Lawyer 5 97 web

Page 1

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Alabama Ma1l199?


The skill;'", of/he capi/QI cilll, lhe ,ilf of/IN! 1997 A!a/}a'11(J Slale Bar Almual "'",,/ing. is framed bg lhe AIabam<l dun atld 'III """"ing skJl. -Photo b¥ RoIxlTI Fouls. Montgomery



Qualifying Candidate lor ~idenl-[lfCt

................. 135

EWER l.Aw: PrrfAUS FOR TllE UNWARY By Patrkia RUrn<)rt ............................. , .. , .... J60


IN MmlCAR£ PiA":NINC By lynn Campisi ..•..• , .....•......................... .164

PlERCINC l'I-l E CORPORATE VEIL UNDER AlA8A.~ !..All': ILGAL STA....11\ROS AND EViOENTIARV FACTORS By •• r. McArdle ...............•.....•...... , , .. , ... 170

EL.EC'llIOtIIC EviDENCE: OISOO\'ERV IN niE COMPUTl:R AC£ By Susan 1. SIM""i! ..... .... ......................... .176

ALABAMA STATE BAR ONLINE www.B' What'. New... • Pubhca.ion. · On·Llne Com""'''''Y - OOC Opm""" · a.E Cakodoc · On · Li,,,, Ow,1I" '" AdJk$O



__ •_I"" p.o. . . . Moo"""" .. ,. -.... 158.


.kIne . . . ;O ..... di<ooc:Wy~ br1l>l -.... SIaIoIHt. 35101"158 _ (33<126f. 1S1S.

_ "_ -_ _ __

~l_OooO"l~ __


0.001.0-..,0.. _ H._ _I."""",

_ 0.....-..-. _ _ ~.

Cllch,ng Up with W"rtn Lightfoot

130 Extculi,~

Director', Report


-_.._woo. . .,.) _

.... ...,... 1Ik _

s.....,. ""'"'" _ . _

About Members. Among firms 136



- -,.. -"."."- -......

Doo!nO&._ ._



Bar Srids

140 Building ~ma's Coorthoo.ises 142 l.tgislative Wrap-Up 146 Mtmorials 148 l)isdplirwy Notkt

153 R«fnt Ottilions


AIAUlIA SlAre ..... 1It.\.(Mlll,UtTf;1tS STAFF


_u..,-__ . . -'-,c.___ _H'. .._,_

~1_lSIS .

rAJ! 0311261 ·5310


Opinions of th~ GtnUlIl Coonsel



.... ---~ r.-..-



........ _~-...... __


"""' ..... L.a...dI '


........ emo .. "',.,.... _~--./WJ_"'eLE Opportunities

18' Clwifitd



Alabama Bar Institute for Continuing


M. Leigh Harrison, a fonner d~an

of Alaooma's law schOQ1, freq uentl y reminded his seniors "... Remembuthat you ha.-ebul a license to ltarn. ~ Thf lawyu's

quest for excellence is supported by the Alabama Bar Inst itute's

CommiunenllOqu;ility continuing education. ABICLE ~ nol only allow lawyers to kÂŤp the "edge" but also to meet the challenges of a profmion that demands lifetime Icaming.

DavKl B. Byrne, Jr.

Robison & Belser, P.A. 210'lltrtt Strtet

POIit Off'1Ce Drawer 1470 M(lIllgomCTY, Alabama 36 102



n bt. ftblwry 01' this )'tar. ROOM A. Ih&ktr. ~tor of 7he A/atIQr,.., UJuy<!T. caogtlt up "ilh ASlll'rtJidmt WalTtn! 0( lIinningh;un about his}'el'



A1: You're almo&l through with)Wr do)'OU CIJNido:r tho main ~i$hmmls li)'OUr lerml Ugtotfoot: One 01 OUt themes ~ bttn accmling the posit"'" iSptCU 01 ourprdwion. W. h;wr UI'Idetukm «h". aline the publk; aboul bIo')'m lID

administ~tion. "~

for W IIOOd 01 ~. not .itut /or ~"' One ~....e did that ",os to toII1I't* an tdUQlionaJ ,ideo that is bting dislribultd to;> librum and school. and is l~iWlI. to lhe public. It trlis the poblk ~ srteal deal about "'.... llawyoers 00

other than profusion.all~. A1: llow tOUki a loa! bar as.KICiation get a 00I"I of this vkIto? lightfoot: t:achdthtmwillbtsml I COpy. It we do ~Iy. but just M ifl1l)OFt¥lt. what we do in our wan: limr. too. AnoIhtr ~o(tNt pooitM ~ is the ~ Milesklnos ~ ~ Cnws in Huntsvillt hod tilt idu for Iht AlWmI SbI. Dar to pcriodi. ~Uy dtdiatt 1I1tp1 miksl.... in somt am 01 the, ~izing ~ ;oo:;omploonwou d the pW.. The fir$!. one will bt in Monl'Ot'Yilit on ~ I a\ the Monroe (QUnl)' Court~. This .... a fictitious; characttr-Alticuo Finch-OO. especially. \tit attributes lhal Finch ~ood for and thaI.., IlWll' of our


fdlow bw)oers ha>Ie. W,'II 11M: others ...t.o


«:m< along who will be real live htrors. both 1r.;1\11 and dud, as Ihis program pro-

A1: I low active have )'OUT task f(ll"t:tO bttn Ihis \'Uri U"htfoot: Very letiw. We 39 oommiUHS ;md WI< forces. Thr I1'I05t m:tflt wk fom: ..... w cruted is .,...Ior tlder ~ lor tilt tlderly. II grot dol fA oor WIc forcts hdp not just ~rs but mtmbtrs 01. tho public. We hM: (Wtf 600 \iIo')'tI'J il1'lOlwd in thew c;ommilteu Iond wi< Iorus and the5t bwym ccntributt well (Wtf S6 millioo OOIliors ~ in ""'untttr time. That is lSIooooing to mel It w.. on eye-opening uperiera lor mt to SH how ....... ny lawyers ~rt willing to gM fA !hti. ti"",. lrnl give dedicatw wvke "ithout ~ny pay. someti""" without npensu being reimbursed. /or the good oItt-.. profesIlion iIOII /or tt-.. good 01 tt-.. ""blic. AL: Do you think that the b.l.. is r~M to the n«ds 01 the youngt. IIowyrn? Ughtfoot: I do. but '« rlftd to do brt· trr nI that I11III not bHn ont r:I my thana. It mIIY be a theme r : I _


At.: I'Ve asIctd \hi$ _ questioo r:I most liyour ~ng ... ""to date on the bar's l'IOSition regarding judi~

Klection or elections.

LIghtfoot: ThaI·S.,... 0( ITIl' pet pnr jects. as you ~ kno:Mo. The bar ha!; rear· finned its pOSition In WJor Ii non-partisan tlfction. We reWved thor report Ii tho Third C~iKoI' Conftmn on tho jo<!i<Ury. ftI)mmIj~ (WH two)'WS 0IW0rk. nI that group Ii 156 citixns (3(1lr to the

same 0Jndu$i0)n: non~ tltdions. I ltd Ihil dot5n"t go ur tnOI.Iih;and that wt rIHd mtrit selection/fttmtio ekdion lor judge$. "~th the ~..t Ii the bolrd Ii bar rommisOOntl'$, ! t.- appointed a oommiltft Ii tight <listinguW>ed practi. tioners ,,1'10 art woriting wry hard to come up with a COTI$Iilutional amendment that will pia« into .flr:d a mtrit sekc-

tiorJrrttntion tlr:dion J)'SItm I'd lik( to ttll )'011 thor n;una Ii thooie tight folks but that·s goirC to be publishtd tbt"'t-..f't wi we mil' not ~ to jlU\ it htno. AL: Wlw ~ lOrt reform? M. we'f't conducting Ihi$ int.,...;.w, the ltgi.Iaturt is in IIe$$iOn nihil" ont lithe iImls on the ItgIsbtM ~ Do you SH thai: lOrt rtIonn IieMI .. a dnisM part Ii our twl UghtlOiW UrVOrtUNt.tIy.)'OS. Jt is a poIaming <XlflIrowrsy. As a tw. though, we \1001 gtt into t.hat COI'It~. w,'rt an integratw b.>. and we rtpre;enl both sides in lht on·going argumtnts about lort rtform. All we tan do;as a bar is tnOlUragt boXh sidos to _rch lor common ground.. We tan uy "\vel! do "mltver wt GIll to IlocUiutt discu.sion wi compt'O(TIist", but ,«'rt not about to touch tIwot (I Ie l1li a ~ wt QIII1O\.. AL: Art you ~~ with the httpthal: you ftOtMd from tho statt bu sbff> Ughtfoot: AbsoIutriy. ~ is a wry abk.~ ~ Wtlwlaconltr· era for bar Ieadm in Sq>terrbtr. and stYt~ doun bat 1eadtrs wi from ~J (WH the &late c:iItlV and got togetht-r and ulked about ...nat we can do ill tmru of b.>. act;"itia. The last part 0/ lht day ....e

showcased the talent we ~~ a\ bir head· quarters, itId it iliormioJable, At.: ~'eWlOO t.. mtainly bro3mt an ildillr part d our practia. llow do you

think that "ill affKl the litigation side ci our practict? u"t.tfoot: I think iI's vtrY salulliry. J hM: brm ~unncd by Ihr sua:u. ci mtdiation in my prXtict itId in huoring commentJ from others. It is" wonderful me<:!\anism ~!ld procns. ~nd tun that art i".,....sible 10 .. tile go into mrdiation and /:Orne oul rtJOIwd.. II anl do lI/'lyIhing bul inuu 10 the btnefit diM publit when,,~!\a~ li,igation lIrumHIiW and ......1vt<J more uptditiously. It'. cliuper. if. lamr. if. wonderful. At.: OotsTl'I \h.t bar ~~ fKililiu Iv"i\able for use for conducting m~ilI· lion? LIghtfoot: It <;ert.tinly doe$. lI'e .... the bar facilities lot diJw.oery, for conkr· mea and aTlainly lor mediation. On this 'Iicko !hoi. you "ill hovt otftI by the Ii"", this ortide comtI out, \heu', aJona sec· lion about the mediation facilities that a..

lMlilable, and it shows a mediation under· oq; iTi bar ~ It',"very thor· O\ iI~ At.: How ""'OO1d you ....... the $IlIt. 01

ooIkagues and I'm just proud ID be associ·

"tro with them.

At.: Did)'OUr kn.In irwo:Wt men time tlWI )'00 anticipa!td?

the bar?

Lightfoot: Than affirmali~ , I !\ad an i(lv, about it bta.... the way our ')'fIrm workJ,)'OU ~ a ~"r'. MT\1ce as presidmt In lXI, I Nd sa )'Ors IS " bir commissioner way in the '70s and '80s. but you never quilt know how much Ii"", i.'! going to be .. quir~. Tho .. art lots 01 JflHCOO and IlIeu ire" lot 01 «uroonilll aP\IUr· _ iI's alTllOl'dimrily Ii"", consum· ing but 'lI!ry gniUfying. I told .... mebody the other day t!\at it was rxhilarating but thert's" limit on how much nhi~ moo anybody an JIlInd. At.: Au)'OU rudy to go ~ to ~

UgMfout: Tht bar is ~ry hulth)'. If. busy. n.... a.. I I ,000 0( us. Tht bar cooWets its ~ ildMties d te!li11I appIi· tiIIItJ and gnding egms and its UJUOI <Ii$dplmry functions and. in that ,,~, ........ tilt pub!it but ~ IIOt5 far bryond that. We've got a ~ry active, dedicated gl'OUjl 01


LIghtfoot: I will be firin,g out 01 this .lob 1ik"" rocktt In July. but I Ail! a. .. about the bIor, hJI praidmls. u you know..... ..till ildM iTi the)'eM""" thry KM ..... 111 lit inml>."td: but )'t$. 1"11 t.. delighted to .. Ium to c;"ilian life . •


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r.iIur< io ... 1in< for ~ ....

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" ••• ' IN$UIIA.'iCr: OOXPANV 1Mo·~.7r.,..

,_"'i.' ••....,.'



eare wry ",,<:itt<! about thi, year', Annual M«ting, which willb< held ill Montgom<ry for the first time in 30 years! Many things ct.angnl in both 1M prok$sion lind tho: city 01 Montgomny sine. 1967. We hope to highlight...,.... ol thoK Chlong., during thl: meding. This year's meeting datel are July I Ii-


The 1997 Annual MeetingM ONTGOMERY


" . hl> B. N...........


19. llIf-lle\<'ly COIUtructed ErTIbmy

Suites Ilotd .,.ill RNt ~ the CCIIl'Jention hold. with ~itiorW rooms ~.. jW!ll: .... tho Holiday Inn (formerly tho ~ flakl), ..toidl has been murbishod. The dodli",,/or hOOt rutrv;r.tions It lhe ~:mb.wy Suites is June 161M must 1)< mad. through the 'L.'Itt bar. HOI.I reservations IQr the Holiday Inn may be made diffctly ...ith tho hotel ~ QUina: (ZOS) 264·223l. Autndtts "ill haw tht Opp,lfIunity to obtain most, if IlOl III. of thti. elL "tdih for the ~ar It the Annual Muting. An OIlutanding arr~ ofprograml reaturing techr>Qlogy, "'pOOle!; ~ brud·aoo·butler iS$uu ...ill II< O«~, lWU1;ng to the Ilft<b of I~y's bI.').... The Annual MH1ing kick-otl" bogins with" Pi'",,1 dill('U$$ion by Ihlft former Al~ Suprm>t Court JwtictJ. lion. II_II II.flin. lion. C.C. " Bo" TOIWrt ~n<l llon. Sonny lI om. lIy. lion. Myron Thomp..,n. chid j~. Un;!'" St.!.. Dillrict Court for the Middlt Diurict 01 ~ will be the spukn for Thunday', Bench and Bar Luncheon. Cl E programming will contin .... throuSt>Ou! Thursdl.y ami Fridiy with ITIO&t or tm: hars 20 practice Kcliom, the Alaham. Uwyer'1 Auocil!ion. lho boor's kull to Ltgal Strvku CommiUH and the \'OluntH . ~n Protnm sponsoring progrnm. Satunllly will ft~lurt our committ« and t.ulc foret brt.akful. the Cnn<k

Con\lOCation ~nd the .nnual me.ting of the state baT. Soci.1 activities art pl.nn'" 10 Id bar members.OO thoir Quests .njoy ......... 01 Montgomery·s.•ntI AIab.vnlI's. most Ioignilicanlllhxtions UId most tnl.rtlin ..... nt Thursd.>;y·, A C.pill l Evening will ftaturt Mont~ry·. I.igllttning Routt lrollty cars maki ng stops.t lho new AlwlTIoI Judicial Building. the r.furbiiihtd SIalt Capitol Building and the now .r4 rtfurbUhtd SUtt bar l1tacIquaTltrs building. Stilt boor !llt1TIIxrs and their guests lTIoIy Qmpit fooo.h P"'1'lrN by IhTH 0( Mootgorn.ry·. finnl caterers while tooring t.ach or these buildings. On friday Ift.moon. tht golfers will Ix ablt to compttt in the Inn",,1 KicI5' Cho"", Coif Tou ............ t. benefiting the Kids' C~. Schollt$hip fund. Friday evening will kalu ••• sumptuous E,'tning of tht ArtJ .1 the bt.auliful Montgomery Museum of fine ,\TlS localN in tho Wynlon Bloont Cultural !'Irk. Also localN in the Blount CulLUnl f'lork is lhe Carolyn 81oun1 Thultr. horne 10 the I>IItlOOlll)' acd.imrd Alabamo S~spur. FHtiVllI. A limilN number 0( tic""ts ~T. iVailablt for ]lUretw.e from the Futival in P.rlon""nce! ror tho evening art Sh.aknJlU.rC·1 N ilCM lh on the festival SllI,gI:.r4 Itmrik IMm', C/oos" p!lying in the Dcugoo Thutn. I'ridiy t"'tning", ;/fliT lhoould be _10 rtmcmbtr! With the di,..,rsit)' 0( uc~ncnt CI£ programming. an imp,,~ivt line-up 01 speakers and truly wonderful social events planned. this yt.a.r's Ann .....1 Mttting in Montgomery \\;11 be unlikt ilIlY other. \\"fkotm homt 10 MOIII,......,.,.....- look f _ .. to _in, )'\MI!


On a petJect beach a new tOWIl

is taking shape.

,,,,,oml, d"""" 10 build tilti, boxh horn .. i~ R.,..rn3', linch.


lR'·'" you '0 vi", lOOfI.nd d _ you, hom.." •.


S•• ,. R<» Flo J H'l 9

I 00) 716·(1811

19M) BI·1900

roocmr,b<h •• SC[~IC

koun ;o.~


DID YOU KNOW!!! The Alabama Court Reporters Association has adopted the Code of Ethics of tbe National Court RCIKlrtcrs Association as follows:



A Member Shall: I.

Be fai r and ;mpoRial towa rd c:ac:h pilnicip:ml in all a$pOCls of rcPOROO prooocdings.


Be: ak:n 10 JitUiltions ""'I an: c;onI1i<;U of in_~ or may ';''C (he 1ppear3l'CC of. tonIlicl of imerest. If. mnfIia or • cunlIia ariacI. cloe Member .sh3lL disclose that c;onI1ia or poI~~1 o;onf1io;t. lbat


Guard .",inSlIH)l only the fac\ bm lhe: apI''''''''''""' or

irnpropriCly. ~.

Prescf\<e the aNlflCltntialily aDd CIl$Un: the IIDCUrily of i ~lioD. onl or ,,-ri\lell. cntrIJIjcd 10 Ille Mc:mbcr br any of lhe: partie! in • p<lICCUIiq.


Be (ruthful al>d xaorate ... hen makin, public stalcmem, or ,,'hc" "",,,rtis;,,. the Mcmbc:( . qualifocalioolS or Ihe services pro,·idod.


L. A court rcpona WlLah'3)'$~ to all parties pracnr at 3 cIcposirion the exisleoce of Iny direct or Indirect cooullClill3 reLarionship Wilh any allolOCY or party 10 rloc case. Ito IIIaI Ihe Oilier parties may exen:isle lbcir ",,"u under Rules 28(c). 29 and J2{d) (2) of lhe FcdtraI Rules ofe;"il Proa:dun:. and comparabLc SIaIe ..... locaIl:a..", 10 ~ 10 rhe laki"l oflhc cIcposilioo ~ of !be pO$$ibk: disqualifICation 01 !be court reporter. Thil di!ICkriu", .haJl include lbc iclentilY of all principals alld agelllS il"'OI-oed in lbc conlJaCli ng gl'O\lp IS well as a dc:!ICriprion of allllc'O'K:cs beillj pc/fonnod b:y IUCh WW1 rcpona. his or het CDlpIoycr. Of III)' priocipal Of ..... of llw: caouaaiD, &I'O"P< It is Ihe WW1 rcpor1Cf's obIiplioo to IlIaI;c ICUONIbk inquiries and l5OO\Iin ibis infonn:ation before -=pU1II any IU5il'll'lCnl. 2.

A WW1 "'POrter shall always offcr ro Pf'O\'idc: comparable ier'\'\c:Q 10 all panics in Bcue. HOI\","". IIOlhi"l in Ihis policy is inlended 10 aLlow court rtpOf1CB to din:aJy or indin:aJy ClC(:1wl&c infomlation " ilh compctilOrl about lbo: priccIIllocy ~~ Of 10 disrooIua&c in any other "3)' competition in the ICIVica o/fcred or priccII clla.tpI b:y COlIn "'POrtel'l.


A coun reponer 111:111001. in act Of appeamllCC. indicalc thar lbc coun rtpOttcr is panicipali n, as p'n of an ach."...;y .. ppoc1lClm lOr any one of llle


at,,"lI)"I comply wilh fodaaI. $laic and Iocalla.... and ""Ies that SO''Crn rhe colldua of court rcportCI'l (wc.:b as lhose 11I.1r deal "ilb certificalion, coofidenli.3iily BOO o;usrody of InrucriplS, and c:onlrllCting).

Refrain, as an 0/1"1/;;'1 f'ep:>f1tf. rrom fm:"n<;e rcpDf1;Jlj aaivitics that intenen: with o/focial duties and OOIiptiola.



tOes ioidt:..,ndc"lly. el<DepI "he"

tstablislled 11)' S1.mlt or coon order. cmerillJl ;,,10 no unLa"fuJ agroemcnts "ilh OIlier n:porlers On the foes to any UKr. a.

Refrain from

p,·i.... dirocllyor indirectly. any

&iR. iDccnt;'~ ~'aAI Of an)lbi"l fII .... uc. 10 auomcys. dieMs. witnesses.

il\Slll'UlOl: companies


any odlCt PC'SOOS or enlilies as:sccialed .. ilh lhe liligarion. 01 10 llIe rqmsenlal;''(:S 01 agenll of any or llIe roregoing. c.~cepI for irclIIS !l~ll do 001 cxettd $100 in lbe lS&"'Pre pcr reo;ipienl QCh year. 9.

Maintain rloc inte,rity fII rhe rcporUna: prokssion.


It. WW1 reporter Wli

Profile .cu-n 10 ~ AIabem.t s:.r9 iW'$ ru/eIf ~ rile ....".,., of P'"$.1It1'l!~ the ~ tJo;yiVu skmd! III pruvrt;I«J of \>icI«H Lett.k Loo .....



ftx rtlOIposr!I<)1 oIpllSlda,r-<lll9cl 01 m.t~SIIr8tw fry !/Ie 1997-98

,..... ..,...,_ w,."'_ocy ... ,Aif 1998 VIcIor H loo, Jt _ the

his SA, amao.." 19n from 1M lJrM:v$llyol

So..rth on:! his J.D. on 1975Irom!he ~lVoI.<UaIwnI5<::h:d 01 Uw

He .... U'''I!ed 10 the AIItIIn'e SIaIe Bar" 1975 He ' - s.YId on IhII !IaIII t#'S tx.d of Ilk coo",

' •• SlI'ICe

1988; as

dwr 01 the ~ Convr T"'" ...... 1990; .. a. 0Iu.. SecIJon on Col

Ges...:l Monel. Uw Imm 1984-B6; an 1 M . . - ....... , . , _ ()r1




lewlrom 1992-96; lIS ct.cI me Task Fotceon

F'roIess.alIIis Ir<lm 199().91, ...., on l/Ie Exeo.rove Ccu'oI from 1992-93. He 1$' , • • ,ibar of 1hoo ............ Bar ••• ' ~~1""5 Co-pcnmn. BonI:rog rod Busirms Law Secuon oro:! S8I\'IId on the fIo\obiI& Bar ~'s E:<ecuwe IXJI"M"OTtee

He IS •

from 19W-91i


01 the AllbemllLaw Instotu\e _

• lelow of 1hoo AIIbwrIe

Law FoundI\lOn. He has ~ "" • tJu.1M 01 the AlabamII Bar FoundaloOO 1rom 198&-96..-d as • dlrec\Ol 01 the !."'-$IIy of Allb8mllLaw


1994 He liiio was. OrIlC'lOl 01 the Mod-Con\nMl 001....:1

foundat>on _

Gas Assoc»1I0n lM~ 0rVIS ....1I,om 19Q4.88 loth QYIC..vIOI! has onduOoKI serwIII on 1M boertI 01 dorectors of 1IIIt Mobile ArOll ChIn'Oe< 01 Corromeo-ce (sn::e 1996 ItS ~

counsell; on the boertI 01 \NStWS of UMS-WfIlGHT Corporal"'" k:hM from 1990Hlllt on the

TO<lC!>dowr'I Club of Mob<le. lroc l\ssocIeuon. Inc




of dirlOClOlT 01

/'CMYI 1994-951; on lhe boerd of d<rectors of the Mollde Arts.rId $porU

19961, on the board 01 UU$lMS of It-.. YMCA 01 MtoIlQPClltan Mable. Inc. Ichaor!!om 19Q5.

961. on Itle bOIord of WIICIOI' 01 the Bcvs and GIrts 0Jtls. Inc from 1978-90 (on the IdYtsoty bo/Ird 01 trust..... of tJ>e Boys Club or Mobtle FOUtI(\II1fon. Ir>e. 110m 1965-92; from 1991.$4. on 1l1li bo»rd of UUst.... of trw ........ T Wngt\t School

of the _



s.nce 19901; on the boatd

the boa,d of d"8Ct<)l$ 01 the MOOle Ballet. Irw:

tor GIrls. Inc.

~ hom 19B7.a&1;

and. memb&r

I;)o:l\M O$$<lOI\Ion soroce 1975 (Qptain from 199().911,

He " m,,,,ed to Ihe former Austil Samtord...-.;llhey hove two <:IWten. M..,. AustJII Lon. 19. rod Marooret Walsh Lott \7

ABOUT MEMBERS, AMONG FIRMS Abou t Members A. ~ Oanitl 0lI1I'00<II1Cft I ~ d

.a.ldrus tG 2(15 \\"dlWns "'__ . 1I1R$\'i1k, l58Ol. I'honr (205) 551.(1:501). \\lHiam H. Robnbo", rtl ired circuit jodgt. ilWlOUl'lCeS lilt OI)tf1illJl 0( his offien ~t 2 Coon Sq""rt, Cbyton. 36016. f'hone (334) 775·7759. 00\1.1.. C. F"emin announcel tht relocation o( l1i, omce tQ 456 S. Court 5IrH!. Mon4forr\"I'Y. 361044102. I'Ilone (334) 2M·2000. H(f~ W. S mith. formt, ly,..;th &frs. Andorrson. bduon & Smith.

..,_n tho QlM'ning cI his oKoce at 640 S. McDonough Slro'ol, Montgomery, 3611». The mailing address is P.O. Bo~ 4486. 36\03-4486. ~ (334) 264-1640. Stown D. Garrrtt announ.ct.$ the 0ptIl. ing of his otrK% it 2121 8" AverlUt. North. Suitt 12]6. Birmingham, 35203.1'hont (205) 322-8100. W.1IIIy L. \I' .liams anOOUnct:l1

change of addrus to 102723" Slrttt, South, Birmi~m. 352ll5.1"hone (Z1l5) 322-0888. W. Ttny TI1I";I. formerly of Beck" TTI";I. annoonc" lht opI'ning of hi. office at 640 S. McDonough Street. Montgomery, 36104. Phone (334) 262-3338. William V. Goo<h;yn 0"nour",05 the .. location of his office 10 700 COrpOrate Parkway, Meadowbrook. UinningNm. 35242. I'Ilone (205) 980·5247. R~rd C. Carter ann(ItJnc .... change oj ~ras 10 2633 ~rat ~. Cooptr City. Florida; 33026. Phone (954) lJ6.6768. Amardo We.1cy Pillen annoooc .. u,., "!,,,ning of his offiu at 100 Commerce Strut, Suile 6(}8, Montgomery. 361~. The mailing address is P.O. Bo!t 1973. 36102·1973. I'honf: (lJ.lI265-3333. J. \'aa " ' 1k..... formt.1y of Robbins. o.."SlfY Ii< \\'lk'm.annooocutM optn·

"Court surely service 110 ordinary agellt can match" '







log of hi! offiu at 7 S. 8r0adw3y Avtnut.Sy~uga.351~3051.Phone

(205) 24S-I930. Edpr M. Elliot ... 111 annooocu a (~of addrus 10 7 8loltusrol. SIloaI Cr~k. Alabama 35242. I'honf: (:?OS) 325·2778, John Stuart Grott.I , Jr. annoor.c'$ a clunge 0( addrus to 11509 'hIe 1\000d. Oakton. Virginia 22124·1336. Phon • (703)661-8501. Frod Lawton. 111 mnoor.cU the ulGQtion 0( hl$ offJtt to Suilt 1010. AmSouIh Blonk Iluilding. Annllton 36201. Phont (:?OS) ZJS.19fU. • Paut lIofer Em. annoontU I change of Wd •.,.I102t63 HighwlI, 31. South. Suile 212. I'ellum. 35214. I'honf: (2051 982·9011. 1>. Gugo!,), Ilunagan. fo.m with Smith. Spi. u &. Peddy. annou!\(:es lhe OI>tniog of hl$ offiu at 127 Cobb SlUe{. 1';0. !lox 903. GI'Ovt Ihll . ~51, Phooe (l34)275-4255. Mkhael S. ..... .. annoonces the uloQtion of his o/flCt 10 1130 QuinlaN Avtnue. Suite 4~. Annislon. 36201. I'honf: (205) 237-5105. JOJeph !..tnn llyalo annooru::u I "",nile 01 itdd,..,ss 10 3156 Woodfern Orivt. Montgomery. 36111. Phone (l34)2U-5162. bmu W. Crawrord. Jr. iU1noonus I d\ll~ of address to Inl t.w ... l Strttt. Mobil •. 36604. Phonr (l34 ) 4735143. Frank U. Aagl",la. formt.1y ",ilh !..tgal ~rvicu of North.Centnl AI~Nma. announce. the OI>tning of his o(fice .t 213 S. Mfuson Sireet. Athens. 35611. Phone (2051 233·Q.403. Oo",tll)o J. Collin mr.ourx:t:I the OI't"i"ll <J her oI'flC ••1 5000 lI ighway 280, Suit. 1'. AlewocIt. City. ~ mail · ingadllrus is P.O. Ika 2097.35011. Phone (2051234-4696. " l UilIm 8",dt Oodd mnoul"lCU thit he will continue hi$ praclice of Oodd " Oodd , WI offi«' .... ill .tmain at the Fr.lnk N.llOIllluilding, Suitt 519, 205

20" Strttt. North. Birmingham. 35203.

Phon. {:?OS) 324-2745. Among Firm . Joh. c.w.U IkIL Ionnorly with ~. PipU lnIl Cook. an,\OI.IIICes his IIfW poISilioo loS general coon"1 for I'ilot C.lulrophc Serdc... Inc. Tht offICe is localed al lOSS flillcmt Road. Suite 0-3. Mobile. 36695. The mloilil\ll ~ress is P.O.1IoJ. 91206. Mobilr. 36691-1206.1'I>om 13J.t) 607-7800. Judge 1'.meLa Willis Huchlb .nnoullCU I change 01 address 10 C.... rt of Criminal ,,-"II. SUIt Ii AloIwna. Judicial Building, 300 Duttr Awnue. 1'.0.1101 301555. Montgomery. 36130·ISSS.Phont (3J.t) 353.4241. b}io' \\'1", Ii D«riltld Iluch. Florid> hao lINn ""mtd vic:e.prUidtru lnIl gentral counsel for SouIMUI TO)'Ota Oi ltributoQ, Offices Irt located ~I 100 N.W. 12" Awnue, P.O. BOI 1160. 3J.t33. Phone \954) 429-2000. UA Huums. Ionntr1y willi tilt Binnindlam City At\l:lmty's Offitt.

arroounces IItr Il'o(M' to Off'Q 01 C~ for tilt Unlw"lty of AIabam.o S)'It.m. OI'fo«:!l an looted O\l thr Administration Building. Suitt 820.Ili~ ~ 0108. Phont (205) 934-3m. mlliam C. "'·olan. formtrly in private praclice. has joined Birmlnghlm. Sauthom Colle,_ loS t.... director 01 pl,inned giving. Rry>.JI. Ntlton. S<hrotdeT. Clltig1iola Gt. Hanahan anOO\lroa. thai II. Bonjlmln Mullen has btcomt i p;lTlntr. OffICes art located at 1103 Jxioon Awnut. P.O. 8oJ; 1529. ~ MisJi»ippi 39568-1529. Phone (601) 762.6631. Sintz. Clmpbtll. Duke <Ii Tio)'lor announ«S that Willi.m Kyle Morril has joined tilt firm. OffICes irt Iocaltd It 3763 ""*,,,onII ""~. Mobilr. 366(l9. Phono (334) 344-7241. Cory. W.l lOn. C~r & I'dway annoon<:t51 changt 01 ilk!rt» 10 I>b&nolia PlwI. x ..... from Magnolia I'irk in fM PoIIII&. South. 2131 MignoIia Awnue. P.O. IIoJ. 55927. Ilirmingham, 35255-5927.1'h<:>ne (Z05) 328·2200. PowolJ. pH k Gt. II't~-erlnnounct5 lhat Ah"n Milt)' PowoU. IV has bttome i ""mbrr fi lllt firm. Offias are 100000tN at 201 E. Troy Strttt. Coort SqU3rt. Andlolulia. 36420. The rmiling

addrns is P.O. Orn.'eI' 969.1"hont (334) m-4!03. Conni. L Clan and Carol J. Wl lLoce annoollCt the lom'IIlion of Cbu " "''alba. P.C. Offices a« Ioa.ttd at 303 WiliiamsAw~. Suitt 221·A, lIuntsvillt, 35801.1"hont (2<l5) 536-9494. Ktrripn . Eiltil . Rankin, MCLeod« Il ithtowor announcu I~ opmil\ll Ii offkn it 63 S, MO'fII Stmt. AmSooIh Cent.., Suitt 1109. Mobilt. 36602. Phon. 1334) 433·1133. Fnnk S. B""k lnIl pilrick MInOUnct I clw1tIt of ilk!rr$S 10 P.O. 8oJ; 55089. Birminglwn. 35255·5089. f'tIoot (205)933·7533. !'!Ulty Gt. Sial", anllOOncel thaI lI"hard A. Btardt" ind J. Anlholly Sal""", haw bttome ".lOdltes. Offocos irt Iocattd at 1100 E. """" OrN!. Suitt 301. Ilirminghlom. 35235, 1't1ooe (205) 836.4586. The Law Offlul 01 Blm A. CIft" announce lhat Anly N. 81t~ has btcomt ill UiQCi;ott lnIl liOlfttd A. C...." rontinlltJ ~/. Off,," are located in Suilt 101. FOller Corner, 188 N. rosin StrHI. Dothan. 36301. I'hont (3.'W) 794-8865. !Ailman. S ~I" I'a)_ annoollCH thai Sidn., T. f'h.ilip. has ;ointdloS i shareholder. Om«sar_locate.! at 400 lind Titl. Building, 600 N. 20" Street. Rirmingtwn. 35..'>03. I'hont (205) 251·5900. The ..... Ofnul of It. MInh announ<:e that Nil RrylOn hal ;oinN loS i ""Tlntr lnIl h-ent T. C",bI:ol has joined it'! 0I~. Offica a~ Ioa.ttd il Two CIwf CorpOrale Driw. Suilt 460. Birmingham. 35244. Phont (205) 733·1000. Btllilichlnloon anllOOnces. change in form na .... to BtU. IUchardlOll. S",ith " Col ........ Officr:o .~ located al 116 S. Jefferson SlrHI. P.O. 80. 2008. Huntsville. 35804-2008, Phone (205) 533-1421. Kin., o . ram. ind David T. ""dedi iIlfIOOnct the formalion of Farril & Puckett. Offices l~ al The Massey Building, Suitt 200. 290·21 " Strttt. Norlh.llirmingham. 35203. l'hone 12(5) 324· 1212. 11'... 1011. Wt li l. Ancknon " Blinl anooulIC .. lhIot Emily Sid.. Bon" has become i p;lTl .... r in tilt form and that Arihur C. Brunton. III has joined as



in a.ssocialt. Offica Irt Ioa.ttd II 500 FinallCial Center, 505 20" Strttl. North. Birmil\llham. 35203. Phont (2051251.96/)0. Job ... lo .... Aobml. &ilt)'. Conlon Gt. II l nil anoounctl that TrK)' p. Tumtr has btcomt i membtr. omcn ... located at RO)'OlI SI_t Francis Building, 1001 St. Francis Strttt. Mobile. 36602. MaJUI E. CanooII and Hm: I). Mullino IIlJlOUnet the formalion d CuroIl " Mullin$. OffiCH an located it 2800 Uidlo Road. Suik 100-7, Mon\gomtry.36I(l6.. Phont (334) m.4112. Pauli ... W. ... cln!)... ind A... F. Tunliln. formerly with Oun. Ringers. ~Iorgan" liwton. ~nnoonct tM for· ....Iion of .... (lnlyre« Tu rutall. Offocos Ire Iocatnl at 5-10 E. liorIIio Avmllt. Suite 101. Mailland. Floridll32751. f'tIoot (407) 599·9171. Copoll. !Iowan!. Kubt Gt. Cobb. ~nOOtlIlCD thai COn5ll11 .. S. &rbr. Ji", 8. Cnn!. Jr" ChrillOpbtT W. Wtlltt. Cbad S. I'I'xhter. Ellrn M. IIlO.1lil\lll. iM Otbn. Dnmu ha ... btcome IMmhe ... \\11111m T. Carloon. Jr. has btcomo 01 rounsft. ind

i?:::<iJ.J..- -

J. t·otrnt.. P<1Ju) .. m

You oslablish gools for <",, ,"· ...1111. W. hdp 'JIMI mttI your pi<. ... h,le

proICCI;IIj 'JIMIT family and "".'c.lh"",gtt in.ur.>nce and financial prod"" ...

10. ht.,,~ Cnt#' I'IDn


AI. ;'141 "'_1111


...., .... ' -




.......b ....

""-'t FIrM.

