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On the Cover.

LAWY,lo.' H Vol. 63, NO.5 f July 2002

Morn,ng ...... ighl "" Clay C<outty Counhou .. '" Ashland. AI~I<3lian Rcnai""""", in "",,",,,,,,,,,,,. !tie ~ _boih on 1906dun",!tIe ptQb.>"'judges/lipd FJ. Ingr.>m. ~-'of"'" r芦S<m prnbao:: judg<. G<o<i0 lngrom. "!he ~ ",hich !tie OIl 0;I00.I,,,,,,,... Ashland. "roc,",,,nl ooru;idor路 Irl:>Ie ,.(urbish"",n, in 1999. nIl. i. !tie dun:] courtIIouse l(J ""'~ ..... """"'r L1. (om"""'" on 18(06. QayCWntyllas. _ ,I'lion d 14.<50.





A Young Lawyer's Perspective - Legal Service in tfla Military By Capmin Mary SeD" lI"nter


A Grand Jury Primer for Corporate Representation 8, Mt/roo, A.. JO'<ph aNl Wj/(iam D. JOMS. 11/


Pro 80no Mediators


Alabama's Forgotten Justices: John McKinley and John A. Campbell Byiama l. NoI<J. Jr.


Use and Misuse of Revocable living Trusts in Alabama By Miclrad A.. Kirtl(Uld



July 2002

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Encouragement Is Oxygen to the Soul """"'lly speaking. people lIl...ea wayol'btroming what you <'l"I<:OW'>ge Ihorn to be. AS r pen my las! "President's Page," I halle bttn tnc:ouraged by SO many p""ple and 1m8Sllidmil 1 ha,.. learned • Joe. J :om 001 .om: what any ollhe following is wOl1h bullhroughool the year. I have made: nowiOO$ of lhings [ OOIicfd and [ wiU ohare !hem with you.


1. Anything ,hal begill$, "I don',1mow how to t<:U you !his'" is Ile'"el" good news [ /lave had the pleasure of speaking 10 approximately 43 diD'"",nl groups this ytar. M~ an" bar 3\.SOCWioos and 0Ibers bar rela!ed octivillts. Ho....."...., a1 • civic dub in Mobile. I was wid that some speeches Ihoy ha"e heard pullhtm to sleep. Mine pu1 them in a coma. ThaI did 1101 bother me so m""h I:oJI the qu<Slm at the coo of lh<w;e opeeches a1".. ys huM. This is usually a lrid to make you think !hey w= actually li>lcning. ["",,;tahly. """"""'" starts a q,,"stion which is ",ally. statement i.e. "I don", know how 10 teU you lhis, WI ...:' [ha,.. 1tarn.d to gel ",ady fur lh3I ""pive. dnlb, poor-moothing. atl<ntion grabbing soul wOO is going 10 gripe. Funher. I ha,.. learned Ihat mosI times his ~tioo is ooe of .,.lreme. r usuaUy "'r.... the question 10 the disciplinary ..ruo.. of the bar "''ell if it con· a:rns the iroeptneM of my presidency. I know lhaJ. people ~.illy ~ve up 10 the complimen'" that "'" paid them. One qlleSliooer <U88"'l«I that I could DOl Speak. I ask him 10 qui' being negative and SIaIt thinking poosiriv<'ly. He $aid, ·'O.K.. [am poosili"" you can', speak." Aft .... ~<>r. I have \earned 10 .void Ihest n<gaIi"" people. 2. In pncticing law. III< kt:y word is honesty. Oncc: you ~ Ioamed 10 fa\;e tha1. III< y. EYn)'w""'" I go. lawyns complai~ 300u1 how honesty and inlrgrily in out professkJn ha\'e dissipatrd. I OOIlki 001 di"'i= more. Those "yeslcryear" lawyers \\-OO1d i0oi: you in III< eye. lie: and nevtJ blink. "Tho InItIl nevtJ go! in lII<ir way, Thday. 31 Ioasl ~ an argumon' couched in "ad"""""Y" tha1 ~_ inw.:. III< lrutll. We """'1 ",II <'l\lJlOI'ing OOIlnsel during set· tiernonl talks what ,.," "wid really lake or pay in • certain boca .... he \\-OOkilhink that moans "he gOII.IOmO more n......-y" or "h.'1I1ake less." Whalllono:s1y and in<egriIY ",aI · Iy means is pr:octicing law "itll dignily. I "ill embellish my posilion. you do III< same. boll I will !lUI my od'-ersa:y wilh dignily. ThaI is professionalism.

res!" ....



J. We ~ tw:on-.o 100 good alerecting walls. II', Iwn my ob''''V:llinn that....., have become'~ skilled, professional. Iy, aI!=ping J"'<IIlI< aI arm'S Jenglh. resi"ing any lend<-ncy 10 lei J"'<IIlI< know us or us know !hem. A liar ass0ciation has, for ""'if opening session. something called




"",,, W,_


"Jericho Night" lIS purpose is 10 any Iwd f"dings tIw .... y ~ occumd bem'een lawyers. plus 10 conntCt. by """""ing III< waU .. wio, <llh<T ..... mbers <>f III< bar. I

ha .." found during my year as P"'Sidrnl. w" ~ tlocomo w:ry ",IUC1lInIIO lei 00.:11 see our humanily as .....,Il as out "'lncrabili1Y. The """"ice of Jaw is IOUgh eoough, II see "1S that if....., are willing 10 ~ in <llh<T lawyers' S<lm)\\" or "',iOic<: in 1heir """""'pHshmenlS, our li\"~ will be more comple1 .. In order 10 do $0, ....., have 10 """""" !he barriers tIw ....., have.-rtCl<d.

4, A ''has been" is when you !:now 311111< answers, boJI 00 one asks !he que>Iion<. II has become painfully ~ as I appro;!Ch Ihe fin:tl SlrelCh of my P"'Sidmcy. 1ha1 • oening sun givtS off 00 lighl and Yn)' little heal. The exc<"Utive council consisting of W.. Pipos. as vice-P"'Sidtnt Ed M )'.""",. S, ... . Criffilh and Ooug McEhy, has done • ~uI job !his )'tat. Now.1lIty s<:1dom M"", my call .. The bar .,alf. as aI",,)'S. is cowtcou. and poIi'" bon D(>W haV\' begun 10 igoon: me. Your bar commissioners, wise in !he of III< "'-""<I. ha.." b<gun hanging 0U1 "ilh ~ Glay. our ""'" P"'Sidtnl. and .'iO,Wng mo. E",," III< disciplinary panel is C)'eing ",e like I hawk looking aI a cttickn, They oughllo SlOp looking aI me Ii\;e 111.1. If il 001 for me p«IpIe li\;e one. !hose poOpI< woukl be "'" of a job. JuS! like my preachn-. Who" is ItUly disrouraging i, !hal 00 one _ks your wisdom. my opinioo 00 numerous things. I One y~ar ago. people under.;tand 0IesIer A. Arthur'. qOOle "'ben ~ if ho wllS _king ,.,..,Io<:Iion. he ..-plied. "No. I am giving up III< job b<caus<: of ill!ll'S$ • J"'<IIlIo are sick of me." S. The joumey was !)taer Ihan I ........ peeIed. [ am not go;ng 10 be rnolancholy but I have D<:'Itt b<t-n ~ lIS ml>Cb as serving you as p<esidrm of !he Alabama Swe Rat. I woukl be ft1l1iss if I did OOIlhank 1he .,,,,,ulh,, din:cIOr. III< ~ner· aI COUIISOI and !he enli", Sbff of !he bar for • wonderful job .....,Il done, They are simply !he bosI.




Your bar commisskJnrrs are spec;oI, They ron lho bar and do a gre31 job. They keep Ihe bar 00 an e'.'en !:ttl and maI:o $U'" a P"'Sidonlli\;e me doo$n'l OIhetwise mess up a good thing. Your bar associalion is 00 solid ground and something you can be proud of being a me",ber. So I say, Ihank you for !he wondeoful journry. Thank you f", aoooepling me into your local bar associa1ions. Thank you for allowing me 10 be around as good of la"ycn; as ""iSIS any· who,.,. Thank you for allihe coorleSi~ you have shown my wife and me this year. MOSI of 011. Ihank you for being a ..... m· ber of 1he gre.1e:SI profession 00 earth . I k",,, being" Jav.yn and I loved !he joumey. Thank you for nuking il enjoyable. •

To Serve the Public .....................................................................$10.00 per 100 Oty. .• .IIeUlill of bar pOOIif seMce ~1I1\S holtlligl1tecl in !hi SERVf mE PUBUCVIdeo pr~tatlDl\


Law As A C(lffl8r .........................................................................$10.00 ' '' '00 oppornnuias ~ challenges u! ~ law

tal" lOd3y

Qty. _ __

Lawyers and Leglfl Fees .............................................................$10.00 per 100 Qty. _ __ IIUTWIIIIV rJ basic inI<nIatlOO ~ cun:non • quHtM:ns n ~ lor the ~ public Last Will & Testament ............................................................... .$11Ul11 p•• ,00 Ilty. _ "'flK1S of ItStiIte pIanrin;j nllhI ~ of ~ • wtI bg.1 hpecb 01 Diyorc. _ _ ._.~._~._._. __ ._._._._....$11Ul11 ..... 1111 Illy. _ oIfIrs optDI$" ......,., II dMJn:e

Consumer Finance Of -Suying on Tim, - ................................$10.00 ..... 1011 Illy. (.lth..... ~t c:onsodefations and pKMdes 8Ihu on 00IraiI maners afferulg tt. ordiYdIII OIIP1y Medi.,irm/Resoiving Dispufes .................................................$1o.III JHH" 1111 Q1y. prC/'O"lde$ " "..., .It.. 0I1Ilo mediation pr1)I:8S1 in q..oeSliooHnd-answer lorm Afllitr,tion Agreemenf$ .............................................................110.111 per 1111 ••• 1II\$W8rS qo.itsb(lfl$

on arbitration Irgm IIle _ · s


~ A' d',.~". H"/th Caf8 D;reclives .sIO.1II per 1111 complete. eas"i to understarIcI ioItwmatlOO aboIJt health direct"'" in Aii1b:lm;! H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .

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ver the pasl year or so. J ha.e observed thaI

an ir.creasing number of individuals wOO wish

to be<x>me members of the Alabama Sta,e Bar desire to do so withoul meeling alilhe requirements of lhe Rules Governing Admission 10 "'" Alabama Siale Bar. They s<:d wai'''Il from lhe Alabama SUp!""'" COO" 10 allow them 10 take the bare..m despite their failure to meel all "'" admission rules which are 110 more slringtnt !han lbose of licensing authorilies in other jurisdiclions. Hen 're somc: ... mples. Our admission rules allow applicants 10 us<: !heir mulli·",.,. and profe.<.sionaJ responsibilily eJ<am scores for a period of 20 months afu:r lAking those exams. This privilege .11"",. those wOO 113 ..... taken Iheoe exams. USUAlly as a I'"rI of a bar exam in anotl...- juru. diC1ion. 10 lr3nsftt an IICCepIable score withoul the !>ted 10 take Ihall'"rlicular exam again. Thi' a<:commodation gi ...... an indi.idual a' lea>llWO additional .urn poriods (!he exams are admini''''red each February and July) to UI)e a score "'ithoul i!'. becoming $181<. '!'weOly months i. evidenlly not long enough for """" "'00 pniliort the sup!"me court for a waj""r to use scores pa>l20 month •. ADOIher siluation ".., 113", er.cOllltlered invol ...... those wOO lack the requirW pr-.' educa· lion. i.e .. a baccalault'ate level degree or its tqu i'"3lcn~ petitioning !he court to In !hem sil for !be bar .tum, Also. we 113.. had applicants wbo. despite missing !he filing deadlines for the ftbruary and July ellen by "...,.1 months. beli",'. they 5hookl be all"",-oo 10 sil for !he nexl exam an)''NlIy. 1llese are just a few exam· ple. where applicants ha.. """ghl wai"e .. of the admi«ion rules. "Those s<:d:ing admission 10 lbe stale bar in lh<:se ill>l""ce. were w.ll aware of !he admission rules before they applied. Yel. tll.y "".. unabashed in ....,k· ing I wai.",.. Of cour.;e. thi. i. not 10 say thol Ibo5e who ha,.., SOUghl waive .. of rules did not have reasons sUpporling !heir posilion. They did; however.





lhe only reason. lhey articulaled we .. ones of peIlWt· al eon,-enience. Fortunalely. lhe suprt"", roun has lurned down most of ""'" petiti"""rs' requests. I beli .." !he recenl .pale of wai.rIl and lhe e<>nc<:pI of muhidisoiplinary p<1I<lice (MDP) debaled se,'<ml years ago shan: a common ""'me. As yoo m.y recall. propO"""ts of M DP conlended thollawy,,", should be all"","ed to spli, fces wilh !>On·l.wyers, Fee 'plilling. 50 il "'as lUiued. would permillawy .... and other pr0fessional •. prir.cipally accoun1aJ1lS. 10 join logelher in finns thaI would provide clienl! with a """"'Slop" shov of services, The argumenl was lhallhi, was lbe ne", business model for til. legal profession aOO il ",as what clients Opponents. on the othrr hand. opposed M DP for "'" simple rea""" thai the core val· ues of !he legal prof.... ion. t.ll-> confidentiality. con· flict of in'eresl. iodependence of judgn",nl.• tc .. could not be preserved iflawy .... became pan"" ... with non_ l.wy..... While the M DP would h... will· ingly sacrifi«d lhe profession', core val"". uoder guise of <:cooomie efficiern:y. the Enron deb.d. make. crySlai dear wll3lltappellS wben the profes· .ionar~ self interests are elevaled alxwe the cliem',




Oo-an R ~ Pound ~minds us thol til. spiril of service is whal makrs the pr:1(1ice of law. profession. UnfMunately. !htte are individuals woo coosider !he praclice of I.", as notlIing more than a way to earn a living ill>tead of a prof.ssion that ,,«wides service. "There are those "",sently within OUr ",nks who are too e.g..- to ele""te ....If· above service. furthermore. the rBOI that we are seeing an illCTeasing numbt-r of law Stu· dents wi>hing to enltt "'" profession by a""';ding admissiort rules does not bode well .i!her, If ""If' replaces service as "'" legal prof.... ion·. calling. lhen we will ttase to be a prof.... ion. "The practice of l,w will simply be juSt anoo:hcr job in !he rnarl:etpl""", •

umberlond School of low

Continuing Legal Education Fall 2002 Seminars September

13 20 27

Development. and Trends in Health Care 2002 Traps for the Unwary Basic Estate Planning and Administration


4 11 18

13"' Annual Bankruptcy Law Seminar Anest and Prosecution of CUI Cases "Killer" Cross路Examlnatlon: How to Dominate a Courtroom featuring L.arry Pozner and Roger J. Codd Essential Skills for Appellate Practice

25 November

1 8 15 22


5 12 12

20 30-31

16"' Annual Workers' Compensation Seminar Representing Emerging Companies Practical Tax: Individual & E.tate Taxation for the Non路Tax L.awyer featuring John E. Moore Tort and Insurance Real Estate/Con.tructlon Issue. Annual Employment Update Hot Topics In Civil litigation路 MobUe Hot Topic. in Civil L.ltlgatlon路 Birmingham 9th Annual CL.E By The Hour

For seminar details, visit our Web site: or call

1726-2391 ).

Brochures are maned approximately six weeks ptiorto seminar date,


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_prcgrImI"""'''_~d_ , _,

Samford. Univa>ity

Blrmlnllham, ALabama

Jud~ Grq

Shaw of!heAIabama Cwn ofCriminlll AppealS .... been acoepICd inlO Ihe master', of IIIw proa:n.m .. !he Uni~ of Vi'linil. School of law. JPdae Shaw ...... ~ of 3 1 Sl31c and fMtraljudgCl ",leclN nllionwide. and he i, only !he mini jPdge from A labama 10 panicipalC in lhe program Ii""" ill t ... alion

United SlMCI inII/llt<tIW ptOptf1y III..... in KoRa. dlrrinllhe SdIIIIDt1' and fall of 2002 in a/Ii~.ioIo ..ilb !he Seoul NaIlorW Univasily. Chan& prXIica "'i!h !he OffICe of !he Command Counlel. U.S. Anny

Avi'liOtl and Mis-.ik: Command in flunlsvi lk:. • 'fboma!; W. Cbn.ilao and William II. lIalr'Slon. III.

in 1982.


• lIa1 Kr-nc CU,.. a " .. oflhe ........ i.., classof 1981 frono!be Uni.-mily of A~ School of law..... boon ..,k<:Ied 10 he • Fulbriahl Khobr. She will COfId .... a companllivc siudy of Korean and

boIb '" Birmi~ and " . C. C " 'y '" I'.Mtrpriso _ beea .wnco:Ilifc Fellows "' .... .o.mcnc.n Bar lU"""'lon. E.$QbIiWd in 1m..... ~ of Ihc Fcllows~ and SUW<-1S .... ,CSCIOch I'f')' gr.>m of .... Arraican liar FoundaIion. •

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Cumberland School of Law Continuing Legal Education CUmberland School of Law at Samford University IS Indebted to the many Alabama attorneys and Judges who contributed their time and expertise to planning and speaking at our educatlooal seminars during the 2001· 2002 academic year. We gratefully acknovMdge the contributions of the following Individuals to the SUOO8SS of our CLE programs.

WIIam K. Abell JarMa A. Abemathy, II Jam&a P. A$axander Andrew C. Allen J . Gf8g Allen

Gregg B. E\Wett Michael D. Floyd

Orrin K. Ames III, '69 W. Michael Atchison, '68

snem T. Freemen Hon . Benjamin /\. Fuller MaU.. C. George Stephen R Giauroth Hon. John C. Godbold """"" E. Gratng.", Jr., '86 MIocB. Graeves

lealia R Barineau, '85 Hon. Thom.. B. Bennatt Brad 84h0p, 71 Hon. Sh¥on L Blactbllm, "77 JoIaa H. Bollinger, '95 GoY. Alber! P. Brewer RIchard J. Brockman, '86 Han. Shame W. Brown Han. Charles R. Butler, Jr. LaUlll A. Calloway V " S. Camp, '93 K.Lyn HIman Campbell, '94 L)fVl Campisi Hon. John L. C~, 7. ~LC8rt8r

Frank M. Ceuthen, Jr. Hon. U. W. Clemon Hon. BenJemkl G. COhen. 76 Calle J . COIIWII Fonner Juillce Ralph O. ~

0 . - K. COrliss, "69 Gr..-y S . cusmano RlctI8n:I Eldon DIVis, "69

Merc:aI L. oetH\Ige AMelley H. DeGaria, '88 Charte. L. DanatJurg Wende D. Devereawc SUNltl D. OOughton

Frederick L FohreII B8ny V. Frederick CMlline A. Freeman


W. McCollum Halcomb. '82 Joel R. Hemner. '95

Han. Arthur J . Harlel, Jr. /ion. W . W . Hac8ison, 71 Alida K. Keynes. 117 Slepharl D. I .... 'l/1li , 77 W . Steele I-IoIrnoo II M. AM Huckstep

............"" OrAd M. Hunt

Hon . J . Micheel Jokler, '62 Doug Jones, '61

Gregory R. ~, 79 VIctor Kellay, '81 John T. Kkt. Oenna J . KnIzIay, "79 L Tennant Lee,III W. Lee, "77 RobartW. Lee,Jr., "78 Matthew H. Lembke John /\. Lentine, 117 Hon . David N. Lichtenst"", 78 Hon . Loyd H. LIttIa, Jr., 72


Samford. Univer.;ily

J _ S . Lloyd, 7 7 Han. JohnL Madison, Jr., 78 Hon. Margaret A. Mahoney DeYid H. Marah. '81 E~

D. t.1ertllflson

Rodney /\. Max, 75 J . Anthony Mclakl, "77 K. Bryance Matheny, '96 Hon. Temera O . Mitchell Pebicia N. Moore S\ephan C. Moore Wflyna Morse, '87 George M. Neel, Jr., "77

Leonard J. Nelson, III Heelher E.

S\eYen L. NidIoI81 Thomes L. OlIver II. 119 lion. John E. Ott. 111

"",,P.,. Lenore W. Pete. '85 John M. Peek Ezre B. Peny, .If. D. Bruce Petway John D. Pickering Merk B. PoIlJOO, 74 Linda W. Pope, '89 Frank B. Potts Harlan I. Prater, IV Jamal R Pratt. III, 78 Petricla J. Pritchett. '90 ~P.


R. David Proctor

Hon . T . Michael Putnarn Barry A. Ragsdale

/\. Clay Renkin III Daneld R. Rhee Thomas M. Rocko'l8ll

Tom R Roper, 112 Tom S. Roper Brett/\. Ron Ernestine S. sepp John O. Saxon WMbur G. Silbermen Kenneth O. Simon lIwry U. Sims Hon. J _ S. Sledge JamesO.SmIlh Hon. Patricia 1.1. Smllh Palrlck F. Smllh Wiliam G. SomervIIe III W. StancI Stame., "72

Char1es O. Stewart, "e8 William B. S\ewafl, "90 Hon. C. Michael Stbon Henry C. Strickland WI HI Tanker8ley, Jr.

J_tT_ Peul Toppins George M. Viti Taue!. Jr. JI Loley Vi'oc:«It Sandr8 L. Vi11k, "80 Laurenee D. VlnSorl, Jr. Kowerd P. WlIMali

J . Sartori WIIITan, '90 Jera F. WIlita, Jr., '80 Staphen E. WNtehelld

John P . WhiIIII'.gloli, "72 Canos A. Wliana R Wrqne Wolfe Gregory F. Yaghmal, '97 '1111 _ _ ' ''' _ _ __ 01~


Curnberl8nd SC:hooI 01 Uw

'" """""" """

Birmingham, AL 35229 1..f1OO..88a..7454 http://rurnbertand ...mford .edtJ







.S3 .iil







3 "'

TIv AIabdmII u...'Y'u .... ml" pub/U1rn addu..a "tid 'tIqIrDiI~ ""m/Hn 1M dllillNlltUmelfl rtwn 10 Ih~ "fH1I;", ,,~ ,"",,/kt. P/U.St U>ft,;'• .,t ,,, ittlJ ill tI""onUllft"" .II1II"" tuJdn.. U> Ilr. AJ.oIlo.o ..... ~·,{JU /lor M.mlnrship rHpaffm. nI, Ifl (JU ) 161.6J/(} (fax) or P.O. H Q~ 671, /lfotl'gtJm t'J J6/01.

0',,"m . . r".". ..,.,.,k/


Willl. m 1>. lIaslr. Jr. an"""nca!he ronnatioa of \\1I1iam D. lIasty. J r~ PC ond tbc relocation ofhil offICe 10 2090 Columbiana Ro.I, SullC 2000. 8irminpn 35216. I'Io:lne (21)>) 979-4490. ~h Il M .... tco-ry _ _ the openi", of heroff>= Her ""'" maili", addfuI it P.O. 8o~ 9843.

Birmingham 3522Q.0S43. PIIoIIe (lOS) 853-0S46. \'111iam R. Mlers announces the formation or R. ;\I)'tr5. pc, wilb offias located II Two Melropln Driv~. Sui", W. 6irminaham 3n09. Pboae Willl ~n'


James M. Smilh announces tbc ,¥nina ofhi~ III WashingtOO Aven .... I- floor,



36104.1'bon< (334) 26S-1947.

Among filiuS


B.i"brklgf. Mlms. 1t"K"1'$ '" S",II11. 1.1.1' """""nees that Ch.rIeo Kdlh lIamllton and James W. [)a,;'; have beoomc partners IrHl that ~:II.r.aMth Neal Pilma n h;os joined the finn as on associate. R. Larry Bradford an"",,!ICeS the fomwion of 8radford La .. ~lnn. PC and that S haoe T. ,So,ars. Allan R. WMI~r, ~..,. G. JlOI:kson and M. ,So,./l t'il:!:~~ ha~ bKome associateL J. Man. Baudl has bo:<'Oroe o/.......m. C ....pbril. Walk" '" I..opt' •• L.LC IMOUnoes Ihat

a.arlts W. Rftd. Jr. baa joiDCd the flflll. Jostph T. Carpmt.r, Nat"'n C. Pnt.., Samuel M. I"Y"'" and Brian MW>oidor ......"....,. the fonnarion ofCarprnte ....... t ... lngr.m '" M...... oIdtr, LL.r . with offICes at 303 Simi", Centre. 4121 Cannichacl Road. Moo13OO1CI)' 36106. I'llone (334) 21J.56OO.

T1tt. La ... ~ of C hris Slc~. Ch rist an"""nce the association of Jam<5 J . Ransom. III . [)an;'ll . tipton '" ~.ry. PC ~ thai Craig B. l\lorris has tw/ocome .. 5Iwd>oIdtt of the flflll. and the firm ~ baa ohaIlJed 10 Danl"" tipton, ~..,. & Morris. PC.

The "lablllM Dc-panmml off'ol;b«'ondl,.,. Eduaolioo Innounca Ilw Joan 1>1,.., has beefo named "ic«~11or for kgaloOO human ~8cncral

FcrgOlSOll • ••~ '" ~. L.U' IIIIIIOUIlCeIIhat Jinny M . Ray hujoined the tim as an OSSOC~te.


Jim II. }·tmandn. Il. Charles Itoll:!: and GftIlOI)' S. Combs an""","" the fOfD\3l;on of l'crnalldt... 1I00tz &: Combs. U X . Off""" ~ Iooatt<.! at 11)"7 SI. Fl1IIIcis Stm:t. Suite IW6. Mobile 36601. I'hone (251) 433--0738.

Alford. Cla_n & McDonald I.l.e .nnouncd Ihal WIllia m R. l.ancasltr bas joined the tim as I pann<>r 210

and Patrick Ii:. ~ndldon and Ch~ophtr B. EoI<S ha~ joi""'" the flm as _il!C$.


.' r iedm"n & £'t,ming'on, PC annoo~ tha, lIea.h.r C. l)u,,'ney has becr>me a sh"",holde, and the linn name has changed.o Friedman, Pt n nh,g' 6n & 1>O... ney, PC. lI asktll Slaughter \ 'oung & K... i"" •. LLC annoonces tha. [)oruold I.. Kidtertson has joined .... form of l:OWIS.t.

til""" W",h & h ',,'a)'. PC an""unce. ,ha, Willi.m C. Thck~r. Jr. and Mark A. S'op""'" have become ,~holder:s and .... linn Mme has changed.o Lu""" W",h I'el .... y Thcker & Sleph ..... PC. and Rod.,.,y R 1I0'1l"ni•• and Ke n l M. McCain have joined the finn as as.soci.", •. 1.,'0I1S, I'\pes & Cook. I' C onllOUOCe$ .hal Mlch""I D. Sherman has be<:omt lOSSOCialed ... ilh the finn , Mi'ler. II nmillo", S "idcr & Odom,

LLC announce. Ih .. A. 1-", Marlin. J •• has joined ,he lim •.

Rushlon. SIakt' I', Joh nslon & Garren. PA annoullOff Ihal William I. Eokrid ge has become a shareholder. lI eooon Blaylock DeBray has joined lilt linn ojcounse/ and Erin Sla rk Bm,,'n and Keilh tichtma n ha,'e joined

as as.ociole., W. Hill Se ..·.11 and Kare" M. 11."", annOUnce lilt (OfIDalion of Sewell &


11..,.... LtC. wilh office. MCI"'f'lex Dri"". Sui", 235. Binningham 35209. I'ho"" (205) 879· 7S 15. T ho"' .... Kal'd. n. Il orste meyer & Risley announce, lhal Da,'ld I•. Herden


has joined .he firm as a and Jon &. lIolland and An n I. De.mcn have joined as ossoci",.., Walston. W.IIs.And ...... n & H. i.... U . P anoounce, Patll O. Woodall, Jr. ha. buo""" pann<>r and Ih .. Rl·.n K. Cochrall and Casty L. J . m igan h.,'e becr>me ..soc;aled wi,h the firm, •


lilt ' U (.

moms in New YIN'k.

