Lawyer 7 04 web

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July 2004

a ama aw er Vat 65, No, 4

ON THE COVER O.k St.t. P•• k,SMlbyCounly,Alobamo Photo by l\Iul Cnwfo.d, JD

AU.&o.MA STAT!! .... HlADQUAlTW STAff .UDmooo_I' • • ,.ALlO'N (J.H) _lSI!>, (III' ).H::6'SrI' FU (»II JIoI4JI. ~I('" II "'I

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ASB Law Day 2004 Observance Includes "Cross that Jijver. Brown v, Board ofEdumtion" Culllfld cnw of this year's adri"s Luw [)Qy produdion lire i'flCk;IIg up "nd htadi"S 10 $/mdCjlin for one finlll pcfomumu - Dolt't miss il!



Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! Admission to the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States of America Ollt Inwyu's cxperienct on admission 10 the nllriolt's highC$/ (Curl 8yTrnyW,Cary


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Nine Ways to Avoid a Suit for Legal Malpractice CollIrIlOIl'KIIK

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Table 01 Contents » Cl>ntinuM "" pdt< 2/4


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lips for IlWidiltS /tIIIlproctiu actiolt

By w, Mid\3d Aldo ...... and RobttI p, Mx~nzie.lII


Tabla 01 Conllnb »

fmm pal" 1/J

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Appeal Early and Often? Appellate Review of Non ~Fin a l Orders in Alabama Appml rights aUl n'l'II befou Ih#: m umra

of a final judgment.






- ""' ,

By Swan S. "'>gin


Some Words of Gratitude An allorney's trip from alcohol. drugs alld Ihe mcetrack 10 acroullllIbility Illtd honesty



President's Page M\YiId_eyfll mdirnl" Bill Clark disczr= muit S#:lmio". i"diStili deftllS#: alld a delllh p#:1Ii1lry momlMium.


Exe<:utive Director's Report

23. 262 266

Importa nt Notice


About Members, Among Firms



no .

Legislative Wrap-Up 2004 Regular &s$ioll ellds J 17 bills au pa~d; of thOU!, 14 au highlighled.


Tafu S#:,ralt Bill 154. add itt 1M Task Faru 011 Divrrsiry in tM Prof#:$Jwn, "lIId you halY a sta/#: bor for tw1J'I'lIt.


Memorials Bar Briefs

Opinions of the General Counsel RO-9J - J8 alld the rull'S regarding uprtS#:IIlillg app/iCIlII/S bifou a stilte agency licellSuu boord

27. 276

Disciplina ry Notices Classifieds

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incrn,ingiy .;'d 10 you, ability to tho bmi ..... "p<a' 01 you.- prKl~""h .. building • strong dim. ba~ . nd nu>Cimiling yuur efficiency. You know L<x,.N.~i" for "uthorita,i¥< "",. rch [<>OI'_!lu, did you know we go boy""d ascs.nd <odn to provi<k on .my oJ '''Y-«>-"O< ",Iu,ions .dd ..... tI>< ~....d. of yo..,. as ""II?




n~ .... nog<mm'


,ha, su<amli"" yo", .... and billing

.",.. itin. '0 in-<l<plh coml"'ny II<ws.nd infom,.,;o., ,hat hdp you

know _ . bout rurrrnt <lim" and .,... pros""",- LoxisN.xi. ru. ..... tool •• nd 2417 .... ppon you -.l '" htlp ",. ... gc your oom.n. . nd boi ld

roo' dim, b.u<. All wi,h ,I\r ...... confidence th., you LuisN.~i •..



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President's Page

A Year in Focus "Wild-eyed mdical" Bill Clark talks about ewrythillg fro'" merit

selection /0 indigent defense /0 II deatll pellally moratorium. By wm;~", N. Clark

William N. C/lIrk, 2004-2004 Alabama Stllte Bar Presidelll, winds up a bllsy year traveling tile slate and meeting fellow attorneys. He talks with Alabama wwyer editor Robert Huffaker abollt what he's learned Ihis past year.

The Alabama Lawyer: Bill. you a~

nearing the end nf your t~nu~ as b...

prnidcnt. H<>w would you asoess rour p'~$idency?

Bill Clark: My initi.I ......m."';" how ... pidly. yN' has gont by.• 0><1 my .lC<cmd .~men\ il .bout the quality of the 01.,. b ...uff and tho I.wyrrs who ....... as B.. CornmiM.ionu. and on v;arj · OU> ,0mm;11= and lad forces. lbei. commitment to tho b.ot .nd to tho <"m_ munity is jtU. out$tanding.

AL:wn., wu the ,heme of your ~min·

mottO of 'he State B... Ao f.r ... I know, w••rt ,h. only$1a .. bar thor h., • motto. J did no, form.1 ,homo. howtv<-r•• in« this i. tho [25th .nni".,.· .. ry of ,ho AJ.J,.m. S.. ,. B.a" o ur Ihem. oould be ·,m." The Iheme of our annu.1 OI"ling this ~ar i. "IlS )1"1"$ of$m ... The lourn¢)' COntinu .... On $0,,=1 oc,,",ion., 1 hav< $poken 10 ntw .dmiu.... on the impor. .. net of professionali,m. OJ • p.n of Ih • .nnuol .-.qui ........ "1 for ntw lawyt ...

AL: What;' the n.r. of prof....onali.m within our prof<Ssion! Has il dcrcriorot· ed ov<r the years!

ilt,";on? BC: FTed Groi. them. was-Lawyers


Render Strvi",: One of fir$' things ,lut the So.rd of Bar Commwio",.. did ~u wu to .dop' his thorne .. ,ho

,hi. 216

JULY 200 .

BC: I think the dilemm. that the ASH foct< is 0 ... tlut all proklsionl r..,.,. \Vh<1her medicine or ministry or the military.-the conflict is berwten ..rvi<t .nd 1OOfl<")". Doctors had to confron' it ... rtier


-Alabama lawy.n halla an impOr1ant rol.;n helpip(I the public understand such. significllnt pfopoSllI for chllPge of our - On informina tht publil; on Ihf prof and <ON of Govttnor RiIoy'.!'fOI'O'td w plan. MooR ~h.n 10,000 brochum W<"K dis~fibulCd.

!han law)otn. that oonllicl btIwtm bong • ..,...;0" prokssion and • busH-. Unfor~u'''I'Iy, il ofj"" chong<o tho pr><lic< of '-. 11 nom II.1J'Pft1$ in tho minisl,.,.....1 leas! in d""omirullom whrn- minist<n ,.".,.. 10 biggn" dmn:ba ond s<ll"id ~ ~. Sorrl(1imrs th.1 is thr <Jj!<ri.o r;11 ...... INn whm lhf minilcOB con best ift"Y<. [ lhink rt·. . n:aI c~ for)'OWl8 ~ in ~ KhooI1<>< bt-gin with h"", dcbto. n..,.'~ £o«d with '-inti to mUt tho do<iaion wbtchrr 10 rotIow!heir t-ru ..... to 10 won:. for a public ..,...;0" orpniuloon. such as LtpI ~ Of. public dcfmdcr'o offiCIo whm- they will _ mUt fII"IOUgh monty 10 hdp M" ..... d.b<. Of lake tho bcsI ~job.

Ai: H • ..,)'OII found 111.11 Lawytn. . . . whok, do gi.., 10 'hf prof<'Uion! You $Oid 'h>1 you wtrC <ominuina Frtd Gray"o

""'. _ _ _ _ IoIf _ _ _ _ _ O#_.fkf .. t:>ot_


A ' ~~""''''

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~mitt thy ~ncmy. "Th~~ triallawy~T$ h;l.v~ h~ld

in id~u


nothing back

way th~y h;l.v~ prcsen t~d their

abou t dosing argumenu. Old idus, ;lnd superbly original ideas fill the pages of this book..· - Johnn .. Codtnn

r~inv~med id~;I$.



President's Page

Colltillued from page 2 17

oome imeresl aud some diKussion within !he ASO Ita<kr:<hip .boul !he prusibilily of ~ng thol Icgi!l.tion and possibly pUlluing il ' 8"in. 8e<:ause of Ihe process and th. enormous costs involved in !he elt<lion .. the .t!iluclt of some of the rnembell of !he public was tho, when that much money is PUt in,justi« is for .. le.

AL' One of the bill. introduced th i. ~.. dttw SOme diocu .. ion and Ih.t wa1 whe1he1to h. .....uprem. court justi= run by;..r. Did the ASI! take. posi_ tion On !hatl

JIll "¥<IASII_ "'_1.-$00< F.,1lK osr _ _ OodnASII_!loocJoo _ =_c..-01" __ s.o_

th<mt of Lawynt rrndering $<TYK ... H."" yQ~ h<-on $urprio«l . 11M numbfi of wwyns who perfonn public strviu!

BC: I wouldn"' oar J'", been .urprised; I had been .war. of 'he mony thinS' thaI la~rsdo. Thi. yt'u J have ~ m.ok mo," """'re. F<>r ye .... I ha.., been a champion of the !'Ok th.lla..,...... pl.y in ..,vinS the ."mmunity. The~ or. ""'"' laWj'<'rs €<lli:hing their children', athletic ~u

. nd scrvingon non-profit boudI

probJbly th.n in a ny othtr prof"'ion. ant of Ih< <on«""" ,ha' we ha.... had u • bor i> to ",minue thi.'=d ,in"" young bWj'<'J'S," th.,. rom. out of Jaw ,.,hool and h."" the challenges ,h. t they do with their r,milies, their bu.intu and 0$ laWj'<'f'S, may no! fttllMy Ita"" 'he 'i ..... 10 provide >nVicc in lhe community or strvi« 10 'he bar. The Bo..rd of liar Commi$$iontr> .ppl'OVC'd a nd odopled • proposal to .".bli<h . n ASS u,adtr$hip Forum dtsigntdto td"",~ y<lung


.. fit

lawyers, or 13wytrs who Ita"" not practicing foT rnort,h.n ,e" 10 lS, . bout the .. pccU of lc-ad=hip . nd .. rvi«. Th~ program bct;ins ncrl january. It will ~ helpful in CTlWuraging lawyns 10 I.kt a n acti ... .ok in Ih. bar. 3S wdl as in thdr oommunity.nd . ... n in Ih.ltgisl.· lu ... or in Ihe judicia ry.

AL· \IIk·... in !he midst of Ihe prirmtry ~1«1ion.,

induding judici.1 ...". I h.... aSktd your pr<d«essors in p.... ious intervi<-w. whal the currenl Slalus;" of the bar·, posilion On judicw ekaion$ Bring u' up to d.le.

Be: Aoout ..... n ynrs ago. ... result of an almsi ... sludy. !he ASB odopttd .. [<$. oIution and, in fm, .",\or>td. bnI Ih., would clwlg<!he way judiew .. IKlion ,,"urs in .pp<II... ra= from popular ekaion to n..,;, ..l«tion . Th., bill did n01 1"" the ltgi<J.lurt. Tbert hu h«n

BC: We did O>(It. Whik the bill probably would h ave incrt. sed di ...... ity on th. coun, one conenn was that a justice ..,.,... !he £late as a whole ralher thon • district. It would not be the best thing to h..... . jUsti« commit!td simply 10 a district. when his Or hn COn<1 il uen<y is th~ as • whole.


At: ~t<ribe the cumm <LUus of the di«iplin.ry pro< .... Doc$ it seem 10 be working!

BC: 11·, """king ""y well. and we h.... an =.II. n, O1off. Tony Mclain, the gen· ......1 coun .. I, and hi> staff a ....... ry respon.; .... to i nquiri~ thatl.wyt .. make .boul whethn som<thing is <thical or viob ... the ethi""I'landam.. When" . ... madt. IMy are ext ... mely effie;""t in foUo wing up .nd <ond u<ting in....'ig ..;oo.. 11>< disciplinary process is working well in meting oul the .ppropriOle di«ipline for a pOl' i,u].r off.ns<. AL' 1.5 the ASB president, don'l you h..... !h. lui< of actuaUy the public or priv'l~ '.primands to allo,· ners who are being di.dplintd1

"We went to encouregfJ these studenl ,the/eles, while in high schfJol, IfJ consider the impfJrtence of educetion in prepering for e career in the lew - or in olher professions. " p,..i,un' Chtrlt', prorram, "Ar"kres. /IalJ"",1a and r~ /,moo: Pwr /, Sma.,!" wh;,,11 haJ bnn prf:$ht,td 10 _ ,han 500 Slwknrs sra,nvitk and is"iII going <lrong 218

J U LY l OO <

'The role of IlIw lind thellllegiance to the role of IlIw life e$$entilll to our democf6fic goremment •.• h is our hope thllt IIowerer the impending leglll iS$ues mlly '"~ uhimllfeiy decided, the role of IlIw will '"~ followed. ~ hts. a..rti .... r......,r "" rlv ;.. ... 11{ rbe Tm eomm....d.....,,. """'........ r wllKIo ..... /oaored in rIv ludicMI BwiIJiltf In '\'/mo~

BC: I do privat. ~ndo by Iomr. At lOr public ttprim.ndo.tM individUllI loW}'" who is btln, ttprim.ndt<I hu r" COOK to rlK I\o;\rd of /l;>r Olmmwionon' m«rina. 110 or ,h. Ihon . ran<15 in fmnl of tho comml"';on..... nd I ..... d 1M ttp. rimand. Th.1 i. On. of tho mOll difficult 1.sIcs th.l • •WO Nr prnidonl h ...

,ho, _'.. ulki", about oro ..., lhosor IMI ... 1>0110 mud> Inl(ll,ional conduct u much .. II is nosli&mc< or jIw DOl b<i", rnpon,l"" 10 11K dionl in • va.itly of waJ'*. So ! think lholesson lOr ill.I of '" I. to pay a"onlion 10 our busi· "....nd w!>on dionu , all. I" ""POnd .. soon .. poulblo. I know lhor'. awfully dif· licull If you' .. bwy bUI I think thor', oomothinl WI' 1'\ffiI10 bt CO<I$<M>us oi

AL: Is Il><ff any common thonno thol runni"lllhroushou' ,hr$t rq>ri. monds ,bat would ....... '" wdl 00 tN., ..., doo', run into proI>Inns! )'0\1 ....

AL' Who,', 0>1 up For you £Or tho ...,., couplo of months ~ J'OI' ond YOUl prrsidnxy!

BC: 00(11. it if 1.0...,..... who ..... not rapon.i"" to 1M dionrs. Thty """" • mollo, thol • dionl Inquiries oi>oul--thry don', respond pron'ptlY.lM "',,,,., is pUI on lhc buk bu.nn '"~ lho loW}'" .imply don nol rnpor.d. Th< public "primands

BC: 'l'httt oro t<'wraIlhinp ..... iniliattd Ihis roor lhal WI' ..... Iryinlto pu~_ At tho Iqinnin8 of my ..... id<frcy ..... inilialod 0 propam nlltd "AlhkrO$, An.dnni<.s oDd th. Low: PI.oy It Smon: !1 i •• pro- was desigt led EI6I»I iity for small firms and solo practitioners who are seekin9 to ~nimize overh ead expenses while expanding their areas of practice.

*' '1

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in whidllowyfUlhlrut go Into pUblic ochooI. and IIlk aboullho '",po'IIna of aadrm .... In Of'dn 10 Iry 10 .n«Iu.... tho youn, P«'plr whilt lh<y' .... in high sehoolt" p.y o"onlion to lltosc Ihings Ih.llhry ne«il" 8" on '"coll~ nOI jWI10 be . ,hlolts bul I" I"'rh.p. b< I.~ .. o. <10<:,0'" wh.t ...... W.'.... "on· Iinuing tNI.nd I ""y nl""h SUpporl tN.I pfO&r.>rn. Swan Andrn, "ur dinm>r of communications, oDd Scotly Colson, chair of our Public Rdaliono Commit,.... ~ dont .n oulSW'di", job with this projoa . Anothtr projrcI thol ..., iNtiaud nrfy on __ • _ c.ommI ...... tho Conununity Edualion Comml,,...,1hat 1 wlrd to try and hrlp I'ulfill Ibol portion of tho bar.. miWon '" odua~ rho publJc-..(o.k.o:q> rho public inl'ormod .boul tho law. That com· mil"" ~ btt-n wodd", on IwQ pr-ojoru. 0 ... WU 0 pamphlet '" od .... " lho public v~





Coo .. en ~lp Powew of AHonoe, Lea.... e . . .m e nt e"k: tlon Co rponotlon Ado9tlon Crim in al Defe n . . C ri m inal Prosec uto r Gene re l Practice Tim be r Pu n;:ha. . Lttlgatlon

President's Page

Con /illl/cd fro m pnge 219

....... hoch ..... oflht;.....0<1 ClllNlilu· tionol AnoIbtr _ ~ 10 cdlaal< Iht public both oideo of 1M ...... on tht d<aIl, ~ monto<;"m ...... w.. an: ..-ins aion« on tht consU' tu.ionaI rd>rm proj<a. but ' - ~ - . . difficulty in "'1m« coopn-o' ..... 1iom .... AlIOrn<T~ i:>r tht~ side 01 .... pro;.a abouI tho ..-.1Orium on



tho <bib pmahy.

EMI)' in my I("rm _ publw...I. brod>u", tltat pramud inlOrmalion in an objotcliYt .... , allow. Go.TrI>Ol' Riky'. Lli and oc:counubility proposal. It was vny _II r=ivnI around tho: ...It by Iq

poop!.., as wdl as Iawym..

AL- Do you think that ,II( bor, as .n ontity. and il< It, ff .<kqu' l<iy .. ~ 1M r>M:i. of , h. mombe"Of'M harl Be: Absolu tely. ! think 00'»<1'"," our

" ' - _ _ _ ASII _ _ _ ...... a.t ... _ _ _ • _ _

mtn,b,,..hip donn', tuliu that ,h.

how 10 mlnage a ...wll_ off.... She IY.1

A1abam .. St.t. liar "".form • • 11 of th. run<lionlth'l in Dlhr. "31" art $Omt',i",.. fngnltnlrd amon, ~.I ditr.rm, organizations. for aampl<, tho Sut. Bar ;. rcsponsiblt fOr 1h.t admUsioru proass. tht c:umin.l,Oon procao. 1M <Ii.. cip~na'l' pro<.eN and Iht odmini$tr.\ioI'I of CLE. In ... tnt ..... ," tht discipline is put UnMr 1M .U~ Of admio.

=01""1 rttOUIU

sioru .. pIKed undtr ........ IgtnrY. In OUr >1>1<, all of that thinp :iff dont by OW sta.< Nt ""If ond YOiunt<en. I think that hdps 1M bar function ... much lid, ... Ali .. talkill! with ochrr Iw ~u. I am sa.wotd _ ~.Iot .... conllicl than "'..... ""..... I think wI'•• ",.oJ

Thi$ i$ an thai tht bor


~101I.. 1w.

Tho nriouI prosrarnf of II.. JU~ bor "'" brv'r run by ....unlftr$, who provide gmol no! only 10 W bor bUllO W puNK .. a whole. ....0;, .... w $IalT ptUOru ...igntd 10 """"I ~ for aampit. in OUr low offico 1N""Fmtn1 prognm. La"", Calloway. Iht rur«lOf. I"""'" 011 om-Iht " >te wndllCli"ll progr~ oboul

inl'ormalion.nd ",.1 ... rial. W. olso ....,.., an oUISlanding Lawyer Msls\.On« Prognm thn Jeanne J>.hrit Lali< head$ up. A Lot of bwyen dOf1'l know aboul il. bul lno... who ...... hod aIcohol.nd drug pmbItrn$ know. !e->nne

Marie ~ me • ktl ...... hod ~ from • bwycr thanlting her b:dl thai .... had do". in hi$ lik bod:; 1Ogethcr.



Tho Board of Bar Commi>oionen adopted ...... may be ..... of the mosI popular ...mea thaI thr - . bar Iw ntt 1"'" idord. thr C- Man up Reo<atth $t1Inn thaI will be made ...-aibIlIt 10 !hot IIj1! .. obnl oflho bar at lhis i.. propvn that __ SUIVd by the Qh;g Sca~ Bar _ In'I .... n.. Ohio SU .. Bar crated a conoortium of om.. IIotU that tlwy invited 10 pariripa~. 1 think I~ 5l:loe< o~ nowimdwdll ~'I It IOn><" of lhe other ....... rch sy>Im>S. bul for I0Io and smalllinn$ it will be. m>l.



AL' When will Ihal go onlilll'? Be; We adopted il; _11 ....,.., 10 ~gn lh. conltxt and 1<"1 Ih. library "Iablilh<-d. h tUes aboul ni". monlh, (rom Iht l ime _ aclually liS" Iht oonlrOCl 10 gfllh.1 in place. GoorJia has r=nlly adopled it. Tnu had Ihrir own lop! rtk.rch ')'Slem thaI they abondontd and ...... now adopled C- MUn. Millw..ppi i$ con· .;d..-i", adoplina it. Cut ~hltr Iw ..,.,.. limitalion$; foo- fnmpit. if you _nl :dI1ht . tal .. in Iht Uniled Stal... you won'l gfl thaI on C- Mab-r. H........... you r,t:t all thr $!.Ole!; lhal .~ in thaI coruonium..ln dl. fedcnl.)'Stom .... antici~to Fins bod:; in Iht .ppc-l~~ d«is.ioru 10 1981 10 "'" bePnnins of 1M Ekvotolh a mail. Texalhas Iht ~if'th amail ""'" bock and .... wiD ...... a«:ea 10 wh" ..... Taos has. And Ibm.of <ou ...... _11 ...... aU 1M


.-\.I.ab.o1N matmal. h', a sood $)"tIe_ il',euy 10 ..... J Ihink it"lucilins-

The ASIl. under 1M kodmhil' '" its I'm;Mt,' 8iU 0.,1:. <Dn ....J a day-long "''''p.;>sium on 1M "all" of indigt'" iUfrnu !~ AIa""",~. "Thtlre is no stlltllwid8 8drOC8tll fo, indigent def8nsll. Onll responSll ffl8ny states hallfl made is a sl8tewidll indigtlnl defllns8 commission to oversee indigent defenSll in their respective staltl$. ~ 220

IUlY 200 1

to Cllla'lI


gOOd people become exceptional lawyers.

Cumberlnnd &hool of Law is indebted 10 the many Alabama anomcys and judges who c011lributcd their time and expertise 10 pl anning and speaking at OUT educational seminars during Ihe 2003-2004 academic year_ We gratefully acknow ledge the contributions or tile following individuals 10 the succ('ss OrOUT CLE semiJUlTS. J:unes A. Abmwllhy. II lion. William M. Ack .... Jr. J...... P. AIc.undcr Leslie M. Allen. '91 Omn K. A_ m . '69

W. Mi<:.....1...!Ch"o... '6& JOKph II. Austunlan ikflJamin Eo. O.k .... Jr .• '93 Henry Clay Olmell. ) " Katheri .... N. & .... '85 M ichael K. Ikard. 'SO John C. Bell. '91 lion. SIl.:....... lovelace Blackburn. '77 Jolec II. BolhnJlCr. '95 1100. Joxph l. Boohaker Miohaool A. BowlIC$, 'BJ R~~J. ~k~·86

.lotI Ed ....'" BItIWII .Iooqlb M. aro...n, Jr.,·77 S. GI<'j Burte.·84 Peler II. B...t<" Peter F. Burns. '75 David B. Byrne:. III. '92 Roc,coCalanl ..... Jr. lou ... A. CaliowlY Robon J. Campbc:1I 1'l1on1Wi F. Campbell lynn Campl$i Hoo. Edward E.. Cama \loo. John L Carmll. ' 74 Clinton C. Caner. '9-\ 11m. Wilham E. Caosady la.·onya K. Chapman James S. Christ ... Jr. JoItoI S. C;"ils. Jr. Charles Henry C'Iartr;. J."


Wilh.m N. CIarl< Gi"" O. Coggi~. '93 James J. Coomes

Deane K. Corliss. '119 EmeslCooy. '81 HoII. I-br>o...,U G. DIvis. 111 Julie B. DeArman. '00 linn""" P. Denn,.. Tammy L. Dobbs Susa/1 D. Doughloo Hon. Joel F. Dubina. '71 Mid,,,el D, Ennen Gregg B. Ev.... tt Michael D, Floyd Frederid L Fohrell lcigll King Forst""'" !loo. Ben A. Fuller !lon. Marl: E.. Fuller Richard M. G..1. '97 James W. ON'in Carla C. GilmortR. Marcus Gwlwo, '86 Connie l. Gw. S1epben R. Glassrodl 1100. William R. Gordon Chri.tina A. G.u..m. '00 Jeffrey M. G ... ntham Mac B. Greiwe!! Wil""" F. G ..... n l1on. Paul W. G .......... '81 W, McColluln !lakomb. '82 lion. Anh .... J. Hanes. Jr. (retilN) Grqory II. Hawley Alicia K. Hayr>cs. '87 Stephen D. lIenlll&C'". '77 bmes F. II"",),. '97 bmesA. Il00YCf. '92 Mlnbew S. Houser M. A"" lIuck .."" o..,·id M. lIunt EIOube1h Il.lIutchlM 'SI Grego<)' R.lonel. 'SI Antbooy A. Joxph,'SO

Jasper P. Juliano Viclor K~I\ey. '8]

Sidr>ey T. Ph'llIp$. '86 Lo .... W. Pope, '89

M. ChriSliMI King

ScoIt A. P<Mdl, '78

Donald B. Kirtpalrick. II. "91 Mic:hacl A. KinlW

lIarl.. I. """..,,.. IV PMricii J. I'nIChelt, '90 lion. Wilham II . Pryor. Jr. lion. T. Mod....1PUUlam Bony A. Rlpdale

T. Cowin Koowl .. Paul V. Laprdc John T. Lanier. '00 Forrest S , latta. '83 Joffrey fl. lee Mot<:u. W. l ee.·77 Rober1 W. lee. Jr.. '78 Matthew!l . Lembke David W. long_Donielf Robert E.. l ...... Jr. Robert P. MacK ......... III. '84 11m. Marpm A. Mahoney 11m. Alice II. MlI1ld 11m. Tracy S. McCooey ELizabe1h G. McDlaugM J. Anthony Mclain. '77 Robert G. Methvin. Jr .• '9-1 Wilham L Middleton. JlI W. Daniel Miles. III. '89 Anno W. Mitchell. '78 lion. Ta mara O. Mitchel! Wendell R. Morson William A. Mudd J. Sanford Mum .... II I P. RIWCI Myles. '86 C.... I S ... Nel ...... '77 l.conaN J. Nelson. III J ....... B, Newman. '76 eOlen. '19 Tltomas L OIi .... II, '119 C.i .... O'R ..... III lion. John E.. On, '81 L~ W. Pate. '85 SllWIno D, P\lul ...... '76


!l()ll. G Dan Reeves Robtn~. Reynold. J.""" A, Rives Chn,tophcr 10, SanspIT'O, '<)9 John D. leah F. Scalise Roman A. Shaul Kirk C. Shaw J..dy B. Sht-pura, '89


S - V. SImpson Edward S, Skd;e, III lion. J....... S. Sledge: 1100. L Bemard SIn"..... W, Stancil Starnes. '72 William B. Stewan,'90 ./osq>II W. Strickland Jo Ahsoo Taylor. '88 Jlnet T..,.. R. Wlylon Thompson. '88 Wendy N. Thornt"".·96 1100. J. Scott Vowell Alben L V"",land. JI Carol J. Wall"",.·19 I.aun P. WWIbum It 1lIoma$ Well$.. Jr. J.x R. Whalley. Jr. S1cphm E.. Whltelocad John P. WlumlljlOn.·n Do.III T. Wiley R. Scott Williams Do"id M. W,I"", R. Wa yne Wolf. A.-iate JUSl H:e l1tomas A. Woodoll JayA, York. '81

President's Page

Comilllled from page 220

AL' Are !h~re .ny otMr b.r projects you h"~

to Itt ronlinutd?

BC: Ya This past I'tbruary tt.. stat< bar SPOn$O~ ;1$ fir>l Alabama Indigent Dtfense Symposium .1 which "'" wen: Looking at indigrnl dtkrut in~. wh""" ii', bttn and whcK it is. W. h.d judg($.1awyen and OIhers from 00\ of stal< di> what has bttn OOM in thrir stale!. A ~ C(>JI.!roruS was rn<h«l >mOng tho.< who pmi<il"'ttd 1ha1 <>II< of 111< m<l}ol r.ceds that"'" ha .... is for SOIlI<

institutional body 10 oY<nt<' indigtnt

Men$< in AlabamL The typo of ~ti!y tluf. most commonly used is utatowido ~l dtfmst rommi.<$ion.


.go tt.. Jooicial Study Comm;, under formor Chi<{ jUSlia Hooptr. m.adt rudt a


II ...... 001 ou=s.sful in 1M Itgis.

latu .... Wt have bttn looking .,lha,,'ncc tho ", in F<:bn......f and I ""Wd like to .... thal punutd so thai il can bccom< • rnJily. I think it ~ II< rnIly rntaning. fuI for Alabarruo.

AL: Wh .. ;. Bill Oork going todo when his presideney is ovet!


I hope to cont;n .... to strve the bar in some of the P'oj«U that WI! , tart..!. B<:ginning in January I will begin strving as the chair of the Church Council .t my church. Bring pt<,;dent of the ... te !>ar has 1>«n lin exciting experienct. but it a considerable .mounl of time. I could not 1...... do... it wi!ll(lUl 1h< out_

".nding OI1ppon from Ih. olMr lawyer> and sulf in my fum. and particularly my "",clary. Rhonda !kIUen. This inl."....~ could nol conclude withoul recognition bting givtn to my wif<: f>)i<'. She ha. giv.n • , ... mendOUI amount of her time 10 dr; .... me around lhe ".'e so I could work while Ir> .... ~ng. It w;u fining that we cdeb,..t..! our 4()th w<dding >nnw.,.· "rr in Febru.ry ofthi, yeOT- we we,," oble 10 ,pn;d "'0"" time th"" normo.l t<>getha beca= of our frequent t....... Is. Som."ne on the b.. ouff o"ggrst..! that I writ< an articl. for the UW)"'T .mitl..! "The O1her Partner," referring to my wife. Not. !>ad id.... •

William N. Clark is not th, guy who com6S to mind when you think. 'wild-eyed radical. ',., Clark proposes the state bar playa neutral but informative ro/, on the govammBnts awesome pow6r to tab life. ~ Prtlikm Clark', f"Opo>al f()T an ed"""io",,/ brochure on rh. de<lrh penniI)' mom/arium 222

IULY 200 _

"Cinderella lived below the poverty line, was forced to work in violation of fair labor standards, and had many family law problems."

You provide the happy ending . . . Join the Volunteer Lawyers Program Today! Nom, _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone Number Address'_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

o o

o o

Adoption/legitimations Consumer (to include utility. credit problems defense of contract octions) Real Property (to include deeds. mortgage foreclosures. evictions) Prooote (to include simple wills and sma)) estotes)

City. State. Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

o o o


Bankruptcy Fomily Low (category includes alimony child support, custody and post divorce proceedings) Uncontested Divorce Divorce (involving abuse)

Complete and FOJ\' to the Volunteer Lowyers Program (334) 261- 6310

Executive Director's Re ort

"This Is Not Your Father's Oldsmobile" By ""i,h B. Nonnan


h. announce"","1 in Aprill"" the I.., automobile hod

,ollod off. Genroll Motors ....,m· bly line in Lansing, Michigan caust'd me to wax nostalgic al the o"a proud car'.

