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1m. 65. No. J

MIJY 2/xu

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On the Cover:

THE ALABAMA LAWYER VoL 65. No.3 f May 2004

Can()('ists eJJj o}' a springtime morning at the Hillon Sandeslill Beach Golr Resort & Spa. Florida. 1l>o 2 ..\O).~ ...sort. .ite of the 2004 Alobanu. S,,". Bar AD/mal M ~ng. include. ""'en miles of ""'.. of 'ho "'Ofid', mosl be,""lul beacl>e ••!Qnl the Gulf 0( Me,ioo ..., a.oou",lulChce B.y. 1l>o rc>o<1 .Iso f<".re< 14 I<nni. coo"'. fou, dwnpionsbip ",If <our=; ard • <;S.,lip rIWillL The phoro w.. ,ok•• nut the bt~nmng of the JoIlo "lard "".'" trail. ovcrlool<inl the and "wi ..


P/w'o by I'oul C"",jOrd. JD


Profiles: Bobby O. Segell • Cerol Ann Smith. Cerol H. Stewart


These Are A Few of My Favorite Things By Judith M. Kutan


The Alabama Supreme Court Commission on Dispute Resolution By Jlldg~ Aub",y Foro


ADR - Photo Highlights


Report of Committee On Altemalive Methods of Dispute Resolution - "ADR" Usually Means Mediation 8y Mary Lynn BauJ


Harbingers of Bad Tidings? Recent Decisions From Florida Courts Affecting Mediation Confidentiality BJ' \\iil/iamA Rmliff tmd GI,nn G, ItWddl


The Alabama Appellate Mediation Proglam: How and Why It Will Work By RIwndn Po Clul"'MrJ


Efficacy of Post-Divorce Mediation and Evaluation Services By Karl Kid/'lna. Ph.D,


Bankruptcy and Mediation By J. 71oml1(lS Cor/Hu


Pea ce Education Through Mediation By .... nn~ Is~1I


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May 2004


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Respond to Gideon's Trumpet, and Turn Commitment into Action



ony yean qo I... Y" .... Gitkon K 1\!r;ftM'ri

372 u.s. 33~ ( 1!Nil) "'as decided by the United SUItS Suprtmt Coun ""jlh.n opiniO<l ",rillen by Alabama', own JusU.,., lI ugo Illar k . Thai decision provided (01' in Krious criminal clSC.I. Ho\o.'~. the c _ did no< pro>'KIc: bow CClUnJct WIll 10 be provided. or ..'m ..... 10 poy for it. Durin, Illy law 5<hooIda)'l in the IMe '600 and early '100. publIC ... r........ prosnons bqaq springing up around the: """""y. a1tbooaJh the of CClUnSCI ""lIS the fO"lmary method u~ lO .. kct <:OIUI<cL in IlmI JUles. Com""", quesUOOt wen:. whll1ype of .yue", ~Id be wablisMd. and ,,'110 is 10 pay (or ;11 r...,y.plu.


ye,.,.. I.u,r, unrQltunately, ,bose qUeslionl a", 'lill beinll ... ked in IIWlY wu ••. i",tooln, Alabama. In 1<n~. 1 was oppoilllCd by ASB Pftoidml Tommy G ......~ 10 be the chairman of a bar commincc on indigenI lief...,... ThIll .... UI' .... -.. """B"'I"i\h. a.:I b:ame • ~ of, .. .m.ory ... OIl ~ dtfcnoe 10 \he Al:abIima Supmne Court. Tho oommiuee worhd for some We )'eO<1 in an elfon 10 i~ !he rq>-



rese.u.lbon of indil'l'nI def<ndanls ;" AIJhooma. One of Ihe n::suI1s ...... I ....jor $laIewide 5Iody of indlgcm def...ue in Alabama bd by IIob S"a"g<,.,bH-g fmm ~~hu<Cl!~ ... bose SCfYK:es wen: plid for by an ABA gran!. An""" the ~iQns were $UggesOOns IhaIIhm: be put.. Iic dorcnckr ptI.lI:IVD$ in the Iarp: "LUupoIi .... _ . MId !iOmf< rombillllion u oppoinIcd 00IIIt0d IIId public defi:ndc:f po ......... ;., the nul __ When !he .wdy bcpn. .... I11III: of ~ r... "'PI'Qirwt'd ooumd ... SIO lOr 0UI4-<OO1111 (time) IIId no for irM:outt. (Me cI ~ ko.' fruilS cllbo lOut cllbo rommillee ",.. \haIlbo I>IIe cI pay "Ia< illCJ'C.......:l from SlO 1<1 no for o,n4..:oun lime. and from no to $40 for 'n-court. None of lbo Olhef fIXO<nmcndalm of the oommillee implrmenloti o-,..".lbo posI20 yem or "'. Bob SponlcnbcrJ bas come bKL to Alabama "" • n.. mba- 0( o«uions lO ;wise Ui ia IIi>dYllllihc Alabama indircnl defnose l)'JI<OJ\, ond ia .tlmlpllllllll promoIC posj~,,,, impol'emealS. The: s..P"_ Court or Alaboo .... •• J lKIicial SllKIy Comm ission bas "'.. ~ II\lIdo m:ornmcndMions for cIwI&e. indi>din. (fUlion of. sw..,..ide I ndi~n l Commls,;lon. whj(,h would 1)\'I:fKe i!>dilenl defense in Alabama, 'fw(,nly_,i . $!.alc~ h.,'C IKlopIcd a .imilar apPfl*'h. 10 lry and pro"ide ",me "'h'OCacy for ,



1 30

MAY 1004

!hose ,.,110 ~ indll"nl dc:frndanlS ",110 are accused or J<)IYOO dil'lXlion 10 lhe indil"nl defense 'Y'lem. Ono of lhe p<>'Iilive rnullS of on indigonl dofen!<C commi!$ion would be. dcJ10C of """oon!.abilily I~ 1101'$ no! <>lI>trwise .~isl st.alCWidc. On Fd:orwry 26th 01 this ye.... lbo Alabama Sl* l~ hooI<d lbo lint Alabooma Indicmt S)'mpool .. m hdd .. die' stII< atpiIoL t:.d I'alltnOn.!he ItaIC '-'I direc:vJr 01 po"", . ... and John ~ tho di..aor 01 tho Ala"""'" A~ pl ..... d CnotH b ta ... and J PSIi«. were !he key leaden in lbo pbronina ond impIo>"""'LOIioo oIlfle poosr.>m. 1......')'CtS. judges. Iogisl:rKn. busi ....... p<q>Ic. and f'tIlI'UCI'\Uli_ the romptnlIlen off"",. tho ad,nini'tnI~ .... off"'" or coooU. and lbo (;1)\"""",', off"", ;""ilCd. Tbe prograln included • ~ by Bob ~ "tIo ...... is I ooru.ull· l1li JiJr tho Amrrio:an IW ~ zo;:I 11110 has ';11ed pnctically C\'Of)''''''' in tho Unilcd StaI<$. and ........ ber 01 r<nip compIIIift.. 10 Il)'inlIO ir1IproI'C Ihrir iNIi_ IP" .....(l'15li ,)'SItnO. M05l .-..!y.... hal; bcaI in 0Una uying III irnprv...,lhailledglina ,]'SICtn. Bob ooa ihcdlbo history 0I'tf lfle l.a)I ~ years 01 AIabarnIo', .trom .. 'm!""';", indi&mt <lor""""""",,, of whim r mo:nlionrd l""'ioosIy. He .l~"""'~ ,,-""'" OIlIer 5laltlllu .... boen and Ihe JIr'Olf'W wl\ich they h3,,,, made_ m. prescnllllion "-as folla.oml by a paII<! ollawyn:; <q:JI'CSe1IIin, public defender progni'" and lbo pi'_ _ rq::anlin& m _

""nil:. and 10 provide






mo:tho<h 01 ~ indigm! def(l'l5ll ....'icc$. The paBd 01 ~ ...,.. rouo..'cd by l paBd 01 juds'Cs 11110 II"" !heir porspccbI'" m iftdi&<:ni deftnst ....'ooes in Alabama. A Ihird ]lind II'aJ toqIriscd 01 ~,_ from Go:orgu.. Tous and NOAh CaroIi ... 11'110 de5cribcd !heir ''Of)' ~rul tffom .. rtforrning lboir indigenl OUS

<lofe""" .ySl<1m. Thc luncheon !pcaker ror lhe !ymp<>'lium wil Ma rk C .. rridon. tho author of ConUmpf of C"",.,: 171, TuntOf TM C,,,,ury I,yMllI.., Th'" UuM!td 100 yrtJTJ of Fe.kro/Wn _ lie il al..,. lawyer. and f"""'" ",,",'s.pI_ pc.- tq>OOCr JiJr 1Ioe Dulltu Montu., NA'S. Moo I'C\'ieW' 01 \lot fll<l$ and cimallUUJl(\'S S<lrround;nl hi1 hook ........, fHcinatin._ The: hook i, the.....,. of. IUm-ofthe--a:nlury trial in 0lai13llO<>p 01 • black penon accused of. ,,"me II'hj(,h he did tIOI commil, and lbe coonge and ;nllO'.. I; .... lawy.ring of 110'0 black lawyen, The book is wtll worth ... ading. and wos an

inspiration to all present .bout the absolute impor1ance of com_ pe!en, coun«!. Tho day oonolOOed ",ith a panel which ;ro;loded. among othcB. acting Chief J""lkt Corma" ilousl" " and s..""10' Myron I""'n from Union Springs 1"eV""'ing ""hat action< migtu be Iakn in Alabruna to ~ !be Abbama indigem cIef.... se .ySle1n. Tho general 001l'l'''''ll'l 01 !host pre<l:n, at !he mc<:Iing wllS ihallhe: place 10 Sl:IrI is !he es!abIi.runc1ll of a staleWido ",'tt<iglll ooganiwion. such as an Indigefll o.fense Co",mi!Sion. Pursuit of !hat ...",.,... ~i<ln is currently in progreos. I !he <l>y wllS an =ilin8 one for all ooncemed, Th= ...,med 10 be a ~newed commiuro::nt 10 artS,,"";ng Gikon', "Clarion Call" 10 provide oon'p<lCllI counsel 10 poor pc<lf>I< :l<i:Used or crime. AI a lime ""hen our Slat<: has n:ttn~y ~.i«!ld • plan 10 i~ funding by raising t ..os. somo: wouklsay that if our legisl>lu~ has 10 cl>oose bMw""n funding se",ices such as roads. schools. et<:" and !he provi,ion of o<leqll3le indi~nt defense W'>'K:es.;1 is lhe: bll<!1' ,,'hid! will lose. U"""""",. il does 1>01 appear ihaI thm: $hould be an "either or' decision. When a citizon'. liber_ Iy i, aI ~. il is absolutdy imperati,,, !hat he: (If >he has compe!ent cou"",l. Tbal $houkl noI be an option. Gi""n !he ""thU$iasm and rommitment which ...,med P'=nl at the """",I symposium, I an, opIimi<lic lhat "" can finally 1m'" f.,.,..,ro in Alabama toward nJaking signiflCanl i"'l"""""1<"1S in our indigent defense system. 0... of the panel participanlS f(lf the = 1 sympOSium WlI$ 8rJan SIO:H nson of Monlgotn<1')'. who i. the di....,lor of the Eq",,1 Jll'llkt Initialh-o:, which does an outSlanding job in pro.iding ~pn:s<:n'ation for indigem defendants in capil.ll cases. WhHe the State of AI""""", provides appointed counsel for direcl appeal' from death po",.lly oo.-"ioti""". it proI'idos no ~I«S or timely qal assiSiaoce 10 do.!h row inmate. in <latC post""'lll' .i<"lion pru<:«dings. To mi<l hi. group "'i!h !hi, ~P'=nlation. Bryan has often r=i.ed 1eg.1 n;$Cat'Ch as.sislance from la,., fin", outsido Alaha"",. Many limcs.lbe", are vcry large fIrms which do not JlrlI"tlce criminal I.,.,. but have lhe: resources 10 as,ist. From time 1(1 lime. finns in AI.Mrna ha,.. al", ;wislCd. and are encouraged 1000 so in the futu .... n..... i, a enl;"ol neo:d for a Slatewide capital pub];" dofendcr]'!f'Olrllnt 10 provide coon«l f(l<


persons 001 appeal and in pOSH:OItviclion proctedings in capital an office would aoo be a resource f(l< 1r3ining and as,i,tance 10 appoinl<d ooun«1 in capil1l1 casc. , n.. diffiC\llly in loc'ling lawyers willing 10 seM a' appointed coun.d in crimi",.1 case, from cirruillO drctlil in Al.bama. At the cuntnt flUes of S4M>0ur f(l< out-<>f-coun lime and $6O/hour for in-ooun lime and office ","eJhcad exponses. !be r.... i. far from exomilanl. Wh31 Alabama does !lOt neo:d i. any redllC1ion of our currenl payment system. N",.."""less•• part of (;ov<,mor Riley's legislative package Ihi' year would eliminate the o,... rbead expenses provided 10 appoinled counsel. The ASS Board of Bar Commi ssioners unanimously passed • resolution opposing such 1egi,I.tion. Appointed counsel ~ive nothing near the nUe paid by lhe: .Iale 10 d.iI I.,.,yn-s contno:ted by lhe 'Ia,", It would be a tremendou. di,incenlive for l.wy .... 10 "'P<l" ",nl indi~nt dofendrulL< if this benefit ""'" rescinded. For a long lime. the Alah3lna Sta" Bar has been Commilled 10 pnlIocting lhe: rights of our citizens ~ of crime_ It is lime 10 tum !hat <On\I1IitJt>(!nt in10 aclion. We an: inching dose,. 10 what Justice Black had in mind in Gidton. but we are far from reaching home piate. Th the Alabama lawytn who "'fRS('nt pOOr people ~ of crime. whether public dcfendors, ronlraCl counscl or assignm C<:o.II\>CI. I s.oiu" you for all you do. and encourage odIers 10 follow in your f"""tep$. For <hose la"'Y"f' "'ho ha,,, IlOl heretofore "'J'I"S"med indigent dofendants. I en<XlUJ1II\e you 10 offer your assi<lartre. Tbal ... istancc may """'" in a V2riety of f(ll'l11$. For e~ample. assi<l3ltoCe is nc:<:ded in helping 10 ed..:ate the Icgislat= and the public aboul how ,,",sential il is 10 our .y<lCm of justice that """'petent counsel is provided f(lf indigent defendants. lron;"ally. as I "'as completing my writing of this month'. '"President Page.'" I ~i\ed an ... mail from Wilson M,'e",. an Alabama bw~. now ,,"ooong in Iraq. assisting the lnItji Mini,try of JuSlice in do""loping a SYStem of criminal ju,tkt. He "'as lamenting the ab5ence of any system f(l< proI'iding cou"",,1 10 Iraqi cilitrnS who canllOt alford coo"",l. I appl.ud Wil"", for his serv_ ice and dedk.tion 10 implcntrn'ing !be role of law in Iraq. bul ,,-bal of Alabama? II i, time we I'I'>Oe[ the challen~ and "'$pond clearly 10 Gikon's uumpel. • COSl'!;' SItCh


Pro Bono Award Nominations The Alabama State Bar Comrmltee on Volunteer lawyet' Programs, (foHl-.eriy the Commlltee on Access 10 Legal Smicesl. is seeking nomi· nations for the Alabama State Sa, Pro Bono AwooJ Nonllnat,on forms cart be oIltained by oontacting: Unda L lund. diftctor Volunleer Lawyers Program Alibi .... SII le Bar P. O. Box 611 MOlll1lome<v 3(;11)1


The ASB Pro Bono Award 'ecogniles the oomanding pro booo eflon, of attorneys. law finns and law ,tt.o;Ients in the state, The award tri· teris includes. but is 001 limited 10. the follCMting: the lotal number of ~o boro i'oxJfs or comple"ty of cases har>dled, tmpa<:1 01 the pro bono work and benefit forlhe poor. parllCUlar 8'll8r1ise provided orlhe partio.!la, need sellSfied. wcoossful 'OClUltment 01 other attorneys for ~o booo ,e~"sent"tion. ar>d pr<.We<t oonvn,tment 10 ooli><e<y of qualtty legal seMCes 10 the poor and to providing "Gual access to legal _ S. Nom ioalions musl 00 postmarked by May 15. 2004 and include a completed Alabama State Sa, Pro Bono Awards Prog'am NominatIon

Form 10 00 oonJioored by the Committee

Pursuant to the Alabama State Bar 's Rule Governing fhe Election of PresidentElect, th e following biographical sketches are provided of Bobby D. Segall. Carol Ann Smith and Carol H. Stewart. Segall. Smith and Stewa rt were the qualifying amdidates for Ille position of president-elect of the Alab(U1I(I Stale Bar fo r the 2004-05 term. and the winner will assume the presidency in July 2005.





obby Segall allended public: schools from kinder· ganen through nigh school in MonlgOl!lny. He rttti""" hi. WldcJgnduate degree from V:tr.Inbill Universl1y and nis law degree from the University of ALobama. w~ he ftnilhal fIrst in nis cla>s. was studen! "'l<k «Ii.... of the w,.. Rnw. and tx:c,3!nI: l ".,rnbo:f of the Ortlcr of the Coif. He also receivtd an U-!>1degree from flarvard. One oflUs greal expcticro:es was ck1king fe.- fudge Frank M. Johnson. Jr. whcfl Judge JoImson 5a! on the United StaleS Middk District bendl. In priv3te p<a<lice. Bobby Iw betn with Copeland. FI1UICO for a lillie OVI'r 3(1 years. Hi. professional ""Iiv_ ilies have focused on trying 10 provide legal .. rvice. lo Ihe poor. He servc<l on the board of Legal Scrviccs Corporalion flf Alabama for 27 years. and was president of the board for six Thi. pasl year. he chaired lhe Transition CommilU>t that Ofganized the ......-get among Legal Servkes Corporation in Alabama. I.cgal Scrviccs of Metro Binningham Illtd Legal Services of Nonh Cenlral Alabama. lie ""'" se1""" on lhe board of the ne.... ly formed program lhal oll<Ompa«es the entire Mate. Legal Scrviccs Alabama. He also serves on the E.<<:<:uti,,, Commiltec of the ACtt$$ lfJ Justice Commi$$ion. whicb is the O1ale planning enlily for all acCe.. to justice organizations in the State. Bobby has bet" atlive in bar aclivities", the I""al and Slate 1.....1•. H. has SC1">"td as presidenl of the Monlgomery County Bar A<S<ltialion. He has bet. a slate bar commiSSioner for nine yean. and for lh"'" of 1bo:sc years. including thi. one. has served on lhe Etteulive Council of the Male bar. He olso has se,,·ed on numerou s State bar committees and las~ fom:s. including the Task Force on Dj,=ily. He presenlly





lOO ~

chairs the Task fort,e On Organiza1ion and Operation of Bar Section •. He .Iso wrilcS 0 humoreoi"mn for the MCBA·s p<lbHcalion. 1"M DrN:ut. OIhc:r law-related attivities inclu<lc sorving as presi. denl of the Hugh Maddox Cbapler of the Inn, of Coon: ...... mbor oflhe board of the Uni,..,rsity of Alabama School of Law Foundalion; as presidenl of lhe Momgomery CounlY Trial La .... yers M socialion: .... d. member of lhe tHstorical COmmilitt and the Spooial Disciplinary Panel of lhe U.s . Di,tric1 Coun for the Middlo Distriel fir Alab.umI. He has spoken at numerous CLE seminars and serve, on Alabama·, Mru>dalooy CLE Conlmissioo. Bobby has betn sele<:led as a momberofthe A..... rican Board of Trial Ad,,,,,attS. is a Life Fellow of lhe AI.bama Law Foundalion. and has betn 1"t<OOgnizcd in 8."~,, in since the p<lblication beg..... Bobbyal$O has bet. aclive in a leadership capacily in many ,..,ligiOll.<. charilabk and community organi.. · lions, and i, a panidpant in Lefllkrship Alabama Bobby·, law I'f1lClice has betn varied. fle has represonted bo<It pl.inliffs aDd defendanls in a wide range of liligalion. including personal injury and wrongful deallt case • . business and other complex litigation case • . employmenl case • • Dd civil rights and conSlit"lional Cases. He Iw represent<:<l 'pproxim;uely 75 lawyers on personal maIlers OVI'r the years and has also repo-esen1ed nu ..... rous judges. He also Iw ofIon ,..,presenlod unpopular dients. i.e .. Other Ihan lhe lawyers and jDdge •. Bobby has betn married to Sandy Segall for 28 years. and lhey h.,.., two Joshu •. who is in low scbool at the UniversilY flf Alabama. and Jacob. "'00 i. • freshman a'Thlane. •



CooeI _ _



orol Ann Smith has pn.t1iced law in Alabam. ,inct 1977. Tbe daughltr of a Mtlilodi.1 minisIe' wbo StrVcd more Ilia". do.>«n ,mal l Alabama I(••m$. Carol Ann Illonded school in Camp Hill. Rtd BIY. Oioerohe. f alkville, Alabasler. [QlIrIloOOk. and Fknnce. She IIIM1iod Birminglwn Soulbmi CoIq. on scholan.hip. " 'ith Lho "" ••di, of lho wut ... lldy program. and trJIdWliN """........... i.a"lk and as I member of Plti Btu Kappa. AfIe, roIlrge. Carol Ann was fi"", tmploytd with Lho Birmingham Public Library IS ii, g<:Ivtmmcnl documenllli~an. "The", ,he became ooffltlincd 10 pursue • caree, in I.w, She auended Lho Univtf$ily of Alabama School of Low. again on schrll.anJ\ip and through WQIt. Slildy. She ICn'Cd on Lho cdilOrial bowd of Lho AIr:rb.>ma Lno, RnVw anr;I aulhomla publilohcd aniok. As I WQIt.SIUdy ......... .!be ....s auigned lID OeM! Cmlle Cool; in \he Alabama B.. ImtihMe fur ConlinuiQl LcpI Educllion.. who pvt Carol Ann lhe job of cdili,.. mllC· rials IUbmilltd for publicalion by Alabama 1''''jIm. FollowiQl trJIdu360n f""" lhe Uni'~"ily of Alahama School of Law. Carol Ann ,,:oCJ>led a pmi. lion olr!'king for lhe Honorable JamtS N, Bloodworth of the AI.bamI Supreme Coon. Aftt' ber olrrtship ended, Carol AM """ employed "ilb tho Moo(JOn>ory firm of SICi ....... CNm &: sm, for • !bon lime ""fon: tnn:>IliQl in tho U .M program II New Vo.t Un,,'CDily School of Law, apia on sebobBbip. Ali., obI •• ninl'" LLM in IlXllion, Carol Ann I'I!'lurned 10 AlabamllO JII'ICIke Ill< I,w with Lance. Simp$<)f\, Robinson &. Somerville. Carol Ann be<:;o:nr:, on.m<'lI'<:d of lhe rounronm, Si"". 1978, Caro[ Ann has had.., ":I"~ liligalion pracli<:c in 1111. and federal couru in Al.oblma. H.,. trial praclice bas IIOIllinutd from her early yt'lt'S IS an anocim "'ilh Lange. Simpson; Ihrou&h ber posilion :as .. ass«illC. and bier • pan ...... "ilb tho rlrm of .sum..s .t Alehi"",,; ud now IS senior putner ,,;111 tho firm of Smilh &: Ely. MI "",.., had \he 1"'''' fon.,," of pn.t1iciQl aIoog . .<ide and apinilihe ""'" 1aIenied 1rUrll.owyen any· " 'here in ,he counlry," Carol AM be<:;o:nr:, lC1i,'~ in lrlcal bar wort f""" Ihe !><ginningofho. <areer. She has ..rvcd for 26 ~ean on lhe Birmingham 8M A!ioSOCi~1ion EnlCnainmcnl


Commillce. and bas .. rvtd ICmtS 00 many Olher lrlcal bar ~ommill"", illdudi,,! Ihe Exttulive Commiuce.!he Grievance Commiuce and os ohair of Ihe I'\rblle Service Comrnillce. She is • mtrnber of !he BBA', Wornr:n'S Soc:tiotr and ill Solo and Small Firm SMion. She r.... bold tleo;rod 1w office in Ihe early [980s. ""'-'''' 00 Ihe ExecuLi,.., Cornmiuce of Ihe BBA', Vouq't'n. S«Iion, " 'here she SC1W(i :as chair 0I1he EDItNi ......... Commlllll<'. In 19SoI, Carol Ann was tlreo1cd praiclrlll of Ihe BBA's Yoonl lawyer:s' Section. In 1m. Carol AM ba:amc Lho flllt woman nominalcd by "'" Birmingham Bar A..ndation IS I ~andidal<: for il$ I""'Kkncy and. on eleclion. ba:omr: Lho firsl "'On\ln presidrnl in Iht associllioo's II().year biSlory. "'ThaI yt'Ir, Lho Elccutivt Commillt!e lOOt 00 • klI of II<:1II' ~ We derided 10 sipI on " 'iIh a pro(~ publw... 10 pIbIisb • hi$oo;wy of bwyen in BirJnio&h.urr. We ""Id \he DirmiQJ;ham a.'1 r.,.. of......,. .....w Bencb &: Bar R~ou. We paid boma&c 10 IheI1 m:etlI. [y~ascd Bimtingham henlel. Jlllticc Oscar Adams and AnII .. Sh<ns. boIh ... ilh • mcll\llrial ...... ice and wi,b the llangins of lheir portraits in Lho bar headquar. len. And, ~ hi"'" • con,ulwlI to ~Ip Lho bar begin Ihe ~ of ~inll a f<lm\aIIona.fUIIC plan:' The Birmingham a. Found:atioo is Lho d>arillblt arm of Ihe 8irmi......., &r A<socialion. Carol AM bas .....-Ion iI:s boIIrd >ina: 1998 and IS Q pmidcnI in 2000. DurinJ hr;r lam 1$ FftSidmc. !he I'ouni;ialioa held ;1$ frmllwyer IIIerrr .oow1fundrai5el'. The IIIerrr "-' made pox.$iblt • lUbstantiai donation by !he foundation to. p1'OIIVIl spon!(II<d by The o,ikln:n's 11nlpi1lll1O plar::e ohlld ~ar sealS in "'" 0"'" of im]lQ\-eri.<lIod families.. Carol Ann', SIaI"",idc bar WQIt ""Ian early in her <art:e. IS "'ell. Ff<)nl 1978 10 1989. she """"'" on the cdirorilll board 01 TIw 1L/tzhamQ lPwytr, lmiina :as I$S()o ciIIe edilOr Lho Ia!.IIhn:e yeaR.1'n:rcn [98210 19U,.!be scrwd on Ihe E=:uU ... Coundl 01 Lho Alabama SWc a. V01IIII't'n. Section. She bas ICn'Cd on many Alabama Swc Bar commil<= and wi: fon:a. inc:11Id. ing "'" Ta!.k foR:e on Jlldicial Selection; Ihc TIo!.k foR:e on tllin IkllCh·B.. Communicalion. 199&.1<)99; and Ihe Alabama Sial<: Bar TItsk r.".". on Oivenil~, 2002.2004.


Coooi N, I i l _




arol Slewan was born in Mooresville. Nonh Carolina in 19~3.nd w., educated in lhe Iredell CounlY public school •. She earned bachelor of science in chemi"I)' in 1974 )1 the Universily of Nonh Comlina al Charlotle. She fonanced 100 fW'=m of he. college educaliOft by working pan_ limo jobs in high school. including driving a school bus. waiting Lobles and ""rving as • lifeguard and a chemistI)' lab asSi",,"I , Ho. senior year of college. Carol wos awarded an intemship in the Charlotte CilY Crimo Laboralory. and afl .. grad ualing, she wooed for the Charlotte City Crimo Laboralory. the Mobile Cily Crimo Laboralory. and the Alabama Depan"",nl Qf Fortnsic Sciences.,. drug analYSI. In 1979. C..-oI moved to Birmingham and was accep1_ ed al the Cumbcrlar.d School of Law. Wltile at Cumberland. she served as recenl decisions editor of the Cumbtrl<md Ww R~'iew and ., Law Day.""irrn.m. Und<;r her leadersltip. the program recei,'eIl the ABA Best Law Day in the Nation .","3/'d. Coml received her J.D .. m<I8"" '""'" /mule. from Cumberland in 1982. LaI<1" thaI y<:ar. sbe ...... Iict:n.ed to pnoc1ice law in Alabama and Goorgia. In 1983. Carol graduated wilh lhe inaugural dass of the Uni"'rsi,y of Alabama at 8inningham', Masters in rorensic Sc;'nct:$ program. 'IlIa1 """" year. she hocamo licensed to practice law in Aorida. After gradua,ion from law school. Carol cle.ked for Uniled Slates Di~ltic' Judge Sam C. Poin"". Jr. in lhe Nonhem District of Alabama. Afler he. eluhhip, she joined ,he linn of Thomas. Tali.fem>. Forman, BUIT & Murray. DOW kDOWn as BUIT & Fonn,n LLP. where she praclices today. Carol', praclice is primarily as. gen. ...." bu,iness tons I;'igator. handling Case1 for both plaintiffs and defendantS. Site has Iri<:d cases in many federal and "ate coons across the counll)'. Addilionally. Carol has a unique niche praclice in the .... of c0ndominium law. In this "apaci'y, . he "'rns<'nlS deveiopeB of condominium .. C04dominium associalion< w cOn. dominium unil 0"'",,<5. Carol has published ..,,,ral anieles and papers and is. frequrn' l"",u"" in the area of condominium law. Coolllliued to $CIVing her profession and giving bac~ to her wmmunily, Carol has been meaningfully itTVOlved in



MAV 2 004


the Alabama SIalC Bar. other profes.<iQnaI organi7':uions and many ct\aritablo O!pJ1il.ations. She <u"",nly is $CIV.

ing her thin! three-ycor Irnn 00 the Alabama State Bor Hoard 0( Bar Coounissionors. and in 2O»UI was appointed by thoto· Pres;dem Sam Rumort: to scr>e on the Ex""uti,,, Cotmril of the Board. In "'... appoinl_ ed to ocrve on the Disciplinory Commission 0( the bar. and has $OfYC([ on the Mandatory Cootinuing Legal Education Commissioo ,ioa: 1m. She has alSO!lCn"td 00 the COin/nil""" 00 Di""iplinary Rules and Enf""",menl fOf ~ years and is a member of the Women', Se<:lion of the Slate bar. Carol', pas! itTVOl"''''''''1 with the Alabama SIa", 8ar i""ludes ser.'ing on the Di<ciplinruy Hoard (1998-2003) and the and Fitness Commiltee (1994. 1998), SClVing as ellai. of the Business Torts and AnlilJUSl Se<:1ion in 1991, as "'en as many COOlmill(:(:$.. i""hlding the A.labanilJ Ba, Dim:rory Commitlre (1992.'M). ~ A.1ai><>m<J UJw,~' editorial board (199091 ) and chairman of the Law Day Commitlre (1986). Carol believes ilia! il i$ ""I)' imponam thaI each lawye' giv<:s back to his or her <chooI. She c"""mly as the Annual Fund cllairpcrsoo for Cumberland School of Law and ""'" 00 the Dcan', Ad"i"",), Coo""iI , In 2002. Coml "",,'00 as the Birmingham Club "",siden1. In 2003. she was honon:d as lhe Cumberland S<hool of Law Voluniee. of the Year. In <>ther professional actj,·ili ••. Carol has served on the 8inningham Bar Foundation Boan! of Di"",tor:s , ince 2000. and in 2002 ,he CIKh.irul a COmmiltee " 'hkh fundS 10 relire the note on the Binningham 8", Cemer, Currently. Carol ,er"eS as. group cllair of the Grie''llOCe COmmiltee of the 8inningham Bar Associ .. ion. Stw: has also se"'ed on the Ex",,",i,'. COmmiltee of lhe 8inningham Bar and as Grie"ance Commine<: chairperson. Commilted 10 lhe develop"",nl of "'omtn to 'heir fun poten~al in the law. Carol >crved on the board of the Women's Seclion of the 8irmingh.m Bar for six Y"ars and ""'00 as lhe sect;oo', p"",iden' in 1998. Carol =~ivW the Birmingh.m 8ar Associalion's L. BunOft Barne. Awanl ror Public Service in 2001 .


