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ROADSHOW 2003 TOUR What Can The Alabama State Bar Do For You? Since its inception in 1995, the AOADSHOW has covered the state of Alabama visiti ng local bar associations, community an d civic clubs, schools and universities. The ASB is proud now to include CLE components as a benetillo Alabama lawyers. Contact Susan Andres, director of communicat!ons, at (334) 269-1515, extension 132. or a-mail sandres@alabar.orgfordetails.
Cl E Component Featu res * • The director of the Alabama Lawyer Assistance Program, Jeanne Marie Leslie, raises awareness and understanding of substance abuse within the profession and tells you how to be part of the solution to this growing problem. • Judy Keegan, director of the ADR Center, brings you a summary of latest updates and important cases from the fast-growing areas of mediation and arbitration. • General Counsel Tony McLain keeps bar members informed of the latest in disciplinary issues and major legal developments in Alabama and across the nation. • Elich CLE component Is svsllllblllin
to three-hDur formsts.
Alabama Divorce Systems Manual 2002 Edition Ifyoll practice di vorce law in Alabama, YOU need this book. If you are writing an appeal based on a divorce order, YOU need this book. If you even consider drafting an uncon tested divorce, YOU need this book.
ABtCLE '.'."'_"'_"'_ Alabama Bar Institute for Continuing Legal Education Box 870384 Tuscaloosa, Alabama Phone: 800-627-6514 THE UN!V[RSITY O f Fax: 205路348路1072 Email: Web address: s CH0 0 l 0 f lAW
Pat Graves, Chief Editor of Alabama Divorce Systems Manual (2002 Edition)
Alabama Divorce Systems Manual (2002 Edition) - Order Form
OO ... ~-.'_;======~T~O:ffi~I. __________ _____~p=~:':~::~::~mo~=====:~::路~~@::$9:5~.~~~' Phone:
Name: Address:
ASB#:' _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __
City,State,Zip: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ o Check Enclosed Q{ 0 Bill my credit card: Q VISa o Maste芦:afd Credit Card Account Number ______________________ Expiration Date ______________ Cardholder (Please print) _ _: -_ _ _ _ _-,-,_ ___ To order: Fax or mail this form 10 ABICLE Cit the Clddress fisled above. ABICLE &xteods a special note 01 thanks 10 Patrick H. Graves, Jr. ol6r&r:ley Arant Rose & White LLP In Huntsville lor serving as Itle 2002 ~ and lor the COIXIIles$ nurrber 01 hours lhal he volunteered to update tI"Os book. We also appt"edale the efIorts 01 Dale B. Slone. the special edtor lor !he chapllIf ~ lax a:onsequenc:es 01 a diYoroe.
LAWYER Vol. 64. No. 21 March 2003
On the Cover: ~y mild _ ... of Mobil<. "" the bluff, of the I:iasttm SOOn: of Mobil< B,y. lies the po<1IlI'<SqU< <ily of Foiffiop<. Allibama. "1m be3uufw ................ ",'Olaf""" paIb and • Yilnn! do... _ F>irl>opo " on
A1>boma """"""'.
Appellate Practice Task Force
1 06
Alabama State Bar Resolutions-Lawyars Render Service
A Fungus Among Us: The New Epidemic of Mold Cleims By 1uli~ S. £Imu
An Examination of tha Faragher/Ellerth Defense 10 Harassment in the Wor1<place By Too; 1. Brw:IOO
Alabama Apploseed CantarSowing Seeds of Justice By 10hn A.
The HIPAA Privacy Rnles from a Litigation Perspective By 1.S.
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THE ALABAMA LAWYER Vol. 64, No.2 Marc h 2003
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What are you doing for LAW DAY 2003? Increasing respect for - and understanding of - the rule of law has been a central goal 01 law Day since its inception 46 years ago. Our great nation has undergone many challenges over the years. We have surmounted them and grown and prospered
because our system of liberty under law and our reverence for the rule of law have enabled us to mobilize the best energie s of all Americans in a common goal. Please join the Alabama State Bar in working to make this Law Day a lime to make the rule of law even more significant and precious to all Alabamians. Law Day 2003 provides an important opportunity for bar associa tions and each individual member to reach Qui 10 Alabama communities, schools and citizens. And the Alabama State Bar can helpl We can provide you wi th a detailed Law Day Planning Guide al no cost. Students and schools in you r area can be encouraged to participate in our statewide Essay and Poster Contest. Call us or visit our Web site at www.alabar.organd see what resources we offer. Together, we can make this the best - and most meaningful - law Day ever.
Plan to join the celebration now.
"'Y.A. ALABAMA SL~ATE =-;BAR ~ Lawyers Render S ervice
_ a.Gr.,
Civil Rights-Past, Present and Future, Part 11/ (This is the third installmen! of a rhree-pan series adapted from a speech given to the International Society of Barristers in 2001 : the first and second parts appeared in the November 2002 and January 2003 Alabama lawyer, respectively.)
The Present
The Future
might be woodorin, whac.lI or,his "",.n,
u. here lOdo,y. We ha.c millie. Ire"","""'" amount of progress. and I WOIIId not lI)' lI> tell )'OIl thaI '.,e ha"" not. BUI notwichsW>dinl OUr pro&reH. in recenl ~ars. ..... have s«n an ;~ase in raeism. ..... p<SSCd in many ..... yJ. includin, the huminl of drurthes. We loa,., ........ chan", in 1hc UnilOd StatU Supreme Coun ..... hich, tor man: than • quonnof a etO""Y. Iud ~n a pioneer in proICCIi", the riabl> of mi~ atId womm: the Coun is _ reoeni", i~lf ... ..,...., importanl COIl$IitlMioul princiJ*s. W. " ..'" S«n limi larchanzes in the fedotral d;~ courts and CO\UU of a~al acrou lhe In recent month •. we Ioa'le Ottn a$$>uhs upon .mrmati\'e aoli{)ll lI>
and ()(her prognoms lhal ha,., effCC1uated '" protecced the ron<litutional n&hl> of indi,-iduals ~nd made OUr coontry I ,real coonll)'. We ha'C witncss.<d the reo",_ I"..oe ot hal. groups. And. many old wronil' remain un.rcd~. For e:umple. in 1963. I filed t~ that invol.ed dM "egalinl I().I of thoe II!J KItooI srs"''''' in AIahamo: .row 40 or ~ of those QiU are $lin 11<1;"" lOday. My ................ ~juJlli1tle boys ",11m I filed those wilS. are now P'" inlO roun uyi", 10 &C1 I'I'OJIIo to <10 ",hal tMy should have done lone
The suuUIe has not ended. Ra:ial discri""naUoo in the UnilCd Stale< ..... not~. W. do DOl .levtl playi", field. Then:;. no wch thi", U. rxe-ncttu.l soci<1y in Arncr;.,a. The COIl~uenca of 3~ )"'ar1 of • I...ery. """"galion and discrimi",,'ioo hall1! not disappeared in the 1..,40 yean. Unfortun:oldy,""e Jlil1lill1! in a raei., society. and if we're not careful. it ', ,ninl: 10
8c' wone before;l Bel< hel101".
If the Ih"eo and w",k nf Dr. Kini and MB, Park • • re any thin,. I~ '~r'I>aal. f", ~ ....I justice uoo..the law. particularly for women and minorilies. mu" COIltin"",. We f.... a real challenge 00 whether the lains ..... ha"" nbuined .... ill COIlliooe "' .... ill be lost. and man: remailiS 10 be a<;hievcd. If ,.., ...... i. ",'ill thai Dr. K"" and othen ",110 ha,., thtir lives in 1hc of hullWt and c;,'il nahts ha,., dift! ill ninoIf ",., ...... the naOOn .......
It) ~an
I bDpe lIti, oocicIy is Itti"" in che
of diversity
fOf ",., are I;"i", in I WCIf\d where 1hc majorily of the people are c:oInn-d ~ks. not whi",. E"", if,"" focus {)Illy ()II the United Sliles. the etn,u, reporU ,how that the Asian ~Iation .nd lhe Ili Sf'lln;" p<:>pIll31ioo and e .. n the African Americln p<:>pIllOli{)ll are increuinll_ So. we n«d to be coocemed .bout d iversity.
We ha'C SttTt..,...., prombl", .1tps taken 01 various levtls. A few years "10. Presidenl Clinton appointed a race relations commiosion. On 0cwbc1" 30. 1999. 1hc then·pmoidcnl of the Amcrica<t BIr ASM>ciation indi-
c#Cd that """ of his major pri<lritle$ was It) ''''''''''''' the UrvoI............" of in the Amrn.<aJI Bar Association. I'm IIappy 10 say that in our .we of Alabama. " 'hid! """ usually think o(as falli", .. the bottom of the list. "hi.t folk •• African' Ammc:u! folks.
rich folb. poor tolks. edu,,",ed and u....J""... ed ~ came togethtr a f"'" ~ars '1" lIId elected. ",,-cmor. Don SiCBelman. ,,-110 Iw ~n wonin, hard 10 change the image of our Sl~le. and. 10. gre., degree. he h.. s ~<'I'ded_
Wha, can "'" do on a more penonaI level 10 clYRae or increuc diveni,y1 I'm ""nllO lell you 'wo linle lhinp!hal )'00 mig/M be ... Ie: 10 00. One is a ""ze>lion ,hal nme from . - 0( my chil· dml " 'hm I ""as JdU"l ..,ally 10 make a opecdIa few ytars ...,. She .aid. " Daddy."..,.. don', know ~ach odler. and ,,'hen II>t)' don' l know uch odler. lheyart unoble ..,ally 10 Understlnd each other. Whal i( c--erybody would ""I~ ono p"r500 ,,'110 is no< oflllei' own ~ 10 be lh<i. frit nd1 You would le:am th:u p""",,·s likes. lhal di ,liw. ~~n liule Ih inp lJ " 'haI lhey U I and ,..halllley don'l U l. You'd an a dlao""c ,0 ""Iy know thai p<:t$OfI.~ I chal· Ienlt caeh 0( )'00 10 00 that. 10 keep uyinl if il wort OUllhe lim time. Afttr all. you ha>'t"~·. liVCII uP"" aU you. (ric ..... 0( you. ""'n !XC ju.. """""- people of your own rIICe art not )'OUr friomds. The odler thing I ... ill a<k of you i. !hal you i0oi< ...... nd you in your neighborhood",)'OU, wortplace. a1 your place of ...-orship. and in your social g""'p'. If c>crybody in!hose place, ,s of !he $an", race. please II IC311 pause 10 wond<r why if. lhal way.
SIeppi", back 10 Ihe «>mmunily or I ,,-am 10 IlUbmiI for yow considtnlion 1lwc bulc thinp I dtlnk we can do thai will help 11110 FlIO die poilll when: ~ is mlly "..... _ ....... y ftloW. FIf$I. Q all ~ ....,."..m thai ,,'C sliU have !XC probIt .... in this counuy. Presidenl Bw. ..,ali_ thai ....., slill ha~ serious probItms in 1lIis roonuy ",idJ rtf· ....,""" 10 !XC and rri<m. In hil r.... addn:ss 10 ~ he: 10Id lhe: rwion thalr.d..1 promin.!II\IS1 end. and he /12$ di~..t his Allorney OenerallO taI:c: Ihe proper >1.,.... 10 COI"m:llhesoe injuslices. W• ....,.j 10 acknowledge thai we have ra:e proble:I ..... :lIId we....,.j 10 dtti<le """ il', "'""'"' and thai "", •.., ""'" 10 cornc1 il. ScconcIly. "'" have 10 develop "'><Pe pbns for COO"rI'CbI1l !he: probItrn. Somt of Ibis ..~u ...... '" wort a1 !he: \ocaI """d. I can'l lell you " .h:t! neak 10 be done or what win work in ""y eommou>i.y. buE I ~ believe thai " 'ith ..I of ow know!.. ..tge .00 III 0( our wifdom. ....., canno1 0(JrI"00 up .... th .0["'00 10 00I'T«1 OUr""" probItrm. ~lnally.!he: pl .... ...., <levi ... mu .. be CMCUlcd. ""tionallc>-~l.
One oflhe .....OleSl 1ft. . of discrimin"ion I h.we found in Ihi. counlry now i, the ~mic 1ft•• You can fir.<!
African_Amrric ... kid! and ",hi", kids woo ha>'<: I""" 10 the ...... Khoolo and ~n by Ihe ...... pcnofl$. and )'011 " 'ill JeC 111M ",heft they I" oul 10 jobo..!he: ",hi", ones ~sually .. ,II CCI COOd jobs and "'" Alric...·AIntrieao! .-0';""" """,', CCljobs ....1or ""iII FI menial ones. You can look 11 any 01 Ihe «OnOmk «nws "'JlOIU and find die ~mendout di lparily «OnOmlc: .. ly be!",,,,,,, people: of color and lhe majoriIy. As I !dllaw)'<'rs and law $ludcnlS ac"",,1he counlry. Ihioi. an ar.. in ,,·hieh lhe law can and shou ld play .. role in righlinSIhe ,,'ronSs.
"The desqrqali"" and d~;1 righl$ law. in this counuy have ~n develop-<! pri. marily brau.., laW)'ft'l like III ,,",.., ow lllonl$ and orsucd cues from Ihe .;"", 0( Ihe p".u coun 10 "'" S"""""" Court of the UnllCd S1a1cs. Historians ha,.., basically "";,"'0 laW)' .... 001 of !he: ci~il righu _""'III. a.". il "'"as coun
dttrtt$ t",<red by jud,e< thaI clwlCCII the rxiallandKapc of this n.,ion. The 1. .... sui,. "'.... dmlled and fIled by laW)'erilike us. Allawyerl in
OW" ~ve
rltldf.!here; ... duly and I "'lPOO'Ibiluy upon .1 In be ....., Ilw jlWice i, adminiSICrtd. We ....... conti ..... the MUle of <ksIrorin& nd..... "'i>m:ver ;1 appears. Many of In 00 not rulize il. bul raciw is .. problem lOday and !here ~ 100 nw>y cIKi.i"", thai Oft $lill """Ill rendtrtd based on nee. A. leaders in your communilY and in Ihe legal pn>fe<<ion. you can fTIIU .. diff....,,,,,,. I..n me lea",,)'011 wilh llIe WQf\I, of 1J<r.oe""" Wildt •. lhe firsl African_ American 10"''''''' of lhe Coml11O<1,,'callh of VI'lin;a. .. he ..... bti., inau.um1ed .. few y~on ,*0. He wu "",akJ", of youna pcopIt. bul hi. apply more bro.dly. He said: ~ I ...... , diem 10 know Ilw oppre$.<ion can be lifled.lha1 d,ocrimi""ioo can be ~Ii..., !hal ~y nffiI n(II be bindin&. thai. doAbiloly can be ovnt:ORII:. and thaI the 0«.. of opponunl!ies in I
f= .0d~ly carries ... j,h ilw ~u''''· mnll 0( han! wort, the ..,jrtlioo of
and otht. f..... hiaM. and I willinG""" 10""'"' wilh 0Ihcrs. whalever lhei. nee or n01iOllllI origin may be," •
Public Notice for Reappointment of Incumbent Magistrate Judge The current .erm 01 the offICe of United States MagIstrate Judge Ch&rle$ S Coody 1$ due 10 expire April 30. 2003 The UMed S,ates Dostnct Court !S tequ,re<! by law to estabhsh a panel 01 CI1lzens to consider the teappo,ntment of Ihe magistrate ludge to a new elght·year te.m , The dulleS of maglsuate ludge POSItion Include the lol lo w lng n~ conduct of m ost prelImInary proceedIngs In cnm lna l case s ; {2) trial and dISpoSItion of ntlsdemeanot cases; 13) conduct of vanous pretr Ial matters and IlVlde nMry proceed ings on delegation from the Judges 01 'he dIstrict coult. 14) troal and disposit ion of civil cases upon consent of the litigantS; and 15) examlnatKlll and .ecornmendallOn to the ludgeS of the d,stttCt court In regard 10 prisoner petolions anti claims fOr Social SecUl1IY beneIotS_ Comments ftom members of the bat anti til!! publ<c ate ,nvlted as to ....mether the incumbent ffiiIoglst<ate Judge shook! be ulcommended by the pane! lor reaPPOIntment by the court and should be d"ected 10:
Cha", MeI,t $elecloon Panel Hackett, CierI< U,S, D.sttlCT Court
c/o DOOr' P
PO. 80x 71 1 Montgomery, AL 361 0 1-07 11
Com..... mlllt b1I i
h.d by MInIIi It,lDOI.
Task Force Studies Bar Admission Procedures "" 0
of !he bar', principle functi(m 3$ !he ~.I proft$$ion's licensing and regulat"')' authority is admissions. A1; many of you probably ... membo-r from opplying to take !he bar exam. admissions is a twoIt<"p prooes$. A bar appl;';am firM mull <aJ.isfy Ihe n:quiremem that he CJ( she poss""s", !he requisite cllarOCter and fitness 10 practioe law. l1>ttt the applicant must SOoXt"ssrully comple1. the Multi·Stale Professional Responsibility fuamination (MPRE) and the bar eumination. With ftspect to the bar', admission JII"'lUdures. lI>1e bar P Prod G""1 has appointed the TIW< f"olft 10 Siudy tho: Rules Go"omlng Adm""'ion . The rutu,", rerommendations of thislaSk roree will complete I thorough ",iew of The Rules G""~m;~11 Nimissi"" 10 1M Alabama StalL Bar. An .arli.... task forr. recommended rul ... changes awrove<l by !heAlabarna Supreme Coon th3t modify the format of the bar naminatiO<l , These format change" which r will detail in a futun: ankle. will occur with !he administnotion of !he July 2(0) uam. The admission, task foou i. ch3ired by Mike Walen of Montgomery. a f"""'r chairman of the Board of 6ar EU mi""B. The vice-<:hair i, Judy 1:101\ of Birmingham. a longtime membo-rof!he Character and nines.. Committee. Also serving with Mike.nd Judy I t t Mikt Alchi ... n. Birmingham; Mike Conaway. Dothan; ....,.. Copeland. Montgomery; I.... ura CNm . Montgomery; Milton D.,'is. Tu skegee; Wanda !N·... rea .. x. Montgon .. ry; GInn Gamer. MontgO<lltry; £d G<:nUe. Birmingham; Richard Gill . Montgoltltry: Gray, Jr.. Tuskegee: VIctor lI a1'lIp. Birmingham; Rick Meado"' •. Montg<ml<'<y: Aline Mitcbtll. Birmingham: J Ja"""ky. Mobile; Donna Pate. Hunt .. ille: Rog.r Smllh . MO<Itg<>mery: and Jimmy Walter. Montgomery. Thi. task force will study ",Ies th3t the previou$ task forc. did not consider. specifICally ",Ies I-V. They will exami"" admission pro<edure. and focus on concems 11131 we .. not en.isinned wilen "'Ies I· V we .. loUt amended. namely: ( I) bM applicantS who have foreign un<krgOOuate degrees IxII have altcnded domestic law schools; (2) bM applicants who are for.i&lllawyers and a"ended domeslic ~bster', of
lodIIl. _
Law. programs: () foreign l.wyers de.iring admission to praclicc in Alabama: and (4) multi .jurisdiCtiO<l· aI pr"><tiee (MJp). E,'e<y membo-r of the task force i, f.miliar with the<e and Other issues to be studied. Of Ihc: i....... that the !.uk f()f'tt Ius boon asked to consider. MJP is perhaps the one thaI Ius =il'Cd the gn:ateS' amount of .uention over !he last few years, The tenn MlP des<ril>e$ lhe legal 11-00; of. lawy.r in a jurisdiction in w""'h!he lawyer is noo. admined to pr3C,ice law. This pasl Augu,~!he House of Dekp'cs of u.. A".,ri= Bar A&5OCiation approved !he Report and Recommendation oftheABA'S Commi ssion on Multi· Jurisdictional Pt-a.ctice. The Commission', "'pori rontained ni"" principle rccomll1efld'llioru. 1 will not detail them here. IxII !he full "'pOrt may be downloaded by accessing the ABA's Web sil<" •.......... aban~I_Oli. and clicking on "Entities" and thMl going to '"Commissions:' Many jurisdictions are closely Sludying !he MJP "'port and reromltltnda,;oos. The principle thrust of !he MlP proposal is modifica,ion of a SllIte', ... strictions on the unau,horized practice of law (U PL)_The modifica· tions would perm il a lawyer admitted in...-.other juris_ diction to praclice law, in very narrowly defined dr<"Iimstance .. on a temporary hasi, in OIh<r juri:<dietions, ~ ci,eumsW1eeS would be differenl fro", !he at1ivi_ ties regul.,ed under a jurisdiC!iO<l'. pro Me I';ce rul .... A<lOlher OOIewonlIy chang. which u.. CommissiO<l "'pori rttommends is ,he admission of • lawyer 01t motion. CJ( without t""ing the bM again. if !he lawyer has been engaged in u.. >Ie,;"e practice of law for •• ignif>eanl poriod of ti",. and i, • member in good .1arIding in 311 other juri:<dictions wllm: IN! or $he i. admi11M_ The Task Fom: to Study Rules Governing Admission has moch to consider. It possesses •• cel_ lent I.adership and i:nowledgeable members , ConS<q"",mly. u.. task forr. i. well , i'uated to analyze tho oomissioo issues brooght about in large measu .. bocause of tho Significant changes thaI !he pnocti~ of law has exptrier.tC<.l in ,he lasl decade. The II'or\: of the able membct's of thi, task fn<ce con,in"",s!he slate bar'•• ffOrl that w<: fulfIll oor publi~ n:sponsibilily as a self· ... gulated prof.... ion. •
Notice of Election Bar comm,ssooners wil l be electact by ttlose lawyers w,th their principal offoees in the loHow....g ClfCU IS- 2nd: 4th: 6th. place 1'00_ 2: 9th, 10th. place no. 1. place roo. 2. p1aoo no. 5, place no a. place no. 9, 12th: 13th, place no. 2: 15m. plaoo no. 2; 161h: 20th: 2Jrd. plaee no. 2. 24th; 27\h. 29th: 381ft a nd 39th Ack:hllOf\al comml$sooners ",I I be elected ,n cireu~s for each 300 members 01 the SUile bar offlCes whose pnnc,pal offtces are located ,n these CFrcu,ts. The new comm'sslOIler po$,t o()l'l$ WIll be determined by a census on March 1. 2003 aod vacancIe s cert,hed by the secretary no IIIla. than March 15, 2003 Al l subsequeot terms will be 10( Ihr&e ye ars NominalOOfls IT\iIY be mllOO by petitIon beam'>g the sl{IMtureS of Iiv(! members on good standing WIt h pm"e,ool oH>C(IS ,n the CirCUIt ,n which the electIOn w il l be held o r by tile C!ln(Ma te's w llnen declarallOO of car.di<1&r;y. Either must be .ee8lvad by the secretary no late< 'han 5 p,m. on the
last Fllday ,n April 25. 2(00). Ba lklts will be prepared aod mailed to members betw(Jen May I aod May 15. 2003. B&IIO~S mLlSI be YOted lod retLlrned by 5 p.m. on the laS!
Friday ,n May IMay 30. 2003! to th' Alabama Stllte 8ar.
Assistance Program ATe you watch'ng .omeo"e you are about seif..(\e$tnlCtJng because of :sIcohol or drugs? ATe they Ielhng you they have it under controf?
They don't . Are lhey lelling you they can handle itl
They can't . Maybe they're lell'l)I you it'. none of your business.
It is. People efllrenc:he<l In *ohol or drua: dependencies can'l sea what it is to their lives.
Alabama State Bar Member Legislators
You can.
Senate /d' 1.,1.,' (",~""", 1)""',1 (,"I t ,',- 1"'1'-- 11,,111,''; I{",'" Ik"!,'r,1 I{"",III,II,' I) ,I,;,: (, I{,~:"" '''''11"-"",",, 1'""",,, I ,"" 11"",., I, 1'1' I'"",,' \1,."",1\,:1, 11"',,,: ~ I',d t "',,t-,', !l",I.-, 11,,,,,, ',' 11."" ~.-IIlI.' ] )"1,,,: ~: Ie',! 1,1<:, \"hJlr', 11",,,,, ,\\1,,,,_1'.'11,, 1",,'0""'"'_' il"ill,'" \\,--,,1.-1 \1",11,'1. 1,1\",,':ii H'''''''路,lh,,,, 1.",1:"1" Ihl"" '_'
House \[.""'_ Ill,,,,
1)",,,,1 ' ",'II (,'''" (,,,I~,,, II,~I Ih,,,,,, I~ "'II,n \\,1 ,,,,,,,111,,, ('''''h'""I" 1)"iI',' \I.,,~ (,,,,,,," 1\11 11"1,,,: 1(,
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Ih,I", [ ,,:
\ 1.,1>.,," " 11",,", 1'1 \1""1,,,,,_1 "','1 Il""',II,)
(,'''' \\",.1 (,Ie"
J alMl W. Port.,.. 1I ....s m:.'.uly oksipated as. Local ~ Ftllow by m. lnl<mation11 Municipal Lawyers Associ.lion, The Ftllow. pro. gr.m was eSlabhslled in 1998 10 n:.:ogoi.., 1Ul~$ .., ~p.I speciali<.L< in 11>0 r~1d of local """,mmenl law... _11 as 10 moou""" allOme)' proIiCKnq ond
WiDia m S. ...."""n. a lon3 bar odmin." ...·110 oow prxtica in Qr.,,,,,, and Al .. kl. "''aII profiled in m. December 9. 2002 iUDe of Th<: NaI;Qllal LDw
.... "-_~'"
14"" ,it' ~ --'1Hnwl-..h III" c.--IIr . - liodWoo. no. ir" ~ ~"'_~"". UUwtl '" _ _"',. IN sr~ u..pmw IN,.,.1in _ .11"",. ,/It "I>nda,," u/ """"""",,,,1 ",..,
Ow _~, .... ___ ~ "" " ' - _ C-", t<-& ~ . ~ •• ".,.,..,..1. H.wu,.,.,;.rt
~ /lot """"".... p<J/iOOJl .......,.. ft- IIw ,;tN~-""'1 "" ........... ~ 1ti81tto..,•• Pkn.Td - . . ""
Sam ...1 P';""
11_ Btul<)'. Cliff M,,,,p,,I.. _
I· xp.lI1d Your Pr .let ice Tn The" 1ississippi Gulf Coast. - -- --
- -- - - - - - -- -- - - -
- -- - -
- - - - - -- - - -- -
-=-_ ..!!II... _"=' .. ~
- "illI"
" " illI
~. - .
llii llii !Iii 81i
" II
If \"..... _t<hIolS 10<. homo on ,be MiMlooippi Gulf
.... ru .. oIIi<u, by doJI_tlo 0< ynr. Pku.. thoy'.. Ioaocd
eo- 10<,..... ..... pn<ti<c. i(. , .................. Cou.rtbooo.<
....... tile ",en (rom tile 1iMT_ Coumy eo.. ..houot
s..;. ... no. __ o/I;ot _pin ;" 0..-_ CWfpott, eo..rthouot SII,....... "J*'< to Iill .... '" primaTJ"
..... jw.I f .... bIocb r.o... .... _
CaU .......... ,.,... <>I'li« ...u,.
R«.p.ioni... ,sa",...,;,,1 ~ p.,,.,_lq,,1Snvk.. • Wi ..I. " ''''nTI~' Aru" C<lmpuIC .. . VlJu e mf.....'" RD<tm • • Fumislo,d " nJ U"f"milh~ Suitt. A"" il"blc
Full. ,j",~.
Now Lnsing - Opening June 2003 To.--rvc $pau colI n a 806 8207 or n3-)2.. -1 369.
M A R CK 100}
Alabama Mediation Training
(2003 In-State Programs)
March 20-22, Birm ingham, Mediation Process afld the S~oIls of
Conflict Ae~ullon. Ui'9<'lion AlttlrnallVtls. Inc .. fTroy Smith. JOIISOO-ADR路FIRM,;<iiaroonsem;nB( May 5-7 , Montgomery. Mediation Process and the S~ills of Conf lict
The Alabama Mandatory CLE Commission continually cvalu路 ales and approves in-SWIC, as wcll as nationwide. programs
Resolution. L'tiganoo AllernallVes. Inc.. [Troy Smith, JD) 1-8()(}ADR-
FIRM.; ..ww.mediatlOl1semin; June 5-9, B,rm'l'l9ham, Fami~ and Divo<ce M ediatIOn. Atlanta Divorce Med iators. Contact Betty Man lev. M . Ed .. JO (404) 37S.
which are nuint:lined in a COIH' pUler database. All are identified
3238, or (800) 862-1425. September 18-20. Blrmongham. Mediatoon Process and the
by sponsor. location. date and specialty area. For a C<llHplelc lisling of current CLE opponu-
of Conf lict Resolution. LiI>gatlOll AltamstMls. Inc., ITroy Smith, JDI 1SOO-ADA路FIRM. wwwmediationsemmars_CQm
nilies or a caleDdar, COOtal;l !he Me LE Commission o~ at (3341269-1515. wcnsioo 117. (56 or IS8. or you may view ..
