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OnllwC_ Jones School ofL1w. MontgOmef)'. Alabama; .... >tory on ~ 123. -Pflolo bI/ /\lui Crou·ford. lD. CW



TAXABIlITY OF PuNITIVE DA."IAGES By C~nd& C. Cochran "ld Joon S. Campbell ..........•..•..••96

THE TlG£R TuR.-.s 90A TR!Bl1J'[ To r-tARllN LEIGH HARRISOS By J. Rufus Bal~ ...................................... 103

CML PROCEOORE UI'UATE: A SURVEY OF RECE/Io'T CASE LAw INrERPRETI/Io'C TIlE RULES By Sharon Donald$On Stuart and Jarms R. Bus.ian ............ 108 DEDICATION CEREMONY OF l OSES ScHOOL OF LAw BUlU>lSG By Gloria McPh«lon .................................. .1 23

ALABAMA STATE BAR ONLINE www."."b" Who,', New.. .

oPublica';"". oOn·Lin" eon""U11lty oOOC Orinton. oCLE Cole"d", oOn·Lln" a,~,,!/C o( .... dd,.,..

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Alabama Bar Institute


" \ ha'"f tn;O)'rd meeting and working




Alabama's fillCSl lawyers during my carttr "'jlh ABICLE. Our bar is fined with anomc~'!; ,,'00 Sln'"f to nu.intain the highest

starnbrds of excellence in the legal profusion. I return to the prac ti ce of law


renewed appreciation fOT the qU<llity of Lawyers in our Stille. Continu ing It'gOIl educa tion is

lilt key to helping us aU feel confident a nd compe tent 10 meet the daily challenges of

our H,-cs a5 lawyers."

Paula Higginbotham Attorney al Law Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Call AB ICLE at 1-8Q0.6Z7-6514 or 205路348-6230 for program information.

PRESIDENT'S PAGE B6 lIa1M! B. Lightfoot

e Ut moving forward with the concept c{ muil Klmoon·lettn. lion el«tion of judgu. On ~mb<r 6 1m board at bn comminionm unani· mously Tuffirmtd the blo(s position thai dKticn at iudg« should be non· p.orti$OlL The boi.rd il150. by ",*,"ty vote. wthQ.riud me to *PPOinl " commiltH of four pbintift' ~rs and foo. bwirwssldtfmse 1i\o.')'tTS 10 study t/>( mtrit ..,I«tio....rltntion .1rctlon conctpt 100 draft l (!TOIID3oed constitutional


NonPartisan Judicial Elections

;unendmtnt. I ilSkf<J eight eminent I"wyers 10 wve on this commiUH and 10 a person. tMy accepttd. ThelaW)"OI"S wore Joe Cassady of Ent.",rise; Frtd Gray of Twkegee;

Larry Morris of Alu City: Thbor NQIIlIk

01 Monteormry; Jim Pratt. Stan Starnes and ManNIl Timborlakt 01 Binningtwn; and Frank Wilson of MontgOmHy. I btlitw OUr bar and OUr statt is wtll




dis\,nguIWtl prxtihoom and thai if" ......lion 10 our dection problnns can

W....n • . Lig htfoot

be WOfIctd OUI. tl\q' will find il"~ 10 do il. I ulctd Frank Wilson to HM: as chair, and Ihis rommittH hu bHn muting aoo will contin"" \0 metL A number ollaW)"Ors suwort the idea of nonpartisan elections. but in my opinion that change dots not go far tnough. The Third Cili1!'!\.I' COIlf"r~""" on the AI.",," Slit. Coo.u. aft.. ahloustiwly considuing l numb.r of PfOI)OSlI" ruched two conclusions: first. thai selfction 01 judgu for raam· ckJ< oc.c:urring during tho tnm $hook! M done by .ubtmlto.... llppointmenl Tho ConfufllC. rKOlllmmded J sllltfWidt judicill roomi!>illllll comrnisJion lor ~IIJI. YJQ/lCin. with individual circuill hJvillll tho option to tSlablWl Joch commissions for trial court vacancies. On Ihe oIh.r hand, the Conference debaled at length whether selection 0(

judges for f!I'W lerms 0( office should M accomplishfd by merit seltdion·relen· lion dKlion or by non~rtiWl elKlion. ThqI concludtd thai merll selKtionrnmtion eltclioru ohould not M used for new t.rms 01' oK..:. and that both t .... llInd ~lIalt judges $hook! be sel«ttd by non~rtiNn dtclion. This ConIt~n« WQ em-im! by formtr Justice Osar ~ former Cowmor AIM" BuweT, and lheir ~ wu dtliwrtd 10 me on DKemM' 31,1996. "'prnmling the culmination 01 aw, fOUT years' won.. Our Jlat.lnd our bar ire indebted 10 the chairs lind conferees for all their time and offort on our Mllaif. Tho Conf• ..,nce made ~n olher IJIKiflC TtCOItlmelldations for revisions 10 tho ClInons 01' Judicial Elhics, t. No andi""'t. for judicilol oKltt may pvwNlly JOIicil or ruth.., dim:lly *"Y ~gn contribulions; 2. Tho JOIicilalion ~ rcaipt 01' ClImpaign funds may M Iwldltd only throuith II commitltt; 3. Such solicilalion and ru.ipt of ClIlllfIoiign funds wll M limittd 10 l SC'Kifitd lime bt/o,"" lOll aft.r the dKlion !bIt: 4. Limill $hould M plaud on Ihe amount of contributions from any 0.... donor or from SC'Kifitd cate· gories 01' oJooors: S. Tho ClIndilbt.', committee. or the e&ndi!ble, $h.all "",inUin, for inspf'Clion and copying, I till 01 conlribu· Ion oISloo.oo or Il'IOUwith ~ to lI"l' ""mary, ronoll' lind ~"'t .Itclion; 6. Candi!b1H for judicilol offo« wit M prohibittd from OIIloouncillll or ~lin8 lillY SC'KiflC judicial phi· 10$0phy; lind 7. Tho .. wll b. ,'labli~ a .)'Sttm for prompt and txptditioul <amid... ation and ruolution of complaints

alleging violalions 01 th~ proviJiQllt of Iht Canon.! appli<~I~ to the roll' duel and fintmcing 01 ampaigns fur judicwo/fia. I t2p«t more than one propoul to be introduced It the FtbfWIT!' Regular Susion of tho Legislat ure, including ont or mOrt relating to nonpa rtiun elections. Tht 26·membe , \Mk lo'c. 01 judges appointed by Justice Hoopr' h.u ~Iso ......ted il$ pm••• for oon· partiun eltctions. I continut to belie>'e, how~r, that e>'tn if such a chani/. could be accompli'htd, it still would 001 i/O far e11Oui/h to ensurt thil ~ r'e>'U iglin allow judicial a.m· ~ii/ning to d~ne"'l. inlo ""!"SONI viliflUlion. I hive great confidence in lhe good will and ability oflhe eight la~n who art prestntly wo ,king on Ihe problem, and I still beH"'t our ~r will provio:k Itadtr,hip for tM rest 01 Al~ as wt ITI(Wt I.......... rd lowlrd fundamental .h.anges in OUr prouu. I ask fo' you r support. •




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he Alabama Slate Bar Client

Si:curit~ AI~bama

The Client Security Fund Meeting Our Responsibility to the Public and the Bar

" -'I" •. N........n

Fund was established by the Supreme Court in 1987. The purpo»e of the fund is to rolitrt or mitigatt 1M mooetary lossu of

cJienu ClIustd by 1m dishoon.ut conduct of xli~ memMrs of the bar in the prwin of I:JW. Like simil~r funds

in 48 oth •• stllu. the ASB Clie,,1 Security Fund was wablishtd in 'KOgnilion of the prof~1 mpon· sibi1ily of bwytrs to ",rticip.>!. in the collective .fforlt oflM bar to •• im-

burst 1X.IOnS who Nove lost money or pr~rty U 11 ruult of the misappropriation or defalcation of anolh .. lawyer. The fund was patterned after model .ulu adopted by th. AliA

Standing Commitln on Client Stcurity Funds in the 19605. Thi. i. a prO\lram in which all lawyer> can L1kt priM btcaust it provides an impOrtant Sfr.ict to 1M public ;md htlps impr(lW th. imlgt of the profession. The fund is primarily suworted thrwgh" ore·!i ..... ~I ciSIOO. pojd by txh ~r holding an 0CCIIpl0' lionallicenK. and inleus/. income.

(I'Iymtnt 01 the Ofle·ti ..... owewnml can be made in foor annual i"""U· menll of $25.) In ]996, the csr receivW $1 10.800. 01 which S49.825 <:~tl'\f from ilSsusmenls and $39.852 from inlertst inc(l"",.11te r~maining $21.123 came from I'«oupmenll. As a toodition oIlIIIyment. csr daimanll lIU required to lraru.fer to the bar any righll they INY hlIYe iiainst the laIo~r Uld my thin:! putits tlllot !NY be liabw lor the kM.J. If _ c!;.im hilS btm paid on behalf 01 a dlsblrn<i attorney. mtilulion is nqulml befou the attorney !Ny be uuutattd. A client who wWwttofilellclaim with the fund must C(>mplet.. and submit an application for reimburst"",nt wilh the Office of Gentral Coun~1.

Many times boar members wist claimants in prellllring the application beClIu~ of the actioos of ar.other l"""Ytr. The Clienl S«urity Fund CommiU« "authorized to investigate txh claim to determine ...·l1dher it rntell the ffijuiremenll of lI"uim· burwoble lou' and to r«Ommen<! PlOYment. The C(>mmiU« gtntrally ITVdl; quorteriy to mrifw and ad. on d.;m ftpOrtJ.. The dedicated members of the C(>mmitt« this ~lIr lIU: Chair Oag R_. Huntmlle: Michae] B.all_rd. Mobne: membrrs 1.000,,11 Womack.; 1.'Il10 Hancod,. Guntersville: Thomlll Koundlru, Auburn: Woodford Din ning, Jr" Oemoplis: and Stewart 0'80nnon , Ill. ~'Ioren«: Board of Bar Commissiontrs l,iaison I'.trld, C"',.... Jr.. Huntsvi!!e: and CSF Coruullant Jamu Ward, SUff Liai'lOll are 801l~ Mainor lind Auistlnt Cmtrai Counse] Rohert Lulk. A lNy be liled by the "dient" of M1l1Uomey for the 10M of Il'IOTle)I or

othrr property aoUKi.l by" Lawytr's dis· hllmst f;Onduc:t within an tmbIi>.hod Lawytr·client relationship 0.- whilt act· ing as IIi~uci"ry in a maUer ulated to tho practkt of~. "Dishon..t conduct" includes wrongful acts commiUed by a lawyer agalnsl a client in the .... nnet of a ~f3lCl1tion (i,e .. thell), embeultmtnt or th~ir wronlll'ullilking 01 money or PropI'rty. Such conduct IN)' i""ludi: the failuri: to (dum ur>Umtd fees ...-here no work or minimil work his btm dont.1t does not include lICU thaI gM rut 10 ~ fee disptM. or lid 01 rvgli. gtnQ! or milpradite. To bo ...,im· bursabw. a must bo prntnted within Ihut)'U"' and there must be no othe. 50UIU from which the client may .«OVtr. Allri:imbu~ ..... nt 0I1oMu by tho fund are a maUtf of gract ;n the sole discri:tion of the CSF Committee

..... not a maltu 01 ri£ht.

fund in 1989. Sira IlKn, a lot&I of S214,HSIw bNn paid from tilt fund. From 1989 to 1996. 320 cLoinu have t>et,n rtceived, alleging loutS of app1'01." imate!» $791,000. During this eighl· year ptriod, IlK commillft investigloUd uch cboim iIIId IJ6 ..... re paid tithrr in part or in full. Th, di$honutacl5 01. ftw lawyers .rode the public's ~onfid.nce in lawyers in general and damage the

Thf. maximum amount which .ny ornr claimant may rtcwtr from the fun~ arising from an instance or ~OIJrse of di.honut conduct is $tO,OOO, Th • .ggrrg.J.te muimum lmount which all daimanu IN)' re~r lrising from an instaoce or course 01 diJhonul conducl of a single allorney is $20.000. Thf. first claim wu from IlK

repu~lion of the lepl profusion. The Clienl Securily !'und program, funded exclusively by laWl'e .. in active prac· lice without use of l.u dollars, is the formal mtchanism voluntarily c!losen by tilt bo.r and tlK Juprrmt court to addreu this problem. Through tho diliQent ri/orts of voluntHr bar mtm· bot", this 5p«ial program Opentes to protect the public and to enhanct the positive image of Our profusion. •

Notice of Election Notice Is given herewith pursuant to the Alabama Stat.

s.r Rules Governing EIfIc:tion of ~t·EIect M1d


President-Elect TheAlabema Stal8 Bar wi eI&et a


on 1007 10 fSSlme!he presdencyof!he bar on",.., 1998. AfT.( ClIO-

dodale In.ISI be II meo:nber on good standing on March I, 1007 Pe1Juoos IlOfTlIf\allng • CIildidato rrusl beitr the sognal!.O"e

of 25 members In good stand,rog of Ina Alabama Stale 65r and bo receIVed by !he S&O'etal)' of !he State bar on or belore March I. 1007. AfT.( candidate lor ttvs office In.ISt also Slbmrt WIth the roctn"W"OIlIng petJ!Jon 8 black and white ~ and

bogiap.'to:aI data to bo po.tIkshed .,!he MiJV AIzIbetn& t.av.yar.

&!!lots WII be madtrj between by 5 p.m.


15 and June 1 and must be recerved 81 state bar l\e(t(j(JJaners

on J u ly 15, 1997

Commissioners Bar COOlYI"OISSOCIn WII be elected by those IIw,Iefs WIth tt-. prIlCIpII offioos in lhelolo>.wlg ca-curtS: 2nd; 4th; 6th. place 00. 2; 9th; 10th. places no. 1, 2, 5. 8, ~nd 9: 12th: 13th. place no. 2: 15th, place no. 2; 16th; 20th; 23rd, place no.

2: 24th: 27th; 29th: 39th:!Ind 39th AddotJooal commssioners WII be elected in these circuits lor each 300 rr.embers 01

!he state bar WIth

pl' 0CJjJi!I

offices hereon Tho n8'W oornr"flISSIOfl jX)$/tJOI'lS 'Nil be detemwled by a census on March 1.

1997 and ~acaolCl8S cettIfied by the SllCfe\illy on 15. 1997

Tho te<ms 01 any tnCUmbont eommisS+OnerS Sfe retained AI subsf!quenl terms WII be for \tVee years.

Nomina\Ions may be made bv patroon beanng the s.gnatures dIM! n Il1O lobers on good standing WIth pl, oc::>ptII offices on the ca-Wil on whoch!he eIec\oon WII bo hokl or by !he candidate's 'NfI\\en OOCIao"aoon of eaOOi(I(I(:y. EiIhE!r must be recerved by !he socretary no


than 5 p.m.

on the last Friday In ApoIIApfiI 25, 19971.

Ballots WIll be prepared and rT'IIIIed 10 111II01~ botween May 15 and Jo.ono 1. 1997 SaIots In.ISI be VOted and relOOled by 5 p.m. on !he second TuesdIry\o.J"o8 10, 19971 to state bar h8adQu&rtec"s.


35405. Phone (205) 55Ii-4l56.

1.\oI162l, CM<.Im l5902.1'hont (205)

lIoward A MandtU i$ bki'"4lon mmlitd ...t:.batial from the .,.actla 0( law ~ will

Brian T\uuneU ;mnoonca I dwlgt of illllJrQ$ \0 1104 Schaub AI/O""". Mobile.


be closinS his law otroa: iodefinitely effte1M 15. I9%. H. will be main-

366()9.513l, Phone (3341633-94(}4.


wrung hb P.O. Box .t248. Mootgomery. 36]03 and J'Ihont (33() 262·1666 thr'Ol.l$o June 0( 1997. lily ArnoW Crem. bmrrly"";l11 I\~~. .loRbn. R.a!lilf" Brardt. l/VlOU'ICItI tht opmi'll III her ofia 1I 118 FIt'll StmI Southwat.IWniJton. 3557Q. The IIlIIilq ilddms is P.o. Box Zll& I'IIo,:Q: (205)921-5242. J.",.. Do ..... announas tilt OpminQ of his offl« it 314 Magnolii ""''tnut.

Suite B, .)i,ho!lt. 36532. Phono (334) 928·0192. Paula W, lIigginbotIIam,lonntrfy the ~lt dirtdof ollhe AIab.una Bar Ill$Iitute I¢<' Continuing Legal Education. W'IOIII'I<;f$ tilt (lfIfning of htr offict .t 1809 Skyland IIouIe.anl East. TUscaIoos.l.

John A IWH ..,roouncu a chang¢ of IIddJl:loS to 970 Spri.1d Court. NortlMllt, MichigMl48167·L(13O. Rober! W. O'Neill Innouncu i cllin~ 0( addrw to 2540 \'llIfYtb~ R~ Birmi"lllwn. 35244. Phont (2051 991·3239. n - E. Baa"MH .. 111 ~1I ~ of Mldrw 10 800 Rtgions !lank Building. 417 N. 2001 Sind, 8i~ l'i2Ill Phont (2(15) 251·\193Pqe, It. ""'*'- ~ I cI\an# at addrtM to 7201 WlIerfOrd Tr.!a. lIuntsvillt.35802. Doroch,y J. CoIlitr arrounw I ~ ohddms to ~O. Box 2097. Aluander City. lSOll. t:b\'Id C. Lk'illglton ~ the ..10rntiat of hb otlk.. to J09 Bnad Strm. P.O.

R. Eric Sum mmO<1l. ST. ~ tho oonHnWlion of his law pOOk< under the fiml name (II' R. Eric Sum .... rfon!. ST. P.c.. Ioc;r,ltd It liS E. Moulton Slr'ffi, Suite 8. Dtatur. 35{(r2·1 149. I'hont (205)


Sob.... 8u ..... U InnQUlICn hi. reti •• •

H chitf of the Rtttil'trship Oi>ilion, A1Wmi DtPlOrtmmt of tnsur.mco , .. rId tIwc OI"'ni"ll 01 his offICe "t 6562 lIunl,lilf Court. Mobil. 36608. I'tIoM (:u.) 316<3173. Zooodn lIuno Wattn WIOUI1Cts the opmirtl of htr oI!i« ill. 605 G~ IIltn!

A,mot, Suik 100. 'l\"...~ 3M()].

I'hont (205) J.U.(l10 1. It 'T\un. fonntrly "i!h Nebon Mulli"" RillY & SCilrboroogh in Atlanta. CcoJrgia. ~ tho opening of hor offiu in l)eQtur. Georgia. TIlt mailing ~reu is P.O. 8o:Ji 1961, Dealur, 30031. Phone (~) 377·9385. T. £ric Ponder n'IOlII>CU tho oponirc


................ ,"'"'


Platt, AlbrU. Ctorgi;. 30308. I'hont (404)

Jim R. IIlP(llilo. Jr. /onntr a5Sist>n1 attomt)' ~raI. I\ld bttn appointed chief

I ItCOlirl surety service 110 ordi"ary

_ I ofillt Alabamlo Ot,artmenl 01 'f\oanspo<UtIon. 0fI"1CU art Iocattd al 14()9 CoIi.wum, Montgomo>ry. 36130305(l. Phone (334) 242-tiJ50. IWI<1t M. Sandm WIOtIras .. cIIange

agelll CUll maleh" I







10 Itealthan RWty ~t Inc.., 33]0 We5/. En:! """'""'"-

SuM 400. s./Mlit. ~ 3T.!OO.. Phone (615)2$.8 115. JonaIloan fAwani 0mUnt. bmnty amftaI tw:l5tI b the South caroIiNI llfpartmmt (/ l..ibor. ~ and ~ t..lI5SUII>l'II <kttia ... dtief. Wit I!rand jury. 00",.,. of Sou ... CaroIlu A/1omty CtrImI. ttis acklras is 1'0. 80s. 11549, Colu~ South Carolina 29211. I'honc (800) 7J4.369J. Corioy. .11",..... it Ward anmuncts tIIol

J. Tloom» ""'" Jr~ bmtTty OJI'lXIRIe oounstI kw Co/bIn3I Morl$JIIIt nI New South I'~ s....;"gs IIri, 11M joined the finn ill , partner and Annettt TlIIfy 1'IId!u. 1IM btcomo an ilISOClatt. Otf'tm art IoaIN at. 400 SMdts Crftk Parkwa}o. Suitt 100. 6i~ 35.209. 'The mail· inQ addms • P.O. 80lt 59807. J5259..Oe07. Phone (205) 819-S!I58. 8rvob " Hamil)< an ..... nets WI Daryl A. Almi ..... Iw bK6me an usoci· ~tt. omCH art Iocattd in Mobile lind Citrooellt. Cabanlu. .Johnston. Gardotr. Du ..... &: O'Nnl 1I/IIIOIlIICf:!;!hot 1II.1an. Mtridt a... 11M beoomt 11 partner. 0fIicts are IoQ!(d in 8irmi~ nI Mobill. Sa.IIrf. s..un"U. Shup. f'WIbumr " \'an TlNd ~ tha Ilristin 8rya11C! M.theny. JefTn)' Cerald 'T1cb1 and CIwtu Hartol'l Sorth 11M b«ome ilISOClalts. otroca 11'" Ioc2ttd at. 2500 SoulhTrust Towe-r. 420 N. 20th Sbttt. 8i~ 3S202. Phone (205) J:!6..4166. PItott, \..r4)ri I.atII " "".... ..-.ooncH that. Jo/uI CI>arIts S. I'irfce and \\'. I'tmblr Oowhmd ~ b«ome share· hokIers. and thaI Rogrr E. Colt. ~th1)'ll W. !'tImon and P. EiW>d 11M joined the firm. Oifom Mt ~ 111 1110 MontlilNl' DrM. Suitt 900. Mobi\t,36Ii09. 'The JNilirC ~. P.O. 80lt 16/).16, ~ 1 6.. Phont (33.1) J44..5151.


IIut, \\'yon, lIi....D" Newlon thai Jll icbIol l>. EmlOI1 tw b«ome a p;lrlner. and Solan .;. Awbrey tw brcorne an ilISOC"iatt. otrlCts a", local· N "" Tho ~ ~ Suitt 800. 290 list Sbttt. North. 8i~ 3SZ(l3.. '111l. Phont (2(15) J2S.S330. anroounctS

/II ... B. CRic and B",ai .'1 . Crait lflnoull« the fonnation of Crai, &:

Cni,. OffieH are Iocattd.t 2708·1 t]i,hway 31. South. Otc.atur. 35603. Phone (205) 35$-8886. Shrrr..1oI. ShrffirId " Shrffltlol IM(IUI'ftII <:har$ Ii addrtSllO 205 20th SIMI.. S~ Suitt 323. 8i~ 352Ol. Phont (2(l5) J2S.1J65. LJ.o:yd, Dinnin" !laW &; Dinning ~noouneH thai Gngory S. Grigg... has Il«o!m an uwcialt. Offieu louiN lit SOl N. W.lnut.OtmopOlis. 36732. Phonc (334) 289-0556. Bnntiey " \\~ W"OOOOa$ dIOI. Rotor.1 \\inJIoIILa Iw beoomt lin ....,.;... all. otroca art ~ lit 405 S. lIull Strft~ Mon~ry, 36104. 'The mailiog lddrtSl is P.O. Sox 830. Moo\gomel}'.


36101-«130. Phone 1DI/2(6.I500. Rolorrt f. LMa NfIOUflCtS lite IISIOCir lion a( Jon E. LMa. Officu are Ioc3tN at 32] Fnnk Nelson Building. 20S N. 20th SIMI.. Sinnlngham, 352(13, Phone (205) 254-3927. 8nd1ry. Annt. RoM Ii WIUI. ~ dIOI. Matthrw A. Aibn, I,rnnt II. ~ Ronald II. Iitnt. ArlM D. Lrwia. C:woIint W. Lrwia. Jefmy P. ~ ~ C. M\U'IkM:k. IbuhI C. Smith. Mary Clam Sf.. .JolIn, IItbtca 8. ThaI, and IIbIy Carol While ~ hroome associa!H. otrom Mt located in 8i~mdMobiIt.

JrTOmr 1\dob:. 11\ and Bruton \\ip:IrI the formation a( l\dorr Ii We - . 0fIicts OR Ioc3ttd ... 701 37th SIMI.. South. Suitt 3. Birmingham. Phone (205/252-1 ]66.


Hall. Hall. IIbtthewo &: NQ\v 0IV10WI<ts thai .' IicharI L Whil. Iw hramt an ......;.... 0IIi0tI art Iocattd at

60 Corrunertt SIted. Suitt 1100, P.O. 80lt 2148. MoNporry. 36](12·2148. Phone (334)


",,]ftr, llill. AUml. Umbach. MeodowI" Wallon annooncu lhal

hlri<. C. om.!-. fonnrrly 01 Smtr ,\; Uttltlon, Iw ~ an ~iatt. 0If1CG1I'" Iocaltd ~t 205 S. 9th Stred. P,O.l)flIwU 2()69. OJorlib. 36803·2()69. Phone (334) 745-6466. Adams & R..... lInllOlUlCts that lllllO!thy A. Club. J, RidImI MOOIt and I\dIy C. Woodfoni ~'t joined the 6nn ill ;lStoriat" in the MobiIt oIia. Iloulou\lnl" ~ ~ ~ a( addnss b" Ctortt J. Iloulou ..... 0Ml E. 0gIt5by. John lIithard ShotmUet. JUlIn Ashton Studoty. and La S. ~ 10 20]7 SKondA"' ....... Soulh. Birmingtwn. 352Ol. Phone (2OS)

3Z2.Iti41. IIulfr Ii Wi!oon ........-om the relocation a( their C1IIn 10 262S tlnMnity 8ou1evlrd. ~ 35401. Phone (2OS) 349·1830. lIoran C. 1111liamJ. Court..., R. PotthoIl" and lIoract C. \\iUWN. lit ~ the kImlIItion Ii \\-dlIams. PottIooII'" \\iIIiams. 'ThemailiICaddnss • P.O. So. 880. EdlIuIl. J6072.{188O. Phont (334) 687·5834 . \icft ... Riis. ,\Iu~ Ii Curran ann<>uncu that Evan AUIiUl. Jr, has

A RE YOU PAYING TOO MUC H FOR LIFE INSURANCE? ThrotIth Drane'" A,i..,.,iates. you CAn ptlrchue afJonJablc tenn life in." .... nce from h igh ly nued in." .... ncc oompnn;e •. To ""oid o,"erpn}'ing. CAll ror a free qUOle tIfl policies .... nging fn"lm $ 100.000 up 10 S2S.000.000 to compare with }'our """,,Ill life insu",,,ce.

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(C«tla-d hom _

the finn r.arne hM dwliIed \0 'o.u.g. VDWIC. I'II'a " IIoyan. 0I'Iices on Ioo:aW.I


II II08 Wilmer Awnue.Arriston.l6ZOl.

Phoor (2(15)237.(645.

bmImt ilfIlIUOd.1te. Offices ne located in Mobilt. Radudlid " Morpn anII(lI,III[Q tIw .JtfJny A. 8 _ hM bto:mo 1Il;mocial..

1lM. NowIin ..s 1I0t0m s.1oIcAruIaIy

_ _ the~ al" NariD" ~ Offias on Ioattd II 118 East Moulton Slml.l)rQtUf. 35601. Phoor

Offias_1oaled1l 10J0 f"irstAYtnue. P.O. 1k1112788, Cdurnbul, C«Iogia 319022788. Phoor (7061J2.t-4167. a..n.. M. ThornPM"' .-.d A..bmes CmorI. III armounct tNt I\umq> Doe IhIt$lrr ha$ joirwd the finn. The new finn r.arne is ThompoOfl. lIutsw, & Carson. 0If1CU ~re located MSuite 120. I~ I'IuI. 8uildi~ IIomewoxId. 3S209. Phoor (205) 8n-9393. EmorMI " \ "ona anII(lI,III[Q that Katlu),. A. ~ iOd n-.u M. "-II hM bto:mo -..ocilla. 0IIim _Ioaled II Z200 SGulhTh.llt Tower. 420 N. 20th sum. P.<l. 800 10008. Bi~ J:S2Il'l..OOml.


(2(15) 353-8601.

OIKh",. " liar! ilfIJIOUllCa that Otbonh S. Rnlltn Iw Ixcorm: a .hare· holder and " elll C. Cole. Catharine M. Smith and Michael C. Dodd haw btoome ufocillttJ. Offices art located at 8 Offi« Park Circle. Suite I. P.O. Box 531228. lIinningkam.l5253. Phont (205) 879·9905. Cau.thm " Catothtn nlOlWOCItS tNt Rotom Sidnoy ~ hM "it/ldr.r.oTl from the fum. OI'om on Ioattd at 217 East MouIIon SImI. DfI;Mur, 35602. Phoor (2051353-1691. MadcIox. AuJtiI " hmMr ~ the rtIot:ltion of its otr.ceJ \0 I.WsIlm Pork PIau, Suik 215. 2204 l..aIct:sho:w Driw. 8irmi~ 3S209. iOd that Conlty


\"oo.m&, VOUllll & I'MD ~ tNt

IbymoDd Charla 1I1)'a11. formerly III lIS»

ciile of the ~nn. hM bto:mo • partner.-.d

W. I\noIt hM joined the firm itS an as.oci. alt. Phone (2(15) 870-3767. Owenl & Cuvw announccs thot ~. 8 radJey Almond Iw ~ • partner.

nor new 6nn I11I1II' is Owe .... ear...... & AI""""'. ueloc.otrd .t Z720 6th Str«t.1"IIscaIocA. 35401. nor miiling PJrw is P.O. Bolo: 2487. Phone (205) 750-0750. ......... tOll. Harton. Proctor & PowdI W\OIII"OtItS that R. MunlI G......... William I(. ll.mcock and Jamu P. Pewitt have bw.>me pannell. Cho,," Morgan. Jr.. for· merly of M~ .woe"t<$, I\'ashington. D.C .• has;oined ill ofCOU11.9:l. and Debra L Madot». J. Tm>I So:M'Itld. John A. SIIl)"ih. III and 0..;.) T. ~.. '-r beoorn. ~ eWes. Offices on Ioattd II 2900 AmSootMWbtrt I'IIu. 1901 6thAYmut. North. Birmiq#lim. 3S203-2618.1'horw:

(2( B- . 11...... arnwnoes that Ma.ptd S. AIiaon las bto:mo an as.oci. lit. Offim /IT1' Ioaled at loW,; lIni\oersity Boulevard. P.Q. IkIII 18818. Mobilt. 36616-

0818. Phoor 034) :u.-n44.


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BAR BRIEFS • William Holcombo Pryor. Jr. took office as Attorney General of Alabama on January Z. 1997. becoming the yowtg\':$t ,.._~ allo"",), general in the United States. He "as appointed by Gov.mor Fob James to compim the tenn of Jeff Sess ...... who ",as elected to the U.s. Senate. f'r)w obtained a bachelor'~ degret in I~ ~tudie$, magna cum Inutk. in 1984 from Northe.lst Looisiarn Uniwrsity. AI Tulane University School of Law. Pr,-or founded the school's chapter of the Federalist Socirty and was both president of that society and editorin-dlief of the Thlane Law Review. He graduated magna cum Inutk in the lop two percent of his claM in 1987. Pr,-or began his Itgal caretr as a law clerk for Judge John Minor Wisdom of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth CircuiL From 1988 to 1991, Pryor worked with the Binningl\am finn 01 Cabaniss, Johmloo. Gardner. Dumas Ii< O·NeaI.ll~ then joined s,,,.rat Ia\o" .. rs of that firm who founded Walston, Stabler. W.11s. Anderson Ii< 8ain... He is married to the ronner Kristan WiI500. a certified publi<: aocountant in Moolg<l<roery. They have two daughters. • E. Terry Brown of Copeland. franco. Screws Ii< Gill and JIbrk N. Chambleu of Chamble!$ Ii< Math, both of Mon~. 1Ja,.", been admitted to membership in the Ingue 01 America Tht CUA founded in 1895. is North America's prm\ier organization of bankruptcy and oommerc:ia1 Law profe!$ionals.