K. Bn:w:>« ...... son. III . K. Eric P...... n. Ill . B.orlNono J. CUbn'!, ~ond L Jackton. Jr.• ~nd K. . , D. K~1 1Iaw joined It.. finn as associ· Ilu. Offices Ire 1oc~ltd ~I 57 Adams Avenue. Monlgomery. 36104-4045. f'IKm (334) 241.&>00. Adam. "- RftH announc .. tNt Patrick D. M..... urtny hasjoined tho finn. OffICes Ire wltd ~t M'lei Cenlu. Suite 900. 200 S. Lam,lt 51rHl. P.O. lJ.ox 24297 , hckson, Mi5.\ilo$ippi 39225-4297. 1'hone (600 353·32:U. Lln,., 5im~. Robinson <I< SolMfVilk OInr"l()UnCel Ihl( C. Paul Cavender and Nlncy D. Lighl.., ha'T bKome part ....." in the firm. and U... C. Cron has bt<ome an U50Ci~l e. Offices are 10000ttd at 417 ~ SltHl North. Suile 1700, Birmingham. J5203.1272. ~ (205) 250-500(1. Cha.... F. C. ... RU'HII Q. MIiJOn . 8ennttl L. Puth, Tho"",. L. 01r.-e •.

·_I ........... • '. -1111 • . ,,'



"""',c&/I. HIM ' ...f_ .... 1'

~_. .

_Hip/}ooojltJ",.". _ 1~


7-/,.,NJ'_,... _,



c.w. .~' a S1IIft1 TGT.. IIu'l1


.-.-- .....c. ... f M _ Or_~o.

Too ................



_ _ 10<.

"'Gooooo _ _ '.

II . Clean E. I..,bod. Thomas C.


Lopn. Oonalol B. "irlq.urick, II, and


Sanh J. Carllo le, formerly ofRivu "Peterson. and "illi.m II. Sb.on , for. ",.rly 01 Brown. H ud~lU, ;umounce tho f<)mlliion of Ca ... Allison. Pugh. 0] ...... It. Siuoa. OffICe. ore wttd ~t 400 Vesuvill Parkway. StJitt 400. Birmingham.352]6. lI. rdinl "- Hawkinl announce that "'. l« C..,lham. III hu ~ a port ..... r, Officu ue Ioc.ittd at 2201 Arlinaton A\TIlIlt. Birmingham. 35205.

",lIi.m B. ."bttbewl. Jr. and William H. Fllmo.., announce 1M for. ...... Iion of Ml lth"". <I< Filmo..,. Officu


(205) 930-6900.

Ibnd A..,nd.J1 announceslhat Gugo')' II. Jonu. formerl1 vic.-pr..i· <ltnt llId geM~1 coonstl ofQMS. Inc .. ~nd Ma .... T. I\'.aggoner 1Il~ b«ome mombm., and that J.n)' J. Croo!<. II IDd Fredericlo G. Hthll,ill" Jr. ha.,.. b«ome Uloci.tes. Offic.. oU located at 900 Park Place Towor. 2001 Pa.k Place. North, Birmingham. 35203. Phone (205) :J24-4400. Grqo.y A. IbGiaa iN Cwtnttt HllIutad lbGiIn ~ the tstiIbIishmmt fA lbGian Uw Offocn Ioaltd at 406 Oothin Road. StJ ite B.AhbeviIIt. 36310. Phooe (334)565-1394. OItn "- JIk.(;\othftn W'IIlUI1ctS that 5_ L N'odooIao has bKorne ~ ........... bot. The new firm _ is Otta. M<.<:Iothttd <I< l'ild>olu. Offices an: Ioc;ot. ed at 63 S. Roy.II Strtrl. Suito 7]0. ~1obi1t. 36602. The maili"ll iIlkIrw is P.O. 8oJ; 1826. 36633. 1'hono (334) 4J8..69S7. .................. <II B _ announcts that Ibny 0. \aw has btcome 0In-m. at .. 0ITi0:tI an: located lit 2100 SouthbrioJl!'e Parkway. Southbridge Ruilding. Suit. 376. Binningtwn. 3S209. Phone (205) 8"(9.922(1. ROHn. Cook. 51H1t. DIvU. Carroll It. Jone. announces tNt JoHph W. C.... has beoomt l w rehoidtr. N..... offi~I~'" Iocited al 2117 RMr Road. ru .....loo501. 35401. The mailing address is P.O.lJ.ox 2727. 35403.1'hone (205)

3«·5000. Bon Slob. <I< AasoNtu announces tNt " 'Ilter II . HOlloytutt hu become an auocial •. Offi~ a.., located it 1000 Downtowner Boulevard. M obi l~. 36609. Phone (334)460·2400. Culidy. FuLler"- Manh <II1nounces lhat R. Rain.. Cotter. III has btcomt ~ part ..... r and lhat J.P, s...,..., is ~n:asso­ ciite. OffICeS a.., Iocattd at 203 ~;.l«

P.O. l>Rwtr 780. EntrrpriH. (334) 347·26..'>6.


uolocated II Ea!.t & R~1>01ds. Ozark. 3634i0. The ...... i]ing add .... il P.O. 8oJ; 1145.36361. RIchard R. KKmm ~nd 8..,,,1 II , Gou rley annountt the formation of Klemm <I< Gourley. Off", .. art lo<;~IW ~t 220 C. LakMrw Road. Ourk. 3634i0. Phono (334) n4-3840. I:llioll <I< ~:lIiott <II1nounct t!lit D. Curt l« has bKome an Officel are Iocatod at 2"' floor, 1113nlOO lIuilding. 1810 Third Avenut, Jasptr. l55O l. The ...... ilingadd.... il P.O. Box 830. hsptr. 35502.o8lO. Phono (Z(5) 221·9333. Pilts. Pilb "- Thomps.oll announces lhat Rickmln t:. "imams, til hal joined the firm. Offices are Iocaled at 9 Broad Str.. t, Suite 201. AmSouth a..nk lIuilding. Sri....... 36702·0537. Phono (334) 87S-7213. " ilson. f'umroy. Tumor "- Roloinson announces tllli Lori An n Brown-Jam.. has !>Komo " Il'rtne. and that Nooney S. Pa ...... has btcomt an auociloto. OfflCn • .., Wled at 1431 Uighton A~nllt. Anniston. 36:r07. Phone (205) 236-4222. Rogers. Youn,. ",ollilein <I< Hugh.. announces that I'olly t;. RU 'HII has bKome ~n associatt. Off",.. are Ioc~ttd "80] Noble Strut. ...... niston. 36:r01. ~


",11..... C. \\'onleboff ~nnounces thai hi. wif~. Stephanie W. ",erokboff, hu ..,joined him in lhe practice under tIw: finn .... me \\'t rdehoff <II W.nlehoff. OfflCtI art Ioc,ttd lit 602 r-bdison Sirut. HunU\riUe. 35801. ~ (205) 539·5122. Coni tangy. Kroob 6< Smith anllOtlnce5 that Llil Narrell·Mud has be<:ome a member and D",id T. WIley hu btcome <111 auoc1al .. Offi~ au Ioc.attd all901 SiJth ">-mllt. North. StJite 141 0, Binninghun. 35203. The firm als.o mainlllill$ off""'e5 in Columbia, South Caroli na; Nashville. T(n ......... e; Wuhinglon, D.C.; and Winston Soltm. North D.roliFli. Brood ,Q CuH] announces lhat Uawn Lankford lIowIinC has btcomt I Il'rtne. in tht Mi.J.mi office. Otfi~t art


locattd at SlUt( 1100,390 N. ~ Avtn ..... OrLlondo, 32801. Phone l'071839-4200. lIule, Fe .... mbllCII &: Slewarl announctlllhal " 'Iltn J. I'rl«, III Iw l>ecnmt a parlne.. OfficeJ lire localed al 800 RegiON !lank Bllilding.llirmingham, 3521)3, Phnnt (205) 251·1193. J. Ca!\;n IokBriH ~nus ~ Doutlu R. Bachll.., Jr. hIIl>ecomo an l!OOCiale. Office>.,.., localtd al 202 Grant Strtet, SoutMast. Dffiotllr. 35601. I'llom 12(5) J50..4100. Gnddkk, (klstr &:" anoounceJ thaI John C. Willilml. (onnerly !kputy diJtrict .Uorr\tY in ~IOIltgomery, has become an _illle willi. 1M firm in Mobile. OffI«S ha\1 ~Jo.. C3\ed to One SI. Louis Cent~. Suile 2000. Mobile. 36602.

Suit(!iOOO, Hunls\-ille, 35801. \r,n«nt, Huly. Elliott &: lidmont ~nces lhat G. Thamll Sullh.. n has joined U II >ha~h!>l!kr. and the fi ml name has changed 10 Vin«nt. lIasly, Su ll;'''n, Elliott dI Tldmo~. Offices are Ioaoted II 2090 Columbia .... Road. Suite «00. R'mlingham. 35216. Do ....1d I.. Il-ionnc and ..... Mllrph)! Il-ionnc. formerly. partner .... '111. Schoel. OgIr.lknllln.nd Centeno. i6nOOI.Ina lhe (ormation 01 Dionne &: Oionne. Officuare located al 2lOi Lurleen II. Wallace Iloulevanl. Northporl. 35476, Phone (205) 349·5911.

Phont IIU) 69(1·9300.

ItighLand Awru:. Ri"";~.l5205. I'hoIM: (205) mooJJ. Rivu &: Pdenon announces lhat Ahril n O..·il 1)"'r. Shoron [)o n.ldson St...rI and Eric J. I:Irtllh.upl ro-.-e become .h:orehold..... Off,ces'n! locat.d al 1700 fin.anci.o.l Center. 50S N. 20" $trtfl. Binningham. 35203. Phone (2(l5) 323-8141. Jam .. T. Gul~ I.ft County cirwil i,",,*.has n!tiTlid from the bench and will be entering ,,",.. te prxtict with J . •'IidlKL "'Uilm l, ST. They announce the formalion of Culbg. &: " imaml. Offices are LOCIIled at 2400 .·rederkk Road. Opelika. 36801. The mailing address iJ P.O. Box 1068. Auburn. 3683 11068. Phone 1J3.t) 70>0200. •

"The Wright ..... Finn lImlOUncU lhat W. !knlon Crt" has jointd lhe finn. Officel are locattd al 400 Riwr Hill Tower, 1675 l.akeland Orh..:. P.O. Bo. 5003. J~kJon. Mi>$il-llippi 39296. Phone (601) 366-8000. CoriIttt. Croc:btt " LKkroM lInroounus lhat IYothtrllOt MdiflUOt Thomso. has bt<:omtc an ~iote. OffICU II ... !oatfd at 3100 WfSI End Awn .... Suite ](ISO. Noa.lnillt. l"tnnwoee 3721)3. Phone (615) 385·2400. "'nler, Ford, Shaw, &: Payne announces lhal Phillip A. Gibson. Ji\ni« II. Jollnson and Jolin E. W"-itab, ha\..: b«ome associolts. 0If"1CeJ lire Ioaolfd lit 200 \\'rs/. Side Squart.

DomInick. netchft>. John W.

'"tiIdi"" " 'ood &: ~ ~ Ita

om- has~, "*"_,.0fIica..,. Iornttd i112121



eligible family Pro1essional by COntinental Casuahy COmpany. a CNA Insurance

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All from lSI " you're a Lawyer pl"acticing in the Slate of Alabama. Insurance Specialists. Inc. one<sthe finest InsUl8flOe c:o.....-age anywtIere. We're IllITe 10 help w~h an your insulanoe noods.

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proi'U50f La ...... ncc W. ilnllOtU rwned recipitnt of the Geo~ MKon Memorial ""'lOrd ro.. teid>inglt ~Iord UnMr$ity. Tho: ownord I/OtS



annually to. Samford lillCulty m~mber "for out$tanding ~rfor.


man« as I

ItKIIt •.

~ I coo_lor and fritnd 10 Jtucltnts ... ",.. II itS ont who POSKSSU tho: &bility to inspire students to Ilffiolna.s.•

IWw'aotlijoinrd s.nion!". ~ School Ii ~ fao:uIty in 1990 followi11ll1 distinguished 24-year Qrtef in prMle bw

ptlIdi« ....;!h the Nt'" I bml. Connecticut finn "Tyler. C/)optr& Akom.

• OMid Chip Sd.WlOm. wrthokkr

of Najjar. Omabu .... was rumUy .!«tN 1(1 1M Euculive Council of IlK Sou~m Region for the Comlmrcial Law Lt"'l!~ of America. Tho: is. nali(l/)/ll or~niut ion coosi.ting of aUomt~.

I.w li'l publi.hff$lnd coll ec-

tion agencies that speclaliu in com-

mercial collections.

• r....,ns.

AncItn of the Mobile lirm of tbmitton. Riddick. Thrlton" Sul1i>an. m:mtly was tlrdld iOIl .'elk>woflhe American CoIItge III Mortgagt Attornryo. Tho: college OIJtmnding

Local Bar News Lee County Bar Association New/v-elecleci officer5 for the L.. Coonty aat Auoeiation are; Ptes.oenl MI~e Willll\ms VICe-Ptesldent: Roger P,erce

Secretary{TIeasu,er: Gall S M&et. Me&I: IS lhe firs!

woman offICer 111

the history o! the

Lee County Bar AssocratlOll She IS an aSSIstant p<ooeC\Jtor 111 the district attorney's offrce and assIStant


ecutOf for the munic>p!rl COUrt of OpeIlka.

Tallapoosa County Bar Association Officers fOf 1997 for the TallapooSi County aar Auoc:lation are: Pt8$ldent; Faye Edmondson. Dadeville

Vrc.PreSldent: Tom F Young..If. Alexardef CIty Secretary/TreasUI'er: Mark Allen Treadwel. III. DadevIlle

I&'o\')'trt $killtd

and experitnud in ttw:

field of I'llO<tgoljJe binking. • Tho: Nltionlol Elder Law r oundlltioln.lho: only Ofi,lIniAlion ~ by the Arne1ian lin Association to offer certification in lilt 'rel of tick. LIow. ~ bun 'fCognim! itS an all!lrQ\/td certifying agency in AlaN""" Certilication in older la ..., (}!It tlK lutut growing fields in the le~l prde5Sion, ..;11 proYide ~ melSlIre 0( iWU~ to the public thot the JUor· rot)' Iw In in-depth ..."rking kn0001~



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on the ehltrly. Tht only ctrtifitd .Ider

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By §IiiId A. Runw:n. Jr.

Choctaw Count,

hocta... Counly named 10 memorialiu the hi.ltory 01 the Chocta.... IndiaN in Alw~. TIlt Chocta...-s lived in present-day soutllwut AIabJ,~ ~nd soolh and cmt",1 Mi .. i.. ippi. Tho-y......., ~ puceful. flitndly pteplt. Thty IWU nwler lannen and such succa.sful tnlkn th/It tt.. Choctaw bniuaae ........ used as I trading ~ among all tt.. Southern Indim triba.. According 10 Choct~ Indiln I.~nd. the Chocta... pwple originated in the fir ~.t. A$ lhey mig."t..!. thti . leaders carritd a IoaCrw pole ... hich WIIS uSfd 10 determine where lhey WO\.Ild end thei r jourTIt)'. This pole was pbced in the gl'Otlnd tach nighl whe.f:YI:. the tribt amped. In wnatf:YI:' direction it luntd in IhI: morning. 1M tribt WO\.IId ~J thM way. fAch morning thl: pol. ltantd _twirl! and the tribt oontinOMd its long jourTIt)'. Finally. when tt.. mbt amped u Nmih W"i}lll. near N<wip.:ll(r, Mississippi.lhI: pole .tood .I",ight and did not lun when morning come.. Thus. thri. trawls ended and that place become their home. Todiy ~ great mound It ill Jundt there in 1M hurt 01 Chocta ... counlry ""rking the lite. Hm\llmlo I}t Soto led his expciition through Choctaw tmitory in 1540. He mtt lhe I,eat Choctaw chid. Tusu.\ooi.a. inti dtmanded thai hi: fur. nish tM Sp.:IniardJ Iluide plus at least 400 bunltn buurs. Wh.n Chitf n..c.\oos.I mused l)t SOlo's demand. fightIng broke out at thr Ind,," town 01 M~ubibo. In Ih" bloody bootlle tho Indw.s IoJt ill mlIfI)I as 5.000 braves. TIlt town 01 MaubiLl ........ dwroyed. Its • oct location has been sought throughout the )'tars. bul it is Itill ~ myst~ry tOOl}". Oller IS(l )'f~rs p;l$$ed btfor. 1M


Choctaw County ESlabhs.hed 1847

T11f1 foIJouing rontinues Q hisiOTY 01 A1Qbroma~ county rourthouseslheirorigiru and some of/he people u'fro COrIlriooltd 10 IMir r;rou:/h. If /IOU hwe (l'!JI photographs oIwriv Of present

courthouses, p/oose for-

u'(nTi them /0: Samuel A Rumore, Jr.. Mig/ionia) & Rumare, 1230 Brown Marx 1bcL'ef. Bim1ingham.

A/u/xllna 35203.


ffICOUnlemi Euf'Ol)taJ15 ~in.

Around 1700. frroch t~rs 1TIO'>'ed into the ~gion m<J ~came ".ighbo.. to lhe Cl>octlws. Bien,illt built fort Tombedx on the Tombigbtt: itil't. in lilt Choctaw ItrrilOfY.-.ear prurnl-day t;~ in

Sumter Coont~ in 1735. lI«ides bring a fort, it "'at; abo an ilfl!'O<Wlllrading po:>OI.lor C(InImtr« bttwem lM "rend! MId tht Choctaws. Mtr 1763. tho fort was lunwd o\'fr to the BritU/l .00 bramo Fort Yod<. 11-. Lot ... Wndonrd. ln 1780. 1M 5p.)nish took ~r the fort. rebuilt.1. iIOd mmrd it Fort ConItlkn.tion. nnwghoul tho: }'GIS of EunlptMl occupation. the Choctaws rtlTOlined friendly;tOO wert able to 1M in peace will> whatcwr gmup ohared their land. TIlt ChocUw Indians wert $~mpathel' it 10 the American! in their struggle for independence. Choctaws fought under ('.(".ral, Washington. Morgan. Wayne. m<J Sullivan dun"i tho Arrwricon RtvOlution. Aller the ....... in I i86. the C~ NOtion and the United SUtes sillMd ~ truty ~t II~II. Sooth CaroliNO in whod> IIw United SUt.. prom~ to pn)trd the tri~. to Kt bourllbries for hunting liods. ~nd to establi~ t,l<ling poiIlI throtlghout their territory. AJ tM United Slates up.:Indw. KIllen kept l'OOI'ing $(Iuthweslwa,d even though Iht United Statu had promiSfd to prolecllndian I~ndl. Shortly aft •• 1800, 1M Uniled StaIn mlertd inlo a win 01 new I~~ti .. with tt.. Choctaws in rdum tOr WId. In lhe first. thl: 1801 fort Adams TU~ty. tM Choocbows wRd I portion 01 bond in prt:Sl'nt-day sooth· wntcm Mis.sissippi to the United SUIes. In m 1802 t"'~ty. IhI: Choxtiws «<.ltd ~ portion 01 WId in prutnl-dl;y sooth~Mern AIabJ,~ 10 tho Unit..! States. TIltn, in 180$. Ihl'Otlgh the truty of ~II . Duler. mort land in southern Mississippi amt undtr United States control.

\)espite the el'05iOfl of their land hold· inv. the Ch«U ....'" plrogro perl'dual peac. and friel>llohip to th< """ricans. WIltn th< Cruk Indian War eruplro in 1813-1814. the CIlocuw. unoltr Chief I'ulllmaLlN sided with Iht Unitro States and Central Andrew Jackson. The Choctaws fought against the Briti.!h and their Cl'ftk Indian allies. J>uohmatahlo ""<II even g~n the hoonooory tille of Iftnoral.

In 1816. foll(M'ing th< Cr~k Indian War. the Choct~ws ~ntered into another truty negotiatiOfl with lht Unitro SUtes. AI. this ",",ling lht thm- dWrict tribo.l chitf.. Including Pwhmauha. agreed to gi~ up all of their tribolilands east of the Tombigl:>« fli~r. thereby OI)tning Uf' mQ ... of prestnt.dI!y ~ lor seultmml. In 1820. another "'"'tina took pIKe. this time al l)Qak', Sl.1nd in Mi$.li$.lippi. C.""ral Jack$on rfpre..,nted the United Stales gowmment ..... ich _ unoltr PftSSU ... 10 open up ntW Iinds 10 its ever incruslng po!)Ubtion. [''!11 though tile Choctaws had ~r fought against the United State •. but hod in facll:>«n amQflQ its princip.:ol allies.lht three district chitfs ",nt COI'IlIltllro 10 agree to ~ntually IIIO'\'t to the West. Wilen lhe Choc\aW$ lat.. r.fu$td to lea"". Ihe Ibtt of Mi .. i$.liPfli aboli,hed their tribal Q<lYemment and took OlI1tr I'IlQSUres 10 foree them out. ricoally. in 1830. the Unitro States I/OWmment pUSfd the Indian Removal Act . No,," !'rosiden! Ja.:l<.l-On had the pooo.'er 10 IIIO'\'t all Indian tribes 10 Lands west of the MiNiuippi I&.'er. In StptfmbH of 1830. the Choc\aW$ signed aYI'il)' the last of lheir ancestral lands th.ough the Treaty of Oancing Rabbit Cruk. The Choctaws wt ... the first tribal nation to IIIO'\'t ",'eSt 10 lht Indi<lll Territory. During 183\. 1832 al>ll l833. Qroups trnvtling """'tly on foot jou •. neyed the 400 milts to prestnl·day Oklalloma. Many peopI. ditd along Iht YI'lIy in Illis vrnion oilht '" oilhrJ." H,;I...."""., not all Choctaws teft Millillippi and ALaOOmi. TIle 'Tnity of l>ancing Rabbit Cr~k I\IIIJ al~ some individual O«I'Iions. Othtr Indians hid and refu$td to lem:. Today CMf 5.000 Choclaws Itillli>le in east central

MiSiiuipp; near PhiLadelphia. M<IIlY still $pe~k tlleiT ",ti>le languag•. Other Choctaws li~ in lht Citronelle. Mcintosh om. In AbbarN. In 1979lht Alabama !.tgrsllrtu... xknowletlged this group as an oirlcillitribt. They I ... ree· ogni~ed as th. M(M'~ Barn! of Choctaws. The name cornu from the fint two let· ters of the two counties in Alabama "'...... Ihry li_Mabit. and WasttingtOfl. Although lilt Choctaws no longer occupy a signlfiQnt poriion of prUtnt· day tlleir presence i, .. membered in the namt Choctaw County. AI",. they i ... memorilrlized in lht Choctaw County ~ill>.gf: n.lmu of Pwhmatahll. Choctaw City ~nd NahcGla.. In addition.lht ... lre numer' ous cities. I""'" and ~ic fea· tures in other p.>r1s of Alabama thaI havt Choctaw n.lm.. today. The Alabama Legislature ' ... lled Choctaw County Ofl December 29. 1847 out oi territory tlIbn from Sumter County 10 Iht north and WasttingtOfl County to tilt south. TWo lifrs of I"",,,,· ships. approJlimately 12 milts in length from north to IOUth. ""'... talIm from Sumter County. and rl1le tiers 0( I"..,.,. ships, lAITOlIi ...... ttly 30 mil~ in Itngth from north to IOUlh. "'..... taken from Washington County. Choctaw County's boundar)' lines hIv-t remained

unchangfd since its creation in 1847 wIth the .tate of Missi$.lippi forming its weslem boundary and the Tombigbee RMr forming its ustem boundary. TIle county lias <Ill afell of CMf 900 iqua'" miles. \\'hen Choctaw County ....M cs\ab· liohtd. tilt county seal of W;uhinglOfl County _ at B.myton. l\;Irryl:on _ Iocalro in that p.:ort of Washington County that _Iaken inlO Choctaw County. Thus. the flnt court sellions in tilt: new county look pLace at &rryton. 1I(\wt\'er. the Act wltich CfelItro Choc:taw County named a/M·mtr'l'lMr commission consisting of Jesse Jxk$on. John Phillips. Reuben Read. 15aac Hom , and HJ.Y. MO$.I to ",I",t a luitabl. peT' manent county seal They wt ... dir«lttl to c~ a location ....ilhin four miles 01 the «nter oilhe county, n.q. also "'«i>led autI\Qriulion to purcllau 160 acrts of land, rese."ing a site for the c.ourthoust and jail. and tllm after sur· ..-.ying the rut oithe land into lots. to sell the land to dtmy the cost of erod· in~ public building.\. The Act also autOOriztd a tax if the land Qle proceeds ""'" not enough to complete the ""blic buildings, On< unique a$pfcl 01 th< Ad cruling Choctaw County was thai tile legis!.i.· ture mandatro the n.l111e 01 the county seal before tile county seal site W;lS ~n

chosen. Due to the strong South ~rotina inll .......,. in wat ~ the . - county _I would be named Butler In honor of South Clrolln.l n.ltM: and Mf~ican War hero Pierce Butltr. who hW died in hattle 00 Augu~t 20. 1&47. Pier« Mason Butler wu born 00 April II. I M in the Edgefitld Dislrict 01 South C..oIiRA. His IIIthtr ~ '-n ~ Rtwlutioniry Wlir soldier. and the young BUller showed promiH for a mil_ itary car.. r. In 1818 he rKtr.-N an lwointment as a lieutenanl in the United Stales Army. By 1825. he was a CijlI.lin. Shortly aft .. his !m~ he ruignW from the Army in 1829. Butler settled in CoIumbi.lo and btame irJ\'Olo.'td in the hlInkmg businns. In a ft.... )"l'.iln he btame pruidtnt of the .tat. bank 01 South Carolin.l. He .... as also actiw in ~ublic affain and btame a finn supporttr 01 public wu· alioo. ln 1833 he W;lS tl«ttd a trml" 01 the South Corolin.l Collei'!. During the Senlinole WliIr he ~rpted 1I commission as 1Iliwten.lnl colonel in a South Carolina rtgimtnt. Upon hi. 'tturn f,om \he ....... he elected

Gowmorof South ClIroIiRi

In 1836. During his ~miniSlnlion he p<I)p05fd a public school syst .... for the mtirt stalt and he suWOrtwlhe construction of the Louis-.ille. Cincinnati and Charluton Railway. v,'Mn he; I.ft office in 1838. ht .... as Rimed Indian ~nt to lhe Cheroktu wd rt!mined in that pOSition Wltil l S46.. \\lJw the Mu.ian War broIct out, lIutler YOIunteeM N a CoIood in the Palmetto RegilTW'nt. At the ~tllo 01 Churubu..:o he Won Wl)Unded. but continued to lead his men. fina lly. in the Iolmt baltle. he r«tivfd a mwket ball Ihrough the had ...... ich ins\Mltly killed him. lIutltT was honored in his horne stalt and rtcrivN many filling trib\Ml. Tho "Iahama ,""gi.latur. adMd 10 tho hon· ors by mandating that the C(HJnty sut 01 the newly cWlted Choclaw Counly bt named lIulltr in his meR"lOl'Y. There ".;U appartntly some wnlroversy O'Itr Iht .. 1«lioo of the Choctaw counly Hat silt. ~l'T)1on had Isttn named lilt temporary counly uat on Oecemlstr 29. ]847. Th~n. on

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bnlUry 19. 1&48. the legisL"llure puHd another let which authoriud lhe r"..., commissiontrslo $1'1«1 a silt within 5ix miles 01 the ctnt .. 01 the county. By F~bruary •. 1848. Commissioners Read and Moss. refus· ing 10 let. were replaced by John Price Uld Thom.u S. p..k.r. On March I. 11J.t8. another act puHd by the legis· lature r.quired a \'Ole 01 the pnaple for the KI«lioo. n.. commi»ionrn obtained the u",icts of a ·~roltued mathematician" to determine as doseIyas ponible the gWQraphic center of lhe county. To be voted on "",,rt thr •• placu within';s milts 01 the centtr. One of the IoclIlions was Mount Sterhnll. wttich ~ '-n aublished around 11!38. When Mount Sterling w;u officially surveyed. confident resident.s ~ requested Ihal a public square 1st left in the centtr 01 town for a C(HJrthouse. The 5eCOnd IoclItion wu Ikndlic.·s C..... Roads. Jtltltd around 1845 and named for James IItndrick "flo donaled bnd for lhe r.rsl church. the lna$OOic I~. 1M «metery and a proposed courthou ... Tht name oIlhe third location voltd on by the citiuns 01 Choctaw County is l()I;t to history. tltndrick·s C..... lloacb apturn! the majorityolVOIrs. It btame the MW counly seal and ,,-as rrnamtd Butler. TWeIve)'Urs after Ihls election. an effort was made to chan~ the county Kallocalion. On January 21. 1!I6O. the legislature authorized an e!tclion to <lettrmine ...nether the peOple """,ted to _ the county seat. Tho eltc\ion looic pbct on lhe JtCOnd Monday in />larch 1860. n.. ciliztn$ VOlt<! to Inw IlIti, C(HJnty _t al Butler wher. it remains 10 Ihis day. In 1&48 Choctaw County erecltd a two-story f'ame bu;\dln\l. painttd white, to serw;u its courthoust. This struelurt ".;U used u the courthouse from the time il W;lS conslrueted .. nlil 1906. When lilt decision "·u made to build a n.... courthou.. , tho: wood frame bu;]ding wa. mowd from the etnter of the town sqUirt 10 the .... est sidt 01 the ",lUre wher. it remained .... hile the new courthouH "·u being buill. Afttr the ..... strutt .. re ,,-as com· pltttd. the old courthouse was then Il"IOWd across the SlrHI to the east side of Mulbe'ry S"..t.

o. C. lIl....r bought tnt ori(in;d court· hooK mel used it as an o/f~ bui\dina-It l'ffI1ained in lISt lOr 26 mort years as the Ulmer Building. Then In September 1932. the building was (\estroytd in a \kvasbting fire. The pionrering firs.t cou~ 01. Chocbw County hid stood and xNed for St )Qrs. Onl OIh~r fi r~ was tvtn more Signif. kant to th. history of Choctaw County. Countiu in the South during the 19th nnlury oI.len construcled \M,I1·buildings for the UH oflh~ C\M,Inty at the (Omrn of the town >quart. Examples 0( such \M,It-buildinjJS I rt stil l Hen today in ertene and Sumter countiu. Perhaps the idea was 10 pro· ttd public r«ords in C&U the C\M,Irt· houK burntd. UnfortunlOtrly for Choctaw County. the prohlote office and all of the probate records ~rt houxd in an out-building that burne<l to the ground in April 1811. All r«ords ~ rt many land t,tln incomplete 10 thi, day. The ciliuns of Chocbw County tftC\. ed the stCOnd courthouse in tht coun· ty·' history in 1906. The archit«t was William S. Hull 0( hckson. Mississippi . The conlractor was Iluggu Brothers 01 Montl/OlJ"orry. The o;ontract price for buikling the courthouse was S2un. The structurt lhat Hull designed was 01 Neo-Classical Kevival.tylt.llecause 01 the success of lhi. project. Hull was ,,)mm~iontd to dui", the III'ighbor_ iJlll Wuhington Counly Cou~ which was completed in 1908. When one views early photos of lhe Choctaw and Washington Counly courthou!t,. tht rutmblance i• .Itriking. The ba$k design of taoch building i.l identical. Pe.haps Hull origimted the concept fA the "rookie <uUtr'" tOUrthouH. In any tvtnl. lIuWs Washington County Co.n1house wu rued in 1963. Additions have been ""de to Ihe Choctaw County Courti><>ust owr the )"tars. \1'1"" ... rt adJe.d to the north and JOUth sides in 1956. The S6-yQr~ld building "'"U cleaned and rt,,",ired II the 1o"I/Ilt


A \wo·story addition on lhe wut or rtar side 0( the courthouse wu com · pleted in 1965. James .: lIurd _ the archiltct.. OWe Entillftri"ll C<>fl'lO"otion ilso pliytd i rok in the design. The gtntr~1 conlractor fll.

Bear Corutructilln C<>mpoony of Monlj!<>rlltry. The st)"'" of the ~ition and the yellow brick building IIl3terial blended with the older structurt which was reOO\-ate<l and modernized on« again. The cost of this projtd was iPPf01'mIIle!y Another aitention toolt pIKe in 1970. Donorr wil\d(lowo located nur the foor cornm 0( the o. ig iml buildinj( Irtre rtlTlO'o"td.

On JinUi-ry 6, 1995. I "ild "';nttr storm produced a wdden ..... ther changr from ia mol f,«zing Olin in the morning \0 lemptratures in the 60s by afternoon. Colusing a series 0( thunderstorms. ht;wy riins ind winds up to 50 mi," pt. hour. l)uring OAr oflhe raulting storms. a communications tower bl,.,. ow. Mld dimagtd the roof of the Ch.octa... County Courthouse. There "''ere no injuries and the building w"" S()<)Il rep.l.irrd. AiITO'lst ewry courihouK grounds in ~ has I mIIrkt. 01" monument honoring Confnkratt $OId1t~


County 1$ no tJlCtption. The United

Daughters of the Confederacy meted • on the courthoust sqUllrt in 1936. it n~morWizn tnt Ruffin I)ragoon$. which was I awJry unit mustered into senoia It the courthouse lAd which servtd from 1861 to 1865. The statue is inscribed with the words "Tillll: Cannot OimTheCloryolTheirDffils." • ,

SOUm..' AJoIro/i. The ChlxIIlll1 Bicml"..nillIBook. Choctaw County Biernlenn'i1 Commission. 1916; The World (J{/h~ Solilhem Indiom. Virgini. I'ound. Brown and Laurelle Owens. 1983.


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On Q ~I trip throogh GtwrJiIl. "CourthOUU!" author 50m RumQ~ spoIted an urICXImJnIliontJl s./atue on lhe grounds oF lhe Putrwm C001l111 Courlhouu ill /:"01011/011. Pulnam DJuIlIIl WQ;f 1""- birlhplace oF LQ.C. lAmor. {or whom lArmlr Countll. AIobomo U"(I$ 1Itm'K'd. II U"(I$ 000 lhe birthpi«e oI.1ad Chondl'" Horris. The r£lidmls oFPulnlJm C"""III <krirkd /0 honOT Iheir rlalil'l' son. IIams. wilh a

slatue oF his moslla1llOUs li/erary C"7Y. IJ/ion. The rewll U"<l5 a sllJ/w of Or"er RaMilon 1M rourthousegrotmds.



The ~IR ...i ll adjo:.lum Monday. Miy 19.1997.Mo5Iofthe~gm. m11y is p;med durq the final-eks. The Institute ha$ sewn bilb ptnding: Multiple ~ Aco:>unr.-S. 275 SelL SlIM Windom. H. 315 Rep. Mike Hill

Unifona 1,,1...1.101. Family Slipport A1mndmtnts-S. 285 Sen. ~r 1INIord. S. 29(l Sm. Wffl6f1l M,tcht-II. H. 375 Rep. Wtndell Mi\clwll uee Article 5 ~LeU", of C",dil~-S.

286 Sen. Roger IIfdlord. II. 374 Rep. Mikt ltill Umittd L~i lity CGmpany AmtndlDfllts-S. 495 Sen. Stew

Windom. H. 662 R.... Mark Caines Lcpl $cpantion-S. 327 Sen. Chip Bailey. H. 306 Rtp. Marctl Bla\:k Reo.'lud Limited I'.rtnor. hip..--Rep. /obrk Gaines

Tnatftr Od I)u lh Staority R.,btntion AcI ~H. 707 Rtp. Cha.rlu N~oo

Tht firs\lix billJ au rev;rwt</ in the

the twuf•• of stock upon 1m IJuth 01 ON: d the pMtin wilhc)ut ~uiring the

LtglSlllure has 10 duJ WIth ,...." ~Il;. funding If'I'T'lJ!imaloly 140 non·.... t.

penon's emit to be probated. Cumnt/y. AlibarN hall ,,",Iult wilich allows thKking accounts in banlu \0 be p;oyabl. to • 5Il,vi\'or upon the duth of """ of the ('IolI'lit;s.. W. abo howe a ~utt ""hich allows "right d sul'l>MlnlUp' kw joint own-

~its. hightr tducMion. reform. abortion .•lection reform. and apprtui· INtely 400 local bills. Most of Ih. bill. of inltrUI to la~"" art ;wigned 10 tho Judkiary CommiU ••. Tho Sonat. Judiciary if ch&irnl by Son.lllor Rogor fltdford. The Institute

en 01 real rswt. Thl$ iICt if torI$isttnl WIth IhoK ~ by a.l1owi1lll joint tolWlq lor stock. Thif is .--. ~ law in 28 Itates. Thore au aver 1.500 bills ponding in lht 14li.lalur~. ikaUll IMrf are 00 INIl}' major issutS Mfore lhe Ltgi,I.I",..,. ~rs should bt il.rt to <;!wIga in ~ fDlIowi"lllil'U$; (I) TorI rtfonn~ on puniUw d.l.IT1agflo at S750.000 and on nO.Hro· nomk damag~ al S350.000. A civil fraud and criminal fraud Jlalul~ (2) W. lfort Rdonn-Vnifonn lnl.l'$laIel'~ily Support Act. Suspmsion of buoinns and other liCtll$. flo lor failure to p;oy J.Upp(lrt

14) Amondmenll lo hab itual offond·

F. ank JeTom, Taplty House of Represenlal,',.u

'fI-and'T on Dnlh S«urit~ Rt,lJlnlion Act: Thi. bIll will allow fGr

er I....

i5J ~Will rtqUIrt ~1'tSS of

_.h -..,,_L~.