November 13- 17. Montgomery. Family and DM:>rce Mediation, Atlanta OIVorce MediatOfs. Comacl Betty Manley. M . ED., JD (404)
37Eh3238.or(SOO)S62-1425. December 4-6, Birmingham. Mediation Process and the Skill s of Confhct Resolution. litIgation AlternatIVes, Inc .. (Troy Smith. JO) 18QO.AOR路FIRM.;
ex-lq_ 1isIioa of cunaa propIIIf. die . . ...,.
Arbirrarion training schedule will be added al a larer dale.
appointed a task force 10 determine I. pnvate anoran Appellate Practice Section 10: laW(ers and appellate judges:
opponuaities for appellate practitioners: quality of appellate practice ,"','"''' Section can be formed. the task and judges who wtluld be interested in you know would like 10 join an Appellate we need to hear lrom vau. Please contact: Appellate Practice Task FOIce - c/o Susan S. Wag.ner. chairperson Berkowitz. lefkovits.lsom & KushneJ. P:C. 1600 South'ijuft Tower
420 N. 2Oth$ie6t Sqinglt8lll, AfBbama 35203-52l12 swagner@bli/(.com
~ 0
.. c
.S3 .iil
17k Alabama ~r iii) U,~I« p~tHislln tulIlnu" tuullthplt_ nlllbtn ultulltt ......"uU_.. , r'tloln
'" lilt ..,w..u.r li{" ...... flrWl ",. ,016 Y"rkt. Plus, (OJlIi,,"~ II> " lid i" ""/OOIIMt ...."U "tul/tK toddrt!u (/uuopf /() llo~ ;I/abtJ..... Slmt &n- Mtl1lbnr.ltip IHparl".t,,~ .11 (JM ) 1614110 (ftu) IN' P.O. &Ix 671,
M""'ro",t" j6/01.
About Members
Among Finns
M. Bnd,",y Almond """"""'"' tho opellill, of his linn. M. 8 ........ ,. Almond l.LC, at 2223 8th SUtt~
Thsclloou. lS403. Phone (lOS) :l<49.SOI)4. Abon lIu,,' anro:lUnCeS the open;", of the ...... of Alan lI unt U .C. wilt! offices at 126 S. ~ Avm .... PItdmont 36272. Phone{2j6) 447.(10;55.
1I,...her Nc ....... ' lAonarcl _ the rormalion of llealMr Leonard PC willi OfrlCa.' 2108 Rocky Ridge Road, Suite 1. Birmln&ham 35216. Phone (lOS) 978·7899. Alhert 1.. McCoy aJlOOllIlCC.O the of !be I.. ... 0IYk-e or,o. ll><rt 1.. Mct:oy . ' 414 f rank N.lson Building. 20~ N. 2QIh Sn~l. BirminJllam 35203. Phone (205) 2.'i2.2{I22. D. Kfftll ~l"""""" announca the oprni", of Ihe I..... 0I 1l. 8 ...... ' M............ willi offices II III S. Millin PIe<knorIf: 36l72. PborIc (256) 447-0016. itay-..i A. Pierson ~ the opeD"" 0( Ius otr"", II ~J 0.""'" S~ Mobile l6602. Phone (2S1)Ul.3671. L. _~ of hiI
11_",. SbdIOn
.... open''''
offICe III:!OJ Secood"......... SE. Suite B. DccaIur ]$601, Phone (156) 355-2398. R...... rt I). WUI .... 1"$, Jr. annou.nces lhe open,,,, 01 h" offire at BradfOld Sq~. 400 141h S\l'ffi, SE. Suil. A. [)ocatur 35601. I'hono (256) 3Sl·1 118. Thom ... II. Woodall .nnounres lhe opening of his office al 434 G unlC1' A.rnue. GU"lers,ill. 3~976. I'hono (256) 582~S67. 94
M"~ C H
A"",rican lAp! Snordl l,l.(: ~ \hat }'ord
has joiIIe<I the roonpany'$ Birmingham
BalI, BalL
&: Novak, VA ......,....... dIOII
Jordan Moolid MeB .... has joined the fum. I!easIty,A ...... D-. ~lfttl.i .... PortIs &: ~liles PC """""""'" Iha Kftw:W)0u_ has ~ a ~
Ber1wwitz, l.dIw>ill, J-.. &: K""" __ I'C
Ihat M. l.a ..-~. " ,p ", E. I'''''CIe''' and J -.,qu.l)'n n. Smith have bocorno mtmbors. Bishop. CoI.'ln, J.......... n &: Kenl annoonres IhaI Clain: J. lI)1idnulIl lw joined lhe film as an associale. Boardn"' .... Carr, Weed &: 11..1.,-", PC annoollCeS IhaI Alida } ' rit>. Iknnou, KaI ...rIM C. 1I0rlbtrg and Dana J, BoIdm ~ shardIoIders. PIe""" IAdJ...-d, "'11a. WasMn &: Bowron PC ... lIOIIOClOSa _c:hooleelO IIo>oron.l.aIbI &: W _ PC.. 8nodford I.a .. nnn PC ........ nca!hol J, ,~_ S......,.. II has joined !he firm as .., ~ n.. Bu............, .... aQIIOI,III(U ..... OrisIopbtr R. GIU1Ift" has ~ a membtr. Burr &: }'''''''''n ............ !hoi Canwron T. EIIrnhanll and John O'Shft SUUi ..... have been rwned po.nnen of the finn. Capell &: 1I0".nll'C announces thai Midlanl H. Allen and M. COOrl"'" Wllliami have ~ memo tim of the film and J'lIIgt M. J ...Joon has b«ome an :lrIJ>(ltJJlCeS
Cabaniss. John<loo.. Gard""c. Ownas & O·N... I """""roc:o; that Joseph V. Mussoand Ian D. Rosenthal have l:«orne ~ of the firm, Christian Sn... U L.I.P announces lhal Jesska K. SIdler. L,'nn Shull Dany and S. MicttaeI Plock. J c, h.... joined the fum &<
a.w:.:i.ltS. Cinci", ... tI Chlld",,, '$ 1I0000tai
•·.... ndalion :ut/lOO~ lhal Ken""th M_y has been named president Corley. Moncus & Wa rd PC anroo.tJICtS Ilw Marlt K lIofFman has joined the fum .. a ~1>oIdtt. Grqory D. Crosslin announces the f<Jnn:\tioo Qf C",""in & A5sncia1eS PC. "'ilb Qffi= 31 41 31 Carmichael Road. Suit. 2. Montgo",ery 36106. Pbono (334) 26(1.2847. eal"ty 80s will SO"M: . . of ~I.
Eng". lIairslCNI & JoMl1SCN\ PC <IIloouroc:o; lhal SI\(,rrlt L Phillips has bocome a ~ookler. FNderkk T.•:nsJen PC :ut/IOOnces lhaI Susan Iknoan Norris has bocome 0<$0<'i.ted with the firm. Derrell O .•·aneMc and Hdchtr D. C ...... n announee the formatioo of I\(,. & C ..... n L1.p with offices at SO? Lay Dam Road. Oan,on 3S04~. PI>:Jne (2OS) 75S--SSSO. 11.11 & 11.111.1,.1:; anoouroc:o; that 100"'''' S. lIiley has joiDOd the firm as <Ill
3.5.\<XOiaie. lI.nd A rend .... annou~ Ilw V. uigh Mall"" has joined the fum as of ~I. I ... it""," . Siegal & Pa) ... PC annoollC' ,.llw W. Harold Parrish. Jr. and Jim II. Wilson have booome sIJao-.. hnI<Icfs in the firm, L)'CNIS. PiP'S & Cook PC annoonee, that Rirhard II. JoItnson and Jul;' Hal ..... c Ralph ha,'. bocome associaUld ",illl the firm. Chli<topher E. Makom. Angela D. Ten)' and Errek P. J ell announee the {Of· marion of Mak:nm. Terry & J<11 PC. "ith offices 31734 Main S,=,~ Moollon 35650. I'Ilnne (256) 974--4262. Mary K Mun::hlson. Chand .... C. Wrighl and Linda 1_ lIowan! <IIlnounce the f<Jnn:\tion of Mun::hison. 1I0"... rd & Wrighll.l.C ,..illl offlCe!l 31 307 S. McKenzie S!JttI. SuilO 106. Foley 3653S. Phone (ZS I) 95S-1S72. Nathan & Nalhan PC annouroc:o; thai J. Rart Lloyd. III has joined lhe fum as an a<5QCiOU!. 1be La,,' Of1'Ire or ~I.r M. Nell
announces that Tillll R. Ogle has joiDOd the firm .. an associate. Owens & Millsaps LLP. formerly Ow",,", & Almond L1. P. announces that S usie Ta)loc Ca ....... has n::joiDOd lhe firm. and W. h ey Gil"""". J c. has joined the firm as an associ3t~. R....n. Cook. SIed~. Da,'1s. Cad. & Shauuck PA 3l\IIOUJICeS lhaI Da,id Way ... ClIild""", ha, bocome of"""lIN! (Of
!he fum.
Romberger. Kirlt & Cald .. ell PA announces lhaI I>la", Da,,~ has joined the firm. Smilh. Spices & Peddy I'C announces Ihal Mdan;' . : I ,) . rty has joined the firm
as an associ",e. Srou SObloUo :ut/IOOnces lhaIlIe has joined the firm of Jan ... A. John.on PC. SlodthaOl & Sl<Ickham announces a naone chan~ 10 Siocktuun. Siockham & Cacroll PC. \fkky U. Toles 3nd Trina S, Williams announce the formation or Tole & Willmm, LLP, with off""" 31400 S. Union S!rf!CI. Suite 270. Monlgomery 36104. Phone (334) 832·9915. "The Unll'" S"'les AUOmfy's 0fTk:c,
tor II\(, Mkldle Dislrict of Alabama announces that Martha Alln Millec. Jan ... II. ~rrI"". Vtrne 11. S"';~ MaUbtw S. llIi"" •. and Sosan R.. Red mond ha,.. joined the office as AssiSlllDt U.s. Atl<lfll<y' in the MontgonlO1)' off"". Melallk L Looo ..y announce< tha, she has joined the Committee on Education 3nd the WOI"kfnroc willl the Ulliled Sial"" 11 ()USe of H~presen\ WalsICNI. W.11s. Andtrson & Balns LLp announces that Sha ... n A. ·l1d ....1J has joined tl\(, finn and J..truy S. IHAnnan. J udd A. lIa .....·ood. Wall .... II. MoKay. Joe .: Lassitec. EIi-..beth II. 3nd M ilcMI1. Wac...,n D. Karon A. Sassec nave become associated willl the firm W81$on. Jimmerson. Gi"han. Martin & !lIcK;II""y PC <IIl"""D<f:S ""', C. Anlhony G",fFeo has become ..."""i.ted ...ilb the firm, Wilmec & ....... pA announces that Robert V. Wood. Jc. 3nd Roben C.
I..o< k,,'ood become ,hareooldo.. in the firm 3nd RrI.on MIlII"", h..
t_,.. ____ .....
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Drane Insurance Carter H. Drane
• " "" S'.673 "" ." $,.too
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Q Robert Frallkli" Adams Robert
Adams . • highly rtspttttd and '!>C.
cessfullawyer for more than a h.lfcenlury. died >1 his homo Febnwy 23. 2002. at ,he age of94. Doh was born July W. 1907 in Jackson, Alabama. "'here he attended ""blie schools and was. gradU"'" of !he Univ~r$ily of Alabama. WMrt he was .Itel<:<! 10 Omicron Della Kappa .• narion.lleadership f"'tcrnily. After a "'<en'ye.,. banking career in Jackson. he a n.oded and grndll.3tM (rom !he Uni,'trsilY or Alabama School of Law. Bob """"-'<I wilh the U.S. Army in Europe during World War II with the 283" Combat Eng;""", Ballali011 and. in 1937. moved to Mobile to pmctia: law. He Jl'I'"'CIked in Mobile (or over SO y..... and wa, retired .. nior panoe, of the firm JOO .. IO"". Adams. Bailoy, GortI<m "'- Ham • . He .w: ..... td for I"'riod. of lime '" a member of the AdministMi'" Confere""" of the United States, and . s • board member of Tille In,urane<: Company, the urio Corporation and SouI!H:rn EIec1rical and Pipefilling C"'l""""ion. and was .. life,ime 'rus'"" of Mobile Infirnwy. He Wa!;' past president of !he Mobile Bar ASKlCialiooand a member of a delegalion from lhe American Judicalure S""><IY. whioh rntl and ~Iu<lie<! will! legaIaulhorilies in the former Soviel Union. Bob ga"" unselfishly of hi. lime!o!he Mooile COm· munily by serving as ~i<lent of !he Counsel of Social AgeDCie.; director, U'U.>lee and ~idenl of !he
Mooil. Opera Guild; direclor of the Mooile KiwO/li, Club; ~i. dent of !he Mobile Junior Otamber of Commerce: direclor and ,,~a$u"'r of the Mooile Chamber of Commerce; and tru,lee. de""on and Sunday School , uptrintendent of the Firs' Bapli" Oturch of Mooile. According!O Ben flarriJ. fim, panner, "He wa.•• great lawyer and falher figure 10 many of us. and we will miss him ... He>d alway. lurn rnt in !he righ t di....,tion ... When he <lMe<! oul in !he '30s, you had!O do evel)'thiog-corporate, pttsonal injul)'. civil. crimi· nal. .. On lop of that, he worked hard. He waS in the offioo evel)' Saturday ioto hi. 8£hi:' Wade Ptrry. Bob's gr..ooson. said. "He was !he mo,t .maring man r h.'~ ever k nown.~ Bob "'"3$ prettd«I in death by his wife, Margare! Crossley Adams, and is survived by • .<00. Robert F. Adams. Jr. and his wife. Carolyn, of Helena, Mon!ana; two daughto ... , Mary Elizabeth Perry and".,. hu,band. So Perry. of Mooile. and laura PhillipS and her hus_ band. Ow-I., Phillips. of Win>l"".SaIrOl. Nonlt Carolina: trn grandchildren: lwo great·grandchildren: and nieces and nephew •.
-Donald Bn'sl:man, p".jd~nl, M<>bil~ IkJr AJsocillliOll
Rodger Dale Bass, Jr. Rodger Dale Bass, Jr., a member of the Shelby Coumy Bar AS6OCiation. died November 3.1002 . He Wl$ a graduate of !he Uni""rsi,y of Montovallo in 1987. and lhe Bimtingh,m School of Law in 1993. having ""'ed in !he United States Army from 1989 to 1993. Rooger;s .""lived by hi' wife. Debbie Jean Bass; his children. Hannah Nicole Bass and Brandon Ouse Bass; hi$ """,n1.<. B~lly Shinn and Rodger D. Bass. Sr.; and many relo,;"", and other friends wllom he deeply loved. 96
M"R C~
Rooger 8"'w up in Maylene. AlabaOl' and ga,e bad to hi.< community by providin8 Itgal Itrvices for the ... ,iden" of Maylene and supporting the ""lunt...,- fire dcpanmenl there. A,. tributo to a di,tinguished member of !he SlIclby County Bar AS6OCialiOll, this re>Ol"liOll i• .,ff• ....:I as. re<:on! of our admiration and .ffwion for Roog~r Dale Bass, Jr. and of our condolences to his family. friends and oolleagues. - lArry If. Ha~ .. p,.,.idL~I . Shdl>y Caunry Bar Iotsociarj""
Alfred P. Holmes, Jr. Alfred P. Holmes. Jr.. a native of Birmingham. died March 8.
2002. He =eived hi. law degree (rom ,110 Universi,y or AI.bama in 1953 and .c ...... d with ~Army Corps of Engjne. ", for 29 years. He retired in 1990 as chief of !he legal division in ,he Corps· Mooile Di>!,;ct Offi~. He was a membor of ,bo local. . ..", and I13tional bar associ.tions and pasl president of lhe Mooil. Fotkml Bat A..ociation. AI also .c,,·ed as an offlCor in lhe Army Judge Advocate Genoral Corps. as an . ssi, ... nt U.S. Anomey for the SOIullom District of Alabama. and as a lawy .... in private jl<3Otioe in Mobil_ for many years. AI moved bere with hi. family as. child ;tl1d ,"ended Leink.ufG",mmar School and Mu rphy High School and "",.ived hi. BA and Juris Docto"". degree at the University of Alabama. wben: he was pre";de.t of~ ... Chi $<Xi.1 f""emi,y and Omicron Del .. Kappa national f"'t.mity and. student gov_ ernmen, Jea<kr. In 1911. AI was inducted inlo lhe Soothern Deb.te Hall o f Fame at the Uni,·.rsity of Alabama. While at ,he Corps. AI r'l'«i,'ed numerous official commenda-
tions from lhe Deprutmenl of !he Army and was presemed the U.S. Co!;>s of Engineer. fuemplary Se",lce Awan! in 1990.• nd. in 1994. he was inducted into the District Gallery of Distinguished Civilian Employees. At the iOOllC1;oo ~re mooy. bo was commended for guiding lhe distrio! througll ~ of the Corps. rr.:)S' ptOIrootod and coo'plex litigation i1lll<llving the Tonnoss«-Tom Bigb« Wa ......... ay. AI was al"" an active member in Asbland Place United M.tll<xli •• Chureh. a nd was .c",in, as chairman of the board of 81lhe time of his dc.lh. He .1"" se ..... ed 0$ an officer in sev.ral United Way agenci.s. AI was higllly for hi . high ethica l SI,ndanis of c<>nduct and """00 legal judgmenl. Allefl su",i'·ing him hi. wife . Angi. Holmes. of Mobile; two sons. Parker Hoi""" of New York City and a"",k Hol<l1<S of Mobil.; one grandson . Michael Andrew Holmes; ..,"eral nieces; and <>lbor relalives. _ DoM/d 8ri.l:,,1<1I1. pr<tiden'.
&r Associ~lion
Marshall Timberlake We pause in 0Ill bu'y live. to remtmber OUt friond, and one of tllo AD R propoIICnlS. Marsltalilimberiake. M""hall lefl os oolkttmber 9. 2002. after-. brief illoes.. Hi. ,,·ife. Becky. tWO daughters and other relali,'eo. friends and partners !I'KIW"Jl him. Alohougll Marslull"s eanhly life is over. hi. wort in establishing the foundation for mediation in Alabama will contin .... Marshall was admined to the bar in 1970. aft .. altending the Uoiversi,y of Alabama School of law. and pncticed with Bakh & Bingham in Birmingham for ovor 31 years. A. ~arly as 1991. he was taking ADR courses for his CLE ""luire"",n15.•nd $rIVed with energy and vi,ioo as chair of the bar·, ADR Task Force from July 1992 to luly 1994. ~ lask force drafled the Alabama Civil Coon Mediation Rules th.t became eff<:eti'-e August I. 1992. (revised June 2(02) afle, supreme coull .ppmval. Addition.lly. as part of ito e/Tons to educale the bar. the judiciary and the public aboul ADR. the firsl A DR lIaNiboo* (now in i" third ",vision) was prepared and published by the taSk f"",e in 1994. Shortly 'hereafter. the Board of Bar Commi .. ioners appnwed the transformation of the 1a$k ronoe into a permanent commin"". On July I. 1994. the AI.b.rna SuprtrneCoun. by ronll order. created lhe 19·"",mber. blood-based Alabama Su"",me COUll Con,mi .. iQII on Di'!"-"e Resolution, Marshall Timberlake beel n", the fllSt chair of lhe Commission. He wO$ .Iso .. Io<ted to be on lhe Board of Di""'tors of the Alabama Cenl .... for Dispu", Rcsol"lion. Inc .. the "'ianiza,ioo thai se""" as the ."'Ie office of dispu le "'solu,ion and 1110 administralive arm of lhe c<>mmission as ordered by the suJ't""rI'It COUll_ and remained
on brnh tbe commi.s;on and tllo board unlil his Marshall Tlmberl""" also was the fouodor of the ADR Foul>d.ation. In<:. in BilTIlingham. Four years ago, M arshall was appointed 10 the Governor·, Task Force on State Agenoy "'DR. and se",.d as ilS co-chair. S",,,, ISenoy ADR becan", lhe new frontier. and M""haU was eag .. to go lhere. ~ Gov.rnor·s T..k Force tIt.eloped lhe F. llol<l, Progrom to edoco", go .. rnmenl e • ..,u,i"... aboul "'DR. trqlJO"ed an Allomey Ge .... ral opinion regarding the use of mediation by . tate .g.ncie • . requested an •• ..,utive order oncouraging Olate ag.ncie. '0 use A DR . tIt,-elop<'d the S..,'" Agency Employ"",n, Mediation piltl! program. and was ;nstrumenlal in advocaling Ih.t tbe 8<"'"nor and attorney gene",1 draft. joinl memo to &Osi'",'" AG-, rujuiring medial ion clauses in all slate c<>ntmcts. ~ final task force .. porI was sent to Governor Si.gelm;tl1 a few days .ne r M arshalr. dealh. and w<u dedica,ed by lhe I.>sk force to Marsh.11. Unlil the very 1..1. I was sending Marshall the latest ADR information from lhe <><pnizalion, of which he was an inlegral player. We all benrfi«d from hi s wisdom as. litigator.nd peacemaker. Marshall said yes 10 hiring "'" as the di"",tor of the cenlor in 1994, It i. impo>sibk: to ' hank him e nough. and we will mi.! him. For lhosc of you who wish to .cnd cards. the family address i. 3349 Brookwood Road. Birmingham 35223 .
K~~g"", MO"'g()nt~ry
George Killough Williams, Jr. On A"&"'I9, 2OOl. ~ Killoup ....'iU ....... Jr., . ".,,,0«0 '" the Mobile &. Aorociacion, Abboma Stale I!.ar aI>d Aontrio:an Bar Auociahon. ~ If>if. tife in a local Ioospiw. lk _ bono on July 21. 1928 in "I'ao!okr-Williams. AIabaou. ar.:J "'• • ~r.,looIa =idenl '" Mobile CooOil)'. livinll in Tanncr-...."~Iianu the cntin: limo. Ii< was ~.ued by hi, pamlts.. Gcocp: Killouch Willi""", and Allern Whi~head Williams. Gooop: gno.t .... ed (rom the Uni''Cf"Sity of Alabama School of Low in I?SO. He de_cd hi. ~"';'" p<¥1i<:e of law 10 real emlc and lille i""urance. In 2OOl.11c was rttQgi'Iiw.! (or ~ ~"'"'. S(fVice as a mombc.T '" lIoc ~Iobilc Bar Associalion and the AI"b...... Stale Bar. Cltor&e WlIJ • <loaner ..... mbc-r or Dixie Land lllle ~ snwd as ill pn!$id<nI and ....... o=II"iw.! lIS ~.le pcnooo or lIoc ynr in 1994. ,Ie "'M also • " .. lIoc Mobile Club and '"'-' on the boon! of lIoc Boys Dub. Cltor&e ...... • """"""'". 1nIOIC!O. officer MNllepI o<Ivisor fUr llonnoJ..
"tit. '"
Williams Uniled MedoodiJl ctourdo. ,,10m Ie ....... ~feloolc u"IO,bll . Cltor&e uod lois ..Me. IUOk WIlJon Williams. ,,"'" marrio:d onooelharl4'.l
Gc.lrge ""as knov,'n b)' his many dOfe fritnd!; 10 of tho boS! Iq:al minds qaruing oul ~Ie ;ll lie Mobile bar. and lhal his \\o<lO"d was his bond. He I>:od. boSI of friend!; aooong lie bar "'00 IIOO.ISIll hi~ lelr.nd ..Ma: O\ICO" hi. many years of praclice. and Ie boeaone ..... pen in n:al <'SIll!e
""ve ......
ow. George is """'i"'" b)' hi. wife. J ...... and lWO.."... Waosoo
KIOOJ. Wiltiams and Kenneth Lee Williams; live pandsons:.wo ~; aM _ . niec:Q ond I .. phe .....
-o-.Jd pruidnoI. Mobik Btu A.J.a;c .......
Horace G. Williams. III The Third Judici.1 Cireuil Bar A"'Xi.olioo km one of ios IOIOSI popuw law~rs. l ienee G. WiUiams. 1I1 Oil Au,ust 26200'2 altho. 40. Chip was I nalive of MOIIlJOmefY bulle tprllt of hiJ life in Eufaula. "'Iom hi. father. Ilona. pnoc. .iced low fUr mill)" ~ ..... lie eamed iii. ~ dCJrft fl"OO'l"O TOU)' Swe Univeni.y. lIe -nended JOOkS School of law ond b<'none. membtro(tho Alabama SlI~ Bar in 1996. Prior 10 ~ low. Chip was .. ~ for tho Third Judicial CimJil'. DiIUict Anomcy', Office numborof y~. lie joir>od bis fatlcr'l ,,"w po;octicc in 1996. "'hlc:h ~ tho linn of Williams. POllhoff. WillilmS &: Smi.h in Eurlu,,". Chip WI. I friend 10 .11 ... w.. CIIidtnced b)' the ~ "'an 900 peo(lle who all~r.ded hi' funer;sl vi.illlli"" Ii hislek.o"'" Flrsl Hapli .. Chun:b of Eufaula. Chip was ""'Y active In llis communilY. wortina and de ...... ;ng hi' lime .. . hosl fQl" the Lillie Leag"" World S«i<'. III'ld In Eufaula. and IS. former presidem of lhe Eufaula ROW)' Club and the UnilCd Way of C'Ute, BartJour Coull1y. Ii< Jei"Ved lhe local Uniled W.y in C\"ft)' capoocilY .. ODe Ii""" or 1iIIOlher. ClIip "'"U I aI>d ~ husband 10 his wife. Sleill. and fOl/kf 10 hil ,..., gUll. Shelby and lady". DespiIC his pro. fessinnal. cj,'iI: and chwrll rnpomibililid, Chip al....,.. f,,"OId ~mc f.,.. hi. " 'ife and ~. """Iy. if ever. missin, • dance =ioal. JChooI prosma CO" cheerkading ""'Ii..... Chip'. dCIIoIion 10 bis family e~'cndN beyond bis immediale family. 1Iowcvc•. He "10$ devoted 10 hi. ddt!rly gnondiJlCllMr. " 'ho resides in I <lomidliary in Eufaula, wle~ he visi'ed allOOSl daily.nd loot ca", of Ie, peO!OOllI "",ines. and ~. Chip was a Icn"",i"". la wyer who fouShl hard (or his clien". helpi", peo(lle wilh lepl ~ regardless of wlll'llll', they
5/loWed up .lI his ofl"l« in lIilom.l SIli" or 0 •• ,..11,. He 1rC.lIed all 0( hi. diems the """". ~~ 0( the ";>.e oIlloeir pockri boob. And. oftenli".."., Ie "wid ,0 I<i lhe off.... Iotf"", 3 a.m. lO .... ke 1he lime f.,.. hi. nrioullotliyilia durine hi. long. busy
In hi, spare Ii_. Chip was ... ""ill aotfer .... i"',." ... ~ . nary ,iR f.,.. crushin& tho ....1. Of the IuIlliOk 1OIImamea11 Chip in. Ie ""'" lhe looIa drive rompelition in every one. He al$O ",,""iudl dwillblc JOlf _ n l for 1>1 . friend Roben JoIuown .• ehun:b cuSlodi ... and avid &<>ifer " '00 al$o died of • massive lean am,ek • few ~.... back. He and <10k of hi, friends """"iud !hi"OUmantC0110 lelp"";$<\ money for lIoc Eufaula BOJIs and Club. Chip', abilily 10 hi' a golf ball was Sll<h 1""1 even his "",""her COUldn'l resi .. 1~lking aboul il wlen eulogizinll him. calling i. ''unbclicv:oble:' Chip was ,Iso .... lotIive member of Firs' Bapti" Chun;h. "'Ie,,, he led. Bible $lOOy c1o,s, f.,.. YOU"1l boyl. and ..rved as • deXOll. He wao active in many aspccIS or dNn:h life. inc:ludins Sund>y School""" men', po:Ii)'n bf<,atflSl group. Durinl fOOlball ..-.... Ie coott:d tnatfaJI fUr Iocalllip school fOOl _ boll piayen ~ tho chun:h 001 Friday mominp.. 0.. Ken Bush. paSIOr of FIfM Baptist Chuodo. ",hich ClIip ..ended .i..... an nrly • . DOl <:only ",-as Chip', f"I$KIO" Ilbo one of hi. bo;sI friend!; and iii, f'''''''1e JoIf panner. Al Dr. 8~ob said. """'Ibis man I>:od. heart .. bi, .. boIlo oce ..., in &ivine llimself." M"" imponar11ly. however... Dr. Buob IOId lie con~1ion an cslimaled 8(X) people " 'ho filled lie chun;h for hi' fu ....nol. 'Uip grew anod matured and became •• lOong dj~iple of JesU$ Chris," .....,J<>t/ P. Smith. Jr.. Eufaula
George F. Wood Geortc F. Wood. I di>lillJlliohed '-Yet" IIId I foondinc memo ber 01 !he Un;"'milY 01 Mobile. difd at hillo:lmo II !he qc 01 OIl M ...,h 14.2002. Gcoric " ... born in Wuhing"'" Counly. AbbamI on December II . 1916. He pncticed nwirime Ia......·iIh!he firm of P;UltI$, Rums. Tappon. Wood & Robnts. as .... U as !he ~ ..". fmllS. from I94S unlil hi. miremenl in 1981 . He scn'UI .. pm;kknl of lhe Mobile Bar Associ~lion in 1961 and as associ· ale edilOf of Mllrili_ C(Jlt•. He was both. founding and a lifelime 1ru51.., for !he U ni~ersily of Mobile. and he II.., wroIC!he charkr for !he uni· "<nily. lie was lhe facully ifill curriculum chairmaJI for lhe bo;trd of If\lSI...s II !he Uni"ft$iIY of Mobile. In 198 1. he retti,,·d III hoo>orary do<lOr 01 law degrtt from !he ..... iwf"Jily. Uni"<nily a.ancellor Y,11liml K. Weaver. Jr. remembtrcd Wood .. I man 01 eMmpIary chane ..... Dr. Weaver re......tcd: ~"";M oulSUll(\;nc _mber 01 001" s-d oITMI«l and I mtmber 01 001" lint hoard. He was juSI.- 01 !he tnIIIfI """"",i..., indi~idualI you could imagine. He .... vay....,.,on. i..., 01 me. I $1"'011100 0I1i_ ill hi< off",. """ 1ho:as<!)'I'at$ ,". ling ,uidance and "",vice. lie was 11\ unu..w pcnoo . Hc was I wonderful e.. mrle for e>cryonc who knew him.~ GeorJe , also. cl\ar1CT member and life (!caron of Springhill Ba]llisl Church, wherc he was sel«1cd by lhe congregalion as I (!cacon for ev~ry eligible letm in the church·, S2yeat hiSlory. and 1'1.1 elected chairman of !he dtacoou Ii. I;mel. H.lau&hl!he firsl meo·, Sunday School cw. and COfIliollCd ICKhing unlil one monlh prior 10 his death. DurinS his)'l'at$
!hcn:. he ......-ed as supo:rinl<1ldmt 01 !he tcaebn mining dcpanmcnl aDd pcnonaI. Iy uaiMd """" -ZOO Sunday SdIOOI ICKbcn.. ".. Reverend Drt:w GoInntls. miml jmIOr 01 Spria&hill Baplisl Churdl. DOtM that ~ IaU"'1 lhe ...... Sunday School ow. for as lon, as me c hurch has c. iSted. He was a good man in every ..,.... of !he word. fl. also WTOIe Teaching lItull..,."""ns With Ildult. in Sunday Sclwol. which was adopted by the Sunday Scbool Board of lhe Southern Bapcist Co,,,ention. and he was in.ittd 10 leach the book throughoul!he Soulh<m Baptist ConV<1ltion II Qun>C1OU. Il'achin, sessions in Alabama. ~lorida and North Carolina. He ...... ~ by .... Mobile Junior Chamber of Comme= as !he CIuistian lay Leader of me)'l'ar in 1m. I"' ..... honoood by !he Mobile Junior<llunbef ofCnrnmcrt"C as !he CbruIian
lay l.cadcrollhe Yur in 1m. He ..... I gradoIIc ofSprin&hili Col. in 19)1. and Later m:eivcd hi. bw dc&rce from me UIIi...,...ity 01 Alabama in 1940. He WVtd in the U.S. Nary in World War n from 1941 10 I94S.lItainin, me rank of UcUltlWll Comnw>cItr. He """,,,.<'(1 • Bronze Slat as copUia of ... pply wI' LSM ·228 durin. me landings in Ql.:inal' i3. George i. 5u ..... ivcd by his wife. Ilolen Wood; one: ""'. Mar<:u. Wood; one: daughltr. Judith MOlpn; and four gnndchildrcn .
