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On the Cover.

ALABAMA LAWYER Vol. 64. No.5 I Ju ly 2003

Millbrook, Alabama 111< 00'·" pOet"", i, of C",,,,on' \..01;:0. On " ,\>ow I:Il<. ...or .... AI. twn. R,,·., in M,lIbroo1:. E l _ C(I[l.'y. Ab bama. I, Ii<, !be eM' of II,. Rob<n T... , J""" GolfTrat l 00Ilr><' Dn r 1'm".,I1".

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Reflections On Ethical Issues By Ralph D. Cook


The Putative Father Registry: Behold Now the Behemoth !A Cautionary Tal al By Shiriry

DI,rb)· l/ow~1I


2003 Laade~hip Conference


The Robinson-Patman Act The law of Price Discrimination By C/inllm C. C",",u and K.." M .1<>hMll>fl


Montgomery Magnet Schools Sweep law Day Awards


legal Services in Alabama to Unite


IOLTA Rule Change


Alabama law Foundation·s IOLTA Program Gels Good News From U.S. Supreme Court



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July 2003

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LilWYl'l'S IIl'ndl'l' SCl'vin' " " IlIl"lIrlllS " 1111111' plIlllIl" " TIIIIII'III"III"SSIIlIl


Alabama State Bar President Fred D. Gray of Tuskegee chose as his theme HLawyers Render Service and issued a special invilation to alilocel and specialty bar associations to join him in this statewide positive public image campaign. H

The Alabama State Bar has developed a series of logos that will be used on all bar co rrespondence. in all publications and at any bar event during this year. Your bar association is invited and encouraged to participate in a similar manner. Please co m plete and ret urn the form below to receive your own association's personalized logos to use for this purpose. Association Til le _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


__________________________ __ _

City/SlalelZip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Contact person' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Telephone _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E-mail _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ RETURN FORM TO; Susan Andres, Alabama State Bar, 415 Dexter Ave., M ontgomery, AL 36104 o r e-m ail in form ation to sandres@a/


ftM D. Gtoy

The President Reflects On a Momentous Year As his term as Alabama SIG te Bar Presidelll draws to a close. Fred Gray recently spoke with Robert Huffa ker. editor of The Alabama Lawyer. abOIll how tile past tell mamlls hal'e been. The Alebama lIIwyar: Fred, you·", .""m th",.q_1S GIllie way through \'OIA" w nure as bar pnosi"nl

because there are <>100 ~15OIl.'l o f color ... 1>0 are ...en able 10 be presidonl of lhe 5t.t~ bar.

tlas ~ baen as lime consumi~ as you afllicipa\ed ~ would be?

Gray: I an!kipa!ed it would be time co."uming. and i! has been ""ery bi! of Ih.!! AI.: Much mo,.lIran you axpa-cwdl

Gray: I am not 5u~ il was any more Ihan I expected btcause 1 have a be.vy s~aking, .ny· way-panicularly durin, Dr. King·s I>oliday in January and Block History Mon!lr in F.bruary. BUI i! has been nons!<>p from lbe rime I became president up 10. and ;""Iudi"g. being in Hunlsville. on n.e.sday. Judge Wi lliam SU:de in"ired me!o come down and urcnd greetings on be half of!he Alabama Sta!e Bar al his inveSlitur<: in Mobile. II was a wonderful occa,ion. AI.: AI the first African·America n president of the $Ta" ba., do you lab p,id, in Ihataccomplishmem?


Grey; I pride;n 1M S<"nse ,hat I am glad !Ir.1 il has occurred. I was noI inINe<!ed in becoming p~5i. denl iusl !o berome 1M filS! African_Ameri<an I>«au .. !here"",. and been. ,,"ISlanding Afri<a.· Ameri<an la"')",,, wl>o are members of Ihis bar si""e the fi"l one I>«ame a member down in Mobile many )"'aIS ago. But some pride in it and I am gJ3d tM.I ,he barriN or least has been brok.n. I hope wre "'ill he nlany <>Ibers "'00 "'ill come and be presidenr 212



AI.: Ha •• you wibt,sslil mOrt in.olvemem by miRori · lies in bar ICli.ities?


Gray: I solicited mott of the membe" of the bat generally. and minorities in particul .... As pre,ident-elect. I inviled.11 presidonu of 1"",,1 and sped.lly bar a$$OOiauO<l$ 10 bar headquan .... to dis_ cuss plan. for my bar)"'ar and 10 receive rheir COIlcerns and suggesti"" •. 'llIe cU!Tenl president-e1<:<:t is follOWing Ihis procedure. I . Iso wrote alon.r 10 mino.-_ 'IY members of tbc bar. partic ularly those of color. and ;nvirrd them 10 ~ome down 10 Orange !koch ""hen I became president I ",.nred 10..., them involved in every1hing thJl lhe bar is doing. l1Iere w>s. time when things we~ I>Ol as <>pcn as they am now. I ...anl_ ed IMm 10 berome .'ery ar!i.'e and not lel!he balhal some doors may I>Ol have been <>pOlled in lhe 1"'-'110 interfere with lbeiT participation in 1M $l8'" bat. M.ny of wm!o Orange Beach and tnany accepted various positiott.<-I believe e ... rybotly I appoimed has """opled a posiliOrt------<ll! .-arious task forces or commiu«s. W. have mott di"e"ily on .11 lite commit· tees and lask forces than"", have h3d in tbe p.1SI.


AI.: Wltat sltould 1Ir, 1Nt, do to contin u, 10 ha •• involvement from a more di.erse membership. a nd the i"nio, memb,1S of Ihe bar, as well? Th'" hIS bftn criticism tIt.t young" members 01 " .. b... re not Of acti., as tltey should be.

G~.y: One o(!he lhinp IhaI I have boefI $;IY,.. all ..... is thai one 0( IlIe ~ of my ItIlure ~ yt:,. has hem 10 be ...... IhaI ~ re.>lly is d;'''''''Iy in Ihe mt< b.v. When I .pra!: of di""r.. ly. I'm talking .bool gender. nl<e. geographic reg;"". 18<'. and Ihe ",bole pmbiI. I :.ppoiRC«I a tasI: f(Xtt on divn$,ly in Ihe prof~ IhaI "'lIS co-clWmI by former J""~ It .... Maddo:II ofllle AIahwnI Sup:w>o C:ut and f _ (".onl'llOl' AI"" ... lire ..". and vice co-chai ..... by pasl presidonl Warren I.ighm"'l ~JId J . M ...... n 1>'~,·ls. lllal wk forte divi<ltd il..lf inl0 aubJroups and did :an tx",litru job of looI<inil 01 Ihe probitnu. WlC'llsoi", IOlulionl. and making recommendalions for sbon-1CmI and 1onJ·1CmI .101",,,,,,,. They wm: ""Y ~ ihoIlhe IIo<ord 0( Bar C~ do ""'"' _ &ive bp InVICe II) w"",ily in Ihe profCMion. II sIoould look III '1SC1r. llIeR . . 60 .... rnIJm on .... 80anI al Bar Commi1.sionM; ~ is only one

Al: HI" die CoawnissiOftl" ..... lonnIllllClion ift

.......... ID 1M NiIOfIInIIII !tIi. talk " ...,,?

Gr.,,: They lIX"ll'ed lhe roc· QI1l,,,,,Jldalions. and Il:.d" bin d rafled.nd inlroduced. which i. culT1'nljy prndi", in lhe itil' islalu",. AL: Is dil INI. 1"I'fOCl"" .ny

IIlbtf lttisJ.,," ~Is ~uri ... dHs session? G~a,,: 1k-re i. anodwor bill Ihallhe bar is s"",,"";ng. House Bill 83. which deal. wilh lhe conlinuance of me bo<Ird of bar tuminers and i. a pari of me f()Ur.yoar aunst. ",vir:vr


Al: WhM did "'. cllflSid.. 1M ....... 01 .,..... Illmin.sulti00l7

Gray: UrWy<:t'S Render Setoi«: ...... ice 10 dimts. ....... ice IQ \he public and servi"C to .... profes.iorr. I reo.Iiu thi ....."'" i. IlOl new. it is old. and il i. wlw 11"'yt:" have Iw-n doinS 11111Ie Ii ..... It i. II"" what "" IS II",ytn are .",om 10 00. There i. a public pr",eplion lhal1 .... y... do 1>01 .Iways render sef"'ice. During thi. bar year. "'" ha ... focused on !.wyen ",ndering servkt-. Tbert ",ill be ..,mirws lillie con,,,n,ion in JuLy on the Ihe..... I hope thai $UOOt$SOI pruidrnu and rommissionors w,lI conu ..... !be lbe.....

AL: Whll i. 1M IdaII 01 !tI,1NI.7

PmJ IJ. Oro,. p"sid<~'. ~Ni /01".0"', ....111 W,II..... Cia ... p...,id<~'.

Gra,,: FiIWlC~lIy. I lhink me bar i. in e."C11enI condition. II ;.1 5(lf. filWlCing .\13.'0 agt'1'ICy with .11 of our ~nue romi", fro", ()u, members. The bar does IlOl deprJld upOII fund, fro,n \he I",. ilia,""'. How.,'eI'. "'e may be romprlled 10 CUI back. aJld ,I is hoped thai i, have • tlevast':l1l", dft:<:1 on Ihe ....... ices pr0vided by lbe ba-. From a ...,...;,;. poilll of vievr. Lthink ,," ha .... """Ilent propams thai cover III .., of Ihe prof~. The Commi......... m:en~y ....horiud Ihe cmrIion oil new KClIOfI 01'1 *W'11lie ~. The Iq.aI profession is p;IuaIly dIangi",. T~ is pLayin& a major ..... llhinll: OIl< ba.- is "" the~· Ii", edge of being ....., !hili our .... mben are at.-ea.I al this '""" lochnology. The matter of mulli·pracllce jurisdiction is 1IfIOlher ,... tter thai bars ""f'OII.S 1he ....1ion an: confronting. I lhink Alaban .. i. prepared to ...... llhc cl>:lllc",~. I think "'e 1>:1-. 0" Vlcd1en•• dedicated.. hard· ...orLdn. ""fl", fu:ocuti .... [)in'ClOf Keith Nomwr :and I ~"I .....,m", ",laOOMhip. Ed I'anenoII, .. "" ..... dim:lor. and Thny McLaiIl, ,.-nenI COlIn!ICl. ronIo- II) do a $Upefb job. Mo»! impooumIy. tht bar ;. rendorin& service 10 iIs .",,,,be.s. lbe pn>kuooo aBd me .,..""....,~y.


<1t<:t• ....,J /01 .... CIa,k

prnon of .... and IheR has neYef bccII ""'"' Ih:m one pa><>n of color """""''' Ihe same lime. I "'...... fil$l one in 19'80; l:.rndIine Saw and J. Mason Oavil wm: Iaotr elrntd. and __ Anthony Josep/I i. a .... mIIer. So we have Iwd four miooriIics ""ho lIave s.:rved. bullhey have all ~ III <liff",",nl limes. There are only 111m! f,,,,,,1e< on me C<)I'I\fIlission. :and all Cornmi .. i",,,,n an: ove, 40. Therefore. me lui; f(Xtt "''lIS con· =ned aboul impnWi", di...."..ily "" Ihe CommiS$;"". A"""" othrT thinp. tht wi!. fOftt I'tt<InIlI"Itndtd 10 Ihe IIoanl of ~ COIIIfItIOlionen iliac. in addilioa 10 .........y Ihe ".,,,,beos OR' cur· mlily el«lcd. .... CoonrnisOOnm requw the



arntnd the Iaw ..."hid!.....wd pmvicIo f<Ir leIIlII.1arp: posilions. I'enono nomin:llcd by crouPS of Iawyt:B. and uhima~ly el«wd by the fIoard alB,. Comm,ssloo>eQ. _Id fill . positionJ. A commince "-as :.ppoinu,d 10 dnfl Nits and .-quia· lion, SO lhallhose posil;on, wouki be fillc<.l by prnon. ",ho wouKJ i""re_ di"nily on Ihe Commi •• i"". i""looi",. bul nol

h'"'' •




IlOCC. II"nder. age :and ~ic "'pan.

AL: HI" you ....tlll Iny oIh....... lo.en duri"l four .lImin·

iI,ra"o"? Gray: I a ppointed a lask force 011 an Alabama La ... y.... · !tall of I'a ..... I'aol Presid e., S.mueIIl.UIIWr.. I hi.torian. !Ie ....... IS


n.c taSk fonoe made a TOpon ", the B<>ard of Ba:

Comnti",onc ... and !he board appro''e<\ tlltir recommcnd.ttion to .,..ate an Alabama Lawyer', Ibll of Fame effective in bar year 2003-2004.

.led from Seattle. WasIling.on to Key West. Ronda and from !he Virgin Island< to California.

AL: And p.obe bly pe rts 01 Alabama you hadn', seen Hfo ...

Gray: Yesi AL : WIIel i$ Fred G•• y, the la wyer. going to do when "fOur !eno il owtr?

Gra y: What I wou ld lik, 10 do i. go someplace. rest for tWO or thru

V<""I, A ....",., p'"id,~'. A.."ic"" /Jar Anod"""". """ C"ro! aod rmi 0NY a' 'h, A.... noon /Jar ",,,,,,u.,;.,., Analnll Mwla8 In l\!J,hing''''', DC. A.g",'


mooths and ...·rite ano1her book. Ho·",,·.r. Fred Gny. the lawyer during this wl>ol. year. has . 1,,, car_ ried. full trial practice. My "mce S1aff and my pan""rs h.,.., boe-n very

ron,itkra," and helped to make the load lighter. f"mi O. Gray aod ,,,,. p<fXI.«, <lCIoI;mm-I Witboul lheir help. 0.." Q' Lowl,.. "cad'lnk />/"!"" I could no! have &haQI. 1M Ji'" w.-I Groy "ilildo mode ;t through 11",_,2001 1his year. Se ..... ing as 1he 126!h pre.ident of the AI.bama State Bar has bttn • great 00n0r and a wondctful ex!"'ri.""" . I am confident that lI ill (.la rk and succt"SSOf presidents will con1inue'he work "r our grt.l as...,.,iation. and lawyers will oon,in... to rtndtr "Ni.,.,. •


D< J"" .... /.n. rid D. ONY and Or. fh"jomln PuY'_ a' ,,,,. Whi"hao<... Inl,u.'I~ on mstanoolly IJIIrl CQl1'"l" ,,,Ill U";,~,..;,~•.

&pt'aoN' 1002

AL : He .... you h.d I ny cOn1lclwilh your coun1~'pans in other ba, ....oci· alions?

Gray: On lhe n3tiOllal seenc. the St.te bar pre.>ident is a memb.. of tilt Na.ional Council of Bar Preside"lS. It ",,,,,isIS of all bar ..... sid<;nl$ across .he country. and is a part of!he Americ,n Bar Association. n.c Council """,.s .wke. year.nd is g~rned by an E.:<oxu,ive Council. ~. year I was elected to ~rv. as a member of !he E.:<ecmi,. Council for a three-yea: te:m. So. for the next two Y'''''. eve" after 1 am 00 long.r pre.>i· den,. 1 will continue to be. member of lhe E.:<<<uti,·. Cooocii. I h.." tra" 214



Inc/add abwt an" Chhf JINlj. U. W. CI"""""". R", f"mll. SIJ."I•....."rth """ P""iMnr Gray Q' 'M Birmingham eMI Ri, lu, /""i,uu Human Ri,Iu, Din"" 11"",_, 16. 2002


Publications Order Form The Alabama State Bar is pleased to make available to individual attorneys, firms and bar associations, at cost only, a series of brochures on a variety of legal topics of interest to the general public. Below is a current listing of public information brochures available for distribution by bar members and local bar associations.

Brochures To Serve the Public

$10.00 per 100

01, _ . __

· .. Highlights and details of bar public service programs from the TO SERVE THE PUBLIC video presentation.

Law As A Career $10.00 per 100 Qly _ _ ' _ __ · .. Information on the opportunities and challenges of a law career today.

Lawyers and Legal Fees $10.00 per 100 Qly _ _ • _ __ · .. A summary of basic legal procedures and common legal questions of the general public. Last Will & Testament $10.00 per 100 · .. Aspects of estate planning and the Importance of having a will.

Qty -

Legal Aspects of Divorce $10.00 per 100 · .. Offers options and choices involved in divorce.

Qty - ' - -

' --

Consumer Finsnce/"Buying On Time " $10.00 per 100 Qty _ _ ' _ __ · .. Outlines important considerations and provides advice on financial matters. MediationiResolving Disputes $10.00 per 100 Qty __ $ _ __ · .. An overview of the mediation process in questlon-and-answer form . Arbitration Agreements $10.00 per 100 aty _ _ $ _ __ · .. Answers questions about arbitration from the consumer's perspective. Advance HesUh Care Directives $10.00 per 100 Qty __ $ _ __ ... Complete, easy to understand information about health directives in Alabama. ACRYLIC BROCHURE STAND $ 5.00 EACH Qty __ ' _ _ · .. Individual stand imprinted with attorney, firm or bar association name for use at brochure distribution points. One stand per brochure is recommended. Name to Imprint on stand: Mailing Address: Shipping & Handling

S 5.00


'- -

Please remit CHECK OR MONEY OROER MAOE PAYABLETOTHE ALABAMA STATE BAR jor the amount listed on the TOTAL line and forward It with this order form 10: Susan Andres, Director of Communications, Alabama State Bar, P.O. Box 671 , Montgomery, AL 36101


~ . ;o,B . _

The New Alabama State Bar Exam .t... this nIOI1!h. the July 2003 tw eum will bt administe~."The .... amin.tion will he difftr_ .n! fron> previoos .... ams in se,..,ral ""peets. Rrst. thr nominati"" will he .prtad (lV"r two and. half d:ly. instrad of thrn:. Second. insttad of ,ho Alabama .... y con.isting of 12. 45·minute e.say. e"'"tring 5i. subjecu' . the new essay wiU con.i't o f . ix. JO.minu,,, dealing with one $ubjocl--<: ivil litigation . Rnally. the ""w exam formal adds the Mu l!i·,tate Essay Exam (MEE)' and the Multi· .... ", ""rformat>Ce Test (MPT)' while "'taini ng the: Mu lt; state Bar EUm (/,lB Er that has """n;n uso in Al.bama .ince the rarly 1910.. We become the 15!h "'!e '0 uSO the M El'.. and the 30th Stat. to ~so the Mf'T. Forty-eight stat.s now uso ,he M BI'.. "The new oxamirunioo form.u .... .. the ",sui, of ~ thorough ",,·iew of lhr 1I~I~s (jq,-rm;ng Adm;";",, It) 'ht AlaOOn1(I S/(!I~ Bar. Conctms !\ad been raised by bar offo<:e1"S and bar .~ami ...... aljk~ about lhe: work·1oad of the bar uaminn$ b<>:;auso of the incrta.'ling number of applicant. seeking admission to the: bar. As a eon«:. a di\"erse .... k force of ~n l and f",,",,", bar ex.mi ....... bar membct"> and the deansofall (".., law ""hool. in Alabama wu appointed in 1997 by stale bar I'rt<iden' ])"g Flu"",,. The !.Uk f"",e. headed by Robert l'ul l< of Jol"",,,,,,,. concluded tha, "hanges "'..,... needed !o .ru;u", the rontim"'" quality. fairness and impart i. lily of the bar examination. "f'"heso <hanges.. as noted abcwt. wo", aJlpt'OVed by the Alabama S!3/£ Bar Boanl of Commi ... ioners in October 1999 and the Alabama SUl""me Coon in May 2001. "The ""l""nlO coon·, foll~ an ex lensi\"e «>mment period (fron> May-~rnber 2000). "The new bare"'mination rules become eff«li\"e this July. llledeci.ion to u.. the MEl'. and Mf'T mad< it cltar tha, !he Alabama essay portion of tbe bar .... am neWtil to be moo: rigorously d<:\"eloped than in the past. Constquen')Y. in the summer of 2001. Ed Gen tle. chairof the Board o f Bar Eumi,...,.. (B BE).




21 8


20 0J

Os ,.., 8f1)·d. who hu h3d a long hist"'Y of inV<)lvement with bar .... ams both .. memhe. and chair of tit<: B BE and ... board member of the National Conf.",,,,,. of Bar Exami ...... (NCBEI. Iluro(hy J ol",. o n . the bar·s di""'lor of admissions. and J ...... t wilh "'~ntati ..s of the Auoo m Universily Cent<, for BDsi,.... and Economic 1X'..,lop ...... n' (Center) to discuss our no«! to develop an essay exan,ina!ion (Of tbe Alabama ~g ...... nt of the bar exam. We ",k<d the Center to ..... ist us !)r.cauSf of the:ir experience in developing profes.ional li~nsing tosts. When we d iscuss«! 'his project wilh the Ctntrr. our K<>a) ".."s twofold. Rrst. w. want<:d an Alabama .... y exam tll3l woold hold lts own with ,he n.tional that w~ vlonncd to "so. Second. ~ ",·antt<.! an e xam that woold be a fair and obje<th-e ...... asu'" ofan ... mi · nee·, compe""'" in the: .. I«tw practke art • . "The first ,ssue tha, had '0 be :oddress«! "·as ... I..:t_ ing the appropriate are•• to he tested on the ncw Alabam. essay. Aft •• discu ... i"". with vas' and pore •. ent B BE membe1$, the Ctnter helped d<:vclop and 3dmini,rer a co,""';ng 39 legal pra<:tice ""'.. tha, "'"as SOn! to 2.500 with thrtt to . i,· experi.""". Roughly 25 pen;e nl of the lawyors $ur_ \"eyed ",.ponded. The $U"'..,y resulls indi<al<d th.t the principal pra<:tice area DOl e01lem] by the: M EE. Mf'T and MBE. bot critical for a ncw lawy .... wu pleading and pra<tke. With 'his informalion. the C.n ter help«! uS de_i.., • st ... tegy to de,..,lop a subjc<1 malter out· Ii"". FollQwing ........1 meetings facili"'tod by the Ctnt~r with law s.chool ",pore..,ntatives. past and prc.S_ . m bar exami ....... and uperi.D<W trial auomtys .• n Alabama Civil litigation Dutli ... was de\"eloped. ",vi...:! and finally appr<Ww by the BBE. A. "'<lui"'" by the now admi .. i"" rules. the civilliti_ gation ootline was comple!<d by June 1. 2002 and .. n, to all Alabalna law schools for disscminati"" to thinl. law students. For the first 'ime ••• a m;neeo .itting for lhe: Alabama bar exam have • specifIC: ootline for the



Alabama of .... f~om. TIlt (JIll~ne is poMIId 00> .... bar', Web..u.. ........~ "'J. undor ~AIIrniMion$.~ TIlt 1i...1de-<elopmenl ~ of !he ...... A"nII eI$IIy ~ last fall. ThO. has ullinwoly _llMk<I with !he actual .se-,,,k,p"IC'u of a IMnI< of e.umi... tion queMionl ",it/I approprilOle trorin, luideli"",. 'fllI, Cell",,' ~ doStly with thrff puocb compri~ of Ii •• tn eight exptnenud lriol allomey' from ""I"IW .... Ill"" to de,·.1np "" • • am syl · labul . critical queSlion~ .. a/ld pnlCn· lialtopics (or emy quelt;ons . Tn bo,;n ,,·Ith• • ""h I"'nel of trial attor_ 1"1<")" ""all .... iped Iwn lOpIC> from the oi.·pan ""Iline and I"I"ICl "'8ulorly in Moo>lJOI"Of'Y (Mf" the COUll<! 01 ei&ht monchs. Duri.., the liB! of these mee1. inp. the puocl mtmbe1"S bnJMonrotd 10

cenenle and mUle entia! ;11";""'"1$ and oit..-innalloWllliooJ for .........;"1 the lOpoCH o\..,"'" by the liuplion out· line. 'fllI, 1"""'1. 1M" ...... to m'iew!he """... rint they IlId pmoiously de-<tlopcd 10 ......... tNI 0 01;11 $<t1Wio rove,..,,) their

ou,line lOpO<:I . was rtaliSlic. lCCurat•. UllambiI:UIlU'. f"'" from bias. and appropri.te for an AI.moma atlorney to handle 0fI hi, or I>cr lirs! doy " f pract;c.,., the ""fWioo wm: pul tocethcr. !he panels dcvcloptd the responsoe SI:Indanh for tho K(If\", ptOtt$< for .""h < '" be ta5Od. 'fllI, ""flOUC IWldIIds '....... de-<tloped fOf thrft oncbor points ... o pM of • lIIM1I·poilll rotin! ..... Th< ""andIor poinlS~ ..... IS ·d.·arty II~: ·d.arly accq:ubIe' and 'clearly ... per;or: S"""lllntOUSly ,,;th...., panel' m'M:w.•adI uaminatl(lll 'JI"SOOn and oocoml"*'yinl inwuctiofl .... re uamintd by. I;nlui~ic expon to mal.",re there "·.re no • ..wl dislOI1iOOls 1M mighl undermi .... ,he ICSts' validity. TIlt panels. with wi.tanc. from cu,· renl bar ... m,nns. oonduetal. final ...... iew of e""h qo.oestiOOl In provide. for_ mal nt,nl. IOO,.iIlu.l p;u>el ..... mben and ex.mi......, fMed t",,11 based 1)11 fOUl" cnkril: "'........... tho queslion ..... job-rtlMcd; the extenllO ,,"hieh the ability 10 ...." ..... the questIOn di~in· ,1I;..tIes bot"""" Ie.-cl' of MmpntDCt io !be job of attQmey; the q ... lily of !he qllel;l'oo>; and the •• tem lhe k'-'Ied", ""IU;"'" (or each oulli~ ,opk ",-ould be ...".,uary for ",spoodin,to the queMiofl. The ron.1 slep ,n the prepar>lioo Oflbe Guel,ioos "'., a Ma'iSl>eal an"lysis of the Guesti"" "'ling~ ....:~<ary U) ido"'ify



lhoose aca-pIable for inclusion in the Alalwnl eosay KClion of the bar exam. To the rcqui"'klXNllent .-alidity for


... ~ bar q~ion.. all me (01"",.,.., t"QI\d ••ioM had to be mel: ~

a. the



be at

lQIcd by the question


nw:ckralely helpful;n

perform,,,, Ihc job; b. the queslion multl\lll be ",ltd OS bo;Nd by any .,.....1 member.

c. the quel.liOOl must recei" •• n ",crage flIting nr ""good" or be"o" aM d. llle quet liOOl muS! bejudgcd 10 N.-c the capacily In di'tin,"i'" """"'g a ........ '" and JUperior level. of knoIo,'ledje of ex:urnnces. U ....... tho _

tumifl3lion (om\l>~ ",11_ the ME£. MPT and tho AlabamI ~y aaIII. Thnse nami......,tcOrial the MEE and MPT will .tteOO lrotn.n, sessions fol""""'g each Idmmiwation of the bar cum CQnduc:ttd by the NCBE to f""'iliarize them ""Ill the scorinl ,"ideli ...... rali", scales and procedu .... ror lhese examS. Lik.wi!<:. bar uami .... rs scoring lhe Alabama cS$O>y will receive limil ... illStruction condueted by the Cente'. The de-<tlnpmnLl of die Alabama esAy (OnlpOl,uK oflllt bar exam has bttoI a Iobori<:u and b~ process.. v.'c ""'" a beo, ... odous debt LO tho many bar~umo......,

Iawycn ..110 ~ uttn .,..,. III m.:.. dJ.,.,. LO mob Ihc ........... a bftr and btatr ..........., of profcssiooal .......... nce.. 11uc who S01"Yed on Ihc q"..~ion .se-,~

".,.., ....... de!<:n-e porucular =diL ftt thc nurnt:ftlII5 trip< '" Monlpnory ",....n: with " .. of their panels and their individual ~ions 0 0 _ panel rnec<ings. The panel nlt,nben included, 1It,......y 1I0ker. lliomifl&ham; J a""", llnodr<>nl. Hinnlnghluu: IIntl CuJem,m. Birrningl=l: Ttrry 0." ,10. Mon.goonrry; 1),0.1<1 Ooolllldsnn. mominghluu; Mic"haeI Gmion. Mnbile: 1),0"... II""" IoI(,nl'O.".ilIt; T.....y MU ..... BimIinghatn; Morinco; MorIII'lIJICI)'; IoWoolm 1'In>m:m. Oocluol: RkIsard Qp. BII1JIin&ham: .;ddlt I':arbr. MonIgorn••y. Lt" .. ...... BIfIIlInJham; IIany RopI· .... Birm.ngham; o.n1<l Rains. Jr_



T~ lI~mId

,,-stint SbObit!r , Birmingl>arn:

Slep! ........ 11o'.... "'IIe; Gmt StUlts. Hirmi"""",,; IJsa Van Wagner . Monlpt>l'fY! no... W~lk ... Birmingham: Jot \\· h~I" y. momin&J;am; and Tommy Zltn",n. Mot>ile.

Ou, iDllOl.-cd ..... u...,; ..... incllllie; Amy 8o"·m~n. MonIsomcry; Sle.·. IInckin. DoIh:afI.: IIi... f..d .. ards. IhnmQi/ll>m: I~honh lI~mbl"ft. Mobile; no.1d 1I)1.... r. BinniJl&lwn; T.mano Johnson. B,,,".ngham; Wunn MatM,,,,. Montcnmtrr: Jack Siu>rmIlII.. Birminlflam: JI". SmlLh. Mohi"'; An ... Sun.bli". Kifl)lOO>; and lI al Wf:SI. Birmingham. I oho rcropoilC ...., Center Slalr who N'''' helped diftClthi, project from tho 5llIt'l iueluding the C~n""r·. dil"l!Ctor. Ik

""'hert"" A. JlId<sno. and Ik

John G. V.res, III. Ou, ""*,,t supervi..".. l.eslie McGloun , who is. lawyn. hasll)ilt<l on tlu.< .,..".." ........., pmjec1 staIJ .... iswtts Cyn thil ~."""", ... and hili W...... ed. Th< expmiJe and p>dantt "'!Wh l.tslit and .... Center', projoc"I Loam h,.." ....... dcred .......,. thai the AIabamI ewlY pan of the boor 0 .... ",illlLOid ill ....... with its

...uonaJ 00UI'IItI'"J*'. the MEE. In ( Iosiroa-I noLc that the irnpIemrnIaof the adn~""'" mlecflan&es promul. pled by the ~ coun has been • Herculean wk . Ed Oatlle has ~h"lA .. ,<bI thi~ procw from !he Start. His ron.sight. 1eadm.hip and ~ .... "" allowed ftt. SfIlOIMh uan,ilion (rom tho <lid """'" 10 the ....... one that will be IIdrninislrred in • fr:w ",,,,ks. Ild·, prnooal irtIIcsLmmI of time is incalculable. .., his st>eadf........ and focus ~ ~ lIS II) make m.:.. ~ ..,.., f""" o;t;,rupLionL I am pIused LO IqIOfI thai. in t=lptILlOft of his ....n: as cn.;, of the Bcoonl 01 BII' Euoninen; and thc impbnmt.ooon of thc """" boor cxm>. thc a.-J ofCoonmioJionon has awarded Ed Gentle the Abbama SLate BII' Award of Merit for 2003. The pn;iCIl .... iOOl ofthil award ... ill be II'IO<k at this )"ar', annual moeti", in Mot>ile. • lIOn

Endnotes _ ...... _ _ IJCt; _ _• _onI"-'-'_onI _ _


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1. lho loLll . , _

_ _ __

_ _ _ onI .... '.

--..---~­ _ _ .... _ _ _

J lho _


4, lho ... . . ...