WasbingtGn. D.C. allll PeM.yl""n;a

underseo", 1II, 1l8ed IDr updatOHl alld Itl oroug ~ d;_ , p<81H'red·

nota and IHf'OIIH pl ..... These

ARE YOU PAYING TOO MUCH FOR LIFE INSURANCE? """"'" 0.- 1 _ "'" "" _ atr_ _ Iii< ~ __ rn-1IijjII, . --. 1 ~ Th""'"'","""ru.-<>ll ('" .,.... _ .. ~ ..... I... ', .. "' $n.J)",~ _ y.- _ _ ~,. '" " " " " " ' _.


1lI Y<.



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!hat I.....,.,. • erisil man. gement clMK:klirt ItI P' 10' pUlli"ll tog ..... , a INtt association Dr legal p",ctic, eme..,...,cy prelH'rt<lnesr pian. alld resources fo.- pfOYidi"ll YIIlu_,

Itt_I ....ieu. The guida is·


a ble. at '"' cost. !HI, I;n' II

_.II.&II."'lI Of upGn ""Iue$I by ce iling Il00-354-6154. ' l((lIllIion 132.

* * * '"

H.R. Burnham H.R. Bumha.m of Anni5lOn ~ Ihillif. on

MMth 11.:!002. Words canl\Ot acJcqu~ldy elI[lIl'SJ our ..... ped and OIIr (<:tlinp for"", (mnd and fellow lawyer. In our small and r<:tble way. we Illemplto coo'ey our eSl<l<"m and gnl1iludc. Aft .. ""rving hi. country IlS an ofli.,." in the Anny duri.., World War II. Pal concluded lh.l he could 001 """'" his oountry as a I.wyn. 0..... period of 52 ye ..... he excmplir.ed everythina a .. a1 lawyer is dalincd 10 be. Durinl his dilli",.;","" cam-r. he ~ indi.idu:als from all ...... boflife and repa<1Ikd a ..ide variety of public ond private orpDizalions.. Pal U.-ed and pnctlad his proI"cssion in II«Olfd .... il/! 1be ....,..,. of DanKI Webwr. ,,110 "...--, "'liSl"" is the ~ateSI ilMttUt of man on eanh." He was pmli.cublr.. One lW:\o.,r had to """'Y

aboul " 'hal he would do ,,"here • q~ion of rigln or wrong was involvtd. Pal knew thai our system of jU$l1ce ;. "'" • divine pfllbal came to u. run bkw.·n and w<rl:able. He kr.ew the syStem and U ;l:l inloJl1ll pan of il. he knew il ~uirtd s..-nt, «>il and ltars oo1hc pan of lawyers and jwgcs. lie olt., believed Ihol we 1>;0 •., to W<lfk II.artI '" and impruv<! our judicial,y>.t<m 00 lhallhooc ,,110 follow ... " 'iIl ~i"" a .yuem equally aI good or boner !han 1ha1 .. 11id1 we """;wd. P:aI

SU<:(ff:ded in tIw pal and Irtl a !lOll. Riel<. ,,'110 I"oIIows in his fa1hcr·. r-..ep. as he po..-tices ia AnnisIon. P:aI ..-as insuummlal in t"ormi.., one of 1hc




Law forms in dle_.

a..;""•. wi...." a.."""

d RaM:o. PC. Ta/14dqa

Charles Ward McGowell Clw"1.. Ward MeG.,'.... n. Jr.• age 37. of Vesllvi. Hills. passed away on Salurday. March 16. 2002. tI. ""IS I !Wive of Cuba, Alabama. and an.. odcd the Uni'..... ily of Alabama. He....,...,ted fn.>m the Binninsham School of Law ond ,",ired fn.>m 1hc r..... ofMcGowen &: ~kGoIo..... Mr. MeGo"' ... was. ".. of Independenl ~


Cbuoch. • World Wv II and •

Survivors include hi, wife of 61 y...... Rulli Curry Mc(i()v.·en;""" CIwIeJ (Kven) Curry Mc(i()v.·~" of !'I)mpano Bueb, florida; (!,uj;hler Carol Ward McGowen of BinnillJham; panddaulhler Ur>dsey Dee Mc<Jov,..... of Cleveland. Ohio; If"lnd>on a..rles Cuny Mc(;o...,n of Allanla; th= oi.cen.. MarprtI M . TMe ond Loui ... M. VMJghon.. boll! of Cuba, and N~II A. Villlson of Sel .....

member of tlw: Alabama Stale and AI!IIericad bu II""'Mlons.

Frederick Hallsell Slevell s Frtderick Hansen SI."'''! dcpan.:<! Ihis lif. 00 October 20. 2001. H. W3$ born ill Conecuh CounlY. Alabam.a 00 Oc.ober IS. 1m. He aradllated fn.>m Evtlpftn High SdIooJ in 1943 and llteodcd tlw: Uni~ ... ilY of Alabama. pad .... ;n' in 19U He was a100 a 1989 p-adIwe of tlw: .lont1 Scbool of la.... Mr. s.e.e... senal II cvrponl in the United Swes Mari ... Corps dwi.., World II. lie ..........mber the lSI Mali ... Oiv;';"" and Joervtd




Okina ..... all ndio opemor <!uri.., !he invasion of '''IW'' In addi.ion '" servin. his counll")' duMa W;vId War n. "" spent a1rno»! 1S years u a r~1d aa ...11 in the Frderal of ''''''SliS''ion dllrin, J. Edgar Hoover's administnlion. Upon ... li ...... nl

from the fB I. Mr. Ste"ens I1IOVfll borne 10 COfIe(uh Counly. w~re he '013$ in the a1mO:i1 ni"" yean!. 212

'IILV 1002


bu sl""ss for

Af1er "Ii ring from lhe mlli13ry. lhe FBI and!'ri· VlIle buSiness. Mr. SI""e"~ en.e~ the Irgal prof".

.ion. TIlt Conteuh Counly Commission employed him to...-ve .. counly Il10mey and he ICIVed in !hal

capaci.y for appro.o.imal<lly n;,,,, years. }k was ........ ing II ei1y ... .,.....,. for the CilY of Evtlpftft al tlw: lime of his dwh. Survi~iag bim an: hi. <1:1. . . . SaI1lh. bi> !lOll. F=I. Jr.. and hi. _. Ony. Mr. SIe>...ns ..-as I dear frimd 10 all ..·"" l;ntw bim and senal IS • resourec of ;nfOfll'gl;ve and inlel't".II· jng IlOries aboo1 World War II and his ye.... of ..,..... ~ in the " BI. H. will be .... arly mi.-l by the rom· munily allarxe and by lhole of ul wbo were fonu· nate enough to ha~e practice<.! 13w wilh him . - TodJ 8 . Wa""". p, C",,«uh COllnry 8nr A.:UOdllIWn

James Ross Forman, Jr. 1l>e Birm ingham Bar Associatioo1os1 one (>f il< dislingui.1led rntnlbers lhtough !be death of James Ross Fomum. Jr. on March 27. 2002. at age 85. Mr. Forman was born in GadMlen. bul was a lifelong residen, of Birmingham. Ho grlldWltN from Ramsay High School and !be Vni,'orsi(y of Alabama. where M WO$ ' _ mbe.- of Phi Bet. Kappa. Omicron Del ta Kappa and Phi 0.11:1 Tlltl • . He gradUat_ • d from !be Harvanl Law School in 1941 and joined hi. falher in !he pr1ICtice of law be fore . nlisting in lhe VnilN Sl:Ite. Anny and ~ing d uring ""'odd War II in lhe PacifIC Tlltalre rising 10 !he ranl of major. Following hi. ~ke 10 hi. country. Mr. Fomum rejoinN hi, b lher in "'" pracliec of I.w. " .. he", he practiced for 4 1 years. ""i ring in 1987 as senior parmer of lhe.ruccessor finn. Burr &


During hi. law cat=". he practi«d in "'" bu5i,.,...,. and liugarion ..cIioos where he was involved in d .... action and discrimination liliplioo . Hi, dien.. in<loded United StattS Steel and ACIPCO.

Mr. Fomum was married 10 "'" fOf"J'l"J01" Mary Prilchard for 57 y...... He and hi. wife " ... ", avid gardeners and their ho".,. was OO:~O$ionally featured in Soulkrm l.Mng. l"""" Form3n was boown gentlem.n of unqueslioned honesty and impeccable in"'grily and ""","*,ta and intellect. Hi, J. Ross Forman. III. who follows the lJ"lIdilion at Surr & I'onn3n. "",aU, that when his rother inlroduced him 10 Judg. Seyboorn Lynn<:. Judge Lynne said. ~If you become half a • good as your falher. you will be . great 1.wya." He .Iways played by "'" rules and treated e,"'Yone with It'JlOCL James Forman is SUr.";VN by. in add ilion 10 his wife. Mary. and hi. ""n. Ross. tWO daughters. Ubby Forman Norwood of Dallas. To",as. and Oa1too Form,n Blanke m;hip. along wilh .ight grandchildren and a host of fri.nd. and colleagu"" " 'hom he deeply Io,'ed and appreciated. -Br..u F. Roga., prts;,/~n'

a, •


Birming/wm Ba, Io "I<)<:Ial;(JIl

Adams. Robert F. Mobile Admitted: 1937 Died: February 23. 2002

Hawthorne, Frank Howard Momgomery Admiucd: 1949 Died: April 8. 2002

McDowell. Theron Oscar, J r. Prauville Admitted: 1956 Died: March 21. 2002

Allen. Carlos Rac. Jr. Hoover Admiued: 1977 Died: Murch 10. 2002

Holmes, Alrn.'<i 1'., J r. Mobile Admiucd: 1953 Died: March 8. 2002

Sankey. Newman C. Montgomery Admined: 1951 Died: April 27. 2002

Christopher. Thomas Weldon Greenville. SC Admitted: 1948 Died: March 22. 2002

Jackson. Thomas Hall, Jr. Hoover Admiucd: 1951 Died: April 12.2002

Upchurch, Robert P. Admincd: 1938 Died: February 17,2002

Haley. James O. Bimlinghalll Admiucd: 1936 Died: May 2. 2002

Johnso n. Charles Randal Birmingham Ad mined: 1989 Died: March 18.2002

Warner. Man'in L. Ocala. FL Adm iued: 1941 D ied: April 8. 2002



2002 Regula r Session Acts he 2002 Rcguillf Session (If lhc Icgi.I'lU~ adjourned April 17. 2002. Theil: W('I\' 1,289 bill. introd~ """ 268 enacled. Th;, i, • 2 1 """,em pas.J.a&C rille, I hi'" number for any ~ar.


H "",~.

WI bills (7S ptrttnl) affe<:l only one COIiMy .., :approprilliool LO one "";1)'. The fol""''i/l& _ ~ W &f't2ItSI impct 0II1he acncnI public. l ha ... IlOl included""l' oflhe 1ocaI __ Of grant

Criminal Law 1111 JO-Work H~l c_ ]'"",rams (-"'12002-497) No inmale on WOfk release will be deerMd 10 be on ',cn' Of employee of ,be Depanmenl of Correc1;OI\S Of !be $llIleor ~y ",hi .. _the dimtiol'l or conuoI of !he i ...... te't wort. ",1eMe empioyft'. l'unM. the ' .. malel .....tillJ in wort releuc prognn>$ ouu.i<Ie the jail Of wrm:tionaI fac:ilily dlall ha"" no cau~ of actiOII "ains. the OOIInly Of COI'nCIioo agency e>«pI for willful nqk:d. lIB 311-Antl. 'hrromm A<I 01' 2002 (... ", 2002-431) An acl of tel'Tl.lri'nl i. defined as "" off.nse 111.1 i. in.. nded 10: a. intimidlote Ihe pri~c populalion; h. inn.......... the policy of • 1UIi. of ~mm\ by


inlimidalional or of !he condllClioa of I unit of JO¥tfIImenl by munItmo.os _iAaliOn Of kidnllppinc. The pullishmcnl i. one felony degree hi&J><1" than Ihe Spe<:ified off..,se. 1111 57_ Publk St-... tce C ommission ~;nrOrt:1' (Act 2002·5 19 ) St<:!ion 36-21 · 8 rr ul. is amendood 10 provide for public service rommilSion" campus police II I Siale in.titution and othtr stal• ..,.:ies lhal mrui'" ilS oIT.:en 10 be POST-«rtif~ 10 be iro::lldod in !he _ mi",· menl ....... filS IS Ihote atrorllM 1(1 od...- SIal. II ... enforcemenl. o/Iia1lI and investiplOn. UB 9S-l mprio........ nl for Coun C"'IS (Act 2002· t_ affca


41 ~)

A_ods It I S·18·6l de 63 10 provide lhal willful non.pay_nl of. fine will I "bje<'! the dcf~odam to impri5Ol\mcnt in jail. Wb<re the fine !lou II()( ~X~ 214

IU I.V 1002

S250 (previOlUly $20). it will be for 00 more thaft t~n days: for fines betw«n S2~ and SSOO (prev;o..s ly SSO). il wiU be fOf 00 more than 20 days; and for fines bct""Cen S500 Kl SI.OOO (previously SIOO). it will be for no ""'"' than 30 dlys. HB 231-lnlerstAle Compa<1 for Adull OfT~r Supil'nislon (Acl 2002-4 1)) Abbuna ha$ ........ a pan of lit ;"ttt<WC OOIlkpKl sjDClO 1937 whore tach ".te i. responsible for the supefVision of lidull off~ in thecommunily in whi~h oMjIlive. AIlI>ou&lt the offrnder may h..." 11«0 oorwictN of. ftlony in aoothtr .tate•• upe .... isi"" of the offender will be by rhe o.panonom of C~liOrtJ io the ILate itt whkh the oIfrDdcr ,"i~. This law will become: effect;'.., ",'hen Iwo· thirds of !be Ita'"' hltve passed it. CurmMly. approximately 26 SI~ .. hit"" pmo:d thi..... istd ~ liB 355-Dffi,pth.., Trad .. p~ ofToba«o l'rodu<U (Acl 2002-496) This amrn<b the Dc«plive Trade I'rK1kt law fouod in lltk 8-19·11 10 odd the ..Ie or possession of cll-'. ",nes which does not comply ,,"'ith fe<lel1l1 "'8 ulalioo, and posse»c1 a roo..:oo . ump for the payment of LIUCS as a drcooptivc trade prxticc. Fouthtt. tlto.$t ~i*:areLte' may be deemed contnlband ........ iud. S8 2-IO-E1<nt 11on of Dnlh Smtence by l.... h . 1 IrI,j«Iion (Acl 2002-492) Afly prnon """"",led and "",,,It no«! 10 drath r.... a capital crime It lit)' lime ohall be ucculed by • klhal injK-tioo unless tbe prnon affirma/i""ly cl«u 10 be neeuled by electrocution. A person has OIl<! opportuni. ty to .Iecl to be e. ,,:u lcd by .Ieclrocution.• od the o1«lioo for drath by c1«troeut;OIl i. wai'o"Cd unless il is personally madt by the Pl'rsort in " 'ntin8 and de liv. nmlO the ..wdrn witltin 30 daY' afttt the ~ fo<:ate of jlldgmt"l punuanl lO the .<Upttmt CO",!", affirmin. the ..... ence ~ drath. S 8 lM-StnlclMin l Conunission (Act 2002-50)) The bill ... Iends the dale f« t .... "'pori of the Srnl<ro::ing Commiulon to rrpon 10 the ~8i.llt"'" un!il 2003. It futtlter provi<lr< that the Commission i. aulhoriudlO informalion. The: Commi.sion >hall have lCtesJ to I II o ff.nder =ords mainlained by

OIher stale departments and ageI>Cies. including the Dcpanmenl of CO<rec\io .... Department of Pardo<1 and Parolos. Administ,..,ti~ Office of Court.<. Criminal Justice Information C.nler... c.

Driving liB IS-- DUI FlII.,. (Act 2002-.502) Amer.ds §32·5A·191 \(> provide that DOIice of a corwiruon for DUI rould be made to tht employ ... r..... violatlons of a munkipal ordillllJlCe where tht fine i$ paid in a partial or iru;tallmem basi.. tht act proscribes bow funds are proportioned betwce" tht $We and mtlllkip.o.lity. 118 192--.\1O{0. V~ hlcl e I><!a ler !.icen.. Tal!" (Aci 2002-256) This amends i40-12-62 by deleling tht provision lhat dealers may only pu,dwe up to fi"" deal .. tags and pay only one dollar cach. "The bill funhcr provides thai dealorIkonsetags may be used 00 ""hi· cles (IWJ'I<d by • deakl'$hip and being bold for resale. l1Iese tags cannot be used for leased ""hicles."The bill also provides lhal ""no motor ""hicle ad mlorem wes. registr.llion. or insurance f~ impost<! by kxallaw, .hall be collttiN by tht """"ty offIcials woo iss""" dealer or manufacturer liceru;e tag •. In addilion. JOOIor ""hicle delinqU/!""y ""nalti •• and interest feoes $hall no! be awlicable "'ben issuing deal· ., or manufacture, licen$t- plale!.M S8 29---R ... realional Waler Vthid.,. and lIouseboats (Act 2002·59) Thi. provides for the "'gulation of s.... age discharge of recreational hon atld design.les the Alabama Department of ConStlVation and Natural Rewurces as the ageocy responsible for regulating. SR 124--G",dUltI'" Dr;'-tr ·~ L.lterlS(' (An 2002-4(8) This rt<[ui .... that. 1"''''''' under tht age of 18 may not apply for a kxal dri· vers license until tht I"'rson has beld a temp<>mry instruOtion or I........ '·s licen ... for . , leasl six months. At 16 years of age. the applicant may .ubmit to tht Depanment of Public Safety tht following: l. a form signed by parents rotlsem· ing to ,he licensing of the applicant to dri"" " 'i!hout supervision. 2 .• form cenifying thai the applicant has compl ..... a minim~m 000 boun; of b<:bind_tht·wbeel drivin8 praclice or a cer1ificale of comple· tion of a driven;' MtlCIItion coorse.

A 17·year-ok\ person who bas been licensed for less lhan lix months. or " 'ho i$ 16 but $hall be d«!nII'd to ha"" a re.trkt ... driver's lictrue may 001 I .... hicle belween midnight and 6:00 I .m. eJlcepI under the following cin:umstances: •. Accompani ... by. parent or licensed dri\'Cl' who is at least 21 yean; or Igo. pro,·idcd the "udent has the patr"t'S constnl; b. "The person is driving to or from I place where they are employ ... : c. llIe person is driving to or from a s.chool.sponsore<! .,'.nt;


d. "The person is driving \(> or from an evettt ~ponsored by. religious organization; or

e. In the e""nl of. fire. medical or a law enfom:rnent <'''''''Beney. A person may DOl operate. ""hid. if there are more than four occupants in lhe ""hicle. DOl including the parents. A person ...110 violates this act will ha"" lheir probalionary period extended for an addilional lix months or until tht person is 18_ A person driving with re.triCted privileges ... oo i, convict..:! of

lwo moving violationli. or convicted of eluding. law enforcemem officer. reckless driving. illegal passing. driving on tht wrong 4idt of the road. or other offen .. where four or"..,... points are assessed. shall be automalicaUy suspetld... for 60 days unle5s the rules of tht road provide. more serious penalty and tht ....tri<1 ... period extends for six months from tht date lhe penon would otherwise be eligible. or until the person is 18. A licensed driver woo is 17 years old shall be given an ~trict'" driver', licen .. if the license has been issu'" for a period of six months or Ionge •. and the peMn bas DOl bun conviele{! of. viol.· lion of tlte rul« of the road within the past six months. "The acl does not apply to any person 16 and nwriot! \(> a head of ,he house· hold .• person who .. minority has bun reliev .... or "ny .... idenl \\'110 i$ 18. E,-efY driver's license issuot! prior 10 tht effecti"" date of the AN is conside"'<1 an un .... tricted driver', license. A ""oon who driv« in violalion of the re~triclions on his or her license is guilty of a traffic violatioo but i, not subj ... tlo


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aly criminal penallics or



Informatioo concemia, viol ...... or a ~ dri....,,-·, license i. _10 be ",ltued to Uly pany nor rtSui1 in ally poinll oro. driver', license rtrord. Any 16-yo...-oId ...1Io has DOt ul1dtr· ""'" wpnvision may >1m obtain a Itam· «'I license.tnd be al~ to drive providod !he ptnOOI is occompanitd by a IiomKd driYCf ........ illCluaity occupying a teal beIidc Ihl: driYCf. A ptnOOIl~ )'\'a/'S QId may.:lso ~ive. It...... r·, liconse. This .nulks Ihl: ptnOOIlO "P'rale

a moIor vehicle wben !hey ...., 1ICCOIIlpa..if<! by • !*"n~ IepJ pardlltl or emifoed <kivinJ insuuctor who i, ICIually occupyi", a teal beside Ihl: driver.

Eao:h ...... , <:(IUJIty and murucipal police depattJn<n1 muS!ltUIintain WIliIti· cal infonnalioro 00 lnIlfIC 01""" and "'pori on ""ffie .Iop!! whe", Ihi . ""I appl~ and infonnalion ",ported IlJOOlh]y to !he Ikparuno:nl of I'Ioblic Saf,,"y IIId 10 !he AlUlmey Go .....1. The ICI il dfective 0cI0lber I. 2002.


3S7- ~; lecllon

omcl . ls (Act

2002-4 11) 1bi. IlIX1I<k Act 2001· 1130.... hich pnl"idcd IhaI dcaion officials Wli be ~ from lbrir employment ...i1houl penally or loss or ~ for """"" (11"1 deelion day. The law....Iboh prmow,ly applied only 10 ....,pIoymt or SO person$. now Ippl~ to emplo)'\'rs or ",on: llWI 2.'i pmona. The employer is IlOl m:juiml 10 ~ Ihl:~ ..."hilt performiDa elcctiool official ducic$. bile !hey ..., n:quirtd 10 IhrnI Ii.... off from ...-..t..


Children SD l l --Child 1'..,I..,llon (Aci 2002· 457)

"Thi, ...... noh the ~nl Child ProI<ctiooAct 1 16-22(A).I rl.Hq. This

will ...quin: III curtail cenir..d and __ "",,;fJ<d ....,pioyfts 01 public ~ f""ililia and cunnI! omployeu of """_ public <ducalion facililieO ... OO have uJUupe ..... iscd acca.s 10 any child 10 1UIdtrgo • lborough rnmilllll hiitooy '*'kJround infonnalion cll«k tlIn:Iu&h the FtdmII 8 ....."" or Irwalipioa Nl1iona1 Criminal HUrory Rccad Inform.allon System. Thil bill p.."ides for ad",inislnIlive

hearing proccdu"" for opplicant' for cerliflcalion 10 ch;tllen~e lhe pr"IlpCIIoed 211

JUlY 200:

detcnnilIItiOll of """,itaJ:Mlily. Ie provides for fillF'J'rintinl durina IUIONbIe hou" in ~ie'l1 locations and for!he Uf<! of mobjle. digiLal fI",nprim machine!. The ~llICnl ofEduc"li"" i, responsible for Jbe COliI. n.. ba.c~. around checb 00 public and """public clll11:nl fmploy~ a.... conti","'1 u"",", ..stq..... fundinl· S R ~I--Child IIft1U h CaR' (Ac! 2002-4(4) Thil bill adds i27-111>-1O and ""l.w," OHR to use fakral]y m:juiml medicil "'pport notices to employm woo ...., providiDa ~m~·bascd ",,01111 ~ cownte 10 I child ..·hote pa<all ha. been onIen:d 10 provide beal1ll can: tu¥tnp for the child. Wilhin 20 business days afVr the dale 01 the mfI<lical support lIQIict. Jbe employn" of I non .... stodi.l ~nl ... 110 i •• ubject 10 Jbe order for heallh can: covcraac for hiJ or!>tr child


transfer Ihl: ~ 10 Ihl: ~ plan providin& Jbe health can: covaace under which Ihl: child is cUJib'" f...,..tloe . the en"IpIorer lhall "";lMoId !be ~ compensation from Jbe """",,ustodial p""'nl e,np\oyee for cover_ age for lbe child and lend IllIn di...,lly 10 Ihl: heallh em plan provider. n.. bill further provides an opponuni_ wll


I)' for the employee or oblip 10 COIIlal

Ihl: wilhltoldi", onIer. The empIoya" is n:quin:<110 prompo:ly lIOIify!he cIepanmenl ...!>tn Jbe """",,ustodill !*"m', employ""'" 1 i.lcrminoled. C",,=ly. Jbe depanmenl i. 1o promptly notify Jbe

mIpktytr ...""" lhen: il "" longer I cur· "'PI onIer for mrdicll "'ppori id dJtt1 for which !he depanmenl io .......-ll>le. An cmployn" ...·110 faili 10 comply "";111 1lte ""l.ui",mrnu sel fanh UJ ,hi, tftll may be !>tId per$O<Ially liable to Ibt obli~'" for Ihe flily", 10 ... ilhhold contrioolioro, for mrdical support up 10 lbe UIIOUnl of

Ihl: contribulions IhaI _ _ tvi1hbo1d. S8 29t-Adoptiod. Impllftl C........., .nd Puttoli", FaUltr Mqbl ry (Act

2002-417) The ron!)""" 10 adoptioo rode in §6IOA.7(d) i. amended. 1M old I..... mjuired Jbe C01IS01I1 of 1lte puillive f.",.,. if he wa'l mode known by the mother or OIIIeowise .... made known 10 Ibe roun provided ht n:sponded "";thin )(I .... ys. notice of the .oopo1Qlt prtilion. Thit act adds to Jbe "'QUi",menl that be muS! have complied with the Al.obarruo puillive f.ther·, "'~iwy acl before hi' comenl i. m:juired.

Stttin1126-10A_9 is ...... nded 10 pr0vide ..... ~nl or ",UnquilJunml IhaI i, n:quin:<l '" \be acIop6oa rode ltUIy be implied by the f.,her·, failu"," 10 comply ... iJ/ll~ Alabama pulali>e flther', Itgilll)' ICI. Funbermon:.lUbIec1ion (b) i. odded which Jl'U'"ides IhaI an implied come .... cannol be .... ilhdra..·n by allyone. Scclion 26-10A_14 is ..... nded 10 pr0vide IhaI a ligncd or confimllOd ctlnSenl or ",linquish_"l ltUIy by withdr2wtl u"",", the di.mi<$ll or 1lte a<k>pIloo afVr I COIIl.Med bearing !lCCu" ul1dtr Seclioo 26-10A·24. Scclion 26-IOA·I7A(I) i. ~nded 10 !"","ide IhM notice or de"" ..d",Cf of an IdopUon JIl"OCffiIi", dots IlOl ha.-e to ~ Io<:l"ffiI on onyoroe ....110 lias impli<dly ronsenl<d to the Idoption. Similarly. the nolice of the adoptioo pn':I<"eedin& dots nol have 10 be given 10. pulali'e falber woo hq impliodly <;«Ise.Uod 10 the .oopoion .. provided in f26-]0A·9. Section 26- 10A-18 bas been ...... nded l1Il !"","ide .... "'" interloculory ~

dots tIOl ""P the ",nnin, of Ii .... periods dambod in Section 26-10"·9 ",I.tin, to impli<d consent. Scclioo 26-IOC· I(i) of lhe p Ulat;,,, fa"""'. <'qi$1ry has bo:<.n .."..nded. The acldiUmailanguage!"","ides thill ... t>sec· !ina ohaIJ be !he .... cI ...ive proadJln: ....1abIe for any ptnOOI ,,'110 claims l1Il be the natural father of I ( hild I>orn Old of ...edloc:k. on or after January ]. ]997. 1o be enli ll<d to notice and the opponunily 10 <;«IleSl any odopl;on proceeding filed or pending 00 or aft ... January I.



Scclion (2) this ICI mBa this entire ICI ~ive dJec1ive 1(1 Jon....,. I. 1997.

Texes and Estates liD 96--lIn ifo ..... Marlll&""",nl or Ed ...... UonaII ... tlt"tJonal . '''00 (Act 2002_~ I!)

