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THE ALABAMA LAWYE.R Vol. 63. No. 31 May 2002

OntheCowr. v.... r."", .,.,....l1000- _


OIl I'<nIido 60.... ~ in btautirl>l Onnp 11<:.... Alabama. UtL of .... 2002 A I _ s..... II .. AnrHW M"""". - PI"'*'I"""" 1 by ,.".1 C,....~ IV


Profiles: David R. Boyd and William N. Cia'"


Drug and Medical Device Litigation Under The Alabama Extended Manufacturer's Liabitily Doctrine 8y TriPi' I/(ISUHI



A Closer Look Sydney Smith

Alabama Law Foundation Fellows:



ASS Annual Meeling 2002 Information


The Alabama Till, lnSUfance Act 012001 By.kPtvs,t. 8rrJdftmJ fIIff1 G. Wa,..." Loirrl. 1/1


Legal Assistanb:

An holving Role in the Practice 01 Law in Alabama By Gwria Mcl'h,,_



The Alabama Lawyers' Assisl&nc. Program at Work: The Why end How of ALAP

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I Don't Know Where I Am Going But I Am On My Way "g(l many of us "'ere asked to try 001 fo< law review. We We", di=ted to write an ani· de of OIlr <boosing """ to ,ubmil illO one of the .. nio< I.w ,",view '"brains" "'ho WO<Ild tMn pick individual. for 'pp"'nliceship and membership on law ",.iew. S<:ems like my "'pic was 50Inething like''Tho Legal and S.~""I I'roponsilies of PonuglleSO DescerKlants As It Rei."" to Alabama Law:' Some 30 y(!3r1 laler. ! have yfl to hear ",bether I m;tde lhe squad. "The old roonlry and weslCrn 5O<Ig. "'If the Pbono 000'1 Ring, YOIl'1I Know II "illS Me." rom.. 10 mind. J k _ SOl"" who did and I have 1\01 ~n waiting all this time being choson for law to ,'enl my fru'lnl1ion review. I am merely mUing a point to lei you know that. flJ'St. obviously I am IIOIl very gifled wriler and. 0ttUnd. the agony and pain of wriling !hi , anicle is awful. Many ,ponS<!$.. as does mine. alway. say. "YOIl should write I boot like JOOn Gri,ham."· Whal. crazy thoIIghl. I can hordly wrile the "'Presi<knl', "'''g.:' much Ie.. anything Iongrr than '''''' rages, 11>0", arc o.""lIenl qualified l.wyo .... I)a .'id BoJ'd and William C la rk . running for presid<n ...,lect of the Alabama Stale Bar. I can otTer 50me .... cellent advi"" to both. Before you.", elected. hire Iwo ghosl "'Titers to aUloo. six "panlt. artick •. If you win. you will h""" already have completed one. of your mosl difficult lask, . If you lose. you will be able to ..11 moslof them 10 your viclorioo. opponenl ro< large 'Urn. of cash. He will probably .ttcmrt to wrile the firsl one. bul after Ihat you will be wealthy. J bllye ""ver been encooraged to become a judge nor bllYe I aspired 1(> be one. The prol;ptt1 (If background cheel:.< and inlerview~ by the FBI of local people who k _ yoo have nipped tha, nee,ing thought in my mind. If. however. I have t"1tnained thal thoughl fo< lnon!: tblln 30 oecond,. il immediately upon the ",ali",,'iootbat I would have 10 wrile opinions thOl








OIher people read. So. I ... JlIlO$" Wm<lhing good has .(>me from having to prodllCe this aJ'Iiclc.

11>0 OIhcr

good news i, aftc' Ihi" only""" more ankle has 10 be wrillen. Severn! pe<>plc bave inquired about whal J ba,"" been doing as prcsidcnl 1O;t can be taken two ""ays. First. lhey are 'nl ..... loo. Second. thty ~now nothing I ha,,, done. The secood is probably c~1 bul being posilive. I take !he first a, lbe ",.son they ask. Otkr than wriling this anklo. being pn:sidenl has been >cry enjoyable and enriching, I bllve "",I and lall:cd with a 101 of peoplo. Recently I was talking t(l "junior high class allempling 1(> explain how the law """'S uS as ""elias OIhe ... I "'as asked. "If we are on this oW 10 help OIhers .... ha, are the <>lhon here. forT I have yet to an,we,. Anuther group had bttn sludying the Scopts trial. A boy asked. "If we all callie from monkey$. why 00 we 'till have monkeys? Did thty nut make itT I developed" roughing .pell and ieft early. AI a bar ~ing in not'tIt Alabama. they ask the oklestla .. ye, 10 stand 1(> be re<:ognized, When askoo .ftcrv.'mI, to what he attributr.l his 1on8"\"ity. he replied. "Red meat and gin:' He ilthe .. me I.wy(!r who told me when he SttS. p"'"Y girl smile at him he looks down to .... what is unzipped, So wha, is this ankle ,,1,..,u? It is 1(> 101 you know your stat. bar i. worting for yoo. "The t nli", Slaff i. doing thtir job "",remely ",.. n. The annual .",wenlion is planned at 0ran8"""h with cmj>hosis on family and fun. Someone ,nfortntd me thaI. dy.fUnc1iooal family is any f.mily ""ith more than """ pot'S<'" in il. This lIllty be true. I encourage yoo 1(> come 10 yoor bar'. ann""l ""'Iing and bring your family. I al", enrouragr you in the of Clwles M. Schwab. "Be kind. Every per_ son you """,t is fighling a hard 00,,1•. Lead the life 1hat will make you friendly 1(> eve1}'OllC .bool yoo and yoo will be lurpri5e(l what a ham life yoo will load:' I look forward 1(> =ing you. •


TD S~rve th~ Public .................................................................... .$10.00 per 1011 Oty. details al bar >dlIic _ provams higI1liglted in the TO SERVE rIlE PUBI.lCI'Ideo preseota\IOO


Lsw As A Care"r ........................................................................ .$10.00 per 100 OPIXItunities and thallenges at • taw career ttKIay



Lswyers and Legal F,e. ............................................................$10.00 pel 1011 0Iy. • kII'IIIIIr'I' at bIsoI: onkwmibon 0II1DMIO'I1ega1 <II-GI_hI prvcejr.ns lor the pubbI;



Last Will &, Te.tament................................................................$10.00 per 100 ~ aspects at esL11l1 pIirwwlg hi the U,4DtiOU at 1\I<mg. wiI L~ga l Asp~cts of Di'IDfC~ ......................................................... .$10.00 aliBIs ap!iOOS and chDic:es ,fMlMd in divoroe

per 100

.... ....

• •

CDnSUmer Financ~ or -Buying on 1Im~ - ............................... .$10.00 per 100 Qry. , ,000iines importa01 consKIeratoons and prOYldes advQ on fonaneill mal1ers allectnJ the indMduaI Of lI,mily


M~diation •.• Anoth~r Method ...................................................$10.011 pe.'00 for Resolving Dispute. j)IOWi6es ., .....- 01 the mtdiabDri preuss in ~oDfHI'Id._1omi

. _


_ _


Arbitration Agre~ments .............................................................$10.00 pel' 1011 8fiSWIIn ~iOIIII 0'1 110111110'1 from the ~s ~ Acrylic Brochu.e St...·d ........ _ ........ _ ......... _ ....... _ ......... _._ .. _ .. _ .. ..$5.00 Ilch 0Iy. nlMduaI ~tand imprimed wah nlividual. limo Of bar assoeiltlOfi name IOf lI$I! 8\ disuibi,njon POints One sUVld per brochiIlI ilr~.


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'0 'M AkibtJmiJ $UJU Bar', ... ~ I"Wrnl", 1M ~I«tion of ~,Uk1lHI«I. Ihr /011",,';", bi",rophical wlcIv, tJrr pro..lidd of [)a,ojd R. Boyd and Wim"", N. Clout. &yd aNI CI<r,* " ...rr ~ q...uifyi", Nndidmu for ,~ poJi'iotJ of~.UkItl·d«l ofIMA"'" $Ia~ Ba, for'M 1001_1001 umt. and 1M . ';/tM, "il/ """"'" /he p",.ilk"", U. J~t, lOOJ,

David R. Boyd I"e Boyd was born in Greenville. AIabooroII in I~. He allel\do:d Ule public acOOob in GrttIW;11< and !be University ()/ Ablwna. from ""hicb be Jrad ... ted in 1973. AI AI ......... be .... vice-praidclll of Ibc SIUdmt body IIId eloeaed 10 Jasons IIId OOK. He allmded Ule U.i>a1iIY of AIaMmI s"booI 01 lo..... padualinl in 19761$' mem_ be. of Ule Order of Ule Coif. Boyd spenl a year at. law tIeR for Uniltd S"'e$ Di~uicI Judge Sam C. Poimer. Jr. in Ule Northern 0i.1rio, of Alabama btf".., R'I(W;nIIO Mool,,,,,,,,ry in 197710 prac1ice law. lie bas pniCliccd in MooIllO<nery since lhall''''''. firsl wilh lbe finn of Smilh. Bowman. Thai;ard. Crook & Clllpcpp<'. and. ,ince 1983. wilh Bakh &; Bin£!oam LLP. followinll nlel10r ofi00se finns. Boyd ;s Ihe m;uu;ginll panncr of Balch &; BirWwn" Monlgomer)' off",,,. WillI< 0npf:;"1 in on Xli"" liliplion pn<licc for Ihe pW 24 years. Boyd bas been w:ry invol>'al in ltalC t.r IIId DIher professional avitla. lie il cunmtly completinj hi. sccood ICml on ibe ASB Board ()/ 8ar Commissiontn IIId served at Stale t.r "ice-praidcn. and • IIIO:mber 01 rile 8«utiw: Co,,,..,il in 199&.99. He is dWrnwt of Ihe Diociplilllf)' Comminion. on " 'hictl be Iw JCrw:d ,inee 1997. i'reYioully. be was. I'IIm\ber of !be Oil<:ipli"",)' Boan!, Boyd bas also bad .'''tnsi"" inwlwment in bar odmi .. oions. one of lbc .>laIC bar', olhor main funt1w, He ,,~ I bar examine.- for four )'CM1 btfo.e ctgirinillbc Board of B... Enminers from 198610 1990. Alibe .... ionaIlcvel. he ;, <urrmdy • member of lbc Ik..-d of TMIeeI of N<lIionaI eonf=nce of !lor Euminm ar.I chait of lbc Mullilaoe 8ar EumiJlalioa Commi~. 011 """'dI bc Iw JCrw:d ~ lilt 19905. Boyd earIior "'.... mnnbtr 01 lilt Multisuile Prof~ Respomibilily Eumi ... ioo Coola"i"••• Ind..,.,... ...... years on the ADA', 0-


AdmU:sions Coo..mil1eC. Since 1993. Boyd has ~ as 1r\'1SUl\"f of Ihe Alabama low Found:llion. ,",'hil:h has mponsibiblY for 100TA aI>d (lIhtr ~ As. bar commis<ioner. Boyd has f""luently acted IS. li.ison for tbc bar ""ilh lbc Alabama Supreme COlIn. lie has ICro'td on various SIll. bar l.ask fOfeCS. inch;diJli long-range planninl anti bar admi",iQRS rul<$. Boyd was Ihe fKipi~nt of lhe JUI" bar's Awanl of Mtril in 198~. 1 34

MAY 1002

In DIher profn.sionalllClivl~. Boyd has been a I'IIm\ber of lbc low)'ftl Ad~ilOlY CommillCle for Ibc Middle Diurict of AIaMmI since 1990. and ~ for • number of )'Un on Ihe AIaMmI Supttrnc COlIn', Advisoly Commit!~ on Ihe Rules of Ovil J>roccd..... He bas lINn I<li"" in Ihe Alabama Law InSlilute. where he prtSCmly"""'" on the E>.«ulivt Commiuct', Boyd srn'ed as prl'si<knl of lbc AI.bama Council of s"hooI Iloan! A!tomey. from 1985,86. A fellOW of (he All"oerican Bar Found.atioo aI>d Ule Alabllma 1.:Iw Foond:alion. Boyd has lINn liSlcd for a numllt. of y~ in 11>0 lksl low)"IfJ in AIa,,"n ... Boyd i. abo henily ""Plcd in comnwnily and civil: affain. He ilihe incurnllm! pm.ideni of rile Boys' &: Girl,' Quilt. of MOIIIIO""'fY, and i. !he im ........ <Ii.. pW chair of !he Admi~iWtiiw: Board of MOII\iIom...y"J Flill United Mt\hodi" CbuR:h. He StfVtJ on Ule MoniJ<'IIItfY Arc. Ownber of Cmnmtrcc·. Commill ... of 100. on "'Ionization deYotcd 10 oconomk dcvtlopmenl. and tMired rile United Way', laW)'OfS' Di.ision in 2000. Boyd has.."..,.."j 00 Ihe Board of 1'ruSlct'1 of the Montaonltry Academy for • number of ye ... Inti ""m:nlly i. vicc-chair ofl he


D.... Boyd is monied and lhe falhtr of four.


Last October, the Alabama State Bar, the Medical Association of the State of Alabama and the Alabama Hospital Association, with support from the Alabama Department of Public Health and the Alabama Organ Center,

joined together for a statewide project to educate Alabama citizens about health care directives. The LlFEPLAN 2001 campaign involved over 200 volunteer attorneys and physicians and reached over 16,000 citizens. Because of continued interest in this important topic, an informative video on health care directives has been produced. The ten-mlnute video highlights the importance of having a health care directive and answers questions about the new Alabama form. A copy of the video Is available by request, at no charge, for use by hospitals, senior citizens groups, schools and any community group. To request a free copy of the video, contact the Alabama State Bar at 800路354-6154 or order on路line at Copies of the LlFEPLAN Consumer Guide and the new Alabama Health Care Directive form can also be downloaded from the Web site.



William N. Clark '.,M B m C\Irt: 110m ill Mrri'hn. Miw,!,ppi on .bnu.y 16, 1941. He MteD<blckukllliy ond tqh JdIooI '" 81mlO1lgham ond kffcnon County pubIir dIooIs. Aller ~ froru Shades ValJo:y Hip School hi: eNnuI doo UIIII<d s-:. Miliury ~ 01 Wesl Point ,,'1"0= he "'as SccrNry <1flhe CadeI ]10001" Olmmi~. SupcTi~ or !he Primary Ikpanmo .. of 1he SUlxLoy S<:1lo<:>I for childrtn of ofIicm; JIluioncd .. We>.t Point. 1he Circul4!ion Manager of "'" lIowiLttr. lhr CadeI yearboot. ond a ~ty football kuennan. lie r=Md. O.s. dqrn: from We>! Poi", in 1963. and =vM fiw ynrs on a:trW duly .. an InfOlllly 0I'Iim' III !he United Stales. GemwIy -.I Vocm.m. his 5mli« in VIeUIam. BiU left the ~ and 0fIIeftd Ill... lehoolll Ifw< UlUvmny 01 Alabama. While in Iaw..,hoot he ...'U n-ardod!he Phi Alpluo Della Oulst.ndin!! Senior award. ~Iected to



Omicroo Del..,. Ka~ ar.d sorved as Manas;ng Editor of 1M Alab.nla 1.1... Upon V1'dullioo. he s.",,",, as law clerk 10 tbe ll000cablc Waller P. (lewin, United Sl<ileS a"'Uil 100",. Fifth a"",il Coon 0( Apptais. SLln mal ti ..... "" has b«n in Ihe priva~ pnctice 01 law. ond is • pIlII1Iot1 ill 1he I_lirm of Redden. M,ll. It Clark. llis pnctice i< principally deYOIed to ..·...10 ooIbr mmi".] dof........ crimLrW

.s.f=se. donlesuc n'lllior\s. and civillilipllOll. ,nc]Pd· ing both trial. and o.ppcal., Bill rontinlltd his nliliwy """,;0" in 1he Un,ted SI~lC< Army Re5eI"'<:, ond "'Ii~ as a MajorCk ......... in 1999. ~ ossignmcfUs ;" lhe AfIDY Resen" included CQrrulIa...;In <1f tht 34Sth ~:ngineer Group; Chid 0( Staff and [)q:luIY CornmandI:r of m.: l21J.1 Am>y RI.'Sm'e Command. Al ~ bone of his fdi ........... II<' "lOS Ill<' CornmarIdin& GrnmoI. 87th<ion (~ue) lItad· q..anm:d in 11oo;wn. Alabama. "id! "diu in Alabama. Mi .. issippi. KcNuc:ky. Gc<IrJia. Florida Md I'un\Q Rico during his command. ltis military decontions include tho DiSlingu;"hcd ScI'\'H:e Medal. Legion of Meril. B~ SlM Mo:d>l and Republic "fVi.lnam O.II.nlry Cross wid! Bf'QIU. SI .... 138



C(IIJInliucd 10 impnl"(mtnl of 1M Irgal ,ysoem. "'all .,,'a/'lkd!he AlabaJna Siale Bll' A~""daiioo Award of Meril in 1981 for hi ....",icc in I... .,.,. of indigenl def.n .... In lllal "'prd.......Ned as Chair of tho Aloha"", St.:>le Bill' Commiu~ on 1ndill.m Od.n"" from 191510 1981 ar..hlso"" Chairoftho AloI)ama Suprtmt: COUll Ad"iMlf)' CommitlN "" l odi",nt Dof....... SnvicQ. In 1989'" 1'eCC,....t m.: Wah ... p. (jewin A......:I from the Alabama B:ar Im.l'''''. for ConIioll'nlllepl Educalion for Oul>Wldl"1 ...... ice In tha!U'eI. In 1994 he "'all a ...rocd tho Roderick Beddow. Sr. "' ..'Ud for OiSlinguished in I'" field of criminll defense by tho Alob,,,,,, Criminal Dofen ... l.awyus A,,,,,, •• ,;on. He scl'\'cd 3$. "'emb<r of !he Adv'MIf)' Commit"'" to !be Su!""one Cwn of


Alabama ,,'hic:h drafted the fim Alabama Rules 0( Criminal I"n::adu~, and ~ .. OIai, of !he AlIobamlo ....... JMliruttc

CODlJJIiu"" "'hic:h "fled a __ Alabama AdapIion Code ",hic:h .... odop!cd by !he AIXr;o"", Lq:il\:alu~ ito 1991. He "-as .., u officio mcmbtr of !he AdYi",,), Con.."'t.... " 'hic:h drlf.ed the Alabama Rules 0( Evidence . Clark hu been an ;>Clive membc.- of .he Birmingham, Alaba,na and Amm"an bar associ".i"", •. H~ ~rvw .. $t:C~tary­ t~a$u"'r. prrsident and .. a member of !he Ex ... utive Commit..., of the Birmingham Bar A"'>Ciaiion, ond prr.idem of!he Birm,ngham B..-I'outodation. Also Io<\ive Ul!he Alaboma. SUI!e B..-, BiU hu RrYCd u chli,of,he FaIeraJ Judic:wy Cotnmi.~, as ..-ell as briTll" II'If/mber <II various Olber .we bw commll1ces. In die Ah.,. ic:an 8M A..... i.uon. he hu lotn'ftI as "ic:e-chair of the Criminal )"~t"'" Section ConuruI1"" on S.... e lqi.lation ond as a member of.he Crimi ...1 )UM"'" S«.i"". Defense Sorv"",s Commi.le<'. H. is. member of.he Alaba""" Criminal Defense Lawyers Associa.ion , In 1990-


R:>undalion a. ,he Unh-mil)' of Al:ibama. JRSidcn. of the Jolin C. Penons ChaplCT of the AMocillion 0( the U.s. Army, thai, of the V~kan Dis.uin of the ~ Scouts of America, chair of the Birmi.,twn MetropOlitan YMCA BoanJ. <hai, 0( the kff<1lOll COIIfIIly Indi'.... Def....... CommiJlion. and chair of !he )effonon Coumy Criminal JuSI"'" M~f\1IIn' Commilt~, Dill h... bttn a membc< of !he boards of din:clOl'$ of !he Nonh Alabam. Uni.ed Methodi!t Foundation,.he Boyland Girl. Clubs of Cennal AI~bama .• he Ki ..... nis Club of DirmingJlam. and the Wosley R:>unda.ion •• the Univt'f$ity of Alabama. lie i. also • &fWi""le of !he l.cadenltip B'rmi.,twn propam. BiU ', wife. Fa~, holds. Ph.D. from 11k Uft...,...,.y of Alabama II Birmlnpam. Their daugJller. Helen Catbtrine S",,1h. .I>om<ma/o:.... is """ricd '0 Clonton Smith. vice-praidrn. of S.OWlIl1 ~ny ConS\nIC:tion Company. The Clarb' I0I'l. W"oll. is in !he MBA PfOirillm al l1;uvard Univt'f$i,y and i, =tried .oAnne flolmu Clark, an ole_ menlaf)' 1I1 •• "",lI<r. •

1991. he Jer<ed '" pmiden. of the UniveDily of Alabama ....... School Alumni Associaloon. IO'Id. in 1991 ...-as '" die ()uuundilll Alum.".. of die Universi.y of Alabama School of ....... by the Faoah Sod... y. In 1992 he ........10<:1«1 a """0.... ito the Amencan ColitJe ofTri.1 Lawyers. He i. culKmJy the prt$idenl of lhe Uni ... oni,y of Alab.",. Law School R:>und.>tioo, BIll is an adjuncl prof... _ al til< Uno.'ollity of Alabama Law School. and i. listed in The 8 .., Lawyel1 in America in.he aKaJ of criminal def.. nse and domeSlic: ",lations. Adi .... in !he community. Clark hu .oerved '" a School !eac:her ond chun:h !ChooI tupnlnlef\denlll !hc Fim Unl1W Mnilodist C1Iw<h.. on the Adrrunillnl've Board at Canterbury UnilCd Me.hodi.. 0Iwd0. ond 00 the ehu"'h COUIICilII lIigJIland< United M<1bodh. Chun:h. lie teac:be:s III adult Sundoy School class al Highlands United Methodi,. Chu"'h. ond !CrveJ 00 the BoanJ of T",s .... ! of the Cilun:h, lie ltas 5('rvW as """idrn' of tho- Boan! of Di~'()I1j of.he W..!.y



dedi c a / i on and scruice.



lluo IWf

I «RCury


our belt. ,.,.. coukI SII)' WI! lnow ..u """" is 10 know abou. title insUrillnce.


Bm not jUl' .bou1 ""owing OUT btuinr:B. h', abou. knQWing QUr cl;"nts and enning trulL Our I""')t'n lu>l: ~ just

that. By ~ing 1M npmencc and insight to

!"",w,;1011 wxknniting JOIuIioM. Wt'",

nud the numbtront .... ~

o:mp:anrin lolisliaippi and ~ m:ririnf:

Iirlanri3llUbiIitf IlIIinp. llwl~ )'OIl lor Pl'uirt you. bich in Ill. ~


__ ,



. . , ""' .....

Kei111 8. II. . . .

Refurbishing the Bar Building To Better Serve You!


bis year marks 1M JOIlI Anni"ersary of lhe oomplet;oo of lhe re_.lions of the bar build· ing and the new addllion. l1Ie expanded f""'ili_ lie. and rellO"'lions ,,<wide<! bar membe .. from across the Stale with conference rooms for dcposiliOll$. "",di,lions. CLE program<. d~nl rnt<!lings. comminte "",,,ings."1Id arbiuatioo •. Since 1992. 0'''''' 2.000 ",""lings N,,"e bten ocheduled invol,ing """" Ihan 20.000 JItOple."l"h¢se figu~ ir.clude I.wye ... diems, civic group "",mbe ... ,."",he ... and


Bar membe .. and ()Ihe .. woo come 10 I"" building fOf Ille fi .. ll;me rouli",,]y comple""'nl OUr facilities and the bospi' ality of our =plionist. Stephanie OgJesby, and programs assiS!am Rila Gray. woo both make =ry effon 10 en,ure that visit"" are accommodaled. Out-of,sllue lawye .. u,ually marvel thai the use of these f""ilities is flee of charge 10 membe .. of the Alabama State Bar. l1Ie tremendous use of these f"",iliti.5 over the po<l decade diC1aled the need for a rdurbiShment of the original building and the fo .. t ond SttOnd floon of lhe addition od<kd in 1992. (You will recall that. partial build-out of tile third floor was complelrd in !999. adding addilional office space for DO'" programs. as \veil as a ,ideo-conf.renct: facilily.) l1Ie "'furbishmem




"arted in January 2002 and should be complelrd ""xl month. l1Ie interior refW"bish"",nt includes: painting .1] offices. meeling room,.nd ptlblic arras; "'uphol· -<toring Of replacemenl of meeling room chai ..: and the addition of systems furnishings in several of the buHding. In addition 10 the interior wort. \ve are fCSurf"",ing and impro,ing the parl:ing are~ behind the oor building and. ""01 parting .re. localed across Hull Strect



from the b:o. buildinll, Thi, parking arra. wilh lhe vehicle entrance on Hull Slrttl and front ing tile Judiciai ll uildinll on De>!e. A.'rnu •. will be ~Om'enien' for lawyers visiling lhe Slale bar or """,,1I.te COUI1$. IIcc.u!\C lhe parking area will be g.led. I.wyns wishing 10 use il will need 10 call the bar 10 obtain

an access code. Thi, ",furbishmenl will help us keep lhe bar r""ilitie, ni"'l for OUr members ond the public. Based OIl the many COm· menlS from I.wyers who IISC tllese racil· ilie>. I koow bar members are proud of these f""ililies and des;", 10 "'" them wtll rn:.inl.ined. I hope Ihal tile /lCxt lime yoy an: in Monlgomery IhOi you will make. special poinlto vi,il!he bar building. W. hope Ihal the ",(urbishmenl and lhe /lCW parl:ing ""'" will help u, to serve you belterl •

I'""'u"....~"" ~'" !Kint ~ 10 I~ 1"'",;", "n'II di..".,1y "'hind ,/I< bG. buildi., .

The ~'''' events in New 'f0l1t.

WastJinglon, D.C. end I'1Inrosyi""ni. underscDrfl tile neetl for updated end IhDnMJgh diSllSl8f preparedness end response plans. These

plans e.n save li'IGS, alld help p<oteet . nd give direction t~ stall . nd

le.""rship in tile mj~ 01 an emergency. Willi tltis in mind. ttle Allbema Stllhl8er " " p<oductd.

concise, easy-to-implement guide


11"._ e c. i$iI manatement

cheelc lm. stepl lor putting togtrthor

CEELI Attorneys Wanted

• ber lISSOC:iatioo

or legal p<&Ctice

_l1lel\Cy "'.....redness plan. and

llle Cem",1 and East European Law lniliative (CEELI). a public sc,,;co pmjr<ot of lhe American liar Associalion. seeks Iltomey •.•,ith r,,_ j'C3J'$'

mou.t" ,'" prtlViding voillflleet

."",,""net. to dtvc\Qp. coordinate and impkmenllegal reform pro:iects in

leg.1 se<Vices. The guide ;1 a""il-

Central and Easl .... Europt and lbe NIS. Positions of various IefIgths are available lhroughoUl the "'gion 10 wori: with local judi.iaries. bar associa-

.ble_. t no tllSt. on-line et

tions, atlOtlle)'$ and legislative drafting cnrrunillces on criminal. environmental.


commerci.1. '" gender i"ues '" civil law "'form. ParticipanlS TOCeive.

c.Iling 800-354-6154. extension 132.

generous suppon pa<kage. E-mail Alison at


.........:IlhanLI,org/culi r", an oppJic"ion and inform.tion.

'" visit

* * *

In JanUlf)'. 0II0!her IApI Mikol .." . mork<r was 1"'1 in pi..,.,. !his 'ime in from oflhe Maron C... ",I,. C...,nlH>use in TIls~. Among Iho5e ~lIcnding ,he ~rnony........e ASH Preiidtnl Lorry Morrb.ASb I'reJ<knl.ft.od Fn:d (;noy. fom ... ASII Coo,",issMM><r £.rno:>li ... s..pp. 0\1_ Count,. Bat As!ioria[;"" PfNIm[ Unda IItndr ........ and p-'d. Ina J~ lIo.....rd F. BI)1.... nnh Judidal O ..... it. The mader I>ighligbu M__ CoumfJ distinCIion in Alabama Iristory. Aoootdi ... LQ !he \<:l' 01 .... .,,,-, ~ In!he 19SOs, due lOe;"'il n~ h~ !he lq;.w"", ~ \he oounty 10 be l!boIi!h<d. In Dtu;mber 1951. !he citin:ns of Abbarna. by a 'M)_ majoril,., "I'J'IO"<d Amendmenl NQ. 1)2 1<1 !be Alabama C()fIsti'utioo. "'hich a"lhori/~ tho lqisl., IW't 1<1 appoinl a comminec 10 O1udy and del ..mi"" ,he f•• ,ibilily 'If aOOIishing M;>coo Coun,,. or mJuc· ;"3 ill are. by making it pan of 1hI! ",rro,IIming roun'ies. This amendment remained a pan of 1bc Alobama CQo'ISUtuuon umilthe YOItn repc.~ i. in 1982 with Amtndzn.nt No. 406.~ In additioo. sevmoI Alabama ~k cutS...., ~ on evenll <lCCUITint in Mocon C<!unly. i"dud· i", .,... of tho lim iMl<lnC:a 01 c;"'il rithls liupUon and !he lawsuit ill'VOlvi". tho 'nfamous TIlskqff Syphilis S.udy.

The '-"g.1 Mikstonr:-s i>rQvam ftt{)3"ius impo<. lam casa, <,""IS or prrwnalitico in Alabama's ..,gal history by placi"3 broou pl",!"es .. dcsignoted .ites. Otbcr ~u""n' .ites include M()ItfO<vilk. lI u"l$v;lIe. Mootgomcry. Mobil •. Th'IC.Ioooa. and Aor.,r.:e.

Pjrl~rrdabow J~"", l~

AIM., BU IJ" K.j,h N.",....,., ASB UNuliw Jlrrc....... Roh", IIi.. ,.",., ABA ~"'.-IJNI Frrd Gm)\ /lS8 ""-SUltnHI«f

J<>inint Qther <mtlii... 100""'"'" 0( lawyl"r O<pniza· lions from 0<r0iS$ the ooonlry M the A"""",an B,... Associal""", Bar '-"..Jocrship InSl,tute in March was . 'n:d O. Gnoy of Thsk'8~. presi<icn""1ec1 of tho ASB.1"II< BLi i. hl!ld .nn"aily in Chicago for incoming o fficials of local and State """.•pttial focus lawyer orgo"i .. tiOIIl 100 bar foundations. It J'I"O"ides tho opponunily to confer with ABA offi· cials. bar Jooadn- collu.gues. ~uti,.,t.aff and Olher ....peru 00 tho .,.,..ncion <II" web associa1i<>m .

• 1brtt teams from Cllmbirrland Sd.ool '" Law. S.mfonl U..hfl"O!ty. ~ the soolhea<i repon in sepantte national rompe1itiono 1hiJ .<prins..

III"" _

I'ktI.rtd IlbDw ~;,~ "" .......It<'I MjiuloN ..."t,,, ~ ",.. _y. ~" hut u,."""'. dtai"""", MQroII C.,."uy C_WlOO.: Fwd 0 ..... !lS8 ,.,...idtlllolWl, 1)_ 1I,1Oih--. ~_. 1.1"""" C"""IJ" &I, A._iali"", E"",,,j"t,,,.u!lS8 COIfUfli"ioN, ; Jwi~ H_"ytl F. 8 f"1W1. pmidj"l Jwi~, F"'~


Jwik;,,1 CI",,,Ir: <Wi I.JJ"}' Mom., AS8 ~.idt"'. MAY 2001

• Trial team mernber$ J~h IIrtskm.n. Ju"m,. II.ueUQn and R""MI \ '. "Non ..·irk qualified for Nati"""l Trial Compc1ition afler winning "'gi"".1 !>orIOn in Durham. Nonh Carolina in Febntary. Their coar:h i. ThscalOlJiSa allomcy J ~,nes Roberts.

• Mcdi,mo., loam membtrs Tan)'a Tkh"~11 alld AW Shanosidd""n WO<1 \be A~ 8 ... A»<:II:iaIioon', rq ....... mediatJon con>peIition in Fcbnwy, Their ~h .. Cumberbnd


S !~pbtn


lid ....ell and Sham.jdd".,n abo won IN rq:;onal AliA Cli~nt Coon .. ling Compotitlon in !'ebnJary in M;ooon. Georgia. Thoir tooch is Birm ingh.m .norAe)' Jum ... S. Lloyd .

The Middlt m".kl of AIa""m. r"'~"d J.)d~nok, Program. loc. 'S$1kd a """'ution of ~ion

of John \Y• •'ocb. II, ,,110 died Seplember 12, 2001. ,n m:ocni!ion of hi. iC!r>'icc and ooUW>di"g pnfonn· ,.,.,., on bthalr of \be r.... raI dermd· ..... AcconllnllO ,he reooIu!ion. Hlk devoted h" wootin, I\ouB 10 IN .... b of ucmplary RcprtKnunion of iDdi· gen, ~ri"'''\31 der.ndant,. to .i"""",

assi""""" 10 and suppon of hi, .Iielllll. 10 ,he education and iP"lpl'O'"e""'Pt of tht fedtnl Cflm.nai def~ ..... bar. aod to Lbo -.qui"'''''' of jInIlCC ror 011.••Iio performed hi.wb II ai, Urnes willi pace. proFO$I.Iolubsm and humor."

• TIlomlOS F. Ga .. h •• """,""ng patIN, "illl IN Mobile fum of Lyon •• Pipes &I. Cook. Iw bl:cn ""med "",sidenl or the 2002 AI.""mo F~ral Ta. Cli ni~.

• In the M:Itdo ilS"" of The Alabama Lavoyor. ~ ...., oq:utod Ih>l ~mber I L. 2001 was I>aIIIIId in IIonoo' of Mobile ........,. and C1\ic: mlWIIm" !lily C. 1Ied!;oIr. 0.. ~brch Did. tile C"1ly 01

Mobile.lhnJu&It CClUI'IC'lrnan s.e.-e Nodi ..... clediaoed a _ in JoI;q:lb

Unprl M""",'I* I'IrI: 10 II«koIo I,

..ill be ~'n.ol "BiII~ BcckvIo Run" and ..ill load up 10 the am""", fieLds. [)uri", 1lIe 0f!0fl'"1 cffl!monies of tht Muni.t;~1 Park YooIII Baseball

Billy&dw/t A»<:II:ia.Oon, IkdsoIe "lOS aaain ,","",'

",ud ror his Iopl. _ial and voLun·

tary contribulions 10 the Mobilo com·

munity. Sprinllh,1I Bar-i" o.urch and .he Mobilc and AI.boI .... SLOIe b3r .uooialioos.•


F..bItJ ...... "'" "'nIlI:II "" dWdmo-

,..,.., ........ .-nil.., '" ... '" Itadm i"'l"'_ li1Iu-'

"t'" ,,,,iI

thr ,,_ poofII< ,hoM IoatI<n om... .0.'""1", Fable, coax Itodc .. '" ~hoica boc......., ouch ,hi"" .. rr<CJ 000 ~vt"ll. '""Il,..... .nd humil i'y. .nd .<If.... ir"ltfF.rtn« """


~-. !'.pn'omo·, ""' ",Itax. with """""'" '" JtoI,or, f. K<t\....Jy.