<krnis<. My p...."" hod . 1962 Old. Dell. 88. My grandp"cnu .1>0 d""", Oldsnmbil ... Th. car J look 10 CQlleS< wu. 19660Id. Dynamic SII. Our family had. Slrong .ffNC\;"n (n,Old'mobil",_

When my r.ther Itft th. clothing bu,i· ....., h. went into the automobile bu.i· ".... .. Iling_ you gu<$$«! ;1-

Oldsmobile.' Many of you will «<.n Oldsmobile>, .ucces.sful marktting n mp.a.ign of the Ltt.'~ ,h.. d.d"mI, "Thi. is n.>1 your

fAther's Old, mobile!" 10 convince a younyr grneration of driverS !hot Old<mobil.. ...,,,, styli.h and hip and nol just for th. older crowd. Things ch.nge

and time marrh" on. Th .... will no longu Ix" division of GeM .. ] MOI"n producing Old.<mobilt$. Apparendy, »Ieo

of Oldsmobil...... r. no long.. sumdent to justify the continwtion of.n automo· bile brand thot hod ~n in comin"".,. production longer than any oth ... With. wider vari<1y of makes and models from which to choo$<', purch ..... ovidently felt that the Old. br. nd w., no longef ..lenni Of meeting theif n~ ..


IUL¥ 100 .

W1u, do Oldsrnobil.. hove to do with lhe Aloboma State liar! Moreth.n you mighl thinl:. 0". of Ihe COtnmnlts I fegu_ Iarly h.. rd from laWY<rl when 1 fi ....tan. M working he .. was thot tn. .Iat. bar woo conlrolled by In. "silk slocking" bw finn .. I $O(In knew,l>owcvn, Ihat Ihis por«ption wu a m)'lh. That is bC'Cawc from tn. \'try Ii.., d.y I wu here, I rc>.liud the wofk of the Ita.. bar ;. ">eTViu," and $<'rv>ce is not .bout firm sizt, .f... of pra<:t ice Or Ihe geographic loo;otion of • finn. Yet, oorne· times pen:ep1ion can be re.~ty. The b.1f presidents .nd commi«ion..$ with whom I hod the ple.,u .. to $<'''-' have done mu<h 10 desl roy lhi> pc-rcq>tion through b.1f progr>nu and 3Clivilic:! WI altempl to add, ... the ntt<ls of all members of thr kg>.! profel.t.ion . The enactment of Smate Bill 154 during this }'<'f'sltgislalivt .... oon is. good example. SB 154 c.."les ni". .ppoint..d .t-brgt posilion< in addition to lhe B<:>ard of Bar Commi .. ionen' currmt 6) elect..d positions. This 1cgi$l'lion was ,he culmination of 0"" of """",I r=nt recommendation< of the Task Force On Oivtnily in tl>< Prof«<-ion . ASB Pmident F~ Gray .ppointM former Governor Albert II ...... , and rttifM Al:tb.tma Supmnt Court Ilugh ModdoJc .. m.choirl of ,he task forc.-. Form« .m. bar President



Wurm lighlfoot and longtime Ita. cornmlMiooo:r M_ (Mvis $ttWd .. wi< rorc.. ~-ch:.lin.. ~ bu I'mident Gary Hucbby .ppoinlN tho fi ... di¥mity wi< lOra. in 1988.

In ,ts ..".,.1 10 1.... 1Ioud 01 Bu Comm;"""", ... Ihe wIr. 1IOIC'd I~t African·Amnican bwynl rq> ....ftll~ S.22 pn«1l1 .,(,.... mttnbtr1; or th< hor. bul had only 1.67 rq> ......... IK>n on Ihe rommi"k>n. t,;ktwift. 24.48 pt"rurn of Alahama bwyffS ....... mnalo. bu, only 5 pt'r<tnl or tM rommi"ion memba.. ....... f.m.I •. Th. IOsk fo". also nolC'd .hal 24.42 pt'rcent or AlaNm.·. 1. wyt'rI ....... ""'WffR 1M a8n of 30·39. bu. acmunl~ for only 6.67 pt'fC<1l1 of , .... commiWon mtmbnship. SB 154 wiu be.M firs' .ificanl c.... ngo: in tM romtruSSion .Iruelu... in :al_ IW<> decades. Prior 10 1987.•ad> judicW eircuiT dtcttd a sins!< rommistion """"....... FoIJow;", chan... on lhot bu'. doction rules in 1987. ,hot n um/wr 01 mmmissio ...... for ncb judicial ciow" hoi bem based on lhot numlw. 01 bwyt''' in Ihe ci.cuit. In addition. p'rsidtn,.dt<t Iw bem .1«1C'd by mlil bollot inll,ad of ballot> being "lSI ••• h•• nnual n.... 'ing. SIII54 ....1 ...... C'd with the "'ppo" or I.wyt', Icgist.IOrs. SoI"..tor Rodg... Smith ... man or Birmingh.m. omn or lhe So"", .. Judiciary Commitl« . ... ~ as 1M 'p<>nlO. of 1M kp>lotion in I.... ... Ma",d 81... or Tuocumbia. d.ol"",n of the Hou>< Judiciuy Commill« .nd Speaker Pro T....




Demdriaus Newto" of Birrnin&Iwn guided the ~'ion ,tuough the 1i<Imt. n.. IImrd of Ba. Commiuionon will odKt the boo """"ben 10 Cdllhnc 01· Ia"" polfi'io.... The tenn. will btgin rilly 1. 2005. Thc commi"ion will dnft .ppropri.te .ulelIO govern th. odeaion of the I,.bll!< ,ncm""". Thc nomin.tion rulnl1>ould lit publilhrd e.. ly IItXl ye ... I no mngtr h,.. ,h. remark .Mlth. SIal, bor il"controlled by" on. gr.,up or

lawyers o•• Il0l00. ~1\;Ips. ,h., pcruplion has bem bid to raI lOr JOOd bea .... .,( ,M doctoral chan... in 1987. the divnx panicipa'ion of bar """"ben OIl bar commi" .... nd .hot ouppon by boo, Ic.odm of prop>oms Iikt I.OMAP and A~P

.1Id 0100 ~uJU!;

,ha, II• •vaiI·

able 10 all bwyoora. For "","1C'oft ..._

I .... $101. bar', ;""'gt has ehan~. I think il i. fair to ""y. "Thit it not your r.........·• bo, at.OOci.alion." •

Education Debt Climbs For February 2004 Bar Examinees ~

....... l60 cunUI"'" ..rung

fot tho Fcb< bu tu/ll;""'tion.. Of tbr tu/ll,,........ 36 pt'fC<I\llIad

cd"""' Oon rdalN dtbo av<nging 563,452.

Important Notice Electronic Filing Is Being Implemented in the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Alabama c..~ M.n'gem<nt/FJ«troni, CaK FilO$ (CM/ECF) is th. new, automated



and el«tronic d()C~­

ing .y>tem whim will be implementc<l in 1M NQrthern Di$trkl of AI.hama this ytar, CM/ECF w;U provide. n......asyto-us< el«tronic GUt. filing f,,,uTe th.l will rnal« life •• ,i.r for you by .Ilowing you 10 f,l •• nd view COutt documents over Ih. Inl<rnCl.

What Does CMJECF Offer? eM/EeF will .lIow attorneys to fil.

and v~ document, from th'i' offie<', hom. or an)'Wh ..... 'h..,. ha,-e ",,",<$10 1be [nt«ne!.24 hours. day. Document. are a utomatically dock<trd .s part ofth. foIing pr0«S5 and are immediately avail_ .bk <[«Ironically. CMIECF .lso provides ,h. following ben,fiu: l4· hour ' <<us to fil"" documents over

Ih' lnternet: Auto",..,; •• notia: of GUt .Clivi.y: Capabil ily 10 downl""d and prinl documenls dir«tly from the courlsystem;

Con<:urrent oo:;es.s to case files by multip'" parties; Seture stOrage of documents; and

Pot<ntiaJ rMu<1ion in <ouria f«s.

What Do I Need 10 Use CMlECf? A I'<'""nol compute" Word processing sofrwa ..;



.nd a brows<r,

Sofrwa .. to <on~n docu"",nts into PDF: and Scanning qui pm."" which m.yk .... ful.

How Does It Work? The <i«tronic , .... (;1 .. 'l"tem a«epts documen .. in. portable document for _ mal (PDF). POP, r<:\.;n the way a document loo~ SO Ih. formalting i, P"'strved. Filing a documenl wilh the cour!"s CM/ECF .ys\em is .a.y: C",ate the document u$ing word pro· <""ing softwa",: Save the document in PDF form.t:

log onto the court>, CM/f.CF SYSlem, 226

I ULY 200 0

using rourl-i... uod login .nd p....word; I'ollow the .imple in>!ructions on the .,.:.. en: .nd Save or print the CM/ ECF elt<"onic rcuipt._ma ilod from th. Court ron · firming th>1lhc document was filod.

Are There Fees? Th ... a.. I>Q added f«s for filing docu · ments over lh. Internel using CMIECF. F~ing fen and oth .. It,tutory fen for certification will still'Pl'ly. Elt<lronic access to court data is ... through the Public ArC<'$< 10 Courl F.1e<1ronic Re<ords (PACER) program , Al10rneys and litig. nts rec.ive one fre.e copy of documents filod <1«'",n;""lIy in ,....., addition.1 copies art ... ibble for .~ing or downl<»<ling a t stven c=t$ I'<'r pag• .

How Willi Sign Documents? The rourt will issue logins a nd pus>«Ird. fur . a'" .. 'orney. U.. of your login and password '0 file. documenl rtplaw; your ,ignature, SO Ihi$ p..sword should k kepI steur•.

When is CMJECF Coming to This Court? CM/ECF i. roming in N<>v=hoeT 2004. Implementation is unclerway.11>e court anlidp>1 .. allowing .1I0rnrys 10 ~le<:lfOl1i­ cally f~e documents by Janu.'}' 1005.

What Kind 01 TllIining Will Be Provided? Training will k pro"ided at th. court · ho ..... in Birmingham.nd Huntsville . The court will .Iso bt working with a ll cOunstllO provide training at o'her localion. in th" district. O«k our Web site al ........... ~Ind.u«auru.go .. for addilion. 1 infonnation . nd. hyperlink to "'ining on PACER.

Contact Information You m.y obtain additional informalion .bout e M/OCF or .... ue>tlr>ining for any group of 20 or mor•• t your site OT a court location by rontaaing Sharon Harris in lhe dtrk's offi« .1 (lOS) 278_1717. •

United All Over Our I and E~}OJ ~

n Alabama, ~ can find a L.andAmerica representat1.oe neatly.

INe are ~ need us. \o\ohen you need us. As yotX sam! for A?aI estate trar6adion services, irlrlng title, 0lI" ~ are kncM4edg" hie, professional em ~ v."th foresilj'lt and mcwatril to ~ <hYIgiog needs. W'lether yotX next tr.rrsaction is ~ or~. cal us to experience the L.andAmerl:.a difference.

I:i1 LandAmericao

(an.,o",ulth lMId TrW WIwr_ COII'fIOII\' ~ TItIt

lMurancf CCIIpOfalloll

Traosnalion TIIII! ImlnrKt CompiIrly

~ Fi1an:i.:I GrtqJ, K.. 2200'M:UiJel Place,

s...w 3~ Bimi'r;tIam. AI. 35209

PIme:: (SXl) 8l1.fJIIJ7 • Fax: (205) 868-1011 . _Jarmn.a:m

Mid1aeI E. RUIe ·\V PtesO:ill;lwa ~ . ~ FoMGoo:tMn · Iqrq~·~ Qar1( W. Cain •SenD I..k"derMiIs .a::ainOIarI:OOI.a:m

Rebe«a E. Crook . fqrq~ ' ~COTI

About Members, Firms ,.,..,....,.,bfuhn

TIt< A/4bo .... r....,.... .. aM....... and.t/tphon<! ".mir.m _..lou dote an""" ....."''''' """". It> tIw ",.....;nl cf •"" ", 00/0 pmmu. _ """;,,... t.

_ ;" "",,""n«mm" and/or <>tid....


MtmbtrsIHp v.p...r ....." or (Hi ) Z61-6J If} (flu) <W P.o. 110;<671, M ..'JO"'<?' JIi.OJ.

About Members .no M. Eberluudt. lO!mooty at I'll..... & EbeotIwdt. _ . !he 0pIri1g of M offico II lID W Seai<r1 AI'IRII. foley 36535. " - !Z51)


VI" C. t hoillo" 1tia1. ... is no IooOer with 1ho law OIfa III Jeny L Thoml.., in ~. lit also _ _ !he <JpOIIi!g of Iht ~ orr"," 01 VI " C. Gh.I_. W. Box 638, lLNeml :16049. f'hono (334) 3J5.3666.

G. Willi ... Gill. 1(In'I'I8rIy of McPhillips, 511.,....." ..... Gill Lll'. arv'o(UIC&$ the 0pIri1g of ~ offico 11 207 MonIgomery SlIM. Suite 1m. MontQoonerI36IQo1. f'hono t33418:J.1·79li.

Jo_ V. S""""",, III ..........,..,. tho - - . 01 hi$ 011.,. .' I?OJ Co"pOfllle om.., ~ 107, IIinno:!go'wn 35242. f'hono (205)!l'h5lBl Sh,rr'j K. Thomas ~ Iha1 stII i$ no knp WI1h Shelby & Cart ... She aIS(l _ Iho opening 01 Mr office.t Chose Conrnerce ParI:. 382ILomaIlGad. S<.iUJ 1(S, ~3S244, f'hono (205)682.9));,

J"""ny L lid_. ........... hi. ",tI.m to Arall n tht ~ 0/ his oftice 0' IS Fcul!1 AI'IIf'UI. WI, Arllb 35016. f'hono !~I~,

Bryon S. B,i"l'lIt.. Rot..<1 J. LH. S. So ... Hi.t<ru. and P. O... gl.. Smith. Jr, I_tv of Ilfir1yaf< iii Ni lson PC • ...,.".. Ite opening of Iteir offion. B,i"l'lft & u. pt... 251)1 6th

Street. Tuscaloooa 35401 Phono (205) :J45.5lXI, Bu" & form • • ...........,.. lIIat Down S. Co"". Allo. R. WhHI .. and TUme!" 8. WiIlI_ ...... joi(Ied the fim1. eB&] _ lllat W. h.. G. 8•• wnirtg has boen name<l_·preSoO!r>l. gentrtI toIO\SeI and se:retaI"J 01 the _ . Cobl~i ... .JoIInstoll. Gird . .., Ournao & O'NIII ....,..,.,..lIIat Mi chHI E. Tu ...... and J..,od J, Wh~. have beoome p/II1IleIS, IIlII Rl ke • • 0"".1_ P. rks. All ... R.......

and J ........ O. Stw have _


assnciIIt ..

Co". Alii ...... Pugh. Howord. Oli... . Smo. PC _ . tho1 Thorno. F. Monk. II has joi"" Ite firm EIIfI,. NItIl ... Seogin iii B,a ll., PC

........:es ilia! WA. Hopt ... .Ion... J •. !las joineIllho firm IS an assaci3te fHs & Burs'" PC _ !hat M I.~ •• I M. Lind.. has jond the ~rm as an .....:i.UI. 0 . .;.; B.

fI_ I'ftl 0 ..;01 Pllritk LtIr_

......,.Iho k>:mation 01 feIdmooo & t.ehalll LlC.

Among Firms Tho ...1....... DopaoUh"1II 0/ H_I...s s.curily .-......:es!hat D..... M. Wright. Icrrre1'i 01 !he ~ AIto-ney GnnI's ooa,M joinod!ho depatil.,' 11$ gennI ~ fo::IkMinG ~ oIl~ """,Ills.., a<:tM! <lfIV";lh Iho I,lIjted Staw Mrrt 1\ "'""" 0/ Ilporatitn Dqi

""'"" The

Alchi ... " firm PC _1IIa1 Grtgory e.... ..... .... dr •• L McClellln haw

joineO tho fum

as IS$OOatH.


G.i .... Wo~.. & Kinn.., PC """ol"a,,!hat O.. i~ R. H..bury Ilas joined Iho r... as on • ...,. .. 0lIl, and that the Hon. .....,. L Fil ldi,,!! 1las joined as of CIUtfI<I. Hind _ di ll u e _

thaI Kol" A. Th ....... Ilas joined It. film as "" ."""ia!O. Hitch ... Slulllo .. lind. H.m, & I\oIMc:hlld that OllSlin T. B _ has _ "" osso:iato.

Bllrd & Bllrd ~ Iti,tI Ji.. Beard

Fr.nk H. H' ''''''oml. Jr, and bndy MYI .. , 01 HawttM:me & ~ Ut: and IIicI1ard..lonlan. Randy Myon & Ben LD(iI ... PC • .........,. the t""""lIon 01 H.W"IIIorno & My ...

Bond. BOI ... Shinn & Hugh.. pc ,..",...,.., ttIiIt S, Reid Ou~I., has jcnd tho firm "' an ''Il001111,

IUlY 100<

f irst Amori .... T.... I"..... ... !tJat Jellrey R.lIIt has joineIllte A1IbarN office.s It. agent"/ '''' .....

EnoOSl W. BI n" A$soo;iflH ~.1hIt Bry"" ........ w. ..... K•• ift R. KIOStO ...... joined tho tim> ..........aleS.

!las jond tho firm.


";110 oIfoes Iocoted at 2m 101 """'"' N_

Ilimw9lam :J52Ql1'tlone (Mi) 2.1·9669,

UP _


uc.•1322 AI~ Stt..t M(I01tp1e<y 361{M. Phono (n41269-5011l

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J _ C. A' ......... W Brio. C.T, Jon"" _ _ "" Iorm8tion ot J _ I; Ay. .. LlC, ~!td ,t Z(13 S. Jt/Itnon SUnl Attoons 351i11. Phono 12!.612»6628.


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SlMIoJ.Mf MwpIir ' " Morilo """'" ........ -""'II iii ,...,.., & ,...,.., uc. ..... alh"" Ioc:aM Illue no.! IwuI.

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lhe U.iIotI States ""DIll"'" Ollie. lorltll Nonto"" Oimicl 01 AllhniI _ _ lliat lMfll\odt<t lias 100* tilt oIIieo ..... AssdWit

US. ~

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UC ,,2216 ~sv-. T,,.,,owuoJ54(ll

Uoyd.. Gr. , • WIll" ...... PC _ _ thot J. Rid Wltll, lIN joonfd "" .......


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no. .... 0IIIe<0 II . . . , - C. W _ ........ ... ...... G.W _ ....... _ _ ,...,., 1IIiI .. ,.,. _


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o I~ ~,tO MI)o:Iaklo. Shoo 1995 o 1t<**1g P!Qgi0l'. O!Ieted NCI1klolWd9 o CusIOi' Ud ~ IK*lIng A'od<tlIe o MMb!he If(i'IInQ ~ '" !he NCbO, iO CenIeI too DIIpuIe Resolib'o


Memorials JOSEPH CABOT KELLETT Thtrt.~ ... Jo<

co'''plmd urnkrgradu-

a,e KhooIa, tltt Uni ....."y of Abb..m•. H........ memiJ« of Alp"" Tau 0""'8' (ntlmlity. and hi. ATO brolhen bestowed upon him lht honor of ~ting tilt fn1nnily II footNII pmei .. ,1$ "horiwn1.11 dwrIt.odn." H~ ... ,omf tilt UniYm.ity of SdIooI of w.-. and IItcam.< a n.. ",b~r of tilt ~llIsuiou. duo of 19SO, ~ WIlli hill cbt l'rirn<b "'-II litftin, fonnn l/rIiKd Stain StnaIOf and chlcf juKU of tilt .-\l.IIwn.o Sup ....... Court; bmtr eo..-mo.. Albm ~

John I'>11mOn, k>r ...... ........,..,. and iudF

j'*1'h Cabot KtIlc1t dopa.IN 'hi,lift on De«mbcT I. ZOO}. Ht wu born on J.lIl.wy 16, 19M in o.KalbCounty. WMrt" his fa,htr. jo$tph C. t:rittl. Sr., snvm II probol~ judI<' from 1932 until hiodwh ill L941. lot gaduakd &om Hish School thot ynl, and - .

0.."'" "Ok<! both

"moot popular" and "moot

concftttd" by his _ior cbs&. Ii< atlmdcd AIalMma Po/yt«hnioc [rut;ou,", until JUnt 1942, wbm M ~ an appointment 10 1M VOilN Srat .. NanI Academy in AnrLlpoliJ. He 01ltndt<i tilt n.vaI academy until Fd:>ru.ory 190. ttoving 'h<n .t1.intd the "V of 19 y..... he .."Iimd in 11... Unit«l StaltS M.,i"" Corps to his <Gunny in World W.. H.


A/h:T com J>I<1ing OIfom- Candidlt. Sd>OOl in Quantico, Virprn., Jot r«<imI an 'P!"l'intmcnt as • oocond lieutmam and was wigntd to tht 5th Mum. DMsion in Dcambc1' 1')0, Ht w;u tho JOU,.sI comm~ lint oI'I'iar in !he hiow.y of ,lit ~Winr Corps. H. 0ftWd in combo! duty WI the iILond of Guam aDd thtn was ~ 10 direct anillcry 6", as on .m.I ~ UI (:OIU>tCIion with tht i ......ion o(]_ limo in Febnu.ry 1945. Ht


IULY 100<

of tht Alobom.o Court of Crimin.ol AJrrtals: John Ttoon. fOrmer ju<\gIO of I'" Abb""", Court of Criminal Appeal.; Tom Ik>Ui, fu...n..... Uni'N St..~ Congrnsrtliln; 0..00. Kirk. fotllltr governor of ~1orida; ;t$ wdI ;t$ W. W. W'UOl1. John W... r .nd Max I l...... rd, his coIk.g_ of tilt o.KaIb Counly 8.u.:and m.lny Olhers. Throughoul his lir., lit wrv.d tus I>dov<d Univnsity of __ ......·preNdtnl of ofutria <ishl of tht UniYmily 01. Alabomo AbIwn&.


National Alumni Aooocialion, ...-h;cb ~~

00W"I1ios. In tilt early

191tlt, lit __ appointM '" • mmrrUnt-. mmpriood 01.100 buM ..... and pn>feNion-

ollrad<n 10 ......... willi tilt UnMrsity"s

admlniMmion and", imp....... tilt curriculum ofl11t od>ool. ~ wrv.d .. . mtmbtr of tilt Uni""";ly of Abboma's Low School Counril and !ht Low School Four.blion. lie wOl • m(ttIb<-r <>f tilt F.rr.lh Law Sociely. Dr. Richud Thigpen. fotmc,- Kling 0:0. eJ(l"CU'M and acadnn· ie """· praid..." of, ... UniYm.ity.,r AIobuno. rK>lkd 1h.11 /ot' ... pport and failhfulnas '" his aIrru motcr ~ all Il$pfCI$ 01. cht insci1Ulion. Dr. Thia>tn mnnnbmd ..,.,. '"" .... _ all .. an ~ry Io.odn and ... ambaoado< for !ht of cxcdlmoo.

was . want..d til< Air in ruognition of his mulery of gunJ><TY t«hniqU($, his ooungt' and dtvotion tn duty. By the md of 1M war, h. h;>d a(h~ tb. rank of

Mer J.w KhooI.Iot oprntd a".....t pnctict in Fort Poynt. bo-. afIrr only 1M m.ontI>$. his aJftr .... inlnnlplN wilen North I\.orn>n /Om$ mv.dt-d Soulll Klxn on /II ... B. 1950.1ot and other ~ ......, ~ on KliYc dUly. He ........1'" Korea, and ....--..d .. an .rtilkry ofl'i= wiJh lhe lsI M"inr$. In Novnnb<-r. tilt


"Urina had odv>.nad to) within. few

milel of tile North J:.:m,." bordor wtth Otina ., Ille OIooin Rcocnoir. o'i ...... [00:", num!)("ring mort th;m 100.000 lroops. ambwlt.od the United StaICS I7oras. Tho IoUrint inW.lry companin Ym'< """ . rounded.nd wll"tml tmnendouo "",,",. ..... .Ie>< U1IWntd comnwtd <I.I'fO"ision. pbt_ <X>mpriord <1_ <I tho........w- of tho ombush. Tho rpic '"brnki)ul" &om tho O>osin Rtsnvo;r bopn. .k>< was wound<d by • 0."grm;tdt, bul continued to dirte"t firt .nd tnrouragr his nlttl. ~ was ..... rdctl the Purrk Hearl, 1M IIronu Sbr with tho Combot"V; and f're>idmtW and N.lvy UniI ciulions. It is difficult to irnogino tho ..-sun' <I ~ th.t M and ""'"" <I his amention s- through thrir mlIiwy ~. "'" was rdraW from octi>oo duty in M...dll9S2,but rttnainod in tho ~ Ul11~ hr woo hononbIy discho,p with tho rank <I major fmm tho U.s.M.c. in 1958. Anti" ~umi"8 to) Fo<1 Payno, lot ma,,,, toi!\t"d • gtneraJ praniu fOlr nlany uta.1le ' in imural>« dt:f..ur:, bankina and corporal< la ... and III< "1' ..... ....... 'ion of murticip.oi bom:Io. He ...-...d on tho IIoard of I>i=Ion of !'on hync &n/r: for II ynn., and .. inlttim praidomt for an... AmSoutb putdwtd tho

.. inw".,.


bank. He wU tho alton><}' for o..KaIb· ~ Counlies Gas Discrict for.,...,. 30 J'l'Ml. lit incorporatN tho lnduarill o..v.Ioprnmt IIoard of tho City of]'.o" I'.yno in 1964,.nd "1'l"CS<1tted th .. bwrd unl il II< ~ired in 2000. He rrprn<nled tho 1'<»1 I>.oynt \\I;ot ... IIoard for many, and ..." the ]'.0" l'>yne city o'lOrrIty for 16 ~rs. .k>< WOO tht Iir$I city judgo' of Fort Payne, and of tht IOWm of Rai ..... iI<, Fyfrr. Gtr.aldint. CmosviIIc. and c.,jtinMllt. H. __ an Alabama Sta.. &r ...... m ........... rmm 1964 through 1967. I<>< ~lkll w.. an oo"'andinslowrc' ... ho __ hi&hlY rnp«ted throughoul lilt ... lc. His6(CpliO)nal.lciJl.nd ;n"II«, wm: n,.,<bed only by hi. nobk Ch.ra<:ltr .nd unqutS' ion.blt .thies. Ik honOlred llle principics Olf truth and,,"" tha, tho law embodia in all reopec .... nd M1 a $I.r'OI18 .nd admirable """mpIc for othtn mpscd in .1It practiu of law. "'" woo mmmittcd to his community, tht ...Ie of AIabam> and tht wdfarr of ochm. lie __ • chartct mcmbtr and for. meT pfflidm. of tho Fort P:oyno JOj«<'S. and was named .. iu 'Young Man of III< \"c>r" in 193<1, when II< chaired. comnl;t...... hid> .. ~ priv:O!e funds to purdwe

land for. nrw city 5<hooL and thm cham

• citium commil1" th.t raUied ><ltm to approY< a milLogt tax inc ...... tOl ftnanCt the ~rutlion of lilt 5dIooI . .k>< __ • longtime n .. ,,,ber and former president of the Roury (lob. l-Ic Woll • Mason. l-Ic _ a member <I tho FIn! Uniwd MtIhodist a.wm in Fort Payne ..... tausbt • men', Sunday Sd>ooI duf for many,..... He __ • fOm. in ~ new indu....... to Fort P:oyn< wbm tho todt mills ~ tho only """,ufac1uurs. He WOO OIl( of a $M.lII group <If wnlnlllnity k..Jc.n. many oow JOt1t. who bid tho """ndwork for ,lie oomrnuni.y we ha.. lOday. At the llOte Ic....-l, Joe I<"rYf<l on ,lit Road and Brid., CommWion during Co..mor "8ig Ji"," Folsom', odministno· tion. The COf1Imisoion ob!oincd "Ifft. ....... 1$ with ALobarna Pown ComIW')' and l11c T.V.A. 10 deNga all hydroclerni<: dam. to occo",modatc ~ Thi. .Jlo-d tho $... t. lOl romtr.,c, roods OClOU the, elimin"inglh. need fOlr bridg... at thO$C location •. Joe .lso Strvcd as usisunt cou ....1 to the Milk Conlrollloatd.. It was the reoponlibility of the board to prol«_ cLoiry farmcn from unJ<lUpWout pmin, odjuwnrnu of dUlnooton.. Gown"", AIbcn Bmooer appointed I<>< 10 ..... 0$. member of the Ala~ Prioon eommWion. "'" mimi from tho pr1ICtia of Low in lOOO. having hrcn • mrmbcr of tht bar tOr 50 yn.n.. The o..KaIb CounlY liar Association sp<>t>SORd • ~i .. ntent din"", in his hon<>r. wbi<:h __ org.aniud by ludgr David A. Rains. Buck W.tsOn...-...d .. the nwtn of u'u' .... lics ..... eNd" entertainer of tho ~ Bud, Iudt< tldin and Goo.mar IIRwoT ruounlCd Jtofics of their tinO<s with I<>< and Wd <I their odmiration tOr tho ocrviu$ thai hot phb " .... b" his wunlry, his stale and hil' profn4ion. M.ny fine things ~ said, 011 <I whictt WCR abundantly &:$cnt<I. It _ fil,ing for joe to be honored in wdl. mtrnonble "'""Y. loe left. wondt,ful lIc,it'gr tOl his childrt-n. 0;"". ~11e1t Mil<hcU, Patricia Kdlctt R<>bnu.nd loAn". ~Ile".lt was obvious tha, h;. fomily pl"OYidt:d him with V"'t jar oncIlw took pridt in his Jirl>.. In facl, P",icu. __ h" law p.... DC"( for ..... rIy 20 yea ... "",', actlOI1tptisl"lln..... camc from his contributiMs to tht world around him. He truly embodied the . ",;bUI", of character oncI_rificc that dmioguishrd his gtncn. lion. Tho profnoionalis.m.nd dignity

whid> II< brought to the practia 01 Low providtd 0 modt:I that Low}'CT1 who can .. af, ... him could only sed< to ..."da". I ~ to ""'" known .00 workd with 1<><, ..... I WIt"""'ro .. mcnober him Iond· Iy and with tht dtqI<:<t mp«L - R<J"J,ill t. Colt, judgt. /'o'i"rJo ,..JocwU



OottoI:<rc..ul DtKMb """''''''

Bell, ~l1e EIben Gardend.le Admil1~: 19s-6 Died: M.rch 19,20001

Uam.. S,"phtn I.ft

'.n"""" ...

Admitted: 1978 Died: ry 19, 2004 It~nry.

Robe .. D. ni.1 Sclm. Admiltu!: 199(1 I);ed: April 20. 2004

Hillman. Jary Dean T~_

Admitted: 1991 Died.: Aprilla., 2004 J<1ton, \\" DougI.. Gunl=ville Admitted: 1961 Died: Apr~ 25. 2()O.1

un,kin, Griffin, J,. lIirminsh·m Admitted: 1939 Died: M.rch 28. UlO4 Iohn Randolph, Jr.

MOlnt§><l1<1Y Admitted: 19'iO Died: April 28. 2004 McM ilI.n, Samuel M... in Mobil~

Adnlilted, 1954 Died: Aprill. 2004


Mil .... "Ibert Scltncidcr Admitted: 19M Died: November 6. 200l

Th<>mpoon. Woodfonl RoO>. Jr.