In 1993 Alabouna pwtd this Unifonn At! 001 limill:d i'lo educalionllln.tilll. .ion. ( .... AI. bama Code 1](,.6IA-] lhrouah 8). "I the n:qUdl of van"", foundalions. ouch III Unill:d M~lhodi51 chun:hes. Kiwanit dUM .... lhe

AI.ob.tnut S~ B_. it .... dcttnni..... .... the cutTt"tIt act should be ..... from jU51 ...... yinllO the i"""" ....... 01 porni", ""'-'rth 01 educational irutilu_ Ii""" 1o incJude e~ (harl lable. ",Ii or other eleenlOtynary insliluli(ll"l'


who would benefil from havu., the opponunity 10 ulilize the investmelll capability povidod fIX by !he oct. This means the ~'" bolrds cu. fIX uample. mest in """,tb SIOCk, with low .... 100 djvidmds. bul haYi"l • hif;h poICnli.ll fo. ~ in kln&'1mn ......... ralbct!hAn _ "" inw:<l· menl oenificatel of dopoIi1. The act does 1101 change !he "*<1danI of em: fIX invtSlmtlll from thaI cu"""dy applied to <ducatiooul institution!. nor does il affect 1M C""""I in,,'S1l'n<nt I")]id~. undtr lhe A]abama I!dllClli"""II"'lilulional FuDds ACI. ROlh... il ~"'Iy eAl.Dds llIe ulility of llIis Kt 10 o1her charil2ble orpniu·


1bc IC1 defines. charitable instilU1iOll i",,,"poi"oed IX u"i~ orpniution. orpIIUaI and opt" fIX educational. ",Iipow.. charitable 0. 0Ihcr

' " all

deemOll)'lW)' ]lU.-po:>Kl. IX • ~. tal orpniution 10 1M u1t1l1 it bokb f.Dds uclusi",,]y f .... !bose purposes. liB S7s-A1TId.,ilS fo r I'Tob..le E5ta1~ Ta~tII

(Act 2OO2·S 16)

This .~nds Allbama Code J4(l-SO-13 whkh provides wilen !he of Alabam> has Ili.n for !.U •• on an e<W ••• p<11OILlII "'prqenlative may exeCUIe and record in (he counlY of the de<:edcnt and whtte the de<:edcnl's probale • .we is pendinl... affidavit .win, 1M e>Wc: illlOll wable. 0. lltema1i""ly lhal the e:suo .. (.U is Plyable and tIuo • proptr oopy of 1M stale (.U rerum has IX ...·m be filed fIX the department ..ithin 1M proptr lime limilS. The COIIIenI of do< llfKllvi. n:qoim ~" iofomwioo. sud! '" 1M name and Socill Securily number 0( tbe de<:edcnl. leK1l1ddn:sI and dal. of dealll. Thil bill deletes the provision Ih., rtquim ,he "PP"~irn.ate ••1... of 1M ~llal. mUSI be gi-.o. and funlle. delc1et llIe provision 1M peroooal ",presentati.e who Ii"" !he affidavit is peroooally liable fOt any (.U latt. dettr· mined to be due by 1M eswe. This affi· davil wll1llle>'late the fftjui " , _ of obtaini", III Alabama stale IL< ...'liver.


S 8 lllS-Unlfonn Sales . .... (}seTH (Act lOO2"(18) This Jlf'O"i<ks fIX Alabama 10 have I delcpliorl in the mu]!i..wcs· discussions conoemi", 1M simpliflCllion of tax Admlnlsl"'l~

odminisU1l1ion. incl<>di", Inlemon IU sal .... Thi, will provide do< ""'luin:menl.< for mull;'Jllle .. 110.. and e", ... I mech· anism ornon, .,"mbe, ,taleS 10 admini.· ler tho sal.. and ~ .. tax from ",mole

"'lien. It does

IIQI IUthorize the imple. montatlon 0( ... IJ"'Cmenl. It doe< pm. vide for Alabama 10 pan;cipaIC in 1M


""ional w rate 011 ..,_ ..... This Jludy in<:1u.des

estabIishi", cAl

Intemo\ '" we]1 '" cataIoJ saIco.

Real estate and Commercial 11K 41- Redt mpllon cA Properly Sold for fu .. (AcI 2002..(26) To....x.:,m pn.l!>Ony sold for tax« from tbe pu","-r II 1M JIIc. 1M redeeming pany mu~ ply 12 potUnl i"te=!. In addition. w1ltn !he propeny is Ioo:",ed within u...... renewal IX IIrlwI "","lopmmt projoru. • a.I obaIl also i...:]ude insInnce prtmiurns pP:I IX owed by tho ~ fo. casualty ..... 011 ill:Mnble lInICIum. i"""o''''''''u. 12 pe1'ttPI in~)i. and any



f_. ~pn:Ii ", Illy


which conLain. _ raideolill ~ '" 1M time: of tho Ale. of il.< 100:.1;011. 1M ....x.:,mi", pany muM also pay IIIe val"" of all pem!a""nl improve· "",nlS made by tho pun:ham dcto""incd in ~ willi proviJions of this s«tiOIl.


li S 216--1I_IIlS[)K1or

1tc1<S. ",lIon (AC! 2002·S 17) This .....i"" tho liotnsi", of bome im.pccoon ..... """""'" of 6ability insur· """" they .... fftjuin:d 10 carry. It fiortbcr allows fIX the bu;kIi", oommission 10 ..sop; ..tminilU'llWe rule$ and pr'I)Ce' dura r.... tho putpOIe 01 revokinf; and suspend;nl home iIIsptClOr licmoes. 118 185--A_ ...II..." , .oALllbama·s

Small Looon Ad (-"'I 2002-30S) Thil ..... ndl IS·] 8..( " uq. Alobam> Small Loan "'C! to inc",..., the Itnding limits of tho Smalll..oon ACI from $749 10 $1.000. fu"~. i. Jl'O"ides WIllie lender can ctwa •• ill addilion iO lhe muimum inte=! "Ie •• mainlelWltt fee of S3 ach monlll I;",", the number of InOiIIh$ 01 the 10M. This ree is _ subject 10 m.te upon prq>aymooL Abo deleled from fl S· Ia.l S il tloe oesIriction thai 1IIOme)'I' f_ may _ .."""" IS potUnc 0( the unpaid debt. 118 J76-S«uril y h.ltresl In Farm i>md uCU (Act 2OO2·S 18) Thil Act ... ncnd< Aniclc IX of tloe Uniform Com"",,,,i~1 Code 10 pro.ide th.l. securilY int.rut in farm prod""l.< will be flied wilh llIe Sc<:"'la/)' of $1"'. and funhct prescribeJ inf0fm3lion JIOCC5. At)' .o be I i......

CHOOSE WISELY. The q""'liy 01 \'0'1' wool< I< directly depb!de<"ll upOn 1M q",li1y 01 those \'0'1 10 assil1 you. In tho spedallzed talents 01 buo.I...,.. valuation ~ I~pdon suwon. II I< crilkiol 10 " " - wiMJy. The services 0I1'Mm!, IJeoom, lee!bu ... Moore, P.e. ~ been IJiIllJed In connection with Oft< 150 ~ Our speo:iII~ .... bocked by !he _ ~ oraIninS a.;aill!ble In tho lndutuy and certi6ed by .... N~A and !he NCPA ABV. ls III


help rou

• 10liProfj~~ • 0..",..,. [.I1..... te!'

• 1...1E.hlblc, • E.o:pM Will>HJ Tesclmony • Fl/wncy/lnbonalJon ValiduJon • SU>lntiS Val",c/otl

-ov *'P 01 !he ~.


.. 1."' t_ ...... __

_ . J05.ll)#OQ

,," . JO ..JlMUl _4

1 .... -

City-County Govomment 11K 2IJ.--R ';m hunen~n t of T....lnlng C ...l. (Act 2002-424)

Whe", a municipal COlIn clefk (or ambulmce drh-ers and ~ll('ndanl<. wat ... ............ _ opnaoOrJ. law cnfom:·

o/flttT'$, corrections off>een, fi", prcM«Iion pononnel. Ii", fi&h<as. and mrnt

....mbns of the sheri(f"s dcpanment or II1II,,1''''1<' of a municIpality) employed by one municipality i. employed by. ~ municipality within 24 """,,1M alier COIIlJIIe1;ng the uainin • ..,hooI for lhd. posilioon. the I'0I:\O' employer must I'I'iml:urx the inilial .mpIoy ..... for ~ I'tL.lcd 10 Irllining. This ""'I ...... 1nOMponation «I$U paid 10 the Inl..... for ",,,,'d!O and from the Ir.lining focili.y. room, board, lUilioo. ovenimc paid to OIher cmploytt$ in their ab<ic....e. and 0Iller ",late<! tnini", upemes. liB 24-.~alional Memorial o.y (ACt 2002·390)

Alabama Code 11_34 il.~l0 add thaI Khool. and oolloges iJIall be c"*<! 00 NOlion.1 Memorial Day. 11 8 29-Abatcmtnt orlloxn (Act

2IX)2-2M) h *"",nds Ala. Code 1t4().9B-5 &; 8 ~int

pMIc u!e ind.ooial fItOPO'Iy Iocalcd wilhin the municipality or "',Ihin the police juriodictoon of the municipality. The l""=';n8 body of the municipality or munitipol indu.lria l authority .....y 001 uanl an abatement of any COlInI)' taxes unless the municipality or ..nbaril), has abo abllal the CfJI'fe. opondin, munici~ !Un. This KI is prosptdive only.

liD 4l--)l unicipallly"' AuthQrity to) !)"nlOlisll 0. R~p al. IJnsde Sl ruCIIlA'S (Ace 2002·~22) A munidpalily ""'y dtrnoli'" or "'l"'ir an uruafe >!nICtW'e lllal has b«oone a public nuisance. A lien "" the po-optnJ is hold for the COOl or eho ..-001; involved in dctmIi!ohi", or ",pairin, the WIlCt=. Prior to "'l"'iring !be prt>peMJ lho ei.y mU~1 ,ive 4 ~ days· noIke to IlIe owner', laSI k,,,'),,,n oddre ... to ,be owner at !lie oddras of !be propertJ and loall mon·

...-of""",, 11K SZ_Wa~r. s.-..... and ...., 1"roIK11on A..!b....ic.... (Ac! 2002·254) Comptnsatioo for d;~ is 'l'ICI'ta!;td from $50 10 S200 ptT noI 10 uceed $2.400 pt, year (pm-ious· Iy S8OO~ The clr;cinnan "",y be rompt1l· 21'



sated SJOO ptf mectina. bul _ _ tbaft $3.600 per ~•. liP l7O--Comptnsallon, Munid~ ~r<ls

(AC! 2002·50 1) Thi, ."",1Ids 1~9· 7·17 by del.ting the $7~ rnvimum comptnPli"" amount per nt<'C1in, chat each .... mber of the board eM! rccei~ The lOCI ..1000., !be amounl or CO!,openwion 00 be liud by !be boanI. It aI", deletes the pro¥ision chat the board can al", prOYide frin~ be ...· fi ... including iruu.rance for board .... m·

~". liP JB_-Sta~ EmployftS' Uo nation of Slrk ~ (Acl 2002·39l) Thi • ........t.AJobama Code 1J6.2f>. 3S.l 00 perrnil ad employft or "'Y braII<h or .we l"'"UII""'''' 00 doBa~ IoCa\ICd ar>d linuS<:<! ann .... l. Jick or com· ptnsa.Or')' leaye to another Male employ. \'(! ",ho ill qualified 10 be oS<:<! by the rccei.inzempl"Y« fQC. callSlrophic J.ict leave or malCmily leave. S8 ll-CDfO~1 Rtdlnrkting (Act 2002·~1) The pi ... re!.atina: III eon"""ional dis· 1ric.s chat are redi.mcted pursu~nt 10 !he

2000 fedt ..! censu. lias been cleared by !be IJniled States Depa.n"",nt of Jkl$tice. S8 S:e-,$tat. Emplo)'ftS' RoIlrt""'nl, [)oI'tf'rtd RoIlrtmml Option Pbn (Act 2002.23) The bill ameDds l2f>.ll·1 50 10 pnMde !hal .Ule employea """" are a minimum ofSS )'nrs old w ",110 have 25 yem of ~ke "'ith the sta'e may panicipotc with \be Rc1i"' .... m SJi~m in ... option· aI _OIl as !be Derctml RWn'"",n. Oplion Plaa (DROP). These ..mpIoyces, ...110 ordinarily _Id be eli· &iblc for ser-i<% rech.-. "",y contin· lie 10 ,"'0<1<. and \be f.. ndi they ...'OU1d ha_. """cived during the folklwingthrec· .... r.V(!.ye .. period would be held in an ,",COlli" ,"'hich the employflCc ,"'ill reai ," upon mi"'rnettt as • lump .... m paJ'-' The .... rnbtr or years a<t'Umul.atin& for min'''''' .... purpooco lor .u~ durilll !be period or pa.nicipatioot by \be ~ employee in tho DROP J>rovam.


Mecfiall 118 lS--.Saln TOIJI on PJtic,r1ption1;

(Act 2002-41 4) It arnendsAlabama f40-26(h}·2 to I"""idc that Ales U~ win be collected on .11 prescriptions, IlOl j .. ~ those with. n'tail pric. of SJ 01'_.

1I8 1i11--(')(fice vi Women's 1I... lth

(Act 2002· 14 1) '!'luI creaICS an office of _ n 'J holl,h ,,·ithin \be Atabln.. Depa.nmem of Public Ucalth and specifiC! ill PUf"PO'" IS CO edUCII. tho publ ic ar>d be ... "","0ca!e f.... ....",...n·. bealth. 118 6I -Unll1iCd Pmc:r1pllon

Modintlions (Act 2002-493) The lOCI pmrUlS !he donation vllcgcnd.

dnrp, ucept con!rolled



which are di.pt1lS<'d to a potient in I hospi .. l. nursing horne. ISliSltd liYing fadlilY. or specialty care ..,is1ed be,li'Y "",y be doowed ar>d lnMfctml 10 I charitahlc clinic 10 be uS<'d by the ehari· cable .... icnu,'.... vi ~harJt. " 'hoa all vi !be specified r;:onditions are met. One COI\dlUoot i. chat \be drup are no longer needed by the ori8inol pa'i .. n' . The dnrss muSI be properly disptnstd bJ unit <k>sI: or indi.idually scaled <k>sI:, and mull not ha ... u p;rod. The C<>MCnt or !be .... ien. mll5l be obIainod. CMql! in !be clcath 01 tbc patient. " -Mn !be pIltic:m'. family ""'y conI(nt. 118 n l -~Iodical Olscipllnary A. lioM (AC! 2002·140) AIWrna Code f34-24-S9 ~ <01. is amt'IIdo:'d !(I tho !.aw ...1aIi", 10 discipliNry IICIion. a>aOOc! he<Irinp and jucIi. <ill n:vic:w .... 0:0,,; ... .., phy$ician. It funh:r..,.,;scs tbc rtqIliremmu for paWns



I IJni1Nl sw... tiocnoin& ountinobon. S8 2I1J-~I ~ntallltal1h Insurance en.crag. (Act 2002·3 II ) The bill requires lllat hoalth care servo

Ice plans an:: lUIuirod 10 offer covcng<\

few rnemaI ill...... S8 .!3J-W.,.....Il·, Rlpl lo K....... and Aboi"tlon A<1 (Ac! 2002-4111) No abortion >hall be perfOfl'lled with· OUt the voluntary informed c~nl of lhe woman. uccpt in case of a medical ~"""S<'ncy.

AI50. prior 10 the obonion. the , , _

"""" rt:a"ive the cwno: of tho physiciad ,"'ho " 'iIl perform the abortion. the ... ture of lbe proposed abortion "",thod. and anoda,"" risk. probable gcsea!ionalage of the chi ld, ar>d!be probable mical ar>d phy..rological eharac.cristics of !be unborn. Fu~. if the unborn child is .iabIIo, ew bas ~a<:bed!be ~l or 16 .....-ts..... ...,.,..., """" be infOOTl'lfd chat !be unborn child may be able 10 wrvi. '. oulSidc the ""'l>I'IIb and has lbe righl to lUIlIeSt the use of abonioot lhal is likely to preserve the life of the unborn chi ld. and ilia, if tho unborn child


ts born alive, tho alLt""i", phy.ician bas tho ",a1 obIiptiQn 10 taU all ... _hIe IIrps IICC'eSIaI)' 10 mainl<ljn tho life and tho hWlh of tho cllikl. Prior 10 1IIe ~ 1IIe IIImdirc jiIy:sic:ial is rrqooimIlO I"'fbm .. wa-.und ... 1IIe """"'" child lind 10 hI>'e Ihc ItIOdler ~ Ihc ullnosouowJ itnafIe of htr """"'" child or ~ a form Ihai w "- chosen 10 "'jed. Ihc opponwUly 10 view Ihc uln........J im;l£e. The ~ cannot be fOR:ed or m:juired by anyone 10 have an abortion. The WOmlm mu'l sign and oomplele a form 1hal uyl.he has Il'(civw tho infor· m.olioo thal.he i, r'nluired II) recti,' •. Oolly. phy,ic:iltl ""'Y pnform an oboni"". VIOI.ion ollhiJ III;t for fInl o/fc",", i, a a.... 8 mtsdemeanor. a oocond o/fe .... i, • OUi A misdmo:_. and a !bird oIfnuc il a Class C fekNIy. In addiIlon 10 other I'''otdia pruvided by \0 ..... viooIatiooI of ibis III;t pn:rv;.;k:s a basi, for eivil a:tion for ocornptIIU!Ofy and punilive ~. A vioIaOOn of ibis act m.oy abo Jl'OI"ide • basi. for pror.... ionaI distipiin:ory lII;tioro. ViOlation of !he acr m.oy also p..,,., ide • ~i. (or !he ~ for !be woman forthe "'roogful death of a child, wheillct or fK)II !be child viable.

M_1anoous 11849 and liD S I-Censl ilullonal A........... nll House Bill 49--"""""'" Artic:1t XUl 01 1IIe CcnIIitulion. ~Banb and Banki",~

II""", 8iU S I_Rt"o'iSel Anic:1e VII of tho ConsIilUlion, "1~achrDOal of Public: Omcials~ 80lb pwfd the Hooue of ~tath'Q and the SmaIt. 00..."","Cf. Ihc SenaIc: ...",odtd both biUs, mfUiriDa a op«ial el«Uool be hlCld in July. Doe \0 ibis aml'oom.-nt. 1bc: !lowe n.evcr ftoCOII· sidoml1beK OOfI>Iitutional amendmeilis and !hey f.iled \0 be pWOd. liD 5J-I're·NffiI .·u.........1 Ind Cf ..... ~ry At. (Ac. 2002·74) This aUlhorittd ,he comm iui~ of in.u~ \0 provide for • ",nificl tion proct.. for the I",ulilioo and sale of pre·1Iftd funonl or UIneIery """",,,,,,,. di", Md tm'itts. 118 J4 1-U... mp!oy .... nt

C.... '~MIlIJon 2002-432)

W~kly ~II


the ...... ri&h!'lffORlcd military penon. ...1 ..'1>0 are lICIivalod by tho Pm.ide1lL

S8 6S--CodltkatJon ot 200. k .-.:u'" Sa6Ion Ad:!i (Act 2002-403) 1be IICI IIIoptro ODd ~ into tho Code of AUba""'IU cencnI and per. mano:oo. 11""1 of the _ ~ during tho 2001 ikt:"iar Sw:ion 1Iw "",re coo· rained in 1bc: 2001 cum"Iati,.., ... ppIcmonl I nd in ... pllilC'Cmelil ""Iumes 7, 13 and 19(,01.). S8 44'-Nln,O$ of Ac' S ponsors (Act 2002.3(6) Thillll>ends 1414.1 43 to ~ uiK tho St:cmary of SUile, "JIOO tho r'nliICSI of !he primary IpoMOn of an IICI in both lhe oriJinaoin. 1\oIIae and !he I«<Wl HOU$e, to I... aI tho top of tho IICI both the House oporuor and Ihc Senarc sponsor.

II amends 125-4·270 10 i ........... the

muimum omtmpioymen. bffl:fil$ by $20 P"' ,",wl.lqillflial July I. 2002. 1be ...... kJy """,imum benefil " ill be raised from $190 \0 $210. liD 464-Nllklnl' Gua rd Ibo>e of AbHntt (Act 2002-430) Thi. e.Ltnds lhe IIC!,.'e dUlY mililMy pmf/CIioo to n>embm; of tho National GuanI ..,1>o are ~.lIw or onloml by the Governor for lIItc IIC' ;'-C duty for more than 30 days for an e"""lmcr. This pro~io:ks !he NaOOroal GIWd ptrSCII\l"Itl callN for """"'land _wity ... iilt the ...... proI«Iion al'fordcd under tho "SokIkD and Sailon Civil Reli.rf N:r..~ This ......1d ,""lend 10 the Niitional Guard

For more iaformaOorr aboul!he lQy eX il$ projccu, COIIIaoCt

Imtilu~ or

Bob McCur\oy, diroaor, Alabama Low InstiiUlc, al P.O . 110. 86 142S, no"",I""'-1 3S486-0013; fill< (:lOS) 348·84 11; phone (:lOS) 348·7411: or .isil our Web s're 11 Mww,ali,"a,.,~I,M$. •

_...._. __

_ l ~"'"


l rooo.o.,. ..... _


... ...

.... _ ' -

..... _ _ .. .-...

Set alabar as YOllr Homepaqe SUtilQ


is ,our dtfaul1 homrpaQr is m~llj;[b ~u mm Ibe Uhb. ~ou'll h uu l '~ IDIh RS! si1, '~m. ,U m cunl nlblll' SI'P'·"" Ilf' "l1alin ibnr hI ulililies ud mums.

ili~ i r


'-Association With Foreign Lawyer Or Law FirmWhat Do the Rules Permit? 0. allion: Aaudi"l 10 y<U opiai<:Jr\ m,unt. your II ... firm hal • I"'''.'ing pncticc in !be area 01 immwiona] uadc In which you ••presc.n clients ,",'110 UW\$KI buliness "" • &Jobll scale. To belief """" your elie"IS, your firm would like "u....bli~ a ..... WOI'I< ofq!>lOliflf<! lawyers in various roreign jurisdictions. To accomplish thi., yoo prop<>$<:'(> enter ;nto .mlialion "glftmcn"


"'jlh ,,,,,,ign counsel . Your leuo, cllanlClC'riUJ lhesc: proposed agzttmrnts ... follow. , "Such .i'H....nts would ";mply be mUIU&I .....,..1 ronlJni'mrnts II> consider us;", each other ..,hen OUr , lit"" I>a'o'e a ""'" (Mn/L No Iqal commiunenu ,.,,,,,Id be u...s.nmn.!IIom: would be DO aharin& of rev_ enues. and neither aflUiMe ...... Id ....... in 1M prxlice of II .. OllIS"," of !he jurisdicliou in which Wy at\' [i.,.,.....t. We _1<:1 lisllbe affilill\ed II.. finns by name and city "" our leunhtad If 'affi~alN oIf~' or by \he ..", of """'" similarly dcxripliV<! p/vuc. "...., IIp"eCmenu would be 'eTTIl;l\Ible by either pany at any

lime." Your inquiry is "'beIMr SUCh affi\i~lion ~men" with r"",ign la,,'ycrs at\' <lhically prrmi.~iblc uBdct !he Alabama Rules of ProfeHion.:ol Cooducl.



1 002

The Dil<'ipli.wy Commiuion of !be Alabama SWt S. i. '" !be opinioa lhallhe Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct do "'" prohibit lUI Alatwn. II.wyer from

....,.,'.,;n' or .mlillill3 w;,h I romp

lawy.,- to as.s.iSl di~n'$ of me Alabamll lawl"" wll<! "'" in need "r It&al ",,,,ic<O$ in,he coonuy in .... hich me foreign lawy.,- prac1ice!l. H"",e",,,. any f"",ii" aU",,ney 00 as.oci.,ed muM be I mombe. of. recognized ItgaI profoss;on in lhe rOfl'i&J' juri<diction in .... hich lot or she practices and 1M InWl¥monl mu51 be in rompi;..",.., "'illl ,he lawl of Alabama and ,he law. of 1M forriy> jurisdiclion.

[)iSQ lISSion:


AIabu1;I Rules 0( Prolm.NJnal C<wIoct (:DIII3i .. lID $pOcific prohibition ..aill$l an AIWma \awl""

asoociating I fOfl'ign 1IUlme)' ,., lS.i .. in me ~ ­ wion of clienlS.. It....,"""". Rult 5.4 o(!he Rules of

Professional Condua doH reilrk, ,he ~~lCnl ," which an Alabama. lawyer may associale or .ffili",e willi a non_l3w~r rOf the ~'JlO$C' o f practkin& law. Rul~ 5.4{a) probibit' ... Alabama I.wye, from shari ng legal f~ ..·illl. non·lawyer, Rul •• S.4(b) and (d ) prohibit

Alabama lawyers from foemi"; a pannc:rship Of (lIher professional assoc ialion wilh a Q()Q-I~wyer. n.. primary PUrp<l5e f)f Rule 5.4 is lCI rnsure ",",I. in tho; <:Otl<Ile of "'presenting thrir clien .... Alabama lawytrs ex"",i.., ir.drpend. em professional judgment ,,>d are 001 subject to control or ... per.ision by non·lawYm>. n.. Di ~ipl inary Commission is of tho; opinion. how, ....... ",",t fort;gn lawy.... who are ""'mbets of. ""'_ ognit.ed legal profession in thr foreign jurisdiction in whieh they practice would DOl be ·"non·lawyers·· wilhin the "",aning of Rule 5.4 ••!>d. lherefore. an Abba-ma allomey "·00 associale> Of enters inlO an aff,lialod ",13Iion!hip wilh $lOCh . fortign atlOffil'y would DOl be in .iolalion of",",t Rule. Wbc11>er a fortign a"orne)' is l "",mber of a ··lttOgniud legol profe..,;ion·· ~qu iTtJ" f""'1Id1 d~'''ffllinl1liOil ,aking in'" (;orlSid~m,ilm the I~gal j/fUl:'ul'r' of the juridictiOil in ,.·hich tm foreign ottomry I,mc'iu. 01 ...,11 as tnt nl1lu", and ,."nt of /t801 .".....iu. C",IO,.",ri/)" potrfo~ by Ih" f",."ign lo,.Y"T. In mo" inslance'. a P"'''''' ,..Jw i. ,potcially 'milled Id, /tg,,1 ad;·ice .","erming ,he I" .... of 1M foreign juridiction "nd is /ic.nstJ by Il'e joreigll jurisdiclion '0 "'p", ••m clients in II", I,gal and judicial spurn of j un·WiCII·on. ,.·ould qualify .... (J mtm~r oj 0 rrrogniud l<'gol profusion in Iht foreign jurisdic. lion. However,!he J)iS"iplinary Commission is awan: that in some foreign juri<dictions an individll8l ,,·00 is li"ensed as. "",orio or notary public is pennined to provide legal services which only. duly Ikensed lawyer could provide in Alabama. An indi ·


vidual who is licensed only as I noral)' public in a foreign jurisdiction would nor be C<lnside~. in the opinion oflhe Disciplinary CommissiOIl, 3 member of a recognized I~gal pr0fession and thrrtfore would be I ··non·lawyer"· wilhin ,he meaning of Rule 5.4. Thu,. "" Alabam.llawye, may nOl ~n(r, into an association or affiliation with such an individual. Ikfort afflli31ing wilh a fortiglll.wyor, an Alabama lawyer m""lake all reasonable Sltp' to ensure ","" the fortign lawyer is. member of a IttOgnized legal profes,ion aulhoriu:d [0 engage in !he praclice of law in the foreignjurisdiotion and that the =ge""'"t complies with the laws of Alabama and the laws of the jurisdictiOIl where the foreign lawytr p<Xtice •. If these conditions are ""'t. it is tM opinion of the Disciplinary Commissioo thaI you may ethically as.socialt a foreign lawyer to .... il1 in the repre<orn(atioo of your dient< unde, 1M tcnn. described ;n yoor opinion ~ueSl. Thi' opinion i. no! inlt/lded 1<> restricl or impose: additional ~uirementS OIl the fomu"ion of any lype of professional relation,hip be(w«n Alabama lawy~rs and lawyers licen>C<l in orher StalCs. A lawytr wOO is duly licellsed 1<> practice law in anyone of [he UnilM Stat"',. i1$ lerritori", is clearly a member of. recognized legal profession within the "",aning of this

"P ,nwn . This opinion is con,;"ent wilh Formal Opinion 01423 of lhe Ameri<an aar Associ"ion Commiu« on E'hics and Professional Responsibility and some of tht language herein i, derived from ",",1 opinion.IRO-02-02I •

~fool ~M(el Glou~,lnc A l«nlood ''''"' n.",

Greg DeFoor, CPA


I. . . . "" !Nth:

I~ ill l<I\i(e re~oenllfun"a ooiness inl_a~ in IhI lxiyliED ~OC~I~ rep<oenlJOOr d~ntto find alIi~~ 00j!I1. hMrer oo;••anrl.ll (wmrnleII! actMIi~ wij ",I ~n hip ",mile IhI ~I JIOCtros . alU1d

';<Oiling ... __

""""' h<tpI _ III< ......,., ""9'" _ _... _1J5l"Ioio\!,. .... ,......,. III< _

111<...,._ om _ ..... -.fOI ....... _......,""'-. w.-... t" u.s. _ ,..., _ 01-. om

)<lUI _


to _ . dwIn[t

01.............,. ""'" IunoI> ,;... )011 in ... 0I0d

~ ~

.... )<1<.0 <tItm-! ""II" III< IunoI> ...., """ in ....,.. .... ....... Wt <N<vo l~ "" "'"" ""'" ....... _ n >no! .... <fooot<)OII ~ Wt ""'....., ,......,.

