<1",ity of Michigan. many now b<-lievt (perhaps erroncou.<ly... di",u""d he ... ;n) that th .... is ",,101 n""ibilily and f...worn with . ffirma,i", .ction in tho .mploym<nt • ..,na. H~r. Ih.r. continut to b<- limils as 10 "'hat nnplOJl<'rs may l<g>lly do in oUempling 10 ochitvt di....... ily. Ofl.n .• finel;nc ex;m betWNn legalaffirmat;vt oction and diK.iminalion og.;nst non-minoritirs. Thi •• rtid. pro.idC$ guioian'" to onomq<$ .. to wh.n and to ",hot (">tl.nt .mplOJl<'rs may voIunlarily granl prd."nlial t".I ..... nllo minoriti.. in Ih •• mploymonl .. Itelion process.


Do the University of Michigan cases answer all questions as to the legality of affirmative action in the workplace? Tho .nswer is no. Tho Unil<d $t.t<s Sup ....... Court uphrld the Unn.n.ily of Michig'm Low School', "" of minorilY st,l"" os 0 flexible "plus f>el"'" for ><Imi.,ion purposes.' On lhe sa ..... day, tM Con" hrld ull<Onstitution.ol the Uni\=ity of'. un<l<rv><lwt. adm"""'" P""""" which .warded 20 bonus JIOin~ out of • po$$iblt I'j() poinl. 10 undor_

rq'm<1\~ minorilY Il'plk:anls.' 1Ieco.... lheso< cases involve .",.. JlilUlion:Ll dWlo:ng:o undo< tht Equ.d ProIKtion CIaO1\< oflht

I'ourtttnlh AmtndrnmllO]>IIbIic hi&hcr~00n odrniuion pnaiots, 000: .ucpnltvll vioIoiionoopiml ~,ond apply difl'omolleSU and iIMlM diIIruno poIq ........ than !hoot applOblt in tht ompIoymml cool<:Xl......,..... ....... bt ClUliouo in lbrir IppliCliion oflheot QSCS 1O!hei, dimu' .ffi,nlll;'" action iniliolMt in Iht employm<:ll COmen. More o.p«ifically. tht Un;"'flily of Michig.n <aI<$ do no! providt any SU~ 10 nnployns IS 10 whm they may "'" -.oIunwy affi'INI;'" action for a rraIOn Olhcr than. 10 cIimino~.- diJcrimin"llon or • rnarufrsI ~ willi It$p«lIO minority rrprt!ft\tllion. IS di.orusxd btIow in ~ ,j.1OU.' Ncvmhtloso, Iht cueJ do provide insighl inlo how .!Ii,. nlll;'" l<1ion maybt..-l in IhI: employm<:ll conleXl once I~ is a juslifiable .-.-1Or its ......



LESSONS FOR PRIVATE EMPlOYERS FROM TilE UNIVERSITY OF MICIIIGAN CASES Asfuming ,ho", ill jUllir.. blt ..,llOn 10 implm",n, volun13'Y Un;~ .. ity of Michig.n c.... provido ..."'" !noon, applk.blt '0 pri""', ,mpioytrs. ineh><ling lho follc,wins:

.IIi,m.,;.., aCiion inili.,ivcs., Ih.

• AnyTll""0(Quor. Is nltpl Tht Supmno: conformed that quorlS for minority rq>rnmulion a.... ~1<gaJ.' In upholding 1M Uni>Ynily of Michigan', Law School', admi""'n P'OCCS4, lhe Sup",m. Court ,,>led in I"rt "['1"" Law School', inl<rtSl is



not simply ·l<>......n wilhin iu Sludml body ....... sp«ified of • putiruW- poup ID<TtIy bta ..... of iu ro« or <thnic origin, .,: TItaI would omount '0 """ighl ,.dll bol'I>Cing. which is potently untO",I;lulionaL"'


Minorily StOlid Only Can Be u.d "-<,on or .. a "PI",

AI On< of Mlny

"",," Tht SuP'''''''' Court cLtHfy held

.n ,mployn lNy implt-rMnl volunllry llIi'lNli.., I<l ion iniliaIi ...... Allhough lho Sup",n" Cou.t held Ihlt "'medying posl d;,.c.;m'''''lion WIS noIlM only """hod in which a public unm:r.;· Iy could t$I.bIl$h I compdlu.,..-rnmrntol in",", for implt-monlinl .ffirlNUw l<1ion in its admission poIideo. whc1hn .noplujm win bt obit I<> juSli(polunl>ry t;'" action in hiri", or l""""'lion d«isiont for • rawn ool>cr th&n for ..-nKdial _ .....-.s. ouch IS for tht sak< 01 having a d;"'"" ~ and IhI: Mn<fiu do,M<! I"",,from, mnaiJu qu<>lionlbl< .nd pc,hlp' doubtfuL In a p, •• iow d«i$;on, Ih. SUprtnlO Cou" upheld a ,"",unury aflinn.l;'" l<1ion plm undtr 1;11t VII in port bfn_ iu purpoo<' _ _ 10 ....,iNI<i;n 1»10_, bul "'thn I<> dimina~ • manifnt "",ill iml»la_.' Th< Supmno: Coun', I"io< dtciWon uzuably >U~ tht propooilion thot tbt,ion of afl'inuotiw oction for tho sal<.< of ....,;... diwnity alon< is no, pamiuibLt. Mor"<'OVtt, "'ox "'-' court dtcision. h• .., .pcciflClUy hl:1d Ih., .ntploy<, volunllry Im,nta'i.., l<1io" plaIt, Ih" ho..,. putp<»< othe, Iltan to..,tmdy poll diJ(,imi"". ,ion or .limin... a ",""iksI ;mbaLo~ in minor,tY rq>rfl<nu.


lion rlob~Ti'" vn." Howc¥n, RC",tty, tho StYrnlh Cimait in Ptri, " Cify '" o.K"I", ZOO} Wl22919L41 (7th Ci., 0...;. 15, 200}) held till, the... _ • compdli ... JOWt"""'ntoi in'nn' to h ..... divn-sity


upheld Ih~ Cily of Chicl(jO', Slandardwl1ion of on •• amination Ih.t ...... used in IM~' fo, ,ho pu~ of promo,inS I",rot off",.., 10 lho ",nl; of loC"'P'anl,

in • mnropoliton pori« rOtc" chuted wilh prot«,ing I rl<lolly Ind t1hnieaUy divid<d Chkogo, Tht S<-vtnlh Circuil

Ihal lhe u.. of ""'" 0' any minoritY .... 'u... a solf or dot.""i· n.,i~ fa"o. amount. to diJ(. iminllion,' Th. Court 1I0ied that r'«" Or minorily ""Id only can bt wed IS a "pi... (1<10'" or 0'"' of INny factors in pnforming an individuallud a~""'nt of. ... ndida~." Mor"<'OVtt, foc,o" oohtr thon minority "al'" thould bt pwn ...bounti.d weighl in tht sdKtion procas."

S'., ...

• Th< u.. 01 Minority Should Bo F1uibLt,.nd Nol M..:hlnkol Ptrh.p.,he most i"'llOtllm It...,n fo•• mployt" '0 "'am from lh. Sup.""", Coun', hoIdinll' in IItt Uni..,. sily of Michigan ...... is 11111 f1uiblt mnhodo of affirlNtivt action I •• mon: lik<Iy to bt uphtld !had nvdunical mtIhodo. ~ Th< Sopmno Coun ....1<'<1 thot -. univtnily', adrn"""," I'f"VlIm mUll tnnain 1I<xibIr • .-.p 10 .... u'" tho, .... h applianl is ....1 ... led IS an individuallnd not in a w.y Ihal nu.kes an appli. can,', roc< 0' t1hNidly lho ddining (.IIU'" of h;, or h." applica. lion ,·" Th .. Co~rt uphekl . he l.w "'hoot'. admisoion polky bfQ.u$< it did no. award "m«honical, prcOOnmi....:l diversily 'bonwn' bu<d on ,au or t1hnici' y; unhl« 1M UJ><»n$ti,u""IlII Univm.ity 01 Midi"",,', undtrpad...,.. acImissionIl'rocns. ....ich aut<KrWicadly -.rded 20 poinlllO undn. rq>ramttd minority .pplianu and had Iht cff<C1 of INking to« I"" d«isiY< faclor for ";nually tvny m;nimally-<[,..Iified, uOOtr' rq>re5<n,ed minotity appikom,"

flUDÂŤia! Agent fronk Andreyn fronlc Andrew. has been on fBI Special Agen' ~~, ymrs. '" his own -OS, SpecioI Agen, Andrews refs what ~ing lot the F8/ is tdy lil<t.


On_,:,' '" ,

Th .... IU.ibulinB I predrkrm.inrd ~ghl 10 "" IW.rdcd for

minori'y"""'" in on d<asion is ruky.Ibthn.1M


past discrimination in I pol1ocuW job eb ..die",ion wiD ""

... fliciml


implr ..... nl mntdi.d .Ifum" .... action ~

.mounl of ~IIO "" 10 minority ilIl ... in • ponie"lu nnploym<n. cl«Won ~ YarJ'. H,ving I wrll·dtfined I'onnu· b for Of • """,iflC calcw.. ion as '0 how much ......... ' minonly in all employmmt decisions _Id IN:. >I.t ... >hould IN: mistake. Imtud. "'" application of ,h~ minority "plUi f..:tor" <l!ould "" murky.


What are the prerequisites to implementing legal voluntary affinnative action 1 affirmali"" a<rKm for .ho ..,u <if k4y,"g divt ..ily 4/0", probably is iII'l4L An rml'ioyt. ",110 imple"",n" .ffirm.. ive action .imply ;1 IN:lie .... 'h... dive,... ...,.kfor« is bt:ntficial10 its bus'lI<$Ill takins a ri<l< .... , iu actions wiD "" d«mrd 10 "" dISCrimina'ory. AI .turd obow ...b.. iI pnmisoibl< for ulli ......' ... is no, n«<SS-ariIy pnmiwblt lOr nnpioyrrs.


(hi", Af/i"'UU; ... ....,..... 10 ""'''''Am

d .......I)' ... /Jf1I'OSd .0

""",jn dmmily is n..I-" On« d,vm.).y i. obt.inod. In .mploytt ihoukl not ..... mnn.a',,,,, ..:tion '0 m.intoin a ~,,"in Ir-vo:l of d ....... ,ly, b«a .... ltovin: divasily .10 ... is nol •• uff>ti<nt factual to implen",nl volunt.ry amrm .. i~ action for nnployns. "


'n'o'O PARTSOFTHE EQUATION TO DETERM INE IF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EQUALS DISCRIMINATION T1>cft ar, 1_ poru 01 "'" ~'ion 10 dtttnnint if offi ...... 'i"" action <qual. discrimina'ion: ( I ) 'M basis or "'" "faclual prtdi. co"," for 'Mdi ...... ty ini' .. ' .... and (2) the .....asu .. ouoed to di ...... 'y. • f OCl ...1 Pndiat~ The fxtual prtdica,~ is tM moon or need for .ffi.m:ll..... oc'ion. If tho factual prtdica'e don not ais'. il inlufflCient, Or 1M ,ml'ioyt. to take i, into comidnotion prior '0 imple. men'ing any ty~ of voluntlry .ffirrna'i"" action. ,h.n ,h. diVl'rsi(y ini,i.'i .... is dis<:timin .. oty. Simply ilO,td.lhi. of lhe equation cannot IN: i,nor«!. Oftrn tht aruwu '0 'M qu«. lion. "Gon an m'~r ..... racr .. faclor in ....... Iion doocision!" is"1t dq>mdo.' The amwn don drpmd on whethn • lulflCOml fxtual pm!icatr citu. "'" cumple. whethn on nnJ>lorn can ..... racr ... "pi ... £ac. tor" in • promotlOfl cl«ision ....... IikcIy drpmds on tM nistma of I far;tuall'r«!icatr. lU(h II •• ipoificant undtNtpmmt.'ion of'l"rticula. minorily """pin ,he partiew., job cl ...ifKltion. A. uatrd above. lhe Univ<ni'y of Michigan c.... do not I'rovi<k d, .. , .. id.,,~ on this part of tIK .m.m.. i"" oclOon equalion. Other c:r...,.. hownn. provldt 5uid.~ On 'M foc'u.oI prtdicatr. including tht following:


Tht fton...., prnIinlu f« dfJir--

" ... ....,..... sItould bt rrmnIim ,n ..., ..... _ to mnrdy. mallilCst im~ in ,radiloonally wgrrplrd job cal<'Frits. .. A moeK belief I~t minonllCS '"'" Undtt-It"prn<nlrd in tM wodfon:e is not mou&h- In o.dr-r 10 """'" thll .... meim' ounikst imbalalt.ct nist. j ...tifyinS.mrm ...... OCIion. i, is nolll«CSllry for an nnploytr 10 ",.. bli<l!,h .. i, has, in fOCI, dlocriminatrd as'inl! • claM of minoril'" Of lru., I pr,m" f"'~ COS<> of ad ... t$<: imp~' nU'L" HowtW •. • finding by a routl


• n.. Affi"""Ii"C Action MraJU~ UKd 1M"""""" part of 1M am ...... t.... lClion ~ion is tho _ un' U$rd to oI>tm> diw:nity. AI dlI<:USItd """,,", "'" U..........'Y ol Michigan CIS<S provide somr ",idancr wi,h mp«t '0 wha, ....... ura IN)' "" OlIN)' not "" used in obllini", r;I.J-,oonity. i,,,, quotas annot bt u<rd, the .... ol minori,y u_, ... only JhouId be a "pi ... r..,or," .nd ,he .... of minorily ltat ... should ,rmain Ikxible, and not medutnical. Wh"" n."nining lhe n_u~ wed to ob .. in di....,.;ly. employers .lso <Ilould IN: mindful of lhe folLowing:

, RMt."ormin: .. illtfoI. For cumpie. if." rmployn h... significanl unOr-r·tq>rnm""ion of minoriliel in • ponicular job c..... flCllion. tho .... pIoytr annot Jimply h .... Ol promote minonl'" .. n,il,M d<oor«! n .. mbe. of m,,,,,,it ....... obtained. brau.. 'his would "" I compkt. Nt for .dvJn«mmt '0 non_min(IIity nnrioyttl. ~ II.....-m-. if .n employr:, h... .....y Il,,,ificonl tlc;..1 im""" .... In. I"rtlcular job d.s.ifica,ion. il m,y bt ahle 10, for example. """''''' 50 pem:nl of lhe ol"'nin" in In inhouoc trainins p.-ov,m. "n,il ,he per«nta~ of Ibt undr-r_rtpTHmlrd minoril'" apprmima,rd 'M popu1Ilion oflho mlnotilin in "'" local rd.... nl Lobor pooL~ 1M US< II{ tnnponIry _m " IttIpfoJ in "'-'''I' rIuo. I~ """"""" F I~ rrmnIliIL An .... pIoy. .... implrmcnll'ion of lhe affirrnat"'" lClion only unlil .n occq>ublt Ir-vo:l of minority rcprn<n .. tion (.. dtttnniD<'d by 'M rdnIan' m.o..kc1 d.u) is ochitwd show! thol 'M employn inlcndtd 10 u... ffirm"i ... oction II. me .... '0 rtmcdy pa>l diKrimin .. ion I>r •• igniflC.nt undcr-... prt.. ntation of minoriti .... •

.g;......,'... _


Tht mnoll ....... r '"qwoIiJitd "'''wil)'~ tIIId IItt


""111''''''''''',.,,;/.... '" M - qua/ifitd..""mw. "" ....,.. '" u.m.u.di.......,.. The YUI majoriIyofcourulook r.-obIy on of5)ru 10 u.c.- tho qualir..d mPoonly ~ Ion\wion in Ihr af'l'lioan. pooIlhrough, (go- ctamr't. act..r. ,isftnmu and;oo fain aimtd al alllVlinl minoritift.·

Tht ..... '" "'.."'.;/)' >lalu' ... • fMlO' iM <kIrrm,mng IJlyoffs ",ill N ,"uromud rle_ rhan rhr ..... of ",inoriry "Mu. in hiring and promo/ion dw,iolU. Th~ <oum h.", btcn 1m 101••• n, of .1Ii.nuli.., ><lion when its .ppli<:alion <ault, in .1>< IoN of. job .. oppooo<d 10 .imply 1M IoN of. pro· ",otion.1 opportunily by a non'mil>Ofily ,",ployH.~

"w.pfroggmg" or """">Sing A Mip"" """" 'IwdiMJ """. ",,,,only ,."dul4rr /" tmIn ... s&cr" Mis/Illy Jt'SI


""""'"y ""ulidorr may'" ""'Y ..... N IrpI. An tm~ ohould :m:tid rankin. tmpioyHt basm on quahroca.iotu and aptrio"", and thon looking al ",inorlly .I.IU.,O dc1n"'i .... if a minorily "ndid... $lIould lupfrog 0' bypo». hish~r . .. nkins nonminorily .andid" •. l('l~r, if mino.ily·m.1LS will b.e ulili...d in 1M .. ko<:tion pro<ffi. i. .. ber · t... lOr III< tmploy<1- to nnk .mployfts by considmns mi"",ily ..., ...... 0 .... of Ib.e "plus foaon' along wi.h .".li6. "Iionl and <Jptritnct in rank· ins til< tmployu. b Othtr factors in dtltrminins wIwIhtr ltapfTOflling is q.l ind ..... tho <i<'grft of.ho nunibt imhoL1"",. The g~''''''ho imboJancc", 1M I1lOf< Imim" (ou'l likdy w,ll bot on lupfrtuing. Th' d"l"'n' y in lho q.... lofoc-.lion. ht1w~n I'" minorily and tho non· mino.ily andid., ••100 will br .d.v:an'.11>o .moll•• Ih. disl"''''Y brlwt(n qu.lif"ations, ,h. mo ... lil«ly Ih. (ou.1 will allow I",,,f,,,"ing, It ,hould I>< .mph.. iltd. howtWr, th>llh. minority a ndidato mu", br qu.lifOO<! .nd .t itu, should br in 'M &fOUP of .h. moo' qualifoo<! tandid .....

80M liM rntwr;ry sysum. rrwmp II/fi,,,,,,,;,.,. II<riolt. An tmploy<1- sbouId no. vOoL.l<' boru. fide smio.i.y ,,,,tm lOr IM ...1<0 01 d......i'y...

EEOC GUII>ANCE ON REASONABLE SELF-A.,,<;.u.YSIS Tht Equal Empioymonl Opponunily Commiolion hal pro.xkd limllt<!« on «l2hIishing 'Wn>prut< afli.""I,'" oction planl. ",. EEOC ""'" Ih" an affirm .. i", I<.ion pro...... m should contoin Ihreo ""'m.nto, lwo of whi<:h h.", btcn discwood .bow. induding a fu/liei.". factual p.ediato or"a ' ....,n.bIt bas" for concluding ac. ion is appropr;"lo;.nd on 'PI''''l'd... mOllood o. • •• aJOn. hk ><lion." 29 G. F,R, ~ 1608.4.

11>0 otbtr dtmtnt is a "rta$OIUbio Idr."""Iylis· 10 dntrmi_ if .hoft is. ",fficirnl factual pmliato Of .....,nabl< ba<is lOr alfi.· ....1;.... acrion. Aaordins 10 Ihr EEOC'.Guida_ on Affi ......;..., Anion, 'M ·obj«l;...., of a s.-lf·ana"'is is 10 del ...• min< wbrthtr nnplaymrnt p'lClicu do, or .end '0. =indo, dis-odvantago, raI.ict. or mull in . d", ... impoet or disl"'rat. ,· ",.n' of p.eviowly acludcd or <alricled """pi or unco.· «<.ed lho .ff",,, of prior dioc.imina/ion,.nd if 00. to .ttempl 10 dotr.mi"" wby. Th ... il no m.ndatory m(.1>0<1 of . ondueting a .. If· .nalysi,." Tht results of lho .. If·analyo" n.u" ho lho moli""lion for lho divnsi,y ini.,,,i..,_ n.. uiol'nU of an 1<1....1 m.nif... imbol· a_ may not I>< • dof._ 10 a Iopl dI.ll<ngo 10 • divtrsity' ini· lial;'" if 1M .mpktrtr ......... consid· c-milho .... p<ior 10 imploromlinS lho di""";,y ini,ia,i",_ In oehtr worob, poll I>oc ralionaJiutir)Dl lOr divtrslly ini,;".;.... ""y not ho. dd'emo 10. clWlmgt 10 a divtrsity ini,ia,;"'.