Admitted: 1949 D;~ : ~b,u3ry 24, 20001

ASB Law Day 2004 Observance Includes "Cross that River: Brown v. Board of Education" Cast and crew of this year's exciti1'g Law Day production are packing up and heading to Sandestin for otle ji,m/ performmlce - Don't Miss it!


his ~r rnorb the 50lh ""nW=ary of Brown ~ &.ord of Ed"",riott. TIlt


prodL>CI;on of"CrQ<s Ri>n: Brown Y. Board of EdUGInon,· paformed in 1M courtroom of 1M AbN.Jna Suprtrnt Court, cdtImotc$ ,his m(I"'""QUS <k<i$ion thot changed the faoo of Amc1ia 10= by ending ~tion in our school •. Tht ~ !'its of th<: pLointiffs ~ in til< 01$< ...d ,Ito d....... 'ic ",..,nactmenl of the 0<111 .rguments give the grt:>lOr und<nWlding of tIK human tau of Brown_ Link Ruby Bridges, <I<picIod in the famous Notm.m Rockwell painting. The f'mIkm Wt IJlIiw \\lith, is ~nt.tiv< of 1M response in the SQ\uh of the enfor«men! of the intrgriltion of schools. Mon'S"m<ry ' rN .ludtnts, 1..Wf"1' and OIhtl'S V(llun' .. ro:d thei' time and, working ,ince Fcbru.. y to bring togeth .... this production. Jud~ John B. Crawl.,., of the Abbam. Coun of Civil Appeal., Shirley Ztigl..,. Brown. with lh.



_ _ _ _ _ .tio-.-_Q

o..p.rtrnen, oflndu>trw Rd•• ion ... nd Mi~ Jackson. with the fi,m of &en. Andttson. Jackson, Hughrs & Pmy, h~ plIrts in Ihe play, as does Brown'. daughIrr, lim .... Tim Ln.;" "'premc C<)ul1 maT' shal and librari.n. and Montgomery anomey TOOlmy Klinner. co-<hairs of the ASB Law Ihy COmmin .... voIuntrtrt<i Ions hourS working !,KlutaS" '" did Mary Ed~ Horton, =ulive ",,,unl, Alabaml Supreme Court. Jane Garrett, plIrHime librarian in charge of .p.d.1 projoas foT Ih •• uprem. coun, Ind

R.beoxa Gregory,. rt1irtd Mon'gomery school!.ochtr, co·"'rot. Ih. pl.y. In addi,ion to helping .poruor "ero$.< River; Ihe ASB held in .nnu.1 Low D. y 1'0".... and E!.s.ay conle.. for .'....... ide in gndto K·12. Th. 2004 win·

,Iu, ",,<1m..

n... or.:

&urs, Gredes l ·g 1st Place: Cameron Proper, Hartselle Jr. High, Hartselle 2nd Plate: Emi RaJ'Cl"sft, Booh, T. Washington MaQOf!t Montgomery 3rd Place: Wilder ~, Hanselle J,. High E=trs, GrHftS 1(}Oll

lSI Place: A,dner<le Knight Sooter T. Washington Magnet 2ro.I Place: Nit; Powell, Hanselle Hig/1 School Jrd Place: Fa,> Collins. Booker 1 Washington PII$I~ Grede.l(-1 lSI Place: Ellison Moore. Adw!nt Day School.

Birmior, 2rd Place: Halley llesde!so( Men! Day SctmI 3td Place: ffartlirl Winiams. AIMnt Day SdtooI


Pesrers, Gr"~s U 1st Place: Thomas Olesen. Dal,aida Elementary. 2nd Place: Haley KnigI1t. Oa lraida Elementary 3m Place: Callie Foscue. Monovia Elementary,

Ibltsville Jud,,, ' Awerd for C,.e/;tily T!avis Miller. Oalraida Ele<II8I1tary

Dale County Celebrates Law Day In Dale County. through the efforts of Dislrict Jud~ Bill Filmore, bwyt'rs and judges """,t into thr dassroonu ..

Daleville High Sd>ooI,urmll High Sd>ooI (Ozark) and Dalo County High 5<hooJ (Midlmd City) to shart the Low o..y thtmo wi,h the high school "udtn,," The theme of Law Day this ~r fOC\lSel on ~tion of our rlIOOI systerm and the 50th anniversary of Brown v. l/oaTd of Edl'altion, but acccrding to !ud~ FilI,..,re, the school <ysttm.< in Dol< eoun,y and .... surrounding ....... "...... no! desegregated by <nruent dtcr= until .... e>fly lOs. • 232

JULY 200.





fur >bout "'" lUI>< pri« .. ott...- Mod< in It.. M""rgon>«)''''''' you an «>;0,. "'" .";.. of. lOw ...... hood. F.,.. ,he ><>ph ..;""ion 01 OW .....t.kd lobby ....J NlGl-fr <UQ<'... m«Iina """"'!o ,I>< W'wmh and..u-.on 01 ... , lUi' .. ....! P""""""'" T'h< ~"c.p;,01 tiill offm. kv.I of '""nucr ..... <In> u.uv.ibblc .. om.. companbl< Iw;.td,.. And ., .II Ioca,ro on ,t.. ROOm T""r ;.,.,." GdfT..... "'" """""'''''''' <>ll 334-290-I2.1S m vi.i, www,lrg<nd,s-"f''''''',«>n>.

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Il!l짜 IQO ,


Intl'oduclion s.,,,,nl ~''''go, [~ad an article .boul onclawytr'. ,ccount of hi' upe,;",,« being admillcd In the United Slat'" Supre"", Court B.r. 1'1>< ;dr • .\Ou nd«l fo .. inat;ng.\O I d«ided 10 apply for membe.",,;p, .... n though I ""..... expt<led to ha"" the opporlunity 10 argue a co<t' btfor. lh. ""'wn', higne>! ca",I. Atthe!;m.] . pplied for membe'l'Ship in 1M SuprtmeCourl 8... J unable 10 .ttend • ~on of th. Cou" .\0 I waJ admittod through th., Recently, two of my pmo ..... d.dded Ihey wanled 10 apply for adm;";"" 10 tbe Unit«l S... , .. Sup ... m. Court Bar, The B..', rules . lIow . current mem"". to 1llQ", for adm;"';"n of new appliunts, so the th_ of u' decid· ed 10 ,..",Ito Washington. DC .,11"" 1h. Coun woo in ses.sion and aper icn« in p<W>n the odrni..wn ceremony in opcn CQurl with me oerving .. the movant for the .dmis$wn of my 1,"" p.,lne ... Thiurlid. i$ intended 10 pro.ide a brief hi.tory of ,h. $uprcme Gourl, an o.... rview of some ..p«u of ItIt Sup"""" Gourl building. and on informalion.1 $ko!<h about the pT(l<;e$S of 'pplicalion to ttlt United S,.t.. Supreme Gour, Bar. h i. hoped lhal some who read Ihi' will con.i<kr .pplying for mem· bcnhip in Ihe ..btivtly small group that comprises Ihe Uniled SlolO$ Supreme CoUI1 Bar.

IlistOl'illilly, VClY Few Lallyers Become !lembCl~ or tbe Supl'eme COlirt Bar Admission 10 Ihe United SlotO$ Supreme Coul1 Bar i, an occomplilhment lhal rela,ivdy few choo", '0 pursue. bUI il is wdl worth Ihe mOO." price of admissio" ..... n if 0"" ".....,r im.nds 10 brief or .rgue ••• st bdo .. Ih. Court. Very few of ItIt Court's !>ar ""'mben Ott h..... the oppol1uni,y '0 orgu< • cast. The Court', 2003·2004 calendar r...... led only 38 da)'J out of the entire YO"' on which oral argum.nts were .. htduled. The Gour, generally .. htdulO$ two '0 four caJCS for argumenl on

each of ,h. 3S daY' on which arsuments are colen<lared. Obviously. many <as« arc argu.d by two or mo .. ,uorneY' ptf 'ide, bUI if each Gl>C argued before Ih. Court feal u red only On< .ttomey per 'i<k, a minimum of IS11.wy.n would h..... ,h. opportunily to .rgue befo .. the Gourt .ach year. Of cou ..... in many COS<$ 'hot the Court occtpu. orol''1IumtnU are nOt granted, and Ihe COstS a .. d""idcd only on brier.. Ncverttltl .... m.ny. if nol mOSt, o f Iho", who ... m.mbers of Ihe Court', B. r o.. y never arg ... a COst before tile Court. Sinrelh.. \Jniled State. of Americ. w. s founded, nutly a quarter-million lawyers h..... bttn admiued 10 Ih.. Unil<d S,at", Supteme Court Bar. To be <=Ct. 249,061 lowycrs btcn admiu«i1O ItIt Sup.....". Cour, B.r according '0 Ih .. Uniled Stal.. Sup .. me Court', Public lnfo'm:ltion Offic<. Howe .... r, Ihe Sup,eme Court docs not "cock when members die or ... '" practicing for any ,,>$On. Nt Ih.1 ">$On. it is impoMible for Ihe Oerk', offireto provi<lt.n .ceu .. '" count of Curr=t memo bers of tile bar. While a qu.n .... million bwycrs <>VCI' America', history miSI" sound like> high number ., first &1.n.., it is oau.lIy quite small when on. con,id,rs Ihatt'" Uniled St. , .. Supreme Court has exisled fo, mOre th.n 200 yo>rs ond du,ing thai ti_. Ih... h..... btcn sc:vcral million aIlOrn.Y' odmilled 10 practice low in America. According to tile American Bar Association, tile" are cun.nlly mo .. ,han one million 1."'Y"rs in lh. United Slates. Yet only aoout 1.000 lawyers per l"'ar .re .dmilled in open COun'O lhe Sup .. me Court Bor. In some ways. Ih' pro<C$$ of admiui"n in open "OUn'O ttlt bar oflhe court in Ihe Uniled of America il the ultim." touri., ""pctien .. for ,"orn..,... Th' hiltory, lradilion, and .... mony of ttlt Coun ... certainly worth k.rning .OOut; Ihe Sup"meCourt i, incredible 10 lOur; and when a l.wy.r """"m.. a member of th. Supreme Court Bar. 'h.... re .. rtain privileges of ""'mbcnhip that conlinu. for life. F<>r =mple, membe.. of til. Supreme Cou" Bor h...... n open invit.tion to o"end oral'rgumenl, and ,hey a .. permill«ilo ,i, in a .....-ved ... t;ng .... d"", to Ih. bench. In addition,Supreme Court Bar membership mtid .. a !>ar ""'mbe, to th. u'" of th. Sup .. me Courtlibrory.


The Beginnings of Amcrilll's llighest CoUl'! MrnIbn.bip in OUr ""lion', highat coun cu.ios wilh it on obUption to coruickr .1 loa$! • britl history of 1M I:qinninss of 1M Supmn< Cow1. Anidt Ill, S I of d,. Unittd Stat.. i. u' ion prt>Yida Iha'"III'" Judicial ~of",. VnitN SUlCI ohall be vutN in ont ~ Coun. and in • ..m in ..... '· Of Couru os 1M Conv~ "'"l' /'rom ,;",.. 10 l;nw OIdtin and nu.bfult.-n... Supmnt <:OUr! 01, ... Unil«! SUlCI _ <mott<! in >«ord>~ wi,h this ....... ilion aDd br authority of the Judiciary AcI ofSepItnlbn 2~. 1m ( I Slat. n). o..pik oht (UJWn' power of 11M: Coun. _ mip' $I,ICBQI thaI d.. third branch of...........-. tlw judicial br.ndl, "- in JOfM W3}'J ....... ifnI«! OS tht ~ of Amtrian 8O""C"'rnmL Th< Suprnnr Court fusI-...bItdOOl Ftbnwy 2. lNOin tht Mrn1wlts £>tho .... Buildi... in New York Ocy. II _ -Iy lSO


,..... ",to ,he Amtrican ""pnimnll ~ thc Unltcd SI.'es Suprnnt Goun Iud • ~ of its -... Of COUllf', no ont could aa;urotdy pmliel in 1?S? bow Ih< Sup«n>e Coun would ......... Of what ilS noN. would br.' Tho lud>:iary Act of 1789 tNbIisIwd Ihm: dro:uilJ and dim:l<d circuit CQurl$ to III<d in nch d'mic. of t..:h dr-

tuit ,<> perio<m trW and ......... ppdb~ function .. Ead> dK'lli. wun _ lO be mmncd by. district iudl!" and tWO Supmnc Court Justices, and tht }ustias bad to p.anicip.a~ in putIi"ll circuit ridins in onItr to p<OYidr .... . with local jwtio<. Givm thc $Ur of the ciJcui .. and thc primilM OU,. of road. in ",.,.. pans 0( tho country, !ht Justices ....wty $JIft>1 """" tim< 1J'aYdint!han thty did wbttt!ht Court _ bufd. MoM ~ cirtui!.ridin& aop«I of tht pofi. lion. In fact, tho. /usIicn w.W~ in [;0,2 and complairotd oi uisriDs in em. fn>m I'am~ia. Ilwnlually, tho circuit <;(IUrt> ~ ~ ..,., tho judges ~ obit to """ tho pr>o<Ii« oi cirnoil ridinj. bin illOOk 100 yn .. &om lh< i::Ir. motion oi tho Court briort Coowao oiIiciaIycrodtd the pr...:.iu <Ii circuit riding 100- Supmnr Court ,....;u.. In 1Il00. whtn rn. Unilod SUI", Capilal_ ....-d from Phibdtlphia to Wa!ohi"llOR, 1M Pra.idcnl IJIO¥od inlO Iht V,hile """"" and the Conyas ....-d inlOlM CapiloL f"'-"'r. the Sup....". Court Iu.d no home in W.uhinp>n. Thn:>u&h a '-'·minute reoq ...... 101M ConJllU'o 1M Coun IJIO¥od into a small. emply room in 1M Capitol.' Du.inllhe tim< II>< Sup=n< Coun ..... in lhe C.pilOl, il <h.ngn! ill cmcting pbct a IWf doun limn. Du. ing 1M Ii..... lhot Coun mtt in II>< C.piIO~' I>OW$P'~ .. pone. of Ihe d.yal~ ,h.1 ". m . ngc-r mighl Ira ....... 1M d..1: .1IC11U« o( 1M Capitol f<l •• Wffk wilhoul finding 1M .<m01< COrntt in which lusticr ;. .dminille",:l IO the A:mTic. n Rq>ubli<:' In lhe early 110)'$ o( 1M Court. Ih, Juslices iOmOlim •• Lofl IMi. Cal'iloll~•• nd _nl 10 Long', T.""rn to cond uCl 'heir Mliberalion •. Iu the fuuJ . rbiter of lhot Law, In. Court is <!urged wilh ensu. · ing tn. Arn<rica:l f>"Opl< the prom;" of <'qual jwlice under law. and iO 1M Court fulKlions." gund;"n and inlerpreter of the Cotutiluliort The Suprernt Court is di$IU><11y Amtrian in con· "1'l and fulKlioJl, as Otid' Justice Ot.rIcs EVa", I lugllt:$ ~ Few other cnuru in lh< world Iu..., the WI><' IUIhority of wnstilu · tiorW intapmation and none Iu..., <:IIirt'cisod it i::Ir.,,1ong Qt with ." much ~ as Iw the Unilod SuI"' Supmnc Court.' Y.. the Coon ronli.....d to nlCC'! in b"flOwN ~ in lh< Capitol k.r 135 J'=I dtopil< on.,u.c o:>mpWnu of UudoquoI< ..,.,. i::Ir J.... ica.1heir staff and .nQt· ~ wIoo arzucd briort tht Coun.



undonundabIy"''''''' ,1',,_", ...

APresident Becomes Chief Justice and IIclps thc Court Get a New lIome ~inally, in 1929, Chid luS!ic~ William Howard Taft, who had l>ccn p, .. idcnl of the Unittd SUI.. from 19011 to 1911, per_ su.drd Conprss 10 end 1M 'pact"' '''oring "">"gemen! in tM Capitol and authori,.e the ron.lruction of • p<1"m.nent ho"... for th, Cou.1. Chid JUSlkt T.ft ch.rgt<! Ca<s Gilb.:", Sr. the proj<'cfs • ..chittel, to <k$ign ". building of dignity and importon« .uilObl. for i1$ u~.s the I..,""nent ho ..... ofth. Supr<mt Cour t of the Unit"" Statu.-, Unfol1un.tdy. ",,;,h,r lust i.e Tall nOr Gilwt IiV«llong enough to >« 1M building romplettd. Taft resigned from hi. position due It> ill health and diN! . ftw months 131... Const"''''"n btS'1n in 1912 and thr« Y"" I"er, the Court w;os able '0 move into it. own building in 1935. The >C$Sion in th, ....... Supreme Court building Mpn on O«obe. 7, 1935 and th .......... n: no tu:S .'guro in that firs' seMion. In f.CI, tht only bu,iness conduc,ed on Iht CoU"'s firsl.\tUion w..s Ih. admission of nn< .uomqs 10 lho b.... M a poim of .. ivia. Iht firsl c... 10 ho argued in Ihe IltW building w..s o.."gl4s ... !l'il/cur.. argued on Cktobt. 14. 1935. Not ill lilt /l1<Im want..! a ntW building. and so"", /u"io:s and many in Congrno ~ Tali', tcknlless pursuil of tilt Supmnt Court building. Oddly, tw11 whnl tilt rI<'W building w..s rompktcd. tilt /u<lm could not a~ on whether IMy want"! 10 """'" into il. 11>< /u>lio:s ~.., ac<U>lomod to tlltir cu>tomary way of doing things th>1 illOOk trn )"ars brio", aU ni,.. /U>lices <$llbli$htd tlltir ofl'io,s in tho new building. In fact. whtn tht building first opened, only lwo Justio:s rn<JIItd inlo iL ALobarna', Hugo Bbcl: was tilt fim )U>li« appoint..! 10 tilt Court the compktion of the new building. Wb<:rt Iu>tk:t Bb<k n><>'Vt<I into tilt building. lit found it ..,>dr populat<d thaI ho wu able 10 """'" into a rhoi« corncr ""ilt.' 11>< building cool $94,000 less th>n tho ..... rly SIO million Coogress . uthoriztd fM its ronstruc_ lion .nd wlltn 1M proj«t was rompltted, "".orly 594.000 was rrtumtd 10 lilt Unil..! S\.11.. Tmuury. 11>< building af'P<'lrs today virHlOUy" it did whtn compltttd in 1935.' TIlt Sup ... "", Cou" building;' Jocaltd >I ant Fir>! Stlfft, NF.. Wa$hington. DC 20543No long.r a .tep<hild of America's three·branch sysltm of go"",n"",m, the btaulif,,1 building ,hNs lilt notion and that the third branch of goYttnmtTlt i$ inferior '0 the oth", two brancht$. Th. cJ.osia) CorinThi.n archit«:,ural 5ly\< of tht building is "on' sealt in ""'ping wilh 'he imporlanCt and dig_ nity of tht Court and Iht Judiciary ... cO«jwl, inderendent bunch oflhe Uniled S.... s Gov.romem. and as a .ymbol of tho nation.1 ideal of justice in tht high«1 .ph... of .ctivily." The building r.... four 1\orin a~ tho ground noor and ""'... u.... 385 f~ from front 10 bad< and 3<l4 ktt from Itfi 10 right. The front <1<1" lead to. 252-fool wid< ()VilI pia", nanktd with •• dous symbols of ju<lict. Tht archit .... promin<ndy f.... lure< Iht carved "Equal Jus'ice Under Law." In aooth ... wtion, Ihe building ftatures lilt ca.ving, "Iu<li", lilt Gwrdi.n of Liooly." The building', irnprtOSi"" uterior f.otures "'Iu.. of grt.ll.:Jwgiwn induding M.,..., among 0Ihcrs. The bron.., carved doors al lho main enTrance to the building weigh .ix a nd one-h.lf Ion •. Marble is uw:d Ihroughoull"" building, and ,oore $3 million worlh of marblt wa. gath.ud from for· eign and dom .. tic '1u.."'" A~ the b..."",nlle.. I, the walls and Aoo ... of all corrido ... and wall. are either wholly or plrtially <o .. rN in Madre C.... n' marble quarried in Alahan,..'




SOUle of the Court's Tradilious For all of the clt.tnges in il$ history, Ihe Supreme Coun has ""ained m.ny lTaditlons ,ince its inception. The nint Justices are ,..alN by .. niority on the btn<h wilh the O>icf Justice in Ihe cenler and tht luslices .l«rnoting right and Itfl by seniorily. lnt<re<,ingly, JUSlOo: H.. I.n f. Stont w..s tht only IUstict to .;1 in e""ry chai, on Iht btnch. Ht progreosed from tilt moo;t junior 10 Iht 010<1 senior )u>I;ce before he was .ppoint«! Chid lust;",.ln Ihe beginning,.11 a"orot)" wo", formal morning ro.ats when .rguing cases before the Court. The tradilion of form.l d~ i$ now followed only by 10...., who serve as advocat .. for the United SI>lts g<W<rruncnl and by lho Court', Marshall and Ckrk. Quill 1"'" ha"" remained PO" of the rourlroom scene. TWcnty .. n·inch whiltquill> are plactd on cou=1 Tables eoch day that Ihe Court .its, as h .. bttn done ,il>ct the e.,liest .... · ,ions of the CoUrT . The "conf<fence hand,hake" h.. bttn a Ira_ dil ion ,;""e the days of O>icf lusli", Mtl.ille W. Full.r in the latc l'l1h ",ntury. Whtn Ihe luslicts .... mbl.lo go on tht btnch .. ch d.y and at the beginning of Ihe privatt ronf<'Tcncts at which thoy discuss decisions, tuh Justict "'ak.. hands with each of the othtt tight. O>itf Just;ce Full.. instituted the prac_ lice., 0 reminder Ihat difTerences of opinion on tht Coun did not prcclu<k 0 . . ra1l harmony of pUrpok. The Sup",m. Court h.. a traditional ,, which i"imil •• 10 the G.tat Still ofth. Uniled State., but which ha' a single "" btnealh the eagle', tht ConstitUlion', creation of "ont Supmnt Coun : 11>< ... 1 of lilt Supmnt Court of Ih. Unil..! Stat.. is kepi in the CU<1ooy of tht CI.rk of the Court and is "amptd on omcial parers. ,uch ... ""'tifica'« si..n 10 allOrn<)'$ nn<1y admitted to pro"i", befOrt Iht SuprcmeCourt. The seal now used is the fifth;n 'he Court', hi"ory. ~

Application 10 the Supl'emc Comt Bar The Supreme Court', rults provide th., a lawytr who h .. bttn admilled to p.-.ctice law for a re.ioo of at le..1 yurs and who i. in good ,,.,,ding with hi' or h'" ...,,', hights' cou" may apply for mtmbtuhip to the Supreme Court Bar. Th< 'pplication;. rebt; ...dy ,hort, "p«:i.lly when wilh the ~ry Itngthy application, rt<]uirtrl for admiosion 10 take Ihe Abba",. bar eurnination. Admiosion .t<]uires tndor""m.nt by two 'pon..,rs who are mcml>cn of tht Sup....".COurt liar and who know tM .pp~canl p<nOn.lly bUI who .re not rtlatrd by blood Or martiag•. One of the .ponsors or anothtr n"moo of Ih. S.... induding • rc1ati~, may move your admiosion. Application, for mcmbtrship 10 tht Sup",m. Coun Bar may bt downloaded at the Sup.. me Court', Web , itt: www.• uprrmr ("m'''''rndmiSJ;on~hlml. The tnlir< proctOS can bt done through thr mail. but il il highly recommended Ihat applicants tra~1 to Wa,hington. OC and rompletelhe proc= in opm COurl. If you dt<;id. you will t .... llo Wa,hinglon.nd $ttl: admission in open rou", vi.itlhe Sup.. m. Court', web ,ite (www.,uprtm«ourlllS.go»orcalllht SupmntCourt Clerk'. ollice at (202) 479·3030 10 find oul when the Court will II< in .... ion. Although lhe Court', .... ion btg;ns in Oclob<r of tach "'... Ihe COu"', orala'1lumcnt ""htdule is fairly limited.

TIle Court's lIours of Operation and Schedule

minut< lin< begins al 10 a.m. and 1 I'm. The: Ioca,ion> for tbo w... ..., mm.rd wiTh sipIJ. and Ih<R is • poIic< officor on duty lO:uuwu your qu<$liOnt. The: Court don 1>01 rta>mmnld lakinc InrlnTS or omaII dtildrnr inlO ,h< (l(IUrtJOOm.

10 4;)0

Serurily Concerns

l'hr Su~ Court I>uiIcIin& is "I'ft\ 10 II>< puI>Ioc &om 9 l.RL I'm.. Mon<by thooup. Fridq. Thr buiIdins is "-<I OIl ~ .nd ...... hoIid.yI. Supmne Court. bbn'1if opm 10 mmI~ of the of Iht Coun., attorllO)'J for tho v"';· OU$ ~ol dq>artmmu and ."nci<:s and nvmbns of Con8Jft'-


Tho 1..... of Coun besins 01\ {he fim Monday in O<:1obcr and conlin .... until the lui Monday in Octobn of the following roar. bch ~r dudng thc oount of a ttnn of Court. 1M Cour, ~ives 8,000 petitions Ind 1,100 application< of .. ,iou. kinds m.1 an be KIN ul"'n by. oingle«. Thr Court', casdoad Iw incrnKd £1<'adily to I <1"......1 toIol of lOOn' tho .. 7.000 c:wa on thc dod<rt per ,nm. TIlt inc_1w bcm ..pi<! in m:ml ynn. In 11l6O. only 2,31' cases ~ on thc cIo<';UI, and in 1945. only 1.460. PIrrwy

Am<rians an boast ofhavin& ....... of ,h< mooT opm lJO"=I' buildings in tho,.,.,nd. E,..., "" in I J"O'I.Stpfnnb<r 11th wodd.l«W'ity wncerns dieul< that b. ......." of tbo buildint II< pbccd ofJ·~miu to visilnt'$. VLSiTon IohouId II< ..... ~ that ,....... 00.., l 11ro<l 10,.. crowd$, with lina forming b<fon: tht buikIing opms. Obviowly I~ .~ unovoKl. bI< dolors 1140<;'1«1 with procnsing and ... ting 10... numi>m of visito .. and ,II< procns "<lui," 11(1 .... m<aSu'" of p.oli<nct. Courl poIic< ofl"l«f> mako overy effOrT to inform visi,,,,, IS JOOn IS poNibI< whtlhtr thc-y tan ap«1'o 0«0",' $<01' in tht court· mmt


You will SO thtoush. """ulily dtt<k-


point IS you .." .. 11><' buiIdi", and opiro .. you min tho wumoo.... v.npons or OIM ~ or iIIrpI i ...... ..., not

with oral orgummts by :onomtyJ. if pnlf<! in obout 100 c:aa per Imn. R:>rmaI

aIIowod on lho groundf or in do< build· .... The: Court no11fxs vioilon \h;ot cer-

wrinno 01""_ art """" in

tain ;tm\I I~ ptOhibllt<! in tbo WUrI_ room whm Coun is in -'on: ~ radio<. p.ogns. tal'< plaj'<1'S. o:Il ph<ma. tlf'l' r<'CIOId<rs. othn.I<c'ronic equip"""'t. ha .... O.... TW .... ""'suin.. and books,

80 10 90 casa "" J'W". Approxin ..ldy 50 or 60

iIodditiooul c:wa .... d~ of without gnnting pltnary review. The publica!;"" of. ttnn'$


opinion .. includi", con-

b. icrcola. and lugg>#. Sunr,lautt. ;dm, if"",iQn tags

curring orin ion$. di.s6<nting opinions and ordas. 'I'P~ ~

four Jw.tias """" odcacd W a.... $U<h imponanct WI Iht Supmno Court mtUI ~ dot q.J iooua."

th.n ntili .. ry), diopby bultQr1Slnd i.... ppmpri.a.. dothins ""'l' not II< worn. A dtt<luoom II aniIabIt on tht fim IIoor 10 dtt<lr. wau and odwr ~ bdongin&s. Coin-oprDIcd Iockcn for cameras and Oil .... valuables '"'" .....n.hIr. The: cbcs XI minutes aft .. CourT adjourN.

Spet:ifi~ About Oral Argument

Atlbe COurt

Oral "'lummtl allh< Court are rmow~ for 1M .,"'.. """" qU<$1ioning 10 whkh .d_a'<$,...., .ubjca<d. 0,.1 .rgument' b<'gin in October and romin ... through APTit Th Cou"'ypi<oUy hr • .., orol o'gurn<nTO only I"", o. Ih,.... days 1'<1" Wftk. beginning on ti lh<r Monday orTut<day Ind running Ihroush Y*dncsday. Oo!.o 11I<n1lon 1<1 Ih. c,un', ""I.nd.. is r«Omn><1><kd. Tht c,url publiohcs iTO .rgumrnl cal<ndar in .d".nc. listing Ih< n.una of all Cl$<$ 10 h< argurd and il is r..:omn\fnded if you • ..:hcdulr Iw my IImbillly. you choow • d.y I<l h< odmiued ",hom Ih<R is • cas< to II< argued \h;ol puticuLorly appnb ,0 yooo. Ho-r, you tan al$Umo: ,Iw i( Ihr ""'" appeals 10 you. il wm Ippnl lo many oth<rs .nd b<a ..... opxr .Iimi,ed. you AffiIlo rtS<'I'\'t your odmiMion ...rly. AI onllrpunmTO .... <>pen to tbo public, buI rat". is ~milcd and <In 0 r..-_. finI.$<OItcd twis. IIrioR I $<UOOII tqinJ. twO lines fo.m on ,h< piau in fron, of ,h< buildi"" 0... • for tho« who wish to al1n>d an ..,~ argum...lI .• nd Ih< OIM. I Ih ...... m;nu,.line. is for mo.. who wish to obsrrve ,h<Cou .. in seu.ion only bricf)y. Tht C,Url ",ill n<>l allow you 10 hold I .pK< in .ith« line (or OIhns who h.l'< no, ~ . rrived. SUling fo, III< (,.., Ii". begins at 9;JOI.m. Ind 12:30 p.m. Sr"ing for the ,h,....·

Al In a.m.. lb< ",...hal, dresocd in morning dod.... ""nour><es tht JU$l1ces with tho tradilio ....1grNling: "The: HOTIOT'Jbk. tho o,id' )US1ic< and 11>< A••odl'. hutlca or III< Sup...... c,wt of tht Unilt<! Stotes. Oyez! Oyez! Oynl All I'ffJOn, hovin& bu$ine>$ b<fort tIw: Hononbl<. tht Sup ...... CourT of ,ho Unilcd STaI ... I .. admonished I<> draw nrar .rod '"'" their al....,lion. for tht Courl is now Jitl;ng. God ..... tht Uni,t<! States o.nd lhi$ Hononbk CourtJ" Incidmtally.•..,..... is ... Irdtaic Frmch In1n ~n;ng 'hnr ~:~do<Couri i$uIIn:I ,oord<t. tht fimordnofbust..... is tho artnOUnu" .. M of opinion> m.-d by do< Court.

