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On the Cover:
AL ;\BAM ;\ i" ,\WYER Vol. 64. N o. 3 1 May 2003
Mobile. Alabama
A wgbo:>ol ,,<>0:; ito ,....y "P Ihe Mobik RI,.... in from of Ihe now ~ I obil. COM..,""'" CM«I. 110:: 2000 ............ S""'" Bar " M«"II$ ~· i ll take pia« ., Ihe Adam·, Mart Hotel. Ihe !Mg. d3tI: boilding on Ihe kf' sid< 0( Ihe picn= ,........ """ C~ If)
ures 150
The Two Most Common Fatal De/ects in Petitions lor Wrils of Certiorari 8y Douglat Inge JoiInJ,tHu!. Mtocia .. JILS,ic.. sUP"'''''' COl'" of"'/""""",
Civil Law Notaries: Something New In Alabama By Boyd F. CDillpMlI and Ronald G. N.i,..inh
, 73
HLawyers Render Service~Alabama Slate Bar 2003 Annual Meeting
, 86
~ Miss
Liz Is Here"
A Lawyer Who Makes a Oiffereoce By Pu",da II. Buey
, 88
Considerations In Purchasing long-Term Care Insurance By Mic/uu' .... Kin/and
Alabama Lawyer Assistance Foundation Update The Message of Hope By Dao;d 'MxJldridg<
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Judge Thomas King Brigadier General , Alroy National Guard Birmingham , Alabama
Capt. Mary Scott Hunter Assistant Staff Jud ge Advocate Pope AIr Force BaSil, North Carolina
The lawyer
Public Relations Committee
reoantly wor1<ed with Ti<:~i Productions of Birmingham to produce two new television announcements thai are /I(lW on the air statewide:
â&#x20AC;˘ "Serve & Protect" high lights members of the Alabama State Bar who are serving their country here and _ay .
â&#x20AC;˘ "lawyers Render Senrice~ focusas on how lawyers help during times of change.
FfM 0.6<0'
The World Is Changing
i""" I ~""'" llIe 126th presidenl of tile AI.bama Stale B.... drnslic changes ha,'e occu.......J in Alabama. 1he Umled Slales of America and llle "'""Id. In Alabama. llle ~siden1s eleeled. new go>tm<>f. a Republican. Bob Riley. by lhe """"""e.l margin of any gub<-matorialeloclion in tile hislory of lhe .tale. Qow,mor Riley. in hi •• Iale of lhe Stal<: address. gave. vivid description of ,he precariou, financial Oondition of Alabama. He.aid changes mu.l be made and , .... ~ muSl be substanlial cuthaok, u, bring Alabama', financialltou~ in ....o.r. HealthSou'h. AI.bam.'s larg ••l h<alth em focilily. i. in .. riou, financi.llIOUble and is eum"lly bting inves<igaled by tile Securilie' and Exchange Commission. The Unil.d S ... ",s of America i. al war wi1ll Iraq and lhousands of Amtrican. m lighling in the Persian Gulf ma. We do not know wh<n tile war will end. or bow nlllCh il will cost. However. m.ny live, will be lost. We a~ .ble 10 see tile war as il i. being foughl live on'ion.
The impacl of ""ith Iraq i,!>OW fell in Alabama. On March 26th. !'fc. Howard loon",". Jr.. age 22. of
Mollile. ""as tile lirsl Alabamian 10 make the uililIl.11e »orifice for his coontry in this war. Reserv. romponenlS of tile anned forces .ugmtn, the aclive romponenlS of tile Uniled Slales mj]jlar)' in tile perform.lICe of rnj]jlary dUli .. worldwide. Alabama ranks sevenlh among llle slales in tile pe-r-capila number of Nalional Guan! and Reserve pe-rwnnd mobilized. Alabama', N.lion.1 Guard is ooe of the Ingell guards in lbe nation. numbering .bool 15.000. The Slal. of Alabama has mobili7.1:d OVer 6.760 guard and "'serve mililary 148
melnbtrs in 'upport of llIe <"mOl war on ttrrorism. Thi s illCludes membtrs of tile Army Nalional Guard. Army R.serve.Ai, Nalionol Guard. Marine COIpS ReS<'rvc. Air Fom: R......... and Naval Reserv •. Of lllese. sev.ral judge lIdvocales and Alabama S"'e Bar mcmbtrs h",'" been mobilized for "'Ii"e dUly and ha"e been assigned 10 Afghani.tan. Iraq and otMr coun,ri., lhroughoullhe world and 10 ,lateside homeland $tturi· ly d"~ ... Ai; of M"",h 3111. 4 1 Alabama Naliooal Guard unil' ba,·. been mobilized since Se]>1ember II III. 200 I. and :J.Ii we", >1ill on ""Ii ... dUly. wilh many deployM '0 CENTCOM area of oprralion. overseas.
The Mililar)' Law Commille<: of lhe AI.bama Sla'e Bar has been v~ry &e:1iv~ IIIi. spring .... i'ling dliun. and al1omey. wilb federal. sl"," and l""allalVs lhal pe-nain In mililary members and lheir famili~, during limes of mobili .... ,ioo. '"Audem ... juno tIO:Itrx def~nd· e",··_w. daIl' defend oor rights··is. phrase on lhe mind. of many Americans lh<s.e day •. ANi ..... guard .nd reserve judge odvoc.le, of lhe Alabama SI.le Bar "'" conlinuing 10 support mililary commanders. mili· lar)' memb<-rs and thei, families in lhesc p¢rilou< times-anolhtr ...... mpl. of lawyers ",ndering servi<e. We join American. cv~ry ... hc", in supporting oor mili· lar)' troopS here and .broad. I am !>OW in my nin1ll month as """idem. My. bow lime has flown! Carol and I bave ",,,,,,.. nled lhe AI.bama SLale Bar ""toSS lhis nation. Immtdia,dy afler my"""ion ..... 'l"'oded 1he Nalional Convenlion oflh< Na,i"".1 BOT As.wcialion in San Fr.lllCisco. an . ,sociation tha'l ~rved as ilS 43rd pr..i.
denl_ We Ira"eled 10 lhe Americ .... Bar Associalion meeling in Washington, DC. ... here we mel w;Ih lhe National Conferc""" of Bar fu$idtnU and the Soothern Conferc""" of Bar Presidents. At tbe meeting oflbe NCBP. ! w.. e!octcd ", lbe ~uli¥. council for a period of thrtt y....... So, I will be octively in~vcd in tbe NCBP umil 2005. I was tbe lirst speak..- for the first·year $luden .. at lbe Uni~.rsity of Alabama School of Law during its orien ... tion pro. gram. I .ha11enged them to study hanl. ftnish law school. pass the Alabama bar ""ami nation and develop into outsland· ing la wyers. During my presidency. I have addressed se,'eral bar associ.tions across thi. "ate. including the Morg .... COUnty Bar Associalion in Decalllt. the Binningham Bar Association and Magi<: CilY Bar Association in Bimlingham and the Mobile Coumy Bar Association. Additiona11y. I ",rved .. l:eynol. speaker a t the Thurxood Marsha11 Symposium for BALSA.I Cumberland La", School. We .ncOOed the Mid·Wint..- Meeting of the American Bar Association and the Nali()ll.3l Council of Bar Presidents. and participated in its Executive Council Meeting in Seanl •. I served as keynole speak..- and re~ntcd the Alabama S ... ", Bar al Faul"""r Universi'y; Southern ConfereDCe of Bar Presidents in Key Wesc; Manin Luther King. Jr. Celebration .. Ilul StrQutbburg University of Pennsylvania; and the Brooklyn Academy of Musk. I addressed the Alabama Conferc""" of Cireui. Judg.s. panicipated in the OkJaboma Bar Association'. Diversity Fontm and deli,-ered lecture. at tbe Univel"$ity of the Virgin, in S1. Croix and Sl. Thomas. In addition, I have .... ac1ive trial prac1ice. What I have tried to do during this bar year i. to dernonsl131e thai Iaw)"'1"$ render ",,... i",,: ",,..i,,,, to their dients. ",,..i,,,, 10 the cornmunity and service to tbe proreS$.ion, In addition toonr travel •. I have coo· tinued to lead the bar in a11 of its ac1ivi· ties. l1Ie bar CQmmiS$.iol>OJ$ approved a plan req",,"ing the legislatu", to assist it in improving diversity 00 the board of bar commi.. ioners. aoo to increase diversity in the "",r...ion. l1Ie commi$ . • ioners al.., approved. recommelldation from the Task !'<:IKe on tbe Alabama UWy<1"$ Hall of Fame 10 be implement_ ed in bar year 2003-2004. In addition.
the commissioners authori ... d the ere· ation of" DeW Appellate I'lacti"" Sectioo ~nd 3dopted by-law. fo< that _tion .
more information in the near futurt!. This i, another •• ample of la"'yen rcndcring service.
l1Ie)"'ar 200) marb the 40th anniver·
Finally, acttpt this .. your ""rsooal invitation to join u, for the 2003 ASB Annual Meeting in Mobile. July l6th19th, Thi. conventi"" promi",. to be one of the most ou!S1anding in the history of the bar. T1>e theme is uwyers Render Service, Some of the .""akers are Robert SlIerman. ~ .. ~nling " How 10 Persuade With MOtt J>oy,'''- and InflueDCe"; Iknni' Archer. incoming president o f the Americ.n Bar Associalion: Prof• ...". James W. McElhaney. presenting "Planning to Win: Trial Tips and Tactks-; MlilanI Fuller. <Sq .• foondoer and pres.i(1cnt of Habi ... for Humanity, Inc.: and nlany tnOrt!.
<ary of the United States Supreme
Coun's deci.ion in Gideon v. Wainwright_372 U,S. 33S ( 1963). In I landmark decision by Alabama's Justi"" Hugo Black. the Court held that. defend .... ' in a , .. te COUrt h.. a righltO CounIItI if charged with a fel""y. Ik.pi", the dtar call of ' Gideon's Trumpet,' what would appear 10 be I f"lIdamental right ha. noI yet been fully implemented. Wbile slating I rigllt. the Coun """,;,jed no "",ans 0< tn<:Chanisms for fuooing the right. Left 10 their own device<. the states have been less than diligent. Whik the deftnfoC of iooigenu in AI.banu. has improved over the past 40 years. clearly there i. much 10 be dono. President·EI<'<:t Bill CIarI: i. beginning plans for" Symposium on Indigent Ikfenllt next fall to try 10 ensure that Gideon', call docs 1101 fade. y"" will be """eiving
l1Ie world cootintICS 10 change, as i1 has dono for centuries. and la wyeB ron· tinue to rendtr ICrvice... they have <lont for cent.mes. •
Opposing Counsel put them to sleep.
We are their wake-up call. Today, juror. expect 10 be enle<tained in !he courtroom . H'. a pr<>Ven fad tIIaI visual convnunicaIion IIelps jurors overcome !he low toWanoe !hey have when expoSed to volumes of complex or ur"Iirrte<flting information.
Our CMifled llial consultants can work with you IC digitaly disptay key evidence, cn.OaI tSepos.itions and important docu~ in order to keep !he jury tocused on the facts in your case and make !he most of your lime in front 01 !hem. C&I today to _ how W9 can help with your ....x1 case.
Wilson Price
(J304) 271 -2200 www . wi!
Punuotl/ to I~ A/ahoma SlaIe 8or's role 8O"em;lIg lhe eleclion ofpuJjdenl~lecl, Ihelollok'ing biagmphicDI Jknc~:I au prul'ided 01 Datlgws MeElvy and em'ne O 'Reur III, MeEI." and O'Rear 1I'e1'l! 1M qlJtdi/yinll can/lidolellor I~ poJiliall a{presideIlHI«1 ofllw A/Dh<lma S,aIt 80r lor Ihe 200J·2004 Ie ...., aruJ lire ...inner will assume rhe presidency in Jul)' 2004,
0I.0ILt.s Md,lvy was born. OIl lunr: 29. 1944 in MON~, and is marrir:d 10 Eleanor Croft McElvy. masIef', de&m: in mu,ic from lloe Uni>=Ity of Sou!henl Californi. and has !JuJh' voice at lloe Univenl.y of Alabama and S""iron S'.'~' Douglas and Eleanor ha ... live chi ldren. Paul , lloe oldest, is a grwjua", of the Culverbouse School 0( A"""minS at tilt Unl\'tni.y of Alablorna. and i •• CPA ,,"""'ft, in lloe lalIaudit divisiorl of IkllSouth in Ailanu. Jonathan. • p1Id ...", of ,he jour. nalism dtJ-"""'t of lloe UnlV\"f'Sity of Abbama. ~ w publiUlm'cdioor of TM ~u n"",s. Elinbcth McEI,), Spiller i•• spKial cdt>CItion Jf1Idu· ~'" from the Un i"" ... i'y of AI~bama and i. an in tcr· pm'" for.he ""anng impair'W, """'" i. a $t"1or in hi",lII'hooI and i. aru"" in national debatin& rompcti. boII$, J...... DougLu i. in the ninch &rade and i. lICIive in colf, beotelba11 and baseball. McElvy llltndcd hi. lim tWO ycatS of 001...., at S'. EkmlnI Colic", in Cullmad. lie eamod • bK""lor of lII'icnee Ik""" from the Univml,y of Alabama wl,h I major In ICCOUn'ing. and IInMlu3tC\l from lloe Unlvmlty of Alabama SdlOOl of law in M.y 19'11 , He ..... lict.....:l by tbt SuP"'''''' Coun of AIabamI to pnc6ce law in Augu>! 19'11, Afrcr ,""","tion from law III'hooI, McEI...,. clettcd for J~ 01II1es WriaJlt. chl.f judae of the Alabama Coun of Civil Appeal •. lie IMn diRCtcd and was the sole Inomey for a \cllal services clinic for the poor in Ue Cou n'Y. Followln. thll, he ~ptcd a SI)/J posiliOIl with .... Ce""" for CorrI'CtiooW PsycboJoay 01 lloe Unlvnsity of Allboma. wheR he I ) . juvatilcjuMitt, corrccIions and ",III' cd courses and " .. im-oI>aI IQ pIaMi"l for tome' ion!ol,ysocou, MeElvy has prac1iccd law ,inee 19'11. He I• .elml,· ,cd ,0 pnICIice in ,he United Sta,es Oiltrm Couru for the NOI'thcm, Middle and Southern di.triers of Alabama, and olIO in the U,S, Coun of Appell. for the Elevc:nch Co""'it, In 19'18. he was ""'mi,ted 10 pno:Iitt .,.foro lloe Su~"'" Coun of w Uniwd s..eJ. M~E1yy has t-n ""'" 1Cti", in the TIucaIoota County Bar Association, ~ on the Enan,,,, Cornmm.." as secrewyltroUllrer, and as president 0( the ThIll'IIoosa Coun,y Bar As.sociation in 199G-91, H~ was 11'10 "",,IIk"1 of the Tuscaloosa County
1 50
Douglas McElvy Public [kfendcr Commi u ion, He played "It instru""'ntal ro~ in dt:lflinK and promotin& ,he enac,mom of thc Tuscalo<u County Judici.L Commission, which "'fen """'i.... iortJ for Open j udi<:iaI posilions 10 the ~, I'k ""' 0110 ..-.-I .. $pOclaI assi.wtl attor· Itt)' ~ for the SIaIC of Alabama. MeElvy Iw 0110 hem >'cry active in thc AW>anuo S'lrc BII, Ho was cit(tcd ' 0 thc 1131. bar Board of Bar Commiss i".,.rs in 1991 and has ..rved as . bar com· missioner .inee thlt <l>te, On three $tparllle o«aslons, he ...... ao.ked by the .... ft·pm.idmr of lloe AW>anuo Stale BII 10 ~ 011 lloe Eualtive CQunciI • ..:L each 'i.... he ..........Icd 10 1hat position by • ¥lICe of .... hat commi .. ionerL McElvy ...... olcc1cd vicc·pro3i· den, of thc All boma S,"", Bar and II curren' ly SCfY. ing. a, the ""I""" of Pruilknt I'Rd Gray, • fourth ,onn on .... EltCc:ut''''' Council. During Mc£Jvy's
tenu,.. Il$ bar oommi,.iOf'ltr. he h3$ bttn extensively invol ved in numerous C<lmmitt= and propt. with the .tate bar. Some of ~ incl""" ... ",ing as liaiSOllIO the Alabama Supreme Coon. 011 the Alternative Dispute ResolutiOil Committee. 011 the ctur.w:ter and Fitnen Commit""'. and ourren~y as a panel " .. m· b." 011 the Di",iplinary Board. P:ultl IV. In addition. he helped "",·.Iop. and now..:ts 3$ a mediator on. the Alabama Sta,e Bar Comminee 011 ResolutiOil o f Foe Di.putes. McElvy ""35 elected to the Alabama UW Foondati"" Board of Tru.tees. which oversees ;nw",,,.nl of IOLTA funds and evalu· ate< and "",,",'~ grants for the JO LTA funds. He "'as Illso elect · ed. Follow of the AI.""ma Law Foundation. At the ~S1 of Dean Kenneth Randall. he allowed hi' name 10 "" submitted for oominatiOIlto the Board of Trustees of the Uni"'rsity of Alabama Law FoundaliQII and was eittted to that foondation. which o .... rS«! the Uni .... rsity Law School FoundatiOIl funds and a<tivitie•. In addition to McElvy"s work with local and $tate bar associ.tiQll$. he is a1.0. ,""nified mediator. heing c:t1lified by the American Academy of Attorney Mediators . He has se<Ved for years 3$. loe'u",r for con'inui n, le,a1 educati"" ipon$Ol\Od by the Alabama Bar Institute for CLE. the Uni"crs;ty of Alabama School of Law and the Alabama State Bar. He has been an adjul>CI professor of law .t the Univcrsity of Alabama School of Law and now •• ache$ for Oak Brook College of La", and Go"emment Policy. He 1>3$ . 1$0 been the J>1<t president of the Christian I1g"1 SodOly of AI.""ma. Active in many community affairs. McElvy was I graduate of Leadership Tu",.loosa. a nd has al$O served on the Steering and Planning Committee of Leadership Tu",.loosa. He "'.1$ eitt1<d
10 the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce of West
Alabam. and also served as vice-president. ch.iring the Governmental Affairs Division. He was awarded the DistinguiShed s.,,,,ioe Award by the West Alabama Cham""," of Commerce in 19l!9 and was named the Momber of the Y.. r in 1990. For tcn ycars he "'Ned as the vice-chairman of the Zoning Board of Adj.utment for the City of Tuscaloosa. Ho suppontd the WeSt Alabama Arta American Cancer Sooic.y by ohairing il$ C""""r Crusade and ,i11ing on it.< Board of Dirttton. He W3$ forrn<:rly on the Board of Directors for Big Brotht:rsI8ig Sis!o" of Tuscaloosa COIlnly. atld i, pre",ntly vice-president of the Board of.he YMCA. McElvy was the fo under of the West Alabama Tnmsplan! Trust fund. which is a nonprofit corporation that raise< money and financially ,upportS W<$t Alabama citizens in r>ecd of organ or bone maJl"OW tran'plant.< . McElvy also I><lped ini,i". tlie Tuscaloosa Coali.ion for Ch313C,er and "'as appointed by .he mayor of Tuscaloosa. .1$ the chailtTOaII of the City of Tuscaloosa CoalitiOil for Ch313Cter. Thi' initiative has been rt.pon.ibl. for many public projttts. pron><>l' ing good characlC1" among the citizen. of Tuscaloosa. as wo ll as initiating character education in lhe public school systcm in Tuscaloosa. A long-time member of First Baptist Church of Tu",aloosa, McElvy has bttn "",ive as' dtac:on and h.1$ ",,,"«I in many other capaciti<$ in the church. McElvy practiced in Tu",aloosa for many y..... with the rlfm of McElvy &. Ford. PC. which he .,.,.founded 2!i years ago. He !till main.ains an office; n Tu",.loosa. ootthe Mc Elvy family has rttemly rtloc.ted to Mon'g<:>mery. whert lie i••1$0 associa,· ed with the finn of A= &. A=. LLC. •
is an) ;nleres!
Tbc: Sect ion
wou ld:
membe rs:
aI !he Board of B ru-
_<ti,"", of (he ASB.
. . . ."" 0'1
II1IISl i~nl;f) lawyers who
.~::::. somwoo )"ou know
small finn ;<sues. please
". '"
aine O'Rear WI! born in Jasper in 1950 and au.oded!he public school. Ihrre throu&h hi'" ""hool. Cline', rather. Cline O' Rear, Jr.. has boon in privale I..... PJ*"ice in Jasper ,in«: 1949. Caine obW~ hil B.s. dqrtc ftom the U"i~IY of Alabuno in 1972. Al Alabama. he " .... member'" Phi 8ria Kappa. J _ and ODK, and oerv«I .. ..;ce. ~l of 1M ulIdcnI body. Caine luended II ... IChooi • !he Univcnily of
Virginia and obtaibtd hi5 J.~. ~ in 1975. After Ilw od.oo1. he ocrved in !he UOiled SLalcsAnny and Army Reserve ....aplain. Caine has b«n in pri,...te prac1;ce in Mobile wilh tbr finn of Hand "'",ndaU foc 27 }'<'an. He is c~onn~y chairman of Ihe firm'. hliplM>n soc:tion. Hi, Pl¥1W:e now prillC1~ly invoI .... conunercial· and buslnc::loSrelalCd litipliorl. aIthoup be has bandkd a1llypc:l1 of
ciYillrial. MId appeals oYer Ibe ye>n. He is odmincd to prK1ir:e in IIle Suprt'11Ie Coun of !he Uniled SIMts and \be f-ifill and ~nth circuits. and hc has tried c"",, in all three fedcnl dis,ricts and "umcmu, ci",uil
oouns in Alabama, as wen as in couns of OIhor jurisdictions. DIIrlnj hi. II... clftCr, Caine has betn active in ,he Al.:ab\lmlI Sial. 8ar and Olhtr profeosiooaJ "'Iwu· 00m. H. ~ 001 Ihe 8000td of &r Commissoont"1'a for the muimum three lenni from 19921hrou&b 2001. focw.illj heavily WI manm; inYoI~iallawycr discipline, Dun", W. 'ime. Caine 5ero'ed on !he DisciplilW')' Board and ...... I Tl'lrnJber and lalt1" dw,· man of 1M Di5<'lplinary Commi",ion from 1994 ,hrOIIgII2001 . lie also ... rvcd for ni... ~ars 1$ . ..... m· be, of lhe Mobile Dar AS>ocialioo's EMculi.e Commil"'" ar.d was ptI'l'iou$ly ...... mbe' of lhe Mobile Bar Auocilllion', Grievance Comrnil1<e. c.;... is I ..... mbcr of llIe Ame-ricaIl Bu Auocillioa Utipliorl S«uor.. llIe Alabama o.-r..... Loowym AHociaIioII ..... the lalmlalional Auociaboa of o.-r...... Cowuel. lie has ....."Cd on the f.cuky of llIe IAOC's NatiooAl Tnal AcOIkmy and has wnllca and Icctllff>d on1Opicl ,nV<)l.ina trialrechn>quel. trial <U"at<gy and ethics. lie has IIftn lillM in The Bw LawY"f"I in A..... ri~. for a numbcr of years. 15 2
MAY :00)
Caine O'Rear III c.;... i. Klive in hi. chun:h and civic Ifflir:t. lie i, a ..... moo of Ashland PI..., UnilCd Methodil' o,un:h. where he has ....... ed as chairman M ,he Adminim:!live Board and as I Sunday Scl>ool .. He il. ltUSlce and board ..... mbcrofllle YMCA of MotmpoliWl Mobile and ........ ed thai orpniwion as board chair· man. He ~nlly ~joyJ ICrving as. Bi, BfIllhtr and a member of llIe board of llIe Bi, BrnthotsIBi. Si!lm procram in Mobile. He has ptI'l'iou>Iy JCrVCd 011 the board of dim:1Of1 of Goo,l1.ill laduslrics of Mobile and on othtr ~i~ic hoards. He is artive ill the alumni associOlionJ of both the UniV.... ily of Alabam> and the Uni"" ... i'yofVi";nia. Caine and his wife. Gwen. ha"e 'hree Ion$. •
....!.... AlABAMA SD\TE BAR 2 0 0 3 -2 0 0 4 Committee Preference Form Alallama Stale Bal Mission Statement
n... Alabama Siale So, i. dedicated 10 promoIing !be prof=ional responsibility and compete""" of ilS mom""rs. improving tbe adminiSlr3tion of JUSt;,"", and increasing the I"'blic undenlanding of and respetl for the law.
Invitation for Service from Bill Clar/(, presidfmt-elect Tire Alaixmm Slale Bar IIIY/Ies you
sen'/': 011
We tleed your help 10 cominue 10 accomplish our challenging missioll. Please choose (l CQmmillee ill ...hich you are ilileresied. We hope you "'ill join us; I npprecime ),our wWin8""SS
Appointment Requast Tcnns btgjn Augu,t 1.2003 and expire July 2004. Indicate yoor lOp ~ preferences from the lisl by marting 1. 2 or 3 beside the preferred ronuniuec.
__ A/abama w ~ r. Editorial Board __ Alabama Ulwyu. Bar Di= lOI)' _ _ Ailmlalive Method, of DiSpIIle Resolution - - Character & Fitness _ _ Client Security Fund
_ _ Community Education
-- F« Dispute Resolution -- History & A«:hh-es -- In,u"",""" I'ro$r'>rn. -- Judicial Liaioon
-- La,,',••Referral -- Lawyer Public RclOIiOlls -- Lawyers Helping Lawyers -- Military Law -- Quality of Lif. -- Solo & Small Firm Pnctiti"""rs -- Unautllori,.N Practice of Law _ _ V<>lun''''r Lawym l'rQgrams
Background Informetion Name: Firm: Add..,..: Slate:
City: Office Tr lephone :
Fax :
Email Add,,,,,, Y"u- of admi .. iOfl to bar: Sussestions Por New Committees 0.
rask forees:
IrtStl\lctions Po. Subm;»ion PItas< print thi. form and mail it to: Alabama Scale Bar, AU. n tinn: I'rograms, 1'.0. Box 671, Mootgonl"ry. A L 361 01.0671. 'I"" lI\3y fax thi ' form to (334) 261-6310. We mu" receive)'OUr form On or befo re May 9'", 2003 to consider you for. comminee appointment. Please ",mem"", ,hal vacancies on .~i&ting conuni,,= are ","",mely limitM .. mos! comminre appointment< an: filiM on o [hrtt.yeu mlation basi •. However. several committees an: new this year. If you are appointM 10 a oommill .... you " 'ill rrai.'. an appointment leUer i"fonn;ng )'OU ill June 2003. You may also d/Jwnlo;>d ,hi. form from our Web site . ..... ,"',~/"b.." o'l. and submi! "'" C<lrnplC1M form via a _mail In 'l",yfila/aoo"o'l.
