Lawyer 9 03 web

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Weigh YOlJllr Disabilit y IP'wtectlon ... Does YOlJllr Covelrage IB.alalrice YOUlr IFi][l,;mcial Scales? Take Advantage of this Endorsed Member Benefit To Purchase Discounted Disabi.Hty Income Coverage

NOW UNTIL SE.PI EMBER 30, 1003 Through


Plan Features • Simplified Issue With No Medical Exams • Eligibility for Members, Spouses and Employees Under Age 60 • Choice of$5oo to $3500 in monthly benefits • Benefits payable following a 90 day wai ting period • Benefits payable for up to 2 years • Coverage renewable up to age 70 • Provision or"Your Occupation" Definition of Disability

Program is Admi.nistered by:


21111 • Nor<;roN, GA l<'<'9,.281, ,-888-151-'%9 • (<j04)&Lf-<>1S1

And is written by The Hartford, Rated A+ by A.M. Best'

_on R>,_ ...

I Tb< ItonfOOj is !he IlattfM! F_ia1 S<nio<d (lroop.1D<. ..... ~ ;";1WinI ; " ' " ' 1 _ ofltonfOfd L,r., ... _-"I"""""",C""",""y ,ID(IIO). A ' ...... _II;p... o/'llA.M. _~ .


5 26

Social SS<: l.lrity Disability Law Practical Criminal Defense Law


3 10 17 17- 18


We the People: Election Law Changes That May Affect YOI.l What Every Real Estate Lawyer Needs to Know Administering the Decedent's Estate 10th Annl.lal Family Law Retreat to the Beach Intellectl.lal Property in Plain English Law Oftice Management


6 7 13


19 20


Effective MotiOn Practice 22nd Annl.lal Bankrl.lptcy Law Update DUI Detense in Alabama Depositi ons Alabama Update Alabama Update Bl.lsiness Clients and Investigations



5 9

10 12 17 18 18


Tort Law Update 26th Annl.lal Estate Planning Trial Skills Alabama Update Depositions Video Replays Trial Skills Alabama Update Tria l Skills

Learning Together.. .Through the Years


A/, ABAMA L ,t»'YI:.R Vol. 64. No. 6/ Scptember 2003


::oIJJ •.!O!J.I Alab<lnlil St;'c Bar ~klen' Bitt Cbot .00 ho< (""til_,· in M<)I:>;I<. "'" ~ .. of doe :!00_1 ,,,.. :umual nlffilng


from Itn '0 nghO: Sor!·in·!aw O i""", SO"tlI. I'r ond COO S, ...·ar!ikn)· Company: daught<r 1I,].n Coohtrino Smith; ~. MoN>:dl ond A"""""" Smith: ,,·ilo Faye: grw\d:IuP>l<' Coth<tU", Smith: B,U, soo W,tt Cbot, " ith An><ric.vo Il<alth,,~y. in N»1I,·i11o: daughl< Anoe CbrI:; ond ~ Willi"", 0>1'1. ~ph

11). Jon< fum f'IK>Iogmph;. Mobile


296 Terrorist and Hate Groups: A Primer lot Lawyers By Pe'~.

"'_ f)~mt>u.yo

300 Alabama State Bar Spring 2003 Adminees 307

2003 Annual Me eting Highlights


Alabama Watch: The People are Watching

- - - - - -- -

By Borlxm' limns


Relire? NOlas Long as I live!


Director and Officer liability to Non-Shareholders By Sda £. SrrowJ


Forget Everything You Knew About Alabama Certiorari Practice! By Cd~J" Sab<1



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Publications Order Form The Alabama State Bar is pleased to make available to individual aHorneys, firms and bar associations, at cost only. a serie s of brochures on a variety of legal topics of interest to the general public. Below is a current listing of public information brochures available for distribution by bar members and local bar associations.

Brochures To Serve the Public

$10.00 per 100

· .. Highlights and details of bar public service programs from the

Qty -

' -


TO SERVE THE PUBLIC video presentation. Law As A Career $10.00 per 100 Qty __ • _ __ · .. Information on the o pportunities and challenges of a law ca reer today.

Lawyers and Legal Fees

510.00 per 100

Qly _ _ • _ __

· .. A summary of basic legal procedures and common legal questions of the general public.

Last Will & Testament 510.00 per 100 · .. Aspects of estate planning and the importance of having a will.

aty __ • _ __

Legal Aspects of Divorce 510.00 per 100 · .. Offers options and cho ices Involved In divorce.

Qty -

' -


Consumer Finance/"Buying On Time " 510.00 per 100 aty __ • _ __ · .. Outlines Important c onsiderations and provides advice on financial matters.

Mediation/Resolvlng Disputes 510.00 per 100 Qty _ _ • _ __ · .. An overview of the mediation process In question-and-answer form. Arbitration Agreements 510.00 per tOO Qty __ ' _ __ · .. Answers questions about arbitration from the consumer's perspective. Advance Health Care Directives 510.00 per 100 aty __ S _ __ · .. Complete, easy to understand information about health directives In Alabama.

$ 5.00 EACH aty __ ' _ _ ACRYLIC BROCHURE STAND · .. Individual stand imprinted with attorney, firm or bar association name for use at brochure distribution points. One stand per brochure is recommended. Name to imprint on stand: Mailing Address: Shipping & Handling



' ---

Please remit CHECK OR MONEY ORDER MADE PAYABLE TOTHE ALABAMA STATE BAR for the amoun! li, ted on the TOTAL line and fOfWard It with t his order form to: Susan Andree, Director or Communications. AlabalM Sblte Bar, P.O. Box 671, Montgomery, AL 36tOl




. n

i, a vtry d ..'i ...... honor 10 follow in the fOOlslOf'$ of .ucb I uuly ""lSlandin, l<owy ... and leod<r as .' nod Gnoy. Frankly. J did IlOl really know Fred. nor did J know of his vtry si&",focadl oomribuliool to our SIlIle and 1M nation prior 10 bocominl pre<id<ft,~krt If you """" IlOl ",lid Fred', booIr:. n", Rjd~ T,>JIU'iu. I WJC you 10 do 110. II is a hislOl')' of the civil rilhu rmvemenl in Al.:obama. in .".h~h he pLo,ytd I ""'Y ~ !'Ok.



Fml Ony', Jialtir",_ illIOI in the pasI. however. Ik servN as I Ii... Itodtt IS the 12611> presidtnt of the ... La""rna SlMC B.. I inlend 10 Mk \he of Bar Commimo..m 10 adopt Fred fur'l.heme. La ..'yu s

a ,nok. St-n'i«, as the pemwoenl moclO of the AS8. I! i, III na.1Jt,n <kscnl"-IOOI of ..-I\>. ".., do in ",,,.,..,.. ins 10 011. clienlS, 10 \he pmftsOion and 10 1M piOblk. II _Id k • filii", tribule 10 Fred Ony. In my ........u III Mobile IIPOI1 Ilkins oYer as pr<Si. denl. I commmICd !hal ...... y poopk Iud remindt!d .... !hat fnod ... the A(linft.American presi<knI of the AS8. and thai I would really lIOII be the f .... "any. thilllNof tho ~ . .. Attn ",f1«tjn, "" !hat ohoug/IL llUlized IhaI I 1m, in foct. I lilll. the lint C....,uiad III follow 1ft AfricIft· Amcriaa .. presidcm of the


AIoI:JarN, SUOte Bar. I .!here __ many other opporIUrulit$ for _h ~!lon, 10 ote .... in the fU1U~ or perhopJ for • woman 10 follow I male snsMrn1.

Or>. of my principal

inl~I'Uu in ..,"',", .. prl'<i<ienl

orlhe AS8 is 10 Clny 001 thl' portion of 00. M ;';';lon Sialtmtn t whieh calls for u5 to improve the -.lOOnistr.alion of jWlice and Increale the uJlderl1"ooin, of the public about the law. As. unified or mandatOf)' bar. the Alabal"" SUite 8 1t il ' qU" S' -.llalt agency. w~ 280



h,,,-e been ih'en tile pow~r 1o be respo,,,ible for the odmissioo of l.wyeB. the discipline of laW)"'" and the odminislt:nion of their <:<)fllin"in, kaal educ~lioo obli . gati,,",. lhcsc regulatory funotion. <'<Impri"'" ,re"t deal of.lme by the bar"' full·.ime .... ff. as " 'cll as many. many hQu., of members' time. e." writing the bar exams. gradin, Uam$. 5C1YinC on discipll....." P"O' cis.. 5C1YinJ 00 chanet •• :trod fitnrN comOOtt«s. deal_ ina with admission;,.:trod handlina other .. Iated tasks. lhcsc m essen.ial day·lIHIay. Y" ..... f\er.Y"1t wb. ~..-. in C2/T)'ina out that portion of the Mission SL>"'mrQ~ I,'I! ha~ "",ifocarll !.Mit" '. W. c"" do lit· tle or we can do much. I hoJoc' this JUI "'-e call lake • sincere ,nlCral in rendcria, ...... ice by , mvina 10 improve the admiN_ion of j .... ice. and 10 inausc




Durin! Fred', tnm. with Ius • .....,.......1Il, 1"'101 ablt 10 begin plannlna for this year. Wc held • leacltr>lup conr"",,,,,, 10 wIlidI all oflh< leadcn of the !«lions.. specialty ...... and IocaJ bar _oa\ion$ ,,'C't\! invtu,d. We also bcpn pbnn;na for all hwl ll"'" o..r....... SympOSium. 10 be hold af"" Ih< fin! of the Y"-. roousin, on the most pusina nceds of OUr indicent defense 'yslCm. LaslY"1U "'"as the 4WI annivm.a.y of !he United Swes Supremr Coun dec"ion GIMon .. """i~M'ril"'.

which vinually e>lended lhe right 10 coun·

sci in all coses. A booIr.; was wriu,," IIboolthat cue ""tidtd



Some ha,"", queslioncd

"'he-ther 40 years lalt. Gideoo's call has


Prior to !he InnuII meetin' ...... braan prtpMing a <lnfl of . brocbu .. to provide objecti>'e inf",""lioo ahQut Gov~mor Riley', ta> plan. T1Ie brochu ... "Th~ A laba ..... Ta ~ I(~ro .... 1~lsion;· ,,'as <:<)fl\pl.ttd lhe

S«UMS. Tho wi<. f.,."., " 'ill be made up 01 KCtion chairs (If tboor ......... _iva.. In ..sdition....., will Cl<pIoR lhe possibililY 01 imtll"Una:1 leadership "" 'elopnlffll ~ wilhin the ...... bar 10 try lI'Id briol in bricht )'OIWII IaW)'\'I"J 10 gn tbrnI infer't"5Ie<i in the ..... by hdpil\i Ihem to WI<Ier$Iand early on wha. il doeo and rnigb. do. 'The """",m woold be modeled after ouch 1'fOI'1l"" as "u adership IIirm;nBham.~ or "uadern.ip Alabama:' Plot e .....·.,. of Iiun" .. ille """ ,"Olun · t... ~ ,0 lead Ih>I dfon.

We have also formtd 1 __ C ommunily Ed~1ioa Comm lt lft 10 """" ...·ith Ihe Ctnit'r r.... La,," and Public .::d~U.... to illCfQSC !be undenAndi", 01 thc law by our twe', ~hildn:n and)'OVlll people. It also will be wond", ... ith OW Publ'" R.... tions Cemmlu~ .... a _ ' pro;.c. enti,icd A<1Wlrmlcs. 1.1",. 1<'$ 011d tile Law. This program will iden.ify Alabama lawye .. who on: formel collrge fOOlbaJl pla~ .. ini · Ii.lly. Ind l.tcr OIlier college _thletes. We hope to have ~ve"'l I(leyi,ion spots this fall in which lawy..-13Ih!ctrs <'TlCO\lrqe hi, h school studtnlS 10 rttOIBltC how very few high school football p1aym 10<11110 play in coiqe. arid bow many rew..mate it to Ihe pro rants. We Itopt 10 encourage thelC youna: st ..... Ilhktes 10 ..-.....ct the irroporw'ltt 01 getti", • COOd ~alion arid the ""Iu~1$ (Of admi ... ion 10 coileto'. and 10 thint seriousJy aboul Ibtit rUlU .... ponicularly al""" beaNninl liwym. We plan to have thelC lawyers ,0 inlo thc schools 10 lllik aboult!oese """OS. If you """'tlbe ...qu; ....... n". ple.~ giYe Susan And ros" call althe AS R. (334) 26'J-151S. u l. 132. We on: in.orested in your thoujlhu and panicipation.

Our new Quality 0/' Lir. ComntlU ... will al ... be Iooki", info wabhshina: • ~ 10 ass~ our new ~ ... " 'itll their Ia... KbooI loiIIn obii",tioDs. 1'htse obliptioal. in many easel.. ~ almoor "".....'belmial. 'The ABA has ~Ioped a model PfOIIWII whlclt our wi<. rort>C ""II be rev ....·;nl.

Finally. many <>f our Alaborna ..... y.... are ....... inl or have 5tTWd <III :ll(1;ve mili..,. duty durillj Ihe P"Sf lWO yean.. behalf <>fall thc I...ym in the lWt. I thank you for your M:f\'. ;.,. arid commeod )'OIl for your dedieation 10 our nation. \ . ... .'" Indy ', ..·;.,. 1M <iUan:'

""ffk an~r tilt ...... u.aI mtW~B and Iw b«~ disuibu!t<l 10 bar eommiS$ion<rs ((If Ib<ir IISC in maluna: il available 10 Iawym and 10 Ib< public in ~ in Ihri. comrnunilies... "'ell as 10 0Ihcf n>di,·idual. and """"" 1hrou""",1 Ihe oure. y,,,,,,1CYef "",ilion one rnay uke on Governor Riley', pi,.". il is diff"",l. 10 dispufe dw $<)f1I('lhin! m.. Sf be dono. Sun .. of our «<lions UprtlStd an i",orOl' in h.vill! the $fa.e

bar ,..,,,,.... more respon,ibili.y ((If their adminiSlrati"". Con~"" I ha,.., =ated a task fOfC. 10 be eha;=! by !:lobby Sfpll .o i0oi< at tbo stn.>C'u", aM ~ 01 our

We al>Ol hope 10 develop DIller brochures .0 ..:iucale the pe<>pie of Alabama about such crilical issues l.< ,he r't"(orm of the 1.1011."•• ConsilII/lion. ,he ""' .... I.. rlum o n Ih. d eath P<'nIOlly as ""iSesiod by thc ABA. and Judiclol ~I..,tlon . ~",I year:< ,",0. <htrinJ Wa r ",n I.igluroot·sl<rn1 U AS O preoident. tbo Boord 01 Bar Commi.. ionen app<O¥Cd • IUO/ution .ncouragin, lhe adopIion 01 .... ,.1<1ion of Jud~ Iltopt \lie ~ pr9.. ide infgrmolion 10 !be publi~ 10 aid them in undtntandinl

" - cnlicat _ .


If you ha,'. ide.. or ""Ue51ionlaboul1he opera,;on <>f tbo bar DI ilS programs. rhings you would like to..., oerom-


plishM. Ip<aurs for our annual """,Iinll in July 2004 in SlIlIdurin or anything .1 .... (...1 f"'" to llive me or 1 member of tbe bar otafh call. (3J4) 269-1515. We have the fines! ,,"rr in Ibt Uniled Slll= I ........ you they will be n:sponsive.


Thank you very mudI f(lt this opportUnilY• ...:I I am "'ad)'

YOUR SOURCE FOA ALABAMA LEGAL DOCU M ENTS L __ _· $ '"t8despocillJy lor small Ii<ms and solo practitionora who are

seeI<.lng 10 minimize o"llrholld o~pensos whl lo e~pandl"9 rheir areas 01 prm:Uce. • We oHe< yoo n selectioo. 01 Form FoIes, each 01 wI'kh • a _ 01 related doeument Ionns.. • "'" hove _ opIion 01 nl! ;11. '!I only Ihe Form File you need 10 lake earn 01 )'OUf dienl



Will & Teatamen, Witt Proba le E. ,.te Admlnl.tratlon

Oual"dlanahlp & eon....... torahip Power 01 Atloma,

La._ & Ea_ m an! Eviction COt"pOf"ation Adoplion Criml...i Daf.....


• EaeI1 Form File may be pr8Yiewed and downIo.adad lor immediale usa and reused again and again ~o e>tpe61a yoor practice.



Thank You, Margaret Boone n July 1.2003, Marg""" Boo ... "'tired aft" working 25 years .t !be Alahama State Bar. Allhough it woold be diftkul1 In CaI.log ....11 !he change. during he, quarte, """'nf)' i. wonllllOling .<Orne of !hem. 'T'htrt we", approximately ~.()(X) bar members ",'ben.he Slatted work. Today we h."" ""'rly 14,(00. Margaret was the sixth Sl.ffmembe •. We now II ••, 41. Whtn she s'oned in January 1978. former Chi~r Jw;ti« So"ny lIornsby Was '''"e bar ~idonl_ She worked wilh 26 more, illClu.ding Ilarold Ii...,oo of Tuscumbia wOO died in office and

O "~ 3 ••



Carren of Brewton who suc<tt<\td him_

Margan:, h., worked with 288 bar commi .. ionttS and tWO executive direc\Ol"S. From bookkeeping to """"'g_ ing Ibe compu'er SY"em, M;ugare1 performed vinnai· Iy every task allbe bar. Along the w.y. M rng""" and Iler husband, Donald. raised thltt f,,,,,",,,,s and they I'IQW enjoy fQtl T gran<khiJdren. For Ibe 1M' 23 years. I>brgare,1w served as .... i .. tanl!O the ex",utive di,.."tor. In this position.he Jus basically funclioned as the olli""r manager. 1 r",,1 SU", every lawyer can appreciale how ,"ried Ibc: tasks of 1M offi« manager =

howe~r. were ronner bar cornrni"iOfleTS and 12 for-

mer bar Jl"'sidenlS ""ho had .."..ed wilh Marvn:'. This WII$ a tribu .. to Morgart. and an indieation of how rn""h Morgaret has meant to this organization. Margaret JIOSses... many qualities. ir.cluding loyalty. dtdic,uion. impeccable judvnent and a ..·. alth of com"1OII .. n<c. In short. Ittr qualities are """. thaI make an organil.Jtion excel. Chief among Ittr qualities. bowe-=. was the ""ilien« she demortSlMed in her "'ttle """,ral ~31"'1 ago w ith l)r<,asI c"""er. M"'lIaret l1e>'er complait>ed. She just wenl right ahead with her worl< 1>0 malter how terrible she may h.,.. felt from lhe regimen of Jl"'SCIibed medicaliOllS. Her demo.nor and positive . "itoo. under those difficull ci"",rnsta~ ..rved as an inspiration to the enlire .taff. Thank you. M"'lIare1. for all that you did for the Alabama Slat. Bar during your :B ) ... rs of .. rvice . of us Mosl of all. thank you for your example 10 who I"Ofted with you. •


in. law firm environmont and

how int<cgrallbc: offic" manager ilto a firm', .lIIOOIh


operation. Morg=C, innue"". on bar oper.'ions was 110 Ie.. significant . On June 27th. a rcliremont lur.cheon was hosted at the Capital City Club on Ma'P"" ', bebalf. JOining Ma'E"rct on this special occlt<ion were farnily. fellow O<)-""Orlcrs .",1 ..""",I ronne. o<)-lVOrke",. ir.cluding my predoo.ssor R~ie Hamner. More lban these.

ASS pa>J p~ C/o"""" s-JI. hma Non!!. \\WIr, 8)un """ IIbtk &ulq ~~ ... tlIItDItg'oo.. .. -110 ~rM ~Iy 10 m:op;'Y Md,.,.'" _~ ~ 10 IIw ASS. 282


8"""" I,,,,,,,,, .. """""i"""",, _

Ma"",,' #h pas/loSS P">W,," C/o",,,,,, Small. £. T. 8""'.... Jud~ Hmooi Albri""" """ OaJ:lry M.I,,,,,- andJi>rm<' ba,

/JotrQld and M.""", _



,hoff! Q /o.t h and Q h.t a, at ,10. ("""i,al City Clu/>.


AppE!lIatE! M


ยง/{illยง and Techniqueยง (Sponsored by the Alabama Center for Dispute Resolution) The Alabama Supreme Court and the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals will begin their confidential appellate mediation programs in early October 2003. The courts w ill supply an approved list of trained appel late mediators to parties ordered to mediation. A mediator must be currently registered on the Alabama State Court Mediator Roster to take this training. Registration is limited to 60 mediators.

Appellate mediators must agree to conduct up to two pro bono mediations per year. Date: ........................................................................ Octobet 1, 2003

Place: .................................... ........Alabama State Bar Board Room Time: ............................................................................9 a.m.- 4 p.m. CLE: ........................................................................................6 houl'S

Cost: ............................................................................................ 5200 Call the Alabama Center for Dispute Resolution at

W i lli ~ m

N. Clark. lhen

The AI.IIa"", CoaslOl ~nda!i"". 1 """.profil environmenlal mem ......... ip "'ilni lalion. elec1_ ed Neil C. Joh... lon IS !he __ pre.oidenl of 1M ACf Board of o.rraon.. JOOmlon is • oncmboIr of lho firm of lIand A",IIdaIL LLC. He 1$ in ..... ved w,llIlho '"lanlUlion brnu<t il JII'O'ides Midenu " 'jlll many OflpOOu_ ";lie!; for _ i o n edlallOOI and ac\i¥ily.

pr.~idc"l-e\"'" of lhe StIlI. Bar. joined JOO Olhtr elYlot1l;'lli kod· en of 1awy<1' organiu· lions from 0C1'00S !he 00IDIlI')' al !he American Bar Aisocialion'$ Bar LeadmJlip IMli!1Ile (BU ) ;" Mardt 2003.

The BLI is Mid lllJlually III OI,o.SO foe lI>=omin, oHkial. of local ond JWe bar$. spo_ cial foc,"" .awy<1' "'I"mulions ond bar rOO"dallons. The ",mi"", I"""idos 1M OflpOOunily 10 coofer willi ABA off"'i~ls. bar leader rol· leagues. excc"~"" 'Iaff and Olhrr .~Pl'ru on

!ho operalioo of .uch assoo,a~"",.


1'k"'~ "It '" ri,1Il If,.... G. kNu_ 11/ I,uB ....-,.,); 111M:! 141wu_; Nt;1 C. ~,K",kJolw_, _ I f ..... Go ~ J,/,uB . . .,j

J . Mason n ll'·is. Jr•• I shattholdrr .. i,h Si""".l Pennul~ PC ........ omani· ....,....y ",Icctcd by !he SuIe UN'-.nj1)' of New Vork Sct>OOI of Low

Thc L.imesl_ County Har A>Sorialiocl "",. ",,,1ftI a ~k IIIll100 _ n l of ~ 1<) !he Korean W. Memorial FuDd. President Brian ........ and KCI'OIaf)' Soot! Shipman represented lhec LeBA .

SI..o"IIIS of Color 10 ~;,"C !hoi, anIIUld Di"insui!ohcd Alumni Award. The n.OlJd .......

preocnled al!he group·,Ann ...1Awards Din"", held in April in Buffllo. N..... Vork..

DtJ¥is "",.i""" hi' A.B. from Till:><lrga Collel!" priOfIO a... nding!ho SI"'. Uni""rsily of N..... Vorl< Scl>ool of ~w. "'he", he was. memhe, of Us", Roirw. •

Mobik allOme)' Ikn II. Ibrris. Jr. ~nlly ~'"ffi lho UniV<:fS"y of Alabama'. ScbooI of law


~..bvrt I'w~

w. Pipes

IIIII-.; LeBA ~"""'Y S<ooot V. : -.I "" _ ~"'-td Mr a,... fill

l.<w'u. £I U rU _

DiSlJn*uished Alulnn ... A..."IRl in BirnllJllham. The llousI"" County Dar ~mly bos1ed . m:ep6oo for !he A ... bama Sup",n", Court i. coojuncli"" willi an 01111 "'iun",.1 session.

,,·hich WI'! held !he nUl d3y al Troy Slate Un i""rsily Dothan. 2.84

SB rT HMBHIl 1003

"" .. '-Mr~ LeBA _ _ , ,to""" M"7O'v...

...'" "'" """- lib. M ___.

0anil'1 II. MatlLsldn. III Iw b«n tl..:led

-"'1aoJ of !he Amtrican CoIltV of TMI and E$!Olo Counsel. The College i. a pmro$$iO<!al

associ.tiO<! CO<IsiSlin~ o r Ippm.ima,oly 2.700 lawyers fro'" throu&hool !he Uniled S""es.

lIurr 11. Forman pan ...... Gail l,hinK'lon M ill$lw lftn SC\co:led 10 join lilt ~ Collqc: 01 lUal ~lC'fl'L She i. m. fiflh member from AI....".,. and m. only woman rnembtr in m.


• n.. InlCm;>UonaJ S«"'ly of BanulCrs ~\co:'e<I SMn A. P....·rJl of Buminghan., Stt~.ttt"'U"'t oflhe S«;e'y for 2003-04. He will • 1", ..,,,'... ptOIllllm chait of the ",,"p', 2()().1 annuAl ...... 'ing and will ~ prtSi<knl in m. 200607 lCrm. •

Marlon A. Qui .... Jr~. pan ...... is! Lyonl. Pipes 11. CO<lt. PC. hu been awootlltd as clwrman of the AdVtfOr)' B<.d for Cumberland School 01 La... n.. IkIIIfd "'ti ISSCmblfd to PfO"ide ad'-;"e '" lbc: !low school, ... varit1y of ~u i""ludi", ~Iopmenl. curriculum and pl,"mrn!. Quina graduated

willi. liS. f.-om lIle U.. ivmity of AI.bama in 1911 and rttfi_ hi. J.D. from Cumberland School 01 Law. Samford Uniw-rsiTy in 1914. •

Burr 11. Formaa partner C..-ol li.

Sle..-..r1 i. the m:ipioeM cI the 2003 Cumberland \bIunlCC' of !he Ye..Awan!. The awan:l i. pmtnLcd by Cumb<rland Sd>ooI of La.. u,;h year and recognitu." individual wbo has greatly contribuLcd to the: ",0001'. activ;ti ... ;""Iudin, .-.crui,in, and f"rod ....;'in'. Cha~

A. Stcw . ... willi


Arant R""" &: While u.p in Mon!gOmCry. lias been elected • membc-r cI the Bam! of Oim:tOn

0Im. Ddrme RnnrdIln<htlllC. the ... tion·.1lor&cot individual memo bership "'IOfIiwion of ciyil dcf~ Iawycn.

2003-04 License/Special Mem ices Invoices for mailed SOI.....<1 will are rlij,'1I1' after that date. Occupational licenses purchased after October 31, 2003 will have a $37.50 penalty added. Payments sholJld be-seot to the Alabama State Bar or may be made online at V\NVW.a/ you have a question, please contact the ASB Membership Department by e-mail, mS@?l/abar:org. or by telephone, (3341269-1515.


1M IIlab;J"", ~, ~Q IQng~' publishe. tuldnJus nnd ul~phl}"~ nlH"Mn "nl~.. Ih. 'lIJ ~"""Um~n/ nla/t. Iht "{Hni"g of" nt ... firm or SI}II} pra~liu. PlMU 'lmli~". 10 ,,00 in "n"ounum, nls ""d/or nddnsl , hlmgtl 10 'htA/abamo !Malt B", MemMnlrip lHparlm~m. III (3J4) 16/_6310 (jax) /}r P.O. Box 671. MOII/gom.,., J6101.


About Members Us 11:0)'1'$. III 'nOOUJlCeS lhe opening of his office

al 300-A Wal~' S~,. 3" ~loor Sui,e. Montgomery, Phone (334) 323-0036. J e rome D. Smilh anoounce.s the: Ofi<'ning of his offi"" .,608 S. Hull 5, ....1. Mon'gomery, Phone (334) 834-4599.

Among Finns Al ford. C I" usen & McDunald I, LC .mlOUJlCes Ih.1 5U5a1l L. 1'011" Kalh"rlne M. MC(;lnle), and Kobert H. McGinl~y. Jr. have joined the firm as associa"'~' Ikasl"y. Allen, Crow, Mcl h";n, I'oM;' & Mil"" PC announcH ,lull Pa ul SI.. mo", haJi been named a sh~holdtr in the firm.

S..,.., A nde...,n. J """",n & l'ally PC anoounce< Ihal Judy B. Van ll eesl has become a .l\at<,hoIder with the finn. and 'hal An gel. C, T,,)'lor. Rich ard D. And.rson and D. Sroll MIIOh,," become ."soci· aled wilh form. T1Ic firm name has changed to 1""'1'$, Andel'S<ln. J ackson. Palty & Van 11_1 I'C. Berko"';I>. Len.:o" ilS. born & Kushner and flaker, Dunelson, IklOtflUln & Cald .... 11 ha," me'led 10 fOfm H a ~er. Dun ~lson, B.a.lnon, Cald .... lI & Ikr~ o,,' il Z. Max Cassady and Ulopia Cassad y of C"-",,,d y & Cassad y I'C ."OOUnce the: opening of an oddilional office in the AmSoulh Bank Building. Suile 14(17. Mobile _I'bone (251) 432-9596. 286



Thomas II. C lau""h. III and Ikbu ... h Q. lIarding annoullCC lite forma t;on of lIard ing & C launc h LLC ... i!h offices k., ..<:<l 312800 Zelda Road. Suile 100-9. Monlgomery. Pho ... (334) 356-607Q.

Cae.,...". C herry, GI ...... & Smilh PC of Doohan "noouoo:s lha, J oseph D. Lan. and J. Forrest Ta)'lor Iulve b«om< pannrrs in the form. llIe flm' .lso anoouoo:s. name change 10 (:(H:hran. Ch"rry. GI ...... , Srn ilb, LaM & Taylor PC. ~'fderal i!.xpress (:orponllion "n"""""" ihal Mirhad K GalJd has join«! tho as • senior anomoy.


Dominick. ndchrr. V"ilding, Wood & LlOj'd PA anoouoo:s th.1 Arthur J . lI an"". Jr. and .:~ra n. I'l:rry. Jr. h.'-e joined the: form. K. TImOlhy es. James L. Sande .. . OO Mallhe ... C. Williams anoounce lht forma!ion of . :"1<$. Sa nde .. & Williams LLC with offices lor.led.1 3800 Colonado Parkway. Suile 330. Birmingham. Phone (205) 949·5500. lI amil!on, Jkrry & & x!o" LLC annoullCCS !hat Rya n Shaugncssy 5 il<ox ha.joined lhe form as an associale.

lI a ..... Wynn, Ne"'ell & Ne ... lo n announct'S Ih'" M.l1 hew C. M ill ""r ha, beco""" pan"'" in "'" finn. tl elm, ing. Leach, II tTlonl:, N,"'n,,,n & Rouse "noounces lhal J asoll R. W"I~i"s has joined lhr finn as an associ .... ,

T.K. Jxkson. III . I'aul D. Myrick, J ..... n W. Donald, J ... MkhM'l T. ~::st.".

Thomas J. Woodford. C«lly 1_

K.fT~ •.

\V.T. MrGo"i n. IV. and t:Ii",""th D. Kchm .nnooJltt the format ion o f JlOI'bon Myrick LU'. K.1I1 C. Woud ford will be ,,,,,dl l COUns..11O lhe flfm. Offoce< .... IocaIed 11 64 N. KoyaI Stm:I. M""'''. PluM: (2$1) 432· 18 11.


T1tr Ku llman 1'C _ncn lhal Ste phe n 1_ StOll 1Ia, hewn.. I ~hotthol<ler pract;eini: in it' New Orlean, omce and that fl. Da niel Wood . J •. has become a sh:IrehokIcr p!¥t;ein. in its BirminglLam 011""",. 1.a1"ll21'. M ilk •• Norrio oS: t'. ldonan I'C annouJICCIlllal M kluooel 1_ . h.ggard and Ste p hen O. C hristie 1Ia,'c joint<! the firm as rnnne ... .