Somt opiniom ar< revised • dozen or mo ... limos btl"", tIq<...,:&l1IIOUJ>ad. A cax od«ted fo.r ""'".,..." usuallr irr<ohu inlttprmIIOnI of the U. S. ConMi, ...ion or rtdtnI ..... AI _

brin& d



IUlY 1004


'I'1>m- _ I ~ wItom tbo mlittty of "I'inions w" "'"'" to tho pubIi<, buT that ~m'" proceM "now curuiIrd 10 a brirf SUInn>ar)' of .... docisoon and IUmnwy of do< dWmt is one.lIrioR tho Cou .. h<g.uI """""""" opinions in fWtlnW)' bnn. ~ thai "'""" /wUca "'" II><' opportunity I<> Jd>asb tht Court', d«ision and YOtaIIy ur.dc:, ..... o



tht wisdom of tht oilis<nting opinion. Nat Wm<$ adm;w,.,., of ~ 10 III< Sup ...... Coun RH. 0... of til< COTm', first rulings in 1790 W;U that InyatlOmry ",t.., has btnt practicing for Ih .... ~.n in tht ,up"""" WUrT o(hi, own ""I< may ... k admiMion ,0 tht Sup.. n.. Coun liar. Aboul

1.000 Lrwytn do 10 nch )'t.... in open court. and many mon: .", of tlot Coon admini>ten t~ <Nth, and • f« 01' $100 is dwJrd. For tlot lint lOO)'tatS, tIw Coun'$ lOOk Ikcm pmonoI in!Cat in ooIlrain&:odmi!4iorI boa .... tIw dnb ~ no SIbry bus WOCR ~ to kcop any IilUIs pill 10 tlw Coon. Bta.... of thi$ prxtiu. tlot dnb ...... _imeJ pill _ than tlw IuMica ....,. ""-'. Afttr IttomtyJ au admiu«i, cases au orpood. Esapt in vuy ...... nch lid< is limit<d to Xl minuta. This is a dramatic dtporl uu from tlot tarly Court', pnctia of J>(.mil . ling I n otendcd period of lim< for oral argummt. fo r eKh th.t IOlTKtimn ,twell«! into mort than OM day fortKh "'... Tho Coun'. mallhal,iV'.li with a white light on tht Ino.nty', podium wMn fI~ minut .. remain .• nd wMn the r«! light goet on, the 'I'ux.,r must .top in mid'S"rllt"" if nn:d boo Only ifhe or in tM middk of> question Jl'OO""l by. hutia is OIly eJ"" lime perm;ntd. u

Following the admission, the Clerk llimin"le .. the oath. "00 )'OU sokmnIy swear tbo1 .. on luornty and as 0 counocl of Ihis court )'OU wiD condlJCt )'OUrsdf up';Gl1Jy, .nd according to law. and ,hat }'OIl will Juppon ,Ik Coru1;tutioo of tlot United States JO help }'OIl God!" Moo odmin<n and ..-anlS ~ for oroI "'lummts ohbougb the Court permits YilitotJ 10 revnmlly Jta...., the courtooom dunn, Irpmmu. On tlk thy I mo....d for my ponners' admission 10 the Supmne Cou'l Ikr, we .... u nol bIcoscd with lhe moot =itin& of caJCI being argued 10 the Coun. OM _ an ERISA case and lM other _ I ~ _bout 0 ....... E""" .... the procell_ ;nlr;guins .. ,he )u"i<es il>r1td off .Jowly but before lM md or the argument. euh )u$liC( pepptttd the Oltorn.,.. wit h difficult qU«'ionl. One oflhe reminde .. of .dm.... ion to Ihe Supre",e Court bo, is • beautiful ctrtif.catt of m<'mbo."'ip. Inluntingly. Ih. ctr· ,irlC1~ ohdm;"'ion cont.ins 1\01 only tho full .... m< of the Ipplicant, bul also "'" full name of the tnOV.utt.

Our Admission Experience


admitt<d by mail Tho







My po. lnn,.nd J 1"'>'tIt<! 10 \\'>$hington. DC this pM! J'aU and ;1_ OIl operiencc we w~1 trnsuu b lhe rat of our Ii-. Bta_ we proNhl!' wiD no! bo .... on opportunily 10 ars'" I uooe bef<m> lhe Coun, and 1M odds "'" th.1 we will ..... bo", the Coun occq>t • case we bo.... hondlcd, we viewed lhe apcrl<n« mort from a hi<torial Ippr«iation 'Iandpoinl than anylhing ell<', w.. ho", all "firad tho! if ",lI«!ulin8 p«miu. 1M nol time in Wa.hin£lon we wiD definitely retu.n to Ihe Court to t. x., in thee.~e of obstrving ornl'l!umcnl. Once we ..em throUf,h oc<urity, received a briefing on tt.. p«XCU and stood in tM lintS that tool ... into the courtroom. we ...... """ted. Tho .pplOunu .re .... ted tog<:th<r in I Poop ...... "'" Idt ,;"x, of tlot bonch. '<'b~ the ...-onts.", in the front rows of tlot op«totcm' pIIcry _ "'" crntn 01 tlot btnch. In tlw ~ mi .... La I had to talk 10 1"'* ....ted uound _ . 1 nw:t 0 fedorol judgt,ll>wpmfcooor and an ~ who had argued mon:lhan 50 (;;II<'$1>ri)n, tlot Court. Tho Court was aIkd to ordtr and tlw /wtica mlOm! the courtroom. We each IooUd .. -.1> /WI;';' and """'&hI about tlw c:arm> poth that each t...a.d to m:ftYC tho:~~11O the 1WiorI.. ~ court. Tho Coon dcll....mI opinions ..... WOCR m...t and then Major GmtraI William K. Suler, USA (Rcc. ), dcri< fOr the U.s. Sup=n< Court. caIItd -.1> one by 0 .... Al """""nt b my ,wo pmnon. [appn:>o<h.d "'" podium and wait· td for OIid )ust;';' ~hnqulsllO m:ogniu mo. When M did. J u.d a ~ _Iencu from _ .script that was pt<)VidN to us in o ur earlier briefing. Whm J rnchtd "'" podium, [ .... tomewho, "'r>'OIU .. I quickly lOOt: in "'" of the cou,troom and ot the " lOrnq$ InrioIUIy waiting 10 btpn thrir up. menU ond lhen IooknI inlo the of tlot nin< moo< rcoopI'-d jurists in Amnica. Add......., lhe )USlia, I qI>OlCd from the ptq>&rt<I ocript that condudod willi "'" foIIowinA. "I am confi· <lml ncb p<NK$SCS the .-...ry quali6cationa." QIirf J<Ulioc Rohnquisl mpondtd. "Your motion is pnted." [ .... """" and tlw DOl _ came 10 lhc podilUlL Tho colin: pn>eaI toOk only. fow rnir>wa bo-. it .... <:ftUinIy......u. ir 10 aD of ... Tho at~ is d«idtdly formal and an ....... """ the n>O$l aim and apcrienord 10 ICl I toucb of .......... O'" feder· aI judp: in.adwnmlly dtportt<! from the .mpl and forsot 10 add thaI the applican.. oM w.... ponsoring [>OI"'~ the nc«t. £at)' qualIfICation •. Tho Oliff )"'ti« asked, "Au you confldeo, thot oath J'O"C"" the nccnsary qualification,!" Tho j..d~, "'ntewhlt embllTUIt<!, Iddtd, "Yes. Mr. OIiff/u"lar, I 1m confiden1 e. th ~ II>< nccnsary quolilicaliclnJ."

"""""nt', ........

""ndcu, r..c...

~ ...- ollIS wiI .......". "'8I'ft wiIh twrf dtcision of "'" Unittd s.-s Sup=n< Court. ~ an bo pn:>ud th.aI the k.undint! &then had tIw IOraipl to <mile the judicial bnncII ol ".....,.,.,..,t Our judO:iory is I big pan of ...... t mabsAmrrico gmt. &nt """'&h DO one could ..;cunrdy ptf'diCl in 1737 ' - ' 1hr Sup=n< Court would cho.nF or ...... t iu nmts would be, the Coun tw CYOMd into. pnwnfullnneh of American goYtm. mont Tho Conn II no longer the Iftcnhoughl 11m it ~ was during the lime it h>d 10 beg for ...... in lhc CapiloL Now. "'" Court~ building is one of 1hr mo6! ""i'td lomisl sitts in W"",,i"8lOn, DC and ","fllcularly 10 for Iowym.. Admission in open court to "'" bar of "'" ~ court in the Unitt<! Stat.. of Amcrico II th. u1,imo.. lourill dJ>(, e1i« for attorno:yS. Tho Conn'. hislory, traditions ond oemnony .", worth a JPCclaI trip 10 WWtinglon. 00 the Suprnnr Coun buiJcIinI is brt:I~ and bccomins. ~ of the Supmnt Counlkr is ~ aD a~ should considocr. •


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IN W'T/I·f.U" "lIUliD>', I .... _ ... .,. ...., _ .... '""""'" ... C'EA r SEAL " .... _ " . - ... <IJhM.,. .... ~" . - ...... c:.... ..... Oi:r " _1" . ...... ..

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•• ••

•• • •• ••• ••••


• • •

0 April 12, 1988, the AJ.ab"ma Iog-

i.bturt ~n>Cled the Alaha"", Legal Sm-ica Liability Act ("AL'OU") to T<m«Iy. growing crisis in 1M dtli.... ry of iegal .... ica,.0<1 provide mo"'"l" with prol~lio" similar to Wh.l is <>lftttd In

phj'$ici:1ns und<r "'" Ala\.>am. M<di<:al Liability AcI.~, · The Profeooionol Liability of Alto..,..,.. in Alabama," 30 Cumn ,. &v. ( 1999·2000). O<$pit< il> inl<nl, lhe ALSU. h.. failed (0 r<duu the n.. nw.,. of Itgal maJpractiu luits. Whilt

..... ry .norner is pQtentially subj.o to. of malpractice, artful handling of 3 dienl', m01\..- COn rt<Iuu (}nt', <x!">'ur<. The following faCIO" should he recognized .. poICf\';'" allSCS of wits, Ind Itq» ..... ilablt to oddn$$ them.'


Conflict of Interest

Th.", is n<> rnor< comr<lling r.a\Qn for • legal malproctice.uit ,h.n when the attorney'. actions projudice 1M dient', po,ition. The duly oW«iIO'

• • •

• • •


•• •• •

• ••


•• •


•• •

•• • •• ••• •

diem i. 10 pl'Ol'ide ,eason.ble leg.1 se,vkes. .... '4. eo.dt ~ 6-5-572(l)(0) (1 975 ).

From Ih. 'mW of any .norner·cIient rel.lionmip. I n . l1omcy should n<>1 pc1"' form any serv;"" whkh will .d.... ""ly .fftcl lhe dirnL Jl.lalnlm~ Ru/t:< rf Professional Cond"a (ARPC) 1.7 and I.S. Fo ... mosllo """lYing' conflict of inl", .., is '0 fil"ll adnowkdge Ih~ 0110rnoy'. duty unde, 'ho ALStA i,IO Ihe dionl only. Ro/>i"",n v. Ikmon. 842 So.2d 611 (Ala. 2002) . Cartful.U.n,ion mUl' ~ given any t;mo ,h.,o .... multiple clienl'. and w!>olher Ih. r'p ... ",nlation of 0"'" will.rr«, tM inl"", of .nol h... In .uil' involving n,o ... Ihan on. di.",. such o. 0 principal.nd .gonl.• n nnplO)'ff .nd empl~, or a panno"hip and. pann .., a decision mlU\ be mad< wh'lbe, "'pa. ralo rep ..... nl.lion is required. In Lrighlort A"'m" O/fia; PIaz,;" Lid." o.mpbdl. 584 So. 2d 1340 (AI •. [WI), limited panners hrouglu ,u; 1M p.r1norship. OIM' limiled p."no .. and Ih. p.rln..-.llip·' .ltornry ove, disputed "",n...hip of . n offi« building. Among Ih. i...\lOS __ the duly ~ by 1M ol1o,noy 1o Ih. voriou. partie< inl""led in Iho busin .... "'n'urt. Po,lion. of tho comp!.in' wo ... =ntuollydismis>ed booed upon Ih. ,lotu1< of limit.'ions bUI olh.. claims .u",ived .

In 1M .""nl.n ' l1omoy 'q>'<SCI11$ mO,e lhan on. dionl,;t i. highly ""om, mrnded Ihalll>< clienl' sign In ocknowl· con",nting IQ Ih. multipio "p . r<$o<nlalions. The acknowledgmenl .hould ,.n«llh. clienl.' u"dersunding of.lI exi.ling COnnicl... nd th.1 conlin· ued rep ..... n .. lion of multiple pa'lies "......nh.l... i. accq> •. Tho clienl' should bt lold 10 promptly infQrm ,I>< 'l1ornry if. «",niel ori"" in tM future. ARPC !.7{b}( 2}. Even ir..paral .... p .... ",motion i. provided .• n .tto,ney'>COn· niel may no' be .ufficiently """Ived if inform31;On . I.... dy obl.ined by Ih. .110m<")" prtjudic<S Ih. fonner dien,. In th~ silu.,ion, where'ho conniel an· n01 bt """Ived .",n wilh "'parol' .tt",· "tys. Iht o,ig.inal attorney should with . d .. w.ARPC 1.9; ~abo Caldlh....,jl~ >. Di,aplj~arr /Joilrd of Ih. AL>bom~ Slat. Bar, 408 So. 2d 5<H (AI •. 1982). Olh«wi",. a fonner C~O"I wi.hing '" di!· qualify. lawy<" need only .h"w Ihallhr mal1.. involved in lh. pending COMe i! ,ubol3ntiaUy .. latM '0 tho matter "f prior 'q>'<SCI1to,ion. Ex Sial. Farm M""j~1 AUla I .... Co., 469 So. 2d 574 (AJ • . 1985). In oddil;on 10 Iht rep .... nl.tion of multiplo parlit;;. a oonnin may oris< "u' "flh" .ubj"'l m''''''1 i .. uo. ARPC 1.8.




An .no.ner mul' bf m.1y cautious wh.n tM ono.M}' .nd ( Iient b«.om. involwd in 0 joint bwi_ , ... ~.ion. In&,... .... ~. 712 So. 2d 212 (AU.. 2(00) ..... dJ"n. ~, ... i, >pillil his rOflrot. Jawr<r for Iopl mal~a and froo;<! . , . ,null of the anamey', pur· ch ... of dk.. ' ·ownM properly. The di.nt con~n<kd hot JOId 1M p,opttly to thot bwyn al .n unraoonobly krw pri«. 1M s..~ Cou. ' of Abho .... ..-fUSO<l to dWnilllhot cIalm btit<I upon th< II>'U~ of limi,otionl.. v. Cn>wJ<>". 808 So. 2d 17 (Ab. 2001). spnks '0 • cli.n t·, cloim . p;nll h« (armo. 0l'0'M}' for nqoIilting tM ..1e of. """"p¥« ownod by ,hot dim. WM~ th< bwyn ~il<d to disdooe his fUWKial invoI-ot+ mc-n. wilh th< pu.d ...... Sumrrury iud&· me'" wa, cnt<.cd fo •• M .no",.)' upon a .howing ,hot tl>O plain.iff diocovcrcd •M .110.ncy'1 in"'os'. ,h. dien. had'M apporlunily to .lOp 'M We but f.iled 10




1M opponu ..ity lOr. conffict aroKS whtn • bwyn it alltgcd .-.cdwd an OJItroordi .... ry bfndi. from'M di.nt.

.0 "-

or h,. a rtb.ionship wi.h on<,elkn"o thot ...elulion of 'MO.h, •. In Pel....,""

Mdmcm, 719 So.2d 216 (Ala.Civ.App. 1997). third·~tly bme6ciariro; .o. will broush' .wIapilUl th< .1Iorney who d ... fted thot will and _ a p,im< bmcftci· .ry. Th' casr wal ultim .. oIy dismilf«l wh.n 'ho cou,1 h.ld .h. plain.iffs h.d MO ... ndinl'O b.i"i1uk liktw ..... connict may .riot whtrt thtrr it • <ontm'ion lit.< 'Itorncyitb~ in ~_ of oncdicnl. In KMhl"",,, v. Kerlh. 40\1 So. ld 1104 (Ala. 1982), ,"" plain.iff 100, custody of htr <hilclrtn .ft • • ,ignlng a <on ....... gtH· n",n' d .. f.ed by h.. .". hulband·, (at"". who happcned to be • lawyn. Thr


w.. ul,ima .. ly di.mi!-Kd 1>«...1< . 1-.< plaintiff <ould not dtnlOn ....... , h...I;cd

upon any act by 'hr .110.....,.. Of .ha, ,''''

""'mm< would ba~ btm difrtrml bul

. TOIWoida ~ ,ftisullderstalldillg as to tile scope of represelltation, all ellgagcmellt ieNer sllollM be scllt at dIe very begillllillg of tile atforlley-diellt re/atiOll5llip.

for th< ....,... •• action .. 1M poten,W fO. ptno.w and 'ransac· .ional conflk...ho.. ld be d_1y <um· ined. In th_ .il .. >tion •.• h. dkn,! musl be ~I! OhM ' i&ht to ""1"'''1< counsd. 1M individual clien.·, pc-rmit· oion lOr conlinutd ..-prnm.~.ion 1houIcI be documc-ntOl!. To minimiu 1M <han« fOr • conflict claim. th< I •• npctie ...l documen," should be d ... fted by incl<· pendtnt ooun ..1. ARPC 1.8(0)(2).


Scope of Representation 1M a"o.ney and dim' /JIOuId " - 0 <ka. undtroI.>nding at to who i$ 10 be th< dim, and thot ooopt of ,h...p.... n.o· 'ion. (AIIPC 1.2). In s...". &rr 0Me'«>1f, P.C. 8~ So. 2d 515 (Ab . 2002), tI>O .tto•...,. w ... . ruined in a oom ...... • cial ditputr IrioinK of 'hr pun:haI< oi • busi ..... 1M plaintiffs bt« brough, ... il lllqi"8 ,hot .nomer had agrttd to "'Ptntn' Ih.m in In individu.1 c.~ily in addition 10.M co.po, •• ion in which thty bad a ....1O'd in, ..... '. On .pp<al, 'hr """mary iudamrnl _ ~ gr..... ,1IOt-K _ dispu.ed bell co ...... ning tho scopc of "'Prarntotion. s" ...1'1"" v.


c..n/kT, n6 So. 2d 632 (Ala. 1998), abo involva.n >"orney'. "s,«",.nl to "'P. tntn •• elknt in .limi'O'd f.,hion. Af... l><-inI ~utd rn. penonal injury .ns;nl oul

You never know where a case may take you .... bul il doesn'l have 10 lake you f.r from home. BI,hop S\.l1' ca .. offfi you .. .I·U.... vkle-oo:onf, .. nclng co .. nec:llon. to anywh, .. In tile world.

C. II or vlSil our .... b. lle for mor.J nfonnalion• __•

,, , •• • ,•• •

o( .n .utomobile acciden., .M client lOugh. rq-.r ..." ... ion th<' a"o' ney. Tht IawytT did noI en ... an appca ... n«. bul .greed only '0 conlXt .hr dien(, insu....-.a artier Ind advio< th< "bin. liff·, .norner oi tht i....... II«~. Thr penonal i..j.. ry ac.ion proc..-dtd ond. default judgment was ukn .gain" dirn'. Th. plain.iff .imult, ....... sly .ppnled tht dtfaull judgment and brou&h. " .."....... <bim lOr Icg.rJ mal· practice. ThrR-.fttr .•"" dtUull judgmrnl Wat rn.'U .... cty ... I,id< whid> oJlowod thot Icpl malp..."a lUi, to be resolwd. 10 .void . mllundc .... ncling .. to .h. ooopto( .q-....... nt •• ion •• n cnpg< ...... ' lett .... ~uId be .....1 ot ,hr .....,. t> ninK of.M ."orney·dim. rda.ionship. 1M let .... ~uId ... forth th< idtn.ity oi .-...ry dim •. provioion of....-.icn ,0 be ~ndtrcd •• nd Ih~ fff .rrang<m<nl. If rtpn:l<nu.ion it d«linod, a l ~tI .. ,hould be provided to th< pot.ntial clienl ""tlin. inJ ,'''' rosons ... hy 'hr mati... cannot be acupted and dn<.ibe in layman·. I... nu, .ny """'ory .im< probltm!; with 'M (d. ing oilM If 'ermina.ion oi th< attomer·dimt "Iotion.hip OCCUTI tl>< di.m·, ""';1" of Icpl ..!Vicco. .ny IInUSO<l rttaintr slIOuld hr ret .. rned along wi,h on it<rniza,ion oi thot wo.k peT. r.,.mrd. AJ dn<. ibed in ~ s...,~ /la, v. Qwn&r.611 So. 2d 1046 (Ala. 1992). lhot fail .... to promptly , .fund .ny mon.y due 'h~ moy I<.d '0' tom· pl.inl . nd bar in_tlgation. A <lMing 1ct:1... ohnuld be dtli..-m!.r...- ,hot 0:has btm ~. This lett ... ",;U con· firm all matt.... " - btm completed. including ~ym<nl oil<gal f.... and thlt .h. .licnt h.. no OlIp<:<tation fO, (.. riM. legal "",k($.



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Atlorneys sllOlIld be mindflll tllat w/lile tlle;r dllty remaim only to the client, t/t ere is, nevertlleless, exposure to suits from dissa tisfied 'IOn -clients. point, itUl"""ions 10 0011'0)1 i\. When the will was not dtstror<d and Ihr dionl ditd, I~ proc«ds 01 .... <$laIC ......., divided in a man,..,. diAgttobk 10 I~ pblnliff. 1M


Responsibility to Thirdoflopl..mcn Parties may ",. ptrlOnnanco:


on irn~1 on .hl.d panico who 1ft not diena, In th ..... i,,,>l ion. wh<re theR i. a third !""y.u.. .1101'nty'O duty under 1M ALSIA mn.ains only 10 II.. cIi<1Il. Shows Y. NCNB Na.ionIt/ &nk af ~,tb Ga'f!iilla. 53S So. 2d 880 (AI. 1991). 'l'hcu'b 1>0 duly owed by 1M Ittornq "r>dtr tho IILSL\ to Iho6o patlin whoK in.CR$I, aft in woOict w;Ih ,h. dim!. Co""""'Y MtrhMisl Mtdirof Cm,.". Inr. Y. Am.,;"'n Indtn'nj'r c-.p..ny. 642 So. Id 971 (Ab.. 1'»4).

HowrYor, ard'ul .n.....;.,n """"Id ""

~n 10

.hird par'i.. who h.".,. rontract ... ] ';slu 10 II><' dimt'...... ft. Bi.mi"J'lIo ... New. v, a...mbW 6- H<lrri<. 617 So. Id 689 (Ab..Cio. Apv. 19931. Tho duty 10 h< • :mlo..1 advoa'e, howcvc., does IIQ1 bnlow the righI'" ignor~ ,tm_ dud< of <;'U"1' FurtMr.1he JJ><'" fiK\ ALSLt. does no! provi<Io I forum for .,hird-p.arty action don nOi make .tlor· n..,.. inm1Un~ 10 ... it. by ""n_<li"n'.. In KinM1 Y. WdliotrU, Ala. Sup. O. I02(H 12 (De<.. )0. HI03), 1M (OlIn oX\cmIifttd Ihe pb.inlitr hod .undi"! 10 brina I d.;m fo' fr.ud si""n pLoln.iff wa> • ,hi,d-pany b....tfic ... ry oft,," IUornty"S """"'. Tht diuolid:oction by • non-diml ~ bond"ICiary 01'0 willlcd 10 • wit again>! 1l>t .110'".,. who h.d drofiod t~ will In RohiItS01t v, Bm""" 80 So. 2d 631 (Ab, 2002), Ihr altornq' Iud b<m i"..ructtd by Ihr dtadcntldiont 10 malo< C<1tIin (honges 10. will. induding. at Ont






,uil for kpl malpr..:lk< was di>mU&<d a, t~ IaW)'<1'J duty ~ b<m 10 lho: maker of Ihr will. not I~ bonrfi<iuy, Al\omoy$ mWl br "o«ifnily .....,., of their vulnerability to d"ims l>rou$ht by thlrd parl~ whox imtmU OR advtrs< 10 Ihr diomt. In I.>i<tinson " £ddI.. 518 So.1d 1257 (A\.L 1991), a physician .... -.:I '" mtdlcal malprxtio<. Aft", the lrial (J)W'\ Iud srantcd a judsmml a. . null", of law In uno.Itrtyinz mtdicaI malpnoctia: ouit, tho dooo< -.:I tho plaintiff', ~ '" ttYIidous proo«ulion. The Alabama Sup ... n.. Court .ffitnl<d a judg. mmI bec;lLIK Ihr pI.oinllff Iud 1>0( $OIis&d Ihr dnnmuol maticioo" pooI«IIIion. III \\bIAu~. Wi",*,,", 612 So. 2d 1167 (A\.L 1992). tl>t allOmoy Ind hi>!.ow r.m' "'J>ft' _ltd a bank In. <OIIocrion action O'ftf' cmlil c:;rn:I dispuIe. Suit ,.. filod one! In mponx,' countrfdaim nudt . .ins! Ihr onomoy. Summary was affirmed. How Ihr rnsonablll tq>f"amUolion of. can 10-...1 10 sui! by. "",,-diCrM was eumu..d In tho companion caIC$ of A>=II~ •. Fk/A No. 1992171 (Al.o. May I&. 2001) and M""""", v. Gibioto. 827 So. 2d 756 (A\.L2OO2). nw ...pmn<(OUI\ d · r......... an ot"'""'Y 0'WftI no duly to a non· diml. The SUp"""" taurt. """""""". did no< ful/y address tho issue>er. <bim brouchl by. "",,-diem agoinsIan OIlOInt)' arifina out of Ihr pnfonnan«: of 1<ga1 ....... ioeo i$ oubjM 10 AlSIA Wh=. "",,·dim!'1 position is:df<rt«l by Ihr pnfonnan«: of IqoI wn>ca. one! suit .. filed, tht AlSU. sbouId wmrol. Sudt .pplicalion .. COIUi"tnl with the IIO' utory bnguagt of Ala- Cod< S 6-5·570 (1975), Al~ IhouId Iw: mindful thaI whiIt Ihrir duty mnoiN only 10 tht dietll. thm is, ......mhtIoss. ""1"""'" to SUIu &om disSilis'fitd II\ln·diontL


Failure to Communicate and Document aimu a ... mli!led 10 aOequ>l<ly

br .nd limely iafoomtd aOOut !bri. cu.. ARK: 1.4. Uncm.inly by ,he cliont may Iud 10 diJ.l;lli,f""ion. A b.d OUlcome i, made CYC1'I worse if il io I ''''prise. Wbeth<r ,''' 01 ....... , ' "

"'tomq", ,""",,-

load 0< "mply ;no"enl;on, It.. ...... lu Cm Ih ....,.n ,1>< al1o.".,.I<I;'", ... I.tion.hip. In Tht>mplO~ v. D.C. AmniN. I...... 9';\ F.5upp. 182 ( M.D. Ab, 1996), I~ dim,



~ 10 5<1 .. ide. ",lI!entenl agrtt....... , u.ocbcd by .... 0110"'"1. whom she 10,.. futd. 11.1 pm of lin .'P......., lbol >he ""'uk! not h .... bttn bound 10 the .g..... Ihe cliont conl<nded ,h. h.d b<m urubl< 10 communical< with lhe formn 'U(>nlt)'. 1M court .nw..d to ~ .. ide the .. uletntnl. Communication don not 10 bO

ovtrbe.rinB as ..".in a<n.~ oIow· pa«d. and oom<timcs 1h<K iI ~ltIc 10 .epo<t OWl" • period of monthl. 1M how<"'o"tr. n«dllo be .pprised of 11>< lil,,"tion pr<><aland undonlond lbol

the ~ of. rtpOI1 dor$ "'tI

mnn 1M (aJ< don MI h..... I'" '\101"' !><y', Illmlion. TIlt cli.nllhould, be informed ~ll in advance of ......." which couIcI ...1».... ,ially .1JtCt the COlI"" of

ac:tion. A Web lit<. form Ie".... or .·mallf .. nl oul in m. .. should br avoi<kd. and .r< no ,ub"ilul' for I dirtCI, I"'r>onoli..:<l communicalion from the 'I""I><Y to dim!. II sbould ~ "",,"o1)!,.d Ih'II'" goal of ",mmuIlK.lion is 10 ~vise.nd $h ••• inform.,lon wilh the clienl.


Present your next case Irom our point 01 view.

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Through communi(;l.';e.n. dirnl< ....blt 10 ..... h.... and <"opIions. Oimu. ~nicul.o.1y rl>oor ~snl>lo about .ho Icopl pro«U.1houId tit activdy in""-l in .U ..prru of mUin& deci........ Whilo "lOnq'O .........inod fOr d>rir odvia and IkiJl. ,tit w.i ....u oXttrm,na.ion rrprding.ho reooIu.;e.n 0/. Iopl ....ut< rnnalll, wi.h .ho elkn •. An dim. moW lho MI r\t<;U;e. .... Fa,lu", ,0 'Pmmuniril" h.. b«n 'M ~.i. fo r numerllUS i« .uiu. In /<lnn •. 8/uumn. 64~ So. 2e1 882 (All. 1994 ). 0 di.n, hrllugh. l ui •• g.oin<l he. l.wyr •• f, ...."lolMn' of, will cont ..,. Th. pl>.in.iff .["ltd ,'" 1<1,lom<n' w>. m ....,d .. i,hou, hrr pmni«ion. SUm ..... y judgmen' was ""nltd when .ho court <It1mninod .ho plainliff was not tho rnI ""rlYln in'tr($!. Tho Supttmt Courl or AloNma notrd .....1 wbilo the pwnllff dbpuk<I the 1<1t1tmm ...... ne>'Onhrieu .... p~' duro ins the court pnx«<ling wt>e .... ho 1<1. lI,mm' .... eI""UI4<"d Ind 'M plain.iff offrmloo ob,..:tion. Jrl f..rl"'ne P"ndJ. 7S6 So. 2e1 &62 (AI>.. 1999)•• ", cli<nt roo'.nk<! hr iru'ru<ltd his anomty.o fok I lui, .. hi<h was drlaytd for unknown "'UO"" The <litn. was 'hm lutd ond 11Iorn<"),<1t<l 10 file, coun'c .. l>.im. hu, .. d . •", 'Itorllq' nego. 'i>ltd ... uk"",n' .. hich rC<:juircd lilt <lim. to .....:u.. w .... n.y d.rd,,:onory,n8 his in.,,",- in .ho .... ll'fOP!"1y. Desri... ho affirm." ......, of (;( .ho dtnh. .hr ([om ....... td .ho '''omq nn'l1" bad 1O.ff«t lhe I<1lk· mmt. Tho lui ..... ulti ..... dy elismisKd fot flilu ... '0 comply wi.h ,ho $bIU'" of



.'. •

.ho di..,,·, dcI.i .. 10 raoIw ,ho dispu.. by stttlrmm. Of lljoJ ond Iho amounl of .im<.nd IIIOIIq' '0 be imrr$ttd. The plan t.hould be r<Yirwtd .ud rnodifitd ..