(Ct»ltinlU!d lin fXJg< 141 )

C AROL ANN SMmt (Comjn ..~d /rom page /39)

Can:>1 Ann chairro the 19M Menton", Commiuce and lbc 2(0) Th>~ Rlott "" Bench·Bar Relation<. Caml Ann is • Ftllow of tht Al.bama \...1"" l'oundalion. SlY l. also • ",ember of !be staIC hat', Women's Section. In 2003. Carol Ann ,,'as appointed by the Alabama Su~mc Coon 10 serve on ils Alabama P:mem Jury

In>lrUClions Commiuee, C3tl)1 Ann .1.., ha< t:.o:cn 3<,ive in !he Alabama Dd"n~ Lawy"'" Association. ",rving 01\ its board of directors from 1984 10 1987. and as president in 1997, During Carol Ann', lerm as ~jde"'. ADLA decided 10 take ""lion 10 promote goodwill bel""""" !he polariud plaintiff and dof",..., ...,601'1\ nf !he bar. The """";lIion drafted. oomprebc""i~e se1 of ",Iuntal)' guideH ..... for civility and wor'<cd with tbe Ala"""", Tri.1 J...owyen Associ.,;"" 10 obtain their appro''lll and support. Togcthtr. plaintiff lawj'<Cf'S and der."", '''''yers obIaincd the approval. or adoption. of !he guidelines by each of !he federal distric1 coons in Al.bam •. The guideli"". "..ere unanimously adopl<:d by tbe judges of ll>e Tenth lu(\ici.1 Circuit of Alabama. Beginning in 1979, Carol Ann servcd for more than ten yean on the Executi .... Committee of the Alabam. Bar lrutitute for Continuing Legal Education. She has been a frequent $pea ~er at seminan and hl$ chain:d many ClE planning e<>mmil!ees. She served 1$ ~hair of dll: MCLE Committe<: of the ASB YOIIng Lawyers' Settion during !he time !he <o",mittee wa< n:'pon$i. ble for planning !he annual "Update" seminars presented by the YLS .tthe Slate bar's annual """'ting. In 1998. C.",I Ann was honoo:d 1$ the n;.:ipient of thc Wabcr P. Citwin Award for Outstanding Service to the Alabama Bench and Bar in




Carol ..-as elected as a fellow of the American Bar Foond:llion and • fellow of t.he Ala\>an1a Stale Bar Foundation. In addition to !he: AI'bam> S""" Bar. ohe al", is a member of t.he An""""", Bar A..aci.Iion. t.he State Bar of Georgia and The Florida Bar. Durilli her 21 )'<'aI'S of the acth-e pr.>o:"tk<: of law. C=I h;u paniciparcd on null'lCt'OlL'l OCC&ion< as a Iccw..... for continuing legal education. has been an adjunct prof....... of law 31 Cumberland, and ha$ la"sln foren,ic OCionce5 31 UAB. Caroi is also '"try in\'Ol\'~ in community and civic oct;,ilk •. She serves on the board of directors of Pltthway•.• ohelter for homele5. wornen.nd childn:n. and paniCip3te~ .. a Big Sister in the Big Br<>lh<:rslBig SiSlers progmm, With her husband. Rusty. C=I has been. Big SiSler .ince 1995 to a ",markable young man named Brin! flardy, ..'ho will attend Birmingham Southern College ...1 yeM On a hasoball octool3JShip, She i, also immediate past president of fland·in·Paw and cufl"tnlly oc",es on the bo.:ird of that organi""li"". Hand·in·Paw·, proIl"'ms ule "I"'t thc"'py~ 10 help .ick and 'pecial children and al·risk yOllth. In 1003, C arol was honored as \he H.nd·in· Paw Board Member of tbe Y~ar. She serve, on !he: Binninghom


Continuing Legal Education. an awanl given annually by the Alabama Bar l"'tit"te for Continuing Legal FAucal;"", Carol Ann i. active in thc SirmingJum Inn< of COllI!. She;s a member of !he American Bar Association and has been selCCted as • Fellow of the American Bar Foundation. She i. also • member of the Federal Circuit Bar Assod3lion and the Ddense Resemh Institule. Carol Ann ha$ also been act;"e in hercommunity. as I member of the Kiw..,is Club of Birmingham; Olt the board of man· agemenl of the Founb A'"tnue YMCA and its Euellti .... Committee; on the board of management of the Metro YMCA: and on the board of ""'nagement of the Downlown YMCA. In 1997, .he was Itonol"td by thc Birmingham B,,-,;n~'$ lou"",1 ;u one of the Top Ten Women;n Birmingham. Rettntly, Carol Ann was honored by her belo,"td aim. mater. Birmingham Soulhern College. 1$ a Distinguished Alumna.1OOZ. Carol Ann is troubled by the public's growing di,tru~ of !he: legal sy.tem and by ilS widesp""ad lad, of respecl for lawyers. ''The lellal .ystem has become t.he fault line "'here the flJ'St signs of social change are being fell. Our- legal sy.tem is th"'atcned by the greal uphe3>'al of trust in public institution< that this country i, undelgoilli. As the country becomes increasingly diyided. the !e1l'1 ,ySlcrn and lawyers are ealy taJ8etS for general disconlent. I don'l know what can be done on a n3lionalscale. but 11m: in AI.bama. t.he stereotype does DOl fit. In this .tale, lawyers 3I"t!he: work horses of our communit; .... of our charities. of our churches and of our synagogues. and of OIIr parettt-leacher organizations. From Boy Scout Explorer posts. to Little League coaching starrs. 10 organi:earions OppO<ing hale crimes. to ohelters for home!e~ families. Alabama l.wyt'l'S stand tall. Whate .." role I play in the futu", of the Alabama State Bar will be devoted to !CCuring for Alabama law)'<'rs thc ItSpoCI thcy cIcscn-~." •

Public Pltrt and Recrealion Board and is. member of The Women's NctW<>rk. Carol is passionate aboul ..,i",,1s and SCJ'V(rl on lhe board of directors of t.he G=ter BinningJum flumane Sodc1y for fi .... )'ears. ",rving as its president for 1",,0 years. She is cum:n~y in'"I"oo "'ith the foster core program of t.he Shelby County Humane $ocielY and Al.bam.. Adoption R=l>O. Inc .• having fosten:<! "'",. 200 homeless moIhcr dogs and puppies. Carol and her husband have se,'cn dogs. somo of which ..-en: rescued Carol i•• member of !he Leodership BirmingJum CI .... of 1999.• nd servcd 00 the I'rogrnm Commiuce this year, She;, al", • member of tbe Pr<>ject Corpo"'" leodership Class. of 19&9. In 200t. Carol was honored as one of Birmingham's Top WOlnen and "",.ive<! the Birmingham BusiM:lS lou"",!', Top 4() Under 4() Award in 1991. in 1986. Carol married lewis "Rusty" Stew .... who i. a prin_ cipal in tbe n:ale'lale brol:e"'ge firm of Soothpace Proponies, Rusty has lwo child",n. Ju!lson and Kathrinc. Ju<lson. a broker with McGriff Siebel. & Williams. an in.u"'nce brokerage finn, is married 10 Buffy Slew .... and !hey ha.'. one son. Judson. Jr. Kathrine. a real es\ate qent. is "",rried 10 Mike Messer. who has tWO childrcn, Sawyer and Anna. and they Ii .... in Staunlon. Virginia. C arol and ber family 3I"t octi"e members of the Calhedral a.ureh of lhe Ad"ent. •


loidI B. _

The 125th Annual Meeting: ne to Remember -,

~:;~~.~;;",~ mttting (July 21-24), will be

I b"(5 125th. Plans h3V~ b<:<:n made for a mte,ing thaI will have ..,mething for the 'I T1le hole! will be \be ever popHillon. From the beautiful Gulf wale",

'0 an imp''''';''' line-.up of plenary sreakas an array of enjoy_ I "",;,ili,s, tIlis Y"",', annual meeting is <<rIles, evor_



from the mailed 10 you, regi,rer early your 'pol at the 125th annual

. We look forward l<> ...,ing you there'

Alabama Center for ,u1:. Resolution 'Wle f.alnrtS (he Ii


Ccnler) on the """asion of ,heir lenlh anniversaries. Cttalcd by the s(al. bar, the Onlcrhas made impR'5;". strides in the field of dispute resolulion in Alabama. T1le Cent" has pro'"Cd to be. valuable "'SOUrce '13,ewide for promo<ing mediOlion and other

methOOs of dispute rcsolulion. The Center", SucceSS ,be.. pasllen yean i, d.... in large mea,ure 10 J ud)' ~a" . who ha< ~ as ils fi,.." and only <Ii,..,u". si~ 1994. She has ~n a tireless promoter of ADR ""tOSS the slale. Judy's and crta.i"" .""liies h3\'e lead .0 !he de''elopmem and impl."",nwi"" of progr.uns for dispule rosol.'ion in Alabama thal hav~ invoh'ed lawyers. laYf"T$Ons, .he judiciary, schools, oonlIn"nities, .he slale and frd _ =1 so-'t:mmenl, and busine<$C$. n.e Cente"s body of work. under Judy's .ble 1e3<lership and !he ""spices of the CommiS$ion, despite having lhe small." budget of ""Y state d,spule resolution ""nlC" has pu, 00' stat. in the forefron, of all statewide programs, A greaJ deal bas been 3C00tnpli<hM in Alabama these las, len y~ars in the field of ADR and m""h remains to be done, With Judy Ketgao 31 the helm. I am sure that the Center's fulure will be as prodllC1; .... as its past. •






IV <bout It.. ....... ph« .. 011><. h", ... in Ih< Mo,,,gom<rT ..... you CUI mJor Ill< ,<om tho ~tion of (lUr nwbkd IoI>I>r aM NIGHT c=u<iv< ~inI! "",,,,, 10 the ..."",1lI ..... ~ion of""' ....." >tid I;<""' _


..,..,..;,"" or. fi;..u ....,. 1>0<01.

Lq;ondo .. upirol Hill oIl"m a Icvd of in"'....,- :md cLu.. ...,....ill..l>Ir .. """" <om"..."'" aU loc"a! on .... ROOm T=, }Goa GoIfT,.;l "'" ""'''''';..,." collll'l_l9Q.IZJS o. ,;,j, ..........I<g<ndsgolf""' holds. And


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•••••••.• "D".' , ......0.".

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1LI"b<,ma LiI",)'u ~" lo~g~r publi.,,~. add"..~. a~d ttl~ph,,"e n"",lnn "nl~.< tho Q,mounu""nt ,..IQu. to the "FII;ng of" lie", finn or solo pnu:tia. PI£QU ront;nlle to ••nd ;11 announumml> olld/or add,.... chong .. to Ille Alobama Siol. /lar Memlnrthip lhpllrlmtnl, QI (334) 16J·63/fJ (fax) or P. O. /lox 67/. M""'gomuy 36/0/. ~

About Members Angela M. Cooper ""nou"""$ the opening of Cooper Law Finn . Hilton Squon: Building. 1101 Aitparl Boule'o"atd. Suite 61 O. Mobile 36606. Phone (251)473-8180.

Pani ck lIarri •. fonnetly of lkers &. Andorwn. announceS lhe opening of his am"" al 323 Adarrt$ Avenue. Monlgomery 36104 , Phone (334) 262·2770. ~l ark HolT.... n. f<:>rn><:rly of Corley. Mone", &. Watd. annou!lCeS lhc opening of hi. offi"" at 2229 Firsl A,'eIlue. Nonh. Bimlingham 3~2<l3. Phone (20S) 2~1·


William R. PaY"". fQm'll!'rly of Lawton & Associltes. 3Dnoun,,". lhc """ning of hi< offIce II 1300 Noble SlttCI. AMi",oo 36202. Phooe (256) 237·3560. J ean M .........ers announces lbe opening of her ofTI"" 11 ISS S. WOI'TCn 51=1. Mobile 36602. !'bone (251)4]2·3781. Arthur F. Ray II annou"""" lhe opening of TM OfTt~ of Arthur F. !Loy II. IJ.C 31 8244 Old FMeral Road. Moolg"""'l')' 36117. Phone. (334) 396--5719.

Armhr«hl J""kson LL!' announce< lIIal SYm Ila,'id Knil:hl and J. Walton J ac kson have become par1D<rs. and Benjamin Y. For d has joined rhe finn 3$ an associ.le. Bayer !'roperl i"" l"coll>Onolni announces Iltal JeffRY M. Po meroy h." been named via-pre,idenl and O$lillanl gencral coun",1. Beasley. Allen. Crow. Melh,·ln. l-'ortls & ~1iIes, I'C announce< lIIal &~ rlcl1e M . Tul~y has become. shareholder wi'" lhe finn. Ikrry & Ikrry announces a name change 10 Rerry. Berry & UUle. Wesley H. Rlackshtr and Ronald Herringlo n announce IIle formalion of 81~dl.hor & Iterri ngton. U .C. Offices are Ioc.led a1401 Church Slreel. Mobile 36602. Phone (2.'i I) 432·1 01 O. 8ohan~n

& Bell I'C announces lIIal Mo r ris firm as "" associa ...

Lili~"lhal h... joined lhe

8nodlry Anont Rose & White LLP annou"""S lIIal Nalha" A. Forreo1er. selecled in 2002 10 be lht firs! ... Iicil"" general in the hiS10rr of lhc 'lale. has joined lhc firm ... coonsel. The lIm' 01 ... annou""". Ihal Jeffery R. Rlacbood. James W. Child •. Jr.• , ....,y M. Tho mpson and Laura Parehn"'" Washbun, become partn~rs.


Among Finns Tbe A I ~bama Coon of Criminal Appeals announces Ihal Ren I""'klsr. fonne,ly wilh Jordan. Myers &. l.t>::klar, is now. Slarr.uomey.

Hurr & t"orman LLP ""nou"c.,. lII.1 Ashley H. Bradley W. Lard. Thoodore M. MeDo" .. eU. Jr.• K. Hr),an« Metheny. and Joel A. Pri"". J r. ha," become partners.

Alforo. Cia,,",," & MclJonald. U .c annou""",lII'l L. lIunler Complon. Jr. It.u 1)e<,n pmmo1~d 10 panntr. and Juan C. Ontgll. Gabrklle R"Hs l'ringle and J . Richa rd Moore have joined as asso<ialos.

Capell & llo .... r<l I'C annou"""$lIIal George L. Beck. Jr. has joined rhe firm as • member. and lIIal ~ I"l Lan K Is ler. J ohn II. Ro lh .1Id Chad W. Rr,.. n hove joined as associales.

1l ~ l1 aw.y.

Llark Dolan Morse On"" l~ & lI~ir I'C IlJIJIOOnc .. tha, t: n., !)al'ld Bunner has become associated with the firm. W~ndy Broo'" C .... & Assocla' .... I'C announces that S)'bi l CoFley lIow~1I i. JlQW. 'hareholder. and t.... firm name has ~hanged 1() Cre ,,' & Hu,,'ell I'C.

G"mbk:, Gambl. &; C.lam~ !.I. C announc .. 'Mt Valon., Kisor Chillo m has become a membtr or tho firm .• nd t.... new finn name is Gamble. GMmbl • • Calamt &; C hillllm LLe. Ray Gibson. 1'o100,ica Rooge"" and S't •• n W. Mllney .. """nce t.... form.· tion or Gibson, Rodge"" & MOI"y 1.1-<:. wilh offIces ,,1 2315 9th Stree1, SUil' 3.B, T"~"loosa 35401. I'bonc (2(JS) 342·9000. Hand Arendall announces that J. !'rod Kingren ha, joined ,.... firm (1$ a member and M. Allison Taylor has joined as coon>cl."The finn also announce'lhat Jaime W. IINbeze and Sha, .. Black hal'e bee",ne membe ....


Haskell Siaughtt. Young & Rediktr LLC announces that JOSf!ph I.. Cowan II . J. Mark liar!. Mark D. II .... C.

!>tnni!; lI ugh ... IItr! S. NfllI ... and Hrennan C. Ohme ha,"e become memo bt .... and Khristl J. Onss and John II. McEniry, IV h."" l>ecome ."""iatc •. "The finn also anllO\l""CS tha, I>",';d R. Hake. has joined the finn of roomd. S I.pht n 1>. Springt r .nd S I.,,'arl G. Springer anOOllnce the fortn.1Uon or Immigralio" Legal &"'i"",, LLC with officcs al 9SO 22nd Street. NOOh. Suite 638. The Modic.1 Forum Building. I:)im,ing/lam. Phone (2{)5) 447.%10. McI)o,,'.n Knighl Roedder &; Sled,.'" LLC announce. that Richard M. Gaal has beoorr.: a member, Normall. Wood. "endrick &; Tun ... announc.. tbal Cel.. le K. Poleal has bo",,1l'lC a pan""r in , .... finn and lIolly D. Sass has become an associatc. !)in ~ h ""',n Rhodos and An,y 5 t",ill Cre«h announce tho opening of RIwd.. &; Cre«h ... ilh office. at 115 Manning on,.". SUill: 0 2{)2. Huntsville 3S801 , Phooc (256) 536-1676.

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fOll ..... BA~~

become a mem~r of the firm. Wilh tho recent death or Robert lIurdi, ... tho finn "arne is JlQW &11. Sm ilh. lIurdine &; " elley. Simlt &; f'em",1I1'C .nnounce. tbal J uhn R. 113!l1:"ue, Jr. and J. G .... gory Car ... ie ha,'O become shareholde ... . o.,""il; C. SW'ed. III and Rkhard A. FrHSI' announce tho rormation of S ....'d &; t'~ I. LC with office. al"The M"'lIaIl " eeg.n 2900 Highw.y 180. Sui,~ 240. Birmingham 35233. Phone (2{)5) 871-4144. The U.s. o.,pannH'lll or o.,r"ltM anooullCC' that Wilson 1'01)'",5 has been appointed 10 tho C(08li,inn Pr<wi,innal Authority ror 18 months as an iovestiga· ti"" technic.1 traiTltT ur.der the senior ad"iw 10 ,he Iraqi MiniM,), or Justice.

Waddey & 1':l11or,;on I'C announc.s that Lar." W. llramley has been named • principal in 1.... finn. Waller Lan"'en Dorlch &; DO"is P U . C .nnounce, that S tanley K (; .. h~m has beeome. member.

Doed Mortgage Last Will & Testament Will Probate Estate Administration Guardianship & Conservatorship Power of Attorney Lease & Easement Eviction CorporatIon Adoption Criminal Defen!le Criminal Pros.ecutor General Practice Timber Purchase Litigation



HOllorable George M. Akers The Hononble Goe<qe M. Ak<:1"J. UnilOd SLlLes aniniSlnlive law Judse. died Tllcsday. ~mbor JO. lOO) ia a MOIIlgOmefy bo5piLllIl !be .., or 86. Judce Akers. mo.,·n :as ""SIOIIy.~ • outi.~ or Abin,""'. Vir"nia. ocrvod in tho: US. Army Air fUoe during Work! Wor II. lie " ... an A·20 pilot. It"·,,,· engine figJIlCrlbomber. 110 Ikw 53 mi~1 in the SOOth,.... t PKir", 'ThulCr. pankipatin, in the: Olnlo of the Bi'nlark Sc ... Ho rettivtd the Air Medii with Oal: Leaf Clust .... Aft ... hi' discharge ffO/t1 .. /"Vice. he ontorul "'" Uni'-er5ity of Alabama where he n:ccivtd. D.S. ""in:<: in and busi.....,.lIdnlinist""iOil in 1948 and. law """""'" in 1950. While in law ",hooI. he was I thana member of the II.1t,b",,,,, Law Rr";rw. 5Cl"VinJ ... bu<i ................ in his senior ynr. He was I n.. hOb", of Phi IkILl PIli law Fnlmlity IIId mai .... Llincd hi. membership in tie FIInh law Soxitly. Aflef JI"lIdualiou. Judge Aktn ...rved bric:ny.,. .... ~t IIIlXIey ceren! • .,. elm; to s...,..m.. C""" JuSiJCC Joel O"""'n. and as an ..sociate in tho: MOIIlp>ery off"", or lie firm or MlIrIit\, Thm. DIII:q &; Bouldin. TbtrcaflCr. III' was. p.tf1t1Cf in the firm of Ballard. Billard &; Akers froln 19.54 10 1%9. and for Iboutt"·o yom in the firm of Ak.... &; Rus ... l!. Since 1971. he ........ «I:as U.S. Administrative law Judlle in the Office of Hearings and Appeal •. Montgomery. Ind


......-ed ... iLl dlid judI'/- for over lS yean.. He " ... 0dC of the ~ 5Cl"Villl cbitfjllllp:$ in the U.S. H. " ... • member of lie Anerican. Alabama and Rorida bar usociatiom and 5Cn"Cd as I pu. ~t or lie DiAit

l..ioou Out>. In addition 10 hi, prof.., ionaI K"COmplWuncnts. Judge Akn "'1$' ~I>trou, and philanthropic Ia,,·ycr. he and hi. ,.,if.having .t\<I(w,..,(] the Georg. M. A!;en Endowment !'und lithe: tinillCrsity of Alabama School oflaw in 1987. II. was In Ivid rac"i!uttball player. playing in the "A" Iel.llut of hi. MOnl&omery club well into hi. 70s. Mrs. Aktn. the: fOt"n>tT Mary Cowks .• oali .... of MOIIlgomery. pmkcea$Cd him in 2003. She abo m:ri,-ed her A.S . de!m: from lie Uni...,...,ity of Al~ ia 1942 and her M.A. del'""' from Troy SWt Uni,.."..ily in 1971. She mimi as ~hairman or the EtIgliYI [)q>anmrroI of kff~ 1)0.... High School after 30 )'f2I .,. • clawoom ~acler. JIIII~ and M rs. Aktn wen: active in tbc civic .... social ~f. of Montgomery. It. i. lU/"Vi.-ed by hillOll. GcorJ.. M. Akn. lll; •• ister. Nandi A. Btlmtll; and JI1UIdchil· <In:n. put-gn.ndchildn=n and nwoy niocOi and


-C1t/'rks II. ThJ~1I. <"hit!",/minl'tmti'"" In", jud~. OjJicr of lIoaring' am/ iI.t'l>ruls. MOI1tgomuy

Sellator B. DOll Hale Sen,wr B. Doo Hole. a Cullm.n CounlY lawyer and f""""r SI"" 5<nOIO<. died al his home on Than~$giving Day 2003 "' the age of 66. Hale was born in Cullman CounlY on October 31. 1937. Afler gradualing from Weil Poim High School in 1956. be enlisted in lhe Unitod Sl(ItoS Air 1'01"«. whe", he his counlry wilh diSlinction befoce receiving on honorable di scharge in 1960. Hale laler ollendM Jackson Siale and then S\. Bernard Colle", where in 1966 he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in history. Hale went 0/110 earn hi' law degree from Cumberland School of Law in Binningham in 1969. After grad .... lion . he "'Iurned 10 Cullma" "'here he P<OCli~ law ,,'illl Jamie 1bompson and A.. Han"'ig befoce ""ing "",ruiled by U.S. AUorncy Wayman Sherrer II, serv<: as an A.. i,l(Ini U.S. Auomey in the Binningham offoce. Wilhin IwO years of his appoinl. Hale was pn>mOI<:d 10 first Assis ... nl U.S. Altorney and recei"'" nalional recognilioo for hi' services from the Departmem of Justice. In 1975. Hale relumed 10 pmctice in Cullman. wbere he pracliced willi Roy Williams under the finn name of Hale & William, unlil 1980. II was during the early 1980. Ihal Hale wa, hired 10 serve as cilY Inomey for lbe CilY of Cullman. Hale would coolinue 10 serve in Ihi' capacilY for almost 2(1 years ond wos well recognized by his peeB fo< his l;een underswlding of municipall.w issues. Cullman Mayor Don GittO . .;.I of Hal •. "1 always knew him 10 be a ,'.ry """'lfisb ptrsOll. He was also • ""ry knowled",ab!e cily anomey. He se,,'ed Cullman and Cullman Counly "'ell for m.ny years as a State 5OnOlO< and !he conlribulions he m:>dl: willli,'e on fo.- many. many years.~ In 1986. Hale entered inlo partnership wilh Greg Nicoola, under the name of Hale & Nkoolas...rod he began his firsl campaigll for lhe "ale ",nate shortly thereafter. Hale. a lifelong Republican. was elecled 10 the Alabam. Slate 5On"e later Ihat




y~ar and 5O"'ed a lotal of Ihltt I<:rllU. During hi. Icnure in lhe senal<:. held ~ posilions in the adminiSinulon, of Governor Guy Hunl and Go""",,,," Jim Folsom. Jr. ()(:we"",," Hunl said of $onalor Hale. "Oon wasn'l your Iypi . cal polilician. He had friends on both side. or,he aisle and he bthind • lifclime of publk service llIai few poople can malch. 1could always deptnd on him. and hi' dedical;oo to his districi and hi. Slate won him friends 00 both sides oflhe aisle.~ Former Go>'errtOf Folsom echoed lhose "'nlimen". "I appoinl· ed Doo Rules chairman. whkh by the way is one oftb< most powerful chairman,hip< in the ,lal<: 501\31<:. ~au5O we had a job 10 do and I knew 1 could counl on him 10 do whal needed 10 be done:' FoI50m said .•. [ was a Democrat and Doo was a Repoblican. bul we always WO<lcd well togw.:r. He was an :>mating logi,lalor and an .,..", more amazing person. I've nevcr !:now of anyone ,,'00 pul more of lheir bean into lbe;r job as a ""I<: senalor and he SUO"" ~ry day 10 do !he bes< he could fo< the people of Cullinan. Morgan and Madi"", counlies:' Ible "-as particularly de,'OICd to lhe cau"" of eeooomic devel· opmenl arod ,,'O<ked lirelessly as senalor and as Cullman City AllOmCy to irod",uy to I>OrIh Alabama. Sbonly afler his reliremenl from public ""'ice in 1998, Hale was awarded lhe pn;Sl;gions E.G. Plunkell Vis;onary Award for his courage. vision and dedic3l;"n 10 the caus< of ecooomk de""I""",,,"\. An Milorial appearing in the CuJlmdn 71"",. peri'lapo summa· rized the ~fe of Hale best by ~ill8. "Iie ,,-as. man woo achiC>'ed power but didn'l abuse i~ woo earned respect and didn'l btlt8y it." Ccuinly thi. was a filling tribute to a 1113n wOO devoted Ili.enlire life in ....'ice 10 other.;. Doo Halo i. ""vi,ed by hi s wife. Vema Halt; Ihreechild"'n. o.mcl:. Ttt:Yor and He3Iher Halo: and one grandcbild. Sptnctr Hale.



-Grt8 Nkhoill •. ;mmu;au pas' C~II"",n CQUllty Bar Anodal;""

M"'hbum. ' "Ifair Jamts Bay Minelle Admilled; 1936 Died: January 2. 2004 M ILle •• Martha Ann

G uliahon •• William C nllier. J r. Albtflville AdmiUed; 19~7 Died: February 15.2004

Monlg"""'ry Admilled: 1990 Died: Feb",ary 2. 2004

Kelly, MolM-rI Euge"" Mo nlgomery Admi lled: 1958 Died: February 29. 2004

Mille •. 1':>ul J ack",n. J r. Phenix CilY Admilled; 19~1 !>ied: June 13.2003

Skinner. St~nford Joy".r Binningh.m Admined: 1951 Died: February 24. 2004

Walki"". John }·nonklin. Jr. moll,·ill. Adrnilled: 1947 Died: July 28. 2003


Huel McKinley Lolle H..el McKinley Love pasoed from p.1I his borne in Tiliadep 0II1bt ~IIJ otFtbnwy 18.2004. lie ...... 82 ycatJ old. lie had prxtictd low """"n"""sly for O¥cr SO )'caB. ...a 41"' .. 0<1 in COW1oo behalf of hi. clienl for lbe final Ii"", on llIc day of his dealh. Hom in Elman: COIlnlY. he WlS ,..ised in Oay COIlnly and ...... a graduale of Bibb Hi'" ",hool. He ....... rombaI l'dcnn of !he UnilCd States NOV)' durillJ World War II . usi","" 10 !he 151 Marl"" Amphibious Corp. He servtd for ~ yean.. ,.;~ monrn. and 17 days" in 1M """if", 'l'bca1<1" who", he fOllghl in b.onle$ which ir.c:luded Guad.klnal. and lhe Philippine 1,landl. Up"" hi, bonoIlIble diJcllaric fmrn!he Navy. he 'lltndcd!he Universily of Alabama. .... heR be n:ceiYCd hi. low ......... in 1949. He had hoped for lcam:r wnll!he ~ BPn''' of 1...'eStitorion ODd wall wailin1 for hi, IjlJIlicaIion 10 be processed whon he borrov."Cd SI4 fmrn hi. falher. hung 001 hi. ~hinJle and rell in 1o><e "'ith!he prac1H:e or law. In lhc r"", de.:adcs d'W followed. he Il"pmCnICd thoI>!.Inds of climlJ 1I'ilh ~ OOtIC(i,,,,* IopJ pooblc:n~ His ~IedF of llw:: law was \'all. )'eI DO ............. "O"$idtm:I roo ~ for biJ IIIOntion. Ifu exploits in 1hc <11;1 _ ... were Iegotndary. lie r=n~y sold hi. movie rights 10. cue from Ille 19500 in ..'hleh he ~nled a cliwi in I di"",te O'o"Ct".he property righlS 10 a mtI"";te whioh .\INCk her .. il r.,U from 1hc "q. lie ...... iRItrumencal in hal'illj IbM m....... ile pIa<aI on peOll""" diJpIoy '" 1hc Unil'tl"Sity of AlOma M _ of NOlIII'1I1 Hi<kIry in 1i.ot<;aIoosI.


II..........., •• hi, c...,.,. as • civil ~tiplOr ..... """" ovenIud· ow<:d by hi. I criminal defen..c anOfTle)'. He servtd u for the fIOCused in <WeI" 300 murder c...s, During one high·proflk mul1if<. cue. be hid an automobile hkrA'n OUI from unll« him. HLJ !hit in !he defmllC' of pnaom chatit<' as b<>oIlrgtt$ .........-cU·~'n. and • him llIc niokname "Linle Jews" _ for if H..el Lcn-c CQOIldn·I ...... y<IU. llIcn no one


could. Allhou", hi' career in criminal Ilw WI. primarily in lhe defeR'" of lOOse accused. on ..c'-cmloccas;ons he wlS appoinled IS spedal prosec~lQr 10 pre«:nl the SUIte" CIL'IC in a crimil>ll mIIL\C1". His carur IS both rounscLor and ""'OCalC ...... ~nplll1ll· leled. yet in hi. _n eyes his hithcSt Kbicvemcnl in !he law was in bei"Bel«ted by iii, pens 10 tWO termS as ... Alabanu SUIte Bar Commis.ioner. A. he w,telled the IeBal .... orId eV<lI><e into .pccialiutiOfl. he cOfltinl>Od 10 pl'lCI>ce hi. OWn specialty- helpi", people ... i,h ....!wever prOOItm they hid II thc "100''''111.. la bis eyes. poVMy was 1m lin. Once be decided !bat he could belp y<IU. it ...... no cliff...,,,,,,, 10 him ... heLher y<IU went 10 ooorl in I ... it or i. 01....• ails, You would rccci><e the ful1 ""'.... ~ of his skill "'bother y<IU had paid his f..., in cam or Wilh prOOtICe. He .... u lhe mcll1 or e'''rythinB thll i. ttOOd and honorable about the pnc. lice of Law. This t='I counlf)' Lawyer ..-as also my rather. He was 52 )'C'"" old and in !he II>iddJe of a trial wllc:a I ..-as bofl'I, fly Ittis II"", he had mu1Ct"ed the an or dalJIinllO the hospital nUt'5tf)' during lhe coun', I\'CCU (ofl<n wilh!he aui,l.a/lC<l of a sLate trooper) to .... ckOll"k another child inlO!he ""Ofkl. A, often IS 148

MAY 100.

.... thI, child .... obIined 10 become .11.... yer. My mochcr. BctL~ C. Love. joined my father in !he pnICliec of law in I%S, '-'ever lhey ....,Iy tried I cue 101Clher. A, my falhc>explained, ·'Neither of lIS ean sWIll • ~k "at 1Iri,'er:· My brother. U...I M.~. Jr.. jojned my f.llIc.·, pnctlcc in 1982. la 19U my .i5lCr. D. Lei", r.o.-e.joincd lhe firm. and in 1999. I joined lhe finn. La 200). my bnldIc'r. fred F, Ledbeucr. Jr., jojned the pnocIiec. c::JM or my flther·, ,",IICII pleasu~ ........ in lharin1 hi' kw<: of the law. lie delighted in nunwins the profel-, ion.1 dc"elopmcnt of lhose of hi. children who h;>d fol1Owcd him 10 I c...,.,. in the Llw. and ""'.... 1051 hi. piI1ieoce or beea",e arw:rycd .. !heir eDdkss rNJl't'I'I for aui.w.ce. M y fondest childhood 1I.. lIlOOies ..., or him rocltiJll OfI llIc pordI in llIc "'"Cllinat wilh my mochcr. (.Ilkin, aboul their day. Olenl, would often ton"k by. bringin, ~~tabk. or preIt ....... or ... ha, .... 01" they had of which llIc~ relt he might be in n«d. If busin.", was 10 be discussed. llIcn they "1IUld ""P off !he porrh l"1ethcr and .... Ik off 10 I p'''."te comer of the yatd. In "To Kill A MockinBbird.~ H:orper Lee cn:ated an idealiud COU>lLry La"").... in the dIaracter of Alllcu, Find!. BPtlO me. Al1>cPS Fir.c:h ·... lS no flction.1 chal7lClCr-hc ..-ao my r.ther, The lesson. wbich my fathc>-llIughl. Ihrough hi! own ""a mple. W<:'" _ about digJIiLy:and <:onlpauion!batt any r. ... poinl of llIc

I.w. His mras"'" of hi' own wealth was in lhe live. of those he had lOUCt.>d. We ,hould all aspire 10 such riche •. Durinl: hi. emin: leg.1 career. !he do<J< Lo his offICe wos alw.ys open to any person with a 'l",,,ion or problem. Now. for !he first timr. thai do<J< i, closed. ",. papers on hi' desl remain exacdy ... he len lhem on February 18. 200·\. Eoch of uS has \os1 SO~· thing-a fathor. a colleague •• ""'ntor. a friend. Hi. family would appr«iato and cherish any rttOllttlion. or Marie.< whioh you f«1 that you Can share. You ""'y ronlaCl!he family through !he offICe of Julit: Love P.C .. P.O. Bo~ 20377. Tuscaloosa 354m.

u.s. District Judge Edwill L

lluel M. Lo,'e was a dUliful and loving son to hi' mo"',,.. Manic Lo,.. Ritch. umil her dealh allhe age of 100 in May 2003. He i, surv ived by hi, wife. Betty C. 1.0>-.; Ii"e d.ughle .... Alice Faye Love. Virginia Paige Smith. Corl. AM Love. D. Leigh Love. and Julie 1..0'"'' Templolon; four son,. lluel M. Lo,'o. Jr .. Fred Fmn~lin Lcdbcuer. k. Joltn Hugh Love and Joson \.And< ... Love: one <i<lo<. Edna Sue Piu<. one nephcw. Huel Piu,,; 13 grruukhildren: and ni"" ""al_grandchilru"n. -As tDld by Julie L. Ww. wi,h aJ>iswrlu fm", II,,~I M. UJVt!. Jr.