M_y. Stot... & Nichol. I'C an"",, 1ICCS thai Eric C. And "'H and Chr!;1ty P. 1':1)"'" 1Ia.., joill(!d the fi rm ..


Mc ". n~

& Ta ylor PA announces m. J '*!'hA . Zar ..... , J •• hal become "JWtner. n.. flfm will now be kllO",n" M . ... "m, Tallo. & Za ... ur PA. " ~UQn. I~ &


Cole"'''' an"""",,",


with Wilmor " I..H PA. with 0II"~ in AIlotns and lI"nLlvU". M. I..... l.aown and Chad Ayns llave: become ~ " i th the firm. .......... Jenkins. Gi ...... n " t.... ... I.I. P an"""",,", that Kobol1 s.. Pion . Terri O . l o mpkin,; and ..... ln A . M « :" ,·.n. have joint<! the fi rm IS &$SOCial". Kleh artkon. Spnor. Speor " lIamb)" PC IInIlO''''CCS .... T. Ston M cNally .. joined their finn.

K_ nz..·. ig. J o..... &. M ... N. bb PC . n"""nee. that M . lissa I). rde n G rim. has joined the firm . Sasst r. LE nlrton &. St ldloMm I'C announces m. John M . AcU n . Jr. bas joined the firm as an associ_.


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Th mb ... h " W. rn:n I'e an~ that J ... k 1_ R.rtJ, Jr. Iw ftjoint<! lbe firm as " shatdtokkr. .... the name of the firm 11M changed 10 l '11mbach, \ \' . ... n . lI obrl1o &. 1.I00·d I'C. W~ llace,

J o rdan K. mlT &; n ... ndt

anoo,u\Ccs Ih al I'tl~r the firm as a jWtrIOr. W~,

K~rbrr haJ;


Pi...,. LLC .""""nces thai

GI , .. 0. . .. Johmon has jointd his p!¥licc .. an associate. J . n>~

t: ldo n Wllson . nd J a"i. SMl", .. n Gillilalld a n"oo OCe lite """nin, m lllei. ~ Omet al42M Lonw: SIIfft. MOl'III""'"Y' !'bone (n4) 409·2(103. •


Opportunities Com",i~sion

-----'"~---."1O--_,1·!c--" ·"';_--i·~--_."'~--,,l ·f_ 1111 Sill .1... IJII tl9J _ sn! IllS 1161

T.... d '" .' ..yd PIA: a nOO\lJlttl lhal 1... " ·.. ,l<e 8 . H a n"nd . II hal joined lhe firm', Nash . ,llr offlU.

The Ala bama 1>1a00310f)' C U;


lllUIIO __ T_

J a ne O. Slanlr. anllOUllC'CS that .... h.a> joined the South C.n>IiIuo Sonat. J ud lelof)' Commlttoe ... m il" 111ome)'.

conlinually t,-:tlu·

ales and aplJI"{wc' '"·<tale. as well as nalionwide. program > which arc llla;nwiOl.'d in "co m·

d:1I3b.,...,. All :Ire idenlified b~ <pon<or. locauon. date and 'Pt'-"ial., ;un. For a f;"om plelc IWiIl& of CUImll el ..l' opponu. nities 01" calendar. contacllhe MCLE CommiJsion offit:c III PUI~'f



Drane Insurance Carter H. Drane

(800) 203-0365 1Ao_·r.......,.. _ ..:..r-.._

" P"





(334)2fi9-1' 1' . a.1tmioa 117.

156 ••5I".JUII.., .....



Edward C. Greene Edward C. G"",,,,, "''as born Scp'cmbcr I. 19~1, in Auburn. Alabama •• soo of Dr. J"""", E.. and M>ry McGchce Greene. and ooc of roo. siblings. lie was ""uc;uod in !be public schoo1, of A"","m. gradual;"g from Aubum High School in 1969. H. au ..>d<d Auburn UnL"rs;1y for a Y"3t and then ImlI$fe...-M '0 lbe Uni'.",;1y of !be Sooth. lie gradualed from Sewanee (C ilm w...J~. Phi Bela Kappa) in 1973. and from lhe Uni"'''';ly of A!obanu School of u.w in L976. He pr.oc. liced I..... in Au""m for a Jl"ar before moving to Mobile "'~ be practiced first ,,"'jlh McFaddo:n . Riley II< Parker. ,.... ",·ilh lnge. Twitty & Duffy. !ben with Armbm;ht, J""I<son. [)eM""y. C""'"e. Holrnos & R«:,~. and fil'l:l' · Iy with I'raur. GrttnC. Upc:h"",h & B:OO:,. In high school . he w>< an ouLiU>nding .. and "h_ Iete. iii. coo,;n and high school classmate, aart McGehee. has said lhal Eddie was ',he besl and brighteSt."' yel a! tho same lime ooIio;I"'" or !he feeling. and "",""",MS of. and a f~nd to. Ibo:se who V""" 001. He starred in three Sports.l Auburn Ilig.h School and played basot>.lI;os a rn:,hman at Auburn and basketball'l Sewanee. Hi . college dassmale. roomnute for thrtt years. and lifelong friend. Claude Niclscn of Binningbam, said thi' """"tEddi.: "He transferred to Sewaoc<: as a scoond·~ear Sludent: he "ias initially tenia' ti"" and homtsic~ bul quic~ly became a IX'r>'O<l wbose company was "",ghl by ""ery""" becau<e of these 'defin ing qualities: Hi. 'cxtraonJin3C)' sensiti,ity to the feel ing. of Olhe~ his integrity..... hich did not = n in hi. sdf·intc~t, and hi' keen <en", of humor, g.neral ly self-deprttming.'" What he had been as a young nklll--&'l a high school Sludcnl and os a college Sludenl-i1e ",maine<! all his life: H. ....3$.man. he was able. he was hardworl:ing, he " .... ~iblt. 1-k " .... among the bt .. and brigh""t lawyers he"" or ....ywh<1't, He " .... loyal to rus friend<, rejoking in their triumphs. and genuinely concerned for them when they faced diffICulti ••. He had legions of friends and no e ... mi... He continued to bt pt».>es.sed of an a<;~ i,' •. not to soy wicked, sense of humor, M""y in


2 88



thil associ.lion "ffO ,ictims of hi' wit and practical joke.. but what he handed 001. he could mk • . and tl>< "'"lSI f~=1 targt1 of ru. own humor .... 3$ hinISClf. He had thalS"'al ,in ... that Claude Ni.l"", $p<>I<e of... self-de~ating sense of humor. As a lawyer, he was intensely compelitil'e. He "'as I litigator and be ....anted to win. bul he nl""'" COffi[>'"O" mised hi , sense of honor or hi s ethic.1 ooli""ioo$'o ..,hiew! 'ic'<l<)' or ""'...anlage. He cam< a, you I><ad on. withoul Irick or anifi"t'. His oppoMnlS did not $il in ""'ir chairs waiting for "'" nexl dirty tric~ 10 be played. Edd;" was truly a lawyer', lawyer. lie " ..... wotkaoolk, ye1 he cl>e-rished and treasured hi' f.mily. He married Sally Shield. in 1974 and tllcy would NlI'e thrtt chiklrrn. Edwanl. Coleman, and Sarah Marshall. IIi, family was truly hi' pride and joy, WNit he worked !J) hard for, aod he waS a" ool>tanding hu!· band and fath<r. He mi,se<l row ",,,,nl> in ,he Ii,,,, of hi' c!tildren. He " ... also an oolSl:IIIding citi",n of this community. AI the time of his, he " .... I""'idcnt of the Atl><lstan Club. cNlirman of the Board ofTI\I~tDO'S of UMS.Wrigh\ J>rrpamlOl)' School, and • mtmber of the Board of TlU5tees of the Uni"",ity of the South, lie was • mtmber of All Saints Epi><:<>pal Church wh<1't he had served OIl the vCSlry, Our collcagut and fritoo, Ed",=! C. c;n,.,,,,,. diod N,wenlber 24. 2002, in a lr4gic fire that a1", took the life of his oldest son, Edwonl. and the Ufe of William R:odr::lilf. the son of Eddie', close friend, Don:>Id C. R:odr::liFf. • mtmbtr of this usociation. Eddie il su",i,td by hi' wife, Sally, by hi' son, CoIe"",n, and hi' daugh. ter, Sarah Marshall, a, well os by hi' mother and by Edward's wife. Miody. -MirhMl D, Knighl, pre,idem, Mobile l!<Jr Mrodmion

Judge Delallo J. Paluglli The li<:Ino<aI>k Do:L:1oo J. Pal~*:lu • a distin&",sI>c>d ~ and died.1 hi. home ,n !he ~y mornina houfll QfI Salurday. I'<bnwy 22. 2003. 31 !he qe of 68. Do:I:ano J. Palughi. _ born in Mobile QfI May JOllI. 1~J4. He padooalCd from the U~y d N<lIrc Dame in 19S6 and rccci>-"! IUs law dq:rce from the U.....=iIy of AIabMla School of ....... in 19S9. He pnctktd law in Mobile fur _ dwl40 Y"ws. While he pncIicI"d law. "" . . . ~... f.,..1>iJ wid<: rant:<'. lakin, 00 almoot ~.,.,. ofl.w. lie _ " ..Iromcd and respocted in munidp"l. domestic. districl. cirtui •. federal and apptll:ue cuuns. Throu~. his pnocIioc>. h" fritnds ........ mI><:n<d tIw il _ his uowill"'ll"'"S ... inaboJily 10 lum .......... prospcalVC clieni " 'ro DDUId noI alford his senic'CS .haI pul Palu&hi in lleapc 01 his -"1mOIIJ Mobile bwym. Ju,,,,,,1e Court John 8u ..... Aid. - I ~ ~;l/l)'OI\I'. lOy b\\)'Cr. ",111 115 bo, I hean lO$ Ikbu'lO'~. He would ~nl JlCOPIe orall das."'Il and walks of life. whether !hey h:Id n1Qlle)''''' noI. He "'1"".. n.e<l1he poor. !he indip •• Ihe downIrodden. and he brougll.1"" same IlJlIlroOI<h ltI Ihe ~ndI.- .... 1in he aowmtd the bench. he ~Itd 1hi"&S liu br: ,,"W them ill CQur\. ~ tho\IJh I>< ~ _ of his deciAons """,Id Il0l1>< popalar. Every momi", I><f"'" he IUr1ed coun. JPdIl" Palughi soood in hi. bllck nlbe Qfllbe be-ncII and It(I "twever cwwd lhert ,,":0$ in DDUJt in Ihe Pl<'dge of Allcgi ..""c'o the nag. Ci1'('Ui' Judll" Willia", Molkm1Ol1 said. "lie ..... $llCh • bill·heaned 1I\iUl•• very reli,;ow man. he ~ • soC. split in hi. hean for everybody. CYCI')'body be ","w.Palughi """;1;$ • vny ",ij.ioou< _ . He " . . I ~ . ." ... m<rnbrrofSL Mory't Paruh. he Kn-.d 14 y-. ... ceD ilUlRlClOr in the dum," and was • pas! praidml of Ihe pansh DDUncil. lie WIS .. rourth~ member of.he Knigms of Colunobus.. Moo;le Council, lie """ • pas. e •• lte<l ",Icr of E1k'~ Lodge lOS and alonglime ....,ul:ar Rtd CI'O$$ blood donor. In his priv;lIC liff. Jud~ PaI"Chi atltnded a CalboIi< M.... every day an6 aln)'$ ~ compaory " 'i1ll fric-nock and asocialcs by II<mlll




........ "God BIess.-

Mau of CbrisIian Buri.ol " "";1;$ beld Fdorua.)r 24. 2(0) from St. Mary', CalhoIi< Churrh. con<lucIed by Falhcr Paul ZoJhb1.

In !Ius ooft1TlDlly. FIll><r ZDJhby lOId the el"OI.,d d,," Dol:mo auended M.... every. day., So. Mary's ... elsewhere. "lIe did· n·. mal;e a.row of i•.-7.£11hby said.·"he al,,'aY' .... on the bad; row"

ZosN>Y!OId _

600 ~ P'I'S'

..... 1l1li ~y '''''0 JlOI!!.IS nell cwmtd ,. " ... hi. cbun:b d1II. Palu&hi IllCnded

everyday II noon. prompli", 7.oshby ' 0 muse llw. -PaI"gIIi may lui ..... been cnd(w,-..! wilh .he aift o(1)j·!ocllioo," 7.oghby funhor

CQlOUnen1e<1lha!. "Hi ' &ifl$ included h"111I~ly. h.unor. kindness. chori'y. love of family and friends, and • ..".. >pOl r... the p<lOI' and ......'nlrodclm.- Further. I'xhcr Zo&hbY said. -If he IS 1101 lhert in hca>"\'n. 00 )'011 mInt \he ,...,. of ... has I ~r A.\he dud> Kn'icc". Vonc:ena, lOkI Ihe CfO'Io"d thai when he " ... V'7"',", up. his r...... al ....Y' I0OI: phone <:ails from thooc """I;:ing help. IcpJ ... Olhe!Wise. eve" if !hey ......... coIlccl calls from jail. al"lIy' ,,,,,,,,·mng. " I'aII/&IIi """,." Evny nighl al1Cf ,he f"""ly di ....... and wi!hou. filiI. hi' $(11\ said Paluahi """,Id hu'J:t 10 his "',fe and ...y. "'Thank you r.,.. a ~ul meal. Fnnoa.- Further. ~tle ..... III IINIalOr of Chri..- his _ said of f......... "he ......... Nmed anybody • ... y" Hi, ptddaughlcr. Kn" .... lOId the croo;d .. the churd! tc1Vioc>. "My gnndfalhcr ...... '""" man. Every lime IIoolr:d at hino. he oecmed.o he hAppy. I really Iovtd him'- ~ Slid. "and I 101 0( )'011 did 100:' Judge l'alughi is """,ivtd by hi.< wife or JJ Y"aB.1'rano:e$ Pal"",,; I..... sorn. .I<Jho1 An .......y Palughi of Mobol<. and Vinc:nll Pal"lhi. and his .... r. Ti.... of 11ou:slo.; . - brolhct. Jolm Pfler Pal"lhi of Mobile: ......, pndc/Iiklml. KriIIen Palusll; and llIIoeph PaI"VoI. both of liOUSlOll; 12 ni«a and nephew'S. Kevin. MilCh. Kino. JHOII. L.ydia. Ollf. JC11i ..... 11... Lour&. Ubby. S1tphcn. and I"ri<c; four DDU~ln,. I....... Palllglll. P"lCr Palulhi. Jr.. l'al Palupi. all three or"'hom pnclioc> law hen: in Mobole. and M..,. Palu"". Nlditionally. 00 .he Knizlcy ,ide d Ihe f..... ly. ""' Denni$. • Mobile atlOmey. and his wife. [);wid and .Inn KnUIq. and &II and Chm" Knuley. brnlhtt<.;".b.. and !heir ...... ,_ -Mirltacl D. Kni,1rI. pwsi4rnl. Bar Association

Pal.', -.



Newman C. Sa"key c. s...tq ..... bam III ~~. and ~I'ed ...... for

In addition 10 .... pmfeWonalachie." .... u. ...... Sanley "'IS

his ......I't ~fe. I-k 0DtIId0d the ~Iorqornery doooh. and p1dualCd from .......... High ScbooI. ne padwIcd from Auburn Unh....sily in 1949. and Ihe Univcr.;i'y of AI:ibam:& SdJOOl of ...... in 19S I.

generous and d ...lIab1e. and S<'I"....:I his felloo; man ltd his G:xI in n'Il<ly t:Iq)II(ilie!.. He ..-as • P"Sl pouidCttr of the SouIh Ctroral


Followillj his gradUluion from law school. Jud&e SanI:ty was ,"fled inro lhI: Unilt<! ~ Amty when: he $ftVCId ... ,'aluabIe 110(11"'" oflhe Signod Cups. Mer his di:dIarJe from lhI: Army. S3nkey moved mck 10 ~~ whm: he _ .., poi. . . p1ICfi<e "iIh his r..tocr. JohrI ..... Saoruy. The SanUyo: pnc. to<al law ID&dhct for many years. Jud~ SanUy "":0$ el«"ted 10 """ of ~ fifllt lhn>e MonlpDCf)' Coun.y 0islri01. Judge poiniom., when: he fallhrully and duly ....".., for one lemI. Judie Sanl:cy lhcn mumtd 10 pri ...... ~


Alabama Girt Scou, CouncIl. He "'IS pas1 pr=den. oflhe E<cll:in&e Club. and .... ry inwumenl3lin opeItl"a public .. ~ision in AIDma. I-k " . a mcmbtr oflhe fjm PI'CsbyIcriIIII Churrh and WdlnoiI'lSlCf ~ CIIurc/I.. "iIcrt he $ftVCId .. OIl dlb


J..... SanUy died .... pril

Xl ~ .... _


n. 2002. He is ......·ivod by his ...ili: of his <buglwt and _.",.Iaw. Nancy C.

Re:uru and Paul E. Rearm; ..."I.... ghlCr and "",,·i... llw. Pany J, EI;'" and Ken Eliot: and y.onddaUglltCf Emily H. RcotrO$. -MOIIlgGmny CQw"1 &lI' ""socia/;on

wtlm: he comiJ>UOd ltI ~ theci~d Abb&ma. wtIil2OJl.


Sol E. Brinsfield, Jr. Sol E. Brin'field. Jr. died Tuesday. Aug"SI 27. 2002. Sol was one of ~ !IlO$1 OUI~'anding and ~PC<:led "'aders of lhe bar in ~ Stale of Alabama. He ....... pasl pre,itknl oflhe MOIllgomery Coonly B". as well as past presidenl of lhe Alal)oma Siale B:tt. Sol " born July 19. 1910 in a house near lhe Slale Capitol "" Adam. Slreet. lie hed a long e'"enlfullife wilh fe ... regrets. Unlil ~ix ",cek. pri", '0 hi, death. he wen' 10 hi. office daily. Sol al1""ded Tula"" UniversilY f'" 0"" year. bul ",,>or gradu . ..ed from college. He ... os one oflhe last.urviving members of the firslgr.tduahng dass of JQne$ Law School. now a pan uf faulk"'" Uni,·.rsily. He and hi. ciasSlna!e' ha.d ny. to the CapilOl building 10 gi'"e lhem acces.lo lhe Abbam. Supreme Coun Librnry whe",. in lbe winler.they would build a cool fi~ and "ody. He ", .... ed in Iht Air Fo",. as an in,lmel<)<'1 Maxwell Field. fle ...... ed as a JAG Officer and was Inlined al Princelon for a brief period. where he and hi. fellow officers of",n walked u. class ... ilh Alben Ein'lein. Sol unders,ood r,rslhand the du1<o,1 ,ide of hu"","i,y fTOm hi. panicipalion in the Japa"""" War Crime. Trial, in Yokohama. Japall. He pleadtd before lhe Uniled Slates Suprrnle Coon. and pno<:liced I.... for m·e, 65 years. Sol ...... the firs.! anorney for the MOIlIgomery Induslrial Boan! and aclively par.

Iklpaled in lhe growlh of hundred. of local indu.tries. "" .... ing in lhal capOCi,y until hi, tkath. He was a member of the Monlgomery Ki... anis Club and lbe Monlgomery Commi".. of


Sol was a founding member of lbe Finley A'"nlle Oturch of

ChriSi and helped dig Ihe ba",ment for lhe Sunday School classes. He was an acli'·e member of lhe C\u,·erd.le Church of Chrisl f", many A, hi, fa lher was. he was a .~il1ed handy man. bul a bil ofa dang.rous .1«lrici.n. 11. ,,"'as a serious , .... s cUller and lawnmower <>perllor. If He.""n is endleu """'. of genlly ",llin, hills of SI. Augu"iM. he will be Ihe groond. ~.. pe,. lie loved .ny. all al><l e'o'ory animal. lie belie"ed in lhe quiel 1"""0' of Otri>liani'Y in everyday lik fl. wllS a &di.aIM Bible 'Iutkn' Throughool hi. life. Sol believed "'al lnlegrily. failh. honor. INIh. and. good name were lhe defIning lrail~ of all good f"'O" pie. mosl imponanlly himself. Sol Brinsfield ",·ill be l"'ally mi~ by all "",".bers of thi, Associ.,iOll. Sol i•• u .... ivt<i by his wife of 59 y...... Marcia O·Bryan Brinsfield; his Sol E. Brin'field. 111 .nd Rene Brinsfield and one daughlOr. Deni'" Brinsfield Ol ;""r. - M"'''8'''''UY CO'",,, Ba, AswcimiQ"


Philip Thomas Shallks, Jr. Born in Sclma. Alabama on December I. 1911. Philip Thomas Shanh. Jr. died in Ott"I"r on June 7. 2002. Wilh hi, dealh. lhe bar$ of Alalxu". and Moog"" CoonlY Iosl one of lbeir brighlesl and noble,l !I..... ards of the la .... n.. life of Philip Shanks was diSlinguished by d<VOIioo to his God and fai"'. his family. his COO"try and the law. in measures rarely .lCen. Hi. Jo.,,,, of God and his ul\$hakabl. faith was made manifesl Ihrough lifelong ", .... ice 10 the I'r>:sbyterlan Oturch, He ... ,,'ed as a lOacher. an elder and in a h<:>st of other high church office<. Alway. """"emed with Ihost koSS fo..nutate. he ......ed 00 thc Board of Di.-..o1o« of thc Presbyterian flon .. for Otildren in Talladeg •. and served faithfully in providing Sunday School and other wO!Sllip O\lJlOI1uni'i., for &event! ,mall 1\Iral C01Igregali<>ns in Morgan.oJ sUl'T<)Unding coon,i.s. Dr""i"" to hi. family ..... likewi", a hallmark of the nobilily of Philip Shanks, Married on Nm"nlber 15. 1947 10 Frances Caner of Greenville. Ten .......,. Philip and Fnt1lCCS knew .nd enjoyt"d lhe rare bond of a love-r.J1ed union lhal ~ned more than 54 years. n.. nmrriaS" was bl<Sstd by lWO sons. Philip Thomas Shanks, III and MarshaJl Utm.u Shanks, both of whom chose thc 1"'''' oftheirfalher in thc law. Sa.dly. Man.hall died in. uagic accident in 1980. When w",cloud« g.thcml. Philip Shank. off=<! hi. so .... ice lU hi' coontry ..... n before any demand was made for il. Volunlcerin8 for military ", .... ice in the Uniled Slates Anny as I pri'-;\Ie. he "",-ed wilh dist;n<1ion in North Afrk. and Corsica. Upon di""harge, be had ",,,,,bed lbe r1Ulk of C.l""in.




Upon his "'Ium '0 De<alur .fl'" thc w...-. he was d=ed 10 Iht o!foCl! of coon,y wlicilOl" and ..,,-ed os De<alur·, fi"'l municipal judge. A, large as !hey "'~.-e. thc legac;es of deo.<>Iion and ...... lce lefl by Philip Shanks 10 hi' faith. hi. family and his coontry. perhaps hi. nlOSl enduring legacy ",·ill be his """".mly <lemons""lcd devotion '0 ,he law. For Philip Shonk, ....... ing lhe law was II<lI jus,. "'''y to earn a li~ing; il " ... a ma,,« ofpassionale dedic.tion. He did not simply praoc1ice law: he ...... ~ lawyer in lhe trues! and purest SOn"" o f the won:l. He a 1.","YI'T ",·i,h ,...., gifl.<, and was c.thu,jasti. in pul'lO"il of whate ...... "'... righl. not Whol mighl be "'l(ued os being righl. Gradualing from Davidson College in 1932. Philip Shonb received hi. law degree from lhe Uni,.... ily of Alabama in 1935. Immediately !he",afl<"r. he began praclicing Ia... in De<a!ur with another legend of the la ... in north Alabama. Olatles H. Eyster. Later. before entering mililary ...... ice. be joined W.F. Boswcll. Jr. in a law par1""rship. SoooI .flOr ~Iuming from rnilil.1ry ...... ice. Philip Shanks ",<umed the praoc1Lce of law in De<alUr wi,h Joll. H. !'<!ach and Joh. A. CadJrll in the partnership of !'<!ach. Caddell & Shanks. He conlinued with !hal rom, and its which Mill be"", hi. name. Harris. Caddell & Shooks. PC. umil hi' re1i.-e""'nt in lhe e",ly 1990s. Hi , prof<s<ionalleadcr$hip ""a$ 1tt00nizcd by hi ... Ittliun 10 ..,,'e as a member of thc boanl of bar ""an,i""", of Ihe Alabama Slate Bar for many ye .... For 0 ..... SO years. Philip Shanks ,,""a$ a <1evott"d of lbe law. -I/. M. N",,·/in., Mo'i"" Coo"'" Ha, /lwx:;mi""



Robert L Cheek, Jr. Robtn L_ OIttk. Jr. "''2$ born On Nov 4. 1925. boarioll a of Eul'OflC"" nobility and o.,ivco Cherok~. and diN AIIII""1 29. 2002. R.L.. also kllO"'n as Bob. joined hi. pee'" ofth.t ~ra. with >orne ,Iigbt p"''OriC.tinll aid of hi. falher. and left hi. horne on Gordon Stlttt tojoin the Eighth Army Air Corps. in ,he European The.ter of World War II. whe~ he fUl,c1ion<d in m.,ny rol .. of service. from fIillht cnginet"l" to "'il gun!'lt'. In early 1943. a.' a master sergeanl manning lhe lail gun of. B_17 ~'ying I'onrc~s bearing the ........ iker of Mutder. Jncorponl<:d. R.L ,,,rvi"ed being ,hoi down ov.... A",tria in a bombing mi,_ .ion t.rg~tinll a ball·bearing pl.nt. All members of Ihal crew did IlOl •• rvi .... the crash and . ubs«j""nl inc'",e"'tiOll in SlOlag 17· B for the ",n.aindor of the ,,·ar. where he wos H!<nlifi<!d OS pri,_ oner number 100.392. After that R.L returned 10 the Uni,<!d S,.teli for 12 more yean of milil:UY service. wbich pro"ided a higb motivalion for him to return to Alabam. and pursllC higher <!d"""tion. fl r gmdual<:d from til< Uo;ve",ily of Alabama's 5<:ho<:Il of Law in 1957 and was married in thot san .. ye"" to Nonno ~ Ferrell. To lhal uniOll ""ere born a son. Robcn. llJ and a daugb_ ler. Rebe<:cll. children to whom he would remain devoted throughoullhe "'",aindo, of hi, yea",.

R.L foc....,,[ his earl;"- pro<1ice in di,soh';ng tIornos1ic ",Iatioo, in associ.tiOll "'ith Maurice S. Bell. and tal'" he withdrew from this .... of hi, ~~. due to changes of cirt:"m,""""", and • bigh ethical bearing. despite SlmlUOUS effons of Maurice Bell to the corlltar)'. He btcruno • promi""nt trial I.1wyer. with weh • volotile demeanor in COWl that bad he "" • basktlball coon. he stood overy c"""",, of obWning enough technical fools 10 be I't1IIOV<'(I from lhe 11""'". though he never lOok this ~ outside lhe COUI"tnX)nL ouuidr of which h<: was "",,·pmomioos. O\Wling and famar.:. Though R.L arose from modeS! <'SIll"' >nd achieved ""' .... riol ""allh. h<: "'.... forever lhe dwnpion d lhe doIo.ntrodtkn and """",ssed. and il "'-:>$ fCO" """'" clienlS h<: fought rather than against opposing """""",I. He was insbUl"!l<:ntal in bringing those cl",nlS before jllries d their peers and di<.manlling lhe system of ~gaIitari· an. ·'blue·ribbon" juries. and he subseq.... ntly tlevtlopcd a murh· admired arunv:n in the seltctioo of juries. an imight ..... ghl by 0thers in the profession. R.L ...joyed his leisure in Maron County, playing with adull· ,ized bull do""" and dump trucks. and sailing the seas. I)tlO of his n>OSI.pri<ed ,-essets beinillhe trimaran TIlt I'ocu. II..L left a lasting legacy of the highest ethics and helped to asslltT a g=",r chanoe for «[ual 3oCtt$$ to justice f.,.- all. _M""'~ry Counry Ba.IhSQriation


Hellry B. Hardegree Henry Hanleo;rtt was born JUDe II\. 1936 in Talladep and died Ju"" 24. 2002. II. a'trD<ied the public ",hooI. in Talladcg. CounlY and quickly demonslr.led [\It'lIt ""adentic ap!ilu<le during hi. olenl<'ntary and high school yean. Henry lhen .l1ended the Uni'"",ilY of Alabama where he continued 10 distingui>l1 him.",lf as a scholar ~ng the high.·" lieF of in'.I1<:('. He "'''' odmiu<!d 10 the UniversilY of Alabama School of Law and !her<: 1>0 mrI Anita Bains. the <laught ... of. prominenl Alabama I.1wy...-. Lee BalM. Anita who ,;on., !'OY w.., one of lhe f.... who «[ualed Henry in the abiliIY to an:tlyu: romp,,", !egal pmbkms. .k<:1ed to forsa~. hrr career as a l.wyer 10 beoonl<' Hen!)"s wife. Aftrr CQI'Ilpl<1ing hi. degree althe Uni>"",ilY of AIabaJna. Henry cler'<ed for Ala"""'" Supttme Court JUStice"Thoma$ Law$Oll and..,.,,-ed in lhe Unil<:d Stal.. Anny in Gtnnany for lwe yean. Jknry lhen =ived a Masler·. Dc""" in laX .. ioo from New York Uni •...,..:;ly. lIis ini,ial pri""lC pr:1<lice w.. in Loui, .. illo. jU,n'""ky bef<tt "'Iuming 10 hill home stale of Alabama and joining the finn of Rushlon. Stai;ely. Johnston &. Garrelt in January 1967. Honry was lhe leader of lhe laX and oosi ..... department a! RlIShton. Stokely umil his mire"",nl in 1991. Henry'J 1eg.1 abil;· I;"; as a WI and busi ..... ' lawya "''''''' k"""n throughout Alabama the southeast and. indeed. lhe natioo. He rt"Jl"'S"nled many corporalions ""hich engaged in mergers and ""'I"ilitions of a highly C(lmplox nat"",_ 1ll<'se tran<octions ~;ued the lIRaleSl chaJlell8< for !lenry and brought out hi< unmalched skills. On numerous o::casions. after the lransacti"" was completed. the I.1wy= >nd< all ",rnar\:rd thai. J-knry'$ ~ills as a t{':IIISIICtion I."")·er ",'e", as good as or better than the highest priced Wall Strnet 1lI~. This rommonl was mad< 00 of"'n !hal il became a Ir.Idemart in our fIrm as ""e foodly ",mombered hil abilities.