• The Family Law SKtion of the Alabama State Bar has set up a fax program to pfOl.ide section members "ith proposed legislation. new laws. etc. Anyone interested in being added to this network should contact J. Timothy Smith at 1678 Highway 31 South. Suite

AA. Hoover. Alabama 35ZI6. Phone (205) 823·1650. • Grorge Fleming Ilbynard. of Maynard. Cooper Ii< Gale in Birmingham. was T\'centl)' ~Iected a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation. The FeUows is an honorary organiZoltioo of att0rney5. judges and law teachers ",hose ProtO$sional. publi<: and private careers how demonstrated outstanding dedication to the welfare of their communities and t'l the highest principles of the legal professiOll. Fell",,"S are limitf<.i to one·third of one percent of iaWl"''' licensed to prac· Ii", in uch jurisdiction.

• TUscaloosa allomey Sanb L. Thomp$On was eleded to serve on the board rJ the Alabama Humanities Foundation at it:l October board meeting. As the state affili<>te 01 the Nationa1 F.fldoo,o.mt1lt for the Hurnanitits. the AHF pr<:Nidts public humanities programs throughout Alabama. Free to the public. these programs aT\' designed to bring \oge'ther communities to uamiroe their

heritage and culture through humanities disciplines. In 1996. the AHf funded or conducted over 800 programs $i'Mng one million Alabamiam. • Jamu W. Gewin . a partner;n the Birmingham firm of Brodley. Arant. Rose Ii< lVhit~. lIiL'! become • Fellow of the Amuican College of Trial l.aWl"'rs. Created in 1950 to recognize elIcelience in \rialiaw~~rs. the college includes members fr<>m _I)' oegment of the civil and criminal trial bar of the United States

'"' """"

• Jam« L. North of Birmingham recently was appointed by Gov.rror I'ob James \0 $1'''''' on the Court of the Judieial)'.

• Romairoe S. Scott. III has been appointed an a.s.sociate editor of the An! ./oumil!. the offICial publicatioo of the American BankruplC» Institute. He ab'l serves as a contributing editor and writes a bimonthl)' l:MXII< review column for the publicatioo. •

Local Bar News The Lee County Bar Associabon recent!)' honored attorney Jacob Wa lker. Jr. wilh the presentation of the Judge "Spud" Wnght JU"5p<udenual Award. This award IS based 00 the years 'lf servIce to

Lee County ar>d to the legal profession. Mr. Walker was presented Wlth a plaque WIth a reso lUllon and hrs portraIt wil l be hung in the C'lurtroom which was Judge Wright's altha Lee County JustIce Center. Pictured at right an~: attorney Mary Li llian Walker (daughter); attorney Sean SmIth (son-rn-law): Mr. Walke r; Mrs. Jane Walker (wifel; attorney Jake Walker (sonl and Edith Walker Idau-ghler-iMawl.







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By Samuel A. Rurroott. Jr.

Wnshington Count

""ryont knows that Ctorge WlShlngton was the first pm,""n! ollhe Unitfd Sliotn. II not so widely 1<no:::M." il that W;uhington County. narntd for CNrge. ,,'as A!ab;orNI'S first count)'. As the first county. II if, iI couMy of firsU.1I ""IS the wtion 01 lilt fil'Jl o;ounty


nlllmed it Fort Confederation. The Sp;!Inish abo bu,ltll O(W fort in tilt

"Pring of 1789 on 1M: 1()\'I..,r Tombigt... at tht !Iud of navigation on a bluff whtr. the tmlians had iI river cr<ming. Iu i\ Wl$ ~ rofl,mon prndict of that ua to ... me II fori for I military comman· der or gowmor, the Spanish roamed (hill Fort Sin Elitban in honor of the Spanish 1lOYtmO•• E.itd!;in Mim. Fort

floYtrM'Itnt in A1Wma. lilt lint Amuian courts in AI~~ the first irorofpor.ottd city in ~ma. 1M first and onl1 '.rritorilol capiul of Alabama. lOnd so 00. The st,ny 01 \\Iuhillgton Coullly tetts much of the s\lIlt', 5i8nifitllll tarly hlslory_ The Culf CoilSt rtgiOfl of I~"

Washington County EstablIShed 1800

AUb,orm was lho

sa... of ;llltlUot Europtall oolry for c~ 10 Ih_ Unlunes.. The IfrTitCM'jl l!>it would brrome Wwington County Wi<! ciJ;itllfd by Spain from 151910 1100. go.fmW the ugiOfl u part 0( LooiliiUIII from 1700 to 176J, ~'oIlO\<l'illg the Trtaty 0( Pari. 1763, which ended the Sewll YtaTS' War, Enillmd tOIllrolltd tilt lOrta until lhe md of the American Re.oIution, Thrn the Trtaty of PUis of 1183 mumtd tm rt1,on 10 Spain, In ordtr to u-aboblish ib pracno;t in 1m Itrrilo. .." $pain toolc owr 1m old Punch 1'01'1 Tombecbe, IocitN on the TOO1bigb« TIot _ _ _ dllw _ _ g , S/opIom<._ .. I854


The foIlou'ing COfllinues a history ofAlobomo s coun/II courl/i0us6their origi'lls wId some of lhe people u:ho contributed to theirgrou:th. If you haw an1l phoIogrophs of earlv Of p~1 COIJrth(Xl.Sl!$, p/= foru:urn them 10; Samuel A Ru11lQrV. Jr., Mig/ionico & Rumore. 1230 Broa'l'l Murx 7Ou.'tT. Birmingham,

Alabama 35203.

River t;pn in pUHnl. _s/iII~ day SUmlfr COI.Illly, 'lid

"~Estr/WI is f<'H1"St. SIt'photns" in English. Fort S1. SI~ph~nl had si. cornman· ders during itt Itn ~rs of Spanish oc.."..,ancy. ThHI: "COmmlu'wnlu" Ided is judges In 1m lemtory ~ Up! law and order ~ on SPl'ni.lh rules. Tht fort al$O Iltlpt<! 10 mainta,n puce with tho Indians by II:rving ill ll~ing and SU(lI>ly post. Splin and tho Unitrd Statu disputed lilt bOl",dary lint betI."ffn tilt •• KSptClivoe t.. ritor'u. The United Stalu claimed alilorrilory bet-.."ftn the Mississippi .md ClNottahooc:hte rivtrs north of tho 31st dq[rtt 01 !.>lItuM. This Pl'''''II~1 i, lho p..lI:nt boundlry btt"""n A1aba ...... and Florida. SjliIin cillmed all territory up 10 32 degrm; 28 minutu of !.>IIlude, which WO<.IId be "p<fimkd by I line roughly extending from York in Sumler Counly 10 Montgomery 10 Phenix City. Th. di,pute ,im"",rrd between the two countriu until 1795 wtwn tho Spanish ao:Qu~ed to the Uniled Statu' posItion in an attelfllll: to I1'IOYe 1m tinilrd SIIIH ....·ly from its trade friendship wilh England and t"",'ml closer ties with SPl'in. In 1796, thr United SlaIn gowmment rommWioIwd M¥o" Andmo ElliootL SUr· vtyOr and lSirOi,omer. to find and fix tI>e new boundary line. a thrtt·)'e<Ir long pro.iKl froon a hilltop btside the MiUiuiJllli RM-r. he lI$rd lSIrfJnOmic:aI sigIltirCs to fond tho: 311t pUalltl and then h" PM"tY btgan to hKII i\$ ~ through lhe ,,;k\eT.

ness QSIIo.wd 10 the Chattalloochte. When the sun'e}ing p;orty reached tho: Mobilt RMr. fllicott C!tdcd a


......rk the boundary. Oro tile southem side of the rock he wwd in

St>vIish. 1>omimon of his~ic~

Char\a.IV". On the northemsi<km atwd in English -U.s. ur..3117W'. The Ellicott Slone lllho only kl1O"'II stone lTIOIlu'mnt II:t F_ _ pimJrotfllw \,~ c...", CwnJ>o<-. ~ ...... at by Ellicott durin" his tht"_"'''I9Oj~tfHn.. _ _ o.t>m., lamous SUMy. II is rfCJOlllliwl iIS Ihr old· at historic" suMying Lieut.nant f.rnando lisoro. the com· monumenl in Ihe southeast In 1972 mandt'. ti .. d of w~iting for In official the ...... rk.r WilS lilted on Ihr N<otional chang. of rom ..... r>d. ddivoeudlhe ktys Register of Hi$loric Placa and todoy ;. to the fort to an Amerian II:U"". Jhown on mte rOIOd ~ The $lone RklNonl B~rs. with instructions to $Ii11,itt on its oriQin.>l ,it •. but iJ in tum them /!\It, to the American .. uthor· n«d oIl'l"<)tcction f,om the weather Itiu.lisoro then len for Spanish lerriand vandllJ. Locat.d in northern Mobile tory.11 was not until M..y 5.1799. that County, it is owned by the City 01 Ueuttnanl John McClary al"fivld from Mobile. Nltd_ with .oldirn 01 the 2nd United Since fori St. Stepheru will north of Statu Infantry to make St. SIeph.ns an the .. uled boundary Ii..... it b«amt Ameriean fort. Unit.d Statu property. Tht ' ...... 11 The United Slatts CongI'tS$ c' oattd Spanish detachment waited for United tho MislWippi TtrritOf)l on ""'iI7. Stalu olfkials 10 bk. PO""$$ion 01 the I798..Al the lime the' .....n only two fort. f inally. on February S. 1799. population" in lhe t ..... itoryNatchu on the MilOissil'l'i Rivoer and tile TombigbH .. ul'"",nts nta, the junction 0I1hr TombigbH and Alabama rMrs. Therefon. tho temtory __ dividrd into two di$lricb-the N.te ...... OiJtrict. which included tht land wtst 01 the Pea,l Rivoer, ",nd the Tombigb« 0, Mobil. District. which waslWl 01 lhe

Pearl RMr. Adams County and l'icWi"l1 County. Count~, in MilOissipp; ....... lhe first two counties crvottd in Ihr Missisoil>pi T.rritory on April 2. 1799. \\-'hilt both 01 thtse countin ledmoally included pam of rr-nt· ~ Alabama, thei' focus WM pri ...... rily in the _st~m jliIrt of the territory. On Junt 4. 1800. Mississippi Ttmtorial GcMmor Winthrop ~rgent atJblished W»hington Counl~ in the Tombigbe. [)i5t,ict. It included all of

now ealltd Jefferson

In 180-1 H40ny Toolm,n. an $llft<;hcs...... in I/mfflol was the ht.>d of the Purl RM:r to the Ch:iou~hoochft the Tombigbet: $(ultmtnts. So his dtc;· Englishman by birth. btaomc frdtnol RMr. Tht county COITIp1isN more thm Ttrritoriool !)Writt JIldgt in the sion 10 rroovt the county $(lIt 01 27.000 squau miles.. SubKqutntly. 18 Tombigb.. i)istrki 01 the Miuissippi Washingtoo Coonty ...u iKcepttd by tht countit$ in Miuiuippi ~nd 29 counties Territory. His district coosisttd mainly ptOJ"Ile. in Alabama weu carvtd in woolt or in 01 the $(tllements aloo& the AlWIN. In 1805. Toolmin established part from ilS boundlries.. Tombigb« and Mobile ri'..ra north 01 Wu/lingtoo·s $Kond county lOt in 1m Tht origillil W~shington County was lhe 3bt ""ralltl. After becoming Wnil· SunllOWi'r Be"" 1Irn. which ....u more thin four times the lilt of e,ther iar with tht t~rritory. he decided thlt IIpprcWmlittly til!ht milts north of 01 the otht-r two coontia in the tht counl)' stat should be mowd to i Mcintosh Bluff ..... IS milts south 0( Miuiuippi Territory. Sftking ~ cmtral new mtion. St. Stephens. fie rwnttl the village mtion for the county Hat. the gowr· ~ oudtr might ask how one man. Wallefieid in honor of the t:nglish town nor cOO$( McintO$h 6Iuff on the ...~st ewn though he was I federal judg•. in Oliwr Goldsmith·silOVtl. Th~ Vic"r bank of 1m Tombigbtc: Riotr. approxi· of li'ukerwld. could singl~.ha.ndedly uloute the mately 40 miles north of Mobile. The first coun in Waker.eld ..... as then I ~nish city. Thus. the dis!wid in Septnnber 1805. Although tinction 01 boing the forst county owvtr II large pilirt. lOt in tilt forst county of AlaIwna it $(rwd as county Hit 01 goes 10 Mdntosh Bluff. named Mr a Washington County from 1805 to pT()min~nl early $(Ulu 01 the area. 1809. Tt1c log coonhouK andjail Mcintosh Bluff W(MJld later oold lhe IIIIt oppOSite tach oth.r on tm ~ diitinction 01 boing the forst county from SI. Stephens to Mobile. lOt 01 &Iu..;n County ... hen thlt Wnrfitld has one promiromt claim o;ounty ~crultd in 1809. to distinction. It was in<Orp<.M"ilottd Captain John McIntosh. I British on Ftbrwory I. 1805. ThIS ICI by off"o«r ...00 ~ HMd in OI"QI. the Miui!sippi Temtorial l.tgislature marktd the forst time Florida. came to the temtory 00 the wut bank of thel~r that I municipality in the arta that 70mbigbee River itfttr it wu would bow"", Alw'llI .... as incoT· OPened for sdtlt"",nl following I pOnttd. almost IS yeal"$ bofo.. truty bttwttn tilt Brilish and the Alabama ~tUoined s!."ltehood. C"hocb!N IlItion at Mobile in ] 165. IlO\<Iwtr. due 10 chIIngn that took 11. r«riYrd I land IlrJnt 01 SOO pbct;n 1809. Walodield k*. the lerts ... hich induded the bluff 00 .:.=;:-=-~,,: county stat. quickly dedined and lhe Tombigb« which therufter therufter ceased to ewn .... iSL bore his name. He built I planta· In 1809 tht land area of tion Itw ..... and in 178(l. his Ilrand· Washington County ....a.s drutically son _ born tilt,.... This Ilfllndson. rtductd. from II"I(l« than 27.000 Cforge M. Troup • ...-ould _ day square milts to ~ more rrwugeablt become I/O'o'ffl>OT of Cforgia and 1.640 5qI.III"" mila. A large portion the first penon born inAWwm to 1I_...... a...,._ .. _"'. _ _ wu left ,,·ithout rounty go.... rn· btcomo: go.."UI1Or of a itate. ment. awaiting the creation 01 ...... Ouring tht Revolutionary War. coontits of rusonable size O\Itr 1m John Mcintosh umalned a loyal British counl)' Wh;t e 1oulmin·1 official n.... t f..... years ill $(lIlement in the ter· JUbjKt. Because he did not support the ritory progreued. The ~5t.rn portioo judicial duties coruilltd only 01 pr",id· ReYOIution. ht ...·as forctd to ~ ing 17vtr the fedmol court. beaU$( the 01 Washington County.mttd in pres· his pn)prrty MI.r the war. Oupitt the rounty ..."as mostly ...ildemtss ~ that tnl-lUy Missi.sippi . was talotn lWly to cltflartur. of the Mcintosh dm from Ii..... he ""as the primliry ftOtral office. form W~ County. And /I large portion Washington County. the Mcintosh IlIme in this large are.... ~ to the lack 01 of iOOthem Washington County ..."UI 01 rtmliins today. other officials. he b«lIrnt the <k (<<fa ttw Alwma Rive. I4kho.·in The forst American coorts ~r. held diplomat to the Indian tribes. the County. The significance oIlhil event in Washington County in 1802 and ~5ponsiblt reporter to Washington and was thlt Wakefield. the county $(at 01 ]803. Superior Court ~ned in Natchez. tm postma.sttr. lhe chid legal Washington Counl)'.• nded up within Sept.mber 1802. "';Ih the Iior><mbIt offid.l. and the 17vt",11 t)mboI of Ia.... the boundaries oIl4ldwin County. Sdh t.ewis.. chid justice of tht and order. One of his biognopttrs. Mcintosh Bluff Ixame the fil'$l county MwiNippi Territory. pruiding. The first swtd that he PTUc:htd. prt$idtd at _I of tht ...... County. The rounty court was twld at Mcintosh Bluff funtrals. performed marriagts. prac. town of Waker.. kl ditd. II is interesting in 1803. tlced medicine. made .·ourth of July to note al this point that in the -to·year

Adams and Pickering counlies east 01

ptriod bttwten 178() ~ 1S2Q, Md nt05h Bluff ~ un<kr 1m control 01 thrtc: diffo..,nl IWlIions-tngland, Spain MId tho Unilod SUIts: two lerritoriosMwwippi and A~ma: one .tolt AI'b>ma.: imd thrH differ. enl counliu-....'uhil\lllon, &Idwin ~nd, in 1820. Hobilt. FilWllly. in 1829. tht boond/lry linu <:~nged once 19ain Jnd il re\u rnN 10 WathingtOl1 County of which it remain.! a p:.rt loday. A side notl i, l~t when Baldwin Cwnly ~ created in 1809. il Wat lobll')' wesl 01 1m A/;Ibo.ITIlI RiYfr. ,nd il included pam of p.-nl..!a,y Wa.hington, Mobile U!d Cbrke oouillin.. In 1820 lilt ooullly_liluall')' liftod to a difftrfflt Ioc.Ition tOblly ost of lilt AlWITIlI Ri""r. llaldwin his thtdistinctionolbtingliltonly ~-"."".' c.u..,~_.eo...c..:.p._S; iii <11IfI county in Ahh;um tN.1 ,.,... toblly hous< •.• s.twnboat company and the !ltclJorod tm Council adjoumed. Thi. removed from ils original sil •. No JIOi'county SUI. The MJlt sttp up for 51. wa.s probabll' tilt onll' timo in -'rMrican lion of B.i!ldwin Cwnty Wa5 Sttphons camo in 1817 ",hen it "'as history when a single person comp(>Std p:.rt of the origin.llllaldwin County. selected to be the AI~balTlll r ...itorial the enlire membership of a legi.latn-e Following the bounlhry c~ngt5 of capital foliOlYing the division of tm 1809. ~ third cWilly snl for MiuiuiWi Territory. The s«ond ~ssion of lhe territorial Washington Cwnty ~ 10 bt chosen. As the Alabama capital, SI. Stephem convonN.t SI. Stepheru on had 11""''0 In 1807 thrte l/NII ,.,... indml an impomnt l'Ja,ce, The lint NOI't!TIbo!:r 2. 18]8. in hotel rooms rtn!· up uoond tho fO!1Tll!r Spanioh fort at mtt bulk _ cNrtered tho.." The ed from Ltmuel lind William Alston. 51. StepheN: Fnnktin. Rodney MId 1",,'0 hid. newspaptT. It contained Tht primary concem lor Ihi. RSSion Carrollton. Fl1Inklin,.,... IWImtd tho public buildings -* of brick MId "as tho Ioc:ltion 01. mte capital. A MW county ~II and ~rmI tho county limestone. The only two RUionJoftho compromise ,.,... reKhtd whtn until ]815.11 lhould bt noted lhat tmitorilillegisbtun: mot thor!. Huntsville was Rlecttd as tho telllp:)ClJorke County,.,... trotod in 1812 pri, Tht first RSSion convmtd at tho ... ry stM. cac>ital until.lown 10 bt marily from land in Wa$hington County Dougl.u Hotel in St. Stepheru on called Cahiwbl could be bid out al the m lod &II of the Alabama Ri""r. This JUlUlry 19, 1818. The mombers of the junction oflho CaN",ha and Alabama ~ion hid loft Wa.hington County "ith MiuissiJlPi Assembly ",flo raided in rh-el'J. This decision ~aled the fat. of only 770 '<IUlr. mllu of "ell. AlwITIlI became the ~r.t lerntoriallegSI. Stephens, Once the capital moved On D«.mbtr 23. 1815, the territorial i.l.ture for the Alabama Territory. away, ITIO$I of tho ptOplt like·..'ist left. legi,lalur. ~d ~n x t .,tabli,hing ",hich cOll$istt<i of S<:>'tn counties at Any hope of. sreat metrOpOlis on the the permanent sut of justic. for that timo. The IOwtr howe had 12 r~p. Tombigbte was 1011. Washington County ~t SI. Stephens and resentativu. The upper houw. Or 51. Stephtru continued to serve as levying 10 lu for lho comtruction of a Council.lO'OOld ha"" hid three mom· county ~at of I\'a$hington County until coorthouw and ';"il. By this time. H~,. btlO«' the legislJolure btl'J. 1825. H~r. tho town liSt. Franklin MId tho other 'ITIlII1 towns had met, one died ~ one mi&nrd. Thol Steplltns I.iled 10 prosper. By tho lat~ morged With St. Steptwns. SI. Stephens left JUl1U TItus 01 Madison County a5 1620s. tho town 1\IId ~Iy custd 10 grew 0$ tho fourth counly suI. soon tho only mombtr praonl. lie hlOd been aislBy tho ISfiOs ilhid btcomr ......,. glTTltring both lho Choc:Uw Trading of tho upptr houR in tho president grown With ",getalion. HOOK and tilt Ftdmtl Land Offoce. It Mwissippi 1.,;.lJowre ill htc "'as Quite Baidts tho rt"""",,1 of tho stale capi. was now tho most promi .... nt familiar ",ilh tilt protocol oIlhat body. IlII. thore wtre _nI othtr re.uorllI for Tombigb« Rtlltmenl. H~ called tho Council to onIr" lho dedi .... of St. Stephens. First of a]1, St. Stephens hlId betn incoTJlOl'3ted .n..,."red the roll call, elected hi ..... 1f new .~lIow-dl1lfl rivtr S1el!mboots by the Mississillf)i Territorial Ltgislature pruidtnl, voted on bills. mowd for allowed IIlOvi~lion beyond SI. Stephens on Decembtr 18, 1811, By 1815 tho adjournment. voted on tho SlIme. and 10 pOint! upriver. It wa.s no longer sig. community had 40 homes. ~ral ",are·


''' ' TIS

niflCl.nt as 1M pOrI ~t Uw: kud of """Igation 00 tm nver. Abo. by this time. Mobik _ 00 Iongtr ~ Sponish city and IIOO<b ('.(I\Ild lit t~td Irttly tmn without fon:ign IlInff!.. The United Stat~ /l<Mmmtnt ITIO'mIIhe IndiMI t~ing post f~rtlwr upriwr. And. fiNlIIy. a l"'lklw w..r rpidmlic aUMd INIny mi. dents to suk homes elKWhtK. In ]899, ~ ~ish LVKWIlioo Centennial CommillH mid ~ coltbratioo marking the ]OOth ~nnh"'rsaryof Amen~ ott\Ipalion of tm old fort. The rvent took place 00 M~ 6, 1899 at tm site of Old SI. StephelU. The participants and dignllllries ~rrived by water because of the iroccessibilily of tm ~laee by !;lnd. M.ny" ~aV\! historical (lf3lions on that occasion. Bul the site whe" the fort had once stood was at that lime only ~ grow of treu. The reports dtscribed SI. SlepheN as a wildermss, Today 1m ,ile of St, Sttp/!tIIS is a q~ny (rom which rociu ar. arvoed 0111 to mak. comenl TIle Alabama H;'toriQl Commission Sd asick funds for Ihe preserv.alion of Ihe PfOIlfr· ty in ]97 ]. H""'t\'tr, 00 IIIIrmnent could be rucmd ""th lhe PfOIlfrtr _no Today the", is ~ I..gely inKCa5ible historic markef ~t the site of A!atwnlI's first capit.'ll and hili. dse. The site ",mains signiflC.illl rven today boaIuse the bast merMIiin o(.U A~ma maps is ,..lItd the St. StopIvru MerMIiMI and pwtS through the sile of Old St. S~phens. AWloma Ihould do mou 10 memorialize its first eapital. TIle fifth county lof.t of Washington County was giYen the <kscripti'lt II.1me of Washington Courthoulof. It Was locattd dose to what w;u then the eenler of the county appro~imately


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FNo,,1 E,p«"", '" FAX,

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For Rese-arch Assista nce contact: Su~ h K~ thryn F. m ~11

112 Moore Bui ld ing Montgomery, AL 36104 (334) 277-7937

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III miles oorthust 0( the t"""" of MIllry. The courthouK bum in ]825 on WId dttdtd by Robrrt Co.m.., Jr. TIle coorthouse; was oonstructtd on I hill cmrloolunQ tm 1000". In 1826. I thrtt stoeb ~ I .... irring post "''''n' buill f<lr the ((IUIlty. In 1825, I\"..... ington Counlyconsilttd dIn estimated 820 SqUire miles. This period _ I n trII 0( shiR,ng boundaries. By 1829 the southern boundary _ ptmdtd to its """rtni .....l. modern-<lay posilion. The county QI'eW to t ..... OSqUir. miles. Then. in ]832, the county', terrilory iocn'ased IIII-lin as its ara e(Mrtd aimostlh",e'/Ollfttu of preKnt Choctaw Counly, Total aru was now 1.740 !qUi'" milu, In t842 the sixlh county Kat for Washin~ton Counly was e5t.'1bliJ;hod because the Washington Courthouse building burntd wilh the loss of many rKordL i!arTylon, whost name _ changed in 1849 to Bur)'town, btame the county stat. B.trryton is ~ shorttn.rd "".. ioo of the Combl""tion "Barrel 1\:MTI". This descrif\lM!Wl'It rderred to the t.-.rgc number 0( bIIrrels 0( turpmli(W' prodU«d by the loa! industry.'l')1"" ..-rved as the county sut unhl ]847 whfn Choctaw County was cr&led, and BlInyton found its-elf 1oc.attd in the new county. Washington County now !\lid 1.090 sqw.n' mil~ 0( territorylnd il nttdrd another ...... county K~1. The ~nth ('.(I\Inty.e.ot f~ Washington County, Klmrd in 1848, WlS "N""," St. Stephens. This town is Ioc:.atrd two miles south of Ihe site of"Old" SI. Stermru and approximately 12 miles nortm.~1 of Jackson In Clar~e County. II was established to lofTY\! as the railroad station for the older town. The legislature in ""ming the n.r:w St. Slephenlulht counly stal Sjlr<:lfied lhal the rourthouse would be located.1 a sitt \hoI had bcm the residence and field of John B. Hazard. The courthouse was COIUtructtd In Iss. by Levin Jefferson \\~bon. 11 is still sWlding on County R~ 34 in new St. Slephr... today. Th;' two-stCN')l f... mt 51ructure has alfnor stllirwa)'S lulling up to II porch topped by a pedimenl The upper floor ...-as UMd lor meetlllgs by 11M: ~ic Lodge of .-- St. Ste-phtns. ",hen the county sut ITIO'mI for the eighth lind fifllt timt, the ~lMonic t..odge bought the building from the county. The Masom havt: mIIintainrd the building lind performed 5Or!le r.stor.tion worlc on il. The origill.1l IhHt metal roof lasted 100 ~ars ~nd w;u replaced by II lin foof in 1954 coo' llructfd by Rufw Bo""h and Coleman Moseley, AI tIN: sa"'" time, repair work on the lills Was carri.d oul under Ihe ,uper· "IIion of George King. In 1985 the lodge had the fronl of the building rutored to its origill.1l allllU ... nce. Today Ihis former cou~ is in nwI of sui»t.'IntiIJ ~I", but it i,!-Im UMd as /I Masonic mHting place. The A!ablmIIlliJ;lOricIIl Commission;' seekint to ha~!hot structu« IlIfI1ed 10 the Natiorlil Register of Histone PIx... On JlfIUlIry 28, 1907,!hot vote" of 1I'asI\lngtoo County, by /I ~t....,..., margin. chose to _ tOOr county srat ~n eighth lime to the .-- ~ cent ...11y 1oc.ated I""" 0( Chatom. The origin 0( this name is uncertain but it is belitVl!d to be ~ ph0netic spelling of the English prO!)fr fllme "Chatham: One writer has linked this fllme 10 IIl1«lt ...1t.-.nds of George W;uhington. Another writ .. connects the II.1me 10 William Pitt. the fi~1 £arl 01 Chatham. A third aulhor claimslhe ""mo

was tamed by iN! urty rniOtnt. rmI Jonlan ...too petitiootd Ihr post offJa departmmt in \\'M/>ington. D.C. to tWobhsh ~ posl office ~oo rwno il Ch;.lom. the aulhorilin did emblish a posl office IMr~ on OctoMr ]. 1904. Whalever tM origin of ils narnt. Chatom. Alaba"", i. unique ~ClIu~ il i, thr only city name wilh thai 'pelling In Ihr enlott Uniled Stales. A rourtl1ous.e was buill at Chatom in 1908. W. S.llull of hcbon. MI$SlSl'ppi designed 1M rt«11Itd $].650 for hiJ efforts. The urhn! kno•.,., photo of tht: building $haws a two-stOI')' brick It""tur...ith d:l.$$ical ,Iyling. n.e facado indudod. trlpl~ aroht<l.nt!')' on th.lw.-er levellUT' mounted by a pedirntnted portico. TM pedll'>ent was wpportt'd by four Corinthian columns. By Ihr 19601. \\'Mhington County nffikd ~ ntW roun building. The old co .... I'$IOI'Il was rtmOYcd in 1963 when lho: court~ ClIme down.lnsido ~rt coins datmg ~k to l868lOOO lO COI'l' fI tho: Ll ilshitJglOfl Coon/II /1'1'11'1 dated January 24. 1907. which referred 10 the

IDO'>ing of Uw e(llJrt~ to Chatom. ThiJ COI'TWl'$lont is now Iocaltd in tho rounly mUKUm in tilt base· mml fI tilt ntw courthouK. The IltWe$I W.uhongton County Court~ ill mockm .tructure thai was OOIiCiltt<l by CoYemor Ctorge Wallace on S.ptemMr 4. 1965. BOl)()red guests altM ceremony included the gooJmlOr's wift. LurlHn W.II/OCt. Sefl/llor John ~rklTliNl. Congrt=rW\ liCk Edw;onb. mel former Congmsnw. F~ Bo)okin ..-ho liwd in \\'Mhington County. The an:hlttct for this building was T. Co<.>p.r Van Anr-..~rp of Mobile. The contractor was ~: u. Iklf. Jr. of Monlgomel')'.1lH: cost was appro~i""'te· Iy 51 million. Ikea"", of ill long hiltol')' as AIab.:oma.·, fitil county. lhoe citizens of Washington County ~ along legacy of uPl'ritrlCtll with Uw Amtrian system of juoIia in thoir tight separ.llte county RIlls.. This Itpty is rtH«tt<l in 1\0>0 qootalionJ found lOt the: ntw court· hou~. [n lhe main COtJrtroom il the q>JOl~: "ThI: Lift of. Nation Rests On the Quality of lis JUltke." The e~lerior pr~

bcadt wms up tilt true glory of tho Amtric:ul judicial system with its quote:

"Equal Justia Under thr Uw Is tilt BasiJ 0( Our DtITloOCr.llt)l." • Sour«.: The lIis/orv of"ashlng/on OJunlll. Flrsl Ccunlv in Alabama. Jacqueline Anderson NaUe. 1982: arti· cle in the Washington Countll News on p.ul and ".runl cou.thou,u. April 24. 19'96: Alabamo. Alln 01 m,to.ieal Count)' Boondarits. John " .Long, editor. 19'96.