Edwin L. Nelson. U.S, District Judge for tile N<>nh<TIt DistriN of Alaooma. passed '''"''y on May 17.2003 after ",.. r 13 ye .... of..,,,,ice a,. dislric1 judge. following 0''''' 15 ye .... (}f ..,,,,ice as • magimale judge OJI the sa"", COUrt. He Was hom in Ea" Brewton. Alaba"", on Febru.ry 10. 1940, Judge Ndsonjoined tile U.S. Navy in 1958 where he ... ,,"Cd aboan:l tt-.. destroyer "U.S.S. Lloyd 11Iom...:· An.,. .n.nding !he Universi1y of AI.ooma.nd Samford Uni'..... i1y. he receivcd an LL.B. degree from Cumberland School of Law. S~mford Uni'""ily. in 1%9, Following r" .. y.ars of pr&e1ice in Fort Pay tie. he began hi' judicial life by accepling an appoinlmenl on DclObcr 17. 1974 as U.S. Magistrale Judge for lhe Noobem Di stricl of Al.oom .. 00 Feb,"",)" 9. 19'XI. he entered ""Ii ... duty as Districl JlOge followin, his appoinl"",nl by Pre,ide", George Ii. Bush, Jooge Nelson', ..,,,,ice in lhe federal jooici"')" was noc );mi,· ed 10 the COUrt on hi~ SIll. He J<'m:d as ",""sident of the l>islrkt JlOges AlOSOCiation for ,he EIc.'cnth Cireuit and as a "",mbe, of the Judieia] Cou""il for !be Ek:venlh Cireuil. r"" .ix y....... he was a ""'lnbt, of lhe Judicia] Confere""" of lhe U.S.

Commill<e on Inform ..;"" Tochnology and. al tho time of his dealh. was serving tho lasl year of. lerm as commil· lee cbair. Iii , able ond farsighled leodcrship .... ulled in a new na1ionwide c.... nun>gemenl and elttt1Or'lic c.... filing syStem. as well as greaLly i"'proved security for clttlronic communit:._ 1ions wilhoul compromi,ing individual privacy. JUM as Judge Nelson ,,"'as a lifelime judge. he wa, lifeli"", and devoted husband Lo his -"bride'- of ",'cr 37 )'ears. Linda)a"" Mayes Nelson. the fa!her of 1heir lwo btloved children. Allison and Patric~. and doting grandfather of foor. Sirong spirilually and "",nlally. dignily and fairness "'ere !he hall""''''' of hi. courtroom and chambt ... demeanor. Alw.y. I SOUthern genllc""," with a ",fined man....-. Judge Nelson', car«r as federal joog. was august and distinguished. He i, re"",mbered for hi. con>!.nl pursuil of knowledge. hi. high standards for intcgrilY. his hard wor\:. hi, dedication Lo public ...Nice. hi' wonderful ....... of humor. and hi' I<we and c"'" for hi, fan,ily. friends and colleagues. H. is ""ally missed. -James H. JlanctKt. stnio. j"d~, U.S. Disrrkr CDlIn. ND"h~m {)i"ricr af Alo",",,,,",, Birmingham

Judge J. Wilfred Tucker Judge J. Wilfred Tucker. longlimejudge. ~ulor and lawyer in Cull"",n. died Ik<:embtr 18.2003. Judge Tucker ,,'as born February 17. 1932. He was admined to lhe practice of law in Alabama in 1955. tie ""rwd Iwo lerms as counly solicilor of Cullman COU"ly. from l%j to 1971. Judge Tucker was elected district judge in Cullman County and ........'ed fron, 1981 to 1993. In oddi1ion. Judge TPCkcr many ~ as a municipal judge in tilt town< of Cullman. Har.:evllle. Gardett Cily and Holly Pood. lie and hi. wife. Doris. were rnruried for47 years and they had fr')Ur children. Ikbn Tuck .. of Cullman. Donna Jacob, of

Cull""'n. K""'n Shedd of Mi"i'$ippi ond Dr. James Tud ... of Florida."" Tuckers had Ie'"n grandchildren and nine g.rea1grandchildren. Judge Tud'cr'~ la1C fatller. Jrk Tuck.... was one of the origi_ nal 13 probation officers for the Siale of Alaooma . Ja<k Tucker a]so serwd as police chief for the Cily of Cunm~n. Judge Tude,', bmlber. Ken""'" Tuc~". "",,,"Cd as proba1ion off",.,. in Cullman Coonly for 41 ye .... Jlldge Tucker-, olher brother. Donald. of Decatur. i, • "'tired NASA engi"""r, -Jam~. R. Knighl. Kniglu. GrijJil/o. M~Km::k. Kniglu. M~Elroy & LJnI~. UJ'. CuJlttIIJIl



L Mc:C4orIoof, Jo.

Uniform Commercial Code I..bam .. adopIed {lie UOifonn Com""",daJ Code in 1965. nus Unif""" law is !he law in all 5(1 ml(:S and was drafIed by the American S ... Association and !he National Conf.... nc. of Commi>sion. of Uniform SIAl. Laws.


Alab",n,", vee remained vinll.3.l1y UJlChanged for 30 years, except for <>nO par<ia1 revision of Aniele 9 in 1982. The ABAlNCCUSL "<)Odl>ClCd. review of the: to assure ,hal it had Iocpt pace ",j,h modem bus;"" ..


practices. As a ""Ull, each of the .ruel • • has been

studied and


Alabama revised ilS 1965


laws one a!. lim<. beginning with (be two lit'" an;_ eI.., Anicle lA-Leases and Aniclc 4A-Funds Transfef'$. The Anicle. have been revised as follow", Alabama initially adopted lhe enli", Code in 1965.



I. ''Oc""",' Provisions" 2. "Sales"

""ndin, 2004 Unchanged

lA. "Leases"


3. '"NegOli.ble Inun"JlCnlS~ 4. "Bank Deposits and CoII",,!;on!"' 4A. "Pulld. Transf.",·· 5. "Lcllers of Crt:dit" 6. "Bulk Sale. - Repeakd" 7. "Doc"moots of Til"''' Pending 2004 8. ''In\"eSII,,enl Securili¢sM <) " Secured Tranu.c:u"",·

"" '''' "" "" ""

"" """

UCC Article 1-"General Provisions" Thi' provides definitions OlId gcneral provision. thaI in !he abstntt of conflicting provisions. apply •• dor.uil rule. co.'~ring mlll~iOf\S and mauers OIherwise Ct...,,~ u!lder a dirr"",m . " ide of the ucc. With the OIher pans of the having been revisc<.\ and .mended to accommoda'e changing business P"""_ (ices and dc~lopments of law. it is necessary lhallhcse changes be made and lhc chang., made in lilt revi_


,ions of other ani.le, must be ref1ec1ed in an upd'(I: of Aniele 1. Revised Anidc I conlains (".,hoie.1. IIOn-subs!>nl;'-e modilicaliQIIS. such as ~ng and renumbering of 5eClions and adding of gcndcr-neutralt<crminology. In addilioo. several other cMnge. "'fleet an effon 10 add clarity 10 !he general ptO"j,i(ln, of Ankle I. Thtre arc lWQ substantive provisi<>ns dealing wilh '"Good Faith" and "Choice of Law.~ Both of IlIcsc arc unchanged by this rev;,lOll and "'main the same as they have been for 40 years.


UCC Article 7-"Documents of Title" This is 1ho leos. cOfItro>'o... ial ",vi,iOll of.1I ,he arti· cle' of ,he Uniform Commercial C<>dc !h",be InSli,u", re\liSt<!. Article 7 i$ the lasl . ub"alllive attiek: of ,be Uniform Commercial C<>dc 10 be re\I;St<! sine<: 1965. TIle pur· pose of ,he ",~i,iQl! is 10 prm·ide a f",,,,,,,,·or~ for and in ""08""ion of lhe eleetrollie documen's of litl. ".. hleb bee."", n"""ssary due to ConS"'" pasSing lhe El<:ctrollic Signltun:s in GloOOl and Nalional Commc",. ACl or ESIGN in 2000 and. ",b>equcnlly. Alabama passing lhe Uniform EleclrOnic T .... nsaclions ACI in 2002. TIle purpose of !his projec, was lwo-fold: ( I) l(, pr0vide framcwOlt for use of .l""'mnic documenls. and (2) to upd.1,e!he Article for mod.m Ii""" in liglll of ",'e. fedc-ral and in,ernalional devel",,"'•• 1< h3~C """spired Q\-"er!he lasl4Q ye3tS. This ACI lypically provide, docu""'nlaliOll of goods !hal have been pl<>eed wi!h onothet party.• ilher for """'8e or for ""nsfer In aOOlher pany. Usually.!hese are warehouse "".iplS and bills of lading for lrude rs and . hippers. Ttthnical changes !hal h""e been made include· I. New definilion. of ··carrier:· ."rtrord;. ··,ign·· and ··,hiwer"· in Section 7·102:


2. Deletion of""cs to tari frs or filed dassifications giV<cn tbe deregulation of tbe 3ff""t~d indn,lrie<. Sec e.g. section 7-103 3nd 7·309: 3. Oarifying the rule< regarding when. docurnc:nt is DOn~g,," tiable. § 7·104 : 4. Mal:ing clear wben ru le< apply jU.t lO w"",bouse ~ip1$ or bills of lading. thus.. el iminating the need fOl" fO<"l1"lCr $tttiQn 7-105: 5 . Oarifying that particular terms nttd IlOl be iDCluded in order 10 have a valid w....,bon", ~iJII. Section 7-202; 6.

Broadening the ability of the warehouse 10 maI:e ... efrec.i .... limitation of liabi lity in;1S warehouse r=iJII 01" Storage o.gnx:rnc:n. in 000)I"d with comrnc:rdal practice. Section 7·204:

7. Allowing a ",·arehouse to have a lien on goods c(Wered by a storage agreement ... d clarifying the priori.y rule< regan!ing the daim of 3 warehouse lien as against other interests. Secti"" 7-209:

U niform Trusl C ode 118 Reprcsentati'·. leslie Va~ S8 Senat'" Rodger Smitherman

2004 Regular Session The 2004 Regular Session began Febn.lary 3nl. and 3tthe ...riti ng of this anide is 3ppmx;m"~[y half "!lie", are pending 420 ",nate bill. and 6W house bill •. With more th.n 1.000 bills baving been introduced. only t"'o Ioca[ bill' ha'"e loond their way into [.w. Copies of Law Institute bill. are .v.i[ab[e on the [n";t"te·, Web site. "'''''''."Ii.' A copy of al[ "'gi$l.tion may be<! from the Al.b..... 1..cgj'[ative Infonn.ttion System onli~: at


"",·w."lisdb.l,g;.,,,,"".•lalt .al.,,sla<OJIACASl..og;n.<l.p The kgisl",u"" is scheduled to adjourn this month. May 11th.

8. Conforming language usage to modem shipping practice. SectiOllS 7·301 3nd 7.302:

r..". more information. cootacl Bob McCurley. din:c1or. Alabama Law [n.titut ... P.O. Bo, 861 425. Tuscaloosa 35486-0013. fox (W5) 348-8411. pbo~ (205) 348·7411 or ,·isi! OW" Web site .t

9. Clarifying the extent of tbe carri.r, lien . Section 7_307:

..ww.a/i'In". al.....

10. A<ldi ng rt:f"rt:~s toAnide 2A ",·ben appropria te. Sec e.g. sections 7_5-03. 7_504 and 7-:'i09; II . Clarifying that tbe warranty made by ~goti.tion 01" delivery of a <io<ume nt of tit\e should apply only in the case of. voluntary transfer of possession or control of the document. Section 7.507; 12. Pmviding gru~r flex ibility to a coun rtgan!ing adequate protection against I",. ",·hen ordering deJi>"ery o f tbe goods or i"u.~ o f a .ubstitute document Sc<lion 7·60I; ... d 13. Pt(I>"iding conforming amendment.< 10 the other Articles of the Uniform Commercial Code 10 accommodate electronic documents of title. Only the very controversial Aniele 2. ··Sale,:· has IlO1 been revised. CU"""tly. tbe [nstituto is IlO1 p[ann ing • "",iew of this AMide. [nf""""tion concerning these bills c... be found on the In!!i tule·s Wcb si te 01" by obtaining I copy from the \egi,lature; UCCArtide I HII-2J 7 Sponsor_Representative C am Wan! SII-68 Sponsors--Stnators Zeb liu[e. R"Iler B.dford. and Larry Mean, UCC A Mide


HR·ZS2 SpOnsor_ ReprcscnLative Charles N......·ton S B· I68 Sponsors_Senators C un Lee. Ted lillle. Zeb lill l•. Wendell Mi tchell. and Rodger Smitherman


Other Institute-Prepared Bills

U niform Set: uri l ies Ael (pending on tlte calendar of e<>eh

1111-301 ReprcsenLative Martel B I"" ~ Scn"'~ Roger &dford. Rodger Smitherm .... and Ted lillie


U nifon n Land lo r d Tenanl Ael H 8·274 Repre.oenlat;""" Jeff Md.... ughlin. J3~ Buskey. Marcel BI...,k. Mcril:.o Co"'man. Priscilla Dunn. Demelriu. Newton. and Cnig FonI S 8 · l en SeJL1tors M ytOrI Pe nn and Rodger Smitherman

_L_...,.,....... . _d _. _'.......--_..._d_Ho

- . . L MdM1oy. Jr.


Free Report Shows Lawyers How to Get More Clients C.lif._ Why "0 WO" I,wym ge' hcto "hil< Olh<r> '"'''Uk to I"Y their bill.1 ~ an,w... .""ord ini • «orney. l)a,id M. tw -rung to do ,,·jth tai<n'. al"",·


hon, ~ won: .... "~n luc~ .'llIc: I."ye" ,,·110 m>~e the

bii """""'Y .... """ n<<:<S>""' y be!I<' I . w~=". he say •.. 'llIc:y ,;n'pty '0 Rlolrto:, the:i, .....·iCd." " suca:5>ful !10k """,,"ioner ,,"100 "",,"led 10 """"" clien,~ WmI cr«Iru. N' IllmarolInd to • ",fm..1 nurl;«ing .y"em cr.·dop,d six Y" .... ago •• J ,,·, m f".n d<ad torok< and dro>o-·ning in <lebo 10 •• m,ng SlOO.OOO • yeor. p..«ic. lly ."..", i&h,:·1>e Mo", Io"y." <1epend ~ "'f<mlls. he """<>. bu, """ one: in tOO."'. ",r<rraI",·,um. ·W,' hoo ' • • y,1Om. ",fomrJ. ... ""pr<doct>bt<. YQlI ""y get


,,- "-



new cll<n" thi. month. may"",,:· I>e says. A ",ferral SY.l<m. Ward say•. <lin !>nnB ~<""y .tr<om of <t"'""."..,.th:oft" month . )" .. .f,or ye... .. " f""l. gr<>l1O rome to lh< 011",<;< ,,·ery ol3y lnowing lh< phon<: ,,·;11 ring .nd new bu,i· ness will be 00 the: It",,:· Woro h.. ,"u&h! h" ,<i<onI .ystem m·e, I.,,)" ... v.orldwiclt:. >rod .... ,,"litren a





"_. e li .."




'" "

G• •


'"ba ll \"00 Now to .. ,l.11 Y<lO r~·· .. hi,h ho\oI .ny I.wyer 0>1\ us< thIS 'Y~<"' 10 i<t n>Of< clien" '00 ,nO""se




Alobama I.wym con g<t • n U'.": <"fly of ,hi, "'pori by <.Ihog t·!IOO-S6.!..t(i!7 .• 24· Oouf fm: m:ordal ,"",,1Ig<. or "'iting W,rd·, .'eb ><t< •

hl1p ~/v. " .... da' ·jd,,·.rd.<On>


lawy ..... throughou' ,he country woo dev01e lhe majority of lhI:ir profe«ionaltime 10 lhe prnc1i"" or teaching of c"""ruction I.w. Coleman regularly serves IS • mediat.". or amit ... , Of of disptJlO'; ari,ing from construc1ion proj""'s-

• Birmingham anomey JaCk C";~,,-~IJ has bttn named d,airm~n<I"", of the Automobile Law Commi{[u of the Tort, Tria.! ami Insu"",ee I'rac,i~ Sec1ion of the American BaJ ASS<:>ciatioo. Hi , ,erm as chair will begin in Augu,' of this yur allhe ABA', Annual Met:Iing in Allan",. Cri,well has been practicing in Birmingham si...:e 1988 ami is 3 gr.oduate of Cumberland School of Law.

[mestine S, Sapp.• partner wi,h the Tus.l:eg"" f,rm of Orny. Langford, S.pp, McGowan . Oray & Nathanson, """,ntly was elected as ... te delega'e from Alabama to the American Bar Associati",,', House of Delrgate'. Her thrtt._year 1...", begin. lhi. year .. lhe ABA', Ann ....1 Meeting in Augu.,.

The Alabama C~nter ror DispuCe R"""luCion ha, bttn named 3 recipient of the 2004 Pro Bono and Legal Se",;"". Dispu 'e RO\lOlutioo Mini-Grnnu.

• Earli", this year, the Jackoon Coun'y Historical Socie,}, c<",mony honoring ,he JIOCkSOll Cou,lIy Coorlh",,'I<: ami ,he Scon,boro 'rials. al008 wi,h tbe dedication of a Leg~1 MileSlones marke •. n.e marker was erected in 2003 as _joint prop,t of lhe Historical Soc;e,y and the Alabam. S"'e Bar, Construc,ed in 1911_12, the lad,,,,,, County Counhou .. wa, the .ite of the fi"'t of the Scou.boro Boy, trial" whe", tWO whi,,, women occused nine black youths of ... "" in 1931. Aft"" series of ,ri.l .. conviction, and ",,,nume<! deci· ,ion,. a compromise was reached in 1938. with some: of.he defcndanu fltt(] imntedi.,ely and oth ers ",leased by 1950. Two landmark Uni,ed State> SUp"'me Court deci_ sions arose din:<:tly from ,he case : PaIlU'on ~ Al~balna and Nnrri. I'. Alabama , Many consider the Scottsboro case ami its . f,ermath One of ,he i)c,gin. nings of the civil rights m'n-t "",nt in Alabama.


Mon,so"",!), anomey Willi.m D, Coleman . who "",'"" as managing din:<:''''' of Copen &: Howard pc, has btcome a f ellow of the American College of Construction Attomey'. The Callege is a profes· .ional association consi'ling of approximately 120

Jud~ Rhonda J"""" lI ardesty wos m:en,ly presented with ,he Clan,,,,, CJ .T,Y. Program', Citizen of lhI: Year .ward. Judge Hardesty was recogniZC<l f.". her continuc<i assi""llCe '0 yt>u ,h. in Chilton County through ,he .i",uit court sySlcm.

• Huntsville MUJOI'; .... I Judge Char les Rodenhau"". wos p"'«nted """,mly wi,h an .wan! from the Southern Conference on Language Teaching, "The aw.n! was in ""<:>gnilion of his efforts to "'""tthe n«ds of foreign language spe.kers who .ppear in hi. cnun. When the CilY of Hu nlSvilic hired Polly lIJalock as a cily prosecut."., Judge Rodenhau«, ""w. chan<e 10 help Spanish ,,,,,akers. BI31"" • • ""ak. fluent Spanish and has ""n"""'Oliona.! .IctU, in n-.,,,,,h, Italian and hpanese. Rodeohauser wrote a list or Gu""ion. and phrase, that W<)IJld help him communicate with Spanish ,pe3\:erS before the be""h. Blalock trnn!I.,ed ,he list ami coached Rodenh •• «. in the pron.""ialion of the word •. Conn """"",nel also ,{{cnded. Sp.nish dass ~ond""ted by BI.lock. In addition, the coun h.. a list ofinlerprelers on can for >n1Iign_ ,nellIS and trial dockets.

Dr. Larry O'Neill ru n was =emly named the new dean of lhe Thomas Goode Jon« School of Law al F""I~ne' Uni,nsily. Pull has been with the law school .ince 1999. ..,,,,ing as assodalc dean for Acodcmic Affairs and Prof.ssor of Law, He "'1'laces Wendell M itchell, who will serve as dean ernerilu, and professor of law. Pull """",d a bachelor', degree in economics and political sdence al M ississippi Siale Unh"rsily and. masIC'" of I.w degree and juri. <loclOT degree at lhe Uni .... rsily of M ississippi • Fra "k M , Snin b ridge wos """,ntly named the Sirmingh.m Bar As"""iation', Oulstanding Lawyer of the Year, Ricltar<l Vin«n l, clt:>irman of the BBA', Lawyer of lhe Ycar Conlmill~, presented lhe awanl, Bainbridge, of Bainbridge, Rogers & Smilh, Slaned praclicing in Birmingham in 19Sfi, In 1970, he W", lhe BBA' , ch.;r of the Unauloon,cd Praclie<: of Law Commillu when a scandal brok<: """""ming Ihree disbarred Birmingham lawyers who continued 10 promot. lhemscl"•• ", licenscd all<)m<y"o ""I-of_Ilale ellenl' Bainbridge mobilized his conunill"" to expose and shul down the Hquickie divorceH rackel.nd said tWO judges invoh1:d in ,he scand31 we", "'mo,'t'd from offie<: and senllO fode",l pri"", for mail f",ud, rollo"'ing the scandal, Bainbridge received an award of merit from the Alab;tma St.IC Bar,.oo in 1977, wu ejected prt,idenl of lhe BBA.

Haue you uisited the ASB's UJeb site Lately?

In other associ.tioo ncws. J. M ark W h ile was elected presiden,: r.e., TIt""on was named prcsidenH:lccl; Cin:u it J udge Ro btrt S, Vall«, Jr. received the 2004 Judge DnoylOn Jarne, Award for his dedic",iQn in ""Iping I\cW or young ,"wyers; and J\1~rlh" J ane I'a tlon received the Banon S"""" Public Service Award for her work in various organi1.ation' including "''''ing'' eMX:UI"" director of the Leg.1 Aid S<:w:icty Wal>lon, Wells, Aoderson & Bain. LLI' .noou~ """,ntly Ihal Ron. ld 1~"iU,. panner in the Birmingham r.rm, hu been elected 10 lhe American Collcge ofTa.< COYnstt. Members rnuS! ha"" al Icul I,," year< of . ub"anlial e xperience in Ia.< and 1Il.\·",laled maUers and demonst",te an ""e<:ptional degree of prof""ion.] rommilmcnt 10 lhe practice of law Ihrough a<:li~e invo""men' in !he Ta. Section of theADA. levill joined lhe firm in 1996 10 ",,,,bUsh the firm'S t"" IY'"'I;"". He is JjSlod in fk., u.~n ,'~ AffWriM in 1""'lion and serves as ~je<:..,hainnan of the ABA T.. ation Sc<:li",,', S CO'l'0f1"ion rornm;uce and presidenl of ,he Birmingham T"" Forum. He has "",,'Cd .. chairman of the ASS', T:tx Section and IS presidenl of the Federal Tax Clinic, Inc, Le\'iu alw has se,,~ as an adjuncl professor of law for both 1he Uni,'ttlilY of Alahama School of Law', LLM in ""''''ion progr:un and Cumberland School of Law, teaching pannership walion, •

Order Indexes any way you want them.

Gel tho quant,t,•• IOU ...nt 10' the 'n~e, .. JOU n•• ~ Ffe"h te ",dering' Al ,ompelt 100 I,••


--.. _-_ -_ --1l\1li. _lJIgoIon.l<pt I

Blumberg ~ceIsJ.0· 8lll lAWIWII ,,,,, . . ," ...1


......- .._

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..~.. """'"'l<OI1-. ......

QIb. ___ 0I<I<t., """ ~





These Are A Few of My Favorite Things ~n

years hav(! nown by .ince " guy," and I fltSt """ in l.aIIge Simpson room in 1994. It was Marsh all nmbedake, lIill Coleman and Keith Norman . new A tabama 518'. Bar director. and l. tltting from Washing\Oll. D.C. tnl.lflc. They hirM me 10 run a Center for l)i'l"'t~ Resolution with. long "10-d0" Ii .. OII~ined in Alabama Sup",me COIIrt ', order. The Center was 10 be responsible 10 Alabama Sup ",m. Cou rt Commission "" Dispute Resolulion (Commission). 0,,,, the ye ..... CenIC' and Commission have worted on many v.n_ tures wilh "'ondeTful volunl<:erll. I.aders and bar's ADR CommiU...,. We h""" enjoyed making progressive ADR happen in Ih i... ate. After reviewing 011' annual rqlOftS and scrapbooks. I picted OIIt a few of my favorl te Ihings,


1994 Jud ge J osep h Phelps and I began 31 Chishol m Ele men lary S<:hool in M onlgomery. The judge c,,"winced principal lhat allowing k ids 10 problem ""Ive wilh help of a fellow sludenl mcdiJlor ""a. a good Ihing. I worked with the facul ty. pUlling Ihem Ihrough lOIS of kid_type acti vities Ihatleach cooperation. brain_ storming and problem·solving. weh as AcIi"-f ~ s__ c""" Chkf ~ eo....... 1/"",0JfI at an app<IliJu ~ '''';'''''1 building. bridge with man;hmallow •. gumdrops and IOOlhpic ks wilh no ".rbol ....w.:.rll/lt,. ",jd,.mt..! 'M pal'1iciptJnu

peer nlrdlalion

1 54

M"Y 200 .

communication. We had """'" great bridges. body langoage and lallgll._ Lalcr. I helped the faculty who would leach lhe course in each gnode ""lecl curriculum and videos. During the following year. Centc, hosted ,he facully of Lani~r High School in Momgomcry for two d ay. or mediation lraining, 11Ic: Commission has continued to fund peer medial ion , Anne lsbooll. Commi.. ion mcmlxt fmm nOrthern Alabama. has taken IhOl project ''-"towi<lc. She has been ' SSiSled in Jefferson COIlnlY by funding $O(:u",d by rctirM Judge Gerald Topa.!. L,. G<w<tnor Lucy B" , lcy', Ippoimce 10 lhe Commi..ion.

1995 Publi ~ ... n ico annooll«mcnlS fta_ luring mMj~tion we", heard and """n on Alabama radio and TV 'hanks 10 lhe work of Susan And ..... !be ,'-"'" b'($ commUniCalioo, director. and !be bar', PR COlnnlillce and Communication Department'. colla bonuion wilh the C."ter. A partntrllhip wilh tile Alabama IIroadusten Associalion for airtime mode il po6siblc 10 bring mediation to people. You Slill miglll cOlch one of OIIrTV spoIS in wh ich Commission mcm!>ers Bill C oleman of Ca~ll Ho wa rd and Sleo'... Ben.neld of Christian & Small excel in lheir roles as mediatorS .


1996 The state's first Mffii~lionlSdlle",.nt Week occurred during 1M Summer in the I ~th Judici.l Cirtui~ spe""""a&<! by Judge Sally C,....,nhaw. The purpose or the ."",,1 was to clear the docht of pending civil and 10 I"""idc pani.,. ipant> an opponunity 10 d<:<;ido their (Wm ca$c$ through medial;O<I . Dotting the "Iil_ igalion !ruee." with. limiled dock~l of conte'ted trials and Marings. trained ,..,[unteer mediators coordinated by Wos Ro mi .. e medilled pendin, civil cMeS. These truee. wilh nlCdi3!cd seulcmcms "'" slill a g"'o, idea. and I encourage yOll 10 try ODe in your own circuit.

1997 Alahama', first com munity medialion """Ier was instituted in Monlgomery IhlO\lgh the: work and dcd",.tion of Malcolm Ca rmkh ...1 of 8~kh & Hingham . Dc-... Ioped IS a program of I..,adership Mont!:"m.r)". in collaboration wilh the Center. funding came from the Commission and Oilier O<g.n;>.IItions, For fiV(: year<. "'lmmunity media~on was successful here, using trained ml"nleer meIli.mrs. bul .'''ry y~ar Ihey had 10 loo~ fo.- funding 10 keep me adonini ... lfDlor posilion, Now .•fler. lwo-year hialu •. arid wilh pani.1 funding. Uadership Monlgomery i, .uuggling 10 de~rmine how 10 keep community medialion afloat. Addiliooal1y. lhe bar', AUomey (.lienl f 'lIe l}is~ml< R<'S(>lulion 1'1'01:1'301. fc.[uring media· lion and arbilralion. kicked off iI' firsl year undor Rod Max's I............ ip, Currently under II>< <ldminiSlr.II;"" of R;la C ... y. lbe program has had fee dis_ pules ranging from $50 m $64.000. II is wlunW)'. and free 10 boIh anomey and di.nt Al the Monlgomery Di 'lriCl

G<!ry 1: C""",,- II'h Ci ...~i' _i~,o'



COIlI'l, Jud ge I.ynn Hr;ghl began lhe longe'l !\Inning small d.;nu modl"llon program in lhe '\ale. I[ uses wlunleer lawyer medialors and 1.10' .Iudents m medial<:.1 doc~.1 call •. II i. admin;s, ~11:d by Pam (;ood~n Cook. is fully supported by Judgf!'l Pew Gi.han and I."d. M cI..,mn~ .•11d is higllly successful , By year', c~ tile Cenler', Web slle was up and running,

1998 This was the year the hca,.. n,sent (81 the insistence of altorney Arw" e Ric .... rdson)

Jackie " ""rlSill

,;o;De<! !beCcnlOras my=ulh.....i ... WIl. Jockie .' 'as Jt1drit H",,,,iII jOOiciaJ .... i'w'l 10 !be "ooo",b~ Tod Iloum,m forlO years, Her help has bttn im-aiu.ble. Jockic mainlains aU lhe databases and !be finances. and keel'" the offICe fUr.c1ionlng perfooly. Ex.",ui'l'e Orders 42 and SO started "'8.~ ADR in Alallrulu. and lbe G£,,'e ....... ·s Task .'0""" "" S"'le Ag<1"'y AUR (Thsk Fon:e) began its wort undor the lcadoTship of Marshall TImbo'r1,," ,. of H.ak h & Bingham. Klo...,n L B I")' ~ n of La.\I""",ux & Associates and me. 1-", C.... nly <:<)I'tIrntnoed its!;rI'IaU clai"" mediatioo program. Judge Richa rd Lane.



_",II"" '",i~inl ",.i"", 0' ,lor

Commission "",mbco-. and Judge !II" ·.,ere wimng 10 experi"",nl. AOC ooordinaled the miunlet1' dtizen medi.tors. and Ken Dun .... m of Jones Law School and I U1lined them. Thi. program has developed 10 intlude partnting pian< for di" .... ing couples and peer medialioo in I.t:c Counly Schooh. Commi.. ioo fundill8 ass"",,, in boIlI .gtnCY and slll3ll claims medi'lioo, The fll'Sl special issue d n... Alabo"." UIW}'U fealuring ADR ..... published. During !he year. the AI"""rna Academy ul Allomey Med"'lo rs. the r. ...1 pn>fcs, siQnal mediator associatioo. was organized and began mcc1ing in Ch .. """, ""naburg·. offICe in Birmingham.

1999 Arbil "'tion in Alabama. U1lining for ad"""'le$ and arbilnuon;. was do>'clopcd by a planning commit!"" (including lIill Coleman. Jock Cbtrk~ and !be 'Ulhor) and """""De<! by Ani'" " amlett and SI",.. ERK!M al AB ICLK This inl<:1'OC_ Ii,.. cou ..... was broadcasl in .iglll ettie •. The EEOC's BifTllingllam Disui<:1 OffICe pn:scn'ed • program on tho: U :OC's N~ ... !IIalj""aIA D~ Inltl"I;"~, I wa s a guesl.pcak.... and COIIYl\i"i"" ""'mber ""b", !.eo was as well. She """Iinues 10 be ADR coordinalor al EEOC, The Center and !he AlaoolIIa C rime """ '<nlion o.aringbouse spOIIlOn:d !be Harvard Healtll leleoonf"",,,,,,, 81 AUM. ''Sar~ School .. Safe


ADVANCING ADR IN ALABAMA : 1994 - 2004 Communitie<.~ The Jrtr.rwn County ~rlt1 COUr1 Mnfuotion PTovam COt • &n'aj ~ as MidwIt ObnKlo,k f""nd inilial fundin, from lhe Alaha .... Oi, PUIO R esolu lion ••.... nd al l<....

2000 ,,, "'" C........,


C" ...mor Doll

Slogdman proclaimed Medialioa Wed< for Alabama. and "'" CenlCf i",-iled indio

liduals from ,0Iri0US ADR proa;rarns 10 patti<ipale in the ,illftin. and piclure. Th. Fello,,, Prova"~ developed by !he T.....

&0"1"1'' ' ' '

Fortt 10 introduce Alabama u"·,,,nivcs 10 ADR. t.-I ilS r".. ..........,. noD..., 11 !he Ugends orC.puot 1Ii11. Tbe CenlCf ODd Rod Max. thea 11 Simi. &: ~nnuu in Binningllall\. opons<nd I 8us! ...... Com",unlTy AIl I!. & m lnar al Sirole', new building. I was appoinred by Oovemor Siegelman 10 Illond ,he ftnl Sumrnll 01 ~ St:llts on C onn k1 l!.osoIutlon ;" I.z..u.J'OI'. kntlOCky. ~ by "'" Council 01 StIle Ocwm._ Tbe CenlCf was Id."led 00


OPPORTu:-;ITIES n. AIDni MardiIOry ru

COO'.I..... Icom...... 1'¥lIhII111S inI IIPP'lMII i1o--. a ... alllll_ wD! ... tyarns whoch n II\aIIUInId ID I 00IfI!'JIeI1IataIIase, All .t ident,lied ~ $(IOI'ISO!.Iocatioo, (late and SflBCialty .... fa< a tompIete hSIIDQ 01 turrelll ru oppo<1J.IIi1in or • eaIIrdar. I;GI\\ar;t !hi MIlE CormusIOII oIIu M133'1 2fi9..IS1$. extensoon 111. 156 or 158. or jO.I 1lIIY oiew I o:ornp'eTe 1;$Iing 01 ....


btpn "'" r".. coun-ccnnocled

work l1li "'" Gulf or l\Iu lro Cot"bor:ati(ln proj«I ,mh swti<ipaIIU from florida. Mi..i..ippi. Loui.i..,. and Tuas. Tbe Mobile C .... n11 l>kIrkt CW'II, MHliali" " l'rtIp1Im bepn as IUClmO)' Y.O. l.otl r<CT\Iiltd >'(>lun1<C1 \aWytr modiaIors and ,.,. funded by "'" Cammiosion.