Hen!), ;ossessed a lIRa! mind. 001 .tw. perhaps because he was .... son of a school teacher. had an ulICanny """nland of lhe Fnglish lang' . H" could draft docum"nl< woieh were both untlerSlandable and protOCItd th<! Iogal righl< of hi' cIienlS. !kllty', intelloctual curiosity led him .•1 times. to becomo ",",",,'hal ot..essi,·e about. hi, personal and soc;al inlrre«S apan from the pr1ICtke of I.1w. H~ loved [ol"","inS ~thletic! al lhe University of Alabama 001 WlI.< «[uMly comfortable playinillhe highest level of competitive bridge. Ho was intensely devout and serious aboul hil belief in God and was. leader in the Memorial I're<by1<rian Oll",;h. No greater obsessioo ""isled fCO" Henry !han his Iovt: f,. his wife. Anita. and their three children. lIenry and Anita provided their ""a<kmi""lIy successful children ""ith educations allhe Mootgon",!)' Acad<my. Trini.y and inSli,ulioru of learning illCluding Se>\-·a ...... nanmouth and Columbia Uni,,,,,,i,y. They have all gone "" to do ''''Y woll and now U.e WISH!< of Monlg<lll"ltl}'. One who might not ha ... known H<nry as ",.. n .. 1 mighl woo· der it. highly proclaimed. intellectual and Sl>CCe<Sfulw. l.wyer might have the tendency 10 be. as 100 many lawyer.; ..... somewha! egotislical. Henry WlI.< the Ofl\X>Site. Throogboul all of his """"'" >nd ""hi"""mon•• H<nry constantly and unfailingly ",maioed humble. genuinely fond >nd curious about other pcopI<-. and "" .... once placod bim.,df :tho•• any om.r human_ The MOIIlgOtnety County Bar Assoria!ioo il< sympathy 10 his family_




Judge Newtoll 8 . Powell JuoJ&e ~'\OlI 8. ~I~ .~<itizen DI"'Ioopn CounIy... he> ~ 01_ f..... ~ :11$ ~ DlIhe tiralu ..,..,. DI "'Ioopn CounIy. dial May 25. 2001 Nevo1On B. PuwdI ...... born on 1910 ill Falkvillo.~ Iho: ~1deR ... DI Jai.por Nevo1On Powell. beuer ~11 :11$ MDtod........ """'...11. andOelia a.t fJo,.... 11. He ~ hum bip KhooI on F.alI:villo and ~ MInIdrd Iho: U""......y DI Alabama. fmm ... hod! ~ rrc..-.~ hi< law <l<grtt ill 1934. Ii(! $UIled JlI"'l'C'IC" "" willi .... fllhor ,n Dcatur on Ibo t/nIes nf 1bo .....01 OOJO""i"" doprasion. In 1938. ~ was employed and SCf\'td :11$ Ibo <il)' $OIiej. lor for Decalur. unlOl 1943. "' ...... ~ ~mered !he U.s. Army. After iniliolly OCt\'i", in. r..1d ""illrry group. ~ was "I'I"'inled «>!he Oflice <.If t~ JudiC Ad\otlC3le Go:roml. He was senl by Ibo U.s. Army k> Iho PholiPPO'" IsLlnds. While ...ruo-:I "'"'" lind willi a.$iw.nce hum 0Iher IooaI tr:IzISminiog qualifyu" <b;u. mmu.. hi. IWIIO "'U pIxcd on the baIlOIS 10 fUll fa cin:uit judI". The judicial cllnu' 111m ellbaxd the f.... couMts III Morpn. !.avo""""". u.n..ron. and CIaIlmE. lie ..'" elccled CImOiI jud&e ;" """"-. and IoIioUmed oIIicc fOUOUO.... his tIiscIoqo fiom Ihe U.s. Army • Ihe end 01 World VI.: IL J""'F """.. II held oIIicc:ll$ tiR:ui • .iudF fa 36 ynn. lie bcarnc I man "for all ~" He "a!; COi'~ ricnaIo. III film .m ""Y"'1din& in Ius.:<:onvicrions <.If right and "1m&- So n~ ......, Ius fncntls and 10 ~ IIdmirN ard ~ by u.,,,toe., of the Nr for his <p<riaI judiciol qualities. ~ """"" had oppoo<J'iOII f...........1or!oon • 111)' lime, He reliml fl'<)m the cimlil judge'. """ilion in 1983. rot SCf\'td ...... pernu"'...)' judge for n"",y)",a/S, Im-Iy rein;",. Duri", his relire"",n1 ~ usN. II a home ba..... a doiJ: In Ibo oft"'e ofhl,""". Joe Powo:II.lIIIOIhcr anomoy. In !he fO)"'f in their otrlOl: in Decatur. ~ performed nunaws ~t(j(ii""iiesduri", Ibe last ycaDuhis life. JIiIIF Powo:P ....oi$ ........p i"VOI\..-.:I in oommunily and civic """. 1m. He "'<OS • chano:r ontrNltr IIlIbo Ci-jgq Club on Dentur whm it ..... fonned In 1940. dot Lyons IioIri on Ibnl SUftl. He...". Ihe .... dIonn rntmloa' " ....... ~ died. He >avaI on Ihe AIallIomI1\obtmoloI.os s.-J. whidliaer boanoo Ihe l..un&



AsIociation. He .........10 Ihe oIde!l MIO'm.., cirewl ~ ito Ihe C'moit Judgo<'s~ u Allobaona. lie SCf\'td .... ontrNltr U .... BowdIllDiortaoauFOOI FrdmoI $r.'"",and t.o.. Aao.IciaIioII for """" .... 40 yean. duri", iu pat period of ...,...111 10 a ....Jti·million doll. in>tiuooioa. ""';1 io. was II'iOOJI'Od into Ullioa PIaIIIen Bwik. Jud#- """..-II dlemIlO ...."iOCI,.;., ideals.. openly aopponing Ill< friftId. .sn-:.- John Sp.rtman. ..+- cwty hf~ MMl home. DOl many milts from not unlike Ihosc III Jud#- ro-U. II~ ..... frtquo:oldy "'igned ... illltho: publi>her III no.- D«tuur Dairy for tho: prorootion and """"""",,,il' of local poIilicai "",rnr.. like tho: .ili, 10 Dec:olur of f"""", l'r'Osidcrn IWry T.oij\:l!l f.. a gian' polil' ical I'3l1y in the pI'OSidential ~lection 'ft¥ of John E Kntro.dy. JudI:" Powo:II <INutcd hi. life 10 Ihe I<pI prof"";""" " 'hlch ~ 1oomI. fk ...,...... inInItioonaUy ~~ on onomcy ito a>urt and ~ .....J IO ..U the story nf an oIolrr. unnamed Judie. to..f<n ...born ~ 4'I'* •• d ,.. a y"""& onomcy. ...100 made i1 • prxtia: III atlempIinllII embala.$ KI<lrntyS ito cwn. copcaaIly OIICI )'<lUII&"I' ODd ..ilh .... .,..".r£I..... and .. ~ ..,.. ........ mindful IIlIhII and COIIf· _III ........ MMl .......... _ ..... ~Ip pio.Ie Ihcm in forming ..... ,ions III ...'itneooc:I1II eIiciIlnIIhs in "'" """"'" oflrials. Joo,e """..-II "'''U .... ~p:.u. man. and I "."ubc. u Central UniICd McIh::od:ist 0udL ..'bid! ~ IIlCn<bI after Iocatinl in 1)(c;oM-. He ...,... goodjudge ..11m il"'" ...... lOnoaI:ea d<ci. Non. Ii(! ...... a good I'oulotwod ..."." it. was bmt 10 .......ide for hi< family. lie ..... a good falhcr ...'lItn it. ...... tin.. 10 rear his lwo sons. lie: was a good public.....,."l ......... il ..... hi •• i,... I 0 = Hi. life .... mplified jw;ticc. kind"""", and humiHly. JI.Idj;e Powo:U was """,i.'O<I by hi. "'ife. Mynkc N.....'ij\:l!I Powo:II. and a !On. Joe """"II. an 1l1"'""'Y. AootJoer """. Philip. ~a5ed hlm. lie ,,<os"'so MIO'ivcd by 0Ihcr alOOil.'y$ in the family. including a brolhrr. Sbonnan B. ro-Il Sr.. reliml; a bo:oIber. Miles Powo:IJ. reliml; • nephew. ~ B. ru-u. Jr.: IIOd antoIhrr nephew. Thin Dr3ke.llis brodoer. J.N. Powo:IL allIIOf·

...,.. .......

I bim.

-HM. NDIOWo. ptr.Jidml.


C.......,. &n- ~

Justice Thomas Seay LAwsolI The MOilI.pIII'r)' Coomry &r A<.iooiaion and the mire Irgol kooI one 1Il;1S moot ctlobnolr:d and rosp«:Ied ""iIOOs "'illltho: .... aiJI III formn" A"""oaie Justice T'borrw SeIY Lawson. prof~

",nodied., "IC96. JUjjICe Law5oo. "-'n II "Bust.r" 10 hi. legion of friend.! and adm,,,,,,. died after llonJ, and unbl.mished career. ",hich "",Iuded fi ....oms on tho: Alabama Su"","", Coon. Born in Gr=Isboro. Ali\blaIna, JllSlitt Lawson gr.ldualCd fl'<)m Davidson Col.... in North CaroIma. All ..... roIqc. JIlSlIOl: L.Iwson .NOIItd '" the Uni."I.'fSllYol AIablrna School u l.Iw. bccoml'" one of 11$ _ 0UI>IandI", ~ H. bier seo..-d IhaI ;...... _ ... ~ pro 1nfII. In ..... posiliooo. his lI<Iily hand hd..,... I"ide IhaI KhooI i/lnJugll nortIulrnt yean .. ;1 mallWd ;~IO the fine YOUYfnllY il IS lOday. Iu Ito: ~ of a ""'"""'" 0( Aiabanoa. "'" callI() public: .......... icc """'" nrly 10 JiiSI~ I..aw1on. Afl<f I3w ""hooI. ~ SctWod :0$ an wisUIIl aIlOil'ot')' gcno;ral ..... il 1938...11m he was ~1ccIed I() Ihr off"", III AIIOOIey GcntraI. AI "a!; one of the ywngtSl ItI<n 10"""" bold IIuol pool. Attn one u:nn 0$ tho: owe', I.oW)'l.'f. he "'as called 10 ~ ()Il Ibo Abbama Supremt COW'!. He ..... and """i ~...,tnl on hi. forst Iry in 1942_ wilhouo. accq'IIin •• ~in,""

n .....



campaign oonuibulion. ~ic of hi, notion/; of WI)' a.;I honor. JiiSlict: t.-'$Oi'I oould no. ...'2.ICII tho: World War fl'<)m the si<\<li,..... He .n". ......... IhIo bugIt·Hali. 1001: a Ira", Ill,.."..,.." froon the courI and """"pled a comrniS$lon in Ibo United Sial<'! NI")'. As ~ did willi CWf)'Ihill& in his life. JU>lkc Lawson :IC1\'iOd hi, COII~1ry willi bravery and diuirrnion, ponicipalinl in """'" of the bloodiest banIes in the I'Icir", includilll Okina .... and lwo Ji"",. Upon his di~. ~ rellIn"ICd I() Ihe AbbomI Supmoo Court. ..'hen: ~ >avaI """I his roumnc:nt. "-1111$ • brill .... tdIobr

and ~Iy had ........tcr. ~ poductd IhoucJ-M wdI _ sontd opinions "'"' SliD pide <IS 1Oday. More of his opinions ....... k"ic<:Ied ... "lead CIISI:$" by _ ....... /gao /tq1o<U than any odler ju>tia: ...100 has >avaI on Ihat ooun. Justice Lovo'$Oi'l ..<os an exctllmt role mo:odcl and his "'""""" ......, no. IoIiI on his cI1ikftn. Ilis daughlCf. Julo Law!<::on 1..aUcJ. is" psy. dIoIogi~!o I pnocticc in New Yon: eMy. and hii names;oJ;e. T'borrw S. !.avo'SOn. Jr.. fol .......-.:I his f.........·s 1"'Of~ becoming one of tho: mo)$/ il'$JlI'Ctrd !rial bw)""'J In (>,Or Mr.

_ M()IItg<JI"'" Cow,ty Bar Anociali'""

Samuel Palmer Keith, Jr. In 191). Samwl Palmtr Kcirh. Jr., lib! many rJI our 1oII&:-Itrm. ".""IIC>5 0I'1he bar...-as b<nI Do Besstmtr, Alabama. In 19)(1. he ,,-as~.1he ooprJIb;sda!.1 fn:m Ilmtmrr Hi", SchooIond ..-as IIlmiatd ....... UIIiwr$ily rJlV~ ......... he ~ ond bqan 1m coIlcge am:r. Almn!t IIIIIn«hoIcly, ho.',ewr, .... I)",. ' im hi~ ond Palmer came J.cI: ... Aw-n.. U~ he ~ from !he UnMn.ity 01' AIabamI " 'illun !WI>~" ond pIuaIcd from Ihe Birmingham School 01' Law 1""" ye>n w.r. lie i1!ll1lOdi:llcly lOOk and passed !he bar and bogan tho pnc1ice of law in Bessemer. Al\cr practicing in Bessemor for only a few ~3/S, Palmer was sclc<:lcd 1<) !eM: as Iklosoomet'J muoicipal judge. Althou", btl ooly ~ a IJlort .i ...... nlmy member< ollhe bar r:oruinurd 1<) adtlrc:ss him'" ··Jw,c""1hen;aIlcr. Pal ...... ~nl>Cd 10 practice law and ......., M judge wllil W<lfId ....'at II brpn. A.thaI poilll. he join<d !he Ulliltd Stairs Navy ond ...-wd our CI,lUIIIr)' in !he Pbi~ppines. AlIhoIIgb he ..... color blind. he ..... $tIocIod 10 _ in \lie comrnoricaIiom """"" 0I'!he Novy. lie " ....... lOde 10 by !he shapes..t cbtpII 0I'!he comrrtoIIIioabo flip. E..... dIOuch his ..... 000: • COIIIbw; unit. i. >tiD am< ....... rft . ..t Palmor'. desaiplia ... ollhooc .., ,." .."...,,00 III disoinclly <hmatio: ..t ai>lic. Palmer ..-as I........ ably oIift:hq«I from !he Navy ",iill \lie rW< rJlliMeNoII junior pado.m..............,oo .... pnc1ice rJlbw in~.



In 1948. Palmrr mo:n'ftll... law pncIice 10 BinninJham aod fonnc:d a panntf'Shop ,,',Ib Pa~1 ~~b.""o W"," became !he ~ joad~ for Jefferson COllnly. Pal ....... COOIlniic:d .. a sole pncti1ioner fOf" 11 ynrs unldlm ..'..... he fonnc:d. fum ..ilb h........ Way .... The 010. re-. Alan ................. joined the linn M .....,11. In 19S6. the AbIwna S1aIC Bar IIonoml 1':01...... for SO years 01 service. He coolini>Od pnc1ic:in! .... iib his._ - . 1987. "'hen Alan Jef•• he lirm. and 1988. "'hen WayM Jef. the fifTll. He pr.>eliccd as a IOJe pBClilioot1" un,,1 he rolin><! in 1992 a'lhe age of79, Palmer was a1Wl1YS acti,... in Ihe communilY and in .iyic clubs. fk .......00 as pttSidtnI olboUl ..... Elk! Oub uI H~ and olio Uon.< Oub. fk was aM a mcmbor 01 ..... Optimise Oub and ..... a MBlR and a Sbrintr. lie ....... !ona.h.... W>lWIIm" ,.". the AmnicaII Red em... which he lovc:d. Pal ......•• "';fe 1>hrF died be("", Ioim. lie Ica>oes bd'Iind /;.'C chikftn. 1hro:'C IMnc in !he Birmln&ham IIn:L ......... <II his chikftn. Wayne and Abn. .., canyi"l on Palmer'. ndi1im on !he bw and 1uI>-c bem pxIici"i ..... fur 26 ond 25 ~ i'CSp<I<Ii,'Cly. Pal ...... kilh diOOoa JanOW)' 29.1003. and the 8,.,. Sllyo a tinallhanb 10 him for his lCf"i<:o: in and 10



-MaiJ1f!rh J. ~r. prr,;.knl. 8i....uw-o IW ~

Rudolph Wright Slate Rl>1IoIpII Wri&h1 SlaIC Wall born on April 27. 1934 in Moopn COIInly. ALobo .... and sptnl his ~nlire life all • ...,.idtnl1hen:. leavift. only 10 serve his """nU)' for four yean on lC1i'~ duly " 'ilb the Unlled SI:l1el Air foR:'C. JIIifce SIa1e ~ the Iqll profe»ion admioably. allxi, humbly ..... ";!hou1 prmnsion. initially for IOn )'t".... ,n a poivale praclKe ...... 18 ynrs 1hen:2f..,.. as I disti"luisllc:d stale: coun mil ioo,.-. fifli iN • disorico jlidg<' and u..n as • ~in:'''1 ~. In 19'9S. he from 1he swt: bmoh ..... J.IC:r ~ all an ;odm,nisU"ati"" law joadge fOf"!he Soc,al Sccoinly Adminisor.tlion.



J<>hn$On. W"yM T hompson. Jr. Phenix City Adm;l1cd : 1996 D,ed: Ma) 13.2003

McClusl<cy. Murray Pallerwn Sylacauga Admoued: 197 1 Doed: June 18.2003

Nelson. ~.:d,,·in IA-,'on Bimlingham Admi l1cd: 1969 Died : May 17.2003



" 'alI

uncommooly ..... in,ur.cli'ely c"",fullO

coosidtr in balance the oocic1al n«d for 010:10....,""". :e.~ilulion ..... ",lril..nion agaii1511he II",,,,, adjuracion!ha. e">'Cf)' hum:aa 1xin3 iQGod'. ii1ll8<'. no ......,. .. haI Ins ~ ~ 10 Ix ....."" with. " " ' _ 01 dil,uly. J~ S_ ditd J......." I I. 2OO1.1taviflI1O """"" his Jrl<'U"I a~ .......... fritnds. o:oIltag"",- r...... ly and kia. each <II ... 1IOm ..:as made. bil ric ..... by bov,al ...·,UIaWd hi • .uri'nl clwxIer and hi> ",fl'CShinl seouc 01 hulllOf. _H. M. N" ...-li... prr:.iM.u. 1.1"",,,,, C""my Bar Auod..WM

Sil Mrnum. WIII)l1r Gordon Sinningham Admined 1941 Doed; June 6, 2003

SJ'pheDSOn. Samuel Randall Mob,1e Admined; 1955 Doed: IXttmhcr 7. 2002 Wlllillms.



Hum'Yllle Admil1ed : 1956 Died: May 19.2003


... 11111

2003 Regular Session Most Productive in Years Q

rllle l.:l22 bills inll'l.l<luad in the H_ and Sena&t. 2S9 ~ maclCd.

II"",~. ~

of llIcse ~ eithtr lot.>! bill' or i....... vcd only

one II£Cncy. Of lhe "'1I\3,.i", S4 bills. I 110 ..... ~l'I<:I6rn to aten Law)'O'$ 10 OI\ly 30 of ,hem.

Governor Riley'. Tax Reform Plan (Special Session) Clov<=mor Riley Iw ~ for a Sqx.mber9" • Ittlion of 14 bills Ire ,iN in one COIIlliluli(lllalllllCndmcnl 10 be ....ud up or down by lI>e ciliuM. Some oflhe La~'5 proposed will be


illCttuin& ciprcll'



from 16.j C<'nu 10 31 cenlS

' 'IIc.

ptr pad (118. 2) . ..... ,",·,lIl'$J\Itlu,", \be pn:>pmy LaX .y~.m in AlabarnI by re<juirinl propeny 10 bc Uie5Kd ... 100 ptfttn. of marU1 , .. I... bIll taI",,;ng tile mile. . ntc (118. 3). lI.e\li5<!!he u.ilily ta>. ( HB. 4). 0... btll doubles the I1IOfI&IIC ond deal In I""'lI1Iial r.... (118. 7). A~bill adj,,", some lab tal rattl ..:I txpandI: ....... WI _ 10 ",dud. <:enain 5CfVica; IIQt illtludtd in bill i. a W. 01\ b .. ~·s feu (HB. II). Pc1'sooIal illCOmt WI nIQ: \O,JJ .Ito "" dladltd (liB . 19).


Governor Riley'. Constitutional Revision The rr><'OdiflCal ..... ollhe 1;On$lJ."IiooI n:ll><b willi;" one <b:.ul1tlll1hiC L901 Comtilu,iQn and the 742 amend· ..... "IS, drk\( Ihe I't"p(aled and modified ~ ond rq>Ixe tlltm ","11 rht o:um:nl v=ion. The ~,finll;';'" "'ill place - " """'U{s CCIftSII'u,iorW ...... r>dmtnl< lOFM in one 5<CIiQQ Ha. 60 (Acl200J..312). Unooni,ilUlional provisions. such IS ,he poll laX and ~""iOl\. "'m: ",p..1ed in liB, .187 (Acl 200)·202). Poiling 'Q he IClCd upon "'ere his ~ions 00 Ii .... iltn, vt1o, h<lme rule, u.... armarkinl of funds, and lhc: I't<!uirenlenl of. nujori,y ""'e of legi,lalOr$ fOf lhe plISSaiC of new uuos,




Family law liB. 2O(Act 200}.150~Mil'limum., fOf ~

has bffio raioed from 1410 16 ~3D. HB . 1~1 {Act 2OOJ..J64~I'areIll.a.ild R~wionship I'roIection Act rt<Juitel ""hon ,he cuswd;"1 paren' rn<>VClI m"", !han 60 miles from the ""ide""c of the ...,.,.",10-

caling paron!. lhe cu>l<ldi.1 paron! mil<l i;ive the l'oO<I<'us· lOIIi.1 paren' "",ice 0( lhe cur.rodi.1 paronl's inlOnt 10 change the pri"";pal ",<i""",,~, the ~ new oddress. school and "'a5OII fOf '''''''ing_Thil "",ice muM be gi'"efI 01 lea.! 4~ day. ber"", the """"'" n..",;s • n:buuablt JnSumplioo ,hal ",Iocllinll child IS "'" in the child's lie,! in ........ and the ",,"y seeking ..... Iocllion has \he il'li!ial Ilurdon of proof. liB. 262 {Act 2OOJ..271}-Cbild ~ n:por1ing haa been m.:rdod w indnde \he I't<!Ui"'l""nl !hal c~ an! I't<!uirtd 10 n:por1 US<'< of krlO9o'fl or o.ulopCCICd chIld abuse ex<:qII "'hm the clerJ:y'l ~ I«I!f. is atqu,mj from • confidential and privilqN communication undtr Rult 505 '" the Alabanul Rules of E.idoDCe. sa. 6(Aa 2OOJ..l8O)-Unif()ml11llef>UCC Enf... ccu",," of I:IomooIic VIoIrra CJn.Ioon. • ~ 0( lhc Alabama Law ..... iru ... p"".""", • WlIform 1)'l1('1"li lOr .......... U""~ of doonesIic violence pruIOC'lIOrI on.Itts ICfOSS ~neI. It dtfi~ the ........... of "'full flido and credit" as il ",Iai<s 10 ~ donICsIoc ptMCCIlOII on:Im and is ""!"ired undtr \he I'«InaI VooItnce AgaiDSl WQnICn Act. sa. 121 (AI12003-383)--Gfandparent vi.itatlOll has


been cbrifocd 10 """""" !hal a ~ may file for vi.iwioa righcs when: (I) at Ita<! """ of lhc child', par<'>lIS is <Ieccascd: (2) \he partn .. arc d,V<lR:td: ell \he pa:cnl abari<Iom \he child: (4) the child i. born 001 0( wWlock: or (5) the paren .. ",fu"" 10 let the ~Ol.l ..., their g:rarId<hild. The bcs1 inl.~ of lhc: child iJ 1Ii11

paramount. SB. 376 (Aci 2003_303}-1'cden1 judgei a", added 10 lhe Ii .. of mo.e ,,'110 1liiy ptrform nwriag~,;n Alabo"", ,,'hieh al",ady ir.cludes mini' ...... and I"IIOSt OIhl'r J:1I11C coon joogcs.

S8.38J (A<;1 200J·38~)-[n ~ at.u. C_l. the plaln. liff is '0 ",,"y 11(1 rouR a:>sIJ for filiAg. !he rqistnolion or ...... ia: of. pRlItc1ion poIl,ion order. or for a ",imess subpnt"" _d.. n ~ ... '''' 10 the ~ntion nI abuse. n..... caw may be imposed upon !he Ikf'endam.

Criminal laws HD. ~89 (AcI 2OOJ.l~)-Under the ALalwna Smlmd.., Refonn Aet o f2003. vo[unW)' ~lrDcin, $W>Cbn\$ will be pbaso:d ill <W<'r .1I1....,.yur ptriod culminating in the impkmcn. La,ion o f truth in ~"tellCi.., sla!>dards. fiB. 490 (Act 2OO).353}-Thc: Communily CoorectiOllJ and Punish'lICnt .I.e, or 2003 amends tlte A[abama Community Punishmcn, and COITeCtiO<lS Act of 1991 10 pro.ide ,hal «KII. munilY <:OI'1"I'CliO<lS PfUV"m< ""'y be tSLabli!btd by '"'I1"'ion of "'" ""'",y rommi",ion and includes specific: ~.isioru tNt msu~ ICCOUntaIHl,ty of provmu and ma""sement off"ods tIvouJlt "'" Depan_ ofC~ioos.. H8. 491 (ACl 2003·355}-Thc: Then Refonn B,ll allowa tlw !Ix feklny tbn:shoId for lhd\ lias been ~Iy incn:ucd from ~ 10 $SOD. malIn, ""I .... consiSlC1ll with one ....,.,..,. IS well as ..·;th otIter MMe$·!hefllWuta. H8. 534 (Act 2003·)lB)-Thc: Cross 8l1111io& and B. Bllntinl AcI II is a Oass C felony 10 bum a croos or an American "", on p«:Ip<11y of aoocher ,n a public plate ..·jth imem 10 PIl' • per.ilOl1 in fe ... of bodily harm. 58 . 49 (An 2003.3(0)-.11 ptrwrt w~ death ~nlence h.. ~n <;(Immuted ttl Iif. impri""'~l shall not be tli,'bl. for p..-ole.

Business Laws fiB . 178 (An W03·159}-The Defcrrf(l ~n"l.... nt Sn>-iees 1\1:. encomP"NU.1raft$aCIioot that involv ... odvanc,,,, funcb in ronnoction "'ith ac<'epli", a check or check for • t,me ptriod beron: paymcn. or deposir, and is ton'IIrtimes

hold,,,, •

called ..... yday 1I»nl." Thc: maxi ......... :otnOIIIIt thal can be arn"aJ>COd in IhillnmXtion il 5500. l IB. 440 (A<;12OOJ.396)--S\ale .m~ "hose pay is $75,000 or Ie!.s may be ptnnilltd 10 also cog. io lor won: IS lon, .. !Ix employmenl is IlOl dtrring their ~hed· "led houl1. I[B . 650 (Ae' 2OO1·190}-Th;sAn es ... blishes cooditlon' wltere ""t-of·Mate ~Ies an. ... .<Cd wlten th~t fon:i&!1 busi",," entilies with 'late affitial~s h a"~ a ""~II.< ... ith the Slate for.1te colloction of boIh state and local salel! tnes. SB. 126 (Act 2OO1.314}-Thc: Alabama Clean Indoor Air .I.e. prohibits lmOtinC in cnrlin public placn and ~ui"'" oU>tn provide JmOke.f_ _ as.

JWi'- ....,.



SB. 21B (AcI 2003.J36}-Thc: Unconscionable Prici.., 1\1:. provides ...... ~ is u~k if. dllri"l • $!Me ()/ ~ncy declared by ~ (ioo.-emor. ~ price of ... ilem txCftdl 2S pnanI ()/ die ~ price offend in die Wi 30 dIy> ber"", the lUIle of ell""~'O:y.

fiB. 113 (Ac!2OOJ..339}-AnUOlJ'lXic _ is oequirtd "bert in a zcn=I dcction. caro1idaIi: is defealCd toy a difJerm:e ()/ I\OIt _ IIoan half oil pm:enl ()/!be IOIaI YOIl'S ( t i l for Ibc oK..,... HB. IV (Aco. 200J..)II)-ln ~(...,1iooI."...,;6cobort 01 pony II<IiIIDws with Ibc ~ 01 ~ hal; bem InD'VCd bd II> Scl*ntba (/'. HB. 174 (Ac! 2OOJ.4OO)-MtmidpaI eb:Uon bws ~ b=o substaIliaIly m"isf:d. HB. 193 (Ac!2OOJ..381}-\tI&rr ID r<qIIir<I YIlICnI II> preoenI ccnain idontificalion III polls. fl8. 419 (A<;1 200J..3 I 3)-The: Iklp America \\lie A<;1 i, • major n:vision of lite swe'nlection lawl as rtquired by f~ 0<1. II J"Ii'O"ides foUl/thority of tItc Soc~wy of Sta ... a ......"Iide """"" re&iSlraliOil list. rro'/isional VQtinl. pi"O'Ii,ioru for the Board of ¥OIer idemirocation. YOIer .... idcnt'rlCMion. VOICr information. absentee balku. tenifieation of 1lSUIIS. developrr'enl ()/ lite Mall' d.,.,ion pUn. ~ ""'"' of \'(IItt ~ fundin& fMtn[ ..... I'~' ..M. and • ""'form poUina syslCm.

Medical Laws HB. 2:8 (N! 200J..347)-1ltis ,.IOdt"titts 0l.IO" ct\I'Jft\[ Uniform AnMornical Gift AcI. dill is __ )S ro- old. by limpIifying the 00cumenI of lift and claril"yina the ri&foU 01 parties involved in lite dooallon. 1ltis ""'" """ 01 the Law InshlUlC·. proj«u. HB. 199 (Act 2003·27)}-The: Dqwtrncnt of Public Safcty may elcctronkally uansfer ltIIatOIIIicaI dmotion I<COIds I<> the Alabama Oipn Trmsplam Oipniwion.

City/County Government HB. 47 (A<;1 W03-344}-The OOU/II)' rommission may $<:l spo<tl lintiu ifI urban and rur:al oon5U'\IC1>on _ akq COIItIIy -..Is and ~ double the fjDC:5 ........ """""""" porsonnel .., pmrem. as cunmtly oIlowu1 by the S!Me Dqwtrncnt nlT~ HB. 110(Act 200J..369)-Tho: BIW:tt &lid ~ Act. whidt C\IIRoIlIy awtt!I SIaIr: ofticen and is __ ....a. .... II> CO\ICf .......If.. judca of probue. COUIOIy ~ lax _lie<'ftsr~ ~ commlssiontn. and otIter oounty cl<drd officiah ..ill>.., roquimll<> be bonded.


Homeland Security fill. 13~ (A<;1 2003-276)-The: Homeland S«uri1y [)qxumtcnt. is creau:d 10 ooordinale AIab;una', ,..,.urity ~ by ~tablislt· ins a new sale agency.

Copies <>f lItesc bill' may be obIained fJOi'll lite J.qisl:uu,.", Web site 1ol...........misJb.ltJi.J/at~ ....#1I~.aI.~.... OOL>tirL"'P.

Foo .....".., infili"ltWion lIboui the li\$Illille or any <L ill pm;ccu. Bob MtCwiey. diftaor. Alabama Law 1nsIi.tne. P.O. Il<>I 86142S. T' ............... JS486.OO13: r.u (205) )48.8411; phone (205) )48.7411; or ~isil_ Web site .. ..........ali.J.......aI..... • cootaC1

Election Laws liB. S9 (Ac! 2OOJ..137)-PoIlilll pb;:e boon. h;n.., bem Jot for elections in AIbrna rtquirin& the polling pba: to be Optn from 7:00 to 7:00 p.m. and n:maifl open for 12 cortScaIIi", hours. 1111. 104-Thil Ae~ perutins to lite 1C$1(lI'3Iion of """III riJltIli of coo>icud ftktnl (",toM by Govanor Rilcy~

__Ioo_ .....- ..._ . _ . .

_l---. ......_ .... -"' ...., ........

