Lawyer 3 05 web

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May 2005

aha aLaw er Vol. 66. No. 4



Th~ Grand

Ho,el Marrion ReIOn , Golf aub & Sro, of 'he Alabama Sto,. Bar', 2005 Annual Meeting Upholding a traditKm of gracious Soulhmt hospitali,y.inct 1847, ,his extraordinary Point aur 1'10..1 rrsort offen a hill r~g< of amrn itie$ and luxu!'it$. s.. POSOS 201 through 216 in .hi> i...... for con .... n'ion highlighlS and r<P>, .. 'ion form .. uld bt .u""o join u' the", in Jolyl Al.ABAMA $TATE MR H EADQUARTEIlS Sl'A>f

. , S n..u.


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President-Eleci Profiles: Fournier J, Gale, III and W.N. Watson


The Alabam a Law Foundat ion A1mounces th e 2004 Fellows


Remarks by Michael S, Greco, p resid en t-elect , American Bar Associatio n

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Fellows ojthe Alahama l aw Foundatioll Di"ner




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Deepening Insolvency in Alabama:

Is il a torI, a damages theory or "dther of'he above?

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By l•• nn. M.. ;'l.<$li~


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Alabama Lawye r Assis tance Program: Your Partner Needs Help

By lay R. llender

20 I

ASS 2005 Annual Meeting

Table of Contents »

ront;m'Ld on pag< 162

Tllble of Contenu »

fro", p<w


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Upda te o n Ame ndmen ts to the Alabama Rules of Appellate Proced ure IIy Ctlc:!!e W. So""1




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Federal Government Contracting: A Legal and Practical Guide for A1abama Lawyers By ~cvn> W. Fddrt\.lll

DEPARTMENTS 164 Preside nt's Page Sem"re (,/ aiellfs, file Pllblic A mi rill' Profosioll


Abou t Members, Among Finn s


Memo r ials


Executive Director's Report 7'he Alabama WW)TTJ Holl O/Fome




Important Notices



MAT 200'



. -~-

Legislat ive Wrap-Up

Opinions of the Gene ral Counsel Aslocialiofl With Forrign Lnwyn or Lnw FirmIVlmt Do 1M Rub PeTmit?


u1(1l1 &1r A ",ani oj


_~ .

200S Regular ~io1!: Halfwgy Poinl

Pro &1110 A_nI Amnulllle/lfs (0 Alaballlo Rult'S ojAppdlaft: ProcdUIf!

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Bar Briefs


Disciplinary Not ices


Classifi eds

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BIRMINGHAM, Al Damj \lt1lcr Y\{1111ll' Pop..: Tim Lo\dady rem ('rulchlicld \1dmJa Thomhury Paige SemI Mike J,lni" eh.:r)'1 Brown Ikhhil' ['ownscnJ St.:phani.: Bunon Mchllli..: Pcli, Sherry Tudor

Jodi DuBose rar,! Seay

Pamc1<l (Jroll\Cr Susan Alston 1\10.:1,111<: Diana WillIams

Mary ('lair..: W'hiltcn [)()r.::~'n


JessICa Bell

MOBILE,AI Dehorah Payton Sue Ann Casey

MONTGOMERY, Al M..:lissa Lee \\ ....;ndy Til1lhi~' Selah Drv.:r


WEST ALABAMA Margo :\cnks Bryan

DOTHAN, Al i\prillkndingcr \11SIY Whllwonh

Video Spedalhr Christl \.1a/0.:. Cl.VS Sla)! \1",\11""" L,/ ('h"I''''''''


J"II"lh~r) \1(~,.j}

Ikll.l"""" J"ll'N)11 lJir~<"I"T "f T.'<'I"",/oI:Y

Shann"" \\ lun


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AmericanCounReporting,com "Notice Us"

Interview with the President



As Doug MeElvy enters tile final jour months as 2004-05 president of tile Alabama State Bar, he looks back orl tile past year with The Alabama Lawyer Editor Robert Huffaker.

Service To Clients, The Public and The Profession 111. AJ"IM",. uwyer. D<>ug. dc«ribc Y'>ur ""perirnu.., far as the bar p, .. idenl. Has it bo<:n whO! you amidpat«l! Doug MtElvy: If' ,.ally bttn mo ... tho" I .n1icil"'led. On. ofth.,hi"S' Ih .. I d.cidrd to d<> when I was <It<led ..,. 10

yi,i, as many of the locol b.or ISSOCiOlio ...

os I could during my ru, os prnid. nl. Tha, hos prob.bly betn ont of the 11'10« rew.rding things I h ••• ever done. V•• terday. as • rmlt<r offon, r "". in Athens in Lime.tone County. Not long

ago I wu in Gene ... County. Last ... tt~ I "'as in s..ldwin County and Mobil.

Coun,y. 1'", b«n from on. end ofth. .tal< 10 the ruh ..., from the ,m.lI..,.nd

mo,' ",,.,1 ban 10 lh. brgt$1. It', ""en . grt'.t •.


MAY '00 '

Al: Whot f.ding ha"" )'Ou gou.n fmm visiting tho 1",,1 b;o, gmups .. 10 th. Sl.~ of ou' pmfcsoion at 'his ,ime' DM: 8Jsed on wh.t r"".<ttn. tho legal prob$;"n in Al. b;omo is ..... y h.althy and mbU$1. \oW h.", gr • ., lawyers on ovor tho who "'" <kq>ly . bout thdr di.n, .. tho quality of ..",i«$ thoy rend ... tho communit'" lh<")' I,,,,, in. a nd lho Itgal <ysl<m. My view is tha, h.", .n oum.nding bar and lh" quUity of ,h. l'g. 1 pmfession in AlaMm. is tqu>llo 0, fa, <X«<"ds tholos, 1 pmfe ..;on anywhere. How""",. many I.wyers h.", expressed a common COne.", .boulth. dodining I"'blic prrctp'ion of lh. Itgal prok$s;on and 'ho misundo .. ,.nding of tho rolo of




AL: Wha!', b«n ,he ,heme of your adminis,ration! OM: Tht main foeu. has b«n or;"nted toward our prof.... ion.1 'esl"'1l5ibili,i.. .. lawyers and how the Abb>.m. Stat. B.. can al>i., Our lawyer< in fulfilling thti, duty of service 'hei, d;"nl<. Ihe public and Ihe prof.... ion. The Alabml. SI.'t Bar does an =I;"nt job in fulftlling our regublory .... pon'ibililies ond laldy we'" b«n a>ling oUt$tIV<'$ how we a m benn .. r", Ihtlawyer> of Ala""m.~ In f.ct, one of Ihe question, we'n: ... king i•. ifth,l,w of Alabam. did nOt r<:quir<: I.wyers '0 belong '0 'ht Al.b.1m. Stat. Bar. ar<: our .. rvices gooJ enough that Ihey would wan, to belong . nyw.y> I gu ... Ih., ,ully ' mountS '0 tWO 'hings. but thq're intcrr<:la1ed. AL: How you focused on Ihe pro· f.... ionll re'l"'n,ibai,y of lowyer>! OM: In ).nwry 2OIH.III< <upmne coun adopted • rule lhal requireo ""'ry l.wycr in Ahb..mlI '0 ha,.. on. CU hour .nnuilly in profnsionaJisnlitthia. I go! th< btigh' idn ,hal if] offered a fn:e Q.E 10 fulfilltha1 Rquiremcnt. IlI<n ,h. bwy<TS in local bar ..soci.otioIl5 would rom<. J'Y< ~ tum.outS whtn I visit th< local bu!. [ om .bIt '0 no! only talk .boul proftsOOnaJ· istn/elh ics OOt >lso ,II< ..,.,..ices III< bar offcrs. Tho ."minar in pari tmphasiu$ that one way '0 COUn'''''''' the <k<Lining public j\('faption of ,II< legol profes>ion is to keep III< con: ....dues of our profession (truth. in1og<ity and...-viet) in mind I, >lso fixu><1 "'" ju.<1 on rort ....d.,.. 00, >lso on wha, the ~r of • 1."')'Itf should look h~ in o",",r 10 fulfill d.. high calling of ,he legolp«lftsSion. Rot. Qbed;""e to th< rules of <!hies dot:< no! nlal:e a b ..,... a professiollll. W, all choose wheth ... we will ,mb"", ,he co .. volues of our pro/'e$$ion and 'he ~ cl=ackr ~ to ~'" out lhost vol ...... ",., bar has abo plo~'ed a very OC'M role in working with Q.ief /u.<Iic< Dnyton N.b<n On th< dc>dop. ""'HI of his Coo,mi .. i"" on Professionlli,m. Thr legol profession na'iorWly is dnoting a 101 <>f a"en,ion ond tnergy '0 the whole issll< of profcssional· ism, and th. chief ju>!ic<'. commissi<m is




of only • few in th< nalion. I know ,he

bM will COntinll< 10 pI»' an imporUI11 roIt

in th< oommission whidl will give.."". formal <ll'UC!u .. to addressing problmJs asrocialed wi,h ou,!egol '}~!<m. ALWba, a .. Ih. ~ .... i«$ tn., b>.r is pro· viding of which you a .. proud! OM: Tho program.. nd ...... i«$ offered by Ih. Alaba ..... St... Bar '0 in members art being foUowed by 'ht bars of many other ,1>., ... r w.. at lbe American Bat As!oci .. ion Mid·Y,.. Mee1ing in Feb"...y in s"lt uK. City, o~d our programs and ..,.,..iuf "'.... being ,howcased. Our new membcr-.hip dirn:,ory is ..."nd_,o·nooe and is being copied by many oiMr ba", for their memb<n. In addilion 10 lhot, the Alab. ma SI.I. 11.>, prof.... ional. ism programs, Alabarno Lawy..... A.. i".nce Program, communication, progranu and Ih. Alabama Law Foundo,ion program ..... ,«.iving nalionll allenlion. A, th .. ABA """,ting, Ih. Alabama State I!.or,.....,ived a nalional.ward for "eros. Th., Rj,.. r: Brow" •. fIoa,d of fduU"i<trr and the I'<:ople Who livtd It." It', b«n very g,,"ifying 10 me '0'" tn., Aloboma State Ilor con'inue to be rcrogniud ... nalionol leackr lOr its progr.tmS and S<fVices. I'<1"haps many awa .. 'hat lhe Al.bama SI.I. Ilor has bttn 0 n",iooll lnd<r for ov<r 100 years. W. p;tSstd ,he firs( Cede <Jf E1hi" whi<:h was emubl"'" by the American Ilor AI<o<,.,ion .nd mID)' o'h ....ta' ... and 'hen we wert on< of the



or. no,

<I.,,, '0

adopl con,inuing legal very e.rly edua,;on "",uimnenl" Thtst ... jusl • few ...... My goal for th< st.1< bar is nol 50 much n.,ional r«<>gnioon .. il is Ihat Ihe bwyers of ..,4bam. ha", OIlh,ir fin· genips Ih. be.1 CUlling·edge ,ool<. S<rvicea and programs..nd thaI the ASII serve ... grt.. ....., 10 Il1<ir prof... ion.1 prac,i« ond a .... rs. n.. c...m~ pro;":! is . good txarnpk of ,he quolity of $CfVi«$ ".., or. off..nng '0 Alab.ama lawyers. AL: llring us up 10 dal< Oil Iht om", of 'h' C. ....... ker project. OM: c...m.J<ere is an online """,rch engin< .l<heduled '0 be . v.tibble in M.>y. All Alabama bwy<TS will be able to occcss ~ >imply by going to the Alabama Slate II.>r W<b .i1< al WW>t<alabar.or: ond dicking on Casonake .... They will bave • .... ilable a powtrful mtarch 1001 that is " ..... of· ,he·art, has • complete Alab.a ..... . nd 11th Circui' library. i.H''luipped with. cit< cht<:k n>«:hanism and will be very .....,.·frirndly. IlesI of all. Ih, .. will be 00 omss charge,.nd ALobamo '-yen wiUbe oble to OC<:<$S the complett state trod fe<leral libraries illCII><kd in ov<r 20 other membtr stales of In. ... Collsonium. This will ....., ALobamo ~ hundudsof dol · lars a ynf. All this is covered in tht licenst f.... AL: Have you .ppoinltd .ny lask fo"" during your term? OM: y". The'. Long.Rang. Plan was :ulopled in 199~, .nd 'ht go.l, of Ihot five·year plan largely haY< been


President's Page .u<h .. Lack offunding for ",,,,.,ion pro · B"'n" fo, n.w jud&",..... pon$f 10 "iii. cbm of tho judiciary and ~r" <>Ih" in...... n.. .... anothn progr.m Ih .. '"'" iniliated "'1),<,,' lhal ihould b< nwn· liontd. A}yu Sp<udllnd Palrick Cno>'n .nd tJw,r wlr. ro.u did an ""lIoIlnd,n,

_ _ _ ..... _ _ .... _ _ _ .... _ _ _ . . .


~accomplished. l • .ked C.;n~ Q' R.I. ond K.", .. Sryo .. to hr.d. l;uk fur« 10 rtf"",mond I now fi ......

1".' pia.. fur lht

Momma SI.~ ~r. TIlt w.k (oou is doi", In ouutanding;oo and il is hoped lhat 1M pl. .. will ....... boo r<.ady for odop"<MI. Our aoaI is 10 contin... 10 off., to Aloboma ~ the most advonud and effe(liw p"'V"nu .nd ...mea whit.

prom(l1ing ,h. high<$t $landards of procondoct. t ilio appointf'd a I'~ fore. h•• d<d by D"g Ro>o.'c'o .1.wyour . lwion tw .. fur presidrnHltfl of ,h. ~ionll

Al.!);oma $to, .. !!;or. In """. -)'So OUr ruJt, wnt V<1"f &ntiqu.a,td and clidn', ....,n allow lOr (tnlm. solicitation. Tht

wi< fur« did an e=lk,u job. and our d«lion "dcu•• ...,... up 10 dolo. In fO(I. llI.ty .... in fora for this Cur""'! dKI;on <)"Cit. An1hony Jos<ph chaired OUr \aile

for« 10 de""lop ,h. pro«dum f<), .. pond in, lh, bor comm;» ion. Th,lr,i~.IU" puud. bill LuI l"'''' to '~p"nd 1M b", comm;";"n by ni....,.].... comm"'ioncn 10 promote tht rxw,

•1111*, smdn, ..... and grosnpbic dion· sirr 0( d.. AS&. Tho IkNrd of 110. Commiaionn-. is nOW a«<pti",lIORIi · l1at;onl for 1hos.r .,.~ positionl ~ on ,h, WO'lk oftht tm fo.«. W. h...... .not/lr, to.k f""", <bairN by S' n" Row •. rcv ..... 'ns ou, M.nda.ory Conl,nuing 1.



EduCll,on Rul •• to m;tkc .Uff th.y· .. up '0 d.I •. A,I m."lion"'. Alab.o ..... '"'" 0 ..... or th. firs! ...1.. in "" n.. ion to odopI I-",...bIO'Y Conl,nUlnt Ltpl Educa'ion. W. Iff ,en:wi", our ruko " • ..w., ourt' 1hIo•• hq'rt' ~ and _ Ibt nttds of AIaba ..... Lawyon. Sam Stodunl .. is cha,ri", III< Accca '0 ju"i", T... k F<>r«. wk foro: is dnignrd to ;"¥Wi",l' and dt.mnin. if lOme forms of pro H 1i1ig.oli<ln proj«1 • • rr .pp.op"''' for A1.bam;t. Tht T... k Forc. on Rulaeo'.. ninB Adm; .. ion to th. Alabalnl Bir II<~ by Michad Wll.... is in Ibt procnoo( a)m · pI<tin& 0 .uk ou'borW", I now ClItfpI)' of mcmbcnhlP lOr ".u.horiud 00..... <ounsd-.~'.. hopduI that _ will lOOn I><' obit '0 I"... nl Ih" 1'\11< 10 Ibt Sup..."... Cou .. of Alobama.



At: Baid.. lO.k for«S.Iu~ rou appoint'" any olhu rommi,,«s? DM; W. acti .. tro I judlcW Liaison Commin« hndN by .... Bn<Jty and Sam Franldin which Iw brm ony acli~. W. wanl.o Iu~ I conunro <ffon to do.. with ....... of la...,.m and III< judiciary. and this is In runion, (;(IIJlmit ..... Th.ry'~ dt)n( •

vw;oo. n.. mmrniU..

is Ioo\:.i.,. II w.J)1 10 imJ'lO"" Ibt rda·

lioruhip btl'ol"«n Ih. btnch and hat. and Ih..,. ... _\:.inl wiuliono 10 probl."",

,oil PU"""~ Ibt 1ndcnhip ",,",m. n.. forum is a.. =clknl pro. gr;lm lha, tnino Lawytl'110 b«omt kad· ffl nol )11" in th, bo.r bul alio in Ih.i, communili ... Th ... h.. betn a g...1 mpo"'" to ,h. 1 program. Th....,. $On .. p't"11 )'OIIn8 Lawytl'l invo!w:d who ....ady "'" I..dtl'l in \hri, (;(IIJlmun;lits. W. &I.., ~ III< "rd!i..... nd Hislory Commil1« <halm! by 8m SpraoJi", --\:.ina Od tht history of Ibt Alalwn.o SUI< Bu. W. ha~a QualilyofLi~ Commiu ... chaired by Mauhew Wlti". "Th<r •• ~..,.".. studies lh .. mow ,h'l ,h. l<gal profrs.s;on is by for lh. molt $Ir<S$ful Q(cllpolion.l.awyrn an' oJm(lf1 four li",cs more lik<ly to ha ... m.jor d<p'''. ~ dioordtn. 0... in Ih""lawym wf. fm ":lhrr from dtprruion. alcohol all ..... (W d"'B abuoc.1.awym .'" mo", than lwier u ~ktIy .. Ibt gmrraI .dull populo. 1100 10 1>«...... alcohol .... ".liIlic IhIot indiral" thaI La..,..I'I'"

n......, """

Iwi« a' ~I)I to bt divorrM ,h.n 1M

S('Il<r.1 populolion. Th ..·• p'rlly tobr,· ing. 0.,. of my n''' and 11;O)k .bout ,hi, in ,I>< prof.>Oiollllism Itmi ...... ;, tlul .... flUme .....1_ krrp OUr priori · I;" in II>< riBhl platt. For .....". r.ith. family. Ih<n work. Whal .... do is .. impononl that it doeo go ............ No Lowyn I'~ taIUd \0 tu.. d~ W,I" II><' fort lhal i.·.I .......tuI profaoion. ~ w.Jn' 10 .... if .... can 101«011"..,.... of ,1I< lUrs.sand hrlp lowytl'l. W. don', nfflItO b< losing I.wyrrs 10 d.p,rs.siol\ •• kohol and dru, abuu:. Of coo .... , .... ha~..,.,.. in JoJabo."", lhal dtaI with that. I'~ al ....ty nwnlioncd Jean ... M.,,,, Leslie', prosnm. III< AlaN"'" Lawr<r AI>isIan« Provo .... and ......... h.o~ II>< ALabamo ~ Helping La...,.m Commil\« hndN by David Wooldrid&<. At: A.. )'O" concunrd .boullM· ability of 1"301 ... rvicn 10 Ih. n«<ly of



Ihi ••1...1

OM: A" .... 10 jU'1i"" hu boen . conCern of nune. i.<yJ Strvict$"", i, doing a grNl job. but th.y ntt<! more I.~rs ond th. e.. i.. t way to apprwch lh.t i> through our Volunt .., t .. ~... Prog .... m. I wos glad Cib$on Van"", the ~ pr.. ident of the Monlgomery County Bor Association. i> focu,ing on getting morel.~rs involV«! in lhe VLP. Thi, i.1he kind of ini1iative we need. Mobil. d<>es an excellenl jot> with 56 ""r_ «nl of Iheir la~" in",lV«! in the prog... m. Many counlie. h.v.I .... lh.n 20 f"'r«m in",l .. menl. and I w~nllo ch. l· leng. Ihem to get more involV«!. I h ..... already m.mioned Ih. Access 10 justice Task For« ,! by Sam S'ockman. Sam .od his forct are im'<:Slig.t1ing olh<r a..,nu .. to addr.... ace .... 10 jll'lice issu .... and 10 removt banie ... and difficulti.. foeing pro ~ litigants. O1h<r juris_ diction •. like Arizona for .xampl •. h..... in.lilUled pro ~ li1ig'lion plan .. and S.m', 1,,<1< foru is con<id<fing whe1her th= lyf'<:S of would be appropri . • te for AI.oom •. M.lissa P<" hing. the new din"C1or of Legal Sorvices, "doing an """.Utntjob. Unforlun.,dy, her resouron or,limited. <0 we're 01", in''''ligaling how we can ben .. aui>! her in fulfilling h.. respon.ibililies. AL: Art th .... any oth .. probbn' yoo would like 10 ~t .ddt<Ued1 OM: In my view, we do 1101 h..... enough I_wyers in, logisl.tliv. bodi ... Oot of lOS logisJ.lors in lh. hou",. only . ighl are Lowyers.ln th. SCtI_ 'Ie, only II of the 3S mentbers are lawyer>. 11hink we r.oed more lawyers in I"m nOl .. ying .1l1ogi,I •. tor. need 10 be I.wyers. bol il wa$n·llh.t kmg .go when Al.oomo·, hou .. . nd ",n· ale " .... popo!'1<d by lAwyers. In my view. if w. h.d lnor< bwyers in our leg"I.t;.. bodies, issu .. like . dequale courl funding, indiS"nl defen... nd other probltm' would be addressed. ntllch more efficiendy. No nih .. profess.ion i, bottec tr.ined .nd mOr< equipped in lhe Low·making processlhan thel<gal p,of.. .iolt. His.lorically. done. good jot> of 1....1. As 11r. ....1 ..ouncllhe stOle, I nnpha.iu Ihc imporlance of lawyers

being involV«!;n lhelegi'.!.li'" process and aCluaily urg" J.~rs 10 once agoin rUn for public olliu. At: Sp<.king of lhe bar, as we're con· ducl ing lhis inlerview.lhe logisl. tu .. i, in

.... inn .nd i. considering a biU to ra .... lhe licen .. fetsof .110rneys. Wby did Ih. bar (..,Ilhe n«essily to do lh .. > OM: TheJaslliceruc iner"...., wu in 1993. Sin"" 1993. bwyers in Alabam.

Tl,e most difficult problems require the




President's Page

G>n.;nu"/ fro'" paS' 167

inc ....... Nobody 1'.... ulk<! 10 will ""ny ,hal Ih,i, business 61"'''''' hayt inc",.~ in ,h, I.. , 12 Y"o". And. ,h. b", .nd our haw be<n ...cUent


steward. ofb .. mon"l'. Tho Board of Bar Commissioners<! "0' to ' ''''PI rtirnbur$nTlenl fu, th.m.tlves for some of th'i' uptn"" incurred On beh.lf tht bu, .00in&$4O,OOO I•• , Y""" boo .... Ih~knew Ihat things Wfft Ii$hL Iu; I $:Oid, we . nded up having an $83,000 loss. Al: How much i> 'he licensing ke inc,... .. that i> bring p ropost<ll DM:Th.lian .. fee in<:re~ Ih>! i. brinS propost<! i$ 550 a Y"", which will rai .. i"o 5300 . Y"'<. Th.f. only. $50 incr.... Over a 12·Y".r porriod. Ov" that ' ime"h. Consumer Price Index hos ri ..n 30 porrcenl and ou, 'cqu""ed du .. incr.... i. only 20 pnant, SO in,...1 dol · lars, Alabama I.wytrs will >!UI br paying I... tha n they did in 1993. I think it'. impomnt tbat our lawytrs und.rstand that the Al.bam. SIOte Sar offers more .. rvices than practically any other bar I SllO<iatlon in the country. In fa<l, the only One tbat i. even do .. i. th. Oregon Stair Sar. minimum du ...,. $.432 • Y".r, but they aI.!o I.. ~ a mand.tory leg.1 malpractice insurance r<'<juirrment that rai ... the minimum licen .. fee to o~r $3,000. Y"a r. Th~ a .. really the only otbrt ba, in the country ,h., offers the ..,.,..ic.. a. "'" do. Alab."", I.wytrs Ire getting. real hargain for whot tl..,y get from our bar. And, "'hen you


'--............--,.".,...----. --__ - ......_. .-. ._--. ._ _"._ru_ '

n .. _ _ I"'id 52;(1 a yeo, for a li",n ... Th' bar is almo.t <Qmpl~dyoupporl.J by Ih.lken .. (n. II', Our main $QuI« of ~nu. by far. Ovr, 'M wi flY< ~..... our '~I'<'n ... have b«n rising at lh...It of $1114.000 • Y".r, Ou, r~nues hav< be<n increasing ., Ih. m. of S115,OOO • year. .... you <In Ott, thaI .,•• Ied. CC)lli. $.ion <ou~ . nd. unfo"unatrJy,lh.1 roUi_

";on o<curr«l in fiocal )",.r 200112002 fOr the I>.1r. Thai ru, our ""l"'nSt> .>Ued«i re""nues by SI4JIOO. Tho nex' fi$Oll yeo •• lhe <'Xp<nses excCC'd«l ' ..... nun by $116.000, . nd 1." )",.r ;\ was by $3lJlOO. so bu h'$IO h..... ]i",n.. fee




consider th ...",k.. we offer. we . f< wOJ' . h.. d of any othcr bar asooci.,ion. Al: Arc the .. any olh.. m.lters of int .. e" to the b.1r ptnding brfor. the kg. i!lAlu,. this .....;on1 DM:A crilis h.. d.~loped in our indi gen t d ef.n .. rcimbu .... ""'nl.ySt<m . Th. comptrolln. pursuant '0 an opin ion of the . nornoy general', offoee. st"Ppo:d paying ,h. o~rh •• d expo:n ... of lawyers app<:>int«l to repr... m ind igem defend.", .. Thi' is de,,""lin& to the criminal deren .. ba, 'hat 10k.. appointed ca ... a nd providrs a g=>1 service 10 ou, Thoy get $40 an hour for out_of·coon time .nd S60.n ho"r for in-court tim •. The $late pays lawytrs who take civil ca ... $85 an hour. I know th .... what thoy' .. paying in condemnation ~ and ptrhops more in some other kinds of ClIKS. Th. lawytrs ,.king the.. criminal app<:>inted castO are not grtting paid much fo' th .. ir work. In the put they were a[Jowt<! to ch. rge moder.,e overhe.d exporn ... which they w.....«'iving up until just. coupl. of ..... ks ago whtn tht comptroll .... $:Oid that the , tat. would no longer rtimbuT"$t for exporn ..... So th ..... '•• bill right now ptnding in the hou .. to .[Jow l.wytfS to co,,<, overhead expen .... There i. 0100 an Indigent Od...... 8ill , whkh provides for the c ...,ion of an Indigenl Defense Coonmissio n for Iht 5131< of AI.b.:Ima. Th. Indigonl Deft",e Comm; ... ion con«pt will c<'nt",Ii... nd "",ke uniform th. provi,ion of Itgal .. rvk.. to indige"t def<'ndam' ....... ll as providing ani ",I . i1,atlon of paynttnt issurs for aUornrys .. presenting indigmt d.ftnd.n,,-. Th ..... an' bills pornding in bolh the .. and hous< calling for tht nonpart;"n deaion of judges. AI.b.:Imo is one of only righl " .... which allow. for the p>n; .. n .Icrtion of a ppo:Uatt coun judg.s_M.ny other bills h.~ been introduced which would h .... an .ffeet on our ltgal.ystem, .uch .. . bill porndi"g in th. hou .. caUing fo, tho orea io n of l he , upre"", court juotic.. by d ii trOcu. The .. i• • bill"'hich h.. betn introduced in the .."att calling for ma ndatory . uornoy liability insu rance. Th ... a.. ""'ny other bill. of inle ...\ to



I.~ .., and W~!ry!o follow !host as lito! ..... can. ThOK ar~ !h~ main bill. right "~.

AL:Wha!',on lap for !h~ "maind.. of your t.nn1 DM: I'm going 10 ron!inue ,ptaking.! local bar <WOeio!ion' ond rivk dub< when invited. A! !h~ civic dub" I hav~ ,alktd .bou! America', rule of law and ,h. d«lining rdJK'C! for our l<gal .y.!<m, It setm,!o tnt !h.t!1>t .nack< 1~.lo<i agoiml our 1<ga1'Y'I~m by many 'pc<ial inU"'I' gTOupS COn h........ ry dam.ging ~1f«1 if!1>t public mp«1 .M eonfidcnu in our kg.1 'Y'lem i< dd"{lycd.$p<.",'1 admoni'ion '0 "kiU all !hel a~ ...-w •• !ak<n up by Marx, unin, S!olin, Hi!ler, Moo. 1'<>1 Po!, and O!M'" They li!.",Uy wan!o<i to, Ind, in nel, did kill membe .. oflho l<gal pro· f-uion SO they W{)uld nO! be.n ob,!aek

!{I way of g<W<rntntnl !ha! abhonM righu like lhost guo"'''le«l by (lur founding <Iocumen!s. The mack. by 'r<d . 1 inle"'" groupo on our jury 'Y'lem and olh<r"'put. of "ur 1<giI 'Y"em unforlllnuely or...<>ding public ronfi. denu in wh.! I IItli ..... is the gtUl'S! legol'Y'!~m in the world, Th ..... ffons. if lu"" ... ful, will hove I devaslating eff«!. Thi, i•• _81' 11hink !h. publ;.; 0«<1. '0 und'''tood, Dr""ic eh"'g<'$ 10 our legal and iudicial 'Y'!em. would """I likely lit 01 !he e. p<nse of righu th.! Am<rican' h.vt h.,Jd dt" for ovu 225 years, Sinu Am .. ic. was birth«l, l.wytrs h.... h«n guarding and prol«Iing !h~ lilltni<'$ and righ" gua.ron'<:cd by Am.rica'. founding dorumt"t$, ond 311 .isi! local bar associa!ions, I am <nrour· I sing lawytrs to comin"" 10 fulfill !hil prof... ion,l responsibility wilh !he high·



\oSA. t.C:. Me. .... C>EO<S..:c&'IB) _"S'~

... """""' ___ '~_'"

<'$! ... nd ..d, of in'ogrily, "horae!« and vinut. AL: You'yt gol an inle<rs!ing ba~k· grou~d in 1hat you pracli«<! for OI.ny ye' " in Tuscaloo.a .nd ,h.n movM 100 miles . way Monlgomery, How was il '0 pull up Stakr$ .nd ""' ... ~ DM: OIlIltnging.l was nise<! in Mo"!go", .. y, SO lIting back in Mon!gomery has llten " St"! exp<ri.nct for my family and m•. Tu",. loosa is a gre.! communi,y with ire", p""'ple .nd gr~.! lawytrs. W. h.... cn!ainly mi!.sed our friends .nd rommuni'y, bu! ..... hayt ",. Uy .nj<>ycd lIting hore_ No r<gr'''! AL: Wh.! .r< you going !o do when you finish your term? DM: I'm going '0 ron!;nue practicing l.w and ronlinue my mMialion practict, Of rount, I'll conlinue'o .upporl'he bar in tvtry way Ih .. I can. •



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President-Elect Profiles

Pursuarlt to the Alabama State Bar's Rule Governing


tile Election of PresidentEleer, tile following biograpi/leal sketches are provided of Fournier /. Gale. Ill. and WN. Watson. Gale arId Watson were the

qualifying candidates for

the position of presidentelect of the Alabama Stare Bar for the 2005-06 term, and the witltler will

assume the presidency in Ju/y 2006.

Fournier J. Gale. III foUr";" I. Galt. 111 (Boots) is the ma"ap,i"ll p&nntr of Moynud. Cooper '" Galt in Birmingham, ... ""~ "" hal. prxtiud siou J'JI69. 800ts_ born;ond ~ in M~ and &ldwin counties. Ht y>du· altd from McGiIlln>lilUI" in 1962.nd lhen .~ndtd lilt Univ=itr of AIob.una on • schobr'lhip. AI ~ l1niwnity. Boots _ • Nnional Ownpion Debal<r. pmid<nl of ODI( I nd • l...,n. Upon y>du.,ion with honon in 1966, Boo.. norolltd "' the Univtni.y'J Low schoo/, ... htu h. grodu' ltd fors! in hisd......... Onl,. of Ih. Coif .nd .. rvtd as mito.-inchief of 1M )J.," IA .. R<I'~. Afta mtninl pri..,. proc. i«. Boou t>«..... ""~ in .. rio<u bor OCImlK$ 11 1M loa! Ind ";U~ Intis. fk ..rvt<I on nu ..... row commin .... ;ond wi< forus of 1M ",1~ N •• indudi", " ' priton od)rm ;ond judicW sritct;"" of judsa- H~ Iw.........d .. "aU law Doy c!l&irman .nd ...... ntly .... rving on d.. Tul for« on Merit $doction of Apptilatt JudI"- Boot. __ tkcud pm;. dntl 1M A1aboma State 8,ar Young Lawyt<l' Xcl ion (1971.78). He was a nltmbor of 1M J..didal Conftrtnct of Alab.ama and Ih~ II,.,...,. rtprt .. ntati"" to







Ih. Pc,mm.m Sto;dy Commi!>ion for Alaboma CourlS (l977·g3). Ht h.. . Iso ...rvt<I II clLlirn,.n Iht Environmenlol Law Stelion of 1M ASII (1917). In tht Birmingham 8,a, .......a.tioo. 800ts hal abo I>tm vny anM. $<TYing on numtrOll$commin .... (Gritvanet. law Doy.iludgtl.nd Eun"i",,) and .... praldml oftM 811A in 1989. B00l$wu ~ u I'" h.a. rq>rn<11l3ltvt on tht I<ff<non Counly Judicio! Nominaling Commission ( L""·2000). On the ""lion:IIltvri. Boou tw $t!W<l on 1M AlIA Standing Conunil~ of FodttaI IndO:iary (Elnmlh am.~) (l9'J799) ond In. SI.mding Comtnitt~ on Environtntntol Law (19112·88). H. i$O ""!low of tIM: Amerle, n &r foun<i.l ion ond S<rvtd on the I!Q.Im of lJinocton of the Arnrrian lndiatu .. Socitty (1980-35). Wilh rt>peC1 10 Icpl honor.. Boots .... .. lcctO<! 10 1M Inl..... t~ Academy of Tti.l I'<iIow or the Alabama 8.&r found.olion ;ond has I>tm listed in Bt>l ,..",..... '"" .. net tM inaplion of llut publicalion. fk .... the recipient of tM Som Pi"", DUtin",,,,,,",, AlumnulAw.m oItht Univnsily 01 Alah.ama School "' .... w (2004). Boots hu at ... b«n act;"" in mall)' .. Iigiou ... ivi( and """,munity organi.... I;Onl. indud ing l.t.d .... hip lIinninsham ( 1986). !.t.dmhil' Al.3b.nta (19911 •• nd pmidtnl nf tke Uni ..... ity of AI.ham • .... w School foundation ( 19a7·89) and turrmtly IOrws u its t"'''urn. H. was. .....",bor of III< .....bama CommiWon on f!J&h<r Educalion for nine mrs and its chai .....n in 1998·99. Boou' \aw pra<lw has I>tm Iwod.n 8inn""",m lOr .,.... 15 ~ar.. fk h< wilh C.banw. Jo/In""n and .... a founding 01 MaynmL. Coop.. &< Gole in 19M. Il0011 hll b«n marriod 10 Lou,," Smilh Gole .. net 1%5. Htlw two d' ushtef$, C.rolyn Parlridgt .nd Imny Sophitr. and Ihl"« v.ndchildrtn.

t..awrm. ...