--_... ~_M

"=;0 _ ....


Mfagan Bishop s-ttleO/fkt t:dw.Ird lkan Mott SewleOlfia



Richard Jason Jordan Gooemors O/fkt

(3) Uur;>blt powft' of atlomoy lor Iwa.Ilh ond ammdmonts to 1M", >rill

March 1997 Alabama WU'II"'.

IkC-,., .Ir.

has USlgntd CiIIlS. I MontgOmery .UOTTIqI. to ......... as 1;00.....1to ....i .... aillhe bilt. for this commiltft. In the tlou ... of Representat~s Ih. Judicia!), is chairnl by nlalivt !Xmdrius N....100. Tho Law InSlitulelawyt. for ~ House Judiciary ;.I'ilm Robinson lIigairos. I MontgOmery IIltome)'. EKh yo. tho Inslltul ....1«1l c.opit.>l ;nltrns to work in the ~e. 11_ and c;o.... mor'. offiet. This ~ar tt.. fot· 10000ing coll.~$ we.e Stltcltd:

trant ... and docurnmblion 01 $IIQ pricf: 16) Rmlion of jury Hlection procell

17) lklonnin.'. Itnlenelng IS) Crt.lion of Offi« of Admin i.II1II;'~ IInrin,. ",Ih indepen· Iknl ~ini$tnUw ~ ~ 19} Crimillll u -Sumervus enhanctd punishments for criminal ~ In ~dilion 10 these

uns lhe

JOIllIthan Scott Evins

IkNH of Rq>fPSft1laliws Mahari A. McTier I~ of ReprI!jnIlolI',.u

~or more inforlNlion COIKtming the Institule or any of ils pr(IJtcts contact Bob McCurtey. direclor. AIlb.iItllO Law Instilute. P.O. 8oJI8614ZS. l'usaoloosa. Atablrna 35486-0013; fa. (20S) 34&-8411 or phone (205) 34S.W l. •

.. .I'rooiding rhe

pracrice of law wday, J/u.o; ASB brochure is !he WIIU of frequerll inqllirie:! and requests {rum !he (>1&. UpdaJed wpics irdudt II descriprion of !he \arious roIa and resporuibiIiJid of being II /mryeT, hou, W (1rt'paTt fOf law sdlrXli, admission sJtUislics, requirelllenlS far admission 10 !he Alabama Suue Bar, rn~J OfJ!X>rtlmities in rhc law !OOaJ. This e:oceJ!em brochure examine.! !he opportunities and ~ of II career in me law and is ~ fOf lISe in ci\.", schooi ar adler lawreIared edllCllriOIi presenuuions. !tUC5t infO'l'lJUUion on the

Alabama State Bar Publications Order Form The AlabanM SI~le 8ar r~ plea!«l 10 ma~e available 10 HldividuJI auotneys. f,rm~ and \00:.11 ba, assocratrons, Jt c~t only. a _ies of brochur", on J v.riety 01 legal topics of imerest to the general puhlic. 6cloIY is ~ Wrre,,! IoSling of public information brochures"ble from the AI"bama State Bar for distr ibuti on h local ba, .s\OCi,lrOJ1s, undr:r esl,'illilhe<l guide llnt'>

Publications $ 10.00

law As A Carerr



Ql y. _ _ • _ _ __

... opportunilrl'> .,nd ch. ll cngo.,> of J I.", carcc, tod,y. $ 10.00 ~r 100 Qty. _ _ • _ _ _ __ summary 01 basic irnotm.lion on common legal questions and procedures to< lhe gene<~1 public

lawyers and If'1pl Ff"f!S .•. J

last Will & Testamt'nt ... COvers


$ IO.oo~, 100

01 eslate planning and the Hl'pr>J!Jn<:e 01 haY,ng a w ill

legal Aspects o( Divorct'

$ 10.00 per 100

Q<y. - - • - - Qty. _ _ • _ __

_.. off..., opIions and choices 'Molved in di>on:e

Consumer Finances or "Buying on Time"

$ 10.00 pf'r 100 Qty. - - • -::-=CCC-... 000IHle5 ""pollam cons,det,'lrons and prov,des advice on<xi,,1 matI .... afie<1in~ tr.e ,nd,yidu,,1 0< family

MooiiJ'ion ...Ano,her Me/hod (or Resolving Disputes ... JIrO"ides ~n overv,ew of the medialion J}focess ,n

$ 10.00 per 100 question·~nd·~ns" er

Qly. _ _ • _ _ __


ACI)" ic Brod,..~ S t~nd $5.00 uch Qty. _ _ • -:-_ _ __ ... ind"·rdu~1 sr.roo imprinted "uh individual. firm or b;r, Jswer'lion name ior u~ "t diSIf'butiorl'IO'nl,. One stand per brochure is r~ommended. N ~ me 10 imprinl on . 1.00: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SubiOlJIS _ _ __ Sh,pp,ng $. HandlingS 5.00 TOTALS _ _ __ Ple~K'

rerml CHECk OR t.lo."H ORDER MADE p,nA8Ll TO THE ALAIlMtA STATE IMR lot the amounl Iosted on the To.TAL line ~nd iQrw~rd II w,th th,s order fofm to Susan H. And ...~. DirectO< 01 Corn",unicati"", AIJI~'m.I SLltc 8ar. P.o.. 110. b71. "lontgOmo.-ry. AL lblOJ. 1J)4) 2&<)·' 515

MEMORIALS Judge Noel Baker

Judge Saku R"'ftl hit counl'Y duro ing World War II as a IDem"", oIlhe 123~ Seab«. Unit oIlh. United Statu



ago of 80. JUo<I# Balcer will M umem·

in A1ab.>mo. in 1949;md was appointed clerk of the Alab,o."" MiI,kl~ DUtrict

gentl~men oftht Lft County Sa. "'sodation. Judge Notillooktr ~ orwi)'OIl february 8. 1997 at tht

He rtaiwd his licmst to pndi(4' law

bertd by ="y aUormys for 1M htlp he

g;we them when they",... fi'51

Cour!. He later se"",d as an .... 'lbnt


attorney g~neral from 1955 to 1958.

00\ in practke. lie was always a\IlIH~I, to )'00"11 la"')'!n. lie assisted many )'OUtIi, "noN" atiOrTW)'f by gr.;ng them ~ and assistance. Judgo: Bakfr Rrwd as a municiJl"I court judl/t in

both Auburn and Opelika in the 19701. Ht t.... " ",.."t

on to RIVe tight


a L« County dittrict jtlllge from 1980 through 1988. Ow. It.. ~ K\'t'1'lI1 Judgo: 14kt. ~ retired but con· tinued to p...ilk ovt. <:Mn in adjoin-

ing counties. Judge Baker g...... up in thi. area and aUtndtd school in bQIh L« and M;w:on <;ountin befon mitring Abbamll Polytechnic Ill$I:ilutt (now

John Terrence Reynolds


tho Mobi~ Bar Associalion is/les 10 honor tho mrmory rJ John ~ Reynolds.. Jr_ a Iong-time and distlnguMrd member rJ tho Mobik Bar Association, who died on July 4. 1996



was .• bo admitttd to the Fifth Circuit Unittd Statu Court 01 Appe.aI$;n 1956. Judge BaMr was I membrr and tklu 01 Trinity Pmbyterian Church in Opelika; pruidtnt oIthe CenealOiliral Society 01 E.ut Alabama; am! a fonner I'uidtnt 01 the l« County H;$torical Society. J",,-,# Balcer Is survived by hiJ will. Eliubeth. thrH broIhers. one $ister. Auburn liniwrsity). lit finlshtd hi. bachelor', degree at the Un i~"ity of OrtllOR. lie late. ~Md hllla... Ikgrn: from the Unilltrsily of AbbmY.

and tho Mobile Bar Association dQim to rtrmmber his name and rtI:OIIniu hil DJfllribution both to our ~ and to this CIlfIWTIUIlity: 1l(III0. thomon:. br it rerrotrrrbcrtd John Ttmntt Reynolds. Jr.Icno;ro.."I1 10 all 01 us .. "'Terry: was born in Mobi]." Alabama. on tho 28'" day 01 June 1912. He attended MulJl/l)' High School and gOOu· ~ in 19J1. He then Mttnde<J tho Unio.omity rJ AIabarna and rtOtM:d hi> BachtIor 01 '-- <kgrtt in Juno 1936. Terry rtlumtd to Mobile in 1936 and began practicing law. He b«arne a memo blr 01 tho Mobile Ila. Association in year.1lw: Mobik Bar AssoxUtion is the 15" oIcItst bar awri>tion in tho United States and Iwbeerr in.n.tnn lOr l'nyears. Teny ro;:tictd aImDst NIl 01 ~t time. ha\.ing practiced law for 60 ~11 as a member rJ the bar. During hil tmun: as I pndking attorney tit had the opportunity 10 _ and p;or· ticipate in the -.luhon rJ ITQI 01 the Iiw in ttlt State 01 AIabarnI. He ......... II mptcttd by the ~tobile &r as ....11 .. the

and wveral nitee' and nephews. -,I1i" "-~Jiam$ LH County &or Asoocialiod

Abbarna State &r. Tell)' repraenttd his ditnl5 in an tlCtI1ll"Iary manner and treated them .. .... 11 .. his fdlow bo.')'ttS ..ith di01ity and ((lUrtesy. Terry ..... also ~ lor drming in ill white and was nldcr.amod -Boss fioll" by hi, law fo1Tl1. Terry ..... an a.-id sportsman and was blessed ..i!h tho huIth during his S4 )'t¥S to oont;nue 10 hunt and fish. 111-'1 III

prartU law.


Terry was ~ by his r.11ow lawyers to bo a persoo 01 !lJOnII ..ilt and C(lrniction and a WI)' capab!e ;odvocate foor hu

Terry left briWwJ i dt\OOkd wife. Marilyn RtynokI5. wr childr= ont !\rpIon. thrH grandctriklrm.!hm! sttpgrarvJchil. drtn, and immeasurable friffids and 001leagues who will long mourn IUs 1'ilS$ing. Teny ~ tt'USUred and ITQI \1ilIuabIo asset \Q tho Mobile au AssoxiIItion. - \\il1;'m A. KImbrough. Jr. !'...-sident. Mobile Dar A..ociation

Tusaloos.I. AlWI!\II in 1969; ~utnded the Univtrsity of Nebraska. ]966·1967

~1ichae l

A. Figures

11 ~ MicNd A. "'Jgum. I tJistin. " guishtd melilba 0( this wociMion. died 00 September 13, 1996 an<.! the Mobile Bar Asiociatioo desires to I'tffltff>. btl" his I"IlInf and f twgt tizt hi!; contrihutiom. both I(l our prolession and 10 this con..,..m;l)'. \\'huns. Michael A.l'iguns was bom October 13. 1947 in Mobile. Alaba ..... to RfYt'rtnd CoIel!\lln Figum ~nd the lat. Augwto Mitchell Figuru. lie ~tlmded the Mobil. County Public SchooiJ.lI. r«ei'Jed his Bachelor of Arts \kgnt' in histo,),. from Stillman College in

James H. Dodd Jamts H. Dodd. ;og. 72. died on hnwory 18, 1997. He"'IIIS1 mrmbtTo( Ridgecrest Baptist Church from 1957 to 1997 aoo laught Sunday School for tmny )'ms. A natiw of Carbon Hill. Alwma. hh'U born September 8, 192Ho William and M)TtIe 00dc.I and .... raised ill> hi5 ",~. Bw 00dc.I. from • $tWn. He ~DdUllted from Walker County I!igh in t942. He nelCt entered tho U.S. Air Corps ind did his cac.Itt oIf~r train. ing at the UnA~1'Ji1y o(Trnt'IeSIt1:. As I liNtffiillll and l'IiYigalOf. he flew 60 misJIonlI in the Sooth Pacific durillll World

in Lincoln. Nebraska; and r«ei\ltd hi. Juris [)octor from the Univt"ily 0( AlabiImlI School 0( Yw in 1972 in '1\Isc:i\Ioo5.lo, Abiwna; "''houao. aflu graduation from law school. he became an a.sociate in the firm 0( J.L Chestnut of Selm;.. Alabami. In 1975 he mumed I(l his hometown of Mobil •. Alabama when he latH Mam. ~ partntr in the firm ofVemoo Z. Cra"ford.ln 1982 he slarted his 0'01-'11 firm which is I'oOW kno:Jo,.'I1 as Figuru. Jacbon & I-brris. P.c.. in Mobile: Wherus. in 1978. he ran for:mel ..'U .Iteted S!.lte senator for Senate District 33. In ]994. he btcamtthe highest ranking fbte "nator "'hen he WU eltc\ed by his "nat. collngur:lto the pOSition 0( President Pro tempore, the third highest ranking coostitutiOll.ll office of the litate; WI",roas. Senator Michxl A. F,"un,' achltvtmonts weu nufTWlOUS, includ· Ing Sj)OIUOring legislation to chIonge the form of I/O"m'ment in Mobil, to provide for a suptr' vote on the city council; 1I'hertas. Senator MichHl A. .·igum _ I founding fTWmber 0( lilt Alabama New South Coalition. hMng alto wrve<.l as presi\knt. Senator Fi~urel alliO w... an elrcted \klqp;te 0( the o.moentic N.:iotional Convtntion lor fivt eonstCUIivt

I)' and COO'Intlmmt

to his bmily, \\'horeas. Smator Michael A. .·lgures ~ adoMlted memberoftht CI'Ml Cf'lM Mission:ory llapIist Church and a de\ooted iIumnus n trust« 0( Stillman CoIIogt. his IH'oIkrgndualt;alma rrmtr. Whtr~.... Senator Michael A.•·igures was marritd 10 VMi\Il Oa"';s Figures for limost IS ~al'J. and was a kwinQ and dediuoted bthtr to kbni Anthony. Shornari CoIemlln. AIIil Michxllnd Derrick Oemond.lnd he bel;fYt'd in spending u much time as pos$iblt with his J;uniiy; 11'herus. SeNIor Michatl A. Figura ..'IllS ilso wMlled ill> his bthtT. the RfYt'mId Coleman Figures, and two brothel'$. Thomu H. Figura. I tIlff1lber 01 the Alabama SUU liar and tho Rfvner.J WiDit ... and Now. thtrffore. be it resoMd. by the membel'J of the MobHt flar Ai50ciatMm in this m«tinll _rnbled on the 13'" .by ofDt«mbtr 1996. tJutthe Association mourns the paMing of the HOfIOI'l'bI, MichHl A. Figures iUld does t..:.. by honor the metnOf}' 0( OIlr friend and f.llow member who exemplified throughout his long "'rt1:r the highest prolessioNl pnnciplts to which the rntrnbtno( this usociltioo upire _


_ "illiam A. Kimbrough, Jr. I'ft.i\knl. ,~oItll. Bar A...."dation


"'htreal. SenaI<lr MldIIotl A.l'iguff:l' <ledic.ation to his prof...ioo. to pOlitics and to lilt community nrvtr eclirosed his loo,al.

Wn 11 ind eamed I number of combat medals. H. was discharged from the Air National CUird with the nnltof ~ in 1962. 110 moived hi5lawdtgrH from the Univtrsity 0( Alabama in 1951 and had been a member of tht Ill. Slnct t951. H. was inducted into Alabama', IIllO', Who during this tifTW ind was still practicing law in Binningham at his death. ~r. o(;all his ~W>­ rnmb. ht .... InO$I thankful for the fact that h.. Lord used him in bringing all hi, childrm and gnndchildrm to I $I'.;ng know\edgt CIt the Lord Josw Christ Jnnes H. Dodd is survivtd by his wife 0( SO years. Connie Brl~;1 Dodd;

son "",lIiam Orent Dodd. who has b«n hi~ law P/lrt~r for 22 )·.a,,; daughte", Karon Zito and Cri..., Fronco; sons-in....... Anthony 2,to and Dr. Fenundo .·ranco; daughttr·in.!a ...• De, Dodd; Qrandson Landon Dodd; ~randdaugh_ ten Tara and Sunlnthil Zito and Moo,,,, Franco; brolhtr Lewis C. Dodd: Jltpmother Bida Do<ki; and a Ioost of nit«$. ~ph~'$ and c(ltl,iM. Funeral wrv;c .. wert held at ltfftrson ~lemorial Cardens in TruS$vilie. JlI1uary21.1997. 8rtnl Dodd. llirminglulln



John Edward Thornton 11 J'hmas. John Edward Thornl<ln. •

YY m.'f'fld and dist~ IIItlloOO 0I1he Mobile 8ar ~ depamd this I,[too bnu>ry II. 1997. ",1he.0I 89; and \lJMrus. tht Mobile Bar iU.sociatioo duiru to I\(Il'\()r hi$n'''TI< mil recognize his mlmy contributiQll$ to the legal profession. tilt City 01 Mobile and tht Stllte of Alilbama; Now. thtr~. be it lelioell~rnI that John &h<-'3I'IIThorntoo.lhe ..... of ~ Baptist minQIn. _ born 00 N<Mmbtr 25,1907, in StarkYiIll:, MiwsJippi Iv gnoIu;otN from ~ropi ~ in 19'28 ancIl\.)Mrd I.1IW SdlooI in 1933. Ed Thomtoo _Idmitttd 10 thr AlWrnli Stm 8M in 1934 Xld ~ on. kg;lI (2fftr 1Ni-..kl $pOll 62}Ors. Ed Thornton fil'$t roncti«d I..... in 6inningtwTi and KMd ;as d.p.oty proseOJ\I)r kw Jtfi'erson C<lunty from ]936 until 1939, during which timt he "",rriro tht kMly and gnocious Mill)' !kilt Quinn .....ho SUMvt5 him. He Wi1S fond of Ja)iog. "It Wi1S • whirlwind coorUhip; .... mtt in 1921 and marmd in 1938." In 1939, Ed T1lomton blQmo ~ ottomty gcntraI with Ihe AIabanv. ~ of~

in Mon!gomtI'y

- ' KMd in that poWon urolil he jointd Ihe NW)'in l~ Up:on his~ from tht NW)' at Ihe end ofWOfId WM II. he iTiO'o'td to Mobilt and pnctic:allaw with Marion It V'ocken. Ed 1loomton latn Iormtd a ~,y,ip "ith NichoL1s S. in Mobilt. In tilt pr;octict ri law, Mr.Thornton would i.OO.1Ily agre. but WOI'I'it<J aI:oo;.oJt )'illIng "",)yo,; who askro him to COilSotnt to continuing c.1$($ 50 they iXlUld go turkey hunting. Ed Thom\oro', stMa to Ihe Mobilt Bar As5ociition is W1I:l'iitdwd. III: "as pmi\Itnt of tht Mobile 8M in 1955. In 1966, ht Ioondtd Ihe MOOik Bar 8u/ktin Xld faithfully tdittd it Kw 25)'f¥!. Tht Bar IJuIIdin _ indttd .Iibor d ....... Whtn. from tirnt 10 timt his wong tditorW v;.ws would 5f!iIrk lively diHmt. ht ~ it and _ known by a rub reporter 10 J'I(ivl.tely chucIdt. He frequmtIy .. minded us in tilt flulklm that ",h.t bring. ~r is all aI:oo;.oJt i, rtprestnting


dimts. He _ abo kno\;'Il kw 1m guts! coIl1n'i1l1 in the Mobik F+m Rtyisler and "!.tttt" to tilt Editor: F.d Thomtoo KMd ;as pmidmt of tht Abbima Sbtt Bar during tht hlr }Or 1963-64. ThtAbbima State Bar won an "Wlonl of Mml from tht ~rian Bar As5Qci:iotJ(\l\ during Mr, Thornton's lel\llre ;as pmidtnt. It..oo stovtd tilt ba.r ;as an usoo;i:iot. editor of"", Alabama 1Au-ver, mil was a "",mhor of tht Houst of ~I.gatu 01 tht Amtrican Bar ~iation. Mr. Thornton kMd the law. H. coIlaOOrilted 00 uticlts with I'tf'o(Mncd Alabama

law pocr !(Or JoIwo C. "Uladhd<" I':lynt. who had tht ~ reg>rd Kw Mr. Thornton's IChoIanhitl- Mr. Thornton .aid. '"SomtIima lilt IwI goa;oround thirCsand J¥k hynt and 1 try '" 6nd ~ 10 cui thr0t40 tht mddIt: Ht t'o.u KMd .. a Ij'ltCiiI juRi« <)1\ tht AWwna

_Coo' Ed 'IhomIoro was a patron of lilt 3m.

He stMd as tilt rol'$t president ri tht Mooile Am C<lundl in 1956 and later ~rved as ~ dirtdor and as president of the Mobi~ Optno Cuild in the ..arty ]960s. F.d Thornton and Nick /okCowin org.uUud ~ stries of stril1ll quarltt conct1ts in Mobile which lain II"OIwd into tilt Mobilt ChanlbtI' Music Socitt)l Mr.Thornton 5tI'ved tNt todtty .. pmicImt in 1972. Ht ~ 5tI'ved .. dWrman 01 tilt FQI\Iffi Commitltt of tht Mobile CIwrtotr of CO".,oel~ in 1960and has btm faured in tht Who's Who in Arnericioo rwr!.ira 1965. In 1967, Mr. Thornton rteti\>ed tht MtdicaI Socitt)' of Mobile', Ctrtificalt of

Merit fQf' outstandingstMa:. During the 1950$.00 1960s. F.d

Thornton _ a staunch SUIlJIOIW d stott'S righti.oo Wi1S;In iN1....nw mtm· her of ~'s Otmocratie I'Mty 5f1'\'ing 00 tht Sbte Otmoo;notio: IW:cutM Committft. In 1963, c.o.- W3!iact ...,..,trd him 10 ...."., 00 tilt c..:....tituIionall.1lW and Stak ~ Committft formed 10 ~ tht eo.emor on qoestioRI 01 OJN\itulionallaw, F.d Thornton "as a ~tltman ri tht old dIooI. Casual \IooyI ...... not obstrved at Thornton " M~n. Hu.....'OY' wore a SlJit "ith a t,und WloII .-.ever .\em on tilt It... t ",ithoot his hal lie had a strict ael'cist rrgimtn. and his vigorous calisthenics prQgnm at tilt 11..alth Club ri the ,\lhtist:m Club modo much )'OllIlgtT mtn Hinch. Mr. Thornton _~. mtlTibtfol tht Inttl'llltional Tr;wJe Club and tht Bitl'MlII: Club. Ed Thornton .... a bithful mtmlJtr of tht First Baptist Churdo of Mobile. Mrs. Thornton is a mtmbtr of 1);lUph,n Way United MtthodiSi ChUM and thty lltHnattd brtween Iht two churd!es (YI'l)' othtr S<onday, IIoth Dr. James W.llen; ri Fir~t Baptist and \)r. St(\'O! l>ill 01 Dauphin Way condllCttd Mr. Thornton', ommorial stovice. In ~ition to Mrs. Thornton,!';d Thornton is $IJ~ ~ hiJ nitcto, Peggy Clinton of Mobile. ~b.1)' Annt Edward!. of 6astmtr M'Id Marilyn ~ of Mnidian; 11It"""",,.lamt5 ~r of Arizoni. WiII~ MtngH of Houston. Tbu, and 0\1"" Thornton 01 Miooouri City, Twos; and brothers-in-..... RobHt Qu;m of SiivH lIil1 Xld Mauri« Qujm

ofMmlphis. Now, therefore, bt it ruoMd ~ tht Mobil. Bar Associ:iotloo that the association iTiOIirns the paMin,g of John &h<-... rd Thornton, a ta"''Y''r's la~r and a sentl."",n's gentleiTiIin, and dou hereby honor the mtrT'lOl)' oIlIIJr [r~nd and lel_ low mtonbtT who uemplifitd thrOllghout his long tlftt. tilt hight$t prof..~I principks to which tho mtmbtrs of this _iatioo aspire. Tho: Mobile Bar furthrr rtqlItSU u...t this moIution be ",IUd IIPOO tilt minutts oI lhiJ ;oosGciation and of tht Abbam.i Stilt. Bar and tIW. C(lfIies 01 this resolution bt pr<:5mt· td to hiJ f.mily and to tht editor of the Nohik 80r 8vlklm. -COCIP" C. Thu.wr Pl'u idont , Mobilt liar Aasociation

Justice Oscar W. Adams. Jr.

1'.. _

b«olme: iI;IerU::o[ with goals and idW cJ the rat 01 $OCi(ty. "If II black man is lIIlowtd 10 ~. far • his Wmts ...;11 any him. he will not nm.l special protection from the oourts: hi. nottd, oonIinuing. "If Ilt is not, the OOUiU will OOCI' again be

'OI>,*r '-" in 1980 how I to hw tNt Coonnor Fob hones

had app::linttd CIsar W. /I<Ian'6. Jr, to II

'IIWICI' on the Alabama Suprnne Couo1. I

ilPPbudtd that appointment for sewrlll rta!QIU. Fir.<!, ..... had worked together on tilt Suprtmt COUo1'. Ad"i.o. )' Commitl« on Rules 01 CrimiRa! f'ructQ.ort. Ntxt, Iu<.~ known him for sewrllI)'OlIrl, I _ weU II(qUlIintcd with his ibililies as II ..,..,.. r.wly,.an AorIerianol African ~

,,-no had~ himsd'.

II believn' in the Arnerican drum. he h.:od Rr.oOO and would continue to SI'M: III II role onooltl for !hoM willing to dedicate tl"lems.!lves to excellence an.! to focus 00 anakil1ll II diffef"tl1« as Ilt did ....'htn he mired in 1993, JWlaAdirno Qid: "I would lib to be U--11 • II progmsM. fair, hontot. ~ XMnI 01 the peqlIt: With I1is 33)'Ol1n 01 0.;1 righb ~ and 13)'Ol1rs on the bench. tIw. is exactly how I """,,,tit, him. JWI~ Adirns had a plan for his life and sla)'td "ith it. He Iud detided early on to becorne a lawyer, against tho advi<:e 01 his grandmother and friends. ~Iorr:owr, after ~til1ll from Ltw school, he decidtd to mum to his nali\ot Alabama in order to pRdia lM.r. apn.t the ~ 0I5OI'\"le prooninent poi,Iic ~ru. Justia Adams. I ~ apmstd a 101 about himRIf and about his philolophy about the role 01 10... in our $OCi(ty in a special concurring Opinion in lJ4>ck" A/abom(l, 396 So.2d 645 (Ala. 1980). the case upholding AIabaona'I death penalty stllute, Although he Iud..wnl 'II1k! rell· KIllS for not pao1icipilting in IhiIII rontro~ oJecision. including the IKt tIw. the

O""r W. Adloml, Jr. Hi""inglwm Nlmitll!d: 1947 Dkd: Fob""", 15, l1J91

Jlme. Noellbbr Opdik" Allmill«d: 1949

Ow: f"m.-" 8. 1!I1I7 blllu \\,llie &ftr HlmlSrilw Mmitll!d: 1950 Dkd:SeplemliD,l996

in. he ~

11 days bef<m he

not to resort to any 01 the owtr\lIb 01 tseape. "Escapt_ ionpossibIt," JWlia

Adams wrote, "btauM: oIthe commit· mmI [ hod on;ode <II the tinw 01 my usumption 01 thG position. that I would pIac:e my ir(lrimolur, no molter how per. f«t or imperfa:t. on M1)I ""'" tIw. iI"as my tupOO.Iibitity to pao1icipate in. 1 fur· ther promised that [would bring the lobi. ity 01 my 33 years 01 experience U I prac. tiring '""~ to bea. on e.lICh dtcision.• In his special OlrItUrnrote. Justa Adams.1l1udrd to 5OI'\"le oIthe Ieg.lJ bilttles that he hod waged to J«Urt rijIIts for his 110. noIingtlw. at the tinw hI. ..... wag. .., !hoM baItks. few black ~ se ....'ed on jurirs, in Ltw ~ in tilt Itgi$Iature. and at a11levrk .. the judi. cia! system, Ht closed hil Opinion, noting thai the roore minoritiu "become tnrneShtd in rntaningful pQOi\ion$ in our Kritt). then the mort that socifty will becomt n:;JCI4iKrirninatc)f),: and tlw.the !lOOk lind icIr3Is 01 M1)I pmon win J am... II. Dodd Bi""""""", Mmilltd: 11151 fMd: Ja",JtJ~ 18. 1!I1I1 Thom.. Ed_rd Lewi. PttrwroIu. f"lor/dQ

MmilltJ: 1952 Di<d: f"tb/wrJI u. 1996

Ludlow Corlq Jlbo1;n riot..... liIym'" Mmilltd. 1964 Died:Nq U 1996

....ll1iam F.

''''d)on n~1I


MmilltJ: 1932 DiI!d: D«emIwr 6. 1996

ul<rd ror $Il«ial protection" When 1 think of the It!l<\C)' 01 Justice Osc.a. W. Adams. Jr.. I foeu. on Qying, ''We write OUt own epitaph." lIis life !.howl; thot hi. dnj ,td no II10ft than the opportunity to work hard. study hard. and ;achieve lIS much as his ulmll would allow. lI isjoumey culm,nattd lIS a membtr 01 Alabama's Supnme COurt. Eath of Ul, it Sttms, could but pay tribute to JUltice Adams by following his example-working hard. staying focused. and utilizing our own t~lents to toke w jUJl • fir U ..... lIOpi« to I/O•

OJar W. ~ J•. "~lI rtfIIjrbb!e man. If 1 _ limittd toone or two words to delcribt him. [would SIIy that he was totally without bi tterness. I onu jJktd him how.• OIl< ...ho had ope-rimetd 10 much th3t is tvil in man. he mn..intd .wch .. beliewr in the IIood in mankind. He .....'tfed only ,.;th a I/tIltlt wilt. one that all 01 his family lind frimd:s AW 10 often. CIsar _ not allowed to lIt!md the state cot~ and uni\oersitin, was not allowed to order food in public l"tstIu · ranli. lind was not al~ 10 attend what few rulturlll twnu oocurred in Alabama. Yet he ..... better nLcattd than lI1OII 01 III. he hod a greater ~ for the WOIW"s6nat bxlsmlwine. and I1is

Artie D.1le Pri«


6" Mmillu .- l!i33 l>i<d: Oc/oiwr 21. 1996

J ohn I':d.nrd Thornton Mmi/lnJ: 1934 Died: Junuorr II. /!111;


.... lkoIm



Mmilll'd: I!N() DiI!d: ~~23. 11J91



MU ' ... '

, ' ,

..........,. knowledge of music and lilenturt_tho ffN)'of~.

illmool .....1)1 Sundooy, allow. tho workl. pray: -w not the t.Jpt of the pOOr be bkm ""'~: Osw __ not pOOr in my ........ of tho W(lI'd. 1b thr 0,:0. ttary. he __ rid! in Qrnity. hrritagt..-.d frimds. and ridl in ~ of all...rn kntw him, and he rIM' It! ~thina or iIt1)'body ~ away his Ixlit( in the good of mo.nkind and that. in u.. md.good "ill ~l. He shartd this hope "';!h me and 1 .NIl i/I.'3I)'S be grateful. ~Iians

-J Ulti« Janit t.. Short. Sup""" Court of Abb~ma When Justice Oscar W. Adams, Jr. was appointed \0 1M Supreme Court ri ~ he C(Ifltinlitd ~ COOl'K thaI tmbodird his lift mel his work. lit "'M I tnilbbur and bn.>km anoIhtr barrio er. ont of ITWI}' durilllJ the C(lUl'K of his lilt,I'IU;\phmillll the dedication from ell'QI "10'1'0""'$ book Brroldtlg &lrrim; "To that $mall, group 01 i\meri<;all$ who ilill dwc dreams 01 neW jU$!ict, believi"ll that only I fii. slurin,e of opportunitits can kHP Amo:riclI healthy and ',,"." 1IK.o..... lu$ti« o'\IWns belirwd SO docpIy that our $bk inititu-


lions. including our judiciary. oould 001 rueh their fullest potential witMullhe p;lrticipalion of all of il$ citizens. this Mlltf most likely IJf>IlntiTlkd hi$ dtci· lion 10 sha«with his ~11ow AlWrniaru I Pirt ofhis IIIe in his _ton the hil/Jlat coort of this JUt • • We If'! gratt(ul that he did. Justice Adams bl'CllljJhll _ of quiet dignity \0 the Supremt fu.ort of Alabama, yet III the same time was noll shrinking WJIri. 11e ....'aS a person of dterI moNe and IhulJilitits !hat ~ judets. trial ond ~ strM lor. 10 br on ;\1\ ~ !oed. to ~ tho IIw rYmhindtdty.lairly and cometI)'. I'o'~ knew him 10 br a pmon 01 quality and depth. Oscar an;wid golf~r. During Ill)' $OIl'1 childhood years lit Iovfd to dI'M O$C.Ir" l!OIf art whit. ~ ~ a round 0( IOIf during tho ;anno.w drruil and dio, tricl judges' mtding. Ht ifew up camng O$C.Ir lilt "J",*,' Judge." Whit. 111)' 5OI1'S reference "'as to JUitict Adams' poIition on the supreme court. I kIWI' ammitmmL

It~ ~

tNt intimation to bo: much. much <keptr. Judges art called upon a daily basis to resolo,'t disf)\lte> and contl'O'o'trsits on a wriety 0( iWlC>., and Jwtico Adam!; ,,'as no dilkrmt in tNt regard. MatJ)' limts !hoM ~ :art Olfltn;Jl.'trsQl ~ nwoy limts lhe dtciJionI; alfming thoR ~ are tOntl'O'o'trsial. II is a ~t,afI ... anributt among judges to bo: oilII: to rm· der decisions resolving contl'O'o'trsial iuuu. yd. not 10 ~ embroiled in tilt dispult thtm.o;t"u. JU$l:ico Adiuns was such a judge and aptly refund to as tho Judges' Judge. lit was 111)' friend and )'OUI$ ond a friend to all AIaI:tarnWls. lit Iwbortd a deep 10M /oIr this mtt and its ptOpIt lII:ld a belief \h;It wt should ...-.:xl< tQlttllltr 10 lmprwe tht quality <i life k1r all AbbamianJ. Whrn he l't\imllTom lilt Supreme Court 0( AWwrIi. it was fq)OI1td in tho I'ItWSjll",rs that he hoped 10 be "'htoubet'N as a ~'t.lair. honost. hard-worl<ir1l! stMrlI 0( lhe ptOpIt." tit did much.

much, mort. -JutUU Ralph Cool<

Supreme Court or Alabama

J rtmember 1 ~~r just compt.ting his firJt oral argumenl bo:fo'" the Alabama Suprtmt Court being a.ked 10 evalUalt Iht argum~nt. l lis response: "The only Ihing I rtrntmbo:r is Justice Adams' Que.tions. tlis voico se.mtd 10 roll up the side ohhe room Ind fan on me from WcM ..... Ih a foret likf thun · dt. and wmt straiSht to 111)' kntn. 'T1unk IIOOdneu Justice Adams was kind enouSh not only 10 uk lho QUt~ lion. but also provide the answu." Justice Adams' voic., IhouSh now will r.main in 111)' mind forelltr. T",ly 1111.1 5O\Ind was " ......llht pod tnvisionnllo pm the litlt "Cod's Trombooe." His command oflhe English IangU3#. bolh ."rml and wriU.n incredible. I onc. 5,)W him r.duct an obnoxi(>\ls, political pre· te"""'r to a ..... II-mannered ..... imp with two ftntenca. I was fortu ... te. beaUit 01 OUr friendship. on many occasions to lilltn to JWliu Adams. Rarely did our disclWioru concern Itpl decisions; more ofltn ..... t talked aboul the ITt of law.

lhe magnificence 01 lift and Iht magi<: of human nIItUTt. Justice Adams dis· plaf'td. admirfd and uptclw pre<.:ision and inl.grity in thoughl. word and dttd.l an!'Oe'1:r think of an occasion wilt.., ht ,,·oUted • WOfd. Throughoul his Iif. ho embrxtd integrily and abhorrtel innuenct. fils Love for his God. for his family. for hisst.Jte. for Ih. law. and for his frit"'" ,,"'as 10t.Jl. tit ."d his beloved Annt·Mari. ar.l<M: personified . He bo:litwd M:I')'OM could and Jhould enjoy ~ pltuUTtl crealed in lift by g.>nkning. cooking and m.wc. On the other mnd. he was adamant INI roses. ribs and jan wert art forms not 10 bo: aU.mplt<l by .maleurs. I remt mbt.. hi. saying. "I.ow nn. ",r5011 be a IIOOd Ia~r and not know how 10 cook? E'-'try laws.uil must be. I"'tPilrtel ;lCcording to a m:ipt. The ingrfllitntJ and liminllart crititallo the fuull." lntelltct ...... lly. he would lIke M:ry issue. expose illo the light of lruth and reason, lurn il and slowly and artfully vi"", il from elltry angle. Then. and only then. would he id .... lify WNI he saw, Tht loss of sorntorot cl_ is Pilinful . On IhoM occasions when • suffered such 10", h. was my trut friend and provided comfort in timn of grid. tlis absenct. as "'t .Irul!lli...... ith Ihis loss. .... k.. w; n'tr mort mindful oflht impOrUr>ee of his prH<'Rct. \Vhen he Ttlind from lilt court and joined our firm. a dilemma was pre· .Hnttd by the practice in our office of ...'tryOne bo:,ng On a f"lt· Mm. basi •. A )'Ouns woman resolved th. dilemma with Iht observation. "' lhouSht his first nIImt: wa. Justice'-l1 was.. Justict O$C.Ir W. Adams. Jr.-~'YI'r. judge. friend. No ause could 111.." a beuer champion; 00 issue could have. better person to det.rmlne resolution; and no person could havt a better fri.nd. While his voict iJ sil.nt. his words. his wisdom, his.lptCial justice and his fri .... dship rtmain forn'tr. -.J. M..Ir " "itt Binnin,ham, Alab.aml

DISCIPLI NARY NOTICE Disability .~tur alt(lmty lIobn't f otlt. 1\orttdy wu lr.uuftrrN 10 disability inactiw status. effecl;yt Februu)I 7, \997. 1\o,'ffIIy',

transfer was ordered b}' the Supreme Court of Alabama pu.· Discipli~ry 8oJ,rd 01 the AlaNma SUit s.. •. IRult 21; Pfl. No. 97.1)11

Juant to ~ prior onkr ohhe

R.ln.t.t . ....nt

. "ffect;"" JanUllry 21. ]997, Midway ~tlornty S.mut' Mgul u .... il tre. Jr. was r.i~t.lottd 10 the pnetic. of~. Ipd. NO). 96-(121

Dlabarment • I'heni~ Cily l~~r R. lph Mich..l R.lford constnt.d to dWlormtnllwtd UpOO his N.ving bun coovktttl of mont'jI Llundtring. IIalford __ convicted in the Uniltd Sl.>t", District Court for the Middle District of ~ and tiIt..,o after tl<tCUled 1I corum! to di~rment. By orllt. 01 the Supreme Court of Al3bama. Raiford was dis.barrt<! effecti"" Janl.lary 24. \997. (Ruk 23(l): Pet. No. 97·021 Surntnder of License .1'uSCllIoosa lItomty JllMl 1m Ttny lurrt1ldertd his lictout t(l practictlaw in the St3te of Alab.",,,, and hi. naIM was slricktn from IJwo roll of attorTlq':! in all c()Urts of tho Sbtt of AWliIma by <.>nIt. 01 the Alabamo Suprtmt Court dloled JmuaryU. 1997. Teny iUrrtndemi hiJ Ii«nst as ~ mull of his plu of guilly in Iht Cil'Cllit Court of Tllsc.o.Iocw Coullty to ~ d.:.rgt 01 f~lony pOSsession 01 a controlled sub· stance in the first deg.u.[ASD No. 97·1)22[

S\!apenslons o()n J~ry24.