. ". . . .



and Baldvoin Coun~ieJ Beoch &; Bar has givt1l its iiI'$! HOIO..,II T. Heflin Award c" fonnor U.S. Scn.~or and fortno!r Chi.f Jusc;"" of Che Alabama. Suprtmo Coon It owell T. lIemn . l1Ie award

• Tbe


MOOi~ 1ri.tJ:&I1Om<)'

J_ pII M. 8ro"" bas bttll


named !he 2003 L1w~, in R~i<Ioncc oc Cumberland School of Law. &Imfonl Univcrsi~y. fxh year. the Law~. in R~iok""" P'OI"'m lttO",i~ the accott1. plishmoncs of a Cumberland grodu.", by inviling the honoree to spend tWO days speaking to dan<"S and

will be pr\"$CntW from ,;mo CO cimo CO diotinguisbed 1.wye... and judld "M ha,.., JerVCd !he peopIc: 0( lbe Alabama and !heir profession willi ho>nor MId inlt&ril)'. l1Ie award was ...... 10 ScIWOr lkfIin ... !he --.u T H<fI... Gnnd H<vl IC Clear on Oeccmber 6. 2002. dminllhe 14111 Annual IkndIIi. Bar Conf..-efltt.

"",,"ling willi s(u(lenlJ.


A I13!h-e. B""'·n is • momber of !he Mobile finn 0( Cunningham. Bounds, Ylrn.

er-"dn" &; B..,...,..

• Ktrry 1'. Melnt ...., ....·;lh SiIOle II. Penoou. PC. " "as ~Iect.d by !he o..f.,,~ ~h In<ritulC

Young L1wycrs· Section 10 _ ucheir n.atinnal;"" Uai"", Sutr-Commiw,... and al.., u !bei. n.alioml vice..: ....i'. Uaison to C"""""",iol I..iligalion Comm;llCC. Mcinerney II ... sen·.. as 0 mem""" "f lhe Commo,dll l..iligation CommillCC . •

A S"B- Mew..beys

stot, of Atobo"", '-<SA


JULV :00)



improve die of die lega' profession


-Ore. lawyer



Alabama State Bor President Fred D. G ray of Tuskegee chose as his theme " Lawyers Render ServiCe' and Issued a special invitoNon to aU lOcal and specialty bar assoclOtlal"lS to jOin him In this statewide positive public Image campaign.

The Nobomo State Bar has developed on eight-minute video presentation program entitled "TO SERVE THE PUBUC. ¡ Available at 1'\0 cost materia ls Include a handbook with talking points. the video and brochures for dlstribuHon. The presentation con be used os a "stand-alone' program or os a part of any meeting program. Perfect for community, civic. c hurc h or school groups. this presentation shows the many ways that todoy 's 1owy9fS render service to their c lants. their communities and their profession. YOUf bar association Is Invited and encouraged to participate In showing this vtdeo

at every

opportunity during the coming year. Please c omplete and return the form belo w to receive your own association' s copy to use for thiS purpose: Association Nams _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __




Telephone _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _

_ __ _ __ ___ E-mall _



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

RETURN FORM TO: Susan Andres, Alabama State Bar, 41 5 Dexter Ave .. Montgomery, AL 36104, by fax to 334-261-6310 or bye-mall to


The A/"OO",,, La~r 110 lo"ger publish. ~ddre..~s I1nd ul~phon. "u",b.,.. unIts. Jh. ~nlw"numml rdatts 10 Jh. opm;a, of" a .... firm or .010 procliu, PI"",••omjau. ,o .."d jn ""'IOU"C. ",. ,," and/or aJdn..

chal'lJ" 10 Ih. M~OOma Slair Montgom.ry J6/0/.

8~r M.mb"

sh;p iHptJrI"'."t. ", (Jj~) 26/.6)/0 (far) or P. O. Bor 67/.

About Members James W. Ca meron anllOOoces !he opening of hi. office al 402 S. PelT)' S1~1. Suite 100. Moolgomel)'. !'hone (334) 263-6612. trio C. Da"is a nlIOOnces the opening of hi. o ffIC. aJ I 18 N. I'osler SIree1. Suil. 200-A. Dothan. !'hone (334)671.7169.

G a ry 8ry<e lIo lder anllOOoccs the formalioo of 112 GrttMprings High",·ay. Binningham. Phone: (lOS) 942·9008.

n.. Ho lder Firm . I.I.C at

lla .. id E. /l udg.'" annouoces Ihe opain, of hi. offio. '" 28311 N. M ~i" SI~1. Suile B·200. Daphne. !'hone (251) 625·301 I. Stephen 11 . M iller annouocos lbe opening of his office "I 11 4 W. 100 SlrUl. Suit. A. Annisloo. Phooe (256) 741·9292. C ha rlOS K. Ni... n announces lhe opening of his praclice'l 2lXXl lnters13te Pm Dri'·e. Suile 105. MOJltgomel)'. Phone (334) 260-0003. J o nath a n C. Sap p announces the formal;"" of Th. Sapp I.a w . ·Inn. I,L e . "The office is localed al 1923 Third Avenue, South. Ja.sptr. Phone (205) 221·2929.

Among Firms DouglasA . Ba ymiller ha.sjoincd Warrant y Corpon /ion. Offices are located at One Wru-ranty Plau. 4400 Government Blvd .. Mobile. Phone (251) 66().. 1901. 220



Ca pdl & Hu..-ard I'C anllOUn<e, lhal Rich a rd II. and M. Coun lH"Y Willialllll have berome memo ~rs of lhe finn. Paill" R. J ackson h.. joined 1he filTll as BIt as",-",;Ole. A II ~n


Copt/and. Fn",co. & Gill r A anlIOOnces lhal Mitch el Ha mpton Boles has bccr>nle a mentberof Ih.- finn . M arl ha Du b ina Roby and C b ar"'" Nelson G UI have joi~ lhe finn as ~;""'S, Co ry. Watson, C rowder & iX:Garis an"""nces thol J ason A. Sha n.bli n and Brian I). ·fu rner. Jr. have joined the firm .. asSOCialeS. .: mond . Vines. Gorham & Wald ""p I'C an"""nces lhal ~'r:il nk O. Ha ns.m. Jr. has joined lhe firm.

1'1"" A""'-'1iaon Tille I"", ,,..,..., Company """""",,,,, tha IJonno J. Sni<1<>2- ~ been appointed vice-pRoidcnL

Gn« & A •• odalts announces !hal L Ann Gru .... J ohn W. Evons and Je nn ir., M . Ma t/h . ..·s have become principals in the firm. and J~IT.. y K. G r im .. is now awxi.led with lhe finn. l1Ic finn has <hanged to G .....,... Eva ns & Mallhe ..·s, AII""""y,,J u hnston & Coots. LI.C annou"" ... the opening of their ollices al 1740 Taliaferro TIlIi" Moolgomef)'. ~ (334) 215.7596. Lehr. Mi ddl ~broo ks. Pri« & I'roclo r anoounces that Brell Ada ir has bttOrnt a sh~hokkr in Ih.- firm

K Clayton I......,. J,.. I'<:lt' A. Gran' ....... 8 ....1 D. Hitson and John G. Da ... :IMOUDCe Ibc: fonrwion of I.o,,·c. G.... mmas, IIiISoa & Dana U . P. .. ilh 04Tocu loo:;Utd;ll 3~ 0 1... We [)ri"". SUlie 200. Binningh;lm. f'hooe (lOS) 38Q..2400. M... ' .... &: 'frotosdalr PC """""""os WI Ian M khafllkcry alld Chrls.o~r SIla~ James "",.., joilllld the linn .. U$OCiaIcs.

K.~, ,,

flwo"daJ C.. rpo ..... I.. n an"""""OS WI It. "' Ian Oft, has been


orr~ and William Jr. has been..........d via!prao<ltnl """ IC1lior IrpI offocer. Phml~

SpolS"""" L1-C announctS llul MkhHI T. San.bury has joint1lthe finn .. an Issoci.te.

Slrol:O & I'<:nnul1 PC ~ that N. BaIT. Cbrlslophu S. Ikrdy. ChristopM' A. Rot'eM,. Iloa:akl Eo Johnson, and I'<:'e, M. WrI&h. """" ~ ~ in th< Dinnlngham offICe of the fum.

~:. B. Siron, ......... Dee< the formlllloo> of 1'_ B. Siron, & A-..blf$ PC ,,',111 offlCCSlI One Perimeter Park, S.• Su.te J.8O Soulll. Dlfmingharn. Phone (2m) 971}.6868, Jdr",y M. C.... pman has joir.ed the firm .. an assoda.e.

Smll h. Spl~ &: l'tddy I'C 1Il"""r>CeS that JuU. W. J ord.n has joilllld the ftnn as an U$OCi.te.

Phil ip .... Siroud and James I). Ih•.....,. 0M0IIr>ee the formal"'" of S.roud &: II • .....,'. PC willi offlCU al Dem:lwe Office Park, ~m Go1....,11 Road. Build"" D. Suite 5. Sou""' ....... M,wwppi. f'hooe (662) 5J6.S656. •

Virginia It. Smith and Ttd WIIU ...... Jr.......... DCe the formation or S mi.h & \\ilJi ..... " 'jlll offocu Ioeated M l~ 5«ond A'.,n .... W.... Oncon .... Phone

James V. lIobtr1$. J,. and Wendy J'klft :lfI/I()OInrc \he fQmWion of

Kobt .. C. Snnd.J r. and Mkh ...1 E. Gnlpwlas ..........a: the fonnMioa or Snnd &: G~goucIa> LLC...·ith oIJ'lC'a at 2 N. 20th Street. Suite 1020. Dinningh;lm. Phone (:!OS) 327·Sm.


(lOS) 625-6333.

ARE YOU PAYING TOO MUCH FOR LIFE INSURANCE? __ ,.. _ _ _ "" _ _ ...,.._ r....o~

___ .,:.. U! To_..•._ " ..,.... <OttIot. _ _ .. p>Ioo: ... _ _ 'llIII,IIIIO _ _ _ .. _ _ .


-.--•". ."• " ". ... . -• • ., '=. -r


Samford. l>enson, lIorslty. I'<:l1t)·, 8r1dg.. &: Hughos """""netS thai Chrislophu J . lluKI.... h.. become I and J.,.h,," J . Jaebon has become an associa.e.


OJId_. 1)tor,1.:.ins. N~. S....... k &: S.e ....... PC """",Dee< 1hao (llli.lOphr, A. Mixon "'" beoomc an a<oociatc of lhe finn.

...mod elt~

Kobt ...... & l'itlft PC. ,,',III offlCCS •• 140 S. Section Street. Fairhope. " " (25 1)928·1499.

...... C_LI .. _~ U!(I.QOO ...... T. . .


'" '" '" ~.

'" '" @

• "" ". Sill




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Sl.'" ,,~



3565 Lorna Ridge Drive HooYef. AI 35216

Samllel Randall Stephensoll Sam ...1 R. S"'p/lcnsoo, a membe, of the Mobile. Alaha"", and Arnt!ric"n bar association,. died De«mber 7. 2002. He was born July 21, 1928;n Decatur and "'as a long-time residtnt of M<>bile. He at"'t>dcd the Univetsity of Alahama where he OOIained .. bachelor's degKe in ceramic. engitlttring. In 195(1, be was drafle<! into the United Stat"" Anny. ",litre he remained for a p"riod of two yean. For 20 months of hi' Army c ...... r. he was a ssigned to tl>o Bureau of Sl.1ndards in Wasbingt()n, D.C., as . ceramiC!! engineer. mak· ing false ,..,th. Following hi. military career, be married Carolyn Bradford. Sam dc<:idtd be would rather be a lawyer beeause be liked !""'Pie and did not want to make fal'" the rest of his life. lie allet>dcd law school at tbe University of Alabama. obtainiog his degree in 1955. WIlile in law school, be e<!itor of tbe lAw R~"j...... and al>o was a member of Farrah Order. He was. momber of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. Shunly after gnoduatioo from law school. be and his wife IOOVM to Mobile. wbe", he e nte",d the practice of law. initially with firm of Pillan •. Reams. Tappan. Wood '" Roberts. and the",.fter with tl>o firm of Wi lt ins. Byrd &: Stephenson. He did not particularly iiI:<: trial in 1963. he was employe<! by the trust department of the ~itsl National Bant of M<>bile. where he ",rved lUltil hi , rt1.irement in 1985

wnn.:. '"


JULY 100)

Sam was on avid golfer and loved the spon ofbastball. In hi, earlier ye ..... 1>0 was • member of . group called the " Rowdies." which con,isted of about 12 men woo played baseball and golf tOg<!hor. Members include<! Bruiser Castle. Bobby Radcliff and Ross Diamood. Jr.. a former member of this asoocialion. FOllowiog hi' retirement in 1985. Sam and Carolyn bought a moIor homo. and they enjoyed traveling elJenSj,,<ly to various pans of the coonif)'. They made many trips 10 Florida to "1t\ch prof=ional baseball teams in spring training. They went 10 Kissimmee. Veto and Orl""OO. when: they " 'ere able to walch the HouSton ~ the Allan,. Br.'~ and al", the Brooklyn DOOgns. They .1>0 wenl to !be College World Series in Omltha. as well as to Michigan. Canada and Cok:Q:I(I with oome of tb<ir grandohikh'Cn. Sam wa. a member of the Infant My>!iC!! Mardi Gns Society. Chrht Episcopal Church and lheCOUntry Club of Mobile. He i. """iv"" by his wife. Carolyn; """" <!au,"!<$, Bess Stcp/lonson Norman. Carolyn Stephrnson Jeffm and Margaret Step!lcn"", Tro<aoo; and six grandchildren. Bess Bradford N(Ifman, Sam",,1 Joseph Nooman. Richard Lamar kff"'" IV. Sam",,1 Sl<j"!honson J.ff= Eli>ab<th Bailey Troiano. and Margaret Meador Tro<aoo. - Michael D. Knighl. Mobil~ B<I' ibsoci<lli""

Da"iel mlytle Bums On 0c\0bc1' 14. 2002 ..... upl Aid Soci<1y ofRinnin£ham learned of the o!staff attorney Daniel Wayne Bum...f' er a IcnB'hy Ilosri,"li~lion. Wayne W:IS born in Birmin¥Nom on N ov~",brr 20. ]942 10 Velma and Roben Bum •. The elder Mr, Bu"" was I descend1nt of the f.moo, Scotti,h poel. Wayne al!o k:t<ilWO James Mdvin Bums. I Binnin£ham ,,!tomey. .,.;1 10M I..u>.by BIIm$. 11\ucaloosa busi'It»r""". ~ II PDu Cily EJt.......-y IfId Ensley HiJIt School. v.'oyne padu3Icd in 1960 ond IlIeDdcd !be UnMnity of ALallImI lOr t_ yt'aB. thm 1I"IOmfern'd II) la<:b<lnvillo Stile Un,,·ct'Suy. "......, he onct his "in,. J.....a M3RlItoe)'. Thry ,,"'" 1IIII"I'>td in 1966 and have Ilftc 8dul1 thildmt. J....11e Bu"", Monroe. !>aniel "k~ Bums"".klNlhan Bndfonl B""". He is ........ ;....:1 by his "ife. mother.IWO bn:IIhm and ~ chiklmt. Afttr ~,"nl hll B. S. drgru from Jacbonville SllIe. Wayne wMed (or lhe leffC110ll County Depanmenl of llealth as a heallh in.pectOr for ten years. the ]aner pan of .... h ieh he .nended nighl clas~ II S irmi"tt1"'" 5<Il001 of Law Ind worked duri ", the day. ]n 1976. he obtained hi' 13 .... d<&Ift Ind optncd I pan.linl_ W10 practice on LombA'.. nue in Emley. In t977 he lell the health dcpanmentlO pno:til:_ ]1"" full Ii"",.


Raker, James Keaton Helena Admilled: 1967 Died: April 29. 2003

]n 1987. WIY'" .... ffer...:! ~idtw:y flil= and had I kidney tran,pl.nt. After I "'ree'yearl"CCO'Iery.1M: n:turned to work for 11M: Legal Aid Socie,y of Sirminaham. "'hen: he "'P«'sc,,'ed indill"nt dcfelldanlS 11 11M: lIim,inlNom Jail Coun docl:el unli] ]998 and then children in d<linquency and dependency cases al Ibe Iksst"".,. Family Coun. WIY".·, individualily was II his f.".,.1, ,",'1Iet"C bl .... music: provided Ibe prtlude 10 remarks by local jud&es. H_ will be re"",rnIxred for hi, ........ 01 Itumoo"...!lOch Ihouch 'n:qut,,~y JI(II ~poI;,;.,.uy 1IOm'CI~ ..... er mean-sporiled ond u..... ys entenainin" o..p.te .. hal _ have !Itt" i"teMe pai" ..., ...!feri", due 10 his medical condition. Way .......... never k_." 10 ~ 0IId hi. &ood hulI'IOf IIJId ... _ 01 respom;i· bitity for his poxtr and youn, d;"nlS "._ ...... vert<!. The Birrnin&lwn legal communily ond panic:u]arly 1M u",1 Aid Society willlon& n:member Wayne Bums as I kniinl family man ond I carinB professional.

Gh·en. Sam Perry Binningham Admilted: 1949 Died: October II. 2002



k"'~ 1~1I1"". tll!t:~'i'" dire~w,.

Ugtl/ Aid Sor-irt)' "I Birmi~8""m

Holladay. Hugh Edwin, Hon. Pell City Admitted: 1950 Died: April 13, 2003

Rethany, Charles W. Annandale. Virginia Admitted: 1948 Died: March 25. 2003

Little, Horton H. Sr., Han.

Rum.'\', Daniel Wayne Bimlingham Admitted: 1977 Died: Oclober 14. 2002

Riis, ": rling Jr. Point Clear Admitted: 1953 Died: March 24. 2003

"' ranco. Ralph Abraham Mon]go mery Admined: 1948 Died: April 6. 2003

Luverne Admitted: 1932 Died: March 26. 2003

Ilarwell. Ed W. Anniston Admitted: 1952 Died: March 26. 2003

Vollmer, Rk hard W. Jr., Hon. Mobile Admitted: 1953 Died: Ma rch 20. 2003

... 11111

2003 Regular Session hoe R~g .. L1r So-uion elided June 16.2003. Ikfore Iht "'gi.datu", ....~ the follow'OI ....jor rcvi,ioos 11131 ...·ill . rrect \he lives or ... 1..... .... d "UfI$ and lawym lhe'ir pnon~: &mcnocu., Rtfonn; Eltction Rtronn; 1I01J1t1and Sco;.Jnt)'; landlord and TcnanI lin; NInlIIIII""", Uws; and COII>IIIUllOnil Reform. Whedlhis.ruc,Ie ..-as ,,"';u.,n.1he R....1l1u ~

T wu


t~th;m. OVtt and Iht Iosislalu'" had J"'I

I'C'CeIKd for. Special Ses.ion. At thai Ii"", ... ly Sun~ bills and a i.pOCial appropriltion for prisons had been signt<! ;nlo law, AI"""'gh the k,islalul'f. r«esscd fQl" three .,eck.<. the I 05-day .....';00 I;",jl~"on COIlt inues. ~"irina lbe lasl posslbk day for lbe Regula, Session

10 rtmain IS June 16.2003.

First Special Session GovtmOr Riley oshd !he 1qisillUre 10 m:us from May 19 10 JIiIE 6. 2003 50 Iho. he ooukl call • 5ptC'ial SeWon 10 a.cIdta$ .... financial cri5Ct oIlhe _ ~ RJky ' - ..ttd Ihc ltz;isbI .. re 10 ~ fundi", sources. bul wiU reqUtre • """,,ial ,,!KnOll for public """",,'lIl. JOOSI probably in SqMcmbcr 2003. Thi ..... ill .-..cess;""" a ~ Sj)<'Cilol Stuion of ,he ""lolal "'" 10 deal willi the 2003--2001 bud,elL

The luullS of both llle Regular Scssi<)f1 and lho lim SpecIal SeMion will he ehrunided in lhe "..1 ankle.

Alabama Uniform Securities Act The lim !tale sccurilies law evulvcd in the 19JOi :ofWT Iho ev<'nU of Lm. A scrond and ItUrd Unif.,...., S«urili<:o Act fol ....."ftI ill L9S6 and L9M. AbbamI·s InO'I =enl KCUrincs ~nactmtnl ..... ," L9\lO ".hid! ~;....,

ALabama·, 1m Act. IIoIh nflhae ICU foI·

lowed Iho ynifonn law.

AIk< I'.nmn, WoridCom and 0Ib0-r IIOIOrioolJ """k lIWIipulllOrS. il became ~nl illal c~ we", needed in both "",ion<IL and Slale lCCurily Ilwl. COOgttSl " .. ,he Sort>a ....s·O.L~ An in 2002. The ALaho,na Law InSliluie ""¥itrI ilS ~icw of lhe





131CU Unif.,...., ~unti., ACI (2002) 100II ." .... il " ... drafted by Iho Nation<lL eonf.,..,,," of Commissionm "" Unit.,...., SIaIe !..awl. Momgomtry"""'""'Y Mit.

W.,..,. IS chainn, this


!)urinl .,..,. "".jew.

HemJt South ....... Iho heodLincs. This furthef emph>5llCd Iho nocd 00 updaIc ALabaml·s Laws. llIere ..., '''''' COIICIIm:nl ~,iu ~Iatlnl ~1IIeS--One .. Iho fedcr:ol Je-,..,I ar>d the OIhr ... the WI~



The ba><e on imporl"" role in ICCWilics "'!lui. · lioo. 1lIm: is r",udukm OC\".;'y I, 11ev<1.II,,, clU/ks f«krallaw,ioo. <vtn when f<dtnollaw .pplies. and by 00 ""' ... s is evtry il«urily sold. ··rcdenol C<n/c~ socurily.M Many $Che"",. 10 def.. ud i.. vtSlars iM'QI .... locaily "'...... ,"" pyramid ",hen .... mi~pre­ .enlation and K&m sales. Withoul ""~ ""u"'lion. accompanied by c;"'i! and crimil'lal cnfon;.,,,,,,,,, nf "'" low ill ...... rowtJ.. thm: .....,..ld be ~ttle hope of n:drn.< fur mIIIy victimiVld utI'f!!IOn. ~ "1 is a).., a.-aiLal:>le .."lit.. thm: an: fraudulenl JChcmes iIIvoh"ing federal CO\It"red ~. In eff«t. C""VCSS and Iho SEC have "",,-.\cd;ed tIw Iho federal Je-,..,I is unable 10 cope with aLlllIc cnfoocc""'lII ihI. nteds 10 be done. In 2002. 1lle N;>tionaI Coof.",,," of C<)Innti..ion<rs "" Uniform S ... ~ La .... s a.ppnwcd a ...... Act for SIale sccurilics os an elfon 10 Ii ........ "'. "'lIula lOfJ and o .. f<)O"«"",". aUlhority thai minimi~s duplica,ion of "'lIula,ory resources.nd Illal blends wi,h redo",1 "'gu· l'lion and "nf<lO"«:"",n. in I more efflde n' system for i..,,<S1or pootcc' ion. Unifor",i,y of law ,monll,he i .....n'ial for lIIi$\O happen. bu, i. nteds 00 be a uni· form Law thai tootdinall.....·ith feden) ~w.



Registration and Filings 1lIm: _ three mcthodJ far dcahnl .. ith public offeringo of s«uri.iu wider rht _ Act:

( I) Notice fjlinll. NOIicc filinl il (or ··r«kral cm~ s«uriliu." "I11eJc are s«uri,ic. ...·hi~h by ...uon of ftdcrol prttnlp'ion are "" Ionll.r "'tis",,,,,, at the S1ale 1t.... 1.

llClions and against iMIICn and sccurilie!l profession:lls for fail"", to rompIy ,.-ilb tht ~ion rqime:s appIie3b1c 10 thtm. The """ Act continues the mforccl l"o~ JlO""m< 0I1bt SIaIC: sccurilies ~. Enforcc".,m i",,1udoos and crinunal at'1OOIII in the <:OII<!S and admiDlSlJati,'t' pooceedillJS. The """ Act .. tIloritts the owe securitX:s odmuuW3lOl' 10 issw. undrr appropriauo po<>a<luru. cease and des;" 0I'dm for ,-ooIab<;m of the Act. and ouIhorixes _ to mforoe such onIm. AIIO rontained in tht Act ate ",..,Ixlril)' for corodu<t 01 iowestipoo and luuantt of subpoenas and provi ..... 01 ...,.......... to securi,ieo ~ulalon in 0ihc1" jurisdic"ons. The Act al'" '""Iude.< civillia bilily provi.oo for dofraudttl prrsr>n$ 10 oown d:I~es or l'OS<'ission " 'i,h ,ho: "",ule of i,milaloo lengm.ncJ 10 be tho: <In .. IS lho: frdtr.tI SlalUll' 0( limitations ror """uri,,es (mud liability. This Act i, ho:ing mfIed fot b)' a Law ' nsli' ute commilW ~o{: 0Iairrn0n Mike WlIIcI'l. FA Ashton. BinningIwn: .krry s-t•. MOI1tpntry; lIamp 8oIfs. Blnnin&ham: J<Mph DorJ. MonIaomcrr. C.....l yn Duncan. BI"""'JI'W": Tom Krdls. Birrnm&Iwn; OIhnl ulhnun.

The 1>OIK:e filinl under Ille 2002 Uniform Act is for CO¥<:ml 5calritie!l 0ihc1" tban , .. led securities. and


,,,,,.udes •_ m to service of

paymem of .m· 0111 f~. and. dependilll 011 Ibt swtc S«UriIie!I odmmowa101", rtqIIjft'"...,,~ can j""lu.;k cop;.,. oInwmalliled ,..ilb "'" SEC • pan of rq:iSU'3lion iIItre. ~

III CoonIiO'llluOII ~ion_ CoordioWion ft'li'ln tion aI "'" ~ Ievt. is .vailable for K<:uritie!llh:oi. Cvctl though 1>01 fedenol rovcmI i«1!' rilies. an: ft'S"teml " 'ioh "'" SEC, The ob.i«',i,'e of IIlc ooordinruion i. tbe ,i muhaneO'I$ ft'lIi""'lioli of lbe orrering II !he SEC and in lbe " 'bere tbe orro"nl is to be made. (1) Qu.,liflCation II:tli'lnIion.


QuaJifoo.lOon ft'li'lntion at IIlc .ute Ic>-e. upplie!llO.1I ",her oIYerillJS bei", mao.k " 'llbin ..... te. for " 'hich on ucmptOOfl is IlOl availablo.1lao$ idoCllIdo i~t oIl'mn.s and oIfnmp 1Iw are ",jlbin cumpc ..... from SEC ft'l11UMKlll beau5e of lIlcir ft'lat ..... ,y omall .,oe.

Bol1'Ollfl&ham; T. KW't ;\II...... Bimllnpam: J. M\duotI Sa• •; Blf1IIin&ham: B~ Mo""". B""" .........: Thlnmy.\ bnntIio.

MOIItpo:ty; lanoesNoo1h. B...... np:.m; .:. R. 1'td>Ios. III Mobi"": Char\f$ Pin<io:ncy. Binninpn: J.n~ Pnootl.

Broker-Dealers and Investment Advisors

Galbdtn: Prof....... II ....... ,.., Walthall

AnotI>or "",a oI5t<'uritirs ft'gu'ru;oo and o.mighl i, ""'I 01 broktn-dr ..... and in'o'C!Otmenl adv"",", and IIlc indi.idu.', "ho "'" 1.80,,1> of brokOr-dollers or i,,,,,,,1S or who a .. '0'"<'.'1 .... 011 ad"i"", .. "",sen'." 'os, This .)'Stentalius and ft'OIl""i~. IIlc provi,ion. <kalon, wilb Ihroe secllrilic< profc$lIion:t!. and oWif.. , tht f~ -s ... te inl<'mlationships to promote efflCienl coontiO'lllIlon of tht durabililY 01 rq:i""'tion and ft'1"'alion.


R:or more infon",n,on aboul IIlc


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The eoftw ... def;lgned by

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dlVOl'ce u ..... '''Y'' 1... 2 ... 3 1. En, ... the C_ InlOffNl11on 2. Print .he Oocu_nlt

..-_ . _u_ ..-"_...,-----'----3. File with the Cour1

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. ' ''. 334 244·2983 e An AGl lA lAW OFFICE

101' I.~ ..

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.tI-<, . ,,--_ _ _ _ ."...,.


RNdy \0 . .".II .....nd money? UnconlHtflf Dh'Ofu In Alabama 2.0 ....... $595 Child Suppor1ln abama 2.0 .... ...... ........ __ _ _A'_ :u ...... I I $195 _

-_.. ..._-..,.



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The thonl mtthod of KCUriIies roplaion. 01 courx. is mfor= melll. IpIMlIII)'OIIC for fraodulm po< ... in secwritoes traIlS-

We cen m e ~ e your



ony of;1.I projects, OOI1l&t Bob McCurley. d'n:<:wr. ""aNINI La ... Insli'"te. P.O. Box 86142$. n.",aJoog ).5486-001 J: fn (W) 348·&411: phc:o<IO (W) 34&-7411: or .;';1 t;W Wtb .;'" at ......,.,,"Iu""~.ol.""" •


thlld .u pporl . 1\d untonl ... 0<1


\\11soo, J r.. BinningIwn: and Chm Sin,,,,,,,,,,.



