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Vol. 63, No, 2 I Marc h 2002

On the Cover.


Introducing ... tile Alabama Lawyer Assistance Foundation


Book Reyiew: Alabama's Own Jolin Grisllam Saigon Landing By Jim Accardi Rn'i~',d


By Brad Engli.h

Reforming Qualification to Transact Business Requirements in the Alabama Constitution By F"de";c L Smi'h, J,


Petitions for Pre-Action Discoyery Under Rule 21, Alabama Ruin of Ciyil Procedure: A Primer By Kevin Walding


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March 2002




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Vol. 63, No.2



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lMry W. _

The Joy of Being a Lawyer A lilll~ InU f ix ""'''IAt UtIQ lIil I~",., AItrlHr_ SIIJI~ &u l'THiJ~"1 La", Morns Ull J8.'If (,.. Nobm ''''If..ur, ~ilor of Tu AI4H ..... La ...p ,. TIIis is ...1oM 1I'tJ~

Tiot Aw..- u...-,e': Lany.)'OO <tid r>Ot rome up tbrou,h ......... i<s as. b¥ ronuniloOioner. "-h;",, is \he U'aililional train ..., ground for bar ~l$. What ...... )'00 decide lO run for Alabama S~ 8ar pmli.


Moni<: I think I wos a compromise: clndidalC in Ihal il hod been many Y""'" .inc. an acti"", member (>f IIIe Alabam. Trial Lawyers Associali"" had been presi. denl. I W3< aP'l""""'hed by lhe: dcf~n!I. b¥ and JOme QIhtr members of thc: SllIe b¥ and was wtd if I .... as inlCl'CSlCd. Of course. I ....... a bit surprisN. I think .... biuw surpri.... thoo&h. is that aIkr ei&hl """"1M. I hII~n·1 been imp:;xbcd. I undcnollnd it """ e"o"ell mnnry tha I woWdn·t male it ... """"1M. I hope that .... tune "'" RIll (III .... i~ ~ or that at leas! ....., can stall it! AL: $Moudy. ,,'Iw. has been \he biuest ,u"pl'lie duro

inl your prcsi<k:ncy1 Morrb: By and large. I think .... I",),,," in thil Slale ha~ been lhe: biggest surpri .. ln me.. Af~·

Do yoo lay that or

M ....r b: Very posilivelyl For many y..... I been in a sp«ializcd _a of .... law. li~ilalion. bul 'here is a weallh nf lalenl in I k>I. of 0Ihtr ....., of .... la ..... IIonI wi.h an abililY'n gd .hinis Wnc. I .lso found it com· fortinl that thtre are cwn IOJXXlla... ~ ,n this WI'" practicinl law for. livi~ and Il>ty Itt immcrm ""II' flO<ll\he Slale bar and iu 5Iaff. I had no ide. that thtre .... 11(1 many cnod procruns desipcd 10 In'ycn. It', that pe<>pIc ralizc that .... pncUce <>f law dilfocull. 11"1. demandi", profession. I ... vcr waN · ed 10 tet any mail from the >Uttc bar. panicularly marUd '"persoo.1I and """r"""tial.~ [""'" I IooI<t!d on tbe bar., my ~DC:my. bul .... ~ [lind """t comfort· ;III;S IIl.tllhe: bar i. designed 10 bell'. more than 10 5etW: as a "'lUchdog over, person·slC.ivitiC$. Thai·, a minor pan of whO! Ihe bar doe" Tl>c enti", ' taff does • """","rful job h~lpin! la"'Y" ....




MAMCH 2001


It/;plw,,~~) ... ilio

Ai.: On)'OO .hink Ihot the IWiSlance """"""" the bar nff,," 10 mcmben is ~nl romrnurUc~ "..,11 enough. panicularly 10 Ibc )'OOn, IaW)'t'l" ..1'Io bu beeo in pnctitt oaly live ycars .. .o1 Morris: Yes, I think thot .... ..,rvice.< hII"" CJlpanded on mIlCh. I was lware 20 yean ' I" of ,be number of ..,,;,·ili., and 5<:rvic.:s ,,",,,ilable'o lbe p!Xticin, \..... y~r. but the oilier you let. the Ie.. I woold hnpc: lhal we would need the: service.< of the bar. So. wben I say I was s.urprUcd whal the bar offers. I think w~ the bar is offtrin, 10 tho' practitioner has changed and it has expanded. "",h If. programl in .<pecialty areas. Psycholngical probl ..... t .... laW)'Cl'll ha,.., ..... b:stance ....... that 1aW)'Cl'll CJlper;',,,,,. the deb! thot lawyer>' ha"'>. They ...... counes 10 bw~ aboot mao>a&ing dcbl as I IUtllt ohbel' cdlIC.tion. Thole type of pr0grams I juS!. never knew Cli~ and I think Il>ty ...., "tfY "'",ful. "tfY br ... r",ial. and I <In believe !bey are bei", communicated. AI.: /.1001 bar pruidcnLl odnpI. $Of1OC .,.,ntnol tho:noc ., the focal pninl nf .... ir"". WhOI i. doc cen· tntl theme of yoo ... ? Moms: I ha"" stodi<:{llbe prl'lidc:n1S of the I)ni.ed Slates. wch as Chester A. Anhur and MillllJ'd filmon:. and Ibcir behavior IR"Y tlo. dy. I could (,nd .bsoJu!eIy notItin, that Il>ty did QIhtr than <>=lpy their po<i. lion for four yean. It looks lilce I hII"" pretty well "",. cceded in pickilll C'i.hcr 01' tl'lnlc tWO as my hero. I think I woold be IIImchiiIJ \be .!Uth if I said I had an 0V\'1'1l1 the"", 0Ihtr dwolO ptOo1loC)Ie the ;.:.,. of be.", I


Ai.: How hII",,)'OO Wnc that? Morris: W.II. 1"...., had tho' privilqe doring Ibc last eight months of speakinl to 17 buI.. and various spi .... oIJ, oflawyn group!. I have al", ~n to a number of organizalinru with pr<><pc:ctive Iltwy ..... """h .. law school •. ir.cludinl.1I tn...., lCCn:d itc<l in· schools, Jones.. Cumberland and Alabama. 1'"" had on opporIuni·

Iy 10 do. tood bil of $pOW", and my !heme IUlly is "I)' $.im. pie: If we poIl'C Md .. fleet OIl wllm: "" are. Ihrre is wtlIIIltrful joy. wtlIIIltrflll upericna: in beiJI&. lawyer. The only lhinl l can claim \hal is • lillie unique il l don·1 " - of 100 .....,. people ... 1>0 enjoy be;'" a ~ """" ...... I. M>.ybo because r.-e ....-ays Ioohd ... 10 1Iwyers.. I never knew IrI)' lawyers ......... I " -as &fO""lnl up. and I we bel", one .. I specill ,,"vlleac.nd u on "I'JIOffUIIiIY. "l'l>e>-e are many bdm In _ SIIle ",110 "'" meml>cr$of_bor. TheGovemot. bodI US. Smalors. .. 1nine of cur S"lftme Coon m<ml>ml. I IarJ:e number of meml>cr$ <Jf !he ugi.lalun:. >e>·cral of our Cong=smen--all ore me",bel1 ol lhe Alaba"", SIau: Rilf. So. leadership i, . domi"""llheme in lhe bar. The joy of being around people who con .tep fOfWald. who undc:r.sland ........ 10 righll wrong. and who ron lead-I·", irnprnoed with Ih:ai and I enjoy 1haI.



How do you -.s \he $IOCtt$S of \he bar·,

....-' \lorrls:


' Ihink our disciplinary procesI ha! "",",ed ... ell. prvvious Wilhoul dooInpllyi"l\he ~ of ... y of Ibo: 1"....... "",,_I. lilIint Tony Md..liII ~ \he bo.i ~ counsel IhaI 1" .. been around . • lhinl ............·n ... iodom and an lbilily 10 help IIwynI .... ,ilI alCnSili,,, ear 10 Ibo: public and 10 ",·ho, Ibo: public up«" of IIwytt1. llhink \hal \be disclj)\i...-y pro<eSJ i.1bo: ~I in !he JG."""",\hing yeMS I"vc""'n i",,,lvcd \\Ilill !he bor.


AI.: 11 '-0 you appoiolM any \aS~ fOf"ttj; during your admini,. t,"n? Morris : I"vc Ippoin lM one. !he Long· Range Pianning Commil""'. AI.: WIw ;II"" , n:sporuibilily? Morris: Conlidc:ri", where the: StlICo bar >honld be. Ien)'<";\11 from nnw.

Wloy did you do \hal? \Innis: ~ iI ...... lime. h "u laY <q>O<Iftl in 1994. I ill""'" ... iI ...... time our p i.. h·l ...... "" of ""Y


...... llnd;vi~l1.


II..: H,...... you enjoyed b.w pn:s.idc'"? \ICIrT"b: I ....wnly ........ I.. I 1"'11 hoonor. One ol\be prior praidmlS of \be .we bar !Old me JOm<1hl", ..... woW,.. • 10c of ",isdoon. He said like the: po6;,ion ol prcsidem '"Cry , juS! don', tHe myself ,no scriouiJy. I ... "" tried 10 k""" ..... in mind. I lhinl: J ho"" under.s.ood and appmcialed!be 1>onor and d ignity o f being presidenl of lhe bar. So far. il Iw. ""'n I WOO<Icri"ul journey. and I have enjoyed lbe ride. •



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conduo;Iid,lhis iM..-vir:w in laoe FrlInaIIry Md iI "ill appear in the Man:h Wue of the ....prine. tap for the I"mWnder of)'OUr lena7 Morris: We·", "',in, I day In M ay IhaI I think will be 'POciaJ. honrlrin. all of the: pnI ~dlS as our special , ..... 11 "' la.I;e Manin. We everyone from r....... judges 10 U.S. Sen •• on \\1110 have....,n pn:si&n. of \he Ala bama State Bar. They"""" had lon& and illustrious C~". no! only in law. bul in other areu. 100. J am also confi(\on"he Lon,·Range Plonnin, Commil~ I. heode<l in a good direc.ion \\Iiill wonhy "",I,.


-.- "'.

... 4 ecIM: ..... V... ....,. ... Iawyen ... ric:to ........ - . . ""aI<" pey hit billo1 - " ""Myo.. n. _ . __

1", ..

AI.: How il!he bar·. fiMnC:i.1 ro!>di,ion1 Morris: l"ve Aid l"l'J"'aledly. (I"I \he only OfJon'u,;"" ilIll l '"" ev<:r""'n A part "flh.t", solyeni. in"o"Qlvtd in !he rbu",h Ind I·vo....,. in.-olvtd in civic dubs and I"vc""'n ;nvolvtd in ~po<:i.lly bars. and evel)' "lie "f lhem needs money Of i. in dtsponote need o f molley. B"" .. usc Kdth Norm.n ",a~cbcs e'ol)' dollar and does a g,..,aI job. the: bar i, in &ood fiMnC:ial condieion. Th ...... ""'n I uyin~ ye. for him ....,.u,. I was introdllttd ... i.h the uplanalion !hal I am the only penon ,,·ho can t-.a uCftd an untimit<:d budget. and I ... ve <lone. !n"y JOOd job of 1haI. Al~· We·",

AI.: I. Ihrre anylhin~ e],. '0 Jhare wiill our rude .. ? "oms: As my year c\os.el ou •• I f",,1 \be bM is in .. good a shape .. iI bas ev<:r""'n. la rom.,..; ... iI ,,·iill Olher bars .hn>ughovl the: counuy. we ..... as otron& I 11..- .. 1""" mc<IUI>~ We·", in Ibo: minorily _of ~O#'J ..... mIlcI"$/tip in bM auoc:iaOOns.. J bel""", dw """.nWldalOry bar ..... mbo:nhip' hal dnomaIicaUy hun ocher bM UJocillions.. Because of JO .....,y pn:ul", iSlol.>e$.. I do wi!oll lhallhe b.v could \.0.1;0:: a more loOIi"" rolc in some of \be ... al inrquil," In ilIi, <IM<:. I think \be ""'y \\/C elea judges i. lefrible. I .hink \be way ..... we opeme under an anti<jWllcd const'IUI;"" is ludicrou •. And. if \\/C. as laW)'t"rs. don·t lead. the:. In>di,ionally the:n: i•• vo;d in lhe load· cr.ship. lWo nty of the Ii.... 23 .,..,.i(\ontl of the: Unitod St.... \\Iere lowy ..... The othe. th~ We'" ,,·ar heme • . Lawyers .... ve Uldili"naUy IICpped up to I loaden.hip rolc and I think the:", is some unlinisbcd bu'i ..... in A ......... lhol "" need to address. OflCn. IIwyers an: positioned to see ...... '" "'rtInjS or inrquil," uiS!. Md ;,., our du'y 10 help ri .... \he Jl,~,ion.

-...y. Dmo! .........





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Aiobonwr 10 ..,.., ....... fll (E 00IIl of "';. rq>orr by MOil 10",) ... d<pmd on <olli .. ''-''M2...f1ill, • 2 ~ · "'(....1..... - . . buI _ _ _ r... fCOIII"ded - . Of .. IOO ........ fenoI.t)',,.. ... ,I,ltl"1 Ward·, w.b ,il<. " W it ~. I}' .. em. .. 1"<...1. h"p'II...·" ".d ... icI" I nI.<o'" ~II)


Is There a New Constitution in Our Future? hi, is I qurstion lIun has bedeviled our Slate for m.llY ~IOI"$. I ..." lI(ilhcr • 5OOIhsoytr oor do [ 113 .... IlN: clairvoyant p<)Wtn fir. " Mit.! CIfo," bul ;, is ckar dw ,m,nenlum i. buildin& for I rq>Iremo:nI 01 .... 1901 ~ilUlion. RecenI modi. rq>OfIS indio calC thai boIIIlho ~ and I~ sovemor fa_ I""""","", LG 1hI\. rq>bcemtnI. A n..unller of ItgisLa· IOn. "''''' exlR*d !heir dosj", for I """"'" ~ Law for ow lIMO • "'d. In .... ~ ... f.... week 01 the 2002 lqislali .... -.ion • Ie.... I half do7.en bills cIeaI;", "'ith comIJtutionaI rmsion hoYe ~ i~ 0... penon. in particular, woo lias pla~ I ....jor role in ", the public'.anenlion 011 .... need for I """" f;OIISj'Mion. lias been [IT. ThomM E.




of Samford Uniomily. Anal; .... 01

[!ldiono and UMainled b)' ... y <pecial i_n:st 0Iher \han IlN: _Jr~ 01 Alabama. Dr. Coru has 1Ja'.'C.... the $bIC '!l"l;n. aI _ . civic clubs e>.plaininc !he need for. comll1Uliooo \hal will allow Alab.omIlo .,hic>'C its fulles! poIeMiIll in<lead oIlht """"... docWfOttIIIhaI lhIdJes \he JUlie 10 the 19th cent"')'. A. Dr. Coru and OIlIer 5UIC' Ie.tdon; over Iho. Y" .... ha.... wiiCly rccopi;eed, AlabAma', ~ he.olth is lied dim:lly W our conOliIUIIOII. The ... Ifl~ """"" of Dr. Cons has Illl'll('1ed • ""ot deal of inl.~ from many KClors of our l lIIle and I'w once more moved con";Mionll "'form 10 the (ordron' of political debate and m..:k ill key ilO'" for tho thi, JUt', poli,;".1 ...,.,•. Or, Cons ha.~"Cd hi. odopIed ilole welL. The i\1~ba!J\ll Slale Bar has had. lona usodllion wilh!he issue or IlItw ro.milUlion 10 re,,11CC lhe 1901 Vl:rsion. Former Alabama Siale Bar Presidenl. OoVl:ffiOr.nd l.autknJol. Coonly nlli •• •:n"n~1I 82

MARCil 1001

O'N~aJ mode !he followi", "alCnlCnI allUl ""nual """'lin, of Ihc nIle bar: ~wc

can only judge 011>0, Siald by ou, own and we know !hal in Alabama reforms Iu"" ~n ac:oomplished only Ifter COIllinuotl bul painfully slow effons. <I.,d.maled 100 oflen by sclfi$h <ptCia! inle~l5-d\allhenc is. proI'oond di, · In1SI of our LzzislOlure .• discrusc jlOSlificd by the record they luw: ....... in ....,..", l'l'otJ. \hal our wing system is chaotic:. bod! unjll$l and unprodut'Ii~ f""l"",,lly boned OIl flbe and vicious pri""ipks.. 13cki"l bod! in equali,y and uniformily. !hal 1101 wilhswdi", the ~Ious res<lU1'teS of !he SIMC. and our inocreoasin. ~211h. indusulal and ..,.;cullu,..l ......,Iopmtn~ our $! IrOaSIU')' COO>S1.On\Iy faces • Ikfocil and llul conIribuling roore from ""'III')' for the suppon of ou, commorI and looob than :ill)' SWe in !he Union. we .. m rant .... the bOllom of Itc JUt in the ..ale of illilenq."


h"" ..

Thr$c mrw1<s """"' ....... by OovcmorO'Ncal II the bar', 40Ih Annual M<rtin, in 19171 In the course of hi, remarks tIw run for more !han 7(l paeu. Oovcmor O'Ne<tI hi&hlighled lhe chief defect. of !he 19(11 C(IIUtitulion and recommended ipc<:ir..: ref""", in the tIttu ~pc<:1i"" b,.."d •.,. of covemmenl and cspc<:i.lly in !he areu nr cd"".lioo and tUllion, II i, word!; still tuum u. 8~ yean 111Cr. oqoanderin, of ftSOUrces; sIlon , ighledness ar.d unwise "'IlUIiution, Four }'<'''''' lalef. Thomas .':' 0". of Albntville presroied his pI\I'IOr at the 44th Annual Moetin, enlilkd. "Does Alabama Need a New Constitution?" M r, Orr

mtnIlonod IlCCd effons.!hat Iwllakao place 10 ~ lilt inodctoCI56tutioa namely: su. •• 0(> ........ ,.. 10 paIdI

qua<'ICI of Ihe lllOl


"" !he cId <:tIftSliIurion !hat - •. .tP:t faro: of dr:f..... MIl ......, OOI"J"tXILcd 10 dtq :aIclaa throIt&:h Ibo cId constiIutionaI tW .•• ~, and IIqisLatiVC n:dution introduced irllhe 19l <) qisJ.a. live oe&sion caLling for I cons1illJliooal ronwnlion thai ..... "lti· maloly defC~led on the H (kIIO floor. Concllldi", IhaI Alabama fll'<"do'd a new COII>I.ilulion, Mr. Orr poirned 0111 Itw: "EVff)'~ ",ho has gi= the wbjoel ",allhouaJtl Idmilll lhal OIl' COft$I.iIUlion is full of lCCbnicahlies and SO compie>. tlw il is I hindrance raIhcr !han • 1o<1p. II hal. pown 10 "". pllCh......t. of AmendmmIs. some 0( which ~ hard 10 n:concile ",th the oripnal ;lIW\Im"",,_ It .."",.IS uscfulnes. and thedoy ,,"Hon~ ...·htn the bench and bar and press of the 51110 .... ho lhe laily musl kd: for infonnalion on lhe ... bjecl. mUS11./.1;e a JUOOa pooilion and make known 10 lhe peoplo. in t>O unttrlain lerms. lhe ",,,I <:allSC fQr the m"ny foilures of lhe Sial. (;ovornmenllO funclion:

Mon: rccenl .ffons have included Ihe WOtt. of !he AIIbatna. Cotwllllllonal C""""ission, In '1lI1inaJ "'fIOI"I of 1973. \he Comm,uiooI oooo:lOJd<d ~ _•. thMlhc 1901 cotWitutinn .•. is

obsoIc:lCI and s/IoItld "" rq>laoed "'th I ~i!Ulion !hal i. """" odequm for the ciliuns of \he _ . and for Ilo<ir covem"",nl both , '-"Ie and 1oc.1:· n.: Comm;s.ion. helIde<I by LoW}''''C CH"·,,d F.... lcr. drafled I proposed ne'" COIISli1U!ion complcle wilh ""m"""I",), for each seclion e><plaining ,he diffo"""'.' b<lw""n il and lhe 19O1 docu"",nl and the Commi",ioo's nllionale fQr • ..,h Chango. The """'" of !he Commission ""all ...... 'rICanl and laudable. h.......ed U lhe fOllndllion fQr the_ JOOidll AnlOle (An. VI). ..... ullimalCl.sop;.... MIl ..... iJicalion of .. hlOh Chlo-l" J....w lIow<'l1 lI. ru" opcarIoeaded. The Comm' ....... ·$ 1973 report also IOI""Cd lllhe I:>ui$ oftheshon· lived ....... ilulional "'form effon IoUpp<lI"IoN by Gm'tmOI" Fob James durin! hi s linl Idminis\n.'ion. InieltSlinaly. in 1983. I PfQIIOSII for a new """>Iilulioo lhal ... as makin, illl way Ihroogh the lalu", "'IS!IOI suwoned by the bar. Alabama SI.1IIe Bar I'midtn~ 1II1I lia inion of B,nni","'m I ppoimed lIarvid II tmn~ of Hunlll~ille 10 chair I 18k fom: 10 e ..... u ... the prt>pOSCd C(IMIil\llioo. The \aSk fom: 1NJ)'Ud taeft ..tide of Ihe prt>pOSCd COIlSIilulion ...t f""o;l the document 10 have ~1tUI1ICfOUS in~'ocies.- Thoe H.oud of Bar Commi .......... "lied ........ mooaLy 10 adopt !he report of lilt. wi< fom: and i,. """"""",ndation IhM the YOICn of !he .... "'joeIlhe proposed docu~ . lui ",ilh inttreSl in. no'" ..... ""ulion once again ....1· inll up. slalc bat I'""idenl San> lIu"",", IppoinlCd "'ti...d •·rd ..... I I>islrkl j ud~. Son, 1'01,,1.' 10 chair a LO.$k f()l"te 10 COMide. I no ......... ;lUIion . Servin, ... ,,11 JOOge PoiOIe' ""': I\c'·.r ly lIok .. of 8il1 8 ....... ' . of AnnislOn: Jim Campbell 01 A""i<lOll: C l mille Cool.: 01 TUsc.1oou; Grtt; Coodmano of Gad:sdea: ;\1 ...... 0.,'15 of Buminglwn: Judgr Bill GonIon of Morqomery: J"dl. j lMdy of Mobile: Kkk Johanson ofBirnungtwn: Saud ... 1.... " ·15 of MOIIIcomery: V.... I~ t 01 M""'I<:: Kick M~n"y ofDemopoli l; ~blc:olm N . ..-n,,,,, of ~h:!n: 1)0""" h i. of HU"I!~ille: Ro"·. of Hunl~.ille : j us Uce Jani. S hQ .... : 11111 Wasd~n of Mobile: and C. lhy Wrlghl of Ilinni",ham . The opc:cir.. cbati•• Ihi . ... k fom: are:




l . To INdy Itty prt>pOSCd ConSlilUli"", and as. deliberations the 1"IsI: F<)Iu Wil

pan of;1lI

"""''*'' the provisions

01 J.UCh proposed coowilUlion with the pn!"'"ision!t of lho

1901 Comtilulion ....... ndod a..d dotumino .. ~ and wbat changes ,,"ve bffiI made.

!'om! I>OOd noI. IItlOCMIrily cotre 10 ....... elu,ion as whether or noI. 10 """"""",nd ra,iflOalion or "'jeclion in whol. or in pan of any proposed Cooslilulion. il may do ..... hI n::pOI1 of finding' should b< of Il>Ch deplh 10 as 10 all ..... I ""' ... '" make an inleUi · ge'" ond infonnod choice.