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1M il.1ab<Ima ~, "'~r~' 'Mbll$lI~~ oddrnon .,.., I~ltpll",,~ IIMmHTS .. ~I~u flu "",""UU"...,,' Nlluts lOlli, ........,. <If" "'''' /inti .... soW"«. I'Ittit NNoIUt.. , '" ..J/.... IJIUInn .Mllla '" rht AItJbd_ SItu, 8M

.,M ....,,_.......,"" •

M~ltjp 1kptU1"'t"~ «l (JM )

161·61111 (flU ) .".

P.O. IJM 671. M I>IOltD_ry J611J1,

About Memben Shery l T. Oacsco announce,; IDaI I M is no Ioo,e, ""j,h ' . nkens & Gikhri .. aJ>d ller new addn:u is ~9B Kirby Drive. Suite 218, HOUI''''' 7~·J 146, Phone (113) 522-4100.

II. Ch_

Onrman aJ\IIOOItIttS tho .. location ol his

otroa: 10 152 To""""""," SUttc. Mobile 36607. I't..-

J _ M. Conkr. John I'lunk and Milchdl Shdly announce that Ihcir rormer --,ner. Robert M. &llket". ..... """",nted to the bench in January and !hey ",ill pnoctOte under ~ finn ....... of AIna",,",r. CorcIor. Vlunk " Sbtlly.

(»111._ '0

Alford. a. ..... n " MoDollald, LLC ... OOUDCeS IIoaI P""", .. A. Moo"" W. Ikflj. mln Rroad,,'ater and .... ul V. Lagaroe Ioa.~ become pMlNfI. and James T. Pa ne ..... n hasp"'" !he firm 1$ an I$,,,ciate. AsI ••• TIonnu &. Wrll!Iot, 1'<.: a""",,!lCes IIoaI Missy lioman lliblxll and ReMit" " I). Wl«' have become associated ",ilh!he firm, Austill. I..., ..... &. Simms. PC an~ that William K. Ilrad1"ord has;oo-.l the fonn . . . associate.

(25 I) 64S-I281.

Ball. 8.al1. Mal~'" " No.... k. PA onno'UItt$ IIw. N. G unter G_y. Jr. has joir>td tht. linn.

.".)t Ed"""""""'. PC ..........:a tho """'1 01 her off,"" 13S N. Tallwce St=t. Dadeville 36853. I'bone (2$6) gn.9$S9,

&IIldwIor" Simpson. PC IIw. Go....... L Blalr has become ....,.,;.. ed with the linn.

T.... ,·a G. J ohnson ~ !he r't'locatiool of botr offICe \0 117 hi ...'"Cn .... NE. Sulle A. Ikmon 3S~2. Pbone (~) 69!i-8504. Will iAm II. M I.'{;ui ...... J r•. PC annou!ICU "'" ",loc. "

Ii"", of hi. o ffice 10 22(11 Jack WMnI'I hrtwly. Suile I. Tu!IC.ioosa 3S401. !'bone (205) 752·6002. An ... R. 1'1........ PC announ<:a the ",location of her otrott \0 !he Emmel R. JohnKlll BuiLdi"" lSOO Blue au Drive, Suile m. Binningb;lm 35243. I'bone (205) 961..()9(l1. Thomas ... OlHngor. Jr. annou~ Ihe ..,Iorarlon of hi, offICe 10 2.'5 13 Dauphim Sttttt. Mobile 36606.

f'boQe (2.'l 1) ..

1I .... \I)n Stholl. Jr. ..,no,,,,ces Ih<M he i. no Ionp new ~ i, 112.'5 l'inancial Ce.uer. 50S 2001 Street. N. Binninlham

with WhotIey Drili. LLC. Hi. )j103. Phone (lOS) 310-1482.

J ohn Wtslty Tria: .noounces the ~kx;'lion of hi . OffICe 10 454 19!h Sirecl. W. h !pet 3jSOI . I'bone (lOS)

22 1-9 100. 142

Among Finns


"'' ' ' 1IoOts

lkaslry, AI...... Cro ..., Mrt ....ln, l'or1is " "tiles, PC ... nounces that »a"1d II. II)'""" III. Ted G. M..oo"l and Iknja mln K Ibb r. Jr. have btcomt sharthokk .. with tht.lirm. Iknndt , li ym.. n & Md)anl<l, U . C anoounces that t:mily Stoll Mcl)ll ntel has joi.......... firm. llenloo & Centeno, 1.1. 1' anl\OU~' ,hal C. S""en Ba ll has beco ...... pmner.

".e. .........

1>CtS that Bland. Harris &: M«kllan. K. Mills has become usociaIcd with tht

J""'l""~M ,~ .

Ralph Bohanan, J r. and Kritlll T. lleU, J r•. rormerly of Pinman. Hooks, Dunon & Hollis. PC. an"""""" !he fonnaoion of Rotwuon &. llril. PC. OffIC'CS an lox-.;! .. 2 1S I Highland Avenue. Suile 3 10. Oinningham l!i~. PIoone (lOS) 933· UOO. £Iinobcth McAdory 110... and G. ShaM Coo~ """""""" !he formali"" of 110.,:. Cooper &. A<soclal .... I'C with Qffioq kx;lIed I I 121 Mild",m Aven.,.. Auburn 36830, I'llone (334) 5024 529,

H"'''I"n, Il udk~ns, I'C announces thai Da.'ld Alan Sl l'1IMburg. Jr. ~ usocialed willl lhc linn. Rum .... m &: Klinn.Un. I'C announces Lh81 TImothy C. Hu~ ;' _ a pan ...... J<fl'~y C. •'01'<1 bas joiKd a$ an associalc IIId Ihc form Dame __ i. Hurnham, Klind. U. r &: 8 .. ~


Burr " ~"omwt.I.I .1' anr><llIIl<:es IhaI Robert .:. Ralo., Slephen J. BumgamtT. 1I.<1 ..... rd R. l"hrisliA .. , I'>urick J. Uon.e, Allen I), COJoPO'. l)amon '~ [)c""",. Ki Lo. II. !>han. WIlsoto II. GI'ftn, Jad< G. K""Mbki. and II"""'" II. "1.. n.1II have bo:awnc p:onnon. and IhaI G• ..".rq.' S. 8ald.. )li.aobdh P_ ~ __ Srotl A. Bo)kln. lIowan! Burddldd. Ill. Martin E. Rum. ''ouid!o I(. c...t\on, 8rian D. l lantod<, K.......,. M. 1Iarri<. MieM A.

' km>lrHl.J_A . , ......'01'. KnwIaDT. ,Iona., K ..... 8. ~ Robert R. Maddo>:. \11I1ian. S. M........ MiId>dI S. Mudano.. R. ••..... k Springf\tld. and (.lu1sll. .. N. WillSon have joined as ......


Mkharl GUI!on. PC annoullC!:S Ibal Srou W. lIunlu has becornf:, associakd ..illl!he lirm, lIamlll"". WOS1b y. A nlono..-idl '" A ..... non. I.L.C anllOUJICeS lbaI J ..... ph T. K ........r has ~. member. Hand ".",Mlwll. U .C on"""""",, that

it bas merged wlth !he finn of G ladden '" Sinor. I'C. lIal c~r. Sl1,l>bo. I.... ,MI. 11 011;' &: ROl hochlld, U , P anIlOU1'IC<'$ 1h., Bnodlor It. CoppedJ< has ~ a


lIayflO"'!, Or.'e1and /I: f'iutt. UP ~ that l'blUp O.1)·... r has joined !he form IS an aosoc .....

W. Thom p<;u" anrlOUnce lhe formalion of C addtll &: l 'h om ..... n. " 'i'h. m. ili1\i ~. of P.O. 80. 59802. Homtwood 352'19. Phone (201) 91 }-7347. 1I0,,"'rd PC announce< Ihc

openi", of iu Optloka offICe and thaI R. r t T. .. III. formerly ,,-i1ll Walkl-r. Hill, Adoms. UmbKh. M.adows /I: WaJ .... jail>«! Ihc lirm . . . member. R. 8r-ookc LII ........ IJI and Robo:rt D. Rl .... b<!came me~rs . II. Willian ... formerly willi Rushlon. S,",,"ly. JQ/tnS1On /I: Garrell. annouJlCeS Ihal he .... joined C larl<. l"'rt lngl 0n. lIarl. ' ... r ry. Hond &:

Sh.ckh ....... .

Coa .... l)Ukb, Kirk""lrick &: en...lty. I'C announces lhal lI a .... oll E. C(I/IIIt. 111 1".. becornf:, assodated willi Ihc linn.

Conslan..,.. Kroob /I: S milh. L.L.C announces IhM Mandl SmU" T has IItcoro.:, • pan ........·'111 !be firm.

DomJnIdr., t"lttdocr. Yrilding. " ' - '" lJoJd, I'A _ c h o t 1lIornao R.

I la .... has btcomc. ponnerwilb "'" fum. ~'~.rkk T. t:RSltn. I'C annouJlCeS ,ha, Susan ft(,ron.n Norris has joined lhe fir", as an l""""iatc.1Id G .... rge H. Wakrlld d. Jr. has become of coon",!.

GR)llp. u.c ...... diuolved and tile firm of lII .. ~·~rrI .., Sl irllng & ll ood, L.i..C ...-as f<lr1lW(\. Ofl'oca are loaIed. 1920 Hunti..,...... Road.. Himlia&ham JS209. PI.- (201) l7O-S7().I. MeG. ,.,..h & !>a.upor! annoul>Ca

!be form·' ...... address atJI80 Cahaba

Hei",,, Rood. Birmingham 35243_ Pbont (20:5) 972·898~,

M .. KlmM'Y'" 110'1$"·011 anllOU"""s that ClifT Jlill has become. pan .... r with ,he firm, and t .... new firm name i. lIIcKI",,,,y, Il rti ... ll & IIlIl.L.L.C ,

Moll"n. t:spy '" Willllln,1'. PC ... ft(,nj.mln J. Espy has b«omc .....,.,ia~ ..ilh lhe finn.

J. Ke. ia lItoullon. J. Cbristopbtr Cap~

and R. Aaron Gartb~ annouDOe

Ihc fonnacion al lIt .... ll ...... Cllp-p$ &:

II.I""""&- .... ach. n. oiortK- ~ ..'man '" Rouse, I'C an~ that J. C...,. '~pn bas bo<:omo I mem ...... ofcbt form.

G . rtlan . PC. Off""" are IocaIcd a1 1133 W. Main Sum. DoIhan 36301 . Phone (334) 678· 79t).l.

Jacl<!on &: Shulll. . .. or1 ... 1'C announces lhe "'location of iii om"", to

Nl\liar ' ''''n .... I'C anllOUJICeS that I>onna '" lIird, Stoll W. t'ord and S..... J. So_ ha"" becornf:, Ihan:hQldors.

Slack Diamond Uu,ldina, 2229

R. Michul C addell, Jr• • 1Id Siophen

c.....U "

GalM$, W<>II.r '" KlnM)'. PC

IlInourores llw 1'nocy N. IItndrix has become a part ......

Aven"". Nonh. Uirmin&ham 35203. Phone (201) 2'I2.35JS. Kimberly I', Grim" . "'n'ln and Carol Cook, formerly 0( J. Myron 5mi1l1 '" Auocial", announce the rormaoo.. of Ktn'ln '" Cook. offICeS locaIed at 1300-0 E. Main Sltftl. Pratlvillo. PI.(334) 3SS-OOlS.


Kulak Re><k 1.1..1' lbaI t) iubtth 111. 0...'1s has IItcoro.:, • pan..... of !be linn. l.&ngt. S ln'pSon. Robl...... n &: SO ........ II ... 1.1.1' &J1nou1'lC<'$ lllal Robo:rt T. Gard ntr bas b<!c0<nl/. part ...... and Melanie K. 1)01 ...". s.:"11 le. II~Jler. I. ... ."""" J. Md)"fT. 1'>0..11). Sa Jler ..'hh.., and J. 1Ibrtl.. ShefIlold ha •.., becornf:, "506~ed with lbe form.

I....... &: McAllsl"r. I'C announces 1lw "'oDtI" A. o....dy and 1>1I, 'id ,_

o...n hi"" b«orne ~holl<m in cbt


~ I'lpeS I<

' *,

SlOj)hcn ' hI.·is I""rker and A nncll~ ' ron• . I·~rk~r anrlOUnce lhe Opening of ""rktr '" I",.k~ •. I'C. wilb offiN:s" 422 2nd Aven"". SW. Suite 200. Collman. Pbont (2.56) n5-4444. opl"",, I)a kl .... NIII-b. Smoak &:

SIe-oo. n . I'C .lI\ItOUDCeS thai o...i<! L.. Wa ...,n. Jr. has b«ome. ohardooIdtr. SQ;lon. Cullo .. '" Jones. I'C antIoOllI'oN:S

that t-rftItrklr. M. Garf"..1d

has joined !he firm .

W.llau, Jord.n. R.mfT &: Ilrandt. L.l.C anllOUJICeS that ""ililp D. Corlty. Jr. has bcoome a me~r of !be (irm. and Ibot I luther ,\I. lI.n'ilI has b<!comc: ... "5IICiote, W.lslo ... \\'db, Anderwn &: Haln, 1..1.1' annouJlCeS that , ... ,,1O. Woodall, Jr. has b«omc I pannrr. IIId CaSC'y L.. J.mJgan and Rya n K. Ce><"ran ...... b<'oomc associated w,1I1the finn. Wa tson, Jlmn ........... (;'.-Ioan &

Ceok announces that

"'.lhryn M. CiKtbk. hasjooned rhr: firm. lIId)o,,-.II. t'.ulk I< Mcl)o".JI. L.LC anllOUncallw Joy""",, 80mh has br<:ornc aWlCi.ted w,rn the firm.

J• ....,. II . M < ~'.rrln . Janoes I" Slirling, Jr. alld lCh",.da Sle""",an llood an"""""" thaI Southeaslern l.e&aJ

Martin, PC announces. that


K~I1/' lIt. Klnney has 1Itcoro.:,. poartDN

and !be firm ... me i. now WalSon. J immerson. Ch'han. M.rtin '"

McKinney, I'C. Whlltltld '" lIIM lplnt.1'C anllOU""", lha, Mark S lull .. g Cober. formerly of S.... phffll & Gober. h.. b<!comc: 1 ",,,mber of lbe r. rm. _


Oneil Billi"gsley Orulillilhnl.ley. a Ion,.time member of tho Besse ...... BIr AloSOCialiolo. "'mll(I be ..-ich tho Lonl on Fridloy. D«t-mber 13. 2001. Ik ""Iy and hOllout,ly sttVtd tho clu... n. of tho Sca~ of AI.abarnI and \be Uniled Slices. as ..·.n as Ift'IInl In the mo\'emenl for ci,il ri&lus in chi. counuy for Arrican American. 000 "II ocher cilll«Cn" lie ...... also the orpnizi"l fora: behind the inc:ofpon. cion U -.aI small in Alabama. atronlins each u d>enI dIei1' riit- 01) )rlf....~ 110 ..~ iI10uummW


in dI(wu 10 d

,,'ga<.mools and pin...,..... :o<a':IoS fur

African An1<rians 10 public "'1CMion. plata and snvic· 0$ in AJ;ob,;un> and "-ouJlhouC tho OOUI1Cry. Mr. Ililli"l.lty grew up in I()1IlhwO$c Ilirmingh.m. and W",. ilradu.ce of A.H. I'l1rker High School. He ~\OlI~ from T.I~ga Coli ... " win. honon and earned hi, IIw degrtt from HOIO-ani Univers1lY School of Law in Washing...... D.C in I~. J-k ..ill be """ ,,,,,.,,, ..,,,ed fur his c:andid cotI\'mao lion. ~ language and <XImnlOn·man aniude

_-ani the pl;pc. of die underprivi\epd in this """" and in !his oounuy. 110 has __...:I • • role modo! for ....)'tr1.

boll!. in the Bessctntr...,. """ .... ""'" -lari't. I'or !hose ,,-110 O<d< 10 ~ tbe a>nIITIDOI man .pn.. .... _ in criminall'f'Cl'fU'lliom and corpor1Iliom: in civil actions. Mr. Bil1in~1ey was I.t<>:ded in ihlh by hi, />010\.,.;1 wife. Gos<J<s, IlIIliJl~Iey. and a bnllhtr. Thom.u lliJlin&sl<y. Hi< me1m!)' "ill be chcriW:d by N. daugIur. Shaune Billinpley 11O\01im: ..... in-Iaw ~Cot* D. /Iooodm: p..:horIs IlriaI and IlmIdm ibo"tlm: p-anddoug/*< Bnell< Ilorrt.don. all of Do:Bory. ~lOOda: bnllhtr Ltwrmoo Bill;"g>Iey. Jr_ M:wJicd. Ohio: IX= llillin&skY. Usa BiU;"gIlJcy. Cyn!hia 1hY,. and Sylvi. SIr<lIIw;n: nephews La"""""" lliW"II"!CY. Jr.. LeeA...,in .Iohmon and &ldie JoiInsoo: S'Sl."·l;tw H:mnah SiUing!.k-y 1>-1d= <J M~ and Ob M. Daniels BollinpJfy <J 8.m1lf1&h>rn; and • host of 0Iher relab\"tS, m.:..dsand~

- /1. hdd "" .....vl. p"~kktll lHSRrMr /la, Assori<lt;""

Joh" Adair Hagood Jotm Adair Hagood ..-as ben Jllly 10. I!H 7 in~. Alabama and ""as a raidrnI of M(lbil~ I'or ttw:

~ 4~

yan. IkdicdAIOiII6. 2002... ~ membcrof the Mobile S,.,- Association. lie "''as • 1942 gnct.... e of Vandotbilt Univ"rsi'Y La ... School and W&l adminoo 10 !he AliJbalna SIll1~ Bar thol sarno ~Ir, lie .."...:I &I "" .W* tax exami"..,. for !he lmemal Revenue SeMce. John .... hiPly respcacd by local pnocUtionm ia O$UI( maum b«'ouJ< of his ...... ....1 mannrr and fainw;:,s$ ill dtali. J-k rrtir-..d in 1979, ac wIItcb lime he ~ 1""_ pnc1ice. He ""lIS ~ in death by his "'ifc. Dori . WOITIOtk Hagood. He is su"",w by 'W(I children. Paui

H.opxI (1V:0,..,1II) Norris ..... 1Adair (Pqu) Hqood. J... all of Mobile; 1.... broIloen. Ed,,-..rd Scotl (Lil) lIagood. Medima. New YorI:. and G<!orj;e Tn.iu (I'rance\) fl"llOOli. (If Tall.poo$.l. Georgi.: one liSler. Vi'linia Hagood (G. Suonleyl p"",..,U. of All:lnta. Gcorgi.: .... gnndchi)dren. Came Soon Noms. Kenrw:th Campl:w:ll Norris. Kodw;ri,.., Adai. Norris. John HarrUoo! Hqood. Anna Lynd lIagood. and Mary elM'< Hagood . ---LtJrry U. Sim.f. p<'" prr.i,"~t Mobil, &"ibsociatiQII


Ray Gordo" Riley Ray GoRIoo Riley. a ""~ .... mbcr of 1be Mobile Bar Msocialioo. died May 16.2001 .. lhe "'" (If 61. He wu • n.ari"" Mobil,,,,, and • member (If the Universily (If Alabama Law School Cbs. (If 1968. Ray relurned 10 Mobile .ntr ~u"ioo and bcgaJI !he pr1IClitc <If La ..• in ttw: real eS1<Ite I«lion 0( lhe UDlltd Swes Corps 0( EnI'I'«I'S and ........, ~_ • real O$IIIC IIw opeciali .... Roy loU~y was ,,·on. ttw: lirm <J Tonsmeire & McFadden and. Iherufler. for many ~ars. conlinued his .pociaIly as a real e.w~ and c](lsin! allomcy as a..,1e pnc1ilion<r. Ray WI\$ ocli"" in liM: Mobile Rnl Est:lce A"""ialion. and lhe I'edml. Mobile and Al:Ibama Swe ban. , ....

MAY 100l

J-k bUd 1(1 bI.olld !lun&, win. his hanch and ol".. ~ had oome bI.oild· Ing p<Oje<::. <>"loin, around NS hOII ... He " 'al' &(llf••. ~ member of lhe Mobile Coonl,), Club and lately had Wen up IilJling wim hi. pudsonJ.. lie " .... mrmber of 1be Spri»g Hill ~~h.

Ray len behond a demtcd ,,'if•. Moren. a dau&h"', J"". grancUonl Riley and Gordon. and miRy friends and collcq!le$ "hoo will long mourn hi$ ",,<sing. -wrry U. 5im.f, past pr",ident M<lbil, Bar AslUKi<lt;(IfI

Thomas D. Motley 0.. ~mlx' Il. 2001. !be "",mb<rs 0("'" Houston CQWlly Bar A"""ialJOO learned of !be tragic 10ss of !be;' coUc.,,,,, ond friend. Tom M... ley. Tom and lwo close frien<h and • ....clmes ....,'" Iosl in .... irrnlft Io::cidenl on lbe pr«edini c'·.nin,. To Tom', wif•. Cherylc. and hi. l1Cpson. I)rrcl YOfbrouih .•Io::h. member of OIl' l$SOCi.,ion .• nd 10 ,he OIhtr "",mbell of Tom', family. we cXlond OIl' dccpe.<l.ympalhies. To know 1bn. "",ani 10 be familiar wi,h lWO ronsi .. cnl olouICI"'lr.IilS. Firsl .1>e ""as""" l I"',;"n, nun.;md:olID061 teMllinly "(lUI(! ~i:u. , .... bre>ily of 1hi$ tt"$OIulioon. 0.. lhe- other hand. Tom Moclcy DeVer Iac:Ud for CUlfodcnce. and ..... ~"Ii_ lIbly proW 0( ,,"'" he occomplishcd as a Inolband. f.lhcr ond 1.W}'Cf. If he could be Iwn. he _Id ~1I11$ 50 ...;thou, lies".. · bOG. II " .... h" """y. Tom has ........". on. """~...,.. ond II falb 10 \IS _mbcn of lhc liouston COUfIIy Bar Asooc:iallOll 10 raoj..., 10 rc_mbcr hIm ~ ;n OUr O.... n .."Ofds.~ Wc >inceRly bope 1M TDIIl and C1>oryIe ""ill he pk-.lS<'d ,,·illl OUr effOl"!. Tom MOIIcy " .... born in Augu<1a, Georg.. on May 2(1. 1950. and moved 10 Omeva in 1961 . "",,in,'\\"O lOUrs in Vic'""m wllh the Uniled S'.'es Army. Tom allended Troy SlOle Univc"i,y aoo " 1I$.warded a bachelors and ma"eB dell~. Follll'O'ina hi, Ilr;tdu.'ion from ..... Cumberland SdlOOI of law. Tom hepn hi, 1.01 prIo::lkc H. ",10 prIo::lilion« in Gcroe\"l in 19&4. lie m."ed h" 1""""1ic:e 10 IMhan in 1986. and buil,. sue_ ces>fullili,a,1Of1 prIo::lic:e tNl btcamc MOIIcy. MOIley.l yartlrouih. T"", was. mtmbrr of tbc Alabama S""e Bar. the H..... on Coun,y B.. Auocialion ond the Alabama Criminal Dcfcnoc Llwyen A"""ilIlIOII. He "'... al.., • fOllndi", .......tItf 0( C)brr-Sm-ic:es TtdlllOlolY. u.c... ~ful In""""'-! 1IIf'i. ices pnwodcr


To he Ill"'. T"", Modry ,,",,' III U(tlllionIlly "U"'Mi,-e I<lvocalC and one al".. y. ,,,,"'10 1<:1 inlO the Iiih'. Tcnri,y did """ yield. however. 10 profCMionali .... . M... y of u. c ... pcrson· ally .,ce",1w o'~n in lhe mos, han! fOllihl eues. Tom did no! deny a profc.~ counesy Of ooo,id..."ioo. R:.- ,h~, spiri, of profossiOf\.tllisnI. WI! "''''''in '"""'I ar-.leful. Thm"'C""",ily as an ad_.1e was noI. how • ...". confined the counroom. He knew ..... sJ'ftd and one spud only. ODd il was 1I\OSI lUUrcdly no! a low "'.... Whcche. nyin, hi' plane. daodDK the fO'- lrOI (.. 5ido .IOnIC 0/" u' didn', kl__' abooI) or tryl", I lawouit. Tom Ipproochcd any ohallcnae ... ilh. childlike uallh:al mosI of u. only dream 0( cap"mnl. W~ $lJsprn ttw hid !hey ~ __ n one 1InClIhcr. Tom Motley ond Mart: 1'...";0 " .....Id II,,,,, btt~ fll$l f"""",. They 5hamla pcrspccti'" 011 wort and 011 play from "hid! ...., can alileam:


-WIIaI a mi~ "'." make in ","inl up ,\\"0 orbi""", delinici .... of effOl"! ODd callin, one wort ond the play.


Y... can', "",asu", ~ffOl"! in tNl ..... y. Wh>IeYC1"' man like. mosI 10 do. the lIlinS in'o "bioh he pu .. III hi. c"",IY hemily ... ilhou' .... IbinkinB ... he,he, he i. doing C"O<Igh or 100 mueh-t/ta, lhin, is play 10 him. no ""'lie' "'helhcr be il by way of di"cl1ioo or '0 ~am hi, livi",:'


Tom ..." IbOIIk yoo for ,he lesion. -Bnojmroi" E. Mu ...Ji,h, ,-.idntl 1/"",,,,,, C"""'.l' &rr AtJo<i<J,i""

Robert T. Cunllingham. Sr. On Oc,obe, I. 2001. ,he Mobile Bar Associa,ioo 10>, one of i.. fineS! memhel1 upon lhe de .. h of Roben T. CunninilJ;lm. St. Hc was bom in Mobile on M"",h 23. 1918...... """"~ hi . 1.10' de."..., from ,he Uni~ .. i'y of Toxas in 1940. Ilc..,""" .. an FBI I,one ODd in the Unitcd Stales Mati"" Corps dun ... WOfId War II. He ".",. odmiucd 10 the T.,.,... Stile Bar ,n 1940 ond 10 tho Alabama ~ Bar in 11).l9. Robcn Cluuuncham ...... the f... ndin, member of lhe p<-e$C'" law lirm 0( Cuanmpam. 8011""'- YOI\C"e. Crowder &; 8"""". "" 'i", Ws"";n 19S8. Ik ".",. a p;.:-... in the kpl prof",1011 in the pc,"",,", injury uW opcci.l.y. haVlnS bttn the lirsc Alabo ..... 11Iomey 10 obtain. "A·figure doll ... jud,mtn, in such

• <.lOS<'. Robe" CunnillJham ""' .. cn:nICly ac1i..., in hi. prof... ioon. """,inl .s presiden' of the Mobi~ ear Associ.,ion in 19601, JlR'S' idenl of the AI ........ Trial La ... yers Associacion from 1961.fi3. JlR'Siden, of the In ... maliooal Socle,y of Bam.le.. from 1972-

n. and as director of lhe In... malml AclOdemy of Trial Lawyen from 19601·611. H. " ... hiihly n:,arded fQt hi. <1hk:s. IIICfll ion 10 deuiJ and IcpI obilily by all of the IIIwym and judges with whom he CMIC ift contact. He " .... ~ • 5jl«iII jud&e of the Mobile Count)" Circuol Coun from 1989 10 1'J9.I. He lefi .....·ivi'" him hi. wifc 0/"29 YCOMS. SUSIn 1 ' _ CuMidKlllm: 1""0 oons. RoberC"I"hormoa Cunnillgham. Jr. and CIc>-e Pardue CuMinsham: _ dIuJIM .... DoroIIIy Ell""';. Ham.; lwo SICpSOII5. J...... Vince'" McCon""ll. 11 and MiICheJ1 TroI,er McCOI'U"ICll: 1hRe bnlohcn. GeorJe OouaJu Cunni"","",Richan! Be~ Cunninglllm and John Mllcolm Cunnin&lwn: _ ' ill .... N...... ic Lucillc Be.ille; and .levcn p-andchildren aoo '\\"0 g"'."gnlJldohild",n. _ I>oMltIlJridmtm. IIrt.;d~n'. M obil~

&.r AutJ("imion


Leo" G. Duke. Jr. (witll plloto) Leon G. Duke. Jr.. I hip ly respected member of !he Mobile B..- Associ;lll-. died J.....ary 9. 2002. ~ Dub. as lie was knooo'n. was bom Q,;\obn 13. 1924 in Gu!fp::w1. MJwsslppi. He crew up In Lonj Beach. Mi......ppi and MICndcd Lonj Ikach HI3h School. AIIer~ . .... was dnfted illlO lbe U.s. Army in 1943. ,.,lItre lie oerwd willi Ihc Third Army in Franc'O! durin, Wor1d War II. Af'e. ""umi", ~ froon ..... war......,!ended ..... Unlver"lilY of Swlhtm Mi O$-l,.ippi. afler which he sel hi, sights 0111 eareor in law. lie lhen litended law school a'lhe Un".. ",il), Alabama. gradualing in 1951. lIe ..... n I1"l0\l<<<1 10 Mobile and began wort I-' an i",uranc:e adj ........ "'illl Siale FII'TII. Il"",..... r. in 1957. he "'I-' i ..... iled 10 join the firm at Se.... M..-sat I:. Seale. " 'here he prac1Ictd law r.,.. ..... nul 17 yean. In 1973. he " 'as chosen I-' ~ oflhe )'tat by the l.qal S«-rt-tarin Association 0( Mobo le. In 1975. llejolllcd Raben Cmspbe!L 111 and Pflcr Sinl ... in Ihe firm 11111 ,,'OO..d IIIn be to"",,, f.,.. ....... 0( his remaini~, Caftl as Sinlz. Cmspbell. Duke .It Taylor. In 2001. PcII: " ... honored by Ihc Mol'" Bar Msociauoa in ~"on 01 hilSO yean 0( ,.,...;.;., 10 Ihe Itgal COIIIIIUIiIy. He: ...-as a tboe frieoo;j 01 Seruor US. DiStrict Jud~ Rid\anI VoIlmtr. Jr.. ..'Ito had Lnown PcII: .ince shonJy after lie came 10 Mobile and !hey boIh ""'" pncIlci", allorn.ys. In !he wonJs 01 Judge Voil "..".. " Pcte was a pr.-.onal f~nd. "" did • 101 0( lIIi"" logcth· .r. ond I wilt Iniss cating willi him and latkingaboul old lin....:·


Robert Campbell. m . 0( Ihc firm 0( Campbell. Duke &: Shnll~l. "'~ bit pann<r IS a man 0( In,,,,,,' y and .. aICd. " ~!e ...... my good frieoo;j and II", pan_ r.,.. 21 )'tar<. I will &aly """ hUl'l. lie "''U a IrWI of pal r..lII. honor. C'OInJC and in';&hI." IN fact. Pe1e ..'aS a fnend In all IIW)'tf1. espoci.lly yu'm, laWytft. and .... _s k"'oo,n in hi. pracIJCC for compas.iOll and~. palienee and wisdom. ~I. li,-ed each day In Close oommun;oo wi,h God Ind found happiness in ohurch lud.~hip. II . "'"' • ehanor member and se .... ed I-' chainnan oflhe Idminlmalive boord of lhe WeslCm Hill. ChriMian Church. and I'''''' ".,.. ;"vol.'ed in Kingswood Unill:(l MOIhodiM Chu",h as boord mrmiltr.1tgal COIlR$eI and fi""",;aJ{~lp""""". In Ihc r<'CCnl past. lie ".,.. aa active member of 0.;" United MOIhodi" C!oun:h. ,.,10= .... 1301"'1 Idull Sund:iy School. ~te Id. """;Ylng him hI' bdo\l~ ,,',fe of $2 )'tar<. EbIne. _ roor childrm. Dr. Allodrew Duke _ hit " ·Ife. Ly ..... of Mobile; Ibrbano DulePIasaIM at Ih'OO\lIIIe: Dr. C1Iris Duke lind hi. "'ife. Ann. at Oenn Springs. Miuli.$ippi; and R_U Duke and I>i> ,.,if•• Judy. 0( Mob,". Pe1e DIlle .1", .. fl ....... iyina him eighl gramlchildren. I-' ..'ell I-' IIIe children of his sis...... An!\eue l.OI1g Tsipouras. _ 1)U""ld 8ridJl"m, nt Mobil.. Ba' A.rodari""


!k>u1..·. II. Tury lIuw PeN.aooIo. Florida Admlll«<l, 1987 Died: Fc:bnwy 12. 2002

N...... aarla Mo. J r~ lion. Blrm,ngham Adm.lted: 19-t8 1Md: Deamhcr 5. 2001

8 ....rQnl. J • ....,. PIIilip

1'0010. J_1'h N.i!. lit Monlgomrry Adml1!«<I: 1976 0,«<1: Deamller 9. 2001

BIfTJ\lngtum AdmJII«<l: 1938 DIed'. Ftbnwy 27. 2002 C~ llah an.

Artemas Killian

Tuscllloo<a Admin.d: 1926 O,.d : May 19.2001 ~:atl t:d ... ar-d. Sr. 1I0n .."I" AdMllted: 1950


Oicd: Jan..ary 22. 2002

". ~



Leo" G .• J r. Mobile Admilled : 1951 DiN: January 9. 2002

Sho,,",. J an,,,,, , .... )-• •• Jr. Ilirmingh.m AdmJII«<l: 19S6 Died: Sepl.mber 25. 2001

~·... ..,II. Job n ' .. I.... m

Smilhernuon. J_pb 1botrut<. Jr.



Ci.y Admllltd: 1~2 !Md. Jan..ary 24. 2002

C..... n!nJham. MoM" T.• Sr.

II....... Cam E.