More Benefits For You!
.he course of the ""xl SCVtll.l M1onmJ. we will inlreduce you to .hl« new cll<lorxd
member btncfit ptOgt3m$ tho. will help you personally and pro(e...iona.lly. (l'hey "",y DOl be ....... 10..".,. of you,.110 may __ be using Ihese ~ia$.) lbey..., die A_rItaa Oar Asso<DIiooI K. Urt_p! f'rvKnm. IlId tWO electronic IcpI ~arch KfV~ Loi;b_ and ".~t... The Solo and Small Film PnniIionenCommil1~. .. ith IJon \ \' I&lntO<l of Birmingham sn\Iio._ ohair and S,erU nB OoIKamus. also or Birminglian>, 5Cl"'in& as .ice-.:hair. hal u~ml"..j these prognoms to cnsun: ,ha, LIley meet nced$ as .x~ by law)'fc1S befon: rtOOmmeooinl them for cr><Jor:.cmrnl by Lhe 80anI of Oar Conunissionen. Other mernbmI of 1M commilC<c ~ Alkn, Birmingham: Cha ....... Millo.r. MoNgomet)'; M.,i< MurphY,Andalusia; John I'tdt. Andilo';a; 0..111 ' 'kkrn, MonI~ J • ..." Aun, Bessemer; Ted lIuli. Birmin&ham: '-''''is rag.,. Dinninlham; J('/l' SIm'n •. 0"0"'111, JIIri< Tal lo •• BinninaJwn; Paul Toppins, Th!lCaloosl; CaM" 8lackbllm. Bim,; StOll Ca.n pbt ll, Ft. 1':oY""; y ,'on ... ')a_Is, Birmingham; W. h .. IItgiar. Birmingham ; Lb..lM 11""""",,0, Tuskegee; Anthony Itediba, Binnin&lwn: W~1 Pillel'S. Mon~: lIarry Prim. Doch:an; and Jdfcry Robl_ S<1ma.
The ABA Retirement Plan ~
Iasl ..... nIber .""'")' CODductcd by the IU\C bw
was in 1998. II ind~cd ,hal 55 perceIIl of !bose in prh'm practice did nor a ""i"'lMfll plan provided 'hrough lheir firm. Wilh lhi. in mind.;1 WI' cleat lh., a larg. ",""""nl of bat member$ mill" beoefil from ...... U·"'n. 1oow<OO "'l;",menl pi .... ~ ABA Plan Iw llten in .xi,"'..... for over 30 ~an.. Cu=mJy. ~ 1O"I"o'CI ••1OO r........ and 47.000 !*lidpatllS wilh Sl.7 bililoa under manace ......... lawyoen and !heir an! offend I ""ide omy of defined COOlrii>ullon plan!""" "" profil oIIaria,. monry pwthue and 401(k) pi ......... ilh ~ calC~ of in"'e5l1ncm O(lIioos. A. pan of !he JIfOVIm·. "" ..... ices. lhe program ltUSlee. S13le S1rtC1 Bank. lLUumes certain fiduciary responsibiliti.s for ilS
MAY 200)
cliomSo ioclud;na moni,oollj rompli ...... chan,oJ. and tlllllj of Innual U.. fornu.oo p.mici-
pant dimibuliono. In addilioo. the ~ offef¥ ongoin, rommunicl1lon' 10 provide paniciponl. wilh lhe infonnatioollhey n«d 10 mal. b_'~able choices wilh their mire"""" fund<. The IrUly Ull&<ifll lhina !his procn.. is "'"' Ibm: i, "" _-<If.potu. msI ror pIatI.:Imlll;SU1IIioc1. pi ... """,,,llin,. 11\I0lCe "",,·ices. employ"" communi_ calion. or plan 50t upk>i1. In'"eW1lenl fund. ore lUI>jttIlO ~ptnse nuiof; ranB-in8 from.48 lI""",nllO 1.10 pt""'"1 of ba$Cd 00 It.. fund(l) seletled . The: "'If-managed l>n>l.... ~ aceoont carries i15 own di,· count fee ",hedule whic:b appli .. OIIly 10 1bose indio viduals "'00 chooso. thi. opllon. TheAJabama Silo"" S. bot<W11iS1be 19th .13"" t.r 10 C'tIdonoo the ASA Itftittmerd Prognm. Of lNmsJ Alabama lawymo and rums witlt Sl plans ,..pre.e.I1'nl JOmI: 610 paRiciparots an! CUrmlily enroIkd in !he A BA pR>II1Om.
Loislaw and Versuslaw One of the _ m , I onen I>oar ex""",,,",, by Imall firms and solo prxlitioocrs is the nttd for Iow<1 0;0$1 oplOons for online ItpI research. In .. efTon I,. meet this lINd. the Solo and Small Firm l'rKIilioners Comminoe recommmded. and oM BolnI of Bar CornmW;ioneno encloned. lWO new ~Itctron", tnt<'n'h pn:widen.1lIi!Se providel'l ... ill join Lui$-Nuis. our Iootglime endorsed ei«uonic: researdo providef. Loidaw and Vel'luslaw will gi..., bar member.; tWO
new choices for di.ct)Unied el.,,1n;>nic legal rutarch. Loi,llw will pro.,.ide a monlh.long f_lriol $ubsloriplion and I ~ pen:ent discoom off its regul .. tales 10 !hoM: who lUb5<:ribe. V.... uSUw will offer JeYmlIIev· els 0( ......... for ,lale bar membtT$ iluol .... ill range from S7.9j 10 $29.95 per month. l n f _ abOOJ, . 11 tine member bmefilJ ",·m be "'Dt 10 )'00 and pI$Od "''ilh information obout all 1M 0Iber member bend'i1J and ........ ices on oM bar's Web sile . ........wlabor."'1'. under the "membcn" CltrJlO')'.! hope oJ\31 you wiJI1.1kc lime \0 review these new bmefi" and decide if lhey an! appropriate for)'Oll. •
Publications Order Form The Alabama State Bar is pleased to make available to individual attorneys, firms and bar associations, at cost only, a series of brochures on a variety of legal topics of interest to the general public. Below is a current listing of public information brochures available for distribution by bar members and local bar associations.
Brochures - - - - - To Serve the Public $10.00 per 100 · . . Highlights and details of bar public service programs from the
Qty -
' --
TO SERVE THE PUBLIC video presentation. Law As A Career $10.00 per 100 Qty _ _ ' _ __ · . . Information on the opportunities and challenges of a law career today.
Lawyers and Legal Fees
$10.00 per 100
Qty _ _ • _ __
· .. A summary of basic legal procedures and common legal questions
of the general public. Last Will & Testament $10.00 per 100 · .. Aspects of estate ptanning and the importance of having a will.
Qty __ • _ __
Legal Aspects of Divorce $10.00 per 100 · .. Offers options and choices Involved In divorce.
aty __ $ _ __
Consumer Flnance/"Buylng On Time " $10.00 per 100 Qly __ $ _ __ · .. Oullines important considerations and provides advice on financial matlers. Mediation/Resolving Disputes $10.00 per 100 Oty __ ' _ __ · .. An overview 01 the mediation process in questlon-and-answer form.
Arbitration Agreements $10.00 per 100 Qty __ • _ __ · .. Answers questions about arbitration Irom the consumer's perspective. Advance Health Care Directives $10.00 per 100 Qty __ • _ __ · .. Complete, easy to understand information about health directives in Alabama.
$ 5.00 EACH ACRYL.iC BROCHURE STAND Qty ' -· .. Individual stand imprinted with atlorney, firm or bar association name for use at brOChure distribution points. One stand per brochure is recommended. Name to imprint on stand: Mailing Address: Shipping & Handling TOTAL
$ 5.00
Please remit CHECK OR MONEY ORDER MADE PAYABLE TOTHE ALABAMA STATE BAR l ot tile amount listed on the TOTAL line and lorward It with this order lor m to: SUS8 ro Andres. Director 01 Commu rolcat!on e, Alabama State Bar, P.O. BOK 671, Montgomery, AL 36101
• TIle Alabama Coowal Fow!<laIion (.0.0'), I """,profit cn.ironmcntal mcmbcnhip orpniwion, has clc<:ted Nell 2003 ~nt of W ACt' BoM:I of Dim:I(IB. JoIUISlOII is ...... mbt. of Hand A",rodall, C , Job.... ton as LLC. He is listed in W B<:$t Lawyers i~ AmtricI for Envimnmtntll Uw, and Isu IC1'YCd IS chairman W Em.-ironmctItaJ Uw Scaioa of the Alabama State 0 ... He frequently lectures and writes on topics of pnmini ..... lUI csuote. nosion conuoI . ..."CllarIds, 00IUCMIti0n case .......... ~ $pO<'ics. ..... fOR'$lr)'.
John>!on bas ~ on W AIWrna Coa>taI FOOndatioa Board . ina: 1999.
the Al.bama ~tJl Kid. Quiz. • """"'rvatiQn 5Cholanhip competition for fifth' V"leri. For ",ore info'l1I. tion. contxt the ACF office at (2.'51) ~. or &0 to .......w/c(}Qjlalfoundalion."". •
lQhn\tQn', pet pro';":t is
Exp.lIld Your Practicl' 10 I hl'
eo. lot,...., low proctict, a" lim< 10 conoidcr Cow1houoo
{.ulf CO,lSt.
s.u.... TIl< M-.t oI'I'ft compl<>: ill Downtown Gulfport,
"".- "'" .. _ from tho Ii......... CO"'''1 eo.u.hoouot and jult Ii... bloc"" {""" ,......... _ ..J Cou.thoux.
Counhouo< s..i, .. h.. >rKr ., (,11 ,.... n«do of p<imary A
CUI., .-.v. y<>u. ofIia today.
Full_'i,..~, R«tp/ionul, Sum"ri.1 '" "" .... Suvic.. ' """" ... In/ern,/M"'" (Ampul• .., - ViJ... c..,,~. /Wqm. - FumisJo.J ""J Un"'NlisJo~ Su il.,A""il.b1.
Now u asing' OJ'C'ning June 2003 To
~ ""ICC a
ll 211·/IOIt-U07 or ll8-ll4_1J6t.
Pro Bono Award Nominations
The Alabama State Bar Committee on Volunteer Lawyer Programs, (former1y tile Committee on Access to Legal Se!vicesl. is seeking nomirlatioos for the Alabama State Bar Pro Bono Award. Nomination iomlS can be obtained by rontacting: linda L lund, director
The Alabama Mandatory CLE Conuni ssion continually evalu-
Volurrteer lJIwyel1 Program Alabllml State Bar
ates and appro"" in-Slate. as
"'ell as nationwide, programs ",hich are maintained in a rompuler d· All are idc:ntifu:d by spoDSOr. IocaliDll, dale and wpor;"ay_For ...... ' V
Post Office BOI( 671 M(lntgomery. AI.hama 36101 (334)269-1515
The Alabama SllIle Ba r Pro Bono Award recogniles the outstanding pro bono efforts of altome'/s, law li nns and law smdenlS in the state_ The awa rd cr~eria includes but is not limited to the following: the tota l number of pro bono hoors 0/ complexity 01 cases handled , impact of the pro bono work arid benefi t for the poor. particular experti se provided or the particular need satisfied. sua;essful recruitfJIe111of othef attorneys for pm bono mpresenUltion, and prO'fflO COOlfllitrnent to delivery of qll<l lity legal services to the poor and 10 providing equal access to 1!!\iiII services. Nominatioos must be postmarked by May 15. 2003 and include a completed Alabama State Bar Pro Bono Awa rds Program Nominatioo f«"m in order to be considered by the Committee. •
!han half a OOllury WIder
our bell )'01' coold say we mO'O' all m.r~ is to kno~'
aboUllitie ;'lIu,.,n, •.
But it', not JUSt .bout knowing our MOt$$. II', about knowing our clients and ~rn; ns thtir truK. Our """}(n hz,.., doIJ<, jmt
8)' haling tho txpl"ricnce and in,;gh! 10 f"O''ide \;!aI u"der~~iling Xlhl1io,1$. tha~
lI'e'K roned the nwnber one title in9lrancc
rompany in Mj.,;..;wi and A1abanu, n.:eiling "unsurpas.<ed linancialSiabilit( ratings. Thank )'OIl fQr pullingjQur f.ith in ul.
' ••••• INSURANCE COMPANY r.;..~ JI.~_
fu MalJ<uM W"'Y"r "" I"ng~r publishes add,",,, and ul~ph"ne numbe,.. unless (h~ announcem~nr ulare. ro (h~ "fUning "I" n~ .. firm or pl'fiClia. PIMso continue /() u"d ,'n ""nou"um."t, ond/or dumgu W ,h.AI.lI",ma Stat~ Bar Memb.,..hip 1kpar1m~nt. nt (JJ4) 261·6)/0 (flU) ..,. P.O. B".671, "'"mgom. " 36/01.
About Members
Among Firms
Janl<'$ C. A)'~rs. J r. an"""",," "'"- opening of his office al300 High ...ay 47. Sooth. Columbiana Phone
The Alabama I...,agu~ of Munldpallti.. announc"" llIat Mary [lien W,' ~1I IIa rrison has joined thoir offICe as a staff anamoy.
671).557~ .
John R. Franks, Jr. anl\OO,U'lte$ "'"- opening of his office aI 2820 Columbi.afJ.1 Road, Suite 2 10, Birmingham. Phone (205) 31 J.3966. Douglas C. f' ''''''''''n annou",," "'"- ",k>::ruioo of his office to 5281 V.ughn Road. Montgomery. !'bone (334)
264·21XXl. S~y II. lI~r announces tho opening of hor office aI 206 Sooth Pine Stn:t:1. Suite 2m. Flon:nce. !'bone (256) 7644010.
KlmMrty Grlmn "" annou",," the Op<IIing of
Alford. Claustn & Md)on.ld. LLC annoonc"" tllat Benjamin H. Ki loom . J r. • nd Ilenjam,n C. H,.l nZ joined the firm as asSO<'iaIC$.
Bainbridge, Min ... R"I:"rs & Smith LLP thaI So la ~:. Stroud has joined the firm as an aswciale. an",,"~S
Berko ... it,", I.e"''''- 'IS, lsom & Kushner PC rutno"n.",. llI.l Ja ..... C. Wllsoo, J r. has lite""",. """",holder of tho finn.
her fin" k>::.ted at 1300 D East Main Stn:t:1. Prattville. Phone (334) 3 ~8.oos.:s.
Rkh.r-d G. Bruck rutnounc"s thaI A.... rkan IAgsl S.a",h LLC has opened a branch "ffice in N.... York.
P:otrlda K. ~1:artin announces !he ",location of her offICe to 2090 Columbiana Road. Suite 3200. Birmingllam. Phone (205) 823-4552.
llro ..""" & As.soclat.. l'A .nnou""., lh. t Dankl H. Schiller has been named . p.nner in lhe finn.
And", ... II. Md)roy. III an"""nc.$ tho ",Ioca.i"" of his offICe to 502 TIlle Building. Corner of 3.. A'''''' .... and 2 1. Street. North. Binningham. Phone (W5) ]28-2869.
lIur. & .'onnan """""Ott! thaI Bru"" A. PaI'S<Jl>i has joined the firm a. a pat\lIor in the Birmingham office.
20 0J
Cab.nisl;., J olmSl on, G~ rd ... r. Dumas & O·N.~ I anoouf>CeS thai J_pb V. MII5SO and Ian D. Rosentb al have bec<>"", prutOCI"$ of t .... fIrm. Ch.amb~ Math I'C anoounces Ihal Zack M. Azar has join«! I.... finn a. a ""'mller. and 3150 \he op:ning o f its Birmingham oflier of C hambless. Math & Azar, located at 2107 s.. A"enue. North. Suite 200. Binnil1iN'm. Phone (20~) 2j 1-6565.
Patrida Y. Comer aoo Will iam Kent Upsluow anoouoce!he fOflTlillion of Com'" & Upsha,,' L LP. O rrICes are located at 21 07 Second Ave"ue. N,,"h. Birmingham. Phone (2~) 250-7670.
P. Do .... Samud II . I.." nie •• R. Paniel Noty a/ld John~: "."nln anoou,,",,!he formation of Do ..., Lanie •• Noty & .·annin. Offi="rr located at 76 Sou'h I...... "" Sllttt. Suite no]. Jack..,.will•. Ronda. Phone (904) 358· 7881. f:mllnd & VI_ and Gorham & Wald...,p announce: !he merger of !heir firms. The ocw finn i. Emllnd. \-1nes, Gllrham & Waldrep PC.
The City of Fa)"oU. a/I"""nces that Mrrn:ll Nolen hM been appoin'edjudge of ,he ""lOlly crrale<! Municipal COO" of fayel1e. Fees & Bu rgO$!; I'C anoounces that Jeffrty L. Roth has bec<>"", 0{ cO"'IS~1 with the f,nn. Sunn W. ford. Da"id P. M a rli n and J am .. A. Abernathy. II anOOUncc: that ,he firm fonntrly known as MoEl oy & .·ord. PC is now Fo.d. Marlin & Abernathy. PC and J im Abernathy has become • shan:holdor. Forman. ~rry, Watkins. K"'t~ & Tardy P L.LC a/loounces \hat Donald C. .... rtrld~ MS joined the fim, in Jacl:son. Mississi""" •·r!edma n. I...,a k & Bloon. PC arutOllncc:S that Leo: T. l'atlersoo has join«! the firm as an associate.
Galnes, Wolter & Kinney PC announces that Julie D. ~.1"Ce has bec<>me a partnl!r in !he firm.
The firm f""",,fly known as Harri • • C leckler. 1I 0il is & Sha mblin, LLC is now lIarrh<. Cleckle. & 11011...
Granl. Ko n"alinka & Harrison PC lhat C harl<:5 G . n s rn;.. has become dirtt'« of the finn. Offtces .... hat...:! in Chattanooga. Tennessee.
l o'ey & R~gsdal. announces tMt Willian. R. Adair. Jr. hM bec<lme 0$$0eiated with !he finn.
Haskell, Slaughter. Young & Redike r. LLC annoonees that F. Lane .·Ineh. Jr. and N. AIMI ..... RotellSl ..i<:h have become "",mbc",. Dona ld L. Rkk.rtsrn will sc ...... as of counsd. Memtith Jo .. ers L.tts, Latani, hia I). Walle ..... Paul W. Fo ..·le •. Laura " lien I.e...... Meegan B. NeISOfl. and 'fume. C. S.ale. Jr. have bec<>me associated with the firm .
J ohn,tou. Barton. Prodo. & Po,nll LU' " .. """nc" tha, f.. Alston Ray. J. Patrick l--'Ig3 n and J a ' .... F. Hen ry ha,'. become i .. the f,nn. Momtith L McColinm . Thu ma.; A. M cKnight . Jr. and Ke rl BrooI<e Adams ha"e bec<lme associates.
Cain J . Kennedy. R.o)'mond 1_ llell. J r. and Joli n W. Adams. J r . announee the f""",,tion of Kennedy. llell & Adams PC with ofIi= a1 117 East elm Avenue. Prichan!. Pbone (25 I) 4 ~2·1J21.
llill. 11111. C.rter. Franro. Cole & m""k PC annoonces that G. Wad e Hartley, J r. and En k.o ~ .. Tatum II",'. become momllt .... Jayne L 118r...,11 and Da,id W. Hcnden;on have joined ,he firm 0$ associates,
Huie • •·.mambucq & S te..':ort U . P anOOU"""S that Thomas K Ba,..,mo .... III and R. Gordon Sproule, J r. ha •• become in ,he firm and G~rald C. Brouks. J r .• April M . Willis. Chari.. J. ~' Jr., S.A . Bradley Baker.
Leitman. S iega l & I'aroc PC a"oounee, that lIubert G. Ta)'lo r has become associa,ed with the finn. l.illhtfoot. "ranklin & While LLC announces that J. Bradley 1'0....1 .00 William II. M o rrow II ..,. become memo bcrsofthefirm.
ARE YOU PAYING TOO MUCH FOR LIFE INSURANCE? r - . p o . - t _ ,... ... _ ...... _ ........... _ ............ ~
..........,. ...... Tl>.""" ""'1'"...... "'" "' . r... _ .. _ _ s' ..... SZI,(lOXl,(>Xl"' _ _ , . . _ t i f c .. - . . _ ~
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• ." "m S',61S
DraDe Insurance Carter H. Drane
(8 00) 203-0365
w/o t _ .
111 and Jason M. KllYhberg haoe bec<>me associated with ,he finn,
_iii> • " - _
• .-.-.;.,
lA>ndon " '1'...... y I.U ; IIInOUOCCS lhac JoM,h L. Co .... n. II and J. Mkhatl Ked ""'~ become members of dw: firm.
l.ord. Hisstll" Hrook announces Ih.t KnlnO./n D. Anlh" " y Iw jcHlIed ~ firm and ""ill be pr;w;.i\Oin. in ~ finn'. Allanta offICIO. ~)lubtth Golson M<Glalighn mel Ja ...... W. M<GI~ughn ... """...., the fornwioo of MC'GlauKhn" M« ;I~lIghn 1.1£ . Olro<:cs are locale<! al 1104 W~ln"t SU'ee1. Godsdon. Phooc (256) 547· 1009.
'The DodwI firm of Morm.
And,.."", I.l. C aan<llOllCet liii0. Oan bas joined as a panntt. 'The firm will !>OW oprrate under the rwne of Mo.n., Cal1'.A nd ,...,.," Talmadge 1.1.(;.
Nathan" ,"-lat.. a/1l1oOWKtS • ......., cban&< ION.lhan" Nllhan PC.
J aned<y Nt ..'t ll PC IhaI T. &04 1 McNally bu joilltd dw: r""' ..... ""in be practicin. in ~ Mobile office. Nix, 1I 0Itsro. d, GlIIlla" d, HIggins &I II ltsoo PC annouooq thai Jay S. 1\1..,y
.... become • shareholder.
opl _. DnJr.ios. NaWo. Smoak" SI" .. 'a n PC anJIOIIntti that J. Trtnl Scondd ..... become. "'-holder. and
JrlI'Smith ... "" become of ('(IOUINI.
GonI"" I.. BlaIr ..... Ju.,. D.
R.dnoond. J .. .... e jooDOll
fll1l1 IS
\ \'I... Ion V. Uqe. J r. and I'. MkhHI C.. .." f"""",ly of I... tham. lAue" Cole, anOO..,,)ce dw: CQIIunua. 'Oon of ~u- pra<1ice IS l'a U.. n.IAggo" C.... 1.1.1', ', ;itb offlCQ located ;n AibenJ.
J IISO" !'ft•.,. annouroccs
"""".,oJ d""""""
that he u the of the 8im.ingham
off"'" of AI'EX IAgIO I Supporl , 1.1£., \ ·OU "K. Wall'!t"ln. Ja<i<so<> &I ,1'hlul" glon 1.1£ announces ~ clee· lion ofJWUlCf M lk. lI.ocrn to the U.S. Coa&ras for A!abmwt·. Third Disni<:l. 'The firm oprration IS \ 'OIIJI&. II'olblrln. J ackson. W hllllnl:lI"', lI.obl"""n &: R..-III.I.C,
Slepi>tns. MiIIi""", lIamoo.. &I Gommons PC ... nouncu thai .... trkk G. Nds<>n hu b<come. mtmberof the
r,m •.
SI""k " SIOtkhM' n I'C that lluntor C. Carroll has become a sJwdIoIdor In the finn. aJ1IIOUIICCS
'The UnilH Stat .. AUomry's ~ Northern DiSlricI of AI~ announces tlLal JOhn 8 r.11ey .·.lIon bujointd the olro.e as A"i,(an( U. S. An"",,,),;n tbe 8irmingham olro ••. Wallace, Jordan, bill" &I 8.,.ndl 1.l.C -..ces IhaI l'hIllip O. Cority ..... Mkhari J. V.I...1s ..."" become members ofl'" finn and 11",1"', M. li&n'lII, Man...... O. Frldy and Lau .,. M. J a< k.. ,.n h."" become ","""ialeS of
t'" firm.
!tush to" , SIakd y, Joh ll'llon " GornU 1'.1. annot1J1oCCIlIIIot I.. PelIon Chap man, III hal become • ~hoIder and K. Mac F_n. Jr. bujoin.r:d the r"", IS on as.soci2Ic.
Shunna.,.h Inj ...,. 1...... Y"n PC annou""",IhlI( 1>o. ..... ld A. M oth. " ,. has I:>ocome of rounul r.... the firm. SI'I." &I O'Connor I'C ... nour>ces IIIIot Algeo1 S. Acrtrola. Jr~ Mind; C. Kobl _ Joh" S. l'I.. m..... r and M. And .... Ilonakbon ... ~ become pan. non the rum. G, 11.. Tn .."kk and
!)e"n" II;. W""'fr and Oa"1d Madison Tidmo.. anl\OllllCe the r.",.,.. tion of W",.'ft' Tid ........ U .C ..-llb oRkes locale<! at 200 CIItaba Part. CircLe, Suite 2 L4. 8Innin&Jwn. I'Itoonc ('20S) 98Q.6065. I'lge Sll1nl.y .: l1is has j<>intd the firm.s an .,...)d,lf:. Wilmer &I Lee 1'.1. an"""nce> that I). Ashlty Jont$ and Kkhard J .II..
II.ILtlp. Jr. ....... bccome Ioharcholckrs in the fll1l1 and Nkoir I.. Skpbms has become tiSOciatr:d wilh dw: fum_ •
,.__."",,--..... -_ -_ _----___._._.-_"""--_- .--_ -..._...--_---w,
co II ..... h you.
child .uppo<l .n<I uncont•• ted dlYOral ca..... H.Y . . 1... 2 ... 3 ••• 1, Ente< I.... 1n'_1Ion 2. Prinl the Doc ........ t. 3. fl .. wIIh I.... Court
.. ... ..,...,."",,---
. ca..._"",, _ _, ___ ,.,...,. . ca..._ ..... _ _ .. c •
,,,,,,,.,,,,,,_._ "",, _ _ .. e . ~."",,-~;
-.. .... ...