OIrmder c""rcrmri.., ~


Alobarna. Thi< pmtrarn i. e:>;lJmlely sueC'e.»r~I.""" may be n.-plicall:d in Olin roum;os with pn>gr:un nUI.rial, developed by Judge McCooey', apnic ~


2001 The CIIlklrm', 1'ru51 '-und. WIder AIII_, 8 11OCk·. ini,iati"" and \\'i,h leclm;·

cal miWlnCe from the Center. traino:d modiators for ~ 1\014 T1us program .... 10 dtvelop ouppon and


JU<tft Champ I-.I_ .....-enod "'" Apprlt. ... Maliation Commit.... 10 swdy """ <levelop a media1Ioo prog:ram fOt Altlbanu "PP"llato <Qw1S. J ' ''TImi lIa .......... ond Woodoll. the lI"""",hIe Sharon " aleS (..urn c~ dIair). RIIooda (." hambon 0( 1\0.),101 &: 0( BI<I'nIIlgham. ond I .-.-cd 011 "'" irWaI Convnmoe.. We joonod by John \\j lkmlon. Cdc!;I. Sabol. RtbKu (bIts ond M~ Walll'l'S. The C.,...... oppIi<d fOt. """ Ihr: rourts oppellalc: rI'IO\Ii.>lIon gr.1I1I for S50.00l. In the Slate IFfICY ami&. G;r......". 00II SieFlrnan and AlIOmf:yGenmolKil I'ryor .a-.a joinl mtmO IOdIir:f.,..-y aIIImeI dftdia& them 10 include I n......lion ria_ in



naIiIIlon at ,~ fund """""" s.i1OS. The SUite AJ:tnCY W<>rkpQ« ~ IMiatlon 1~1ot began ;" N~. ModillOn from nino p:ulidl"'ling agendoo wen: Inlined

wilh Cente, assist..-.:e 10 mediate ,,'01'\:. platt dispuleS ;Q "" 00$110 !he ~ or ilS ~. 0.:..., Lwuford. with !he.we ....,.,.....1 "F"C)'. odrno...,...,. the pR>pam. The ~bIe""'" McCooey 01 MooIlgomt:ry. ...i\h a Cornrni~ grmt.

'"= .....


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ADVANCING ADR IN ALABAMA : 1994 · 2004 Sl ~te

""" 1",,,1:1 in whkh Chaplor 5.

Soc,;"" 48(6) of the: Alabama FIscal Policy and Procedures Manual is normal· I~ applied ronccming rontlll<l$ and Bomd of Adj us,lIl1enl cases. Tori AdanOS-lIurlls. AU. of ,he Atlu ....y G~ .... r'~J's om"". and Joh n Wible, g~"""1 counsel for l'ublir llea' th, t.:came ro<hairs of the Alabama Stllte AgelK"Y ADR Su ~POr1

Gn:>up (Age '"'YADR Suppon Group), W<'CeSSQ< <Wgan;,,ruioo to the T... ~ Rlr<:e. AdditiOllalleadcrship included M....

Stuart • •1""11«; Jim Good,,)"n. Conse ...·~Ii')n and Nalu,.,,1 Resou~: 11m Bulle r. Modiooi<!: Carolyn Robi ns"... l'ublir IlraUh; Doog "unsford . l'l:r.;on,.. I: flrlan Mo'1l""' 5 \>1le Milita ry: and the author. Al the ".,... annual """,.in8. "'" Christiall Ugal SOd 01,. .",=led me the 2002

"""""maker A"-ard.

2003 c..."mor Rob Rile,. issued fueaaj,,, Order 7. as ...pponcd by Commissioo membef and !hen legal aoj,;oor. Troy

"'' I:. This 0I'tl<r ">'f"I'Id<d the ~gt'''''Y

wor\<platt mmiat;"'. progrn'" lO include all agero::ies lhat wamlo panidp;Uo, cncourag<'d more APR and ooll,bor:uion in agency .. and trquiml each ~DCY. boon! and oommi<sion to appoint an APR roordh",tor lO wort wilb!he



Agency ADR Suppon Group_11>= life now 82 ADR agcocy coordin.1!<Jr<. The

flJ'Sl coonlinalOr uaining occum:d in O.:tober 2003. l1le Cemer hosled 0''''' 120 allome)" and judges 01 Appellale Medi:>lion Trainin~ with Gary O mne •. ! ! th Cireuit rnMiaror. as Irad trainer_John Wilkerson. cieri: of the Coon of Ci,;1 Ap peals. and Rtbe«a Oats >nd Ctlest. Sabel. staff .lIomey.. """" res)l<ll'6ible for leaching how the "PI"'1Iau: rn:di:l1ion pr0gram ",,1I1'IOIt in",a. A<li"l: Chit( JlISt~ Gonna" 1I ... "tO/1 sem a 1et1ff'1O .lI lrial jud ges in ,\Iabama mco,,,,,wng tlMm> to _ medialion. This leu..- occom· p.1Il~ • b""'h .. ~ de\'e!opW by the Cenler: Mtdinlioll /0


Di'I",lu ill Your Cou". a primer for Judges. We 0'10'0 Hendno DEilnoy and

RI>bel1 Ward from RuslltO/1 SI"ktly. >nd memb= of the ADR Comminee for the brochure and lell"r suggestion. l1ley coo· t:lC1cd Judge Foro of the Cornmis.sion who spoh " 'itll justic<: HOUS!OI1 aboul the idea. In """ month. the brochure >nd Ic:ller " 'ere ...-rillen and mailed.

Florida "'ill teach. Thanks to the Alabama Slate 8M.nd Rohel1 H.. ff.k.r. editor of 1M Alabama Lawytr. this sJ1"'Ciai A OR Issu.. i~ being puhlished. As the t.. nth ) 'M' of the Cornmie;sion and the Center .. nfolds. I than\: the supreme coon for thcir support. and J"'t~ See. our Commission member who keeps the Coun .wm of our 1'IOIt. Also. thanl.:J; to the Cenu:-r' , Boord of Ditttlon BiU Colt",.". Noah F'und. rburg and Judgo: Aubrey tOnI. I appn:ciate grea~y the I'IOIt of the .,.,.', ADR CommiUH and Mary L.l·n" lIales. chair. Much p . tude to ""il h Nonn.. n. F.d f'IIUtrsoo, Tony Md.... in, Jackie 1I~r1siII . and >II my ro1k:"lI\lc<a1 the $Ill'" .,.,. with whom it ;, a plu<ure to work. •

This iu~~ it dMical~d 10 ,\1",.hall Timbtrlalu. who di~d /<rst yt",.

2004 Ap""Uale medialion began in January. ""ministered by Micllele Walten aI the supreme court. As I ",rile this. Wa)·... Tu .... r .iongtinlt rn:diator. has <tuled Ollt o f the firsl




A 1"''O-day Ar b ilrator training will be hosled by the c.,mCf tills monlh. Seasoned arbIltll10n J ••d: Ch,,1,.. of Montgomery and Cary Singletary of

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The Alabama Supreme Court Commission on Dispute Resolution en y~ars ago. the: Alabama Supreme Cow1 =<>gnit.ed the: need for 111 ordrrty JI">S""oS of ahe"",li .... dispute m;olulioo in ou, .>laIC. and OIl IUn< 13. 1m the court..,abli.>bed the Supr1'm<, Coo .. Commission on Dispute Resolulion. The mission of !he Commission was !O de><:lop gu;delillO$ for aIu:0131i ,,,, displl1e ",solution. impkmcnl and Sllpervi", tho: Cenler for Di.",,10 Rcsolulion. <levtlop mnd.uds for neuU'als. Impkmo:Ol communily_b:l.<td ADR programs and pm,ide ADR tc<MicaI assistal>Ce. odocaoion and uaining. T1>c Commission ha< a ""'Y di"'l5e membership. 300 members an: apPOinted by the following legal . 00 ,,,,,,,mmen131 organizations: thc: Ala bama S UP"'"'" Court.l he Alaba ,na Court of Ci,'il Apl"'als. 110. Alabama Slate 8ar. th. Alaba ma TrIal I.....J . .. As. oda!lon. 1"" Ala""ma La" )'.rs Associ~l lon. 110. Ci",,, ;1 000 rnslli<t Judges associalions, 110. G"... rnor'. Omc". I"" U cut. ".ni Gowrnor', om"", 110. Spea~er of Ih. lIotl~. lb. AlIom..,. G . ... ral. MIld the Alabama Oden", La wytr. A §SO<ialion. Three "",mbers"", designated ..... ,·Iarge and an: chosen by lbe Commission.


M embers of the bllf slid the bench have pf(W;dcd able l~adrr. i./lip during the pasl d«ade and prior commission chai~ illCiude: M a rshall Tim M rlak. (d«eased) of Balc h & Bingha m: Willia m Co" ma n of C' ~IJ H o" 'ard ; lion. Sh~l"Oo \ '01 .. of the Alaooma Cou rt of Ci" il Ap~als; and Ste .... n Re neficld or C h rl .. ian & Small. n.. H.....,... b.. Aub .... y . ·ord. Maron Coonly dlSlrid jlldge. is the ClltJ'Cn' Conuni"ion chair and the members are J. illnah F,mderoo'll. >i<:e-<ohair. Uni'ersily o f Abba",,,; Slc'-en A . Benclicld . Chri.lian & Small; Charles Y. Boy. Kh .... Bold & Kh<'ll; Hon. Kalph Cole ...,m, Jerrcrson Counly I>islrid Con rt; WiUism D. C oleman. Capell Howanl; Hoo. John B. Cn .....y. A I.ooma Court Chil Appeah ; An M Isbell , d ir.ctor. Com",nnity Medialion. Beller 8 .. ...;' .... Bu ....... o ; Troy King , Go'-e rnor Ki ..y'. formt"l" legal >dvisorand!>OW Alabama's Altomey GeMral; Karl Klrkbnd , "" .D. of C lio i"",1 l'syehologlsts.l'C; Hon. Kiehard D. LooM, ( COWlly C lrmil Cou rt; CheO")'1 U alhe.... ood. medialor. Ow\:; o.,bra BLIck Leo, EEOC; lion. John K. Lockdt. Mohile C"'mty C ireu il Court; \\i Uiam C. M cGo"in, Bradley Araot; John J. Park. Jr.. IOSSisla nt atton .. y geM ... I; Justice lI a rold Sup .... n.. Coon A laooma; H", •. Ger.. ld Topa", EmoOld. VIM$. Go mma" & Wald."p; J"Sl ice Bo Torbert. Jr.. Ma,'nard. COOper & G ale; and Kobert C. Ward. Jr.• Kushlon. Sla k..y. Johnston &: G . r ....lI. Liaison members iI>CILJdt Kandy lIelm .. AOC: MieMIe Wa lte rs,Appella te Medialion orr"",: ~ilh B. Non.", n, Alabooma Siale liar; A"x W. Jacbon. Supre_






C ou rt of Ab ba ma ; and Jud ilh M. Keo-gan. Alabama Ce nler fo r Oispule Kesolu tion. The Comm;~ion has provided """" Ih"" $1 8?000 in ahem._ Ii.... dis!",le ",solulion grants for court programs. school pit>grams for p""r medialioo lraining. law school ADK <:(Inferences and prognuns. communilY and Siale agel>CY medialion. In 200 I. the Commissioo 'ppro"cd. granlsubmillcd by Judge T,....,y MoC",,")'. Mo olgom,...,. C Ollllly Cirmot Court. for a resloraIi .... juslice program for il< criminal Coorls. a rorsl in Alabama. Addil;on)Uy. lhe Commi .. ion. IhrQllg/l i" Cenlcr. has pro,·id. ed !eChnic.l assi,,,,,,,,. and training for .ppcllate and Slale ogcl>Cy medial ion. p<Os<:nters for local bar CLIO programs. c;,·ic and club programs. and """flie' resolulion training for K.12 I.""hers, Fur'l loer. every year lhe CommiSSion provides a copy or !he Slale coor! .... dialor roslor 10 each judge. and males the medialor IWler a,,,ilable 10 anonoeys and .... mbers of Ibc publk in hanl copy and althe Web sile. "",...,a/abamaADR.arg, The Commission has C<lmplC1ed ..'l'nlIlechnkai projects. indu(!;ng a revision or lhe C,,·iI C(Jun M~djaljOf1 Rul~•• lhe drafting of the Codr of Ethic! for Media/(Jr•• the de,,,lopm'''1 of Mrdialo, Rrgi"m'iOf1 S'andards 'md Procrd",.,s and lhe Arbi'mror RrgiJtrmitm Standards mwi Pl'IK:ed"'7!, Cnrn;nl subeomminec proje<olS include an arbitralor CO<lc of elhics. medialion in the school. projecl. <:(IUn ADR program •• and Ibc mediator teSlimonial immunity bililhal has been inuoduced in both the S.II3le (S8 191. Sen.tor Rodge r S hermao) and lhe Hoo.. (H8 397. R. p....".,n latl ' ·,. o.,meln us N,.,,-ton. and also lI.. p~nlali '-es Ga i" ... Ilu n".'lSOn. lI.oge ..... J\1cClu rki!l , V." able. and ll.ob inson). More i"formalion a!>oullh<' Commission a nd linh 10 ",her ADR organizalion, "'" located al our W~b site.

"""'" lloIiq, Fo<f, Jo. ....Ioiftrfool .. "_""" _ .... _ _ _ c -..."_touow ' _ ... _

.....-__ . . _1 __ . . _ _ _ _ _ ..





The Alabama Slate Bar is pleased to make available to individual attorneys, firms and bar associations, -~ at cost only. a series of brochures on a variety of ALABAMA STATE BAR legallopics of interest to the general public. Below is a current listing 01 public Information brochures available for distribution bar members and local bar associations.

To Sen'l! Ille I'llblic

$10.00 per 100 · .. High ligh ts a nd det ails of bar I)\l blie ser vice programs from the TO SERVE THE PU8L1C "idw prese ntation.

Law As ,t Carrer $ 10.00 lK'r 100 ... In fornm ti oll 011 the 0Plwrlu nities aud challenges of II Illw career today.


1.,(111'),(>1> find I..egal Fee~'

$ 10.00 per 100 · . . A summary of basic lega l procedures and COllllllon legal quest ions of the gC l1 cral puhlic.

Q,y _

' _-

l AS/ Will & TeSI(lIIIe(.1 $ 10.00 J>l'r 100 · .. AsjlCcls of esta le plan ning a nd the illl llOrtan ce of havi ng a will.

Q'y -

' --

Legal Aspet'ls of Divorce · .. OfT('rs ollti ons and choi ces in ..olwd in d i,·orce.

$ 10.00 per 100

Q'y - ' - -

COIISlllller Fillallu/"Brlyillg Orr Tillie" $10.00 per 100 QI )' __ • _ __ · . . Oulline.~ impo rllllil considerati ons and p ro\'ides :ldvice on !inanc;:11 maile rs.

MedialiQII/HesQlrillg Vi"p"le!>' $10.00 per 100 · .. An on-n-iew of the med ialioll lirocess in q uesti on·and·a nswer form.

Qt)' __ • _ __

Arbitrati(m AgretmtWI$ $10.00 per 100 . .. Answers Ilu estions about arbitration from the consumer's pcrsp«ti,·c.

Qty __ ' _ __

Admllce lIealtll Care V iret'lj"es $10.00 JX'r 100 QI)' __ $ _ __ · . . Co mplde. casy 10 understand information about hea lth din'c tin's in Ala bama. ACRYLIC IIROCHURE STAND $ 5.00 EACH Qly _ ... In di,-idual stand imprinted with attorne)'. firm or bOlT associ<lti on name for use <It br()( hu r(' distributi on points. O ne sta nd JX'r hr()(hu n' is rceommended . Name 10 imprint on stan d: Mailing Add res.~:

PI.,,~ ~n\il

' _-

Shipping & Handlin g

$ 5.00


. ~~

CiUT" OR MONEY OR nER MAnE f'A\'A Il!.E TO TlU: A I. ARA M A STAn; RA K for rh. an\o.",1 lislt<1 On Ihe TOTA l. Ii". and fono'~rd il "ilh this order fom. 10: Susan Andres. 1);""'lor of Con.noun;'&lion •. A181»on\8 Sl~r. Bar. t'.O. Box 671 . Mo"lllomery. AL 36101





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"ADR" Usually Means


c:di>lion IIId .vbilrltion are tWO w:ry diffcn:nl J'IICIh· 0010( ruol,'ing. Each is, howevtr. an .1 ....._ 1WJ"t: mclhod of dl5pu\e..solution U1i1iud by the lezll prof.......... I"' ....... thc lmlIIyrn ~AD R~ and thc twor's A II~ ..... t.i" t Mtt ....'b of I);spult RnoIlllioo Commln.. (Ibe ~ADIt C""""MIIIC'~) 1\'1"'" 10 boIII. As past issues or 1M AI<>I>ama w..'Y'" (ICC ..... 62 ...... l. JaraI3I')I 20(1) and numtf<IUS IOI<bdc .i.... and "" ........ 51ickon illll<lrW:d Iolgnili""'" OOIIllth"tl'5)' ~ !he ... bjoct of arbilnlion. McdiluOIl.. on thc Olhtr hand. is widely ~ed as a useful 1001 for IaOIv_ inl di""" .. with bs f;OI.I, ..,,,,nrI>(: and lingerilll ",SCnlmoni 'ron often IICOOmp&ll)' I resolution im~ by the CQWU. Si....., il"',,", ftlr'J'lloCd 1.$' SUCCn.5<lr to thc bar', TIlSk .-ura: on



Al!tnllltlw Mo,hods or l )l s pul ~ Resolution. thc AOR Commit~ h.u foc"1ed lII05I or ils cfforu on f.dlitll;., IIId cJIOOUragillJ ;""",nod .... of m<di .. ion in the SlalC. We on." .. ;c


thc Ierm "ADR" (which "","";';'11), iOlClutb di'JIllte raoiUlioo meIbods) ,,·ben Whal we lIltan i. "mediation." Tbe 1$>11;"" ronfusion may be one I\'asoo !hal thc public. and ~"" """'" lawytt$. ha•.., b«I'I beard 10 obsctvc IIw. "ModOalioo i •• li=Ise IO~" .. opimoo ..,~ !he 'e.n........ ' of !he .... orbitralion ro.I signs !hal (..1Icther or not falt"';!h ~ 10

-= ....

nOon) clearly ... i~ 10 acIcftss maIiaIion. a pmct:I.' for f..-ilitallflZ .-oIunwy ocrtIcmttIl of disputeS. WlriJe lbe ADR Conuniu... ""'y ~ allCmalivc "",lOOdS of disp.uc n:soiulion OIlIer than mediation or arbilr>olion, !be$(: "'" \be 'wo mrtho<Is thol ho..., been of ,be mo:II in~ ood roncem to \be bar, aJ>d coo<ttjutnlly 10 \be rommill .... in !'ettnl yurs. Wilh ""pe<l '0 amiu;uion. \be rommillce's aPPl'*h has been one: of ",sponding Kllbo r't"alily of i""",a,ing ami,ro,ion in Alabama follo... ing the United SIal'" Suptcm< Coon', deci"""

in J\III~J·B"...~ Tu.niniI Cos.


Dobson, S lJ U.s. 265 (1995)


and Clfi;,ru


Akifghro. S)9 u.s. S2. 123 S. CL 2037

(2003). ThO! ronUUI.I .... ill> ilS approtICh ",prdins modi . II011 . .... hich the rommiu<e omhusia.slic.lly ad_ .....

ROC0l" lhe poIenli,,1 for inc"'as.ed

MED IATION OBJECTIVES In amicipotion of ....Jlhy delay' and ,*Uop ..,..,hi", from rur>di0l fOr rbc: COU/U.. \he " OR Conuni".,,·s prinwy focus lI>.. ~ illO ~ ond f..:iblalC ilAO' 1 .... or modllliOO'110 quickly ","",VC liupllOll pondi ... In the .we', .;curu. "TI>c Commi!lt>: ... liM«! lhe SoIOJlIlOI1 0( lhe AlabalJlll Sul,rm.. Coon Commission on I>bput. It",""u' ion (tbc ''Commis;ion") 10 approach A<1lnR Chid Just;'" Connan lIous''''' aboul encoura&ing lhe coons 10 mal«: lOOn: use of med;llion 10 ","",,,: prnding c..... "TI>c CommillC<: also WOfI;od "'ill> lho: Alabama emt". fur I>bptOt" II.r:solution (rbc: ""C....trr'") OIl publicalion 0( a broclIurc r(ll" jWaeJ entitled. UIi", MtdiaJion Ii> R~:wJw DiSf"'l'J In y"", CQtHI. In ~mber, the actina chief ~ ........ Ieuer 10 aU cimlit ..... dUIritI roun joqc:s. ....100ilia the brochure and Ufllllldll: M bolior thai ~ can be an e.\«1 ...... 100110 lcq> dockcu """'ina Imoolldy. 10 ~ ..,.u. and 10 zenerally i"'P"'M' \hi: df.ciC1lt resoIulion of r(ll" Alaball,.·, citizen •.Conr.cknc~ in lhe confidenli.lily medi.,ion i. crilical lo ii, suett". A bill providins for medi.lor lcstiJ..... ial immunily. dnofled by the ADR CommiUte and "",jew"" by lho: Commiosion and the Admio~"" O/Jkc: of the COIUU. is pcndinl in bach hoIHcs of the Iqi,lalurc .. rbc: time: or wriliQI. The Commiu« is working with the Commi..... and !be CenlOi" 10 1"1 the bill pluo:d and.~ mc:mbers of the AS8 to aui~ in the elf.".,. A C1l!>Y of !he bill 1liiy bo OOUined from lhe Cenl .... Con~i.ll:nl with ils yearlong emph"i, OIl i... ",as.ed medi.lion of po:ndilll ca.... the ADR Comnli llte'l education and ad_a_ C)' .rrorll an: concentralinllhis y~ ... on lhe bench and bar."Thoy i... lude publicOlion or medialion·",IaLo<d anicl ... worti"l wilh local bar wocillioru and 0Ibcr coIlobonlivc parU\C1S to ~e and pofS<Udt: individual lavo-yon and jlMlzeS Ihrouzb 1ftS01IIa. lJOn$ and pmon.aI mouan. and coIl«tiooo and d .... minaUon 01 i n f _ abool rowt..or<l=d ~ialion and pro bono or rowt·funded ~iOlion "",,,",IS. _h .. tho: domestic ",Ia· 1100$ programs in lefforwn County and Sho:lby County. "Tho Co",milloe is ",vie... ing and I'l">isinl the ADR Speakers Bu",.u proa:du,,", and presentation.< in oonjul1I'lion wi lh lhose efforts. 0,.., subcommil1<:C is 'pecifICally f"".>ttl on eilCOlUalina and facililJlinl tho: i... ",l$Cd use or mediOlion in pendina domCSIic ",lallOllJ .&se:<. In coojm'<1ioo will> tho C01IlOi".• brocbun: "" domeltoc: ",lations mediation il bo.ftl "' ..... 0<1 and bench and bar pR'5l'nlJlions an: ~ Ike_ in do,'<lR:a invoI~inl ob,1drm tho: pan;.. ... ill COOI,n ... 10 Il10,,,, 10 ....n IOFiho:r In... lhe Mcue" i$ ........ reooIuII<l<l or \he II\1II.... by mu.usl qm:mc:nl in>lead of court ordo:r can bo especially importanL Despi ... tho: bonelill "r nltdiOliOll 10 the 011""111 ",lllionship< foll"",illl a d,,'On:<:. or lhe B.027 n:poncd medillions from .... Ie roIln rQ1l1.r rnembors in 2002. only 407....,,,, in domtMic ",1'lions docR~



ARBITRATION OBJECTIVES u'" of amitralion ...

",.ult or U.S. Suprtrne Coon de<;;.ion. and lho feared ionpend. in, backJoa of.ases in lhe .cllc .0IIn.. lho: Commil1<:C romltd 111m: wboommittceo focused on ortIilfalion man ..... In C<)I\junc.ion will> !be CUt .... lhe Commi""" il 1fXI"WI'''I I fonnal 12·hour tnlII .... ........, fOr arbitnl10rs lIIis month. "The coone .. WllIIUaI bcause most Irhitnl1ion tnUni", il done: by ->ouJ ..t.ilI2lioa orcan;1.a1ions only fa.- arbitnl,,", aff,li.1<'<I ,,',111 tho: orpniUtioo. 11 II hopo:d tluoI this""""", .... ill i....."... the I,"lilabilily or q .... liftcd. neUIn) arbil .... lors.

AnoIho:r subeon,mince: is II..".king wilh lhe Commi .. ion on elhical rtquirernenl! Ih~! will apply 10 any amitnl1,," inclll<bl on the rosI ... mainlJincd by lho: Cent .... Last )"Oar. tho: Commiosion 1J'PfO'"O\l tho: mlm. thai must be met by on orbi· tntor 10 be i... luded on tho: roster.

Tho thirdllUbcommina: is f;OIUldM"I I dIIfI. an. Jl'OIl'O'Cd by ... Callier ADR Co:mmol1<:C. thai ........ Id provide app"",lIrc procedural safq, ..·hen • ...., islUbmlt1<'<l to arbotnl1J011. incl""' .. provisions f(ll" di!oCiot.we 0( ronniets by an .rtmr.llor• appoinlmonl a.- "'P"""'monl of an orbitrala.-. aOO .... f.,..,.,monl or 1C1lini .. ide of orbilnllion . II·anl< under '''';011. oircum" .... u. Tho Commi11ce: does 001 inlend 10 ""'~ lhe inlroduciioo of In arhilr.>lion pr<IC<"durtS act lI>il ye .... bul il soli<:i!i"1 f""dback on tho: draft and ",helher Ibtn il any JIIpporI rot lI>il or socno Olhrr arbitraUOll proor:dures Iq,:Ulation. A drafl of rbc: act ..... y bo roolld 011 !be Center', W.b IIIDI>amaADR...,.,.

"".11 .........

Meetings and Contact Information Tbc AOR COIIlmi11ee ,,"tclcomc:s tho: alll:nd2nc<: by any in ....~1t<I

mc:mhor 0( lhe bar :ll its """Iings .... hich an: ail<m:lldy held in Mo'"gomc:ry allho: A).bama 5131. Bar.nd in ]I;rmin.gham al Cumberland Schuol of Law. The neXI """'lin, i~ Ju~ 41h ., lhe Alabama SI.te BIlt. Commonts and SUiitslions OIl the ADR Commil1ce:·. plans and ooJl!C1.i'"" can be addn:»<d to Mary LYIID BIleS. ohair. 1)0.1 Columbia Drh~. Bimll"","", 3~226. For ~ infonnalion about mediocion prosriIm' in the SIIIC. the acti"ities of \hi: AOR Comm"""" tho: Commimon a.the Cm ....... to arndtc • speUtr on mtdialioon 0( pc""ina ...... contac:t Judy Koqan .. the Cen .... 11 (334) 269-0409. •

_ _....____ _----....... ,.,. ....... --....._ ... _. . . _c-_

M..,L,.._ ... 1,... _ _ .... _ _ ""'_ ..

_ .... 1.-_

Driving to Work Checking Email



20 minutes 10 minutes

Completing a Quick Quote For Your







hile I roIloction of Abbama

opinioons on arbttnllJOO could

usily fill IllfJC "lIcelbar· row, the "urn",," of .oeh opinions addru"ng disputes, from media'ion. lhu. far. i. ref""hin&ly ,mall. If

,,,,rod. in





",dicltion of our f.,Ure. bolo·....... i.hc1'e ""'Y be IroUbic on the Ioonwn. Only Ii""" ,,',u 1<11 " 'holhtT the II""" cloud< on our IOIIthem border ",ill pus ... by. and. cqully imponanl ....... thor the itonns will pack any punch ,«or whon) thoy hit. Thi • .nick: ,,-ill diKU.u ",","enl recent do<:i~ioos issuod by 1'IoridII «lUlU on Ihe ~ of confidentiality rebltdlO n><dia· IIQll aod possible implic'alion$ of the rei· behind ~ dlld,ion"", thc


praclice of medi.,ion in AI.balm.

~hcr In ieles in ,hi. illS'" h.,,,, "••w· =<! ,t.:: buic fr;unew()fk of mediation.

including thc single i"'fXHUIICC of contidIIfM,aluy of the medialion pooxetdlll&J ~I>u Acrordi"ll() Rule] 1(1)01" the Alabama C"'j/ C""n M,diariolt Rul,s, ~raJ II informalion disclosed in the coorse of medi.tlon. including oral. doc· umentary. Dr el""lrOnk lnform.tion. """II be deemed confidential and ~IIIIOI be di>'1llced by ""l""'" in an<1l<lanooc: II \be medi.tion 6cq>t .. pmniued under Ihi. Rule or by ......e.. This "'''' aoes on 10 ~~pa ... h'ely deli ... thc Iefm "infOfln'ltioon di oo\olle<f" '0 include odm, .. ionJ. propo$als made and view. expn:~ by lhe m<d]alO< .,.. a party. ' H

The Florida Picture

While !be limil$ of ,he Allbaml media· lion ronrlden~alily nil<! ani IlflIely l1d1CS1ed in ALabama. I handful of Florida a:oun opinion< ha"" boo"", 10 probt !be pamnctcr.I of !be C<lftf'"kol1iali'Y of m<di· .-ionJ in !hal >13 ... Thcoe opinioons gmer. ally fall illlo 00. or bo1h of.wo .... '" JOric:s: (I) <a<t'O .... ho:'" one: or more par. 1lc:s KCk 10 compellhe leslimony of !be medi.,OJ; Ind (2) C&<elI whl;", I pmy _kilO," aside a m<dilled ..,ukmtnl apttmt .... for one of I varie1y of .......... WhIle Cft1iflCd .00 ro\If1·appoilllCd m<di.1OrS in Florida ~ 111 ethical obIi· lliioon 10 pro1«l !be conrKknhalily of modi.,ion. ~'·i<knlia.ry privileges "",b as lhe privilege accorded 10 1110: modialion process are wjlbin !be ambi' of kg'sl.· ",,.,. raUIo:.- !han judicial. au1bori'y. Swcd diffemMJy,1he Florida courts ~ze ptlviqes wbeD!be IqJswon judI"' 1he proICCIion of:ln ;n~ or ",llIiooship i. ",fr.cien~y imponanl'O lOCie1y 10 justi· fy the sacrif"", of flloCtl ",bleb migln boo n«tkd for "'" Idrninimalion of ju.lke." R<»'tI/ CoribiJ.ron Coq>. v. M<>dwo. 614 So. 2d 517 (Fb. 01 ... Ct. App. 1993)

(q"""i", E1ufIanI1'sFloriJo


lS01.l (1992 M.» . Prior 10 1987,!be only Florida privilqe lIJual>Jy appIin· ble 10 ~m"nica,ion. in mcdiatioon was 1110: priyilege associ.led ",ilh olTers 10 cO''']1fOmi.., I cllim. Cf. SIIII< y.

COSI~/kuw>. 460

So. 2d 480 (~1 .. DiSL

0. App. 1984) (hokli", 111M tbrn:..-as no ItpJ basis for • "",,ilt.., ""hich would ptT:\..,nl a party from compelling lhe leMimony of. "xdialor).' In 1987. as a rt$"11 of lhe coon', boldin! in COJl~II"no.!be Florido ItS"II""'" adoptM. confldentiali.y priv. ilqe applicable 10 COOIn....-.Jcm:l media· ,..... The nuRIII \"USioa of IIw loWu""

"'.... as fotlooo's: Exh party i",'011ICd in. coon-ordtrtd mcdialion proceed. ins has a priVik&e ",fu.., dis-



and 1<> pm...,n, Illy ]l<'I$OR rn:- II !be proceed,,,, from otiseloai..,. commoIIlicllioM made duri", ""'h proceed ..... All on! or communicatioons in a m<di· ])IOCoedi"ll . .,.her 'han an exec"led .. I1knx", as=,""",. shall be exempt. from tile !5~le public ~ lawI] and Jhall be ronf><ltdliaJ and UootImi ... bIe as evidence in 111)' ~""DI Itpl proceeding. unless all panics :ogrte ~Iose.



O1hc-rwi ... fll. S,at f 44.1 02(3) (1003). The ~'orida jlldleial opinions discuS5ed in "'ilanicle cenenlly rocu. upon 1he .... , of Ihi.......... Whilt Alabama's .... uUll)' and rqulllOry schemes clearly differ ff<)nl Florida's.;, does. noc appurwl Alaboma·~ 'ppr<)3o<h would foreclose all or tWO mosl of lhe argu""'"'$ Idv:ll>«d by Florida liliglnll.




Allegations of Mediator Misconduct ""nirlCllnl Pahapo !he


case ~sinll Il>CItiooI

~(I ~

Florida ti,<I<: a

Unilateral or Mutual Mistake F\oridI cut<

AI klS! tbrtt rettnl IIldreu \he IfiW'InII thai I modillcd 5eI. llernrnl qn:etnenl ....... Id be ...... ide beellU$<: \he ~1\l",,"l(tl{ was. n:<uh of

medi.l<:d ..ule"","! "'.... ""'nl i. YjmHJ.",lchin~ o. Vu/c/tinr, 79) So. 2d

1094 (AI. DilL Ce. AfIIl. 20(11). In It"d.i..... one pany ItIOVN to KI uidc I mediated oe1demenl ",,"".. 01 ""tbe pounds 0( coetrioa and dwus by the: mediuor. n.e forn>rr ... iFe lC~tirx:<l at \enith before I court.I """'"":;!