Failure to Act dim, In

nttdrd. 1bt failu .. 10 ~ I ....... nabIr

1bt txp«U "1Om<)' 10 perfonn In • prllmpt and drociml manner and wi.h proprr anm.ion lOrach individual cas<. AI .be bfginning of II.. <0><. 'M ono.n'l'.nd dim. ohould ... forth. plan of ac. ion. Tho plan should ,ndodt

:and pmpnIy plan has ....uJltd in disciplilWlry action Iud lho filing of< fo< ... riou ............ n.. Ab~m.I Supmnc: Coon has .ffirmtd $•."et;':'", "",'IU' In OliO'..." fo< "an unmanlll""bir <0>< Iood" which preven'td the dcli..-ry of qu.lily IrgaJ ...... ica. v. Alabam"



Documm\.O,;':'n is nKdtd whnt the dim.> 10 follow the anomo:y'l ~ or don IIOt'- 011 ... mot info ..... · ,ion. Tho Alabama Suprnne Cour! Ita< ruogniud ,h •• an ."o.n<"), may .... n contributory nrg)ig.ncr ... an .(firm.,;", dcf.n ... 0" •. Smir~. ~!3 So. 2e1 1129 (Ala. 1982). Th. court h.. obo dc, ..minod .,...n,p.ion of'M risk is • viablr dd~. Simp_ ~ Ccoosa V"Uty Pro.L end" ......... 495 So. 2e1 ION (Ala. 1986). OIn'JOUsIy,. docu .... fik wiU ..,ppon.ho ",ornry"' rifor •• o p<...... the clion, w .. odcq .... dy informtd. With ..........1>10 <ommunia.ion. the dimt is lIbIr 10 makr inform«l <lKisKIno. and is not pbced in lho pooi.loo of ~m_ ply mpondins 10.n unfortu~u ""ulr. If.,," diml is ~gnbIr aboUl.'" drcision •• clion. will be mo ... knowl_ tdg.. blr .houtlh~ ri,[,.j. Gi-= Ihis pooi_ .ion.,M eli.n. will ruogni ... ha. 011 op,ion, ...... rxplaintd. unMrs'ood .nd inforn,td cl«:ision. mild •.


T he lll~-t difficult proble ms require the lll.ost innovative respOI1S(."'S_

. ..... _ w.ol _ _


I\,.." . . . . . . . ,' . . ~

.. _ _ ..--...... .........

FnibIot ........ _ _ _ ...-.CoI _ _




s""~ /kI.,676 So. 2d Xl6 (Al.a. 19%). ~ court <, as an nampt., asoocia.~ allQmty$ ' -in, tht ........ nsibili.y for 600 ..";..,, o;;as.n. In civil dUm ~ btc-n mad<


fo, an bwyn'. alq,.d f.~u'~ \0 pr<>p<rly ilnatip •• or di!igm'ly p ........ 'M apt<SS wi,"",," of a cllml. McDuJJW •• Brinlky. FOfll. ChtI ... ", 6- /JJdridt,<t;:576


So. 2d 198 (Ala. 1991 ). A lUit was fikd in Cribbs v. SIlo".. 599 So. 2d 17 (Ala. 1992) fOT tht a.\Ornty". failurt.o IU.nd a condemn_Hon huring whfrt .hf plaintiff', property was _1I'godly given _ low app •• i,..1 by ,h.lIi.1 coull. In ano,h ... action, lui. wa. brought for tho jaw finn', aUogt<! f.ilure '0 properly .... ndle a bank· 111M m.a'~r. InMpeMm' SM ... Co.. Inc. •• &II, 1Ot/w",,_ d- s,..,bn.;an, P.A., 678



So. 2d (Al.a. 1996). In y. Nnnillo. 652 So. 201 2-43 (Ala. 199-4 ), tht pl.Unliff a..gucd tht failed. \0 con,"" wi ......... WntIy file • motion 10 iIIrpIIy IUppraolrizcd n'id<-na and


£OndlJ('lo pl"drOal ilnatiption.~.

in Ado:!ms •• &Wo, 681 So. 201 m (Ala. 1996), .hf p!ain.iff conlended he was pnwidtd intfl"("C1ivt courud and.. as a

raul!, was $(rI~ to prison. Notably, in .U It.e... cues, 'M :olltvd .. was dttmnincd not ~ caused .ny dam· ap 10 tht pLainliff .nd SIImmary iu<IIV.lDttd. f.a .... to OCI on bdWf of thor cllml should """ bo tht rau/I af improper inn........, by .hird po.rtieo. mool COlllpdU", ..... mpl<s ar< JIIiddines ... bmilled by iMU .... ...,.. carr .... IC. a def.n .. auo. MY oudining .hel;ligotion and discovory pl"OCUS. Simil.. g.. i,klines b«n dttmnined by .hf Alabama s.... s..,o ,onllic. wi,h on ,,,omty', du,y to the dim,. "'''iod. P..,y Audi'ing of 6illinp-Confr<ltn.i:olily Problem. and InltTft<._ With Rtpratntation,· 1M AJ.>b., .... r..r..,..... (J.n ... ry 1m). pid<6nn<aft in •.mm: with 'M at\O.nty"• •tpr<>mta. lion of • dimt by im ....i'" ......... ru whidl on too Ift'''''iw. A well thou&h"ou, plan oj action it one with join, input by tht client and auorroty. Both tht cllml and allomq' should hi.... rt:olillk ap«Ulion$ obout whtn and how .M plan o.hould bo implc· "",nltd. ditnl .$h.res Iht .... pon'ibil-


III"'" .... n..




ity to provide . uft'><icnt informalion fO th..llhe plaJI may bt initiatc<f and followed. attornty hallht ........ nsibiJi. ry to ....... hdw ..... the (:ipobiliry fO mact I"," plan. If thm: a.. ocaoionJ whttt tllnt it. .... to "" cith<f by thor die-n' or Iht litO.....,.. prompt .Iten,ion nocdJ .0 bt p ...... 10 """ omission. n..rt nocdJ to bt a oou.nd ..lalionship upon whi<h bolh Ibt dOtn •• nd 'Itorney (:In diKust.uch failures and tht bnt


..... n. ro. rrm«Iy.

G Compliance With Statutory Time Limitations and Court Orders

Th. ball.wsuil o. mOIl crucial.ppe.1

'""y IIn"t"r bt hurd If ..atulory . i.... lim· i... ions art not 11m. E... ry ,"orner .ys~m ",ith •• uit· able backup. Ofttn, the failurt 10 comply is limply tht .... ult of. misalc:ulation. In ."....., to...oid misli", a ... tu,ory dudlint . ..... should DOl wait tM btl dq to file • pIc.odins- Too oft .... uncm.oin.ies or ~ COOS<-qUfttat can prtvtn. the .imdy minS af • documtn. with I"," coun. Thco f.aa"", \0 time-Iy fik an al'P"'a1 was the.1Ib;i«t in o.ildm v. k-li. 6n So. 2d 2J2 (Ala.Civ.App. 1995). Following • criminal corwi<tion. tht anorMY fdcd a ""tOu of oppe:ol which wu di,mi!o$O<l :u btinS un.imtly bm th.n ... bsequmtJy .';nSllted. The 11tOrnoy was fired ond '''''Ihor lawyt"t" rtllincd to wntin~ tlK criminal Ippt:ol. In • 'bit fo.1tgaI m.aJpl"Klia, the plaintiff daimtd ' 0 .... '" bftn prrjudiccd when lhe originaL appeal was ditmiNcd. Summary judpntnt was Vaslled 00 the attorntr on thor twio !ha. $hould h...... diary


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cvm though 1M ;n~ial appeal had been ditmisMd. ~ _ b ... rrinoultd. To avoid Ilimibr ptOb1tm. on<" should <:01. ada~ and ....... bIo chedr: tht llat ... ory Ii.... taI* and thtn rrlt tht plcadin~ or ............. It leut IWO to thr« <by> bofo ..

tht deadlin<. A II.Impcd copy of Iht docummt l hobld always bt in th~ rde . In iddilion 10 lime limi.alions., anon· tion mUSt be gi~n to ".,utory proctdu ....

:u>d cou'" ordtn. Whilt ~;sa n<"Vtt. """ins spoetrum of ruIet:u>d orden, oImooI ......., cur ind ...... a pmrial OIdtr. AInoIl& 1ht _ oht ordrr may II"""" ..... PM 10 de!.i&no" o:q>m wit......... idmIify n:hibiu 01 SIipubI< 10 oht ~ and ~ofmrd>;:ol opmsa. Prflrial orden may mjUu" oht pWnliff.o M'I iOnh cadi !Mory of1iability and .... defendan. 10 dcxliN each dd'tr\5<. In ,hr CIrcuit Court of I<fftrson Coan.y. fOl' eumpIc, tnI~in judge> rtqai.., .ht.)rirs oflubili,y :u>d dtf..,... 'n bo: Xl fn"h wi,h par,i<abri,y. A gmc.,.} claim nf ncPigenu o. denial of lW>ili,y will not n.... PfC1.ia1 ordns do not allow ..... parti<5 10 _ apon thr aIk,".ions complain. Of ..... dtfenoes JCI IOllh in oht answer. FoilUR 10 comply IN)' co .... a party 10 ~ an ars:wnmt. In .... Cimaiol Coun 01 MoI>iIt County, •hr ~ pmriol ordrr requiruw pa" ,in 10 ,irntly Ilb,.a 1O...m cribaI ....... .. Ihr l'UJ(I""bIe.- of mrd>;:oI o:pense:s Ind OFncy. OIl'" iwut is waMd. In thr Unil<d Sto,.. Diltri<1 Coan lOr 1hr Nnllhcm DiMric. 01 AJ.b.un.a, ..... f.ilu,.. ' n bo: lisltd as uial counod in the PfC1.ia1 order !Ny prtdude an ' "0""')" from par'iril"tin8 It !>Cuin$' o.uial.


On o«asion, the pr't1.ia1 ordrr btcoma bu,in! in a mound of pkadinss Ind mnIions, Ind .."t'xn only Wttb boIOr. I lri,d :u>d Ift(l" !hr .i..... fur «Implian« mil}' ~ p.u...d. n.. f.~".., 10 comply may lit dtvut.tin.. Wlwn !hr pmrial ordcT is ~ ~, I puty may lit pm:ludod from obtainifls ntaS"''l' discowry, G<lftb2Ia ~. 81 .... 0-/81 .... SIIkill 0( 689 So. 2d 812 (AU. 19'97)1 may DO' bt allow«!.o cali I n ex~1 wiu>Hl, Ford MOlO' Co> •. Hu,d",,,,,w, 661 So. 2d 2:16 (All. I99S); o. inlrod»« « n hibitl ., .ri.I, USA Pern>k:<", (;o,/'OmljOll". Hjnts, no So. ld 589 (AU. 1999 ). Whe1hrr 10 amtnd. pretrial ordc. is wi'hin ..... dis<rnion of .!>C uial judgo.nd a rulinS will "'" bo: m'n'Jld unlcoJ .hen is a elnr a........ of diocrnion. &rtro/IU Mo/Or AB •. """ft(flIor. 486 So. 2d (I( (Ala. 1986). n.. requimnmll 01 a pmrial onkr $houId lit fully un<!tn,ood. 1ht timt Iimi.a.ions doc" ..... and • >y>Itm bt in pIaa 10 ......., """.plion«. In «fendi", IcpI moIprarli(to action&, .hm. i. porhlp' no """" difficult an a"Su ..... nl'o "",reo...... h.n I f.ilu", to comply wi.h , t"Ulory I nd coun orders. L:o~pol'SQns h..... Ihe np«ta,ion th.1


la"')'UJ ohould bt bold accountable 10 foUowins ..hod..... and ord<rs by I courL n.. failu", 10 comply wilh I "'''utorr t'lM lim,.~tion or <nun order is ....,Iy oht ruuh of I .xUcal decision and IikrIy will no. bt undtroood by .he dimt. To 1¥Oid ...m In omission. tbt au...-nq ohoukl mokl sa", .n sta.atory and coun orden .... dockc1cd; tbt auom<")' Ilonl with al'lOthcr ruponsibk pony act apon these: deadliJ>OS; and .hu th ..... is •• ys!<m in place 10 I"llrt romplion«.



Office Staff ddrp•• 10 thri. ofIi« >tiff AilOr....,..

critical rupomibili.iu...m .. conduct· in, i....... ,ption.. drafting poninntl doc· unl<nu Ind r~inl information with the coun and oppo>inS IM" .... n.. ... pervi. sinn oltMs.c .mp~ il lhe au...-nq·s

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in s.."d..... \Yea...,., 583 So. 2d 1326 (Ala. 1991 ). In Ihe .uil fo, 1.g.aJ malproclice. Ih. pl.intiff alleged tt.< la .. firm had ~ig<"ndy p<rmined ,t.< di.mi$$>1 of .ui' ' g.aimllh. pl.imiff'. former .mployer. The di.nli$$>1 w.. lh. result of conduct by the firm'. legal secretory who was described as ob_i.. and rompul , , i"". and appn.ntly .ct.d bqond ,h. Ii"" ond KOp< of her .mployment. The ease-was d;'miMed Wilhoul the kno .. ledS" ofthe firm, yel, the firm h.d to an.wer fur Ih. ""mary', ronduct. The act,om of • law clerk were.t;"'ue in Iwo relaled <a.!n of unu.<ual facts OS described in Ri<:hart/, v. unnox Indusrne., Irlc" ~74 So.M 736 (Ala. 199(1) and Richard, •. Ro/Mnsan, S78 So. 2d 673 (AI •. 1991 ). A former 10.. clerk employed by the plainliIJ'. atlorrKy was ,ued by Ih. client for violating Ih. o".".n.y-clie"t privil'f;<'. The origin.1 lawsuil wa. filed .ft .... the plaintiff Iud been injured from a defeeIi>. gas fu rnace. Th. law clerk ,,,,i.ted in Ihe prep... tion of the ea ... including th. dis· mDlding and h. ndlingof pons oflhe fUma«. During the trial, th. law clerk was ealled by the defense to teslify .boUI the in'pt<lion . nd removal I)f the val .. assembly. The !.W derk', testimony was allowed over the plaintiff's objection. A jury verdu:t was rendered for the product m,nufacture,. Following their p,od",," liabililY action, the plaintiff., in • serond suil.'ued tt.< law ckrk for violating It.< .1tOmcy·d;'nl privil'f;<' for giving hi. teslimony at tri.l. lronkany, both .uits were broughl by the .. me attorn.y. The • uitogainS! the low derk was dismi.ucd based upon the failuft 10 .ute • .taim. In a more r«rnt a nd um.poned <, Ihe anomey ... o. re!ained to me suil fo. personal injury oul of an 'ulo· mobile accident. The pre· .uit in""ligo' lion re ..aled a cas< of drfendanl".1i. bili· Iy a nd .ubstantial plaintiff', d ama8"_ The romp!.int w.. p~rly drafted .nd ,igned by the . ttorney. A «>py sent tl) the dient advisinglhat .uit had been filed and IhOl di>covery would ~ under"ken. The complaint, unfor1unately. was misplaced by the se<rtlary a nd "".. r filed with It.< court. Approximately one monlh .flor th. stalute had lapsed. It.< file""", rtview«\lo de1ennine the of servi« of process. The unfiled «>mpbint .... di.lcovtutl. The allorney prop· erly broughlthe omission 10 his ehenl". • 1I.ntion though. Unforl unately, a 'oit


2 52


'00 '

for legal neg1i~nce fullowed. The .,... was stltl,d.. To . void a claim a rUing Out of a n e mploy«', miKonducl. aUempl~ . hould ~ wenlrained ond imlru<led i~ Iheir .rea. of responsibililY. The employ..,'. SC()~ I)f r"p<lnsibililY should ~ lim· ited 10 hWher are.. I)f .. ~i ... Office procedu .... though n01 n"""",rily reduced to wri1ing. n'u.<t ~ und<mood by all. Clearly. 1here mu.<1 ~ ",fliC;'nl .ul"' .... i.ion and a n .... d chain of command.

... all attorney would be wise to promise more ,IIall what call be delivered. lIot

... the client wllo expects nothing less thun perfectiorl is one whom you willllever satisfy.


Determination and Distribution of Settlement Proceeds There is.n incre .. ing trend for legal m.alprK tKt suits 10 ~ based upon e. ... being stltled for on unreasonabl. .mounl, or Ih.IIM procc-cd. wert improperly distributed . n..... . uiu ron~ from the ...1 personal injury d.aim 10 Ihose elie"" who rt<ti .... settlem,n! in mass torI litigation. The Ih<ory;' prtmiscd up<ln the allo,ney'. failure 10 p~rly invt$1ig.ate and <v. I".t. Ihe

pbintiff', injury. In EdmDndson v. Dffflmo". 469 So. 2d 571 (Ala. 1985). 1M plainliff entered inlO a settl.m.nt . gr«_ ,""nt for 'he wrongful de-alh of her hu.<_ band. Tht pbinliffbter sought to be "'leased ftom lhe .gretment hosed Up<l" Ihe alleged negligence of Mr .uorney. The plaintiff claimed to h.... . ufftred dam,S" when .... 'CCq>ted an offer .ub. . Iantially 1... th.n the vallO' of the .,.... Th. co<e:was dismissed by . ummary judgment. In Gr""n v. lngmm. 794 So. 2d 1070 (Ala. 2001 ), p!ainliff filed , uil for legal rnalprar1ks foUowing 1M stllle",enl of. workn1<n's «>ml"'n .. tion <bim. The plaim iff.rgucd Ihal1he settlement did nol refleclth. plainliff', <legr"" of injury a nd, a. a re.ult ..... unre.uon,blr low. Su",m.. y judgment wos gr. nted based upon the .ttorn.y'. dlid .... itth.1 his legal ..".ietS " .... re,son.blt. Even if Ih. stlliemenl .mount is re.uonable, th"" are Still pitfalls OS 10 Ih. correc1 dillribulion of the l'rocc-cd •. Before the stltl._ ment and diStribu· tion of funds. il i. n~ry to «>n· finn the identiti •• of tho>< individu· al. who are pmper porti., to the action ."d who may ~ .ntid..! to the stlliemen! dis1ribution. Cour, approval should ~ obtaintd if liltre is • question aboul tilt lI.nding of any par1y who ",ay luve an inlc ....1 in the settlement pm· cecd •. An improper distribulion m,y Ie ... on lillomey .... pon.ibl. to 1.1.. p.y a ,h.,... to.n individu.1 who is unknown It.< .. ulement proceed. ha.. been 'I"'nl. In • recent wrongful d.,th action. suit "'as brough1 by the the admin;'lrotrix of her son'• .,1.1<. follow· ing Ihe $On'$ death in a (onstm<lion .cci · denl. B.sed upon the in"iligalion by the pbintiff',aUomey a nd infl)nnation received from the mOIMr. the mother was Ih. only 1<nown relati ... Suit was filed and . fter negoti.tion •. a re.uon.ble stitl.menl was ...,hed. The stillemenl procc-cd. we .. poid a nd lilt case dis· An . dult daughler bom OUt of w..!locl< blO' gave notic< of her intenl 10 seck a $hare of Ihe settlement pr~ Th~ setlleme,,1 procC"cds unfanunalely h.d .lready been (simibuted and. 'ubItanti. l l um $pent bythe decedent'. mother. " .uil for legal ",alpractice was brought ag.inSt th. plaintiff'• • ttorney for failure to ha .. di.<burscd th • • ppro .

pria •• rum to .h. <hugh ..... Thr cue wos di>mWtd on .M It;I'utt" of limit;l.ion<. Thr COlIn wos IlOl rcquiud to CONidc-r 'M ~'I"rnen' that tlw .. to.....y. duty was 10 til< adm", ..... trc. and no. to tlw ben-

diciaria 01 tlw tSbtt". On« ...1 ........... is a~ upon and bmrfid.nn ... confirmed. tlw distribu.ion Uiould be withou. ddoy or improprirty."'" faitu ... o .i",.·


Iy O(nd (1;""'11 .Mir ""'.. OhM otnkmen. proc«d. hOI in I suil and judarnm.... inll .n .ttorney. In OIl.,..,. v. To ...ns, no So. 2d 1059 (All. 1000), .h.. dri"tnd.n. attorney h.d been hi .. d.o rtp .... n. the pbin.iff in a ""..on.1 injury sui •. Tht cllim Kt.1td IQr $12,000. 1M'..! of proptfly distribuling 'M Kttktntn. pro«<ds .. h>d been ,~, the ""<J<T>q" ~.M dimu' tndorMmnl' • 00 k<pt .M mli ..... t.Ioemtn ..... herwlf. Following .M r~i ... of the molpractia wmploinl, • ddoult JudsmnI. wos .aked . .irut the defmdaIM 1'1Omq'. UI.imoldy. I jud""",. in .M .moun! of $75.000 in compm ... OI"}';o.nd $249,000 in puni'iw d.o.mo8"' ...... mrrmd II!' 1M Sup.. me

Cour. of ALot..n, •. Senltmt1111 ough •• o providt ..,i,foclion '0.11 p.rtit<. P."i<ululy in< cases,.he Stttle",,,n' i, .iew<d 01 elOIUT< by.1I p.lf1in. It .hould bt.M in ,1>0 lilip.;"n pro<Hf IQr financial Ind emo.;.,naJ ...oIONo To Kh~ • p<Op<"l" ... tkrnen., In Ittorney m .... ."..I .... e the """ klr ....asorublt vol .... confum the lu.ltori.y 10 ...,It Ind distoibult the pro<Mis in ... ,mdy monllC1" 10 1M appropriale p."Iin. If • .."Itrntn. is no. prop. erly handled, ,his intmded ~u.ion WlIOrtUnoltly may only be !he bqinning





Satisfying the Client's Expectations Thr practic. of law is betotning ""'"' mort. comp<1,.i .... busi ...... TdtvUioon Ind ~ odwni>erne-nu ptodaim .hot aptr.i,. and lucass of mony atlOrntyS. Tbt label of·compb li.iplo,· moybe odop,td widlOut~­ v>tion. Alllht "'hilt, tM bw becomes mo .. Ind mor. These foctOlS (on .. rgt 10 Crtalt unrNI;'tic upte_ '3Iion, for ,h. diem and pl.,. p ..... u.. on .non..,..,o .cc",llnlners wilh link ~nd

nprd. ToGon.n,. mall... is rt«ived by :on '''oull")' who is 1>01 optrltnctd. in !he ~r1iculor am of law. An .. torney oI>ould rdftin from haOO~", a molt .. bqoond

hit Of 00 aptr,~ unltu tht atton><y an rnoonably NlXalt hinudf 00 tho ....... 5O II 10 proIKI .hot ditr!t', inl<"rt$t. A dim, dislO, .. r>ed ou.come may '1_.ion the altomty"l optritnct. It is ineumbtn' upon ,"" .1tornoy to providt .n aecun,,- pic.u.. of."" ditn,', position and Ih. chIne" of p..... il,ng. Oftm ,h. hlOS' difflCull clionl i. 'M on. wil h high~' Ind 50hltlimtS mOSt u"...listi< .. ptetotion" Cli.,,1S lhould no. be 8Mn ibn'N views of 'M po.en.ial ou.come. Attornoyuhould.vo;d tht 'emptolion to tx.ogC1">t. I"" p~1t NCCCM 01. cut. In u........ v. c.,k,5(\4 So. ld 226 (Ab. 191171. a Misoissippi .. tomty found him.tlf the $Ot;tct of • $O~ whm .hot dim. f.iled '0 roc..... ,"" $1.000.000 ... lItmen' which the aUOf"Dt)"


had aIltstdIY ",",,~nlffil Tbt di<nt clalmtd 1w WI. pu......-d by .""


Mi.sI.iuippi and pn>uadtd 10 I.. n,ftf''''' $Oi, from ann."", bwror upon '1w Mi»wippi roprnmlOlion of IUC«$$. Tbt AI.blmo Sul'rtmt Coun ultim •• ely .ultd that 'M ,,"!<mtn •• coon If mad< ..... , only a pro_ dict;"n upon which ,lie di""l had no righ. '0 "Iy. Pl>rhapt .hot tnO$l olrt ..... tumplt of .hot f.,lu .. 10 ...iIly ad;""',', n:pteta'i.on is the CoIifornia cut of 5'.... v. Giltrool. v.."" 6- C"""Ion. AI, reporttd in tho Wall S.rm tho dienl', belitf tho, I _ mi"ilr oimplo b ......... disputt - ' d lot proptrIr handltd _ ..... ttttd. WAll july 31, 1m. Tbt dim._ rtftrud 10 lilt Low form Ind. ~rticubrly. 10 ,hot Imior li,i",l;"n ~rtllC1" f(M" "1'". .....1I.ion concnning ...aI aI.It Ira"" ac,;"n.l\tfor••1It .110rney.clitn, rtla_ lionlhip .n<ltd, Ih" dienl .... 10 p.y i< ope""" ..."..,.;ling morc Ihan $ 100.000 • monlh. A , ..... ie-w of Ihe firm', work prod...:, ...,w.k<! 'he law r"", lpenl 552 hours PftJ' 1M ini'ia! complainL An addi.ionallH hou .. of ...... rch WIt dovottd 10 • motion. TM ....... h, unfonWII'oiy, misoed ,hot lead· inl California Sup....,.,. Coun cue on !he its.... Tbt b~ijng rtCOrds rriIt<"ttd I total 0110.000 altorney and pwoItpl bou.. ODd - . . <h.rp by Sol difftrm ... tor_ neyo Ind poraltpls. Tbt diml flftd the law finn ODd ..... iMd .Il0l00 .0 handlt tho rtol ~'". dilpt>l•. ",. wi, for ItsaI molpra<:lia foLIowtd. In Ihi. dO)' of ad .. rlisemtnts and monll of .lmOll guonnt...d .u"'..... n anorney loIQuld no' lot ... i.. 10 promise nlo.e Ihon ... hl' ,.n ht dtli .. rcd. A





fOUnd practico is 10 review 'M applicable Low befort a«qIIing an ...."'menL If """ do IlOl and canlIOI .........bIy <du. alt yourself on .hot b ..... iss ... or .0.quatdy rtpMml .hot dim, .... wboleVtr fftIot"I. tlw """should be rtftntd Of IUmod down. LiUwise, the diml who txp<t.I.lIOIbing Ito. ,han perf«tion if <)fit whom you will ......... satisfy. F<>T tho al~ who M .., ,lit ditn'''y, do you. job. I wm win." ca.. ful con.idn-· alion t.hould b< p .. n 01'0 1"" bmofil of con';n...a rtp .... nl>!ion.


Summary Sui ...... Itpl m.olpnClict conlin ... 10 rise in AlalMmo. UnfonWlltdy. thtrt if no magic bmub Of ... of ....... to 1OIIow5O as 1O...oid brin& subjfrt to a <!aim. n.. ""'- factort. t.ow.e..r, ooruin ... to be pri. mary ca ..... '" .will 10 be fik.d. I. if

hopeful the rtCOIftirion of these problems willimi, <)fit', . .""""... •

- ...,-....


..-- .. ~.

1lIo_ .......................



w._ _

w_ _•_ _

...... _ &


enerallY, onJy"finaJ" judgments at.. appealable. ALII. Colle ยง 12-22-2

(1995). OcrasionalJy, though, a non-final o r "inlcriocUlory" order can be so damag-

ing that }'Qu'Te afraid your case or your c~cm will not make ;110 the

final lap.

In limited circumstances, immediate appellate review may be available, particularly

if the order might impermissibly injure a pnty, unnoxessarily protract the litigation, or lead the case down the

wrong track /kouse the rules and statute;; per-

mitting immediate appeal arc scattered, however, finding the right provision

requires a

roadInap.This article is designed 10 help you navigate those

statutes and rules- w identify those non-final orders that are appealable of right and to sclttt the appropriate 254

IUlY 200 <

vehicle (if any) to challenge those that are no\.

Is Your Order Worthy? 'tOur finlmp is to coruidrr wheI ..... 1M o/fmdillJ ordrr is worthyof an imn>rd.... dWknse."""" m manyt...!...-.ons for rnWns litis dodoion. AnIons dIdO a~ Inl", wounded pridt, a cksi~ f"or vindica.ion one! an a.l<mpllO.wI 1M .riaI 0DWt pmCftdinp.1Iofono r;oinsl\lnhcr. rou ~ ~ • If 1M appdb •• courl ....... 10 ..... irw 1M ord<r. -..leI you rnoonabk dian« of wi"n;~


• t. 1M ordrr JUfficinu'l' IwmFulIO jw',{y tho <WI of appdla~ It"Virw? one! • Would In Ipptal a. 'M COr1cl ...ion of 'M cut bt un....ai1ablt or i.ud<qua •.!

If you lfUwtrtd "no" '0 anI' of.hnt qUQI""'" your Irtllyois ihould t.. al an end.

Alabama Suprnno Court tw ddin.d a final judpnn\' ."a ltTTIIi· rtI.ift dtcision by a 0DWt of WnIP'"lt'" juriMlKlion whicb d""OfUm, .. IhoR tw bun • compltl. adjudicWon of oil nu. · .... in controwny btl....... tho litiS""u within 1M """,iza_ of tha, court. Thao. is, iI mUSI bot wnd ........ and ccnain in i .....e' Fml MOl« Co. " TMmtdl. 641 So. ld 123Il. 1240 (ALL 19901) (quoin" JeMII~. /«b4n <I- \\I1rit5itr c..r- Co., HI So. 2d 623, 615 ( ....... 1976». Despitr dois defini'ion, ""-"a, 'M ...... of finality can be comp\cl. one! is oftm undt.... For ewnplt. if an ordrr or dnti<s rdid" on _ <bims, bu, dna DOl ....."ion othn$, i. rray bt diffi",h to .iudII'" wbtthc-r ,hot orda is • -aon,pIcI. adjudi. cation of all man .... in con.~." fkrc-.~ oomt putiruLar pothoko !ha. you m'&h' W>.nl '0 woldt for:


• Wht~ casa .... ",nsoIido,cd for ptdrial p~inp o r "ial, an ortkr di>pO$ing of all in on. COK .... y bt fin.l. Stt


'-I"" v. McDotl.>/d. 355 So. 2d 69S (Ala. 1918); •

Is Your Order FInal? A final onkr i> USU,olIy-bUI no.

lui ortkT nll~r«I in r<pr<k<l as flOoi for "PI'"I purpooa. If your ortkT is fonal,.he .i.... 10 oI~M

• cas<:. Son .. ord. ... hOl 'Pl'"r 10 bot inl.rlocu.ory or.

'1'1'"1 is running and wiU nO! be fnI~ by. t>.nord<r. The

In CIon involving IM ..I< ofrtal propmy, 'h .... moybt mort than 0 .... "finol" judgmnl.·i.•. , 0 .... or<ltring'M .. I. and 0 .... conforming il. £< p""eClo.u. Ann /(",,,.. 1()6 So. 2d 118-1 (Ala. 1997);

• Failur<' 10 laX CQ$I$ does no •• usJ>nlll Mo,,,. Corp., 353 So. 2d 505 (AI • . 19m;

/If"""" ~ Otrr*r



Di.m;...1 of. complain! wilh 10 .mond i. r",aI for appoal purpostS if lho pl..inliff do<S nOl .mend wilhin lhe lim. ~i\led by the dismi ...1o~. The tim< 10 apptal run< from lhe dole of the orOO, not from the .. pirat;"n of 'he lime 10 .mond H~ydm •. Harris. 437 So. 2d 1283 (Ala. (983):.nd

third·party claim, or when multiple parties 1m involve.t the coon m:I}' direct the mtry of • finaJ judgmtnt 0$ to "ne or ~ but f<Wl'< than 011 of the claims '" panies <mly upon an up.... <kIermination that ~ is no just ..olSOn for dday and upon on express direction for 'M entry of judgment

If ,h. lrial judge has directed the enlry of 0 finol judgmen, un<kr Rul. 54(b),Ai<>. R. C;y. P., th. oroer u fi nal for purposOS of .ppcal (IC<' fUnha discussion below).