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Regular Ses.lon The 1997 Regul;n

~ .. ion


February 4. 1997 and will continue th~!e 105 calendar daY' the Ltgislature ,an me-I for 30 legislative days; lhese are genually on Tuesdays and Thursdays. with committee day~ on Wedn.sday~. The Leg;~latur. h.. before it the following Institute-drafted bills:

until MJY 19, \997. During

Multiple Persons Account s The Act add •• ""'. deposits in alt type.

of financial o,gani.ations and corrects the pToolem of ;!lconsis!.,,! trealment of joint ~ccounts ~mong different finan. cial institutions in Alab;lma.. The Act

conta;", _ ...1 sections whioh resolve ownership questions affecting parties

and death of accounts. ~parate 5<'ctions are devoted \0 proteding financial institutions if they make payment in accordance with the

account conlraCllenn,. The Act include, sample ,taMO!), forms that provide clear and ,imple imtmetions to both financial imtitutions and depOsitors in sttting up multiperson accounts. ~lany of the account agreements being U51'd in Alabama now do not allO\'>· the depositor to distinguish among the different functions of the R_rtt...

_Cuo1e "



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--~ ~

multiple·person account. with the resull that the depositor·s u~ 0/ a joint account lor one purpo~ may yield unwanted results after death, Uniform Famil, Support Act

The r<'Cently enacted federal Welfare Refo.m Acts requires each ,tate to p.u$ the Uniform Interstate family Support Act (U1PSA). UlfSA was initially passed in 1992 and w.. "dopted by a majo.ity of the jurisdiction. in the United Stales. In 1996. the Commissionm adopled the 1996 draft that included amendm""t. designed 10 improvo the Act. as well as provide a .moother t.ansition between Ihose ju.isdictions who had adopled UIFSA with lho~ who had not. This new law. when e"",,I<:d, will replace Alabama·. current law (Ala.. Code § 30·480 th.ough 98). One of the major d.awbacks to the current interstale income withholding law in Alabama is that the orders. in general. are not affocted by other suppOrt o.ders. This .esults in the pOtmlial of several slales issuing conflicting suI>pOrI ordefS ~Iating 10 the same parti.. and child. Thi' 1.,,& to confu,ion on the part of a payer as to which amount he or she should pay and sometimes ~5Ults in a.~arage if lhe payer pays the Iew'r of the amounts specified in the ordefS. Und.r UlPSA. the act will establish a prio.ity scheme in which there will be a determination as to which jurisdiction may issue a child support orde •. Thus. e"en Ihough the •• may be more than one state invol"ed in enforcing a child sUPpOrt order at the same time, the order that is being enforced will be the same amounl. This i. accomplished through the p=ss of having One state

assume continuing exclusive jurisdic· tion. with modification of that order under '"t!)' limited circumstances. UISFA also contains a one-state enforcement mechanism lhal allows for direct withholding. Therdo~, an order can be ~nt directly to an employer in. Offond state without the necwity of "domesticating"" the order. The Act also provides immunity for an employe. who complies with an income withholding order of another state in accordancr with the provisions of lhe Act. UlSfA also subslantially inertases the methods in which courts and agendes may interact among each other concerning issuts relating to child and SpOusal ,uppOrt. This allows the stale 10 take advantage of the new technolo· gy available to speed up the enforce_ ment process. Another wmpOnent of UlSfA is a long-arm provision for asserting person· .1 jurisdiction over a nonresident in an action to establish palernity or sUPpOrt. Also. a state that is,ue. a suppOrt order and .em.l.ins the .esidence of either the obligor. obligee or child has "continuing exclusive jurisdiction" unlesl the individual parties agree in writing 10. anoth· er state to exerci~ jurisdiction. Mo~<We'. an I!X parlt temporary SUPllOrt order or a tempOra!), support order pending a determinalion of a jurisdic· tional conmct does not affect the · continuing exdusive jurisdiclion" 01 the issuing court. 11 should be noled that USIfA does not affect the calculation of an arrearage under an e.isting o.der. Under the Bradlell amendments. 42 U.S.C § 666(a)(9), arrearages a~ judgments that a~ entitled to full faith and credit.

TIlt Act prOYides for uniformity in the procwurt ilWOl~d in the mforctmmt of ~I lind child support onItrs from vlOTicw s~ta. TIlt INpoortment of lIu"",n Rnoo«:.. win be duign.ottd u tilt IUPport enforament a,gtncy for tho S~te of AllIblIma.. UCC Artlel. 5 L .. tt .. ~ of Credit The revision of this Article i. the first since the Uniform COfIlmercial Code wa;; pa$5<td in 1965, A letter of (redit is an instrument that p.l.rtitipatts in 1M p.l.yment 'y$tem "long with drafts, chtcks lind electronic funds tnnsferring 11lOfIfy, A Iypical WImple would i~ ~ Amtrian comlWlY buying IfOOds from II Europun "",nu' facturer, The EuropflIn "",nufllCturt'r is willing to do b\u.i, nus prOYidtd it h.u ;w;urmcel of ~nt for the jlO<ld.o whkh art ~urchasN, Tht: American company then appliu to ils blink with which il h.u accounu and rt<ei~s a Idter of credit from Ihe b.lnk. The bank iS$un lhe documenl that is in Ktu;lIldter form. In th~ I~Uu ililuaranten the "",nufac_ turtr in EurOpt that Ihe bank will pay money up to lo cerUin amount upon rt<eipl of an appropriate document, usually" draft, from the Europun ITIinufllCturer. TIlt ItUer of "wit ITIlIY .. bo (on~in othr:r documenLary conditioru on which tm p.l.rtit. agree. TIlt letter of (relit PrOYides the guarantH of payment to the EurOpan supplier that "t "n "ppropriate time in the Ir"n!.Ktion the ITIinufadurer is paid upon prt'. sentation of the draft to the blink. lht-n the bank debits lhe appropriate account of the Ameritlln company to r"'fi,.., its money. The letter of c,..,dit bwinu. is a $200 billion industry in Ihe Unitt<! Stlltes. Half of all tIj)Orti ouuide the Unittd States are finanud by leiters of creli!. A"ITIi's lICC Articlo 5 is out~td lind no Ior>#r mltcll turrtnt commrrcw pradi~. Nrwl$l i _ hM: dew.IOptd whidllrt' resoIvtd by the new 1lIw. This Act conIonns our boN ...·ith intemalioNllaw lind PQcll« ...'hidl beilities inlo"",. tionaltradt. Umlted U.billty Comp.ny Am.ndm.nt. Alabllma adopted itl Limittd Liability Company law in 1993. ....'hen AlabalTlll passed itllaw it wa;; the l'th stale to PiW I LL.C 1lIw. In the Ihru lInd a hlll)U1'J since Abbam;o'. ~"""I· ment all other stat.. havt";nee passed u.c laws. OM of the m;Qor rMsions in other Jl.)tn will"llow for " one·person lL.C orglrlisltion. whoerus AIabarni ~jres two 01" more. 'ilIert' is Ilftd for .. merger pn'WisM>n 10 ~...blt oiMr tntities to be able 10 merge inlo ll.CJ.. F"iHng proyi5ions wilh the Stcrttary 0( State hI~ bun modirotd 10 remo" .. the filing of ~n annual report. F"Ur1hfr, theft i. a change in thf buyout rul. and adds fidudary obligations 10 the membe .. wilh tich other.



hH ~ had a.m:..a from bed and board..nich is k>und in Aa Code H JG-2.JO .... 31. It don not ~ any guidtlints as to wNtlltgai separ;IIjm would be. This nrw ~ willllliow the rourt to mitt into ,,1qJlII separ;IIjm if mruostcd by one or boIh parties pnlYidcd that the jurisdictionil ~imnmu for dissolution 0( 1TIlIrriage. " - been met In ~ legal 5eparalion ~

the parties maoy Jgree on /I property seUkmtnt. temporary lIIirnoSllI'POft. Furthrr ~ 0( this bill an be to..rd in the: JanuMy 1997 Ah/tamrl1Auyer.

II)' and dlild

R.vl .... Limited P.rt--.hlp Act AlablllTlll passed its current limittd p.l.rtnership in 1983 bot follO'oll'td the 1976 Uniform Limited P~rtntrship Act. This Act is now over 2() yea .. old and Iw bun rtvioro by Ihf N~tio",1 Confertnce ofCommi..ioI\en on Uniform State Laws. TIlt proposed rrvisloo 0( the AlablllTlll L.imittd PllrtMooip Act hH two goals, one IVrJOW and tilt other more brood. FiD!. the proposed act ~ the "defllull" rules tlw "pply. in thf ibsenee 0( I provision in thf p.I.1!MMip IgTftment. 10 the withdn",,:.1 of " limiltd p.l.rtM' from the ,...rtrInlhip, Currenl utate t.u laws ""'kt the Alabama IlIw less a.dvmt..a . gtoW lhan the laws 0( some OIher stata. for example. Georgia ~nd 1N1""".re. As /I ftsuU. /I number of Alabama·based limited p.l.rtnt .. hip. ha .... been formed undu tho 1",,"$ of other Ilat(l. The statute rtrJl<')W. that impediment to using 1M AIabarni Umittd Partnership Act. The second, broader goal is to brin8 the AIablo"..." Acl in line with thf most turrt'ot ~rsion of the Uniform Umiltd I'lortMnilip Act promulgoltd by the: NllioNI C(lnfer~ of Conuniosionen on Uniform SIlII. I.-. by Jlrumlining th.e infonnation required 10 be set forth in the «rtiflQle 0( limittd partnmhip lind by clarifying the activities in ...'hidl. limitw p.l.r1Mr ITIlIY engag< without Joss of limited liabili!)·. In.mute Hom. P.V-w ......... I......,l.n TIlt most rtcent in!OTJT\ation conceming all» 0( the ibove bills CUI be obLaintd on thf Internet by _rdling the AlwlTIlI Law Institute's home pag<. During the Session the: Jl.)tLII of thf IboYe bills will be brought up to <ble uch Friday. The It1I of these bills is mo "'IIilKlle on-line Iiong with bill numbers ""'......,~ Under the · Unks to Law" rt'laltd cites is a "ciick.on- to Ihf home page for stale govemment. which includes th. l.egisiature, state agencies and cOllSli!Ulional officers such a;; the Governor's office .nd Stcretary of State. There ~re liso con~tions to thf state bar, AlabalTlll School 01 Uw lInd Cumberlllnd School of Law. ~'or mort information, ronlXt Bob McCurloy, dim:lor, AlIba"..." Law Inslitute. P.O.lknt 861425. TusaIooQ. ~ 35486-0013; fal (20S1 ~Il or pI1.oM £2051348-7411 . •

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Ray O. Noojin, Jr.

t 1 ]'herus. thl: Birmingham Bar YY ANociation 100 om 01 its delOrest and chtrithtol dillinguishfd membns on JUM 17. 1996. ~ O. Noojin. Jr..

known IfftctioNttly and Ionvtr as "Nooj". or "the Nooj", diw MIt•• britl iIInnfWhtrus, R(H1flit was born in Oorham. North Cuolillll and he I1'IIM<I to Birminl/hllm all. sm/III child when his father. Or. Ray O. Noojin, Sr. , was c.llled to found thl: Dtpartmrnt of Dtrnutolog)' at lht Unn-ersity 01 Alabama in lli rming/lam in ]945. He aUtndtd RamNY Iligh School in Birmingham . r t ... was an ou~­ i!\lliithieit ' IIl(! student Ii. IIUrOOed 'hndt-rbill Uniwnily wt.t~ hi: Ittte«d in ~1. a/mllman and sophomo ... lit tnon*rml to tilt Un~rsity 01 A1Wma gndw.til\ll with /I B.S. dtgr« in English and (! and was /I Infmlx. 01 ~~ Alpha Ordtr. It. gradu.l.ttd from tilt Un~rsity 01 Alabama Sctlool 01 LIow with /I J.D. degree in 1970. Whilt in law school. h. .. t on tit( Campbell Moot Court Boord 01 DirtdO'S and WiIS wilor 01 the Alabama Law RrpQFlf!T. Whereas, he was II p.lrtnfr ...·ith th< law firm oI l b ... Wl'l1n. Newell & Nfo..1on .in« 19S0. H. was i membtr of the Birmi~ &. Auociation, Alabama SUIt BlIr• ....w..un. TrW !Awy!n Auocia4ion MId ArMriun Bar .u.ocytion. Ik H'fved on \hoe eUC\lt~ commillee and as pft$ident 01 \hoe Birmingham Bar .u.oci»ion in 1992. Ik Hl'V!d on lhe BoiIrd 01 Governors 01 tilt Allbaf1'\i "'i,1 La"~rs .u.ociation from 1979 to 1990 ~nd was on its txteuti"" commiUee .ioc( 199], He lerved "Ronn~., Of

on the Jdl'enon County Judicial Commi1$ion from 1994 until his death md HNtd as prnif,knt 01 tilt Birminctwn Bar rouno.btion from 1995 until his death. lie had Hrwd on tho: tditoriiJ booord 0( TIN AJabama Latcyer siner 1992. Whertu. Ronn i. wu act~ with ond IO\'tIl his lIlf1'\i mater. HTVing as ~ mom· ber 01 \hoe e.<teuti"" committee 0( the Jtfftrson County Uni""rsity 0( Alabama Alumni .u.ociation .ine. 1980 and was its pmident in 1986. lie was. mombtr 0( the board 0( dirtdOTI 0( the Uni""r.ity 0( AIlb.lma ~ School Found.o.tion lin« 1993 .. nd Sf:rwd on the Un~nity 0( Alwf1'\i l'T~nrs D!li!lt1 from 1995 until his death. Ht was Jdl'tnon County Alumni Assoc:iloti(ln Alumni 0( \hoe ~· in 1995. \\'hm,u. he wu llso KtM "ith tho: MOfIIboy Morning Omrttrbaclc Club HTVing as 1I mtmber 0( its e.<ecUt;"~ commillee and as ill aptloin in 1989. lit Hrwd on \hoe Crippled Childrtn', Found.o.tion as" mtmbtr o(the board 0( directors. was Its trtasurer and se"Yd

as eMi"""n 0( the fif\llnce commiUee. I'.-"htrtas. he was 1I mtmbo:r o(the Canterbury Unitt<! Methodi~ Church. Birmingham Rotllry Club. the Country Club 01 RlrmingNm, Sholl. Creek. and Dudc:I Unlimitfll. ""htrtu. Ronn"ldl bthind a Ikdiatfll wift. two daughters, II son. his moIlltr, and sisters,;as ""tIl ... other rtlat;""" and an .ndless numbo:r 0( fri-tn<b. Whert.... "Nooj" was" lewr 0( his profusion, who lovtd it ~nd goo""lo il; he was 1I friend to 111: he was the one ptrO(ln of hi. prof(ssion who pulled logetMr the Iraditional polariud factionl of tho bar: ho was lho one ptr500 whost frifnW.hip trltucended tht Iradi· tionlll bouncbriu 0( trial b"~r. busi· ...... community lind medial commu· nity; he was fort""r with a smil<. a almin • ..oict 0( rtUOn. II us! for lift. the worl,fl grr.attit pnctical joker. the rltrtest 01 COMpetItOR. tit ~ to ha>~ fun and he Ioo.Yd 1I good joke: he was Mm II good cook. "'''"_ "Nooj" was the author. distributor ~ nwter d The FQC/or. kJIu,..., tsptcially to hit friends ~ /amily. Whereas, Ray O. NOlO)in. Jr. was a wry wonderi'ullawyer. a wry wonderful per· 500 and tho ""ry bell belt friend e--er to mall)' peoplt. lie cannot be replaced ond "" ",ill be sorely missed. this Resolution is offered ... I rtOOrd 0( our profound admil"lltion, \oYt and -"«lion for !by O. Noojin. Jr. and OUr condoIHICU to his dI'\'Oled ",ft. daught(rs. son. motI'Itr. sisters, and tho ot/wr members 0( his fllJll'ly. --..\1. Clay Alljllugh

Prttldtnl. 8innin,luo l"ll lflIr A..odliion

Thomas E. Skinner

J. Louis Wilkinson

Birmingham Bar Association lost one 0( its distindt~th of Thomu E. Skinner on Octobu 19. 1996lt the lit of9O. Thomu E. Skinner .....3$ l TIIOtivoe 0( ~k, MiMiMippi, but livoed in BirminQham. Alaba"", rn()$t of his life. He ..... O$ .. gra~. ualt of the Univoersity of Alabama School of Law. and had b«n a member 01 the Binningham Rar Association sinc:e 1931. During his Iong .. nd distinguished areer. Thomas E. Skinrn:r strwd as l municipal i",* for I~ City 0( Birminghlm. and in 1939 ~ Mlihored and publIShed I widely-used IIlnotation 01 Allbl_ ConstilUlion;.l ......... DuIlIliI9S7, Thomu E. Skin.. r strved u dwoinnan of the COmm~on for Constitutional Reform which propostd a system 0( modem rules of dv,1 procedure to the Alwma Legislature. 1\ an be $ that hi! work wa> part of tlllt ..... hi,h prompted lilt adoplion of the Alabama Rules of Civil l'roctdure in 1914. Thonw Skinner leaOJ(:s as survivors his wife. Margaret S. Skinner; tWl) daughters, JilIl\' Webb lnd Cathy Williams; one iIOfl. Thomu E. Skin .... Jr.; and III innumerable 00.\ 01 flmi. Iy. roIluguu;and fritncb who mourn his ~ing. Wherus. this RtsOIution is oIftml as I r«Ofd of OUr <odmi· ntlOflllnd iIIltc\ion for Thomas E. Slunner IJId of OUr condoImcu to his ,,~fe, daughters and iIOfl. and the other members 01 hi! f~;Iy.

'rht Birmif1lham Bar AllONt... bst 0fII' 01 iI$ disti~


TQuishotd members through the

-M. Ct.y Alspaugh Pruld.nt. Blnningham Bar Alsodltlon


'TOit"otN;, Sthn:K.q;fo the dulh of J.1.ouois \\rolkinson. who pot&ed Siturday. Novtmber 16.1996. J. louis \\C,lIunson ""<IS II V<Idwlt 0( the Universit)' 01 AlWma School 01 Law and ~r.'fd II$lIllSloiJlanI city attorney in the IfIl,Iol departmtnt of the City d Binningham, and .Iso 11$ an MSlstanl di$trlct attorney for Jtffmon County. For a nurnbr. 0()'Urs. he prxtic:td as II crirninaI ar.tornty in the privalo ~ 0( ~. In 1978 he was awointed to !hi: AIWnv. BIard d CornrtionI by eo.oemor ~ C. \\';Jilaoe and \augIlt as III adjuooct pmfuIor ,,!hi: Birmirewn School 011.\\-"htrus. this RtsoIutJon is oKtred . , ~ 01 our idmiration lItId lffection for J. Louis \\C,lkinson lItId 01 our CIOfIdoImta to hia kilo. childrm and ocher Wnily members. Now, therdore, be ~ raoMd by the e><ttUtiw committee 01 the flirmingham Bar AMociotion in its rfiUb. rnerti~ owembkd l. This ~tive Committee greatly mourns the pilMing 01 J. l.oois \\-"likinson and is profoundly grudul for the aarnpk and his iorOIIlItId ....fuI1i/~ has brougN to the membe,ship. both indio .-icWI1y lItId cdltctiwly. 2. ThM !hi: surviving 'm'k",.,otN;~'1 0( the family 011. Lwis Wilkinson 1ft heRby asaured of our deep and bIing ~ 3. ThM I ropy 0( this moIution be spread ~ the m:ords 01 the Birmingham. Bar hsociation as" pennaroent memorial to oor departed bn:other. ~. Th:.t COpie:; 01 thi$ rflOlutlon be fum,*"", to his four chil . dren as our exprtMion to thtm 01 our ~ 'Y"'I"'t/oy. ~on

-.'1. a., Alspaugh I'Iuident. B~ Bar -"uer Mion

John C. Payne ohn c. P~yne. Warner Prof~ 0( Uw Emeritus al the Uniwrsity of Alabama law School. ditd Nowmber 17. 1996 at De ll Regional Medical Center. Payn.·s scholarly worl\$ inc lude an estimated SO major law rtOJitw artides. sorrtI' of "" hieh were .eprinttd in England. Sc:otland ~nd Auslralia. fiw books. and tight rMews oIltgal publications. At the rtqUltSI 01 the Brit,sh I...egll Association. he gavt" series oIltdures in E","'nd in 1975. He was born in AIr:.andria. \'irginil, o.«",bu 31, 191). the son 01 Robtrt I.ochbie hynt lItId Sarah Sills I':Iyne.. He liwd his childhood in Norfolk and later in ColumN. South Carolina. A


graduate 01 the academic and IlIw schnob 0( tht UniYtn;ity 01 South Carolina. he held postgradum appointments;as I Morris Fellow. Columbia Uni'ltrsity Graduate Law School and a Sterling Fellow, Yal. UniOJ(:nily Cr~ualt taw &hool. Payne .......-eeI during World W.r II as a ~atlltr tKhnlcal st~lIlt. seeing duty in the \\'1tSI1ndies. Subsequmt/y, he 5ptnt I yeaT in privlItt practia in Coiumbi-i. and then "",opted a tem· pomy position lit the Uniwrsity 01 South Carolir"OlO Uw School; ~,he found that he IoYed tPdoing. It was then that he decided 10 com. 10 the Uniwrsity 01 AlWma. ........ he SI1IItd on the ~ fxulty until his Tdiremml in 1983.

Arthur O. Shore . .·d llt Iobrshall Neilson Birmingham Mmillllfl: 1936 DimJ: So-pttmbe. 28. 1996

BinninghlJm Mmflled: 1937

Died: OKember 16. 1996 Richard B. StOM /ofon/gOmf'ry 195]


DiN: Augu$t 30. 1996

Roger C.rli$!t Sullit


Mmillllfl: ]930 Dint. Octobtr ll . 1996

Throughout his •. om 0( Paynt'S major inlerests " ...... tM l.Iw lib.a')'. Btu.use ht selVttl fo. man)')'tars 0$ faculty ildvise. to the libra')'. ht <:OIJld ,,'ttl bt ronsidtrtd tht archi_ 1m 01 the cumnt collection. l'Iv library now holds ;and con· tinues \0 ;odd 10 lhe I'loynt Collection. l'a),OI:"S ~rlise W<lS tht Law 0( rul proptrty.;and in this con_tion he testified before committen of both houses of tilt Congress on housing closing costs . He designed and tht Alabama l.qtisbtun: implemented in Tusc.alooso ~ mtthod 01 cltllrin,g titlts caJled the self·indulng J)'SItm thit has bHn judged a ~ contribution \0 proptrty Law. It has H'Md 0$ a modol for lfWly oU~r counties and citin in the mte. In 1960. Payne " ........ n~mbtr 01 the Alabama Sllltt",r Committet of Jurisprude""e and Llow Rtform. and ht wu

Hardy Bolton Smith 11 flier ..... Ilordy Bolton t'V Smith. who KIVttl hi. o;ommunity and this associ· alion "ilh dij/nily and dis· tinction. died on August 1. 1996. md the Mobilt",r Assoxiation wilhu to rtmember his and hil H'rvict; and. Whtrus. fhrdy W<lS born in Mobile. ~ma on April n. 1!I3O. He attencltd tie· mtnta,), and gr.>dt Khools In Mobil. and in 1950 he g~uated with a D.S. degret from the Uni""rsity of AW»!IVlie joined the United Stat.,. Air Fora during the Kortan (00. met and on July 18. 1953. ·...hilt stationed in~. Wisconsin. he and DonfWI Jean Jenkins ..... n: married. In 1955 he enternl the Uni""T'$ity of WiKoruin taw School. ~nd in 1957 he "'iLl awardw his LL.B. degrte; ~nd. Wher.iLI. upon gr.>dualion from law school, Hardy returned with his family 10 Mobile and in 1958. lfter pming lhe AIabImlI Statt liir tzMlifWIlion. he beame a poortmr in the ronn 0( Gaillan!. Gaillard. &; Smith; from 1963 \0 1976 he ,,-as a poorlmr in the firm of Gaillard. Wilkins &; Smith; and from 197610 1979, h. WiLl a p;lrtner in Ihe finn of Caillard. Smith &; Lillie. In 1979 he a $Ole p.~itiomr. lie cl><* his confidante MId helpmate, his wift DonN. 0$ his Ifill 5t<:rtU')'. II position ,,'hkh $hi htld for lht remainder of hi. prXliee. HardyW<lS a member of tho ~1nII Sbte liir. the "'(ISConlin Stateliir and the American "" Assoxiallon and 10'0$ authoriwlto pracHce before the Unitw Siait. Supreme Court.. He specialized in rul utale. probate and ptrsonal iocomt w Law and served on numerous commillttS of the Mobil. Bu AssociIOtion: MId. Whel'tal. Ih......,ghout his adult life. lurdy continued hIS affiliation with tho Uniled Stalu Air Forct.1-{., " ... II gr.>duat.


"" """ ,'''


appOinted to mtmbtrship in the Commission on Uniform Statt Law. a posilion lit hold for four yurs, Plynt 10'0$ a mtmbtr of Phi Btta KlIJII'lI. Omicron Dtllll Kappa., Ortkr 01 tht Coif. the Amtrian Sotitty oI!.tgol HiMory. the Seldon Socitty. and ChrUJ ~:piKqlilI Clwrch. and W<lS an hooora')' membtr of Jaoons. Survivors include hil wif•. Eunict Hinman Paynt: a daugh_ ttr. Tlillen Paynt Llonning. Dtstin. Florida; his brother. Roberl L I'a}TIt Jr.. Oxford. Mississippi; and two mphe\<.'l. -J. Sydd., Cook. III Roxn. C....... SIedg~. Oavi,. Carroll« Jom •. PA. TuKlIoo ... Alabama

of the highly ITgardtd Air War College MId m.'tr.'t'd deirttS and c'rlifi~ .. from other Air Fora flIUoCat~1 uutitutts made ~vailwle to oIIietrs of tOmpany and field grade. After receiving Iht Air Foret Commendation Mtdal. he retir.d from the military service ,,·ith II =k 01 Lt. Colonel. lie wO$ a memo ber of tht Air Fora M50cialion and the Rae:r.-t Offoctn M50ciation; MId. Wherus. in an dfort tOAtisty an ,nsat,~lt curDity. Hardy rt ad utens;""ly. Although many .ubjects engaged hil allen · lion. ht de\'tloped a k«n inter •• t in mHitlry hi.tO')', mililary "'taponry and .trategin ~nd tactics of great military leaders. His Cl)l'lSUming intertst in these llwies led him to join the Pft1I,igious "Order 01 World Wars"; and. Wherus. turdy is $Urvi'.'t'd by hi. wif•. Donn:. Jenkins Smith; two daughters. Diam Smith Conklin of Blue SprinllS, ~lilS()uri and Cynthia Smilh Kirk of Mobile: IWO grandchil. dn:n. Courtn., and Drew Conklin 01 Bl ue SprinllS. Missouri: and other relati\u. ...., membero( tho Spnng Hill Prtsbyitrian Church. !tully W<lS ~r.'t in its aff/lirs M'Kl ..Md as II member 0( its boord of deacons. Ilis pa:stor, Dr. \'tmon Hunter. told 01 his gemrous contribution of time and profel$ional .~ptrlise in the formula. tion and establishment of a non -profit foundation through whic:h the church administers chiritable ~;";ti ... liardy "'0$ a poorticipMIt in the affllrs of tM Rtpublian Pllrty and had seNtd on tht Mobi .. County Elecutiw Commillu and the Alabama Statt RtpubliCltl Executiw Commillet. H. ",,-as ~ member of the Alphi 'TIIu Omega socialfralemity and Phi Dtlla l'hi Itgal fralernity. Now. therdOff. bt it I'tSOh'fd by tht Mobilt ",r Association on this l&h day oIOctobtr. 1996 in its regular m«ting _robIed: Thai the Association moumsthe pm,ng 01 our fritnd and f.llow mem~r. liard» Hollon Smith. and lh;!t Ihe IUlVO\IIng members ofhis family be owu.ed of our dup and abiding 1)'I11j)3lhy. - \I"dIiam A. Kl~ Jr. PrQldttlt. Mobile Bar Au«iItioa

William Dewitt Reams

mmt 01 se.eral ~ eo<poralions in tilt Mobile aru.. In 1970. Oe.,iu stMd;as pmHient of the Mobile liar

11 fhn-.Iht Mobile 8ar

i\ssodition. Othtr o/Iiots he htId included pmidenI: ol tilt Mobile RoIaoy Club. pmicImt 01 tilt Mobile Chambtr 01 Ccimmefa. and pmidmt d the AIabarnII NaUonIII "- School Alumni

" " Association wdhts 10 honor tilt mtmOI')' olWilliam Dr..i!t Reams. " distJ .... ishtd ".eOla. 01 this as5OCiaIlOI\, ..m died on Se!lIernbtr& 1996,"'" the_ o.ion<Jes.ra 10 tl/l' .....'h.. ~ ;and ~iu hi$ mntribu. lions to OUT proft$$ion and to this

,lwxi>tion, l)no,iU _ on the AIoohoIic ~ Controilloard AbIbama duril1J tht odrninistl3tionl; dtme ~ Dewitt sought 10 setw his fritnds. dimu and coI.~ "ith integrity. thoughtfulness. alIJrtes)' and kindntsJ.