MAY 200}
to tlIve Ume and money?
. _,
In Alabama 2.0 ..... ,, $595 ,.... ,"""""" 5195
Sam Perry Given s..m Pcrry Gi>"en,' lifelong raiden, of 8inninillam, died Cktobor II, 2002, a IooJ and diS1ln,ui~ career in Law and public .. rvice, fie "'.., • pwJuaIe of Itarnsey Hiill School, a"ended lhe Citadel in Clwk<lOIl, S<Jud1 CaroIi .... and cndlll~ from Ihe UniYnlllty of AIabamI Scbool of laTo', fie aorvcd :10$ .... off..,.. with lhe 167 th Rqimmt. 26th Inf..,uy o;visioD. Uniled SlaesAnny in W".1d W.I I and bier as IlieuleIIan' c:oloncl ",ilb lhe l Ilt l"f..,lI)' o;"slon of Ihe Alabutl N>lionlol Guard "'hen: "" ..........mod lhe o,otillluiWd Sorv;"" Mtdal . Pcrry " .., a member of lhe American Oar As.socialion.!be Alaba"", Slal. 8ar Oinui"gham Oar As.socia'ion,lhe Farrah Law Society, where he ..rved ... IJU".." and I'lli Dellll'lli lepJ fnuerni,y. He p<lICliccd law 00$ a panne. wi,b ,he firm of Dixon, Dunn, M~o.:...-ell &. Gi~en , lie later joilltd SlOCkham Valva and Fininp, whe ... "" ...... .....,ialed with lhe COInpIRy as senenI COII"",I. and mired .. vice.dWrman oflhe oo-d of direaon in 1989. Peny'. oervice 10 lhe BIfIIillIiham communl(Y ".., illdced impreaive. ba~in& been • member of lhe As.sociaJed of Abbama.lhe BinnillJlwn Bw;tneSI Counooil. lhe Mondoy Mornin. ~k Club and Kiwanio Club of Birmin&ham. and • [)lS' presidenl of the Sbadeo Valley Kiwani, Club. lie ...... founder of lhe Alatwna llealth eouneil and KfVCd on lhe Board of DireclOr. of lhe Binnin&ham YMCA. Ameri<:an Red Cross, and Highlands Day Sc"""1 IVuI\da(ioo and .. ,,",siden, of ,he Boord of TruSlees,
1 62
S1. Martin', in lhe Pines
Episcopal I'oundauon. Pcrry ...... • <Ii""""" of V,ilkttlon [11S1J""'" Company and Guananty SlvillJS and Loan As.sociation. Peny was lion""... nlfInIbtr oIS1. Luke', EpiIcopaJ ~h, " '...... "" served 011 the He was at"" affilialed Wllh SOCIal and beri\aiC orpniza. tioos .. pas! praidcnl 01 the Redo.lone Club and Phi Den. Theil fmemi'y, and had membmhip in lhe Couoll)' Club of BirmlnaJwn, Mountain BrQO/,: Club and lhe Sociely of Colonial Wan in lhe Slale or Alabama.
Pcrry is .u... ivtX! by hi s wife. Ellen Willarson Gi>'cn; SOlIS Sam Pcrry GiYen. Jr. Ind Roben Sommerville Wilkerson OiVC11; .i~ iMllKkllildren; broIh..- Y,'illi.&m Moms and sis.... Julie< OiYe" Calvi ... Peny was tt-n f". IW in~lrily, commitrnen'lD IW
profession ""'" rommunilY. 0Qd "".....wnsloy>tlty 10 family 0Qd fricndI. Ik will o;maitily be tniostd by his lIWIy asociaIc$ and f"""li$ II the bar. The ..uaalive commiltCe oK the Binnincham Bar Auocialion telebnleS Peny'. life for his conlribulions 10 I"" aly, stile and nalion and 10 OUr «10>'«1 pro/'wion, and lIis family io u<ured of lhe alf«1ion. admiralion and $cern in wlticll he woo$ held by lhe members of llIi. association .
_ Br~~
P. Rosers, p~Ji<hm
Birminglwrl Bar Associalion
Judge William Clilltoll Sullivall l1d1adop CounlY'J1qal communi' y nwXcd !he end 01 ... en with !he dcalb of former Cimli. Jud3e William C. SUIl; ....... 76.
of L.i1lCOla. J~ SulliYlll paw:d *"""y 011 J-..y 30. 2003. Ahboup bc$I ~... fOf ...... iAg as l1d1adcga CowMy ClmI" j~ from 19S5IO 1m. SulUvan had Ilcnphy Ii.. ofllClCOmpliWncftu duri", hillifClimc. In 19~2. II !he IF oflj. he ... elected mayor of U..coln. He was elected ' 0 • ~ in 19S6 before bein, appoinlt:t! I<> Ihe bench. A n.'i'e of Dirmintham. Sul~'.... peD.!he majori.y of hi, lif" in Une"ln. Ahe, paduat;ni from Li..coln lliib School. he •pent two years in the Un;1t:t! States Na.y. from 1944 to 1946. He Sraduated from Ihc Uni ' ..-sity of Alabama School of Low in 1949. and opened. prooctice in Leeds before R!Umi", to l1d1 .... p Cooney in 19~2. tie ....... membn of Lincolll Unilrd MCIbodi$l. Cbulch. "' ...... he ~ Jerwd 0$ chairman of !he otrlCial boIW f... Ii"" 0:"'1$«"111,,,,, ~..... lie lbo scn-ed on !he boud 01 d,1'CC"IQf1 f... Nllioloal 8""" of"nolladcga from 197110 his cItatb. While on \he btnch. Sullivan ,""""led from !he NIOOOOaI CoIlqe of ~ Trial LoW)'Cl"l in Reno in 1967. and .... .,.uidcnI of !he Aiabamll Circuil JudSes' Associal ..... from 1974 10
lie was appoinled I,,!he Alabama PaU<'n'I Jury and ItI$IJU<1i,on Commi""," in 1961. and ..... \he 1ast of !he lix orili.w .......... ben Olin serving. He .... """",nled chairman of !he commi""," in 197~. and beld!hat ..,.i.i<Ioo until be diN. frooI 197~ 10 his Idimnml fron! .... be SCI"'"td 0$' mtm!oer of !he Alabama Court Judiciary. and SCI"'"td on !he .we COWl of criminal appeal. and "'premc COlIn on opec;aI IMign-
on various <lClCa!lioos.
FollOWing his rCliRmont. he r<'IltWW hi, license 10 Jl'1'C.icc Ilw and SCl">'od in of COIInS<!1 capal'ity with the firm "f Low: • Low:.It Low:. P.C. in TII11adrp. Sulli .... n i. "'I">'i,·od by hi. wife. V,rsini. C. Sullivan of Li..coln: his broIhco"·;n·l.:lw. Robert Parker of AnnislOOI: I ni.ce. fun P. Quarks of Sirmin&ham: two George Tanm.Jy and PaderTInU~y. both oISirmin&ham: and numerous cousi .....
Bnadley, Dwight William Phenix City Admitted: 1960 Died: December 19.2002
Roden. Emmell Norman Florence Ad mitted: 1950 Died: J une 10.2002
Palughl. Delano Joseph Mobile Admilted: 1959 Died: February 22, 2003
Sullivan. William Clinlon Talladega Ad mitlcd: 1949 Died: Janu;lf)' 30. 2003
L ,...t.I.y. Jo.
Alabama Law Institute Bills Pending in lbe legisl","", 0It thru ..,.,.ision< com· pleted by !be Alabama Law 1"'~1u!", ( I) Intorstate Enforcement of Domes!ic Violence Orde ... (S 8. 6 sponsored by Senatoe Rodger Smilhenna n) ( HO. 42 $pQnS{nd by ~"p f"tSl'ntwll'·.
J M Carolhu.): (2) Unif""" Anatomical Gift Act (S 8. 99 sponsored by Sen alo' Ted unle and 30 c(>-$ponsor$) (HO. 28
sponwmJ by itcprtSl'nh,'i,-.
~mN ri"" No,,'lon):
(3) Uniform Reside",ial LandlonVfenan' ACI (SB. liS sponsored by ~n al0'" Ilrorord. S n,ltherman. Dial. It..... "",,". Btu!on. Ted Utile, Buner, Mitchem, and (HO. 200 spOnSQl'l"d by ""proseD'
.... Ih~ Laura
McLaughlin. Bll'lbyand Craig
.'onI} . ...., March 2003 Il/Dlwna ~r. Copies of these bills CaI1 be obuoin<d from the Law I"SliMe Web .ite. WKw,n/i.'"'. 'IlIe Law In'tilute has al.., been wming for lite lasl """,,,,1 yea ... 011 draflin8' TI\ISI COOt: f<)l" the SL:lte of AI.barn>. II has ju,t been introduced in the session for familiari ..,ion. A copy can be obIaincd from lhe Law Imtilu1.', Web , ite
Election AefOl'm in 2002. Congres, p.used the ··Help America Vote Ao"· which require, stales to re"ise: thei, elOClioo law • . "The 2000 r...sidMtial elec,ion, plus O!her proble"" broughl 10 light by the Alabama 2002 eleclion. have broughl abool several elec1ion refonn bill,. Bill. li\ely to receive attention in tho IegisLalure are: (I) Conforming Amendments required by the "Help America Vote Ac.;· (2) Automatic Recount. (3) Standardized I'olli nll Hou,.., (4) Appoin1mCnl of AII~ma~v. Poll Wor\;ers. (5) Resloration of Rights of Convicted Felons. (6) Voter ldentif,c,uion Required. and (1) r...sidcntial Pn:f.... n<. Primary Election Dales. "The Law In,li,u," has httn ",ked to revise Alabama·, election law during the nexl ~ar. 164
Constitutional Aefonn Gm·emor Riley·, commission on the COIISlilUlioo of Alabama has five topic ,uOCommi"e.. thaI have made ouommendalions. 1""IIe<. five areas are: (I) limil<:d hornt rule. (2) earmar\ing of laxe,. (3) lIo,.. mor line ilem veto. (4) requirements of 50.,., majori'Y VQIc of the legislature.o pass oddilional'a.<es. and (5) recompila.;"" of the curren. consti.ution wi.h its 740 amend· menl •. "The Law Institute recompiled Alabama·. COII$li. lution witb il' amendn .. nlS in 2002. A copy can be obIained from the Insti.ut", hornt page.
Funding Shortege GovtmOf Riley·s initial budget redllCed e""h .Ia'e agency in the state·, o.neral fund by appro.irruuely 18.85 .,."",nl and each ed""alion ouipient in the Special Educalion Trust Fund by 6.:>4 .,.=nt.
P.y Day La.ns "There is a roncened effort.o regula•• deferred pre. semn .. nt checks. Currently. the .. pay day loans chMgc: up.o. 55<1.,.",<"nl A.P.R. and pawn for title loans up to a 300 percenl A.P.R. (House Bill 178).
CI ••n Air Act Alabama i. the only .Iale thaI does DOl have a clean air act for buildings. One oflhe first billS passed by ..... senate and sent to the boose: of rrpresenta.ives was the Clean Air Act ($tna .. Bill 126).
Uniform Trust Code Alabama. IiI:< mo/;Istates. has .<taIUIOf)' trust provi· $ions bul rtlies greatly on Ihc common law .<> eompk1e its trust law. Much of the tlUSt law in Alabama Cad~ Tille 19 datos back to.." .. passed ov~, 60 years ago. The Alabama Law Institule did revise Alabama·s Principal and Inrome law. and ,he legi.l.ture e"""ted tho revi.ion err"".ive January 1. 200]. See Ala. Cade § 19·3A· IOI etJtq. In 2{100. the Uniform Law Commissioners promul. gatod lhe firsl lJUly na~ona.I codif,ca~on of the law of
III-I' ....n.::I.i'> ·q-il··'['· •• .•• ..""'1" "''''' _, . . ,~..!= " •• " ". • !:· .= ····1· ... ' .. "H I ' '-.!p . t'·. ;~"i !:l ..,' '· <1 · ~· ~ ;;· aO»ga· o.J,,· ::l~~_ i.~ :i!g.~· 81:l'1I == " 1r~~ ~ iii;e: .lii"! a, !i. g._ " j'" .. ",::la <;. ... tI
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hi' anode does I'lOl unde~ Lo add",,,, any he ....""n. on ,he one Mnd. the pr.octicc of tht Al,bam3 SUJ'I""'" Coun of fftluoring W'ict romph"""'" "'Io,h Rule "39 aJ\d Rule 40. A1LR.App.P. ond. on the OIlIer hand. the mandate of K"lt I. AII.K_App.P.• lh3ll/lcse rules "wll be coosuued SO as 10 USU", II.e jusl. speedy. and ;II6PCru".., delenrunatior> of "''nY :opptllal< pn:>crC'<l'Dg "" '1$ mori,.C Ruk 39 and Ruk 40 ore inlended 10 produce ccniorari pcllt""'" IhaI supply the $Uprrn>e coun "nil all th< informati"" it n«dlto ;>oa1)7"" dlim of em>< a<SIIm,ng tht pMltiontr', ..".-escnla,ions aoo..lth< rttord Me """. &tid 10 produc•. al lhe ... me linlt, pelilions thO! ",,...llhe prohablhty Of I""k of probabihly nf merit of. claim of so conci.. ly "nd rocogniubly lbal Ill< SUI'''''''' coun ~"" k""p 31""<' with the """'ring "umher nf peti,;on, Ihal art filM,
c. "•• t.
I am bul n~ of ",~ j"Slices on the "laban.. Sup.-<"" Coun, 'IlIe discus· .ion HI thi. >Iud" " my inlerprr'ation of R"k 39 and Rule 40 as infortt>td by the tut of lho5c rul .. and by my ptrsonal om.""II,on of 1lJt othe, JIISlien' ,nl<rprr1-O-uoo. nf lho5c rul .. in a<.1ual "f'Phcall"" to Ill< ,housando of crnionn pel"""" tht SlIp!'<"'" coon hu ...... idod .nn I ha,.., I)e,:" I .... "'. her lht'" art Individuahzed ntwKe$ :amonglhe JUSuces' "IC,· prWllions and tliefe may be 50IIIt ",1IIuu"" In tht Inlctprtlallons. 'IlIe .mpl>asi. of 1111. ani<1f: on the '''''0 IOO$l oornnlOl> fatal ddcns~ in ccruoran p:1.nion. does 1101 ",".. I I1I>.t other fftlu.",menlS of R"k 39 Of Rule: 40 are 1101 Ju~t as cfitical Of that othe, noncomphance .. "'" JU'" IS falal Of _ f.ul. To a,-oid cxoccrbating ""Y mi"lm~lion ,halthi. ani· de ha, wame<l1lJt bar of all of the faUl) pM.)!, ,n Rule 39 and Rule 40, thi, .rude will "'" mention any of tht others. In oth<r word" Ih< "'''''im up,..s,;" "";".~,, ~~dJt';Q alteri'" doe, nol .pply CO Ih" "nide in; .. « I""tll,m Ind di«u"i<)fl of the« two cOmn'<)fl ('I'll dof"" ...
=pc<tl" ••
Introducti on
'IlIe.l1>CCC» of. pe1ition to 1lJt Alabama SUp!'<me Coon for ..... rit of CCflionn 10 """ of the oowt> of:lpp<'al. usually dtpendo "" ob$oIUIr. DOt sub<WIttal, rompl......., ,..ilb Rule 39 and Rule 40. 'IlIe first of tht two IOO$l common raW dof""" in ccnior.u:i petilioru IS the failure 10 i",,,,," cenionri ill .unc1 compI""'" ..-ilb Rult 39(')11 )lAH E) and (2)(A) (I>a#s for oeniorari juri..Jiaion) and Rule 39(d)(3) (/c"" for ,nvolult ccniorari jurisdicllon), 'IlIe «<ond of lhe lwo ""'" common f.tal dofcns i> the fail ..... to supply die supo-e .... ooun wio,h prooeduIlII and SllIi>wI""e facts in.trice
compliance .... ith Rule 39(d)(~) (requiremenl and form (or addilionol f""IS). whooh, in mo<t ~nmn..1 cases antl many ci"il <a!eS. l""'ul'Jl'lSeS pr>or com· pi"""", w·,th Rule 39(~)(1) and Rule 4O(d) (application fOf rehearing as piefftI"i,ilo to ccnioran review in ""'" c-riminal ca!':. bul not in ~ivil ca>r$). This :utick will di«u" these 11'10 COllI"""" falo.! (\cf""u in ~u."".,
ease that .t>ould be """rruled. Rullo 39(aX1XE); or
6. Tlle trial roo" or .he Coun of Criminal AppealS has c:ommittrd I ··plain error' tha.·"bas or probably has adverstly affec.ed llle subsUlmial rights of !he petitioner." who h:ts SC"ttne.:d to deolh. Rullo J9(a)(2)(A) and (0).
Failure to Invoke Certiorari Jurisdic:tion llIe func'i<>ll of eenionui review by s"P'tme roon i, no! dim:tly 10 police Iho .rial coon, but u, poliet: Iho """ns of 'l'I"'al (excel" .hal, in death pen.lty ou.s. Iho supremo COU" ""'y redrt .. any ~plain em:.>r" (IS defined by rule and cue law) c(Knmined by eilhor !he trial C<>U" or ,lie OW" of criminal appeals. Rule 39(a)(2)(A) and (I))). TItcrefore .• et:nionui pc1i.ion mu" iden· lify tho cri,ical """'" or em>f1; c<>mm in<!<l by Iho coon of appeals in its hoWi"g.!. explidt or implicit. <>II Iho ruling. by Iho trial coon; and lilt ~Iiljon musl couch ."eI! .uc:/l uror in I~mu 01 on~ or more of Ih~ Ii.< !>au.lor C~rliorori iurisdicrion specifi<:<.l in Rule 39(1)( I )(A}(E) (f,ve bas<:, available in any type of cru;ej and Rule 39(a)(2)(Aj (one extra basis avail· able only in dealh pen,lly cases). 11te pelition ttL1y Iver thai, !l\(o
l. 'The dt<:isioo by Iho coon of appeals erroncously "initially bold)s) , .. lid or (a1tema,i"ly) invalid a city ordi""""",. • state statute. or a federal staNte or tru,y. or initially con.tru[ •• J' control· ling provision of Iho Al.bama Constitutioo or Iho United Stat •• Constitutioo:' Rule 39(1)(1 )(A); or 2. Tlle em:.>r by Iho coo" o(appeal, ··affe<:t[.J a class of con5!itutionaL ,talr. or county om""t$:· Rut< 39(.XIXB); or 3. Tlle em:.>r by !he roon of appeal, ""lui",. I "<l<cision ... 1001, material qocstion ... of first impression in AlaMmll."' Rule 39(a)( IXQ; or 4. The holding by the coun of appeals "'"""niccl,) wilh prior decisiorL. of !he Suprtme COW"! of tho Uniled State$. !he SuprtnlO COW"! of Alabama. the Alabama Coon of Criminal Appeals. or !he Alabama Coun of Civil Appeal.:' Rule 39(IXIXI) ; or ~.
"The ermoeous holding by the coun of appeal, ""ults from its following I controlling Alabama Supreme Coun
Tlle pelili"" mu" dte 01" "utbotily and provide f"",ual and legal e xplanation for e'"". claim lIlat a coo" of appeals h'lS c<>mmiucd an error and muSi e'plain the applicability vf erh basis for ~,.,io rari jurisdictiotl under Rule 39(.) invoked to red,. .. of that error. The Rullo 39(oX I)(Dl c<>nflicI_ ... ilh· biDding.precedent basi. for cenionui juli$dicliotl doe. nQ/ include conniclS wilh COIl" rul." sUltUIr, or even provi. siotls of the AI.bama Constitution or !he Uni.<:<.I SUlle, ConS1;.u.ion! If. holding by 1 coon of appeal. OOIIfliCts wilh one of thes.e "",rees of I..... any error in the bolding must be couched in terms of one or !1lOfe of ,lie mlltr ba.>es of ceniOOlri jurisdiction Of" in 1"""" of conflict wilh • binding ~nt by one of the ;>.ppelble """"' s,...,ified by Rule 39(a)(1 XO) eit/>tr. I. Cons'ruing .he rule. ,tatute. or COIlS.i· ,uti<>ll in a way fa,""",ble to the pe'" tioner: or 2. Stating" rullo of con<truolion of rule", statutes, or con5!itutions which would ""luire" ruling favorable to.he peli· tiOlltl pursuant 10 the rule. stamte, 0< con"ituti"" (fo< example. the plain· meaning rule might require an appli· cation of • ".lUIe f.vor..ble 10 .he petitioner); or
3. Requiring lhe couns 10 obey rules. Sl:ltutes. or oonsti,u'ions or forbidding coons to usurp Iho prerogalives of !he legi,lature. In shoo. '0 CQuCh an error by a coon of 31'1"'al, in terms of !he Rule 39(0)( 1)(0) cQnn basis for cenionui jurisdiction. !he petitioner must .Ilege and demonstrate tho! .1Ie holding of the roon of appealS connic" wilh binding raS~ law ptUe.. denl. Tlle conni", must be demonstrated '" 'pecifi<:<.l in Rule 39(.X I )(D) I. or 2. and in Rule 39(d)(3)(A) or (8) to lil:c effect. If a coon of appeals dot< no! is<", a published opinion or." unpublished merncnndum ... hich ""I""nly States.
holding ad,·e"., to the petitioner. but if the coun of appeal' could not ha" entered ilS judgment without tacitly or implicitly holding agains"he pelilioner erroneously on some critical i<sue. tlten. to couch the erroneous .oci. or ;ruplici, holding in terms of. Rule 39(a) basi. for o<11ionui jurisdiction. Iho petitioner musl first by reforenee to proc:cdunll and substantive facu proptrly ineluded in the petition pursuant to Rule 39(dX5). why."d how tile decision by the coon of appeals tacilly or """tains the crroneou' holding. Rule 39(aX1XO)2 Such an explanation can be accom· plished by iden.ifying aDd e' plainins the critical issues present«l to and decided by Iho trial coon "nd "l'8utd It, 1M r""n
0/ (JPfH(J/s. E",'Y holding by 1 OOurt of appeals lIlat the sUl""me coon ",Ollld ~ to bold erroneou. in order 10 re,,1"Se lhe: judgmett' of~ COlIn of appeals muSl be couched in terms of one or !1lOfe of the Ru1e 39(.) bases for et:nionui jurisdiclion. For i"SUlnce, if a COlIn of appeal' to bold. f,rsl. tltal the peti.ioner·s objection to evidencc was 'nsufficie" to prt>etVt: error. scwntI. lhal!he evidence was admi"'ible "'y"'''y. and lhim. that. e'"n if lhe: objectiotl ........ umeient and !he evidence .. m inadmi«ible. nevenhe· Ies•• the error in admitting Iho evidence was ltamlless .• hen every one of these ltuN holding.! would ne«lto ~ oouohed in teons of a. least one of the six bases for """ioran jurisdiclion in order for !he suprttne coun to grant the petition .nd to review the daims of error; for. unless ,,/I Ihrre of lhe: holding' ... ere erroneous. !he dt<:is,on of lhe C<>u" of appeals would bave to be .mr"rllOd.
Failure 10 Suppl, Proc:edural and Substent!ve Fads The supreme COOt" doc, "'" al",ady ha" llIe record or tbe briefs filM in a coon of appe<lls when !he supreme coort receives a petillon for a writ of cenioran. The cnti", function oflho petition i, to persuade lhe ,ul""me c<>un 10 gel the IOCQI"d and to review il. Witlloul proce. dunll and substantive fact.< , uppli<:<.l either by. publi,hed <>piniotl or an unpublished memonndum decision by a coon of appenls or additional ft>01S pr0perly ,upplied by. certiorari petilion. the sUl""me coon ..... hen j, "",eives tho peti. tion. has no infonnalion ,,·hat""'''. about tho meri., of the case. ,lie motion.
Of ob:jtc1ions
by \bf< put.... Of the ",I·
inp by the mal ooun. Withoullhal
..... iooI f..,... $OInt _"'t". the wpt"_ coon cannot ~ ...·hetber the CQWI of ..",eall tw~. Wh;ioteYer the iuw. the ... preme ooun r>eed! the facti; which ..wale lhe iss .... If lbe issue i. Of may be prestrvalion of error. the supreme coun needs the pro=lwal facts of such prcser. ""'ion Of lIQI"I.prrser;atioo C the sub6Unte ond timina of the objection Of moIion. the orpmeaIS ~ Of critically omined. and the ruliI1c by Ihe !rial 00IIrI. 1b ",ly 011 facti; not i,J<l1Idrd in ~ tber I publUhcd opinion Of an unpubli$hed melOOf101ldum decision by I coun of the petilion i!Self mU>l incllKk tho$e r.,ts in .trict rompl;"""" w,th lI.ule 39(d)(~). lI.ule 39(c)(l). and Rule 4O(d) and (e). Tho "'preme roun will no. tonsider Illy facti; no. contained;n one of !hose lhRe ad"si.., !OUr<:a: I pubI;~ oPniool by the CQWI of appeals in Ihe petit ........·, cue. .... lLIIpIbli~ l1 .. l1lO1andum decWon by the ODIIn of oppeall in the pelilioner"S cue. Of the petition..•• (1\11"0 .1.Ol<cmnn of faoru incilldrd within the petitiool ilSelf strict complianee wilh Rule 39(d)(5). Rule 39(0)(1). and Rule 4O(d) and (e). Rule 39(d}('l aP""lly $I.)"' $0. Tho petitioner'sSW"""'" of r.cts. I<) lvail the pelitioner. IIIIISI fullilllhrtc c._ requhmems. Font. each rXl JWcd
he supponod by a ",reRnce 10 the po-nlnem poniool of the clerk', =on:! or the "'J'OfIn', uamcripl. Rille 19(d)(SXA). (8 ). l1l<I (C). SccoDd. the ~1 of facts mPSl be incilldrd wilt!in Ihe petition i!$tlr. ""'The ltal ........l of facti; shall not be incorpo:w;o.lfd or Idopo.,;! by .. re",nee from ony Oller OOc:umenl. incluoding the pany"1 OWn brid in ! upp:>r! of !he polilion: ' Rule 39(d)(5). Third. if the petiti ....... has. by I"C<IU,,,,menl Of by ehoice. (...., Rule. 39(0)( 1) and Rule 4(l(d). awlied fur . ",lIuring hef...., a COIUI of appeals. the .we_nl of f.w must consist of. l1l<I only of. • ve<balim ",itenuOll of iI1c fllCU.. Of !ldditi<lnal Of ~ted factS. ""prescnl«ilo the roun of appeals in the application for .. hearin&"' l<>iether wiill '"a ,.rirlcllion lhallhis I LOlemenl of facti il I ..,r\>alim copy of the . tal<c ..... nl "",","nled 10 the COIln of appeals in the application fOf "'hearing." Rule 39(d)(5)(A) and (8) (~, added). TIc word M «JPf docs 100< con_ 1/1)' son of ahibit Of IIlDCl< 10 the cmiOf2ri peli,iooI. Rat/Itr. the ......-d "ro,ry" COIIJIOI<'S the ~ of copying. "urd fOf word. the conlen" of the stalement in the application for ",hearing from lhal OOc:ument and into ,he pelilion i!Self. $u Rule 3 9(d)(~)(A). mU>I
Conclu.lon TIc likelihood i, ",mote thai • lawyer willlile • SIICCCSIful ceniomi peli,ion
withoul undefSWldinl every word 0( Rule 39 and Rule 40
""..,-. in~
the mlny rtqui ..,nen'$. The likelihood 0( . uccat i. ne.... ly ..