_ Donald Bri.tman. pruwml. Mobile &r IlJSOCulI;ott
Boling. J effe rson Davis Binni nghalll Admilted: 1950 Died: November 18.2002
Finche r. Jim Clay Gulf Shores Admitted: 1967 Died: November 10, 2002
Duc k, John Victor Fairhope Adlllined: 1957 Died: December 16. 2001
Greene, Edward Chesley Mobile Adllliued: 1976
Died: November 2~. 2002 Joh nso n. David Crom"·ell Birmingham Admitted: 1972 Died: Jan uary 2, 2003
Organizational Session
he l~gi$13In"' ....1 in <><pni"'lional session on January 14. 2003. The senate organized ilSoOlf SlvmS "",,'or (0 the ~sident pro !em of the
senate who is ~~in Senator Lowell Barron of fyff~. Alabama. Lawy~rs obtaining leadership positions art: Sen.tor Roger 8edford . RU&5<!li vilie. chair. Finance and 1'a><atioo-General Fund: &nalor lI ~nk Sanders. Sehna. ohair, p-, .. ance and Tax'lion-BdllCalion Fund; Senator Rodger Sndtherrnn , BifTllin&ham. chair. Judiciary: Senator loeb Unl. , Cullman. chair, Agric"hu,..,_ Conservation and Forestry; Se nalor ",,' Lindsey. B"~ ..... chair. &x>oomic Expansion and Trade; Senalor ...lIil l'ool., Moundville. chair. Go'~mmem.l Aff.irs; and So nat"r Myron Penn. Union Springs. ch.1i •. Too,;sm and Man:.til\i. The Il00 .. ",~I"'l«I Rerrescrnllive Scth Hamm"" as "poeoker. LaW}'tI'$ who obtaio«lleadership posiliollS in tbe House of ReP"'''''"lalive$ 0"" Rep resent.I;'-. ]k meln u, N. "'(OIl, Binningham, '",""".r pro lem; RCpreielllatl. ,. Mar«l Block. Thscumbia., judi. ciary: and R.prewntal i~~ Kt n Guin , Cari>on H ill. ch. i,. Constitution and Ek>c'ions. With ooly I J lawye .. in the ..,nat. and eight in ,he 1>00.., of ,..,prt<en,.,i,u. ,he law In."i,ute ha< again ~n asked to provide legal ooon..,1 '0 the "'nate JudiciOI)' and 10 l~ committees of the 1>00'1': of ,..,pre'l':ntati,· ...
Major Law Revisions Before the
2003 Regular Session "The following major revision, of law are b<ing 000sidered by the .... All arc the ....1.. of year.! of study by committees of the Alaboma law Institute.
Resldenti.1 Landlord and Tenant Act AI.harn3 is One of ""Iy two states that does ~ cu,· rontly have a Residential landlord-Tenant Ac!. This (lrafl uses as its guide the Uniform Residential
Landlord and Tenan, Act. >dQpted in 20 stat ... n.. ACI applies only to ,..,.identi.l,e",nt ",lation~ips that b<gin .ft ... Jan"OI)' 1.2004. "The A<'I provides that the landlord can obtain. <ttn· rity deposit which mu,1 b< ,..,funded unless "sed 10 make ,..,pairs due to damage cau$cd by tlte 'e"3nt. "The landlord muS' oomply with housing and building <:Odes v.'hkh m:llcrially arr<c, he,lth.nd safety and mal:e all repairs ary to ketp the premi..,s in. habitable condi'ion_ "The tenant mnst also comply with all applicable building and housing <:Odes affecting he.lth and safety. They muS! also keep the premi.." d.3":md safe, and take C"'" 10 ~ negligently damage the propcny, or condu<t tNmsoly.,. so as to disturb their ""ighbQr', enjoyment of the premisu_ Eithe, pony can terminate 3 lease for 3 ma,erial bruch of the agroement by giving" 14-day ~ic •. If the defect is so minor that the cost of the rtpair is less than half a nlonth's ren', the 'enant may ha" the ""pai, won: done and dedUC1 ,lie COSt of the ,..,pairs from the n,,,t """"h'. ,..,01. Any foilure of the Lt",Uord 10 maintain the IRrniSOS or provide heat and water is a breach of ,he lease. "The "n:m, mnSt give ,..,.ice of thi' breach of the lease 10 ,he landlord. "The bill also p<O>'idcs for an eviction proceeding th.t is an e.clusi" rt<mJy unde, this ACI. Und« the eviction proceeding tile laoolord may obtain an evi<'lion. rent, rnon<t3I)' damages or OIlIer ,..,lief go,nncd by the Rules of Civil J>rocedu",. '!be process is .imilar 10 ll1e current ""lawful provi,ion. v.'hich provide thrte me.hods for protecting no<iec. Notice may be given to tile tenant peTSOnally or dcliy.,red ' 0 the person residing on the prtmisos. or afte, rrasonable effon i. made to give personal notice. and if tIO pel'$Oll is foul>d ",siding on the prrmisu. noIiec may b< giv"n by posting a copy on the door and 00 ,he same day mailing notke of the eviction 10 the t<,,:ml.
The Ac •• ahbouJh cffeeli,"C Janl>3l'}' I. 2(X)4. does _ cnleml in.o before Ihe effoaivc day of the Act which ~ _ eJI'cndod or renewed . fler ilia. dale. For a _ eJlhallSlive ~" of Ibt Act. IUd the lUIMIlt)' in Ihe No\'embtr 2. 2002 ,,~ /.trwyu or ' " " !he Act in ilS cnlim;y on the Law [!UIi.u..,·. Wtb _ali......~._1&I.
.i..,. ".......
AlaNmil Uniform Intent_te Enforcement of
Dom..Uo;: ~ Ad This .0.<:1 pnwidcl • unifoom ' YSl('m for enf<)ltt ......... of <Iomeslic violence proIeCIion onlcrs across Ill.., [i/lel. The full fai.h and credil l'fO"i~ions di=1 51a!eslO honor valid protection onlcr1 ,uP«! in OIher jurisdicl'(M'Is and 10 U1:a1 lhose onlcno as!f !bey ... e",!hI!ir own. TheAc. lIas'wo purpos ..: one •• o dc:fi~ !be meanina of ful[ fai!it in crodil as il re[ales to [n..,,, ... .., Enforc.menl of Domeslic VIOle""" ProIoaion Orden. and lwo. to c,..ab[W> ..... ifoom ~Ufl"l foreff«tive in .. ~. enforce·
h,divid",,11 ..110 ~ coveRd by • proIeCtloIl order may. bul '""' _ requiftd 00. rq:i.SIo;o- • forrign """"",ion order wi!h &II cdforcinl ~ Thi:s Act <:<NllpIeIe£ _ series of iI>lC1JIale family laws that ...... been pWCd by the 1epItawn: .,...,. the pHI IeYtnt )'I'WI. in parUc.tJat Ihe Unifoom [~ family Support Act and !be Unifoom [nler>We Child ClBIOdy Jurisdiction and Enforcemenl Act.
Uniform A ...tomlo;:_1 Gift Ad A[a».o"", cum:nlly bas !hi! 1968 Unifoom A""lomk"l Gift Ac' ... hi~h lias been adopted in all 50 .13.1es. II i. codifi<:d al 122[9-41 !itroup ,22. [9-47 . The 1968 Uniform AClIw been updated and lias .Iready been pas.s<:d by half Ihe ' Lltes. It ls utimalcd tha. at any one time 34.000 pcOJIIo' ..... " .... inC for _ lnIUpIan. orpn. A rcan. poll ~ that 7S percen. or the pcopIc: are " i llin, 10 donalc an O<pn bu. 0<pfIS t:ome from only 1S pom'1'I of Ihe people.. The ACllimplifies the manner for making at -..mica! aifL II abo specifIeS Ihe cimlrmwICU in ,,;hicb "" .... n. mcdic:al eumincn or odItr I«a! public otroeials may be pmni-' to
remove _ pan of the body for Ihe pUrpolC of transpl.., ... ;.",. The bill clarifies Ihe riJh,. of partia i.....,.v<:d in the donation In([ Ihe autbority or ind .... iduaIJ i..... lv<:d mlhe proocdufl"l for ",mervina In([ uanspbDtin& • put. It is .... _ m¥w chanae from 0Uf C\Im:III law bu. is InIR limple since Ihe MdocumenI of giftM is .... requirt<l 10 be wiUlCUed in the _ maaner .....i lh. The bill providrs thatlhe lUbsequmt rnocation.lUSpCnSion. eJlpinlion or tanClCllation of. Iicen$o: that pnwidcs the autboriutioa for an oopn donation does _ invlliidate Ihe anatomical aill.. The Alabama q;.1a.= will ann .... ly honor \lie memory of individuals who ha .... made. "aift of life" .o IlJ>OIher individual during !hi! previous y~ar by lheir a e..erous do:t~l;on puBlWl' to Ihe Alabama Uniform A ... to",i~.l Gift .0.<:1.
M_Jor Under Stud», The Alabama La", IJutitute cum:nlly .... commi'tees draftina the followina laws: • BusillO&$ Enti.ies Code • I'IrenIa&c ACI * Trust Code •
$tturi1iQ; Act
The IIeJIl AIabdmd ~r anick .. m review Ihe of Ihe Trw Code aDd \lie Sc<:uri.ieJ ACI revil ion. The reautar ~ of Ihe Alabama ltCi!J"ure bepn on Marcb 4. 2003 and "",y hold 30 lta isbo.i .... tIa)'$ ",ithin Ihe lOS tlayl allowed under Ihe Con",.".;"". The session mull end by
Juroe 16.2003. For more information about the IlI$~'Ule or any of its proj..:,.. COtI' '':1 Bob McCurley. dim:lor. Abobanlll..", lru.i."". P.O. Box 861425. Ths<:a100$.0 J~1 3: fa.. (2OS) 348·1411; phone (2O:S) 348-741 I; or visi. our Wtb $ill! ., .."......l1li......e.aI.1&I.
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334·244 2983 HATTAr:; " A LAW OFF.CE
Lawyer May Seek Appointment of Guardian for Client Under a Disability, Or Take Other Protective Action Necessary to Advance Best Interest of Client Question: '1'hrouth Lepl SCl"'ica Corpon!1OIl, I ""'" ogrud 10 ~"! ... iD(6le'\! individual in • ptli!ion 10 mod· ify his eli"""", decree 10 I<'nnirwe <:w roduce his child job lUppon .. nee he i. __ une"'f'loycd. lie qui! !luc ' 0 a ""n'OUs brt'atdooo'n and has bH'n IIospllaliud ''''icc for ...icide luempts. lie """ Slopped tttk.ina psy. eOOJocical counsel,nl b=wse he i. ICaml or indisen! health (...., 1)'S,ems W ha$ ftClin., of ~a about
beinE WI!Ched and/or invwiEIlc<l, "II oow come '0 my anen,ion ,hal 'here in fOC! i. "" ongoi"i investigalion abo<U hi, alltic<l se.ual arosc of one of hi' childrnl two years .,.,. lie ha$ no! ~n allowal .i';wion with hi. chiklrcn in oYer. year pur. _ , \0 ItImS in tbo <Ii"""", ~ for this "'">' ",ason, "10",">, time llalk \0 him lboo! ...y flCd of hi, case he ha$ • complete eoroJti<:lnal bouldo•.". He (.aftno! handk lIllY $In:$$ riglll __. I c _ convince llim 10 leek psyebological C<lUMC1m, because of hi, f.,.. of ",hi! mi&hl be ~ ~ He is $0 Wl$l3bIt. [do no! beli.eve I ~... prOCffd wilh ,he petition 10 modify. beeauoc I will no! he able 10 Jfl him Ihrouth a coon prOCffdi", or ~n the diJCOVt1)' nr«<""'Y to prow: his case, H.. has 1>0 immedi· ... family that I can call upon for help, ~I have ~n approached by opposin& counscl (who ",~n' hi. Clienl. ,he ex·wife, who will oot consen' to a temporary termina,ion or tbo CQIIn·
M"MCH toOl
ortlrred child ... ppon). sayina!hat he would be ,,;lIillK 10 allow UI in-doambcn prcKntation 10 tbo jud£C about our dilemma. If I do 10. I will be d;""lpna 10 the judge that tbo man """ a ......... eoroJti<:lnal probLem that tbo judse mi&hl ...... , me 10 esubUIio. or he mi&hl .,.-en on:\t1 psydIoIo&icaIltStiq 10"" if my dica, can ..,.. qll3ltly usiSl .... " 'ilh tbo caw. In <"thtr """"" if lhoc man soes lO ...y too ..... lor. r""her ...idcncc would be """at..d aboul hi. serious f«!i!\iS or luil! and r'l'n>Or$<' "'hicb CQIIId be UKd .pillS! him in a criminal investi· gation. "I c.tnno< counsel wilh my clien' II to whkh cO\lI'S<! 10 talc becln"" he canlIOI dell with con nict without an emotional bfcakdown .nd I ftCl Ihi' CQIIld jeopardize hi, li ft (i.e .. llJIO!h<r lukide .ucrn~ lDdIor becau"" he i. ;DCapab!e 01 makina IW.ionaI deci.ions). On the O!her hind I ...""". leII~ llirn ...;,hoot relid from tbo dec..., of di"""", bee...... the would past u.-p lip at S'J 11.56 per rnonlh. (He ..... formerly ernployc<l at • ""y Sood ..... wortinl in ... in .....i.., care. IIIlit at • local hofpotal ,"'hid> ~ s. d . IligJI child ... ppon Iwwd).. 1 0m conviaccd my climl.·. em0tional insubili,y is ",al and I lui.., upcric""" and uainina to nW:c that judJlncni. MH"", mU>I I prOCffd in properly "presenting my
dien'? -rIlis iJ. or CQII ..... u'Icn( becau"" a trial date i. comi ng up in a few wtCkl and I am further oonccrnt<l for my clien,', " .. II being. M
Answer. TIle Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct allow you to _k appoint""'nt of a guardian for you.dient, or 10 take any
om.r proIec:tive aNion if you ""$OHaNy bel;e'"e that you. clienl call1lOl ode<juateJy acl in hi. own inlc ... ,t, funhcr. the rules allow you to disclose such confidential information as ,nay be rt<Juirt<! 10 odNJualtly "'JlI1'sent your client and ad'"3Jl<C yoor dient's interest. Rule 1,14, Alabama Rules of Professional CondUN, .L1,« as follow.; "Rule 1.14 Client Under A Disability (a)When a clienC, ability 10 make adNjualCly Nn· ,idert<! deci.ion, in connection with the ftprestn,a_ lion i. imp.oirtd, wbtlhe.- be<;ause of minority. men· lal disability or for oo",e om.r ftlSOn, lht lawyer 1h31l, 3$ far as reasonably possible. maintain a normal client-lawyer I'tlalionship with ,he clion', (b)A lawyOT may seek ,he appointment of. guardian or take other protective action with "'spec1to a client, only when the lawyer reason· ably bdi<:'o'u that the client canlIOI odequately act in lht dienCs own in'ert<l."
TIle COmment ponion of Rule I ,14lab:, lIOIe of !he fact that di",lo.sure of the dienl', disabili,y could adveruly Iffoot his imereslS."The: comment di"""lS that the lawyer may _k guid ance from an appropriate diagnostician in furtherance of the client', be,t inteftst. "The: issue which you face rt<Jui"", consideration of the obli_ gation of confidentiality. but also requires that you assess the ,i,u31ion and make a delCrmin .. ion .. to what you f",,1 would be best, under the totality of the cin:ulltStantts. for your client's interest. In R0-9Il-67, the Di",iplinary Commission Wited that Rule 1,14 " ... [R]ecognizes that a lawyer, on occa· .ion. may best serve" clienl by taking action that, on f, m blush. mighl appear to be ad"ru 10 lht client," In RO·9~-03, the Disciplinary Commission rea<or>ed that a lawyer confronted wilh such a dilemma mu>t delerm;"" what is in the best interest of the dient based outhe lawyer'~ an.lysis of all aspeclS of ll1e .iI U,lion. including opinion. of medical oxpt"'. The Commission funlle. staled; "Much of lht burden of thi, decision is placed "" the lawyer ",110 muS! keep fOftmosl in hi. mind the ir'IC"'ascd standard of re5pOOs ibilily wilen dealing with. di$Obltd dient. He must >!$CS$ all 3$"""'~ of the situation, including ""pen medical opinions. bal"r'lCing the client's abilily to communica1e and to
Set alabar as Your Homepaqe Setting ala bar as your default homepage is easy! Each time you access the Web, you'll be routed to the ASS site. There, you can count on the most up-to-date information about bar activities and resources,
lIppI'lCi"e the .moos dt:ci,;"". 10 be made. If !he La""Yft' tw doubts. he >hook! raoI"" thooe doubts in • IIWUWt !hat beSI """'" biJ client. 'The Lawyer J.bould abollppl'lCiMe!he Court', ~ (001. «m in manm in¥oI~i", L.wycn md Ihcir ....-.. ~ of ~1COI'1pt~ diems. "The -..wli"';· UItionJ ""'. Lawyer' • .,.If<llri<hmro, II !be "'-pense 0( I dienlln """lied wilb C1Ibanced ,Irictnesa ",I>cn the ~Iienl is • child "" <Jdlnwi.., IlOl capable 0( makin, fully informe<! and vo,unlary dedi ..... "· Wolfnlm. IUpnil. p.IS9." H~1.an1 a Jld !lodes. in illei. tn:a ~.., TM UJw of I...iJwyu lng. deal w,ilI Rule 1.14 and live an illuslf1ui" e ~ue wherein a Lawyer i. reprqentina 1 criminal defeMan' ,,·,111 diminished tapaCilY, HaunI and !lodes delemliDCd thai the Ilwyr. octs pr<l!>I'fly in hi, ~Iienl. "'00 Iw diminiohed cl(lOl'!ily. 10 -=pi 1 plea t.tpin o/frtal by the proooauioa aM 10 wai"" I """i!>le iDSallily defe ...... CYefI though il """"Id /llC1II • ccrrviclion ""' iIIe c lie .... •• ,...",.-d Odd I .shnn jail lft'1IL !hurd and Hodes _Iude thai Ibe lawyer .... y ,;wee that biJ clieD", Iona Inm be$l ;oitrnl """"kI be beSI K'rVed by OlO:Cq>Iillll Ihon jail Inm .. lber than an in<I<1trntirw.: llay in I ilUlilulOoo. !hurd and Hodes f..,lihaI in close caoes. the Ilwytt "CIllflOl be d iJcipliDCd for any IClioa thallw I reasonable bull and "'iuably i. in hi. clic"1'. 001 intc~." Soc,ion 1. 14: 201 Finally. Rule 1.6. Alabama Rulu of Profe.<$ional CondUCI.
dells willi "confidenli.lily or informal ......" Subsection (b ) of Rule 1.6 allows diJclosllre 0( iflformation by • lawyer wl9ch i. !lIhcr-..';'" confidential if !he lawyer l'UfOf>IbIy believes discI<>. loWe i. necessary 10 pn-ven' !he c~ from oommiui", I crimi· nal ..,. " 'hic:b !he lawyer bd",- is liuly 10 l'I'IUll in iromin<-no. death .. subuantial bodily harm. 'The """"",,,", JII'O"ioion to Rule 1.6 allows ihaI!he lawyer has prot....ional discmion to """al information ifI order to P<""'tnI _h cooso:q ... r.:es. Therefore. if you delenni ... tlw !be bell inlert" or your c~<:Ot would be •• by maki"l discloliure to !be coun of your dOen", eond',ion. and !be poasibili,y lhal he mighl harm him· ..,Ir, and that pmlec\ive /llClUu"'.lhould be laI<en 10 rn:,~n' . uch harm. lbe Ru le would allow .uch. In conj" nclion wiill Rule 1,1 4 . if you m3ke ,his delemlinali,,",. !ben yO\! could ..., ~ appoinlr"rn, of 1 It,,", ",,,,,,senla'i,,,, fo< your clien,10 funhe r proIeCI your dien,', ifllen:<t. There i. 110 definiti"" 1Iandan1 " 'hieb can be applied in _ h • , iluaOOn 10 """",,ICC !be 11$ ~1r.'The rules Ott f.uhiontd 10 111ow!be lawyer 10 analyze !be client ·, cmotionltlltalC. and !be ~ to be lIdVlDtC'd by !he 1awyff on beblolf of !he diea~ and thea pursue ~ ICIion !he Ia .... yer deems be$l ui>der obviously diflk,,11 cimunstancu. !be lawyer has oflCtion to delcrmined ,,'hal be f..,ls 10 be the proper _ be$l ..,....e bi. dienl. !be rules allow !be lawyer 10 do ,,'bioi is ne<:esAry 10 advance lhe ;n!eml or !be d ienl. while. "' !be U/nO! I''''''. ell$wing pmlK,ion of the clienl and his "'ell being. IR0-95-06] •
Judicial Award of Merit Nominations Due The BoaId of B3f CommissionefS of me Alabama State Bar will receive nominations 101 me state bar's JlKIicial Award of Ment ttwough March 15, 2003. Nominations should be p!'epared and mailed to: KeitIJ B, NOiman, secretary Boald of Bar Commissioners Ala bama State Bar P.O. Box 671 Montgomery, AL 36101 The Jud icial Award of Merit was establis~ in 1987 The award is not necessa rily an annual award. II must be pres8flted tl) a Judge who is oot retired. wIletlJer stale 01 federal court. trial or appellate. whl) is detBfmined 10 have contributed Significantly to me administration 01 Just,ce in Alabama. The recipient is presented w,tIJ a crystal gavel bearing the state bar seal and the year of presentation ~inations arB considered by a ihree-membef commi"eo appointed by the jlfesident of the state bar, ...mich then makes a recommendation 10 the bIlard of bar commissionefs with respect to a nominee 01 whether the award should be presented in any IIM1n year. Nominations should include a detailed biographical profile of the nominee and a narrative outlining the signifIcant contribUtlon(l) the nominee has made to the admIniltIItion of justice, Nominltions may be supported willi Iatters at
Publications Order Form The Alabama State Bar is pleased to make available to individual aHorneys, firms and bar associations, at cost only, a series of brochures on a variety of legal top-
ics of interest to the general public. Below is a current listing of public information brochures available for distribution by bar members and local bar associations.
Brochures - - - - - To Serve the Public $10.00 per 100 · .. Highlights and details of bar public service programs from the TO SERVE THE PUBLIC video presentation.
QIy _
S __
LawAsACsreer $10.00 per 100 Oty _ _ S _ __ · .. Information on the opportunities and challenges of a law career today.
Lawyers and Legal Fees $10.00 per 100 Qty __ S _ __ · .. A summary of basic legal procedures and common legal questions of the general public.
Last Will & Testament $10.00 per 100 · . . Aspects of estate planning and the importance of having a will.
QI, _
S __
Legal Aspects of Divorce $10.00 per 100 · .. Offers options and choices involved in divorce.
QI, _
S __
Consumer Flnsncel"Buylng On Time " $10.00 per 100 Oty __ S _ __ · .. Outlines important considerations and provides advice on financial matters. MediationiResolving Disputes $10.00 per 100 Oly __ S _ __ · .. An overview of the mediation process in questlon-and-answer form. Arbitration Agreements $10.00 per 100 Oty __ S _ _ _ · .. Answers questions about arbitration from the co nsumer's perspective. Advance Health Care Directives $10.00 per 100 Oty __ S _ _ _ · .. Complete, easy to understand information about health directives in Alabama. ACRYLIC BROCHURE STAND $ 5.00 EACH Oly __ S _ __ · .. Individual stand imprinted with attorney, firm or bar association name for use at brochure distribution points. One stand per brochure is recommended. Name to imprint on stand: Mailing Address: Shipping & Handling
$ 5.00
Please remit CHECK OR MONEY ORDER MADE PAYABLE TO THE ALABAMA STATE BAR lor the amounl1is ted on the TOTAL line and lorward II with this order Ionn 10: SU&8n Andres, Dlredor 01 Communications, Alebama State Bar, P.O. Box 671, Montgomery. AL 36101
n keeping with President Fred Gray's theme of "Lewye., Render SilfVice: the BOlIrd 01 Sa' Commissioners recent", recognized two AAlbamlllawyers. T. Massey Bedw. of Mobil(! and RlCtlerd P. Carmody. Jr. of BlrmInghaIm. as examples at ~ who rendef seMCe \0 Itleir clients. commllllOll8S and professOOll. If thefe .re ltWyers you know who should be considered lor !he _ . they !\ave rendered, pIN$e eon~ Keoth Norman .1 the state bar. 13341269-1515 Of .x~Otg.
WHEREAS, T. Massey Bedsole has practICed cli&nl$; and
years of outstanding
SltMCe 10
his man.,.