.. _


Reflections On Ethical Issues


JUI.Y 200)

CivilitI: Its Decline And a Resolution for Its Restoration i.ilily. at ill core, i. common coun.. y. lI;s the l"'~lin, of <lIMr l.wyt'r'lO and 1M syStem of jus!icc with profcIISion31 COIIl\eSy and respect. !'or almostl"'!) &"011<',. ~i.ility hal bo:come • buuword in the profwion. What Iw bapptntd m'tf IN years to c'''~ uS lO I>OW O!l<'nly Illk aboullhe way lawyers react to one:anot/X'r a< _II as how ,,'. pncIi« OW profcui()fl under our etbical and procedunll\lles? I once tbooa"'t Lhat if law)'<'1$ u.Ikod about civility, or tile lICk thefft>f. II would be like I confusoon 10 Ihe public !hal ~ is a declo"" In Ihe professioo01 SUOtPS of b~ I then I:qan 10 reallU !hal I ..... in fac1, far bt/tind the public: vrt:.W of 1M profO$$i<Joo. The public's '"'''' ..... be,n, formed by """,jet. lClt.,.,,,,, ....... papt'f'<. _ and, oflc.uimet., by ft1lO'U of ond about 1."')'0" in trials and ocher procttd,n,.. The pub]", v, ...... unfo,hllwdy. to "'''''' .~lCn1. i,!hal the profeo,ion il In decline. While I .100 bel'.'"e thaI 1"" profess,,,,, I. "illloo~"" up 10 In ",,,,,,ric... _i.,y. il " "ilhin our domain as praclition<n and "",mMIl of tile prof.'sion to wor\: to'Jo'lIJd improving our image. ThaI i. why It;, '"'porInn! for u' to lal~ ~boollho ;»DC' rdaling to civility and for .",,11 of u' In do 00. pan •



• ,'cry day. to ~nh"""c OUr pnlfession. Wh.1 docs ,nci"ilily do to the prof«'ion? As I prI:¥iously s,"'o<I, ~ lack of oi',lIly cau~S. l3Ck of public regard and II can alS<) conr,· ""_ ,n the Jus'ice sys'em. Additionally," maLo. the profess"", less ",...."ruln'. II can tal~ from. La"),,, the Ie..... of dignl!)' and ",If·worth lh:lt """ ohoold fttl from !he ~ of OOJ kilmOd prof.loSion. I ha,.., hoard from ,nd",du3l ~ than [ha,'c """,rd 10 hoar. !hal !hoy "'" cn;OYlog the .. pnetices leu and less. l)iscm"ry """"""". l3C"k 0(



(Nthfu[""$< ,n ""'''''''~Ips. drttll and agg"'$<i"" ha,.., been 'IIIN as ha"", an Impact"" the ....;oymtnt of the procu"" of I.w, All 01 the .. "",as on.ron'f"Us the C'>nCOpI .nd ,.,.lIly of c"'lllIy, The ,.,0","" for the dIsregard of """'n>OII councsy in lho I'f"",n,-dlty legal prof."ion .... m,ny; 00....• , .• ,. I " '111 en', focu, '0 lit< following' (I) 11lc inc"""'" ,,' , .... Sil"" of ,ho b.. and ' .... rcforr III",.,""'" competition "'nong I,wy." for busi",«; and (2) High "a~cl c""" including d"" aclion. io,'01> ing non-socIal iss"". and social i",uc',

A. Contributing Factors to a Decline in Civility I . 1~.NlJU III


tl'" Jb- ,,/th. Barud '".uaud C"~II

LIJ"'J"I for Busilln. "The e>pcc1ed Increase III Urutcd S"'''slno),<t'S .... ,thln the lIUI Il1n:e lean '''~!Iw of other profeM""":II 28 ......,nl ()ru ofCo..rt. ~~ ... HmpJm.·w·.NrlCiJlrJlC()Ol"""""rtOJ()2••"". A.J of December 31. 2001. the cURTnl Amencan Oil A"""""~""'s tally of active Ia... )'(n in the Sw.. of Alabama I, greal..- Ihan 11.000. BII A'lOCi~""'. ABA Marl .. Research Dept. (2001). Thus. by 200~. we eon ""peel !he numbrr of lawyer> 10 rile 14,000 in Al.b"ma. Ai these numbers contln",,!O "lat, " ;""",',tabk that the logal prof..!i"" will conlin"" 10 lICe ... ,ncrc"~ on rompetilion for bus;""". <hat will ~oiJlCide with!1Ie i".. ..... ing num~r of ac,;"e lawyer,; in the prof.. ,ion, ,..,.. q .... ,ioo .. mains IS Ii'



,,'Mm.r the business will be plemiful for all ,,·oo...,k it Ifnol. "'e are likely to fed the efferu; of ,lie law of supply and demand, But has this competiti"" come aboot .t the expen"" of ci.ility in the legal profes.ioo? During my ~nutt .... cireuitjndge, whon I handled <i"il c",,"s .,d""i"ely. I had. by '"""t accounts, a substantial dock.t. It w.s SO busy that! would $Ct oside. day 0< IwO each mon,h 10 handle motion" A large number of lawy .... w.", rtquired to be in .ttendance for their motions. An unintended c"'"sequence wos ""', it gave lawy .... tho OppOrtunily to """,t and greet, lawye", had the opportunity 10 ..., ea.cb Olhtr and "", .. during tho<c docke' call •. I el>COll"'8ed the l.wy.... to talk aboul their c:tSoe$ and '0 a"empt to ,",solve their di.pules. Many of them did. I nlade conf.... nce room. and the iury room .,'3.ilable for I.wy .... to meet 0'.... ,he y...... I heard many favor.ble com"",nts ,hat il sa'" "",mlto:rs of the bar !he opponunily to in~ract. WMn lawyers h"'o good personal relatioo,hips with on. 'noIhor il bocome, more difficull for. lack o f profes,ionali,m to rear i" ugly head. Are we now facing a silualion whore bar ... sociation, are SO large that indi.idual ""'mbers rattly f.miliarize wilh one another1 ln some of the ""'tropOli"'n area, in Alabama. I ""pe<:1 ""'t mighl be the Additionally. it i. bttoming more difficult to "'ach and culti,'.te ci"ility in indi.i<lual law flnns bec.u$C lawye .. are foou,ing on billing boors versus getting acquainted wi,h col· leagues. Son .. ti~ ",wytrs "'ithin fairly large firm. do not know each other. But. should OUr e'tabli'hing acquaintances conniet wilh the rl'$ponsibilitie, that we ha,'. as lawyers? I don'l believe rnal it should, Our interaction as col· league>; and as professional. is a pan of our role as lawyers. "The poinl of ttft'tt1lCC fo< ,hi. can Ito: found in the first Code ofCond"cl a<lopIed in Alahama in 1881. N. Lee Cooper and Stephen F. lIumphrey • . "Beyond the Rules; Lawyer Im"g~ and the Scope of Profes.ion.lism." 26 Cum/>. L R~. 923. 926-928 ( 1995/1996) (di",u,sin8 the dc"elopment of Alabama's flfSl Code of ConducI in 1887)_"The first Code Slated:''1l>e purily and effi· ci.ncy of judicial administralion _,. depend _. on ,he cha"",· "'r. CondUCI. and demeanor of a"Of'Il<:yS:- ld. (omissions origi· nal), Characler. conducI and den .. anor are ",fi""d Ihrough our d3y·t<Kby inle""'ti",,: therefore. the w'y in which we liliga'" our c"""s or ""801i'le de.l, arc opportuniti., 10 ex.mplify· ity in the legal prof<'Ssion. Compel;tion i. acceptable, but only !IO long as il i, healllly <oml"'titi<>ll!hat ~-I<!rye.$ the integrilY of our profes.ion. and il i, gt'OIInded in <i.ility.





It has been said!ha, lawyers loday are pett. iyed as being "leu ;nte",sled in ius'ice and IlIOn: in'et'l'Sted in winning al 311 COSIl," P:lul J, Kelly. Jr.. '\ R~'um 10 Prof~";on"lj$"" 66 Fordham L. Rev, 2091. 2092 ( 1998). This e... mal perc.plion. in pan. h.. to do with lhe in which la,,'yers in"ra,,, with OIher. Perhaps. ,he inc", .. ing c",",,,,,,,,,ial direclion has weighed hea"ily on the reputat;"" of the prorenion. It i. lih ly Ill.. ,he "winning.t all c",,," n.. n",lilY h.. f",'ered to some .,,"'nl the ~senHlay .nviron"",", of incivility among lawye.-.. UnfQl1un ... ly. abusive rbe1oric. maxing personal .ttrl:!; and m .. ""aching i. on the ri .. in the profes,ion , Ad"ersarial exees, i, being...,n in both oral ~nd written 3<i,'O<"""Y, In ci"illitiga' tion. llIe te rn. "Rambo liligator" h... """n uoed to de",ribe abu· , i, . metoric and adv.rsarial excess, ",. leno &<cri lto:, lhe behavior whe", there is a " o«d 10 fighl about '''''rything'' and "he", abusi,'e tacl;", arc utilized 10 arh,e"o goal,. It lums lawyo .. again" moo in the couf1tOOm and ""u1" in a d"' line in civililY in the bar_ In Dondi Pmp"'t;« Corp.... Com_,,,,, Sf"';"gs "nJ Loon Associotion. 121 F.R,D. 284 (N,D. Tex, 19S5). the iudgrs of the Uniled States l)j,triC1 Coun for lhe Nonhem District of Tcxos. lining~" 00''''. responding 10 the use of abosi,.. tac,icI in their coun· RJQm •• C"'.IM • rodt of c .. ilily for IiligalOfS appeor· ing in 'heir distrkl. The poli· cy l1ate" ''Those liligalOfS who persist in viewing lhem· -I<!lves solely OS combatants. 0< "ho pere~ive tltallhey arc retaincd to win 01.11 costs without "'saN to fun da"",n",1 principles o f iustice. will find th" lheir cond uct doe$ not sq uare with the practices we ~ . pe<:1 of them." Thi. code has in'pired other iurisdic,;"", fa.cing .imilar problem, of in<ivility to li"wi .. address the problem by adopling .imilor codes, I discu", Ihis area in gtt~ler detaillat.r_ An example of Sl<'pfMng beyond ""'ical bounds in writtetl ,....,.1. late 3<ivocacy appeat"!! in !he ~r ~,rian, opinioo """""ling tile sccood applic>tion for ",bearing in PruJe",i~1 Bollard Rw/ry Company ~ ffiomMrl:l\ So.2<l II)IS. 1060 (Ala. 2(00). On O<ig. ina! submission. the Supreme Coon of Alabama reversed a jury vmlK:! in fo>'OI' of tile plaintiff and remanded the case for • new trial Plain'iff's anomoy ftled an application for ",bearing submit· ting meritorious grourds I'\'SUlting in a wilhdrnwal of the O<iginaJ opinion and the issuing of an opinion affirming the ioogn .. nt fo< the plaintiff. H""·O\..... plaintiff's coon",1 did 001 ~op wirn his mt1. itori<:tm "'X"n·...'u. H. accused membm of m. rour1 oI .. l~ng deci""", 10 the highest bidder. The opinioo detail' tile offending 00fld0c1 and cites the beha.;o,- as unprofess.ional. See al\O the diosen,ing opinion of Otief JUSlice Hoope.-:II p"ge 1061 citing a vic-




IIIlioI\ ~ !Wit 3j(~) 01 m., RIlIts ~ ProfasionoI ~ by """""'" "In ~ irutndtd 10 00nIpt a 1riIlunaI.~ a vioIoIicoI 01 Rult 8.l(a) by making............, .....iIlI ~ ohcpd ...... 11heir11Nlh or falsi!)' coooemina Ihc .,.aIificaliono or inlegrily" of !he mnnbm 01 !he C(IOUI based on Ihc U\siro&allon in Ihc brYf " !he C(IUI'\'J ...,.. call be by JjX!Cial.ill!n'tSl doIbI's. The OUtf J",ticc "~n! on !O S!:u •• ·1hli. drrog:.tory OOIl1fl101l!O made about ond to this Caun migh! imply lO!he public !No! ,his Coun chang<:<! ill opinion ;!OJ !O his ~I;'"" U\e and rukd iII!hei, fa_ upon ......arin& brcaI.ue 01 fear 01 ap<llW<1! and IlOl based on Ihc low """ !he fxu 01 Ibis case. Them..... he viobIed Rult 8.4(d) by""'PCinc 'in IXIn<b:t " - is pejldiriallO lilt ~ of jIoslice: His aplitil in his brid' <Wi<ioD$ _ modo irllmnI of ampaign contrihuOOns imply IhM !he rich and poooomul haYe In ahil~y ... in........ ly iIIllumoe J...uc... in !heir roles U JO"O"Ui'C'I' officials and thercl_ >'ioIw. Rule 8.4(.). 'Tb:.... eA,ns.'joru ()f comcnlp!. 00;01 ond in'ioni<Wion made whffi he fik<l his o1i<11(.<· application for .. he"';", viola!. Rule 8.4(1). brcaI.ue by makin, Ihcsc apressionl he 11M enpacd in cmduc! thai ldVl'fWly .. f'leru up:lOI hi. fill.... 10 pnIl'tice Jaw. Not only do his 0060n< ...... "'" 10 qu<$lion hif 10 pra<ticc low ~ chi> Coun. bill n is. .xactly chis kind of ju>""';1e behavior dDI rtfl<as poorty 0<1 ~~ !.d', hnI !O uamine ci>ililY in "'" ..,alm 01 .uau. CU($. 1. 1U, ,, . 1da CM ...


""ge5lI'" "'"' ...



Model Rule 3.2 .ncouRgeS •• pedi!ed liliplion, The compar. alive Model Code Di sciplinary Rule likewise Idyiscs ogai.", delay ... he:n "'I>Ch ... woold serve morrly 1<, hara.u or mali· injurr aDOlhc:T." DR7·IOU .... )( I). Discovery is v;'~ OS ""' ...... ,''', is <:O<I$idorttllO be !he ~ca ... ly5l" for mI>Ch ()f "'" ,,,,,i¥lllly (lCCWT'ing in "'" legal profe:»ioo. Su Raymond M. Ripple. "uaminl Out.side the Fi~ The Need for Civili.y Inswcllon in Uw Scllool,- 15 NO U . "lAiu <l PMblic Policy 3$9.3(02.36) (200 1), Unn<eeUOrily Ion& depositions. "'I""",n' ,.,i ... counlel duri", deposilion .... i'hiloIdinll of docu"",n'o. lvoidantt of inlenogalO<y ans ...., .... Khedulin, discowry at inoppoo1u .... Ii....,.. <.....,.,Iing discovery wi,bou. "",icc!O.he oppo<ing ""ny. aOO OIhe:, "stoncw.lIin,- lactics 00 as to delay di!ICoYcry 100. 'hus. delay li'igation art bth'>'1or f.lImpk. 11\:1, ""' btyond ,he pale Qf civilily. Sc~ Hi. at 363.

II"",, ....... my up..;",,,,. thai. dUco\'ery dispuI.. r:>rdy occur IIlII!ide 01 hia:h scau. - . The v.ampIt:o ilIl1S1ra1td opptar 10 occur """" ~y the e\cYalcd claim fur ......... Di.covcry under the fcdcnl rules ao>d most ""Ie>. i""ludin, .... ~ rtSl$ on • !he"", "" broad full diSl'Io)su"" The theooy undmini", broad diKIo)su", i. Iha. if both ~ ,.", obli'M 'urn Over ,hei, importanl infonnl'ion poior to trial, lhe I"'nieJ




will be in a pooi!;on '0 ""801io", 1OWanI5O"lemon' of ,he "50. Howev.r. Ilti.!he"", ()f optn diKOVtf'JI ii wherr lbe Il'10$1 f""luen' Idver.<arial .OICOIIJII .... occur be.ween counsel and .he:i, dOenlS. The aspccI of di'lCOVCf)' fos","n, the 0lIOII incivilily bt, ..'ffI! opposio. coumcllS "'" «position_ Ovn !he )'<Cars. I bow had Iawyt'rs ",II "'" Ihat durin, Ikposi· .""" lawyers become ~Iy "'Iumenta6ve. IhaI. 0<1 occuion Ihtuts of violence .c made by """ lawyer ~ at'IOIhtr, 1hat cliems .,., inSlnlO1M "'" to ql>CSlions .... illt· au. a.""" f.illt leaaJ basilaOO (Wen"'" ab<upl termination of deposilion. can occu,. Of cau ..... rondOCI '" I have drKribtd flies in ,he f>e<: of tile purpooc of lbe deposition proccsa. 11\:1, i•. 10 obuin floCl$ and informa'ifIn foom ,he: opposinl side, Uncivil


behavior the."rore uodollhe .ffc.:tive~ '" drpo5Jtlons. .... hhough other diOCOVtf)l procesoco may 1101 be as conf...... • ,iOOW ;!OJ no! octu< duri .... drposi, ...... "",,;";1 beba~ior c-.. """ does occur i. other fOf1ll$ 0( ditt'O''ery..... h as misrrpn!' len""ions by I",,-yen in reopondi ... or "'" """'OOin. to docu· flI01l1 ""I..eSIs. "'" mumin, phone calls and scbedulinl disrov· ery 00 as 10 flUSua,. and i""on>'cnicnce the: OIhe:, pany.

In ""ponso 00 thiJ C(lQjUC!. many rowu 1ft adopti", civili,y rodrl ' 0 ad<ln-s.< !he problem, In I 19')5·1996 C"","riond Uno' NtI'I..... lr1icle. i. """ n-pontd thal88~ have:odoptt!d cWo of civility. N. Lee Cooper IIId SIephcn F. 1I.. '..... y.. -~ !he RIlIts: ~ lmaac """ !he Soope"'~"26 C.... L. R~ 923. 935 (199311996), Tho ScYcmh Judicial Cin:u,t !he firs! fcdccal roun ciraI.i! 10 odop; I CCldo of cr.ility> ciltd .. eumpIe in """"'h • Ia""')'er hoIdi", • <lopooilion in his 011'.... failed !O produce rrquesi<d docwn<11Io, ~ Rule ~c) of !he Fcdcnal Rules of Civil Procedu.." iJllOO'ed I C(IOUI onIcr. and Ibn'mcl\Od oppoo.!", counsel willt violence if he .'lcmpt· o:d !O telephone !he judgt. ~n Ihough there: was a prior aa;n-td. upon prta<!ure to call !he judgt in di""",..." di.<p.rt«I. IJ '" 934.

Mini-Grants for Conflict Prevention, Management and



T~ Alabama Supreme Court CO'TJlIISS>On 00 Dispute ResolutlOll.!llrough me Center ftll Dispute flesOIul,oo, poovides """"", I 10 poomote etw1f1it1 poevention. ~. ancl .llSOlutioo in bolth IoI;aI ancl $ta\II poograms To be oIi1l't.le. cwganizallOOS ...,., be OOOlp'Ofol. and fde an appIlCalion by 0tt0beI1. 2003

Foo ~. mini1lf3lll$ can be used for 00UIt ,elated poogranlS (, 8 small cia ..... medi3t.oo us... UIIII'l8d \'Oh.rl1&ef II.IIIIIOI'S. probate

ooun poogrllnlS. access ard ..... 'tal1011/lUPPO'I poograms). school ~ ITl!l(ltatlOll IIlIfIing, Q.lOTJII1II'<ty medtallOOI. ombuds PfIlII'<'I1IS• ........clp;llIty/t;Jty d,SfO,lIe .esolution wining and poogtamS. stale and kIeolll\l8flC'l IIlItn"'IIl and poog.ams. law school cliolC programs. victim/offender oonleoeoc,ng, til to duplICate an a"'t'ng poog'llm in 1'00' jorlsdlC1>On

For mooe 'nfo'mat'oo alllJ /I f11!i11 appl.:alloo, plea>e call me Cen1&< 81 (3341269-0409,


Prior 10 adopIing !heir civility CIIde, !he Coollnin"" 00 Ci"ility appointrd by Ihe So=nlll Judicial Circuil compiled ...",.. y respono. es of over 1.500!3wyttS and judg<$ ";Ihin ilS jurisdiction. These survey =poo>es ""..ak:d that oul of !he attOlTlt)'1 wbo p<rtti,~ civility 10 be • problem. 94 percem viewed depo>.itions and !he discovery p!'OCCSS as !he catalyst for !he la<k of civility. A$ no<od earli, ..... jnci"ility is no< limiled to dcposilioos. II is no< ullCOOuuon for document< 10 be withb<1d and inttrrOgatO<y on,""" 10 be candidly ..uidcd. One Texas lawyer """"""nted doring !he pn:><:esS wl'ltrn !he T""a5 Rules of Civil Procedu.. was am.nded 10 curtail <Ii"""", ery abu<ts, 'llJbe I'(Ym iS11Iat one genc:roUy w;ponds as """",,,Iy as plSSibit. You \:ttp SIOfI<:y,'3lling and reply as """",,,Iy as plSSibIc, You don'l >'OIunteer anything in !he hope thai they'lI Wtar down." S« Raymond M. Ripplt. "Learning Outside !he F~: The Need for Civility Instru<tion in r...w School." 15 NO LJ. £Shirl & PuNk Miry 359. 362-363 (200 1).

lbe defendan, to prove your case? Of course. you would like 10 hay. I""se conversations withoul1>pp<l!;ing coun",,1 being aWl'''' of your ""'lion •. Should your ease nO! se"l<, whal' great ,ur, prise i, would be to offer ,be testimony of lhe currrm or f"""'" employees.t trial. We will britny examine !be Rulos of Profe"ional Conduct applicable 10 Ihis dilemma, Rule 4.2 oflhe lLIaIHlmo R"lu oIPm/usio",,1 Cond~CI provides:

B, A Resolution for Restoring Civility in the Legal Profession

"In dealing on behalf of a dient willi. person who is not ... pre.t.ted by counsd, a lawyer shaU noI ,tale or imply rhat tbe law)"'r i, di'int .... 'trd. WIlt"

While the number of lawye .. admitted to !he bar is r~pidly inc",asing. the inevi",bk competition for dients does noI h.,.. 10 come at lbe cosl oflowering tbe .<letm of lhe logal prof. ... sion. Wbetber we a", od>'OC.aling social change or pri""'" dis, p<ttcs. civility among lawyers and civility loward our dienls musl ",main inta<!, While .... can. and must, "I"'nly discuss lho issues of civility, Iha, does not "",an Ihat the legal profts<ion and the SY$",m of justie<: is in a de<:lin ing 'pi",l. T1tc: prof.ssion and the .y"cm of juslice are strong . Improvemenl in ci"ili,y will enhance ""blic perception. as well as reslore """" of tbe Iosl enjoyment 10 pnl<licing membe .. of lhe profession. It is incumbent upon us.'" pnI<,icing members oftbe boar. 10 be a""", of i"ues rtlating 10 civililY and 10 resolve in our daily :>Ctivilies 10 do OIIr pan to make OIIf profossion beller. Just as a joumoy Slans wilb the firsc step. improving !be perception and reality of impr<,... ed ",Iation,hips among lawye .. begin. willi the m;olve of e:>ch of us 10 take a ,lOp toward improving civility. LeI us now brieny examine so"", elllical i"ues ,hal cooid appear in compl<x litigation: (I) ethical diltnlma, of plainriff'S counsel in contacling currrnt and (<>nner .mployees o f a corporale defond.altt: (2) elhical .... traints on entcring into a"""menlS that resl~ts the pnl<lie<: of law: (3) scaled ""ltle"",nlS: and (4) destroying doeunltnl, and inod'.. rten' dist:losures.

Ethical Considerations of Plaintiff's Counsel When Contacting Current and Former Employees of a Corporate Defendant Whal do you do "'ben you have this ""Onderl'ul case wilh whieh yOll expect loearn thi' great fe<: that will allow yOll to "'lire. bu. yOll need 10 lalk with currrnt or font'ltr employ.os of 230

JULY 2003

"In "'I"'=nting a eli""l .• lawy ... shall not communi, Cate aboul tbe subjecl of the "'!""'S""'tation witlt • I""'Y ,ho lawyer know, 10 be "'I"'=nted by aooIher lawyer in the mauer. un\es$ the law)"'r has the consen, of the otbn I.wyer or is autOOrized by law 10 do ><>." Rule 4.3 of tbe Alabama


of Pro/~.sitHUll Conducr ',,",to,

as follows:

lbe lawyer knows or reasonably ,hould know Ihat tbe unrtprt'scnted person misundo .. tands lho lawyds role in tbe ntal~r.!be lawyer ,hall make reason.ble offon, 10 com:c\ lite mi,und",sWlding.~ NOIe thai tbe rule provides !har tbe waivtr of tbe "no contll<1" provision belongs 10 !he 0Iber lawyer. In addilioo. tbe Comment 10 the Alabanta rules def,nes 1Itree ealegories of .mployees with ,,'loom a lawyer ad>",,,,,, to the emplOJi<r should not contact a ptlrlt: ( 1) an employee ",ho has managerial responsibility: (2) an employ« "'hose acts or omi ..ioos are .. It"ant 10 tbe ~mployer's liabilily. eil""r dvil or crimi""l: and. (3) on .mploy« "'hose stateIlltnt may constilUte an admis<ion O)IIlhe part of Ihe omt>loyn. It is clear undor the Alabama rulelllar mrutagorial employ"", are represented panies: ho".....'.r. il i, les, clear for other employ""s."The underlying facts relating 10 lhe employ",,',:>cIS or omiS$ions or <latus would =m to be de"'rmin~ti,-e. A fur' ther complicaling qUe.<lioo is wbetMr tbe Rult$ of !':vidtnce ,hould be applied in inlerpn:ling the Rules of Conducf' dtfinilion of"omploy""." $u ~e B. Wyoth. Talking 10 ,h~ Other Sith·s Emplo}'us "",I &·Empl"Y""s, ABA Journal "I Utig~lion. Vol. 15. No.4 (Sum. 1989). Because lhe Rules of !':"idtnce dtsign31~ ""noin ',,","'menlS by omploy""" as odmissioos. it is crilical 10 know who", "a"men lS piain'iff's cQun",1 is seeldng."The evidentiary mat~r. hoI>·ever. appears ro he a concorn only for CUtrent employees. not fornler .mployees. The"'fOJe. under!he Alabama rules, tho only currrnt employees with whom plain, iff', counsel could speak ,0 withoul authorizalion from opposing counsel wQuld he: (1) ~ who lacks m"llagerial aUlhorily: (2) has not panicipaled in the acts subject of the litigotion; and. "(3) cannot make an admission." Scott Dottaldson."Ex Pane Inttrviews witll C()rpOr.Ile Pany Employees: An Overv;ew.~ Th' IIlaIMmo La ...,.~r312. 31) (Sept. 1992), Ik<:au"" Ihis prOIOIype. so to ,peal:. i. quite limil, ing. the risk i5 gre3t for elhical vioi'lioo, in tltis .il"alion, In the ""tnt any uncertainty exi51S. alieviOling an ethical violalion would rrqui ... consulting opposing counsel hef"", . pealdng 10 a cutrenl employe<:. !k~ sup"". Donaldson. at 31~ , In lhe alttmalive. questions "WId be propounded 10 the corporate defendanl requesting"'" names of employ""" who are able 10 speak 10 plaintiff', counsel. $" id. at 3 16. In doing so,



....'bi.. tvio:IomUaoy ",",iom: n:pnIuI, admis!.iom do not ..... ill. plalllbll"'sCOUDSeICM "'U I\ItI afoul IlIrIhicd ~ in romII1UIUaIions with fumer enoplo)-.u. An rthit3I pitfall can ..... is! "'hen rontxtin& an ~ party. Bee..... tht penon " 110 Ion,..- ttnpIoycd by tho .01 ..... drfcndanl. tho flll'lt"ltr elllflloyre I, not "'p",_ned by<·, coon<el. former employ_ "'" likdy IlOIlO be ....,..,>enled '" all "'hen plain,il'l"', cwnoelSftks OUI wmmunOcliioru "'i,h thtm. Th"¥. Rule 4.3 o(tho Rules of Pro(...;..,.w Coooduci provides "'~. because the rule .... plie" _ Iy prohibiti; COI1IISCJ from pn:s<'1Ili", hirm<:lf as disin~ "'hen dralin& ..ill! UIII'potSCdiCd pMI(!I. The ru" pla<u on pIaInlIffl COIlIHrI\he ",....,...nlily. ir!he fumer empIoyet does not u........ -.d lilt nlk of pWnbII"'. OOlInIrL 10 oorn:a \he """-"'<Itnu in&- if Iht Ia\Iryrr .......... or "'asonabiy ~ know of lilt IMUnclmlandinl 0( "'" flll'lt"ltr employee. No!: only _ plaintiff. """"",I be cauIioo< 00110 lJIPCar dililllt1"l:Sled if \he flll'lt"ltr (",ploy.., is u~ bu,""" plainliiT", cw"",1 "'us! 001 induce the former emptoy.., \0 divulgt priviloged infomwion.

Agreements Restricting the Practice of Law You are plain,;l'I"s' coomcl in a IO.OOO-membC1" cla.WcoI. ac1ioo when! the potenll" class'"'es ~ 2O.1XXl memhen.. Th;" i, an opt·in a<lioo wi,h c1 .... lClion ~llribuleS. bu, /I"'I(R IoOCtIl'31cJy dt:!cribed as • rollec1,,,,, ..:lion. Thrn: is ..,..,. qo.ation as 10 .. htthcr the _ ... of IlIIIiulions has <:lpirro. A, ItIIIIIl. 1hcre is ............ ~ if plainlil'l"• ..., oorn:alhao !he .w1IIt has IlOl .....plml. The dcfcndano. .... IId"vwIoal .ound "'IU"""" ..... Iht ,",",ull: lias upiml. ... you rcellhll you hal" a &<lOll chance III get )'OUr bcuc-r IfIIlI"«Illttql1ed by the COWl. If so. you "'iII ha>"C lilt opponunlly 10 .... mpllO £tI the addi"",," IO.1XXl poIen,ial pI:tlnliffJ ;n!o !his Ot anoIher law",;,. The def..ndrun .........,...,. has propo:std an nff.... ,o you '0 liC111c!he lil;""ion rOt 30 million dollars. This amoun! <If IIIOIIt)' will /I"'I(R dian roonpcll.<>IC )'OUr dialts f.... the ~ they ha>"C $lbWned. as ..."11 as providt a handiomo fee. The dd"""""'- bc1", ........ <If the iSSUf ori:Mi", III !he -"11: III limiuOoos. ~ "'"" _~'" for !he .w... 1O ..... piR. for IU " ' _ ........ III JtttIc the case on this <:aIcndar yta". The clef.... dan! is abo ~ of the Uptnl5C you hne acquiml d........ this lililation and does not ....... 10 f~ you apin ,."..,senl'", !he other poieMiai IO.1XXl pI .. nl;l'I"o. In onJer lO accompl;<h i'$ .,.,~. Ih-es. the dofondanl. "" pan ofl,s willingness 10 pay in ."afi& of RIOI"Ie)' """"'sary ' 0 make plaintiffs ,,·hoIe. wan .. an ag",..",.. nl from plaiMiff,' COIIlI5CI as pori of lilt ronsidtr.ollon f.... III:I,II:"""" IhII plainliff,' coo"",1 WlU not bri", additiooQl lilipOOn ~l\!l !he dofendan1 for a period III 110" )"eOI"3 from !he scnlcmtnt Cu pIIIoooI'I"s' counod t:d\IcaIly ......... lIIIO the 41a".,.-1 R.1o 5.6 !he ... ~ R~ln '" Pn¥u i<>tta} R~JpDtUi"'I;ry addn::uc:. 1his siulatio..: 1ec1;,~

plalnl'lI"'. ~I appropria",ly """' diocoo,ft)' \0 ~""ifi tho ......_ dtd '''1Iy from tho ~uesljdl pany~ 10 tho corponIo: dtfmdanl for compliance with tht ruks of (,hies. $u Uf. ResoIvlI" queo,iooi ",Ialiog \0 fonne, employ..,s do not p"'>en, as mIlCh diffICully. In Ro.92·12. ,lie: AlaMmo. Disciplinary Commi"ioo <>pi""" Ihal a """'II argumrn, mull.! be made Rule 4.2 does not apply \0. f()f"Jl"l<'empioyee. 01 any levcL rea""'in& !hal a fonne, employ.., coold 001 $ptal for !he corporaIioa. This dtlermina'lon ..... reconfirmed in R0.93_ OS ""in .wi", !hal former empk>ylta ......., 110 kNlgn in I pofi'iooo> 0( IUthon,y. and.. Ibus. _ able 10 bond tho corporaIioo. "The Arntrican Ibr Associ .. ioa. in ~'nl this mall..... has abo refused 10 exrrnd Rule 4.2 10 cover ronne, employees. ~~ CynlhilA. Coc. ""Cornmunica,inl .... ,th an Ad,·(nuy·' Former EmpIO)'ees:' Tht! P"""icailJ,j-l"'''''' 37-48 ( 1996) (discussing Form.1 Opinion 91-339). "The ADA in"""",,'ioo "'~n's ,lie: majori'y vi"".



""A lawyn ohaIl


pan;";".., in off""", or makinll:

(a) a partntl"lhip or .",plnymtnl agrttmtn"h., ",micls the righ, nf a lawye' In JK3CIice .n.... ,.".


THANKS The Alabama Cel/ler jor Dispute Resolution thallKs tile foflowillg mediators wl/O performed pro bOllo mediatiOIlS it! 2002:


G. Wayne Ashbee. Esq.

Cllarlcs J. Fkming. Esq.

Hon. Edward B. McDemlon

Beverly Poole Baker. Esq.

Michael F. Ford. Esq.

Douglas McElvy. Esq.

Hon. Daniel B. Banks. Jr.

Roben B. French. Jr.. Esq.

Ed P. Meyerson. Esq.

Kaye M. Barbaree, M.S .. L.P.C.

Edward M. Goorge. Esq.

Amy K. Myers, Esq.

Richard W. Bell. Esq.

Hon. Roger D. Halcomb

Hon. Claud D. Neilson

Hon. Clyde A. Blankenship

Regina G. Hammond

Walter M. Nonhcun. Esq.

Lee W. Bordon. Esq.

Hank Hawkins. Esq.

J. Rictullond Pearson. Esq.

Howard F. Bryan. lIl, Esq.