...... L Mc:t.\oy• .Ii.

inc" s.cploOml>er II. 2001. the poIen1,.J r.,.- t<;m)lil' :md e'1ft"1t ngllt-" 'ng Of halt sn"'J>' to .. Iu,,,,, on e;"i], ... popuJabOll' ha, occup,'" fronl and • ,~, crQIC't ""rc In di"",,,ioos c"""m~ng f""'tt" and domINIC polioi •• . "The Inlpact ,,( .nd hale VOUP BCli,ft;e.; 00 the dc .. lopmcnt 0{ tilt palp.VJ!<, bolh on l lnued St~l.$'rod around thc world. M~l """I)'L~ ,h.l,n tilt postCnld "'ar eru. 1CfTO,;,m In jW1irul..- remain! a '<1)' Jenl)U' lh"""o nali0n31 socurity. Equall) i ..... i"~1 ,,"h Icrrorist.rdal«llrg;,I.,,,,,, ",,,uld ha,". 00 ci" il hbcn,e$ "00 ~1J,iI ngh" Iq ~ Unltrd SI.,... TIlt I~l dr<a.:" 0{ the 20" century ,aw • dmmalic iocrcasc in ,he number of "'"" gnN!" in Ill< Uni1kl St~ICj, Evon ,oore sOOo,;ng i. ,he rx, ,hal ,h." n~",e righlwing gNUr> hi.." fuond co.nunonali,y ,,"h tcrron" """ps ba .. d on ,lie Middle EaSl. Europe. Africa and .\" .. , "bt-re ethnic 3nd rellgiou! h.tR'd, h"c ."'pled inw




I." "


•. ~f;~~:':':O~"1 propoftKPnS. "'rilinS In CQmm<"taryNo. j j (Canad,an •_-;~:~,::,:.~,.::":.,:";: I I i . bJluat) 1m). hulWilkin ...... o(.he Un;vcn;ly of 51. And..:.... s .n S.;OIland. ,Ilu«l an. of!ht mam 1101",,,'\I(l1"0; nr ICmlfi>.m 10 , I!; ~"" is !IL.lI " IS a Iow-co$I . - '' ' ~nually h,gb-} ,~kIing "'capon. :u>d ,. i, gcnenll) p<''4'bIo 10 fi"" "c>(lOCl.< and .... 'h fin", ai1O'fIL11>I. SOltrC<'S. in<luding ""lillln' JUpponcn and 'l'ml',utuur<. ,n ~"." .,., n home ba<c :u>d !bo<c I" ,nK :ond "' .n pros-pm>u' ~OIJn!nCI .n the We,,, ml ,,<II ,.. from rxi:t'1,","nng. e~lonion and other fonn. of criminal""", uy. and ;" <orne cases. al .. m:uI\'. ,to.c <I'"m<ln. "The .win (,""c~ M 1<.!/1Ori"" .00 e.hnic Ilalffi1S hale ~au~ unl(>ld hu""," casua!!;", and un'iX'a~bh' sufte"'nj;_ for J".",""c. in R •.-and.:i in 1994. ethnic h:i.ffiI. and .. rror·

i"" .lcge"cfllIed ' 0" > a g,·nocidal "at Ihl' the 1i ••s of ",·.r 800.000 people in

a ".·wed jl<ll.<!d

Terrorist and Hate Groups Defined: Blurring the Unes1 The dorinuion of IDJOrism is as ~Iusove as m. ~ and s)'l1lpllhi:(fl'5 of It1'rorist KIS. AurmpU to defi ... IDJOrism have "I"" boot! obfuscated by m. ~ adage thaI onecounuy's '~erroriSl" i. Ill>a.beJ counlry"s "fn:Wom fighU!r," Nowb<tt i. lh" dicl'lolon,y nl<)l"t nooiecablo lhan in m. Midd., Easl "'ho", ISlamiSi """i.11 """ps. imIIuN with roli,ioul fe""" and ethnic iulrrd (or m. Slale of 15rx1. m. United StaleS and 0Ihet' WOSlorn poYo'I'i have canied oul innurncr.lblc aru 0( ~sm in m. nan,. of m. f'aIe!Iinian po<>pIe and IlIarro, One of the earliest """""'PU \0 tkfinc lOffIJri$m came in 19)1

" m. hoi""

of Gtrmm and JapaMSe """""""'" in Europe MIl EaSI AI' " respotIi",ly. Thou", .....or implemented, • dr.ofi """. ,'cnlloo by the Lelgue of N:uions- lho ]'IR'CUBOt of the United NallOO' (UN). def'ned lerrorism as. ~An criminal Acts dirttl<:d ogainM a Sla'!! and intcndM or cmulaled 10 croale a Slato of lor· ror in the minds of particular 1'""""" or I JI'OUp of pcno!U or Ill< go ... ",1 public." In 1999. the UN GcI'K'r.>I Ammbly tool< the I""uioo thai. -crimina) aru ;DI('IIdcd 01' calcuIaoed to provolc. "", •• of """'" in m. g....aI public•• """" of pcnons 01' .,-tic. ulM ponons (01' p>liticaI putp>OCS are in any ci~ unJIIS"rl.lble. "b:Me>..,. Ihe """,idmoIliom 0(. poIilic:al. philo$opho<al. ldcoiOSICal . ...cial.• thnic. ",Ii,,,,,,, 01' other naluro thai may be in,'O~td '0 JlISIify thtm.~ Cu~lly. in additlOllto fi,,,, ,"",,""I e,.>m'OntH)IIS. thete an: 12 UN convenlions and protocol. deali", wilh lCrrori,m. In tho United StIllOS. ~ umoostl(1ivily is defined "-' "any activity "hich is unlawful under d... !a"os of the pl~ "hore U 's committed (0< whi<h. ifit had b«n committed in Ihe l'nitnt S",,,,,- ...... Id be unl.wful u"""," the laws 0( Ihe Untied or My 0Ihet' <lal(') IfId ,,'hodt illYOl .... any of Ihe follow· "',.. H'JleI,.... or oaboca&e 0( ... aua111, ~I 0< .""""Ie: \he <;tILIng or detaini .... and tltlUl<ning 10 kill, ioju"" (It (Ultutwdl to deuun anoche.- indi.idu:ol for the JlWI"* 0( """'P"1~n, 1 third porwn. ",dudi",. JOVCfD"",ntal orpn,.. tion. \0 do or abl;tain from doInl an loCI I'l an uplie,t or implieil condition of thtit ",Ie,!<C, •• iolent a".d upon an intcmOtiooally protected penort or upon lho libcny of....,h. person; an a<susinaliort; the use of biol",ic.I, chomi<ill, or nuclear "'eapon or do~itt, or Ihe _ of e>;pIo:;ive. fimum or Olhrr danzerouJ doevitt Ihe ",inti 10 endangtr Ihe ,w"y 0( one or mot\! ondividuals, (It \0 cause ...1> <lantogo: lit prnprny; and .1hrcM. ~ or conspiracy lit do any of Ihe Mfftmtfllioned acIL 8 U.s.C, t 1182(1)(3)(8)(oii), Tho UnilCd KillJdorn 'J T~mNUm Act 100() COIIlains simi,language in dcscribi"llIemlrim1. IddlnJ ;"","c",""" or d;'fllpliorl of clecln:>nic $y,,,,rns \0 the liSl of terroriM offenses. "~in, to Mar~ PoloI: of tho Soulhom f\I.1:fty Law Cenler (SPLC) in MootllOfll"'Y. Alabama, Mle ~p$"" cmcgori>:ed and defined by their rt<.poCtiV<! ideololies, Author Man", A. Lee, wrilinl in the 'PrinK 2002 issue of lho SPlC'. 1ft/~JljS'lICr RtponlIOIed llw ""leaden of the haonI<On! ...c'" .......'«ItCDI in Ihe U.ited have 5Ci>.rd upon Ihe SepIctnbcr t I altXu .. an opponun~y 10 apand their ~ alliance ..i1It Wamic nodials u"""," the preleXl of supponttIJ ~n;'" righu.~ Acr«dinllO the SPLC. the rtlO$i:IIp of the American radical nght.11w Ihe United Sial.. i.the dlarnpion of glOOoli"",iorI and ethntc di,'mity. ~I<$ " 'itlt...nons lsl:unic """ical groups in the M,Mlc Easl.








Amendmenf. ptOIttIion of fttt opo«lt. COIIIJ'Wed Article 5(2) of Germany's 6.~ic Law of 19-19 (Gnuu!gtm,;) which rorulJ'alru !lpeCCh "for the prol«lion 0( the youtII. ond ,n the right to penonal bonor.~ Ihe KOItOOIi< (Iooolllunt of IllO 1'18Ol, and tllO stt:a.<Jic: al1i~ with 1,lamic radICal"""",. Ihe number of hale ,roups;n the Un'ted inc",ased from 602 in 2<XXl to 676 in 200 I. • 12 I'"rcent incre ...... By 2003. the number had inc", .....:J to 708. Similarly. the number of batc SilOS 00 the World Wide Web Iw ;n<n'ased from 366 in 2000 to <lOS ,n 2001 •• 10 j>t1'ttItI inc",_ Accordi"l 10 Potol. irnp1'<l"Cd mc1hods 0( ha", enabled Ihe SPLC 10 kcq! uxk 0( hale JI'OUp!I in Ihe UnilCd S\aleJ. These hale POOp!lllXOllltl ((It ab<Jul 5 pctt<'DI 0( haoc Climes oonttt1Ined in the Un,ted SlItel; Ihe rest an: comm,tted by Individual. somet.tmes clattn,nlto bel"", to or "'present panicu)ar ex"""", riSh'· ... i'" JI'OUp!I. Inc", .. ingly. ext"'me righl·wing l\al~ groups util;~ tho World Witk Web, neWllpal'"r:. and publishing 0011e,. li~. O~ Lauck's in Uncoln. Ncbr.olka anti Willis Cano', In"itul(' fOl' ltislOrical R""iew, to 1<" the word OUt \0 other pcddlcn of fthnlC hatred io the Unoollll S\alt'$


:lICe""'' '",



AccordjollO Ihe SPlC's 1~"IIi,.,," Rtpon ('Pri1lJ 2002 ...... ). bate poops can be dhoclcd illlG Ku KJw; Klut. NeoNul. RaciSi Skinhead, ChriSl'''' ldenti.y, Black ~ ... N~fcdc ... te. and other poops that espouse a <'Cl«11C amy of hate <Ioc:u'incs. Chn'loan ldenllly poops. 1'01'* ... bmM, ""POU" • horetical tnl~talton of Christ;anily that i, an.i. Semllic.nd raei ... In.ho Unill>ll St.ote~. tho Christi.n i""nllly movemenl ",., popularized by A"",rican Nul Party (ounder Gc<qc LIncoln Rodwell who was ;tI$O promintn. in the HoIoc..... denial """""",nl. Tho 1"ifiI nco-Nui poop in the Uni.t<! Sto .... i. the W.,.. V"ILntl.1wcd National Alii...,., of William I"\e=, N~fedenlc IfOUpS ,Iorify ... ebelilUll ...ciSl ideologies. ond in Soullt Corul ..... Georgi. IfId Mi" i",ppi. they I('nd to rally around tho Cortfedentle Ilq, The NalJrlCltion of aU'Orne riaM· .. int ideology in the Unt11111 S\ala hu united these dis""",,,, POOp!l in the .. hatred of J..... , and blocks.s throats to elhnically OOnlogcni>:ed ""tions_ Ha•• JI'OUp!I equate the nalion Slale "tlh ra«.

The IUld•• QK SqMmber II. 2001 u~ \lie inc~asin. OOIIIvngt'1ICe QK intela!< botw~n ell ........ ri"It· ..·i'" Iwt " " " ' " In ~ and \lie United States on \lie one bind. and pte'o'ioolly despoJcd I,w...:, ndicaJ JI'lUP in the Mold .. EtI.t. Both ,"",1'$ porttive <<WIIi'",", entmie$: doe Unlied SIMes and i" suppon for doe SIlk 0( b . .eL Jews and JIobaILl.Itioon " '1Iido they ..... ate WI!h lIoo,oogc .. iutJon 0( <lisrU.:t ""Itura.. A. M.,M A. lee blsllOltd.1'he pcculw bond het ..ttn "'hile ... uonahSl groupS and .Main Muslim elI .... miSlS dcrl'"CO in pan foom I $han:d !oet QK rMmi*'J ...... obi< United States. rxe-mi~i",. e!hnic di'('T'$ily." of Jcw. JOH back 10 the MiddleAgos. Duri",.he cru!.ade. (boly Wll1 blocked by the popes to ,...,~r lhe !loly Und from Muslim Arab. and Thrb) of the II " and 12" «n_ IUries. lalenl P't'jl>dice "'t lcw.,w1"aeed. Mlny Europe"". ~nied ilocm boc:au", lhey played major roltl ... mtn:ltali1S in doe EaSI-WeM Inide. and Ioaroo:d iOOnf:)' to pea.anu and I>ObIcs alik Itl~ "",iidonI blamod l~ for doe aucillxioa of 0.; .. on the ordtn of doe Roman "",feet of J..:be.. I'onI,UI Pilate. Durina \lie SIad; 0ntI0 of doe 14" antUf)'. Jews..-en: ..:.:usN of poilOnin, the ....,Ib of ChrisIians. leadi", 10 the murder of IhoIosands of Jews KTOiU ~_ Modem _qic: links ond ,*,ical I,ll"""



3. W"''''m.n: Radicall,"'moc """l"'lIUJel



II"gedly p""'idin& a..'~ 10 pro-weslem regimes. 4 The Midd'" EtI.t .....1' il doe major rqioa of ...... spor>S(In and IUpportn"S of; lrart. Syria. I,.. and others.

U .S. Anti-Terrorism Laws Up 10 doe 1990s........w "",ide"" in the United Slates Inchided lhe u,", of bornemade pope and fi ... bomb6 1Iw inI1ic1cd mtrumaJ civili"" cti""hies. The ........ tc:rTOI'i$t Inciden" invoh'ed doe bombing 0( New Yorl: Cily', World Track Cem.,(WfC) in 1993 by fol!Qlllm of the !llYpli.n .lerk.lJnur Abel ai-Rahman. and lhe bomb;n. of the Alfred P. Mumlo FWtral !luilding in Okl.homa City in I99S by ri"'l_wini ~x.rcmi>lS

Timothy MoV~igh W T~rry Nichol l. A. a .... ult ofihe i>otnbiBI 0( ihe WfC and IJoe Mumlo I'WcnJ !luiJdi",. Con,..... romoli .... led inlO one bill ... rious ....... ative ....asu .... 10 cornWtllemJri.m. The ,"lilt ,..,.. the Iw;~,.,.,.;_ and F.jfrnil" Dro,1r /WwJlry AN of 1996 (P.L 11)1... 132J(AEOPA). Similarty. aftcr doe ~ II_ 2OO11em1riit IIIXks. COll~ ~ 1'he IJftlll", ond Strm~ag Amoria. by Providing AppropriI1e Tooh R<qlltmllO I~ and 0b:SIn0ct Terrorism (IJSA ~)Act or200l~ (P.L 107-'i(i). A!lOPA _tal ... ni"" Iii ..... amon, them Tille I "hicto amends the fedtral ,,*1$ law. 28 U.S.C. f 2241 ~, uq._ by "'tabli,hing a one_y~ar period of limila""" wi!hIR which a ptr_


~;ncu,~ypuD~t ~:~';i~~~ij;ii::;~[j:~~". )Wlic.alioo


..funchllmg. including for I I IlwrJlll"rq>O<1funds 10 terrorist ~>OIH (Title III). for .... ""dllSion of tcrroriSI and criminal aloens from ibe


" h.-e


II 'lead.




on !he or nuc"'ar MIogi<:aJ. chemical. and and OIlIerusc: weapons of (lith- V). lhe man"f""" .. n::, importl..... pon. or pos_ a\

$tssion of plashl' e:cp!osilfl ( T'ilk VI). ~Amll~rrilOrial jurisdiction for «"1Uin oW""",,""""";1U'd 0UlSid0 !he US. (TI~1e VII), ~ 10 low enforcm>Otl~ ~lfons ... <Inn orn.:rism ill the US. and ovcroeM (Titlo VIII), and ...nail......... moIlrf$ (TIlle IX). "The USA Palriol Ac~ 00II1<1,,.. ~n ti.les. 111lc: I provides for .... ...-....,_ ()/; dr:Inv<li<: ~~y .>pi"" tenOrism. To IN! mel. S«1.... 101 Ohblio./xs lCOUO{ft"·l<1TOrism fund 10 mill-




,,. ,




S",,,h Mia and rtaflinnin, re>pecI (or ~hei, ciyil ri&hts and libtrtie:< (Sec.ion 102). the Ac~ ; !he di~ of the S«m Seroice 10 deYelop • "",iorIaI .....,work 0( ~1«11'1)II;" crime 13$.1; f~ 10 combaI ...... ron .... (KC6on 10$), and pants 10 the I'resi<ItnI KOnOIIIic pow. en 10 oonlioale propeny of lilly f{fti", penon. orpni ... ~ion Of counlr)" Itw pIaM.. or efIPF in hor.Iili. ies or anxks "'''11$1 the U.S. (SWion 1(6). 111lc: II provides for I jlldiciaUy ouptrYi5«l prtadufe whereby low ~n(Oftlemen~ offlCill. may io~era:pI witt. oral and ~Icc_ Ironic rommunic.~;on. in oon.....::~ion ,,·i,h ''''~i''lion. of off~n$tJ rtlali"l ~o I'hemi~.1 w~.pons.. w~~pon' of mass <i<stru<lion. vioknl of I~rmrism tnn«~ndina n.,ion.l bor· de ..... Iinanci. llnltl>Klion. and ma~rial , uJl'POII for ~rrori'L! and le.ron!1 "'lI""iUtions (5«I,on 201). AUlhorily 10 irweMi_ pIe I'omp"~r f,.,,\IIl and abuse (Sec.ion 202)•• he disclosure of srand jury inf'-"""Iion 10 fMtral law .ruorttmen. oIfw:"1! "'latina 10 fomp in~mamce or cwlII< infonnation (1CICIion 2(3). and the ~mpio)"ment of InInJbIon 011 . . npcdiltd basea ";!houI n'pI"d 10 fedml peoonnel ~iranmts ...., limiIMKm ( WChOn 20$) ..., abo P''''' ided for;" tIIi$ An. SccIion 206 mtpO'O"erJ the coun eotabllibed under the foRiln 1"~l1ign1ce SlII"Odll:ancc AI'l ()/; 1m (R S") 10 ordor Ihird porties to provide _i~ :and information 10 Low mfOftlemenl authorilies in the lu"""';lI:ance '" DOII·U.s. indi,·id ... l.....1>0 an: agen .. ofl (oreil" po" ..,,.. and Soctiort 207 c.>.l<nds!he du"'lion of . u""ilI.nee Ind phy,ical search orders to 120 days. Other JKtWi. ion. ,ulhoriU! the "";~"'" of voi~ rnail (~'iOll 2(9). ~me'i.ncy di«l""u", of ~Iectroftic comnmnic'lions to prote<:1 life and limb (Seclion 2 12). ~nd Ibe ~lim;naliOl\ o( the ""I"i",mcnl thaI limittd the use of I"'n ""is~rs and lrace llo~ic.-, IO f""ilil;"s u:ltd by fl)l't"iV""'" or illll'ma1ional {ft". tori", (S«1ion 21 4). 11"~ IIIl!fe~ mtawm: apillSl internalional money bunlloru', ond the Ii"""';", of IOI"I'Clri$m. """"'8 ocher tltinp. il"""';ou the Sccn:wy of the Trusury to W:~ ...... opiate measura and 10 pnl"\'ide luidan« 10 dorneI!ic Ii ...... ial ;11$111,,· ~iom 011 pa.UcuJar fenlp';";l<Iictioas.. Ii ...... ial iMtilution. oponIinl !he US .• arid .,..,wn trail .....""'" 0( CO«t1"II 10 the fccIen.J IO"=menl (Section 302). Tilles IV. V and VI deal ,,·ilh proI«.i"l , .... DOfthcm b<lIder. inclndlnllhe luthorily 10 hi'" addilional bonI<r in.pool ..... mand.atory de~nlion of , Uf· poolOO lerrori~ll. mullilaleral cooperal,on agai"" lerrorism. ",ward, by lhtc AI10m0Y Ge .... "'1 and s...:",lary of Slale 10 I'om· ballrrrori,,". and ~xpcdiltd paymenl for public ... fely off..:ial.



"""'' 1.'$


ill\'Qlvnl ill wort ",bled 10 I<1TOriSi IIUXkJ lind victims of {ft"tori, ro. 1100 VII·X ""al ,,·itlt information for cri1ial infl1l5tn\C1ure protection. W<tIJIbcni.., criminal Low, .>pinst 1<1TOri..... im""""nl the inlcllisence P""""I cllp8bilily '" the Ccntt:a.l lmclligence Agency. and m;scellancoos provision. relat· in,to I.....,..;.m ptt......1iOll.


Conclusion In lhi, article. I ha,,, >hown tltat deHnillj ~rrori.m can be as as Itaoking <Jov,." lerrorist. Ihemsel'·I.'$. "The age-old Id>&e thaI one .... ~ •• ~.ronst is anothrr , ...,e·s fl'ftdorn Ii&h"" still ptt'"ltil.. undcmtinin, elfons aimed II combolin, domtstic aft(! inlernarionall<1TOri.m. The u ..... of Nil""'" and the Uni.<d Naoions t.a.., pappIed wllh the problem of i"tcmationaJ tarorism. Currmtly, ~ ore 12 UN com"t"nlions and po""""",," and Ii", ..ponat com_ions tblirIJ ....jtJt -""'" ......... of ~ ....-..:rism. This is a _ of the (1CI1hat orn.:rism ;, I multifart:lf:d prnbItm Ihat ....,..;OU inocowiof,at coopeollion to dcf~..... E ..... """" worrisome ;, the eYOIuIion and .......gtb<to_ 'III 0( >lrl>ICglc alliaooca between 1emIri.. JroUI'S and ~xtrr:me right.wing groupS Ihat now pem:i,.., con",..,...""mles. The AEDPA and the USA f'lotri", MI """toed fn)nl tJme ,ignifican! ~ororist act. thaI "'rp&'l~ all <>!hers in the hi"",), of the Unil<d States. llocy ha", in!li'utcd . weepillj chanaes in the nalion·, mminal. immi8J1tlion and bankin& IaWI. st",",thened IOII"IC ins!iltoOOru and =atrd II(W ......,.. and ti~ ~"""'I ",,,,,ies new authorilY 10 rolle<:1.. in ...... '" and share information P"'"'ioousIy 0>01 IUbjoct 10 im ...·.".,. di5c~ Wbcthcr .... h new ... tbority can matt a dilf...,..oe i.... Ilgho api .... tnIOrism mnains 10 be........ • ~I".ivc

-'- ___ c.r"'._. _._"'...._. _~_.,"

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_ ....'_'11'0'"" ____ ..






I nterest

Number s;ning for exam _ ... , ..... Number cel1ific<.! (0 Supreme COlli' of Alabama. . ,. .. . .. . , ....... . . . Ccnification rate· ______ ... _, .


'M 41.1 lX'I"Ccm

Certification Percentages: Uni"ersily of Alab3m:, School of u,w. Binningham S<:hool of Law. Cumberland School of Law. Jones School of Law .. , .... .

Miles Collcg~ of Law .... . • ",eludes only thou 5"ccessfj,lly passing bar e.""'" and M PRE

percent 31.4 percent 71.8 percent 35.5 percent 5' percent 60

For full e xam statistics for the February 2003 exam . got to 1>''''''''''/lIb<,rorg. click on " Members:- and {hen c~k Dul the "Admissions" ""clion.



Alabama State Bar Spring 2003 Admittees Abbolt Sleven Lesl ie Atken, Jo/vI Marshall Adams , Rupen Bradley Albin. Ramona Carroll Allen, Ric~rd David Anderson, Jooni/er Motos Andress, MIChael Paul Mage. Caryn Lynne Bames. Robert lee Barrell Sharon Elilabeth Hicks fla'/Iess, Howard Hmk Belin, Larry JafOO!l Bermel. Jenn ifer Miller Betrn" Margaret Helene Black, James Gary Blankensh ip, Panioo laSllelle Blocton. Na.l:ita II<lshea Bonham, Kenneth Hugh Bonham, Vonda Ka-v BotI;h illon, (alhryn Yarbroug/1 Bowen. f\obert GriHilh Boyles, Gordon RIchard Bmdy, Wayne Blanch, James Vaughan Blevelle, Coollney MIChelle Brinson. Veronita EVIl" e Broach. Sharoo YIm,,"

&own. DtJstin Thomas Bniner, Kel le-; MeNa" Bush, Brooke Towery Blrtler. Carl Newton Butler, Eric WhltneV Cain. Broo le;' James Caldwe ll , Debra Am Campbell. William Matthew Capleooe. MIchael LaRusso Cam~, Samant~ Le'gh Canoll. Matthew Franl:lin Clam, TOOmas Howard Collins, Zachary Timolhy Cowan. James T<acy Cialg. M,chael Eugene Cmcker', J,ITIITII' Da le Cromwel l. EriC Biee Crow, je'emv Donald

Crowder. Corrie Col lins Curtis. Oe.e\: Brf楼OOn Dawson, Wil ham David Oiasia. Thomas Ban DOOson, Kimberety Ranee [runge;. John Anlhonv EhInger, Jul ie Nesbit ElhngbiJrg, Charles Mlcllael Elhott. Talmadge Walker England. Russell Lee ESliale, James Richard farris, Gregory Sleven Fielcrs, Cecil LeRoy fioch, Mary Hayes flem irIQ, HaeMI Te,,'1 forman. Daniel Lee forrester, Nathan Ar>dfew fosle" Ju lie St;hil ~i fowler, St""! Noollipscomb fox, Karen WiOStOl1 frese, Robert Bernard fullll!, Jacob Alexaooer ful lmel, Margaret Mary Gabig, Jerome SyIve&ter Gaooett路 Malick. David Eugene Grol le, Amy Elisabelh George. lena Mane Ghee. Jenniler lee Gi ll. Ekaterina Vladimirovna GocI'WIn, Chnstle Belirlda GocI'WIn, GO<don Byron Grammer. Charlone Ann Grame, Steven Davod Green. Michael Carter Grew. Timothy w,.ckoH Gru.:la, Daniel Josep/l Gu ice. Wil liam Gilben Ha lcomb, John Forrest Harding, Deborah Queen Hartzog. Woodrow Neal Head. Geocge Damel Henderson, Mal1hew Charles Heflr/. C'(I1thia Ann G18 " ber9 HombudJe, Debra Krotz .. Horlon, DiMd Alexander

Howison. James Russell Hodson, Janel Marilyn May Humble. Man in Josep/l IrlQram. Jasep/l Ashley Jackson, Daphne Sparkman Jackson, John Hollis James. Chanes fleetwood James. Chanes Johnson, Angela Marie E.ans Johnson, Oagney Catherme JOOnsCKt. David William (asper, Kathryn Ishee Keeton, Janioo Kelty, JOOn Wesley Kemp, Patncla vanessa Kent, Amy Jaoelle Laciey. GecHrey James laMul1y{li't, Dara Ann Landtum. Jo/vt William liedny. NJcoie McClam Luna, Thoo\as Flyan L"IIOIl, Jack Waller Malloy, Terence Petrick McClellan, Andrea Leigh McDonald, !leglOa Dawn Ha"is Mcfarlaro;!, Tommy Lee McKinney, ~al p/l Anojrew Mellon, I'fIer Anne Melvin. l,sa Hagood Miles, Patricia Marie Mltdlell. Carrie Watkins MI\cheli. Rebecca Dee Mitdlem. Flyan Wesley Moore, Lesl ie Vernon Mosby, Gaylt! Wilhams Murphr'*!. Mad Barry Musgrove, MIchael Jason Niccoia i, Ann路Marie Olin. laura Onderdonk Owings, JacqlJelioe El izabeth Oxford, Jolin McDowell Padge1t, Elizabeth Bmoch Parl er. Ivan Lvm Parke.. Jo Anna Charo;ellor Perry, Jasper Dane

PhIllips, Pa~ ic, Michae l Pins. James RanVall Poner. Nebra o.ans Powell. Lee Brannon P1IweIs. Glenmore Patrick Pride. Slleadren Nicole Reeves. April DeAm Richard , Tamiea M, C~mons Rick. Oagma' Wille Ritchey. Kevin Michae l Rosser, Edward Kenneth Roth. John Herbert Rothschild. Andrew ArmsuOOjj Rosh, Y\IOI1IIe RegIna RO'lsell , Brian J Shelnutt, James Michael Silcox, Ryan ShalJ{lne~ Slocumb. MIChael Wilson Smilh, Amy Beckerle Smilh, Andrew Hamilton Smith. Deaooa Sasnette Smith, ElSuko Tanaka SmIth. Evan Walter Snedeker, Haymes Sanders Sneed. Larry Oewayoe Stephenson-Johnwn, Patrice Streety, M,chae1 SUicklaroj, Parrislllee Sullivan, MlLliele Campbel l SWann, Jonathan Jason Syl:es, lara Frances Sylvester, Michelle Jemie Dexte. Tapp, Melissa NadIne Temple, Lisa Chee' I"rrell. Ctw istopher Trolson Tidwell, Shawn Alexaode. Tolben. John David Townes, Carrie Ann Van Camp, Joim Wayne Warren. Joseph Kellam Wheeter. Andrew Donald Wh i", Michae l Devin Wilbanks. Stewart Seaty Wil liams, Leoti! Wngh1. .lenn i/e' tvm


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Lawyers in tile

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Mini-Grants for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution The Alabama Supreme Court Commi,,;oo (WI OisPIl\e Resolunan.llIrough the Coote! lor DispoJle Resolution, r>'OYides amual I,,,n l路grants to oooflict p!eventioo, rMi\aQ9ment aoo r~solutioo in bo;Jlh local aro.! stille prr.>gralllS. To be elig ible, Ofganilalioos mUSI be non-profit, and file an aw1icalioo by Octobe! ,. 2003 ~omole

For e~ample, mini.g'ants can be os8(j for court related programs li.e.. small cla ims mediatioo "siag tr.ined V(liuntee.- medialQfS. IJ"OOate oourt prog,ams. acceSs and visitaljon/suppor1 programsl. school pee! meoJ iatloo lra lMIg. commUfllty mediation. omlluds programs. mumcipal路 ity/cil'! disp!Jte resolution uainilXl and programs. stata and local aget'IC'/ tra lnillQ and progr<>tllS. law school clinic programs. vitNn/offender oonlerenc:irog. or to dlllllicate an exiSlirog program in your i"riro;:!i"".

For more informatioo alld a gran! application.




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200J Update In Admlnllnltw uw b y Jamilo A.. Durh¥n,


A c...1wy of~: A Tribute to Ah1can-A_.tI In A I.t~ by HC<1. U. W. Clemon



Alabam. ap.n .....lIngl and RKonI. Act: _ I Public 10 Kn ..... b y Doonnl. R. Balky, ' 1Iq.

OfrIc/ais _

· eo.._ ~rII.... oS., b y Con"'! P. """bracht, II, '1Iq. •





111, _ .

• EItIMfII"fI T..,"noIoW In S'-te .nd "..., Coum Repointad by _ , , AnOorson, '1Iq., Na~y N. G.... n, '1Iq., l .... n D. Jo-. And.-.w A.. Adkln, ,nd Seth Rowl,nd


Update b y Hon. Myron N. Thomp .....

HoI Topic, In Alabama E>Ide"". by Prom ..... CII_

G.""" Uflvalltog T..,,,1I'OIog)' o

ProcIhlorrtJr ,,,.


D/spuru for 1M ~

b y F..nI< M. Caprio, Eilq •• nd D.YkI V. luc ...,

• Plannlnf1lO """tI: TIle Hutll for tha WInning S/oly b y

- ' - W. McEIII,n.y, Eilq. • Proc,*,-I Po/nteno and 1M utesl Legal Dwe/opmenIS DesIgned fr>t _ Ihe Regular.nd Only Occas/ona/labor law ProcIlfJonw by H.nry H. B..wslar, Jr., _ . and Mar.:eI L

and lyntl R. ynolds, esq. o RevIew 01 Interlowto<y ~: A Roedm/Ip by SuU" S. Wag_, esq.