B~"'~"~'~"~"~"~"~d~'~''~-'' '~'~.~~~~~~~~~~~,~"~,
Statts Nallal Air Corps, and ,n lime of WHEREAS. T. Massey Moone Rescue Mission,
of Mobil., Community Chest. of waf Ctlamber w ith the Unit&d of
Cornmefce, Southern SerrnI'\fl'Y . the Unl'o'8fsoty of Alabama as TNslee lnow tl'oe l/niIIe~ of Mobile!. the R8COY9fY. and WestmirUSIEIf VIIkIge, aoo. WHEREAS, T. Massey Bedsole NlS rendered I lifetime ol5efV1C8 to the Pl'of.sslOll of ~ espeaaly through Ills work WIth the Alabilrt\3 Sun. Ba., the UII"'efSfty 01 Alabama School 01 Law and the Mobile ~f A.ssoc\8non:.nd WHEREAS, T. Massey Bedsole IIu unSflHishly gIven hIS tIme and sss lstaflC(l 10 S8vera' gel1{l rations of his fellow lawyers: and • WHEREAS. in such SltMee. T M '5~",\l.Be;dS{l1e 'AltJXO"11II' lIIw.v.~e.n~oa.S.el'Jl.i.c .. to clients. 10 the public and to the professoon: • NOW. THEREFORE . BE IT RESOlvtD that ~9. elr.~~rs of the 5t&le Bar this day assembled ptyS t1S ,h ighest respec'C and e>q)l'e~ Oenes'~IfUPe.\O~1 ~~soIe of the Mobile Bar lor serVICe to the pUblic and to the proteuoon. Of\K "\.:);)V'--. ;--\1 lV;~ th DONE thos 6 day of Septembel", 2002 .
Richard P. Cannody WHEREAS , Richa rd P. Ca.rmody, a partner in the law lirm 01 lange, Simpson, Roonson & Somerville, LLP. hils practiced law for 27 years. rendering outstanding seMelt to his many cl ients: end WHEREAS, Richard P. CarmodV hils rendered many years of distinguished public service that includes his $&I'VIng as st&le chell" of the NaIKlnllI ConferllllCe for Communoty and JusbCe 200CJ.2002; as trust" of St. Vincent's Hospital foundation: as ~ rnerT'IbeI of the CIergv RittJremltf1t Board of the Catholic Doocese of Bormingham: as chell of the .........,..S Drvision. United Way Campaign 1993 and 1995; as I member of the NatlOnlll ConI9lenctl lor Cornrnu(IITV & justICe (2000. 2001) Walk·A$-Or.e whefe he took tir$t ~ In ~llundralslng l2OOO. 2001); as e membltf of the firm's Adopt·A-SchooI team. as Pfes.idenl and subseQuent board member 01 BIrmIngham Council of Camp/ire, Inc.: ~nd as a votunt&el in the BEAT PrOlaclln Ensley, whICh bu,lds houses for the underpfMleged; and WMEREAS, RiChard P. Carmody has rendered notable service 10 the legal professron by vrr"'lUe 01 his \NOIk With the Alabama Law Insti tute where he selVM on commlUees on revIsIng articles 3, 4, 4A, 5, and 9 01 the Uniform COmmercIa l Code, and ....... th the Volunteer Lawyers Program representing indigents In bankruptcy COUlt, and WHEREAS , RIchard p, Carmody has unself,shl.,. given h,s I,me and assistance to several generatKlns of h,s fellow
!!!'!!~ ""
M "' ~ CK
WEDNESDAY, JULY 16 All-Day cu: "llow 71::1 I'er$/ltule Wltb Power "nd Influence " 1101. ')hdman _ l:twy.: ... author:md 1'o.. ""lo:r of the bh<'mll" 1..,... Io"hl l> ""KIp , Ito" SI>L-nn:tn Icds t hi< pow'-""~h-.J ""m;n>" on IlC'lt"ll.:uioo ~n<!
I""""m"ion "'ilIs.Whnhcr. ~ or. nc:w ",~", i; "c . 10<1>)"0 comp<.1il;"C ""'''''''pbce <lcnwtd> mot<: erkcti,,, ,,,,,"mWlk':l· "on." Thls is wilen: you will k:lm how to n.. ~" il h.:o"""n .
11IURSDAY, JULY 17 Iknlt" W. Arch". - Join
Ben c h & Bar LunciJ(:o n }VUf coIlc:IgUC5
in tx-;nlt > p;tn of hl>(OI') as
d", flt:il AfriC'aJ>.An~ cln~ro to SC'roc as pn:<id<n. of.he An><ri<."" II.u" ",-,-o<i;IIion "''''''''' hi> pride' in his profe>.;;on. Arli>cr. lh< fum....,. u"""," ol lJcl",n arxJ • 1"'-'" ju>ticc o( th.c " Iicl,,~ Supn,",<: Uxut . "ill hrillll l", [t""'lll'" .00 in>iglll OIl hi> presidenual .......... <0 A..U1lan1a Lr..)tt>
Opening l'knary
Uocd jll<IidotbI) . l\UnlOl" "'" Ix • lU"'l' I<XII in'he courtroomSou don', ,,-;om 10 mt«; this".,.,..,., " ';Ih Ih .. <li.-ci,.. ~ui!ohnI ""holu in nul pr:>cUo:c arxJ 1«1un:r in INJ ath'O(;K'} .'I<"flll.1.n<') >b<> -.en...". "" >CAlOr cddo.- :md C'OIwnnist Utigaliw., ,ho: joum:1l of thl: AlIA !>tCIion of [j"II"ion. Stt w~" ;\bI<c 'Em Lou¢>- can -"",""m1O
Jonoc>; W. \lcFlI",ncl -
nulc JtOOd """~
M o rning Con vocmlon
\lUbtd fu lkr, lOun<lcr Ql Hmiu, f<x lIumanll}' .00 f'I""Kk'Rl 0( 1t ~1>i1~1 lOr Hum"",,)' Inttmlttlon al (Ii FII I), Since Ib bo,., '1OunduIjc, h I> Ic>dcnJtJp I"" helped Ib biw Imo a ~ alli~1.m OOo.k";ll!I of)::mll"'ion Wilh n""", tIutI 6l~,OOO proplc """. Iu''''g dC,decenl, afli.>r<hhk: .hcl, W Itai};,a, ', "'''"' arour>d m. wotld Fulkr """,-,;.'et! (he MC<LoI ,,( F~Ion"lhc I~' S.l iurTun l'uhIic Scn-icc ,1."':1111, "' .... (he M.rtin I~"hcr " ,,,~ , !r It "n",n;,.";,,, It"", r,r>llur><I ht< dcr· ,.hlp ami ~, ~ "ril>u(ion, 1O",;u-d meeting ( 1""-"'111
,.". (I,,,,
.bou, "",,,,,,,<1,,'11- ..,...
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d McMahon says it kiliM hi, dog M uffin . Erin Broko\'ich has it A fam ily on California torched their lIou", 10 g~l rid ofil. A family in Texas "'''''. $32 million ,,,,diet bee.u,", of it. What is ;l~ It is nlold. and it is m1lk ing front poge 11(:11)$, ,he country. Molds ate • type of fungi. and fungi C<lmprise a quaner of the Earth·s biomass. Bee."", mold i< ~'·erywhe",. hmnan eXI"'Wfc to it i. ;m"",,;bl. to .."Old , N.'-cnh.le,s. during the pa'! couple of yean. m(>W has """ome the "",.. not wpic for Inany I.wyer>. who allege Ina! mold Ius !Oxic effeelS on hUnlans when thoy are .~pose<l
to i1 indoors. In fael, the In,ur::tnce !nf<mlla1;on ln5l;I\110 rcpoM' Iha,
appro.imalC'ly 10,000 mold·related t,,,",,uits art pend ing across 'he country. The tIwory of m.oy of the"" 1.","uil' is thai mold. "'hile 00' hanuf", ,,'he" di,pM$Cd lhroogilou, "'" n.lum' environment. ha.•• d'-er.;e effecl' on humans when i1 gr<I;\'I' in ern;losed spac ... such as homes and offl.e buildings. The current ""pi",;,," in mold lilig'lion i.lo d<grtt" nalural ""tgrow'" of other 10xic Ion litig,,,;on and heightened public '''''''''IIeS< of indoor air qualily, In addilion. the cri-,jtJ)f the 1971)', led ,,, the con'lfuclion of more energy-<"ffoeiem buildings. in ,,"'hOch fresh air does not circulate"" ffCely II> it doe, in older SlJ'UCturcS_ If mold begins grov.'ing in paM of a building. pow.rful modern heating and air-oondi,iooing .YSlems can accelenu. lhe spread of mold .pores throughout the building. Somo pwple helic,.. thot the population boom in the SlInbell. "" here lbe majority of loold claim. are being filM. also h"-< eontributed to tho rise in mold claims_ 1l>oir theory is "'at contraclors cui c"",,,rs anJ used lJn,~illed ",od.":m<1 lower-qlUlli1Y building ma",rials to keep up ... ith lhe dem.nd for n.... housing , Low· quality coo,lnIetio" poIen~ally can lead 10 ,,"'alt' damage. aod wotor tially can lead to mold growth, Of course, lbe publicily ,urrou nding >cn<alion,l JUI)' ,·enlk" ,n. few moW also Ius conlril>.nod ro tho ,urgo in mold claim', What.,'.r the reasoo for Lhe sudden oo=,ioo wi'" mold. i, is now being blanlC,j for" variety of heal'" romp!.in!> from dil.Zines •. chronic f.lig.... nosebleed,. headaches. and respiratory iIIncsses to iml"'ired immn,," fUr>C1iOrt , "lem.1 confu· .ion.• sthma. and eve" some Car.c.:rs. In addiliort 10 filing person.l injury 013.lm\, many art blaming mold ffJf damage to rroperty and red"clion, in propeny values.
T1>e ... tion",i<I< ris< in mokI claims comes ",th • ""gering pria: III. For uampie. du""lllo: )'<',..1001. mold· ..,bled ""pmoes COSI tho: homeowners insurance 'ndU5lry _II
SI billiM.
As a '<'Suh. many in<UlTI'"I ""ve belun i•• uin, .p.dal endorscmenlO to ""clude COl'1:r:ose (ot mold'lTlalCd cI . ims. Other in'''(trs have ,topptd writin. polidC$ allos.ther in Sl.:ileS. ,ucb .. Tex"" and ~1orida. .... ith large numben of mold
cla,JIU. "". COSIly UUId .... (ound ito ..-ay 10 AIbnII. Moot ALabama Iawym .. 110 prruce coowru<tion dd... 0< bndlonl· ItfWIl hlililion al..,ady ""ve ...... lIo:ir firsl confrontalion "'ilh mold. Real ."Ialc 1''''Y~r1 ""'" ...,ula,ly consider mold issuc, In ... al .,,,,It .,..~tions. ami IIo:re .... been I sharp inc..,... in law. ""it~ alle,ins """"i$Closure of prior """" ~ and mokI in ,...,... 1.'$\.11( tru .... ionI. WlIon thi .... ,,,, abouI rooId. tllo three ~.,. thinp 10 k«p in mind an= causation. ,,*"salion and c,,,S21ion. Undmundinl lbe '"II"IOUS "",,,,,rial uuscs of indoor mold "",,·th ~.n help pre""nl it from ....... 1"1"'" in ,he ('rslplace . If mold
dot$ d<velop in I I>ome <II" offltt build·
in,. ·''lX'''''.ful remed,aeion rtqUi'<'S thai tile undcoly"" <!"all"" of !lie II'IOId k addn::soed. In addItion. pulpointi", 110: underlying cause of mold i. f""I"Cmly .".;,;"al '0 doltrminina .......110:, insu"""", ooveraae fo< remedillion coots. propeny damage. and pcrsooal injury claims ui"•. F,nally. in ,.... e .... n' of an allrged personal injury claim !wed on an occu,..,nee of mold in I I>ome 0< offICe buildI",. aII.OI:t'nl the allrgcd "*",,,,1... link beI ..~ 110: mold and 110: purpomd inj1lries is """ 0/" tho: _ df...i>...... y. 10 SUtt<'SJ(ully mpond 10 oudI • claim. With IIo:Joe points in mind. \hi. anld.: is in'ended to provide. ,on."al ""erview of mold lili,alion. n-..fir1lscc. ion 0Il1·
IiI'll!S SQme of ltoe potCn,ial def.ndants """ theories of recovery. "The KOOnd _,ion i. an introduction to mold preven· ti",,- "The thin! J«lion di$Cus$t$gtn<ral pi<lelines for tho: .., of moIdinfeslCd properly. The rounh and fiflh !«lions focus on the <lefense of and tile use of "'PfflS in mold I........ i... "The s.ixth """ion i,. ~roeral discu",i"" of some Ofll1o hy in,urance 00'·...-..:. issues relatin, 10 mold .
Potential Mold Defendants "The 1151 of poIt"Il,ia1 mold defendants iroeludel pan;'s "'hose ac:lroru .re alleged '0 ha"e OOI1tril••ued in ~ way 10 oondil1ons conducive to n,,-,Id VOW1h: p;,ni., .... oo fail 10 properly n:mcdi~lc mold growth; prutirs .... oo r"il 10 d.selO$<' prior mold infeslatioou <II" cond,liOll$ "hich could lead to mold inf..... 'ions: and p;on;'" ,,110 f"ilto dotc<:t mokIlnf.,... ~ions <II" COftdilions ..nodi oould Irad to mold .nf" .. lions.. "The Ii" ofpot""ual mold def.nd>nlS is pnocrically endi¢Sl. boll rnlly include s<11er1 or ",.1 e~.ale. ..,.1 "'.." "i<'~'" g"",ral conl....,' QfI. rooro",. plumbing lIId II IiAC COnlJ~· l<ln .• ngineers. artbi,,,,,,,. buildin¥ OIO·n· el'1 "nd m'.....~I'"I. building male ..... I, and oppIi:lnce manufactu,..,.... buildi", Ind homo: ~1OfS. employ=... ins1trUOCl' ~ and ......·iron""''' ..1ICI''''I ond ..,mediation rums.. Posoiblc cau.." of acti.-.. "PInS! these pot.nlill dorondan" include n<gJ;~nce ""inil buildin,<1<ln. connaC1<ln. archi,,,,,,,. Mnd ... media.ion finn!: boru",h of implied warranly of habi,ability
LL.M . Program in Taxation Augus t 2003 • July 2005 • Taught through dlltance learning to classroom. tentatively p lanne-d In Birmingham , Dotlla n. Florence, Hunllvllle. Livin gs to n, Mobile, Montgomery, and TUlcaloosa. • Expeo1 lnstrucllon by laculty members 0 1 T.... Unl ....... lty of Alabamll Sctlool 01 Law and well-known pI'11ctitloners. • Clanes meet We-dnelday nlgllts from 6 :00 ·8:00 ",,,,~.""., ,~." from 9:00·11 :00 I.m .
. . g.
agaimllandlonls: bad fallll against iltS ........ tIw do not ~ promP'lY ew adequMelr 10 mold or ......... damag< claims;
g<'nera"", appliance. '" the ootdoors; and refrainl'" from inmmn. carptl in moosture •.,..- ~.. web as ba,.., ....nts.
ff3Dd """ ~ IpIItSI I""'P""Y ..11tn :IIId ..,al c:IIMC IFnb ",hi> do not di",k>Ic prior mold ew moisI"", piobl<ooos; f'1Jduct lial/illl, or lItJIigcntt • ..,. bmld"" II\aIftUlJ and awliance ........ fa:n.....: and wort..eo. OOI1IJ1"'1.alon cbims ag:>ilbl employm "hose employees..., eipoo;cd l(I mold i~ tile wor1;pI~. C.usation is doxisiv~ in oo......,ining if. and 10 ),'hal dc8'''', any of tbes.o poten!;al defc"""n" nl:ly be lioble in • mold ca"" In AI.bama. ajoinl and se'·.... IIi.· bility juri!.diclioll• • dd."""n! can ltJIlO \15<! .~p"" ,",!limony to $bow WL ilS rI""" did not OOI1LribuLe in Illy ', ..ay 10 the mold ...,..'Ih. In a C<:Imp<Ir.OIive bull JUfl!.dil:loon . • dde..w.1 """ .... e.. pm Lestn""",), 10 $Il0<0.' thai the rlions of the plainnff or of OIlier der.1Id:ln1S ......, """" si",irlCanlly c;ooasally ",bJt,d '" "'" mold "",,111 tIw! iu ....'n rlioos.
baIhrooms and ulChens. Employers. buildi • • 0W'III.'fl, and prop..... y IIWIIIfr'S ..-..J '" rqularly impect bulldi .... WIder tbe .. coouoI for e>idena: of ...:aLtr danY&e- If dama", i. found. prompt ..... ;on !oIIou1d he !-Iken to loca .. and corm::t til<: JOOrce o f the ..... 1<1" incur· sion. Any "'tl or damp spot • • hould be c!<'anN and dried ",;Illin 48 hours 10 pre"enl ,,1OId JfO\\'lh. n...e pani.s .I so !>bould rcrfom\ ... gul:>r mO;"I""anc. on plunlbillJ. /l VAC l ySU' ..... awlianc~. roof. and ,Utlers. and moinLain indoor humidilY le-.-el. to I"""enl moiSlure COIIdemation. Buddi", (M1Itr'a -.I mar.ap. employ_ mI. -.I I""'P""Y ..:I ca!WaIty inourm; !oIIou1d rapond promptly 10 It'pilfI$ of ........-~. Thndy cle... "I' and repair of ...- . dJrno&e can prevent or rninimix mold ...,..111. M_w. pan;,." that ~ to Iq'KW of .......... cIatroge willl """ can ;r.Qd the ill ,,'ill WI may Ie"'" '" acrimonious litigation doY.'n lit< mod. Defendants in ~ of the Wge.VMlicl ""old CIISCJ wh.ic:h have be.:n reponed. .ither ignoml romplain" 01 "'lIlCr d:unaV and mold. or (ioLaycd !heir ftSPClR"'S '" ~ compLain'S. In ..,al ..late lfaItI,;\C1ions. propmy ..lion and !hI:ir "lel>l$ !oIIou1d e1i",~ pnor waLer dama&. and mold. Property ...·iill. si""rOCII'II mold hiuory IJiouId be in ....... ed by. profession· 1. "hi> !herr no. pro-.-idc dot"menwioll of ... medi.· tion. In f...... I """'1"1 number of potential home buyen..., denlanding pre-pur. rna", mold tUllnl. In mlu such as T.... s. ,,'be", mold claim. &cneraLed $85) million ;n in."rAnee Io!;ses in 2001. many prospecti •• i'I<>mfflw.... ". cannot I"' insura"". ",ithoul a prt_purdw. "",Id ... port. Callfomia hal .nacted the To»ic Mold DiJc!owre Act. "'hich req-.ri"" anyone ,...lIin •. ka<illl or tmISf<'Trull propt"y ' 0 diJclooc III)' t -'n potential danJ........ mold problems. In conjullCloon with the An IIIC Calif""';. Dqw\n>ehl. of H.allll 5cn'ica is ... p:ctcd to ...."'iop permrwblc ellpO>"'" limits for moIdo by July I . 2(0). Other j,LIltS ..., <'OftS"I.,.1n1 .imil... mold e1i"do. ure
Mold Claim Prevention
bt>I ",;oy 10 pt.·..cnL mold do..ims i. to ~nl mold, Mold..-..l. both. food $OUrce and a ",.1<1" sourc. in order 10 tI\ri"e. Food soun:cs few mold "'" pknliful ;1Idoon and illCludc ..... lIpaper. drywall. ccilina ti~ ond carpoL. ILis alm",!;! impoMibic 10 .Iim;nal. mold food SOUfCeS from ....,.,.. ~ b«:au.ot Iht<c rood $OUtcC$ arc abo .... ful buildlnt maICriaIs. Thnriorc. die Uy 10 ~ti", mold i. .Iiminali", "'IILCf JOI..:u. In I>cw.ow< and off.:e buildlflP. WlItf 5OIIrtt< " 'hKlI 1)'1'ically """ leod 10 mold illCludc 5IId<I<n ..... 00 ...m as floo<Is. windslorms. and ocu .. plumbi", lem: >lnoc:lur:>i prot>kms such roofs and damp ba<cmtnl.\: and chrt)dk prubkms ""ulti", from poor nlalntCn:lr;:c . • ""h I i slow plumbing (If HVAC ~ySlcm Ito.\.:s, Durin, the COIIW""tion (If ... modtling of a ~lIUCtU .... c""" xt ..... architects. eng;nee", and designen: mun COlIS""" an avenues of pooenIial "... Ltf inuusioll. and then dcsI", and ......""'t the build· ;nl lO ~I>I _h UlUUsion. Key ",.1<1" coouoIltr:>lqjes ;",;Jude p-adin, the land 10 slnpc a.... y from Ihc buildi", ' 0 prevenl " ...... from ooIlec1i", at Ihc foundalion: waI...-proofiDK the fou"""· lion; inSl.m", adequa .. n;uhing. gUlltTl and """'m.pc)Ons 10 C3tr')' " '31.,. ...... y from til<: buildinl; en,,,rinll adnjuote ""nlil.tion of crawl .pac.s, ba"'m<nlS and o"ic", venllnl sho",e .. . nd moisture-
Mold Remediation 5"",11 and ,i8h' at'C lhe ~>I w~y. 10 delect mold. AcoonJinlto lhe En.iron·
men ...1 ~ection Alel'OC)' (EPA). if mold i. ",adlly ~nL. lU IS to identify !hi: Iypa of mold Jlt'C'lCnl or noc......., the Iev.1> of mold prcocnt arc not needed. RatIter. the EPA rcoommends Wt any mold be cleaolcd up and 1l1J(IUrtt$ of .... Ltf ,runosioll rc-pait'Cd. Mold '""'" arc oflC1l .~peru;,ve . and can produce inconclusive or mi l lea"lIn, ",",llJ. If. ~y ...."""heJ.:oSi bt-li~,'" il is _uW}' 10 tUI for mold. the ' ",ling finn lhould be ,..~ted w;1ll caulion . The boom in lnold cI~i",. has caused mold te"inll.nd remedialioo finns tOsprin8 up quickly. and the mold ... medialion induwy is I""rly "DftiulatN, Somt COIIIpMies and individual. ha,,, eaten ad....,laIC of tbe med>a hype to char£e in/bled prica; few tlleit 5m'irfl. To avoid potential connlCts of inle",,",- tile finn ...... ,""" to do die leSt,nl ohoold not aho be hu...:110 do the ... media,ion. In addition. i. i. impOIwII 10 .mure Iha! a leSting finn "hoch likes indoor air oam-pie> also ron<:u .... lllly likes outdoor air sampie>. '" utabli ~h ba,..,line levd. o f nalu",lIy occurrinl mold. An Htrtmely crude rul. oflhumb I. lhal indoor mold Iev.l. ohould not be Jill"iflcanlly higher than ""tdoor mold 1c".II. Rr,ardlus of Wheiller IeSling i. door. the key tltin. to ... member abotn the ..,mediatoon 01 mold IS thai il is not enoot&h simply to clc;m up the mold. I,;, cnocial tIw the ult"nate cau .... of !hi: mold be'.addrt-<.\oed. (If the problem ",II limply ff<:ur. f.PA and the Centel'< for 01lC... CoolrOl (CDC) hove prm'idcd gt....-aJ prKlel<neJ for mold remediaLion. If mold i. found. tile firsl s""P ,. to idenlify and.r tile moi>w'" _"'•. In"""" o;asu. tloc loold then can be t'Cmewed from hard , urfac ... ""h~! lile. wOO<! nl'lOt'$. pla.".r waJl. and kilchtn ubi .... " with a len percenl blracb and water ""IULiOf! . Accordinl to tbe COCo if so{t and poroo. '""ten~11 sumas c:>rpet$ and ""iliO£ uk. an> infc>led ",itb mold. they " '111 " ..... lIy ha,'c to be discarded and rqtLooM. AtI .... 5IId<I<n ~ """" .""h as leak.
tho ,rr""tcd ""'. should he promlKly "iped 00..'1t with. Itn ~n. bind. and " ..... $<>Iution 10 ~ mold
"",",. New YOfk Ci.y i, .1Ie firs. jurisdic.ion 10 i...... IUidoli"". for mold remedialOon.
but 0100 jlll'isdictlom .... apc<:1C<I1O follow suit. Tho GuiM/i...,. "" .......,....... ..t twI R~mMjm"'" 0/ FUfl$1In Indoor Em·i"""Mm•. issuo:d by the New yon. Ci,y Departmem 01 Htalth in 2000. ..., natlepl ~ b<ause ~ In' fJl" no feden!. ~ 01' munic:ipol regulati{)flJ; ""'hlch <,>.abli'" "safc" Of ''unsafc~ ~ Is of mold cxpoo.urc. ~. W c;.,;J.1;"'~ do "...... ,;,;,........,.. . <liff..., .... It'IO't!tods of mold de... up dcpcndina 00 the ","""'n' of mold pteIlCnl. c..lifornla. Te ..... New krsey. Indiana and Maryland ""'" orpnized wk fun:es 01' propo!ed ~islal"'" " 'ith I "jew establishinl mold eJtplO"'" ,uideli""" In JUII< 2002, COfIIIUsman John Cony .... of Mic:hil"" inu-od~ fedoralqislalion 10 1qD1~ mold inspl'dion and remediation finns. and to coonlina.e mold research In'IOI1i ,arlOl" ft'dcral aJCncics. A s.imilar bill;' expect· M 10 be inu-odt>Oed i~ the UnilM StileS Snwc thil Y"....