1997. tho ~ Supnme Court issued <111

ordt • ....".ooing Mobile lawttr Hkhanl Run tll mllilonu for a poriod 0190 days 10 be followed by lWO yurs' probalion. IWtitution 10 IhM Iormer climts in tho tolIl sum 0( $12.06928_;aboOl'<ltmL ThiI; dOOpIinrWH irr.poMd in ronntction ,,;th IhM c:asn to which \\~1Iiam:s mtmd ",illy plus of wHlfully neglecting legal malters mtl'U$tf<i to him, In ASI1 No. 95-031. Williams ....<WI hirlld to rtprUtnl ~ climt in ~ boundary dis!J,ltc. An action to quiet tille _ dr.llUd. but J1t\'tr filtd. In tho inttrim.lIlt client _ iUtd by tho othor pMIy. In ASH No. 95.042. William:s ...'lOJ rWd by a fnkl3l pri>onn to file habta$ corpus under TItI~ IS. 2255 Usc. Tho: dient paid William,; $1.800 and the documents ,,~rt dnflcd and St1lt to Ihf ciitnL After Ihf documents wert rttutnlld by tho prioon stamp/Il '1J~I'£ 1'0 10t:Nn ~, \\"~Iiams tooIc nofurthtr action on tho "",Un. ~ming tho dimt had SOI11thow l'tJfCIed I'" petition. In ASI1 No. 9(;.008, \\~I\iams coIltctf<i S4,DOQ from

a climl whose dislibility \'OlI)'IlltIlts hid btm stopped beauK of past O\'t'I'l'>a)'llltllI of benefit&. Mer rtetiving tho montY from lilt dim! nothing w;u dooe to resoM lilt problem, Tho: ditnt .... ;u advised by lilt insuranct carrier tNt they I\iIIJ J1t\'tr bHn contacted by WiIli.lms or ~ in hil.mploy. [ASH Nos. 95-

ro]lAl, 9>042W. 96-OO8W1 o()n hnuary]5, 1m. lhe Supmne Court suspmded l)w,tur attorney Joh ll W. Stlf from lilt pookt of law in the Stat. 01 ~ for a prriod 0(9] doys. Tho: SU$ptIlSion _ordered to be dfrctiw Navnnbtr 4, ]996, when lilt l);scipIillllry IIo;.rd of tho AIWma SUit Dar enttred its onler finding Sdf llUilty 0( !'IIgl(Iing in conduct pnjudiciallo the ;odministration 0( ju&ic. and <;Onduct tNt advtr$tly rti1«b on his fitness 10 practi« law. Thil finding _ based upon Stlfsoonduct during lilt lrial of a Qst in lilt cimJil mutt of Jdlmon County, ~ ....t.unn Sdf filed SM'13I pIudif$ iIIOCUSil1ll opposing coorutl and tho trial coort judge of untthica.l conduct, ]t was detumintd that tmse pleadinl/$ ...~r. filed in bad Ilith and without (<>dual sup. port.IASI1 No. 91·5001

oMontgomery atlorrory lI.t.ib 0 1"''' Yudldai _ JW.ptnd· ttl from the practice of law for 90 <Uys ~nd plamI on proba· lion for ~ prriod o(lwo )'tars lor hIIving "iolaled tht R~lt. of Profusion;o.l Condutt 01 the Alabama State Bar. Ywtchi pled lllIilty 10 the fomt.ill charges filed ag;.insl him ..flich alLeged that during II dl'pM;lion in I dMlr« proc«<ling Yudtdli took ~ loWed piltol lrom his britfcue and pOintf<i il in the direc· tion 01 his .... ife ~nd wife's counsel ",hile making cemin remarkJ or thruts to lhem, As ~ <;Ondition ofhis guilt~ pI~~ Yudtchi ..'aS requirfd to undergo p$)'ChoIogiQI counseling for ~ prriod 10 be determintd by lilt Offi« of Com...1 Courutl. yu.dtchi Iw now oompleted Ihe prescribed counsel· ing and is in comrlian« wilh lhe Glher terms of his proba· lion. [ASH No. 95-2461 oColumb~ ~rgilo IIlClrMy Ju n Cl rl..,n Mlrunlonio was inttrimly iUsprndtd from lhe p... ctice of law bI' or(\er of the Alabama Supreme Court dated February 13, 1997, ~brQnlonio ,,'as lictnU<! in GeOrgi.lllnd in The intnlm sUSpension of her Alabama license was;fIlIlO$td· prOQlly as ~ mull of Mlorca.ntonio', heing JW.ptndtd intu· imly by the SUpr.... Court 0( C..,rgia. The ~ilo court found that M ..c~ntonio had failed 10 maintain a IrulI ~count . fiiled to keep fttords indiQting Ih. baillnu h(ld for uch clitnt and commingltlllfUlt ~COlInl funds with othtr funds. Tho: court further found thllt Marcantonio failed ~ .. _ISSJ


. bilit}/' '1J16Ura l1C£.1.


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DlII<:IpI_ry HOllee

or ~fUHd to ~ ~r Ih~ apprOl)riale govtmnwntal ~ntity the monin she withheld from employf'tS for Ux PUrpo,lHS. IRule 20{1t; Pet. No. 96· It I

false Jut.ment 01 mal ......1flet in COI'ItIfCtion with" discipli · nary matter.IASB No. 96-2391

Public Re primands - Abbuter Ittorney J' IIIU Ibymoncl Knlller was given a public rtprimancl ..ilhoul general publication on Ftbruary 7. 1997. Kn,""r WM fO\.loo to have vio~ttd Rule ].SIAI ofllle Rule, of I'rofe55ioml conduct which provide, thal,"A I....,..Yt' ~I not ent. , inloan oIOi'Hmenl lor. or d .... ~. or colltct a dUfly u«$$i\... /n."1n July 1994 Kr.omtr WM ~mplo)'I'd by a ditnt to obtain a nalTW! change lor lho: dienr . minor daugh. Itr. K.. me, cha,ged the dient for a g't~t'T amount oftim~ lhan it rusonably should ha,... taktn to accomplish lhe ~ lor ..flich he was him. Knmer 100 CNrged l/we elitnl for txpmouwhich he had not incumd. including I filing IH which he hIId prNiOluly J"Iolid di,eclly 10 Ihe court. K.. mer llso cNrg~d .!tomey·s (HS (or clerial (u",lions which should hIIY! bHn ptrfonno<! by I fIQfl-~ mt1TIbH 01 his suB.IASB No.. 95-3291 - On February 7. 1997, Huntsvill e IttOrney Carter Ab n Robinson receivNl public rtprimand withoul it"'n.l publ i" cation. This "-d on I finding by the Disciplinary Commiss.ion 01 the Alabama Stitt Ilir lhIIt Robill.lOl1 had violated 1.16(.)(3) and (d). 8.\(1). and 8.4(1 ) (c) and (g). AbbamIo Rulu of ProfU5ion1.l Conducl. Tho discipli'" was impOl$td in conntction with Robi ....... ·, rep«Stnt.lltlOO 01 a crimmaldtr.ndant " he I.ilfd to promptly comply with reuonable requ'5IS for information , failtd to Jurrendtr J"Iolpt1'1 to which the clienl WM ~nlilltd upon te,m","lion 01 rtprumbtion and knowingly n\lOdt "

°On february 7. 1997. Mobil. allOlTle}' ~" Christie Miller JtUiYed a publk rtprimand wilhoot grrwnal publiOOon This rtprimand __ thr I'$Ilt Ii a ~ilty plea to vioWi~ Rule 8A(b), Abbima Rules 01 ProfHSionol Conduct. "filch proyickos that il .. profwiooal misconduct for a ~ to commit I criminal act that re!Iects ad'IIersely on her fitnw iU i ta..yer. On May 2. ]996. ~tilltf pled guilty in tilt United Sbta District Coot! for thr Soothrm District Ii AIablm:.l to tu evasion in vioWion 0126 US.C. 7Z01. TheK criminal charges arose from her i~t in eertain fi.-.anc:i/ll tnnsartions with &\."ICO. loe. during 1990 and her fajlun to rtp()J\ ... incomt monies m;tMd from \hiJ ~. The ~iNlry Comrnis&ion ddnmined tNt her oon. duct viobItd Rule 8Aib1. AR.I'.C. iOd warranted distiplint pur· >lW1t to Ru(, 22(a)l2). Alabama Rules 01 Discipli.... ry Proctdu!'<, IRule 22; I'rl. 9IHl51

- On March 14. 1997. Gmnville attorney t;dwarll SII'U T#On B...... n 'tcen"ed a ~ublic ,eprimand without ~en.ral publication. In the ]S months lhIIt Brown rtp, ... nttd a divorce dienl, /we bitlfd her for O'>'tr S 11,000 in Ita and expensu.. Wh,'" the .g_mtnl had bHn (or an hourly not. 01 $.85. B,,,,,"" billed her S100 an hour. An .mount eI $1.500 was billtd for lime in m«tings aoo convtTSiltions with an invtlti_ gator who had bHn hired and p;lid dirtctly by the dient. The ''''ui'll'lor ~Ies lNot he only met or with 8 ......" on two oxasions. The discipli .... ry rommi.uion dtl~rmintd thllt Brown had collected an tlIct,Uivt fee. In addition to the Ttpri. maoo.Brown was ordtrtd to make rutitution in tt..lmoont eI $2.000 which /we "'" paid.IASB No. 95-183(A11 •


Bell Richardson. Hunuvill. Stephen Parmly B"",,,. lI,rmongharn R"",,, & R.eYes. Decatur Burge'u & Hale. Bi rmingham \·~Ima




Dawson. McGinty & I'ultt,. Scottsboro ROOtrt C. King. Monroeville Catherine C. I..",.. Auburn

A. Gregg I..owrfy. Pdham llart~1I B. Lutz. B......"IUboro Greg Morril. fultondal. William II. ROOtrUon. Eufaula



"IluWJ'cr l>. \..... ,"" ~--..



I. I"


Alabama State Bar 120th ANNUAL MEETING July 16-19, 1997 路 Montgomery

A Capilol Evening II will be a perleet evening to walk or take a trolley down Oexler Avenue and make thret! stops to see the dlfferenCH that 30 yea.. have made In ti>e beautllully ~t ored capitol, ti>e Impressive rH':W Judklal building and the spaciOUS

Celebrate the Past Welcome the Future Members of /lIe Alabama Stale Bar "come home" to the capital city of Montgomery for this year's annuol meeting - after an absellce of 30 )'eOr.$, As sile of the bar exam and location of Siale bar headquarters, Montgomery is a fomi/ior place /0 Alabama atlomeys. {II I/Ie /osl 30 years, mallY changes have occurred - and certainly more are 011 Ihe way. The Alabama State Bar srrives

a/ways 10 encourage.



prepare its members for the legal profeS5;OII of today - and tomorrow. Per/lOps this is olso (he lime to remember 'he grea/lessons of tile post as well. for it hus been sa,d thaI ~unfess you know where you

have been, you connot know where you are going" From "nulS and

bolts" to stress management Ier:hniqU€5 to low offlce technology and

cut/ing edge ideas, il1noootive eLf programming and outstanding speakers offer each ASS member

the opportunity to joil! colleagues from across Alabama /0 ·celebrote the po.s/ alld welcome the future" logether'


remodeling of lhe Alabama State Bar headquarters. Each location wlllieature one of Montpnery's flnot calerers showcaslngtheir culinary creations and entertain• _.1--"---" menl will range from Jau to classkaJ.

An Evening Of The Arts MONTGOMERY MUSEUM OF RNE ARTS The exquisite Montgomery M""eum of flne Arts provides the perfeclsel1lng for this years membership reception. You·1I enjoy the art. the artistry of "New SQuth)ou-, thoe creative cuisine and thoe captlvallng charm of the complete Alabama $huespeare Feslival complex. After the reception. wander through the Iculpturelllnd statuaryofthoe grounds or auend a perfor .....nce .t one of the world·famOtls Alabama Shakespeare Festlval theaters.


~~ va ~~~~

al'!: available lor ASB Annual Meeting auendees for Friday, July IS. 1997. 11ckets are available f -GHOSTS- (In the Octagon) or -MACBITIf"" (on lhoe FestlVlll Stage). Special group rates 01 120 (plus $/. 7S uu) apply only If you IdenHfy yourself as an ASB MEMB£R. RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE DlREC1l..V wrrn ASf AT 1-3'l().MI.... Z73 or (334) 271-5353. Curtain time 113 p.m.. IoIlowing the ASB reception at the Museum 01 Fine Arts. No exchanges or refunds can be made.


loIlowing '- partial list oIropks that 1I~~~::::::':w:..:.,=':"""=.~m~."" A Jinal a. schedule will be malled to

at a later dale.



• Updates/Developmen ts In Workeu"

Compensation Issues


• Updates In Disability Law

Y 6, 1997 CU;SumnlerSch I Topks Include u;: for AUorn,.,ya 01 sub&lanUv,., and ates and trends both

• Administrative Due Proces s: "Hold 'Er,

Newt. She's Headed for the Barn" • Meet Ihe Environmen tal Regulators: ADEM

• Avoid Malpractice In Criminal and Employment Practice: T he

Immigration Act of 1996 • The Dog That Caught the Car: "The Reali ties of Ar bi tratlng Employment Discri mination Claims"

TECHNOLOGY ISSUES • law "A Practica l Guide 10 the Internee

• Let's Get Technical: Cyberspace Law • Incorporating Technology In Your Practice

SOLO AND SMALL ARM ISSUES • Practice Management for Solo and Small Firms • Fourteen Things I Wis h I Had Learned During My First Year of Practice • Pay Up: Gelling Clients 10 Pay Your fees Without Suing Them • Rx for Trouble


I;OO '5" 5P.M ·

(4.0 CU: hour$)

practical nature

THURSDAY' July 17 "

8,3(). 12:311 P'~'. p w, Jenary, ijreak~1



2:00.5;00 P.M, ~'" ~JOf1 MeetIngs Break"',,1 and SecUon . Tburaday, /2:30 . 2:00 p~eetltlgs Bench and Bar Lul>Ch~ . fRIDAY: JUly 18 1997

8:30. 12:30 P.M. ' Plenary. BreakoQu . 2:00.5:00 P.M. I and Secl lon Mffilngs Break--OUl lind Secllon fi1.d.. y, 7:30 _ 9:00 A.M. MffiinRS RIse and Shille Ea I Friday, 12:30 _ 2;00 ' / CU: WOrbhops AlumnI luncheons . .


SAnJRDAY' Jul 19 8:3O-9:1SA.M. y , 1997 Annual Commlu~ T\u

9;30 • NOOo k Force BreaklilSl Gr""<le Convocation and Mffiing Annual BuSJlless

NlITS AND BOLTS TOPICS • BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND: "Law-The Baslcs~ !'resented by Ihe Committee on A<:cess 10 Legal Servkel. Topics Include Divorce and Custody. Gu.ardl....ship and ConservatorshIp. ~nkruptc:y (Chapter 7), ~I Collection. Pow~rsl)/ AUorney and Will OraftlnS". and Eslale AdmInistration. (3.0 hours CLE)

• A NEW SEMINAR: "A·I:. Nuts and Bolls of State Court PTacUce" P~nted by lhoe Alabama lawyers Association. lealu.[nS" Supreme Court Justice Ralph Cook and rorm~r Circuit Judge K~l\ne\h Simon (2.0 houro eu:)

Update; Fraud and Puni tive • Damage l!MIues in Alabama

o f Cases to • the Court of Civil Appeals ~Den ~tion M

• Upda tes In Federal Law and Practice • At a Crossroads; The Fl'" Amendment, TI Ue Vl I and EEOC RegulatlolU • An Interpl ay of Fln t

Amendment Oauses: Free Speech, Free Elr:erci8e a lld Establishme nt • The Cha llenge of Coun&el at Homewares Corporation, USA Interactive video discussion concerning p roblems faced by practicing lawyen • Rita's Case:

The Lawye r as a Proble m& lve r Video and panel . discussion: companson of two different ~/es . of lawyer counselmg m a complex custody case

Looking for a Normal • Lawyer: The Slippery Slope TOWill" d Im pairment-


Are Yo u?

Where ' t discusses 'ca l psycho Iog/s

tl1:n~rofile of a well-<ldjusled



AND SPEAKERS BENCH & BAR LUNCHEON MyrOn H. Thompson. chief jUdge, U.S. District Court, Middle District of Ala bama, Montgomery, Alabama

PLENARY SESsIONS, MIRTHMAKING _ The Rela llons hlpu iban cillg, Stre8&-Husling, an d Psychologfcal Value of HtUnor Mark Mayfield, nallonal motivational speaker, Kansas Cfly. MiSsourI A LOOK BACK. .,A LOOK AHEAD Warrell B. Ugh lfOOI, ASB preSident. mOdera tor Former Supreme COurt Chief JUSlices: Howell Heflin; c.c. "80" Torbert; Ernes t C. "Sonny' Horns by

GRA~'DE CONVOCAnON Officer Installations, bar recOgnitions and more ...

Alabama State Bar 120th ANNUAL MEETING J uly 16-19, 1997 - Montgomer y



form and check \0:

1997 Annual MeeUng. Alabama Stale Sar, P.O. Box 67], Montgomery, AL 36]01.


Fo r information on registration, call (334) 269-1515.

HOTEL RESERVATIONS 110lel room I'tlKr vatiQn' for

E.u baMy Suite. an to be made through the Alabama State Bat. (All sessions 01 the aalllual m""Uny will be held lIthe Embassy Suites or MontJlOflM!r y Civic eml .....) llot,,1 reservations for the !Ja llday Inn o f MonlJlo",,,ry s hould IN\ made DlRECTLV wlth Ho liday In n by calling 1.J34..264-223 L.

Alabama State Bar

120TH ANNUAL MEETING July 16-19, 1997 路 Montgomery, Alabama


MONTGOMERY HOTEL RESERVATIONS Hotel room rese r vat ions fo r Embassy Suites are 10 be nlad e th rough th e Alabama Stale Bar. (All sessions 01 the annual meet ing will be held at the Embassy Suites or Mon tgomery Civic Cen ter.) Hotel rese r vat ions fo r the H oliday Inn of Montgomer y should be mad e D1REcny with Holiday Inn by calling 1-334-264-2231.

EMBASSY SUITFS HOTEL RESERVATION REQUFST TIlE HOTEL RESERVATION fORM MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR ANNUAL MEETI NG REGISTRATION FORM. To ensure Illal you re<:eive the guaranteed room rale. you must reserve your room no later than June 16, 1997.

NaOl" __________________________________________________________________________ Add~$'


Clly'______________________________________________ 5Iale'_______

Zip COOe'_________

r.rm ________________________________________ Daytime Telephone ____________________ Arrival Day/Date ______________ Number of Rooms ____

Departure Oay/ Date ______________

Number of Adults

Number 01 Children

Rate Includes a complimentary cooked-to-order breakfast each morning as well as a complimentary Manager's Reception each eventng_The special rate Is lor sIngle or double occupancy and applies \0 double or king suites. All rooms a"l suttes and are $99. Although specilic rOOm type cannot be guaranteed. ever y effort will be make to accommodate specIal requests. CHECK THE ROOM TYPE PRf.fERRFD: _ King _Double _ Non路smoktng _SmokIng In order to confinn this reservation request. a deposil equal 10 one nlgh!"s room rate Is required. Please endose your check or money order. o r provide credtt card Informalion below: PLEASE BIU MY CRFDIT CA RD:


__ MasterCard

__ American E".xpress

Diners Club

Carte Blanche

__ Discover

Cam No. ____________________________________ Expi ration Date'_____________ Cardholder路, Signature ____________________________________________________________ PLEASE MA KE CH ECKS PAYABLE TO I:101I:1ASSY SUITES. Do not send currency. CANCELL\TlON PQU CY: You will be charged lor the first night II reservations are not canceled 48 hours prior to arrival. CHECK路IN TIME: 3:00 p.m. CH ECK.oUT T IM E: Noon

Alabama State Bar 120TH ANNUAL MEETING July 16-19, 1997 ' Montgomery, Alabama


NAME (as you wish 1110 apprar on ""me badge) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __

Check categorles Illat apply;

B.a. Commlu loMr

Local Bar President


OFACEPHONE _ __ ____________________ AODR~;








REGISTRATION FEES Ad ....~ ReglsIno,lon

By June 16

AnerJune 16

o Alabama State Bar Members .. __ ................................................. r ull.timeJudges .........................................................................

$130.00 S 65.00

1175.00 $ 87.50


o Allorney5 admitt ed 10 the bar five year. or lell ..................

$ 65.00 $300.00

$ 87.5(1 SJOo.OO


o NOn-Member (don not apply to spouse/guest 01 registrant)


Beoch & Bar luncheon .•.•........................................... ,•....•..•... ,.. "A Caphol Evening" ...................................................................

No. of llckelS . SI6.50each .....•. _... _.............. • $30,00 each ...........................

.·riday, Ju ly 18. 1997 ChrlMlan Legal Society Breakfast_ ............................................ . Farrah Order 01 Jurlsprudenee/Order of the Coif Breakfast . University of Alabama Sc:hooI of Law Alumni Luncheon _..... Cumberland School 01 t...w Alumni Luncheon .... _.................. )00"",

Sc:hooI 01 uw AlumnI Luncheon ... _...............................

.'IS.00each ............... 8S12.00 each ........................... tj '2(1.00 each ........................... . $IS.oo.,a.:h .................. __ .......


S ____

$:=== ':=== :=== Colt


S S $

BirmIngham Sc:hool of Law Alumni Luncheon ........................

• S 14.00 each ................... _... _. QSIS.ooeaeh ...........................


"Evening 01 the ArIS" Receptton . .. ... .. ....................................... .

Q $35.00 each .............


TOTAL EVENT l 1CKiITS.. .................

:=== :=== Fee.



$; _ _ __


Appropriate paymmt must accompany registration lonn. Payment by check Is requested. Mall registration fOl"m and c heck to : 1997 Ann ....1 Meeting, Ala bama State 8M. P.O. Box 67 1, Montgomery. Al 36101. ADVANCE REGISTRATION FURMS MUST BE RECEIVEO NO L\ITR TIlAN JUNE 16. ]997. CanceUatlons wit h full refunds may be requested through noon, Wednes day. July 9,1997. Fo r inforonatlon o n regls t ra\lon , call (3.'14) 269-1515.

MONTGOMERY HOm. RF.SERVATIONS Hotel room r6e~Uons for Embaay Sullet .... 10 be made through the Alabama State Bar. (All sesstons 01 the annual mefllng wtll be held at the Embassy Suites 01' Montgo"",ry Civic Center. Hotel reservations lor the Holiday Inn 01 Montgom ery all<lu ld be made DlRECTlV wtlh Holiday Inn by calling 1--334-264-2231.

A Look Back •••

A Look Ahead • • • THE PEOPLE

Then ... • Prrsidr n l, Robert E.. Steiner. OJ, Montgomery • PrrsIdenl~leC1: James E. "Red" Clark, Birmingham • Seocretary: John B. Scon • c,o,Derai Couneel, William H. Morrow, Jr. • Dlredor. ctE: Douglas IAnfOld • Younglawye n.' PTH.Iden l: Be,t S. Nel iles • Montg<;>mery Coun ty Bat PT'eSIdenl: Harry O. Cole

THE. pLACE. Then ... • 90th "'.,lImal Medlng 20-22 \967

• July

Now . ..

' \ MontVOm<'!ry

• Whitley Hole.

• P~den t' Wa~n B. UghUOOI, Blnnlngh~m • P realde nl<4!lect: S. OagnaJ Rowe, Huntsville • Secr.:tary: Keith B. Nor man

Now . .. • \2OIh Moual Meeting

• Genen.1 COUluoel: 1. Anthony McLain

• july 16-\9. \997 Montgomery

• Embassy Sul!es.

• Director. CI.E: Edward M. Patterson • You ng Lawye ... • Presid e nt: Andy D. Birchfield, Jr. • Montgome r y Counly Bar ";:~"'~ " ....... Id en l: Willi am R. Blanchard, Jr.


Then ... • Alabama School of Law

• Cumberland School 01 Law

Now ... • Alabama &Il001 of Law • Cumberland School of Law • Blrmlnllharn School of LiI"" • Jones School 01 law • Miles College

9 9 7 ANNUAL




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R ECENT D ECISIONS n, 1t/lburC. Silbnman

B AN KRUPTCY Eleventh Circuit •• ctud •• IRA from debtor's •• tate

In TC ~I«I/(m. 102 r3d 1209 (\ lit> eir. bn. 8, 19971. In this dwopltf 7 cut,

1M dtblor contcnc1t4 1m IRA

funds \rtf' uducltd from her ~It un<lu Bankruptcy Cooe 'SutcH:!). The

bankruptcy court ~nd diltrict coun held for lh. lru.te •. Th. EI",,,,nth

Circuil m.'!'~d. The dtblor ~ con· Itndtd thot undtr tS.l(d(21 J "'striction on lfilnsler 011 benefICial interest in .. trust. tnforcnble under non-blink· ""piC)' law. is likowiM enforceable in bankruptcy. "'..II if n<)I 1m. ill to olh.. restrictions. Debtor a.sut<! that under

Ceorgi" law. funds from an IRA an: exempt from a gam;$hmtnl. 1lle IruslH ruoontd thai Ihis Jhould not apply in b;onkruplcy btc.IoU$e u... rnlridion was not 1I part 01 !hot trust

docurmnl. INt th. ~bIOT IIad atctsS to tht fUnib for p"5OOal UK. and that the ffsl.ktion applied only to ,«,<.lito... Th. "prell"te court wu uno",")'.d. II N id tlullth. pillin muning of tilt word. rrquir. only thJ.t tht rUlriction be ".nforcubl. und.r Ipptiwt. non-lNnkruptC)' law. " Section 5oIt(,1(2) rud5:

_0_ . ...... . -...... -....... -_ ..... -_. _... .... _-__ 0 .

,'e, .,....

"'." .... '"

WW- '





A r••triction on th. tr.lluftr of I beneficial interest 0( the Irkbtor in a lrust thJ.1 i, enforuobl. under iIlPliable nonI:wokruptcy law i$ mIorn:. abI. in lr a.. under thi, litk. It d tt~rmin.d that th. wor~5 "in ~ modify lho wonb "ben.ficial interest of lho debtor" and do not modify tht 'oOr'Ord ",.slriction" (t« f.n. :; in the Opinion). In rdyill./l upon Pallf!TSOfl It. Shumatt. 112 S.D. 224211992). the court di5powl of tht contention thJ.t it would be inequitabl. to allow tht debtor to Invadt the trm!. The SUPn!11K Court in 1'ulltfSOrl f'. Shumatt held that even though Shumate turcised coosidtoable rontrol "'... tht lru!;t, a cmlilO!" could not allach 11K fund. Thus. thr EI ..... nth Circuit naw holds thit undtr G«trgi<i law, In IRA trust fund is inviolate to a b.tnkruptcy tru5tee. tru~t"

Commonl: The Alabamll!a"'Y'" should r"";"'" the OJIinion of IbnkruptC}' Judge Stibon in In Fe fWrh'ss, 1818.R. 719 {l995). In his opinion, Juclgt Stil$Ofl referred to tht lower court Opinion in Me/dum for authority thJ.I 1547(c)(l) W35 not helpful to the trult .. , but then rultd lho fund was exempl, not und .. 1547Ic)(I). but becaUKAlWma Codt S«tion 19-3-1 pnMolts In mforcuble tullll'lion. Appoomlliy tho Eleventh Cirruit sno' no rtaoSOllto d~inguish be~n ",emption and restriction. W. quote from tho OJIinion in stlling out the KCtioni of Georgia law applicable: funds or bendits from an individool retirement :tCCOUnt IS ddined in S«tion 408 0( tht Un'ltd Statts Inttrnlil R..... nut Codt 0( 1983, as amendtd, lartl u""'pt from the proctll of gami.hment until paid or

otherwist transferr.d 10 a memb.!r of wch program or beneficiary lhereof. lemplwis IUWlitd) The Court followed this qootation by

<t/t.,i'I( 10 tht~~ut. "" a mtriLtion on alimlltion 0( tho IRA funds.

On fraUd exception to dl.c ....g., Eleventh Circuit





•• complying wit"

1523I.JI2JA-Debto. doll. not ".ve to indivld ..... Uy ..celve fruit in order to dot excepted from dlu:".rge , .. 'l! Paul tl. Bi/zeriun. 100 nd 886 II I th Cir. Ooc. 3, 19%), In thi. first impRSSion cast in the E~nlh Circuit. the Court held 1hJ.1 il was not ntCG500ry for the dtbtor 10 obtain dirt<:liy .....-..y or p<OIIfrty in qualion. but thil the dischJ.rit COUld be .~p1.d il the debtor r«eiwd bellenu from the tr~"saction. A I... ud cast ",'as bl"OOllht 19linst Silurian in tho Taas U.S. Oist,ict Court wilh ~n allegation lhit Biberiltl. by mure-pr~ntations. indU«d 5OIlIot $20 million to be i"""sltd in a limiltd partnership. In the Tu.:u diltrict court, the jury d«ided that lli l ~.ri3n was guilty of iKtool fraud and awarded almost $27 million in tOmPfruotory cbmIIgH and OWr $1 million in punitiw cWmgu. DilaNn then nltd d\ap(er 7 in l'1oridi. The binlcfUlltC)' court held lhJ.t lhe debtor was collal ....11y tslOpptd from litigating lhe fraud qut5lion ..... n though the mone)' Involvtd in the fraud did 001 go directlY to Ihe debtor bul rlither 10 tht corporation in ",iokh tho dd!tor had a benefICial int~ Thr debtor arguotd thit he was mtilltd 10 a IUlTIImry judgme-nt b«.iust collate ...1 "toppel should not apply ,ince lhe Te~ court did not actually litigate the

iuur. The ~ptcy court 8rmtfd the summary judgment in fa\>Or 01 the debtor buing its Md~ion upon the thfory that evi!kn<~ did not ~00w lhat the debtor individually obuinfd iny monty by rUSOn of the allefled f... ud. On ~OI.I. the Florida district court rcvtrsrd the ~cy court .... tinfl Ihllt §523(lIH21A rf'quires only thlll the debtor l'KtiYo 01. bo ....· fit ....... i<h may bo irolirea H ~II H dirtet. and furth« thllt the issue was litigated in the Texas courl. which would allow coIlat ....1ut~1 to apply. The EI,.....nlh Circuil dfirlrM:d tho district (oort on both !$sUH.. 11 fir$! Slated that this WollIlI malter oj first imP«l' lion in the Elevenlh Circuil; lhere was a divergence in the courts as to whelher a debtor must personall y receive money bofo«, the uception 10 disch.lrgtc can awly. 1I..,.,.·,.....r. il further suted INot Ihl"ft circuit COOTU hIIIl iidoptfd the "teeipt of benefits" theory. lind that no circuit COUTU hIIIl held oth· erwise. The Eleventh Circuil. in OI.dop\ing the "receipt of bon · efits- thwry. Nid that to hold otherwise would be a (langerow incentivt for a "",hislicaled debtor 10 tvlld. the proo;;lion as 01. lhell cOrpor,illion could bo eruled 10 I'KtM the fruits of the fnoud. 11 then commented on the (oIlaleral estoppel concept lind «'putt<! from prior c.asn the elements which must bo present. to·wit; (I) issun l r' identical. (2) lhal the hlonkruplcy issue ;!Ctually was li tigated in lhe prior Ktion. (3) thlltlhe issue WllS 01. critical OI.nd necessary ~rt of the judgmenl In the iiliilllion. (4) Ihill the bu,*n of persua· lion in the dischllrge prclC«ding in b.inkruptcy must not be significantly mo«' than Ihal in the initiaillction. It held Ihal .11 oflhe.. element. were met in thit CIoM" and IMrdore, COIlOl.leral estoppel applied.

and Ihllt 1M "lIleemfnl was brood f1IOIlIJh to proyide for "recoupment of attorneys' fees in b.inkruptcy proceedings". Comment! The AlienI point in Ihil cue ~ that the ltate 1."Iw;1 iOl'fftetivt to prf\'tnt altorneys' fttJ aJ"""'"lII1CH onder 506(b). rsely it would lIPPW" that re.asonabImm would not be OI.CCOfdinfllo ....t. bw 0< prtctdenl, e.g. lIJ"""'"lIlC1I oIstalt<! percenuges, but that -,usooableneu" would hII>... 10 be pfO'.'ed in every insunee where attorney lea afO 5OOflht.


Qw.,., Does thilll"lWllhat the fee should bt proyen in 1M S&ITIt manOI'1" :II


CASH R I G ~IT. IN C. Mu>reu.-I.£CALCONSULTINC <;.\a.IOI< lO.\D.

mately $600.000. Under Bankruptcy Code Seclion S06(bJ it 500ght reimbursement of 1It10rtwy$ fees of 538.052.63. The . .urily a(rnmt1l1 did not prOYidt lor reimburseromt of atlO<ney but did pnMdr lor "It I 00Sb of cotlection including txptnsts. " Collection lees ~re not allowable under NO<1h t>.1lcota I""" and using Ihil as a b.isil. the truslee. object~d 10 any allowance. The lIankruplC)l Court and District Court ~tainrd lhe objection. The Court of Aweals fi~ rd.meI 10 U.s. u. Ron PoW &!t~ hlC•. 109 S.C!. 1026. lOOO....-hich held """ in the ~ of "lim-rom!, po$\.pdition inkre:st il the only addi· tional f<'C(lvtf)lll~tlo obtain attorneys fees Undef S06Ib) the ( reditor must show (II il is OIItr-secured in e:u:w of ff'QUtsW fees: (2) the fees ~re rasonabIt. and (3) I.... 1m pr0vided lor Llndtr the a(rftmfnt. TM court in iottrpnting S06Ibl and IegislatiYo hillOry determined thaI bankruptcy law lrumps ,tat. law. thllt lhere it no n«d to consider state !3w.