" ' _ if the lawyer b$ "'" ocquirtd Of does not acquire Ibis """'"'Cfthensi..,
uncIcnundinl before !he oppellalr. proteIoS hili ~ in the case. While the .U~ ooun mal;0'$ JOII"oII enCO:pliOfl! for non-complillli petilions in atraordinary c..... the acep1ions .", 100 tan: .nd 100 u"f""diC1.Oble for ~ny pelition« to risk failing 10 comply oboolu!ely ... ilh Rule 39 and Rule 40. •
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-~ !Io _~
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MAY 10 0 ]
Civil Law Notat'ies:
lew II
1999, ,\I,born,"! f,,..,\ c;"il),w l>01arial <I:llut. became law, Since tlltn the I,,, ha< btcn oXI~n'i'~ly ",,';>cd, and Alaba,~ is belie"cd to ha,'. the model rode for Oilier stalCS. except Horida. " 'hieh do 001. d,-illa'" "<>Urial ,laW Ie' (See A/"b,,,,,,, COOe. § 36-20-50, tI -"q.) 11>< new smules bttamc eff",!i.. on Sepleml:>:r 26. 2001. 11>< IcgislOlivt inlen, w:l.$ 10 CTCiU. the poSition of ci"illaw IIOl>ry in Alabama and to gj,.. the 1'0"'" of appointn",n, [0 tht s.,cro,ary or S,al. to .ppoint e.,~e""ed altorncy' to ""ye in thal capacity. Such office·bolde", in other coonlne, are known as norario publico. "Latin n<)laJ)':' or 1I00ar in many d.vcl<>ped and (\e,.. loplng A civilla", notary-rnlhor than .imply su\'ing as a wit""" to the signing "r d(><u· me,'" or ,'.rifying the idenlity of the sign, lory. as a ootary public ",OtIld do--hos ,he """or '" issue "au""'nlic ""1.$:" An a"then'ie acl i~. cffe<;ti, .. ly .• leg.1 op inion reg.rding the facls se, fonh in and ,urroonding the <J,:x,umenl_not merely the signatvre~. Yet lhe ,ulhenlic acl i, accorded " pre'umplion of """""Iness and is enlllJrd 10 the ""Ie def.r~"'" and ".lidity as an order issued by a 'lale agency or a Slate Judge, 1'0.- oxample. 3 will <x'"""ted a< 3n "ulhentic acl "",,'es as conf<rm"lion by lhe c;",l 13w notary Ihal (al the lenns of tho will:tr< kg.l and will be gi"en full for<e .nd effect by lhe SI.I.; (b) il "..," execuled properly; (c) the ..,talor fully "ndo~tOod .".,,,Iy "hal he was signing; Dnd (d) lhe ..,<lalo.- hw the requ;sil. lestamentary capa<ity. SIln il arly. an agrttmenl helw""n 1"'0 oorpo.-",ion •. such as. ""'rger and 3C<jui,ilion. or. commer<ial transoction. ,,·hieh is O\ccuted as an auth.ntic act. not only will (0) c>labJi,h lbe ag",,,,,,,,nl hetwecn lh. parti.<. but , I", ."ablish thai (b) tho agreemrnt i, lawful and legally binding; (cl each corporntlon is in good standing. whether domiciled in ;\Iab.:tllla. another Ma..,. or abroad; (d) the C<JIll'Of'lt. om""", .. ec"~"g lhe ""'01 lbe leg.1 oapa<ilY Iv enler into tho agreemenl; and (.) lbe pani •• hI". Ihe r,n,mci.1 ",ean, 10 pursue and accompli.h lhe t.m,s of tho agITo""'nt, 'The ci"il]'" notary's f<ndings ,,·tm respecllO dIOse i"uo< and any Olher fac" lbal may be i""ludod in tho authenl i, ocl an:: .milled to a I'"""mpli,., of correclt>es>. sim,lar 10 the faclual r,,,cling. of. "ate j "dg~ m i""ing an opinion Qr order, 'The e,·idemia ... ell"ec1 of such a SlaMory rre,umptioo i~ 1o ,hiflll>e burden of proof ,n any litigation conttming the S"~I"",,e of the authonlic act. One who ellt""",. to di'pule lhe fac" cer· lifted by lhe ci"illaw notary in an authentic act muSI produce de'" and OOm ,,,,,ins ~"i· do"", 10 ",bul the C~i\IC""" of facts pre,vn",d to he accurale undor t"e stalute.
Civil law 1I0..ri~$ m.y 1>01 aUlh<ntioate in .ontro,·e..y. They may. how· ever. certify faet! 1>01 in .ontro,,,..y or be called upon 10 i""" findings of fael with rcgan! 10 pankular maUers in con· tlm'o"y, Civill.w JlOt1ries in (It/....- n.nioru tnjoy a " ,~II..,amed rcputalion for objectivity. IleUIr"..Jity.1eg.:iJ experie""" and sk.iIL In Spain. for e"""pic. OPe who wishes to dlllllrnge "'" fa<tual ccnir",ation by • civil law notary mU>l file. "'l"""IO declaralory aclion in coon 10 h'.... it set aside. Ci,·ill.w """"rios. unlike "",ori". public. are appointrd for life. subject 10 good behavior. P6-20-S2 , They represent II>c lJan~ion. 1>01 tho panics. and all 'ppli. .""IS for appointment to the om.. of civil law notary in Alabama muM be ~icing auorneys with not los. th.n five )'e"" of experionce. Applicants for appointment as civill"w no\ rcqui~ 10 rc·uil'<: 'pecial training. "'" rcgul.trd by both the Secretary of St.te and the Alabama St. t. Bar. and are subjc<;t to discipline. sanclions or expulsion from the roll ofdvill.w notaries for improper beh.vior, With re'pett to. commerci.l """""'lion. which tho .ivillaw noIary ctnifies as an authenlic the civill"w noIary i. legally liable for lhe v.lueofll>c enli", Inms.t<uo" if it is detenninrd thaI hi s factual findings are wrong or inaccurnt •. Civill.w notarios. while new and unique in Alabama and Florida (see Alab.ama Secretary of SiaL<: Reg. 820-61·_01. ~/ ..q .: Fla_ Admin, ~ IC·IS_ m.t~rs
~t uq.l. represent an inlemalional and historicallrndilion of non-a,h-marial represent."on. combined wilh" .. conling fUnc1ion in Latin countries. as "'ell as many non·Latin counlrie• .' The civil noIary oweS a dUly 10 the lI:lJtsaclion. rathor than to a pany. He or she provides services to ··inte .... ted pani •• ·· rnlher Ihan to ··clien":· As a tcSult Qfthis dis· tincli,-e mode of I~gal .. p.. setll.lion. the Latin notary is a model of impani.l. multl·pany counseling. In II>c Unilrd S13les. in cunuml. tl>< nolary public developed inlo a purtly clerical funclion. which it ",,,,,,in, loday. Thi , non·adv=ri.l, impartial mode of rep!"Csentation truee, ils history to ancknt Rome.' Roman ,abelliOt1rs were privau, individ ... ls who "TOle and ~"pt wills and other documents, Wilh the decline of the Roman Empire came II>< decline of tho ROlnan labtlliOllrs. During the 10th through 12th centurie•• !IIrd;eval noIarie, gradually relumrd to tho Rotruln model of the /abrllio. Evenlually. the Gennanic group" de"eloped a semblance of the modem-day notary. He kept tl>c aUlhenlicaliOll func· li(>n. bul IlOl as a public official-as a private legal profe"ional. The de".iopm<nt of II>c modem notarial ~an in earnest in 1228 in Bologna. Italy. with lhe opening of lhe Scuola de NOlariato. 1lle most inn~nlial noIary of the p«ioo was Rolandino. who published his SUftlll Art;s NO/arine. in 1234. Italy. FJ1I""" "nd ha,'" had no\.Ori.llaw. ,inee tho nib cenlury. The COIllempornry Latin no1ary i~ <l<finrd by the Inlernalional Union of the Latin Nowi.1 (the ··UINL"") as"". legal prof=ional specific.lly designalrd to atteSt tho OCtS and eontruel' th.1 persons celebrale ~ perfonn. to dJ1lf] the doc"menl' which formali« lhe la" ••.• nd 10 gil'<: legal ad"ice 10 those who rcquirc the servi.., of hi. office:· An Alabama civil I.,,· noIary. li~ hi. historical f~be3Jl in other countries. t ti .I'<:r I
i' I must be m.inlainrd in a " I t mu" , photocopy of each of hi' authentic acts in date aloog with originals or cenifird photocopie~ of any .upporti ng or ",I.IM documents. The protocol musl contain or be acrompaniM by an ir.dc.
to its conlenlS in date order_ Each entry i, rcquircd 10 idenlify the pany or panies who paid a fee to ,I>c no1ary. atld lhe amounl of II>< ree. A civill.w noIary·, proIocol must be availabl. for inspection by tl>c Secretary of Stat. during regular bu,ine,s houtS. and eenified CQ()ic. of ""y documents containrd therein musl be furnished 10 the Secretary of State upon re\jUCR 1lle COIttCnt. of the ]>T01o<:ol are othorwise considert<l confidenlial and will be made a"ailabl. only to panies who ha" •• legal intcrest;n J pan icular lransaction_ S13le reGul.lions . Iso ""'~e provision for tho lran,fer of the protocol of an Alabama civil law notary 10 the custody of allQther civil law notary in the el'<:nl of .uch notary., ,u'pension or ce,salion of practice as a civill.w lIOIary. EI'<:ry Alabama I.wyo< appointed a civil law lIOIary in Ihis stale must file an annual .. port of his acti"i,ies "tid prol·ide the Sttrtlary of Slalc with the name ond add .." of anolher civil law no\.Ory designed to asSume his protoCOl in the e"on, of $usptnsion of or c""".tion of ~ict.
While the civil law no1ary (Of ··Latin noIary"") i. u~ in many COlUttrie$ as the only aulhoriled cntilY 10 conduct real oslal. tJ1ln ..... 'ion'.nd reconlll>cm. thi$ is inapplicable to the Unil~d Siale, ~au", of the existence of go"ommenl· run reconling .y"cms and prjv.L<: li,k insur""",'. The immediale need for civlllaw notaries i, seen in crQS$·bordcr and inter· national ltgal transaclions for .,'orythinll froln domestk relalion, 10 all manner of con,mcrcial lJ1lns.t<lions_ In the 70 OIher memb<tS o f tho UINL. the dntn;ng "nd .XU"t;on of contracts. COfllO'l'L<: resolu· lions, .. po><-efS of .,tOmry. com· merei.lll:lJt""'tion,. and a hosl of other busines, docum<nlation as authentic actS provide coun",,1 for Ibe f"",ig" pany 10 the tmnsa<lion with an increased le"ol of comfort in lhat they will be receiving documentation fmm Ihe '-"hor ,ide of the ''-dII''''''lion in the United Stales from an official in woo", Ih<y can g"'"' confidence. and io form, lhallhey readi· Iy rtCOgniu. appreci.,e and utilize wilhin the format of their ""'n legal .ystems. Similarly. v:..-ious aspect' of family la .... will be .ill\plifiM. Wbe .. P"'- and posl-nuptial .,,,,,,menlS. morilal propeny selliomen". pmof of palemity. marriage. and adoption, and like mal~tS are
T Ilf
,I " " ' "
I \ I " f II
memori,liw.l in au the ntic ""ts. <hey should be readily rttOj\J\iw.l in U1NL member n,tiOll' and given full faith and credit by <heir kg.1 syStclllS_ 11>< "","""pi of the civill.w "owy represenl' nothing I... a major philosophical shift in our common_low ad,'.esari.] way of doing bu,i""" ,n the Unitrd Slates. In U1NL member countries, the civil law nolary has been. for cenwri.s. an efficient. neut,...) "counsel to the rransaclion." rather than coun""lto ooe pany as against 'nolher. 11>< adoptioo of thi' syMem. with ""me ""'i'i<)ll' and =<)gnition of pre"iOll, methods of handling legal transactions. in Alabama aOO Rorid. not only will j>fOn'IOIc beller C1'QS$-cultural Wldcrst.nding and effici",,cy on tho: international business level. but may also serv. lI$ a new par-..digm for lI<utral and les. costly business.nd COIl' IraCt counseling in Alabama. The UINL ""'; high 1"".1 of in .. rest in the eITons of Alobam,. Rorida and a few Oilier . tates. to c re.te a Civil law N<>Wiat in this c<>untty. The Nalional A, socialion of Civil Law Notaries ("NACLN" ) was formed IS an
"mbrell. organil.llti011 for the Civil Law N<>Wi.t in this country_ As such. NACLN ha, been adnlilte<llo the U1NL as an ob:sc,,'or---the first step tov.'ard full membership-and .xpects to be aottorded full .... mbe!'Ship within a maUcr of oo)y " few years. UlNL officers from a variety of UINL member notions h",'. ",,,nded ei"illaw nOlarialtraining in Florida and have shown a kttn interest in developing an American tradition of the Civil Law NOl,n;.t in the Un ited State •. ' WhM civil law notaries wen: "lablished in the late 1990s to meet the increasing demands of f"",ign panie, to don""lie and intemalional business tran ..... tiOlls. " .. may 1001; forward.o expansion of this concept in ~"'le don>es. tic practice as "",II.
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Ll.M. Program in Taxation August 2003 - July 2005 • Taught through distance I&arning to classrooms tentaliv<lly planned In Auburn , Birmingham, Dothan, Florence. Gadsd<ln, Huntsville, Livingston, Mobile. Montgomery, Scottsboro, and Tuscaloosa. • e~pert Instruction by faculty m<lmtMlrs of The Unlver5lty of Alabama School of Law and well·known praclilloner5. • Classes me<lt Wed;;";';"";';',nighIS from 6:00 - 8:00 from 9:00 .11:00 a.m. I I'<Iqu<lst an Admissions Office, LL.M. In Tn The Univef$ity of Alabama School of Law Bo~ 870382 Tu sca loosa, AL 35487'(]382
205448_5440; .,"""" ,, ",muo<,
""""" lOll ....... _ ~~ ~y. ~
"""" m"","~ ,,", ., ~....,."""""",
E.~ Scni't:s is l«ktd on ('\~ ~ by a p;ImlI
Finm:ial Group I;.,iYSF~ I)mbol [}GI, ~ C'OODD)'I prmwr groop d
Asealre, nationwide service for stmeluring IIlx·deferred exchallges.
IIoltional rill!: insurara canparues. LmdAmmc:I1031 Exch.lIlgt ScnlaS has Ixm m
....., LandAmerica _
1031 Exchange Services
Robert S. Calimlo • Michul Riddk 2200 WooJal' Suitt JJO Bm",ngb""" AL JSU)9
Pbe-: (800) 831-6807 u.",·,Lmd/lm.comIIOJ I
SPEAKERS.............. ............... PROGRAM IUGlD.JGHTS .......... .......................................... , ,
Tht Solo '" s..",u .i rm Gommit= wtlI "f"'MOJ ~1oruI technology f"OIII'2"'I'lDlg. """" ",ill ~ a halC hour .... Th<: St"e 01 T~hnolo!o" In ,he SI>,e Couns" half hour OIl The StOle 01 T~hnolot!.y In the Fc<lcr.1 Coun. ,1Id :m huur OIl 11", Stoue 01 T~hIloIoto' Irt the ~ oo..:e. with. p;anel ~ CU>Sion 10 bt In! by Georwc Iluddlcslon olllinningh;lm.
Th<: AWwna StlIu. 11;o.:mod thetu>tw>u Uw}"CnA.....:i:I.jon foin to Pf"""CIlt,hl"t'C f>1"OSI"MS: ... ' A Century of ~: A Tribute '" Afrlcan-An",lic;I.n I.2W)tt:I in tu>b:o"",' ... ' l'n<:lictl1ip' f ........ he Bench 1"hingl E'Tr\' "'W)W MU5l/ShoukJ Know'
... 'Fe<k",1 ~un;: Upd>''''' Speak~"" indtKk judges M}""", I I.Thomi"'Oll :md O.w. Ck""", .00 S1~tC roun judges AlIlJtt)· fonJ. £us<:nc \'erin. ~bnin ~ :mod Ikml:lll 1ltoornao. Technology is pron~"""tly btum.! ...."IIh t:lIceptlonal pnII!t1lIl"'; ... · F.."crginj; T~hr><>lot!y ;n Fc<lc",1 :md State Coun~ :md In the uw Hm" ... ~ r..I.; i"3 Tri:aI I'roenUUons to the Non In"cI by Inrorpo">linS SWtt. Sound :md Ernoxlon in the
W\.- dncsday. july 16 All.-DAl' CU! ' !low to I"'rsuuk with I'o"-..,:md Inn"""",,' lIob Shern",,, 12wyn, .... hot" and IlourIdcf 01 thc Shenn:m \.odIm.h;P Gtoup. Rob Shc:nn2n Io::od!:I ,hi> J>O'f'~ )(:minar on n<"goCi"'ion and p,.".....,.tjon ",ms. Whtthc:r a or-oI!OOC'd ~I or • new :i$OO(O>,c.
10000y', cOInpc1 ili'''' m:u1:c'I>bct: ocm':lIl(l, ntORO crr""'I,.., <:OIlllln,nic:>lM:>ns. TIlb b wlM...,.., yon "ill ie;lm how 10 n.. ke it happen.
TIlUr.:iday, j uly 17 IlEo.....O I '" IiMt UJNOIEOS W. A~r
Join 1')<1' coiJ<">gllCS In ~Inw • p.n of hl"Qr)' ... the fU">l Afrlcan-An..".;c,-..., elec,ed 10 >CfVC "" presiden. oi I\:lr AS>oci:>tioI. '"""'""" his pride in his ~. Art:hcr, the IOnnt:r nl3l"Ot" ofUc:troil and • put IIISlice oftht: MicI1ig1n SU~1IlC" Coun , will bring hi. thoughts and on hi. pn:sidcnli. 1 al!"n· tl.:I to AI.b.:tnt. bw}"';t"S.
Friday. july 18 OP'E...."L"ffi Pl£'I1AJI.Y
Jamo W McEDuncy
.. The Solo '" Sm2lI ."iml Conuninc:c "'ilI sponsor. • Thc Statc <:hl>Ology in the Statc Courts by Mil«: Corroll (AOC) • Th<: Sl:>tc olTo:dIno608Y in thc Fcdcnl Coo", • The StlIu. olTcdutoIogy in lilt: 1..0 ... Oftic<, ....ith a p:md di~ to bt led 1»' ~ lIudd1cs1on
.. 'n", VU' .n"".:11 scntl= will feI,un;: fcde ..1JWIl" W. 1I..-o1d Albrinon, Ill.
~'. humor <">n ht: • g:n::o. ,001 In the coun"""". YOI.I won 'l waIlI 10 mbs thl. oc5Sion with , his di>ting"ished ""hoW In ,rbl prxtic:c and lecturer in tri:d ~klllW>Cf abo 5C1'\"CS "'!ICIDor editor and columnist rot Wigitllon . lhe jOumal oi thc AI!.A Section .... lJligo'jon. See why ' nw;c 'em b,.to' C2Il .omednto1Il:1le gu<.>d""""',
Salurli:ly, july 19 MO R....iJSG COSVOCATION Milbnl PuIIn" .Milbnl .'uIc:r is binder oi llabiw Dr It""""" ~l' and poc;idcnt ol l bb/ut rot Itununity Int"""";u,w ( l tFlU). Since 11 . 1>il>1·' fuundil'l/l, hLs k-oI<kr>hip h.u helped fOc"J!IO lI . bi, . 1 into. wurklwkkOuisti:u> ho::Jusinl! Of"lI'Iniu,jon w~h n",", th:ut 625.000 propic now :Wr.<k«nt.affonhbk tIhtk .... dox to 1\.:r.l:JUt·. wor1<:ItOlII1od thc wor1d.f\IIkr fttCio.'nl'h" Mnbl oiFreedom. lhe IWry S. T.......... PuI>Ilc Scnitt A"......t. :mod .he M2f1in I~"ht.,. KII'I/I. J•. ll lIn. r. ....h.and .bout hi. OI.ItSl.nding ~up "nd comrihlllioN ,oward mectlnM ,I",
p i 01 clin1in>lin8 p<l'"CIly housing wurldwklo.
"" " . :' 9. 2003 • Ad;m"~ Marie HOld · ~1obik. A1ab:una
SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE AU. Cl.E PROG RAMS ARE O PEN TO All REGISTRANTS. TIl<: !iCCllon progr:!ntS hay., bttn !k::sign..:d 10 1I1Il-n:!il boIh p~i{io",," wl>o O<;CaSionally handle a maUl"! in a p;o nkubr area of the law, and tllo:se who conccllll";1 U, m~ of Iheir prActice In (hal area. The pn:SCntlTS ",OlOCI the
tlllllluc age, jl;Cndcr. .-.«:1:11 aud g<:ographical dlwn!;ty of Onr ",'cr<llanglng oor assoclation.TIlls year'! programm ing ha~ b<...,n dcsil!Jll:d to m<:Ct ,he incn:; CQ"' pk'Xity of Our mcmbt:rs' 1lCCd!O St~y ~bn...... st o f many topics in {(oday's IiOCkty.'Wlt h crn:tul planning. moo;! aUomcys om satisfy their entire 12'00". e ll: ",-,<[uire-men! tor ZOO}. We 1>opc)'OU cntoY karning as well as taking a(h':lnuge of 1M nuny opponunili"ll for iIOCi:;Ilizing
Wcdm:sdaY, Ju ly 16, 2003 ............... ............ 8:00 am • S:OO pm Annwl Co.Wallioon
TIlursday, Juty 17,2003 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
7,,,, a m · 8:4S a m Rc!\iSI"'1ion
eu: So:n\j ....t; n,., $kIlls lil'ft)' I.m "
... bb:un:o 1_ ' Foun<IaIion
T"",,",' 1IrnI:h>o
Ik30 am . 4,4S p m .... Ne(>(/s:
/low '" I" ... ""d~ "'lib ,II"", Iv.. ~", ",..I
Rob Shetman.oq. Shcmun l..,.1<kr;hlp Group KluT $c Sh=n;oll
Columbus. OhIo
and making new fritnds during your,;cay in Mobile.
C1.£ Rq:b!r:II;"" and CoIf«
&30 am · 1 1,4S a m I"'ul L. Nqc/:JIi'''1on Skilb 1 1"/'S a", . I , I S p '" Lund! on )'OW" own
p n, . 4;1S 1'''' I'"~" II . P""",m . '1on Sl;ills
8<00 a m · S,OO pm Ann".1 Co,,,,,,,,,;"" Mc~I"'r••1o<l
Lcgol EXPO 2003 9:00 "'III _ 10:00 am FIRST SERIES OF C1.£ I>ROGIt...MS
4<00 pm . S<OO pm MC1.£ CommbNon Ml:Cling l>O!dplinar)' Commi>.>ion Mcelinll
y.oo pm . S<OO pm
1"lx ~ndTN!oI l,.,..., for EI<lcn' Ekkr La", SKI/('IJ "Toxk Thru, MoId Ulig:o'ion ond Slll" eo.nnl()l1 Law causes
uf Aclion · t'lIl'Im",,,cmlll
t;'"" 5«11011
· """",..ll'roctXI"", Upd:uc" "'W»"", La,,' Insti.ut., Council Meet i l1ll
-WorI.:<:n' Com~""IIon Upd>.e, 200," II"brlIIrr7'ComprnsaHon SKIion
lid S am " 11 <30 am
•... Iabama Open Meeting.<! .1: M«on.I!i,\Ct; Wh:I. PublIc OffICbb: Need.o Know"
11<30 am · IldO pm
w"""",kmlm,s I~l'" S«tio ..
I ,j(l
'1,00 p m · 4,00 I'''' 1\0;1 .... of l\;It Commisoioncr-s'
I Od S am · II , IS .....
"Corpor:"', Com<[lIIon' Kccpll\Jl Yo", Client Out of .he Un., of Arc!-
IIRIW( \ PIlOt I.cpi EXPO 2OO~
nuw 5IlRms OF C1.£ I'ROGKAMS
"1"r:>Cllcalllps r""" ,he 1Icnch, Thinll6 ~ Law)'1'r MUM!