• SUccusfUI RehMtitlII' .nd cattiontf In rile AIa"'ma Courts by Oebonoh A.. Smith. esq.

• Tal< I...... olin_' 10 All by R. Gr.gory W.1ta, ' 1Iq.

• Dl>nMN<Ifc _lions Upd.te 200J by Hon. J. Gary P'Ie


Real Est.I. lu .... In 1M _ t e Esr.r. and CUmHlI In Properfy u w b y An". W. Mit_". ' 1Iq.


• eo.po,.te Convptlon: KHPh>g Your OUt 01 I1Is LIM ofF". by C,rl S. Burkt1el1llf, _ . and J,me, L

o " . . . , Procedu..

o Pror.u/onallsm In Ihe ~_: S" "terlnglhe GIIS. C"'~ Muc" b l e/'l1 by Hon. Caryl P. Prlv," and Cell. J. Collin,. _ . o

IrI .w...urlr!g and P'Wso".1 T. Banton,

o.magas b y Edwan:! W. Soul" CPA, and


• PrKfJeaI TIps from tha Benc": Tlt/tlflS E VIt)' SItouId Know b y Hon. Aubrey f otd. J •., Hon EII9IlfM R. VllfIn, HOII. Hennan Y. Tltom.o. and Hon. """'n Wiggin.

o TIle ProcIJ<:e of uw: SUI/ • Prof1lulon7 by HOII. W. IiwoId AlbrttiOn, III o TOllic T_ . Mold UrJg.1Ion and SI.te Common uw caUl.. 01 Acllon by ReIM<:c. W. Prllcllett, '1Iq. Trial Pru""t.1Ion TocJmo.Iogy RettdIOfa Results: Tailing TrW Pru ... r.IIon. /0 'M Next l .... by Aoc"'l>l'QU"fI Sig/>~ So<Jnd and EmolIon In tha COUt1rOOm by F.lecla M.


FIelds .nd -'-' J . Su _

o Update on Intellectual' .P...... ""'~1Y h w for rile ~ FrKU- by Kimberly T. Powell, eaq. o _ .... ' Compensallon Update by RobenW. LM, J •., '1Iq. and Donald B. Kl""""",,k. II. _ .

Plus . .. Ilia CD conl. /tlS us"'" mar_ I, Irtcludinll Ilia Alabama Rules of Professional Responsibility u _ • • InformatJon . nd ron... from many of 1M _ _ ~ and """"".

MaiJ1n!I Ad_ •• , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _



fIcr $15 -"" flcrwU'd. :It. ooltb tJU <:C'dc" fIcr. to! Co . . . . me.., .... Departm."t. Maboo • • ~ Bar. P.O. IImr. 671,. Kom:go •• ry, AI. 36101



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July 1c;.19. 2003 • Adam

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- - - - - - - - - - - EXHIBITORS



Alal\ Low)"" A.. i.<lar.ce Program Alabama

Le._' DirettO<)'· Legal Di....:torics I"ublishin&

Un;'''''''t)' of Alaoom. School of L.:a",' Ala"""... S"'" Ibr VOI""I..... Law),,,,,,


DoonKI Commuaic:alionJ. In<. Di&>1ll l!IU&'u* R~ F<Kboe" Thmn. Inc. Insurance Services. Inc. lSI Alabama, I divi.ion of JnsUI'OIICC Sped.lulS. Inc. IT-Lu Jack.wn Thornton III: Co. ,"""', •• Goode JOIIeS School of Law Law oro"" M......llelMn' Auislar.ce Progr.orn Lui,Nui. M Lee Smith Publishers. LLC

ABA M"Il\btr$" Rtt .............. Program A~ ASJO<wion of Up! AsoiSWIU Alabama CmIcr for OispulC ReooIU1ion Alabama ,<'f f'" La... and Ci~", Edocation t..w I'wndorion



"'>pe" Publishor1-LoIsLaw "'nome)'J 11\SUrar\te M .. ua1 of Alabama. ir>c.

Mobile Bar Volumecr LaW)'cn I'rop'am Visionary T..,bnoIoaY

Um"'ncham Bar VolunlCef Lawyers Prosnm Blambnt Em,lw

SPONSORS I'bllno""

lSI Alabama. a cliVI';"" ofl ............ Spccilb ..... Inc.




Alabama Lcpl Directory - l.ep] Publl'hing

SouthEast Financial Services.




COOUIIOfI",T.lJIh I..arld To,Ior Insonncc Company G;] ..... lnwl'OllCC ServICa. IDC. Lawyen 1111e In ..."""" COl'pon,IJ(lII


11 ........ s.. ·t< .. 1


......... 1&_0 0010.. !tiN - r "- " " " ~ .........;.." ";'b 0.1,.\ is • ..,..,.;, ..10""" .5. 1'11<"' tndT""",... ...rt.tom ad , >co.- ......

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• Ltc CO\l nty eO\lrtrOOm

200 I, a yO\lllf, I

," S IOO,OOO in oy P"",< Alabama D<p3l1"",nt fund:tll in,'estiga tor position ""d $100,000 w~nl to. con,""""",. lion th,t would ",ork to educate Abb.mian, and pre"e nt fra ud against con'umers. The .,roblcm was thot the.-c wa< no ,ueh oq:aniw,ion, 'l1Ic '!!<.>me)' con,ulted Sue Mdnllish, long ~nown in Alabama for child 3<1>-0cacy leadership roles, wa< ~x..,"ti"" director of lhe Alabama O,il ] " "ice Foundation, Tog~theT, they Canle up with the idea for a consumer gro<Ip that would "'pl'CSCnl the interests Alabama familie, and small OOsi""s'/:$, And so, Alabama Watch was born. My backgro<lnd os. Legal Service, panleg.1 and union organi"", in the South SCCrnM perfecl for the leadership for Alabama Walch, I had. p3$$i<ln for iuslice.nd skin thick enough to lead the fight for COn$umer righlS. I lOOk lhe helm of lhe



organi'.tion. my bac k· ground '" an o'8:t1l iu:r. was hug., Educate Alabama cO">Unle!'> aboot the 'I:lte of <{In.u nler law in Alabama, The firs, thing .... dId was pu t logether I.aders from all o«e' Alabama. Rep.-c .. m"i''''' from busine,s, human <e"'ices, community gro<IPS and :uJ"ocacy organiw.tion, we'" ",semb led to .. ".~ '" thc Alabama Watch AMi>ory Council Our g{l"eming board ..,main. small: l'rofes.,<or Natalie !)a" is of Birmingh.n, Southern; Or. H~rriett M.ans from Troy Slate Uni""rsity; Scott I',,'nll, director of Greate, Bimlingham Mini"ri.s; llrian Warl'liok . the young attorney who sl3t1ed it all; and tax allIX· ""y .:dgar GenUe, III. 'l1Ic founding ohair w'" ... ti,-.,d attorney . ' rancis "Brol her" lIart, ""ho h", .;""" .-cti,-.,d from lite Alabama Waloh Go«eming Board. II'l ",'~II, TogetheT, ""C determined that we would be fimely indopcndem, thai wc would no! compromise "" princ:iples, thltl we would only reI ..... oarefully restarrhcd "'Ol,ri,1 and that we WO\lld $land firmly for con,ume, rights. We

staff of one and a half. we 'e would do 3 few things well. 'atlter a n many Ihing< po<><ly. We had to ",t prionti"'. First and f~mo.>l, we had 10 lake up thc ban""rof in,u,· "nee refoml, We determined thot we WO\lld prOIo<:llhe """" ,ul""rabl. of con'ulllers. children and nursing home re,idents, and that we wouM SCC~ accounlObilily,nd avail.bility of "'gulatory age""i ••. Within a few """,tits we fO\lnJ O\l,.. h..,. at tlte Alabama legisla,ure, educat· ing l~gi~lators on bow insu",,,,,,, bill. ""ould truly affect Alabama citi""ns. how e,-.,d il SCOOllf, hurt O\l' people, bow erod· ing oi,il righl$ was <:(In"'me. unfriendly, and how nllJ"Sing IIonles .."i<knlS net<led better protection. We joined with AA RP in tho .. cducation oil"",,. This year "". helped cducate OIl the payday loon i$w •• and P'" togethe.the "Protect Our Familie," Coalition to wor~ On nursing home iss"" •. 'l1Ic Coalilion COII5i,,, of Alabama W",,,h, AARP, Alabama Ari ...




OIl oJ for ...... " dl·",,,,~hed i"formation. M • • """,. ".., are poll'", lOZetbcr a Ibrm i..bblc group of Cilia . -fisu all O>tt Alabama. and 0lIl".$ Ill) , __ ",acllC", ,..,,,,1) ~.ooOpeoplc. We ba,,, I><m __.Lht1llett an: few

...... " • group of 1..,,111 ochol"",. fKIt ... we • polilieal 0< <)0<iss"" organi""I;on, VI, arc mull;_f",,<tcd and """Il:l/1"an ",I II on< mlb;"": the NU<llI"", 0( I ~ Alabama eili1.en. and ron'lIaIeIjJlllll""Ii" ", W. . . COMU"JI'rs tdu~61I", CI)n'UlllCI":>. We call on. lht legal con,munIlY for help and ,urport bec.u ~ lhey ul>llo",,,,nd 1><110 1' Ilta ~ the Itrribi<o pli",1 of the AIJbruno. . ..... ... tntr. We can cuI n&hllhrou&h lhe rbM_ ",1",>00'1$ of!bose ,. 1>0

""""nIn" ~ and we.uug· ,., . . . fsDdr.u, ing "" • "",,!3n1 basis.. ~ dQ,w;.,n, are In deductible.

'\\'c'w ....ed law rom .. 10 make us a "",ular p,ut of lheir budl\d. beeau.., we .... the ooly cOIlSunlCr group thaI i<

I"'bIicIlln(; lhe

i~<lX< ""I affCCl ""


olicmdll AllbMla, we blow ... if


Ala" - "ki ll"'" ......... ""' ...""" ;;;~. NlXalCd j uI)' p.><>I, ..... w. in, ,'" you 10 join us. 10 "'I'JIOft "',th donaOOns. With odvotacy. ..illi

,nf<lrmMion and wi'" the commi.m."It 10 """". Abboma for the bouor. V<lit ..... Web oi", ............sab<omt.....rcIo."". Wo·", on the mo>'e l

... mmtrof 2003 we of """11 mcelinzs all Alaba ..... 10 he .. COIl· $umtr conc:cms and WlXale COIlsutntrs on various $ubj«lI, II i. no! on euy Il.'lk. Some .,1>0 differ wilh us on .b ..eJ would lobc:l u. prolawy ..... b«ause "'e ~ caps on law· $Il'" and furthl.'f 10ft rdorm. 0Ib<-rs fttl like we an: UDCOCIIprom;';"," And il is INC IhaI ".., are dilUl and uni&hlfor· "'Wd. We !Old the 1qi~1aKW$ """ "'" _1dn ·1 be buy,,,, them lunches and


Alabama Watch Advisory Council: !'loul l!url<~lI. Ccnlt:ll AI.>OOma Aging


J .... n C. ... cr. Al:>l)alll" di=tor. AARP C..... tdl"ll Copdand . UAW Qornmwtily Services Ihmtsville .·~nn'" I)"" . . ,"",,'odes

Coun!y Emtlgt"'" M~ I'"niciUa 0u1lClln. aIIOfne)' IillI Bdl. ALabama SuIe School Boood Ria ful"". ~. ALabama



ANNUAL SEMI ON THE GULF Sandestin Resort/Village • September 18·20, 2003 Fo r more information, contact Dawn Wiggins Hare at lIJollroellll @jrolltiernel.llel

Or. Ellis IW I, min:d. TIl<Ugtt U"'-siI)' DH>no 1Iarris. Lowndes Coun!y C.izms U",ltId for AcIlarI


1 ~. AIl1)'



KaoI JoIu-. If:Iro'''' l>ato Lord. AIaboom.I Sa:uri...,. ~

M"" M<:Artllur . dirtaor. Alabama StaIr ErttpIoy= A ..... iation Ik>"rly It..... din:clor of Public Relations. T",nholm Slale College Ann Smllh. TlIll:wce rommunily .:Ii¥iSl Itc>-. T I"lIC)" Sprowls,. M O<lIgomtry Unillll'ian Ufti~ ""llowship PnII_ II ....,. SlrkkIand. C\ambnland law School limy 11....",. ~~. AFL-


W"'ff. din:clor of CllmrlKlnily AIf...... Southi:m Povnty Cn!Ier M• .,. Wrid ..... pot;cy anaIyt>t. Alabama I,"",)'


l\.-w Wllcthl' 'I!UN •• prcsidonI. Mool&<Jrl1CtY Ctlllrnl Labor Cooncil


-... _.. _-



"Not as Long as I Live!" H

" n -y Marks!tin. al the "lie of90. ~ntly likely bee""", ,he oloksl pnwn

10 argue before the Alabama Supre .... Coun. He made the firs, of six app"ar:u~"s in front of the Slate's highest COlUt in 1939. before /OOS\ of today's justices we'" born . Reli~mc" , i. still not in hi. p!.ns. "NO! as Ioog as J live! NO! ",long as I b,a •• good health:' he said. Mark!!.in argued a civil case. wilh the aide of his 62-year-old ron, I>:o nlel II. Marksl~ln. 111 . invQlving dimibulion of assets from a tnIS1 estate. Ho bert Fsda l. S r.. '"premc "'lUI'! clork. said the justices were impressed wilh Mark'iein. "We don '[ ha,' • ."y prett<!tnt. He', ,he fllli octogenarian," &dal ..... id. Druce Rogen. former J'I'O.'idenl of tho Binningham Bar Association. raud nff ogain« the Modsle;" •. H. thanked the older >llomey for !he privilege. "He is a worthy and .~illtd ",hOC3l"," Roge ... said . "If. a ~.t ... mple thai good • lawyers ... vcr ",,;re," (source: Th~ B;m1;ngkam N"",.)



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In Alabamll: Box 863343 Tuscaloo .., At. 35(86.0()30 20s-366-06 17 20s-366-0618 (fax )

In Virginia: Box 128 Emory, VA 24327 276-94c4.&89

III. ",HI""


Introduction a ligbI of sevaaI «<en! "",II-publicized COfJXIf*U' ~ •• much al1~"""" ha!; ~n ~ l<l dJr«1O< and otTo«. habtlily 10 o.IweboIders. Such cLaimi 1yp;caJly are ro.andt..l on f«l<nl and SUI. securiloes I.", •. TIle dUly !hal d,rtttors and off"",.. owe 10 ohan:boIden of AI.NorrllO CorponIIions ;$ CQdifltd in the Business C",pOr.IIIOf1S Act. Su Ala. Cod. H 10-28.8.30. 10-21!.8.31. 10. 2B·8.42 (1973). Ho",.,.••, Alabama "'lmmon II .... "1"'00, !he dUly (hal dire<:lO<S and om""" 01". 10 nun .• tuu.,holders who ha"., bu.i .... ss ",lulioo>'h ips with tile rorpoo"iOll. """ginl in wrongdoing .• '"en though in ~n off...,ill c3~iIY...... y


subject IIIe offending direcwr«offocer 10 pnWnal liab,l"y 10 """,·~Idtn. Although «<enl media lu"n,ion conccrninl d,rtrtor llId offICeI' liabili,y has


focu.<ed on publ"'ly.lradtd oompanir$. moM ,"'yen in Alabama encounICr dire<;, and off,.,.". .._tid,ly i......s ia connect"", ",111 c~ly-hcld rorp<lf1lIions.. A


do.. corponIion i. defined cmenl1y as, A COI'JIOfalion .. ~ aum, or at k' .., vocing Ywa. an:: held by I .ingle Oharcboldtr f1I c~ly.knil group ur .lun:bolden. Gene .... lly. ,h.". are I\<) ""bloc i"~l"'" and shan:1Io1,Iors ~acti,'. in Ihc condUCt of ll1e bu,inesl. A cI~ eo'l'o"",oo 1$ one which fill< its (",'n .,.".,anc"" or in wh;"h powt1" of 'IQI;01 i. htld Ihrough mani,", ·


l;11ion uoo.r r.ud and vinualJy po","II••1 proxies. A corpontion. m. """It owncnhip of "'hich is no! III'idoly dlspnwd. IIlSlUd. a few IohareholdeB 1m in conlJ<>I of corpont~ poIic-y and are ;n a pooilion 10 bcncr., porsooully from _h poIic-y.

w..' VI'cr,"{JRary 341 (6th ed. 1990/ (CII,;IIIOII ",">lied). Thil mlcle the de'oo<lopntnl of individualliobili,y uoo.r Alabama commooo 1.", of directors and oflie..," of clooely·htld corror.l1ions In non·,l\arcl'.::.lders . B/od·s




General Overview The con<qlI of IimilCd ~M>iHty _malty shiekk dir=ors and ofrlCml from 'ooividu.lliability. ~ IIwO/m,ml (S<Wnti) of,\gnu;, ff 354·57 ( 1 9~8) (dilCuF ,ng officer li.bilily for r1in& " -;lho'll authority). Umiu:d liabiUI)' for di_..... and officers is one ....jor ad.~. . 10 the corponIe fonn. o,ftt\OrS and otrJCen ..... $1 ~ able 10 m;d.. aooo.I (ailh busi",," d«,.oons obout lhi' CondllCl of thri, romp;lny without the 'hr<:m of liligation againSllhcm po"""",,). I)'. TIll< C<lfJlOIOlte form. ,-.~ .... does nqt j.bidd diuclors and otrlCm from li.bility for oJl COI!duct. AloIwnr. ~ Ill ... ~ luemplM, to balance the competinl ~~ ofprotectlng d,m:'"", and om«~from indi'-id ... lliabil,ly vtrJUS preventin!! the u<t of the cO<pOnIle form I" ihidd tllem from liability for !heir indio viduaJ '"''''''P. As . genenl ruk. dil'OClOl'5 and offi· cen rnrrp<nlOon are IlOl ptl'S<NWly liable for lOftS C1()fIIInintd by the ~ lion. ImIW they """.idually panicipated


.In or nIll'fi,ed the conduct" ' A

dl"""or or oflleer of t O:.>rpor:..

lion <Joe. DOl in=- po,-,oiW liabil_

;,y'for illllons ..,...,1., by n:asoo of lui offociaJ ctwx-. he ;, IlOl liable roo- lOftS coonmi!ltd by or r~ the rorpotlIIMln he bas pw'Iiclpaled in the ... ron.,


pari'' '

A<kordingly. directon no! to a wrongful act pan of 0Iber director:< ~ Q(lI liable tbcrefq«'\ If. bowew1'. a di~1Or or commits or panic1p31n in .~ tomrniss.iOl1 01. 10ft.... hrthaor no!;, i. al$o by or for.he cor·



1"JIl!'oo. he .. liable \(l third perinjur«l thereby. Ind it doos no! m:otl<t whot liability Ittaoh.. to1he corporao.ion for the IOI'l. A rof"raryrule would ~ • dirMor or offi<:er 011 ... pmilioa W petpett:lte flagrant Injuries and ~"ape liability ~hind the 5/1 •• 1<1 hi. representative chanet ... ..... n though tbe cOfTlOl"~tion might insolven. or i"""potIl-ible, L,abilily under tOOoc COftditions may "" """lgnW:d by >llltul• • Pan"'i .... "'" may ~ found 100( ,,*Iy 011 the b;ui, 01 din:ct .ruon bul may alS<) cons'lt of k"""'in, aPl'"".,,1 or "uificatioo of unlaw· ful 1oCU.




IS8 Am. Ju,. 2d C""""",'iotu I Isn (2002) (riw""" omint!(!). This ~ability '" 1IS",lIy diilillCt from the rontqlI of pictt'inl the CO<JXlflIte '''il. wh;"h roqu;res I finding IMllhe di=tol'$ and officers lhem .. lve$ disregarded the cor· ponte fOfTl'l . S« CIIf''''/''''·Mobil~ G(l/MfI·~Il. I"". '. O·uary. 499 F. Su"".

871 (S.D. Ala. 1980). Therefore. evtll ....itltoul ~ing the ~I. ",it direcwn and offlCttl "",y be individual. Iy liable if lhey eilher panicipoil<'d in the WI'OfIiloo;nl« ral,fi~ il. Thii is 1!'\Ie ddpite the f"'" thai the :tet or oo,i$SiOl1 may ha,,, occurrtd in In ollkial capaci,y lOS. rorpome represtnwi .... S« 19 CJS.


j}7 (1991)).

Aliitiama Case Law In AlabwM M'di<: Co.

~ N.ISCIl. 213

So. 2d 2SO (AI•. 1968). "'litauno", «juip· "IOnl ""as J'W"M!.ed r«,he High S""", Sandwich S~ ""ilh the ptlrclwe price Pl'yabIe in illSUtImenl$. Tho Klier. 1 ~1bum C<;>mpany. assiped the C<lntt:ICI 10 FIDI N.tlJ(lIla! Banl 01 M"'~, The operator of High ~lte<'1 Sandwich' was lare, hired by Alabama Music Co, and ,ublet ,he restauranl premises /., ErJIogean Ndoon. ,,'110 lIS<) 19.Nd '0 aAume the ~ «MItnlCI for "'~, equipment. A 5tOO of sublets "nSut!d. and evmIually AbbMna Music Co. (through its off...... Ja.rp!t Cwilouw) acquired 0 leeun,y ont ....., in 1M IHgh Slree' restaurant ~ui~tenl. Anll( <ltfauh in payment! for thll ~uip;­ ment. ~~"'ional Dink pIannt!d 10 ,ell' "e' IioI AIiMmlo MIlSic's Capiloul<> pa@'lbebalao>ccdueand ""';,'<'<1 from II¥' boN: ... .J~n .... nl of lhe poptO' W A~ Mum ,,·,,110<11 reeourse . .se-"",I dilr~! ~c .ullsequ~n'ly ~ral<'d lhe ~la unln~ and ul'imatdy • di$lOg""'",.n! ~ ...... ho _""" the equi""",nl. Ddie>',nl Alabamo Musk 10 "" the la ...-ful ...,..,.. Capikouto p<J$OnOUy "'''''''''''' !be equipmen, from High S....,..,. ~an Nelson. wllo ori,inally ",bitt the ""","uIUt. r.~ sui, apiOlSl Cop;""'W individ. u~lly (<< coo,=ioo . The COWl found """ C.P;IouIO. though rtlng lOS a corponte officn for Alabama Mu"" ( " 'Ilida ~Id. IiCCUriIY inlttt$! in the equ;""",o'). ...... ind"'idllally b>ble





for bi$ Oct ....... The AI:atoam.

Supreme Coon fil"ll poim~ ou, that ill oorpor:llioo in its .. 101;001 tn the ~blic is rcprestntrd and can IOC. only through

'If, duly III\Jtooriud stn'Ints. ."ts 01' "'"Jk

<'llI(lIoyces." A.~ Co. 213 So_ 2d Olll) (<il;", U~jlN S,.,us H,.. IflL C~ ... Hoops. lj4 So. 2d 3 (AI •. I~)), This '''Mmen' .. n..:" t~ need for. ba lance in dek!rmininl when rndi vidual director or OfflCCf liabililY i~ appropriok!. On """ hand. the lIOture of I~ corponk! form roqu,,,,,, IIw " be "'Prescnl<'d by indi,id\oals, and tIIt..fote ,ndovidualliabililY i~ ""imes appropri. ,,"C, On the OIher hand. the 'imple fact !hal' COI'pOr8'ioo i, no! a li'oral perwn. .n~ that il muS! "" ",~n'ed by iBdi,·iII",l .. o.bould J\OI outonwic.olly subjecl th<:J5o: pcnons 10 ,ndi"idualliabolt.y. The coun', ul.imale ronclu<iool " ..... IIt31 a dil'ttlOr or offiCff cannot =lJle rc.opoIl: libol"y by claiming lhal hi. or Iter wroogdoing was wmmandrd by the cor ponot il)n,

TIl<' ",,,,,,,,,, ",Ie of I.w. tlW 19<;nIi pmprrty ..nhoriud. IOCllng for • """"'... pincipll w,thou!"") per. .soI\al widcnaki"' . ...,""" i""i~id­ ",11y resp<:lltSible, docs noI apPly 10 lOft1. bttause 010 one can I....• fully command 1Jl01hc, 10 • wroo,. It .. al'" clear. thaI every unlawful iouenneddllnl with the IOOdo of 0II0Ihct. 01 • con..........; arid ~ n no .......... 10 the true: ... ner. thai the penon ... ""';ving the ~ "'"3$ ign<:ftnt oIhilli'le, «Itw,.be =civ..,j them (or the u!lC or benefit of anotIocor, The Jak· ina- or =Ci""" of tlltm bei", I


rom't1Sion. his wbseqloml di~i. lloot of them. will /101 exonenIe

him from



Musk Co. 213 So. 2d



2S4 (q""/i~g ~ " MIlI¥",~. Ip 11;1-

682 (1846)). The CQurt ,hlOf ~11odc.J """ could be belli indiyidually liable f« h\$ actions lOS In offic...- of Alaba"", Music. In 00at0J1" " 1I"",u. 340 So. 2d 818 (All. Civ.API'. 1916). Kaui ... HUD"', $11«1 Soutltcm MoNle lIomes. Inc. and Gill)' Chand"', individually. 10$ lhe president of Southern Homes. for d.m:ogcs 10 • mobile home &he purchased. J1 .. wm· plltin, al!qed fraud. ~.ocb of the duty 01 good raith and brcacb oI""'""""y. Chandler contendtd ,hal the troal toun ~rrod in denying his """ion f« a dire<:!~ ,=I;"t 0$ to the all4aliorts .... insl him individually. becau!lC he IOCtt!(! ooly lIlO In off""" ror Soulhern Mobile


Homo•. T1>r roll" found no ~rroc ill !ht trial COlIn', den;,,1 of. dirtcted verdiet for ........ fclldant< OIl .... r....:1 <b.iJIL n.c coun """led th>l • ptnOII is ~ab\e for ..,y 1CfU he tommilS. ~ if atlinS ia III o"-"'iol <'apIClIy, ,"'hemthe ag...... has penonIIUy <XImnAmd a ....".". "s a ~II. Chandln's ~ liability for making r~l~ ~nlaion. ""as prop<O"ly presenled 10 IIIrrjury; 11> .... row\"' .jew.

i, was

m6n. im~110 pre,'en'

the indj,Kluaf If"n ucu\;,; hi"",,]f from liability Imply boca of hi. sla-

COI'IIInOIU. rtqllCSli"i drclaratory and inj"Deli •• ",lief coouminl wbether or .... crWe oil ,""lei 10 I 8~ian rom"",· ny ,ooIakd the El, .. ,l""C) PeIroIetam Allocation At! 011973 (EPA"). Tho """",.."laimtd api ....


Citronel\e- Mobile GlIIIerinB. Inc.• Citmoco Smtitu. Inc. and Ban Chambrrlaln (a direaor and offICer 01 bolh companies) 10 m>ke reslitulion for .It..~

O>'m:twgeJ reech'ed in


to mnsfen of erode oil. Undtr "'"


""~ion. Il.<i~' T~Co. v.StI


on 0 ......... C;lnm~II~·Mohil~. 499 F. SUP!'. at 88 1 (cilations omil1ed). "l"he coon was ,""",ful to make tilt disti""tion that wch liability is no! ~ndtnt upon the ......., """lids .. p;m:il\X the rorponle ""it The offi

te agen!. l iso cllinltd he "(" entilled 10 a di verdict on !he ~tncI roun~ bt<:ouSC! he mtnly 111:''"'' t"

'" d

panicip>lQ and """"",os of that conduct. he is Wbjc<:11O I,:obility baS<"d upon thai rondllCl. This doc\n"" does no! depend upon the ....... pounds as p;m:ing m. cor· ponIe thai i$. inack:qo'>le cap;llIl,utMlfl, ule 0I1he cOO po""" form for fnlldull:nt JIlIIPIII'<S. Of fa.ilu~ 10 comply ".. ,Ib formal,li... 01 orpni .... uon. Ra,her. the officer or dirttlor is liable;lS an a<1Of. not

. .


irJs.Bonk.1 17So.19.21( ~ lops). as ",tbon.y for .... pooposilioa .m. il1n lIt'l' .... hose~ ... is



or .......... i.Dg the.

conduct It i.....,. 8ecaIU!c

hlmoelf declined 10 , court', (t'fuJ.IOi

1983).. rommonly-ci,ed rase in lhe ..... of directOf and off"lCIM"


b\l.!ty.A """" 01 fanners sued

Cri,1I:r <t!' off..,.,.. and prifICipal .,.,....,.. of M66em Mix I...,.) and Binninstwn TN" N:IIIoIilII Bank (BTNB). rectin. damazes for COlI sion. fraud. ronspir-=y .....'Iigenee 0( 8 wlIrrhouStIlWl. :ond ",'",,10' '''0'' nf 3

warchouStman in romm,!!ini f",ud and Torr. oflne l. ·7 the Alabamo



dea, in, .... 10

" • • /"", v.