What are the risks when affinnative action becomes discrimination 1 1ille VI[ and 42 USc. t 198! pro· hibil net diJ<rim"ulion rrganllnt of wM.htr Ihr .."pktrtr is African· Amnian or wIIi'e, and 1itk VII prohibilu." dis<:riminalion rrpniltM of wIwIhtr n n p . is IirmaIc or ....... Emplortrs who d;,mmina" against males and wIIi' ... do no! recci", any mercy bea .... ,hey h.", diJ<riminalN apitut ......;only... opporcd 10 • mino';ly, 1IltflIhor. Thi, poin' hal btcn tmpllasi...d in reccn. «tun <IO<isionl wilt .. ,ho «tun. h.", ohown dis ..... for ,II< ph ..... · rcvtn< discrimination." whirh hu btcn wed in the 1"''' ' 0 ddcribr di~rimin .. ion 'gain" . whi.e individuol, A•• he f.~nl h Circuil hu ">!ed. "I d]iscrimintlion i. dise. imination no m.II.. ",hall'" rl«. color, religion. "" or n .. ion.1 origin of III< vic,im, ... Racial di,( . imi ..... ion again>! whil" is;W' IS ropu","nllo constilulionalIy pn>t«tcd nI"", of oqualj,y u •.e:W dOOimin.. ion 1&"itut



In F'"tn~ v. Xt= Clt<p<m>r",", 347 F.ld 130 (Slh Ci •. 201)}), Ihr Firth Cirrui. hdd thaI Xerox·, "8.0Ian.:ed Wo.kfor«

lni.iau-..... ",Ilich idtntJ6t<l nplicit ,.e:w soaIs for .am ;00 .nd "ade 1tvtI, undn wIIich k .... concluded Wt Afrian· Amtri«no ~fY"/I10~potKnled in itt HOUMOn, Tnu ofrl«,

conllilu\cd cfuKt tvi<kncc of new dis<:.imin.ation with mptCI 10 prolDOlion decision •. ld. 11 137. Th~cou" ............:II... dis· mis,o,al of promo.ion clainu by Af.kon· A",.,ic;on Xerox .."pIoy. .....t.ling in part: Xerox candidly idonlifitd txpli<:i' "",ial goal' for .ach job.nd gnde level. Th. rq>O'" .Iso , .. ,td lh ..

CNA Risk Management Seminar • Earn 2.9 hours of ethics credits • Reduce ProfessiOnal Uabllity premium up to 7.5% for 3 years


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Ruled b V AM Best

bIacb _ OWI'. rtptnC1ltN .nd,., " in U..-. every job and gndt 1tvtI ••• M How.on offi<t_ Smoo.....11" nola .nd tnl .... ioN abo india •• that ""' ....!""' _ mIl' ated on how wdI 'My complied with tbt [baJanced """id'Of'U] objMiYeo. A jury looking ... hao< fac •• could find .h., XtTo:a- ooruidtrcd .a« in f.,hioni", iU tmploynltn' $'Olkln and thai btnu .. Plain.iff. ~~ blKk..hti, .mploymm. opportuni.ies had bttn limi •..!.

M. Hiltork:aIly. dolms by whitt 0' rru.It nnployfts aIItgi", ratt or 5eC diKrimi..... Oon ha... born Jig.nifiantly


than discrimina' tion claims byAfnan.Amnicaruor fnnaIcs. This faCI may 10"" JOmt to cond ...... ha ..... ~ <Om bo more ...,...... Of W:e rrtOR dwKa with r<SJ>tCt 10 thris dMr$ity initia.iYeo. Hownn. diIcrimina.ion oIIcp.iono &rUins ...... of dMnity or .ff........"'"

action in,.iI.i>a ohm ..., brought by. da5I of .... pIorcet who ha ... bom ;m~ by tbt .... pIorn•• .n.p unbwfuI pr>CIKa. Such dasI or c:oIIt<;tivt:loCliQno by non.minority ~ art CO<1ly to dtfmd Ind ...... mo~ coody if discrimina,ion is ~ wbich is ofttn .n tuy wk if.n employn implemmto III i......Jid ¥<>luntary .ffirma.i... ":' Oon initiotivt.

What are some mistakes employers make when going too far with their diversity initiatives, and how can these mistakes be avoided?

n.. 'ype> of n<idm<•• ha. " - born probItm.>lic fO, ....pIoy. en who " - fa«d discrimination claims .. a .-auI. 01 diwnify initilkS ind....., ( I ) placing und... prasu~ on .... ~ 10 bl~ and promott mi""';I"" which cousa,oo much .... plwis.o bo pbcnI on minori.y II..... in tbt Idroion ~ (1) hiring non-qualifood or lubstan'iilljI .... quali5td minorilia OWl' q ..... lifotd non . minorilia;.nd (l) &violing from stlndard p..... adu"," in.lI< .. Iee.ion procns in o.dt •• o achit .... minority candid .....1«, Km.To .void som. of .htot ",i"a~ tmploytrs .hould < •h. follnwing. Whtn holding manayrs account.blt for .hei, di ... rsi.y tffo .... it is bott•• to tnlu .. e m.n.,... on thti. sood· f.i.h cfforu. such .. wo,kinZ do ..Jy wi.h.1lt hum.n ,,'sou,en dq>a.."nent Or u.mung nont radi,iorW rterui.inz ..trot.. in an .Utmp1'O atttK' qualifood minori.y applicants, .. opposed 10 tnlua.i",..,..1y bur<! Of> OOnOfl\.\i ... numbcn! Traini", is .n tSoen.w componm' of any IffirmatiYt action plan. Hlri", ""'''"$<'' and human raourcca rtpram.OIiva mUll unocr· st~nd .lI< meeh"nia plan and tht kpl boundariel lOr uJinS mino.i,y ....... in" itIt<:. ion p«IU!S. which probably ""riel from Of\(' job cla .. ifica'ion'o dtptndins on "'hC1htr I manifest iml»Jan« in minority rtpratnlation n::im. III . ddition. wh.t~vtf .n tmplnyt-r". philruophy ....y bo 'tp,d. ing di ... rJi.y initi •• ivt ....Iee.ion drcision."tly should bo b... d on iden.ifying the ",on qualifi..! indi.idua! .mo",. pool of di ... rst "ndid.,,,.

What should be considered when deciding whether to implement voluntary affinnative action? In tht ......, . ~ is .. ked.o ao:hi ... n nnploroT who"ur' rcn.1y is not mgog«l in voIunury di"'lli,y Initi.lMs, bu, is wbC1h .. to do JO, the followin! con»dtralion. ""'uld bo ktpt in mind:

The _for _fjirn""i,y ",",ion: II tht~ a ",anifest iml» in tht number of minorities in «"",In job cl.os\ificI!ioru ~ tht emplo)o<r is a' risk fOr clainu by minori.ies?


MtI/ood af WiU rfCoui.""", •• nd ".in· i", of minoritits bo $Ulfocim. obIain diwni'y withou.


.ht implcmmlltion of" formal Iffirma.ivt :IoCIion pI.n! As .... tcd ;obo-.oc. tbt coun.1ook r. __obIy on efforts to incrnSt tht pool of quabfotd minority appli(u,u. lIu$o'_ ..,..."..- "" llavinz_

d,...... _l""... Who,.~

tht tconOmk " ' _ lOr It.o .. in." diwrst W<II"I<fO«<' othnthan avoiding pottn.ia1 LaW>llit. by minori.ies!


The risk i" .n1·"""IY"~· Do]'Oll wanl to pt.form tbt .. If-a/luysi. ntaSSary i"'plcm<nl affi."",tiv. actinn? DocU"'tnll to lh...If·o na1)'O,, can bo d. maging if tho employ.. i. fnrt"! to product thtm to advt'-"I"'ni ... Whlle •• gum<nu ,h., . uch dO<:Umtnu.~ confJdcn'w and p.ivilcgtd m..oy bo as.St11cd, tht." i, nn gu.a,.nltt that III nnp!oyn·...lf.anaIysis will not bo tiot<I agoinl! iL


RGow .... i" Impiemmri"t ,Ite dl..",.,,,. i"ilu.fM: Ofttn emplorces " - diffiwlty undnuand.l", vagut" conc.opU in>'Olvtd in divtni.y ini .... ftu, I. tbt tmployn willi", 10 capcnd tbt rtOCIUf«S ntCtSaJ")' provid< ,raining to its hunun raotIrcca rtpramta'iva .nd .... na!""' on its divenity ini' iotives and tht bounda,ies lOr thot


The du". '0 NT'i" wi,h • "'bar w"io": Any .ffirm.ti... oction init;'.iv<-s likrly.rr ,ht.ubjKl of mand."nry bu· gaining, espcci.Uy if.hty ",ill .ff«... nio. i.y . ight. of eovcrc-d .",ploytn.

What are the obligations of a federal contractor? Molny Wkra.I con.racton and iUbcontrac,oIJ


r-rquir<d '0

dt-..Iop affirma.i"" action plan. 10 comply with bee",ivt 0n:Icr 112"6, So<-tion 50J of thtllthabaiu.ion Acl ond n.. v........... Era \Intrans. Rlcadju$t"""'. As6ii •• nct Act nr 19"74. In $<ncnl. .hao< affirmalivt action pia". commit fnIcnl contraclon '0 oeam. i~ttmivtIy for minority c:andjd.,.es .nd 10 .... u~ <qual nnploymtnt opp<>nunity by clcan", away b.rriersto tmploy. """'. and .dvanammt opportuni.ies. Tht~ arr thrN part. to

.he.. 'yPC"> of .ffi."",.i... :IoCIion pI.n" (l) problem idmtifica· ' ion: (2) ..If.IIIUyou; .nd (3) oc'Oon· program •. whkh include .«ouitmtnl. outrea<~ Ind n, program •.

So. can • ctrvtmi r.&:r...I oonlTOClor do whal."...,. il likts with ""I"'d 10 .ifumalivt OCIion? ~:HlSW<f It .. importanl 10

10. 500_ 2003 Wl ll<330192. at


lhal ctrvtmi r.&:r...I oonlroclOfS ;m oblig>tt<I only to rng>l!" in oot"'ach and mhtr rfforu 10 broaden the pool of qualifitd minority ca,ldid.tes. ~ f>ilutt 10 rr«I an o&.b!il.hed p is. triggn for furlher inquiry by th< OFCCI'; bUI dot; no! -.11 in .ulomal;'; s:u><;1io"" againsllhe COt1IJ'K1Of. Accordingly, .!tI.dion$ioru Slill mu.<l he rnad.t on 0 non·dis<riminl1"'Y n.. guidlra prtMd. cd .Ixwr n:-i>ling 10 th< "'" of minority .... us in ..,k<:1ion ded sio"" ;. opplicable 10 covm:d kderaI CO'"1'>1C1OrS, although • covcm:l fedrral rontr>CtOr ""'Y ha~ on .... ier bunlrn eotabtishing thaI il Iw • sufficitnt f.K1ua1 prtdicott (it. <Jblig:>tio"" under Eloect.tli~ Ordtr 11246) 10 implnnml ctrt3in typtS of di,ttSity inilialives. nQ1<

CONCLUSION ~.pil' =ent n<n. many qLH'<'ioll$ $till Temain as to wh. n • ffim,.,i .... action ronst;lultS di$Crimin"ion. Employment l.wyerS On both ,id.. of Ihe bar wilt h."" to wait for 0 ddinili", tine 10 lit dmwn. •


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lm!I I _ ..... pIoo _ _ _ .. pwas""' .......... _ do lU ~ s...w. EEOC's GuodooaI on AIMnotNt AtIIOI1 ~ IXo>o< r"", VI ot IN c;,;a I\oQIrt> AtIIOI1 ot 1964. 29 CI.R. l lfi1J8.~~""- _ b

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11. 5oo&-rmo: 2003 Wl l103301!2. at 'II 13. &.or.: 20031'!t 1103301!2.. 'ro; &ott 2003 Wl114W1(tt. '" ' 15. " ~ _ _ 0I_.~SVi!"''''''_0I11*'

Endnotes I Gtou . ~1h02.s I i.2Dl!WlZI~IIJ.S.""'n.2OOl). 2. ~ GtIO< .... c...t hOId ......... .....,,_ -..em prtICO>S_ -..,._ r""'.,," .... CMI Rqu I~ ~ u.s C. 17OOI:lSI1f11112 u.s C. ! 19111 _ . _ _ "'!q.oj P r _ CIouro, Gml. 100:1 1'4

'ro VtfIoItIoon""!oct "'" "'" low _

1lI' _ _ ....... ...........,.'...,.._"'.1 II 5oo&-rmo: 2003 1'4 11<330192. at 'I! ""'",., Do _ '". ·110_......


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Wwoo>r . _ _ ... /'ok. U6U.S. Z$J 119Il6L '" ' IiJ"~ loaIu..., ,,,,

,/110 . SIom; ..1 U.s. !>&1{1!184)

2' _ . _ Co:21lI11 21. 5ooq. _

... IAuottc..."" _1!r6 F,):iI09S. 1100111'"


_oflAuottec-n i.I'ontIo 1Auott, 1S6 f.lrl l09S. 1100-1109

111'" Cir.1OO1!.


DooofIoo t _

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_ _ !10 •• _

"'-"-_. ~_ "' tooor,



... _'" .. _

Do you represent a client who has received medical benefits, lost wages, loss of support, counseling, or funeral and burial assistance from the Alabama Crime Victims' Compensation Commission?

Write it down! If you are calling the Alabama State Bar outside \'/hcn your diem applied for benefits, a subrogation agreement was signed pursuant \0 搂] 5路23路14, Code of AIII/mIlJ/I (1975). If a crime victim received compensation benefits, an attorney suing

on behalf of a crime victim must give notice to the Alabama Crime Victims' Compensation Commission, upon filing a lawsuit on behalf of the redpienl. fur further information, oontacl Kim Jierski, staff attorney, Alabama Crime Victims' Compensation Commission at (334) 242-4007.

of Montgomery's local calling area, please use (800) 3S4-6154 for all

departments other than

Lawyer Referral Service.

If you need to contact the Lawyer

Referral Service, please be sure to

use (800) 392-5660.









Estate Planning for Protected Persons lot !lab)' IIoornft St"'ft'Ilion is Jr""ri1lJ oIdn. With Ihrir _gins. and combined with modtrn med· ici",,', ability to .nhan« 1M length, and



1M q\LIli,y. of lift, tho popula.

'ion in Affit.1ca if growing "klt •.


Un(oflun.,rly. I I people begun to Ii .... longer. mtdk. 1 probl'm. which w.~ nol Common in &"ntratHlrl$ put Ita....

b<-gun to opptu. So,"" modieal '-UCMrs bel ..... tha. d... i"",~ in thor 'ppur,"" of Ab.h<i ......... IJisc,..., in tbt population is limply Nscd on 'M 19i,. of II.. pop .... tion. T'ht moo' o:<.mt>< of Ihtw: phy$ician,/I\'Sn"' ..... bc\i,tw thaI wdI dmxnlia-NKd diseases I>«omor ;...,.;,able as • ruult of tho ~ity of 11.. population. Combined with this ogins of thor popu_ \.o,ion i, tht ~uctio n in tho tro.ditional cort family unit. which, in decodes pul. oft.n ...... the primary provid." of en. for old« Amtrinn .. II ""all ,imply mo •• pr.""lrn! in tim .. 1'0.1 for SOn. Ind

douptm to.,.,., tOr Ihri. aai"& parmll. With tht Im"h of II.........F ~feti .... gmt .. than eYrI", ,hough •• he 'i.... period (01' which In Nuh child may bt =ponsible for In a&inll"",nt is vowins Ion ..... II _II. As In additional complicating foclor, f.n,iliei now I r. mo •• mobil •. rt$u hing in Ilignifi,"nt ponion of tho ..Id.rty populat ion living fa, from wi, .dull child..n, Fin.lIy,11lt .i.. in famil;" wilt .. bolh husband .nd wif.. art ..... ki", oUIlNlt lh< bomt mnlU thai family .....m.n. ..,...inS .. p.imary ~ ~ for .hr ddtrly, ap« !host with ....tfianl mtdicaI probIcnu.. is dtc ..&lins. SUtistiaIIy, oppn:WmoIdy 50 pm:ml of the popui.1lion . . 60 or oIdtr will sp<nd """" portion of thrir ~ Ii[" in • nuninghomo, whether thallimt hr. few days or Wftb, or lOr a nurnbor of Y"..... The ...,.. Itngth of.$lay lOr • rustodiaI nuning homo I"'liml is 2.4 roan. Paying for lua. long-It"" ( I " is probltm.lic. Tho>

...... COlI of n........ homr <an' in Abhama in 200l _ $3,500 I""" month. (Thai iI rrbtMly low in comparison with 00..... 0I01tS.) n.. imrnerut COfI ""'.... all but "'" "",althiQI AWwniaJU will ttptnd • tisnificanl pntlion of ll><ir hard-nrr>«! ...m on nuning honlt a ... F.Ym fairly .~ful, middlt·do$l ptnon$ <= .pond ~ or all of thri. ~fc savin&< paying for md·of·m:.. ",... Whm: In individual·,

"""" .... dcpIt1...t. gQ¥m11I1tf1u1 benefits btcornt """""1)' 101"')' lOr nuninf: homr """. Thil """ Is p!U"i<Itd throush the A.Iabam.a ~1tdi<:oid AfI:tq'.IJUIiI.o-I CartI'fOll:hR1- Modicaid iI • WrnIIy-

............s.joim ___ and kdcnIIy·fundod. and scole-*lrninislmd -....Ir.... prosnm .... ·Clt'd 10 ~ n>I:(\i(;;d and nunins homr CU.$IOdw <= lOr thr inditIrnl """". Iotinn. For linglt individuals, induding

widoowod pmorI$, lhe qualificalion criteria art dra$li<, indudln&'

counlabl< r<JOurtt lionil of only (Detailed discussion of d.igibmry O"il(ri;a Is for]).>yond the sc<¥

and pIIrpoft of thlo .,ticl<. F"ogurtS u....:I :an

for 2003. The diu heR ohould "'" boo rriitd on by lhr practitiontr as a pDdt 10 M.dic:aid qwli6aohon.1trlernl1O on ...... t.w~iI~) Foo-.

rnaninI..,...,...lhr raowtIO IimiI iI ""'"' libenI, thoush hardIy.......-. Mum ~ .....,. k<q> QlW-IWf of Ihrir munu· bit _ "JIIO a muimum S9O.66O (192.760 b 20(4). The od,.,- ...,...half of lhr munLabit 0$1(11 of 1M coup!< m"" boo "sp<n! down" on bdWf of!he opousoo in need of nul1ing home co ", (d", "in>l;!'" !;oTUJ~ spoufe") btfon:- qualifica!ion fo,. I>kdiaid ......;ora. In addition !n:uvl qua)i6aeion 1cYcIr.,!0 qualify b McdGid ...;......... !bo: indMdu.d mUSl P'"" on inwme bd 11<$1. f« 200)' lhr incomo IimiI iI SL.6$(; prr month. llnkKtu....dy. with Iht .......... COOl 01 nuni"ll homo carr

II SJ,SOO ~ po.-.. wilh ""'"' .... SL.656. """,III III ina:>mr can Do<d M<dicaid imlilUlionai co", The ooIution resu in lhr "",""!ion oIa Qu.ilifitd !rICI)nlC Tnut. """"""'" ~


"Mil)", Trust." The MiII<r Trust penni!> m. indMdwJ !o dim:"! hWhtr inoome uno 1M !nJ$! ",nf11hly. and lin>iu dislribu!ions from lhr !J"ml 10 Iud! omo\1l1!> .. will no! dioq""lify 1M pmon from r=lviRl\ Mcdieaid ilUli!u!ioNl 0 .........""'. AI m. d.-.,h of ,bo: individual, lhr Alobam:o

/.i,tdieaid AfFncY lI.nds II finI bmdici.,y of any mnainillJ fundi in Iht Mil.... Trust. up 10 thr lObI am",u... 01 Mtdieaid I\mds plOOidod IOrlhr n........ homo aIR durins

...., ~11iktimt. Thio~ if; 111 aomlial MrdicaicI quaIiRotion I0OI. and ... <Omm<JnIy .-I ......... Alobam:o Mtdioid AfFncY hal. MiIItr liuIIlOrm .... iIabIt 10 Mtdic:aid aM>iieants. In order to prest ..... II4O:U for '~rom· munilY' b;utd IpO<IIl" (.bo: "community <pOu .."). "'h.ik itill qualifying lhr ilUli,u' lion.liltd lpoust for Modi,. id L"";lu!ion.1 Co ••• "il\.;lnct. a common p,actict illo btJin • progr:Im of ...... I .. nsfers 10 !M community ,poust and ofim to 1M nat B"""f'Ilion as '0 in~Iiotw.Ily mill« iNli'ulionaliad $pOUI<',1I4O:U 10 Mtdiaoid qu.tIifia!ion I<YdI. "Th<ft....., .ralllkrs a.. I -0-"",osnilcd ckYict to p!"<>"i<k ....., pI.tM~ ~.01 bwpmniu _It. ,nns/fts. [ftht !ran.m-. a .. mW wi!hin !h.... ynn of a ModGid .pplialtion, Or fj.,.. l""'''' if I~ 'unof........ nudr !o • !ru.t.• akuLation if; pnfOflTl<d 10 d<1ormiM if tho Mtdioid Ipplieanlwuld h.~ II, ... il oull di>· q ... lif"otion period prior 10 bring qwol;_ 6rd for I>kdioid nu ... ing hom< care brn· .fill. 8y ditt(! I.. nsf.... from tho ailing <pOU" !o h.itlh.r ~aI!hy ,poust and/or mild"",. or by "alUm-. by \he hoollhy