8",/",," l.alll !>«rIo"
Should Know" A/lIb",,," I ..""~.,, .iSSQ('/III/O" j",lId,,/ eo""dl
"2003 Updi •..: A<ln,inism,li,'C L:ow"
· Pr.....iod
The 2003 . " " W Carter M~'tldllon Mml .. /sIrtlti•• La .. , $«lIon
Ik>Igncd br ocrm ,J><, Itq:ubr and QnIy 0r0a.;;0mI Labor L:ow PrxtiIIoncr'"
lo,ooam · IO: ISaru
I.cpi EXPO 2003
~' Binl""""_
\""., a..,g>1 EXPO 200}
!\)In.,,.. "'''D .he
u'Q! 1.cpi1k>'C1opmm1S
l.ub(w 11,,,1
J:.·mpkJymenl La", Srrt/oft (W'till~ "', ,1Cd /X<gt') lIly 17. 1003
rc->/tt_ ftwt< pwt_,...,)
of'~ Ak""",,,,
"TIial I'n:5c:nu,ioo T"",hnoIogy Rmdon llou1,,,, , ....;"g TrW """",n(;llio,,. '0 lhe Nex, I.c>~ Dy Inc.;><pOI"AI~'fI ·Sigh' . Sound '" llmolion' ln Ihe: Counroom-
"lIe. 1 &1. ,( I",,,,,,. In ,he l'robo,e ~~ .. e . no.! CO.II·...,"' 1~lopm"m. In I'ropcny LowI(wl'ro(wrly. I'W)bMC £:, 'JhW /.;.w Sft:,1Ott ""orncy!1· Mutual 01 "bbarno. lnc. "rlJUJaI Metting
12>30 pm · 1:00 pm IJI:NO I ,I.Nl) RAil WNOIWN f.catumJ~
tlmnis 1l' NChcr. I)ctn>it ~'-cka
"nlClian Ib.t- ,o.s,oct>'ion SI'ECI" 1. PIlHS!lNTA110NS • "b.bam;& I..w In,,i,u,e
L.cgW:oI ;" e "" ..:old> • ADlC1£ A,,-.nJ • JOOIt.ioIl A,,-.nJ of M eri, • ,o.Lob:un;I Sulc lIat Awo.nJ of ~IcriI • Ahmm> Su'e 8on<>AW2nl
2,15 pm · 3< 15 pm FOURTl I SJ;RIES OF C1£ 1'ItOG1V..\IS -ACemUf)'of~
' 1101 'I'opIo In "bb.un> Evidcntt' rum 'ml/J""iCfl Sft:llo" " I' rof~l.n'
/lIabaIIU ' ........ 12W}'CD' Section 8uIi_ ,\ Ittting
"",3(1 pm . 5dO pm CtinWulJ~
of Int.,.'oclII"'1' Onlcn:
A lIoatInup-
A/JfWIWc /'J'(ICt/a
' Coa!IIcd MClIww: Goa>' 0<1, 6 ,IIi ,>em/LaUI $«lion
in Mt"a>liring
Commcn:ioI '" 1'o:no<W~'
'VoI""ttr 12W}'tt!I Annual CIJl~ '
Sn:tlon Itccq>tioo
5,00 p n o • 6.30 pm VIJ'II~1on
A<lminis,,:>,I,.., S«tion lIecepllon a n<l pl'l::SCn (;l'ion of .hc 2003 EUJlCIICW. Carter MCtbllion Aw:lnJ
6:30 pm , 9:00 pm A..~NUU
ME.\UlJ.lISiUP 1IOCEPTION ' M:o.nJi G"" II"""'" Ilosltd ".IIN Mobile Ha, Aswdaliol! .. mllbc Alabama SlalB Ha,
.. , .. ,.".,"." ........ .. am
Frid:ly. J uly 18, 200}
7,30 'u" - &45
" lI.cvIcw
In 'he WotItplacc:
Sh;merh'N Ihe GL1ss CcilinglIow Mt.ICh lIenw"" s Sft:1/(m ' 2003 Uf'<b.le: Admin ......,;..., Uw' Mm/ltl$tlPli... La", SrrtIoIl
'~"I lI.ehe>rink ond
IIoard 01 Editon
&00 :un . J ..OO pm
3:$0 pm · 1dO pm
A Tribule toMrk::ln-i\mCri<2n
Ccnior.lrlln .he ""',,"m. Cou ... -
. ~~' ~
• Tlw Akl/H""" /.;... , ....
3: U pm · 3,30 pm
Allomer' In Abh;un;oTlw Aktb""", Lallyt"'S ADOCf<tIl.m "'''IIIH AI"/)<,,,,,, SI<I'. &I,
#'msIPm Sl",,, &"
EARLY MOllNING DRUKFASTS • Otrist .... 1.qpl Sock:ly
• Pan-.h Or\kr of Jurispru<l<:ncc/ 0nIcr or 'he Coif • ,I<>nd School or I"w Alun"'i • IIIrml"!ll",n, School of !;ow
• \'arI<labiI. Unl'~y School 0( Uw Alumni • Uni""";ly oI\"ol)linu. School of Low Alumni , 1""'':lRI Unn~y School 01 Low Alumni , Thbne Unl\'l::nhy ScbooI 01 Low Alilmni
Annu.:t.l Co,w","1on lI~r.. ion bpo 200'
&30 "01 . Noon KI1)S' C HANCE GOLF SCRA.\IIII..E ~oo
am _ Noon
~lI'T1 1
SFRlt:s O F CU; P1IOGIIAMS FEATI)lIfJ) l'LL"«IIY SESSION ' Pbnnirl!llo W"",; I>i>co'Very anti ~ in thr: Courtroom -
Spc:lkCI-: ),.me:. w. Md:lh~ncy 1l0U!«Wl.T CD>
Noon .
12,15 pm . 1,00 pm n U! MAUD MCCU IIlE I{EUY AWARD WNC II F.ON \ltI .. $«110" ","111", AI"I)<l1I1(I SUlle /kIT
12" 5 pm . 2,00 pm nlEAIARAMA lAWYFR ASSISTANCE 1'lIOG1t,\,\I WNCi lEQN A/aINI"", I",,,,... ,uswa,ta
2: 15 pm · 3, IS pm SIXTI I SERIES OF Q.E 1'ROG1t,\,\lS ' I)onIQltk Ikbtiom Upda.t 2003Nm.1Iy Lull' $«Ifot.
1, IS pm · 4,15 p m ' F"'ICrginR Technology in F...Jcr,I.nd St.le a:..,"~."" In ,lte l.:ow ~lrm ' So/() ",", S","11 f '{n ll I'nKIIllo""J's CO",,,,fIIH <II ,IN AkllJflma
S/<"e tid, 3, IS pm - 3:30 pm 8REA1{
3<JO pm . 1,30 pm SEV!:.,,"m SOOES Of' CI£ I'lIOGIV..\lS ' Lillpllns TcdmoIo!Ir I)bputcs
for lIM: Gmer>ll'Dclilionn'"
' Upd,ole on In,dkau>l I'IQp<:I'Y J.- for\hC Central ~ (ondudin8 ,..., Abb:om:l 1'ndnnal1l ACt) ImcJl«tuall'ropt!rty lAw SKtion
6:00 pm . 7tlO pm UNTVEltSrTV 01' "wv..\M. SCHOOLOf' lAW ALllM]'~l RE(:EI'TlON OJMBERIAN1) 5CI100L OF lAW ALUMNI KEC&T10N
4:)(1 pm · 5,)(1 pm
ll'(f[lUC'1\!Al. ~KOP£KTY lAW S~cnON KECEP't10N
S:OO pm • ()'OO pm ",I,KJlWlll.l. KECEI"T1ON
......................... .
8:00 am .
9:00 am
QRaJrT RRUKFAST join bu ~jOOges :and ~ from )'OW" ctn:uiI
Spc:dccr: MIlWd Fulkr _0111:11>;10, for ' lUlnanily ""d ~m oI l bl>;'at for Il uJIllInl'f Intetnat;ona! (lIFlI!)
7:)(1 pm
SalurdaY. July 19,2003
ltONOKlNG FRED O. GIV.Y Entnulnmcnl:}o6epIl M;,chdl &: sum- "Jan Conf,guntion ~ "" lbe AlalMma lAUIJwsAsJoduI...... *"-' em"ford. &.yA ..... flarafl4lbe A/aINlma Smle Ha~
9: 15 ..... · 11:15 ..... MOR.'1ING CO:""\OCA.TION ·
lOr "" lrOOnnaI brnkf:ut ,,",-(.,her.
• ~ w..-" lbr '\chlcvcn",,,, "w..u. • Kld!!' Ch:mcc Scho>I;I.n.hips ilI:cow>~ion 0I50-\'<2r MctrIbn$ • 1.......""91 cl~ • kg:lI EXPO 2003 Prize ~
II, I S ... n OF RAR CO.'.t.' .t'SSIO!IIERS· MEh'llNG
Join ", r", ." .aft"""""" of JIOIf '" Mobile m><lc COT" more ~rd",~ by k",.,..,;"Il th.1, l"'U'", m.ofUllJ! ' dlff<.....,:c In • r""1lJ! _ '. Jik. s.p. "" to pUr in ,be 9Ih An",uI JUdo' au""" Golf Scnm/:IIc "" Fri<by.}\>Iy 18. 201». from 8J>O..,. ' 0> ' l,;lO pm. ~
Kl>.Io.Qw>t.< Sd>du>bIp fund prooIda II<boI.or>l>lpo for cIIIkIren .-he> Iu •.., 11><1 • potmt kilkd .. ~ """ 'oWly In >II OII-lbe-\Ob inJury. Kl>.Io· o..v."" _ _ _ In 1!1\l1 by , " " _....·eompens>ll»n Secol»n . ~ ohm..., "",.., ",.dt<l _ I p o "" 1G4 .,...,."... .....",. of .._ """""" _ be to ..1<1>d ct>k:F oritIII>uI .... bclp ... ' ''S. hi ~ of. """ ........,.... _ .. ~ "*"-1Irt... ,nr.1lw _ _ ....., <lrupr>«l ~
"""""" """""..,,,,,84
'0» """""".
If,-...,'- 10 play'" "'" tourrwncnI. pi<D< .... uWt, ~. __~~' Compnb>llon Sm_ .""""""."
,~"" -----------------------------------------------------------0 . _______________________________________________________,5< _ OffiaTh~
.---",. ' -
Indlddu.ll'toyn llok Spomon/tIp llok Sponton;hIp &: 1 Player Slot
II""" Sp<)II>iOf>ihlp &: 4 l'Ia}~ SI»u
",. ' -
"'" '' -pai"'" with
lion", Tdc:ph»nc _________________ llono.lie>p ___ ~ ....u ~ pry2I* lU IOd!o' CI\aIK'C Schobr.i.hl p Fund OK JIIn'C bill myCfftlj, ani: 0 VJS"o\ 0 ~ O "-'I EX
CanlNo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ F.lIpintlon D'" .,'_______________________________
Siglulu"' ____________________________________
l(you do tlOI
7JI' Codt____
h . ~. tam. you will be ."", be. p l .~ •. J'Q~ l\onhcr Inrorn" ulon . con tact Tracy l>an lcl at 800-354.6 154.
HarEL RESERVATION INFORMATION Adam's Mark Hotel . Mobile' Reservation Request Online Registration Availah1e at To en.ure Ill., you Itt"iv<: ,he g~,ttd <Oorn r.uc . }'Q\l mu.t roc",,)'OI" room no I"er than J UNE 13. 2003. ll<:questS n:<:d •..,.J afler,hi. dalc will be honored b>.S<'d on room . nd role '''''il:lbilj,y. R"",,,,,,,ion n:q<>C<t< mu", be .ccomp.nkd by. <kf><>$il equ. 1 to ON!! NIGHT'S ROOM RATE PLUS I N OCCUPANCY TAX. This deposi t w iU be .ppliN 10 ,he Iut night of th e n:$Cn.",i,,.,.
,-- ----------------------------------------------------------------"~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''"''' -------------------------------------------0" ________________________________________
Am ..... o.y/Dato _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
Nwnbcr oIlloon» ___ Numbe, 01 Mul .. CIIECK ROOM 1YPF.
:tiP Co<Ie _ _ __ _ _ ___
o.:PU'Ur<: 1hy1D:llc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Nurnlx< of 0IiIdrm
o o Qu>druple. o One 1le<Iroom SYilc, t17S o Two [)oubk IkW o RoII.A.....y ($10 p'" nigh') o"""~ o ______________________________ o ~o o Noo.moldo>g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
0S4~gk. $ll0
Whc< A«e:IiIiblc IlO<>m
o I ho", Adam'~ .\UrlI I'ote' • Mobil< of O NE NIGIIl'S R\X).\I RATE 1:n. O(:CUPAl'« ; V TAX. o !'leu< ella,.. ONE NIGIIT'S ROOM RATE PLIJS 12'1'0 OCCUPANCY TAX 10 ,he" 1'oUowiJl$ Crcdil ani: o VISA 0 cndoocd • ch<d: 1"')""'" to
In the """"""
C>!'dNo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ N>OIC ofOcdlt 11 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Elrpi".lofIl».le'_ __ _ __
_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
Qudl~. ~.~---------------------------------------------------------------------------I unde ..... nd ...... I am lJ.bk brONE NIGIIT"S ROO~ R.ATE PLUS I~OCOJPANCYTAX which will be eo.orcd b}· m~ <Icpo6l[ 10 1M OV=[ [ .... [ I 00 "'" .ni.o . ~1 tc.. than ~8 """'"" prio< '0 ani,.,.. or Ilcp>n e',,1it".... 0 ..,bcdukd. alliCK· L~
n \lE I> >ftc, 3,00 p .m. CHECK-QUT n\lil i< noon.
CANCEUATION POUCY, Coned!;'';"" Of modifle,nloc! of ","",,""'''''' m .... M m><I< ., Ie... ~8 hour< prio< to aniv:ol '0 .>"OId forf<ltu", of Ilcpooi •. lui< lOr :and <CUIn conal!>,ion n..."M, j"O<> rttdvc <duOO 0( dcp<>oIt Of ami. 10 =<II. nnl. G........,.cc<l ",""",,",,bO([5 "'" held ( .. I!boo. <>ccupo.ncy) lOr one nl"lu ""Iy :and "'" the rnlirc length 0( lh<: ... ~_ All ho<<l """oun" ore .. objccI '0 <.-cd;, 'rnngcmco .... lime of ~"lion :and ",}"WIc .. Ilcp''1ure. 178
lU O l
Advm«: rqisltatlon IOrm:! MUST BE RECEJV£l> NO ~TF..R TllAN]\r.'I"E 30. 2OOJ. OnlIne rqp.;t.... llon " , .. lbblc al ...-.abbar.ors. CancellatiOns "';111 fUll n:funds may "" ""qu<:Olr<l lIlrou&h noon, Thul"!lday. July ), 2003· PU!ASI! f'tIL'\'T
"~~~~ ~~'<~ :SO.' "
7JI' Cod<
Sp:>uo<i'G..... '-.......JClIll<Iteto
Indb,,, ...,.
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M.... L KJ.:G' STIl.ATION FORM " P...YMENT TOt 2003 Ann,",l .'1...-.1",. . ......1:wnI
St.,. 1I>r.
Su'. 110,. P. O. Box 6',. M"",,,,,,,,,,,\,,... t III'
Law Firm May Not "Fire" Present Client And Then Sue Him Question: " I have rOOM myself in • ,;tuali"" ,,'11m: my oppoin li~pt iOl\ oonu:nds that Firm ONE m~lt willi_
... ft,
draw from '"fI"t"C'ntation of a Ioot· time eliC'll!. A. for ... boa! we have acICd .. ZrnenJ oou~L due 10 .. .. ~ C<)I"Inin ofin""'Si 11_ R..1e 1.7 of tho_ Rules of Profcuional Conduct ...·hich brcamc cffeaive I. 1991.1 would appr«ilu: l\'Ct';"'in. ":0116dr"till opiniod from )'011 lOS to " 'hethn we CUI Lake odnnlaJe of the comments 10 Ruic 1.7 and withdnw from ~ntlng client C and cominue to ft'TJftUnl ditn! II under Rule 1.9.
~LepI wort on the (oo.OO",ill'um project rOO' C <;(K'IIm.,,><>00;1 in Aprill989. Roo' ~ years prior 10 thi.
'''The: .iwation arose when I filed Jui, on hel\>lf of ou. long'lime (l;"nl A against B. an Alabanl> partnership. and its g""",,lI parI""f'J. C and D. for bruc:h of. consln1CtiOll conlrac, and I fraud in the illdo>«menl and during pnformance of the conllao .. w. 1100 aJlt&ed a pattern and pnocIicc of fraud baocd 011 OIher job5 handled by D who was ~in8 the conWU<1ion work fo< B. C did 11(0. &d i ...... vN willi the COIl§InICtioo project and did _ ClDllllJlit of the al!qed fraud and is not elaimed 10 be par! of. pojltrll and prxtice. C is Oldy i..d ..<I.,. in tho la_it by virtue of bei.., I JCnenl parUICI' in B. and lhIn liable for \be IICIlI of B.
date. Form ONE bad Kled U SCncnoi """,sci (00' A. In Scpccmbcr 1989. A CIOl~ Into • cooutnlCliool coolr:lo<t wi1h B for. pro;.ct " 'hkh WI, not in any way ",Ialed 10 the condominium project. In NO>Iombcr 1989, cliem A asked uS q...,.,ions COIICt'mina the con,~ con_ trrI. We periooic.lly ll .. ",.fle, .,.... A advice concerning ilS righ!S urlder the construction M anCIl dc,criooued oowccn A and B and in November 1990. A MUd WI 10 fik apin51 B. C was included M • defendatll iOl !he I.....,;, sio<e ;, ..11$ (IDe of <he SCo:ral par\ntn of B. Su,t ...... filed NoV<!mbor 13. 1990. In late No¥ombtr 1990. we disCO¥ercd the poICIO,ia] connie! (01)(0''''''' C. We ;...-. .n.r.,ly ""';fKd A and C ol the sit ... tion. We tueived verbal COMCfOt from bo1Io A and C 10 ton\i ..... .....- "'P" rcKfUationJ in <he n'SpOC'li.-e .....1I'f'J.
"Sbonly a fter filing $<lit. I ltamooJ 1haI...oo..r lawyer in our fum. l ...... Doe. ""U rqn>C111inS Con. onc-time malter whi<h "'lI$l<xally un",laltd 10 the lili_ a"lion. Thil;l !he only tim¢ we "'Pn""nled C . The """,Ialed maUer involVf!d pn:parin.!he 1lKCua/)'
"In Jan....-y 1991. .... w .... advised b)' COOJ"",I (00' C (Firm TWO) that C .......... ;dod11lwin. it. conSCnl'".,..,. "'pr=ming A in ,he con""",ion liligation becausc we had not fully infonned C a, 10 tbe extont orthe poI.ntia! conniet. Thi. was lurprising since C had a
k",1 docUm¢nl' for a cOfldQminium develop"",nl. The CQndominium project Wl$ not conr.octed in any way with the project oot of "'hich the conmuction lawsui' arooc. Diffe",nt enlilies wm !he",..,...... of !he tWO projttu and diff,,,,nt poopIc ..~rc involVf!d in each project. The only connection of C with !he oonstru<:tioon proje<t was 1hIt ;t was a partnn" of the ""'...... ol the comwc6on project. B•• ".nomol parlnef>hip.
copy of !he Complaint and had in·house lawye ... on staff. Nevertheless. C insiSted that we withdraw from our representa· tion of A in !he constnlCtion litigation but continue to repre$tnt C in the coodominium pn:>jttt. C eontends we must withdraw from ~ntingA bocau", of Rule 1.7 of !he Rule. of Profe, Conduct and cites a ponion of the com .... "t, thereto (under . ubtitle 'Connie," in Litigation 'j which state: ·Ordinarily. ~ lawyer may 1>01""" as advocate again" a di.nt the lawyer represents in ",me other malter. even if the other matter is wholly """,latN!: "Si""" the matter involving C i. wholly unrelated to the con· 'Inletion litigation. it seems to me that other commentS to Rule 1.7 control how this claimed connict could be rewl .. ed. Tht second sente""" in the second p3ti1g"'ph of the CommonlS unticr 'Loyally to a Client' states: 'Where more that one diem is in .. oh..,.J and the lawyer withdraws bocaU<t: a conniet ari ... after representation [has been undenakenl. wbether the lawyer may continue to ",~sent any of the client.< is determir>«l by Rule 1.9: HRuie 1.9 WOIIld not...,m to prevent uS from continuing to A in the consttuetion litig.tion. if we withdrew from ",presenting C in the condominium projecl. since the conwuc· tion litigation has "" relotionship or con"""tion to the c0ndominium projttt. re~"'nt
'This resolution of the asserted conniet was mentior>«lto responded by citing ""ifrom', Hornbook. 00 Mod..", I.qol Elhics and the California bankruptcy case In rr California C(lJtJt"" and GmM·'''''. 74 B.P. 336 ( 1987). Tht <i!Cd authority stated that in the situations invohnl in the authority. the lawyor conld not chouse betw.. n clients as to who he would "'present. flowever. the bankruptcy case...,rns to be distinguishable from OUr SitUlltion .ince the two mOlters i.vol,·w he", are totally un",lated and .i""" the case deals with the old code. the portiollJl of IIW/rnm cited tal~ about simultancous litigation which we do not have in our situ· ation. Moreover. the ",f=nces...,m to be It <><Ids with the Comment $t:Clion to Rule 1.7 cited above which ...,nu to require withdrawal from "'1'«'.$entOlion of at least one client 1..1t allows continued "'I'«'Stnta~on of another if . uch would not violate Rule 1.9. C"S counsel who
·Thus. the question presented i. ",t..ther we may withdraw from "'p"'Stnting C in the condominium projecland conti"<I£ to "'p"'sent our long-time client A in the construction litigation " C i,. defendant by being a g..,.",1 partner of B. ot" wt..ther we muSt do what C want.< and withdraw from "'P"" St n~ng A in the consttuet;on litigation a"" to contin<l£ to "P"'Stnt C in the COI>dominium projaot, oc wt..ther W'e should do something else. We would al"l"""iate your confidential opinion as to whOl we sboukJ do in this Situation and whether we can withdraw from "'p"'Stntation of C and continue to represent A in the construction litigation:'
Answer: YOltr representation of client A in the construction litigation is directly adverse to client C and foc that reason yOll must
witildnw from represen~ng A in that mattor. You may continue to "'p"'sont A and C in Olher mOlters tOtally un",latM to the construction litigation. Additionally. you may not. by di""ontin' uiog YOll' re)l1"l'$"ntation of C. take advantage of the Ie,.. strin. g"nt connict ",Ie regarding former clientS and thereby contin<l£ to represent A.
Discussion: Rule 1.7 of the Rules of ProfeSSional Conduct provide, the following: ""Rule 1.7 Connict of Interest: General Rule (~) A lowy .. shall tI01 represent a client if the "'P"'sentation of that chent will be dirtttly adverse to anort..r client. unless:
(I) the lawyer ",ason . bly believes the representation will tI01 ad"ersely affect the relationship with tt.. ott... client: and (2) each client consentS after con$"lta~on."
As pointed OIIt in the Corruntnt to Rule 1.7. "Ioyalty is an ow:"tiol element in tt.. lawyer's ",Iationship to 3 dienL"" In the situation a lawyer take. p3rI in litigation against an existing client'"\he propriety of the conduct muSl be me.suttd /IOl ' " much against the similarities in litigOlion. as against the duty of undivided loyalty which an allorncy 0"'-" to each of his clients.H Cinema ~.lJd. •. CinLrnmil. I"~.. 528 F.ld 1384. 1386 (2d Cir, 1976). Much mon: latitude i. perminoW with respe<:t to litigation Igainst. former dienL!n thi, regard. R"le 1.9 of the Rules of Profe.sional ConduCi provides the following: "Ruie 1.9 ConniCi of Int.",st: Fonner Client A lawyer who lias formerly ",presented. cliont in a maner shall not thereafter. (aj "'present another person in the same or a substan· tially ",latoW matter io which that person', in1O"',,, are materially adverse to the int''''51 of the former client. unk .. the former di.nt consents after con,ul· tation: oc (b) use information relating to the ",presentation to tt..<l of the forme r client oxcepl as Rule 1.6 or Ruie 3.3 would permit Of require with respeC1 to a client or when the inf(H"J'llation has become gener· ally k""w".""
He", the emphasis i. 01\ the .imilarities in the li~galiOD (a substantially ",Iated maner). and u.. of client coofi<iences to the disadvantage of the former client. In the i.'tantlit"atiOft. then: is no 4utStion that you could not continue 10 represent both client A and C in ""n·.ubstan· tially ",btoW matt .... while at the .. me time "'p",.. nting A in litigation against C. Rule 1.7 doe. no! permit such divided loy· alty uoless the conflicting interest will not adve .... ly off«t the ",lation,hip of the other dient and each cliont con .. nts.
Tht more diffICult question is whetht!r you could cease 10 represent cliem C. thus relegating C to former client .tatuS and thereby lake advantage of the former dient rule (Rule 1.9).
lndttd, the CommUl lO Rule 1.7 see".,. 10 indic~ lhalsuch . procNuno wOIIk! be <1hkaJly permissible. Tho: _and ~ 0( the Commenl prO¥icb 1Iw. 'WlIo= more Ihan one clienl ill ilM)/""" Mod the bwyt't wi--. conflicl arises after ~talion .
... hether the bwyer ""'y COOIiJI~ 10 ~ any o( !he ~lifrllS ill dettmlinrd by R ule 1 .9.~ We do IlOl believe !hal dtls Commenl _ irMmded. ia <ihwianr; sucb • Ihil. 10 allow \he lawyer 10 disn:aard one climl in order 10 ~l another clicnl. TO hold oIhtrwise wnotld do .,..acllmn 10 \he principle at loyally which i. bedmc:k in !be "'latioouhip btt",,""n lawy ..... and elk",. We
Ii"" .uppon for Ihi. view in
Free Report Shows Lawyers How to Get More Clients Callr· lI'by do """" l.o ..}ft> ~ ncb ........ """'"
.uuul< '" ""y 111<" "'l"~
The ...... or. """"<ding to onomcy. 0.,><1 M 1I'oro. hti nodnng to do ""Ih w.nt. tduo;• .
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II Il4S. N.4. eitin" F....J'; F...w LId. ,, " flltll' " nMmM of. Co•• ~7 F. 211 m (211 Cit. 1917). For the. .iIo>"t. rn...,.,. il is oor view thaI you muSl cease your of A in!M liliplion IDaI is d im;dy 001_ 10 yoo, clienl C. [1t()'91.(l81 • ~nlatioo
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Important Reminder About Your Continuing Legal Education Requirement f you had a roemoorship S1alUS change at any t,me dunng 2002. you maV have been .equi.ed 10 earn and repo'l 12 hours of ClE cred't try Oecember 31. 2002 Maadator,o Cootilluing legal Educal loo Aules requ ire attorneys who hold an oco:upa!lOnal lrcense Ireg· ular membersh ip) any t,me dunng the calendar yea. 2002 to earn 12 hours of CLE credit If you 3'e not curremJv a regular member 001 were a regular member for part of the year you are sllll requ"ed 10 complyWflh MOoE Aules.IMCLE Aule 2 5) fo! example, ,f you IIIIIl«I ir.acti;lI or held a spec,al membelsh,p and COOV1!fIed to a regulor mernbelshrp duw'102002. you are
Ieqo.I!red III obtain 12 hoIn of a.e credit It you -e a
mernbBl cu-ing 2002 but lD'I'<8Red 10 spec:1oI1 ~ Of 10 nar:we
. . j(IU" "Iapred 10 0DqIIy WIllI b12..... Qf fIIPII!\WII.