2. While ..... Task


The primary potrp(IIIO 01 \he Task FoKc is 10......., IS • raource tool for all .... ila who Wil b< i"...h"Cd in the prot:eSS of f""""llI i,,, I new eoosti'ulioa. i,,<'IOOi ... SCfYirlg as • ououn:c 0001 for V<II<1I ""'" des"" 10 about any doc"n .. '" lhey are ultimalely cilled upon 10 """sider.

mow """"


4. l10e T... k Force ....11. In Iddidon 10;1< Studics. moke I rttOn'n"ltnda,ion o""""minl wablishmenl of I .pc~kc.· • bu",.u for !he PU'P"'" of di~minaling the ...sullll of iu !I1udi.. \0 inloCfWod c;littns within the .... Ie. I .... not Itt .lSIJOIoaer ... r 11"11 noI. ....., if the planets MIl Ihe soars ore proptrly alipod for I new comtiIUtion 10 become • fIIality. The signs an: erocouncinI- ~.1IIat the cili· ...... .... y be cloocr !han ever ~ 10 having a new ..... s.ti'u· lion, Allhough public senti ........ ~ b< in faYOl"ofl new ....... i· lUlion, e><pcn.nee with the odopIion a..d Ihe nllificalioo of 110< Judici.1 Article sIoowoth .. m.ny hunJl~. mUSt b< oven:omc. This cln\(l3.ign $Cason could vt:rY .... 11 <leI ..... ine if conSlilutional ",fonn ... iII con~""" 10 b< rhetoric Dr become .... Iily. •

_ .$


• The AIaINo .... ASSO<i.llon of l.q:al AlISklanlS recen~y elected ...... oif>eers. "They"'" ~lk/latI Iny. B...... &: Forman. """,denl: ("of.'" Wood. Bradley Aram Rose & White. parlilnlCnwi.,,: Jw,.. Mc Kinnon. Balcb & Bingham. flm vice-pot'Slden1; Sherr! L Watson. Morris. Cary &: Andl'ewl, st<:OIId vice-prtSldeo~ .... mbtr$llip; ~ky Shipe<. Burr & !'orman. sccood vke-prai<lent. semiows: Mo •• " n ~Ialhers, Mobile eoullly Probate Cowl. JCICn:tory; ud I>d>orU J. Criger. t.ov.:lest &: Lyons. IfnWn:r. • Dta:",hef II. 2001 ..... dedarcd ~ 8mr C. &dJoIc: ~ in Mobi le by a "rodamalOOII ol the City of Mobile. 8cdsoIc. '1'"'"1~ of1bt Univcnlty 01 Alabama ud the Uni ........ ty". School 01 ....... lou ~ nu .... rous ltmIS U the SUIte bar commissione-r for the nuru:<:nlll Judicial C i",""'. as wdl as 011 the

ASB DiKiplirwy Commi"ion. OdIC.. ""Iunleer '"""" includes ser.-ing IS. duro.. ~i""" 1976 and as • Sunday Schoolltachu for II years at Spring flill BapliSl Chu"'h. and " 1"'01 pre.<i<lenl of lhe MUII'dl"'1 Park Youth FOOtball As.sociation and Mun'cipal IJascbloU Awxiliion. ha,ing ooaobtd in various..,., (Ii,l,ionl for the past)O yean (13 Mobi le YOlillI Fuotball Conte",,,,,,, Championships and four lams. .. well .. many basl:;elball ~ps~ Bedsole also has beerl ",I«ro:d C<*h oflhe Y~... by the City of Mobile lilt timet.


• John M. ~lo)·d . willi VIlle.... Malnials Company. was recenlly rwnod 10 the Samford UniVCl""Sity Board of TfUS\CeS..I'1oy<I;I. ~ of Samford and 1bt Cumb<:rland Seloool of ....... Samford UniV<cn;i IY. •

TIMELESS WISDOM """,', FOibla ....., no( ",""fun {fIf cIIiIdtm ~ .......... 10 hdp 1aocIt.. ~ ...." ,,_ ond the ai ,he p<q>Io ""1aocIt...."",. 6obIeo COl> They _



1aJt:.. '" "",k~ <00iCd bct-=

...." .h".... .,...J....J ,\1l.


"ttOI"""....J hum,l"y, of>(!

.. In... ,f>(!i/f.rmo:<.f>(!

F'Iop;an tonlo', ....... lease. with

Iorrooonl by Robcn F. Kmn<dy. Jr., nplora ,he <Iouilo ai ,he timclcoo .. oodoom 1m by A _ ft. iny ... ~ to think

....... thorxoer

"""L,... ,,...

_ ohauId both ~ ond ~ in in<I<n.. ~""""how """,,,," -..:10m can bcncflt U"'fe'1 ion the" roI. _ IaJt:...

M A R C il 1001

Order Today: \-800-577-9499 Only $2.4.95 per book pb $1.00 S&H ..... item (Add FIo,.;,:Io ........ iI owIoahIo)

;;;: Or bJ eheck 'oo $..>il(" I'uIlIbhlna. P.O. Brut 12042 Penoaeola, FI.. }l}90.Z042 ............-Ill<publiJ.loi_

'* wh(lt Ate YOU Doin'f lOt L(lW D(lV 2.002.? for many Americans, this year the celebration of Law Day will take on extra meaning. After the events of September 11, Law Day 2002 will provide an especially pertinent way to recognize and deal with the very real struggles facing our democracy today. Terrorism presents challenges to America's core civic values, to our commitment to a pluralistic democracy and to our commitment to the rule of law. Law Day 2002 offers us a chance to focus OIl the common ground we share as Amelicans in a diverse society and as members of the global community. The law - and our commitmeol to )uslice and democratic values - is what binds us together as a people,

This Law Day. peffiaps more than any in receol memory. provides an important opportunity lor bar associations and their individual members to read! out to Alabama communities. schools and citizens. At the ..-Jabama State Bar, we can help. Encourage participation in the Alabama Slate Bar Annual Law Day Poster, Essay and Photography Contest. Start a Law Day program in your community - we can provide you with a detailed Law Day Planning Guide. Call us or visit our Web site at www.alabar.organd see what resources we offer. If you already do a Law Day program in your community, please share that as 'Nell.

Together, 'Ne can WOfk to make this the best - and mo5llT1e31lingful - Law Day ever. PlAN TO JOIN THE CElEBRAnON NOW.


...... R AlAMMA STfJ"E BAR To Serve the Profession


1M A~ L-yrr .... knot« ,...I>HsJo~ fltldrnus .1Ui ul,pIoD_, UIfIMrJ ul_ III, .".... MJOUlllt~1 ,dOln 11r, ~/" f"'" iN .<>Ii> pn>tliu. l'Iuru c,,~lillu.,o ulUi ill OU/Nt,"",IIU_U o"d/or addrnr: c~'o IJo'A/UoI ..... Shu, &rr M' ",Hn ll;P IN"",.."", til (J )4) 161-'JIII (flU) lK 1'.0. 80s" I. Mont""'"',] J6101.




W"II~r .... WIIII"n". Jr. Illnou""" the ~nin, of his offlc~ al 133 S. 9tIl SUftl. Godsden 35901. Phone (256) 54l-llISS.

RoI .. I1ne lloullon Frll h anllOOnce>; I n.rlI~ chang~ 10 RoIa"ne I lonU"" Conn~r and lhO! $he ",ill conlin· PC 10 pnr!'!lice in Mon~. J.IT~)" W. W• .,'Ol1. f<Jl1Utrl)" of Oru""",.t AS$OCiale5. PA. announces lbe ~nina of his oflke. al 310-0 Mdaluln Boulevard. Godsden 3S901. Phone (256) 543·2926.

Charles I~ Miller. Jr. ItI"""DCa lbe ",Iocatioa of his pnr:rke 10 I650Govnnmcnl SIIft!. Mobile 36604.

Phone ~l) 471 _l772.



1M,1d A. tll !hal he Ilu IJI(Wed hi. _ Mobile B.)". with lhe mall;", address __ P.O Bo.t. 2126. Fairhope 36533. Phone (251) 92S-


Stn" ·n " Kno .. 1Q. LLe.

s.lf" Smith onnounce rhol Bob Hurdl ... and GI"!"fI: lIurdi ... have joined lbe lirm aDd ~ lirm """'" his changed to ~Ir. Smith, Burdi ... " Hurdi .... llank ~Ihnd Bob lIurdj~ .... ilI ",maln 0{ cowtRl. Richardson. S""ar & S""ar. 1'<: anllOOn<ellhar lla'·ld .... Hamby. Jr. and J~ '" W. O ...~ .... Jr. h.o.\I(\ joined lbe lirm. The lirm name Iw changed to Rieluordson. SlIftOr, S""ar & 1.l a,,,b)". PC. J~~ Co fun l. lla,'ld A. ThomaSl1Id Charloue C. Chrnti an announce lhe formalion 01 fu llt . Tho",.. &: Chrntian. wilh offlCCS al 109 w. Washinal"" SIIft!. Alhens P!oonc: (256) 232·2611.

Morris, Car)"" "'nd~ ... U .C Illnounc"" thaI Co,," II. Driggen has joined lire lirm .. on l.l-fOCi • ..,. Phillip E.. Adam$. Jr_ A mold W. Un,bll<'h. Jr_ Patrick C. Da"idson, Mauht .. W. Whllt, and Jarob Walk.r """"",.,.., lhe (ormation of Adam$. Umbltc:h. Da,'!dsoa & W hile "LP. .. ilh offien III 205 S. 9Ih Street. Optlik.a )68(l 1. Phone (334) 745-6466. ~'ord &: Harrison Li. P ""nounces lbe openi", ol irs Birmingham off.... aDd that S..,,·,.. M. Stastny. Patrick F. Clark and ADd ..... &luorfcnbHJ: .."iIl be


"""'" ......

Among Finns

Maynard. COO"". & GIIe. PC announca that Jim G. McLauplin and C.roIe GoIil\\J<l MiUu have been elec1cd shard>okIors in the lirm. Tbomu G. MIDCUSO Iw joined lbe firm U I marohoider Ind L Pruiu h1sjolned as an assoclare.

l!.8!My. Alltn. C ...... Melh,·ln. Por\n-" Miles, 1'<: _ tIw. C Glb!;on Vlnc.. J .P. Sa..·y." C. I.. /Itt Gould. J _ ph II . Aughl"",n. [)ana G. Taunlon. J. Mark . :njtleluorl, aDd alnlOll C. Caner hII.-e bKome maroholtlcrs: Roberl naUlrd and J . I'lul SI"' .......... bKome of C<>IUtHI: aDd Ronald "'US!!. Conly, M .. lsu A. ,'rkk.u and W. Koger Smilh. '" have bKome associ.led wilh lhe lirm.


Oonald N. enlhrlt lnd ""11)" R. Knlghl ltloounce the form.uion of Gulhrl. & KniKht. " LC. wilh offi«s at 3 118 Heilwood [)ri_c. Birmingham. Phone (~)


HtnSI«. RobnUon & Stn" n. U . C anro:lUnteI !hal Chrisl:io D. Kn(nOles h.aI ~ I member and the finn """'" Ilu _ted to II~~. Mobtrtson.

MAll eH 1002



R. Mich ... c..ddd', Jr. and Stephen W. T ....mpson announ.ce ~ fOl'lrolioor of Cllddell " Thompson. The mailing aclclrbs is P.O. 80~ ~802. Homewood 35259. Haker, Johnston & Wilson. LU' announc:" lbe ",Iocali"" of il! offices. 10 the Colonial Hank !Iuildina. 2501 20th Place South. Sui le 230. mrminghoon 3S223. Pbone (203) )97·5200.

·'1"."..1 &: F.". .... I, PC anl\Ol>l>CeS lhot Jerry W, B..n:hl\fld

t..s bttorn<:


with the lirm Mod thai William F. kamMY ~ no 100,.. 1MOci, aIbd the rum.


Mid>. . Gillion, PC _ _ 1baI SroII W, lI .. nl~r has brcorn< ~i.aInl with !he lirm. MaSSC'y &: StOlMr, I'C anl\Ol>~!hat ,he finn name;$ now M.ssooy, S l o~ r & Nkhol" I'C, and ,hi' Lo.-rie A. Mapl .. ;s pllnncr.nd C hrislopher W, Johnson twjointd as I n associate.


IIflkI~n, MII ~"

C1a.k anr><>lOllC:C!l E. llrtihlu bujoincd the

Ihac K~lh fum at "" ~i ....,

SnB, T~..,." AllOOd.


an-...:u that SI",... n I. 1l!..,. has wilhdn ..,n flOOl !he rum Mod hu opened on offICe in DtphIlC, n.c firm name i. Sr.... " Algood, I.I.. C. .'~Id,


1I)'do, I..ll<, W."h~mer &:, I'C onnoonea!hal MH.k M.

Gibson tuosjointd lhe f,rm as .. woei·

joined lhe f,rm as I panner. and the firm name lou been thlll1&ed 10 Mdk,..",olt,


Smith" A_IaI6, I.LC.

y .... ng. \ ·.... n~" """'" announces Joh",lont. Ada""" Bailoy, GonIon &: 1I1nt.. !.I.e............a dw Robm Eo DIIte. Jr. and Richard W. \'oIlme., III bccome members 0( the firm.

lhat Chrislop/M'r L Albrl(tltt has become IMOciIlCd with the lirm.

J .. d~. William C. Thompson of Iht: Alabama C .... rt o r Chil Appra" an""""""" lhal C. Rk hard lIiII, J •• and Aimee S, I' n,ill 1Ia"e jointd hi' offICe as 'Ialf .u~ys.


CalNtnm. Johnston. Gard"" •.

l>umM &: O'Ne.l annoo"""" Ih.1 G. 1'ho:..nas Sum ... n has bcc<:tme a pan....of the linn Ind Amy Ikll Nol ... n II ... become associaled wilh!he finn.

I."itman, Slt1Iltl &: I'a)"ne, PC annwl>CeS Iha, Ch rislopher R. lIond and k. Unk 1-"'"1Cl<:r llavc become shaRhoIde" in lhe lirm.

Alford. a.~n &: Md)onald. LI.C \hat I. lIunlOr Compton. Jr.. Cali A, 1I ~ndt:non, C hristina L May and M a~1'd l:' Md>o.,-tU """" ~ -'"ltd wiLh the lirm. ~


Ccook. SI<:d~, 1)a,'1s, CaM " ShaUuck, PA lltlnounca that J.IT"....,. C. Smith t..s become • lotIaRhokItr, and Miry lid" Wn r C..-«1, \\1l1lam A.

'-r\ l_k &: Bloom, I'C ,hat Ch .... lOpM. J. Zul ...... bas joined the firm .. a sharehokltr. and lhat J..,. S. RooM, Christopher M. Mims. Michael J . ()oUKlas and J, Sco4t . :, ·an!l hltve bceome assodall;d with lhe

Jot-. Mall"" ... Q. ThompkiM and l.a"l11 J. CrIssorr ha"" become usoci.-


ed .... ;Ih the firm.

Mom." MoIk""ol1, I.LC annooncCll\ha1 Aln_ C. Snlith has

':hme and again, the /eader~


dedleal/on and sen.dee. 7.eJith '"""' Ih>n IWf I <mtury lIIKkr OOJ bdL,

you rould gy we know :Ill t.hen: is LO

know about rille


BUI it", 1101 jltlt .bout knowing Our

busine.. h', .bout knowing our dirms iU,d amiog their LrlIlI. Our Iaoo)m ~o: donejusl

mac. By bing the aperien« and insigbtlo proricIr ,;UJ unMnnitintl; JOIuOON. W~'",

r.Mrd tho: numIxT one 1ide imut;on(:(

OOIn(WWin M.-ippi - ' r=iltng ~r~

.....,.·rawtp. ThW.

1"" for p.nril',!! you. fllnb in Ul.

: M!SsISS!PPI VAI..l.EYT'!TL~: " •• ' • !I'SURANCE COMPA.W «1" .... :JI....

William Doyle Scruggs, Jr. ~&;I. the pursW' of a jus< cause is vimoous only when well ponuit .. gowrntd by boolOlobk inlmtions ond ...." , .... 10 the hi£best cchicaI scandanil. and y,'bcRu. the InIC nobility of !be law i$ manifCOled ia the dIano!:Icr 0( Ihloe ",-hooe liYeS honor the principles 0( honesry ond in<egrily. ond ~ the ~fe 0( Y,-~1ian, Doyle Scnogs. Jr. 0( Foot Payne. AIaiwna ....... a lriboa 10 princiJ*s.. ond Whereas. William Doyle ScruW. Jr. dtpanod thi$ Hf~ on N.,....,.,boor 6. 2001. ,he DeKaib Coun'y Bar Auod.,ioo.lhm:f""". dt$i~ to honor hi, ......... PlOY III lhe cxample which he hal 1<1 for.1I "",",ben of lhe bar. and cxpreii condolences 10 his wife. KIY; ,heir dau&h"'r. Slunnon; son·in_law ChrislOl'llc' Can1]1ii11&; &rand.Jaughl<:r Liu Banks; hi, siSler. J....; and all hi. frieOOs and """';al.,.. Be il kn<)W1{ thai tw:<: ...... 0( hi. qullilies of inl.11ecI aod c~. Bi ll Scrugp ...... eloclod and ~ IS bar """"",S$iontr for the Ninlh Judicial Cin:uil (De1Wb and ~ COUIl,ies) from 1974 UNill936. ""bea be ~ presidtn' of the Alabama Swe Bar. [a 1917. he raumed ru. pOOtion .. comlnl$Jiontt f.... the Ninlll Cimti, and continued 10 _ in 111M .,.,.i,ion wlIil 1993. Througboulllillis y..... 0(tm'1te 10 the Ninlll Judicial Circuil and the S'aI. of AJabal,,&. Bill s<:ruUI approo.ched .'"ef)' "" k willi. kcm inl.llecI. quick wil ar.d Un(:Qmpromisi ng im.gri' Y. Iii . high ethical.tru>dar-ds earucd him the 1\'$1""" of


M ARCil 1001

la"'l"'f1 througl>ou' the 'lite and ~uhtd in iii........itt .. Chaimwl of the Ta!.k!'om: on Lawyer Dixipli .... dIairman of the TaU: Forcc 01\ ProfONionali ..... vicedIairmaa of the Commi""" 01\ Lopl Ethics and l.awyc-r Diocipli .... and chairman of the MandalOfy CorMinui", l.qaI ~ion Commi.. ion. He ..... I member of the Alabama Su""",,, Coon JIIdiNI Ethics C(NJII1li'I«. and ~ ... judce on the Court of the Judiciary from 1985 ufllil hi. dtath. BiU Scruw earucd {be Alab;,ma SI... Bar Awan! 0( Meri. because of hi, un",lfish ronlrioo.ions 10 the legal prof_ion. This lou .0 the DeKolb Counly Bar .....odation and the citizen. of Ihi. circuit i. ifKplxeabl • • 001 the mell>Of)l of Bill s<:ruw will endure. and.he e.~mple be 1<1 for u, III will live fOf .........lioru '0 ~ornt. Be i, therefore now IQOIved. by the DeKllb Coun'y Bar Associ .. ion. tha ... ..., mourn the paui", of Willi"", D. Scruus. Jr•. we commi. ""ndveslO Io>nor hi> life by followi", hil cxlUllpk. We "~\edce that by adh=nce w tbe hi£best cchicaI MandardI. the <aJ.ISe of the Jq:1l profession is ad.--:td. and __ pltdl;C 0Utselves w 1hc: daily incre_ of pride and prof.,."ionaI· i..". in the pncIke of Ia.... Be ;1 fwther 1QOI>"ed 1tw tbe family and friends '" Bill ScnIgg. know of our doepesl .ymPlOthy in hi. pus. ins. and be assured of the we: ~ make.

Introducing ... the Alabama Lawyer Assistance Foundation ver 300 lawyers h av~ acC'CSsW ,heAlabam. Lawyer " .. isun<:<: Program the ~ was first impl ... "",moo. For 501lle. i1 was. cri,;s prttipitattd!he ,,"II. A spoosc ,hr=lcned 10 leave; a job was lost; or lh<rt was an alrobolldrug.rel""d atrC<L Others have called boe<oause they




rould 00 longer ,,"'.teh their frielld or colleague panicipal. in .. If· dcslruClj,-e bet" .. ;or, placing their I;"", and the well being of lheir dien.,., risk. Whatever the reasoo for the call. wll<n a lawyer fInally adrnil$ ,,,,,, lid,,," n«<Js help, it is. time 10 acL 'Their lives. as well as their rncoveries, m.y depend 00 it . n.. members of the Lawyers Helping Lawyors Cwnmil1ee

are a crucial pan of ALIIf'. TIley are rommined to "'Iping lawyen in need. M<>SI of the ir w<>rl< is done confidentially so you may 001 be ~ware of the "-'!Ont ortllei' 5crvice. 11lesc: comminee members are often the one& areompanying 11>0 <k~scd. addicted or delu,ion.l l.wye, CO treatmenl. Tt..y are the ones ,illin, in adrni •• iO<l$ offices when a lawyer in oced i. denied access to help because lhtir insu"",,,,, has I~psed 0< lheir pl.n didn't in<lude mental he.llll. 0< !hey simply I",•• run 0111 of fundS. It i. these commil1ce membe .. who al'" gi>'. hou.. of !heir time merting w ith judges. grie'''n<o commitl<eS. and dis· ciplinary p.... l. to) lIS,ist Aw\P in helping lawyo .... 11>ey are valuable membe .. of yoor bar and thty ntt<l)'Qllr help. 11>0 number one ob'tacle in gening a lawy.r appropriate treaU"Onl is financial. O('en by the time. lawyer i. ready for htlp. t../sbe h3< .:<lta"Sled all financi.1 mean, to pay fo< il. Se,.. nly percent of lawy... in Alabama were denied tre.lment I.,t year. only to be pl~ on wailing li$IS, 11>0 Alabama lawyer Assi'tance Foundation h3< been established to open <be doo<1. and help I.wye.. gel. chance.l recovery, It i, 001 3 give_ ~way but. I""n. enabling furlds 10 .I ....'.y' be av.ilablelO <be .... tlowycr in ottd. \o\'kn lawyen an: given a chanee at =<wery and held aecoonlable.!hey can and do .... urn as ,.Iuable members of their profession. lheir families and <be,r communi· ties, That'S goc>d for e.cryone invol,.d.

11>0 Local Bar Award of Aehie'.. "",nt recognizes local bar 3<S(>Oialion' for their OIIlStanding contributions to their communitie., AwanJ. win be J'l"SCnted at the Alabama St.t. Bar's Annual Meeting in July at Orange a.""h, Local bar a<S(ICiation, oompete for these ...... ard!; based on their si ze. 11>0 Ihn:e categories an: l"'llo. mediUm ond ' mall bar a<S(ICiatiollS. 11>0 following erileria will be us.ed to judge tho conlestants for e3Ch ,,"!Cgory: Thf d egreo of ~r1idpa· lion by Ih. indi.·jdual bar In ,.d,·and ng prog"'m ~ 10 IH:n,..