&cncral mosIer "'gardin, IlIeKc:d mi9OOnodU<Ot by the modi.lOr, ..scning IlIaI he btr lqaJ


woke, OIaIed lUI opinion .. 10 how Ihc coun - . I,uly to ",k. lAid Il>aI. be would !til Ihc Judce thaI she ...... \0 blame it !he maller failed 10

"Iolalion and abuse of che judicially-prescribed medi.tion pt'O(l.'U." Ibkltinr. 193 So. 2d at 1099: lou Iff Kokf"Ka/of. 840 So. 2d 36S (Fla. Pi .... 0. App. 20(3) (boIdin& IbM • !*IY who. 11000....·ilb her 1110I'1l00)'. N&ned I medii', td lItute"",n, "8"",mcm was bound 10 that .~"",mcn' JlQ{wi,t\standinll her aile· plion. or dllJ't ... ); r....""" MariN &fl'ku. Inc.• _ F. S"l'I'. 2d - ' 1991 WL4977'19 (M . D. FI ... 1991) (~lCbi.I\he....,. ~I t in llone$A<l ClUC). l1Ie appe»s COIln in ltIlclti.... n:1IWIded the c..., r~ I dc:lCrmilWion or whclh<1' the mcdi",~ ""tually commiucd lhe allr.:td mi«ondOXI.

G_, ,,

*"""" .....".,.. irJw a/Yr ct.. oonoMion 01 mtdiJrion ............ ~

$6OO.OOOd:rical ....... Rely", """" ct.. medialtioon (XIQfod<:ouality -'I3IUIC quooI!d above. ct.. OOWI noIcd thai '1lJhcre is. of <XlUflie. no ronfodentiallty a.' 10 'an O>.<Cut· ed ~Iemo:no "P'ttmonL'" and hold thai the ~ ronIido:nliality '"priviq., doc$ no! ... nidonac .. III .. lull oa:umd II maIiaion ....... IhI: 0I1his eue.~ DR u.s. 819 So ... 974. The ..,11« - . ""!,,in:(! 10 pn:rw: on ~ th3I tho: ,ni.tak~ was mu'u_ al. I bunlle tho: OOWI dc:ocribed os *diiflCUh" in .iew 0( tho: pbi ... liff's positioII. in ~ ~ KriIrlI. 1!2.4 So. 2d 274 (Fb. PiS!. 0. App. 2002). tI>e <k1"rotIInI·, in.qnr r.kd • motion 10 !I<I ..ide • SCltlemmt

sclile. and gcnernlly prt.surcd "", 10 .ig" !he "Uk"",n! 'I=monL The coort ~Iud. ed LNoI the a11egcd condl>Cl. if p!O>'aI. would be in .iobtion or Florida's mr;di..ion elhicJ ",Its. Noli", th.u I mcdil/or in . roun· ordered mediation "il. for all ;nICnll_llnd plIl'Jl'O""'. In 1genl of the (oon carryin, OUI ... (lnki,' counot<len:d fUD<1ion."tbo roun IIdd dw I IriaI judI" "may iJwoU Q inheRlII povo-u 10 """nWn !he inl<:pily of !he judil:iallysotm ond ilS ~ by involidalin& I C<IW1-<l1'd<rt<I medillion SCIlIe""'"1 ag=mcnl obI.ined IlIrough

/(If ..."ual mistake. In DN /AWS, /'1(. v. 1If1".Uman USiI. q{ "~J' Itllm &ach. 819 So. 2d 971 (Fla. Di$I. 0. API'. 2002).. IICI .... 01 real propetl)" ifJUOd Ih>I the OCI·

agreemen, ",,,,,hod in ",,,di:!tion. argui", thai the "'Ule"""'l ""'"""" OCI fonh in dUll ..".,... nItrO. ...~ irw:rded 10 be o/J~ by $«).000 ~ poOd III doe

pllinlill". The """" obrerved that "no ","",ion ...... mode during modi· Mion 01 an oII">CI of S4O.OOO 10 be crtdi,od" to the 1n<Urtr. onJ """,,1U<hi

rnisul.:e wu wtil.wnl on ct.. pan '" ct.. insurance f~ 824 So. 2d 1I?n. ~.doeftllings in bod! DR IMn and fnJman wen: based in IhaIIfl)'


m"Iua) (If un,la,m' mlsllIke. In Told," Holding Corp. v. Odandcl Ornnp Coo"'Y upr.!sn.'<Iy. 816 So. 2d (68 (Ra. DiS!. 0. App. 2002). a dispute ""*' U 10 ..,helher I rncd~1td ie{,k· rnen' ~_ in I propmy 00I'Idemna. lion ClIJC ..... ~ 10 ucllMk III UiSlinl Ju.ebokI ;nu:~ or the onlin: rce In,en:<L BocauliO the COlIn viewed {he language of {he IICltlomen! oagrttmcnl IS cle.... and unl{mbig ........ II beld WI the """""'mnI"I IlUthorily ...1S not en'~1cd '" • raci ............ 10 IUliwnil mi$tab:. n,.". 816 So. 2d III 661 . In ,_ ............... _ _ both dtridod ~ilhc:'.



by ct.. Rlunh District Court 01 A~ ct.. OOWI (XIQ~ " 'hc!her a rncdl.lled stttleme", agn:emclll be SCI aside

pan """" ct.. ideo"'"' "\he IUOOIIS ror

C(lf{fKlcntiality .", no! M ..... pd1inll .. cn:e IlICu\r:mcn, agrt('mon' has b«n "gnod.

Waiver of the Florida Mediation Confidentiality Privilege I",-ariohty•• '110 _u pM)' ...

to .......•

IIUlI. rntdillcd IIClllemon'Ii'(C""'" ..il1 ;n~rjocI or llltmpt to 'nltt)tc1 .........

- J'heJourney



SPEAKERS l1mrsday. J u ly 22

O TIIl/RSIlAY. J ULY n. 2004 ~ Top r", Minala MGlk",. TrioI u...,.n Stephen A. Salzburg l'rof.,...". oCTriai Ado.'OCICy, Litigation and I'rofeoo:ional Ke'l'onoibilil)' Goeors<: \\';uh,ngcon Univ<nily Law School W,.,hing.on , DC



Sicpbm A. ~ iI lhr \\~ ...1 Woodbury U"""'""T Prd...,.. .. Co«wx< "~ _ Un"""""'Y 1_ Sthool wilen:: he: "'" ~h' ..... 1990. I"riooo-IO """,.", 10 "~. oc. he: _ . ,0""_ of ..... :11 lhr Un;,...,.;,y of \'1rJini;o ro. 18 ~.... " _ b."","

..,..>!ullo. , at

\\";."hlnS"'" U"ftttoi'Y. I k Io;u medi.,ed ....1 "'''''''' '" an arbilr."orfor. wic'" of di.p""" ",,"",nK 1~,I~i<: "II~flri<.I "" "'~ U'" ""'~ '" ~Iig>.I'... H. I"" ""'01 "",... r.d incl ..ding ~ ;,~I<pm<Icn' OO<U,,.. ill "'" Ir..... Con"" ~ Dq>u'l' "",""",,, A1I<Im<y ~ Uniocd St;u...Ju<Iia' n""",u"",,1. o:Iin<:_ <I "'" T.u 1I.di..... .''''""''<1 ·r.... I',,"~ 0I!he: US D<p;w"""'" <lT~ I I" iI "'" auobo< of n ......... .,... -..oo anideo on .,oo.,n,:<. proeM"'" _ '0(IpIi0n.



Pwftssi-J Rn~li" II{ t.o..,.... . 'HlurW SptaUr: ~ "''':th W. ~ IYrkl:.n.d" tJIis. Wa.hington. DC followM byp;md di$cussioo.

John Carroll. Ilinninglum Don, C.""lx-rland School of !.ow Pa..,,1i>u: Ken".,.h W. Sun-, W.... hinglol1. DC Kirkland,\, 81;s Fred O. Gray. T'I<kcgct' Gr.oy. Langford. Sal'!'. McGo...a". GrAY" N3lilaru<>n ltich :lrd II. G ill, MOIl\gOl'''''Y




"",,,,bt, '"

Friday,july 23 KENN£n~



s....... ''TOr........

Iiomneth W. Sun joon<d I'.IiI. \\'»hu~ DC. in 1m '" • ""'",.".. """ ;. OII.i<-o><' I_ __ .. New 'ltd un;""";'Y Sthool of 1.-..."I DUtinpioh"d \ ''';''''I! ['roC"""", .. (''''''''8''' ~_~, u,,~"'.;~' I.- Scho. ~. II.,;'. 1973 gr..d":I.Ie .... I),, ~ c t..w School. II<: ...-........ den 10 O>icf Juoti<" W.... en E. lIurger from 1~77 , I Ie I"-"'tic<:d bw in 1.<>0 .... 'lI<I<o .. wl W.... ,ingoon. ..;,10 Giboon 1><"", wilen:: he _ . P"'t"c, in ~Iigauon pr><na,. I" 1981. I.. 1>«'>0"" <0<01><10< 10 US "'..... ...,. ("..".,.... lI"olMm fl'nl<h s..';'10 .... oiI he _ >pJIOinocd 10 "'" USeo.", 01 App<ah fo< "'" IlCOKuol '" 1981 from 19I519!l'I. he: ocnro .. SoiIri_Geoer.oI 01"'" Unitrd 101\.

n.., M.ud Mcl.ure k lly " ....... lwocheo" Sf-vmd by \\'<>mro:' s.nwn "nd A/(JIor"", ,<;t"" Illn ~"'. R~p'io" IlonorinK \\illiam N. Oar k


'" en"'.....

Unh-enil)' or Alabama SdJoc>l or t - Alumni Reception Cum'-land Sehool of __ Alumni ~

Sd><><>I or __ A1umn; o..-rt ReoepOOn

s...... where he:""""", 2S....,. ~ "'" Supn:mc C""'" _ _" . SO"'O"',,,,,,,uI, <t:g<obooo'y ..... """";u,tion,U ....... '" ..-uncm.l



. .


bnJlOl"'VlC<'. In Augwt 19!H. 1.. ...., """"",trd """,,,,I on "'" n",,,", .. i" .h;" ('aJ"'<i'Y 1'",,1 Or" ...... 19')9, I k;, a ","",be,· of Ih" (:;' I,fo" ". , \~'8i"", ",,, I ili.'nC! "r CoI"",bi. b;u- ......;.,;.," ••


sian of C "lI1dc Convocation)

Crat.d. c.,' ''' io" &: Sp"aker

.... ' I'I"'in,,,,1

Co>nf<'I'<'n<C: of "'" U"il<d s.. ....

C<>ptb.nd . Fr.u>m. 50:..."., &; Gill




Alben P. 1Ir~. Binning""'" I'ro(.,...- of I-'OW, o.unberbnd School of u..Ria Andre»'$. T~1oo!;a of Wtw, Unil""",), of Al:ob..m .. law Sd.<JOI



Reoogan '" ~'" US c..,n of Appeab for ~'" r...."..d (""",wt W..... illll",... DC,", 1'.l87... '" _"n<d d", """""" <I .hid')....., in 1997. I k ;. '1J!ad''''. of "'" US Mi~"", - . . " . .. Wcoo ruin\. _ ... 1!I11 p ...... of MooNII-Wylbe School of l.-of"'" ~ ofI\·~ ..... !>boJ. where he: _ ~ of "'" low..,...,... l ie ""'. JusI"r <\m). ....... miIi"", ..rn.:e .......0 ., "'" """I' I,.w,"Y _ J.... Muc:u.e ('.........., Co.po. Iii. ~ kpI <><en prior ... bc-<"",i", • judge include> pncti« ""h II:.ik.,. '" Mc~ in W."hing""", I)(,~ ~. ~ .. <ht Un""" oil~ ,,.. 1','11"'"' Sthool of I...... '" ~ " '.oshington Un",,",1)' N.tion'" I....· Cen.."..... ><I ~u .. }" "" '" sp<ci:oI ..... ,"'''' <0 Cloid' J..oice ....~,..,n K 1.10."1«:1'. II< ;. <W' .... ,oIy • ,1M: J,.Ii<:i;d

o n UDA\', JULY 23.:roQoI

8 ~akIasI



M"",h<!rslllp Bead-...ide Burret



"\lU-I'\III, Pi=o lind PUzan" OUIdrm'. Pony 1"I11I"fJ'UII g<>If IOUm..m,,'" ",. 11f""';"'" -:.war<4" dinnC1" and cnlena;"""CIII for children ~ ~ ISJ A/abu_ I"SM"'''''' ~ In<.


""" 'Iiij.""

cd """ ;. "'" dif"""" of • •- . 1""lInm in ~.;g.-

Ikncl> k Bar Wncheon Speak.,.,. II " " , llald~"c Robc,n M.)..:r ChidJ,odgc United s.~tc. COli" of " I'I"';oJ1 for ..he Ftdcr.ol Orcu;, \\'"'"" DC

,d ,.."",1


t.-eo pm . ~:(1(1 pm IIOAJU) OF

MR CO~[\tISSlO:><':RS'

MEETISG 4:00 pm • 5:00 pm Ma.t: OO~tMISSI01" MO::T1:1lG I)[SCJ I'lJNARYOO~I~tl SSlON

MF.ETIr-.'C 3:00 1)1'11 ' 5:00 pm UGAL ';>:1'0 200-1 EARLYRlRIl !'REVIEW

THURSDAY, JULY 22, 2004 7:30 am ·/1.:45 an. AlAIlt\.\\A LAW FOU:":IlA:ll0N TRUSlUS' IIRF.AKfAST

8:00 am· 5:00 pm ANNUAl. MElliNG IU;GlSTRAllON ANI) LEGAL £XI'O 2004

9:OO .... ·11I-~ ....

Mod"r......... limo,h,. A. Ilw.h. llion;ngh... n hndi>l>: "r:onk ~t. Coprio>. Hunt.. i~ I'.. ~ M. s,...... Birmingham (1.0 hour a.t:)


S) "'''''''' /Iy IIdtfImwII

"&tJtr (,0


r.,.;" (,0.11"-'

R. s.:ou Cb.rt, Binning"""' S..",,, S. \\'.gnn. Birmingh>m (1.0 hoI.r a.t:) ~ /lyA~


" I\MIG DiffrmIct" r..... " ......, (;HOI opi"j_ /!NJII"'/>«t

T.... ll'tocti~· Mkh,.d K. Be ....!. Binningh"'" (1 .0 hoI,r O..F.) Spotuomf ", AIaM ... '/;w

I""""" ..u....w_


11:00 II1II ' It:30 1""

"'" Ntmo.r At 1Iir. 1'- 00 ~ 1M 1/itI1I"


0.. s.n.:..-


Cap!. AnI)'



Capt. lV:llieG.joIu_

'7JwT.n."'. . . . "'....

NoUwo' Judge: ""-"10


Siq>htn II.. S<oitbI"l 1"1 ........... olTrW Mocxy. Lilipl;"n and I'r(){esoion;o) Reop<>IuibiliR' ~c \\bhington Unn"""'" I.,.... School \\~i"g lO<l. IlC (1.5 110.... 0..F.) 111-.30"", - 11:00 am IIk.:AK Vi'; , UGAL t:XI'() 200-1

11:00 on. · Noon

'Mu»lbo, C~",",jumbo, All 1"1<IImua11'ropmy ...... $ludy . 1'""d Ill"'"',,,,n


Egtin Am. florid.>.

(1.5 hoo," O..F.) ~/Iy \_--1--"..

hrpwt, Aw..- SltIk 8m

1t:30 pm ' %:00 pm BL"Cl I k SAR W1"ClIWN

Fea1"red Speaker. lion. Haldane: Robn1 ~b...... a.irlJudg" Uni''''' $t;oICS Court of App"a1s for the: Fcdtr.oI Qrruil W;"hi"MtoIl. OC Sp<rit!l"rnc:nt.:",ions:

. jl.ldicW A.....rd ofMeril • Abbama Swc !\;or A.....rd ol MM' " Alab:orna State 1\;00- Pro fIono Award>

UO pm , 3:3(1 P'" '7Jw &uia -.I 1M ~ Al l"" 1IlooIf .. ~AHooI ~-.lE ,0",,*,11 /_" C«iIia J CotIUlJ. Mobile /mon W. 11:1...:. M""roerillc M.....,,,I L Ikbrugf:. !linningl ..", (1.0 hour a.t:) ~ "d", I......." f: ",', ..'~ /.-s.­

"SttI/o ,w;,.. SI:ovodtmfr" Ilon .J,*,pll A. ('.oIquil1 Prof.,...". of I ~,w Uni,,, of AI.b:lma School of Law. 'I\Ojf',1ooo:a (1 ,0 hour CI.E) .'ipotuqtrd /Iy "",}wl>rt s.m...





Robn1 E. Lt''''-J r. Off...,,, of c.,.,~rol Coomod

Abbln .. S\;tu: !\;or, Montgon""Y ( 1.0 hoolf Q..F.) 3:30 pm • UCI pm

·"W;.m. ;"lLpI ~ "" Ita h.~" T.,.," ItOOn1 C. \\'2rd,J r., Mon~


(1.0 hour a.t:) ~/lyAWa_I..",..


AI Lnor~2(I6oj Alloy A. KifChtnp,Jr" Moo'li"'lInJ M:orl. O. Call1lill, Mon11!Ol""'Y (I _0 hourCU:) Sj" oJ/lyM _ _


4:30 pm. 5:00 pm ~QUNG I.AI\"I1:R.'\· SOCflON RUSINfSS MEETINC

5:00 P'" ' 6:00 pon

• AUbanl;l L,," " "'li"'I" lA.1!i<I~'i,'" Aw,rtU


• AI\I(;U: A"",nI



. .

!..AII'Sf:C;I'I ON

RI-:O:I'110N Rf:ct:PTION


" PWfJWt, Pi=


ff= " o.iklrm'll'an)' 1l0UtJ" lSI A/Mo_ ~ fu30 pm . 8:3(1 pm MI"MlIl:I15III1' UF.ACHSII)E



IIUn y.1'

FRJDAY, J ULY n , 2004

-n. iUIA Slob• •,.,

O. Cnf




Sapp. Mct::o...... ,

Gr..y &: amon T",,Richard It. Gill C0l'd~,,,t.



&0 Gill


AI""n 1'. 11,l:Wt'r Prof.....,.. of J. CUmbt.\,,,,d School on.....

• O>riRian l.qpl Society • f:orrah Or\'kr of'Juriopfu<\mn'/

Order 0( the Coif • IIooo-..rd Univenil)' School 0( 1_ Alumni

• UnWcnily ofV"rginia School of La... Alu",,,; • V.. ,dc,bi ll Univtnil)' School

"f L"wAIl"",,;

• TI,w,c U" ......... 'l'SChool 0( I....... Alumni

• Birmingh~m School 01 law Alumni • ra.. Pldid",,,,-

\l'O~tl'~'i'S SEC.1 'IO/\

• n. AJaIa_ t-,w I\oard 01 EdiIOfl

A."SUAl • .\tEl" NC Rf£ISTltATIOS I.i:CAL I!.Xl'O l!OO-I 8,50 .... . N...,n KIDS' 0"":":(:[ COU' SCRAM BL£

9:00 am · 10:30 "'" Pl..:NAKY Sf..s510:":

"/'trf ....... I~ili"""~· ~Sp<ilir.

Kenneth W. Sw-r Kit-kbnd " .~Ijj




l'allcll>otcl .........

John CarroD (kan. n.,,,btthnd School of law Birmingharn

r..neI~ K."\"~th

W. Swr Kirll .. n, 1 &: EUi~

Wa.h i ,,~,on.

School of I_

l:30 pm , !:30 pm

T,,"""'ooP ( U houn 0.£)

"n." ,;._ 1I;do nu../MJj/ie, ltd -c-q,.<f'wp.;,•• " R. 'l2)ior ~.Jr~ 81nningham


(J .Ohoura.F.)

s,.--t " . . Iabd ... I.....,...

Vi';, IJ:X'.;\L EXI'O l!O<J.I 1(/:50 am · I 1:50 .." .,..".., OMII"""" ;~ &r LMdmhip'

0.." I)i,ctWion Modtr. t.,.., Mw", F':luon. Binlt;nghant Panc:1i$b.: P.~. Ihu!lS\ill!.

&th Mcfaddm Rouoe. Mobile



rl!rl,,"__ .s..-

II :OO ... - N_ AL\BA..\LI lAW Il'IS'Il1lJre COUl'ICiI. ~n:..-nl'lG

( 1.0 hour 0.£)

1i","'~ l j.rj-

1 v t J _.... 71d IV · Andrew C. Mobil!.


~ " .... labG ... 1Jtfr1w



~. m-....,~"

Cr:till 0 , 1\;01 1. ""l .. HOll.ton. Te ....

( I,Ohollr Cl .E)

Spoouoo.d ", 1.- 0fJi"

Mn....,......., ........","'" /'tt:Ip>. tuJ iI.Itrbo .. S/.W 8M

IIIU/\C \QUR SUNSClll::tN FOR SIlZlJS' TOPICS IN MEDL\nO N (RdI'ahmcnll .........t dlln",


0.£ p<at"fI",tkJn)

Will;;"" Rmjamin 1\roa,do,,'2ttr. Mobil!. ' 11O<tUO M, W:>l~. Mobile: ( 1.0 1>00" U.£)


LInn 1tt)1Iolds, Binningtum (\.O hour o.J:) ~ ,,1WI1'tvpM) f'oroIItuI ...J Tnosr s..-

:t:3O pm - 4:30 pm

d" II........ •



Ropor_"......... T........ _ &/tW"

-c-p..,... F""";" ..,.,

(1 ,0 hour 0.£) KIrittJ' ~Ii"" /Jj>d<lu: 2()(H Thoma> I. 01...".. lI;rm;ngham Robe" II', I""',J'.. Binn;rtgll3lt1


""""'''''''.'' .... Iabd_ S/.W liar • ..J "/'Im;Jj", /)a_gu' II~ .... no fIIo Go fr- lin<>' .... '''';~1ifJlt f"rnpmi'''" (..,., E. [\;tin .. jr.. Bim'ingh:uot Hon, lbJlm I), Cooi:;, I~ nn;ngham (1.0 hoIlt' U..E)

Sp. nI",~~ "/UGI tMtt DrotJIioc '--

Sapp. T•..ugee


8:Ot ... _S:OG "'"


.sp...-.i" II..... ~,s".,;." """ AWiII_ SlMt 8M

Un~ of Abbanoa

Donn .. S.



lIirmingtwn Sicw, Ri<r And",,",

~ S.

,,0.. . . .

S{>IIruI1mI I"""'JM A_ 11::100 "'" • Noon N~


7:341 .... - 8:<15 .... t:t.RLY MOR.\,Il :-<C I\Rf.AKfASfS

l'JwJ4I "-Itr Ropr& . .... " B,"ce A Card ...... Hu",,,;\k, (1.0 hon, U.£)

- .<

Judith M ,



"MttlMrli>«' c-pk:r c-s,

M.... TOi'tI ""J a... Mj,. " ROOney A. Max, lli nn;nllham "8M /JtIr",.;(Jr in Mt'd;o';",," 1).1)1"- 1.. 0 , FFOC. 1I1n1,i"j(h.m

• .,...,..., 5/1011." 1MII £o..' ,;.,"

G. Man.n \ ..... ~Jr.



IIo"don II, Oelln>: Monlg<K1lefy (2.0 ho",~ a.F.) ~"tlw..

2"'~ p'" -

"""" -"...,

3045 pm

ChIa: n. I\:dl. ~.It"'_. T.,.,.. (1.0 hour a X) ....,.,....,.. ~ 1-


M.. .....,.,- A.uu/<l""~. mod AItJlo, ... SInk fur

-~"""' RnwIning


5J'f£lAI. I'RItSt:NTA'110NS: • Al:lb,uIU Sr.:ole Bar COIll""!oOionen' Awan! • l.oc:oI Bar A<h~1 A,,;urls • KiIb' Schabrship< • Alabamll '-"')"i" IlaLL of ram.,

1:30 pm -11:00 pm jo.... School 01 Low Alumni

"u..- f{ '--1WtI1MII tMwr

(JfNSlltf.,.... ;" ~ s-JI CjJin ... 1'1, ....... ;" rIv C-o

9:l5 ..... _ II :L 5 ... GRA.-.:m: OOIo.' VOCATIOS ",,\n flUSJNfSS MEI'..-nNG

• Uni\mlyot"," School or Low AI","n; Rocq>tiun • o.u"bcrl."d School ol Low Alu",,,i lI«el'oon

IJu;'1I" ~I-' ADR C-..I~ oj /lor AItJlo,_ SInk &n;

a...- _ o..p.." HnM._

from ),our circuil fOr an intOrmal brnl&st~

6:00 1'", . 7:!WI pm

.... c....../OT

• ...t AItJlo,..., eo..".


5:00 .... . 6:00 .... RrCt:I'TIO:" Ilonorinll W,Di;un N. Oar\:; President. Al:lb;un" 5<>.e Bar


• Rt<ognition of50-,*", M....bers

SATURDAY,jULY 24, 2004

• 11U(;lIboo.n of OIfKen

8:00 .... · 9:00 .... CIRCUIT flltf.AKfAST Join b>r co"u,,;.,ionCfl. judga and

• I£GAI. E.'<PO 2QO.I1'lW I>r.>wings 11:15 ...



KIDS' CHANCE Golf Scramble Join ,n f<>i" ,an :.fInnoo" or golf a. The Rawn ",ad" tI"'" more rt:Warding 11)' knowing """ )'0" "'" making a difference in a )<>lIng ~'. ~fe. Sign up .a play in .he IOrh An"u:oL Kids' aw..:e CoIfScnunbl<: on ~'rkby.J"tr nl!Ol).f. The Ki(h' aw..:. Schobnhlp fund JIIll"-ides toChobnhip< for children ....," had" ~n killed Of "",,"""'''Ilyand local!) d .... bk:d on an on-U>ejob injury. IG/h' a.ance ..... establi ... ed in 1992 11)' the ......... I:.en. Co"'p"",;uion &etion. Since lhen ..., ....." "".... ded Khobrship< !O .,..,.. lOll .uodenu.. m""y of "'hom would uOl Ix: able la ~".,nd coLkg., .." hau, OUT hd". If )<>l' '",-" u"able !O play in m" "",n""'lem. pIeatc tpoi, ..... a hole. Th" Work<:r5' Con'I"'''t:Olion ~tiOI1 aW""iald )<>Ilr '''pport. _ Gr .... D. ~ ... (/1111'


Hnn Add' ....

s... ,


IIOIM T"lephon" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Office Td"phon" r.n~.1

ZIP Cod" _ _

M lrew _______________________________________

Ind.ud, ... L l ~a)'Cf

$125 $ _ _

JloIeSpo" ...... h'p 1lak Sl'onoon./up &: L I~'"l''''' 5101

"" • __

Llaic Sf"'''oot)hip '" 4




SLms $600 S _


PIe"_ "''''l e "heeb JXOl":ObI<: ro: Kids' a.ano. Sc:hobnhip rund O R plUM: bill my credi, c:ud:O \~SA 0 M;u~rC:.. d O I\.\IEX

Card No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5ign.'''r''_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

If )'O" .In nal h.\,", ,, leam. )'0\1 "'iLL be l>aired with " "Olher player. For more Inrar",.'Ion, colllact Tney DanieL . 1 /iOO.3S04-61 s.4,





Register Online at WWllJ. Cancell~I;O'" wilh full refund. minus a $25 admini><ntn" fee. may be requested IIImngh ,,,,.... ,. }'riday. July 16. to04. NOT E: In O«kr 10 claim CLE erroi' for , "" :lnnu:oi meeting.)'O" m"." be registered for Ih"

"""" '''1.

~lnn ~,~


ZIP Cod"

fAll." Addr""

~/Gu ... ·•


Ch;~I/O>iIdr.n '. N""", (.)

""'-......t ;~ pnt.Unmw Lo roo- !be ~ 0

Ii_"'" .....






R.p.roooa )

of ..oml ~,..



_ Al.t..u,,,, St.", liar M•• "bc" _ t.."H;"'.Judg<'

_ "'''''''''CJ'' ""minod to bar ~ )"OD


N""·.'.t.,,,h.r (1_ ... ..,." .. "....J,-

Of" ..,..






... ......-. CoooIooo1 ... ,1.-.. s.- Btl. ,.. M.s.b.) By JWy7 Af... JOlly 7 $210.00 SUO.OO $105.00 $12.'>.00 $105.00 $1 '8.00





• •• •


_ _

0 0 0

•• •• •

l'r.... ,knt'. R<.i:q>ti<H' (/~"" .... ~""" t-~"') C~,,,'l><rI.',,d School 01"1 .... Al"",,,1 It.«p""" U",,·c"';'~ 01" Alabo"", 5<1>001 oI" l.. w Al~m .. ' 1te«1"""' JOI.... 5<hooI oJ: 1_ Al,,",n' R«cpUon

_ SO,.....,..J...,.!4, 2OO-I


U.W,L [XI'f) 2001 ~

OPTIOSAL £\TNT TIat:r5 ThunocIoy.Jldy tt, - . _ IIcn<h I< s..- l.ww:beon _ .' 4cmbornhip 1Ic..:Md< _ .. (""'" t.or) _ a "Id,...,,', Pony: Pun·run. Piua a nd Pi.u.>u /UO>JIJ ~ lSI ,II"k_ I .... "'~M" ~ ,,,,- '.""II'~ ,\I~# fluJfolI July U. 20/14 _ Chm. .... , l.qrol Soci<' ~ lItc:.kf.., _ fo .... h Of(wr 01" / 01" "'" car Br.. u"" _ 11_"", Un~ty 5<hooI 01" bw Alumni Br.....u.... _ Un....... ' y 0I"\-..gin~ School 01"1_ AIu"",i ~ _ \' _boh Un""",,), 5<hooI cll.:.w ...... mn' 1If....wt _ T.... "" Un"n>i<y Scbo(II 01"1.- AlwDn; IIfr:ot.h.l _ llitmingluno School 01"1.- Alnmn' s",.u;... _TIl< !.bud M<Lun:: ~Ily A_d I ~'nc hron _




s:tO.OOn. $45.00n. NoChuge

No Charge SI7.Ml.:a. SI7.00.,,SH.OOn. Sl1.00n. SI7.00n. SI S,OOca. S~.OOn.

No 0''''11' Ub.OO ••.


TOACOOMI' ' ~'''I"oRM 0

" .00n.

TOTAL f.\'.;r."I' TlCX£"J"S fEES



Al'I'ROI'RlATE I'Al'MJ;/\"'T Mlln ACOOMI'' '''Y RECIS'TRATION fOK.\I, O>edu r"" repo""ion/tido_ oho<oId be ....... ' 0 .... WRtVlA STATE BAR.. OR PI.,,,,,, bill "'r end., ""rd: \lSA M",etCon1 AM fX CaJ .. No. ~hol<le,', Sig"31u",




•• •• • •• •• •• •• • •• • ••



I:'p'mkon I}.,c

MAIL RF.GIS1'RATIOX f OK.\I " I'AYM£/'oT TO : 2004 Ann,.,.. Iot..,,;ng. Al>.b.>o"".$(a,. 8;u-. 1'. O . !lox 671. Monogo.... '1' AI. ";101


HOTEL RESERVATION FORM Hilton 5.:m destin Beach Golf Resort & Spa Room Re sermlio ns MUST BE MADE DlRECILY WITH THE AlABAMA STATE BAR To e nsure rour accommodatio ns. reservati o ns sho uld Ix: rcreived NO lATER THAN T UFSDAY, J UN E 15, 2004.

RESERVE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR (please pri ll l or type ), Name _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __

Fin n/COlll pa" y _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Addr~


City __________________________________________________ Slalc _ _ __ ZlP Code ________________ 1I"$;nCS$l'd"phone _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ E-mail _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Atrj' "d l

Day/I)"e ____________ _ !>eP""""C Day/Date _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __

CHECK·IN T IME i. H lO pm, CHECK-OUT TIME i$ 11:00 alll, ~O

Early Dtpa, IUrt f« for chW< ...1 pi",- /() «mfirrtIM ,uparlUrt <tau.

C roup


0 $209 1/."..:", View (per n;gh1) Single Or Oo"ble Occupancy 0 $2:.9 !kach \r,cw (pcr nigh!) Single or Do"ble Occupancy

o $309 Ilcach From (per night) Single or [)o"bl" OccuP''''CY r-

All"'" ... ,.. 49!t91 indude$ N r-day, roo", s.. .......lin ~f'" ~ "d 10 J-t:ftll Florid.. soles lax. (s"b,frd 10 dta"gr)

o Killg Bed o Two Double Bcd. (Qu een ) o Smoking o No",moking Num be r of Rooms RCiJuircd _ __

N"",ber of Adult<

Nu",ber or Child",,,


Method of l'a~... ,cnl'

o Check [ ndO<Cd o Type ofC <ecl ilCarcl _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ Credi, a.rcl No, _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

hpir,,,;o,, [)a'e_ _ __

Na ",,, of Credit Card Holder

Card Holder'. Sign.'ur" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Ikl"""ilJ "ill be recorded at ' he [ j ",,, rc.w:r",,,ion i. ",~d,,_ No <harge for children under 17 sharing room wi ,h paren", A del"""i' "i ll be «.fnnded if cancellation of reoelV>.,iol1 i. recei,..,d sc"en da)" prior to am,,,] da'e ,


Write it down! If you are calling the Alabama State Bar outside of Montgomery's local calUng area, please use (800) 354-6154 for all departments other than Lawyer Referral Service.