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fill !hi lowyw's froIessionaIllGbiIy InsIGNt ht!trllm.
Pro fessio nal. (o mpetiti ve.
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JOIN US! The Alabama State Sar Lawyer llefena1 Setvlce GIn provide you with an excellent means of earnIng a IMng. so It is hard to believe that only lhrel:! peR:eflt of Alabama attorneys partidpate In this servlce! LRS wants you to conSl~ Joining. The Lawyer Referral seMre 15 not a pro bono legal ser\IIa'. Attorney<; agree 10 marge no IIIOIl! than $25 for an iI1 itial ronsultatlon. not to exceed 30 minutes. If, after till' consultation, !hi' attorney deddes IfI ilCCEplIhe taSe,. he or she may then marge his or her noonal ft>es.
In addiUon to earning a fee for your service, the greater reward Is I/Iat you wlll be 114!lplng your fellow dtizens. Most reft>rJa1 dlenlS IIave never contacted a la~ befoA'. Your counseling may be all that Is lH!eded, or you may offer further services. No matter what the outcome of \he Initial consultation, the IlI'.Xt time !hey or their friends
or family need an attorney, they will corne to you. For more Infonnatloo about IIIe LRS, contact the stale liar at (800) 15Hi154, letting IIle I'f'O'! ptioniSl know that you are an attorney Interested In tIeoJmlng a member of the Lawyer Referral Service. Annual lees are $100, and eadl member must provide proof of professional liability Insuran<e.
Is Here." A Lawyer Whu Makl!!l ye llow 1'3'"' on tilt """-SIOf)'. L""'pod buildins Ul "",,ling. To \he ,,"" of ~IO b.."ld,"&an- baskrlball ,hal 'U 00 >eme,,' with """"kd ""'-IJIS and no 1)(1<, Once Ihe ",,,,,.. I fur black otllkJr<,n. b<f"", 1973 "ben Cl.mro" ",hoot< on,egr;ued !he b,nidlng >ll' bcluDtl IlIo W~ End h:Jusing pro';"'''! ,n C\oolcon. 'TWay.,1 " hom< 10 Cbn\oo', Head SIan progr3IIl and"Pro;ect GEAR" l(icwp of ~ i\dIIIjI!ing RraI't}) Tht doa bobirod I'I1Ijoect dEAR ;. thai ",en!hoogh y<lU can', w... Dds OUI of tho". em IroruI'CII$. you cap P'''' \hom alLrmal"'" I'rojcc'I GIlAR "'.. =,wd by EhTAIl"otth H "",phr~y ilumley and hor ch,ldhoooJ fr'imdl. Thlllr"'e Agee. DaIlyl Dam ."d (I""""", MCJI'I"()W. I'roje<:t GEAR >how$ how a row people, with IlIo helper. "U""""g com",uni.)'. can ~ tho world , betic.- pbce. L" Hu"lky.a 1997~0( 1t.. Uni'""i'y 0( AIa/:Iwna School 0( Law and a 199.1 ~ 0( Aobum Un.ivnsily. " ... year. old and I" '"~ In H"""'ilk. Al:lt""". "ben her mother, • dNg addict. <OO\RII,rc.l ~icido. W 'Uq: " ..11 her [adler, It.. drug Male.- "II(> ~~ her moth:r and otMr.. wa< 1101 . . """"". Liz " ... pb;-ed in m. can: 0( her grandnlOlbtr. Ann .. POW B",,!OO, " ho li,o;I in the We;t End ",,;J:lIIOOrhoox! ofCbmoo. Liz """,~y h,ed " ,1Il he, grnndmOlio., rul herwty }ear< we .... in .. "d:!led " 'Ill .'m. from;;'" DI!R "", i ~1 ,,'OI"lm " ho ,,"w id IIIow up al Li /\ "'lIool and tell 11<1". <II:u it "-..1 t,me for fOSje""",. S...,b """'" ".""UI"I"IId "hen 11.s .1IId•• Ann .. "'.... ._ 8 .... ,0"\ ,,,,,:mol a ~ phrcruc, b=inlt ,ooImI and "bu,,,,•. w's un::1I<" cpi~ 1lIl....ukd m. lilco O(aU of """" 01"(IIlIlI.! Ium. """"n "'" "&'0 .... ~ and II ""3< Unit for Liz to \WI ""1>..-.1. IItr gr:>ndmother P'" li1 (Ill !he p.d>1>e "'hrcl t.. and !Old heo" 10 grI off at m. t:.""\an!OO 8cn ..... W) School Years lal... In ...a1i/ed olw IItr grand. mother. ,,110 c..uld not rrad .... n, Liz off wone ,he " '" am.1IlIN ofbting
Tho I:oJs pIIlkd up in fflJll[ ol lllo spnowl ;"8 ekm,,,,wy school and liz JIll off, blending ml0 !he <."f'(W.ti of elicited childnm. All. "" t: Li~."~ waI~ing in ",;!h parrnL-. In 1\li ,",hen l.u. first
l15~ed \0 fill 00. '"'" ""mplt •• ron ...
[:\rtUly mc".bo ... on CbiIKln Coon.y. To ",,,,d Li/, MVlng to lea"", CI.1n.oo.. Li,'s
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loading ~a.ildren In • t>c:.d ~ the . I0o/I: on ~ IIIIlil they found doc ld'i name imd JlRlC'I"""I off 10 !he room mbcr liz looked . . board lUIliI • saw "'" _ "''a< in M ... Jonr:s'. Liz
M.u .Iono$'s room. ,, ' and
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whe""'..... yoo >J-..does "MI she does. " You goo.>. koow my d1ddy." R.,..,..",.j Good mt\ Lu "tit.. <be was . iglll yean DId and <be came 10 Ius churdl. The Woc1d',ClPdIof!he w-ingGod. fk Ja'" a in her. From Ihal IIlOI\It1ll [(II. Good ~ and it _ gming her to • role iIIm..rm :w;tj>; .
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e;IJOkd tics. I"'IfII
abouI roIlrgc
~t~~ carro. OVt:f to Uz and Solid.
R's. "/k a young lady.~ ',0 ha,,, . friend. be • frieJ>d:') or helping hrr with 1.", ..hooI homeIt.'trl: (""Do "'I\al ,. wi .... ). Wh:.1 " ":IS !he main ><1,""",
':tI.ipn hoAl," ~ Liz
R. ....... nd Good gal",,1./ld >till gil..,.. Liz? " When you 1\lO", wrn<thing. tho burden is on you 10 give b.d," Liz "'<is bright :wi e.o:elltd in school. Thrcughoul hrr ed<>C3tioo. 1Qd>. t1"$ JaWlA', oIMb.... :and helped h.r In spccuJ " -.ys.lIz·.>de 1tadIer, M, .. k an Miller. routinely .... ' Liz 10 odlrr (Ias.srooms ~t !he sdXX>I to &i'" alx>ot rrpon Liz Mel "nltrn.. or 10 ItU about """" odI<1 pn!JM w had com-pIeItd. In her ...."" y~ar of high school. M i.. IlIli!lOO. t iz', ¢;lleul", 1eaCher. camt up to l..u .. !he begi nning <If !he school yrar :and .... d. ' 'Coo",,'ulalions~ Yoo\" qualified for AI' Calculus!" lberr was " ]'O"ObIcm. though. Only ~,ds had quali focd for !he
"WoiIl. darling. when: "'" roo
Whm: U your 1\'IQIht1T' " I'm heft 11)' myself:' In re<pIlQS< \0 Mu. Jonr:s'. upla",.d how <he had I!idoxlI ..J found t.... mom.
That JIHI" MI$S J(lfIt:I; helpNlw ID ~ and ,mall " " y" Wbm class pi.cI~\ IAkL'O and Li.t. Mel no money!O buy a >eI piclllf1$. M ,~}""", 1:Iou$ll' them for her. When !he c.... porfOf11ltd plays and 0Ihtr skits and the ehiklml Mel to I:01ng props INI Mw J~ brOughl Liz·s., J....... w '. r&'om'" ~ (SIl""a'A benlJ for her bi y. When w ar>d IItr ~ Ton), 10 !he hospiIaI 10 baI", tilt" San B<Ih. Miss Jones I.epIlh:-ll oidor <*'p.c.:.. Ada RullI. ""'!1m ~ GEAR" lint gcw", under,..ay. ~"s.s kIriI:I <bIaItd $ IO.<OO of ~ propm nwniaIs fa oht GEAR Ods. When Liz " .... in !ugh 5CbooI. hergmnd. modi.. b«all1c m "'lIh cam:er and ""'"' unable 10 eM: for Liz. lberr "",rr no Olher
"'1'! milf
(~Mak A'land
obs.s and tho 50>I>00I """k! not ofl"onllU 1\lO,,, • rqar.ste class for jt>St (,,'" srWeol$. Mu. EJblOll ~ to It3dI • 'fI=-lIclaso IhaI """k! mt<1.
0"""",,', ~ waS a turning poin' For Lil.. Tommi. and DarryL Whi~ growing up ill. C1anlOn thry '-;I planned how they ,\~k1 come hack 110. . and do something If' holp kids-II>: high kids-just like SR. ",any people in 03n1011 bad 1>e1P"d \Iie~, With CI="ce', de:lIlt.1If frimds ~t 001 i
..."try day. at 6:30 3,m The scloQoIlius did run IlIru. rariy and. ~bly. L,z told
Mi .. E1li"'" that <hIllO!Ild no! com. top class. Miss ElLiaii> W,," delonnincd th:II LIl "''/)Uklbc.ja.ihc3d~d'' M> Mi Ell;' "ho!i=loo~d<ot ClallIon. <lrm.. roe ~ ofbot ""Yl every m"m;n~,)I> Pic. up 1.4 sb.!M 'Ihoo <:O<lld be: a I~of\llo arJ,.~ cl-.
Af!~r graJ~
C1alUoolligh ~ (;)-,~,~. C¥' ",bol".,./up. ":ilf: T"'~c.rD.~ aOd ~. Dan)'I.1nd
Lit '-dgrov.~ uq.
lulOring aOO afie!< kid. at risk.
~r in the
West End; ~b3d~ cloOc'fnell<ls with Tommie """ ~ wbe. liWld In ""amy M"'*.svlUil, and
aim HHUNllEY A~.o.T 1","
w ..... GEAR bt-gan. li,-.d clo$es! \0 the .chool.. E...,ry afirl1lOOd, $lit SIll and "'lIIched for the lighL Wb<n she ""w iL silt r:lr) """T1 the st=I and shouled for the otht:r I:ids. "Miss ~ is hen' Miu Lit is II=!" The kids would come and Liz "-<)Uk! tutOr. When she was done each nithL Liz heaOO:I bac~ \0 Th..,a\oosa "'h= she did Iw own hom.,',orl: for law cla>ses the "",I day. 'IWaY. I'roje<-I GEAR is. • communilY rndeavor. although ilS $OUI "",wns with Uz. Toonm;r and DruryL Tommie ~ • fOOIbaII camp every wmn ..... in C\an!<)Ol for lhe GEAR kids ("'ilh help from people like
'I!ended Clam"" 5C~, ~t ~ ~ friends ""ehIlod in n 1brmri
~.wllo~full. ~iI;'u"'" p13~ the D~Cov.boy,
weill on!O
T<:>mmic now se,,'aIL' ""«"Iltive direool of Iht C,,>ingKill Rkation Ctnter for .,. risk kids in Opelika. D;la;ryl Da,-is now lCachos high scboo! in Selma. Lil" '" bo Iw her """n law pnoNic/:. bc<oacDc" !he f,,'" blaok all"","y in QUlton Conmy. Tragically. Clarence Morrow. who graduated from Aurum. ...... ~IIcd in • car accident cn roote 10 rendo>oos with his ~ frimds fO< the 1993 Jroro Bowl.
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Emmln Smith, Rod RUIlcdgt. P:M Ore. BotIby I I~. and Jay Barter). Eooch ... mmer ....... ISOkidsr-ticipMe in \he summer IOocboII <2nV- Dlnyl help" run \he I'ootIWl camp. ~ "till of Selmo" (Lir.'J wordJ) up for camp. This P""I Ytar 140 kids paniciJ"U'd i~ Proj<cI GEAR'. Moring progran"l. In addition 10 helJ>ing \he kids "'id> their <by. kHlay ~ GEAR offm spoeW MOri", for kids taking \he higIIlChool u~ cum..J coIlqe boood e.umo..GEAR _ klivities incluck ar= bainifc. ~ GEAR kids spm:I a cloy at VIf1(IIIS officeJ MId ....n siIes in ..J ........t ~ including banks. IMbin I'Itms and PO/~ Park. In<bsIIip. publi.: $peak. inl and ~ ... ne classes .... part ol\he GEAR curriculum. Every year. Proj<cI GEAR ~ an annual !Iinn&o. during Dlxk 1Ii5ulry Month, frawrin& I CMtfUI <Ii...... MId In opponunily fur die kids 10 prI(Ike dri' ttiqurao and poise. Spnktts at ~ dilllleD line incluo:bl Judp: U.W. CIemon. Ju!lloc John EII&Iand mel Dmlo:rri\II. Nca_. Projoa GEAR. lOSing bu5es obtain«! by \he ~ of OUhon County ochooL<. lakes GEAR kids 00 coll<ge IOW1IO Alabama. AUIxIm. Aw..un.a A II. M and O<hen.
GEAR bas ~' n iIJ _ _ hornI< in \he old ~ J<'booI hoooe and is ....."..;'" I _ffOOl in "end: alloy." AI Lir. .. ys. "This is euctly !he ....&l>Ix>obood we ...... ro ~ ilL" Wi'" donations. GEAR ...... abIe!O buy \he prop:ny for ilS new home. \obIunteen from !he Clanton """""unity on:: helping renovate the cav~moo •• pace "'at previ. ousJy was home t<I pngs. Thc: Clanton ci,y .. ~ Randol Warts. bas donared his time !O all 01 the wirint in the building. WaH.I"" has donMcd ....,.,o.s. AIWma """"'" has donated a 1ItaIiDg ond cooIiai unit. and do>.cns 01 0anI00 ~idenIs and GEAR boanI mernbcn sp<n<I .... ir ""ttkends pullin. dcrwn decayed dry wall, blastin, out rQIIen tile floor. putting up IICW dry wall and paint· new r"dli'y " 'ill hlIve " spec;"1 ing. room-"tho collqe room," where kids will poq>are for coIlqe t.o..h. Iu Liz says.. "J wanllheoe kids 10 fftl $pCcial ......... they ftJICf Ibis room. I " .... !hem 10 bow !hal aIllhinp an: JlOlIible. ~ HuDlley'l life il buoy, She has" 5010 Jaw pnocticc. She ii die moIher of two youngJirli, A formtr Auburn e~, leader. >he is intin"'lely involved in her husband. Tony·s. chccrle:ldinllYm.
C...cral Alabama Cbttr. y"" .... joyouJIy puIS in many !lours ~ and e«<y .... ed. and has for ~~ for Ihe GEAR kids. C'UomuIy. Lir. i. ;",uved wiIh om.. te.oj,
m in Chi""" County 10 ere""" " "Pamily Raourt>o Center; ,,-hkh ,,',II coonl,~e all of Ihe 5er\';';:'" ramilies may n«d , When aske<.l Why1.lli oxplain~' ·T'nle.nd lIpin tben: "'ore people thm: "'M betje.,.ed in rre and helped me. ~y didn'( hlI\'e ro. Ifttqo had tn:;ued .... Wy bocausc I "'a< at school wi",· OUI " pan:nt. or 11i'ial in Ihe projects. or
I elida', w rip ololh&$. 1]lI'(IbabIy _Id hlIve become a dna, dealer, rd probably ~ dead by ".,.... When you Iohow IOn\COIIC mal you in Ihc:m. y<)ll ~an make alllhc: difference in their ll"Q. 'There on:: lois of angols down here. E •• rythin. i, p<lSliblo wilh God. I am just .... uampIe of God al work; _
_ ..... .--.-" _._-" __ 01_""
1II _
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TIMELESS WISDOM ~'. F&. ....... nor ""'''"' few c/UlJrtn 'Tho, ...... "";ttm to h<lp
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-*' ,...... .
&r-t and cJvinI.
.......... ond hum~ilf. and odf.... ~and
"'no I'opontonio'....... «J.-. "';,h f~ by Raben E K.nned,. J', ••• plores ,he de",; .. of .....
",ifdom kh by A _ Il. ,n.i ... b"'"fft'l to ,h,nk oboooo tIut ..... Q\'>H'ia ,No we ........... bcKh ~ and~"
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LilwyeI's Render Service " To cllcnls " Tllihe public " To IIIC pl"oresslnn YOUR LOCAL BAR ASSOCIATION
Alabama State Bar President Fred D. Gray of Tuskegee has chosen as his theme HLawyers Rende r Service" and is issuing a special invilat ion to all local and specialty bar associations 10 join him in this statewide positive public image campaign. The Alabama Slate Bar has developed a ser ies of logos that will be used on all bar correspondence, in all publications and at any bar event during this year. Your bar association is invited and encouraged to participate in a similar manner. Please complete and return t he form below to receive your own association's personalized logos to use for this purpose. Association Title _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
City/State/Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
ContacIPerson' ________________ ___________ Telephone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E-mail _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ RETURN FORM TO: Susan Andres, Alabama State Bar, 415 Dexter Ave., Montgomery, Al 36104 or e-mail information to
In Purchasing
ddt< ClI'I' pracUl,oner:s and pnvate citizens old. ltoganJlcss of hov. lhe) feel about the ~ignificaol OOSI ill"Oh'od in <his rocogn'~OO ,n'-01,'«13 C'OoI<t:I'!<d the ,~ ,M"'If)". ID coorrol esc._
rccogni .... i. cannoI p<I) for popul>llOll. n.. mull is \h;ll ~l _-..I pri,~. Iong.Len" ""'" as !he , "'.. 11$ pan. the AlaIxan .. Slate' Bar bas and ........ off.... ,PCIO • policy for its
various .. po:c1.> c( Iong-tertn cano ,nll1t3J'lt<" lh>I """k1 PJ",has;n& a poliC) of m'~<. "h<1hcr lhe rradt, j, domg so for ~.. ,' • •, an to. diem OOII,otJcoring ,uch. """,1\;1.... ,
ad,·, .....
Long-tern, care in,ur:IOCe is OIl orea U1ldcrgoing signif"'''''1 and <:<l<1""'" ch:rng< . A, a relau, .. ly """ fum' of insuronce '''''-crago. !he tC1TlI> onJ ,'t.OI<iiliQru of loog.!<:m, c,,", poIi. ~ wioJ<ll ....,j ore bolng f'e',1<OO rapidly a5 exptne,,,,. ""iii tilt i,,,u,.,j population "",.lit, • <htlI ~ ,<> dr'erm;, .. pa)'OOI ""Oems. 1kginrung,., ~nlially lin u""'g"late<! ..,a, oIdc1" Iong-h:ml ""'" polici ... prmided lIuk btllC'nllO lhc IO'W'Od romp;wd <0 CU!" ......ely ,!oWed poIic~ In addition, !he ani rondI"QrIS of lhe polICies widrl)' '-:.ri«l-
tIu, is sull l1'li< """"'1< "-"...,~
WK'C the f«lmol 80'..... ~
.., b«(xn,..,
pa)OOI "-'re""""" w'tlop<tl. and tspe<1all)
0....,' bas b<come """" i","',....J ,n long·lemI ...... In"'~. pol,.
n~"" """<brili«d. altbougll oloog a '"lInCIy of rnodrl., C<'tUin nuni· room $l3ddarIh _ ~~I>I In >Il<'h CO'onagc. As 011< would ~'pecI. ro<I '$ a cons..:Ier:IIJo '" \he 1mI.. of the poliC)'. and the old rule of llIumb lh.>l Je.. e>.".nsi'~ equal, Je.. '1ua1ily ;. nonr'I;I)l) found 1(1 t.. \ruO in IorJg·~ ~ in\~ as "dl
TIl. Qu81mc.tlon I'<:dmol ""'alth can: l,gl~l.lion m;uirrs ~l"nhud br .... fil< 1M onlN 10 mak a Iong,«rm can: in,uranre plan .l.V; qualifirtl:· n". la. quahfication alk,.... a portion of kJn$_ltnn c= inluranee prt,niums to be Ial< <hlocllble on fedornl i","""", I", re1um •. Man)' ,Uti,"". indudms Alabama. haw I'l'Iwi<hl incon .. , ... br, .. r.lS for ,uch plan •.
MIo.Y 1001
As is commool) soen in life i JUU~. the lint dividing line in kJng·tcrrn c;n i""uf1lI\Ce is "lItll>:r th< poli,·y is a group polioy or an indind.w pol",),. GrooJp poh.,,,,;n ~".raIly t",plo)'er pr0vided pIaM. or otf~ tockNd affiliated J1OUpl. weh as the Alibarno S...... !};or, They :on: !IlI:n likely I<IbJ'l<'lIO kderaI .quit.bon and ERISA ""I"irnntnl$. Ullfortunaltly• ..,.,.. ~ .., still ~Ilin& non.qualirotd plAns for can: i ... wance. 50. the vay lin! quc:uion dI>I should be aWd il: "ls Ibis a qualiIicd planT AU quaIi1\cd plans ,,'IU ....'" a ~imllWem<nl on Ihc lin! P"P' 0( the policy _ .... !hit !he policy is inleflded 10 satisfy the ~ lOr. wo.qualifi«! policy. LevelaotcWIootI .." dIiftk 0( lana· ...... caR. ,.., Lend 10 !hint .... nunm, home care. Bill. !hi. is no! ne<:eWrily !he (tie. In fllCt, 1ana'1m!I C- _ a .-itcy .... ie'o"t'b .... eatI'. ""'h.oo:IUIa: nonill& home
Iivia& fxi~1)' can: ..... home heal... caft.. A .... "",1Wed is. di>lision bee ........ Iotilled eat\' ..... _ _Iokillcd caft.. WIootI ~ pwthaK 0(. policy, caft _ be !al:tn 10
Ihe in$urtd is &t!Ii"l ..,hM IlIey bc:Iieve Ihey ..., pwthas-
ina, as """'" policies ooIy ~y for irullNlionaliUICI caft " ........ wiled ....nine an: is ~i~ " 'hik Olher policies """,ide for a broo<Ier ~y .... care, i ...11IIIinJ homo ...... Ib .,.." Apprru:~ly ]S pera1II .......... \erm can: is """,ided in a I\WS' ins !lOme setti",. A policy !hal ineh,dtI homo ...... Lh tan: is likely !IlI:n"pensive \han . policy only pn:widing for l\Ul'iing!lOme Carl'. but JI\lIy be much ~ valU/lble to the client, Do not o.sswne, howCll('t, thai homo ht.oJlb ~~ means round ' lhe-doo:k nllfli", ~ givtn at homo as asub$tituU! for nllflinll homo c .... It is no!. Homt bealLh can: includes skilled or "",,·.killed c... 10 ...Ist a primary care-gi>'er•• lOCh as alpOllsc or IOdult child, Gel\llfally. homo beallh care is an option in Jona-Ierm call' poIieies. Ilqltnoling oro the policy. Lho home h..]1b can: benefit may be the same """",nt per <lay as Lho IIIInins !lOme amoo.uu, or rooomonly. it is • perorn..., (~]y 7~-80 perornO .... the nWli", home can:
Some policies permit umlilled and unlicensed indMdualJ 10 be paid as !lOme hoaIIh CIft p!O¥iden. 0Ihtrs ~ife .... the pn:r<ider be licensed and ~ 'ncluding rq:iJttml nlDW$ or ]icenscd ~.....- (RN'. and Lf>l'l'.)or ......... ".., be obiairotd from • ]amer! bt:aIlb <'art agency. Other nv.jor differ_ enoes ",;U]abIe ,n Iong-Ierm
caR' ,1\I.InIICe
poIicoes incl",,":
• canponion eatI' (pm'm", .... lid"· for !he famoly pnnwy <:are givn):
\hat rtqui.. a prior hospitali1.ation before paying lorog-Imn care Thi' i<sucs can too .... "" im"""""t, lIS ""'.. d,,",hilot'C'i re<juiling Iong,torm Carl', ,orh .. AlIlICil1lCf', di",,~. 00"" do IlOl begin ,,-ilb a Inspital my.
= .
Dell,/Monthl, Pe,,,,.nt How the poIi<:y pays is aroochcr issue in ..Iectina; 1ana-lCml can: inswan<e. Some poIici.-$ pay a Oat daily ............ 0Ihcrs pay ICN.oJ COlI up 10 a orrtairo doIla limit. Mou policies Jet a daily ]imM (such as S100 per day) for eatI'_ "'Itik ....... f!nib!e policies Jet ~ ~mi .. on a IIIOIIIhIy ba!.is. Thi;o permits ~ymont .... hiper daily f~ _ "hen conIi ..... daily can: ;'Il0l roquiRd. For example. a daily poIi<:y timi . .... 5100 per day would pooy only .... each day .... pobnot care. A ~y ~ policy would permiI ~ .... 53.000 per IIIODIh. rcprdlcss .... a<"t\IIII daily OOSL 50.. wort .......... coold ~y Sl2!i per day for wedliltyeatl' for a disabled $pOUK. permillin& ~ \IIUtin& 'PO'IK 10 I;cq> ~ job and income stream. A daily g&c policy would """" in 1:i50 U.....:<M:ml COIlS each monch. "toik .... montloIy aa;:rrpoc policy ....,..]d pay ..... ~ COlI .... S2. 750 for • monlh .... Monday.wougb-Fticby care. InIOUIII for
Benefit Period T)?<aIly.lorog-tnm care pOticies ..., "n""" either as "Ionlimi~ cd" policies or "'Iimited'- policies. In a limitt!d policy. the poI;cy illClf will specify .... maximum period .... btncfiu payabk under
..... policy, in momhs or years of benefit. This maximum benefit may .oJso be 5p"Cifoed ;n "'""" of doIlan paid out (benefit maximum) instoad of benefit period limilS. no. a""rage $laY in a nuning borne is 2.4 yt'an.. T)rpic.oJly. timetimitt!d policies will be for thrtt-, four- or five-yt'ao" maximum benefi ts. This time period i. determined by the period of time the inwror il rtqnirod to pillyoul benefits for iong-Imn Cll\". and il IlIt ogrcgate of aU ~yool periods d time. BUl, ..,member to COI'ISi<ler thai /l106Ilong-1erm care is outSide the nWlinl Ioome. no. wilimitt!d benr:fit period policy is ........... ptnIM, since ~ inoun:r's Ilabilil)' U lOr Ihe tife .... Lho ins<Irtd. no! lOr • timitt!d period d benr:fill.