ProfessiOl131. Competent AccommodationofChange


......~-" ......... _



htIp<d . - """"

r.;.,.y . - n.. .......,....n io


c..,- _ _ ""'" _


USCLAJMS . . . .1< ............. _ _ _ ... .... 371·USCUJ"S("''''''6) _ ....... _ ..... . -


DSGb i~ddll! BenerBu!ms&mud~AlWiIi.

678-644-5983 '"'


\n,,,,, ,"'/k

<lOki", II Janu>ry 200r. cditiOd 0( TIw A~ ~ •. I 'II/U $IRICk by the absence 0( one rep=cnIa(j"" body. I Iooktd ... !he you", rICeS of the 2001 Idmiu.... 10 Ihe bar and Ihtir p!'OOId family members. J looked II the ] i~ of poq>Ie on tho Young Lawym' Section !!Me"!ive Committee .... h;"h iJ>Cludtd Jim Hughey (one of the


auy, you e_er wMllO meeI) and wondered wh<,h(r lit i. ~aehing law




how in WOI'Id TUcker Yanc. evtr

lot .",...R up enough 10 JO 10 law scb001l I wonderro how m""h """" money !han J my old buddy James PiRman is mati",? I am pan ora !iuS" law rmn 1haI1Ysa', ~""'" _..,. o(~

ill n..~ ~r. 1II1II sun: )'011 """,, ..,ad Of $Hn on TV .. Idle pout IIbouI our clicnc (and [

om not IalkinJ aboIu &tool). We only hi,.. one dielll. My ...... firm ha$lr'I)Und 1.300 ..... ym w«Idwide, one or """" in every stille in the nation and one in almost every country in Ihe world. We have I

net1 of . irtraft at our di~posallO lake us any ........ '" at any linl" of lbe day or 222

JULY 2001

do,,., CO

Ilishl. and ... hile...., don', b:....' w:ry large


salaries, we mate up tOr it ..;Ib • spillIIine 001 our ~ boou.

Randolph Air Fo:orre Base ;.,

Most l'OUfIIly. my II .... firm sem me 10 comer of \be world calltd A~ AI Salem Air 8aJc. Ku,,'lIiI. AI Sakm is • du$ty. lillie miliwy in~lllion localCd in the heart of tho Kuwaiti~. 37 miles from IrlIq. Yoo see,"'Y la .... firm is Ihe I)(patlmtnl of the: Judge Ad'ocII< ~raI, and oordi.n! i, Ihe United • mnoIC

Stales Air ~. I pn<d !he Air f'ort,e in N""""","," '" 1998 and ..... ami 10 Cornrnmiooed OIIiccrTraini", ..iItre I asked myself fur f(u JOIid ...cru. "WillI am I doinc '-n1

Did 110 Ay pulhupsr IIhDk rrom • lire bote '" mi~1IfY ............. and ........ 10 v.. my pEU iIIsU .... ouL I poa<'d "'" rrom dohydnlOooo one rnomiDc and bad 10 I" 10 Ibo boIpiIaI. My f(,!Iow law ochooI paduale.1.eiJh Nkr>er. pitttd me up. Ibo .. ,....."4' _ ... hen I ....... released cwly and lIOlIrty refused to o.W: Il1O back i(I tho base boa"1e I IooUd like such a.ocare<roW. [ Iiad to ,ell her ......... times. "leigh. I am in tho US Mili~. [ ...ill beAWOLif

bId .~

She finally lOOk me.

Afln. qWck. _year

I0Il,. s....

AnlOIlio. Taas. I fowod m)'ltlf vol....· I«ri"l for ....... in Korea. I ...'IftIed 10


to ~ PacifIC Command ...·lIore IheJi prod;"" war pme$ fft'qlJ!:n,ly. I filum! I

oouJd learn more aOOu'

~ ~. of law I hlld become passionaoe abolil. ~ Law of

War. (I was al!(l ""bet passiooooe


I <:elUlin yO<l", fi&h't, pilO! I wu engaged hi woo ..... beilll,ransferrcd '0 Kon:a as weill) So. in Kon:,t., I 101 involved in ~ war pme$1I evft}' ( Iw>ct-. I

Itamed as much

as [ could abouI munitions. it ... laws tovmIinl war.:rimes.. priooners. and b"'fuJ ~. I briefed piloos 011 ..-haI to if IheJi became prisoners of ....... and securily fon:a 011 ' - ' 10 truI our enemy if ~ capI"~ ..,y. I cam.d • 9n1l1l sidearm duri,.. those =",i~ and evalua,ed I.UCh "ues'ioru IS ,his one from


~ modic~IIJOOP romm:lnder. '"Capt.

Huole'. the ho!'pi,al il unde, """lid auack. alld .... e are eV3Cua,illj. Can .... destroy ...... i')"hina we

.an·, ,ake

iO deoy

the enemy our mtdical re.<oorcesT ",. answer was no.' Unlo did I know that a ll tbese ..'3>: g....... I took. part in while I 'I"'nl my year in Korta were prtpara~on for the rtal ... ar thaI started on September II. 2001. I was atAI s.arem Air Base in my 01f1Ce. I bad lwo Army priva"'$ from tbe PatriOl Missile Battery Comnund wailing to "'" me in !he ne~t room when I got !he call from anotl><t Judge Advoc31O. Major Mark Gamey. who was al a nearby base on the OIlier side of Ku...ait City. "America is under atlaCk ' 0., to yoor Bailie Staffl'" I told the ,wo pri .... tes to get 10 !heir and Nn , I donned my nock vesl, my belmel and my cbemical protection gear and ran for the bunl:<:r ..'lot", the Battle Staff would COII"cne. Tkre I watched my COIIntry that [bad to proIeC1and defend become !he object of an illegal .. laCk by unlawful combatants. alro known "" lern:orists , ThaI "''"'' a long sleepless nigh!. ",. military inteUiger.ce officer w;I$ "'laying one frightening message after ~ to our bast commander. We dido't ~I\OW if Saddo.m Hussein was going to u.. !he



opponunity to kick us while we were down. W. prepared for- imminent "laC~. We sltpl in oor uniforms and walked around in !he w-eeks thal folkwo-ed in 135 degree Kuwai,i. (lese" with ...... y Oak ,-es1S on. I Io<t .ight p<>lllI<k and

found I coold $Iecp with combat boot.< on. r ~ DOV<:r I:ttn protIIltr of anything I did. Stfore I returned front Ku ...ait. my husband deployed to a classified 1tt.,iOft for a" "n'pecified period ofUme . At thi$ . tage of the game. he is do:str 10 !he fight defending A..... ric. from 1rrror than I ever was. I have noI_n him in six months. We get to talk 0" the phone sometimes. I am back in a more cot,..n·

tional "'t~ng flOW. My 1'01 firm has_. fit to try and make a litigator out of ...... I am flOW the Chiof of M ilitary Ju"i". at Pop<: Air Forte Bast. Nor-th Caroli .... I am gm1rful to !he United StaleS Air Force for shaping my chara<.1et-. I am gmteful to the of !he Judge AdVOC3lC Gtn<-ntl for lolling me practice in an area of !he I.... that I am truly. detply passionate about. We mililru)' lawy= comprise a ,"","11 seclion of !he Alabama Stale Bar. bolt il i. I SC<;t;oo I


hope you "'" proud to call your own . God Bless America and God Bless Alabama . •

Endnotes _~lot""~_d"" .... _ ... Si<t ;,, _ _ ~~

;" .... fioid • .Ioq.oI! 11. 1915. .lIt I!/.


.....-\tmr fiIId MnooI V·tO, no. ..... 01 ..... W- . kl/1B,


._...-"_--......--__---..-_ CoplOio III""

e....... _

_ _ w... ...


..... __ HI";. Coo<-

_ ..... _ .. _-.,I6l'i_.


_"_~_"' _ _ SI!o .....



. .........


_0.-.... .. _'.... _.. _.._ " .... c.._



:::::::i:.:•....--....... -".. _ _ two

Attorneys: Buy Extras for Your Staff!

2002 Bar Directories will be here soon! Members: $2.5 each 1 to 5 copies $2.0 each 6 or more copies Non-members: $60 each OIlDERS MUST BE PRE. PAl D Mail check to: Alabama Bar Directory P.O. BOI 4156 Montcomery, AL 3 6 10 1


Lawy." Pro"", disk, free. This manual '''' ·I~w., inctuding adoption; b",k,"

post-divorcej guardian and I.. ,,,,, powers of attorney; and mail to: Volunteer ,m.",• Alabama 36101.

you the "Basic Issues

""""-----------Enrollment Form

AlabalTl8 State Bar VoIunt&ef Lawye<s Program P.O. Box 671, Montgomery. Alabama 3610 1 F't1ooe (334) 269-1515, ext. 301 • Fax (334) 261-6310 ·

""'" Address

Signature I will

_0::...1 Iwo c . . . ,.t.lTal. I,. the following .....: o AdopIionILegitimalions

0 Bankruptcy

o Family Lew

0 ReaJ Prop&rly

o Probate

0 Whefe \'Ol' need me

G.t on the list 01 very import.n' people. Enroll today!! L ___________ _





~ OO1


• Recently. the Supreme Court of Alabama appointed a Standing Advisory Committee to promulgate Rules of Procedure for the Coun of the Judiciary and the Judicial Inquiry Commission. The len members of the committee include an appellate court judge, three circuit court judges, three district court judges, and two attorneys and one retired Supreme Court Justice.

A two·day meeting of the committee to receive comments is scheduled August 1 and 2, 2002, in the Mezzanine Classroom of the Alabama ,Judicial Building in Montgomery, 300 Dexter Avenue. Members of the Alabama State Bar are cordially invited to make comments beginning at 9:00 a.m. on August 2nd.

Attorneys who may wish to appear and make comments to the committee should contact the Legal Division of the Administrative Office of Courts at 1-800-392-8077, extension 2-0847, to place them on a list, or if they prefer to submit written comments, to direct them to Robert H. Maddox at the Administmtive Office of Courts, 300 Dexter Avenue, Montgomery, AL 36 104-3741.


1IIll'0ducti 011 The fedmll p3ndjury is the ...... pooomul "'."""" in the pros«U1Or'1 arsenal. As ..-..s de. in the &rand jury iDvntipliooo of 8dl 0'"l(1li. Ihrn: an: ~irtuaLly no 11m," 10 the puc! jury's ..,xh. The p1IIId jury an go in dirccloons .....-er '''''isioncd ""hen the ~isation beg'M (ror e..amplt. fl1)Ol the Whil ....l"'.' in,·ts'i",tioo to the L..ewin,ky sex scandal), I'or most. an encounlor with lilt I"""" jury process i. a for_ .ian and unwckonlCd experience. The ,ri"erinll .'... nl is u,ual · ly the service of • grand iury wbpocllA f<>r .i.her docurnon15 or pmonalleSlimooy. Any gr;tnd jury in~i",ion Y>oI>Id he C<)I"I. &.... """"t1 thol <ltmaro:ls immedi... auontion, pRparaliooo and p1annill&- This is especially true .."lim 1'" inveslIp1ioo1 COIItenI$ • ((Jrj>OnIIion.

..w •

The IIntnd jury tw lhe 1"'.... , 10 $0"'" subpornu on any po'. _ . Ioe,al .nlily or corporalion.' Ser<ice of. ""bporna on. cor· por,I'ion .....y be ofr..,lod by stTVin, an offICe< or '""""'Iinl .,.... for Ibo oorponIion.'

II. Ulfliuuilnu


GrdtUI J..,., S"bpH1Ul Potff,

DespilC Ibo \"HI scope.wlbo p'aIIdjwy's ... bpor ... poIft...... it. II roo. ,,';,boo, limill'ion •. II II illaPJll'Ol'rialclO ;..... lirand JIlfY .ubporna for ,he purpose of:

I , ,.thori ", ev'(\coc. for • civil taW; 2, prtparin, for trial IN"",: O!>c:e Ibo gr.tnd jury has l'eluf'I'Iod an indictmtnl .,..u.,1 • ddcndant. a ptOSttulOl" n\lIY roo. use Ibo panel jwy 10 plbor oddi,iooa/ eVidence for trial or 10 "1ock-in~ a .. ilness·, ICSthroony. unlesl oddiliooa/ cbarr;e< ..., onbcipWd in Ibo in""'-liplion'l: ). haruoinlor inlirnwialiallbo rccipicnl .w!he wbpocna;

The Gl'alld JIII'Y 11,'ocess

4. In'"CSligatin, cases

roo. In Wt venue: or

S. oompollinl' willlC>$·s "PPOlnOCCII. U.S. Allomcy·' omoe fOl"lhe .ok pUl'plm of oondllcting an inl.,..""",, '

A, O"md Jury f'tJ",~rs

The , ...... jury !>as the "dual f"ne,ion of dclenniDing if prot>. ob~.MI'" .~~

10 hcl~ that the crime Iw bcc1I rommiucd and of pnlI«lI"1 \be cilizms Ip'n~ unfoondtd criminal poo!eculioru.... 10 cany OUt ,IS dual f\lQCliorl, .... pull jury Iw the auIbonty lO ...bpoena "'U1CS!a 10 leloIify and 10 pr<xIuce ~. tal and docu .... nl2fy ,..........,.' The srand jury', J'O'Oo'tt llao ultnd$ to'irnonial el'idtnc:c web .. V<>M:e ,...rnplan alld band"',ilin,exemplal1! The IUlhori.y 10 ""IUC$I ~r.d ,,,'imonial and non., .. ,imQdialevidor.ce I.,ts as loot ... the ",,00 jury continues its ;n"e.~,lIion.


C. C""II~~g~. /" /It. Act/"" , "I" G",tUI Ju,., 0IaI\cn&.. to • panel jury', IoCIlon< are ......,Iy """","f"l. A gnnI jury i. designed 10 lOtI indtpendcnlly and withou, ,he ..... """'IllS of -""'hnicaL procedunl and .....!dcnIiOlJ noJcs govefII. "" !he conduct .w trim .... tnals..... A cnnd jury may 'Mille III lI~"lllion on """" "swpocioll.~ ... i!hoot a $ of probobIe Once a pandjury decidcJ to indic,. i, is uuemcly dimeulllO ,tIthe indiclmcnl dismi!sW. Coons diunilS indien""nl' only in nall"""l .ases. The movanl mu.t be abl. 10 UIOW thaI ~


Before making a fmal olttrnninati"" on whether to quash a subpoena for documents. the court has the disc"'tioo of ""'iewing the docu""'nt< in ca"",,,,. Appropriate grounds to quash a &Ubpoena inel<Kle !he following:

I . 11>0 ,ubpoena ~ks infOfTJlation p<OI..:ted by conStitu· tional. statutor)' or common law privileges." 2. 11>0 requested infOfTJlatioo ha, 00 ",Iation,hip to the ,ubject of the grand jury in'·cstigatioo. 3. 11>0 subj>o<na is overly broad. 4. 11>0 subpo<na c",·~rs an unrusonable time fran ...

5. 11>0 subpornaro doc" ....." 3re not <ltscribed with particularity. ~ Motions to ,!uash grand jury subpoenas are rarely s""""ssful. For ""ample. in In ... Cralld Jury Pnxuding$ John~. Illc. ". U.S.• 142 F. :J.d 1416 (I I th Cir. 199&). a grand jury i .. u<:d a subpoena to the fonner attorney of !he wgcts of its i"'".Stigation. 11>0 distri<.1 coort deni<:d the targelS' mol;on to quash the subpoena, and the targelS appealed. 11>0 Elc.cnth C ircuit held that ,he appeal ..-as moot becausc. by then. the attom<:y had ahady testified before the g",nd jury. 11>0 EIe,.. mh Circuit rejected the targc,~' argu"",m that the district coort could s,ill ~njoin!he grand jury from considering Ihc attorney's teStimony. noting tIlat the secrecy afforded to grand jury proceedings ""ould make an injunction unenf"", ••ble. n.. COUrt emphasi..:d!he grand jul)"~ independence and noted thlU Ihcre limi,ed mtans of chalknging !he actions of • grand jury. In die,a, !he coot1 ob5erved that even if the g"">oJ jury wa, di,mi,sed. the prosecutor would JlOI be forestalled from pn:senting the $.arne testimony to anQIhtr gmn<l jury. oo..'t:I'er. in'~' WMre constitutional righlS will override grand jury subpoenas. In !he 8 ill Clintonn.i onka Lewinsky g",nd jury investigation. independent coonsel Ken Starr iss~" gn.ndjul)' subpoena to Bamo~ & Noble. Inc. to all ilS busi".., record. regarding books pu",hastd by Lev.'insi:y. Barnes & Noble med a molion to qUa5h. arguing that the go'-=mcnt had to ihow both" compelling interest in obtaining !he ,ubj>o<naro information and. ~"b5tantial connec· tion between !he "",terial _£ht and !he grand jury's in,,,,;tiga. tion. 11>0 court ruled that the subpoena implicated First Amendmen' Rw>IS, and held that !he govern .... "' would ha.e to <ltmonstro.te mort than n.. re .-tlevantt 10 defeat !he motion to,!uaslt."




cutorial misconduct "substantially influenced" !he grand jury', tlocisi"" to indict, Of thattbere is "grave doubl" that !he decioj"" to indict was frtf! f!'Qn\ the substantial influe""" of 'ueh miliConduct. " This task becomes ewcn more difficult when the movant is unable to pierce the g",nd jury's veil to obtain !he information nec<'ssary to show that misconduct occurred. Coon, are more inclined to grant .-tlicf:shoTt of dismissing an indict""'nt, such as: issuing protective orders; quashing subpoenas; ,u""",.. ing !he grand jury testimony; expunging prejudi. ciallanguage f!'Qn\!he indictment: and. in some cases. recommending disciplinary .,00i"" against the prosecutor. A grand jury can also be chalJtnged ",,!he grounds of the propriety of !he !lel"",ioo of the grand jury and !he grand jurors' kgal qualiflcs_ tio .... "

D, MoIiqn./o Quash Fed. R. Crim. P. 11«) provides that. subpoena may be quasbed or rnodifo<:d "if compliance would be u".-tasonable or oppressive:' A moti"" to quash " subpoena mUSt be timely. 228



ReSllonding to a Grand JUI'Y Investigation Who""""r' cOIpOr'ltioo is served with" grand jury 'ubpoe ..... g"...,,,,1 cou"sel .t.ould be contacted inlmediotdy. If the corp<>""ion i. without. ge...,,,,] coun .. 1. the company', regular outsiolt counsel .t.ould be contacted. If ...,ither gene",1 coon ..1 oor !he company's "'lular ""t<iolt coonS<'1 bas white collar criminal law """"rience. an attorney with such up<:rience <ltould be consulted.

II. IH"""';,,, 1M ,\ 'IIiU" o/ilor IIIwJlifiU,'M/ (I) Llim WbaI You Can From the Subpotftl tho! docurrw:nlS req~t..:l .... ilI provide 5OIt'IC idea of.ho! directioo of tile grand julY hw~~i8~!ion. Sometim••• he panicuw iOOi.iduals $ubpotll.>l:d to les· tify befo.e the graOO julY """ ~I$O provide i!>Sight into the focus of the invatiption.


(2) Contact the .....;.w,t Unilr4 Slates Attomty (AUSA) The AUSA ....PIOd to the im'Otiption 5hoWd he <:011~ as soon as possible. The . . - for the <:OIItact are twofold: (i) EO I'I'J)On counsel', rqnsenwion and (ii) 10 delermine as mIlCh as possible about the ""In of the in~stigation. The AUSA ~I>ould be advised .hl' until the ftI'ure of the inv.lIi$otion i< fully ass<:~. "ounKI rep"'Knll the corpont. tion and ilS .mployees ..... 1>0 lhoukl not be <;OII~ICd.~ throvgIt COUllSl'l. While moA AUSA. hi"" • acneral disUu3t 01 such rq:nsenwioDl. tbey undmwld and ,.,ill cmenlly comply .... ith ~r ethical oblip&ioco lOOt 10 <:OIItat:I rqnsentcd panics." NOIably. the ... US ... if; undtr ftO itpl or ""kal duly 10 dilClW the irwesliplion ,.;th defe".., cOllllSd. Within limitations. however. IIIOlI AUSA!; will provide 5OIt'IC information. AI defenle counsel. you """'110 learn as mIlCh"" possibl. about the investigation and. il is hoped. 10 de~lop a liMOf rommunie •• ion with the ...US .... As a S"""ralrule. the Slnle&ic p i il alw~ 10 .mid an indic!Jt'ltnt, cOIIvin« the "'US ... thaI the ca5e l..kJ merit. and, where the cii...u...'iU>ess has criminal npOlSUfC. oblaln immunity. Uu.,"K. the AUSA also ... a ~ p i d\Iri", thiJ ndllnSe: ( I) 10 lind out as much as possible flOlll.s.f...... ooullSl'l: IO>d (2) EO smw the OIrenJth of the im'Uliptloll.

(a) DocumcnlS Wilh respect EO discussion. " 'ilh the AUS ... about reqUCJ;tcd docum.nts. defen5l' coun5l'1"aools are: I. 10 limit the time and scope of the


2 . 10 _k • ruwnabIe nlellSion 0( ,ime 10 fCSpOIId; and 3. 10 obtain III agrttmcntllllll in I~ 01 the rosm<IiM', appca<anee befo.e the arand jury. the documt1lt< "",y be podlll':'d 10 the case agent or delivered to the U.S. Anorney', o/fltt. (b) Wi' ........ With reipce. to individual l .ubpotnaed 10 teslify befo.e the grand julY. defe".., coonKJ lhould be inilially in"'~tcd in de,mnini"l whether the wi1n<S' i. ,. '"Jubject" or "targt1" of the in.eltiption , ... ~subjca" i.,. penon ''''''hose conduct i. "'ilhin the sccpe 0( the aran<I jury', invatiJation ..... A '1ar8"1" is • per_ ~as 10 ,,-toom the (IrO$«Utof or the Jfaotd jill)' has ... bslantial evidetlt:c Iinkin& him or her 10 the «M11l'nission 01. crime and ,,110. in lhe j""JI1IC1II 01 the proKCUlOr. i. ,. puLati''e deftttdan ••"" DefenR counsel sbould kocp in mind thai the JOVCI'IlnIC'" i, undet 1\0 lepl obliption 10 inform. willIeS' that he or.tle i• • ,ub~. or Wi" of. grand jury ;n'o'u.iaatiOl1. Howc~r. if a .ub~t or i •• ubpoenaed to lestify befo.e the grand jury.


;t is the policy of the Dqwtment 01 JIWice 10 ad'viR the wil_ .. either in • form allacbed 10 the subpoeoa or in ,. se-pao-.1C itller. of the S"ncraJ .ubject .....1... of lhe JnInd julY i!WeSti. ._ lion ~"" the wil ..... ·• Fifth "InCOOlnCn. privilese again" lelf. ;ncriminaliOl1 and right to COUR"'1. ~ A wil",,1oS " '00 is a ta'llet .... ill also be advised that hi. or her rondtKI is beina ;n.utipted for possible violation of federal crirninallaw." If the ptO$ttUtor <q>menCS that the individual iJ .......·WJtI .... imeu. and you hI,'e «Itlfode>lce in thi, Iqll'CKllLation. the w~_ ..... tall, in lieu 01. arand jury IIfII'<e. be made • .-ailablc for ... informal interview. In the altem.alive. an affodavi, cootd be submi.tod. An rifon ohould be mode 10 deImnine. in advance. lhe questi""" tlutl win be .t$Ud and the docurrw:nlS that ..... iII be foIIown 10 the ";lness al the informal interview, You lhoukl a lso decide whether to allow the imorview 10 be Lape n:cordcd. Thi . i, es.pccially imporWtl .... hr~ the Jtand jury is still in .ession and thete ~maiM • poosibility that the " 'itne&S may be fallfd bKk before .... pnd jury, Whenever ,. wil ..... leU. hi. or hcr Slory ""'"' than onct. thete i, al ...... ys the possibilily that one of Ibo5o venions could be 0IIIIIINtd &$ false or rnisJcodinJ,. Any .... itnesS faces the proopoct of petjury or obsIn>otion 01 jll!lic:e if hi, representation!; abouIl "material fact" 10 the rnvemmtnl lie ~ false or inlenliona1ly mi.lcadin&.~ B.


Itillr Ilrt Clitnl

At ,hi. forrnati~ .... S" <If the ;n.e, tigation it is crucial Ihat defense COIInSeI ha.' •• romplelC and open coowersaliOl1 with lhe clicnlkorporalioo--tt is ..... ith key ~1aIi"," within the orpnization. This iJ crucial to Itlnti,,& the 1UIIun: of lhe investi · pion and ~inc all of the ri ..... MI<ftdant ,,'ilb the allor1q'..,licnt privi~. ImmcdiaIC caru.idenliOll ohould be Jivea as to ,.,hether ""y connieu 0( in~ exi... At theOUtset. i, i. ofIl:n diffICult to mUe thi, USC$'lnCnl. Coonsel .lhotold ~rnain alcn In potentia l conflie .. until all Oflhe focu lie S.thr~. It i, aood practice 10 se<:k "'pallIl. fo<mKI when: .,w.",1 membe~ o f . corporaIion ha"" been $Ubpotnaed 10 teslify, Every I""J'OfICd "subject: ''IarJC1Ror " 'itnesS .... ilb pokntial n~

5hoWd have 5epan1e (ou1ISl'1.

All --Wid ,",'ill>CSSes may be ~Dtcd by the _ COIInICI. The obvious ad ......... of hlvin& one ... orney rqln'6\'n' all 01 the """·Wid ctnpIorces illlllll it .. va ODSII and allow. one penon tho oppootuni,y 10 S"'. handle on. variety 0( the factS. It i. al"" JOOd for 'he..-ale ofloo.'<T·icwl romp>' ny .mploye<:.. wOO could foel l liaJIted or abandoned during lIli. most critical period!' The Alabama Rules of Professional CondIlCl provide &uidanc:c! .... ith reopect to the fCpttSO'nLa\iorl 0( mul'iple clients. Rule 1.7 ptO'o'ides IIIlIl lUI attorney It\I)' . . . . . in multipl< ~ion to Ion« as ~ach dicnl coa""'lS. after hiving bttI1 flllly inforrntd Dithe ~and riJb. When ,.""",,ntinc both theoorpon. tioot and one or more 01 ilS ~ iI iJ • JOOd pnoc:ticc 10 hI>.. each dienllO ';",1 "Tillen waiver and """",Ill. The <:011. lent lhoold include. amon. ocher Ibin~ .." acknowled&ment thaI ""ither dient i. ""...... of ""y wrongdoin& and ilgI if advtT5e Inte~ .. ~ lri5l'. the employee " ill be di=t.:d lO ... k .. pantle oouJUtI and will not obj«t 10 the ori&inal counsel'. continued


repmen ... uoo of tho <;OIJXH'3tion. 'J'ho corpornuoo should also be made aware thaI tho wah'" is IlOl absolule and lha~ despile tho consent. coonsel may Slill be disqualifitd. n Rule I, l3(e) (Organi:tatioo as Cli,nt) pro_Ides: A lawyu ~nun8 an organization may also represtOt any of its directOl'i, omcers. employees. membe .... shareoolders or OIhor COItslitu""", subjt<:' IQ tho provisions of Rule 1.7. Rule 1.13(d) pro'o'idlos thaI in dealing with tho organization', directOl'i. omce .... employees and otho .... col"....1 for tho c0rpOration mu .. fully explain thal tho otgani ... tion is the dient. C""n",1 should follow. prn..d.tsigned introduc:tion whon sp..king with membcr$ of the CO<pIlI'IIlion. 'J'ho introduc:tion should include a .talemenl that: I. tho corporation is tho diem:

2. counsel's role i. to learn the f"" .. and to pro'o'ide legal advice '0 tho CO<pIlI'IItion; and 3. discu .. ion. "'" """fldential: OOwe'l". the auomey..:lient privilege belongs to lho CO<pIlI'IIlion. and it has the right to wai"" tho privilege. if il wisbe •. C. Imern"lln re>ligmion


In today's environment. Ilovcmmenl invesligation. no matt .. how rouline it may appur•• hould be taken Itriously,

The Alaooma U!uyer is looking for "war stories" to publish in upcoming WlltS,

humorous tales and anecdotes about Alabama lawyers and jutJg.•. Obviously,

for sud1 stories to be published. they must be (a) true. (b) amusing and (e)

]a$t.ful. Send )'OUr ... mini"",,,,,,," 10:

TheAla6ama Lawyer. P.O. 1loJI4156. Montgomery 36101. Be l u'" 10 include)'OUr name. address and a daytime telephone number, In caM WI' I>ffiI to COItbd)'Oll.