• common law I office. liability'" 00<1..... rebolden;, Cilmnclle r,1ed sui, against

officials or!1>e Dtpmrncnl of Energy and lho S«~ary of the Oo:panrncnl of 3 18


EPAA. the priceI el"wjed foroil wen: hi&Jltr !han ... hal "'" <kf~1S cook! Itgally hn-e e~ had the $&Its ~ made in the U.s. All pani<s"filed motions for summary j lJd&mmt. lbc ooun uamincd Chamberlain's ilW1iv>dual ltabt~'y by iftioially swil\X the buic ",It that a C"OIpOfalC officer is liable for lily lOfIious conduct in "hich he is • ""ntral fiS"n:':


When. <"O'POOllo or dirtt· tor i$ a ccntnl fii"re in torti"". contI""t. or "" brn he ""tboriu:s.

ron,..,ning personal propony."The I.wsuit arose from i lOf1'd g",in in billS owncd by M(I(.Itrn M i~ on. " $lOfl'd "npriced" bali .. mean'lIIlhe farmeR had the option 01 Stllin. the srain to M66em Mi~ in !he rut""'. Of 10 ha"" thoir groin ""umrd " .htr! they desirrd. BTNB Cll...:ied Modem Mi>. • Ii"" of aali~ ICCUmI by the pal. ""..,ntory. An im..,..· tory oonU'Ol J)'$I('m ,,-as rOlIJlUl.olld 10 monitor the Modem Mix ' ...... ntor)' for BTNB. This dc1cnn,ncd how m""h the bank" loaned 10 Modem M io<:" Wh<:n Modem Mix fflCOlJnt~red r,l\an<i.I'I"I)IJ' bl~. it 50ld the fan'~I"$' groin ar.d dtposi,ed the procttds in,l$ ~htc king

accounl. BTNB lhen ajlproprialed lhe p«ICee<lS of Modem Mix', 3CCOIInl, as partial repayment for lhe BT-NB k>ans, M<:><!em Mix filed for banlrup1CY. A, a preliminary mall"'~ «!Urt h 10 delermine lhe n,ture of lhe 1raI\"",. lions. If lhey "we sales. ",bi:n-in lilled passed from lhe (armors 10 MoJtm Mi, a, invenlory, lhen IlItre could i.. no indi,idual reco"''Y againsl Crigler ~",con­ .'enion. f",ud, ""glige"". or wanlon"".... ".rehouseman. In thi' case, 1r1I\.......ion wu delermined 10 in h • hailmtnl in "'hich MO<km Mi. wa\selling grain which was not pari of it.< i'fen~. SO ~1{'dcm . Mix'. sa.,s amounlei:llo 10,.UOU' c<.wc ~on. Nexl, the coun addre.o;sed Ihe "".. of Crigler', indiYi~u~ re.o;J>XISiblliIY. Crigl ... claimed lMllhe I~~coon .Ihould 1>.1". a,,'atdcd hin' a din;oc~d '.rdiCi be<:au the plrunliff. failed 10 ptXl','t his indi.idu.l liabilily. The coon btgan b)'>..("'inl<ngr.'1 Ihat a C<IIpOI"3le offIcer "m'y IlOl part",i. pale in a Ion pcrpelJalcd the agency of a corl'or1l1ion, or in a m.udu-

'I "

le"l injury 10 anotho:T. without bting dvilly re.o;ponsible." Cn'gl,r, 438 5<:>.1(I.t 1319-80 (quoting Irudi,ill Soil &, Pi~ Co. v. wllwm Soil /,j~ & Foundry Co.. 97 So. 219.110 AI •. 1 4 ~ (1923». It also ql>01ed with "I'P"""a! a ~Ii "" from Flelrlor:,,', Cydo~Jin of C"rpomliQlU. § IllS:'at. 203(1975): It is thoroughly "'ell sellied Ih.1 a man is personally flable for all Ion< /Xlmmilled by him':"ronsisting in ",i,fe~ fr.oud, 'ion. acts done negligenlly. e1C.- not,,·ilhstandi ng heI."ay have acted as II>< .gent or u~r ;jire<;Uon, of anothe,. And thi' is true to lhe full extent as to IOrts ronmtilled by lhe offi~rs 0.- agenlS of a corponllion in dl< manage"",nl of itnffairr.The fact tltal II>< d,_ cumllanc:es are such as 10 render the COfJ>Oflllion liable is allOgelhe, immatorial __ " COTpOrale officers are liabl. for their own lOrt$. IlhltOtlglt <ommilled wbtn acting ollkiany. In <>!he, 10'11,,10, C<lf!IO-

rale officers, charged in law wilh .ffirmati.'e effieial rc'pon,ibiUty in the manage ..... nt lUtd cemro! of COfJ>Oflll< bus incs<. CannO! .">'<lid personalliabilily for wtongs /Xlmmined by claiming th.t they did nQt aUlbori>.e and direct tliat ",hleh was done in the-regul>r course. ~~. . . . . Ihal business, wilh their knowl_ edge and "'itlt their consent or aw",..,I. or such acquiescence on lI><i' pari is )'IatTanlS inf.tring , uch """seQ( or approval.


To hold ~ dl_,or or offi~r liable for 1he COIJ>Of"\Ih'ln" wrongful aelS. "there mUSlliaw he<:n uron his pan brtach~ dUly as contributed '0, or helped bring aboul, the injury: Ihat i. 10 say, he mus, be ljY.Inkipanl in II>< "'tOngfulacC Crig/e{",438 5<:>. 2d JI 1380 (elling FI~'chu'l ~/ij~di" "I C"rpomti"rIS, § 1137 al 2(18). The <:<>"" ronch"I.d Ihal II>< faelS were . ufTieienl 10 connect Crigler wilh the con ....... ion. CrigJer ,.,.. presidem of Modem Mix. I><1d a <'OflII'OIlil\8 inttreSl in it. and managed


':hme a n d again, Ihe le a ders rn dedi cali o n aDd s e r<,Uce. lVitlt


titan Iulf a =rury under

Oil' Ixl~ )011 could Sl)' we lnow all tlten: is 10 ""-ow 'OOUI tille illlur. nce. lIut il', nol jllOl about knowi"g our

busill<'SS. h', aboul knOIIing our diem. a"d eami"g their 1nUt Our 1'Wo)t11 Ju..~ done jUst that.

By ha.;ng tit •• xperitnCf: •.tld inlighllO

pMide \ uoow.riting .!Olution.. Wire ... led the tlwnlxr 0'" tillc inSIU1Uitt

co"'I""'Y in MiMis.Iippi and Alabam;,. m:riling '\1I'llIrpastoe<i filWlciaI subi~1y· ... ti"gs. Thloltk )W for putLing )'Our failh in us.



_1IOO.&I111l1D> __ _



lhe lie do<:idod "'hen 1(1 accepc and ~II ""in. and evt"n helped unloold i, ifI some IIUWICOS. II ~ ...., ~ptd .....,. of !lie in'-~mOf)l ronuo! doxu .... otS 10 8TNB. The <><>WI fOllIld!hal!heR "'...

ID lhe <OlIn. II noc .lppIQpI"u"e ~unl<-ss !heR &/>oWin, thaI. 1hmII&h abuse or


maA'pulMion.,he ro'po,,"". form \I'll!! IISed 10 ~ pcrJ<lIIoaI ~ibiIiIY.~ S78 So. 2d .. 1261 (qw>lu.. kJfrnM Pilol BroadroJlm. Co. " HiI<UJ .. H"P"o 1M•• 617 F.ld 133. 136 (S'" Cu.

(980» . C(lf1lO1' failN 10 allelIC my "'l"OIIJs oomm",ro by Jo/uIion individu· ally. and !lie coon found no Ind,vid ...1 liabililY under lhe flCli of Ihi. CISC. In Ime",C"'''I«I. 1M. •. Omu.644 So, 2d 8/.17 (Ala. 1994). Inler·Connect pIIr<ha:ood $e~",1 il<ms of ekcuonic equipn!(n, from Gro.. Really. Gross ReallY

""",/ltd a s«urhy in",,",- '0 ' ' 11\$.

Groso ReallY ... b:scq ... olly luood I"'... a110M ddall"''''' ,tS pa)'1IIUI\i. A ~ Reali)" SOII'IIO of "'"



,. poese" llIIive-~~ t/Ie-.... ",",fillIeS ,,·,thoul p""""uion and

law ;" AIWmIID pRV<"III a .,.nl from ",in, hi • .wu. 10

stlj(1d h",1>(1( from indi,'idu2] li.aI)ili,y 1(1

""".dwtholdrn f'J" "O'PO""" WfOOJS· The Alabaml Su~ COWl


,he is,ue in Co""~" v.

This c_,



relllll'o"td ~ itt"", dw wm: subject 10 !he !«UriI)' interes. . Int....cormect coun,,,",laimed ~1Ul GfOS$ Really and med. """'plainl "" Ah',n Gross. pres,dem of Groll ReallY. 11I4inl eon,-omi"". ''''''PI'~ and miupproprialiool of tr:iiIe-s«retS. The 1Ii.1 roun ""nled AI",n GfOS$' nl(llion for lummary jndg.... nl.

.connect appeaIN "'" l urnmary

In' ...


claimin, , ...."he wk IepI i _ " ... ",'''''!her G"",,' a<1iono roukl $Ubjtc1 h,m 10 pcrJ<lIIoaIli>bili,y. even if he ..... ICI'''I on bdIaIf of !he oorpc:nlion . The 001II1 ""u-r.ed!he ~ NO<


II it • ,,'ell-sellied ",Ie in sUO'" dw a po'l'$OfI I, .... ble for "'" ,OI'U " 'hich he or.he wmm"• . regard· Ies.< of ,he capaci,y in which "'., p<:rson ""'". As ".,ed in f inMII ... PillS. 222 Ala. 290.12931. 132 So. 2. "' (19:lO1: 'When .. p<:r,orH""'_ milS a tori. il is wbolly inllll:l",riai upon lhe qlle>lion of hi. liabilily. whe!htr he ..... lCIi", OrrK:,aUy or pcrJ<lIIoaIly: The ~uon for findinl pn-.J I'.t!:'ilj,y r l1li. "'" ageM personiI1Y~ oommlUM .. Indtpo'ndtnl of !he priI:Ici pal'. " 'roagdoulJ. Th;, ",Ie ..."


rco!enled ,. S4ooIlwaJI~", C,"'-'''' Co. v. R<#/ns. 248 A\a{361. 21 So.:2d 70S (1946),

1",~,..Conn<'C'. 644 (qu,,';ng CIuJndl~, v. 81 8.822). The fact !h.!

oj Corpt>ru'io .... § 1135 a, aulhority for lho l'fOIlOSilion thai corporale offict1"S are

':ia:"i":f~,:~.:,":~' found they oommit. ",.. n if the 10 be at f.ull as

100." liable does lhese rules. Gross



10 Carnp«lI. As. Suil.gainslille




""e existtnet.

I he was >Cling in his summary judgnv:nl in hi, reversed.

So. 2d at lD.'il 549 So. 2d 508




(Ala. 20(1). ibe company based . ~

individualliabilily Selhel

, liable for any fraudulrn. ,ions cOII1miued in denl.



". I syslem was subsequently discuS$ions wilh pay""'nl, " ..... <N" made

place On "n,uring Ihal "llen" do not use as a nl<3n$ '0 ovoid individual wrongs.

. I"c..

lions in

ci "'




. il was delenni""d ihal .lIeged his fraud I , Court ofC;vil Appeal s directors' and orrltt'" liabil ity in Yarbrough V. /.LdjQrd. 171 So. 2d I~I (Ala. Civ. App. 2(00). The case invol>·.d a $<lit by four p!ainli!T, againsl Alabama Earth PrOOUCIS. Inc. (AEP) and ilS officer. ROOtrt Ledford. claiming ,hallhey wrongfu ll y deJlO<iled was,e on the plain. liff" property. Ledford filed a motion 10 disn,iS$ 0<. in lhe altemali,... for Summa· ry judgmtnl OIl the theory thai 11< Was 001 pelXl".lIy in,ulved in 1he ac1ivily ami lhal I>e acled as an employ« of lho corpora~on. The trial court granled hi. nlOlion. On .Pl"'al. lho court of civil appeals relied on f"I~ld,cr's Cydop<'din

... did you make your point? II'S a lac! thai -..Is<JaI cormtunicalion helps jurors 0""""""" !he low tolerance lhey have wilen elP<>S"d to voIurne-s or compIe~ or unlnleresting ",formation.

Our ce<1ified trial con."",,nls can wo.1< wiIl1 you 10 cligitaly diSplay key crucial depositions arid imporran! doo.>menta in order 10 kHp the jury Joo.rsOO 0<"1 the f!>eta in your case and make the mosl of )'OU' lime In lrMt 01


them. Caliloday 10 _

oow "'" can help with)'OU'"",,1 cate.

Iii -,-,-

Wllson Price

(~) 271·2200

WNW . wilsonp<\o&


Alabama and !hat it wa, fore5ee.ble !h:1l3ppcllan ts )hit .... appellees') tranS3CtiOIl WOIlld ha.·e ~onsequ.nus in !his SUlk."

Dub>. 496 So. 2d., o m"tcd).


Conclusion Directors aoo officers h. clear du,i .. their shareoolder!.. and con be held civilly liable for b!'tach<:J o~ ,hose duties . The same is true /,or director and officer <>blig.non, to t>On'f!""'hOl4en. Alabama case law ~''''''$ \'Ilallama among the m'}onty o f junsdictiOIl. thot r.r.d directors and office,..lriabl. for wrongs if they pllrticipat.~~ or ",lify tile ~uct. As ~ abo':.,y indio ..., ,he i"'luiry. ailalysis is lawly a The primary memo IhrrlughoUt the AI~ cases is thel"ocuf OIl wllether the di(tttor or officer \>!ayw an 3Cti~ role in p;>rticipating. aut/tori· ng or ratio fying the w""'llful conduct. • 10

•'ere ac1ing ;1\ tIleir capacity as dittt1O<$. and Ill ... d~y should be protected from Alabama's eureise of 1"'..0001 juri!idiction. '''u t ' ooon disagrtM. finding • • fficienl coo-

'.......,f"'" !aCts tQ

.ubj.." '''''Ill to p<1$QIIal )Uri( "

lion in Alabama: This i De olpmonal jurisdiction has; _ _~ become one ,,,,,,cgyuS<ti .• Ibo" " n,llCAn indi,-idual .. nOi "'i.ldod from ce..Sfully; by ou,-of-,(atc directors and liability simply becau!;C hi' act off"'crs to lI}' ovoidl ndiv;du.lliabili"""re done in funh<"""", of hi, 'y. Tho Supreme Coon has coo employer" intere,t. In fact, the . ;'temly refused to pr<)vide~le Coull stated lin Coldu ~. jl>f1eJ. agent. with such proie<tion. Su, Ex-Pf1ne 465 U,S. 783. (1984)1 lhallhe Mcinnis. 820 So. 2d 195 (Ala. 2001 defendants' ".taIU, as .mpl0Y~ IC10'l'Onue agent ,talus doe$ "'" in. u· does "",somehow in,ulale thrIll la~ the agent personally from his or hrr from jurisdierion." Secoml. \be jJrisiliC!iQnaj contacts wah a state or allegations of fmud conlemplMcd /:. rom penonal juri$di~tion i~ the SI.te"). thatlhe dtfendants ",e ... acliog In Dug v. Young. 4% 50. 2d 37 (AI". OUtsi"". ~1OOpe ofthcir employ1986). the coun extended the reach "",nt. Given the ""to", of Alallanu's IOOlllml Slalule over non-resclaim. it is not.,.hard to envi , ion ~nl director.< of. Gcotgia COfP'K""tion how the acts ",the dir\'C' woo had allegedly engaged in ffwdul. nt tors "..ere ·"a sisnir.~~ "'''''''' of ""tivities. The di!'tCIors claimed that they the "gOliation. ""hkh occurred in





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,n the May

200304./,,"''''''' 1.f'M'ytr, 01 ",,,,,Id be betler to "l'Pro<K"h ...,n;"",,, p"'Ctic. in Al.ooma with. blank ~Iat., Alab:allll ccn,cnn pm<'i<c tus 1>01 bttn l"o"'n foc U$ simphc,ly. C(Jf\~".nlly. in

".,\lSI 2002.lhe SUp"'nll: Coon of Alaroma C<)mplclcly ""...

roI< 1U1<-~

39.IId.;o 10

clarify the pruotJUrt (Of .... lIng this lyJI' of d,seftlionary ""'"''' Unfonun,lely. i1 .ppears from 1M p.utions CUJn'nlly being filed ..,ith tbe coon lILal ... ltile I.wy~'" lewned abou1 the: """" font ""Inirtmtn' roo- all appcl!.>,. r.hnr. many ha.-e _ learned lIw. rul芦 39 and .;0 "" .... been ,""";Ilen.


The purpoo;c of lIli. lnlCIe is to anempllO mJl,Itt \he numbn 01 disrniuab or ttrliooroo- (a, I.".. II) comply .... ith "'" ru~ and 10 pro'Il'k ,uidanre f... those Io.. ~ ,"'ho file poL,UOlU for \be writ of cntionri only oocaoionally. This lIIicle is orpI\,ud u Ili~ ofques.ioN auomeys.noold"", tl'lcmstcl,..s ber_ liling a petitio<> for the ",.,;\ 01 C<'nionri .

IW1 pemiom

II;, C1II<'iallQ remember !kat if you are ~ui"'" 10 m. an Ipplkltion for rehearing beron: seekin. unionui re>'i .... in \be supreme coun. you mUSI fl'ad l1Id comply with Rule 40, Al.mon," Ruk. of Apptllale I'rocc<lu .... If you do Il0l, you moy be c!1SUring lbe <ltni.1 of your cert'orari petilioo,

1. What is certiorari? Too ofI.... il 1J'I'l"""'. lIt(1(11e)'$ p:1llion for • wril of cn1io.ha"ing no i<lt. whalIDe ...Til is nleanlto do, Accordin,!O Bloch Law Dkt/''''''" . • wril of ocoio,,"i is "an .Xll'aOI'dinary wril i..ued by In 'pp"IL.", COIU1. I I ill diKretion. dlt'ttl"" an inlOmltdialr C(U1 10 deliver the m:wd in I case (or l'e'iiew.~ 8t..d'~ u. ... /JK1;-" 220 (1th N . 1999)(Emphasis ad<.I<d).


Whal doe> thai mean to you? 11 "",ansltul i( you (,ie I peI;lion for a wril ofo(oiorari. unl..,.1Id u",illht "Til ifOUU. Illtre is no t'ttool bcfOR. the sup"'''''' ooun. So. ""lIen you file I polilion (or 1 wril of cn1iooftri.the OIIly ilems bef"", the COIU1 . . your p:1l'_. the oP"""" of the ilWllM<diale IJ'I'l"ILatc COWl and your brief. Your pelition ""ilI ,...u or break your ~ (or omionri revl~. You ""''' OOM'111OC the ooun. in your peliII"" for lilt ",ril of Cf'nlorari~no! in your bri.f-\halyour 0... i. appropri.1< for ~.niorari l'e'ii ..... In Ot/Ior wool •• you n\uSI con· • inee the ooun thall""" ha •• $!.IIN., leas! one of the around> found in Rule 39. thai. the ..... n should 0111 (or the m:wd. """ 1M lhtrl' should be fun.her brielinl. If )'011 doD', F1 )'OUr ptti. "OIl nghl. l""" ....y be OUI of ooun.

2 . Can any and all decisions by the Court of Civil Appeals or the Court of Criminal Appeals be reviewed by certiorari? No. Rul<: 39(a)(I)(A}-(EJ alld Rul. l9(a)(2) Ii" the pound> Ihal mu" be all .. td beforn Ihe '"JII'O,ne ooufl ...·ill .~n consid. er panling the ... ri1 of omionri""" oillina fOl' lht t'ttonlto

conduc1 fun.her I'e'iJe'tll'. Re"",mber. cn1iorm is I d""""ionary devia! uOC<l by the Aillbama Sup"'''''' Coun 10 doride ",hc1bcr 10 I'e'iN:W d«:isions by !he imom>edi.", 'pp"ll... couf15. 1'b<.. ;s no rilhllO ccfllorari ",·i~. 11 is II<llcoough 10 OIl the pan of the inlumtdi~le 'pp"'Lole ooun; you mUSI $I.'le one of die pooods liued In Rule 39(1)(1). You may wish 10 ad.,~ your di ... of WI fao! 50 be or w w,U _ ,.....",., l'e'iiew of lht in[('nn<diaIC """,,11m COIln', decision by 1he

"'P"'''''' (:<)Un i. aulomalic.

3 . I have detennined that at least one of the Rule 39 grounds is applicable in my case. Now what do I do? Must I file an application for rehearing with the appeals court? You mu" ..... mrine ,,·Iltthe, an awlicaliOll for ..heati", i •• pRft<Iui<i.. 10 ceruonri review in your oa.c. An applicatJon (or rl'ItotarillJ il a ~1$>1C in crimInal casu. nccp1 in !he t:lOIe of. pmrial appeal by !he s.-. See Rule 4O(d)(l) IlIKI Rwle 39(0). An applicalion fOl' ,..""""ng i. no! required before filillJ a oertiorari polilioo in. dvil 0..... Sec Rule 4O(dX2) """ Rule J9(b). If. howeve'. you <kcide 10 fil<: an applioation for ",he..· in& wilb lht COI.lf1 of CIvil appeals.. )00 my" comply wilb Rule 40. See Rule 39(b)(l).

4 . Now that I have detennined whether or not I must file an application fot rehearing. what do I do?

If an applieallOO for rehearing is ""luirtd. i! mIlS! be filed .... ith'n 14 clay, (IWO ",",1<$) of!ht dale of!ht decision of !he inlttmtdiale apptllale COlIn. Thtn.)'OOI mIlS!. within 14 days (IWO ...ttb)ofllle i~ of the decision of lhe .n!Crmedi>IC: appelbl< COlIn or tIw COWl', deci.ion on the lppIiCllion for ~ari", (if"'"" ...... filed) file I potllion for I "TI' of emknri ... jth!ht sup"'''''' coon. Rule ru"" 2(e) 1M )9(1))(3). Tht II"", for filing;' jurisdiotiorW. l6(b). Thi' ""'.... !h;o( if!ht petilion for !be ,,'n! of em"""'; is "'" filed .... i(hin lWO of the i ......".., by the in(enr.c:dial< "J'PL'1l.!C COLo" of iI, (\ee"ion ...... SUp"'''''' «IUn Cannol "",ie .... il.



5. What must I include in my petition?

7 . Isn't the statement of facts found in the brief?

You mu~ i1lC1Pdc!be folkwoins in your pelilion:



A !.L11e"",nl of the


A ...... Ie""'nl of facu (unIeso)'QU"'" wWicd " 'ith the

>Werne... of facu WIled in the opiniooo of !he in....-mcdi· aIC' apptllale COlIn). !itt 111$"=10 q~ 7


II for man: infonnalion on !he IUIC1neftI of focu. e.


"The wle of !he (\eeilion "","'I 10 be ""......... 1M. if lUI Ipplicalion for rebearing was tiled. !be Wle of !he 0<1Itr o"C1Y\Lhng (he applkation. A copy of lhe opinioo or ""flI'bhsbcd memorandum

issued by (he coon of apptal$ W, Y"" are chalk",i", mUll be IL~hcd 10 your pelition.

You nuy includt a $IIlt .... nl oHacu in your brief; il .. m 1101 be counlCd .. !he ~S/.ILLI!""""! of facu- )'001 "'" ~im:110 include in )'001' petilion.


When)'OOl file I petilion for I IOTII of <Wtionri. you muS! h>elude a ...... l.""'nl of f"" .. in the petition. Rule 19(~). 00 no! al1ach a " Rule 39(k) Stole"",n, O)f ['''''15:' As IKIICd .bove. Rule 39 h:ss been compl.lely ",,·rillen . There fILl IonSeT e~iSl$' provision in the Al.bruno. Rules of

Set alabar as Your Homepaqe Setting alabar as your default homepage is easy! Each time you access the Web, you'll be routed to the ASS site. There, you can count on the most up·to·date information about bar activities and resources. From your browser, go to "Tools," then "Internet options" and then enter www.a/abar.orgasyour homepage .


Appell.1e Procedu", for. "Rule 39(1:.) S"'le~nl '" Pacts." and tho <:<>Oil wilillOl ~pl such. moIion. M""",,,,,r. Rule 39 now proyides thaI "facts shalillOl be i~IM or BdopIed by ",fe..,nc. from any OIber document. including tho party', bri.f in support of the ~Iilion." Rule 39(5).

8. What if I am of the opinion the

facts are correctly stated in the decision of the intermediate appellate court? If you are sati,fied with tho 'Iale~nl of facts in tile opinion 0.- unl"'blilhed memonndum issued by lbe inlerme<iiale appel-

laIC oourt. you.....,d IlOI in<:lude l slalement of faets in IIIe peli· tion . See Rule 39(dXSXA) and (C) . If no f"" .. art staled in lhe pelition for IIIe writ of cel1ionui. IIIe ,up"'me "'lIt11 will p""su"", .hatthe petilioner i. salisfied wilh the fact< as staIM in llIe intem .. diate appell.le COlII1', opinion or nICrnorandum. I. i•• good pnoc. lice. howe"" 10 le'llIe "''''''.... coull know thai you a8"'" with the intermediate .ppenate ~oun ' $ Slalemenl of llIe rae ...

10_ The court of civil appeals issued

a Rule 53 "no-opinion" affirmance (or did not include a statement of facts in its opinion). What do I do about a statement of facts? If the coun of civil apl"'al, issued. "lI<Klpin;oo" affimlince l"'"uanl.O Rule 53. Ala. R. App. P.. or is.ued 3n opini"" 1""1 did noI oootain a s"'le~nl of faclS. and you did I1QI file .n applioalion for retltaring, you .hould ,ta" your "",ion of the faciO in the prtition for the wri, of cellionui. See Rule 39{d)(5)(B). If you do noI J>UI a .talel""nl of fa.c:ts in your ""nionui prtition, 111<..,..., no fae" befort ,lie , uJ'll''"'' eoun because the "faels shall not he ir.corponled or adopted by ",ferfrom any OIlier document. including ,lie pony's brief in suppon of the p"lition.~ Rule 39(5).


11_ The court of civil

appeals issued a written opinion and, in my opinion, it got the facts completely wrong_ What do I do now with regard to a statement of facts?

9. I am not happy with the facts as stated in the court of criminal appeals' decision and I must file an appli~ cation for rehearing. What do I do with regard to a statement of facts? If you .'" of lbe opinion th.1 the coull of criminal appeal. got the f""ls wrong (or. iflbe COUll Slaled no f""IS in ilS deci,ion). wben you file your applicalion for ",tltaring yon must iI>Clude your sIalemenl of lhe fa.c:ts in you, applioalion. See Rulo 40(0). If you. application for rehearing is denied. you must incltul<: in you. ]IOli.i"" for the wril of cenionui. """"'im copy of the stalrmenl of f""" thaI w.. in y<:>ut application for ",lIearing. See Rule 39(d)(5)(A). Do noI pul the ,taleme"1 of facl, in your bri.r. Do 001 "'Itach" llIe stalen ..m off""," 10 the pelilion. Pul 1M: st."""'nl of foc" in lbe peli'ion and "rify ,hal the ".I.".. n. of f""" e(>!ll.i".d in 1M: peli.ion i. a ""rbalim copy oflbe stOle,,,.nl of f"",," that was in ItIt >ppliealion for ..,lIearing you fIled with the inlermedi"" appellale "'lItrt. S"" Ru le 39(5)(AHC). ( If you cl>oose.o file an application for rehearing in lhe coun

of eiyil apprals, you must follow lhe same proce<Ju..,. Rule 39(5)(A).)



If lbe COUll of civil appeal. issued an opinion " 'ilh f"""" st.led l!Jerein, and you dis· >g"'" wilh lhose f""", and Y"" did IlOI ftlo an applicalion for ",lIeaTing, sta", your "",.ion of tile fa.c:ts. wilh ",fe"'~s to ,he """ord. in your ptlition for the writ of eeniorari. S<e Rulo 39(d)(C).

12_ Is there anything speciall should know about stating grounds? Yes. Be SUre 10 read Rule 39(0)( I )(A) Ihrwgh (E). Remember, "'ith regan! to an allegalioo under Rule 39(1)( I XD)conflict with. prior dedsion-it is "'" enough just 10 allege conflicl. De ... ribe for lhe SU!"" .... cOUll how lbe opinion i5Sued by the inle ...... di.te "I'P"U.le coun in y""r c"!Ie confliCts with anoIher case. Quote from each case. Be ycry ...... ifie. Rule 39(1)( I)(DX2} explain, how 10 handle conniel where the apprl_ late coun issues. oo--opinion affirmance or il is otherwise diffi· euhlo from lhe inlCmlediate .ppellate coun,' opinion. Also. il i. highly reoommet>ded ,ha, you read Justice Jot'"st""'" "niele. '"TlIeTwo Mosl Common Fatal Def",,!> in Petilions fo.- Writs of Q,rtionui," whkh Can be found in the M.y 2003. AlabarM u,wytr.


A "'viSt<! rom' for pelitions fQl" !he writ of ""niorari i. a"ached fQl" yOllr ron'.., ni~""".

13. Are there any other rules amendments I should be aware of relating to certiorari petitions? Rules 32 and 2 8 h a,'~ betn a",ended 10 require COOri .... New 13 fool in all filings wil h lhe appellate coon., In addilion. brief. must now be fonna""d dirr""," ,ly. One of !he m<.><1 ,ig. nifioanl ohange. for praclilionc ... is (1001 !he page limitalion, fQl" filings have changed , Following are lile new page limitalion. for documents relating l<> ceniorari pel; lio .., Y~ s.


Ye •. Be ~re I.. ",ad (he amtnded .... 1'" 28 and bd"", ",",paring bri~f. for !he 00IItI. es~ially Rule 32(0). gove .... ing noncomplillDCC with the rules and Rule 32(c)(3). which permits lhe appellote coon 10 impose: • penally for exceeding !he appli· cable page li n,illllion. ~rhap' lbe mool v.luable ..Nice thaI can he giYen i< to READ lll E RULES, Each lime llIe Alabama rules-whether il be llIe rul.5 of civil procedu ro. criminal proced u",. appellale procedure, .(e._are amended. ,be amendments are publi., hed in !he advance .~" of !he Sou/hun Rq ><mu.

Applloaliu n f..r "'h ..arin~ _.............__ ............._.... 15 1»18'"

Good luck on your nut petition for writ of certiorari! And don't forget to READ THE RULES!

II rief in S uppOr1IOpp<><ilion 10 applica tiu n fur ",hfllring ................................................................ 15 paRes

See Form Petilion 10< Writ of CeIti0<8n beginnIng On page 32S.

" elil;"'n f.. r " 'ril of cer li ..", ri .............................. 15 pages

u.,,, 'h

pen~ll y

......................_.. _........................... .20 P"l:""

Ihi. rs (Ap ... llanl. Ap ...

II..,. l'I'lill.....'. RospOnd. " t)

..•.•.•.•.•.•.•......•.•.•.•.•.•.•...•....•.•.•.•.•.•.•..•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•....•.•.•.70 p.J:<"I rlealh ... nally _........................................................ 80 pages •

14. Any concluding advice?

Reply HrieL ............................................................ .35 pages !kath ...... _.................... ............ _................40 pages

.. ..___ _....... _ . ..e__ o,.o . _ . _1111....._ . . ._ .... __. ... ._ .... __ .. _a._ _SUO_.SIo. ........,-_.__ . c . - W. SokI

,...,..._ "_. ___ - . ... _


__ _



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_ _ r...tao.o:._ ........ _ h _ _



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NOTE; Thi. fonn w_ d •• ftM by C.lest. Sabel and not been ...viewed by the Supreme Court of Alabama. It Is your responsibility to read the Alabama Rules of Appallata Procedu... to ensu... your certiorari petition complies with the Alabamll Rules of Appalillta Pl()eeciu....

Form Petition for Writ of Certiorari [Supreme Court Case Number1 IN THE ALABAMA SUPREME COURT

l'eIilioner ("''a'! conviclcd of Ihc clw'&c of~,",,_,",_ __ or ~ orsuffned a~) in ,.Ci"",il C<u1 of ;:;:::;-_ _ _,O:uII:y. Alabama. ""~_ _ __


Tht COUfI of (Cri .... IUII. Ci~iIl A~;lIl (afflm><d. ~)

the jud"","1 .,.. . Ida,..IIBm> ...... an appI1ru1;"" [0.- a "'Mari", ;Slto /tNtstr a ptr'''''I''itilt fiN ar· 1;"",ri m·I""" thNs;"" uf 1M e""" <>I eMI """"",I•. Inc/uti. 1M [oIlO M'in, •• m~"a ""I, if yo«r cas. fit.,1 I~



P£TmON fOR WRIT Of ClRnORARI TO THE COURT Of ICRIMINAL. CMU APPEAlS TO THE SUPR£MIl COURT Of ALABAMA: C"",", )'OW' pttiliontr and petitions !his Cowl for .....,;. of a-nionri 10 i»uc 10 the Coun 0( (CrimjlUll. Ci~il ) A"""aI. in the abo¥e-Slyled a n.... punuan.1O Rule 39. AilbIIma Rules 0( AppoliaIC Proccdu..,. and ~.he follooo.'i",:



Court o[ Crimifla/ Ap~o/s or If you fi/~J an aplllictJ/ilm fur ,..M<1rin, In II>. C"",., Is CI,'iI An""I:r. An a""lical iOll (or a retw<ari", ,,-as filed.,.. and O\"CmLkd ""



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S'L\Tt:Mt:NI Of t'ACIS 1~IUllme of"'~ following:) I. 'The: petiti""., agn:es with the f""u >!ated in the opinion or unpubli_.hcd ""n\OI'lIJIdum deci.i"" of ,he Coun of (Crimi n,I , Civil) (lin" pu, Ih. pttirionu·s o...n




OR [Coon of Civil AI' only] 2.