Joint Policle. An ~y """"""'" and popula. form .... 1orog-1CmI care insdrantt is !he joim poIjcy. This 1YP< .... policy onsum bocto spoII<CS under one policy. l)t>icaIlY, lhU I)-P<" .... polIO)' is less than "''' IqIOII1Ile pOticics ",do .... oame IITIOWII ofbcftefi",_ V3rying (~of tht join< pOlicy nv.y .oJ1ow an ~ period ofbendl, piII)"OU' for booh spoIIS<S, may deli ... btncfits for each . but allov. the ......·;>1"" <pCIUX 10 ..... the utlu""" par-
..""".i"" ~
migh1. for """'i"" fCO' • rna.imum thm: )r:,I'> uf care f.... the h"sb.lnd. "'hi'" pro> idins 'i .• )'."" of care for the ",if. ,
£Ilmin.tlon PerIod
The ~lutunabOr1 prnod il lhc PfflOd of wo.kT 1o<'Ii'1=O can: prior 10 the policy providi", boncfilS. "fYpicaJly. !his poriod is """" 10 180 days, ..i m COWS VlW')'in& ~Iy. While ....... poIi· cies miah< have Ion&cr poriado of .liminallon. !hoy $hook! be
avoidod. 0fInI dimn dIooIe • 60- or 9O-day ellrninarior1 poriod basal ... Medicare ruIQ which permi. IlJIIcd """'''' can: for a maximum of 100 days fa- pcnonI oYer M . The eldor ................ sI>ouId be ...._ . hooo""",. 1M MctlicJre.pIOid IU1)'S for IlJIlod """"" can: of ]00 day$ _ "'laIively ...... The Il>06l ""IIri<'b .... Iona-leml can: polities will ..,. pmnl! periods oflone-leml can: pM:! fa- by M~ III be""",1Ied ICM"Md !be diminarion poriod of!be poIiry. Waiver of PNrnI ..............1on ~Uon The )'OUJIIef a client is .. hen purdwin&. policy. !be ..... upem.ive ...;n be lhc monlldy premiums. BUI. a policy ",'hooe muUnum brnd'i1S -.n ",1OIIOnI1bIe 1IOday. if pun:hasod by a ",10· ti""ly Y"""I dion! (<IS-55 for ~). OIly be woo:fully insuffi. cioo. in pnWldl", CO>a1lF 20 or """" revs from now "'hen the c:owrag<: is acuWly rwocIcd. 10 proI«I ~ tills.. _ imurilIItC polities provide (thou'" ofIcf1 .. odditional ~ an InfWion 1"'*<";0., provision. The formula for del=Olning the Innation protoction m.oy vary. Some policies provide. set pe!W1!lge in=.- in protec1ion annually (5 porttn. for example). 0lbcrI1 provide an innation inause Iicd 10 an index of COlIS IoIICh as the consun ...... price Index.
l.oI1g''''nn an! Insurance ;, InlCOOed ' 0 roW"/ periods 0( disabilily mjuiring ulOnsh., sk.illW or "~11cd c~, 'l)tpiu lly. !be an! i. ncedod fCO' mono ckk'fly clienu. bulthe pouibi~cy txisu that a ",""i... ly you", cliem wbo purrlwcs alonj.1=O care poIi. cy OIly btocome ~ 10 work. Still !be pmnlwns mu!ol be pa;d 10 mainLlin lhc policy. Most. thou", ..,. Illl. policies. provide far
"lli,'<r of "",mium alkr. """"in period ~f lin,. ba..... upon ..... ne· fits being rolltcted.1yPico.1ly. ~y ptriod is !njULf'N for !he of "",mium benefL. 10 apply. though 1oog<1" pcnods .....1'10 found o.oo~. aOOund. C"'·..... , 'mpfOr ~Id be the moolO in n:vior:wil:!g aloog.tmn oare poIlC)'.
Amount of Cov.....,. llow nmch is enough1 The oimplcot IllS,..,. is ""as much .. you afJord.~ BUI hdp In rornmini", 10. J*1itubr p:>Iicy. The vue ...."..,. i.""1hat dopmds.~ 11 ..............
I:L r:.cton.. financiaI.!IIIciaI and rnodi<:al. FarniIy rnodi<:al ~ hUlk CQI\IicImod in dtInmi ....... !be IIICCd farlon&~ ..., iDsunnte. c.n.mty. family hLi""'Y iroollltli", Alzhei ......•• disease ar .,.".,. debiJiIlIIlnc di_ ales (JIll fa- grean~. lrI ..:I>'isin& die d;'/III roo ..... 1I1'" Ionermn can: the .wh'''''' ...... make ir>quiry iIIIo the family IxaI!h Maory.
0II0er IIOD-financial fJClOrl 10 be amsidcmI incIutIc the siu and ",illm, III can: for 11,. dim In !he """". of disaIJi~ry. Ihough !his facoor shout! be amsidcmI
.Iok"u.. oJ ",\ati,..,. 9o'ho mi&ht k
wiIl1 care. Clearty • single penon withouI c ..... f"";ly • • .....",., of o:;w is ;n mort .-I of kq:-term can: I:O¥CfJF than I m:anied ptrSOI1 " ilh • tarxe funily 0( socUl wortm and nursu. On !he other hand. the clicnl must catd"uUy co,um noI only who mi&hl provide long·leOm care. bul how "'illi", ar able tIoo6e ptnOnS .... 10 provide suc/l ean'. Simply Sly;", "my kids will take c.... 1:L me" m.oy be "'" sign of wi~ullhinking 00 ..... c1ifnfs 1*". The willingness of a penon 10 c"'" for "" elderly ar di ...1>kd family member is often leml"'red noI ooly by !he personalily p"""'ti.:ol Cllltgi ...... bu. also \luI of "'" poIcmial earqlvCO'l spoolSe and hioillCr family. Additionally. =n a w:ry .ympat/lC1k family membe •• ready 10 freely provide auistance. "..y be hampertd in ""'ir abi~ry 10 do so by !locir wort. oi!Ualion ar !heir ..... n family
ldeal!Y.lOr'L8-1am can: insurance $hook! be pIOfCIwcd LIS pan 0( a t:OiLLpo'IIC,iSffio, finalIcial plan. I",,!udin& UULIe pJanni"l- i_· once planning ItId other are ~. ~ .-I farlona' tmn arc insI.nnce is partially dt:pt"dUM on the fitwlci.ol .. IliabOt1L 0( lhc clirnL Not only win .... e/iuM', financial J.iluation ha ... an impatt ... the obility 10 po)' for 1ona·1ttm ..., ir>!oInnce. bill oIso for the need for ..... inslnnoe. "'.... _ III<' _of!be clicnl?The more 1Iipi1nrM .... r.....· cIal ....u 01 the dimt. top<clalIy Ibo!w; - . . ......... !be need far Iona-lmn care iownnot 10 po)' rar care.
Iioa..,....... cuomo! ....,.. _ a/ways Mobjea 10 reduction ar """" <lie 10 a '''"'''Y of cin:u_ ,ncludi", divon:c• ........,;,. lWID"ll ~. CIe. UtlIuI!be dim! "allhy. odf inwnLooce u; a n..q. pI'OIlOSibOOl.
,s ....., .. .
the disabi~ly (Social S«u\oy.lJC1'<ion and ~t1I f"nob. oIIoer VCSIed iSSCU) ........1d be con<1dcml, Rtmrmbtr dw i~ from ,,'001< "ill cease if the clie ... bot"" ... disahlcd. Be: COl1~ in considering inooono avaiJoble, Oft.n r,nancial pbn . ........ espeoiaUy Ihou: ~Uing in,ut'lIOce or InVCSIn,.n, plans. pr0vide pictures o(!he clienf. financial f",= uSLOa innalion inde~ . .. pee.ed gains in ,-..I .... ClC .• whICh poinl a vcry I"*ili ... f"unc;al piclu", for the fUlure. I. is n:aI dollon dial COUnt. lhough. Consldor
11<)1 only llle cosl of 1he nu"'"g 1Iorn.. as,i",d h" ing (""ihly or """'" heallh "are. but the fi nancial need, of!ht 'POU~ ill Olhcr depen<lenlS in d""rrlli ning wh. t i"'I""'tIOllg-lerm care coolS ",ill have on finance.s ,
While Medicaid is an altemativ. to long_'trm care in,ura""". it i,. drastic . Ilemative. 'The legal and insu",""" induslIJI t~nd is ag.>inst qualifying for Medicaid. Congress in =tnt yem has passed legislation indica'ing ilS strong disfavor of anemp1ing to di""'t assel.O in order 10 qualify for Medicaid. Congru'< Iw rec_ ognized the federal ",olfare sy,tem i, unabl. 10 Care for the i""reasing elderly population of the ""tion. ond !ht increasing length of lifespan •. In addition. lax consi<lenlliOll$ have been provided for long_Ierm care in,"ra""" which funbtr indicate, thai Congress in heavily in favor of pri,... te funding of long-lerm care needs •• specially through insurance.
Age and Health Factors A. with any in,urance. the younger il is purchased. the Ie.. expensive il tends 10 be. With king-term care inslltllIlCt. lh<re is • low-end point. be-lo,,' which king-term care is generally not coot effecti"". 'The flrsl "brtak point" for most policies lends 10 be ag.~. Al and after age SO. the cost of lh< policies be-gins lo i"" ...... in a dire<1line with lhe age of the insured. Some argue that the "time value of money~ $/Iys you're beller off wai~ng to purchase long-Iorm care insu"""," and in''e5ting the mooey ol"Cwherc until a 1310r age. This idea has two major First. in almost all C..... the dollm which should be 'ptnt on longlenn care in,u""""e are not Aved and inve.sted .I .. where. bill rather simply di$3pp<ar inlo ,he typical sptnding habits of the client. 'The client may have " .."td" $10-15.000 0'",.. len-year I'Criod by not buying Iong-lerm Cart in,u",""". bu, at!ht el>!l of lh< len_year I"'riod, not O1Ily do lhey not have the investmtnt return fron> that S I 0-15.000. !he:y don', ha .. the original runds either_ Secondly.• ven assuming the be-alth of!ht <li~nl ~mains good. each year afler age SO i",,~ases!he: pren>ium cost 10 the client. Statistically. lh< dollm ,'ed"' by not buying long-te"" ca", insurance earlier are ealrn up in ,he i",,~a<ed I""",iu,", when the insura""" is at a later date. H ..
All insu",""" policies .~ based on 'tlli,tical information about payout raleS. [0 kIng-t.rm care insurance. health i. a factOl' in that sta~'tical base . But the heal'h concern issues in long_ lerm care are ""ry diff.... nt from the ,,"alth = r n i15ueo fOl' "'alth 01' life iosura""e. Fa<lors "'hich art heavily "onsidtrtd in health and life insu"""",. such as life"yl .. family history of ca""er. etc. are of les, conc.rn for long_term cam in,urance. Rej<.o.ion or .... ting for hfe or health insu",""" does not """"So wily "",an ~jc<otion 0.- rating (Of long-""" care insurance. A previou, i""i<lont of cancer. for uarnplt. i, • high negati"" for lire or heallh in,u""nce. often resulting in lack of insurability. [n determining insurahili,y for long-lerm care in,urance. such. previou, i""i&nt of cancer migbl be only a nominal f3C1Of. as """,,er "nds 001 to lead to long Slays in nursing or ... ,iSled liv_ ing raeililiC$_Don', Ie, your diem reject the idea of applying fOl' Iong.lerm Cart in,urance based On difficollies sIhe may ha .. h.1.d in obtainin, hfe 01' health in,u",""".
Income and E_tat. Tax 1_....,_ Whil< "" impOOant esWe planning i...... iong-rerrn care iMur_ an« !\as littl< imp<lOl on i~ and OSUt. lUes. ucepI indirectly. Most of the imp<lOl that Iong.rerrn care insurance does ha,-e is
f",'","ble 00 both inromc tax and c'tal.
1ll.'' '.
'The Internal Re"e nue Code I"'rmits a deduction for IonS-tern, care insurance premium, based up"" age and Olhcr f,."OfS, 'The I.w ptrmilS " <leductioo as pan or Schedule A Medical &pe=s for long_lerm care. A SO-),<,ar-old individual. fOl' example can deducl $430 of long_ttnn Care" insura""" premiums ... a medical ul'C"~. while an individual over? I can dedUC! $2.860. As wi'h all medical care .xpt=s, deduc,ibility is ,ubjectlO a 7 P""'Ont floor prior to deduclibilily.
'The di.nt should check witl1 his employ" =ming .""ilability of kmg_Irrm care insurance provided through employee benefits. Deptnding on!ht individual ' ilualion. the premiums paid for long-term care insurance. <ledueI<d from employee pay_ check<. may qualify as dollars. Attorneys providing coun~1 to corporations sJ>ould be awa~ of the lax deductiOl1tn !he: business for long-term care in,u,"""" premiums provided 10 omploY""l'" compen$3tion. For self-employed individuals. long-tern, care ins""""", premiums are a qualified exptme under the Medical Savings Accounts (MSA) available 10 self-employed individuals and small businesses ",ith less than SO employees.
Long_term care l)t!".,filS are not included in the est"" or an individual at death. While the~ is no direcl benefit to an indi_ vidlJ.lll's eSlate lax situation for long_term care in,unonc •. i, certainly can have. very [lOSiljve indirect benefit. Will10ut longlerm Cart insurar>coe. <kpletioo of e,Ia" assets during a lifttime for an individual "'<iuiring long-term care can be drastic and rapid. Consider a couple with $ in wl1<~ one of the two individuals rt<Iuires Iong_"rm care. Reali$1ically. e""n figuring !he: ,,",urn on in""'t"",nt of tl1< half_million dQlI"". the entire sum could .... ily be consumed in six 10 seven yem_ kav_ ing ...·.n the besl cnofled estale plans ""'''ningle' ' althe time of death. This ""umes the en,i", amount is available fot inve"_ ment. Typically. indi.iduals in this wealth bracket have ",uch of their " ... hh tied up in the family I>o"", .• nd possibly. vacation "" ..... or 'ime-share. resulting in I.... assns ..... ilable to produce iDeO"". ~ ""ul, of this is that in ooly two 10 threc yem. tl1< family home might ueed 10 be sold in order 10 provide income 10 pay necessary king_term care expenses and Jiving .xpenses rot the l1<althy spouse.
Long-"rm care insurar>coe. while a ITlati'~ly new in,u",""" product. is one tha, is rapidly bowmiog i""reasingly imporlAnt in an overall eslale plan. It is a major planning ve hicle for the go"","""'nt in att.mpting to reduce the spiraling COSI of mtd_ ical care. and. vilal t<x>l in ensuring the fina""ial stability of OUr chents as lhey grow older. Each of us. whelh<r (Of OUr OWn ptrsonal be-".,fit. or for lhe benefit of our i""""",ingly ol<ltr clients. should become awareofwh .. it is .nd bow it filS inlo OUr plans for the futu.... •
-.. _.._ ... ..___ . ..... ""' . _... _ ... .. _-. . ._eoo.._ -_"' ..... ... . . _..... ... __ . _""'..........
.....""" ..... _
~ -~ ; , ~ ... .0 """ ... _ _ .. ""' ..... ""' ....
_ , ... . _ _ .... _
"'" "-'< -""' .... ""'_ ..... _
he AI~roma Lawyer AssistaDce FQund.lIion was ~rt3l<"d for ,he purpose of helping onr f~lIow "",m""", of !he bor "".... way from mal OIher "bar," Whtlhn" $CfVi"g aJcOOol. drugs or JUSt feeding ~ depression. the world of addiction is. living 11011 for all ",110 I;ve in i1 and for Il\ooI<! who live wi1l11hem. Alcoholism and addiction destroy =no marriag.... families. partn<rshiJl'i. frie""'hips. and. ultimately. I;ve•. W. all know ~ and siSlers in the bar who "",'. problems .11he OIher "bar," So"", have become ok"""li"" or addicted 10 odie, drugs. Some suffer ~p. dinic.1 Iltpru$ion. S<>me ~ JUS! on the road w lila! fate. No """ is bound 'Q 1M' rvaJ! Them is hope. Allllough lOOse in !he thm<s of addiction "s.... lJy can', ~ i1. hope exists for each and every one ofth<m. Through many fon'll! of assistance. guidance and coo=ling. dlrough ... hahili ... ,;"", 'reall"em and 12-Slep~g (such as AA. NA. AIAnon), and through lhe tt ofl~ir
fellow human hein",. c""slru<1i ~Hng is available w any woo st:e~ it A I _,b.' Tens of Ihousan<l$ "':<>,'.,- •• ery year aDd escape from this hell.
lhal members of !he
rami lie, know of ,he lion .•nd know thaJ. help is focus nalUrally i, on lawym. judges I denlS. bul ils help exlends to othtrs "'~ li,-es!he members t(>UCh. The program.< .vailable em address each
liOll of !he prob"'m. Truly. I'll) SitUalion " b::'*~ allhough il o f l e n j trails have al",l".Iy been
.... '"
Bar. Its dirt<OtQr. J<oan... M~~ Uslic. receives inquiries on a confIdential basis. Unless a mantr is
Jeanne at ALAP can JIRlvid< information about !he problem. about h'eatmtnt ~and '1 .trapped members. " struCtured Marie eM
Lawyers Helping Lawyers is. bar romm;"""
whose members "'" rommined 10 assi5ling !heidel· low lawyers with probI<m.< ",bting tl) akoboJ. addiction and depression. Their WI)I'k is conftdential and informal. It is oot pan of any ro:porting wuctu'" wil!t lite bar. lIS rnernbtTs merely desj", to be holpful to my lawyers who "'" $lI1JUling with alcohol or dntgs. JIRlviding understanding. infonnation and support. You "'" wtloome 10 COIttact my member of LHL. and he or .<he will guide y<JU to lite help )'00 ~k. Their phone nu~ -are a'l3ilable thmugh the
baroffi= or thmugh AlAP. Finally. lite Alabama Lawyer As.sislance fuundation ...... formed pruvide a ~iously mi. 'ng pi«e !O the""""ia/ a<t"lanct. I' i. a 5()J(c¥) charitable rooodauon. It...ros from yw and Oth<:t"s. by way of ""'deductible contiibutioM. Its fUt>draising staned in
"'" "'"
to inte",;·
loans (1tOI gnlnlJ) bar members who demon<trale their inability !O gel the help they r.eed wi!hoot financial ... ~ The asl.iSWICC is small bul signiflCallt. Oflen it ;. the diff"""""" betw,,"" the lawyer gcuing the treatmenl he nted, or sliding further down the $lope lCMard disaster.
•." •
8cb Sla/Iwo,,~ and Ha,,), Iflni! of s.x.1h«t" daftnl< J$.(;I:XI to ADIF.
Our deepest appreciation is extended to all of the following contributors whose generosity is making a difference. PLATINUM
$20,000 and above BUff & I'<>mmn Siroc~ Pcrmutl
GOLD MEDALLION $10,000--$19,9999 William Eawn MiIC....U SILVER MEDALLION $5 ,000--$9, 999
Judith G. u e Beasley. Allen. Crow. Methvin. Portis &. Miles., P.C. Soothtasl I n''''~ l$ ~;".$ . In<:. BRONZE MEDALLION $1,000-$4,999 Alabama Civil JllSli"" Foulltblion Timo!hy Arnold. in memory of DoYgl .... Culp South""eS1 Florida Community Foundation for Roan HelfongtOil Family Fund &. Griffilh Dr. and MI$. Mitchol!
Paden &. Paden. in memory of R<)I;..,n E.. Paden J. Massey Relfe. Jr.. in honor of Sq uire Gwinn Rufus R. Smith. Jr. SPONSORS $500--$999 Bame'le Charitable FoulltbtiOil Scot! J. Humphrey Dow Husl:ey lewis. Brackin. Flowe" & Hall Al Pennington Jame< EO. Robtrtson. Jr. FRIENDS $ 100--$499 Sam Adams George M. Akers Charles M. Alkn. II J. Kno~ Argo Maurice S. Bdl G. DoYglas Benscm Samuel Boyd Benlley R. Miohal'1 Booker Bradford W. BOIes
lulian Oinl W. Butkr Brenl Call ihan Charles Tykr Clark Willliam N. Clark. in memocy of Marshall Timberlake Donald L Col..,. Jr. Susan Conlon Mark T. Conradi RO<Iaid A. DavidsQn Timothy L Dillard 11>;),""" M. Eden. III Wi lliam Carl Edwards Etowah Coonty Inn. of Coon Joseph M. FarleY William 8"" '<1 File Thoma< L FOSler Geary AIiIo..,,,ruJ
''''''',' K Griffith
Assistance-Program Are you watching someolle you care about seI-destructInz ....... _ aI alcohol or drupl he they .... J'OII they t.w k undIr oontroP.
111ey don't.
M K.lhryn Knighl Dominicl J, Mal .... ng ~ JO>q)Il B May,. Jr M",t.a.1 I . M"lIaie
Tom ,\l, D, OiuJ"n
F,m, S. R"d,,)'. Jr, JohnA R"".. II.III Rohen F RumJ1 Kllnb..... y Rybna
Donald L D'''''nt Wilham Ellis. III GnIham Eadale
T. 0..- Moore William M. Moon: John Moni_ Sl~ A. M...ny
ChaOO Sal..".;o Jul~ B. Sl:hu'li ~C. SqraI
Elizabe1h K. Sha",
Mirhatl Newsom
Rohen Sha'"
J. C. Norton
Gcor&- C. SimpsOll
Slewan O · B""""". Edmund Odum
Ralph H. Smi1h. II
Adam Peck William I.. I'1df..... Jr. Wesle)' Pipes J. Oill1Oll pj'unan
MilChcll A. SpUN
w. ~~"'"'"
&; ROObi",
Rohen F. Printe
w. S. Pri.chard. Jr. Johmool R~ Sam ...1A. RILIIIOR. Jr. T. o..·ighl SIoIfI
O. Hamp"" Smidt. III C.-oI H. S.twarI William C. Sullivan Ann S100e Sumblin Janles C. l1IolII:I. O. SlOnlcy S'cphc:n M . "lUns,all Janl"'A . 1\I...... Wilham UlSCy Michxl B. W:sli. !.any F. WlITeI'l
Sl"" E. Wllilthud Chad Yo.... T"""II Wynn CONTRIBUTORS
$ t -$H AmSoo,h B""k I)a~id R. A",ndall VICki A. B"II OlIve Ikuoy
Ralph Bishop. J•.
Gcor&c H. Bllke. III Marl W. Bond !.any W. Branliey RebK<:a Bmob 1111 I.. IIwIesOll
C..,il Ca.. Oe<qe M. Callm Y@iamZ.Callen.1II Wayne Can .... Trx)o W. Cary 0.;. M. Champion
R"" S. Out Sc<>I'Y Col"", William T. Coplin Robrna C. Demps'.'
Robrn H. S1r1)pp. Jr. JamI'S M. lillil. Manin E. Upeain. S•. Michxl J. Upcon
CINI'IdI1l D. VeWdt
V",inia W. II ...
.JohII W. Haley
L H. Warrtn Ann E. Wells Roy W. Williams. Jr. RIoymond C. Wi_
Linda lIalL Oui.wphcr B. lIarmoa Rohen M . lIill Jr.
Gonnam 1100........ Jr. Cuml" C. Humphrey DanirIF. .10M"",
LiIILWoods Ridwd L WylIII
Maceo O . Kirtland
You can help make sure that assistance is there.
O1i ..... Ki,.brlll Braro<h I). KlooS!
Rich2td C. u«y PaIne;. S. Lackey J. Earl Langner Dooald N. Lro,brm Mary Kay Lroumer R. BLaU I.au1Iby
COd.ribootkM>J a d .... I"IUI<k by .... nodlng . rMd< (0" !d.u plHling
Anllur LaI~
rnn<b) 10: AIaIwna Lo"')'CI" ..... iJWK:e
Rohen L Loflin Jack B.
Arthur Lee Manin. Jr. Iiolly S. Mllhewl
1bm f>lo."",11 OlInicl O . McDowell Margarc' E. McDowell Hampe"" McFadden Chari.. N. McKnilh, J _ David Mills
NWI &; AosOO.alel John
R. Ni~
Corlyle Nne A. S...... O' ~.JII J ...... M. Part.. Oalldc E.
J. C\art.1'aIdctJrau
Jerrrey ""'\oil" J..,k Pontrfj~kI. Jr. J. !'red Powell H. SIIIIIICI PriRl. III G"'gory A. R..,....
do k ...... Marie Ibl~ ALalwnI SWc Bv
Dc.>:,.. A~nllC P_O. Box 671 M"",II"'!It'Y. AL 36101
Disbannent • Birmingham altomey James VilX'tnt Low wall d.... bafmI from the practice of low itt the SUOte or AIWma off"";ve JlftlW)' 27. '2OOJ. by 0f'Il0. <:« the AIWma S"PfC11IO- Coon. The tupmnc COlIn ..... crcd itS onIo-r bIr6o:d upOI1 the dro:isiool <:« tht Oi.ciplillllf)' Ikwd <:« the Alabwna Stale Bar. In ASB No. OI--OS2(A). Low ...,.. round !Rilty <:« I. I5(b), 8.4(0), (d) lI"Id (,l, A.R.P.C. On January 30. 2001. Low ~If_.-..poned that hi. trust account wos 100f"e lhan S66.<XXl over· drawn. Evidence. mu<h of which "'·os submitted by Low, Indicaled that ~ had uoed his trun account for se-.-....,)'eMS 10 pay office lI"Id penonallivi", upenses in an offon 10 avoi<llU l",ns of tht Inl.,.,..1 R"""ft~ Snvice. viol~ti", ru~ I.I~a).