Admill«<l: ! 949 0.«<1: OcIobrr l. 2001

BIfTJ\o.ngIwn Adnuntd: 19S8 Died : Doccmbe. 13. 2001

na........ J_1'h ~:

Mollr,. l"hom ... Daniel

Mobi.. Admilll:d: 1981 Died: Sopsemller 22. 200 I



Adminede 19&4 Ditd: Dettmller 12. 2001


AdI""ltd 1980 DiN; CkIOhc-r 20. 2001 S...ons. . ·rHtri<k 11 ........ E....... Admllled: 1990 O,td; (ktobrr 20. 2001

Wrlghl. 1_ C.... rlo$. H..... Monl,omery Admilled: 1948 Dled: No,'emlle. 27. 2001

Position (In'c rl'd-Ewcuthc Dirl'l.'tor, \Iahama .\ppICSCl·d Corporation Alabuna Applcs«d •• IIOII-prolil ..... p......,"" round«! in

July 1999.....b . full'lime e:«<Uli,.., dircaor ...·110 .. ,II pL1y • ~adi"l ro~ '" !he esuoblis.hmem of !he ~nlCf'l 'n"ilullorull boue and ambi,;""s ad~ prosnm. AI."", Applc~'s mission i"0 make kgal and social .~lCms bell .... 5<1"o'e Alahama', ci~l.Cn •. Raoh<1' th.n okli,· .... ~pl ..,,,,ices 10 individual •. Alabama Applcsftd iden.i · fies "",,"ures .. ilhin .he •• a.... social and logal 'y .. ems that c.,,~ " ""Qlmen, of OUr <iliun, or fail.o pnxecl our ci.i«n •. and de",,1ops


stro"lli .. 10 lhooc ..""',."',. AI2bama', Iniliol pro~ Jlrm from " ... ...,'" of c:oncem 10!he~; ( I) !he IIftd fOt morm of JUdiclol ..,lec1ion; and (2) !he IIftd 10 OSlabIi>h. living . . . . . hICh ClIn .hen!oOfYe I S • bench· mart in OSlablishin, KOnomic policy. Al oha"", AppkStt<!·s projects. IS wdl os i{' .... as of con· een'nuion. will '1IfY ovo, lime .. (he _ds of the

"'ill be principaUy responsible for prepori"lthe c:em ....., IrInual bL>dgfl and for man.aci"l ilS ovuaJl op:nIions. The ex«uli", di=wr mu~ have an:alyrie and communicari(lll ' kills. The t:xecul,ve dim:l<Jr mU<llIso be able In .."OO1: eff"";""ly with the modi. and 10 .....,'f: IS Alabama AppIeStt<l·. principal rr~'.live 10 ,he con,munily •• Iarge. IS well IS'O I.wyen and Oihcrll "'00 will romribu.e limo and m<>ne)' lO.he cen •••. A~ lhe conter'. wle 5{arti", , ...If. the uecu.ive direclOt must bI:! "ble.o handle and priorili"" a "'~ of pres.<inll "'spoo' . ibilitin. W1I>Ie i. ""'y be desirable f.".!he ....... ~"" dot..:IOt 10 he llawyn. Ih" IQI_ ;. "'" ....met. «110 Iawyas. 11owe¥er.


familiM"y with Abbama Ia .... and the Alaboma legal

JJ'!oI<'m is tIesirabIe.


lM execuli'e dim:IOr is Up«I«1.0 ""Otk d WIth the con .....·' board of dim:1On in <hap", Abba .....

AppksMI', programs and ,nlho in,{iauon. lksll" and implemon"" tion of II< various proj. ~ • . Thus •• he uecu.ive dim:'Of mu" be ",,,,,,,,,,,f.1 in iden.ifying opporiunilio. f ..... ac.ion. and bI:! "'f!hi.. icated in iden'ifyi"ll pn>j«lS beslapply Iho Or'lIaniution·. "'SOtlR't<. In addition 10 providin, .uafJ SLlppon and direction ror its pro;.cu.. the uocd,rcaor " 'ill coordi"" .. and help rccruil I nel..-.:ri: of voIunteen and help the oo-d to idetMify Olhen ,,'110 no play I ""'}Of role i~ !haPn, and ",,,,,,OOn, AlabMna





Applcs«d·. projoru. Abbuna Appleoccd has applied for ilS =~ion tnIder Sccuon :501(e)(3) of the Intem>l R"'..". ... Codo. Al>borna Appb«>d'1 boolrd. which "",ltIdes. pron1'r.enI and di\ICftC g""'p of lawym in .Ile pri'"'' pncli~ .1« •.". and in ..:a<kmia. will playa major role in fundraising. The din'C1Ot will f..:' h '01e ,he cente,', fundllli,ing progmm .•nd

Comp<n<ll.ion will be rommenlu"," Wilh oxp<rience and "'illbe rom· peli.ive ,,·i.k comparable public in"""1 and """. profi' I""',tion •. The Ioc.· tion of Alabama Appk....<I"J office " 'i!hi,, the SIaIe has ..... yec been dele..."ncd. and Can be negotilottd. The oo-d plans '" hi", additional , "'ff in the flrhft. hit its abllily to do 1(1 will depend in pan on tho $DC. cu. of ill fuDdraisin& ..:t;,it;". "'hich the ex..:· u.i", din'C1or will help

lead. AII.pplk.lion. will be

held in 'Iriel conf,dence. lM C("nlC' is an eq ....1

opponuniry emplny<"f. For more informalion.l" 10 the Applcs«d Foundation's Wt'b si ..... .........'oppI~sutb."'" Ot~:

AJabama Appleseed Center Attention: Cyndi Russell · Albach 727 15th Street, NW, I Ith Floor Washi ngton, DC 20005 E· mail:




EIectk>ns Congm;s. the Alabama Scnale and llou~ of s... ~ Board of &t...:~k>n

RCpo"<$C"L:lliVf!J and .he


all ..,apponionrd (AotS 2002·~7: 2001·727; 200 1·729: 2002.7)). The Ju.oo. Depat\ll>tM has cltamllhe conpas;onal pi .... and the rNiMricting or the Alabama

q .si30un:_ The primary cltttion .. ill be held June 4. 2002 WIll> run...,1f election being June 23. 2002. All candidaIes ..110 ","" ~n put in nomirwioo by any aoucus. ccn· vnIIion. BUSS mttIing or ".h." auwlbly of..,y poIl,j. <'II pany or flClioa mu" be ccnifltd 0<1 or before ~ p.m. 0<1 the dale of the primary Any ir.deptrodtnl candidate mUSt also be ttnifocd by thai .ime. all primary candida, •• could be pl:occd in nominadon ,ix <I<Iy •• flcr lhe S«OnoJ primary. Koo.m allhe •. ~ mr" law, Ihis change in lhe nomination dalc ...... m.1de by Art 2001-1131 and is Jdll



ptOOin, Justitt Ikpanmrnl approval ber"", II filii become .ffective, The lqi,lature also aboIWItd OII_,il. ~nLoe VOIi", ,,'hich penniucd cleeton .,110 would be 0111 or the COUIMy or ~ 0<1 election day 10 __ 011 !he Salu .... y rall"" 1m days prior 10 Ihe ekction. by JOi... 10 tilt coutthousc or courthouse 1IIfIU. nu. WIIinl ~ dun', " 'bid> has beo'n Irio:d for Ii>.., ~_ found ~ few cite"", lakin! ad.,.a."a~ the early \'Olin. opponuniry and did no! ju~fy.he "",I. Thi. bill. Act


2001·1097. h.. Jus'jce Depanm<nl approv;t.l . The le,i,lalufe has. by AN 2002-1 13(1. ptU.i\kd11\ll1

cieclion mu>! be .. ~used from lheir ''''ploy.

L. Met.lq. Jr.

nI"nllo p<rfon n "Iection dutie$ without. penalty of loss of time Of be""nts for .Icction day. Thi, only applies to bu.i.......,. who "mploy o,'er ~ emplo)"ees. "IW<I ""lection- bills which hove n'CI',W<!. ~"I "",,,I 01 inlrf$ are ~ ID" and ~ion of f.1on VOl_ in, ri&hlS." ~ ~ ID" bill. HB. 36. pautd the H""", of RCJft"<'MMivcs in the ocuion.. "Thi, bill pennincd the lISe of most JOYmI- iss ......... ntifi· cations. MIdI as <h"j,-m·I""""" m,UIM}' card. ~ porU. hunlin'I"" ...... JIIII pennit. """ Social Securi!)" cards. Some provide a p!CIure. "hole Olllns 00 Il0l. The ~ontion of fd"" vou"l ri&/>l<" bill will .... ' ... matically re"ore. (.1000', ""illl ri"". upon completion of the ",ntenee""" makin, re"iluti"". No IOIlger is one requin:<! to make ~pplic.tion to the Pardon and Parol< Boord before lht riihtl are "'itored. HR. 40 oIso passed lht Hoo .. of Repn:s.onlOti ,·.,. a nd i. on the Senate calendar. 80Ih of these bills "'iIl 1"'" Of bOO! will die. Should the)- pUS. the bills willl1ill require JUSt"" Dqlan_ awrovoi before thooy will bttomo


Constitutional _ ~ siJ< Anicles of 1loe consltl",iorI "",ised by the H""", of RCJft"<' ....... 'vcs fa,led to be If'P"""C'd in lht Senate. The jotnt resolution callin, for I Constilutional C""~n""" for lht (.11 of 2003. HJR 152. was consi~ by lht Hoo .. o( Repr=nLOtiv"" but opposition to the I'f"OIIO"lI caused S .... n... r Mornl lJIack '0 ",mo'·. it fronl COIlsido"'tiOll.

Set alahar as four Homepaqe hili., ~l~~l! n ,UI ~lfillt hllll,1 i~ m,lllC~ til' III mm tl,I,1. , •• ·u)llIltd 11111 lSI SII' 'hit. III en CUlt 11111 Inll'·II ·~m 1111I1'1i'1 ,11111" ,ell1ll1lS n. 1IS11lns




Institute Pcepared Legislation


Alabama Un,fonn InleBWC

Enforttnltll' 01 DomtSl IC Onlm Act.

58. n . .opoouom;l by s.-tor Rod~r SmiUw."..," and R.,......,nlalin.IM C ..otlw", has passed the Stnalt and i~ OIIlhe Houle Calendar ...... iling final

• /.on 1W:J/"~ Me.1o~

The -,11y cI 'fO'I' w...t I< di-»y depa,d'!<II upon the q ... l..... cI mo...

roo "*'- 10 aHiR you.


• o"rn;oae Utim;I/ei

• T,;,' EJoibiu

In !he ope-

• &pI:lI Witntf, THt/motlr

cWl..d talMts cI bu<i ...... valu.o'ion and I~I~IM suppon. II is omicol 10 " - wiO#l,. The ~"'i<:" cI Pco'ce. 8evill. I.eftbUfJ, """"". P.e. h."" been ,"iilled In connection with 0Yft I SO taM$. Qui sp«iaJ~ ~ boded by rite """" fItorouJ lIo/nin, available In !he Induwy lind O!<Iilied by tho NACVA and !he AlCPA ""V. lei us Mip rou every IIep cI the W3'f.

AI.bIoma Un'form In~li'Uli"".1 Funds

Act. lID. 96 .•ponsoml by RCpre5Cnl.,"" M"n:ellll",,~ and Senal". Tom lI u Ut r has pused lhe II"""" and is on lhe Stn;ltt C. lon<br "",.. ilinl final Ipprov:Il. A~boma Un,form Anatomical Gift Act. HU 7 1 and 58. j l..opoouom;lby Rep""",n','!>" l)rnwtrl ... N~,, 'on and SenalorTed Lin .. , ~ 011 the Calendar 01 o.,h bouw.


,,,fotmorlorl Validorlorl

• Bu,',,", Val...!lQ"



IU''-,, _ _ !


_ _ """



R",ular~. of the mort

than 1.200 bill' inuooo«<!. only nine ..... owide bill .. .nd 23 local bill .. plus II bill' 10 ",,"lin ... il3IC .noioo. ........ btM tnacted. This "."&IIU "f'PI'IWmalCly 3 P=onI 01 the bilb illl/1Jlluced. Th:n:..., anochcr 197 "'Us ,"."",,, Io;n<e p>W:d one house .nd ..., on !he caImdar in the........J house foY po5IoibIo pHI .,. Tho ..... , ~ Updak" ;ft lIdy 2002 ..ill "",Iudo .n q;.. laban moo:totl 1Iunn. !he ~

Annual Law Institute Meeting Tho Annu . 1 ~k,,'in8 of lhe Al.l>ama Law In,"'UI. for . 1I ...."'bt... oflhe IIIMiIUl<: ",in be Thur<day. July 18. 2002 al 11:)0 ' .m, (luring ,Ite Ann",,1 M""li"3 or lhe Alabomo Sill<: U>r. For nlOI'C informatIOn .boul the ImtJlulc! or ...,. 01 ilS pn:>:jtcu. conUOct Bob McCurley. d,rKIOr. Alabama Law IlISIilul<: . ... P.O. Box 8614~.

TusnlooA 35486-0013; fu (20:'1) 3488411 : pIIor'Io (2Oj) J,U. 7411 ; or ,·j";l our Web so l<: at M......... .I.• IDI • •al.lH. •

_... _- _-

_,-.a ....




......_, =-

Pending Legislation With only "X "'Y' ",maining in the

L IIkc.\ot. Jo.

; ........ _

.. _ ....



....... .-..,.

I ," o


Create complex legal documents in minutes.

~ Cuts docum8nt drafting time



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Ilk: DC.

~. . .




. . ..


'Z5II , . 11!nrtll*' data

Blumberg ~cels!q·

...IAW IWlT ..., . . .'..,1


... _ _ UP


What To Do When Your Client Perpetrates A Fraud Ot B


HI am cu=ntJy ,..,pr=nting I di<1lt ..,he> il the Administnurix of d.. Estate 0( her lite hulband. My di ... f o I3Ie husband. John. was killt<! in ~ OIQIO)I" . . hi_ de a.cci<knt 011 March 8. 1994. and lu~uently. I "'.. retained to """,sent her IS Admini,tmtrix of the &t.te 0( John. and as the .pou.. of John. ,..,ganl'nl • wronl'ul dtmh cl.oim again$llhe Id~""" pany in the motOr .. hide ,"""idtnl Jotm was wfVived by my dienl. tWO ""'jority • dau&hten and • mir>Of IOn. To De formal· ly named .. Adminisuix of the &Lote of John. my dOont ..... mjUiml to po:U • s"""y bond UId ....... n ...r.m from the odICf bel" <XIIIStnIinl to her bein, IWIICd Adminisu-auix. WJw.n appIyi", for IUdI • bond ""th Company A. my dimt . . . ~uuW 10 complttc I bond que>tionnlire. ODe que>tion liSlN on the ql>C5' tionnaire asked if my diml had any pmdin,lII .... wils and sl1C ani""!"$. ·No·. ll1Cn:.flCr. Contl""Y A dcnioM my cl~nt a bond due to a pending Chop'« 13 banl· IUJ'ICY. Subitquently. J contacted bondina Company B about bonding my client in such m.. l.... Company B'. ,..,,,,,,,,,III.tive ~uestN Ihal I fax him Company A's


MAY lO02

bond application for his ""';cw. Th......ft ... C""""",,y B ~ to i$SUC. bond ...·ith. mjui,..,mc1I\ thatjoilll control De ex=ised by me II dient', counsel and I weN. Also, Company B !'l!quiml d"" their bond applicalion De complttcd and ... turned prior 10 i<Slling such bond. Such bond .pplication did not inqui ... . boul pendinil litigalion IS"nSI my client. ft ••. wrongful dealh ncsoo:iati()l\$ with the insurance company of llIe ad,,!"$(: p.v1Y It<! 10 I setde"..nt of tho wronaful death claim. Thil ",nJe"..nt was for the amount of tho limIts of the policies of the od\'ftX p.v1y. Out of the setlle" pOtted> ......" paid my aQonIC)'" fees and expelIS<'$. .... ,th my clien1 """ivilli the mnaining _ .... l uch \)<-'''i in oa:onIaott .... ith the la.... of dillribulion and the wroncful death _ute. Subsequenl thereIo. IIlI3I od~ised by the ~nor­ ney rq.-escnti", an bei. of lhe Estate of Jolm. that my cli<1l1 had I lII"'Juil pending "-;I\SI her In thai she had ~ ,oed fordivurce from ... all<IIN common law maniage by a fomlCr li.e-in ""'I"ainlance. Thi' action "" as peroding allhe timol my tllem compltted the bond application of Company A ... fcrl'lM'w supr:o. It i. wonll menlioning llial another Bltorney has been ""p"'sont;n,


my flirnl rqanlin, , ... ptnding diV<>m: actioo ,i"",,!he I'tttiwd ~n'k" 00 .""h. H""·." .... my dim, conlend. tha, !here ",1$ IlOl a rornmoo Ilw maniagt l1>li !hat !he r..,l. d>at such ",i! i. fnvolous. Also. w has 8dviscd ..... !hat b«au", !here was I ,,,-o-mondl ptriod ... ithoul Uly plcadinv" oomrnu· nicalio:Hs$ btI ..~ _ .....1 r.. !he partin in this <Ii"""", ICbOoI.. thai >1M: 1hoII~ .... mailer had been doopp<d. dips aplai";.., why >1M: oompltw,llbe bond q..... ionnaire ... >1M: did. OiwioPSJy. tN. i. a f.. my d .... ' f.. if $lie i. UMUCCeMful in .... def....... ",a,!lSI Iht <:<In\mon law diY(ln;e 8Clion.... r .ubs<:<juen' marriage 1O.John rould be ... 1d in\':llid II>II!JM: rould ~;lIIy claim 10 Jolin', Estal. that . ... W()IIld have as "'",ivina IPOUs.-. Her .l:ltu' as Admin;lt .... trl~ of !he Est.t.,oo, could be rernovN. AISQ, any mooi .. received ... survivina ~pou~ in t'" wrongful death S<'1tlr""'nt rould be required to be paid I»o:k imo I'" Estale of Jolin .

..,n.:-.. _ ''''


0. estiol as for Opinion:


I. Do I a duoy 10 8dvi!c bonding CornpMIlI B of !he omi.. _ on bondin, Company A·,questionnaire " 'Iud! ""allotl'l, 10 COI"IIf*lY B Ind probably retied upon by Company II. knowin,....,h would be "Bains! my dimt', ;.w<n${?

2. Do lilave a duty 10 nocify \he ProbaIe Cwn "here !he Estale of X iJ ptndinl of !he r""" ou,liDl'd above knowi",....,h l[Ction would be ;,pi ... l my d;'nt'l inlertSl?

3. Do I ha,·. a dUlY 10 ... illld",w as 00II ..... 1 for the Admini!lllIlrix of tho 8ulle of Joon knowin, .tlCh action would be ",.inll my cli.nt'. inlerest'>"'

Rule 1.6 of the Rules of Professional ConcIu.ct "Wiles 10 tho r""" you iutve tel out. I. prooMb ... fol""'"5: ~Rule

1.6 COIIlidmllalily of Information

(a) A I.w)'ft" &hall"", reveal infomwion ",lalinllO ~. wion of. cI;'n, unless Ihe client ronotn" art.:-r con>t>lt.· ,ion, "' for disc"""",,, thai "'" impliedly authori«d in onler 10 carry OUl'''' "'presenl:ltion, and .~pll' stll . O'd in p;UaJnlph (b).


.tlCh information 10 ,he eXtenllhe (b) A I.w~r may l.w~r rn$O""bly believes _essary;

(I) To Jl""'enltho client from rommiltin, a criminal act thai the lawyer believe, il li~ly to ,..,..,It iJt irruni .....l ~ or .<ubswlllaJ bodily harm: or (2) 10 establish. claim or def....... on behalf of the Ia~ i. a COlIlr<n'nSy bnWffn the lawyer and Ihe client 10 OSl<Ibli .... def....... 10. cnminal charge or civil claim again$! tho b~ !wed upon ronduCI ill ...1Iich tho dionl ...... im.-olved. .. '" ""pond to alleptioM iJt any pr<><:ttding coroctT!linllhe Iawy",'sl'q)re>mlalion of \he dienl."

Rule 1.6(1) say. that all informalion ",IOlinlto. I,wyer's ",,,,,,,,,,n131ion of a clien, il conf"JcmiaJ. n..-refore. nothing durinll'" represenlOtion may be disclosed '0 ;lIly""" unl .... ont of Rul. 1.6·s eJlupliom applies. or Il1c1"<: i. authori. U>lion from tho dien, or a 00II". Rule 1.6(b)"s 'WOUttptOonl ~ limiled OIl!$. l'im •• bwyer di$C1ose ronf>dential infonnauon 10 ~nl • diM! from commll~n, acriminallCl ooly if~ could ...... It in ~immi ... ", d<alh or ... bowttw bodily harm~. The ~ "'cqMion iSCMC1ltWIy a Klf.f....... prooUion for "t""'ions .. here !here i. a t<IftIro. '=y bn........., Ihe lawyer Ind docnl "'.....i'" UI ~ of tho IlWion. In !be lann "'ccplioa. only such information "" .. ~ 10 estabIim the cbim or def.",," may be <lisclo:scd. Your r"l$ do not come within ci ....... of lhc:oe u«plions. Vour dient·. failu", 10 aMw.r uuthrully on the fI ...' bond 'pplicallon could be «>ns'~", on on,oinll r",nd. panicularly sir.:<: she has not tak.n any Il'ffiNi.1 action 10 COl"reCt it. The issue of. possible prior marria,. il «Mainly a material one. under tho cjrtumstaJltts. A 13wyer cannot disclo:!c f.,,, .bout a ctien1". past crimes or f..LId under Rule 1.6. H""..,... .... ir. bwy ...·s...-vices an: I"'ng 10 be used 10 r.. ud. thon tho lawyer ""'" manda,orily withdraw. In R()..<)O. 76. !be DI$Cipiinary ~ IOOICd that once .... Ia~ Iw ",m. dn"lI. be ...... ;" 110 lon~ Il'lopOMibio for tbe clie"t'. continuin, fnudulmt conduct. You cannoc .... laIenlly di'IClase Ulyth'''i to the bondina com· puoy. Vou CIMOI dioclase anyth.n, 10 tho ptOOate COUll at this pt>tJIL Tben: .. nodIinllO rectify with t'" rouM now. Thc bond· i.., company "",y ekn 10 Slay on the bond. and tho di""",. <aK may be frivolous ... yourc1"'nt conlends il is. You should 00II....,1 your eli.m 10 advi.., tbe bonding compuoy of Iht =or in the fI ... t application or aUlhorize you 10 do 00. If .... ",fus,,.. yOil ,bou ld withdraw.


'.p' ....


• '"



The Alabama Extended Manufacturer's Liability Doctrine

15 2


A. INTRODUCTION S""Il your locallleW$paptr optn tMsc day:< and)'Oll:ore liuly 10 find on anicle oboul the 111e51 drug or medical device ~mmI . You are also ~tely 10 fUld an Idvenixmenl cl1iminllAallO<'lle 0Ihcr drug or mt<IinI d<>·ice is clefOC1'>T and inj",.",.... IJI the paM......,.,.] yeaB, ....... orticlts and .oJ,...... U'!Cmt"" b."" become !nOR and ""'"' jn>.. lml. Mau 110 millake abou, il: drug and mtdical device li,igation is a...,..,ing I1nId in our SI:ue!lw ,...,lIliuly conUIIIIC: .. drugs and medical device< con"""" 10 evolve 10 mcel our denWld for bellC1". S1roogc •. and fast<:r ",mtdl<S'" eu'" w!\a, ails tlIo$o: we"~~nin. pans "f our b<>di'$ ,ha' are "tacked from wilboo,. or de",ri"..". fro", wilhin, no. i ...,e J prUCmed are rompl"" and imriguin,. E.en as Ihi$ .... kle g~ [() JlIl$S. our ",.. iOll i5 COII,i<,Iering Wllether '" inDOC· ul.te .,.inSl snullpoot. " highly colnagi<lu$ diStase!lw has killed and disfig ured millions upon million« or buman beings. Yet ".., " - Il001 [() inMCUI:ue Americans .. ill liuly n:suh in f..,1 ~ ",...,.;".,s 10 tpprO>.imaooly 1 In 100.000. or 3.000 p<>Opk.. SiIl1li.1r oonct1'IIJ :ore Iocin. voiced ",..,r anIIwu IftOCIIIaIlOlll. As ".., aU knov.'. no ...... 'i.-;on drug. """"..,.",,. Iher.opeuilC. is ri>k f-. no. queslion or"", posed ull(\eo" AI.bamll1,... is whr1htr Ihe inbtrtnl riob ....lt1Idant.,.,.;tb • drug or mtdoc:al device render the product ·defOClive.· s I()ft or co.nract d.inu ""'y come in.o plIoy in drug and mtdic.1 device lilig.lion. a common denomin •• or in I><arly all of 'hi ! li,iS",ion is • daim undor the E.<'rntled Manufoc,u",r'l Uabilily Doctri"" (··AEMU )'·). Irt<Ittd. many coons have found Illa' .... r.d.rd Ion claims. such

......glig."". and failure '0 warn. are l ubsumt<l uo>d<-r lhe AEMLD. Suo e.,.. Spa .... v. B"""·,, &: Wi/lu....-. Toloocro Corp.. 230 F. 3d 1300 ( II tb Cir. 20(0) (opplying Alabama I...); RuM It GmemJ C"'1' . 127 f . SUPl' 2d 1330.1347 (M .D. Ala. 20(0) (same); Til"'- v, R~ Tobt>t:nJ C.... 19 f . SuPl'. 2d 1291. 1299 (S.D. Ab. 20(0) (d,u., \-bI1 v. Tdeflu. lite.• 586 So. 2d 181. 191 (All. 1991 )). Due 10 !be unique """"" or the pnXIuru at i ..... and the idrniily or lhe enlilies ilMll=L. tbi< liligllion luucslloO\'cll(J otbtr prn<hoc:t< liabilicy cases.




LIABILITY DDCTRII\JE no. AEMLD " -a$ judici.lly ~",.cll(! in 1976 and i. Ai2ham.t·$ rnodirlCd vm;ion of the..m.", liabiloly set 0111 in.occtloo 402A or ,he R~.",,~, I S«ootd) ",Tom. ~~ CtUfr/l v. AI,« 11Id..... 335 So. 2d 118 (All. 1976); A'JiJu .. ....... ri<-oft Moton Corp.• JJ' So. 2d 114 (Ab. 1976). lUthcr dwI adopoi ... !be lIrict liability otandards or..mon otmA. the AEMLD n:uoim the faal' tonCrpI or negligence lClions. CM"'ff. 335 So. 2d II 132; At.IiJu. 335 So. 2d II 1)7; Grill~ " C~. lite.. 4506 So. 2d 190 (AIL 1984). In "'.... W<II'Ik. il il "'" enough [() l imply ~ cJw. plainlifJ .ooI<. dru& or used. "'"<Iical <levitt and ",/feral injucy as" ~I'. nuller. \lIc1'e must be proof Ih>I W prodOCI was 'defecli,,, or un",uonably da"",rou~·.nd 1h>'1he d.inlCd injury WIS .ausally ",I •• II(! '" lbe dd""" Su CQJTY!II. 335 So. 2d al 132.


tion of • phyMcilO'l. It u also tr\IC in panlcul:w of _ y ...,.,. or upnirro:ntol dRIp as 10 "'hie'" b<-co.,", of lack of time and OWQI1unity for ",m· ci.n. medical upori.""". lhere cln be 1"10 alSu"...ce of ... fety, or pomop' .'.. n of purity of incredienl!;. but tuCh IS lhere u ju.. irld !he marUt· 'iii and use of the druJ _wilhmltdilli • medically lK'Opi .. bIe riit. "", ~Ikr of web products. lOpin ,,"'ith.he qualifICation dw.lh<-y ... properly pre. Jl'In'd and marketw. and proper " 'amings gi . en. ..'Iocrt the ptu,lion caLL. for il. u _ to be held lI> llrict liabilily for unfonu""", ron~/ICCS attend· ina their ..... """"Iy bccallK he hal undenalett 10 lUpply 1ltt public ...·ith an .pp......uly u..,rut and desisable prodoo. a.knded with I LtnQv.'n buI appar. ently .. as<.> risk.

1. Pleading U..Jer !be AEMu). plauuiffs can punue claims for ( I) def..:tiv<: lIW'Iuf"",ure; (2) defective desi",; or (3) failure 10 warn. Su Casrrll. 3lS So, 2d al 132. As describtd btlow. prc.ooripti<.ln drugs. and ~y....w.. medical devices. ..., Ire"'<d differe1ldy IhoII 0Iandanl produru; ......... Ihe AEMU) in ctnai .. IQPOCIS. III die semi1IaI case ........., Ihe AEMu).nd pRSCriplion drugs ronl inlttStCltd. ~ Smj./i. KI"", & FmtdI ~-S. Ihe Alabama Supreme CQun recogniud II,. pRSCriplion drill' are coruidesed "unavoidably unsafe pnxIucls" u..Jer ""III""",t k of s..:clon 402A of Ihe Rr..1akmmI fS«twl) ",Tem. 447 So. 2d 1301. 1:lO3 (Ala. 1984). In 0 IIWheIL Wlld,""K k recopIi«s Ihao. lhete..., catain produm wtoido ...,. b)' Ibtir ''ttY _ . Mquite ino:apobIe of bti... ~ safe for do:ar LOOIended .nd onIinary U!e Ibtrrl..... do: que>Ilooo becomes "'Io:thtr Ihe onanuf"",ustr or sclle. l!dequal<:ly wamffl obe pbintiff of tIo: risk< :ouetl/Jrull with Ihe ptQdoo's ..... M opp<lIICd 10 ""htther do: plailllill" ",Ifem! damages as I OQIIh of risks al1endaooI with the produoco'J - . 14. " 1303 n.L. By qooQ"'~ I::: in ,I!; mlirety. the Alabama Suprtme Coon realI' ni/~ that oofYo:limcJ. to tn:at a di ..~ ... IlOO individual ....... be "'illi", 10 ossurro: tilt ri ... of"",,", IOOIIOWIIRI ~ or,.;de drew. of the ~ Sn id. M..... .,a6cally. ""',.,.... k ci .... as ... example doe ri ... of conaln efferu from Ihe \"lIOCine for Ihe "dreadful" disease of ~ and Sl3l<:d WI! these poIt'IItiai d feru did not moiler the ,.".;oe;ne "defecti ...." but rather.





'* '*

Id. (tllljlluoPs in original).

Su..u., l'un-u ... PI'(; IndIOS.• Inc.. ~ So. ld 714 (ALa. 19t1) (recopiri"l Alabama', adoption of comment t). A<=rdingly. the Alaha"", Supn: .... Olun held in Stone '~n the c..,., of an 'u""'llidJbly unsafc' yet poop<'O"ly prtpared prc.ooriptioon


dru" the ~'KY of the a<:<:O!, ..... yina

....... ina tkIe""w, whethtr the dnt" IS marte\td.. is def..:1iv<: or WIO"eaSOOIably dan· gc«)IIl''' and Ihe ..r.... is In ....... nt in cllOb. [ishinC I prima facie c..,., under the AEM u). Id. (emptwis added). Under SIoM then. with. properly .,..-p;lre<I prodoICI. !he t ......... of '"defcct I or medical devia: ~ under !heAEMLO lUI'" "" the wIoqi'KY of !he warnin& thai occornpanied doe pnxIuct. 14, With .his undeBlanding of ..'hal ron>lilYles a "'defcct'" in drug and medic.1 <Ie,'ice C~. C"",ide"'li"" of lhe <>ther elements in typical AEMu) daims is in order. In I defect;,.. manufacture cblm. ;,. addilion LQ the c"onent of "dcfcct~ as ~ .to<.>vc. M


S""h 0 producI. properly ~. and ...,."..... nied by poop<'O" diroruQoos and wominC. u _ defee· livt'. nQo" is it um?iI<OfIlJl>ly IbnC.""'" l10c .. me il """ of OWly Qlher drIlgs. vaccines. ond the like. many of which for this v<:ry reUOlOl """OOI ..,alLy bt M>Id ,",,<cpt 10 physicians. or • ..:Ieo- obe .,....,mp.

w. cen ""'... \'out"

child I Upport Ind uncontested dlworce ....... . 1 .... y •• 1•.. 2.•• 3 ... 1. EnlOt. lh' Ca.. Inlann",lon

. . _. _u_ .__ ---. .... .-_2. Print tl>a Doc"men'" 3. FIt. ..iltlll"ll COUt!

.es.<,. _ _ _ _ .es.<'. _ _ _

.,..,........ ..,..,. .


334·244 2g.1j3 BATTAC,"IA LAW OFF ICE



____. -. _u_

..._ ,-. ,.._........ -_.>-_ ... __ ...... -.- ----_ .-"---'-"<,' ..... _ _ _ .~ .es.<, ...... _ _

........... _ _ .. c .r




a plainliff nmI allo pltad Ihal (I ) he suff<'n'd injury Of dam_ ~ (2) Ihe injury Of damap w"", caused by • ~ddectJYC ~ prodllCl. (3) lhe ddenduu ...... a maftufaeu"", Of ..1101in lhe businw of .. lIin, weh a prodllCl. and (4) Ihe ptQdIICI ...... expoolod '0. and did. rueh !he plaintiff wilhou. sub!;wllial chanBc in.he rondilion in ",bieb i. was sold. Su C... ,..II. )35 So. 2d ... 132: AIkin••, Am~ric"" MOIa" Corp.. 335 So, 2d al 137. !'or defe<:li,. de, ;", clai""'. !he plai"'iff mu .. Ibo I II'IC !ha. (5) . . .r.r. pnclicll. all.mali ..... design was ...... ilable I... he maftUfac1ur.. I •• he lime.he produci " ... maIlufoc.ur«l .• he u,;I ilY of which ou''''ciaJltd!be u,ili,y of !he design a<:<ually 1>5<!<1. Su Iktdl v. o..tbc>oni Man'"" Corp.. 584 So. 2d 447 ( All. 1991 ). F .... lly 10 .11cJe. claim fOf fail"", 10 warn ......... 1hc AEMLD .• pIIin,i" _ pltad Itw ( I ) Ihe<kfOtldanl_ ......... .. duly 10"""" the pWntiffrqardiog the producI in ~ion'l dang.....·hen uood in ilS in~ndcd Of cuswmary man ..... (2) !he Ihe defCfldanl pn:Mded b....datd Itw d"'y ~se il



,.... inado:q ....... ..... (3) !he Inadl pro> cauood!he p....ntifr. injlmCS. S« ChaN" Xtlk'dStW M..."" Corp.. U.S.A, .140 F. Supp. 1280.12117 (M.D. Ala. 2(01) (Ipplyon, Ai.obarn:o I" ...). M di$CII'se<! b<1ow. maJ1ufaclu...... and ~nain di",ibu •.,.. of dl\lJi and medical de,lee. a uniq"" defense


undor ,he "1.,I1.... d in, clai""'.


doctrine wilh "'BanI.O "'''''' ,

i!. Proof' As ... ilh pkadi", such cllims. proofof ell;""' ......... "'" AEMLD involving I dru, !If ....aical device also pracnIS un"!",, , ........


Cilusatlon ilnd Damage.