W.N . Watson W.N. (Rocky) IV.1>on was born in Tu.oloosa while hi. fouhe, was attending I.w school aft.r World War II. Rocky was raiord in IkKalb CoUnly, AI.b.oma whe~ he graduated from the public schools of .h. City of Fort P'yne. Aft., graduating from high school;n 1%7, Rocky .".nded Auburn Uni" .. ity. wh.~ he gr.odLtaled with hon,,.. in 1971. Sub"",!",,nt to hi.< gradualion f",m Auburn. Rocky auended the Un;vnsity of AI.b.m. School of Low on schol.trship. gr.du.ting in 1974. IVhil< attending Jaw schoolllody p.r_ ticipated in the ioho A. Campbtll Court 8o.ord, and .. rved .. ch.irman of the boon:! dming th. 1973· 7~ school year. Rocky was . 1", .. l«1edto the Order of the Coif ond the Or<kr of Borrist .... AdditionaUy. h... rwd on variow >lUdenl f.ciIity romm;""", while in law school. Rocky e", •• edlh. pri .... t. practice of low with hi. falh., in 1974. W. W, Il\Il",n had bun practicing linc. 195-0 in Fort PaY"'" Rocky and hi. ralh .. continued to practice together until hi. ...s duth in 1994. Subsequent to th.t, h. putidp>ted in th. form>tion ofth. fi,m of \\'o!«>n. Cilli. & Ca ...... r wi!h Terry Gillil .nd Sheri Ca,ve,. Th.t firm now i, W.. «>n Be Gilli .. with Sh.ri Co ......... el« · lion 10 Ih.hench. A~er having >erVtd tWO yean .. presid<nt of the IkKalb Coun!y Bar Aw><ioti<m in lhe late 19ro.. in 1M mid-198O:<. al the

urging ofWdiiam D. (llill) Scruggs, Rocky bt-camt Kliv.: in the Alobo .... S13t. liar. He >erVtd 0"" year .. 1M hu rommissi<m .. from tb< Ninth Judicial Cirmi! ( 1986.87) when 11m Scruggs vacaled that ....1to £a'Vt .. ASB ~!. Upon Rill'. mimurnl " • huromrnissioner in 1993. Rocky l'tIumed !o ....... n addi!ionol t",.J=' >lint .. comtnissioner of !he Ninth Judicial Cirwit ( 199)·2003). While serving .. bar commi .. ioner, Rody "",-.d in othe, ,,"pacities with the b.u. including .. . rr..-mbtr of!he f....wt'v.: Commiu« of !he ASS (l()OO.{)l ) ond .. .., .;gllt.year member of the Diseiplinary Commission (1994.2001') and 200 1·0)). The wt yo-arofhis ....... icc .. . hurnm. m;"io""" M >erVtd as chairman of Ih. DilCiplinary Comm;"ion (2002·0)). J.tsaI hOJlO!"$ r«<-i-t by Rocky includ. seltclion ... ""Ilow of Ihe AJ."'m. St.le

Bo, ""UtIdnion, . nd ;n 2002·03, th. ASS r.-..idem', Aw.rd for seT,ic.. rendered to lhe "',. During hi< time in Fort rlyn<:. Rocky h.. be.n octive in .... ny .. ligiou .. civic .nd communily organization .. includ ing lwo limn .. pr.. of the r>yn. Chamber of Con"ne" •. pr.. icknl of thc DeKaib County Am Council, mcml><r of Ihe DeKolb County Economic D.v.:lopm<nt Au,hority, and Sunday School teacher at Fint Uni.ed Methodi .. of For! P>yne. Rocky "p,esent. bolh the City of ForI royn •• nd DeKalb County. and i. a qu.lifl<d medino•. Rocky is married 10 Donn. M. W.t!(In ond thcy n.v.: th ... children, Aiyoon. Tltnara and ))n-d<. and two gran<khildren, UbI:>.a and Kady. •


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Executive Director's

The Alabama Lawyers Hall of Fame


Debt Load for February 2005 Bar Examinees Ei""'tY_:\eVen, Of 5<> pe".nt . of the fi"1-1imc .:<JIll;'",", laking lh. Frl>ru.ry har = m hod ed ucational debt The "'=ge deht ..... 573.>45. "lb is ".os . te" )""""1 ;ncrtOS<' 0\.." the ••..,"'gt dtbt for July e>:aminU<.

n "".reh 2003, the Al.;b.."", State Bar /lQard of Bar Comnlis.!.ion<rs

.pproved tM report of • task force recommendi ng lho creation of. hall of fanlt 10 honor AI..~ Lowy<~ AS R PreskI.m Frt<I Gray 'l'poin1«1 the task fOr«" 10 explo ... the feasibility of forming • hall of fa"", . rod <kwloping guidelines for its op<r.l!ion. Tht 1m fora ;nelm!.d the following rntmbtn: David BagwtU. FairhOJ*, Gordon Bailey, Anni>!on; W.d. llailey, P<nh.n; Linda 8ra~, Tu.~ Carnille Cook, Tuscalo<:>so: Shop "' Dav;" Ilimtins!>am; Robert Gon«, Florence-, Judge \\"".<110 McPhcr$On , Montgomery; Horry Prim. Doth.n; Bobby ScplI. Montgomery; Jocl< Smith, Tu<ktg«: Carol Ann Smith. Birmingham; . nd Henry Willioms, Birmingham. Sam Rumo"" of Birmingh:om, .. rvctl .. c~i, and Terry 8"""" . of Montgoomry... rvcd os vi«. ch.:oir of tht foret. The Alabama La,,'Y= H. n of Fame is tht «<and $och $t.tcwide hall of famt in !he rountry. foI· lowing the Illioois St.t. 1kI' Association Academy of Illinoi. Lawyen.. Whtn .pproving ,he ""'om~nd .. ion. of the took for«. the rommission .dop'..! tl>< following crite,ia to gov<,n the ..,1«. tion of individw ls '0 be includ<d in the h. n off. tnt: l. Hooorttl must haY<' • rrcord of extraordinary skill and ""rvict to the

borand in the pro""ion of I.w; 2. Honorees mu,t he AI.boma Lawyers who h..-e ~ mrao,din.ry rontribuwns through the low at the ' We, national or international """I;

3. HonORe> mu" .xmons{rate a lif"'imt of .chi<v<ment; and 4. Candidat" n...d KIm•. if oo{ all of the

following qualities to qualify: .. A brtadth of a<h~nt r.uhcr than •• ingle a<hi<V<mtnl: b. A profound .... p«t fo, prof... "hie.; c. A b<k.-.hip rol. in . <lvam;ng {he interest' of the rommunity; and d. A m:ogniu-d ability '0 ",,"'tor.l..d. or 10 in'pift olhers in {he pursuit of justa. S. Only dt<....,d Iowyers will be <· .r..!. The commission also.pprov<d the task fm-c., rrcommtnc4{ion about {he numhe, of indUC1tt$ <hosrn ew. j"O'H. In tho first year. fou, indUC1tt$......, 10 be stIttt..!. In $Ubsoq""m years, Ih= indllClccs .re 10 be

chosm with twO of tho.. ..,lea..! hoving bctn dcctoud for . 1 Ira$! 1>." yeal$ . nd one h.:oving been dt<:t-.IS<d .t k-.os{ 100 j"O'= Undo, the guidelines .ppro....,.,j by the commission . • ""nel of 12 people ..,,.,,... os tl>< seleaion commit1 .... The 12 mem· be-rs of the p.nd .~ l. The dir«to, of the Alabama

Dcp.l.lmmt of History and Archi,...., 2. Fou, persons named by the IJoanl of liar COmmissio ..... for. term of th= )'t . ....

l. The irruncdi.:uc ~, p .... i<knt of the AI.b.tJ,... Stott liar. 4. The exttutiv< $«m.ry of the A4bam. $1.1< lla, Or his de.ign.le.

. . . ......_...._ .-. ......... . .--01-,... ... ANNIE

I)K1 C E

1903 · 1972









!'U><><rm or "" ........... S,.,.. B..

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One ponon nomina,ed by 1M thief jLQ.Iiu oIlM AL..twn. SupTnDt Cou".

n nominalioN. Sc1v1"l on 'M

IItIection commill'" wnt': $om Crosby,

nom ...... ionJ, d.. common ... rowm· mmdcd and tho ""mmission .~


o.phrlt'; Fm! Gray.1\uIq«: R<a~ Hamner. Monlgomny; Judt< It~ltn Sho ... L«.lIirmingham; Tom Le><i •• Montgomory; Jnry M c~ll. Mobil.; ".ilh Nonnon. Monlgo..,..ry; J. Rich .. IUr>OII. Birmingh.m: I),.".. R«I<kn. Bifmingham; Fm! Sin'poon. HunuvilLo; and Dr. Ed Brid.,.. Mon.p;<Imcry. Tho commit .... ....."ed Sam Rumo .... B,nrungham. as ill <haif. M....., lhan lO nominations weR ..,bm,l1cd for 'M in>.ugu"" d ... !If induct..... NominOlion. ame from lawyers. counly h;,lOricoJ soc;', i,", .nd i"'OUSt«l dliu .... Aft ... Ihoroughly !'t'Vit-winS .11 of lho

Onn "lbnt Farrah. JudS'" Foank John",n. JudS'" Ann .. Lola Pri"" .nd Arlhur Sho ',", O$lh" fill' "",mbt., of thO' AI.b,,, .. Lowytrs Hall of F• ..,.. . An induc. ion ctl'<1llO"l' will b<: hold .. I.... Judicial S~ildi"g Ihis mon'" I>ollOr· inS four individuah and ttu-ir r.m;· lies. Tho amnony will bt IOIJow«I by a n:ctpIIO'" Tho hall 01 fame w~l bt cd on tM boI1Om floor !If ,h. ludicial lIuikl,n" .nd will ......., 0$ a ptt"""",n. mnindtr !If ..... ,mnmdous conlribu· .ion. modo by,... lawym lo,h. 1<g.1 prof..sion. thnr ""onmunili<$. ,hi • ,,_'e .nd ouo n.. ion. •

6. Th . ... pflWn. nomina,ed by ~""" of Iht chkf jwJg<'J of ,h~ ftdtral dis.. ic\ cour" in ALlb.m. fora I~nn of Ihlff


7. A '<P'~"\ivt of,h~ AI.otwna llmeh and IW His,oricaI Soc~y.

Tho w\tc,ion «",,,ni,, ... wu pwn brNd di$cu1.ion in ~ing h,,,,o.ttI for 1M holl 01 f..... and "'" discrtlion '0 ..1«1 iOJ OWn ,hair.nd .....b/ish iu own pro«durn for soIicit,ng nominat ion. and con,kkrill3 nomi ....... Thi. 1'"11 l"''' w.i$ the fir" Y"" for ,h .. •dec'io" commill""o meet . M·




Notices Pro Bono Award Nominations The Alo~ Sul~ II.. Cornml1t« on VoIun1('tt l.awyn J>rovam.. (fOrm<.1y Iht Comnun ... on Access .n LcpJ Services), is ...nung oom;nal"'''' r.:.. lh~ Alabo".. 5,." Ib, rr.:. Bono Award. Nomln •• ion fonns can I>t oblainod by conl,cling: Undo L lund, di r«,.". Volun!= Lawyt" Vrognm. Al.t.ama Slot. Bear. Pm, Offiu 8oJ: 671. Mon's<>mery. AL 36101, (J}oI.) 2@·ISI5 Tht AbIwna Su« &r Pro Bono Award ~ the otItSWIding I"" bono dIOru <Ii ...... no:yt, J.... &rmo:and \;Jw OIudtnlS U\ tht $laIt. Tht rward cnI<ria indudts bu. is oot 1.mrtN 10.11< k>Iowmg: the wt>I number of pro bono houn or (OI1tpkrity,,( _Iw>dhl ~ of tht pro bono work and bondil for til< poor. particuLar c:q>Ma.. p!'O"Ji<Itd or tho particular .....d ..,Wicd. >UC(eSlfui m:ru;'m<nl of (>!h.r aU<>mq> fur pro bono r<prc>rnto!ion, a"d proven <o"''''i....... '( 10 ~ of q",.lily to tho poor and to provid~ ~ 0Ctes> 10 kgoI ~ Nomina'IOn< mml I>t iUlm.rktd by 1>1.,. 15. 2005 and indudtd • compl<ud AW/xo",. SIal. &or Pro Bono ...words Prognm Nomination FoIm 10 onIoT to boo ~ by W ('.omm,(t«..

Amendments to Alabama Rules of Appellate Procedure (Sa ~"itk. fH'gt 217) Ttw Ablwna Sup,..,m< Cou.,1us adopted amendment. to Rule 21(a}. Rul. 28, Rule 31 (b). 1l1lk 32(0) and (b), Il1lk .u(a). Rule J'J. and RuIt oIOIs). AlII"""", 1M... of Appn"''' i'nKnIour, and has a<Iop1C'd • _ ruk, Ruk lSA. JIlah""", Rub ofJoppd/;,I~ PrtKnfur>'. ·Si&n"'8 llridi, Motion .. and 0tMr Papm.; Itcf"r<>mlalions 10 C:oun." Th~ .mmdm<t>l. of ,h. tuln and ,h. adoption of Rw. l5A .... dT""ive JUtlt l, 2005. Tho ord .. "monding lh. rulos and adopling Rul~ 2SA appo ... in .n ad ....'<~ .he<"1 of $Qulhtrn ~pc"rr d,,<tl on or abou,l'<br .... y H.looS. Rulr }9 has Nrn .ignifocanlly rnis.rd. in p,an to diminilw, 1M uqui •.."...., th., • brid' b< fikd with • peti, ion for • writ of cer1ion.ri ond \(I dmfy W , 0 otoltmrnl of tM f><1. shouJd bt i"dudtd WIth tlt.t p<tJuon for tho wril of cer1iorori. 1M b.ief will b< fil<-d .li.. 1M writ, if ony. u.uos. Rw. 28 h •• bew R'Vi$«! in p,an '0 ftllttt tho ch.ongt'l dftc1td by 1M ."",ndm<t>1 to Ru!'}9.

Amendments 10 Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure The Alabama Suprm>< Coun ha$adopud amertdrunttllO RW. 18.4(b). Rulr Jl.LCO •• nd Rulr 12.2(c)• .uu.,ma Ruin of cnmiM/ />TomJwrr. Th~ .mmdmmtl Oft .fI"tc1iv< June L. ZOO5. 1M onl<n .",..ndn'l tM tub 'Wea. III .n ""'.. na- ohM of th~ SoWI""" <btood On 0 ' oboull'<bn>ory 24, 2005."'" omrndmmllo Rult 18.4(b) uquim Ih< court to admini""'n .,.,h 10 ,he jury upon calhng th. c..... Th~ .mmdm<nl to RuLe 31.1(,) rtqUlft. th ... Rulo II petition for an out-or-lim • • ppoal from tho deni.1 or di.milul of. pR'VH>usIy filed Rul< 32 pdilion be filtd DO 1iI1" than.u month. aft .. tho pdiliofW1" di.0>\'<fJ Ih .. 1M pflilion IOU d<rtiood 01" dilrnilS<d. _ BiI« K. Qru/tj\ ffJHIffn of........... AJ..Ir,o ..... AppdLoI< Cow,,"


Local Bar Award of Achievement The AI.bonto St... IIor Local B.. Award of Achin"."",,,, rtCogni ... lonl b... auocial;"ns (or Ih.i. ou~ndmg Conl1ibul;"ru 10 IMIt commurutin. Awards wiu bt p .... nlood during the AI.~ Slaw, B-or".lOO5 Annual ~t.ce1inlo July 2(1.2) at Point Ora •. Loc::oIIw IIIIOciaIlOnl compctt "" thnt ......... based on thN ~. medium Of .....n.. Th~ following o!lm.. will t.. uS«! to juds< tho conlC$tontl for .oeh ""I<gory:

• ".,. dqrtt of panicipotion by Iho individu.l bar in .d.... ndng program. 10 brnofi"he community, - ".,.!y.nd eIl ... 1 of Ih~ impac! o(!he bar'. p"nicipollon on lhe ciliuns in tha, oommUtlity;


- ".,. <Icpft of mhanctmcnu !o 1M hoi. imal< in the community_ 10 boo oonsid<n-d for Ih" award, IoaIIw IlIo$Ocialioll$ m1U1 compl<l. and submi! an award applica'ion by June J, 2005. For OJ! .pplicalion. conlact Ed ?"Iorson, ASB director of pro-

grams. 01 ($00) 35-4-615-4 o. (3'14) 269-1515. o. download Otlt from tho ASB \lid> ,iI<, --..-.IOIab.u."'I174


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rL. ..... "",h ..

pi,,,, 'Q 10,. forms lor '10 >·t.... Wh<'~. >""

"I"'fOl< • """ 1"""''''' 0<. argo firm. lh< AM I'rogrom <an pnw'od< ... <fk<,jl"< pbn [or )'<>U' nrm. W. p",,;d< linn, wllh . full .. "ic< ",lu,ioft , .... , i""I\Ida. pion odmi ..



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. ,"'."._,.... .. __ .......... _'""",h" ...... ,.............


About Members, Firms 11tr ~ I""?""'" Ion,.... ~

~~.ul 14<"...,... nwmb<r<

<001..., m.

""....""""""" ...w... ...". "fK"'''t of.

"""finn Of _1"""00. _

"'.,in ......

tnIJ in ~"""" .......... " and/or..t.t.... dt<J"f'" ""II<~ ... Sto .. &<, M>/!jp o.p.."......,,~ or (334) 161-6.JJO

(fox) '" RG 80>: 671. M""~ )(jllll, M)'O. ""'1 m.."t";' <mi'",.r

...........w..•. "'J "",",'Mrntb<n. • aid; 0. •M....1h<T Lof-I .... ~ fo&w rlJ,r djrro;,,,,,,

About Members

Balch & Bingha", LLI> .nnounct$lhal P. Bu"u" leneU. R. Evon •• Er ic B. Langl.y and J.nni(er R. McCain h.vt been na",..! p. in th. Birmingham office, and tbat Stophtn .... Yoder h.. join..!th. Bi.mingham office.

Be.. ley, AUen, Crow, M., hvin. P<>rt" 8r Mil •• PC announc<sthat Ch.i.topher E. San'pr«. Roman Ashley Shaul and W. Roge. Smith, III havt become .h •••hold••$. and W<slty Chadwick Cook ha. btrom. an usociate with th. fo.m. Beers. Anderson, lacbon. !'any & Von H..., PC announCtS th.t William R. Gordon. Jr. ha, btrome assod.t..! with the fi.m. Brillon Bonn • •, fonnerly a$SQCiat..! with Adam, 8r Rtt<t in Mobile. Mauh .... J. ..... nd,..,'u. fo,,,,•• of Jon ..<. in NewOrl •• ns, and Rkh ••d 0, Kingrco, fonntrly a ",I. p •• <lition •• in hi.hop<". announce 'ht optning of Bonn .... Land ...u Kingrea LLC. with offices in Foley and hi.hop<". Bndley Arant R_1lr White LLP announ ... that William C. Byrd. II h.. j<>in..!tho fi.m " in tho Bi.mingham office. and ,h.t Kay K.$.Shannon L gamhill, Julia Bon Cooper, Dawn Hoi",. Sharff, Wac,..,n O. II=son, Erin 0. Bro(Iks. D.. id W. Stephen",n. and fohn P. Strohm h, ... j<>in..!th. fi.m. Bu.r& Focm.n LLP announ«$that 'ami. L Moo.e, D. B.ian O'lkll and L Griffin Tyndall hovt become partners; Deb •• Lee Mackey II... become of rou....f. .nd M •• ga.<l K. Ouk, Dow A. D.vid"'n, Ten O. Field$. Gr.lI .m IV. Ge.h.rdt, Amy K. Jord.n, April "boon, M.lIh .... T. Mitchell, Ikth A. O'Sh .... y. Joanne Pouotrson. Alphonoo Simon, Ir., .nd O.. id G. W.nh ...!o h.vt become ossociat<>. Cop<"11 8r Ho .... rd PC .nnOunc", that Richard F. Alkn. former acting ouornor gon.roland !ong·t;m. chief d.pu,y ney gen ...1of Alabam •. h..... join.d th. fi.m.s. m<mbo,.

BaU, Ball, M.uh ..... 8r NovU. Innoun"s that Eri. Bryan Paul h.. joined th. fi.m.

o.urch. Scay 8r Minor PC announttl that I'hilip K. May"'., =mtly appoimed by Govtmor Bob Riley to district

Joseph W. Adam. and LoDon". EI. Spi .. y .nnoune. the di\>Olu\;on of Ad.m, Spi",y & Manu LLC. )rueph Ad.m. continue, hi> p<aerie. ",h. finn', forme, office.t 1278 Andm.$ Mrn"", O;:;o,\:. Phon. PH) 774-S53l.

bOonn. l\ Spivey .nnoun,.. ,h" opoo ing of h<'T olfoe•• t 190 W. Reynold. Slrffi, Ourl:. Phon. (334) 774·)935. David E. ... lIud announces ,h<opening of David E. All=! Pc. with "ffi«>", J 774 Tali.fer", T,..a, Montgomery 36117. Phon. (334) 396-9200.

U.. M. Durd<1" .nnounces the opening of her olli« ., 6000·11 21Jth Avenue, Valley. Phone (334) 756-95005.

Fnll> fones_S mith .nnounC<$ the oprning of Resolution. LLC. Christopher R. Mill ••, fo.m •• ly of MiU., & M.. he. LLC, annOune" tht op<"ning of Chri"oph<:r MiU"r LLC, with offiCtSlocated.1 t206 Dauphin Streel, Mobil. 36604. Phone (251) 438_1887.

V. Michdle Obudovic annOune" the form .. ion of Wi .. R.... lution LLC, wilh offiCtSlocated .1 2100-'" SoutbBridg. P.,kway. Suilt 650, Birmingham 35209. Phone(205 ) 414-7589.

Among Firms The Alabama o.-portn,.nl of Envi.on",.ntal Managemem .nnoune... that"'nloindl< fon .. has join..!thtlcgal divi,ion. G~ory



juds<'• .lOIh Judid.] Ci«uil. and lhat Min Abbon. formtrly In _ ; . .. with tM firm. Alan Furr. fomltrly of A~n Furr PC,and Von Dav; •• rcl;r;ngdimkt Inorney for the .10th Judici.1 Circuit. ho .... join«l the firm. TIt.lirm nom< hI' b«n 10 Chun:h. Minor. Abbon . Fur. & Oni. PC.

a..k, DoIan, Morw.~ Ik HairPC

:an_nat thot Cynthio Nonnon Wdlioms hoo jointd tho finn • an ~. C...w & $I......,. . nnou""... mtrp with n.. COCh .... FInD, """'tnS Cochran, Oonry. Civen .. Smi'h. CulM & $I ... ~

PC. OfJ"ICeI ...

Iox:a,td., 2031

2nd A.... n .... N.. 8 " m,ngh.m }520}. I'tIonc (205)322-8866.



GoldMI & SimpKIn PSC Innounas ,hat S'<'JIhoni. L Morpn-Whit. has !>«onlt a p;trtncr.

'"mu& Pillman PC. wi,h oftk....t 611 S. Lawt<1I« Mon,somerY.1'hooIt (}}4) 262·0loOO.

Cra«. livans & M.nh ...... InnoUnces that J. Mark DWro hI. 1>«0".. In a$$O-

JohnS' on•• AdamI. 8. il..,.. Cordon 8< 11."i, LLC annQunCC$th .. Dcl>nn h Il. Hcntbl'« h.. jointd the linn. Ughl(001. Franklin 8< Wh i,. LLC

c...., liand A.... d. III.Le annou"'" lhot it hu "",rgtd with tM AtMns finn of Slltrill.lbt .. & Black. and ,hot An ... C. Sum,wl> and Ikn;'min S. Goldman ho~ jointd 1M firm. _iota. fUn ..... & H in"", PC announus Iha, No ..... M.o...vicn hoojointd the firm .:an_io,•.


Supt<m. Court ........,.... ,u"icc /. Conn." Hou .. on hoo jointd tilt lirm. and ,110, Jacob M. Tubbs, OnridtA. M ~I. and Sonford C. Hoopn ho ... bewmc _ .. ted wilh lholirm.

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:II">OU""" thot for"",.

AUwin E. Hom. IV .nd Champ L,.,.... III :announce the !'ormation of Lyon' 8<

RondaU Il "'met:and IIobn1l.aler Pillm;rn ""noull« the fonn.ollOR of

'It. AIDnII MindI!o!y Clf ConwrossItrt UWllO'UllIy evaWw IIId apprC'>'811 in-sta18, as well as 1IiI!>m· WKII. ~iIfRI 'o\todt n ma.nt&ioed in a computer i;latabase Ali lla identified ~ SQOOIOI', l(Qtion, dale and ~,a lty liN. Fot • eompie1t listing of o;tI"nlnt CL£ apponunnoes Of , ealtn.l;>r. CQl1Tacl




• ''''




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About Members, Among Firms ftom PC, with oK,", Ioc.otod al 3300 Colla"" RQ.d. Sul~ 212. Binnin&l=n

'M new firm name will he Morri.

35221. Phom (21)5) 8n·8700.

The N.,ioul Legol Aid II< o.r. nder Allod.tion onnoune... th., Cath«'n. lI .. ne h.. b«n namod direclO. of the

M<Glluglon 8< MtG llugh n LLC announces ,II., Mkh.~1 D. ~1<GI.ughn hI. ;oinr<llh~ fim ... an U<Oci.t •.

H.rdwid; Sch"";d • •.

N.'i"".llHftnde1" L<adorohip lni,i.ti ••.

8mwn. Kyle T. Smith . and Crai! Martin Stephen. h_ joined 1h<-lIirminghom ..fri«. Ind RW,. ,d 1- M.,,,;. h..


jointd the Hunuvillt ,,/fk~. Stl,n .. &: At chison LlP .noounen thO! Alfrnl ll. "',kin .. lr. h;u t-o ..... .

Qskt_. O..klnJ, Naoh, Sm.,u &: 5' ...... " PC an""""," Cllri$lophn W. Dttrinl II .. joined the fl11l1 as af


Morris, Conch,n .. tanK lIlIlOUllUS

R..lianu Tnu. Company "" ...... ""eo that I.anu T. Studdard has;:';....1 the AtWllI oAk•.

Wd>b &: Eky announces lbal Scotl W. Gosntll "'" btcomot '"'"""'"'ted wilh 1M

_on_iott. Jack$on &: lIordwOd< ond Mom. 8< Schnridn .nnounco wi, ""''Y'' aDd

Sirotelk ~rmun PC announas ""', I'fl ... I. lI..din, lorn ... w. King. Kerry Pa,rid, Mdnt'rnq. Cynthia Rambu,,!!,

Woh-"';nt Tubt Int.• n"""ne.. tho, loolnn R. Mlnnln" Jr. hOI t-om< idml and chid" ornal;ng .,tflC<1". •

McKinney. 11.......<11 &: lIilL. LLC anllOunorn

,h., raul I. ManNI! II..

joln.,J ,lit firm .. ..., asooci>~_

M.... UI. II.,.,.OOn &: Adamo :umouncet o.y;d K. lIog has ;0,,>«1 ,he fum.


,ha, /oKpb D. Aiello bas;o;""'" the firm


-""'. was desigllEId especially tor small firms and solo practitioners who are seeking to minimize overhead expenses while expanding their areas of practice. • •

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• Deed Mortgage Laa t Wilt A Testament Wilt Probate Eatate Admlnlatra tion G_rdLan t hlp A Con...-vatorahlp Powe r o f Attorney Leat. A Easement Eviction Corporation Adoption Criminal Oafen te Criminal Pros&c uto r General Prac tice Timbe r Purcha se Lltlgstlon


nvesti ga tive Ac counting

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205 . 32 • ••• 30 205 . 32 •.•• 30·'... Info @ lo • • n . lc.cp • •. n • • ww ... fo • • n s l" ·cp . s.n . t 5 .. 11.

1025 fin. ncr. I C.nt ••

11 0 11 No.lh 20th ' . . . . 1 Bhmln,".m , AL 3 11 203


Carr, Davis Duane Mobile Admitted: 1979 Died: February 5, 2005

Smallwood, Gary Stanton Annis ton Admitted: 1974 Died: October 7, 2004

Culpepper, Jerry Roger Admitted: J 996 Died: /nnuary 24, 2005

Stephens, Elton Bryson Birmingham Admitted : 1936 Died : February 5, 2005

Es trada, Laury Gordon Alexandria, Virginia Admitted: 1990 Died: November 28, 2004

Tonsmeire, Gcorge Augustus Mobile Admitted: 1974 Died: February 18, 2005

Key, Robert Ed wa rd Lee Greenville Admitted: 1949 Died: February 3, 2005

Tunstall, David Morgan Tuscaloosa Admitted: 1978 Died: January 5, 2005

Meador, William Shane Pensacola, Florida Admitted: 200 I Died: January 24, 2005

Woods, Charles Lewis Ozark Admitted: 1958 Died: February 5, 2005


Newell, Neal Curtis Birmingham Admitted: 1947 Died: January 14,2005 180





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1oo*. _ _ _ .... _ _ ... _

.... _ _ $w. _ _ _ _


_ _ _ ""' _ _ I\,_;/IooIOO_

Tho Alabam" Law Foundation is alfd .. ted with thr AIabmlo

n I99S,lh. Alabama Law ""undilion cslabli,hod lho

Fdlows prosrom 10 honor Alobama bar """,,!,m who h.nt roW • 'ipUroconl contribution 10 tiI<ir pmlir:«ion and tiI<ir community. AnnuaUy, tho NomiBlli"l CommillCt of tho fd1oowt, _ 10 nomi~~ bwrm 10 bt ;"";1«1 inlO FtIlowship. Tho ro..ndal;';'n ~ upon I'dIowoI to pro-

]>Oftd 01 row ttpan~ propamo indudins lho ~ radt .,..,..;ding "'3)'1 for Iowym; 10 bonn- thr ....,n.j around dwm. This f"ar', m:ipienu _ inducl<d .1 the ..... nual FdIowo o.nnn on January 28. 2OO~ II Th< Cap;lilI Cily Oub in

vidt nttdtd fjn. n<w .nd p<1'SOn.aI ",pporl. f<,liows gili. art tax dodu<liblo and will . .. i>llh. found.tion in funding

Monlgom..,.. Th< Prnidtnl · EIoct <>flh. ",....,.ian f:!.ar AosociOl ion, Mich.el S. Greco of 8o>Ion, WU ,h. Ir«ial

important proj«1.and progr. ms



ciliun. and

S\.oIO &r and ;. a ctwitablt. lIlI...mIpi ~'ion 0Dft1.

gues, .pomr.

tholrg;ol communilyaliu,



Willi_ II.. ~ II SIno .... u.s. DIstntI Coon. UdIo

B. e....... 111. ~1Ie Pootnor, 8arneH. iILW. lit & Bvm



ShIt... loftl ... II ... ""... ~ Ji.<Ige. us OIltrot1 Co<.rr. Honhorn Ili$trl<l 01 "'"lip II.. e",""

Poruw. Bradle\'


"'I'd Roso & Wtone

AMon T. C...i........ J... Mobile Patine!. Cmni~.Ilt:>.ml. y...", Ct_&Blown

Jnoo,It L a.....Il ()ptIob Pnw. Dean & Banen ~ 1.