'1Oi.\. _




Why 6,000 Lawyers use

Commonl! The <;our!.. in its opinion. admitted thaI courts should narrowly colutrue uceptions to dischu~ ~irut 1M creditor and in fll'-'or of lhe debtor. but held I ~t tM statute in quHtion did not in ~ny Wiy mrui«, thllt the debtor dirrctly 1«..n.., the lxMfit.

Eighth Circuit allow_ attomey f __ to ova,.. cured c.-.dlto" laven thCH.Igh prohibited by _tata law) hi .. St:/Iriod Constructioll. Inc. 104 F.3d 200 (Eigtlth Cir. Jan. 8. 1997). TM sccumllHldtr was OYtNKuml by approsi·

mJIliml by the ~ttorneys for 1I debtor or


'" Ik>I TyptS<:1 look In 8.>nlcrupu:y PQo"nlS. '" F:tSICSI. fnoendliest ooft....:uc "' ,.,.. only sof!W:lIC wnh oolit'm l .. rcl1wc-" IIc1p. '" AutO/n,lIe I'lan Oml''''g. ~4 cu>tOnt pI,ns 10 $;IlIsfy,1l dis/riels. '" films (~k.tisu. docollt 'IU">l1OrlJU11l!



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id< ~TI, iIf1 "llomoy with a pr.octice in /I :sm.lll Alabama lown. alway$ Lookt<l O'>'e' tilt day's awoinlmtflt s<htdu~ the fim thing ud> momi"ll beIort he kit for the wurthoo.tst. This mom· ing he ootkx<l that his 5«rtb l}l h;od $Chrdultd an appointment at 3 p.m. with EIUIt Morg:m. '"Elaine Morgan: Dick thooght to himstlf. "\\'hl'.l h.awnl .... n ..... mot'( than lhlft or four limes siru _ tndu· ate.! from t,;gh ..moo! JO yean 1rQO. I WOI'Idtr what sht "WIts mt to dQ for her: Did< ~ his stCfttIry....tlat Ewllt hMI...,id "ftm Jilt Qlled. "Something about her mother" w.I.! the reply. This ctrta.inly didn 't gM Dick much 10 go on. but in his busy practict:. he oIt~ wmt into appoint. mmlS without mllCh oh clue ",hat questions wtrt goilljj 10 be ~ Most Il'OPk in !lis ~ty knew he was /I general ~raditionfT who did a goo..! bit of probate work. d'1lfttd wills. wmt to dlvoroe court. family court. debton court. Iw>dIed lin'l!)le ruI 8, htritl' ntatt IranACtions. and gmt",11y tried 10 han. dle whattwr walked in the door. H. c.r(ainlywouki do his bat lOr EIai ..... as he hMI dont th""'llhoul his mou tim 20 yean of (lfaClia. All •• " h«Iic day at court and two t.l.lier ~ntmtnt.! that il'l\lOll...d nth« rwty divorces. Dick (0"",,11)' looked up to .... Elaint Morpn. a little pllJITII'IH !han in high KhooI and now gm;ng, walk into his o/flQ. II. _ ...TJ>riHd to .... " parD 01 people ....ilh 00. He rose to grnl her. "Elaine. iI's bffi1l1iong Ii,,", since our high school \IiyJ. hasn1 il~ llow is life treating)'Ol.l1'" he Qid. holding out h;,,;!wId and stWIing hm. "And "too ~ )'OU brought with )'01.1 hut?" He again ext.r.ded hil hand to grtel a man probably thrH or foor ~rs ~. !IWl hirmtlf and W WOfTWl ",no stood cloody by hU sidt.1\no!hn" cwpk stood bthind lOOn. E~ ... introduad It.. ho.v roupIes. rtminding Did that lit knew htr }'OlInger brother. Bill~. and her 'istu. Evtlyn. who had come ...ith spouses. "I bditYt ""'e .--l to rn<M' to our conftmlOl: mom so ~11 aU have ~ pi.« to sit," lit Jaid H Ilt ~ ~ ....'11}'.



Aftu gettinc w . . 'hoIe crowd situ~ttd, ~ EL.tine. "What tim I do for }'OlIr Itt ~n. "Well. Oick. My next-door oogh. bor suggtstld tNt "'~ COI'IW to ... attorney immldiakiy btauK Mother i~ in the ho$pital and it looks likt w'sl!Oing to netIl to go to a nol"$lng home. He $Ii)'S""" should get all 1It.;wets traIlSferred out of her ""lilt so she can qualify for Medicaid. And I think t should !:It ~ud htr ~rdian or what ..... r. since t"m the one who takes care oflltr all th< ti ....: Thi, t.t SUttlllmt IHmtd to imbt.

"' ......

Ok~ w;u tol.>lly unfamiliar "ilh Medicaid. lie kntw that gelling a

guardWWli~ _ a ti .... consuming and cpemM aw~ to

thing!. Du rable powers ofauomfy wert che"",. and mort flexible if the pmoo tli-inil tht powtT ....... COITq)dtnt to gi\.~ it. Befort Dick eQuid rom men\, Billy Jaid. "I think Mom should gi"" 9th ofw $10.000 50 thtrt won .. bt 8. Ruman illY gift taus to pay. I al$o think rTI)' name ,hould bo add.d to her chtcking account J; nct t"m." iruuruKtigtnt and know II! about busil'ltSS: Dick wondtrtd;obout Billy's bwineu arumtn Jince lit could not imagine that Mrs. Morgan's tJl~lt WU 1~'1t enough tholl either girt taxu Or utat. taxu were an issue. but porh.lp.s he W.>S jumping to conclusions. He did 11.-. tNt adding "" adult child \0 a checking ...:count could CcaUM problems if that child got in trouble ....ith creditors, since lilt account would bo wb}tcl to crfllitor daims. II oould also !:It 1M poMible subject oil prq>erty dnision if 1M adult child should bo party 10 a diYortt. So lit would not ad\.ix this <;QUI"M of action "Well. I h.lve Lhrtt children." Jaid Evelyn. "and J oould use htr IlouK.I Lhinky'a1t g i l \aU tht l110Ileyand give .... It.. t>ouw: Did knew lhat if Mrs. Morpn 1Ioi'~ htr housca..-ay. U. prr_ son ~Mng lilt gift would alsog.t Mrs. Morgan·s basis in 1M house for capital g.oins We purposes. It would be bottu if Mrs. ~ sold tht hr:IuM: so shr could UK the (Inf-ti .... capital gaim We oclusion of up to $125.000 availablt 10 htr bu:;uOS(

h WilS 0'\'tT 55 )'W'S old. Or h 03U1d ~ it to iOI"I"OtO!lr in hfr will: in this Wly the btofft<;;"rywould ~ the houH with ~ basis ~t.ppt<l UP to current markot valut. Brion Dick 03U1d org..niu thrK thoughu into a:mmentJ. ~ shouting matdllUrttd bttwHn Iht siblings. including Iht SfOOUKS. twt'jOJnt thT(M;ng in their OfJinion about how Mrs.. Morgan's weu ihould be dr.'idtd. "What \Iou }'OUr moIher want to do?" Dick finally uktd afltr he ~ !IOtten Ihtm to setlle 1io:M't\. Thty alllooI<N ~t him blanldy. "Why, ~'J too sick to ~ to think iIIbout Ihe!t thing•.: Ew"",1't:SpOfIIIed. ,,"'r thougJIt _ """,kI handl~ All d this for her: "!low much moot}' is in...otve.l?" !lick uktd. starting 10 l.uce notes vigorously, "W. figure II>I.t ~ has «rtifgtes 01. 6tpo6it worth SI25,OOOand _ think~ probaIlIylwilibout $25.000 in ca.h .whtd in her sal. drpo&it 1m. plus her housoe. "t.ich is ~ for and is probably worth iIIbout $100.000. All IOUltd. ~ probably has S25O.000 in weI.!. And she has a monthly income, what "'th Social Sfcurily and her rdirmwnl. 01. $1..500 _h


"And }'OU ~t it all giwn to)'OU 50 ~ QI1 bt pIactd on • _Ifare proQ)'3lll?" Dick askfd, WOf'o(\ering if peorIe actually did this and if the Mtdicaid ~'It)' I.t them. ......'tll. Daddy used to.ay before he difd that he introdtd thaI _ should inherit and _ ..-I1ht moroty. Why ihould Iht nursing homt lid it All?" mpondtd Billy, oo.ious!y ~ronItd tNt I)kt: would fYtfI rai$¢ Iht ~. Something aboullhi ••il..... lion ""'" making Oick ...1")' UI"I<;()ITI' IorUbl •. All kirob 0( alarms were sounding in his brain although he couldn) pinpointlht tIQd _ for his distress. Ht dill knoor thaI Ihis sitwtion ""lIS OIM' th>t dest-Md some thoughtful coro;ider.!.tion btf(:u he made any MlJW:stions. "I think I probably need 10 visit your mothtT btforr _ taM any iIIction irwo/ 1It,-u. Yoo knoor, .11 ~ 10 sign any dorummu I ""'p,,",: he aaldlO alllht Morgan children. "I don't know: respoodtd Ewne.looking at her brother and sist ..... for suPllOl1. "She'illiittle ~ thrK ~ W.11 rIftd 10 Qld> her on II good day." I ............ what "fIazy" ~ lhought Dick. mort alarms going off. "Elaine. you rIftd to givt me infonnation about whe",)'OUr mothtr is and how I can I/fI in touch "ith ton. Aft.. I've mtt with her. I'll bt MIlt to PnlPOK' 03Urse d action for you. 1"11 all )'OU and set up anotlltr meeting lOS soon lOS I've ifffI her: With that,lht Morgan children and Ihtir SfOOUKS. all looking pretty di!$;lti$llfd. Itfl Dick BT(MTI'! off" •. Whol do I do now? Dick lISI«d himSotif lOS he IooI<N 0'\'tT Iht notes he I1ad hurritdly ,,-. lIt tsptCiaIly itudit<! Iht q.>tSIion!. lit hid jotttd 1io:M.. 001 lime lit had ht.>rd ~ btll 01. abrm lO\lnd in his brain. Who is ITI)I cllent? Are there any potential conflicu hert?ls M11. /4orgu1 fWn C(lII"Iptltnt 10 tnt.,. ~ ~fWlCiai transxlionI.l What log.ilItoois art availablt 10 help Iht tkltrty prtpart lor Iht issut d long tmTt (4",1 And will Mtdic:Ud let )'OU givt )'OUr rrIOIII'Y ~~ 5O)'OU can Q1JlIlify for what i. oI:MousIy a welfare

progr;.m? Is this moral or rlhial? And whtrt tan II/fl help in ilI"ISWfring It..... qumion!.? The first thing that L>ick did was all a fri.nd at Iht AIaba .... Stat. &r to ask if thert were ~ CLE mat.riab on tho subjoct ~ MedIc.Iid and duling withokler peopIe's_ tit hil pay dirt. lIis fritnd told h,m that not only had there betn sewn! continuing tducation sessions on the subject 0( elder law. which included ~tediaid planning, but that only recently lhe president 0( Iht bJ,r had appointtd ill! Elder law 1W< Foret whoso purpost is to orpnizt an EJdtr Uw Stction 0( Iht sIAlt bJ,,.. Soon Did< had the Nmes 01. the w.k fM:t "*,,a'$ and copiH ~ articles on Iht "'1")' subjects ~ conctm 10 him written II)' SoMrai 0( the speciali.u on the wk fom-. AlUr ~ng Iht ~rticlt$. Dick ill \u$t Itll I"nkWtd confKlm« in his own instiroclJ.. All thoot lIlamo$ $IlIJnding in hl$ boin ~ pftWfittd him from falling into ~ dtt\I pit d OOIations d the Code of Profes&ional Conduct which stood optn btfOrt tilt urno.'lOI")'. II. felt lik •• iamb who had b«n Siwed from the slaugh· tor 0( rru.lpractic •. l ie ~ Q.Oined rwdrd iruigllt into answtring Iht question!. stiliSlaring at him from his Itg;oI !MIl Anno MosesdBirrningtwn and John Ilarrisdl'1ortn«. both wk for« mtmbtrs. had written ~nt. "rticlts on the ir.sues 01. rtprtsentation and compotefit)'. Anne argued that our i:Xi$ti"ll Itg;ol fra.........oo. is not geared 10 dealing with tho world 0( the tkltrIy, btcaust oor Codes d F..thics and d ~I ~!il)' art d,~td ICM-'a1d 0Ik attomty ~ng 0Ik ditrlt. The rt:aIily. how.."u, lOS Did< had ifffI in his offt<;t, was that elder law oI\~n duls with the inlertst> 0( a soo;ial unit----.-the lami~ opposed 10 00f indr.idwol. Thertlo",. the fint qoaOOn that an tkIrr \awyrr nttdi 10 addtai is. "Who is ITI)I elimt?" The t)"1IiaI 5CtNorio is an appoint""",t attnldtd by " family which lkrceives itKlf as a a:mmunal whole. not lOS separate AIthoogh they are Kd<~ "tw. is best for Iht family unit, not jwt the tklmy pmon. II \awyrr is traintd 10 know lhal his Or Iltr rt![lOl"l!ibility is to advocate for only one inttrest. If he fonds II>I.t he is represtnllng more than or« int..· o:st, Iht Iawyrr must ror4idt. Iht rlhicaI irrlf'li<::illionJ iri\.'OMd. Fllrthtr. many linw:s in thio ~ the inttmts i"",*,w may bt in oonIlict. The nttdi 0( Iht elder!}> parent for Iong·ttnn Cart may be different/rom the i\ffiJs "lid wanu 01. tilt children. who may rd want to 10K thtir in!w,ibra toa nUrJillll homo or bt burdened with ~Iom or Dad living in their houst. Did< ltimed tNt if both Iht ekltr1y ptfSOIllllld Iht r-ily _'" to be rq>rt:seTItf\! by him. ~II i!>YOMd must consent ott •• being fully informnl 0( the implications 0( the l"l'Mible oonHict and 0( single representation. Since distnchantrntnt down Iht IWd is • JigniflCllnt ",obit",. r~tion d only orot iourest from Iht btginningli by br Iht mDSI prudent 03UiW 10 1oI1ow. Aftt, dottmolroing who his climt ,,"lOS lIIld ........1. if~. 1Xlnnicts tlltre might be. Dick concluded thatlhe next wile would be to be mit to the mmtal capacity 0( the tll!.r clitrlt. in onIer to dtttnni"", if tho ditnt would'" ap;!bIe 0( undtrstanding Iht procw ..mich would otaI1 and _tilt diml_ PRY to undut infIlIfrlCf or duress. tit Iumtd that somr tkltrly propie rt:aIly do ~ "good" and "bad" days..IId ewn are more alert at cer-


\;lin periods within lilt day. furthtr. mtdic:ation an hwt an i"'l*t on a1trtnn.f. llxl'tfcn. it is ~ Irgitimate coosidtration to pick a tim< 10 m<d wlltn lho .kl..1)' cli.nt an bo upfctw to bo ~Ierl. 001 "fuuy". lIulo U<l{~). AHI'C, stales !NI tile LJo".-yer should, as f.v as m· tooaflIy pOSSi:IIe. mainIain ~ nonnaI client·L.n.')'tI' rdalionship f\'m when !he elm',ability to mab ~dy <:O':InNdmd drciMq in oonnordion ,,-iIh ~ion is impairtd. Thone"" •. lhe auOOle}' is 001 n«es.sarily obIill/llW by !he Ruin 01 Professional Conduct to aswt.lin a clitnr. mtntal <:K ~icaI condition. Still. !he iliOOle}'!--'s 10 bo ~'i~ that tht is6ut <3/1 Ill: an 1~1 one whm questions 01 undut ~ iIIId lick 01 QPiCity au raised by thin! partitI. ~ly whm JUdI don>menU IS ~ durablt powtf 01 allomty or a will om ~ tuCUttd.

Wlltn it C4IDt 10 <;OnSi<Itri"ll tile Itg;!ol tools _ibblc 10 help clients plan for maintaining ioo.peno,lt",. and prepariflll for Iong·tmn car•• l)kk was glad to find exltruivt arlicln writtm by task 10m: mtmbm Glory Sbnko of Anniston and AndmoI Potts u Birmif'4llwn. As he had firll thought !he oJul7lble ~ u attornty was grutly pure.....,l. to a guon1ian!.hip or_owtorship. A PQA can address bo4h financial and heolJth and I'I'TIOO' ~I em: i5sues. He ~bo rU<J aboul living wills and illler ,.j,m lrum and ,,-hl:n tIleir ~ is 3(lpropr1.tlf. It. wlS iflttltilW in c;ornmrnU by Anne Mo5es and l.yon Dmpisi u Binningham ~mi"ll tht financingulong·ltnn W't •• 10 IIOIW tspfciaIly thtir ,1tS that pmonaI financial planni~ should address tht ~ ulong-tcnn cm, fl. was only >IlI!uely famili.r with the nf:W long tmn care insur. an« policies thaI a~ now in lhe marketplace and "-' to tvalu· ate Ihtir bmtfilL Such ~ as vilolical st1t1emmts and KCtIe..atW btntfits paid undtr 1i.in8 8tndits Ridm in Ilk lm.u~ pOlicies wt~ new to him. as was lhe Idu u a ~ ITIOrI~. ln my cast. he was learn· ing that thtre wtre mort and bou.r "'00)'1 to plan tor Iong-lmTI can lhan to inlflOWriIh onrsdf to ~ify for Mtditloid. On tht..mjtd oIMtdicaid. Dido. .nd M1d I'm'Id ~rticltswril· 1m by Lynn Cam!lisi. the task force chair. and by Carol \\'lol~ 01 'TWca1oosa. Conni. Glass 0( Iluntsvilit and Chip Dumam. Itg;!ol counstl for the Alabama MediQIi~ Agcncy in Mon\jjOrll(ry. r~rdi"ll quiliflCalion for MediQIid and tht ,,'holt iMut 01 t~ 01 awls lor tile purpose u qua~flGllion. Tht pitfolJlo in this aR;a re;olly rai:Md his ~I 01 ~m. The first rnlica.l/art lor a\\omryIlike Dick "tIo 00 oat regu. Llrly practice in lhe ehltr law am to be aw.>re 01 i, that. IS pari 01 the Ilealth Insu..aO'a l'ortability and AW,llmt1l!ility Acl of 1996. ~ prtI'-uion wu ~ which criminalizes most iIS$d tlVllkl'$ made lor the purpose 01 quilif)'ing for Mediaid. Although tht law ~ oat wtll drnIted n no 0I'It ildmits to lIuthoring it.. it $Ii1l is on tht boob and mwt Ill: bktn into accounl. It betan1t tffecti\'O January I. 1997. In ~ition. there iJ anol~r proo.'!lon uthe U.S. Code that il1'Op()Ot:!l rnminallilobility on :an)'OI>t who "Uls. abeu. toun5otls. cunmands. iIICIduc:t:s or procu ..... ~ commit.sion 01..., oIfcnK by 1II1Olhtr: Thus.. both clients and IIttomty coold bo criminally lilobk lor II tnmkr which falls under thtK provisions. l)ick condU<led that, ~Ithoogh there is mIlCh 10 critkize in

roo,., ..


tht drafting u thtst $lIItutts and in tht Cart thot no ItgisIIIlon hoM come foowanllO ICknowlfdgt authorship 01 tile new law. still their ~ppearanct in the law can bo <;OnSidtrtd II culmi ....lion of the philo$Ophk..1dtl>al~ carried on for the past S<Vt..a1 )'tart on the issue u voluntary i~ri""mml to quilify for M«Iiciid. As S<Vtr"a! wthon hwt 1IOIfll. Mediaoid is ~ p<Oinm lor the lruly i~. oat for !holt who mtrdy wish to saw lheir iISSds for thtir children rather Ihlon piaMi"llfor and p.1};ng for thtir """ Iong·lenn cart. Regardless ,..hat loday', . 1<10'1'$ or thei r childrtn think. the c,..,alors 0( the program di~ IlOl have in mind that the gmrral body of \axp.lye'" should ~ for Iong-ttnn ClOre for those "flo coold 04htt'A'iK ~ but who -...:.Iun~rily irnpove-riIh thtmsdI.u to qw.lify lor Mtdiaid. Further. the ~ u!he """" boom. romportd to tht olelOOlIraphics u lhe baby bust ....-hich followtd. mtaJ1S IMI in the nur fulure. our CU'renl ~ledicaid PO" will 001 bo able 10 function unl ... \host ~hing old iIIIt plan to pay for Ihtir own Iong-tmn Qf'O to the best u Ihtir ;ob;lily. For thoost who II~ ~. that pIlnning needs to begin now and needs to i",IWo lOll SOlln:ts 01 income ...... ~ as wtll ;os fItW vthicln boing marl<tled to M' for Ioog.\tnn care. MeJiClOid planni"ll in it. Jl1.lrest fonn ill\'Olves an lWft1I.... nt 0( one', raourees and inc:omc H wtll Hone', cost u tare OIItr /I g;....n number u yeaI'$. In essence. il is the Ioundlltion of /I plan to M' for 1ong-\tm1 can during 0I'It', 6noo1 yors. Calli"ll it II Mwiaid plan prob.bIy indiQtQ that !he pmon making tht plan doe!.n'l 11M: much lime to prepa~ for thtir long t~nn care or much mofIe}' to M' for il. Otherwise il becomes part u their life long financial planning. Thus.. II Medicaid pIin will >imply indiQItt how long an iWo:! biISt mIY lUSlain II giym let ulifestyle needs. If the outliy is grealtT than tht ~. lion. i~rishmmt "ill CYtflt .... lly TtWII and Medicaid qualification is the ~ O'Qult. In Ihc situation ,..1It~ the ~tion 01 awls is grMtr t!wl the ~ outliy. then the dimt'• ...".ttrm CaR needs <3/1 Ill: met from his or her own ;wets and p1aMi"ll lor illlpO'\lt1'islu is neither J'Il'Ct5Sary nor tthica.l for an attor·

ney to undertak •. Uick awlied thi' thtory to Mrs. Mofll,ln's slt .... tion. First. if all her ;wets "'OT¢ CIJ(l\'Oried 10 cash ~ /IPIlftCialed at /I ..alc u sewn pncmI.sht WO\lId hoM S17.50001 pin)'fMly (i.c. $250.000 * .071. She could add that to her irw;ornr u $18.000 per yor ($1,50(1 • IZf. Thus, awrecilotion plus ino:omt WO\lId bo S35.500. Pbnnel'$ ~ /I fi~u~ uS3.000 POT monlh H the _r· a(e cosl 01 nu ... ing home car. for planning Jl1.lrpose$. which is S36.000 Pt1 year. Mrs. M<lf1iIIl', ~ M1d ino:omt WO\lId Jl1.l1 her within apprI'Wmattly $5(lO Pt1 )'t,Ir 01 fully ~ng for her own 1oog4enn ca~ It IPPtIIrN to Dick Ihlol Mrs. Morgan's childnn's desim to tTMlSlu her asstU wtre not appropriale. in lightu M.... Morgan', self'$uffocitnC)'. lie "'as $lI~ tMI they woul~ agrtt "';th him when they ItIImtd about the poqiblt criminal ptIIIl. tits. Abo. f\'m if thtre weft 00 poqiblt crimi....! pmiltits. if MI'$. Morgan tl'lll'OSfeTrtd her assets, thtre ""M a ihrff.yor (and frw-year for lramkl'$ to trusts) 1ook·b.1d period durilll! which any uf>COffiPI'fl."lW tramfm WO\lId cause /I period of di$QUIIli/i·

ning for old age and death. Dick also ltamed thai general pnditioners. lik. himself. .....d to be !.niliar with the issuts of elder law so that they can tithtr ~ thri. dimb ~ or call in 11\ apert whm: that is .......nnttd. I-k ..."" IIIld to know that the Abbam:I SIIIlt R.v is in tho: prOCeSS of cmlting an Elder t...w S«tion 10 mttt the n«ds of its membtrs for """",ras in this aft,) of growing i~. • For ITOOn inIonnlolion about tho: EkItr L10w Soction contact I.j.nn c-.p;,.;.)(l(I8 Pump llouse ROid.llinninghlim. ~

35243, phon. 12(15) %7. 1010 0' fa:< (205) 967·9724. Other task foree member1 not mentioned in the articlt include Ttd G~ of HOOiIe. Laur:a Creaooyof Northport. Rick Ha .... with the Alabama Otpartment of Public IkIIlth. Thomas I"rickdt II 0ne0ntII. Jeromr Smith 01 Montgomery. and the .... thor of this article.

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the uncomptl\lollttd value of the transfer by the ,vtntge monthly ((101 01 oolling i'IorM Glore in tho 51.>1. 01 AbWma. This ~.., * 0»1 ~ rach )Gr, but is apprmi~ly 12.500 "" month. Thus. if in.act Mrs. Moogm hid in wets. and lrans· ferrtd it. tho disqualification period would Ill: about 100 months. or CNtr eight years. Her children could end up having 10 Pill' for iUIY are Jhe rteeivtd during thllt rigtlt )'Qrs. and their costs would proI:abIy bI: highrr IhIIn 52.500 ptr month. In this scmuio. they could tOO up spending all of the awu Mrs. Morgan transftrrtd plus more befo.e she could Qualify for Medicaid. Dick had atso nottd thllt the !ook.b.Kk periods and lhe rntthod" 01 calculating tilt period of dUquaJiflto1tion had ~and timH <Mr tho WI lewyurs. tit could only pmlia that thoK ~ would continut and would not IiYO!' lhe person IJ)ing to qualify for MtdiCllid. Dicl< WII$ sur. thai given Illest facts. ELline Morgan and lit. brother and 141• • would prob.>bly gain a cemin KCUrity from ""-'ing that Mrs. Morgan could poyhnown wqwith little ITOOn than a rnocIeit lltpIdion 01 tho _ bas.e which would PM!' to thom upon I>er dealh. lltT lituation was fwonble. Of cou~. ,he would rlffii to «>rn'\'rt her ~ to cash, ooct: she t1lteml tho nursing homo. Sho: could <10 thio by >tiling il outright lor its full value. or. M I);ck had Iwntd from his raemh.1he could «JfISidtT getling a mome ~. It. ~ ~ would PfO'W I>er "ith a monthly ~ menl that could contin ue for a Itnn of year1 or for htr lift. The procttds of tilt loin could bI: rteeWtd in a lump !.Um. in period. ic ~ 01' is a line of crtdit. R~ coold ~ tri~rtd by I>er death or tho .."ontion 01 J Itnn 01 yurs. GtTItnlly. a ~'" had 10 bI: .t !art 62 )'UrJ 01 • . The loan amounl is upan the bom;tv....... life uptct.mcy. inlerest rat ... arod the Vilue of tho homo. n.., pouibIe dUad>'aIlbgu to a re'vtTSt ~ would bI: thai the income p;l)ments might ~ lrootfd lOI • 1UOUr« for Medicaid pufJlO$tS, costs ;on, gtnI:nlly much highfr than in a regular house financing and typically uke longer 10 amrW. In adolition. tilt ~ gmenlly must bI: sold al the point rep.i.ymtn1 is due. in order to ~ the loin. Mrs. Morgan would I>ffii an updated will and • dunblt power of attomry. And he """'k1 t.:olk directly to her to detmnintd ho::Iw these mould Ill: dr.lfted. Dick coold set !hal tiltre ""'.., probably many fact ";tUltions on his oommunity where ina)lllt ~ appmi»ion would no! IXI"ef the monthly costs of ",,<ling can. particuluty ...iIm the.., _ I I 'flOlISI: in the p;ctu..,. Did Iomed IhIII there in rul ... in pi.1« to pro!td Ihe.\fl(lUSe ....1Io rerTl/linut!>orne from ilT\llO'V"ri..tllnfnt. n..,.e are rulu which makt certain .....u and CtTUin lran!im tumpt 50 that there would bI: no disqualifa· 1101\. And there lire hIInhhi~ W/lMn that allow the MediaMI Agtncy to gQnt btntfiu t\'t1l ...iIm the ruSa "I'PW" to disIJlow COYtngt. Tht ~t Important Ihir14 thai Dick leamed from his rtvitw of tide. law is that the public rI'IWt ~ inlonned 01 tilt n«d to plan lor thri. """ long tnm taft. 50 that they CIIn bI: in control of their destiny. Just as they n«d to plan for the fin.anci.ll needs 01 educalir14 tlltir childr.n and paying for their own retirement.

they must indudt Iong-Ierm can planning as part of thtir plan.


from MldiGloid b(ndiu,

n.., period 01 dioqualifiGlotion would ~ GlokuLatld by dr.iding



.... 'No

• W"'_~_"""'''''''14 .... oooI W .. O'" '000"-_ CooopIooo. w, _

... ~'''''''''''''01'_'''''''_.

of Asset Transfers In Medicaid Planning I

.... '"

which ItiUIu in ~ r ~ltd;C3id bmtfilS. A. Tbe MK.oa.seI»unI·Ktnnedy"

pa)mmt.1XII1COb or fails to diKloso such fYmt ...'i!h:an intmt fraudulmtJy Io.aurt .weh benefit or ~tither in l greater amount Qr QUi'Iltity tIw> is due or

.men no such btntfil or MTntnl is



Congma pawd tt.llcalIh I....... rantt

l'orbbility ~ A<xooo~lity Act of 1996 (fiX 3103, I'. L 104.191. "KMsd!;>um· J((noedy" Act). Stction 217 of the Ad ~ Sfct.on 1128 BIll) of the Social ~tyAct. 42 USC. lJ2Oa..7b(I). The Llnguage added by the r.tW Soctioo 217 is noted in bold with tht tntin' texll"O"iding as 1oIkMs:

Criminall'fNJtits lOr Ads InYOIvrng Medialre 00' State ftealth Ca ...

''''''~ SEC. 1128B. (;0) ""*kI'!y...d wilWulI)' rmkes or to be made any fal.!ot slatmIenI or rtp ...... nlation oh ""'lerial fact in lily awlicalion for any btrw/'<t or~t onIer i program under ~ x\lU of this ~er Of a State h&Ith an: !'WI> gram (.. definW in.lfClion 132&-1(lIlof this title), (2) M illY lime ~'1IIY and ",;llfully makes or causes to be made any ~ Witnnmt Of rtpI'estI1l.'1lion of a INlerial (act lor lIS< in determining rights to IUCh (1)



PI '-~ ki __ "dthe oo;urrmce

at any fYmt ~ccting (A) his initlal or (00. \imJed right to any such benefit or p.l)" mml or (8 ) the initill or oontinutd right 10 any such bmdllor p.1I)mmt oIl1fl)' other indrviduill in .....t.ow bdIaIf he ~ applied lor or is re«;";1lg $U<h IMontfil or


(4) made awliQUon to.....m. any such benefit Of payment (Of the use ;ond btnrfit "anotI>tr and ~ rectio.oed it. ~;ngIy nI wilWulI)' CIInI'fttlI such

bmtIit fJI( ~ or any rr.Jrt thmof to" use OIher than lor the use and btntfit of well other persoo. (5) pre$mU Of CiUKS 10 be prtiftlted 1 cbirn for 1 ~·I ~ for...tJich

payrntnt may be rnao,Ie undor ~ progn.m under subchapter XVIII Ii this <:h;>pter or a SI.1tt IlaIIh an ~ mj ~ tNt the indMolu;al wOO fumWoed the stf· vice was not licm.wd as a ~ or (6) ~ and will fully dlJposu of usdJ (i~ by atl)' tranlitr in 1rusI) j" ........... III indi\idll>110 bto:ome rig!bit for motdical auislana uncltr a SbIe plan undrr IlIIt XIX. If diJpoaing of the UItU moults In tho Impoaillon of a peri_ od or intIigjbiIity for ouch uaiJlana uncItr...:tiooo 1917 (t), Wli (il in tilt case Ii such a statement. repl'f:loffilation. wnceaItnI'nt, ~lure. or ClIfII.'tI'Sion by InI ptMn in oonrwction with tilt furnishing (by that ptr$(lIll Ii ittmS or wMca for ....-hich ~t is or rnlY be made under the pTOi!r<lm. be "'illy Ii. felony and UPJfl ClIO'oiction Ihmof 6ned not ITI(W thon $25.000 or i"'fJl'isooed for not ITI(W !han IM)'W"S or both, or (ii) In the t.l.Ie 01 such a statetnl'nt, rtpreom/.lltion. CXIOCtalrnent.lail· lift. or ~ by Mtf other penon. be glIiltyola m~and upofIctm'ic. lion thereof fined not ITI(W than $10.000

or irnpri50rwd for not ITI(W than one )'Ur. or boJth. In 0Idditi0n. in illY QK whM an inoli...;'I""J who is otherwise digible for usistance undor a Slate plan "P\>fIl'ied under ll.Ibdlapier XIX Ii this ~ is o:m'icttd 01 an o/fenw under the pnadiog pnMJions 01 thiI subJtctioo. the State mayal ill option (notwithstanding Il/l)' other proo,i$ion Ii that suIxhapIer or 01 IUd! pIM} I,mit. restrict. Of suspend the eligibility d tNl inIliW.IuiI for such period (not oxatding ooe yt;Iorlll$ it dHlll$ iIPfl'"OPI'We; but the il1"lllO'ition 01 a limit.>· tion. restrielion. or ~ with respect to the tligilility d InI indio.-idua( ull(\er this $tIllmet shill notalf..... the tli. gibility d any other penon for assistana; undtr the pbn. rtgWIe$s of tht relation!hip bttwtm that indiOO.W and such

-~~ B. Period of Ind igihili\)'--t'liitraru· fu•. i. •.. gifts or Ir,,,,siers for lui thin ""lUI: consideration. may """'-I.It in • period of 1.... ligibility for InstitutioNl Medicaid be ...fits if the tfllnsfer II made within the look Mck period 0136 montlu (or 60 month! in the case 01 certain I"-"Isl 01. ~icaid application. (Alabamll Medicaid AlJmlnlslrat~ Code Rule No. 560-1'-25·.09) The period 01 tligibility is cotlrubltd by <.Iividi'"4I tilt tobI ~ valut 01 the aoMts t~emd by the~ rnoothl)' tooIt d nursinS Ilome care in tM Sialt 01 Abbama. The cum .... 1997 OMr· • ~oo.t of~ Ilomeaore in ~ II S2,S50 and l11djusttd in JiI1lua'l' d each yt;Ior. The multing quo. mnt (.:"du.llrog any fraction) shall be the number of rnonl/lI ....t.ich the.,piaont mil)' not be tligibit for nuning Ilome benefits. Thll period begilll in tht month in

...tJich the tramkr is made and runs C(IIl. tinuously. Subsequent periods of !he intli· gibilit)l multing from ad/itionaltr.msfm will begin to nm only...tom !he prior peri.

od""""" EXAMPU-:: Mrs.



her $100.000 certificatt of ~t to htr daughtnin ~,obt,l996. Tht~ monthly nursiilt homt cost in AIabanvo kit" 1996 ..... 52.495. Calnotate I'eriood of lndigibmty. I) $75.000 ($2.495 .30.06; Z) 30.06 is rourodtd down to 30; 3) Mrs. Magnolia', prriod of intlig""lity begi"" Dectmbrr I, 1996 and mdJoo May 31. 1999 (30 months toW). In !he aIxNt~. j( Mrs. t-\aWIOIia ~ia lor lrlltiti.dioNl MediQid bmdits "'ithin 36 months of the tran<fer of lhe rertifocale of dtpmit. !he lran<fer is idtnti· fird within !he 3ft.month Iook.t:.:odo and !he JO.month period 01 intIigibilit)l is ioropo$(d. MiJitionaily. Mn. M.lgnoIia and poMibly any Itgal adviJors participating in !he tnrdfer may be subject to aimi,w lIftI6tCUtion oodtr this new S«tion 217 if !he discloiition "';1$ made Jenoo.ingly .... ...;II/ully in onlrr for the individual to bt<unt eligible lor Mr-diaid bmefits. C. ....1Iy Constnltlion-Thm: is no ~icabk ~ in !he pmaIty seaion of !he id Slating thai such rondud is in fact a felony I)r • mi$oJtmtilflOl'. n.., ptnaI. I)' claus..l!"IlIies to a suttmmt. rqlft5tn. lOtion. iXII'ICQJment.liiiilure. or <XirMf. sion. .... don not offen parallel to the dispoJitioro of a.udI and the ~l.Itnt period 01 eligibil it)l. D. Tht Attorney'. Upotu_The ttm'd ~""willfully" pose)'tl

another WJow in the mwoing of this new law. Altomtys oIo(w.iId bt tNt TotIe 18 USC. Section 2 imposeJ aimirW liabilil)' on ~ ",'ho ~ ;obtts, c0unsels. CQrIUfWldo., addutts or prOCUrtS .. commiMion of an offmse by aroothtr", If ilnliUOITiIt)' is awan of the potmtill impact 0I.-.y Ir.inYrr 01-. by his dient.!here is orrbinly f(mt impIiation that the atlorney .150 will be hehlli.Vole under this new Slalute. ~ atlomty asJistioC in lillY property t~ or prac. ticing in the /Iit<IiQid pIorvIing iInd q1Wi. rocation areas should be ~II vtr>ed in the ~ and the implicationJ of this ntW law ",tJich hal bm:Jn'w: dIrrtivt ,.. 01 hfiuary I. 1997. E. UIW\J-..ed


I. \I'hlot trailSfus are pe~Htr-d? MLUt tht Iraouft r be for tho.....ukinQ ~Itdicaid eligibility? What ~t the traoufn rorroplettd by an indMdwoI ...,Ih 00 intmtioo to awly for Medicaid who 'uddenly firnb himself confined to 1 ,killttl nur$inQ f;ocilily? 2. Who is suto;«t to !he pnWty? Is the adYisiol! Ittomty WI 5I:il;tcI to the pmd. Iy? b !he advis'ilt attorney lbo facing pOifntial aimi,w penalties for liWJing and abetting.> 3. What is'1l'If pmalty? b ~ $11),oooor S25.000? A misdmowlor or felony? If committr-d by. health ..... pn:ovidtr, thm the iTiOft punitive pnMsioru ~. Othtt><.'ise,1or !he indi>idual!he fine aoukI be 510.000 ",i\h up to one-year





4. Doe. !he ,oropes;tion 01 the period of irwligibilil)' lor MOth ~ ...... Section 19l1(c) mean that one should not lIJII'Iy for HediaoWJ btnd"i15 if "'IN gith are transftrrr-d during the ~nti .. 36-month or 6G-monih 1ooIc·badt? 5. Doe. !he crirrunaI id 10 describtd !;de the pn'rtqU,site mms lUI Is the iICI of transfer d«mtd 10 be criminal ~ there ~ bo ..., intent? 6. Will ~ detcnnil'llltion by !he Alabama State ~ Agency that i period of ineligibilit)l has btm toiggerrd also be the oktennining tntity 1<1 <Irlnmine thai 1 aimiNI iICI hal takm ",1 7. Who will Pfil5«Utt IdS oodtr this new law? This is li federal. not a mtt crime. The U.s. AtIomty'J oII"oce is the 04""Oiwiatt party to proMCU\e such aimn.. It is likdy that an ml il'lYestilJ>lion would tab place first to determine that. crime has t.ak('fl placf. ~: AIII;'i", )'OUr clion" in lijIht of tho C~ion


A"""' " pI..... .. _ _..... ;,...... " ,f SooofIt I'od.. s.."',....mI_. __ """"1 ___ """""' ..... "*"'~ ."'~ """" J

J.,. ,.... .... ....... -0 _ ,.....,... '"""'-


,...-pIO«-_ ....