Every g",'emmem in,'estigo.tion ~uim immedia.. attention and. "game plan," including an internal investigation. Who will handle the imernal invesligation de~r.ds on the size and struclUre of tho otganization and the nature of the inveOligation. Some CO<pIlI'IIt;ons lack the resoun;OS to have an inlemal im'es!igalion condllC1ed by OIItside counsel, and mUSI conduct tho investigation from within the cnonpany. Whenever possible. how"" ... the investigo.tion should be condllCttd by ""tside coun· sel, prdembly coon",1 wilh white collar dIof""sc up<ri~""". Experienced coon .. ) will have an "ppredation of how to determine the ge""ral Mlure of the governmenl ;nvestigatiQII. conduct inlorviews, resnl .. conniCl issues. and pmer"e ar.d pro«<:t tbe rights and "-;vH~ges of tho company and itS employees.

Seif-Inm'imination Regarding the I'roduction of Documents C"'l"""lions do HOC have a Fifth An-.,ndmenl privilege. AttOrdingly. "",ortis g~ncrated by corporations are 001 .hie lded by the privilege against self incriminalion.~ Neithor a oorpora· tion nor its employee. may avoid a grand jury su!>potna for documen .. by asseniog tltal the records may expose lhe c0rporation to crimina! ~abi1ity. In In,.. Grond JurySubfHN"" Doud A.priI 9. 1996.81 F. 3d 1198 (1 1th Cir. 1996). tho Ele"emh Cirtuit held tha! a cuSlodian of""'ords may..-rt a Fiflh Amendn-.,nl pri_ilege agal"" questions relattd to the location of unproduttd documents. 'J'ho court ... asoned thAt to com~l suc:h "<limony would be a direct intrusinn into the thought processes of the custodian. 3r.d would in'o'&de the Fifth Amer.dmenl "-;,'ilege. In Unil~d Slate. Y. Ifubbell. 53 U.S 21 (2000), the U.S. Supreme Court hcld thAI the mere act of prodllCing documems under a grand jury .u!>potna coold result in .. If·incrimina.linn . A federal grandjury . il1;ng in Linle Rock issued a subpoena 10 Hubbell for certain recnrds. Hubbell objec1ed on the groond thaI suc:h produc:tion would v;ola .. his righl agains, self-iocriminalion. As. ","ult. the go""mmem soughl and ""'eivM' gmm of immunity for Hubbell. woo then .ubmitted over 13.000 pages of documenl$ in response to the subpoena.. 'Th<-reafter. a separate grar.d jury li ning in the Districl of Columb!. indicted Hubbell laws. for v;"lalion of the Hubbell claimtd tha, the second prosecutioo was a direct ","uil of informati"" obtained from the documents he producod to tho Linle Rock grand jury. and. thertfort, was barred und<-r KIlS1iS'" v. Unil~d SIDla, 46 U.S. 441 (1971). and 18 U,S,C. J6002. n.e g<lV<'rnmtnt argued that ;, "'OlIld not introduce tho documents i, had ob!ained from tho Linle Rock gmndjury, bul ...... unable to disclaim that the documents had 10d In the informmion ,ha, resulted in the second prostCutioo. 'J'ho Court foond thaI Hubbell's produc:tion coos,ituted ·1e.. imonial cvidentt" and was therefort subject to tho dictates of the Fifth Amendn-.,nt. In c001raSt. in Brtu....ell Y. US. 487 U.S. 99 ( 1998), Illt Coon held that there is 00 Fifth A""ndmenl "-;vikge againsl the prodl>C1ioo of corpof1ltiQII records by a corporate ~ntalive, reasoning that COI'JlOI"tions .... artifi~ial ent;lies and can only oper-


ate tl\mUglI !ht!ir all:enl,.nd "'pre.oonlllives. Coons 1\.0."1' .Iso found Lhal!be ICI ol rompc:lIillJl the CCIIJIOI'lI'e ruOlOdian 10 idm· lify documencs prodr.oced does 0(0. v~ the FIfth Amondmenl privilqe." On the 0Ihtf Iland. in 1ft .... GJ'OIId JIIIY I,.".".,."" "" April 6, 1993. 869 f. S"PJI. 2911 (D.NJ. 1994). the coon found IIIIU • grand jury wiwss coold "'" be compelled 10 prov~ 1bo requisite informatioo that ","OOld allow the sub~n;>od OOo;u· IlIC11IS 10 fit within the business ....,.,..u ua-ption 10 lbe hearsay rule. The coon held \lI>I LtSlimooly requl""! IUIdor Ft<knI Rules 01 Evidt~ 803(6) '"may requin: a eu$l(xlian 10 divulge peBOllal lno•..,.dgc: ollbe IYpe ol business COI1du<1td and _line pnctlce 01 lbe corpontion. and thaI by MOCh an IIdmission die ~ may incriminate hin...,". III.

tion i. 110{ precluded from pursui"i leads and u,iBg that infonna· tioo if !be ... imess I..." f(lllll1Odicl$ ~ $!aI.menlS.


"tJnNi oj 1_""iIy "f'h",re ....


four basic forms of immunity:

I mmu n il~.


may, ~. usc infonnalion obtained from indtpcOOcnl SOIlrtt5. For .xampk. in U.S. K 1';,I4go. 135 1'. 3d 703 ( 11th eir. 1998). the <ltf...· Ibm e1\IemI iRIO • prolf" "«"ICON in ""lInI fuo- lIS'! immunity. The p. munMll ... boequenlly Jl"l!""CI'Ie 1bo <ltfendanL. Aller lhe defendant mused to teSlify. the ,,-,,,omment n:scindcd ilS pk~ lpttmenl. The <ltfendant wu I..." ctlM'itItd. Alin an evWcNiary htariag. the trial court found that !he p..,mmeN had 1101 vklI3ICd lhe pIeI ai"""1lIC111 beeauSC: il " "as able to ,how lhallhe infoonaliOll used 10 ~te the dtf.ndant WllS obca.ined fmm indtpendmt -=s. The Ekventh Cin:vll affttrlVd. noIin. thai 1bo government had specifically n:ot:1Wd the riihl in lhe plea ~ ment 10 pursue invellig3live lead, derived from lhe dtfeDdaIlt', prof. fem:! $!aI ..... n\S and 10 ...., My such derivative .... idcnce api .... her. The coon """"Iud«! thaI ........ thouJh!he go.ernment coold 1101 directly usc the: defend",,!", protr• ..,.! sla t.menl ~ aaaillS! her. il was well wilhin iu ri&hts 10 use eYidence derived from ..... lUIC ...... ~Y from a wit· roess ...·110 had been identified by the dtfendan1. in her proffer"";" the fJI"O"" cPtiOll .

ApDearance Before the Gl'and Jury


jII"OS«\Ition. ." lonJ • \be is InIthful. The prosecvt<lf



In an an;':!c """"orin. in us,., 10Jay rtprding \be P-' jury. the autbin tilutely '"*<I: MAppearin. bef_ • p;md jPl')' is inlimid.alinl. evt"n "'nif~ina. and unlike any other proceedin. known 10 the American jt>dicialsYlI.m...." In • pand jill)' pnXe<'din •• the prose. ~Wf ...u !he a,rnda and control. the ordn ofappelfanC<'." Most "",ably. the prooecutor is under no obligatioo 10 e~culpatory ",ide""" 10 \be Jrond jwy.A"...... al .....y.. and in all oct· tiDp. bas • "",110 aum his or ..... pri"iqe agaillS! ,.If.ineJimina. lion." The right $hould be 0MefIed if the", is .... n \be iJiglllOSl poss;bilit~ of criminal e~poIu",.· It i, pxI. p""".icf; and profe:Wonal """""'"Y.•spedaUy .... 11<:'" rI>ere ,... ....... <.>pm axnmunicalion btl...,.." dtf""", """"",I and the AUSA that ...·itneu ""U aum his or the AUSA. 10 hr:r FifthAmendmenl privilq;e if called and q~ befon: the grand jury. At tIw poin~ the AUSA mu<I make a ""'leak docision as 10 whether 10 seek immunlly for the wilnCll. Befon: seekiBg I JnOl ol immunily. a prosecuIor may some· rimes ~ • proffer. The proffer can .::orne flOll1 riCher !be wit, ..... or dtfenK 0lNIISI01. It i. pn:f~ for die pmIf" 10 come from <ltf""'" ooumd. If clef""", coumel is cn:dible and /"ioont$I in dealing with 1bo prosecuWf. the prosc:cULOf " 'il! usually ~ ouch a proffer. It should be noted that .... hile \be proffer cannot be u>eo:! agaillS! the witne .. in a «!lwq''ORl prosecution. the prostoeU.

Under '"usc immunity.M a w;tness', com· pelled lestilllOflY cannot be uoed "PillS! the "'il_ in a su~nl

1. Itanwtjgoal ImmupilY ~ Wilh traIIUI<:tiona! immunity. a wil ..... is proICC1td apinsla subs«jutn1 eriminaI Pf'lIe' for lbe ... bjec1 matter of die immunity. In OIlIer """""'. die wilfleU is affonled full. cornplel~ immunity. Under usc immunity. in OI)IIlJ'2"t, a ~Ior may still bring ChlUJell8ainsl the wilne$S for lhe underlying eri ..... SO Jon, IlS \be informali"" il independenlly obtained. A jII"OS«\IWf may alw brillJ ~~ for perjury


and false IUlemI.'tOL.

). lpfgmy! 19ypypilx. Informal immunily.",.... 10 IIJfCC' "",pIS or <;O<'l1ra<U bet ........ the prosccutioo and def.nse coon ..l. Thi. fonn of imm un ily il often the ,..,,;ult ofa proffer. and reslS with the confidt""" \be proo«u~"" has

in the inf()I'JIWion ",pplied by ei,her dde"", COlI"",1 or the wi"",ss. 4. Ac!"".Prod'4"ljoo ImmYDily Thi. immuni'Y primarily ~f"" 10 prcxlul:lion of buoine:u r=>r<b: by I .ooIc proprio eIOn.hip in '"f'OIUC 10 alUbpoma.'" Thi. immunity does "'" pro!«! corponIe or pannrnhip r=>r<b:.

.3. The wi_ has the right 10 conf........ ith counsol on any question.

4. 000', be ensI'.... S.


o...',1IgUC. o...·t overslllle or uDdenwc.

H. I .... ~ility Orrhn

1 . ....,.......... tbe questions .

....'hen a wilDeM mY," IOleIlify, IheAUS" may leek I rnorioa 10 COIlIp<I, but m.... lim obtain a ann' of ~ immunilY for lilt wione:u. NOIC lhal 001 mu~ ~ tho rcqucsI for immunity III>Ckt 18 U.S.c. f6003.'" 001 will ohm appro...., ouch amjueil!wed DR. wiu,fto.'.1't"pOll«I ",fusa! or tib'ly ~flWl"'leSIify!wed ... tho priviqe apimI Kif. incrimilWion. n.. P"l"ides ltw tbe coun mu~ i...... tbe order of immWli,y upon app/icalioo by the U.S. "Ilon>ey." Once tbe "USA =eiva .. ordtrwmpdlilli' witnHS 10 testify. tbe AUSA will brillj ,he witneM bKk befon: tbe JraIId jury and ask him wbe",",". dupil. the immunilY 0fdII-r. he: $1m illSi", on uscnin, hi~ Fif'h Amendment rialll. If !be r",ponse is in the aflirmati"". the f.,."ptrSOI1 or ,he "US" "'iIl ~ad tbe compul,ion order and a,ain 1"t<IuUI .he: wit ...... W ",spood to tbe pan<!jury·. queslion,. A "'i ....... ·' f.ilu", '"comply can subiN' llie ",iuless 10 cooloml" <harz", l'ht~ are .wo fQtIl\S of conlCml"-civil and criminal. UrKkr civil coo,o"p! (18 U.S.C. 1401).• wi ....... may be incl"",,,ued for lhe life oflhe Jrandjury, bu. in lIQ evenl fOl" Iooaorlhan . ix months. lPe wi' ...... cln PU'l. himself or "'rsclf ofthecivil ron .. mp! by complying ",ilh lhe: compulsion ordtr. Undoer criminal cootempt ( 18 U.S.C. 1401 and ftd. R. Crim. P. 4 2), a "·i ........... bjc<:l to conlCmpt i, punisltabk by fl .... or imprisonmen, (bu. not. bclIh I fine and imprison ......... ). 01"' fine and probation . A wi'lII.'U clwJtd witlt crimi ...1 coo"mpt c... _ "'" pIIIJC himst]f or ~lf 01 tbe conte""" by lI&'ftilli 10 tes· lify. The COWl may i"'l"* I I<1IIMI:e 0( up w .i. month .. II is also COOd prI("Iice to uy 10 1'" Iooal lurhorili.a. 10 ....... immunilY to • " 'itnUS leSlify"" bd'""" the parMI jury. or II IuM I promi~ from the ....uSA and tlte IJmlS \hat ,he fcdoral authorities will 10)1 dioscmilWe tbe W~'I I(Slirnony 10 the

S. A,llid spcccb makin,: il could kad to ney·d .... , and WIlfI:; product material .



C. I lISIrWfioIu,o " " ....sus (I) ,,",,"Appeanmce Conf~"""

Ikf.,." • witneSS appean before tbe parMI jury, COUIU<"I $hould ptO'<iI:k the .. ione:u wilh some buic il\Wl>Clioas 01> ,"v_ inl JI"I'Id jul)' IUtim(ldY. ~ illWUC1iORl !hook! include the followilli:

I. WIIik COlIn~1 cannot. be prq<1I1 ;n the pand jury room. tb< wione:u tw lhe: rial" to confor with couo5tl. ... 110 ....... Id be "~lM ou15kio of lhe: Srand jul)' room. 2. The ... ime......... Id be c~ful "'" IOdirclosc ma"o,.. prole<."lCd by.he ""omey_d~nl privilcat. Prost<:uton ha..., booome ;ncn:a.s;Il3ly ~"i .... lboul q""Slioni", "";1ne.sses _boul malt.,., protec .. d by ,he privi\t~: ~ coun, view any disclOJ;ure liS • w~ i'e r of all lltorney_ clienl informllion." 232




or 11l«_

In ptO'<idiDS the """"" iDwuctioos. cou....,1 muse be carc:ful 10 ......... coach I ... i,...... ' 0 e>1Idc queotioru.. COIl/IlCI ohould abo be I",ar" lhallh/:y ..., _ ''''''' ..... foom obwuction 0( jUI--

"" """"

(1) DclIriclill3

As soon as the wione:u torno'$ OUI or the pand jill)'. counsol sIIoold .. ~ the "',mess to ]ise all oftbe ma.lelllhal he 01" .... wu queslioned about. R.... ~ lhose mallo,.. with the wi.tICS" and follow up within. day or lWOW '"" ifl(!dili""", poinlS 113.... been = .. lled. Thi, enr<:isc .... in \tamin,_ aboul lhe direction of the gr;md jul)'" ilWu'iption. D. Grand }"'Y SuruJ

Grand jury ==y .""nd. "'" only to I"'timony before .he gnond jury. 001 also to the idemilY of lhe .... ilnesses cllIC<! befon: tlte grn>d jury and <iocu",,""15 pmduetd 10 lhe: pan<! jury. The: only individWll. allowed in tho KraM jul)' room II'\: (I) attorney. for tbe ,O' 'CfTlmenl: (ii) .... ilnesoel under .".milllllion: (ii i) inlCfpfC'''''; (Iv) 'len<>&raphers: and (v) opetalOfll of record· ins devicn. Only """" jWUl1 may be presoenl .. hile.he II-=' jill)' i< dtlibtr.aliD, or _in,.Witnesses. """......... an: free 10 dileu" thcir ~imony .... ith anyone. Abo, then: i. "" prohibilion apillS! ..... ";1DeM conf...rin, ,.;tlt Olher witneSSeS ".,., 113..., been ... bpoenxd 10 ..... ify befon: the gnnd jury. While the JrMd jul)' ~ law! do _ ~ the wilDeM from disansillJ hi! or her 0Wft lesl~ witlt O<hers. lhoooe <Ii ............. ...., 10)1 proICCICd by Uly privi, qe. Wbtn disansin* thrir Ie5timony ",itlt othefS. ...i,tICSIeJ obouk! man every cffort to lvoid the oppc:.......:e of any MICffi(Il to a1101" testimony or II> auIC oay miskad"" l<:SlimooIy. Api4. such efJoru can lead to chaoia of .....1nICI.... of ju~ice.

Conclusion The gandjwy tw c,,,,,,,,,,,,, powor, and any pandjlll)' i......... 'iJl;;uion oJooukl be taken ...nou.Jy. especially ",t..n your <Iio:nl is tlte focus. Advising a cI~nl dun", a Jrand jury investi,..ioo 1'ftjui~ a quick undcrMandina 0( the flatu", or the invatiption and • con.inuing .tiorc wavoid connicu and 10 pm:erve and prolect all rights and privileges. Remc:mbor. your job is ~ O''eI' unlil the grand jury concludes its i""",'igaeion and "'po<!< lhal i. will "'" purs"" the mal"" any runner. or the >JalUle or limitalion • e..pires. Unlilthen. k... p up yoor guard.

I~ finI_WrpGtnl,Ny~ rr.~""'I998I.


IS. _ _ oI_CooO.cI .... l(2OOl~ (bloO _ .


s./Ir f/vg. 1'1<. W


u.s. 41 11. OJ. 103 S. Ct. 3'~{I983l.

11. I.mod

U.s. 159, lIZ. 7'8 S. Ct. <OS {I!I56l _ _ Ibtod 51-. , _ 530 U,S. V. JII, 120 S, Cl203J. 204412OOll1b1Olt Sr. ... . c..tnto. 414 U.S. lJI:I, J.I3, 901 S. Ct. m,m (19141 ~. lhIOd s...... Oi U.s. « I. ~ !!H.Ct. 1653 (Im:t: FoIl, It c..... P 11IeI. ~,lOoIMI

J. (b'fafSllm, ~ 410U.S, I. 5- IS. 93 S. Ct. 1S4(197J11b"" S - •. MrtI, 410 U.s. 19.21. 93 Sa. 114 (19/1t _ _ tGo •. _ s...... 4IJ U.S. 201. lUi s, a. ~1(1988I ~ of .... _ ia "" - . ..... ~_"~_oI"""""_"..;wo,.L

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.. -"""-Iho_ ...... bo .... _.·~ __ .... i .. ,, _ _ to,.Ihog_jwy, lbtoIS-o.J<m""' .... ( 4&1 U.s.

IIlI. 117, WI S. Ct 11l!II1 1!87t ~ (l;' Co. ,,..,,, ~ """'- "I U.s. 211,112.!R S Cl Hilli. 1rT41 1!1J9(: _ _ .... dWMIy~ _ Ny. 7'8 f Supp. 2d 12&2. 126IHMO, ..... 199$I!mtn; ... ""_01,,-..;;.-, II' ~ "" .. tIII,...,.c! to,. _ . _ 1Wd" __ ~ 01 - . _ ""..,;sty N ~".".,.., 01 poItI<Uorizod ..... '(1 _ _ ....... j


IhIOlt 51> ... , - . ~IH


lIt",- 121·271W>c:.. 19l311b1Olt S,.,.... &oo.po.

#I F.llI l i D. 314{6lb Cir. 1971).




9. lblOlt 51>,.. . c..tnto. '1' U.s. 3."18, 3Q 901 S. Cl Sil. ~IJ 119141 _ ....... GfItwJ,Ny1l 14.21 ~ I. IS ("foCi<. 199111: 'Il~_ ..... 193U,S, Z91, III S CI. m mll99l).



10 IbIOltSIDs, _ 11m _ ... ~ 11



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. 1_ SIwo: ...., 064 u.s, 1Ol100 S. Ct 7'8lI119IJ4L

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21. u..Js.-, ' * - 501 U.s. 19-11.233 _ _


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.""'"""*'.. •pc.....,...,;. .................. "'_ _ _ _ dirotUv _ 01 .........


II. _ , Ib"" Sr.Ios. 271 I 2. 52(1, 5Z2lO.C, Cir. Iibli _ ... lhtod $:o/to , 0'4<10, Q9 f Sopp. 211. 21 4- 1 ~(SD flo. 1917]


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Tht- Alabama Stat~ Bar lawyer R~ferral service can provide you with an excellent m*!iJ1I5 of earning a IMIlg. SO It Is hard to bl!lIeve that only three percent of Alabama attorneys parudpale In this servlcel l RS wants you to consid~r Joining.

The lawyer Referral ServiI;e Is noI a pro bono legal servIre. Attorneys agree 10 marge no IlIOIl.' than $2S for an Initial C\)fl5IJltation, not 10 exceed 30 minutes. If, after the C\)fl5IJltation, the attorney deddes to accept the case, he or she may then marge his or her normal fees. tn addition to earning a fee for your service, the greater fl'Ward is that you will bI! h~lplng your fellow dtlrens. Mos! referral dlents have never contacted a lawyer before. Your counseling may bI! all that is needed, or yuu may offl'f further services. No matter what the outcome of the Inl~al consultation, the nexlllme they or their friends or family need an attorney, they will come to you. For more InformaUon abGut the LRS, contact the state bar at (800] 354-6154, letting the receptiooist

kIIow that you are an attorney Interested in bl!comlng a membl!r of the Lawyer Referral Service. Annual fees are Sl00, ami each membl!r must provide proof of profes5lonalllabllity Insurance.




The Alabama Center for Dispute Resolution thanks the following mediators who performed pro bOllo mediations in 2001. Joy L Aldridge. esq. Hon. Daniel B. Banks. Jr. Kaye M. Barbaree Richard W. Bell. esq. William K. Bell. esq. Steven A. Benefield. esq. Hon. Clyde Alan Blan kenship Jane J . Bloemetjie. MA Lee W. Bordon. esq. Richard O. Brooks. esq. HOII , Quent in Brown Robin L Burre ll , esq. Hon _Terry L. ButlS Malcolm N. CamtichaeL esq. Phillip Chancey. esq. James L Clar\;. esq. Frances Robens Clements. esq , Joseph L Coker. esq. William D. Co leman. esq.

Sammye 0_ Kok. csq. Jobn R. Lavelle, esq. Hon. Lionel L Layden Barry C. Leavell, esq , Debm Bl ac k Leo. esq. Edwin K. Livingston. csq. Michael B. Maddox. esq. Rodney A. Max. esq. Jolm P. McClusky. esq. Hon. Edward B. MeDemlOu Thomas McPherson, Jr. F..dward P. Meyerson. csq. Allan L Monon. esq. Roben H. Mudd. Jr.. esq. Amy K. Myers, esq. Walter M. Nonhcutt. esq. Ezm B. Perry. Jr.. esq. Abner P. Powell, lll. esq. Caryl P. Priven, esq. Michael C. Quillen, esq ,

Pamela Gooden Cook. esq. Ramona C. Cox Samuel N. Crosby. esq. Joseph W. Davenpon. esq _ Hon. John W. Davis Charles L Denaburg. esq. Kenneth F. Dunham. esq. Charles J. Fleming. esq _ Michael F. Ford. esq.

Hon. John D. Snodgrass Alyce Manley Spruell. csq. Donald N_ Spurrier, esq. W.lanet Stafford

Edward M. George. esq. James P. Green. csq. Hank Hawkins. esq. Claire Suzanne Holland. esq. Christopher J. Hu ghes. e,'>q. Leslie M. Kahn. MSW Hon. John Karrh Douglas L. Key. csq. Karl Kirkl and. PH.D. Thomas B. Klinner. esq.

Charles A. Stewan, Ill. csq. Tcrry L. Taylor Roben T. Thetford. esq. Hon_ H_ Randall Thomas Wayne P_Thmer, esq. Michael E. Upchurch, esq. Glenn G. Waddell . esq. Michael B. Walls. esq. Patricia D _Warner. esq. Alex W. Zoghby. esq.

Hon. Daniel J. Reynold Ferris S. Ri tchey, Ill, esq. Sandra H. Segall, LPC Fern H. Singer, esq.

Alabama Mediation and Arbitration Training All in-Stale medialion courses. Uctpt """" noted ,..j,h 3II asleri,k. h,,·. been reviewed by the Cen ler as appro"ed naining Iha! coutd quatify 3II individual fo< regi.1nuion on the AI.b3IIl. Stale Court MediatO< Roste-r. H"",'~'er. plea", review Ih< Mediato< Standard> and Regi'lJ'8.tion Procedure> to ma~e ,ure the hours li,1C<! ",·ill ,"Ii.fy the regi$IJ"tion requirements. Applie3IIts muSI meet .lIlhe requirements as ,taled in the Medi.lo< Stand.rd, and Regislrtllion Proct1lure., If you are a lawyer, pie ... c.lIthe Alabama SI.te Bar CLE Office 10 make sure the course has been approved. (334) 269-[~ 15


July 2'_3 1. Monlgomery. Medialion Process and the S~ill. of Conniel Resolution. 2£lt hours. Litig3lion Allern'lives. (froy Smith. esq.) [_800-ADR_PIRM_ ~1'1.mber

12_[4. Birmingham. Process and the S ~ills of Conflicl Resolution. 20-. hours. Li~gation Allernali"" •. (froy Smith. esq.) [_8QO-ADR_PIRM_ Media~on


~pl.nlbcr Bi'nlinghtlrn. F.rnily and Divorce Mediation. AU3IlI. Di",)1'''' MedialOB. IIIC .. (Elizabelh M anley. M.Ed" l.D" Kalhryn Marth. M.A.) (800) 862_ 1425, C I..E 40 hours,

","o,-ember 6-8. Montgonlery. Medi,"ion Process and the Skill, of Conflict Resolution. 20-. hours_ Litigation Alt.mati,''''. (Troy Smith. 'sq.) 1-8QO-A DR-Fi RM. December 5_1. B irmingham, Mediation Process and Ih< S~ ill . of Conflict Resolulion, 20-. hours. Litiga~on AllOm3liv.,. (Troy Smith. esq,) 1-8QO-ADR -F1RM,


John McKinley and John A. Campbell When asked to name a United Slates Supreme Cou rt justice who hailed from Afllbama. the name "Hugo Black" quickly crosses the lips oj most altomeys. The senator alld justice from Binl/ingham left fill indelible imprint 0 / 1 American jUl/icial history. Hugo Black, however, was /lot the ollly Alabamian 10 serve 011 the U.S. Supreme Cou rt. John McKinley sen'ed as a justice/rom 1837 until his death in 1852. and John A. Campbell served from 1853 until /86 /, when the Civil War prematurely elided his service 01/ the bellch. Tllis article examines the lives of each of these lWO men itl tum.

John McKinley John McKinley was born May I. 1780 in Culpepper Coonly. Virginia. He laICr mov芦l with hi. paren{,!O Kentucky. where he ",ad for and was ac<:epled into {he Kentucky bar. Mc Kinley" ;n,-01>'emen! in. duel . propelled him unexpectedly from D.mine. Ktnll1Cky to Huntsville, AI.l>ama. Capi! on the legal opponunilies !hat awailed him in the young Alabama Territory. McKinley established a s=ssfullaw J>I"'oCtice. This success enabled him to build a twO-story Georgian brick man,ion now known as the We<:dcn House. I! was also in Hunlsyi11. that McKinley made his lim foray into polil"'$ by oolAining a scal in the Alabama state legislalu,", in 1820.