, . MoIIoIt

Reuoed ~ Jum:e. ~ Cou1 01 Alaba ....

f<,1lows acuptod into """"btroh.ip for 2(l(IoI nM C. LMt.


f'Ir-. ....,. ...... lIMe" ~ M. D.I. Morslt. EnwpnM Poruw. MaIsh. Cotl.. & Tindol Tp_ C. MontQOoTlll'V Panrw. Ti'Ia<!;n. Muns, GIl", & SUy


Ofayeoo ItHofs. ok.. a.-.,-

o..r Ju<tQ. ~ Court 01 AIotraona CI...t D. N. il_. Deo't'ooIxtO. Solo Pllotlo1oOriel Koillt B. N_" MonIgOmelY Eoootut,,,, DveclOl. A.-I\I Stal' Bat ~_f· otlt ~

1'InntI, 1),jIo. l.oIes & ~

Moillodl J. P«w. Bo.....y:,." M>yroat~, Coo!a & Gale



Will_ II.. ".,., Jt. 110"_1 . . . . U.S.Co.rtol~ 111t~ ~

w. Ro-tor.1U'ItsWIo

P.",...IM •. fold,

sr- a PIynI

E_IIi.. S. So"".



p.",... Gt~, ~

SQ,1kGowM. Gt~

J. S. ... _I ~ Judge. 10000.11.o1oci11 CrM

H_" ... W_..If.. HunllMllt

~ ......

Watson. JII1"II1'ItIso.,- CM'oan. Malton &

"'''' -'11 1.\011\0>,.,


Mlote. So4nme Ccut o!





President-Elect, AmeriCllll 8M Associatioll

to the

Fellows of the Alabama Law Foundation Annual Dinner Capital City Club · Montgomery, Alabama · January 28, 2005


... the purpose

heAmeri"'n Bar Associ'lion---ond I belie", the organized ba .. in

''''ry ju,isdictiun-arc ",mminod 10 the fair .dminimotion of i"'" ,iC<'. The ABA's mot1o, °Dor.nding libc"y, Punuing ju.,i""," SumS i, up wtll. W. bel;<w that l.wyttS arc <thically oblig;U«llo m.k 1h.o.! motto • truth. and th.1 i. our goa) ev<ry day. I view the low .. an ""gine for ""i.1 ju.tice. And l.~rs an: in a unique p<>Silion 10 '$Surt lrue ><><;'1 justkt. W. work 10 tsl.bli<.h Faim... and ju._ Ike, particularly when di.pute. or problenu nttd th, jU'Ii« 'y>tem for , ... olution. Thue, w< h.v< the .bili,y to 1...1 the playing fi..Jd, right wrong> and en.urt faim ... within the law. Bu1,a1l too o~.n , Ih .... wllo 3rt poor r... llocktd out ofth. jn'fiu sys10m, As la~rs., wo,king wilhin Ih~ ABA and Ih~ AI.b"m. Slalc Bar, we , an do ..,m~hing .boul Ihis liIU.,ion. W. Cm help ~n,u .. Ihal .11 voicC$

of the law is to protect the powerless from the powerful. - Hammurabi

,an bt he.rd. W. nc«lln clIang<c Ihc irulilUlion. and address Ih~ prc .. u.... wilhin our profession 10 m"ke il pouibk for mo .. la"1'= l<> hdp more ~pl. who ,.nnot olherwi...fforolcgol .. rvic.... Wbcn WC o as lawyns. ,.ke our oalh. we undertake an mica] rommi, · "",nllo proviM 1cg>.1 ... istanu to tho .. who need h<lp but cannot .rroro it We promou and ~nrou",g<c pro bono work and public scrviu. H.mmo wrole 1.700 ["'aI' btforc Ouist, in til< fir<! wrintn rodt of Low, thullw pU"","" of.1w ItIw is 10 pmltellhe ~ from .he f'I""tI'fid. 1btlicvt Ihal • ooblc purpose '" bring a Lowyc< l<><hy ronlin .... '" be '" prO!C<llhe powerless from ,he powttful I btl;"'" lh:ol It.< ;or of being • laWI'''' com<s from using our ltgallraining '" help hunun beings in n=\, .nd '" hdp improve society for Ih. benefil of 011, rcg>.rok» of thei, economic 0' soc;"1 ...1.... The;or COmc$ from doing wen. bUl.oo doing good. Se-rving lhe public in!CrcS\ and a dc.i .. 10 improve socic1y is whO! ' ''DOe<! m< to til< IcgoI prof""'n 0$. I am ,.,as the cast with )'Ou in this """n. n... idtaJ of lrue sociol juslice is 0"" thaI lawyers >lrM for each day,


And so, I want 10 begin. national dialogue On how tht prob_ lem an be solved. I do noltxrert that il can be solved in on. y<'ar. but I think it isailic:ally important thaI"" noweommil to doing som<1hing .boUI it. When P.... id.nt 10hn F. Ktnnt<!y decrwl thatth. U.S. would • m'n on the moon by 1%9-01 th .. poinl .n unfathrnml to the I'I'IOSI nobl. principles th.t defiM the legal prof=ion: o"",bl. gool-he remindtd ul that a journ<r of • Ihousand 10 pro'idt l<gal SC'rvkc 10 ...i>11h .. poor, di...dv.m"ged and undnprivilcyd. and 10 I"'rfonn public ~i<. thaI .nlura. 1M mil ... begins wilh tho fim "ep. The lopic of my remarb tonigh' ,..,lat<> to .noth.,. long «>mmQn g<)Od. journ<r, and .noth.,. goal, One whrut .tt.inmenl-unU" our I nwl your h.lp to do it The opportunity 10 ""rfurm public s<rvi< •• nd <on<ribu,. to placing. man on Ih" moon-is long overdue. You havt doubtl... he.m that in!(:ribt<labow th. doon 10 the public good continues to bt the kry ,to"," that .!t,acU th .. Unitt<! S,.,... Sup rem .. Court building ore Ihe words' Eq,,"1 young rntn .nd women 10entor (h.logol profession. 11>< d";,. to make a differ,,,K. in $<KiOly hH au ... c!<d 10 {Wlie< U~der "" ..... That eloquent statemen,_in Ihi. bountifull.nd full of hope Our low .l<hool< the 001 a nd bright..! col~ • and promise-Iod.y i. emply rhetoric 10 far p,r.Idw, .. lhat each gen ... I;"n has to off... 100 m.ny in our "",i«y. It is ourobligo. Young 1.W}..... I00..y begin the pr.ct;"" or 'ion-yours .nd minO-Io bre.the life into low ap..cting 10 do well, but also ""p«ting 10 find ,<,>.< opporlunity 10 perform pub· thrut word$. It hI. been reliably<! Ih., Uc ..,vi«. lIut, in 'im~, m. ny of ,hem belw.. n 70 ond SO perce", of Ihe! nwl, hew"", di .. ppoinled, "",,aus< 'he dema",b of of poor peopl. in ,hi, n.tion go un.dd~ 'Ilti, law pr.ctice S<vtrciy limit the time and ~ar aft.. r ~at. the opportunities to contribute to ""'kty. An ABA nalionwide legol nwl, .. udy con· For vtle"'" I.,.,, the pr=ur.. and the duC1ro in 1993, in which Tw., invulvtd, pace of th~ p""'ice ofla... rontinut to intrude shewt<! Ih31l..gaJ htlp was nol obtain<c<l for On the ti"'" """il,bl. for public .\e!"Vic~. mo,.., than 70 percenl of the .eriou, legal We must ,,<ike. bal.nct in our Ii,... and problem' encounter<c<lby poor peopl•. This our pr~lices. whoth ... in privatt Or sovern· mtnt prilClia. The k<y to £1dking th., balis d"'pite all the effortl of legal aid progranu ond pro I>ono I.,.,.. .... .nct i, time-f=ing up timo-in l.w finn" in ~mmen' offic<$. in .nys<t1i ng "'h.... More Ihan ten Y"a" havt pasKd siD«' tht ABA SWW)'•• nd ... h.vt so"en wo..... A la,.,..r pr.ctices b ...-for la,.,.... to engage in - Iohn F. Krnnt<ly pro I>onund public ..-rvi«. And tho>¢ of ... Sq>1"mber 20'H re-rorl by Ihe District of Columbi. lla.r Found .. ;"n ... ,imOlt<! th.,I .... in b>r leader'hip pooitio", mu.s, help tht of AImria to find thalti",,,. Ih.n t.n perrenl of Ih. nwl for civillegal . .. isl.nct is being mel. I want to m." Ihe c,,,,, ... ilh dec;'ion-make" in America. law A .unil.. S1udy in Washinglon also rele.sed in 2003, low·income hous<hold< found Ihal 87 percent of lhe off" .. why it is in th. in'e~t of ,h. lawytr. th. I.,.,..r·, pl.a of ""counter. civillegaJ probl.m each Y"ar. and thaI only 12 per· employment, the prof.... ion and the American ptapic, thot ... e froe up lim". 11me'o honor and deli,...,. on Ihe prof... ion·, cent of 'h ..... hOu.«hold. are .blt 10 obtain ... iSl.nce from. I.,.,..r. Iong-".ncling commitm.nt to public s<rvi«: '0 prov;de pro bona $<YVkt$ to ptapl. in ntt<!: 10 p;!tticip;u, mo,.., fully in our Things.,.., only ,lilt1e bott .. in my It'U, M.... chu .. m. wh ... we have ligniflconllegal .. rvial r<SOurcn. rommunilie" and 10 givt I,wyers g,..,.t~r fulfinm.nt in Iheir W•• urvcytd Ih. legal neNs of poor citi«n, in 1987,. fin,· pmf... ion.lli ..... in-Ih.·nOlion >ludy Ih.,1 "".irt<!. and .goin in 2002. Wt found I have .ppointed. d;'lingui<ht<! R.nai ... na of Ide.lwn thot Ih. <xcurr..," of c;villegal probl""" among Ihe poor PI'nning Group thol is looking.t numem ... issues relating to Ihi •• ubje<l, .nd ne," yur [intend 10 .ppointa P~idon,ial inc,..,utd. .ignifiandy 0vt1" Ihat period. Ill' 2002," k ... 53 per. anI oflh. poor household. in Ih. Stole h.d at le,ll One unmet Commi»ion ,h. t will help implen,.nt Ihe rtGOmmendation. civillegol nud, .nd only 13 reteent of Ihrut househokb by the planning group. The problem of .ddr....;ng the legal nee<b of the poor in obtaint<! lrg;al h"lp to resolvt thrut problem •. Simila, "udies were conducled during Ih.laot four Y"an in America is bigg.or than the kgal profe»ion c.n .IOlvt by itstlf. .ix other .131 ... Each .urvoy pro-duud similarly dismal staliSlia. And the problem is thal our n.,ion far behind other major industrialiud coun!ries of Ih. world in providing m.aningful Th. 2000 OI\$U$ found. n.arly six percenl inc,.., . .. in pover· Iy in the US.. with more tha" 35 million peopl< living Ixlow th .. help 10 poor ptaple wilh legol problems. During my ~nn .. ABA prt<idtnt r will focus on that idnI. 1 want to rtkindk 10 rrinvigorale, 10 retnergize tht idealism .nd public ..",k< commilmem of our profession--<tr.d th<n nurlure il,~nd i1 and pl'Qt~ il for generAt;"n$ to <On'I<.! want 10 I••d •• RnlaiS$tJou <if liknli<m" in Our prof...;on---a rtrommit-

... a Journey

of a thousand miles begins with the

first step.




1 84


powfly thrnhold. 'fINo n..",ba of p<OpI< in .-d is i~nl while ,he rn<IUrca 10 ~ hdp .,.., >hrinklng. Dnpi,. our bnl .fforts, .... h."" no! made s.ignirlCanl "ridts 10 <t"'" ,lit LtpIIIfflif of ,ho« w!.om po>=ty d.. p down .00 ~psdown.

Th. principal nOlion.1 funding .lOUT« for .U our Ioal k&>l aid pros""" i. Ihe fed ...1 Ltg.1 S.rvkcsOl. po ... io~ I'm· sram C••• led by p,.."idenl R;';h.rd Niwn in 19H. Th;' p.og ..", has ........ "",,n Ji...n ilMqllOle rno..ruo to do it< job. The IX rnct..d iu higlcst, bu1 still inadeqllO'e. fUndln, leV<[ in 1995 with a $0115 million appropriolion. Ru, oppot>mll wIIi. · lied tN! .mount down. and LSC ""'" only ~ SJJI million. If the LSC appropriation h.od no! increaxd, bul had merrty ktpI up with inlLahon line. 1995. the LSC would ""'" be ..w.ins $0190 million. So .... can 1ft how far bthind it has faIkn. Ptuidtn. BuJh lw ....... wppoftivt of ,he lepISaYica Olrpon ...m. and .... .,.., V"nuJ for ,hat. Rul on ,t.. whoIt, and ""'" tt.. ~..s, ..... , poli.;.;;o[ Indns h.... "'" (..... nd 0 w.y to pul .. id.,hri. diff.,..,nces ond p..,..;.w, odeq ..... rnourc .. '0

respond 10 the;ol • .....J of It.. poor for LtpI hell' W. "'U$I


oil join

'ovrntr 10 <tdt an ackqllO'. "Wml";"tion for

Ou. couru ho ... r«<>gniud .ha. on indigon. augl" up in the e.imiul jU>1i« 'j'>..m-<onJ,i1U!ionally-mu" be provided a I.wy.r I:>tfort lit o. >h. ""Y bt imprilOned behind b'!"1 of 11"'1. 11.11 Ihe ... nlt court. h..... no, yrt ",..pod Ih .. 0 I.wye. I< often IltCnSOry for In indigon, to ,,,,,id lifelong imprilOnnltn'by.he

sluckln of poverty or diKrimino,ion. In 1962. the U.s. Suprtnlt Court decidtd Cidn>rr ... W..;......ngh •• the ax ,hot creo,eiI • 10 coulUd for .hoo< Uci,. criminal inarorn,m But. 43 )n" ofu:r ~ .... do 1>01 • nghl 10.- poor ptopIt ~ ~ tmouf civillta.oJ probItmo-probIe w, imprUon ,hem in poweny and pmonM ....... from bocomins produn"" "."IOt" of toeioty. Our lows and jurisprudmce ..., far bdlind .hal of othn Wn1<m DOlions in this repnl. The CONli'''lIon. of ,he


Congratulations and thanks to Milton Moss, who'«""r rtlired from his posilion as assi51ant genenl ooun~ for th~ Alabama Slate Bar. Mihon provided ~,hiC5 coun~ to Alabama la~rs, and invwig.tled and pr'OSl:Qlled bar complainl5 for 14 )'tars. Tht Ia~n of Alabama ow.. a debt of gratiluck to Mihon for hi5 consdmtiou5 commilmtn, to our profts5ion by his servic.. in th.. Office of Gtntral Counsel. Milton reli res 10 his hobbies of Hying and hunting, and will ~ 50rdy mi~ as a valuable and dtvolro mtmber of ou r slaff.

Mill au,iow.Iy opm. one of his Mary and ~ta,,,,,, MoM and son aul<..,joy horbecuo .nd In tht trimmings ~,.he Srnokrhou .. fjllQ mI..... nl in Millbrook.

rrtirtm<nt &iii. during hi, · soing. ..... y" P'''Y M.",b 3b,.

N<1hcrlo~, h.1y .nd So~lh Afric.,10 n>Jnc only $CV<ral, nrlicilly r«<>gniu • righl 10 «>u~",1 fQr Ih. indig.nt in civil can wMn .ubslanli.1 injUSliu woold Olll<rwix rcsuIt [n additiOn, \><ginnins in til< Iott 1800s. ",,,$I Olher Wmtm nalioRli ~ ..",... fonn of ripl to counsd On civil asQ Ihroup lqil.blion 01 coun <i«isoons. Whom one """'PO'" our ... pend'IU'" of public rcsouruJ to add"", III< ItpI ne«\t; of til< poor in til< U""od SUles wilh I)'SI.rm in pbct in oth..- Wes,crn, IndutetWiud na,;""" .... romt

up ..,my lacking. Californi. Appeal. Coun lu"ie. Earl lohn>Olllw oonclu.c1od <><1'''11"" "udi", of '}'$ltmS Inler ..... H. rondudtd Ih.1 OJ of [999 1M k<UI gotI1trOld other indu",.,.1 dtmoc:rades (FrallCC.nd ~I 2..5 I ........ ..-. of lhrir nal;o.w producI ,II"n the Unit<d Stal.. did in ...-vina III< civ~ ItpI noedo ofJow... illCOfl>C populo tionf; E+nd~' 17 times tnOKof il$ GNP lhati 1M U.s. to prtWid< OCCN to juteiu fOr it. poo .... ~k. n.. AlIA iHurl'tntJy • conducting ....UrcilIO bring 'MJo: figures up '0 dol., but 'here i$ no .... >on '0 boli .... has bttn much imp""""""'. "'cconti", to JUSlice Johnson. if tho U.s. .... r. to milch til< FrmchlGtr .... n 'PI'f"OOoCIl. .... would bo "",ndins about S1.6 billion on ItpI ~ lOr 'M poor, if .... "11 toIIowN the lead ofThtlJ' BIo..·, .... would bo ~di", abou, S 10 billion dol101"1 .nn\lally on kpI .. rvica for ,he poor. 1 boh."" th., th. UmtO hu ro"", for .. ,10 r«08,,;,e, fin.lly,lh.1 a poor ~rso". whether f.J<:inS .ither • Jo:riou. crimin.1 '" civil matItr, mull h.... a.c«$> '0 rou....,1 if th., ~rson is to I't«lvt jwliu. UI me bo c1tar-1 :om DOl ,;&[kin,"bou, proridin& a 1.oW)'tt' in ~ ..;, ... 'ion whI'R I poor pnson bolicva "" 01 she has hem .,iorV<d. But, in ...." .... wh .... I poor p.n,,,,'. f.amily,_nan«. ""alth o<l.ou,,"' .... 'h .... t<"nCd by a kpil"utlkm. our I)'l'tent of Joniu JhouId provide the I\t(\'$$Ory ItpI usiotollCl'. So.:h ".ilially important ."i.un« Uwluld not bt ""'H",fiI olll by the te>spoonful. It .hould not bo 'Ubjc<IIO long wailing lilll.llmited "ap.dty and n.rrow !cpl . id priority lim. It "'ollid bo .".il.bIt to.u ",110 qu.lify. rlO, tM'" .... oi&nifican' COSIJ Ittached to • JUIliu .,....... tM' truly provides ItpI help to a poor penon who faces a ... ious poutlkm. And.,..., we .... in tht miclo! of ...rugling cwnomy, DOl ~ fully mxwertd. SuI ("YIIn in ti""'S of a Slrughlll eronomy, odminiSl ...tioM in ........ in"on $<"Ok rnn",,"ional funding In Iho billiolU of dol[.,Il fQr OIh .. national priorities,.nd ConV"' K .. priorities fOr 1M n.. ion in ill budgtt decision$.

I belie"" t hat the Ii"", h'l <omtO to eXlomd Ih. wi""' •• "ion.I•• nd Ih. imperati ... of Gi,u.,n v. "",in_igh. to t....... "'110 .... the most vuln.rable in our _kly. No 0'" in 0'" na'ion ~Id how to II" unaMis.tod Onto court whtn the in!<$ri'Y of Itis Of Mr family is., JUke. whtn "" or .... .nd tMi. child ..... 1m)' bo thrown out of IMir home. when they mil}' ... frer "'bcr,,~ hl.nn ~t 1M ltanoh of a .,... ..... ,II", they (:2,nno' ... vipt. 0< ........ ~~ "" !hrir OWn. n.. following puIoO.. from • 2001 M.ryIand Ap~.I. Court decision invnlving. child C"WIody diipuI~. F"'K •. &r~""n .um. il up p~"y wdl, In hi, concurring opinion lust;';.. Catholl sold this:


i nportam




10 01

aSsIstance should not be 'asllrcd 1 'l by the teaspoonful.

....'hik I ( ...... inly Un"'" <pnk fOr thot indivldu.a.! jooseo of tItis Court, i, is my bditf thai II..... is no ~ on this Court til", bdieYef in hi. Of bcr hean 0< mind, thai is <qw.! bel ......... the poor:&nd the rich---cvm in the lradition_hallownl II"U. of our .ppellate court$. Each of US 1<nows..1 boli .... , th.t an un-''1',C$Cnlfil paronl illvolvo;l in th ••' pro«s$ in I'tSp«IlO custody, .i,illtinn. Or po ... nt.1 termina,ion issues. wMn opposed by com· peI.nt counod fOf ,hot oppooing porty foomttimts opposed byon orpn nftM Stal. wilh its k$iot>s of 1awJu"I). is notmally DOl Itlonkd !hr <qu.a.! pml<c,ion of tM to.... Lt_,.n eq..aJ a.c«$> to jUSlic.c to whieh all d.Ltt", .u .... titled.


Eq",,1 occao to jUSlicc for all in A"IO.ic.o io .n unsung national priority, one thaI shnoId oow finaIl)' bo Ii..... 'W"ful .tlCn'ion :&nd Ktion by II>< Adminislralion :&nd Cong;rao.

[ concl ..... my mn.arb by ..... king two req ....... of you: Fim, pkasc M11' mtO in the ... Ill nvo 1"'1l$ 'n k.>di", a rosu'V""" of pm """" .nd public ..rvict by Amtrica'$ Lowyns-in "'adins I Rcn~;_",.. 0{ IdMli,rn in nur I'rof... ion. You will h... "'o~ aboutlh;" from me in Ih. roming months. And S<COnd. l:uk you to join me in ... pondillllh ....ach

'lUI ....

of GitkooI. .., th., ehot rioqUnlt prorniK of" EqrW UIWr /.Dw" is • promu.. ,hat finally is b:pl1Or tM poo .....

.nd th~ 1IlOOII YU!ncr.bIt .monS .... Th.nJr. rou fo< your kind Itlnttinn Ihu .... ning. And. th.nk rou fOr alltb'!)"lu.nd the Alaballl' Law Foundalion do to $tt~ nur prof...s.ion ond the public. •



The Alabama State lJar is pleased to make availabl e to individual attorneys, firms and ba r associations, at cost o nly, a se ries of brochures on a variety of legal topics of interest to the general public.

Below is a current listing of public information brochures available for distribution by bar members and local bar associations.

$ 10.00 per 100

To Sen'l! the Public

· .. Highlights :md details of bar public service programs from the TO SERVE THE PUB LIC video IIrese,lto,tion. $ 10.00 IJoer 100

J...(,,,. As A Career

· .. Inforlm.tion on the opportunities and ch:lllenges of a la .... career today.

Q'y -

' --

Q'y -

' --

Lawyers aud Legal Fees

$ 10.00 pH 100 · .. A S\lmm~lry of basic leg.II pr(H;cdures and common legal q\lestion~ of the general public.

Qty_, _ _ Will & TeS/(IIIIl'J1I

$ 10.00 per 100 · .. Aspects of estatr planning a nd the illlllOrtance of having a .... ill.

Qt y _

ugal A spects of Oi"ane · .. OlTers options and choices involwd in di\·on..-e.

Q'y - ' - -

$ 10.00 per 100

' __

$ 10.00 per 100 Qty __ • _ __ · .. O utlines illlilortant cons iderations and IIl"Ovides ad"ice on financial matt ers.

COl/sulller Fimlllcd" HIl)'illg 01/ Time"

Di~'pllfes $ 10.00 per 100 · .. An on·n'ie .... of th e mediation process in (Iu esti on-:md-ans .... er form.


Arbilralioll ,I greelllellls

$ 10.00 per 100

Qty __ • _ __ Qty __ • ___

... Ans.... ers (Inestions aboul arbitraliou from the COllsumer's persl}CCti,·c. Ad"allce Ifealth Care Oirectil'es

$ 10.00 IJoer 100 Q'y· . . Compl ete. easy 10 understand information about he.lith directi\'cs in Alabam: •.

' --

,\CRYLIC BROC HURE STAND $ 5.00 EAC H Q'y · . . Indi vidual stand imprinled with attomey, firm or b;lr ;Issoci:llion name for use at br()(huT\' distribution Imillts. O ne stillld Iltr hroch ure is recol1101 endl'(l. Nam~ to imprint o n st;lnd: "'13iling Address:

' --

ShiPlling & lIand ling

$ 5.00



Ptca", remi. C Il Io:CK OR MONEY O Rllt:R ~l.\ I) E PAYAII l.E TOTtIE At.AIIA MA STATE liAR rur th~ amoun.IL,tl."d on the TOTAl. Ii"" a nd fo .....·a nl it "ith t h is o rd ... rono to: SUS8n And res. o;....,lor or Co""nu"I~"do",. At"b"m" Stalc liar. 1'.0. 1Io~ 671. Mon.gomery. AI. 361 0 1




Your Partner Needs Help he ALob.m>. t.-ytt Assi.mnce Progra", (ALIIP) has wille _long it "'" fin! implnnmled in 19911. 0fIrn. ... 01'( o&ktd 10 pHSftIt prognrm 10 IoaoIIw ..-lations and low schools Ih..........n d~ IU~. and tho


Slana obu .... or iUbst. ncr <lcpcndm!. Acoording to tho American B.or Associ.lion (ABA).1ht corn:sponding /isurt fur Lrw)om ""1 bt .....arty doubio--I ~ 10 18

'''''''' 1M fOCI .. Lowyn, somnimc in

low mdm.. _ fr<qutndy 1UI'priloed. tho stTYio:$AiM' oIfm. M~'Y""'" hn.o thousht .bout tbr p<mibW!y '" <'Itt work·

hislMr (irffI", wiD know, practi« willi Of hc • bwyn sulJttin& from addiction or dtp~n, is quite high. Tht numbn of alit to ALAI' h.. risen significanlly ow'

ilsolf gMs .>so to m>ny '1"""iom. Wlut 00 J'OII do if ,",u h;;,.., jUS1 IOund out your J'M'nt1 has. drug/>kohoI pooblc'OI or is sulJoring from <kpm:I.ion! Howdo j'OU gel hrip! 1'o'M *"'}'OUr <!hi(;;1/ ond lop! ~ JId'on, u-

Ih. )'\'... 0' m<mbt" &,in mOre lnjighl and un(k ...,a nding a bout th ... and the rCSO\lrces AU.!' otT. ... Tho: same dynamic. ~hot .r~ when. Famity rntm· beT is imp;>iml :al$o ~ in • film whnl • J"'rtntr is im~. 'I'M imp.aiml Lawyrr b«omft 1ht lOcus of tt.. (o.m'. lumtion. When tMy ur~ lOr WI>fk. how \My oct, hoow thqo look. how tMy smell. work p«>d",t, thoi, billing. :rnd thtir a pprop,j.t~n ... oJl btron .. m.n<" of cone.... n.

ing with an imp.oimi coIka&... and, th<rt-

~, lh. subject



..,',i00i< ...

onswntd, tbr ralnyolimpMnml in Ihtlrplmmrtlll. My. In 2002. tho Subw_ Abusoo and

Mental Health Str.ic:ef; Adminislro'ion <$lim.t<d Ihot 'M pnunl of Amnicaru ogt II and oIdtt rooM hc <h.<$;r~ as rub-



MOfI low firms ... awlI~ of.ho civil Ii;IbW.y _ y •..! wi.h all imp.liml firm " ........ who is III\;IbIt '0 .hrood! willi their raporUibiIities and dim. n«ds. Law fimu ",n sufm" oipIificont 6nanciallos$ tllrood! ma!pnclKr jud,monu., 100/; of dl$COntmt"! dirnu ,11<1 loss of fu."n dim.. d~ to W(ln:I of mouth. u~ .. th<11l5o<lws ,~ .< to '<pOrI In imp.i •..! coll"8~. Many oily ' ''''y rrom th'i' •• hie.1 obligalion for • motion.,j or ptrson.l .... sons. Many do not ""'-nt to J<1 m>"Olved. whi.dl. in tu .... only mabla lho di5o<_ '0 progreso. .11<1 mo ... opporlun;Iirs a'l!-< for misconduo and unc1hic.oJ bthavior. The ABA iuuod • lOnna! rlhia opinion (OJ-429)• .-n1i1lt<l "Obligauom willi RflpK. '0 • MmlaUy [mpaU"td Uwyo-r in .ho Fi,m," which I.wyu. tM flllja,[ I"Qponlibili.;.". of p.I",,", to t>u ",asolUblo $I<p$ .0 ... un ",.. Ihr impaim .. n•• ho bwyc:. wlf.... will not mull in I ~ioU.ion of ...lIia! rul." and.o "PO" ... hicoJ .ioIa· tion. commiu..! by tho imp.oiml La...,...,.. ! .nOOu ....g< .111 .... fi.m<mrnt 10 know II>< .igmJ.ymp' onu or imp.irmonl. with til<: nIO$l , ignif"'ant being a..ngt". o.l"Il" in Can indud< ;nc;...uod .boonton..... inabili'Y '0 gt"I olong ..,th ro--n.n-J, dwlg< in job pttformancr. ~I.n.dan:l complaints rrom dimu., m......t coun do •." • nd eha"IU UI phyoiQlapp...ancr. Adopt finn ~ poIicirllnd proudul"Q for dt.,jina ... ,,11 aloohoIIdrug and 0I11rr mon,a! heath iIll\U4a. Edoacatr person_ nd. Whon co·wo.u .. know about tM ,ig'" .nd .yn'l~omo of thes<' Wnr<!otS. tho chlnc.. of •• rly Ldrn,ifia,ion, and r«OV<1")'•• i5o< ,[y. Rclmnlbe •• thi> i. not. mo •• [ ;"u •. Thes<' .... n01 ~ f><OP[" "They .... lick and ,My n«d you, hdp and you. invol ........ n'. La...,...,.. he[p peopIr"'"'Y day pr.p.... for Ihr fu,u ... 1hr unnJ'KI..!.II<I nth.. con,in· grncia oflir.. Adopt,n, poIicin and



proudu"" for "'nd~"8 ,lief", ~ in ,.,..,. .... finn ...m drsma.i<alIy d« .._ 1M $In'$! and bet,Of m.bIt Ihr fum to cop<' ,,'hm Ihr Ins<s. It is ....,. dtfficuJ, confront;", impa,mI panne .. and mo.utori", ,hei. rKOYr.y. ALAI' a n wis! limu in deYeIoping policies and procrdu .... "'Pn:I'n, Ihr$l" ,ionl and can al", hdp in moni,oring .11<1 d.....[oping back·'o·wo,k con· tl"KtS. Doing no,hing. I\ow..... " can kad 10 dv;lliobility (0' 'M fi.m ond diocip!i . nory «xposu .. for 0100 1"'"n.<TS. Du< in La,," pan 10 thuommi.mon, Ihr AlIbi .... S,." liar has in ..... ing Ihr public and lho rnormous voIun,Otf bI.. oIlho Lawrm Htlp'''8 Lawrm Commi ...... lho ..... buna Uwyo-r Nlilbtnct is hoi",,,, bwytrs. ""ry doy. rtCOYtf" and rtlu.n '0 lho prac . lia-ofb ... You con lid itwoIvnI by colling our dirK! oonfidmlia[Ii ..... F« mo .. inkHmation, vtlit ..........wt.-."'I:_ or I<hrdule. firm p.....n.. 'nn. (".n ., (l~) SJoI-7576. •





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l).,,.,,1 AI. \1'ro/dnJg<'" of Il"'n,~glutm, ,haIr of .h. r...,.., ..,.. II,Jp,n, I..,~ .....,..

eo"""""... ~'ill"" p'rst:nlt"s "D<-aling M7Ih Partn,,.. ~nd AJS<I<"t~'" Imf""'N by

Akoho!. S"hJlanr. Abu"," ,,,,.I Mm/al Hra/'h """'''',"s" /uly 2! '" 10:30 U.m .• ,I"""S Ih' .... ,,''''"',/ I~"" .... 111"'~1 Mming ill POlilt (Jr." (1.5 C!.Ii .mliM. /'his pro· 8mll' IS opt" '0 "Ii """"/«;,



lit pitta!<" ·~1lS in>oIvmcy" bKonw common in d,. fUplcy bar', voabuluy!)On "'" jWI ...... nl}'ftl'l. Tho d...pnlln& inooIYmtJ' ''-'1 is NKd on tht .....mption that ptO!onain, I r. ... nciaUy ,roubIo<d corpora,,,,,,', op<n.iolU rrur 'n<lnot its in><>lvmcy .nd ""' furthn &rIM

has tam on • ~f. of ilJ own in .... ~ of scvaal INtra! court dtciIioom findins tbat In indtpmdm. 0 ...... foction lOr ~i"ll insolvmcy <:XiIU undtt IOII'!< ....... Iows. Offitilll C'Dmm. of t.hutn<rtd ~. R.F. /.DfJntr ~ Co.. I ..... U;7

1M ""h.... of d,. corpora';"'" AJ~tl/,lnl of ckq>tning inlOlv<1K"}' .'" nIM! ron"'1()nly brou&flt by bank· .uptey oppointed in 7 and II bankruptCY usn, creditors' commIllIOn 'ppo,n'C'd in chap'''' II a..s, .n<I,.wu fo.mN I'll........! 1(I . . . . rpo<kbIor'. <onli.ruN chioptn 11 pbn 01 rfOfpniu,ioco Of Ilqudltion. Tho ~pt COfJ'OI'".tion', ol'li<n>. dlreclOfS and afrd.. ~ com.-o« rypically an: ..... tlrr;<ts of lh<ot clatJm; hown-n-, Ih .. banknlptaMponll""" fOrmtt InlJ, .ud;.,,", IUOfM)'J. invntrmnt

29911.R. 7J2 (11 ...1«. D. 2(03) (applying t><bwa,.., La .. ): In rr BuiUiner, /""" 2~ WI. 1534296 (llonkr. M.D. N.e., )une 16. 2~) (apl'lying Nonh Corolin. La,,):'n .. Unifi a"",nun""''''n .. I"",. J 17 8.R. 13 (D. Mast. 2004): In rt C""'puln 1'n'son"1",,, 5,...1",,-,2003 WL 22844863 (Saw. E.D. PL. 1Ikw. 18, 2OOJ) (applying I'bllUyW.ani.& law), IN ~ MCA Fi... a..p. Y. Gran' 7lIMn'..... LL..P.,687 N.W. 2d. ISO (Modi. O. App. 2004) ("Couru " - r=>pIiud [dttpen,"I insoNn>cyl





b.onktn, Ind ill ban4.nd knders.", Wo fOII,i"oIy !\ORIN. '" dtf.. nd.anu in ~j"8 i"001,,..ncy la .... uil<. While fin •• clv.nud u . Ihrory of dImaS". dtq><n ing ;"",Iveney uandy 190

MAY 200$


F.3d l40 (Jd Cir, 2(0 1) (Ipplyu>g !'wn.yM.n;' law); In " &ide T....It.. /11(,.