"""'.do.,,_ ......,. ..... """,,,. ~

RroW ... $HI' N>.n 0 ... hu; SH"""" NAn",,-.nOJt;

No s.,-· u. C".ocu PIlUo.' Mn $.Vt; 1K


I. The tffKbvt ~oIthis ntWid iJ JanUlI)' I. 1997. I~r, ifa transf.. has been madtpl'ior to the tffeCIive date of tho: Xl and JUdI transkr mults in 1 period of intligihitit)l ntcnding into tho effective pmOd rJ the iICI. one should nJgust !he mti.. periood of the i0oi< back (36 months or 60 months in tho: c;N rJ tnrdfer to an ~ bust) in onIrr 10--" !he irnJooIiIion 01. period rJ intliQjbilit)l. f.XA.'-1PLE, In Mrs. Magnolia', case. ~lrs. ~bgnolia should not apply lor InstittotOW Mr-diaid btnefits wilhin the mI., .. 1ooIc bKtc period. Although 1 period of

.""_"'~.r ' 4(:0010 """-'onoI """ ............. _ _ .... ~

MMi"'ll.odo. oq.-. Ie ...._ ~



1:11"" "': " '" AI. 2 0S JU ·71l7 I'AX 2 0 S J U · OOS6 NAT'<lH""I>~


BOO ')0 ... 1 . ... 4 )4 8 0 0 ~ ... ~ · H 44



S,,,,,, It,l,l


.... ,", .. '

intJigjbi1ity IN)' haw run its (30 months), af'I')' iI/lIIlica. tion "'ithin tilt Ioclk bKk will ,..,...It in !Iw: ~tion <J ~ ~ri. ocI d indiCibility ond thus JUt.. .ita plI1iu \0 the tr.ll'lAClion \0 crimirW liability. 2. Also. af'I')' transfer made 001 or on", January 1. 1997 rauking in i ptTiod cI indigibility iI. poItntialiy i crirNNI.t if tramfn iI. identifitd within u..1ook back ~riod. ~;JW.1 1'I":: A SIO.OOO transfer in JantW)' 1997 !riggen a four. month ptniIty. /tnj iPIllicMion ..ithin 36 months d u.. trnl5ler i""I"'!Iw: trnnsin- and raolll in a ~riod cli .... ligibility. In th .. ~! lI) An you safe \0 apply in M.loy 1997? or b) Should you w:oit until Jar"IlWY 20001 Tho Jaw iI. not dur 00 this pOilll. Although Medicaid eligibility "";1I1>e avail· iIbIe bj> May 1997. jOJU IN)' be oommilting II ~ if you apply within 36 months. A ptriod d inrIigDlity;,,; $liU i~ ind tilt transfn- is potentially te1"lTlW 10 be a trimiroal act. 1. Adl,ist; olIl climts in 011 tW:$ claU OOlIrst


~ Tht

cunmt nrw low JIC*S pOItntiailiability lonl! Hediald appIi· canu. J>roceed with caulioo, •. En<:OtJ~ loog_term cart p~. n;ng md coruidn Mrdicaid onlg u .. lut resort . Will this ambil/llOU' nrw low $lay with usl Already. and as announctd bj> the National Aadnny d Elder Law At\ol'ney$ on Janowy8,


~Ity. hIlS pn::Jduo::N its intmdrd dtct. T'rar6fen haw been~, If repealed, 'oOt }Itt upoct to s« mort kgisbtion discounging tr.wfm and ~ing Maliald qualilication.l.d us not kItgd that /okdQid iI. a pn:cnm for !Iw: trul!l imp:;M:riI.hod. •


51......, t.llTourHtk cI Ohio iTllrtd!ctd a legisbtr.oe bill to rtpeal S«tion 217 01 the l\al.scl:taum.Kennedy Act. Co-spor"d(IrS d u.. bill currtnliy ~


L' .... CampI ..

4omc..... ••

incIucIt: Bamry rr¥lk (MawchusdtsJ. hmes Wahh (New York). Cary Ackmman (N~ York). Ctnt Grttrl (T<:Ds1, ond .'rank A. LoIlioneo (New Jersey). ~ Bud Cramer d the fifth District d Abbami. us. 1\o:IIM d Rtrnsmllllilu. hIlS ~ed that "thm iI. oonttm ~;ng u.. i" ... iIor_lIml fi".. ing and lor ilTljl()ilition 01 an addilional Meilicaid ineligibility ~riod on frail. elder· Iy indi\'idu>Is in need d nurs1ne hoone gn. Many Iw !Iw: prusecWon d indiYicl-



least able to dtfend thelTl$eMs. • This nrw 10.... olIthc.>.lgh pmnaluTt and

When you need expert valuation or litigation support, call the specialist. Crrtlflod rllod [urnl ... , R.olph SUi EOI ~ lford. CPA. ~~ II:Iirttr

Inr hme Dm EnH~ InTeqrdlid lidler S~srern Rulom.lllC fa> CdlrulaliDn WllIlfet"fecl EWord Inl«f«e

b-.lIMltWnrfSFI thrnpM UIi""~ ~I ..... ond all' NI»iIIbar: )'CU ao!l"


For ~ 2O)W>. ;l!u:nlt!" 11M if' 11M on him b \lI!II-. ~ Jo. rmsi<


_!&11M oc·

~ ~ ond ak'*'>I iIIInti1I. ond i*~"'sNpond_"""" AD

In ~II. lnornty> Iuvt found lob hoIp

Inv;o.loWIf In cakul.lllnl ~mqts.

/ft,,,,,,.... t"'" too.



Ralph Summerford, n "E, e_ l'A <117.. _ _ _ ..""'<117.... _

I ---

_<lCPA<, _ < I




For II aI '" 11 'S'''''' SlolJE !WI ".,mll", _ _ ...., ~ eIIl~l54 or 03'J 2S 1515 or ~ 1II1Iy ...... "" 0: ".crp. M£RNETACaSS:h.l:S8"':: IS '" w....... ~"b"_'Of'nerbM' ....... ,~ru,~"'Ormre, e... _ b ....... t. . . . II .......... _<mQo;:t. PRACTICf SECJI(W$; ... _ t:o ... _ or moreal '" 20 _ - - . ""'f_p..tisII "" •• neo • ...odler ru_

.,..,..S-OII.'miil"'tIbIIJ ........ b'll~ ..... ".lmJII'en;I ...... - . Afar SAWoIGS S8MC(; ThI ~ m.dM .. obresIIO:. '''1 __ 1tf4IM...., 1x:II .. cIIrog" 1I'fCU IiDIIDnI

n.. IS



vded Of' _ till aE - . ' ! SOIEDIJI.£S: fr80 ,"1,_,,,, II ru ~ ""'" or 1iDIIDnI-.odt CONIBIENCE IlOOIIII HoCllJJlE& fo,o: ... Ito .... ra:rnln . . . . to:r "-9a11* t:080111110''1 (1). ~ fwso_ - . 1'0 adO1I;i\.~.........,. to:r _ _ or diIrI_


LEGISlAfI\I£ N€WSU'TT9t ~ IIIgos/IM ...... ",.1:S8 bT'wshfI,s.1ooweeIt, ......1... 'CX"I ~ f're!:e'eoIllyIl'>!ASS~ ~ CCU'ISIII. C. a I _ aI '" IogooI ~ ... ncMd. o/IIon./., INftWIW sessa> ~'IIIA ~ COVIfr D£CISION$ IifIItlOrB: ThI AiooIeTa Bar IIo!o<rW II>8A .11iidi_"'" Il""'Ioos ILl ~"""'1Iy II'>! ~

CilII _ _ _,... __

".I:S8II.lm. to S120~_

EJHCS OPfMONS:.I:S8 ........... iNV~ _

aI an.I..,. ~ ~ ~ ....tdi nlr'll' _

'" ItO'e. ""' 011 00II01ecI

lram '" Ginn oIIu. PROFESSIONAL JOtJRNAL. NfWSUTTER ANO BAR OIIKroR'l': ThI AIII:oIinf ~. n-.III:I"ASS!T&T'tIItI~ rd!elves '*"'-...0 _ .... , , _ '" ~ aI ..., ThI AOCVO.IIt:I. "'.1:S8 ......... ~ (I> IimI/t ,"il"', ...o!T&ls!Ung ....... -.AlAS8~_ ... ImlII ..... aI ThlAIIhmI~BIt£lolca:rr""'nere... finis. "'-"~aI I'It' >II c..:...t..a.1o«l.E fUlllI'Id ~ 1I'Id_ ~ ~ Co..oI!WI '*"1l" h> pal ,I. !.AWY9I REFElIIIAl S8MC(; Tho AS8 ~ itos ~...., ........ IMqrIfTI iIIo! _ _ 16.(:00 0lIl. \'IIW ~ OUI$I(\&

MGstn...., ~ CW'lll!iliIW I*!qON to .......... letll'ld iIW ~ "''' 15 . . aI _ " _10 ,,~.e ret.rJIs LRS".". bets l11li" ~ '" 1rso::II_ aI...........,.,,, '" .-...adill'lto S3 GROUP HOS/IfTAL ....... lJY AND tR IVSU'IAI\IU: ThI.I:S8Ii:Dn11 M ....... 1'I'9ImI """1>a mi .................. St : Int c:a..or.g. . . n:UIo mop n-.doaII. <*soI*y rcxmI.l'apaI~, bi.&sroess "'""'-lll'ld 1M n.. nl'r'Moble 1O.1:S8 ".". boos. ~ _1I'Id .1"*,,,,.. C:nact ~ ~ Ire. lor dIIIoIs II 1.aD241:m.:l UXJS ''V''S GROUP M£MIIfJtSI&I' 'liISCOUVT: MVP 1Mum.m ...... ProoMuI • '" lEXIS ~ MembirlI'C> F'rog1<r1!h1II1ow$ "'*'- _ " ............... _1I'Id ...... 11. """ ~ '"" SWlilllII SIJ5 lor ,limo ..... <:ClIO""" , ••• bIo., ~. fI'Iti\II'iy ,..,,_. let 01 $25. No .Of>b. ~ Imo . . ~ SoecoIItI' ...... opooo os . . -.o.....wllt" IIIIctove low _ fa _ Of' lI"o!I _



P'" callEXIS II



PROR!.SSIONAL UABIUJY WStIRANC£: ~ Nnru MuIUioI aI AIooIoIiTIt. Ire. ~ WIll _ I I y ! h l ASS 10 ~ I I" 1 IIIIbIIy IT&bI lor a...mon .... l0III ... ''1......, IiIIro ~ For ........ 1' .... ' .... il,lMall~12,j6 MOO , .. EJCJIffE$$ OISCO(.WT'$; ASB ........... -..p.iII6socou"ot t.IIfI$.~........ -.....,. ~ 1e<I>II.!3 25.· lOS. 115"""1..-... ....... "'dwp".ma To ...... QIIII~ IRIII"" I"oaASB c:o;a N6B. CAR RfNTAl. DISCOIJM'S: Tha IMS ~ " •• boosl ... ~'"' ~ SlgIo/uo( ~ Of' ~ For 'eservaoons wtn ASB'$ AllIS Work>Mdti o.w..r. ell \.8XI<i31-8)X1 rd II"" tool ovrtIr A5J(lIOO. 11'!AVEL PI'IOGRAMS: IHTAAII ~ ~ i'd.G'(I ........ ne<i00svw3 J(II06cIIr b ASB ........... Col i>/TRlllof lor 0>-


'* ,,,,!lOb




0fRCIi st.fO'F'U£S DfSCO(.WTS; ASB ~ .......... " 11 JOIII*l "" . . . <hcctroIocI .... tnr<I officot ~...., p:r.dlCt$ ~

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cWi, ...., """" .......... """ IIs1. hi ~ For ...... " .... ...., I /IA aD r;aI*'!I CIOII I-lOJ.942-331 1

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Mer.IIfOo •• " AIoI:eno

1JJoI1S _

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1SIS' I _ _ " ' 1501 :.I.tbar,org


Lawyer Leaves FirmObligation of Finn to Deliver Client Files (If separable and not allomey's lien)

to Client or Client's Lawyer

Ques tio n : Fact Silllllion No. I:" ~ finn (tt.. -"i rm1 rtpr... n15 a dient (the -Client"~ and maintains fiw diffeRot files rt~lina: 10 fi~ diffutlll matters ("""'II" I, Moll ... 2, Mottu 3, Maiter 4, M.1oltu 51 all of which an: dilft.flIt 1M firm lias an account rtetMbI. dUl' from the Client relating 10 work per(ormtd on M~tttr S. but all ~mounl> d"" tilt Firm fur prMou$ wori< pt.Ionned on Maltus I through 4. inclu';IIf, ~ bem paid in futl. The Clim! lias dehvt"rtd 10 IdIU 10 u.. firm direct· ing tilt tran~ler ofhi' mts to a diffutnl rmn (the "New .'irm"I.l'Iith reS!>«! to the fortgoing, pt&St rU!)OO<l to the fol ·

B«.auSt clionl "",lien a.. ....,.. p'oo, ina: and wllrk has!>Nn r.quested on various dient filt' . {mucll of which if a mantr of urgtocyl, Ille ~ility tll Jl(1'"'"" 5tfVitu is Ikpmdml on your ..... 1. i"ll on the ;obovt facts. AcconIingly, ~tuse oped,tt your rtspOllSt III Ihis ruling An ~wer.

fact SitUoilion So. 1: As a matttr of flhies it would ;\fOIIUr that tile firm woold Ilavt I Hen only 00 tilt Pl'P'n rolating to Matter 5, and must thtrd~ .. I,,,,,, the ditnt mes in accordance with the ditnt', IlUlructions..

lowing qursliom;

Dots the Firm Ilave a li.n, pursuant to Stttion 34·3·61 C«k 01 Ailloomtl (1975). on all papm of tilt Clitnt in it.. po$$U$ion, ....ilich would include all ~rI ",bung to Manns I through Millon 5. indu -

';IIf, ~n tlloogh



through' "' • ..., not in mtrtneo 10 the seTVi~. rtrnkred cr<1atin8 tilt: purported lien,


Dots tht finn M 'U lim solely on the ~f1 I't'!aling to ~tff 5 n thuI; must rt'Ir_ II) the rw:w finn. in ~ with the Clitnt'$ irulruc" tions, all fil .. rdating to M.l.nef11 tllrough 4, irIClusM? fllCt SitUIOhon No. 2: ,uwmo:' the ~ ~tJ t~

art ronlair>rd in fact SilUIOlion No. 1 t...,.,pl lilalalilho work product of tht firm rel~ling 10 Manors 1 througll5, inclusivt, has!>Nn main· lained and ktpl in om file of lho dient. Would tho questions set lorth in fact Silualion No.2 btc il'\SW!ffiI in Ille ,"-!TN' manncr, and il not, plt~ uplain?

Ot.c...... ton ' The DiocipliNry CommisMon has re.,.atedly htld tllat tht f,l es of I client btlong to the client absent somtlet dis· putt or attorncy', litn. S« RO-86-02. RO-91-06. and RO-90·92. Sptc:ifoc.lOlly. in RO-86-tr.!. tht Commission Slaled: · Subject to tile atlOTJ1eY's litfl pr0vided for in CO<k of;lI<loomll 119751, 134-3-61. tile attorney must provide ~ies of a', «ompltle filt to tht ciitfll upon RqUtSt if il is mattrillt dthvtrtd II) tile ~~"r by tile dient 01 if it comim oiln original dorummt prepared by tile lawytr for tile dient." The Commiuion lurth .. opined tllat: "Wherelht aUomey has rectivtd full «omptllSltion for Ilis servictl rendertd in ronnection "'th I ,ivtn lilt. ile must surrender IhtM mat.rilIb to lho ditnt upon tht cli.nt', requost." (Emplwis fuppli.d.) Thi, principtt w.u ....ffirrntd in R(). 87. 148 "tJ.ich fully ciles the thtn Ipplicabl. discipliNry rul., as ""lIu tile stalutory proviJoOll COT'ICI:ming ,11101" nr)"J liens.

A n . we r: rxt Sitmtion No.2 , If tilt work prod. uct of til<: firm rtlating to Matters I through 5. irw;lwiw. ilI!O intriClltt!y inte.....own tlw it CIIIVIOt be. with mo· !OIlabIe dJoo1. KgrtgIttd. W sbMt would "flIlUr to ~lIow tilt ~lIorrwy's lim to Mlach to tht entire "''''k ~ rodud.

Ob cuss io n , nw: work prOduct ofw firm relating to MJ.llors I through 5. indush-e. may or may not be subject to stgregalion. If the W(\rk product is such that the mat· lers for which lhoe firm his bHn com· ptfIQttd cannot bt. with reUONble effort. stPl'r;ottd from tho whole. thoe langu:.g. of tht SUtu tt would appear 10 prOltct all Pl'pen of the integrated fik:. If. O!I W olhtr hand. thoe r:urcisf: oi rt3SONIbIo dJoo1. such ~ion oi thoe work product relating to Mallen I through 4 CIIn be IICcompliMled . then the IUl$"-e' to ~'ad Situation No. 2 would be thoe >ami' as uw stated in FlId Situation No.I.~ • IRO·92·05]


1997 ANNUA L MEE T I NG J ULY 16 - 19, 1 9 9 7

\IElJH \1 nnl \t

'I \I.PR \Cnn f.\Pf:RTS

Family Law Section Alabama State Bar

Divorce'" Beach '97 ,hi


Under Alabama Law: Le al Standards and Evidentiary Factors S, Illl/ln F. McAtdk Introduction Tho corporalt form .... Iorqj btm I'tIOOgI"Iiud as ~ mtthoxI fof inolucing the infusion 01 capital into ()(lrp<)n1iooI and. thmIort. the ew ...ny ~ timiting the liaIljijly 01 the dim:lOrS, officm;and ~ d the torpOI'iItion and lllfifiatt rorponIions. Tho: "corpo<at. ,.. ir cio»ks these .milia .,.i(h I ~Id from liability lor COI'JlOT'IlI: dtbt.s in m(IIlI illS!an<:n. TheK .ntit;"; will ~'1Iue .hIlt lht)1 are not indMduaJIy IWlI. to the corporate crt<lit()J ~ the ddJt is CIWfd by iIlOIher ~ IrjJll mtity. the ~ Such a shidd from Iillbility gn oI:MousIy Imd iIsrif to ~ and mult in injustiots and inrquitia. ~r the years. the courts ha~ stroWed with lilt dovtlopment of a 5tan\brd that will Ttomdy injustices and inequities. while at tho .. mt lim( prtSi'rving the vlOlwobl. anributes 0( limited rorporlll.l~ility. Tho ,..,mtliiH ha", b«n given various labtls. incluchng ";ajler ego- theory, "instrumtnbolity" ttwory, -pRrdng the corporal. wi'", ttc. However. the COUrtJ 1\01...., often b«n uflSucctsSful in dovtlq>ing clear rults for guidance;n thue QKS. Indud, aflu anal;'2ing the various theories Or lahtls. till: fifth Circuit Iliotro: NeverttKltsS. IhI. rntre inanLl.lion of the lonn 'instrummt.'llity' will not sumtilutt lor rigorous. tou!Ih.mind. rd ana~" Professor Ballantllw one. described this aspect 011"" bw 01 rorporations is II "~l Quag. mire" ... MoTtOl't •. tilt very tenn "instrumtnt.lit~" is ~ poor Qnt ~use ~II corporations are in one sense "insl.rumcnulitiQ" 01 thti. stockholckrs. KriN hHL Sup. Co. 11. NQ/ionill Dis/. & CI>m>. Coop., 483 .:2d 1098. 1103 (5th Ci •. 1973\. Alabama is no d,fftunl. <Nt. tilt ~U•• tilt Alabama to\l~ rove struggled to develop dur ~rod consistent rults to IIppl~ in this ~rea. In «<tnt yun. with the decisions in Ku-iclt Sel Components. Inc:. ... ()(lt1d$on Indus., Inc:.• 411 So.2d 131 (Ala. 1982) Uld~ ... Moring. 514 So.2d 892 (A4. 19311. tilt AlWma Supreme Court began dM:loping /I tlu.. ",It to apply in these cues. possibly pulling tilt bow out 01 tilt "ltgal QU<lgmire" described by Professor nallanti,..,. This new rule

h.u not been consistently embra«tl. however. lind il appears III this pointthlll lilt pooitiooer may be better off rdying UPOllII KrouP '" tvidcntillry I¥ton. This IIrticlt wilt IIl1t""" to ~ms tilt dM:lopmcnt '" AJabamllIaw Uld tilt sUndllfIb applied in this a.ea. including evidentiary faciO .. to be ulird upon by Ihe practitioner and lilt courl In tht all •• fRO case . 0 .......1 R...I.w of t .... LI.blllty of OtMr EntIU•• too- COrpoo-.l. Debt A. liability for Corpontt Otbtt-Somt Gta~1 Hult. In genual. Alabo.mlI I/lw luau to,po.alions ou enlilin sepa.ate and distinct the corpo. ation's Itoxkholdt ...· tors or officm. SIlf! Ccm<zll ". JoJmsoo. 578 So.2J 1259. 1261 n.l (Ala. 1991); Wright u. Alan Hilts. I"c.. 567 So.2d 1318, 1319 (A~ 19901: Co-Ex Pl4sJia, Inc:. o. AlfIPIllt. Inc:.. S36 So.2d 37, 38 (All. 1988), The torpor.rolt Iom1 will not be "Iighlly di.nga.drd: bta~ limited liwilily is ont oItht prindl!<Ol purposel fQr tht corporatiQn. SIlf! M&'''f LI:holf$ale norisi. loc. v. Emmons, 600 So.2d 998. 999·1000 (Ala. 1992) (quoting Clrenaull c. .If1miSOrl. 518 So.2d 1059. 1061 (AI ... 1991ll. Stock O'I<o"fltrship. by ilstl/, i, limply insuffocimtlo imPOM 1w,i1ity on the stockhokltr for tilt torporatioo', debt'. Sft UdIOlll ... GoodJlf!'i1r Tirt & NublJn Co., 238 ALI. 35,37-38. 189 So. 18, 80 11939); lJroom v. Standuro Casket Mig.Co., 234 AI~. 512. 516, 175 So. 358, 361 i 1937). The sep· ITlIle identity 0( I!<Ortnt and ~ffililott corpor.. tions h.u also lonll been rttognizw uOOtr AlabarN lIw. So... UdIOlll. 238 AR. II 37-38, 189 So. It 80. SuI:Jst¥Kt ,,;]] pmIIil <M1' Iorm. ~r.lInd tIw SlrutlU~ and formation 01 I~ COI'JIOQlion ,,;11 Ix vwnined 10 make SU~ th/It it ""'" not fonnrd to mislead th!: public. S« LI'dlow. 238 Ala. at 38. 189 So. at 80; Cohm" IlilJ.iamJ, 294 AlII. 417, ~20, 318 So2d 279. 281 (l97SI. Tho aorporaIt wil will Ix ~ in ,"."",illtt cil'tlfillllOnOl: 1O"ltTw tIw ends of juotia". or...tltn "justa and equity" rtQUi~ it s.., Cohm. 294 AlII. III 420. 318 So2d at 281: _ also C. Kt.ating &: G. O'Gradney, fletcher.

AFRUATE CORPORATIONS Cgc/opI!diQ ofl""Lawof"ri"'le~lions, f (I (rev. pnm. ed. 1990). The Cohen cou rt abo pOinted oot tho: ill\flOlUl)Ce 0( the Mdmce n !hal 9th we should be Ilecided 00 iIs own facts. S« Cohtn. 294 A1a. at 318 So.2d '" 28\. B. p;c.mnllhe Corpol'llte \'eil: The Thru Focton or Tub l'rior 10 K,,)ldr Set In the pUt. the Alabamll courll haw generally a~plicd OM 0( IhrH fKI",,1 staniUrds in alit. tgo ~ ThtH Ihou IlIu"Hlards a.. commonly referred 10 IS "foclon" to be- COI\$Ic!' trod by the COlirt in pierdng the corporate wi! and include: "( I) lUI' of the corporale form to evadt a ju.1 obligation; (2) fr3ud in the formation or operation 0( the corporation; and (31 lUI' of the COrpor.tltlOll as an mstrumentahty of ib con· trolling """.hold.r." Note. Pil'Tt:ing I"" ClIrpol"Qle I in Alabama: I" &arch ora Siandard, 35 Ala. L. Rev. 311. 314 (1984). OYer 1m yrars. h<rwewr. the a~plication 0( Ihts!: thrH tOSU Or "facton" hoas not bHn a model 0( consistmcy and. in mIIny uses. il has root f'JOn bHn dear which .lan· liard wal actually applied. I. Fraud In tht Formation Or 0per31ion of 1M COrpOralion As the AIiIRma Sullffmr Court lw rtpQtt<.!Jy staled, it is not !"O«ns.lO'l' for a pliintiff to p~ fraud in order to utah. li'h thallhe corporation's separale identity be disregarded and liability im(>Ostd on some olher acto•. 5«. 11./1.• Cohlm u. Williams. 294 Ala. 411. 318 So. 2d 27!1. 281 (1915); Fora/ Iii/I ecq,. 1I.l.411",. of Blum. Inc.. 249 Ala. 23. 29, 29 So. 2d 29a ( 19t71. lI{)WtWr. fr3ud i. om: 0( the -factors" to considu in disregardi ng corporate leparatenelS. As with the other telu or "facton". the Casel that have applied the fraud sUn· dord appear to consilk'r tvidence that would generally IN: ""I· in an instrumentality case. For enmple. in Cltristian & Crofl Gro. ClI. ", f"ruildale l.umlJe, Co.. 121 AI •. 34(1, 2S So. 566 (IS99). the plaintiff IOUght to pierce lhe corporate wil whe .. one 0( the irotCH"pOl"ators of Fruitdale Lumber incurrt<.! the debt 00 representltions that Fruitdale Lumber "'.... a partntrshill and not. corpor3lion. Tht 5up.eme COIJrt


ruled Ihat the trial cou rt committod reversible error when it refused to admit evidence that the plaintiff dull with Fruitdale Lumber as I partnership; that FruitllaJe Lumbe-. ~ 1'It\'r. bHn properly incorponoled; lhat the corporatloo wu wholly without capilal; thaI nothing WAS paid for the ,h.roJ of the corporation'•• Iock; that II<) monty or prOperty ofvalue WU f'JOr paid Or transferred 10 the company for ~ 'tll; lhat roo COrpor;illt (unction wu~. performed: and that roo mHt,ng of the diredors wu f'JOr held. The court sUIt<.! that thi, evid~nce w~' rol",.nt to ,how Ihal th e corporation wu. "fraudulent <leviCt" formrd 10 prot«lthe incorpora. tors from liability. SH 25 So.• t 568. In nu~ Cl)QI Min. of Mfg. Co. I'. Lllf/i<mu. 221 Ala.D\. 128 So. 799 ( 193(l). 1m COlIrt npanded on iu intefl'1"ttation of the fraud "factor", stating: Our judgment 00 coosidenotion d tho: ....-icItnct is that the court comclIy found that tho: Oixoe ~ rorporation _ ......... s.imulKrum. fonned in the i..... 0( a DJf1lOr1I. tion . the only pO:Ss.iblt effect 0( whicll. whalever the purpose. was to mislead persons .;tiling ...,th it 1foiqJ from any idu !hit the ~ ~ity d apprlLant _ irwcWtd. thtrtb» ao.tliding. or intmding 10 ~ pmona!Jiability in any transaction in whicll he millht engage in his corporale 1101I1"W. al tho: 5lIlle time reserving to his IO!e I.I5t /II"Id btnetit any pn:iol.l \hal ~ IN: wntd in tnonsactions C1lIICJUIW in tho: corporate name. that. in short. to quOIe the trial court. ""the corporalioo ...-as II"", and 11066 ""'" tho: 00I"))0t'a. tion." a fraud in I.lw, if not in 1'Kt. <Ie:sigrotd l<J draw a cloak 01 drcq:tiw; ~ arot.n!.appelt.nt·s bus.inr:os InnIklions. AA>e!1ant could awid no pmooaIlialIiUty by such 1lMtt. ~.Tht couru ..... 11 not permit a person.lCting under the QUisoe 0( a corporalion formed Ii:>r that purpo$t. 10 <v.ldo his Ir.dividuaI ~bility. 128 So. '" 800. Dapik this ~ I~ the court in fhJilWie lmrD!r. tho: court in ~ CcaI ~ to my ........ upon~. dmce lhat -..oold abo be relMnl in an instrumenulity case.


whilo on/)' cLa.iming to iIIW tilt "fraud" Its!.. id. at 799. 2. A","""nte of Jus' OI:ollp' ionl II apfItMS lhatthe -a""i~ 01 just obligation"-factor" is lIpp/iaI)Ie....-lltn 1M ~ion's sole ruson Iorai$t~ is to evade ptnonall,abilily. LIOOds v. CJmmercialCoolraclO<'J. J>1C~ Js.. So..2d 1076. 1079 (ALa. 1980):/b, Secwrf~ Inc. /I. &rrn,,'/"w, 4(lIJ So. 2d 490. 491 (ALa. 19811. 0bYi0usIy. this tt.t alld the fraud lUI appear 10 <:M:'rlap. The caxs ~PIllying this sund&rd. ~ to nl)' upon ~ tNt. tIf'Ia ~in. i$ n\tv.lnt 10 an .n.. tlfO or iNln.lmtn~lity throty. 41.. .kIferIot, Q)/JJlI, Burial Soc. t'. CoIIOI'. 222 Al.L 578. 13J So. Z56 (1930) (ciliflll Mde~ thM two corporations C/IO'I"Itd by principal had salm empl()yffl. "''1'1"1' both orgMlind by the >111m individUil. one ~ioo perf<.>nntd contracts lor the 0IhH. J.lIITJr. prtsidtn\ lind gtnt ..1rnana,ger for both COTjXlrIotioJl$. olfius In Ihe same Iocation.!\IImr. telephone. Soime person hirfd and 5tJpeMsed tlTlployftsl. 3. In,trum.nt. lily Th~I)' As OOIid. tilt Ihru' "facton". or ~ for liability often bIMl togc:lhtr.llnd do not nllll)' appellr to be distinct factol'J in any 01 the tarly cases. Th. a.nalysis dots not brcomt 301y ""'"' consisttflt "'.... n 1M court ~lIrs 10 invoke the instrurmnWity "factOr". For elim~le. in CEo Dev. Co. V. 1<t"lcOOu, 288AIa. 660. 2M So. 2d 5]0 (1972). tht E»mans oo.-ned and controlltd C.E.D. and a n:L>ltd hoIdinc company. Tht plaintiff, employed C.E.P. to corutruct I houK 10 be Pli<! for from 1M procffib 01301 FIL\ 10m. EssITWl, ... presi""nl of C.E.D .. !Mdt an affidaVlI 10 tilt mortgage COOlPI' Il)' that.1I bills for Ial>or and ITIlIteri.oJ. had betn Plid. Of course. 1111 bills had oot b«n Plid. The Eumans thm tr.onsfured numerous parcels 01 rul ulate to the oolding wmpany. Although il ~III'J thll tht court lipp/itd tilt instNmtnWily - factor" in C.!'. lkt"*tJmml. giwn thot facts the d«ision could hi'-'\' bw1 bastd upon eith.. thot frlud or lI\IOidince of rlSjlOnSibility - factol'J". S« Z88 Ai.o..llt 666. In anothor cllse. ForeslWI! Corp. t'. J.Allu &- Blum. Inc.. 249 Ala. 23. 2'9 So. 2d ]9& ( 1 ~71. il IppellI"J thai Itit court



applied the "inltn.lmentality" theory. but anyone of the three factors could probably hi,... been used to impo5t li,,_ bilily. In Fores/lli/!. Iht defendants organiud corporations to develop relidential e.tate in Ntw Orleans. The ddendanu retained II brokerage firm to locate nal toLole. which the brokerage firm did. and the defendants' Alabamll corporation .... lIS gi""n an option to purchlst. lI~r. under lou'slanA law. I fore,gn cOrpOral ion could not hold tille 10 real .. tale. Therdore, a Louisiana cor POration ...... formed 10 obtain title to tilt property. Tho president of thot I\labama corporation .... as al.., the pnlidont of the 1.oui,ia~ corporation. The defendanu b<:41n to ""al dirtct. I)' .... ilh tht ownel'J afttrusur,ng tho brokers thO)' would be Pilid a commiuion. The option to purchue .. pirod and. immtdialtly Ihen"fter. Ihe properly .... u purchased by Ihe co. porate prtoident"s IOn. who Ihen conYtyed lhe property

10 the Loui,iana cor poration . \l'tltn the brobrage firm soughllo rtcO\'(r ils cOOlmission. ttlt Alabamll corpo",11on and ill principals claimed the corporation had purchutd thot property and thll no cootr..,t uilled bet"''(en Ihe loui.illl4l corporation lind Ihe Ttit Alabamll Supreme Cou rl rejected those ugumenll a.nd held Ihe Alabama. corporal ioollnd its principal. IllIble. In FrNeJl Hill. Ih. court appe .... to rely upon tho inltNmt..wily Ihrory. but also mr.nlians lho r..utI and lI\IOidance of liability lilroritl almost interchangeably. In fact. much of lilt evi""nce that would geM",tly be consi""rtd in imP05ing lia. bilily in an "'ter.-go or instNmtntality c;ue was oot di$. cu ... d. or ......1 001 pre$<nl in Foresillill. The uri hoc approach liken by tho AI<>booma. Suprttne Court lI~r thot three "fac. tors- beckoned for II clollnr lUI for ddmnining IUbility for wrporllte dtbll. That clurer tesl ...... Kemingly supplied in lilt tHe of I<U'idt ~I Ct/mpoomls. Int:. " D/n.'idson Indus., IIIC.. 411 So.2\! ]34 {Ala. 1982).

Don.lgp,.,.nl of lhe «wick. S.f RUM In 1973. the Fifth Circuit Court 01 A/lI>eals set the stage for dtYtlopmtnt of tilt /Urick 5#-1 Nlo ",'hen il d«ided tilt cast of linro lmiusi. Sup. Co. II. Nal/(Jnal Dill. & Chem. Corp.• 48J .:2d 1098 (5th Cir. ]973 ). In I<ri..o. tilt Pifth Circuit noted Ihlt the ~IN Sup ....... Court hid htiltd 10 deliMlIte a~. ci$< Iut for determining corpoFllle liabilily. TIlt court then ""I'T\I on 10 dtlil'lellte AlUi. This lUI ....lIS first tflunciattd by Prof.ssor J>owell in hil 1931lrtati.. on corporations; Po...'I'Ii. Alld Su/JJidt"orv Corporolions. I 1 (193 I ); and was lat.. ~td in lhot lmlilWll 1936 New York QIt 01 i.w.wwhol/l. &!lIinH.!n1 & 011. Hr. Co .. 247 A.P. 144 , 287 N.V.S. 62. offd.. 272 N.Y. 360. 6 K":. 2d 56 (]936). The Fifth Circuil stated thll tUl", follows: ...ITlwo oIemtnls Ir. UMntiaJ for liability under Ihe "instrumtn~lily doclrint". Firsl. lhe domifWll corpora. tion mull tw.'I' coni rolled the lubservient corpo. ation. and HCOnd. tht domifWll oorpoc;otion must hove proxiITIlItel)' tlOustd plaintiff harm through mi5tJ1t of this controL.