Defending Mold Claims Cau ... loo is the Achilles llcel of. mold claim. A pIIoin"ff in • mold ptnOn. 1 injury Case muS! .,.abli'" cauSIItion on • nUm«r o( different Fim. she m." e>Uoi:Ili$lt W pracna of mold. Second. sIIe must delllOOSlr.llC lbc (;blSl: of the mold .nd relate w. cau.., 10 • 'pc<:,fic defcndan •. Third. she mul.
demon<tralt act ...1eJtplOure'o lbc mold. l'OIl~h. she must cSllIblish w •• he expo$\Ire WIS a dose 'ufrlCicnllO C...... bealth eff«:11 Fofth. W m.... establish a suffic ...... "".sali ..... link bct ...un 00 aI~ heal.h probknl,"nd tbe sP"'Cific .ype of mold found. It i. dilfocul. fOl' I plaiDuff 10 ~. fully wabli$lt clUSMion on,,1 r.... !ev· cll. Mm.""'re Ire 00 ~pted standardl (Of mold "''''plinll or for inlOrprc1in,.he \11111 co1lcclC<l fl'O<Jl $U<h I&ltIPlin,. Second. ....... if mold ;. pI'O'-en .0 he pRKnt in an .ndoor .""ll'Ollmont. pI'O\'. In, ac.ual hum~n ex",,"ure con he qui,. dimcult. Tak •. (01' example. the c"",, of SlIChyl)otty$. • block mold ... hid! c.... lite hold in buiklinp "luch ............ · lIin«i wat., \III"",,". StaChybouy. spores are larJC ond stic:ky and ,end '0 KI,Ie quic:kly. Th••dorc. lbcy..., nat usily oitbonle. E'.... if a buildinllw .. utensi"., and octi~e SlIChybolry. infe>!",ion. SUlChybolr)'s spc:ns rarely will show up at ony ",lIir",,,,,, ia-el in air .sampling lestJ.. As . rcsul~ it;. diffICUlt for I plaintiff 10 pI'O'-e inkal~,iOft e;xpo... re to S'a.cbybotry' and ...... n more dim. CtlI, to ptOVI' ..... the expo:iure Iw brtn II • lewl sufficlc ... 10 auoe htalth cfff<:t$. If ..... mold;' grow;", In a hid · den ""'... lbc chance of cx",,"ure tltrou&b coo,'''', with.he .kin i. also ex.remoly low. MOf't'OVI't". b«:ollS<' there Ire 00 dis.tinct bioIosiatl ~ of SlIChybouyl u!""ure .• here are no simple blood or uri ... , .... to <10.110115118'. individual
Third. most pl.lintiff. · eJtptR$ in mold
c~ ~Jy on ..... or bulk samplin,. ""hic:h
pnwide less reliahl.o dall thon.he human dose-responoe doll .ypi<llly prcfmN in ....acd toxic: u.-.n <'IICS. Air _ . plina i. wnliablr. in pan. b«ausc air panic:le 1e,'.ls wry widely and CO<I,;nu· oully ac<:«dina'o changcJ in ",mp'''''' .ure. humidity. ma:hankal disturbance. IIVAC op'rabon. f.... and _ m okartor and buman and ",,;nlll traffIC throop.he .rea, Bulk ",mplins .... biob in its simples' form comi.ts 0( ~i", c ..... cellopllanoc tape .,aiM I mold· OOI1 ...... illllf:d ... rface 10 la .... be analyud by. I.b. has its own disadvantages. T1Ic .... n.ification of mold in .lIllrfacc .. m· pie ~ nat n wily de~ thai human exposure Iw talm place. bccauoe mold oan he ~n. Oft I lurf""" "itbout di~rsinll panicles into ,he air. witbou.
proof of I mode of human '""n"" ... iOll. eithe, by in,e511on. inhal •• ion. Of direct 00I1tac:! ,,'i.h .... wn. i. il s<~n'irH:.lly impossible 10 link human health compbinll '0 lbc pt'CSC'!Ite o f mold. fourth. i. is difficult for a plain.iff.o eslIIbli$lt. iuff",icn' cau.,ui ..... link bet" .." Itoealth problems.. Olh<r tlwo al1crzies. and mold. I. " w<:IIIODCplM lbc medical esllbli.hmon •• 1\.1.1 mold, can cause conm"", alle"ic: ~ac· .ions in s:cnsiti ..... individ ... ls.. ,,·ltich ""'ke Yp about Itn pcn:ettt 01 tbc JlOP"latiOll. T1Ic claim tha. hi" llcen "",1Jn, beadli"" •. 110".."".,. i•• Ita. cc~.;n molds pro<Iuct; b)'produc.!.. k _'n IS mycoloxins. ... hic:h allegedly.:an cause "1mic~ bealtb tffects. SUC'It as me.....,. kw.s. pul. mon:t!)' bl«:ding. ohronic fa1igue. and ncuroJoslcal damag• • c"cn in ..,.. ...n.j. .i ..... individual •. A. th •• time. "" reli:ablc ~ ""idence eJti~ .0 "'ppor1.hi. claim. Many of lhe sympcotrul ...·hich .1I~gedly result fro'" mokl ... posu~. .....h IS chroni< fatilllC, "'" ... ~'i''''. A .... ide variety 0( al,,,",,,,,,,", ta\I$eS. """, •
lnl from .moIrinllO Olh<r illness«. "",ually may ""count for alloged ",old· rela'M . ympt"""'. I'un...... 00 adequate epidonlioloJical rcKan:h aboou mold and ill effects on human Itoealtb ui~ b«auSt mold is .... widely found in ,he ru,,"ral en,ironmen •. Therefore. il is ItanJ 10 fUld u"""posed i,.t. ...dual ...·100 can """" IS • OOI1lf01 ",,"p (01' cptdeoniolos·
ical study, Cc:nain mold. do prod...,. byprodUClS called mycotoxin!!. Thore an'. few dorumett1I'd caocs of human ill",," relalM 10 eJt",,""'" to unuSU<llly high level, of mycoto.inJi. bu.1IOtI<! of these e.,;(:' an: linUd 10 Ii,i", Of ..wki", in "",'or· dama&ed ""ildings. For ex .... pIe. some Ru .. ians who ale ,ubstan1ial quantities of moId-«>tl,,,,,,,na'M g""in durina .he World W... lJ sicge 0( SllIlingtad de"cloped ,utroinleStinal disotden ~lalf:d to mold. .."" ...."., btttI some repons of oues of b~l"'f""'li.",.y pneumottiti. (4"..... ",,', lunS") ''''''''I agricullur:lI wor\ .... exposed ' 0 eJtlremely hi", icI1el. of mold ~ ..'hi ....."(di", in ..100 ,,·ith I..... amount. 01 moId<Oflllnl.n;t1· ed grain. 11>ese ca5cs. howe,~,.• re nO! rel",""" •• o.he types of mold cwnll in thr """"" and in .he «tUr1< today. Mycocoxin· mold. v.hic:h may be r""nd in "':ll~r-d""",ged buildings include Penicillium, A~'Iillul.
AseQ/Te, nationwide service fOT
stntell/ring ~ safquanlrd. landAmaica lOJ I E.~dun!:t Smlm IS ~kcd, 00 Il'lIllSKIioo, tax-deferred '" irs parmI oompaD)' l.andAmc:1lCJ Filllno:ul Group (:-iYSF~ I)'mbol. LFG~. tbe <:ountry'l exchanges. SocmsfullOJ J uchanges I't'IIU1~ fin.u>cill arnngtmtnl>
,b., '"
"~i'"'" ' "d
pumier group of n~'ina' [illt mlurantt .ompaniC'S. l.3.nJAmcrica 1031 Exchlng~ ~rvict$
h31 hf:tn in tht 1031 gJmr for )'CJ" ~nJ
know all (he
rultS. GIll UI or . isi! Our lX'eb silt JnJ ask for our conlrnlrnt lnd complete
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Tel, 800-831-6$0 •
H'rmm.~h~",. AI. 35109 "'I<1l·./';~d~",.romIIOJ I
and SlaChyoolr),s. The fICW' media ha'·e
mcl/t.Q<b u§Cd by !.he ",""arche ... "'m: . U ..... i"". theKby ,lewin. the mults.. In J........,. 2002, the o:ommis.sioned the hl$lillllC of ~kdO<i ... CO bq.on I I1<W Sludy 011 the ",Ialio."./up 01 moldy ~phng
ponra}ed Slachybouyl U a ·"Hie
mold:' C\"~n tboo&h no linK: cff~tS ha,·c bet .. 100000nllfOl:all} pro'I"<Cn. a Scpccmbcr 2OO2..-pon ofiliclha$ Medical A...... i.I'''''·' Council on
$ci","fic AIf,",1l c..ocllld<d, publie 0;:0II. ~m :.boIn ad,,,~ heallh elf""" dIM: 16 !.he lnhalaHon nf SlaChybouy. spores In
.... lCr-d.mogcd build,,,,, i, nol "'ppon. ed by III<' exiMing wi(1llifi< and m«Iical lile .. I".e. The only "']1011 in lhe pccr-",.icwcd m..Jk.llilo"uurc .. hkh ha, .uggesled a poICnliallink helwccn ,nhalalinn expo"'''' to;:hyoolry, in the non·ind ... lrial toole<l and human 'Ib...u i, a IIJ9..I COC ;nVWipUOOl of pulmoflar)" ",""",,". map' ,n 1""",~ilY ",fon' . in Ck>dand. A aumbrr of the .ff",IM irullltS liw<l in ""3Ief-dama&cd publOl: lIoosaa& .......... SlaChybooys ...,.. bolCr found. The COC ulllln.. dy de1<'f"11111"o1'd dIat .... melhodol· ogy u!oed in iU; in'''~i,.liOOl ""as n..".\'d.. panl)' b«au .. il did nolOCCOO'" for a ho""'li'·e tau,,", o;>f illnes .. slICh .. poor nUlrilion and lhe .n¥>ki", habits of coItabilanl". and 1'""ly b«au", lhc air
,ado« ..... ,,,,., .... ntS 10 1>0...........11h. The , llKIy " .~p<!<"kd 10 be o:omplctrd in lbt llle
or fall of 2003.
Use of Experts a..,au", •• "",lOon i. ~uclt a kCJI i .."". mold .aSC$ u'"ally boil down 10. baule of 1lIe .~P<'n •. ·l"hc:.lYPC' of .,perts ",hich may be used in ...... Id ca.n in<ludt mIM:lur~1 ongi .......... archilect<. ronlrxlOl$. indU)jri31 hy"min.. mkrobI"""i~". mycologiStS. a1leogim. imonu·
noloj:lSIJ. IOUO,,""'!lS.. nttln)Iogi$1$, :lII(\ """,""",ycbok>J.Isu. amon, <lIl>=. SIIU<"llnl .""....,..., an:bilCCU :lII(\ too· 1tVI0I5 may be used 10 i<knufy lbo """rca and ~"''''~ 01 mold. Indu,trial brlim ..U may be u>ed 10 mea,,,,,, lhe 1e....1s '" mold in lbt b."lding and id<nli_ fy lbo 1)'110.' of mold p"'",nl Mycologist. are ...... Id c~pom .... OO may le,lify .bout lhe Iypo$ of bypruducu p"'"
<kIud by conlin mokb. Medical exports ..... needed 10 IWCSJ the alleged link
btl"·"",, mold nposu'"
heallh .lfectJ. The ....... f.. .., IIWI)" nperu obYiou~y ...u.s mold ~ npcol$l~ 10 pros«"UlC and .s.f<1>d.
MOIIOIIS 10 ndlOde upon leSlimony
..... pivOlal in 1 ......1d e_. The SWIdards uoed 10 evalulle web millions differ .s.pond;", 00l lhe ;urisdlclion. Fcdefal couou and """" .... te couru ~pply 11>< ne~ible llond3nl ""icul,lod by lbo Un;led SIOIOS SUI"""'. Coo";n ()a~~1"/
'" Mtrn·/I/krw P""rnllJUUI;coi.. Inc.•
U.S. $ 79. $89·94 ( ISI9J/. Dau~n ""1ui",S an upo"·$ opinions 10 be ",Ie· \";\nl and ",LLable in oodor 10 be admissible. Then: if no p"Mlcul:ll" 1<:Sl r.. ",I;"· bilily undo;r ~n. bin faotor1a coun may romider In dtlnrmn"'l ... hetbcr an upen·s opI"IOn il reliable include: I ) ",·bctbco the expen·,!hoory can be omporially 1CSled: 2) ..·hetbcr lbo expo"·' !hoory (If" lllOdy tw toe..n pub-li!l>cd or . ubj«11O poor ",view: 3) ... hether !.he kno-,o,." or poIenl;'! ralc of enor;I KUpoabl,,: WId 4) ..·helbtr lhe .~pc,,·s ..",,11>0(1 i~ gc~rnlly lC<"epoed in
mE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA SCHOOL OF LAW 5 Former U.S. Supreme Court Clerks taught at the law School in 2002-2003
lL.M . Tax Program for practicing attorneys 150 classes offered each year to 2nd- and 3rd-year students
More than one-third of all students work on law journals
MA Kelt
tt.. sci ... tific eommunilY. AII'lau Ins. Co. •. Hugh Col~ Build~~ Inc .. /37 F.Supp.2d 1283. 12M/M.D. Ala. ZOOI ~ Alabama .tate courts 'ti ll apply the ""gcnenl oeCepIllnce" leSt set fotth in Frye v. Unilro S,au<. 293 F. /013. /ON (D.C. Cir. 1923/ to .sse.. the admissibil. ily of e~ P'"11 'c<1imony in civil c..... Slay •. Kdlu Ind""ri... Inc.. 823 So. 2d 623. 625·26 (All>. 2001). Under FT)·~. a wilness wlto off.,. opinion lestimony as a scie ntific e~P'"n musl -">ow that t.. or It.. "'Ii~ on SCientific principles. meth· ods. or proceduru that have gail>Cd gen· erol accept.ance in the field in wh;"h It.. witness;, t.slifyiog. Slay. 823 So. 2d '" 626. Effective u.. of the a .. ail ab~ scientific "'.\eat"Ch....·hkh finds no cauul relation· ship belween mold and alleged '10x;,," ..... Ith effects. &Itould afford. do.fendant • good ch~ of .xclt>ding a plaintiff's eXP'"n "'stimony under Alabama', Frye .<WIdatd. In addition. Alabama', 5landanl for medical ca"<ation is high, requiring a showing of probable. ral .... r than possi. ble. causc. Su TId....ell v Upjohn, 626 So.2d 1297. IJOI (All>. 1993/ (m~dical ,,,,,..,u;on "'1ui"J " shewing of proba· bJ~. mlhu poJsib/t. ,auu), Gi.en It.. many I. ... IS of c,u!<llion thai. mold P'"r:<OIIt>1 injury plaintiff mu.l establish. he or she likely "'ill significant difficulty !Meting this Slandard.
Insurance Coverage for Mold Claims Ca ..... tion is alw crucial to insuranct! eo'·.noge . Most mold claims are eililtl firsl pany claims agaiost property i",uIers or thinl f"'My claims agai",' contra<:_ lor$ or (lllItr f"'Mies Undel CGL ....·orkel·. eomp<nsalion. or O<her liability policies. Regardl .... of the typ< of policy involved. do.termining the causc of the mold is frequently the boy to detennining whell>er eovernge exists. 'This de",nnina· tion lypic311y re<Juires e>p<n testimony. which affords I.... f"'Mi('$ yfl aDOloo opportunity to usc the Fryt or DtJuberr tests to exclude the;1 oppodents' expens_ Mony of lhe potential insurance cove qu. Stion. raised by JOOld claims ate beyond the $<Ope of this aniel•. Howevel. two f"'Micularly impOr13nt issues include tilt enforceability of JOOId and 101 e,clusions. and the applicability of poliUlion e~clu.ions '0 mold claim•. Many illSu .... nce policies include gen·
......1 exclusions relating to mold and rot. For e>.ample. a lypical homeowl>e,. poli_ cy excludes from covenoge caused by ""smog. IUSI or other cOI'TOSion. mold. "'0:1 or dry rot."" The Alabama Supreme Coun has .nforced this type of exclusion with "'gard to losscs caused by rot. b<lt has DOl ytl ~ lhe exclusion in the JOOld COIIlCX1. Su Koch Y. SWle Farm Firt and Cos. Co" 565 So_ 2d 226, 230 (A/~.
Some policyholders successfully ha"" ci",umvented mold excl"s;"n, by "'Iuing that a C<>\Iered ",·ent•• uch as a wind_ stOrm or burst ...·ater pipe. is the ulti mate cause ofJOOld. making mold simply a result of the covered loso. Policyholders have "sed various policy lCrms or legal theories to support this argumem. Among tlltm ate "ensuing loso" provisions lJld tilt "".fficient proximale c.u .... doctrine. An "ensuing loss" provision is a wril· ten provi.ion in an insuJ1U1CC policy which often fol lows. mold and rot .,;elusion and provides that It.. policy nevenlltl .... in.ures "ensuing C<>\Iercd lossc5 un~ another exclusion applies."" Detennining whether a loss f~lls wilhin. mold and rot exciusion or is ~,.. rcd by an .nsuing loss provision typically ""luiTO' a significant amount of causa· lion t('$limony. Various couns ba..., eome doY.'O on both sides aflhis issue. dep<nd. ing on I .... "'Stimony. Su Schloss ~ CincintUlli Ins. Co .. 54 FSupp.2d 1{)9(). 1094-% (M.D. All>. 1999~ ajJ·d.l1 I FJd /J I (1I1h Cir. 2OOO}(unpubli'Md) (roI_,.,laud da""'le no' sa,.. d from , xclusi"" by e...uing loss" pro";,ion); 110_ I.... Co. y. De""i. D.. Z()Q() WL 144115 (Hex. C,. App_·H""srOll. Feb /0. 2()Q()) (wnp"blisMd opinitm) (mold·"IMod domage 'ol'od from •.xdusion by "~"""ing lou" pmvi.iotr).
Another C,u!<llion-inlen.ive argumenl which can he used '0 circumvent JOOld exci .. ,;""s i. the ""efficienl proximate causc" doclrine. This doctrinc provide. thaI ...·hen an insured can ido.nlify an insured peril as the proximate causc of the loss. CO>'erag •• xis" ev<:n if subsequenl evenu in It.. c.usal chai~ ~ expressly excluded fmm CO>'erage. Bowers Y. F~rmers Ins. Euhange. 991 p.2J 734. 738 ( Wash. App. 2000), In B",,·u~. a Wu/lington appeals court IItId thaI scvetal tenants' marijuana culti ..... · ,ion. which created a !tot and humid Ol,"",ph<", in tht basemenl of a ",ntal
housc, " 'OS the efficient pro~imate cause of JOOId damage to the remainder of the house. Becausc lilt efflC;ent proximate cau" of the loss was tilt covered "andaJ_ ism of the marijuana·gro.... ing tenaou. the laJldlord·. insuJ1U1CC policy ~overcd the mold damage. <!espi'" the f"'" lh31 It.. policy contained a mold eJlclusion . WI P.2d 01738. In at>O<ber case. the Eighth C;",uit Coon of Appeals reversed a summary jt>dgment for a hornt<1wnen insurer for fur1he1 finding. as to wllttlltr a bum water pip< (a CO>'ercd p<ril) Of mold (an excluded p<ril) was the effICienl prox;mate cause of the policyholder'. 10$$_ She/te, MUluall...,. Co. ~ M{JpI~•. JfJ9 F:Jd 1068. 1070-71 (81h Cir. 2002/. In eontntSla federal coun applying AriZ()fla law IItld thaI a standanl mold exclusion precluded coverage for mold. despite tt.. r""t thaI a eo,'ered water evcnl wa. the ul,i""'te causc of the mold. becau.. ArilQlUl had DOl adopted ,lit efficienl proxima", cau" doctrine and becau.. the policy expres.sly eJlCluded CO>'enoge for I..... s canoed by mold ""regan/les. of any O<hel causc or ""cnl oonlribuling eoncu""o~y or In any seque""" to the Io.s_" COf)pt, Y. American Family MUIIUlI I...,. Coo. 184 F.Supp.2d 960. 962 (D. Arit. 2(02), It is unclear wilt..., cou11S will oome down on the "efficient proximat. cause" doctrine. Alabama odQptc<l
an ""OffICient pro;<imate causation" .tan· dan! in Wu"m Asruronce Co. y. l/{Jnn. 78 So. 232 (A /a. 19171_ Ho....ev.r. tilt Alabama Supreme COUrt has IItld thaI the pu~ {Jfthe standard i. to construe .pare poli<:y language and that the stan_ dan! should no! be elevated to. public policy principle used to invalidate unam_ biguou. policy language. S/me Form Fin! &: Cas. Ca. "Slade. 747 So.2d 293.3/4
(,till. 1999). No AlaIwna apptll:ue court has yet ruled 011 ~ opp/icaIion. <I ~ "'dI\ciml pn»<;maIe "'''arim SlaJdad 10 M
claiml. Some ~ have Iried 10 ........., ~ poll..... cadu"olll "'ilidllIJIII"'&" in mad)' '--""m..... ~ p:U:ies 10 .my ~ fur mold elAiml. Atypical poUution ucMion pIIlel""'" ......... fur Iosoes ~ by alqcd or threai· med ~Ieasc. di!lChlujc. ac:ape 01 disporsaI 0( Moornamiroms or polluwn ..MA "'cor>wninam or poUu"",f· is Iypically defined IS 111)' irrilanl 01 eorllaminam ..-hid! can. oriel" ~Io_. causo or i:M:attn damage 10 buman hoaIlh or propttIy. As of this ....;w.,. Ihm: .., few IqXlI1Cd d<cisions ~ ~ 1IPPI060n <I pollution cad~ 10 mold olai"". 10 Uwmttv .. I/niNJ $«lIn F"Jdisy & Gttamm)t <162 N.W. 242/8.. 2J2 (*"19IIO)•• WI!ICOOI.\in IIJII'OUI court b.1d thai the pollution uclusion did _ oppIy 10. mold daim ~ 110 oonwninanlS wen: ~Ioued inIo ~ nMronmrni.. The mold m ~ buildin& ... issue WIS allegedly !hoe ...,..,b 0( moiSIU~ uapp:d within the walls of the Sll\lClui"e. /d. The OOtln reasooed Ihat the fOCI thai !hoe mold gn:w ()\o"Cf lime .. I ~b o(!hoe ronditlooJ m!hoe buildilli mranl thai il was _ di$otwgl'd. disponed. or ... ~ mlO the .......~ under !hoe ICtTDI of the poUUIion ItlCIuoion.. ItL On the 0Ibcr hmd. • f<donl court in Tcus ftICaIIIy b.1d thai I poUlIIion "",100lion pm:1udod ~ roo-. mold claim.
~ I~
G1 II I/Ilityl
Watt>/otrl·Fair l.I4.. 2002 WL J567$6. 'j(N.D. T"" 2002J(1iip opiniotI~ In u.w.g"", I,.,. C... the j~ CCImpany!ftOC"lCd caprru who ItSIifioo<l IhaI ..·hen mold proiiftnllel. il prodll<t$ both rrpro<!ooi"" spore!' and ~ byprod. urn (my<Xll<l.1im) ..·hidi "'" ~Ieased into !hoe onvironlOe1ll. 1<1. The court was persuado:d by ~ capen oOOmony. and cooduded !hal. !hoe ... Ioaoe of ~ "I"ft$ and lI"I)'a*)IiftS hn:Iugto: ~ mold cbim ..i lhin ~ poUution "",Iusion. ftL 10 JO will- ~ ooun IIIlICd !hal. !hoe Tcus
·'poIIUIion m~ illOlUllllOCC """. disprw. Id. (citiIoJ NOlioItoII/Ifiott firr fftI. C.. " CSf fndw... I"", 9()7 S W. 24 jl7. jll} (Tao 199jJ~ The AIIItIonw. aJlpeu. <XIUrIS have lIIOI yet DIo .... !hoe oppI ........ of poI~ ...... c:uIusions 10 mold clairnl. 1M .., """" Iihly 10 follow ~ UYt-"-'" """,,_Ii than !hoe u.M!"'" lru. C<> """""*,,,,- if ~ AIlIban\a Supreme eoun·s prior dcclsi0n5 ore Illy indil:';';"'. UllIil:¢ !hoe Tuas Su ...., .... Cowt. the Alabama Su Coon has w:ndod «l COII5Iruc pol lution uclusions nam:rwly and in favor of cover· IF. panicul>rty ..·hen ir>door air """,,ilf issues.., inYDI>N.!>N. r.z.. 1'INu<fo1d" IeI1II
""""""" 1..JooWIy C<> • .....,so,. U-. 2002 WL JI6JQ7Qj. '11 ·17 (Alii. 2001) (poll!.. .... u.:1ruioro ill Iundlotr/., CGLpoIky did _ prrdM&t Iiobilily ~~ " " _ . , WJ poiIrI pn"l()l'tll/ Injru-y dM.o ~. ~ PIDMg C... .. I/niud $Mn f"/dnilJ & c-...ry C.... 690So. 24 JJ/. J14·jj (AI<I. 1996J(~_T·, CGLpo6t:J ~ ... ctJftJtrwd liJwm!1y IV ~r~·
rd """ ",,;l1/tfIIird ""''''"'''' of coowrri""'~.
inw ,,,,,IIIt/wos~,); &sa fns.
,, • • •
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• • \til1l.Doc. . . . . !II. 10 _Mr:oIo .......... "Tht_NoI .... blM-'· I ,,_
"'*. """""'.'.'0__ Scooooo_r .=DorooI-'... - . ".,. _
"'" ""'. ___ ~I..ow
11 _
No I. r.112Im.1L1~ ...oq H. Clooo. ""lqooorooll _ . I.ot~
mmI."" ro lnJor>rai,qutdilJ~ Gi=rlhal
13. OMIf IlIigoioI< _
rroId dl''''' .., "milar in many .... ys 10 olher irdoor'" quaiily clai .... AIlIban\a
1.1. SW-J ....... l1li
,,01.- ... _ . io Solo ~.ArIoamo hrV ~.'*-rlml.
I.-, ... eo..., _ _
oouns litdy will be n'1ucIIIII1O con>We pollution c:uIusions ~ fur mold elaimL AIIhou&h II"1II\)' insoftn.., aeludiD& rroId ~ fronllhrir ItOnd.-d poi;cies. """'" It1! bqinni", «l oIftt ~ ui>der ICparate elW;ronmenlai polici.u. paniculady in!he: oommercial conleJ<I. This !nmd willlikcly create.-. cover1ge que'U;""J.
.-..- ~_r..,.CDootogoo .........
Co. ~
A>'INIII<lIr Mil". I"".. 6.19 So. 2d IJ19. 1341-42 (Ala. 1994) (pollution r.u:l~ in liability poi;,;y Wid ro ""111m! . .... ron·
CiooowI..... _0IIII_. I ...... c.o-. IoI:01lll1..,*,-l.
. . . ""'_._100...'" ......... -..,.....-_ ....... =...
100 _ -...pp-.;_
6 t..~foI"/OIII 15. Jo:oNol-.., .... eo..., l1li Fw9 Doooo" Dot,..., cwttr ""' .... _ _ _ _ lIw _ _ VIlll.,*,- ' .foIlOltl .• • II. "".A. SroooII. ".,."-GoJo: io Stopo, ~ 0II"aI.: "- ~ Stwr .tunor. Ilotoooi>o< •• 2002. pll QIXII Vol·v.$J HIlIl11l!ij. 11 "Tht_-"_. _ _ I. 200JMt 2O!i10lll1 II _5,.,.... _ _ aon ,. "- IlooIoow. _ _ 2l1li2. J.l3.
Mold litiplion is on 111<\ "'" """'" 111<\ I\>Iion IIId in m.",,* of Abbama. FlmIS IrId indioiduals ..·hidr have I JOOd under·
SUIIdina: of ~ pootnrlII_ of indoor
mold will be beatt ..... cd 10 Ihccmclves hom mold lawsuillllld effo:c. ti>dy hMIdle ntoId infl'Wllions should !bey 0I'<:tIf. In ~ ~ • frrm 01 jl"ldMduaJ is .wnrd •• defClldaoll in I mold b.."SUi!, iI ;, in'{IOItIIII fur the bwytts ..... -..." thai party '" (.-.:us on ausaIioo. ..iIich is critical", delcnninina .. he\hcr covenge (or 111<\ mokI claim e..iSlS. defeating key of the cl.1im. and e..cludin& plaintifr. e<perlltSlimony at rrial. •
--.c.~ _~·
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..... ""'e.. _~C,"-s.-._s.. __ .. 'I
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-'-'--'-_"'--_11 . . _1m
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An Examination of the Faragher/Ellerth Defense To
H RASSMENT In the Workplace
surroundinl ho6t,le waf< "",jronmcn''''Iw3u. it ",......1. ra::ia1 Of 0.11C1W,..,. i. alive and well in Lho! dal1ly III amm ... i"" 10 ("'Ptorn', ,,"" ~ (1w'Jed ... 1111 a hosllie work .",,;ron""'"I. HQw~. as 11>:1, "'.,,' be
E§~:~~~' ru.""is s.MpW a .. ~ •ofbasic employmo"II.,... of ,his ankle only 10 'his provide """ ..... i(w of lhe
1 I
the Eleventh Circui, re<!uires In ils delennina. . li.bilily for wor~place h:oramnonl.
Employer's liability for harassment
1bt Elevenlh CircU;1 has long held. ,hal: Iwl""" an employee's abili,y 10 pe1form hi • .". bet job i. oompromisN by discriminaiOfy I<lS ... and the employer knows il. il i. "'" e",ployer thaI hIlS ..... abilily. and Ibrn:f<;n ,he ~"blli'y. '" ~ the probltm. "hetber ..... harasso..- is a .op"""'''''', • ".,.WIlder, a cI""" . 0.-. subordinate. Coa/~sv_ SIUIdo, Brrvods. !fIC.• 16-11'.3<1 1361. ] 366 (ci,UIJ I-Iuoa&11 ret &; Tri. Co.• 863 1'.2<1 I SOl, 151 $ (11 Lh Cit. 1989" H""""''''',!hr ~ of th>,liabollty and,,~ lIef.1ISa may be
- , :!CXXl)
AI de~""lncd by Lbe SUpR!IDe Coun. an employ.. I, sub;«lto viearioo. liability to fo:. an IoCb",,_ble Ilostile ""'ironmenl erealn! by • lUptro'i..,.. .... id! immedil~ (0:. ~""Iy hip..r) au!hority ewer Lbeem~ F""'Ilter" City <l{8o<:tt Hoto.o. 524 U.S. 775. 807 118 S.n. WS, !l93. 141 LEd.2d 662 (1m), &uiiillr"" Jndtul~S. 1M:. "t'lImlt, S24 U.S. 742, 7M 118 S.O . 2U7. 2270 141 LEd.2d 633 (1998). N.uffirmau.." deftl1K is :ov:oibble. '-'ever....·btll lUpenisor·. twass. men! culm....,Q i. I Wlgible employ""'''l anion.. such lIS dilclwJe. demolion, or undesil3ble ,u,",t,nmtm: Id. A ... lIgible empktymeftl 0<1i00 is '""a >ignirlCanl chan", '" employmenl ,"'IUS. sucb as hirin,. r.nng, f",lillj 10 promoIe. I'taMi,,,,"e'" wid! li,nirlC~nlly diff.".,nl raporuibili. lies. or 1 decision causillj a .ignir.canl change in be"..,ill:· Ellmh. 118 S.O. 2U7. An adv.~ .mpHlymtlll acliOll CO" .150 include ·.".lIt. "'lI'dUCIlhal a.ll ... Lbe ~mployee·. compen~liOll. IC""S. « u>dilioos. or privil.ges of employmen •• dep";v .. him or btr of employme", opponunilie •. or adv..sely olfeelS hi. or lit. ILaIUS as an employee:' G..",a ~ Flanda lid. OJ"N<'8''nu. 121 F.3d S71. S87 (l hh Cir. 2(00). Hence. llille vn pI.hIli" can esu.blish her mti", prima Ji><"H' cue limply by showi", !hal ~ ..-.s IIanwod by 1 fellow e!1lflIoree. and lhoI Lbe al~ IIaruscr lOOk I Wlgi~ "mpoymcm ICIMJn qairul her. UmnpaIbJ ~ MUri.cirnJrs. UJA. Inc.. 163 f.Jd 12J6. 1241 (I hll Cir. 1998). Whm no 1IIIgi~ empoymcr. ICIMJn is Iak .... the ~ ""'y ...... raUe III Iff......,.;"" def"""'. 1''''''''''''.1 IS S,Ct. .. !l9); fJ/mJt. 118 S.Ct. .. 2270. III ~mployfe
Elements of the Affinnative Defense TIlt: FDrulNrlfJlmlr def....., bu ' ' "(1 clelllC1lU: (I) thai Lbe cmp~ um:iKd RIo """"bIe em 10 pn:venr and oorm:t promptly Illy saua.lly lwa&sillj behavior. and (b) lha1 Lbe plalnliff employ.., ulU"ellOBably failrd to u.U Idvantaac of any "",vemi",, or corTC<."1ivc opponunil,.;s PfO"ided by the tmploy .. or '0 avoid harm O1hc:rwise. I'arulh". lIS S.Ct. al 2293: Ellmlr. lIS S.Cl. II 2210. Both ~lemenu oflhe def.nse muSt be Ilalisr.N for !he ~mploycr 10 avoid I'&bil',y. and Lbe def~lIdanl bears Lbe burden of proof on bolh elcmenu. f ....J.rick". SprinrJUn;ud M"nI18''''~n' Company. 246 F.3d 1~.1 3 1 3(LhhCir. 200I).