McKinley's interests in North Alaba"", law and ""lilies. Joining with six other prominenl ciliums ,,( nonh路 em Alabama. he became a IN,,,", in 1M Cypms Land Company and promoted the dtvt\npmcnl of "'" town of FIom!ce. In suPJlOfl of this ",nrua:. McKinley Il10,-..:1 his law pr3Clice and hi!; family to ~moce in 1821. ... here he lxIill for his family an impmsive thl芦-story brick I>om. """,. looking the shoals of lhe T~ Rivtr. From Flooroce. McKinley """","W a sizeable fi""""jaJ empire Ilw included planta路 tions across nonhwest Alabama property in Menljlhis and Looisville. a number of inns. sevtral grin millS. and ownership in the fmy "'hkh cro<stod "'" Tennessee Rivtr, In Flm:oce. McKinley went by the honorific oame "Major McKinley." An acquaintance do$cribed him as "stoul. exl<1\do!(l beyond

r.-1ootinI; ... 0( easy IIW\IIeI'S.~ om.n ........, Icso kDI. marina derisM:1y to him .. '"\he AriSlClCnt.~ ~'" his financial wi sociallllCtt$Se5.1n:.gtdy a,,-ai1Cd McKinlty in 1-1<:«""". Mt Kinlty '. first ",if~. Iho former Julianna Bryan of Philadtlphia. Pcnruyh"Vlia. __ pcd by • pel deer on Iho pounds of

!heir homo. Sloe died !OOOI'I ~ ... 1822 .. Iho agee of 20. This " ... ""'" loss f(1l" McKinley. JuliAnna had broughll ..markabIe degree of cullure and educIlion 10 1~ )IOOng cily. S~ had. for ~um· pk. O$bbIished Iho firsI choir in 1'I<n""" II Iho Rrst I'rcsb)<1Crian Churth.


jointd rants of AIIdn-w J.. bon·s "'JlIlOIl'M aDd br<:_ 111 ally of J~ Polk""" Millin Van Bu.. n. McKinley $trved in !he HOIl<O for four yean. bul decided IlOl 10 ....,k ",...,Ieclion in ISJIi. InSlead. he re1Umcd 10 AloNma to so ..... once again in Iho swe lqis,.t..... In 1&31, he ~dNI in def"aliftl Moore ..... ....,laimcd his $tat in !be U.s. Senate. Dcspi.. hi! ocnaI<IriaI ampai.... McKinicy had bmo .....nina bdIiIId Iho see .... wid! hi< eyes 0II1OO1her priu: one oflWO newly-m:alcd Uni1Cd Stlue. Supreme Court 50"'. The IWO new >Oa/$

~)'e*S after Ju\ilma', cnm. McKioIky marritd his MCOIIIl wire. SiubtdI ArmUIead. ElizIbcIb was. native of Loudoun Coonly. Villin;" ,,",",,= she WII$ • w:ord of fU1"'" pmidenl John 1)i1cr wi • ntithbor of James Monroe. Eliubtt/l·. political and oocial COIl/ICIC1io<.W...--I McKinley well in his laIcr IIknII ;nIO II060nal poIiIies. EIlzabnh .a.. CCII'Ilinutd Iho cuhur.ol

~"",Kinley devoIcd

10 ""ve' at leas! miles. year 10 ~ his tin:uil respon.ibililie$. Hi. cllcui~ the Ninlh. was the ~ olthe judicialciraJ,"- and he ~ bionly 10 Cnapat ..... !he apens.. 0( dIis nvel and oflUCh perih as

re...r. McKinley _ I'lOl alone in ~nin& 10 Congress


She imponcd a French

In Ig3 1. Govcnoor Gabriel Moor" sueceufuJly <:haI1t,,8ftI """,Kinlcy for McKinley', U.S. Scn<IIC lUI. Despi<e lhal defeat. McKinley won "$tal in the AI.bamllegi.lau"" thal .. me year. lie w.. elecled 10 !he U.S. llouse of Rc~n ... tivn" year I.ltr. "'here he

IllOIn 1hc denlands 01 !he justices· cin:uil riding. 11 was a common ~ of WlhappiflleSS among his fellow ~ wi ~at1y j...rice$ had eYeD agrftd 10 W:.e. mIuc· tioon in sabry if ..wid appoino Iq)II"";OIO cimail jIodg<s. CongR:ss.. ... !he belief duo: Iho cir· CUil riding performed 111 .....rni.>l wk in bringing fcdetallu1horily and national political vjcw, to Iho distan1 moehes ol the )"OIlII8 rtpUbiic:, ..fusn! Iho~' pleas and did DOl ofIiciaIIy end !he prxIice untiL 191 1. II " .. so:nUIa .os "<:imail judi" 1hII """,Kinley ruled !HI • IICrics 01 ca5eI thal stunncd the bu,iness and commercia] communilY for wllkh he is besI .. memhcrcd. As his fellow Justice.loicph Siory <lr:5l::ribed ~"",KinIey'. handiwork: ~ly brodler. McKinley. t\IIJ .....-.Jy made " . - ,~ ded..... in !be Ciralil Coun of Alabama whioh hal friJhlcncd halflhe 1a"")'Cn ond oIllho COI"",~lH:1m of lhe OOUI\Ir)' OUt of Ihoir J'I"'OIlI"ietiO$. Ile has held LhaI a corporalion CRa1Cd in one state hal no p"""Cf 10 COIIUaC1 «(11". il woukl ......... eYeD 10..,.) in any OIlIer - . tither ~ (11" by ......... So t..b. imur....,. companieo.. manuflrnlrin, tompt>tie. ~ no <:apIICi'y 10 W:.e or dis. counl notes in anoIher Swe. (11" 10 under· wrilt polities or 10 buy or.ell good$." n..... c""", we", quickly "PI"'atcd 10 Iho


l'II'iJhbor"l. Less lypically. !he McKil\lcyl at", pro';idcd • school


much of his time 10

1M cimIiI ~ !he old South"''e5!. & onct" ~ d>aI he bad

JOVft1'e5S to superoisc Iho McKinlty dtikkm. and. in !he ........... of weahhy AIabamianI d !he time. esuobIishcd • school lOr dlrir ~ andlhoee d dlrir f(1l" lhei. !Javes' cltildren in I brick row Ihcd bchirdlhoir Ilome. In 1826. "kKi,*>, ""'~ natiooaI prooninnIa: ...·hen he """,",",fully "'" 10 1iJ1!he u.... pimI Smale IemI d Henry Cbambm. " 'he> had died ... oft\oe. "'is brief !lint as I onIIIOf. McKinley worlcd 10 .. form fcdcnlland poIitie$ to pI'OICCllmall bndhoIdcfs agalJUI !he ptriJl of 1oPI""I1aIion. He alto 5IIC"Cftdcd in 1nUI5farina title 0( 400.000 ICM d fedefaJ public: lands ",ilhin A....... 10 !he WI< for Iho purpose d impm.-mIcaI of "'<lie!"' WI)'I and ...... McKinlcy', d'fons led 10 !he con.uuction of !he (US! Muscle Stmls Canal. wllieh opened Iho Tt-nnessoe Riv... 10 navigation beyond Iho sboaU of

nLid.. 1ft FbllDtd M H,.,..,.,44 U.S. 212 (11145). he "'i1II !he lrJu _ advanc:ed by A\abbna 111OmOy and fmUle justice John A. Campbell in holding thaI l ubmetgcd walerfro"'",oo bel!H1gro 10 !he llltes and _Iho f~l g<>Vt1"llll"lOnL In addition 10 his .....n in Wuhinpln. 1rI>'t~""

and ~ ~D<k ttl by her pmk<:essor in Iho McKinley hou~hoId.

OIlIy 18 majorily opi.uom ..... "limOltd hWIIber of concurrin& aDd diUtIHin& ona. many of !hem rdIectin& his prostltes· .ri&hU views. In GroWl v. Siaughl<r. 40 U.S. 449 ( 1841). he di,· somcd from lhe majorhyand ma;mail>cd !haL" Mi~ppi coosti'utional rWri/:. tioon 011 the imporWian 01 ...._ __



laM ..... "...-.""'-..




~ !he lOIII nwnbrr of ju.uica Iiom ....... 10 nine. A fellow AJabamian. '1MiM! SnIiIh. hod ""11>0<1 I ....,,;. nariorI for duo: sea<. and McKinley """. ~ in convincing Pmiden1 Martin Van B....... 1O nomina1e him to 1hc ~ Taney·led Supre1llC Cowl in 1838. Al Ih31

rime. S~ Ccut~ """".a..

lOr "'-U!& rcdenI caoes wifu _1IUiP:d cin:\IiI .....- 10 ....


J\Idic:iIfy Act oll189. McKinley', initial

1nrioory inc:lWcd porU of Alabama. MiS&iS&iwi, Louisi .... wi all of Artansas. M~Kinley"$ work !HI 1M Supreme Coun left Link mar\; !HI history. He wm<e


Surremc Coun. "'here McKi""'y', decision "'lIS ~ in &vIJr ofIoul ... ,a ~ &.rl~, 38 U,S. 519 (1839). McKinley', trnvel 011 hi. cj",uil took a 1011 00 his health. and in 1842 he moved to Louisville. Krnl""ky. where he M<l strong lies due 10 his moIher'S family. In Louisville. which i.l<x:a~ 00 !he Ohio River. he "'lIS also beu ... positiootd 10 take advantage of thai dty's water tran ... po<talioo OS he shuuled bMw"",, Washingloo. D.C. and llis circuil responsibilities. Surprisingly. dcspi .. lhe dernaocli 00 his ti"", imP'»"d by his ci",nil tiding. McKinley foond Ii"", to more business inlerests as a ""'nlber of the fum of C1arl<. Chu!C:hili. and Company. which manufaclured hemp bagging and rope. A decade 10....., in 1852. McKinley died al the age of 12. S!ill serving as .justice. During his lefIun:. his numerouS absences fmm iii, ...igned circuits had iniwed his constiluents and fellow juS!ices. and his unimpressi"e number of opinions call.lCd fuwn: hiS!orian.< to ~bel him "probably the least ootstanding of !he mcmber$ fli the Thney Coun:' Nevertheless. Chief JuS!ice Taney eulogized him .. ". aound lawytr. failbful and as.siduou.s ... He "'lIS frank and fi"" in his oocial inten:oursc. as "'ell as in the discharge of hi' judici.1 dUlies And no man could be ~ free fro", guile. or "..,.1 hones~y endeavor 10 fumll the obligations which his oft"'ce imposed upon him. McKinley'. dealb C=lcd I '-acancy on the Supreme Coon thai incumbenl PrHid<-n1 Millard ~ill~ struggled to fill. lie searched in vain fora fellow Whig 10 fill the """am -leal. but the Refl'lblkan majOOty in Congress ...'lIS not aboul 10 allow a lame-<l""k president 10 iru;taJI aoothc.- Wltig. In quick ~. FIIl~ nominated.. and<$I'tj«:!ed. thn:e nominees, Timc finally 1'311 001 on Fill~. Ftanklin Picroe. FiIl~·. successor. "'lIS inaugwated in Mardi of I1SS3 and wasttd no lime in nominaling anodler Alabamian. John A. Campbell. for !he ~



John A. Campbell John A. Campbell was born June 24, 1811 in Washinglon. Georgia. A child prodigy. he gr;><!uated from F.-.nklin Colltge (la ..... the University of Georgia) al !he lIge of 14. Upon grodualion. Campbell r=ivcd a nomi""lion 10 Wesl Poinl from Se=!ary of War John Calhoun. He joined 238



the other new cadets 011 the plain over· looking the Hudson in the spring of 1&25, of his f~l1Qw Southerners in the 01... of 1829 was. young Ytrginian with a far more ac<laimed n:ndevous wilb historY Roben E. Ltt. Campbell. howe"e •. was no! de'liJ>ed 10 g,-..h13te with his c1l1$s. Hi. f.lher died suddenly at the beginning of Campbell's n"l <lass year, Soon lhe~after. cl.ims on their f.ther's esl.l~ for missing gov· crnmcnlal funds further compounded the .u .... iving Campbell" probkm'. The family fen on hard financial lin>e$. With his family facing impoverish"""'l. Campbell resigned from the Corps of CadcIS in 1828 and ~Iurned hc:nne. Joining an uncle in Florita, he road law bul undertook no fonnallegal training. Ne''''rthel ..... Campbell gained admillanCe to the Florida bar wi,hin. year. ~uming 10 Gt-o.-gia. he was odntinod 10 the Georgi. bar. Given his youlh--------CarnpU was stiD only 18--his admission required a special ar:1 of !he S!lIIe kgis~tu",. Soon lh=aft.... Campb<ll """">Il west down the FcdeI1ll Road 10 the frontier lown of Monlgomery. Alabama In Montgorner)'. Campbell mel and $OOn married Anne Goldthwaite. the daughter of a prominent Montgomery family. H<: fOfT1ll:<J a successfull.w pannn-$hip with her broItttr-,1 befOR: ~aching the age ofW, CampbeU's new law pmctice enjoyed I wing of allhoogh hi. pmctice "-as briefly intenupled by the Creek War of 1836. H<: "",,"Cd OS the adjutanl geomd f... the S!lIIe'. militia forttS during thai briocf conflict. Although his military service was limiled. he was nevenhe.... able 10 pwby il into a seat on !he $WIllcgislalurt in 1836. Campb<ll soon grew disenchanted ,,"'ilb s\ate politics. After on. panicularly frustrating Wttx, he " ....... , "n.elast wtcl: has glided away in doing noIhing. We have passed no bills of genuine imporW>Ce into law. We ha>.'e di...-ussed no mane", of gen. u;oe inlCn:Sl. WM1 wiD "'C doT When Campbel[", last lerm expired in 1843. he opIt<l rot 10 serk ,.,..,Iection, During llis tenUl't in the Icgislalurt. Campb<ll moved his wife, IW<I childn:n. and hi ' law praclice 10 Mobile. In Mobile. he 00-.", inlO • sea of luerati,,,, Land dis· put. casts. Campbell"s strict work ~hic. romplen",nted by his impressive intelloc_ lual abililies and rigorous anenlionlO r:lel.ail and ptepanlion. earned !he young lawytr an imJ'l"ssi...., string of .i<tories in the counroom. &.plaining hi. ~h 10



pracricing his C!1lft. Campbell .~pounded in his v;""', an auomey', rreparatioo .oould focus on '1be petition. demand.'" lhe oppool'ilion. or defense of hi. the appropriate loslimony.!he prir.::ip1es applicable, the ~nlS lhal have ~n established. the prttise and patticutar question to be decided. and the n : _ for a particular decision." A rolk!ag..e te$tifled to Carnpbel1'$ dedication in Ibis n:gard: "[His] S\lCCCS!l at the bar "'as the "",uh of patienllabo.-iOU$ industry (He] ,,'Cn, 10 the botlom of everylbing thai required his allenlion. and shranl from 00 drudgery that was necessary to accom· plish hi. put])C)6<'$." Applying lhe<e principles 10 pmctice, Campbell achieved national prominence while handling a number of such cases involving SUbrl",ged lards along the Mobile w"tetfronL AI issue in lhe<e cases was !he question of "'hether !he Uni!ed States govemmcm. as the SI.>CCe$OOr 10 the Spanish crown in Mobile, or ~ ciliuru; wl>o had rttti>'Cd land grants from Sp:oin. ",,"'ned _h land. Sireable amounts of !OOIIC)' were at stake. One such p;oce of proptrty was valued at S88.000--in 1842 dollar.;. During lhe<e cases. Carnpb<U ad,-anced !he oonr:ept of "original """"cignty.M According toCampbrll, sta ... such as Alabama. wbjch "n.. red the Union after the original 13 sta ... , enjoyed !he same original SO'ICI'Cignly as had the original 13. The federal govemmclll. therefOR:, had 00 right 10 dicta .. the disposal of propeny wilbin those WI ... oooe those WIleS were admilted 10 the uruon. II was aoonr:ept seim! upon by sta ... • rights lC1;vi,u to ad.,.,." la ..... IlfiUmontS r<pttling other Iypes of propcny. such as slaves. Thi. ideological contribulion 10 !he Sta ...· righu "",..,"""" ,,'" somewhat ironic. f... Campbell was initiaUy no st«SSioniS!. !Iis support of Andrew Jackson during the Nul~flCalion Crisis of 1832 had earlier demonstnll<:d his proUnion sympathies. Modem biographen credit Campb<U', position ~ 10 dienl OOVOC8<1' than 10 anti·Unioni<l .. nti_ "",nts. Like many moderate Southerners, however. polarizing e'",nts such as the Mexican War. the Wilmol Proviso. and lhe agitation of the Frte Soil Pany and radical aboIilionistS caused him 10 ir.crusingly queslion the South·s fUlure role within an seemingly hostile Union. A. aliu"",nts ~garding . Ia,'cry and Stal"" righlS issues progressed from a simmer 10 a boil. Campbe\l'$ fenow tha~


... ~ ",I<ard him • • dt~ 10 Iht NasIlvllle~;" I MO. '"'" ..... d _ Nashville CoovmIiool._ >mal ill I MO. ....... fOr SouIhem _10 upIo'R pouible ~ 10 poICnCiaIly unflMlfllble fulurc Cong=oionallegilla,ion, Campbelllllrivtd in Tonneso« fot \he """"\'filion with 16 fnOIutioru and suecuded in ""vi", 13 of them inoorp<nlCd inln Ihe Convention', final Z8 ~u,iom,

Mo,' I~, bo _ in provcni_ ilia III)' ~ ...i>idI ......... bove disCUSII"d armed ~ IO~

acIiooI. I\-rhopf; ho did to "",,",lo!x1."l hit


_ l and SIa!e', leplbIure could nullify I provision 011 .....,., chantt in ~"IIbolJ<». ~ U.s. )31 (111.56)


(CamphoUdis!CfIICd ..... lrJUiIIa thai a tfw1er ....... _ a IXIIJU1IIC1 and th:at • otaIe lc1:isla!ure had !he rishllO t...:t .,.,... 00II. trOlling p-ovisioru IS It JaW fit). Historians "'" unanimollJ,1>r.>wevn, in libeling /)mJ

25 yurs. " 'IS unconstiuniooal.

Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.s. 393 (1857),. the nn.y Cou,f J _ infamous case. In DrrJ Scoa, the SupRme c...n ...... sidemI ... be1her !he tnnStcr oIa >Ia\;e 10 a ""';tOry in ",ttido JIrowy ...... prohibited. follawtd by I rtturn 10 a >Ia\;e - . a:Jo<d

clasomalc$ II WcsI PoinI.. AlIIII)' tW, hisIOrians crcdil him ...ith foiling \he effons d Soulhern ''f~M ,,'110 """ld have Sl>I1ed dlt Civil War a docade earlier. In :>ddilion 10 his work in the attna of Sial.,' rithls, Campbell managed IIhriV'

In oddition 10 oonsidering wch cases

while , i1tlna on the SUJ'I"rt>e Coon. Campbell '"' drruil f(lf \he 5th Clmli~ In 1BS4. his cimU1 Wty e:<poocd him 10. pottioc:IILarIy ~ .... lOo""y in New 0rIta_"'1xIhcr the advenwmoas Khomo 01 fO!"l!e Milolissippi P'""'IIf .khI QIIiIman. ..'110 pIanntd I<) r2ise .. .my and WfCII atIIIroI of Cuba ffQIII it/; f;OiorOal masICf Spain and thus:>dd anoIher ,lave


tom. Union. """ld viol.1e ~idon1

PIerce', nt\ItrlIIilY pnxlamation ~an:li"8 C\Iba. 0api1C the prtSidrnl', posilion, many SQuthemm supponod Quitman's plan. NeYonIteJess, Campbell oummoncd

illl la'" prkIic:e. He lOOk JCYeI1II of his eases aU Ihe .....y 10 Ihe U.S. Supn-mc COlan. "'1";"1 his rlfU ....,h ~



10 ~ Quiunan's IIIjI9J!kB. Wh... iI tttam. ..,.,..,~

Clmpbell """,lei indict IOt)'<IIOI! wI10 IMI'I fin;n-iaUy IUppO!1<d Quitmar:J'. invasion. Quitman', boookn1 quidly hit. ,"""oily di""" ,,"ami. Four yean later. Can,pbcll


bofore Ihe Coon ;" 1849. By 1852 bo had appeared bofon: Ihe COlan I doun limu and had tJtcocno ...~n kll(lWn 10 ii, juSlices. Campbell', rrplll'lion ",ilh them. both I juriOllnd ~s I Soulbem rnocle,ale, served Campbell "'ell ",bon .IoIIn Mc Kinif-y died in 1852 and the KaKh for Mc lGnlry·. $lICCa-


flad • limil..- challenge (rom Ihe Idvtnlllr'ef WiUi2m Walker, .... ho hod ",1a1ed <bigns on N~ B ...."" death II£acs. Campltell .-d loimilar "oed ..... 10 inli ....... WaIW, inveslI:n if*l 00qi", tile .........itylnls.. UnfonunalCly. lhe llveal 10 order


Iu diJCUISed eartioJ-. ~I JOOIIht fnt. or """, Iht ~ (If third. d'IOice 10 bo considemI lO fill the v.tnIIC)I. ~t Millard FiI1_ stroa&led In find • Whig 10 fill M ~Kinley·. $eat. bill \he Dr"""""",, major_ ily in Con,rcss ''"1 ...,101 in stallina the nominotion proo:eA until Fill_left CJtI'n. Upan tt'Ittrina Iht '"'hilo HoI.oIe ill IIlH mnklin PIrtoe.I 0." ......... quictIy .....,ttl Iht odvice of the .min& Supano Coun juIIiceI ~ng I suitable nomj. ...... Tbty all """"",led Kle<1in& Campholl. When PIerce oooninaIod Campbell . he " 'IS confirmed within Iv.tI days withQtJI opposition and tool: hi, pIxe beside Chic:f l ustia: Roger B. TIIney and hi, fellow lPllioces on Mardt 25. ISS3. 'I'lltwah Iht ~ ynrs d Iht ..,.... Campbell and !he TIIney Coun 0CIRIid=d • number of atmIitutinmI is.oues. for eumpIo. tile TlDoy eo.." /;(1ft. $idm!d !he right of .... JOIMiom 10 we (If be 5tI«I in f<dml oouns in M or>ltall ~ /Ja/,;""," tmd OhioJ/hil mati Comp<ltly,

Molt dama&in& 10 IIIIional ord..-, ~. .... !he QuI's ruling dial the MiS1lCM'i ,a6c. ...-hich had handltd pno;aoi_ ousIy but effectively !he ...... of addi"l ........ >Ia\;e iWeS 10 !he Union «If Iht pIS!


posed by lhe likes of Quillnan and w", only a fon:tasle of events


to """"'. With John Brown's raid on 1l..-pH'S Ferry and lhe e1c<:liort of

AtnhanI Lln.coLn. the cauldron "r IWiona! ernolioo boiled aYt:I. I" m..-arly sprilll of lUI, Southcnt >tal., """""ned o«eUion ~ ¥\lied 10 leave tho UtUort, and Kind ftdtnl fons and orsenab. Althoo&h the Union ...... btottn,

57 U.S. ) 14 ( I&53) (Campbell dissented

10 f= !he slave. '"'" caR ~ apu1 OIl aIro.lldy Str2ined Court.....{he j ...tices did _ ~n !nteI to iii"",,,,, the ta.e for lwo mooths and. ,,-ben they finally oonsidertd i~ they did 10 by 011 writina ~ opinioM. When !he final .... _1IIIi<:d. tho eo..n. wich Campbell ill !he majorily, held thai slaYa.. (If eoen emar.:ipalCd JUYeS or chrir d<00r:,idao ..... ......-e JOOI and """lei IJC\'Cf become ciliUM 0I1ht UniICd SWt$. Ralhtt-, thcy ~ ci~ ,.,..Iy of \he AIle in wltkh they ~i<Ied, Thus, Scoo's so;oum in a sla ....,.·pr<:lltibi'ing I... •

from the majorily in arguing tha1\hey did

ritoty did DOl serve 10 ~manoip"t~ him.

1heR. .... U 1Il111topc !ha1 armed """niel

OO\Ild be avoided . Such I hope bIlrned brightly in John Campbell, Atthou&h OIl advoc1,. 01 staltS' rigtn. he oppos<d OUIrighl !C<"eMion • chis jIIno:oIn and ~ tile odds 0I1IIe SoooIIt adIievi", I miIiury vawy. -Y"" .., ito no ....'dilio " l0 bear eouo !he "",. """Y bunlrtod! 01 toeiaI tife in I prriQd of flO'OOO.Mhe w;orm:d hi. Itrother-in·bw in M<lbilo. "How lean yo.zl lhnl "*")' on a ..... in ,,'hich your Irade """ld be It<l(>J!ed by a , iogle $\tllmer?" l-k presoed for for· mer prtSitltnts PIerce and Duoc:loaniUl to

i~~ m the earlier days 0( the Jro"'illi crUi$. bu, 10 no a""';l. A I il btcamo "fIP'II'enI IhaI Fort Sumlcr. still hold by fcdonl IJOOpS mCbarIeswn harbor. _


"'" likt:ly fWh poiIIIlO arm<d CQn/Iict. ~U mediaIcd rqaialions between Secnury of Stare ...."Uiam Se>t....J ..,.J • drlqaUoo of SouIhtm ....uo'lUIi..... A. fU>t. ~ lJ¥amI.hae rq<IIiuiol'll would ~ar fruil. ~ i~ Ihat


U.s. Navy ......1d ",w:uase SUmln ..,.J allow iss OCC'IIf"Ilion ... i!bou. bloods.hnI. As (boys ~ _ 1he Sunnn ptrUon oorttinlKd I<) im~ its dd~ __ Campbell ruliud thalloe IYd been mil, led. Complaini", of ~y_ic duplici· MI'qUi\lOCati", o:onducs of ty"' and Adminiumion. CampbeU raiplCd from the SU,,","'" Coun "" April 26. 1863. o..sp;~ bi. pmonaI ~i."", 10 ....,.... oion. be crossed the I'o!onIK and re.urned home to Mobik. The IIOIN




Sou.hern dian$! Mary Chesnu. describfd


Campb<11 a' "'is5':minal ..RelIig....u-.nd f~ a CaUse lie islwdly more than half in .ympa.hy ... ;.h. Iii. i. one of the hanlesl cases:' Camplxll and his family IUTivtd In

Mobik !O face """ioJ ~lrOcilm (.... his enl_ ic;"'" of oulrigm armed """'Ilion, Unwtlc:Qme in MobiJ.. he I'BO'o'td !O New Orleans ond lhcn "" 10 Richmond ... """ New Orleans _ aplural by


uoops. In Richmond. Campbell >lOCIepl«l1 positioo as an Assillanc S«mary of War f~ 1he

Conf«kraIt! ~ in 1863.

His auigoc<I "'"I"""iililities includrd 1he isouanc:e of ptiOflOIU rorl/aYCllIwu&h die lines. the review of couru-manial ~

in!;!. ...:l .... «JIIIrOI of COIosr;.ipcioI'I.

ClE Opportunities The AIaI:ana Mmltt,wy



iIPPV'I"I in-SIa1e. as ..... IS ...,..

....ide. pnlgIlMrG....tch . . "*"'-*I in a c:ur(IUlBf database. All ... ..-,c;/ied I1y SjDISCI, kuOOn. date &'ld ~Iy ..ea, For a ~ listing of

CU IlPPOfllrilies WI calendar, oontatl the ~ Coom'ssion offiDI l l m-I

269-1515. extension 111. 156 1lI 158. Of \'DII may view a c::ampIeIe Ii$ling of e>I/' f801l1fO\lrams a1 !hi Slale bitr'1 Web lite . .....w.alm"'¥,


JULY 2001

.-\nod'Ior m.ponsibili.y "..., sel(·imposed:

10 mnaln vigilanl (<If Ill)' OJIIXII1IIfIi.y 10 brin& obou1 • ~ful cooclusioo 10. " .... ""hich Campbel~ ... rnrntbtr of III< W"" DeporlmmI. <nUld ......... IIOwimabie.