Id. at IIOJ·!)4 (citations OOliUtd). In 1Ina~,ng this t.. t. lhe court acknowlt<lgfd thlt stock ownership in the subservient wrpor,olion did 001 pn Ie .-.sot..!: tho queslion 01 control. Mler alWll}~ing the casts. the fifth Circuit concludtd lhal the control M«SsIIry "'.... leI .... l. Pl'rtic'Pl'IOI)'.loIol conlrol of lhot wbservitflt corpon.lion. id. lit ] lOS. The subservitfll wrPOralion must uisl only to furtht r the pu,-poses 01 the dami . IWlI oorpoc;olioo mel hi'-'\' no _I "Pl'''''e. indtpmdmt existence of ils own. See t"d. at I !06. The court oottd. ~'. thlt lot.:ol domilWltion and control alone "''I'Tt not tfIO<lgh to impost liabilily. The miswr 01 control by 1M domilWlnl tfllily must cault hlrm 10 Ihe plaintiff. See id. at 1106. Tho I<rivo dtcisioo n~lishtd tilt beginnings oi l test that can bf, Ipplitd in 1111 sit .... tions and under all Ihru faclors or tilroriH. That lest requira tilt tstahlishment of tho following eltflltflts: {I ) complete domilWlhon lInd control of the


fiNnces. policy and business practices of the .ubstMt111 IXH" pOrali<.>n: (2) It>. domiNtion and conlrol,..... Ult~ by the ddendant I" commit a wrnne on the plaintiff: and (3) It>. con· lrol Pf01ilflllleiy caustd tilt injury. or loss romplainrd of. 5ft /d.; _ also NCJte. Piercing The Carporolt leil: In Srun:h Of II SlllrIriani. 35 Ali. I.. Rf>O. 311. 32. (1984). In Xu.'ick Sel Components. Inc. v. Doviihan Indus.. Inc.. >tIl So2d 134 (Ala. 1982). the Alabama SUllr..... Coort ~td the Ir:at t11uncial· td in Kritoo. StlIting: ~ liabilily of [It>. defendanl[ WU GtMously pruiicaltd upon Ihe rule t~t. when one corpor~tion cootrols and domiNies another corporation I" the nt.nt t~t the second COfllO",tion btcomts "the .... re inMrummtality~ of lilt first. tilt domiNnl COf'PO",tion becomts liable for thoK lIebt. of tho substNient corporation ~ttribu!.abie to an abuso of thil conlrol .. •.1Wo .~""'nU ire .~nlial. \'w.>wtW •• 1or liability undt. the "in.lruJIlI'ntalily doclrint. - Firsl. the dominant ool'flO)Qlion must ~ con· Irol of lhe substrvienl c"rpo"'lion. and second. Ihe dominant oorporalion must~..... prOlilfllllely plaintiff hl.rm thrwgh miowo of this control. Id...t 13ti (citations omitltd). TIlt Xwick Set court also Siresstd Ihal/olal domiNtion of tho .utMtrvienl corporation "'... "Qui rt<! for liabilily 10 uis\. The court noltd lhil. although the 1I0ckhoidtrs;md IfIlIn~ .... nl in lhit Cist 'Oo'tre idtntial. this did not. in III\CI 0( iudf. deslroy lhe COrpol'ilt idtnlity;md mtT1t ont oorpora· tion into the other, S« id, at 137. II ~'''' whm Iho« (<It. Ion wtre combintd wilh tho apparenl ""home in KU'idr Set of It.. domilWlt cOl'flO)Qlion to avoid pl.ym<nl of 1M rubHMmt C""""",lion's dtbts .... n. btrotfoling from of goods giving riH 10 Ihe debu. tt..r. "'... evidence Indicating the lack of Kpl.rate corporale pUrpoK or uistenct. ~ id, /1\ 137. In other words. the lubsoMtnt corpontion'l only pur· pOK was as a vthicl~ \(l avoid tht dominant oorpor;lltion·llia. bililits I" credilors. Al first~. the K"id;SeI rule wouklappear \(lapp!), ooly in uses invok,ng the in!.trunv:m.ality "fldor" dut 10 iu tmp.asis on domination andconlrol. 1""-".• later QSfI hM indio

:::::;;7~·;-·':_u. responsibility. or fraud fxtUil JCm/Irlos. Indeed, il could be /lrr.>td ~t w.os ltv: cut in KJt-idr Sd. which clmrly i~ an avoidance of liability ",en;ono. In thr cut of ~~" Moring. 514 So.2d 892 (Ala. 1987). tht A!ab.unlSupftnx Court rtit.... led and cilorifotd tht Kuidr Sd tts\ and also indicaltd thil the Its! should lI'Ply in alllhrtt "pief(Oing It.. CO!'pOT'ilt~ ..... i1" ,iIU/lliORl. The <:ourt ,tlttd: In an llltmpl to cir<:Um,.. nt some of the difficullies in applying cooclUSOl'Y terms wch ill -inMrumtfll./olity.altu t1O- and -lIdjunct', .... ..,nounctd in Ku:ick Set .. _ a >tandardlo be applied in ordtr 10 dtttnnirot whelher the corporale enlity shou ld be disll'gardtd when tlCH· I ...... control is the ground ....!I) tIv: domiNnl p;irty must ~ compltte control and domrnalion of the subKrvitnl COf'POralion'$ fil'.'lTlCtl. policy and bllIi ...... pDC.

lices so thai il the lime of the i U<ltked IransKIion. lhe subkrvienl corporalion had no Kparale mind. ",il\ or rn$ltnc. of its own: (2) the control must t....... b«n mi$· used by the dominant porty. Although Froud or t"'rioIa· tion of a slQtutOq or olMr pOSi!i, .. 1"9<'1 dut/l is m~ of control. IChm ;1 is neceJSarJItl1 p"".",t ;'VustiCfl or irwquilQb/e cimmlStanas. misuse of conlrol ...m be presumed; (3) the misuse 0( Ihis conlrol must pro.;i· IfIlIltly ....... the Iwm or unjust loss rompbint<l 01. 1<1 at 8!»·95. (emphasis added) (citing Loo:mdaN" BaIIim/:lN & Oh. Hr, Co.. 247 A.I), 144. 281 N,Y.s. 62 (1936)): s« also nrsJ Hroilh. Int:. " BIimIon, 5S5 So.2d 1331 {Abo. 1991); Slirmou" aa.t &p. Oed O:wp.. S54 So.2d 398 {Abo. 1989): DuH" !it:Ju/hem /lJI. Co.. ~96 So.2d 760 (ALL 1986); Caha{)Q ~m.r..: Inc. v. V'~ "'1/11 S<qJp//I. 516 So2d 670 (Ala. Cr,.. App. 1987). This ~ l'romMewcJr not only reiterates and cilorifiu thr f(uW:Jr Sd rult. but it also lppWl to brwdtn Iht rult to WYtT;l1 Jilm· lions. including Iht fraud ;ond ~ of jlut rtspI'lIl5ibility thtones. where misuK 01 conlrol may t\It11 be pruumtd in some casr:a. Nootthr'-. ~ication 01 the Ka-idr Sd rule by lhe courts hal btcn incomist ..... On the one hand. oonv: C/IM:I hM cited and iA"/itd Iht KHid Sd rule, thmtJy ut.hIishing its '-iabiJity ¥Id. on lhoe other hind. oonv: cutS hM disnganltd OOih KJtW:Jr SeI and its rule. The cutJ lhit aPl"tIlT tt.. court'. unqmlifltll /Idoption 0( lhoe K....ick Set rult ,nclude Simmons l1. Clark £qpI. Cm!. Corp .. 550l So.2d 398iAla. Iggl). "toere Ihe court noled Ihal evidence showing dominalion and contro l b\' the ~d.ndant Will not 5uffocient 10 estllblis.h liability with· out proollhit the domination /lnd conlrol proJimattly caustd the piaintiffJ injurin. In Fint H<!Qllh. Inc. ". 8Ian/rH!. 585 So.2d 1331 (Ala. Iggl).lhe court fl1und evidence of domination and control. but the plaintiff failed I" Htablis.h thai the ~rtnt corpoT/Ition hII<.I misused ill control or ihallhe miSUH of oontrol...-u the ptVlilfllllt ....... of IIOY injury 10 Ihe plaintiff. S« id. al t335. In other cases. hO"'t~r. the Alabama courts hi ..... not always adhtffiJ to or t\'On iIdtnowltdgtd the kick Sel lI./ondard. For cumple. in the CIIH of &m!lt l1. Odom. MoJI &Dmugs . .t54 So.2d m iAbc 19M). Jubstanlia! evidtnct wu Introduced !howing that the principal of the corporation misused his con· trol of Ih. corporation. Il<':lYH'... r. il...-u never cltllrly uLai). lished thil his miowo oIlhil conlrol QUHd IIv: alle-gcd dam· ago. IndmI. the imot of caUSition "''lIS lota!1y ignored in I~t CaK. U was Ihe Ku-ick Set Itst. In TMm t'. Cd! S Sales Croup. Inc.. sn So.2d 1264 (Ala. 1991). ,t.. Alilbama Su~re"", Court uphtld i jury .... rdict pitrcine the CQrponte wil whtll' tIv:re WU dtllrMdtnc:t 01 domiNlion. control and m;suH of conlrol. 1l""'I"'t'r. lhe court onu again failtd to cile Ku-ick Sel and also failed 10 l!.att lhe Ku';ckSeI rult. In t::oJn Marlreiill(l.Inc. D. UdJunl Arneria.n Resorts.. Inc.. 6M So. Zd 86!1{ALL 1995), thr defmcbnt bOled to ketp~;ond comd reconIs 01.0 t~ of tho: corp:;nljon. indudir4 minute! oIlhe shareholders and board of diRCton meetings. con· tracts ¥Id fmancial rw.>nh. Tht court initially hoek! thai the WJ· un: 01 thr stockhoIdtr IG maintain Iht rtmnIo 0I1ht bu:.irw:. ..... /I di5reglrd of Iht coopol'aU bm n made Iht dtfmdant liable as a mllf/w-of 1aJ.. See t::oJn Marketil"" Inc. t\ l..eiwre Ameriam

28AJiR. 3] il35S9.:l563 ~ ]2. ]99-t). This holding apllured to ~Uh a new st.lndanl of strict liabjlity in situations..tom tht a'lIJIO)nII: k>rm hid btm d~ b)' tht failure 10 profItI'Iy maintain CIOrpOQt~ n'IXIRb. rttIMdias d c:ausr tion. miw.e of control. ric .. t\'to though the AWrama ~ Court hid decided 00 othtr ~ that the failure to follow ......... fOrmalities alone _ ~ 10 piau tht corpr:ntt ~l. 5«, ~f1" Ctrl:.x Prasfics. Int:. It ~ Int:•• S36 So. 2d :no 39 (Ala. 1988); Ccldman o• .APne:n1. m Ala. 160. Z75 So. Zd 106 (19731. On rehearing. tht Abb.vnI. Supmne Court modifotd it. <kcision. adding ~ ~ that the shmhoIdtr would be held peoonally liable for the debt "under the pa,rtirulu bets of this cut" and deleting the ~ that failing 10 keep corwrat. n'COnb: would rault in pmon;aIlUIlility _ a rTWIttft' 01 Iiw. Sa. &on Marlwring, Inc. D. 12isure Ameiculll/a(wts, hoc.. 664 So. 2d 869. 81] (19951. ~r,lhe court still did not clearly /Q1Io,," or oddras the Kri:k Sd NIo: and faikd 10 5Qk 0llctJ}' how the wlure 10 follow corpoIIU lormaIitiel cau...d the pWnIiII"s hann in tNt ~ J~ 1m Ku.idr Set ca5I: was not ewn cdnl in &on 11arlrding. Sa. abo £X l'rJrt£ AmSoulh Honk fAmSoulh &Ink, N.It. n 1I0/land). 669So2d 1504 ~ 1995llcourt cikd both the IUlri Set and Messick cases. but ~ the i~ of J(widr Sd:' ",Iingl. Given iu .. ppa, .... nt di$reprd 'Of tm Kuid &1 tnt and tilt incoomtency of iu rulings in this a....a. the AI .......... S~pr.rm Courl appears to Slilll>t lrapped in Ihe quag· m". ducnbed by Prolouor 8<o1l.nli.......... ny yean ago, KIL'k/t &1 and fI1~ u~li$h a clear Int. Or atiust a guiding principl. in this area of the law. This test can be used to ~omp!ish justice under any of the th...., pl"<'\lious -factors" 01' tnu set forth in tht AllIbama ase IlIw. 1I()\o'f\~r. giv.n tIM: inconsistent "l'I'iication of this tOJt sinct 1982. the only clear guidance that a praetitioner still tw in these ases is the ~dt-n« that tw bHn relied upon to pierce the eoflK>" rate ~il for d«adts. I/a(wts, Inc..

Evidentiary Facto... to be Appli ed In Pia rclng U•• COI'JtOI'a t e V. II ca... Ovtr the }/tars. the AlabarTWI coorb have consistently C()n. sidered certtin types of el'idenct in to<JlOrate ~il piercing eMU. Thi$ Mdentt will Jltnerally k «~t in ilIll' aller fiG CHoP, wmlher 01' not the Ku:ick &1 rule is awlinl 01' ignoml. md reg.rdl~ .. 01 whether the case it dfCided under the rubric

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of "instrumentality". "fraud- or "a.-oidanc. of just responsibili· ty-. In the ase of OWfv. Sou/hem Rv. Co .. 496 So2d 760 (Ala. 19861. the AIaI:wn.a Sup ...... Court set (ortlla OOIl-aclu· SM: list of these evidentiary factors: "(al The paront eorporation 0»11S all Or most of the capital stoclc of tho: subsidiuy. "(b) The parent Mld subsidiary corpOnotions ~ common directOr> or officers. "(c) The parent corpo.. tion finances tIM: subsidiary. "(011 The pUt"nt c:G<JIO .. tion $UbKribts to all 0( the ClPltaJ stock 0( the subsidiary or OIherwi.. (lUStS its incorporation. -(e) Tht subsidiary tw grossly inadequate capital. "(Q Tht portnt corporation pa.)'$ the gllIries and othtr txptnstl and \oNes ol the subsidiary. 'Igi The subsidiary tw substantially 00 busin... except wilh the pa,rent corpOnotion. or no usets ocflll thost COI1W)'td to it by the pa«nt COfpOrlItKlfl. "(II) In the pa,pers oltlM: ]"IiIr.nt corporation or in the stat.· menll of its offictrs. tilt subsidiary is described as a depa,rt· ment Of division of tho: pa«nt corporlItion, 01' iu businw Or financial rtspOOSibility is r.fmnl to as tho pa .... nt tOI"JlOra· tion's own. -(il Tht parent corporation usa the property d tho: subsidiary as iu own. The dirfCIors Or exe<uti,'U of tIM: subsidiary do not act independently in the int.«st of the subsidiary. but take their Qrdt-rs from lhe PilKnt COfllOr;lItion in tht latttr', interest. "(kl The fOflflllJ 10\1111 ,.quimnentl of the subsidiary art not 00..,."..01." Id. at 763 (qoollOi Ta,kN V. Standard Gas " £1«. Co.. 96 t:2d 693. 704·05IIQ1h Cir. 1938H. In Simmons , •. Clark Equip. CrM. Corp .• 554 So.ZJ 398 (Ala. 19891. the court rtiterated Ind opanded on the factors set forth in Ouff, staling: Tht corporat. veil may be piertnl ,,·h ..... a C()rpofation is set up;as .. subt.rfuge. whe .... !hareholders do not 00w""" the eor· porate form. ...-her. tht legJol reiluire ...... nts 01 eo<por.otelaw art not complied with. where tho cOl'llOration ..... inta'''' no eorpolOlt. records ..... lM:re tilt rorporation maintain. no COf1ll>" rate IwIk iCCOUnL whert the C<lrp<lrlotion Iw no emplo)'Hs. where Q)IJlOr>.tf NId PfI'SONI funds a.... intermlnglnl and cor· !lOrate fundi art u~ lor personal pUf\'lOSfS. or wlM:r. an indi. ,,",\IlIJ drain. funds from the eorporalion. hL at 401. Othe, tvidmcethat Iw bun COIIIIdt-red in olhtr ases includes: m The pa,rtnland .ubsidiary corporation uM the SlIme off~ Of mailing ~ms and the same off"e equipment. Sft .kffenoo COtmI~ Buri<>/ Soc. c. Col/on. 222 Ala.. 578. 133 So.


256 (\9301 . 12) F'!IiJurt to complete or proptrly Il1COfJlOratt the COl"Jll>l<l· tion. Sa Chris/ion & Crall Gro. Co. v. Fruildale Lumber Co.. IZI Ala. 340. 25 So. 566 (18991. (3) F'IIilur. of the shareholders to ply for their shares of the oorporation's stock. Sft id. (4) Failu .... to conduct rmttlllgs dtM !har.hoIdfrs or board 01 dirfCtorl ~nd to rrcord minutts of SlIme. Sft ;d. (5) .... ilu« to proptrly maintain tht boob and I"K()rds 01 tilt COfpOrlItion. Sft £r:on Markeling. IrK. t •• Uisure Am.

Resorts. ITIC.• 664 So.2e1 869 (Abo. ]995). (6) The dominant cO'1'Oralion o. indi · vidual 0\<I'1l$. conlrob; and """! other corpOrat""", in l simib. IlWlf'Kr. &.. DUM Coal Mill, & Mfg. Co.~. WilHlJlm.

221 Ala. 33]. 128 So.


0930). (7) Dissolving ~ oorpOralion or Crtat·

ing a CO'1'Oralion 10 avoid li.lbility. Sre C.E. Oev. Co. v. Ki/c/N>t .. , 288 All. 666, 264 So.2d !i]0 {l9721: F~I my Corp. v. u]//..r& Blum. ITIC.. 249 Ala. 23. 29 So.2d 298 (I~7). (8) UK by the dominant individual or co~ion 01 tho $ubKrvimt CO<pOr;lI' tion', prOPtrty. 5ft Kwkk ~I CompmNmls. ItlC. v. {)(lddsolt '"dus.. ITIC•• 411 So.2d ]34 \ALl. 1982). (9) Payment 01 tho oo'1'Or»ion's dtbt.. from anotllt. cO<j)OriItioo', accounu where both cO'1'Oralioru an owned. or conlrollN by mtily. 5ft Finll/('dilh. Inc~ " BlimiOO. 585 So.2e1 133IIA1a. 1990). (10) IltaV)' subsieliution of the torpor.r.tion by the defendant. See Thom ... C&S SQIes Croup, Inc.. !in So.2d 1264 IAla. 1991). III) Failure 10 pay the primary shart· hoIdtrs. who art aoo employttS. M' quale Alarits. 0. failure to disbuoe d...... i(\{,nds to J/lareholcltf'$, See id. And , {l21 f'ailur. oIlhe ""bKrvient corpo~ion 10 obtain l business licmK. OPtn bank accounts Of conduct other ordi· nary bUlin.1oS activiti ... See Ex parle AmSwlh &mit (AmSoolh &mit. N.A. v. Holland). 669 So.2e1 154 (Ala. 1995). AIlhlugh some d Ihese floc· lors rna}' be present ina particulu case. that doa not. ~ i\K1f. ~W.liabibty. As the o;ut slatfd in Dull ' So one d Ihese fxtors is diS!lO'itiVl:'; nor does the list exhallSllhe ~I=nl factors." 496 So.2d it 763. Furt/w:rmoR:. the pbintilf ......t kftt> in mind !Nt. undtr fUridr Set. Ihese evidentiary f3ctors are 10 be coos;.j· ered in dtierminil1ll ....heihtr ~ .... ~ rompIdo domiNtion and cootrol by the prny charged. mJ ~ tNt domi· fl3tion and oontrol w:>$ mi~. n.. plaintiff IlIU$\ "-ill ~ ~ to o:sbl>IiJh that !he misuK 01 cootroI "as the pnJIliomtt <:auK d!he pWntilrJ injurits. tn any IM'Ilt, lhecw filClors rq>n· Jent the \)1w: <i ...i<k:nco that hal COIlJis.. ImtJy ~ coo.idmd ~!he courts in veil piercing osa. n.. more ~ a

plaintiff C¥I product so.:pporti~ these e-,;. dmtiary fxtors, the stl'tlllg« his case will be and !he more likety he ...ill pmoail in pim:ing !he lXIfpOr'ate veil.

be important and many CO\.Irts rna}' be reluctant to pierce lhe torpor~te "",il. unless wch tWderoct is prtStMf'i It is hoIltd. howeVI:'r. IN.t the Abba ...... Sup~m( Court will continue 10 clarify Iht /W·idc &1 rult. thtrtby providi"lla dtan. path for tho prxtitione. 10 fol · low in fulure astS. •

Conclu.ton Whm KItW;k ~ and l'f~ l~ nad tog.thor Uw:y apptilr to crulo I test lhat can be applied;n all siluatlons wilen: I plaintiff seeks to pierce lhe torporale ~it. 11w: lest requiru Uw: plain. tiff to Ihow domi .... tion and control <i the JubK",ienl corporal ion. misuse 01 the controt and I !hawing thai the misuse 01 control PfOllimatdy aUK<! the injuries of the plaintiff. Miruse 01 con· trol can be e,llIblilihed through the 1lOIl'GClusr.e evidenti.lry factof'$ set forth in Dvff. Simmoos and lhe other CMU discussed in the pI'K.ding_lion. In SO"'" cast$, when the wrong· dou hl$ btm careful 10 follow the COT· form. then miluse of controt may be pruumW .... her. fraud, aV'Qid. ana: of jUJIIi.1bility. or other irw:quiWl!e cirrumlillnces tilit. In any """",I. proof of the Mdmtiary factof'$ discussed in the preceding sectiOll .... ill

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A small chan~ in Rult 34 of tho: !'"edenl Mults 0( Civil Procedure uwrtd in tM compute. age for liligalon.. The origi~1 ",1. '!'Ok. only 0( doculMnlS ~nd tangibl. things. As modified in 1970. Rul. 34(a) d.r.nt! docunwnls n including "other ~t.Io compilatiorul from which inloTm.ltion can be obt,ined. translated. if n«u ... ry, by the reJJ\ through d.tution dtvicu inlo read.iblt. uWlI. form",' This will bo: I printout. but il nol uquirtd 10 be. The rult ~Iso puIS the bor. den on lhe rtSponojtnt to INQ: t ho pnnlool or otM....ut put the data inlo ~.uonably uWlI. f(lnn. The Advisory Commiltct Not. \0 tile l lnt"""",nl mtu: The indwM dtJeril'ltion of "documents" is rMsed 10 acconI "i\h changing ledl~.11 makes dear t~l Rul. 34 applios to 01«. Ironic dll3 oompiLttions from ...tlich infor,n,tion can bo: obWntd only "i!h tho: 0( <.ktfCtion devicu. ~ ......... tho. data QIl 011 a practic;lI matttr lit nak ...... by !hi: disoMring party only Ih~ 1"tSj'IOIldrnt', dMas. r~ldrrlt rNy be reQUimllO U5o! his drvias 10 lranslale !he data inlo usable Ionn. In many in6bInces, this means that mpondmt "ill hM 10 wppIy J printout d 0JmpultT data. The bunltn thaI's plactd on rapondenl "ilt from case 10 case, and lhe COOrls have ampit flO"Ifr under Rule ~,) 10 protect mpondmt ,gains! W>i;Iue bunltn or I:XI"'IlOe. tilhtr b)' mtrictirra discowry or reQUiring thaI !he ~ fWty pay costs. Simiwty. j(!he diso:wering patty ~ 10 chedc !he tIedton· it $OUI'CI' ibdf, !he w.rrI rNy protKt mpondmt with rapod 10 JlR:'tMtion dthis I'lCOf<k, cmf>cImtiaIily d ~ !NI. len, and <XliSIS. Commi ltee Not. 48 ~:IU)' 481. 521 (1910)



DISCOVERY _ _=-=-z'n--=..:th=..e.

Computer Age

Alter 1970. acxus to C()rnpJttr printouU beaorm wrty routine. ~T. the diSC(M1')' 01 information in vnioos data storage devices Or inspection 01 the respondent's com· puter system itKlf has lliined only rtCent acceptance. This is !Wily uplooioo1. Only 'tcmUy has romputtr UK I:>frorne so .,..;oo.prud thai il an lit cq>n:trd thot tho di$coyning ~rty win llaw the C.lPiKity to proew tht dau. Discowring parties can now be tx~cttd to have tllti. OW" computers ..... ith CQm· patiblt ooftw;o .. on which to o;onducl tIlti. (\WI1 analysis. Today. tho "'anlNll for C«npJu Liligalion recognizes the "11m disaMry 01 tofYOIlUltnud dalil in complft cases: The poIml ial !)(ndiu UI.>I rna)' be lierivW from romput .. i~td dala-a$ wtll .. tilt probl.rm ,uch data ~ (rtltt-ar. rubsuntial both in the discoYtry prOCHi UId lIthe INl. AI lilt OUIK\ of tile litigation. liwc COOT! should inquire into lilt uisWl« 01 compului<ed da1.iland p~ for it .... trin\ll .• . Accordingly. a party nIlIy be rt<juiwi nQt only to furnish pre·nisling liard copies 01 computtriud da~ bul abo to p~ new printool:J 01 ptrtinmt ilnns or 01 <bill bun. Somttimrs. party should lit Rquirtd to provide its information in machinereadable form, so lhat the dat.> may M stored by the diJw\'tring parti", for ~Itr anal)'Si'1 on !Mir .....·n <"""",It n withoul the I;mt. HpmSt. and potmtial for errors thaI """,Id ruull if data from <I prinl-OUl "'ere R·entertd rmnu.tlly. Manual for Campla LiIi!}<Jli(1II 2nd. S«lion 21.446

Today. _ must M ((In<'.tmed with diSCO\'Otring information thaI i, rudabl~ .Itdr()nically and found in data $Ior~ dt\>ices such a. noppy disks. hard disks. rnagn.lic talltJ and OIl\;al disks. In documtnt requests &rid subpoonu. I1lOSI allomt)'S now typically include in lheir Monition of "dono· mmt" phrua likt ";rw;:luding. bul not limittd to, computer· rudable medi •. mKh;nt smsibl •. eltelrOnic. Or lfIy olher form of information".' Ily limiting discOYery 10 lraditional palltr docu ..... nts. <llIomrys may _U mi$ll "gnirlant &rid muningful informllllOll: for ournpIe. it .... bHn t.S!.imattd lhai as much IS 30 ptrcml of the infolll'llliion that !lotS inlO businus compulen ntWr apptus al all in paper form. The federal <:a$t ITIO$I fTft(uentJy dltd for lhe proposilion that discoYtry ffiIUHIS 01 this Iypt QJl ~ >houkl be .ranttd is Nolionolllnion 1.'1«1,* Corp. " AAllsushila El«tric hIdusJrioI Co.. 49t f. Su"". 1257 (0. PI. 19801. S« also ~O()Q E/edric. Co.~. Unill'd Siales, 650 f . 50"". 1003 je t Int'll'rade 19M) (concluding lhal lhe burdens 01 producing electronic dat.> "ith lhoistc 01 produc:iTIII ordinary roles aR COOl~.I. In Nalionoll/nirJn. the d~ ~ sougI1\ in!'ortNtion obout NloliorW Union', annual and monthly WQ and production oIleleYision ~iwn. The TeoJIOOdmI had alrudy produced thislnformatioo by compuler printout. The discQ'o'tri!lJl party Ihtn osktd for. tompul.r·rudab~ t.lpe. The court interpnttd F.R.CiY.P. lIu~ 3.1 to ;O[1ow for the p.... ductlOll 01 compute, !apes evm after the printoulJ _ made ..",iWllt. Notional Union, F. SuP!l. at 1262. In this cut, it "'IS somewhal imporlanl thaI lhe diSCQ'o'tring party """ willing 10

1E1_1.-1e 1Ew1........ :


In I... Computer Age

addi1iooal coot. incumd by tho: production. Id. Tht court also pudict«) tNt cornputeriud files "illlOOIl M tho: norm in prttriaJ d~ry: It !Ny ~II M that Judge Charl., E. CWit and tho: fnmen oithe .'tdenl RulH of Civil Proct<!UN: could not forlS« the computer age. H~r. ~ know we now livoe in an era when much of the data which OUr SOCiely duira 10 retain is $Iortd in rom· puler disb. This pr0«$5 will HClbtt in yon to come; ~ owr>«t that by the yor 2000 virtually all dal.) ,,-ill M lIort<! in S(lmo: fonn of compuler memory. To inlerpm the ftdenl Rules which ... fler all . • re to M construed to "secure the just. s~ aOO inHpo!nsivoe determination 01 (Very ;w.:tion". F. R. CIY. P. l. in I manntr which would prtclu<k tho: produc, tion 01 mateNI such ~ is ffilUHtt<! line. would """nt.....11y \ltfeat their pUrpoK. M. ,\nolhtt lead in" 'tde.. 1cut iIIus· trata the folly of Ignoring computer_ Iud cbt."I. Croom !.ir, Insurrma Co. ... Craig. 99S fold 1376 (7th Cir. 19931. See .. Iso~ &mlrers InsurrlJlat Co. v. C<Jrulh. 786 S.w. 2d 427 (Tex. CL App. 1990) Iwherein dtf.. ult judgment ,,-as entered ~inst dtfmdant who failed to produc. computtriud fitH). In Croo.n !.ir,. the du_ Wl'ering party sought infor_ mation about the .. mount of !l"IOI1t)' he .. Iltgtd was owed him in m>O\'o.,,1commiAions by the respondent. The rupondtnt produ«d written summari(s 01 you·.nd computer printouts of tOI.)l r,ntwall. The discovoering party repeatedly lISked for tilt:"TJW dati" on "tlich the summaries ~rt based. presumably so he could romputt hiM5i'1f the .. mounl of renotw;ll commissions due. eou ....1 Mr rHpO.>r>dmt <tpmtnttd to the court that it had 00 further responsivoe docum<nt... Ouring trial, the tlistenee 01 a database was toOfi rmtd. The rtspondont tried to justify ill "'ok of production by Irguing that the dati ,,-as~. put into "document" form and $0 it had been impossibk to obtain ~ printout; buides. the respondml ~rgued. the diSoCOWring party rtque3ttd ",,"ritt~n documents" only. The trial court found that th~ .esp<m~ent had willfully violate~ d, sccmry OMT1. M one sanction, the rttpond~nt was oot ~lIowe~ to present 01" rely upon It trial its ""'" ColIkullltions 01 rtrInO"lIIl rommisI'om. The Stvoenth Circuit felt the punishment julllnd kOfftd at rrspondtnt"1 argument: Crown Life IIS(l argues that the: "'-tl is not "docu· menll" beColluse it ,,-as new. in any hilrd ropy fo.m

mtd any


Craig rtquuted "wriU~n documtnts". ft~r. the .\D..,SOf)' Committu notes to the 1970 amendment of the Ftderal Rules 01 Civil Procedure J..I make dar that computer dati is included in Rule 34's description of documentl. Ther.,(Ort, Crown Uf.s fa ilure to mall. dal.) a,""ilable amounl$ to .. violation 01 disccmr)' order" erou" Life. 995 ~:2~ at 1382-3. Apparently. tho: JOI.t AIaI!ama prtadtnl on thu front is an ...-.publishtd opinoon styItd Birmingham ~ Co., c. AtrrsI. d. 0 .. 1993 \\1. S28446 Wa. Cir. Ct.). In this cut. the Circuit Court 01 Montgomory County tnjoinnl the Alabama Dtpartment oIl"ublk Safety from rtfusinS to copy ~nd delivoer to the p1aintiff"an . Itctrornagnotic mtIlia of aPPI'Ol'.iate C.lII*ily and .... itmilily for ......, or so much .. may be m,ueslt<! by tho: plaintiff of the: computer dat."lbw:s" mainl.)intd by tho: dtplrtmmL Not. that this court also ordtrtd the lJirminghcm New to pay ~ny cosll incu.rtIl by the department "to [ ... t. any ntW compute. pl"Ql/rJ.m rrquired to comply "ith any such rtqUHt". ThisdKision doH not rely upon nor interprd "-R.Civ.P. Rul. 34. bot rathrr. it intcrprtll

the language 'publ,c writinS" in AlabalTlll Code ~36·12-40 (199] I. which states "every cit· izm has the right to inspect and t."Ikt I copy 01 any puIIIit writing 01 thu state. eKtpI lIS othe""ise upressly provided by statut.". The depar1nwnt that it ,,~ only required to pr0vide obstrvu of motor ...nlclt reconIs and not tho computer tiptS themselves. Imrlying that MVRs are public ",TitingJ and computer tajlH them· selves art not. Tht court fouOO that the romputer tiptS thmueIvts are '"public wrili","". a r«Ofd "rtaSONbIy n«H6lory to rrconI" the rrquired businail and activities of I public ollker. The qUHtion lIill rtmaiTlS whothe. or not \he com· puter tapes art "reasonably nKesur)' to record" the busiflW of the Department Ceminly. lhe Otparlrnl'nl "'-as lblt to ColIIT)' out its business "ith. out the aid 01 ~te ... bofort wch tKhooIogy ............. bbIo. 1I0'0>~r. tho Court r«ogniza that compulen haV'I! addN a grtat amount of ....1.,. to OUr public rKords. and that currently the Otpartm<nt gtnerates the MVRs by oomputen. Therefore. "ithout the .. id of the computer dat.. but. citiuru would not. .. a prxtiaol matt~ •• ha,~ Kcas to all of the information (Ompiltd.. Birmingham Ntu'I. 1993 WL 528446111 2.




l)iSC<Mry 01 d~[trook~ll~ 110m! o,bta willlx limited by IhHo lamil ... and traditioNl roncepts: trad. _HI$. atto<nty-ditnt privil~. and the work prOduct docl';nr. It can bo: argutd, ~r. that tM courts luw oot yet fully e~pIoud

the ir application to oomput~riztd files. Atrade Hem if ~ion Ihal: III is U$td (H" jntfn<.kd /or 1M in II trJdt or I:uina4; (\)) is inchJdtd or rrmodinI in a /or. rnub. poltrm. O'lmpiLation. C\lrr1lUtn JOftwan:, d"""';ng. ~. method, technique. or procw; Ie) is not publicly knowo and is not genmlly kf>or,o.'I1 in the trade OIl busil"CM of thr penon ~ t~ it isa tr.IIdrt«rd: I!ijQllROtbl' madily asttrtHwd or dtriwd fum publicly WolIiLable i~ (tl is the sub;ect of tfforts thilt am ruson;,bIt under the circum5WlCtS In maintain ill secrecy, and (f) !las signirlQ/lt tIXIOOIllic value. Ala. COOt f8..21·2 (1975). The protection must "'yield wIwn ntCa.wy Io~ i'1iustitt", DiKoo'I'I}'jHOOItiid art f~·cir· ~ed

by Qlftul d!ldi"4l of prot<dM orden.

The conttnts 0( confidtnlial communications bttwttn an ;attorney :m ll II clit1\t IIrt priviItgftL Ex ptJrl~ AJlQ Mutual Inw.Q1ICfl Co.. 631 So.2d S58

tAla. \993J. Stt also Ala, Code 112-21-161 11975) which ron· b.ins tht statutory dofon,lion 0( anormy-clitnl privilege. A communication within the

ambit 01 tnt atlomqo.cHent pri...i~ is any ~I by whKh information is COI1W)'f1I. Affa Mutual. 63] So. 2d at 858. To invoice the protection of the ,."()rk prodl.lCl prMl~. it must be shown thaI the mIIt(· rials $OUghlto be proteclrd were prtpared "in anticipation 01 litigation". The pnrmry moti\.,.ting pUrposl' behind 1M crealion of allocumtfll or i",estigati"" report must be 10 lid i(\ pouible futurt litigation. LtJ.~{)tII~ Do r'''()Io,"" &1" 581 So.2d 866 lAb. Civ. App. 1991). The protection an be lost "upon /I showiTllllhallhe party _king diSCCMr}' has substantial need of tht materials in Ihe prep;or.Ition of his cast and thatM is unable "'ilhoul undue hardship to obUoin tilt subsbntiotl tqUMlmt 01 the matm..t. by other meaN". A.R.. Civ. P. Rule 26{b)iJl. Of course. the difficulties IlriK ..-htn it is argued by tM disc(J\~ring party lhat /I ",ivil.g<:<.l has bN(\ waived. Any pri\'. ilt'gt ~ be _iw-d .ither directly or conotructMly. Oiscto.UR of part oI ..... ivlltgtd communitltions construe· to",,1y "'lives tht privilege. Ex parle CIW/ Ameriom Surplw l.ines /nsurrmCf! Co.. S4() So.2d 1357 (Ala. 1989). ~'or .... m· pIe. in Sl<'lJin .... Teny. 454 So.2d 948 (Ala. 19M). tilt defm· danfs f.. ilure 10 objoect 10 the testimony of a gw.rdWl ad Ii/em "'as lwld 10 constotute II constructivt ""(\'tr of the atlomey-clienl privilege. Slroin. 454 So.2d 01 954.