Claire Suzanne Holland. Esq.

Abner R. Powell. HI. Esq.

Karen L. Bryan. Esq.

Christopher J. Hughes. Esq.

Jo1m D, Qucncllc. Esq.

Robin L. Burrell. Esq.

Leslie M. Kahn. MSW

Michael C. Quillen. Esq.

Hon. TclT)' L. BullS

Hon. John M. Karrll

Hon. Daniel J. Reynolds. Jr.

James L. Clarke. Esq.

Douglas L. Key. Esq.

Ferris S. Ritclley.lI l. Esq.

Stephen E. Clements. Esq.

Karl Kirkland. Ph.D

Sandrd H. Segall. LPC

William D. Coleman. Esq.

Tllomas B. Klinner. Esq.

Hon. Kennelh O. Simon

Louis C. Colley. Esq.

Sammye Oden Kok. Esq.

Fern H. Singer. Esq.

Pamela Gooden Cook. Esq.

Jolin R. Lavelle. Esq.

Roben F. Smith. Esq.

James T. Corbell. Esq.

Hon. Lionel L. Layden

Lewis V. Stabler. Jr.. Esq.

Hon. Roben A. Cothren

BaIT)' C. Leavell. Esq.

Roben T. Thetford. Esq.

Joseph W. Davenpon. Jr.. Esq.

Debra Black Leo. Esq.

Hon. H. Randall Thomas

Hon.lolm W. Davis

Edwin K. Livingston. Esq.

Brian D. Turner. Jr.. Esq.

Sid Davis. Esq.

L. A. Mal"$al. Esq.

Wayne P. Turner. Esq.

Hendon B. [)CBray. Esq.

Rodney A. Max. Esq.

Micllael E. Upchurch. Esq.

Charles L. Dcnaburg. Esq.

10hn A. Mc Brayer. Esq.

Micllael B. Walls. Esq.

John P. McClusky. Esq.

Patricia D. Warner. Esq.

J U LY 2 00)

mination of the ",Iatioru.hip. t~""pI an a,rttfYl(n\ "p"" mitt"""": Ot

I. 11>e inform.>lion """,li.u!CS 11r; I«ftl or other """fodeo.

(II) an ~_;" ",hith a ~iooI.,.. lilt. ..... yor·, ri&hllO prxtia is pan 0( the ",ult"""ni


co"oO<1111n. be ... r."

of I """I~y bc1...-een pri'''1e panles.~ "The ",It. lherefore. 1""'....15 plainlifb' """"",I from ~n\mn. inlO a omknle1ll ~""""Ilha! ,,'OU1d ~u;.;, lhe ri&fM 10 pnoc. 1""'1.0..... In 0Ib<r......,.u.. In lilt. hypo<hcti~al provLdtd. pbinuffs' """n..,1 """kl 001 ... pan of the st:1tk""'OI. o..!:rtt thaI for • period of lwo yell1$ addilional liligllion would 001 be brouahl. NOl •• how<:ver. ur.dcr Rule 5.6. 001 only i. plainliff,' """n..,1 balTCd from mnking "" 19<eCfYI("1 IIOlIO bri", ,ui l. coun .. 1 fOt tho dcfer.d>nI i. prohibiled from proposi", or offeri"11O rMk. "" OK"",mrnl tlul wouW ~IriCI "'" righl of "'" plainliffs' 13w~r from prxlici", la .....

Sealed Set1.ieme Undtr the factS of the omlemcfM lR"iously disamcd. the dtf~1 addluQnally, as 1 condill.,.. 0( st:111t"""nl "'1U'IIS the omkmenT 10 be """rode"u,,1 and .... all court rtCOI"Ih 10 be .... Ied. Can you a,rtt 10 jointly request thai the rtCOI"Ih be ",.. led and •• p«1 th.>11Ilt."""n ...·ill ...~I the~? In Soulh Carolina. the <laiC " \en fcd<-ral~ in ~ l ulyo( Ihi.< y...... voted 10 SlOp the practice in aU castJl. I .u,. pcct thai the praclice. in the absenee of oppooilion. varieo from dr· <."IIitlO circuil otn:Iti AI~bama. In the I.lter pan of my", as 1 eimllt joo,.. I SlO\lped lIJlP"J"ing ""I It>>,,~1 =ord.< 0( the

lial """""""ial "",,:arch or infoomalioo:

The UlfonnaIion i, I """Ia" of llal~ ..... n.y:

3. The maocrial $OUghit


be "'2Icd promo&H ~ Ot

def..... lion;


4 . The "",!Crill " holly pri""le family m111CfS. web as dl~. child (...andy. Ot adoption: pOSes • ~al of ~ ellploilalion. physical inlnl5ion. Ot other pmt~ulariud Iwm lO ,lit patti.. 10 the action: Ot

S. "The iofOt"""ion

6. The mal.rial posc,llIt


for hann 10 .hir(l penons "'"

J1"nies 10 the liligalion. flaving " bri&hl.line leol taUs lhc is..... off of lhc lllbk and >IoJu1d have lillk or no .ffecl OIllCllk"",nl>. These Nlin" will 001 affca privale selliement "" .. " .. ,~. tlw ore no! filed in court. In Jl"'IOS,l i~ partios nonnaIly rtle a atipubtlOll of dismissal and !he iC!tkmcot. documrnt$ an: not filed in COUll. n..r.,..., only "limited number 0( caso under AIabMoa ....... web as I ...· irM>I"'''' " 1IIinor. tlw mllS! be ~ by lhc COIIt1.



coun 1Ul1t:s-. ~ _.oomo "'-""P"l1ing..,ason. .pch as main4ltin. ina !talk S«"rrts. proI<CIion 0( a ju,enik Ot hen: _ <:y ..... proICCIed by _ule or OIhcrvo'i", proICCIed by bw. I did 00 >imply becaISe f(U\ I"I'COt"Ck ~ public. In rnony illMlltCl'S, ~ 10 seallUO.lRls cerro: in cascs irM>IVUlf: pmduots liabo~ly. Then: is IIINIII and compelli"l vr... in my judg:menI. !ha! lhc public has • riP 10 ~ obooII isM..s iIn-oM"I publi<: saf"y. The pn>pO$<'d Nk dwt~ MMlId amntd South CarolIna', !"Ntral Cinll'roccdu", I.ocaI Ruk 5.03 foll"",·tnll public CO<nfYl(n\ period. Oftly florida lnd Texas ha,.., .;mil .... bMs, and only .II the _eltwl."The Soulh CaroliJU. Sum""" Cou", ",bcd"Ied'he i ..... for re\I;. .... al ils judi..,,1 C"OIlf~~t>Ce In Augu!. ofthii Y.'" "..ilh ""y propos.od ",Ie 01l>."g'" 10 be ,uJ>. milled to tho Ilolc IcgislaLU"'. llte SOlllh Carolina SUJ'I"C"'" C<>un ",Ii., 00 dr-oi.ion in Da"i~ v. J~nning., 304 S.C. SOl ( 1991),10 Iw>dlc ~~Is fOt ",akd ""lIkmrn ... Thai Nlilll held ihal!he Iri~1 coun mu,l hold a heariO! in n:sponse 10 such ~toeMs and bal;once 1_ public', risM"'...:uu api .... ooun· Ir"tVatlllll inlemu web as harm 10 !he panics from d.!lCIos ..... Similarly. !he Summe Coon of A .. bama has Iddocsscd tlIt i ...... In He/loAd v. £ab. 614 So.2d 1012 (Ala. 19')3). the Supreme Coun of Alobama ""'" fxed wilb drcidio& "hethcr 1 lIti'" pony ohould be 11"""cd 10 In!Cf\lCnc 10 ......w • pIC"iously ",.Ied mxrrd. The coun '" ou. the ~I ",Ie thaI II"""', puJ>. Ii< irup«:tLOO of judi<ial records and !Itnt held if" moIion 10 ....1 i. filed. lhe mal coun ~ld condUCI a hearinl and ~ld IlOl ",.1 coun records .~""pt Up"" 1 "..riHen findina tha. the movin& pally hIS proved by d ..... ond convincing .vidence IhlLl 1M "",onI should be ",aled. 11>e ooun set forth six erileri. to guitie lilt proce..:

't>$UtICQ ....


•• • • In !he alkrmalh of Enron .... hal do you do ify"", ditn, cans .nd " ... " 10 know if oemin docU""'.I' elll! be de<troycd7 Ally such inquiry should raise. mI Ita •. Rule 3.4 (I) of the A/obaIno> RLJ.. 0/ Pro/rs.>ionnI

RrJ(NNIJibililJ """ides. ~A

lawyer ohaIl noc

"'(aJ unl .....fully obsuuct another pony', occas 10 ""idcnee or unlawfully aller. OOI!"O)' or conceal. Ot olhcr "",!Crial hlvil\i poctn.;al ~vidcn· tiary val .... A 1o ....yt1" oh:oll no! coun~1 Ot ....:is!. anoIber person 10 do Illy such acl!.]""


A oounler inquiry to the clion • • booW be nude: 10 del<nninc if .he di.nt has developed a ';fYI(wbl. for de;.roying docufYl(n" fOt .~ """sider-Ilions and if lho li~ble i. being Slri<;.I)" rompliM .... illt. If SO. Illy deW\ltlion of documrnlS oulSidt of .he lifYl(l:lb1e " 'ill appear ,u'Jl«1. AOOIher inquiry i. ... hetller ......., is III ongoin& or pendi", iftVCSlipi"" If ,here i. pOkn.ia1 lililllion . ......., is !he ,!,,",bOIl of bow ~ ...'OU1d loot 10 the 0Ib<r ,ide ot 10 the jury if......., i. liliplion and • lrili. E .... if the it!COI"!k an! _led fOt _ ' .... clesu\lcliool ...... have learned from Earon thai if~" .... invuIiplion pendin. and the lawyer ~.. Iha1 !Iw: n:cords an: Ot could be ft~ 10 the invwigarion. """'" is the puuilltU,y of bein. rlwVd ,,;th obstruction of justice if the mxrrds .... deWuy<d. Add;.ionally. althDU&h no! In ethical """sidtnolion. ""idence (Ies,,,,,,,ion runs ""ad-on inoo "'" rules oq:onIin& IopOI;a,lon. .... hich allow. fOt an inftrtllCC: of ,uilt or ...llia ..... or !Iw: ba,is fOf a ~p;l!1l'c ac,;on groorKled in "'glill.nee. See MIL)" ". Moorr. 424 So.2d 596.603 (Ala. 1982): A/aha_ fu~'n Co. ~ Murray.

751 So,Zd 494, 497 (All, 1999) ~ Smith v. ""M,...,... nl So.2d 429 (Ala. 2000~ Whal Mpp<nl ...-hen I pany di~ lh:il documml. Ilw "'" pri\"ilrttd hlIve bet .. I~II~,. <Jj$C~7 Has !he p.w,ltcaJ betn """-N by !he d,oe]os"", or is !he odoef puly teW'ICtN from bel .... abIt to ...., !he ,....idence dioe~ ,n the 1ri117l'<>"o rtanl rulinp h'lhiipol !he diffenn, 41A_hos jurisdictions Woe. An "",de from ,he Onober 2S. 2002 edition of the .... IIA ./oI<maJ diocu>s« the "PIl"'O'I"hos. ~In £/b"" Cnl'r Crmrr AfJo<"ialr. lJ' ¥. Quality Co", M""'W'INm 1M.• 80S A.2d I In (2002). Mory1and's Coon of Special Appe.l~ IIdoplrd an inlermcdial' facl·.peciflC leSI for "'''m,illin8 whelher the a""""'y..diont privil.", has been wli,-ed by inadven.m dioel","",. O\ber i"riodiC1iO<l" II>ou &h, h.,.., "!'Plied Sincl.". Ie>!,. "While llIi, "'"J'I)ngful tonnillllUon cas< ""as in di~.• la...,..,. f.".!he pbillliif ~iN-ed a box 01 documotll'l f....... !he """"",I. "Tho pbiMill""' lawyer ""as 10 identify die: doe· un'lI:1rlS 10 he eopiecl AttidonWly included "'lIS a from I lawyer 10 tic dofmdanl f"",', preOOtm. ,,'110 "-' n:IaiIcd !he Iowyer 10 ......... i... dofemcs ror. "mncful ........... 00n lawsuit. AltbouJlllhe """"" mooted as privi!qcd. pi.1On· 61f$ """"",I mooted i, ror rnpying. ..:I • ropy was f<n,lJ'dod 10 pbiMilf1 COUIIId ....., ""illl copies of Oller sdcaed docummlL "Tho ... fcndanl L>Ier ooolCtdo:d that plaintiffs .,.,...,..,1 did nochina intJ"ll"OPl!"l' or u1'lC1llnl in tabbing tb< tnotnOWKIum, ·:Aft... in tic lowtr rourt. tb< dd<'Tldam _&hI ........ trial m lhe ground IMl'he .... too ...... pri.ileged and.lbould noIl\ave been usrd ;1111'W, In uscs";", the merits of the appeol. lhe coon i<ltnl,fK<llM:e ~Ic approaches 10 r=>!vin. such CaK'. Undtr l'."Igmon:', 0IriC1 Je!,l, an inadvenm disdn'....e a1 .....y, OOOWilUltS I " .. i,..,.. Al the Oller end of die spocWm is tic lmicnl lnI. undtr "lodIdIe Iowyt<·SllCJli~...anooI ,,-,u,..., the pri"ilqc: ~ tic cloon!. noI tic ...,......,.. I>oIds tho privilqc:. "The court "'jectod boIh 0I1lcsc Ipproathes. UY'lIIthat tic .triC11eS1 preYmI. ,he u""' 01 preUiaI remedie:llIIII """,Id pre""'" !he powiltl'l' " 'itlloul t:ausi", unfair prejudice. ond thai the Icrut-nlIeSI do<:s naI pn:r;idt any i"""nti,.., for lltOI'lI<')'S \0 ~ .doq...1e ""'''' 10 proIeC1 privilttod doeu_nIL ~In IdoPIIII, its in .. mcd.i ... approacll. tbo COlIn staled Ilw live fo<lOI'1 ~Id be CO<\, .... r'M:







'1'he rt" _ahlrneu or the Pf"ClIuli"". l~un 10 pR:,'cnl inod""nent di<clos,,",. '1'he ""tnMof lnad.r""nt diSClOSUres. "The ~JI~nl of the dioeloou",. ~"""Y ... Iay ond .....tiU~ lIII<ert to ~'ify the diiIC]osun:s.

lie O\-erridIng intltt$ll (>f joastote ..wid be -..rvcd by ",Iie>linlibc pany or;IIl .......

in!ended for the lalll)"t". wilalll)"t" ~Id ",(",in r""" "'v ......... inl the informali"". noIify the ~ndtr and comply wilh the ... ndtr·. inwuC1im. O<l mum or dosposal of the information. "The pantl round that ...... mapity or Slat.. M'''' 00 ethics opiniotu 011 in.h........1 dioe ......"'. M-..... !tete u;m • lack (>f lIIIifonnily _ , ~ :IIlloOCiOlionJ that M"" comldered tho ;UlIe.. ABA Formal EIhicI Op. 9l.~ "filCh .....i .... lawyers naI 10 ,.,....iew i...h..nerttly dioelosed matcriab and iftlleal \0 ronlrt tbo ... nckr fOt i"S11llC1ion. ",main. the kal;n, authori,y m tic qICStion. the """"I .. id, bu';1 II naI unifonnly fol\olo"ed by sutle and local bars. ' "11Ic: elhical obligotion to ~'e clirnl confide""", MId S<""'I'lJ i$ the .jn~ qU(l """ of the IUiJlilCy·die,u I't I01ionship. and lawyers. Ihe",fOft, lIa". I re.<po,bibilily to proleC1 noc only lheil own clients' confide""" •. but also lilosc of <>IM11.wyers' clitnlS, the """"I reasoned. '"1bc panel disagrud w;th ail"" who lIJuc,hat lhis !o:f1;'nt .Iew laclu; 1e1no&1 support in the Mo... l Rules. That "'l"mmI i~y impIi« !hat a lawyer 11M 00 cthocaI oblip!ions ucepI as ~preWy 0C1 fonto in the oppJiabIc 000l0:. tho panel Aid.~ I ..... "'" able 10 lind ... Alabama c.uc ".~ the issue " ... .odIIn:$sed from ... ethie;ol pmpeC1'''''' The Coon (>f Alabama ill &11U" Mam..lI. 549 So.2d 2) (Ala. I989) ........ nwily "'nied ,,"lilll of mandarnuI in I cue ..'he", a leiter f""" .!loneyl ~lin~ lhe ... ,,'" inad,""rntly di~. c~, A di sson, ,,';1lI tWO roncw~' .... "csled lh:il!be ltn~r was WOt~ and p<OItlCled by Rule 26(b )(J) A.R.Civ.P.• and llIu •. lhe mandamus pclilion' should lIa". been gronled.


{;onclus. "Tho """Ii"" ill ~i~ili'y and "",ital CO<lntC1J m"" he Ii""n pri .. only in tho IrpI pmf.wm. For the IIkc of the """,lalioo 01 ow profession. good Jawyen", ""'"' be ~1IIefed till boIh ci~ili· 'y and SUttng otbic:s. We muM .~hibil c;"i!ily wward .""b 0Iber and. at tile ~ tim.. di~y -WIlnJ cthios in rtpttSnl6ft, our clients. Althougb our o)'llom of ............... nce i. od,~. 0111 mi..ion must be ' ..... fol<l: wl""i", the case and ,,"inn;nl publit opmion b\lS<'d on the manrter in "'hich "'e handle ow ClS<'$. "Tho preamblt 10 !be Model Rules of Prof~ Respon,ibilily stales lh:il. "Iallawyel io. "'presentative of ciienl'. an offi~1 of the 101"1 sy ... m Ind a public cilizen h.."in. 'pecial ""ponsibillly fOl" lhe quality of Justice:' Pr'\'3mbl •. Sropc. and Tenninolou, MM M",/rI lI.u/~$ nf Prof~..j(",al Rr:<pOltJil>iliry (W.. I 2001). QuI aclion<. Ihe",fOft, n:qui'" thai "'. 0<, wilh lhe higheM JIIOr.lI obliSaliM' 110 as nallooffend the • qualily of jusrO:e nor \010..,. ,he esl«m of the prof<"S<ion.

"Af,er lJIPIyma illl in!enncdiale ItS(. tho """n """",ludN all lie facton Slroosly faYOml • findi", or ,,"',..,.. "'!"he nlucs pantl of the New Ym Coonly Lawya>' AS!IOCiatOon rtlChed. dilf=>l' ronclusion O<l!low to handk inad".nenl diIClooures in illl opinion. New Ym Counly Lawye ... · Aisociali"" Commiuee "" Professi"".l Elhi .., Op. 730 (July 19,2(02). The <>pini"" say. thai if. I.wyel ~.i""" informatiO<l <:Onlainin. confidenoces Ihal "JlP3R'nlly we", noc 234


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AS !

, OvE'1'View of the Putative Father Kegi'iby Act In JanlOa!)' L997.1ho qill .. u,", of Alabama ""'"""" Iho PuL>'ive P.llhc1' Rt&'W)' At!. In doi",

so. Alabama jointd a g:n:w..i", ""mbtt of $mtS that had enaclCd ";milar SI.OIUIC'" 11 mi&hl "~II M wrmised!hot.he oulcroPplni of $b1Ul<.'S .imilar 10 Alaba",,,', was in "'oc.i"" to tile "Baby Jessie.'

(ue.' An cn,i .. nalion ""I nlO'W as,l .... 'ched lht odoption debacle ,hal ",".h.d in.he cryinB toddler being ... """,,~d from 110, lIdof>Iive putn.s lO be mumed 10 I f.tho. she did no! know. Roben A...s....,n. M.D .. may have caplu/lld.he public mood best in hi. t\2unti", aUloI:>ooJnphy. S«o..d CIooiu: G_'i~1 Up /I.dopInJ• ........ be $bled. 10 ,lQrify lIdopIioa in ~


5«'''1 it IS.

abouIlhc public'.

i. "'" Wfprising .haI maQY ""'"' i Alabama. brgan $<:"",1>;", for • _-s 10 a "'petition of J"I""" railt'd



""me, ha...""... btc'use it i. wooW expect to find it I. i. found in a poc ke, I 126IOC-1 ~I uq. II i. easily Qvcr~. In pen; ... n, pan. "'" Act begin. ""ni",ly by proYidina llial the Dtpartm<nt of Hum:m Resoutt'Q ""'II esllObJi>h. ~wy '"bef'tin" pulali .... father may file Ius r>Oti£e of in",,,, 10 claim PI''''mi.y.' 1be $taI"' e m.,n pnl"i.... th:1I1 faIhtr who II.... ly and contttly files "'Ib !he rqiwy !NIl be l,ven 0( Ihe J><'1'd<' 01 any 8dopbon ~. ings concemi", Ihe dt!.iglWtd c hild.' In .. ovt11. Iy I""'>'..... ive ........."'. ~ aIai"'t rnmi ... lizes "a knowi", ~ in'~DliOf1aI ",I..~ of ronfllknl;.l informaliOll from Ihe ",g'S1ry.~~ lbc Aelll><" pro. _ides for II>< slricl lime limiLO'ioo :

puUilJ'' '


Any por.son ,,00 d.lnlllO« lhe n,lu. ral falher of a ckild lIId falls In file h;~

lIOIi<c of inlcnltO dli",



prior 10 ~ ,",';tkin 30 days of Ihe birth of. child

SIWII 10 ... bstttH>o (I )

born 0011 of ..-..dlock. .tuJ1 be doemcd 10

I»ve aiven an irmwdbk .ird ""yodopliM (HO€Htlu.,."

IDnM,1l ;"

n.. ~ C1JnUI'nlI "" escape c~ or ",.illp .

for "'" "",",'td rother ,",'110 fall< f~ .... y with Lbo ..... iwy 01\ or bef"", hi.

child',)(lIh day of life. lbcAellNl.. "" aJJov..·ance f~ III "n"'N (alher ,",'00 <Joe..... know of hi. fOlherl>ood IUIhl the 11 ..... for filing has al",ady rxpim:!, ...". for Ihe "" .."«I fOlher ,,'1>0 i. out of Ihe rounuy td~ ift military ......·ICC • ...". f~ tbr man ,,110 hal bun act....ely dr«ived by lhe moIher's mi~ptI'lo<'1IlaIion 1ooIlh< I>oby. In sbon. (he Ael has. mccl»nlC~l·ja"'. elf..... tlw hal alrudy ~IWcd .....-enJ U""'td (",hen in Ala~ from """'Htillg lhe IdoplH>o ofthrir child",n. n.o.e Idoplions proc=Iod >olely uJlOlt the """"'", nf the mother .ince the father·, ron· >cnl bccotne ir,....,cnbly 'UlllllOrily impli~ by his f. il u", 10 .ign "'11'>1"1. On April", 2002. Ala bama', 1~1I;'1.11lf< $<>lid;· fled ilS inltdt tlw the", he no =eptiom 10 Ihe 3(l. day filing n:qw",m••" by promulgatinl Act 2002· 4 17." Thi. lI1lO"""""nI 1.. _ nothinllO Ihe imaginarioo. I. provideo u"""",,poIISly tilnery lili", ,",ith dtor: "'ll$lJ')" is tbr "....1...;," mnhod "h<rd>y

""'t ""'"


an "" ..."Cd father an ....."felol hi, inlcn1 lO.bun po1Cmily 01 h,. duld and P'" sun;J'''I1O conIeS! an adopriort 01 hiHhild. Yel •• Dwnbn- oI,isnifi·

cam q....oon. ",main IUlalUwcmI rqarding an lUI",td father·, rich'" '0IU. Q/l"IopriIll' lbc rnoo.l rompel~"g qutSlion il "hellier a striC1 a ppli<ation of.he 3O-d:Iy limitolion pcri<xI would be rorutitu. ,iooal in every fact",,1 $Cuin8. WIlile ,he UnitN


Strue. S"l"'I'n," COO" has IlOl the q..... tion ptr $C. the Coun began analytina the perip/Jery of the probl<malk i~ of coru~tulional proI""ion for ,he ri&hl< of U"",ttl {allicn in 1972. A clos<: =iew oI.he de>..,lopmtnt 01 Lbo UnilCd StoICS SUl"'I'me Court cue law ;1 indiSJX'lISIbic ror an llltorney n:'pn:$<'fI"nl an UD""Cd father " ..... has failed to Ilk .... ith the ",,'~ry. for tho", i:s "" a.gu_ lnent I<Ii for writ • oIitd, UtqI1 one chal...."'" tbr C(NWinnionoll.y of ,he "'llStry lIS appIiN.

United states Supreme Court Ca<;e

Law: 1972-1983 (The Four Pillars)


Pr>or 10 1972. there ~s ab!enceof Supmne Coon ~ tlw op:clf1ClJly ~ the rigllb of "",","Cd fathers ,",'ith rcspec1 co their Q/l"_ SflrinI. BCI........ 1912 and 198J.1he Unllttl SWcs Court hondo:d .....'a four Iandmart decl-


oioM 1hai pn:Mdo tbr f",m.."'."" for """"" coons 10 """ in dCItmuni", the rigtlu 01 un""Cd fathers ",lab"" to adoptiort pro<fttIlllp im-oh,"I thrir chil·


<lrm. An aloomey cannot ~bly IdcIr= !he i...... ",,"in••u 10 ... wtd farherJ; ",othoul ~ .. 1II-dqM oommand 01 ~ Qk'S.

1. 1972: Stanley v. Illinois (An U,...·td h ' M' Ch~llenl\~ ' M 1'l"QUmpt>on pr Ills U,,8' n_) In Swnlry v. [/UnQi"'. an unwtd f.tlle r chal. i.en,<'(Ilhe coo'~tution.lity PI In Illinoi s SIaM. 11101 "",attd an i",,!>unable 0< tonclulive ]ll"l'$ump"011 tIw unwtd f.1I>eni ...,.,," ""fil puett .. and.. hnIt:e. could noI he bem:I in """",ilioolto the: adopt_ 01 tMir mJdnon. Sw.Iey. lhou&JI noI ... eMmpl..-y f....... bad in &t! puettltd iii. children and /wid 1..-<:<1 ,,-illt hi. child",,,', moIher 011 and off " fo< 18 Y"""- Upon the death 0( the motht., hi. chikIRn ,ulOrI\:Itically became: immediate w."b o f ,he Slale atld yo'c'" eligible 10 bo adopt<'(l, 8«ou"" of th/! •• i.ti", '~Iut<l<y pre. sutnption of hi. unfilOe$$. Stanley wu denitd th/! opponunily 10 bo heard. Sw.1ty appealed. COlt. Itrllli", that !he .llIrute vwlaltd!he 0.. Process Cbu~ as well .. Ibe Eijuall'loleetioltl Cb_. The UILI.m SllIleI Supreme C....... found evide ..... in the ruord tIw SllInicy had tl<"I't'isnJ dt fiM'o CIlStody 0( hi' chikIRn tOOugll hi' Pi'ltmuy had DC\"t1" I:Jt.<n rcrognimJ by the Sl.lte of IIlinoi., In view of Stanley', d, fOC'" custody. the Su!",,"'" Coun held ,'''', lhe ~ Process C13u<e wu violated by th/! pre.umption of hi. unfitness." The Supreme Coun conch.,1ed tllol "dettyi .., such I hearin, 10 SllInicy and lhose lil;e him ,,'hile t'*ftIin, it to 00....minois palm" is i,....,..p+ly cootr.wy 10 tM Equal l'rouctJon C1_.~ u It i. ~",fullO ""'. tlw.1be Coon focused IIIroulhoul upon SI:onley',I<1ua1 CU>IOdiai "'Iarionlotllp w,th h,s children. no! upon hi, bioIopcai link to ,lie chi"""n. TIw focus would ",,"ive funhe. in 1978.


GcorJia ~Ia'"'e


Cbu"" by ill dispan.c unmanied falbers. The United StI.." C....... pve Iohon sluifi



bold that III hi'



. I

It .


' ti


2 . 1978: Quil/oin v. Walcott (Tht tlftl Inter$ ofl,," Child Su~ncda • • 'otM,'S Oppo.-tunily lnl~rest) In Qui/liM" 1Ihlroa". III ..... ,,'td ralher chol. 1t"lCd the ron<Ii'u'ionality of !he G«qio .... ult W'ItIC~ ~ui"'" an unw'ed f~lher '" ",il;'nOI. hi' off$prin, in oNe. to pin Slandinlto 0f'P0S<' an odopIion of hi. ch;td." Under ,he Offiogi. , ••• ult. an unwed f"tIc. eould Icgiti"'"te hi, ehi!d eithe. by n"",),i", the mothe. and .dnooo.-led';n; Iho ehild U hi, _"0< by OOIainin, a roun order de<:1an", the child 10 bt hi' O.... n. Quilloin had failed 10 q;1Itnlte his child by either tn<1ltod. Only "hnI!he mother itulilllltd polXftdinp 10

litis .imo: ]

" A, .. I didn', lnow .ha...... prtlCe~ evcn you "'cn' IItrough.],ic]."

lad l

s!ied in Quilloin was .."hether an unwed f.ther who has forged a significanl and enduring ",1'lionship "'ilb his ohild may \ose his child 10 adoption bec.u~ of hi' igJlOl1UlCe of lechnical stalUlory ""Iui",,,,,,nu;.

3 . 1979: Caban v. Mohammed (Disparate Trea l..... nl of IJm.'ed Mo' h~'" and Fath.",: A WlnnlnI!A'l!um"nl for Un wW Custodial hlh. r ) In Caban ~ M""amm~d", an unwed father main· taincd • form of joint custody with the mother of his ohildren until the child",n we", n:spo<1i,,,ly I".... and four ye3r$ of ago. By thai poin~ the moth· er had married and given lit, con~nl for her chil· dren to bo adopled hy their ''''pfather. a paltem similar in some ways 10 lhal of Quilloin, C"b<",. lik. the father in Quill,,;n, brough' both doc process and equal proIttlioo ohallonges 10 the .... lidily of lhe SlalUle which ""mlilted the adoptioo upon the sol. of the mot""'. Caban" "'Iual proIeclion claim l'e<ted upon dis""",l. treal"",nt of




unwed nlOlherlO and unwed fat""" who ""'" <>Iher· wi .. similarly situated " 'ith 1'eSP«'1 to de fx,o par· enling of their children." TIlt SUp"'nle C<l<Jrt ana· Iyzed the gender and biological differences bolw«n the unwed mother-and-child relalioosh ip and that of the unwed (ather·and.child relatioo.hip. noting in Ju"ic. Siewart's dis .. nl that,·1"he moth· or carries ar<! boars the child .• nd in this .. n"" her polrenlal relatiOO!hip is dear,"" One m.y infer from the COllIn ~""Iioos that the Coun (ound no imperati'O for a wornan 10 "'<On 10 l<g.1 process in order 10 .njoy coo,ulUIional proI«lion from arbi· nary Stale ocrioo, Ihal infringe upon her relationship with her ou[.(,f·wedlock child. It is lhe Coun's recognilion of the unwed falher"$ righlS thaI c.lches the eye. TIlt COUrl opined thai. developed. oxi!!ing relalionship bolween lhe unwed father and ~hj ld "wId be enlilled 1(> lhe Ii an unwed mother aminal)' state action," TIlt C<l<JrI upheld . Hqu.1 Prot":'ion up"" lhe ground thal both the unwcd motho-r and ,he unw<:<J falher had a<mally sh.lred custodial paren",1 dUlies." ln other word •• while a diSiinclion'l times may be ointwn bolw«n the righlS of un ....'cd mothers and falhers, 'lOCh diSliJlC1ioos fade to exlinelion when the unwcd f"~r has formed an enduring rel.tioo·

;~,;;'",'••;'"",,"',;', child. As il had dQr.e in Sian/e,.