:1$ a ~i.&bk Ih-r of liabUi,y on which 10 Iw< an anion for hum ag:oinSl a cosponl1ion."). OIhn roum. ""....... r. ho .... ...j...:1N ~nmg inool .... ncy I. III indt· I"<r.drnl 10rl or ~ U I dlmages lheory. I" ... GloMI Strv. G"",p UC, 315 8.R.

451 (Bank" S.llN-Y- 20(4) (nQ ca~ Qf octiQn fQ' d"'p<ning in"'lv~nq und .. N..... York I.w), o.roI" >" Sabq, 79 p,~ 974 (U,ah 0, App. 200l) ("'j«,ing d..,p.ning i"..,lvtnq as COUI< Qf ac,iQn '" damag"'lwory und., U,oh I.w), No coun ha, con,i<k"'" wh<,h~, d..,p.ning in..,lvtncy i•• cognizabl< caUl< nf ac,inn n, 0 vi.bk m... u'e of damaS" unde, AI,~o I.w. Thilaniduur.'t')" ,h. <kvtl<> in O'M' jurisdic,ion. nf Ih. dttpening imolv<ncy ,h«>ry .nd il> potenti.I'pplic.,ion by Al.b."", court •.

Deepening Insolvency as A Theory of Damages Th. d«prning insol""ncy theory ..... firs. odvanced in 'he 1980s by ""UIQry liquid.,,, .. of iruuranu rom""nies, who

soughll" rerovtr d.n108" 'gaimllh. defunct in,or,,,,,. comp;onie>i officer and di .... ,o" forcond..a ,h., ... nde"'" ,hei, cnmpa"i.. more <k<:ply insolvtn'. S<-h""h' y, B,oWl"l, 711 F,2d 130 (71h Or.) (<"It ""nc) .... rr. d.~ird, 11).1 S,O, 508 (1983); o.rro,'", v, Frank B, Hall 6-0." /nr.• 545 N.Y-S.2d 278. 283 (N.Y.App, Oil'. 1989). Ikf.ndanl> chalI.ngrd Ihe liquidalors' ".nding 10 bring Ih ...". They arsuod ,h." whil. <rodi,,, .. or own .... of a" in.uron« comp.ny mighl be injured by 'he comp.ny bcwming mo'. i"",lYen', the insol,.. nl in,ur.n •• roml"ny i, .. lf ,ultoin. 1\(1 d.m.g. by 'h~ wo .... ning of its fln.ncial condition. Cou,," r-.j«lrd Ih ... 'rsum.n ... finding ,h" • corpomion could be damagod uniqutly by ilS d..,p. enod in..,l""ncy through ill inc ...asrd <'XpO$nr~.o .""'il'" liabilily. S<ha;h,. 711 F,2d'l 1343. They dismissed Ih. nOliQn ,hal ,h. p'olQngaliQn Qf a cnrporation·. lif. beyond i"",l""ncy i. aulomatically be CQn.ide"'" a benrfj, ,h. rorpoTa' 'ion', in'" .... ' .. At. "n" court ob>r,.....,t "101 co'pora'ion i. not a bk>logic.lenli,y



for which il can be pre.umed ,hal any .c' wnich ...""d. ilS •• i".nce is bendicial 1<> it"l~ ... lnY<1tor", Funding o.rp.. S23 F. Supp. Sl3, 54] (S.n,N.Y. 1980). Th. dtrprninS in..,l""ncy ,heory .""nwally 'I'.... d 'Q ,h. b.ankruplCY court .. Numorou. b.ankruptcy 'TUSt..,. and ardi· tors' ronuni"..,. dailmd d.tJn. grs again't • deb'or', o/ftcen, directors and QUtsido a<!v;..,r> for wrongful conduct Ih., caused th.i, romp;o"i .. 10 d...,io..1< 10 Ihe I>oin. "'here oonkruplcy ..... unavoidable. At fir>l, th .... /funs met wi,h mix«! , ..nit .. Ddendan\$ orgurd !hal any injury caul«l by an in..,l""nl rorporalion bKoming nto... ;nsoh..," ..... swolaiJ>Od nol by ,he corpo,a'ion ilSClf, but by !h. corporAtion', sh .... h<>kl< .. Or ardilors. lI«a~. bankruplCY 'rusl'" may purs... only thOl< claim. belonging Ih. oonk,up' corpor..ion and lacks "anding.n pn" ... <!aima belonging 'n 'he rorp<) ... • ,ion'•• h.... holders .nd credilors. def.ndann arsurd ,h.. a ,rust ... could"." a5$<"rt a claim for dcrprning i"..,I"",cy d.n13ges bcau.\t Ih. oo<poral< en'ity had nOl b«n d.maged. $om< roum ogrcc<l



with lhe100 Irgunltnu _nd di,misstd 1M pIoinliffi' dcq>min8 inoo/vmcy dainu. FtIl""'n v. Prwkn,M/fJ«Jo. 5«.. 122 6.R. 466 (5.n ~1&. 1990), fhJMmd "Anhuc


~6-c..., 57 1 N.£.2d (11LApp.Cl. 1991). 0dItr coY". ruIcd

to the """"."., findi ... 'hll a ~1imok cor· ponl • .."iIy' could bot t..rmcd by ........... fulXlioJU 11>01 prolonsrd lho corpora. lion', ni$l(n«.nd Il><rtby ca~ ,,10 O$Iu .... unmanogtlbk which i, o,!.o-rwi .. woWd 1101 11.."" in.unN. In rt Cow;"'n J/oIdi>rg" lm;.• 165 II.R. 11)4 (£.D. N.Y. 1m), ""lIIrd Y. Anhur 924 ESupp. 488 (S.D.N.Y. Andtntft 1996), Hon_On-p. of Am. v.l!tdner. 211 II.R. 8-49 (Moll La. 1997), /n '" l\\rIn~' Ltawts 0>., /",- 1999 Wl 729267 ( £.D. I'.. ,~ . 8, 1999): Smid, v. ..tndtntn l.l.P.. 17S F.5upp.2d '1110 ( 0. Ari<.2OO1 ): /kIotiutJ of M"'ne v. 1I<>tn. Ntwrnmo 6Nora. 111 f.5upp.ld 324 (D. Mt. 2003 ): v. TVI. ,...... 2004 Wl , 115740 ( £,1), Po., Mq 27. 2004): Goo", 0f/0It0« F,,,,d. Ud. ~ H"wliru, 2004 Wl249614l (N.D.Cal., N"". 5, 2004), In rt AtriBioT«h, '''''., _ 6.R. .-....-0 2004 WI. 3080321 (D. Nev., Pte 8, 2004), In '" Ullin In",,"rrm' Corp.. 1118 R.R. I (&IIkt. D.D.e. 199J): In '" Vmd..wlh. / ...." 2003 Wl 22.J99S31 (JI.onkr. M.llN.e.. Oct. 10.2003).





Deepening Insolvency as an Independent Tort Claim R«tntly, I<VOnI court< h."" opint<! th'l dttptning in$Ol .. ncy is n"'>.imply. theory of dam.1jt$. bUI ""I><, an;,w.. ptndtnl lOr! ,laim./"affmr. 267 F.ld II J.4O; Eri<k. 199 II.R. II 732, Buildnef. 2004 WlIS)4196, Ctrmpul" ~ilon, lOOJ Wl 2234<4363, Qwp. A.....,;"" Cmr."u. /.. y. Mulri~ A ......"'" Qwp.. 200t Wl L900001 (£.0. Pa .• Au&- 25, 200t ). Tho moot Ji&nilnn' of thtlot OUts .rt tilt Third Cimlil Court of,· d«Won in u.ffrrtr . nd lhe Unilod Slat., JI.onkruplq Court foe the m",i., o( o.l.wa~·. opinion in Exid~. In IAffmr.1WO co"",,,,,ioru filod for ch. pl.. 11 bankruplCY oftt! Ih~ collap..

The acceptance of deepening insoivencvas , a separate cause

of action is


fn)I11 universal. o( IM;, "1'onlj .dwm~_- The ~nkruplcy COtlrt '",..lInlM I comrmu ... to rtptaml tht in~rcw of FncnL .~i,o.. in The ~nkruptq c_ _The C~'IOrt ' conuni, ,.. filod lUll o.lkJin&- amonK other Ihll1p. ,hal Ih. COfponl,on,' outside «:>un .. l. KC(Iun""g fi,m _nd indrp.-nd· onl undorw,il<ll t.a<;h fr.udulemly inductd .he (O'po"'I'OIlIIO ;I>ue debl steuril;"" Ihtrrl>y dttptning lire (Omp" niel;' in..,l...,ncy _nd (orcing lhem illlo AInonK lhe d,,'RU ad ...11«<l by the .rcdrtoll· comnull« _ a d"im for ~ iruo/Ytnq opuut the ddMor corporations· former ~rub. Tho pil.i .. "f& .......... ,hoI the ouliidr proia_ 1ionaIs ......, 1iAbL<> beco ..... of thttr ~ioc_ ;polion in a fnuduLau.1Idwmr lhal wrongfully t~pondtd tht corpomioru' oul of propor-,;o" 10 lhe COfpon. tioru' . baily 10 rc-poy. Ullimaltly forcing lhem to file fo, Nnl<ruplq_ Th. outsidt profe .. ion.b as.strt.d lhall"" commit , .... doinu lhould bo di.miOotd dOl< 10, .monS !)Ih.,. Ihinp. Ih~ aboence of any injury 10 tht d.bro, torpontion. from I"" >lltgod rniKondUCIlnd tht bel o( any cogniublo do,m fo, tIetptruns insoj. vmq w>dn arpbcabk Pmruy!vani.o law. n.. <kfI'ndonu C1)11l<nded 'M, wfliit ott. wn <mi1lOrt. and u...,to .. may ho .. bcm hannod by II>< drbtoIl· woncncd financial pI'VII, tht drbiolllho:motlvts did nO! ,,,,",ain .ny inJUlY by their b«ont'''3 inctntins\y iruolvonL The deftnd.IIIJ argued Ihot. bocawe the com. m;" .. ,.,... au'ho,iud by lhe b;mkruPlq roun only 10 proS«UI< cbin .. bdonging '0 Ihe deblo, , o'poralion .. tilt ronuni" ...

bckod " and ina 10 1"'''''' lhe d<q>tning iruoIvmq dalnU_ On IPPU!.,he Third Circuil Court o( ~ili "';":Itd tht dd".....t.m,' art"......1

,11.0, tht Comm.U. . WI$ aU<mpllng

'''''pIy to

fUrl¥« for in;"';'" 10 the dtbIOIl' (~ilon. Ra,her. 1M Courl rukd th.o"ht commllltt h.d ""nd,nK 10 ...k rtCOVt"1'1 "" bohalf of Iht &b,oc co'po"'liono Ih<ll1$.! .... Tho Co.u.rt fourld ,hal, evtn IoIhon a rocporotion is in..,l""nl. ill p,optrly may h... ""IDe .nd ,h~ (,.udultnl arid ron ••• lt<! in.ut. ronot of debl (an d.nugt Ihal •• Iut. To Iht .. ltnllh., b.onkruplcy i, nO' o.l ..... dy • <eno,nly, Iht in"",~nct of additional &b. Can pulob Iht co,poc •• ion into b",nkruplCy. 'h", cau ..... Iht cocporolion 10 inao. -.idilionalltgaL.nd adminill •• " .. apeoun. The /..affmyCoun fun,,", found thaI dcq>m'''' ~ can ;nJ"~ a corpo"'hon by undennirung I'" mrponlion-, .... Iiomhipo wilh IU ""O"".nd .m~ c... uitinK in Iht Lou ofbu ....... and ,he dtpl<1ion and demoraliwion o(iu wo,k foret. Tht Third Circui' then .on,ide~ whttht-c dttptning in..,l .. ncy wu a volid Iheory Ihal!-'W , .... 10 _ cogniubl. injury unde, PtrlnJyl ... nio I..... TIle u.flmr Coun ""knowltdg<d lhal DO I'tnnsylvonia court " ..... ious/y had addrtf4ed Iht ;,.-. ",,-,,", tht Court opontd 'hol, w ...... deqlmins iruolvmq a ..... to rnrpora'~ propeny, the Pmnsylv.."io Supmnt Court hkly would 'f'COI."iu-. awe of ",,!JOn 10, tha, lI1jury in order to p«wide .n .ppmp....1t remedy. In .upport of iu ruling, Iht Th,rd Cimlll , ilN lho $<Iundn... o( Ihe d"'p<nUlsln$Ol .. nq Ihtot)'. 'u vowing _... planot :unong ro"," "''''" Ihtcounlry .nd Ih. ttmN;.lllrcme in I~n ... ylvonio I.w. Whil. lilt UlJfmy eou .. (ound Ih.1 dtt~ing insolwncy was • cogniubk indtptnden. claim thaI lhe '~;IOrt. commltltt had Sbnding 10 pull ..... the Courl uhimaltly di$misotd I'" tomllllll«', da",,, on in p.", Jdiao yound> boa ..... 01, ... "ndo.." hands of tilt d.bror corpo"'l ....... on wlrost bdWf tilt li';plion WI$ brouVII.' Tho bo.rlknrplcy court in &ide oimibrIy found thOi dcq>m,ng iruol"''''Y wu. viabl. cau .. of oclion unde, o.t.wo,. low_[lIlhot case. Ih. crtditoll' rommi' ....



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1,,,,,,,,,,1IOn Tid. Insur.", ~ (ornpiI!\'y

~ FmnciaI Grtl.p. oc · 2200VlW.iJt5, P1acP. Sute 330, SimhjIam. AI. 35200 Phooe: (8CO) 831--6807 • ~ (205) 8f:8.1011 • WMV.t.nI<m.a:rn Michael e. RidIe · YIO! Presi:lenL Nea Min:gerI(().I'IS(!! • rrri.i:Ie@.n:L:.COO1

Foster ~ . /Jgrof ~tatM! . ~.o::m CL:rk W. (ail . Seri::x ~ •~U:CWll Rebecca E. MiIoasco ' Aq!fq ~~ · ~.COOl

filtd suit.gain.1 vorioU.< financial inslilu, lion, Ih.1 loaned money 1o Ih. d.blor <o"", ... ,ion, bdo", b.nhupl0'. The commiu« oIltged !h'1 Exide', len<krs h. d exercioed undue conlrol over Ihe doblor corpo .. lion, ",hi"", 'hough Ixn<· fici.1 10 Ihe lende .. , ca ..... d Ih. debto" 10 .uffor m... ive losses .nd become mo .. d«ply insol...,nt, co'ling olh.r ,redi'o" .ubstan,i.1 v.lue. Elide',lende.. rn<lved 10 di.<mi<s Ihe f.wsuil, .rguing Ihal d«pening in>oI...,"0' was nol • ClIU~ of ""i,," under nelaw... Low. Th. b>.nk,upl0' courl ",knowledged Ih.l!he o.,l.,.,.",e Supreme Cou.{ had 001)'t1 .ddressed w~h. r one rould U$Crt • Ion for d«ptning in>olve1'\<)' un<kr Ih.1 . I,le', laW$. Thu" like Ih. Thirn CiKUi, in

l>asis for U$Cning • breach of fiduciary duty claim agoinsl' dcillor corpo"l1ion', offICe... ud dir«tors, F<:J, aampk, in In .. Unifi Commun;.."io"", Inc •• M>Ua<hu""''' b>.nhupt0' courl found Iha, Ihe aIlegalions in a <redilOrs' commiu«', compl.intthal mcmlxrsof'h. deb'or. oo.rd h.d wrongfully prolonged 'he co""".lion'. ni<lena and auoed il 10 b<:come rn<lrt"t, "'e... offi<iont 10 .tat•• <!Jim for injury 10 the debtor CO""'''''ion .. dislin<:l from its «edilo", The a"" ptance of dttpening insolven0' as • separale au~ of action i. far from unive,... I. Sevwll judges h."" /\ady rtje<ttd efforts 10 eleval. d«penins insolven0' 10 Ihe ,, of an independent Ion. LuI )'tor,. New York bankTUp'_ 0' courl d",lintd 10 follow ""jfnlJ .nd

, , t hl' ~OIl1I',!II' '\I IIl'll'll It.lnn

dl,lind lrom Ih,\1 'lllkr<lll" ih ,1l'diIOI' ,


LPjfmy, the brid. b.nkrup'0' court rompelled 1o predict how Ihe "alt', high..t courl would resolve Ihe issu. if confronted by it Followingu.jfmy. ,h. F""id. b>.nkrup'0' rour! conduded Ihal Ih~ Del.wart Supreme Court would rec<>gni ... a claim for d«pening in>olve1'\<)' "'hen <""", ...1. property h.d Ix<n dAm_ .g.d. finding Ihe dttpening insolve,,0' da;m 10 b-e properly pled, Iho Exid. bankruPI0' coun denied lh, d.f~ndanl' motion '0 di""i .. Ih~ OthercourlS have followed Ihe u.jfmy and &i</.opinion., In In relluildn", Inc.. a bankruptcy court refust<! 10 di,mi ... dttpening insolve1'\<)' daim broughl und .. North Corolin.low againlt ,he debl,,' rorpo ... tion', QfflCt .. a"d direc· lOtS. In olh.,. n<es, courts 1tJ..., indicated !hal d«pe"ing i"sol .... n0', if n01 a wholly diSlinc{10rl, COtu\iIUlel' v~lr 194



&ilk and ruled lhal, und .. New YOlk


law, Ihert no indepe"dent caus< of oc'ion fo, d«pening inso)""n0'. In In ..

Cloo.:,l ~rviu Cmu!, llC ll5 B.1l 451 (~nk" S,D, N,Y, 2(04),0 ch.pler 7 Mnkrupl0'lru.l« fil.d luil On. d<q>. .ning insolve1'\<)' Ihtory "gainsl Ih. debto, co'poralion', bonk and olh .. 'n,ide .. of Ih. rompany. Th. chap'''' 7 trust« alltgcd ,h.1 Ihe deftnd.nls arlificially prolonged Ib-e Mnkrupl romp.ny'. exi'le"ee Ihrough Ih. m.king of variQu, lo.n , which 'he defend.nlS knew or ,hould have known !he company would b-e 10 rep.y. By prolonging tho company', lif., 'he 'ru"« argued Ih.1 Ih. comp.ny b«.m. rn<lre d«l'ly in <kbl, !hu. reducing any potenlial '«ov'ry fo, th. company', credilo,,Ruling upon !he defendanl" rn<llion 10 dismiss. Ih. Gloo.:,l ~rviu <ou,1 d«lined

I() find Ihal d«pening insolven0' wa, an inokpen<knt c...... "f OCIion und., New Yo,k I.w. Th. bankrupl0' courl surmised Ih.1 if. New Yo.k .1,1. coun,ed Ihe i.. ue, Ihal coun would ,ulelh.1 no . u<h c>u~ of >Clion exl$led und .. , 1.1. law. The d«pening insol...,1'\<)' Ihtory, Ih. G"""'I SnYiu cou.1 coneluded, ..... fun_ d.mentally .. i, based On a f.uhy premis<, "Ihal Ihe manage .. of.n insolvenl lintiled li. bilily company"o under an ahsolm. duly 10 liquid'lolh. comp.ny .nd Ih.1 anyon. who knowing. ly mend. credil 10 'ho insol",,"1 rompanybrtach... n in< dUly in Ih. nalure of aidi ng and abening the manaso,,' wrongdoing .~ Id.•1 459, To Ihe conlrary, Ihe court wrole, Ihert i, no duty under Am.rican law 10 .hu, down . nd liquid.lo . n insol"enl ro"",ralion. Indeed, Ihe Global ~'vi« <"ur! no .. d <h'l'le, II of 'he B.nkruptcy Cod. ;, founded uJ>On!hc principlelhal' bu.ines:; may be woull more \Q e...,ryon. if it is conlinued to be ope ..... d ... the, Ih.n immedialely liquida'ed, Fiduciari.. of .n iT\$Olvent company, Ihertfort, m.y conlinue 10 <>pOwe!he romp.ny wilhout liability if {hei, d«i,ion '0 do so i, prot«led by wi,h ,h. ... judgmenl rule, Under Iho bu,in ... judgmen1 ,ul •. a ma"aso,', negligent d«i,ion '0 oper:01~ an in>olv<n'$! do<' nol give r;'" 10 li.bilily fo, brtach of ftdllCi'T)I duli .. 0' for d«pening in>ol""n0" $0 long as Ih. d«i,ion w.s m.<k in good /ai!h and Wilhoul fraudulenl ittlenl. Th. Gloo.:,! ~rvi« <oun th.n ,uled lh.t ,h. pl.in1iff h.d '0 pl~Ad fact. sufficionl 10 sl.le • valid brtach of fiduciary dUly <bim and, Ihu" dismissed the Th. C/ohal S<fYiu «>uri i, nol .Ione in holding Ih.1 deq><ning il1sol",,1'\<)' daims mould be con'idored 'imply., of fiduciary du'y d.;"" (or daim' for .iding and .beuing lhe breach of a fiduciary dUlY, Ih. d.fendanl is 001 it~lf. fiduciary) and n"t as indopendenl cou'" of ."loIL Oth.. rourts faced willi d<q>· cning insolven0' dai"" ha..., If•• led Ihem like 'Ianda,d b, of fidlKi.ry dU'ydaim$. Sa RaM., &Ind., 316 B,R, 127 (S,D,N ,y, 20(4) (""'Iing d«pening insolvon0' ., for breach of f,duci ..y duly): I~ .. RSL COM PR!MECHi. !~.. l003 WL 2298%69 (Ba nkr. S,D,N,Y.. 0«, II, 2003) ( .. me); Sharp Y. Ho"*;~,, 2004 WL 2792121 (N ,D. Cal.. June 8, 2(04) (d«pening insolven0'


<Ioim pl«l by plain tiff ~h.,.n.ti ... ly ..

Iw.h of fiducial)' duty claim).


Courts and Elements of The Deepening Deepening Insolvency Tort Insolvency ~""

Though ...... ral couru ho ... l«OjVI.i~ .n in<kpmdent au.., ()( oction for <bp-

.,,"" UuoIvtn<y• ...,.,., o f tht$c d<-cUion, invoIvn the .m..1litiK.Ul()n of. dIu". l"hatfort, tho d<-ci:Jiono It~ .... u ... ~ how . pl. int iff may ~ iu d«ptn,ng ill<Ol>mcy cbim.nd what Iht I"kmmu o( th~ Wrt may he. In pa"icu i. •. tho couns .... undr;ar wh<ther _ mWl rind tho ""Isl."", 010 d uty <>W«I by the der.n . "'nt W the p!ointiff au prtdin .. to a dtqocnin, inool"'n<yd.Un. In IAfJm,. the Third Qn:•.ut held tr...\ """rmina insoIvrncy 00"'" ~ ( I) c:orpo",.. pmpnty is injUrM (2) th rougb the froud. ulcnt Of conaalcd <:qwuOon of cotpon .. debt and prolongation of corpora .. lor•. No ....... ion of. bo.«hod dut,..lid",oary". <ont"'<lual Or Othtrwi_u mentioned. IAJ!my. 267 F.Jd at $4')..51. Th¢ GJolMl Servia COurt. hownn. wrol. that One todunt '0 ~ for dttpcn"" iruol. ......,.·mom show ' the de,"ndant prokmgt"Ci.t.. company',lif. In brn>rh '" ~ lrJId ... tc JUly.... """""itt'" In octiolUlblc wn t hat <onttibut«llo tho continu'" optntion of I cotpontion and III ihC ......... debt." CIdNJI &rvh, 316 /I.R. at 4511 (""ploW o>JJnIJ. One COI"""'''tatO' ha$ ~ thlt while tho euc Ilw dots ..... ipdl out clearly Iht domrntl {)( . <kfp<n~ inooI. ......,. d . im. th"" (.octo .. "'" COIn"",nIy naI... kd: ( I ) ... Ihtdd.ndan, ."",••1... tM d .... ior.. ion of th. com. p.ny'. finmc:iaI condition, theuby an,fi . dally rrolonging ilo life: (2) ... h.. lIt. tho comp.ny wll"tftd harm dis'incl from that .uff..... by ill ,utlitors; a nd (l) ... ~htt Iht company'. ,ouoMncy .... inc ......... by Iht incurtmCt of odditional Io.bility o. the di"ipatJQII of US<II, or oth..-w~ ",aliubl< ""I ... w.. Ihttd.y

10... "10". I!. Kurth. Th. &"rrh for AmHt",IfI1iI"l' n..- ~ of "/)""..nmg j,.soIwnq" <UQIt InJrpmJ... , c.._ ofklitm. 9 A>m.llw's llANu. lIoo. R!J'. 6 ( ....... 27. 2004).

Tht .. iabilit, of


as. logal 'heory is deI""",n'" by ..att

law. Tht", it; no d.dsion by a n ALoba .... roun """,ding ... h..h.,. d""l""'ing insal. >'n><y is vorid in our ..... as ri! I d.mages thwry O• • n Indtpcndtn! co .... of actio". In the absmtt of Abbarna a.. law (>II I "01. law Wut, judges oJim <On. suit the d<-cisions of othtt ... ,~ COUnt "" po;m, Iht ""';oril, .ult "" the w..." ~Iori"l! ..end! in.t.. "I.... nt r~ld of wbo!anti'" law, Ind judicial d<-cuions f"'m <>Ih ... )utisdiclionl wh ..... doct.inol Il'Pft*h ' 0 IrpI ""',..... is ........ ntivdy 11>0 S'UM" Ihal ofth. Alaban .. cou". 19 C. W'iaht, A. Miller, E. Coopc., Ftdn.ol Pr""ja d-I'ro«dU"" /urisJ'<litm 1dS~S07., 19G-200 ( I996). A .....;..... of thtw rdtvantl'etOUttcs sug<sI. th.t whik:.bert may be &round. "pan wIIidt to r«ogniu ~ inooI. ...... cy as a .... bk: d.mages th<'Ory under law. tbert it; littlt compdlm, ludm.ity for ""<>snizing """p.... in'


... whik [hl're Inav• he grounds c upon which [0 rl'cl)gnizl'dl'l'pl'lling insoivl'lln' as a viahk dam,lgl'S [hl'llr\' until'!" Abhama law, tlll're is littk (olllpdling authorit\'. !())' I"l\.."Og· c nizing deepening insolwllC\' as a Ill'\\" (<lUSl' (If aLI ion.

i,,001...,t>cy ... nrw cau .. of .c.ion. Th. ""'jority of rowu in otlln juri<dic!l()ns hoyt found Ih. t ..Ittprning insolwtK)" lu volid -r to lSIft$ damap in cntairt

cases. such as wi"" for I>tcach of rod",j . .n lnoolwnt c:orpot"l-

'1)' duty "8"1Uf

tion·. off""", Ind dirMots and fraud and t>tgftgnl« <bum .......«I.""nsl.n insoIYmt wtpor.otion"s oul$idr pn:>ksoional •. Rr.:mt """ law .100 'u~u .

.ttnd toward """",izi,.. <kq>oning insolwn<y .. an 'I'pror'''t. n....... tc of Iht da""'F ....... ined by • company:ll I rnuh of Iht wrongful pn>loogation of itS

niotcnc: •. F..xisI,,'I Al.atwna co... law u undoar "'II"tding ........ 1>0. dtq>cnins inool...,ncy ...., be • valid damop lhwry under AI.blno" I.w. Th~ a

.. th., pcrhap.o came

~ w addtasin, Iht issue is Sp«Wy Co"'a",,, Mfg. Co. v. Rwkn IWb,g,ng. IN.. sn So.2d 40l (Ab. 1990). II> which the Alabama Sup"'n.. Cou .. ruled th.t a

pI.t.ontilf corporation's p<I()J ~"'hCW ron. dition did _. as • of law, it imposoiblo for tho pIa,ntiff to t..", hem dam.og«l by the actionJ. TIH: Sprtially Conta'n" coutt, h..........., d,d not Ip<CiIic3lly find \h.o, the pbon'iff .... insol ...... t It ti .... the aU<godly tOltiou, «Induct cohCludin, only that tilt plaintiff .... in ·unst.bIc, pc, bad, ~noncial condi.ion.-Th..., wI>nhcr the Abbama Sup ...... Coun would ~nd thot In inJ<>/vcn, cotpOrltl()n-not jwt. f.... ncially , ...... bIed 0M-<IIl be har'mcd by oth..,· 'oftiou , I<lionl tmU,n •• ub. ;.a to deba.e. Thtre is far .... luthon.y lUPl"'ninS the """","ion {)( dcq>m"" insoIvmcy '"' In indcp<ndent ton under AIaha"", law. As diocusO<d abow. the .-rport<d c..n Itt divided on "",,",lin ~i", insoIwncr






oIooukl be ugattkd ... ..-pI"''' Ion

claim. n..... is no dear majorilJ tuIo on tha, pomt, !.iktwj..,. contrary to M>nI< coutU' ""........1>, ~ is no idm,jNblc "' ttnd" i" the current ~ or ro"' ...." .

1lIn.s ugardins """rming insoIwncy .. an indoprndont aU.., of action. $«,


Fh 1)qH. "'I"., ~ o.-&vtkofTaas MIL Au·... 214 F.Jd 924, 935 (Sth Cit.

2001) (tltous/t cit ing "trmd" ktw">td "". ognizlng """rmin& jnsolvmcy at! ~ of I<t ion, Fifth Cimm <>p<-nly q....,ioned

wIt.othet TCQs would ~ ouch I a .... of action). Finally. one WOuld be (Com,'nurd an I"gr 196)



hard_pmotd 10 di$Ci"8uIYI which of 1M Thlrd Omul Court of AppnIs. 1M 6.anknoplq' Court for Ihe Dist.icl of 1Mow.... or the e-kn.opICY Court b 1M Southc1"n I>ilt.icl of New York--tht courts in /,dfJtrty. b..Jr and GWraI~. mp«tMly 1',.. nlIyoppli<sa "doctrinaI IM'f"Kh" moll similar 10 thaI of tbt Alabo"", Supmno Court. [n f;oct. I~ .", ample p1)<>n<b why Alabon .. court< would nol <an.clion dttp<ning in"')v~ncy •• a new. ind<~'n1 lort. 1'1 ..1. 'he Alab>.m. Supf<",e Court h.s indical«l I" gen ...[ against m~rslng the '"'<gory of rocogniud 100'\ .LoI ..... Tann .... v. C'O'~ ...h·. FntJ c,o,OlUn. I"".. S82 So.ld IXH (Ala. 1991 ) {...rU>.ins to atmd Ion of bod f.oith ~ I... u~ usa/; c./Jabd Sm,,*,. I"" ~. Cnt,rrI/ BmIl. 3067 So.ld IJOt (Ala. (990) (dtt1lnill! ' 0 find in&pmdon •• on of <COOlOfllie dul<SJ); Ptttttkr~. N~'. SoaIn Corp.. 612 J, So.2d 116'J {Ala. 1991J (_ Stcond. Ind """" licnlficantly,lO 1M ulm.lh .. a COfJ>OA.ioo is da"",gcd by ;octiom which oontribuk to il$ dttponing inKllv<ncy, AI.b.n .. I.w .Irudy pr<Widn (0. a.kqlOOte .. n....ti .... MOIl dttp<11ing Inso/vmcy d.olms af< brought .gainst offiCft1 and dir«' OlS of 1M iruolvml ~" ion who ~ fiduciary duties 10 1M wrpontion, 11$ ..twmokIcrs and. to 1M aim' ,he rorpor.,ion ;. in>o/.mt. its cn:dilon. \00. 1l:o tbt atml that • C<IIp<>offi<ns ond disutors act incon<istcntly with .IooK Iiduociary duties, 1M courts ~ do ..lop«l ... "",pi< body of <aI< bw dnrIy Providint that.