<pOu,,",child Ih.-ough. durobl< I"l""et of 'ltornq". 'LIth lra,..f... permilll4O:U 10 ho ~ for the bmtfil o(lM com· munily opouK" ond oft.., ,bo: nat B"""f'I' lion .. With 70 perctn. of aU nurs-


ins homo I>I!;"'II in AlaN .... m:rivins M~ic:;..d

i .... i'PI;or'LII co ......... anct. wth planning !«hniqua art aomtial!O lho fi ... n.;.1 wdl ·b(;nl or. lars< P"" of I~ popuIa'ion. Otsrilt ram~! misconctp1ion1 by oo!h laY11lon and prof....;.,n· al" l~ Ala!>."", Modkaid Ag<n<:y does n01 kick community II>OUlo'$ oul of ! homts and onlO t~ rI ........iling!M hotno (or I~ rlllc·. btncfil, prior 10 pn. minins 11... individual",,..m..., Modioid i .... i!U\;onai a. .. wiota", •. Such """,,",-Ir,nsftr planntns 1«h~ .'" ..dI m:ogn;.N in both ltalt.nd r.dmallow. NcYm........ !radi,ionaI ~

plan ...... ofi..,1001< down upon Ilton><yI and di<nll who ....... such I......r...... A d "'inction is oft ... mW 00-... aIalc pLonnins for pHIOIUwidloOu, !art< .......,. ....". penon. or _alth.. who roulindy rct>in !opl.nd WI counod 10 p.......... !ho m:uimum .mounl or "".lIlt. for dUlribu· lion 10 a .poust and 10!~!\ni! S"""'" lions. andy. "" indiyiduals can rnokt _11. !.. n.f..... !~n ... lvos. ...-gardkss 0( tho oronomk conoeq'-"'ntel for 1M transferor. GtnoraIIy ~ng. tho Pme iI

In>< for ,,,m.fen ITom competen, peroons by way of • durabk p<>wn of ' ''o''''y, In fact.Abbam. I.w lp«ifIGllly ~i7.a a righl und .. a p<>wn of .norrlq" 10 rnakt ...."ra ...f, .. 1<> family """,ben and olhers if ,he pu.1""'" of such lran.fen is 10 redue< Ihe estal. I"'yable on lht p.incipoJ·, <ka'h. (§ 26·1-2, a.)(3), COde of Mahllma) Such .iSh' dotJ. in f:u;t, exis, for small estot .. os wdJ. "I1\<, sam< rode seaion ,hal lran.f.... for redL><· lion eslalt I.xes .00 prrmi" lraruit .. vi. J>O""'T of .no"",y for ,m,lI.,. eslales if Iht lraruf... art 'in ,he b<$1 inl<r<11 of 'he principal'. estat,: {§ 26-1-2.1{a)(2} Slill. such I.m,f.... for Mtdi<aid qualification pu.postS art often ~ by judgn os ou',;<10 lhe ""pt of lhe p<>wn of .uorrlq". by queslioning if ,he lran,fers arr ' in lhe bnl inl'''''" of lhe individuoJ. &.:au .. comt><l,nl individual. on make lran,fe .. wilhoul Ih. nrod of judi. ci,l Kru,iny.lht grealer probl'm in ,moil (SUle pl.nning is «m,id.,.ing whal hap· pen. if ,he in,lilulionaliw:l 'POUst is not <>I"'bl. of making 'uen ".n,I... dutlO in<>p •.::ity issu ... Whtrt Ih,rr i•• well w. in.n durable po","r of .norn,y.lh. = i l y of involving gow.nm<nt.1 or judicial .genei.. in lhe managem<nt of Ih.",td t><..on '....." is not norm.lly n=soo'1'. Wilhoul . durable po","r of .IIorn.y. wherr m.n.gemenl of Iht incopaciwrd individual'l asset! is n« .... ry,. couM-ord'rrd con ........ lo.· ship is usu.lly ,he solulion. On«. constrvalorsbip is ..,.blishtd, >lr iC! financial .CC<)unling of Ih. inc'pKiul<d penon', i. ""luirrd, Con lhe Iypt< of Irani' f." In".rr common for non-inc.p,adtalrd individuals 10k<- pl."" Oil«: Ih. con..",",o.-.hip has betn (Stablishrd> An«do131 ""t><rie"", would "'y nO. Typically. probate judgn will 001 pn-mil su<h Ir.rum ~ if il OIn be establ .. hcd thaI lht incap,a<il.,rd peroon dt$irtd '0 m.ko such lran.fe" had Ihty ",n",inrd wmpe1.nt, aOO whtrt il OIn be est.b· lished thaI lhe lr.n.f.... a", in tho b<$t internl of Ih. prineip>I" eslOle, II .. ",ful Iook .. lht Co."'of Mabama iOOicales,h" should not he 'ht <>st. lhough. "I1\<, J"O"Oi. 1>1. """plion 10 'his ..h":u...... I<> allow lransf.. of Ih. ward', .....-u .. t><m,ining Ih. crr.,ion of. Milkr Tru .. , E.... n he",. if lhe judge is nol p,aMirul> bmai.. with Mtdkaid law, Ih ... mOJ' be. ",lucta"...lo t><nnil 'his Klion. tvtn though d .. rly in Ihe b<$1 in«resl of lhe t><""1t.




",. ,ulh"ril;" granlrd in. COn ........ · lo"hip are codifltd in thtlllab.m. Uniform Guardian .hip .nd Prol«liV<" I'ro«<-ding> llel (S 26-2A-I rI. stq.). In fon. i 26·Z/I·136 clearly ."'.. Ihal "the eOuM. fo.- the benefil of lhe penon ~nd mrn,bn-J of r/u: pntan; imm.,Jio" f~mily, h...11 the Jl'O"'<" 0\Itr the (SlOt< .nd busi ..... affai" which the pt""n could .",rm. if prestnl .00 001 under disabiliIy.txrq>t Ih. pow'" IQ makt. will." (§ 26Z/I-I36{3). nnphasis added} This ><clion gon on 10 list =mpl.. of lhe t)'pQ' of PO"'"" Ihat .'" available. including lht PO"'"' 10 rnakt gifts. .nd 10 conV<"}"OO ",!ea.. in1<"''' in property, ·including mari,,1 property riglllS and any righl of $"hip incidenllO' joim "nancy." Undtr .uch authorilY. il Radily apparenllhat lhe court does. in f.... ha"" the aU'hority 10 pt.millhe lra".ftr of ..... " for Medicaid qualifiOilion purpo=. Ew-n if Ih. couM bel~ Ih .. it is .n optn queslion .. 'o ... htth .. Or oollh. benefil .dheres 10 the ward. d ..rly Ih. ward'. ;mmtdi.l< f.mily be",f,u fm", Ih. """'lion of....-t .. which would ",nt.-wist h."" to be 'penl on nu .. ing home

OIre prior 10 qualifouI;on for >$I;is"'nee, lIy using ito aUlhority 10 con""y interesu undor joinll",ancy. tht COUM could, for ... mpl •. "'nsf.. owner.hip of • joincly owntd home to lbe COnimunily 'po.,..', sol. ownership. Ih.reby p ...... ving the .bilily of Iht community .pou.. '0 dlslril>u" the hom< 1o tho "",. SOn 0' pt..on. of hi"" .. at <kalh through a will, inst<ad of Ih • IIbb.1m. Mtdicaid Ag=<:y', placing • lien .gain.. the hom< for lht instilutionaliw:l .pou..·• int<rests in Ih. """'•. Taking Ih. po.i'ion ,hal such I.. n,f..... rr nol in Ih. b<$1 in""", of Ih. t><.son. '" of Ih. pe •. son', imm<dia" famay, cannol st.nd ",.utiny."I1\<,,,, i. 00 he",fillo Ih. insriIUlionaliu<l .pou.. to kttping the hOm< in joinl ""m< .. "I1\<, hou .. i. an txnnpl .....1 for MtdiOlid qualificalion pu,,,,,,,,,, and no tor<rd sal. of ,h. pro"",ty can be ",.inl.inrd.1Is .ueh. no finon"'.l benefil aim 10 Ih. instilutionali"" ,poust 10 kttp lhe ho.,.. in their n.lmt. while On tht other hand, s.ig.nifican1 bentfil COtnfi I<> the immrdiar. f.omily of Ih. inililUlionali>.cd IPOust by elimin'ling Ih. pas.ibilily thl! Medicaid will plO«'. li.n

Alabama Map & Data Service, Inc. CO U!I.'TY TAX MAl'S - AERIII I. I' HOTOS - TO PO MAl'S PROPERTY O\\fNERS HIP "A PPRAISAL RECORDS Join Ihe hundred... ofallo rneys, Reallors@. " pl.ra isers , s un.'e),o"", and othe rs. who rely daily o n th e re .. 1 estate information pN.granlS We publis h . A IAMAP computer program puts tax assesso,.,.· PRe cards on your d eskl o p . F in d a parcel _ click _ ttl' contes the tax map. Click aga in f o r the aerial l.hoIO.

[.ots o f search ol.tions a nd tools like prin t·copy-,ta Sle· annotate makeAlAAIAPa 1, le a surt tn u se. \V., also p rovide paper tax mal'-~ i n tabloid si~.e. Call o r Email for )'o ur f reedcm o CD and I, r i"';ng .


a~iNIII>< propmy. (0111"''1 10

the own·

mIIip in"""'lS of II>< (OI'J\JtIunily ~.

The Codt: <J/ ~ pen";'. tho cowt. undor 00I0o 0I .... ~p. '0 "con~ ft"OCIbIt.., ~ lnlSUof propmy 0I11><",",,~ which may mend bqond .... ~ity.., Iik of .... ptOIM. td ptnOfI •..•" (S 26-Vr..136) This authoriTy pnmilS II>< unlion of Millor Trusts for the bc-nd'il of Ihe ill$l;'u,ioruli..,d opouoo,

an act ck.,ty in II>< be${ inltreSl of lhe instiMioruli..,d If'OU'C' .. it .tlows dul ptnOfI to qualify for Mtdicaid insti'ution· 111 ~ bmmu.. ThiJ au,horiry to rnoocabIt .., b ,.--... Irusts. """""""'". ..!so 1"0. ida an opponuniry lOr daibility in ..... ~ pIonnl",1Or the imti,utioruliztd 'f'OU$t. WbrI't tho a...., of the corunva· tonhip is II>< on ... of dommlia.I"'nskr· .ing aMeI. al lho ... rIy . . . would p=ni,


,"",ificanl sM"i' of f.omily _ _ While tht C(IJM'n\ional wisdom mighl "" dul by pUci,,! ....... inlO • 'nul you .'" mend· i",1he Mtdicaid Iook·~ pniod (m. pniod oIbmt prior 10 Mtdicaid appllct· lion in wbidt lranokr 01_ rtpOI,td 10 Mtdicaid) by two mrs. drpendinJ on lhot w of tho, this may not br a ",obkm. s... i>tially, the prnaI,y ~iod for Inoukn of any amounl """ $126,00(1.., $210.000 for

m"" ""

Innsf.... 10 lrull. di<:ulc:llhollhe .nti",<k ~iod «pirt prior 10 Mt<iicaid .pplialiott. If II.. oc.ua1 disqualiflCa.ion ;" loss dun .hroe ynrs,tho m<ft facl du. tho .ransfm. ... r<p<>rUbI< io noc rtlewn'. The .ulhori.y to make .ransfen to.

m<OabIt Ot' Itrt'O'OCIbit 'IU$I provid<J:on opportunity 10 CUrt tho pmbkno of. lad. oh last wiD .nd latament. While .... Codt: MY' the ronMtV.IO ....ip may 110( br rnoabI< Imns InlSU nonnaUy ~ ~.mmtary provlUons in .btm d~.ibu'. lhe ....... of ,he v a n'Ot' upon tht cIt.,h of I'" snnt(>r. By U$td to wrik • "'~l.


..ublishing. sing!< 'raruaclion protC'< . •i..., .. nngen .. nl •• h. coun could aUlho.·

iu lhospcd.1 comn"OIo.lo .... bli ... a ,ovocabl< living ",1.<1 f(>r the benc\it of .ho ino.paci" ltd p<f$On. In ... doing •• t.. lpC'Cial CO/U<rvator .pcciflCaUy dtsigna.n who shall rt<.iv< nl.~ _ II the death of .... gRlllOt". Only ."""",imoldy XI peJCml of indMdu.ds dk with • will in piano. The ....-oabI< IMnc ,...... SftYn as • will ....... ;,u ••• and, ullKh. O'<lCO"'.. tho lack of. last will and \aIO.mm1, In

thot _ , ...hik rt¥oCIbIe 1m"! ....... oudaI inI'fUmm .. for Modiaid qualiflCalion •• hoy providt an cxcdlm. vcbicl< for dimibulion of aMeI ••1 in • non·probatt 5O"ing. If tt.. , ..... f.r i$ .o.n i".-..xW1< IfUl'. Mtdicaid qu.oJifi.


ca.ion II<" m ... In add ilion .0 h.ving

•• i.bI< managemenl ochomo. making .ransfen 10 I nli ....... lhe limitations ~iod for Mtdicaid qualif>CIlion purpos·

.. ..___-...._.__ --""'-I\..

........... ntobltsltmtrtt of th< irrn-ocablt

..,. ~

...... _IonI _ _

!iomooP .....




" ••• ·\I'"SUlANCECOJlI'toNY


mulu in tht of th< Mtdiaid Iook·back dod!.. pnh;Ips multinA in qu.a!ifica.ion lOr Medicaid insti.u.ionali..,d cart in .Ihonn pniod of .Inx. Dapitt thi$, judJn oIkn &dine ' 0 ordn .,..... II< croat<d boa ..... tboy bel;...., .herr i. 100 lillie informa.ion the inltituliottal spou.I<' and ,ho in.tnl of.t.. gran.or for <ltl.. mining th< .ffi.:ln.. nt.>ry ocluc,,,,, in,i<lt .ht rt"I'Ocabl< Ii.i"glru". 'fUIl


Antcdotally. judg<$ and dt,b often cite that t'~,,,ftts of as.<tI$ DUtding 20 ptn:<'IlI of ih< .nnual income of the <Slate .'" nOt I"',min«l. This is nol ih< cao•. Raih< •. if Ih.lransft. i.1argr.lh.n 20 I"'".nl. it .imply impose> 1M need fo •• h... ing to bt hold. with notia given to approprialo parti«. In addition to fo.m,1 con!t1'Votor<l\ip. a second Imthod of court tran.fen <xi,l<. Under S 26·2A·137, C<J<h Qf Al.>b,,,,,a, ....., who,.. • COll$trvotOT hu not been apl'Din1«1. but who .. tho !>,a,is fQ. a coll$twotor<l\ip exist .. tho court may .uthori,~ t",n,f." "n«nSlIry ," d<sirablo to achiov< any ~uti. ty, ...viet o. car... rang....... nl meeting th. foresee,ble n....u of the protec.«Il"'r· ",/1.' This .ituolion would exist, for .,[ampl•. wh ••• • p<> .... r of attorney exilled app<>inting an Igrnt for ih< incom· I"'trm institulionalized tMrcby n<gating tM r.eed for I conse,.,.a1or<hip, but wM'" some third I"rty, ,uch I. a bank or brokerage ho"",,, d",lined to honOr ' he p<>we, of attorney. Another .i,u.tion where this proccdu", might be use· ful i. wM'" the .grnt is awa", 'hat ,ignir".nt hoStil. "''''lion of other family mcml></S might occur if the .. was no cout! .. netion of th. tron,fen. The standard fo r the cour1 to 'CoCept ,uch " ingle tranlaOion prote<. tiv< arrangement i. where the 'court <k1erm;n .. th.ltM tran .. ction i. in th. best inl ...St of the prote<ted l"'/SOn." The , tandard g«$ on to ,tate "tht cou,t mall con,ider the int"""" of CrMi,ors and ~nd""u of Ih. prolerl,d ptrS</n ... " (emphasi' add.d). If ih< court is to truly follow the in[<nt and the language of the Act, • broad intcrprttation of th. coJe i. useful. In all but thr mO$t un11$u.t . itu>1ioru..\kn of ...." 10 ih< community would be ",mething th>1th. institutionaliz«l 'P<>lISt would want to takt pl... if sib< could for himlhe"",If, Such inter_ pretation, suppon the public policy of krq>ing family uni!$ in"" and prevent. ing impov<1'ishmcnt of the community

'I'DUS<'. More problematic is the question

cipaJ'. death, ~r:d is i~ tI«Ord~IU' with ,h.

of l"'fIIlil1ing tr.",fen to tM next gen<1" ",ion for ..[ate planning purpo>eS. Wh ... there art dependrnt children, .ither minors or disabkd children. ih< public policy consid<rations in f.,o. of l"'fIIlitting ,ucn tran.fers is .. dear as it is for t",nsfers to. ,pouse. Where the tran, .re to bt madt to adult childrrn or other family m<mbers, hOW<'\'tr. we m11$l con· j11$t wnatthe int.ntions of the inoti-

prjndl"'l' ptrS</n,t/ hj'IOry of ",aking or jojnjng in ,h. mnking of lifdjm. gifts. (.mph .. i•• dded). While the cout! might rebtiv<ly ... ily d.termin< what is in th. bt" int.r.., of the princip.l (in Ihis .... the institutionalized 'p<>use) and .... n what the bes, int ..... t ofih< princip.t', am. may be,ov<.coming the burdtn of drmonstrating thO! the,. i. a history of m.king lifeti",. gifts i, difficult, if not imp<mible. Many individuals nr ... r show •• ubstantial panern of making gins until f.cod with the los> of .... ts to the nurs· ing home. the Standard of the gifting section of the C<J<h. mO$t poopl. could nol prove the standard nocessary to "".mil gifts o ut of ,he COt\UTVlltorship for Medicaid qualification. Th. <1On · dards undt.tM con · ... ""'torship section. of the Cod~.,.. mO.. f1exiblr beau.. the proponent of the 'r.",fer does not h."" to .how • histo· .y of .uch gifting. The problem app<.rs to bt not in ..tablishing a vi.b1e ".ndard, but in edOOl.ting the COurts as [0 valid Medicaid .,tat. planning proctices and the .dvanuge to [he community .pou.. or other family mcmbtrs. With the . g;ng of the population, the need to judiciary and attornoys ,imply incre..... •





tutionllized individual would I>< conctm_ ing distribution. to hislb<. child .. n. Not . 11 individuals wi,h to make di'tributions. ....., at dtath. [0 thri. children, though this is ih< norm, EIInI within the group wishing to make .uch distributions to their adult child .. n, not .v<ryon< wish .. [0 make fqu.t distributions to all . dult children. What stand •• d of proof should be..sed in .iding the court to determi ... the intrnt of<he incapaciut<d pnsonl Should tho standard ofS 26,[,2.1 con· cerning gifi. by power of a"otney I>< used? Under thi, ".ndard, the .gent must f"" dttermin" (I) the best intettll ofth. principal; (2) the best int ..... of the prindpal'... tate; 0. (3) that will reduce the ..101< tu p.yablr on the prin.

_A._ ....




-~-'" ...... .. _ _

... JO ....... . -

.. " " ...... lUl ..



in par! to thui",ifiant ...~. in&,""1imo and cow, modiation has been ruecaafully used

~ a brood nn~ of disputO$. \'t,lups Ont of the 1>.$1 u... for mtdil · tion is ;n tilt b.ankruptcylinoolvmcy con-



Import.nt ""I. o""omp' -.l in tt..

/JQn/mJptcy c.o.k au In cxpoditious reooI..,ion <If • <letHo" fi""nci.ol> :mod muim ...... ~ for c~iton. ~ goab btco .... frU$ll2~ by ilIIY 1llU'JtaSsary dcIay.1>urdonuomt opc1UOO. unnec· essary tiliption or durlieotion of rifor\S. Sintt limt .nd wru Ort $Ud> criliod <kIntnU of • hanknlplcy COot, lMdi.t;"n is _II suited for furlhninglh. gmJ. of lilt

&nktuptq Cod•. 4 10


20 0 .