I"" Supreme Courlagain """..:Ied the o f an unwed falher from amil"'ry stale

:ot:tioo where he had xli,'.ly participaled in par· em ing hi, child.



(A Libcl1y Int"rest, Absent a Substantial Relatio ... hip, Fai ls, 1.4" •. R~"wn" ......dO the first cos< 10 ttOach the United Slates Supreme Cowt from a SIal. in which , ,",Ialive father registl)' "'a, in fora:. New York', 1983 ,",tative father nogi,rry was """"",hal .imil..- 10 Alabama's currenl registry in that a I"'IOli ..." father "'h<! 'imely filed with the registry became en'itled 10 r=ive oo!i« of any procteding to adopt that child.· "The New York ...tule. ho,,'''''''', did"", con",in the

im:">C<tble implied consenl cI~ lhallooms SO ominously for unwcd f.!hers in Ala/xl"",'$ acL Uhr had li>ed with the mother prior to his dau&f\ter', birth. though he ""'",. lived with her after the child was born, Uhr ""''''"I''''''ided any """",ial,uPJlO'1 for hi. daughtCT. nor did hc tito ",itll the registry.~ Aller hi. child "'a< placed for adoption. uhr sougtu • de1emtinalion of palomily. an ooler of 'upporl and • viSi!3tion ooler. "The trial COUI1 dismiMtd all of Uhr's dainlJi and finalized the adoption. On appeal. uhr ",i!ied boIll depoi.alioo of due ~ss a nd. violalion of the Equal Prot":"on Claus<: in S"pport of hi, oo'''.n';oo Ihal New Yorl:'s .. aMory scheme was unconstiMiooal. Uhr. like Quilloin bofore him ..... rted thaI his poICntial or opportunily intorest in • relalionship with hi. child .on$lituted a libeny inlere.' lhal oould not be ,xlinguished withoo l due process of lhe I.w. TIlt COUrl agreed "thai the ",lalion.hip of 10,." and duty in a recogn ized family un;1 i. an inle"',' in libony:'~ Th"1 ~".. ,;oo , kirled ,he iss"", howe ..·.r. btta"~ the unwed father hislori· cally has not been I part of the "recognized ramily unit" TIlt uhr COOrl re.i ..... ed SUm/fJ'. QUU/Qin and Cabrln in ~nalyl:ing the ;SSIlCS presented by lhe un .....~d father. In the final .nalysis. l!>t C<l<Jn reaffirmed its holding in C"b<m.nd xconled conMi!Ulional proIectioo ooly to lhose un ..... ed falhets who oould < a pre..."isling substan,i.1 relalion,hip wilb his ohild, opining as follow.: When an un,,'ed father d'''''orutral<, 3 full 10 the responsibililies ofparenlhood by 'com[ing ! forw.rd to polrllcipate in lbe rearing of his child: hi, inlereSI in personal CoolaOl .... ith hi. child a<:Qui.-.s subs'anlial proteclion under the dtlt clau ... "

uhf is the eulmination of 3 judioial philO<Ophy of fatherhood by the inlimacy of associalion ralher

than falbcmood ""sed upon biological h'ppenstance alo~. The Coon held that uhr had I'lOl deV<"lopcd an cnduring parental relationship ""i,b his child beeau,,", he had nevcr ""rsued any .ignifi_ e,nt custodial relalionship wilh her. nor had he rn:.dt: any effon to pro,ide for ller f",ancially. nor had he fikd ""ith the ",,",live (allier registry. uhr roolen<led ,h., he, like Quilloin. hod ~n unaware of tilt '",IUlory process for filing his intenllO pal.mily.l1Ic LLIIT Coort seemed les. ,ym_ pal""'ic!O an i,nora"". o( law def• ...., Ihan!ht Quilloin COUrt h.d ~n nve years earli.".. stilling Ihat lhe possibililY lhal uhr had IlOl known of the "",.,i,·. f"her registl)" "canlIOI be a .ufficient rea, son for critici,ing lhe l.w i,,""lf:' U Yel .• careful reading of thai C'<e ""oold sirongly "'&1;""lhal il was IlOl ulv', failure 10 .ign IIIe regi'tl)" Iha, <loomed hi' paternal daim •. II wO$ hi, 10 es,abli,h a suoo .. nti.1 falher<hild relalionship Ih .. had defealed him. l1Ic Cwn allocal<d far more of ilS lin," 10 .,·alnaling uh,', ",I"ion,hip wi,h hi' child Ih"" in COIl,iderin, lilt PIJlative falher Registry aspe.ol o( lilt case. uhr appears 10 close lhe door altogo,lI<, upon an unwed falher's argy. ,""n'$ ~d upon a loss o( fUlure opponuni.y in'.re't$ if an unwed fa.her canl'lOl filSl demonslra'e .i.her .. jlre-existin, ,ubs.anti.l relalionship w ilh!ht child or compliance wi.h "",Ulory provi. ,ion, for embH,hing a legal ",l.'iw,hip to the child. Si".,., LLh ••• he wa.chword for unwed fatbers is no! "f,,""'r:' It is '·rela.ion,hip:· n.. eompellin~ que"ion lefl unan''''ered lhen i, whelller.n un""ed fatlter who hos eslabli,hed. d~ faCIo pan!nl-child relalion,hip can be deprived of ,h., exi"ing rel"'ioo,hip by a failure '0 fuln n ...,n.ory requiremenlS ,uch as.hose imposed by lhe Iypica! pUla.i,·c father registries. A cartfnl readin, of Slall'. )". Q"jlloi~. Co/N>I! and ullr ""oold strongly ,uUe" .h.!.he Uniled S,ate, Supren," Coon would nol be i""lined 10 eleval< ,he formalilie. of st.tutory con'p!ia""e OVer lhe ,ubs.ance of an established paren. and child ",I._ ';oo,hip. To the con".....-y. Ihe Slanlry coun opined: Procednre by pr<!iumpt.ioo i. always cheaper and easier 'han individual dc!erminalion. Bu. wlltn. as 11<",. IIIe procedme forecloses the d<-lermin.ali.e iss ... , o( CQlIlpetence and care. when i. explicitly disdains presenl ",.I ilies in <l<fe",nce 10 pa" formali'ie •. il 0«<1. Icssly ri,~. running rough'hod 0 • .". lhe i", in""'SIS of bolh pan!nI and child. It lherefore canlIOI .. and. D

A Brief

Pivotal Case Law The Alabama Court Appeals TheAla""""" Coon ofC;vil Appeal. f.VOI of the adopIive parents in the "",,"i'" "",,-e<I father I the regiStry. In M. Y.S. " Y.M.D. ~ the Alabama Coon of Civil Appeals "" forth ilS legal reasoning ",ganJing ,he COIl'tilUlionalily of the Putative Father Regi,lry Ac •. and "'" coon hos IlOl dep:trted from that analytical frame""Od in ""y subsequen. M. Y.S. i, an odd case in thai the nn",-e<I rather failed '0 , ign the regjMI)". ye. the trial CQw1 "","""""less .fforded the father a full evl&ntia:j\ hearing i iii adopIion. AI the coo,i I CQurt denied lhe putati,·. fatlter's finding IMI !>l .V.S. had" ent inl .... " no ac.ion to bccotne a dependable pan of child's life nor establi,hed a rull social cial C<)nlmilmenll ship with the child.

;wl. the Acl impermissibly I falhers who r.1ed wilh lhe did Il0l. Arguably. the coun could have i;(le· SlOpped lhe consti.ution.! i It the 3O-day statuI< Ii .i IIIe •. been i First. the coon "'jo'ctcd llIe unwed lent;on thal .trict scruliny AM si""e i. aff.-c1S lhe righ. of a ""ilh his child. Rmhcr. lhe COUll. applied lhe ",'ional basi, scru.iny analysis does not Case involves pamttll! righlS."~ The M. Y.S. conn IItld thallhe", is. i~':::j:: Sl"e inle"'" in identifying those ""'"ive .... ho weI'(" willing 10 pan!n. childrtn born Wt of wedlock as soon os pos,ible.nd thai ,lie AM is r.l.lioo.l1y related ,o.he prontOIioo of thai in"",,, The coon funller staled: The Putali"e Falher Rcgi,lry provide,

• legal ,'''''''', 10 OKenain wi,hin.

,hott lime of a child', birth whether the biologi<'3.1 falher is going 10 ossen


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• hi. nlhu and perfonn hi. romsp:lndi", du,i,n. If "";\her bK>Ioskall*enl '. BOinlIO CaR: for tile dlikL tht1I !he pIIUilve falher ~wy abo KIJ 10 fxilillllC adoptlon5. in order KI provide early and un;nlCmlplcd bondi", oIlhe chi ld ... i'h lhe adopiive pa~n15 .... A I""uri",, f~'!r'r wlm "'form s~ch a bond muS! ,;",,/, a$S~n hil righll "",I" the Act."


The COlIn. IlOl 5IIIpI'ising1y. ~re=d 10 tile Baby JessiCi tlSc as having given rite 10 ""compclli",

"'_ r.,. ..... lql$bnan"., provid"" 'I-P""',fltd ptnod " ';l/un " 'hich 10......, paRnw richlS as an un-.J fllher..... The coun emphtilzed III:.! M. v.s. did nor involve lhe COII"i1U!iona!ily oIlCrminlting In ... islinl'"'al ~I",ion.hip. /1 concffi\td only the lenninolion of on un ...C<,I f01l\(r's opponunily inlC~1 in hi' child. The "'.V.S, opinion ",liN helvily upon !he Uni!Cd Stales Supreme Coun ClOIeS discl>SStd in I':ln III above. wi.h pi'Ilicular rmphas .. br"" placed """,,/LilT. A '-ny can:ful ",od,nl of M. would be pnMlmI r.,. lOy anorncy who plans to "f'pC<lla N>ed upon tbr 1\".. """ I'athcr R",iwy Act.



The Alabama Supreme Court In 2001. in S.c. Iv. v. C. 8."', !he AI.bonlll Supreme Coun ~ a fi ...1 order of odopIion, dapilC the """'cd btller', fallu", 10 m. limely " 'tilt ..... rtg;SIry. AhbouBh SoC. W, did nor ,imtty file rtg;SIry, he did file both. /tcllimation Kr"", ..... "",emily action within I S days of his child', binh. AI that lime. the NIop/,on Code pr0vided lhat I p!Jllllive f.tbr-r mu>! I;". hi, COIU('nl II) odopIion if hi, idrn.ily " 'as "n\alk kt>Ol'ln by ,he motller.,. ... OIherwi ... milk kllO... n to ,he COlIn pl'l:"ided Ihat he ~5pondlcdJ wilhin ,hiny day.'o tile norice he "",ooive ldj under Ste.ion 26-

,,·,IIt .....

IOA, 11 (I) (IO).M

",. suprcme COW1 ta.1d tha, tile ""wive f.lhtr'. idmhty .... actLOally made t -'n '" tile coun "'i.h,n IS day' of his child', binh na iii. Iq,tl;ma· .ion .l1li palemi,y cw"" and IlIat he had '"J'OI'ded .... i'hi,. 30 days all mjuircd by 5«<1'011 26-IOA·7 01 !he C<Hk. In eff""! ...... Alalwna Supreme COILn held, deiP;1C lhe emphalic I,niuage of lhe Pu!a!;,." Fathe. !kgi,try ACI. LI\3, ,here ~"",inW OIher meaR$ by which ""y unwcd falller could _u~ hi< familial richll and IIIaI S.c. W. had RcUrcd his ri&h1S by his aumM'''' and timely litip''''''' The Alabama Supreme Coun .... $IwpIy divided in S.C. Iv. Fhe justices held ih;M Ita. seem'JIIly ron-


mctillll Slaiulel could be Iwmo( nized so .... dililt'nl un .... ed b!hon could claim .....11 clbldnoll by ';mely fili", Iili ......... R>w jLlllicc$ ..,,~ of the opnion ih;M ..... Puwive FaIhcr R"l'WY Act IUptrtcdcd the older "01l1les and """ n:pcalcd lhem by implicalion. Bee...", lhe "".'., IY was able 10 reconcile.n 'ppmnl ronnie, be,,,....,n!he Pu.ltive F...... ' RClislry ACI and the provisions of 126-IOA·17 (a) (10) and 126-IOA.7. !he COlIn !ro'Cf'Scd tile order of odopI;OII. and ,ta. calle ..... ~mandocd f",. """,CSItd adofrtion 10:11'int.- "" «Irt>li'II!iona] issues "'.",... nevCI' IUChcd .. nee Ita. dtcilion lumed upon ....1I1Dr)' illlCtJnla· lion. The LUlIO'flI (IIher'S Jepl ';ctory in S.C, w. - . fIto;.i",. On April 7, 2002. Alabama', Itgi,brIU~ "'rooNi,vly amtnded sectiOll$ 26-IOA_1 and 26-IOA-17 10 mjU;'" compliance wilh ,he ~Ii~uy as r",C/~sj,." melhod ('" unwed fathers '" ooc\t>OI'Ilcd", ..... i' inlCn, to claim paremily," Since S.c.w., no.-- been dtcidtd in fa..,. of an un",ed fa1hcr ",110 fai!cd 10 file willi the rqLJUy. _

• I



An """"" of ptn'COIlion will alw.y, be .....,.,11 ./ mon: \ban 1 pound of <>= Every dicnL wllo ~ ; '



as an unwC<,l mu" be advi ..... lbal file willi ,he ~lisLty ~ilher bef"", the chil ~ or willtin!he fin. 30 day. of the child', life if he " 'ishes 10 oppo5C an odoption of !he child. Numerous complications nil ari .. thaI on: bt)"ond ..... tcOpe of this article. An un,,~ r..1hrT may lOot ~ ... ta.n: Ill< IIIOIher and child ""'. Ir!bey hi,." ~Iocatcd 10 another ilaIe .... j"""" hi. "-Icdp'.• rather fili", in Alah.ama could martife>l hil ;me", to cLaim p.uemi'y, bu'!hen:- CaJI be no assurance tha, .. , iSlr. stl.e woukl give loop.] rffect.o .... ' &""u",," Aq;u.bly alld using common sense. how· .v.... an un-.J f. ,her miBhI ICrve hi. in''''••1< by limely 1iI1", in any 5I.", ... tbr-r than liIin, in none. In !he vt'1)' unrflO"lu ..... f:Vtll' !hal Alatwna'i 30day fili", limiwion has been misKd,!he un""Cd ralhrT ~;Iher no vi.ab1e ~ lefr. or he has """ that rtlu>! be bated mIi,..,ly upon hi, act.w, ,l1li",inl and su~Wllill ",La!ionsItip ch,ld. ",.~ i. no middle """nd lefr af.... Act 2002-417. The unwC<J f~I"","" :Hi""",nl can lal. only one fon:secable lack; He mu" :Hi"" that lhe PuL<O'iv. Fllhrr Roo, Act ,,. nppliM to him viol ..... he Due Process alii... and tbr Equal Pn::IICc1ion ClauS<' of ..... Ullilcd S ....., ComtiluliooI because of lb. lIIbswt.ial ",latiollship willt hi. dlild. ~, COIUIi,uuonai "'all .... as .wtru ..... as



",lit .....


.... dotp. The bailie "'ill be IonJ. and IlIc 0II1COnIC ",'iII be WICeI1aIn. The child's be>! i~ " 'iII ~ bopolmly blm=! in IlIc lIul of balll<. and evft)' mcmbet of IlIc adoption Iri"",1e will ... lfer as y~ars ofliti,..ion and u~i nly , wirl ""~r .hom. II ~""ooc be OIb<fwisc. This i" ~f1er a cautionary l>1e. and il musl have iu moral OJ ~11 "ocll lales do. &."/lTf", A.wlll A~n. Ih~ J(J.I>ay /NtMIlint:


8qoroJ This fuinl


& lmJl",tJ_

ENDNOTES I ......1\.."'.21

• "'-" Sot.,!JIoo""__ IO-_,_-,,\IfO"


_ ••II.'_...,U.S._llft


II lII.l91

zs. III • • U

17 I ... , - . '8:1 U S I. lIte3/. 28.II .. ZS' l!I. Ill . . . . . . ZIG.... _ ill .. J __ "'" ........ _ .... ., .. foctII :II. 1Il .. 25I .... J:1IU 5 1Sl.1."!lU1 ]11Il .. 21I~C-O.U" 1" IUS .. ,,",


31. III .. 214

D. «!i U. S....1

_ _ ., tho "9'WlI

:M MVS., VM D.nUI\.


35. Id. 141

CowIo 10 _YoIt. -'IU> a.-.. ~ ...

""'f'OIIIIIod __



_~_. 1'

2. .... c.tt12l-11\Co1 ~ 200!1. I l21-tCC-ll11 CollI ...... 1:11070 1&18J ~ oc.


2D. 1Il.:!SI

..... ""III7_"

""""" __ ........ til ...


1<1 ....

c;,,. I .

lI. Id. l!iZ.

II III. lSI ........ 0IId0il .111"1~


1 __


M. D._a..-Gn.o.rf~~

" " I I 1 I I - ' 0 - - . - ' lEI Ul-11\Co I 1011<1 S I Ul-11\Co1 til-



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[61 II). I.pp. 1"1

10. 121-1t!C·11i/ 11 121-ll\Colli1 ........... ~ 12 11111 .... Acto m


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13 SIoofIIr. - . O(I5U 50 60S 1191lI I. 1iI.IM

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If. Z!6




.. 1:1 ....... _ . -



or leaders from acl'O$, lhe "ate mol May 2nd to $~ CQnttm$ and vision< (or ,"" legal profession in !he year to COni•. Alaha",a Stale Bar Presidtn{~lecl Bill elm issued the invil"ion fo< ,he meeting 10 prejidems and prelidcn" .. loci of Alaban" ' , $pttiahy bats, tile judiciary and 11><'.1 bar assooialions, After I prest"talion on pros",m, and resources of lhe slale bar, represemal;"" of each of 1he legal groups in .uendaoee gave a bri<f "'pO<! on lilt;, ac1ivili••. Di..,,,ssion of issue, and concern, arrec1ing!he legal profession (ol""'·ed. Pre.idem.. k,,1 Clark


concluded lhe meeting with an

flo, kad." k<>", ",-, a",j/abJ~



"",,!..or '.:".",.". {UW/ P">!"""'

o'"erview of hi, initiativ•• for Ihe uproming bar year. "'hich indu'" legal Services for the Poor, Ed"".,i,," of lbe Public on Key Issues Facing Alal)am3. including .... reform. cons~tu!ional .. form .• death pon.lly """",orium and judicial indo· pondence and ..,I""'ion; a pro~, on Athlele,. Aeadtmics alld !he Law; lUId lhe: establishment of several new com· miuet'$. in<luding CommunilY Educalion and Qualily of Life. A((endce> con<ulTCd Ihal lhe: ronf... cn<" was both e<iucalionailUld produeli .... lUId recommended conlinua' lion On an a"""al basis_

/I"". Sl;a"", Yo", P''''''';pOICS 'n diMus.w., "" ;uw. fadnllM ''6'" prof,.,u", in AwOOmtJ.

Swnl,)' en,)'. Mllc,," C""nly &" p,..,;d,",. talks ,,"""' Ih~ h"/x,,

"",i.·j';" ,if ASH p"",d,nl_"'''' H,Ii



"",lin" h" 'n'lin'i,-., fo, Sla" 00'





History of

Antitrust Law Iv! American judicial ~y'lem ,..... Ii,,! introducN Lo 1M "'l1lttP\ of antitrust law when the ShtmlaJ1 An';'",,{ Act "-as pa.-l in 1890. The Sherman AN "'"a$ brought to life during. pe!iod of American hi"",), wllto our


Country ..... sulTering from a series of depn: .. ions. while businesses we,." SlnIggli"g 10 ,urvive during the po:<" Civil War e",. Many l'lEe companies were organiZtd for the 501. purpose of monopolizing tho marul or.d restraining free com""!;!,,,,, in an elTon [0 incrt.15l' capital gain,. The l.g;'1.1i .... history of the Sherman A<1. pOinlS to Congress's intent 10 make such lactic, illegal wilt"" the ",.ult is an unreasonable restraint ""


Sherman Act has 1wo imporlanl P"O"i,ion, Setlioo I prohibi15 bus; ...... combi ...!ion. in rtitrain, of IIa& and Se<lioo 2 prohibits rnonopolizalioo, The SUPf"'rnt Court has inte'P",l«I Section I

as .pplk.b~ only to agrttrntnts that ",suai. trade "nre""",.bly. M"""""Jies lh<mscl .... ' "'" not """e~ly illegal

urnkr Stttio" 2. How ..... ,. if a company attempts 10 oblain a monopoly through u"reasonable mothod •. then it will be ~~ 10 .iolaled the I.w unles. a ~ilim",e busines~ defense is assened. A claim broog.l>l under the Sherman ACI may be in'liluled by pri,"Jle individ· ual$. $"l.1e aHomey' general or United SIal.. allomey •. S""c..,ful Sherman ACI suilS can resull in an award of l"'hle damage, and ... ason.ble COSI>. including all"",,,y·, ftt •. Criminal prt::Mculion urKlcr the ACI can resull in a fine up 10 SIO.OCXl.OOO for corporalions.. or SJ-SO.OCXl for indi,·idual, and.! or impri" OfImenl for up 10 Ihree ye ..... "The'" i, .Iso an allemali.e I'"l'i,ion allowing for a fi". up to twice the amounl of lbe gross [Itt"ni",), gain ",sulling from a .iolOlion of the ACI. In 1914. Iwo new federal law, " ..... pm in plM"f! in .... poll$O 10 eri';ci,m thaI lbe Sherman Act ..... ' 100 broad. 1be firsl pitcc of logislotion ,,·as the Cl ayton Act. "The Act was introduttd in an dfQrt 10 exl.nd amitnml,w$ 10 include price dis· mmination .• ither or indire<lly. .mong purchasers of li~e commoditie, in imen,.,. and foreign commerce whe", pric. diff.",nlial$ we", nOl based upon difference, in grade. quality. quantity or

1111 ",k,",


of lransponalion. nor made in JOOd f:llth 1(1 rn<fl competilion. 15 U.S.C . f 12. II is imporWll lo _ the conlro\..,.· 51 S<ImlIUIdillJ S«liooo 4 of .... Cbyt(la Act.. In 19n. the ~me Cnun decl· lion in II/Uoois 8rid " /llUoois. 01 US.


720. 97 S.a.. 2061 . 52 LEd.2d 707 (1911). bqan "hallw become one of lhe lI'IO»I deMltd ,ssoes ,n anli\J\lSl law. licld 11111 In".. rt<:1 an: no! permiucd to .... for damages suf· rerod IS. f'CS ult o fpri« fIxing in ~iol.· lion of . nlitru« I"w. Sub>.equtntly. some .tales h."" enKltd " llIinoi~ Brick repeale," leili~llIiOl'l which allo--'S ..,IIOIU by i..... i""'l pu",hastrs lh:tl .. noI PfCCmpled by conlrary fcdc ..1 law. T1Ito J«Ilnd Ia.. iMrodllCCd in 191 4 ".,. eoul1


" . the F«Irral Tratk Comm"'ion Art. ".,. AC1 ....... ,ded lhol "'nb;" methods of oompellilon in or ltTeellnl oommm:e. and unf",. or do<q>u"" actS or ~ in or oommm:e" ilkpl. A Violall"" oi any ,,","ioion of the Truth in Lendi". ACI is .Iso decmtd a viola· lion of III< l'TC AC1. Addilionally. the FTC ACI eslabli~ III< Fede..1 Trade Commission .... ",gul.lory age"",y Ihal would enforce and d«iph<r the la w, 15 U.S.C. 141. Section 5 of III< FTC AC1 cm~ III< f ederal Trade Commission 10 arrnllt3(lt mtrainl$ ellen "he", _ h ItIli.contp:tilive prac. liccs may IlOl ImOUnl to viol:uions of




>pe<:irIC laws. Ariel' ;IS moctm<.'III. the Claywn Act . . . pem:i'o'fd as , bo:cause i, ir<:1udcd an uncond.lional uempIiooI of diocriminalion in price " 'hen based "" diff~s in the "u,.,,,ily of IlJOds sold. ~ W,"", also conctT1U tha, the <COpe of.he Clay,,,,, AC1 ""Iy covC1'ed compeli. ~lIe .... Ihul le.ving buYCI1 lion wilhoul "",ourse f<>r diK riminalion. To cu'" tho, defICienc:y. the Itobi""",· "'.Iman AcI (RPA) " ... en",,1ed to ameOO S«lioo12 of the CI.)'IOII AcI. T1Ito ltobi""",.""lmaJl AcI matts i, unlawful for any peBOll enpac<! ,n COIIlIIICfU 10 "d iscrimi ..... in price beI,,-eetI diffm:nl PU"'~ of oomnvtdilin of Ii..., gado and qu..hly_."here the effect oi such discrimina""" .... y be ... bSlamially 10 Ie>som comptlilioll or Ili'OO .0 CtnIC a IIIIOIIIOpoly In ""y Ii"" of oommen:e ...- 15


US.C.ll)(.). Two art~, tho RI'A was "",<cd.. the Non _ProfiI In"ilulions Ael was enacled to a"",OO ItPA. Thi •• mendmenl ,,",vitIc:J lUI cU"'plioo for """'proflt 248

JULY a l l '

iMUMi""s web .. lilnrio-.. nnivt't$ities. "","he:< md ....,pil.... To be effective. tho .... mplion muSl be applied 10 put. <iwes by tho l1OI1.profil imlilulion 01' """'" IhaI .., for their ...../1 ...... Rcoales by ~ OI\ly ~ undrr !be utmptlOll if !he ..,oos in quoco.IioII ..., told 10 IInOlhcr •• empt iMli· tutioot. Althoush few cast< .....'. UlnI· i...... the ocopo of the eumplion. courts lllve held .hOl Ih.t the i !>llUle iuclf should be narrowly COII'1nICd and ,Ita! PO"'Mse< by .. ~le.OO local ,overn"",", ag.ncies.", no. ••e",pI undrr til< Non· Profit Ins~ilulions Atl. $n J~ff".QIt C""nl)' PloafmlJN~,ktJl JUJtJd",ion. /oc. Y. Abbo/I l.d>omlOrirJ. 460 U.S. 1105. 103 S.a..1808. 76 LEd.:2d 37 1 ( 1983). In 19S0. 1he ClaY''''' Art "'. amc-rtdod a KODfId Ccl ler·Kcflu,..,. Anli· Mc'IC1' AC1 OXlendtd under S«tioo 7 of the CIa)'lOll AcI III ir<:1ude corponIe ocqu;p!ions and SIOCk .:<jui,il;""" 15 US.c. t 18. Orillinally. the CIa)'lOll Ael only provided liabili.y for "",'Sen ,IIII,nclll<lcd ..ook 1"'1<1,"1' es of ri",1 COfI1pa11ies wlltre lhe PU"'hases ."""~.n~i.lly I..sened competilion. Companies .""ided Ihi, prohibi.ion by cornp"'" "1 "",'Se" ihroo&h • ...,1 acqui. .i!ion. Conll""l ... ended undrr 1he Ael !O ;nclt>dc aun and "ook acq<Ii,i\ions "" 1hosc lJansaClions could be .... Naled under the brood SWI<bnIs 01' 1he CIa)1Oll AC1 .. oppoKd 10 !he wkIer ShmnaI1 Art uand:ani. T1Ito ClaylOll AC1 _ rovers ~ical mngm.. ~"belw«n linm i... buyer .... lltt ",laIiofU!tip and IlllrizonW!l'oCf!CR beI"'.. n rompoIi.on. In 1976. ~s Sec.iol'I7A of Iht Oayl"" Atl as pan of the Han· Sco1I-ltodi/lO Anlilrust Improvements Act. Thi. addi.ion 10 IUIlilruSl law pro. ,ided for pol!."",'Srr notifICation rftIUIremenlJ to both the Fcdc,,1 Tntde Commission and the ~panmenl of J...ucc "here ,he lInI"irin& pany " hold "" '"""'Pie of!he acq<Iirod pony 's .....u. acecdinl S200 million wllan.. Afl ... lilin, the pn:tper lIOIiftealion f<:tntu. pariJ" 10 a IlICfJtt mU$I ,,'ail 10 doys before conIinu"" "'" InnSlCtion. Failu", 10 comply " 'ith the pre-me'IC1' noting· lion m:tu;"'mcnt impo:us I civil penally of up 10 510.000 f<>r~lICh day the Han· ScoII· Rodino AC1 is violated. To Ita~ an lII!i ..;omptli!ivc cffecl .• merger g~""ral· ty mu" $i,niro .. nl!y ronc:cnlrale!be markcl aOO make il diffICult r<>r . ffecli,..


"'01•. ".,.



nc:w competilion to e nl ... !be mar\o' afkr lhe ......-ger.

Purpose and Scope of the RobinsonPatman Act The ltobinron· P;uman Ac~ was ori,i· nally labeled lhe "Chain $lore bill ." After World Ww I. !here was pgniliclIIl ,"",,'th of mulli· location merclwtlJ. or "chain """"." Thde pun:ha5trJ bc<: ..... I direct Iht-.:at 10 $mall<MC< that had luniled puJdwin. 1""'..... To rombM tho, Iht-.:M, the Na!ional Auoci.Slion of Relail Gnx:m!nJcd C""",," to il'/Vt$li· P'" !be rornpCIili"" ~ of "chain stom..""'" Robt ....... ·l'ltl .... n Act ........ luaJly grew 0111 of lhole i",=i,a'iOI\s.. .. Iegisla!OI'S 5O\Iglu to prot«! ~man i!>de. pe!>den. businuseJ from injury cau .... by discrimi .... looy pricing. s,~, ~.8 .. Grral It &: P T..a C".. 440 U.S. 69. 99

S,C. 92~.

~91..Ed ,2d

In (1979), II i.

eIIidcnl ....1COIIJ-fCSI "'IS ronc:cmed ....1 _h diKriminatOf)' pntC.iCH would Iland _men by tlloC'fCaPnl prien. .."..... '" quality and reducing the av:oil· abilily of ptds. Eumlillly. the basic functloa of !he RPA .. to proICC! comptliwn. IlOl competilion.

Section 21a) of the Robinson--Patman Act The Jl. PA III ......e ..1 provi,ion, thai can be used.o saf~guard pon::h .... /'I. Sec.ion 2(0) of lhe Ac. contain, a basic prohibilion "'lIardin, price discrimi nalion amon, I"'rch.~ of commodities. T1Ito ele""'nts rftIuirtd l(I t$tablish' pri .... r..,~ ~ under SCCIion 2(.) inclt>dc: (I) IWO or more ...... Ummaled soles; (2) the s.!ts I1lUSl ",laoo 10 com· rnodi,ia; ()) the """'" _ be of like paok and q .... ily: (4 ) "'" Ales mIW be reasonably (5) !hen: muSi be. dllCrimi.... ion in~: (6) by lhe same wilcr.o I"'" or more put. chasen; (7) III< .... Ie muSl affect in'ol"ltalo commerce: and (8) the pricfc discriminl' .iart mu,~ h.,'.'" """C1SC .ffecl or injury 10 cotnpelilion. It i. imponanllo IIOIC that inlcnl i. no. a nccc""l)' eleme", 10


esl~blish a 'lIlid claim under the RPA. Sellers of good, must be aware of poIen,i.1 ,'iolali(>n~ of 'n,i''''Sll.w. and aU","ney. should be prtpared 10 ad"i"" ,hei, cliems of III< proper Sleps 10 .void liabil-

"y. To establish ,har

,he~ art 'wo CQruum· m ... d sales invoh'ed tha' are di"";mina· 'ory. 'he~ muS! be 'wo ..,ual purchases. Although an offet of sak i. nQI a coo· summa"d purchast, a ,ign«! ronlr.K1. is sufficient to establish completion of III< sale. TIle sale in question must also rdate 10 commodilie. covered under the RPA. n..s.: are gene",1 tangible goods and nQI intangible. such as """,ius. To determine if the goods in qu .. ~"" are of "I ike gralk and quality," COlIn. use. variety of tc,ts to examine c"",h case individuaUy. The majority of RPA claims th .. "em from conln)Versy OVO< lik. grade and quality most often in,'Olv. two or more prodUCls of tile same seUer, The physical and chemieaJ i<knlily of the product is scru~niud and" simple dif· ference in labeling"," pacl:.oging is IlOl sufficient 10 a"oid tbe effect of the Acr. &~. ~.g .. F.T. C. •. 8()/urn CI>.• 383 U.S.