In the following ",'uks. yOll will be bearing more about <be Alabama Lawyer Ani.,anee Found.l;on. For more information now on how yOll can help, contact tho ALAF al 334.834.7576 or vi.i, the Alabama Slate Bar', Web site It! ........ .,'1l. 11>0 AI,bam..> Lawyor As.sistance Foundalion ... alllllher way for lawye .. to help lawyo .. help thom ..


r.t lh~

<:on.muDily; Th~ " u alily and ute ..1 of Ih. impart bar 's p"r1ici~lion '"' Ih. Cili .~1\S in lIUll c:omnnoni· I y ; a nd The drg .... of enha .... ..... nt 10 t.... bar'. im~Rf in Ih.oommunity. To be oon,~red for thi, swan!. local bar asoociations must complete and sublnil an a....-ard applieatioo by May 1.1002. Cunl8<1 ~;d l'dlt.rwo. diret:lor or programs ror tbe AS H. al (800) 354-6154. (334) 269- 15 15. <>:1. 161, or ",0, I:Iox 671 . MonIROIIM:'1' 36101 for an a,,'bn:l appl;""lion. • oflh~


CEELI Attorneys Wanted n.. C~"traI and East European Law l ni!iati~ (CEEI..I). a public service project of the: Arneri(,,,,, Bar Association. seeks anorneys. with f,vet ~a!S' .xperience. 10 develop. coortJjn3le and implement legal reform proje<-ts in Ctn"'" and Eas1em Europe and iii< NIS. Positions of length< "'" ava ilable lhrougboul1he region to won: with loxal judiciaries. bar lS!lOCi.lions, a!IOr'noOyS and kgisIaIive drafting commill<eS on criminal. ell\'iroomcnl3l,


commercial. or geod<r issues or civilla ... reform. P:II1icipanlS ~ej"",

,.""rous suwon package. E-m.oil Alisoo., cuUlitaJxmn0'1l or vi<il ,.".....,ahaJ~'_o'8lC«1i for on application and ;nf,,",,",;oo ,

The ",cent ....1IIlI in New VOI1c.

Wnhington. D.C .• nd Pennsylvania

undOfSC1ll'I til. nelMllo. "pdllled Ind mOfllugh disastBf prepared · neSl altd response plans. Tbese

piau un sav. lins. and help p'o,

1 Create complex legal , documents in minutes. o o o


1m . nd gi ... direction 10 stafl.nd

' eadersllip in me midst of en emer·

galleY. W"rIh mis in mind, me AI.bema Stat. Bar hIS producell •


~ Cuts document drafting time 75~85% "If anythmg apprOaChes 'law office 10 this is Il'





~HIc Dl Drafting llI:JrarIe& :;::. " ••



_ .. u. ......... ,..._ ........ _

concise. noy·la·implement guide thallaBNres • man.gement cloeekliSi. SltjlS tor putting toget!Jer a bar assoc iation or le",,1 practice emettIency preparedness plan .• nd resources lor providing volunteer

..... t.-_


Ittal servicn. Tha guide is .... il· abl .... no COSI. on· lina It www.• I.btN.orgoruponrequestby

calling 800-354-6154. e><te",ion 1:12.

BlumbergJ7xcelsJQr· lM'1WIT fMooc.......... __. .




* * *




2002-2003 Committee and Task Force Preference Form A MasaU!rom t'mI 0. Gray. pm!deo t-rled t uuud an in,'ilalio~ III aU Alaba"'a Sla'~ &r mm.bers 10 ''''UnlUf 101' s~""'. "" " sklu bar commiJru or uuk lora. fJwing Ihis bar Y"" . ..-e ~'iUIOl:u< 1m f.AW""·RS R"·Nf)ERING SERVICES. IMp lIS by ..nUnlUnnt la $1_ 0" ""~ 01 IIIr bar m mmiJrea '" /u, i lorrn. 1'1t<u~ IH "",i,,,, i" JOur /oc{J/ bar QM(N:ioJion fU>t. Th., nud y<>I<r tinu ""d iahnlJ, /0(}. I hope you $H " .1I1le bar _ u la or la>k lorr.II"" nany inurnts y<>I<; if pt'll!;' Itl mr kit..... by Cl>/tlp/tting Ihis larm. S/tru INrI' projH/< i","','~ lro,,,,1 <lr olh.,. ""'-nl-lhe-offiu tim. commumon/<. lWu~l.. r if JO" IJH ~'i/6·ng III be a ptUtiripating c<mlmiJrff or I4<k lorr. mc",/>H. I '"(:O"ro.~ your and yau, ;npullor lulun bar prqjul$.



APPOINTMENT REQUEST - Tern" begin Augu,! 1. 2002 and ~xpin; luly 2003, ltttlicate your lop IWo prden;IIC(:S from lhe liSt by marking I ~ 2 beside the prdemd ""mmille(: (e) or usk force (tf). _ _ AceesllO Legal Sef'liee5 (e)

HiSIOf)' & Ar<:hives (e)

_ _ A/ab"",,,


Edit<>riailloord (e)

Insurance Programs (e)

_ _ A/"b;moa


liar Oi"",.OI')' (ej

Lawyer Referral (el

_ _ Alte",",Ii"" Med.Qd, of Di'pute Resolution (e)

Lawyer Public RdaliO<lS. Jn formati"". Media (0)

_ _ BelICh & liar Relation. (If)

Lawyer Assistance Program (e)

_ _ Charnet"' & Fit""" (ej

Military Law (e)

_ _ Client Security Fund (ej

MinQri.y Participation & Opportunity (11)

_ _ Creating a Lawyer·. Hall of Fame (If)

Mul!idi!ICiplinory Practice (,1)

Oi""ity in llIe Prof">!i"" (,1)

Solo & Small Finn;onors (e)

_ _ FH Dispute Resol"ti"" (0)

Unau.horized Practic. of Law (e)



Finn: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Addre.<" ______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________(St,...,1 or P,O. Bo. ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __________ (City. State. ZIP) Telephone: (omce);;:;::==::-______ e-mail: ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ facsimile ______________ Year of admission to bar:

0 Check if now ad<\re ..

How much lime .n: you ,.illinK to spend 00" rommlliN o r !>Uk


16+ hours P'" month


6-15 hours per month

o o


5 hours p"r month occasional contribution

INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION Copy this form from Ihis edi.ion of Th. Alabama Ln~)'u. and mail it to Alabam. Slalo Bar, AII." lion: Programs . P.O. Bo~ (\71. ~ loo lg"",..,.., Alaba,,,a 36101-0671. .. nd by fa""lm ilo. (JJ4) 261·6J 10. ~ go to ... .,"',a/uiHl,.org and comp"',.!he form on ·li"" and.«nd it. We mu., "",.ive your rom. on Of bdorr May I S. 2002 10 CQnSid<:r)'O\l for a rommill"" or task force appointment Please ",member thaI tbe vacancies available f~ each committe<: and truk for« arc .'tremely l,mited as IOO5t commilte<: appointments are filled on I thn:e.y~'" rotati"" basis.


Constitutional Revision

A [hal


the end of the 2001 R.,,,lar Suiion o f the 1qi,lalure, by Hoo"" Resolution 538. the AI~bama House of Represent.I"., rcqucsled

'~he Law lns.iwle rondUCl an an3lysi. <If

lhe .",.OOnlO"1.< to the Consli,u,ion of AI.~",. of 1901. for lhe: pu~ o f recommend;", to the Uoo"" of Represenwi'"e$ of the uBislalUn: I ptU«'du", f(K =ilIin& and """""idaling the COrlSliMion.~ 'The pis ot ouch III IIWysis by the l MlilULe "-kI inclllde the followi n,: (I) CtcaI. ,""blic aware ..... or and ecIucaIc the

public 011 the ptubklld culTenlly uiltu., in the Al~ ComtilUliolll; (2) Provide !he Hou"" of R~ ... _

.... ith ope-dfLC ",idance for """Mitu""".1 _i'lon; Md

(3) 100000.;(y the~. of a ~ C<lruli1U!k>n and Kknlify m<:1bod. and ~be5 for teIIi';n, or l'C""ri1inll the current cons,iIUlion.

CilKs and

public o fficial •. A re-«Xiification of lh. con5tiM ion is ru~nlly bein& prepared. The follow ins dtocribts fou r d irrerenl a p proache!; 10 addl'us ron~ilUlional rdoml. ((aI:h ~h wi ll require ulf:nsiw: ~iew. Thi$ i, folk""td b)' "'pptndi.~ A rom.iOli"l of I chan 11131 """,ides...nou$ compari..,... ol'lhe 1901 ConSlilUlion.


I. The lint IpproKio i$ for !be ItlisWure to ""i", !be 1901 COIISIilution. Am.:/t Itt Alfi;:le. iklow ;. • 5llUOItd lime table and ..... hod to this l.

II .

SLote IJ.oundarle,. /Iou .. ""..ed in 1{J(J(J &: 100/

the following rrpan with the Hou.., uf R.~..,n'.tiVl'$:


t>iwibulion of P,,"·el'5 · No N ..d '" R~,'is~

'The: loal of I st.le """"ilution should be 10 pro.ide • rra"""",,,", for covanmen1 and prot""'ioo of ilS pc<>pk invwing wrs ,.j,h the lulhorily 10 ~. and kad SUI" ~ment. PublN: ..... l"t1le5S can best be ICCOmplishcd by ...... mol;"" from the Govnoor, individ.w lqi.bIcn and


OcpUlmen, . R 1(JO.1 Rule drail wili. ~, SperiDl Com",is.;"n )


.... ilioeal lSlIiuance cl """.Iq;SW;w: Currently. the foll"""ng oopniwiom blow:. COIlSUlu· lion (!(I~ prop;un: SIaIC COIISIilulion:al Law Pro;c<:I II Cumberland School of Low. Samford Uni .'tnity; Alabama CiliU'ns for C""5I1Mional Reform: Alabama 2(01): Alabl"'''' Slate Bar: Public Affoil'5 Rt~~rth Counci l of AI.bama: AI.bam> ua,,," of Women \b(el'5; Appleseed Four.dation; 1001




M "'~CH

Dt<:l.... llon of RiShtJ • lIollu Pruud ill

1(J(J(} & 100/

In n'lponS<\ to ,hi. resolulion. lhe Low l" "ilUte flied


l..cacJenhip Org ... i.... 'ions:


cbambtn of Cornme=; and various org ... iurionJ of N..ut 10tU




JlMliciol Ocpanmonl . Nt.iMd /91J


I~ .





*" and

Nt";', 1001

~. N..ued 1911

R<~ioa· 200J


T"",,,i,,,, . Sperit>1 Com",issiDn · Rtporl XII ,




"Mud 200/

XlIl .

8 lnking' IIfJust I'tssJU




EdIacaI;.",· ~ci..1 O""missu, ... R.porl2004 M ililia· Rn/II 2002 OMII of OffICe • 1'1.. !'Iud "' R~.iJt


M iKdlaneou" IIO/N Rllk • Sp«ud C"", .. iJ •..", •

H.porl2004 XVIII.

Mode of Amending C<IIlSIIIWon • H••". 1004

Undtr Ihis fim IIIlI'fUKh. appro~i. moldy I..,., or I",," ankles are """"id· ~ and ~ne.d by the 1eJi$1aIure each

yea:r. A ~i$iod of lhe ""I;re collSliluliod coold be .. romplisbc<! in lhe ....11 tItrec yean. The princopalsubwonli"" provo. li<ln$1O be revi!ltd are .,klcs ~Iing "'ilh lIIUlion. educat i"" and lhe home Nic provisioos. Thtn:fore. I spocial rommi.\ce of !he IcPLalll!e. or spocilol COd'lil"I;"".1 commission. coold be tre. "ted 10 Jludy and hold beann" and r"",ms "" lbooc: o!C:m$.. The oommiuce. or romm;$$;"" . ...wid ,ubmiltO !he q. islature "",,,,,,mend:ilion. for I.,.i,iod, in t.l!eK tItrec IIUS. Al the WIle lime. !.he \e&islllon.!I~ public: Ind those: 1ff<ClOCl woold be ed"".u:d as to the bam,," and safeC..ard< reptdin& 1bac I""," areU. The ~i!ltd articles cooLd be ~cd in !he followin, ways:

the 700-plu. amend ..... "'. Delaware Supn:me Coon Opi~Wn of 1M


Z. A I«'OfId .pp roxtt _1<1 be for the le,islalure 10",1opt a ."t>difiaollon of the ."rrenl ooosti.u.ion. foldina into il

Amendment< Ref"",n<in. Comliluliod Section Amended

J... rku. 164A.2nd].42 (Od. 191(1) pernliUN. An <>pini"" of tbc Alabama Supre .... Coun would need CO be requested .. CO "hellier lhe enlire re. rodifiN constilullon coold be VOIed on :IS one COdstiholtOOal ...... ndmtnt $ina: tller'e """,Id be no su!>JWtli.., .han,e. TIti. would allow for . bener undel$tandin, of nWty amendmen.s


and would omi' the KClionl tIw """"

been held uncomti!Uli.ona1 and those wOOsc: applklbililY have lopse<! by In and bond authorizations. This intem>edi ...... p wooW"", provide: lilY ...wilutional ~i.ion. '-'cvff. it would bri", the .......... amendmen'" in.o III organil<'d form . The re-codifi<:<l COdSliluliOll woold be wbjcct .o additi.ona1 *,.c,odmc"", in the same nwmo:r .. the <"'"'til 1901 CQn<1i,uliQn h'" been .mended.

!.he possa&II! or .i"",. _" as

1. A thlrd . ppl"CMM'h is 1 comprtbcn· sin re>'isIoo of lhe ooostitution by lhe ICli~lalure . All ""ides and ""'. 110M would be cOflSidtn'd. Thi. ..,.,..,...11 _Id require I COdSlilu· lionll amend"",nl to pemnt ""'" 'o'Ole of lhe pNplc "" In enlire COll~titU' Iion.IU S-~ MM""I~. .... ' So.2d 11M (Ala. (983). The voterI tn\I$l rt/'Sl (\c'o""inc wlletller!hey .hoold mU, on ... "nlirely """" COdSlOlulion. If !.he Wl!Cn oppn:rw: Ihi$ lpIIIOKh. they would ,lien vote 00 any proposed .,.,... Slilul;"" a~ by lhe 1c:,illamre.

A. Each ""'id" presented as • Sl<par.>le COIlSIirutional ",.c,I(Io""ru 10 be WIled "" lndividualLy. 8. All ~i:lCd onitles 10 be presenled as ""'" amo:ndmcnt .moe ankles ill. VI. V lLl lnd XVI willlKlt be revi!ltd. This would 001 be In enti,dy r.ew <OIIslitu· liod and _Id be pmnined ......... in. LO. Califomilo hoIdinl in M~f;,dJ~n ~ Jordan. 31 Cali.2nd)30 (1~8). Wbere the eff.:ct of adopt;"" of the meull!e propooed woulll be 10 ~add or within the. lin« of lhe <lriJinal in.siN""'ru (10) e/fecl In impro>",,,,,,nl Of beno:r <any "'" !he purpose for ""hkh il wal fJ21l1«l .~ Uwrmorf! v. Wail'. 102 Cal. 113. 118 (L8~). H(7WII!YCI". lhe qiJ!ature >houkl reqlOell ... opinion oflhe Alabama Supreme COlIn ",to lhe ronstiluliona/ity of Ihil approoo:h.



A rourlh IPP"*'II """,Id be for doe !egi$lature 10 pass an "'" or resoIlI1iod <a1lillj for • ron,cnllon . 'The sel.~.iod of <kicples. IiIWl<'int the tc)II'Vt1IIioa and • rcpon;n, dale would need 10 be (\c."""ined. 'The previwi si. romli'u· 00as( 1819. 1861. 1865. 1868. I87S. .... ions and 19(1) were drafted by _ ofowro.imalcly 100 membeR.

Accomp;myinllhis repon is Apptndl~ A ",'hid! "'" cfwU prq>ared for !.he Low Institute by Profesoor Howard Walthall. director the Stale Constitutional Low Proj<cI M Cumbcrtand S<:hooI of Law. analyrl",tbc 1901 Constituuon in tbc followinl chans:


AppftKll~ A


Constitulional Sections wi.h Amend",.nIS 10 Each Section

C ILART 111 S£c.ion. llcld UnroruliMional C IIART IV Ani<:1es ReviKd and Ra,ified by lhe Vol,," C IIA RT \'

Ani.clu R....;sed by II_of Represenuti'~

C IIAII.T VI Superseded f'rmo;,ionI Append'" B. ",1Uch f~ !he inllial ",-as a re-<:OdiflC*ion or !he entire constitution ""hkh ill<Ol'JlOf'lled inLO the 1901 ConSIitution!he 70S ..... ,1(10 ...... ~ 10 dau:.1hereby BivinJ !.he icJislalon 1 colleIqIOfl.

Ii.., conslilution. The Alabama llouSl< of R~_i''eS paWd ili bills. """;';nl .. ~ ....."'" of ,he. currem rorosu1U!ion .• nd <enllhem '0 the Sc:rtaI<: for C<Wider1o!ion. Tbc>e bill' ...,:IS follows: 118-4S (Ani<:1e I). H8-46 (Anic:1c: 11). H0-48 (Anic:Le XII). 1U1-49 (AnieLe XIII). HlHO (ArtieLe XV). 1m· S I (Anic:1e VII). InstltulO.p ...,.t'fd It&:hlallon, I. Alabon'" Uniform Anatomi<al Gift Act. 118·?'. 58 -51 ~ by 1I..,.,.......,laIIi.., De ......iu$ /<.I"""'tOll and Senalor Ted Litllc.

2. ALab.>ma Uniform InlCc .."Ue EnfOfCll!"",nl of 1JomeSIi<: 0nItrs. 118·98.58·33. sponSQted by lI.epre,clnative JOII! CarotberJ and Sc:nawr lI.odtef Sm,tbcrman .

3. Alaboma Uniform In<1i.u.iooal Fund. Act. H8.96. 58.91 • ..,.,...."..0 by Rq>reSII!ntoli>'C Morttl 81ack and Sc:n~lor Torn


The qi!.lOlun: is expCCled 10 my in 5CDIon w>lilthe middk of April. For more informalion aboo.u lhe InIti!Ule or ... y 01 its projtns. COdt"", 8ab ~kCuriqr. dircaor. AI . . . . . Law InSlilute. P.O. 8o~ 8614U. Tus<.1oo$.o. 3S486-001J; fa~ (205) l48-84J I; phone: (lO:S) )48. ?411 ; or Ihrouglo !he In .. i,ute·. Web lUI'. _ ....Ii..W •.•I./u:. •

_l_ . . _ . . _ . . _ ... _01_"' __ . _ __.._



McC.Ioor. Jr.

..... .


Imputed Disqualification of Law Firms When Nonlawyer Employees Change Firms Ouwtion:

Su~me Coon.

In fQOl'laI opinion, RO·9I-01 and RQ.9 1·28. the Ditciplinary Commis.ioo of the Alabama Siale liar held, In ,ubslance. thai «>nOiclS of in"''''~l resulli", from """. I"... yor employees changing!;,w lin". ~l:I ~ O"m:omc b)' building a "Chinese wall" to ........ n lhe """,Iy bin:d employee from j ...'OI''e ..... DI wim any malter on which the cmplo)'CC.......t...:I while cmployod 1I llis or her old finn. In m:enl year<. ",,",'<'>'ef. an inau>,n, Jltlmber of jurisdictions "",,, condlldod . . ouch rau'''1II procedun:o ..., indlCClivc "'boa a 1IoOIlIawye< c~ has otuincd cmfiden<i.aI infomllliool ronomnina the """Itt in [IUpion. Comidmolion of the poIoitions tak ... by Ib<3e jurisdi£lions calls illtO queslion !he ..J eth. ical validity of the ~ upon ",hich [he$<! I""> opinIons wne prulicaled and the o;tciplirwy Commis.ion has, lho"'fon:. dclcmJincd lIIal the COIIC'lusioru ",ached 11It",;n lhould be lUOfI,idcn:d,


Alas.".I9I. It nonlawy<:r employee 111'1>0 chmles IIIII' firms muO!

be held to the same 'l:Indard< .. I IJw)'a" in dcl<rmininl whtther I COlIn.,.. of in"'''''' oxi.e., It rU'1l1 ""hich him • nonlawyer employee pt:Vooly employed by ~ ina ooulU<'l in pmdinc ~lilllion would hi..... ronnie! of inlCf$ and m.... therefOR: be disq""tirocd if. <Juri", the """IX of the pn:vious emp!oymc .... lbe ernpia)' ... K<pind oonfidC'nIial infOlmalion concc-minl the case.

howc:,,-,.. has ' ....n II", po$irion !let<

the "Chinese wall' concepl. $I>oold nor apply 10 rneri~. ing lawym.ln RoM", •. l/ulcMn,. S72 So.2d 1231 (Ala. 1990i. 'he COUll held . by way of dkra. 1hal1hc -Chil!eSC wall" rould 1101 provide an df«ri •• screen to auomey. in poival. prac1ke bul lhould apply only 10 gove<nmel\! .... other publidy employed auomey •. 572 So. 2d [231. 1n.1 or n. J. More signirlCaddy. in [990 the Aiabarnlo S..... B. pn;>p<I6Cd. and !he Alattanwo SUIft .... C...... oOOpIcd. !he Alabama Rules 01 Prof<'Mional CoDduct. .. bicb boi:amoe droni..., January I . 1991. Rule 1. 100b) 0I1ho: Ru les of Pmf~1 Conduct lO"<"fN conniClS of inrem.! ",,!he pan 01. linn " 'Iu<h employ! an aUorne)' p""' employed by oppooing cou~l in ""Il'" ing lilig"rion and provi<b. in substance. !let< an auor_ ner wiih confldenli.] infonll>li<)ll abour. former elien, bas" c""met of in'.'UI ,,·hich prttludc, ",~$Cm.­ lioo by lhe finn, The rul. makes no n"nlion of. or provi,ion for, any Iype of "Cbil\t$C wall" ",reening """,'


Based up"" !he lbovc. rhe of Gcnenl Counsel and rhe Disciplinary CommiHion Ju...-e ~iSl<:nlly held ""'r such conflicts <)II !he pan cr an au""",>, """. nor be cured 0.- oveorome by <1'I'.:tl<l<l cr. -au""", ....11- Of any other type of ler...."ng ~ The Disciplinary CommiH"'" rcfllOed. Ioow..--. I.. disallow !be -aunesc ...~I- COfIC"t"pI. j~ addressing """flleu of in1= wltidl can ~II ..'betI. l'KInl<t1ll")'n manges Law finns.

In some jurisdictions the "Chi".... 111'.11" ~urc for connielS mulling from ~hanging finn, h"" boen .pplil!<! 10 lowye" IS well "" IIOnlawy ..... The AI.bima MARCil n02

In m:enl y.m. bow ...... ...,.,.,.., jwiodietioos h.ave bcJun ro quellrion!be dfoni,,,ness ohcreening proce_ dures when a nonlawyer employee whu ~h.nges firms i, in posse .. i"" of confi(Jcnlial informAli"" concerning 1he mailer in ]iligali<)ll, One of lhe firsl juriodicr;an. 10


ac=nins """ 10 hold nonI_ya"

SWKIard .. 1.""Yen wa< lho: U.S. Di.\.U'icc Coon fOl" II'M: W",'em [)i,IriCI of Missouri. In 1'o~1II"",s ~ T","s World ltirli~.. Inc.• 588 E Supp. 1031 (W. D. Mo. 1984). lho: t"OUn made cbr: followi", statemenI :

empIoy_ 00 \be _

"NonLo..."." pctlOIIIIel are widely ~$M by lawyers 10 wise in mKkrin, legal service, . Paralegals. invaliplOrS . ...ct 5("CrtUries mUM bave n:afy .:cas 10 c lienl cocolidcnI:et in onkr 10 aWOl their .cor· ~ employers. Ifinr""""lion pr0.vided by. dienl in eonlidence \() an a1(omey for lhe pu~ of obiaininl .....1Iodvice could be \O$ftl ",ailUl the clienl because • member of the nQnlawyer supporIllafI" .. ft the altor_ ncy's employmenl. il """Id have. devaslaling eff""l on bo<h lhe fmc flow of information belW ..... II'M: eli .... and the allOmq and OIl the -.c aod qualilY of IcJaI services rendered by on 1IIIOrnIIY. E""'Y dcpartin, scc~lary. inve~ig'lor. or panlegalwould be frtt 10 i",pan confldemial inromllliion \() the opposilion .. i\hoW effective ~ft'. The only pncIicll _y 10 U$UtC tbac Ibis will"", ~ and 00 p"'5erie public uu" in !he KrupuiOli. Iodmini"nllioo of jUl· lice i. 10 subjecl Ibesoe ·agenu' o f la..,..", 00 cbo ...... <Mabilily I..... yers bave ..·hen they 1e:a..., ..pI empIoymenl wi'" t"OIIfodcnlial informalion.- 588 1'. Supp. al 1044.