Wilh n:prd 10 ou,salim and


!he Alabama Supreme

Coon has made clear !hal a plaintiff ~ ossc:n I claim for """" "'posure 10 an alqtdly dtfmi>'l' pnxIutI-.I tb< """'king -rcar dIM ..... &om litis ClIJIOi"ft- Sn Pji:". 11Ie_ MFanion. 611:2 So. 2d 405 (AI;o. 1996): Foni /II....". Co. "Rkr. 726 So. 2d 626 (AI;o. 1998). Simibrly. if Ihe plainIilr $lI1l"<'n'd iftjwy .... """". Ill ...


aDergic n:acIion In. product. "'hich mk " '" " , * - " !he dcfcndal\l is 0lOI 10 ,,'3111 III IUdo rilJ:< and "'" p-rdu<t is noI.llO<>IidrmI "dtfmive..~ Sn GrillI V. Comk. Inc.. 456 So. 2d 790. 792 (AI •. 1984). Fmally. IIftt'ORImOII

10 Ihc def...:lanl. ""'"

oonsl~ "ilh Fa,,1on. !heAlabolma Supreme Coo.u1Iw held tlw. 00 daim ",i.,. undtr Alabama law for mrdicaI mooi ...._ ins"" mis i. an amkipalOfy and unripe claim ror po&sible injury. S« llin/QI' Y. M IJIU(1l1/o Co.. 2001 WL 1073699 (AI .. SrP'- 14. 2(01). lns1ead. !he plain.ilr mu .. b< able 10 demo"".... '. some


manifest and """,,01 injouy, of whicn !be def~ndanl failed to aileq""",ly w:ttn, proxinwdy caused by usc of tho drug 0< medical devitt. Su w. 01 ' I; Smith, 447 So, 2d at 1303, Gi.~ lheoompiex nal\l~ of pruving • givet1 drug', 0< devitt', dTecl on tho human body, expert Lt$timony is usually ""Iui~ to establish proof of causalion and damages, S« ~N, HodIudc &; Co., Inc_ " If(]'~n /lill1. Fa"... Ille., 395 So_ 2d 991. 995 (Ala. 1981); T"".,w.a ~ &~ro/ Mo/(m Corp.. M2 So. 2d 411 (Ala. 1994),

b. A.lleged UDefert" M"~ failu~ o.f • producI does not presuPl""'" lhe e~illence of a defecl. T""'tISmd. 692 So, 2d al 41S: Jordon" GMC. SSI So, 2d 835 (Ala_ 1991): GMC._ EJ..-anU. 482 So. 2d 1176 (Ala. 1985)_ inslead, tho plainliff mu,1 prove thaI the defeclive condi · lion Df tho prodllCll'fO.'imalely cau...:! him ioj\ll)'. S« Ta)1or K &n. ",1 MOION Corp.. 707 So_ 2d 198 (Ala. 1997): APJI § 32.12 ( 1999). A1; Ihe Alabama Supreme Coon esIabli!hed in St~, howev.r, if Ihe "","Ufac1U"" or seller a<kqU3ldy wamcd o.f Ihe ri,k of plainliff', injury, then the drug i, not CO/lSide~ "defee· ~ve" lIS • m,mer of law. S« 447 So. 2d al 1303. In • drug 0< medical devitt case.• given prodllCl is likely to ha,'. ",eather«! • banery o.f pre-cUnkal animal sllKli..., clinical trials. and. thorough "",jew proceI-S OV<f5OCn by lhe U.s. Rood & Drug Admini5l11Olioo. These ~ings also critiquc and appI'O\'. all """"iogs provided wilb drug, and ctnain medical de-.-;c.,s, Accordingly, eXJl"n le>limony is usually re<!uiR'd to. prove a plainliff's daim Doth of lhe alleged '"defoct" and the cau_ ...,ion of any claimed damagO$_ S£e Br'(}()Q K Colonial Chfi'roI~,· Bwid Inc_. 579 So. 2d 1328. 1332 (Ala. 1991 ); /I",vn /lUis Farm. /"" .. 39S So. 2d al995: Townsrnd. M2 So. 31416.

c. Manufarturers and Sellers The Alabama Supmne Coun tw held thai a plaintiff can i....... the AEMLD only os 10 ,,,anufacl.""" and sellers of al!tgedly defective pro:lucts. Su Turner._ A.wl~ /ku. Co.. 5OI:l So. 2d 253, 254 (Ala. 1987)_I'\aio,iff, mu" dernonstrale that the defenclanl was '"engaged in the business of selling" the produc1 al i""" and, in tha' business. sold 0< Dlherwise 1"'11he prod""t inlo the "",run of rom· !IlI!n:e that din:tlly """,bed the plaintiff. S« FiTSl Nmiotlill &nk of M"M~ ~ C~""", Ai"'",ft Co., 365 So. 2d 966, 968 (Ala. 1978); 1f!ipridJ ~ Hi,/(), 6IJ7 So. 2d 685, 687 (Ala. 1995): lliclcs •. I'I<lctlI'1 Enginuring Co.. 749 So. 2d 417. 422 (A la. 1999), A f""l"""t i$$Ut that arises in this liligation is whether a givet1 def~nclanl can properly be cons~ a "'man.f"",."",· Of '"selic," fo< pulJlOSeS of !be AEMLD, WhiJ. il is dcar thai l1IMuf"""""", of !be pro:lucts at ;"oK arc subjocl to sud! dai"". there ,I 500Ie debate aboullhe AEMLD', awlicabilily 10. 0Ibers_For eJWl1plt, in rocem litigalioo, pRSCribing phylicians. hospitals. pharmacies. and individual employt-<s o.f a drug ",""ufaclurer res.ponsiblt fOf detail· ins the prodUClto physician, ha"" been sued ur>der !be A£\tLD.



WhiJ. !be Alabama Supreme Coon has not spoken 10 lhe precise issut, ;t SttIllS clear thai a prescribing phySician cannot pn::op. 'fly be considered. """,nufaclu""" or .... lIe(· of 3 drug or med· 158

MAY 200 2

kal device thaI he prescribes for a pruienl Phylicians an::;n the bus.iness of providing medical ~,..'ia; not tho ""r of medical product<. "Therefore. by merely writing. "",5(;ri",ion Of ",lteting I medical de-.-ke fOf IlSe in" surgery, a phylician should not have mmsfom-..<l himstlf into a "seller" fo< purpo>e. of Ihe AEMLD_ Sa Ko<hring C"'n~. &; £«:amtion. Inc. Y. U.;~g"on. 597 So. 2d 1354 (Ala. 1992) (holding thaI AF..MLD defenclan, must be "e"gaged in lhe busi"",,'" of salts of tho producI at issut). Momlvtr, the provisions of the Alabama Medical Liabili,y ACI ('"AMLA. ") dic1ale whal a plaintiff muSI plead and prove to waJ>. lish liability against a physician in CQrlnttlion wilb any medical can:: 1he physician may have render«! , S« illo. Cooe U &5-480 to -488: H &554(110 ·552 (1999). A phySician', liabilily under the AMLA. i, premised solely on his adhere""" to !he applicablt standard of carto_!k~ Ala. CO<h f &5·548(1) (Ala. 1999). Thi. would """""""Iy i""loo. lhe physician', ]>",scri",ion of. drug 0< use of a medical devitt in surgory. S£e CI~_n" " S'",,"'an, 595 So, 2d 858 (Ala. 1992) (AMLA. .ppl;os to III causes of action, againsl a heallhcare provider),

(i!1 Hospitals Ho<spila1S are oovfftd by the AMLA.·s pro,'l.ions as a "health care provm. Su Ala. Code ; &~-481 (7): ilIa. CO<h § &5· 542(1 ). "Therefore. any ciaim again>l • hospioal <:<lI'Ittming a plaintiff's use of a drug or medical dcv;c., is subjoclto lhe more .trin· gent pleading ""Iui,..".,.nts, standards o.f plOOf, and affi"n:"i"" defcnscso.flhe AMLA.. S« ~.,. Ma. Cod~ § &5-5SI (plead;ng ""IUireIllOO1' of AMLA.): ilia. COOL § &5·549 (heightened proof requirements o.f AMu,,); ilia. COOL; (,,5.482 (AM LA's UalUle of limitations). The Alabama SU]>"'JJIe COWl tw also wggeslbli ~. thai hoo;pioal .. unliLe physicians. '"maybe" considered ~selle"," rOf pwposc< of the AEMLD. SN Votldwnp. Y. Mobile Infirmary, 642 So. 2d 954, 9~7 (Ala. 1994): SUltQII ., Dru;J I/o.p, Boord. 459 So. 2d 818. 822 (Ala. 1984). Therefore, while. ~L11 can be coruider«! • "seller" fo< I"'IJIO'iO' of the AEMLD. the provisions of the AMLA. provide bo<h a plainliff and tho hoo;pital with pleading&. proof. and defense iss",," unique 10 O!her AEMlJ) "sclltrs." M


(311 Detail


utatiVl!!iI Individual Employees of Manufarturer Recently, individual emplQYUS of pharmaceulical ""mpani.. h."" been joined as defendants in SUilS agains' their employ · orslpharmaceulical rnanufac1urel'S, A 'ypical oomplainl assens thallhese individual emplo.ytt. somehow conlributed to lhe plain,iff's injury tbrough their role lIS an employtt of !be manu· foclUrer Df the prod"", al is,ue, While no Alabama COIl" h.. $<juan::ly addressed lbe iss"" wi,h any detailed, Jl>dge Lewi. Kaplan of lhe Southem [)j,llicl o.f New York ~nlly e.,.1«1 an e~haultive opinion in an ac1ion from Alabama and uloimaoely concluded thal, under Alabama law. 'ypioally noAEMlJ) daim lies again51 an indi· vidual employees of ma"ufocluring defen<lanl$ . .xe /n ,...-

RetuUn Produc" U~bility U,lgarit"" 133 F. SUI'\', 2d 272, 2&687 (S, D,N,Y. 20(11). In lht case bd.,..., judge Kaplan, lht nneon· trovcned evidence esublished lhallhe illdiyiduaJ employee had ncilll<r $Old any prodUCI 10 the plaimif( oor made any rep<esen· ulions C<)IICf:ming the producllo the plainliff. /d. This absence of any con""",ion belween Ibc illdiyidua l employee's and lhe plainli/f', cl.imed harm was faullo the pl.imiff". daims 3.j!ai,..tlho il><!iyidnal cmploy.,..1d. In addition. Judge Kaplan fonl><! that Ibc policies of Ibc AEM LD supported his &Ci,ion: l1le AaILD is founded on'"broader moral ootiOcts of con",m,,, proteCtion and on <:OOI>Omic and ~ial grounds. placing the bnnlen to romptn ... ", for 10M illCurrtd by dtfMive producl$ oct Ibc one best able to pre"nl the distribulion of lhtse produclS:' Me Aikins o. American Maiers Cmp .. 335 So. 2d 134, 139 (Ala. 1976). Accordingly. lht AJ;.M LiJ impo<es li:m;li.y only oct nt3l1u· faclurers. ""II ...... and "'p'pliers. SH Tum.., ~ AwlHl Bru: Co .. 508 So, 2d 253. 254 (Ala. 1981);A'killS, 335 So. 2d al 139; King ~ SR. Smi'h. Inc.• 578 So. 2d 1285, 12S1 (Ala 1991), l1le ... Ies represemali", joined in !he Alabama case ncilber manuf"",u"",", $Old nor .uppliod Re>.ulin . Rather. he "'" an agenl of Ibc matluf""'"rer and seller. A. a corpora'" omplo)'ee: he was oot ."the one best able" to prevenl ...1.. of defeeli" drugs. /d, ., 281·88 Judge Kaplan's opinion i, also consi,,,,nl with section 20 of the R ..wlemml (Third) of Torrs: Produc" Liability. Seclion 20 ~ide, "" ""plicil of "One Who Sell. or OIherwisc \)j,tribules~ for pY!'J"l= of Iht Re.""eme"' (Third) of Tans: Produw LiabUity (1997). Co",,,,,,nl G to seclion 20 """ides:

OQ.C-1936-S (N ,D. Ala. Sep!. 6, 2(00); tonSlI,1I ".ltmorir:tlll If""", Prods.. Civil AClioo No. 99·S·2 11Q.NE(N. D, Ala O::l 26. 1999): J/orrrll v. lIYtlh -Ay~r.t1 u.borotariu, Slip Op .. Civil ActiOct No.: 98·II94-B H·M (S.D. AI•. Feb. I, 1999). In the each of these opinions. the COlIns held thai the "Ic...-..d in",mledi"'Y" doctrine barre<I the plaintiffs' clainlS agains! the phamlaCies. SH id. 8u,su SI~'''ItS •. Am.-rir:tllllllNtW P""/",,.. 1'1<: .. rI. 01.. slip op. CV OQ.T· I 108·1'01 (M.D. Ala So"" I I, 2(00) (nomanding case that i""luded "" in·state pharmacy on !he grounds ihal the pharnlaCy had oot been f... ""ulen~y joined). l1le learned intennediary doctrine is. <lden,. uniqpe to drug and medical de,'ice lit~lion and discu<$ed in $<\"'" dtuil below. In anotto.r recenl opinion involving an ",'or-ihe<Ollol.r product sold by a j>harmacy. lhe pl.intiff daimed Ihat hi. c hild had suffered injuIY;os a I'<,ull of ingeslion of an over·tho~nlCr nledic.,ion III.tI conlained phtnylpropanolaminc ("PPA"). Se. Wiggins •. Amrrican lIame Prods.. u al.. •lip op .. CV OI·J· 2303·W (N.D. Ala. O::t. 2. 2O(I1). l1le plai nliffdid tI<J4 allege any specific a<:1 1aken by the phannacy other than simply being in the c""in of distribulion of an allegodly def",,'i,'. prod ..... The Wiggiltl roIIn held. on thi' allegalion alone. ihal no causal relalion existod belween lhe pl.inliff's injuries.1Id the pharma· cy's ac. <If selling tho prod uct. Id. Bur St. K.MI o. MUI.. Drug Co .. Inc.. tI. "I.. slip op .. CV 02·A R..Q215_S (N'\). Ala, Feb. 18. 2002) (concluding fraud"le nl joinder had oot been eslablishedj ,

Other mMIU if""""""I£jaJ dimibutiOtl: produd dif· trioo,ion foci/iUl'an. """",",S ... iSling or pI"O"iding snvitt< 10 prod"'" di.stri~tOO1. am oot , ui>jecllO Ii • • biUly under the /\lies of this Restolemen!. Thu .. rom· mcmaJ fitmS engaged in adoer1i!ing products are out· ,l<\t Iht /\lies of Ihis ReSl.:ll"men~ as are r. ......... gaged exclus;'"ly in the financing of producc ..... or Ie_ ttanSaCtions. Salt. ~"""""I and <:OIlIIJ"O'fCi.1 aUClioo· een; all' also oulSuu 1M ",I.s ifthi. R...",.men,.

Beyond defe.,'ng. plai nliff', claims based on lhe ab!i<nce of noqnired elemenIS under !he AEMLD, AI.b,,,,,,, law P"lvides. hosl of OIher defense. 10 defendanlS in !hi. liligalion. 'These


3. De"fenses

(emp/la'lis added).

(4) Pharmacies Local pharmacies b.:I"e .Iso = n, ly been the Urgol of drug and mtdieal deviu litigation. Plainliffs Iypica lly al"'g.. ''''''3 phormacy's distribution of a '\Iefeeliv,," d /\lg or medical device comriooled 10 their injury in ><>me manner. As ",ilh hospitals. pharmacies a", eonsiekled "btallbe""" proviekrs" under the AMLO. and, therefore, claim, again't phamlaCies an: ",b';":ll0 the AMLA', diC1.ates. Se~ Ex parl~ Ri,. Md of Itl"""".". hu: .. 76& So. 2d 960. 96 1 (Ala, 2(00). A number of Alabam. state and federal COlItts h.,,, ",viewed the pn>prioty of SUing pharmacies whon the daim is essemially thai the phannacy is liable solely because it was in the chai n of di,tribution for the prescription dNg al iss"" , W,!h one!:nown exccptioo, these COlIr1S " " " uniformly concluded ,""t no such claim lit' agains! p/larmacies. ~ Orr v. lIYt,h.AY"'" U!barolOriU. Co.. Case No,: 98-3O)").DIET(Cil£uil Coon of Mobile County, Alabama. Aug. 2,1999): Sanks •. l'umD",'is. Civil ACliO<l No. OQ-S·1122·E. slip op. (M, D. Ala Nov. 2,2(00); f irlnks y, Amrrican IflNtW Products Carp.. Civil AMioo No. CV-

The Alabama Lawyer i, looking fo r ,,",'or 'Iori .... • 10 publish in upeoming issue., humorous tal ... and aneedol ... aboul Alabam."l lawyers and judges. Obviously, for such .Iori.... w be published, they mU$1 be (al b\le. fbi amU$ing and (c) tasteful. Selld your reminiscences \0:

TheAlaboma Lawyer, P.O. 1Iox4156, Montgomery 36101. Be lurt to illcludt your rno_, addrt •• and > ~'lime 1.lopho"" n umbor, in cue we

need to contact you.

irv:11Ode Ihot familiar dd"~"," from otbtr lOr! litiption of auumplion of risk. DO causal ",buOIl. coatribuwry nqligellCC. ..... product miWie. In addition. ....odItr dof~_ ~.., &$ .... kanw4 ifll<'fm«liary doctrine i. oI\tn available to \be _fac· 'u"", .. aclleo' in this Ii.iga'ion.

a. "Learned Int.ermedlary·· Dourine In this liliplion p/IysicimI: ore .... iadividoals who d<a .... pruducla. issuo fur .... pbin<iIf• ....tike <ypical ~ liabo~1Y actioo>I in ""hid! .... plaintiff purdwcd .... produa dim;1. Iy ".. i!boul inIon'cnIion from a !hi'" pmty. As discusoed Jll(R fully be""".•• !<SUI, of!his illlemledi.Me invol.-rmtnl by a rra; ...... and I;':"nsro pmC<£OOnal. in Abb<una. • """,,ufld...,. .. seller can be .... i..d"d from liabili.y under the A EM LD if i, .,..,...ided "" :ode. quate " .""';ng 10 "'" inl<'fll'!O:<Jiary of lhe prQduct'. risks. ~Ioptd by the New York Su!"""", Coon in Ma"'.... " Spulfi~ I'MmttlUUlirols. 71 N. Y.S.2d n (N.Y. 1948), and adopIcd by the Alab;una SUI"""'" COlIn i~ 1984 in .... opinioot of SWM" Kli_" FmtdI J.,aborr,IlHks, the IearDed ia~ary doctrine dioclwJ;es a dNl or medical "'ice man· ufaduren' du,y to "'..." of risks auoci ........ ith a gi..,n dNa or medical device to ul,i""" • ...en if \be """,,,fac,,,..,,. has provid· ed adcq""le ,,-amingo of ""'''' ri,ks '0 a phy>kion or odIC, "I"arned" inlotmediaries. 447 So. 2d nOI (AI •. 1984). The S/""r coon •• plaine<! , .... doc,rine as foll(>Ws'


We c:annor """""I willt "'" gmetaI ~tion """ "'~ fH"",ripIiott drugs ore "",o;., rv:d, .... manufac. .tftf's duty 10 "'3111 is limiled 10 . . obIipIim 1O.m..e Ihe I"ow::rihin& physiciaot at lIlY po:IImW ........... may 1$1/0 from .... d!ua·S!lle. This ~ aan<bId for prtSO'iption drugs is .. ~ =q>tioa 10 the lte!olalCmm1" r;enenloule ilia! one '.iho martcu JOO<h ~ warn f.. able ubi"""" users of dangen i"",,"=", in his prodoc.U. (ci1:tlion "",,,,0:<1). Prescriplion doup ..., li!:ely to be "",,,pic>. medici ...... esoIeric in f"""" .. and Io3ricd in eft"C<1. As • mo:dic;Ll expen. the p!UCl'ibi", physician """ IaI;c iNO lOfXOOIIIIthe: P'OP""" siliflJ of .... dnog. 0$ " .. II 0$1he MCqIIibitities o(his pori<nL llis is .... IR. 0( ~ chc bcnefiIs of any .....Iiarim IjpinsI iu p;IICntiaI danam. The dooice he ~ is .. inf(lO'JOl'(l .,..,... indi~lud medical jud&m<nI boaomcd .... knowl<d&e of both pabenI and r-oJli ..;ve. I'hannac;cuticll comp;onics Ihon, wOO 1I'0I$l wam "I~"",~ p.ud,asn'$ of q .... inhnml in I"Irnl $Old O'm" the COO/1l<r. in ,fOllin, PfC:'C'iption drugs .... m;uired 10 warn ooly the: p!UCl'ibing physi· cian. ...'110 IC1S 0$ • 1e:tmed ioll... "ltdi.wy" btlWftfl ~flt:1Um' and cOll:I'''n....



Id. at I~ R~s II \l)'<'dlldHHruoria. 498 So. 2d 1264. 1276 (~C-II". 1974). In .::cord ... itl\ this omlalion of the: Itamrd iruerontdiary doctri.... llle S - COIofI ""otdudr.;l thai if ... 1Ilkq""l<: " ...... iflg oh droIl'S ri",' .... provided to a presmbi", phy.i"'on. the drug i. noc ""fcai.., .. u"",asonably danic""", Ind!he manufaclU..". has fully dischalged any dUly i, hou of wami", of lhe dangcrs i"""rtnl wilh i,s product', "sc. Id. 158



Since ilS adoption in SIoow. Ihtre ...'" "'" """" any Idditional furlhrr 000WN<d .... ~ inIenncdi· ary'. bounibries or impacI III .... rortIe>.l of <kug and ~ device Iiligalion. """'ch ~ ...'" hem oIhtr cases !hal ......, deah ...ith similar i<sta in Ihe aIIOIe.<' of manuf"""""'" ;nI distributon of induslrial materials. ~ I'UnTs K 1'1'(; Indus.. I"".. SOl So, 2d 714 (Ab. 1987) (aIli"";ng IUtnnW)' judgmen' in fovor of d ... ,nical man.ulOClUrtr who", pro.idod worni"i to diwilxllor "'00. in lUm, failed 10 pas.! the: " ...... iflg Qot llle ron· .."n...); £r pork c/wv"", C/ocrtical Cl>.. 720 So. 2d 922 (Ala. 1998) (hc>IdiJof; thai """",fad""", of pbulc: pipe dH<:haopd ilS duly 10 ofdaDgcn .... iA:d with iu product by pn:Mdi. 10 .... mopIoya" 01 .... plalMiffs). Sa aIuJ 'II>ok • McC/iIdod. 999 F,ld 14)() (l IIh Gr. I99J) (dio:cussinc Ieam:d inIamaIiary doarine). As druB and mrdicaI dm(:e Iioip<ion .;on~nues 10 develop in A~ the Ionportanoe nlllle Itarned ;,,1Or_ rnodiary <1&"", ",ill grow r.. all ponies to !hi. lillga'ioot . A~ cases !hoi ' -


...... .......u.cs

h. 1\10 Cau!ial Helat.lon Under this drl........... dof........., plrads ..... Jl"O""S ............ i. lID eausaI n:btionship 00_ his .. ~ IC1S and .... pbinbll" s e!aim<d injuries. NtiIu, )Jj So. 2d III 10. A ""fondon! atobfuIo· IS !Ills tM:Iu&h pn:>of 01 .... rot "iemenIS: ( I) !he ",*,.<1.,,, is in !he bu<iness "'either dillributing or ~1Ii for


diwibulion finished produru. (2) the: drf<ndanl ..",..;vt<! the prooi. \ICI in "'" _ condilioot .. the pIaUl'ilJ. (3) Ihe defendan, dkl nIJt ronlribtltt to !he <lrfcai", condilioo. or (4) , .... defendan' I\3.d rv:ither knoo.ledge nl the drfcah~ condilioot or an opport"nily 10 iMpCCl llle pruducI ... p:rior 10 1M knowledge .. """,,"unily of .... plainlilJ. AI!iru.)35 So. 2d 01 143. With "'!W 10 the drf",,· daot! •• opponunilY 10 in>pc:Illle pnldoor:t. !he oppomonioy ....... be a "me<oniagfur one and if!he dd"..:t is Wtno and the drf«t oould "'" be _ ~ disco •• ,ed by either .... consumer or dd"ondon! by • ",""",",* in<pCClion. ""iIher had • superior """,,"un,cy 10 in<pca the prod...., Su Cout>IWIM ~ .. S<IppIy Co, ~ S/odlo(Im lhi>-e." Fi/lin&I, I"".• 3(6 So. 2d 968. 971 (Ala. 1978). Clruidrring the eondilion in .... hkh dN" and m<dical devices "'lOCh distribu,... and oupplicn. this defonse ;,. pmicubrly "JlPI'O' pri3l<: in doug and medical devi« li,i""ioot urod<r llle A£MU). Su CIotJrpW. ¥. f.t7>Nr', 11_ C~""'.... I"".. 930 E Supp. 1498 ,,\1 .0 . Ala. 1996) (ganIina """"'"'Y jud&m<nl1O' n:tai.... 0( .-.... I0OI cquiprncol mIlD ..... ",1IIion dd"0lUC).

c. AS!iumpt.lon of' Hisk A. in O!he, prod ..... liabililY case<, defrndam$ in \hi. liliplioot "",y assert tha, u.., p"jn~ff ........ fully informed of the ri,ks ol1on· danl wi!h usc 0( the: doua or medkal device. ac£epIed lhe<c lisg in the 00pes thai the product could perl"orm ilS intended p.orpcl$C'. lind theorl..... the dd"en<WoIlIhouki "'" be liable for any ,,!.limed hann. In order 10 moor... ~ul drftftS<. the dirf.....l ....... ~ Ihao any ~ ~ with il! product ...... ".ther appar.,~ to the ..,.,......... or .... ""'qt, • I}' di:!doocd Ihmuch wamlnp Ihat ~ Ihe produa. If the ....... or con<u ...... knew '" the: llle&cd drfca and auendano risI;. and .....,nheless rroc:=Jed 10 make usc of lhe product lJId was inju"'<llt.e i. b:lrrcd froon .'!'ening • viable d aim againS! the n"","fac1Urt, or sci ..... Sa A!!i.... 335 So. 2d at 143. This def"""" is ponkulatly

opplicab~ in drug and m<dical de>oic:e cases ronsidcring tbe warnings lhatlypically aoc<>mp:tny prtsrnplion rnrdication

d. Contributory Negligence and Product Misu!ie ConuibutQl)' "'SliV'",,( ;os ~ defense under the AEMLD is defined a, Ibc plaintiff'. failu",.o u~ reasonable care with regard 10 the prodUCl at i""". Su Gem'",1 MOlors Corp. v. !iilint. 646 So. 2d S64 (Ala. 1994). An rumple in lbe C()n le.<. of th is Ii.igation would be. pl aintiff's ingeslion ofan amoonl of. drug in e.<~55 of tbe prescribed amounl or lhe plaintiff's use of a prtsrnplion drug with MOlher produCl CQntra·iJldicated for use with the prescriplion drug. One form of rontribulQl)' neglig."". in I drug cas.e is a plain_ tiff's failure 10 read a manu r;>e'u"", or selic, ', warninS". In E.H. Squibb d< Sims. Inc. v. Co.r, IbcAlab.tnu. Supreme Coun held thai a plaintiff who failed to ",ad an allegedly inadequate warning roulclll()l maintain .....glig.m failure 10 w~m ;>el;on "nl .... lhe nalure of Ibc alleged inadeq""",y " .... such Ihal ill'"'_ ,'.",.d him from reading it. 477 So. 2d 963 (Ala. 1985). PrOOUCI misuse under the AEM LD is deftned as Ibc plaintiff', use of Ibc prod""l in • man..,. II()I intcnded or uof"..,..... by lhe manufacturer or .. I~,. 5« /J<!nni, ~ American HondD MlJlor Co.. 585 So. 2d I lJ6 (Ala. 1991). The ,n3tI:<ting of mQSI drugs ar.d rnrdical de>oiees is strictly n:gUlatffl by 1M U.S. food & Drug AdminiSlration (the "FDA") under Ibc r-edrral r-ocd Drug and

Cosnlelic Ac1. 21 U.S.c. H 301_)97 ( 1999). The praClice of med· iei ..... "",",,"er. i. II()I regulated by Ibc FDA. n..,-"f~ phy$ieians. in their • • pen opinion. may use drugs for the purposes Ibc manu· fact""'. has ~n ]l"t'nIined 10 markel the prodUCl (often called an "on--Iabel"' use). or may choose-IO use !be fOf. purpose he beli",-.s benef,cial fOJ hi' patienl. though this purpose is one in whi<h !be FDA Ius IIIlt permitted lhe manufactu"" or seller 10 nwket!be prod""l lofien raIled all "off. label" usc), An unaddn:s>ed q~ion under Alabama law is wh<-tber • manu(act\lrer can be held liable for mi,"sc of its pnxIUCI in an "off·label"' manner wben !be decisioo to use the prOOtlCt in this manner WM tnade by Ibc plaintiff S physician. and IIIlt the plaintiff.




law remains relati,.. ly u,!developed in Ibc ""'3 of drug and mcdioal dcvi~ liligalion. despite 1he lremendous growth of this type liligalion in rrttnl yean> in our stale , In the roming yea ... the:AI,bama Supreme Coon will ,u",ly be MI:ed 10 build upoll itS dtti,ion, in SrQl1~. ru,..;an. Cw: and Grius in lhe: funhe, de,.. loptn<nl of Alabama law 10 "<Idn:s~ new i"ucs presented by Ihis signiftcanllitigation. • AI~b>ma

TrirIo _

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... _Ciooo<

The Al<lbarna Slate Bar lawyer Referral ~<e can provide you with an ex<ellent means of earning a living. so it is hard 10 believe thai only three percenl of Alabama attorneys partidpale In this wvi<el lRS wants you to consider Joining. The Lawyer Referral ServIce 15 not a pro bono legal seMce. Attorneys agree to oorge no morl! than $25 for an Initial ronsuhaijon, not to ex~ 30 minutes. It after \he consultation, \he attorney deddes to a«ept \he case, he or she may then marge his or her normal fees.

In addition to earning a fee for your servl<e, the grl!ater reward Is that you will be helping your fellow dlkens. Mnst rl!femtl dients have never ((lfl\acted a lawyer beforl!. Your <ounsellng may be all that is n~ed, or you may offer further servi<es. No matter what \he out<ome of Ihe Initial consultation, the next ijme they or their lt1ends or family need an attorney, they will come 10 you. For mOrl! Information about the LRS, contact the state bar at 1800) 354-6154, letting the receptionist know Ihat you arl! an attorney Inlerested In be<omlng a member of Ihe lawyer Refemtl S4!rvke. Annual fees arl! S100, and eadl member musl provide proof of professional liability InsulilrKl'.


ose Alabama Law Foundation Fellows:



oday womm in bmi-. ........... 00cl0n and women 10".,.,.. .., pn<t>ally commonpb= Bur in

\he mi<ki~1ics, the idoa of "'umcn leaving

Ihe kit<h<n for \he wortpLtce ...", no! a

JXlIIUlar ..... II IrasI "'non& \he ~i$h. monl. II _ popul;v an"",& yoo"1: Wornet1. lIIougll . Acl'UM lhe rounlry.

wornenlil<e Syd""y Sn,llh from Phenix City. AI:abruna ,,~ dcvt-Ioping an indopondrnc .spirit and realiliflg lila! thty hod a lot 10 otrcr 1Ocit!y. Smldl knt:w early on \hal she "'llCIICd Ihe dIancc 10 rnal;e her ""'" "''lOy in \he ""tII'Id. S. also ........ 11131 .... __ .......w.Jnotd_~

>kills !han I .... mijlMlO FlIbe ....... job. AfItr ~"g from RarIdoIph~baln Womon'JCoIlrpe in L~ Vi.pnia. """ Ip!'Iicd 10 Ihe Uni=siry of Alat.rna I"" ... School. " 1JOI OUt of 001~ in the en whtn women ,,_ just t..giMi"l 10 wort." Smith said .•• [ had tho desi", to "Jake il 00 my own, and I knew llw wUIlld ~ui", ~ oddj.ionallraining. My fathrr "',... l.ow~r. and I had been CJlp<Wd1O the law all my lift. $0 law ",hooI _mod \he ot.-iow dri:e. Smith '.,... *«I*d and I'f«i~ hcr JD in 1972. lin" class ..... !he Iir)lIO ~ '''')I ...... y ........... MId Arne.. AI,." ...... She ftIWl'1f:d home 10 1'heni.1 C'0Iy and has bcm pncbCI,,& law !hen:! ~ $i"",,_ She has fulfilled hcr 1ft.... of inckpondrnc:t ..... ~ much man: llwI make a ~ving. Sydney Smitll has made I dilJ=ra: in her commurury. In ~il;"" of her d<di<"alion. ,he wall indll<\OlJ ... I " .11ow of !he H

Alabama Law l'oundalion in 1999.1" 199~. the Alabama Low Foundation <Slab160

MAY 2002

Iishrd the f'dlow, ptOpIIIlO honor AIabamo t . "",,,,b... ..."'" baYc made a sipUfocani C'OOlritIUlion 10 !heir profession and Iheir~ly, There ... curmuly 127 Fellow. 0( tho Alabama Low Foundation. Fellowo pay on initiation r... and )'t'ariy dPl.'S. ~ funds ..... ustd for IaW... latN clwitabk putpClS« mat tho Fellow. Ibcm""I .·os decido Upoll. Smith consider.! il on 00n0r 10 be • pan 01 well lR'IiFCMK group. and bclie>;a in tho d>aI: tho fwndatioto hi tho Fcllowo ..,


<loin,. ~I "'"'" 10 hooclm]lO induevd illlG tho Fellows.~ doe wd. ~ I ",:as aoIually qui .. hurnl*d. I bclic\le in it! putpOiIC and think. it is a ~I ........ 10 help p:opIe..~ Smith dIdn', om:! tho FelkM.. lO ..... helpi", peq>Ic lhouJh. T1wwJh her prx.. lice. sIIC bas Iud a 1>OIltt.oble politi,,", i~ on ~ ift Phc:ni~ City on<! other_a.. In ]970. fm.m law began rtquiri"B schools oil over ....,nlral Alabama tn Il«au~ of this. many AIabarnI rchools ..... $.,11 operating uncl<r tho $OMlny of fm.m COWl as they lry 10> and main~in dcsqrqation. Buikli", _ facilities and ~ makini the Jtnallesl """"1"5 ha>"C been...t;ca lO kdonI approv.lI. Smilh bas been ",ith Ieoeral rchDoI fysIC ... in .... area 10 Iotlp lhen1 athioYe dooq:rcpIiOII and ulbmalrly. 1IIli· ll1r)" IUlUS.. ...lIich lake!; !hom 0Ul from III!I.Ia" fcdon,I 00I'IIr0I1Ind gi_ tho author· i,y bKk 10 tho local communitits. -oy helping lhesc 1)"ICmS achiove uniwy $>aIUS. I hlo ... helped 10 improve tho qualilY of educalion:' Smith said. "Returning CQII. Iml of schooh bKk to tho loc:aI communi_




Iy is vt:ry l"QiliVl':' Iloth E'tICni. Cily and Ru_1I CQIII1ly SChool.y.lOms wt1"t uniwy in tho fml mO,"m of 2002 thanb 10 Smilll', ",urt. Smilll also JCIS i.....o/vcd out!ido .... prof.......... "By vin .... of lop] wort in a &mall I I>aIIC had !be oppooUlIIiIy 10 ~ in I1lIfI)' civic I r...1 my .<kill< ... lawyer """ IIkM-.d me 10 make conuibu-



liono 10 lbcs£ P"OS'"""f i<JO.~ doe ~

Smith ..... pDidml of!be 0Iamb0r of

Commrn:e. ~ oIThe R<Kary C1ub. win be pmklenl of the Abbama Llow SchooIl'oundUion. oo:rwd on !he 00an:I of !Jar c.lmi ... " and is aotiVl' in tho Alaban .. "',"""ullion of School IJoard Auomo:ys. Thnlugh on tIw ..... lin <10<00. Smith h>s attn tho ~ for''''linns Hke !he Alabama Low Foundation bre_ 01 .... chana: ~ ptwicb lawyers lO givt bock IOIho: profl!SMorllnd !he COIlIIlOUrIily Illatp." Over my cI,* 10 )0 ~ it ......... d>aI: tho pxlioe of bw hm ba:ome I business. H~y. Iho: idea Ioas been thIllawym ..... 10 Iotlp llIo>K olw I'II'td ...;...."'.. alilhooe thIl oeed~. but bc<:ausc ollOday·. «OnOmics. lhal io toor'ICIilflClliMl.~ Smith Aid. "The Abbama Low l'oundaIion nubJc,s Ltwym to hr!p in thal they migllt J>(Jl be able '0 do withoul il. 1lI>1 is why tho fnunda· tion and its progl1tm~..., $(I importMl." •


Alabama State Bar

Annual Meeting 2002 July 17-20, 2002 . Perdido Beach Resort Orange Beach, Alabama ClE SECTIOn MEETInGS " TECHnOLOGY WORKSHOPS ALUMni MEETinGS c KIDS' CHAnCE GOLF TOURnAMEnT MEMBERSHIP RECEPTion L EnTERTAinMEnT .I. MOREl 0







Ia..yers en:! fudge. os well '" hi, awn, wil telld. "" humorcu. <rod he Ierious, inlBnperoed ~ ;nloo",,,I;"', obou! how the bo......iwlll'l'lldo opeo .... (1 24./7 ....,.....",-'11$ when ~ i. in ito lOaAoc:I"-. 0> .. oIei .... ' menI mode,' - The - . ~ 01 ~ hi

Plenary -n-.c HIgh_ kforc Chrisw.: PcI'SOMl "I. ProfcssIonaILIft ""Ide the: MedI,t _Istrom

'"""'" """.