.... lhe Rule indicat ... it can "" uoed <>nly if tM f"llowing «In· dili<>n. are mel:

Is Your Urder Appealable 0'

• The oroer fully adjudicates . t 1•• 01 one claim again.t al 1••• t one p.ny: and


• The .. is "no JUSt reason for doloy" in tho entry of final judgment

Som. interlocutory ord .... ", appc.J.ble ., • moU.r or right und .. Rule 4. All. R. App. P., by o,h'r ,t.tute or rul •. or by CI .. law. Exampl.. indude: • M onkr gnnting, continuing, modifying, refusing. dissolving, or refusing 10 or modify. p"'liminary injuncl ion. AI.. R. ApI'. P. 4(0)( I)(A): • Catain r=:i~r-.hip or<k ... Ala. R. App. P. 4(. )(I)(A): •

An onkr denying. pctition 10 intervene os of right. Thrtuh., ~

Barlk", 424 So. 2d 60S (Ala. 1982):

• An order granting or donying a moIion 10 enfolU an . rbill\llion

Igrem>rnt. Ala. R. Apr. P.4(d ): • M ordtr certifyingor musing 10 certify a dass Ktion. AI~. Co<k S 6·5·6012 (Supp. 2003): and • An order gr.nting a new l'ial. Ala. Code S 12-22-10 (1995).

In kdtroI court$, the "collal<nl order doctrine" (a/I:I•• the"OWo doctrine') pnmits immed",. appeal of right from ;'l1crlon"ory orders th.1t (I) condu.<ivdy <kIl;rmine tho disputed question, (2) ~ on important issue complmly separate from tho nl<riu of the action, and (3) [lml .ffrct;".jy lI1IR'VicwabIe on appeal from lhe fmal ju<Jsnwnt. Midland NphaIt Coop. v. Uni,ed StaJts, 489 U.s. 794, 79'J (1989). The Al>bama Supreme Court has nfused 10 adopt the coll.:l1eral order doctrine.~. Ex ptl>1< Fmnllin Qn.nly DtpI. of HUmM Reso"",... 674 So. 2d 12n (Ala. (996). If your interlocutory "roer U: appcalabJe "r 'ight, tM .pptal ;, ptyf",.ed by. timely n"tice "f . ppcal in the Irial ",un. Note lha. nOliu< of .ppe.1 from in .. rlocu."ry oroers designaled in AI •. R. App. P. 4{a)(!), induding appt.l. from p .. liminary injunoi<>n orom, mll>l "" file<! within 14 days.

Can Your Urder Be Certl-E;ed as Final Linder Rule S4IbJ. Ala. R. C;lI. P.? Rath .. th. n .U"wing .ppell"e «IUrlS 10 review non-f",.!, Rul. S4 (b), AI •. R. eiv. P., allow. t,ial courU to tral1$kmn non ·final ",d... imo final judgnl.nts by incanta,ion (u,\L0 11y called ""rtiflC3tion"). Rule S4(b) provides in pertin.nt pa,t:

When mo .. th.1n <me claim for rdid' is Pr$;Tl,ed in an action, whether 0$ • claim, coumerclaim, .ross-claim '" 258

• Mull;pl. claim. or parties ... prestnl in ,h~ <OS<:

JULY '00'

Rule S4(b) certificalion. !hould "" only in txCCpIional thoy "'.sh"uld not "" enlered rou,inely '" 0$ • courtesy", a<commodation 10 «Iuw<I,'" Ex fH'tle f~mn. SJ6 So. ld B n. 878 (All. 2001) (citation omitted). A tri" court .shQU/d ,."ify a non· final o«kr 0$ final purs\LOO,to Rule 54(b) !>tlly"wh.", the failure t" do so might h""" a harsh effrct." Brown •. Whi,nkn G;m.mcring Coop., 681 So. 2d 226. 229 (All. Civ. App. (996), m.,...,kd on o.h..groulld~ ScJ,MiMr Na.? Corr;"" inc. y. Tinn<)\ n6 So. 2d 753 (Ala. 2000). Pie<:en .. al .pptllale review is not f.vored.ld. 1I<caU$< the enlry of • r", .. judgnl<rll under Rule S4(b) pcrmiu no1 "nly .ppooI, but also immediate collection of • mon.y judgment, the lrial coon muOi col1$iOO wh<1h .. ~ is any "jUS! reason" 10 delay coJJrction p~ngs. If.he trial COUrl direa. a finol judgmenl und .. Rule S4(b) unwisely '" in .n inapprop,iate case, the '1'1><11..1< court rtuy del«mi". that the Rule 54(b) direction was "improvidently granted" and d;'m;" lh •• ppooI !>tl lhe basis thai the ord.. is not final. H.", 1m som< ttOmplos of inappropri.te cenif""tio"" Gild;

• Ce'tificalio~ "f SUm tnary judgment on plaintiff's daim. is inappropriat., lOIn ..... I.ta rewlu,i<>n of d.r.ndam'. cou~ltr­ c"'im could .ff«t the amount of dam.ges .... rded on ,he pbintiff's <bims. H.P.H. Prop~, Inc. v. Cohabd Lumbtr ... Millwork, Im;_, 811 So. 2d 5S4 (Alo. avo App. ZOO I J. •

An ordor cel>ling to reco .... rability of some, but n"t aU, of lhe dim.gos a pany may be IC<'king o~ a d.,.. n"t .djudi_ cate. "cbim" and is n<>1, tM"fo«, prop« for certifica'i"n. Ex ptl,rrSjmmon~ 791 So. 2d 371 {Ala. 20(0).",ary judgm.nt in favor "f. ddendant on its COn· tract counterclaims .h"uld OOt h.Y< ~n certified 0$ fio.I, 11K...... the plaintiff', froud, arm< ""t "r the san .... t of opemi~ fact .. and lhe claim. - . . do... ly inlertwined. a~rk<·M"bil< CoU~f'" Gas Dis •. v. Prior £".,-gy Corp.. 83~ 5<>. 2d 88 (Al •. 2002).

In "rde, '0 .ff"",.h. , from non-fin.1 to final "<de,,lhe trial _"urt iIIoally "'ould ull., the f,,(lowing magic words: An txpr~ determin .. ion that lh.", i. n" ju.t , ..",n for del.y: .nd an .~p .... directi,," f", the .ntry "f judgm<'Ot. In Brown y. Wlli'am Conmllling G>rp.. the court "f <lvil .ppeals Ittompttd to <ngraft.n .dditi"n.1 requi ... m<'Ot "n lhe Rule. The coun held th.l • trial judge certifying .n ,,~ •• final under Rul. S4(bj, in addition to m.king. finding ,hat ",h ..... i. 00 jusl "'O$On for de1.y; also must .t.le the .... son. il finds on<>

j .... "'ason lOr dn.y: 681 So. 2d •• ll'iI. In SdontidtT N4'~ Do 'Ii" Your Drder Quallr:y #Dr Oornm, I....... TiM")I "6So. 2d 7H (A1o. :!ODO), howtwr, IN ~ma Sup •• "", Coun ~rrulod s ....... . Appeal by Pc,m/.slon Under n.. S<1r.,.;Jncoun JI •• ed thl' i, ..... "001 gtn<nIly IPI'fO"ins Rule 5. Ala. R. App. P.? ,he omiuion of t.ngUolSC' luting .h" 11>< «!Un Iw made 'on To qu.lify for .p~al by pt.mi .. ion undo, .xp.... <"ni ..... ion ,luI ,hOR is no jw, reaRuk 5, Al •. R API" P., In onk, ntt<I no! disson for dolly: b«.w. Rul. S4(b) nplicilly p<lIt of • Or pony. It mU$I, however, calls for 'uch • de1 .. n.iru.ion.· "6 So. 2d II "1oml.... mnll'(lIJin8 qu<t.ion of law.1S5. Con,rary '0 S",.... ... ~,. i, found thaI Rule S4(b) dnft 001 T«jUi.., "findingo ,., n....,fo •• , whit. onkrs gno"';"1 IDlII;""" for ",ni.1 I\Imm.1)' judgmon. con bt en· bun ..... ,ht ,o/ldlUion ,heft is no jWl ,iflcd as final ul\der Rule S4(b}. Ala. R. Civ_ moon fo, dd"y.~ 14,'755·56. Tht COW1 1'.• pttmif4M .ppe.... und...- Ruk 5 of the poinled <lUI, ......'" bdd in Shc>-Mt {MOl« .ppeI.... rulft may bt !aknI from an 0Tdtt UJ.dtn, In<. ~ 1tIW-SM_ a-r,. c..... 466 So. 2d &3 (At... 1!m),l wl if i1 is cbr and dmrr"t • "'''''''''1)' judgm</Il moIioo, if the onItt it t-.d on 0 , ...... qu<ftion of 5« obviouo from II.. bInJu.ov used by Ilw lrill I'rofH.. ~. 8""""giwom HiM d<OW1 in iu ordnCOOIn intended 10 TIIIJowc....."9 So. 2d 629 (...... 2002): ~ ordn- pu ..... 10 IWlt S4(b), Qr,a.d~. c"lhrit, 707 So. 2d 204 ( ...... 1m). !hm wo wijl Irw Ilw ordtt • I fina[ judt!. Otlwr ,pprop<i... 0'00. would bt thos< monl ....' n6 So. 2d ., 755. Sin« SrIorlrider. If the trial court denying SO"'.nmmtll immuni,y (Illan. .11 ordtt might be ~rdcd IS fin..l undtT directs a final judgdamu ••1so .v.ibbkh d<-nying. motion 10 Rule S4(b)"""n if il maU$ no '<£om>« ,., dum;"; bo....J on. forum ~\n;tion <I.u... Rule S4{b) ond no "nprfl4 dc1mnin.tion ment under Rule thlt ,h • .., is no jU!' ..,...,n fo, dolly.' SR Profwi<lIlnll,,~ Cc'p. Y. Surl,n"'"d. 700 So. 54(b) unwisely or f!upml •. Buford. No. l(l2(l163. 2003 WL 2d].47 (AI •. 1997): douyin8' motion 10 dis· miss bo....J on • .$tI11.,.".nl, c"la Rubber Co. 211)4.(1OO2·S (A1o.av.App. M.y 9, 20(3) in an inappropriate •. Oonlrtll. 678 So. 2d 7S4 (....... 19961: o. (Murdock. J. diucnling), M1. drnihl. & ruljU! On IUMunli"" t.w Or d>oic. of laws. case, the appellate P'''''' BujtKd. No. 102 Il72, 2003 Wl Rule 5 ~,mislivt- .ppe......., lYIiIabIe 112.m05 (Ala. XpI. 26, 200}). court may deteronly in "thos< <;.~ caoa which lOR wilhin One word of .... min" j , . """",. 1lw original.ppd"", jurifdklion of the times include Rult S4(b) longuose evm if mine that the Rule SUptm"l<COUn." ....... R. App. P. s{.l. Thus. they • .., IIOIIIbd 10 do .... Ontt Ilw trW 54(b) direction was Ruk 5 dOQ no! .ppIy '0 crimin.a! caoa o. 10 rou" dim:u .... 0/111)' 011 6ruJ judgmen, under Rule S4(b). , ... ,i"", l<>.pptoI bezins caoa .ppealable of dv~ "improvidently Appn1s, wch IS domettic or worktrs· com· to rul\. 1"II.trffo.." 0.., mIlS! bt !aknI in granted " and dis~noalion~ ~in8 dil-f-i'M ortl<n-porti<ubr Obtaini.. pttmisaion 10 appal undon Rule o.den di.miwnl d..i.,.. or p.nin or &",n" miss the appeal on illl! ",niill ... m.....1)' judg"",nHo dtte-rSis. I'f'IC<M' (II oI>t.o.inins' "<atithe basis that the fica.ion" from the 1,..1«>un (or immcd .... mill< htt ,he order m.y be .ppal.and {2} filing . "petition (or I""""isdim:,ing,h< .ntry IIf fin.1 unoo order is not final . Rul. S4{b). ';"n to .p~.l" in III< ALlbo!T1l Sup=>< If ,he ,ri,l coun h.. not dim:'«i. ,he Coun. Each has iu OW>! ....,. 'I'.<itk rtquirmw-nU and i .. own lim< limi""ion. .n.1)' of final judgment .... sponre, • pony like. dirK.ion of finali.y under Ala. R. av. P. S4(b),. Rule 5 may ~""' t~1 i, do 00. Although the.., is no Ii.... limi. for ",,,itk:al;"n may be rn'cnd by tht I .... (oun '"' iu_n ~ue!I, any order !ha, mni.. imm«l.i>l' .~al should """ion. Usually, though •• " ... COUrt no' a-nify ... ordor mni' promp' oction in kdin! Rule S4{b) a-nificalion. n.. foo- immed"u .pp<aI LUll<tl1lbd by OM ,II< portin I., do .... Ii"", for appnI doeJ no! bezin 10 run un.~ the ordtt bt<lomu To satisfy tht Rule, the a-niflCllion m"ll ~ ... ho" in tht iud.... opinion: Ruk S4(b) cntifoalion an bt....ful /101 only for IN "'''y who has ...... and wi$h.rt '" immcd .... appeal. but :abo • -n.. intmoonooyordn ........... ,,",u.:lli,. qu<Slion ol~: fOr IN p ...... ili... "'''y. Do /101 ~ the ...... of. Rule S4(b) a-nifita,ion in (0) pinin! dnouK for 1'>'" dekn<bn. diml who • Thnt is a -<ub$un,iaJ vound for difftrttl« of opinion" as to Iw bem dismissed from .n ongoins action or (b) mabti", )'0\1' the q"..,ion .,r low; plainliff dim, 10 bezin «>Iln:ting its judgmm, 'pin" Ollt drltnd.nI btfo •• ils, 'pi""l othe. drltnd.n" • .., • -An immcd"!t .p~al from lheonler would rrul .....1y .tsolv«!. Th. <nil)' of fln. 1judsm<n' undr, Ruk S4{b} aI.., ad •• n", ,h. ubi ..... l. I.rminalion of Ihc-lilig" ion-; .nd "u'llh. I""" 'judg,nrnl intCT<"$' do<k running. 8I1,/ing."" N.R.R . •. IV/tirr. 575 So. 2d 1011 (Al •. 1990). • "Th. 'I'~al Wfluld avoid p.Olrac.ed .nd "%~n.i ... li'i8"'ion."







'0.... ""'"








1* ...


In .ddilion, tht a'tiflcation must ldtntlfy tht "controlling qU<$lion of I.w"to which it rtftIS. AI •. R. App. ~ S(I). Origi""Uy. Rule 5 provided "" time limi' foT thr trial j..dll" to C<rtify inlC1"lorutory ordm for imm«liatc 'ppc"Ol. In 2001, tM Alabama Suprcm<' Court odoptM a ocw Rtdt 5(1)(1), AI;o. R. App. P., whido provides tlut "ItIM pre<umpt;vely rt"""Jbk tim< foT ,h. trial judg< to ."t.. the arti&.tion . · . is within 28 doys of thr mtry of thr inttrkxutory onltr JOughlto t,.. apptakd." This is not • iuriodictio,.,) lime limit. If tho trial judg< .nters. ani&,· lion mo ... III doys lfi.. 1M onitr. h~. tht p;tny seeking to .ppal muot provid<.n adeqU<lt. «pI. ""lion for the dd.:ty. OnC<' th. "ial judg< <nltTs tho ' .. tiflCation, tho pIny -«<king to apptal ha, only 14 d.ys to fil. > pttition in tho Alabama Sup Court. Tlte r"lui •• mtnu ror Ihe pttiticn it"lf art ... cting . nd lime·con,uming,.o the pmc ... of prep>rlng tho pttition must b<gin imm«li ..ely. The pttilion mu>! conl>in ,tat.menU of tM following:

The rover of lit. petition .hould Itt whit., tit. pttiticn cannot <XC«<! 20 pages, ODd nine copies .hould bt .ubmi1t«l to th< Alabama Sup",mt Court. along wilh I SSO check. Th. party opposing imm«li.... ppt. 1 moy fik an a",wer in oppo.ition within 14 daY', addr ... ing the ..ason, wlty ptr· mi$$ion to .ppr.! Ihould t,.. dtni«l. If the Court granu tho pttition. mort fonos Ind tfts. will Ix duo, Iho rtCOro on appral will Itt .ubmitt«l.• nd. brimng scltrdul. on ,h. mtTiu will follow. Mo.t pttit;on, for pt,mis' .ion to oppr.! Irt«l. Of ,he pttilion' thlt art gr.nlt,t only . bout h.lf r..ult in rtver ..1. II i. not unheord of for tho .uprtmt coun to decide. after bri.fing on the merits, lit .. ptr",i .. ion to appe.1 was improvidtntly grantrd. For tit< 1002-1003 1<rm. tho sup .. nle coun granltd only 20 of the 5-6 pttiti<>'" for ptnoission to appt.!; s<vcn ofth".. ....uhrd in Iffinn.n«, and th .... WOT< di,miucd. O nly t.n out of tho 56 .... ulted in ",...." ..1. /leeIU" of th .....u Ind possiblo delay occa· ,ioned by this proc«lur<. it should t,.. reserved for l-pt<'i.ol "" ....

Petitions for extraordinary writs should be filed only if no other procedure is available to obtain appellate • review.

• The faCl$ n<'C<'$$l.ry to unde"tlnd tht controlling qU<$tion of low, .uppon«l by .<coro ",r.",nces to the m.teriol. ocwmp.nying tht pttilion:

• "Th< q....hon it>df. 0$ $tated by tht trial court in il$ ccrt.i&.lion: • The rn.on< wlty I .ub,tanti.1 b.,i. exi.ts for . diff.",n« of opinion on tho question: • The rruon. why.n lnun«liate .ppt.1 would materially advanc. th. ttrmiruui<>n of the lilig.tion: • Th. ,euon. why tho I ppt.1 would ",oid protracled ond aptnSM litigotion: and •

If tit< trW judg<'. «rlificltion WO$ .mered mort than 28 days aft .. th. origin.! orotT. tltt circum'tlnen con.tituting"good ClU"" for 'ho delay_ AI .. R. App. P. 5(1)( I), (b). Th. tri.1 court will not prtp;t .... rrco.d on .pptal in ""pon"

10 a pttition for ptrrni$$ion '0 appral, SO the only ",«oro" lvail·

.blo to the .uprtme coun will Ix thoot mat.rials .ubmit1«l with tht pttition. Rult 5. th.rtfort. rrquires that the following poptB t,.. included Or«l to tit. pttition: • A copy of tilt onlor from which Ipptal i, ..,ught and .ny findin~ of foct, condu,ions of low and opinion rtl.ting to the ord., ; and • A copy of tilt c~ttif""tion r"lui.«l by Rul. 5(1). AI •. R. App.

P_5(1t). 258

IULY 10 ••

Is Your Order Appropriate 'or a Petition 'or Writ 0' Mandamus or Prohibition? Potition. for at.-.ordinary writultould Itt mtd onJy if no oth.r proc«lUT< i•• vailable to ob1>in apptllat. ""'i ...... !f tho oroor would qualify fo, «,tification of finality undtr Rulo ~(b), Ala. R. eiy. P., Or «rtif""'t;on for pe,missive .ppr.! under Rule 5,AIo. R. App. P., th".. avenu" ,hould t,.. pUT<Urd. Th. Alabam. Sup,.m. Court h .. said that iu the "normal cu<" in whia. I"'rty may pttition for ptrmission to apptol. the opptl· lat. court. will nol entertlin a pttiti<>n for a writ of mandamus.. Ex parle Burdi. 130 So. 2d 143 (Ala. 1999). Mandamus is. "drastic.o<I .xtrw,di""ry rttmdy: Ex parr. SMf<ex "I. eM.. 828 So. 2d 291. 293 (AI •. 2002). Th. pttition.r mu.t .how"( I) • do.r log.1 right to Ih. order .ought: (2) .n imprrativc duty upon tho .... pondent (the trial iud~l lo porform,«l by a rrfus;al to do SO; (3) the lIck of InotMr adequate rtm«ly; .nd (4 ) ,he proprrly invoW jurisdiction of tho court: A writ can issue iflhe tri.1 "'un dearly ah~ il.$ discrtlion by Icting in In orbitrary and capricious mann ... Ex parr. RoW .... 495 So. 2d 636 (Ala. 1986). In .lton. I simple .buse of disc",tion will to for a"",h.r day. Although th." '''lui •• mtnt< .....trkt, m.ndamus pttilion. ,an provide. m.ans to clt.lIenS' or<lt .... Ictions or inaction.

thot could nOt bt ,pf'<oltd. $om. <nmpl .. of proper

.ubje<:1> fur m.1ndomu. indudo:

An or<kr granting. n,olion to .. ' . ,id •• default judgment. &: (>art" King, 811 $0. ld 205 (Ala. ZOO 1);


• Denial of • J1\otion fOT chang. of venu'. &: parr" Siale a tel. CM;

• Denial of. motion dismiss b..scd "" bd< of......,nal jurisdic. tion. &: PI_ 11/ I,IC.. 713 So. 2d 1263 (Ala. 1998);

• Dcnial of. pi.. of doubl, ~p-'rdr. &: (>arl" Zigl4r. 669 So. 2d IH (Alo. 1995);

An un,imely 0 ...... granling a post·"i,,1 mOlion. &: /ohn'(m. 715 $0. ld 783 (AI •. 1998); and

• Failur< of a triol judge .0 rule on • f'<nding motion or ent .. judgment within a , ..son"bl. tim •. Sa &: (>art, Co.. 794 So. 2d J50 (AI •. 2001);

An ord .. <knying ,ummary judgment ~ on ,he pen"'n"!' of unn<:C<$$ary di<Ct>V<!ry. Ex fJ<I'" \\I1I·Aiarr S,am. Inc.. 689 So. 2d 60 (AI •. 1997);

• Disqual;ficl1ion or uru..1 to disqualify .n .ttorney Or .h. trial judge. W"oJ""rd V. Robe'KIn, 789 $0. 2d 853 (Ala. 200 I); &:"~. 688 $0. 2d 8:>6. 8JS (AI •. Civ. App. 19%);

A wril of mandam", gcn<raUy will no! isout 10 compel. triol wun 10 guo •• motion for 'UJIHnaT)" judgmm~ &: (>atU /impirr Firr 0- Marin< Ins. Co., 720 So. 2d 893 (Ala. 1998). 10 <<r1ify an order ... fmal undet" Ruk 5-I(b), Ala. R. av. 1', O!" to <er1ify an order for immtdi;ttt pennissivt appeal undtr Rul< $, AI • . R. Apr. I' A writ of prohibition i•• p....... ntive, ralMr th.n co.rea; ..... remedy (0 p ....... nt =rr:i~ of eJ[(t<$ jurisdinion by th. ,ri.1 court and i, i .. u.d only in caoes of <xUerne n« ... ily. Ex ""rI~



• A ruling on • discovery mot;"n that ,<:$\111$ in und ... h;mhhip. Ex part. Union 5«. Ufe I.... Co., 723 So. 2d }4 (Ala. 1998); • An order gr.ming Or denying. "i,,1 by jury. &: part< Cupps,

782 $0. 2d 772, n5 (Ab . 2000);

• Deni.1 of a motion '0 amend a complaint. &: p'''''' C14rk C Ya.brough, 788 $0. 2d 128 (AI". 2000); • An ord .. granting or denying a motion '0 'T.n,f" W!n~. Ex paTi. Na,;onal Soc. I.... Co., 727 So. 2d 788 (Ala. 1998);




S<-gmf. 718 $0. 2d I (AI •. 1998). A petition fo • • writ of m. ndamu. or prohibi'ion i, lilt<! in th •• court that WQuld h..... jurooi<,ion o""r.n '1'1"'.1 from tho """,,. Although th .... i, no jurisdiction.l ti"'" limit. Rule 21,Al • . R. App. P.. hos bten am<nded 10 provide a "p...

On the road again.... Cowering the state with tree CLE and Infonnation on the latest

sumpti .... ly """",..ble" time fur f,ling a !'¢Iition for. writ of mandAmus or prohibit;"n. The presumplivdy ...""nable time is th ... me a< til< Ii"", f"r t.king.n .ppt.!. i.t.. 42 d.j'$ in mO$' 01...,.. Th;' prcsumpti""ly .."""nable time is nol .u.ptn<kd by a "motion to "",,." the ord.,. Ot .... u•. Ex part. Troutman S.",dm, LiP, S66 So. 2d S47 (Ala . 2003). Lil<. pttitinn for ptnni"ion to ap.,..I, the requi .. mem. f"r • !'¢Iition f<>r a writ of mandamus or prohibition .... <:<Kting. The !'¢Iilion musl • A ,tate",ent of the f>cts nec .... ry to und...St.nd the i»ues pr~ted

by the pttition:

• A st""me", of the ,"ues pr....m.d and of the ..lid sought;


whytM writ .hould i"u<, with • ".tat<ment oftM cit.tion. to supponing authority: .nd • Copies of .ny order Or opinion Or parts of 1M record Ih. t would ht OS$<'nti. 1 to an und,,,,.nding of Ihe maners set forth in tM pttition, • If Ih. !'¢Iition is filt<! htyond the ' presumpt;""ly re. sonable" time, • ,tatcn=1 of circumstances constiluling good COU><" for the . pptll.ale court to cotWder the petititm, notwithstanding the del.y: and • "cntificate of ",rviu on Ih. tri.1 judge, a< well., on coun ..1 for 1M other pm .... AI •. R. App. P. 21(.).

= ...

The pttilion. which annot d 3Q pag.. and should h. "". white co""r, mus' ht filt<! in the .ppropriate apptU.1< ",urt (number of copi .. deptnd. on rourt ).• Iong wi.h a $50 ch..:1<The "'urt will adv'" whether . n .ns-. to the ptlilion should be filtd and wille".blish. deadline for any aru-.. Ala. R. Apr. P. 21(b). The trial judge can decline 10 fil. an an.,.,..,r without .dmitting the all<ption' of Ih. !'¢Iition, lhe parti .. other th.n 1M !'¢Iilioner . .. also ron.idered , .. pondenl.< fur purpo5n of .n...... ring.ld. The apptll.ot. ",urt . Iso willadvi .. whelher and when briefs should be filed and may s<htdul. oral argum<'nt.ld. " few . go, writs of mandarnu.< ........1.01;""ly common. beau.. onkrs "'mptlling arbitration and orders granting or denying chs$ .... Iif"""ion could be cn..1I."gtd only by mandamus. Thai is no longer the case. Although avail.ble .t.listia art incompl"'e, it appta .. th.t the su«t$S rat. for mDId. mus ptti· tioM ;" ..... n Ito ..... r llan 1I.. t of p<tition, fur """"i<sion to appto!.

Will IntE!rlocutory Appellate RE!\liE!w Delay the LJpcDnJing Trial or OtherwiSE! Stay Procteedings in the Trial

Court? Sometimeo, interloculOry app<iJ'!< rev;"'" is sought in the m;"· laken belief th.t the ming of a mandamus p<tition or 0 petition for ptnn",ion to opp<. 1 will autom.:tliully del.y p1"OC<'<dings in lhe trial coun. A party hoping to trigger the ",nlin""n" of. trial generally will be di .. ppointed. The filing of a mandam ... pttition 260

JULY 200.

does not autontatiully >lay the trial ",urt proc....:ling .. nor di ....1 the trial court of jurUdiction. If • st.y of procctdings below is ne«soary to .fford meaningful relief, . mo1ion for st.y should be lilt<! in ronjutlCtion with the mandamu, petilion. &e. t.g.. Ex parr< Slate.x m. CM., 828 So. 2d at 293. "!'¢Iition fo. ptrmi<sion to . ppt.llikewi .. h.. no .ff..:t on lhe proceedings below. If. pttition for pt""iMioo 10 .pptal;" granted. howe""r> or if an int~rlocu tory apptal i. """"ittt<! of right,. parli.l "ay ;,eff..:tt<!. Th. Alab.m. Supreme Court h... .. id, ··I Tjh. general rule li'l lhat jurisdiction of. CJ.S< can be in only one court at a lime.' . . . 'While . co .. ;" ptnding in an .pptll.l. courl. the trial "'urt m.y pmcttd in notirely ",ll>ltTal to th.1 part of the Ca .. that h .. been .ppt.led, but can do nOlhing in respc<11O any matter involvtd on apl,..1 that m.y be .djudgt<! by the . pptllale roaM:" Ex parte \\WIb, 80 So. ld 127, J3Q (Al •. 2002). "party seeking the tri.1 coon', .... tification of an or<!<-r for ptrm; .. i"" apptal unde, Rule S. Ala. R. App. P., .hould "'n, id .. u king fur • st' Y" part of the .. me mol ion. Othe""i.., a req ....1 fur st.y can ht by "1"''''te motion. Rule 8(b}. Ala.. R. App. P.• dictates lhat a motion for st.y ordinarily ,hould be addrn>ed firs. 10 the trial court. A motion to "'y an be filt<! in the apptllale coun if the trial court d.nies or f.ils to rule on a request.,.) .uy or if a.king the trio! court to ' lay lh< case i. nOI "practi<able." [n. trut! emergency> the . pptll'le ",urt will con · $id ... on ' emergency" motion for st.y. Ex JH1rre Liberty Nar"1 Ufe In~ CD.. 825 So. 2d 758. 761 (Ala.. 2(02). Although prtlirnin.ry injunctions .re appnLoble of right . • n awol does not stayth< eff..:t of the injunction or divest the trioJ coon', jurisdiction to .nfo= it. Stoy "flhe injunction may b< sought in the trial ",urt under Rule 62«), AI •. R. Civ. p., bUI the . coun should requi~ a bond or otMr security. If the trial ",un den ... ~I;'f, a motion may be filt<! under Rul. 8> AI •. R. App. P.

Conclusion If you find that none of Ihe .. '''''"ue, for immtdiate ~view ... nu 10 opply to your c. ... you.~ not .lone. !Iee>u$< of the policy .S'in" ' pitCtmeal 'ppe.I .." the opportunitie, for . pptl· ia,. r~ of interlocutory orders .. main limited. and m<»1 orde...imply do not qu. lify. Moren"",. un,ue«osful .fforts 10 oppt.) in the midst of Ifial couM p1"OC<'<dings <:In be CO$t!y in term. of tim<'> mo~. and goodwill. If irnmedi.... pptllote rev;"'" ;. . ""iloble, howe""r. il can ""m<lima le.d to e.. lier 'uc, ... on th~ merit. or .void unt>ecCosary procctdings. Knowing whi<h pmct<!u .. to ..... nd using il <orroaly Cm improve the odd •. while thecmts 10 your di<nt. •


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... _ _ .... _ _ _ ~

CotoooII_IC. _ _ _ "' _ _ io. _ _ ..... _ _ _ ...... _ """ ......... _

..... _



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Bar Briefs

in 1930 and b«ame MBA praident in

19-18. Mary Morg>r<1 B;ilry•• Mobil. anom<')'. nominaltd Gerh.nlt For ,"" Hall of Fame honor. M Bail.,.. expl.iJ>td, 10 be- ,I«lod to the posi6on of pruidrnt of lh. M 8A in lh. 1940$. when l hr prof<ssion was

.Imo" <"rnple1dy m.I.·<l. ",.. Uy says som<1hing .boUI what kind of "",mo.n 'he wa • ."