Subseq,",n~y. IS more SIOies be"", 10 adopi the Model Rules of Prof_ion&! ConduI:t, or some varialioo ihcra>f. more IIIId _ joarisdictloftI COI"IeJudcd !NI Rule 5.l(I)&.(b)' when ~ in COIlj.ncIioo wilh Rule J. IO(b), requ.ila thai non· lawyer employ_ be held 10 lhe same SWIdanl. as allOmql wilh "'Bud 00 clienl confodcnlialily aod corUIicts of i"~ """11iII& from <hang;", firms. Typical of the jurisdictions ..·hicIL employed thi s is the opinion of lhe Sup~me Coon of Ne.-ada in Ciuff""~ v. DiJIIKt C""rt. I J) " "". 11M. 945 P.l<! ~( I 991). The Nevadlo s..premr: Court oooocludcd as follows:

"When SCR ll1lARPC Rule 5 .31 i. ~ in coojunclioo with SRC 160 (2) IARI'C 1.10 (b)l. non·

.. wyer ernployus become IUbjca 10 !he &arne rules governinl impoU«l disqualiflC"llion. To hold o.hcJwise would plLnl less """oclion 10 !he confidcnli.>J. and pri.ilc,ed infOf'llWion obWned by I """. Iowyn!han Ihai obtained by . "wya". No not;.,.w., i1 offered by Ci. trooe ..·hic:h justifoeo ...... r dellmc of protc<:lion for confide" tial infom,ac"," . imply bcca b~ il ..... obtained by. " o,d... ya" as "PP'*'I00 a lawy .... ThcR:fore: . ...., oooocillde Ihai the policy of prolCC\ing the luomey·dienl privilege nlY", he preserved Ihrough imputed di"lYalificalioo when a nonlawyer employ«, in ~ of priviqed informaOOl:!. IOCC"epII employ· .........·"h • fum ,,·ho ~I$ • dienl wilh rrwcrially Iod.,.".... i"tela" ." 945 P.l<! al 953.

The Nevada Supreme Coon c hancte'· ized the "Chinese _II" IIflIlI"lCh as ha._ ing been " roundly critici«d for iporiIIg the .... Iilies of effecti..., ....... niol and liligalinl lhal ir.sue Ihould il ever ari5O.The coun t ilt<! IS "" example: of i L>Ch crilicism an anicle in the Gwrpt"..·" JOI'mtll '" I4DI Ethics, y;x.;

"!'or e;umpic. <me commcnlMOr <:lpLaincd tbac I mojority of COUtU have rcj«led """"ninl bccau50 of the uncertainly repnling lhe etr.,.;:tivencss of the S<nm. cbo monetary i~ lrwoI\'ed in bradling !he f<ft!eII. the rcar of di.oclol.i", privi. Iqcd infomwioo in !he COW"5C of proving on effective $CmCn. and the possibilily of at<:ldcnlll dillClosut"eS. M. !'tier Mooer. CltiMU %/,.,: " M~ '" A.'OOdUt.\' Law nntl DUqIIal~ II1>tIo " hr$bItIJIly DUqIIaljfiM Wwyrr k>iou 1M nntl, 3 (;eo. J. lepl EIhies 399. 403. 407 ( 1990): 945 P.2d at 953. Tht~ an: numerous other dt<:i$ion! ..·hieh ~1dI tbo $IIlIIO or s.imilar coneluaionJ. e.I.. Cordy" SN",,,, Wi/lianu. I~ 1'. R. D. 575 (D.C. N J . 1994); MMRIYo'al/oce Po ..·u & IndustrinJ. ItIC.

". """""", AsUN:iaIU. 164 F. Supp. 712 (D. Conn. 1991 ): MokiUl Corp. ~ U.S.. 11 C. I. T. l4O. 819 F. Supp 1099 (CIT 1993): GIowT/JonledGtu Corp. " Circk M. ~_ Bam. /M.• 129 A.D.l<! 678. 514 N.V.S. 2d 440 (1987); $mlJrt lrulwtries v. S_ri<>r CQurt, 119

An ... 141. 316 P.l<! 1116 (1994); K""lisis ~ R,·w>2. 1)0 So.2d 289 ( ~, • . [)ill. App. 1m): Dailies v. Akatel. 194 I'. R. D. 67g (E. D. Wash. WOO) and

1.;,..,...,,,,,,,,, v. M<Jhasktt &,.,/i1lN Ct>.• 17(1 Kan. 810. 19 1'. 3d 114 (2001). In z.--_ sup .... !he Supmne Coon of K ...... poimcd OUllhai dioquali . focation i. not i"""iiable in every instlnce. ·Our holdinllo.Jay 00cs"'" mean Ihal d~ ... lifocalion is nWldalory whe"""", a """lawyer .....,....,. from one pri. .e rum 00 another .. here the lWO forn\J_ illYOl\'ed in pcndin. litigalion and ~ ","", Iod,...,.. ponies. A lirm may a>"Old di"lualific~lioo if (I) lhe I>01llawy~r employee has "'" Kquittd maltrial and COIIfodcnli.>J. infonnMioo ~pnIln. the litigation or (2) if lhc: dienl of !he ronncr lirm waives di!I<jUIJifw;:aion _ 'f'I'I'WI'$ the ~se of . """",ning device or ClLine<e wall : 19 1'.3d il 793. For !he IUSOIIJ SLOL«l abo..., tbo DillCiplinary Cornmiss.ioo of the Abbama ~ Bar is of lhc: opinion dial I """'lawyer .. aplo:r......110 changes .... finns mLLSI he held 10 the ....... IlI/"ObIds 1$ a lowyer in delermini ", whclhtt a CQllnicl O(in~ e.-;w.. A firm who hires. non.. W)' .... cmpoy .... ptel'iousJy employed by oppos .... ......wl ,n .,.....,.... Utiplion WIIIIId ba ... I conf\ic1 0( ~ .,.;I ...... lherefore: be dioqualif.... if. durinl !he COUIU of lhc: prel'iou< employment. lhe ~rnployee Kquircd coofidenlial lion c<n;:cmin. theuse. IRQ.OU)II •


Endnotes _s.3W . ... . . - ........:"VIWI-'

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ark your calelldars_the Alabama Yoong Lawy~rs' So<l;OO SaodcSlin Seminar is May 17th and 18th! Thi. s.en>inar i, the Stttion's IIlOSl i",~.m c,,,m of tbe year. Please make plans now so thai you win be Ibc~. We alway. bave the beSl CLE speakers and this one i. head and .houldcl'$ abo,.., the "'her C LE seminat'll. We already have c:onruma-


,jon. from p",fessor 8 1'1Od Bishop and P rof.,."." Gen. Marsh. as well as ASB I' '-" rry Morris. Plan ahtad and don', miss .his opponunily for pe<$OOal and professional growth.

Planning ",,"ad ;s css<:nlial


succe6..ful pnoctice.

With this new year, as!: yourstlf ..'hat is il th.u yoo want 10 ""h;"",? WbaI "'" your goal.? WbaI dri ..... you? It is imp"...",u to ask YOUIU,f IlIo::se quo::W<.>ns ea::h year as • reluctallCe to plan is • recipe for fail.,.,. As!: yourself lbese qUOSIioos. and lhefI make rlans to be in SandeMin for • ~ul OppOrIunity \0 gain insig.htS from older, wcces<fullawyet<. I Io.>ok f""""'<l to _ing yoo tbcrn' •

Todd Strohmeyer is a /J<mnorm Sims. Gmddick Dodson in Mt>bil•.


Take a moment now to check your address on any mailing label from the Alabama State Bar.

Is it correct? If it isn't, you have until April 1st, 2002 to change it and still get it in the 2002 directory. MA~CH


To Serve the Public ..................................................$ 10.00 per 100 Oty. _ _ . _ .. detailS 01 bar public servICe programs I"HghHghted In the TO SERVE THE PUBLlCvodeo presentation Law As A Career ......................................................$10.00 per 100 . , opporlUnltie S and

cha l ~ng es


~w caf&llr

Oly. _


Oly. _

$ _


Lawyers and Legel Fees ........................................ ,.$10.00 per 100

8 SUmrnafV 01 base inlormatJon on common legal questoons and procedllfes 10( tile g$rl&flIl public

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Consumer Finance or · Buying on 1ime · ...............$10.oo Pltr 100

Oty. _ $ _ ,outIones IfT¥KII1aOt oonsdeiabUl5 and provdes a:Mce on finanaaI mailers aflectJng !he ~ or IarrniIy

Mediation ... Another Mathod .•• ,•. ,•. ,•.•. ,•. ,•. ,•.••.•. ,•. .•. $10.oo Pltr 100 for Resolving Disputes

Oty. _

$ _

,prov.oos an oveMeW ollhe mediation process In qoostlOrHlntHnSWer form

Arbitration Agreements .......................................... $10.00 per 100

Oty. _ _ . _

.. ,answers queSllOOS on arbltrat"'" Irom the cons umer's perspeC\<\Iil A~ry llc

Brochure Si and ............................................................$5.00 e.en aty. _ _ • .. .i~1 stand ,mprinted With individual. linn or b!lr assocoation name 10( ~se at (listflbulion poOnlS Of"18 stand per brochure IS recommended N . m e to Imprint on s und: _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __

Subtouol $ Shoppong & Handling $

5 00

TOTAL $ Pie"," 'cr,,: [HECK OR MOlon aliDlIl MA{)f PAYABlE TO THE A[,1BM,M SIMI BM, '0' Ire ""'o"nll,,"o 01' rio., TOTM I,,,,, ",,<11""'.' ,"0 ': w,:h I'" o,1u' 10">':" S""", An,I,"" D"oC\o' 01 CO,'"",,,,,, . ,:,,,,,,, AI.,I)",n" S:"," Bor, PD 80,611, MO"IQu"""\', III :16101


Alabama's Own John Grisham

Saigon Landing A non~l by J im Accardi, published by Xlibris Corporation, Philadclilhia, I'A, March 2001, 307 pages, $32 (hardback) and $22 (paperback), availab le through Barnesandnoble.(;om, A",azoll,com and variou s locations of Books-A-Million. n Saigonlnnding. Jim Accardi has cre.led. woodaful legal thriller !hal is. mnsHead roo-_u Alabama 3"""",,Y,. ScI in the fictiona.llOWn of Richfield. Alabama, this i, the ' lory of fOfTller prosecutor Katie O'Brien and ber reJ«S<nwiQn of an actused capital murderer. When Katie. now I successful 1"'....,... aI injury litigation sp«iaJiSt, is asked by a local judge to represem an indigent defendant, she gladly accq>IS.


However. Katie quickly \earru; lhal she 11/1$ gouen involved in something mllCb larger than she an6cipaled. Theshortly problem' fOf Katie very afterb<gin her awoin1mcm.

Chief .moog!hem is. f""""rly

litt .yslem give.lhis stOf)" real-world f..,l uncom· mon 10 most work$ of thi. genre_ Readers willuuly enjoy Accardi'. ponic <kscriptions of the selling. "The book begins with this det.iling of a beauliful fall ",orning : "[nlle ri,ing sun chased lhe full moon from !he w«tem sky_ the d!"llm31i<; rod. in • celeslial dance or two. Attardi'. rendering. of !he Rirhfield landscape are magnif><:cnt. and will mal:<: "11 Alabamian, yearn for lhose <001 aulumn day. in !he coontry. Although thi. is Accanb's first """,,1. he is 00 5Irozlgcr 10 !he lilerary world. Jim has authored doURS of e$S3)'$. articles and profiles, which have boon published in M


disbarred defense attorney woo. much to Katie', dismay. has manregional and national "'"'l!",j!'lC$ aged to insen him.«lf "" the deren"" leam. "The t....., lawyer-. and joomal •. He has also pub~shed $<IQ/l VOW to despise one another. tWO books of satirical short .stories. His $<'()(II"d """,I. 1M Rosrlre making Kalie', life miserable. All the ,,·hile. a ruthl«s OIV'nil<Cd Iflrhil. is due 0llI in 0ruJber ZOOI . <ri me ring is running ra"'p"nl lie is curmnly worl:ing on a ""'1",,1 aol"OS$ the'tale. '" SoigCJflLanding. Kalie quickly di$COVl:,.. that this Jim Accanb :serves as a deputy diSlrict aIIomey for Madi&Oll gang is somehow ronl'l<>Oled to lhe c....,. She', sure that nl3J1y of County. and has been • proso::utor Richfield's rno51 powerful people in that offICe for 2.'! years. A graduale oftht Univer1i!y of Nooh an: invol~. but sbe doesn', know JI M ACCARDI Alabama and !he Uni\U'lily of how or who. When Kalie gels too close. lhe gang rttaliat«. and hits Alabama School of Law. Jim has remained acti,.. in tht academic very close 10 home. From 1Mrt. .... na. He has taugll! <lasses in busi!he story talt« " number or surprising Iwi.ts, and 1M: ending is uuly "",.~ing. IlotS$ law> rnminallaw and hist"", at tht University of Alabama· Huntsville and Calhoun Community College. Mosl siri king abool SIr;glNl Uuuiing i. A«ardi's allenti"" to tktail. Each char.><:ler i. so fully tkvdopcd Jim and hi. wife. Marian .• joumaliSl. ho"" two <hildren lMllhe rtader will have no problem relaling to eaoh and Ii"" in Huntsville. • one. even lbe villains! Moreover. Attardi :roccomplishes this in a way Ih.t doe,n'l slow !he story's uciling \fullu Broil English pra<:lkn ...·llh Iho lIuntn-ili. firm pace. He """,ulled with numerous investigators and of l/icllardsQII Cal/tJJI<Jn UP. H~ is u gradu",~. ""'gnu f"",nsic scientists in writing lhe novel. "'hi<h umloubt. 'um IDwI•• ofAuoorn Uni,..,,,,iry. wrJ '"<ai" od his J.D. edly helped in hi' precise desr:riplion of crime scenes from 1M UII;"'''';ry of Alabama ScIwoJ af La ..·. lie is Q oJ><! inv«tigat;'·c proc<:dUn:l;. Accardi', vast knowledge memMr of the Alaooma StUI< BaT. the A.... ,iron lid, and clear understanding of the Alabama criminal jus· ASJociatlQII and thl< MadisQII COl'nry Bar II<rocimiQIL





Alobomo 5tote Sor NNQAt MHTlNe. JULYI7-l0 • OJIAl\I6E fI£A(jI




Alabama State Bar Annual .Meeting 2002 July 17-20, 2002 ' Perdido Beach Resort

n,,"rsd'Hf' Bend! Bar wi'lCMon SpuUr:Honooble W&1m w.~, (~flJmi.J Court of Appei~ s.m. ~,Wfomw. Nationally syrKIicilltd (olumnist .nd iIOthor Membe~hip

~ttr.llarry 'ichlltidtf. USAf PfoIiftf'lion (tntel 0( tbe Aitf Wilf College. Ma~ Aif FOf(f Moot~

"'~~ Alabarm Slate Bar (octtail Pany

Alumni rNtfltioos

Rt<tflllDn - PooIside

Frid,,'1: PItoary - John V. McShant H4. ~ ~ F~ & (rimin.JI lAw ~.nd IVtiOIIaIy oKdaimtd IUlhof ~ III ~ PtA prrformancf.CMftI' ~ wi qwlity4liftoiwes •

fM\mWor\shop: Tilt rmek11V1Jid1 WtoUwo-AIstiP ~s.oa.ity

"W"1IItMg rOlM' Ik Whit' WII!IMg (dSe5; ~ Joy ~ HNlth iii/lit Pr«ticPoILlw.·lwo-hoor~lOfciow

S"ttlrd"",: Grand COI'I'IOGIIiIlIl

PLUS ... • •

Clf oppaItunitirs ill tht mornings - afl~ ff~ Alabarm liIw FOUIlIbtion Annual Golf Toumamtnl


bars areig :: the std(f.~ fran

LL~r~rJJl]LIL~ m~ lin~at[ [L t leram au~t ~ll ~U[ 01'I I~®'IDnli ®illJ®[llt~ [L~ UU®A~Ql!~®1lL1dL fflllU lO ",,,,rile Alabama's 101 _year old CQru;lilUlion are quickly gatMring momenWm. With On< exceplion. all of lhe mojor condidates for governor ba~ endoncd a new (O<IS';I",ion.' Alabllma Cili",,", for Cons'iluliO\'llllteform.• group organiutllO !><gin "Ira<HOOIS camp:ail o to In'rile the Slate COMlilution ...... .,.,.,. 1.000 membo .... includinl businesa, cducalion and poIi6calleodm.' A poll conduclCd by thc Mobile Rf,isIa and dot Uni ........ ;,)' of So.ath Alabama los. ~_ fo.aM ..... 6O'!io 01 AIaNma n:sidtnts fa .... " " ' $IaI<! ronsUluUoa.' Editorial board! of !he Slate', ....jar ~ ""..., called for.~""" ofthc >laIC oomIilUlion,' AI. rORlm 5pONOI'C<I by !he AIabianII CiliuM for


Corrni'IMiooaI Reform held on OcIObr:r 1). 2001 in Bimlingh;iom. ~ Si",elman called for. dtiuu' coru.Ii· 1"llonal ronvenlion 10 "'form the stale conSlilulioo and

,ha, ")0)"' constitution hir>ders prOl"'ss. "",venl! chanjlc and punishu children.'" M."h of the debate about ronSlilu,ioo.1 "'form has underSlandably ("""!oed 00 provi~iOt'l$ of Alabama', "OOStiM ;"" lhal limi, .. ""'(lftrn ta,u:s, reouicl the lulOoom)' of local pem-


mrnll and fUjuire ...... cess;"" number or earmarked appropri.a·



t, a,


.... ..., ....... ,

tion .. Howewe" liule au...,tioo has been paid tn aniele XII, sec· tion 232 nf the Alabama Coootitutioo, which preclodes foreign to<pOr.lliOlU "'" qualified to lransact busit>eSS in Alabama from enf(K't"ing COIl"""" made in tho: ''''0- S«11oo 232 """'I no leaitimate ptllpOSe in today'. bwineq """,,\d, mak .. rondIIcting bu~iness in Alabama unnecessarily diffICuh and ultimately i~ ,ho: <XI$t of dol", bIosiness in Ala~ Wbil<! section 232 iI unl;lu:ly 10 &rat> bradli.... in tbe d<bate ow:< cooostitutianaI ... form. WIle ~ deleples ... fut"'" romti.lIIioa· aI COII'"ntion-tJlould Ji"" oeriotn <'Onl-ldention 10 ... peaI;"! Of """,lIding tID. StlOte ronstinnional pn:wislcol $0 ..... fOfl'ign cor· ponIiort< caa """"""'" Ilu$i.-..u .....,..., drlcintlly ill Alabama. Alabama, like every otber r,IaIe in tbe countly, has. "door c\," .... ,ute that ban rom", corpontions tr.Ins.actin, bu,i· ness in.he""te from mainlainin, an IIC'''''' in lUte coun iftbe ""'l'Of"',joo has "'" properly qualified to traru.aot business in the siale.' Alabama", door elOIi", ~ lalUle is rodir..:d •• COOe ~'i<>n J().2B·j ~.02(.): A foreign corporation IranSaCtina b\lsineq in this Mate without a cenifICaie of authori'y or withou, complying with ~ 1411. of Ti.1<! 40, may DI)t maintain • in thd JI* without I



...... _


.... 1

. court

.............. "

if the corporation has not properly qualified to transact business in the state.


l.ue< and .,.,."plitd with othocr r't'O.Iui~menu ~ for the privikge (J( cooductina boW""" in the 1We. In all jurifdictioru eJ<cqM Alabama. /Iowevt"f. the bar 10 maUnininl .. .:bon ill ""II: ~ can ....... be " " " , * . 1i...,ly cured by. fomp corponIion·.... bscquenl qualif.... ion..' Abbuna awe_ 10 be !be (lilly $LOU: in .... couoli)' .... heK I fomp corponIion·. failure 10 be properly qualified befon: en""';", inl I coo· Iract in the ..... i. incurabk. All ""'""""" enl<tt<i inlo in Alabarrlo by a f"",ip corporalion prior 10 the date il obtaillJ • oenifoCI'" of aUlhority ftom the Alabama s..:rell/)' of State ~ voklable by the other pany \0 the contract. Under eum:nl I.w in Alabama. I pany can. subjecl 10 cenain e.cepti""s .• void OIl\(:rwioe binding Conlraclual QbligaliOJlj simply becaOl5C I fon:i", corporation that i.the other pany 10 the COOlfaCI failed 10 obtain a ceniftcale of IUthorilY (rom the Alabama ~ of S,ate befon: emn· ins inoo a coolract in Aloboma.' "I"hcn! ~ """""""" ~poru:d caoes i1I whidt furl'i", rorponIions ~ bcoon barred from .... fomn' contncU for DO ~ other thaa the fallure 10 propmy qualify 10 U3nSaCI boWness in Albma.· The Alat>uno Supane Coun has on !ICYmIl 0IXIIli0M m:o&Diud the bmh ot>d ...j..,. effectS of the ",10." Unf~ly. lbe .,..,....01 1.0", in AI ......... cannot be changed merely by amendinl Alabama Code iCCtion 1("2B·I ~.02. The IIow barring woqu.alified forei,1I corporali(llli from enfOrting COOlract. in Alabama i. deri1."Cd ftom ankle X II . section 232 "f lhe St"e COOsti,"l;on:

Unfortunc1t II -r 11 avv ilt rl.l~ ;ama carrot b cranQed rrerely by -.,endin'l AI. cenifiaole of outhoriIy.A I I~or

agrccmcnu cnIemI into in this Mate by fomp corporabons prior 10 obWning • certificale of IUthority I" tranSaoc\ Miness in lhis lUI",

shall be held void atlbe .clio11 of the fomgo corporatiod or any J)fIIlOR clainu"l throu&h or under the fomgo rorpontion by yin"" of the contnICI or the ~: but IlOIhing in this section shall obropie lbe equi\llble rule that he woo Jtdt equity _ do equity. While it i..... alWlY' cle. wbetber lbe ...riyitia of • fon:ip corp;ntion in • pII1icular State nqulre qualifoat;". !be aa of qualifyio,lO traOSXt bus.ineu itself is a reJaj...,ly .imple odmiftiSltllliw: ~ iD whioch a fon:ign corporalion fiks III! application " 'i,h the appropriate lIMe 1&""")' (oullllly tho _ _ tar)" of stile). pII)'I required (..... and We< and is ilSllCd. cor· tir~ ~ide""il\j the feni", cOO po".;""'. lutborily 10 bu.i""". Rxum cloalnl owutes ~ bast:d "iX'" the n:ason.ahle premi ... thlt. foreign corporalion thai i. doing bu,it>e$S in a '].lle should 1101 be allowed to uoe that Slat"" coons lO enforce its contnocts if I~ rorporatiOO1 has not paid required f~ and