De\;ilt "''as a member of Springhill &pIisI Churd! of Mobile

rommunily. Now, therefore. be it remembered: William O. Rums, kno<o.'I1 \0 all as l>twit!. w;IS born in lllI~. Alabama and atltndtd tlemmtuy ;and high schools in El~ County. AIaI:wni. Otwitt gndoaIN in 190$0 ....ith honoro from tht IJnio,omity ot AIobarna ~ hi$ UJI. ~tr cor...mod 10 Iht Juris Ooctor dogm.. lit mtmd !he PQCtia 01 ... in Mobilt. AIabamI with the finnolf'illanl. CowIq& Craham in 1940. Dr..itt ~ \kJ.nng World War II with Army Air rom' lnt.lligrnQ: and in tht Unitt<! Slat", No\,.. In 1945. Dt..,u btwne I membtrolthe Mobile 1M firmol PillaRs.eo..~. Rtams Go bppan, .mdcontinued ... a smiorpartotT in its SOIClUfO!' firms. H ....·audmitted \0 practice bdon: the Unittll Slates Supmne Court in 1971. 1'./I'I)')l11ldia \031 in admiralty law ar<Iland matlters. In tarry oil and ga.1 expIor.J.tion. he was a pior"oi:tr who ~ for his expertUot. In ~ltr years. he ¥oa'i instrumental in tilt tmblish·

"'here he was a Sunda}l School luchtr. a member 01 its fioaoce

Mollie Jordan

cltrks IO.ilo ___ de>I

On this acit,ngjounvy lw met and tm'tkd alongside IIW1Y inltrating pe(ipIt. but M~ Mallie OAt of tilt I1lI'liW mtmOnb~ of lhost many folia. She was 50 different. so enigmatic, 50 idiosyncractic: so fussy, so (ielTlo)nd ing. 50 can· tanktrnu.l; and. in he. uniqlJt and ino:""licable way, 50 ch3nn· ingand IoYable. For my fil'1t ttn )'UI'1 as reporte •• I worIctd just down lilt Noll from M,ss Mollie. Quitt f..,kly, for a while , tho)ught .... ga-.'t mr a hard limt. In my fil'Jl )'W' thti't, &ht -.Id of\tn sttp in my o/fooe. scold nit SoMi't1y lOr 50rlldhing I Nod dont that had not suitfll lit •. and thoen It.M: I i quiddy as shot had cOllie ~r gi\,ng lilt mough infonNtoon to rogure 00\ ",,,,", shot _IIJIK\ about. AfttT uch ,udl «allion. I would .top by lit. o/flCe a f..... timtS until he. uaspention ",ith lilt used and she would btgln to aplain what I had doot "'TOOg. She "''lIsa \.'toy dtonanding, \.'toy t>XItt.Kher, but 11e>mt<J .... n. The.taff attorneys and law

committn, and "'<IS electfll life o.ieacon, lJo:I.,i!l Iowd his family. lit is JU~ by his "'ift, IIdty RtaIll.1; too, John Harper Reams and wife, Peggy. grandson../OOn Walttr Rums. w IUs "ife, Christ)'. w a grot·gnnddllughter, lsabtl; his brotho •• ~wood 1. RwnI d Mon\gomtoy, Alabarna; his $i$ter, Doris R. Clute d Athms. Coorgia; brothtr, Robtrt E. Roams d MobIle; w nieces and ,oephe":l. ~~ \he,do.e. be it I'esoMd. by tilt ~lOOik Bar Auocialion 00 tilt 15th <by d ~ 1996. ~ tilt ~ rrI(IlIfII5 ltv: piIIirC d WiD..." Do:win RwnIw dots IItrdly honor ltv: mmlOI')' d our friend w ~Ilow "IrI,a. IO.ilo atn'o!lIifoed through:out his caren ltv: pnfts.soonal prindpla to which rroernbel'1 d this ~ ~~ and I'tQUCSls !hat this ouoIution be spmod UPOl'l tilt minulell d this IiIo5OCiWon and d tilt AWruna. Statt Bar w that a cop)' be ~lfll to his farnil)< _ ",lliam A. Kimbrough, Jr. " ....ldtnt. Mobile Bar A"o<l;oll"n


my own pickinw an bWnt much of iloo Miss MoIlIt'stachi"" For those ttn)'Urs. M~ ""'"ie and I were lunch partrItTS at the old SUit Office Building ~nt cafl1tra I 'Ptf\t lit· trally hundreds of. to.oul'1 uting lund! with lin and Irying to gtt to koow lot •. J IUmN in thost hundrtds d to.oul'1 thot she was .. \.'toy pn"ite person. pr(lbibly Lhe most private person I've ewr b«n around. My wife, like Milll Mollie, grew up in Mal'1h311 County, so LNot gave I.lJ somtthing to tal k about. She IIJIItd to \.!Ilk about North Alab.>ma, pOlitics {sht was . Iightly opinionated in this . tg..d), the offi« work, and occasiooally pOtt!)' or olher literature. but not much elst. She was fond of Do.othy Puktr. She W<I$ 10r«ful1y blunt about he. Ilt~raoy WIK-.ind mine. Clnc< I used a line from my IiYorite pOtl; unsmiling. she SoJid simply, "Robert Suvice wrote doggert!. Pure doggtrel." IkcloUK sho: guankd lin prMcy 1(1 inttnlly, f..... propIt ew. knew her birthday, and il went unmtntionoed. She wantfll it Lhlot way. My secrt:taoy dUn", those )'Urs. Lois Cipson, was rond d MiS! MolJ~_ Lois grew beautiful rosa and Lois "'a s one dtht f..... who m..... MiS! Mollie's birthday; on lot. birthday a beautiful ~lIaw rose .u..~ awearfll on her desk. Lois alwaY" 1/011 word dthonks-but sho: and Min Mollie ntl.'tr mentioned the reason for the rose. Miss Mollit. for all her bluff and blultt •. hlid a ttndt. and


rom~tt IKIt. but beawt silt JO guarded her JII'iyKy. lew fulks $IW it. She ~ with ~ion whm silt bolkfd 01 pcMrty. su«tring childrm. ~ IKk 01 tduational and «0nomic OIlPOrtunity. Those things rully bothtrtd her. I loUSptCt ..... wu a generous JOUI in her pm.. te " ..y. Miss Mollit had a ..,al .... JUt oIhumor. She favorite ar· toons in her duk and onen commented 00 llK work! by sim. ply handing you i tutoon (IOlr uampl •. an Olld min Wilking alGng with a lilIIte,n. lpp.... ently looking for an homst man. and another man behind hi m. poi nting a pistol and Qying. "I'll boke th.lantem:ll couldn't resist occasiooa lly menli<m. ing 10 IItr my high school fri.nd. John Jordan--aIWi}'S a ,e/ul tOl poinl O)I.It thiot hit Nome Jordan wa.s pronounced u mosl folks pronounct llK namt <If llK riwr 0' the countf)'. n.,1 ~ r failed to prompt her story of how her ro..,btlors· family





..arne camt 10 lit pronounced "Junlun"-tho EngIi .... silt woold Q)'. could chilIlgt the aptlli"ll of lhe,. Nome bul could· n'j _~ thnn pronounct il dia• ..,ntly. My ploy liw.lys .......lttd. but ..,. IW u much fun wilh il u I did. 0- tilt ~ Miss MoIlit ;n.j I came to be frimds. 1 kM!d her Vld t!\ioYtd her oomp;ony. wwJ in milIlY ~ wt I.IIldtrstood each other. At the _ ti,"". I alI.'ilys know thai. ;although "'" """" fritnds, I ..... Iy didnl know her br,oood the fairly IIiIrrow bound. .... has Itt for our lritndshil\. But tNt was all right That's the way .... wanled it. She liwlJlif. ;as sht d",rttd it, and I respected her for that I "ill always be thankful that for part of my <;M" joor· ntY I could ~ aIongsitlt her.

....(Ao..,. Earl Smith. R. port•• of IRcbions SUI""IM Court of Alaba .....

JOin yo"r colleagues

and ji'iel1c/sJor

'The if)eC/icalion oJ'The CoLI/ward il1 memmy oj

rf(onl1;e ';voojin

The wild wild West MAY 30-31, 1997 L\KE GUNTERSVILLE STATE PARK

If'c",' yo .. r ",es/crn (cas II"I)

d..ds .

3:00 p.1n



at lhe '/Jilm.ingham '/Jar .sf/ssocialio/1. 202 1 2ndfi lJenue JVo,1h

.sf/pril 25, 1997 2:30 10 5:30 p.m.



·nnw. 1M HoootT of Birmingham, wha was disl:tamd on

AuglJst 22. 1996. ;s not to be <XIflfused "ith Jamr. Andrew

It""",. of PiUman &. kM:i.ttes cJ Binningharn..bmu Andrew llooYrr has!"oM' bem disborml iII>d OOIltinues to be a mnnbtr in good $landing 01 the AIab;,mo Stale !laT. NOTICE , " '..Icy Thoonu ,.. ~ilt who::>u: wherubouu I,.., unknown. must answtr tIw A.IibamlI Stole !br', foll'llil disciplin..ry chiorges WIthin 28 o,b;yI of March 10. 1991, or, the chorgn contained Ihrn:in wll be dHmN admittfd and appropriate discipllr.e >hall be imposed "iii"" him in ASI! Nos. 95.128 and 9S-22li brfor. the Disciplin..ry Boord 01 til( Alabama State Il.:or. lASS Nos. 9:>'128 and 95·2261

$urnmde, 01 Llcen •• . Cadsdtn ~ttorney Jo. eph Cullatt. !lunter. l ll lurrt"nde.ed his license to p~tice law in the State of Alabama, tlTect;..., May 18. 1995. Ilun! •• had been inlerimly SUSpend. til b)' the ba •. l lunter surrt"ndered his Ii«me in lito 01 disci· pliM'Y proc«dings being pursued 19ainst him. IAS8 Nos.. 95163. 9S-2ZS and 91).681 ' I"nHvilit allOFnq' KIIrb Ann Shr.ns wmndertd Mr 1i«nK to pndkt ' - in thc Stitt of AIabarnio in mponM 10 nUlnfrow disciplin.lry compbints wIUch ..... ,.., ptnding agiinsl Mr. The SUll...... c.....rt fA AbbaIN ente~ an ordtr $Iriking Shivors' nIIlm from tho roll 01 ~tomt)'S UK! Wltel. illJl her licenH eff«tivo N<7>-ember 6. 1996. IASB Nos. 96-084. %-II(). %·182. %-183. %-193. 96-216, %-217. 96·218. %237.96·245. and 96·2851

Slnpenslons NweJt1bfr 26. 1996. Mobiluttomey Paul ..... " OHIler. Jr. tfltertd guilty pIw in thM disciplin.1l')' c.ut5o. He rtltaded IlUilty to tNl'Qt:I d failing to COOptrate in tho investigation d tho underfying ~ In cim.unstancewith a plea aj/IHuot . .... I'otnIn wasltl'itenOtd to • .,."..yrar suspension ...... ich ",II be ibattd wring a two-)'Ur pn'ltMtimary Pfriod. I'otnIn hld bm1 intmrTOtysusptndtd $rrn~ 28. 1996. That_dissoIwd ........ otlllUr.IIt with tho diJp)sitjon of tho disciplinary tNrges ag;>inst him. lASH Not.. 96-<J7S. %-125 and 96-126)


- Elb.l. i\tOlm)' Carelli A. lindH)' ",as .uspendtd from the plKHce of law for a Pl'riod of 60 days by ord.. 01 the Alabama SupmTl\i Coort dfecH.... N~mber I. 1996. Undwy was

foond by the Disciplinllry Board of tilt AlwlTIi State Bar to ha ... violated Rule 8.41111 whicll prohibits In aUormy from enl!.tlling in conduct tllat advtrstly ren«ts On his fitness to practice law. The (:\'idence before the Disciplinai)' Boord was thali,indwy had ofiem! to provide leg,1 Krvicu to a prosp«' ti...., dient in e.chang. for H'Xual f.vors. Lindwy appe;,l~ the d«ision 01 tht Disciplinllry Board to tht Alabama Suprelm Court ...... kll affirmed without Opinion on January 19. 1996. Therufter. Linlbty Pl'titiontd for «rtionri to the Unil~ Statu Supmm Court which denied hu priition on Octobtr 7. 1996.IASB No. 92-4921 ' Sanford W. FaulkTllir 11M bHn $lI5f)ffIded from the practi« dliw for a period 0191 dlys byonltrdthe Abbarrl/l Supnme Court di'tc1iw N<Mmbtr 20. 1996. F':lulkmr pttstfltiy ruides in Shelby. North Carolina. I'llulknfr was doargtd wilh pr.odic. illlllaw aft .. having allowtd his licenH to lapse. I'llulkmr failed to respond to the charges r.led ~irl$t him.nd a default judg.

ment WlIS entered. Faulkner also failed to appe;,r at the heari ng to dotermine discipline after having been given notice 01 the same by certified mail. IASII No. 95-0471 oQn llrnuary 15. 1997. tilt supreme I»Ilrt enttr~ in order suspending Clodsdtn ~torney Jolin Edward Cunningloam for .. period 0191 days eff«tr.-e llonuary 15. 1997. A$ conditions 01 future reinstatement. Cunni",...... ordtmI to poya set· tlement he had entcwJ into with II Iormer client who had JUtd h.m. He was mo ordered to I't<:cr.-e psyclloloiial rou .... Kling during his SUSpmJion. In tilt evmt Cunningham .. ...,irut.;ot~. he will ha...., a tWl).)-elir probationary period to KO"\-e. Cunningham was poid $3.000 10 handle a will cont"Sl. Cunningham took no action on lilt ~ betwttn October 1990 and June 1995. The dienl confronted him and Cunningham refunded tilt relainer. The client 1.ler $ued and obtained a ddauttjudgment for $100.000. Cunningham also "ltowtd i default 10 N taken on tilt forlNl disciplinary charges brought by the bar. (ASH 95·2761 - By order of tht Supreme Couo1 d~. Demopolis att.ormy \'oIlimb Ntwll.Johnso. was suspmdtd from the pr.od;a, d law in tht St.1rte d Alabama for a ptoiod fA 91 rlays. tfftc1iw October 25. 1996. The MGptnsion was ordered by the DisciplinaryCommiuion of the ~ SI."Ilt Bar which had pnviousIy ordered that JohNon I'«tiw II 91·day SUSpension. but abo.led the suspension with Johnson beillJl placed on probation for. period of two )-eli ... &wJ upon Johnson', su~. qo,w,nt misconduct tht Commission revoked the probation of Johnson. and eff«luated the 91·rlay IUSj>I!rl$ion previously ordered. (Rule 22(1)(2): Pel. No. 96·011

DI . elpllna .... Notle.

Public Reprimllnd .. Montgo<mry attorney R<>i>ert M. Alton, Jc, re«ived a public reprimand with general publicalion on Decembtr 6, 1996. Alton was itwQlVI'd in four .. parate estate closing. and cer· tain irregularities occurroo with regard 10 salisfaction of mort· gage. on parcel> of rtal property which were the wbjm ot lhe.. closings. In ooe cast, funds to satisfy the mortgage were pr(J'>ided to either Alton or hi' nonlawy...... i.lanl at a compa· ny mO'"", as Kwik KIm. The monies, which were provided 10 saliJty the firsl mortg!lge. were not prope.1y disburned. In anothor mall ..... tHe"",nt p.OCtWs were lendered al the closing .ufficitnt to salisfy a first mortgage which was Ihe subject of the closing. This was acknowledged by Alton in a leUe. to coun$<'1 lor the .. ners of this property and e"entually Kwik Kloz paid to Ihe ..lItr. ot the property the sum of $50,000 as damages. In two remaining mailers , real estate closings ",ere con· ducted by Alton wherein .. ttlement proceeds were tendered to Kwik Kloz 10 satisfy first mortgage. , 1I"".."",r, the first mortgage. were not timely sahsf•• d in accord with represen· tation. contained in the .. ulement statements issuoo at thue closings. Alton's conduct was found to have 'iolated Rule 5.3, Alabama Rule. ot Profe$ional Conduct. lASH Nos. 90·621 (A) &. (HI. 90·692 and 91·1l3j

• Mobile attorney Paul M. Foe ... ter. Jr. was publicly repri· manded on December 6, 1996 for wiUfully neglecting a legal malter and failing to cOOperate in the ,esulting grievance filed against him by hi. clients. Foerster collectw frts from a dient to handle a child support modification. Afte • ...,,'en month •. the dients learned thai nothing had bttn do"" in the matter, Foerster admitted this to the clients when he was confronted by them. Foerster failed to re.pond to three letters $<'nt to him by th~ Mobile Bar A>sociation requesting a written r..pon.. to the clienfs grievances. lASH No. % ·OI2{A)1 . Anniston lawyer G. Con Williams received a public repri· mana without general publication on Decomber 6, 1996, On or about August 12. 1996, \\'illiams , retained to handle a ~Itctioo mailer for an out<i·stale di~t on a rontingeOC)l r.... basi$. Thereafter. the dient made ~ted telephone call> to Williams in an don to ascertain tho status ot tho mailer. Most of these telephone ",lis wert not relumW. At one point. Williams advised that he could not locale the defendant and, therdQre, oould not obtain .. rvice. II"",..".. •. the dient was able to ,-eri/y through other SOUrce'! that the defmdant was doing business in Anniston, AlaI.>ama at the add..,;:; previously provided to Williams b)i the client. Williams delayed filing a complaint in the mailer for approximatery nine months after bring rtlained.l'."wntually, \\r,lIiams was able to obtain a judgment in his client's 1<NQr. The client then instructed Williams to proceed "iih garnishrntnt and ~Iection. Thereafter, the dient made ..,.,-eral attemptS to contact Williams reg.rding tht status ot the maUer. Again. Williams failed to respond to these inquiries, and Jailed to procffil "ith garnishment and collection as imtructoo. Williams' conduct violated

Rules 1.3. U(a.) and (b), and 8.4(3) and (g), Alabama Rules of Prolessional Conduct. lASH No. 96-871 . Mobile attornry John \\illiam Pam. received a public reprimand, ,..ithout publication. on July 24, 1996. Parker was reprimanded for having to keep his client rearonabl~ informed about Ihe .tatu. of the client's case and promptly comply with reasonable requesu fo, infonmtioo _ Parke. was further reprimanded for failing to explain the matter to the e~tent reasonably necessary to p<rmit the client to make informed deci,ions rega.ding the representa. tion. Parker undertook representation of an individual to pursue certain unpaid insurance claims. Eventually, Pa. ker andlor an aswc;ate of hi. finn negohated a selliement with the dient's emploY"s insurance carrier. Thereafter. Parker wrote di,bursement checks on these settlement proceeds to the client. When the client pre$<'nted the check for payment, it was returned for insuffident funds. The check .... entualiy deared aller the client proce$5ed the check a ..cond tim •. Pa.ker also sent a disbursement check from these settlement proceed, to a third·part~ pr<wider, but failed to sign the check. Parker was notified of thi, fact in March of 1992, but failed to ,ubmit • substitute check unli! mid· September ot 1992. The check which Parker ewntually Sfnt to the third-party was a certified check, and was not drawn on a trust account of Parker·s . Pa.ker lendued a conditional guilty plea which required, in addition to hi...ceiving the public reprimand, that he recti"" an abated 91-da~ .uspension from Ihe practice of law and be placed on probation for a p<riod of two Y'a ... During this \'o<'O 'Y'a' p<riod, Parke. i. to participate in a mentoring program. is required to place $25,000 in escrow to .. rve as security for reimburSfment to any clients who may ha"" sustai""d a \01$ as the re.ult ot any misconduct which Parker might ha,.. engaged in while $<'rving al attomey for that individual. and submit to the Office of General Counsel a aud it ot his trust account for a p<riod ottwo )'tars, beginning June 30,1996, lASH No. 92-1471 . Birmingham attorney Carot Ann Ra5m ~ ... n was ordered to receive a public reprimand without ge"".al publication for having violated the Rul .. of Professional Conduct in the rep..... ntahon of three .. parate dients_In ASH No. 94-027. Rasmussen was paid a fee to r.p ..... nt a labor union. Rasmussen'. client was eventually .ued but she failed to file any answer or take other action on behalf of the client r.,;ulting in a default judgment being granted aga irut her dient. Rasmussen pled guilt~ to ha,ing willfully neglected a legal matter entrusted 10 her and having failed to adequately COmmunicate "'ith her dient about the .tatu. of the clienfs case. In ASH No_95-101. RMmussen was hired to rtprtStllt a client in a divor"« case. At tht hearing Rasmussen failed to iWoduce into evi~ a document from the Department of Human Resources which was WI)' fuwrnble to her client Subsequently. Rasmussw received an order adw..e to her client and requiring her dient to pay her former hU>band's attorney's fees. RMmussen

failed to inform the client d the court's onItr. Mlu the climl foled griMm IWn-omm faoltd 10 mpond tG rtqUtSlS b WonnItlon from the ~. Rasrno-.. pial ~Ity 10 hivirlg "';Ilfully nraI«trd " ~ malin cntrustod 10 htr, 10 hmrC blltd 10 Me!> htr clitnt I'USM1IbIy inKlrmed;,boot tilt status d the client's Qst and by failing 10 rnpond to " bY.ful ~mand lor infooml,tlon from


ditciplirl/uy iWthGrity. In ASB No. 95·126, Ra.o;musun wH hired IG represent a dient in an employment discriminatioo suit. The dient had gMn lWrnusun soo;e 40,000 ~ of ~ulTII'n~ which had bttn pmrioosly obWno-d during di$C()WT)'. Aftu the ditnt Itrminattd RHIT".....n, RurnussnI rtfwed 10 rttum the doc· uments and cbimtd J lim 00 them for unpaid attorney's feu. Evmtually, the Uniled Stalts MaglStnte Grdertd Rilsmussm 10 rttum the documenu 10 the clitnt bul lWrnussm did $0) less INn Ihr« Wtek$ befor. lho: Khtdultd trial date of the cli,nn use. Ra.oimtrnm pled guilly tG having failed lo.urren· der papers and property to wh ich the clienl was enlitled and for having engaged in conduci prtjudidalto the administra· tion of Justice. IASB Ne>s. 94-027. 95·101 lind 95-1261

tG c(Hllmuniatt tG the client the fact that the (list had bttn dismisst<l, but rathtr, falsely reP1esellttd tG Ihe clitnl th.l.1 the ClSt was still pending, Therufter. Dtrnoo mis.e .... .esente<!IG lilt client th.l.t he had seltJod the ClSt for 55,000 Uld gavec he. II personal check for lhat amount. lASH No. 9S· I221


. 0001I1ur IIUomry Claud W. La ..... lIdt. TKeived II public . tprimind ,..itllool ~"'''''I publicalion on Dtcember 6, 1996. ~vender /lifeed tG rep~nt. client in In emplG)'· !Mnl disc.iminatiGnlilUUiI h.l.ruumnl miller. La ,~nde. failed 10 iii. a timely claim wilh the Equal Employment (}J!portunily CGmmi.sion, although he advised his client Ihat he had dGnt $0). Upon disc""t!)' thai a timely claim had nol been ftlod with the Equal ~:mployment Opportunity Commission. the dient confronted Lavender. At that time. he uplalned that he was in HlIlement ntgOlial;ons wilh Ihe empk.yu and th.l.t he inlended \G lilt in "'tion IG pur· sue remedies in statt court. TheRl"h •. lIIvtnder riiltd 10 file iUllClion in state court despite repeate<! iU$uranees 10 his dienl that he ..vuld do $0). Lavendu's stn.;ce. _.e tu· miNted by the client who wu forc~d IG hire nn< counul to pUTSue her remaining statt law clalml. Lawnde.'s con· duct viGlated Rule 1.3, Alabama Ruin of P.ofusiollal CGnduct, which p.(Wides th~t a I~wytr shall not willfully negl«t I leii'll mall .. ontrusted to him, and Rule I.•. Alabama Rules of ProfessiGnal CGrn!uct, which pr""ides thai I 11~'u shall k.ep II client r.UONbly infGrmtd obo;outtht sut"", of a mill •• lind promptly comply with .tquesu for informition.IASB No. 95-1801 · Goodwater IIItGmey Will iam 'hylo. DonlOn was ordo.od \0 receive a ptlblic reprimand without ,entrJJ publication /G' failing to p.(Wide competent .. ~resentation to adient. fG' willful ly neglecting a legal matter entrusted tG him, and fGr failing to adtquately cGmmullicate with a cliont about Ihe ItJlus 01 the clionr , cast. Dc ruon JlI~d guilty to formal which Wl're fil.d against him. Denson h.l.d bHn hi.od tG rep. esent a dientln connedion wilh II worker's compelWllion claim. On Ihe date the client's ClSt WH sche<!ule<! fGr a do<;bt call 00 the ci . orit court, Dtnson faile<! to IppU' on tho cli.nrl !>thalf resulting in the ClSt being dilmissed fGr "'ant 01 prosecutioll. Dtnson then failed

. Ilirmingham allGrnty Keith Willian> \'eigu, J., wu G,dered tG rtcei~ a public reprimand with gentral publica· tion upon hil pl" of guilty in two separate discipl in.:t.ry mailers. In ASH No. 94- \97, Ihe complaiNnt wH Bu-ll ri.1 company which ma.ktU I N. eumin.:t.tlon p. eparation course. The complainl lllege<! that VeigH, H representative of & .· Bri, had miJllppropriale<! funds which should .i"'lfully gonr tG S, ..H.i. Veiga.! pltd guilty to havinll violated Rul. 1.15(b) which r'qui . ts thai a I",,~. p. omptly deliver to a dient Or third person any funds or property Iht client Gr third perscon is entitled to receive. In ASH No. 95·235, Veiga.! W3S charged with Nving set· tied I case with In insurall(:t company on btha.lf of a client whon Voig&.l k.- o. slloold have known that tho client had betn deceased for alrnoost two months at the timo Ihe Hili.· !Mnt was finalized. VeigH faile<!tG disclose the dtith 01 his client to the insuriUl~ CGmpaO)', \'.iga.! pltd guilty tG havinll violate<! Rule 8 .• (cl, admittinllth.l.t he engage<! in conduct involving dishonesly. fraud, deceit Or misrep.esentaliGn. {ASH Nos. 94 · 197 and 95·2351 •

Why 6,000

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CALL 800 BESH-13

Taxability of Punitive Dall1age 0, GImda C. Codmm and .JoIm S. ClrnplMl 'ntroduction FOI' ~imattll' 80 ~n. tm ftdtral go..tmment has providtd AtiRbility uelusion in one fonn or inother lor "<bmage. r~fvtod ... on K<;ount of ptrwnal injuri ...• 26 U.S.C. 1104 (aJ(2j'. The~ haw irw:.usingly ban qIKStions raiSotd regarding Wh(tM' this provision ucludu punitive d/unages from taxability. The circuitt have $plil on this '"ue. Recently. both ConQrt5$lnd the Supreme Court have acltd to clarify this issue. The tumnl m lUie was lmendtd in 1989. and .>giin """,I\dtd in 1996. Origimlll'. thai mlul. limply uempttd from the dtlinilion of "g..,.. j""""",- for purpOoH of UDbility tIw "amount of any dama,gts rtaived (wheth« bl' .uit or ac_ment ;md whttoo as lump sums or as ptriodic payments) on KCOUnt of fltoorW injuries.: The 1989 unend· ments ~ /I pl"OYision. subpart Ill)(31 ...tJich mt .. INt this uclusioNry smion 'wn not apply to any punitivt ~ in oonntdion with /I tiX not involving ~I injury or pl!ysic.ll,itknm." TIle 1996 amendment.' nrtdj,~ as of August 20, 1996. specifiaolll' e~cludlS punjlM damages from the prior uemplion Qr subpart 11I)(2}.' This pr<)Vi.ion i~ modified by a I.ter roart . 104 (e). which statts: (C) Application or prior law in certain cases. The phl'JM' "(other Il'IIon punitiw: damagn)" .I'l1011 not apply to punitive da""'ll6 awarded in a civil ;action(I ) which iii. wrongfuilluth action. ond (21 with mpect to ...... ich applicable State ~ (as in df«l on ~pttmbH 13. 1995 and without reglord IOlny modirocation;M\er such date) pm:'OO.. or tw bftn con· lilrued 10 provide by i court or compe1tnl jumdiction purswnt 10 .. dKiliion issued on or brfore ~pttrnbt1' IJ. 1995. thai only punitive damagn nay be awarded in weh action. Thili lubHdion mall ctaK to apply 10 any civil action fIltd on or ¥let Ih. first datt on which the applicable Stat. law ",ast. to pro.

ville (Of is roo longer conslrued 10 pl'O\WtI ~ luaUMnt dncribttl in ""r;sg.aph 121. This aml:rod"",nt maku clear tl'llot mou punitivo: dalTlilgeS Ire now tanhlt. II also proviOO tl'llol dIIl'l'Iagu for .motional distrtSS (other tl'llon darn;liu for trtat"",nl 01 emotional distrust a .. also taxable.' Thor. is an tX«lltion in tht amend· ment for punitive damages awardtd for wrongful death. wh ... statt law regarding wrongful death undu wllich tht ca~ i. dKidtd Ilr(J'Jides for no reffil'dy othfr thlon puni!i"" damag...• The .."",ndment. of course. iJ prospt<:ti"" only. u poinltd OUI by the Supr.ffiI' Court in O'Gilde v. Unilf.'d Stales.' The 19% ammdment dots not upl'QSly lilalt whe~r the uception for punitive Ibmaga; for wrongful death wilt.. S\;ltt ' - ,,",,'idn roo other mntdy is intended to mean tiwol well da""'l/tS "" not to br considtml. ""rt oI"g<os$ income" or whdhrr it is inltndtd "",..Iy to I_~ in pbce the pro.ui$li"ll t- on that iswt, whot_r tiwot ~ is dttmnined to be. l.alt Dt«mbtr. the Supume Court construed f 104(lI)(21 as it aisted prior to the 1989 aml:ndmmtJ..llnd held tl'llol puni. tive damagu ,,~ .. \auble.' Prior to tiwot dtcision. the circuit coun.. had betn split on this issue. ~'i"" circuits. including lhe 10th Circuil in O'GiMe. had ddumirw.! that "non·comptruatory" punitiw: damage. are not rtctiw:d "oo KOOUnt of' ptlSOnal injurits. and are not w:ludable from gross income. E.v. lI ".linilf.'d Slaies. 48 F.Jd 894 (5th Cir. 1995); lIovkins u. Unilf.'d Sloles. 30 3d 1077 (9th Cir. 1994), O!rl. rkniftl _ U.S. ~ 115 S.CL 2576, 132 LEd.2d 821 (19951: R_ fI. UnilrrJ Stoln. z.. F.Jd 228 (Fed Cir. 1994); Commiuiom>rv. Mil"". 914 F.2d 586 (4th Cir. 1990). EKh oIlhtv clecisions held nut the ph~ "lillY damages" is UIlbiguous as to the tuatmmt 01 punilM dam· agu in ~ ptrsonal injury lICtion. and then "~nI on to constnoe thai ph~. The Si~lh Circuit' hold inSltld thalll04 (a)(2) unam· biguou,ly txtmpttd puniti"" damagt$ from "gross incom.". Th. Eltvtnth Circuit had not madt i dtttrmination on Ihis issut.