1/ you need to contart the Lawyer Re/erral Service, please sure to use 392-5660,

Harbingers of Bad Tidings m.a(rn..llIpObly covmd by the ~fi­ dcntiolity priviltge. In a numbc1' of o~ it AppCat$ the "I'I""iog party titller their riglll to aucn the pri"ilege or faik:d to appeal on ..t,\'nC RIling on tlw objeaion. Foo- almpll'. the au"! in lbkhI".. discu5sc:s in ~at detail the """"II .... •• 1I1o:gMiom l'I'lIatding the media ... '. alkgcd mlooonduct. "'hile ...u.i"l only a pas,ing ",fo",nc. to the ronfodcntiali'Y priviltgo. '",lchi~. 793 So. 2d It 1098: s« DlM> 1M f'lt>riJo 80r ~ f'rl..b.r". 760 So. 2d 933. 936 (Fb. 20001 (di$eussinc. .... ;'lIoln "'f""""", 10


the ronfldonUality prnilese. tho lo:Sl;mony 0( a mediator

Jq.lnJinl C(I<t\'aUtJOn$ "hic:h OttUmd durin!! a ··quui-medi.tion 5I:~~ion"). More commonly. as in 011

Lnus. a pany seel:inl to dcf.nd a medi. ated 5I:niemon, ~n' from ohillenge INMS the ronf'Jdentiality privilqo. In Mt:Kiloloy .. Mt:KilolDy. 648 So. 2d 1106 (Fb. Oist. O. API', 1995). one p3IIy 10 • divurce :SOUght to $tC uidc • medil!_ od -",ulement agree"",nt on the grounds of durtS •• nd intimidation. The court roncludod that an .... idcntiaty hearinl 0$ 10 the ,..Jidity. onfOl'C'Oability and poten_ uallllOdifocat;"" " '30 prnpcr. but <bas1I0'Cd tho mal o:owt for "'fUStng 10 aI ...... the mod..... 10 ~ify. The COUrt based ir. d.d,ion in pall upon the foot illat a wrine" sc:ukmcoI18=mcnt "'0$ io

.~iste"""" but II", upon ilS con,d ... "",

Iha, the wife had ,,'l.ivcd IIer right '0 invoke the medi.lioo coo/idcnliaiity pri"ikge. On thall.ner i ...... the follow. inJ quote is in""",,,,..., -,. and most <ilnlflClnl ' J the

flOl tIw lIS the palIy "''''' ob)l'<'led '0 the OOI,k""'nI based on .Iltg>_ lion! of du",,,, and inllmidation . Wife '''''iled Iotfylf of the oppor_ lunity to fill: a written kller to the Inal judge and 10 lOI.fy .. lhe . _ . he. .d.. Hooo..........-, "lIh only IIer o.idc of the stoty pmenlCd. $he: ilM>l;od a $tIIlutOr)I P.WIIqe 10 pn.c:lu<ie testimony proffer f",m other wit""JSCS .uch lIS the mediOiOt. TlIOsc: pru-licular fOCI. lead UI 10 ronclude ilIal Wif. ..-.i>1:d Ix.- _ittOf)' prwilqe of


confKlmtiaiityand IhM. as.~, 0( the ..-,,;,...... it ..~ error and a Mooh of (air pl1y 10 ckny Hulband the "I'J'OrIunlly to I'f"5Cnt n:bollal ""imooy and c"idc:nc •."

MrKu.iDy. 648 So. 2d .. 810; >« aiM> KtWf, S40 So. 2d .. 367 (IIOIIIIJ d'III one J*l)' Iud .. til< nII:doabon ptTo'ilezoo by lQOIi"l 10 >0ICaIe. mod;"" srniomonl acrmnctM). NOI< tIw doe I'Iorido ""'.... 00.. ~ the modi ..... the privikg<! 0( ",f"~in& 10 testify. allhou&h nlany Florida (and AlWlno) modialori include SIIC!t ~ in the mediation "I1U1I1L'.u thq "''1,"n: portlos '" <ip in advance 0( tho medlJlJOn. In 00IIII'3SI.. Rule 11{bJ(i) 0(





1he AI""",,,,, eMI CQU.rI M~dj;z,jon R~lu alk,.".. ~ • ml;di3lor or pany to disclose coo· fidrnlial mtdiati"" information ooly ••..'lItn the modi.!or.nd the panics to the medi,lioo.1I agree to 1110 disdQsom::" Similarly, in Hudwn" Hud&cn. 600 So. Zd 7 (f1a. Di~ Ct. App. 1992).lhe patties to • diVOf'CC proceeding reached an app.1f' enl om! agreemenl in a mcdialioo. bu, foiled 10 rnIuce ill<> "Tit· ing. When the husband foiled to appear for trial. the wife Lo:stifl<d as 10 wb.u tranSpired at the medjJtion proceeding aad described the proposed ood agree"""" in d<1ai1. Tht "'ife c>'Cn had the medi3lOr ,ign the back of hor hand-wrincn I10IeS "as a soo of liflc:uiO!l tha1 this was WM' the parties agtttd 10 I.. the mtdi3lionJ." I/ud,w,o, 600 So. 2d.l S. The appellate coon ~1Cd!ha1 the "inletjcctioo of the »called ~reerne"' prcr>=d by the ""ire aad 'ttnif>e(l' by the med ialOr. and the IWimoniall't'p"""'nUllioo~ of whrultaJl<j>irrd aI $aid [rn(!dialionl bel".... " the parties, into the trial coun violates the spirit and Ie1ler of the mediation .latUIC." Id. aI 8-9. Tht coun held thai the ""well was poisoned by the odmissioo of the fattgOing evidoro::e of the and so i"reeled the judgmenl reaclnllha1 ;1 ~Id be and the nut..,..!&d OJY::W." Id. III 9.






Oral and Unsigned Mediated Settlement Agreements

Tht> "as,,, """"""lnIting the Florida

courts' "".lmCnl of challeng •• '" modi.,ed ..:1!k"",nl agm:men" w~ til. agree.

.... nl"...''',...1 or no! signed by all partie. are CoNn ~ Coht". 6(fJ 5<>. 2d 7S5 (Ra Dis!. C. AJ'P- 1992) and (itmJo" I: Ruyal C(lribbnm C",is~•. ud.. 641 5<>. 2d 515 (Fla. DiS!. CLApp. 1994). In CoNn. lhe Fauth District Coon of Al'J"'iIls ",.",.tumed " lrial coon's decision to enfortt an orall<:ukmenl agrtt .... nl ruche;! by the ~ in a c'OUn.ordered mediation. The oppell.uc coon fl.~y >lared lhat "(0 jn on! agreemenl reached during mediation i. inadmis.sabk as pri,'ikged WlIe« it !>as fm;t boen tedoc:ed to Wliting." Cohtn. 609 5<>. 2d at 785 (citing Iludson): acc<m/ M",k. to. 61 4 So. 2d 517 (affirming the trial rollrt's ruling th:Il til. pL>intilf would no! 110 allowed to subpoena lhe mediator to teSlify). Cch~n relied upon HIIlhon for the l""{lO$ition that '11jhe confi<\entialiry of til. ""goIiation. (in mediation) slull remain inviolate until a written agreemenl i. uecured by the parties." Id. In Gordoo. the Fifth District Coon of Appeal. held Ib.,t a media ...'d .. ukmen! 'W"".... nt. .Ithough signed by (>(It party and coonsel for both paMits. was no! bir.ding on the party who failed to siin. Gonion. 641 So. U at 517. Beca~ the parti"" "did no! clf"'-1uate a "'ltIt.... nl "Utt"",nl in accordance wilh the (Aorida .tatutory media' tion conft<\enliality pri"ikge stalute). coo_ r.<\entiality afforded to the partics involved in the mediation must remain in,iolale." Id. (citing Mod.~ IO ).


The principles established and "Wlied by the Rorida ronl1< in the cases di$c".,.d above are confllsing and. in some oase •. flatly contradklory. For example. it remain. 10 be secn how a court "an inviOlate the CQnfidrntiality of ncgotiatioru in mediations while i""lui.· ing. uOOc' the authority of I-illch'-"". into

pre" "'.

alleged medimor miscondttCI_Rcganlkss. no m.ut<r 00..' )'OIl shaI:e these Florida cases. 1\\'0 '0')' .igniffe"'!! issues fall OItt---.:onf>dentialily of the mediJliort j>I'OCCSS and the ability of part;'" 10 compel a medialor to t«lify_ While til. Alabama Ci"il COUrT MNliatiott NukJ JII'O"ide oome proIeclion on both of these fronts.. it would be nice losee the I<gi~la­ tlll"C ptUVide some st.tutory baooking in thi' "",a. Although the AI:tbama.Iegi,laturt has considered mediator teSlimonlal immunity bill •• number of times in the past thi, WIlutory proICClion has no! boen adopt<d. Thallegi,lation or.::e again is befon: the legislalu",. lhis lime under the label of S<:nate BiU 191. spon....-rd by ~, ... tor Rodger Smilllenna". along wilh III identical house bill. House Bill 397. spon....-rd by Rep~ntati~ !>enldri... /'Ie,,·ton .' At the li"", this article was being Wlitten. Senate BiU 191 was 00 the ,.nat<: oakrodar lor considc-nttion and HOltS!: Bill 397 was pending in til. 1I0ItS!: Judleiary Con,miltce. Wltiic this kgisl.lion will not resolve all of the issues raised by the ~lor>da oases discot=<! abm--e. it would be a ttice .un dov.'n the l"'th of assuring the CO/lfldentialily of the media_ tion j>I'OCCSS. This. surtly. is a goal shared by all members of the bar, •

Endnotes Thno". "'"'" -Ill ~ _ _ _ b.- h b.- _ .. b.- till

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fgcal !f3ar fiward offichievement The Alabama State Bar local Bar Award of Achievemenl recognizes local bar associations 'Of their outstanding contributions to their communities. Awalds will be presented during the Alabama State Bar's Annual Meeting, July 21st- 24th in Sandestin, local bar associations compete for these awards based on their size-large, medium or small. The following criteria will be used 10 judge the cootestants for each category: • The degree of participatioo by the individual bar in advancing programs to benefit the COOVTlllllity; • The quality and extent of the impact of the bar's participation on the citizens in that community; and • The degree of enhancements to the bar's image in the community. To be coosidered for this awald. local bar associations must complete and submit an award application by June 1st, 2004. H:lr an application. contact Ed Patterson. ASB director of programs, at (800) 354-6154 or 1334) 269-1515. ext. 161. or P,O, Box 671. Montgomery 36101,






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{SOO I ADR- fI RM or (B OO) 2 37 -3 4 7 6

hy ,",'ould II'I"My .nompllo $Cllio. cue ,hal has "I",ady been " •."dod In d~ 1rial coon and ison appeal in ,be: Ala"",,," appel. I... In tho pUt. lIIaI qu<$lion either """ _ Ilttn noiStd "",,,au,", Ihf:n, was ... mcchmi.m in tho appellate ",Its 10 do SO or has been ;lISIincti""ly reject. cd. ~"'Iy. pmits 1IIo''e ,w..~ tho ide. 0( appellal~ ",uknltnl ~kptic'lly. EvetyOIIt- inmlved Iw diffe .... , moti ... lion. 1h., pu,h him Of h," toward more lili",ion in !be appellalc COlIn.



TIle roll", of appell. in all fc<k'flI' circuits 50fIle form of appell.le medi"ion or Jelilemenl program. A. of


2002.30 SI.'.. hod di'pul.


tho appeiLo .. 1<,..,1.' 1'IIc ..... hs of Ihesc pro&ramS.~ IhM .. In 1aooI~ ;oro;! Ihcir diml. lCriowJy r:urrune ...'Iw:tb<r appdl.ooco lilip600l fUl· Iy oorve<~, inlereSU. a ,"""f.,.. ......... bcr o(!he cues oetlle. Expo ..."". '"I_ ,.SI. lh31 if lhe: ponies are &lvon lhe pnllratru at

opponunily and ,houghtfully approoch

appelialC medial ion. their intuitive


rcsiSl:UlCeS l(I teulemc.n. Ofl awcal can beO\-=omo! Aru:r nlOIlth$ ()( wort. by lhf: Sup ....... COW1 CommillH '" ApptIb't Mtdiatio.. '.lhf: ALabuna Supmno Coon adopIed ",1<$ and ~ for • _ p'OlI*'" d>a K"'C::S lhe .we ......11Me """'" lhf: ..lhorily 10 ~fcr My ci"il cue "" ..,.,alto mediation. AJabarnIo oIfoci ..• Iy ewbli!hed.1S Apptlb't M fdia lloll Pnlgnom e«""";." January 4. 20001.'

The Alabama Appellate Mediation Program Program Establishment n.e Comrnillce "",;eww s.ale and fedtra! app<cllal<: media.ion ~n' from aroulld lhf: COIIntry to de'om,i"" ".b.lI oharao' ori>liu made some_ than ot/>eT$. n.e Comrnill.., uhi""'~ly Jl'""I'OOtd a """ram ,imil., l(I lhf: modialioo Jll'OlftiII noed by lhf: FiM Di>lricl Coon of App:aI ia 1'klridI. AllloJup pmicipa.ioo in !lie proJram is mandatory. lilt medialioo 'I """.bond,a,. Ti ..... i. of tbc <$SO"'" lO lilt pn>&BI1I. Early JCheduha, n i .... nded .0 si.-e tbc pan;.. tbc be>! OI'IlOf'uaity to tcIlk • cuc btf"'" !bey incur tbc map npe .... of havi., tbc clert·,1U'OnI and tbc ropor1Of' , uanscript ~ and offilia, 1:Jriofs.. ,,,,.M of tbc pn>&BI1I i, IlOI 10 grualy delay tbc COIWX of tbc appeal if modi •• i"" fails.. bu.lO .... lp sa", COMI and elIpenSd. if i. i. JUCttSSful! lb: propam is roon\i""lcd by ... elI..,_ lIliY(: di=tor and operalC:I in ...h coon under the din:a .wper-.i""" of ... -wellatc modi:uion IIdminisl1alOt,' n-.. admin. ismllor is .... mployee of c.. h re<.p«li.-e coon. n-.. .=1,..., di"",1OI" of tbc """"I. la.c modillliOfl offICe i. M"'..., ... W~llerl . n-.. ,ul""me coon odmini~'llllor is Ctles' t Sa""I. The COlIn of cj.U appea" odmini'lt81or is 1I~bt<:<IO O!tl ...



Pre-Mediation Procedures Alkt .01 ...... aI il filed and dockeIOd. tbc appell .... and """"llee ..., mjIIirod 10 file • mediMioo nse-~a, fom> and • OOOIfodcnl;.a ~"""'1 rqardi., the approprialtneu of the ca.e for medialion. lbe OOOIrw.nciaI .caIe1nC1I. i. nol lO

be Jen~ "" opposi", coumd.' n.e app:1I.IC medialion adrninisonlOf will "",iew lhe nICd,"""" .l>e-5CfUniaE forms and the coafodcntial >latcmcnlS romplcled by the p;uties. Vinu.t.lly all Olh<r than c__ in>.., mminal appeal, or pro JC liti,anlll. arc: .Iigible for modia.ion .' Selcclion of cases for modi.,ion is ba<od on the adrnini$!ra. lor', dcU:rrninalion !h•• tbc case should be ~f~m:d 10 modi •• ion af10r ...;ewin, tbc f..lS. lhc order appealed from. II", , •• lIdanl of ... jow ...... ppell.te coun will apply 000 tbc p;uties' llale~nl ~ganl;n,.be appropria.e ...... of lhc case for modil.ion.' If i. i. delormined by the adminislr.llor tho •• he calCl is ~a't for JllCdiation. ... order of ~femJ of modiation will be ..... which nolifoes the pmie! tho. the cue ""ilI be medialed and in>IrUCU them 10 a.tempt 10 .,.... on • medialO<_ Parrit$ ...iII 1>1>,., the oppor1",,;'y lO IIlIlIu.t.Ily ahfled mediMOr ...·ilhin 14 days.- With cenaill limiltd elIcoptions. lhe ponies UI\ choose ,,110m !bey ........ as • mod ........ ~ If !be pan;es .., unable 10 .,.... .... modialor. tbc pn>JI1UII admini_ will appoint one from a 1"O$l<'f maia1ainocd by the ...... IIMe medillion otrlCC .~ Tbe ......U... mcdiMonon

..,Ita. "..

tbc 1"O$l<'f arc: a"""",>"' "" the Alat-na SIlI.e COWl Mtdi .. iooI RO$t<1 woo ....-e -=sfully con>pleted a specialized appcll:uc medillion lrllioi", opon5<lml by the appellate modi.lion offICe. For c;ucs IhIl ...., disiblc and ~f"""" 10 modialioo. all """"lillie ming .i ..... li...,. ... ill be lU5pendcd umil the modiation i< ronch.ded, Notice il .. n ••o tbc!rial COlI" clcrt and COOIn rcponcr to Stay p!'I)CeOd. inis Ofl appeal." If lJ1 aW'aI i, noI. ..1ec1_ ed for medi.tion. a II01ke will be .. mlO !he lrial Cool" clerk and coun ~poncr 10

begin ~ of !be ...... and lI». scrip.. It II conICmplMed tho! tbc """"llIIc proccso "ill be >lllyuI. .. !be _ . for 63 <10)'> af... the if6UlIIICC of the ordcr of ~f<rraJ 10 medilliM. ~

The Mediation Process


The rnoctillor <;OOIdi1WCS the place and pmoedun: for !be medial"",inclWin, the .wbmi"ion 01 any medil_ lion !We"""", ~ The medu,.iooI ocuion i. 10 be beld II any ""'.00.. ~nlt1lllO tbc medi .. or and tbc ponies." A medialOr <loa IlOI hI>,"C 1.... aulhori.y 10 impose I "Ule""'''' upon the ponies. ",wi.IOr·, fea and i... idonlal txpen"" will be shared equally belween ..... pmics. unlo$!; Olbcfwise de'erlllincd by.he finlll

"",di"ion ~""'~nl." Aft.r a medi alion has been compltlCd. the appropriale appell.le .oon will dil_ pose of the ClJC if ..... medi •• iOfl was sl>CCessful. l)isposillon of 1.... cue might i••-ol"" dismiual of the lW'll, ~mand 10 lbe trial COlIn for approvol of a scnk_ menl .,....,....,m ""hich rcquift'f. COIIU appoo..1 or en.1)' 01. >lipul31ed order called for by !he medilled If the medillOr doct..:. an impuao. tbc appe.ol will be ~in ... led 00 tbc appcllalC docket and the >Illy of ~­ ings lifled.. .. All ......1Ia.e time rtqIliremenU will ""'" ~me. lbe """"Uanl is ""'" rtqIlimllO mal;c wi.taclOfy _gernenu willi the IriaI ~ ~Iert :and cowt ~poncr for jftplBllOll()(tbc m:ord "" ..,.,.aI wi!hin seven days of "'kn the "l>e ..............1nI Ofl the ......1IlIt: dncket.


Confidentiality ConfKlcntialily is a key .lemo ... of .be llIo appella.e media· .iOfl offICe is ""'.led In IIIC JPdici.1 Building in Monl""""ry. 1hc Admini.lt8.· lion and operalion of ..... opp:llate mediation ]lI'"Og1'"llll arc oomplclCly .. paro.e from the lppell>le COlI,,'. dc<:i.ion·mak_ ing procen. AW'lIa.e medialion ",I.. prohibit coonscl for lbe. puti •• or ~nyonc: olte from informing members COIIrt proJrIn1. Allhoop



ADVANCING ADR IN ALABAMA : 1994 - 2004 oboul dixllSSions or IIttIOnI at a ....w.,_. Tht<c: RIles will bo Wictly MfO<t:1:d 10 nwllUlln !he inlCp'ily of !he program NOI ron.idered confKlcnlial II !he fae! thll !he mMi31i<.m look place and lhe ban: re,ul" of lhe mMialion.

Why Mediate A Decided Case? In !he ptil. ""'nstl h:u lillie opportu_ nily 10 difCUss :!eItlemenl " 'ilh one IInOIlIf<f ,.. !he oppella,., 1e>~1 in AIabuno.. 'J'k putks are focull:d on britf pttpart.1I0Il and do nO! inlenel '" !he ...... al!hey do II lhe lrial coun 1.,..,1. l.. ",ye", "'" <ondilioJl«llo ~lew lhc 11'P"1I'1<: pr<>eeM 10$ !he lasl ~p in lili_ plinn and not 10$ anochrr opportunlly to ",,",sider oa IIlIiabIe JCltlemcnt E<pericnoce bas shoo>n. howe=.1hat


5<'I1kmnII diOC1lS<ionI ofa de<>idtd ~_ • "he appellal<: 1e>.. 1 an: ideally limed. By lhe lime a Case hal reached lhe

oppcUaIC 1c'o..,1•• ''CfY "&ruflCalll e>.."ll iQ !he life ofa ..- has ')'pCaily takrn pIace-to dec",ion has been rexhed " 'he,,, one puty has won 3nd ."",her pany has losl in lhc lrial <'<)Un. Bu. "winninglboold be dertned as ""hic~i", lhe besl ",wll$. all lbi"p ronsidc:ttd. lbe", "'" a ftumbo:r ofl'CMOllil ",by ~UIIC "" • """"lei be mOlh'31ed 10 JClIIe~ after they ...... boom II\n:IIIGJI!he rigOO"$ and ""PClWl of trial.. ~lrsl. withou •• cry ....1 ball. il i. impossi. ble l(} prediC11he oulcome: of an appeal wilh precision. While II is possible '" obIain a ",venal of a low ... court decl_ ......... appellant fxes. very diiflC'Uh cllallo:~.[kpmdi", on the it.sue. ;oppellate: COW1< have limi.ed ...,....,.. P""''<'R. lbe . ,'allable ",,"'crW .wi~ics clill Ioog shadow ""'" an appellant's ch.:m"c•. Only 14 ,84 ptr<~n. of lhe C~ lIt3. wc'" , uhmil1ed on appt'allo the rowt of civ,1 appeals last lC1'm w.", 1CVft'5ed. In the $upn:mc Coun cI AIaboma. the odd!; for ~ "'CfCe>"" 100II.... a mete 13 pcm:d'.

Swcd """' ....."K. """,,11tt< ...,.,

85. 16 pcrcenl or the lime in lhe coun of dvil appeals'" and 87 percenl of lhe lime in the Alabama Suprc..., COUI1. An appellee ..... y Kille a cue bccauoe ;1 pntt; .... 1be trW COWl opinion or dec' ..... to bj, 50 r~vonbIe IS 10 nO! , , _ 10 lite oay risk 1Iw ,! will bj, ovn1umrd on """"aI. A ]lMty ..... y bj, invol ..... in"""" otber di/fcrenlliliga_ lion al ,be ",me Ii..., as the " ..... on ~ppeal. a nd il may believe tN. •

......... cccdinl is

bener ..",-

'"resolu_ '0 lion

cI ilS C",",CIIIS. Another motivation .....y toe 10 avoid poettdtllL Some"""" the ~i.unce of oa unfaYOnble prettdtnl i. more proble .....1ic for an """"lIan' tJwo ,he ","ui', ""d a joinl motion 10 ,xale lhe Iowcr coul1 decilion may Ali.fy all put~.

lbe ""PC"'" of further li.ip1ina at !he appeliMe 1e\..,1. uod perbaps oa ",mand .0 the trial """It. may ~ il «OnOHJi.

cal '0 ~~ lhc ronnict 1hmII&h mM;._ lion. If 1lIe appellate coun "",lew. lhe decided CISe. the "",ull "oold be a/Ti.malICe of a jodvnon" wbe",u in a SC'IlIemcnl il is possible to ~PIOrI: .uuc_ lured IC'UlemenlS based on abili.y '" p.ay l1'l1I rom"""ncc. In ronl"", '" !he judl_ .... nl illlplllSC'd by 1<'01111. ill medilllion the pan~ can de\'ioe a l1nIC1uttd JClI1t-


Finolly. appe llalt Jilip!ion ,akes!inl<_ After prouediog. in the lri.r COWl. par_ Iic$ an: commonly impolicn'l(} set'" !he end of the rwd. UnfonullalCly. appellate OOUztS lite time 10 process 1be e>'Cfn"""""" of Iilin" . In the AliNma Sup"''''' CouI1 for the mos • I«enl.,"". the ."eRie lime from lhe r.lina of ,he noti"'! of appeal 10 final di._ posilion wu 34~ daYI." In the COUll of d"iI """,,;ols..!he.ocngc lime ..-.os 144 cIa)'$." If you Io$t illlbe COUll of civil llWI'aIs and SOUghl "<'I1iorari "",lew in 1be Alabama Sup"''''' CQUI1. il .001< an a.'e!'aiC of aootber 11 2 day. for the ~,. liorari 10 be decided. Tin .. is In impor_ Il nl mOIi ... ,or In ",nle ..."t.


Typical Cases That Would Be Appropriate For Appellate MediatIon Nepialions involved in appellale media.ion ""nf.rene.. ~re not limiled In .be narrow issues p<l'SCnk'd on appeal. Inl~ad. ~/foru M.ould be nude 10



for medialion." involving' penonaI


Spol11oTed by 'he Aiuoomu Cen,u for Dispult RUo/ulion ond rhe Appel/ult MeJia/ion Office

The A~ ~".,. Coon ond the Al.>bruna Coon orC;"';! Appeals began thoi, OOIlfoden,ial appell ... mediation program in Jan""')' 2004. The couru ... pply an approw:d list of uaincd 3f'Pt'lbII: medi.uors 10 panics nnImd 10 mo:di.llioo.

I~: Alabama SIIII. ""c, IkMlnl lloon. 11" ..: '} "-n! . • ",

Tnoi""'l ~A modular 11"0$ btrunmdy rqisI=d ""die A1abarna O:ut ~~ ROSIer 10 ""'" \his ninina. Rqismotion is limilcd. AppoIIMe mediaIon mu\l ~ CO roncIucI "" 10 two pro bono rncdI.u""", P"'" )'<:10".

R~: CaD the A ......... CenIcr !'or ImpuIe Rc3o/UIion 10 1'C'gI<I<f and n=j,,, furthc'r lIIforma&iod. 0IIIy a pMial


o"t" Oct.r 5, 2O(l.I e LE: 6 hours Cot<I: $llS

mund wiU bt a1k:Mcd~Lcr &pocrrkT 14. ZOO4.

On the road again •••• Covering the state whh free CLE

and infonnation on the latest programs and member benefits book now for your next bar

association meeting!

It's the ASB ROADSHOW! Contact Susan Andres


Phone: 334-269-1515, ext. 132 E-mail: sandres@a/


ADVANCING ADR IN ALABAMA : 1994 - 2004 injlllY ease. I~ mi. C*St. \he plainliff WM .....ucd.51 million illlY verdict. Afic'r )'t"An of eApcn ... and lilililion.!he pllin. lifrr~ls ~indi~olcd

and ~ornpcnsalcd by !he lnonetary oword. In <OIIlraSt.!be ddelldanl is o-hoxUd N !he verdicl and ils .Nze. ~ Wc will oppcallhislcplly unJUpp:>nab1e ,...-die! and if ~ W:e \he appo-ol .11 lilt. way to !he United

SlaleS SuprtO"le CO\ln .~ The plain@' fxcs!he""",ibiliIY<lf 1os;.C !he verdicl OIl appeal. If !he """"I_ Ia~ <"OWl. devnni_ dw !be pw...iff·, dum fail .... mall .... of ~. !he plain. tiff will hove no m:overy. If!he appellale det<:nnines 'hll lilt. <kftndanl is enl;11ed lO a new !rill. !be plaintiff m"" ",I~m 10 !he !rial COUI1 for a new !rial ...~ ~ faces Uonnald ~ltS and inevitably mote eApc ...... This also auume5 the pllinliff can collect hi. ver_ dict if'he case is .ffirmed on appeal. The dtf"ndanl ","" fre.he ""lIily III.lI !he verdie! will be aff"m.,d. 10 thaI ~. !he ...rmdaDt wiU ~ ~ibk fOl" !be faa: of !he ¥eRIicI .. JIO'IinIt:mt III !be ..... of I 2 0;0011


....,u ..


per=Il." One ye>r·s ,,""" of JIO'I'Judf:_ in\emI""",Jd <'<f\III 5120.000. The

ahead. he " 'ilI be unable 10 focu. 011 ... ha, mig!" be a ~~k: IIQlu,iod

cost of I <lI/H'rstdtD.< bond fOl" I $1 mil_ lion oollar judgmenl is app«>.\im:"ely 515.000. The premium i, annu.o.l. A <ltf....

under !he cj",um§{onces. On the Olher band. lhe defendant mu~' f;OIISidct !be ~ali'y lhal !be appellale COUI1 may"""""" the summ>ry j udi· "",.,. 1ft _ _ D~ lhe dcfclldanl .... ill

dXII .. ill ha,-c 10 pay addilional qat fees and C(IISII; 10 ils """""y. Thul. by .... Iimt

!he appeal it concluded. !he $1 million doIl.- venlicl apillM on ""....:ces.ful def.ndam nuy involve ccooomic conse· Q""1ICC5 of anolhcr $200.000 or "..,.... WhaI ibool cases w~re $Ummary .iudpncfll ",v COleRd in !he def•.,d.. favor1 ~ Ctir:< may be appropri~ fOl" """"nile med,"tioo "'hen !he ri,k and ",alities "'" e><amincd. The plain,iff facel!be realilY thal)"'An of liligalion may "".1, in no Icco . ery. This realilY may be pII1lcuJarly diffICUlt '0 ""'" b«aotSe !be plaintiff lias had no opportunily to present hi! ease to "judce at jury. I • •lead. the pllintitr. only tes,imony .... u w.e" by deft ... <ou"iel &1 a dep<>. sition lhal ".,.. conleDOOus. diffICUlt and fOC\OSed 011 ...nt in hi. case. Unb !he ploinliff is able 1(1 conw: '" &riPS with ,he &rim rulily poICfI,'ally


ha,-c ,,"tiIOII yurs of litilllion and eApcn..,.. will face "julY !rial wilh "~ addilional eApcnse and will risk Iosing.1 trial . Wbit.!he defendanl rn.ay be eonr,· denl thaI he " 'ill succeed 011 """"at. !he defend••" _ ~''''' _ some ril.l 01 reIItt<al is " ~~I"y in ew-ry U~. If the defendant foc:u,," 011 theoe practical con~idcrat'OII'. he may con.ider -",,,I,nl lhe case by, into OC:<:OUOI!he COSl~ of oppeal and !be rilLs of ""-mal. of cases lha may be ........ _ for OfIPCI_ mrdiJrion ..,


IJIJICIoII on orden n:pnlinJ.rnitnIion. Appell.ue mediation ofthcse Olden will "'"

be limiv:d 1(1 the 00fl'0\0/ ;~ 011 appciI tqIl'ding the ooope 01 orbitraion. s.:.-

com.idcnIion ...... be p.... IO~", the train:~. WlIik:" dcf_ '""Y bdicYc lha he con win a cmc OIIIrighlll

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ADVANCING ADR IN ALABAMA : 1994 · 2004 _c.. _ .. .. loobnI" 14, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _Udayo. ~ dill. Jcldom ~ b<au<c ~'Yooi


.......... lend 10 "'spIiI .... b>by.~ A defco. <bnt abo P- ~ 111$ rii/ll1O 1pJUl .... IItIirnlion •••,.... WII"" .... !Ub .., ..ripcd. Iho!oe type "*''''' pc<fca filr

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IIJIIldI* mtdiaIion. fjI\2Jly. ""","""'1 ~1\Slliod cues and domesIic ",I.. ion, ~ __ an: particularly Il'fII'(lIlriale ...·hen .... bum&ll and



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Even if ca.'''' do IlOl senl< 11 .ppc:llate mcdiatioo. the prucess should be: be..,r,· cia! t" .... l.owycn and lilig"''''' For liti· gants .. no Iosl in .... 1riaI CQWt without Pili 10 1riaI•• ....motion ...won will pro>idc lhtm • flt)l.lime opponunily \0 '"leU Ihcir .....,.... 10 • """. rnllhitd lIMY. The process w,u provide l1li oo.nkl for I liTipm",h<:> has btta r... mooed by not havi", bid IIis cloy in coon. For

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In !he L1.... "'" ycus, appellate mediation the coonif)' hi,,,, (lHl>'('n thai ,;",;r",.m numbers of parUes will ocllie "" appeal ,,'hon mediation is


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jndudt.. wKuS$ion about !he legal issues on appeal and tile qoestjoru that miSI" be impomnt to .... appol1>1e court. Thut. lhe medi>lion owion may usia .... bwym in ~am­ I;";", Ihrir IOf'IXIWc IOJU"' meat. The prootSI obould be oaI ",1x1hcr Of not • $t11lemrnI is IIChleYCd.




s..-c.o. _

~ • JlIfIdiation .... .;00 will ffnl""Rlly

Aloi:oama "I¥llale 00WtS ... illlIe confromlid willi marwIaooy panicipaliorl in such lMdialions in .... (uRn. If bvo)'ml and J*ties thouah</"ully 4'P ....10 tho JlIOCU$. many III'PC'llaIe po<lUCdincs will sraJe. The pr!.lInIIII >hould be .......... win" fur """)'OftC ilMll>W-d><- bIo)'US. \he parties • and !he ooo.-u..