MAR C H 1001

No fom", coopooMion shall do lQy bus ...... in this owe withnul havinl at least one k-.. pl...., of boW""", ot>d ... a.ubori.zcd ...,nl or II""" wmn, and ",ithnul filing with the ...,.-ewy (J( ""'" • ceniflcd copy of ilS articles (J( incorporalion or aI5OCi"iOO1. Such corporalion Imy be i ue(l in any COUnty ,.,I\(:~ it dooIf; bu.i""". by ",!Vice of pro<e<. upon any ~enl anywhere in the stale. The lure ohall. by leneralliw. provide for t~ payment to the SIal" of Alabama of a f",,,,,hioe I... by IUCh CO<pOraljon, but such franchioe w shall be based on the .ctual amounl (J( capital employed in thi, w.Ie. Strictly bc,,"volenl. edu_ cational. or rell""". rorponIions"",,1I 001 be required to PlY IUCh •


Section ](l..2B-IS.Q2 ot>d illloII/UIOfy p'°h .... _ codifica.. tionI of JtIIe COIISIiwtional provisions that haYC Iincc 187~ .,..,.. hibi"'" fomgn ~ from COIfoocilll oonncu c.-..d ...... ill AlAbama befon: po""",,,.ly qualifyina 10 InO<I<I buoior:ss bene. ~ A conuilUtional Jll'l"'UIm re<triclialthe intnllale business aaiv;Iies of feniln corporalionl fint appeared in ALabama', fifth $Ute conllilutiQn, the Com/"uIion of 1875. Anicl<! XI V. scction 4 of the ConsliluIion oll87j CotIIIilution provided thaI "1 n In fon:ign corpontion. 'hall do Iny>e$S in Ihi •• tale wilhou, haY;nl al leasl one known plllCe of busineu and an


aUlhoriud .,.nl or l.Ierm lhe"'in.M"The CO'''lilulioo 187S. t - n .. the ""consUIUlion of prohibition;· _ldopIed 01 1hc end 0( Rcronsuvclioro." lbc I\n.1 forum cloAlIJ SIUIIC ,,-as noll enacIcd by !he Alabama lqisJ_ ..,til 1 887. ~ Ahhougll.uc1c XIV. ,...,..;.", 4 o(!he Com1~",- 0( II7S did "'" c:xpn:MIy n:nder void <"<II01raOU made by I"omgn 00fJI0nIlI0m in lhis SI31e. cwns ir..... !he aIIISIi· 1UlionaI PI""i- III ~ decided prior 10 !he ena<1 ........ o(!he 1&87 _ hcld 1hao !he«ln<lilutional pnn-ision ..... l<:lf~ inl and allo<o."Cd AlalwlIl ,""KIt"", 10 void ...rn ~ C>'t11 Ut 1hc ~ 0(. 51"ule " vin, effect 10 1hc COIISl;1U1ional PI""ision. In 18!IO. the Alliban .. Supreme Coon held Ihal the CO.lltiIU· tional pr!I\"ision Ilone was illfl"icicnl lo ",!>dc. u""nf~~ble I COIIlra<1 cm"n:d in", in Abb.1ma by a f"",ign co'l'onl1ion!ha1 Mol failed 10 puptfly qualify 10 rondIoc, busineu in ,he Male:


TIti. cllI.,," 0( the Con>lilU'ion (ankle XIV. KClion 4( i. pr-ohibioory and n«dl ...., Iqtslation 10 ""'lY the mm pohlbition into effect. or to , ive ir fora:. lbc bill filed by !he Ippcllw co'l'onl1ion fall, ,,, a1o"et" 1hat i1 bas I plxe '" business or ... aurhoriud II.... u. thc SiMeof Alatwna. II has. ~r(ft. pn:sumpiw:ly "" Ia... ful riel" ' 0 do any busi..,.. III lhe SIaIe by reason 0( 1hiI C0Il§b1Ulional prohi . btllon. pr!I\"idcd ,he clause in question is noll yiolal' '''' 0( lhe ConililUtion of.he Uniled S1aleS. or I:ty law cnacled by Conl"'SS P\"·SUl:tllhen:lO." Other """M considering conlraru cnlen:<! imo by fon:i,n rorpor.lio.tS in Alaban'. prior to lhe c nOClmcnl of lhe: 1881 . "'I"1e lbe san.. ronrlu.ion. ~ The Con"il"lion o f 1901 i. ",bsl.ltllially "mil... '" lhe curren, Conr.tilUlion 0( 187S. and many defects in lbe ... OORSIilUlion " . '" from thc ConSIi""ion 0( 1I7S.~ AtI;,,1e XII . Ioection 232 of !he ...",', CUfl'I'nt .,.,.."illllioll is ...arty idenlnto aniele X IV. KCtlon 4 of the COMIi,1IIiort '" 117S . ... cqK lhat 1he current ronJti,ulionol prmilion l ito pohibilS fORip corpot"Ilions from traJIS.I<:tins bu';ness in Aiabanuo ...... ithour filin, wilh the 1Ittrt1ar)' of ""III I ttruford



"OJIY of it< ani,,~ of inl:Ofj)OnIion or lWOCi.. ion.~" Like ani" Ie XIV. 5tt1ion 4 of <hi: C OrtSlilution o f 117S. an;"k XII. sec· tiort 232 of ~ Con$tilUlion of 1901 do¢s "'" ... pn:uly dl:clm 1hat COIIIncIS entered into in Alabama by unqtalif>t<l f«rip COfpOrlIIOons ..., void.. Nonctheleu. lhe Ala'*"" Coun bas held that anick XII. Jection 232. like iu comtilutional pt .. ~

_.i, .. cc''''n,:

lf ... The CortS1iIUlion ha>iin, lhIH In Imn$ n:quired fORi", ""'Pl... i"", 10 do cauin 11Iin" . in onlcr to ocqui", the riel" 10 do bul i....s in the sure ... i\ il "'" rompcrenl for \he kgi . lllu", to ",Iieve m. corpor.1.tion, of Illis bunlc:n. or ,0 depri'. the c;\izen. of tbe righlso conf<m:d. TIle l.A,i ll~lU'" may pr'(I, ide $lalu \es to ,i.·c force. "rr""l .nd.pplloaliOll to It.. provi. ions of lhe ConSli,ution. but il can""' .... lhi. «)Uri h... rtpeatcd ly ",.f· fimled. bend or al,er """" provisionl 1$ ..., . . If.... eculin'" ~ Si"". the adopIion of \he Const itution of 190 I. Alabama COWlS h'''"" conti.....,. 10 hold thai the rule bani"1 unqua)if>t<l forei", rorporaIiom from enforcln, 0(lfIItaCt$ in Alabama courtS i. ~ in AIabama ·. lIaIlMes and comtnuliort.... The ha$b dl"ects oIKC1ion 10-2B- 1M2........, putp>t1Cdly ",lucd by 1hc Alabama qi' laJ...-e in 1994.- lbc lq:isJlIu", 8ddcd several provi,ions to Ioection 10-28 - lS.02 • •0 h¢ dfCClive Jl<t1Qry I. 1995. making Alabama' , door "losi", _ute: ".,...., conl ' r.t .... ,..' lh .... forum "losi", .. Mutel of other Slales. m [n panicular.1hc 1994 ImCndmcnls lIddcd . pnwisioro to KClion 10-28· 15.02 expreuly $tO.1in, Ihll I f"",i, n corporal;""" fail _ u'" 10 qualify would "'" impair lhe v.lldily of i.. corpora'" act •. n Tbc 1994 amcndme"" alllll i""ludcd a provi.iOll permil. linl a """" 10 Slay a judicial proc«ding i.sti1U1ed by • unq "ali_ fled fon:ign corporation po:ndin, I" proper q"alir.c3Iion.~ Tbc o fficial rommcnwy 10 Ioection 10-2 8 _1'.02 .<Ial.. m....... 1994 amendmcn .. '"make • ""bMantial """"' . from 1""#111 Alabama ..... by elimiDlli", the I\lIe thaI • foil " ", 10 q.w,(y ",ndcr5 aU prior cmlrXfS void.. willt no pocroure by ... h;"h the fon:'", corpon1ion art CU'" i1< del ............., and thcn be able 10 cnfortt any rights .......y hi..., under , .. conmocts...... I .........."et". . 'ven IIIa1Ihe law .ooi", conuaru <'I11tn:([ ;nto in Alabama by

n.. software da.igned by

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lalfO'yl«l lor

W. can make you. c hild I Up port . nd u"conl.lled dlYOfc. c ...... " 'Y" 1 ... 2 .. . 3 ... 1. En... lhe ca.. Information 2 . Prln1 the Oneu",,"n'. 3. FII. with the Co<>"

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Unc::onl" led DIvorce In

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334·244·2983 o.n.Gu.lAw OFFICE


~nq""lir.t:d forl",. ~ion ••• ~",bodKd in artic:1e X II, _lion 232 of !he lIale COllllilution, and in view of !he suMunliai Aiabuni UK Law r.ndi"l !he comcilUIiorW povvi$ion 10 ~ "'xlf-H«llli ....."!he 1994 ...... nd .......... 10 KClion 11).28,15.02 could !lOt. in f.:t.. hive d!"0£1t<I all)' "'-ge in Alabama I..... Arty sudI rhanioa _Id hive required I ""'i ....... of !he II.aIe COMIi,ution or I COMIi1Ulionai .mendmenl. AteOnIinaly. clfe.:.ive A"pst I. 1995. !he AWPama lqisla· 1= rqIOaW and fttnll;"tOCl KCIioo 10.211-15.02." The I"C>I'naoI· t:d Ym,,)n of 1().211·15.02 was once again """"i$len, wilb &I1ic:1e XII. _lion 232 of !he con!ililu,ion. as inlC."...lcd by Allb.mII room. by pnwidina any ~on"l"'ts ~nlcred InlO in Alob,,,,,. by unqualified corporalions are void. The Ie,iolalure "aled "''1.",,1 policy ... UOO! in 1995 for lhe ",pe.1 and fttniOCl· menl of _ lion J()'2B-15.02 Tho: SLale of AI.aI:>anu. (or !he proIt<tion of its ciljuns from (.......mien! and ovem:adIi", prxtic:a by foreign COIpOIlIIions. inc:1Wi", rerusal. by romp """pot ..ions '" esIabIiJ.h sufllcient bIncs for m-poordi",10 poocttdings by ciri=Is of Ibis _ 10 rcdms ....rootp tuIMlinod by ...m ~ .....,.,,,, IIf"lI$ 1rII>!aOIi.. busi.... in AIaIwna. Ius I ....1 eaabIiJ.hcd public pol. icy 1haI ...m -u,,;1IlInI fumpt .... pot ..ions _ eIIIIpJICd from <X>IIlnru made in ~ of !he Iawt! n!qIIire rq:i$Inlion wiIh !he Sccmary of SIaIc as I condition pra:alcnl1O !he lnItl!oaClion of business. by ronIJlICt. "'irllln AiabamL" Tho: 199j qilLa\ive ..... became law undo:r ""ic:1e v. ,.....ion IZS of "'" AI:obamI ConsrilUlion wilhoul approval of !he ~." 1lIen: i, now 00 qucsrion rullhar Alahalna I.... provides Ihar con· InlC1S enlm:<! imo in Ihis.1aIC by unqu.alified romgn corpontlion. ore unenfom:abIe bylho unqualifoed (omgn COll'onllionJ. Whal<:>\"l" lhe juSlifo::.tIon rtw .....y ""'" e:<i!il<:<l for AI~·. public: policy 0II1b;, ilolll<: II !he 000 of Reconstnoclion when Iho ConIrilulion of 11175 _ odopred and apin in 1901 when die cwrent rorwilUlion """ >dopIed it is difficulllO conoeive of. rca5al for mairuininc doe _us qoo.. The 5IaIed rusons (or rnalnuini", "'" ~ A_ 00DSlituti0naI and _ory pr0visions _ 00 Ion&n" I<:ClII1IIe or oppIic:abIc. 0... SIMcd ju, lirIcation for Iho cwmK law iI; IhlllUjlliri", for. "'p COfJIOflIIl<lnIIO qualify lind IpI'Oint an ~ for ocMte of pn:>ccSJ in AJahama <'AAIR:I Ihar fom", caponuions ... il1 be $Ubj«IlO service of~ bne." Adrnitredly, an AI~ COlI,,', obil;ly IQ = ;~ pnoonal jurio<liction ovtr a forl'i", corporIIion would nor be in qUCSIion if lile corporalion "'m: 10 do bu. i""" in lhe SU.lC." N~rtheles$, Iho "'xIVi"" of process" JUSlIr"'l1/ion for nllintlinlna C"'""'nt Alabamolaw has I:ttn OlIldatcd for many y..... bee.u.., under Alabama', Ion& arm rule. AI.bamo Rule of Civill'ror:cdurc 4.2. rile j"';0<1........ of AlabamI COIIIU e:<1mds 10 lhe pennwible limils of due pn:>ccSJ urxloer "'" Uniled St.:Ul'S ConIrilUlion and ",aohr:s feni", ~ dcl.,ndanu "'P"l1eM of whether they an: qualified 10 IrInSK1. busi""" ia" ~ II i. f. cuier 10 find II1II • fcnipt UIlpotllion is 'doi"l busi"",,' for scrvic:e of pru<:e>S than il is 10 flflll IhII "'" (oo potlliot is ~nl iIltrdMr: bu<i""" ~ IOItMe.qu· I.IIion in view of the Commerce CIouoe..... Because die jwi.wc. lion cl AlobamIt COlIN e:<tends 10 fomln corponIC pIolnr'ffJ IlOl qualifoed 10 IfIftSI(1 bu<iDOS$ hct-e. II"IIiruini"l "'" oon!ill.ulional and $WUlory fOO\l'" .Iosln, provisions for pmonaI jurisdic1ion purposes ;1 ""tdaled and unnecessary. AlIOIiler Slated jU$lificalion for lhe Alabanll COllllitulion.1 and Sla lutory provisions ",!lderin, void conlnlets .n .. red inlO in






M A MCK 1002

Alaba ..... by unqualified forl'i,n cOfpOr.l.ions;' 10 ,"",ure thai wch ~ion$ pay all """,in«! f_ and frudli.., lUes for rbe privile,. of conducti"l bulincss hct-e. " Thi. objocti"" CaD cuily be lIttOmpI;shed wi!houl .-oidIa. rbe COOIrxIS of unqualifoed foml" .... potabonl by """,lnnl ouch rorponIionl. upon qtaaiiflCalion. 10 pay all ",levant II.aIe ~ and penaltlr$_-nI for Iho periods ill whi<h rbe rorponIioot """'It! Jutve been quali_ foed bul _ -." Forty.rune other Wlel ow-ntly deem the coIlot:6oo of bod: lUoa and. in KImC cues. ,he imposilion of penalllr$ Iulfk;ent pun;,""men. for. fcnlp rorpor:otion's f.iI· ure 10 properly q... lify _ AI.bltnll Jhould be 00 dilf.... nl. I'~rhaps Iho mosI compellin, """"" for arncooini anicle XII. _lion 232 of !he conSlilUliOll and Code S«t ion II). 2B-I~.02 is Iho dif(",ully involved in delcrminin,cxaclly wllal conSlilUlCs "doing t..t<inas·· in Alabliml. Delorminin, whelher I forl'ip ~ion i. ""00;", business" in Alaha"", is I faeluaI determination made on a cuc-by-<'aK basis. " (icne .... Uy. "'" .in"" .:1 of I f"",i,n COO"pO<"O"(I(I, if ~ in funhcrancc of rbe bu<iDOS$ for whic:h it ...... Of"PIIllCd. conIIiluloa Mdoi ... busi1IeU..... " -...."e<. corponlC _ " 'hic:h an: oonlidcml "incidental~ ... ~pl.patllory"" 10 8tU for "'hic:h rile corpnrorion ...... oopniud do not corrWIUte ~doinl busllltU.~" Once rbe onun ddcnniDeS ..·hcthcr. f"",ip rorpontioot is ""doi ... bu,iness~ in Alahama. il ",ultlhu dc:renni"" ..,herher lhe buliness condUCled bylhe corponlion Is primarily inll"l<We or inlers!ll~ in ...1...... Th¢ Corn .... ftt C llu.., of Iho United S...1e!t Constitulion precludes onf.,...,ment of ankle XU. lICCIion 232 and section 1()'211 · 1 ~.02 " 'hen .h~ """",.,,, at issue i. primarily i" lers"'l~ in nature.- Delemlinlng ... I\(ther. fenign corpot:I.ioo is .njlag.inl in intrutate or Inlcrslalo ac1ivily is. ..,.in. a f..,tuaJ tlelerminolion 10 be made OIl a case-by..,_ ""'is." When the conlnlCt .. i..... involves the of both intcrsIaIC and inua.rare ..... iv illcs.!he cou" muSl ""P""'''' the inlCfSWe and inlra!ilate ..... i.. ltlCS and dtelcrmine ... · ""lher the main or primary J>UIPOS1' of the COIIIflICI is in~ or inIrasIak.· A annq,,",ifoed f"",ip corponlion bat conducted i _ business. and i.lhcrd"on: subjca 10 the Iwsh effects of ""ic:1e X11. section 232 and section 10-2D-1 5.02 ......1Icn il has enpgt:d in oomc ;ttcIi",.y Iowan! ~I<oh' ... I continuing plucl",e in Iho SIal<. ovtr and above _ Iy shippin, commodi_ IIr$ herw ..... the .... IC$..... Th~,. mere delivery of JOOdslo AI~ orsolkillllion ofbrt.incu ,n lhe Ilale ;"."""'Uy con· .iden«! inlerslal. ,n nalure." When lho! Conlfrl al i..... rt:quires a,cnts of an unqu.lified f...... iin CQrpon tl;on 10 provide labor or "'IVices in Al3blima. rbe "",I""" 10 be considc""') inl[;llt31e in",.~ Howev.r. IlOl every """'frlll\ltl requi .... In u'"'!ualirocd f"",i,n corpor.lllOll IO provKle I.3bot" or ... .vices in Aiabuni will be considered ill........'" In ow ...... In ..""",I noes. rbe Alabama SUlftme Cootn has held lhat COOIrxIS for the povvisiort of Iahor or services lhal ""' _ I y incidentailO !he int ..... ate ..Ie and delivery of JOOdIare COIIlid<rtd primari. Iy illltlSllle in ",",ure.II is ~y hanh 10 wid all DIhcfwi.., valid conlnlCt .nleml'nw In AWPama by on """""Iifled f"",iln rorpontion "'hen dclcnni"in, whether qualifo::ation i, even requlrcd in "'" r.f$I i"""""", requiR:ll IUbjccttvc and f..... in .. nsive inquiry. II ...ilI on"" be di/f"",11 for l f"",i,n COO"pO<"O,ion 10 predict whclhcr ill bu';DOS$ ':Iiviliu in AI.bIt",. rise 10 lile level of "doin, busi ...... ·· weh thai qUlliflCation i. ",,"ui""') . Tho: drafters o( lhe Revised Modelllu,incu Corponlion Act reject lho



~ioollhal an unqualified CClI'pOI'lIllOl\" contnn " -Id he ..... nf"""'abIe for tho! . 't't)' ....... !hal d<krnUning " 'hal COd<bMe$ "doon, bus...... i. necessarily impreci2 and bonlHe . romp corpontion" r..ilun: to .,w iry il often !he ..,..,11 of. bona fode dis,pule over ...·hal conloliluleS M doin, business.The risk o f failing '0 prOperl y qualify in Alablo"", it 50 B"''''. and !he law I"""minl whe,he. '1u1lifll'llion I< requirn:l i. 50 undur, lI,al u"'Iualified f"""ign""$ rnal contcmplale cnlOrilll inlo conu-.ocu hen: roolindy incur unnecessary OOSI$ and dolay or n:sInIClu", tnnsactions in an ~fl'on to .."<lid Nnninl .f",,1of Alabama's constilUlional and WltUtory door closin, provisions. In some «I>eS. unq .... ,f>cd feni", cOO poi .ions , imply _ lINk that Ihc ri"" 01 mttrinl imo .,."."..".. ""'" i, I"'aICr !han Ilw: poIefIlial he ... fil of doinl buoi ..... willt AlaN"", CClI'pOI'lItions. In ""y ~.,nl.lhe ,...:n:.ased 1nInsaclion and !he oppor!un;,y e<»ts ..,..,1,in8 ftOm fon:i8DCOO'pO<1Ilions lhol ch<.oosc ~ 10 do "",,,n.,,. he ... an: borne by Alabama COIl""'Ition' and lheir sha .. holdcn.",,·~ ~on"il ution.1 and $!aWtory door closing provi.ioni lltus harm ,he,..,ry peopI. !hey WC<\! in",ndcd to JlI'OkC'I - Alabamians, Chan"", Atab&ma's CUJTtnl constilulional and ""tutory law ... thi. poinc to briol Alabama in Ii...... ,Ilt !he ...... of tho! other fony-"'''' SIllIeS ...,.,Id enable • fom p torpOntion Iltat has _ Iudod, tmod upon a ",uonabIc: in"'f'J'I'tWion of Alobioml case law, IhaI its busiD<:$S acti~itic:s in AIablma do I>Ot riS<' to lhe 1<,..,1 01 ""'Iuinng qualificali<>ll In condUC:I business II=: w;thool f. ... thai all nf its coni....". enlern:l into in Alab,,,,, could I>c: <k:<:lamJ u""nfnrceable. If an Alabama COO" wen: In ultimoldy do'cnnine thai the ,,,,,,i,,, rorpnrIIlion shoold hlI."" qualif>cd In U'anSaC1 busi""", in Alabanll hefon: enlering inln I COnIfX I hen:. lhe rorpnnlion can he requ,red In qualify and pay all bact fflt:$ and IDes hefon: beio,lliowtd 1(1 pro$<'etIIC • conttact IlCIinoo in $1.11<: C(IUr1. 1"brn: Ii"'ply apptats to he "" jlUlifiable f<ll" Alabama In void ntherwlS<' cnfnruablc COIIU'XII IS • raull of. fen i", C<lIpI)IW.IOI\'. f.. lun: to q ualify to iraniacl bu,,1IbS hen:. Given the I pput:nl poondswell o f suppnn for <<>IIllilUl ional ... form, lhe lime i. ri pe f<ll" ... pealing 01' _mend in, anicle XI I. 5«,ion 232 of the Alabam.a CnnslilUlion ,

15113 IlI.loiI CooIo ...... 1z)',":W _CooI_ I«l1511111t I(a S10L , . 1 11-1lII1Ial C, """ Slot ,.. Lo. "'" Slot ..... UIOWO .... "'" S1oL ...... 1~ l lllom Mol _ r-.tonL l ....... 114 _ Goo. 1-._"'111_11._ Coooco I - . _ I _ M I I _ Slot .... Imm;_ CooIoo_l ....... IS.G!Iot ..... _ S . 1:51514(11 Moto. t.Mt .... 1 JS.I-IlII'Iut NOli """ S1oL I 2HIL I~II'" "'" b 1 tIlll!llt NJl """ s. ..... I m-A.IS D1\.Il N.I_ S. _ !1CA.Il-IIltt NM S . _ I S3- 1J.ZtW Nl ... Corp '-1 1l11(.ol: Nt Goo. SlOt. I ~ 15-{J2tio1 N 0 Cool. Codo 11 1).1$1-141111 (ho """ Codo ...... 111Ill,l1Io\j. 0iI0 Sa MIl. ... 18, 111l/W; Or "'" Sa I II 11)(1\ IS". c.... SlOt. ..... HI'IW; III Goo.~ 11,1 1,111101. se CooIoo _ I ]3.1("!lI/IOI: $.0 CIoIifood I-. _ t'I.a.J:t loon CooIoo _ 1.&101l0I; __ .... Coop. .1<1_ .-t. IMW IJIofo CooIo AM I ~I"'I_II 'o'l sa. _ .. 11.\ I IUlIo" .. CooIoo _11J.1.1!«AI. - . "'" CooIo AM IlSl~lt W .. CooIo I Jl I ........ _ _ IIm.I!lQltWyto sa. I IHI·I _






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IIC!W. M. CooIo _



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- . - . S10L 110.• 115. w .lIoo, Slot Mto. 1 11).15II2!Il M. Iloo Slot !1·1I1>11l2!SI; c.oo Goo. Sa 133J.!11t/. Dol. cooo ...... loU, 1 JQbI; 0 C Coo\o MIl. I 25-IDI. Il abl. no Slot AM IlII1l~ Goo. CooIo _ 114-1'I!iJ2IdI, ..... Il00, SlOI.I I' WlI, _ Coo\o IlO-H!IIlI!>I." _ s.. .. a. I r.'llll W. CooIo _ J Z3-141101; _ Cooto _ I ISO !5I:IIIIt la s.. -. 1117llllflot I, lito SIll - . IlJID II> II!\$. Lo. lito Sbl-.Ill_ Mo "'" s.. _ .. l~ I lliG Mol 1«0 CooIoo I J .... _ Goo. I-. _ .. Ill. I I. ...... Coooco. I-. _1150 lIIi1l!t. _ Sal_ 1 m IIl .... Codlo _ I Jt.;I.1U111t .... AM. s.t I ~151o. __ Codlo .... I JS.11tl7!!l NOli "'" S1oL I 1l-1II.'tI!ol NK "'" s.. _llSUo.!~1IO!Iol NJ s.. _ I IUo. IJ.11CZl Ni4 s.t .... IUoIJ·. NV."'c.. UrwIIJl_ N J;.Goo.s..I56-I~ ND C. CooIo \1Q.l t IIQlll; tho lito CooIoo _111Ill~ WI Sa ..... III III \ Il1\III: Or. .... , S,. I III ~ 1~1'o eo.. SIo< Mto, ! 1111 11>1; ~ I a., ~ I J·I "I1/1b1. S.t. CooIo _ i ]3.11>10301 10M. ColIo _ 1 ...15-1 0311. .. _

CooIo .... '

4-11·1~E1 QoIo

CRIME VICTIMS' COMPENSATION Do you represent a client who has received medica l benefit s, lost w ages, loss of support, counseling, or fu neral and burial assistance from the Alaooma Crime Victims' Compensation Commi ssion? When your client app lied for benefits, a subrogation agreement was signed pursuant to § 15-23· 14, Code of Alabama (1975). If a crime victi m received compensation benefits, an attorney suing on behalf of a crime victim must give noIice to the Alabama Crime Victims' Compensation Commission, upon filing a lawsuit on behalf of the recipient. For furt her infonnation, contact Kim Ziglar, staff attorney, Alabama Crime Victims' Compensa tion Commission, at (334) 242 -4007.