Authority for the Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in

Bankruptcy Cases Alltost Four 5OUr= eml for the lISt of AhcmatiYr Ois.pu'" RL$oIulion (AOIl) pro«dura In Nnkrnptcy ~ 'J1>ot( IOIItaS include ( I) . court', inhnml pown' 10

....... and <lIIrIInII its do<lct; (2) JWUIa m.obI~ diArict wuns to .... ADR Ihroush local dlstrict ...... ruI.$; (') S«tiorI I 05 of tbr llaIrln.p«yCodt; and (4 ) ~ RuIt oll'rocedu .. 1016. n.... "",rca pr0-

vide ample moouragcmml and OUlhority lOr the ust of mtd;.,ion in bankrupt')' ~

C'70hl , -~"",

Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. - .... 8RAItAM LINCOLN

One may win the lawsuit, but lose one's money. • CItINESE P ROV(U

Fo-d<r.oI rourti.lndudin& ~kruplCy rou,U:' inhtmlllulhorily' ollow. IhOK coum 10 "manage Ihoi, OWn Iffain W 0$ 10 ~h~w tM ord(.ly and exptdiliou, dil.potilion of cas<$."' Court. may """,doe caso.-managcmml aulho,ity 10 ""'OUtage oenlcmml bo.u only if , is DO inlnftt· ....,. with safquards,' JettIm1tnu .~ no! <:Oc'f«d' ond undu< bur· &no Of ddJ)'J on nol ocasiontd upon lbt litis&nu.' Tho inhMmIluthority 01 aMlns 10 mana. tho diopooi'ion 01 useo has led II ioU! 0 ... _ b l O ' ' 0 "". F' ,hal "•. , pro~ion oIwtltmmu is ...,.. unmillobbly 1M nlabIi>htd poti. lion of 1M tCdtnl judiciory".' ~ nI>CI«l tht Judicial Imp""'""""'t. Acl of 1990 on Cla<Jbor 61990.' rltlo ! of tho: )udiciallnlprovnn<1lu Act is known .. 1M <:Nil )lISIice Rdorm

Act o{l990,' Senior! IOJ 01 tho Grit /mIice Rtfonrl Act rtqIliIQ t'tdtral distric!

<DU<U 10 d<-wIov and implmlml , civiJ j""ice apense and doloy r«luoion plan. In support of 1M CiYilI01llice RdOrm Act> Con~ dttmttintd thal "~ aug. [!It>! that an offrcliw lil""l;"" """"lI"""

and COM ond dNy r«luction propm IhouId iI_ P"'''' ~ imcndaIed

• cipIes. """ •. -'" ,._.,• . '" -'-'-jAu.. ... ut..........., .."" . NIiw dispw raoIution pr-<:>prnS in oppn:>pri.o'" ......- lolcdiollon is .... 0{ tho ohtmotiw dispuI<: ........ion opIionI con· ItmpI>ICd by 1M Civil lusIice I\6)rrq Act. .. $«tion lOS 01 thr II4ntrvpuy CoM nnpowns tho I!.ankruplty Court lO " issue any order, proca4. Of judgrnm' thai is n«<$$Iry or appropri.", 10 carry oul 1M p""'isio ...• of 1M Bonhupuy CoM." Argu.bly. OOU,IS Ind ~li"nlS could ~Iy

on BIIntrwpll)' CoM $«tion 105 10 pmvide tOt the .... of AI) R I U "!I«<>SOry or awropriale" pfOCfdu,al mUn. fo' carry· ing oul II\( provision. of Ih. BII"""'p~ CoM. Furtht, .uWOn fat tho: we of ADR is found in &uthuplCy O>do $«tion 1000d ) in WI a Slall1$con~ rmyb< htId and ordm may be issued a' ouch confcml« pttK' ibint limltllions ODd ronditionf os tht coun dmns approprialt to;"""" !hat a ax is handled apediliouo/y and economically. Tho IogiIlaIM hioIory to lI«lion lOS rriWu on authorl· ution gMn bankruplCy 0DW1 judgos to ·ma~ thN docku in a man:.-ffeCIiw D and apedi'jous man ........ Rankruptcy Rul. o fProcedure 7016, through ;11 ilKO'pO" 'ion of~ ...1 Rul~ of Ci~il Procedure 16. &ivn cudtnce 10 th ..... of all.,nOli"" dispu'. rflOJU'ion


protc'dUI'ft in ad_wry proceedinp. 8.lnktuPtcr Rult 01 Pm«du .... 7016 pr0vides a. any conr..m.o. condoo«l undtt Ruk70l6, '~(OU" rnayl2ke oppropria't xtion "'I'rdin& -ontkmm, and .~ .... of oprcial protc'dures 10 assisI in l'tSONinB dw d.i$pul( whrn .onhoriv:d by ou'u" or local rule." Many COlI, .. >p<cif>cally inqui ••• "~ Ruk 7016 con· kTcna the oI"nkrnrnt poosibiblin.nd whc,h ... lMdi'lion maybt of aui".na ,0 ,ht"" n.e Rule 7016 conf.rena is.n tt«lkn' tim. for Ii,;gan .. '0 osk Ih .. 'h<y bt IlIJow«l '0 .uemp1to raoM 'M di.pute by way of mc<lia,ion 01" 0'00 .I...... T~ dispute rcfOIu,ion procedu .... The ..... of "'I~ d;spu •• rnolu,ion pnoct:durn, including mediation. an abo bt modt applkoblc in con,nud .... n ... th.....g. IIInltn1ptcy Ruk of Pm«dure 9014. IIIn1uuptcy Ruk of Pm«du .... 9014 allows T~ COlI .. '0 <>fila IIInltn1ptcy RuJoo 01 Pm«du .... 7016 .pplicabk in COnIQ,«I .... " ..... IIInk. up'CY Rule of !'mudurc 9029 dimic, cou"" 'M .u,horiTy mal:.t and a mcnd locol ruin go'.. rning pracliu and proclldure In all .. $OS .nd proceedings wi,hin 'he dimicl coudo bankruptcy ju';l<Iiction. n.e 1ocaI.1Iks m\UI not be illCOruio,n" wilh ,he FcdcnI






Ruin of IIInbuplcy Proccdu .... promul_ ga,«I by 'M Sup ....... CourT punuonTto 2S US.c. S 2075. In _ aUjurisdictiotu, dw district COlI ... ddcplc dw local bonltnlptq ruIc·making au,hori,y 'M lunltnlptcy ~ l.oaI RuJoo ol Pm«du .... 9019 is .pplicable in 'M NortJi(m Dis,ric, ol AWwna and pro. vidn for ,~ ..... of altern ....... dispu.t rcfOIu'ion proclldurel.


Issues Available for Mediation Mlldia'ion is p....mbLy 'M """I ClIm· monly uoed form o f ADR in bankrup'CY c.o.cs~ and WIS atms ..... ly uoed in KYCrIlI notable c:ms by _y 01. "doinu reooIu,ion facili ty." A d ....... rcfOIutioon bcilirr

is • >pCCiflCaDy daipcd pror.ram that incooporl1l.'$ a .. nKlu,1Id n<"gOIia'ion procedu ..... indudi", mcdiiIlion and odin olADR, '0 raoL", large numbo:rs ol di'pu,1Id clai ..... Thc facili'y i,typically a",,~ by .he ClIut! on ei'~r motion of I po.lly or os pm of a confirmlld pl.n of rwrg. ni ..· lion. In ,h. cose of NUI.B v. G" Linn, " m«liotion vi. a claims UKllu';on facai. y was used IQ rcsoI", cLoim dUpu'n in advanc. of pLon'ioon. ""nicipo.'ion wos YOluntary and doimams could t"ithn mediate or rIcct .o liquidotc thrir doims pun ...m TO ,he proriliont 1M &nkTV(>lq c....k. If a claiman' dtcud the nvdia,ion lOUt•. dw doiman' _ • .-.quir-.d proYidc the &:bIor wi,b , "and.«IW:d confi .....tion of lou LOom. Thc deb,or wu thrn required req ..... additional informa_ tion, deny li.bili,y, .11ow ,he d . im in fuU. m ..... an off... 10 1(,,10 ,he (Loim, or reqUQ' m«li"ion. A <!cni.1 of li.biliTy by ,II<: dc-b,or resUItN in ,h. claim being rrlcrrtd 10 mc<lio'ion. The m«Iiation ,001< normol cou .... wM .... ,M m«Iiatot mot wi.h the po.rties TO Mlp facilitate a ~u.ion. If the claim ...... not rcooIv«I. dw doinwu had the option ol proceeding 10 bind"" arbi,ralion or filing I tnOIion lOr relief from II.ry 10 liquidate dw diopu~ cbim in • non .~p'cy 1Orum. The doims raoLwioon facilily I.'$ in 'M GrryIownd case ,..s,.il!· «I in 95 pn«m of mot. ,h.n 3.200 p..... petilion 'or, c.Lo.inu bting molv«l 'hrough ADR. Medi.lion """Ill,... used in ' of In .... P.II. &r:ncr I/o/ding CcmJ>llny." In






N O V 8 M.aa lO G.

thot <alt. I media.or w.. rt1.iIin«I on the

dcbtor'. tnOIion 10 facili ..,., p.ior to confi .....tion of a ~n ol rfOI"pnization. dw resoLution of hundrnls of pnsonal injury claimo.nd ~ thousand dispu.ed d&i..... The alotrnat ... dispu.. rQOlulion order ... tem! in ,he case requiml the dcb10r 10 submi, a post·confi ..... tion report .n.IlIynnl ,l\f claims mc<liotion pmaso. That report """""" that 1.215 daim. "" .... rl.'$Olved by .itC1"nat ..... disput. «-soLu,ion in .h~ 'pproxim.'. _mount of $1.2 biUion. A clainu moiU1ion facilily, similar TO the one .... in 'M ~nd cosoo, was obo used in In rc All. Robbi... Comp"",10

liquidotc doimI ~ the (".OJIfirmo.ion ola pLan or ............. ,ion. ThcpLon or m>r. pnlu.'ion..ublil.hcd • d..uns raoIution 6diIy ..... IXldrmm. fund IOcompm· sate po.rIios dauninJ injofts ruuItio& from the .... or the DoIloon ShicIcI inIraIItrinc ~. n.. facility I~o.idcd daimonts with ~ optiont 10 sed; cnmpcnI>.ion bthriJ injuries indudina"iruIant XI!lcrnml oIfcn" of. prdCt ond corui.tent :amount The doim.utu could rcj«l the 'i"".nl ""dn"rn!$" or Iny other n\/;dialed or ncgoti..«I ..,lIon...", offen ond prt>CC>Cd with liti · gs'ion "S"Onu dw dcbtot. While Ift"minslr unusual, and ouuidc of. cJ.i"" resoluTion facili,y, mc<liolion """ e>'<n b«n uoed 10 coonfi ..... a ~n of ~niza.ion. Noatly two ~.... aft.,. fdins' Ot.ap'<f I I <alt. It..H. ~bcy and Compo.ny, Inc. had not b«n abk to achieYo a (".OJIfirmcd pLo..n ol rwrpniza· lion. Ptuidin,ludgo flunon It.. LifUnd. conc:nncd wi,h ,he pootibili,y of aten· siYe lilip!ion, .ppo;n,1Id fo""". S«rmry of Stole Cyru. Vanee 10 m«liol~ negotiation. bctWffn·,and 01>1' of iu. l,rgoS! crc;li,o .... FNc... «I Dq>an",.nl S'o ..... Inc. Federated had become One of Macr'. cl"«lilo" by purelwins .ppf01im.ately 5500 mi1lion in leCurtd mor.,"", <lob •• Ftdorated l>oped 10 aequi .... ~~. by vir . ... of iu creditor lu'lIS wbilc Macy'. inl<ndcd KI........, from 0!ap!Cr I I IS an indcpmdcnl ...Ii'T. Wuhin appn:,..;mattly ~ mon,hs or the appoin' ....... ' of dw mediaKlt. J.bey'. agocd to me .... wi,h Ftdorat«l .nd a """",mull pLon of rwrpniulion WIS born. whc«-in cr«lilot$ r«rived totlll p.ymcn, of I""roximately $01.1 bill;"n which w.. S2 billio-n mo .. th.n the ini· 'ial ..lim .... of p,ymc"" ... iI.ble to he '0 credi'or..

TM rop1d inc.ns. in bonkrupu;y fil· iop- oppro:rinwtly U2.329 in 1994 to l.6S04,1017 in 2(I(M~ currmt ~ hard tim<s, COl .... 'Ii <Mf coot tnd i..<lfid.....;•• ollitiption. and thr mjlilmnmU thai cow .. must dniSt way> '" ~ ~ rnancn wilh leu judlciol rnourta """tin· .... to cpond the liSt of rntd.ia,ion in Nlikruprcy ~ T~.;..s,... a.aiUbk to.- mt<!i.otion Iu... grown to indiKk oI>jt<tiotu to d.inii; vaI ...tion of colUter· .1; contran dispules; di!<:harg<'. bilily com· pt.inlS ur.dcr 8tJllk"'prq Codt Stet"," 5lJ; prt!Crt"'" actions: tr-.udulmt lrans· fns; odrq ... ~ p~ion l"'ymtfllO; motions for mid from thr .UI...... I;.; >I.o:y; .nd YioIolions of thr tioc stay.


The Bankruptcy Administrator Mediation Division TM JI.Inhuplq' AdminislnlOf Orpni1.llion for the Northttn Di<lricI of Alabama tus .1InnptrtllO wi.1 in .dd.... in' the conctrn. of Umiud judicial

rt>GUf(a., incn!'#i"ll ~t"tion 000SU .nd thr ~ of dispu~ m<>Iilliono. TM U.. itt<! $WQ B.ankruptcy Anomey for 1ht Nor1htm Disuict. Soulhtm DiviAon of Alabama ~ offni"l ~mited inlOrmal rntd.iation KrVica in BinninPwn 01\ "" "" J...- booit i.. 1998. In Jisht of 1ht p<Iii. I;'" raullS .nd rtIf'OlISt '" 1ht inlOnna! p<O«'dUrt •• Mtdi.olion l)ivi!ion has twn rstabIishtd 0$ • I'ormaI praniu l«1ion within the lJ.. itt<! Stot.. Bonkruprcy Admini" ... lo. Org;!.niut"'n, Aaive sup· port of lilt Modi.tion [)ivl$ion CO"" from Ihe<hitf judjp of the lith Qrcuit Court of Appeals. fcdn--01 !)Unitt Coun for the Nonhtrn OioIricI of Alahama :mel Iht Ronkruptcy Court for thr Norlhtm District of AIab.oma. ond raullod in authority from the ludicW Conkrma of thr United Suitt for thr appoint ......... of. 0Urf Drputy &nbuptcy Administrator. II primary duty of the 0Urf Do-puty B.anbuplq Adminiotnuif is 10 wndoo mt<!iotlon -'<>no, 10 fdUCll~ p"nici. ",,"1$ .bout tilt provom •• nd to o'l"nizt. <kvriop. COQrdina~ ond implem<nl tht policits, prt>«dUrtl and practices of the

Modiotion Division. The ",idtlines. poIi.

<"" and that 1hr b#iJ of 1hr BanItn.ptcy Adminiitntor {BAI p~Urat


Mtdiaoo.. DivWon hive btm prom• . od in coalormanct wllh Local RuIt of Ilankruptcy I'rocrdUrt 9019. SItouIcI thr pIidcIincs, poIicia Of prooedun:s of 1ht BA Mtdi.olioo Division connicl with Local Rult 9019 Of ury OIhtr \o(;aI ruko. ,'" pmvisiotu of tht Local Rules con,rol. Modi.olion through the IIA Mrtliotion Div;,ion is very .in,H.. in both amihulel .nd pRXWu'e 10 .. odition.1 pri ... ~. haSt<! modi.lion and providto nuny or tM lime odvanta,... TM advantages art becomi", _II rtCOgIiiud .nod include • llYinp of <0$10; typiocally a rrtO« rapid resoIutioo tho .. 0 trial: nrrclive1\ns in .... intai .. ing bw.l ..... ~Iotiotuhips which ""' olim (rue;'l", • reO<pn~lion; help in minimizing hostility d .... to 1hr non· ~.iaI IUlu~ of mt<!iotioo; main~· IUI>CC' of lhe I"'nieo' rish1$ under lhe l!ani",p"," Cook.nd Rules; .nd .he >hil. ily to provide. gn:.1 &8,.... of lIn:ibility. Add;tionuIY.l"'rt~ may fttl m<I~ .up· ponive ond CGtnminod to 0 rnoIution

On the road


obtained throuJh rncliation bra .... thr rault ..... no! fofCt'd upon tllm>. but cnficd in pan by thrm. Tht nwdialiod procns th..,.,g. thr BA ~kdiation I>ivUiofI brzdy rooow. priVlt ....1wed mod;a.iod protocob. Tho BA Mediator Iqi'" thr modiation with on initial confnmor wh<ftin all panics a", preoent. ImrodUClionl oflll< parties.nd tlK modialor "'" madt and In uplono. tion il givt1l cone•• ning 11K me<iinion p1'O<OI. IflKner"i.1 o •• eqU ..led. ;n;li.1 o. opening r('n\arl<$ I", mack by til< p.r· lift. Th. BA Mcdi.lo. th .... alKU... sop· .... I.1y with .ach of tho< pallies and allowIllKm 10 ~ak frankly aboul their .-ds. CGrI«rl\$ .nd th< .Irtntlh< and _w..-. of th<ir posilion. Dionwioru durins sopa ..... au· ""'" ind~ on dfon 1O:ocu-kn", thr p _ of nun.>Wi", and .........Iin& thr iJJua and CGrI«rl\$ of thr panics. 11«0 ........ _io",.", no! bound by pn:>C1'<!uul and cvidnI.ia'l' ruk$, thr pania.", •• Iib<.. y.o discu .. and apia .. poripll< ...1 u..ueo o. COllCOnu lha. may be mor.lib-Iy '0 I•• d '0 an .g.... • blt or acc.p •• blt .. ttltmtn. thon if Ih.,... i...,., or coneo.n, .... '" Ion do.manl.nd u", .11.ial. Th. par· lia.1l' allow<d to e""n rC$OIu. io", pt • • oon.aIIy u.iloRd 10 thei, neNs. Such rClQIUlionI may eYeII help 10 p~ INIJI<>' i", malioMhips. If • con.inui", b ......... malioMhip is on imponan. fKlor. as it may wdl be in. WpI'" II roo""" ... · lion. modiatiod W>uId ho, 1.1ra<'tiw. Tht modi:otor. and Ih< ....di:llion procns iudf.111<mpt 10 ko.-p tho diK'm;'founded in what ..... f;,u"", may oIfer both in Itrm$ of pooiblt ,",tiomtnts and Tm1It$ Jltnlnlins from I trial. Discussions soIdy aboul whall ... nspirod in III< puI ... rordy produ<:t~ in rttOMng iI4ue<. An addition· aI important object ... of ..... mtdiator is 10 rodua tho role thaI passion .nd <motion ploy in tho dispu .. bttwem tho part ........ ..... BA Mtdiat« ..,.-.b ~dy with each pMtJ'. ho ""IS as I guidt '" an Ittcmpe 10 hdp thr parties disaMr an ora of common intorac '" acaptabIt


~ Tht mrdiotor mayeYell <&r

propot;ab '" pouNitil$ that Ih< parties " concq>IuoIiri Tht pa"ia an aptCI that thr tn<di.o . lor has read lho rokvant pkadings. motions. ordm Ind lho pooition Jla1C'mtnl$ pr<Widcd by the pa"in. and con· ducted his own I<pl..,.areh 10 that be is no!



al* to undontond .... iuurs and $<aId> for Jl'O'libIt rC$OIutions that art bmt6cial 10 all tho, po ...... A k1 .... from thr IIA mediator will ho,...,1 to thr part .... ~inS • pooition JI.I....... I. confirm· 'II(! .... timo. dol~.nd pba of .... mod;' · lion Ind I$klng thai thr patios <p«i6caI. Iy add .... in Ihrir pooi{ion 1Utm>tn1S particubt queotions po&<d by t~ nwdia· tor. Tht qualio", po&<d by .... SA medi · • tor in his kiln de.ive from ....arct. tho IIA modi,lO' has "nd ••tUen in .dvance of I~ mod;"tion .hat I\(' antioip.t<'$ will ~Ip focul and fram ..... i ...... for dO.· cussion II lho mediotion. ThoS< qucstiolll a .. abo designed to load the ponies to funhn coruidtr panicubt a$J!«U of thrir own cur Of a$J!«U of!hoi. "I'P'>'

......1'1 ....... AI disaulcd in .... May 2OG4 ;,..... of Tho~l.Jrwyrt.-


DivUioon Provom is oIfncd .1 no cost to

.... participanu.. To funher tnWUI'IF .... • nd confidom« in ,... IIA Medialion Division J>rosram ..... guidtlinrs. policita • nd proccdum of lho program ha", been I.ilorod 10 .dd,... i...... of cxpedi· (n<:y. ,,",lr~ily. COlli Ind 01$< of ..... SKlion 4.0 of ..... IIA Mcdi.alion DiYision Guiddi ..... Policies .nd Proc<duret (IIA Mediation Guiddines) indicatts thaI molt (;(NIh'O"'nits arisins in an advtrsary ~ COftI<Sk<i motltf '" otlxr disputt in I hankruplCy .... may ho, mediated by .... SA Mediation Di'tUion. M.n... no! tIisibk' lOr tn<di.o. tion invoIvt '" (IOII«rJInnpioy""'" and COIIIf'MI'tlon '-rs; ob;octions to dis· ....... undor II U.s.C727; mill... inYoIv. ins criminal iulOCl; (;(NItetnp\ or other typu of sanctions: adeq-'Y of disdow .. $lO.tnII<nts; confIl1tUliod of plans; mm... in which parlicip.olion by .... Uni~ States BonknoplC)' Adminisl ... lO. o.pni"lion will consIiM' .n lI:luai confficl of; Of man.<'$ which ..... prn;dingjudgo may duidt 10 ndudt from tn<di.otion by the SA Mediation Division. [n """rd.m« w;th SKliod 6.0 of the IIA ~kdi.otiod Guiddinos. mol........ ..r...1'td 10 the SA ~kdiation Division by way of ..... n nnIn. Tbat ordor can lit ;"'ucd upon .... own .... power; upon wriu .... Jlipubtion of I~ I"or, .... 10 I'" maUn; llpon 0'-'.1 motion of tilt part'" II .ny ~ .. ing or amf...nco; or upon molion of I ling\< party 10 III< m.n.'..... otl forth in l.o<:al Rule 9019 .nd Stcllon 8.0 of the BA