637,86 s.n. 1092. 16l,Ed.2d 153

chasers rai$ts is..... , wilen subsidiaries m invol"ed. lI!>der tile scope of the doc· trine. indi,...,t purehastn may also bring

(1966). Howe>'rr, physicol appeorar>Cf' coopled "'ith subSlitutability and identity of ~rf<>rrnru><. "'" f",,1On 10 be consid-

claims .... lIen the inlermediary is ron,id· erN! the "aller ego" oflOO primary .. lIer, To",.,., Iht elemenl of inlerstale com· merce. sal"" mu,t <In more than me~ly affeel .ueh commerce, The ""lIer mUSI be .ngag.d in inl.",,,,-te commerce, tbe price di<.orimin.tion mu" OttUr in tile course: of such commercc and <>ne of the I"'re"" ..s must occur in such commcrce. Of all d~menl$ invoh-ed in • claim for price dis.crimination. the showing of an adverse: eff"'" on ronlpetilion is the mo,t comple •. Commonly known as the "injury to rom~tiliooO> !«Iuiremc",. the~ t,,'O typn of injury genemlly alleged u!>der Seclion 2{a). ""-prinllll)' line" and"seoondary line."' Primary line injury oxcurs wben the ... is horm 10 the seller. rompetitioo by .ngaging in predal<:>ry pricing. Scoondary line injury occurs wben the~ i•• ham! 10 til< buyer's competition. Typically in a pri. mary·line case. prices will be ""tlower in one geographic mar~et and higller in anotller. Suo ~,8 .. 8f"OOU Group Lid, V.

,"".As pari of. prima f..1e case ofprice

di"'rim inalion u!>der RPA .• plaintiff must also show that 'ht $.lIes in questi"" " .. re re ...... bly contemporaneous. Allhough thi' element is "'" sp""'if>eaJly lnjuirN! by lht ACl. most coon'!«Iu;re that tbe, be mel. Gtne",Uy. coons do noIlook to the date of delivery of the product 10 delermine re."",able-""SS bul ",,11<, the dale on which lile sale "'" ronsunlnillted. TIle discrimin"i<)rl in pricc !«Iuirement, ... the Suprtme Coun has determined. means nothing more than a diff.~nee in price. Su Tuaco v. I/".b"",d;. 4% U.S. 543. I 10 S.n. 2333. 110 l.Ed.2d 492 (1990). The ~$lIJI1< $tiler"' doc,ri"" "';$t, many questions regarding 3 corporation and its subsidiaries, ,,"'hieh under antitrust laws considered 00< emily and cannQI be guilty of e<)rlspiracy whtn inl<'r.>C(ing with one another. Li~i$t. Iht rfiJuirement that the ... be two diff~~nl pur·



ded/ca lion and serUJCe. With mort thall half. a:ntury untkr

OUr bel~ )00 could "'f " .. mo,.':ill thm i$ to know aoollttitl. iom",n(e. But it', not jUl! about kIlO'lo'ing our

I:n""'"g our , 1..111$ and earning their tmSl Ollr Ia")"tll ru.-., done j lIS! b",in ....

It·, about

thai. By h>"illg the expc-riena: and inlighllO

pnl'I-Kk lita! uoo.r"Titing lOlutioru.

We',.. rat«l ~te number Gne tide ;ruul'an(e OOIIII'""Y in Mi$!islippi:md ~ recelling 'I11ISItqW!Cd finallcial Rability" ratillgs. Thank )00

fOq..110llg rour faith ill U, . . MISSISSIPPI VALLEYTITLE ' ••••• INSURANCE OOMPA.W w" .", Jf.~


8"",." & 1I-1IIia/lUOfl Tobdao G""'P. ~ U.S. 209. 113 S.c.. :2528. l2S

LEd.2d 168 (1'193): T~......... " I/~. 496 U.S. 54). A lbinl Iype of injury. _iary·Ii .... desnibes injury to cu'"""""" of 1M iajum! buyn. ea..:. at<' ,-Iy brousIM alqilli 1efI;""·li"" injury duo to the compau bunltn of proof involved. Rellonlleu of the Ill'" of ;njwy allogftl •• flla;~tiff must off..proof of bein. in "functiootal or gO<)o graphic competirion .... ill1rhe alleged comperiror:' /)rl""" f~uip. Co. ". lIii,hingr"" Mill. et~<,ro. Minua/s Corp.• 990 F.2d 1186. 1202 ( 111I1 Ci •. 1993). As the Supreme Coun I1as mabli>hed. ~ SWu~ does noI rt<ju,,.. tIw the d isin fact ha"" harmed crimi ... r",," _ i, a .-. compttiriooo. but only that _ JODabk I'O"'bol11y rhar they 'may' have ..... h .., eff«l,w C"", ProdlK/I C... ~. f:r.C. 324 U.s. lU, 742. 65 S.Ct- 961. 119 LEd. 1320(1945). SH aIM> Fall. City tlldumus. 1M. " ",""0 & #0 U.S. 428. 103 S.D. 1282.15 t..Ed.2d 174 (1983), In U:C. 0, Monon Sal, C... , 334 U.S. 31.68 S.Cr. 822, 92 LEd. 1196 (19-18). lhe Supreme Coon held rhar an injut)' 10 comperitioo mighl be infcrmJ fmrn co'dc'nc. that SOIIlO pur. clwors Iud 10 pay their supplier "sub-OWtrillly ""'"' for rhei. Joods rhan their oomperi,", IlItd 10 pIIy.w Id. at 4647.

Dertl\Sl:!lto IlPA Section 2(a) Undo-r RPA. prit'e dilCriminatiort is Ilk..",,, .... hen: (1) iustifled by roSI .. y.

inas: (2) the ~ to me<1 a competilor', equally low prit'e; or (3) changin, marJ;er rondirlom. A fOW1lt ddC'l'lf<' .0 an RPA Illoplion is .,.-.l1abIe if the dc'feD_ dono can show thar the .....-a- pria .. -as functioftally and practically offered to all tompo1tnl cu ............ ,,'ItO<-rheT ubltnd or 1liii, Sa Borrh" Co. o. fTC. 381 ~:2<I 17S (Sill Cir. 1967). The "'roSI jlliltflQrion" dc'fen~ rt<juires thar ll1e ddendant btar a hea,'Y e--idt-nIi"')' burden. ,..hich on.n causes SUmlan· rial probleml for rhe dc'fendanl. Secrioo 2(a) pro>'ides rhat: "Nothing he, <00' L>itled !hall powenc diffcn'ntills whieh make only due Illowancos for diffe._ ences in the COOl ol ""'"uf..,u,.....1e or deli.""Y l\'Sulillll from 1M diff.mlll! .... thoIh or quanlitios in "bich >tIdt n llnmo,lities .... to >tIdt pun:1wors sold w or deli .... .-.d. I' U.s.c. 13 (a). Beau... ~ is ofien hard for • dc'f",,daIoI tt:11er to provide the 'flpOptiate ~ to pt"OY1' rJ>ar"roSI . ."ings" justi· fied a d,srnmi ... tory Jlri<c'. tbt: ""mttting_ com""tition" dc'fen~ islllllSl commonly uoed. Seclion U b) of rhe RPA """laillS sr.;otucory lansuage r~t,ro"t' a defen· danl the abilily to assen tl\o "~ting competition" dc'fense. n.. defense is absolute provided tbt: dc'fendanr can show tIw the 1<1'....... prit'e was made' i n JOOd fa,lb in onlor 10 mtt1 an tqllally low price of I Tho JOOd faith """,i,.."",nl is "",asumI by \Hi", the SIandanI of 101 ordinaoly pnoJenI buI.j. Ooe»pefJOll in the same In th;, circum"-anoe. the seller mu," oo)y 5bo\t,'

m- ..



thot it "'-as tl)"lIIlO moer. not ~Iy beil. the price olrhe comperir;oo uSinS • ,..asonable "",thor!. Suo ~.,.• M r:GMifl! Oil C.... ~, III. MMapco. 111<:•• 61250.2<1. "17 (Ala. 1'192 ). The "changi", condi· tions" def...... i. used In limited situarions .. hen the mao\eutbility of rbo JOOds co,n"<nocd ""'Y be affected ........ as ""I""-da~ obooIcJconcc of rcaoonal Joods. our-of-<bte periltt.1ble prodoru. or "g<tilli OUt of businus" .. I••. The ... has Iona b«n debate 0'''' ",nether or not rhe con<:<:pl of "funcrional discoonrs" can be u>led as a defense 10 tho RPA, Thou", the Act doe. not !-pr:CiflCllly "","rion fUr.c1ion>l di.· counts. the dc'fen~ was judicially""",,' nized in Taoco. It>e. MHrubW1'd:. 496 U.s. 543. 110 S.Ct- 2535. Ito LEd.2<I 492 (1990). A fur.c1iooal discount oc:<:IIfS a tt:ller <harJa; a ......... prit'e to • buyn ...'ho ""norms. panjcubr function in rho mlistribulion o f oommoditieo that po5;lt.ely alTects rhe tt:11er. 'fhon: an rwo <.""ori\$ of functlooW di<count5. The fint occurs ......,.. prices .... charged 10 I wholesale •• nd • rcrail.r. Those type' of d i§COUnlS'''' 001 in violarlon of rhe RPA .ince ",holesalers and retoilers 00 not directly compr:t~ .... ill1 one a"",her. n.. occond type of di.· COUnr iJ I perform:onoe di""""m " 'hen a r:ustonItI' """'i .... a di.orount for it performs. QmonJly. Ibis type of ms· count ...·,11 noI be pauod 011 and thoRf.... injut)' to competition is unlikely. FuncrlOlIaI a .... l>boltty i, anod>..- possi· ble dtf~nse ,1.Itll1""ly =ated undtr



Scctioos (d) and (e) of the RPA. The

... fC1ltC of fullClional



judicially ulClIdod 10 awly 10 Scctioo'l (a) '" well. Su. '.s. Ik'--J EqIIip. Co.

I\Il,hinSI"" M;II~ iI.~i, .. Co.. 1117 F.:!d 1499 (I l!h Cir. 1989). FunclioNlIy .ya'l~bilily "",,,u .. ",""n a dtfendanl has iliad. on ftju;,·.lcnl price '·funcllonally.M ··""",lieally".OO ··",allnk.Uy" avaHable: 10 .n ""rehastrl. /J. at 1517.

couru are >pUI on thi. i....... il is safe 10 _ ..... lhoIa plainl1ff bon"", I cwm IIIItIn 1his S«11Of1 WlnI>.I "'Jury.


abo ptoW' dirttt


Section 21e) of the Robinson--Patman Act S«lion 2(c) pmvidu t1w. Mil r.hall be unlawful for any pe""" engaged in com· lIlC1"Ce. in lbe cO\l/W of such commol'Ct". 10 pay or a.n..... or to "",eiv. or """"pl.. l/1Jlhinjl of as. commi.. ion. I>roUr.\F. or 0100 rompensalion. or any :o1~e. or diSCOURt in I;"u thcn!of. CMCpI. for JCl"Yices ",ndcmI in conncc:. lion Wtth the s.ak or pun:hasc of COOOI. ...~ or 1IlC1"C~ ...1O an '"lent...,.,. ...-au\"C. or Dlhcr imenncdiuy 1hcrein wllm: web in,ermediary i. Kling in flCl for or in beb.:ilf. or suttic<:' '0 lhe di""" or indi"":l eonlrol. of any I"'"Y'o such lral\SllC1iOQ OIhe, Ihan .he person by "'bom such compensation i. $<I panled or paid:' IS U.S.C. 13(c) "-nlJ.llly. !hi, JCCIion of.he RPA crea .... I ewm for buym .. 110 """" bo<-II -vd by !;Om • ........,,:01 bribny ond !be pnocbce of ""dummy"" brokenISC. Bribes an: al ... oon.~ on unfair ta<1ie w>det S«,ion S of,he fc<kral Trade Commission Ael. In 1. Trum ""J"~ Co. ,'. Ch rysl~' Mow, Corp., 4~1 U.S. ~57. 101 S.Ct. 1923. 68 L.Ed .1<l 442 (1981). !be Uni,ed Stolt. Supre ..... Coon ",manded an


AbIwna lIIIitruol case invol> illl an .... omobile ......... 110 allqcd lbol he ,.-,os driven .,... of busin<M dIE 10 ... r...· dant·. il1cpl price discrimi .... ion. The cenlral is, ... was "'hc\hcr or 1101 • pll"n· liff ",110 prov<$ price di$CrimiMlion in violation of RPA S«,ion 2(0) is e"lIIled 10 uUlom.,lc da1nag •• in.he amOUnl of the price di$Crimi""lion •• bsenl proor of if\iwy. The Supre ..... COO" IlekJ .11>, the

pllinliff mu~ do:molnslr.olt iln KI\IlOI inj...,. 10 ~pniliorllO ....,.,.,... treble dama&a ......... RPA. Thi. hoIdllll ..... "I'JIlits 10 I S«1ion (c) claim of~· lIlC1"CiaI bribery by ni.i", !be que.lloa of ,. hcioo • Jbov,'ing 1lul .1Ie plainllff paid on inn.l~ price for good. due 10 bribery I. IUme;'nl 10 ~how proof of injury 10 bw.iMS', Althougll oasclo", i""icalCI ihol

Sections 2(d) and 21e) of the Robinson· Patman Act S«,ion 2(d) of the RPA prohibits. ",lin from makin, promoiional at ............. 10 favored "cu,tomers" and soclloo 2(e) prnhibou _h .......-anca 10 ·"purehastrl." S«1iorI (d ) providulhol il i. ""I... fn! "for ... y po ....... e,,~ in rom .... """ 10 pay oroonlraCl for ,he pay. n.. nl of any!hilll of value 10 or for ,lie benefil of. eu!lon .. r of such per<oo in d"IC course of commcfl:e as rompensa';on or oon,idcra'ion ... for &/I)' ",,,,ices or (.dlilies fumi!ohcd by or lhroogll $DCh """"""'" in COM«IiooI ,,,th the pmccssiIII- bandli",........ offerinl for ...Ie of &II)' pnXIucu .•. " I ~ U.s.C. f l3(d) . Section (e) loWeS lbo'" i, "nI...·ful"for ony person 10 di5<rimllute in favor of one ""relust, "P,n.\' another ""rehascr or I"'rehosers of. <"<)nllllodi,y broughl

for ruolc .. ," 15 U.S.C. § 13(e). Cntai" conditions ""'St k """ in ont.-. 10 <.'Stal). Ii$/! • valid claim ......... cilhrr or lhe>c KCtJonI: (I) allowances nw~ be ia 00II. "",,lion ...illI lhe "process;",. II>ndli"l, ... Ie, or offering for sale" of prodU<lSlh:" "'laIC 10 IUIle; (2) both !be favored and di.faVOfCd tuSlomcrs mu" compe'" in lhe sa ..... ltographic fTWU1: and (3) lhe promoOIionaIlllov."1n<;CJ; or pa)'1llCIIU at i ..... mlUl be ..... Iabk- 011 proportionally .....11mnS. IS U.s.C.U I3(dHe). The I'cdcnI Tndc Commisoiooo hal W:.en die 10 msur.c d.a. ~ ...... I""tIIlut<bna: on the Jlr'OIl"f SItpI 10 W;c In order 10 be in compliance ""jlh IIIcse S«Iioo'ls of !he RPA. Thi' ··man... I" is <"<)rl)lnonly ... fem:<! I" as !he FmJ M~'


beau", i, ..... initially crralcd after • Supreme COlIn opinion suggeslcd 'hlIl the tIC $boo.IkJ assist ",11m in thei, pur. ...~ for conformily 10 !be law. Su f :T.C "Hrd Mryrr. /1tC•• m U.S. 341 . 8ll s.C\. \104. 19 L&L2d 1222 (1968).


I>deltseS 10 RPA Sections (d ) and (t) 801h scciioo> (d) and (e) provide. "aWlOf)' defen ... ha •• Ilow. OIl1crwi..

Opposing Counsel put them to sleep.

We are their wake-up call. Today. juron expect 10 be entena""'" in the tourtroorn. ~'. a ~ lact!hlt "".... ~ IIeIpa jurors """'"""'" ltw DoN .........r.oelhey ll.ave wilen exposed 10 VOl""",. of c:omple. or unin_ting Inform.lion.

0.. c:e.tifieo:I II1II1 COI"IIIJIt8nts can work wiIh yoo Ie digiUIIIy ~ key ewIenoI. auO.I _CI't •• _ ~ ~ in O<de< 10 keep !hoi jury IocuMd on the ~ In yow caM .-.:I ....... .". """" 01 'fOUl ...... in fronI: of !tan. c.JIlOday ICI _ !lOW" we can help wilt! yo;u _ case.

W.Json Price


(33-4) 271 ·2200 WWW.wi!sorlprieeil.COIII


ille!,,1 discriminal"'Y paymen' for!IefV' iccs if such !lefVices are made available on proportional term, w all I"'r<:h...,rs. FunNional,y can only be e"abli,hed as a defense if '"a suppli.r must rH)I. "",rely be willing. if "'ked. w make an equivalent deal with oth.. eust""", ... , but must lake affirm.tive action W inform them of the avail.bility (>f the prornolional program.'" IIlluman FixHk, I<K .•. F.T.C.. 497 F.ld 99], HXlI (5th Cir. 1974). Basically. a CUStome, mu,t be awan: th:j( a deal is avail.blt "" tha. it can be 'aken ad".nlage or or disregarded. In IIlan's Qj 1I11",,'a. Inc. v. Mino/ta Corp .. 903 F.ld 1414 (t990).the Elo"'onth Cireui. recogniled Ihal. defon· d.1n, selle, mu,t show that I"'r<:l\aselll " 'ere given an equal opponuni,y.o pat. tioipat, 00l only in incentive programs but any 3Ih'Crtising and prornolional pr0grams al"" orrered by ,be .. IICt. Cost justification is not a defensew Section (d) and Section (e) "'aims. Su F.T.c. v, S,mpliciry Pallm, Co.• 360 U.S. 55. 79 S,C!. 1005.3 L.Ed .ld 10"19 (1959).

Section 2(f) of the Robinson-Patman Act Se.:tiod 2(1) maI<tl; ir unlawful (CO" a buyer ''kno'''' 10 induce or """,i"" • rlisc:rimi· nalion'" which is prohibited by any other partS of IlIo ACt. To prove • primo facio vioIaIioo of this stetion. the fu/ ekmenu must be e:stablished; ( I) the def.-ndant muSt be • pe!SOO engaged in COIlItIlefCe: (2) ,,'110 "-'inr.lY ind""", or """,ivel: (3) a discriminatory price: and (4) in violation of Section 2(0), In 1I"""""lk CUI~un Co. of N""riro ~ F.T.C.. 346 U.S, 61, 73 s,a. 1017. '¥I L.Ed. 1454 (1953). IlIo SUm'me Coon held thai a plaintiff tnIlS, prove • buyer knew or should have knooo.n _ cost jUSliftcalion defense ....... una,... ilable to the ",,1"". V'..rious C<JUrtS have established =s !hal can be used 10 prove • buyer was put on notice thai cost justiftcalion ...... unavail· able as a <lef...... , A buY','s kn<;rw).,.jge of • particular industry and the buyer'. kn<;rwlodgc thai consideralions OIher than cosl were used to set prices ~ 1"'0 faclon thai nJaY be used 10 wch unavailability. Su, r,g.. Krogrr Co. ~ F.T.C.. 438 F.2d 1372 (6o;h 1971). On the other hand. it has bo<:n held tha, it is IItIIIeCeSS.lI) for • plaintirr to $h(J,o,. that the buyer know or sbooId have kooIo.n thai the n'le'ting cornpetilion defense ..... 1>< unavailable 10 the ""n·


.".. Awomari<: Omli'fm. supra. 252


l UO)

Defe llSeS 10 RPA Section (0 Perhaps the most (IIw;""', bar 10 pruving a Section 2(1) violalion is the bunlen of

proof invol ..'od 10 lohow ,hal the pun:ho$e, knew or should have knooo." thai the piee was di5crimin:l1Ol)'. In 1I",.,."",i<: GutIUn, the Coon olso beld thai a buyet '"is not Ijabk under 2(1) if the ""'..r prices be ind~ ~ either wi(hin """ (>f the seller', def~nses such as the COSI justificalion or not knooo.n by him not w be within one of lht>Se defenses: Id at 74. In son," siloa' Iioru. coo,,", ha ..", al"""odthe '"trade expo· rio"",," of the buyer to lohow that be or slit should ha .... knooo.-n the price ...."lL'l di5crimi· natory. Id. at 79·80. Other cou""' ha .....1"" :tI1owod guihy kooIo.'lrdge of price dis· crimination to be infcm:d through a buy"'" ""'ions. Su. c.g.. F,..J Me}" < Iw:. ~. f :T.C. ,359 F.ld 351 (9tb Gr. 1965). Baskally thi' ""'~n' that a buyer in this si.u.uion i<"", an"an u""u5p«"ling recipi . ent of prohibited discriminalion •." Id. at 364 . "The mosl important factor. dof...· dant buyer should Iool< i. wbether or ""'. valid claim _~nst the selle, has been established under Section 2(a). A See1ion 2(1) claim is completely dependent on the seller liabili'y...... ithout i. the buyer eannot be liable. $n, e.g., 0,..01 AIJ(lIl1ic ,{ Pacific T"" Co. ~ F.T.c. 'UP'" at 76-77.


Enforcement and Penalties

underRPA Although enforcement by the Anu1I\Ist [)ivision of the Deponment of Jt»tice is pruvided for through the anti1l\lSl Mat"tos. pivate p.u1ies .... almost ai,,"'y, the lI.mod plaintirr. in ci';rm of price di.· crimination. "The Department of Justice is

--, ...... _... --Cli_

C. eonlf

_ _ _ cro..


granted authotity under the RPA rnforce both tilt criminal and civil pruvi. s.ions of the RPA. Crimi",,1 penalties "'" found in Section 3 of tilt A<."I. Hov."OI't1'. criminal enforcement is "" ran: that "''''''''''h yielded evidence of only ~ gUilty venlict for criminal activilY under ""IitruS! law. If <oct:<'<,ful. • plaintiff bringing a claim under the RPA can be awarded tn:· bk damages. injunotive relief and reason· .ble ~ttomoy's fees. A'l'"""iously dise,,$SOd ;n the "'l<1t"" of See1ion (c) 01';"", in J. rrum i'u)'M. the Supreme Coon di'tinguis.hed the theory thai auI".. matic d:lmages arc: reo:oveJablc uode, tbe RPA. Whilt a differen, i. .. ffieien. 1<> eslabli>h _ thre:s.hold cas<: of piee dis· crimination. the Coun held that act ....1 injury must be lohown W """,",'et damages. To prove "" injury. a plaintiff mustlohow a loot ..Ie to the f,,'OR'd ", ... ile, and a lohowing of the an"",nt profits on ~""h loot sale. J. rru,III'U),M. 451 U.S. 557. Class ""tions under the RPA .... becom· in, """"' ar:cq:ud bu. <:<:>ntim.. to be diffi· ",,11 10 Cfflify. Courts have beld that .uch ciairm are simply uNnall.geabk in that plaintiffs ha ...., 10 lohow individual injulY as ",,,,II as fu..:tion:ol compeli'i"" between the dass and the favcnd CUS!ornoor. Sec Ciou ~ Amnuw, Ifooda MOlOr Co.. Inc .. 1994 WL 761957 (D.N.H. 1994).


Conclusion Price diKrimin."on co ... appear 10 be in the rise ""ross the e<>un,ry. A$.be '"Sam's" and '"Wal·Mans" oftne world continue to gain an i""re. sing sh .... of lhe ma,ketpl""" "Mom _00 Pop".oops may have legal ..... n....5 available tQ lbem to halt unfair oompctition. The Robinson· Patman AN is one .v.ilable remedy. Accordingly. it i. importanl ,hat li.igants be«lme n1O<C familiar wi,h claims and defenses unde, lhe RPA as ""t OUt in 1his aniele. •

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Montgomery Magnet Schools Sweep Law Day Awards

f./;<PiKlh \Ji"a

f<l1ow jut/I/u.


ri,"', "'' ' .... 1M


hethtr .iewrd IhrQugl1!he cre.,;,.. an of. rhild's imagi_ n";011 Of the imagery nr the ... rin~n word, judges of ,1>0 Alabam. S",e Bar', Law Day 2003 competition ca~ ''''''r with. vivid impres';"" of wh.t frttdom :lnd OIl independent judicio

W w",lJiJy 20QJ ...,""",. p-.tIJ'_ IMi, ""dab al a l_~ .'j,~ ASIII'",j;J,., Fr<d G...". far I.ft. and Ur.. [h" ro-dwi,... T""""J IW."" ucoodJ""" kJt. aod 11m /,no';'. for ri&hl.

ary mean to Alarom,'s youth. Floyd Middle I>bgnel entries look .ix .wards. 5Wttping ,be phoIogrnphy COOlest. with Book.fT. Washington "udcn.. winning fQu' of lbe CO\Icted prizes. StudtnlS from Hanstlle High School. Red level School. Head Elemen tary and Tuskegee lruli lu'. Middle School =ei "tiI top honors all ... <11. Thi. ynr. for the fors, time. an inlcmalional student "'()lito!> honors in the ~".":(lnleS! while a H.r15elle yoolh made it ·~w<)-jn·.·row" foc. essay.

lIulldreds of A!ob.tma SlWenlS competed for honors in tilt """u31 statewide

of La,,' 00)' , ....y",nd """'~" q"ww..., of

""en~ focusing

00 thi' year'. Law Day tlltnle of "Cclcbnte Yoo, Freedom-lndcprn<lent Coons Pro..,<t Our Liberties." In addiu"" LO "",mbers of lIM: Alaban,a Siale liar Law l)ay C omnoin...,. ""I"brity judges !hi, year included Montgomery ~1 ..... I,"""y Judge Ly nn Cbrdy Ihighl; Michad Bridd<:U> ofWSFA_TV; Eli .. beth Via Bro"'n. fOf_ """ MOI1lgomery Ad,W1;.", rolumniS! "'ho i. now a .-liler. local art

f..,.,-I.""" •

tcache, Didd y \"uro,"\ch ; third-year I.", cieri: Dayna Rumelt; and Col. Ted t·ink. who lItado:<l" team of Judge Advoc.",

Group offta:rs from M""w.1I AFB. Montgomery 3""""'y' Tommy K/i",,,,r and lim I..,,,,is. co-chairs of III< $tate bar", Law Day 2003 Commit!ee. rttngni~ winJ>en May 1 '" a 'pecial ceremony held '" lIM: Supreme Court of Alabama. Follo>o.'ing lIM: p"'",ntation of .wards by Alabama State liar Pn.sidt nt

1'011" ~"SI jlodpc' Fink. S";'b:l</I.

tI.:<>Yic ~ <md B,.;,h, ....u ,'" ""ni .m:i,i"", tff choruin~ ~;nn"' ,

Fn-d n. G .... y and ,he Hon. Jolt" 1:1. C ...... ley. Alabama Court of C'.il Appeal .. the SlLJdcnlS and their sp«"iai ,""'IS ,ouredlhc judicial buildillJl befon: 311.ndin,. 1,,,,,,hrQn in ' .... ir """'" a' the Alabama Stale Bar, 1bere are three d""ifications-gradcs K·3 and 4-ti for poslers. grades 7-9 and

10-12 for essay. and grades 7-12 in plioIOgraphy. Winnm in the essay crI"leSl ,"",ei" e aU,S. s.a.ill&' Bond in the amount 0( $200, $ I~ aod $100. CCSp«"li"ely ; winllers in the JXIS1er conleSt """'i,~ " bond in the amount of $12~, $ 100 and $75. Bonds 0($100. $75 and $50 go to poo.ognophy winllers. Ali win· ""rs """,ivc cn,.-a,'td ,old ~I, and award certificates. &I>ools of aU winners """'h'e 'pc<:;al engraved law Day pl"'!.c, for permanenl display. and le""lItrs of 1M win""!l rtteive a $25 contribution per award for use in their classrooms. All other panicipaling scbools "",ci.c c.rtifiea",s. Thi . year's winners include:

3rd-lan Kim. Floyd M iddle Magnet School. Moo" ornery

Posters K·3

2nd-Julio Coli ins. Booker T. WashillJlton Magnel lligh &1>001. Montgomery

I SI- f'<:ylOn Steele. Head Elcmenl>ry School. Montgomery 2nd-Maggie lambtn. Red Level &1>001. Rtd le.el 3rd-Brennan Woodham. Rtd Levcl School. Red le"el

Essays 7·9 I SI-Nic l'<>""elL Hartselle High Scbool,

H.rudle 2nd-Adrienne Knight. BookerT, Wasllington Magne' High ScbooL Mornllornrry 3rd-Sh.nt. Holley. Thsk.~ l.stiMe Middlc Scl>ool. Th>kcgee

Essays 1()-'12 ISI-Christina Perkin •. Booke-r T. Washington Magnet High Scl>ool. Montgomery

3td-Bri WbcutQIIC. BoolcrT. W",hinglOO Magnel fl igh 5<1>001. Monlgomery

Photography 7· 12

Posters 4-6

lst-JuSlin Spivey. Floyd M iddle Ma&I'I<' School. Montgomery

I S I - B~


2nd--Co..... Woodham. Floyd Middle Magne, School. MOIIt,<>rn<ry

3rd-Ronnie EaIOO. ~loyd M iddle Mas""t &1>001. Monlgornrry

Bokor. Floyd Middle M'gne' School. Montgomery

Knight. Floyd Middle MO&l'I<t 5<1>001, Montgomery

Set alabar as YOllr Homepaqe Setting alabar as your default homepage is easy! Each time you access the Web, you'll be routed to the ASS site. There, you can count on the most Up· to-da te information about bar activ iti es and resources. From Internel Explorer, go to ' Tools, ' then ' Internet opt ions ' and then enter www.alabar.orgas your homepage. Netscape users: Go 10 "Edit" and then "Preferences ,"



1 00J

Legal Services in Alabama to Unite




prop'" spend lbtir days

""""""" and More floods are desperalcly n«d<d. and one program will gi~ legal snvices in Alabama one voioe. one identily and one purJX>Se. tncreasing visibiJi'y and .fTocti,~ Ildi in gelting granlS. The tASk r<n<: plans to ha,'e the ~ granltt ful ly <:>pen.

worrying aboo1 w~ til. nul monlb', renl will come fn)n\, Of . '.. n their nexi moal ~dh>"JlS don', h."'elhe

nlOlleY 10 ",.run 311 au"","y, bul these ....". people somttirne$ no«! the assistance of an

3ll(lr'JO;'y. jUSl like yoo or me. Levtling lIIe playing field of ju,tice and ensuring thaI everyone has 3CCCSS 10 Itgal COUJlS(1 reg.nUe.. of inco",e i. Me of ,he driv· ing goals behind !he Alabama Low Foondation. For Y"~. !he fOUJldalion has ~n this by suppor!ing IDe legal Sel'lkes pro. grams in AI.bama. Now lh<: fwl'l<Wion is wO<ling in conjunction with the AJ3brun.t State Bar to =ale a new vision for the fUlure of deliver-

ing 1<gaI",,,,;,,.,s 1(> Iow·income poop'" in Alabam.a. In A labama. 698.097 citizen. live al or bcl"""lbe ~ny level. l1Iese famili •• baYe appro,im"cly 154.644 legal

need,. yeat. BeIWttn legal

s.... ices programs and pro bono pr0grams. jUM 0'"' 16,CXlO of eligible lowif'lO<)"It cilizens ~ived lop! assistance in 2001 .• gap btI"'ttn ntt<! and .., ..... i~s recei",d of over IlS,OOO people. Al prw:n~ Alabama is..,..."Cd by thn:e stparrue Legal $nvicc$ Corpora1ion (LSCJ grant ..... all of wlrich rttti,.., additional funding lhroogh IOLTA grants from the foondalion. Tht$e I..SC g"""_~; Legal Serii= Corporation of Alabama. which is bill«! in Monl~omery and snves 60 of the stale', 67 counties: Legol St:r<ices of Metro Binningham. "ftich serve:s Shelby and Jefforson counti..: and Legal St:r<iccs of Nonh.c.nlr1ll Alabama. which is based in HunlS.iIle and '""""" Madi«)rl. Moopn. Cullman and U """one counties. lk<:<:nlly. lhe Alabam. Task For<:e on RtcOflfigumlion Ittom"",nded lhal only one Leg.1 Se"..ices progmm be funded as • LSC gr.>nltt c""h ye .... a ~. «>mprehensi~. Sl.tewide program to be created from lhe exis,ing ones.