Bench & Bar Luncheon

of Bush ..... a.on."

Spukcn Honorable

Winiom W. IIod,~

Robert Craig WoIer$, e5q. l'IJbIic Inlormotioo Officer Florida Supreme Court loIohossee, Florida

The entire,..,.jd Iocu.ed m II'fOS on Florida lor 36 doy.leading ... ht eIecIion 01 he .43rd PresicI.nt 01 ht UMod SIoIe$. 0...- speaker reA.os "how ~ Ii/" becomes ....... )'DU ho.... 10 heM. arn-.::I ~"""')'<IU 9" DI,.IIoide, cn:Iltwe 0111 poIiao "'ipen on fle rooi. of '*"*'r building>: Tho,;, (1 dynamill! rro,.hi.mec/<. prmentation yoU. no! """"'I 10 mill. "', the in~ say from the man w!.o, <ning Oioocdoles from


MAY 2002

CoIifomia ~ of Appools Sank! Ano, Calilomia The notionolly lyndicaIed coIurnni>l en;! <Mhor ....... hi, reoI-li!8 say 01 penctI(lII aioi. in (1 blend cI t....nor <WId imigN IhaI .....;.


in$pire )'DU

Membership Reception Pooisicle




Grand Convocation " Wlnnlns YOIJ. I.Ik

Spok.. "

While WllWllng cases,

Michoel Werm"'"

Maintaining .loy and Health In tile "'acUce

Arlington, Vi,gin>o Member 01 the ABA Slonding Commil!ee on law cod National Security


.John V. McShone, eIq. Dolk;.., leJ<c.

Family & Crimino l low .pecicli.1 and naTionally occloimed author spe<:iolizing in ochieving pook performooce, core&< re.i1Honc8

and ~uali ly·oI·life ''''leO. Five m;"","" into hi. pre!oelll<Jrioo, John M.cSMne win hcr.e you oonvinced of hi. notoriety os a elf .peoker on high pertorl'l"lClllCf! lawyering. Comb;ning hi, POlr.ion for

krw and helpir>g <>!hen, our Friday keyr<>le speaker, a boon:!·cerlifiad .peeiolis! in bnily ond crimi""" bw, will >Iot1 you on your way 10 "balancing the scoles: Two·hovr worhhop JO follow

• Alabama State: Bar Cocktail Party • Alumni Receptions

Wennuth is Senior Policy Analyst for RAND. He i. proiect diredor lor the worl. of RAND in connection with the Advisory Panel to k ..... Domestic Response Copabiliries lor Terron"" Im.:>Iving Weopons 01 Mo .. Cle$tnxtion. He 1>0. S&rVed o. Depvty Aui>lonl Secrelafy 01 Defer,,,, lor Drug Enloroomenl Policy and been exletl.iveIy involved in implementation 01 the rr",iden(s Notional Drug Control Stro!e<Jy. Wennuth noti.... 01 Alabama and " ~ 01 1M AIoIXllno Stole Bar.


PLUS . ' . • CLE Opportunities in the Mornings - Afternoons Free! • Alabama Law Foundation Annual Golf Toumament


Terrorism -

Counter Terrorism: Justice ys. Security

Co·sponsored by the Alabama Slate Sor and the USAF Counter proljferotion Center of Air War College, Maxwell AFB, Alabama PANEU5TS, • Dr. BolT)' Scnoeider, director, USAF Counter ProiileroJi"" Center,

Air War College, Maxwell MB, AIoba...., • Robert T. Thetford, esq., FBI (re/.J. Montgomery, AloOO...., • l.aurie Wood, di,8CIor 01 """"rch, Soulhem Poveoy Law Center, Montgomery, Aloborr.::. • Gregory Nojeim, <JW>CioIB director <:wi <hieF 1egislatM> courueI, Arnerion\ Civil Uberties lIrlion, Wo.hinglon, D.C. Septembe< 11 chonged tI>e woy we think obout our world. The world i, 01", chaosing. AI Oaeda is no! the only threat. Who hal the copcx:ily 10 de.tmy us? Mg" co$UOlti ... YO. moimoining 0 poIiticol bose? Who! obout the Patriot'. Bill ond orhet-legi.lorion and odmini,trotive oct>? W'hot about dome.tic threa!'> 01 all kind, (hate group" anti-government, environmenlol th,eonl? INhot about the Ie... of ,ivilliber!ie,? 'Nhot about the rule al bw? Where i, the bolonce? Is there a boloncfl7 This timely worIcshop i. a Featured .howcose 01 the 2002 ,,,,,venti,,,, program. Ample time has been bYilt in so you con have your <!,,,.. tia,,, answered by the expem.

VI'it OUr "'~bsjt~

ANNUAL MEETING 2002 fo, upd.}1~1 July 17-20, 2002 Perdido Beach Resort .nd addilJol>el

'111....... ,;on!




2:00 p.m.. ':00 p.m. SOARD Of 8M ~ERS'


':00 p.m .• 5:00 p.m. MClE ~ MEm<>

DISCFI.NAl1Y 80ARD MEETN> ,:00 ,....... • M:IO ,.......

10:1$0.... · 11 :1$0.m. .~ Ihe SccoI.; • .."oI.q Oecto .. oic Co", Moo..".. •• ~""" Trd F'lopao"","'"

Sponoor.d by DigiIoI ~ ~. ILC

1001$0.m. · ll :I$0.m. ~ lAW NSTrIUTE

'''''''' Mffiffi

"'" """""""

10:1$0..... · 11:'$0..... "Iosic ito ~ Pb."og Ie.. Ihe Gow.aI F'l0d01ioo.'


""" "'"'PREV£W 2002 EARlY yt[l

R..J J'\otprly. ~ and Trw Sodicwo



7:30 0 ..... . ':'5 O.m. ~ lAW ro...t>llAJl()N TlIUSTEES' B.ltEAKFASI 7:30 0.'" • 8:'5 O.m. CHUSTlAN lfGAL soam


8:00 0.'" . ..00 p.... AI'HJAl MEm<> R:EGtSTlWION 8:00 O.m. • 2:00 po ... """ """ 2002 9:000 ..... · 10:00 0 ....

"""'" """" """'" ~:.'::4a:--.Pt;'i.iJIo~ ... ~ ~ .... " oI8uo11",. GonI" Robort Craig WaIon. -"I.

I'IobIic: •0100 .......... ClHicow fIooicIo Court r.:.IahouM, Florida

10:00 a.m.' 10:15 a.m. lIREAJ(; - VoSIT lfGAL EXPO 2002 10: 1$ 0 ..... · 11 :1$ a.m.

' A.Iobama ~ Re/oom, ". R.aIy w.n? How Do We r.. II?"


100U ....... · I1 :UCUiL

.""'0....,- 1'Yoaoc:oI Aobilo ...... 01 E"opIu,,,., Cansidorc6ono. ~

and Practico r'll"' Jabcr and f;.tkrr.. ~ tow Sec!Ic:wo 10: 1$0 ..... · 'lawyon.

,, :1$ ........

a...... & Mon:oI Rosponsi>itoty:


em 0 Good ~ Be Go:xI?" CM>Iom legal Society and N

1 $4

""""'" ""



100Uo.m. · ll:U,....... "Coo1airoIy Suing SaIdon " Not~" COO ...... '"'~~ ~ (VlPJ/AI::ootu., togaI.s.n;".. Coo ,•••_ cI N AIobamo SIo:oIo So:.11: I$a.m.· l ' :3O".m. SR:EAJ(; - VISIT lfGAL EXPO 2002 11:30 a.m.• 12:30 p.m.

EN.IOY YOUR AfTERNOON /IJ 0ItANGE BEACHI 2:00 p.m . . 2:30 p. ... 'fCiOI',K; lAWYERS' SECTION IlUSNESS MEfim , :1$ p.rn. . $:30 p. ...

.JiJ!: "" """"" !ipoo .....


AIobamo cltow;Cuonioab'" $cIoooI cI tow; ......,.....1. Co:oc:po< & GaIot. "c., &oolow;a,~. bom


& KtnIon-. ~~ Rob;.,..... & Soo •...4. UI'; orJ ~ FronI:Iioo & \\.1oiIo, UC 5:00 IU".. 6:00 p.m.

""""""" """"'" s,--.d by

""""" """""

8altIo & ~. UP ...d~Coopoo""""

5:30 p.m.' 7:00 p.m.

"Bab>tirog w WoMooxI: How 10 w..c. SIreN and tig/"oo<o ... Load wiio Prtop. ~ 01 ....

-""""" e...:to

fu..... "ic~UC

8ead! Dod (Bo:A ...." .. COMo 01 rain!

'"'"'"" .......

f ~o ............ oIl-ond"_ _ Irtom "-<ido Reooo1'. G.oI CO<>SI l...... I:oo:rI

0D.d:0. Rori</a

11 :30 ....... . 12:30,....... •.... w-h- UpcIaIo; 2002'"


Iico. Sodicwo

11 :30 ........ · 12:30,....... "s...-/;ng Ie.. ScoI.I.ons? 'Moat E-y

.......,...,., IPbnliff or o.ion.e! S!-ouId Knew AboJI ADII Tadoy"

Aki>ano c...... '" DiIpufIt~. ito Aki>ano .'iloilo So:.- and;" 80m-

iog/oam 8ar~ Ceo ....... 00 ~t.Wtod.clDiIpufIt~ 11 :30 ....... . 12:30,.......

:::k:J ~""'..:... , ' '..IP!q:M-fy


11:30 ~ . 12:30,....... A1T0ItNEYS INSURANCE MJTlIAL Of ~




7:30 0 ..... · 1:'5 ....... FARRAH QR(l£ROf ~ QR(l£R Of 1lE COf' 81tEA1(fASl


"""" "'"''''



8:00 o.m. • • :00 p. ....


8:00 o.m. • 2:00 ...... """ "'"' 2002 9:00 0 ..... . 10:00 o.m.

12:30 p.m .. 2:00 p.m. SENCH ..-"..0 BAR lLNO£ON

Special "'-*>1ico~ Speokor: Han. W •• """, W. ~ Cc:oIjlo::om", Coun 01 ~. Scrota 1>«:., CoIilo::om",

"""" ~""'" Y.... LJ......,...... W.....,;,-og -W.... ing

eo... -

MoinIoining .loy ...d

IieoIIh in on. Pro::tice oilow'" .lcohro II Mc.Shano, eoq



l0:00a.m. · 10:15a.m. ~ - \f\S(IlfGAL EXPO 2002

10:15 a."'" - 12:15 p.m.


'Dimlily lew UpcIote 2002"'

...... """"""

low Off;,;,. 'N>< "'9<" '" III

Solo & SmoI Finn Corroni""",

Poraakour: "W"iMng y.,... lile While W .... ng

"'""" """"'"

11:15 a.rn..· 12:30 p.m.

"UpdaIe: ~ 01

Di1tblify low Sodion

10:15 a.m.' 12:15 p.m.

PRESiDENT'S RECEProN 5,30 p.rn..' 1:30 p.m. ~R5/IY Of AlABAMA SCHOOL Of lAW Al.I.Ji,'NI RECff'l"ICl"' 5:30 p.m.· , ,30 p.m. ClJM8ElUAND SCHOOL Of lAW


"Fnmil)-lew/Don-e.Ik IIeIaticou UpcIote: 2002"' Fc.niIy lew Sodion 10:15 a.m.' 11>45 a.m.

5:00 p.m.· ,HKl p.m.

Ted-.dogyWoOOhop 'Wiming wi'I. I kwclxol

,,30 p.m.

As>i>led living Focil ....• Elder-Iow Seciict.


11:30a.m.• 1 2:3Or···~m~._ , . "1...,.,. in """"" Inloo 'OIl ..... lew'"

1nM. oaIb rullew Sodion

eo... - ~ »t

"l'arher.hip .... Paooort.ood: SIroIegie> Ie> ~ Do 80th" Womon', Seciict.

and Health in ;., I'roxIiao 01 lew'" .loI.n V. McSI-o>o. ""I. DoIa., le>:o.

12"'5 p.rn.' 2:00 p.m. THE MI\LO MCOlIRf KEUY 10:15 a.m.' 12:15 p.rn.. Warbhop: "Tem:.i"" - Co....iar Totron ....: lJ5Iice .... Securily"" Alabama SIOIo Bar and USAF Coonll\< PrnIilomtion Conter

SATURDAY, JULY 20, 2002 8:00 a.m .. 9: 00 a.m.

HEALTlf( START ORClJlT BRfAKFAST .loin be... mmmiWaner>. iI>d!:te> 0<Id

<oIoo:rgr ... from)'OUt" ci"':";' k an ",1aOmC:O broo:Most gel 41<11....

9:150.m.·l l ,150.m.


"""" CCfflOCAOON Spealer. Mi<haeI MngIon, Votginia


Wcmon\ Sodion

AM Slanding Cammi_ on

12:30 p.rn.. - 5:00 p.m. 1005' O<A.NCE GOlf SCAAMSI.E

cl Air w.. CoIege Mo.>cweI AlB, Alabama


lew 0<Id National Security 11 ,150.m. BOARD OF BAR CCitM'OSSIONERS





KIDS' CHAnCE GOLF SCRAMBLE oin u, lor an uiIoo ''''''', cJ gooIf '" Orange fIeocI, mode _ """'" ......,.,jjng by !hal '1""'", moking Q diffe< in Q J"'U'l9 pOI"SCO"O·,liIo. Sign up lD play in .... 8Ih Arnr.>r:rI Kids' Chonoo Golf SO .... ,.bIe <rI 5oId""", Creek Golf Presotve.


The Kids' Chonoo SdraIcnhip Fund pr<Wido. ~ips Jar <hi-'*-' -..ho have had Q penni liled ..... p"", ..... ..ty and IotaIy di.· abIed in on on·!he-job injury. Kid,' Chonoo ...,. MIabIi"-! in 1992 by ..... ~' ~1GIion 5edion. 5ioctr "-' "'" have awarded sehoIonJ,ips Ie> 74 wdetm, """'Y cJ w!rom ""'*I no! be abIrr k> <lIIor..J <doge wi"""" .,... help. In 1975, Pel 9""'" ""'*I ........ up lD 8.4 perarnI cJ a b..---..o ........,.. caI.go <0<1>. By 10" year, !hal """""'" had droppod lD 39 perarnI. ri 'I"" are unable 10 play in .... k>umamrrnl. pIome ~ ~ 0 hole. The worl.on' ~1GIion Section _ioIeo )'OUt"


F","" Ccuhrn, d.:rir

GOLF SCRAMBLE ENTRY FORM ~~ -----------------------------------------------

Addrm' ________________________________________________________________ Ci~


Office "lelephor", ____________________ Home Telephooe Individuol P\oye< Hole Sp::>n~ip

Hale Sp::>n~ip & 1 P\oye< SIo! Hale

$8' $250


Sp::>n~h;p & 4 PIoye.Slat. $500 TOTAl ENCLOseD




Handioop ____


PlEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: KIDS' CHANCE SCHOlARSHIP RJND or Ptease bi ll my credit cord: O VISA 0 Mar.te<Cord 0 AMEX Cord No. ___________________

$ ____ $ ____

Expi,cmon, Sigrroture_

''''''' :~===========

If you do not hov& a loom, you will be poi,eo:! with onothe.. player. F..... further inlonnalMln, conlocl ' racy Daniel at 8QO..3S4·61S4.



ANNUAL MEETING 2002 July 17-20, 2002

PERDIDO BEACH RESORT HOTEL RESERVATion REQUEST I rt><>n'I "*, you "",II ....... .,... rt><>n'I no law ...... JUNE I,." 2002. R"'JUhIS aIw Ihi....... wil II. honcnd booed on a.oilobility. and.-.gular radt.- wiI apply.

10 oruuno "'" you ...... It,....... 1H(






•• '. ' p .....

'-"-.'.'-'.. _-----------,~

Arri-d Pay/Oat. ____________ o..poo...... Pay/Dolo _____________

"""'" "

NurrO. aI ChiId<.n


OMIc:hn >lOy he in porft'. rt><>n'I. R<Ms "'" lor single ... daubIo accupancy. Add $10 lor ...m OOd;Iiaoal ~ in rt><>n'I. <:> S10 <hargo Ior...m ~ bood Of crh Tho opoociaI .... ~ Ia king and daubIo .........

n... ;,.


Ill! 100M IA1E PlEf£IIED:

o ~/OOUlIlf:


o FOOl V£W: ' o GIAf fRONT: '






o NC)N.SM()I(N;

'Pool V_ & Gulf Ff"I>IlIlimitod """*-, ~'" ...".... Ii.... ........d _____________________________________________________



Plea.. bi" III)' cred;. cord:



VISA ~ Expr....

""" ...



0 0

Ma,IttCard Diner'. Club

0 0


Cotto 8Iorcho

....... ""'------


I'U.UI froW(f OlIO( PAYA8lE TO POIlIDO IEAOl tESOI1. DO NOT SEND rumNCT. u.NC:El1Ar1ON I'OUCY: SI-Io:I ca II Moo, cE!hi, .......... boo - - t , ..... wiI boo nopwoally p"""'*lh _ ....... off;oo;,. no law ...... . :00 p.m., ....... cloy. pi...- Ia .,... am...! dcry. SI-Io:I caoooluii.... oo:ur aIior !hi, .... Of ~ It,. hoIoI i, no! naIiIi.cI 01 ca : I' .'oo •• 1h. clopo.iIwil no! boo~. Who", wo"":;''I!, pIooo:o.. .......d)OUr wo"""''oo. """*-. In It,._ you.......d Ia cI.:k ..... pi...- Ia your t<04'f1rmed dep:ortu .. cIt>I., pIooo:o .. """Ir i.e ....,... prior Ia Of (I! check·in. AIle. Iho.. will boo .... eatiy ~ .. lee 01 SO po<c.nI 01 .... daily roll. CHfCK~ \'\ME i, . :00 p.m. CHECKOUT TIME i. noon.

a..o.. ""


Mil" 11l0l


ANNUAL MEETING 2002 Mf 17-2fJ, 2002 • Perdido Beach Resat

ADVAnCE REGISTRATion Advoncf, 'O!I9i$trotion forms MUST '"' RECEMO NO LATER THAN JUNE 28, 2002. Cooc:..Hcrion. with full ,efund. may be reque,ted through noon, Fridoy, July S, 2002. PlEASE PRINT


Sp::..M/Gu...t Nome

PIoo.. i..!iro\o any dielory ,.,~"



0 Other:

I'Ioa... ......d u.b .. <IIioo. portoining to> lor !he disabled. v.hcoI i.



"'!he dioabili!y1 0 A..dby

REGISTRAJION fEES !A Umiled """""" 01 reduceti regi:llralioro ",. ~ip> "'" """ilabS,. Ccrob:t .Y.ano:. Regi,fnItion By Jun. 28

_ _

fuh""'Judge> Anoomey> odm illed to bar 5 J"'lOf' or Ie..


Non·Member (does


owlY to opou../g..oeot '" "'IIi.Iran!1



Aft. Juno 28


Fntkoy. July 19. 200l _ forroh Ordoo- 01 Jo.oi>pn>dooce/Ordoo- 01 tho Coif Joroe.s School 01 lew llreakfo" _ Bimoioghorn School 01 lew SreoIcfo:,,, _The Moue! McClure Kelly Aword Lurocheon


f ...

S97.5O $97.50








No. 01 rocket>

8ench & Sor I.undoeon ........ 0l:000 ,hip Reception/Go.oll Cocos! JoA,iIee ICo,," bar. children 12 01 ..-.der ore free)


tI.e AJobomo SIo:>Ie Bar for dMoils./


0I'TI0N4l. EVENT IlCJ(ETS Thursday, July 18, 2002 _ C!vi.1ioe Legal Society SreoIcfo.!



• •

N/C 520.00 "". $30.00 eo.

0 0

SI5.00"". 510.00"". 5 12.50 ea. $25.00 ea.




,, , ,, ,, ,,

_ PresioWor. forewell Reception llimit 2!ideto pet regisl<on!) _ Curnber\ond School 01 low R~ _ UnO-lily 01 Aloboma School 01 low Recept;on

• • • 0

$25.00 ea. $25.00 ea.

SofoJrdoy, July 20, 200l _ Heohhy SIo:lrt (j""it Bo-eokfcSl


$5.00 ea.

$_ _ _


$ _ __

, s___

TOTAl FEES TO ACCOMPANY fOItM API'IIOPRlAfE PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY REGISTRAJION fORM.. PoyrnenI by check or o:r«ii! cord i. reque.!ed. Ched..1or regi.trotioro/lidelS.houId be ~ p<¥lbIe to tho AIcboma Sk>!e 800-.

OR PIoo.. bill my o:r«ii! cord,




Mo,1o!<Cord Cord No.

MAIL REGlSTRAJION fOItM & PAYMENT TO: 2002 AIInuaI Meeting. AIcboma SIoIo Sa,. P. O. Sa,., 671 , MO..IgOo ..... y. AL 36101





'" Ie oI Authority.



Summary Of Key Prouisions Of The Rcl With ~, 10 Ibe bu,;_ or issuin, li,1e rommitmtnlJ and policies in !he SUit. !he Act: Eslablisllcs I ~no:y r<'<!Uin: ..... nl ill <II'dtr for person. or lep.I.n"'~ 10

... rve as an .«<en' or. tille ;MUrN.


n May 17, 2OO1.Go .... mor Don Siti.ln1.n llano:<! inlO law ACI No. 2OO1-4%. k"""'n:,os!he

o !tequila. a< a '''In(Ii,;o,, 101M iss\WlOe of a ~timinary 1qIOIt. ro.nmilm_n, or 'ide pot~y. I iCarch of !be re.1 prop....ty record. "",in!air...:! in ,he OrrK'C of the judi_ of proN,e in ,he coun,y in whieh ,he re~1 """",l1y Is lilu.1,ed through such period of 'ime u ••tabli,hed by ,he UlJo insurer, or !be obtain· ing 0( an ai>slra<' or ,i,le orinion.

Requi .... . itle in'u ...... ,o obtain a CMilie.t_ of Authority for each as_nt of the insure, in the ual<. and pay 1M fee ..."ci.l<d 'he ....... i'h. TIlle I..""""", MI of 2001

(Act), and "'hi<:h ha. been codif~ al sectim 27-25-1 ~I KII.• CD<k of.4J.oboma (Su"". 2(01), ~ pnwisiollS ollhe Act b«ame effecti ... OcIobtr 1.2001. Ikfo:n pa5SI&C of this !epslatioft. m. bu"DCU ottilie in$urance inAlabama was umqulalcd. EriJtin& .....U1~ bad (lOlly ,,"1i.....,"'titJe insunna: and addraKd con"",, " , O>'e< whether __ Ia"")'el'l npaed in !hal busiDCU infri"IQIllpOll\he practice or law.> Moo: tIwo • qu.ann 01. raIIury aller !he Alabama Supan. Cow! rultd !ha! \he Ossu.ance of lille commitmtDIS odd poti· cies did """ roNIitu,e the u... uthoriud pncticc of law.' and ,,-ilh the prenlenoe tille iMuruce in IOday'J ",01 neal. ~ions: the er>aclmenl of 50111< form of feiul~ion of the buiiness of title ins"ran<:<: in this "ale wa$ ovrol ....' Thi. arI~k! ", .. iew.lhe: key provisions of !he AC1. up]a'''' bow !hoy will affecllhe \>.I.;ness of i!.Suing tille oommiuntnl$ and politie •. and then discusses how adopIion of (he Act sbooIld affect <eftain 'caal iss ..., ";,illj in the cooltxl of [i~. M




Li mits !be lmI)UJII oi,i .... in ,",'h"'h. title policy c.... be I<.wed.. and pI"O'"idH • mo-tbod b)' ...'bich .... u'.",ion of thai .i"", ""'y be ohtlIined. •

EMah~"'-s. rt-qu ...........

thai. ,. a •. LOin 1nrIIaCtions•• """'~ mu>l ac~~ in ...Tili.,. the rtCC:'PO 01 nOOce thai 0WIl0Cf', ';'k illSU,..,oo U

avaibble. Rt:qu~

tilJo in"""",,,, file ptl'tIIium and prohibots dIaoi"'l • "",m, · wn for title ;nswatoce in on amount thai i ..... or ""a"" ...... lbe filed ~. If ..,..i~ ..... ...., available thtoug/llbe ,itle insu ..... those "'lQ muS! abo be liled and. prior policy muS! be p<01Iided ber..... Ibe ..·110>'" cmji, can be applied. nICS.

Au'hori .... !be Insurance COll1miu.iooer. in cases of viol3"on of the Act. to ", .. 01<. an agent', eMir",.,_ of Auohority. ",\'00;_ ,he littnse iSlued to ~ ,id_ in'u ...... an.JIor impos.e. fi"" "'"gin, from $500 to $~.OOO for cach violation.

1111 ,',H,,,,

I ''''1k



Ihe ReI's Impact On Ihe Iille InSUIance Induslly In Rlabama Scope 'IlIe Aot 3ppli~\ to allt ;.le i"su~rs and title age"1S " '00 art engaged in "'" bus;· !'It.. oftille insurance. A tille agent is defoned as "any "',..",., who is authorized in writing by . tille insllJ'tr (0 ... (0) «:>lici' title insu .. nc. oosiness; (b) collect

premiums: (el de'ermiJle insurability in accordance with underwriting rule••• landords and guidelines prescribed by "'" title insurer: and (d) i.. ue title commitmenlS. policies Of e~menlS of the title insu", •. ~ 27.5.3(1). A 'itle insure, i. defined as "[oJ company "'Eaniud under"'" laws of .his $I.(1Ie Of licensed in this slale for the purpose of uansacling as insure" ,he bu,;ne .. of lille iruur:lJ\Ce .... and any foreign or .Iien tide insu"" licen.<ed 10 be engaged in this state in !he M

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business of ride iMu,..,..,." ...~ ; 27·25· 3(9). "I'll< AOl adopI. tile dofinition of '"!be business of tir~ in$u",,,,,,,"' as SCt forth in seer;oo 27-5-10. Cod" of Alabama ( J9n). ""mely. ··jnsu,..,..,., of o";nors of propeny. or others !\a"inl an int.",,, tlle",in or lien. or encumbranc.. the"""" .g.inSl loss by encumbra,..,.,. or def..:tive titles. or invalidity or ad,..,rse olaim to rit~:' Id."I'II< Act does nor regu, I"e the prac!i"" of law.

Vv'ho Can Be An Agent Seerion 4(a) of the AN e,tabli$he$ rui· doncy requirements for agents. In perti. .... nt pan. this provi.ion prohibits issu:u>c<: of a policy imuring on inre",st in propeny .itwoted in Alabama ~lulnltsS the person or 3.j!ent issuing tile title insur-.mee policy i. domiciled in or i. OI11erwi .... bo"" fido .... idont of and ",.ides within this "ale, or i$' panIIeT' ship. associarioo. rorporation. or other legal e ntity properly orgonized or exisr i", under the law. of this .tat.-- (e mpha· sis added). ~ 27-254(0). Therrfort. in om.-.. to q""lify 0$ a title agent. "person must (I) if on individual. be domiciled in or a resident of Alabama; or (2) be an niSlinl e nt iry. such as a pannership. cor· poratioo. or limired li abiliry company; or (3) organ;'" and create an entity. such as • panncrship. corporalioo. or limited Iii' biliry company. under an Ala bama busi. """ organilAlrion statute. "I'll< legislative intent of tbe Act "'as to limil the a uthority of title in$\lr-ance agentS to resident individual citium and to bus.i ..... s entities organized under the laWll of Alabama. "IlIe impact of rhi s ",strier;on has been relt most by n.,ional agenLl of title insure~ (i.e .• agents " 'bose agency contract with a 'itk insu",r P"f' milS the agem to wrile in mulliple States) and agentS rrom neighboring .tates. Ewe" thoogh S«rion 10-2B·I.28. Cod~ of Alabama ( 1975). establishes the frame, work for fortign corporations to otxain authorization 10 tran<8Ct bu.i ...... within the Stare. a corponlion being qualified to

condoct toJsiness in Alabama i. no longer $\Iffkien!. Likewise. S«tion 108A·lOO6 pro~ides a mechanism for the registnltion of r"",ign "'gilrered limire<T liabililY panntrships. S«lion 10-98 -901 provide,. similar mecbanism for fortign limited panncrships and Secr;on 10-12· 47 established the means by which a for· eign limited liabiliry company acquire. a uthori","ion to conducr bu,iness in Ala bama. Ho..... .... '. a fortign enti,y existS purs"antlO lhe ".tule within the ,taU! in wbicb it is organized. Only emities organized pursuant to one of .IIe Alabama organizalional alt.m.ti ..... "organized or exi.ring under the law, of this staU!" and. therefor.. qualified ro have an applieation for 3 ctnificate of authority lO ac. as an agent of a title insurer in Alabama filed on lheir behalf. § 27·25-4(1).


The Certif"tcate of Authority Totk illSU"'rs m,," <>brain an annual Certifioate of Authori'Y from rhe Insurance Commissione-r for each agent of the "'"'pony within the stare. Agents writ· ing for mu!tipk ,;t~ insu"," will possess a CenifieaU! of Authority obtained from lhe Depanment of 1n>W"3/1Ce by each title insurer for "'oom thc agent wril'" It is not """"ssary rO obrain 3 cenificaU! for tarh person within an "iency ",ho is authorized to sign commitments. policies and endorsements. n.. cenifieare atrache!l to the agency. and any mem~ of thc agency that i$ authorized by the rit le iruurer to sign commitmrntS. policies and endorsements is autlloril.ed to do .., un<lotT th.ll ""n if\CaU!. l k responsibility for <>braining the agency', ""nif"''',", ",st. upoo the ririe in$\lrer. An annual issu"""," f"" of SSO is imposed. Jl is the resportSibility of the ti~e i",u",r to otxain and pay the issuance foe for .a.cb Abbal1\ll .gem of thc insurer. The respoo,ibiUly to acoomplisll com· pliance with the ~idency rcqu~ments of thc Act i< placed upoo lhe ritle insure ...

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• Establishes a residency requirement in order for persons or legal entities to serve as an agent of a title insurer.


agents from oulSide the .we, as


as agen .. wi!hin the stale organized under the la>o.'$ of 0lJ'00lh<,- , lat. ;>nd desir, ing 10 write ~tIe ins ....."""" in AI3bama. muSl. as a condilion of the in,..,..,.', making appIioation fo< • Conificale of AulhOOly on ~balfofw agen~ ..ti.fy the in,""" of its oomplionce. l1Ie Dcranmenl of Insu"lIIoe win only appro>'e a lille in,urer', appli<:01i<ms for C.,.,if",ates of Authority for title insur· ance agents if the ~gents for whom appli_ calion is made are (a) individu~ls resid_ ing within Alabama, or (b) an Alabamad(lmicil~ e ntity (i.e .. an enlily Of8anized pursuanllo one of the AlaNma Of8ani ... Iklnal alternatives). l1Iere are 1\0 limil' _ tion. as to who can Own. tille in'um~ agellOy or any inleresl ""'rein. A "",,·resident individual can, lherefore. form an AIabaJrd. corpo""ion, IimilM liability oompany, eto .. which oan then """,ive a Ceniftcal. of Authorily from the Dcpanmenl of Insu"""", on application made by the 1ill. insurer, even though the individual is not. residenl of Alabama. In :oddilion. a litl. insur." may also require the agent to nOCule an Alabam3 agellOy oonl"",' mther than allow the agenlto acl pu"uanllo an existing rontnIOl wi'" the insurer.

Time WJthin Which To Issue Policies

may also authorize. I.t .... dale wi"'in ...·hich to issue policies in pankular tmnsaclions. This pro,i,ion of the Act is process ",n.ili". A •• resull, agents and ins"",,.. with dire<1 operalion, ....·00 did IlOl have s sy".m for monitoring the sali.faclion

policy oan be i"un!. For transac_ tions in ...·hi<:h oommilmenlS are not i.sued. bul premiums for lill. illSuranee are OOIl""t~. litle polioies muSt be issu~ wilhin 60 from lhe eff"",ive dale of each pohcy. l1Ie '"effecli,·. dale of lhe polioy~ i, defined as "!Illte dal. and time the instrumenl oonvoying the intCreSllo be in,ured is recorded." § 27-25-4(0). If I oornmiuncnt i, issllol'd and a premium i. paid, lhe policy IOuS! be i..11M within 60 day. after lhe Schedule D-l requirements and condilions are ""'i'fied. The lime wilhin which polioi.. must be ;..11M may be eXlended under cenain cireumllancU. For rumple, if an insurer i, asl:ed to insure an inleresl of a proposed insured whose lille i, derived by .inue of an inslrument recorded prior 10 the dale that the requeSt is made. the '"6O--day rul.'" does IlOl apply. Insurers ~II.

manner .rr.."

• R ondition to the issuance of a preliminary report. commitment or title policy. a search of the real property records maintained in the office of the judge of probate in the county in which the real property is situated through such period of time as established by the title insurer. or the obtaining of an abstract or title opinion. of Schedule B · 1 requirements of cOmmilment< and the lime in whi~h policies are ultimately i.. u~. ha .. had to impleme"t a 'y".m of t""'king and iSIuing poUde. in • timely manner. Agenl, and in.urers wi1h systems in place h'''"e had to revi .... their proces, for oompHanee wi'" this provision.