1 96

"'~v 10H

""'''''''''' P" ....... 0... ~9 Sa2d 35 (Ala. 1989), In 'h' leading dttp<ning 10.lOl-.nq' caon of I.JIJJmy ond Exid•• ,hose .num. in defining the,ort of dttp<ni ng insoM"'Y. "",k no menlion of whtlher a duly ~ by 1M drlendanllO 1M pLotnt;f( is .n .... ntw ekmcnl to Ihe co .... o f action. 1l:o ' M aim. this rdkns tlooK (Ourts' beIkF llut 1M nt,ten« of. d",y btlWt<n tht part ... is not .......... •

fiodi ... Ihe aistcnct of. duty owN by 1M drlmdanl 10 the pLoinliff is not difficult, of oount, in dAirru wrnN apirut oIIian and dim:.ors of ... insolYcnt corpontion boca ........,. deuly ..... fiduciIry dUIXs to 1M rorpor.,ion and m wrdloldtts. ............ it is probIematie in a.a such ... F... w~ ouuid< kndors a", the wp of dttpcnins imo:>Mncy doinu. 1l:o Ihe a.tnt llu. ExiM ilnpiXs Ihat • third .party Ittlde ........ fiduciary dutid to an inl<ll-.nt bo""""r.nd ito sh . .. hol""" and .redltors '0 nIh.,. .. frain from any lClion .hat would conuibutt further to ,to. borrown>. ("",new probL<nl$ or ~1oIt the bol m.... r'. financial probInns to iu in>'CSIon.nd cRdi 1..... tho £>:odr opinion is COnlrary to Alob&noo Low. Alabama couru ron<istrntly bold that the ' rN,tor-dcbtor malionship brnoIftn • bonk and tIS borrowa .soe. not ..."....111 impoK' Iny /iducl;lry dut;" upon lhe bonk. /I<Iy/or-" /orr£m. ~~s So.ld ~SoI So.2d (Al&. 19I4J (";11"1 BnuIotr v, F•.., Mot IWnk 0{ Bt""''''lIlw",. 232 Ala. J.+O. 16'J So. .2 ( L9361J, Abs<nt a finding llul an un u.u;tI COOlfoden.ial mationship ,xilu btl ..... " tM bank and ito bo,ro ...... .ht bank....-.lo no dUli ... o ito bo.rower (or III .......holden or crt<lioon) ~nd llIoft,., forth in Ibri. k>an documntu. If foduciary dution ...... d ... lO ....h a coo~­ dtntw matinnship 01 ~ion of control. then .M \tndor', conducs is be$! .....""Ic'd under AIab.amoo'. atabIi!hed cae Low ~ liabiliry for 1M brnch

1..1~kmcnl 01. dttpcni", isuoIvmcy

of ,•••• fiduocioryd"' .....

oIfocm and dU't'('h)rl ""'1 be Ji.bk lOr brndU", llIoft dulion if Ihrit actJonI o.. no!: pmttmd by II.. busineso judsmcn.


nolo, At tho ""inion p<"nI.IOsivdy ....... ~ is bcot ICI'Vl'd when courts n".ol"" ... ho <oOOucs of <orpon« "..........."t .... ,run the corutntct of corpor.,e fiduciary duty bw. w~h d... rocosn"ion 00"8 to the "bu>i"... judgmenl" nok and 1M pro<<rtian$ it pmvidrJ, Tht lort or ~ing iMoIvcncy. os fonnuLotN by Ihe LilJJmy and £.riM oourts. pro>i<kf no Uprflol "bu.inno jud~ .. n.· Jafe h.. bo, and. Ih .... m>y unfairly UpoK' oorponte fiducia,;"" to



IWb~"y ~

.h.ougll'h.ey ~ in pxI

f.oi.h .nd withoUl rr-....:Iuknt in'tnL Third. tht toIt of dttpcnil\fl ;nKlIvcncy os dtfinod by othn" (ourts lfJU"bIy is in(OnSlSlent wllh fur.d&mtntal prilllipin of Al.obama tor. Low, Undn Alobam.a Low, "'"Y o<tlOfl in .ort consi>u of th ... ........ ial ....... nu: ( l ) lhe ai,ten« of a lop! duty by the doFtndant.o tbt ploin _ (2)0 bseach ortlut dUly and (l l da""'St .. a I'fOIi""'t. /'eIult. Dcobbo v,


claim, this theooy is inc<>n$isttn' with ALobarn.o In..


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Alabama State Bar 2005 Annual,Meetin g Grand Hotel' point Clear, Alabama J~ly 20-23. 2005 Please RSVP Registration Forms Enc\osed

);,_ "" -......,


lmSetting £he Standard for Po Clear H(){c/s and lk-;ort.\.

.i,...."."., ~ <O/no, 18r "'" C""'" 1I~\L:"TiU! II•....",. c. ... aliI> It '". t< ~ .. <~~.... "'" Ck-;u """oj It....,.. In., '>«tt:. ~ full ""'It<' 01 .........."" ~nd lux""", """"'''''11 ~ <P"''''<vbr sso."ldIion """""lIOn, 1'01,11 fin<! ,ICr~"d (

-~ ~ ~ d


......, "'o-"""fIJI ~'" """ "",~. <"~f'I'ietI " .... ~"""'"

"""" 0,:", ""'On ","" lilt· 11... <"<'!>Iu'l of"'" "''-"mlllgl)_ '-">db ''''.ly of

T.l~ "<1\ .I'''-'sIo.'

"iII",,,,,,,,,-, ,lu, .'1'"

f.1I:on:.! ~ ""'/I71Of""">I ."", '1><" .... " ...., P<"" '''''''*''. ~ "1) Il'\lc....IIn<>d /lOb "'-Ill"", """"ndo.'tl h...,,,ne.. ~'. rho.. '<;1<.."", tL \W,,,.,,.,, fI<"><of!.~' <JUr Pu... Cb, r...d cD,.", '''''Tl'"" ~m..'1'1.,,-,< r. .. .In '-""'-l'Iiot>;,] ~"fl'-""':J""<" '''''',,<1,''1/ ...... In

11<.... "/'I()


R,~,<." ·~rx>oacUbr C'{""r>I~x l'O(~"'d"


• -105 .1/11".'1 I'00I'1> :lIId ""iI,,, • 1\", "'''''''1 j'>nt." Go/fTr:,i) ClJl,'rx", • I!\lfll'mn 'IY., • F(i:hr (Ollrt.. . 1'001 • hn" 311d lounRt--s • Itlr antl """II '<:r\'i<'1-" • 37:'ir> m.. ri"3 (,,,. ixm" Y'" 1118







811.1. IIAI."OM

"QJ" M I'. f au/J:,,", /J6 )"" Wril~!"

Jl,lemph;'" TN

A d ..lIl1a r"""ri"l

~I, Ten_IlarAMori;olion

JOliN MAX\\'t:U .. JIOdson. MS

[)Qdd;rs: An ~rrd Sp«;n, ~

s. CUSIMANO, t:sQ., Glldsdell ,..,."......, u. .. CloG", ;" , MOrid: GHt:GOR\'

Ria. and Man jp,,/ati,m /" l~ Ju'] Bux "I'lIe mly spcahr 10 IUriYc: • '9O<I13I>OCus ">riding """,ion in the past 12 annual rom.."""".. Grq Cwoi,_ one of ouro.on, rombill<$expc:tl ~_' I_ tdge. passion. C<Jmmon scrue >rid expc:ricll«', IS .... II .. hu,niti.y, ...... ..,klos one 0( tho ~nl hoi ;~. Whal is happeninl? Why1 With .. 11.11 '=Ill? YOUt pracla does maU" 10 !he AJabarna Sial<: Bar. 0"'1 .... icu. !:lie< I.... poobicm as .."U as the c""" ""'lids in Jury charges and OYidenliIIy mancn..

"'. ~

Thi. lrip inl<> tho mi nd of" li~ ~ J>OIhopI tho g~3leOl wrilO1' e\W ~

Cir<:ll,l COWl of Apprals.. "I'lIe lNih i. thol 8ill'. hun .... columns..."., kepi T~

m tho Oxford Am";c",", Southcm 8ewd ..... U.. ill 1996, ailhou", Dill<&y. il was 'imply a 'lype-o." IIi, Jcoond book, /" Statt* of H_II"", &~,: no, Trinlt & rrrb..'alWns of" SowNm t.."''Y'<', won tho N31iona1 A$klcialion of Bar ~ luminary Awani in 2(100, bUl Bill aurioo!Q iIIis a.:hie...."''''nl '" tho fact tIui his "'Ilow ~"'''''''''s Iz\o.')\"r, John Grisham. did IlOl .!>Itt !he compelition.



WII.1I <lIhers .. y: "Bill I l ;. juM p/aiJI fWlllY_ and """" poIi.itally 00tRct !han be ~ares .o ...... ~H >Ia!QJudl" M arth> Cnil o.u"",""y. U.s, Sixth

Iawya'S ~nl for dr<:ades, and .... wm "- AI.abamo Uwym ~ng for II IeasI 30 minu1eS! !I;' /IOI'I· I...,..,i", $ide bar "*= II an author and roiu'nntOl has ~ ...... boob. which will be a><lilabJo durinB I.... cooYnI.ioo. II;. Iir>I bool,

. if

ALABAMA STATE BAR 2005 ANNUAL MEETING Gr:lnd I-beI • f'oiN 0.:., Abbam:o • July 20-23, :Dl5

tho SOlllh """

i," arm-

pelting ponr.Ul of William

r..ulbltt, John Mu"'Ol1 !hili. !he ludinl« rnlm ~in;c $pUUIOn told inlruden inw FIUIIoner'. world 10 be;n, hi. liitll<k and confidant<, A Puli',,",-pri1A: " 'iMing ... thor 0( ricl>ly Sou!hen 0lCJric:s and ~I.

$3Y' il ~I: '1'he ~~rully pq:JI'Ul'd and sen.ili", !ICripI and John Mu_lJ'. "1Iml. and ....II, rounded pt'11"om~ I'''' Pi William Faullu>cz-, I.... IlWI, Ut I """,.....w., eYOting of thoaIR.- (1llJdono Wel.y). Thi, hi"'ly .,~sryinllhow will appoallO adult< and families "'fill older chikftQ and - . as il brinK" ali", one of 1.... giants of Ameri<:3n lil ..... ~ no.. AtlMur G!oufillllit>o! ...",.." "._ II .!bould be ~,~ "",,ing ror~.- Don', mi« ill


IITIII CS MOCK ! J;rd: M anlWL pn:>d ....... (I'ru idenl of Pro 10th;.".. /.J:d., DC) A bri1li",", iJlllOVa,h'c and enlenaining JII'O&IWIl ...-ail> yoo ! Jack Mao)/Wt ~ide", of I n.3.lionat olhie • •raining and _hi", flflR, _ o;sun of CoIombio

""""" and cia,<!io ""'k .ing.. M ichao) M~ combine thoir Wonts 10 jnSCnIlq.ll e lhic, li ke yoo h.", no ...." .... anJ i. pn:knltd brfore-

.;" ""'k ponxIies OIIlIroUSIio I'''tor! The Boadrs. "I'lIe Who, Simon and GarfunkL )alnesT.ylor and other! fond their ""'P 1nnsf0f1"ll<d inlO new \InSioas iNllI<U S!~ of tawycn facing OIhkat diRkul!;"" while

relainin;c the flavor and 5pIlII: 0( original hil """" of the '6(1,; and '70s. i\nwingly ;1 W<)I'\(.! (CoDtl.D_ OIl_,It P*fe)


(CoDu.a_Irom _ _ _ ~)

20 of Na<lwille'~ "'" lllaw rums and lias since o:panded it< pn<1ICe lhroup....u 11M: Sou,,",aR.


AfIcr ca:b musical =dition. doe rompIa eIhicaI !"obIt" ....iU be analylftJ ,,·illl -..lima: panicopalion and _inl "" doe ~oniooI . ...... ym In similar plhninp ha"" IeSIM lhis ..... pI'I.Idutt~ and I ' .... " i. "''''' l'e\ltew.. The c:ommmu jndllde, Enkrl1ini", and far doe b¢s. Cl.E r "" .uended 1''''''aMic! I"ve llevt1" ... n, •• ~ Cl.E bef~. Huw tan you be bored " '''''n ""'''' i. a Jlnile 00 yourfoce. you'", lapping)'OW fOOl and It\lIybe oven sina.l", along? Gout diOCUSSlOll Od ethical dilernmas... ~1... J>lVlXlpatOry and informati",,! • If you lhinldoe idea of m....... I CLE 1mIi.... is ndirulous. rome ""ldyway. You' ll FI your WIics cmli.. for 2005 ond :!006 (CillO carry over one ),<!ar>--oi you ...·iU Ita"" loIIYIIlI M"'"aII doe bel.! propam )'00'"" bttn IU in IIonI Ii..... 1'U



~·oundcr and I'ros!den\lof I-q:1I1 TrlOinl"~

GrouJ>. U .e, N",J,,·m.., TN TlI~ I'mactin l'rtKtiu:

/If,,..,, Y<w. Fim, "bn.'lU'd!

Our o.peaker has uainod lhou,oands of lawym in "'" ycar>1 "" !Opics r.ula.I", from Iw;.w 110 improve tbe ... bJ.,sinw ~ ...,111 stills 10 Iw;.w 10 balance life mil ~. SI.. is doe IUdIot of Iho boot. no,. P"."i,.. P....:ti«: H_ 10 M~ y"". Firm,""" Rnrli,., It) P~'IV. Her ........... ~Focus "" Oient lknlopmml:.M...... raItd !he ....... .;e..-m onliro: semi... '" !he rou.nuy for over 20 ...«Ios during 2003. Since .... company', found;", in 2002. Logal Trainlnil Cruup hal scowd

TIl E GRA/'<o1) CII~:~"S (.'(l()KISG DEM ONSl'RATl ON ANI) I-UNcm ;o,,' S""""",, can rnjoy IhlJ ."..,ialFriday llUM."heon while Iawym; play sotf or auend mtt1ings. Sample uniqllC salad< while ...., cbcf preP=' tbe main COUJ)C in r""'t of you ",jlli !he f~ ingn:dkllI' and hlg.e.q quality <quipmom. and thrn Iltr.t!!l you at )'0<1< t;>bIo. End your Ctllinary o:pcricna: wilb • failulous des..n. mil have !he n:5t of doe a/\cmooo to rnjoy 11M: raM ..... in&- Then take ~ .... m:ipes and try Ihtm (JIll on yoor


/limimI_u.,. R~..u , NNf)!}

ALABAMA SfA"ffi BAR 200S ANNUAL MEETING GrandHolel' PoinIC\tar,Alahuna' July2J).23.2OO'i

2005 CLE Credil-al-a-Glance ",,,,i/.

NOTE: ~ "",,,rollsfor all CLF. (lllUts ...ill M "bl~ "" a "'''''11(111/'''' CD "'hkh "'''Y M ,-in..~d dunn, lilt duss If)"" ( hoo" /() brin, Y"''' laptop. " /,,,,I'M nUIIIMr af ...rillt n """tri<lls ...·iIIlH ",,,,,lahlt for mIJSI ...",In"" IU .....,11. Tills CD rtp/aca fht wm",..Atnl;yt prin'~ ""~ p .. bliJh~ in rtCtn' pon. /tMb_ ~i/s ...11/ ""' ",,,,'1oIM IJI Mdt_iNu:

WEDNESU >\ Y. JUJ.Y 10. 200:5 IlOURS 8:JO .... _ 4:-iS pm 6:osi< I"*,",, ofLaw _._ .. ~ .. ___ ._____ ._.6.0 TIIURSDAY. J UI.Y 1I. lOO!I 9,OOam _ 10:JQ am AdWlOao:y in a c:t.anginS World: Dias and MsnipulOlion In the Jury""" ............. 15 11:00 Hm _ Noon ABA SlandaM and Guid<~,..,. for Indig<.'lll Od,,_ In Capi~ C;l$n .................... 1.0 The RC\'iew 0I1)arnagt$ 011 Appeal . ..... _._ ....._... 1.0

Too. S<=u-Non-Cornp••AA.", __ ,_,_,_,_ 1.0 Workm' ~

Updale-2Im .. __ .. __ ] .0

100JOam _ Il :JOpm 'dll,., I'onnrn ond Auoci.,(inducloo 3O-n\ld\lle ~ ............ insJ ... _.. _.·_._··· I..'l

Deal"" ..

£IomtlIIic Di"""""'Y Y. Compuotr ~, ....'ha! .• the !)iff","",,"? E-DocuI1lOl1l RClCnrion.~"IIion and Spoil.:>!;O" ... .. ... 2.0 10:45 am _ I Z: 15 pm

1(""."1 Ocvelop"""1S in Al:d>ama I.4illaluno--200S: Cfhe New TruSi Code. New Securi.ies Ac1. Ek<1ioo u...."S) .................... 15 II:JOam - IZ:.lOpm Up! EtNcs Updale-200S ... _._.___ .. _._ .. _1.0 Z:15 pm - J: 15 .... , ......". It. Employment law Updale-200S ___ .1.0

s.r-p.s III Rr:sp.lo\fe 10 Plai.mffs· EffortS 10 Ikf~ FcdmI J .n~i<tion .___ ._. __ ._ ... 1.0

TUrf W..., Ikfcme R....,..,.j

C\IrmIl lssuos In Criminal Oro:f<nS< ._ •.. __ ._._ .• .1.0 J:JO pm - 4:JO 1'''' EmcrlIini ]'iMIe!O in Tod:Iy', Plain!iff"s Prac!itt .... 1.0

1I01]RS 3:30 1'''' - 4,.\0 pm 0pc<I FOlrum: Alabama SUp"'1l1e Coon Commi" ioo on Professionalism ......................... ].0 .k)o PO" - 5:30 PO" VOIP_ What·s It 10 Ya? ._ ...._..... _.. _._ .. _. ____ .2.0

FRIDA\', J l1l,Y 21. ZOO5 ,,00 .'" - Noon Etbio;:$ Rocks! ____ ._ .. __ ._ .. __ ._._. __ ._J'O 1:00pm -2:00 pm M;us Ton Utig>lim--The CvmpIa,tie! 01 Multi. Party Litiplion ................................... _.. _. 1.0 1:00 IHI' - 2:.\0 pm o,,;s. ian Conciliotion--Prod""in, Surpri.inl ResullS in Imp<l5.\ible Caw . ............ 1.5

TruSl .... w """ Medicaid 1'mI..,!ioo Up<bte--2OO!I ......... .... .............. _... ...•. I.S 1:00 pm _ 3:00 pm The 1'roocIl,.., Prac!i<:o:: M ~ Your Firm F<ro.:anl! •. _. _____ ._.~ ... 2.0 2:jI) pR' _ 3:.JI pm u....-yen I.cadi", I~ Me"..:.i", In "'" I'n)f~ __ .. _ _ _ ._.~._ I'O

J:JO pm _ 4:JO pm Fanuly Law Case U~2005 ............ ___ ._. 1.0

SATlIRDAY. JUL\' U lOO5 . .................................2.0 Grande C<>I1VOI:aIion . TOTAL, 1I0 11RS: ............................................. "... . 37.5


IIoIcI • I'IIinI Ooar.AIab>ma • July 21).23. ~



8:.10 am· .I:~ pm


Basic Issues of Law SI',_,"J '" I~ Ii";"""" I.m<w" PtVt/rum. l~nJa 1.unJ. dim""'- "",I,M A./aMmn

.'it",.. HI" (6.1) ho,,,, CLI; c""'u > 8: .10 ~n'· 9:00 am REGISTRATION 9:ISam·IO: ISam .... ILI DRAFIlNG Anne .... ~1"d.. ll B"mln~' IO:IS arn - Il :ISam 1~~,i\'fE AO~II NlsrRATlON

Nancy C. ll"ghes. lIinJ""gham 11:IS Mm - II :30am IlRICA K 11:30 an, · 12:15 p", I'OWER OF ATIOIt.'1EY Andrevo J Pons. B,m"ngham

1::15 p",. 1:15pm LUNC ll 1:15 1",, ·2:30 1'''' COLl.F.cTIONS LITIGATION W MrCoilum Hoi<ornb. Btmlmgham ::.30 pm . 3:30 1""

BANKRUPTCY Stephen B. I'Mt:tflCld. III"IIlngharn 3:30 pm · .1:.15 p m IIRICA K 3:.15 1"" - .1:.15 pm DIVORCE. CUSTODY AND POST DIVORCE San J. Senesac. BtmI'n&ham

WEDNESI)AY. JULY 20. 200.!1 \ ' " \1 \IHT"C; 01 ~I("I \11' Ol'~'"


TlIURSDA\·.JUL\ 11.200S 7:30 am· 8:.15 a m ALABAMA LAW fUUNDATION TRUSTEES' BREAKFAST 8,00 Illt/ _ 5:00 1'''' ANNUAL MEETING REGISTItATJON 1 :00 an, _5:00 pm LEGAL EXPO l<m am UX1SNul$" CYDfR CONNECTION 9:00 am · 11:00 ~'" COfFEElRm'R.ESIIl<.IENTS

Till Ito... U.\ \ . Jl' IS 21. 200S 9:00 am· 10:30 am \\

.~ I.(;O.\I.:

J I)ougb, MeEI,,) 1"""<\<-01 I\loNm. SIJlC II ..

Opening Plenary Sess ion ,\ D\O(;.\<; \ , ... A C ILlXG"t; \\URI.I): II IAS I\M' \IAl'oll'UI.AT IO' 11'0 Tin: J UR\ 1I0\. GR~; t ;U R\' S. CIIS Il<.IANO. K"O.. Gad><lcn 1h<

""'y $1'<""" '0) "",.i,·.

a >pootantou, IJ:u.Jln,

O'o'3tion III the 1"''>1 12 """''ellhon<. <mg Cu.imano. one: of our O'oI'n. combines .. pffi ~_ kodgc, passi"", OOlnHlon ..,,,'" and "~pcne""c.", ",ell os hUl/uti,y. '" lie: "",lie. one: of the cum:n' ...,. ,.....,.. Wha, i, Ilappenil/J:'/ Why? Wl/lt "'''''' rnul.1 Your pncbC<: dots m.>I. Itt LO the Alabam. Slate Bar. Grq an ...., * , the probIoIIII as .... II .. the enlCfJ.Inl tmI<b in jury charges and c,",<kn'ia<y ma'lerS. (1.3 houn; CLE credil)

11),30 am . II ,00 "'" BREAK-VISIT I.EOAL EXP02<m and lExL'lSEXlS'" CYBf.R CONNECTION



C"'I'ITALCASES Bry,m A. ~ MontJOll"lOl'Y. u.c.. ~"" director. Equal Ju>ti« of AbIwua and profesoor of dini<al Low. New YOI'\; Uni""",,y Sdoool of La..... N",,·Yor\:.. NY Spon.wrnJ by 1M CrimlMI J",,~ M<-litM. RichanJ S. Jaff~. rlIiljr. H"'lti"l/oonl


(I hour CLE c~i1)



Chicf Ju'>tic •• Alabom. Suprt"" COlIn. MOOlgonlOf)'

M. Christi"" King. Him,ingh;"" Spotuon-d by 1M "-PiwUm. lAw $«ri"", lkboroA loUry Smilk (/otJir. IlI"";"8"''''' ( I hwrCLEc,wit) TRADE SECRETSINON-COMPfo'TtTION wm ItiIl TonkonIqt. JI.. l,I irmin~ I'r;oQk M. Caprio. Hlln\S.ille ~ by 1M Irwll...."", Ptv(Nrty Ww nmlJllty A. H.uh. rlIa,r. B,,,,,U,Iiw(I hour CLE cmIit)



Tboma'll.. Oliver. B'mllnpam

Robeft W........ J••• I,IltIII>nPwn $ponJorrJ by tM " '~i(M s..-no... Donald B. Kirtpmrid: JJ. doIur. Brrr'Wr8itano (1IKIurCI..E<mIit)



HEALTI I PROBLEMS M. WookIridgt. l,Iinnin&iwn Thi. l""'Il",m (lull .... itll I..... f,nn ."" pan,.". .."ponsibilities and re>OUrces "hen lIealin. with panllCl'S or ."'<)Ci.~! inlp"i,w by Ilcohol. "ub!tlnl:" abu« .• trolce or m..... ment.l ..... lth problem., including ethk.1 and professional liability i.sues. TIIIl I""""n tcr ha. """,ed .ince

2003 as chair of U"')'CI"S Helpi", U"")'ft'J. the Alabama Stale Bar's Nmmiuee pn:ovidina assi~ to b"")'Cl"S. judgts - ' Low $lUdcn.ts wirh prnb~"", in me..:

Sport.torH by IN A/Qba,na Mw)~' 10 'riw P"'l"""- ~ M~~ usl~. d i - . .,.J IN Star<- Bar (L'l ....... CLEcmlil)


N_: A »minMI~ /.IuriiI<$s ~Uos .'iIIfolu-.

10!.lO am· U ;3(\ pm ELECTRONIC DISCOVERY ~. COMPUTEt FQRENSICS; WHATS TIlE DIFFERENCE? E-DOCUMENT RElBmON. PRESERVATlON AND SPOlLATlON lIamid W. Phipp<. csq .. vicc-presidon~ tlor: NOI'CTOS< Group .... ~anta. GA What is il? lIow do you do it1 Our spealce. has a balanced understanding of compute. technology and the Icgally'l~n'- Most litigalion [<)day ""lui"" prodt>Otion and di«",,"ry of .igniflCant .Itctronk .villenee. Movinll from the large51. """t do<umcnr· in~n~ive cllS<'S to playing .. role in nlany casu. """t anomeys will.-d to .... '. tIli. knowledge sooner or lator. 'The!CCOfld hour will help you ulKlemand ""hat .-<Iocumcnt .. te"' ;on. ~~rv:uion and $pOilllion ..,tually .... and why i. "",to.,,. 10 yOIII practice """" or in the futu..,. CWtiog-dge. •'Olicaled. pr.octlcal U'O"'.!edge at you. fin,oni.,...

$ponM>mI by tM IoJobGma Stal. Bar. (2 boun. CLE tmIit)

10:-*5 am · Il ; IS pm

RECENT DEVElOPMENTS IN TIlE ALABAMA I.EOISLATIIRE--200:5 (mE TRUST CODE. NEW SECURmES ACT. El..ECI1ON LAWS) Robeft L McCtIrIcy. Jr~ director. Alobama Law InsIlnuc. T....:aIoosa Spt1AJt>mI by tM AIabooooa Urw llISt,'"," Gttd IIw Alabama SrtJ.. &r ( I .5 IKlurs CLE credit) 11:3(\ ...,· I2:JO pm LEOAL m llcs UPDA'f&-2OO$ J. Ant!oony McL;oIn. gcner.ol rounsd. Alabama Sial" 8 ... Montgomery lI.<>ben E. lus);. Jr.. ""i'!.anl genmd couflS<'l, Alabama Star. 8ar, Mont,""""Y

( I hoor CLE c,"",it; 1IItc1> :zoos CLE .thics r«Jui .. mcnr)

2: 15 pm ·J;15 pm Lo\BOR ....1'011) EMPLOYMarr LAW

THlJRSlM.Y. AU 1I. l8Q.'I

1Z:lt pm • 1:00 ....


Bench & Bar Luncheon

Marcel L. 1)"l:1l\I11". lIimm'gham Spooso....d by IN J.abo, ",wi EmpIt»'IIt'1ll /.av.' S«riotJ. Marr:.II_ Ikbru$'. rlwri .. Hinrung/ram (I houtCLE~rWir)

To,Ln. S 2h.OO roch ( ·O·PRK'i Il>ING; J Duugl"-' Md,l\) rre,,<knl ,\lal>anu S,,,,< BM



1I<l1101'abio Itcmun ~ Th.",u., Cil<.'Ui, Joog<' 11", Judicial ('il\",il 'I""il< Coonl) l'Ii\ CK ·Ano".:

ClIn,,,,,,, D. C ...... t·n;""


I.... 'ide-n .. ASB Young La" l <,,'

Sn~ ..",

SPEC IAL PRF..., .: r-.'TATIO"S • ,\I.,b.'n~' La", In,unJl< Lcgi,l>'",c,\,,;U\I., • ,\B!("LE lI"aru

Judicial AwW ~f Meri, • Cnmm",ioll<f',' Aword • IIJ,t-an", S!31e Oat I'ru Bono.> Aword FE,\'1'UItU) SPE,\U:1t IU1.L IIA I.TO" . Mcmph". TN l'I,,,ide-nl. TellJlhStt B... A'''-''',''' ......

Wh>I o!her<. "'l: "O,II Ib11Om fUM~ -aIkl1JlOR I"'lili<:III) C\IfTM dWI he ~ lo.drnn" (JDd~. Martha Cra'8 ll:wghtrcy, U_S S,,'" e;",,", Coon of AI'I'<':II,), 11lt truth i. "'," B,lI l blwm's . lo"lCI') decade!:. aDd he I; laughing (0.- ~11c"" _W min · me'! I 'i<leW<anx.-a.,an aUl1>or and ;:oj"'M'>! ~ prooJ"""" (,,'0 000L.... "hich ,,-ill be .,-ailable dunng the """"nllllll, I lL. fil'\l~. Dcl<fd~s: ...." fAJim~....,1 S".,..irs. """"lIn'd 00 !he OdOR! Amm<:""', Sou!hcm &<uclb IISI in 1\196. a!lOOugh Btll ")" II "'" .unply a ")-pc-<J." Ih~ '«<lIId bo<>l. I~ 51'arm '" 1/"",;/",,, 8r~,- nr,. Triah & TTiho<IaJIMIS of a !i<>wNnt Un.J'" ,.."" Ill< NaI>OoIaI ""«>eiation of Oar E>.tcull"" Luminary A,,:anI U\ 20((1. bulll,lIaunhul($ !his ach;""c""",(ro Ill< facr lbJl b,~· Mcmphis 1."),,,". lohn Gri,h,1I" dod no! ~"t .. Ill< """'I""titi"",

;< ju'>! f'brn

",II 1\.,,-.

FEDERAL JURJSDICllON Jooeph P. II. BabillJlOll. Mobile Spom>oml by IM .... ~ Dtf- ~rs ~ " ill..... 1. liaItIbk. ptr..w.u. 51''( I hourCLEcmJiI)


V:ar! 1lC'$.IWo:nIP"fcndo!r'$ Off"~. Middle Oi>lri<1 0( .... l:tbama, MOIIIg<>rIlft)' Spon.<tJmJ b, ,lor II./abtrmtr Cn'mlnallkfr_ La",>~rs ......o<:U>l,"". JogI'" Ibn /lust, prts~kn1. M""'I OltU''Y (1 1rou,CLEcmJir ) J:JO pm· 4:JO .....

EMERGING ISSUES IN TODAY' S I'L\.INllFf'S PRACTICE Gina D. Cown. GlIo.Isik~ SpottsqmIbylM .... ~ Trim ~ JWt:rioIioro. Sro/r A A>t.~/I. ptrWlou. BirmingJlDm (I hourCLEcm.bI)

OPEN A)RUM ON PItOFESSION.... U SM ModmiIor. Hononble Dr;oytOn NIIbcn. Ir.. MooIg<>rllft)'. Ob<f lust;"". Alabama. SUIl"'_ Courr Sponso",d", rlor lI./abtlrltiJ s"p"' ..... C""n Com",i.. i"" "" Pnif'JJi""nli$m S/wr"", G, 11!1u••_'HWI"'" dim",,, MO"'8omuy (I hourCLEcmJil) 3:JO pm . 5:.3(1 pAl VQIP _ WHATS ITTOYA? Jerry Baxley. IT. La. M(JItIP""Y M3ft D. C..till. MOIIIJOIIIeI)' \bioc.(Mr InICmCI I'roIoroI and rIS IIIm<brtI ~ublioa ,,-ill '««1 your COOl 0( doi", buslDOSJ. ...... r<'" iNY for ~ .... i;tl sn-'ices. and bow r<'" pncI~ law. loon ... for- . Itands--oo preoeotrllioa. /M/I4M' m,pliotr. SpoN<Jfr!d by IN .... rJmlniSl""i'" La ... Stcrion. lIImir ..... Dum",... ,""IIir. M""'I "'''''Y (2 Irours eLE crW;!)

4:30 pm· 5:00 pm



Key""'. Speaker:

(No CLE credit) ~:OO

Kenneth Sonde. presidem. PcaoxmaJ:en M inistri<$. Billings. M""Ia/I'

pm _ 6:00 pm

VLP RECEPTION 6:00 pm - H:OO pm WELCOME TO LA. (LOWER AL\BAMA) RECEPTION Fealuring sum[>!\IOUs bon d· ... u,·res. including' ",afood aud griU mix with' f.sli", musical .n,"rutin"",nt' Stl"'J2le chiklrtn', ""'nu includes hot dog" hamburg... and !he trimmings. TickelS: $55.00 each (includes 2 drink tickets) Children 10 and urldcr: S5.00

8:15 pm

An Evening of Free Entertai nment



OH. MR. FAULK..'l:J-: R. 00 YOU WRITE?

rIC~"ts ~IS

$ 20.00


Thi, nip 1010 lhe mm" of a Incrary k gend. pcrh.p' the great." "ril" the

Tickets: $ 17.50

South ha, produced. i, a compellin~ ponr:>it of WHliam Faulk""r. John M".\\o\l , hjf1, Ih. audionce from being



.pe<:IOIors .nd mlruders into Faul~""r', ,",orld to being hi< friend, and confidant' . ,\ Pulit>:cr_pritt \\ inning author of richly Southern 51Orie< and no"015 'OJ'' il be,,: '"Tk carefuUy prepared .nd .<en5iti,·0 <eripl .nd Joon Maxwoll"< worm. <e"ou, ami "oil-rounded perf"""."ce give uS Willi,m Faulkner. the man. 10 a rewarding e'''ning of theatre:' (Eudora Welty). Th" h,ghly "'1I,fying show "'ill appeal to adult, and f"milies "ith older children ami tee"S. as it bring' .Iive 0 .. of the giana of A"",rican liler:>lUre. Tlte A'/lin'" Coru,illllilin Wrole ..... It ,hould be rnquired suing for every_

"""." Don't miss itt



T"I .II.SI)'\ Y. J UL \. 21. 201)5

A dr~m" f""lunng J Oli N MAX\\ E U~ hohon.

All "",mtit" are cordially in"itro to auend."There i. 00 charge. but a ~d;et is requiml. Pic~ up free ticke1s .t the COIlvention regiMralion desk.



COFI'EE'l R£FRESHMENTS flosttd by: ,be Alabam:t S'al<: n or ':00

a," ' NOON

OPENING PLENARY SESSION ETHICS ROCK! J ACK MARSII A U~ prod"" ... President of Pro Ethic" Ltd. Washingt",,_ D.C.