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ALABAMA : 1994路2004


Efficacy of Post-Divorce Mediation And Evaluation Services I

al{~malive dispu!C ~u{ion in {he mediallon bao .~ as "'" ~!il\i modol for reducing ocrlmoay and ....... ~;md with

n II.. pa)I two deadel;,

form of di\lOl'C'C

di\lOl'C'C .otlion< in ~ic _ ( .....,..... 1m. Emery 1'»1). The cunnlt .,1Oilabk swiCltics fl'Olrl doe ALablmI Ceq ..... for IMpuIC ResoIucioa 1'C"ea] tIw divorcc: pnctiliontl'$ in the "'karl of Oi~ic:~ lag far behind tbeir "ou",erpans in other parU of the coonII)' in Ie ...... of ulili>,.. ,ioo of medialion in (be dom.stic .",,,. (Jndy Keeg. n. direct.... AI.b. m. Ctn .. , for D;,put/: Resolution. pononal communication. March 20, 2(01). The ~ly of 1M l'IO$tarrh and cli"icaililer.lIUre in lhi. area has focused ""' pre-djvoroe mr:di.. ion. This ~ focuses on posI.cIiWlrCC mcdialloa and relMed eo."lIllWion ~ rutiq~ forms of inlerVemion !hal an: ..... JIICd to pmmoIC the """inI<ftSIS ~ f.1>o:)'1lIId \he origInal dl""",ition and~· minMion of ~Lodial and ~ ~.

In dh'orte mediation sp<lU§cs"""" with. '"'''tn.1 mtdiOlor to W()fk 0\&1 .. ~lliemcnllh'l is h,isfaclory 10 boIh. wilh final <It<:i.ion. being made by the spouse. 'bcrn~I\'u (Emcry & Wy", 1981). Divor<e medialion SIres .... "'gotil'ion. r. dlilll_ cd by the mr:di.,o.-. and i. ;nlcndood In inc", .. ", pa...,ntal control 0YC1" the QUtrome of di'o'Oftt ~i",I. In """, •• 6on. the COOIIenI and "",!erial> olthe pr'OttU In' conrl(\ and cunot be subjec, '0 di!CO>'efY or lbe hbJCCI ollalel testimoQy (IMc II. Alabamo Ci~il COlOn Mlldialioa Rules). In poo.I' di>Oftt """'i'lion. divorced panics ..'or~ IOJcthtr ror.rodrn_ tially wilh ....... Iral 10 n:och .s=..... nts (Ih., 'ypi<:ally ol'Olllld lOee.. connicuj in order l<' .,'u;d cosIly "'Iurn lriPI'O lbe counroom. Such ",Iurn nips are of ""al flnar>e;al COSI. bul of ",'cn ,realcr concern ilthe ra"l IhOi lbey fUJlller erod< posi· ti~~ communiclli"" p.anerns. ,ood" 'iIIlnd lrust belween plt_


tit. wOO ~ 10 be able '0 forge some son of pmilive bond for co-p;on:nling. In poIl-di"""'" e>'alUIioa Sft"iceJ. di><Jn:ed panielore court_, oflen by tmM the .. _ 'Ddi"","", decrtt. If) • IIIM>lr1II "'...... tor (much pre-di,~ cusUldy """, ... oor) " ."" eval_ uatOS pamMaI cap.acily and makes ~iooi 10 the]Elilll. !heir atlorneys and pou;bly Ihe COIlJ1 """"..... i"' hoow!he panics...., """'Iing ~or 1\01 JIIeC1inll the best in"' ........"". d.,ro in thoir p""1-divorce p;on:ntina rel",j""sh'p$. Obviously. lhe comenl of 1hc:sc .,-aluativeJpost-divorce pal'l'nling !IeIlion1 il oot bam:d from discovery. In fact. the JIOMibilily ol IUCh ~fecdbaek~ 10 the COIlJ1 in lilt form of IeSlil1lOlly i. of'.n a lilenl ~na:~ that " _ the""luat"""l«Ih~ as III ..... of !he domesIic court. MOIl court orders fur plA-dMIm: e>'aIuaIioo snviots name • lpOCiflC prof........... and f....... make Iqa! ••• t"''''''~'''' _h .. wht1her the panies .., lubjr:<:llf) M"lL"'*'" ~ (& pa"" M"lL>!dotI) Of lhc best ,"leresIS otandard. in Ie..... oll,......, surroundi", qoestlons of prinwy physical or 1eg.1 custody. otkn. the f<xu. of 5I>Ch !lCr\'ices is 11m 10 ad<l!u< "lunges in prinwy culIQdy. Rllhtr. the focus i. mon: ofIcft on nwluyi", ~ .•., .. chan&ia& from wpcrvi«'d If) ~ ,i,i\ation or increasi", ... KO:OS ochodule. The pM\Jes irM)tV<'(! ha~ ~'kdJe lhIllhe poIl-dimm: e>'3IlIIIOr will make ,","Lor IqIOfl< boock 10 the coun wxl the ease " pbotd (III III Idmtnl..uali~ dod.el and is subjca 10 COIIlinll<d judicial monilOfin&. I'I.:.I~ ...~ ..... pr0vide ~~nicaI dala 10 a5S0lllrim; ol flClin ......'erinl a VIriely of pool-divorce legal quest""'" pon::n .... fi,ncs&. rrolr.\l pidance at;J;lily. "'>$OM for ",loc.lIon. la, i"tereslS issues. and the ability of a gi~n party 10 nW1 !le><:Lopmonw ".,.,.,u O(speclflC child"", "'. point in lime.





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To ~ who .....,n rq~larly ift Law, i1 will come .. ourprisc 10 hear IbM Iho ItpI end is only It.: tqinnin,oI ro-pamu,"I: as rm"pI'iu<I by !he J"""'I'U of di~ ConfIicu In Iho pooI-di'o'Of'CC period typically fC\IOJ ... around """ or """" of .....'• .,,) ore~S ;nc:ludi", UH",sol,'cd marilal conflict issue'. linsuin, hul'! about Iho diVOl't •. ronflklS with or ~r __ partner1. or r",il~ J'O"'tt ~uJc:s llw .evol\'. onLy oround efforts 10 .... in" out O\'C' lhea.opouse. InAIDmI's I Slh JI>dicial Circuil (MonlpnCfy Coon!)'). !he dorntsIic bt..eb 110


is fOOIincly a,uidpaling po51-di\o'OlW CQrIflictnai dis()IIlC!) by proIIClj"ely illClud·

in, provisions 10 P1i. li~. opecifoal COlIn· ""","nled mediator 10

teSOI''e ronllku. In O<idilion. the$c same judi" an: aho fOOl;ncly ooic:ring posI-di'o'Of'CC

cvaluaboD ~ fQO' oouples oa Ibtir docWIO help promolC ("mullion of ~ili,...

parenting plans and

to aid in pn:''(n1in8 u"lItt(:JSAl)' re[wn trips 10 ~oun. The COlIn order "",""illes ...'hellIer llle service mjUin:d B medill;':" willi lIUW:hcd .",..ft<kn,ial;ly or posI-<liYI)I'CC evaluation Kl"lice,o with requlm! .. poning back 10 Ihc coun. The jPdge usually .110 specifIeS (hal ~ies j,pIillhe~ oltbc ~ tIIrou&J!,. rtWner. Thc order also lJICclfics lhallhe couple m.... lIlttnpl reooIlIIioo Ihmup media· 00.. pOOr to mum,,,, 10 the counroom. If W<:ces>;(ul.lhe ....,;I;. 1I'" ",~a15 until ~ an: nc«Iod again in !he fU1U~ Thc ronlenl and j"lA)C'eSS of mediation are ronfl&ntial ."copt in « ,. "'in silualions "'~re t~ mediator ~ars of imminent th~au of bodily ham> 10 one of \hi< panies or encounlen ..... idm:e of _ form of child .too-. While some!"S. sud! as ""'''tal ~a1th profcssoooW" ..., mandaIOr)' ~poners of ch.1d .tmc (lIow)'Cf medi.ton do no fall in this catOIOl")'). it i. ~mend­ od as an effeclive pr.t<:tke [() require all mediation parl H:ipants to lign. releaso or i"fonne<! CO<1~nl."""menl thallpKifoes o:t11ain CO!Iditions, _h as ~. thai _Id requil'll • report to t~ court..

farun thac InnueflCe Jua:ess in poIot-<liV\'lf1!e ......ruatioa or post-<li>"On:e ....... Iualiooo include \hi< acquisi.ioo of new communicalion skill. on \hi< part "f lbe partie. and the pollibility of maturation on \hi< part of cbii<ll'tn ",110 e""nlu.o.lly btocomc m""h man: ~ndt"t playns or variables in the process. The abili_ ly of parenIS ." ....... and InC new """olive conomunicaIion .\kills.. .-11 if hiChly COIRprUJlCnUllind. ;1 the one f.:tor that CO/Isi~"'lly cfI\I!Ilt$ in clinical practice.nd ~areh li~ratul'll as tbe s;n~ q"" """ of s""""ssful post-di\lOrtt mediation and ..,Iated e\o'3lu.tioa ~",ices. This 'PPfIlI"h _11'1$ I" be very




much Ippreciated and vallii'd by all pMies. panicularly judg". ~ IIWI)' frivoIoon or unna:asary n:".... lripl'" coun on:


The philosnphical appm.:be$ and I«hniques described in thi' paper are based on se,..,ral basic Issumplion, that ema".t. fmm the best in~~ .. $Iandard. Fim. child~n need botIt their parents."..,main inle~ invol"ed and ohiipled 10 their needs pre-di'lIm:. at the Ii"", of di>"On:e. and througboul the period of po$I-di>'Om: odJuwncot ""';1 the dwb of botIt par• .... 1$. Ran:: ex".".ioru;." this >landard _kI include I hi>lory of .buse from I ghen parenl and thll e"isle"". of ctrtoin psy. chologlcal di...ruers. if tbe di!iOl'der dim:tly IDUlu in child cnd.u!g""""nl. In • ...,h

cases. prottdurrs of5ll~­ " "isil3liorl or 1CmII · IlItion of parental riJhu are put inl" place. A $CCOnd asstlmplion i. that while any partICUlar IOtaS schedule has SlmllIhl iIOd ",c:d:ntS5t$. the ~ of any pan"'"I ... arrange"",nl is far ""'"' dependent on the ability of the parenti 10 ~nga", in positi,.., communialioa IhaD on the~­ ~ 0111"'" ope'" in """'" home. Pror:e .. inl of di,,,,,,,, i.sues and reduction of lension.nd hostili· ty bet""""" the parenlS is • major p i of thi, o.ssumption. OOen. ""'" J>II1y is asled ." SCI aside their f""l· iOI' ... hun and injuml J.p:lUso ~y in llle odjUSImeIM pnlCU< and IUe on tho: ......,tle of po>i';""ly povrnotJ"I tho: mle of parttlt in the Ii"", of the ohild..,n. While thi. ofIen f""l. like . psy. cboloa",ally unhealthy toU. of companme"taliutioo of r""lings. the bcSI inle~s.tandard is ,be pm-;o.ili"l ~ in s..:h casa. l.ovt: for the oh,1dren i. the n>06Il""",,"ul \'IriabIc that can bo..-110 ",ide a righlfully cmbilleml """,so .....y from ",,,,,,,fuUy aliena';", children from the OIlIer parent. Divorced families need." heaJ along the lines oI.-p:ti>.a· tion rather than ootnM:.ion and aJ;"n~tion . EIf"",i"" pm- and poo-di>'Ol"tt medi~tion scrvi<e$ ran promoIe &nd """,ide lpKif_ '" .uidanoe for families cnpaed in tbU I"""'"S"- The bcSI inter· au 1UfIdard ..,.... ir.dcI'O"deIMly of our """'" as • l'IMonil: form or IogaIlfdoctype that can a1 .....ys bo Illih'U:d as a".... N«UI" type obj<cti,-e >landanilO ",ide Ihtough ino,li,idual i,,,,,,5. Robel'! Slmciu\:. i, a forensH: psycllolOj!iu who runs I cool'!· monitored cllSlOdy conciliaOOnl",'3llWion provom in Buck<! County. I'eonsyl...m.. Dr. Stm:hat: has dc1o-e1oped I co".. clu. ....., caociliatioa pnlCIWn that i"dude. r- and pos....,,""'" evaI · ~ and mc:dlaoon scniots. His pis 1ft 10 pro>1de di>'OlC1IlJ couples with an intcgraltd exporio:nce of ",'lIOWlon. t:doc:;uion, condli .. ion &nd coon~ling oo.;..,tives in • 1truc:1UJ-ed pttICt'<lure that either in """'tllion of the NSIndy <Ii'iJ'U1e or in •



ADR IN ALABAMA : 1994 - 2004

meaningful fcnosic n:poI1!O the roun (Strool!ak. 2(01). 10 this inoovati"" m<)(\el program. all divorcing couples with a <"USlOdy issue begin the process with. round ll1bk cUStody ronf.,.,,,,,,, whe", panics an: either roo.ned ww:mi contili.otory sellk"""" or an: ",rem:<! for a full custody evalu.lion with ", .... 11$ reponed 10 the coun. SCIllemcnllhm.Jgh medialioo or conciliation is noI precluded "' ..,y point on eilh<r trock. Obviously. form:ol mediation mu<I again be =fully diff=nti.ted from custoxly "".Iuation or posI.divorce ",lOIualion services aJoog the [iDeS of ronfidenlialily. SlroCliak (lOCll) has 1",.,«<1 H.).-aplual modo! of ro-partnting 1Iw inclOOe< f()Ur pill .... of eJ<cdlc""", This model poinl< oul!hal pan:nl$ to ",al;", tha~ iiI:< il or Il0l, they an: in a "01')' long;,OOlnol oo.pan:nling ",IOlion,hip with their "'-SpOUse. """" iooo real cl>o;cc about the nlMlt1. WIW can be controlled is w!!ether !hey an: fw><tioniog BI the ho!.lik. biller end of the oolll;nuum or al the a",icable. concilia«><y end of the scale. (king stuCk in anger ond bil1cmess i, of\ef1 initially ''CrY ulldtr:<Cllldable. S"""... certa;nly hur< e3(:h od'I<'r in horrendous ways. 1lOl'o-ever. ",,,,aining in the JIOSInte of bitterness chronically violates the best in~1S ,"""",

Strochak'. (2001) first pillar is Iho, err""li"" ro-parents shan: infommion wilh OOC IUlOIhcr in a "'llul3r and limely way. E-mail

has prove" l<) be a rapid. efficient. rather ~moo.ionolly ~mo.,.ed way of "'lmmunicating th.t .lso has the alhanlage of providing • p"rm.ncnl record for all pani ... The """,lid pillar i, Illat good c<>-p.~n!S ne"er undooninc the other p."'"t'~ image in the child', mind. This step in.,.ol"e .... ~ing a prQ.>Oti.,.e approach in building the ",pull"i"" and po<ilj". of the Olher p~nl. Example. of problem.,ic case. include the embittered mom wllo roo~ ... ly ~r.salto notify the child's dad or any scl>ool. lei,.re or m,. In addition. she refused 10 allow the child to !>OIify Dad of any ",'igiou, or "'lmmunily .",i.,.ilie. ,ha' might ho,.. f""iliLated grt"I<:r conlact "The child in thi. family de>.. loped a bifurcated existence in which he frequen tly felt conflicted and guilty about wanling to 5",,1>(\ 'ime with hi, dad or wanl;ng l<) ,hare information "beIW.. " these world.:' AootIx:r case violates the second pillar. In tltis case. D>d rou· linely blamed his daughler', anxiety 0'... and public 'peakins 00 her mom, wlIo wou undergoing !realment for. Generaliud Anx;ely Disortler with disc ... episodes of panic. Thi. proved to be atypical theme in his inlcnlClions with hi' daughler. blaming all her "shortcoming'- On bad genes from Mom's side of the bmily. Bow ca ... required "'lU1t ... f"",,1 for

.porI. ",..



Arri licensed AlatJama lawyer is invited to join the Women's Settion 01 the Alabama State Bar! Meml:lership dues of SZO are I:leing accepted fClr all those interested in tJecoming a part of the section, as well as annual dues for current members. Mail payments as follows:

ASH c/o Rita Gray P.O. Box 671 Montgomery36101

Please make checks payable to "The Women's Section:

For an application or to update you r information. you can download an application at www.alabarorg.



post-di""",c "".lu.tion M: ..... k~' from tho judl\e woo had ""nt· ed tile divoo:ell bef"",:any i~ment occurml. The !bird pillar ~ wou.nd rclJuildi"llJUs.t.. The IJllll issue is otMom/y olIr:n w:ry d&fl"Icull. Md moast now rmm ......... iog ad! as. ""No maner " .. hal I Ihlnk of you IS a ..... f~ I ~ you too Io¥e our childl<:bildml. ond """"Id Lay"""" ywr life roohimflbem if neceswy,- Coo>«poero~y. I bifumtllCd. COO1par1""",. wiad type of IrUSt ~:an be rtb\oil. ((-1\. ~r do:,,>"t lnIM you II all as a $pOOSC. but r ha,.., ifeoIltWI in you as a portnf'). Tno<t i, further rqaincd in Ihc fourth pillar "'hic:h ro:m[,..,. around each pamlt Mri~int:: 10 be ~bIe ond ~ in IOm!S of ~iana: with aU .,un""1$ ,"'1O<Ih<r bchr.i<nI. oociaI or fmancial. Elizabeth Hickey IDd El.zabc\h Dalton ( 1994) haole dc-o..,1oped • conopn:bens.ive div<on:e n>COYtf)' prop;lfIl1hal is ''Of)' lOSer"1 as an adjunct to div<on:e modialion ........ ioe<.1loose up<"ritn«<! mcdi.ton point out tho vital imponar>ce of usini posit;,.., Ian· ,u"-ie in dcocribing key .~menu 'l>Ch as ~ro-",,",ntj"l.­ ~5haml part1Iting.~ """\,mc-$lwin,' and ",f.-amin, ~ie arproKh Iboutbu .... h as. -Y"" >liU have • (amily e-...,n thou", )'OIIf pmllU live in lWO diff~ntloousc5- (llickey .t. DalIOCl. 1994, p.66I_ 'Ibose tI>ou.ihU ttpbtt nogal;'.., ,,'in'Iose ",ORb and p/Irasn well as -sinSIc ]>A"'nt,- "visitation- and -railed mama&<Jbrokcn borne,-

0Ihcr , upponi,-r. positi'lO examples of ",frami", include: 'XI) A iii"""", is imended 10 oepIInOk husband ond wife. noll a P""'''' and d1i1tl. (2) Eoch pamlI >harts Ihc ~~l)' for Ihc child. evm af\o:r di-.:e. (31 1 IO;U J!I<dF II) COIIOIlIt ...'JIb my <:I.~ IbouI doociJi<m coo .... our child in Ihc ...... ""y !hac I WIIUId wn.ok .. ith • busineos 1*1...... (4) I m:ognize thai chIldren are.".,. bIc: of ,",illl and m:eivinlliovt from many p!(IpIc. ($) 1= it as • b\es.linil and h<a1thy situation ..'lIrn kwe my chikl. (6) I've Itamed that lIoIdina onlO biu ....... only Inuu me and my child. I ,,;11 conlin"" II) wort: on fuJi--.:no:ss. (7) I real~ thai di"""", IICS linMciai difficukles and I'll do my JWllO ~Ip our dIiWdliknn. (8) E""" """'P I """'" in$idc owr my marriat;e and <Ii""",,"- our dliWdloldren ...... 1i"c<jucnI Md oonIIimo"" <:OIIUIC1 ..ith boIh of lIS: (IIinUey &; ]):all<)n. 1994. p, 40). In JIO<t-di""",,, CQIln;olJ rIO one wan" 10 chance "first.- particulorly after all tho pooiturina and power bol. ndna typical of many diV<lfCC actiou Often, panidpanl$ will say. "1 COl a di"ll'Ce prceisoly so !hI1 I """"Idn·t have 10 oompromisc .. wort. ,,'ilb bimItItt lQy nv:....: It may be belpfullO UJC ........ perspcetl,.., adjust ...nI and opine II thi. poinL - You do _ have 10 s!rep ",ilh. shan: bills. JOCi.lIi". IOilh. pullop with ;n·llows any Il10re with this penon. Ilo.It )'00 do ",",.., 10 CO-p""'nt.- Often the focus on ",Ieouc from those arra.lburdcns not«J allow. Ihc fI'1"-




ASB Lawyer Referral SelVice Tile AI.hma Stat. Bltlawye,lIelllfal SeMel cal pmide JIll with In .n.llltII II"'" oI •• rltifl\[ • 1m,.. 50 k is ~."' Ie beli", tltat Inly tit," pert.1tt 01AI'h_ lIIom..,. ,artieipall iR tltil Mme.! UIS WlIlts.,... II coni", joi,i",.

TlHI LaWYI' Rllernl SIMet il not I pro bono legal MlYiel. Anom..,. '1"'1 10 chl'g' no mOIl thin S25 fo'in inili.1 consultalioR, not to exCIed JO minuln , li, Ifter lit, cOflS.llltalion. tlte wrIt,y decide-s 10 l(e']IIIII, cue. h or slit Ih,. ellarge his Of hll norm,11en.


I. ldcIitiOi 10 .al1ll.. , In ,-, f'lHI' amc.,IIt'I"''''' rew,rd is dill .,... will N htlpiag f'lHI' fellow Citi.ttll. MO$! N!ferral cli,nts ~ .... colltlCltc1.lawye, btlort. Your counMlinl may III III thll il nllded. 0' Yilu lIffII' further "lYiCII. No maner what the Ou1COtllll 01Ill. inilial eonsun-lion. Itt. IIIIxI lime Ill.,. or llI.i,


lrilnds Of IlIIIily lucian lItomey, titer will CQIIII 10 YOIL for __ iltlorutiol aIIoIII!Itt lJIS. eOll.l~!Itt IIIIt h' • (1110) 354-51st.ltttiag

tit. rec:'pliOlli$! know ttlat .,... Ire 1ft lIIomer int.mlM i, kcMi", a .-be, 01 tit. Uwrll Ref.1TI1 SelYice, MIU.IIee-s I.. 1100. IrMI neh me.1Mf IIIII$! pmid. p'ODI 01 profession.l li.bili.., inSUlll\i:.,

1 90




LAW DAY 2004 "TO WIN EQUALITY BY LAW: Brown Y. Board ofEducation at 50" The 2004 LAW DAY production


Thursday, May 6


Board ofEducation

Friday. May 7

10:00 am 7:00 pm '"

Saturday. May 8 7:00 pm

11 :00 am 2:00 pm

Daytime school performances: $3

Evening performances: S10

(Proceeds go to the !knch & Bar Historical Society)

Courtroom of the Alabama Supreme Court



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BAR ASSOCIATION ...i~l !No ho.esng .. recept:1<>n

Lollolting the 2'2Iur.d.Ioy "-y 6 , 2004 , 7,o0 p . • . perfor.4nc. 01'

TlfAr RlVD : Brown v. BoArd 01' .I'.mc.t.ion ,

the Peop.1_ II'ho Liv.d It . "

FOR TICKET RESERVATIONS & INFORMATION, CONTACT: The Supreme Court Library 800-236-4069



(2001 ) makes lhe poinl thai the child C'WoIOdy e'o'aIU;\IlW can tthio:a1ly choost 10 aav;p'" an "",oi~ .....cody evaluallon iMO IICIIlcd d~. AI""""),, ...,Iy per_ form uue child cuswdy e'o... lualions ,,1>icl> "",,, become JI1OR' the ""clUi",'. purview of psychologim bccau.w: of the 01"""1 uni ..... mol components of ge....-.J ............... Plrchologica1 ~Iilll, cuslOdY_$p<'C,r",

son 10 ",Iish in lhe di>lance and allhe .. me lime Kttpl the cim..nsmbr:d role of ro-poamIIin&.

Suuchak (2001 ) ....,..cs!hal1hc n:llMnlqI>CS1m f",. to-pamdS 10 ask 0( lbemscl_ IIn" '"WIw can I do to further !he 0Ihcr paI'C",',I". in the child', mind'/ And, how can I >Ilwe il1l"",._ malion in I ..... y !hal will draw Ibcrn . . . . .~• ....,.". _ T (p.3). Otrv;oo.sIy !he .. mcdillor midi rm>adI ..... and In IJil'orce med iation oIljocti"" IhroughDullhc ..""'" or the rel~ion;hip. Unlit. pnKIi"""" mediaspollses meet Wilh lion where Ihc COdI>oi;1 is a ndati ..... ly brier event. po$I-di"""" mediation is (I neutral mediator I pro<aS ",hen: n:lllion1hips can IaI as JoQg ;tS on.. 10 IWO <b:oodes.. Bein& to work out a sellfemelll inlO' decrte 01 <!iYOl'tt ;tS I pooI-diYOl'tt modiOIor poIentia11y tlwt is satisjactOlY inVOh"CS pas.siJlj! Ihrough mulliple to both, withfillaJ <.Iew:1opmrnI3I ~ willi 0 bmj_

decisio/ls being made by

" Allomeys and P"rcholoci!U

(and Ql/Itt menl.ll he.hh proreuion· 01$) COfl obvioo~ly ~rve as both pre-

the spollses themseh'es

.nd posHli"""'" medialors. SlroChak

(Emery &: \\o):er. 1987).

poydlolo&icallOli", and coIlaICnI i~illl' AI"",,"yI lin' modi more likt]y to .."" in the role of

luardi.n od hlem. 001 couk! <:cMalnly ..".., as po5I-di>"«Ce medi~lon as weU. High .....nict divorca are COftSiIlC1IIIy asoooiolcd willi child bcha, oor prob~"", (Kilf""""", .l Emery. 1994). A~ KUlJlunn and Emery (l994) "al', "'The oo<,"''I'&lh" emphasis 01 (pe-dim=) medi&lOon .....y p!VlIlOIe lid irnpn:wed posId~ commw>icaIioa btt""0(11 the parenlS and • beller abilily 10 pilI manlal probk:m~ Iside in 0I\I0r 10 roopmu~ in Il"'l'nling. Even if (predivora:) modillion WM: aMQci&led " 'illl DO 01"" I " in the amounl lW IeYcI of parmi problems. il may be associaIed .. ill1lou ""ild ..... posun:: 10 prob~ms and Ihus ""'"' posili"" child oulrome$" (p. IS t). Pre-di>Qltt nlt'<li _ alion Iw been .oo..'n 10 dl':unaIIClUy mIucc coon bearings. 10 inon:ase

P-IY ""is/..,.iolI ",111

The Right Tool For Your Mediation AI WolI..., Jotd.In ... ba ••


on ""....""'DI

,.om of ur«i"",«1 m.d ..,_ ' 0 ...," you . nd you. rli.n ... W. ~"o"lh .. c,""pl.. dilp.'" "" ... r'l from ctKIlpr<'l><nl i" . , inlOrn!·!>aRd ",""i."on. W. 'O ook bond 10 .................·hot drivn "'" dispul< .. <I help )'0\1 Ii"" mol.,;,. roo )'0lIl" d i.." . hi ... 10 wor\ foo )'0\1 Willi.m " . ~ .. I,ff

GI<nn (l Woddoll


~.81 •.0l7l


_...__....... ___......__ - ....._.-



and 10 incrt_ compliance: .... illl ch,1d IIIppoM (Emery, ]991. 1994). PosI-di>""", COdnicts onen.l«m 10 1nwI"" IJIOI'l' psychological than IepI iJsurs. ~ is-. typftUy flow from IItlresOI>..., IftFI" and poor """""""" lim paQemS be1wcen ""~ in Ihcir I'IeW roles as to-JW't1'1S. 'lkmes and i"",,' f""l""nlly CrICQIIJI",rtd i""ltIde' ~ved anger from !he marriage. odj""'nonl i ...... $Um'lutIdinc ...... pllMnm.1IICmpIS 10

rominue old porlOmS 01 COftIJOI~", rommunic:ItiolI paIIMI< rrom !he manLal relationship_and lqitimale <!iff"",,,,," of opinioll oboul ..,.ivi _ liesJNies ronceming childn:n, I....... IIIM'OUnd , illl ",Joc:alion seem 10 arise fn:qomtly 01 ""n. Eorty inICfvmIion iIIn:..IgiI poiI~ n>OdiatiolI and posI-di"""", ewaIuIIive otMccs CM ~ vent tc:rious ]lI"blen. sud! as ~ from. J>1=lI8I'Id """" palhologiea1 prnbIoms such II

Partnw Alienation Syndrome (CAAIner. ]987). Pan:mal Alicnalion Syndrome " III incn:asingly ~.


Portnla! Ali.naUon Syndrome is lLII i",,",asingly recognized ')'lIdrol1lo caused by conscious and UJ>COn.""iousllO$S beho.,';o.s (X'I !he pan of one p;1ml' designed '0 undcrmi,.,. damage and """"'Y !he aff«1ioo of a tbild IOwanl a &i,"etI fI'lI"etItal figure. While this syodrome is nQI an nff.oiai DSM IV diagnosis. like BatlCred Woman S)'lIdromc. il ;. being incn:asingly recognized by OOW1s as meeting .,idcntiary ~ >u<h as Frye and Daub<:n SLMdanIs (O<",/><'I1 " M orrill f.)o>.: Fry<! •. US ). From a olini<a1 point of vicw. it would be """lJJ'3le to <kscribe effons to cause aliel\ali(X'l of a <hiltf. arrootion toward a parcOI as being one of !he 1fI(Il;t malevoIenl forces.= oncoonlcred in ,he r.o1d of child """oJoprroent. In a number of jurisdictions. .'!(llneys and p<ydlQlogiSl.< are being appoint«las il'l(kpcndcnt neulnlls to .... ;., f3mili"" post_ di"""" with day_l<>-<lay lIispm . .. """"limes in a mediation formal . ..",..,umes in posl-.di'UI'CC .,'a1uJli(X'l and..",..,urnes in an arbill'3lion-Iype role with coon-exterded aUlhority ' 0 .settle di._ puleS. 11I<:se mles are des<rib<:d diff."'ndy in diff."'nt .....,1: Nonbem California (speciall"""te"): Arizona (f.mily coon advi<On): Boolder. Colorado (case manage" or binding arbiu;>lon): and N.... M" ' H:o (....'ise persons). !'Itillip Stahl (2000). a nati(X'lal_ Iy rerogniT.<:d CUSlooy oval ... ,or. points OIH that regardl ... of !he ~. the role involve. belping qukl:ly """,Ive diffel't'llCCS. ul>Clogging lhe COlIn docket from I0OI1:' difficult families and integrnting koowk:dge about developmental nttrls inlo ongoing paronling plan<, Stahl observes that special ma"." need 10 keep famili"" oul of coon and ehild",n out of the middle. and to maJ;o objeWve. timely decision. that .... firmly guided by the best in"""Sls standard ""ith the ba<:king of the """". In Nonhem Califomia. the partnting coordinator (CoaleS. 2(01 ) role i. spelled oul in the divor<:e decree. including wlt<tlt<r the role will be mediali"" or post-divor<:e evaluation ""ith arbil",lionldeci,ion-making authorilY. The partnling ooor_ dinalor role can ;""Iude lS<OSI".onl of tho . iluali"". educational andlbempcut;c inIC ....·cnlioo. interfacing ... ith Illy combination. of lit< parties invoh'ed .•s ....'.11 as collatentl contacts. and COnniel management technique, leading to "'solu.ioo of the di,_ pule. In addi.ion. the original trial """n also has the opIion of appointing a special rna<ler. usu.lly a psychologisl or . Ilomey. 10 whoon lhe"" stipubte. and who has lit< coun_granted .uthorily 10 make ceruin specified dec;'ioo, in the form of coun ome" and reoonll1lendations regarding certain i.,ues ",laled 10 cw;lOdy and ,isilalion, 111<: California Family Code (Seclion 181S) specir,es conain minimum credentialing requiremenlS for special m",I.". PosI-<li"""", mediation and ••'aluation ",,,,ices "'ll'"'$Cnt a ",1ati\'dy recent development in f"",ily law and f"""nsic psychoio. gy. The ••"Iution of p<>S1-di.UI'CC c"al "31ion and medialion services hM 1r\IIy risen fmm the "front lines" of practice. in direct response to tho n<eds of di",,,:cd famili ... family I.wyen and domo:slic coon judges. The be" i. """slS standard has I:ttn lite guiding standard with appropri3te inpul. when: ",levlLllt. from developmenlal and family p<y.hology. The de'eloprnent of these ",,,,ice. has giwn domeSlic coo"'. useful and practic:al 1001 !(l help bring aboullasting positi'"e outcomes for famili., undc'll(ling the adjuSlmenl and r=xaniUlion of di .~. •

References COO .... U.IZOO1I/oo_d"""-~.• ..-1l hFoodo_ S,,'. ' .. al Cllild Cus\OOy_ ...... _ I G . 2Wl. lio.m. _

1, _

. _


Dow, !1 U.1LW «IS. 11lS.CL mtS lI9S3l

1 &oorr. R lll!OO 110.

,r..oo,.- ' ... New 'lln. New'lbil;: WIIon1_

'-\'. R, E_ ~ . 1. & I.lUNm. K. 1 199oI ~ ·CIIiId Cvs1o»t' ~ onI ~_'SM!"-onI~I\'ooI_~ JNlllloi


r-y. R. l. """-. S.. & W/tt. M. 1 1!1I 1 ~ -Cloid Cus\OOy ModiIl>on onI

~aot(l;w.ol"'~ 61. l l"'I 19. ~:_~Onhl!iftorinrl_al_""f"""' - .kur>II

oI~aot(l;w.ol ~ ~ 'III-I tli. II. &nry. R E.. "...,..M.& 1I!BIl "fMa Mookim- -.", ~c::m.. 1 b_Mclordon.OSSSoulP.rn2rod I6l Wo 1 9&O ~ I f'I'O . US. 293 f IOll IO,C,Cit. 19231


_, !!l 1]._~~aot""~s..­

'.mur.JaotGonn O>M s.-_ MJ. C-- Thor ~ 10 1IicI:oy, l. & Ookan.ll 199oll - . . . _ '*'Ioov CMhnaot _ _ _

_ n:w.r.. c....en,-, _ , GoIillool_

11 t~

~ '-. & Emory, It ll1990ll "OOkIMil f.,.;ty ~""" v. _ ~ .... lll(jMOIICIIiId 0..;.... _ _ 01 '''''"''~ t ,!l} I~ __ PM I2OCQ. "1'W1onoIiI.'y _ 01_ .... Do .......... _ 01 ~

"-~.h_ ...'_.~'" C\IIIIo1I' _ _ _ tG.ltDI. SIdIc..:;n.