O'Olh.l. O'C;II:i~ a~ from a wroniV'ul dealh Klion brought undtr Kamu Law. Tht dtctdent hid din! of tw:ic lhock 5yndl"QlTlf, and hu ulale filn! 5uit. 1M plaintiff', tstate wu ultimotely Iwudfd $1.525.000 in actwl dalN$:s. IS lrtll IS an award of $10.000.000 in punilivt damages. In 1988. prior to the amendment of f]04 (1){2). the utale dilbursed the nel procuds 10 the Mneficiariu. The beneficiaries reporte<llhe lmoont aUributable to punitive darmgu u inc""",, on Iheir 1988 tax r.luml. paid the taxtl. and then sutd in di>l.ricl cou rt for. refund.' The Supreme Court notn! thit t 1(1.1 (10)(2), clo#ly ton· slrotd, tonllintd two ffijuiremenu lor tumption: ( I ) thil the underlyini Klion be one for pU1iON1 injury"; a.nd (2) lhit Ihe funds be rectivtd "on account of' pt"rsoml injuries. The Court held Ihat. as to this second issue, Ihe text of 1104 (1)(2) was ambiguous. The Court actordingly consid· ered $Ourcu other than the st.tul. for insighl into Ihe pu r· POliff of the "tatule and Ih. of the legislature in drafti"l/ the statu Ie. 11 is not fully dear whil tfftct O'Cil~'ie "'ill M.l' on the con· lilruction 01 fl04 (a}(2) ~.r the 1989 ammdrnmu; clearly it iii not controlli"ll as to n:cowrid hid sinee the 1996 amend· ment came into t«tct.. O'C;U-Hz dots not explicitly awIY to .roy vtrsion oIlhe statute ocher lhin the pre · l988 ""rsion. Tho! cast I!«ilkd by the Court cl.arly .~ under the pre-1989 51alulOry language. Th. Court did discuss whether that amendment should be rud as a Itgi51llivt determination of the prt·exi5!ing construction of thalli«tion: the Court I!«hntd to $0 rtad it. and further Jtated that it would not view ill bindinQ a curnnt kgWativt delermination of the inltnt of a past legislalure in rNCIilljJ' Slatult.~ In doecidilljJ not to .... t the 1989_ndmmt ... a dtto.rmi · rwolion olllv pre-ai> stat. of ~ Law. the Court raised I~ pOSSibilily thaI. in enactilljJ the 1989 ~mtndmenU. Congress tIid ftll thai lht bw ....ilI undf~r IS 10 tlv trutment of puni. tivt darmgH for phl"ical and nonphysical injuries and ....anled

to cb.rify tho bw IS 10 noophyIial injuriu. but ~aw it unclur u to physic;d injuries. In Iddilion to the obvious commOR-stnSt crilicisms of this artificially myopic Ij'JfJfOIC/I. lhit wpemilion ignores tlv rults of corutruction. including the common bw muim of ejusdem gmwis. H......l'\Itr, ill crili. tiSITl$ of Supreme Coort d«i51orn rartly do any good ;n prac· Ike. it should be noltd that the Cou rt did not 50 hold. but merely raised the possibilily in dKiding 001 to be bound by any cooclusions to be drawn from the f~menl of the .mmdment Should the im>< arise .Jq..... Iy. the "..rti.. are fn:<! to COOIiIrw the post. l989 $lltule according to mort gen. .....Iy acttpttd guidelines.


..... elk.' The I!«is.ion in O"ClId" In..... opon sevt .... q~ions for practitioners. "..rticularly in light of the amondmenu made to Ihe statule by Coogrtss.•·or Alabama practilioners. tht princi· pal Question must be "Ar. Wrongful [kath Thzabltr- Othtr serious quutions include: _ 15 O"Ci!t'ie rttl'l)ld ivt? - Itow dots the 1996 amondmmlto S«tion 104 ,"tct wrongful duth damigts? - How ('.I.n I craft seltltmtnU 10 best btnrfil my climli? - How should I advise PilII and prestnl dionu? In discussilljJ all of IheK Iuuts, it is importanl to reallthit there are threo reltv<onl time poriods: pre.198'!1 ~"",ndment; post·l996 arMndrMnt. and lhe Ii"", in betwom.

Ar. AI.bama Wrongful O•• th ...,i •• T• The AIaI:wna Wrungful Outh statut•. Ala. Code



one of the few such p"""';!iom in the country. The Sl3tUI. proYMIes tNl the JOlt n:cO\Itry lor • wrongful dtath lhall be in tht nature of punilivt~: the pnlYi.ionure not idtnli· aI to thost for punitive damages for fTlludultnt. inltntional, willful or r«kltss conduct. O"Cih:ie "'"" • """"'IIfu1 death ase: ill noted by the Tenth

,.. . .bllll' 01 Punltl.,. .,...... . .

Circuit. theft ""'" no cIoim rnd by plaintiffs thai tIlt ..~ death btntf"1ts wen ~ in ~urt. • Kansas low dors not pro.ridt tNt punit~ <lamagQ: "" the iOIe mnedy for l wrongful dealll; the plaintiff rteriI.'<C! cornpmsalory iI/"oIJ "",niIM damagu. It ~, not lll]lear tllal O'C il..il1lw affected, u«pI. perhaps by it.s re:.soning, Ille stale of Ille law regarding taxability 01 soC3l1td"comptlWltory" punitive ~U. lutll ~ those _ard· N in ~ AlibIma wrongful dutll cut. In I wry nal "''''''', ....,11 "<OmptIWIIOf}'" punitM Ibomages lin witllin the pllin language of 11!)4 (a}(2J-<larnage, rtaivtd "on account of 1'''l'$0I\II1 injury: ....... analy$il of the ONjority in O'Cifl'i~ an· I... on l tOmlruction of"on account of ptl'SONl injury" lIS lpplied to l'IOn-wmptll$atory punil~ Ibomagu; the irgumtnt WiS bastd in Ilrg. pirt on the hoIdinQ in Commissioner v. Sdrftier. u lliat generally punitiw dal'!1aJlt$ are not "duigned 10 c:omptllSolOte".";clims: The Court ru led in favor of tht govemmenfJ argu"",nl llial 5Klion (2) "wu inawlio:able to punitive damagt$ whrr. ti>oM damages 'ire not tomptlISIItion for injury lbutllilnstud ._lU priv.ote finu IeYiN by civil jurin to pun,$I\ rt'Prdlensible conduct and to ddn its /utuu occurrence. _M Thi:! ~ttd ~, /.,.- the decision aoUiniy implou tllM iny damoges. inc:ludinC punitM ~. which are inttndtd ill compensation au non·IaDb! •. I. 0 '0/1,,1. R.t ..... ctl...? Th. Supreme Court's decision will almost cortainly be treat· ed in practic. ill II mer. determlnallon of uistins law, with full rl'lroact~ tIIect. ObI.iously. given the p.ossage of the 1996 amtndmtnts 10 fl().t (al(21. the Coort did not anticipate prosptctM awliation of it.s dKislon ........ opinion i\$elf dif. linguis/la ,ts efftct from the mtuiy pr(l$ped;.... etfect of the 1996 ;unendmmu... None of the .temt dtcWons on thi:! u.we were writlm prior 10 the 1989 amtndmmt.s. and 1M Eltwnth Cin;uit ~r dKided tilt issue. Alabama litigant.s will not I>e iblt 10 claim llial thry ... liN on IIny rormly settled prior stale of the law. O'Ci/vi, Ih.ufor. raises stl>eral issun of tilt d f.ct on any liti~nt.s ..too 'Keived punitive IWnIog. ilWardS prior to tilt 1989 amendmmu; i[!hoy failN 10 M' t.uts on tM ~....ard. Ihq umain liabl. for plus internt and ptlUlltits impOsed by the IRS. Ther. ~u llao. of course. the possible criminal rtptrCl.ll'lionl; to thi:!liiluu.

Richard Wilson & Associates Registered Professiona l Court Reporters 804 S. "-y Slr~ Montgomery, AI~b.:Im' 36 HW


How Doe. 1104I_H21 An_t W~I Aw_reb? As ;unended. HOt (11(2) i%1d 1104 Ie] p"""';de!. for the tan· bility of all pun ill". damliu IWllnl$ e..,.pt for ...-n;ongful duth

awards lik. lhose under Alabama', Wrongful Death Stalute. Pa.t (c). quot<:<\ abovt-. atttmpt.s .tlength 10 restrict th. abili· ty of 1M stalU 10 gain lhe beMfiu of thi, """'ption b)' ~mtndinQ their law of wrongful death. lhIt 5Klioo. oo...'l:Wr. \loa not tltariy stlt. whal trtalmtnl il to I>e afforded 10 qual · ifying wrongful ..... th n.... rd$. ....... amendmml w:qJIs "COIllpt"r"dlItory" punitM darTOaiH for wrongful dtath from the uup/ion of ~II punitr... ~ts to theuaplion for dam· .,.. r« ....'t<! i'$ a rtSIllt of ptl'JONl injury, One commentll' tor" h.;os quntioMtl whrthe. tilt lmendmt"nt int.nds 10 luw ruth wrongful dUlh beMfiu to p•• ·uisHng law (whattvt. tllal is later determined 10 bel. 0 . whether the amendment p"""';des for the non·t.uability of luch wrongful dealh beM' fit.s. Thiot c:ommmtator tl"TlJOMOllSly statH tN.t O"GU"ie held weh punit;.... dama,ga \.liable under prl'-uisting Iiw. As di$cussed above. O"Gikw Mither dtttrmil'lfd pCISI·l989 low, nor the stlt"" of "compt"nNtory" punitive damages. ....... noose Report on tht 1996 ~mendmmt.s" ~te lliat Iht iotml of the House in d~ing the o.igiMI bill ~ lhat such qualifyi11ll puniliw da~1 continue to be controlled b)' "pu. sont Ilw: At notN, O"GiM~ did not invoM stalt law on wrongful death allowing punitivt dam;og•• as th~ wi. r.cov· .ry; III. plaintiff re«iYed actual M Wl'1l U punit"''Ii' IWnIogu. ....... wry spKificity with wllich Illi. seclion is drafted. p;lrticu. Ilriy the pl'OYisionl; to ~ ,tatH m<'riting their wrongful doth Ilws in ord.. 10 ;oppiy what is oI:MowIy ,~'Od as ~ benefICial t.u ~tus for MIy indic:otn the undtrsbnding and intmt of the legisllluu rtgarding wllat "prl'$Ont Ilw" i:! in Illis rl'gard.


Cr_tUng _ Settlement: Will the IRS Look ..,ond the Ple.dlngd In all)' Qst involving punitive d.amag~ •. oth~. lhan I wrong· ful duth cue. the partiel c:on both beMfil b)' crafting i seltl • • mtnt in tonns of COIllptruatOry d.unages (other liwl emotion· al diltms. of course,. Undoubtedly. a pbinliff will be wililng 10 settle for a SOfI1t\I.'lla1 small.r amount if that amount is for <OmptnNtory damagn. thin the "'mt pllinliffwouk! requ'rl' as \.lIabk punil~ darn;lges. ........Kml decision of the AlibI ..... SUl'Umt Court in Ufe Ins. of c-g;a r. JoIms>o,r. ~ p"""';de. furtht. impttw for $u(h a seUI_menl. to avoid tilt payment of one·llal! of the ~unitiw damage "ward 10 the Stal. general fund. Tht p;lrtiu must be c:oreful, of course. in crailing ....,111 ott · Ilement; the Int~maI Rtvmue SeMte has tilt lIulhori1)' to assign ~ poI'Iion of ~ lump &urn senlemtnt to punilM damoges. dtspite the lick of In)' indic:otion in tilt settlement of the brtak. down of the po ..... ds.. Pn:rumabiy. the Sen;c. aon ~bo queslion the statemmt.s of tht parties in the sttllmwnt document rtgaru,ng the brtalldo.", of damiges. ind find Oil portion of those damagu \.a.QbIe,- You should consull your accountant or t.u lptCialilt before drafting or r,oulizing su<:11 an agrttmenl.

Tht~ a~

$Orne CommO.He"", coru;i<krations you !ho<lld uw in ruchin8 a settkrnent; plaintiff should M able to PI'(M: compmsatOf')' cWnages wffiei .... t to suP\'lOft the fulllffiOUnt 01 any Sdtkmmt for ~tOf')' di~ The ~rtiu an. in the Sdtkrnent. &p«ifally withdraw all alltgilions 01 fr/u.II,dmt. inlmllonal or willful adions. in .num for a JUb. stlnlilolty fun KtU,mmt 01 clai-.! COIT4"!n.wotOT)' dimaf<$. If \IOU c.n ruch a seule"",nt figu~ in good wth ~ upOn claimed comptnutory oWNg<s. thai should go a long Wi'J t.....-ard ulisfyin8 an audiL Similarly. the ~rtitJ may apportiOfl the seulemtntlhemsel,... s. If done in gOO<l faith. the Service 5hould h;o~ no grounds 10 c~ll enRt a rt3$Onabie determination; btar in mind. in reachinQ these figures. ,uch factors as that the value 01 a daim for punili~ damagts is always considtribly Ins pr.cise and ,,"ured than on. for provable comptnutory damai/t'J. ObYiowly a jury may or may not aw.>rd punitivt dama#s. t~ mloy chost any amount. and the award is sub;eet to chlolltnge and rC\'twl or rtmittitur. Of course. mlony dtfendanlJ mloy not be willing to ~ any amounl ioknlified as pun,t"... ~~ such. Sdtltmmt would lend 10 ildmil wrong·doing. Undoubtedly. tilt IRS and the courts C\'tntu.llty will rtaCh a definition or a 10$1 for determining whelher lIny such setIlmwnl proceeds, lhough id .... tifitd as comptn.wolory dim . should bo: taxable; it is hoptd that limely ~ic. from. tax expert may help to k~p your dienl from bo:coming th. 1..1 cut.

Ad..,I.I ... Your CII... b The first advkt to gM: any dient ...ho has m:.Md. siublt award 01 punil;'" damagu is.: hire an aco:ounlllnt or attorney who is apert in \.ax law. Thai is good advice as ..... 11 for the practitoomT wilh Hrious qunlions in this ut;!. In O"Cilrit. ""nilM ~ " ...rr owardftl to the HUte 01 a worNn who hiId died 0I1O:1M: ~k syndrome. In 1988. lhe HUt. distributed the ntt procttds oIlhe wit to the btntrtcilofiu. who reported Ihe IlmountlS income on lheir 1988 Tdums and ~id their \.axtli bistd on Ihiot ~mounl. The bt",fi. clui" lhereaft" sought both a dtdaration that the ""nitM damage awanlwu not IIIx.lbl. and a rtfund 01 the llmounts paid in income taxes on tOOse funds. This approach may apptar 10 bt unllf«ua rH~ rompl .... but il..,rw:1 two purp(l5es; il prOleclJ your ditnl from laler MinS htld liable for intt,· ut and penalties by the IllS. and it allows your ClOSt to be hurd in diltritt court rather than in the much mort pro-tax forum oIlhe tax courts. II also has the lidded btntfil 01 avoid· ing temptation for II spmdthrift client to dip into the funds t~t should be set asilk for pa)'Fntllt 01 \.axu, •

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. BA

ALBERT MEDINA Post OtfIu Box 2409:1.4 Montgome ry. Alabama 36124 1334) 2n-7929

International Law Section ......... .,_ .. ,<





"<FO e


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Demand for inte rnational lega l services co n ti nu ~ ·(Q,.r~s~· iri Alabaf11'a . Th9'<Y€glr·old

. .

" " .'



Inte rn ationa l Law Section of the Alabama ~ie- gar is committeg' to meeting this' • •.' • growing need. In an effo rt to match NI~" ~ith expert ise, the ~ction's member, ship ros ter on the World Wide W~1i~' the p(frs~nal interrvliional law experience





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p.he)l~n,y~ne of man~:~iorts ~o educ~e the p~b1i: ab?,l,I,t

Alabama's interna tiona1 l ~al servlc(os. The seclfon '!!.spe~kers burii,lU provldes' ~eakerll'° : .' '. .' '. : • 0'· ". on international legal tc pics upon raguest ..t:LE serr\iCars are be~g" aeve l opedtd'teach


practica l internati oril' legal issue ..

the state.

Develop~ent groups,


. . .




spoi~ to legal afli{'busil1e'5; pf,ofessiQJJa!s· across . ' '.' , <' such.i s tht! 06Cp'no~iC)f~velofllTl6l\f "Partnership of


Alabama and the Al$iPama World BusiOess Center, coitflnue to·narticip$.te • I





devel opment of t~ :ection and iti contacts w itp' t[le bus i ness ·~ m~unity. • • • • • •• • The Inte rnationa t La\v Section Qfings toge t h~ laWyers whose pr~t i ~s are not fully

•• .


• •

• •




represented by oth ~r ba"'~.ect ion1' Th e netw.~lng ~ this legal expeflen&i~ invaluabl,e t clien ts who want fo.Il servtce frClm Alabaf1}9 lawye ~s , Secti on members k~p In touch •

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0. . .

. . t.. '. . .'. .

" .0


Ben Broadwater, Sfb1ion ~ hair, en riou la ~ .!ij.j,~ 9~.~t!9~,;;. ~nctJl8uJl~aliorio from




lawyers, business profe~i oh .. 1:> and educators alikli. If there is any;'way the Section


can be of assistance, call·Jlil11'. at, 133tU 432- 16 00. Fo r membership information, ':. .; contact Jim Rotc h at (2 0G-I. 5;21 -8 0'0 04f or speaker's burea ~ information , ton" '. '. ':. ta ct Allison Po w e ll at (205j ·4Cj8 -9400. · · ·-:···· ••••••• .&. 0••••








,_ _ - :o



RECENT DECISIONS 8g Wilbur C. Silberman

Bankruptcy Decisions Power of court to change t . . .".~t. explalnacl




202 S.R. 520,

(lIkrtcy N.D. Ala. Oct. 8. 19961. la~$


S. Slrdge, in. Wfll'f&SOfltd

Opinion, d,!<;us.sed Code Hetions 327. 328.329,3.30, and 1106. with 'os!",c! to the latitude of the \,;.1 cou rt in

allowing compensation different from thilt .pp.......m undt. 1M terms ollh. employment. TlM: thrust ollhr opinion wu Ih.illhe court does not I!J.''O unhmiltd poI<I'" 10 '"klint. or dtcruse tm origiml tu rns Ind conditions unduth. theory of "reasonable-

nus"_that "reasonablen.u" lIthe buis of tile origiml undtrtloking pre_ aPllrov;ol, as providtd in 1328. bullhat the standl.rd 01 rmew as HI forth in 1330 is INt of imvroc-'idenu; 1330 is

subjtcl 10 1326. 32811011 329. Ikc,oUH of the importance of this Opinion. the following is quoted from page, 522· 523 oIlh. We.! Citation: H the m.nluupicy court ruapprows the terms «lilt appoint. ment. it does not ~.. tho pOWo1' to "",k( a '~ness' review. Instead a tho rusooabl~· n.w standard. in 1328 JI«"


_.--_.-_ ..... -_. --

_III 0.-'_ h80 ,."".,,""''''

--~ --~


casu. tm SlJnlbrd 01 rtvi ... tn be .... d in tht 1330 ht.. ring is nm of impro"illenc~. The coor! ... rt'qUjmJ tn allow thr >trw! upon f«s. pursuant In Stct_ 330. unl_ tht igr«d upon lerms and conditions lr~ improvident. In f~1. where tm bankruptcy COIl,t previously lpprQ'ml cnmp<fWtion terms. il Ml1J()( subsequently alter those tmns unless tht. ori&IIIiI terms ""fre improvidmt in ti&ht of unanticipotm de".,Inpmlnu.. (Ci$n which ha~ consi<kred this aspect nf §328(a) haw oot all"",-ed bankruplcy COUTU to liter rmuee ~Iy IPPfO'o-ed contingency fta butd upon thr USUlIIItSlS fnr «,~Ie cnmpmsation). (tibo· lions omitted) ~ppro,-,ai

Com mont, In light of the changes made b)' the 1994 amendments. it will be interesting to OOseM whethtr Judge Sledge'" foI~. Wt QII partiruJar ..tttntion to thr 1994 ...... ndmmt to 133O(aJ pl'OYiding lor !-eduction by thr court on its ""'TllOOIion. Probably .. reduction could be ju5tifird by a ruling that tI>t original approval wos improvident. but i. this only a discussion a semanlics?

""'' 'I'S Ciro;:uit rul •• thost T.mpa I• • finn .hould ~y $125,000 to trust _ &ger v. Carl/o". Field~. Emlltlutl, Smith d! Cutin. P.A .. 100 F.3d 53 (7th Cir. N(Wtmber 8, 1996). In September 1992. the law firm (ClTlton) was retllined by Paul D:lo"'" tho praidont 01 U.s.A. \}j~nifi.d Products. Inc.. to defend 1110 corporlltion in I f",ud luil. In I~<tmber. Oavi. wi rrd $125.000 from the debtor s rooney market

account to Iht attorneys 10 fund ~ pos · sibl. KUltmenl. Tho followin8 day, \}jvtnifiod filod ban~rupCcy lind four days I"tor D:lo>is infonTlrd C... lton of the iNnkrup(cy, but told tht attorneys tNt tht money was his pt-rSOllilly. In February 1993, l)av;1 demandrd return of the funds and Carlton rtlurntd $113.000, afttr dtdutlin8 a In of TIlt Irustee lued for the 'nti r~ SI25.000. ~rlton uQutd tNt unlit< 1542. it Nd no koowlt4Qe INt thf $125.000 was property a tho deblor, tNt it no Iong~r Nd the property. tNt it had no knowledge of the rooney being proptrty of Ihe estate. and it Jhould not have to poy Ihe trusln. 1M ~nth Circuit made lhor! lIIrift of Carlton', argu .... nts that it did not Now control of tht motIty. slJting tNt """ethor the I...... firm was II transfern. 1542 controlled lIS to Ihe obligations 0( pe rsons who havt custody of property, and thai f550(a) wos not .ppliable as the law firm did ha~ control a 1110 mont)'. It then held thit 1542 CMrrulod tht eqUItable <kftnSf theory to protect an innocent Ir.!Uieror who dots not know of the bankruptcy. which Ihtory wu enunciattd in Ihe U,S. Suprtmt Courl tllf of Mag v. flt",de rso". 268 U.S. III \1925). but rtgacrdlus, in the &ger tllf Ihere "'e fe ",(fid.nt facts to put tm law firm on notice t,,"ttho funds mIoy be property alht <kbtnr. Commtnt: This case is diKU$WI to alerl att orneys thai when Ih ..e i. any question as to .. debtor in ban kruptcy NovinQ II claim to funds in po!.seSSion of tht IIttornty. grut Qreshould be nor· dsed bdort «,!using funds to a third plot)' claillWlL In an ~ndan« a Qu· lion. in the almnc. III obboining rei .... • n. poy Iho mon~ into COUrL

EJe_th Circuli holdl 1nI11_ plrso_lly II_I. 10 IRS for $20,000 conwnl.sktn peld to duly employed broil... because tt WI. from


ot' ...... t.


to ,",OPlrty .ubjecl to"vy"

U.S. '" Ruff. CA II. Ncmmber 21. 1996. 99 r.Jd 1559. In Ihis opinion 01_ fi"" ~u. tM EI ..... nlh Cir<: ... '1 hu held alruslee personally li~bl~ ror fail ... re 10 heed alU levy againSI compen~t ion d ... e a broker employed undtr a bank· ruplcy co ... rt ordtr to broker a ~Ie of ...... ts or Ihe tllitt. The employmenl order was enlered ~Iard\ 2.1989. b... llhe commission com~nRtion was subject 10 final courl approval. On July 27. 1989. the IRS ........ d Ih. lrullee wilh notice of .. levy 19iin,t Ih. broktr in ucus of 5230.000. The lruslee r.pliN thil II 1M time. she had 00 rund. due the broker. On August 10. 1989. Ihe ~nkruptcy court apprOYtd ~ymtnt to tM broker of I SZO.OOO fH. "tlkh 1M IrullU ~id on Aug .... t II. Tht IRS ,,'U .wcc..sful in a .uit in 1M Dillrici Court ag.t.irut tho IruslH porsonally. The ~:Itvtnth Cir<:uil mled wt tho w...t on .. ppt..1 wu wholh.r lhe Irwl •• wu in pontuion of Of oblipled wilh . tSpt<:1 to properly wbj.<;:t to levy. It determined thit under florida law. the broker wiS entill ed 10 Ih~ commission if hi. prolpecl beam. the luccnsrul bu}· ... Payment wu condi· tioned on further court approval. but not ""Ii!letnenl. (emphasis lupplied ,) Thus, Ih. broker hid a property inter. H I in tht commiilion. The court .tated thai once Ihe prop· erty inlfTHI i. determined under .tate law. federal law dttennine.lhe tax COflHqU.ncH. It htld thit here, u the ~Ie hid betn closed. lhe C()mmiu",n wu fiud and d.ler· mined when the levy was ... rwd. It further s... ted lhit Ihe power of the court under Cod. 1328 to alt .. tM fn urange. ment did not dimimlh the fixed and delenninable IllIlu.e. U 00 rvidenn wu ~drtutd 10 show any rason wily tilt com· miuion could be allert<!. Commenl: I Cln .,j_li", cutS "iIe" 1328 could be used 10 alttr ~ntl. In thi, instance. I am of the opinion thil 1328 could hi~ been discuSHd in a w~y 10 justify In oppOsite conclusion.

EII"lnth Circuli .lIow. b..- orden . . .Inl' Itt~.tlon to f_!lIbt. settlement (oIall.... oI MunlOrrl. 97 F.ld 456. 29 B.C.D 1087 {11th Ci •. Oct. 10. 1996). The liquidaling deblor in a Chipttr II filed In proceeding l.£Iirul _ ral ~rtitl buW upon an LBO buyout. One dtf.mhnt to ulli. for Sl50.000 of ill $400,000 liibility illlurinct policy bul wilh a condition thai it would be final and complete liability on such ddendanl. and Ihat no contribution could be obtained by other defendanls. The ban kruptcy court approved the lettlement and issu.d In orde ' .."'aining the othtr defendanls from ..ekinQ contribution or indem· nity. Aft .. affirmane~ by the District Court. the Elewnth Ci rcuit also affirmed under prO'l'ilion. of flOS and ~·.d.R.Civ.P. 16(c)(9). Appell .. ntl had conl.nded (1) liCk of jurisdiction of the 1»nkruptcy court """r unuserted mit Law cla'TIl$. and (2) Lack of lepl.uthority of Ih ..... nkrupt· ey court to enter such ..... r order. Chief Judge Ihlchell wrote th~ opinion ..... Iing thil fOT Ihe .... nkruplcy court 10 hi~ jurisdiction. th ... mUlt be nelUI belwun the civil CaM'.nd title I L The ttll WiS whelher the outcome would affocl Ihe administration of the bankruptcy .. tat •. He hdd IlIat beCiuse. claim for contribullon or indemnily would hive luch an dfect, th ... was I ntlUI, p' incipally because the .. could be no ..lIlemenl wilhout $u,h a bar order. He uplained that this WiS nOI jurisdiction b)' con.ent. but nlher Ih. "nelus" of the claims to Ih...ttlement agree!Il(nl. and lubject 10 apprO\.'.1 ... nder ~nkrUPICY rule 9019(a). Ntll, u to the •• beinll 00 subject matt .. ju risdi c. tion bea....., claims had not betn .' by other defen· dants. he said. claim i, rip" for .djudiCition "'hen i\ is al I 10 ponni! effKli~ deci.ion · making b)' tho: court. Judge H.. lchell reuoned Ihll tiltre wu ample iuthority to ent .. the bar order under .. combiflilion of bankruplcy Hdion 1(1$(.' and FN.R.Civ.P. 16(9, which provide, WI Ih. court may ... ke appropriate ou:tion wilh rupoct to: (9J ... ulemenland tilt use of special proc.dures 10 ~isl in "-""''iog the dilput. when authoriud b)' stalute or local rule. He then justified bar orden on public policy and economy 01 minimizing litigation.