(S" de,,,il< "" 'M /oI/o..-ing


NOON _ 12:30 p m


FRIDAY. J Ul.Y 22. 2005

':00 ~m . Nnon

Opening Plenary Session

mmCSIWOO J AC K MARSI IAl.L.. producer ~ ... of P\'1l Elhics. l.Id. ~ O.C

A bnlliano.



you! J.:k M:m.hall. praidcnl

.i , '<, ~





proaram ......,1:1

or a IIllional C1hics l/1IilUn* and "'lnSulCin* fU'tC'l. and Di<lrk1 01 Columbia _ and classic rock J,n,.. Miet.....1 Me.<.Ser combine to I'<"$<'n, Iogal ethics lil;e you ha~

their lal~ n !< ocver heard ;t presented


rock parodie. on .:oust ie Buitarl TIM: Ikltl«. TIM:

Who. Simon and G:>rt"unkd. James Taylol'.oo ochers find !heir ""'g< transfonnod into_ ..... ion. Iliac tclllCOries of I.... yers f':lIIJ C1hic.1 diffocult~ ... hile maininl!he ond sperl oforiginal hit $OCOpof .... ·60s and '70s. AmaruIgly. it "'orb! Afl .. ~1ICh musical rendition, !he <'OIDpItx ethiraI problems be analyzed .. ith oudicnce panicipMion mel ¥IIIiaa on .he solu!ion. l.owyers lile you in .im,l. p!heri" ," ha"" tcSled chi. "'new produce Md ,i""n It nve rel'itw$. TIM: COO\I1IoeI>U ..ochode:



Enl~nai"iog and inform:aci~y r.... lhe beSl CLE I've ,"~r.ded. • Fanlastie! I' ve never SU",.I. ClIO before. • How can yoo be bored ..... hen lhe.., is a ' nI,Ie


r""". you'.., lapping)'<KIr fOOl and

maybe ev~n singing olon,?

• Grtac

di~ on ~lhical dilell1f\"W ._..,.."Lparticipaonry ..... informat"'''!

• If you think !he idea of mll!ir 01 0 CI..E is ridiculous. come on "y"'"y. y.... ·11 tfl your C1hics emliu for 200S and 2006 (eu carty <Wer OlIO year)-and you .. itt Jayinl ic was !he br$o prt>p2QI yoo '"" ~n \0 ia " IolnJ



(3 hours CI..E emli!. S .. !he 200S Iqal C1hies 1'C<IUi..,menl)

U :3O pm THE FOUR111 ANNUAl. MAUD McCU1RE KEU.Y AWA ItD LUNCHEON Tockets: $ J7..'iO cacb SpoItwrrd by 1M IIbm/'n 's Si'rIWn mid 1M

Ak>/>ama S"'I~ /Ja, 12:JO pm ANNUA L KI DS' CItANCl! OOU' SCRAMHLE 12:30 P"" 3:00 P'" BIG APPLE ALAMMA AFTERNOON (CHILDREN'S PARTY) Join !he cimas for III af!Cmoon 01 ell.",,,,,,, ........J willi friends! Play earnival pmtJ. ha"" your

face p.>intcd. and ~ on .... ~ ~Li>o ..Uile "";DI: andy and rom:Iop under the toil "'" (Meec in !he m,in lobby '" 11: IS pm o.i ldn:n.,.,<'$ 6-15, m Vo'tlc<.on",.) No c ha'1l". bu r COlton

p~nogIslnoti on


~u l rtd.

HmrM by lSI M A lIAM". Ins"mnu SilN:k.lisrs, II",. 1:00 pn. ' 2:00 P"' MASS TORT l.ITIGATION: THEOOMPLEXITI ES OF MUl.TI·PARTY UTIGATION Donald W, s.,..'ao'I. Anrilioon M""-I L Iklt 8~ ~ b:t IN lil,g<Jlinfo $H1ioft. JOlt Terry. doa,r, 1k~>Mr (11K>urCI..Ecmlioj

1:00 pm • 2:30 pm TRUST LAW ANO MB)[CA IO PROT1lCTION UI'I)A'ffi

Cla)'1oo K. Dav's. J)oclt.m Joseph C. l)eni""". Opr:lika

C<N(I(>tU"",d 1»' I~ R."I P~rry. /'robtJlr" T""" Mrlion. Ib,,1 £ Hlllun. elotlir. MO<t18""""1 and I~ £/d" I~~' Mrl""" l. 1OOmos R)'/JII. Jr.. rlotlir. I/wu..'/k (I bout cu: cn:ilit) Shtw! bouiNss 1fONI"'I ,., joIkN<


nun,\ \', J Ul.\' 21. 2005 1:00 t,m . 3:00 1""

TEA II OH \I,\ N. "-'iQ.. Foonller and I',,"idolll "f L<:pl Tr.nning Gtoop. U.c. Nash,,!Ic. N

Our ,peal ........... Iralned ,1>00 o;;md, of I..w),<,/"; In lt1c pMl ••""",1}""" on 1<.>fI'~' "'"g ing r,,'1Il "'''' 10 ;lIlpruve tht: j, "", iTlt"$ dc,,,I,,,,'''''nI '~ III' 10 """ In bal>ntt li f. ond ",or>., S,,", i. I,,", .0100. "f tk t:o.>oL. 11u Pmtl,,'i\'~ f'nk-'''v: 1/""

10,\/'''', Ii'"r fjmlfmm Hr'k',,-",,,,, I'""" I;"~_ Ikr "'","""', "Fox-u, "" ctiem l,""cklr<ncnl; "., MN Iht l1loSH'ie»ed onllD< ",mil"'" '" Iho «>untO) for <l'~r ;00 Wtt!.; dunng 11111.1, SlOe., Iho "''<l'[W'i- roul'kllng In 1002. Lesal Tr.umn~ Group h...< "''''N .w.... 20 of Nu..n_Jllo", 'Of' 2$ low finn. al~1 ha_ , ioce e' p:",Jcd;t< rrnc,,,,. IhMIg/><'" ll nc S".,he"-,,. ,\i~"'IQ,...d b>



Offia M. m"~rm"nI j\. (;,11",,,,, ,_ ,Ii rt'C1, If,

n"". I.,,,,,,

""'/111, A/,,ru,,,,. S,~u


12 "'''''' CLE C-mll"

1:00 pal • 2:30 pm




(I hour

e LE credit)

.l:JO [Mil • 4:30 pm

CASE LAW UPDATE 2OO'i San Jay BirmiftihMn s,-s.>fI'il by 1M FomH)' 14K' Stmr:wo. ~s BriM HI'ff, dt/Jir, BimWogJwF.~M 1LY

( I bout cu: CTtdi()

Nou: .IO-",in~'t ! m«ti"l 10!o/l_.

The Proactive Practice: Move Your Finn Forward

A ..",,,,,,,, I'",,~

Sponstmd by 1M I10mrn ', Smion. Mnry .kmr fbi"", . eMir. Birmingiwlm

Ehabeth II. IIwIlJey. CIani"" I'IInoliotlo: William M. CunniDgham. J.~ Mobile I""""" McKeoo>"1l ~Ihmp. Gadodr:n a.ude E. Ilundley. Hunuvi lle !-Ior>orable Lyn S,uart, MooliOOl"')' As.5OCi.ue juslic., SUp""rnc Coun of Alabam.

5:00 pm · 6:00 I'm

PRESIDI!NT"S RECEYnON Honori"8 ~Rl and Mrs, J. DoulW No O>arge: TWo lid,,,ts ptr rqiWWll


All rqjWanu ore cordially invited 10 l m:q>Iion hooori", ~ and Mrs. Me lilvy. Coo>e by and .isi, with Dou, and 1'ltaIOo-. and \hank Ihom for Ihoi< ~n'''l !eadeMp !his yor.


po, . 7:.10 pm




SATUlU),\ Y. JUI,\' 23. 2005 8:.30 ~n' • 9: tS am COFfEE AND SWEET ROUS No CIwp: (ift Lobby ora 0IIC$id0 Ibllroom)

': 15.m · 11 :00 am GRANDE CONVOCATION STATE OFTlIE JUDIClARY IIQf101"11b\e Dnytoo Nabcn.. Jr.. chid juSl;a, Surn:me Coun of AI3ban~ MOIlli"" "'ry INSTALLATION OF BOB BY SEGAU. 129th Presidenl of Ihc AIWmo Swc: Bar SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS · It<copIitina of SO-yor ;"..,~'mllb"".'S • Local B. AtiUn."..,1II A...... • KIds' Chance ScboIaMip • Orand Pri.., Dr-'i", It : ISa ",


immodi~'.ly following 1hcGrande Conv"..!ion) BOARD OF BAli. CO~tMI SS IONERS' MEETING

ALABAM A STATE 2005 ANNUAL MEETI NG Gr.lIId HOiel' Poin, Clear. Alabama ' July 20-23. ~





Ift-so.,.. MY 211, 2III!i

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l:tI,. . ':JI,. lIIYUIS11Y 0I1riMA.\101 som. 01 ..... ~ICHCD.


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OjS1AlUllOfj Df II(IfI8'fstfJoU """ _ ..... """""' VoIIO lot S!'«;IAI. .... S£N'.'>OII:;

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l _ . · II:t1. OOI'fHMfRfSHM£fITS

Tlm tl lnd 111111 lubjltl 10 chu gl. Chi ck Rl gIIIII,I"" 011111 •• fin.' Soh. du'I .' E•• nllwlUl room n l lgnml nlt.

REGISTRATlOM fORM MO CtlARGE, aUT REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED . ~ meet in 1M main lobbY at 12:15 pm. Childl!n, ~ 6-15. weICOfllI路 eontacI RiU Gray at \33-4) 269-\5\5. D1ensiOn 30$, !Of lTIOfa inlormatlon. HlI$lId by IS1.t.lABAMA. ,IISUl'1Intll SpKill\St$, Int.

-;:============;:: :=

ChiId"$ twne Paleo!" ManW

AO' -

Cllikfs Nime:~=========="'Clukrs Name Chikf5 Name

AQt -

Age -


lelephonl: Mailing ,t.6clrns:

Alabama State Bar 2005 Annual Meeting July 20-23. 2005 • Grand HOle] • Point Clear. Alatxun.1

HOTEL RESERVATION FORM Grand Holel • Point Clear, Alab<uml Room Reservations !'oIUST BE MA DE DIRECTLY WITH TH E ALAB,\M A STATE BAR. To ensure your accommodations. reservations shou ld be received NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY. JUNE 15. 2005. ""_


_ _ Room(s) fOl _ _ _ " - ' )


Company or Fmm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Du ~~Add~

_ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Cily ____________________________ lIu~ill(Ss


51110 _ __

ZIP CQdc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


All reservalions ore """']lIt<! On a ,"""'"loW basis only. An adva""o deposil of your 1i"1 nighl room charJo i. lUIuired 10 conC,"" Ihis reservation. or • credil cardluar.lJl'ce. R¢Strva,ions ~i,t<! afl<:r June IS. 200S ",ill be: i ubjecllO spaco and ral. a.,.allabltily. C IIl': C K-IN TIM E IS 4:00 I'.M. c m :CK-nlTfTI.'II E IS II:oo AM . Non-smoking roort\$ available upon lUIucst bast<! on availability. All ra,es ore subjecl 10 12 poemnl ..,.."., fee and l ix perce .. saIcs ,... _ "The "'""" fee is IlOl • ,.... and ;. "'" subjec1: 10 eurnptioo .

os.,; P~:RSON:


S1J6 Bay Voew

TWO " .:RSOSS: 0 S1J6 o..y Voew

o $216 R<'SOr'I Voew

0$216 Resort VIeW

R",,_ ... I~ ",.,;" IHli/di", I f " If..,;u,bl~ "" If limimJ ........ ilIIJ ar, ilIIJ $J(I ~i,hD- 1(Jt" rinr 11/4" 1M """... nIIu.


·"AVA II.-ADlun· 0 .' M \ 'SIO.: ROO.\ IS IS I.IMITEDTOA Arri.'al l)lIle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Ii",,, _ _ _ ROOM T VI' E REQUEST:







II.,~~, I

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I><!""nu"" 1)" le _ __ _ _ _ _ _ n "" ___



a Smoking



W GUA llA l',.-n :EIJ HV CKEIJIT CA Rl), I' U:"'SE CO.\lI'I. En : T IIE .·O I.l. OW ING: PIo::ue c~k lype of <:"'<Iil card: 0 A......ncan fupreso a Mas.IC1CanI 0 VISA 0 Disc~1 N....... olCttdil Card Holder _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ C~I~No.



o...c _______

CIIrJJhoIddI S'&M!u",


Cred'l card only must be: cancelled Ii.... days pnor 10 amwllO I~ the canl 00"1\ d.lrzw lirsl n,ght'~ room and w. Any ~ or no-shows (includes Ifrival. Ilk. midnig,1) "'ill be: rdc~ fur leneral sak. and .. ill be: ""n'tale<! !wed Of[ 1... ,labilily of """'''.


I'LI'. AS[ MA.lL T O, ~ An" ..1Mm .... AI......". State Bar. P. O. BOl. 611. M",,'aom<'}". AI. 361(j1 0 11 FAX T O: (3J.4) 261-6)10.

FREE to First 50 RtgistrcllltS: COf1'/of T..... Hoffll'lJ/l's ~ /tTIc/iCe


, ,, · ". , ,, · ,. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, •• ,, •• ,,

T.... I C .. I

• • •


•• •• ••• ••• •• ••


$!i~.ooeo. $!i.OIIe • .

S I7.~eo.

S20.0II ....

S20.OIIe.o. $20.00 .... $20.00 . o. SIO.OO e.. $J7 . ~ ... $l7.50 ea. 1'r<·«cl>I"'11oo t"t<I~l<td NoCl\arie $25 .00 ... S2!1 .OOe • . $10.00 ... TOT"' I. F.VF.,,,,,, ·nCKIn'S

TUli\L FEES TO ACCO~1I''''NY ~'ORM C iIe<"k:! ror r<V>1,..IH>n/lI<k<ts . h<H>ld I>< mode paj·. ble 10 , It< OR 8 ill my credi' can:I:






AI.A8 .~'IA


AMI>X COt<! No.

COtdhokle-t·. Signalu",


ANll l '.l.YM "'~"'''

TO: 200S Annual M""'inJ. Alobuna Sial< Iru-, P. O. 80, 671. Mon<gO\ll<I)'. AL 36 10 1

Cancell,1;ons w;1h fu ll re fund. minu, a $25.00 admini , ' ''''i"", fcc. may I>< r'eCl "csttd through noon . •'rid~y. J uly 15.2005.




~GoJftt BeOQb. l\8S01'Ii

B&nd8fI1iIll, J'lOl'ld& JulY 12_16,2006

II lan ..... ry 12. 2005, t~ Suprnn<' Co"n of A!ab,a",. a"",nd<d •• ,-

to", opptll.,. rules and adopUd


Ruk lSA. A lUmrmty of ,he Ruk .<IopIed and the a"",ndn'lftl" Follows.

Subotction (b ) h.. be... ."",ndtd 10 r«Jui~.t.. filinS of II copies of docu ·


RULE 21(81.

""",u ;n thot Supmnr Court. n.n. is no chMJv in tho numbtr 01 docul1'lftlt. rftJuiml to lot lilt<! with tht Court of CrimlnaI ApptaIs and It.. Cou." of Civil

MANDAMUS Rolt 21 (a) bas btm.mcnd<d 10 II.., •• iObk of authorities boo ind...x.d ;., • ","ition 100- 1M writ of man.WnUl. ",. rapondrn. should



induM' ,abi< of aud.ontia in d,.

."swn if an &JUWtt is ordn-td

RULE 28. BRIEFS Suh!«tion (. )(7) of IWlt 1lI1w Iwn iIIllttIdtd !(I rrlItcI tht Iong-standing.w. ~I, in ttrliorari p<'Iilions. tho >I,Iemen, of racu nctd no! be included in tho bri<f btelUI( it ",lUI tit rontaintd in. or attached to, the pttition. s... am<n<Icd RuIo 39(d)(S). Subs«. ion (h), whi<h indica, .. lh. r«Juir«l colors of ,he rove" of brids, h•• b«n .ddC'd to Rul. 28.


RULE 32. FORM AND LENGTH OF BRIEFS, PE I I I IONS, MOTIONS AND OTHER PAPERS; NONCOMPUANCE n.. ammdmm'5 10 Ruk 12, p:M:rnins 'M fOrm of docummu filed wilh ,...

.ppdLo", courts, _ ins in


primarily "".... kttp. ""',., "ne ,I""., Rult

32 applied only 10 tho form of b&fo. tho

."""dmnm cluify th.t


,uk now


tho fonn of all <i«u"'....11 lilt<! with th •• pptll.tto murU.


A xrUm« hat hom added 10 subsection (b l(ll cIIrifyini duo,. if II>< coun ~ aJUWn and bridl in rupo_to a ~i ·

or II>< 1 " , - '

lion for wnl of manohm.....11< numh<r of p.aga Ind brief WIl '",""IwT II< no mo~ 'Mn 30 pages.

RULE 34(81. REQUEST FOR ORAL ARGUMENT Th~ JUljor <h.n~. ' 0 Ruk 14 omphosiza ,h" ,IK 81"n,inl of o .. l,rg~men ' is d is<:rttion.ry wilh ,IK . ppoll.,. coon. RuIo l4 has abo h«n :untndrd 10 <tJn1Oom with RuIo 2&(a)(I). whi<h I"aoiclt:s tha, tho words ·ORAl. ARGUMENT RF.QUfST£lY mWl boo indudod in. com.piouous pba ... tho fron. aMf 01 tho


RULE 39. PE liliaN FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI-REVIEW OF DECISIONS OF COURTS OF APPEAL Tho AlIDamo S\,prmlO Coun'. S.. ndin~ Comntilw on ,ho Rule! of Apptlb. .. Procodu~ .nd lhe SuP"""" eou" of A1abam, h• ..., ...... rill.n Ruk 39 wi.h ,t.. g<»I of making A1abam" ( ... io· r.ri pracli« OS u~ os p<l$$iblo Undor RuIo 39. e««IM /lint 1.2005. only a potilion !Or writ of CMiorari may II< fiIod. UnI<os tho supn:m< o:>un hat on:Itrro om· .,...;,.. any brief 6Iod by ,''' potKiontr or 'df","..xul prior 10>rnoftho writ will ..... rid<= RuIo39(b)(4). dl lu... 1,2OM. A cop)' 01 tho o:>un oIappt:als' opinion or wopubIiIhtd rnnnonndum mWl II< atuochod 10 tho potition lOr writ 01 an-Mi. Ruk 39(d)(4).dl Iunt I. 2005. lfll><wun 01 civilappt:als ........ nn-<>pmoon .ffinn.olKt punuanl 10 RuII' 5l. ALa. R. App. P.. or if .... potil;,.".., ....;,ha .... wun "'<OtlSi<kr bets 001 in II><r;oun of oppal ', docision. ,... pot;l;""'" must ind..x bets in or IIIKh them 10 lho ........... ri pot";,,,. RuII' 39(d)(5). Rnncmh<r. , ... poti · ,ion is II>< only documen, tho wun looks "' in mokins I docWon OJ'o whet"'r.., issw: ,ho wri, of CMionori. Tho rtCOnI is nol wi,h ,t.. JUprtmf coun_ ;, is >1m with 1110 muM of d.rk·, <>fIl«. and will no! II< " .".",i,,«1 urn... and unlilliw: sup""""



, 'J{tfphrg Uu&s aM q...u

ptDjtn pom;"" pawtifJ aM

w'ing ;.pnuiotu...1V. 6rrns d e n o.. '0 J'moJfou

21 8

M ... y lOGI

0DW1 VOntslbt petilion and iHua tho writ of tenionri. Anothn~,. 10 RuIo 19 is II>< rupondtn, will not bt aI~.., lilt an inilw brid" oddlnlling , .... &fOUnds unkss Ind um~ ,he wri, i ..1teS. Con"""luotllly. if ,.... «>un donia ,ho ~i· ,Oon. ,h. tnpondom need no! flit wything. Prtil lon<" should kotp in mind Ihat «<TOo",ri ~iIOon. should nol addlH'l lh. m"ill of ,h. ax, bUI . hould commu ni· " .. ~ (0 ,he coun ,h. ground. whkh ou, hori .. ,h. <" Uri" i.. u ing ,h. writ of "," io",,~ Only if the COUll g",n ll .h. potit;"n and iI.$.... ,M Wril will th. ~iIOo11(1" tile. bri.r odd,... ing ,h. onc,· its of th. ao<. If It.. ... ri, of uniorari wu .... ,hen 1M ..... nI wiU II< Iran.· mined from .... coun of oppo.o.b· dat·s offi« 10 It.. "'premo: COUrt cInk', offiu. l"h< ...I'ttr. briding will OCCur. FoIIowins is lho brimn, schcdult shoWd tho writ isout:


. 1'fl"ioMr·s brief(oo • _ ' - of tho righl .., file weh brief) 10 bo tikd ... ithin 14 do)" ( two wcrl:s) of ,he w...n« of ,t.. writ of unOo",ri by eM dn\. of , .... IUpremo: cov.n. ' 1Inp<o""'"""IKW{{or a w.r.-.r of tho 'ish' 10 flit such britO is '0 boo flltd within 14 dtys (IWO w«ks ) of,1I< m;n~ of"'" ~i· 'Oon.,.', brio( (or peli'ion ... •• woivor of filing . britO. Th. rt$pondonc', brief may Iddr.!oS lublton';.., i ....... p r,$Cnt· «I for ",view in Ih ~ polilio n• Th. brier may &1<0 I ddr... wh<1hu th. polil",n ,u'n groundl OS '''lui.. d by subp,m.. graphs (.){2){A)·( E). Of in I d.. lh pm. I,y cast. ,ubI'"'' graphs (. ){2){A) and ( 8).



Prti,iooI"."PIY /trW{. if any. mw, bo folni within 14 doys (two W«Ia) of ,he MinK 01 tho rapondmt". brief. In <rimin.d """"" in which lho pn>Ohy if, ~ is 1>0 ~ !imitotion roo- Ibt uniorori ~ilion. Jl.uIt J9(1)(2). e«. )uM I. 2OOS.. Sot, s...,,10 .. 10-. B6 FJd IllS ( I Llh Gr. 2(01 ) and O'S..lm..n .. ~. 526 US. 833 ( 1999).

lontn 1

RULE 40. APPUCATlONS FOR REHEARING Rule 40 has hom .",.ndod to clarify ,hll (h~ pag~ limi' '';''" of on . pplicalion for r.hcoring il 15 p:l.g<S ~nd ,h. p.~.limi(.· I;"n or,h. brief in IUPpor' of ,h •• pplicotOon is 15 p_g'" Th .... lho mmbinni paS<' limil_lion for tho applical ion and It.. brirf is a IOlal of JO p:l.g...

NEW RULE: RULE 25A. ALABAMA RULES OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE On ):umuy 12. lOO5. eM IUp«'flIC COurt addtd a I><W ruIo 10 II>< A/aboo ..... ItpptllDu Prr>mI~ .... RuIt l5A uquiKs t1u. opptu. .. dorummcs bt sigr...:I by 0' Itast 0"" OUom<)' o f ..... rd. By his Of her signatur •• lho .Ilor...,. or I"ny unif... 1h.. ,h. docuoncn, signod is no1 boinK presontrd fo r . n i",propu pUrp'>$<. ,h.c lho im'es presomrd or. wa r",m«l by ""is,ing law Or by a non·frivolo<u .rgument for Ulending, modifyin~ or rt"'!ling nilling I..... ond Ih., l b. ('Ct u.1 oonl~nliQnl or don i.1i


Some Thoughts-For What It's Worth 1. Ore of hlllljOl'h'$COIiCtplion$ oIattomeys filing cerbOr. . pe\I. bOnI .. tt. bIbe! tNt cer\lOr¥l 1$ ~ -. 'appeal" Ihete·


!flIS, that

Ihey QII dial! 1hII ter110<ar1 petltl(Wl 35 if '1 is ilfllI!lI)eIIate

Ctrtiof.,i is an ."tuely ~iffer8flt form of f8YI8W bv !hi SIlP'em8 COO"! Filllhat raason. it i! In the best IntereS1 of IOU' ti.ent thai yoo read Rule 39.85 bor ing as thai mlghl $eem tr~

made bv r'I,I'IlIl<O\I& atIOf'I'I8I'$ is 10 SIIlliY 1M, as a form, a ~ peullOl\ borIo>Yed from another attooley ThIs has led to It. denial oIl11t1l1d I'UTIbers 01 pe!JbO'r&. tIacao.!he peIfIIOn ooped lid nat S8I rut IJI).nh 1nI/Or fa:Is. Fle.... ,ta. in !he pe!fII(In. 1111 ~ thin 1hI ~ g;u'I

2 An error

IlIT8d IS nat ~ I'lIS1 .,.. 0'11 01



• .-.m

--;- 0'1 eIhI:S....:I ~ br Ile t& nlhll~. eYd!n:e:I bv IhI! 2OOl",.d""11O lUI! J 01 Iha ~ IbIe:r Ii Cmlnq ~ IMfU). f8QlIIri;l at ieMl one tw::u 01 CLE i1l!11lio:s Of pro/e$$ionaIism each j6at. ~ IS espeCIally IfTlIOItalt 10 ~ WI1h 1hI nries of proeedo.rt. fWe 1.1 , ~ Ru/$s of f'rofessit:roJ c.nt..r:IIAJ~, R. Prof. c...w:~ I!lqI.Iires IIlat a lawyer lJ(IMde COI"peteo~ represel1ta1.01 to 8 dMint "CtrrlJuwnt

11I1~ WrIt> IhII CUTlIl .. ,-,

r!fIIesernatm ~ Iha legal kncl¥.1edge, skll l.~;nj

prepar.mon ~ neo:e.sary lor Iha ,epesalla!ooo,"1Ue 1,1, AI.t R ltd CtnV:t Usa 01 a Iom1 ~ wnID.O: reaOro;l !he '1M ~!he ~ 01 !he ktIOI'Ilor whK:tl yW l1l1I fepes"".IG !he doin!. i$-Il "'I'upioio ..."oIlll ••. 3. "you have QUl!Suons ~ !he _ ",Ies. pkmt tall !he supreme aut cleff! ofh(.. 1\ !33412~2.461J9 .-d SCJNk WId! a $(11ft attorney We can 8SS>S! you WJ!h !hese ~ _oded rules,

'·One o f the I"C'.lSOIlS that I chose

I3KR Borland Bcn<;ficld

W.\.S [


madt a", ... """,~ by II.. uwnl.

that they weren 't tOO big to care


about a company of my Si7.c, Tht:y

A Cnmm'u ... Com_m has btm added 1<> Rule 8 which tho cou ... of OCIwn ,<> be taken if t~ ' PP"'l>.nl. who has h.d. mon")' judgmOnl(nlcrcd _gain$1 il. "m' lo h.Y< Rul. 8 ' " 'ponded. •

Endnotes I _

................. OIIIIOIIIbr .. _

. . _. _

s. """ J!IIi;t

... _

...... _ ..

give me the quali ty comm unication and gocd work thm J


. Ilo G=n.n1

""~, i';ons & COl11poocm". loc,



www.tJ.orl l11


111 ad

h ' .:> .... 11

}!OlC J,




l1T {onT (lCf:,

'win ulltrw., ,VII. 'Illl.' l1at





Ij1\VvC 5


11llL.e of

"fill-utes. "L~lIltltl~llS (I





IJHV tOL t rlrtC'5,



lOY Abboma bu.iness lawyers

liuly h."" fac«llh~ following si'u.o1ion. Your dienl ;. about '0 bt .w.,d«l .n important f«ltril Ig<nq contract. The diml .."", rou tM "ve-menl, aski"ll you "to ul<c • doy <>f , .... I " look it ovrr and mal<., 'UK that .'" no ;.sua.· Yoo ""'mint In ~ -,rylng. pnglor-~ l(lO..pqo docu· mtnt. ~ wIth boiInplo'" acronyms ..... douns 0( cL1 ...... ,.xo.pontN by ~. Gi ..... tho< Jhon time .... ibbk for rniorw, you advife the diotn, you <k>

not "" III)' parlicul" pmbItms. but lh31 i. II.. ""em of your <.. m(on ~L As with PO'''''' or admiT"'Y t.w.1Od<nl pm<urnn<nlls • $ptCwty 1m. .00ut which nlOOll>l»illt$f Lowyns Propr!'ly hesi·

lale bd"o .. ..wising their diem .. Th. wI>-

;.a conSlilul<f mud! of tides 10 and 41 of ,he Unit«l 51.,.. Code for ,he mUi,"ry and mil;'" procurIng "i<"'ioI. <Up«tivdy. 00 ... otolUIQI'Y lilks im~l fNtraI proCUmntnl, oucb OS Tnt. 15"'" JmalI business """"- Tht pmcur.n...." r<'gUlatioru in TIIlt 411 <J tilt Codc r;I FtdtraI RtsuLations (C.U.) rival ,he rqubrions lOr tho IntnnalltMToue Cod< and W Social St<urify ..... in J>OF nwnbrn (01,100) and difficulty. Th .... 1hc UniICd ScaleS Coun of !q>pnk k>r Iht Fifll'! Circuit apt/r .... """'............ "GowmmrnI conInctins I>w il wmpla,l«hnicaI. coocmc. important. and mooumem..J.'" Ft<irnl contracting it; "la in impor. tant part of Amrrican t<ooomic lif• ."'


Ind«d, Unit"! StOia Govtmmenl is lhe I."gal buyn of , upplics .nd ><JYica

in ,he wo,ld. [n flSCOl roar 2(0), fcdcnl 'g<nc;'tuptn, mort ,han $274 bill;on on Kqui<il;on.' and I'l"I)Curtmenl buds<u are incrtosing. ~m'M1ll comroetors and .ub<:On1roetors t'mploy 0W"",imo .. Iy 20 pcr«n. o( 1.... fDlioruJ lobo< (orct.' Furthtr..-., A1aboma hu •• ignificanl .... rt of fodora! proar ....... nl doIIus. [n McoI roar 201B. ,.... Unil«1 Sb1f!S Govrrnmnn pbc«l mort thon S(,.5 ba· lion in connan work in !\IoWmo, whio;h ..-k OW" .... te" lJlh·",nkd in 1M Union ' " 1Krivi", ftdtra! conlr.lC1 dolbrs.· 8aocd Ofl,he ~ ;mporlOlKC of &:dn-ol <On'raC1inS for !he fD'iorW and .We KOt"H)II"Ii<-$. AJ.b,oma buJinns

Iowy<rs ohould h."". (undam<1llOl und.rstandinll of f«l.ro1I'ro(umn.nt 10

advi$< ,.... i. ditnu <ff..:. ivtly.


This .hon .n;d. will ...01 .nobl.... ad· 'n '0 btcomo w<lI·",,1lN in ..... ry •••• of fcdtn.I Kquisilion. AI Ih ........ Ii ..... Ihis anidt will: (a) ... rnmarilt ,II< "",,",inS .....1IIn, ~1JOnS

and policies; (b)

idmul'y oddi,ionaI ....r.m.c. ....,O'Nl; Ind (e) r.xu.on common chalkn!", itJ fcdcral govttnmtn. CQnlrKlin,.

Basic Statutes, Regulations And Policies ''''U'",

kdorol rquL...ions.nod poIi. eiQ elou/y con.roI tho m..ionship of tht fNc.rol procuri"K ~ wi.h ,hrir l"'l'fN'C'i ... and o<IuoI eon" Mton. Two majo. Sla'ulOry och<ma .fI"<et .,,,,,,ni,,,, b... nch procure .... n ... Finl,'M Armed StrIkos Procu •• "",", Ael (ASPA),'"


M"Y lOG'

"mond«" applios 10 Ikp.",,,.n, of Ikf.n .. (000), Nationol S~.nd Aeronau.ics Adrninis".,ion (NASA) .nd C<wI Guard procutnn<nu wh<ft tht Ig<n<y on .... II>< ~, wi,h fund> 'pproprio,ed by Conveso. S«und, tht kdonl Propnty &rid Admin"' ...,'''',... Act (FPASA).' ... ,,,,,nded, ,prli",.o 100" civilian .>«<u'i .... brand! "8<''''.... i!\dudin" For oumple. tho dofwlmtnU of )ustia. Stal' and H<alth and Human S<rvias, and 'M Gmcn1 SnviatAdmitJislrluon (GSA) in thtir oppr<lPriated fund ptOC\Irnntnts. Nwn<roW otbn st.lUI .. abo .fI"o:ct fed· cnl acqui.ition. Fo ..... mpk, IKImt .gen· cies. such as II>< Ton_ Vol~ Aulhorily (lVA), ho.. uniqu< <0111'''':''''1 SIal" ....• Socio>-«or.omic: provanu are imponant, sud! IS (buI1IOC limil<Od 10) .... SmoII Busin<s< Act {unall ........... mnomI pm. ......... );'11>< Sonia ConII'KI Act (mini· mum wages.l'ringe bmditS Ind workin, oondiliotU for sorvk. (Onl,",,"}:'" .nd tht

II")' "' .... 'icon Act {do",""i<: supply .nd oofl$truc.ion ma..,.ial prtkl'('n<"}." Anolh<r >p<cial progom aulho<iIa. ......• trn<Y rtIioflOr conlQ(!O<$ in .... inrnrou

of .... ion.oI d<knot. o, Sptri.l!y adjudialOfl d<cid< Ift·..... rd procumnml <OIII/'O"o'm.ics borwem 111"". a.. and vmdon. 1M Complrollor (".."....ol, II>< hood of II>< Unit«! Sr .... c;.;,....,rnmm' ...cco."I!.b~;ly 0I'I'k. (GAO), • uniquo<"F'KTwithin~'" SlaIUlOrJ IUthoriry 10 consldn- vtndor -prousu- apin<t tht InfnI; of IOticiuIions

lOr o&rs or ....,. ..... roe O<Io:ction dor ... • ",i ...,ions." GAO d«isiotU "'" found on WfSfI.AW, LEXIS and (Iho 1110$1 r«tnl 0..... on) Ott It.. GAO·, \\'<1> ,i••.