DO I", •• than January I. 200S, In the me""lime. the three C\l~1 grantees will retain lheiT LSC grants for granl yoar 2003. A tranSilional LSC granl for lhe p I yoar beginning 2004 is being proposed by lhe lask f<n<: .., Ihat lhe desiglWed .lale planning body will ha •• a !r.InSilion period to unify the Slate around • suoog. single Legal Setvices program. Thi' is a bold vision for our SlalC. The ultimate goal is 10 ""panel snvices 10 kYw-in<XImC cil;"'n .. "'hile II lhe san"'li"", in [ogra,ing lhe best of lhe old and the ........ to .,"'" elien .. """ more effec· li~ly. We ha~ an ou1.>tanding group of people .....rung 10 improve """""S to justice for ~ wbo """"'" afford lawyers. They ~ lis1td IItkYw. Mort "",mb= will be added in !be coming mootn.. and they will lit asking for you. romrnitmem to help"""'" $Ur<' Alabama no longer is lasl in equal aa:ess to jostitt • tiona]

Acwrding 10 the la>k force. mi, integral_ e<! 'ystem will position the Alabama justice communilY 10 beU"," provide eqUilI

aa:ess 10 juSlice for all Alaban .. =~y ranks last in the "",ion in funding for legal aid to lhe poor"' $ 10 per poor person. The na!ional a-=ge is $20 per poor per>OO1 • 0 ... oflhe!.ask (<)11;.'0 lloals is 10 dou· ble the se" to the eli..,1 communi,y ovc. ,he nexl fi,.. YOalS. To reach tIli. goal, funding will be i""reased for Legal Se"..ices from $7 million a year '0 $14 milli"", wilh a goal or$1 I million a y.... by 2007 (a 50 ]>Creenl increase). The se"..ioes prrwitk<J aDd lhe numb<c of people """"ed by 2007 will II.., b< i""rea$<'d from I ~.<XXJ cases elO5ed per year to 30.000 elses d05ed. The wk ron::. beli",... 1hat one statewide .ysc.m. and. lh=fore. one granltt. will impro~ the coonlifWion of


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0_ Sooido, ..... AWe Bo<k W_

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ol .. kas< $ ~ fund! covm:d by tIiliI !Uk shill be .ubject to ... ithdl~wl1 upoll ICIIJ'IICSI and ...·ithou! dol.y.

AppendixA Rule 1 .15 Safekeeping Property Dtfiui,ioos. As


in tIIi.


the lfflQS b(Jow wllblo_c

!be follow in, moaninl:

"lOLTA """"'!liM mean. an int=- or divkJend.boar· inlllruSlllC'OOUn, bo....r"ing !he Alabama Low Foundalion or tho Alabama JlUliee Found.tioro

ostabIisJ>oIJ in 111 cliaiblo ;nslillllion r.... Lbo < of nominal or NIon·1CmI funds of clieolS or lhinl pnlOII$: ""fU,ible illSlilulioI\" mtaru OIly bank or ..viol' """ loan QIOCilliOll aulhorized by f~ or Stille ' ".. 10 do oo.inw; in Alabama, wbaoc do"",; .. ~ insuml by an a,ency of ,he federal ~. or any opcd~ ~mtI!, C(N'JIpoIIy ~ .. ,til the Sccunucs IIId Elchanie Commiuion ..... ..,lhoriud by fedmol or ....Ie b ... 10 do bu!olneM in "laboft'll. EliJible inS(inniom "'1I$t ".......Ibc require"""n" .... in _lion U).


" Inlcre$" or dividend-bearing trim accounf' melOllI I '«lemUr insu",d checking account or an in,'oslmonl product. which i, a daily ("""",igln) financial-



agtttmtnl or an optn..,1Id

""""'Y 1II&li<c, fund. A daily financial.;nSlitution

rep'''''b;ue agm:mcnl must be fully roIlatcnlizcd by

US. C'O'... rn".,..m S«urilies: an optn~

lIIOIV)'.marl<c' fund mil<! i _ solely in. US, Go¥nnmmI Securities or IqIIIrchae$ fully coU.mJi....:l by U.S. Go>'eI'1lInmI Securities. A dally financial-Ulstilllliorl .... ~ ~m"" may be .. l.abliJ.hed only "ilb an .Iilible i .... ilution thaI;1 "well capl&lized"" or "adc<iu'lely capitalized""

as Iho$t. tcnnS...., dofinod by awlicabk fedenl

ItOlUle$ and .."ullOliool. An ."..,nd ....,.,.,y·rnart~t fund mu,t hold itself oot as I money.nwl:et fund 1$ defI ned by »l'Plicable fedenll Matutes and ..,gul • • tion' "ndc. tho Inv~tlllCnt C ompany Act of 19-10. and •• t the lime of lho inveslment. hav~ total assetl 2,.


"~Fees" meano: (I) JOn check eh;qes. ("2) per deposit charzei. (3) • f« in litla of minimum

balance. (4) Fcdrnll dcpo$il insurance r..... and a ..,asonable IOLTA account adminiM"'ti,.. fee.


··U.S. Government 5«.rili..•· Il\IIln, U.S. T..,,,,,ury obligorion • • nd obligali,,", is.sued or 8uanntud as '0 principal and in"""5t by the Unitt<! S ..... , or any agtncy or i'"trulllCnlality thereof.

(IJ A llwya-1JIIl1 hold the J'IOIl"'Y olclitnrs or third pel$OR< thai is io the bwY ...•• JX'f'nS"'" in <"<)tIIItCtion ... ith I rq>........wioo..",.....t fl1)fll the ..... ~ ......·n J'IOIl"'y. Fund! shill be kopI in • JCpanIO aoooont aWlllaincd in the 5IaIe ...t.= the .. wyer'. 06">« i. ,illllWt(\. or tl,",,,,,,,, with the "'lIlStrI1 of the ditot or thud ptrJOIII. No ptr5OIII1 fwlds olo Iawy... WIl ever be depos,tt<! in ouch I "".. acoount.

ell,..,,,, (Il untamed anOl"1le)' f.... ~ ...., ""ing ""Id unlil eamed. and (2) funds ",lrtcit-n, tocover main .. fWICe fea. wch IS service chorgcs. on the account. InlC1Ul. if any. on fundi. less fees chafiOd!O tho ICtOUnt. othor than ov~rdntft and r'\'1umcd i .. m t""'le,. Shall belong to tho dient or third person. exc"P' OS povvided in Rule 1.1 5(1). ond the I'''''yer "'all bave 110 right or claim 10 the int ........ Othel properly shall "" identified 1$ _h and approprialtly ufOiuanl«l. COIflplo:te n:cords of weh account funds and 0Ibtr I""P"rty WIl be u-pr by the low~ and JhI1I be ",... ned for.ix (6) yean &her tcnni ... tion of the repeK1I1ation. A lawyer sbalI dosipaIC olIlUCh 1NII accoulllS. ..1OeIher

ceneraJ or 5pCci1ic. II .... U.. dopoNr s~ps and all ~ dr"IwtIlbtt-.. as either an "Alf(Irnty TN$! An:<uIl." .., "Altorney Escrow ACCOOInI." or ... "Al1Ome)" FlducUry Acalun .." A lawyer shall ~ all bu$illO$ll -=un15... .. _11 as o.hcr deposil >lips IIIId all d'tci<J 00"'" ""'-'. .. a " Ou,iDtSS A<x>:ount." I "Pmfasoonll Acalunt;' .., '"Office Account;' • ·"(;0 ......1Account;' a ·· J>.jJroIl Accoun~" or a "Regular Account;' Howe"",.lIOIhlnl in this Rule shall prorullit a lawytr from usina any .ddition:ol description or desig.

lI3Iioo for a specifIC busir.ess or lruSI accounl. i",,)Pding. for example. fiduciary acc<)Unl$ rnainl.)ined by lhe lawyer as exOctUOf. tuanlian. trUst"". =ivc,. or atenl or in any other fiduciary tapa<ity.

(0) Upon retei_inl: funds Of ",lit, propony in which a client Of third person has an intorrS! from. $O<Irre othe, than lhe clienl or the Ihinl person.' lawyo, shall promptly notify lhe clienl or Ihinl;t;cepi as .Ialed in this Rule or OIhtrwise per_ milled by law Of by agreement with the dienl. a lawyer !.hall promptly dell,·cr to the clienl or ,hinl person any fund. <>rothe, propeny lhat the cliont Of third pe= is entilled 10 and. upon req ..... t by the client Of third person, . hall pronlplly rende, a full """""n~ng "'gart!ing that propeny.




I') When in lhe course of rep"""nla_ tion a lawy .. is in posse.sion of propeny in which both the I.,,·y .. and al'lOlh<-r peT$OIt claim inlerests. the propeny shall he kpt se.,arnle by the lawycr unlil there is an of thei, ""counting and a inleres". If a di,pu'" arise. concem· ing lbeir respe<:li"" i"ICrests. the l'O"ioo in di.pule .hall be ""pi sep.... '" by tilt lawyer "nlil tbe di'pule i, resolved.



A lawye, shall 1101 maI:c. disburse· ml.'nts of a eliem·, fund, from .. pa. rale accounts cootainint ,he funds of more than ooe eliem unl.... 1ht clien!". funds are collected fund.;


pro.ided, l>owev~'.lhlo! if. I. .... y•• Iw. "';uonable ..... ""","nl belief thlol a ,,"p""il <>f III in~n"".n. payable aL or <hroush. banl "'fl"'SCminl'bo eli ........ fundi will be tolIoo.ed prompLly. Lho" Lbo I..... y•• ..-..y, aL Lbe La.... y... •• own rut. di.oorx .he elien". unoollooled funds. If collodion ""'"' II(It _ . Lho:n Lbo I..... y... ~1. lOS JOOIO as ptlI(1kal. bu. ;" no.,....,.1 man: Lhan f~ (5) ...-or1U", dap .r.... no6ce of IIOncoIIootlon. rq:.1_ Lho fIInds i~ Lbe tepan>e _ . (e) '" I;owyer wll ~ LhaI Lbe flflll1cial inl.I~utioa ".11= .... Lawy..- m:ainIaiRs • Ir\IIt - - . . Flk. rtpOI"I LO!he 0t/iI:e of Genm.I Courucl of .... "'.......... Scale 8 .. ill eYert iMIance ..1>= • .,..,.,..-1y payable _ or order 10 plOy is pmeaIed

"'Il$l. or

.Iawytt', LnO$L _ _ " .."" insutrocitn< fIn.1J LO r-Y .... i..m order """'" praenLed mil (I) .... item or paymenl order is mumed beaule m.....: .., inouffici...u f....t. ;" Lbo ~ 10 plOy .... *m or order or. (2) if Lbo m:jUeSI is bonorr.d by !he finadci.oI i~LUtiod. and 0I-"t0'1hft <:rWO<I LII=by is noI pIIid ..iLhia ) """""'" dap 01 .... d:aII: .... fmancial imlilution '"""" noIirocaLion of .... Il\lCfdnflLO .... La""Y"f. The rqJOn 01 .... FI.-ial in$lilU'ion L-hloll ron"';n .... ....... informaLion. or • aJPY 01 thai ;"f""",,1on. r"",-.rd«I LO lhe lawyer .."I>:> pm>eniCd lhe or ml..-.


A lawyer ""'II ......... into an III'ftmtn. wiLh lhe (lIWICial ins.ilUlioolhai holds Lbelawy<:,'s lru~ IICroUnl ~I LO which .... fi""""ial irWiMioo agrteS LO file !he I"ttlOIl requiRd by Lhis Rule. [vcr)' I.owy<:, slulllu", lhe dilly LO

assun: thai his or OOInlSl a:rotlnu maimail"led .... ilb. fi ...... cial iru.lj,ution in Alabama arc JlIII"'IUIIILO weh III III'ftmenl. Thi, duly belongs LO lhe Lawyer ..... "'" .0 Lbo financial i!lSli· wrioo>. The !i~ng 01 • ..-pon wilb !he Off"", of Genm.I Coorucl pursuant LO dIis p;oragnph """I ......"Iu... prop..\:>O$i, for .. irro=iption by !he Oflko: of 0enmI c:o...-I 01 Lbelawycr ,,'110 is Lbe sut.;<a oIlhe ..-pon. puouanL 10 Lbe Alabama Rules 01 Disciplinary ~ NoVU", ill lhis R"", shaU JlIl"Iud&! • financial insliWlioo fmnl o:hatJin& a lawy... or ...... r"", a r... ror producin& Lbe ..-pon and main· 110m.., !he ~ mjUimJ by LhiJ Rule. E""1lawycrand ..... f..-m maimainin& a LnO$L ao:a;o.... in "'............11Inrloy be ODIOOMMiy deemed 10 have <lIII!mICd 10 lhe rquLi", and pn:duaion mpimneau ~ by lhit Rule .... shall bold hannIess !he f......sal insIilullOQ fur ilS tompliance ...i\h Lbe afon::said ..-porting """ pn:duaion ""luiR_ N<ilhtr Lbe 11&1 ...1.......iLl> Lbe financial insIiwtion nor lhe rqn1ins or producIion oll=-ds by • financial iMlilUlion made pur. suant 10 ilHs Rule shall be dffined 10 C",... in Lhe fi.-ill insUwtion a dUly Ie> ~ a $UnCIanI oI.;:ano or • ronlta<t ,..ilb Lhinl parties thai may sustain a loss as ........1. 01 •

lawyer', ""'eI"dnw.·i,,, a In1S! 0Ct0Unt. " lawyer wI] "'" f;oil lo produce any 0I1he m:on.Is LO be maintaincd by Lbese R"~ •• Lhe rt<IllO$! of !he Office of Ge<>Onl Coonsel. Lbe Disciplinary Conmti5sion. or !he Disciplinary Boord. Thi. obllgalioo 51\:111 be in add ilion '0. and II(It in I;"" of. mj"i .......... of !he Rules of ~i"'"



U.S. Bankruptcy Court. Northern District of Alabama Chief Deputy Clerk. Type II PayRooge $109.459-$137.463 We .. e seeiJng a highly mew,ned. re:suk.oo-oenled prol8$~1OIIi!1 to joIII OU' managemetll1eam. ".,;,;m prOl"ides support 10 511 judges and 100 aod .sen III the 00ULt. ThiS!! a seniof level ~I pos,llOII.....t-.O;II hn;toons urder thII dlfllCllOll 01 the Cieri; of Court The Ouef Deputy IS aa:oL.rIt3bIe foo the IIlm"'SIIallOl1 and supllMSlOI1 of day.1O-day case ~"!l of thII CIen's offICI!. The ()o>el Deputy !lSSl$L:$ thII CIert in lITopiool.'WIIlthe Fednl Auies of ~ Procedure and local rules. and 1m thII _all responsibdoty for case man· agemeI1t. records ma.menan.:e. stau$lLCal "PO""'II- lmaroal m...a'}I!mlllu. systemS management Ion!r<ange pIanrnng. and 01IW IlIUes ill iIIISL\J*I We m.ruSIe! almosl 23.m cases p« year in ro.. s1lLffed dMsioroill DffICeS ( Simi......... Deo:atw and TU$QIIOO$II) The LioIy 51aIicwl""U t;,. in s.~ Qualified anbdiL1eS should have a mcunun of so: years of experience in a 'esponSIble admulistrabW. professional or tectnocal po$OUOn in which they I-..¥I! gallled a ~ urderslanding of orgarozalLOOaI maoagemBOIlQ onduda admJuslnl' trIe .... Iunan resoun:e aspectS. AllaMt tIwee of thII $IX years of I!XpI!fienc8 must have been in a poSItion 01 sub$tanlial ~ '8spo,l$ibd'l"/. prr!8fabIy on a court SOVlronment Knowfedge of the teder&l jLXirilNy. including baohuplr.-y. and its admi"'~lral'>'Ll prklQ$ 1$ I'eier<ed AddltLOOaI ttnSLCieratJDrl WIll be g...... to these Wllh a Gagree on accountLng. judicia",. ]XtJIic or WsIl'l8$S admm,$\t8IJOfl. or a law degree hom an aoxted,.oo insututlOO _

Submit ~ COY8I"


~tter WILl>

'esI.OTI8. includ,no 31 IeaSI three ralererus and salar/ hislory. 10:

US ~IC'/ Coort

11300 51h Avero.oe. N. SIll 120 Bill1li"lofum. Al35203 Position open untol lil led For rnformauoo and a posrtion enncurcemant villil ClUI WOO site 31 ......wALNB IJSt;()UrIs.fIO\' or eall 12051 71 4-4002

All EqIMI Oppoftllnity E"",loy"


J ULY 200J

Pfo(~ Conduc< or Rules: 01 Disciplinary I'rocNIft for dw ~ 01 cIoaI ..... nu and ~icIrn=



A~. w:~

• Ia....yn IlOl m~ in act;"" prxtice pumwlllOAlabama Code 1915. ff 34-1·17 and · 111. Wll mairmoin • ~pattiC xcounito hokl funcls 01. clionl. Jr. lawyer docs IlOl hold funds for a climl. lh<1I he or she llu.n 1M .."';um IIOI~ 10 \be Scaetary of the Alalwna Sl.ale Bar thai the 11 .... )'('r will IlOl "",inwn >UclI an XCOUIli. A 11 .... )'('. mu .. IQ ad,i", the S«rrtary of .... S~le Bar within ~ix (6) month. of admissioo 10 practice or of. ",tum 10 acti"" praclice. A law)'('. woo has previou'ly liv~n .... notice "'quiI'M by ,hi, paIlIgro[>h 'hall ",\'Okc thaI "",ice by i ;'inl wrill.n notke 10 the &cIl't2l)' of ,he ALobiomo Sille B:II' inmliOdi.:ltely upon",. ~p:a_ rate xcounllO hold tile funds of. client. Un~ a Ilwy., .!N.Jlb..." livtn """ IIOI~ specified in Rule 1.1S(h).. I"",.,..... """11 hokl\be funds ora dim! or 01 • tIlinl pmon 11,... an: DOminol in amoum or thai \be IIW)'<l' u~ IObe ... 1<I for all>ort poriod iQ one or....,.., IOLTA _nl$.. A ~ llWl "'" \be att(IWIt ooly for the purpooc of funds 01 di.nts or Ibird p<I$OOl$ t"- In! r>OmiMl in In'KlUIII or thai d.e lawyo. expecU 10 be btld in the xcoun, for a!horl period and thaI the lawyer has del ...• minod clnllOl praclicably he invt.,<'(! for the benef't of the: or third PO""'". In no event $hall a I,,,.. y., rr<:ch'e ,he: int ...... 00 an IOLTA acCount.

Any eligible i.... i' ution that d.<u to pro'>'ide and maintain IOLTA K'COtInts ",,"U do $0 I<Wrding to the followi", lfflI'IJ: Eliaiblc ilUtilulions that mai.Dw. IOLTA XCOUnta that 1m. or .... ilM$l'" in. inleRSt-bearin& depotm or doily fillMCi;l.]-ms,;tution 1qIUI"C....... ""","menu $hall poy DO Io!u thadlhe hight$t inletut nle and dividend acnenlly ","lilabk from the instil1llioQ 10 m ...... · IOLTA _III cu>lOmtrS w ..... IOLTA _ nU 11"«1 or ~ the ...... minimum babnoc or oth<r dillbili,y qu.olir",atiQn$. if any. In del ...· mininl the hicJ>e!;1 ntc or dividend ~ntnlly ....iIable fronl tbe inSlilution to its non-IOLTA _nl$.. dilible in'lilUtions may ronsidcr fac'on. in add;· tion to the balallC'C in the IOLTA accoun~ customar· ily <ooside"" by the: in5litution ...·hen .."inB in ....• " I .... ..,. or divid!:".h for it.$ Custo"",", provided that .tlCh foclon do no! di.aimina'" helw..,n IOLTA _ n U and ICCOWIIS of "",,·IOLTA CUJ· tomtrf. and thaI tht$I! fa<1OfS do IlOl include lhe: fact that \be """"",III i ... IOLTA account. The: ~Iilible institlMioQ may otT..... and the lawyn may ocapt,. ''''eqI _'" t/I3I provides """",""i.m for \be fI'VnIli&bt in'"tSlmrM of babnNs in the IOLTA _ n t """ a daily financial il1<lihllioo "'I'W"~ agrttn'W:1II or • money-morUt fund. Howe...... thi. Rule t.hIIl noI tNjui.., any eligible inst;tu';on to off... or OIhc:rwisc make a""il able .....ttp """""'"u fo< IOI.TA alXoun,s.


l"ut:<u3nt 10 ..... ri" •• ag.....,,,,,,n, ""I,..""n the lawyer Inti lhe: eliiible institulion. interesl on the IOLTA IlCCotInl ..... lI

be ft",iut<!, 1$ the lawyn """11 des;' ...",. 10 the Alabama La .... Four>dati(!n or the Alabioma Civil JUMice Foundation. II IeIIt q......... y. Inl<fnt or- divide-nds """11 be calculiUCd in acarnIaDce ",·ilb tbc instilutioar·, JIan(IanI practitt for ...... ·10LTA att(IWIt t:USlOIII<n. ~ ft~ f-, if Illy. in oonne<:. '''''' "iltl the d!:po:!oitcd funds. Re_ble f ..... IS definod in Itli. Rule ...... the ooly It'f\Iitt cltarg.. or fees pennitl<'(! 10 be dedtlCted from in",,· O$t.arned 00 JOLTA ocCO<rntl. Reuonablc Fees may be deducled from in",resl 00 an IOLTA ""coun, only'l such "'''', and under such circumsl:lnCe$ .. i. the digible inSlilu, I""'·S <"S1omary praclk. for all of ill customcn wilh in ...._ es!·bearing _ o u . All othrIr fees and <l'Iar8eslhltJlllOl be lSSeUtd agai .... the accrued inl ....... on Ihe IOLTA _00.101 but ",tbtr.!N.JI be \be ~ibil"y of. and may be ~ 10, the Ia .... yn ..wnw .. ,.., tbc IOLTA _ " ' .

Fees or <haq;cs in UCUI of the iIIt........arned 00 the accoum for OIly tnOfIIIt or ~ s.hall noI be rat"" from ;~res! earned on ocher IOLT'" ICCOIIftts or from Ihe pri..:ipol of the _tn. A .... te ....1II should be I....,.m;" ... to \be Alabama Law Founda.ioQ or """ Alabama Civil Ju .. ice Foundation .... iltl .""h ftnlil"""'" 'bowi", the: poriod for ...·hi<h the: remiltltnc:e i, made. the of lhe: I..... y.r or I.w fIrm from wbose IOLTA ICCOtlnl tbc "'tnillance is beinl .. n~ Ihe IOLTA _ n l n".nbc<. the r.ltc of interest Ip'plied. the JI"S' interes! or dividend earned duri", \be period. the amount and dcscriplion of OIly It'f\Ikc cllarJn or ftfl assn.vd druin* the remitt3!'l<:e period. and the .... amounl of inle ...... or dividend ... mitted for tile period. A copy of the ""'",menl .!N.JI ;l.]M) be _ 10 Ihe tawy ..... (h) A '-yer. or • Ia... r"", on behalf of tU Iawycn 1$ disclosed no the nooIi<:e. may " ..... ,,"riMn nooIi<:e to Ihe ~ of the Alabama SLlte &r that \be lawyer <loa "'" inImd 10 main _ tain the IOLTA ICCOIIn' odIefwi", rtquirrd by Rule 1.1 SW. This nooIi<:e mu<l be ,;vm .... i!hrn Jix (6) mo.llJu of the la,,"ytt'S admission 10 praclice or ",tum 10 ocli ..... pmcti<e. and may I..... he gi,,,n ooly duri", the: period between April I and June I of each )'('ar. to be .00«:ll,e as of June l."The "",ice lbat] remain in .0"«1 until "''''''... or chan~ by the lawyer. or by a low firm 00 behalf of iii lawyers. NOIice

William (8ill) H . Odum. Jr.

Board Certified EnlOOlOlotIi$t Liligation Testimony -

EnIQfl1()IoiY ConsuII3lIons

P.O. Box 1571 Dolhan. A L 36302

Office: rac~i m ilc:


334-793-3068 334-671-8652 whOO386@


(b) traumalically injured child",n or adults;

given by • lawyer or law flml in oompli.""" with prior DR 9·102(0 )(3) 10 m. Execulive Di~ of lho Alabama Slale Bar thalm. I.... ~r or I.", r,ml opIed 001.10 m. i01=sl·bearing account mjui~ by DR·9·I02(D)(2) .hall remain efferuve withoulannual rcptliliQn. (il All im."'Sllmnsmillw 10 and recei'-ed by lho Alabama Ltw Found3lion pursuanllO Rule 1.15(g) ,han be dislributed by il for one or more of m. fullowing pulJ"l'CS:

(I) 10 providt kgal aid 10 lht poor; (2) 10 provide law .. 0><10"1103"0: (3) 10 provide for lho adminisIralion of justice:

(4) to pn:r.'i<le ia",·",1attd educational pmg:rams 10 lht public:

(5) 10 holp maimain public law libraries: and

(6) for su<:h other programs for the hen<fll of lhe public 3$ lhe Supreme Coon of lho Siale of Alabama specifICally approves from lime 10 lime. (j) All inlere" ttaJlSmitied I<} and rctti>'Cll by lhe Alab,,,,'" Ci"il Justice Found3lion pursuanl 10 Rule 1.15(g) shall bt distributed by ;1 for 01>< or ~ of lhe following PUlJlO!ies: (I) To provide IinaociaJ assistance 10 organizalions or groups providing aid or assislaIlCe 10:

(al underpriviloged children:

(cJ lho Jl«dy: (d) handicapped childre" or adults: or (e) dlllg and alcohol rehabilil.,ion progmms.

(2) Tu be usW in such Ollie, progmm' for lht be ... fil of !he public as m. Supreme Coon of the Siale of Alabama 'pecifically oW""",s from lime 10 lime. (1<) A


shall no! fail 10 produce. allhe request of lhe

Office of ~""",I CounStl. lht Disciplinary Co-mmi .. ion. or the Disciplinary Board. any of lho records requi~ to be mainlained by lhese Rules. This obligalioo ~II he in ;>ddi· tion 10. and noI in lieu of. any 1)Iht, rtquire"",nlJ; of thr Rules of Profes,ional Cond""l or m. Rules of Disciplinary Procedure for lite prod""lion of documenlll and evideoce.