Anti-harassment Policy Wbi~ proof lhal III employ .. bu an .... i·lwuwnenl policy .... id! a ~aSOnabIe compllilll ~u", Is ...,. necessary in C\"Cf)' in<tanoe as I maUer of la..... Lbe . - for I SUICfI policy ...,lable 10 !he ~mpl"ym..n c i r r I I _ ""'y appopria.ely be addrtlKd .n any casc ","ben lilipti", Lbe fi", clemenl of the defe_. I'D"'I"". lIS S.Ct. .. 229): EII,nIt. 118 S.Ct. at 2210. AI the Arne Ii...... III tnIJ'IOl"'I"'s """'inc !hal it has I ~ poL;cy docs ...,. ....... m>ll<ally AlW)r ilS burdm. .. in 1hc C3$O' "tl= III tnIJ'IOl"'I" mtirdy fails 10 dissemiDac Lbe policy. f"mlt-rid. 246 F.Jd .. lJ 14. [0 Fa,.",M" Lbe SupRme Court ""lei "'" !his alfin"alM: def...... was ...,. available "'hen: the employtor (I) failrd 10 di...-minale iu p0licy agaIlISl SCl\W h:uawncn~ (2) offICials made 00 Il1CmpIIO keql mock of Lbe conduc1 of supervi.\On., and (J) Lbe pol;..y did DOl incho.1c any ............. th>1 Lbe ~"i supervisors could bt byp.wcd in regi.tering C<)II1plain(S. FarogN,. 118 S.O. at 2293. The Elcveftd! Circuil has held that "d.i"",ntina!ioo of an emplO)' .. ·.lIIli.~"'"'" pol. icy il funda",.1I1Il1O mt<1lnS Lbe ~in:",""l for exercisillj ",05OnIbLc CMI: in ~nting SClual harassmt .... Modroy y. P,J,JU SIIpe"""rUu. 208 F.)d 1290. 1298 (lId! Cir. 2000). In if. policy bu been ~ffe<:ti""ly publi!he(] lhe coun may <"OrISlder .... tw:1hcr Lbe .. ic!im ever """,i..-e(] Lbe policy. whether il"'. posICd. and whether il \.,.. clc: ... as 10 bow • rompilin' ihoolel be fik:d. S« F"'"rid:. 246 F.ld al 1115. The Elevend! Circuli also _iden how familiar .......,.men! i, .... id! the policy and ....""..... ;. is prumI in !he plainliff', J'Cf$ORI>I'l file. Milk,. 2002 WL .S3S4. '6. lillc V[I", deum:"1 purp:ISe ...... clarified by I 1990 policy Mll~ .... III from 1ht. EEOC "enjoinl"l ~ to esublish I romplainl ~ designed 10 encourage victims of ""'""-men! 10 come f......-am iwilllooo1 ""Iuirinlll .. ic!im to romplain Ii", to Lbe oII"endinl suptro'i!oOl".~ Modray 208 F.3d II 1298. Thtrcfon: a SClW harassmtRl policy meell lhe Ilanduds Sri by Lbe EEOC in 1990 by PfO"idillj 10 employees all.fnali..., "en ... for lodJin. I complain, Olbet than . l\;n. supervisor. Mooray. 208 F.3d al 129S. fQr .umple. lhe employcr ;n Madruy desi.""lCd ~ppropriolC company n:pr~scnl'"i''''' IhOI ...... lCCtuibk! 10 'l<n employees and Lben ptO\'ided phone "um· ben. includin. 1101l·f..... number. for cmplO)lff$ to maU complaints. Matlroy. 20S F.3d
Important Reminder About Your Continuing Legal Education Requirement
I \'011 Md I ",embem"p ,tatU$ change at any time dUIII'Il2002. j'IllJ may Mve . . 'eqwed to Nm aM 'epo:II1 12 hours of 0"edi1 by Detalllll!l 31. 2002 Mandalory Conln.rwrg legal EcLcal101ll\de$ '1IQ1IIfe altcwneys who hold an ~. 1I0I"I01I1_ (reguLaI melllbeoshpi any lIme dUII"IIlhII .... year 200210 N'111 2 00.., of CLE cred~. 1f
are flOl Wllently e .egula. member btl! WIlle a regular mtmOOl f(ll pOO of !he~. \'011 are stIli requued 10 oomply WIth MelE Aujo» IMClEAu le 251 For example. If \'OIl _ a in.aclive 01 helcl a special ~shlP aM COlIverted to a 'egulat membeBlup during 2002. you atfIl8QlJued 10 obtalO 12 hours of CtE O"ecI<t Hyou we«! a "'9uI¥ merrbe! lb ...... 2002 but cortJeft· ed 10 s;IBtIal ~ 01 10 1OaCl1.e ~taM you are also .~Ift!d 10 o;ofT1IIIy WltIt lhIIlUlOUI CtE 'equlrement. Yoo are not .eqUllOO to ob1aln 12 OOI,J.s of CtE &redlt If voo al8 eligIble to claim an exempl lOll fll)m lhe MelE Rules. YOOI ex&mpl'OII. however. must MI/8 been cta,med 0II1he 2002 ClE lepol1ll'1J foon wildt was maI led to you In early Oecembao-. If YI.III need to locale apprlMld CU 1W0]If&'IIS you may ~ 1eno»I of apprtM!d j'IllJ
_1 . .
CtE lW"!1an1S flOll1I/le ASS CtE departmenl 01 from the state bar'S Web $lie aI ,"""alaba,,),; Call the Alabama $Iortu 8a'"s ClE
depWnelll at 133412"691515. extensiorllS8. 156 01 t 17. for rnonJ il1kll·
II 1298. The EIe-oal1h Circu" held """ poIic)' ptNided ernpIo)fts ...,,11 """"~ a'o""""" fur 1od&u'I1.ttl,,", IIanssmo.-. ~ ow.ido "'" ~ dain 01 commaad..:l .... Ihen:f"'" ",iii· citnl. M<I<inIy. 20B I'3d 01 1298. An ~m~ does not ah'-ays 10 l'-' ma. i. has for-
mil 5C'xuallwass........ , p:>Iicy 10 mtC'1 i1.< burn." of poof; for eumplt. a . "",11 emplo~r may sh<.>w 1hcy exe."'sed ",,,,,,,,,,ble
Ca", to ~nl and~. hat"lU$menl througll informal compllinl mtC'bani.<ms. Fmlerid. 246 1'.3<.1 al 1314. l-Iowe\ic •• wtlila: "'" employer of alJ11,l/J ...urt f""'" who mi&hl expect 1hOI suffICient care 10 ~. Iortious be"",,lor couJd be extrt"isI:d infOl"mllly. IarJtr cmplo)'m must pnIYide man: 10 acape liability fur ho$1i~ tftVlf"tlltmtbts.. Fa",,~r. 118 S.Ct. II 2293.
Notice of Harassment
....'hen.., .mployer h"" Wen $lIeh as publi<hilli a ",a· sonable hmssmcnll"'lky 10 prevent han.. menl in the wort_ place. "an employu n\USt provide lldeQuate notice mallhe employ.r '. directi'~ ha"" ~n brt-ac:hotlso mal1hc "",ploy.. has Ihc opponunily 10 corm:t the probIcm. C""/ts. 164 F.3<.I al 1JIS6. Notice """ bt providtd In n.t/"tmus waY'. 11OI1ieoer. noI all compIai .... by plaintirr. are ..,..,idercd suffICient", ...,ate • duty for the ~ 10 late lClion. For <nmpIc. in Coma. "'" plauHirr. Coo~ confl(lrd In I co-wortcr tIw she was beina fC~ ... lly Iu.ra>scd and "'" cowortcr "'poo1ed illO lhe human ruources OIl Coales' behalf. C""'u. 164 1'.3<.1 al 1364. The co-wort~r did not ", COO les' idenlily wben inilioll y "",!;ina lhe complain~ h<.>wevcr. C......, la .... met with 1hc fiR manaae. and expressed ""tlosi", thaI 1hc Iwuomcnt 51Op.. Id. The EIe-o"'nth Circuil bcld in mal si.~ion thai M(. )II;s SCI of ~ncountcr1 Itavos no doubt mal CfIIjlIoyn ...... on nooiec 01 the ~I. /11. On IItOIbcr occa!Iion. C ....., ..ted 10 oped: .. ilb "" difttl suptr.'iiOf, tIooo--evcr when ..ted if the ....1.... " ... personal or profeWonal. she ifl<lklted i. was p<nMII and I>« direct superv;1or ""ponded she didn·. hi .. time to tli..,us< ptrsonal mal· 1m. Id. AI J\O lime did Coate, indk.te Ih .. she wi,hed to lodae a 5C'~u.1 Iw":l<..... nl tornpl.inl . Id. al 1365. Tl>c:",fOfe. the COItn beld mat pl. in~ rr ..... ~rntnl did not ~",ale a "'~ble belkf M
that 1hc problem bon! on I>« worI< life and ~ 10 k a.ddreoocd by .............i_. Id. On yet InOlher occasion.. eo-. """"'ed ~ plaDl ItIIBaJCf a from tbc alltJtd hanQc..."fUeil ..... of a lC.1ualllllU~ Id. 11<>We\-"n. sIIc ...... tndlo:altd that .... rctti~ of \he p-l'"""ted I probkm aboul ...·hiell she was conctmtd or mat oM I"t<juircd tbc plant .,.nla.r·, immediate att.nt;on. /d. "The Coon beld thallhe ronvcmuion d id not ·· appris.e (Ihe plant man.agc.-) of !he dirntnsOoru of Ihe problem or even mat 1hc", It"QS I problem mal ~uircd hisattenlion. and hoe could not Ihcrcfore reasonably hi"" been expc<:tcd 10 act 10 ......... i1.~ CatJus. 164 F3d II 136$. The Elr:vtmll Circu.t hal also beld ma~ ...·bcrc doc complainina .noploycc did ..... ifl<late tIw tbc incidcnI ..... __ rcponilli was pan 01 .. on'l<"lli pi1!cm of .... ually lwassilli bcbIvlor or \h.1.1 she "'allled some lCIioo 10 bt LaI.:l!n 10 $\OJllhe harassm<:nl. Ihe employ., could not have been expectN 10 lue action. Madray. 208 E3<.I II 1300. T1>c ",Ie seems to be tlt.a. wilen I ~nl p:>Iky i. in place. whi~h ~Iearly spc<:i f.. s 1hc an emplnyce """'Id take 10 "'poo1 harassment. then 1hc employer hal established Wl"lcn il is deemed 10 hi...., 01 Ihe 1IaraIs......... C_n. 164 1'.3<1 II 1364. 10 oohcr WI;Ifd$. when .... oI.he ind;'idual, dcoipated in .. CfIIjlIoyn's policy 10 ~ .. lu.ntssmcnl oompW"" " informed of harass""""- lbtn the.mpIoyn is dkmed 10 hi...., bttt! given I>Otice "'fflC ..... 10 obii£1Ie il to mat.: I prompt cotT<Cti.. rcspoMC. M lJdray. 208 1'.3<.1 at 1300.
Employee's Failure to Report The $ttOntl.krntnt of the IItfe ..... wruth muS! also ~ jl1"O\ICll. i, that 1hc viOljmi~ c n,pIoyee failod 10 pili 1hc
employer on IIOIN% of "'" hand.uncn!. nus
docs IlOl
b«omr an ~ Ihcrc ...... """'" form of rcponin. ~ <lure in place. While prooilhat .. <mpIoyce failed 10 fulfiU 1hc conapondina obIiption 01 rcuonabIc care 10 IY'Oid IYrm is IlOl limited 10 """,,,i.., an un",asombk flil= 10 us.e..,y complaint pro=I= provided by 1hc employ... I 1It""""",,,tioo of Ihe • .,ployee·s failure will normally , ,,Ilk. to satisfy 1hc employ. e,', burden. Faraghu. 118 S.Ct. al 2293; Ellerth. 118 S.C!. .t 2270. As the Coon has "'~, 0IICe an ~mploy .. hal prom"lpted .... dfttliv. anti·lwasl""'''t policy. '~I is illCllmbont 1)11 1hc employees 10 lllili'" 1hc proocdunJ mccbani ..... cstabIilobcd by tbc COItIpIJIy specifICally 10 ......... probIems..:l JrievMadray. 208 IUd .. 1300 (qllOling Ftukr" A_,*"" Ca.u 1_ Pip<!. 115 F3d I S48. ] 5504 ( 11 til Cit. 1997). Comcq ... n~y. 1hc employer cannot be considered 10 hi...., been placed on notice of harass...."1 by inform>l complainlS 10 il\divid ... ls not IItsignated by the employoroo "",ei.. ,""h ro/1l· plaint •. M(J;lray. WI! 1'.3<.1 It 1300. This ",Ie i. very i/1lpoo1l11t when the notice illeaed is tonSlnICl;" n opposed 10 OClual. C(II"IIlrUC(i.. notice 0( harm .... "1 <Iepo:ntIs on Ihe followi", facton: ( I) 1hc "'''''''''''"" 0( 1hc loution 0( 1hc harass ....... IS romparcd 10 tbc klCalion oIltIMIaFment; (2) .. hell>« the l>anssmeru occurs ilwmninccn~y ovn I Iona period of time; () 1hc victimf ..."'''' employed 00 I pan.time or full·time bll;i.; and (~ ) ...·he1hc. tbcn: ...·.re only. few. diocrete iMWlCa of har.usmcnl. Mi/lrr v. K.I1 ••vmh of Dall."". lite.• - F.3d-. 2002 WL 53504 (lltll Cir. 20(2)( AI/~" v. T""" Fooa.. fll c .• 121 1'.3<.1642. 647 (I I th Cir. 1997) . COnstnIClive notice has ~n found ... hen lhe ~ .... nl occoured daily. in the ~~
.nce of QIbcn and in !he presence of managemem. s... ~/jJltr. 2002 WL S3S4. ·S. Morco>-.... !he ~nlll Cimlil bu ...oo&nW:d 1lIaI ...... Iw"n an employer has promu'towl ..... ff«u..-e IIId eomptt"tx....ive .,.;. hano.<monL poIky 1lIaI is ag:resslvely mel lIIorooghIy diwmi· naICd 10 .1lI employcel.. an employee·. fail~ 10 ulilil.e !he poIi· ~ proow ..·m]lm'("n1 C<lIUQ\ICIive k/IoOIltdpoi well ~ frooI odheri,,& 10 ..... mp~ .... Millu. 2002 WL ~354. 'S {clun, Jarl~. liS F.Jd at IS54). Thtre ...., aI.<o clmlrrulanceS ,... ......, "" employcc.·. non~· pliancc w;11I 11.. «Inlplainl pol;CY may be ,..:I.SO<\>.blc undor .... cirtuJOSl_. f-ro,rick, 146 F.3d at 1314.1'0< enn.ple. Iht... may be ulCn"alina ~irtunlslanoa 1h31 mighlexplain why !he plainliff failed 10 ~mtly"",!he COfI.plainl procedu ..... _II as !he fOCI 1ha1 me never received a copy of !he policy and was unclear .. 10 bow w",poo1 her CQmplain~ F...dtrid.146 F.3d al 1316. Tho ... mlIy also be ""ide""" IIIaI w was per$IUdtd by --.....mploy ... IlOl 10 punue her complainL. F~rid:. 146 F.Jd a1 1316. The que>lion of ... hether an employee foIlooo"ftl!he procMIm f/WIbli~ in !he company., poIky ill ....aoonabk ..-..nnrr is .. I$SUC of fac110 be detcnnincd by • jury. BrrdtJ " m.qC-", of 1fdnI. 222 F.Jd 886. S90(111h Cir. lIXXl).
does MI ne<:essarily mean "..... n 11.. pLa,"liff complained. as MIKe of ioarlwmenl can """'" from 0Iher soon:u. as well. Thoerf; "",y be c:ast!I "'......, .... ""idence indinIts !he employer bad notice of!he haru:unenI prior 10 !he pany., compbinI from OIhertoun:es. Foruample. in I>tu" ~ C......",u. i+brld s..n-in-l, 168 F.ld 417. 422 (11111 Cif. 1m), an 11R ~ bad heM"d abou1 .... plainLitr. OOIIl'iainl and """"""owl dw people in !he fiR dqIartmon1 wen: -Up 10 Ibei. old lric:b again. !Wi", thai .... bad invesLipled ,''' ....... oomplainl$ in 1991 bul thai no IO:ti<Jn ...-as Laken. D UI. 168 F.3d .. 423. The Ekvenlh C;,",uil ...Id thai a jury could ... asooubly infer LhaI!he tmployer M
knew thaI harassn .. nl .~isted in !he depann .. nl before !he plainliffmade"'r complaint Dt:~J. 168 P.3d 11423. Plaintiff could al.., lake advanl"le or an '·open <kx:or policyM as ...ell. Su Madrrq. 208 F.3d al 1301. Tho Eleventh C;"uit 11M held thai M[a]n .mployer CaJlMI U5e ill (l'Wn poIicits to iJ\Sul>te i""lf from lLabilily by pIIoclna an inclUiN bunSen "". romplainan. 10 provide notice beyom thaI roquiml by II.w.~ Moorrq, lOS F.Jd .. 1302. •
Employer's Response An enlploy<:r need IlOl OCI in5lanl.ancOUSly. bul 111\1" OCI in • fUSODObly promplllWlncr 10 reipOIId 10 !he .mploy...·• rom· plainl. F-rouid.146 F.3d aI 1314 (cili,,& Mad",y. 208 F.3d., 1302). In oro.r 10 delornoi.w if an employer's ",spo<l'" wa$ appropria... III<! Coon mUSI deltflnine wlltn!he employer hod noLice of !he ilarapinl bell,wior. Moo"",. 208 F.Jd .1 1299. llIal
Take a moment now to check your address on any mailing label from the Alabama State Bar.
Is it correct? If it isn't. you have until April 15th, 2003 to change it and still get it in the 2003 directory. ....... for .ddrns eh.n," must b. _iled. flx.d or ,·""il.d to: AI..... sm. B.r P.O. Box m • MOId9omery, A136101-0611 Fax: 1:J:M1 261~O Of E·"",il: mt@.I.bltr.o~
110'" n do is
IWlOIl'V 8 i,n'IIIIIpi
lite ti'Iha..-
Alabama Stote Bar PreSident-elecf Fred D. Gray of Tuskegee has c hOsen os his theme "lawyers Render Servlce"and Is Issuing a speclollnvifatlon to oUlCeol and specialty bar associations to jOin him In this statewide positive publiC image c ompalgn.
The Alabama State Bar hos developed on eight-minute video presentation program entitled "TO SERVE THE PUBUC.路 Available at no cost. materials Include a handbook with talking points, the video and brochures fO( dlslTlbutlon. The presentation can be used os a "stand-alone" program or os a port of any meeting program. Perfect for community. c Mc, c hurc h or school groups, this presentation shows the many ways !hot today's lawyers render service to their clients. !heir communifles and their profession.
Your bar association is Invited and encouraged to partlcipa1e In showing this video at every opportunity during the coming year. Please complete and return the form below to receive your own ossoclotlon's c opy fa use for this purpose: ~lotionNome
Add r e~
ContoctpeBOn ________________________________________________ Telephone _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
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_ __ ___
RETURN FORM TO: SUsan And res. Aloboma State Bar. 415 Dexter Ave" Montgomery. Al361Q4. by fox to 334路 261-6310 or bye-moil to 1ZZ
MAR C il 100)
51~ e~«,,' i,e
director of lhc AppleJoocd Cen' ''' for Low &. l usli«. Irw:. ("Alabama ApPkSffil"). I toke LIIi. opportunity 10 iou-odua: "Iabo"," Appksoed 10 "'" memben.hip of !be AIabam> S... ", Bar. We ..., • """.profit, Icpl and justice odvoracy orpni_. Our m;uion is 10 idmbfy in AI ........ ,hose pnctita. poIi. cies or ocher JIlPII'ioN !hat """" I detri· IIlC'MIoI and unfair impact "JXl'I • >qmenI of lhc population .... tinl injw.tice or iDtq ... lity. Then. throop tduclliOll. odV<ICaCy. roalilion ,,-j,b odItr groups ;and, ,,'IIe" nttdcd, lui,.,ion. we .... k to ""hi."" la.ting posi tive and pm<1ical chanllc Iha' .11.vl.,e, tho Inj",'ice or i~uoJily. I ...... hired $cplcmbe, 30. 2002 IS AlaNIIIrI AppIcSCfd', fif'$\ arc-
uci..., director. A, I I""" In,... kd III'OUnd the m", 10 inIrod"", peopIc: 10 our W<)d. I
IOOliad d... by tile time Iho ......... "Alabuni Appko«d" .,.."" my """""-. ....... to- lAd pt'1'lcud exprusioa Ilpp<2$ on !he rite 01 die ~SIC""" ] immod~ly ....-mise <hoy an:: thinki",: "Applesced. ",bat I IInnI" name for I and jus_ lice advocllC)' IlrouP and wlltre!he heck did tho! nan .. ronlC fromT' Well. the ""m. obviou,'y cotneJ from lht leg. elldary Johnny AI'I'~ fiK" .... who two .enlune. qo, walled around "'"
.",Iern Unit«l Stales pl. nl in,g apple ""'hards. NO! unlike thi,l<II<!IIbry figu.... Alabama Appluced .Iso Iw every!hinlto do with """,I", $tttk. bearing cood r",il ond ...~rinl odcquate pnnr;""" fot all. Alabama Appltsftd is ..........~ in a "'Ii""wide ntt....,n. 01 stale IepI ond jIasbre advoevy call.n ewoblisbed ond fOSlerN by The AppIesoeed foondalion in Wuhillll"". D.C. (-AppiMe<d Fou."""OO" ~). 10 199). 1Il10 alumn; class· flO of tho Harvard La"" School celebDled. respKti ... ly. lheir 351ll .,.;I 30th reunions. AII~ reun;"" ..... idea was originawl and pore>enwlto both alumni classes to take some a<:liOllto establish a leper of Ihc-Ird ...... that would lea •• a more Il$Iini Iepcy tN.n lily of lheir ;nd;yid... llepl c&ref1S. Thi. k~mel of an ido...",i ... wI iNo lhe ido. 10 form. natiooW """.profit cqaninrion ""ith tho apras pu<p05C ond mission 10 otpniz.e and Iflm,afln help _in indepcndenl ""Ie ttn~ !hat ..""Id CllJIIe in IepI ond jullice advocacy ....,n. fonlSi", on .... il>UeS paniol:ular to each ""Ie. In 199)..... rwionaJ orpnimion was fonned and lhonly thore.rt ... three Af'Ple.seed ttnl<rJ were e<l>blished in W.. hington. D.C.. Ne .... Jersey, W I>bs.achuSC11$. Th<boy. lhere IlJ"e IS Applt.seed Centers-lhe Ihree original
tt n~"'.
plul ones in COIlncetie"t. Indiana. Chicago. Neb<ub . Kansas. O~Wo:)m.a. Texu. Lou isiana. ~lorida. South C..-oIi .... lIawaii. and Alab;",.... Our cenler here in ALobo""';. .... """'eo.I A~ ttnlCf. Each ""Ie oenlCf opcrlies i,odt;"",odt;mly .. illl iu O.'n I:Io»rd of direclOn and 1m ilS OWJI .,.....ta.
The 0fiM'i.lin& 8oM"d of DiReIor!; for ALoI>ama A~ .... brou~ 1OIC'h-
... in 1999 and Iw been fu..:.ioning since !hat dIo",. The orpni.tin& board consisted of • number of pn.xni ......t .,.;I w~U'~'n Alabamian •. includin, former G o,-o""" AIMrI 1'. 11,-.,,,,,••• form..Chid J",. ke C.C. To rbtrt. J ••. former J ",l ke J a nie L . Sh Qres, J. MlOSOn 0.,-15. J r_ and Ot~n ...",.. Ih C. Randall ollhe Univcnity of Ai.obama School of ........ In addition 10 lhtse indio """-1, (willi .... a<qllim of Mason Oavi-$). !he followi"l pMOnI CIIImIIIy ......., on our boIInI: :-''ld< CIWdo. ehair. Oinninpam: U...... John 1_ Carn>II 01 dIIO CIlonb<rIand School of Law• Oinnifl&ham; lItmWl Oolhan:
G,.." Cusimano, Gadsdm: Joo,:. John IL EJIgIand. TIrfcaIoooa; Mar11uo
Jin right. MonljOn'l«)': MffftN I.udJ:OOd . Mobile: nll,'1d Mllrsh. S irmin&bam: and Dlldley R~ynokls. Oi""in"""". I fcd bonort<I and pri,Ueged to ha... the oppoo1unity 10 lOur\:: " 'ith SllCh
",~"", ''''/~
a dislingui,hed group, In 2001. Alabama Applcsttd was organittd as an Alabama oon-profil corporation and is. 501(cX3) charitable OlpIli tal ion. We WJdnuI:e new advocacy projo<ts 0IlOO • majorily of our board agrees 10 the proje<;1. Currently. we ha,.. ~ advocacy projeolS. First we .... won:ing "" drafting and promoling recomtn<1KIations "" the way our judicial elections are held and ""'" 1h:l$o ~gJl$ are fin:u.::ed. As we all I:mw.juilicial elections '" Alabwlla have M:onle .. tremely partisan and r.egali.-e. threatening the ino,pe'dc,o::e of our jodici· "'Y .. alllevtl<, Carnprugn foY judicial elections have ,....,.lattd signil\can1ly in =ent yean.. threoIcning ohe 3hili'y and imcre<I of qualilial can<lid:ucs CO """k eloo1ion. Reforrm need CO be irnplerneo(ed in both iIR'3S to ttS(R oonfid<ro::e in our judiciary. We already have conunissiorIOd and r=ivod • """'I"d....,;ve report "" the judicial ""Icclion P'''''bc:e$ '" all 50 SWtS. and "'''' have n>:Ode preliminary ""","unendations 011 judicial ,.,!ecOOn rd'orm 10 the Citizens C<lmmissiOll 011 Coosoitutional Rdoon. Our $ttOnd prujttt relatO$ to whal is commonly called. "living wage," We have uOOenaken. projec110 cakulate what. self_sufroeien •• "living wago" i~ for Alabama. We have commissioned such a soudy by the Depar1men, of o.,mogrophies "' Auburn Uni .. rsity Montgomery.
'--Ito_. IA_-. _'. _Ib _
_ .... JD.""