The Coun of (Crimin.J. Civil) Appeal. i"ued (an opinion. an u"published ,ne,nonndumj which conlaint<l ....... menl of f:oct.< "'al the petitione, ,,"'as not sali,CLed with. Pu ~uanl to Rule 4O(e). lhe peli!;""", I'"",enled in (hi •• her) 'pplicatioo for a rehearing wilh 'ha, coun (an add;· lional,. Corrttled. the pctil;""",', own) ...""",n, of f""IS. I ,,,rify, ""rsuanl 10 Rule 39(d)(5XA). that the folk>wing is • ""ro".lim copy of the statement of fac.s, wi'" refer· ences 10 the peninenl portiOfl5 of the clerk·, record .n<Vor report""" ,,,.. n,,,,ri,,,, as prt""nted bJI the pctitioner in (his. her) .pp'licatioo for. "'hearing:


Po:litioncr i. not sa'isfiN wi,h the facl$ a< $laled in the opinion of 1M. Coon of Civil AWol •. No .JlPlication for a ",hearing was filed with 1M. COOrt of Civil Appcals from it< opinion. PuISUlnlto Rul. 39(d)(5XC). the pttiti"""r is including in this pc,ition for ,he wril of ceniorari lhe following ''''''ment of f"",ts. wi,h ... fen:nc •• to ,he ptni .... nl porIions of the cl.rk·, record and/or ItJlO<1"'·' l18IIscript.

[H~,.,. pUI

\Signal""" of'M orromry fo' II,~ ptlilionu '" .ig1lllw", of Ih~ ptli'iOll~r. if pw<:uding pro u.]

IH,,,, POI' ,h~ p"';lione'·s addi';onai. co''''cled. 0' o..:n 5IaUmmr offacts_)

o. '11>< Coon of (Criminal. Civil) Awol. i«ued (. Rule 53. Ala. R. AJIP. 1'., "no---opini",,·· affirmance, an opinion that

did not conlain a .Utemenl of f"",,). Pursuanl to Rule 4O(e). ,he pctiti"""r pn:sented. ,tote""nl of facts in (hi s, her) application for a ",htaring wi'" thm roun. 'The: Coon of (C riminal. Civil) Appcals did IlOl 'Detude the pelition.... statemem of bets in il' subsequent decision. Pu~uanl to Rule 39(dX5XB). I v.rify th" ,he following is . v. rba· tim copy of'he "',ernen, of faclS. with ",fe",nc<:, 'o the pcninenl portion. of the el<cr\: ·. record andlor ",poner', transcript. as presented by the petilioner in (his. her) 'I'I'li cation for . ",he.ring :

the iJ<',iliOflU'S o ...~



C RO! !NWl The peliti""'" alleges as grounds for the i"""""", of the writ the folloo.'ing: [Stl"" ONLY lbflg app/jrub/r 10 your C<IS<'".1 !. The basis ofthi, pc.ition for 1M. writ of e<:niO<ari is Ihal the decision of 1M. Coon of (Criminal. Ci,·il) AWl'"I. (Mid valid or invalid" eilY ordinanr:<:, state "'''"''. or fed.",1 .talu" or trealy) or (COII'ltrued for the first lime. con_ lrolling provision of the Alabama CO"'~IUt'on or 1M. Unil<-'<I St.r., ConStitulion). The iss ... is whether lhe COOrt of (Criminal. Civil) AW.I$ errtd in I>olding th.t .




c/llimrd trrof in


holding .)

'The: basi, of'bis peli,i"" for the writ of certiorari is that 1M. deci,i"" of the COO" of(Crimin.l . Civil) AW.I, affects I dass of (con"it"~onal. state. or C<)tlnty offie<:~), namely. lhe office of . 'The: iss ... is wbether the Coon of (Crimitlll, Civil) Appcals e,.-cd in IIolding that

(Signal""" of 'he aI/om", for Ih~ ptlili(mu 0' sig1lllI"'" of Ih, p<!li'ion~ .. if prrx:~,di~g pro st.)

William (Bill) H, Odum. Jr. Board Cenified Entomologist

OR [Coon of Civil AJI!IO.I, only) 3.

No arvlicarion for . ",,,,,aring wa< filed with the Coon of Civil A"""aJs from its (Rule 53. Ala. R. AJIP. P.• ·'no---opinion·· affirma~. opinion COIItaioing no Statement of f""l$). Thu~. pursuant 10 Rul. 39(d)(5j(C), 1M. pttilioner i. including in thi. ptlilion for 1M. wril of ceni"",ri lhe fol· lOWing ,lato,...,nt of (""ts. wi,h ",f.",,,,,,,, to the pcniDent

Litigalion Testimony -

Entomology Consullalions

P,O. Box 1571 Dothan. AL 36302



Facsimile: 334-67 1-8652


wh06386@aol ,oom

Tlle ba,i, of thi.< p"tition for lhe writ of certiorari ioth",. m",.ri.l Guestion requiring deci'ion by lhe Coort of (Criminal, Ci'il) APP<'.I! """ one of first imprrs<ion fo.the Supreme Coon of AI.barn.a. Tlle is<"" i. whelher tho Coun of (Crimin,L Civil) Appeal, erred in llulding lhal;



(lIu.. qum, 1h.. It/"bamn Sup,.,mr Coul'! holding ,] (Or if Q Uniud Siotts SUI,,.,mr Coun holding: In [he case of

u.s. (S'G1~ h~r7 1h~

c/llimrd t,.,.". in 1M holding.]

{II< dt<oi,ion uf til< COO" of (Criminal. Civil) Appeals i, in conflict "'ilh a ~ordt<oi!ion (of [he Su~n .. Coon of [he United States. of tho Supremo Cou" of Alabama) on tho ... ",. pOint of law. In ilS opinion {he Coun of (Criminal. C;vil) Appeals held:

(lit ... q~oto tho IIl1rged wnpining ~oIding.)

~'"~':"'::'~'~.;O;'~i:::::::~~::::::;:;;;;;;;;;' So 2d


). til< Alabama

III,,., q""tt 1M Uniud Sial" SUI'rt!m .. Court hoitling_) .Late"",n" of ,he law are in conflict and tho Coun of (Criminal. Civil) Appeals erred in failing [0 follow tho decision of [he Su~"", Coun on tho sa",. point of law.)

0' Tlle b• ..;, of thi, p"'ition for ,he writ of certiorari is {hal the deci,ion of tho COllJ'{ of (Cri minal. Civil) Appeal' i, in conl1ict with prior deci,ions of tho Coon of (Criminal. Civil)AppealS on the ... me poinl of law. In ito opinion the Coun of (Criminal. Ci"il) Appeal. hold: [If" .. q'''''e 'he ,,"rgrd conpiclinglwld;"8.)

FiiW mm' lVa~ with ABIeLE ...




). the Uniled>



(eilOlion) Supreme Coun hold :

~ basi, ofthi' pelit;on for tho """ of cenior.tri is lh,[


COlllt held:


In Lhe cue of

So. 2d


gRTlfICATE OF SERylCE ha>~ III" day scn"Cd ""'P'C" 0( lhis petilion lnd !he brief 011 !be I*"iei 10 lhe appnIlUld 10 the Coon of (Cnmuw, Civ,1) Appeal •.

I ecnify IhaII


INdI"" of co"", ..1 of ()/M' pari)' ("""in )1

of Lhe 13w art in connkl tnd lhr in~;, holdin, .hould be foU"".'Cd on this prir.ciple of Ilw.

~.Ie S1~I~mo:n" wh~h ~

b;ui, oflhi! pel;Ijon fo< Lhe ,,'nl of ceniorwi i. 1/1., lhe <.\o:<:;sion 0( lhe CQUn of (Crimin:oJ. Civ,l) A~~I! il in ~oonict l'I'il/l iu priordoci.wns on the same poonl of law or wilh • prior doc,sioo of lhr (Supremo C""" of lhe UNIed SllIlU. Supremo: C(IW1 of ALobarnl» on !be same poonl of II .... 11 Ii _ feasible to q _ 1hM pan of the "",nioa e,1hcr bccaIne 110 .."ORIong in !be OpllllOll clearly o.hows Lhe connict or t>oe>l>Ie 110 opi.uoa was i.-J. 'l~.dOl'l'. In c:onf~ l'Ii l/l ROlle 39(a)( I )(0 )2 .• Lhe follov.',n, " • .wemo:rul/lal uplaill'i. " i lh 'f'CCiflC''Y and wilh pullCUla,"y. how Lhe cumnl doci."", conn ktl ,,"h • prior dochion:


AUomry for P"'>li.......

The biosi . o flhi. pel1lion for Lhe wril of «niorari i. Ih>I Lhe <It<:,5loo o f lhe CQUn of (Crimin:oJ. Civil) A~a l! dIeS toolrollinl c ueJ of ll>e Su~"," CQUn of ALobllma !hoI follov.·td in iu docis",", and Ibrse C&.\eS ........ kl



So. 2d IcI"'_ J (Ab.

); Ole. Tho holdings of lbrse caoa...,

Free Report Shows Lawyers How to Get More Clients ("&Ii! .111»

The iswe il ..MhN Lhe Alabama Sup"'''''' Court ouaht 10 0>"<m> 1e Ihe.Ie conltollinl cases [,ua".Ie



""') not: bo ... ).

Th< ""'''''....-ronlm, ." D3'i~ M II ...... II» "",l"ns '" do ,,·,m tal<m. ""'"".' _. h.:u\I ,,1;IIl., III Iuck ""Th< low,m ,,1>0 ",.k"O< big nror.<) "'" "'" ....,o>..arily bou" I.") ....··. !>o ,.~ ,. '"11><) "" .•• impl) Ic>rn<d "',.. ,~ marl« 1I><i, "''' i<.. . A >U<C<Sl!ful <Ok 1'....:.""....

Ln • ".ad) .....".m <>f ,h<"". "".,>1> .f1<' "","u,. ) <or

""'U,. I. P'Y 1I><u Mio '

A .... t......... ')'1<m. II.,., "'l'-



m :ATIII' .:NAI: n ' ONI.V: 6.

Tho bII, i, o(lhis pclilion for Lhe "'nl o f ceniorari i, 11\01 lhe Coun of Criminal A~.tls failtd to """0&">'-" "" ~j. ud~illllw: followin, error or defea'

,,"" ""'gI<d to AIlr:><I """" ... II;W <mJil> hi, ~ Co.


""... ,""

,m" M



and ..-arnnu pIIin.......". "",jcv,'.


",fm&! markun~ .... ~Iop<d ..., l'on >fO

alm;nal;OII. ll>e ..";, of « niorari be ~ltd and 1!W I/Ii, COlIn ~ unde, ilS ",1H to f'tII"'W Lhe mailers con'pI3ine(j of. and to reverse lhejud, rnenl of Lhe Coun of (CriminKI. Civ;l) Appeal •. and fo< . ""h other rehef to ,he ",,'i'ioner nl:>y be emilled, IW}'


.. , .. "", ftom ok><Ibn>k...... drovonir>,


oXbr 10 • ..""

SJOO.OOO • ) .... ll>< pc1,lIon<r ~ful ly r«[1ICW 1Iw .rle' I prelim,'

".hi, ""'nth. )""

"... d

I.~)~" grt ,id> "Iu", .,..,."



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",>rid" .... on<l Iu, .... flU." • no .. "'ron, "lIo~ To (;~, " ..... ( ' I"'ftl' In \ ""n'h l ·t..n (,t<.\I1 ,."'~" ~h"'h "" •• 1, _ :U» !Blot ,on ~ ... It,,, "",m 10 ,.. _

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'lK""'" th.",

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nu.~. "''I') ,~ ,"" .... ".'" b; "IILn~ t·_~2-4627 . • !.j.

""U' I",.



. il<,

ht '1':/1 .. " ",d., kI ~. rd.'Dn,


I ,M"R

Va ri ous Advertising Issues Addressed OIT"", <If o.l'IC:1":Il Coo_] "'lIu1arly =eWes various requests for infmnal opinions C(lf'ICMIing the ""1"'......".. and limilations impoood upon anorney ",I\ntising by rule$ 1.1. 7.2 and 7.3 <If tho Rules of Profe:ssionaJ CondllCl. Tho Di!;Oiplinary Commission has doIennir.ed !hal i1 would be be""flCiailO consoIida!<: inlO one formal opinion th<J«e informal advenisiJli 0pinions which appear to> be of prtIf<SSi<J<l·wido imOfCSl. Accordingly, RO-2003'{)1 will a<ld=$lhc:u questions stt fanh below.


Question One: Ale an ~'< bJsi~ canis

cor.sidon:d advmis-

in&? Mayan 31tomey lea.... hi.! business canis in IIIe oIf-= of other profcsskJnal' such as doctors ond 3C<Xll1IU-


Answer. Ouestion One: TIle business canis of an anomry can C(IIISIi1Ule >d>".,-. lising if the canis "'" dimibulCd to the public in <uch • w.y as ' 0. or with the in~"' 10. din:clly solidi proopcctive dien ... Din:ct soIicitalion of pr<>;p«1i,.., <1'.,,15 ;. g(IVemcd by Rule 1,3 of the Rules Professional CondOCl. I':Irngr:Iph (a) of !hal Rule PfO"ides as follows; "Rille 7.3 Dirr(1 Coo""" With J>roo.pective Ok" .. (3) A lawyt. shall_ soIici! professional employmen! from • prospective olicrll with whom lhe lawyer has 00 familial or rumnl or prior professional ",Ialionship. in person or oth· rrwi~. "'hen uignifiea", mOO,.. for the lawyer'. doing so is !he lawyer's po<;uniary gain. A l(l~r shall 001 purn;/ ~'s Or QS'~" <f 1M /awy<r 10 wiicil "" I~ Ia..,..r's I>thaIJ. A lawyer shall no! tnurr iHIO an ogrwmcnl for or

charge or collect a fee for profeuional employ....., obIainod in ,iol.tion ofthi. rule. The """'" ·soh"i!" includes contact in JI"fSOII. by tel<-phonr. Itlegmph. or facsimile Ir.WJlliosion. or by 00.... conlmunicluion dil<'tu:d 10 • specifIC recipimL and indoo..s contacl by any wlil\efl form of communkation di~ 10. opecifK: 332


I<'tipi.", and no! meeting Lilt ~i ...",."t< of subdivis.ion (b) (2) of mi, rule:· (Emphasis supplitd) In formal opinion ~()'91.17. Lilt [)j""ipi"l3I)' Commi.sioo roncluded Lhat il was impem\lssible for"" attorney to p<'I1icipate in. W~1come Wagon 'fl"II"OMip ,,·htrclJy tho attorney·, brocbum and 00.... o.h-enising "",lelia] would be di,lribtlu:d by • ~ of Com~ ~mployee 10 ........ resident< in Lilt community. The Commission (\e1mnill<d IIw """h p<'I1icil"'lioo would c:onsriWIt soIiciLalion by an ;W:'" acting oollle 1aW)'ft"·. bdIaIf in violation of Rule 7.3 of the Rules of Prof=iooaJ Cond"",. AdditionaUy. lIle Offi~ of Gcn=i Cooru;c11Kts held in various informal opinions Lhat an ..._ ""Y' may no! thei, btIsi"... cards or oLlIe, ad,...nising "",ltrials in bars and nighlClubs.. doct..... • offices or the ofli~s of bail bonrun"'" I:>ocause to do SO "wid con>titule face-m·f""" solicitation by an ag~nt. I, is.,. Lilt opinion of lhe Disciplinary Commission that " would be nh~ly impomtissible for an attorney 10 pro"'ide busi· ness canls 10 oLlIe, professional< for di<1ribtltion to tbci, clientS. cusl""""" or patients.


Question Two: Mayan attorney print an "'hcnisen..,'" for legal "",ic· es on lIle exterior of presrnplion bags wh,ch ~ phanna<y ... iU disperse 10 CUst"""""?

Answer. Question Two: The Di .... iplinary Con'mission is of lhe opinion tlw lhe cth~

cor.::ems d~ in

~0-91 _ 17 .





,ioos question. "'" "'I""Uy applicable 10 this i"'luiry. 1k Commission <.Ie<crmill<d Lhat .uemey panicip,uion in Welcome Wagon sp<JIISOr'$hips i, prohibited because suc/1 jW1icipation COILSIitute< ..,Iicitation by an ag""l. In thi • in~. the pharmacis1 woukl be soliciting Oft behalf of lhe o!tOlllC}' in much lIle same manner. and 10 tho ....... ",,!<cnt. ~ tho Ch:unbor of Conm""",, ~mploy"" in RQ.. 91_17. Funhtrmorr. the atlOf1ley" ""'·iously l"'yill8 the pharmacist for the right II) platt his ~niseTtlem Oft lIle JIf"'SCrlplion bags. The fact Lhat the alt<lmO}'·' ad,-enise-

monc iI. on !he ~"II ... iN·.1ft'Crlpooa bq:I comIiiiiICS. or cwId ImIllIy be «IOiIUUCd 10 conWlUIt. .. ~ or ~ 00. 01 !he illloom:y by !he pharmacosI. Rule 7.2 (e) pR>¥ides. in per. _'1) ~ shall..,. p.... -)'\hula oIV21oe lOa prnonfor~!he~·J JnVica ..•~. ~. ~ i. !he opinion of !he Di!icl~inary Cormo.lSion thai it would be Clhically improper for an attorney 10 place .... ldvaUscllll<m for Iopl SCf\.kt-s on !he ""teOor of a pmcriptioo bag or on ""y OOlor ilt:m ..·hido if. 10 be dislrit..oitd 10 !he publi<: by I ohlnl P""y.

........ '*'"

<IoinIso is the ~I peatruII)" piJL" (~"oppI .....) It is iN: opinion of .... Disciplinary Coounission _ t!oe am(fIIOICd ~~ .."Ii ...... ~di.-.d 10 1Ormer or 1t:lIi<ti", dinws from the ttqUittmtnIs of Rule 7.3 n'p\Iless

Question Three:

of whe1her the communication ",Illes lO .... eAistinj or prior ~ !Cmation or is for Ihe ]lIIIpIfC of Jdicilini the re(:ip;enl as I cI~nI in. new and unrelaled mal!n". Th i.he eA",m l:mgwogc in R0.93-02 may be inotrpmed 1(1 io>dicao.: othIIfwisc. i, is the in .....1of!he Cornr»iWon 10 rtj«1 $DCh OIl inIn"prtta<ion and 10 modify t!oe IanIIIIF of RQ..9}.{l2 COMisIrnt .... ith 1his opin .....

Is .. oller 10 I""""ide 1opI....-ica; on • pro bono basis !Ubjoct 10 the Ruk$ GcMrruna A<h..m...111 arod SoIiciP<>ooI~

Question Five:

Answer, Question Three: Rule 7.3 cl!he Rules 01 ProI"...wo.w COOiduct C"''OmS a<tCInle)' .oIicltabon 0I~" clintU. p.~ <I) cl thai Rul< provilk•. in prnl .. nl pan. as fol"""" "li llie 1 .3 Dlrecl Contact \\1th 1'ros!"'CI''''' Clients (a) A ......1"'" $lUll not soIicil prof~ <rnpk:JynrnI from • prospectove di....' with .. loom t!oe ~ Iw 110 familw or current or prior profa.NonaI ~ in penon {If 0IJIer,0,;se. ~-MI " sipfJirotol for. '-1"'s so U 1M ""","" p«wtMuy JOho. ~ Irmi 'soIlcot" indlld.:l 1XIOIIa<I in pcnm. by Idephone. lelepph. {If facsimole lniISmIoNooo. {If by 0Ihcr convuulliclotJ<xi dim:ted 10 a specific: .mpicnt ard includes cont:oct by any "'ri"en fOl'1l1 of oommunication din:aed.o l specitic re(:ipiom and"", meeting Ihe ~i""....,.... of <u\ldivision (b)(2) of this ru\e." <~




It ;. the opinion of t!oe Disclf>Iinor>' Commis.;on thai ...ilen """"" neys """,ide. 11ft of d>orJ". ihnr limo. act>_ or 0Ihcr It:pI !On"ica for. m..uobit. or <"i<nnooynaoy fi'IIP'lIIt. the !DOli"" for otrn· in& diose o:nvioes is IlOl . - cl"""'pccunlary pin~ wiillin the meanina cliN: aboo>~ Rille. Aa:adin&ly. oIfers '" ~ sudt scMco I'O'(!(i IlOl rompIy with the rn<p.t""n>enl$ of >UbdiYi<ion (b)(2) of Rule 7.3 and need not conwn the dj""Wmer requu",i by Rule 7.2 (e). ~ Commi.. ion·. ""nion is OOIISiMCl1I "'·;Ih. and su]l(lOlltd by. the decisions 0I1he Unl",d Soms SuprI'",", COUll in NMCI' v. Bill""'. n I US. 41~ ( 1963). uphoIdiili the rigIii. of N.V.CJ> ano:ornrys 10 J<i/ici. poItt'IIW diel'" in civil ri&lu litiplion and in III II' f>riIInos. 43(1 Us. 412 (1'1I8)....,tooIdiniiN: rigjlt of III ACU.J lllOmey 10 oend a sOOcitation IetIef 10. "'"OPlan ..100 had beat _·mud '" • oordition of Medicaid d;,;t.ility.

Question Four:

~ CommnoI to RuJe 7.3 \XIIIIIinJ .... fulbo~ provisioI'I ..t.ich lou ccnent<d ~ COIIf....... n:pUing iN: ~ iNrrpr&. ..ion lind awlicoiion ibercoI': ""'Gn>c:raI =ilings 10 pmoos IlOl tllOWn 10 need le-gal "",,"ice1. as .... cll ... nwlin", !afKt1M 10 specif>< pnwn. or poIeMW cI~1IIS. .... pc:nnilitd by this rule. II""""",,". ihe>e mailings """",,,,,,,Id"eni!Cmonc and an: thus .... 1>jec110 the ~ of Rule 7.2 ~ drlT.a'y of cqoies 10 the genrnI ....... llllCllfd ~ inclusion of • disebimer. and performanoe cliN: ...... ica ctrcn:d II the~f....~


om provisioI'I mtaIIthat ...,.. =i~"" rom:] IlOl 00i1IIlIY

.."it!> t!oe IUjUiremenu of Rule 7.31

Answer, Question Five: Tht: OiS<"iplinruy Commis~lon is of'he opinion thallhi . par. lion cliN: Commtnl <lots .... "'"'an that $DCh =ilini' need t>OI c,,"lIply ... i1lo iN: requi ............ of RuJe 7.3. Tht: Comment """Y' that tud> mailinp...,"pnmined" by the Rule. II does .... """y that ...,.. mailingf ..., "eMmpI" f..,.,. the Rille. Tht: ~ interpmatlon. in 1Ioe np._ cliN: Dilciplinary Commi'lioa. It IhII sud> mailings .." permitted prov;ded 1loo5c mailings: comply ,,·,th \he requi",n>n>U of Rule 7.3 and also PfO"idrd 1Ioey romply "'; requi",,,,",nu of Rule 7.2. Any mailing which ril· .on form of communication dire(:tM lO ...pc:dfic ",dpienl .... ith ",·OOnl.11e lawyer has 110 famili.1 or cu",,"1 or prior professioNol ",1.lioooship" mllSl comply wllh Rule 7.3 and with Rule 7.2. Tht: only ~xct"plion to 1Ioi, n:qu"" ..... nt Is that discussed in the pm-i. OIlS question. i .... writln> ............ niatioo $Ont I<> formtt or ai$l. illl cI~"" or family membns.

i,. ·. .

Question Six: AIIOiher provision m the Corn........ 10 Rule 7.3 about ..filch III"" _ "';!Ied ItprIIina the meaning tIo=<>f is the fol· .......i".l: ''Communicati<:lru not onlinarilY$Om on art un.<olkited basil. lO pmsptdive ~1~nlS at"<'..,. <:(IIIt"red by this rule.··


Mi>Sl .",.;,..... C<)<ItJ'I"O,ItIications _110 fonnrr or txiSling dintu for iN: p"""'" of soIiciling "'pn:scntotiol\ of lOOse dien" in mal· leD wholly IQU"OI.ucd to the eAi>1'iIi (If pm'lous i't$lftSCtiIation oompIy With the dirttt·=il aoIicit:lliQns requin::menIS of Rille 7.3?

Answer, Question Four: DftcI .....1aoIi<iiaOOn of ~ <I;""" is pwmoaI by Rule 7.3 of .... Rules of I'rof"aoionaI Conduct. cl that Rule PfO"odes. m peninent pan. as IOIIow: ..'" Lawytt ohaIllIOI solicit professional en.,..".·menI from

Pnco.' (.)

• proopecti..., clintl "llh ".,."", IN ~'Ioos 110 fomjlio/ or ~~m-nl ",prior ",,*"iona/ II'/mioltlho"p. in person or

oth...",i..,. when I signlrlClllt motive for Ihe lawyer'.

Answer, Question Six: ThoJ .............. <rim 1O~ ...1>ich have beat ooIiciIcd by .... ICCipitlil. j;or <UII1f'Ir. if .......... ""M needs IrpI 1ISSi"""",, and. in iN: pmeaII of ~ 10 deIennine ..t.ich anornry 10 ornpIoy. t'OOIIa<t! oao: or oro;ote IIIIln>ty$ a>kin& for mfor· mation l1li their background lind e>.perienoe. !he ~ 10 such • request rom:] not CIIn"{lIy with the Rull! C"''''''''''' dln:ct mail lIOIicitation. Coo""",,"ly. COIIIIIIUnication. which ~ senll<> "","!"'Clive clienu on an unsolkited basi ...... so oomply ",ith Ihe Rule.

Question Seven: A lawyer proposes to publtsh an ad",ni",menl which con13ins "'" follQ..'ing languag.o: "fu~. [lrj,...., & Kf\O\O.'S "'" Sy,,",m-Tht: Lawyer '100 Choose Makes A Dirr.rtnce," 1< this language pemUssible1

Answer. Question Seven: It is "'" opinion of m. Disciplinary CQrnmiuiQoJ that ""'h "comparative" languag.o i. di=lIy COllinii)' to m. inlent and purpose of the di",lainler "",uirt<! by paragntph (e) of Rule 7.2, i.e .• "NQ ~ntati<)ll is made that the quali'y of l.g.1 OCfYite$ '0 be p' is &n'aler than Ihc qualily of \tgaJ ...... iccs p<rfOl'TJ'led by <>!her lawycrs." The message con"eyed 10 Ibt ""blk by comparati'''' advertisements. either directly Of by implication. i. lhat tho ad.'cnising attOfllCy. in fac'. does provi<k: legal se .... ~ of ~al<1 qualily !han <>!her .lIomeys, SocII ad,..n;s.,menlS an'. lherefore, ethically impermissible.

Question Eight: An anomey proposes 10 ",nd a brochurt 10 prospe,"i .. d;"n" with a rover letter ,,<Jordc:d "" foil"",,: "Enclos<d i•• C<>Ill1CSy copy of my firm', JulylAu8uM 2003 ('JeW.Ie:U<1", I hop: lhal you find it informa,i.". If you "oold like 10 recei"e addilional copies of m. """,'Slett... in the futnrt. please lake a """""nt to compl.", and ",Iurn m. cndosed postcard 10 ""'. and I will see 10 it that addilional copies art ",nllO you:' MU>l the cover le:ner and brochu", comply wiih the "",uire· monb of Rulc 7.3 of the Rul", of Professional Conduct "'hkh go",m di""" mail ",licitation of prosp',,,i •.., dients by attOfllCYS?

Answer, Question Eight: Paragraph (ol of Rule 7.3 pro:witles as foll""1; ,Il A lawy.. shall noI ", professionru employ"",ot from a prospec1"'" eli""t with m. lawyer Iuu 00 familial or currenl or prior professional relatiooship. in pe""'" or OIhe",'; ... "'hen a significant moIive for the lawyd. doing", is the law)'CT'S pecuniary . A lawyer shall not permit entploy ..... 0< .g.on'" of m. I.wyer 10 "'hcil 00 the lawyer's behalr. A lawyer shall "'" cOler inlO an .V"""","t for 0< cJuuxe or rollecl • foe fo< professional employ""'"t <baintd in ~iolalion ,hi. ",Ie. 'llle lenn 'solkil" includes contac:t in person, by telephon<. telegr.opll. Of facsimile transmission. Of by OIlier communication di"'<1ed to a specifK: recipi.nt and include. COIl"."t by any written form communication directed to. specifIC recipient .IId"", """,ling the "",uiremenl< of ••bd;"ision (b)(2) of this ",Ie:' II conclusively .ppcaJ'$ that "'" pr<>pOSed <XI~er letter and brochure an' "",rilten forrn)s) of oommun;"a,ion di"",1Cd '0 a specific n:cipient:' It furtller appears that the imcnded "",ip;ent i. <Omc<>IJe "with whom the l.wyer has 00 familial or e.rrenl 0< prio< prof~1 ",Iatiooship." Accordingly.;t i. the opinion of the Office of Ge .... ral Cou"",1 thai the and brochure must comply with ",Ies 7,2 and 7,3 . As discu~ in =ponse 10 Question Four. written commonk.,ion ",nt to former 0< exi>ling di,,"", 0< family mcmbns .....;templ from all ad •.., and ",Iicil""'" ""'uirtt .... nl<.





Question Nine: An .ttorney proposes to ",nd a calendar to prospective eliems 334



"'hioll woold h.,.., printed on il the attorney's name. ~ .... tc\o· p/>c>n< nu,obn'. fax "umber. and a sk.tch of the attorney's office building. MU>l this pr<>pOSed cal.ndar comply with Rule 7.31

Answer, Question Nine: It is the opinion of the Disciplinary Commission that "'" pr0posed calendar i, "'" a "written form of communication .. "'ithin m. meaning of Rule 7.3 and. therefore. ~ noI comply wilh tho requiremon!> the=f. Howe.'or. if the calendar i""lude, any referellCt to the altorney's an'as of pr.•ctice, ;t must COIltain the disclaimer as required by Rule 7.2(e),

Question Ten: May ad,'fitj",,,,,,",, conlain ''soccess stories·· aboot cases Ibt 'Itomey has 'lICCeSSfully IitigalCd and amounl< """,.'Crt<! on behalf of elienl<1 May ad"",i""men" coo,.in "dient te.,imoni· als" relating f.,.......ble oommonb fmm solisfied elienlS'

Answer, Question Ten: Rule: 7.1 of m. Rules ur Prof~(>n.>1 Condoc, provide., in pet. tinent part. as follows: "A lawyer shall 1101 make or cause to be made. f.lse or mi'k:ading comnmn;';ati"" .boot the lawyor or ,ho lawyer', "'.... ~ •. A oonununication is false or mi,lead· ing if it (b) is hl;ely to create an u"j"stified expeetati"" about results ,he lawyer can .. :'. 'llle Com"",nlto m. abo\..,-<toot<d pn>'o'i,i<)ll expand. upon ihi. proItibilion: ''11le prohibilion in pantgraph (b) of statement. that may creato 'unju"ified e.<pectations' """Id ordinarily P"'dud< advenisemcnlS about resulls obtatned <)II behalf of • elicnl, .uch as the amoont of a <lamag.o aW3l'd or the lawyer', record in <baining favorable ,"e1tlict<, and ad •.."i",mcnb containing chent endorso:ments:' In a retCn' informal opinion. tile Office of General Coul\.,d 'ppn"",td an adVC'l1i,."",nt wb;"h i.... luded those elemrn" expressly proIlibiled in the Comment. i.... references 10 success· fullitigalion. information conc:eming .mountS """"..,rod.nd favorable commcnts from sati,f><d d;"nts. H""""tr. the Gtntral Counstl"s opinion was predic3l<:d on m. fact that Ihc ad ... nisement COIltaintd the following disclaime~ ''These """"eries and lesljmonials are not an indiclllion of fu,ure ",,,,I,,,. E,"tfy ease i. diff.",nt. and rrg>rtlk"" of whal (ritnds. family, 0< other indi,iduals may soy aboul whal a cas< i. ,,"O<\h. each case mu,1 be """Iuated 00 ilS 0Wll facts and circumstances as they apply 10 tile I.w. 'llle ... Iuruion of a ease depends on "'" facts, the injuries. the jurisdktioo. the , .. n.... m. "'iln<'SSt'S, Ihc parties, and !he- teStimony, among OIher facltn. Funhermore. 00 represent"';<)11 i. made thai the quality m. Ic:gal ......ices to be is greal<1 than the quality of legal OCfYice. p<rfonned by <>!her t.wy"...:· 'llle Disciplin.:uy Commission concurs in the <>pini<)ll of the Gt...-..l Coun",lth.t suclt '"success .1Ory'" and "",li",onia1'" ad,,,,nisements am pom>is.iblo. provided such pennission is expressly conditiooed upon the i""llISion of an uplicil, COIl'pre_ hensi,,, and aPl""'l'ria,.ly worded di",laim"r and pn>'o';ded, of COO~. that the SIIltemoo" made in the ad •.."i,.mr"", an' tnIC and arxur.lte. )R0-03..(jI) •




Play II Smart!" -Athletes, Academics and the Law: Play h Smar1! ~ is a project sponsored by the Alabama State Bar. The project will identify varsity college athletes, in the sports of footba ll and basketball

from major Alabama colleges, who are now successful lawyers and involve them in speaking to students about a career in law. focusing on the 9th grade and above.