S«lion 4(0) of lhe ACI imposes limila-

nom on the leng'" of lime in whioh.

fo< the benefil of lhe lille insurance com_ pany rr<J""'led to ;"\Ie its policy or policies of li~e iMurance,'" Id . TIle term ".1ls1nlCI of lille'" i, defillol'd as • '"compi. lation or wmmaJ)' of all illSlruments of public ..,..,...j of ,,·ltato,", kind or nature ~11e 10 a 'PO»" 'hich in any

rltle Examination Required 1.5 a condilion precedenl to i"uing a '"preliminary repon. commitment. binder. policy or rontract of lille insu""",e,'" seclion ~ of lhe Acl requires insure" and agents of insurers issuing the policy 10 perform, Of " '. . oonducled on their behalf, a ",areh or eXaminalion of IiI Ie. or 10 obtain an ab"""'t. or 10 obtain. lille opinion. TIle lenn '"search/examination'" of title i, defined as a '"search of the records in the office of the jud~ of probato in the coonly where the ~I propeny i. situated through ' u.t:h period of time .. is """"pt. able to the title i .."",r.'" § 27·25-3(10). If this search is performed in cormection wi'" the issuonce of a preliminary report. commitmenl or binder. "'is ",archlcumi_ nation is deemed to be performed '"solely

ifled parcel of real propeny.-' § 27_2.'i_ 3(1). The I""" '"opinion of lill." is defined .. a ...... rilten ""pression of the .",,", of litle ... based upon an ""Imina· liOll by an atlClm<'y ~I law ...·ho i. licell.l«d 10 prac~ce law in Ihis ''''te. of in,""men" of public ..,..,...j Of an abstraolwreof affecling litle 10. specifted parcel of =1 propeny, ..." § 27-25·3(3).

ride Insurers Must File Rates Punuanl to section 6 of the Act. each tille in""", doing busineu in AlaN"" must file w;tIt the Insur&nOe Commission ilS .dledule of premium ",I... In connection wi'" the filing of ...,otes, the ACI pr0hibit.<: (I) A '"person, tille iMultt, .gency, or agem" from charging "any premium rate for any policy or contract of lille iMu"""", ex""", in acconlanc:<:" wi'" the filed """: (2) premium rebates 10 the ill$nred: (3) the filing of lIeiOIiated or bid rates: and (4) the applying of .... issue credil unless the prior title ;..""''''''' policy i, physioally prod""ed. f 27- 2Hi. In order 10 u.......... land the prohibition, ;1 i. impunanllo consider lhe Ace'""",,_ ment of the lerm ''premium.'' TIti, lerm i, defined .. "the ftt. oharged fo<

..... nunl liability and n,k W>der , lillt inlu ... """ policy: t 27·25·l(6). While ,toe Atl not reaul .. t ,toe be,wun ,he ur>derwrilt, and lhe "'11""1 as 10 1hI< di_ision of the pKmium. ,hi< do:fi· MJOn 0( pKmium includn ..... y ........... ~lAlIlN by or paid 10 III .,.,111 uDder .. lC'ft"",nl be! ...-cen the qen' and the Ulle in>"~ COIIIpM)': Id. "" rem



in A]abama ~ filtd ~Iswe ""t•. A ...1e i. a 1eu<-r ...1e .... hich may be ch~rg.d for. policy in.uring. I',,,,,haser of ~>l .....e from ascII .. whost lille II>en:CO Iw been previoul]y in.ured.<ew,,,, ....·brn an "IlpIicMiort for. kI<uI pohcy i, made and the bo.Im>Io-cr·1 illler· eloI In 11.. property il insuml uDder an "",,,"', policy OfIlloe propeny. the boo-. ~i.Il.",

..............ho transf... 0 KCWily inlCn:sl II> • lende, (i.e.. re-finances.); and (6) whon a

pur'th:o"", has .lec1ed ' 0 ""''''',. lille in,ulWlCC II or prior 10 closing. or if • "'"cr has .1ec1ed or is reqUIred by ron· Ir"a<I lo 1"""1<10 "'"" ...... bIle i......,.,..., '" the pwrhMcr. t 27·ll-7(e).. In the C¥eta dial • title . . . . 11\lId...,..,..· Iy fal].110 ~ ihc ~'. 5ignao.ur't on the no6co, !he Act pro"o'icb 1Iw this fail"n: can be cun:d al a ny tin ... !he Ir;lII.\aOIion has eJoocd. by 1Cndl", a No.lce 01 A"",Iabi~ly to the purthascr II !he por. c!mcr', 1asI-boIo.... ~ by cenirocd maol·..,..,. n:ccipt "'<1' ....... This omis-$ion, ~. musI be cun:d prior 10 ,,'0;0;""" actual or a)it)INC1Jvc no6co <W I claim or polCfttial olaim apin" !he lille .


• Requires title insurers to obtain a Certificate of Authority for each agent of the insurer in the state. and pay the fee associated therewith . "I'h'mium" does no! include: (I) .xpens· eJ for I,,",

perfOfIDa""" 0( $C .... 1Cn .... h

as oI:>w'anin" se-an:hilll and aamininl IltIcs. or ....... ninl. litie "",nion; (2) fees for documenl prq»nIiorl; (l) fees for handli", OSCrowli. scl1lemen ... or c1osinp: (4) f""" ill<urTOd 10 CUn: dc:f«ls in 11110: and (S) ("". ineidc:nll() lhe jill"""",,, of. rommilmenl 10 'nlu~ rille or "ide in>unma: policy. IIICh as, billOkr f« or the C()&I of ",i"",,,,,,,,,,. Id. The [)qloortmenI <W IlI$ll"""'" has =rnpICd 1mI5aCtion. from the filtd tale requi",mrnl, in ...'hK:h oommitmrnt> had been i",..<1 prior to) Ocube, I. and in which prrn,;""" abo been qu<JtM in ronnoc1ion ~th. ool ... hich do 001 close unlil af~ 0cI00cr I. "Then:f"",. poe","urn ",""""""11$ or ~ made !"'ior 10 0c10ber I for ~ e""",,, ... 0c:10tlcr I. or thereafter, "'ill 001 be ,ffecl~ by the filod "'10 I"'>"isions of the ACI 110 looK liS the rommilmrnllw been iMucd !"'ior 10 0CI0brr I. The i.....ance <W the rommitmenc. of courx, mu>l be pre«dod by an """""natIOn <W the lido pur. MWl' II> undrrwriti", ~ 0( the insurer. Aoo ........... ~ pmni ...... f'" pofleiel i..ued in COIIIICCIion ... illt Innsx· tiOOI which <....... prior 10 OCIober I in which the policy is issllCd after October I. Wh,le ... i!her "'" Act "'" the Dq:wlmen' of I............, mjIIioa litlt


in'llJfen 10 offcr "'""'" r:IICS, both nqUI'" Ihc filinl of lriss ... 111101 if title in ........ intend to mate such ""0$ a,oaj]· able. A$ a resul!. 1110$1. If 001 aU. tille Insurers which wrile insuraneo in Alabo"",, or which o.herwl", Moe "'IIonl> 172



..,.,...,. may be onlillNlo n:cc,vc a ",i,s... nllo for the kI<uI poIq "'hich wwld be 1 Icucr tale \ban ,,·tIM the born:wo-cr would <1IOOOIO~ Iud Ihc born:wo... ""'""""ned 0_...""", lilk in>llf'UlCe. R.i...... !al. . may be applied by 1 lille insurer e_en if lhe immedi a'ely proc.:dinll policy ~ i<s~

by :o.n<>!hcr conlp>ny.

In order 10 ....,'-;vc Ihc benefit <W Iris· .... emlil. section «0) the Act rcquiJa lhc insun:d 10 ""pIty>icalLy Iprodua:l the prior oitle i........,.., policy. I.,hodin, tchcdu\es ......,iate<llhc"""ith. 1......:1 by • ,ille in.urer lice""",, 10 be .",aged in lhe busi""ia of lille ill.lur:>nC. in Ih i, >lal.: 127·25-6(1). The Ikpan"",n, of I............ has ~ """ a p/1oIocoJI)o 0( lhe !"'ior policy i .... fflClOI1I f'" por-


JIO't'S <W thi. rcquimncn'.

The Notice Of Availability Of Owner's ~ At or !"'ior 10 elo:!.i .... 1I,Ie In ...... """ ..... mll>l ....... n from puretwcn of f"" "mpIe or ~ Inlm3tl (includinJ and \ouc ......,..,.......) in ruf propcny in Alahanut in "'hich the inte"'-'I of. l.ndeJ i. beinS insun'd, a signed NOIlee of A.oilabilily of Ow .....', '!itle Insurance. t 27·25·7(1). The ron .. nl> <W the notice are SCI forth in lhc Ac1.. II is _ necessary to .......n litis IOOoice 10 uansac· 110m in-.o/.i ... (I) for«:iosurcs; (2) ('(IIIn· ....s.-red sales: (l) , w sales; (4) , """,fm in "'hieh do:«! ,ax i. not collecl· cd as I"'>"idod by I~w (i.e .. Ir.... 10 .u~ dof«1S in !it"'): (') an e~i"in,


Penatties For VIOlations


pro>'isions 0( lhc Act do not <tt3It lily priYai. ""_ <W l<1ion. buo "'" mforcoabic by Ihc In ...... """

Commi .. i....... l'ell>hie!l i""lude lloc fC\'OClllon lhc C.n iftcalc of Au,OOrily of AgenlS aDd Insurerj. as "'elf a, r,flC$ ... nsi", from $$00 10 .55.000. or a rom· bill>lion of both. Tille i.............. prohtbilftl from payi .... direc1ly or i..Jirec1· Iy. fi .... imposed on 111"'1$. f 21·2~·9.


Ihe Ret's Impacl On leqallssues Rrisinq In Ihe [onlnl Of Title Insurance Act Clarif"I8SThatTrtIe Policy Is COlib&et Of Indenvlity Sttuoo 27·11·3(j) dtfiilClO tIIC sy"""y'



"prrliminary I'tporl. commil· ""'nt or binder" as:

Roports furni,hed in connection with;l./l application or m:Jl>CSl for

"tit ilU<lnllCl' ~ offon 10 issuo a oillo poIq • ..t.-

' ' ' r:IdCe

jccIlO conain rcqUI ........... and 01«plions WIled in the repon. commil"",n1 Ill'" binder. and .tlCh mhe, ma ilers a,:ln: incorpor.lled by ~(....""" ll>en:in.

This definition i. COMi'~nt with tilt proviMo", of the Slandard rommitment form devtk>p«l by the Amnican Land llllc Association (ALTA). an organiUlion rompriKd of re~nta_ tivt. of litle illS"relll. lendelll and others i.,,,I-"" in rcal eSl.01C =ions. which has devel· oped the title rommitml!nt ond ""Ii~y forrn'l ""'"t commonly used "",,"ghout the country. While a commitnlrnt does constilUte an "offer" to i.."" a title policy. up"" compliance with all of;", condilion, and poyment of the policy premium. it has the effect of an "gtNment on the pan of the titlc in,"rer 10 i.."". policy up"" such compliance. and therefore may gh·. rise to a duty to defend and indemnify prior 10 the actual i.. uan«: of the policy' All temlS of the title policy. Ilowever..... i~ by ",r"",nee into the COmmitmenL including the am;1I<Ition clause.' s"clion 27-2~-3(S) defines a '1itle ;n,urance policy" as:

A CQ111I<I," insuring or indemnify_ ing a8aillSt los. or damage ari,ing from any or all of the following exi"ing on or before the date of the policy, (a) Defects in or lien, or eneumbrance. on the in, ured tille:

(b) lJnma",etabilily of the i","red lit Ie; (c) Inv-dlidity or unenforeeability

of lien, or encuml>ran<cs on the proptny """,ribed in the policy; (d)


of priorily of lien, or encumbrances.

Again. thi' defmition is CQII,iSlenl with in,uring clauses of the standard ALTA polOcY form,_ ",hich pro_ide indemnily. up to policy limil$.<1 oc,ualloss 0.damage .ustained by the i","red. which arises oul of cert.,in listed "'·Cnt • .' II is 31<0 ron,; ... nt with lhe majorilY view .mong the coons Ihal title in,u",,,,,,, i•• COolItlCl of indemnity, and doc, not con$lilule a guaranI,"" or repttStntation of title.' Tltu •. in ,."Ium for the paymenl of • one-time premium. and in accord.""" wilh lhe ~nns and condition. of lhe poli_ cy, the title iDsurer agrees to indemnify il> in,ured in the .'"CItt that ootuallass or damag. i. c.used by a .pttifie<.l defect in litle.

Act Eliminates "Abstractor's Uability" In Issuance OfTIIte Convnitments And Policies s"ction 27_25_5 provides that no titl< commilmenl, binder or policy .hall be issl>e<.l unles. the tille in5urer or agent ;,-,uing the policy ha, dooe anyone: of the following, ( I) Caused 1D be conducte<.l. Starch or examinalion of the ~tle as defined in this act; 0.-

(2) Oblained an ab.tnoc1 of till.: or (3) Obt.,ined an opinion of tille.

While lhere are instances in ",·hleh. title inlurer or agenl would decide to abstract of title. or e"en a ti~e opinion from an attorney before issuing a titk commitment or policy. it seems clear that tomplia""" wilh this pro_i.ion mosl often will be accomplished throug/l a title semh or examination performed by or on behalf of the ;nsutt' or agent.

""er ~ind or ... t= which in any manne, affecl title ID a spttifi...t parttl of =1 pmpeny:' § 27-25·j( 1) (emphasis addtd). By the vtry ckfinitions of IlleSt term •. and by recognition !hat. search of ,he public record, in connection with the is,uance of. li,le COmmilmenl is "solely for tk ""nefil of lhe litle in,uronce company n:<juested 10 issue iU policy," j 2715·3(10). Alabama has kgi'l.livtly eml>ntced the m.jorily view thai n<ithe, lhe tille agont.-.or tille in5urer should have Ion liability to lhe in,ured or pr0posed in,ured, in COII"""tion with ilS tille .,.minmion performed in conoec1ion wi,h the preparo'ioo of. titl. C<lmmi,menlor the i"uance of a lille policy. ~ Before enactment of thi' legi,lation. =tnt AI.\lO.m> c"'''' law had equated tho ~tle Starch performe<.l by a title insurcr or .gen', prior 10 the issuance of. ~tle com_ mitnlOnt or policy. ..-ith the prcparat;oo of an abstrr1 of tille. ond lhe",by recognized. duty on the pan of the title ill""..". or agent 10 ~"",h for. aDd disclO5t'c to lhe in,urt:d. 011 ""'t"t'$ of rreon:Is afTttting title 1D the propeny. See Ex pane

• limits the amount of time in which a title policy can be issued, and provides a method by which an extension of that time may be obtained. s"clion 27_25_3( I 0) define. '1itle Starch" or ·1itl. ex.mination" as: A Stareh of the reconls in the office of the judge of probate in the COUnty ..-here the ,.".1 propeny i~ Si lMled through sueh period (>f lime as is acceptable to the titl. insurer. 1l>e Starch of tile public record, ttlating '0 maUct'$ of litle. performed in ronneclion whit the issuance of. prelimin.ry repOrl. rommitmcnt or !>;nde,. shall "" solely for the benefit of the litl. in,u",,,,,,, C(lmpo"y 1"I:<Iue<led 1D issue its policy or policies of title i n,ura""". By cotllrn". an "abstract title";, defined as a "compiblion or summary of all inSIr\lmen", of public recoro of wh.t·

Sleooman.2001 W.L 564304 (Ala. 20(1); $oo,u1l0 v_ Commonw".lth Land Title Ins. Co .. 646 So. 2d 1352 (AI•. 1994); I" v. Ward. 614 So. 2d 975 (A I._ !992)" 1l>e adoption of tile Act shonk! cllangt! this rule oflaw. jusl "' tile passage of.imilar legi.<lation in California =ulled in the abrogation of .t.straclor·. lia!>;lity M the pan of title i","relll and agonts in the ron~X1 of the i"uancc of title commitments and policies. In California. the leading CMC impOSing abs,ractor', li.bility on a title in,u,."r was Jarcllow v. Transomerica Title Ins. CD .. 48 Cal. API'. 3d 911. 122 Cal Rptr_ 47(1 ( 1975). In tltat case. the coun concluded tll3l. wl"i<:n tile tille i""urcr prco;enled. !..Jye' with both a preliminary litle report and title policy. t"'" distincl ""ponsi!>;li_ ~os wore assumed. In connection with tl"i<: P'<'ratatioo of the preliminary title report.

whelhe. a purchalltr nf proprny. who did not obIain . . . pa"I.Ie ""'ner', policy of

1M OOUI1 <:(JOC1u<led thai the insurer sc ......,;l lIS an absItactor lilie and, Ibm:fon:. ""'"' liIoI all moncn of publio: .-d 1qIIIdi"l\he subject pmpony. IfIbM duly bft'acJ>Nl tbrn the tille insurer could _ be held liablr. in IOn. for all d:lIlIa8OS pnJJIi""lely caused by thai breac:h. In the issuance of the polio:)'. indrmruly obIip. 00nl 10 the insun:d ~ undrnakrn. which, in \he even! of loss. """Id be ..:Idrt<saI1Ie throuch a claim for In<dI of contnocl. Six ~ar1la~. the Colif"",i. legilialu", emoctC<.l amrndmcnts 10 lhe Californio IB$llfIIIIOC Code thai de!l1lOd an ~ of title and a ")nl,minary rqulMor Mcornmitmcno._


insured IKlinsl w...e. sus ... illOd in the ~nllhal a specif'" ronlin. !he dl$oovery 01_ lien or """"mInoce a/fec1inllille. OCCUfl. (Ciwionsl The polio:)' of lille insurance. bov.'~" don no! """"ilUte I re"", .. n... ,iOd lIIalthe """li~DCY imun:d &pi"" ..·m no! oocu •. ICitaOOnlI Accordintly. " 'hen MIdI conIi"1ftIC)' ........... no for nqligcna: or nqligcnl mi..-q>reSenl1>' iOd ... ilIlle ",aln" lbe inl u"" based upon lhe policy of lilie iMu~ alone.

,rncy. e.,.



In Soulbland TItk Corp. Y. SupMor Coun. 231 Cal. App. 3d SJO. 282 Cal. KpU. 425 (1991). the COIln held thai the 1981 amendmentt. by making a '"foonal di..unttioa bcI ...«n .. absrraooI of titlo and • ti'lo commiunml and policy. elimi· 1lIIY cauoe of IICIioo lOr absuacIor', liabili,y " 'hen "ille ie_II""aI undnuk· "" in lhe COOle>.' of the issuance of Ilille cornmitrntnl or polio:)'. The ooun mted: M


II is also elrar dill a pttliminary rquI is no! .. abWacI 01 title (i.e.. no! a •...Tinm repreomlation. provid. .,;l pu......m to. rotItra<t') ond lhomon: don root carry Iho 'ri&h'"duIirs. or R$pOI\$ibiJilles' associalcd ...ilb!he ~ion and i!.suanceol well _ ,...rillefl doc\amenL n..s.. under Ithe IIIltIIdtd $WWJ. ~I"'" irwy ..-por1.< cannot be """,trued 115. or constilUlr •• represenl:l1ioo. by Iho title insu!allCe CO<rIjlWIY. of 1M ~ of 1M tltIe of!he pmpony about ..."hid! the pruo.p:cIiYo bu)'ff has inquired

These sla,"IO<)' changes ="iniu • fundamcn ...1trulb aOOullil1e insunnoe lIS """lJ"IO.Ied witlt the prartitt 01 abwxti"l and 1qR' .oenling \be 11.11\11 of "lie 10 proprr. Iy. 'Tille insurlnC<' is a for ,ndemnily under "'hieh lhe insure' is obligated 10 indemnify lhe




282 Cal. RpU. 01.429. Only if the lillo rom~y .."IIS ~ 10 prepan: an ~ wouklthe duly 01 an absl_ be imposed. The roun. t/lcTtfon:. COJICludcd thallhe California Irgulal"'" had .....1 the public pohcy" for the .ule throo&h these M"I1l"I1llmcMs. Ihcreby .......n.1i"l !he bold· inl in J.... '-". Id. 01. 428. n... """"lureinforced in Sicael v. F1dclily Na uOI'IlII TIlle Ins. Co .• 46 Cal. App. 4th 1181 . .54 Cal. RpI', 2d 84 (1996). "'"lib lhe ~e the Act. Alabama joins CalifOl"l1i1 and oIbrr jurildictions in ~ilift' 1hM. a litle "'.... h performed prior IQ the issuance of. lille oommil. menl is not in the nalure oflll1 undenal:· i" IlIO prepan: an absl"M" for lhe benefit of a ~ im"red; "l1her. il iJ K>IIleIhi", .s.- ooIc:ly for the bener" of \be tille insurer. Thi. is ronsi_ ",ith the view IIw • ,ilie insu .... ptrforms Ill1 examinOlion of lille '0 n:d""" or elimi· nlle;1I underwriting ri,k •. Care loss underwrilinlloboukl result only in ""..... dalrru for i_mOlly under \be ~. noI in IOf1li..,lily pmIic*II:d on ne,li~ or suppre.uion.

S""" ....,



Act RecognizesThat Pwchaser Is NotTh~ _ _ Of Lender'sTrtIe Policy A numbe' of appellate <lccisiOdS oulside: Alab.una ha~ ronfronltd the issue

lilie ;"'U1lIJ1a. could man. oL:um IIpIIISI • tilie insu .... as I third·ply btno-r",iary 01 • policy is.o.utd 10 the monpgc lender. The ~lrar majonly ",Ie ilillal th< purchut. i. not. Ibird· pany benef,riary o f . loon policy of lille insu,. ance. Ii........", v. ~im Amm.:an TIlle In ... Co .• 989 P.2d 258 (Colo. App. 1999); Capital Am .. Inc. v. Ind .... Discount. Inc .• 383 So. 2d 936 (Aa. App. 1980); Sh=ill Y. Loui sville Tille: Inl. Co .• 214 S.E.2d 410 (Oa. AI'!'. 1975); Tro.d.a" v. Chic,SO T,11r 1M. Co .. 374 So. 2d 197 (La. App. 1979). WIlile no appellate ca5e III Alabama """ 'f'CC1flCll· Iy _ \be il"", lhen: is bIIg ...., in Ex pane Sleadmrul. supr.o. 111:11 mi&hl be use<llo arguo f<ll" .u<h thinJ'pany ben ·

tfo<:iary SLaIUS.

1m rccoanitioa or lhe """"""C ","i~tncc

or .....·.....·• lillc: inwnncc. throII&h the

requiremenl that a Ioignrd NotJce or A,.. ilabili,y o(o..~·1 Tille In", ... nee be obtaintd fron> the purell ...... lhe Ae! appeM$IO lhe prevaili", vi .... 1hat a purehaser or ow"'" may not recov· er under the loan polio:)'. This ..,.,......,h il 00IIsi_ "'ith the insurinl dauses ron· tainod in \be ALTA ......... ·I:md loon policies. a nd lbr. eoonlil\3lion of benefill pn:>visiOd. in which the IeDde. i. indem· nifltd in COII",,",ion wilh the validily and priorily of ill """'PF. ...-hiie \be ""'..... i. indemnlfltd 10 the "'-trot 01 hIS ~"y.

Conclusion The adoption

or the Ac1 brin,,!he lille

iMUnl'lC\' iflduwy in Alabama in lone ,,'ilh 1M ............·helming majorily 01 "'Ies. The !.hould bene!ll from pre. miunl W "'~nutJ 1\0 Iongc. being Iosl 10 OIher SlaltJ bKluse of \be new ttqIIirtmntl thai _ pmtium mu51 be pMd for inten:sll iAWftd ;ft AtWrna. The panics 10 n'aI wale lraIlSaCIions Iohoukl be~fil from the filing of .... Ie~ and lhe provi.ion of 1I01K:e regarding O>\o'ne,'~ CO>"""'I". The litle !ndU§lry in AI""'"", J.hould benefll from the ..,Iily 10 cam I pnonti"m fOl risk< lIlSIln:d in AlaIwna. 1M ""'form rtquiremcnl of a mlc: a.mi. nation kfon: i,,"ana: of. commilmenl or policy. and lhe elarlfie.,iOd of ill kiM) po5iliOd in the performance of this wk.

Finally. the public sIIoold bt ... f,t frorn bN"" « )Jlvc)'ancing practice. lhal oughl 10 resuh from lhe implementation Oflhe Acf, pr<wisiOfl'. •


_." CoIIoo & TII10 Co. •. s..o.. US So. 2d8S2(.11o 191131. ... aut Mod ... _

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• Requires title insurers to file premium rates. and prohibits charging a premi~ um for title insurance in an amount that is less or greater than the filed rate. If re-issue rates are available through the title insurer. those rates must also be filed and a prior policy must be provided before the re-issue credit can be applied.


DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND THE LAW This one-day seminar offered in seven locotions around the state is co-sponsored by legal Services Corporation of Alabama. The Alabama Coalition Against Domestic VIOlence and the Alabama State Bar Volunteer lowye~s Program. It is fRfE to attorneys participating In a Volunteer lawver Program and legal Services PAl Panel Attorney Nome: Phone Nlxnber: Address:

o VoIvntgef Lowyers Progrom Member o Non member

- -00_ __ -- -"""' gomoy - - """", ,.~



""""'" ,="""""

Ma-i 31. 2002 June 7. 2002 June 14. 2002 July 26. 2002 Augusl16. 2002 Augvsl23. 2002 Augus! 30. 2002

l!egislro!ion Is Iree to rnembe<s 01 !he VoIunT_ Lowyers Progrom and legoISeMces PAl Panel AIIorneVS and Is SSO.lXI lot ...... ~, .... ,tbeo •. This IN IrdJcIes ltnch, materials, and Q.E 1roIni"tg.

Make checks PCI'I'QbIe 10: Mol coo, tpIeIed regisI:fo!Ion form 10:

The AIobarno CoatffioOl AgoInsl Domestic VIolence The AIaboma CoaIi!ion AgoinsI 00mesIic V10Ience P.O, 80><4762

Montgarnery. AIaboma 36101

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• Authorizes the Insurance Commissioner, in cases of violation of the Act, to revoke an agent's Certificate of Authority, revoke the license issued to a title insurer, and/or impose a fine ranging from $500 to $5,000 for each violation.

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join t e

q.[{abama State f}3ar Vofunreer Lawyers Pro8ram


oin the Volunteer Lawyers Program and receive d\t

. Issues of Law"

manual on a ).,I{l" disk, free . This manual covers nine "brud-and·butter" artas of the including adoption; bankruptcy; collections litigation; divant, (Ustody and post.-divorce; guardian and call1th-ator by court appointment; mortgage for losure; powers of attorney; and will drafting. To join. simply


complete the form below and mail to: Volunteer Lawyers Program. Alabama State Bar, P.O. Box 671, Hontg~mery, Alabama 36101. Up,(ln rKeipt of your enrollment form, the VlP will mall tQ you the "Basic Issues of Law" disk.

,J<-~'--------------------------------------, I Enrollment Form I Alabama State Bat 1JoU'II_ Lawyers Program PO. 80JC 671, Montgomery. Alabama 36101 Phone (334) 269·1515. eKl. 301 • Fax (334) 26t.ml0 . www.lllabarorg

: I I




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L-------------~---: . -r. ---~------------~


I ",as abool a d<cadt .go lMl an anicl( ~ruOO i~ The

Itlabm"" u.wytr focusing on the growing roI<: of legal assi$.

lants in lhe pr3CIice of law in Alabama. This July 1991 ani· cle was "" in-dc:plh and thorough repon on various .. peets of the Itgal assiswu cat«r as well as the "'iliza';"" (or ufldeMili ..lion) of legalas';'lanIS by Alaba"", lawyer.;. [)uring the p.1SI len }'cars, this new and """Iving ~a.I assistant """""' has uptri. .",,0:<1 nnprttclen'od "",",·th, and ;t remain. one of the rasleSt "",,'ing. mosI dynamic profession< of It.. ""'" millennium. A. you know, '"amey. ha'"e been arouod for centuries. but parnl~, are a rrlalivdy new phtnomtnon; thU\; !he hiSlory of IDe profession is mher brief. Some say the origin of tbt profcs' ;00 began in lbe 1960s "'hen lawyers used """lawyer.; in feder· ally fllf'l<l«l ~ to n'duce lhe COM of providing legal serviees 10 the poor. ~ say WIl e.>ptrienc«llegal secretaries.. wbo had ""'luin'd """,iderabk knowledge of $Ubs""'ti~ and procedural law, the forerunners of the profession. Ahbough lIIi, profeM"'" may ha,.. been perceived as a """,,!ly in the 196(k and 1970$. ,IN> """Iving role Qf today', legal assi"allls incl"""" being a sou,.", ofprofit while u,ing wit 'pecialiud , kill, and knowledge ... suppon 1<> all<>mey. in their law """'!ices. Regardless of tht profession" origin and j", rapid growth ""'r!he paSllAA:e decades. lhe legal ;wi,wn', role mlhe prac. lire of law in Alabama i. "ill being defined Coil>Ciden ... lly. SO


are !he ~ry lemu "leg.1 .... i>lani'· and "paralegal."

Legal professionals and lhe g~""ral public fllld il some ... h.1 CQ/Ifusing Ihallhe lenru; "Iogal ... i.lani'· and "panlcg,l" iden· lify lhe same prof."ioo. Howe"er. Ihese lerm, "'" "",d inler· changeably in Alabama ai>d in Il1051 regions of !he ""lion. Since lhe Irrms "'" U5td ' ynonymously _ ,imilarlo lhe usage of "anomeyM and .. I.... yer" _lhey "'" bting u.\C1.l inlen;hange· ably Ihrougl>otlilhi' ankle. As I reviewed lhe 1991 ankle. I "'35 slIUCk ... ilh lhe reaJily lhal wilhin. ,lion span of lime a significanl and positive .>olu· lion tw J:ttn <:tl;ing place in lhe logal ""';Slant career r.. ld in Alabama and IhrougJ",, ,,ulhe UniJM Sta1e. Primarily. my obser· valioll5 in Ihi. repon"'" IlOl based on sclcnlific.lly del;igned ,"><liC$. but rai/ler on my previous e~peri.nce as a logal secn:· wy. legal a osiSlanl and paralegal s upervisor; my current e xperi· ence . . . licen>ed anomey and pamlrgal oducatOr'; and my CQ/I_ ~=Iions "'ilh current and fOl'1l'lOr legal ."iSlants, In preparing Ihi. Miele. ! diSCQ\lered lhat several of lhe high· ly compelCntlcg.1 assi ... n", identifi«l in lhe I""viou, ankle had ut>dergone major Carttt chang... The wrilCr of \be 1991 report. Kalhleen Ra..musscn. is an extr:>ordinary example of lhe prof.... ional growth rhieved by ~ highly mOti ... tod kg.1 assistants. AI the lime she subntinod her anicl. to Th~ A/abama u,wy<r. R .. mu,,.,n worI<od . . . legal ... i.... nl with lhe Alabama Dtpanmenl of Economic and Community Affai" (ADECA). Today. she is addressed .. Dr, Rasmu .... n. having



IIt. <:trn<d her Ph,D. from Auburn Un;'"",ily in 1998. and i. ~ur· ",nlly "' ..... ing a$ ADECA·, Ju,'enil. Ju"icc Program Spedali'L Awarendy. Iht nexibililY and adaptabililY of pamlogal, allow lhem to grow and change a$ Iht prof.soion malUres or 10 chang. catttrS wi'hin the legal field and btyurod. For in".""". ",,,,,,.,,1 of ,he legal . .. i'tan" who provided in,ipllful comments in Iht 1991 anide laler e:trn<d I.w drgrffs.rod are oow Alabam.. 13wy0l'$. Thi, is 001.u1pli,ing when yOll find Ihat in addilion h.,ing had .,Iremely buJ;y arod re.<ponsible 11011"1 assiSlam pusilion. wilh SOfIlC o f AI.bama·, nlOSl "'Sp«led law f,nru. Ihty also served as 011'· ".nding le<Klt'" in regional.OO '!lI1e paralegal associ'lion,. Although """" paralegals have changed or are changing career objtctiVlOS. most .. pericnced .... try·Ie,..,1 and aspiring legal ",si.· Ian" express a.<lrt)ng commilment 10 their profmioo . They btli"", lhe legal assi.lanl uffo .. 'hem the uniq..e opponu. ni'y to do in'lpU1tan1. high·Ie,,,1 work withoul of addi,ional education earning a law degree .00 !he oordtn of law school loons. Today. lhere are many Alabama legal ... lsIants wiill 10 (J< more )'tan' "perie""" in gentrol and s]><'Cir", pr-.c1ke ""''''. A< • resull of Iht strong cummilmenl of lIItsc to their prof...ion. a vast number of Alabama lawyers and I.w firms suppo<\ lilt evolving role of the paralegal professional in ""rrol FU'S! and fure1TlOSI. allomt)'< are di$CO>"';ng ,he benrlits of hiring legal assi'lants 10 become an in1egm1 pari of the legalleam. Puralegals attCpllhe f"", Ihal some in ""'ir field choose to become I,wye ... (J< ha~e OIlier career obp.'i'os.l..ikewise, lhey also attep1lbe f"", thalohange, are occurring in the leg.l r.eld. and thallheSC ir.."ilable changos are a(f",,'ing lhe kga! a"i,. IInl prof.s~ional. Today. and during til< IOSI decade, they are encOllnloring impol1anl issue, impacling on the role of Alabama legallS.istan". n~mc!y:



incroasod job ro,poo'ibiliti~,: Ie<:hnological



movemenIJ 10 regul>!. ,II< pmfession . 180




Increased Levels of Responsibility

A. Iht prof."ion COlli in",. lu gr<lW.rod evol>'o, lbe level of responsibilily assumed by Ieg~1 assi,l.1nU in law office, and profes.ion.1 organizalions will mo>l ccnainly ronlin", 10 riso, The majorily of Alabam. legal asoi".nlS belie .... that as the full pole",i.1 of lOday"s paralegals ""' re.lized, .lIorney' will give them eSpeCially challenging aOO rewarding OSlign"",n" lhal go beyor><llhos<: lmdi,iunally given 10 nonlawyers. lnlereslingly, many of lilese same legal ""'SlanIS quickly ""lrnowledge ilIallhey are ronfiOOnllhal by increa,ing lhoir bob of responsibi lily. both anomey. and pamlegal. can enjoy a higher drg..., of job lat;,f"",ion. They also .""Iend Ihal highe1" deg..." of responsibililY and e>lremely cO"H/fe<:,iw: legal se,.,.icos will be lhe catalyst for improving the utilizal;on of legal ."i.tan.... Finally. tlley agree ilIi...""",ion of the I~gal assiS!anf. role will ultimalely lead 10 higher salaries and btnefi .. and more re<:ogn;'ion of the paralegal """""". The 1991 article began with an acknowledg",enl by lhe American Bar Associ .. ion (A BA) of lhe'lCe of lhe legal ""iSlam', role and III< ABA's def,ni'ioo for Ihis profe,. ,ion. Recenlly, the ABA re<:ogniud ,hal "while we are ",iu"",. ing dramalic changes in the world around P. arod in tile preslures faced by lawye .... the", conlinues 10 be a need foroor efforts '0 educale lawyers and the publi~ on 10e be""filS of m;· legal'lanlS in lhe drli"o'Y of kg"1 ....... iccs:· AlIA

SliUlJjng Comm;"", "" ugu/Assistonts (SCOLA! Uptime, w;nler 2002, volume 4. number 2 , Thu •.• o . conain eXlent, ,he

PUIJlOSC of this article is simply !O increase lhe .""""""" of Alab.m. lawye .. on "'hal paralrgals can do. esp«ially using high lechnology.• 00 10 provide a brief upd.,. on the issue of regUlating leg.1 assiSlanlS. CUrren,ly. '""'" than 26 $1.10$ oofi"" the I""", "leg.1 ... is· tanl" or "paralegar· by stolUIO, $Iale supreme roun lUling' or guidtliTll'$ promulgaled by ,tale bars. In Alabama. ",,"'eral pr0vision, in the AI.""ma Rule, of Profes,ional Cond"", provide guidance to mrmb<:rs of lhe bar regarding their elhioal respon· sibil;lies for ·'IIOfI!awyer"· a$si$ Si""" ilIis profession b<:g.n emerging in the 1960s and 1970s. il remain, a challenging to!\; to ~i"'ly describe the duties of legal . ssiSlanlS. It can be argu<:<lthalthi. i•. in part. because lhe !~gal assiStonl profession i, a ",lali"ly new one ""d panly because the pmfos!ion;s unregulalCil, II«"U'" lhe profession is conSlanlly defining il'IClf. SOme atlomeys setm 10 have u""lo .. C)I" unreali>!ic e'peCtalions of Whal to e~peC1 of a legal ... i'tanl. Many Iegal,soi",an" are enoou"'ged. ho""'er. by iOOicalion, thaI Ala"""", lawyen.. law finru, other employers.rod the publk are gnldually discovering the be<l

means and the ben~fil' for using and i!>Crcaling lhe re'p<>II.>ibil· iIi .. uf legal a"istanl<. DeJ;pite.rome growing pain.'. ~,~i.lly during the 1980s and 1990s. the \egal assiSlant prore,,;"" ron· linu", 10 gro ... and maturc; i, is ~V(>lving. In 1997. in order to acknowlMge the ""olving role or legal assistants. the ABA revised iI' d<-finilioo for this profession M foil.,...., A Itgol ""i,tant or parnlegal is. pe""" qualifiM by MOC.lioo. Imining or ...on: oxperiellC<'. who is employed or retained by" I.wyer. 13w om.e. c.::>rp<:>nI,ion. go,.. m· mem.1 agency or IlIher entity who performs s~ifi •• lly deleg.,ed subl;lanlive legal work ror ",bich a lawyer is responsible. In addition to the ABA definition. the tlV(> leading parnlegaJ "".",ialions. the National AS$OCiatioo of legal Assistanl< and the National Ftderalioo of Panlegal Associ.tioo •.• nd on org<Ini"'lion tbat promOIes high standards for legal assi,tant education. the American Associ>!i,," for ParJ I~g.1 Educ31i'm. also have de'·eloped specific defm ition. for the lenns paralegal and legal ""iSl.nt. NOtably. aI/foOl' of these definition. include lhe important . lement tIlal memhe.s of lhe professioo perform ··subslantive·· legal won:. Subslantive Itgal work indic.te. Ihat leg.l assistants. although oonl.wye.s. are expected 10 penorm worI< Ibst w35 lradilional· Iy undenaken only by ,""",,,ys. In a landmark U.S. SUl""tne Coun ea", dealing with the " ...ming of f.." for the work penOf"lIIed by legal assistant •. Just;". W,lIi,m Brtnnan "",cd tIl,t "pamlegal, are capable of carrying out m,ny lasks. "nod« lhe ,upervi,;oo of an auQrlKy. Ihal mighl IlIhe""ise he perf<>t"llled by a lawyer and billed at. higheT "'Ie:· M issouri ". JmkillS. 491 U.S. 274. 288 n. 1O ( 1989). IUSlice Brcnnan went on to $3Y ,hat tile wor\: or legal assi"ants might include:


bClu.1 inveslig",i,,". inclnding locating and interviewing witnosse.: as';\I'lI<e ,",'ith <lcposition •• interrogalooies and docun .. nt produclioo; ""mpilat;"n of SlatiS!ic,,1 and financial <tala: <hed:;n, legal eilalioo. and drafting com:. spon<kllC<'. Much of tIlis work lies in a gray ORa of , ask, thal migh, appropriately be performed eilber by an allOl"noy or a paralegal. Jd. SillC<' this c~. it is now widely attcpted by Alabam •• ttorno}" thai they mllY bill clients for won:ed penonn«l by parale· gal. worI<ing under a"""",y ,upervisiOll. Of course. the amount charged mu<l be fair. muSt be pa",legal. "'" clerical · wor\:. .nd must be docmnenled, In 1'»1. for II>e flrsl time. a COIln diSlingui.J>ed clerical dUlies from legal ... islan, dUlies chargeable 10 a client. 1bt O klahoma SUl""tne Coon held lhal legal research, both coo~nli""al and ""mpulCr_.ssisled. was one of 'I>e ~sub"anti,..··

dulies thaI a legal as,istMt could bill for performing. T"yli>r K Chubb. 874 P.2d 806 (Okla. 1'»1), 1loe Oklahoma COIl'" held tMtlegal as,i.lant. ""uld also perform the following ""pOn.ibilities: intervi~w dientS: d"'ft pleading. and IlIher documentS; research public records; prtp.1ft discovery reque'" and rt'ponse.; schedule deposi'ions alld prtpart rootic<:, and subpoenas: summarize deposi'ions and other disc",',ry response.: coordinale and manage document production: local. and inlerview", "'i"nize pleadings. trial exhibits. 300 IlIher documen"; I""P= wit""" and e,hibitli,,,; ]>repare trial ""'ebooks: p"'pare for ,he aBendance of witl"lC5.\e' at trial: and ,,,,ist I.wyers al al •. !d.