Commenl, [fyou hi~ .uch I .iluation dewlop. it is ruggnted thil iuthority of the court be sought. .. nd cite this Clst lor )'OUr .. ulhority. •

CAIllOPIIIOI.D·!ten _ LUQr, ............ ,.)<I

I»II_J • flOJ(



The Tiger Turns 90A Tribute To Martin Leigh Harrison D

~~n ~brtin

l.eigh Harrison, approaching his 90" birth-

dloy on April 4, looks ba<:k wilh satisfaction on his 39 years of $eMce on the facility 01 tho Uni~t'$ily 01 Alabama School 01 Law from 1938 to 19i7. and with mU(h rondons for the 3,451 who gn,dualed during Ihis period. most

.. whom he uullht. lIe<! a$ dun for 16 yors.lrom 1950 to 1966. having the IKOIld Iongtst ~IlIlU 01 1M II who hwe 50 ..M<i He w» Itwn ~nttd to tIw HtTbtrt D. \\';amer ProfQlOflhil'whic:h he filk<! until hil rt1iumml in 19n,It which time the Univtnity 01 AWwno 80Hd ofTnutm. """. ferred 00 him the honomy Ll.D. degree. He Wlght lor an four yon ~tr m;ument ",ithout tomptlUlltion btuu.. ol hi.$ bit fOlr (cxlling md lo}'lOlty to the \iw school, Ilis ch,;,rxtu;'tk mOduty;s uland ...toen reminded thai he has !.loughl tilTH Unitt<! Stat~. StnatOr.l: II ~r tonJI.t$$mtn; fiw goyemors; innumerable judg.. of .!.ote and federal coons; eEOs 01 the Southern Company, CSX Railroad and Torthnurk: many "'embe" 01111. Alab.lma lAgi,laluu: lind a \lillie ptrtenlllgt of the mlmbon of the A1abanu State ~r iUld many others throughout the country.....'hile ~tthe law school, ~ ~ughl ITAn)'coursu. including common Law ~nd AlwlTIII pluding, conlrac:u, a,gtncy, MId conflicts of law, his ~11:Io. His students ~ coIlugutS hold him in the u _ utHm, not only ror his tollli commilment 10 luching and scho!· anhip. but lor h" inlrgrity, inltllm MId h" pmfd _ 01 b;Wnc:t bdwH-n limmw in ;....... ing on high slM>dionls.,d 1 ......rm seost 01 urina. lAigtlll...rrison WI.$ born in Optliklo on April., 1907. I~ son 01 Willillm Robtrt H."Irrison arxl EVIl Tn ...ick IIlrri500. William H. Milchtll, Jr., I promintnl attomty lind rdirttl bank.. in Florence, Univtrsity 01 Alabama Tl"u$tu f.mtrilul


and OM of ~an HarriSOln's •• tud.nt.. "'id thiS about

his family: -Dean Harrison·s grandfather tamt to Lauderdal. County from North Caroli Ra in the early ]SOOs as one of OUT early seul .... His fat~r WllS .. g.idUilte and laler II rUPKtw professor at norence State NOfITI,I.I School (r>OW t~ University 01 North AlabaTlUI .•'rom this position. he bec.inw the second Montgomtry CityICounty Superintendent oI.:.tucation "titre he relTlllined for ZO yun. As 1 pion«r in 1.pI rduca.tion Ow> Harrison conlinued ... gmt f"mily tradition lIS 0lI\ oubWldi"ll tuc~r. lit credil to his lint heritage MId ] count illlS ~ privil~ to t..>.... !>Hn amone his studmb." lAillh _ in the fifth vacJ. whtn the Wnily mowd to Montgomtry where his f"ther I'Ktivtd much distinction for IIlviTlJ! ont 01 the mode] school S)'SIems in the South. ]t is int .... ting to note tllli both lAiall and his f... th.r ...... iWa.d· td honorary <kgren from the UniYersity .. nd. on retiremtnl, .ach received an automobil. (Ind lAigh .. d'fCk for $4,(00) from faculty and former students. Howf\'f:r. Ltigh'$ ~rents· gratest achit'vtment was raising three outstanding children. ~ old.. t, ClIlrlu T'r""";ck Harrison, was a nwmbrr 01 Phi Belli ~ II AlabalTlll with muttr's and Ph.D, <kgrus from HiMrd arxl I long irxl distingui.hrd 1eachi"ll tartt1' ... t Boston University, Willi/lm &: Mary and, lor 26 yea .... at Stwan« as profwor 01 En&li>h, ~rtmtnl ttid and dean 01 the Col1tgt 01 Aru lind ScitnC~ II. studitd under ~ i..yman Kiltrtdit It Ibrvanlllnd, in the Opinion 01_ knowItdgabIt obwF\'f.... was ".~the finut t&Cher 01 ShakHpr""" in Amtoo Kiltrtdgt·, d....m. " lAigh "'"lIS four )Uri )'OU~r... ISOl I nwm/)(r oIl'tti Belli Kappa ~t AJabami. with ~ law ochool record 01 all A's UHl 00. B, and with an LL.M. dtgrtt in l~w from Ibovard. He was ITI.Irried in OU.mbtr 1935 to Barbara Sinclair of Washington,




D.t. II.o.rboo .. H.mioon "as jusl M dtdiaoltd ~ 1oy.!110 lilt law school M was U lgh. A.o -firsl lady: Iht "-as~ grxiom I\o$ltSS at law school social ~nts. a couruelor to lil udent..· wives and female $I.udml$. ~OO l aoring wift and moIMr. BarN.. d~ in JIIm 1994. The liirrilon', dioughltr. BarbooTil Ann. "-as l ro...r·~ar honor stU<knt of tM CoUtil" of Education al tho Uni ' .. rsily of Alabama and holds the MS in IAbTilI"jl Scien« dttTf< from Ornel hutilutt. Philadtlphil. ~nll$ytvanil. Silo il married to Illo RItY. lbNOOd T. Smith, Jr.. a Luther-In minilittr in Boorw:. NOl1h C~roIina. Th.;r son. W. Robort Hmison. is. s.e....anu gr<>d~t. who tuches E,..gIish in lhe Danvillt. Virginia Communily CoII~. uigh has 1M g.. ndchildun. th.)'OIlRgW. MIne his l"'~r-old namesa~ •. Martin lAigh Harrison, .... ho plans to .Iudy law. CaT()lint. four ~rs younger than lAigh. graduated from RandoIph·Macon with honol"i.lInd timed lhe MA in t;nglish from Radcliffe. " ",1.,,1 Radc:liffe.1ht !ludied undt-r II ""mlltr of HaN,u d proftssors . i who Radcliffe. Sho I

Leigh Harrison's KI«tion :as dun and of his satisfxtion :as lhe law scOOoI btcalnt !l ron~.r under his long and distin. guished itDrship. Ailu his ~tlOO in 1929.1.tigJl jOllied lilt firm d McClellan & Storw d Birmingham in private ~. J~ Thomas C. McClellan ~ t"OIirtd from lilt supmnt court in 1923 ind _ into priwtle ~ in Binningham with JoIwt S. Stone. who kit a partnrn/ltp in the finn 0I1111rnan. Brdty & 6ai<J,.in. In 1929.)~ McClellan hod b«ome il"lCllp,)Citated "ilh a stroke and Leigh bfgao practice "ith John S. ~ They hod a Wry busy PTiICti<:t...-ith I areat deal 01 ;welble....n. whidt ~ inhmled btausoe Mr. Stont- prtfmtd trial pnda IMr the wriling 01 briefs aoo lrips to apptllal. COUr15. lAigh enjoyed and " <'1$ !llOI"O pn:{~ in the study <i the law. Jlf"t\"IoV3tion <i brief> ind the rt"IOI"O trdlnialllllPtllatt ~ lie Iat.'t'd his ¥<OCj>littn with whom he pndittd unlil Mr. Stont-'s tltath in


_from" ......m


band. Ii No~ ·

01 htr hus·

ARtr a ftw malch.lho

....... drciding on lIQfft1. !mew that he did




bt<:Qming \lean.

to .!trw on lho family with Albert J. •Mrah. $lT\'od i05 dean (rom 1912 10 1944 and "fIOM strength and Ie...JmhIP sh.:l;>ed tho ftg.11 "roIn$ion in Al.:Ib.1ma. and "ith




.'1. llepbum. who serwd as dean from 19o(.j to 1\150. !loth

*"' !/!"Cat tta.chers. and Leigh exhibited trait.. in !us te.l(hing

begin "'bul I

Judg(: Thonw S. L.w."SOI1..Ioi..... juslict 01 lilt Alab.lma SUprelllll Court. 192!1aa."t n."Ikcted on his ~tlOO with thorn.l.eigtt ,,-as p;!rticu. IIdy tho: 1<> Bililltpbum. boIh building ntiJlhbol"ing horni:$ ,n !he 8cffh Hill! subJi,,"i,ion alld lheir fam ilies devek'l'tng "'''rm frimthhil"- Ikan Ilq'lbum ~ the Ior1nI!r AlaiJam<J LIIr JouTllal. AIAItt:rm<II"n~



I hi, unt"t1"~·

of Alabama



a faculty mem"", "III! CQ""n<m Law . Ed.I. AI<lbQmaCdses



committees the Sial. most import,nt of which WII$ 'i .


t..r9\ _ _


_ _ _ a.·


""" -~ ftipN).

TIlt bw Khool facully w:u J1renltlw~ during Dun Ibrrison's Ik~ruhip. includi"lltho ~ppOintmtnlS 01 Dr. Jeff Benntll. Cohon. T.lIbort 8. I'CJIO'I«. IImry A. Wlit. Uwil/ht HOfPO. Judge Sam Iltitty. Dr. Cml /obcby. Philip Mihan. Thomu L }ontS. iIIId Coy T, Itulhnana. Sffiior ~ Pro(~ Tom }onH.l.PIlOinted by lA:igh in 1962. r«JlIs lilt pt..;oo 01 Leigll's tenure: "Ouring tho uneasy period in wucationai institutions occ.ulontd by racial integration and later student unrtlt. the Law S<:hool t~d relative calm tllrougll the Ittcody di.dplirwd bot fair ~mi",lI.rlItion of Dun Iluri$Ofl. Colle-g .. lity of tho faculty Wltll all impor"Unt decisioos afltc\;ng the bw school Tt«iI.~"II open faculty discussion partki~ion was lilt mel lrel 10 unlknlMMli"ll n .........,rt.. OWl Harrison was no! an overly w:it&blt person n he worIced IIlIrd to mainbin SU(lpOrt and Ioo,-lotty 50 tmt stU<lenu and faculty mem· ben ""~re comforUbtt witllll,s tudenllip. Ht consbntty wor ked hard to increa5f' wucationalltandard. by ..,tk· Inl the but qoalifitd .tudeniJ and slowly irocreasinl lhe minimum rtquiremtnls for ~million. "AdTnillion and retention qutstlOllS ~ftc made impar' t .. lly and tlllrly ".,thoul any ~klinl to political or othtr pmwrn. On lht othrr hand. ho was t(ltISidmtt 01 lht pttWNl protMffII 01 lht lI.udtnu md lIlways tried 10 be holpfuJ whtn sucll htlp was dtstMd. "Utan Itarris<Jn was ~ strong ~tt for libral)' mmroctmtnt. strongly sUJ>POrting the faculty library committte and its chair. Proftl5Or Jolin C. Payne. Dean HafTi""" aJll)Ointtd the taw School's first .ttomey· librarian. I'rof~r Thibert H. ~·owltr. and was able to obbin two uparWons 01 Fnrlih Ibll to pfOYide.loR1Oll8 other thints. additionallibrlll)' facilities and ~ rot'W moot courtroom." OM 01 tho most impooUnt iIoCcomplilhmtnU 01 IlK ~ School duriflll H.o.rri"",,·, dtaruhip was the oTgllniution 01 the UnlYl:rsity 01 Alabama Llw School Alumni Association and tho UniYl:rsity of AI~bamll LlIw School.'oundation. Dean Itarrison modutly gi~s cftcdil for thfK dflltlopmenls to th~



large number 01 dtdic.attd alumni who gave 01 their limt ~nd rTW.>M)', 5inilin, out rttired $mator HowtU Heflin for h~ outstanding It~ip in lhut endeavors.. He w:u tltcted IS lilt first presidtnt 01 the Law School Alumni Associ.ltion. which provided the nucleu, (or the organization of tho Foundation ~nd, I~ttr. lor th~ Farrah l.lw Society. ~nator remtmbtrs IIi. role: 'Prior to my going on lilt suprtme court. I had long felt that Alabama....-dtd lll.ron~r and better coordinated judi, cial systtm and ;mpl'tlYtd IeI!oJI trllining:u a mtllns of upgOOillll OUr legal system. r did not tllink tNt public funding could pnMdt adequate IUpport to bring the Jbte bw school to ils ....-dtd .tftcngth n tNt priwtt IUpplemmbl funding,,~ IWlntial to iu million:u ,lilt} had been demorutrllted lit lhe mtt universitIes 01 Virginia. North Carolin.a. Michigan and Califomilo. "I will never regret IIIfe time from my practice gi",n to thoe law Khool in thoe orpniulion of lilt law school Foundation and lilt initial fund nisilli efforts to itt it .tlorted. 1 and seYerlil othtn worked with Otlon Harrison to identIfy poItniialladtrs n urge thom to t&ke ~ Itadtrship rol •. Mer lht Founcbtion was orpniU<l. we all worked throughout the staU 10 obtain initial tndowtd lifts.. Lattr. the I'lImh Law Societywas organiud with mtmben limited to tho6o wilhnl 10 commit al least $100 (now SISO) pi'r }.... r. SoC«S$ 01 this program resulted from the loy~lty 01 each alumni to tht t./lw School plus tlleir 11M' and afftdion for Dun Itarrison and Illeir confidence in the WiK allocation of their gifts undtr hi. leadership.l am honored to ~rtici~I' in this tribote to thoe man who inspired my kM: ~nd dtvoIion to the study of bw." l..aII yrM. law sch:.>oI alurMi Robnt Mcf);Md Smith 01 Ili~ and rdirtd Jud9t Cornd H.l'oo.itr oILanttt ~ Dean 11m RlIndiII ",th the ida 01 ~ a fund W ~giI\l; in honor 01 Dean ~ ...... ~ his 90th birthcby. Dt.1n RlIndiIl enthusiastically accepted thtir gestion. The two then wmt to work and. 10 date. cIo5t to 560.000 in gifIJ and pl~ lias bttn raised. At the ti~. Dean Ibrt"ison _living in his Befell Hills home. that he had lived in for 56 years. I.ast ~ he kit and broIce lIis hip. Hf: is now 1;";"11 in l nuf$ing homr nul" his daogtlItr BaJbarlI' homo in North CarolinA. Her MIdress..-.d Dean llarrison', mai~ng addma is 1060 Big Hill Road. 8oont. North Carolina 28607. ~ to or questions about lht 1brrW> I'ond .toooId be dirtded tQ the UrWtBity <I Alaborno School 0I1..lw. CHIict 01 Dtwlopmtnr. Ilol 87Ol82. Tl,saIooR.Abbamll35487. •


J. _





- O-P-IN-IO - N-S- O - P- T-H-E- C -E -N - ERAL COUNSEL By J. Anthon!! />feLoin. penera/ counsel

Q u es tion: Mayan attorney who has been sus-

pended. disbarred. is on disability inacstatus. or who has surrendered hi. or her law li~"u in 1m State of Alabama work as a paralegal, law clerk or legal assist.nt in th. office of ~nolh., duly licensed attorney? ti~.

Employment of Disbarred or Suspended Attorneys

.I. Anthon, "cu.l ..

An swer: A di.b,arred Or suspendtd attorney may be employed as a paralegal. law clerk or legal a.<:!istant by another attorlie)' subject to the following conditions and restrictions: (l) The disbarrtd 0. suspended attor· ney shall have no contact with the clients of tfl<, firm. Any contact with a cHent is prohibited. Although not an indus;".., li't. the (oll""'ing restrictions apply: a suspended or disbarrtd law)'er may nol be p~sent

ph,·sicaliy located within the same office or prtmisel; as the disb<>rred or suspended attorney. 15) Disbarred Or suspended attorneys are prohibited from attending any court procnding.< with the employing (lr supervising attorney. (6) The di>barrt<l Or suspended atlef· ney is prohibited from lw:ing an)' access WhalSOeWT to funds of a cli ....t (7) The employing nr ,uP<'rvising attorney sholl oonfirm the parame· tus of the employment on a quarterI}' basis to the Disciplinary Cnmmi5Sioo. Discussion: Research into this issue indicates that some st.ates specifically prohibit suspended or disbarred attorneys from being employt'd as law clerks or paralegals. Se. c.g. In re Kuta. 86 tll .2d 154.427 N.E.2d 136 (1981):

during conferenc •• with clients. talk to clients either directly or on

Disciplinary Proceedings Against

lhe telephone, sign correspondence to them, or contact them either directly or indirectly. (2) The disbarred Or suspended ~ttor· ney shall function only under lhe clore supervision of Ihe employing ~Uorney. Such supervision must be continuous ~nd regular. (3) Tht employing attorney must tile a writlen report with lhe DiscipliOlll)' Commission outlining thelY!'" of work being P<'rformro by the disbarred or susP<'nded attorney as well as the supervising mKhanism uti. liud by lhe employing attorney to supervise the actio", of the disbarred or suspended attormy. (4) Tht supervising attorney must be

Wright. 132Wis. 2nd 223. 291 N.W.2nd 696 (Wis.1986). The majority of slates. h..,....·ever. do allow suspended or dis· barred attorneys I{I work as paralegals. law clerks {lr legal assistanli subject to c.. tain conditions. On. of the conditions almost unifnrmly appl ied is thai the suspended or disbarred attorney haw no contact with clients. Research has II{II disclosed any jurisdiction which permits such employment and expressly all ows dient contact. although some art sil~nt on the sub· ject. Representative of th{lse jurisdic· tions which ha,oe all..,....·ed employment subject to certain restrictions is the decision 01 the Supreme Court 01 Kansas in the Maller of Wilkinson.

8J4 r.2nd 1356 (Kan. (992) which addrnud thil issue;u follows: '"Tho .:orumJUI iI that III liltorne)' susptndtd from the prxtia of law may obtain f~llIS II law ckrk. proyid,ng thtn: ar~ «rtain limitllhcns upon the swpmdtd lItiornry'S xtiYities. ~rding

limitlliions. we are ptrsu.>dcd the bettu rule it that an lIltOmty who h;u boHn d'$N.rred or Jwptnded from tilt practice of law is ptrmitted to work a.s a law clerk iwu\i· gator. PIIr;olegal. or in any rapacity uaiay ptrJOO for a licensed altornty-empjO)'tr if lilt $~nded ~r'l (unctions art limited m:h.l$ivtly to work 01 a pr~paQl... ry ~ure undtr the lIJptTVis.ioo cf a 1icm$N atl~ and docs not 1......oM ciiml contact. Any contact ..,th a dimt iI pn:>hibded. Although not m incl ... iw liJt. lilt following mtrictions allPly: II JUlptnded or disbarred ~r may not be present during conf~r~nca .dth c!if11U, talk to cHents eitlltr dir.:ctly or on the tel~phon •. sign cor. espoodenct to tlltm. or COIlta.ct tlltm either dimli)' or indimtly. ~Iy. wt

1997 ANNUAL MEET I NG J ULY 16- 19 1 997

<10 not X«pt that a

disbamd or swpmded ~. may ~ in .11 actiYitiu that I non· ~")'t' may pt"rform. By bIoning conlxt .... th lilt li«nsed attorN)'f11lI'IO)'tr", ditnU. wt prohibit" diJboomd or suspmdtd lItornry from bemS present In tilt court· room or p.tHnt during any court proctodinllS ;nvo!>.ing climt.." 834 P.2d at 1362. It il. therdo.e. the cplnlon ofthf: Oiscip li(l.).ry Con.miuion of the Alabama State Bar that IUlpendtd 0. diwm:d altomeyl may be empl~ u panl$ls by duly lice~ IttOmeyl or law fi ..... wbj«t to the conditions as KI out ..tKM. 1M applicalion of this Opinion will be .etfOlctivt to lilt uknt that it shalllflPly to the employing 1I1torrwy who wm:ntly has in his nnploy u a pl.rlIlfg;ol. law derk c. 1$1 ...... stant II ~r who has been $W. txndtd. disblorred. iJ on diYbility i.wolive slalU5- or who has lurrendered hil or her law ticenK. • IRO-96·GBI

The Kids' OLance Sc.holarship Fund is hosting a golf toumamtnt to rn.~ ITIOfIeY

for schohuships for children \\'00 have Mel. a parent killed or permanently and totally disabled in an on-the-job injury. Kids' Chance is the only opportunity for some children


further their edu-

cation. The golf tournament \I.·ill be held Friday, April 4 at Rock Creek

Golf Oub in Fairhope, staning at I p.m.

Fa- more information. please contOCt AId:uma Lau,fumcbioo Dim:IOI" Tracy Daniel at (334) 269-1515.




A Survey of Recent Case Law Interpreting the Rules



1m, rwl ~~r, ,JeV<r~lli",ir.c~nl court decisiON twl an impact on the AI ~bama Rules 01 Civil l'rocodur•.

This article dou

not attempt

to address every recent

opinion co"""ming the rules. Instead, the )ulhors have Rlteled five arus thai apply \0 ~ b~ spt<:trum of prnHtionert

and that have had a llIbstantial impact on the law. Pari I of this article dis.u>su the disc~ry of hablljl~ insuraoct con· trKts unck. the Alabomo a~ndmtnl to \..., Rules 01 Civil

Proctdun. PartH addl'U$tS the proprirty 01 ~rmiS$i..,. joinder and ;nleMnlions 01 subrogees sine. JInHTkan l4Jion Post Number 57 ••. UMM,. Put III ~nal)'lu l 'Kent <:.lK on the principles 01 ••1,,100 bKk ol-oomtntl, u.Kd 10 rorrtct l miSl\llmW deftndant in lhe compliinl. Part IV disawes £X p<lTltAJfIl /IIul. Gen. Jru. Co.,. January 1996 QK Iddrusing tho applic.iolion of lilM limilltions 10 motions to ruonsllkr. I'll" V rMews ~nl rtttnl Ileciiions aft'..:hng tho seopr of di$cov!ry in


Insur.nee Ag,..ment. In October 1995. the AIWmlI Rules oICivil Proctdu..,_n amendld to pt"O\'iOt (01' 1M dlKXl"nY of insunra IgrHtTltnts. Alo. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(2). R_Jr<;h has not r~lfd 10)' Alob.imll Su~rmlI: Court decision inlt.,.,.tting Ow lIf'plic.Mion of Ow amendment. H~r, redtl\lol courts hIvt; bHn wrnthng with the disaMryof insunn« agrHments Jin« 1970 MId haw drlineatfd J numbu of boul'ldMia on lhe rule'. use in prttri.'ll litigation, TM (t<kl\lol ~I givt Ow AWwImil ~!Xlihontr somt guidarlCe on how to appr_h rtquull for insunn« agreement., TM followi!\ll art I ""mple of Ca$cs t,""t ,""vt addreloKd the diKOYtribility of insuranct agrHments, L Exu .. Polltle_Tht Unilf<.i Slitu District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, ~~ttrn Division,lInntf<.i attor· ney', (us 10 plaintiff for ,""ving 10 compel defendant to product an exctss policy in a posl-coosenl dKree hearinll whert

deftndant had failed 10 product the ucess policy prior 10 set· tltment. Pwler ", errol;,.., Naif lJejifl'" 1M" 19-90 U,S, Oi.\. LEXIS 4018 (E,O,lIl, April 10, 1990), 2. Amount of Cownoge S till A,'alLabl_ln II '-'Y' ...... II, 17e$,lmtlll, llle.. th~ Uniled Stat.. OJ,trict Court for Iht Northern Di.trict of Iowa dtnitd the production of informa. tion relating to Ihe amount of coverage slill available 10 defen· ,Janl follo,,";ng previous Hltie",",11 with olher per5005 In the ""me collision and follo,,";ng logalexpenses in INt all insur. rnc:. poIiciu had Jlready bttn product<!. ISJ ER .O, 154\W,D. 10'I''a 1994). 3. Rtinluran"" Agrftmt1lts--Tht Uniltd SlAlts Dislrict Court lor tht EaM~rn District of PtlU1S)'!wni;l dtllltd I"" productioo of tilt insum's agrHmenllagrftmmts INI $prtld om insum', risk of loss to other insure,,) in 1I fint party action in thai tht r.l~f brillJl ...... ght ... for declmotOf)/ jud£mmt. not for monty diflllltU.lI1d Rult U(b)(2J lJItCifit:$ lha! insur.m« agrwnents lire 10 br prodU«d only if they IN)' cause tilt insum to br liibk 10 ""Iisfy..,.rt or ~I of 1I,udg· mont. 139 ER.D. 609 (E.D. f\o. 1991). 4. " RiI-k Mana# .... nt~ Documeat_lnSimon~. C. D. Searle & Co.. the Unitfd Statts Court of A/lPtlIls lor tho Eighth Cirwit ~ttd production of dti'mdont's risk ~ment document. .. bring re""""l to notkt. dtItd and punit"", dam~ in ~ produru liability.-. Tho court notrd in tIkIfl th;t.1 SId risk managemenl documents. including rtStI'Ye informa· lion. would not T1Kmariiy br termed insunnct documents olIld. tIltrtfOrt. would not br d~r.IbIe undtT tilt proyimn mandating tilt disclowrt of insunnce agrHments, Tho court ~rW tilt production of tho documo:nts undtT tilt I!f~nl rule proo.iding for the discovery of 3Il» and all relev.lnl docu. ment., Rule ~b)(l), TMcoun W(nl fill to hold that they could not agret with the dlltndant'$ posiljon lhal the rul( mandating tho disclosure 01 insuranaagrNments undtr tilt f~1"lI1 RultJ

of Civil Procnh.. r. f()m:~ dioc<.>wry of any 1ns.ur1J'M;e \b;u. mtnt beyond the ~mmt 816 1'2d 397 (8th C'r.

57 ... ILtJMy. don not affectthi. rul' that joindtr oflSubroIf« insurance COITritr is prope •. 1996 Ab. LF.xIS 182. Tho

deni«). 484 U.S. 917 (1987j.

express ~ 01 the .... tute rultd III"IO;OnSI.ltutional by

5. I.MrlIruoIth Ob;tctill_lnRog ... TheAwlm~. drimdants ob;tcttd 10 I uqucst lor "lI1i ftlevant ins.unna: .,oIicicl._" on the grounds that 1M ~uest was vague. owrly broid. 001 calcullttd to lead III ~missibl. e-idenct. ~ sought OOI1(Hlmtiool ~ pt"Opr"im.ry Information. Tht: Un,tt<! SUtes District Court for the Northern Dislrkt of IIlillOil or~mI the dd.ndant to product COlli", of Insu .... nce r><>Iicies under .... hich Iny person carrying on an i"suranc. busineu may 1M: liabl. to satisfy p.:Irt or all of a judgment which rna)' 1M: entered on the case or to Indemnify or reimburse d.lendants lor ~ments mad. to satisfy any judgment which may bl enter.d. The owrbreadth objection was ovorrultd. 1995 U.S. Oi5l. LEXIS 10559 (E.D. III. July 10. 1995). 6. It..lth CaR t>m.idt.l.iobility Inl.,ranee-Tho limits 01 liability ins.u .... nce ~ availabl. to .. health can: provider shall not 1M: d~rabIo in lIlY action lor injury or daITAtIU Of l<ITOIlI!ful duth. whethe. in conIOO 01" tort. .,gains.! I hulth Clre pnwidor lor an ~1ognI brudo 01 the st-Ianl 01 can:. ALl. Cod! t6-5-~eJ (19751. "This dw!gt to tho t..Ybility Ad 011987 pr<Mdina: lor the coofodmtWity "Oiabolity insur. ana: limits _ omde eff«t,~ May 17. 1996. ~Iy in ~ 10 lhe ]995 amendment 10 lhe Alabama Rules oIC;";1 Proctdure calhng lor tho di9:lowre 01 iruurar« limil$.

AmI!riron Ugioo /WI N~ 571~t.,. "Itlhis l«lion shall

.lolnder end Intervention Following Americen Legion Po.' Humber 57 v. Le"he .. In ilmericu" l.egion PosI/l"ul1lber 57 ". Lwh~/I. the Sup",n't Court of Alwma hold that tho defendant in a ptr· ..,...1 injury Ktion cannot introduc • that the plaintiff rcctiwd from .. co'lattn.! source p.:I)mtnts for her mediCiI or hoIp;~1 tlj)tTlSU. 1996 A1a. t£.,(IS 182 Vuly 12, 1996). "This ruling .... IHII tho w.u. whorther in"''''"''tion!. and joinclt. 01 Inwnna: wbrogees who haw !Wd mtdiCllllM:nrfiu to a plaintiff an: still proptr. Uncit. A.... R. Civ. P. 24. II ptnOIl nay """'"" to inl"","ne in an lClion. A1a. R. Civ. P. 2•. lntt~nlion is used "titre lin inwre •• 1or txantplt. lTIQYt:!Ito haw iIM11 named 0lS II 'fIIl Plrty In int..ttt in 1M c.oue. On tho other hand. joind« is used "tIert II p.:Irty TOO\'U to ha\"t another enlity or person joined into /I c.oue. Abbotl ". Alisiall! IllS. Co., 507 So. 2d 905, 006IAla. 1987); $« Ala. R. CIY. P. 19{1I). Tht Alab/lna Suprtme Court in AMoII ". Allslale Ins. Co. in 1987 WIIS f;,ctd with the inut oI .... heth.r lho collattral source rult is violated Ill' the lKkJihon 0( plaintiff$ medical iru ........ nct car· ritr lIS /I Plrty plaintiff ,,-IItn: tho plaintiff .tipulate<llllllUbrogation clai".,. 01 the insuftr .... iII 1M: sali>fied from the pnxetds 01 Mly judgment rtndtrtd in favor 0( tho plaintiff. AMolI, 507 So. 2d;st 906. Tho coon held that unlltr A1a. R. CIY. P; 1711). the subrog«.1IS relll Plrty in inttrm. is the propor pl.tuntiff regJ.nllt" 01 1M form 0( the Ira.nsKtion bdwftn the insun:r and the insured. Id. If the subrog« is 001 named lIS • pia'nuff. accord,ngto the coort. the defendanl Mi)'tornpI'l joindtr 01 the iruu .... punoant to the ;oin<kr prtM.ion contained in Ala. R. Civ. 1'. 19(1). Id. IcitingRoberts u. Huglws. 432 So. 2d ]232. 33IAl... 19831l. nit ",ctntly-dedd.d cue, Am<>riCUII Ugion Posl /I'mn~

not IIPP/Y to any civil action ponding on June II, 198r. A1a. COOt t12·21 .... S(A4. 19751.Of.'ftTUltdbgAmmam lAgion PbsI Number 57 ".ILtJIw/l. 1996 ALl. tEXIS 182. Tht: Abbotl c.oue, "tIerein tho coort aJIOIO"td the joincltr 0( 1M subrogtt iruuranc. carrier. WOlS lk<:i<.Itd on April 24. 1987. Ab/K}ll u. Allstale Ins. Co.. 507 So. 2<1 at 905. Section 12·21-45was not ewn in tffect and did not control thoAbbotI decision. Tht/efo",. the fact thaI it has bun rul.d unconstitutional would not haw 3n imp.:lct on theAbboIi case. "The Am<1riam ugiot, Pml /l"um~ 57 .!ed.ion prohibi~ tht introduction into evid.nce 01 ttst,mony concerning p.:Iyments Ill' tho collat ..... l sourc •. I1",,·~r, it is 'nt ...n'ng to note thaI in Abbott. tho Supr..... Court 0( Alalwna SIlIII'd. "Itlhe only teslimony btfort thtjury concerning Blu. Cross tillot this coort can find in the record _ Abbot!"s ttst;mony Ill' which he appoorently ~tto cwm tho promiums ho ~ p.iOid to 81 ... an .1........1 01 hIS damagts"./d at 906. AI .. mult. iCCOrding to the court. the roIlat ......1sou..,. ru ........ 001 violated by deftndant adding the iruurance sul:>rogft ~ ~ p.:Irty plaintiff ...tIe .. 00 testimony _ inlroductd by defm· dant that intorjedtd collal..111 Ply· mrnl.! ka\"ing b«n ~ to pl,intiff./d. In summary. although the joinder of collateral source, i, still proper. the u~rulneu to the defendant 01 doing so has bun restricted Ill' tho ....,...,.;,;m! Legicn decision.