In 1945, Gerhanh beg.;tn working p.,t-,ime u . kdtral court "'por''',


The lale Rosa Gerhardt, who WI, lh. WOman to b< d«o.«l president of the Mooil. Bar " ....dation, r«<mly


bul lV.dually w<lrW that into a full· time po,ilion, while proClidng law I... and I.... Aft.... h... 'tti", ..... nl, 'he wenl bad, to ,h. p..'ti<t of low IQr a ,hort lime, until her health d«lin«l. She diM in 1975. G<rhMdt was al ... deClO<! pr.. ident of th~ Mooil~ . nd Prof... ion.1 \"'om~n'. Qub in 1941.

wa. ind""'«l into lh.

unosci ... s.pp, Ai.b."", Sial. i!.ar ABA

Women', Hall of Fa"",. Gerhardt. who diod in Jonu.ry 1975. graduated from the Cumb<,tand School of 1.:ow in Ltb.n(In, Tennc>$eC

HOU$< Dd<pl<, wason~ offour =ip;.

em. of Ih~ National i!.ar Associ.lion' 2004 Gmrude E. Ku,h Award. Thil award commemorates Ihe life of Rwh,

"'_; _ _ ""' _ _ "" _ _ '''''''_'' ___ '-R_ 262

IULY 200.

lho only WOrN" fouJ>dc.r of m.

~liona1 B,ar Auocialio",uwdlu m. 01htr foun<krs a~d their rommiulIcm to law and ..... ia. SaPI'> "I" nn<r with m. ~ form of C"'y. Langford, Sa"", M<:Gow.n, Croy & N' lba"",,n, CU,tmtly.....-a .. It.. prnidml of m. Hug. M~ ArntTian Inns of Court in Monlsomery. SM abo .... ...--1 .. chair of tho NRA'J IOundolion, Iht N.olionaillat Instilul<.

n.. AlabarN """"" and ..... 1~ ba"" "WiOvtd • joinl raoIulion norni", Iht AlaN .... Judid.llluildins in MOn1aollln"J' .ft.... formt. ch id" ju<liu s U.S. Se"alo, who 1n,lheir


m.,4 Th< ,""Iulion namt$lhe

-__J_ .....-- ...,.,.--------,_ r:

building Ih( Hcllin· Torbnt Judiciol Building .fl" fo. m .. Chid JU<liu and U.s. SfnoIO' 110 ... 011 H,Din of Th<i:umbi. and fOflm. Ch id" )wllu c.c. TO"",'I, / •. OptliloL




---..... Rc1iml DUIrKt Coun JOOF 0yIk T..,.1or wu rumtly awankd Iht AbbarN OIikJ SupPOrt AI.$od..J.tion'.

J..... of tho Ynr award for his oul' . Iandi"' .....ict in lhe child support a.. no for 2(0).2(I00I. JudII' Traylor bc-pn hit co",... .. a jurill ..,rving 18 ,.......... municipal jud8' for lhe City of forI p..yn~. H, was appointed IkKalb Counly J)lItJicl )udS' in May

1988 by Governor Cuy Hunt. H.


Bar Briefs

___ ~


Co rrtitlued from page 263

_ _ "'_


in <op>ci,y until hi. ~ir¢. men! in January 200) . )udS' Traylor is tho fi"t ... ,ind judge to win ,hi. award

Di.,rict Attorney Mik. 0'0<11 w.u Ihe !wOOf of preKnting ,h.


and h. is ,h. forS! d imi" judge 10 take, over full respon,ibility fOf he,,;nt and

.ward dnt'o his ",Iretion .. ,«ipito' of lh. 2002 John Hul .. l.ifetim< A,hit~menl "'word.

d«iding aU DHR chad 'UPP"" ""..., ~n tho><: norm.lIr handled by the local circuit judgc •.

The UniVttSity of Alob.m. "'atkln.1 Alumni Association rectot]y Reginald TU rn .... Hamn« th. 2004

Distinguished Alumnus Aw..d Winn<. for hi. contribution. to 1ht Uni"",,;,y and Ih. NAA. Ham"", . 1.., serv<:d as

t:x£'CUliw dir«1or of lh. Alabama S"I< Bar for 29 yn .... and is now depuly cl«~ for tht U.S. Dis1f;(1 Court in MonlgQmery.

Samford Univ=ity', Cumbmond

School <>f Low hooortd Florida Altormy (;en<ra1 a..rtie Crist and Mobile "tor,.,. M;lrion Quina ..""ndy during it. annwl rwnion wtrl:rnd. Crist, nam«! di.tinguiiMd alumnus. ;, a 1981 Cumberland gr. du.t. and

wu dtcto<l Florid's first Ikpublican al10rnty ..1in No.ember 2002. Quina .• 1974 Cumberbnd g....d""t. and "l" rtn<r in Ih. MoI>ik firm of Lyom, Pipn & Cook, ;, chair of th. Law School Ad,isory Bo.rd. In Ttcog. nil ion of his .10th r.union year. Quin. 10<1 hi' dusmate< to establish tht a ... of 1974 Schol.,..hip Commiu"". Charles Hoffman .• Mobil< .ttorn<y who i< <till pracricing'l as" ')4, ...... r=ntly honom;I by the 1>tobile Bar Association .. tilt okbI ~ lawyrr. Hoffman ",u born in Mobil. in 1909 and attendod ~rgi. Ttch and Emory Law School. Bofon' S.... duating from Emory, though, he look and passod the Sta~ Bar .nmina_ lion. Hoffman Ol"'no<l h;, office in 1931 in the Firsl Nalional Ban\; Rui\ding in Mobil.. •




e ue qot an eTS

Disit ns online no w

What You Never Learned In Law School: How To Be A Litigation Lawyer! '" Prescnted By: M. Warren BUller. Esquire

Lyons. Pipes & Cook. P.C. Mobile. Alaba ma


T his 1""", roll""", approl'«! by , he MMOO"IOI'}' CouUnulnK I~l ~:du"'tion Commission <If Alaban .. fur .. mll.ln,u," ." 12.0 Il001'$ <miil. l. d"'~~ ' 0 1O«," nt< tho 'oamlng p""""" for tltljl.llion "-'<Odilia 1'lw ".welal., wll' be laught ...... 10 pl'OoM1h'd , "'''''1... I..... ull r....... the lime lhe nle Is opm«I 'h"",,~h lho In.tsllptlon Ita~, the dioawery p - . and lNt p"p"nll..... TMy..-tII IOIoG bo laugh .......- to tlTfdll'd y fTPOI'\'n ronnal ..... lorliftllSand ... <pedn.and d••allttllnltwir\i .... allli .. lo de<f'ftR d ltnt ....Io"'I1 ..... In 11..1. ...."," bIIlina. ~ courx .. m .... k. _ _ 1eJ ......., .mdml ..... i~l. and tMftI.. ~• • 110.. n .... 1<> bPll'" __'•• btI. dlft>u; and• bfton ~ -wtoooo.._ __


Gmoint U> y"", _

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.;.01;_. M...l.,fpI Au(lu.t to-fl

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~ I'hano:




tI)' F.,., (2!!I) 4Mo1620


Legislative Wrap-Up

By R~"m L



Legislature's 2004 Regular Session Ends


he Alabam. ltgisl.tul'< adjourn«l Monday 17. 105 days aft..- i. fin. CMvcnM. Then' 1.397 bllls imro-

duc"'!, of which 317 p....d. Mos' of Ih .... ff«led one county or Ont ,Ule .gency.Al!hough lo~" lI\.Oy be imer· in • local bill or a biU dealing wilh


• PJr.kulor


HB·I ]}_-Charilab/. Theft A new crim. of thm of properly i. CT<'aled which includes the taking of a donaled item loft on Ihe property or. charil.ble orpniution or near a ch .. i,.ble orgonizalion·, container and il .mend. § 13A·8_2.

h.... chos<n 10 dis_

' ' $$ only 24 bill.,ha, may b< of gen=1 concern 10 I.wy<rs.

Alabama Law Institute Bills Uniform Comm."i.1 Cod. Anicl. 1"General Provisions" (S8 68) and uee

Ar.iclt 7_"Document. of Tid." (SB 168) Both p.~ th. kgi>l.lur. and will be erf«tive January 1.2005. The Alabama Uniform Sc<;unt;", Act, Alabama Trust Cod. and Al.bama Uniform Residential Ten.nt Act.lI ........ f<t>Oflod oul of cornmiHtt, bUI""'''' nol <n.rlcd. fur <:opi .. of .ny of our bill.

wi.h their commentary. p~~ consult our Wri> ali.Sl"""'

.i,••" . . . . .

HB-539-Pardo" "ltd ""role S«;lionIS·22-36 is amended to provide Ih., 1IOIi= of pa.role hearings that m,", be oml to vic!in'l$ "'" '" be mailtd '0 ,he I>st odd .... of lhe ,ic1im in lhe- Board', flies. SB·365-Conrro/W Subsran« Section 2()"2-190, "'1>1ing 10 the po..... ion of ingredients 10 be U$ed in unlawful manufacturing of. controlled ,ub><. i, .mended.

Commercial SB·68-UO:: Ankle /- "Go""a/ i'rovi<ion" Makes conforming .mendments'o Ihe lirs, Artick of the Uniform Commercial Code rdo,i", to definition. and 8<'n...1


Criminal Law

ptm'i.ion. coineide with .mendments pr<viously mode in o,h... rticl .. th.t h.", 1>«n "",ised """r the put 12 years. (&0 At Lo..,..., Arlirk Mar 1004)

SII-:;8.../"lm,,,,, Q,mpart for JUI'<ni/n CT<'a' ($ a n~ interstate rompact for ju~n il .. whereby ju'enilosrommining offe"... in one ltale but $O'ping or run_ ning aw.y 10 another "a,. will be return.d to the .,.t. in which they Th is will r<flla" A/a""m" Cod. &clion 42-2_1 tt. ~. , . nd is nol effective unlil the 35 "Ole, have adopled Ihe compa.<t.

Arlklt 7- "Do<umenrs of ;'11e ·

HB·4-0lllodia/ Saual MiJalnd,w Any prison or jail nnplo)'t<" who engoges in ><=al cond"", with. person who is in their CUSlody commits this fdony.

U"daim«i Propmie> """ R.... i ... 'h. current undaimed proper. !y law §35·12-20 or. ~., which <01I<.. n, the r=ip! and dis]>(>;li!ion of undaimed


SB·I68-U"iform O>mmrrrful Cod. Brings Currrol the Anicle pr~iowly known a, W.rehouse R=ip!" (Sa AL Lowyer Art;cle May 2OQ.I)

HB·6M--U"iform Di.po.ilu,n of



propcny ...It

.ha. has bttn



.0 lilt

Real Estate H8-4IlS-()Nt..,,~

Probate Trusts and Estates HB'~""U;I;"

Amcndo ~27.1~·2B. L rfbo.ins.o lilt minimum in'<TelI n •• lOr ind;'iduaL <kkr...d annui.ies allow • con.1'lIt1 _ .... '0 rrq ...... poid up .nnuily bmf.. 6, or allow compan'" .0 dcf.. POym<1l' upon a ",.inrn '"'I......


HII·J9..7h.j/:l ~ ~19·J·J28.0 cllrify ~... in s.... u.ory prohibi.ion. ,oncnninl ."ionl by of np'ns "ulIJ.


HII-534-Dm/ RmmIint Amrnds ~3S""_611O aIkno for d>e R'COIdi.., of • doted. morlps< CIC. in coun.ies tho, ka~ mo ... than Ollt court_ 00uK in either divioion.nd rrquir. ,kat .he I'KOI'd bt tIe< >1OI'cd and in<kltcd for relr~ from eith .. ofd>e counhouset o. «Iurtl>ou... n....U$.



Amends ~3(1. L·7 '0 1110"" judgn of prob ....o po.form "..,rri.go a nywh .... in the S•• ,. Al.bam •.

Aiw.L/x" ...".

AInr:nds ~H""-26 rfboting 10 who if; IU'horiud .0 tIkc ~" in other ...... and /'ompl coun ..'" for Rltmbm of t.... Irmed snvicu. and 10 CUlT Iny cIef«l of prn'iouolr filed.

Illl-JOS-Q..m Crus Amends ~12.I\I_71 and ~12-I\I-n to ~ d>e 61i08 fees for civil ~ in cimrit .nd di>trict cou/u. 1M Act pn>vidcs .... ryu>& do<UI fees dependi", OJ! tht amount 01 d>e ...i. filed. numbor 01 parties Ind action •..un. For mM"C infonn,o.ion, ..... ..... y thi$ OJ! tht 1egiI.b........ public Wob"rot It:


~"""-'~ For mort inform:llion tho 1!W.i.u.. Or any of i" projenI. con'l(I Bob Mr:Culky, direclOr. Alaba ...... lAw


I..... i.u ..... p.n flo:,; 861425, T~ l5-4M-OOIl. fu (20S) J4B·3411, phone (lOS) J48-H II or visit our Web Ii,. ., ........ali.""~

SII-»t-Rmving Une of em/il Amends S4(l-2l-2.0 provide for '<cordinS fm on mO"gogts oe<:urinS revolving lin .. of credi,.


SII· 169-1">'O/unl",,. Or",,,, ilmtnlJ

To '"'lui... an ordtr for involuntary «Immit""",. 01. pn1OI1lO bt forwarded

.0 tho Crimin.aL lusta Infonnil,ion Gm, .. and Alb$tquently 10 tho Na.ionaIlnsI,n' Criminal B.dground 0I«Jr. s-,-..em.

Unemployment Compensation lill-I6')-U_~1


l't'<'d1y &roqiIJ

Arntndf Sl6-4-n to Jl"l"'idc ~ 510 inr:n'.ue on ~. -.-kJy btneIi!$.

Family HB.J-CIo;/4 SIIpp>n fUy.......1J ThU .ud",.iuJ ,.... P""'idt lOr ........ of in~ ... ~ On dolinq....., doild IUppoM IM)'mmts undor~_ .. in MUm>llnca wnh Ih< ........ boi,.. .ppIiod rettoactiwly.

COlI" '0

Lawyers H8-9(l-..$n;_ Joodzt SWI ... Pto.ida any cimait COUrt 0< di>tricl


SB-22&-,.....,. AlmrIJ Bill of JUsIofl "'" Eotlblishn .... h In Art 'hrou,h ..... Dtpamn...., of Hu .... n Reoouras.

SS-245-Adull Ad"f'IUm Am<ncb ~l6-IOA-6 '0 provkk tkat In adult ..... y .... >dop.ed undtr CCftlin <ir_ (um>lancn.

County Government SII-HI-CoUIIly Ormmwion V"",..ntI Amcmb ~ II ·J·6 10 'U1hori2.c: .h. ~_ la'UIT by IoaIlaw '" providt. n,.n ..... for filling YiConc;" in .he off". of coun,y «<wer.


floe AIabamI ManU\ory CLt Ccmn.ssIon c:cnIlrlJIIly . . . . """...... ifl.state. II$ . . . . . . !111mWIde. poogoal'tt$whdI . . ~ in a CflII'4IUI$ ~ All . . idwIIi1ied


Bar. Courts and




judgr who haf...-llOr 0< """" and who reti ..... ~ "':< dio-

ability. may be Ippointed • • ....,.,.. iudF for >pedal caIQ 0< I<mporary iWiIIance.

HB-3(ll-I_T""Stt Off

Amends So4G-II- 10 10 J"U"idc the judi. ciaI sySInn, 1IUf oeI off from any income 1U .... um refund owrd llUpq<tlO ooIIta Ii"., and COUrt COSIS owrd by tho 1UM'Cf.

by spOft$tr'.localD\. dahlllld ~

na For a ~ lis1n<I aI QI'ItI'I CL£ opp:wU.nItIIS c. • CIIendat. COI1IkI ". W! Comrno_ office fI 13341 m151s,.-.on 111. 156 01158. c. '/OU1niY_a

c::oqJletllistJnG 01 ......

SII-IS+-&rr Comm'-"""", Amrnds ~}4-3-40 to p"",idc fot ni....

oddidonal . ,large m...,be .. of 'he .... t. Nr Iloard of Commi»ione .. who !hall be .. I«1M 10 rcpr... m 11>0 ... c~l. ethic. g.... de •. ago .• nd geographicaJ divnsity of tho n"mberoltip of tht Alobamo St... II ...


Opinions of the General Counsel

Law Partners of Substitute

Municipal Judge May Represent Clients In Municipal Court Provided Said Matters Are Completely Unrelated to Those Wherein Partner Presided as Substitute Judge Question:


"The Cily of AnY""h~f't h., a fnO_time

mun;"ipll roo,t judge.] am """ of fou, attorneys designated by 1M City Council to <trw 0$ a substitute judge<m th ...... occ ..;"m when th. full-time judge i. on •• ca1ion. or;' <>!htrwu. unavail.bk. W.

art paid by 'he hOlD •. To 1M 1><., of my memory, I httn ukrd 10 .uMitult on tllre< or four aft"noon' and one or two morning _ions "ve' the ~ar. .~


I was de,ignated • subotitute

judge, I "op~ ul:ing any city COurt ca<t>. My "",.tion, h~. is whe'M' my dc>ignalion ... substitu!< judgc on this rare basi. would di.squ.ljfy oth« n'l<mbcn o f my firm from repreotnting

city oourl d~nl5! W. o!>v;"u<!y ch~k bdor. J ,ub,titute ''''u", ,hal no> one ha' . c. .. Qn lh ... me day."


Answer: The Itlabama Rul.. of Prof~ilJnal G:>ndUl't anaw your low

1""''''''' \0 "'1' -

re$<nt crimin. 1defend.m, in municip.1

c"un, ~vtn th"ugh you ..,vt as 0 $ub$li_ tute municipo! €Oun judge, provided tlut 'he m.ll<n wh~rcin your I.w><", I'tv~ntlh ... «imino! dcfendanu 0'" rompi<ted unl'tl.trd to iii.... wh .... in you p... idrd as 0 $ub$'i' u'e judge. 268


Tht Dio<iplinary c"mm;"";"n. in RO91-18, dealt with tht iss"" of wl><-tMt • Iowyfi \>13$ prohibi.ed from rtp",s"ming applicanu i>efol't ....,. agonq !ice",UI't board wi>.... .... , Uwyer', parmer served as • hearing "ffi<er. Tht c"mmisOOn hdd ....t tht Uwyer could rtp"""'" . pplia.nts btfol't this $ami' lkensul't boa.rd ""'" 'hough ,he I""'l"'f'. po"""" served as . hearing off"", fur ,h.... me ogrncy. pro. >" IlIat tht repmcnLalion invoJv"d mal· I<T$ wrnple1.1y unrtbted 10 those in which tht Pari""" presidtd as • hearing ofliar. Quoting from RO·89·IJ5, ,ht: c"mmission de!.rmin«lllla. if tht rna'l<rs >rt unl't!.U<'(\. rtpmcnt.1'ic)n would nO! ht: prohibited lubje<;1 to consen, by I>o!h ra'ties in"'llvtd, and tht ."orney'. dtlmnin.o· .ion ""', he could r=dtt undiluted and vigorous rtp""""tali<>n to the dimt In RO·84-J90.liIe inquirinlPuo~ ............t a •• municipo! judge. The loW)'<" h.d be<n OOnlaaed by a police officer of thai sam. municip.lily. conct1"t1ing po •. ,ibl. "'V~nLa'ion ofhim in a crimin.1 <;ase in circuit OOUr!. The co .. aro .. out Df th •• hooting and killing of •• u.sp<O while fleeing from police Dffic .... , "ne"f "'hDm wa. liIe lawyer', prosr«'ivt dienl. The Dis<iplin.ry c"mmi.. ion deter· mined .hal th'''' would be no mical

,mrroPrifly in 1"" I.~ rq>ram1in8 the polk~ OffKtf !h<mld h~ bt indklN. and in n:p .... nlinglbeciTy "'ould. civil lui1 bt foll:d 'gai",n 1h" city by th. pc1" IONI ....,rnml.. i~ of 1M >bin man if. in thuapully as. municipal jl>d,. for thaI 100"", dlY. "'" .....,.... did DOl Inc! ....uId 1>01 ICI upon any faut of 1M 1Mril$ conami"l th< posoibI<' indictmmt 01' ci>il .uil "PillS! I"" o,y. Ao:Iu>owIod&rnml is rnao:k of RuIo,,:;. .~ 1.l0(0) 01 ,I>( AI.:abo>ma 1M<:! tl{ I~t!fc-r.m

G>.od,,,r, which ,UleO: " Rule 1.10 ImputM Di$q... ~f><.tion: Gtnn;aJ Rule la) ....'hilt ~ OR """"ted in

• fo.m, ..oil< of t ...... ohaIl

~ fq>mml •• liml

wMn anyo ... of.....", pnctic. in! olone ...,uld bt prohibito:d f!'(lm <loin! '" by Ruin 1.7. l.a.(c). 1.9 or 2-2_'

HOWl'vtr, lht Ilis<iplinary Conlm;"'ion interp ..!" h;' rule 10 apply 10 ,.......... coolliell quaeiOlu and issues, sin« th. ruln sp«ifotd in 1.10(0). with th.,.",,!,,.... n of RuIr 2.2. dtaI COIItba of in'","I. Whi ... ,btu woukI obviowly bt • con· IIiel in your handling ~\.alion of crimin.aJ &fmdanu in municipal COlin


whemn you

from Ii"", 10 lim< as • lul>lli111\< municipal judg<', • ..a. • connk! .... ,,1.1 'pp<>T 10 bt mor~ pnlOn.l in II:I\un:. rother th.n firm_wid< .nd.lh.... p~

'mpu.«I to your Law ~rt ........ Out '0 .M pnoonaI ....."'" or .his con_ met. and .M conlli<t DOl lxin, 'mpu.«I to your mnoinl", law ~nnen, your low ~n not prohibited !'rom rq>~.i", crimiml dtfcndm •• in •M "'11K municipal coun .ohm: you. from t'IIK'O 'im<. praiM .. wbs.i.ut. iud~. provid«llh., .ho matt'" lxing handl...J by your law ponn..... or. in 110 ....y ,."La,td '0 , i>oot matt ..... which I ... pn:s;dnl oYor by you in your (lIp'ci' Y" not

.........., .Mmo..,

oubo.i.u~ jLMl~.

Tht Ois<iplinary Commiooion would olio _ . . )'OU t .. ~ 10 .... p ..... in. body or.hI mllllicipalioy ,ba. ~ployo you in this substi ..... munici.,.u <:OU" i..... capacity""" your Law pa" ....... will con. inue'" "'P.-n, "i""na! d<f.ndants in municipal court. bu. only in those c _ in which you ha~ .b""lul.· Iy nO ron"""ion or participation.

This dtt"""'n ••ion is con,isl.n' with . p,....i ..uo doci.ion of .h. J)iKipli .... ry Commi$$ion .• pecifically. RO_9J·12. whrr<in .M Commission dttorminr;l that • Lawyn could "'P~' dim.. bofon: • "". asmcr t>'OII .housh .bal Lawyct'. pan .... .......d as I IInri", otri· en 100- .he "sm<Y. provided .bal the Lawyn', "'P,.,.."..IIOII irwoM-d nun ..... romplt.rIy unrriat«l to thoor in which ,he part .... p~ as • hlaring o/liar. The: Commission ",linI upon Opinion 199(1.<1 of the Commllltt on Prof... ional E.hico of .ho Associ •• ion of Ih. Bar of ,h. Ci'y of N.... York which ""d hdd ,h., • LaW)'" 0' mnnbers of his fi,m <:ouid not ...-preom. doi ..... n" btl.....


CommissKln for whom .M Iowrtt" on-' as on odminiitn ......... judJr ... a m«Ii-

...... Tho quallf"",.io" was .hat the Lawyn .......d freq ......1y and rq>n'tdly .. a par ••Ii..... admini","nvt Law jud~ fill" .his agoncy. On 1M o.h ..... hand •• he opinion abo held that ,h. b"'Y'" and m.mbe .. of hi. firm would bt .Uowed ' 0 "'P ..... n, doiman" btfo", Ihi. "'",. rommi$$ion if 1M Ii>"'r« InWd ",,/y """. .>atuJJy """ .",...wiclllly '" d judi:' /fflJ


Tho Commisoion abo pointed OUI.

roouisw:.. with OIbtr op;nlons and pmvisions prior Code or Pror-ional Rnporuibility. that th< frequency or a Lawy<1" ... pan· ,im< iLMlgt ... adminis· .nlM hearing om.., would dieta,e whe.h.r I."'Y"< or his Law pa"''''''"' could "'Pram. <lion" before ,ho»< "'",.




Tht CommOWon would Rule 8.4. which concludes that it is pror....ion. a! misconduct for a 1owy<1" 10 ..... Of ionply on ability to inn"""" improperly a Of official. Pursuant to Ihis provision, .M Coononislion Qbvj • con,iders tho frequency of .ppear· once ...dmin ...""ivt low iLMlg~ ... Mor· ing off,,:.... a foclo. in d<'~m,i"· ins whether .h~ Law part""'"' of .IKh a ho.rilli o/flC .... Of .u~.i'utt Judi' could fep"""'" dknu btl.... •M ..",. "JtI"ICY Of .riburuJ. AbotnIwd! ~ thtCttrnrni<sion is of .... opinion """ tnr...q...,.u ....... ia .. ...o.tit..... municipal court iudF does not prohibit """ mnatn"'8 low pannen from IundIin& """" for rumu appearing in this .. m< coun provid<d """ )OU .'" in no w.ty involvnl in Of conn«'...J wi.h oaid pmcttding<.[RO· [99II-oJ1 •

goon'''''''''' ....,.



Disciplinary Notices Notices to Show Cause


NOli~ is h~""y 10 William Donald ""Hy, fr.. who pr.ldiccd lAw in Columh=

c;..,'g;', and whose ",ho,..,· abouts are unknown, lhal pur'lI3.nt to an orckr to $how

eiU$< of the Dis<iplinary Comn,i"'on oflht Al.bama St.te dalrd Aprill. 2004, II< has 60 dA)'J frQm lhe dat. of Ihis publication (July J 5, 2(04) 10 into comp~.


.n« "' Llh ,h. Mandatory Continuing Leg.1l Education ,,,,,,,iremon!, fur 2003. Noncompli."", wilh the MCLE rt<Juiramnts .hall ..."ull in • ,u'p<nsion of his

Reinstatements ",. Al.b"",. Supt<m< Coun .n,.=1 an order ba..,d upon the decision of the Diociplinary boord. I'ln.llII. "inslating ~tt<Yilk .nomry Richard Michad Komrn .... Jr. 10 "'" prao::l icc of law in 1/,. SUle of Al. bam., effe<tiv<: April 12, 2004. [Pet. (or R<in. No. 04-01 [ The Diociplin.". Bo..d, Panel II. upon hea ring the 1"'1ition (or ,ein<talement of o."h. n . norney St<phen GI." McGowan.ord .. ed thaI McGowan be rti ... lated to the p... ct ice of law in the Sta t< of Al.bama. effe<ti .... March 12. 200.1. (McGowan wu 'u;p<nded for two yurs. olf""t;"" s..ptembotr 19, 2000. ) The boord', order, dated i'rl>ru.ry 19. 2004. wa, .dopted by tho Alab;oma Suprem< Coun on Mar<h 16. 2004 [Pet. No.OHO [

I;" ...... ICLE No_0)· 137) Stq>hcn o..nid Phillips. whO$< wh .... bouts art unknown, mu,\ answer Ih. Abtwm. Stat. Boi. formal di>ciplinJrY cl>.rgr. within 28 days of luly J S, 2004 or. ,h ....· aft .., the eh.!'&'" conl.inrd InCTI'in shall"" """"led

.dmi1lcd .nd appropri"e di,cipline <han"" impoSt<! ag.>in<1 him in ASS nos. 03· 129(.0.) and 03·130(.0.) btfor. th. ]);..:;plio.,y Board of tht A1abarn. S'a1< B.or.IASII no>_ 03.129(A) and 03- 1>O(A)I

Disbannent The Al.b;om. Supt<m< Court .dopted a n ord.r of the D;oc;plinary Board, ?In<IIV. dW>.trring Heflin a ttorney Wayne Harris Smith from the practice of law in the Sta1< of Al.bama elf""tive M>feb 29. 2004. On M.rch S. 2004. Smith <nl"ed an "a of con$<nt to disbarmen'" in the above·refe-rmced compbint .. ""Uowing is. ,ummary of the<: ASB No. 02· 243(A)-On Aug ...l 16, 2000. 'he Diociplinary Commission dilmiSX'd th. complaint in ASB No. OO-II6{A ) and dir«ted Smi,h.o m .... Wilh l:;tura Calloway. dir«.or. law Office M.n.gement "-"'i".net pmgra m (LOMAP). On s..ptem~ 5. 2000. a I.ner was >em to Smith dir«ling him to contact Calloway. In a memo pro.;ded by Calk>way '0 this office •• h. ototed th.t Smith did not comply with htT AugU$126. 2002 TI'I" omm.nd.tio .... She also ,Uted that bostd on hi' pel'S<}naI.ppt.rance.• nd the app<.. ancc of Smith·, office. it could bot possible th.1 h. wa, ,uffering from d.p ..... ion. Smith had to be writ · 1<n OHalk<! nun\t'rOu' tim<$ before h. would rtSpOnd (0 the bar', I't<junu for information. Smith viob1«l ru!(s M. 8.1 (b) a nd 8.4(g).IJ.,I>Il",~ Rule> of

Pro/wjo",,/ Umdlill. 2 70

JU LY 2 0 0 .

AS8 No. 01-272(A}-Smith R«ivtd • ch<d: in 0' about January 1991!, in the amount of 5157,500 from iletty Cosper. Sm ith Nd been named a. U'II>1<t for the "itft'VOCllblt" "&1ly Cosper family Trull." Smith ><20 (0 invest the money and p.a.y Cospor • monthly i"""n,.. Cosper stated that .!he could not g<1. an accounting of her fund, from Smith, aI,hough he had been making monthly payments 10 net. Cosper had also hired another lawyet for purpoo;cs of getting an :lCCQun,ing of the inves'm.nt< made by Smith for Cosper. That .norM)' was Ullablt to g<1. Smith to comply with a I't<ju<$t for documentalion on .ny investm<nt account .. Smith f>iltd to providt the b..- with any adequate .nd detailed OWlunting of hi!. handling and invntmntt of Cosper', funds. Smith violated ruks 8J (b) and 8.4(g).

Alabama Rille> of Pro/witmal Omdlill. ASB No. 03-261(A)-In a r=i......:l May 2&. 2003. Jonath.n Joa".. of o.iag<> ,t.ted ,hal on Ma rch 25. 2003. hi. b;onk tron,ferred SSoOO to Smith·, trust acroun~ .. po" 0( . dia· mond in .....lmen •. Joane$ """" m:ci......:l any looney from this investment and Smith would not communicate with hint. Smith did not "'pond to r«[uem from tl>< bot for inform1tion within the .Uoned tim<. On July 21. 2003. Smith faud a letter to the bar in whi<h he admi'ted th., be ...., .1I0wing third part;" to ..... his anornoy" trusl OWlunt ... condui. for a n in ......lm<n •. · Ho. Larry S'<-phens and V.rnon Banks ""'''' involved in the .itu.tion discuSX'd by him (Jo.n .. ). The money was rt«ivtd by Tn< On behalf of thO$< port;" and gi~n to Mr. B.nks on beh.lf of Mr. )0.11<1. '1 ha.... S1Opp<d any funds ,,[.t;"" (0 Mr. Banks or Mr. Stephens from coming

to me and informtd them that they must make set\lemrnt or .greement in thi • .n· ""bon. I now rKrivt no funds on behalf of Mr. 1Iank.s or hi> ",laled panics.'

Afterwards. the b;or requ<$ted that Smith ,upp!(m<nt his letter with . ... mOre specifL( inform .. ion concerning the transaclion bet"",en )""n<$, Steph.", and lI.nk$, 'ogeth<r wi,h • oktailed account of your role and pa" tidp.tion in the m an ..: Smith f.iled to re'pond. $mi'h violated rul<$ 8.1 (b).