.........."""10"1.111< bid proresl regu. 10."",," ~ CF_R. Pan 21. ;uuhQ on II>< GAO Wd> sik und<r -~ ProdI>ClS.-llw lid...- Act grrnts aI!ftnoI ..... proIesI ju..... dklion to .... Un;,ed SuI., Court of Fo:d<nI Claims (COFC)," with • rigltlof .pp<aI by nth..- tht oon''"'''o. 0. tho

osmer 10 tho lhlllod Smft Court 01 Appnlo for tho FodmI Circuit (CAfC). It llw: COfItrKI~ osmer abo 11M rczuIatoty jurUdiction 10 mnsi<Irr proIC>ts." Special Ntut., .nd forums ..tdreso p<>$I ...... n:llitigatl<Nl ~W<m tht gov.m. mrnl .nd ",nt....:ton. llw: Clnt....:t Dilput., ACt of 1978 (COAl t:ltabH.hes the d.iml and dilput., procns for coy. <Ttd 'goncio;t." t:nmplcs of CPA d.i""

.'" cont....:tor dnn:>nds for roo...ury odjrntments, ouch ... lOr 'F""Y.dir«~ ",ntrKI cho"FI 0< dd.ayt. 0< a contra<· lOr'.d..l~ 10 tllt....r. tmniMion "'. contract for d<6ult. Thor~(J)A diIpuIt I'tfOiUlI<NI luthoriuos "'" tht indio azmtJ' t.o..di '" contr.oct appeals 0< tilt COF(;, ""th fiShts '" appal by either party from • boord or COFC 10 tho CAFC." Thor CAI'C Iw its own Wtb Jitt, www./tdrir.g<WI... dorsthtCOFC. """",.«S<'fr.~f(O~"~fP"I. Moot Igmcy oo.nU of ront,..:t al'p..I........ I Web site. including lilt mo.t board. tht Anntd Snvkellloord of Contract Appoob.. ......... /Qw.""'.tdulAS8CV. "'hid> hoalJ appall rr.,m the 001)' Ni\SA and othn- 'vnOrs by osr=nmt. DKi<i<>nI rr.,m on thtst prolQl and disput., odjudi. cators.r< ..-.iLlbiot oro WfSIU\W ond


ltoguL> ........ "'" kty dri,,"" of tilt pro. (Urnnnli proa1ll. Pu ...... nt to tilt Offict of Ftdoroll'ro<:umnont l'oIicy Act." tho threo major prG(U,;n, .,.,..,ia-DOD, Ni\SA and GSA-h .... i .. u«! tM Fodorol Acqu";liun RquL>tion (FAR). whi<h has Ih. force Ind effcct oOaw." The fAR impl.mcntl th. A51'A. fPASA 3nd Imny

other p""",.mcnt •• oI.tod OI.lul ... Umkr FAR UIl-4.lhe quL>tion Ipplitl to oIl·Kquu.iIIOJU· ... d.llntd in fAR 2. LOI • .-pt ... uprm!y ""dud.-d.. FAR .. «)d,rd in 1itloo ~8, 0..1'1<1' L. of tho: C.F.R.,.nd it. fmaumt amtndmtnts .... irutilllr ........ aI mkI; in tho Ftdm>l Rtruw. All dtctronic ,....;0., of lilt FAR is • ...;1.01>100 011 tho lnltrMt at

www·Qr"Im,P/filrl.Son.. OJ1tI'I<it$1n: OILtsidc til< FAR. ""'" .. til< TVA." FAR Iw filhl major .... bcN.pIm< p:n<r' 01 principb: COfIlJ>elition and acquisition rUnning; o:mtr.octi". methods and con· I.O<! typQ: toCio-economk pr-ogranu: Stn. <nl """'racti/ljl rt<juir.mtnl!; '!'«i.aI cate-

gorin: of contrKIins; conlrKI tnanOFmmI; and dot>IIII and forms. Ln addition. most XdmI.,,,iQ haw issued roguIa. lions supple".,,,I,,,, tht FAR. An """",pie is tht 000 FAR SupPement.loca~ ot litle 43. OwI>iCf 2 in tilt ..-.iIabIe .1 ............j ..." .. hilJ./Jf.miVVFOFARA.ffTM. lOOetd. prxt>'iotwr'$ ha,ldling I procun:· ment isOLJ( .toould be- r.,nili.. with 011 .gtn<Y rrguLalion. implemenling tht FAR. 'Ill.... in tlw: U.s. Amly CO<ps of EngirotttS,

c.u ..

tho procurinB activity abo mUll satisfy tho

Arnrr FAR Suppltn.",I. www./imlIL/tiILIf. miVVFAFARI.IITM. and the Corpi' FAR SUpp...... nt. W>oW....... -..._r-milluprl *'f>IIibi.,I""".StrCM-~. N""""""" OIl"" poIkW:s Ind dirtctMo otrcct Ii.d<nI aontrKI ............ EJoew!;'"

0nItn. 0IIia '" Mm>Fmmt and Budgtt CircuLaB, ,00 Offiu 0( Ffdn'oI I'rocumnent !'oIiqr Ittttn. The FAR imple-

ments many of thnt procodu ..... welL"


......sor·.lnowltdee of til< technical

p ...... ide only • putiolasounntt of suo:aa in obtain· u., ond pnformi.., fcdenI......,. ......t conlflCto. llw: follow,.., prxtiotl <>bitt. aopecU 0( proC\Lrnnnlt con

""ION indicale

how •



odvioi..,. clitnt lhal ~ o. performs ......,. ......1 conlract' con 0¥efC01nC some common ch.llenges.

Govemment Buyers May Differ from Commercial Customers

Reference Material Rndm mq o:tt'LwIt ...........,.. ...... tisos, anideo and f(IUt(a tho! anaIyx lied· enI ~t Thor most _ ....;Me .\OWn' is the u.s. Armr IudtPr ~t


GmeroI·. LepI ~ttf ond S<hoo!'. naIIml and oompnhtnliYt ConlrKI AttOrI>q* OesI:booIc ..'Oilable &... 0( ct.orv rt www......IS>.ilIdaw~


Am'r""""""'IIDlI../Ilw~pdf. deokbool< Iw ....WbI<. oot!;". JtyIe with lhorough, cumnl an.lyoio. Ciling nurna· OIL$

Common Challenges in Federal Government Contracting

SlIIIII.... "'!IUIoIW ,Dd '''''' doci·

lions, tht dtokbook «1'Iffl fodn-.! procu",. menl·~ I<>

IV.....• Somt- import>nl wpi<1't .... !hoot 011 competition. con· tra<t typco. inteDcctuoi pooprn). bid prOIeots. and otl\iQ in ......MI<III con· n".;tin&- AddiioonaDr. rtadm I'un),.,. $houId _ III ouuund"" Web $dr, ...~ in F<deroI Contracting!: ......... w( atOt.aJm, which 0$p«lS '" XdmI procurement. This Web .. te matten os coolrKIingM and pending


Iegio!otion. (Urn:n\ .nd propos«! "'!lull· tions. conlrO<!ing ~I.'" and ..It<:t.-d onaI)'St:'I of fcderol a<quuilion kruts. II abo dUe ...... II.I. pnxur<m<nI i.......

Commen:UI bu)orQ and .....,.. common· Iy focus on the bOllom lint of ~ oash for p>ds DO ..mea.. 11«:.>.... "'this ~

tmdmty. f(IUt(a tediIIJ p.

businesf sorn<tirnQ pay ~nIe ottention 10 "'"'" rub. pn:ooedu ... and Ii:xmo. di$nus6anJ thtm .. '" mud> 11""'"" ment "papetwook." 10 tho contrary......... • rmmeN

ment bu)orQ~fftk 10

odh<-n- prictly to tholg<llCl", procum"efl1 SlIIIII.,.oo 1't8I'J.liono. In large m<uurt. .goncy procu ....... m pmonntl .... JtIKt.-d. prornotod.nd ...... nkd bu<od en thtir know\tdst' 01. and compllanoo wilh. govnrII'I'InIt purchaoint; procodu.......,n;m is not oIw3ys cons.istenl with .....t.ether tht "FtKJ' .... obtatntd higII qu.aIity• ......,.,. ably pnctd JIIIIdo and ICI'Vi«o. AnOtbeo- complic:ot_ io thai tht 11""'"" menI. in condlOCtinl ~ will ....... irnporlMLt co/laImII ..... For aampIe. the . ,.. its haw SlaItIIOry and RpLLaI«y ~ob;cct~1O IJ\aUU many prim< contrKI_.uds .. practicable to unoII bu<ineoo ",,,amo. In thio """",,. FAR subpon 19.5 impktntnl$ the JtaIUlory poIicirI en ~ ..ides for om.tiJ oo.inesoes, whtrrin large I>uoinc!& oonctrnS _ indij9bIe


RAINING Sponsored by the Alabama Ce ,lter for Displlte Resolution

Date: May 16 and 17. 2005 Place: Alabama State Bar. Board Room Time: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. CLE: 12 hours. including one hour of ethics Co~ $350 (includes course materials. lunch and, a reference book to use after the course) Faculty: Jack Clarke. Montgomery, and Cary Singletary, Tampa. both experienced arbitrators ill cover all the duties and fu octions of an arbitrator.



How 10 to:lIb:t 1hII helting p-ocess. manage the parties and CO\Il$eI, fI"IiII\iIQ8 tilt evo6eoce ond

V. The Arbitrator Makes a Decision: The Award 1'mI"'-rG tnfs. -.tq IhI MIra. bm of IWMI. .eu ......... ~ IOeecI Wdd!; P$路Aw.. d eolllidellllio .. ~~

to'IIWmIIlOI of ...-.d. Yilt31l1'411ht....-d. I*tl~ I_II. JldaaI revIeW

VI. The Business of Arbitration

For Information Dr To Register Call: (334) 269~04D9 224



for wntrocts.<! ClCImpic is m.t tht

<Jtrical or m"hem'lical misl.kt1, or a


.... ndo ... mis,.ading of specifirnlioru., but

41 USc. ~ 10..-10<\.

kmpkmmtro by FAR.oubpart 25.1. r<>tnct. !ht purci'wt of suppi;es m., art I'IQI domestic md prodllCtS, n... go"I<'I'1UntJ1t', achieving these collateral jOOls is 001 ntCCS-sariIy consistenl with .,btain ing high q....,lity producu or rta!On.1b1t pri= AaordingIy. vmdors should not ..... me th., ~

80''''''''''''''' purcbasing agents """'" !CC'k

!ht $lIDO obj«:tivos .. cornmen:w ~

Relief Can Be Available For Bidder Mistakes The offer p~ ... tion proccM i< on.n

htooti<;,.nd pron< to mi.takes. boca ..... ven dors commonly foe< 'ight deodli"", .. thty oblain infotmillion from v.lrious $Ou ",", such .. subcontractors, OIl<! fill in compln. government form. on tht amounts and quantil;" of propoo«! goods or ><rVi=. Th. ,<gubtion. €ontain s.pecifi<: .~~ ror poMiblt rdicfbascd on a n o/frr wheth.r the vmdor discloses it to the agrnq !><for. Or aft,..- .w.rd_" Although olttror$ Cln Qbtain rdid" for m UIl...l mis.takr. und .. rommon law ,t..,dords," mo:<I castS conetm unilat<raI (cootractor."nIy) mu .... discussed htlow. M<>s' p",-. "",rd mi .. ah: cases . rise in ro~,ioniil ...oIed bidding under FAR I':lrt 14. whn-tin !ht bidde .. submil sealed bid> for public "",ning..nd ha".. no opportunity f", revision of off.... ~.r !ht bid·do. ing d<adiin< and befOn aword" 111< problem of off.. mist""'" is less fn.. quem (allhough .till pombic) in n<gotiated pn><u"""""" under FAR 1"..1 15. where bi<b.", not .ubnlill«l fo, pubi;" OpftIing. Urukr this pn><u!'t1l>ffit iillCfn.,ive. !ht comp<1ili .... off.ron will com· monly resolvc errors discovered prior to ...... rd through !ht confidrntw dioo:uuion$ .nd proposal ..... bm;..;.,n procns. The guiding p rincipl. for correction of bid mi".kcs disclo5cd htfo,. . ..... rd. und.r FAR P:irl 14. is thot a bHi<kr may not ro'!'Kt incorrect prnnisn IMI the vmdor disco".. .. a ~ .. lht receipt and opening of bid!., boo ...... uch a bid cor· m:tion would mablt th" bidder 10 .ubmil • bid ~r inl.nded bdo,.lhe bid opening." Instead. the ...gul.. ion, pnmil the bidd .. to corm:t ,uch matt ... as clear-CUI

not mistakn of judgment.'" Wh.., the bidde.- do<s mru itS <;a$C, =nedi .. for mislru indude bid corrtrtion or with· d,..w:ol n... burden of proof for bid COr· =tion under FAR 14.407·3 i, "dear and "".wincing cvidcn~" on tht exi"."," of Ihe mislah: and the bid actually inl<nd.d, and .I.....r CYi<kntWy ptrlain$ 10 bid w;,hd .. wai , I{bid cor!'Klion would displ~ one or mo", lower bids, the """",nl muSt .... blish both Ihe mi$lah: • nd the bid inttnd«l.ui>st.nliaily from Iht soIici ..,ion and tho face of Ihe bid. Less commonly. a bidder will oIkge aft .. ......rd th. t ilMs made . bid mislake. and will S«k an UJ1W>rd cont"", price adjust · menl. Wilh I unilateral misW«, !ht ""n· lractor haslh. difficult burden of showing Ihot Ih. error in lhe off.. was SO .pputnl as 10 h,,"" m..~ !ht con'r;>e\ing offlUT with notict of Ih. probobilily of the mislake." The mid avaibble undrr FAR IH{l7·4 for. p<»t ·.word al~lion of misl.1ke is conlr;>e\ res<is$ion or nrorma· tion. p"",;dod m.1 in!ht lI lt .. in<1ance.



""y prict ilKin><' may nO' exceed thaI of the n<x110WC$l ocuptablt bid under lhe original :!OIici1'lion for off..... Th. kyIOS""",, in ..... ndor'. · ing ,did" for . mi".k is document the ""I"'" in .Iric. aa;ordance with FAR 14.407. This "'Sul'lion ""lui... the bidder 10 .ubmit ""n,ive documenl.ltion 10 the including a til. copy of tho bid. lhe o rigin.ol wor~ and. st'temenl expl. ining the .. is1cn<c of Ih. mur. how it occurr«l and the bid >< inttnded. Th. bidder may m•• <laim undo, Ihe CDI'. if ,h • • den;" "lid".



Know Your Contract-And Expect Full Enforcement A truism for """y <onl .." ,dation. ship i. Ihat each partner nm" \:now.• nd

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is bound by, .1> apnmn>1. The: h~u", 10 Of undcnund aCOnl rXI will 0>01 ~ a &fen .. 10 il> m~l. oboml wry ran: circunutancn. web as ogmcy fraud. U...... lhe "'IlublionJ, 1M SO"'"'""m.'" "" .. ("'~Ie a b'"'''ng COnl rXI by " written

aWlrd or Kaptl "" of. bid or propo<.ll



fu.nished the ful vendor within 'he ,in'" for IlCCCpl. n« 'p«ific-d in tho off••, .,Id witMut furtM. aclion by ';100 I"'rty." [n O1her wor.u.lhe offeror <loa 0>01 ro«(U;I.rily h. ve lQ sign the ,<>II, trXI to ~ bound. '""'<pi that in n<g<>ti· .ted procumncnt. fAR 15.5CH(a) JUt .. if lhe award documcnl "",... iM inlOnna-

lion ,1101 it diffc-ml' .... n ~ olJc-n>r'. La,Cil ~ proposal, borh partion mU$1 ..... ,he conlrK' awanlG .... n ~ p. ... nmml'. richlJ in Ihit respect. the pru· de'" vendor will rcvio:w Ihe OOcumcnu .nd mlu"" fLlU u........ '.ooing b.joff 'ub· m,ning ito off... or ,igning Iho .,...... mcnl. Vondo .... 40 u.ould ""u"", lhal


tht az,mcy _kI ~ lI,itt in "",tracl ml"oo«mtnt. ~do DOl ...adily_. riIia thtir fi&hl> abotn, alra considtra· tion 01 the conuvlOr'...... 00 jllSlifiaolion ror • modifiealion of lhe agr«mml.

Adhere to the Performance Schedule The: sovcmmml commonly IIrictly mfOrnf lhe COnlrXIu.ol pnfOnnancc Khtdult, a«pI wII<'rt tht mnlndO, has an ~ deLay, web .. &II AI:! of God. If ,he con, ractOI', pcrfurrnaI>U will ~ inacullbly La,., no guoram .. aiJI. tha, the "smer will 8",n •• , imo .. tm· ....n. In al",me ClotS..oo ... ulning Ih" th. Wney hu provided 'he ,,,"1 .. <10'



prelim,nary nooi«- of iu inlto' throush """"""""Ie dcLonqucncy adviso ......... !he govcmmcnl may nc-m... .1> right> under lI.ndard eonlrXI do...., sud! os FAR 52.249-8 Dtf.uh (Hud pnc. Supply:rnd Sccvicc) (A9r 1934) 10 termina" lhe con· IrKl fo, def. ul! bttau.. of Ihe conlrac· tor. Lal. <kliwry. On the othe. h'nd, lhe .egul.. iooo do not rt'qui .. 1C,min.,ion fOr default for dcU .... ry or fOr any OIhn pnfonn. anu driicitncy. t$pcrilIly when lhe problem it cor ..... ,.bk .nd lhe '~1ICf _ld ,he benefit of 1M barpin. The: agmty eon'rKling 011"000-, wbm co"fida."&. &f.ull. musl nc-m... pn. oiftIt judsmc-nl and hono, the conlrae· 10<'$ ,.;ptlJ under >I.ndard conlrXI cl.aUIft." ....'hcn lhe eonlrX1or conI ..... lhe Immn.uon i.. !i,ig,uion, ,he.gency ~ ,he burden of proving lhe validity of • default, wbkh ;1 can imp<»< onlyfo. good taust .nd wilh fOlid .... id.n<C." If




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~" leOO) AOll-FflM

tht contr.octor wc:c«ds in an appc-al and a or boon! O¥nturns a default tnminotion. tM ..,..cis K,ion will b.. wn· "'"N to tM lou·draM" rntUU~ of a tmninotion of tho contract for tht JO"... nrntnt·, con..,"' ... Kt." This procedure eumti. lly will t",nsform. r.x«I pri<. .g... ment_tht mOSt common pricing .rrang."",nt_into a c... t ... imbu .... m.nt contr ..... UO!!8 with compenSition for .... tl<m.n' COI".nd • reuonabl< allow;an<. for (QntrKtQr profit on OS""'Y.acc • ."N work. but "'" .otid"",_ tory profit." n.. contrKtQr', ochrduk compl"~ is • """'rrins diffioalry in .he pnfonn. ""'" 015'>"""'''''''' contracts. 'The ..... w., .0 .¥OM! thftr issua is lOr the CODlractor to In>tyu the schedul. requi ... · rntn" in the ""I.. it.tloo /J4t>rr the clos· ing do,. fur ,"bmi$&ion of <>fftf$. If the >ehNul< ;1 bUN on the n.ture of th. prodoo or .. rvia,or i, unduly restric.i .. of oompc1i tion, th ... ndor ~ouJd qUH.ion the age-ncr ' oou' th. rtquirnnrnlJ brrort th. c.... inB datt. o. ...... n a prolesl, if tM JOVOrnment refu..,.o • .....-nd the soIici,.tion. When the wmdor is a mull b.uinm. and bdieYa thot ,he ddlvtty Khed .... is unf.D •• the ~ shotM remind the ogmcy 01 FAR 19.20l. l{c). This qldolion iMINCU agmcics to ..... u ... tM' ddivtty JCheduleo 0 •• as reuistic .. po>..bk "" tho, wull b.uil'lClJ conunu will """" on>l< opportunity to com· pet. fOf all (Qmracu ' hot they Om per. form. ronsill.... t with.he 8O ... rnrntnt'. int,""'II.



Ensure Dealings With Authorized Government Personnel Sin« the Uni.N S,.... 8O ... rnm.nt employs .lmoHtth~ million I'ftlOno,

both military and civilian, ICdn-aI txpm dillires ......1d be wbollr uncon.roIbbie if governmml ..... ~ had IT« rein =«t .. or admin~ ... con. racts. For 'gn><in tn avoid ' his o:haoo. fed<-ral ""'pioyca m1l>......, cont ...... ing .uthority, M.1ly dn:ilion. hold Ih., the UnilN m'r rrpudiat. and render voidabl< unauthorix«l co",mllmon" by its agents. even if the ag.m had .~ ... nl authority, i.... the thinll"rty r~uonably but mis'ab-nly (~Judtd Ih.. ,he soYrrrunmi .... htId OUllhe OI"'" as b.ving Klual author,ty." Tlw: United So.,.. Supmne Court aplau>ed lIt FtdmJ 0.."




c",1""""_ v. Mtrrill"

-IAI"YO'" ..... rin. in,o on unnvrnm' WlIh tht Govnnmml takes tho ...... ol "'ving ICCUnt'ety ....... ,ained , .... br wbo purporu ,0 0(' fur the eo..,.n"..nt wi,h,n the hound< of bis authority," even 'f-Illh ......" him .. lfm.y h.... bren un.war. of th.limi,.,ion, o n his authori'y," A> wi,h moHl govern"",nt coniract doctrinn.. the rul. of K'UU aUlho.ily bas limited auption, or qu.lificatio .... For eumple, d•• offlC;"1 (Quid h. .. "i",plied" .... uaI.uthori'y. i.e~ ,he authority is an intqnl part of the ..... pIoyft., du""!' o. the GovHnmmt coukI br bound whcft .n ,"thorized ........... ....." officialla.n ratifies.he oris· inal improper KilO..... Ra.h..- than ~ lo...m =<ptlORS in. proIni <N di.pul<, the ... odor u.ould ... rifr in • taclful mannn befo..hand Ihat 'M ..... rnmrn. .mploy« holille aUlho.ity to acl in the propoord mOI",er, Gmerally. th .... ndor will h.... this U$u",nc. wh.n dealing wi.h th. "(Ontr.oclin, off....- il$$igntd '0 the procu ....... nL Tht quoted lerm rtf... .'th« to tM agrncr offICial aUlhorized 10 en1<1" in.o, IIlminis,... or , ..... in... con'f"OCU or ,hoi offici.l', outhorized rep"" .... tal;.." IICtJng WIth'" the KOpt ollhrit dcitpllOtl." 0tIw:-0w ...... "",ny midtl risk a poIIibie ogmcy repudJallOn of a <omm;t"..n, wt>rn the fll'lIt drat. with unaulhoriud advisors <N assioIants, who an be con.ract .pn:ialists. proj«:! man"ge-rs. or .... n I<pI rounsd. n.. priva.e I"'rty hal the bunXn'o demon""'1< tha, th. 8O ... ",nt.ntage-n, had ,h. neussary ou,ho';ly,"


Resort To The Protest And Disputes Process As Needed Thor procurnnttll JU.u ... and ttgnll. lions granl "" .... i...."".. to ... ndon to challmg<' ........ nmont procurt ...... t deci>ions. As dioatoord in Sec.ion I above. tht COFe. GAO ond the procuring ogencieo h.....tatu.ory or rq[u1atnrr aUlhority In con.ider prot"" on ""licit.tion. and wul"« .. I..:.ion d..:isiolUl, .nd .h. COFe .nd .h. agrncy boards of (On.ract .ppeall odJt>din.l< 0..-ncr/conlrac,or CDAcont"""' ...... Formal challms« could be tlf'DeSlary fur 0 vmdor . 0 needed relid from ,he GovHnmm. whm- informal ........ "'" fail Vt-rt6ors w~1 find, 1Ioownn. tho. federal .tIC;" a.. "'" pwhoven in protcsI and di.putes li. iptlon. Vmdors obo should "'pn:I ,hat the oppooing "ge-ncr counsd would be ..... ialio .. in .he applicable .... u,ory, .egulatory and case law doc,,;,m, Another dlolleng. is that tM (Ourts. boards and Ih. GAO "'ill Itrktly .nfOra th.i. procedural rules. Aca>rdinp,iy, .. ndorslhould .. ",,"ininS (Oun .. l lpn:;"lixing in Ft<irru prorurrmcnl. aller hav'ng uplortd all vi.1>I< options ... on of JllinB 1M actual Ofpn>SJl«li ......... nmm. tu>to ...... In pTOCllrtmm. It,tplion, ,he b-y to IUCUSS WIth ........... to indudt tnhanc· ing lhe proope<U of ICItlemm,. is 10 aouid unn..:csoary .uO(b On the inlegri' ty ol ~nmtn. pnwnnrl. A much bet· I... approach" .0 couch crilicisms ,n • =pn:lful tone, wi.h. artful and oom· pie,. ""'..,,,,n. oflhe I'<rI",<n' fa(($, alon, wilh ,iB"ificant $. . tulOry, regulato. ry and ca .. l.w ,upro" for the •• ndor', ugumr n",

"""""" lho iums implir:il~ ... tiona! ~. rilr." Al»<-nl >Udt a 'UlulOl'y.'Y or cu< low quahfic.. ion. a OUbconlracto' ohould expecl IIUIt ~nl from lho ..,..,.nmcnl rtprding pri .... rontr.oCl",· subc(ln1'",'''' w.... or di.putts.

Subcontracts Are Essentially Private Arrangements, Conclusion With Exceptions Subconlnc,j"l un<kr ~rn"""" procu ........ nts is ¥trY important. acccdins 135 biUion ""ionwidt in Fi>al Year 20(11." IAnmolly............... ogrttmml$ M1"'~n prj".... COnirKlOn and subcon_ "OCIon a~ 1"""'[0, ronlr.>ao ~ by local uw.... Th~ proc"""""'n! , ••1"''''00

f<'gula,kml ordinuily IPply only 10 gov_ .,nmrnl_prim(' (OnlroClOr r.l.tion,hips. This policy i, b>~ On th •• b.."", of

privity-. dim:. conlroc'.w niltion$hip ......lIy is ta.:king oow«n mNI.gtncin .nd wbconlnclon." Whm privity is

miuing. -=i&n immunity will prot<'tl •hot g<I¥nTl......, from luit" Somt q....Jifocalioru ni$t 10 ~ prinapl<$. For oumpit. FAR 3l.1Il1ftJ~ ,hot IJ<nCY 10 IBc limited steps. ..-1Iy infonnational in nl' U", in reoponsoo In. .ul:>(o.n.KIOr'. mmpbinl 10 th¢ ......,.,.",nn ,h.,. primo: coni_lOr hi< faiLod to m.u p.oy"",nl. unda I oubconlrKl porl.ining to. prlrnr (onl'K! for non(n,nn,.,..,'" i'<m •. ThUl. th. ""n'.-.oing Ometr FAR 32.112·2(a) mu" promptly .d.'I<; ."" WbconlrKln., upon ,he lauer', rcqut.t. wh ..",•• he agency has made fin.ll'lyrmnl unda the pri_ COI'lIra<l (If if tM prinK conlracto. hao ....,min... ttquotSU prDV<SS ~u or <>IMr paynwnu un<kr II,. conlract.... Anothtr qu..hf,Mion to lho privily prindplt io 1I..1t fcdtnol low conuob poi ..... subconm,nOl' d;.pul .......... tho lit;P. hon IO"'hoI upon lho ''sh1S and dulOrs oftho Uni'ed S' and """""" a uni· ronn nOlional approach i. needed 10 oddrno 01",,1 probkm. An ex. mpk would ~ Ih~ liabilily of C(mtTllno.. for d.. jgn dtfn: .. in milil.ty~ujpment




M-'Y 100.

l1li IIC . . . 00, Corp., 1IS-1 D'D 1 m,.'

11 Sot ........... e .~eo.....c:...,..Goo. !lor. "lIWJl, 1/·1 D'D lit. n Z2 SotfN1l51111l.!5.lIIIr " ._ ~ ID5IZIIoo ,!6itllor _ _ 1<:II. ZI



In .dolling dients on ft<kral tovr,nnwnl ron'ract. and subcontract .. busi· J>C$I Lt~" mull ... ~ipl( ........ of .... tul ... rqulo';"N .nd as<' low doc· Innft. Thio uticle wiu ..... , rourud in Ituni", tho of at",,""ion. in ~i", w~ 10 look for ........... on procumnnl' and in .....wm. i,,& common thallt"l" for climl$ in tho and admin~ITlI'ion offtdrnJ ww· .,nmenl con""",, •


.---_._ .,----! _"_""_"''''1'-_ .... ..... ......Sot I..... " 101k. .111

_ _ todIIiot.

_ _ II' fNl,., " ... _;._;;.;~~;;'.. "

quos'' '....

, ..

c- Goo. Dot. Wl9liOll,





ENDNOTES 1!,.s.r,ANc-1OT Clr<Jt,,, [Zd




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Legislative Wrap-Up



2005 Regular Session: Halfway Point

L. MtC~"':lI Jr.

' A

W writ'ng of this utidt. tht

I<gilJ.aturt wu at ilS mid-point.

havill& mel hi. IS q;.J.ti~ days. with IS ", go. Th.III, polSillk meeting d~y il on Mond.y, May 16.1005.

AI III< halfway 1t\;I,k, tOO biUs had btm inlrodU<ed in both hot...... Of' ...... or.ty 1M how ~ !WI r->I"- n.. . - notaI>It on< is Sll-IOI •• -~ <>pm mt<tingI" Act by wbidI ~.

bodieo .r< required 10 bt opm 10 1M publk. with entain CXCCfl1iooo. Anoth.r.


SJl...ID9. is a <On$IJh.t>(Nloallmtftdrntnl

b&nnlnl "sam< sa mar .......·!n addition ,hot two bills, only ,h_ ocher bat. h.... paurd bolt. Must$. The hou .. h>$ p>SM<l 172 bills in IS dlYUM tb........,. has p.used 29 biIJs during the "'nlt pc1iod. Th<lK of p"nicula. in",,", I<IIzwro'ro lr!d "'"' SW><I. pXId dw><c- of moking it thtough tilt 1rgisLa';"" procns this '!"..... tht major codt ITVisionJ drafted by tht Alahoma La ... I"'titu~. Tru,' Code, SS-llhnd 1111-191, sponsored by



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Smator Rodger Smitherm." .nd Rep~rl1.. tm, IL$ky Vaner, the Strurilits !I.o. SB·I77 and HII·' 77. ' JHImored by Senalor R<>gtr fkdford lI1<l R'1'....."uti>.. Mar<d Black; :lJId tho El«tioo Cod<. ."""""red by Senalor z.b uuk and RC'pr•••"'oti..., kn Cuin. Oth ... bill. of int.r..' to Lawy~rs afr:

HB-45 AlIOW$ .. ~t warrant. 10 be u«ut«l in a county olhor lh.n I~ cou nty or munkipality in which it h•• b«n i<$ued.

HII-<;7 A con.,itution'! .m<ndrnenl r:ilifying and (onfinning local murt (osts .nd mmp<nsalion of (Ounly offici.l •.

HB-91 Con«rn> "",..,,' wmpcnsation.nd >trU<1uml ~tlernenl<.

HB-111 Providing for confidentialilY of rttOrd. .nd pr<>e«dings in tmdi.,ion.

HB-179 Incroa", . ttornt}"· annu.llkon .. foes from $2Soil 10 $300 por year.

HB-184 Allows Iho expungem. nl of ",imin.! charg.. for misdeJm,nors .nd ,,,,flie offense> where tho cast w>S .ilh... disrnis.scd or tho PO""''' fOund not gu~ty.

HB-280 Will provide exuses from jury du,y whu. jury ..",ice W<)uld h.... an • dv.,... off.." on. po"",n', .mploy· ""nt or h ... an "odo h"dship for caregi...,,,.

8 .... n ""'I<neing ... form bill .. d",lied by Ih. Senlencing Commi .. ion, . ,. under wn,id ... tion. Som. of ,host ar.: Provid.. for volunt.ry $Ontc"cing II.n·


Providos fOr oxp«!il«l h.. rings in omi·

ntl1t dom. in <as<$ in pmb ... (Oun ,

5B-129 Provid.. fo' limiled horno.rulo.

HB-99 Allow. wunly 'p""inting ix>.:r.rds '0 appoint . lI,rn.t. in.<poctors and dorks.


Provid....<nO juv.nil. and youlh· ful offond.. rttOrd. by judg<>,'ors. probation officlT$ .nd court pn-><>nn.l.

HB-482 Raises lhe finn for fdoni ... nd mi><k· me."ors.

HB-486 Disc1'tlionary medic.! or genauk .. I.... of inm ..... Noxt Y"'r, ,he Larg<$t ekction that wt h.... hod in rn;my Y"''' will occur. with tho go... ,nor. aU ",,"'ilulion.1 offiC<1'S. Ih. l<gisla1Ur~. fi ..... up ... me coul'1 ju.,k<$ and olher appella .. (Out1 jrnlic<$. proba,. judgrs, <irruil 004 and she,iff's all be;ng rIected in Ont yoar. With ,h" in mind. th ....'" nu""ro", .Iortion rtfonn bills, including •,ion of Ih. onlirc TIlle J7. This -ol«lion rode ,evision" i. I"'im.rily 10 cloar up imomistcnd<$ in ,he curronl law. wi,hou, making <ubst.nli,,, m.ngts. SevtraI bill< art making thdr w:ly through tho Iogislature 10 mak< .ubst."'i.... changes. J willenument. on only. f<cw,

HB-25 Requi~ computer 'l"1<nlS moni,o,ing cI..,tion , .. ult. to ",n\;Oin online at aU ""Uing pl .... unlil lhe JHIIl. d05< at 7:00 p.m .

5B·220 Requi~ nonprofit <orporolion. mak· ing arnp~ign contribution. di",105< Ih' po""n m.king donat;on.< to th~ nonprofit corJHIrolion.


HII-496 Authorizes uniform voting <qu;pmenl for m. in .l.ction, .nd uniform ballots to be ..leaed by th ........ ry of ,tal •.