We will use lbe ",.ul •• of this study in our educational and advocacy eITons to promote the establishment of . lOCh. living. sus",inable wage $Calt for govern_ men",1 and othtr employers. We also hope to use this infonnalion to help those who plan .0>(/ support "Conornic development in local communities. Our wort is modeled afler a living wage proj. «:, conducted. few years "80 by the Nebraska Appleseed eenler, As our third proj«:t. we have joined • broad elTon '0 reduce and regulate payday lending p<a<:tiees. whe",by lending companics oITer shon_tcnn loons 10 con_ sumers.t exorbitant interest rates in exchange for pDS.-<latC<i person.l checks. The main .... na now for this iss"" is before the Alabama Supremo COUrt. whe", we have file<! an amicus curilM brief in suppon of bringing these p<a<:tices under the AI.bama Small Loan Act . We "'I"'<'t additional advocacy to be necessary irrespective of bow this Ie~ol ;ss"" is resolved by d.. ,uprenle court, As oloe IIOW executi~ di"",,", of Alabama Apples=!, I mow I h,..", my WIld cUi out for me. We ",';11 face many challenges in lhe """t few years as we begin in o........ t our WIld of i<lentifying issues and developing solutions. I come to .his WIld afl..- a JO.yoru-Iegal c"""" in Georgia. the las( 20 years of whicb I was i l l "
tor I"""ticin,g indigtnl criminal defense, Ald>ough my legal c~r wa, centered in Georgia. my fOOls .... in Alabama. [was bono and raised in Tuscaloosa. My anceslors going back scvcnl gtner.o'ioos "'''''' from cenora! Alabama amund Mootgorntry. In a teal st:nSt: I have .. turn-ed homo and thaI feels right and tilllOly. At Alabama Appleseed "'.. /top<' that many of you will join '" as we grow and <Ie.'clop and oaJ:e on now issues. II is.n exciting timo in Alabama, In a public im ...., group', office he .. in Alabama ,h:"i v;si,e<! ftten,ly_ I noticed a post'" Ihal .. ad. "N",'er doubt that a ,mall group of though,ful .nd committed citiun, ~an change the W<)1'ld." In ..ading these words it "ruck mo as an apt description of Alabama Applcseed and whal we aspi .. 10do he .. in Alabam., We are. at pre,.,nt.• ,man group, We "'" commitlM. We t..,li.,'e we can make. diffe",nce. We do not know at this lime addition.1 i.sues we will tackle and '0 whom we must speak to eITeetu,,,, positive and lasting change. But. we <10 know we.,., commined to ltois wonhy un<lenoking and invi,. you to panieip;". wioll u,. Perloaps involvomtn, with Alah.ama Appleseed will be our pan of m" gre,ter legacy left for fu,u", ge""r;Ition. of Alabamians that gou beyond the legacy any of us leave from our """n individuall.w practice.. •
Lawyer's Render Serv ice " To cllcnls " Tollic public " Tollic pl"olcssllln YOUR LOCAL BAR ASSOCIATION
Alabama State Bar President Fred D. Gray of Tuskegee has chose n as his th eme ff ~ Lawyers Render Service and is issuing a special invitation to all local and specialty bar associations to join him in th is statewide positive public image campaign. The Alabama State Bar has developed a series of logos that will be used on all bar correspondence, in all publications and at any bar event dur ing this year. Your bar association is invited and encouraged to participate in a similar manner. Please complete and ret urn the form below to receive your own associa tion's personali zed logos to use for this pur pose. Association Title _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Address __________________________________________________________
Cily/State/Zip _______________________________________________________
Contactperson ______________________ ____ ____ Telephone _______________________
E-mail _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
RETURN FORM TO: Susan Andres, Alabama State Bar, 415 Dexter Ave., Montgomery, AL 36104 or e-mail information to
Privacy Rules Perspective
HlPAA Privacy Rules? ItlPAA " the
IIIIIurantt l'unabi luy anoJ Acroo..ow.bilily Act of 1996 ("tHPAA "j.
req"~;"~'~§'~'~'.~'~=:~'r~~.~.ij'f:'~~~'"g'~~-~~~ ...
r", !leaI1h dua, • •
' • Iho h<allh care fraud and ' h ',", for HMOs and H<:311h PI""" 1111', \,\ i""ludes /leW plIf1abi.bly
"federal M
10 prom"lg~ p,w"'y I IHPAA PI..-X), Rub. " 'hi<h are ~Iy for Small lkalth PI_). 4S CJ'. R. t 164.534. 22-1 fl. Supp. 2d IllS (S.D. T..... ,
; SowsA C(JroJiNJ M~ilu'~
("",nc). <SlBblish lodi,'Id"'" 02(02)
""tilY ""'Y
{'roIt!cl«l lI~alth Inform:uion .• 00 (3) ~"ire Co>'eI'ed Entities 10 adopI Ihe confodenti:tiily of I'rot"",cd Health InfQrrt'l>lion.
the HlPAA Privacy Rules in part Law? . E'"en Heallh Care I'rmidcn. such as hospitals lho .. roles .. "Then. are !he
It>. IJnilN StateS . Tbo HIrAA Pn''3oCY I lildy to look 10
I-k.olth Plan 10 all Heallb r.. ad,ice abouI
.... ofte" pI.n on<! plan admini<"",· Re'i ....... m h>co .... s..:..rity Act of 1974 J adrniniwawr). t
and 81ue Shidd Of an HMO
!he plan documen,' nallle anoIh<r .nlily. is lht ><lminis.0< plan . ponsor and/or administrator. 10 I\a .. " m" ",,)' Rules.
Third. in ",llIion 10 ~mploymenllaw iSltoeS ....h u W<Jrtm. rompe1I'o1lioo.. .ll~nda""'. or job perfortnalltt. cmplo)'m Orlen . . live>! or ..... k lleallh lRf~. Such IInIth Infomlilloon is !he _ imOl"lNlion pn:IIto=d by lh< H[PM PI''''OC)' R...." liUp;ooi i!lVOlvi", m. HIPM 1'ri\'OC)' Run. aftd ~ ,,"h the IIII'M I'ri\vy Rules to avoid ~hpbOll. might oIiea conoem employ ....... law issues.
Who Are the HIPAA Players? The IUPM I'!i,..,y Rules dcflJlC maIIy I~rrru ~ ........ ron.· moo word. and .,.hm ipcciallud .emu. 4~ C.ER. If 160.103. 160.202. [6O.)()2. [601 .5(1 [. [6oI.S04 &:. [601.508. (Temu dofincd
by lbe fll PAA I'!ivoc:y Rule! an: capitalized lhroughoullhi. ani· de to warn lhe .. ader 10 ched lhe definilion •. ) To be famil,ar ",illl m. III PAA Privacy Rule .. a lilig.lOr one sl>oold under· stand m. drfinilioru for m. follo.,.i", enlilies or pc1'SOIII: A. C",'~mI MIi~,· Hullll PI ..... lIe.11Il C .... Cleari~.1tId licallll C . . l"rtwiodcrs ,,'1>0 uansmillllY Hullll Information .n ekaroruc form in COIlIIfCUon with In)' Ir'anYrbOn awered by m. HlPAA PriYlC)' Rules. 4~ C.F.R. t 160. 103. I. Hra/ilo PIoN · any iMividual or group pbn Ihao p<O'>'.6cs. or poy' m. <:QIl of. MOdical can:. including Group lIeallll PI-. lIealth I"",ranee Issuers. liMOs, and numerous g<l"em .... nl JI<OVIIm. JII'O"iding ""aliI! awe"'g<' or benefil5. 4~ C .F,R. t 160.103. "lIealth Plan," ucludc, hf•. diu.bilily and ,,'ooUl'1' rom~nsl"ioo plans. JJ. a. G roup Heallh Plan.· insured and self-insured ERI SA plaM providing medical cu .. or hencf"!; .,ccpt for.bose thaI 11"11 self·adminislered by lhe employer and plan sponsor aftd 1M covet ftwCl" lhan 5(1 JW1icil'ams (a """ plan). 4~ C.ER. t 160.103. II. Health Imurute IsSUtn . ""uranee COIIIpilII ..... imwucc """i<'es. or imwucc orpIIizatiou (inchldi", BI ... Crou and BI ... Shioold of AI ........)(abo indudinI IlMOs). 4~ C.F.R. t 160.103. The lCmI does IlOl include Group Health I'bm. fdo 2. lira/III C" ... C/ftJrirls""'-s . <"JIti1io$ Itw IJI1"'U$ lIealth Infomwion r<'Ct'iwod from ano<hcr CfIlily. 45 C .P.R. t 16O. IOJ . 3. 1I~llh f'",,-Id~rs • providers of medical or heallh """ices or any OIher pcr1OO' (If oopniuliOllllhal fuml$h. boll or an: paid for he~lth can: in .he oorma1 course Df bu ........ 45 C.F.R. f [60. 103. B. Hu.jneJl AJrodMes· persons woo assiSl' C(Wt'rn1 Enlily perform any f"lIClion or OC:li.ily "lIulO1ed by m. IUPAA Privacy Rule!. 4~ C.E R. I [60.013.
What Other HIPAA Definitions Should a Litigator Understand? From I lilillliocl pm~;... t , 0I'It probably J,hould WIdcntand m. f0l1ool,,,, lIddillOnal dollniliou: A. f..Ji.iJval/y ftk"'i}it>lM IInJlllo /Ilfontw/ioto • llealth Infomwioa lhM is created (If rcco:;"...:! by a Health Heallh PI .... , ~r, (If Hcal'" Care Ocana"""'.. audlhao iden.'foes lhe In,lividual or taJI be IIScd 10 idenlify m. IMividual. 4~ C.F.R, f 160. [03. B. P""tC,~ IIr"lIh In/""",,Iioo f" plIr) · Individually Idrntillable Heallk Informali"" lhal;S lransmiucd in any form or medium. 45 C ,F,R. f [601.501. Employ"",n. teCOrd, held by • Cov~ red P.nlily in i,. role ... employe. are 'pe<:ifically ""cluded , 4 ~C. ER. t [6(1.501.
C. ",w/ol)ri:tJ'w..·
docu .... n.WI is Jipoed by an Individual
or pel'SOl'W n'pmctlt.ali..., of an Individual and WI includes ( I) • iPt"i!ic dt$cripiOd n'qllalinl iIIal lttalth I"fomwiocl be .....t or di.clooed. (2) !he name or 'P'I'Cific idcnIily 01",110 is IUlhorized 10 llOe or di.close m. infonnatioa. 0) a <bcriplioa 01 cod! pu<JJOSe for m. U"" or DiIC....... (un .... m. IMividual m. aulhorizalioa. 110"" mali", "lithe request of m. individual" 5Uffo<Otnl). (4 ) "" uponuion dale (If ..... "'. (5) swemen .. os lo m. Individual', richllO re\IQI:e m. ,..,lhoriution. (6) Wllemenl5 concerni", ,,'helher Trealmenl. Ply .... nl. enroll men!. or elii!b,lilY for bc .... fits can or Cannor he condilioned on m. Individual signing \he auoboril.llion. and (7) l>Iher n'qui .. menl5. dop""dinll on lhe circumstances. 45 C.F.R. 1164.50S(cj, O. COlU~m • • documeOl thaI i'"iglltd by an Indi vidual (If penootaJ n'pre.<entali..., of ... Individual and .halli... ~rmi .. sion for I'roIcclCd IIe.tlll Information to be usN or diselosed. bul is _ n'quired and may IlOl JubillilU'" f(lf' n'quiIN ",uhori· U1ioc1. 4S C.ER. f 1601.506. E. NoN!~ · a docwncnIlhalan Individual or ID Individual', ~n1ati'" has a n,hIlO rccci...,. iIIal. CoYcmI ENil)' is ~n'd to pn:wide. and Itw describes how !he IndMdtoal ', I'roor!ocIod Hcalllo lnfonnallOd may be -.:I or dilclosed by • Covered Enlily. 45 C.ER. t IbI.52O(a)( I). l ieIollll Can: """"ider1 an: required 10 lIIab a COOd fai,h cffon 10 obtain a "'riu.." IICkoowledg ..... nl of rcco:ipt from Individuals of this Not;""', 45 C.P.R_ § 16ol,~2O(cj . H(ahh PlanS "an: no! n'<]uired 10 oblain 1hi,a.ckoow1cdgmrnl from individual,. bul may do so if lloey choose." 67 Fed, Reg. 53239 {AUIlUM 14,2(02). F. Summary lI.allh fn/u"",";"" . a $"mmary o f a Group llealth Plan', claims hiSiory. clai".. u~nses. or lypes 01
Free Report Shows Lawyers How 10 Gel More Clients Calif \\'hy do """" ..... d .... " "lI> I1IDIIlh. may he "j''-
b"')"" "" ..... ",luI< 0Ihen ""'Ul< ." pal lb<ir "'U.~ ",. ......... .<c.,,,!!ng 10 """""'Y. M_ I\'otd. .... 1IOIh'.2 '" do ..',110 ......... «luo.'alion. hard work. or <'"C" lock_ 4'b< l.""y'" ~ 00 "ah <II< big mor><y >l< "'" ....... ""[Y
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<>lltn, 1'-'562-10627 ,.2.1boo. I,.., ,«<>nled ""'''''•. Of """"' WOld', web ~11 p"I ....... d • • 1d ...
d"ims. with all ..... infon"'''ion that mighl idonlify:l.l\ Indivldu&l delcled. c:<Upl aurez.", iftforrnation 10 the Ievl:I or a Ii~ dllit I.IJ) eode. 4~ C.F.1l f 164~. G. SmtJlllrol,lI P/mu - H<-... tllPIatIs witll ..,n..... n'ttipu of $5 milhonllO' less (Ind ha~ ""';1 April 14. 2(l().I. 10 comply willlIllPAA). 4~ C.F.R.U 160.103 164.5l4(b)(2).
What Does HIPAA Prohibit? A Ccweml Enmy is prohibil<:d from usinlllO' di sclo,.;nl an Individual ', Prot...,l<:d Healtllinformalion. '~""pl as .ulhori~ by ..... lndividu'" or as requirod or pmnincd by the HIPAA Pri_y Rule.<. 45 C.I'.R, I 164.S02(.)_ When usinll or di sclO$· ing I'rol«l<d He.llh Informalion or wb<n rt<jlle$lina Prot«:led Heal,h lnformalioo from OOOlh<r Covered Emily. a CO>Iered Entily mUSI usually nuke rr""ll"'bl•• ffons ,o limi. th< ProIected H...lIlt Informa.ion usN. disclosed or fftlut$lcd to the Minimum Ncca.wy. Su 45 C.F.R. f 164.502(b) (delininl ~M'nHnum Nec:us;wy'"); 45 C.F.R. i 164.514(d) (m<n MUlHnum N~ rtqIIi...."."tJ)_
What HIPAA Rights Do
Individuals Have? n.e IltPM Pri.-.q Rules m:.... numerous new rights fllO' h>di..KiIll1s rtpnJilli acttSS 10 \heir ()9on ProIccIcd Heal.h Information. 45 C.F.R. Ii 164.520. 164.522. 164.524. 164.526. 164.528 &. 164,~lIXd). A, Rrqutsr R."rkr.d Acc''''Q PHI - an Individual has I riih. 10 1't<I""'1 • CO>Irred Enti.y 10 rtSlriN In.. U~, and Di scio:!ures of hi l or her Protec.ed lIealth Informalion . 4S C.F, R.• 164.'22. A Cl)vcrcd Entity is r>Ot ffiluirtd.o ajlrrc 10.
rt-Un<bOl'l. /J. If . CO>Iertd EnlL.y ....,--. hOI"'''''''. ..,y Use or Dlsciosun: or the Protected H... hlt Inf<>rma1K111 i. fUMher regulalcd by the IltPAA Pri.-.q Ru\el;. Id. B. Accn> It) PHI _ .., In(Ij .. i(I...t ha<. nab' ofacens 10 ."'f'CCl Ind 10 00Iatn • copy of Ius .. her Protected n.ahlt Infornwion. ucep1 for IllIft u«pIKIIIS. 0 C.F.R. f 164.514. ~ ~ ore Psychothe~ NDICS, liupion wort pnx!lICl. and informauon subj«1lO .. tumpl<:d by \be ai~icaJ ~ory Im"",,"tmenuAmtooment< of 1988. Iti. l~ addioo...
in some ~ry llmil<:d e,rcummllCel,' Ccweml Enli,y can deny ~ss ,,-i.hou, """,iding an a(lmin;sora.lvt rtview and in Olb« limited cirtumstance •• CO>Icrtd En'ily can deny""""" and.IIe lndividu.lhastb< righl.O l't<Iucs. an ildminisU1l1ivt n",iew_ Id. C. illMtulfMn' <Jj 1'111 _ ... Individual"",. riglll'" ""~ a Cl)va-cd Enti.y amrnd Prol<:etcd lle.JtII lnf<>rma1ion. 45 C.F.R. I 164.526. In some circumstanCes. a C"""rtd En.i.y can deny a ~ 10 ameoi. .. hl<:h chen S;"es the h'ldivid...t. riPllO sub,ni, a ""';urn WI1emt'" dis..a=,na. 1.1. Thi. pt'OI'tS< ha< bill<': deadliJlfi and prott<Iw'es and eM resu~ ia add,tirooa1 RWrrial! that . Covered EnlL.y might be rtqII,rtd 10 di"' ........·hen disclOA"I the ...,ina! ProIected 1I.... tII lnf.......;o.,. /J. D. Afwuntin, c/ DrM:I<>sv"~ c/ 1'111 _ .. Indtvidua1 ha< • ngh1 10 • ',;ril1eft acwunti"l of di.dow.... of I'roIe<:Icd lleal.h IlIfonroation by. ~ Entny....·,tII UCI'p""'" 45 C-F.R_ f 164.528. n.e :IOCOIJn~n. is 10 be r.. ~x yc.... but swting April 14. 2003. The exceptions ,,,,,Iude nIO:U .". tbe requ;rod and permined Uses and DisclO$u"" 1)( Pmrec.ed n .ahh Informalion. hi E. NQI;cc Cone~ming 1'111 _ an Individual lin a righl'''' de.ailed NOli"" concerning Pm«:11Od Health Informa.ion. IS described above. 45 C.F.R. ' 163.520,
7rme and ay oJn, Ihe fe a deps ,n ded/calion andscpui ce. ~ ~ IaI" a anwrr undrtr our t..k, ,ou rould ay ... IatooI :ill thm is 10
b>OII' aOOuI lille lusurance. Bu. iI's n<l1 JUII aboUl knOloing OUr businNo h'l aboul knowil1g our clil:I1U and WIling lheir 1nlIC. Our ta..ym hz,., ~ jmt that By ! the expmtncr: """ iruigh"1)
pr<IIu ,ital ... ~WlJI JQiutions. I*'rr nttd the ....... torr tint udt ~
mmpa.'t in MiMuppi and ~ "ItPsur'J-d," ratinp. _ ror puuios your f>ith in lII.
. MISSISSIl'l'1 V.uJ.EY Tm..E
' ••••• INSURA.'1CE COMPANY l<i- '~ P.~
l"U" ~ I6@1! ,
F. CMII~ DiKI6Ju(f!~ 0{ Pili - an IDdI>idual bas • right 10 make • compI ...... 10. CovnW Entily aboul the CovemI Emily"1 poIjae:s and procedures for lOSi", and dildosi", Prooeo:r.ed Uealth Inf_ion or obout rompIw.ce ..,itlllhclstc policiQ and procnlu ..... 45 C.ER. I 1643lO(d). An Indi~idual also Iw. rial.. 10 file a complainl " 'illl ~ s.crewy of HHS. 4~C.".R .
f 160.306.
diit:1o(e ProIecIetl Healilt lnformaunn for T(f!almenl. ","y"'.111 Ind lkallb Can: U... or
C.f .R. t su 4~ hymenl and H.allll Can: i, pomtitlcd 10 usc or disclose I II ..hal one
What Disclosures Does HIPAA Require? A CovnW En~ly is ~uired 10 disc:1ose Procecccd Hullh lnfOfll\llion only in two ";"'UQ\l.WlCa. rom. ...-hen ... Indiyidual rtqIIo<'$lJ hil or ..... own Pwoc.eaed lit211h Informanon. I CovemI Entily ii u..... Uy l'f!quired 10 d~1ose ,he Proccai'd Heallh Information. 4~ C.F.R . f 164.~IX2Xi). ~. " .... n HHS'. Secrelary i. in,·esllaalina. (Gmplainl or dc!lcrmininl a Cwered Emily', compliance willi lhe HIPAA Privacy Rules. I Cov.wI Emily i, ~uired 10 disclose l'roc«lcd Ilcllih Infomwion. 4~ C." .R. II64.502(IX2Xii). Noo: .• fedtnJ co,..... mental qrllCy. ItIIS.1w promulpced. "'auLauon IWI'" bo<b Ihe Individual and Ihe fedtnJ 1(WtJn. mental IepIly ..,forttlble rip" 10 Ihe Individual', ProIccted Helllh Information.
What Uses and Disclosures Does
HIPAA Allow? A Co~red Enlily i, pormined 10 use or disclose J>roI«led IIcalih Infommion only wl>en IUlhori/ed by I.... Individual or "· .... n l'f!q"lred or permillcd by lhe IJlPAA Privaey Rules. 4~ C.E R. I 164.S01. Under I.... IIIPAA Privacy RIlIe$.!here .... fiw: lyptS or Usc and [)isdo.u ... or HuJlh Information: (I) Ia AulboriUliion is a1","ys l'f!quired; (2) TrtatmmL Payme... and litallll Can: Opnarions, (J) .... owenunily 10 """" or 10 obje<1 to required (I.~.. bo$pital di...aoric:s). (4) all Aulborizatioo or an """""uoilY 10 agee or 10 object i. IlOl l'f!qUlred (~.8-. pul>1ic heallh .. Iivi.i«). and (~) <Jt.i<h'mified lIe.111I Information. 45 C." .R. II 164.S06. 164.508. 164.' 10. 164.S 12 &. 164514. A.llw/wrhlJl/oII' - in addition 10 O«dina I valid Authori:ea.ion 10 use or disclose J>roI...,led Ik allh Infonniilion for Iny ~ noc allowed by ..... HIPAA Privacy Rules .• CoYffed Enldy mill! haw: • valid AulboriUlion for lay U" or Oixlow", 0( ProIecIetl Health Inf_ion 10 I..., cimm>~
I . "'y<:~ NOI ... an IIl1111oriution i, lUl"ired, «o:epc forTrtalmtnl .• CovemI En~ly'l own uainin,. or "· .... n a C"""red Hnllly i, dc!f.niling i1.\("lf in llepl rtion broughlby t.... Indi>Wual. 4' C.F.R. f 16-1 ..so8(aX2);.u 45 C.ER. f 160(11 (definition of I'$ycbol .... npy Not.s). 2. Markt"lina - an Authorization ii r«tuired. exc<'J)l for face-l<).f~ oon'nl",u"",ions by I Covrred ~:... ity '0 an lndi~idUllI or for }lIOIIlOIional "ru of n(lQ\inal value I'fO"ided by the Cnw:red Enli.,. 45 C.F.R. t 164.5(18(aXl); su.~ c.r.!!. f 164.5411 (de{. ;pitinn of Mootnlna). If a CoYffed Enllly or indi ..... ly runvrd ... muneration f""" a lhird pany 10 be i ...... vrd in Marb:MI ...... Authnrizatioo mlOS! WIle lhal ..."h (f!m ......... ion is ;'wn""Cd. 4S C.r.!!. f 164.S08(aX3Xii). 8. Tm>lntrm. /t;ymrnl and 1I""I,h Ca(f! O~...,tiOlU· ,,",cept (or lhe two circum'lances described aOO •• "'hen an AUlhnri,.ation i, al,..ays ""'ui...d. a Cov • ...d Emity may Uit: or
live inciudonl
1 1 64~IO.
Healilt I os. primarily a number of pttbli( ..... 1111 ""Ii.iti... Indi.iduar. Authoriulion. "a.... or opponunity W ooJe<:1 45 C.F.R. I 164.512. Many of lheoc Disclosures .... R"'luireJ 8y law. E..tamples incl" Heallh I"forma~on gathered 10 J"l" W:III or oonl1Ol diSea .... 10 """'I'ile pttblic heaItlI _i,"co. or 10 """'" vklims of abuse. nqIccI or domestic /d. A, .,..uc...larly ... ......,. 10 liuplion an: the follo"';ng: 1. Judicial and Administn~ve I'rottcdllq;s." e",.. red Enll.y mIIy disclose ~ Ikallll Inform.uion In rMport..... (I) lOan nrdor of a coon or admini'tnti .. Int...nal thaleXJ"l'"ly aul""" il.e$ thai Disclosurr or (1)) I() a .u~ If a Ijllalined prot"'li'·~ .nore has been
" ~ I.owi,i<Jlti1 CI"'k. 2002 WL 20(2) (d,,,,,,,,,ng and i nnler ""IUlremenI). 2. W!rlet·, ComprMaOOll .• Co-.....d En,"y ma~ Prokcted Health Informallon ..... aUlhorized', "." .... n' neceosaty wilh I.,,·s ... Ialing pcn"lion ... :. 82630; I'rtamble. 67 Fed. 5-77(b) (""Iuiring Health C.... copy of the recn<d.s of an '"JUm:! Oisclnl"", that is Required 8y law.""'. .uncl.lnI does IlOl awl y 10 CornpolUalion law. 45 164~12(.);67Fed.. R ... I E. lH:jd~nlifi~d H~allh 1'1/0"""11<)11 .'~red Entlly may Uie or dISClose de.idc!n,if,ed Prot«tcd ~ Infot"ftlllilon. par. lially de·;lIenlif,ed Prot«led Heallh I",~ on thai is parI {If. I,miled dala..,1 and i, disclosed uodor . . . . u"" .,ru""'"I. and drrnogtaphic infomwion for the Oli al l Emity', own 4~ C.F.R.II64.S14
What Safeguards Does HlPAA Provide? TIlt mPAA Pri'""y Rule. do "'" bul "",u i... , ...reguanl. ond lhr deoc:ribc I 10 1110
~ne saf~guard5 ao a "'fP1. ··... fegu ...J ... 1O Pr;,'>cy Rule,. !iN 4~ Enuues 10 II In
All other Group lIealth Plans are required to distribute. to "'l.'CTtd Individuals beforr April 14. 2003. !O new enrollees al the time of enroll"",nt. and within 60 day. of. IIIlIlCri.1 rtvi,;on!O tbe Notice, At least oocc three years. s~ Group Health Plan must OOIify covered lodividual, of how to obIaln a NOlice. A Notice provided to tho plan partici_ pant (the empI~O'e usually) satisfies this l"e<!ui",,,,,,m as to dependents. Exainpj!'S of Group He.hh Plans tha. mu,' provide this Notice include1i:U-fulldcd plans, on-sitt health dinics. and lIeahh F1e~ible Spending Am,"gemem, (u,ually pan of a cafeteria plan). 4S C.ER. i 164.52O(c). Notic~
What Should 8 Litigator Know about Amending a Group Health Plan? U~less
addilion.o tho ",I", U.., and Di,dosutt, llle HIPAA Privacy Rul", <af~guard individual privacy by requiring Notices !O Indi.'iduals of an Individual'. right~ and the Covered Entity's duties, requiring Group Health Plans to amood plan documents !O iJl(O<pOOIte pallS of tho HJPAA Privacy Ruk$. requiring Covered Entitie. 10 have Busine.. A>.sociates ag= to <on'ply with tho HIPAA Privocy Rules. aod ",quiring Covered Entities 10 a<lopI numerou, administralive requittmonlS. Not oil Group Health Plans. howe.,Ct. "'".., to comply with an these add ition.ol safeguards, as explained 1Ic1ow.