Med;"lion Guideli,,", I party ..... y obj«t ,d~,raJ of a cur. procm:ling o. mana lOr mediatiod by t'" SA ~1<diator by filing a wril"" .eq...... for roconoickrIlion lOr w><><I co ..... Jhown. wi.hin 1m doyo of tho dall' of tM court', orda ..r.... tinS thr malltr 10 mediation. StIIUl con~ or ....ri"" in acoor·

to ....

dance with Bankruptcy RnIo of Proc<du"" 70[6 a", an """'lItnl limo for 1M


10 roq\l<Sl modi.lion. Po'lies wOO k .. awnslhal modi'lion be considered l>«IUII' it may be ptrc<ivt<l" of .... okn ... in their pooil;"" ""'Y lit mo", wWinK to rn8lgt in nesoti:olion "'hm prompltd by t'" cou'I.Pnpo ... tioru for RnIo 7016 ~ JhouId includt di:ocuslions with clients that mediotion is an .nrac...... opIion lOr I r.opidand .... wstty rao/utio", and ....... is IIJiOOd ~ thai .... part .... may haw: 10 answtI' quoslions from thr ..... '1 about thr poosibIt ..... of mediation. If I ..... n is prone to inqu;", aboul ......... of mcdi.oliod ..... pa"'" JhouId not ho, concorntd thai • roqUOSI for modi.alion wiU be viewed as • weakne .. o. n.w i~ tb.i. cue . Sin~ medial ion o.lht f'C$Olution of a di.pu~ IhrouJh tho non.entreiw inltr· ",nlion of I Ihird parly. neun.lily is impo"'~I. A«ordi~Biy. Sooion 121) of thr BA Mtdialion GuidtliMs ""luirH thr SA Medi.otor to ...... I.i'" 10 thr i>CJ1 of his ability. knowin, only tM facts.t tho ti .... of ...r......llo mtdio.iod. wbothtr .... ..r...mI cur crnl.. or COftIIilula an actual connin of ;n~rflI lOr Unittd Statts Banhuplcy Adminislrator Orpnizrttion,.nd wt..t ..... 1M rncli.lor is impartial.nd f... of connicts in """ •• dano. wilh Standard 5 oftbe Aloha ..... Q,d. <f ElhiQ for Mtd;""".. Should I eO"o;el lit discow.ed. tho BA M.diato. r.port in w,ilins 10 Ih. COUrt 11u.1'" i. ineligible 10....., as medialor.• nd nothing mo",. 1M par. licsIIiliganl' may poococd with mtdiation wilh I non· SA mediator in ~ with Loal Rulo of i'ro«dUIl' 9019. If, II anT lime during tilt ~ of media· tion. thr SA M<di.ator b«on ... awall' of or • party ....... an issuo c:onotming .... mtdio ..... •• n<UlraJity. w..d on oil ..... an inl<rell in I'" ...., procm:ling o. ""'" .... or I mationsltip or Iffw..ion with O<>t 01 .... part ..... or any olbn .....11... Ih< medi.alion JhIU cease.nd t.,minol •.• nd 1M BA Modi.lo. report in writing 10 Iht ,tf.rring COurt hil withdrawal, . nd




lypicaIly hold> medillion confffmces in Birmingham. T" .... loo... Dec:aIU,.nd Anniston. Much likt priv...,·bOlrd modi>!ion . • nd in KCOTdan"" with S«lion [8.0 of lh< IIA Medialion Guidtlints, 1M BA McdillOf will req....t tNl the putiel lubmil pooilion JUtmlmtJ 10 d •• media· lOr. n.. pooilion JUlemmtJ will indude copin of rekvan. pkadinp. 0<dtrJ one! motion>; I £hort mtmorandum JUling tM lqal 0' fKtual pooilion of ... h pony relpfCling lh. iuuc in disputt;.nd lum ~, m.ltriab .. the pa"y btlitws will bt btndkiaI to tbt medialor. n.. pooilion JUlcmcnts may also include I JUI ... mml addlUling whether lheR aK kpl or fOClu.U iuUC$ whoot •• rly mo/ulion mi&hl apprKilbly reduct the IC~ of Ih. di.pult or contribut. ligniflCanlly 10 ...; I Ol.I ..... nlto<1lin~ fonh lhe hiliOf)' of pa$lto<1llomcnt discLlUion$. including disdow .. of prior and pramlly .....IOlanding offen; In ... ima.., of lhe <lOll one! .imo to bt upa>dt<llix f'unht, discovtry. ptrt.iaI """ions. ul"'.t wilnnseo and Ih. uill; Ind identi· focltion of presently ochfllultd dat., for funhtr 'UI\U <onfnen<: ... prrt,iaI <on· trial Or OIhtr heuinp. SKtion 19.0 of the BA Io.1rtl~lion Guide~na ""teo lhat lht lltomqr primarily reoponsible for cadi portin Ql$t. pro. «<dins 01 m.t..". mU$1 .tttnd the mcdi· Ilion (onfer<"Jlct .nd m""t bt p.. pl red and authoriud 10 discu" .1I .. levanl iuua. including .. nlt ...... nl. The porties, i..dudinS"'" .. partin. mU$l also bt ptQml. <:rapt: when I party is othtr lhan In incIMd ...101 when . ~"y"' int ..... , is being rq>resenltd by In iruur· 'n«' comp.ny. an '''Ihoriltd represent.Ii .... of luch P' ''Y or inluron«' company wilh full'Ulhorily 10 ..1I1e mlUl atknd. M.w.llon -'ent ar~ prink. Pnsons other than tht pan;.. one! their ropraomt.alioQ may Iltmd only wilh permiaion of all ~niel Ind lhe CO .......1 0( the IIA McdilIO •. Atttnt!.nc:c by the parties. IUlhoriltd and ClIp,abl. of mlering a ..lIlen .. nl "&m'mml, is of p.... ing impon'!K<_ The pro< ... of medialion (!wi", aIIownI to hnr In opponenl·. pooIlion and con·


nothing 1'l\OJl'. [n IIUoCh n'ml.lht ~rties ~ prout<! will> mtdillion with a non· BJr. Io.kdialOr in accordan« wilh Loc.aI Rult of Procedure 9019. S«lion [J.O of lhe SA M«Iialion Guidtli..., di/'C'C,.,h.1 if. BA mrtl i.hlf shou[d wilhdraw from lhe mNi.,ion for Iny .... 500. he will n<>t discu" wilh .ny ~I 01 .ubotilUI( mtdillOl' the ...... lhal w;u lhe .uhjKI of 1M mtdialinn.lho tMfiI; lOt IUs wil~ 01 any o\htr man .. disctwed ., 1M mtdillion. S«lionl [6_0.nd 17.0 of lht BA M«II"ion Guidtlin .. indiralt ,h.,


abotnl a cGUn (On[.&ininl" dalt <aUin. [, is anticipalfllwl lht modialion w~1 occur wilhln 15 dayJ of lht dat. of 1M m...inllM maU'" 10 mtrli_ Ition. Tho BA Mrtli .. or will roon:li ... ..,. mutu.lly acupu.ble d.te for th. modiation with the ~rtiellnd notify the ~r­ tiel in wriling of lhe dale. ti ...... and pbtt of the mediation. Tho BA Mfllialor dmrmlnalhe pbtt lOr the mtdi..ion <,",~n«. ulcinl into accountlhe Ioca_ lion of the majority of lhe liligant>, any phyo.icallimil'lioru of 1M partiel or .ny oth" rel"".n. (...:to". Tho BA Mrtliato.


en'" and being free to ~ 0 ...•• .,...., ",*,ion and ""'.... ,.. in a non_1odYcnariaI "l1ing) is key- to InChinl> ,.,..,Iulion Ihat;1 ml nlpble. ac""Ptablo.nd pro· dueli .... (0. all p"";". foilu .. ofa p.rty


to .uend li",its th~ p"",..s and o«ord·

ingly li"';t' the chonces of crafting a rtl· olu'ion. AdditionaUy, the f.ilure to allend by 0". party rru.y b<" ¥i<W<'d by th. o ther p.rty OS • lack of sincerity o. wiUingn ... to r>tg<><ia" in good faith, thereby a u" ing the p.rty in . ".ndancc to beco"'. &uspidou, and mlrench«l in thci. position. mod;"tion condudes, in .ccor· d.nct wilh «<tion< 22.0 throusJI 24.0 of the BA M«Ii.lion Guidclincs, whcn. otI· tlement i•• oached: the mediator con · dud .. and inform! the part;.. th .. fur· ther trl<'di .. ion .-Iforts would not b<" usc· ful: o. ono o f tho p."ies info"". the BA Me<liator Ih .. .. ttlc",cnl;' nOt pos.&iblo, Iu soon 0 p.-.cticoblc after the ",«Ii.,ion conf<tonce, the BA M«I;010. files wilh



the ",f.rring court ond ..,,'.. on the parties • rcpo" indicating whetho. Or 00' • .. ttlc",.nl was ruchcd, and if. otitic· mem was ",. ch«l, the na",e o f th. pany d.. ign .. «1 10 draft the $<ttlomont do<u · ",COt>. It ""ould b<" 'nntn,b<"te<I that thc panies ",ight b<" ""Iuite<l to oorain court opprowl of Ii>< $CItlemcn' in accorda"," with B.nkruptcy Rul., of Prou-dure 9019, 2002 and 4001.

Conclusion Significon' goab of tho &Jnh"p'<r Cede .n: Ihe e>:pc<lilious resoIulion of Ii>< fin. nci. 1.ff.i" o f the debtor .nd • maxi",u'" ,elurn 10 cte<lilorS. Th .. goal ;, frustrat«l by unne.:essary delay, burdm$Om. "p<'n$<, useless litig"ion or duplicalion of .lforU.l!ankrup'CY lends credena 10 the thaI "tiJm .. moncy." M«Iiolion through Ii>< 8" M«Ii"ion Div;,ion offerS ' rapid and C<>lll. frff o pl ion for fe$( dispUles, prt:SCfl'ing bu,in,," rt",lion$hip" il\ thc participants' sali,foclion with the bankruptcy ' ysl.m and .u.ining ,h. goal.$ of ,he &mk ...p"Y Coth. If addi· tional infOrmalion or a copy of lhe II" Modi.,ion Guidelines i, nced«l o r if. ",cdi.,;"n needs 10 he $<:hcdul«l, contact J. Thomas Corbe-tl. chief depuly bankruplCY • dmin;"rator, al 1800 Fifth "~nue, North, Suit. 132, Birminghom 35235, or by phon. at (205} 714-3838. •

ENDNOTES 28U.S.U 1~1 Pf'I'I'dos"'" in'_ judicioIliI· Iritt,,,.. ~ jqos in ~ ...... _ _""'""""', .... of Iloo _ ..... til flo

_"","~""'''''1N!~' 2.

s.LO't~_""""'£l>. , 3~U,S,e

"'" s.'","., _ _ _


1 s.;,: .. m 4

of ru _



"r' ... ,1:F>j:pfo

S. _ _ ofGo •• ,,, •• fnP>reoIFl<I21t


~ '

!Jwl. \.I:l F s.w.19II.11lt (S.D, '""FFf_~


m {5cIo tir, I _

In PO h\A Int., S F.l:I 1So1, 15/1 Jlillp Cit. 19S3l

7 Mai<~ fIto~'.""o/""..l4w_a ~ in/Ail e..... fi9 ~ 257. 26t 11&~

_.~•••••• _••• ~.. ""'of lim, I'Ib.L ~ 101. 650, lOt Stot !1m Ilm~ .. 21 u.s.c. i

413(199119. Cio\I....,..I\o! .... "'" 0/ lim, I'Ib L No. HIl -liSll lOt Stot 5Im 1199llI1<oddiod .. 21 USC, i 47:l

I1 991L I~. 21

u.s.c. H 4~" '~IBKBlII !lS1~

II. 11 U.S.C.I ICfUI. 12, HJt, S116, c...g,

z,j SOlo" I ~c...g !\eg.


10754{I'/9Cl, 13, s..-"'YJor~&_Ta,b;

_ Co:nIii<u

ACG ....... _Goodoto_

Wi_u.;;._ IXII I!I&4],

. --

II, In ," bgIo lkoo ~ ..... I ~ 8.8.!;Il4 _ s.D. Io ~ 1!II1L oIr~ No 1DIl_ ' Gr....- .....

Inc, lin PO bgIo eo.. MIg.. Inc,L 1511 U <121 (S..O. ~ ,





91-0S501 10

[D. W~,I

1& In nt A. J!. Robins Co.8B SA 7421LO ...... I_ ll. In re R. J!. Moor l Co .. n;, No. iJI-8-4OtT7{S,D, 18.

s.. U.s. """-" fiWVl 191»1997

_ _ ~Soo ...... " ••• _m· .. 1lffico 0/".. U. S. Co<rto IofWS Ill£.lSf. Mot 21, 2OOt.

19. J, _ Coo\:ootl1llo_ ~ ~ 65. No..l at liM

._-_ .... __........ . ..--. .. _---_ -"'....... ...... __ ...............___.e.Ft,,_;,_. . ~_"""iI

.. _


_110 •• 1111_

~_ _ rao- ... . , . _




-'- ~


_ _ ..... __ ' _ _ _ 11 ... _ _ _ _ Goo;o$,_~




LEXISNEXIS CARES DISASTER RELIEF hroUgllOUl ,I>t 1"11 .. >'tn] rnonlhs, as unwtlcomt viti,,,,, li~ hurricane> Charley, franca, l"'ln o"d '.. n". plumm<1«l th~ Gulf Ciwl, LnisNuil hOI b«n working <>n


a ""lnproMnl;"" disallC'l' mid p"'n to aid ,,,- 'UJlomnJ. _ialion .. La· .ioruhil" .nd ..... pIoyus affected by W 1101..... In conjunction wi,h thrir

bo, J'lftn<n.. lnilNa:iJ ..... COnlpiled on nlmiM lUI 01 offcrinp to help CUotOlD(Y$ ttl Nck on their k<1 as quickly .. poosibk. In addi· lion. the company Iw PUt,..rn..a list <II woy> th.t Ini$Nais <mplojotn an help through don.tiom and "","",etT;.""

t...~.1a VoIulI_JReIIef Opportunities

BlTnd. CaJtcllo, ..,,'or dir«lor

. In an .ffor"o 11.... ond highligh.,1w: LN

",,,liu .. of caring" wi,h OUT "1$'0""''', u.i ~mp\oy«$ ha"" b«n aslotd In .... ;,01 with du-

of ...oci.l1ion m>.\:tll and rom_ munity rd.lionl for ln4Noxis,

0$'" "lid" tffoUI by cl\oooing from severol


""p";n$, ·Lai.N~xis ftJfCIl cirrum.,anca h .... prevailed 10 gi ... lis< to , ... n....d to. d~.,. ...txf our I'riomds and col. in Alobroma. W• • rt bon<:>mIlO bdp and wiD be hen .... tlw: """ ,...", \0 support tilt kgal comm,,· nily in .. mony -)'$ a$ _ can."

voIuntttr oppor,un i. ief.. -Emplo)fts In: urgm .o comidef using 1"" of 1M' IWO LN Cam day1 \0 >'OIun, .... with IoaI mid .~irs.; blood, -CM financi.aI "'I'P""11O tho Arncrian



......._ _ _ _. . . . . . . . . .~ _ IUd Cross;

~~ ;, pita....:! 10 provide Ih;, comPl"" ht!UM pKb~. 'pKifoeally ~ for "" Al>.hamo SUI. Ilar Ind il. nlemben. wisNexi. _nU 10 do iu ",U 10 en>u~ lha. our (\I$' ome" and 'nlployees reai ..... "" resou"' in order 10 1«ovtr u quickly .. po"ibl. from Iht$<' unforlunue .vtnU oflhe rean' hunican .. and torn.does. Th.refo~. i. is our ple .. u~ 10 offer ALoham. 51110 8.. mm"l1>e .. ,he wUNexu D~er Rtlit(Pbn for Al>.hiIma.



BlW Membotr Volun_ Efforts for


Complimmwy 3O-day ID lor Abbomo Stal. Ila. \001""1..... pfOYidi", pro bono l<pI aid 10 "" comm""ily. M... us a~ buik around an.icip.ated Uy IepI WtICS and ro ...• opondi", 1.ftis.>Jais cool ... ,. A «crtain numbn of compul... OVIil.ble .hrough lilt WisNexis Com PC Donalion Program for uK by 1M voIun. t .... foIU providinS pro bono FJigible l..,x;'Nox;' (AI, ""ma) cmplO)-tt$ can .taff the Ala""",. hotli ..... providina Jesal consul!>lion 10 d....t ....lief vk!ims.

_ U« Cam will mu.h cmploya: do ....,ioM 10lhe IUd DiUSI.r RtlitfFund Ihru Novemoo 3(llh; and


-se.... ral wii.Nexi> oo,iolU'~ f"'uring' ,""xisNtxi. Corn di.sal1cr relief P"'S'.m in lMir ci. y (,""xi,Nexi •• M.l ley's. Manh ... lknd.r.<1C.). Customer Service Prinl Mlleriab (~pl.dnglo>t or dam.~ mot... ia1<) FIft rc-plocm>ml of AIohiImo prinl prod",u. including M.uhew lIend«. IUko books. <1 •• lor . wlOmen wilh currml <Uhtcriplions. Affec,td .W1omeU ohould «m ..... WisNais lOIl·frtt al (800) &}).9&44.


Fifty pncml off AIohiIma prin' producu indudi ... Mat!bew 1Imder.....'u'... 1Uko books. ("Ie. tor cu,rml cwlOmen wi,h e:rpiml subscriptioM o. for "" purdwoe of ~ lides ' 0 support Ihd, bwincso. Affecltd CUSlOf1\C"n lhould cool.., I.exisNeJis ,oU·fre.. al (800) lZJ· I 9<40.

A «.toin number of complemen lary selS of 2004 Manir><Ule· Hubbell will be don.ttd. on a r. ..,·com •. fiJ"Sl·.........J b.,i. (curunt , ublt"riber$ only).n.. Alaham. S,. le B.. will ....... ... Ihe clearinghouse and distribulor for Ihis componrnL •


Legislative Wrap-Up

8y R<>iwr. L McCu,'q. Jr.



II.. annual mccIi",oft"," Alob. .... law IMiMe in July


d....,,,, 'M Al.o~ SlOt. II..

eo........lion. a ~ addrnstd Iht t..r on tho top;cof'Accownab~ily in Coonnmmt." 1M pond consisted of SptOI""," of Ih. Ho"",, of R'l'resmta ti ..... Sdh IbmmtlL. SMator Wcn<kll Mitchell. S'"le Finonce O;rNtor Jim .nd l>r. Jim Willia ms, cuculivc


Pu5 Throulh Appropriations Prohibittd: School Adminiu .. tion Ac<:ountabmly


Local Schooilloard Fiscal M.n. gcmc:nt A<:t; COmp<l ili .... GED Rrpom fikd with tho Sccr~ury of St>tc; Sup<rintnldnH of Education COmpnnation:

isoua": "Puo Throush Pori;" I'robibiud;

T.. nsportation CornmissKlnor blabliohcd;


Local Schoolllo,anb Tr.ined in

Fin.nce; and School Administration Accountobility.


Wi,h lho of Ammdmm. 1._ immedi ..riy .....,td !>eo';"IIlhal poopIc would not _lOr;.,pw tu ...fOrm ~

thn'r wa. aoaMIntobilily in ~.

SpnUr ScI" tummclI rq><>rttd that dw pall 2004 I!.tguw Sasion of II.. ~I .. rt. ,he hoouot,on iu<MII ini· IiItiw. ~ :IW).. nw.~ity bill$. Sotm wtI't includtd w;lh .1It G<wttno,', Tu Pocka,.. whilt 0Ihtr$ wrrt not. Thosr Orr. Teach" Tmutt Act: Public Sc hool Eml'loyen Fair Oi.miml Acl; lO. '

ro. Em~ and

Proka.ion;d ~ ContI'actJ Subjoct 10 Rnitw;

School Finan.cW M. ... ~'; Tenutt Rna,m;



dirw'or Publk'$ R~h Council., Samford University. In 200}, Govunor Rlley, in M>rndmnll I. whio;h _ pmtnl<:d .o the people, indudtd aa;ounubili.y it.Iu<I; wilh his w; pabgr. Thtrt _ ........ bills whida addmotd tht toIowin« "xcounbbility

Hcahb h..u .. ~ Co.! Sharing by Stat.