Mbnemed P.-tIn -.d Principln of AeIMkIn Back On October 4. 1996. tho CXlUrt 01 ciYil lflllUb foIIorwtd the Alabama Supmnt Court's IIoIdings in Hugha "" Kor p i Er parte /I'cros". N-affinning the tibmJ oorutlUdion that i5 to be applied 10 the principles 01 ",Iation bide 01 ammdmmts. St.? Parla I'. !>Iot:n. 1996 Ala. Civ. App. Lr.XIS 690 (October 4. 19961. The II""""" rule all to mill\llming ~ okl.ndlOn\ by a pla intiff is that a default judgment rna~ be enter.d against a trade name and that judgment constitutes <I judgment against the individual doins b\uill(1$ ur4t.I ..... t trade I\IImt. as long;l15 the individual "";11 personally ~,,"td with the complaint 1IU(Jhe:s .'. Kor. 601 So. 2d 465 (Ala. 1992). In 1IU(Jhe:s. the original summons and complaint ~ named "llughes Realty 01 Clanton" as drimdant. fd. Tho plaintiff. mowd lor a default judgment /d. On Jum 27. 1990 1M pIa'nt,ffs amtndtd thtir complaont ~ substituted "Cunene 1Iughes. Wt Hughes Rulty O<t lIughes Rull)l of Clanton" for "Hughes Rulty of Clanton. AIabama- 1$1 ~ftndant. fd. "The origiNI.urnmoru did ootlndicatt whorther Hughes Reillty .. sole PTOJlrietorship." p.:Irtnenhlp or a corpo ..... · tion. Hughes OOI1t.nd$ that btcaUst the Ktion WOlS not filed against a suabl. enlity. but only against ~ t .... dt Nmt under


Ch·U Procedu.. Update

which she did W$inus. the complaint did not name her u a ddendant./d. Morrowr. argued tN.I tilt KOlle'S amendmenllo the complaint was not ",ffw;it'11I 10 give he. fIQtia that IDe was a defendant in lhe action btc.>_ she ......... nOW. MMd a COp» oflhe amended complaint. Id. The court ~a. soned tN.t the rult$lu de5ignrd to prewnl pndusion of I vW>k claim or dd'mse btc.>_ 01 tfdu!iQ! illKCUracy in the plelding.ld. Sea_ Hughts pen.on.oliy recoiVf<i MMet of the <;omplaint naminQher sole pTO!lriet.mhip ill I defendant. the complaint gaV( her fair notiu that a claim was bnng filed i&Jirbt hn indillidUiI Iy. In lhort. the rult illhal a rwnt cN.nQt is mmly a IT\lIUtr of description If it does not affect the identity 0( the I'Jolrty oought 10 be described. but only KMs atturacy and certainty the I'Jolrty'$ identity.ld. When M ffl'OI' is mide in 1M naming of II p;lrty. the error may be correcled by Ml ammdme,,1MId

"---.'---. ... '~ ... -

- . - MiJ"IIr





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whethtr the lmendmtnt introduru /I MW Pirty to tilt action or me .. 1y meTS to lhe SIImt p.l.rty by a diffe~nt Ilr'Imt is II qu.. tion of (acl/o bI! Iklennined by lhe courl./d. In tilt ~ I\1rts cXcision. Bobby Parks brouIIht II ~ death action"AII ' Jamo$ Moen d< hmr:s Mooft Paving Comp.u-;y" on July 16. 1993 his ( aid son had ...·3OOmd over to and dn:MTJed in a pond on proper· I)' 0\<0'Iltd to)' Mr. ~ /d. M "2. Moo:lTI 61ed an ~ in - - ' 01. mocotioo to dismiss tilt ~ on Nowntorr 17. 1993, SIlotlr« thl.t Iili ~ coot.ainal tilt pond and that his buMnn.s, \oQled across tilt JWod from the pond. was unconnected to his 1l:Sidern.1d. Parks thm filed an amtnded..,.,..,wnt on N<Mmber 18. 1994. subWtutir-.! WneI Moon. Ml individual, in place d roctitioos ~rty dcftndant No. 1./d. On~. 18. 1994 the motion to dismiss JamH Moxou drbIlo .lamH MoorIl'II\ing ~ ...... gnrudld, ill "3. ~r _ )'fllr Ialt •• M(I()« filed a motion to dismiss tilt amtTl<ltd com· plaint on the grounds thai pl~intiff had not satisfied the fictitious ~rty requirements ofNulf Q(h) of the AIWma Rules of Civi l Procedure, alloo.';ng for ..lation ~ of the ~mmt to the ~inal complaint. Id. The trilll court ag,ud and dismissed tM plaintiff. amended complaint. /d. The court 0( civillj'lflULs relied on ex parle Nicrosi . ...'hkh was Ttlied upon in Jfughn. that plaintiffs _ d tictitioull p.l.r!y practice did not CN.1l# tM nature 01 the amerKimenl ..... hkh w.... to accurate!)' describe the capaeity in which Jame. Moore had bun sued./d. al '7-'S (cil' ing Ex JH11'1~ Nicrosi. 15 So. 507 [1~ n. ln f','iawi, the Supremo Court 0( AIabooma hold that an amtndmont ..... ming The Roswald Crocery, II corporation. to ~:.lher Roswald doing business under the Ilr'Imt The ROSWlIld CT'OWY Company was mtrely II matttT of a description and that the ~mml did not change tilt Jli'rty against whom suit N.d bun broughl. Ex parle M crrui, 15 So. 507. 508 {l894) , 8ased upon lilt Prris decision it i$ dear that rt1IMdless Mvthtr ~f mo..-..Iy ~ to utilirz fictitious party practice or mmiy irrwlces II Rule 15

.. naOllng II dekndant cannot util"",,1Ilt sllltute d limitations. II defense to M iUI1tndW corropIaint who .. tilt amend· menl ;" used me~~ to correct a mis· f'IOrl'IO!r. Ho...."tT, the QK does not addfUS the df«l that a COI'nJIim ~ in cwties woukl " - on tilt principlu d ..Iation back. for inSIlorn. ~ II pbintilf h;u sued ill indMWal and later Ie<oms thai tht rornd entil)' ..... a rorponotion 0( ..toich tilt i!ldillidUil_ mtre~ a stock. hokIer. thm such an ~ woukl not mmIy be ont to rornd II miInomtr. but woukl wor1< II contpItte ~ Ii Pir· ties. In short. the principles 0( rtlation baock d amendmmts in aw.mI.mce with tilt modern OOOSIruction <i tilt rula d civil pnXedun: artc gMn a libenI interpTI~ion as seen in Purl<s v. /OkxJ,e.

MOtion to Recon.ider The motion to reooruider is a curious animal in Alabama jurisprudence. In II Janllrlry 1996 Opinion from the SUflTlme Court of A~ma, lIulhored by Justi,," Ingnm, the court mide elfar tN.t although tilt Rules of Civil I'r<x:edure do not provide for II motion to rK(lruid",. such motions are subj«t to the lime limillltioru Mt forth in the rules where tilt motion hilS btm filed _king relief from the m try of. fiNO! judgment. Ex parl~ A1(a MIlI.em. Ins.Co.. 1996 Ala. LEXIS I. ' 4·'5 (January 5, 1996). In Ex parleAlfa Mul. e..... In<. Co. , Alfa sought. writ 0( mandam... dimrting tilt Montgomtry Circuit Court to vaa.te an ordH pur· pOrting to st't aside a .... mmary judg. ment .ntered in favor 0( Ali. in action filed againsl il by John B. Ledbelltr. Id. at ' \' Ledbetter had filed II fraud IICtion agairut A1fa, claiming that ont 01 Alfa'$ .nts mide mis~ruenliootions to him concerning lho cancellation of lin aulo. mobile insurance pOliC)'. Id. at '1 -'2 . \\lhen the plain tiff admitted in his depOsilion that M had lIIiked to 00 Of\( It A1f.a othtr than his ~I and that the did not lie \0 him bul. in f/ICt, had bun holpful and honest. Alfa filed and was granted a motion for summaI")' judgment. /d. at '2. Plaintiff filed a motion to recoouide. requesting that the tria! oourt " TICOIlside. its decision granting lsummll")' judgment!" and contmding that "this is a fraud case iTM>lving genuim jSoiue5 0(


material fxt and Ithatl tht



not entitltd to Ijudgmtnt .. 1 maUer of law." Jd. It ·Z. ~ trial toort based

upon pll.inWr, motion and /I huring ... t ..ilk its g~ting of lumll\lll)' judg. mont./d. Tht SUprtmt Court of Alablall\ll set aside tht: trial court', ordu vacating summary judgment. rtuoning that the eSKllCt of a motion. rather than its title. i, .... hat must M consld· ertd in detennining how i motion is to be tmottd undtr tht rules. /d. ;at ••• ~ /I iudllmrnl had b«n mtered ag.t.inst tht pl"intiff. tho court lwld tNt tM motion to reconsi&r was II Rule 59(el motion to /liter. IImtnd or 1.¥.lte tilt judgmont.ld. at '6. Tht court also recognized thallhe motion .... as not a Rule 60 motion, .... hich s«ks rtlief from /I jlJllgmenl upon tilt grounds of millalet. inactwrtenc. or oIMr such rea· sons./d. ike'"se .. Rule 59 motion is 1Ub;m to lhe provisions of Rule 59.1, pLiointitrl motion ....... d«mtd dmitd ~ opm.lion ofllw when it ..... not rultd on for 90 days afte r il was filtd./d. The order vacating summary judgmonl deemed a nu ~in, nothing in the AlI.bama Rules of CMI Proc:edurt di":UMU the prOpri_ ety of I motion 10 rtOOn>i&r. However. there is /llllPk wpport for II trial court', abilily to rtCOfISi~r its own rutl"", rvtfI whtft lhere has b«n no mtl)' of judgmenl: for uample....iltn I defendant'$ motion for $llmmal)' judgmtnt il denitd. This wpport an k found in the language of Rule 54(b}. which states: [Alny order or other fonn of decl· sion, hO"-"eYtr, dtsignattd. which adjuclia.ttJ fewer than /III the cll.ims or their rights and Iw.ifitios or fewer than all the JWliu shall not terminate tht Xlion .. 10 any of the claims or parties. and lhe emltr or oth.. form of decision;s subject to rtvilion at any ti"", belort the tnll)' of judgment adjudicating alt tilt clilims lind the right.s and liabi1itiu of /III lhe parties. Ala. R. elv. P. 54(b}. MOrt lignifianl. Iy. perhaps.;1 not ...-hat Rul. 54 R)'S in tmns of IUppon for i motion to rcconIide. """re no final judgment has bHn entert<!. but what Rule 59 doo:s not I0I)l. Rule 59 applies only to castS"""rt there has been an "entl)' of judgment."

Ala. R. Cr.. P. 59(e) (Wlting that the motion shalJ not be filed LIoltr than 30 days "after ~tl)' of judgment'. A juclgmml is an order from which an appeal ties. A4. R. Civ. P. 54{i). Therflo«. nei· ther Rule 59 or 59.1 timt limitation. confining /I trial court'$ ~r to r<:<:oru;i"" • • motion where Ih... has been 00 entl)' of judgment, in that thole rules do not .pply to situations ...-hert .. judgment l1li5 not been entered. In IUfl"lmal)'. /llthouth not directly addreued by the rota of civil pro«durt, motioN. to . rc(ltlSidt. 11ft Jubjtd to the Jamt limo limitllilons as llfl}l post-judgment motion .... hert I final judglfll'nt has been .nle rt<! by the court. ~

Discover)' During the p;o$t )'W the Alabama Supreme Court l1li5 issued opinions ilJeaing the breadth of discovery in cil.illitigation. The COSts primarily hi..., an impact on the pbin\itf'$IIbility to di.ocover n>idence Ii other limiLior incidents 0. xts to Jhow notle. to tho ddendanl Or to establiJh. pattern and prxtice of wrongful conduct. A. f'rrm l«1 Liability two recent Alablrna Supreme Court decisions 11M: ap;onded the scope of disawtl)' of $imiLio. KCidentI in prtmi$es liability cosa.. Ex par lt Waf-M.nt Stares. 1nc..IMs. 1951 128, July 26. 19961. _ So. 2d _ (All.. 19961. 1996 AI •. LEXIS 216: Ex pari' lIeilig·/I!qers Furniture Co., 1M•. 1951 ISO, October 25, 19961. _ So. 2d _ (Ala. 1996). 1996 Ala. LEXtS 520. In Ex parl, ffeilig·/I!eten. the· tiff d.imtd that he _ injurtd ...-hen he tripped 1M. /I pMct of furniturt pr0truding into the ~Jle at • Heilig· Meyer> .tort in F1or!n«, Alabama. ~ pla.intiff IOUght d;~1)' of all (() 0' reports ;og.Jinst any Heilig·Meyer> stOrt during the prteWing thr •• -jlUr period ...·herein a IiiI' and fall was claimed to have occurred due to an object protrud· ing into in lIi.le Or ~.y. Pliintiff sought /I copy of .llwth cornpIaint.s or r~rts. ... wollas an upbnation of the disposition of each compbint or report. Heilig-Meym objedtd on VIIrioos ground>. includinjlan ob;ection thai the request unduly burdensomt. In SlJpport of it.s objection. Htilig·Meym pro-







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Civil Pf'oce du,. Upda l e

duced evidence thDt it had over 700 stores in the U,S, and Il<uerto Rioo, and thai no particular penon. file, datab.ue or documenl could identify similar incidents in its slores. The: trial court overruled the objl'CIion and ordered I leilig- ~Ieycrs to produce the requested information within rIVe days. Heilig-Meyers petitioned Ule Alabama Supreme Court for II writ of mandamus directing the trial oourt to prohibit the requested discovery. Noting that the disco ...ery request was fashioned to seek only claIms relating to similar incident!. the supreme court rejected Heillg-1>leyers' assertion that the requested information was not releVill1 !. Specificall}, the court stilted that the rcq u e~led information cou ld be rel e...ant to show knowledge of Heilig1>lcyers lha l l t ~ merchandise was being displayed in an unS/lfe manner, and thus it might prO\lidean e...identlary basis for the plaintiff to amend his complaint to assert wantonneu. However, the court agreed with H ei1ig-~l eyers that the request W,I$

II EllIe\ 1.f1lF."!'·\ I. II .II.PR .\CTlI:F. EXPERTS

unduly burdensome. The court was innuenced by the evidence presented by Heilig-Meyers that it would be required to conlact the managers of each of Heilig-f\leyers' 700 s\Oreslo inquire whether similar incidents had occurred during the specified time period. The court limited H i:ilig-~I..'Ycr5' response to complaints or reporu made or forw.::r.rd td 10 Ihe company's home office during the three-year l)friod, noting that this limitation should eliminate the burden· some nature of lhe request. Although not discussed at length in Ihe opi nion, this limitation accomplished another important purpose. By rest ricting productiorl to claims reported to the hOme Office. the COurt h\!lped to cnsurc that the information produced was rcll'wl1l1lo HeiJlg-Mcyers' knowledge thflt i l~ lllfrchrmdise was being displayed in an unsafe manner. A!, a practical matter. lhe company would not have notice or cI~ i m5 that were not reported 10 its home o(fice. While the court prooided Heilig-Meyers with some relief. the case is sijVlificant in thilt it allowed discovery of other similar incidcnts on a nationwide basis. !'lither than limiting such d isco\'~ry to incilknLs withill the Sl;!.te of Alabama. The court reached a contrary result In Ex parle Wa/·Marl Stores. /1Ic.. jMs. 195 1128, July 26. 19961. _ So. 2d_ (Ala. 1996). 1996 Ala. LEXIS 216. The plaintiff in Ex parle Waf-Marl was injured when a footlocker fell from a shelf in a Wal ·~1 art store and hil her on the head. She sued Wa t -~1 art on negligence and wantonne5s theories. and sought th rough disco...ery accident and incident reports from al! 86 Alubum,. Wal·1>tart stores (or thc preceding fiveytur period. Wtll-M:lrt objWed on ground~ that the request was undu ly burdensome and not reasonably calculated to lead to disco...ery of admissible e... idence. The trial court initially ordered Wal ·~l a rt to produce all Alabama accident and incident reports fo r the five ·year period. subject to a showing that the production Yo'Ould be unduly burdensome. On thret separate occasions during the following seven and one-half months. the trial court ruled thai Wal-1>1art lu!d not suffiCiently prO\l~n IMt compliance with its order would be unduly burdensome and ag.::r.ln

ordered production of the accident and incident reports, The Alabama Supreme Court denied Wal-Mart's petition for Writ of man· damus. noting only that the trial C;O\lrt did not abuse itl discretion in requiring production of the requested discQvtry. in tight o{Wal·1>1art's failure to prove that compliance with the order was in fact unduly burdensome. Although the disco ...ery request in Ex parte Wof-Nort Vo'as limited to Ihe state of Alalhlma lind was therefore less broad than the request in £X parle HelfluNCllcrs. it was still arlluably \md\dy burdensome in that the re(IUE51 soulI:hi accident and Incident reports (rom 86 stor(:s. 'rhe facto r thlll ap~ar~ to ha ...e made Ihe difference In Ihe result in thl! two ca5es Is that J-J cmg-~1 tyers produced e... idence to support its claim that Ihe request was unduly burdensome. while Will-Mart apparently did not. B. Fraud The importance of establishing undue burden has pro...en eq(lally important in fraud c;ases. as illustrated by the Alab.lma Supreme Court decisiOns in Ex purle Compass /Jank. IMs. 1951249. September 6, 19961 . _ So. 2d _ (Ala. 1996). 1996 Ala, LEX IS 487 . .::r.rld Ex porte Patl!. 678 So. 2d 762 (Ala. 1996). The plaintiff in Ex parte Compass Bonk asserted claims on behaf( of a putative cl:w. and .::r.lleged fraud and suppression arising from his purchase of two variable annuities through the bank. The trial court entered partial summary judgment with regard to a portion of the fraud claim, bul left intact plaintj(fs c1~im$ allf"in" Comp,lss' failure 10 disclo~e cos~. fees and expenses .::r.uod.::r.ted With the annuities. The plaintiff then filed a bro.,d disco...ery request seeking documents rehitIng to customer complaint5 and corre· spondence relating to ...ariable annuities. mutual funds lind other such products, and a list of customers who had purchased annuities and m(l\(Ial funds from Compass since 1990. In response to these request$. Compau presented affid.::r. testimony of two emplO)'('ts expl.::r.ining the burden and expense which would be involw:d in gatherIng the requested information. The tti.::r.1 judge ordered Compass to produce the requested documents.

The supreme court granttd Compass' petition for writ of mllndllllluS, notinA that "even in a fraud case, justice requires the trial court to protect a party frOm opprcnion or undue burden or eKpensC Ex parte Compass/kmk. 1996 Ala, LEXIS It -7, The court held that Compass madc II clear showing that the trial court's order was overly bHmd :md would result in undue bur· den and tltpense in that it failed to limit discovery to the putative class mcmbers and to the type of annuity purchastd by the plainti((. and would require production of ()vcr 21,O~O customer files and would Involve ri:\liew of files on 35,000 transactions. and thus \\'i1S unduly broad, burdenrofflc and eltpensive, 1 The court reached a contrary conclu· sion in ex parte !'atll, 678 So. 2d 762 (Ala, 1996). In Ex parte Pate, Ihe pl"in. tiffs alleged that Ihe defendant car dealership was guilty of fraud in the S<11e of an allegedly new car which had, in fact, been used as a promotional vehicle for a radio station, The plaintiffs sought production of the n"mes and addreues of all person~ who h)d purchased a vehicle from the dealership since 1984 th3t had previously been placed with the radio stalion. The dealership produced the names of nve customers who had pur· chased such vehiclc5 since !992, and sough! a protectl\e ord~r preventing the plainUffs from contacting the customers. on the grounds that contact would damage its relationship with the~e customers and would likely be of no value to the plaintiffs, The trial court entered the protective order, On petition for writ of mandamus, the supremt court directed the trial court to vacate its order, reaflirming the oft -cited proposition that the pl~intiff in it fraud case is afforded more latitude in discovery, and stating that, "in order to obtain a protective order that would limit this broad discovery, the movant must either show ~ood CIl Use why the objected·to discovery would be unduly burdensome. expensive, oppressive. embarrassing, or ~nnoying, or show thill lhe ~ubject matter sought to be discovered is privileged, ~ 678 So. 2d at 764. The court rejected the dealership's argument that the potentilll dllmage to its reputation outweighed the pIOllntif(5' right to contact the customers, More

importantly, the court di5agreed with the delliership's contention that the 5ales to other customers were substantially dissimilar and would be of no value to the plaintiffs' case. Specifically, the court found that the dealership had not shown llood cause to circumvtnt the plaintiffs' "clear legal right" to dis· cover not only whether the dealership had made the $llme misrepresentation to other customers, but were also enti· tled to learn whether it had "made other kinds of mlsrtpreS(:ntation to other perron! in order to sell the cars that had been used as promotional vehicles fo r WKSJ." Id, at 765, C, Bad Faith The Alabama Supreme Court addresstd the $cope fJ discovery in insur/lnce bad faith cues in l!'x porte Fillkbolmtrr, IMs. 1951363, September 6,19961, _ So. 2d _ (AlII, 1996), 1996 Ala, LEX IS 488. In that case, plaintiff sued Principal t>1utual Life Insurance Company for breach of contract ill'ld bad faith refu ~ lto pay for plaintiffs "tummy tuck" under a medical insurIUlCI: policy, Plaintiff sought discovery of other Alabama claims and lawsuil$ sinct 1992 alleging b~d (aith denial of a claim, as well as the name, address and telephone nl,lmber of each insured whose claim was denied based on the same policy language within the preceding nve year period. The trial judge rtfustd to require production 0( the requested informatioo. and the plainti(f filed a petition for writ of mandamus. In an opinion authored by Justice Houston, the AlJbama Supreme Court held that plaintiff was entitled to discover previous bad faith suits fi led against Principal Mutual. but was not. enlitled to discover evidence o( other claims. In reaching the decision that previous bad faith suits were di!(overable, the court relied heavily on the rationale of Ex parts Rowlalld. 669 So. 2d 125 (Ala, 1995),2 Although E:x par/a Rowlalld was a frllud case, the court noted that "intent is an element d lhe Finkbohner's bad faith c laim ~. F'inkbohner, 1996 Ala, LEXIS 488, at - II. Finding that "bad faith, like fraud, is particularly di(ficult to prove", the court held that plaintHfwII$ entitled to discover any bad faith actions filed

against Principal Mutual since 1992, However, the court upheld the trial court's refus"lto allow discovery o( other claims. Noting that, "in lhe absence of fraud. the existence of an otherwise valid coverag~ e).clusion in a policy would arguably provide the insurer with a legitimate or debMa.ble reason for denying a claim," the court held th"t, under the facts presented, other daims did not appear relevant to the bad faith daim.3 (d. at ~ 9 , 11'1 light of the summary fashion in which the court addrtut d the discoverability of other lawsuits, its refusal to allow dis· covery of other c illim~ is puzzling. It is difl'icult to reconcile the court's contral')' holdings on these two stemingly related issues, since, as II practical matter, if other claims are not relevant on the issue of bad ftlith, other lawsuits should not be eit her. Aclose analysis raises additional questions concerninglhe ntionale utilized by tilt court to determine that other lawsuits lire discoverable. First. while it is true thllt b.,d faith was origi· nally di{(jcult to prove, such waSlhe intent of the Alab~ma Supreme Court at


One lime Dala Entry IntegraTed Ilckll!r S.slem RuTomalic Fee Calculation

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Civil """"........ Updoole

the lime the lort wu cualtd. 5H National Sm'irIgs Life Ins.. Co. " Dullon, 41 9 So. 2d 1357, 1362 (Ab. 1982). 1ndHd, tho rourt envWorwd 1Il101 onl» "atume' Or 'unusUAl" cutS would pruent I jury QutStion on bid bith claim. Sa ThomtIs D.. Piuidpa/ Finonc-HdC«p.• S6S So. 2d 135. 743 (Ala. 1!I9O)(ciling lustice loon' concurrfn« in DuIIOtn. 419 So. 2d at 1362). Moft<MT. \hi: rourt', application of fnoud principlu to bid fiith cutS is p;artkubrl» dillturbing dut to \hi: differcnca in \hi: cltmenb and proof ohhe two torU.. ror rumple, the "intent" aspecl of a bid faith claim is Quile dif· ferent from the "inlent" aspfCl of a fmud claim. A misrepfUt1ll4otion dots not ho"" to bo intcntiono.l to bo ~ion· able. Indttd. a misrepresentation nwIe rteklt54ly or negli~ntly wililupporl i fr3ud claim. The r3lionale fur allowing discovery and proof of other fraudlln fraud cak5 il to allow tilt plaintiff an opportunity to $how. fraudulent scheme, motiw. Or plan and Ihereby utablish inlent in a particular c.ue. The sam< rationale dots not apply u neally in the bad flith contut. Although "i ntentional rdu ...110 pay the i"",red's claim" is one of the elements of. b;od faith clll;m, there is usually no dispute thol the insurance c:omPl!l)l intended 10 de!l)llhe clllim.' The dill· pute in. b;od fiith c:ut typic;lll» ~nt.f1 not around whether \hi: denial _ intenliono.l. but around ...... ther a lawful. dd)atable. or irg~ buil uiltl to oupport the denial Thus, each denial of • claim should normall» iIand or fall on its own merit. "ilhoul regard to whether other ~ib Il10,,,, ","n filed or cllli .... denied. Not only iii proof of the denial of other similar clllinu unntCtsAry to tstablish intent to deny a particular claim. such proof ill not p~ivt of the il"'1 intent. If the plaintiff c,m rsbblish Ihiot the insurer denied the claim with know~ thot il lacktd I debat.abl. reuon for doing 10. the fact that the imur.. has previousl» boen sued for bid faith by other insureds or hIos denied other similar claims dou not strengthen tilt plain· tiffs prima fade a5e. although ,uch

tvKlence rould prejudice the insurer. It il diffocultto understand how different ratiooulu would awIY to diseoy.. ery at other 1»d faith ~"SUits ""nus other d..ilT\$. One would t1ptct that if the rourt hid applitd the wnt;analysis to other Inrsuib I i with cboims it would ho"" ruched identic:al conclusions on both issues. O. Mtdical MaIpncti«: In E.z part'" Northport f/eollir Sm.,".

1nc.. IMs. 1950849. July 19. 19961._So. 2d _ tAla. 1996). 1996Ala. LEXIS 204. the pbojntifl" wed ~ nuning horne i1Ileg • '''11 bruch 01 CIlntrxl. negligenct: and wrongful death ot ~ patimL TlK pLlintiff sought to discwer "pattorn MId practicoMdm« ulating to ot.htr ;acts of abuse. fI<1Iloct. Of mlltreat"...nt of nursing horne .uidents.. and the trial court onItrtd production of the rrq_ted infonnation. 5 1M A\abama Supr."", Court held that a nursing home is a "hospital" under Ala. Code t 6-5-481. ilnd thus ;1 COV'tr.d by the prQ\'i,ions lhe Medial St,,;~~ Liability Act.6 The court allO ruffirmcd its holdinQ in Ex parle Go/Ikn. 628 So. 2d 496 (Ala. 1993). thlot plaintiffs are not enlitltd to discowr simiLar ;acts or omissiom, or "poottem MId prac\kt" CYide~ in c:ut:S falling within the ~it of the Mtdical Snvicts Uability Act. MId dirtded the trW judgt to limit his


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Conclusion BtaU$t the rul .. d civil proctdure are the bread and butter d ury I'tig;.· tion prac:liu. IrW ~n must. sI4o}I abruM at cumnt judicial intt1"/1UU' lion of the rul ... Thill article highlights _rll impOTWlt rtemt <It!wloprnents.. H~r. uch should continU0U5ly monitor lhe rules a.nd cues to emure <;omplianc:e with thill e".er_ changing arta ohm law. •

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III AnIig D.lJirr:Jr&Id. Jr. SonMthl", Old.

To Serve Members

Something New \I'hiot ~I'li we <.101"11 tho! dfmivtl)' ...,.".. our mtmbtrs? What should .... do to address unmel nffils? In considering Illest questions. it was decided one of the Ixst things Yl.s Iloa to seM members ;1 1m &nde.!tin &mi ... ,. For the)'tars .... "",,, $p(l<l$OUd !his twill it Iw bun consiltmtly rated outstandina by tho.oo atttnding. II KMS 10 ~ gr&t CLE in an ~k t"";fIlI\fI1offIL To unmtl nHds OUr wru..:.. is underUking .. new proiter. the

Mtfltorina; Prornm. to provide support to youngn prxtidna attorneys.

Saon.s.,tJn The Young La>o.-yers' Section's annual seminar at !he Sandestin R~ in florida ....illlx Ilrld on ~ 16-18, 1997. This ",iUIx iIIl informa.tM stminar arod "'ill abo pro<.'ido a Qrtlt I'ottwO<king opportu. nily. The Itellar slate of Jf)takm includes lft Cooptr. pmidtot 01 the Amtrican Bar ~ ~ Char\Q W. Garri)It, and Lt. CoMmor Don Sitgtlman. II wiU also be .. 101 of fun. Thm will Ix .. pool.. sidt Plft)' on FridIoy nigtlt, 5POIISOItd by hd<$on, llyIor" /Wtinl), and a cocktul Plft)' on Sltunlly NflI. Spo)m<'ln:d II» I'i~ tioob. Dutton «Hollis. ThtK iltt first elMs sociIol ~ grat fUn and intluckd in the pria: d the 5tI1\inar. Additionally, thtre isa first-clas. golf tour_

nammt on friday afternoon. sroosored by And, D. 8 Irchn.l d , .....