FoII.,...;ng the... coun dO<:ision •. the... has been an unprecedenied demaoo by a"orney' for competent legal "",islant' as well as an increased oxpect",;"" by their clients for quality legal services at .ffordable prices. In AI.bal1l8 law praclice,. all .ign, poinllO l11(lrt inc",ase<i 1."01. of respon,ibilily heing taken on by qu,lirted. competent legal a ..,istants in O«Icr to provide clients witll more .ffordable ",oJ mo,.. aVi1j/ahl~ leg.1 scrvi ... , . It i~ pn:dicted thai the levels of responsibililY that mu" be as,umed by parolegal. to effectively and efflcionll y provi<lc legal "''''ices at I lower COSI will """'im.... tn nunure the ,"olu,i"" of lhe legll assi"ant profes,ion. Panlegals IItld aboul 188.000 jobs in 2000. and the Burt"" of Labor Stali"i.. prtdi<1.< tMt the profe!sion w;lI """Iinue to grow at a faster·t/lan·lhe_average ml~ at I~as' through 201 (l. Burt." of Labor Sialistks. (k~"p<"io""l 0",1001:. Handbook. 2002-03 Mition. Thi' groWlh in employmenl "'lCms from law firm. and other employers with leg.1 ... ffs increasingly hiring p<1ralellal. to lower the cosl and availability and efficiency of leg31 se",ic<:s ,~ It/. In • word. lbe increased hiring of paralellals he ... fits Ilwyers. law finn, and tbeir clients. A.lhe", statiSlies demo"male. Alabanla lawyers. law f,nns and o,ber paroleg.1 employors are discovering the henofits of hiring qualifiM legal as,;'lants to gOl cenain l3..ks completed ~r.cienlly ~nd competently and bill ""'ir eli.nt Such ~ •. which do "'" "on'l;tut. the unaulborized practic<: of law, can he accoonp1i<hed whilo the la wyer·, time can be used to complete mailers that can he handled ""Iy by a licensed al1ornoy. Bec.use unautborized practice of law SlaluteS and rules ha'" bc<:n designed to protect "'" public. the Alaha"", SUp"'''''' Cou" hM slriclly enforwl'be.<;e ~tatutes by holding that it i. de .. tbal their pulpOSC is 10 ensure tIl.t "Iaymen would "'" ~rve OIl"otrs in a rcpresentati,.. <"racity in areas requiring ,he skill and of a licensed allomey.~ Stalr r,J: /'orin ". AI~ba"", ib.n. of C,..di, {iTU"';""S. JJ8 So. 2d 812 (Ala 1976). Accordingly. AI.bruno pamlcgal. arc permilled to u'" their knowledge of .ub,;tan~ve and pnxedural I.w to as,iS{



II" "'"'''' ''''''" '"



allorney .. oot they are prohibited from giving legal opinions N advice. establi'hing anomer..,I;.", relationShips. ""ning legal fees .• itning legal documenlS. or representing I c1ient bef"",. COlIn (unl .., authorized to do '" by the coun). Alabama courts. ,he Alabama 5"'0 Bar and nlany <>lilt. Low-rdaled <qanizalions rooogniu tho", i•• r.ced for Iow-<:osllegaJ savicu; I\CVerlhel ..... prlIClking law without. license cannOl be eondonrd. Allhough Alabama paralegals"", .ubjffi 10 the same laws conttrning 1110 unauthorized practice of law as are OIher nonlawyers, il i. oflen said ,h'llhe Iypc of work lh>l can be po'T_ farmed by. leg>1 ."i'llInl is limiled only by the individual',

ability and lbe m.gic "'ords "un.uthorioo practice of law." The evolving ",Ie of legal ... iSlants in Alabama. won:ing under !he .upe ..... i.iQll of an anomey. clearly indkatrs thai anomey. are delegaling i",,<cased levels o f responsibility (0 expcrienr:<>d. compelent legal ass;<lan,s to en,"re lhe delivery of low-co<l (and some1imes. "IIO-COSI") "'gal .., ..... ices 10 (bose in """d. In oIher words. it is simply a mattorof,...,..,.ing and proI«1ing tho public atld economic<. Even in the "",nl of "" ..:onomic doIo-ntum. howt:w:.-. Alabama bwyc~ can protect wir fun", il'lVffimont by combjning IWO '"Iutlblo 1'eSOUn:es, ICChnoiogy and Itgal assistant expertise.

High-Tech Paralegals Tho tnlditiQn.1 tasks performed by legal usiS!an,. " 'hen wOOing ur<ler the supervi.ion " r an anorney have not changed significantly o .... r the last ttn yt"'l;. Ho"'.'-er. too use o f ttch· 1101"10" '0 .ul"male tho practice of law ha$ n:mafhbly changed law "ffie<: procedul'I'$ and llle legol usi"""t'$ wQr\;place. Wilh too mpid growth of Itchooingy. legal as.;.trutlS wllo .... wilh 100 lalest ICChllOlogy ..... ble 10 expaRd their functions and I.'-els of respon.ibility to assi$1 attorney. aM clients. For u.n>ple. too iov.-er CQSI of computet·assisted logal research. the lnt"'"""t atld fonnal paralegal ~ducation in legal research. legal writing and computer applicalions in I.w eou,,es provide today', paralegals wilh tho necessary resourttS, edu. calion ""d s);ills 10 efficienlly and i""~p"nsi'-ely lawye" with legal and foclual rese.rch. In the inltOduc';on 10 her """,nlly published book on paralegal Chc", £Slrin. a legal staffing eXp"n. ~ys lhal while many legal as';"""t duti •• "",main the .. me "vor the ye"'l;. the methodology for delivering legal se",ic" has changed d",. maticaUy:' She ad<is:



TtchllOlogy ha. changed the paralegal field by cre.ting new posit;oo •. SI.!'Idard> and expectations. The new 00,;182



nesS world demands fasl deli".ty. 2417 1 365 $e",i ••.

.xprutded research capabili'; ... atld 1<>w-<:OS1leg.l servic. ... Paralegal< wiloour ttthnology skills are clearly leO behind. Parol~g~1 C~",er Guid~.

Chere 8. Estrin. 3td M .. 1002.

Pearson Ed""arion. Inc. Clearly. loday's legala",islanl is expected '" know and ktcp up Wilh Itchoology trend •• nd many Alabama attomeys and law firms offer lraining opponunilies for compute, and dataNsc "OOI'se$ on tho: l.tCSlltchoologjcal advances. Otoorwi ... allorneys mu$l3(imil looy also will he leO behitld iftooy do nor h..... legal assist'''''' with 100 required knowl<tlge and skill. 10 successfully manage the acre",ibility of the vast ""\QUnl of informalion Ihar can he obIainc;d, During the last dtcade. more and more legalassi$lants find thoy .... 5p"nding """I of their time on the "","putt, perf<>nn. ing their jobs, Often, legal assiSlants find ,hemselves SUfTOUtIded by a ptrsonal oompulet". primer. fax machi"", cell phone. beep"r. imaging aod scanniJl3 equipmem. voice mail. l.ptop. etc. A. Alabama atlorneys ha"e been fOKcd 10 change the way law will be ptaC1iced in the 21S! ""ntuty. paralegal' also been forced to change. In looking bad ~r ,he l'a51 decade. there i. 110 doobl th:It the de,'eloprnent "r t«hnology has particularly chall~nged and liligari"n p30mlegals. J"'I 1\\'0 years ago. enhanced the role Editi. Cetda·lI.r<lerson. a Itg.1 recruiter, Qbse,,"Cd:


All these wonderful changes 10 the modem praclice of law h"'e made il p<>ssible for anorneys 10 handle e\'en grea ... amoonts "f data in lilig.tion. This. in tum. has inc",as«\llteir need for exp"rienced paralegals who h..... the ability 10 j ump into. ca.. al any Slage. knowing whal needs 10 he done and how 'odo il.


p{Jml~l .. ~



of P~ra/~{J1$ in

Uligat;QI1. Edilia Cerda.Hcn<lerson. TaaJ Lnwyu. Vol 16. N".

5.2000. While paralegal, acknowledge thaI 'tchnological

l place additional demands 0f1 Ihtrn. ."pm.DN<I Iepl wiSWIu also m:ogni ... Ih;u i~ many ... ys IOChnoIo&Y has also madf: 1M;' johJ _in. ~l. Iepl ...wan.. agree tbaI tho .. evoIvm, role in !he • .., of IIO<:I\ftoIog)' in !he pra<:titt 0( II ... llloooo'llhem 10 pin nl..ablc: __ u:ill$ " 'hi\e makial ... imponan. cootrib,"iorl in po-cwidin, roft..,ffoctivc legal "" ..... ie· .". As p" noIN!. il i. "I'JW1'nllhal1M Ile>:ibilily and adaplabillty (>f """,legal. allow.lhem to VOW and change as liIti. profeslion evol"" •. In oddiliOflu.l/>e ptMlh aJ>(! clw\ge rtquired by the demand. of U'Chn.olo&ioai ach'al'lCes and for increased level! of '"PO'Uibili ~. lOllar', panlepl. ore also ecICOUn"';ng i _ """"'....i'" the rqulMion of \bri. prorCMIon. ~ CluI

Legal Assistant Regulation Durin, tIM: put decade. \he i ..... of leeal wi,WI' rtgul:llior> has bcc:n.he ~ conl~a11Opic cno:ounLered by legal ..... _ pmlepl odocaun and IHdcn. _ bar asMICia· lions.. and tho f;OIlfU. Ahbou&h theft been _ _ IInd<n1... y III ......y >CaleS for Ihe """"""01) rqiunli<>n. cttti1i. a."",. or lkensi.a of kp!I$U$bdI$, Ibm: .... currently no


nUnim .. m edIIcalion laIuil'emenu, nor ore ,,,,,"", aD)' ",ando",.)' Nies for c.:rlificalioo or lic.:nsing. 1'hcrefore. <"""pi in California, anyone Can call hin\S<'lf Of he~lf a ''paralegal'' or. "legal assisla"'" ... htlhtr or 001 they an: qualified by educa.ion. lr;I.inini' or WQIIc expmeoce. Cahr"""" ..anI1)' enacICd ~ .... ekr..... the oW ~: iN sundanls for ptrSOnS 10_ ~ and job bIlts. aftd drlila .... I'unotions !hal paralIepIs eM! ptrform The _ bw males il ""booful lOr pmms 10 idrao· lify Ihtnwlyco "" paraIog.1Is lIIIIess Ihty wort ....srr die supc<Vi. 5ion of 1ft anomoy. In IIddiIion. Ibo Low provides thai • paralegal ;. ... ptrWfI woo ~ither contnocIS with or •• employ«! by :an aIlor· roey. law foml. <0,,>0"1.1'00. gowmmentol ageroey or other ~nlily. and woo pctfontlS SUb$unliailtgai wort under the di=tioo of an octi~ II .. """" of Ibo SUI< &r or CaI'fOl'llil ..•.H (Tht low eM! be found II Cailfomilo E\u$.iroeSt &: Prof<$$ional Code. It 64SO Wwgh64S6.) How __• one of die fll'Sl aftd _ ambilious plans for die

...,. . . "'*

"luW'OII of 1epI ...."""'" tool ~ in Nf,w krvy. In 1995. a ..... number of lllO<D<y$. paraltph ond iqIIl .... SIaIII <du. '"'''''' Wn'e conf.drnl tIw New krvy "''U 011 die brink of ~""".in& I rqula"lI)' pia .. lhal caUM for paralegals 10 be reg.·

1"1"".00 licenll'd by !he , uprt"'" COlIn. os are New J OT$ey a"orneYI. l'ollowillJ a fi~·y~ar "ud)"•• COnlmiUte , ubmillM Iboi. repon 10 !be conn, bu. nille mO,II11$ Ill., the New Jeney

SupremeCOIIn n:-j<cted dlecomm'I!Ce's rcoom .......... llON. In May 1999. in an odmini .tnII;~ dr\nmi...,ion..... COlIn found lhal lbe ,,-jdr·..,.,hinll proposal "-as oot fe",iblt. The coon COIItIud«lthal "direct ov ... iKhl of panlt,..I. i. bell occ:om . pUshed Ihrough auomey o.I"'",;oion. m,lIe. 'han through a Coon 1i(,~'inIl IYI'.nl.H Cum-ndy.1hert art oIhtr plans for rquloting IepI ....SUIll.t bci", 1""I""""i in """"'" oIher ~. Roben L«:bi,. Iht CUrrtnl pm.idenI of Iht A.....,.;,e.", A!6OciIdion for ParalrpIE" _ _ aftd. me"""" of .... HaIo... i Bar .. nce 1972. knoooo", flnlhlnd 1ba wdllepI...wan. oerIifocaiion prop::ub can .,use 0lr0CIJ fed· inp ond ~ I "".. dra! otcon~y. Recently. 1IW>do. !Cry paralegal oerIifi<1lion ~ "',.. n:jeacd by lhe II"","';; SLaIe B... and Ialer by the Ha""';' Su""""" Coon ~l\Iibly..... lI.waii Slale Bar .UOttS<fully III'"'" lhal lIIere was • I.d of ..,.i · denee \hal nWldalo<y paraltgaJ oerIif.c.'ion would inlpnm! It&al ti$iSWItS or IepI services. 1111

. ,.~.".


Rq:anlless 0( tile


otw AbbaIna jPdF> and IllOflIe)'I

V......Jly oclhM unduly ""nic""" recul1lory meas""", moy "",,,, I nopl''''' ''''1*"1 011 lhe Mi lthy ,.....", lhe profession has expenenccd o Vt< tho pall de<:1dt-. Appan:nlly.they bolieve tile e"iOh·ln.role • nd funcl'OII of pank,.I. ,n the <klivny of lepl se ..... kes I. ·'beSlIlCCOO'pli,ned through .nomey .upe ..... isiOll·· within the clhk.l.ul~l;nes.w=1 (onh by lhe Alabama Supreme COU".

..... y ho&d on !be ....... for rrgula~oo.


Conclusion In 199~. tile Govt<nor proclaimed !be font W~y in Mayas Lepl Af.SllWWParaIepl Day in Alabama. The procllIIWIOII dedartd. in ~. WoI lSStsWU. compn .... poup 0( ....... and _ " ....'110 ... ith !be higheol profCSloional relopOII"boilly and ctJua;. <"we 10 ~nhano:e tile public service prO¥ided by Alabama·, IaW)'ft"S. JIIdJ.... admini,,,,,,i,,,, .,.ncieJ and a mullilude 01 OIlier communily mir.ded organil.OllOll' ond Indi ·


.. idUll!': Alabam" Ic,al a,;';>lanlS aeknowlrdlle th.llhey OK d«ply II"'titiCIJ by lhe . uppon expressed in thi, procl'''"Ulion and for lhe oslabli.hmenl of. u.S,1 A .. iSlantIParaJepl Day thaI coin· 184



cKklw,th !be edetnuon or I..Iw W«k. Morrover. they ~ pef"l for rho ~I_ of thoIi. """'''''''' .......IS and """!ri.... lioM to !be practlcc of law in Alobo ...... In conclusion.. ove. tile next decide. i. i. anlicipatrd there ",ill be dnmalic ehansos in the cvoMI'Ij role 01 Alabama pan . Itgal,. I""r<cosil'lj lhe 1e,... I. of ~pon.ibihly of Icpl a..iSlAJll<. eooplCIJ with Iev."'ginll the hi"'.tcch panlegol •. i. "'....rally c"".idered to be best ""'Ie&), for AI . b,,",,, I.wyeno to JIfO"i~ cost-cooscious dicnlS wilh legal ~k.,.. ",·hile 'Iill keeping !be bottom Ii... in !be bllCk. •


_ ..... __ ,..SOt_ , ......... ...

_---,_.11-_1.. _"..- .... JD. _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _


... $

-."" _""' .......... "


The Alabama Lawyers' Assistance Program at Work:

The Why and How of ALAP T gCI~!he: callj,,!! befon: JIOOn. IS ""', amnging lunch Wiln his wife.1 • nicc: "" ... um", dovo nlown. Hi. _I'ttary .. yo: "If. Joe Anybody and 10< Qy. if. an """,,¥ncy~. Tllt 10"'y.....I . ,-01unlttf for the ALabarno LawY'"

I\c: lawyer

of medicallrealmCnl. Tho voIunlCO' say •• silem I""Y'" lhallhe facililY will ., Ie"" loOC the ."odale alld Slabiliu him "mil 0Ihrr OIT2>Ig< .... nu C3Il be made.

• member of Ihc Lawyen. Hdpin,lawym Comnull~ (LilLI. 1'- .. abo ...... mbn"<# the , ...... (1) community and hu himself bo:o:n 11'111 ~.""'l<''',c:y'"


lawyer friend from ....,th Alab;lma. "W. jU!1 foolld Joon . He Incd 10 kill n'm-IClf .<>day. He', In leu. Wh .. do we dQ'" "I'll be there by .ix. "say. tht volunlCer. 110 kiSleS hi, .I«ping .. ife II ):30 '.m. and says. "I'll be boone ... hen 1can. I love

at """ hmc in ru. hf•. lie undtr· .... nd, lhe: .. riou,nes. and




and ""coey ';Inl in the life_

,n,..,3,,,,,in$ OOllle wilh add;"I;"", deprMSiQn and <.>!be. mcnl.l iII_ ...ox... Whon I f.11ow l1wyn Ill\llUy reaches OUI. lelion mu" be ...-if, - I I,f. Md SU«eM 0' ~ ....y cltpcnd IIfX'" il. Tho voIunlttl". undtf· >lando "'hen hean die funil· iar words. ~I """" 10 o;anul boney. I'll be home " .,"", I can. I


Drua 8Cldiclion. akoholism and _ I illlleU \i1I. Tho baItle i, ofitntll'IoQ"''IfItd ",ith hand·w-hand combII """ ...-,,en the di-IC~, the '-1('\110 and.


10>'. )'011.- The YOIunl«< anives "' "'" law off"lC(l of your 'MOO. your colleague or maybe .'..n your office. wilhin In bourof (he: call. II. is I.~.n 10. small

kitchen in IIle: "''''' oflhe omce

and introdll4'rd In. YOU"l associ.le. n.. a",,";31< il uns~n. di~he<I.1cd and bell~~M as lhe voIunl«f reaches OUI hi, hand. Clrarty Iho a..od ... i. in K'llie


Mcn dian 10'1 bow p;u>eS as Iho mlun·

and Iho assodal1! euhange ""pori. ....... and ...."Iop 18fIPO'I. Tho ..........


~ically ror'I>'tYl' hi. <Oll<:t •• 1< fo< tho boalth of hi, ,.,.... friend. AJ; Iho end of tho !COOIId bow drawl 11<'.... the associaIe is prr.;.aa><kd 10 ""ith the mlun' ..... fot eval"alion 01 a boall~ facilily lhal wotb <"""'Iy '""ith ALAP. Tho associal. infOO'n~' the volunloc, tIw be has DO med· ical iM""""'" and DO money for lilly son



,",'enl. Tho VOI""'ocr "h Wen, ",',II. He i...fe for lOni",t." ~ daysllllCf. Iho a"ociale i, I\'lrastd " 'ith • pmcril"im and _ fQlIoo/."P "I'POII'l["'O'O", Wi'" DO i.....-:e and no money• ""'" Iho mQoi.I bciliIies I\1USI mimmW: Iholf itMlI~menl. Tbta: .i&IM' 1IItt. the voltm· ..... is MIcq> wbm hi. !tie· ~ring." 11 :30p.m.Tho


.......unce Propam ("LAp) and


bed al 2 I,m .. as hi, "if. asks how il

n.. c ....'l"ncy room I. padtd and <he ER Psychiatric Depanmenl i. several p"t~n" behind ,.·bon the I'wren"';~ at l p.m, Tho lIM(ICi.,t', "'ldducI and demeaDO!" grow """" hostile and U~I"" as the YOhuM= ...... e'o"'Y "'iWlltl'll he and lOOlher ...,aunt<:t'r• .-sCIlt by ICIql/Ione, can Il'nerate to keep the d,,!re<Std rcllow ~')'er at the facili· ,yo At 12 : 4~ I.m., the voIun ...... lelvcs the facility I~ the llJOCi ... i. finally adm;ntd fo< miniMIII !re1U'I'IWt (If ... ac"t~ P'Y"hot~ epilil)dc, oxacC1baled by the high I"",,) work and ron:",ci.1 '1Il'1I thot bas accumulated I)rt the assodate. Tho voIunt ..... quiclly crawls into


volunt ..... "''''' """ found the ....y OUL Tho volunI ...... <Nt the LllL rommi" .... arc g••lteful for the apport"My In help thti. fei· low Ilwy ... relain their physi. cal. memal and emotional bealth and re..,lIablislt 'heir Carff!1. Tho f"",· tn.;.:... i, thai all 100 ofltn by tht ti .... a lawyer in neN i. i<l<nufied and ludy 10 :ottqJt help. all fillllllCiai me .... for

obIainin ••1 ha'<C brftt

.m.U$lod. AJ

commtttcc members and voIunleerS. ..." neN )"lUI' help 10 ....ul\' th:M these Iawyen, our col~.... and .. fico ou, friends. arc IlOl denied approprillC !real "",m bec~ they Clilnot .ffoo-d to pay for it. Thi' i, "'" I I"'u bu,. rothtr. I humane ....y In help our coil ••' .... help lhe"'-"'I~. a," dcspera'~ .im< in lhei, H,'''. A. """ rommill<:e nlembe. ~loq .... nlly PU' it, '1bey are ~. - and if wedo!l' l help. who willr •

'''' ",n,l/, "">'H



• NOIiooc: i. to II • ..,.,. Sonng Pond. "hooc ', ;hereaOOulS ...., uru:-n. 1l1:li • debull onItr ~ filed in Ihcse formal charg.,. 011 Sc-pI.mbn 24. 2001 Ind a he~ri", 1<> delCmtine >wropri;ll~ diK"lphllC i~ IQ "" !>tid Alabama SIaIC Bar 011 June 12. 2002 III 1 porn. /'I:Ind i. hereby ... ~ised tI\;II he IS rnb.1rd to be repre..... ,1'<1 .. _I> htaOnB by coon.s<:l. ' 0 tl'QU-txamlllC ",,,n.,.,,,,, and to ..vidence concerning opproprj"'" diK"lplillC In hll ""." bt/LIlf. lASH ..... 96-223. 96-319 and 97.1M]

•• w

Reinstatement • T1>e Suprrme Coun of Al.born> '.'orro an onItr """Slalin!: Binningham auorney Juhn Thu ",,,,, I... nl: lO.he pnc1;ce uf 1:110' in lhe S.ale of Alab:oma, df<'Cti"" J""u.ory 10.2002. This onitr "'... bls«I uporI w dtti.ion of Panol J of w O\KipluW)'


Imbannents ,

.. onitrof doc Diociplinary Commission, daIed J ill""')' 211. 2002.


diobaninl Binningham anomey Juhn S,....rt 0a.1dso. fTOrn ..... pnc1ice of law in ..... SUlle of

Alobiuna 10'" dfO<1i"" ~'''' to /II"""""", 16. 2001. On OclObt. II. 2000. Davi<boo plod luil.y 10 .h"",criminal charge. in W U.S. Dis.ric. Coon for w N....u..m Dir.tric:t of Alabama. The el..,.,." ""'" ";'-'Cd of t<lnkruplCy fraud. ~al .... n. of .....1> from a tru$I.,. in bankruptCY and pc!j...,. ill b<lnIuupt. cy COUlL AU lhose crl ..... consti.ulOd ~Iony off<mes undcT the UnilCd S.....,. Code. IhYidsoa ..-aI ocnltnI:ed IQ ~ one )'O¥ in I fcdrnl CClntaional facil· i,y. 0.. ~ 16. 2000. Da>idsoa "'-as ;'Utril!lly ~ ponuam 10 Rill<! 20 of \he A~ RIII<$ of Di¢plinary ~. (m·idson ",-as released from prison OIl AUgust 12. 2001. Tho OiJcipiinary Board. Panel V. ontcn:d III onitr OIl ()cIObor 2.1. 200 1. de1mnini", thal Da>idsoa's cri ..... ronsI;'ulCd .. ..,.;. OUI cri ....... under rule> 8(e)(2) and 22(1)(2) of.he AI31)ama Ru~ of DiK"iptinary Procedure . Prior disci· pline W'~, """,illt"",.


MAV 2002


, LIo",a r .·an ..11 II I "', III ... ;,0 disbarm:! from.he practice of liw in.he S.ale of AI.bam. effet.;", F~bru3l)' 14. 2002 by onlc, of the Suprrmt eou" of Alobama. 'The $upreme 0","" ~n.~red ils order ba>cd upon the dcci. ion of the Di""iplinary Board of lhe Al:lbama SIlI1e Sar. In ASB No. OO-2S2(A}. formal ~1wJ" "'-= filtd opi .... Ham lII",i", tI\;II be ..... the do"n,aIlOrIICJ in a ruJ esIale ........aion IIId be did II1II satisfy the ooutandi"l ~ as discloso:d on the HUD·I sen ......". Ullle ......... Ham saIi.f"", the mongage five 1Ioftb afltr the mn do...... Ham failrd to ~ 10 11111."""". InlI>e>U for infllfTnO· .ion regarding the mailer during lhe """"" of.he bar', invesliga'ion . Ibm f.iled.o f(lr1rull charges. On 23, 200 1. a Iltfaull jooJ:llltl1' "'as en",rro inlO .gli"~ hilll fi"di", him ,"illy of "iolaling rulell1.3. L4{a). I.U(o). U 5(b).:md $.4(1). (e). (d) and (J). A.R.J>.C. In ASS No. OI .g3(A). fom .. t charg.,. w~", filed JOglin'l H .... allcJinllha. he IIad ",,,,1'<1 as ~lo$ing allOrllCy in a tnnsarnon ",·hc-rtin h.. diellu refi· ISal>CCd their homo. !lam w"focd the dienu' rlf>!. bul failtd 10 . .isfy the homo ..... ily mono P3"as~ 0fI\he HUD-t stU ......... 1Q4e.... nl. Ham then IIbMdontd the pnc1;'" of law IIId failrd or refused 10 render .. :IIfX(IIOntin, for Iht ~P' and disbunc .... J11 of Ioa<1 Jlf'lC"ftI$ as rep,....",1«1 ,n the Il UD- t 5<1tk ....... ~ Ham failtd to aM ...." the formal ~harg.... On OcIobtr 23. 2001. a default jud"""nt wlS entemlllll,n,1 him finding him guil.y of ~iol •• il!i wk. 1.3. 1.4(1). l.15(a). t.15(b). ""d 8.4{a, (cl. (d) and (g). A.R.P.C.