In ASB No. 01·53(A). Low"111 found !ui~y of vi<>Iorl", rulet 1.I5(a). 1.1 ~). 8.4{a), (d) lind (I). A.R.P.C. Evidence estab6Wd thM a- September 19. 2000. Low _led • _ _ vehide -.:cident cue for • clionl for SJO.<XXl. Low ...,.--nled 10 the ~1irnt: thot the ~nlement prooeeds \V<:1"e in hi, tnI$t ICCOIInt. "Ithough Low "",,~ed I~ funds lI"Id deposited !hem in'o his tnl51 acwunl, the noV("!" "",.ived the ~nl.~, proc«<js becau!oe the money was commingled lI"Id uoed by Low 10 pay penooal1ivin8 expenses or.(! office-~Ialed e:.pelUe •. 1M
MAY 200)
InASB No. 01.120("). Low ..... found guilty of viol",i", rules 1. 15(1). 1. 1S(b). 8.4(1). (d) and W. A.R.P.C. Evidc""" $ablis/led that Low .......t .. the closi", or ICUlement ItlOme)' 011 I loan closing. Low di.sbur$M funds 10 two cn<Ii'OI'S itt \be amount ofS19.329 Mod SIS.9S0 from hillRlSt account.
n...... cbccb \V<:1"e ~I"","" for _ · ...fftclmt 1Unds. Low did toOl pay the munwd .ho<:b, ... hich mill'"" in fom:lo$un: procudinp "" the unpaid loan. In "SB No. 0)·121(A). Low wall found I " illy of vioLaling rules 1. 15(1). 1. 1S(b). 8.4(1). (dl or.(! (s). A.R.P.C. Evidence established ,ha, Low scrved os I~ closing or ~111.mcn! Illonte)' on. loon closing. Low d~ the loon on February 6. 2001. but did "'" satisfy an exil1;n& Ii,.., moilPI<' in'~ amounl of 554.486. [ASB n(I$. 01 ·S2("). Ol-SJ(A). 0 1-1 2O(A) &. 01.121(")J
Suspensions N"I 8 .. n _
.... tm:d a luilty plea ,..~n:by "" was sw.pcndcd from \be pntC1ice of law in ,~ Sill'" 0( AIWma for a period 0( ~ year n:h'l*tive 10 Marth I. 2002. !be effec· tive date of hi. interim I UlpensiOfl. f'\ofrnI;:e auOl"Dl"Y Ba....,.
In ASB No. 02.52(A). B... n,..,n pled &u;hy to violal' ing rules 1.1. J.). 1.4(1). 3.2 Ind 8.4(1) (d) and (g).
A.R.P.C. Brsnoon railed 10 file bankruplCy Jelledules in . n aceurs", and limely manner in appro~imatcly 17 ban~rup/"y cllSe$ pt"nding in the United Statcl; District Coon for the Nonhem Di,trict of Alabama. In ASB No 02·68(A). Brannon plctl guilty 10 ,iolating rules l.l. 1.3. l.4(0). 1.4(b). 3.2. and 8.4(a) (dJ and (g). A.R .P.C. Brannon was ... Iained 10 represent a in a bankruptcy case. During the ~OUI"$e of the ... pre$/:ntation be was 10 a"o help the client settle a moIor vehide aceident ~ase. After being paid an additional ... tainer for lOOse .. rvices. Brannon abandoned the clie" t and her case. which ... sulted in the di .• _ missallJf the, bant rup/"y maner.
In ASB No. 02-95(AJ. Brannon plod guilty to ,·iolating rules 1.3. 1.4(a). 1.I6(d) and 8.4(a} (d) and (g). A. R.P.C. Brannon was ... Iained 10 ... presenl I client in a bankruptcy man.r. During the coul"$e of thai ",presentalion. he abandoned the clienl and the cli."f. 0.0.... Funkr. non.lawyrr members of his slalT gave tile cli.n, .rroneouS legal advice. In ASB No. 02.135(A). Brat\""" pled guilty 10 violating rules 1. 3. 1.4(0). 1.I6(d ) and 8.4(0) (d) and (g). A.R.P.C. Brannon waS retained 10 "'pI"e$/:nl clionlS in. banhuptcy "",nc, and to ruolve the clienlS w.... having with their mortgage compally regarding payments Of) their mortgage. B"mOOll abandoned the client' and lheir case. IAS B 00$. 02-52(A). 02-68(A). 0205(A) & 02·13S(AJJ Gadsden attorney J o h" Da,·id Hoyd was inle rimly , u'pend· ctl from the praclice of law in the S",,,, of Alabama pursuanl 10 Rule 20(0). Alabama Rules of Di sc;plinary Procedu .... by order of lhe Disciplinary Commission of lbe Alabama S'at. Bar elT«'li,. F<:bnJary 19.2003. The orde, of the Disciplinary Commission was based on • petition filctl by the Office of Gene",1 COIln .. levidencing Ihat Floyd had destJO}'ed documenlS having poten lial evidentiary val"e by ",mo,ing pages from medical records cootaining blood "'$I ",pon ... ,ults and an incriminaling Italement by his e1ient. n.. facu and cin::un\$1ance$ indic.ted thai ~loyd·, profes. sional mi<conduci i, repetitive and cootinuing and is cau,ing. 01" i.likely to ca .... immedia", . nd serious injury to a elien' andIO!" ,he public. JRuie 20(0): 1'<,. 03.(121 • Centreville allo:>mey Rich a r d M icha t l K~m""r. Jr. ""3$ suspended from the p<aClice of law in the Stale of Alabama fOl" a period of three years. retroactive to Dec.mber 27. 2{((t. by order of lhe Alabama Supreme Cour(. n.. l Uprl"me court enlered ilS oro.. based upon tile decision of tile Disciplinary Boan! of the Alabama St.>'" Bar. Kemmer was found guilly of violating rules 8.4(0) (b) (c) and (g). Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct.
On December2? 2000.
PriO!" 10 lbe hearing befon the Di<ciplioary Board. Kemmer agrttd 10 make reslil"l;on 10 the finn .... mitting. panial payment and execuling a promilsory tlOte fO!" the ",maining bal· "!\Ce. In additioo to "'Slitution. Kenuner presentctl OIber mitigaling evidence during the diiCipline phase of lhe proceedings. i""IOOing hi.,estimony .... ide""ing g",.t ...~ and coolritioo. hi$ e<>:;IfJC"'tion during the discipli· "'")' proct>edinss. a lac~ of prior d iscipline. and good charac· ter and "'putalioo. [ASB No. OI-56(A)1
On January 27. 2003. tbe SUp"'rnt Coun of Alabama adoptctl the l)tt<,m~' 24. 2002 ordtr ,ntored by the Disciplinary Boan!. P'..neIIJ. accepting the condiliOf)allluilty pl.a entered by Mooile attorney Lar.,.. C linlon Odom involving tWO bar complai nlS filed ag.inSI him. n.. Board en",red a 91-day suspt"nsion. re1roacli.e and 10 run concurrent w;lh a .. paral. 91· day .uspetlSion imposed 00 Man::h 12. 2001. Odom was placed on in ... ,ive Slalu' effective January 5. 2000. for nonpaym.nt of dues and fees. In ASB No. 01.15(A), Odom was hired in May of 1999 10 "'p ...... nt the complainan, with ber di,,,,,,,,. n.. complainan, paid Odom $200 in attorney', fu s and sbe W2S 10 pay the fil _ ing fee when lhe documents were prepared. DOOm did not file the dim,,,,, proceedings " ntil November 2000. Odom also wril1en requeSts for information . failctllO respond 10 lbe Odom enlered a gu ilty plea to ~iol.'ion of rules 1.3Idili_ geneej. 1.4(a) Icommunication). and 8.I(b) lbar admission and disciplinary mal\e1"SJ. of the Alabama Rule. of Profess;ooal Conduct. All OIher chargu ".,,'" di'miS"'d.
In ASB OI·91(A). DOOm was "'tained in or about May 1999. 10 represent the complainant wilh . child .uppon matter. Odom was paid $580 in a ttornty·I fees and filing fees. In Jun< 2000. the complaiR.1l\I contacted the Alabama [)epanme", of Social Services about the s,..tul of her case. She learned that notlIing had bun filed by Odom. Odom also failed to respond 10 the bar·, writ"'n requests for informalioo. Odom entered. guilty ploa 10 violations of rules 1.3Idili. ge!\Ce ). 1.4(0} JcommunicationJ. and 1.5(a) [feesl. of the Alaboma Rules of Professional Conduct. All OIhe, cbar"gO$ were dismi.sed. IASB nos. 01·15(1) and OI ·91(A)J Eff«'tive o.ttmbr, 13.2002. attorney Allen Eug. ". Ptnlur, J r. of Binningham. Alabama. bas been susper<l«l from lhe ]>I1I<t;"" of law in the S,ate of Alabama foe ""ncom· pli"""" will\ the 2001 M.ndalory Continuing Educatioo req"irements of the Alabama State Bar.ICLE No. 02·1641
Public Reprimands
was i..... Qlvcd in a ,ingle ",hid. accidtnl in ,,·h.ich he su<tair.ed multiple severe injuries. He was permanently blinded as a ... sult of ' he acci· dent and has not pnocticed law s\n<' the dale of the a.ccidenl. During his a bsence from his office. il was discovered 'hat Kemmer and a non-lawyer employee misap~ .1Cd funds belonging 10 the law finn.
On September 18. 2002. ,he Disciplinary Board of the Alabama S,..", Bar a.cctpted Mootgome!)" attorney Robert lIouman C rumplo,, ·, conditional guilty pi.. foe 0 public ...primand wilhout general publica tion in coonrction with the complainllJf Robon J. Rus<t:lI. In 1998. Crump'on did ..,me .... Icns\w: title wort. ' "!roUnding the purchase of 45 acres or land by Larry Curry. This land """ loxated. in Monlgomery
Counly. Alabama. On June 9. 1999. Cuny sold aboul 12.5 a.cres of lhe 1000. Crumpwn handled lhe dosing. Out of 1M proceeds of the <ale, Crumpton wa, paid $7.500 for hi' past legal wort in conr.ection wilh Ihi, propeny. On (klOOer I. 1999, Cuny sold tile remainder of 1M property. CrurnplOfl handled Ihi, dosing as well. Crumpton !:opt S40.<XXl of the Bel ..1e ~" claiming thaI he aOO Cuny had become partncn in lhe de'elopmcnl of tIlis particular pn:>p<rty. TIle", wa, no wrillen agrttmenl indic3ling this ,ilu'lion , Cuny objccte<llo Crumplon', claim and med ,uil 'gainsl him. 'llle law,uil ,",'as scllied on ~mber 4, 2001, CIlrt)", allo>mey filed Ihis bar complaint. The Disciplinary Board accepted Crumpton', guilty pk. because the op<1' fao1S showed thaI he and Cuny did ha,,,",,,,,,, business relationship' in regartllO Ihi' properly and ilS pOSSible de,"lopmen'However. si""" all of Crumpton's dealings w.", oral .Dd not wrillen. he failed 10 con'ply wilh lhe requirements of Rule 1.8(a) loonnic' of inte ... 511 of the Alabruna Rules of Professional CondUCI. dealing witll busi .... s lransactioos between. lawyer and dienl. (ASB No. OO-I08(A)) • Bessem.r lawy.r Rlrhard 1.ltrry McClendon recei"ed a pubhc reprimand without general publication for having violated "'It< 1.4 MId 1.5(01, Alabama Rul.s of Prof.ssional CoDduc!. McClendon was relained 10 represenl 1M complainanl in • maller conc.rning a motor vehide accident. McCI.ndon agr«d 10 repre",nl the /XImplainanl on It /XInlinge""y.fu basi,. how... r. the", was no wrilten coolingr""y,fee agreemenl. Bel""""n February 20. 1999 and November 2000. lhe complainant me' wilh McClendon several 'imt< regartling her c.... However. McClendon new:r filed ,uil on her behalf. In a .ubsc<juent meeling wi,h lhe complain"n,. McClendon suggested a modification nf the conlinsc""y,fee atrttmen, unde, the I.rm, ...·here he would receive a 40 percent conlin' gen(;yand lbe complainan, would pay a '"non.refundabl~" relaint' of 5750 and pro,ide ad,,,,,,,,, pay"",nl for all case expen",s, 'The proposed amended con'inge""y·f.. conlracl was not rt!dottd 10 writing. 'The~afl<T. the complainanl had difficulty communicaling with McClendon, On Febru.ry 9. 2001. McClendon was ""pel><\l:d from lhe practice of law in the SlAte of Alabama in a non.rel.ted maller. 'Thereafter. the complainanl had no further conlaol witll McClendon. [ASB No,O I·I04(A)[ On January 31. 2003. Clan,on attorney Joel Sir"" Rogers. 111 rec.ived a ""blk reporimaDd wilhool gentral ""blica,ion, for violalion of ",I •• 1.5(a) and I.~(c) (f«,). (>f the Alabama Rul ... of I>rof~ssional Cood""l. On August W. 2<Xl2. the Disciplinary Board (Pal>01 IV) in,posed disciplint .on.i>ling (>f an abated 4~-day ",spens;o.,. S6.<XXl in reslil uhon. and a ""blic reprinlllnd wi\hool g.neral ""blicalion. In 199~, Rogers was wilh the law firm of Rog.... & and was ",Iained by Sherry Lynn McNeil1() "'",""sen, her in a child support malter. She paid Rog .... a fee of $500. Addilional f.... were 10 be """ghl from lhe child'. falher. On July 17, 199~, a child SUppOl"l order was enlCred by the coun requiring the father 10 pay ba,ic child support of $113.3] per week. plus $20 pe' week for medical ,xpe" "'S , Rogers'. firm .... as awa.-dcd a"O<neys' f..s of S500 plus cOSlS (which we'" col. 198
le<:ted from lhe falher). 'llle f.,her was to make his support paymenlS Ihrough Rog.... ·s and Rogers was 10 receive $1 per pay period for receipting aDd recording ,he paymenlS. In 1997. lhe father r,led a Chap'" 13 Mnkruptcy. Rogers'. part"'" filed. daim for the $4.<XXl in child .upport III"Tearag•. Afle, the deblor's pl.n was 'pp"l\"ed, checks again came Ihrough Rogers's o/fi"". Rogers began deducling ont·tIlird of the monthly payonenL< as "'Iorneys' f..... Bot ....... 1997 aDd the dale of Rog .... ·s lerminalion by, he colle<ted abOlll $ 18 ,<XXl for her. aDd wi'hheld about S6.<XXl for his f""s. Rogers !<.SI;f,ed at the diSCipli""l)" hearing thaI he Inld McN.illllalshe had the option ofba-ing he, paymenlS made through the circuil coun for a small administralive ree. or Ihrough hi. o ffic. for a nne-Ihird deduclion. Rogers .."ifoM thaI il was her chQi"" 10 be paid tIlrouglt hi. nffice. McNeil deniM Illi •. She teslifled tIlJl she lhooghllhe reduced .""",nl was a C""-"'Que""" of her .. ·husband·, banknoptcy. (AS H No. 00-211(A)l
Mobile lawyer Carrolll1art Su m'·an received. public repori' m'OO wi,hool g.neral publicalion for • violation of rules 1.7(0) aDd 8,4(g). Alabama R"I ... of Prof... ,ional Conduct. Sullivan was "'Iained in June 1993 by 51. Paul Fire & Marine In.urance Company 10 "'l"""-'Cnllhe int ......" of Dr. Amhony S ..-oi., an a"esthesiniogisl. W.yne Zimlich. a "",,;fied nul"S' arteSlbetis!.'OO their ernployt"r. A .... the,i. SeNi"",. P.C .. in c""r.eclion willl a medical nlll1pra.c1ice claim filed by James R. McGahagin resulling from his wifc', h.ving suffered from an adv.1"S' c""-"'Quc""" during "''lIery on April 21. ! 993 and be ...... nluai
'llle case was styled Jam~. R. McGOMg;ro, ~I al. Y. Springhill MmlOr;(I/ HOJpi/(l/. ~I al.. CV 93·1571 in the Cim>il COO" of Mobile Counly. Alabama. While both the hospiral """ lhe sur· geon ",.re!ll<llned def.ndanls. they ...·ere dismissed before 'rial """uanllO motions for "'mmary iudgrn<nt. TIle trial proceeded against Savoi •. Zimlich and Anes\he.o;i. SeNices.Dd .....ulled in a verdicl of $22.~ million, In Seplember 1993. Zimlich dictaled a narralive ofwha, occurred during the surgery. which was lranscribed by Sullivan', off",e and senllO SI. Paul. In tIli' narralive. Zimlich staled Ihat he was inSlructed '0 cllange and falSify the anesthesia record of the surge". al the direclion of Sami •. Zimlich', ,rate"",nlS created a direcl conflicI of be,w.. n Sullivan', clienl>. Savoie. Zimlkh.OO Ar.o,thesia Servi",,>. wl\Qm Sullivan conlinued 10 reprtsenl. This conflici remained throughoollhe enlire representalion. Further. Sullivan did 001 lhe infomJod conS<n' of his cli.nts ,n his si multaneous "'presenlalion of connicting interests, assuming this was a woivabl. connicl. 'llle panel noted Ihal durin, his disciplinary hearin8, Sulli"," did not pre",n, any ""ide"". documenling """-,,,Italion with the cli."1S aooullhe conflict or the cli.nlS' informed con",", and ...,.h.. r of lhe connin. In addi';on. during lhe course (>f lri.1 prepa""ion in !he med· ieal rn.lpra.c1i"" cast, Sa.,.";. lestified in hi, deposilion thai ZimJich f.1I below the ,,"Ddanl of care in connection .... ilh his
.... lion. during the '"'llical procedure. Spe<:ifieally. S,"oie teSo.;fled '''''1 Ziml;cb did"", mee1.he ~.andard of C&l"O wll<n he did DOt limely noIify him or the ,utgeOll of con'plicalions experier.ced by ,II< patienl. Thi'leslimony direc1ly ronn;ClS wi.h and ronlradi.1S Zimli<:h's &wom answen 10 iOlern>gatontS, which we", .,..,part<! and filed aft .. Zimlich's ron,ulta· ~on with Sullivan. At no ~me ",ere the inlemlgatory answers .me!><led or e""nged to conform 10 the ronuadicliog le&limony pnlVid«l by Sav.;.ie. and the TttOnl at and during the lime of trial ",n«,ed this connia. Sullivan was wen aware of this panicular ronniet by vin ... of a December 5. 1994 letter to Joseph D. Ogle,by, senior daim n:pres<n"';,-e of SI. Paul. in which he st ... d· "'If Dr. Savoie cannot be dismissed from the law,uil or ifthi, ease cannot be settled (lhe pro'pe<:" for &<:11lement may hinge upon the conltitu~onalily of the cap although thi, ca"" 00., inv.;.lve ~ ... rvivaUpersonal injury daim). and if the case has 10 be tried. I bolieve;' would be difficult for me to .... .,..,sent both the in, .."", of Mr. Zimlich and Dr. S.v.;.ie. Had Dr. Savoie testified as 11hought he would. namely (I) Ihal Mr. Zimlich acled within dinical judgment. and (2) that be did noI know the c.u"" of the brain damagc. then [ saw no connicI of representing the interest of both Dr. Savoie and Mr. Zimlich:' Sulli'"3JI did not sel>ll a copy of this Ictlcr 10 eilher Sa,..... or Zinllieh. nor did he wrile either of them sepantely abool this connia. Moreover. 111< condition. to resoh-e lhe connia imposed by SuUil'lln in the 1",<,. i.e. S.v.;.ie·, dismissal or sel1le ,nenl. never occurre<l. Funller. Sullivan did not call S.voie as a wilnes, during lhe mall'f"Ctice lrial yel plaintiff', counsel u.althe connicling portiOlt of Savoie', deposilion during his cross·examin .. 'oo of Zimlich."The ex,sle~ of Ihis conftict "'as the reason mQli,... ing Sullivan', deci,iOlt 1101 to call Sivoie 10 tel;lify during the m.lprac~ce 'rial and ad,...... · Iy aff«led Sullivan', fC!nsenl'liOlt of Zimlich. Sullivan's simullaneQuS .... presentation of elien", with directly connkting interests violated Rule 1.7(0). A.R.P.C.. which provides Ihal a lawyer shall noI represent a clienl if the represenLOlion of Ih31 oJienl will bt dirtt1ly adverse 10 another eli".!. Funber. Sullivan's condUCl as ""'lined above ad'"ersely reflects 00 his fil ...... 10 practice law and. lherefore. violated Rule 8_4{g). ARP_C_. whieh providts thaI il is professional miscontlucI for I I.wyer to eng"ge in col>llOC1th .. adversely "'flects on hi. filness to praclice law. (ASB No. 97-333(A»)
$200.000 to CO,-er applicable .......... and fees:' For I conlin· gent fee of $1.000.000. Williams was hired 10 as,iS! in obtain· ing the rele= of III< money. This in<1uded help in rai,ing the ~""ry $200,000 from i""eSlon. In May 1998. Shelbome me. with the complainanl abool seeking a loan of $50.000 in exchange for a promissory note of $100.000 to be paid in three day •. "The complainanl knew Williams peoonally. and he told Shelbome thai he would I""".he money. only if Willi""" n:collUnt!><led the"",,· lion. In a 1.ler "",,,ting with William. and Shelbome. William. no! only told lhe complain.nt il was. Hgood deal;' but ,Iso lold him Williams had inveSled hi' own money in ,II< -.nlu ..... "The complainanl l.ler learned thaI il ...... Williams's cousin woo in ..... ted lhe money. He was ne,'er lold lhe cousin', threc.(lay note had long bttn in drf,ull . •'.utller. William. agrttd to ,·,tand behil>ll",be deal .• nd guaranteed l""llhe co",pl.iNnt wO\Ild get his mo""Y_ Williams later denied thaI he had made thi.< gUO/"3JItee. bul a m:orded tele· p/lone ron"ersalioo showed OIherwise."The complaiNnl paid Ihe S50.000. and (tt<!ivtd Shelbomc', $100.000 promi,SOf)' hOle. d"" in three day,. Thi' note was never paid as no money was m:eived from London. SlI<lbome $OOIt di$a.P!"'ared.·, efforts to COlttac, the london bank we .... unsu.ccessful. Inquirie. to Brilish commer· cial authorities ",vealed Ihallhi, bank did noI exist. It became opparenllo William, that the deal bad bttn a Fraud all along. "The complain,ull .-epemedly ""lied on Williams to make good on Williams's SUO/"3JIlee. In Seplember 1998. Williams... .u<>mey for the complainanl and his cousin. med ... il again" the ,lIstn. Shelbome. In December 1998. default judgment. in favor of lbe plaintiff' were rendered againsl Shelbome. bu. Williams ne\'~r "",orded these judgments.
Because of pressure from hi, family. ga'"e his cou,in a note for $100.000 and e"ontually p3id II<r back. Williams did IlOl tak~ similar ""lion 0It the complainan!", loan, al>ll be foled. bar complaint. "The Di>eiplinary Board found Williams guilly of violaling 11I1es 1_9 (a) (ronnicI of in.ere"]lU"Id 8.4(c) (mi""ooducII of the Alabama Rule, of Profes.ional Conduct. [ASB No. OO-WIJ •
William ( B ill) H. Odum,
On January 3J. 2003. Binningltam allorney Willie !.eon
Board Certifitd Entomologist
Williall' " J r. m:eived a public rel'rimand wilh gener-II publi· calioo. On February 26, 2002, ,he Disciplinary BQard of the Alabama State Bar foond Willialns guilty of cenain ethical violalioos arising 001 of lhe complainl filed againsl him by lbe compl,iNnt. W;lIiams was .... "'ined by RoIx" Sbelbomc 10 as.i,1 him in obtaining fund.< on deposil in I london bank. According to Shelbome. the Nigerian gO"emmen! had dep05iled SJI,!XXJ.OOO '" hi. acoounl in this london ""nk. In Older 10 withdraw the fund.<. Shelbome had 10 rlJ"S' remil
Litiga'ion Testimony _
EntoITIQlogy Consultations
P.O. Box 1571 Dothan, Office:
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RATES MttnIHItt: Two!fee listings of SO ...... 6I III 1m per
member 1* 0Il1enc\a1 yea EXCEf'T Icr "pos,tlOfl WlII1!eO" III "position nffered " hstings-S35 pel inS«1ioo nl SO wcrds III 111$$. $.SO per eddihonal WDfd: Nonmemllono: S35 pel insertion of SO WDfdS or less. S.SO per a(ldinonal word. CLassified COI7I' IJIlIj payment must be according to the following publishing 1dWKIuIt: July 2003 ilSOl deadline Iby S. 2003; Sep\ernbIr 2003 iw ;o!!dfine July 7, 2003; NcMmber 2003 il" I dono,!liroe Sepwnta 5, 2003. NO dNr;Ilire ... ~ wi! til marIrt. SnI c'-'flld alVi IJIlIj ~ payiIJII \0 lilt ~ lao)wClassifieds. tJo K'rrnberIy BerMirt. PO. Box 4156. Moruglllra'/. ALl6101.
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Alabama state Bar President Fred D, Gray of Tuskegee chose as his theme 'Lawyers Render Servlce"and Is issuing a special invitation to all local and specialty bar associations to Join him In this statewide positive public image campaign. The Alabama State Bar has developed an eight-minute video presentation program entitied ' TO SERVE THE PUBUC." Available at no cost. materials include a handbook with talking points. the video and brochures fo r distribution. The presentation ca n be used as a ' stand-alone " program or as a part of any meeting program. Perfect for community. cMc. church or school groups, this p resentation shows the many ways that today's lawyers render service to their clients. their communities and their profession. Your bar association is invited and encouraged to participate In showing this video at every opportunity during ttle coming year. Please complete and return the form below to receive your own association's copy to use for this purpose: Association Nome _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
City/State/Zlp ______________________________________________ Contactperson' ________ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Telephone _______________________ E-moll' _ ________________________ RETURN FORM TO: Susan Andres. Alabama state Bar, 415 Dexter Ave .. Montgomery. AL 36104. by fax to 334-261-6310 or bye-mall to 202
MA Y 1003
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