Milhelm« Rta. which incl~ pri'ltS. The beldl and the acwnvnodaliorlll in

Sandestin ilft OOJ\.IWIdir,g. lIare, Wynn,

Newell « NtIo1Orl and FoshN «Thmn sponsor beach p3rties. IIwley. Wiison. Allen, Main &. Crow 5I)OIISOI"S morning brtaks during the Klni"" •. Thanks to the ~~ tilt ~ tht Sandestin Seminar is I CLE <)pp()rIunity )OIl don't want 10 rnisa.. Thf: SanoJeslin Smlilllr is no! limiled 10 .... mb<1501 the You"i UwytI5' Section. It is ifIOI1SOred by 1M Kction but is oprn 10 ~15 011111 agu. To rtgi$\u (01' the stm' lIIr, ccmpiet( the IIpplication form btlow. For fnl'"",ti\In$ lit the ~tin Resort. call the nurnlit. pTOIIidtd 00 the .egistl'lliioo form. I look (orwllrd to _ing you in Sandestin for the wuktml of MIIY 16·]8.

Mentorlng Progr.m Building up and helpinll ntw aUor· nt)'S wilistrenillhen our proftuioo lIS II The You"i l.¥w)'tl't' Section,;n conjunction with tho Abi>o .... Slatt Bir. is ;mpierllll:ntinc /I .... ntori"i progQm with that ob;ectM. The idei is 10 !Wf /I lIf\<>~r 1It1(1m(y "'th an elpo:'ri.


mcnI ~ 10 provilk guill. &Ott in tho pn.ctiul aspteu of pnocti<:. ;I\II~. We 11«11 your help. If you 1m-<: ~n prxlkinllillw for KIlen )'tilTS or mort and would bt ..... illing to $fONt lIS /I mentor. pleast let uS know. Foraddi· tional inf<mnalion you am rolf: Ed P.\t( rson, di'Ktor 01 p.ogruns 1-80(1·354·61$4 •


~ Firm

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MENT U\\' Birmingham Nation.:ol Bus iness Institute

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Govemo" HOOSt HoM lorman Bu.inns Ctnler, Inc. CLE credits: 6.0 ~8·6230


AND POLICE O FF ICIALS Oothan Alabama Judicial ColI,g, CLE cred it>: 10./)

(334) 242·0300

APRIL t tot 2 Et.'VIRONCIIENTAL LAW: BACK TO TilE BASICS Orang, Beach Perdido Beach Resort Alabama. Bar Instit ut' for CLE eLE credit>: 6.0 Cost: $225 (205) 348-6230

t8 Frld.y EMI'WYMENT LAW BirmingMrn Carraway Convention Contor Alabama Ba. Institute for CLf CU: c.ediu: 6.0 C<»t: Sl&S (205) 348·6230

N·" SOUTIlEASTERN CORPORATE LAW ISSTITUTE Point Clear. Allbama Marriott's Grand Hotel Alilbama Bar Institute for CU: CLE emiit>: 12.0 Cost: $395 (205) 348-6230

21 Friday APPELlATE PRACT ICE BirminSMm Civic C.nlt,

Alabama Bar Institute for CLE CLE credit: 6.0 CO!t: S165 (20S) 348·6230 26 Wednesday

RANKING LAW Binningharn Wynfrey Holtl

Alabama & r Institute for CLE CLE credi!: 6.0 Cost $175 (205) 343·6230 27 Thursday

ALAHA.>ItA CONSTRUCTION LAW: WIIAT 00 YOU 00 WilEN? BirmingMm H(}lida~ Inn RedrT\()nt National Business institute CLE cmiils: 6.0 Cost: $149

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In-State Mediation Training (Approved for CLE cred it and Alabama Center for Dispute Resolu tion roster registration} March 13 or May 20 Bi.mlngham Arbit.ation Training. Resolution Resources

(BOO) 74S-2402 Ap.iI15-17 Birm ingham Mediation Trai ning. Resolutio n Resources. Inc.

(800) 74S-2402 April 24-28 Montgomery Divorce Mediatio n Training fo r Professio nals. Atlanta Divorce Mediators. Inc.


April 24-26 Birm ingham Medication Process and tho Skills of Conflict Resolution. The Mediation Corpora tion 18(0) ADA.FIRM April 3--May 2 HuntSville Mediation/Conflict Management Training . Better BusinaS$ Bu reau 12051539-2118

CLASSIFIED NOT ICES RATES, Members, Two free listings of 50 WOfds or less per bar member per calendar yea, EXCEPT for "pos.Itkln wanted" or 'pos~ion offered" lisMgs--535 per InSEt/lion 0150 WOfds or less, S.5O per additIOna l WOfd:

No"me",,"..: S35 per insefloon of SO words or less, S.50 per


word Classified copy and payment muse be

.«ewed 3C(Xlfding 10 the fo/lowtng publishing schedule' March '97 In_ -

oeadbne January IS. 1997: Ma, '$7

i ..... _ deadline March 15. 1997 No deadlne eXlensms Will be made

Send class~ied copy and payment, paya.ble to The Alabama La..yer. to: Alabama Lawyer Classili~s. c/o Rila Gray, PO Box 4156, MonlgorTltiry, Alabama 36101.



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o;onsufling, pOlicy anatys;s. Member SAMe. &pet;enoe In d8ductitIIes, sell inIurance. ..cess. lI"d,'1)';"1I _ .

EIIrmorogNm. AIabarnIo. " ' - 1 .-x).~-5602 , _ _ WATS 0< '-205-9&7-1166.

liQII_ Cal

S KIPTAACING·l OC,t,TOR : NeeClla lim 101,_ ..1 WII find the ....-. 01 no lee tor biIsIr; _dies. Nalio"wlde ..... lideillWl sen4ce W'I1h 87 pe<WnI IIUCOHS ..,tl. 0Iht< needed searches,

r.-cords aod repolts .. mall)l ..... from our ..~ data bases. TeM us what you need. 'o'eriIy 1JSA. Cal! 101· tree (888) 2·VERtFY. FRAUD D£TECTlOH & PREVENTION : SirlC<! 1969 "'I' investiOl~

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contirIuousIy in mall)l ............1 and c:ompIt:< casH. In lIle proceu., !he goMIf"""'" has coIected millions 01 ~ '""""-" in truSts. bogiuI COIPOrallOI"II. a1tIlol-egos .... 1COId8d do<;u.

me",s, Impmper trans!lf$. pseudoII)ImI.

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My""""' '' Joe ~. I .... ..nfied IraI.IcI .......... and was set.ded as lIle betI in !he Southeast ~ ;" my field at "p"'lise try lhto IRS In 1994. When you need a poro,,$SiOnaIlrrvesli· g;l1Of and dHi<e to cotIecI aItet a soc· C8UIuI juOgmenI. ...wzzltn*ll. Of M to c;Mditor ffaud Of ".,.... Iiftanci8I w.oog-doroO. cal me tor • Ir" DIIIISUI· Ultion WJt!1cut oIlIigatoon. 'Ibu and your di&nts deset\09 the belt In porolossional irwI'51Jgl1 ..... services. Fraud Detection & "'1'''IIioo~ 7D9 18th.w.nue. N.W.• Bir ... Alabama 352 15. PIIDNI (2OS) 853·9646. CONSULTATION-RECORD REVIEW : E>:pel l."c.d R, N.;" carliec and medIII/f08"Y ro.ning . ........ tor c:cos.Ata. bOn . . . . . waIuabon. IIigaIion auppot1. rfICIIfd Phone (205) 056-5823 .

INVESTIGATIONS: Al8Iwna"J largesl prlvall ~tiwI sWl warm 10


you. Attorney ~operated . .... ~ degf_ ifMs'iOltors. We ...... the . . . . $OI.IIheuI .. I ~ servioe IrMIsliQa,IMi bureau . 0IIice$ ;" Birmi"llhl m, Mobile. Jeo:I<I.OO. "tla~la.

end Orlando, Speo;iali,i"llin insurarlC<! baud. bad<QtOund checks. surveiI1at1Q1 and sI<ip 1rXing. call Cdurn 1.-..&11\0'1 .... AQeIq at (800) 242· oon. No ,.". ~Iion iJ m.tdoI NI u


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FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINER: Handwrioog. !yp8WriIi!Ig. do<;u. meNS. medical reeo<ds. wills, con· tracts. deeds. CIIId<s. anonymous let· ters. Court~ Eight ..... ,..... .. perience. c..tied: ~ Board 01 Forensic oao::un-t ExarninM. M;ombef: American Soc;ety 01 Questioned Docoment Examiner.. Criminal and dW mauers. Carney & Hemmond ForenIk: [)oaJment ~. 4078 BiIImIIfe Woodt eor..t, BuIonj (_ I. Georgia 30519. Phone (770) 81.f-4«O. Fax (770) 271 ·~357. ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTlOtoI : AccodBnI anatysiI based on .... Speed _ ... sc:al8d ..... dolIw-ings. tune <istanoI 8It\8IfSiS .aorq WIlli olhe< re<:OIISl1uetion lVIIiuatioos ava~· able. Company hel served mejor ~ ~ and OWl< 30 Alabama law Iirmt.....,. 198&. ~nd intt.odM 25 ,....· Iaw

expeo ... .... , M.S. dtgfM • In adjunct Jaculty member al Jitd<sonvil" SlIla UnMirsll)'. Contact ~

~te (cer1ified). ABFDE. Member; ASODE; IAI; SAFDE; NACO\.. RHume and lee $Chedo.II9 upon ,equest. Hans Mayer Gidion. 218

6rili'" FSS.

CI. . .ilied Nol lce.

Mike FoncI>e<. P.o. eo. ' 202. AMiston, Alabama 36202. F'tIone (205) 237. • 111 . Fax (205) 237·2118. • LEGAL RESEARCH: ~ me Ch .... &p.o_"*,, anorn." ..... ,..". 01 !he ~ Stale e. sinoa 1977, AcoHa ICI Stale Law lhwy. WEST·

Merrymo"t Drive, ~ta. Georgia

30lI07. F'tIone (706) 860-<1267. • DOCUMENT EX ..... INER: Certified

b..-..k: <IocurMnt ........... CIlia! document .......... AIatwna ~ 01 F"uaosic Scieooaos.

LAW ~. PrompI~

-.cL ~ Board 01 Forensic

Ie. CheI. &nil KdIryrI F.".... "2 ........ SuiIIing . ........,...-" ~ 3610'. F'IIone~) m·7937. No I1IP"

~E>c"""""~ ~ 01 ForIOl"l$lC Sci&ooaos. American Sooe\y 01 Q.oestioned Dcx:un.lI E>a"io_s. 0.... 2O.,....s' ~ie"ce ... SI3Ie and federal _ In AWIIma. I..amar Miler. II '20 N. Kendal Drive. SuiIe 206-A. Miami. FlDriISl3317B. In BirmirogtIam. phone (205) ..... 1sa. In MIami. phone (305) 27'-U69. Fax (305) 596-2618.

_Dan ;. _

queIify 01 !he ~ - " " - ICI be perIotm«J if gruater IIw1 /he queIty 01 ~ __ wices pedonntKi by ~11he


DOCUMENT EXAMINER: Examinatoon 01 QlleSIioned docornerlts. Certified lorltl'llic I'oarodwTiDng and document examinet'. ThIny years' expe<ience In all lorensic dc:ocur'nenl probienlI. FOfiMf1y. Ch ..10uM1ioned Document Anlilylt, USA Criminal 1.......ligalion labora tories. Diploma te (..e<tilied) ·

d&nc9 ....aJualion.

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TecMicaI soci6l)1 1TItOIT1b8f. Over 19 re ...· .,ogi,*, InQ ~ie<a. Traffic aocIdenI ......tige. lion trauwIg. Bad<grouncIInck.odK !«to. nicaI and oommunIeiIlion ekib. ........ will ezpeo_a. and. PlOOIM familiarity. Con!aa .JoIwl E. ~, p.o. eo. 83'3..........-. ~ 35112'. F'tIone (2051137-U1.1

• LATENT PRINT EXA....NER: Examonation 0I1a1en1<prInc, pal'n. prira.\ootp.oLlocI, _ . liN "Hd. lip and Nt ImpreNiona. and o;rime ......... Court·· e>q:oerI wiII'IesI In IedenII ...:I SI3Ie~. ~ )'NrS' "pel_a. Crimor\IoI 01' eM cases.. ~ C. Varblough. 10 County Road 1423. CuIman. AIKoImIo 350M. F'tIone (205) 739.(lI92.


FORENSIC AUOIO: AoodlotllPll teSIOOI· • TRAFFIC ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTIONIST: CII&e ......uation p&rlormed with ~ to iNuIos. l.oga!lOSlimcInjt. Including Oeposi!>on and trial. Accident an~., """'"" $C<1I6 drawi .... , and 1M'

lion and daf'itlcalion by

otrtiIied ItI.IdIo

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ASSISTANT GENERAL COUNSEL ' ($ \8.46 PER HOUR · $38.396.80 ANNUALLY) AuthoIity 01 the Bir"""llham 0tatri0;I • aoatpItIIg ..........,. !of ..... pgaition 01 asai&f.III"II oenaral counstll. AppIic.;tnIs JnUSl possess .. LLD. or J .D. ffom an approved or lIOCIedited taw 1ChooI. MvstlM in good lIanding and Iicen5ed to prllClica I... in the Stale of Aleba ..... Mull h...... ml",mum ot Ih'" yaarl 01 a. p&f..-.c. Involving Iag~ ' ....rch .nd genl<al l.periD""" as a praClicing allo,ney. Minimum 01



wi-. 1IIOIiI1han lour rurs 01 JUrY IriaI eo<pe01eooce needed tor~ .. proo:t. ..a.1idIy firm lowed in Bin""ngllam. SuperIor aeadeoiiiics. IriaI IIlPIHleooce and CIIristian ide"'" requi,ed. Salary ra"l/& $7.500 to $10.000 pe< mon1II . Send resume to P.O. Box 550219. 8lrmlng~m.



y.... or litigation and Ifial";" encto il18qlJ1'«I. The Hoo$Ing


UT1GATlON ATTORNEY' A med'\lm · lin Bi,mlngham I... firm II s.eeking a h1iO.rion allOfney Wltll a minimum oIlW1) ,...... ..perienee in (Ie_al dvillitjgalion. exo.t.nt writing sI<iIs reqUlfed FulllMMIits ~e alld compenulion t. negoI .. bIe b;tsed on

e. pe,ie.-. Submit ,"ume wllh



ing uomplel to AdmlnlsualOl. Suite :l35. 267 Well Valley Avenue. SIImlngham, Alabama 3 5209.

Authority ot tlMl a...~m Doslrict is .. Equal OPPOIt..."'ty E~ ... AppIicationl may be obtall'llld !rom the HABD.. Human ~"'" M.".."ent DepartmanI or HtId 'eaurn. to 1826 3rt! A......... South. BimungItam. AIIbamIt 35233. 8·5. Moo F. until "Ptt IS, lee7. (PleIn Indl· a te polrtlon on , . .ume.1


ATTORNEY JOBS: Anorney wanted to reIocale 10 Or8QOll lor f\&W Ioundation thld prDYidn • nMcas prima,ily to aar»or dlll9ns and tgw·incoma ifIdMd. uaIs. StaniI'Ig salary 01 $30.000. No! a car_, .. ~. Sand res<me to: J. Kara. P.D. Box ~~ I. Klamath Falls. Or.ggn e7601 .

OFFICE sPACE AVAILABLE: AItcmey r..s IdtitionaI oIIiI» avaiIatIII; udiIies and deB "till ~ induded: secvtity system; phOnt Il"tenl available; If.... ~:

oppor\urIity 10 SI8,t or build YOU' own practi<:l. Phona (205) 879-2999. OFFic e SPACE: Bitming~fI">-fovr otfiot lUi!es rogethe< with '«»PIiOr1 area, conlafencto room, fila room and storage available 01'1 20tII S!rIII. North. IrcnIing BilII_tghItm grill\. Copier.


bldtOOlI.:1III!)19W W) 12, Uyu· nished. Call (2051 878-fi139 or 678-61".

(206) 8n9220.


Drinkard. ~nk.s & Mosely. Mobile Howard WayM !"..ast. Anni,ton Robert C. King. Monroevill e

D;wid R. Anderson. Atmore William ~:,ic Colley. !"ort Payne Gw'1l<' William Miller. Hartwn. MuoJO\<l"S & Mudows. Mobile WiK & Bowen. Montgomery Morris. Cloud & Conchin. Huntsvill. Kerrigan. E.stUi. Rankin, Mcl«>d & !light"",..". Mobil •

Mark John ChrisltllKn. Andalusia

bmes!)organ, FlI.i~ D. Carrell Hooper, Montgo_ry Belcher & Sinclair. Gardendale Kenndh W. BaIlIH. Pinson

Stoor.. AIitttema.

~ CIIl~;""IhrM..:Iba

ScUhbt;"g. ParI<way. Suita 376. BilI1_tgham. AIItb...wt 35209. Phona

....m ...


mactww and IUIchIn ..#abIe Small oIIica ~; .... RhctncIa at (2(5) 328·72..0.

WANTED : ArrfO'I& having knowledge 01 • last will and tft'lmern proopa,ed lor Donak! Way", Btadberry of CheIsoNt. AlIbamIIn ~ County. pINM _ Hayes Srctwn, 2100

\\r,lliltm F. Prosch. " .. lIirmingtwn

1&CI!)Iiool--..lces prov;cjed;

"'-"Y: coPt< and tax available. Greld



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$<cond Edit;on. AI/en Wind,o' How,,11 Ahb. m. Ton uw. Second &Io"on. Mi,h~.t L. Robe,t<. C,I"8"'"I S. CUSImano AI.b.m . Rul .. of enm",.1 Proccdu",. S«ond Edi,iOl1 HIISh Maddor AI.b.",. Low of Evid<nccJoseph A. Colq'''/t

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AMERICiI'S CODE PUBLISHER - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4', :MICHIE-


Fellows of the Alabama Foundation Dinner The fl'S! armual dloner of the Fellows 01 the



Four.dlltlOn W/lS held Fndav, January 17,

199781 tile Capotal C,tv aub on MontgOmery. FeHows are lawyers who haw bean membe rs of the bar 81

1&8511en years end who have demonstrated OU1S\ar'Kiing dedlClllion 10 the" profassion and \0 thel' commu-

My. Membership In the Felklws


limited to one per-

oonl all禄< memberslup. Fellows are IlOITlI.... ted by

the "OIIwberslup of tile Fellows

AIebamlllw Foundaloon JlfE!'SldenI Harfy Gamble, Jr of

Selma presoded 8 t the dinner. The $p&lJker IOf

the everung was Or. DaVId G Bronner, clllel 8K8ClJIMI officer 01 the Re\l remem Systems

01 Alabama SlMInty-two guests attended the d inner Fifteen Fellows have fu lfilled the"


lary commotmenl10 the foundauon and were recognized as Ufe

Fellows Fellows' contllbullOOS

When you need expert valuation or litigation support, call the specialist.

will help lund proteCtS 01 the Ctnll\ed Froud [umlnPr R.oIph

foulldallOfl that benef,t the legal commUOlty and the publIC

_['i""bd.a!\.hII~.aIO\'I IDmoIJrc_~&"I mrcxprn 1I5tImony. d!pJoII!on IwIp, .-.;I cas.-

IdotaI >r'oII)1/'o lhM )'011' <WI """""


For (My ll) jftn.1IIIImryl ~ ,.. Iiod on 111m fer l>.rIInN vWoli<nI, fo. 1ttOUn11"" Invntlptiw K路 CWIl1I", (dI'iI and crIIrnI mo!ImI. nlpWotrINp ..... _dispm. AD hl... 1ound IlllIIrip

'" au. '"0fIW)"\

~ Inuk\d:l"",~


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*' tiLw.

___ .010>, en.. _1o ...rn.._ _.010>,_. R.:Ilph Summerford, CPA

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205-716-7000 ~--

F<r II 01 !he /IlAiIJIMA STArE B.AA ~ _ _ ..tod ~ cill~l!04 01 C334J 2$151501 """"'" us t>/..,... 11 m!RaIahOlg WT£RNET ACCESS: Tho ASB _ I. 0'II0Ima1O'l on """""'" - . O<tnssms. eLl ~ If"(j m:x.; ..


mIJiIlddressee. to' II sme t. (!epor;J .,1$"- nmm cmta:t PMCTlCE S£C1IONS: ASB ~ con d'iOOSO 10 join one 01 monto! !he 20 jnCt(lI o«:IK:I'IS, ....... ""'" p,ds/1 ~ nI c#Ier CLE Jro \1ImS, SocIIOt>~~~~_ ......merss/;wr'lg . . . . J>1O<..ts. AT&T SAVINGS SEIMCE: n.s. ~<lP" ~ II do:m8stlc, 0'IIM'i<ItJ0nIl1Ol-lreo..-d local 1<11 cIIi'Ig 1111 ~ 1oc:aIm$, ThIs IS ~_

wII!d on one bI. CI.£ 5a!INAR SCIIEDUlES: FIN . 010111001, on II CLE ~<lP" \I;JMC$ 01 k>c3I>:rIS ,t.lWWi:II> CONf£RENC£ /100M FACUTIES: Fcos l<X>T$n MiW:lo to' ~ d .... tolll poooros on I fm;;ome, fi'sI-S/IiY9d basis.1n pj. ro:n II'ISiII1g ~. offioo ~ _ to' bo..osQss 01 doni use



lEGISLA1M" NEWSLETTBl: ~ sessIOI"$, tw ASS Iunos/>esa ~ newsleltlO' loW"~ Pr""","" t>/!he ASB'5 \egosI81M C\lISISli, bilsol ~11O I'IIIitftoI!rs 01 !he Ieg1I prot....., n trd:ed. dfaTQ .. ........awol e:ICI1-. ALABAMA SIJPfIEM[ COIJIn' DECISIONS REPOIfrS: Tho /II;D:no S. ~ .-.sAl .. ~td rod ~_ U <:pnico'IS reiMsod by !he ~ WSI told> v.eek. So.tIso ifiOOi IS ' " MiW:lo 10 /ISS """.,..,.,. lOt '120 pel .,....

m«S 0PfNf0NS: ASS mIWrbets rrr#/ cWo> copiIIS 01 fon'nIII td'iCS(:tiif'iOIII. 1nlnm'IIII oprocns. ~ . . -'!M!f!he~, C3f1 bt ttoned frOtn!he GtoroeIaI Co.mefs offioo, PROFESSIONAL JOUfINAL. N£WSI.ETTE!I AND SAIl DIIEC1'OItY: JheAl!twl-. ~IS.....-ed 10 /ISS ~ llm:Jri1t'Iy rd teou.. .. ~ rd ~.-IIdO> 10 ............ !he ~ d low, Tho AOOENIII.JM ~ Ihe /ISS ~ lO<:uIo'og on Ii'noIy ntmnotm rd """" d1nl aIteon8!t 1'I"(InIhs, '" /ISS ~ ,-"",! d rho! _ _ Uw)e 8¥llnc!<>yisln.l fI'I!II'I'bn, ftms, !he A/;QmJ RIJes d ProIessoon!I CorO.o:::I. MClf PdO> rd ~ nlother A/;QmJ St4>romo C<u1iIM ~ 10 !he proIessoon. 1AWV£R f!EA;RRAI. $ER1IIC£: \he ASS iJP!<OIes ItJs staI~ p.dc ........ I'<'lJllTlIhoI _ !M!f 16,OXl OIls I yWI, I.awjer$ 0<lISde .IeIfetson. MaoisOI1 rd MOOiIe iXUlliO> rrey pnopate to' ........... lMnI mI'f""'" .., 10 151f811So! IJICOOiI 0'1 ~ 10 recerwe"""lJlS meor> boos _ 10 prWide !he Irsl 30 <I'nJIeS d <mSiJIato> 10 !he ret.rtd tiIn1 lOt $25 GII(XJf' HOSPITAL. mARl! m' AND LR WSUfI.4NCE: Tho ASB ....xnes flwe ~ ~1li1""'" 1Iv<i<q1 its m ••:>Iatu; ........... SoeoIIisIS. K ~ _ _ mljO< .......... ~ mon'MI, I'<lspI.oI iI'OorJmo', bo..osQss!M!f\leld, nI lie. These ...I .......... to ASS mom-

bIo. U. SIlOOS8$. chkhn If'(! Ofliplo,.e8S, Con\loC1Inso.rI'tlCft Speoaiisr$, K lOt deIais II 1.QX).241·77Sl tDaS NEJCJS GII(XJf' MEMB£1ISHN' DISCOUNT: MVP ~ Value PrOi1Jl:lslIS tIIo LEXlS Gr"", ~ f'r(qam mal aIkms orimrtod """"" to AIab!wno """" low, >taM.. ord m:x•• I. flal rr(If1iNy .. ,. 'I~ 11 $135 kw • lirm With .., to lIvee . . - , . pills. rr(If1t!J1v s.i:lso¢(M1 1"" o! $25. No -"""'"- IilTlilIirMs ore rI1X>S8d ~ .....t>w-.:>IO'IS Iflm fVIiIabIIi1 ~ low If"""', for det.>ils on Ito:! pro"lIllcallUXIS I11~

Pfl()ffSSlONAL UABIUTY INSURANCE: ArInn"irlys Insurance MUIIoII d ~ In<. V>JMl,.,.. ~ t.,.!toe /ISS to 1)IWIde • ..-.;<" ~ ~ ~ ~ fO< ItS merrtows !hill Mel """. ,..... ~ ~ for """" nIamaucn ob:tIt IIJM<:oI1-8X>526- 1246 AII80IINE EXF'frESS 0I:SC0tWJS: ASS merrtows _ ""'" ~ benefir:s. ~ Next-day doI;.oayOf1I ~ lett ... is S915 VIi· "-" I S15 ~ If'1 n.-. is,.,ct.oe 10 ervol. 10 0<'>"dI QII I.a»44J..522S rd~ Iho /ISS a:dt: N68. CAR RENTIU. Dt5C0UNrS: Tho !>IllS ""'" ,' ... ,tes! .... ~0IJ8f'I pr<MIos ,...1Ifar~ (\o:$(:O,nIS 0f1 _ car rMtJis. fa ~ WiIh A$B~ IMS _ Oiocnn call 1-&J.83\.QXljrd!J'"'!hs""" A530100 fltiIva PROGRAMS; INJRA\f oIIfl ~ ........ ~ ~.,....., a.,. desvJed ~ for ASS merrtows!lIor i1r>IfII'1 00QII0 ill.f00.325.0024 0fRCE 5W'F'LES DISCOtWl'S: A$B JTlI!ff'ibto"s _ fou" to 11 _ 011...". do:\(:!;u1tod........e tond offioo ~ oro:j ~ iIlrw11 Pft "(''''''' ewer 24 ...... milt ......., doI"'-' WiIh J.sI. free~, for ~ oro:j. fUI ookr a!lllog Q111-8:0042-33\ 1

AI..AMMA STATE BAR MO<oIgOIl." AlIbomo 361013141:/69.1515' 1-«10-351-6154

Dedication Ceremony of Jones School of Law Building 86 Glori. ""Filtrum (This article. which originally aPPNr«I ln the MontlJOfl'llllY County!ho. AMOCi.tion Dodrfft, is reprinted in pert with p&rmission.) On December 12. 1996, alumni and fnends gathered lor the dad~ ClIt ion ceremony Oltha new $4 million Thomn Goode Jones

Sehool 01 Lew bu.'dlng on Montgomery Oes!gned ,n tile neo-feder.' IIfchotectu.;t1 style. the new building lias • feehng of openness end IS bHt (\$$(ribed • s affording an elegant appearlOCI WIthout extrSVi98I1Ce. The

new bUlld,ng "an essantl.' SU:lp in


American Bar

AssocIatIOn accred,tatlon for the law school

At the


MItchell. dean 01 Jones School 01 Law, po'eSided al the dedatoon ceremony Under Dean MItchell's leitdersh'll, the law school haos e~pe"el'lCed

phenomenal grOWth. When he became the dean in 1987, thele wele 98 students and one 'ul~\lme professor. Today, as Pilrt 01 Faulkner Unrver$JIy• ..tones

WIth Iht proor," of Jones SdlOOI 01 Law.nd WIth the new building. Desctibll"\Q the dedocatoon of the new bulkl lng as ", (ll8nt step: indeed" 1e3~ lor the 1&11/11c0mmunity,' Justice ~auerson bel,,~es that Judge Jones woukl have said, "W~I Oooe-we ll

haos achreved I cur· rent ,"I<*neI,t of

448 students and lUIle lui-tIme ftcu\< tv end tdrmn,su • IMI stall. Jusoce P.llerson IS

confident lhaot

Jvdge Jones would be ~leased

of. few young

man, .If'TlOSt 70 years ago Walter

B. Jones began le&eh,ng law 8\

mght AI that "me. he was the fUdge of the 15th Jlidiclal Ci'CUII. JudQe Jones founded Jones School 01 Ltw on 1928 and named the school on honor 01 hl$lalllef. Thomas Goode Jones. a


1',a.wdY~"'':Y- Sjeaal'


Confederate Officer, Gove<no< 01

A13bamt .nd an


o...rong the tledocatoon program 104" the new oo,ldlog. Anornev General Jeff $anions. It Gove rnor Don Siegelman, Chief Justice Perry HOOPer, Justice John Pauersoo. anornev Fred Gray. Mayor Emory Folmar, and others commented on the acaoomo:; excellence and IU(lh e lhocal standards e~ernpIofied by the graduates and students 01 Jones School 01 Law AIabe.,..,. Stale SenaIOO' Wendell _M<PI ......

OIooo_ ...,•• _.,--d _ _ d _ Stooo .. _ ... . _'-'<0(0

c.oo .. ""' ..... _,


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Judicial Award of Merit Nominations Due The Board of Bar Comm issioners at the Alabama State Bar ""II receIVe nominations for the state bar's JudIcial Award of Merit throogh May 15. 1997. NominatIons should be p,,~pared and mailed to:

Keith B. N orman , Secretary Board of Bar Commissione rs

Alabama Stale Sar P.O. BOl< 671 Montgomery, Alabama 36101 The Judicia l Award of Merit was esw~i5hed In 1987. The 1996 reCIpIent was the Honorable Ralph Cook, assoc,ale justIce. Supreme Court of Alabama. The award is not necessarily an annual awa rd. It may be presented \0 a judge who IS not retired. whether state Of federal court lrial or appellate. who is determined \0 have contnbuted SIgn ifIcantly to the admIn istration 01 Justice in Alabama. The recipient is presented with a crystal gavel bearing the state bar seal and the year of presentation. Nom:nat lons are considered by a three-mt!mber committ1*! aPPOinted by the preSident of the state bar. which then makes a recommendat ion to the boa rd of ba r comm'ss<oners wah respect to a nominee or whether the award should be presented in any given year. Nominatoons shou ld include a detailed biographICal Pfofile of the nOrnln1*! and a narrawe outlining the Slgn il;路 cant contributionlsl the nominee has made to the administration 01 justice. Nominat>ons may be supported With letters of endorsement.


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