41 8

Health In ..... _ Contribution Tnchn>;


PAC 10 PAC T.....

rn. ProhibIted:


Mtmbtn 01 t.qiILo.u ... Prohil,;t«! from Senin, on CoIIoto Boards; and

Roti...d T.ochfr1 Moy Toad> P, n" lime" S.ruuo. Wendtll MitChell , • senior mom"'r of the le,iolatu ... d uc to h.ving been Il .... ~I«tcd in 1914, l'«O&"iU<i the .owmmcnd •• ionl of ARISE, which .... , A stronscr optn mtttin~ low: A It ronscr cam""'&" linanu r.".,..,ing .~

A urongn Iobbyinl apmditu ... rq>OI1 i"l low;

A CUrrmt onli .... li>t;"I of

.......naru. with an ap .....'ion for each; An onn .... online Iisliql; of all """mrmily .words, with . d<>eriplion


S<Tviu of ,ad>:

An annu.oJ onl'". I;I1;n8 of ,he l:ucs th.t Alabama (Ol'po,.,;onl pay on their proll":

An annual online listing of tax aprndi.

twrt>-lhe amount of rrvenur lost wrough tu crediu .nd =ptions; .nd A t,,,n'p"ren( budget that allows the publi< to "follow the monty" from t:ln,ion through .ppro· pri>tion to distribution. St.t~ Finance Dil'ffior Jim Main said Iht Governor ...... considering bringing bad his p~ bilu, inrluding thooe th .. .... re in the T"" Packagr and . 100 W. 0_ th.t he proposed in 2004 that the 1tgisIa. ture h.. 1lOI odopto:d.ln the !'In Regular S«$ion, ,he (;o..-..mor', A.:;wuntabilily PKbgt inrludtd 20 diffatnt bilk Dr. Jim Wiliiams. e:w:uti'" director of PARCA. Samford Univeuity'. Public Aff.irs RNcHCh Council. romm<nt<d th.t a«Qunt.bility W;I. 'poken about by Praide"t MIld;oo". father of We U. S. Con't itution. ,,'hen he .,id th. t We hig problem i.. · You m",1 f"'1 ~m<nl to ronlrolth. go",mment and in the neil pl.ce. <>blige i'solfto <On· trol iu,lf: AccounTability is all about the word in the middle-"roullt"- what get. m<uur<d. geu done. Dr. Williams outlined SCvtrai b.. i<

",(",m •. I. State Rudget Sued on Plan. and

Me •• u.. d Performa"ce W. ha", one of the be" ,tate budget "'fonns in the nation. In 1976, thel<gi,. Iotur~ ~ the Budgtt M.n.gement Act. but it has ne .... r ~n fully imp~· menled by the Dopanment of Fino"" and Execut i.... 8..dgrt Offlu. Attention has focused too much on <UIJlarxing.nd what the mO!leYcoma from. rather titan the purpOl< fo, which it i. opent and the "",ults we ochie", in , pending i,. AI.bam •• by far, has the mo.t urmaTl",1 ,,,.. budge! in America. Mo>' of the .nention .t .t.te budget time got'$ to the St.1< ~ner;d Fund. which i. s<vt1I percent of the tot.l fund. and to the Spt<i.1 Eduation Tr"'t Fund. which i. • noth.,. 24 pe",ent of the total budget. In 0'00 words. ,Ilt legi.tAtor. <an only .ffed 31 l"'reent ofthe tot.1 don." spent by .,at•• genci ... We ohould be managing to It<hiew .esult •.

Of ou. t"", 43 perc<n' o f the tot.1 budgrt i. for <dua,ion. Ang,ha 36 l"'reem i. spent f"r he.lth care and soci.1 .. rvices. This Ie ...... us with only 21 per· cent of the 'otal budget to run the ra' of We govcmmen', induding We Court sy>tem. the legi.lature. We =ruti"" branch. public .. rety, pri",,"., highW;ly>. hun· drcds of ogencies, economic: developm,nt. and other ogrnri ... House Joint Resolution 89. pused this year, rtqua 1<d - the< Director to get l"'rfo,m.nce· b.sed dat. from.lI agencia fo. the 2005 budset_" 2. Bener Management of Stat. Debt in Capitalln,..",ment. We should ><1 .tandard. for borrowing. poybuk and refin.nce of St.t. bond issues. In the e.. ly 19800. the .t.1< borrowed in excess of 400 miUion dollo" to upgnde "hoob, coll<ges. porks. rmd .. d",ks, ere. The debt wa. init;.lly ><1 to be fully poid off in 2002, h""' ..... r,on the day originilly "heduled .. the p.y. off day, there was .. ilI S200 million of principal.nd S38 million of internt "ill out'tanding du< to ufinoncing_ Th. "a1< can't afford new facUit .... when .... ·r~ .tiU paying off the worn-out 0 .... built by the Lut bond ;,sue. l. Allowing Lo<al D«i$ion. t<> be in County COurtlto ...... and City


" Ely t he tim. you read this ..ticl•• the ..... legi$Ltture vrry well rould h.vr been call<d into Speci.1 Scs.sion to .dd,... ,h;, timely .ubj«:t. A1; Speaktt H.mmel1 .I.n<d the discu .. ion. We first task m",t be to define, · Wh.t i. account.bility!" I'or more information , bout the I"'titute or any of it. projects. conlon Bob McCu,ley. director. at the Alabama Law Institute. P,O, Ikur 861425, TuscalOO$.l J~86·oo13: fox (205) 348841 I; phone (205) 348·7411: Or v;,i, our Web <.ite, """"'.~ILsI~tt.~h~ •

-............ ... _,__ ,-"'_ .. - ..

-~~."" -.L _ ...... _ ".. _ ...

Haue you uisited the ASH's Web


Hall. Citi",n. will n...... recapture the ronfidenee in government if . 1l decision •• re made in Montgomery, Local offlc;.I. cannot be held ,ccoUnT.b~ when.U dccision . making is ;n Montgomery. Over the 80.000 locol Aas have been adopt<d by thelegi.I.,u",. •. E'hic.o The judicial branch has its own ethics .tructure in proc.ess. n.. oxecuti .... and legi.l.ti .... b ranches .hould 0100 h..... an official rode of conduct. 5. Stote Purchasing System and Peroonnel System Reg.1rrling how l"'roon",,1 servica at • handl<d and equipm.nt is pu",hased. "aff ... hi .. d .ither 'hrough the I"'roon nel system where the system m.naga them, or on rontrocts, with oomeone ou1<.ide the sptem buying wh., the



Opinions of the General Counsel

((Cheers, Old Bloke" Imparting Ethics and Professionalism on English Soil

,.. G


Bri,"in It.nds as .ht .N;.....

tor of Our ChtrishW $}'$lcm of jurisprudtll«o W• .sq>1.0!«i from 1M moth,dand, uavdcd KroSS the

Atlantic and th" country of Ameri<an nI_ and idtal. In """';01 our Itpl JY$Itm, ... Ioo::>U<I to tilt En&lisb syIottm, tIw common Low, and tilt coun SlNCtute and 1"" "'S. W. kepi

-..--4 20

NOVrMUJ 1004

what ... Wlmtd, di<eard«l or dilrtg>,d. M lh. '"t, and addtd 1<> it.lon\! lh. W;Oy ,n .rr;....1 whIt ... today belie ... ;, th.

grntdlltpl syt.ltm on ..,th. Mostl.owym an hi$l.,m,u by .... IUtt. d . . in LarJr pMl 10 our spltm', ",Ii.ona upon pm:N<nt. W• ..., tau"l1 in bw ochooI to rnc:arch 1M Itg.aI ;..... to. point of origin, to """",,, a land lillo to


the or iginol p.tent from Ih. (~er.1 gov. ern lT'ltnt. and lol.. ~ no ALR unturn~ in our qu ••• for thot on. tile, th .. on • • up""ni~ and disp<>!.;I ;~ authority. wh"h ,. ill i",~U<' our ch.ncn of .ktory. With Ihis hi"ory and Nd.gound per. m"'in! th.c profession, 1 folt mol' privi. I<jI«I whn> Prof....... Charln "110" Color of Cumbetland Law School ;"",ted me \(I be • """"bet of the (KUlly ., Cumbctl.ond'. iUmrntt .Iud... I"'08ll1m >I Do. han! Uniwrsily in EnJLancL Dotham Uniwrsily was founded in ISll, and is located in Dutl.. m, which is in the nonhnil.." u.p..nd counly of Notthumb.ia. ",. cily is. ~ Inin tid< from NtwCUIJt Up<>II TfIW. Ourham is I ..... Uuniwrsity town, with rnI»t of ito <OIIlIJl<'ftt dir«t/y conn«Vd with lilt university and it. lIudomu.. IUrrutJoCn. ~ Colt Iw o.ganiu<I and odminlsttml • summtI Sludies prognm in England lOr low Slu · dm ... This ~ w;u his 1(nth ~ 10 be ., Durham fOr thi$ ptOSRI1I. and lit w;u duly r=>gniN<! with. pbqut p!a<ltlllion by Durham', .... yor for I'rofcsoor Colt. com· mi'n>mt . nd dtdi<:o.tlon to ,Itt program. This yur. Ihu.udcnu we .. "..,.tly Cumbctbnd La,. School.,udc:nts, and "",rc join«! by . tud.nll from Ih. ll n i~ ... ily ofSou .h Ten. Law School,


Ihellni~"ily of California .1 Chapman, and .,ud<m. and judges from Brazil, IlOmeof whom were warking on ,he . d".nud <kg .... of m••,<'11' of comp .... • Ii.... I. w. 'The Iluden .. w«< olf..~ tJtrt.< """,ible cou ...... in lhc prog ... m, includ· inl my (OUrS< in pr'(l("",ionol ...""nsi· bilily. In ~I yn ..... prof"""n.l ...""n· .ibilil, has been 1Iua!t, by GoY. Albert 8 ......., who IrocioU$ly $Upp<>rt~ and ,...;'1«1 me in my dforll to ~ ... (xully ft'I<'nIbcr for tilt P""V"tn. My wife, Leah, and] Allanta (of coum) and ~Yod: to ..... throw Airport in London. AfttT some down ti .... to rtCO'<ft from jtI '"" we tpml th .... day. in London doing the thi", American tourim do in Londont«i", tM ~u.. And, as thint' co. you QftJ>OI p<>IJ1b/y ..... Dd do.-...ything you want to do whil< .isili", a fomp> Land. but we ,I'icd ""Y"'"Y. 1"1. tool< in the booK ·ha...·'o-....• Pgh'-llit fIorn. 8uckingham PaIac: •• 10 Downin, Stfttt, Trafalgar SqIW'C, the 110..... G""rdo, ,he London E)'C, W"'min""" lh. N~,ion.] Gallcry-tir«l )'011 And, for my _ioI.d.anccmcnt of the )'C'" ""' .... I.n Mu.....bks at 'M Queen', The ..... And, of cour .., lb, ro<!',. And if Ih. prius ,n .... don', ge' your .ttcn'ion, ,h~n ' ry Ihc Princeos ]);' n. m~mori.ol ~re .. td in the ' tOr< by



i., own. Mohammed AI F.rc<!. whi<:h m~mo.i.1 ""main. ,he

enpgtmnl' ring

Jiwn .o J>rincno Dian. by Moh.mmed·,

$On. Dodi


following our ltq in london ....... thrn took Iht Britn~ to Du.... m, and Ihrn a taxi to

OUt accomrnod.o.iono .,

Collingwood CoIkF ..-.oI,M IS col· • wi.hin Iht DUTh.m Univnsiry ,ys. .em. We .rrivtd on Sa,urday. whkh gaV( '" a c"'n~ to p"p.I" ampus lik


Ind (, whi<:h bq.I.n on Monday. The .\t"I.i"l.1 Du.ham alloMd us _ I days of brtakWt .nd lunch wi.h Iht OIuo.knts in lhe ~ uf.,.rn.,.. I'!y, [ d •.w ,M Ii,.. cia .. of the d~y. which !enua][y concluded .round 10:30 a.m .. I hod .bout 25 Jlud.n" in my < bu. On~ from CumNtlan.t and ,"'1 0 .... was a JOUIIS t.dy from Sao P.uIo., Bruil. I m .... admil""""" probIe"", bUI "'" English was much !)d. I .. ,bm my f'l)nuP"K. Th~ program was mvnizc<i around 14 <I ... p<.iod •. We h.d IW(I of fou.· cI.., d.ys, 0 .... week of n,¢·d>M days, and • Monday dus 'M week of final uams. This aIIowtd 'W(I thou·day Wffk· tnd$ lOr .nvtl .nd purwiu. Orpnizcd field trips included. ,rip 10 'M Sconil.h couru., .nd ....:unions to Hld.i."·, Wall. Holy Island Ind th¢ ci'y of Alnwkk. I)u,in! h .. re.u.n .0 Durham. Profnoo. Col. I>a$ madt the ..quainUna of IWO.....,. a>IotfuilocoJ po:nonal.




ilia_loIIn Ab..,..nd!lob Gabpit'. lohn is I tru< Engli'h hi"o,i.n •• nd whtn giwn the micropho ..... i, nOl prone '0 quickly rdinquil.h it. H. ed"""...! us on ....... ""'f link known bi$!orical and facts oboul 'M pIaca and P*OPIt o( England. Bob, whilr aIoo bring wdl vtntd in Endil.h "i$lory and folklor<, mad. • defini •• imp"";"n with hi,.bili.y to "ad 1>«r Think aboUI .h.. 0".,. !lob was • profcssjonal guido:. bu. d~ '0 heallh W""' is 50""" what mired,and lioft in. n..t in the JJucIow1; of Dud..m Cathedral The Cathedral is O¥n 'JOO ~a ... old. and .Ions wilh Ihe Ca .. k. conl,j,u.... Wo.1d Htri,.gt Site. It .... b«n ""lied a masltrpit« of .n:h;t~IU", ~nd 110",· a lhe mminl of SainI Cu.hbtrt &nd



Vrner.abk Bode. The daosn _'" no! only a Ii.... lOr acadtmic nuidunrnt, but aloo anted &n opponuniry 10 !)dltr undtrstand Iht n<'W gene.. llon of who otdr. the law OIl prof...ion . I w.. encouraged by Ih. qualily of'M who ..... nl 10 bt I.twyon. and who want to ........ thri. dim.. and imPf'l""l' ou.ltpl $)'Stem. The Iocuion of OUr d.u5<s.lodpng. car(lrria and campus ......... ndings "'.... 11$"'" opportunities to get 10 know Ihe .. uden .. and f..uhy, and liV( Ih. ap<. ir"<e of bring In a fo,",,;go (ountry. bound by Iht law as. calling. And .hen lhere was 1M Il>04l impuuiw oIlhink tank labJ.-1ht comPUltr bl>-


""'-.._w"",,, Sludc-n ..,.lnrd 0 con>lant vigil (or montl< or ........ boUI A..... iun roIi.ics. _olh¢. and. '""'I important or •.11. f&nlasy leag~ bucball. In addilion to fidd trips and~izcd

....:uniom, t ....ts........., had IO~. ~. r ..if. Frana. Dublin, l.d.nd. Fen William. Scotland. Oxford. Camb.idg., 51 raIford· upon· Avon, Glasgow. YOlk, Edinburpt. SI. Andr..... . [nw."...., and Tronn.IO na"", a f...... \'k :also had tM good fonu .... of brins -"""'Ihe pond" duo", Iht British Op¢n Golf 10""",,,,.,,., Mid II RO)'3l T~.

The 0 .... dnwbxk of Ih~ ~nli,"" trip was Ih. achIng<: ra". which during Our i lly . Imost ... ,h...! lW(1 to 0"., ( 10 poun<ls). So. wh¢n)'OU IIW a listed ptiu in pounds. j .... doubk ,"'1 amounl to co ....... tlht coot to U.S. dollars..

Common aamples W(luld he • HIm M~al at McDonald', for &!mosl $ [0, ....... p.lp<rs for U, p.I.king Ikket. for $[0. and you don', <'V<'n want.O conoidtr. Amtricans rigil.ruUy I.Ikt ptidt in the hisfOl)land landmark$ of a counlry O¥n 200 ynrs old, but _1ooIr: _ compued to ,ita and buildi .... in Ensland ...hid> d.,~ bxl< to B.c. ti ...... Th. J>riory on Holy Island ...... buill ow' 1,}OO ago,.nd yo.k MimI.' (o" .. inllh. 422



remain. of • Roman fortr=, Viking, N<>rnun and medieval carvings. Th~ nalivn t.k S"'al prid~ in .h~ historical u .... ofGr.. t Bri.ain, and h.... don~ on . mazing job in their prestrva.ion of .h... landmarks. The I.ngu.g~ and CU"OIlU ofGru. IIri •• in ... C(lnn..:tod, but di.tinctly diffrom .hoSt wt.s« in Ihe Uniled Slat... Opponunilin '0 be a~nIUfOW while in .hi. plentiful. but I dm. 'he line at the dinn .. lable. 1 did nol Ihen, nOr do I now, h.... any desi .. to try haggis (organ. of a Ih.." Or calf. Ituonod and boiled in tilt .nim.1"• • t<>mach), kipptl'1 ('pli" .. hed .moked herring}-for". no l<"<$-(lr blood pudding (you Rgure out tlul one). And, .hq' .re O1ill confused, ailing f...... ch frin "chip$,· .nd ~hip. ·~ri,p •." And, h. . ... n forbid, lnal you think you will (Yrr gel k< in any 50ft drink or g1aM of water. One stud.nt .. Iatod his having llkcd for k< in his wator. H. was "n<!trod. glass ofw.... with on. cube of 1«. When he lat.. a,ked for $(Ime mot< iu, Ih. waitress came tabl«idt wilh long. and. bowl o{ke, and u,ing Ihe tonS" remO\'od his on~ pi«. of ice and rtplaced il with anoth ..! 1M counlry is bnutiful, and .tttpt<! in , .. dilion and pridt. Th. opporlunily to be Ihert and exptri~~ .11 Gre. t Bri!>in ha, 10 offer i. Ont for wh;"h I un truly thankful. A trem.ndou. bl.Dd of ancienl or.hi'«lurt and <1151001'. from which wt nave di$lillod <>ur way of doing thing., bolh as • wciety and as • sy>lem of, helps you truly .ppltti••• being • pan of .ueh. nool. and ~nlial proFnsion . J .. n... nord in Our country 10 rein'Iill $(1m' of Ih, mort Indilional and form.l t .. ppings oflh~ ,",w, np«iaUy when you OO$CTVC the I'C$ptc. gi'-.n'o Ih. k-gal processes wilt, ••lKh formality and pomp . till pm'lli!. And . .s«ing firsthand th.llhe SYSl<m doe< not ha~ '0 be ..1..«1 or ' rnoderniud" 10 .urvive thr pa ... ge of timo, further convinces me th.1 WI! n~'o rem~mbe , why WI! are I>wyers,.Dd why WI! .hould e<>nform Our <ondUCllO • level where "'1'«1 is a given, bo<.~ of h<)W w~ '<'lui, ou",tve. 10 ,o<iety as. wh<>le. ,,! •




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"T ,0



""'" ,~tfISI (MS, ' " FJoridoL H. _ t$l"'~ hiJ <lnd dri/J.-rn,




hi, P....~ ,lrnvin:1<!JD pmnja ...... aU bur 011 a rdull <I{ 1M .. kolroli<m 1M' d."",,, him in 1996. lohn , I/u,gnaStd ... ub ro ..rinuoas and sarro ..k .. /wl tkpemklt(}' aJ offil <u major d<>l~

i",,, ,..",....",

Jrprmio ... Follow,,,: ik<w:ifi<",iqn (o.1tith .... difJinllt d"" 10 " hi>f"'J' <I{ ..uum ..nd ddirium Imm>IJ), i, _ ........mmdnl flu" IMn Ion!·rnm in <III


""""",iIo"1)'p< ,....,""",

;"'/M,mI ~ pn>ft<Im./oh"', ,""',....... , apnwtU ..... fJmIltl..........

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tnW'4I,,,,,,, of..........u, ,It"",.

of""""'" .,.,i,," lite pnwidn ..rid


t'Oiud plio".