Campbell can.. CiooesllO .,~


po{, rqatialed peace ... hen he ""a'l one of!hrce Coofcdcnle commiWoncn wl", ~ t..U.:oIn and S«mary of Suu: Sew.-.! in tho o;onIIi<t., onl~ accasioo mwhich the "I'I""'i"I 10'"emmenIS aplomla nogoci>Ied end 10 the "'..... TIle ..-iq ~ on Fdln.ary J. IIl6S aI!aonI .... U.s. ....-.1 _'CSOd Rilvr Qwno. UnfOllUllMely. by !hal .caae ill III< ..... 1qOll.Mi", lines had bftn dr.woll m the P"""'d wlm .... bkIod of lOa maay Amman ~ ..... The rqOOatioao failed. 1'wo monlhllaler. the Nor\h ad\ieYe(I peace lhmII&h f"""" of """" when the last Confcden&e armies ... rrmden:d II A""""",I!OJ1 and O=nsboro. Upon the'·' ca;i"'Jatioa. Campbell "''U the only member of the former C""f~ goomnment 10 moe! with Unooln ... """ he ani>-N in the de-.-aswod Coofcdenle apil>l of Richmond. Campbell and UDOOIn mt1 several ti~ in Richmond. bu. any hopt-s of !he ""ndliatory reace 0( which they .poke w=

10 moe!

<b.<hed ...i'" UDOOIn·. subst<i"""' auassirwlon. fOllowm, Uncoln', deadt.

Campb<lI. like many former Coofedcn!es. "'lIS 1mW<I. He w,guiW:d in CIISIOdy (<If Ji~ months III Fort l'\llaski. a (cd=! fon (111 an island off !he ""*" o{~ (Ina: freed. Campbell tnOYed his fami/y back 10 New 0rIems 10 m...iId 1 law pnoaice. AJIhoup bormI • flfSl from ......... (1$0:1 in kdtral a:urt m.. 10 rus mk in III< Confedenle pwmtmenl. Campbell p"' ....icd in 0IIICe >pin aQI. illli " ........ fui law prl>Ctice. Befon, long. II<' "lIS arzu .... ca<tS bdoa: die ~ Supm>e Court upon " 'hich he had .,...,. . . . 1 j...oa:. NoubIe """"" his etfOns " .. die IlCK:llled Sb<fhUrltooue Cosu. 8J U.s. 36 ( 1813). ",iIidt "'.. III< fll'S! judicialle:A of die FOOncmIb AmendmenL In .... SIlJIqlturloouN Cosu. CampbeU tIIJI><Id \hal the ri&hl !O earn a livi", ",as • privittge ~ by 1he I'ou>t«mh Amcndrnent. Dtspile Campbell ', bo:st ~trons. ... hich inclllllNl an <nI argument llw spanned days. a r...,·..,.,mber


""'jori!), ",led In 1873 """ it did r.o!. Dernss . pch as the Sfaughurlloitu C<U<I wtre uccption, rath<r than 1he ",Ie. Canlpb<1I h.i. Ia... pra.ctiec lhrou&h the Rexlle" yu.....i'" consider_


able suoce5I. The drath of AM<', his ... ife of53~..... in 1833 and Campb<II"I ",,'-anci"l ~aB. ~. s:appod his desitt 10 contin"" !he ptYtice of Ia.... In I S86. he re!iml a1 the IF 0{75. Ik n>OVftIlO (I.aIIimon::. M"')'land. " 'hen: II<' died !hrce ~aB later. Some 0{ hIS lui ""'ncn "1lnh "'VR' dim:Iod 10 his former bret/'ImI (111 .... Sup"""" COIIf\. 1"dldle Cootn _ I join daily in the pnycr.~ CaonplIeU ...-. 8ddiaa. ""Cod Save .... Uni\Cd SIaIes and iss ItOfiOlobit Court: r""", ~ "'" mmj.... ....,.,riry of INir _S4A:is- ,..., bltildilt&~ -.d ior AIo/:Iorma ciIiu ItoNH" dour Mobik bo<uIJ rJw }oM il ~ fflknJ BWIdilt& aNI U..ion/ Ski~t ec..rtItootM. ..Wi~ F10mta is ~ 10 dw


}oM McK"uoky F~"" Bwi/Jilt&.

Sources Consulted: ...... _ - . _ .... _


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United States District Court Northem District of Alabama In n:: T he MaUt r or the Rrappointmcn l of T. Michael Putnam as a United Slat es Magistrate


TIle cu""nl !mn of !lie offi~ of Uni ted Stales MIg,"",'" Judg<: T. Mi~l\arl Putn3m at Binninglwn. AlaI)3ma iJ d~ \0 expi'" ~""'ary S, 2003. Tbt UnilM Sta,es OiltriCl COW1 IS ~Ulrrd by la" ") cSlablis/l a p.1IM'l of CI~ ttns to "'lRsidcr !lie [-.:appoint" ..", of lht magIStrate judse 10 a ........ gII'_year ,en".

11><: du".s of I "" g",rnl<: Judge's po<,lion "",Iudr the folk'....nil' I I ) conductmg most prrlll1\II'''I)'I>f'OCted,nss ,n crin"nal ca"" . • uch 3$ mllial oppeamnces. bond and delCnll"" lIcaringl. aoo arr.ignmenlS: (2) the IT;,i .nd di.po.iu"n of miS<kme.oor case.: (J) e<''''' ucling V.nIlU' "",trial mall,,, and .,·i<\on,iary proceeding' on rd...,,,,,o fm'" tho judge. of the di",';c . COUrt. "",Iuding c;,,1 diSCOVcl)' a nd O!lItr """.dis]lO>lli¥< "'<.>1")11<; (4) conduc,ing prtlimin"')' rt" '~$ and ma\:."g rttQffll~n.dati""$ "':I':atd,n& III< d"po:<'uOfI of prisont, civ il righls complaint. ami habeas rorpII' pe~~oru ; ami (5) lnal ami disposition of <h·il cases upon con .. m of the litigants. Comment. from mtmbe .. of !be bar and !he publIC .... In' IlC"d a!I 10 ",bo:1ber !be "",umbe.t magiOlntc jo;dg~ lhoold be !'tV omn",ndtd by the pant"l rOf reappoinlmtnt by lhe coon.nd lohoukl be dim:led 10;

PMy D. Malhi .. elm.

U.S. IAW>C1 Coon Northern

IA,"'<' <>f Alabama

R{)On1 1010. 1129 5lh A'"eo"" N D,nnongh.m. AI. 35203 CoonnK"n" mu" be recei".-d by AuguS! 23. 2002_

'Jrm e a nd aya J·n, Ihe feaderJ I n de c//cali on and ser u i ce.

leJilh moon:

dgn baIf. ctIItnry undtr

our bdt.}'OII oouId ay wt toow:llllhm is 10

inlurmce. Ru, if. DOC jull .bout knowing our bu5ines>. h·1 ioowing OUr c1im~ and

know .bout



earning thcir 1Just. Ow- Ll"')'Crs hart done jllSl ~L By having lhe nperknce ;and insight to pn.:Mde nw uncItnrritins soIuDons.. lI<:·re rated lhe nlllllbtr one title inlurance company in Mi!siIIippi iUld ~ rtaMng ~ financial diIi'Y°

flUnss- Th:mk

J'OU ior puuirc your f.ith in us. • MISSISSIPPI VMJ..EYTI"I'Ul •' •••• INSURANCKCOMPANY



of tho ~a~i." ""'Y' to begin an .rgumen! omong ."", planning proftSsionals is 10 raise the subject of ",,,,,,,obi. living ""SIS. few. if any, OIh<:r subj..c1S Cleale such . division be'''' •• n professionals. Rardy will an •• ",,,, planning .uomey remain ""ulnll on lhls SUbject. but wlltr, most will Slue OUt • position in favor of 1hoe revocable living truSl and against the probate proo:es.s. Of in favor of the usc of wills as the prrferml planning ".hide and opposed to the use of ",""cable living ""SIs. Pas,ion. aside. the answer to wbolher or J\OI. revocable living tru" is appropriate is highly """ific. Pra.c:titioncn need [0 con,ider!he indi,-idual estate situation of the dienl, the requirtmenlS of !he probate rode and tbe adminisu"i,.. burden of !he trust. prior 10 re<:ommeroding a "'vooable livinll !ruSt or advising againS!;1$ use in faV<ll" of OIb<r eslate planning means.




What is a Revocable Living Trust? A ",vocable li"ing trust (RlTJ is an eSlate planning tech· nique designed 10 provide for ronlinuou, managem<nl of asse!' in 1he evenl ofincapacily.nd 10 provide an ahemali,.. 10 lhe probale]l<"O<'eS$ in the evenl of (lralh.l1>e "'" grantor. U'aIISfers a, ..... boIh ",.1 proptny and ptrsonal prop-

eny. 10 the ,ru". The lemlS oflhe tru,t ptnnit "'" individual 10 reclaim the proptny at any'; .... , ",vi .. the ,"nn, of the UUS1 or r.!'oke the UUlt enti",ly. l1>e granlO< i. lhe bencflciary of lhe Im" during his 0< her lifetime and the IJ"U"lenns p"nnil as mIlCh of "'" income and princip,al as the grantor de,;"" to be ",,"un<d 10. or paid OUI On behalf of. the vantor at any time. Typioally, the lrust >1$0 provi(lr, directiOn on how to distril>u1< the asselS of the UU,t in the .~nt of the grantor's death. either by outright di .. ril>uliOfl or di.lrll>ution to a credit sb<her "",t in order to nuke mu:;mum use of the utate laX exemption. l1>e trust does I"lOl bt:comt irrevocable unlil "'" doalh of the grantor. Ilec;o"", the UUst tan be revised or ftvoktd at >n)' tim<. the lnlcma1 R"'.. nue Code considers uu .. asselS as remaining the properly of "'" grantor and the ""St 10 be invi.ible for i,.;ome laX purposes, ","",by avoiding the higher i,.;ome "'" mlt'l nonnaIly 8S$Ociattd wilb ~. (IRC t67l . , "''I) The gr.... tor ",lains iOOi, cia of o"........rup ... If",;'nl for !he In"''''''1 Re"enue Code to treat the asset. of the trusl as .till belonging to the grantor f<lf e5we and gift laX PUrp>SeS as ",.. II. No laX identilkation number ~ be obtained for !he truSI during "'" grantor', lifetime. and 110 ..-p-""',. income La>. ""urn is filed. (11lS1"""tons. 10 IRS Form SS-4) In fact, !he lntemal R",·e.IIe St:1vic< will"", assign >laX idemifiClItion number to tile UUst and will "'jeclappiications ' 0 =a'" such an identification nwnber. ugal ownership of the as .." lay' wilh the truSt. Titled pr0perty. such. ",al proptny, boalS. cars and bank IICcoonlS. !'IUd,

Thet p reclaim the property at any time. r \lIse h of the trust or revoke the trust


me name

10 be mill«l into o(lhe truSt. Unl'll«I popeny is ,tntnlly assi&»ed '" !he truSt by liUinl1he propeny in .., lltacIuncnI III the ....... As I raul!. II the time <If the pan""'" death the pI"O!)<'tIy ;. DOl I JlIII1 0( Iht patlf(If's proN!Ie aIaIe ond ~f(ft DOl $lIbjocI III Iht proIIMe pmccsI. Ideally• .otl properly <If the pan ..... it _ipod '" die UUSI UId DO probIIc pocudi"l i, _ I " } ' 01 die limo 0( death. ~kss. I JlOW"-o¥er "'ill w...1d he HCCU1ed by the truSt pantor '" deal willi ..,y mi.!CClllnCOUs ISSCIS ..1Iict1 are DOl I pan 0( the lru" Illhe lime of dealh.

Effective Use of RLTs in


M a 8<ftttI1 rule. the RLT;' "n""c"'""}' and "'" C<ISI. .««live in AbbamI. Ha.'''' >aid lhiI. ~ an: • number ohi1lll' lions whf:n, III RLT i,1 clesir3b1e, and JOOIIOI''''''' evm the pre-

r=..ct.. _

plaMin& .......

Real Property Issues II i. the lvoi<ianoe of proba!le proceedings !hal i, oIkn cited as the be>! ~as.on forwablisllins an RLT. R.... t propony. nor· mally IlWllY, SIIbjec1 '" probale pr1)Ceedin8' II doath, i. owrlCd

by lhe lrUSl. S,nce the UUSI ""'"n.lthe ~II pmpt11y, and the truSt <W"Vives the dralb of the pantor. pn:>bMe i, ~. The ~Il """,""y i. simply dillribulCd out <If the truSt via <!ted in IM)I't\antt ...ill> lbe _ of the truSt. 8ccau.. IN!.lISSClS are coouidemIlO be .....-...d by !he IfMtor for esme w I""JICI'"S die ISSCIS still enjoy the 5Iep up in bioi;' for eapilll pin< w pIIIJIOiCS ""hic:h it II:JC<IRIod to propony II dcaIh. (IRe f 1014) This ahiliry 10 InnSf... real propcny outside 0( tbe ~ process is especially .... ful in ca5eI ,. ,heft Ihe panror "",lIS real properlY in multiple SIMeS. In AIaba.n\I it i, DOl II all for iDdividuat. 10 bavc I primary fHidmce will>in this Mal. IUId also to own I cor>dominium or other vacllion propeny in a.her &late!.. O$jl«ially Florida IUId T...... &f<'C. [f tbe individual di .. ""'1Iinl ~al pr<>ptny in boIh IlalCS a primary probo!le pr1)Ceedina i. ...ary to nnsf... the principal fHide_ and other I$$tI$ of the dt«dtll~ and I ~ _'[lory. fO"Obole procccdina i, n.eccsIIr)' in the stale ".~ the VXIlioo property illocated. (Code 0( Abhama, 1 97~ t4J.S..20. 43-S-162) 8y plllcilll the rW property into the RLT. ""'lImhip 0( die propa1y in boIb lolMt'S ourviw:s !he <IeaIh ollbe graoIIIlr and DO pmbMo pmcudin& is ~ ia ~ther IWC.. For individuah ..ill> real property in many scaleS. ill; is oometi ..... found in AIM>om:o'. mln)'lItIivcduly and mimi miliwy peilOiw.,l. IIId othen who6e profeslioo>.ot life hl$1"O$Ul!. ed ill ~ in >'lIriouI SIIIeS CMf the irdividl.W'~ wortlll8 ~fetime. the advanllp: 0( avoidin& nlulliple oneillary ~ proceedi"," is magnified. "",if..:anlly "",,,dnl the lime, com· p~xily and COSI or diS\riWtin8 proptr!.y II doall>.

Free Report Shows Lawyers How to Get More Clients ..............,.. v"" may ...

C.lir._ w .y do ...... 1o'")"Ol"J ... rid! ...... aohon ..... <60000 ........... )<1\0 __ IInIQI< 10 po)" thrir 101101 .... " ... Slyo. n.. _ , .-"llioc '" A or- Wltd -...y, 00.;.1 ... . Wn, lias ..,... "'" iii.. in , I/CaI!y """"'- 10 do wid! 11-. ........ or ..... clitms, - " _..... Itotd """" Of .Ikt --"'. yo.u ,I\ot~ .


"II ful' ",01 10 _ 1 0 I,",

buIldng, Is iI'/aIIabII' to all bar nlE'l,lbeIs kll ~ rntetlngs

<he om", <V<f}' doy lho tMa """"'1 IN "'" II«flAIity """"" "ill "'" otId ..... _ 10"";"'" lit ")'1 '"Thty busi_"';11 be .. <he Ii..." ~,. limply Word 11K 11""'1 to;. .. fmal

pe.son or people yOll3le taIkllg to. tu\ yOll




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101. 1O<I<Id".;o" """ "'" .......... JIO*<'ilionor ...... _ ....,.pd ..... rq»rt, " " _ h Ct, .. _ .1i<ntI, ....·Itd "'. .. c~.... I. A ,\1.... hi> .. _ j",.td"otnI T• • • \" .. .. .... c.. ,U ~0)_1w_""'" \"ror. ,, ~i<lI ~uh _..,.




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JULY l002





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,~;,""~;, •aIso.l SOrnt btrotftts IOO.ode t~ ~ ~.lrirId dln*latlon. ~ ~ II&! WIr& IJlIck ~

Incapacity Issues A ~ >'Ilid pu~ forewblOOin,"" RLT is Ihollbili'r 10 eMU'" .......,.,menl of ... OO" .....u ill tbt: CYftII of i .....dly. While m. is nonnally me iaitiailtuU<e of !be RlT. typiaolly tho Irnns oflhe RLT dtsig ... ", . I' ........ ",.. InJlUe ,"'110 will serve in tho <:VnIl 01 death or illC~i'y. or simply b«a ...... tho ~or "" Ion," dt$iR'$ to perform the dulies of It\ISlte. Without an RLT 1ft indivhlual who betoo"u


incapoocil;!.lt(l often flCeS I probate proceedinK 10 c5r.ablilh I COftlerva,,,,,hip 10 manage m. I$.<CU. Thi. requires pe1iliDniJlj lhe prOOolC coon, nonnally with the :!o$<i~ ...1>Ce of an attOOle)', to grant lent .. of o;ort5CM'tnhip. As pat! Qf lhe: con5C1'VlIQl" Mip prtICffiIi",. the UStU of the incapacitalrd ind;viduII ",u.' be jll"<'nlQriro and [he in""nlQry m;Io(\o I pan 0( the coon ~ A bond muS! be pooled in an amouHl C<jWlI 10 tbt: va,,,,, <Yf!he individual', ~ pillS the e:uinwed annUIII income of !he QU .... (Code of Alabama, I97S 126-3-1) W'-e!he size 01 the ... "'''' i. 1orJ<'. i. i. no! roo- \be bondial C(IIIIj)a/I)' 10 iouiso. 011 joi ... COOluol of the ~ ber"ttrI !hoe conservator and


• KCOIId, OIlIn'la1rd !*1y.typiQ!ly!be.uonoey ~"'inl the COIIsnvaI<)r or • baM or Olhto- 00fp0nIC emily. Ihtrt-by ,~uinllbe CORIpluily and COSI of admini$tnl,ioo of me ron<ttV;IolOnloip. The <:OI\SeOaOOl" i. ~uirt<l 10 provide an accounting 10 the coon on an annual basi •. (Tht probate: coon may eXlend [he pniod betwlXn """,,mingo to as long as three years afler the initi.l annual ac<:ounling. See CQcJ. or AI~bama. 1975 126-5·2. 26-2A·147) Investment of the aooe1S "lid« ton~"""8Ionhip i. lubi<"<'t 1<) the direction and ",otnttion. or the probal<: courl and the Cod< of Alabama. In the ca$t or ",al proper1y. if the oon!el"VlotOf btlie>es it to be in the besI inlC~ 0I1ho. OOftSCn"IlOnhip \0 ocllthe real pn:>po""t1y. the oonocrvalOf mIlSI petition the COU/1 fOf penni ...... 10 ~ll the real pnlpCfIy and rrpon 10 the cou" at the rompletioo 01 the . . . (Code 01 AlKwna. 1975 l26-lA-lSO) All of these ~ions and public: n:vcboion 01 the inoapaci . tal«i itldividual·, ..ubi assets can be avoided if Iho. iWeU .... .11ocaI«ito an RLT. The i...apatity oIthe ~1Or ...·110 is k'fYin, as tnmec fQ\IllS in the dcsignak:d ""'"'SOl" InISlce "",,ming the llO'ition oIlnIltce. No coorl proceedings an: necessary and 110 in~ntOf)''''' acwuntinll need be made. The investmentJ

01 the lnIOI can COfIIin..e ""thou! inl<:""pK>n and if the InISt« .... crmines that . . 01 n:al pnlpCfIy i, "fpllprial<:. no coon pnmiuiOfl \Oconduc! the ",Ic i.~. E-m thou'" no row! .wprrvision i. JRKDl. the irnp.:illitd J;I1OM"" is Rill p!"C)Ie<"lCd bccalHt the " ....... _ 1nISl<:e is JUbjcct '" the mn. datds 01 ftduciary duty trquin:d by Ia",. (Code of Alabama. 1975 119.1.1 ~'u'I.. I9-H20.l, 19-),,129) A. a less. expo",i"" allnnll"'" 10 III RLT f.,.. ,ncapl1l<ity pla ... nin, _ attomeyJ all..e in fa_ of .....,11 wrinen,.......-.J dunblc p""'..... of anomey and a dunblc: power of anomey for hea lth can: .x.:i,ions. "The: ICncr.ti durable powr' of attorney aliow. the IgentlO perf"",, .11 the task' the pri ... i]>lll could pc"orm. while the dnntble powe, of auomey for health car" allow, for medial deci,ion·makin! for the l..... l'I"it.t«l prin_ cipal. Thi$ oftcn can be I JI(ICXl ~1U1iOf1; OOwtller. Alabama ha$ 110 law trquiriq the power 01 anotncy 10 be Mltt"pIt!<I by third panm. nor oancOOn< fOf ",fllSi", '" hooor it. (Code of Alabama. 1975126-1-2) Some individ..als. especially ....-y elderly dimlS. an: oulficknIly wnoemcd about the problem of pculMial incapari.y thai thry en_ a IIandby RLT and I dunble power 01 aII<Ime)' specifICally autboriunl doe .nt'o uaru(er the ,"" ... ipal·, .se\S from the pri ... ipalto doe RLT in the ,........ 01 inc:apacily. UDder !his arnmgertX1l~ doe RLT .. mai", unfpll<\cd unless. doe itldividwol bcoomes incal'l"iwro, at ",bic:h time all of the awlS of the itldividuaJ are lnInsfun:d to the RLT, thu. avoidins both CQurl supervision and the potent;al problems of third pari,,, ".. II<> n:fu.s<: to hooor tbe power or auomey.

Issues of Controversial Relationships A third $ilualioa in ,,1Iich an RLT may be. good soIUlioa. t\Ial in probate-fritndJy lWeI...,h is ... 1orn: the gno1lor .... a n:latiomIlip with one Of mot\! if\dividuals of

,,·hic:h Iho. family oIthe c;rantOf may disappnm! Jioon,iy. Thio .. Jalionship may $imply be with an indIvidual the family doo:s IIOllik Of;t may be the type of n:1.tionship i.~lfthat i, di,_ appruved of. and in fact. may be di!.a1'f'l"O"'d of and diocou,·

aged by a conn, s""h as cohabitaliQll 001 of marriage Of same..... rel'liOllshipo. Wilhoul an RLT!he family may delenni"" 10 challenge !he will of the indi,idual al!he lime of de.lh. Usually thi. challenge comes in !he form of an undue inn",,~ claim. While Ihi$ claim is dimeull lo pro'c .• 'en lbe 1h",al of lying up !he eslate in legal proc<edings is often ,umcienl 10 cause lbe inlended beneficiary of lbe deceased to compromise hi, or h", inl>tritance u~r the will in order 10 avoid !he lime. financial COSI. emotional strt"'" and l'O'$ible negalivt publioi.y, Ih.l!he will cOlllest may c",.te. While the family may see thi. as ]lOSil i'•. ;1 is oormally al odds " ;111 the intended wishes of !he docedenl. ,,'hieh!he Code and Alabama case Jaw says sl>oold be: lhe primary focus of any will interprelalion. (Code o f Alabama, 191~ f43-8·222) "The RlT 1It1l" 10 avoid thi' ,itualion. Because !he RlT i$ not 'Ubjetl to probate proceedings.. the opponnnily to contesl lhe """ is reStricled."The family h.. no inhe",nl righllo any asset of !he trust. Unlike a probattd will. the RlT i. 001 a public record document • .., !he tm". of distribulioo nttd ".,.. , Ill" made known to hoslile family members. Even in !he evenl!he RlT i!stlr is challenged. lhe borden 10 show thaI il is in viola· ~oo of..,me civil law Of case """,edenl is dimeull. if not iml'O'$ible. 10 prove. A trial COlIn i. less likely to declare. Iong_Slanding trust i",,,lid than il mighl be 10 decl .... will 10 be !he prod""l of undue inn""""e.

Problems with Revocable Living Trusts Cft'ling an RlT i'iu,l the btginning. As willi any trust. adminislnl1ion of an RlT is an ongoing proc ..... While !he lru" i, "".ted as invisible fOf lax PUI]lOSCs.. thai does not mean thaI thtft is DOIhing fOf lhe truslee 10 do. Often. clients wbocome 10 an estato planning .llomey do.., wilh!he desift 10 creale an esUle plan. !hen forgel aboul il. BUI. the RlT mu" conlinually be: updale<l to ftllecllhe CUlftnt assets of the granlOf. As vehides are boughl and .sold. they mU$! be added In <Jr ftmo,"ed from !he truSl."The same is true of ",a1 property ru>d 0I1>er lilled assets. In~u",J>Ce fOl.uch property mu" be acquired in the

name of !he truSt "'Iher than Ibe individual. oflcn with :w.k!ilional administralive stel" l'C<juiftd by the in"""r. MCII'C cumbersome: is lhe queM;on of non-litled tangible ""00,,,,1 as!e1 •. lists of langible personal property ml1<1 be conlinually updated to relleet lhe CUlftn1 ..sels nf lbe grantor. BUI. as many granlnrs .imply w:tnt an RlT Ibey can"pu' on the shelf:' il is not unu,uallo find tht trust famng into disarray in a relath'cly ohort period of lime. Jus, as the Imcmal Revenue Code l",aU the RLT lIS invisible for Ill< PUl]lOSCs. gmnlO1·,ru,11!>e$ ofien ignore !he formalilies necessary fOf a well_ru" RlT, i"'tead seeing the RlT as .imply a cover under which they Can amid p<nbato. wilhout any obligalion In comply "'i,h adminiSlmtiv. responsibilities their own propeny whkh happens 10 be held in lrust. RlTs "'hieh h".. been in exi"cnce for extended periods nf Ii ..... nflen do nO< CDr"I"""'ly ftll"'" any pan nf lbe grantor's estate. "The result is IhlIlatlhe Ii ..... of death the.« RLTs C3l1 be 1OIa1ly "·onltl ...... ftgardless of how <...fully they " .. ft OJiiinally draf1ed by lhe .uomey. Any altorney woo has prn<1iced in !he arta of tru$ls and eS!:tles for "'en ftlalivtly ,hort period' of lime can regale lbe willing w ith horror stories of the efforts necessary 10 unl.ngle est.tes which sup~sedly Weft governed by revoc.ble living lrusts.



Misuse of Revocable Living Trusts In addilion 10 i""ffccI;"e adminiSlralion of RlT•. nftcn lhe RlT itself is =3ted fot" reasons lhal do not ref1«11he realily of probato 1.'0' in Alab.oma. Many dien" ha,.. an inn"c dis· InlSl of government and couns. This distrust is rouli""ly mag· nifled by misinformation as to the naluft or probale and esUI~ "'" l.w. Unfortunately, this distruSl and misinfOJmlltion is ofton enhanced by ·'trust n>ill.:' The .. organizalioos. oormally head· qu."ered in Slal~s outside of Alahama. bold tntveling seminars on how to .void probate. MOrt unfonunale i. Ih'llhe informalion provided al tMse seminars i. designed 10 fill the "".n<ltt, with !he I>orrors of !he prob.:ttC proc<'" and the miracles th.1 RlT$ can provide. Typically, lhe presenleB then sign lhe .Iten<lee, up to o",ale an RlT. In mum lhe aUtndee lettive."