HB-528 Allow. , I.."ion '0 be t"XCused from Iheir regular employmont.

HB-390 Remo.... Ih. bmrd of ... gist .." from und..- the OtcTtlary of ".,,', ollie<. Fo, Ih05< wi,hing 10 keep up with Ih. logislation on a d.ily buj., th.y may con· .ult Ihe Alr.b.m.o Legisl.tive Info,m31ion Sl"l<rn. AUSON~"Jjn., .,: www.dJjIdb. kgisl41""'''41 •. ~l.wI",aslAC'.S/..ogin.,,-,p. For mo .. infonn.,ion, conl. ct Bob McCu,lty. di,..,IO" L>w In<tilul<. P.O. Box 861 U5. Tu ...I""", 35486·0013; fax (205) J..I8· M 11 ; phone (20S) 348·7411: or visi, o ur Web ,it< at M'WW.~Ji,'I"",,,Lu~ •

HII-OO Prohibits: PAC·to·PAC tronsf.".


Req ui ... poli'ical.dvcrti'ing 10

di.d".. th. "lulU of funding for Ih. .dvertisemenl.

HB-476 HB-477


HII-<;' Provides .utomatic rttOunU fo, eilher ,i<k whet< • bollol ""...".. p..... by

ku than ono·h.lf of on. percent.

_ ............. __.. .... _""" .. -

IIMMrL_,-" --.l_ ...... _01...... _ .....



Opinions of the General Counsel

8y/. Anrho",. MeLDi"

Association With Foreign Lawyer or Law Firm-What Do the Rules Permit? Question: Acrording to your opinion ~unI. your I.", form h... vowing pl'Klice in .he ."'. of ;",""OIion.1 trod. in wllk" you rtpr'fl(nl (litnu whol!'an$KI bu~· n"" Q/1 • sIobaI scaI •. To 1><1,.... ........., )OUr dimt .. your firm would like to CSlablish • nnwon. of qu.oliford L..wyer> in .......... ~ jurisdictions. In ord<r 10 aa:om. plioh Ibis objccl ..... you J>fOPOI'< to enl .. into ....,.. oII"~ .. tion OV-" wiob

"fri&n aMIrud. yoo, IrIItr ctw.ctmza

ma.. proposed ogrtm>tnu .. foUows:

"Sud! ~" would .imply bt mulu;>i moral (Ommitmtnu 10

ron.idn" u,i", each Dlhe. wh<n our climt. h..... need """..lI. No kpl conuni,,,,,"I, W<)uld b. un<knoun. would bt no shoring of ..... nu", and ".ither .O"oli.ou would ."PS" in tho P""tic, of law ouUi<lt of.he juru.dic. in which 1~'''' Jicms<'d. w. would lisll'" .ff~..tn1 low finIU by IIUI'>l' and city on ow- In· ........od u '.ffili"N offices' Of by



.M ..... of ....... ';miLuty deocrip,i ... ph,_. ~~" would bt ,..minable by .ilht. p;lrty "' .ny Ii ....: You. inquiry is whether .uch .1f~"lion >8rttmml. with for";g" bwyors.u rthi·

a lly permi"ibk undo. ,h. ,IlabamQ R"ks of Pm!mi<)Ma! Co>nd .... r. 232


100 '

Answer: Th' Di$ciplinaryCommiu.ion ofth.

Allbo"", St.t. II .. i. of Ih. opinion th>! Ih. A/~/"m'd R"1d Df P"'f<>!w",,/ Cond"" do not prohibil In AliIham. lawycT from UIO<'i;oling or affm~ling with. foltign IIWYO' to .... is! cliont. of tit< to""'" who :uc in n«d of kgal $nViuo in tho country in which 1M IOrrign lawyer praclica. Hownn, any foreign .tlOn><J'.o -,"t«l mus, ..., a m<mbn t't'C08"iud ItpI prolcsI.ion in 1M IOmgn ju.iodinion in which he o .....


p<O(licef Ind tho ar"'nt<m<n' m..... ..., in complJanu with tho laws of AliIbom. ~nd tit< lows of the fo.eign ju.iod;<tion.

Discussion: The i\.!,:rb,o,,", RJdL! of f'roJ<$ii<maJ ConJ..... C<)ItI:oin no sp<cilic prohibition

.,.uut In Abbama IawycT .....a.ling • brrip al1om<)' to auist in Iho rtprQImta. lion ol dirmll. Hown'tr. !WI< 5.~ ollho 1tJJn 'MI CondoIcI do<> mIrict Iho alml 10 whicb lit ~ ~


moy-w..or IlfIillM< wilh. non.~ lOr .... PU'JlOl< of prar:tlcin& Law. IWI< 5.4(1) pn>hibitJ an Abb.una ~ Irom ~wilh . """.Lawy.r. RnI<$ 5.4(b ) and (d) prohibit Abb.una I>wyns from ",,"ming I !'In........ip or oIher profusional woc;"lion with. non·4wycT_ Th. primory pU'VOI<" of Rule 5.4 is 10 ."Sult thaI. in tho rou .... of '<T"«tntins


Ihti. di<nl$. AI~barn;l LoW}'"$ ;ndepend.nt profos.<ional judp,m<nl.nd If. not .ubj«:1 to ronlrol o. IUI'<.v;uon by 1IO,,·lowyffJ< Th. l)ilCiplin.ry CommiWon;, ofth< opinion. hownn. th>t ~ la"')'Ot'I who I •• mnniI<t'I of o I'f'OOSDtud IfpI prol'eNion in th< fo.· n", jurildi<tlon in whid! th<y p.-actiu - ' d not bo"non .lawy<n"within 1M """nins of Rulo 5.4, and, th<rdOr., an AlIIwna itLOrn<\' who awocial<$ .... into an atMat"! malion"'ip with luch a fo,"", ot tomq would not bo in rioLollon of thaI nllt. Wholht. a lOrn,n lltornq' is a mtm· bo, of • ".«"",iud kpl,," '<qui,., I fa(lu,ol <it1<fmin'lion taking inlO ronlid ... tlon th.1cg.1 $IruClur< of Ih. jurikliction in which Ih. fortign allornq' proctic .. oJ .... 1I oJ Iht IIIlu •• and u ,ml of IfpI strvicn (uslom.uily I".formtd by Iht forti", lowyn. In trIOQ instances,. penon who is 'p«i.:Ily ...m..t '0 J'<O"i<It ~ ad';':" ronum· inS tilt lows of 1M IOrrign ju,iM!ictlon

I nd is liconst<! by Iht foreign jurildictlon '<V'ntnl di.nllin tho 1.g.1 and judi. cial ly.Mm of the ju.ooiction W{Juld qu.o!ify oJ I m .. ofo r«otniud kpl profffiion in 'ho fortign jurildiction. H~, th< Disciplinary Comm;"ion is ___ rt that in ...... romp. jutiJdictlons an who is liccm<d .. 0 _an.. Of notary public iI pnmitltd to proridt wbidl only a duly li<msed LoW)'<' could prorio;\t in ~ An indi· rid .... who islicmscd only as. notary public in • f"ortisn jurisdiction would 1\01 bo considtml. in tht opinion of th< Disciplinary Conuni""on.. 0 mnnbn of a recognized Itgol prof"""" and would bo I "non· Lo"')'Or" withi" tht lII<;I.ning of RaJ. 5.4. Th.rdon-. an ALob.onu.lowy<. tn~y not mt ... into 0" owociation or allili· ation with web.n II<fo .. offili.oling with. f"..ign lo"')'O" an AlI1>onu. lowyn mu,' taU all r t _ · obi< "'<pi I<> .......'" that tM fortign bwr<. is a mtnIOO 0( • ....cop>tud IopI protasion authoriud I<> mg.aer in tilt 10


p.act;'" of bw in Iht (o",i", jurisdiction and that tho ar""$,n,.nt compli .. with Ih. lows of tho of the ju.isdicl ion wh.", Ih, fumsn I.wy<r ptactic«. If Ihnt- ronditions art met, it is tht Of'inion <>f III< [)isdplinlry ComrnisOOn that 1"'u .... y ~hically :mo. cia .. alOrtip bw)\'. to _t in th< rq>.......ution <>i)'OU. dimll undc-r th< I.....,. dncribtd in 1"'<" Of'inion rtques!. This opinion illIOI ",Lmdtd I<> mIrict Of irnpo!'< addilionol """,i.........,11 on !he konnolion <>i ""I" Iypt 0( pitr ,ionaI oda· tioruhip i>(twmI ~ Yw)ns and Iowytr$ licmKd in othrr stoICS. A Iawyn" who is duly licmKd 10 prx<iu law in any "to< <>i tM Uni'ed Stile or iu terrilories i& d ...1y • mtnIber <>f. fI'CI>@.Iliud ItgaI pmfffiion wilhin tho m.. nin$ of this opinion. This opinion is .:on';",nl with fo.mal Opinion 01 ~n of the """"fican Ba. Asoociation Commit,..., on Ethics and I'rofeooi<>nol Reoponubility and ....... of th< WIg.... heroin iI dtriv..! fiom duo,


opWon. IRQ.(IMll

The IOl1w... designed by llowy • •• lor lawye ..

............ ,,.....--. ,._-_---.. ._ ........ . a._ . _U_, . . . -__ .....----. ._,---_ . _Qoo-' ............-____-_ ,---... ----_. -

w, U n mlk. you, child .uppOfl l nd unconlealed dlyor<>l elM. I . . . . y I. 1 ... 2.. . 3 ... t . [n,... tilt c... tn/_tlon 2.Prtnllllt Docu .... nl. 3. FI" whh lilt Coun

...,.., ......


-. ~




.- ..





Reedy 10 Ave II".. and money? Unconte.ted DIYorce ln Alabama 2.0 ....... S595 Child Support In Al,bam, 2.0 ...•...•••........ 5195



. .

.. _1.O_'



Bar Briefs

_ _ ... _", _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .....s.-__ ...

It.. ABA for local, l1;I, ional Ind >p«ialty b •• usod.tion. I"d ()un<b·

Segall Paniciplla In ABA II .. ~ad.""';p

In. titut.

Ioi ning $(jnl< )00 0 ....... m<~ng !u<Iffl; of '-Ytr <:N'pIIizations from

tilt country _' thtAmtrian B.a. Association', 8.0, Lndm.hip Institute ( BU ) in ~bn:'" was RobbySopll. proidm, ~ oIthtAUbuno Suk liar. n.. IIU io hdd annually in 00<". for incomins ollkial. ofloal and haB, >p<'(ial foeUl Lowyn owocialloru and bor found.lIo n.. Tho ...."inn pr<>' oW .. ,h. 0PII(Htunity to ronf.. with ABA offlCiol .. l>I. kadtr coIkagu ... =li~ >I. ff, . nd o,h .. <XJ>"fU on the opontion of . ",h orpn'z.l\io".. Srg.dI join«! ABA I'ftsidrnt Robn1 J. Gtq' , •. '" Rlchmond, V"..pnia and ABA PmidmI -EIut Mickad S. Gruo of l\Q$Ion, in on bu F""'N"""" financr, wmmunicatioru and pLmni~ Various ABA cntitin bTi..r..d tho 1'". 'i.ei,,"OI, on lfl(Iun: .. >vail,bl. from






.ions. 'I'M BLl i:s 'p<>ll$Qrro by lhe ABA St.ndi"ll Commi.ttt on 1\;0, Mli, and SnYica and the ABA Divilion (or B.a. ~ IS pan oft ....


ions-lundin, pi of r....cri'" ponnt!"lhipo"";l11 bu$ and rdo,td orpni. u,ion. natiomo'idt. Coop<n'in,AIiA

".ff ootitin inc:ludcd'M !);v;>ion for Media Rel .. io", and Communiotion

Strv;,t$. The AnI<rican I!>t A...o.,;.tio" ;,,11< I"gal voIun"ry profasion. 1"",ml><./JIip orpnju. ion in III< world. Wi.h mort \h;on 400,000 mrmbns. til< ABA provid<s law IChooI aa::.rortatlOfl. con_ I;nuingl<ga! odua.ion. ;nfo.omt;"n about 1"" law. programs to ...;01 lawyen .nd judges in tMi. work. and

in;,i .. i...s 10 for


,h. public.

,h<I<gaIIYI'.m •


------ - -- - --- - - - - - - --- ------ --- - (



:I ~ I


~ I I







"., '" 5~~~~~t~~j~~;~EtE~~~~E~~~~~';{f;~~;:~s ~~~j are interested .


you in an area of your interest. belief serve members wh<h and OUr YOO in the space provkled below.

We also


APPOINTMENT REQUEST - Terms begin Aug ust 1. 2005 and e xpire July 2006. Indica te yo u r top three preferences from the list by ma r\o;ing 1, 2 or 3 beside the p referred committee (e) or ta sk force (If).

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Alabama Lawy8r. Ed itorial Boa rd (e) Alabama Laooyar. Ba r Directory (c) Alternative Methods of Dispute Resolution (e) Character & Fitness (el Clfont Security Fund (c) Community Education Disdpt inary Rules & Enforcement {If} Diversity in the Profession (If) Fee Dispute Resolution (e) Judicial Liaison (el

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Insurance Programs (el Lawyer Referral (el Lawyer Publ~ Relations & Law Day (cl Lawyer Assistance Program (el Merit Selection (If) Military Law (c) Quatity 01 Life Rules Governing Admission (If) Solo & Sma ll Firm Praditioners Unauthoriz.ed Practice of Law Volunteer Lawyers Programs


"_ I I

! I I I


(Street or- P.O. Box)


Telephone: (office)

(&oma il)

Year of admission to bar:


(City . Slale. Zip)

~ II:

l I I

j l I I I \


ch&ek if new address


Pleasa ,alum this form no laler than May 7, 2005 to be con s ldored lor an appointment by mall 10 Programs, P .O. Box 671, Montgomery, Al 36101-0671 , by facsimile to 334·261.fl310. or by computer to ,gray@alabaLOfgthatvacanciesonexistingcommitteesa reextremely limitedas most committee appointments are f,lIed on a three-year rotation basis. If you are appointed to a committee , yOlJ will receive an appolRtmenlletter IRlonnlRg you In JURe 2005. YOlJ may also download this form from our Web site.www.alabar


I I \



Disciplinary Notices

Notices to Show Causa Rand. 1 [)c.n D« k, who ... wh.r~. bo" I '

.re unknown, mull .n•...,' ,h. AI. b.rn. S,.I< 1lar'1 fonn.1 di$ciplinory m.1sn within 28 <toys of May

IS.:ZOOS Ol,lMmomr,1he allfIo'liono ront.inod therrin ~I M dfflnt<I admi1t~ and approp<ial< d"cop["" >hall bt imJl'l'O"'d ""jM him in AS8 No. !M·Ul(A) by 'M t>isciphnary IIo,ard of tht AlaN .... S"'e II ••. [>eonn. s..und ... Iligginbothon. , whose where'00 ..1$ . r< unknown, m ...l

a"lwtr th. AI. bama S,." Bar', fo,,,,.1 diKll'linuy ..... rges within 28 dol" of May 15.2005 or, d•• , ... ft ..... t ... alkplionl conlaint<ilhnrin .bah bt dnmN admitttd and approprwt< dixiph... >hall bt impolo«lapiou. in ASB

No. 02.74{A) by 1M I);"'il'''nary Board of the Alahama SlIlella,.

Reinstatements On I>cccmbtr 1, 2fl(H, M",:ugom<1'}' ,,,o'MY v..w.rd Iohn Harrioon was ~ tTom II>< pra<litt <JI low in 1M St.lI< or Alabama for nonrompli-

.nc. wid, II", 2003 M."ndolory Conlinu.", apI Education ""I"~ mom,s or tilt A1a1>a",. SUit Bar. On Mar,h 2, lOGS, H.";..,,. ~ into ((Impli.1I« wilh 1M MCI.E Ruks.On ~brch

It, 2005. the SoP"''''<' Co"n of Alab.",. nwlt ''''ry on Iht RoU of AliorntyS di,miNing Iht Qrdn of

S.. s~n.ion .gaimt H. rrison and mull"ing him 10 I~ I'ra<;Iict of I, w. ICLE No. (M-1621 On Sq>!tmM' 15. lOO4. A$hlmd .norMY Kri .... Dixon Mo. ri, w .. suspmdcd from 1M pracliuofbw in tilt So... of Alaluma for noncomplimct with lilt ZOO) M.lnd.o",'l' Conlinuing ltpl Education mtUimntnl< of tilt Alabo .... S,a,. II,a •• On Dtumhtr 15. lOO4, Morn. am. in,o tontplionct wilh Iht MClf R.. los. On feobruo'l' 22, 2005.11>< SuPr'Cmt Co .. " of Alabom. ml do .nlry on 1M Roll of AliomtyS ordtr of .... ptHOion "S.iruc Morri. ond reiru,",ing h,r to II>< pr.Kliu of law. [Clf No. 04-82J


Suspensions Efft.c,i...


}. 1004. I1tornq Williom Donald KdJy. lr. of Columbus, Gto.gia was ~ from II>< pnni« oflow in tilt So.,. of Alaluma for non.complion« wi'" tilt z003 M.nda,ory Con,lnuing txg;d EdllCll'ion r'Cquirem...". of ,lit Allbomo ll,ar. lel E No. 04·137]


On Frbruo'l' 22, 200S-,ht SUpftmt Court of Allb. "", ,n .. red an o"",r .usptnding formt. Andolu,ia ,110"''1'

Joma 1I0.>'q' TIpl... for I ptriod of 15 mon,h" .ll«Ii... !an",,'l' 7. 2005. Tipltr is abo littnsod in 1M lll'a of FIorido ond California. I It "",inhin< an offICe in Datin. Florid .. TIpler is pmmlly ~ from tilt pracliu 01 low in Alabamo, which in'Otfft<, on lu... II. ZOO}. On Df«mbn S. 2002. P,nol III of w PiKipli... ry IIoar<I of the Alabarno SlO't ll,ar found Tipl..,. ,uil'y of viola'· ins rula B.4(d) ond B.4(g), A"'ba",~ /I" ... of Profr";Q~1I1 (And"". Th. bo..d d .... min~ ,h. , Tipler .hould M .... ~nd~ from .hr 1"""'''0 of low fo. 0 pt.iod of IS monlh •. Tipl .. .ns olso iW<SO«l.U cos\<, indO>ding on adminillm;'" fto. Topltr .tpf"""~ fo:molt dion' "'5'rdin. In _u11 dwJt roo- • ftt of UJOO. TIpItr mitred inlo an lNonS""" men. whrm>y M would credil lhis di.,,,·, occoum 5200 tach Ii ........ ongagod in ,oJ wi.h him. and 0 $-100 crt<l" if .... arranttd for otha- f<mllt$ to hI . . KX ... ilh him. TIpit. admintd ,h .. ht .ngagtd in KX wi,h 'his diml ond onolh.,. (tITUlo ... mtln. of c~­ i, ing Ihtir bm. for .ltTVict$. Th i, wI. co.robor.t~ by 0 vid","~. TIpl...Iso . dmintd ,h., il .... u.... hi· ('.oJ '0 nch.ngc- KX ..,) f.vo," for hi •



•IIom.,.·, fIo<o.

Tipltr opptaltd. 101M Bo.ud of Disciplin",y Appn!. of W Alabarno 51,.. "'" on Fd>ruory 7. z003. On Maid> 9.lOi)4. 1M Ikwd of Disciplinary Appt.w afIismtd Pand Ill', onIer. TIp\c'r lhen apptaltd to w Alalwna Supft1llO eou .. IN! March U. lOi)4. Th.t AI.b.o"", Sup •.",. Cou ..

offi.mtd 'M lIGa.d of O;"'il'l;nory Appt. 1s on lanuary 7. 200S.IASII No. OO·I()2(A). !lOA No. 02 ·05. SC No. 10309941

a... .... nogmIC1l1 thaI kd 10 u.. pm!:>Imu in IMa....IAS8 No.04·]2(A)].

Public Reprimands On Ftbn.ury 4. 200S. G;.dsdm .U<>rnq Rusotll Albn M«;iU rtaivtd. public r<j>lin",nd withool grt...m publication for failing ,,> ':wil :oc1",n QIl beh.lf of. dienl befo~ lht JUlult oflimilO. lions ron. Whi!t wo,king with hi$ pmri"'" tmpIoycT. M«;iU aIIowcd 1ho: SlO1u!e oflintl".ions 10 run witboul filing 0 dviI :oc1ion; fai1td 10 -ifr the diem !hal Iv had m~ u.. SIlOluk 0I1imit>.· lions; ..... misItd u.. dim! and JUs ...... Yiou> ompIoyn about tht casr, rioIo· .iOnJ 8.4(0). a.4(c) .nd 8.4(1), AIoIb.:!"", RMItf af ~ c-I...... Tho DiKipiiNry Commission no1Cd MeGIU', «Xlpmlion wilh IIv ;n>a1ip. lion and also no1Cd ' ....1 cimumW>Ces bqond hb conlrol «ml.ibuttd,., It>$! in part, '" 1M 1'0'" cut.u.eking .nd



On Ftbruary 4, 2005, 8irmingh.m

' ''O'ney Lourie Ik>ftOn Sha.p .oaivtd • public .eprim.nd without FJ> ... I publicalion for violat;"n. of .ul<'$ I.J, 1.4(&) .nd 8.1 (b), A/~b.o"'Q J«.1n of PrP/mioml/ Condwn. Robnt ROOm. hirtd on Mard! 6, 200 I 10 rq>re..,", him in • dlJpul .. (>YO, hi> bu.i"... ~. IIDbnu conrendtd WI from 1M Ii..,.. Iv hirtd SIwp untillu1y 2002.


W did _ ~ him inf"onnoed aboul <kwIopmrn1J in hi> a.... On luly S. 2002. Robt ... r«riwd • call from ."",her Iawyo-r and was !Old !hOI •

Iid.nil judprom. h.d ben! mIned .pln" him and hb company for .pproxim.,dy $2(1.000. Roberts was,o gI'1 in touch wilh ShuI' and (Quid only calk wilh th. kgal ....


at Sharp', finn. On l.n....,.,.4. 2003, Robtn. .Kri>'t<I • conl.-mpt eilation for failinB 10 an.wtr posI,juclgmtnl inrr.ropto,irs, .boul which h< knew

n01hin8· Rohtrll hirM tWO Ol".r .t1o.nq» 10 uoi>1 him in grllin, lh .. judgm<nl.." .. idt, butlhri. 'U""'J'lS wtft un.uc(<'$IfILl. On o.:,obr. 9, 2003, Robrm rtk<l a cornplaim with thr Ala!>.. .... 51.rr 8u all~ lhal Sharp had ~. Ifflcd his a... and had failtd 10 com· munieol" with h,m. H.. &IJo hirtd a

Iawyo-r lOW< Sholl' lOr kpl malproc· lia. An inwst'ptor from Ihr Binninglwn I!.o, G.m"", Commilll't mod< ~.t 11I.-mp" 10 oIH~in • w,illtd rtopOnst ' 0 this «Imp!.inl, bul

Sharp foiltd 10 providt 0 .... On Fob, uuy 18, 2004, Ih~ inmlipto. (Qm,im,~1 on f"''''' 2M)

Your nest egg? Your kids'inheritance? Thin air? Where will you findS40,000 ayear? Ac,ually, ,h. cho""," of your ItIving ro up wi~... ,i.,y of 10ng.I.. '''' ca,.. in.urane. op,ion. to (h(>(lst ,h., Jurn of mQney.ft grt>'" ,fun you might ,hink: (rom, Which meu.. you. yon. f.mily .nd YOU' ....... $40.000 i. ,h. ce,.. of on. ~ .. an bt p"""",cd by • company AWw-nian. long·, ... m aft (and ,ItIt nurnher k.q>< rUing). """'" [rusted lOr mort [fun 68 yea ... To !ram And ..., ,ItI, 0 ... in fi~ Amman. ........ call] 888 331-4138 r... Gtoup ~ (We, Ih. 0B. of 50 will nttd ..,.... ..,,, of i~o«::.u 1 888651-5.0\62100- lndMdual Iong., .. ,m CIK in II......, 12 _!I.. d ... ,oan _"ag< infOr..... ion. Or you can visil'" onli... :o«idrnl or une:<pooed alne<$. Fortun:... ly. •• prd"... y",,'11 1ft why Iong'lOIm Bl ... Crou and BI ... Shield of Abbamo now off... you arc in.uranee will d.fini,r/y bt mo....,. ... I1.""n,.





Pn:fcm :d


Aft) 1jI,ICCrooi.sBlueShidd

To V. orAi(,l)oma .

• ::'::'C'.:.. ... .::..._

Disciplinary Notices ma<k """lui 'U~P' ~o IndI Sh.up by phont. Tht foiLowins <by. Sharp faud him 0 k1!<r ,,",ing that Sharp

and Roben. h.d ,..olv«lthd. di$l'ut< .nd th .. RobcTt. bad agrud 10 "with· dr, ... ;aU d.ims.nd V ..... ncrs and romplainuliled Sharp.· Tht in~ig.o'Of .... nd·d<{jvaro • klt ... ,o SNrp "'linSlh>! lh' molu/ion O(IM

"t..,... ".

civil maUr, did !IOl1.rminatrthe lV~nc< rommin~·. inval;plion of Robern' complaint. This IeIltt I">'t Sh.up :on add,uonaJlbrtt <brs 10 ",bmit a written rnpon", which ~«lto do. In fOC'l. the lim rnpons<

fr<>m Shorp ' am, on Jun. II. 2004. wMn Sbarp ""u&hl .<con,idor.t;'", of

1.... Disciplinuy CommioPon', d.cilion to publicly rq>rimand ..... IASB No.O}.lM(Ali

Qml;n,"" frgm

page IJ7

On Fri>n.w'y •• ~. Birmingham o,tom<y Rkbard Lalit Ioneo r=iYcd • public ..",imand with gcn<nI publin.. lion, On ~trnber 8. 2()(H. lilt Oi$ciplinary Board 0( tho: Abb.una Slalr &r IOund """'" guihy of ~ ...... 1.3. I.<f{a) and ll.I (b). of 1he IlIob a{l'oojmi.>.utI CoMwrr and

ord<m!,hat he ~ve I public <q>ri · mand with gt'nerai publica6on. lones boson representinS 1dor.I ....\>o<h in • workns' comprnsation 12K in 1999. Jonn ultimately IiIcd wil lOr \\Oo<k agAi .... St. VU><ef\t'. H<Kpitid on Sop,m>b<T 21. 2001. St. VInetnf . roun · .. I look Woods' ~Iio" on April 2, 2001. soo...q .... n1 10 this dtpooilion, Janos f,Oltd ' 0 ~Idy cornnruniak with Woods about ......... Courud lOt Sc. VInCmI',lcstificd 11 1M disciplinary

hearing thaI after tho depol.i!ion. U>t - . - oommunial<d with )oMs obool 1M n<t "&,in, unlil April 12, 2QO.I, whm. shon ,,0.1 was held. SI. Vinunl', Iu.d previow.Iy rtltd • """ion 10 dismiss for want ol ptW«Ulion. bul !.he COlIn denied tho _ion ....... ..,. !he 0lK for lri;ll "I'h< DiIcipIirwy Board ("",nd lIIal 1<>"", filikd 10 dnnon$lr.!t Ih>! II< porfonn«l",b· AaIIlM ItgoI work on 1M ax ~Wf'm


!he .bl~ ol ....'oodo' ~Iion On Apr~ 2002 and ~.....,. 2003. tho.b .. 01 ..... hor oomplaml. Janos aJso r=iwd Ihlft 1<1,... from lhe I!irmingh. m &r Grievanc~ Comm;"'" <on< .. nin8 Ihis oompUin' bu, ht knowingly f.Oltd 10 mpond lO III)' 01 tt.e...10! .... du"", II.. invaliplion inoo this "",I!<T, lASH No.03.(l6O(A)]

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a...&d <"1'1' - ' paym<nt "''''' be ,..,....,d ~ to th< ~ p<>b. lio/ti,.. od>tdw.: Mly 1O(lS iowt-<I .. Minh I. 20"': July .zoos i .............. MO)' I. ZOOS: s.p .... b<r lOOS i............. My I. ZOOS. NO d<adIint .. will b<



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"'-"-' - . . . ~ fcnnoo: CMI II'd 0-..1 "-I $hi«, ~INobanOca .. , ......... llbOlJlory. l!l13 W. RidII' 0-. ~",'.'oOOsW.;;"'~ GIorgoo JOI99 """-!77Il1 SIHIOOI!

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ConIact I'tiIip G c...I.l334lJ5.17OO. or ..... , . . . . ' lfI>.ntI.

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JD_._..... N"lI,


"'III . . ~I0""'''_ 0.. ~

David Dillard Architect AlA PLLe E"pcr1 Witness JackJoo. Mississippi Call: (601) 2(I9-S061 ~AUCSI

NClRBCtnifin/ U«AsN .. AW-. ' - ' _ .... ",,,,j,,1pp/


MAY 100)

oagIlgIncI n ........ liability lilogobOll. _ . maul!. robbery. ~ ~,;oIence.. b\ensIvI noIitI and lOt • .....tyf>l*_ irocue~_.


"""'"" .......... "'" oIopooo .... Ia1ImOIrIr

" - - """'Y"'" n ..

lor 10-1, ' bin. las! tuoI, ............

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patl;ing OJ!>. ~. special MIllS, prd$conIfaC1 ... ~opietary supeM'KIIHIIIIIiIgI-

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use 01 force pe. ~iY3t. S\IOUitvidice. Soar,tv """Iigence ",totl and for..-oility:

tUIding ados. ~ oo:idoow~ ~ IiabiIity..... to _ _ Cetti!io!I A<:o:dont IIoc:tonmotooru - NonI1wt$_ ~, P\i!ontiff Cf deIensot. Rot.! I. ToIben. R.I2(r;)22I·m. F.. ~ 2!b-381li. EM ~a:m. Wtb ~!I : 1lI>Itw!.""",



policy. supervosion. traonir>;j. hiring. I~


PCItI-fnog, ......p •• veys. notoce. forell lV. .........,matlY....... ilat ..... dot. coIIotI.., and

onalyoo •. ~ ~o1ilinQ. C«\!ract.-.l ~op""", S\IOUitv {,O.OO<rWotr-duly po/"a. Ft.... police ocodemy dn.:wr. ltal' violence '"'" director. state P.O.s.T. <lir8:wrlpolotl oIfi·

• FIlE MANAGEMENT RlR LEGAL PROfESSIONALS: OistOploons. Inc;, off ... tho ""'"'

0I1iio and SiCfl9'llMlil1Oblt let DiscOpIicm. Inc:. ~ \'1M-' files 10 dog<taI ~, Q,; !hem oo;tO!ding III \'IM-'."...;r;. ..os trd deIim to YOU ' <lVT"9J1t! (list; _ . """ """'.. diet takes you Ill. ayml oII00::trm, tlficiMt .... ,,""'" _

'* ~ and trb"oongl. c:orpo<


"ltto!. ord t....-ed I~ ~oll_ 01 SltlJity

Tro,,,.. 01 ru. _tv. ,.. I 1SIa11. inso.wan::e. police. national. NIIi$lwl 1lIttIO!. peeI' t.o...~ appoon",..,t~ 2002 Winte! I)¥npocs .....,ty _ . Crnato! ot tho -Pleda1""" P I _ Matriz.· ~


de...... 01 \'1M-' hie. tNdy to , ....... print '" ...... ""';1, Contott DiscOptKlOl-, Inc:. :1370 HiIIa..t ReI .. Surto G"81. Mobile 36695.

~01......,.j aOT'MlOlogost.

~'Ii$~ SltlJoty/poIice

..... ty/po1U forensICS.....-.

PronI 251-656--4117. E.maIt r~ lIaIS.wm WoO .n.. """"'disaopr.....,wm • ENGINEERIHG/COHSTfIUcnOH EXPERTS: Soils and loo.n;Iab(onS. .rrutt ..... «..... .....:tIo!11COl. rooIir>;j. eIe<1ncal ptOOI$S dwni· <aI. ElFS l.lII:COl mold ... mildew, H\lAC for

.... oty ua_IDASfl OABlEl 00·111. CST. CSS. C!'O. NAl'S. IAPSC~ T. discuss \'1M-' case. wntICI JoIvI ~di. 1'11.0 .. MIlA. 31 110)1 Ei28-3496. Ft. ~.II" III '...... <SIIC.... ~. wm Itla!mo.

F.i<hopo. Mobilel. • BRiEf WRmNG AND LEGAl RESEARCH: Ftwm« mil 1lt0fl'lt\' Ie! tho ~ Co:oo.o"I 01

r\I'''*t~ ~ nUtrial and - ' 1

facili!!", pipeIRs. canp-e_ staUOnS, com_ buildings. .-.I pM Blast.,..

CMI . . . . prowIes legal ~ ~_ •. !JOn 01 .............. ie9"1 "'"""""""" MId tfloIs .., ""'Y 1egaIl$$ut. l;a\taf;t BIit! Alitn 31 !2IJ>l94I.


liOn do .... and dil4)Ull

ross Cf""'~ .IbetrWHA ,Oj.,",wwm


ft.<pe<I construI:-

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put'" _




1oadJ, ~ to<Iitying txp!I!IS .,;tIl licenses .-.I aeclentoal •. PE licenses in At MS,


LA fl SC, Comoct Hal K. Cain. PronII25II SliI·26Il5. [..-.ail, 1I.tIil2irIOaoi-"""'- Web .. te:


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(334) 462-3893.13341365-HIS!!,

• DPERT LEGAl RlSEARQI ANO PREPAfIA· noN Of T1IIAlJAPPEllATE BRIEFS: IStaII! CW1S r;rlv!Amon-ey 0117 "..... ..... 1""* stall atI!m!y lithe - . . . ~ Cart ... Cart

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