'" ,..,.." frMlmml

"",in" mdiNIlJdvin. /oil .. ....,,,,uaUy did 1M", ' .... ''''...11 MIA. and immedi<luIy ffl"om",."MI d,;"king .. /roM/inll,,. Owr ,Iu: nal numbt. <I{ ",o,,'h~ h. ron_

,;MuM 10 ronlac"Ioe ' ..... ''''''.. , "ml~r, .. di"tfow "nd 111m """'ng P'"Jf''''' Mp. Fi""lly.lohn ....., '<lnvinM! '" r<nIIn

,,"',""",. "", ""'r u",""'" day b.fou

.,.,i. . mm'_ ....

ltd ..",

no"....vb Imn, ,'"


"",,1IlMI "r ""'" paIia .uoJ ..JvuM ,,,",, }ohIO .... found In.J in " ~ IoMtl, hoM", .."..rm,1y bIn:J '" ",,",Ir Jr- 1M ..,,1Id/ ""'''''1''''00'' <I{ hio liwT. "'" ' .... 'mtnl ""'In .... <tml~ btm_ "''''''' ,Ioe p<lIia /<III .., Ioe


.... """,in, " r/M",-d <lmUM Iti> n«:*

vi"" ,,,,'uriel

1",i"1 hi, "nd ""NoOLS phun. Itumbm of people '0 be ",lied in <rue ofrm~. "'hn W4J 51~" old. 424


IH ~

Introduction In ,lit .prl", of 2002, • rnroopKI;v., .. udy wu conduct<d of n clinical ca... ftJes of thtmicall)' dtptndml .norn<ys. judges and law ochool ... ,OOS t,"Ied at H~.hhc.. .. Connecrion of Taml", Ir>e. (" HCC'" ). HCC is • conlinuum of ""rvi«!; ' .... mttl. facility 'I'~d• .liung in the a .. of impaired I'rofC$$ionIJs .•.•. ph)"icia", .• "orntyS. nurstS, pharmo<iI ... tl •. , Ind I"....,n. with dual dioortkrs. n.. conlinuum 'angel from pdm .. y a nd .,u<nlkd ca .. tr.>lm<nllo h.lfw.y, .h~·qu"',, Ind . ft ••",.... rvi«> . l)el.wflca,ion, whon nec..... ry, ;. typically hlndled On an oU'pa, ien. ~iI by Ih~ onsi", medical dink ofDovid P. My=> M.D. n.. .rudy (oII«led Ind nomintd dnnovaphical d.. •• in<ludin. median Ig<, g<n<k-r. "",.ito! 11;11\1$, praclice Iyp<. and drug 01 dIoioo. lht """" abo considcnd .M incl· <Irnc< oIl"Y"hlil tic dual diagnoois, as wriI as pnoona~ry disordcrsIconflgura,ions as ;nl<1"pftted by,ho MCMI·[]I, Finally, d..u wu coIlaled rqordi", laWtnfor«men. and ou",1Nr wociation complic:alio..... as wdI as h;,rory of prior The- .... "-,,,illics coruidtttd bow IInunonl wu conduded (""im" In""", •..., ...... , ... inll modical advlu .......... ,uccasfully comploo!ing 'mU".n' .nd followins .fterca...ecommmda. iom) wi.h compo-.iIon of diidlo,.. ,J'Pt$ briQ...nd m... formol illl1iMion of r«OVtTins '''omqJ' prosnm trade. in Oclol><-r 1'199. Who", ...-aiIablt, follow·up dall wu coIl«tod COIlCfffIing pmgrom I"rticipanIJ' ~ proglnl fOllowing '",."".nl.


Methods CoIl«tion of d..tI on $dt-ct proksoionaJ groups if ..... Uknown.' lht dou Pmnlltd in this """" .... coIlrcltd by til< author,. ~1orida·lictnKd ••1Omty and Qrrilitd Criminal JUlIa Addiction! I'rofeIsionol The- dau was obtained from .1It .,1Omty/po.imU' dinX:aI clIorn.'u was bMtd on Amo:ri(:oa Socitty of Addiction Modlr:i ...·, Aduh P\Knnml Oi ......' """ <:U' via til< HCC 1m~ PtoboionaIs' J'm&ram undtr Iht dinaion 01 Dr. David Myns, Consisttncy 01 informa,ion """ ............ 10 control for miodasoifia.ion ...... mhanced by Iht f.act that nell pllion ...... ..-..I.... ed by til< """" AddKtionill, all Axis II penonaJity elm. ~ from Iht Millon M(;MI ·lII.' and net. ~iaI in~ and hiIIory was condoxttd JlW""WlI 10 til< Jam< formal 1.......n.lmtnI, follow_up d..tI is a1"'ays difficul. 10 and, whm obtained, is ""J'<CI 10 • dogru. p....., 1M nalunJ prevokncc of denial and do<cption nhibi.~ by lho.< ..... , • mont alumni 1IOI1C1ua/1)' in~. H.,.....,.,....<XlfTObonlion WU OO... inod, whrn poui. bit •• hrough lawyfT assiswltt pmgrom monitoring ag<llCits. culling of public ..ror<b, recovtry Jupport S)'SI("JlII..nd\(nu.


Results Patient Profile ~nly-fiw (linic<ll cut 'KOrds wt:rt namint<l for .llO, ney/pI,i,n" t""l((\ from 1m 'hrough 2002. Fouy-onc of 'he

75 (~.66 pt",cnt) wnc

,.wed ("Howing <realion of Ih •• pecW-

izN t"'Ck.l~ ~"",dni AU".neys' Program. in Onobor 1m. Of 1M 75, 65 we •• IIW'n (86.7 1'<'''0(1) aDd Itn _ W(lrtI<n (l3.3 I"'.mll ). Tht .gt of .1It malt I UO',.,.,.. nngtd from 2110 65, with. n>«Iian .~ 01'43.9 mrs. The median "II" lOr fnnak .no.nqoo _ Jlish'ly you ..... "' 4l.9. Thiny·eighl of ,ho LawynI!"'limu _ marriN. 20 ~ and 17 $lnp-. Nnrly aU ,.po....d oipIifianl "",. lul or ...u.,iooruhip diffJCUltits. Fortyfour ( 53.6 prrcent) Wl'rt ~tigalOl'S. tight ( 10.6 pnunt) _ InoNooctior>D .no •...,... ..... 0 (9.3 pnunl) _rt low school Mu drnts 01 gad ... ta _.iting admu..ion 10 !he bu.lhr« (4 J'<'f' cenl) ....... judgtt. four (5.) ""runt) ....... diob.o.rt<I. and nine ( 11 1'."(001 ) fit SOmt o;>the. Cll<'gOry. Tht drugs 0( choice for 1M 151.~ .. Irt.led wen as foliOWlo'

..... .....

Dlllg 01 cbolet

-... --

"..., GHII'


NumH. ~


, , ,

Perclnllge (Rounded)






MOO! mpgcd in poI)1ubSl.n.cC uodabus.t. Forty.four of the (sa.6 ptmnl) had prior Irulmcm. Oflhcoc, 19 hod one !'Tiot 1",Untnl. /l...., Iud two p",vi"u, oxprn.nUl, and 20 had .11"", or mo",. wi.h .ht mO$' bring on. 13wyt. wi.h .igh. I'. io. Lo~


Thiny-righ'. or just 0Yn half. of the lawym lmo~. "'J'Of'od a hUt....,. of criminal urau. Tht most common o f&-tu< ..... d.iYin, undtr the inOurn« (l al. 1"oI\owftI by drug p" ...... ion ( I Z). dotntW< vioIrntt (I... ). t ... frodci", (ttuft). and ..... ult and bonny (Ib..... ). [No.e:..,m< bwyrrs """,nod multiple off........ 1 Thiny·four of .ht LowytrS had bot compllin.s o. Othtt problems. ~ included nin< $UlpotnsionSlnd fi.:,u. di.b........ nu.

Psychiatric Data and Personality Testing Fon1·fi~ "f thc 'I!O'ntyI (60 pot",."t) p.non.od to tru .mm. with. CQ.oc<urr;"g p<y<hi.l!ric:<. (dual diogn<»is). This pnun.a", is hightr 'han ,bo. lOr htalth en.~'" at Hcc. and "p'iC","-"clr hishtr tbon tht non.pmr...ionaI ...... ,mm. popullrinn at HCC-Oftlw 45. 24 (l 2 pnn-nt ) ""'" d~· nootd with major dtprcsoinn. II (l4.6 pc1UnI) wi.h bip<>b. d"'· onitn and ,... (1 M pnn-n' ) wilh IlIlIittydisordm. Tht MOIl·1Il personality _ins KJOfU ""'" ........ inltftSling. Or. toW of 119 "....".w;cy conf"..... linn. idonlifiod a lOOflll ,ht Lowym _cd ( ....... had """" lhan OM). thc . ntisoci.ol pn-son. alil1 tlluifi<:aIKm (disorder... ai' or f,.,un). t>OI Sbrprisingly. was r<1um«l highn •• wi.h II LowytrS (17.6 pc1"«n' ) .esting .. ",misocial. Predictabl. also w;u .h, high numbn of a tt"rtIC]'S ( 14) with I N.,<i»l$!ic I'nlonali.y configu ... ion. This is con,is· !tn. wi.h .h. I.wyt. 1I....,.ypt: .ulc-dt.llcngi ..g. mallt".idt.


oc\f.aboo<btd, q}OIislieal. "J"htK <haractniiIia in n.... urcd doKt .an driinc • 1<>CttSIOful.110•...,.. When uncMdcl, howoY<., .hose pnson.lily oonfi&uniioni ... Iypic.ol • nlOng Ihe <lI<m ... Uy dq>md<nl .110'''''' popub.ion. Th= rQuiu. hawtwr. _m quil. IUrpn.;ng. TM I«OI>d """" hqu<nl p<rIOnality """('Bun· lion idmlifiod .... \he I)rpm<IrnI !'croon.I,ty, wi,h ZO la,..,.. ... (l6.8 por' eenl) $<I <Ia»,fl«l. The DSM·IV dtfin .. Dq>cndtnl Ptoorutlily DioordcI' as "a ~ .nd f:lIU$SiV< need '0 ~ uknI a ... of thallcadi 10 "",miss;"" and dirogi", bo:hMor and ka ...." Th ....... mingly nits in \he faa: of Ihe popular <on"'l'l ion of .no.· ncys .. 'Drtfim'So sot... .. of O1M' pt'Oplcs' probIcn\l. H;p. (,...quoncy was oIso found in 1M Sd>iuJ;d (10.9 pnrm') and A""idaol (It" ~.cml) Ptnonality a ...ifialion.. The ])SM·IV dt/i",. Schizoid Person.lily tmordcr •••• p-crva>;"" pon.", of dctoduncnl from tdolioruhipo and ....uiotltd ..... 8" of aprtsIion of nnotioIU in in'crp:rIOnal KIting<." Avoidanl Personalily [)i$<l~' i. defined .. ". p<TY&Si .... pone. n of .0d.1 inhibilion. Iftl,n" of ,nadtq~. and hypn>rn. .,;,mty to ntg.>I'Y< .... lwrUon ... Oruinly, IriallawJoc ... (who wmpriw • ","jo.ity of 1M I......... n' palionll) would ~ .ignific.ntly hindrred by t~ Iypes of~nouli.y oonfigur;o . lion .. And ~ most of tM bwyt1'$mlni", ' ..........1 rtpOfled havinl Yn}' lUCCtUful and I...... " .... pr...:t ...... and lbest rq>OIU ... confirmed by coit.lnal conlaCU.


The :ovttago" Jrnsth of!U}' in l... t ......1- . 10.6 wMa., wilh • JaJ!Ctt from """ day 10 nin< month<. Of !he 15 potion ... <IS 1M 1"" oml) ~ ~ IJ'talmmI and V (.36 pncml) loti AMA [forthq.u.pooosofthioItOOy. !he t<Jm "'apiNt mcdicaI f<Ivi«" if given • broader meaning tlan io typical in III< Ihcnpy 5<'Ilins. and includes all polienll oIbcr thin lhooc who mtirtly 0<UpI«l dlnieal recommmdationl '" trtatmmt, lcfogth of suy and afItn:art. for in>w>r;e. a bwyn wbo a .... ~ and w.. admit,ed '" on. wtrl of 1...1· menl •• nd who II>CttS.Iful/y comp~ed thaI wm. • herrin ncvcnhcIcss dcsic· .... ed "...MA" ihl!he end of tht wed< M dtdin<d I m:ornmmd.>.;g" lOr con· tirwtd alT.[ Of!ht 21 ...M ..... II occurred prior 10 inllnulion of 1M for· mal Rt«M-ringAI~' I'roppm; thus, 79 pcrcml of!ht ~ in !he AliOfn<y$' Propam """'"""'" fuIy ...,ijJIrrI<d ,1t'OImmt and I7oIlowod



The Axis II personality data breaks down as follows:





"""" -...


..... ,.,....,

ObsessiYe-ComplJ Ilive


""'" i'm;...e.Aggtess."



N..... P. n: ........ DSMP ..... lenc.·


"ro " "

",, 1 6

• 3

NOVEMll. l 0 O.

11.6" 16.8'Ir



. ,,.. ,.








3" to 10'Ir 2" to 10'1r



3.• "

10'!1r 10 15"





of'tnoart, ~ .......... ~7 pnttnt OUCCQ>ful complclioru !he p..·R«overing A"on>q>·l'n:tV>m. Fou. dionllMft .... I ... ted II a Lot<'f


do'e: one was ..., ...ted twie •. Thrt<t of the ..·t ...1fti pol;""" had tbcr tdopseo. No foIlowup inlOnnation ....... ".il.ble n:bling to nin< of \he AM ..... Thl't'' btli.vt<lto bt lObe., I'" 1M agmcy. E;p.1 ....... citbcr ld(·rtpOflfti Of .... reportftllO ~ in tdo .... sinet Itl'_" ......L Four had pnicrdf of ~ion or .... CUrTCiltty mar· ","lcd, 111= hoY< ~ wbKqumlly dioborrood and two ,uffned 111m..."'" .b....•.. I.. ed dealhs. or 1M 48 .11<",..flll tomplr<ion$. 41 (8S.4 pc1'«nt) ar. tl'p<lrt. ed sobo" evidenced by compl,""", IIndt. moniloring (ontrac ... or .....i'" $I,IoCCU$fuUy wmp1cted a conI"":' . Four .It bd~ '0 b< in ~. Ind inlOnnatioro _ obuinablc on !he 0It... tIutt. Fou. of 1M IUC«$Olul conlpl<1ioro. cu.rmlly ""... Ii.... '" mo .. of d<x ........ led robriety; roY< h..... four·plu$ documented. on. halthfN· pt,,$. fi .... h... .t ~. .t 1.... 0 iIObe1, I.....,"" h ..... """. on< sobor, eight h..... six monthl o. mo ••• nd si:t; .... in 'Mi. fi .... si:t; monlh> of robriety. Of III< 41 ",.rmlly lOber, 29 report no ~ iOUowinS 1... ' ...... I...... iIc 12 repon one Of mo« tdo.,... foIlowi", 1... lmenl prior 10 achicYing ,hei. "lfrmllOb.ic1y.

no r..,·




rc'''' rc....'

Discussion Profile ~ on !he IDrqoing. 1M typ;a] .(lor...,. mitring 1...,mcnI if • nWe trWbW)'tt" in hio .... ty 40$. with a ~.tIOC addiction

( o~.n akohoI ond coaill<), .nd ,,'00 h... a ro-occurring mood dis· order ... well .... pm10nality dioordor compliating t",.tmmt H. i< • V<ltrm of m .. ltipk prior treatments, is oft<n . t wo.~ hut rardy tnjoyl; 0 $<ltisfying 1>0"", lik. 'T'hc "''' of ~ dymtndion and pm10nality di>o.o.r. wert hightr than 0 ... might txp<Ct. giIItn 1M $1rtnUOU$ $CIttning process inherrnt in b<coming . mtnIbtr of 1M I<g>I protn.ion. With resp<e1 to 11... pmonality testing. bwyt .. not ",rprisingly tesI· ..! high On tl>< .,l1isoxial .nd nan;:i..;.'ic ouIes. How<v<., , b~ pn-ctntig< of attomqs mitring 'mnmm' U$t<d high On dopond_ mt, rlizoid. lnd ~t .rots. As dt<cribtd tht$t .,., ptt. ""nality configurations Oil< would anticipat. hin<kring 11>< SOCtt<.'I. lUI prani« of law. but .ud! ...... not tl>< Th., means these individuals «>nlptnSattd for pm1Onali,y prodivit;" by "",ing in • fiLlhion contrary to 1I><ir natu". n.ri, JUCtt<S ""... tcrnptt«! by on irm.r conftkt th>! th<y. in tum, m«Ilcat..! with drug:< Of aIo:>. hot In """'" coscs, this balancing oct laM..! for y.... until o.... takm by tho cons.qU<t>«O of uncontrolled ",bot."", .....nd tl>< Iowya" sought (or, mou ofton ....... cornpdl<d to.l<d<) t"""men'.



Conclusion Funhrr "uru., of a proop<etive nal"" a'" "...Jed to identify the causal .. t.tiornhip bttwttn chemical d<pen<ltncylmmto! heoIth p«>bJenu and tl>< legal prof=ion. H"""""r. both <thia and COm ·

pa ..ion dictat. that "88""'i,.. in1tr>'mtion cannot bt wilhheld. but ratl><r must bt initiat..! imrntdi:tte/y, giIItn the 1a'8<' number of lawyers may bt .uffering from eitl><r active o. occuIl depend · tI1Cf or other menlo! di>orders.. This inttrVtt1tion £houId be initiat· bat ...ociations, which tt«d 10 adopt a mo .. a.ctivt and ..! by confronUtionai role rd.>ting to its mtnIbm' .ubotance .bus< .nd mmtal health iss ..... 1'he intnYmtion $hould then take the form of comprrltensi .... ch<mio:aI d<pmdtncy and nlrntal health ....soment followed by. wh.,., dictat..!, bwytr 'l""iIic primary and Wt t","mml, and .~.","re monitored by the ".,.', .. wyers' assis-



Outcome T... tment outcom.. irnprovt<l.igniflcan~y f.. Uowing in<1it"_ tion of the R«ovaingAttorneys' Prog.. m in the fan of 1999. 11 il btlitv«! thot the bOli. fOT this impro""ment moy be found in tn. fra"",,"ork of the progrom, ImpairN professional t",.. me"t with addition.l, iaWf"'-ope<if", o"".by ..",ic..; Program ov<T$ight by di=to. wilh both 1<g. 1. nd clinical background; and Proacti~Jy add'<'$$ing

Ulu.illy accoml'DO<bling if approached in the right way. This is why h.aving deW disciplinel is effective: tl>< legal background aids in decidillg which mati .... .,., u'll""t lnd who ".".,.u to be contact..!, and tl>< clinical ba<kground i< helpful in convincing of 1M pa ... _ Il1O\Int impon.oo: 000 tt«d for prioritization of t""tmmt. art



Endnotes _

GO, GoIIogoo 1('1, _

PO.""" TL Tho




......,; """""" Pt ...." "., .... aI "'" lim 1000 ~ """"" at ~ .lAM4lt9871 251 Z921.29:ll %.


_00. _ M. _ion! til. "'" GriIIItiI.Iltdl. tl\llt, .wM _ _ O".,."" ... "--"'_~ _ f<!. ..._ ,.., !no: fl'C.1l'I1 a..yo-. _ _ _ Socat!' ot _ _


wo.k, bu . nd ,rimino! (if

any) i»utl. Th. and " •• tment community a .. "",Il· ..,,-.,d by kttping t.Wf<T-paticnt. ""tra buly. Bo.edom and ennui OT< counterproducti"" in any treatment population; with attorneys too much downti~ i< o~.n. recipe for clinical di ..".r. laW}'<'.. in the R<ro"".ing Attorneys' Progr>m h,~ th •..,u' ... group activiti.., m addition.l fi"" houts. per wttlc A program director or case n",na~ witn both l<g>Iand clinical ""I""~ is mo.t helpful t.awr= typia.lly .,." .. tmo'ment with pranitt iss"", Ih>t mUll bt oddr.....:L The Iawyr"pa.imt will advise that every case requires imm. diate au.,.,tion, to the ntgkct of tl>< r=>V<ry pro=s. Th;.. is ...ilo....tude ..... y of .""iding 1M pain and fear inherent in getting clean and sober. Give 1M lawyer his way lnd h. will ......,.. ""&'S' in tmo,mmt, heing SO busy run_ ning his pranitt from 11>< trr.lmt1l1 ant.,., On tit< otl><r hlnd, lherr o~.,., a .. real problem, thaI must bt add...,...... in order to avoid new o. additional bo. grie=><n for dient ntgkc1. The kry is to 0«W'3.1e/y disa:m btl"""", probkms Ih>t tt«d immtdiat. at"",· lion, "''''''' ".moknc......." issuts th., .'" railed only as distlOCtiollS or as ways to prevent Of impede lhe lreatrn<nt pro=s. The CO/lun· drum is that 1M typic:d clinician <>mnoIlnd really $hould not bt aptCted to know 11>< lrII< "01. of a lawyer', PlOCt;':'" which trial, really a", going fon<ard on the nut <I<>ckt, whid! dooingo really can nQlDnga he CO/ltinu«l and SO on ond <0 forth. And cv= if. thtrapi" ....... bIt to dilC<11\ crises from nQn-.:ri_ what to do! The t",th is, judges. modia""" "!')'O$ing counsel ,nd cv= dimts

3 IdiIkIn t



~ .... ~ I\optnl, 11 994IIloc.uW>.!no:,"",*,........., ....... .....-~

~,.......... IlMoI>.~""' ........ Q ~ Q .toiIaudidl .. _

,-..... ,*... onl ... _




~ , or~....,.;tilon.inc_V.u..x....""'~

7 _ _ f'>ratIaitt<i< _ _ _ _ Mtd SoosraI_oJ_ __ __ ~


~~_ ' !I.'M

I. 1Il. 6lI.


Iaj, ot 662

tQ, ld. otli2U7J.