Amendments to Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure and Alabama Rules of Appellate Procedure The Alaball1a Supreme Court has amended Rules 2.2(e). 3.10. 14.3(c) (I). 14.4. 18.2, 269. 3<1.5. 32.1. 32.2. and 32.6(3). Al.bama Rules of Criminal Procedure. and Rule, 100a) and 100c)( I). Al.ham. Rules of Appellale Proce<lure. The ""ltndmenc< of lhese rules ore effeclive AuguS! I. 2002. The ordtrs amending these rules and adop1;ng Coun Cornments and Con,"'''lee Comments 10 !he", rules awar in an advance shttl of Soulhern Rcponc, dated on or about May 2. 2002. "The orders and tht 1",,1 of tht .me-nd"'tnts and the cornultn", m.y also be found al lhe Adminis",,,ivc Office nf Couns" Web s;le al """~'iIl(/Courl."'8I""'~"han8" .nd allhe Alabama SUte law library's Web site al " ... "W."'alirn:.Ml/rul~c""n8~"

-Bil", K. Cilulry,

2 46




of V.cis;"" •. Alabamn ApP<'lIme Coum

canntd RL.T. ofil:n Rcllro;ling a.. laws of a.. pmc:nu:(, I>on>c liaIe. ""Ib linle or no repnl for !he acNaI n.etds of a.. client. 'The 11\1 ... null opcnIIioa I..... departs for some 0Ihcr location 10 coolin ... iu Jmlinan.. 'Tbe al~ is lefl ""ilb a voluminous 00cu1l1O'l'll. bu. ofl¢ot is left 10 traDSf.... ~r 000'a tolled propmy ",thoul ";<'It or ,uidance from a.. __ dq>amd InISI moll oopnimioo. Eoal leavm, tiide the """""" problem of lhe: wtautboril«l prx1ice law. the InISI milllea-u iu d~ wilhoul prop<r IIlvicc and 110 one 10 lum 10 forcoo""uin, .",i,1anCe ,,"'ilb lhe: In.... "The mosl rommon lliICIic of lhese I"," mill. i. 10 painl • pic. lure of 1M p!'Ob:Ite procei~ as difficult. lilM COILIumina and ~. ~nsive . As • actl(ral rule, jus. lbe <>ppO$i'e i, 'rue in Alabo",• . Unlike ..... ny Slat.. WMRc RlTs are rom""",. Ibm: illO ~m. probate tax in Alabo ..... f'robol. fed COOl;S! of. """,II filiQJ f«. which...n..s by <;<Jull1y, bon "bleh is IIOI'1I'Ially tmdcr $100. While a.. probate rode does ""iuin< the ....... 10 RcMall\ open for • period of. IeasI ,.;~ """,IN 10 IUOOI' cn'diwn 10 make d ... ms a&'"'1>$1 tho Cil.alt. (:\..,0 wilb a ""'ll managod RlT these",1M do"," woold have 10 be paid. RcsanlleH of wMn 1M wu mode, ( ...... I97S 143-2-350) M~ oflhe elron in 1M probate procus involYH .... ina 10 !he .acheriQJ of e51MC asscu. paymcnl of dcbu and di>lribulioa of the _ in ~ ,,',Ib the ItrmS of the ....... oJI and ICStImml. "Thi. proo::csI n idcnljQ) "IWMI'T the weu pass Ihroo.<gh probate or ...hnbcr they are cont.aint<l in an


<LT. A !CCond sca", 1I.::'jc "f 1M In", mills i. 10 claim lhOi 1M probale proc<:,;s will make f'l'blie the financial .nd oil.., .«.il'$ of a.. .x.,odcnl for any.,.... ...110 wan ... 10 l"'lui",. While tho Alabama probate code requires 1M p>sIII" of I bond. lhe lili", of an invcmory and an ao<oumin. of lhe ellII. . . closing. any balic ..... n ... rillC'll will in Alabama I'OOlinely wa;'u Ihcsc rcquiremrnls. (Code of ALabama.. 1975 443-2-)1 J) Wai_ of .... ""moory.ll>d K<'OllIlIin. _ 1lw no informotioft wots ia the: JII'lI*c lile ,,'filch WOlIld 1.11 my ",ader abouI .... ~ 0( .... """te. i... contenlS or of \he: pcnonal affairs of "'" do,I!>CIe,1l. Beyoad tlw.. the: inf~",...,. 1lw a.. rudin, of wills by nosy ... ipbon i. rommon i. oimply not consi""nl wilb realilY. While indio vidual. wilh 110 VCSIed in~ in 1M cstalc mig/ll be curious 10 know tho tIc",il. of a.. will of a famou< pcr$OII. il is hiply unlikdy 1M ... ill oflM a.'.ra,. ~rsoo, even iflhat individual is w•• llhy. will be of inlc"'5"0 any"". 0I11<ido'he family of .be ~nl . II $iOlply doe> not ",fleel realily 10 suU.... thai un",IOIro panics """ linin, up al probale ,ounboo.., 10 ",ad

lhe: will< of ttttnlly ~ased ptfSOOs. In any e>'C .... because ooe never k-"l uac11y wltoon death ... ill <M:CIIt. il is _ ... all Wlus.ual1O ha •.., a "..,U dnftod RlT and yet .. ill need 10 pmeted " 'ilb probate 10 deal "'ilb....u "hiclt......., not lrms,........... 10 .... RlT prior 10 dcat;h. TN$! mills also ....!indy claim WI w,llIOonan RlT .... WC\J of a.. dcceucd ...·ilI be lied up by coon proccodillJS and left 10 !he ,,'!lions of a probaIe judge \0 do\efrnine "'I>at will happen 10 a..m. This is ~imply not tho CA$C. Alain ... willt!he bond. invenlory and """",,"Iina. a buic .....ll "Tiuen will in Alab ..... roulinely waives lhe ""iuil'C'lllClll for COlIn ,uJIC'I"ilion of lhe CSlale admin;"ralion. 'llH: resull i, thaI WM",. propc<ly written will .xiru il is not uncommon for 1M emire IIlminillraliOll of lhe u t.ote 10 lake pl~ wi.houl e>'cr havina need or any <;<Jun heann, •. No detail< of the: .i.., or romposiuon of lhe: a late need be publicly ~11od. and lhe detcrmi~ion of the: diWibulioa 01 the: _1$ i. mad< by the: II'TmS of the: will. not by the: probate judjC. foal " 'hett! ........ is 110 will ... all. il" the: inlCil.ate laws ...·bleb "",. em. IlOl lhe """hims~ of 1loe probate judjC as the: InISI mill so:mi ...... would hive y"" believe. (Code of Alabama. 1975 443·8-4{}., :U4.,

4).2.830) Pcmlpt 1M """,I OIlC'I'OOS misinformation Ih.llbe lru" mill scmi",,", pn:wldt i. a.. idoa \11-1, ooe.<hould h.:i .... an RLT in otdc, In !lave Wd. NOIhinl could he t1'KIn: i' KOI'«" 'Tbe RlT i. I£llOI'od by !he [ntmW Rt.........., Sl'Tvice duri", the: ~fe of the: pmor. As • """II. .... iacorr>e of tho RlT i. IalCd 10 !he ,.....101 as if !he _ ~ami", the: income ...-ere Mill held in .... Jf*II[Of'. name. Al clcath the RLT bec:orl>C$a 5q>WM<: Icpl coliI)'. ... ilb its O.... n IU idc1I1iflCalion number. and pay. taxes a1 1M ~ riIIle 11$ any othe, In>" or CSl<llt. Typically a..1n>11 mill claims thalihrooJgh an RlT .....It tax.,. al doalb. "l'hi. claim i. based upon a.. inclusioo in the RlT of anicl .. describin, lhe diJUibul;on of RlT asseu a, a.. 'ilM of dea.h of the """,[Of. By pauing a.. weu of a.. RLT 10 a ctodillhc:l .... In>SI. and perhaps 10 a sec· ond UUSI (the marilal. or "'QTlP" lnoSI) lhe C2JI double hi< ....... w. ucmpliOlL B.... i1 is not a.. RlT tba! .....imitts tho awe w. eM1IlJIIioIl. RIt1her. il n 1loe inclusioll of a =<Iii .11tI" tnISI "'tUch allolO"S ...... mi'tMiort of 1loe _ tax ncmplion. 'The.wM =<III. sbcller !fUll, and "'hc:n: oppropi_ lie. a marital 1nISI. an: used in I .... will and le>wncnllO ..... imile ll>e elfec! of es\ale W. acmpliOll. ulUllly ... """'" Ieso IlO$l in the draflina: of a.. documcnu. In any """nl wilb the conlinu"" incrc .... ofa.. ....10 W. aemplioo amounl (cur"'ntly $1.000.000) f.w., and f.,.,." Jl"OPle"""n nc<:d!he cn'dil ""'[1 .... lru" as a d<vicc 10 decrt .... or allOid e"ale taxes.,. often ll1e. mosl difficult client fIX ~n CStale pl~nni"8 l1!orncy;S lhe dienl who COI1leS 10 _ lhe OllOfne)' .fte, hay·


ing .,tended a InIsl mill Sl'minru-. whe", the clienl is warned againsl unlie",pulous .lIomeys and lOCCounl.3nls who migbl try 10 dissuade the dienl from ~~ali n, an RLT

Educating the Client Whelhtr the dienl has been sold the concept of an RLT b)' a InISi mill or just the bad odviu of "'... 11 .... aning fri.nd~. ~u· eating the lleW dient COI1CMTting the nttd. or lack of IIU<.I. fOl" an RLT Can be. diffoculltask when the client is predispowlto the "" .. <t"tial·· n.'u~ of on RLT. Qr.., Common misconception that drives the ir>dividualto desi~ an RLT is the mist.ken btli.f that by • ..,aling an RLT the individual can proJecl ""<tl.< from crroil""'· •. It is not unus u.l to have a lleW clienl inform the allomey lhat llIeJI ""know·· that an RLT will pre",nt cmlit"'" from successfully making doims" O$-" <l.< in the event the clienl i, sued. either for debt.< or as a result of a tori claitn. As with odt .. as~ of the RLT. when ajudge .... nt or colleclion ac.ion comes againS! 811 individual. the ."i"cnce of an RLT holding.he OSS/!l$ of the indi,·id,,"1 i. ignored for the purpose of determining the collectabilily of the jDdg"",nl or <lobo. No banier to rollection is powl by the pre<tRCe of the RLT. "The ~lI<ation of the client C8I1 be especially imf'Or13nt wben: the main n:ason for the client coming to the .Il~ i, for Medi~aid planning purposes. "The ",Ies of Medicaid eligi_ bility are comple" and ~Irict. Special rules apply to the u<t of lrusts and eligibility for Medicaid. Rumors abouDd concerning Medicaid <tizing the iodi,·id""'·, house in tbe middle of the nigbt and leaving the spouse of the incapaoital~ iDdividu.1 boIh ho"",loss and penniless. While tbe InIth of Medicaid eligi_ biHty and procedu~ i, far differen' from these rulllOl"5. the '''lII0I"5 Ie.,·. genuine rear in thedient as to what will happen. Vnfonunatdy. one rumored solution is that b)' <tlting up an RLT. the clienl can transfer his.lSSCts to lhe RLT and then be """"pted for Medicaid. Such is!lOl the case. Medicaid cortsid· trs all available .,<t1s of the ir>di.idual in dc'rnnining eligibili· ty for Medicaid nursing home as.iMaRCe. Because an RLT can be ,..voted aI 8I1y ~me 8I1d the lS$<!l$can be obtained by the grontor at ally time. Medicaid will ignore the RI..T .nd consider the assetS of the RLT 10 be full y available to the gr:utlor who applies for Mcdioaid. While the crealion oftn.. RLT may!lOl be • I",nsfe. for Medicaid disqualificalion purposes. re,ulting in penally periods. the entire RI..T will be counted as an .,,,ilable as<t1. Creation of all RLT 10 avoid Medioaid transfer ",I.s accomplishes nothin&.

Handling Existing Revocable Living Trusts Often the ""w client may come to tn.. allomey having already created an RLT.l SO"", Ii"", in the past. and seeking lhe attomey"s assislarlCe with the RLT. Thi. is especially lnIe of client' wlto h"'" moved 10 Alabama from O1bef ".'es ..·bere RLTs are common. In this silualion the ouorney muSt can:full y analyze the RLT from I n"mw of view points. firs,. docs the RLT as ..·rinen comply with Alabama law? Second. doe> the 248



tNst accunuely reflecl the .... ts of the indi,·idual' Third. i,'be RLT ,be appropriote estate planni", vehicle for this ir>dividual1 An.lysis of all of tl\es.e f"",ors mu<t he ",,,de prior to providing advice on ..·ha,1O do wilh the RLT. Assuming the RLT is in compliance wilh Alabama I.w. and tn.. RlT accul<llely reflects the assels of the individual. there is no need 10 unwind the RlT own if it may ha", been an unnecessary step in the first pi""". Whil. some ··clean up·· may be ncOOed to updale the ..signed personal property Ii" for the tl\l.'. where tbe RlT fairly represents the individual". lS$<!ts. and the individual i, adminis,,,nivoly maintaining the RLT. it remains a viable method of .. talC: planning. If ,he only problem with lhe RLT is that il was created in another stale and ""luires moditi~",iQnS to comply with Alabama law. drafting amend· "",nl.< to the RLT may be the appropriate «Ilotion. If the client has let the acli~ adntini,lration of the lru" lapse. tbe anomey needs to delC:nnille if this is boca","" the dient doe$ 1>01 desire '0 be bunlc""d with admini""'ti'"" responsibilities or whether .imply providing some basic edtl(:a· tion about management of the RLT woold resol'" the problem. Whtre educaling the dien. is. feasible SOlutiOll. the RLT can be revived for the bencfit of the clienl. In so",e C3."',. where the dient docs not wiolt to keep up ..·ith the admini'lration of the RLT. but still own< property in the ,.ale of former .."i_ tleRCe. il may be an appropriate ..,)"tion mp lhe RLT in pi""". contairting only the real property. and drafting. pour 0 ..... will for diMribulion at death of Olher as<tl$ through the InISl. or dealing with lhe pcnooal propeny assets directly throogh. ~t. lasl will and teStament. Where. the RLT does 1>01 accurately ... flect the asse1S of the client. the dient indicates an unwilling ...... 10 admini"ra~vcly rnain",in the RLT. or where ,he purpose of the RLT does!lOl "",,"ralely refl.." the realily of lhe law. unwinding the lrust may be the appropriale solution. "The altomty ~an draft" leuer fOl" the RlT records Slaling thatll1e trust is re,·<>ked. lltled propeny mu<t then ~ relitled into the name of the gr:uttor. No coun proceeding or recording of tlte ,",vocation is nece.sary. A. with vinually eve!)' eslatc plal,ning decision. i, is lhl! .pecitic. of.he case whi~h govern the approprialC:noss of an RLT. No blanut sol ulion 01" canncrl documem can be made to fit all cases. The "'l\ument bt,w ... n <!SlAte planners of RLTs versus probale inevitably will go on. But. throogh t3ld"1 analysis of tile irldividual silualion ",ther than blind adh.rence to one method or the OIher. the proper ..",ice for the elirnl can be found. •


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/IIj()W '"~41L4IlLI'%

Last October, the Alabama State Bar, the Medical

Association of the State of Alabama and the Alabama Hospital Association, with support from the Alabama Departm ent of Public Health and the Alabama Organ Center, Joined together for a statewide project to educate A labama citizens about health care directives. The LlFEPLAN 2001 campaign involved over 200 volunteer attorneys and physicians and reached over 16,000 citizens. Because of contin o ued Interest in this important topic, an informative video on health care directives has been produced. The ten-m inute video highlights the importance of having a health care directive and answers question s about the new Alabama form . A copy of the video is available by request, at no cha rge, for use by hospitals , senior citizens groups, schools and any community group. To request a free copy of the video, contact the A labama State Bar at 800-354-6154 or order on-line at Copies of the LIFEPLAN Consumer Guide and the new Alabama Health Care Directive form can also be downloaded from the Web site.


• 'Tho s..,nme c..un of AIalwnI adoptN the Marrh 25. 200l order of \be Disciplinary Boml. Panel IV. di~DjI; f(Jrm<1" Biominjl;Mm allOr1IoO)' Chartu MoMrt Poon:. III (rom tho practice of law in the Sw. of Alabama effective OcIober II. 2000. I'o<n has bo:cn JUspoen<kd from ,he pr'1iIC,ke 0( law $I",," 0c10b<-r 2 I. 1998.

In ASB 98-318(A). I'o<n was found ,.illy of ,iolal_ inl Rule. 8.4(b). 8.4{c). and 8..4(1) ImiscondUC1l. of ,he AlabamlO Rules of Professi<":INl Conduct CIwg.., "... ,., filttl and an answer was lilt<;! by~. Poore failttllO appear aI tho hcarinl of lIIis maUe •. ~ had m'"led in a COUIX of conduc1lhrouch which hc and hi, PI'f1/l<T (pn-vioIosly diUJloTcd) ~y and sysltmatically C(JIM"ntd and m~ .. ed tho fu ..... ODd property of thoir cl ....... opcnIi,. !heir ..... flf01 IIId ~yina ilS and 0Ihtr u~ ou' ofclittl' fUllds hcld in 1Mt. In AS8 00-74(8). a judgmrnl by cltflull ..... entered lIpin" ~ 00 September 19. 2001. ~""aII found guil,y of viol,'ing Rules 8.4(b) Ind 8.4(1) Imisc:<>ndUC11 of ,he AI.wm3 Rule, of Prof..",,,,,.! Conduct The undispII,ed (""IS. elIlabli,hed by tho defaull and evide",," placed of record by lhe O1al. bar. lhal ~ is lul11y of l\avinl romminl"d I criminal "'" in !ha, hc Rttivnl 5c"ltmrn' fund< belon"", 10 his cliedL Poore f<:qed tho ~ of his clienc 10 the scnlcmmt check. IIId liIoftaficr he mis~ the fund! 10 his .... n lOSe.

• Effective February 28. 2002. al\Ollley lAlle Shddon Johnslon of Dap/Ine has """0 wspcn<kd (rom ,he pnclice of law in tho Suo,. 01 AI.bama r"" 1"I01lC<lmpli~ wilh tho:ZOOO M.n&uOI")' Coo,inui", Ltsal F...dUC3,ioo ~uircmen!' of ,he AI_bama 5,3,.

Bar. lASH CLI, No. 01-251 2110

JULY 2001

• EffCClive February 28. 2002. II1QIl"Ot)' Midlad Nor"nwI i\lcloly,"" of SinniJI&Iwn bas bcca suspended from tho pncIice 0I1Iw ;" tho of AIaltMna 1O(. .;;",,,pl~ ..... 111 tho 2000 MaIIdoIory CoII1inui", Up! E· ......;;,., .rc~ of tho Alabama Swc Bar. (ASS CLE No. OI·)lJ



• Eff_cth-e April 15.:2002. I1IOtne)' U .... both lJIarlll Fosler 0( Asheville:. NC has """n .""",n<kd from tho practice of law in lbc S,ate of Alalwna for noncomplianee wi,h Rule 9 (prof... ionaii,m) of tho MandaIOf)' Con,inui", lq_1 Educa';"" requi .... menl$ 0( tho Alabama 51-0'_ B,.,.. [ASa ClE No. 01.57]

Birmin&h:un !dlOrnfIy folary Mborli"l A..- pled guilly before tho Oixiplinary CmunissioA of tho Scale 8ar 10 (.iIi", 10 n'SJ'OIId 10 ~ mjUC$lS (or inr.:.maoon (ron a diml rqardirlg tIx...... of"'" climl', procIi", QIC and ..mfuUy nqIcctin& 1 1epI mMlCr mlN!olCd 10 her. >-iOIa6OnJ U Rules 1.3 and 1.4(1). Alabama Rules of Prof~ Conducl. AfIU admincd !hal . , ...... n"Iaincd 10 repJ"C$t>l' a clien! in I O>opccr 7 bankrupIcy maU.r and ...... paid S400 for her ...-viecs. Duri", tho C01II>C of tho rcp=cnlarion. she failed '" mum ,he dien,., tele~ cal l. or OIhefwist n:spond 10 his mJl>tS1$ f"" informalion abou, tho llU!u, of tho n.."" and failttllO pursue tho mall .. willi rcll!lOllable dili ..""" on behalf of tho client. The Disciplirwy CommisMon ordemJ thai AIOO5 be susp:ndcd from tho pnctin:l of law ;" !he Stat of Abbooma f<:J't. prriod of 45 days. Hoio-"CYe1". tho DioC"IpIilwy Commisoion stay«! tho impmiIion of tho 4s-day ~ and ~ Amos on ~ f<:J't 1 prriod of 1...,)'eI'I durinl ",-bicb time sloe shall ....... odIer 1hinp. a>nsUh " iIh and implement !he m:ommmdations of \be Alabama


s.'. Law Office M~Assi<tantt ~ anend """ .........w.;.-y ""../xu "."..". m profeWonal. ism as provided by Rule 9 of tho Mandalory Conlinuing legal Education Ru les of tho Alabama Slale B,.,.. "'hich ,hall be in Iddi ,lon 10 ,he 12 hou .. of Manda,IlI)' Cornlnui", ltgal &loot,;"" required ..,nn-

ally. and file "Til",n mornhly ... ports rrgarding tho statu' of her """inued pnclice of law with !he Offltt of GoDenI Counsel. Prior discipline,.... ronsidtn'(l a< follow.: .... m<J<I r=ived a public rq>rinllllXl with general publica. lion on January 26. 2001 and on

Seplcmber 7. 2OO1.I .... S8 No. 01· 87( ....)1 Binningham allOme)' W ill iam EURene Friel . II "''''' .umrntlrily $us~nded from !he pmolioe of law in lhc S,ale of .... I.bama pursu.nllo Rule 2O(a). Alabama Rules of Disciplinary I"nxedu .... by onkr of !he Di>ciplinary Commi"ion or II>< .... Iabama Siale Bar. effeclive Apri\ 19. 2002. The ortkr of II>< Oi>ciplinJry Commission was based on. p<.ilion filed by lhe Office

of General Coon",] .,ioknc:ing .hal I'riel had failed 10 respond 10 rt<]ue<l< for informalion rrom a di>ciplinary aUlhorily during ,he course of a disci· plinary inve<1igalion. Cullman al1<lm<:y IIud 000. Hale was ... mmanly .... pended from !he practic<: of law in the Stale of Alabama. pursuant to Rule 2O(a). Alabama Rules of Disciplinary Procedurt. by onh-ofthe Disciplinary Comnti<sion of !he .... labamJ State Bar. effe<:ti,,, April 19. 2002. The onh- of the Disciplinary Conuni<.$ion was bas«! on a petition filed by the Off"", ofGon<nl Counse\ evidencing that Hale had failed to respond to ~ for information from a disciplinary authority during the course of. disciplinary i.'"e$ligalion. •

CEELI Attorneys Wanted The Central and Easl European Law hu~ati," (CIiELI). a public ",,,,ice ~t

of the .... merican Bar A.<so<:iation. seeks anomeys. with live;. y......

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generou ....ppon package. E·"",i\ .... Iison al ce,U@<lbann.orgor'i,il WK"':~I.orgkt't4i for an awl i~ation and inf""""-'i(Hl.


Memb&1S: Two ffw listirogs of 50 words or less per bar member per calandal year EXCEPT Iof "position wantser 01 -posi· tion offered' lisungs-s35 pet insertion of 50 WOlds 01 less. $.51) per additional word; Nonmemben: $35 per insertion 0150 words 01 less. $.50 per additional word. Cl"..ified oopo; and paymem 11'0)31 00 recelWd acconIiIIg to !he f~lowing publi!>hing sch8dIJle: .h.J1"j 2002 iSS' 6 tIeadlioe May 5.1012; September 2002 issoe---deaoJ line Jot.,. 5, 2002: NoYember 2002 issue-deadline Seplembet 5, 2002. No deadline extensions wi ll be made. Sero classified [0lI'l' arld payment payable 1(1 The Alabama Lawrer. la: Alabama lawyBl' Classifieds. C/o Shanno:w1 EI IiQn. P.O. Box4 1 56.~. Alabama 36101.

• fORENSIC SCIENTIST EXf'ElIT WlTHESS: B.S. J.D. fIe!JIod laIxwil1"'1' Dietl'"'" WI'" .... 25 year$" experience '" I kwlllSlC ~t ~ to.wrmy in stale, kIcaI and ,.01 ONU Addibonal skin. incIo.Qe IiliQaUon ....,.,..;..u in 01_ ouUon and de1onse. Consuttalioo and evUtion 01 foronsic mat· rers in eMI 01 <nmIIIII oases. ~ H. Yale$. 215 21S! Suee~ ~ $.!ole 200, ~ 35203. ""'"'" (871) 2SQ.6Zll E-


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12339, a....lon. SC 294T./-Z339. 1'tIone IMlI79S-7218.;I:

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• EXPERT WlTMESS: tIe-<t~taI dlsabili1leS/hntal ,etar<lidMhpeciaI ock.c>tiorVmentaI h!aPIIVroning home & Oo~'" Staf'Id8<d 01 ca<e--bpen"';tress""""" ~ MIated to Sl¥ldard oj _ is ..... in h!alth ..... "",""....-ito ogencies. Win .... A. L.,twgor. Ph.O, Fb:rIt 16201221-&115. E-mail: ~ orGy.ifIoo.CQ'!!.



• GOCUMENT EXAMINER: ~tion 01 qJtSuonod dow....... c.tiIied l..-onsic handwriting ancI doa,tnoont examner, TIwtv·!ive"fU"S· "l"""""" .. III I.. onsic <Ioa.ment p-obIoms. f<IrmrIdy. (tIief opestioneol doa,tnoon, ana!yst. USA CrimnaI lnYes1igotion L1In"aIor .... D~ lo:ertifiedl-l\8fOE. M..,..,.,..

ASOOL tAl, SADFt: NACOL RewM ..... I.. ~ ~ rQ,IOI$I. Han!; MIyer Gidioo. 2181.\errjmom Drive. AIIgulta. Goo<gia. mil Phone (7(Ii1800-426l • TRAFfIC ACCIOENT RECONSTRUCTlONIST: ~ lias ~ IHfJIllOl oa:idonb in Z3 uaw O)'I~, rtrMIS, rail,GIds nll\it'rWav ..."truttion ' ..... ioM:M'og Inds. ~ can. podesu .... , tra ......... larm ;""'"',,.,, .... ~Ier-9lll"iIIed ~ art _eel to illustr.lll! hi, 0pinions, Over 46 years' .....--..... experiencol. FItogistered prol..• si(J'IIf arvr- ..... IIlII boon! cenilication b'f 4CTAA. Contao:t ..10M (. BaleS. P.E. ToIl·h" {tIOOl 299-59SQ, • INSURANCE EXl't:RT WITNESS: Fte..ny ~ WI1nISS.


"-'"i'"fU"S' experienot in risk rnanagoment to::r'IIUIl. ing Pre·Iiling MiuatJ .... oIeposotion ..... UIII. PoIqo _agl, tapINes, extil$l, dedottiblo>. OBil>:e. agency_otion>. direct..rit!n. POI*'\' 10$$ (IrepOrlttOn, Member S.R M.C. CoolaCt!laJg1as F. Mille<. ~.' RisI:; ~ I'talB ~1995-ID)2. B~ ..- WATS (tOl) 462·f:Ql2.

• HIGIfWAY SAfETY AND TIIAFflC ENG IN EERING: fkWway iII'd haI_. ~. grade croosings, wort ....... KtiIem. """",lnJ!:tiOn, Ililt,", 10-... rtt. GE loIr. PI:. 80.< 1Z339. ~ton, South c.dino, 2SlZZ·Z339. Phone ISI3I19!;-ma f. !Nil: ~CI>'II.


• AlITD INJ URY REVIEW: Soanl...-tolied me!!icaI speciali,ts on AIabimI IOf ,,,.;ew of med· icaI !lIa!Jnfll0 mot", ~ 8!XidenIs. For defendant. Pr~ """"'ound. Avoilable kI! ....., \e$tIJ'I'01y, Phone 1256153S-1211 fa>


1256) 52S-<1(ID, [ .....,: ~""'• fORENSIC IlANDWRmNG & DOCUMENT EXAMINeR: TWI!!1ty YM'" _ _ .. docu~1 ......... liOOl; !e<!ilied .. rou" iII'd , * . aI C(OJI1$. IIt\lr«I _ ~lS HOmonOI' iII'd discipline ctm, AIa/wI'II ~! 01

Ftnnsic SciencM. I.'oe!T"M, IU~ DoNn!rtl Seruon-Iunencan AtatIemy of Forens~ Stientes; SouIhNS1em ~ 01 Forensic:!.loo.menI El!arniwo; Soudan Asscr:Iaoo. 01 Fo!Ins-i!; St*!i$t~ AJoboma Sial!! Assoa.1IIln of Forens>c Stienl:ft ~oskIoml. Co!1tac! Ridwd A.Ropeo-, "'.0" 195e iJauoPl Rood. 1,.1, Mo!1!gOm111\' )3\16.


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