... "I II:Bi ~ Cod> _ I I,"Ita-l!iIl2I6l It SIol_ II" I 15.!l1111 va. Cod> 1Il.l"~EI_ FIoY Codt.wl.! i'3S.15,~ W \10 Codt IlH«i. W~. Slot, Am. I IIIC.I9J2I4l: w,o. Stall II·I,"I I.1I2!oII./tI'oofI oN _ _ "'"'"'"' <I'IrI ' ''''''' 01 _ '1'1 _ ""..".., oN - . , "' .. ""' _ _ _ oN_ ...... _ .. I~_"',.. " , _ . <OI1IIXt _ inIo""lh .. ~_Iot _otO'I.",,", Codt _ I ]5.1 'In:l/l6l. _ ; , ~

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Notice of Election Notice is given herewith pursuanllo the Alabama Stare Bar Rules Gcveming Election of CommissiOfl8fS.

Commissioners Bar commissioners will 00 elected by tIlosel;rwyers with their principal offICes 111 ilia f~low,"g cucuiu: 8th; 10th, place 00. 4: 10th. place 00. 7: 10th. Bessemer cutoff; 11th; 13m. place 00. 1. 15th. plate 00. 5; 17th. 18th; 1!lth: 21st; 2200: 23rd. place 00. 1: :xlth; 31st 33111: 34th: 35th, 36th; 40th: ilfl(j 41st AddiTional eommissionefs wi ll be elected in these cin;uiTs hlr oao;h 300 me~ of the stale bar WIth princ,pal offices Ilerern. The new commissiooer oo:;itiOllS we<e delen",r>ed by a oonsus on Marth 1. 2002 and vacancoes cen ified by the secretary 00 Ialer!hoo March 15. ZOOt All sub!:equen\ Terms will be II>" three years. Normoations may be made by petit,on bearing the signatures of five membelS ., good SIand'''!I WIth principal offlOOs in Tile C"CUA III which the election will be held or by the candidole'S wrillen decia'alion of candidacv, Either must be receIVed by the 00 later than 5 pm. on the last fridiry in April lApril 26, 20021. BallotS will be ~'ed and mailed 10 members belWeen May 1 and Mi'\' 15, 2002. Bal lots must be l'Oted and returned by 5 p.m. on the last friday" May IMa'1 31, 20021 to the Alabama State Bar.







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The Alabama State Bar lawyer Refeffill ServIa! «In pruvlde you with an excellent means 0/ earning a IMng, so it is hard to believe thai only 3 perl:enl 0/ Alab<lma attorneys partldpale In \hIs servia'i LRS W<lnts you to consider Joining. The lawyer Referral 5eIvia! is not a pro bono legal service. Attorneys agree 10 charge 00 more than S2S for an Inilial consultatiOn, not to exceed 30 mlnuta It after the ronsuItation, the aitorney deddes 10 Kcept the case. tit or she IlliIY then d1arge his 01' her normal lees.

In addition to taming a ~ for your strYkl. the gNter reward Is thai you will be helping your fellow dtlzens. Most rdenal dients hiM: ~ contacted a lawyer before. Your courtStllng may be all tIIat Is neNfd, 01' you may offer further services. No matter what the outcome or the Initial consultation. the next tilllf: they or \heir IrIe1ds or family I1ftd an attorney, they will «IIIIe to YI-Xl. for more Information about the lRS, contact the stat~ bar at (800) 354--6154, letting the rt«ptlonlst koow thai you are an attorney Interested In becoming a member 01 the la~ Referral servia'. Annual fees are S100, and each member must provide proof 0/ professlooaillability lnsurall(e,


26. .... 01 Aug 1. 1995. 'Io. !I6J, II N 1995. All ..... m,kodifiod .. _ _ ot All. t:.odo I 1(l.)'S.I5m)


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Pro Bono Award Nominations The Alabama Stale Ba, Comrn,t!ge on VtJluntee< lawye,s PrograrTIS.lforme,ly!he CormIit!oo on A.:cass Ie lega l Services). is seei:ir"lll oomin;llions for lhe Alabama Stale Ba, Pro Bono Award. Nominalion forms can be obta ined by ccllIactil19 Linh L Lulld. di..cto. Volun-te"lawyt.. l'I'og .. m Alabama Stat. Be. Post Ollie. en. 611 Monlgom,ry. Alabama 36101 1334) 2&9--1515

The Alallama Stale Ba, I'm Bono Awa,d 'ecogrules lhe outslanding pro bono effcru; of at!~. law linns .00 law stooEmlS in !he st'le, The award Clilefia i..-:IOOes. bul is IlOll imiled 10, !he followir"lll' lhe IOtllI nunbe, of pre bono hou,s or oomple~ir; of tasal handled. impact of lhe pre bono """", .nd benefil to the poor. p<micula, e>:peI1isa provided or the pallicu l. , need so ll sfled. successful rec'uitment ef other altorlleyll for pro bono 'epresental lon. and proven commilment 10 delive'Y of qoality legal services to the poor .1Id to provKhr"lll equa l access to legal S81Vi~es . NomiHlioAs /IlII.!1 be pMlmlrbd by M.y IS. 1OO2 . M includa. comp/,r.d A/8b8m' Stett Ihr Prr> Bono Aw.rds Progrtm NomiAllirnr Form to bt considtrrld by tit, commi,,".


M A R Cil



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on a

areas of the

divorce. custody ment; mOl1拢age complete the form Bar, P.O. Box 671, form, the VlP will

Issues of Law"

Lawyers ",""r." disk, free . including ..dopuon; post-divorce; guardian and I ; powers of attorney; and mail to: Volunteer Alabama 36101. the " Basic Issues of

litigation; by court .. ppoint. To join, simply Program. Alabama State of your enrollment disk.

Enrollment Form BaI ~ Lawyer$ Program

Alabama SUlle

P.O . Box 671 , Montgom&fy, ALabama 36101 Phone (334) 269-1515. ex!. 301 路 Fu (334) 261-6310 路


Telephol ~u Nl.n'beI" I will .cc.,t two c._


...fMTllI, In thol following ..... "

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o Probate

0 Whefe you need me

Get on the 'i.t of very Important peop'e. Enroll today!!

L-------------""'~~-;;::-.:-:-:'-::::::::;;;7'- - -------




Rule 27" Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure:

A PRIMER n today'$ $O"",'i"",~ hostile Ind often unciv_ illiligalion climate litig.,orll in Alabama should acquaint !hem"",.'••. or "'acquaim lMmlotlvcs, as tho case may be, with the p".ilion for pre-aclion diS(:(>Vtf)'. This tool appears to be linl. used'. but it can serve III last two importanl funclions: pres.rrving testimony or inform._ Ii"", you rear might be lost and helping you analyze a pOIe",ial c.... hefon: filing.' Th;,; anid. will e>:amine the requirements for • pelition for p..... action di$COVcry under Rule 27. Ala. R. Civ. P..' will make various general OO"' .......'lons about the procedure for filing. limi· talions on the !'Clition. and will discuss. in the COlli •• , of tbe general ob'IC",.,ions, ,he cases <:OnStnlin8 the Rule. II is hoped !hal this arricl c will ~ 11$" primer on the subject for busy practitlonc .....


The Requirements for a Pre-Actlon Discovery Petition Rule 21(1)(1). A I •. R eil'. P. SC($ forth tbe infQm'\lllioo. petition for pre-action di<C(lvery must CQnLOin . &senti.Hy.• petition for pr<:. action di<cQvery undor Rule 27. Ala . R. 0,. P.• muSl contain .ighl pi= of informalion and a ~ueSI for an orde, from the COUI"! . TIle pelilion muM inform lhe OOUI"!: 110

M/lRCIf 2002

(l) lnal lhe ""Iili.,....,. . xpeclS 10 be a party 10 an rU(lJIihal <an be broughl in a ""m' of this SUile. bul lIIallhe "",iIi.,....,. is unoble 10 bring lhe oclion presonlly. or naw: il brought: (2) Ille SUbject mall ... of Ille ... """Ied

oclion: (3) Ille ""Iilio .... '·. inleresl in lhe u"""INI ""lion:

,., {>,

!he inform.lioo lbe ""Iil;one, desire< 10 establish or """",llllIte:

",,1$O.s Ihe pelilione, ex"",,1< 10 be adv<rse parlics (or a <leseriplioo of lhe 3d¥crse parties if no names and add= ..s are known):




lhe nrune" and of lhe persons 10 be depOSed (or the. persons "'00 haw: the informalion lhe. pelilione, =h) (or lhe perwn. to be examined) (or ,he land or Ihing 10 be in'"""IM): and

the substance of lc.<limony or inf""'taIion ...... ghL'







- - - - - -

the ""Iii;""",·, reason or reasons for desiring 10 eslablisll or ""rpo!ua!. lhe informalion:

{O' the names and addres ... of the





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±n be


~ h>4~''' ' ' ' ' -t(.A:",I:..__





Also. quite Ioskally. \he pecilion must m:j_ fur an order IlIowiflJ 01'

oonc.oUo ,

pIrICinJ \he l$imony 01' dUc:overy

"""chL' Dopmdi", 011 \he particular cirCUIllSCanCeS. _h • \he ~ CUSIOI'Il or ~ ...'1Itre \he pcfiliaol ;. filtd, \he lawyer $houkl drWt , I'fOI'I*d order chac cnckJ \he requew made in che pcficion. Quile ofu:rc • busy erial judge will


opprtoo;iacc • ~ ""'ilions CO I profK*<l order an; ~lIC'Illlly elSier 10 mak. chan drafting an order for che COlIn oil", Ihc",.

Some General Observations til'"Sl. """ very impooually. I pecicion for ~ion di<roYer}' MIa$! ~ ",",flCd." ~rirlC,uonlUlu,n:s "ronfirma· lion of oorm:lneso. !rU1II. or auchenticily. by affitllvi,. oach. tit dtposition .... Thi. ..... ui .. ""'an< chal cbe peI;';o".r·, al1(JO't1ey m"~1 wooi< ~Iosely willllhc peti. lio .... and enlure Ill_I lhe informacioo coocaiO>«! in ehe pceieion is accurate. Sttond. under !he IMe. yoo file a preoction di~l)' pecilion in che ciml;e


ooun of !he COUNy ... 1Itre ""Y ... pecced od~ ~y raidet..' Thi. rule Iea..-.:s !he peti60ner ,.,.,., lee......y 01\ '"mile. II abo leads to .. obool .. hecher you can file • pl"WClion ~ petilion lh3I


seda cIiscowty from ... out..of·SlOle ... ~ od_ pany.'lupaIlIy. Ihc r... thai Me ... pocccd a.dvenc pany is an "... of·Mate cltir.en 01' "'Iity.t.ould _ch ...... 1~ beneficial ~ of the Rule. In a world of fairly CO<rlrl'lOll ..... OUIS for

Utiption AccouIllObi~ty Act'" relief. the rouru ohouId ~ I0OI ~ pre-ctiooI dis<:ovay petitiorIs. Third. the ... pcctcd fUlure 8Clion mu ..

.ome....... LimilCd. bul rooeIhcless bdpful in ~Ihcf petptlu.O"I1t:5Iimony or aw:osin, • potcnIiaI case. In n;1cYaa1 pan !he Rule reods. wI. penon .... "" desires 10 "",.

~ Me "ro,:niubk iQ any ooun oflll,$ $IaIc.- but noc noceuarily Ihc ~imlil coun in ...'hkh the pecition i. filed." In SIOO'V. 71",.." lhe ooun .. alel. " Rule 27

lhac 01"""""", penon tit CO oIui:t discovery ......... Rule 34 0< Rule 35 regonbng 1/1)' nlaller ...... 1liiy be cogruuble in ""y

~uin; ehm lhe pro6~li". or poIcnlial II<:lluII he wi.hln che ~irc:"il COlIn', jurisd,ccion: il need only be ·cog. nizable in My coon oflhi. Slate: Rule 27 lUIui ..... chal.he peci,ion 10 1"''P'''\llItc lt$Cirl'lOllY be filed iD the ctrc:uil COW"!. boll the pruopc<:Iive llClion <loa DOt have co be wilhin the juriodictiool oflhc cirt.'Uic rowt...... Tbe 0DUtt in $roo. reversed the erial 0DUtt', di.mWal 01. pre-¥lion disCO\'el)' pec;,ion _k;Qt to peqJelU2Ie resIirl'lOllY for I jlOf4Oibie ",,;]I COdtc51 ill po-<>-

d<u _

bale COlIn.." Founll. oooordi", to OpUIiOl! .., IN

Oe" N(J.


314 So.2d 273 ( 1979).'he

pecilion must be ~ied by a filing f<:e. Seccioo 12-]9·71 (aX) and (b), Ata Code 1975 se1S forth the . ""licable filing fee. In I ~imil.r •• in. a 1""'""II<:li"" peci· Ii"" for diK(}\I(Cl)'. II leas. one fil"" ""rore Illy I..wsuit is instilueed (as "I'J'<'ICd to Me pendin, appeal). must be filtd II an illdtpelldtnl action." A$ !he COWl in £X ptJn~ N(}tjtHJI. StNsM,.,. Rtli/WG)' CtJtapmtJ ItIICS. MRule 27. ..nhorizial di_.a, bet.,.., \he fiji", of I complaint. requl .......... the petitioner file III indepclldtll' lOCIion fo< ~lief. Absnd I filin, of \he illdtpelldtrll oction. the erial coun acquires II(} jurisdiction to .... nl 1he relief _&h1.MH Fof1h. the diS«M'l)' you can obIain ;.

W . (AI" St6ries.

...... , 11w A/QMna Lou-ver is looking for ........ ~" 10

publish in tII'OOIIlil1l issues. humorous Wes and ante_ dotu lObout ~ ~ mel judgu. 0IM0uI/y.1or such 5t<:lries to be publisIw:d, tt..y must be (.I) trw. (b) amusing and (e) UMtful. Strod your .. miniKtnca 10: The Alabamo f.4uver. P.O. 8ClIt 4156. MontgQmtl)' 361(11. He l u", 10 Include )'OUr ........ addruo and I ~11mt Itiephont number. in aM. we nee.! t(J contac1)'O\1 .


MARCil 100:

pcfU2Ie ......

penon', "","II tcsCimoroy 0<

roun of 1his mit. may file a verified .ion in the oimlil COlIn ...."~


The RuLe, Ihc:n .•IIows yoo CO perpelU' II•• ilher lhe pcli.ioncr·lles.imooy


.he ~limony <Jf any O<hc:r 1"'I'$0Il by deposition." Tbe l .... irl'lOlly tit inrorma· lion rno.m be in of beinl k>$t. ~ tit fOtJOC!Ot, or """" od>tr valid reuOII 10 peqJeluaIe the le5Iimony


..........i..• Shon U I dq)oI.iliaol 10 ~ resri· MOIl)' in daqer U",""" loot. dtwoyuI ar fOlJOl ..... \he Rule allows diltOVCt)' only cmder RuLtl 34 and 35." Rule 14. Ala. R.

CiY. P.. of COOII"Sl\ deals wi(h ~ of docu ........ tit .... gible$ and "'11)' IlpOII land for in~ions; Rule 3S. Ala, R, Ci., P.. deals wW. "",ncal I...d phyoical exams," thus. lhe diKO".l)' ""'Ibods .""ilabl. under I ~II<:don di$O(lvcl)' peli.ion ]imiled I(J dtpooilions CO P"'1"'I\lll!e testi· mony. pro<Luc1ion 01 dowmenu and 111\. libkl. entJy upon land 1(J ioupect. ""'.... OIA!. tIC .. """ mencal and physical uami·


1IIIiono. Tbe$e mcthodo. """"" some........ limited. ore .. I.wole IIOfIClheIcss. As !he ALabamI Supn:me Coun swes ia


"nde.--. 644 So.2<I 961. 964

(Ala. 1994). "'Rule 27 <loa _ """ a poIt1Itiai plainliff 'cane blanche'to ·fidt · for IlfOUnd (or filinlIII lClion .... h does. bow.,..".. pro.ide .... luable tool. for M

Set alabar as YOllr Homepaqe ...4111' ..... _ ...... .. -. ..""_...... ......""_.-


11:1 .... _

......... "'_ ...

evalualinl P""ibie claims """ avoidin, Uliplion Acrounl<lbllily At! probkms. SiAIh . ...-tw:tber 10 ~t or dony !he petitJon is • cbKmIOfW)' ""'ition ...-itll the Irial 0lIlIn. ... t.;ca to an abuse of discrelion IlJIPCllalt ~tew ~. In Ex panr A"',-, 644 So.2d 961. 964 (Ala. 1994). !he rowt Slales. "As prev;. ""sly noIcd. "'lie(under Rul. 27 is di , · ."'Iiool ry wilh the Inal coun. and • mal .oon·, Nling on ~ Rule 27 pclili"" will noI be: nm:rscd;n lhe a bsence of an aI:oI$e of diSl:"'lion: ~'

Sevn>1Il. !he IWIdard bofon: !he Irial

coun .. "'he!hcr the \rial COUll "Is ·wi.. ficd' dw .... h d~ 'may ~ a nf JUStICe''''' ThIS -.t:ard is oltn,-..d di=tl)' from Rule 27(1)(3). (ojl"", or doIoy

..."och IUds '" re"'"" pM. "If the COUll is PlisfJCd dw the ~ nf the tes· bmony may prcvnIl 1 fail"", or dolly nf juslice. II shall nW<c an order ...."" Eilblh. the Rule call, for appropriate OOIice "'" tlP«led adVtrse pani~ •. a"'.· "",,"ble lime for the tlpeeled par1i« 10 1""'paR:. and • hearing OIl lit< pclili"" . In rele ... nl pan. Rule 27(.)(2) reads. -n.c pelilioner .t.lllthereafter ....,., 1 noIice upon each pel$OO named in !he pwlion as an tlpttled Idwrse patty. IOIClhtr witlll copy of the ptti. lion ..... inltlllt !he petil;'-r will apply 10 the ...,..,. at • ,i"", a.,d place IWDed Ihtn:in. for !he ordoor cbaillCd ia !he petilion. AI IetilIh,ny (30) days befon: lhe daI. of !he hearinl !he noc:06ce shall be .., .... ed " "~.. Ninlh. 1 <lepoo.illOO pc!pCluatin& lCSli· mooy properly Illk .... putWanlto !he Rule Call be: u!o<d in a .ub5eqOtntly flied ..,.i"" invol"ina lhe same sub';"'l malter.~ The Rule rdcrcnca Rule 32(1). which alJov,', ...... of a deposilion "againsl any palty ..'100 was jnSCnl or ",pn'$<'nlCd at !he Iak· i"ll of the dcpo6ilion or ,,'100 I>Id ~ :able noIiot th<n:of. ...Tentll. I pre.lClion discovery petition


.. _ ..,bjKI 10 • mociocIlO dii/niss UJ>dcr R.... 1l(b)(6)." Tht COlIn in DriJJ:.iJl .. CMIIi,~r. 7'T7 So. 2d 49~ (Ala.

a ... API") MIIU. in ",Ie..-ano pan. - R~

12(b)(6) Iw 110 ..,.,tocalion to 1 petilion for J>re"'Clion disoowry. A Rule l2(b)(6) moIion serves to 'Ies!' [ [!he .uJrocieocy of !he pl.,..,inll" dctem,i"" if lhe plain' liff has >laiC(!. claim ui"'>" which relief can be aran,ed: ... W. eannot possibly apply 'hi' "andanl o(",vlew 10. Rule

21 petition for pre-clion di$c(wny becau.., lhal pleadinl is IlOl one st»in& • claim. bul i. in ....s one leekinl ~ X'IIO<> di~ to <Ielenni ... whelber the pWnllff has • reasonable ....i. for fililllM lClion ..... EIeYenlh. lhe . . - loJicaIav:ailabie dcfnlSl'S IQ • P'l'"action pwlion for di$to¥. try are privilqe. or DCh:r defcn ... elf.",· ing lhe diSl:OVmlbilily of !he information ..... ghI.- Quite qically.• pctiliooer should r<ll be able 10 di~.. r privileged in!.,."..,u.,., lhrougll • .-..coioo petition wbm he or she """,Id IIOl be obIe 10 (!is.. awcr Ihos ....... infonn>oon;". ~lA responde .... ...... 0lIlI1d lIJ..abIy ...... My oflhe Rule 12(b)( 1) Ihn>up (~) dd~ ,n to a pre.oruon petil....• Thcoe pouible defenses an: '"( I) t..k of juri$dicll"'" 0Wf lhe subj«1 ..wlCr. (2) t..k o f juri$dic:tJOII OWl !he penon. 0 ) improper vmue. (.4) insuffi· cieocy of procw.. and (~) imuJrlcicncy of $ONO« of Jl"Xu .....- M<l<I>l)V<:r. a respondenl could IUII/;k the petitionds alle",li"". di"""ly and q~"ion ""hether lbe pctilion Iw followed the proced= oullined in !he Ru le. Twelflh . • ~Iion peti'ion for di ..