In ASS Nn. OI-84{A). f<»mal wore fi t,d" Ham all~g. ing that he was the closing al10rnty in • real estate l",n!aClion and. b.ued on an agreement between the seller.OO lhe purchaser. Ham willtheld $500 in escrow 10 co"e< the costs of repairs to the propcny. Upon completion of the ",,,,,irs. the conl""'tor pr-o:scntoo Ham wilh • bill for $125. Ham paid the repair bill with alrust accounl check th.t was subsequently relurned for insuffICient funds. Ham failed to rentit ,be $315 bal."". to the 5<'lkr. Ham failcd 10 an, ... ", the formal charges. On Oclober 23. 200 I. a default judg. menl wa< entered ag.insl him finding him guilty of ,'lol'ling rules 1.3. 1.4(,,). I. I S{b) and 8.4(.). (e). (d) and (g). A.R.P.C. In ASB No. OI·85(A). formal cllarges we", filed a,ainst Hr.m allog_ ing Ihat Ham Wis the closing auorney in a real estatelransac,ion aOO failed to lA'isfy an e~isting mong"ge in the amount of $174.558.30 as re~ ... n,ed in tbe HUD- I sel1lemenl stale"",nl. Ham 'I><n .bandoned lhe pn>elice of law arod closed his office. Ham failed 10 .n''''rt the formal charges. On Oclober 23. 2001. I defa ull judgment "'as entered against him findi", him guil,y of violating rules 1.3. 1.4{a). 1.15(0). l.IS{b) aOO 8.4(a). (0). (d) and W. A, R.P.C.[ASB nos. 00-252(A). OI-83(A). OI-S4(A) and OI·85(A)) Ch"'l~'

• Madi<On allomey William R ich mond Stephens was disbarred from the pnIC' tice of law in lhe State of Alabama eff"",iye September 14. 2001 by order of the Supreme Coun of AI; 1l>e 'u~me coon entered its Older b.ued upon the decision of the Disciplinary Board of ,he AI.bama State Bar. In ASH NO. 94-16S(A). ,he !)j<tiplinary Board rnten:t!. tlcfa"it judgment fiOOing 'hat Stephens bad violated rule. 8.4(b), 8 .4(0), 8.4(g). 1.15(b). 1.15(0). 1.16(d). and 8. I(b). A,R.P.C .. b.ued upon allegation, tha, Step/l<ns Wtl$ "'t.i""d 10 repr-o:<tnt ,he complainanl in a divom: acl;on.nd that the complain'n1l1a"" Slephens SS.<XXl to hold in tru" for her. Slep/l<ns ... ked the complainanl if he could u.. the money arod "",mised to ""y il ba<k .1 the end of the month. He

""id back the complainant witb. check !Iu, was returned because of IIOn·,ufrie;'nt fullds:lJ>d , il>Cfc!lut ~""'. StCp/l<IU has "'paid only $1,600 to the complain.nt. Step/l<ns did 1101 "'.'1>000 to n:queS1$ for information or otherwise cooper",. during the bat·, in""'tig.tion of the mailer. In ASS No. 95·3O(A). the Disciplinary Board entered. default jtldgment f,nding that Slrphens h.1.d violated rules 1.3. 1.4(1). LlS(b). 1.15(c). l.16(d). 8.I (b), and 8.4(g). A-R.P.C .. bawd upon .1Icga'ioIU that S'cpI>cn, wa< ""ained 10 "'1""5<'n' ,he coolplai""nt in a trnn,f.r of guardian· ship mailer and Ihat he was paid S300 for his se .. ices. He did not pcrl"orm any won: On b<'half of the complainant and failed to communioat<: with the compl.inant and failed to ",fund the "t'l<amed ~;on of the retai .... r. SlCp/I<ns did not respond 10 req"~sts for information or otherwi ... o"",,""'le ,",'ith ,he bar', in,-estigatioo of lhe malIeI'. In ASB No. 95.91(A). the Disciplinary Board entered a def.ull judgment. fiOOing tha, Stephen. had vlohl1od nllts 1.3. 1.4(a) and 8.1(b). A.R.P.C .• ba<td upon allegations lhat Step/l<ns wa< re!aiDed 10 handle thrtt sepa"'te malleB. During the coorse of the "'1"""",n,"1ion. Stophen$ did not communicate wilh the elient regarding the representation and he performed 110 won: in tile matte"'. refused to ",I •• ". the files and did 1101 =pond to rt.que.ts for information or OIl><rwi ... <"",,""'"' during the bat'$ im"e"ig•. lion of the maUer. In ASB 95-121(AJ. the Di.dplinruy Board entered. def.ult judgment find· ing tlI.1t SlCphens bad viQlated rul". 8.4(b). 8.4(e). 8.4{g). 1.15(b). and 8, I(b). A.R.P.C .• based upon allegations 'hat Stephens bo!rov.ed SS.<XXl from a dienl and tlI.1, he "'paid him with a check for S5.<XXllhal was uturned "account clos<d .~ S1ephen. a l", failed 10 communicale wilh the dient and he did nOi respond to rt.quesl$ for infon-n:"ion or OthrTwisc cooperate during lhe bar', invesli,a. lion of lhe mailer. In AS B No. 9S·)17(A). the Disdplinary Board enlered a default judgmenl f,ndinll tlI.1, Stcp/l<n.< load violated rule, 8,4(8). 3.1. B. I(b) and

5.5. A. R.P.C.. bosed upon .n~g.tions lhal Stephens was ",tail>Nlto "'~scnt a client in an action 10 obtain child ' UppOrl and that during lhe course of "'~,",nla'ion he engaged in " , ",,1 ",lation, with the client. H. engaged in improper conduct in hi' Iuempt' 10 coll..,t his .ttornty·, foe!;'rod he COn· Ilnued 10 "'p"'scnl the dient during. period of lime in which he did 1101 have an occu""tion.l license 10 practice law. Step/l<n. did not ...pond 10 rt.qUCSIS for informatiOO or <>Iherv.'ise cooperale durin, the bar', i""e"igo. lion of lhe malter. In ASB No. 95·352(A). tbe Di5<'iplinruy Board entered a defaul' judg""'"t finding that SlrphcnS had violated rules 1.1 , 1.3. 1.4(0). l.1S{b). 8.1 (b). 8.4{g). and S.S{a). A.R.P.C .. based upon allegations thaI SlCphen' ",'a, retained 10 "'~<tnl dient.< in a real .. ta'e maUer .nd that Stephen. took flOS,",ssion of the file. which contaiDed ori,inal OOou"",nl$. to copy aOO return. He did 110 wotk in the mal1~r, failed '0 communicate "'ith the client.< regarding the malter. did not copy the file or ",tum il. and oon,inued to ",~. sentlhe client.< during 1 period ofli"", in wbicb he did 1101 baye an occupalional lio~1tS/! to Jlf1IC, jce law, S'ephens did not =pond to rt.q uest.< fo< infor· mation 0< OIherwi",", cooperate during the bar. inv."igatioo of the mal1or, In ASB No. 96- 13-(A). the Disciplinary Board entered I def,ult judgment fi OOing that Stephen, had v;olaled rules 1.15(b). a.4(b), 8,4(0) aOO 8,4(g). A.R.P.C .. based upon ailegalions 'hOI Stephen, was ",tained to re~<tnl a dienl in a wotRr'S com· pen,",lion case . He <tuled the case and conv"ned SS.<XXl of the .. ulemen' 10 his Q\O,'n u",", withou' the cli.,,($ OOn' .. nl. The boanl also onlcred "'slilulion in the amount of $5.<XXl, In ASB No . 96-62(A). the Di.dplinruy Board enlered a default judgment fond ing ,ha, Step/l<ns had viola ted rules 1.1. l.3. 1.4(a} and 8.4(g). A. R.P.c.. based upon .Ilcgation, tlI.1, Stephens was relained to "'","",nlthe complainanl in a bound· ary line dispute and !luI StcphcIU did no work in the mailer. He failed to oommunicate witlt the elienl regarding the mailer. In ASB No. 96-209(A). the

Di'!Ciplinat)' Iloard e"l~red. ddaul! judgmem finding Ihal Slephens had ,-iolated rules 1.1. U. l.16(d). S.4(g). • nd 5.5(a). A.R.P.C .. based on .Ilegalion, IllJI Slephen, was relained 10 rep~m !he cOOlplain.n' in. di"""", ""lion. Slephen, was p.tid SW blJl did no! disclose lhal he had been ,u'p<OOc:d f",m lhe pr.>eli<:'O of law prior In I.~i ng lhe SW ""ain,"_ Stephens did nQI odviso ,he coo" of hi. '"<]lO",ion and did no! refuod lhe $W. In ASB No. 96-3 15(A). I"" Discip lioory lloard "n.. ~ a default judgmenl fi rlding 'hal S,ephen; had violaled rule. I. 1. 1.3, l.16(d). 8,4(jl l. and 5.5(a). A_R.P_C. bosed upon aIlegalion, lhal Stephen< "'as relained to "p..",nl the complain.n' in a di",,,,:o ""tion. S,ephen, .... '" paid $416 and he fi Ie<! lhe divorce :>Clio". bul look 00 funher ""'ion in lhe m.ner, He did nQI notify the ro"'plainanl or the coo" Ihal he had been ,u'pended from lhe pr.><1ice of law.nd he did no! rommuniea,. wilh the compl.inanL Hc faileotl 10 refund lhe ""earned porIion oflhe .-elainer. IASB oos. 94-265(A). 95-

3O(A). 95-97(A), 95-12I{A). 95· 317(A). 95·352(A). %-13(A). %62(A). 96-209(A) •• od 96-3 15(A)I

A I... nder Cily attorney John Rich ard W a IOrs. J r. "'as di,b~ from the pnl<tico of law in lhe Stat< of Alabama elfeclh.. January 25. 2002 by order of the Sup"'''''' Coun of Alab.m • . The ., upren", ('OUn enlered iIS order based"pon lhe decision of I"" Disciplinary Board O(lhe Alabama Slate Bor. In ASS No. OO-94(A). fonnal charges we", filed "lIe~ing thai W'I1<'" failed to lai:e .ny :>Clion On hehalf of lhe romplainan l ancr having been appoi nled 10 "'present I"" complain,nt on appeal fron' lhe denial of a Rule petilion, h was further atl~ged Ihal during I"" coorse of "'present", ion. W","" ""lueSled. and was paid. S250 10 obtain a oupy Oflhe trial "an ""rip!, which " 'as ",,'-er obtained and .>hould h .." b«n I,nll-ided a l 00 c""l. It w", also alk ge<! Ihal during [he course "f lhe represenlalion Wale" requ"'led and waS paid S500 to obtain an early hearing for the "on'plain""l bcfono lhe Alab."", a ""rd of Partion. and Parol",. which Waler> ",,'-er pursued.





WOle" did OO! .n,,"OT I"" fotmal charges and " def.ull judgmen' w •• entered against ttim on N"""rnher 30 .


In ASB No. (JO.IJ3(A). formal chorges We", fil<:d alkging lhal Watt" wa, rel.",.d 10 "'present. clienl in. divorce case and paid SI.OOO. Watm drafted. sett kmenl .g..... mcnl and lold the clienllha l he could ha,.. the di""",. setll<:d in une week if Ihe elienl paid him an addilional $300. ",hich lhe client paid. 11lc d ivorce did "'" .."Ie and the malter WlI$ c,'c nlu.J· Iy sel for lri.t. Prior 10 lhe lri.1 of lhe divorce. Water> wa, ,u.pended from lhe praolit'< of law in lht State of Alabama. flo",,'-er. Waler> did "'" inform hi, cliont "fhi, , uspension . On lbe dale of IrioJ. Wa,." did IlOl appear for lrial. WOlers did no! .ns"-.r lhe form.1 dJalJ;cS and a defaull judgmenl was enlC~ against him on NO\'emlltr

3O.2<XXl. In ASB No_ (l().246(A). lhe rom· plainanl filed n gri~. againSI Wale'" .lIegin8 that Water> <onla<le<! lhe about. potential class ""l;on ,uil apinSI a local induStri.1, lllJl W",crs del.yed lhe cost: for SOIl,. lime andlhot Walers ad,ised the complainanl Ihot lhere "-as"" ,(.(\1010 uf li",ilalions for .uch ",allers and then n:fem:d lhe ca", 10 OIher coonsel , After addilional ' imo h:>d passed. lhe receiving I"wy~r advised lllal lhe "otule of limilalions had run. Walers did no! ""pond 10 ",quo". for infor· malion during the Alabama Slate Bar', investigation of lhe griev.nee. so for"",I chorge, " .. '" f,led alloging lh'l Walers had \'i"loted Ru le 8, I, A ,R.P.C. Walcrs did no! anSl''-'' lhe formal ch.rge, and. dcf. u llj"d~men' was enlered again" him on Oolober 24.

' 'H.

On Docemlltr 12. 2001. Po",,11 of I"" Disciplinary Boru-ti "f the Alaba",a Siale Bar conducled a hearing 10 determine .p(>fOJlt'i. ie discipline in I"" abo,..·",fe"'ncd casc<_ Wale", wa, nQlified of the lime. dale and place "f Ihe ""aring in a<cor<loncc wilh Rulo 12(e). AX Il_P_ Waters did nut appear "I the hearing. Aft.r ron,idering lhe ",ilk",. and argument presenled by I"" Omec of General Cou"",L lhe board ordered thot Walers be dis· b.>rrrd. Ihot lhe di,ba"llCnl be consec· ulive "ilh the Ih"",-}'e"r suspension

imJl"=d in ASB _ . 98·SI(A) and 98·173(A) .• nd funller ordcm! tha, Waters make restilulion in the amount of S7S0. plus ime",". in ASB No. 0094(A) and m:1~ ,..sti'ution in ,he amount of $ 1.300. p lu. inte,..",. in ASB No. OO-llJ(A). [ASB nos. 94{A). 00-133(A) and OO-246(A)l

Suspensions Poley.{(orney I' roslon LH lI id,. was irnerimly ,u'pended from the metice of law in .t.. Sta'" of Alabama pursu""t 10 Rulo 20(.). Alabama Rules of Disciplinary i'mced u,... by order of the Disciplinary Commiss;on of the Alabam. S,aw Bar. dated February 4. 2002. The Di",iplinary Commissi"" f""nd thaI Hid,.', ronlinued practice of I.w is causing or likely to cause immed ia", and ~rious injnry '0 his eli"n" or 10 the pubk [Rule 20(a): r.,!. 02-01)

• Birmingh.m a{(orney Jo< Wilsun Morgan. Jr. was ,uspended from the praclice of law in the SIalC of AI.bama for a period o f twO years. effOC1ive Jk<,cmber 12. 2001. by onl<r of tht Supreme Coun of Alabama. The ,upreme court emered il$ onIcr based upon ,he dI>oision of the Disciplinary Board of the Alabama Slate Bar. In seven separ.te case" Morgan pled guilty '0 multiple counts of vioI.ting the Alabama Rules of Professional Conducl. Among the IlII .. viola'ed wne IlII., 1.1 . 1.3. 1.4(&). l.1 6(d). 8. 1(b). and 8.4(a). (e) and (g). A.R.P.C. In each case. Morgan "'as . i'her "rroin,ed or "'tail>«l '0 "'I""_ sen t . dien!. In some. but not all. of the ",.. ined case, Morgan wa. paid a "'tainer. In .ach case, aftor undertak· ing the ",prestntation. Morgan did lit lie or no wOfk in the mailer and failed to oommunicato wi,h ,he <lient or "'spond to the dien", reque" fOf information .bout !he "atus of ,he kgal matter. Mo.ian .bandof'l«l the <lient and did not ",fund !he unearned portion of the retainer. When tho d ient filed. grievanc. with the Alabama Stat. Bar, Morgan did not ",-,pond to reques" for information from the Office of Gene",l Counsel Of ,be local gric,.,.o<;e commiu"" a.signed 10 inves·

tigate tbe m3!\cr. [ASB oos. 98276(A). 98_277(A). 99.132(A). 99· 147(A). 99-311 (A). OI-06(A). and 01· 132(A))

On J,nuary 3. 2002. Mobile auorney }:rle nnondtlle"", rttei,'td a 9O-day '"'pension froln the practice of law in !he ",Ie of ofreeli"" December 19. 2001. The Offic. of

General Counsel was lIOIified by Reuss tIw hi' li""nse in the SI .. e of Geotxia had been .uspended fOf a period of 'wo years. On Juno 20. 2001. tht Stato Bar of Georgia <cnt lhe Alabama State Bar a copy of the dI>oi. ion ",nd<red by ,11£ Sup",me Court of Geotxia. Tile ll.iscondu<l in"olved Reuss', "",eipt of auomoys' fee. in a ban kruptcy case ... ithout the bankrupt. cy coon', knowledge Of prior appro'.,.1. Reu.s was paid $93.177.W by a <olvent ,ubsidiary oorporalion of his Chapter II clicnu<lebtor. Disgorgement of these fees was sought by \he tlll'tee in ban kruptey. Reu50 i. now paying baok tha, money to lhe truSlce in graduated payments. A reciprocal discipline hearing was beld by ,he Alabama Stale aaron No-.mbcr 14. 2001. The Disciplinary Boar<l recomnJended a 9O-day .u.pen· sion which was ""cepted by R.u ... [Rule 15(1). Petition No. 01--01]

Bimtingham attorney Ca!>'i" 5«1)' Rockerellor. III was imerimly .",pend· ed rrom !he practice of law in the Slat. of Alabama pursuant 10 Rule 20(1). Alaba"," Rules of Dlsciplinary i'mcedurc. by ortItt of the o;",iplinary Commission of !he Alabama State Bar. dltcd March 12. 2002. The Disciplinary Commi.sion found that Roc~fdl""'s rontint>ed practice of law i. callSing or i, likely to cause immediate and serious injury to his dien" or w the publio. [Rule2O(a): I'd. 02-0-1)

Mad i"", attorney WiIli.m Richmond Slephc"s was suspended from \he practice of law in the S'al" of Alabama effeeliv. s"ptcmbcr 14. 200 I. by order of the Supreme Court of Ala"',"".. The supreme coun emered itS order ~ upon tht <loci,ion of ,he Disciplinary Board of the Alabama State Bar. The

Di",iplinary BoonJ entem! a dofauil judgment finding thaI Stephen. viol.\· ed IlI1e. 8. I (b) and 8.4(8.). A.R.P.C .• ba<ed upon allegations that he m>de sexual od,.,.nces to".-ord the oom· plainan, .nd offered to o~change se. for legal "' .... i.c• . and !hat aflcr the oomplainanl spumed Stephcn", "", ual ad'·ances. be beg." auempts to .'tOft money from \he complainan t. Stephens did n(II ",.pond '0 ""'lues" fOf infor· mation or OIIK"... ise cooperato during the bar', in,-..\igation of ,he maUer. [ASB No. 94-2()4(A)]

Pub1ic Reprimands HunL<\"ilie lawyer Alpho" ,o lI..,kks receh'ed I public rcprin".nd wi,hou! general publication fOf "iola'ing rules 1.1. U and 1.5(a ). AI.banl" Ruks of Professional ConduCl. Beckles wu moined on April 19, 199910 def~nd. clien' wll<:> had been indi~ted for robbery first degr«. rape f,rst degree. tWO ooun" of sodomy first degree and se.ual torture. The dienfs wife paid Becll~$'s ""'Iue.,ed retainer of $7 .500. At !he time Beckles was retained. he was made ''''m: ,h.\ DNA ovi<lonce would be at issue in ,he trial and indicated !hat ne ""as oompetent to deal wi\h that issue. During the CQUrst- of "'presentation. Beckie, did IlOl adcqu"oly conlm"ni· <ate with his client Aftor the clien' was released on bond in August 1999. lhe ,lient CO/ltOCted him regularly 10 inquire abou, the !tatus of !he case and wh"'htr thtre was anyllting!hat lhey needed to disc"". Each time Beckles assured the client that c'''''Ything was fine and ' hI! he was conlinuing 10 pre. pare for trial. BedJos advi.ed the elien! tha\ he waS goi ng '0 hire a pri. Oat. inoCSligl!Of '0 as';" in the prepa",ion of !he <loren .. for trial. but did IlOl do so. Beckie. was made early as Dcttmber 1999. Utal the st.te·, DNA lest res"llS ""ere negative wi,h regard to his client. This was signifi~ant •• culpa'ory e,idonce critical to !he dofen .. of tbe case. Beckles failed to prepare \his line of defense Tho trial originally "'t f,.. J3I1ll31")" 24. 2llXI. For oIwioo, reasons, the state d id no! offer the exculpatory DNA ","i'""""'. The lrial COO" judge ",orltinued

aw''''. a'



m. aose IIOIliI J~ n. 2(0) 10 allow

On \If about July 20, 1996. Ussery him! C...... ron ' 0 bandk • Chaplet 1 Baak.noplql willi • mffi ........ ion of her bank I<iIam 011 her 00me ""'" auIOmI>bile. Cameron roled tbe bank",plCY 011 Scp'emba 16. 1996. ltaal c:oon$tl for lhe ban ~ holdin,lheoc: noIC. senl Cameron a .... afforrno.lion avcemen'" for Ussr!)"', Ii,,,,,,,,.. on (klobr, 24 . 1996. The banJo: "·...,..10 Cllneroo in 0cKiber and Novembet" 1996. requcoI.' i", tbe mum of m. ]In'$urnably culed alfornwioll ~me"' . Camnm failed '" m"", 01. 0.. Jaoo.y 10. 1m..... bank I!iOtif..-d Ussery """ " would "" Ion,... acupI payments from ber and demanded IUm'Jl(Jer of lloe 0011",«01. U'IC!)" lrie~ 10 obtain flrunci"l for ber house and aulOfll()bile bul ""as u!>ObI< 10 do so. Sloe lI"ve up !hal prop<'11y in Au' .... 1m. SM sued Cameron bul " Iu...... ly bad 10 senle for payme", of her Mlomey'S f=. Camnm ...., in vioLalion of Rule 1.3 [dil;c<nce) of !he Alabama Rules of ProfCSllional CondUC!. [ASB No.

IIedlr:s odditiollal time '" JlftI*'L WIItn Ikd:a"s oft"cr..:I m. DNA eviIlmoe. Ioe "'-as noI """",«lor ollie 10 e!oUNisb the ~ evidenliory foun· ~ f\lf its admi...;oo. In foot. Il«~ ""knowledged lhalloe was nola"'"", 0( any law lha1 require:.! the dcl'cnse I() pm<n! fOllndalionaJ n-idn>ct: pri(:o" 10 admiosion 0( the stale" DNA n-idence. The IriaI roun ~ 10 admil !he evi, dIIn<e ond. !he,d,..:. .... .;...,. did noI ~ the C1CU1poIory DNA McIence ,,"hell do~bcnlin& 1Iedlr:s'. (Id', pilll Of io.IOO<, ..... Ikdb', ~Id .."" foomd ",illy as cbarJcd IIId received .. -a:rcFIIWocnceof 1O!i years in lho JWc "",ilentilll)'. [ASB No. (l().142(A}!


On """"''' I. 2002. formo:< MOfilcomery aI!OnIe)' J olin OIhu n:«ived a public ..-primlind ",·i!horrl. ~ publicalion. in COIlJI«!ion wi!ll!he compbiDl filed apinll him by Amy Ussery of T",),. Alaboma.

Free Report Shows Lawyers How to Get More Clients c.lir._w.,


1.W1. oro ~ y"" ""Y pi ..... ,1-. 1101. ItiOIIIII. _ "'"I .... " 100 .. )"11 • A "re,",1 'y".m. Word '"'1'''' _ ....., in • "'001)"

..,. ri<h -.hil< othoro ......1< .. I"'Y thoi, bil .... Tho 111$\>"" K<OI"d'" I. 0"""'"Y. Do.iII M. Word. "'" ......"'" .. do ....Ot. .. tdi.o<oIiooo, <It ..... ~


~, ~


....... or .....· clio....


.l\of - " - yew.I'Ioo yew. " 1............. _ 1 0 ....

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"'" ..,. " ho 10)'" QIIP) til dois "I"'" 1». Moos .... )a"J okpnooI .. 0011 ... ' .... S4l~n •• 14...-.. ho - . . boot ... OIl< ...... r.... _ - . ... io loo .... "r.,.,.I.,--. .i,"in, w.rd·, .... b sil<. " \\". . - • 0)' _ _ "f<milo 0" P~t.. .....d. rd.oono






On J......wy 18. 2002. .... pended Mobik II'Qf'1Oey I..eM_",,,, Alan public Iq"Jrimand M.IOM wilhoul'........1 publicalion ba~ on


lhe J)iS(iplinary Boan!'s ~c'p'arI<" of M3lone', ~."Iidal«l g" illy pI.. in !Iwc pendin, disciplinary m:oUers. In .""" c.... he ..... <l!"<Iered 10 m:lke mUMion of $300 10 ~(lim,_10 n:«i"" • public ..-primand ,.;!houl ~I publicalioll. In ASB NQ.9(..!iO(A). on or about Mardi 2. 1996. Shelby J. Crisley paid M.1one 5300 to "'~t her IlOl\ io a (rimina! (,.... Malon< """"'" mel with lhc 10ft pri(:o" to hi. scheduled COIln da~. Malone (ailed IOlOOw up in COIln for !he dit...·' 5Chedukd """",ar.lIItt. Malone failed l<> rriwtd Chri • ..,,·, money and did noI. mpond l<> !he com, pIainol she filed "illi !he R * bar. Malone'& ao:tion$ 'o"ioLaIed noIes 1j(1) If....). 1.3 [diUc<noe). I A [~

110111 aowJ g. 1(b) [bar admission and disciplinary nw~1 of the Alabama Rules of Professional ConcIuct. In ASB No. 96- 13l(A). 011 or abouI AU&JII.I15. 1m, Cecil J. QliVtt. Jr. pOd Malone S300 to '"poexal him in • aimiMl c:a5c. Al the ,ime WI Malam: attq>It<llllil ~.... __ irntrimly $U<ptndfd. Malone did noI re!wn O~Vtt·. pMnc ali, iICIO~i", I refund. nor did ... coopenue in the inves!igalioll of ll!i, bar oomplaim. II ;, oond":l "iob led rulcs I.S(.) If=l. 8, I(b) lbar ao::lrni" ion and diliOipLinary "w~"'1 and 8.4(c) ImiJC'OlldUdI of lhe Alabama Rule! of l'roI'e5$ional COD.IUC1. In AS8 No. 96-17S(A). 011 April 12 and 26. 1996. Malone xcepICd I..., SISO poymen!S from TefKlI Canon for Itpl otptitdWior!. Malooe hod btaI ....... mly '""I"'ndfd by the bar dl"cc· ti"" April 12. 1996. Carson learned about MIIono·, IUSpCIISiOIIIhrouV' I noli« in lhe Mobile r>eWq>ap<r. He '..... unable 10 obtain a ",fund of his """"'y from "blone. Malone did noI coopcnue in Ille in"'sligalion of hi, bar complaint His OOndUoCI .iolaled rules l.j(l) Ifll'lll, 8. 1(bllbar admis,ion and disciplinary man .... ) and g .4(c) (mi~Ud) oflhe Alabama Rules of Profwional CondUd.

• Aubuno I lWtI'ICY Mk~ Sharp Sptakmad m;<"1vN • publk n:p;mand .nll! tencnl puOlication for ...... wi", Rule g .4(d). ARI'C. On June 27. 1998. Lee County Circui, Judr;e ROOm M. Harper fOOlnd Sl"'akmaiI in "",,"mpl <If COlIn ba!iCd up"" hi, con· doc,.t Illeiring 00 Ju ne 4 . 1998 befon: Circui, J"dV Rich"'" D, Lan< in lhe Lee C""n ly Juveni le Coon. At thaI hearing. Speakman lCpR$Cnlcd an indi .. id....1 clwzed will! contributing 10 the dtliroqu«oey <>f. minor. Befon: lhe case ".,.. nlltd for trial. Sl"'akmaiI oaw lhe oompiaini", willltM mel her mother ,,"';11"1 in the k>bby <If the Lee Counly Ju"i« Cea,.".. He "PII"*'them and cnp&«!llItm in I 0CIII\'nV,ioI'l oboulthe ,,-, " 'hicb lasted about five mi"",,,,,. LIter ~ momin&- ,,"ben the case was ealltd for lrial. the assi •• 1<lM dis,ricl ~llOl"lW>y lnl>OUroced lhat lhe CQmplainina wilness "'.. no! pre ... .nl ond reque.~ a OOII,inuance. Speak"",n did not inform the: coon aboul hi, COIW<: .... 'ion willi lhe com·


plaini", mel bor mother earlier that mominl in lhe lobby. Speakman ..ked that lhe nfC be diwissed due k> \he obsc...:e <>f \he complain,", n<SS. Tho judge continued \he case. LoIcr. i, "'u di~ thaI the com· pLainin, .... ,tneSS and her mother "''''''' prntnl III \he courthoo .., albeit in anothtr put <If lhe buildlna. at the lime lhe calC wllS c.11td for lrial. Sl"'akman wllS found in con'empt of cnun becau .. he 1C00aln.ed silenl ""hen ,he ""i\tanl di,tric, a"omey ..ked for I conlin""""" dlle \Q Ille ab>;c...:e <If lhe comrlai.in8 will'lCS$. knowing ,hat he hod had • oonvt .....,;on will! the complain,,,, ..·,tneSS and her mother in the kIbby that momi", prior 1(\ W ali of the c_ for trial. IASB No. 98· 224(A)]




'1'llilININH fUsi<: Guihlinu Appli<:MiOil

Amo-,.d"""." EftK'i.. NIW. 2fI01 Wtlo: ~ dotrIg cnmloal wo:.r\( ,n District Courl. Northern OiS!rio;t of Alabama lmalldatory for those WIsh-

ifllllO be (In a ra.ised CJA paoell ;st l)

WIt, . : Jooe 12. 2002. 8,31) am. 10 4:30pm

WIt".: Samford I..irmIrsIty. School of f'IIarmacy, Room II'. InQalls l1li11. lID LaI.estw;;lJe OrMl. BumongIIarn

"" ""

ClE CfHit 5 31o:us

• On ~ 24. 2OO1.1be Disc,plinary C<!m1tlL<Sioo <>f lhe Alabama S1<lte Bar determined lhal Birmingham a"nmey Torrl Mul'"l'tll S".... ~Id rt«i"e a public repriOland "" i,h s.""ral publica. lion. in 00II.....,1100 will! lhe oomplainl filed by JimOlY Edwllfd Slone, On or aboul March 3. 2000. Slone bired Snow ~Ie the poOO.a'e <If hi. <Icct~ m<>ther'. will. lie poid her I $200 retainer and • S200 advance WOo1ORI rom. All.., Ioix rtIOIIrn. hod puscd WlIInII lUIy won! from S -. Slone bcpn dl"oru I(> CCInlXl her. He lefi numcnl<Ol phone ~ ,,1Iictt """' no! lCIumrt1. AfItr SIOIIt filtd I compLainl ..,ll! the Alabama S1<lte Bar. Snow fliltd or ",fu!iCd \Q respond 1<> 'hrce lelter1l from ,he bar ICgarding SI"""', comrl.inl. 1-'""lIy. 00 M"",h 19.2001. SI\QW ",. iled Stone', origi· nal docu mcn" and. cbeck for $"250 10 an in~liplor will! the Ilimtin&bam Bar AISOCi<llioo', Oric,~ C<!mmillll'l. S,one hilCd another bwyn and "",""fully concluded the ......Ie wtlI'k. albeil nne ~ar latn. Tho Oiso:ipL i...-y CummtUion fnund !bat Snow', cooduct comtilu\Cd viola· tM.8 <>f niles 1.3 Idiligence] mel 1.4(.) lcommuniauion] n( the Alabama Rules n( ProfwiOll"W CnndIX1. T'htst panicular f\lks COYer the willfullle!Iect fA I lepl mAtler cntru~ 10 I lawyn and ,he failulC I(>ICSpond 10 lC""",able IC<jUCili f<ll" information by • dicnl. (ASB No. OI.()II)(A)] •

Intonnati on: ConIaet 0epJty Duel

US Proba\!O"l Officer c.,.,1h'i Mo:GoiqI at IlOS! 218-21 11


CLE Opportunities The Alabama Mandatory ru Ctmn\UII)'I CCW'I\lJV.IaIIy "Uiltes .-.d apcII'M$ i'I-$~"... weI1ll!

I'IItmWIdIt. P'~ v.tId! n

"""""'*' ., •~ ~ AlnlllWnlfllll lit' sponIQ'. leabOn. 1IiIII.-.d ~ . . for J listing 01 CImI'II ru


oppcwUII'II'* Of • til ..... to:tntaa

!he MQ.( Comrn;UII)'I office It IJ3.4I 269-1515. _ _ 111. IS60f 158. Of \'011 ITII\' _ . ctIJIlIIate lis\lfl!l 01 c,•.,etrt PJ1)gIams II the state bar's w.b Sll', ..........IIi.IbM,(>'Q,


SeMces • SECURITY NEGUGENCE: Itol_ "'1*1 on cr..... 1IIb1<tr. "-"II cenlor,. I'wIteII. sdIooIl. e1""" 1lorto;!Qr 01 _ _ .. ry !I'm,. P""II'1m. I\fIhoI 01 8 boots ond 351ttJtlK on tr""""*>gy. *""oty I'IIID oc-.,. doIeeIor ~ on CNN I'I8'WI. IDy S--. ~ 01. Md\IIII ClIy SmnIt. J.D. Ed llM Phono 16011260'306


• (NGINUJUNG/tONSTlIUc:nOH EXP(~TS: Dr............ ...... ' ..KI ....... ~ IIIctrQI. _ dIInoQI. lIIImII._ ........,INAC,b'


""'. .-....-.""*--.."*"" -.. . 2




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c..n. Mobil

Phono1251161il-26Il5. E....... iIhao ........ a:tm. Wrb~'

• EXPERT WllNUS DEVHOPMU~IAL DISA8IunU: o..,Io;::::aUl dI~ ~..,.,... ~ ~'- &IooIpQlllrCllnlal..~ _ _ _ JI"'MCIM <IIIIId II IIrCIInI 01 CInI

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0 ;'1 .,.. ~AlJIlf. MemIoor

ASCn. W. SAIlFl NAIll ""'- .... ,.."...... upon Jel'.O!SI- Hn u.,.. GocIoon. 218 ~ "' .... ~~

Goorvoo. DIll /'Io:IIt I/OIiI ~I

• TRAffIC ACC10ENT RECONSTRUCTlON1ST: Iho1. ......... lin reco:rI$tI\ICIe _ l,IDl";dnl ... 23 Stot5 .... ~, SI/lIIII. raoIn:aB nl ~ i;I;iIIIUIC!Q' ~_can.~U"'Qf_

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• S(ctJRfTJ(S AltO T1Iun INYt:STMENT EXPt:U ,.,'. . _.. a.f_~~ . . . . 0 - Manhot ..... Son""" Bris. \.ftIIId.lllrwr Btnb t:hIothd f...-.ool a'IMVa. c.-l.uIII. WI\tr1G'I SdwIol, u....."'1y 01 ~ , B5. Ea:r'lO'oa, _ .... Et«ll>:TlCl/FlfI8<Itt Reg"_""",\IIIeII! IdYIIa $1_ (1A. PO. 800: llol57, MiamI. FL:Im! Clil !l)!i1114.s4!1l t-.lIXl5l31'.s4~[f..l .. HIOd Srtrnif" • ,'","" MAV !OOl

• STATISTICS. DAlA ANALYSIS. SORWW [l(PERf. Ul'1111'On IIJIIPOI1 on MI'''' ~ II'I.III\W 01 10<511_ 01 doll tn:I inh:nN1'" IYI_IWICUCM Cusb;rn P19....-.a also """..,.. WI "'" !hi SAS ryll ... lind IIIho! ~ CansU!OnIS WI'" yNII at ~ ., I~ IIIIIIJfiICIL.f1l'lg. ~ II..... credol Col Htodo ~lZ. COP 0' 0051 J6S..I)09 ........... WtII ..!e _~~""" ~S'-'I&1 c...-1M.SIe l2S.1CtJ~R.


id ......

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• INSURANCE EXP(IIT WITNESS: r...., ""'""_ ' - " ' _ ' _ _ .. nsi._ • _ ........... COIiII;iII. 00; "",,~ •• I _ _ _ _ ... rna PiIhcy .......... ~,

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• AUTO INJURY 1IlYIEW: 80enl wtJfllll __ iuII ~ilU" ~ tor _ of II'IIfI. DI IoconI:I _"" to _ _ - . . .


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s.-a. ........ Ptoano (2fl6IZl7-O:a

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• fORENSIC IlANDWflmNG IS. DOCUMENT ElAMINEII: '-Y,..,' _ _ .. do<u-




For cIofencIIrn. I'I0InPI !l.m-llooni A....1abII "" ' 'IIII1lOsttmOl'ly P\Iont I256l s:J9. 1211 f"" (2561 S2S-«KI1 E· ... I; ~1Ift.

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' ~ l!11X1lJ111: IIiiIgii en.. I GA,33I.rr-mtUl1-41OO1.

• CONSUlTINGENGINUIIJ(XP(RT WlTNUS: 1'IoItssooNI..".,.. Willo 1~ __

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doIensIo. 1\ot$\ I. ToIIoIn. P.l ....... (7Q'i1S!£!1m f"'!205I85J"m. • MEOIUllEGAL CONSULTANT: ModitaI lIigII COIIII.iIMIIIor taIIlfII/yK. • i _ • • • 'abnfP..~"'-'

1IiCf . . . .GO

"'*'" diifaodlo. caoes """"'"'a ...toa1arouiiI...aicaI _ _ w&., laO to

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. . . . . . . cuoclll...... accidiifIIl. ~ - . "'P"acIIC ..... . - . _ ... '",_

PII'IGbII""'" ..., ....

.. -.IIBIo •• , , I'IIYSiCIM 'flAM: W. ~ hI _ _

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IIC1: ~ ~ 1J6./IJIXI


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Dr. .IatI'Il CIoInIII1 F.. (711111J6.119!l ~


E.... ;,.sl~

10 ......... 111 tall _ . "*'icII -.:10 ..., diifaow ~ .....11iOI\ for.iII CorHIocIUftl moi..~.""'-

AMER ICAN Legal Se""'h. u.c "'p<eSo1:nls oUiS-Ianding law finn. in Binningloaln. Mobile. Allania and OIlier Cilies in Alabama and ilCrosS lhe Soolh. Our dients have career Opening. for lawye ... willo I • 20+ years of upcricnce in numerous prnclicc areas, incl ud ing ('h'il liligulion . eSlale pla n"ing. or corpora lc law. We also "pecialize in placing anorncys 011 a ( ,,"lra( 1 (Iemporary) basis for specific proje<;ls. such as dass acl;on. and OIlier larg~ liliga.ion mane .... Add"ionall~ . w~

are very


in a"is'ing law finn. wi. h


uplIII5iollS and

prdClK:c group acquisilions. Our I'Crvicrs a", profe» ional and Slrklly ('()ilfid~nlinl. For 100'" informal ion, go 10 ..·.. '''·.A!Mri.... "I~..,'''. or ron lacl Rictw-d G . Brock. E.<q. Phone: (:!OS) 9309128. E· mail : richard @ame-ric:Mnlq:a bcl1 rc:h .fOft1.


Positions Ohad • ATTORNEY POSITION: ~ s;.pI!Ii ,..".. Pc. ....... _ """"'" II l1li fiIId 01 _ _ ~ "'-0 l"IQ' ' -


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