What Should 8 litigator Know about HIPAA Notices? As explained above. lodividuals have a right!O rottive detailed Notices of privacy rights from Covered Entilies. A. Purpoujo,,, Noriet _ HHS roquires NOlices beeause it "continu", to belie'.., strongly thaI promocing lodividual ,' uoo.rslMding of pri""'Y ~tices is an essential compOnent of' the IUPAA Privaoy Ruks. 671'ed. Reg. 53240. A CO"erod Entity is required!O give Individual$ a detailed Notice descri!>ing "'fltn .he Covered Entity may use or disclose I'roIected Heaith Information. describing the Individual's rights with rcspc:<:t!O his or her I'roIected HNI1.h Information, and descri!>ing how tho lodividual may CJlCtti", hi< or her rights. 45 C.F.R. t 164,520. A sample OOIice from Blue Cross and Blue Shidd of Alaban-o. is available a< ~"""",lx:b''' B. Whidl Grtnlp llroilll PlalU _ For I"""iding ootices. Group Health Pla". fall inlo three groups: No NOIicc~. maintain NOIices, and distribute Notices. 45 C.F.R. t 164.52O(aX2). If a fully,iniured Group Health Plan does DOl "",a,., 0.- receive I'rotec!cd flealth Infonnlllion other than Summary Health Information or informalion 011 whethor an Indh'idual is enrolled in 0.- disenrolled from the Group Health Plan. it is DOl roquired to maintain or provide a NOIice. 45 C.ER. i 164.52O(a)(2Xiii). If a fully_insu~ Group Health Plan crtates or r«~;.'eS P.-01«ted Health Informal;on in addition to Summary Heahh Information and information on whethor an I""i"idual is enrolled 0.- di"'nrolled from tho Group Health Plan, i~ is requi~ to maintain a NOlice and provide the Notice.o any person upon roquest. 4S C.f.R. § l64,52O(aX2Xii). 130
a Group He.lth Plan's documems have been appropri_ atelYlunended, the HIPAA Privacy RuleS prohibi~ Covered Entitie. from sharing most Protected Heahh Information with a plan sponsor. 45 C.FK § 164.504(1). A. Indjrur R<8u1m;on _ HHS indireclly ",gulates Plan Sponsors (j.< .• employers) by requiring Group Health Plans to M """,oded to safeguan! Protected Health Information. 4S Cf.R. i 164.504(f). All Plan Sponsors ha •.., enrollment data. which is Proc<CIed Heahh InfOfTT'lOtion. Some Plan Spoosors have ..-hatever Protected Health Informa.ion tha •• Group Health Plan ha., beeause: the Plan Sponsor .. IS for the Group Health Plan. Yet. Plan SponSOli are DOl Co"ered Entities, So, they are IlOl directly ",gulated by HIPAA . ReslriCting a Plan Sponsor's U", and Disclosure of Protected Health Information through Business Asso<:iate OOn~""'I$ """Id be .wk"'ard at bes!. Most Plan Sponsors enter into "'lnlta<1$ for their Group Health Pl.n, So. requiring a Business Associate contract woold be roquiring the Plan Sponsor 10 agree with it..,lf, For tllesc ""sons. HilS "JIP'I"'ntly belie •..-d thaI ...gulating Plan Sponsors was necessary. but could only be done through requiring Plan Spon5OI"5 to amood the Group Health Plan's d<>cumonlS, B. R<quirt'd "'m~ndtMms- The requi",d "nleodmonlS IQ Group Health Plans include ( I) identify the employees or dass_ es of employees to be given at'C<sS!O Protected Health Informa~ion for Plan Administration f unctlOlls: (2) "'S1l1c, those: enlplo~.· ac<:eSS aod Use to Plan Administration I'unclion,: (3) provide an effeNi •.., mechanism for rrsolving any issues of I'IOnC(Impliancc. and (4) roquirt the Plan Sponsors'o "mify that the Group Health Plan', documents "'".., been amended and thaI tho Plan Sponsors will. in "''''nee. oomply willi the HIPAA Privacy Rules. 45 C-I'.R f 165.504(f), n.. Cenification includes 001 using Protttt";! Heal.h Inform",;on for employmom,ttlated lC~ions and decisions or in connection with any ocn.r benefits or employee benefit plan of tho Plan Sponsor. Id. C. Which Group Heallh Pla"s - If a Plan Sponsor 0II1y has Summary He.lth Informruion and iofon-runion on "'Ilelher an Indi.'idu.1 is enrolled in or disenmlled from the Group liealth PI .... then tho Group flealth Plan i. IlOl required to be amended as described obove. 45 C.ER. t 165.504(1)(1), for many fully' insured plans. tho Plan Sponsors will 001 .-d ad<iilional informa, tion. So. tho", plan amendments "'001<1 001 be required. (A unique need for ProIcctcd Health Information could be mel with an AulhooilAtioo,) The odminis""tion of oct-..T Gl'OIIp Health Plans will probably im"<)I"",.., mIlCh PrOIec1cd Health Information that amending tho Group Health Plan woold be n«e>.sary.
What Should a litigator Know about Business Associate Contracts?
ttguLalCd by Iho HIAA Privacy Rules. !hen !he Group Health PI.., Deeds a B..i""5$ A$SOOiare ronttaol with thaI person or entity. Su 45 C.F.R.I 160.103 (delini", Business Associate).
To di.dose I'rotc<:ICd ""allh InrGrmalion wilh any penon ",110 :assi$l$1ho C~ Enlily 10 perfonn fUl'IClions rtiuiatN by tho HIPAA Pri""")' Ru ~, I C~~ EntilY i. ~i~ to 1\a1..., I Busi..,... ~ille COIIUX1 wi'" tho 1'"""", 45 C.P.R. • 16H04(e).
What Should a Litigator Know about Adminisbative Requirements?
A. Requi~IM"1S for BjU.MU " .......... '" C..,,,,,," - A Busi_ <:OIIlnC\ ifl ,,'rillen COIIUX1 IItlW(ltlltho CoYemI Enbly and ilS B......... Associalc. with tho caMfXI req<lirin, lilt BIISineu Auoci .... 10 Afq:..anI ~ Health Informalion. 45 C.P.R. , IM.so2(l) (if wdli COfIlfXI is ..........t inlO, pmnitbnll C<wned Enmy 10 dildo.. ~ IIwth In(''''''''lion to. Busineu AI.SoI:iMej. Thoe IU PAA Prl'''''l' Rules Ii>! lhe ~i",mcnlS (or lhi. <:OIIInICl, 45 C.P.R, f 16s.504( t ). Sample provisiom Ill' li.~ IS III ... ~x 10 Iho Preamble 10 tho clwlJl" 10 tho final rulcl. 67 Fad. Rq:. 53264-66. From "'pril 14, 2OOJ, 10 April I .. , 2004, I transilion nile deems exi>!in, <:OII!raen. "'hich .... ~ ",11e";~ or lI'IOdi. r..... bflwom> a C""O/I'1:!d &l1ity and I I,h lli_ A$SOOia .... to comply with Iho IUI'AA I'rivacy Rules, wilhoot havi", 10 be amonded. 45 C.P.R. t 164.5J2(e). B. Whid> G_p 1f~lIh PI"", _ If. (ully. in.urm Group Health Plan """troct. with. lIeallh InsullUICe I ~ ... , (I.r.. Bl .... Cross) or an li MO alld the Grour lIe~l lh I'l an i. ~ requi~ to be amended or is ''''''nded IS described abc"., lllen!he Group Hoallh Plan will ~ 1l\'I'd. BUJiBe.<J Assoclalc CQI111·""t with lhe Health Insurance I!.SUI" or HMO. 4S C.P.R, I 164,~2(c)(ii)(B); 67 Ped. Reg. 53248. If. self.funded Group lIealth Plan (or Iny Group flc.hh Plan OIher th3n I fully. insured Group lIe~lth Plan)CQI1trocts with. tlealth In~ul'a"'" l~_ or an ttMO .... ! IIdminUll'atOt, wtw/Ihor!he Group Ilealth 1'1... and Health Insurance I..... ' or HMO noed. Bu.i_ A.socia ... """trxt is "nclear. butlho ""fe course would lit 10 /lave one. If a Group flealth Plan C(II'IttaolS with ... y P"'*'" othn than .. IIc:tJth IMUrance 1..utI' or HMO for any runcti<lll or .... iy'ty
Thoe fllPAA f'rio.oa<'y Rules Crnk nu"""""," additional_ 8dminiSlntive laIu .............. for C<rVn'N Enlitia, .... Privt>ry OJ!iciai QN/ CtMI«! h..-· A CovnN En~ty must de<.ign>,., I p,.;,acy Offi<:i:tJ and clesipMe .. COlIIUIC1 penon or offICe. 45 c'F.R. I 16I~3O(.. ). Tho Priv.:y orr..ial is ruponsible for de>..,Iopi", and impicmcnt'''' the CoYcn:d Entity's polici<:s and ~ for compIyi", wid! tho HIP...... Pm""')' Rules. /J. Tho 0DII1IC1 per$OII or otrooe is ~ponsible for rcai~i", complainlS and providi"l fURhn information. /J. B. TrW"''''· ... Covered EnIi.y ....... !nin all lIS employec:s . . !he Co\"<t't>;I En.ity·, policies and poooe<huu with rup«l1O I'rot«Icd !italth Information . 45 C.P.R. ' 1 64~)()(b). '" ~red Entity abo must docu ..... nt thM this traini", has been
provided. IJ. C, S4~6IMJrrh • A Covered EntilY must ha'e in pl~ Ippro. priate 8dministrati..,. tcclmical and physical .. r",uanls to proo 1<'<:' Iho pri""")' "r I'rotc<:~ Health Infonnatioo. 45 C .P.R, , 164.53O(c). D. Complain .. · A Coverm EntilY mus.! provide a proces$ for Individual s 10 m:tle rompl"nts concerning tile Co-'cred Entity'. policies and procedures Of lhe Cowered Enlity', rompliance with lhOSIl policies and proceduru, 45 C,F.R. f 164,5)()(d). E. Safll:lioru • A Covered Entity mUlt h;we and apply appro. priare sanctions against the Covered Entity's employ«s wbo violare in policies alld procedures or tile HlPAA I'rivacy Rules. 45 C.F.R.I 164.53O(e). Additimally. a Co~ EntilY mull document sanctlon. Wt "'" applied. IJ. F. MirifOl;.",· A Co~ En.ity mu.t mi.i' .... 10 !be ""","t """"ic.oJ . ... y known harmfuleff..:. from ... improper .... (If disclosure of ProIc<Ied Health In(''''''''tion. 45 C.F.R. t I6I~3O(f).
Ok or reee;'.., Prot«Ied lkalllllnfonnation OIher IIIan Summa/)' lIealllllnfO<n"lllllon and ,,·helher In Indi ... idu.ll i. cnmIltd in Of disel\l"OUed from a he.lth insnr:lJK"e i$Suer or HMO. lhen Ibl Group Ilealth art 001 .ubjecllO lhe admini'11lI.iy," n:quiftmenu of desipatinll Pri_y Qff",iaI and ContncI penon or otr~. ninin,. pfq:-.ts. carnplailllS. sanc1ions. mitilabon. and poIi· cie$ ond proadures. Id.
What State Laws Does HIPAA Preempt?
G. Nt> 1"Ii",w,liM '" Re/(JliolitJ« - A CO>'t"n'd En\J.~ ma~ no! inlimida'e. maltf',~, di:scnm;1\I1e aglin". or lake 0Iber ftl~li'IOfy ac1ioo "ilinSl an l""iv", ...1 ror, hi. or 11<>, ri).h1S uDder the HIPAA PriVl>C~ Ruks or for participlilln, in any HIPAA enforttmenl ~nl' . • ~ C.F.R. f 164.~3O(1). H. No WaiWT 0{ Ritlr,. • A Cm..-rcd Enlity may IIOl . ' " Individual! ... wal"" dleir ri&IM' 10 file • oompIaiM WIlli the Sccrtury of lUI S IS • condition of panicipatinl in I IIc_11II Plan. 45 C.F.R. f IM.S3O(h). I. Polici~. nnJ I'nx.du,.. - A CO~rN EmilY mUll implemenl policies and procedmn with..,,;pta to Pro!ecled lIealth InfOfmalion d\IIl ""' drsign«110 comply "'ith the IllPAA Pri'"IC)' Rules ond mat.: appropriaIC cbaqes 10 """,ply WIth cbanges io the '-w. 4S C.F.R. f IM.s3O(i). J. o.o"..,,,,mwli,,,, - For six ~an, a C""'rN En.ily Rlu<. mainlain ,,·rillen (Of elK1ron;'" form) p<>lic, •• and procedures lIDd rrutin.ain wril1en or el«ttooic copies of communicali<lm or 1CIi<lm n:qulrtd by the HIPAA Privxy Rules to be in writ.",. 4S C.F.R. f 164.S)O(j). K. W/ridl O""'P Hrollll P/olu - All Group Health I"bns ..., $ubject 10 lhe Idminutn.ti"" ~"iftn"'n .. o f no inlimidation or ft.ali.hOd. no woi ... cr of ri&hlS. and doc""",malion. 4 S C.F. R. f IM.53O(k). If I fully-illSUrN Group Health Plan not ore_
1 3.Z
The /IIPAA Pnvxy Rules precmpl oorne Swe Laws. buL Lhe .... Irs" for dclmniniq ,.,hal II.... art precmped i. corrvoIuled. A. HII'M PFff1tlpfitJ« - Gc....,..,II~. HIPAA precmps Stale La ...., thai "'" Conuwy to Lhe IlIPAA Privxy Rules. 42 US.c. I IJ2Od-7(a)(I); 45 C.I'. R. f 160.203; 4 U"i,~d S'm~J" Thr w..i,i'lilo C/jn;~. 2002 WI.. 31819130 (B.D. La. Dec. 12.2(02) (boldin, I.ooi.iana law <"""ominl du.kI<Iu", of nonp;ony pallenl recordoi IIOlIO be Conuwy to kdenllaw). A pr<JCeU if embIishtd for ~."" litiS ·. Sa:rewy 10 mat.. iUl Ucq>,;0., to IUPAA preemption fOf a ]WIicul .... Stale Law. 42 U.S.C. IJ2Od_7(a)(2); 45 C.I'. R. f 160.204. In addilion. a SL.Le l.Iw Ihali. More Slrinllent in proI«tinll the privacy of Indiy ldually Identifiable Ilulth Informa.ion i. noL precmpled by HIPAA. 4.1 C.ER. f 160.203I.b). M"", SlrinJent lenmlly means bo'inl I1"I<IrI' ~ in .mal or dioclmi", Individually Idrnbfiable Heal.h Informa1ion. unleu anlndivirJual $tCb hi. or her OWo·n Indiv;dua]!y Idcmifiable Ucalth Informal ion. IOd lhen means &lvl", more acu .. or ri,hl.! to the Individual. 45 C.P.R. I 160.202. Yet •• SI.te law lha! _Id OIherwi.., be preemp!ed by ERISA i. not $&vN by IUPAA from ER ISA preempt""'. Prrlmbie. 6.'l~. RCJ. 1n431. B. A/tJb<Imo> - Alabarno doe$ DOl """". zenenl smule IIddftssing pri'-':y of Hcalth Informalion. AI.bomll does ~ui'" an HMO to I:ccp wnfidenli.1 all Of inf()(nlali"" aboul an enrolle.:". or 'Wlican", di"!loosi •. I",au.... nl Of health. Ala. Code f 27-2]A-15. Alaba"", provides • COftSdII"ICI" of mental Ioeallll om<ices a richl of O(:tt<$ ' 0 alllnfOlmllion in hi< _ I health and medical~. Ala. Code f 22·S6-4(b)(7). Booh of lJoeM, Alabarnlll_wf. and 0Ihen. mlIy be More Stringenl.
How are the HIPAA Privacy Rules Enforced? The HIPAA Privxy Rilles can be enrort"Ul by ""'il and nirnipo::.wl~ and by priVIIIC 8Ctiom under ERISA and. po5Sibiy. untkr .we ton law. A. eMI "",I Crim;",,1 P"",I';N _ HilS·, Secre'ary may begin an invl'$ligatiOll I)a...,d 011 an Indiv,dulr. complainl or Od • compli ..... review. 4S C.F. R. t 160.306 (""Complainlt .o the Sccrmry~J. f 160.J08 (""Compli-",", reviews""). f 16003 12 (""Secmary actions rtpnIing comp/aInu .... rompIian« ,.., A5. eivil nll.ler. the Sccrewy""ShalI impose on any porwn who viol.tO$. provision of (lUPAA). lei"il) poJ\llhy <>f 001 rnon: than $100 for each such "iol'lioo ....~ 42 U.S.C. f l32Od·S(a). The nll.<imum c; ... il P<"\Ihy "imposed on I poBOll for all wiobtions 0( OIl identical RqUiftmcnt or prohibition duro inl' cllendar yUr may _ ucud W.OOO.~ Id. As I ni"';lIIl ~''''.I f'I'1"'OO ..."" kno...-;ngly obtain! Of diSOlo$ef ]ndividually ldenlifiable Ilealth InformaliOd ~.hall be fined "'" rnon: Ihan S50.OOO. impriooned not more than I year. or both." 42 U.S.C.II)2Od.o. If the offen"";1 commil!ed under fal""
Jntenses. tt.. ptf"$On may "be fined J>O( ~ Ih"n S IOO,!XXl, imprisoned J>O( more Ihan 5 yean. or boIh," /d. If tt.. otTense is committed for financial gain, ptrsonal gain, or malicioos harm. tt.. ptl'SOll may "be fined DOl more than $2SO.!XXl, impri<OnCd 001 more than 10 ye .... or both." Id.
for violations of It.. HIPAA Pri,,,,,y Rules. Nonetheless, the HIPAA Privacy Rules create duties of care wiIh re,ptel 10 Heal{h Inform)lion. lllcrefore. one mighl eXpec110 see the HIPAA Privacy Rules used as pru-1 of SI.le law 10<1 aclion,. For claims relaled 10 Groop Health Plans. howe,'or, ERISA would po:empl5laIC law ton .bim•. 29 U.S.c. § 1144. An Individual. howe"er. Coold claim thaI a violation of a Group Heallh Plan """,ndmenl 1'10$ abo a viOlotion of ERISA. Su 29 U,S.C, § II )2(aX3) (providing for. cause of action ·~o enforce !he IetmS of It.. plan"). In addilion. • plan adminiSlr3lor lhal failed 10 p"... ide requested information .bool re<juired plan am.nd· menlS might be liable for a penally of up to $11Q;day. 29 U.S.C. i I In(.Xl). In any aclion undtr ERISA.' party mi&hl also l'tCO"cr an anomey', fee and costs. 29 U.S.C. § 1132(g)(1 ).
tions of the HIPAA Pri""'1' Rults will be brouglll by the fedellli g,..-emmem against C"",ml Eatil;"S. soch O$iupil-:!Is and physi· cians. or their agents. because HIPAA gtnerally dots DOl cm.te ,.-;,= causes of action. Finally. some future litigation in'IQlving the HIPAA Pri''IW:Y Rules ohoold be . xpcc!ed under ERISA and. evenluaUy. indi=~y und<-r tort law. •
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From. liligalion ptrs~li'~. tht HlPAA Pri>o<:y Rul<. are a new area of fedenll.w wiIh which rn<:t<t liligat"'" should ~ famili... llIe HI PAA Privacy Rules will iovem asptel> of moo;l futu", litigation im-olving Heallh l,forma!ion (i."< mtd~l records). becau", such litigalion i, Ibt Use and Disclosure of Health Information , Most fUlUre litigation directly .... n.ini viol3-
Office; 334-793·3068 Facsimile: 334-671-8652 E-mail:
JOIN US! The Alabama Siale Bar Lawyer Reh!rral Service (lin provide you with an exallent means of earning a living. so II Is hard 10 believe thai only three perrenl of Alabama attorneys partldpale In this servlcel LRS wants you to con-
Sider Joining. The Lawyer Referral Servia! Is not a pro bono legal service. Attorneys agree to charge no mCK(' than S25 for an Ini\i<ll consultation, not to ex<eed 30 minutes. It aller the ronsultaUon, the at10rney deddes to accept the case, he or she may then charge his or her nonTIiIl ree;,
In addllioolO earning a fee tor your service, the grealer reward Is that you will be helping your f1!lIow dlllenS, Most ref1!rrill dlents haV1! never contacted a lawyer before. Your counseling may be all thai Is needed, or you may offer further services. No mat1er what the outcome of the inilial consullatlon, the next ume they or their friends or family need an allomey, they will come to you. for more InformatJon abOUIlhe LRS, conlact the Slale bar al (800) 354·6154, letting the reapllonlSi know that you are an allomey Interested In becoming a member of the Lawyer Reh!rral Service. Annual fees are Sl00, and eadl member mU5l. provide proof of profes5lonal !lability Insurance.
_......... YLS Hard at Work T
he Yoon, I..Iowym· Section "'as hanS at work in 2002 ond Up«1S I prodllC1ive 2003_ Tho: highlight 0( 2(0) for .he YLS ... iIl be tile annuaJ ... mirw &1 SllIKIesIin Retort;ft fIorido 011 Fridoy. May 16 ond s,tutday. MIY 11. At alwa)'l. 111;0 ... mirw not OIIly ,,"ill be infOOfWive. bu. utr<:mely .......wninl. Scmirw Chaimwt s " ",rt l.ockW is mal:i"' ...... that tile .....u..... offen _!hi", for all youol ~ ond tile I"ItfM promileS 10 be I pat opportuni'y 10 ~ in both • proI"essional and lOCial Jetting. Pa!t terni .... Ipt~ hive been ~y '*led -uo.ll¢I!t" by the ... <n<I!u. ..... we hIvo: I pat ~_
"P.,ain this Y"I" u well. You "IIil1 be belli", _ obouItIIe Son<J.:srin Smtinor iI1t11e Wftb ....Id. but I .......... you 10 plan .-. 10 .. ttnd. You W1uld be momi ", I ~ form iI1t11e moil wilhilltlle next few WftQ. If you """ Illy ~ lq1WiJw tile Slndestin Seminor. pIr_ call St....n .. (251)432· 3)62.or me ill (WS)9J9..3006. In November. tile YLS held;ts firsl ..... ual fall ... mi_
in BinninJlwtl. rnti.itd ~Jooiciall'trsp«-tives: ""
V_ f!"Om the BfIIoch.~ We ""<:I"e f,,"ullIte 10 foor well· .... s]lK"te<l i oo,es f!"Om throughout .he state spt"n 10 us on various topics. AI~hanl. Sup,.. .... Cou rt Justla Tum Woodall bqan the ... mirw with a ""f)' inrorma~ve di~"l$ion of the nulS and bolts of appellale practic • . J"M;~e Woodall was fullo;rwtd by Unit...! S' ~I'" n ls'.Ie. Judlte U. W. Clem"" •. who provid«lan int ..... 5.;n. insighl intCltlle cuNtn, sta,. nf capi tal ""n. 134
isilmen •. R.~red JefTen;on Coun.,. Ci rml. Cou,., CMI Jod~ Arthur II ...... full"",...! JodII<' Clcmon .... ith an in-depth ditcul$K>n on the: pr3CIical "peets of civil counroom procMtrc in the: Swe of Alobloma. I.aslly. retired JdTcrwn C OUllt, Clrml. C .... ,., C rimilll' JudI:<' Jim Garrdt P"" lit hi. tlooughu; "'" tile ~do's and """·ts" m <rimillli counroom pr3CIice ar>d ""'" wort tw. chanjltd IlIn)ughout hil ~ <101 Ihc hcncb. Appro.tin\;ltel,. 4S anomtyI ......... 0II1wnl for litis ... minor. "ilidI "'"as held in .... of the: ~_ tile .... COIIf=nee rooms iI1 ~ _ low otrlC"C$ m Bradle,. A ...... ROM &: Whit~. Sptciallhlnb 10 BrId..,.. AnnI for al\o::oIofu., lIS 10 ..... Ihci. f..:ililll'S. YLS is abo busy prtpari'" for tile Mi~ty ~ Law Conf~""" :and ..." ..., ~xpcc1i111 ~ ' U.n. d:once <A "A'fUXimatel,. 400 high JChooI .JI1Mlmtt. """f=nee is an annual ewnt held in MOOIlOfIIC1Y IOld is <!pC1I1O hiih ~hooI .JIudents II:mN the Sllte. Pltue talk 10 tile appropriate penon at )'OW" local high school and see if ~ school W<)llklliJ;e 10 pan"'i~ If 10. COIItrI I..aBarron 800M at ( 34) 269·2)4) or C h risty C ro ... a. (334) 138-4W with lhe ron"'" infonnation. RcpresontatiVt:$ fJ1)nllhe AI."", YLS will be attending variou, AmerkM Bar "" ..odatioo f\.IlICI;OO1 throughout lhe Unitt<! StateS to brinll in""""ti"" l(\c", to ou. !e<:.ion.!Ii well as the rnl; ... Malc bar.
I look !o .....,mJ 10 '~.inl yuu al Sann't/in in Ma,.
William D. "Bill" Scruggs, Jr. Service to the Bar Award The ~rd of Bar CommISsioners of the Alabama Stale Bar will receivi:! nomirWllions !Of the William D. "B,II" Scruggs, Jr. SeMce to the Bar Award through March 15, 2003. Nominations should be pl'epared on the appn:,,)fia18 nomlnallon form available on 11'18 bar's Web SIte, www. a/abar.Ofg, and mailed \0: Kenh S, Noun an, exoc ul ive director
Alabama Sta te Bar P_O, Box 671 Montgomery. Alabama 36101 The Bill Scruggs Service 10 th e Bar Awa rd was es tablished in 2002 to honor the memory of the aceomplishmerus Or"! behalf of the bar of former state bar preSident Bi ll Scruggs. The award is not necessarily William D. " Bill" &ru88lo Jr. an 8111"1ual award . It must be presen ted in recognition of outstanding and long-term service by living members of
the bar 01 this state 10 the Alabama State Bar as ar. orga mlallon. NominatIOns are considered by a Iove-member com-
-_... ..
m lnee which makes a recommendation to the Boa rd of Bar CommiSSioners with respect to a nominee or whether the award should be present ed In any given
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Transfer to Disability Inactive lIeSloemer auomey Kit. /)a,·onn. 1100II was transrem'<lto disability inoctive .tat .. pursuanllO Rul. 27(e). Alaba,ltO Rul •• of Disciplinary Procedure. dT""tive November 15. 2002. [Rule 27(c); Pet. No.
Suspensions On December 3. 2002. "'" SUI""ITIO- Coon of Alabama enlOred an or<kr adopting"'" or<kr of lhe Disciplinary lloan:!, PaIIOI VI. ,u'pendin& r"""", Roanoke attorney J ohn Kalph Gunn for. period of Ihrl!e ye<m. retroactive to hi. in",rim suspension "nlered on Oeu>bc:r 27. 2<XXl. Gunn "n",red a pie. of guilty to violalions of roles 1,3 [dilige"",,); 1.4(a) [communkalion); U5(.) [safekeeping propenyl; and S,4 (b). 8.4(c) and 8.4(g) (mi",ondl>Ct( of the Alabam:. Rules of Profe.sional Conduct. As. condi· tion ofGunn', plea. bc: t1as agreed to reconcile the IT\ISI ltCOOUnlS he lnainlai .... d during h,s practice and rtimblll'S<' any clien .. foond to have twn Ikpri~ of any fund. on ""posil in lhe", occountL The intorim ,uspenoioo of October 27. 2000 was merged into and dissolved up"" lhe Disciplinary Board's xccptance of Gunn's pic•. (ASII No. OO-J6(A)1 EIf""live Decembtr 13. 2002. Birmingham attomey I .. uri. Ann Rioh ardson Hu rch has been 'usponded from the pt"CI'ce of la", in the Stille of Alabama for noncompliance wilh lbe 2001 Mandato<y COOlinuing Legal Education rtquirtm<n .. of the Alabam:. StIllO Bar. [CLE No. 02.1371 • Fonner Birmingham auorney Carol Ann Rasmu"",,," was '.!ponded from lhe practice of law in the SlalO of Alabama for • period of 9 J day .. to run ooneultt",ly in each case. elfOCl'''''' October 8. 2002. by order of the Alabama SUI'R'''''' Court. The supreme coon entered i.. or<kr based up"" the <k;"i.i"" of the Di",iplinary II""", of the Alabam:. Stale Bar. 136
In ASB No. 99·I69(A). f""",,1 ~I\arg", "'crt filtd. al!.ging ,ha, Rasmussen _iolaled rule. 1.1. 1.3. 1.4(a). and 1. 16(d). ARP(;. Rasmussen ",as ""ained in 1997 10 rep"""nl the complainanl in an Equal Employmenl Opponunily Commission maUcr and w.. paid a $2.500 reta'".r fee. During the COUI'S<' of lhe "'presentalion. the complainant .Il<oumert<l d ifflcult;e, in comm"nica~ng ",ith Rasmussen coneem· ing her case. Rasmussen fallod 10 rtlum the com· plainant', telep~ ~alls and failed to auend ",he<!. uled appoinl"",nts wilh the complainant andlor her ",ilJ>CSse', Rasmussen falled 10 1IOIify the EEOC tMt she rtprtsemed the rompl.ina"l. and the com· pl.inanl."b~u'ntly r«ei,'ed an .,he... <k;"ision from the EEOC. In ASB No. 00-1 07(A). formal charge, w,,", flied, .lIeginl\ thaI Rasmu,,,,n violated rules 111. 1.3. 1.4(0). 114(b). 3.1. and 8_4(~). ARP(;, R.smu .... n ""OS r.tIlined in 1992 10 rtl""'senllbc: complain.nt in • f~ral worker', compensalion matter, Btl"'",,,n 1992 and April 1998. Rasmus"'n advised lhe com· plainanl thaI all of lhe """esS3!Y pleadi"" and docu"",n" had been flied and ,he ..... ",ailing for" <k;"i· sion. Rasmussen was subsequenlly interimly sus· pended on Sop<cmbrr 15. 1998 "nd failed 10 notify lhe complainanl of ller ,,,spension and btr inabilily to con,inue 10 represent her. Rasmu'sen knowingly made miSr<']l<Csenta\;ons of m.terial facl 10 the com· plainant ... hen she 101d hor that everything had been filed and they wcre .imply ,,'aiting for. dedsi"". Al the ,ime lhe", represenl.lion. ",ere made. lhe federal wodcr'. rompensalion claim had altrady bre" denied and "mo,'ed 10 F~ral Records Storage Rasmu .... n did ..... an ...-.,. the form.1 charge. in either of lhe f""'going cases. Defaull iud"""nlS ..·.re entered Bpin" her on Ju .... 13. 2002. [ASB nos. 99-169 and OO-J07(A)1 •
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