Of'I'Of'' ' '

rovery is. oppan:nlly. _ ... t;ta to rcmoval. In one of !he few """""'" C*>CS ."". muol Ru" 27. AI .. R. e,y. P....... UnilCd SlalCI DiWlCt Cow1 for !be Soulbom DiWlCt of AlabamI holds Ih.u • petilion for pre.1o<lion disrowry i. DOlI oubjed to ",movaI." ",. COlIn in IfUro'~ fir.d5 lIIal . prt.-lClion petilion for di .. rovery i, ... d;SCOl'cry '001 .,'ailable prior 10 ,he wn"ne~n .. n' of. civi l "",iOll. Tht pelilion ilself i, no! • civil aclion and. !herefon:. i. IlOl 'Ub';"'l 10 ............1 under 28 U.S.C. Section 1441."" Thinecnlh. and finally.• poactiljoner $hould re .... mbtr lIIat R.... 27(b) all"",. di"""",t)' peodinl appeal by mnoion.• Tht mol"", ........ conuoin ""Iy the l>aJI"ol:S and oddfcsses of lhe penoN 10 be deposed (or f""" "hom diocovfty is sooghl). the ... b&Iance of !he upeclOd tt.Ilimoay. uo;llhe l'U5OftJ oupponing the ""lOt ... •

Conclusion 1ho! pre-acti"" [lClition fo< diseo,.. ry i, "PI"""n lly a seldom uoed tool ttw. especially in lodayM, tense titillation C~R'\3te. 1,,,SalOlS iIhould ........ luaI. and begin

CHOOSE WISELY. The q... liIy 01 your wotI< I, di~y <io,>endenl upon !he q ... lily nf lhose you c:hooM \0 a!&11I you, In !he_ dall,od ulenl$ oJ Duslneu val .... ion ...:J litiJMion ouwon. ~ to crilial \0 ~ The WVicH 01 ~~~. _ill. ~ ... _ . p.e. ha ..... t-n Ulili,od in conneaion willi nve" ISO caM$. Ou, lIl«i.lIi<I$ :>«' ~ by !he ....... ......,... tninilotl .... t.we In Ihe it'Iduslrr .:I oenifled by !he NACVA and !he AJO'A ABV. l..ti: ... help you ewry ~0I1he_.


• lOll ProfrulOamqe MH,u",",""1

•• D.,.,.,., C,IIINI" Trial b:hlM, • l.o:pM WI!neU


• flrwnclallMJml,ulon V~/jdoo(1on • Blnlnti. V~lwlion (",.,

. ,,

I II, ... ,'.,,,,., "., "~

.. I"·.,', ... I (,.,



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M CUTl'I~1)




.a_.... _ JllGl ·lOI-ll ) ' _ 10..",.., . . ." _ _ bo,lI""",

CITY ATTORNEY Tho Citv CoIn:iI 01 tho City 01 fa<yewMlo i. on _ieoo:ed ~ III _ os City AttomI!\' ~ ... is p I!IT18d """" • <nn:iV"""""QeI' form oIl)MI'II"*11. "';\I11ho City Cou:lciI hiring and SlfI!>'I'i$n;i \tie City AttcJnev Tho City I\ttm-.y ......,. .. ~ ~ and 1Nd!.. $111M 01 foI.J, lQ ircIudo "" asslSlant anorney OUII!fII/y seeking

Fayette>illo. _ iii mile$ soo.ntIeast 01 RllIeogh, is tho .iXII1 . 1 city in tu1I\ Carol .... ..,!11 • ...,." ~ oflZS,OXl, Tho quall\yol lil. IS hi\lh ..,1h _rulhf· 01 MIl ~ ~ rd. 00,..".


t<l'M1 'ui"lop""U p-ojoct 1M! .... ueoJ on !he ciIy'. hi......" he<ltago ~

fM 8raQQ Mfr'/ Post ..... !'ope IlJt force Ilast I(\;j II) tho ewro:mc dM<sny 01 the lIN. JI..po..ibil~iu Tho pm,,,,," i. "'spon$I_ bit few !he enlow ,... ,! aod pr"••amoo 0/ aIV an. >'IOlIJtion$: deleroling clalll'$ llga01St tho Cil!'; •......,.-,g City pol""" and Il'<adtwon for c..npIiaro;e..,ttI legal J£qIJIf8!IIOIl!: Ilra!bng • ""'It'!\' 01 dox:I..menIs lIJ n:lude deods, COOIIam. _ . not... ordinMtes or........ fT.~s ..-.d 0\tJer .....1 doaJ.,..,1$ as ...... be fIIQOI j,oO kIIlhe prOper ...,. duel 01 lilt City's bu,iness; ad\',,"'11 !he _ Ihe cill' <runCi 1 or 811\' officer or ~of!he Cil'l in '¥d to legal man ... connecteO WIth !he City's !Monell .t...-.ling ,II ~.".s of cwnciI and por\otm<'Ig S\dI ott. Wfles IS may be d"octecl lrom limo ID lImO I>y!he city coo.n:iI. or I>y JlaIUII a 00'!Iinafu.


Mi.im_lIoquj, _ _ Mininunreqwe""",1$ _

JD frotn .. tcer8doled law

sd'<d, • "-"'""1 NMh Caroiina bar ~. and r", l'N't 0/ ~ (....... I"ofomd) ., Iho field 01_ goootMMInIIOI'W,

using _ orlen. n.e petition off.... the litigator the advantage of i<arning, in ad""""". wl>etbor ,ufficient facts or eyi· <kntt exist to $UppOi"! a potential claim. AI..,. a litigator can use the pc:litioo to ~ testimony or information that might btcorno Io$l <kstrol'W or simply forgotten for use in a potential fntW't: case. A, the Alabama Supreme Coon ,laleS in Ex porte Ande ...".,. "limited use of Rule 21 f".. purpose of "",'uaring' potential claim i, .nti~ly consiSlonl Wilh the uOOerlying purpose of boIh Rule] l. Ala. R. Civ. P. and the Alabama Litigation Accountability Act .. .." ... n.e trial courts of this Mate should embrace and aid attempts 10 on'u~ thai SIIfficient facts and evi<l<ntt ""iSI'o ,uPJ>O<1 a claim before .law,uit is actually filed. not the opposite. •

Endnotes n.. ......... _ _ •.,...,._-"'" ~ ..... 1Irl otIlIoI\"_ tho



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To""",,"' Sotrno" __ letter aid _.tII' MardI lB, 2002 to, Robert A. Massev, Jr. Cha,,,,,,,,- AItomoy Seiwd1 Conmttee, </0 Diy Hall, An"""'" City Atlllrrl8v Se<wttI. 4Jj Hay Sv-eet, Fayeu ..... , IIC 2a:lll Faxes """'f1\OO OIl 1910143J..l!tiS. The en.,. COI,n;d ",,11 _ an oppIoca1K1f1S and mat.the htnng '*'101.

Cell lhe City 01 f~I1&\'.IIo. ~so,,,,.l Serous [)epartmem It (910) 433-1635..,o!'> ~



MAR C il


DON'T HAVE TO BE. The AIabarna Lawyer Assistance Program can help. Calls are strictly cDnfidantiaL PtlDne (334) 834-7576 III' (334J 395·0807 (24·hDlll' pagetJ. Jeanne Marie Leslie, program directllI'

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Disciplinary Proceedings Rulha"" MOil McCrory. w!me " ...."'about< ~ unt __ n. rnU$! 3n$""" !hooAlabarna Sill.., Bar·, formal disciplinary charges w,thin 28 day, of April 15. 2002 or. thereafter. the char&es ronlll,l>td IlIcKi. shall .... deemed """"ined and diocipl,,,,, wll be ,mposed apillSl her in ASH nof.. ()().132(A) and 01· 61(A) bef"", the Oisciplinory s-tI of the Alabama Sw£ B....


Reinstatements , The Supreme Coon of Alabanla enlered an onJcr based upon lhe dec,s,,,,, of Panel V nr lbe Olsciplinary Board of lhe AI.ban .. S1ale Bar rein-

, ...ting Hinningham all(1r"11Cy Mkhatl AIM" Nt....,.,.. 10 !he praolice of Ilw in the SllIe of d rceli .... No ....1Ilber 20, 200 I .<ubjcct 10 ,he Itml. and cOl>d'lion. as Kl OU1 in PaMI V', ordt. of N.........btt 20. 2001 . [AS a Pn. No. 98.Q7] , The Supreme COUll of AI""*"" tMtn:d ... ordtr reillWlli", Birmingham allorno:)' Will ..... J;"rI""" Rutledge 10 !he practioe of Ilw;a the Swe of AI.bamI elfecli .... December 18.2001. Th" ordtr Will ba<cd upon the o:I«i."", of Paml VI of !he Disciplinary Soard. [ASH Ptl. No. Ol~[

Disability Inactive Troy allorney Jolm Mkhatl Woodham


Inn ...

fe~ to disabili1y i.....,i"" 118luS pursuanl 10 Rule 27(~), Alabama Rules of Disciplinary 1'Iwcd.. ",. effective February 20. 2001. [Rule 27(~); AS8 Pet. No. 0l"(]11

Mobile arlOmOy John Mart< GmT was 1nINJ"crn4 10 Wability inactive _ pirIU3III. 10 Rule 27(c). Alabama Rules of Dnciplina-y Proadurc. eff<C\iYe ~ 20. 2001. [Rule 27(c);AS8 1'<:1. No. 01"(]3)

Disbarment Chari.. TIniothy Koch was di.barrtd froon the prKl,«, of law in the Sllole of Alabama eff«ti.c 116



Oc1ober 30. 2001. by ordtr of 1he Alabama Supreme Court. The COlIn enlered it< onJcr basod upon the o:I«i,;oo of the Disciplinary Bo:onl of the Ala bama SI.I. Bar. In ASS No. 97·9O(A). fo.."al eh.'!1.'S we", filed agaillSl Koch on January 28. 1998.• l1egiog ilia, Koch was employed 1(1 rt~S<"nl • eli.nt in a di"""", JIfOI=dilll. The dwJeI funher .IICled lhal Koch coIlccIcd $'261 as 1I1Omey·' f_ lit , .... OUt<el of the ~nlalioo. Koch did no ...-ad: on behalf of the die", and did 11(0. CQmmullirase wi!h him ... the 1lWla". Ouri", the oourse of the "p'CSO:llwioo. KocII ....... .<u'f"l""led from the prac. tice of law in the SII1e of Alabama for failu", 10 pay hi. occupational license fee. Koch did 11(0. COIIImuni· <:2U 10 !heftienl the f.,tlhal hot had "",,n suspended. Koch did not file .... n....... 10 the formal chari". The",r"",. on December 9. 1998. a (lef.ull jud."""nl was ~0,,1\'d againSI him, fir.ding h irn g"illy Qf ~io­ laling rule< 1.1. 1.3. 1.4(.). S.5{.). and 8.4(g). Alab.tnu Rules of Profession.1 Conduct. In AS8 No. 97.IIO(A). fomw charJ.. were filed agaillSl Koch on JanlWy 28. 1998. "Ilop", 1ha1 Koch was !lUined 10 ~ • eli .... iD I di"""", JIfOI=d ....... The dionl pW Koch • $~ !lUi..... fcc in ad-<ance. Thetuftcr. Koch failed 10 m.pond 10 di ... «Wef)" ttqlll.'SU in the ~ .-bon aDd failed 10 appear II schoduled heariap. A •• ~II. • default jud"""", ..... enteml .,aiM! lhe diem. Koch also f.iled 10 romrnunk..., ..·i1ll !he (lion, ~ing the man ••. During the COlI .... of the rt~. Koch was .<Uspended from lhe prIoCtice Qf IIW in the StI.., of Alabam. for fail u'" 10 pay hi. occupalional lio • ...., fcc and did not inform lheclionl !his suspension. l'uttlit., aflcr the grie'l:Ul(e was f,led




willi 11M: lIMe .... Koch failed 10 rcopoAd 10 .... merous ~ fOO' infomwiool rqardi .. Ih¢ IIWu:r duro in, \be _ of 11M: bar', invt<lip' !iooI. Koch failcd !" an<"'tt \be f<lml.ll ~ and. tbcn:fore. <>II December 9. 1998. 1 deflull jud"""n! was emered again'l him. fiJldin, him ,Dilly "fv;olalina "'Ies 1.1. l.l. 1.4(1).5.5(1). 8 .1(b). and ~.4(,). A,R.P.C. In ASII N", 98·141(A}. formal ctw&es "'ere nled againsl Koch <>II AUaUSl5. 1993. alk,ina tlw "" wa< ."'I'ioy...J 10 fik 1 breach of COfItract ... il "" behalf of 1 diem. K<x:b wid 11M: dimlll'lallh¢ ... ;1 Ilad been filed "·... n. i. foct. it had Il0l. n..teafIer. 11M: che........ sued by !he .,.,....!ia1 defendanl fOO' breach of COfII/aCt. Koch od"ised !"" dienl ~ he W(JU1d file • rounle,daim, H(rIO'(:'.tt, Koch ,001:, rIC)

loCI"'" ""

be""lf.,r lbe client and!" e"nullunicale willi him re~ina I'" malloI'. A. a ","ul!. a defauil judinlCnl ...... en!ered imo againlll"" clienl in!be amount of $2J,(XXj, Koch faik<! 10 an<wer!be f......w ohuJa and. lbe...f.,...,. "" Decemm 9. 19911. I def.. ll judJ,meM WU ."lel\'(\ ,.,..iMI him findi", him pihy of Viob!II1, f1Iles 1.1. 1.3. 1.4(.). 8.4(.) Ind 8.~. A "''''''10 deoernIine discipline was oonducled by ~I III "f Ih¢ Disciplirwy 9oa<d OIl CIt"""'" 16. 2001. K<x:h failcd 10""""aI' alllli, "'arin,. Durin, thi' "'arin,. 11M: Alabama Slale Dar olTered ev;dellCC W e'lablio.h lhal K<x:h M.d ~n $uSp<nd. ...J for fa ilU ... 10 Ctlmply with lhc MalldalO<)' Con!i""in, Le",1 Ed .... ,;.,., <eoquiremenlS "" July 26. 1996 and apin "" Fehruary 6. 1998. Beeau.., of Koch's fail ..... 10 coopenIe Wri.. I'" inves!ipiiool of the<e rom· pllirll$. "" was interimly .wspended from !he prxlkc of law in the Stale of Alabama clfeaiYe May 13. 1993. IAS8 1100. 97·9O(A). 97·IIO(A) Ind 98·l41(A)]

Suspensions Fairhope: Inome)' Gl'Ollory 8ro .... n Oa,,'klns waS IUSper.<led from lhe prac!ice of Ilw in lhe S!'le of Ala

for • period of 001C yaI. effectiYe SepIember 25. 2001. by order of 11M: ALIbamI SUPIl'me C<lun. The supr<:me .,.,.., e,,!('n:d ilS order basod up"" LI1C ded ...... of ~ Di5ciplirwy Commi' ...... of!"" Alabama Slate Bar. On ScpIember 25. 2001. Dawkins pled ,uilly!" lOIIlawful posS<'ssion of a """. !ronod M1S00.nce Ind unlawful posses· sion "f drug P"f"I.~malil in lbe Ci .... il Coon of 8aldwin Coon!y and was lllow...J I" paniciplOle in lhe I"' rrial inllm'.mion proaram. On OtIober I~. 2001. Dawkins emen:d I oondillonaJ ,uilly plea before the ou.:ipl;1W)' Cornrniuion odmi.· lid, !hat he viobtcd Rule 8.4(b). Alabama Rules of Profess;.....1 C<lnduct. based upln hi1luilly plea w unlawful possuliorl "f. ro.urolled $ubsw1Ce and unll .... ful pos","ion of dN, panpllCmali •. In uohan,e for 11M: plea. I)lwkin. wu su.pended from lhc praclice of law in lhe Slale of for I period ofone year. elf«!ive Septomber 25. 2001. (AS8 No. OI·244(A}1

repnhn, the complaiN. BridtcllWl did noI . .wer \be formal eharJa Ir1d. tbcn:'on:. on May 9. 2001. • defaull judameM ......... lCn:d agairtSl 11er. firldi", her ",illy "f violl,i"i Rules 1.3. 1.4{.) and l.16(cl). In ASB No. OI.I9(A). fonna! ch.arges were filed against Bridgeman on M arth 20. 2001. alleaina thaI bad been retained by I clionl 1(> ... pre. him in 111 UllCOlllO<!«l di....,..,.,. The clienl paid Brid,eman $300 for the ",~_ion. ll1C."after. Brid&....... perfO<lllt<l "" scrvioc$. failed 10 romnounica1e " 'ith 11M: dienl ..,...ti.. lhe m.".... and failed 10 refw>d 11M: uneamed prwriool of the retIU1Cr. BridJanan failed 10 file .. .......... 10 ~ f......w cfoartes and. tbcn:fon:. on M.y 9. 2001. a def.ull judllmenl "..s e"ler<'d agairm 11er. findin, IlCr ,nil!y "f violalin, Rules 1.3. 1.4{I) and l.1 6(d).


AlIM:ns al!Ome)' CynlhlMJ aM 8rid!lftl1lln wu ,uspended from 11M: prxlO:e 011 .... in ..... Swe 01 Alaborna for • period of 91 days. effective December S. 2001. by order of ..... Alabama Supr<:me C.,...,. ll1C lIIpr<:me coon cnlCn:d ilS onler based upln ..... decision of the Ois.;iplinary Board of \be Alabama S! .... 8ar. In ASII No. oo.2S2(A}. chal'll" were fiI...J apin'\l Bridie""", "" M ~rth 30, 20C)!, allo,ins ,hal Brid,eman hod ~n relaillCd w ... pre. .. nt I dien! in bankruplCy pr<>ceed. illp. 1"he . Iie"t paid Brid,.man a S600 retainer. 1l1CreaflCr. Drid,eman odvised t"" diml 1Iw "'" ,...s leaving LI1C pnIClice "f bw, buI wooId me the bankruplOY petitiool upon paymo." 01 SI25 for"",," ODOU. 8ridJCIIWl made IfnIIICmenlS 10 mccI ..';Ib LI1C d;ent

bul ......... folJooo.-cd 119, TherW'1Cr. BridICmaII did rIC) work on behalf of lhe cHenl and f.iled 10 rommunicale wi,h"', '"Iardl",!he ma,ler. DurinS lhe _ of lhe bar', diICiplinary in=,!(,.lioo, lIridicman lail<:d w resp!>nd 10 re<j .... l$ for informalion

2JII 1I/t1UGtwi A"",,,, S-I~



lIi",,/wt/wuft. At. j'lOS


Because of ber faily", to "'spend 0.Otberwise cooperate during the COOrs!: of the bar's in,'ostiga1ioo. Bridgeman was interimly su,ptnded from lbe ~Ii"" of law in the Stale of Al.bama, ~ff"'li..., Mar<b ~, 2001, (ASB oos. 00-282(A) and OI.I9(A)]

Ace you watch ing someone you care abCI\Jt self-destruct ing because of akono l or drugs' Are they te lli ng you they howe it under co ntrol'

They don't. Are they te lling you 'hey can hand le It'

They can't. Maybe they're tell ing you it's none of yo,,, bus>nc"

It is. Peop le entrenched on alcohol or drug dependencies can ', ~e what i, is doing to their li ves

You can. Don't be part of the" delUS ion

BE PART OF THE SOLUTION, For every or.c person WIth alcoholISm, at least fIVE: other I""" are negatively affoctoo by tf>e problem drinking. The Allbam> La"",>",r Assistance Program IS avarlable to help members of the leg<Il profession who wlfer from akohol 0<' drug depender>el($ Information and asSr"anc:e IS ako availoble for- the spouses, family n1embers and offke stolf! of .""h members , ALA? is comm~ed to d""eloping " greater awareness and understandrng of this rll""" w ith in the legal professioo_ If yo<r or- someone you know rlee<h he lp ca ll J e~nne Mane Lesl ie (ALAP d,recton at (334) 834 7576 (a ("""1 d"ec! I,nei or 24-hou r page at (3341 224. 6920, All call. are confiClem,al




Effttli,'c D<1obt!, 28, 2001 al10mey Ko.nneth HoIl .... a y Millk.. " of Hamilloo ha. been ''''ptllded from the practic:c of law in the S"'le of Alabama for IIOIIOOIllpliance will\ the 2000 Mandatory Conlinuing Legal Ed""alioo ""IuiremenlS of the Alabama Sllll0 Dar. (ASD CLE No. OI-33( J.d'sorw;ne allomey I).,-Id Joel Fornster ".a$ suspended from tbe praoc!i"" oflaw in the Siale of Alabama fo.- a period of91 day>. The imposi. lion of the 91>11ay $\ISp<:nsioo was sus· ptnded ptnding s.,.., ..,ful rompl«ioo of a two-yur probatlooary period. condilioned on serving 30 days of the susptnsion. effeclive December I. 2001. The supreme coon onk.w lbe susp<:nsioo based upon a dttision of lhe DiSCiplinary Commission of lI\e Alabama Stale Bar in ASB No. 99-115(Al, whe", Forrester pled guilty to .iol.ling Rules 5.3(0) and 8.4{gj. Alabama Rules of Professional Cond Uel . forresl.r admit· ted thaI he employed a client in c"change fo.- I~gal $Crvic.. and, thereafter. provided minim.1 0.- improptr Inlining and .uptrvision during cmploy .... nl and ~n&aged in inappropriate condUC1 of a personal and $<::<ual ":uull! ,0 ..-anI hi' employee. (ASD No. 99-II S(A))

Public Reprimands • ""le J~D"'" \"allas =ived a public Il!prirnand witholli &"n,,,,,1 publ;,;"I;oo for. viol3lioo of Rules 1.1 and 1.3. A.R,P.C- Vallas was retained to "'pR' $Cnt the complainanl in post-«Jnvk· 1;00 proc«ding•. The complainan, had bttn charged in feder-II coon with Itaf· fic~ing in rocai ... _ Because of hi. cooperalion wiill federalaull>orilics, lhe complainanl's charges we", l13IISferred to Slale conn. In stale rowt,' pic. agme .... m was. """,bed wbe",in theeomplain~m would plcad guilly

and "",ei"" " .. me""e of 15 years splil with lime served. and the Il!mainder of hi. $CnlCnce 00 probalioo_ The stale coon judge "'jected Ihis plea and Iht rompl.inant c'"emually emered a blind piea to possessioo of rocai .... On May 19,2000 thecompl.inam received a 2S-ycar sen .."". in the Slale ptnilen"ary. Vallas. was. hired about. week later to see~ ",co."i<kration and modifica. t;OO of the complainant·, .. nt.nee and to $tture lhe p",s.",,,,, of the Assistanl U,S. Allomey 10 '~slify before 1be stale coon to explain the extenl of 1be com· plainanl'. cooperalion wilh federal aulhorities. The A.. i.tanl U.S. Anomey did oot personally appear al lhe fil"$' hearing. bul did subroil a lenor 00 the complainant's bebalf. BecaU$e tbe A.,;stam U.S, Allomey did not app<:ar. Vall"" ""I"""'ted and =;ved a coolinu"""e '0 ar"mge fo.- her personal app<:aran<:e. Prio.- 10 the SttQnd bearing. Vallas. communi caled with the A.,i .... nl U.s_ Allomey and undel"$lood thai she w"" ",llIC1Anl 10 personally "popear. Vallas did not subpoena ,he A.s;Stant U.S. Anomey, nor did he nW:<: any Othee arrange-.... nls will\ the federal aulhorilic$ for her appearance. The romplainan"$ moIioo was beard withoul the benefil of. p..->OOal .popearaJlCe of the AssiSlant U.S. Anomey and was. denied. In oddilion, al!lle first hearing On the mo1;OO to recoosider. Vallas. ga"" oralnotiu of appeal of lbe CO!Iviclion. Vallas was ,ub:seql><:nlly notified Ihat the oralnotl"" of apopeal was no! suffi· ~i"nl and thaI a wri11en noti"" of .popeal was. ""Iuired. On July 27. 2000. the Alabam" Coo" of Crimin.l Appeal. dismissed !lie apptal as. heing untimely f.led because Vallas did nOl fil~" wrillCn noli"" of apopea!. (ASS No. 00(226) • Monlgomery allomey Vale rie Murry Smed ley e nlered a rondilional guillY pica, which was ac<:epled 00 Octobt!r 22,2001, by 1be Disciplinary Board of lbe Alabama Sial. Bar, 10 c!\argos of inromp<:le""e. willful negleel and !he r.ilu", 10 proptrly communicale with a di,nt. The Di sciplin.ary Board onkred that Smedley """ivc a public "'pri_ mand withoul genemll"'blicalion.