... ~ f..... t);III


11 - ' A. D.l2OOll


·~ _-CnoIod

Cus\OOy, -.....onI_~·

_ _ Ior-'"


-_ - .. . .....--...._ -.....--..._----_ _,,--KaII Ki<l<loooI. PIo.O. tIc ............. _ _ . . _ _ ..


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_ .. 1.Wt_ .. _ _ _ r_

..... . , , , ...

.. " 1-~"_ ... _ " _ '


... .... __ ••_ _" .. s.,...t.uI_ ... _ _ 'm

Top 10 ReasolJs to VISit


Di4.,.. Dew tIui ,II cal ,IHoI ~ tffertl" n4 "fllilill ••",do _"im .. tH AI....I Slife Blr WI~ . il.1







1 -

he bcllCfils of fMdialion an: var_ ied and weU known. "They illCll!<Ie a"""" rapid "'>oI"tion of dis· put<s. allowing tht lilig&.,'to remain in control and conlribule 10 their own remedies. a consideration of future needs. an infonnal atmosphere. and espc<;ially. saving! of what an: often very b.nll.n. """" economic costs. Wh:.1 hell'" an:na 10 be e<:(IlIQmieally prudenl and sa"". or .tleast nol'p"nd. as much as possible !han in a bankruplC)' case. Today. .... diation il not limited 10 tra· dilional art'" of practice ""h as p"rson· al injury. roAmuclion. employmen' and domestic ",I.,ionl. Medialion i, now """ilable in banxruplCY cases. and besl of all, il is free. TIle Uniled Slates 8ank", pl~y Attorney for the Northern ' );Slrkl, Sout hern O;'·ision of Alahama hegan offering limited informal medi.· lion s.",·ices in Birmingham on an tJd /w;: ba,is in late 1998. In light oftht positive resullS and response to lhe infor· mal procedure. a n.edlal ion di."j,io n waS established as I fom•• 1 practice sec.ion within the U.s. Banl:ruptcy Admini",,,tor program for the Nonhem [)j,lri<:t of Alabama. Acti •.., .uppon of the rncdiatiOll divi· siOll carne from tht chief judges oflhe Elcwnth C il"<"uil Coun of Ap.,.'1s. t'ederol Disl riel COU" for Ih. Norlhem o;stricl of Ala b a ma and the



Court for Ihe Norlhe rn

J)i.llricl of Alabama and re.lulled in

authorily from tht Judicial Co nre rell« of Ihe Uniled Stales for lhe appointment of a c hief d e puty b;onkruptcy adn,;n is· lrolor_A primary duly of tht bankruplcy adminiltrator is 10 condUCI media~OII ",,<sions and 10 organize. develop. coordinate and implcmentthe policies. procedures and pnlCtice. of the mediation di,·i· ,ion. "The guideli".,. policies and procedures of tht mediation divi,ion ha"e now been eMabli!J><,d and impk:mcntM for "The 8 8n kruplcy Media lion Di,-ision has medialcrl over 125 matters. with approAim,'cly 90 »CTttnt of thos<: medialion ",,<sion, ,",suiting in st:1tlemcnt. TIle u",fulness and willing ..... to u"" mediation as a tool ofrcsolution in bankruplCy case' i< mpidJy gaining _ntum. Mosl malters in. bankruptcy case lrt available for rncdiation. They iDOIl!<Ie. among OIher i<suel .• uch things as dispoteS concerning claim amount •. viola· lion, of the auwmatic stay, "",""" and fraudulent conveyance iSlues. and dis<harge.bilily complaints under Bankruptcy Code Section ~23, TIle mediation is typically held within 60 day, oftht lime tht mediation i. either ordered by the C<>u" or requested by the litigan", An upcoming iSlue of Th<'

0'''''' '

t I


A/ahoma Lawyt!, willlla,". I full discu, . .iOll concerning tht guidelines. policies and procedures of the B.nkruplcy Mediation Division and will include dtLlil s on what can be medialed in bankruPICY C""'", how the liligants ",ay be ordered to or may voluntarily request the free mediation. how and ,,'here the rncdi· ation will be oond""led, and whal the Iii· igants can expecl if lhey procc<':d 10 mediation. Until lhen. if you h".., que. · tion. or are intere~ted in • bankruplcy mediation, conl""t the author, Tom Corbell, chief deputy bankruptcy admini""'lor. at 1800 Fiflh Avenue, Nonh. Suite 132. Binningham 35203, or by pho"" al (205) 714·3838. •


J _C"O" . .. _

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dia Peer mediation •

a program that trains students to be mediators for their school. IS


conflicts bepn 10 deveklp bet,....... 1tII<Ients. they ore liven !be cbooce '" being mcdialed by their peen .... leltin' the school adminiwation handle their problo'lI$. Pttr mediation """bles ICachers 10 concentrate on leaching I'Illll<r Ih.n disdplinc:. and .•, lbe .. me lime:. !taches slIu\cnlS to tcsol,'C: [heir conOio,s without r.ghting. U develops Icadcl'$hip $kills and posi,;"" communication $kills, builds ",lr<5leem. and ofltn improvtS ."ademi.". Participating scbaob IqIOfI III ~ JO ~III docli ... in discipline "",bit" .. aflcr peer med:ialion has been in USC fu .... year or _ . Some 110"" 11100 a~ II cl«line ... suspmsions Ilw "'.. attribul«l 10 the cfJ<rt "' .... pttr mcdi>lion prognm. The traWn& in.,..,h,.,. ICIcaint If'PI'O'JrnalCly 2O .. udenu "..110 ...'iIl be I/aIncd "'",.. lwo-day period. Sludenu ore !C1ccIcd baocd on lhei. \eadeM;p ability. oonlmlJl\ieatio<l ~;IIs. lru<I'M)<thincu and the confidence of their pm'L The poop sbould be oon~ of " &ODd cross-sectiQn of the SilldtN body. bQed ool>MiooaIity• ....,. and JeIIIIcr. The scbooI should """,, an . . . . . COORIinalOr lor Ihc propam .. flo ..ill mceI puiodi<;ally ..;d\ Ihe ilu· <krIl n>ediMors 1O...oo.nge lhern, oddm:s In)' I'.:tic" .. IbaI may';'" Ind ttq> ...,;..., on lho ~ 0rIct: !he mo:diaI<los ., rraincd dqo ..., rndy 10 • ~ dispult$. AnY""" 1liiy refer ~ 10 ............ """""",., ~ i< qxioftaI for lhrm. /.kdiations may be dono "' the wne time udI dIy. JUdI .. a p/ll"ioal cducalion poriod. or ,,'lion the need ariSCi. Mediations \al;e place in" pri"llle selling without on odull present Uach dispulaOl ill Il"""-.d 10 tell his or her "!.ide of Ihc srooy". Then lhc medi.1rors """,. ~ 10M they ~ said -.d ~ obcM dlcir siluation. '"WbM 00 y<lU ""3nlT is a typical qurstioft. ~- ... easily idrntifi<d. but mtdiaI<n ... tnIlJIt>I;! 10 f"""" on IKCdI. As .-Is ... diJcw.scd. I<lIuIioni; ....... Iy Iqln 10 come. \'-'haI al<liuoon is agt=I ~ it is pili in "nti"l -.d boch dispwntS sip il. Thol mud u!he ~ is kept by


!he~. E¥trt whI;n • OCIfIfli<t is not 1'l'OOI"ld in !he mo:di2tion ~ Stllderu in stilileaming..,.". p::>Sitivc cool1kt resoIut;on mrtlIods IS they tili ]*1, Students and teac:hor$ I'CCOI'Iize that adult int<1'Ventioo isn't aI""Y$1IO«SSU)' for ~vinl Studclll ronJlicts. Students will open up to !heir peen IIIII<h mon: quickly than


10 "".odr.dI. 11Io:y alsoo r""llhaI they

~ _ UII<Itt'SIQOd by \hI:ir SIUoCknt mI'<liaIoo I<a'tI ....... In idmIif)' is<uos thIII r>eed raoI"';"" By . . . . uina or ~ ..1I3I1hc dispuwIIJ lell Ihmllhey idmIiry '-" !he dispuIanIs feel and mate !be _



mille ~

by sub6tiMing otI<:n<iw: ........ willi _

poW,,", ones. This is bmeficiaI in belpmg disputanU venllheir ""F is • safe WIly. and II \hi: ....,.. IhmlIO U/IdIIr. <WId tho ""POll"cd', poin, 01 view. Studrnl< who ..., modiMtd benefit ","Illy .. the I'f'lCC"S teaches them lhaI fiihu",;, not. go<Jd way 10 rc>olve oonllk" with thdc poor<. IWhI:r Ilw bC'l", di.";plir.<d by fl(uhy they are gi,...., !he option 01 wor\:il1i QUI lh,i. probI<m with lhrir peen in a prn.. le, confldcmiaJ ....sion. 'The n«d 10 "JIve fou" in fronl of your peer< is no) Iooger I fac10r ,,-hen a dispute occur<. o;SPU\e$ .uch OS IUrI'o(It$, twne-


caJUng. pIIltin,1Iown family


picking on each otbor.

and boyfriend.prlfricnd prob!emoan: lhe lyp;caI ' ypes 01 <lilpotu n>rdi.~. Mon: ~ \hin,s.. $&lOb as <1111,s.. ~, "'up<NIJ II ..,JoooI Md fi&hling. ore DOl open for mcdiMloa.. Min), ,ime> !he ,,«CCI of \he ..... of peer mediation "arries oYff

infO family Ioil...uons as


10 _!he stills

for .... fIicts b."."fta liblings. School, that leach Sludenu ~rul .... y. 10 rcsoI,.., """mel are aidin& in 1M ~Uoa 0( y"*"",, ;11 the 1(1\001. horJ>o and communi.y. Al.ob~m~

Sup .... _ Coon Commiosion on Dis .... I. 11; . . ..11";011 hu IU~ peer mediation .il>Ce 19')4, Judy KtfWI", ."«ulive dirt<:u'r C>f lhe Alabama Cm,u fur I>Isp"" It....!, .. "" •. pl~ one of the Ii..l peer medialion program~ in AlabamI.l C hisholm "lcmen\.B')' School in M<IIl1gomr:ry Tho

COUIIly. The ConunissiorIlpOf'SO<t(I peer medialion prosruns for &ill sdIoooI. in NonlIAUbama. in IW/.lhrooap. S6.OOJ pUll 10 lhe Community MMiat ................ tloo. They abo IOrmcd • PHT MMiation C OfRmitltt 10 ~ lhe ..... <:I poet mediaIioo! in AlabMna ""hook. ComnUssion " .. J~ RIchard Larc of lee County "'" been ~ for osuIlIMiog pec1" mediation pooglalll$ itt his OOWIIy. AnoIht:r member. JudII"' Cofl"IlIcI Topaz!. 1m been in Ilbtaini... r........... rOt" prognuns in Jeffenon Counly. Poor medi"ion is .e3Ching " ..... nu pellCeful coonic, ruolu· lion. through the u~ of mttIialion. It is the beSl. pro.aelivc w.y 10 oddress lbe issue of violence in lbe II<:hool •. If we are 10 bring



aboul change in an eVet"·incR:uing violenl ' Odoly. we mus1 do ;1 lhrouV> OW" )'<Mllh. They "'" npcn 10 leamin, nc:w ....y•. And. unlike .......y adults.lhe»..., traiublc.l.,.et·'........., togetkr to &ct peer mediation propuns in all Alabama ocbooI,. To learn mort: about peer medialion phone ....... (U6) S39·21 18 Ot" e· mail .... at ";JbtIlI*"""IIaIablurta.bbO.",,. •


_ _ .... _ _ 01 .. _ _ _ _ _ _ '_01" _


r-._ .. _ _ ",_


Ex Parte Communication Prohibited Between Guardian Ad Litem and Court Question: '" om servin, .. III appointed ,lWdi ... ad litem in I

juvenile case. 11'1,,,.., "'" IIIC:ndcd any fOfIDlOI inlni", Of OIhcrrou~ pnuinilll'o 1ft IIIOI'rIty'S ~ibil­ ~"eI".

I lui"" IUd the for the Childrtfo's Juslioe 1Ul: Fortt. I bave bcI;oono ..... ..., rrom OI~ """rte$ lIIal jurisdictions consider il "JIIII'OIl'ialC for . guonliM ad lilem to romm"n;"",. di~lly and.~ pMC willi the «III". 1hi. ;•• lUI""'" for • fonnaJ opiaion 011 the follow. '''' quwion: Under the Alabama Rub 01 Professional Conduct. may 'Iuardian ad h.. m communicaIe '"" pane wilb the counT ilie$ ... &uwdlam ad lilC1n,

,..willn lid li,om man",,1



Answer: An auomey who has b«n lpopoinctd guardian ... litem i. cthicaIly prohibilCd from comm....icau ... '"" porte willi the bial jlldge oOlK(' "ins "'Y $Ubswltive issue ... ron: the COWl.

Discussion: The ""limen! has been 1Id''lIIICed lho, guardians ad

lilCm. ra\ller t/uJ'I ""inl od_~e$ for ","iT wwds. ore men ...... opoi ... advi ...... '" the COWl, Ind, the.d.... , >bould be pcnnillCd 10 lui"" u pone oom~ ""ilb the jvd~. 1t00le.~.1hi$ is flOII the case In Alabama. The Coon of Ci.'il Appeals of !he Slale of Alabama h•• «",elusively held Ihal guardi'ns ad litem are ad_ "Ies rOt lhoeir wards and ,lie role (If the , .. ad


lilem in the: odjl>dicalOl'y pro«n is IlOl diffc",nt from mar of any Olbcr """""lie. 1bo luanlian "" lil<m .n is an officer of the court Aftd is en~lled 10 art"" hi. dien", cas.. .. any Olbcr allOnlql iln' in the cas...~ S.D. v. R.O.. 628 So.2d 817. 81S (All. Civ.App. 1993) Additionally. the ".tutory pRl"ision which gowms the: appoinunmllll'ld plyrnent 0( pardl;w lid lil('Jll ill juvenile C2!<$ ~y SIal<S lbOI it Os the duly 01 tho ....,wn .t I..... 10 KI .. ahuc:aIC for tho """,- CoM of Aw-... 1975. 11S-1Z-21(b) .t (~). [lI'O\'icks .. fol~ (b) lf it ~arJ [0 the: trial roun in I delin· q""""y CI§e. """" of ,upcrvi.ion eue. or OIlier jllllici~1 prococdinjl in ,",'hich a ju,..,nil. i •• pony. ""'I the ju....,nile i. cnlilied to cOOJ~1 Aftd IhaItheju""nile i. "","bIe financially or olhnwi ... 10 obtain the assislanCe of rou .....1or !hal appoinoed rou .....1 i$ olhnwi ... roquired by b ..... the COWl shall appoint coun..,11O rq>reSCnl lind Iso-iii the iu,..,,,ilc: or 0Cl in tho capacity of auanlian ad li!Om for lhe ju""nil •. II Jhall M ,he

duty of 1M uppoi~ud COI4IU,I. lIS an ofJic~' of 1M COIl" 0IIII ... 0 mernbt, of 1M boT, 10 "JNrsnol oIIIIl1SJUI W, '" /Iv baI

of 1W IN Mr obility. (el l( il ~arJ 10 lhe trial roun llw tho par. e nt .. luanlian Of custodian of I iu""nilc: who party In ajudidol procccding. an:: cn~lkd 10 rou .... 11Ind tho parties an:


llllable 10 afford COUIIS<'I. upoa ~ Ihec row! .dIaI1 appoinl counoellO ~d' and ...'"!he pu. enlS. luardi.n or euMOdi .... II .lwll be 1M duty of Ihe oppoin"d rowtS,l, Os on o/JiCt!. of th, """" ond lU i1 m~mb" of Ih~ bar. 't> "pT<.~nt ami tll,i" 1M p<lrfin 10 Ihr Mil of hi. M hr. <thility. (emphui. wppJicd)

U is. IlI=fon:. !he opinion of Ihe Disciplirwy CommiS>ion thalllllOr'1><')'S " ..... are appoiD\Cd pard;"" ad Iottm are


caleS for their " ju.c as. and in the ...... manner as. maine<! ~IIOI'I\CYS are advocaleS for ,hei, dien' .. Acoonlinlly. p>.rdi ... , od lilem are SUbjttllO lhe s.ome pro/Iibi.jon ~g~inll.' parte communication with the court 1$ ~ all othc:1' lawyers in'Oh-ffi in the odjudicalOf}' proceu. The prohibi.ion 1tflJIlicabie 10 II.QmeyS il codified in Rule 35 '" the Rilles of ProfH<ionaI CQrIoCIuot ,,1Iict\ pr11Vidt:J 1$ followJ: "Rule 35 lmpaniali.y and Decorum of the Tribunal

A la"")'n shall Il0l: (a)Seek .0 innucnce a judge. juror. prospoXlive juror or OIher official by ""'... s prohibiltd by law; (b)Comnwnlc3le ~ pane with IUdI a penon pcnnincd by law; ....~


A !.imil. prohibi.ion applicable 10 judI"" is found in the C _ of Judicial Emit" c...on 3(AH4) of the C_. of Judici,1 Ethic< providel IS folkrws: "A judge should ICCQI'tlIQ ,",'cry person who i. lesally ;nlereslCd in a proceeding. or hi. lawyer. full

ri&h' 10 be heard accon:Ii", 10 law. and. Ucq>II$ aulh<Jriud by law. lid"'"'" initiale nor ccmickr e. pane rommunicllion. conceminl a pend;nl Of impending proceeding;' While .ppell ••• <ourn




addrusN the i ...... 01 ~ pane communication w;,h the court by a pard; ... ad I;,em, 0Ihcr juriIdi<:tions I\aYe ~lRS'ly ruled on dill Issue and 111,-. held MIdI ~ panc ~1Oft 10 be nil· ically prohibileCl See, •. ,., Moo"" M",,", 1109 P.2d 2(il (V.'yo. 1991 ): V....~" V~. S60 P.2d 382 (AI.,b 1m); Ri/'1" Eri, Urlw .._ R. COIt/p,my. 119 Misc. 2d 619, 46J N.Y.S.2d 986 (198); De Los S/Jmt>s •• SUfHrior Ct>urr of Un IIn&d~s Coont)'. 27 Cal. 3d 677. 613 P.2d 233 (1980). The qlleSlion 01 ~ pane communicllion by a luardian ad li!em has also been IIddrcsscd in _ \fea1'S. on ,he role of the guardian lid lilnn.

'1'bo guard;"" ..., uwally afforded the same rigillS IS the panics' al10mcys (e.l .. of mak;nl open;", s,ale"",n'" and elosina ...."men.s), Guardi ... s can· not. he ralltd 1$ WiHIU""'. Guardi.n. ad lilcm may "'" h..-. ~ pane communic01ions with.he juda<=.Pockll. 1M Ri1I~ ""M G""n/ian NllJI,m. 2.S Trial )1. 34 (April 1989). IU the I'CUOIlI died abo\'e, it " Ihe opinion of the tNl an Di5eiplirwy Commission of.he AI.m"", Stale ."OIl'Ity woo ~ as a I~ardi'n ad l'!em may not hJve ex pane comm"nkalion< wllh ,he trial judge relanlinl any"" ,...... befon: the coun. IRO·2(X)).021


,"to. •

lUe'ue qot answers Disit us online now


Notice to Show Cause NOIiee i~ hereby gi>'en 10 Ra~'rord Elherton. Jr.. "ho prncticed in Omnge Beach. Alab.m. and who"" where.boul, arc un~lKIWn. Ihal pursuant 10 an order 10 .how cau"" of the Disciplinary commi,,;on or !he Alabama $IOU, Bar. February 10. 2O().l. he has 60 dlyS from lhe d:\lc of Ihi' publicltion to come into co"'plia""" with !he Mandatory Conlinuing I1g.1 Eduealion requirements for 2002. NOlI-compli= ",;Ih lhe MCLE "''luirements 'hall result ;n a su'pension of his Iken"". [CLIO No. 04.{Jll


Suspensions On January 30. 2QO.1. lhe Supreme Court or AI.bama adopted !he December 22. 2003 ordtr rcvol:ing the probation of Sylacauga a!lorney Mkhacl Amhony

Gin"". cntrn!d by the Disciplinary Board. Panel V. efToctlve December 22. 2003. On July 10. 2003. Oiven~ "'"U ,ummarily suspended from !he practice of I.w, On Ju ly 2 8. 2003. the Di.'lCipl;nary Board acupted Oivens' condition.1 guilty plea 10 $i~ viola· tiOllS of the Alabama Ru les of Profe .. ional Conduet. l1Ie Dis<iplinary Board imposed a ooe-year suspen· ~ion. Howe....".. the Disciplinary Board 'uspended lhe ;mposil;on of thi' discipli"" and lIeld il in abeyance pe""ing a two-year probalionary period. subj.." '" Oivens· compliance with" list of probationary condi tions. On Oclober 2. 2003. !he orr.e<: or GcIlCr3l Counscl filed. molion to "",ole Oivens' probation based ()fI IIi, railum '0 comply with the '"n05 of hi. probation. On October 16.2003. the Disciplinary Board dctennined tha! an Older revoking Oi .... ns· tIl'ptn,ion be withheld foo- a period of 30 days. duro ing which time Oivens could bring himstlf in", com· pliance with the probation order. failed to bring himstlr inlO c<KTlpliance with the proba.ion order. [ASB nos. 0l.304(A). 02.129(A). 03.l7(A). OHIf,(A). O)·113(A) and 03- 171 (A)l


On February 13. 2004. the Supreme Coun of Alabama en",red an Older 3dopIins. the onIcr or.he Alabama State Bar Disciplinary Boord. Panel IV. su.<pending ManhewTni.-;" Hobbom for th'. years, lIollbarn surrendered hi. littnse and OIXepled a .u.<pension of fi .... years. for violalion$ of the Alabama RWc$ or Pro(=iooa! Condue. in the following complaints (hi. suspension was effccti .... Nbroary 25. 2(04): In ASB No. 03·I08(A) and 03· 139(A). HolWom was retained '" represent Betty James '" roc"".r dam'ge. involving twO au'o accidents on.· geney fee b.l<i,. Holzbom would !ell her .1131 he was wOO-king on the case, and did advance ",,,,,ey to her. Hol,bom ""vcr'ook any a.ction on her claims. Holt.born "'poned hi. "",ions '0 the bar and James later filed a complaint with the bar. 200



In ASB No. 03-14O(A). Pauline Mc L: more rct:>incd to...,k Social Se<urity dil.3bility be""filS. Holzborn gave Mclemore monty ru>d pr0vided a place for her.o live. Mcl1more did not believe that Hotzborn ever filed any.hing On her behalf. In ASB No. 03·18.2(A). in an administrative pro"«dins. befo.e.he Al.bama Home: Buildc ... Licen,ure Board. Hol;d)om "'prescnlC<l1O the administrative law judge thaL hi. ""pfather had died. utero the odmini'Lnu;ve law judge learned that Holzbarn', stepfather hod not died when he read the repon or discipli"" in n,. Alabama wwpr. Holzborn had used this ........ excuse in a prtviou, proceeding in another coun. In ASB No. 03.318(A). Janice Clemons hin:d Holiliorn to mpresent her with an "uto accident. Hold""n I()()~ no "",iO<l in ber c.t<c and did not respond '" her request for information. In ASB No. 03·287. Clwle"" Torwater retained Holiliorn 10 "'prt""n. hcr in a slip-and·fall injury. l1Iere was 110 employment CO<lIraCt. At SOl"" point, Holzbom gave Tarwater S2.()XI a"" indicated it was "",ulemenl or her claim. Thrwale< never signed • ",lease and HoLzbom ne".r provided any doc"menla· tion regarding the set1lement. IASB nos. 03- 108(A). 03·l29(A). 03·14O(A). 03·182(A). 03·287(Aj. and OJ-318(Al1 • Daphne attorney Michael HUding McDuffie "'as su'pended from the pra<tie<: or law in the SUI. of Alabama for a ptliod or 9 t ~y,. efTective January 2~. 2004 by order o f the Alabama Supmme Coun. l1Ie suprtme coun cnten:d its O<d<r based upon the ded.ion of !he Disc;plinary Board or the Alabama State Bar, l1Ie Dis<iplinary Board accepted Mc Duffie', conditional guilty pie. and ordered that he be ,uspended from the practice of law in !he Stale or AI.bama for. period of91 days. 10 run concurmnlty in each ca"". However.• he Oi""iplin:>ry Board ordered that !he 91-day su.<pcn,iO<l be ,u,ptnded and held in abeyance pending a tw<>-year pro/>a.ionary period. with Mc Duffie to .'"ve 30 d:\y> of.he 91-day ,u'ptn,iO<l.

The Jrievlnccs conlained the same or similar allepliolll tlIao McDufr~ bad f.iled 10 compe~nlly ~I dklWJ.

wilfully ",",1cc:1Od clicnu' ~-. foiled 10 ,u.onably 001IIIl\UnicMcd willi clknu reprdiD& their cues. foiled 10 keep clknu' fundi tepalMe from hiJ """II funds. failed 10 ~fund td,'anOC pIIy..-.:nr 0( f«<. foiled 10 rnpond 10 for onformllioa from I dUdplin., Illlbority. and en~ in 0Iher o:<:IIICIun ihIol tdvaxly ~fIeCtS on hi. r.UIeU 10 pncticc law. A, pan of hit plea. McDuffie was ordr~ 10 tnlCr I profe ..ional e~mrnl program. In addilion. McO\lffi. " .... ordcmllO make re5lilulion in lhe amoonl of $2.soo.

lAS S nos. 02-4I(A) tiaLI

Public Reprimands • On o..c..mber~.

OI"f!' c._

2003. formrr Monlgorro<ry aIlOmeJI J ohn

..... ra:civcd a public rq>rimand ""thou! acllmll

publinriod, f.". • .-;ooliool 0( Rule ' _I(b), A~ R~I~6 of P"""'nw-I COIIdo.c1. [n 1998. Camrroo ~nlcd JolIn Henry Rou • Ibo trial kYel and on Ibo appeal of hi's criminal r:orr.icUm. Thntaf\cT. Ross him! Mr. Bk:-.>U.$ ... handle • poA-appcllace rcv ..... ofhilcrimioal cue.. On Au' .... 6. 1999. B""'illl filed • bQr tompIailll opiMi Camrroa allqllllihai he bad IKII compttwlly ~lcd !lOS$. The Nr JC"I\I Cameron • ropy of Blc\lins' complainl on December 29. 2(XX) and m:jPeSlcd . ... rill.n ~pomc. Cameron fai[cd 10 It'Spond 10 lhe bQrn:garding Ihit complaim.IAS B No. 00-3[ [(A) ]

• On February 13.2001. Birmin&ham allomoy Mlch ... l ll-I'nlon ~-rmch receh-cd I public reprimand "i,houl ",non[ publica· tiooI. f~""b en~m! a plea 10 ~;oa.lion of Ibo followin, Rllks of P""~niDNll COIIdwt: Rule 1.1. " 'iIII competence; Rule 1.8(c). duliD& wilh prohibilCd tramactions ... ith d;"nlS: and Rule 1.1 ~). deali.., .. ith Ibo pron19t lIOIiflCaIlooi of Ibo receipt of SC:11k ....ftl pmo: .... d:!:. III 01 abco.>l M...,h 1991. Martha Vineyard him! F",nch "" 1 40 perO<lII CClIIIinB<""')' f.... l&R'" 10 ~nl herooncemilll an injury >he ""'ei,-cd in a Big Lots parl:.ina 101 from a "ru ....W;IIy~ sbopping cart. The ease ........"led for S12.OOO in March 2000. but F",nch d id not notify Vineyard of lhe to1ll.mont fOl """'" limo . AII(I. Vineyard 's claim WIS SUbjecliO. Medica", li.n of "lnIO$l $12.000. I'll ... Cross """Id not legally wli,'\! thi5 li.n. Vineyard ",fused 10 ~"",ule the .. 111.monl doc:un .. nts under lhe cln:umstanceS. l1le < then had the JOlllemenl tnr"","", by tbe <ire"il roun. " n:nch wunsc:11cd Viney...-d 10 donaIe her pon;.,., of the to11iemeftl 10 1 charily in order 10


~III BI ... Cross from reet"i~in, lfIythi",. Since she ,,-as IlOl toing 1ft ra:ci'"C fundi from Ibo JOIlIo .... nt. >he agreed 1ft do thil. AI thac point. I'mIch lenl $9.716.67 101 chwch orpniulion "ilh ... h""h he Iud a Ioo1prandin, "-"OI:iabon. IASB No. 02-I-IO{A)]

• \\ll1 iam Pin~ MY """'en., III of CoIumbiano rccei>"Cd I pub-Ii<: "'primand wilhoul atnt1al publ""a,ion on Febnwy 13. 2004 for ~iolruing nM5 1.1. 1.3. 1.4(,) and 8.4(0) (t) and (11. A.R.P.C. Po·.... " agreed 10 "'presc:nllhe complain..,1 for


injuries m:ei>'Cd in an .... Iomoblle occidenl in May 2(XXJ. Powcrt did liuk or no wort OIIlhe case. allbou&h 1be com· plainanl rnn1X1td him ~ lIJneS .tlId rtaivul upclau$ rqardi"l1be >lalus of \be .... Ier. Powers filed I civil Ktlon in May 2001, but ...-as III>IbIe \0 ob\ain scniceoa 1be d.r...· danl. The romplain.>n1 pIld Powcrt SIIIO in 0c10btr 2001 10 bire I ~ss ser--er. p.,..,CI"$ Icd 1M complainant 10 bcli ....'C th.llhe complaint had ~n 1I<"tvt<!. Ho.... ev~r. \be "'tum of lI<"I'Iice ""lI1 ""ver filed .... ith the coon. On March 28. 2002. lhe coon Ofdc~ lilalthe case _Id be dismissed unl"'" II<"NlcC ...-as obtai_ .... i.hin 28 days. Pooo"("rS did IlOI infOfm \becompllilWll ofthecoun·. order . .tlId \be xtioo ..... ",bSC<j""nlly dismissed INI June 4. 2002. did no! notify \be compIlilWll of the dismissal. Who:n 1be compbiNQI di,.. covered thol Ibc cue had hem dismi,lCd. aswrtd \be COIn9I.i ......' thai he .....,.,Id do ...·haleVn ;11OOl: 10 =tify 1be •iIUilion. but he did notlIin •. rASa No. 03·36(A)r

""""-en """-en

"'M .SO"

• Mobile lllOmey S lade CQr don rc<:eived. public "'Primand wilh ,"..,ral publication On Febnwy 13. 2004 for violatina 1"11.1<$ 1.3 and 1.4(1), A.II..P.C. Watson ,,-as maincd 10 "'presen. 1 dienl in a man .. _ming \be ""P<nsion of hil Alallama dri.-er·. licemc..t pUll I S~ retainer. Appro>.iRWtly ODe yur III.,.. WaUOll Slill had done no wort ID Ihc .....1eI". Durin, tha1. limo. W",- did IlOI """""""i<:ar.e ....ith lhe dienl. nor did he ~ 10 lhe elien'" ", rtq~. fO( infonnation <:OIIUmi"llhe .... Ier. WIISINI its<> ",fu<Cd 10 ",fund IlIe "'Ilino:r 1ft.,. hlvin,!>oen ttqu<"td 10 do so by lbe dienl. IASB No. O)·I8(A»)

• On December 5. 2003. Blnninzham allOmCy \\III.. I..eon WiDiams. Jr. m:rivul I publi<: rt"pimand ..;It! zenmI publi· <Mion fO( vinIlIIina "'... 1.3. 1A(a)..t 3.2 of1be~ Nul,s", p,,*.m-m Conduct. In early 1995. M.. Robbie Mc[)l)nald ~ Will;"" ....... 1w>dIinJ: he" di>"(Jl"("ll. She _ quoled.1OI3l f... 0I$1.175. She made. partial ""y..... 111 and William. filed 1be di>"(Jl"("ll romplaill1. Subsequmlly. Jhe wao 10 p.ay any additiolW fees and the di~ wao vol· untarily abandoned. The coun dismi5SCd the co",plainl on June 2.8. 1999. On Frlwary 2. 2001. McDonald paid Williams $1.015 10 ini.iaIe diVOltt PfOC'I<'di1lg$ :&pin. A St"COIId dlVOItt c:omp1ainI ....... filed on February 21. 2001. W"dli.ams I0OI< DO funhcr action fO( nine months. ~kDonald ailed on I rqut. ~ ro:dmg ~ _ <q)OI1 buI Will...", did DOl ~ ...·,tlIlxr abouIlbc case.. Wim ..... did DOl IIOIify McDoniId thai 1be second compIailll had been dismi5SCd by 1be coun on Au",1t 2.8.1((11. Wilboul McDonald·$ ~nowledge Willi ..",• mod a third complainl on Sc~rnbe, 20. 2001. Sevenl of lbe ilSl<X:ial00 documents ,,·ore n:jtc1ed by lbe coun. Williams did not <OI'Tttf:uo;l ~fi"1be documelllS. McOonoJd II<"nl Willian.,; four IelIerS bo-I,,"ttn ScpIembtr 2001 and J~ 2002 CApreMint; ber fnn.lntion III lin IKk of communication with lin. In Ixr last ........ sIIe ;Qfonned Williams that !he _kI he -kiIIJ assisw>ce from m. '- if he did not addrc:q her con. ccnw.. On January 17.2002. McDonald filed. compIli ...... i\h the t.. Atier m:ri""1 DOIice of the ba" COOIpI;lim. Williams filcd <OI'TttfOO <Iocumrnts and I diYOfC<: llecrtt was uhillUl",ly ~nlered on Morch 11.2002. lASH No. OHl61) •


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