U(b). Ute) and U(&}. AIo:ob.o_ fI."l.. Q{ l'roffflim'Q/ Om,J"rI. ASH No. O)·IOI(A}-On or abou, "brdl ll.20U, !he Offitt of GmcnI Courud ~ivod inFon",nion and docu",""u indica,ing ,h.11 Smi,n's 0XlSin. V<mon Boonb. ....... usins Smith', ,nISI ocrounl os a conduil for funds Olfl. lribu~ by in~ ... in an invcstMtflI Khm>t. Slni,n dKl _ "'!pOnd t1) I let. I~r from AsJ.j"an, Grn<nl Courud Gil Krndridt tl"<JUCSIin, an apbn.atioll pum>an' t1) .,......;00. informalion ~ "W'roin, a ,imila. it><id<m. Addi'ion.ollc1'm """" .....iIcd Indlor fur<! to Smtih. By tt.. da~ 01 tho jQ,-_ m.1 clurg<:>. Smith had r.iled to ~ wi,h any information rrproin, this pouibIt trust Im>Unt imp~. Smilh vXti.ted ruin 8.1 (b) and 8.~(S).

~ RuJa"'~CmJ"".

ASH No.. 0).291(A~I.u<~" Wlli", f< Smith to reprn<nt ho, in I di"",,,,, and ~ him U50. Tho tlivcwu not complmd. Slnith (.iled 0' rtfllKd to respond to '<qurs .. from thf ha, Fo. an ttplan.a'ion. Smi.h wioIo.ed n.Irs I.J Ind &'1 (b). AlaN"", fl.u'" of ~""I ConJ"". (ASH IIOiL 01 -272(A). 02-20 (A). 03-101(A). 0).267(A). and O)-29I(A) (1Onntriy CSP No.Ol.II9l(A)j


Suspensions • Tho Supremo Coon 01 .. adopt_ od !he order of tho l>lJcipiinary Boord. P>nrl IV. d.a,od Octobo, I. 2oo1 •• utpn>din& Plt.n'" City Inomey Danny ~ Oup...., from thf PrKIW 01 law In III< Sla,~ of Aloham. fik<ti"" Apra IS. 2004. for. J'O'iod of 91 days. '?"P....., _~also li<msod to prac_ Itc. tn GeotJ ... nd ~1orida. On April 2).1992.. OuP'''' w... ,ful,.,rcd by tM SUpro ..... eoun of~. U...... Ruk 25. AIo:ob.o_ DUcipiitUt'J' Proud~",. Dup...., ....... ''''Iui,ed to "promptly inform" tho Off~ of GononJ Counotl of hi. di,W,rnrnt. Dup'", "..... , tlOtifJod . n""". in tho Offiu of GtnonJ Counotl of tilt Abo~m.o. Stat. Bar abou, his bting •ubj«ted to tho diKlplin.aty anion in Goorp.. On May 6. 2002. thf 0I"Iiu 01 GonoraJ Counotl o( tM Alob.arna SI.~ &, .«<ivod doxunl<nu from ,he Supt"OrrtC" Coun of Ceorpa indicatinS Dup ....·, < ..... nt in th .. >lat~. In .I~? disdpl!n.ary proc:m:linSS wm ,",hated agoln>l Dupmo in Gootp... In 1992. lho SUp .... mc Coun ofGoorp. .nl~rcd I por- CU .... m ordr, <fub.arring Dup...., I"rom thr pncIice o( Low lOr tho aiJc-sod mish.ndling of ....t ....... nl pro.

fl.",.. '"

On /urn' 24. 2ooJ.11I< Disciplin.ty Cotnntiuion 01 thr Stalt Ibr accq>ttd Hunuvilk o.vid .... hby "J'!lom... •condition.1guilty pi.. to noIa"n, RuIo 8.4(b). AJ..M .... Ru/a '" ~ Cmdoon. and ordtm:I tn.t ho bo sU$pondc<l from ,ho pra<:,iu law in thf SIa", of ror • poriod 01 ..... ,...,. with ,he imposilion !-lid .u.~ion '0 bt .\Upondod Ind held '" ~ JI<rIdini Thomas'....,. ~ com.plftion 01. '-'~, proW . tlOnuy ponod ..... I <oncli,ion of pro. botion. Thomas _ ordtrc-d to ~ 110 days 01 his 0IISpftUi0n ofIC<, ..... /u"" 24. 2001. Thom .. r.iled to .bide by tht tnms and conditions of probation. and on /an~ U, 2004. COfU<1ttod to .......... calion o( probation. Thon, ......... o,dom:/ to ~ 1M rnnaindrr 01 his ...... J'"l suspons:ion oII"oct ..... Jan~ 27.2004. wilh Cledit fot 110 do)lS (0' tho porriod of """"nsion >uvod ~ "''''' U. 2I)O}.nd Stpt<mbor 22.. 2003. lASS No.Ol-64(A))


or or

Tho llI!\wa .. dnIgned by

lawye .. lor laWlfe ..

..-"._...,..---_--.-. .-_ . _u _ _._ ... .."...,._--"_ot __ _- .._--"'_ot_

w. COIn ....q you, cllUd . upport and unconle. 'ed eN".,.". c.... al ... y .. I ... 2 ... 3... 1. Ent., the Ca.. Inl....... I1"" 2. Prlnl Ihe Documenll 3. F1'- with the Court

.__ .-.-."..., ..... .,.... ......


'-::=:_Io_U_ -..,....,,."..., . C1.4:/ ...... ..... _ _

·.,.....· ..... _ _ "c _ ...

.., _ _ '=:" •



,.' ,

334·244·2983 BAnAGlJA l AW OFFICE:


Disciplinary Notices Public Reprimands On SC'ptcmi>oT 12.2003. 1M Dis<iplinary Commis<ion of 1M Alabama Stat. Bar panttd a pmiaI r'''''I[uidcration of the discip)iM pm-iowly de1 ... milltd in connection with til< complaint fiItd by [)qluly Shmff Mitchrll 1>kRae of the Mobile County Sheriff'. Dq>;ortmenl against Mobil< attorney iorrtn Mur~ Byrd. Tht dooplirlt agre«! to by Bynl <On$i$ts of • public ~imand without general publication and documtnl«l proof of Byrd', <>btoining coull$eling for ang<> "",nagemen! for violation of Ruk 8.4(g), Aiab.:o"", Rub of Professional Conduct On Octobtt 18, 2002, Byrd . uendtd • bond hearing for one of his diems bdQ .. . judge of tilt Mobile County Di<lri<! Coun. IIond ..... deni«!, .rod Deputy McRae left the courtroom for the "",gislral<~ office in <>r<kr to $ign • Wuranlon Bynl', client. Byrd later app.,.ml . , that office and asked Dq>uly

McRae for. copy of 1M poIia rrport.

2 72

lillY 100.

Colltillued from page 271 H. told lIyrd tMl he ..ould h.1", 10 get it

from tilt di.«ricI aUOfTK)'. At. tho\ paim. Byrd brgan 10 engogo in highly u'la<cepI.bIe condUC1 for • lawy<1". Byrd asked Dtputy McRa.'. namt and wlltn he SO"" Byrd hi$ bu.<in<$$ Clrd, Byrd lh~;1

bad< in his f~_ Bynl at.o d il'tCl«i • nu",,,"," of "'<I'Y prof.", ~arks 10 Ikputy McRa.. Acc(Irding to ~kRa< and ",her wil_ Bynl also approached him in • thmu."ing man"..,., 51.nding within a f..... inchn ofhis face whil< >q!<"'tmg!lut ~"be .... mon!" Deputy McRae did 001 know Byrd prior to this incident. {ASS No. 03-OO3(A»)

s.!ma attornty Gt<>~ E. 10,,"- III a publi<: >q>rimand with gencnI publication 011 April ~,2004 for . iolaling ruks 1.1. 1.3. 1.4(a), 1.4(b). and 1, ~b), ARf'C, and was also ordered to nlako restitution in the amount of $ 1,500. )ones was retained to rtptnnlt • ditnt in • divoTtt matt ... Th= and o",,·lWf y<or$ .. tor, the dimt " ... 001 divorced ~

""... did link Of .., ...,rk in the matt .. .nd .... used unn«:essary doLoy. At on< point during the >q>r=ntat>.m, he k»' the fiIt and h:od to obtain copies of dow· menU from coun.el. The clien' al"" rrtaine<l Jon .. to rtp,...,nt h.. in .n unnnploym<-nt m.tter. JOI\<'S neg1«te<l,h .. matt.r. H. (aile<l to communicote to the client tho b •• i. o r rat< of h.. f... within. re."" ti"" . ft.r co"'m.ncing rtprnonution . JOI\<'S faik<! to ""mmunicat. with th" client ""nct,ning the .. otus of both m'Hm. IASS No. 03· IS(A))


PtU City 3Homey lame. Calvin Mci nt urff rt«i~ a public reprim.nd with ~n ...1 publicotion on Aptill, 2004 for ViOlating rules 1.3, 3.6 and BA (b) 9<1) a nd (g),A.RP.C. Mcinturff .....,a1e<1 information conctrning. juvenile coun coso to • repo".r with the Birmingha m News in viol.lion of Alabama Cod. Sect;on] ~.] S-I00. IASB No.03 -79(A») •


lot Abboma LoW)'C'< As<isuroct Progrom htlps bwyI:n. jud"" and

law Iludml$ J\lffning from addiction •• nd 0Ih.<'f nlfnl.1 h~.Jlh illnt$6n. M.ny limn Iftkiull help from AlAP is. luI ''''''1. The bthavioll usoci.ted with IIIn< ilIn.ue. Of' nOlI • rt$ul! of weak Or bod ch..rut .... bUI. ralh..,., result of. di.... ot pr()(<'f4. Iklow is "ne uwycr's "",,,n.1 a«oUn' with oddi.<lioo and his


jour...,. to SC1 woU. Teilimonials oIJn hopt to bwrors in need. II io imponanl 10 know \hey ar(' not aIoM: howntt,

unfonlll\,l,cIr, toO many tu<CWnb 10 ~ dionte .nd dit btfu.., ~ aperimcing ,ho jar of m:owry. I om on alcoholic,. dtua addicT and • «JmpubM: pmblrr. I om ...... lawyer who ..... uotd 'dtvUion. Tt<><ling. <:U1'Cist. food, oa, and probobly Ott.« ",h$ton<n and activities to a<al'" from .nything ,h.1 J (" .. nd I"inful or ""''' "npk..."l. In the I.,. , u""nOTof 1996. I .... finding ~lhing .00ulli(. ;,.. If 10 bt quit<

p,a;nful and unplouant. A 1ft' befoTt, .. • din:« raul. of my addictions, my wift of 24)n1l Iud divorud ..... So. now [ waf dnnk.injt ol",o\! everyday and ! ..... gambling when J hod 1M moll<')' to do so. For Ih. mo>ll""l, I had ab.ndoned my IhI« WOlldtrful d1ughln'S, my brothe ..

and >is,e'" my (.,htt.• nd aU of my frimds. In my sick. alrohoIic mind ••\>andonn>ml-....d [iU 1M n.1u,oI to ..... of action b«.ust I OW«! moot of them m<>MY and I rWIy did DOl want .0 fact thrm. I _ rqlcctina my low prKli<e- I ...... ~ wilb Ibt ... ~. of Ibt lhings I donr in 1M pw and wilb Ibt far of ............. '0 como in Ibt ful"~. lKtually, I did haw Uutt fntnds Itft..

n.a.. .11..... frim<h _

a40 my Ib .... gocI...-1coho1, drugs and 1M r><eend.

In b'tA",,, .. 1996,1 ..... Iked oul of my [Idl bthin<! myelic-nt". rues, my furnilur~, my law lib ... ry. my comp"'er, and cYff)'lhing ~l~ lhal h.d .ny· thing to do with my pm. i«_ More lawotr,,~.

import.nlly, IhousI\, J Idi bthind_· thing Ih.1 il - ' d laU mt m.ny ynrs 10 «<OYer-my«t. ll ...... 1M bc-ginnins of. hom:noow ;au"",y Ih.\ would conlin ... for. !'t. iod of Ovt •• ix y.. rt-unlil NOvtmbt. 6. 2002. When r Itfi thll day, J ....-.-d 10 m}'Klf Ih'l I would nn'tr r<1um 10 tllll offi~ nor would [ .,...,. >fl u.n 10 .M pract"e of bw. I ~ did r<1um 10 Ih •• otr>«. Todoy. liIouAb. il ;,. my krvtnll>opo thaI someda)' I will be olIowtd 10 r<1um '0 tht prxIOa- of low• I suffm:d 0101 of ..-If·induced misery and (:;luted _101 01 probkms. both for

myxIf .00 foo- OIhm durins ~ .... rcars. I bounud ........... from mmlal job 10 mmial job. I bndrd in OIl. mupI< of o«:asionf OIl lIcohoI·..u.e<l margn. 1 went 10 tWO I",atmtnl «"nlon and KltuI_ Iy ... yed lOber, 0 .... lin .. for .ishl momhs .nd anothc-r timt for 11 month •. I would .lways ... um to alcohol, though. or 10 drug$. Or 10 g.mbBns, Qr to anything th.l

would nu.mb my "'n... and my fMings abou, 1010&, my ~r. bad br<omo. In 199' i. was $U. . . .. ..:! tha, [conllCt d.. di_.or 0I1ho AJ..aWma Lawyer

.nd .... kill m)'$dr. He had talUd SeYnlIawyars died 1iIst.,.,. in

Asoista"", PJosnom, Iran ... Marit~. J did I(>. Iran ... Marit Jftmtd tapT '0 1Idp. hu, Jho abo ....... iont<llho ...,rd

In Inn... Mario and ,IUd if] would htr.1 ~ 10 do I(>. FiYo cbrs Pta. I nvI with my brother

and Inn ... Muit. She ukN .... ""'" qunrions,"Did [ .....,10 Sfl ooborl"and

~ to . . fir help.

"a«oun.:ob~~ and phnsQ ~k "rigor. ous ho ..... y" and "(.dnS my probIems." J quickly k». inlC1"al. J would ,OCH ~ ,10&, [ ~alty did noI lik 'M ide;, o(..k·

ing (ur htlp. The !rulh was thai J rnUy did nu.lik. .h. icka u( doing ,h. 'hings ,h"lh. poopl~ whu W<r~ willinglO help would rtqui .. me 10 do. So, 1M hor",,· dou. ;our",,>, conlinucd. In O:tober 2001,] mel wilh olongtilM member of AIcohoIia Anonymous by tilt no_of John. ].oId him my woriul toJ. nf ....."..tIin. I bad 1Mt. my &mil)'. my fritndJ and my low p...~. ]1OId him lhat ] was homrlaJ, d«p in drbr and virtually u ...... pIopbIt. ] ..."....j tha, he bad heard lhi$ tort 01 SIOfy bdo~. TOIfthn...... o:;.aIled Inn ... Mario. and "pin. Inn ... Mui< was ~.dy 10 help. They a&'«<l th" i, ~.Jty COIM down to a .impk dIoi«. I could go on liI:t [ _ to 'M biu •• ~nd. blotting nu' 'h~ <onKious' nno nf my inlnlcrabl~ lilwlion 1,1, I <ould "'«p' 'h~ help Ihoy wtrt olf~ring. (nllow ,I>t "'l" Ih" they wt",uggn, ing ond Io&~ my li(. ftStnred. Thc choi« .....,1Od oIwious In IMm. In tilt Itut oIcoboli< . radillon. J said, "WtII.Io1 .... go hornt and thinlr. aboul i.: (l1>e irony rhotwas poinl..:! out.n .... _ Ih.ol [

bad 110 110.... ). AI .......... hi..o.... point in timr. ] ... talki", In • fritnd of mint by ,he ... me

of "'.... She .oId .... rho. Jho could not just ..:u>d by and w.\(h .... kill rnysdf wilh alcohol. I ~rn<1I1l>tr my rnpon5O.1 said, "You don', h,~ lO worry aboul thaI. I di<d fi~ y..,..alO." And ind«<!, in my mind. and mort importan'ty in my hoort, I had di..:!. I wal. ln roin I ph ..... " a <kad man w,lking." [n Df«ml>tr 2001.1 _ finally.~ '1,1 ob.ain .."ploytn(1lt- ] _ hired by a luburban rtttouranl al $2. [) an hou •• ph" .ips. Tho, if 110' mU(h 100...,.. but i.

_""""", '1,1 fl\ObIc .... '1,1 incrta$o my drinlti .... [ drank wJrtuaity nny nich' from 10 •• DrarnbcT 2001 untilloto Octobn 2002. I. was Iht InO$t drinking J bad""", do... in my 4O.yn.r drinlting COrm". It was lhe Iowat point in my lir.. I was pnwnias and hopdno. At tilt tnd nfOctobn 2002.1 was lhe TKipifnl nf 0 gift and 0 mirodc. My broll>tr co .... 'n$« TTK" III< r............ t and Inld m~ wh., ).... hod tnld me ,ho y... hefote--.h .. h~ could nOI ".00 by 274

JULY 100.

'IVH 10 .......


"Did I """' wan. '1,1 pno<I~ low opin~ When I rttpond..:l"ya"1O both q ..... 'io .... }eon... Ma,i< .oId me for the third lime thot .... 'houshl .... could ,,"Ip TTK. And 'hit II<lp .... "". did. The A!.hom. uwyrr Aulo..."", Found .. ion 10 .. ' "'" ,ho mnn..,. In go 10 Palmotto, a rt("}~'Y etnl'. Ih., sp«i.liud in ".a'· ing ho.ith COrt .nd kgol proftWon.l, wilh ,ubolO"", abuse problmu. J rnl~rtd the etnl.. on NO¥m\btr 6. 2002 and Illy..:!. unlil Fdw... ry I'. 200}. At Palnv1lO, J ltarntd. omonS mony n,her thingJ. tht most impot"unl !noon of my, it was .i.... to $IOn ]i¥inSlik nn lik', tams, not nn "'11nTm. 51"", ItavinS Polmrno, u prop/tni«I by It'TIM Mari< and by my &imd. Jolt...


01 our Oc.ober 200[ ....... inKo much of my IIklw btm ratortd.] ~a mtan· ingful rtl&lionship with my dtildrtn. wi,h my broth.T1 .nd oiJ,urs, and with many nf my nld f,i<nd •. ] work .t 0 job ,h.. 11o~. I 1m Kliw in Akoholia Anonymnu, and with Ih. Alabama u"')'tr Aui" ..... PJosnom. And, IT1O$I importantly. lodoy I am fOb(r. Thc mool impot" word in my voabulory 'oday if tho word f'1'rinuit. I am to ....,. ""!t(uJ lO tho AIaba .... Lawyer Au.itu_ PJosnom. lO Junno Muit LaJi<"n, M$pO<UOfwho led me 'hrougll Iht ~.rIy .nd diffirull days 01 lObrioty, lO "'" dtild"". to tho .... "Y fritndJ who bdWo..:I in ..... com whm I did not lIdiovt- in rnytdf•• n my brother. and 6nal1y. bu. IT1O$I imporuntly. '1,1 Iht God of my ul'ldoT1,.nding. I am gnttdul In Ihac poopk. inSlilulions and m,iti .. r." th. gift Ih..,. ha"" givtn "'" b«ou$< now J.m SfllinS nn wi,h III< nf IivinS and] no Iongor worry ,boul 'h" ... of dyi"," SOn ...... l>trt lions the way. I ha~ learnt<! tho, '~Iiludt is not a fttIing. R:\'htr. il is on action. I, is ,ho oct nf mntmb<rinl .he way ,.,." lik used to bt bd'Oftyou BOt'M sift. And.] ~ abo .... rntd ,hal tht nnly way to thank IhoIot who P"" ,.,., tbr gift is to giw i, away to Tho. is ,he PUrpoK of this 0I0fJ. It is my hope .ha, ~.IIOTnt· w1>ert-who Ihinle$. lib- I did. thaI they art dud.lhOt lhert is no hopt. th., ,I>tre is no way Oul_will "ad 'his and ... Iiu Ihot.l>trt ilalw.ys hopt.nd thOt htlp is a .. Uabk. All you ho~ In do is;uk. • -A"P"Y mow •

AIaI3niI. 100 ~ IDII sa nllDII

a. rI'IIIlt' .....


aI1get$ fNf1Y ~ at tn!~ life. The

verv d'IItI':l*tstlti Nt ImU& ~ to SIueed oIteo tIec:ome Ihe' ob$~ in geUI ....

sa ~ help. ~ ar9

tIained to be self reliant. aoo 10 ;ygue

aoo rillitn!li!tt. Theil \itlnIal is ~ de>elopetJ nI "'D"doed. _ is ~ lull-

Im;t ~Iege 10 _.Ihe' dIIcb at AUJ' ~ IS II'rooqI ~ Nt ""

5l9TJi anI_ .,...10, ibouIlhese JI. _

(OWl begwt

10 doorQe. Al» oIfa-s

_ _ lll.atmalliopTlt Each ~ the Alabama State Bar ~ "The

Intltllliltoooal Conf"enc& on Addiaion fu" Medical. legal aoo law Eltfoo .... ,e'l Professo:lals IICAI. - fot Il10te i-iun& tUl cal Al» atl334)834-7576.

_no . . .


-~ "'1QIIr - "'r Qd_"",­ _ ...., ... .. .~

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The Alabama Siale Bar is pleased 10 make Il\'ailable 10 Individual attorneys, firnls and bar associations, at cost only, a series of brochulti on a variely of legallopics or inteltil 10 the generlll public. Below is a current listing of public Information brochures aval1able for distribution bV bar members and local bar associations.

To s~,w II" I'ublic $10.00 per 100 · .. Highligh ts and detai ls of ba r public Sl' nic~ prognulls from tht' TO S..;R""; T HE PUBLIC ,'idt"O presentat ion.

Q.y _

' _


w ..·As A CQrur

$10.00 per 100 · .. infum Ult ion on the opportunities and cha llt'nge:s of a law career today.

Ot)' _

' __

1.....,ytr1 a"d l..tgal Fus $10.00 ptr 100 • •• A summ ary of basic It'gal proct'du~ and common legal questions

Q.y _


Teslame,,1 $ 10.00 lM! r 100 · .. ASIX-'i:ts of (."Iate pl an ning and the im portlll1CC of ha ving a wil l.

Oly _

$ __

ugal Aspects of Dil'Orct ... OlTers options lmd choices ilwoh'ed in dh'orce.

Q.y _

' _

of the gl' uera l public.

us/ Will &

$ 10.00




CO/lS/lml'T I'il/(l/I c~t'8uyi"g On Tim~"

$ 10.00 per 100 0 1)' _ _ ' _ __ · .. Oul lines importa nl considerations and pro,' Ides ad vi~ o n fina ncial ulalters.


Dispules $ 10.00 per 100 · .. An on'n iew of Iht' mi'dia lion process tn q uesliOIHmd·answer form.

Qt)' __ • _ __

$10.00 per 100 ... Answers qucst ions about arbitrati on from the consumer's perspecth'e.

Oty __ • _ __

Arbifraliall Agruments

Adl'flllre lIt'allh Care f)irec/il'e5 $10.00 per 100 Qly __ ' _ __ · .. O "nplete. ens)' 141 unde l':'ita ud infunllil tiun about hea lth di rect i"cs in Ahlbunm. Qty _ $ 5.00 EAcn ACRYLIC liROC HURE STAND ... (ndi vld ua l s laud illlpriuti'd with a tt orney. firm or bar as..~ociat ion name for use at brochure distribution points. One stlll1d ptr brochure is recomml'ndi'd. Name 10 imllM nl on stand: Mailing Address:

' __

Shipping & tlandting

$ 5.00


'- -

t'lea", ~mil CII ECK OR MONEY OR tn: R I\\,\Ut: l'A\'ARl.t; TO TIlE ALAMMA ~iT...n : liAR ror lh. arnounlli'lod lin Ih" TOTA l. II"" ,... d ror ... arn II ... llb Ibi. "nlor r"rrn II): S"",,, ,\"'1 ...... ()i rector or Co"""""kallo"•. A I~b,,",a Siale lI~r. t',O. 8,,~ 671. M",ngo",..,.,,, t• .J6 tOI

Classifieds RATES

rr.. Wting> of so WO«b or .... p<r bo. _ . p<r rnm.w 1=. EXCEPT fw"pooitioo ","",od" or"position offtml· t;,,;~3S p<r im<rtioo of so words 0< Ie.., $.50 p<r odditional word. M<mbcn: lWo

Nonm.m""'" $J5 p<r i .....;.,n of lo(l word. or I<so, $.50 p<r additional word. cw.ifiNi copy and _ n l m ..... be r<aiV<d acroroing to , .... following P<'j,. Ii>hin5 xh<dw.: July 2004 iMur-d""

Services • MORTGAGE EXPERT WITNESS: Twenty·.;,: "..... ~: .tate rod MBA Jansod. /vea$ 01 expertist; loan QUlIifyi'Ig, d'scIosIJe. S«OI1daIV marhIJrlg. LrIderwn~ dosong. ~ _ _ ..... propne!y oj fl.IIl dosiog mlemert!S, nI hili.ll. fIet_lYailabll,

May 5th: Sq>«mber lOO4 i...........d"" July ",ill be 1m<I<.

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RidQe Do-ive. Wood!1od. Georvia lJ1SS. ~ (II01511.{i(1)l, • DOCUMENT EKAMINER: E>aml'IaIion <>! ~stiorlod~. Certified lornic: harvj. "";1lng and dor:umo!f11 .......... , Th.or!y-eiglu yNIl' ~ora in 0111_ IJOO*'>s. fomeIy, d'OeI (pAS1IONd ~1 "" ~ USA CtmoallrNesbgation L1i..-ator'" Member: ASOOE. IAl SAOft NACOL and foe -.... ~ Contact H;wts M..,.,- Gidioo. 218",...,.,.,..,1 DrM, Augusta. Georgia J(9J/. I'hcrlt 17t1i18OO-l267_


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wort... ...IoIeou ~_.~ in .. ~~. '1IIOiU. COIftI'OOiIV(IeposrtiM ~

ItibP'Di, I'I;oIq;


Ira'iing. liitoog.

Richard G. Ikock, Esq . ri<:to.artl@amcrkankll" Allanla Na~ hville

Brannon "ord, Esq. branl\

Birmingham Tampa

Momphi5 New York

Miami Los Angeles


firIog_f.oog. llCUPity ............ - . ,.. 1 CCIktocoto ,,~ gil>~1PIaI o:wof.... _ICI & prq:nt\a'J ..... nty pGI/IiIIoGIIJ II'IIQ. f _ _ _ 01


Acondopala"""" ...... _ _ 1M. U - NUl Po.U. _ _ - .


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Blrmmgham Tampa

Memphis New yo,1<


Los Angeles

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1811 .......

bidding. exp:t<IQ, POlicy _ . W\l<b<1' /;(II\'> pensa\m a.dil rT'iOd<liatm _ . Fe.<>n~ ~openf lois ""i>taru. Ctn\at1 Douglas f. Mil.... ~ S R MC, ,111m) 462·56(lZ Ot !2(5) 995-aX12. 8irmrrlgham. E-mail: ~/JCfaJ< ..t

For Sale or Lease • FIVE POINTS SOllTIlLAW omCE: Qffice$ ...i _ 11 1111 22n:I SU"l Soulh. All anciI..... .....,..n,;, su:II .. reeepIj .... t ...,f..ora ,oem, !eIep'aIe wl...:Oct onaiI, I.. mao::Ilino, copoor. oetwor'<ed p,;.Sjleed DSt Internet connoction. and !reo porllng. indudod. Orti<es ... ~ II """ nat ,ato ' taninllat $575. No

_and ____


Policy ~. cap\I'm. mess. cIoduttibIes.


• AUBURN LAW OFFICE: Attractive Ifol....,.· I I builcf"'ll wiIh lidequalO parblg, ConI_ room ness; lIIarlod copoer, fax. hqI-tpMd "

ytarf "II<.~ ",,"¥O:e 0lI1SiAtJn9

i'r&-liling ....wation, IIoposltion. testm:lny

1IIOt-up cha!\IIS. iflflUal' offices avoilablo. Tom Ploutf. nq .. 811205l9J9.OOXl.


• INSURANCE EXPERT WlTWESS BY THE MINIJTt: k:<ty)M'>' ptJeIieo .... incWng 25

Conrilllled from page 277



duty to IC<~ ~'!I'" 11'_ $3SO ~ IIIOIIIh inI:Iudel ~il i tie l. TYo(I 0.... aEtoo"Iey$ on_

IkIo!. CalIIJl41l121-9981 • DOWNTOWN BIRMINGIlAM LAW 0ffitE: foI.m.Iku . . Ute ........ illJlllIISII:ric: I>qt ItQId IbIdif>;j. 2107 5lh ...... , NcrII\ tMl _1rom1tJo~~ 4Jm

...... ..., ond ~ is awilllblo 1llW. fa! inIonnoIICn. coma Toshl Dollard • (2(6j 2S2 ·9751

in mergers and 8<qJISI\lOllS, SEC f~ings, CO<]» 'Me~, Ihigaboo1 ~ bri·

o,g law. contract '"fling and ""V"\I3lIOn. Vademart law, and """"","""Ullaw. forn'Jerl¥ ;"-house CWISIIl10 puditIy traded caT1IOIl>8S. MetrtIer 01 AIabarn& and M'l$'$S>ppI bin. Rl!1jXIfId In 0!tJli'ney at 1334) J58-21~ ..


• PAfllflERSH1PS "VAlLABLE: Emlililhed TlIII8/Iasoettmand ~ t law I... l<jl¥I(!ing IG WitIh"'!lton. DC. V~IIIi.I. Na1l1 Carolina. SoooIl1 t.oIina. GeoIllio. and Alabama. f.hquo -"'"'IV h:r selo<!ed.olo$ and $nIIIl bouIiq.oe lilms kwecI in or our cap.

itol citiM. Pann!n and stweholder, rTlIS1 flaw! I profilable - . 01 canpallble busi.........

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SALES PROFESSIONAL Join a team of sales prof~sionals representing the na tion 's premier e-commerce le gal infOfmation provider. We are currently seeking an outside commissioned sal~ professional in the Birmingham area. Candidates should have 3-5 years outside sa les experience le---commerce a plus l. a successful track reco..-d. be PC literate and able 10 work out of a home-base(! office. Some travel required. We offer earning potential of 125K+ per year. competitive benefits and a progr~sive company that provid~ extensive training. Please fax your resume to 1-800-297-(1689. No Calls Pleasel EO£ """"


"l3tOist.! off.., M.,....." pII:1JlIn/Iip ~. ,,*11 ba.ecI upon 'f» I..",. s~, ... ~ bOIlS. fa> ~OfIOI'IIs IG 'MMaging l'artne(" "' 18!iOl385--8414. •

Write it down! If you are calling t he Alabama State Bar outside of Montgomery's local calling area. please use (SOO) 354-6154 for all departments other than Lawye r Re ferral Service.

If you need to contact the Lawyer Referral Service, please be sure to use (800) 392-5660.

Your clients ~i~n't retain "just an;<) attome;<)" to represent tbeir legal interests. Don't retain "just al1;<) valuatiol1 hr111" to a~vise al1~ assist ;<)ou. In court Of OUI, business transactions or est.-.te plan"ing. you ~Id always be armro with a reliable business valuation for your elien!.

For swift response and strict adherence 10 the pwfession's highest standards,.eIy on Oi~on Hughes' Business VJlu"fim, ,md Lilis alion Services Trum . We ':" C a nalil'ln<llly rerugroized accounting. valu~tkln and consulting firm with the wongest credentialed professionals in Alabama.

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