Appendix B Comment To Rule 1.15 As Amended Effective April 14, 2003 In addilion to making stylistic change •. lho amendmenl added m. "Dolinilion," setli"" 10 lho ",Ie . nd amend<d II«lion (g) to provide 1h>1" lawyor shall hold those funds of a elienl or. Ihird pe'""" Ih>I are nomilllli or ihallho la"'yorexpects 10 be hold for only a sOOn period in JO LTA IICOOUnls. •


~;~,;~::":'; I:~Ihere Praclitioner 's ~! is any interest The


. 11 finn

wo uld:

i,sue~ :

for 1I1~I11l>crs; Board ('f Bar


We mn,1 idemify lawyers who . If you or ,OmCOn.: you know

11 finn



issue'. pl ease

Alabama Law Foundation's

IOLTA Program Gets Good News From U.S. Supreme Court n March 27. TIlt U.S. SUp"'me Coon ruled tn a 5-4 decISion th:.1 II i. con.mutionol for "ote' to pool clie"",' o<erov.· fund, in bank """OlIn" and gi," the inle"''' 10 legal aid tIlrough


IOLTA program •. IOLTA (Jntere>1 "" La ..)'..... ' Tn... Accounts) progr.uru a/:rQ$$ the reuntry pro' Ide much needed Iezal l>d to the poor. and the "'lin, ..-as a m..1jOt" riC"lOfy for the legal aid oq:anlaltoru Ih>I depend "" JOLTA for much of their fur.d,ng. 1..,.. foundation·, JOl.TA program has contributed o,-.r $IJ mtlhon in gruntS for la.... ..,lated. cha'"3b~ l""jectS '" Alabama "",,c 1989. and oIllogellltr. IOLTA p<Qgrlms in ,he U.S. gCllCrltC'IJ more lII.ut $200 1t"llton las! yOM oJonc for Itpl ... d. Thr found31ion's IOLTA program also f"tIIIs 1a..··..,LuC'IJ educabon. pr0pos th:.t i"""",-. \he adminillnllioa of jll>lice ~'t>U""a tion P~nl TllII Ra,,..,u c,~ hi. f«hng' about the rultn~. )3)-ln& that II ...... at! unpor· tant "in for JOLTA progr.Inl> and "'" foundation. ··We...., delighted ""til the Sup"' .... Court', deci.i"" In thl< casc," be .. id. "We Were "",in'i'lic about the Ot.tlC""It. bill to ",","ally sc llhc deci,ion ..,mo'''., any

unccnainty aboulthe fuw", ~f our IOLTA l' Now. "-e can """""nlr.>lc "" Iry"'& 10 expand and

"np"''''' 00, ,."''''',,. of ",'"enll<' .... 'hI' ".., can con_ Un\lt tn n>a~ gJ"'''S thaI rro'lde much·!>eWed legal

..,,',ces mA I.barna's poor," 11>< =en, f.",...ble ruhng ,",led In over """ banI<: I)c' ..... n IOlTA and lhc ""ash'JlgIOO up! Foondation. All ... B"",," and Gill H.yes. 1lIey claimed 11»1 'I>Ch proa;ranu .,., a voolatiod 0( the ",rlh "'IIlC'ndlllC1l1. argu;nlllhlu Iht IO~ eamrd

,n \be acooun15 belong. to tbe cben'" and canooI be LaUn by w .... tc '" "bout JUSI compoon>llllOll. The SUI"'""'" COY" .trud do.... n "'" """inn with their ruling in ,he c.,... Hro~'n ".r, 1..t'~~1 F{Jurull1liOll (!/\I\uhinglOf1 (The Legal R"'lIdailOO of W",hi"gl"", no! 10 be confustd with til. W.. h,nlllO" Legal fOUndation. m:ei,"eS and dmnbul •• IOLTA fund, in Wasilloll'on $We and AIIc" 6""",'0 and Ore, Hayes "'.'" ....>1 est,,,. purchasn< ,,110 d."ntd lIIcy 10$1 ...... lIlIlIOUnlS of interes! dllt 10 IOLTA), Wn,;ng foo- II>< majooily. Justice P:tul S'''''eftS

Wmk ...",. m.......:J1

<!rama". suc«,s of tho'se pr0-

gram' In ""'jng tilt <<>ml'dl,og ,nleres,,0 prmiding logo] s.c ..."i""'10 lilerally milllon< of lI«dy Anltrican. cenainly qualifies the d",nbut'on of these fur.d. as a 'public use' wIthin the ""canIng of the Fifth A .... r.dment.·· •




An Attorney May Pay an Expert Witness a Reasonable and Customary Fee for Preparing and Providing Expert Testimony, But the Expert's Fee May Not Be Contingent On the Outcome of the Proceeding Question:


Ullder "'htll <i",umlt"""" can an ,"orner pay. wil .. <~ who offers lCSlin'lOlly 81 trial 0< by dtposilion rooan attorney'. client?

l1>e prohibitions again" paying rac' witnesses and allainll pIlying oxperts. conling.""y fre are found in Rule 3.4(b) "fthe Rules of Professional CondUCI of tbe


Alabama State Bar. which providos lawyer shall 001 "'offer an ind~menl to. w;",.ss\ha1 is pro/Iibittd

Wil""'ses woo offer testimony allnal fall generally into IWQ caleg"'; •• , e.pen wimesses and lay or fact

wi."=. An .nomey may pay an •• pen WLtnt's< a

rtasonabl. and customary fu for I""paring and prcwid.

ing expen testimony. t.Jllhe ex"",,', fee may 001 be rorlli"l."' on ,he 011100",", of the proceeding, An allor""Y may no! P"Y a rac, or lay wi'nt .. any,hing of value in exchange for l11e testimony of lhe wilJleSS. b<n may reimburse the lay ... im... for actual .'I"'n=. includ-

ing 10m of lime or iO<:'OfOO. 262




by law:' Hov.~or, the Comm<m to tbis nile rttQgnius IMt tbe prohibition ~s not Jl1"'<lude pay"",nt of a fact witnts<'s Irgi~mate .~ptnses as long as such payment does not COIIs\iluto an illdocemcnt to testify in a eclUin way. This Cornm<nt is COIIsi_'ttnt wi'" DR 7_109 of tht old Model Code of Prof..,iooal Responsibility which specifically authorized a lawyer to pay ·'oAptnsc. re.sooably incun-ed by a wi[",," in aucllding or [.,[ifying" and '"l'ta.on.ble romprnsati"" to> • wiws< for his lass

of time in .ueOOing or wairyi"g." I'unht:nnor\', paymem to a willleSS for hi' octU31 .~penses and 10$' of rime would con• t;lUIe "expenses of lirjg;>~on" wirilin "" meaning of Rule 1.8(.). Subpar.lgraph (I) of rilar SttIion ,urhorius an ,nO<'ney to '"adV3J\Ce coun co.ts aOO expenses of lirig3~on. "" rtpayment of whi~h may be con'ingent on lbe oulCOrne of the mauer... The ,ilu3lion may ,rise when"n expen wilnns ,,;ould also be in a posilion to providt factu3l,c"imony in addition 10 hi. paid expen 'estimony. Under these circumslance<. lhe auome)' would not be ethically pr«ludcd from paying the wilness, in hi. role as expen. his ",ual aOO customary fct! , How.,..". ~~ution should be e""rcised tilatille attorney does not pay the • • pen mo.-e than hi. uwal and cu~'om:lry fee or pay him for more time than lie


aclually expende;l in prt~ng and pn:widing his ul"'n testimony. since any u~es. or unusual fee could be construed a • payment for hi. teslimony as" fac' wilncs.s. In summary. il is the opinion of "" Oiscipli""'Y Coounissiort of the Alabama Stal' B>r thai an auom<:)' may pay. fact "';lnesS r... expens<s and act"") loss of income or wages .. long as such paymrnl i. 001 0'III<k OS an inducement to the "'itntM to testify in a certain way. An expen witness may be paid hi. rt~abk. usu.1 '00 cu,· lomOJ)' r", for prt~ng and p,o_iding ""I"'n teslimony, pr<:>_i<led such fee is not cootingen,. This Opinion is coosiS!enl with pr=iou, ""inion, of,lIe Disciplin:lry Commi"ion on similar or r<:l3lM i _ in ROs 81-549. 82-699 and 88-42, IR0-97-021 •


The Alabama State Bar Lawyer Referral Service can provide you with an e.l({ellent means of eaming a living. so it is hard to believe that only three percent of Alabama attomeys partldpate in this servicel LRS wants you to consider joining. The Lawyer Referral SelVice is not a pro bono legal selVice, Attomeys agree to marge no more than $25 for an initial consultation, not to exceed 30 minutes. If, after the consultation, the attomey decides to accept the ease, he or She may then charge his or her normal fees. In addition to eaming a fee for your service, the greater reward is that you will be helping your fellow dtizens. Most referral dients have never contacted a la~r before. Your counseling may be all that Is needed, or you may offer further services. No matter what the outcome of the initial consultation, the next time they or their friends or family need an attomey, they will come to you.

For more infonnation about the LRS, contact the state bar at (800) 3S4-6154, letting the re<eptlonist know that you are an attorney interested In becoming a member of the Lawyer Referral Service. Annual fees are $100, and each member must provide proof of professional liability insurana.


Disability Inactive Birmingham auorncy Mioh ... , Ch~rles Jonl~n ...·as di",bility inocth.. statu< putSuaol lo Ru l~ 27(c). Alabama Rules of Di5Ciplinary ProcedUI't. dTttti~ Mareh 21. 2003. [Rule 27(c) ; 1'e1 . 03"()1) tran~f~=<I1O

Reinstatement On April!!. 2003. the Suprernt Coon of Alabama ent<cred an onIor baoed upon the decision of Panel V of the Di5Ciplinary Board of lite Alabama State Bar reinslaling former Florala attorney Marcus La"on What"'y I(> the pr.Io<"tice of law as a special rntmb<r for 24 months. afte, which Ite may change I(> regular memb<r SlalU •. effecti ... March 21. 2003 . (hI. No. 03-{)1I

Disbannent On April II. 2003. the Alabama Supreme Coon en ,erod an order based upon the decision of tlte Di5Ciplinary Board. Pa".,1 Ill. di,barring Mobile attorney John Thoma$ K ...... Uer from the practice of law in the SI.te of Alabama, ~ffe<1iv. October '2. 2005. This di,barmem is to run o<>nS«ulively wilh the t<crm of disbarment previoo'ly imposed effocti~ October II. 2000. In July 1996. Kmutter was hil'td to represenl. die nt in ron"""tion with.n automobile ""oident case. On or about February 5. 1'197. SLoto: I'm1> Insurance Company i!S1IM obecks in



J U LY 100 1

settlement of Kmutto:" s dient', claim. One check was pay.ble to Kroo n••. his dient and Baptist HospiLoI in tlte amount 0[$538.15, A second cheo~. in the amount of$3.71 I.S5. was issued in Kroutter's name and hi s dient's ""mt. Krouper con"ewtlte>e check> to his o"' n u", and lied to his client about tlte ItalU$ of the paymems from State Farm. Krout"" Was fOtlnd suilty of viol,'ing rules 8.4(b). 8.4(0) and 8.4(g} of the Alabama Rule, of Professional Conduct [ASH No. Ol·162(A»)

Suspensions Gadsden allCH"Jlcy Joh n I)a, 'jd .·IOl d ""as intorimly suspel!ded from tlte practice of l.w in tlte SUIt. of Alabama purlUani to Rule 2O(a). Alab,m, Rule. of Di5Ciplinary Proctdur<. by onIor of lhe Di5Ciplinary Commission of the Al.bama SUIte 6 ar . ffective April 3. 2003. The onIor of the Dis.ciplinary Commission was based on 0 petilion filed by the Office of (;c .... "'1 Coon~) e videncing th.t Floyd had been indicted by the Etowah COIlnty G",nd Jury for violations of U 13A·10-129 and 13A·IO-12 of tlte CoJ~ 01 Aloba",,,. a nd that indicltncnlS "",m r.1~ in Unitc<i SUI"'5 District Coon for the Northtm Di,trict of Alabam. ~h31ging Floyd with Ih .... "'parate """nts of violating 18 U.S.C. §1511jbXI). [Rule 20(0); Pet. 03-{)3)

On Aj>ril 3. 2003. the Supreme Coon of AI""""'" <ntorro an oo.Ier adopting the order of sw;pen<ion

·n~rm by "" Disciplinary Boord, Panel t """",nding DoIhan atlOm<'y Doanna Saound ~r'S Iligginhol ham from the prac1ice

ofbw for4S day<. dftni,~ February 1:/, 2003. Thi. order was enterod I>a..d upon Higginbooham', <IOI>:<lrnpliaDC<' with !he June 14, 2001 order of the Disciplinary Iloonl. 111:11 order inV()l~ t"" """""te complainlS filed against Higginbotham with theAlabanu State Bar. In AS B No. m·IOO(A, fligginbolham pled ,uil lY 10 ~iQl.lions <If rules 1.3, 1.4{a), 8,4(d) and 8,4{g), and in ASB No, OI,I39(A), rule$ 1.3. l.4{a). 8.I(b) and 8.4(B) <>f lhe Alabama Rule. 0( Professiooal CondllC1. lIigginbolhru" willfully DCgk<1cd H"Piial munler .ppeal to .. hkh she had been .ppo;nted. and she also ""gJooted • child ... slOdy m.tter in which she had been paid a $2,500 ruainer. She rtfunded!he full $2.500. She .Iso intemiooally failed 10 ""pond to "" of Ci<ncral Counsel ofthe Bar wdl as "" Houston County Grit,,,,,,,,,, Commilt"" during their i","eStigalioos. She was placed on t",'O ye"",' probation with speci.1 coodilioo" . !feeli,,, June 14,2002. She was to provide rt.<pOll"'" to lhe bar OIl all other nutlcrs pending .gainst her; make conta<t with the Alabama Stal" Bar Lawy", Assi,taDC<' Program and comply with any =ommeoo.1tioru; "'imoo ..... "" Clien, Stturily Fund for any payments made in connection ""ith her ctienlS; and provide "" bar with. liS! of her pending cases, ,he st"'''' of each. and the anticipated action and ti"'" requiml to conclude.ach ....... All of the abo"" w= to be co"'pitted within 14 day, of the order. Should Higginbolham



fail to comply with "" .pecial cooditions <If her proba,ion or if it ...... OOcu"",nted to "" Disciplinary Board that she failed to cooperate in I bar inV<'S\igalion. an immediate 45-d:ay suspen' sion ..""Id be im~ due '0 her fail"", to .. tilfy these condi· tioo'. Higginbolham', .uspensiOlt "'as im~ 011 April). 2(0). IASB 1>1)$. OI·IOO(A) & 01· 139(A)] Bimlingham altontey M ......i " Lee Ste .... a rl. J r. was in"rimly ,uspended from ,he pnlClice of law in "" Slat. of AI.bama pursuant to Rule 20(0). Alabama Rules of Disciplinary I"rocedure. by onltr of "" Disciplinary Com mission of ,Ite Alabama Sta'e Bar effecti,'. April 22. 2003. ",. <>r<Itt of the Disciplinary Commission was based ott a petition filed by tlte of Gencnl CounS<'1 evidencing ,ha' Stewan', cominu· ing condtlN is eau,jng, 0< i. li kely to c.use, immediate and seriou, injury 10 his die"lS and to 'M public and is, by his ac1ioo" clusing great public harm.I Rule 20(.); Pet. 0341 ]



Mobile anomey Le ....' l)" ni~1 Turl>t r~ille, Jr. in 'crimly su'pcnded from ,Ite Jl'1'<lice of law in ,he Sial. of Alaban,. pursuant to Rule 20(1), Alabama Rules of Disciplinary I"rocedure. by order of lhe Disciplinary CO"lmissiott of "" Al.bama State 8ar effeeti •• April 30, 2003. ",. order of lite Disciplinary Commi"iott was based 0Jt' petition filed by the Office of General Counsel evidencing a CQlltinuing p.u,rn of trn" acCOUnt mi,management. (Rule 2O(a); Pet. 0)-05]


Assistance Program Are you watching someolle you care about self-destructing because of akohoI or dnJgs? Are they telling you they have it uode!- control!

They d m ..


Public Reprimands 0.. May 9, 2003. Enlefpri.., attomey Ed..:..., Spu "'..... 8 ... " ... rea:i....! I public tq>rimand " 'i!boul "''''''''1 publicalion. 8l0'III''' bcpn ~nliog w compIain"tII in " divon:e nse in Au"", 2000. 0.. JanlW)" 9. 200 1. 8l0'III''' called w complai_ and ~1ud ...... 10 ~I him II W MI:Donald's in Daleville. Alabama. AI Ibi, mucin,. B~..u.J W rom. plli""", 10 bortow $5.000 and load il 10 him. H. had aJ ...ady prtpu<'(ll promi.-y 00<e for thaI amount. Doe 10 Brown's "'poqenlalion oflhe rompl.inanl. he was aw .... of ...... finan . d~1 .ilu~lion al!hal lime:. "Tho complainanl a&f1'Cd 10 leI Brown ha •• SSOII 10 IItlp him wilh hi. finaMial problcm,. Brown lhe «>mpl~inanl a no-i n"''''51 nolo payable in 60 day,. Brown failM 10 pay .. promised. and ,he complainanl filc<l ... i, him in the Small Claims Coun of Cof!'"" Counly. and obuoincd I jOOgmt"lll him. ~~f1",. Bn:w.'n Ih ..-aned ..... dforu II collcclion 0I1bo joo",,"ol. F..... lly. if! Fobruaty 2003. B",...n paid Ibo jl>dg"","" """",nl 01' S1.054 '11m the court. Bn:w..... IMOfed. ,uil!y pic. for .;0Iati"l rules l.6(a). 1.7(b). and 3.4(g). Abbilma Rules 01' I'rof~ Conduct. Of paniall. conc~. a ..-as 11M: rIC! !hal Brown IU<Id ronfidrnbal infOfm<llion al""" a dit'lIlO 1M1.mpc 10 benefil himself pmonally. [ASB No. 01·206(A)I


On March 14.2003. Binningh:tm auorncy Robt" 8 urru ..... Iknnlu received. public..-primand wi!boul i"non! ,""blil:l' lion Mst\I upon 11M: d<cision of lhe Disciplinary EIoMd. P3nr1 I. in lhe lItorina held on Oc~ S. 2002. BeIWttn 1996 and

Free Report Shows Lawyers How to Get More Clients Calof _ Why



I.o"')"ft' "" nell ... ",1. ~

>'Nul. 10 pay ihru bdl,? 110< ....... ,. ~I ... 10 """"'"Y. Da>od M. \\'W ...... """" ... 1060 ~ Ith ........ ~ .. "on, Oanl WQtI.. or OV<n lock. ''J'b", I',"'yer. ~ 00 mak ..... bil _.,»nly bo"ol lawyen· .... "Y"'"TIooy "',,.., .. mply 1.0IlI«I bow ,_ matU! lI><it SC'!>";"" '" " SUC<c>Sflrl ..... pn«rtj<on<r

n_ . ., "'"

....... ""'UI<d '" ...... <btrn.

w.m <t<4iu II.. """""""" "'.


marlttJ", ')'SO<m "" ... ran .... "I ..'... from d..d b<ot;c .....


(Irown.", In _

10 ...... '"

IXrO.OOO • Y''', prxll<ally

<Nt""....; .. "1'.

l.wY<f1 depend on ... f<ml .... """". b<o1 "'" """ ,n 100 "',,, .... f.......1",,"m. "W; """" • 'y""." .. r.moI. .... "" rtmlr<.,abl. y"" m'y SO< M"" ,"'. .-to. you ... y "1'. " ... f«ral.)'>Ornl. Want .. <an brin, in • Slndy .... am <If climb. moruh aftn month. ye.,




olin " II f«l. "".. 10 r;<>mt 10 tho office ....,. doy . ......., ... dot pOOnt ",,11 rin' .... n< ... bu.i· ""SO ,,"'ill be "" , .. """." ~ to.. hi... f....1 'r>'<m '" <Ntl 2-'00 I.wyen .._'0;10. ouod ' - ... n'ltn •


· 11 . .. T" ( ;" M...., c u.. .. ' n A .\Innlb TIou Yo.. N<J.,. Goo A U \·.,orr ..1DCIr rnnb hoo.... y .....,... "" ... tq>OfI.


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AbI:>amo 1.0 • .,...... <an "" a FR.F.E ""py <If th" "'porI 1')' collinS 1-8(l(1. ~ ~ 46 Z 7 •• Zl""'" fm: r«:<>r<Icd me...... or .i.ilinS W,,~', ..·.b ' '' •. hup ~/"·ww.d. " ","'0"' .. ","

1997. IlnOlhtr Bir'ntinsham alklmey. Khonda Steadman flood. ... ferred tine a§CS 10 B"ffonl·Bentt;Q. II ..-as aa:r-:I thai oneIhird 0( Ihc ..omr:ys' feu rcui....! by a"ffonl·BenniQ """Id be >IwaI ,... iIII Hood. B"lJonI·Benttin w."".ly oeuled tbt ~ aOO rfuI:ourKd """"'Y 10 lilt dimu and 10 ...... ""'." fiom but <tid "'" mify Hood about """"" Ik'IIItrncnu. nor <tid W poy Hood .. y ... f....... When 110001 found_ lilt <ascs ..... Ik'IIIcd. W "ftir..d i. lILroogh tbt COUll ft'COI"ds and later


willt the A'$pO<"I;'"e clients, AfIcr oq"IOaICd de""""'" for p:I)'ItI<n. by Hood. B.. ffonl·Be",,;n .. III ....... Ittl<l" mclosinE one chett. "Tho Icn..r includtd. promise 10 pay the ... rn.tinirl3IWO ref....... f..-s. AI the Oc!Ober S. 2002 d;sciplinary ""anng. lI ufford. Bennin (eSlifiM thaI she did not ""'. llood..,y money. and the which enclooed the one I:h«k '. .."" ...,nl ULI1 throus/l the milW:e 0( an employee ...'110 ~il"fld ......



flood filed ... il "&"inllll,,fford.Bennin irllhc Circu;1 Coon of kffnson Coumy. Alat>arn. and obtatncd a S90.000 'oerdiet from • lrial j"'Y. o..;n, 11M: <:Orldua of 11M: cast. lIuIT<lJd. Rennin filtd • mooion for summary jlldlmenl and wppont<l it wilh III alfodavil fmm one ()f" doe invo"~ dien ... In litis alfodo.·it.1IM: clienl ... lOd dla! !tood had _ rcl'CfRdloim '" lIufford·Benttin and thai lit had 1Ie\"... mel ....... ThiJ clien. later E...., artOOoer alTKIa';1 wilhdoowi"l Lhooc .....,nioos,"Tho coon struck the ori,i ....1 aITKlnil due 10 tbt 5eriou. q......ion. abo<u i" lruthful""... and!lle manner in " 'hil:b il was nota· riwl a' lI"ff<lJd·Bonniu·, uffil:e. Disciplill:try 80anI found Iha, B ufford·llenniu·, "'liOO1' .iolaled rules 8.4(c) and 8.4(g) [m'5Cond""'1 uf lhe Alabama Rul., of Professional Cond",,~ [ASII No. OI).I68(a)[


On March 14. 2003. Do""ne '''ullley. Malllltw Tn",';' lIo1Lbom rea:iW<l. public tq>rimand ,..ilh genen! publico. !ion based upon 11M: d<ciloion enlerN on O«ember 3. 2002 b)' !lle Disciplinary CornmissiOO1. 0.. Monday. April I. 2002. HoW>ono had. IriaJ SCI IItfOi"l' Judge James Wood in tbt Circuil Coon 01 Mobile Counoy, IioW>om "!"''''''lOd tbt defendant. and Mobile lltomey William M. Cunninlham. Jr.• ...prese,ued 11M: plaimitl'. !tolzbom bad ~ 10 conlin ... the In.1 lhe ....,...""'. Frida,y boc.",,", hi. case was ocoond on 11M: jooge', doo:kct. and il woold likely not be 1It:trd. Hulzbom admiued tha, too did noI pn:p;ore for the case: the Wtt~<nd bef"", lria l bocau,,", he wos ""benina on ltoo .... On

!lle morning of Ilial, 1M plainliff asked Judg. Wood '0 Ie. a d is";,,, judge b"JI!lle c..~. While Judie Wood w"" IUo"'pting

10 find a "'placemenl judi". 1101""'"' Ip!li'OILCtood CuMin&h&m and !Old him !hal be lLad ju~ ....,.iW<l a call on hi, ull phone advisinl him 1Iw hi, Sltpfather had ~ flolzbora and CWlrIinpam approKhtd tbt bmch. and flolzbom !old Jlldl;< Wood 111M hi, .. tpf.ther had jllS! ditd J""&" Wood immedialtly <:Or'L.inued 11M: case. taler, Cunnin&h&m Icamed 1Iw 1".>W:M:rm·, ~pf"""" had noI died and COlIflOdltd him wilh !lw facl. BOO! HoI.born aOO Cunninsham I..... oppooml bef.,... Judse Wood and HoW>ono <:Or'Lfirmr:d lhal he had lied aboul lhe dullt in oro... 10 obtain a conlinu"",," of 11M: Ilial . HolWorn was (""nd guilly of viol~lina Rule 1.3 [dilig ...... ].

and n>lel 8 .4(c) .nd 8.4(d) I misoondllC1] u f lhe Alabama Rules of Prof... ion.l CondUC1. [ASII No. 02.I24(A»)



• FIorrnce Ilwy ... Damon Q. Smlch mco:i=l a publie rqlri_ mane! " 'itlnM tmenI publicalJon for violatUII ",los 1.1. U(b). 3.4(c). 7.1. 7.S. and 8.<1(.) UId W •.... R.P.C. Smilll .u.misN IogaI services IS 'Thomon Smilll and "'ssociaIcs. ,,~H Yell_ ra, ... in almost all (XJUn'ies in ... Ial>am.o and "" lht In""",1. fl. "'IS !he only IIW)'''' in rn. firm. fie olTemllow-<:<>s' .., .... icto in bankfUJIICY and di~ <kn<'",lIy. "elknlS" complc.«I a dc.aikd ques.ionnain: .hal .hey ftttiv«l .hroolh !he mail or Inlernel. Up"" mco:ipl of ,he ques~onnai", and paymrnl. Smi,h prepared pleading. and ocher OOcumrnlS t..scd !OIely on lhe informalion pro>'idcd 10 him in.he qutSlicnnai",. Smilll ~ lht pltadinp """ for· .."OI'ded !he do<umrnlS to lht clitnl for Ul'<U1ion and fi6" .. """ Fn..-ai ",Ie. Smilll did ..... meet willi I clie .. , in penon unleu .he clien...""led 10 come 10 offICe. The lepl ad"k<: JIro"idcd . .. hich Smi.h ",f~ to IS <he: basics. providtd to .hrwgh.he questionnai ... , Smnh left il up 'o.he dienl 10 iniliale qu""ion, or discuuion ••""'n. particular "'"" .... MOSl of lhe legal services Smilh provided by mail or Inl ...... '. wi.hQu, ,he hc... fi, of on In.pj'1'JOOI. f"',,"lO-f...,.. con· SlIlwion. iftllOlved divorr ... Smllll did meet all bankrup!<)' dienu ,n ponon ....... Ily in COUll. The ~Ilqal informa· .ion providcd in !he ql1l!$lion and "" !he Wtb lite """. wilt<! 11..... 1131.......... 01 II .... The DolCipiinary CommiloSion deiennillt<! thai ,he mullne I"""isi<la 0I1epI servitts ,,·I.bou' on in·penon. inlCnlC1ive m«Iin, be\,,'eC1\




. .. . .


!he 1I... yt't and I ditnl. ~ially • die'tll willi ...-hom .he bwyt't has no ongoi ... or prior "'lItioIuhip. il ..... a rompo. lelli method of providilo, Iepl SCI'\'m. It at.o ~mi .. !he communicalioa. makinl i. unlikely Ihai I b~, can provide Infortnalion nc<:eUary 10 allow. cliclIi 10 make informed """i,ion. abou, rn. ~n\.(..ion . ... lcbough Smilh I"""ided inslnlClions'o lht ciienlrt,"/'tlin, "Meu.ion and rolioa, ,lie. pl""",in&!, and documrm. " 'Crt deficient in many The Invc,dp'ion rt:vtaled ilia. in one <:oun,y. OU' of 13 dlvorre cases lllal Smilll "filed" WIth tIw coun.. III bu. one ..... ddl_ citnl. IASB 1iOS. 02-09("') .t. O2·S I("')J

...MisIo<o a\WnIe)' Roy L.)-nn \'.nderfonl rccei.\:d a ""bile n:prionand ..ilbou, I"n..-ai publlCalion for vioIa.l", ",los 1.3. 1.<I(a) and 8.4(ci, .... R.P.C. '4nderfonl "'IS ltUIir.ed 10 file a f.lse impri""""",II'lClion .pinl.lht TioIladega Polk<: Oopartmenl as a .... ul. of lht rornplainall1 having bttn """Sled durin8' oomeMic di"urNl>Ce call Ar'c,.he ini.I.1 inlc,' vic .... Vanderford did not romo,"nic.,. "'illl the elicn. .he ma'ln. Var.derfortl al..,..-.ovtd and failed 10 ootify the cornpbinan, of I\iJ ch:onl" of ~ 'I1ndeTford f.iled 10 d;liI"D~y """"'" !he rompLalnanl·. CIvil C2$C. failed ' 0 1.'On'I' mU1lOCll1e with lht compIainanl IMin, !he cowx of !he rtpre$('IIL11ioon. and made misleadl", allCmrnu about 1oi.1qft$('nlalion of thc compI .."l2ru in hI< "'p""sc <0 !he bar. I"'SB No.01.239("')J •

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tatiliod in ,tlUII_ fIdofoi !It1oed _ ~U.-. AIIbemt a..1 1.rl of Ronsc _ _ .......... AtIcIeotor 01 f<IrlInIc s.-. AtwGo SoI>erJoI c..~F ' .... s..ru_lIt,,"--'

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...... ~~Ioss_


WortAot ~'Ilft adit 1I'<!'Ilft '""",,, lb.tja r Milllt. Mombet SAM C. phont ;!WI 01&2 ~ I2(!ollJ95.OOl2. ~ (itIIiI: ....


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_tal~lII~ ~~t.:naldtw;os. poIII ~ 01 ..... WiIiom A. LfbatgoI. PIlO .... Ji;!IlI121~1~ . . . . Ot.f WtJ:j ....

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_ _ ..

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Cumberland School of Law is indebled 10 Ihe many Alabama auomcys andjudgcs who contribmed Iheir lime and expe rtise to planning and speaking al our educalional semi nars during the 2002·2003 academic year. W e gralcfully acknowledge Ihe eonlribUlions oflhc following individuals 10 the success of our CLE programs.

)arne> A. Abernalhy, IJ

Amy Davi. Adam. James P. Aleunder Orrin K. Ames 111 . '69 D. l eon Ashford W. Michael Atchison. '68 Lesli. R. Bruin ... ~. '8~ Bmd Bishop. '71 Robert G. Bolick, Jr. Hon. Michael f. Bolin. '73 Joke II. Bollinger. '95 lion. Karen O. Bo",·dre. '81 William M. Bowen. lr .. '72 Michael A. Bownes. '83 Larry Way"" Brantley Richard J. Brockman . '86 Cha<l R. Bm"n loci E. Bmwn Laura A- Calloway Valerie S. Camp, '93 Robert 1. Campbell Richard P. Carmody Hon. John L. Carroll. '74 Clinton C. Carter. '94 Tracy W. Cary frank M. Caulhen, Jr. Rhond. Piu. Chambers, '89 John S. Civiis. Jr. Charles H- Clar\:. Jr" 'S3 ChCf}'l D. Cobb. '77 Gina D. Coggin. '93 bmes 1. Coomes 1. Thomas Corbell Deane K. Corliss. '89 Allison Taylor Crall Judilh S. Cri1t<.T.<kn. '70

C. William D.nid •• Jr.. '93 David W. Long· Daniel. J. Patrick Darby James W. Davis S'c."" D. Davis M"",d l. Otbrug. Susan D. Oouglnon lion. J""I f . Dubin;>"7] Gress B. heMt Frederick L Fohrell Steven W. Ford Richard W. Franklin Barry V. Frederick Iton. Bcnjamin A. Full .... Robert T. GardnCT, '92 Caroline Smith Gidicrc R. Mare ... Givhan, '86 Stephen R. GI""OIh W. Clart (ioodwin. '79 Mac B. G.-.:aves Wilson F. G.-.:en Deborah A. Griffin W. McCollum Il akomb. ' 82 Anh", J. I I.lles. Jr. lion. W. W. lIaralson. '71 William D. Hasty, Jr.. '72 Chri.topher L. l1a",kins Su.. n C. Il aygood. '96 Alioia K. llaynes. '87 M. Ann Huokstep N.""y C. HUSh"" '91 David M. Hun. Palrici. E. Ivie lion. Tim Jolley GregO!)' R. Jones. ' 8 1 Robin Windham Jones. '94 Anthony A. Joseph. 'SO

M.ri . BI.n<:<> Katz M. Christian King John T. Kirt Donald B. Kirkpalrick. II. '93 Thoma. B. Klinner Stephen P. l ... ,.. '1)4 Robert W. lee. Jr.. '78 fl cather Newsom lwnard flon. David N. l ichlenstein. '7 8 Robert E.. l usk. Jr. Hon. Charle. R. Malone. '81 J. Rushton McClees Andrew II. McElroy. 111. '86 Candis A. McGowan. '86 Kerry P. Mcinerney. '98 J. Antbony Molain. '77 Goillivinll'l<In Mill. Hon. Tamara O. Mitehell p.tricia N. Moon: It. Col. BIYa" E Morgan, '81 W""dell R. Morgan Aline R. Moses George M. Neal. Jr.. '77 lwnard J. Nelson. III Bert S. Nettles Dorolhy f. N",,",'ood Y. Michelle Obmdo,·ic. '99 Thomas L. Oliver ll . '89 lenora W. P.... '8S Edward 1. Pelcn;on. lIJ Denise J. Pomeroy. '89 linda W. Pope. '89 N. o.Wayne Pope. '93 Robert O. Posey. 'SO

Thomas M. Pow~lI. '92 R. David Pr""tor Palmia J. Pritchctt, '90 Maxwell Ii. Pulliam Barry A. Ragsdale Bruce A. Rawls. '79 James A. RiVe< ROOcrt B. Rubin Georg. G. Ruff. Jr.. '78 Richard D. Sanden John D. Sa, on R. Wendell Sheffield. '86 F. Oon Sieg.1 Wilbur G. Silberman flon. James S. Sledge Otborah Alley Smith John A. Smyth. III W. StallCil StartlCS. '72 William 13. Sle"'·ort.·90 Belle II. Stoddard. '78 TN Stllden..,hneider. <77 Sidnoy C. Surruncy, Jr. '77 Will Hill Tankersley. Jr. Klari B. Tedrow, 'S9 Jan<>! T~r lion. J. Seoll Vowell Charlie D. Waldrep. '76 II. Willi.m Was<kn. '81 Jeffrey I I. Wertheim Meade Whitaker, Jr. John 1'. Whil1;nglon. '72 R. Wayne Wolfe Ar;so< Justice Th""",. A. Woodall Peler M.Wrighr lion. Sharon Gilbert Vale< '1k , ..",. follo,.'jng """'. tknolU alumnj 0/


CumiJt"J,mJ School ofV;r.i

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