In /n(mwlirmaf B(lsi~ M(1(hirres Corp. II. Comdisro. 1992 WI. 52143 (Otl. Super.l. IBM built and ownrd a highly svphiSlitlted and computer system that itlPStd to a third party. IBM allt#d that Comdisoo sold and further !.Ubleased compomnu of the computer system during the least period. Millions at documenu were produced during lhe discover}' ~ oIthis cast. including ~ electronic mIIil rommunitltion from ~ IBM atcutiw 10 an IB.\I account rtpI'amUo' liw.l\l.M conler.cled that the e'lTI3i1 ~ renectedthe "",ecuti",,'s synthesis of legal advi~ he re<:ti""d from IBM's oorpOrlIlt tOll ....1on a particular is.rue and thw ...... rtt>! ~ttornt)'-Clitnt privileae. ComdISCO tontendtd that 1M <»TI'lmu",ation rtfiected business w..i~. oot Iegli ""'ice. Mort impor\.anllO the Superior Court at Otlawart. oo...wer. was the nlent 10 which "il contains information meant to be dis· tributed to ptrsons other than the torpOrlIte ·ditnt~. InIf!mIJtiantd ~ MDch~. 19!12 \\'1. 52t43, at I. The court found that only part at tilt e·rnail mtWtit was intend· ed to be pri~ale and sub,i«t to proItction.ld. at 2. ArgUibty. the attorney·dietlt pri\il~ will be upheld. even if ~ Iltor· ney's advi~ or opinion is com· municated 10 tht client thl1)ll£h tlKtronic mail. It mull be undmtood. though. thaI (Iectronic 1TI3i1 repreKnLJ a""ry real threat 10 the aUor· n.ty-climt privileee simply W'''K it is frequently dis· closed 10 persons "outside lhe circle of conr.denliali ty". It is /10 Ionat'r unUJUII for aUornryfo. p;r.rtkub.rIy in com· plu tun. to uK computtriud litigation support systems. The syslem would consisl of /I rom· puttr program. docwnmu (full or Ki«ltd tatl. oote& li(\duding the attomt'jl', men· Lal imp"Mionl. condwions. and theories). alld summariu. Arguably. such alilig.Jtion support system would fall under the lrade wcnls anclfor work product umbrella. Yet htigatiorl support syslerns ~re Ill\> Larget of d;scovtr}';(\ at lust Iwo caul. F/Jule<:k ". /oIoI,lgOmf1rV 14<",1 & Co" 91 F.R.D. 393 (N.O.lI1. 1980). md Hoffman II. /lnilf!d TtltcOmmunirolionJ. fn<:•• 117 r.R..D. 4J6 (D. KIn. 1987). In Fa/JI«*. the syst(m ;l5tlf had bern dtvt-I· oped with input from COUnll'l. $0 il WlIS protected. bUI the daLa was to be relit>! upon b)' a testifying upert and could not be withheld as IttOmey woo1c·produc\. Fould. 91 FJI.O. at 398. In Hoffman, the dilClMn<ql party touaht imorma· tion aboul the Ktup at the litigation!.UppOT\ systtm iUtlf. The court held that the informalion should be prottctt>! u work product "ith the ufldtrmlldingthat if i(\formatiOll from the system WIll ustd for "'pert rtpOrU. the(\ it would hove to be product>!.IIoIfm<m. 117 F.R.O .. 11439.

"Discovery of electronically stored data will be limited by these traditional concepts: trade secrets, attorney-client privilege, and the work product doctrine" "

E...,tronlc IEvldence:


In the Comput.. Age

of (M1" 2.000 1IptS. The inlonNtion conllined on thoot umaining library lipes. r--~r. ClIonnot rrplicate the documrnu destroytd b!' e~c.

" D OCUMENT" R ETENTION OR D ESTRUCTION ~ prUerv.lllon of electronially .tored dati pTtstnlS uniq;ue challenges 10 tilt diKowring party. Only iII"I immrd'· ~te requW. for ~ mirror·i~ copy of lilt computer', .torage or lICCtsS to tilt computer ilSolf by lin expert will pre_ serve lI!1tht computer·b.utd e>idenct. For .., IonQ as tilt computer system relNins in evorydOly bus iMSS UK. r.ew files are being crtllt~. old files may be O"Verv.·riUtn. <<! or in flIIrt or in wool •. or back-up U;ltS recydtd. And this presumes no purposeful or wrongful dtStruction. It un be argutd thot tht temptation to delete computor fi~ is great b«JuK most ewrydOly users:usun>< that on« filtS. or flIIrU 01 filtS. If. "deleIW" thai u.." be f«(I\I!red. Thil is IiI11M' not t"",. In ~ -prooImay be rNdt th.!.l. II poorty purpOStly lind wrongfully drstl"O)'td /I document which he knew """ supportiw of lilt inlerest 01 his <!pIXlf>tnt whethtr or not IIllClion involving ouch interest """ pending lit the Ii"" 01 1M destruction". CIImble. Mcf.·lrfN~ Alabama Ecidiml:e. $mioo 190.05 (4th ttl. 19911. Arrt party who dutroys mattrial evidtna: ,,;11 suffer oldverse inftrencH and/or moneta')' ptnatties. See •. g.• MaJlJ'. Moore. 424 Sold 596 (Ala. 1982) (medial!mlpl'3ctiu lClioo involv-


ing missing ~III m;onIs ...... mn admw inlrftflCeS we« dR'A-"Y1 .,gainst dtftndant physicWi).

Clearly. the duty not to drstroy begins Won the filing d /I compLtint. In I.;". 1: T1IompsooI Co. rI. Cetwral /l'ulriti<J,. C«p.• 5931'. Supp. 1443 (C. O. Cal. 19M). the court held "sanctions may be imposed lJIa.ill$t II litigant woo is OIl noIice thllt documents and informatiOll in it. pOSsession art re levllnt to liligation. or pOtential litigalion. or I re ru,onably ClIoiculated 10 lead 10 the diKOVt')' 01 admissible evidence. Ind deslroys such docurmnlS". 7"IIomroon. 593 ~: Supp. ~114St (tmplwi. addtd). The court determined that "no4ice "'ilS pn.!\idnI b!' the pu·liligalion cormpondence belwttfl cou .... l for the flIIrtiu". at 1445. Besides destroym, or dilarding tu.rd copiu 01 documtnlS. lhe drfmdull had el"aKd ~rllin key computer filrs. Id. The court $I/IIW: esc could hoM: prtKf\"td and rt1.ained on comput · er tlpe or dl!k 1111 01 1M purd~. salt and i".,.."lo')' infornvtion and dall which ....-as on the now" deslroyed r~nh described in f indings 7 and 9 .b<!vt without undue burden. CNC admits ttu.t it already posstsstS a computer Iape and disk libra')'



Id. at 1446-7. The dtfendint"s continued drstructioo 01 evidenee. both hard and elecironitilly $Iortd.1<d the court to ifllllO$<l' ITI(Kle\,lry sanctioos ;and a drf~ull judgmenl againsl the drf~ndint. Id. A defaull judgnwnl was al.., entered llgaill$t a ddendant in a copyright ...... involving soItwau used to design cabinets. Cabllelwanl. lnc. v. SullilJlJn. 1991 WI. :\27959 (F,.D. Cal). tn Cab'NlI!LYlnl. the defendant deSifOjltd lin initial w rsion of lhe "source code" used 10 _ile the S(lftware It issue while a req_t for production 01 the IOUrce code had b«n pending. The defendanl apLtined "that he dntroytd the Mdeoce b!' wriling (M1" the flOJlflY disks IlK"... he ne.edtd I1"IOU disks and did not ,,-ant 10 bot ..... to 120 out and buy additional disks". ~I"",". 1991 "1. 327959. II 2. ~ court concluded tNt the inilial "lOUr« code" " .... of aitiul ilT1p)rUnCt 10 the C3st and enteml .. cklault judgment. cohllg QJmpulw Auociales 1,.,1"/. l1K"t. ..tmfrinm Flmdrmnt. Inc•. 133 I'.R.D. 166 (D. Colo. (990). {d. 314. Cerllinly. il behooYu r•• pon· dent"$ coun~1 to a<hoise clients that to prt~M eJisting rom· puter data and. if nectWry. disable any automated prOCtduru on Ihe computer that " ill destroy ulnw>I"';denee on lhe computer's SlO~. FUllher. counsel Ihookl lldvUe corpOr.ate clients to inelude electronic data in ilS document rdentioo or be pTfp.>mI 10 npbin why dat.a was un....,usarily uUined or in-Wwrtenlly dtstroytd.

CHARACTERI STICS To beUer appreciate how theK tr.adiliofl/ll concepto; will apply to compu teriud diSCO'lt')'. it iJ necessary 10 unde ..t..nd a few key differenctS bel_en p.>per records and electroniCliolly slored ucord$. Electroniully stored rtOOJds IIU lar mo~ porIIble and K«SSiblelhm paper ucordl. An individwl electronic file may be round on one penonal compuler Of on per· sonal computer!. ~ electronic /lie: nvy bt round on one or 50\.., ..1 fkwy disks. If" p.>lIy is "nttworlctd". i~ .. usn a ~ lem 01 inltreor\ntCtw computtn thit ClIon comml.lllicate .,.;th taeh other through /I filt Kowr. then the nurnbrr 01 ptOpIe who iUW the electronic rolt or the number of capitS thllt could mSI is Upansl"". Electronically stored rerord5 are not as easily destroyed ~ potpOr ucords. Coni ..')' to con .... nlior\al wisdom. ,..hen a user .trikes the "delete" key. 1M ibta;s r10I physically rttnowd


from the hard driYe-<lnly its "Jddrus" has clw\gtll. The dl.ta remains undisturoe.J until more sp;lce is netde<l on tM hard drive and thtn. 1M file may be _ .....TiUm. Tht difflt\llly iI that no UKr can prtdict "",,", or if ~ dtktf\l fit. win be (Mr",.iUen. So. atle""t for an undetermined time. t.... dtleltd fila ('An be I'«OWrtd for tho puf]lOSCS of disc_f)'. Certainly. ibN ·drltttd" files may ~Iso cist on Nck-up"-icu. such ~ magnetic: tape or optial disk. To proutd with tM disc",""ry of flKtroni~lIy .tored dl.ta. a di>CO'o'tring party familiarize himstlf with his or .... r owoomt', corJ1IlUttr system. Inltrl'tlgaloriu and depoo&itionl can .... Ip to i",""tily whether an O(>pOllI'nl u~ com".lltrs and if so. what sort of informalion Ihey ..elikely to contain. The thrust of inlfrn:>gatoria. UId Luer dtpositions. should be 10 identily all pouiblt loationswhm: information ~ be stond. This includts on·sitt UId off'lIlt 1oa1i0llJ. &yond this. a disc",""ring parly mUltltarn (I) "'1\0 or ulotl computers; (21 ,,"hal softwart iI ustd; \31 whoil an I.... bKkup mnhodI. "",,,NUns and schtdul.,; UId (4) "tlet.... r t .... re are ~ privileged, pauword protKltd andlor t"IlCr),pt· .d files. TIli. infortmtion should lay the ground work for an effoct;"'t rtquat for prodlKlion and/or lnsptdion of prtmisto under Rule 34.

"electronic mail.

uf",turtr argutd that lilt plaintiff cl;w. which consisted of rmil drtll!.tores. should wr t.... s.e production costs. In ClllUidtring whtthtr u.. eosts should be shifted. u.. court stal..! tlul the Issut$ of ·un<lue burden" btcomo: COOlplicat..! in the context of the retri",'.1 and production of computerstortd information! On tht one hand. it 1«l1li to loIn a ""rty to bear th.lofly bp"ns.e attendanl to elUting. sp«ial compultr program for extracting responsi ... 10 • diSCOlo'try requesl. On the otMr hand. if. party ~ an tlKlronic ...~ method. tho nKts$;ty for a relri"",,1 program or mdhod is an ordinary and /ores.eeable risk. 1995 IV!. 360526. at l. The court concludtd that tM pLioin. tiff dUll netd not bt.r costs aus.ed by u.. drie-nclanfs choice of tlKlronie .torage. As mou us.e e·mail as part of their dl.ily com· municalions routine. il is not surprising that t'lNil tvidtnce is lummg up in mou ~ I1lOft empioymtnlioow Ql.e$. For e.... mple. in SlruUU l'. Micrwofl Corp .• SS6 F. Supp. 821 (S.IHI.Y. 1994) tilt plaintiff sued Microsoft for SCJual dis-

• •

• • • is frequently disclosed to persons 'outside the circle of confidentiality. '" ELECTRONIC MAIL Spn:iaJ mtnlion must be madt of electronic: mail.' Wilh an estitmttd 40 million t·mail us.ers nptcttd to be s.endinjjl6ll billion mtMaga by 1M year 2000. the JIOI'I'tr and .petd of e· mail to is Ulily recognized. II has quickly btcomo a substitute lor telephonic: and print..! communications. H ..... II as a substitute lor dirtct oral oommuniations. but if e·mail has becomt an indi.p"n .... ble tool in the work plaCt. it has .Iso btcomo: the ·di~ital smoking gun- in mort and more lawIuiu. The ftdtnol courts IIU mfofdng ... mail d,ICO''try rt<.luato In a widt v"idy of casts. tn II, '" Brand Name f'reJn'iPlion Drugs Antitrusl W"galion. 1995 IV!. 36Il526 11'(0. III. June 15. 19951. a di ...rict court in Illinois uphold an "''''1,,1 discovery uquest tlll'n lhough it meant turning owr roughly 30 million pa~e. of ,·mail. In this compl •• pl'ice· as.e. a dtfendanL drug manufacturer protested that it would cost tilt company 550.000 to $70.000 10 rompi", format. ttuch UId retrit"t e·mail Tt$flOfl$i"t 10 the ffilutll. n.e drug man-

criminalion. n.e district court]n New York held that ttYeral s.e.ually clIPlicit t·mailonuaagu ""tu admil$iblt at trial. ]995 Wl, 326492{S.D.N.Y.. June I. ]997) Idrnying Microsoft·s motion in lim~ low:ludt e·mail evidenct). and further. thaI tllty ·could lead a reasonable jur)' to conclude thaI. not only was Microso/I"s re'loSOll for its Ifiring1 prdnlual, but abo I/'IIot it biltll to promote St........ ~ a mull of gendtr diSCrimination." SIratlM.. S56.: SUJ!ll. at 825. Similarly. the plaintiff in Ad/eJ .'. Mcfllffllit. 1992 IV!. 715248 tN.!). Cal.. March 17. 1992). was able to 'UJlJlOrt his tlaim tlut he was firtd lOr being ~ whistlrb~r by off.ring as CYidtnc: •• -mail mau,gts in which he rtpOrttd "unsafe and illegal practica" to his supervisors. See also flnox /I. S/al, oIlndio"Q, 93 F. 2d 1327 (71h eir. 1996) {(_mail meuaga in ..... ich supervisor ~itioncd /elN~.mpIoyft ..... K by evidm;:e in sexual hoiraumtnl and hostile work tfl",ronmtnt har<lS!fmnt cue): Meto/f.,- New tOrk Ufe Ins. Co .• 51 F.3d 372 (2nd Cir. 1995) (trnploymrnt discrimination and dr/arnMion cas.e brought by n-"rnpIoyft~.,. bflLionation wu sent through corponotion's ,·mail s)'Stem that sho w,," firtd for dtfraudin8 t~

Electronic Evidence, Dl lJCow..., In the Computer Age

COfIlIWIY): lIorl~II'" HcCoodr. 928 .: Supp. 533 (E.D. !'tIln.

1996) (Nmil mm.ages:l$ Mdma in II UK involving claims of rx~lly hostile work .nviroruntnt).



,. .......... • ___ ... .. **-_iO_ "*,_,,,... _........ __ U III" _.

.. o


*_- ________ _ ~

If IIlilil!lltor doe! OOIpursut tltdronially "Met! daU. lit or she GUln()l br o;onr.... nt of compIdt d~ry. Key fYi. dma rmy aw;lit diSC<M:ry on tIoppy disks. hlOrd drn"U. mag. !>riie tapes IIndio. optial dIsks. Electroni, mail. in p.1Irticu· lar. i. an attracti,.. sourcr of diK<l\·try. [·mail mtuagH ttnd 10 ~ informal and rewaling. " tOPl. rommunicat. by ._mail ,,-hat they would 001 commit 10 p.1Iptr or tlltn Yy out loud. [ _mail. indcN all tltdronically $lorN data. is Il"IOm· ~nt than paper. Paper un ~ $hrrodtd or thrown .W~ but tltc\Tonically stored data is much harder to d•• troy. Long ilhrr momoria have flldtd or in tlllj)lO)'tt has betn r.ret!. tltctroniuJly $lorN data. in part or in whol., rtlllltins $loud on mainfnmu. po....,.,.,1 tOmputtB. fit. WM!fJ, bock,up tapes md opIlul disks. and can ~ rttri~ by the r.sourc., ful attorney who Iramos II requat fOT tht discOVl:ry of tltetronially $Iortd data. •




... _ _ ...


n ' "Itu"~_""t3 I

A ....... ,.,

,!ot" .

United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Alabama NotICe " nereby gIVen that Local Rules of the United States Bsnkruptc:v Court for the Northern District of

AlabarTWI. as adopted by the Coun. WIll be

(!tf~ .....

March \. 1997. and.

em all &eltOns. cases. and proceedingS thereafter commenced and

cases . end proceedings then pending

Witlil m C. Reddan . d en




as they pravtde olnefW'lSe. goy-

fBr as lUSt snd PI&eltCabIe all ItC\IOfIS.

the rlMsed rutes shall apply

Notice and Opportunity for Comment on Proposed Amended Rules United States District Court, Middle District of Alabama After wnsultabon Wllh 1~ Court's AdvoSOlY CommrtllloO on local Rules, amendments 10 tn. Loc.!I Rules of the UnIted

wrmen sUQ\lIIs!JOnS and


,rom !tie bar and ~'" receMld on the CIefI(5 otl.:::. by June

I, 1997 The Locel Rules

Most of the proposed .mendments Ite prompred by s"tutory changes. bV cnar.oes "' rhe Federal RuleS of eM! Procedu",

Redcoctoon Plan, by the p<&C\lCe$ of ,hI, coon, by the 1988 "Local Ru'"

Reportl. by me 1996 "locIl Roles PrOfOC,- Rwon on tne Local Ru les ot



R9I)Otl on rhe


Rules of eMI Pr&Clfce

Prtc1tCe of the CornmrtlOO 0/\ Rulu 01

l'racIoce ..-.:I Proceclo.o'l 01 the Judic:>tI Confe<ence (her .....h .. re/erred K1 es the 1996 LRP Repottl. by ModeIlocII Rules 01 both tr.e 1988 LAP RepOrl and 1996 LRP R&pOI1 by a cnuc.I ,1I\OeW of Ihos



d1s"'''I'' ......1Ing _

(he<e"•• har.1I ,.ference. to model local rules lie 10 lhew fTl<l<lm ,u\esl. and rules .-.cI ..,.,. rules 01 _


.mendmenlt 10 thl' d,s,,,ct'. local rules also oncorpot.le. un,form numbe"lIQ sYStem 10)/ Ioc:<II r..nes thet para!.

P. 83111 a.nd fed. R C"m P571.1. The local rules are

now OIVlde<J InlO 1""'" parts: 111 ruleS &pIlIyiog ro CIVIl eases."" 10 prO-

should be cltBd as" M D All. LR," ond IocII , ....., OPP/V"'ll10 Cflffilnal mltters should be Cited ft, "M D. AJ. Le,A "

-----------------------------------------------------------------;.. .,'.'.';;,.. ;;,;-1l1li



CLE OPPORTUNITIES 17N IoIkWr1g in'Jlal~ proy,pm, IItJw b«n QPPrOtwi fw oW;1 btI',,- AIobama MondoIO#Jl cu: Commiuiotl. , ' - . ~. lion u awilabk fn!e of ~ on 0<.... 4.500 apprOL'IlfI programs n<llioturitk idmlifilrd btl Iocatioo datE Of' qJ«iaIt/l area. Coo/ad the MCU; Ccmmi.sskm ollie. III (334) 269·1515. or 1-800-3!i4·6154. and 0 comp/ele CL£ calendur a:ill t>e mail"" II) JIQU.

15 Thu.... , AD\'A.,,-CED FA.'IILY LAW

I'MCTle.; Birmingham Civic Ctnler ~ Bar Imtitu\~ for elL el.E crnIitl: 6.0 C~t SI6S

(205) J4S.623O

20 ARB lfllArlON TRAINING Blnnin~

RaoIution lIesouous Corpor.llion (205)2 1$.9800


Birmingham Amtrican Arbiln.lion ~tion

elf credits: 6,8 Cost: $125


Br)'Ult Conftrmct Cenltr Uniwn.ity 01 Alab.un;o elE crWib: 13.0 (;0$1; 5795 \Z05) 348-6224

elE cudits: 7.0 Cost: $195

tIS Friday





M'TI-TRUST lAW SEMINAR <mnge IItxh. Abbamll Ptrdido Such Rnort Alabama Har lrulilult for e l E eLE cr~dils: 10.0 C'nl: sns (334) 348·6230



BR10CE Til E GAP 1997

TUscaloosa The Un;"-ersily of AllIha!l'kl School of Low ~ Bar Institute for CL£ CL£ cudits: 0 Cost: 1 195



E,I 1PLO'fflE"" ANn lABOR 1..\\\'

IN AlA&\."'-\ HWltsville Lorman BusillG$ Centtr, Inc. CLE credits: 6.0 Cost: 1155 (7 ]5) 833·3940


In-State Mediation Training (Approved for ClE credit and Alabama Center for Dispute ResolullOn roster registration) May 7·9 Montgomery Civil Mediation. Jones School of Law (334) 260-6210

JU1>8 5-7


Montgomery Mediation Process and thlt Skills of Conllict Resolulion, The Medlallon Corporation

BirmIngham o;vorca Mediation Train ing lor Professionals, Atl.nta Divorce Medlalo"" Inc. (4041378-3238 40 Hours

ADR·FIRM May 14·18, August 13-17 or November 12·16 Momgomery Divorce and Child Custody Mediation Training, School for Dispute Rnolution, Inc. 14041299-1128 40 Hours May 21·23 Flore<lCe Mediation/Conflict Management Training, Bettar Business Bur..u, Community Mediation c.ntar 12051 539-211 B 20 Hours




June 18-20 or September 24·26 Huntsvi lle Mediltlon/Conflit1 Managemant Training, Better Busin_, Community Medi"ion Canter 12051539-2118 20 Hou"

ATTENTION MEDIATORS II you did not ,OICIIMI II Stale Court Medonor Roster ~ on ~, pi-. call the Cente< end IIIQUo&SI one With IdOI>tlor1 bv the Cenler of stardllrds lor madllliors, lhe old ,OSier is no longer """'9 used It IS """'!ISMY lor you to complele lhe revlSlld appIocatoon on ordar to "" IIsled "" the CU'Jenl rost ..

PIED N OTICES RATES: Two free lislongs of 50 words Of less per bar member per ealerlder year EXCEPT 101' ' POSIUon



"position offe<oo" lis,"'\Qs-$35 pel' insertion 0150 wordS Of Jess, $.SO per addibonal word,

Nonmemben: S35 PElf in$fIrtion 01 50 words Of less, $.SO per ad(:lJt1Of'\a! WOI'd Classified COpy and payment must be received accord ing to the following publishing schedule; May '97 I. .u. I ....... -

deadline March IS, 1997; oJuly '97

deadline May IS, 1997 No deadline &x181lS1OnS .... • n be made.

Send elusilled eopy and payment, payable to The Aillbamll Lawyer, to: AI.llBmll llIwyw CIIISSllieds, clo Rlla Gray, P.O. SOlt 4 156, Montgome ry, Alabama 36101.


Ihe quality 01 ~..,.



...... .0-0""",,,01 Dr

TOXICOLOGIST: ~ ICIIdcobgisI. 25 \'lliI/'S'lll(jIeIieuce In 1ndusUy, 00"8"'''\8n! and urW&rsily ,_rch and~. Samping and ..ptrt we " 00, prO<b:IliabiIiry. SOT ...-.d Aa ..... ,c.o. 0.. RO::IIard L LiJoHy. Phone (90<') 39s.2156.


ffitOrlIrion n ~rion bV o;e<tifiecI audio """i' -. W~hoUI a/lrl<0ng or darnagiI'Ig your origoMJ1ape we can: fl!do.cIlIIpe noose: io'Icrease io'leIigibiI1)1; rnutnize speedlleveI: lower I)ado.

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Moo'IQO""" ~, Alabama 361 17, Phone (BOO) &65-4355. VIJiI. our Mb pao&: -..-.C)'l'Ia"*.co 11\:01

SKIP TRACIHG-LOCATOR: Need to lind ICOTIMA.? Will kx:ata 1M f*SOII or no 1M b base MarCh, ""'" 87 per. CII!11 suc:cesslul 'ale. Nationwide, ConIidentiaL O\her artor~ .....:led _~~.,..., in many

ar_ from OIK"""""" dI~. RESEARCH AND INFORMATION SERVICES, ltIgaI_ch and writing ..w:.s, irduoing mem:lfarda, t>riels, pleadings and other docurrl9<11S, ~ WIIrIBSS r_arch. ~ research nf buIiIwK inbmMion. AmicuI Research Group, 3817 5dl A"",.."., SooIh, Birmlngham, AJatlama 35222. pt....,.. (205) 595-9988. No ,.",.. -..>an is ",... _ the quail)' 01 the.~lObI~1s

Tell ul whal you nMCI. VeriI)' USA. catl 11)1.1_ (888) 2-VERIFY.


InIDrm your .-ntal TOp doIIr pad br ......_ se,,*,*,1:I. SII'UCII.nd.-. ~iodic: paymem contracts. HaIp .-nta bJ)Iofe __ 0j)Ii0nI.. callOdoay, no obligation. 'lbur cietII wiI _ Slralghrtorward reliable ser..oc:.,

HeanIand CaPcaI flll"llling Ine. (800) 897·Q825."ProteSlional Annuity Funding lor you and 'JOU' client." BrochureI ~.


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ArJthored tour MCUtity lextbookl. Thirty Y9M' cornbirI..:I ..patience in MCU'ity andl.-w •• kA ........ _. ConIac:t Ron Vause.I-8O().728.()191.

INVESTIGATIONS: Alabama.. III",", prWal. invesIigat... llaM WlnlSIO SCI .... \'00. A"OI"'I' ownedIoperal9d, AI ~ dDgrted invast9JlDrS. We ...... Iht ItI1tn SoutheasI .. a lui -va inwsligat... t:Jureau , Offices in Birmingham , Mobile, Jacl\sor1 , A~a, and OrtIllCk>. ~IWng in insurance fraud, I)adoground a-. ..........""" and II<ip lracong. CII! CoOOrn '"""stigall"" Agency at (800) 242.()O72. No -.ralioro I e " IMI IN ~ olIN ItIpM ..,.,..,. 10 bI pedotm«J Ie gruler IMn rile ~~ty oIlef}1JI """""5 pedotm«J II)'


FORENSIC OOCUMENT EXAMINER: Handw, ito"" typewrrling. aH_'" doc_ , medical recordl. wi", c0ntract •• deeds. checl<s, allOlljlmous leI-

bel" at .lac::ksorMIIe Slate UrWersity.

ConIacI lIltS. CourI-QlIiI6Iied. EighI .... ,...... ""~. CeniIitd: American Bo¥d 01 Forensic Docullllnl E.ami ...,..

ot &aminert.

Member : Am&rocan Soc:iI1y Oues~ Doc\lmenl

ArIwriea'I ~ ot FoMnsio; ~. SouthiUllfn Assocl&tion 01 Forensic Document E.aml".".

en...... ....:l cMI rna"..... car...,. & Hanwnond Forensic Doc:umenc Laboratory. • 078 Biltmore WODIIS Court. Bulord (Allanta~ Georgia 30518 PtIone (n o) 61.·4«0. Fa>: {71O)27I~l.

, HANDWRITING EXPERTIFORENSIC DOCUMEHT EXAMINER: ABfOE cerr.tiad, past p<esiojanI. Soulhlasllfn Assocl&IIQI1 01 Forltfllic IlocurnItflI

examiMl" : Amerlc:an AcadfJmy ot For&nSic Sc:iIf"cIs 1eIow. Federal courl quatifiId. ' ....,_, yea,,' 1<perIence. CivIl arod crWnonaI. Handwtitorog comp;uison. Iorg<.try detection, detectIOn ot aJtltmd medical r...,.,..os and 0IhIr tIoc:umentl. L KaiIh Nelson. SI_ Mounta,n. Georgia. F'horII (770) 878·7224.


00ugIaI F. Miler. Employers· Risle & Insur~nc:e ManagItfTI9I1l-independ&n1 rill< manag.. F.. basil only. expert

will ~JNrS·" riSkman· ;ogema< ~ consulting. policy


anaty.;l. Membrtr SRMC. e'perienc:e in ..... nbIe •. sell inttnnm. ex..... lO\dIrIring a:we.aga. cal BirmingIIam. AIab<Ima. PtooroIl · ~·5602. natOonal WATS or 1·2()5.967·1166.

Mike Fincher. P.O. So>. 1202,

AnnIston. ~ 36202. """"" (20S) 237-4111. Fax (205) 237·2118.

Socre!r ot 00esti0naI Document Examl ........ Over 20 yea,,·


experiIorWM .. 5ta1a ..., federal c:ourl!l in MiIIef. 11.20 N

SuoIe 206-.1. MiaonI, Florida 33176. In s.rmollQllam. pI"Ione (2051 988-.'58. In Miami. pI"Ione (306) 27. · ~. Fao< (305)596-26 18. ~ Qn<ve.

• DOCUMENT UAMtNER : examination

01 OuesOOroed ~ CetIiIied For.nsoc H;or"""'iIoog.,.;l ~ EQITIir,et. ThiflIr years. "P"ieo "'" .. alIloroosie document prOtlIIml. Formerty. CI"OeI 0JesIi0ned ~ .an.ty:st.1.ISA CrinwIaI ""'Irg~!ion ~ !iliad)-



Br~ish FSS. o.pIomate (~rufied)·

ABFDE. Member: ASOOE : 1A1; SAFOE : NACOL Resume and 1M ~ upon rooqtMN. Hans Mayer Gir:Iion. 218 Me<rymont DrIve. Augusta. Georgia 30907. Phone (706) 86()..4267.

POSTIONS OFFERED ATTORNET POSITlOH : North Alabama firm SHI<ing yoong aHOrrlll)' with Ins.urance dotIeose or contract bidogfound. t.Iusl ~ 000d people ...., o;ommunication skills. Once qua1ified. posiaon immoIdaMly ava·1 % .


rap/)l. P.O. 80>0 789 . Ham1Jton.

~3551O .

TRAFFIC ACCIDENT RECONSTFIUCTlONIST: Case eval\lation periormed wilt! respecllO I$wes. ~ testirn<>ny.

ino::Iuding _ T ,and trill. Aa:idInI ..aIysi$. - . . scale Or"""",, and ev;. deroce ""'Motion. Registe<ed pro1es. lionel 1M ogio ..... T..::hnicaI IOCiety " ... ,obar. UI ye;n· .",,_ioog .... ito_. Trallic ~.~. lion tra""'"'el. ~ incIudas ledI· nicaI and convnunlcation skIb. adv9< • ..n.t experience, ..., leO-' ptOC8$S Iar' ... ~r. Conuc:t JcIIn E. Rerohardl. P.O. 80>0 &3-13. Huntsville. Alabama 35-824. Phone (205) 837-&3.1 .


AnOflN EY POSmDN: A smaR

~ ' - firm.


fraud..., ptodur:I-,am-, doIloIrM. seeks an asaoeial8 wilt! a minimum of W .. years· exp&ri&rool. CompeIit;." " 11lIY and benelits. Send .......... 10 Hmg AIIomer. I'D. 80>0 0DI"IIUrI'0If

53098-5. Bormongt\a'n. ~ 3S253. STAFF ATTORNEY: U.S. Court 01 ~ 11th AIIanIa. s-.t



derI\sI"iipoI ~. · 00 .......,;. ately. Accfllditlld 1ChooI••• canen, &ea. o:Iemk:s. euperior researcNwritng PJIs. law .......l~~, 1aw


zonas. roar:twar P\al.a,ds, roadso:Ie hal·

.v.. ~~cr(S1

91. arxSder~ rlQrlnStrUClign. Or;'" Mar;Iion. trallir;

controls ..., lr"IgInIIefing 1It.ty SIan·

-~. ~wriDng


pia. arod ,l1erenon 10: Naomi Goc!trey. SefOor StaN Attorni)'. Room 5<19. 56 fOt"S)'lt"o Street. AII8tU. Gaor9Io.


darois. GE Lohr. PE. 80>0 12339.

Charleston, South ~ 28(22. .acCIDENT RECOHSTRUCTlON :


2339. \\oicI (803) 79!.-12189 .

AcarIenI ..aIysi$ baed on 1acI:I. SpHCI eslimata •• .eII 11Id sooroe "' ..... -

ngs, 1inle disIaroI 8tlIIysos along with oct... -..::lion evaIuaIiotII .... able. ~ r.;os IWWd mIjoI .......,. arlO\! carriers and .,...... 30 Alabama law firms _ 1986. 88dtgroond Indudes 25 JNrS·IIIw.ob,,*,_~ ............... M.S. doIgr.. arod ~ 1acuhy......,.

Certified Fora1sic 00eumaI: Examona. ChiM


documeroI "'amon&f. AIabIorna Oepartmenl ot For .... sic Science •. reUred. American Board ot Forensic Oocu_ EQrrIinerJ. Atnetican

"'-*"Y 01 Fora1sic Soenc:M.

BEACH HOUSE: GuK Shor.... AIaIwna. Houses on beach: two. ttY... - ' lour bedro<IrnI: lIMp 80igN 10 12. ~ IurIll$ll8d. ~ (20$) 678-61:)g or 678·61.4.


• FARNEll LEGAL RES£ARCH: AIIoIneylownlt S.ahlt Farnell II MIIng established resNrc!I ptactioII WJIh 15-rear I/;w;i< ,.,;ord, .lat....w;!e diem ...... A.~''"'v. For inlo"NlIion or IC malIa ""'" call {334) m· 7937.

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Richard Wilson & Associates Registered Professional Court Reporters 804 s. P"'ry Sol,ee! Montgomery, Alabama 36104




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0fIi« Location

Offi« TelO'Jlhom Numlxr S«tinll

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o o

Annuall)u ..

Administrative Law .....•.....•.....•.....•.....•....••....•.....•....••....••.................•....•.......................... 520 Bankruptcy and Commercial Law...................................................................................... $20 Business Tom and Antitrust law ...................................................................................... $ 15 Communications Law ................•..............................................................................•....•... $15

Corporate Counsel .............................................................................................................. $30 Corporation. Hanking and Business Law .......................................................................... $10 Criminal Law ......................................................................................................................$10 Disabilities Law ..................................................................................................................520 Elder Law ............................................................................................................................515 Envi ronmental Law ............................................................................................................$20 Family Law .......................................................................................................................... $30 Health Law .......................................................................................................................... $15 International Law .............................................................................................................. $30 Labor and t:mployment Law........................................... .if practicing less than 5 years-510 if practicing 5 or more years-$30 Litigation ............................................................................................................................ $15 Oil. Gas and Mineral Law .................................................................................................. $15 Professional t::Conomics and Technology Law .................................................................. $25 Real Property, Probate and Trust Law .............................................................................. 510 Taxation .............................................................................................................................. $15 Workers' Compensation Law ............................................................................................$20 Young Lawyers' ........................................................................................ ............................. 0

Remember. Attach a separate check for each section. r.laillo: Sections. Alabama Slale Bar, P.O. Box 67 1, r.lontgomery. AL 36101

¥mr clients didn't retain /I.





to represent their legall interests.

Don't retain

I/'JUSt anY'l'lllUlluon I .e r· /I Drnl

to establish their business valuations. WIlJJ..~'IS. T A,WIt

& AS1llCl"llli. P .C.• IS ~ M'~\u.\

IU.."I(J-l) ACCOIl"TlNG \.\1) ro~l'.TI~ Hit" fln; ctxnflW tlSiNE5S \ ILl \'nON A....I.USISON 1'EJl\l~~l'I'{r STMT.

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