For funher infommion, pie.... visit the ALAI' p;tl!< on the ASS \o\'tb,heAUPoll'«at (334) 834· 7576 for confidenlial ossist:ona.


r__J_.h ._0.-"'_. __ . . . ______ . ._"'. . __·_.. . . ... ...... __ _... ..........---_...- ... . _",_ . , . . 00<1 _ _ . . _ _ ... , . _ " _ _ _ ...... _ " ' _ _ "'lM- ..... _ . _




Disciplinary Notices Notices to Show Cause NoI~ ~

2004) 10 (Omt into O>mplw.o. with

hcM>y py.n to Danny

Lawm>« DuprH, who



in Phtni:c City, A1ab.lm,. alld whost

wht ...ahoutl a... unknown.lhat pur..... nl to In ordn to £how <:I""" of

thor l}is(;phrwy Commission of Iht

AIobo"", St.~ I\o.r, doled April 2. ZOO4, lit "- 60 dar> from tho doll: of

tb" publat;on (Now:mbn


to (lOtt"O< inlO Q)tIl~ with Uk ~ Conun"",&


EdllCltion roquimnmts for z003.

Noncomplia_ with 11.. MCLE ~uimn<Tlts

""ull in >. .mprn_

.ion of his licen... [eLE No. ().\-132 [

NOli« is hmby a:i~

t (>


Mont....mny 10..... who pr.oclictd

No""'ml'li.",,~ ~uimn.n"

wilh ,I>< MeLE

$h.u mult in a ....pen •

iion of .... liccmc. [eU; No. 0-\-248) Notie<' is hnrlIy p.n. to Adam

l:0u>'<'11 ..", 1'11""", who practiad Low ,n II,",,~ Alabama ond

wI>oot whcft>bouu .... unknoIoo....


punlWlt 10 In


10 """'"

ClUKofu.. DiKipljrury

Con1JlI"'ion of It.< AI.a~ St. ... Sa" dated April 2, 2004, h. Iw 60

days from the da" of 'his publk.lion (NOvtn,b<, 15. 20(4) to "'~

into <ompli.ana with tht Mandatory

wI>trnbouIs ... unknown. that pur_

menU lOr z003. Noncomplianu

ooXr 10 obow co .... of

Reinstatement Th. Oi",iplin.ry 8o>.rd. Pan.l I. upon Maring 'M polilion fOr !'tiou.....""'n' of Birmingham anorM}' John C. Cogin. Ill. ordrr«l ,ha, Coggin bo !'t;M,aC<d CO cht pta<,itt of law in tht Sell. of .o.blwna. wi,h cmain condi· lions. n.. boud'.onkr ..... adopkd by 1M AlalMma SuprtlTl< Coun on luiit' 15, 2OG4. 11'<1. No. 04·021

Suspensions Tht Sup ....... Court 01 A.L.twn. ordertd ,hal IIns<mtr anornty

no .

Ed"""tion rtqui .... nmt. for 2003.

Co.",n1O'"g ltpl Ed .... tion rtquirt-

tho rmc;pinary Commission of tbr AbWma SuI/: flu, <bted AupIst 20. 2004. W has 60 doyo from the dalC


the M.ndatory Coo,inuin, Ltpl

In< in l>aUu, Taas and ..t...... ....n! to an


of tl..o publicallon (NoYmloo ]5,

w"h ,be MC1.£ rrqu;rm>mCS ihaIl mull on alUlptlUion of his Iicmse.

ICLE No. 1)4·1 491

cfftcliw July I) , 2004.

n.. i">p<IU;"n

W'" b.ilK'd upon" <I«;";"n of tho l>iscipllnary Comnti ..ion of 1M

Abban .. S, ... 11>•• Dudky plod guilty to vioI"'ns ruln •. 1(a) :md M (a} :md (e). A.L.b.iI"... Ruin of ProftsSiona! Condun. Dudlry p.anicip.l,«I in •

"""""'" CO drfr~ud IIIOOpIl" Jmdm by ... bmilli", and causing CO bo """"'"«l mal<rWly fa~ inlOnnalion ond docu-


..,..., ...,ioI'IIO obtun iwns. Dudlry pi«! suiliY CO 'o'iobIing IS U.s.c. Seelion 171 (conspiracy CO ""mud) and ...:cioM 1342 and 1343

a..'R« Minor Dudky bo iUSpondtd

(.idinS and "I>o'uin8 wire hud) in tht Unilt<! SII'" O,W;n Coun for It-..

from lbe pra(li« "flow in Ih. St... of Al.ban .. for a IIfriod of Ih~ Y".rs,

Nonhnn I)illricl of Al;tblma South .. n DjvWon. IASII No. (l1·29{A))

At 16. you think nothing bad can ever to you. At 45. you know better. At one "me you 'houghl you were

assets ~nd quality of life hang in the

invincible. So young and naive. Things

balance. As an adult, you should "",iolldy


sure have change<! since then.

consider long-term care insurance




And. un fortunately, at greater

of Alabama. a oomfXIny that has

risk [han


One in five

been protecting Alabamians for

Americans over 50 will need

over 68 ycaIS. Give us a call today

long-ttrm arc within ,he non

for Group """,,"'se information

rwclve momhs. And when you consider

at 188833 1路4188 or Individual coverage

that the roSt of long-term c:lrc averages

in{ormarion a, 1 888 65]路5462. Visi, uS at

Over $40,000 annually. you




your.sdf if it. worth ,he risk. Your f.unily's


I,. ,he

to Icarn more or to enroll.

malUre ming

10 do.

BlucCross HiucShieid


of Ala bama

Disciplinary Notices 1l.l'IIlI"....m Inornq Sttp/>nl ~ Fowler wu ;n.trimIy owpmdcd from

u.. ~ic~ 00... in 'M SUt. of A1.b.onu !","lWI' to Rul< 20(.), A1.blma Ruin of Diociplinul' I'roc~u,., by or<kr of tbe DiscipUnary Commiuion o( ,ho, Abbom. ~ /I." d.tod I'cbruul' I I. 2004. Th.


Ditciplinuy Commi.. i<>n found ,h., Fowlt,', continI>«! prKl~ 0( Low;, awing or is bkdy 10 COllst im~u.", and ..... iouJ injury to his dim,. or to tho public. ]llul< 20(0); Pel. No. Ot-01J

Tho: Su~ Court of A1ab.a .... ordcml Dra1ur Iflon..,. Robn1 Footer 'I'o.ndr be ou.opmdod from !be


practia <JI law in 1M SUtt of Abba ....

fOr I p<'fiod of!WO yean. n:11'NC1~ to fWroory 7, 1997, the dat.ofTwcNy's u,'n\1'n 10 disability inaa~ 'U'Ui. Th. ....p<n$ion W.llI NsW upon" <kcu~>n



umti,lIIed from page 428 of lho DiKipljnuy Commi>oion of 1M AUhama SliIt.o: &t accq>.ing~. pUIIy pin in four "".... In ASlI No. 96-236(1). Tweedy pled ply to vioLa.toJ """ J.7(bJ and 1.15(1). A.R.r.C l'w<tdy wu hirt<110 haOOk. con,omp' oction >goinsl • dient', roml(r houbond. n...,dy OOncnkd ....... from the dim. wI>o, along with her ",,·husbancl, ..... Twccdy'.Iand· IordIndWing tht f..:t .... , .... Tw=ly. had writl(n • had cbtdt 10 poy utiIiti.:s

in r.dmiI court and biIcd his dimu of .... hearings. In ASB t'lo. 9].)8("). ~y plod guilty 10 yiola1inl Rule 8. I(a). A.R.P.C 1'w«dy W;\1 ~aintd 10 ~men' a !WO hearinp

\OJ Worm

elkn! in an unron!<$!t<I di.o.a. Ih~ m.U..,- .nd!h~

TW«<Iy n<-gl«1N

eli ..", wol km:t<llo hi~ aru;"h~, aUo,· ntf!o rlJl'Iiu!1\(, diYO",,"."l'wffi:l.y wu nol ...pon.i .... !o !h. Nr•• <qU<Sl fOf infornulion ....rdi'" ,h. m.U..,-.

that mnain<d in Ih< .,.·husband', ......... Tho: cbtdt waswrinm OUI alTWftdis

In ASB No. 98·2SL(A), Tw=lyplod pWty 10 Yiolotin& Ruk l .l6(d). A..R.P.C "IWftdy wu Maintd 10 drf"mcI a diftd

In ASB No. 96-'S7(A), T.....dy pled pilII' k) vioI:otifl& RuM> U. A.IlP.C 'J'wmIy ..... himllO fie.w, on b<tWf of his dicnu. He fail<d 10 ",,!We In.. ....1!n'. TIw (:11ft _ diYnisotd k>< biIure 10 pmo«U!~. 1~ failrd 10 .~r fOr

10 diAbility in.ocliVI:lUlUl bmR .... nuttm _ <XI<IoCIudtd and biIcd 10 nocif)' .... di<n1 Qf take any action mo· JOOabIy n«aury!0 prol«1 the ditrll" inl<'ml.IASB nI>II. 96-286("), 96m(A). 97·3&(,,) and 93·151{A)1 •

on criminal dwJrs. lWndy transktm:I

• Administrative Law: Recent Developments

Position Statements and Evaluations in Mediation

• AdministTative Law: Recent Opinions Delivered by the Office o( the Attorney General, State of Alabama

Power Persuasion: Craig Ball on PowerPoint

Preparation (or Complex Litigation and Presentation Technology

• ABA's Guidelines for the Appointment and Per(orman~e o( Defense Counsel in Death Penalty (;,=

Bad Behavior in Mediation

Beller Writing: 60 Tips in 60 Minutes

• Computer Forensio;:s (or Lawyers Who Can't Set the Clod: on Their VCR •

Intellectual Property Case Study: Mumoo, Gumbo, Jumbo & Checklist

Labor & Employment Law Update

Legal Ethics Update 2004

Mediating Complex Cases, Mass Torts and Class Actions

• Mediating in Legal Practice: An Invaluable Tool

• The Top Ten Mistakes Made by Trial Lawyers •

Volunteer Lawyers Program: A Nation at WarHow Do We Protect the Rights of Our Service Members?

What a Difference a Year Makes: Civil I>«isions with an Impact UPQn Trial

Women's St<:ction: Paying Our Due:s--Women in Bar Leadership

• Workers' Compensation Update 2004

Plus .. .the CD contains the Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct, as well as information and forms from many of the bar's progroms and services.

Total Cost: $15 Please remit CHECK OR MONEY ORDER MADE PAyABtE TO THE IUA8AMA STAn BAR for $15 and forward it with this order Ionn to: Communications Department, AIobomo Stule &or, P.O. B<»t 6n. MOiOlgotnary, At. 36lQ.1.

Classifieds RATES


Members: T"" t....1i>tin" of ~ 0< lc.s p<f bo, m<IllI>«. p<r al<n.:b, r<>', EXCEYT ro.."po>ition wan,td" Of "pooi';"" o/kml"lisIing>-$l5 p<r ino<rtion of ~ <>r '-. $.50 p<r od<!i,;o,w WDnl.


Nonn><mMr>.: $l5 1'« i""",,,," of 50 W<Jrd. or ..... $.50 f"" addi'ion,1 wonl. Ou.if!<d ropy and l"ymtIlI must be r«<ivrd acc<>r<t;n8 to ,he folkrwinS pub. I""ing J<h<dul<: N<>v<mb« 2~ i.... c-d ... Sq>'<11100 I, 20(l4: )_""'1200S w...-du< N"""""",, 1,2004. NO ok.d· lin< ut<,l5iom will bc ",...t •. Srnd <.... if...! '''I'Y.nd p>ym<nl 10

Kimh<rly lIo,nn"". P.o. IIolc 4 1~

Mon.s<>m."y 36101_4 156. Makt <h<d: or mo"'1' or<in-l"f'bI< to 1'11< AJ4ba ... I.-,... a.";fi«ls.

Xlyurs' ~ in ......lrUtW1g IICci-

Services • DOCUMENT EXAMINER; b:anWIa1ion 01 CfJfuioned ~ts, Conffiecllaronsic Iwd~ inI """""""' ........ TIWt'I. vears" _ in ~llorenlio: do<v:n!ttt ~ob1enIs. Formerly. dit! .....' .",..j dD::I.malt ...•

Ivst. USA CriminallnYesllgaliof1 taxw_

t.Iembr. ASiIlE: bAI, SADFE; NACDL Rtamo inI let ~ ""'" Je<pJesI. Cootact Hans ~ Gidion. 218 ~ Drive, AlqJ>ta. c.w,iII:Il!II7 . .,... {705) Il60-<l267.

• OOCUM£NTEXAMINATIONS: fIoMIl..,.,,· flld handwriting and ~1 turrOnIr. _ 20 I'N"'" ~; I8$tiflld in stali and ftc!cwrts. FIeInd ....... 1Ioa.m!fn o.o:aminfr, Alabama Dept <>f F<ftnsic so.-. ~ M1ericM ~ i'(wensie Seiencn; Sou1he.Mtern Assn. fofensoc Doa.ment Examiners: AInoritan Sot,oty Oueshoneod ~ ~ I",""",onal~ Coolatt Rict>oro A. !\opef. 79!i6 v.up Road 'W , 36116, I'hoN 1~135&78S6, fax (334) 260-2552. EiIIOiI: ,Lo'lf_OaoI_com.


"""'IgOo'. "

• MORTGAGHXPERTWlTNUS: TWI!Il!y-'" .,....,.' _ienoo; SlaIO and MBA liI:en$ed. Areas 01 exportiw. Lo.on ~ifyi'Ig. d;!closu!I, sea.n:Iary mooieIn.I. undtrv.riung. ,~ 1IeIVicirIg. owaisal_iotv 01 HllI dO$i1g "","""",IS. MIl koud fl!fer_ Mi1ablt. Contact 1'IIiI1~ G C3ntre1l.1~I3!&noo .... moil~_

ACCIDENT RECGNmucnoN: I haw ,oconstrUWO ....". 3.003 ~affi!: to:tIdenIS ., Zlltatsl on ~ WIOU.oo ,oiIroads

• TII.I.FJl(

i"IYolvinll uucb ...... cars.1IID!On:yCIes. pede$uians. MIl uoins. ~.gener~1od (hw· ing! are ~ to illunnlle ITIy ~ 0..

David Dillard Architect AlA PLLC E1<pcrt Witness Jackson, Mississippi Call: (6(1 ) 209·5061 Mute... AlA. CS/ NClRB Cmifi<d

I.knIsN 110 A_ _ , 1.ooO_...,j Mu.w;p,;



""1$. Boor<kenifierl b'j ACTAI!. Call JoM t Bates lDIl·1fto [I:O)129!!-595CI.

• 81UNGUAL ATTORNEY: I .... Miloblt os bilingual eo..o..eIor 10 law finno irMIIYecl ., liti· 510' ''''' \Nuh Germ.! ,," ' ••• PIoaoo r>lIII>o<:1 Ms. Dagmar W.1Id: at 12051919-9852. W~ site: www...s,-"w.C<WII.


• 1WI000000NG EXPlIITIfORtHSlC DOCUMENT EXAMINER: ABFDE-Qrtified. b· ctIoe!.1losrti<:nIod tlMsron. U.S. Ar"'f cmn ~ labtnIory. """"""" SoaoIy 04 CkJes_ CloaarrlIIII E>arnte1. ~ Acadornr rIf f\Qnsic: Stien;es. CMI ltd t:rIMII eases accepted. Farrell S!lM!r. ShiwJ & ~ Ooarmom Irws!igat"" lJtioratory. I9II lilac FIidgoII.InYe. l'lood$1lx*, Geor,..a


Xll!19. f'twQ f77OI51HDlI. • lEGAL RESWCH/WRITING: Anon-.y ... 111 12 pars' e>:jII!Iiern in ~t! IQCIice " both Stat! ItId fedhI wurts. I om ""';1abIo 10 re_ issoos am to OS$ist _ bn,! or ...,..", P'tp3flItioo. CooIat1 AIr'( L Peab!.12051 82_-6370 .. peatel.!wOaoi.CiJtfl • MEDIATION: Statewide aM!I"OQO ...ilable 10 attorneys ttf~t AI~ . S~.,us'

_ience in I*IOIt!I injury. instr""", claims. 0'IfIdicII i....... ~ litigation, Certified rnIIIIiator. wi1l1 ~ willing lG U'II\l1 \O"fOU" ioo:Itio:w>. Resutl oriemeC W1th lowest ,.1.. "";1abIt. Call IIoIl ill (211;1 37IJ. I~ .. e-mailIllll~ I£1!iCt1w1.'''''t


• IMSUAANCE. EXPI'RT WITNESS 8Y TilE M.NUT£: f<Ir1y l'U" • ......,.., incllxling 25 years' oW: -IIIIIIiiIJI!'I insu"~ COI'I$UIting. Pr.. filing MI\JaIIon. depcsiIion. IetIII1'W:IrIy

Drainagc and Foundation EIFS (Synlhetic SIUCCO) Water Intrusion! Vapor Construction Defects MaleriaUPrQduct Failures Mold/Mildew/l eaks Site Inspections Repair Solutions Detailed Reports Ph!)!o and Vidoo Support

I'oIq tooeragIII. eaplMS. mess. -.ctiblos. >ell insu"anao. ogonc-; and dirICI _ _

guord!IofI<kJIy pr:oIi:e, Ft:ornw

b,do:hng, _ e . ilOIq review, .........( ptflSation i!Udilll"Odificauon ~. ~.,.. .... ,!anC(I.

state PO_Sol

<Iifec!,.lpoIico ofIm S1andItds .... ~ ooqxr.te ...,...,. ofo-etIQ'. aM -..d lui .... re.... 01 ..... ty "...... T_ or (l£, ...,..ity. IN! tstate. r.n..... POIict. oaoonaI. Putiisher;J 1Utto. board aw>int",""IS. 2002 W""" ~ ...,..rty evMtor. ~ or II-. ·Pledaloy PI_lion Ma1rix. • Boonk.enrflld p-oIessionaI aWninoIogl<I, ..,..... ty/pollce S(lOCiaIiSl. ...,..i1J/poIico Iooosits



' ' ot. _......roo.

Canta/:, DoogIa$ F

Miller, Mtniler S RM C.I!lOI46:!·!i602,. 1205l995-OOl2 BirnIiI1!jlam. E-"";I: ~. ,..,

• MEDICAL EXPERT WITNESS: Two IIoousard oneditII rI\II~ witnesses. all spocial,,... fta! "to ,ef~. Yru l31i$lar:bon 11""'_. () c/IooM I powerful easo I1t veteran MO ~i>t'. 1,. I low Ita! lee. ConIatt Meol-Mal EXPERTS, Inc.


_ _, sea.rity.,.... (lWIfE. DABlH, CiSI, CST. CPO. NAPS.lAPSCl. Jo diso:us$ '(WI <aM, c:ont/JC! J<ir1I;:ontJaro:i.I'II.O,. MBA. 11 (f(Q 6211·3496_ Fa I*\ic\g, go 10 ..........stiCU'i~"""" (CIopn, Flirhopo. MobiIrtI


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• EXPERT TRIoJtSL.l.nOI,1. INTERPRET~nON : Merrtoor 01 tt.. Alabomo Stat. Bar, <Nf1I 20 in ffIQken .. rerpretation .... wrrtte> v¥lllOlion spor;..tiOO .. legal. lochn1car .... corrrnortiaI .US. UtensMo "1tn'II. IieNI wtrl and __ iern. From/Ill Engli .... fforrch, I1aIian, PorlLJVlll!st. $panosh. I'twInI !20517~ Web"tt: ......... -"'""'11-

can.I'twInI!2SU6S\ -2\m. E-mail; WOO ~UI: _~


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".. ,..._"""'*

crutrtI<rn .... dep>siuon 1£Itmnj: PremoSfl 1iahIity rW:e .... fortsee«Ji1ily: ~IS. bIR. las! foad. molls. moIeIs. p;rb:1g 101" $dmIs, ~ MI'OI$. guords-ecm-3C! lIS. p-oIrittary~t ... 0«1oraI por Ifflato ...,..ity--poOce. SI!antr negIigencoI notico .... rorl'Ste/Obilit( POlity, ~ traininy. ~_firing. sea.rity ............ notal. lor ';"1. ~. QIIII:

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wa5OaoI.a>n. ""'~_"""334--'62-3893, 334-170-<1812. 334-Jli5: 1869. • RNJJD: Auo.tara wott1 medicar .... pharmacy noconIs fa personal injofy. ...:or\ert. ~. tiCJn one! olher JtIatad oasoo., for """. inl""",,!ion. contact M. Walkm", 1:I!l'i11l!92326,

MEOI~1I0H: SifrTWlljloam "'..

medialor. wott1

e>:!l!nSrYO.,.,.,...,.. in por$ClllOl ,"","". c~

E. Perry

Mechanical E ngineer

Expert Witness .IISM£ Norwich Uni\'e",ity 'MSM.£ Lehigh University • Adjuncll'rofessor at UAB 'Owner of 2 l'at~ nlS

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Classifieds Contillllcd from page 433


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Attorney Search


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