Smedley's fOflllC1' ellen!. a.roIyn D. Eo.os WlIS pul'tlwinl JOrno I'tnUli propmy ill MOII~ and him:! Smedley '0 handle tho -...ruo. for $JOO. The clo5i", was Ioold and aU documcnu were lipod and notarized. Smedley foiled 10 JoOnd the monPl" _mplion I*Qce 10 the mongage ~y and also failtd 10 1ft(Ifd!be cWd. Becau5e 0( Iltls ""Iioct. "'" mortPI" company ",fuoed 10 =<>g. ni'" Mrs. Elves 1S.he: propeny ........ r. 11 force'l'loctd iMuranee on.he: propony. "", .... by IlI;sina.he: mortgage paymenU by 26 percent Mrs. Eaves a<>I in om:ars "".he: monl"," paymentS and f<n<:1oI.utI\ ~inlS ,,'.... brgun. Throu&bouJ, this mU'" ,i.I>3I;"". Mrs.. Eaves COIIIKICd Smedley 011 ....mIl 0IX1Ili0ns 10 au;,.. .... ill <:OI"Jfl<lin,the pn:1bIem. but Smedley lOOk DO aruon. After Mrs. Ero<cs liled I compWlII with tho >lll1e bar. Smedley ,<'C()Oded the cWd. In Sontdley" ros.ponS<! '0 "'" bar rompllim. die bl.mod MOther la.... yeo- for "'" failure 10 forward thc: cI~in& cIoo:u, ... "u. That Ilwyer denitd any such responsibility. "a'ing that he: ""Iy IIOIlriltd ,be cIoo:ument$ '" heT reques,. Smedley viol .. td Rule. 1.1 [compelen<:e[. 1.3 [diHI"n<:el, l.4{aj, and I .~b) [C'Om"",niclli,,,,) 0( thc: Alabaml Rules 0( l'I'ofossional C(lllduct. [ASB No. OO-22)(A)[ Binnintlwn Moomey R_ Bnljamln !lop ... III rcai>'Cd • public rq>rimand .. ithooui l"""'*l publico· I;"" ror .ioIMi"I Rule 8.4(a). A_R_P_C0.. or about Ju... 1, 1999. Hog ... and his finn. 1101 .... Smith &: Alspougb. P.C .. "'prt'.. nttd thc: pllintiff in I ci.i1 loCIion before ,Ite lI0n0nble W. D. HaOO. se nior Jud,. of thc: United Stat" o;.lric. Coon for "'" Southe:m o;"ric' of Alabama. IAIrinl",nlemen' IIoI!'gooiationf. in ""lticb J""I" lland directly and lICIively panicipaiCd. Hopn WlIS pIk«I 01'1 ~ of the def• that tben:: "'" be ... y IIdmiuioa of liabili,y or Illy publicaUon of tho SCI.1cmenc. panicullrly in thc: linn', ",""leli... 1lte 1..tadi"1 &i~. AS part of the SCI........... H""",, .."......:I to I conflden'illi'y and nondi.dooure ciaUIe, Dutd upon thc: ag"",menl. JudI" Hand enlered an order di.mining ,he: cue " 'ith prej u· dice.

...ta..o.·' __

0.. or abouc June 11. 1999. the parties and their -.ucl UCC\IItd a Seulemem and Con/'id¢ntialily "" .." .......... hido. aJIIIaino:d specific ianpIF .OIi:.i<k:d 10 maintain caofodenclalily by prohiloiIl"l puhlicalion of the 5eUlemmt.

NOIwithMalldi", thil ...., ....... "" or abc.,iI J.....,. 24, 2000, """","I for the defendant rcaive<llll<:W$kIorr publishod by l"'&an·' firm entitlod no.. lLw/inll £J,l', 'The IICWSlcller COfI tained details of ,be ",,,lemen' or "'" caS<! in di~. ~iQ)~,i(>ll of ,he: Stulement and Confidentialily Agn:c, ... n!. Upon rcaipl of this publication. C(iUil$(1 for thc: defe-ndant .... mp«:<! to resolve thc: bteM:h of COfIrodo:nt~lily """ .ioI..ion of the Senlent<nt """ eoaf>dtnlialilY Agn:c_ without court ;ntervo:ntioa. 1bo& dforu ...-en: unouccessful. l1Icreforc. 011 Man:h I. 2000. the ddcndan, filed • MOl;"" for Relief. n:q""';q usiSl8tiC<: from the Unii<d Stales l)istricl Coon in enforc· ing "'" Seule ...."t and Confidentiality Agreen",n!.

During ~ingl conduc,td by Judge 11300 "" ,he: d<f~ndan,·. 1.101;"" fOl' Relicf. Hopn ..,boowltdgtd that publ;'ation of the: JCltlc: .... nt in thc: finn brochure t«hnicaUy vioLaiCd "'" SeI,k .... nt and COIIfldenlialily ~""'IIL However. H",III a.sened ",",lhe Coun was w,thooui juriodiclion 10 pnMde a mnedy. TheCoun determi ...... OIhtnoIise. 0.. July I'. 2000. after I heario,. Judae Hand found that Hopn bid ellJllCd in professional mi!lalflducl by his fallure 10 abide by the: lemos of lhe: Stl.Ic:....... t and Corofiden.iali,y Agn:cmenL. The Court 'mposed nU""'lVIIll&IICli"". 011 Hogan and ,he: ',mI. iocl""i", a (\'(jui",men' ' hal Hoa:an publish a "'t"'<lion in n." uadi~1l £J,l'. copies of "'hich wm: ",,!uired 10 be sen. 10 ..,.;ip;.n, by ""rtifoed mail. thai II","" plOy IUSOO_ able fees iocurn:d by thc: defmdant and ",", 11"1"" MOod the lirm be suspnodo:d from practieia,iaw in thc: Uni.ed SWC$ Disuicl Court for tho SouIhmo l)io.tricl of AIabuna. The l)isciplilllf)' CommilSion considen:d, IS mitiption. thc: Court"lC:vete sanction .... weU .. ,he: facl lhal Hogan and ,he: finn have sinc. purged wm_ .. Ives of 'hose unc,ions. [ASS No.


• On Jonuary 18.2002. Theodore aUor-

nq ~ 1._ SllIlOos rcaived. public reprilNlld wi"""" l"""'*l publication in COfIiioI!'CIion wilIo tho rom· plainl of N-.i Lee Collins of Mobile. Ms. Collins ..... injllftd "" "'" job in AUIUS. 1998 and eamc: 10 .... Simons 1iIxoul. WO!'ker's C'Omp<:n$IIion fl$C in the flU 0( 1998, Simons did noL ha.e br. ",n • ronlta<l bJt wilen "'" """"Id call 10 check on thc: of her c .... he: ltd Ioer to belie.. that he: wu working on ,he: ma'ler. Arler.he: bea ... experitllCin, diff",uhy """,nou_ nicatinH willi Si"""", she rontacted aIIOIhe:. Ia",)," in M...:h 2001. Sbe ,old this La",)," IIw Simons...,.. oqn.. nti"' ..... bui that hi: would "'" mum her call,. That lawyer called S i _ 10 _ if be ....... oqnscnoing her. SimonJ dM! ..,.. deny IIw Mi. Collins WlIS his dient. When..ted ..-hether Sill'lOllS bldliled • c.... for her. he _ed he had not. and had iii) e-plaruotion 01' reason for nI)II doing so. Thatlawy" oloo:lined Lo Ms. Collins beeau", he: beli.. td thc: SlalUie of limi,a,ion l had Nn on he:r c1.lm, Accordingly. S;onons wOS pub)idy rtprlonandtd for ha,in, violated Rules 1.3 [dili,e"",,) and 1.4(1) [COltI. munication[ Alabom;l Rules of Profossional Condoacl. •




CLE Opportunities The Alabama Mandatory D.E Co:o!MI'ssion conU1lU!i11y 1Ml1ua~ aocIlPJX1MIS in-Stalli. IS well as

natiOl'lWidt. ~ v.+ooch ¥to IMinIainIid in I COflIIlJ\8I databa~. AI ... illenlitied Ii¥ sponsar. Ioc:aIilifl, .... tnd For J w'opIe" ~ 01 anenl ru 0R01In1m G' _ ~ lU'Q;l


'" MCU Cammo$$oon coffiaIlIlD'l 269-1515. _ 111. 156c. 156. c. yau 1liiy _ _ Iistong


01 cuntnI prOgr-.s It thIl stale bar'1 Wail srOe,





Members: Two free listl/'lgS of:.o wools or less per baf member per Qllerdar vear EXCEPT for ·posilioo wanted" or 'pes;. lioo offered' liSlirogs- S3!i per insenio:wl 0150 words or less, $.50 per iIkIrtional word: NDnmembe l'$: S35 per insertion of 50 wool. or less. $.50 per alldltlOllal word. ClasSIfied copy aod payrneoI must be received according to !he following pOOIish,O!j schedule: Mardl2002 ,ssue---.ieadlioe.lanua!y 5. 2002: May 2002 iSSl'll deadline March 5, 2002. No deadline extensKlm will be made Seod ciassijied ropy arc! payment payable to n.e AI8bamJ lawyer. to: AlaWma l.a\< ClaUllieds. c/o StIannoo El liott P.O.

Box 4156. MootQOOll!r'l. Alabam<l 36101

JJWTr-1iYl}at!' e>:jIerienco in a111o!0IISIC <Icnmont...-no.


• P..... TY/DAitCE BAND: parties .. _ o.ents. . ,gIU-jIIea! band. ~ tI'wH-pt«t hom ""'"", lIIar plays rIIytIon and bkoes, ,oct. .... 8iij 0ackt(1 Now ~ ftoturwlg Cirdy GIrl. Cltllllll DadcJv If..... "",,,,"il at (21)5) 185-4195, Web sol. : • ENGINEERING/CONSTRUcnON EXPERTS: Dra""ll" .•truelUll, mect.onal. ""'fino. .1ectrM;aI. proca$$ chemio:ol, EFS ISlJ,.CX:(l1 ~ lind rrOIdew, HVAC; f« residl!l1tia1 ho:uIing. I'IdustrI3I a'Id _icalll(iliue$. popeI<na. """1>' ...... stations. «MIl-

1IIIIti81 tioOlcbngs. ond '"'" '1I'IICb,Qf;, ProYido tJIjlII1 ......wctJon clams and dispute anoIys .. , ProYido ~ .".,..,_ of tw:;. lU1"1 '*'-1J'der IoIds. ~ testify,ng licensM nI cteeIen\I8I$. Componr ~ and conu..lnI licenses .. Alabama on:! \.oul$lilO"lil. ContlCll!tI (. CoII\ Mobile. I'Io:no 1n-1661·26O!i. E-<TiIit l.bAi"Onl:ui""",, Well sill: www.III:o::aM!..."..


• DMlOPMEIfTAL DISABIUTIes EXI'I'RT WfTN(SS: OMloplile"~1 disabilnl8S/mentai ~I educatoW_ heII~....,... _ & .tand3rd .... -are-Upe<t wolneSS......".,. povide<J related ro ~.... issues "' heohh IIId IuNf1 _ ~ , Williarn A. LJ'IWgIrf. PM. 1'IIont 1621l1221-8(15. ~il , ,~'1Ihon""'" Wfib $Ole. _ ~""'" • S£CURmu IofID TlIUS'T INVUTMENT EXPEJIT: T~.frve yNrS' ~""*'t e>:jIeriencl. Fomw ~poI1!dio ...... CI\o$e ~ SIJ1Tnm 8anb. United........,. BonIa. il'Iarteted finIA:iaI ~ Cl.nIla .... WhorIor1 SdooaI. Universol¥ of~, [COOl(" """ dual mlllO!



&::onomicsIF"1IIIIIa. ~_ inl'estment~, Sl_ Stem. CfA. P.O. 80Jc 310157, 1.1...... R. 33231 Call (3(5) 314-8('33 ~L

(305131<<149' Ita.). ... . .......: ~""'"

• STATISTICS. DATA .uw.YSIS. SOfTWARE EXPERT: LrtigM>on ~ on mIIt1e<J ilYolving ..... ~ of lor ... sets 01 doto and rIlOlmlllJon syslemS p-ac\I(:II$. Custom ..-011........... all<) Milabl.. W. ..... IhI SAS svst"'" ..... _ pt(l(Ioct$. ConsuIIMtS wrd> years of.,...;.a in finra. manuioctUl"'ll, p'iannaceuticaI, ~ ....... Cl8(lit. Cell Heidi MorhMu. COP lit 0051 J65.(I(J9 or ""I our Web Site: _SIJ!ll/y-Sys,_com. ~ Sys-.. 161 c..ndOI!81"cL Sa, J25. Key8isayno. R. 3314S. • DOCUMENT EXAMINER: WmonolO:lll of.......-fIow. _ . lM1iflld Ioreoso: ~ and do<:trnenl~. 120

M A R Cil


Formertv. d"Iiet ~ ~I ...lysl USA CtinorIaI InYestiijaUOl1I../:".. _ OipiG"na1e (CIIJ1i1iedl-AmlE. Membor <\SOOl1Al, So\ort NACOL fIesono and loe schetMt upo::n r - . flans Mavor Gidlon. 218 Menymooil 00Y0. Augusto, ~. m:l1 I'hont (7(1611300-4257 • TlIAFfIC ACCIDENT RECDN$TlIUCT1DNIST: TIns ervu... reconsI/U:ted """' 3.!D1_1S in 23 on ~. sueeu. "'~ and higIrway amUUCbon ....... inI'oMng ltUCks. >an$. Cl<1, pedesb-ians, lIJInO. and ~IS, ~-9III"'"ted drawing:< or. preparotl to iIkIstr~e 1'0. ~ ions, 0.. 46 "'"'" ~ ...,..ience. profn$>OIIiI eng_ and full boJarcJ ~uon by.ICIAII. Contat1 ......., T. Bates. Pt TaI·fiN IDlI299-5950.



• INSURANCE EXPERT WITNESS: fot.<InIv OlPOl1 W1tnoss, TWI!IIIy years' experionaI in ,i$l; ~ ......_ consult· "" fW.filing 0'I'aIuat>Dn. deposition ond blal, Pc:Nicv~. C3II\IYt>. 1JCtOSS, doducubIes, soli 1IISInIICO.19"f"I'V (IIle1lt O(lll$, di<tc( wnten.


loss pr _ _ _ . MerrD!I SRM.C.

Conte<t!lougla$ F Miller. ~. Rill: ~t I'IIont 1205!!I9':Hlll2. BirmnjIIrn or WATS IDlI462·5002. • HIGHWAY SAF£TY IofID TlIo\FFIC ENGINEERING: IIoadway I!1ld ,CIIdSidO Iwams. int..-...:tion<. "octo crouinOJ. _ ........ lIOXoden11t1COnW1.OCtion. lailtn to worn. ott. G.E. Lntw. PE. 80Jc 11339, ~. st.1:9422-1339, Phono 18l3179S-n18 E· mail: /oNgQrnsn,,,",, • AUTO INJURY REVIEW: Bo&rd",*" liotl modital spec .. lisu in <>Jabamo kw ""'""" 01 modicaI """,cb ~ !Ol 1IO)I(I<..t>ido lIOXodorlts. for deIMdant, Prompt tL.m-¥OI.I'IIt. AYaiIilllle Io! «<1*11"1I11'<III\' Phcn(256)S39- 1Z11 F"(256I!il9--4OO1 E-



• FORENSIC HANDWllmNG IofID DOCUMENT[XAMINER: T-.Iy yean' ...,.,..;enc. ;., cIocim!I1!"""""1I(II"I3. mulled in stalo.-d ladoral COI.OIS. IIeIn:I ...... doaments ~_ and distifJline dwIt. Alabarne Depe",,*,' 01 Forensic Scioncos, Membo..- Nn.ncon IIcadomy 01 Forens~ ~ Ame.-icIn Sotioty 01 Ouostiorw:l Ooc.."..,! EwnineI .. Souttieastem As$ocIati", of forensic Sclooll1to. AJ.>bomo SlOta IISsoaauon ot For... ~ Soo!nce$IPI"t po-wdent). RiI:toanl A. ~. I'!i.D" 1956 Vaug/w> Rood. '141. MOItIgOfl"lelY 36110. I'hont t3J412fiO.2552 F•• IJ:UI260-l'929.

<......1: ,i>...... Oa<i".",

• REGISTEUD fORESTER: ~ yea,,' .xporienco in pri"10. industrial and fodeoJf lorm ~I and pra:toco:1.

SpocaIimQ in _ q.osruGI'I""",

" - -.ucn ... '. £MrIn A. SjIIra,

AMosIGn "-12S6I231-Orl • HAHDW!IfTIN6 EXl'EIITIFOMNSlC DOCUMENT WMJN(A; A8fOE 0IrIiIi0d. f--"r Do Wid 000 \liwiso;rI.


tI.s. """" enmr.I ~ laIIInIay. .......... Saao!yol~O AI bmwwI .......... ~oIfor.­ ~. CMlII'd tnrrWIII_ KtIIPIld, f .... ~ Stw. & ~o.x..-

1rM$19l1IOlllfbol. lO<\'. l!OJ ilia: Ridge 0riYt. WtaI:Il<ci. GA. XlI99 ""'"" mol S17-QX11

• PHYSICIAH TEAM: Wia....... amu/laI"" 10 PItii: dIrIltIIIIrJ (III cnn'IIIIII casa irP:ooIWog _ _ _ 1IIIdaI.....-a, W.a..g 10_ wm. ... _ rraIiaj •..u, and ...... ..,. . . . ._1Dr InIl us K • CONSULnN6 ENGlNElII J EIF'EIIT WlTMESS:" _2(~ 1



oI-.1.-..-,...,. • .moioAi. &!IIJIIf . . . . .. 1• • '!aids .... '

defaw. f'IoIa1l I~ p.t """'" ~ Ifl>. 9972. '_12OSI1IlS3-<l5.1 • MHic:1I a.t" C_""_ """1epI 25~·_

Bi,,_V.·1oo;al-. " " " _

ton.iIq s.-. Do JoI'In t CoIral .. (77!JI 736-llDl ' .. 1770173&-111111 8O"_V,",1I phono I205l (10-2161 e-;t; i«911tbo/,com.

• RlR RE JfT: Gull Shono.l bodroomIl _ ... (1Widn>ootI3 ~ IIrIy IImIshod hcuses !k.-I CO ...,.... crowcllcl 0IIdI. ... 1Id ~ in


rr'\It:hn.,.. 0\dIA~. ~"- OSIIA. ~ cocIn, IUII>'rIObiIt '"*>U, product liatiIiI¥ ...

Katherine S. Weed E1~rIolIftd

fI. Mo;rgwI_ """'" P34) ~ E....,.;t



I'OINTS SOUTH l,I,W om CE: ()I!icI "';11IIiI in. nowty '"'oOOo!ed oIIicI tuldiog Iocoted II I 111l2rd SUI!. South. Soll*al wiIho110 -.... tram lho au!'

• flY(




A_W .. . . - /Lor

-Ilun:4't'. _.....

• 81RMINGIIAM OfflCE SI'AaSOIlOlSItK; Mite IIofw;tIaI aIfite ~. So. ¢ with hi ~ 1'honI---.y

AI... ""'"" I205l 9J9.1321

~ ~ ... ~llInditIg of

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For ...............

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aonsuIIInIlor ... "'"""" _ _ I 1M, inp.-, _ _ ... in __ ..... IlaIIuI CUiidiooo ... KDIIIIna" ........-.. ...... ...".lndcho ... aa.c ....._~Iar.ll_in-..

...... ""--....., II'd c:onIII', IIICI """" MIiIIbio, - . Iu ~ loeNd .. llr.:J 1Itt11Mr'u1. So.OI IligIoIoood

"'1''''' .,._i . W1m.lhi<·



(205) !M I· 1496

P.O, Sox 5901 04 Binnl ngham, Alabamal5259 u.. .-do .... .-n.m,-,*"


of A - . OIlOnOj'Iliioa I ' "

........... No 4

;, _

. . . . ~d ....

d ...... _,..,.,... .. _ _

Sailing Into the

Diuorce on the Beach XUI

The family Law Section ofthe Alabama State Bar presents this year's Dluorce on the Beach seminar may 30--June 2, at the Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort. Call (800) 320-8115 for hotel reseruations [group #284240).

more Information coming soon! '"


'....... ..... '"" .such~_·




...... wt- _LID ...... aJIIio( hi-

gIIi(oI. M ~ tep~ SIn! _10: ",",,"" "'-tiL ~ & $iMJI..

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.. ~ DonobofI. o.n. o..Iug. fIlS """""

lfidot... _

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• NOTICE fOR INVOWNTAItY TOIMINATJON Of I'iUIOfrRl.IlMiKTS ANO ADOf'T1ON NOTICE: ~ N CuI 01 C-"'"' d 80ib CIIony..... CIo-tNns. CulIIMso<:o\,

Aonot. ~ 3520l • ASSOClAlIl'OSmoN: Growrog ....-a


....... tilm Mts """"'" "",., line ..... ....."'" it'I me field 01 cMI iIIIro:e Ii!i:


132 CIIony 1\..,;1881 • .."... CIIony. - . :157<19, ... NI'IIiIIiIn b Ita

" OFfMAN. oU.l8AMA CML PIIOClOI,IItE (20 Ell. 2Il10)'': The " - f'ItJIistq ~ 11M WIIhdr"", Ita 1ir$I .......... of Itn booIc rei ....... n wnlllllCOOld IUSSM. K. "' o.:.nbIr 2OlI. " 1Iai"1tei. yOU received rd PiOod fOI, CO(!\' iii _ 01 tho ti"t p-esa .... yOU'" ",w..s til • QDII'I' 1Ii"- 0I1ho sec' and .......... ' - 0I1ddi ...... dwgo. You ......, Ii¥ _ 11M ....,.; oIIiciII_ d

AdDpciarIdD.ist4II. Dt.... ' - ... fIIItI ........... Ccut~bl

.,.. _

c.. ND: 169n


s-.. _311 East



Positions Offered

...--.. sn .....

FIobIi;g a.:kIrt

~""""'S' ·'- 9I""'L.II_


:um II!. . .S1a'IIi>O T-.. II

nllooldld II

~1*'lO'II~"" ~ _ _ rei " -



Nola ~ .....,.~ IhM Ita for Ita k'rdOlt6l"/ lttJrWIttion 0I1'artrItaI1'iV'IS 01 GtyIt l ~ ..tole WI ""'- ~ ~



""'110m Ita ~ P V

"'II~iISeIt. K ................. IIa ..... r"",

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