The goal will be two-fold: 1) to highlight successful athlete/lawyers at halftime presentations during fall and winter sporlS schedules: and 2) to have participating lawyer/athletes make appearances at area schools to talk to high school students about the importance of focusing on academics with an eye toward a future in law or similar professions. Athletics is a great training ground for personal development and can be a stepping stone to many fu ture opportunities and fields of endeavor. The project begins in October 2003 and runs through April 2004, and is scheduled to receive recognition in final games of Alabama high school athletic tournaments and playoffs. We are currently compiling a list of lawyer/athletes. If you lettered in collegiate spons or know of colleagues who did, and are interested in participating in this program, please contact Susan Andres, director of communications, at 800-354-6154, ext. 132, or send an e-mail to sandres@alabawrg.



charges. The mailer". lei for further Iloxi", "'" April 15. 2003 00 Ihe im;x>silion of disdpli ...... McCrory failed 10 """"'". The hearin~ 10 dot""";ne discipline was condOClCd in her obs<-na: aIKl un mIer of disbar· mont was~ in ..,h<:asot. [ASB nos. OO-&5(A). OO-86(A). ~A). (O.IO)(A). (o'112(A). (o' 132(A). and 01-61(A)[

Reinstatement • The Disciplinary Boord. Pant! !. upon heari", the ptlilion for reill$latemom of Mobile atIOI'nO)' J _ I>h 'IlIlnuodge llrunson. ordt:rtd th>I OtlLJl$Of1 be "';fWaI_ cd 10 Ihc pr.lCIice of bw in Ihc SI:\Ie of AI.1banI> elf..,ti ..... April b. 2003_ (Brunson '.il'S ~ May 131996.)The Board·smler.dairdApnl b. 2003 ...... -*'I""" by Ihe Supmne Court ... May n.

2003. (Pee. No. 03-(2)

• MQhik""""'"Y Ruthann M <>It M~ .... dis· batm:I from Ihe pno1ice of ..... in Ihe SUllo rI AIaboma eff..,u"" May 16. 2003. by mIer of Ihc A....... Supn'"nI<' Court. The supmno ooun emere<L iu mIer basM upon Ihc de<:ision of Ihe Dirooiplinary Boan.t of lhe Alabama SI3IO B.... BegiMi", in Ihe spina of 2000 •• ~ of complaints filed againsl McCrory. aLleging tIw. 1>"kCrory hod ~ relai ...... 10 represenl die .... in ,3rious mall<n. in IOIne <'tieli "" .... i", ........Ied aIKl ~ paid • rmi ...... """ tlI>I McCrory It"",*dLy failed 10 oomrnuniaIIe wiilllhc ditnu lIbout Ito: -..s of 1heIr <aoes.. In .. leuI rwo d Ihc ~ Ito: clittA abo aIleacd w. McCro-y had I"aila:J 10 promply ....,..." for and. deb_ funo.IJ beLonainl 1D!hem. ",'hid! McCrory had ....... hoLdin& in II\ISl. Durinc Ihe initial inveoliplion of Ihc ~nu. McCrory a<Jo;isN !hoi bt<::Iol!Ie of her hWIlI $lie ".,.. cbi", her bw pn<tice. EYmIIWLy. McCrory $IOpJlOd ~n, 10 Ihc bar's ~ for information qanling the complaints. On May 10. 20)). Ihe otr"", of (;(r.=l Oloutstl fik<l a polilion for inlCt'lm $USjlOnsion. ",hlch was granled May 15.2000. A INs ..... was """"nled ~ 10 Rule 29. AidKIma HuJu of OisdpiiNuy I'ro«d~,.,. "'" May 22.. 2000 by Ihe CimJit Court of Mobile CounIy. f'or'mld c~ ........, filed.pllOt McCrory in 011 ctWS. On ~t..dI~. 2003. Ihc Diociplin;wy Board cnICftd .. onler 6ndia& IhM McCrory had ~ duly JaYCd willi formal dwJeS in ~ case. !hoi McCrory had frusuaIcd Ihc proII«UIion oflhe disciplin;wy ~Jl6 1M had ....... ptldna """..... her for ......". ....... yta"$. aIKl ...... McCmy f;OI>ti......:! her pattern of obfuscation by fllh,. 10 If'POlI" for I pe.riaI ~ !hoi ",.1IChedu1ed for January 14. 2003. afirr hr.·ina betn ",...-ned Ihai t..r failu,", 10 appear woukJ ~II in .. mil)' of deraull on 011 ~Iwg«. Because of t..r """Iinue<! 00I'IdI>cI. Ihe Di<ciplinary Boord struck t..r pIoadings and m~ a defaull j~1 of guilty in eaoh ~ as 10 oJl





Marro 5. 2003. ScoIubonlIr\lll'lleY Dtonnis

c-, ~ ".. ~ from Ihc pno1ice <Jl law in Ihc Sale of Aw.m. by onler of Ihc ALabam:I Supftme Court. The ~




onkr afIirmod prior a:tion by 1hc DiscipIi....,. Board oIlhc Alabama Stale s.. AI Ihc umodhis ofubarment. Nichols had 12 ~dis­ cipIinory o;as<$ filed opll$l. tum. In earn of....". Cl>SQ he failed 10 rapond and wu '-"defaullcd 00 Ihe mer'IS. Nichols did IlOl oppcar 1M Ihc hearina bt("", Ihe Disciplir>aty Il«ord. MOSt 01 !he allegaUon< invoJvaI circuntSta/'iCeS where Nichols coI~ ad,"3IICC f.... for q;a1 ser.-H:es and Ihen failfd 10 perform Ihose ,,",,·ices. Who-n dielll$l»c:arne probItmatlc. Nichols ref.-:l '0 ~ ....Ill Ihcm abwIlheir manors. After compIzinIs mounIcd. N"odds ..... inlmmly suspencIod on M3R:b 4. 2001. lk ranai ...... loIllopCftded .... il his ulti· mate dist.menc. In ....... _ Nichols aca:pIcd JCa from indMduaIs after he .... intmnII)' ~ aIKl ;1' ...... rlpnocucin& .... in an)' rawo... [ASB 11(16. (O.234(A), n all

• 0.. May 3. 2003. Ihc SupmIe Cow! 01 Alabama mIeml ... mIer ommdina 1hci< April U. 2003 onkr. ~!he onkroli>l>nd V oflhe Di~plinary Boootl disbming BinnillJham IMIOmeJ' I>lo,id Malrolm Tanner from Ihe patlK:e of I.... in Alabama. effecti~ Man;h 2 1. 2003. On O<1obtr 2. 1999. 'I'onntr __ $IISp<"IIded for 120 days.. This su,opettslon iltlo'l>lval fi~ oep:u:>Ie rompLainls. l ie "'31 found gu,lty of .ioI>lina Nles 1.3 [diU~~ l.4(a) [<XlIIltJ\Unic.. ;on~ I. I S(a) [$M~ propmy~ J.l6(d)[c\II!:~""'or~~

lion). U(b) [t.- ~ -.1 disciplill3f)' m>O<n~ and S.<I(c) [~~ oflhc~ 1WnD{ PmfnMnnl c-Jwt. He did IlOl conIeSt !hal suspm-

Moo """has"'~ m-~ Ihou&h digiNf: 10 do IiO. The heann&on Io-t..dII9. 2003 .... lO!dy lOr Ihc dclenninalion of diJCipiine. Tanner ....,.. duly no6ccd buI failed 10 appo:ar • 1lI;s he"";n .. The findin" oIlhe Disciplinary Board "'" fully 5tI 001 in lhe.....,\osal onLcr. di;bannom i",,,lvallhe nine following complain ...


In Fcbnwy [WI. 'r.Inner "'aS~ byVe!a Seals am " ..",be.s 0I'1w:r fImiIy 10 otuin dear liilc and d<cd COl prqlCIIy Lhat had bcea owno:d by Sw$"! ~ nIOiIw:f, Snls a:-id l1uIIw:r 1 f«01'~ ~ failrd ormusrdlOOOcauo ~"ldk or 10 I""'O"ide kpl50fVica cI In)' kind 10 Seals and bcr w..1y. l1uIIw:r abo I"aikd or ", 10 n:spond 10 .............. n:queots !"rom !be lII\'CSIopIOr ouipw;d 10 _..,tip'" 1his ~ ... A dof..h Older .... mICmI 0:::10bcr 16. 2001 lOr "Doinn", faiM 10 ru. an _ ....... 10 fORilN ~ Itw.:s L3ldiLi~l. L.4I;I) lcomm...nieaoionl, 8.1 (I» lbar adrnis$jon and di",iplinaty II1II. oml. and 8.4{JllmiO<OllduclI. 0I'!be IIIab.:uM Nul,.. II{ prof,""'''''' Cond'I€I.IASB No. 99·I68(A)) hin:d T3IInI!1"1O ~ Ibc _oI'ht-rd<ctaO<d ........ Sloe paid him"" ad>voce f"'" of $2.{KXl. l1uIIw:r ........ pcliOOiw:d 10 toa>" Evam or any Oilw:r ",110· 1;"" IJ'POinlOd • Pniroiw:»or for !he ~. On 0cI0bcf 9, 1996. !be ~ 00Wl "IlP(Iinord Ibc a;JIi<II)' ~ 10 _1Of Ibc _ . AfIo:r 10..... llllti6ed 1bc cctIII chIII1 !lie had n:tainrd nmrr. !be 0IIII0Iy 1IIminiuraor"mII: 10 Tonner 10 coonlinIIe any lCIiv~y ~ Ibc eoIaIe. T....... failed or rcfuocd 10 n:spond 10 Ibc 0IIII0Iy~. T....... CUllUIUI:<l 10 oqka lakin& ICIioon COl Ibc _ . ~ abo failrd or rofuscd 10 n:spond 10 .... m<roIIS n:queots !"rom Ibc ifIIIC:JIlplOi" ....pod 10 inYtwpIe lhi. ~ ... A defaull Older """ mICmI COl Fcbnwy 2&. 2001 for ............. ! fail"", 10 file an ;oru...".10 fomoal~, Ru~ 1.3 ldili~l. J.4(b) IconlllKl' nirntionl. I.$(1) If~l. 8. I(b) lbar admission am di",iplinary """",rsl. am 8.4{Jll n.isoondutll of !he Akob""", Nulu of Prof,uiottal C_luc,. IASB No. 99·251 (A)) On June 4. I9%, R(J6allo E..._

[).ori", M.:uI:h 1997, Micllat[ MurpIir« hirtd Tanner 10 n:pre...... him in pmonal and businrss ~ Br:N.ttn Marrlo and s.p1("tw;r 1997. MurpIir« paid Tanrw:r $12.S00 in 1IICif""Y'. r..... nmrr ....... filed 1 t.obup1cy clln)' kind fe. MurpIoru.AI\or~

IWI. M~ ..liS 1illllbk1O~ iliCI Tonner. n:lI'ievt his files e. otuin a rtfo.Id oflbc """"""" foes. nmrr abo railed or ........... 10 n:spond 10 ............. """""" !"rom Ibc ~ asigned 10 investipc 1his <lOrnpbinI. A dof..h onior _ mICmI Fdlnoory 28. 2001 for Tanner'. fail"", 10 f.1t an anSI"t,.1O fomoal ~. Rules IJ Idili~l, l.4I;b) I~niwion). I.$(a) Ifeal. 1.1.5(1) Iwe1=pina proprny). 8, I(bl lbar admiuion and dj",ipjiowy ma'· lerSl. and 8.41;8) ImiSC<illducl I. of ilw; Alabama Nul,. II{ Pm/miottal C<)ftduc,. [ASB No. 00-3O(A)j


On iIlt. 10. 1m. 1'llomai! 1..I.Icl\iS birtd 'Tonntt 10 pr<lI:laIt his _ ' , ",iU and wn:/I ihe bole 10 rnJ proprny.,..11<'<1 by tht ..... l.itciil$ paid Tomtr. ortauwr 1ft 01' S2JXXl. Allbc lime Tontw:r """"P"'" Ibc mMoer !"rom ~ "" _ renin; • 120day ~ fr<m 1bc p:xIice clbw. The IUSptmioa had bcconw: effeaive <XI<iI:w:r 2. 1m. Tonner did IlOl advise Lucius Ihaii "" "liS $U$J1t,d:d, ....... ptI"formtod no IiegaI ~ for l..1Icius ..:I faili'd 10 rriund 1bc ...u....... ;8 JPIt of two IIqIlL'SI$ thai "" do so ........ also failed or ",fusN 10 n:spond 10 numer· """ n:queso; from 1he ~ assopod 10 invcsIipIe lhi. romplailll. A d<fauh OIder .."lIS JanUM)' 9. 200:! for TlI1ooer·. railUl\' 10 file an an~wcr 10 f()fl]U[ ct\argt's. Rules 1.3 ldiligt""e). 8.I (b) lbar admiuion and di",lpliUM)' malletS]. 8,4(b) and 8.4(1) lmiscondoctl or 1he It~ Nul,. of Prof,"ional CoM"". lASH No. 00-93(All

In or obout Fcbnwy 1999. 10l'lll$1..amoni paid Tonner $825 10 role 1 t.obupIq for him. lnor""'" M..y 1m. UmonI paid Tanner .. addi1loo111 $lso. In or ..,.,.. J""""')' 2000. Tanner lOkI lamoni 11.- his b;W;noplq' had bcea filed and thai "" IO'OUld \:It COIitICII:d by 1bc coun ..l\lun 20 days. In J..... 20)). ........... rtqUt:S1t!<I a refurd 0I'1bc f<'<$ ~. 1m Au,.. 2000. ....... 1OId I..arnonIIh>I "" 1wIlunw:d his CII1C ....... 10 aoodw:r 1I1Orrw:)'. AI1hou&h ........... "",I"".M Tanner lranSl'erlbc fea paid 10 !he new ~. TIonner failed 10 do 5(>, I..arnonI had 10 hif!:. ohinIlII1MIt)' 10 ~ hion. A d<f",,~ Older "'"lIS





A::-!'*::: : ;-... Mln.aM you care about t - _ ........ ordrupl . . . . . . ~!.

In .., . . . ~., ' - k IRiw CCI!IIraIl

TheJ don't.

[).ori", 0cI0bcr and NovemI:w:f 1999. M"')' SIlIOOI p .... 1'lwontr $1.070 in o:a.<.h. mont)' ontm.. and • check 1OOiIina; $1 J64.32 This 1IlOnt)'- 10 be .-110 pay Smoot'. """""'"' ~mentJ. Smoot _ im ChapIrr 13 bmkNpIcy p<UCdinp ..... "'liS a-yinc lin cumnll*l'''..... owido: ot!be wun.. SmooI r=i"fd ootio:e !"rom Ibc onortp&e ~ 1ha lin cunmI a-~ "'''''' also in _ _ ~. S!l"JO(O. Itam<d chIII1 nmrr ........ p"" -.y of iIlesIe 1"')'""",15 10 Ibc II1Or1p£t COl'4*')'. Iou! inMead """"""" dIom 10 his.,..." ..... Tanner abo failed Of rofuscd 10 n:spond 10 nummlllS m:jUeSlS from ilw; i",,,,",pOI" asIlpod 10 ;.,......i~ 1his QOrI1lIai .... A d<fauh Older was CIIICKd lilliiii")' 9. 2002 forTanner·. failure 10 file an answer 10 fomoal ~"""", Rilles 1.3ldiligtnCel, 8.1{b) lbar admiWoo am disciplillal)' ...:..1n:<1. 8.4(b), 8.4(c~ and 8,4(,) Imiscondoctl of Ibc Itl"""Nul,. II{ P<Vfo-"k>M1 Conduc,. IASB No. QO.12(A)]


entered January 9, 2002 for T;lrUlOT's failure to file "" ans"'er to formal charges. Rules !.3 [dilill""""i, l.4(a) [cornnlll/licatioo). l.5(a) [f"",,), SAM. and 84(g) [miscoodUCI!, of!he AIlIbama Rules of I'rof~"ional CQfIl/,.",. [ASS Nt>. 1)).23.5(A)) During Ju". 1999. Edgor L. B"",land hired Thnncr 10 f«<eiooc a mortgag. and paid rum Thnncr assured B"",lond thai !he m."..r would be handled withln Iwn """'Ia. Thnncr ,""'" took any """ion on !he f«<elowre and did IlOl ",fund any """"'"Y'. fee.. A drfaull ordtr was ~n ... "'" on J... uary 9. 2002 for Thnner', failure 10 file "" answer 10 formal cl'IarJ:'$, Rules I J [diligen::e!. 1.4(3) [communication!. 1,5(.) [reesl and 8.4(&) [rruscoodoctl of !he illabama IMes of ProfmioluJl Cood"",. [ASB No. I)). 269(A))


I..... s W. Kyle paid Tanner t.l.(XXl in cas.h (al "" unspodflM date) to "'presrnl him in" child cuslody maIler. Later. Kyle di""""ered Tanrer had closed hi' off.a. and 1.,(1 no forwarding addru.s or 1.1e,*","" number. A copy of Tanner', bar complainl WIll; "'nl '0 Tan""r on ~mbcr 6. 2lXXl. h "lIS returned matIred. "Relllm 10 Stridor Bar- Closed. Unable 10 Forward,w r""".r also railed or "'fuot<! 10 rtSpond 10 numerous rtqueSIS fTOm II>< in'es1igalor .... igned 10 investigate this complain'. A default <:>n\ef was enlered J""u",), 9, 2002 for Tann.... fail.It 10 file an 8OS""r 10 formal cha!gcs. Rules 1.3 [diligence], 1.4(a) [communicalion!, l..5(a} [f=) and 8.4(g) [miscoodua). of !he illabama Rul... of Professional Ctmducl. [ASS No. 0028S(A}[ During April 1997.Aniu Joy« Hich hired Tan ..... l0 ~sem I><r in a bankl\l[>lCy case. Hicks paid Thnnt. S775, which ineluded mun C<>SIS of $175. Hicks paid !he fees in install· menlS. and !he final paymenl was made in Fe""'",), 1998, Tanner never filed a banb\J[>lCy for Hick<, In April 1998. a Credilor beg"" gami"'me", proceedings. Tanner .... uted Hicks he would handle it In March 21:00. Tanner info.-mM Hich thaI he had another lawyer 10 handle I><r bankruplcy and all he. fIle, had t:«n delivered '0 him. T.nrer did IlOl ",fund ""y of the fees Hic!:s paid him. A drfault ORIer was entered on April 17.2002 rorTanner', failu", Lo m.. an "'Swer.o formal ~h:ug0$. Rules l.3[diligena:j. l.4(a) [communication), 1..5(a) [f«:$[. 8.I(b) lbar admission and di.dplin"')' malters). 8.4(c). and 8.4(g) [miscoodlK1], of !he illabanwl Rula of Pro/es>ioIuJl CoM"",. IASB ND. OI-43(A)]

Suspensions Binningham anomey .\Iie.....,1 J""kson 1101llngs,,·orth wO$ ,u,,,,,ndtd fmm lhe practice of law in the Slale of Alabama for a po:riod off,ve yean. 10 I\In tOllCumOlly in mulliple c..... wilh said s"'po:nsion 10 become eff""li,. "'lIOaC'i,,, to October 19. 2000. !he dale of hi. inlMim 5u.spo:n,ion. by order oflhe Alabama Su~me Coon. The ,up"'me~OOrl ~ntered i15 onIer based upon lhe deci,ion of !he Disciplinary Soard of the Alabama Slar. Bar-. Hollingswonh was interimly .u.spendood from !he """,lice of law in !he Slale of Alabama on 0c10be. 19. 2000. PUISU""1 10 Rule 2O(a), A. R.P.C.. b3se<I upon "ome.-oos alkgalion. thaI be: had eilher seuled C35eS with hi. clientS' consenl and failed '0 promplly ~mi' the selliemenl proceeds 10 hi. elienl or only ",mined partial paymen15 to his dienl.S or ,hat be: .. nled hi' clientS' cases wilhool!heir knowledg" or consenl and kepi !he J>fO='ds, 10 all_ 43 grievanttS we", filed which included !he ... me or ,imilar allegations or alleged tha, 338


Holliogs"unh had failed 10 ""rllpelenlly "'~"'nl clionlS, willfully neglccIM diems' c...... and/or failed In ",,,,,,,ably co",munkalO with dienl' "'gardinS !heir c• .".. In addilion 10 admining the malerial allegalion. in 41 of the c...... Hollings"unh agrttd and wa< orderrd 10 make ~I;'ulion in ex<=< of S5(Xl,OOO. [ASB nos. 0041 (A ) ., a/]

On Ffi>ru.ry 24. 2003. the Supreme Coon of Alabama 3dopIed ... ORIer of !he Disciplinary BoanI imposing an IS-monlh .uspension on !'on P:lync 3Uomey Stc, 'en Geo'1l" Nol .... Thi ,


,u'pen.ion rtln co""urrenlly with an inlerim and '"mmary po:n,ion previously imposed by lbe: Disciplinary Commission on June 20, 2001. In cfftct. Noltsltad al"'MY served ,he $U,po:nsion by lbe: time of lbe: ,upreme coon's order, Through o.gtttmenl with lhe bar. Nol•• ",_<;01,,,,,, . ix ""ISlanding disciplinary c ..... by pleading S"ihy 10 "'paml. violalionsofRul. 8, l(b) of ,be: Alabama Rul•• of Proj"tSJi{)fJl,1 Can;j~c., in ""um for dismissal of ,he ",n.. ining ch"'!le$. Noles had failed 10 ~pond 10 !he alkgat;on. of !he v"rioo. complaims filed againS{ him over a period of thrtt years.IASB nos 99289(A). 00-29(A). 00-27O(A), OI-94(A). OI.153(A). and 01154(A»)

Public Reprimands • On Dootmbt. 30. 2002, !he Di<ciplil'l3ty BMttl of !he Alabama

Sl.11e Bar accepIed 0ne0nl.1 .nomey \\11Iiam Alnanlkr Eilts'. condirion:rJ guilty plea flJu public Iqlrimand wilhoolll"neraI publlcation. On October 20, 2lXXl, Ellis was a.ppoin!ed .0 reprostm a defendam in a criminal C35< filed in !he Disuic1 Coon of Bloun' COUnly_ During early Fd>IUary 2IXl1. Ellis mel with some of hi<'s family "",11'Ibtrs .. his 01liC<' . During Ihis mcc1ing, Ellis discu,""" !he '''"''"' diff""""'" b<1WOC" being 1'I'Jl'=!ed by a ",taincd counsel verws an a.ppoinled """"",I. TIM: family then paid Ellis $300 10 "l'ItS"nl !he drf.ooant. Ellis filed a noIice ofappear.l1lCe and ..,nl • loner 10 !he di>lric1 COlU1 judge advising him tha, " ... during !he course of my ....,..,.."tation. M•. McCurry's family maincd me to him." In accordance with Ellis" plea. be: ad'/IOWledged thai he ~ioI.!ed Rule 15(0 by accepIing !he $300 payment. lASS No. OI-I44(A»


On May9. 2003. Binningham anamey Jad< l>anny lIad",.y r=ived a public Iqlrimand wilhoul gencrol publication. Hadme),,,,lCred a guillY plea for Violalion of Rule 8.l(b),

i\lalwmo Rul~s of Profo"ioIuJl 0lnJ1K/, Hackney began "P"" stnting MiIo,,",,1 Early in 1996 in ton""",ion with a possible claim he had with ~.., Life Insuranc:e Company "'",- hi< iong-1enn di>abilily payments. In July 1997, flad:nfY "l;I't<d 10 sue f'n:IIcc!;,,, Life for Early. In N<n"mber 2lXXl, Hackney loid Early thai he bad filed SUil when. in fact. be: had Il0l. On June 6. 2IXl1. Early filed. compLtim with 11>: bar ""ling lhal Hackney r>egkcted 10 file ru l $Uil and ,,~ noI in <:<lmnlunkalion "'ilh him aboul !he malter. TIM: bar 111'111 Hocl<ney a leiter on Iw>e II, 2IXl1. for • response 10 Early's complaint Hackney did IlOl respond. TWQ ...uitiooallel1l'''' in July and AuguS{ of 2IXl1 were returned 10 !he bar unclaimed. H3ckney did IlOl rtSp<:>l>;110 ,be: October IS, 2001 lell'" ..,nllO him by !he invesligator for !he Bimtingham Bar Grievance Cornmiuee. TIM: investigator also left phone !OI'SS3.8O$ for Hackney .. 11>: law finn "1Jc,,, he was elnplnycd..1:oJ1 Hackney did IlOl ""lim 1h<'Il<c: caUs ei1her, [ASB No,OI-232(AH


• 0..


~b<:h 28. 2003. !he Supmne Coon AIabwno affirmod ~ for ArmI","" atI<lmey J......,. Ila.-.q llpltr. The smpm!ion __ il*' ell.... Juno Ia. 2003. TIpler _ initial· Ly...spendod by !he [),jc,pIi"""Y s.:-;I on MlIIdI n. 200 1. He !hen oppcalod 10 "'" 80wd of DI$ci~ Appeals -.I bt ........ lbe oppeaIlO .... ~ C<UI folkwl'td

in 1997. Tipler....,., • ;U million dollar verdict in • medicaL mal· pnobOC CMC. ThiJ. CtioO had been ",femd 10 The TIJlIer low "rno in 1993 by anoch<-t' ~ ..... fum. ThIn_an ~"""'l ror • -10 J><1""'nl "'r....... roe in the CYenI of...a'WCfy. The W1'\li<l wu .mnned on appeal in AUguSi 1999. o.f..nse

counsel paid$639.16I.20 IlIIhe In~ ~ ... Sm-i«and lhe Alab;uN 0tp.1nmm< of R~ ....,,;... It> $3li,fy laX li<ru; of The TIplor law I~rno. TIpIrr ~ivod a "'" payment of -SL.779.J 12.J6. Tho! ..~ • >urn ... lfocient 10 pay Ihe cLicr.o a:oonli,. 10 Ihtir CClI\IJ'aCt and 10 pay the refm1ll foe of -S4ZS.ooG. Af\r:r ~ 10 the cLinu. T,pIor lOOk the imWn· dtr of Ihe fund!; 10 I<IY ~If ood 00.... IinaDciaI obLipOOIIS he ....-cd 10 bW.s. lie !Old Ihe ",rmu., '""'>'= Iha he had dnor· mined lhat • would be unetIIicaL 10 pay the refm1ll fOIl ~ 10. 1iI:M~.• !lit u..... til! had ~ Iha ~.... he had aIn:ady .spnII all .... I'unds in ., AI his Iarint before .... !Mapl,"""Y 8oord. Tipkr COI'IICIICIod Iha he did ..,. pay !he refanl ree on """ice uhil bwyer in Florida. He admtllCd . he ""'.... COOIl.llCl('(lIhe Alabama Suoe 8ar abou1 the i ...... The OiS"'p1I1""Y Booonl roond TlpIrr guihy of vioLatin& Rule l.IS(c) 0( Ihc 1I1l!b<""" Profr.ssioMl CottdUCI. ThaI nI,"

1/"',. '"

rtquin:d that Tiplor hold any dispulod ......... 0:.:


Court', om.. " 111 booted upon the deruion of the DlIcipli"""Y CooronWion oflheALabama Suoe 8ar. TheotrlttofGenenL Counid (iJod a pnition pt.oUaIIIlO Ruic l2. ~ RlJn '" fJiM:ipiintuy Pm<WJa".. t.o.ed upon Wilki ... ·' conviction in lbc UnilCd Swes DiSIri<:I Coon for lbc Soulhem Oillrict of Alabama for ~ofSlOlen mail .• viomion 01 18 U.S.C. 11108. In M~ y 2002. Wilkins _ a ~PI'<'iaL nlC'nllx< of the Alabama SIlIIt U... He met a "oman during. flighl fron; All.1n1a 10 Zurich. Wilki n.< told her !hal he _ on OlIOInC)' from Mobile W(lf\:;ing in S"'iu:erland and oIJon:d 11> help her .... jllt on itnrnig:ration 1YI3!ltt. Sho paid W~L:ins ~ 'IIm $he ~ a rouipc. ....ctlkim !Old her thai it _ ..,. pRl"ido: rroeiFU in such ~ Thctaft:r. """1k. . ClbIain<d her perst:IIW infoomaliorI_ "'" ~ of sptedin& up .... imonigroaiori ~ .....dtia< IIStd dQ inf...-...Don to ohtaiJIlIIIlOIIhorizft .".,...10 Ix< debit can! and ...;~ .. addilional S I.sDO rrom her ch:d;ifls aa:ounl. Willinl abo C\'lm'inDod her 10 ~ ...... rorhint 10_011. triplOQh;o IG"'- willt htr. Wilbn<did..,. ......,." m. rmW.,.. 0- .... cco.qeoflimo. mana.gtd 10 obIain duplicalc cn:dil cam. in her name ood """l.1r aa:ess 10 her bonl: ...counts. nln"i"8 up a lab of lppfW;matcly S 11.460. IRule 22(:Io): ~. 00.(11) •

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rlltldl ill tnosl pending l inIemu.. [ASS No. 99-261(A)[

f'Ilint Clear ...:moy Robert llemard \\ilLdns. Jr. "111 disborn:d fn:Jm .... ~ of ..... iollhe s.. of AIaIwna ~ft«ri"' hit 6. 2003. by om.. of Ihe Alobomo ~ Court. The s..,..,....

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RATES Members: Two free listiogs of 50 WDI~S crieS! per bar member pe< calendar year fXCfPT for "po$itioo wanted' or "JlOlSdoo offered" lill'09S-$35 per insertion of 50 word$ or less, $50 per 8(!ojitiooal word: Nonmembers: $J5 p8f irlSertion 01 50 words or less. $.50 per additional WIIId. Clanified copy ar>:J ~t must be received accordil'l!l to !he following (XlbIishing schedule: September 2003 issue-<ieadlire July Jrd, 2003: NOY8II'Iber 2003 iss~eadlire Septembef 5th. 2003: JaroJary 2004 issue--

deadlire November Jrd. 2003. NO deadlire ~tensions will be made. clasSified oopy and payment payable to 1'IIe Alabama ld'W\'l!f Classifieds, C/o Kimbe!1y Barman. Manigomet"\'. AL 36101.


Services • RECORD SEARCH: United Stale~ Alfonlable rates. CoofKlent~. 14 hours. 7 days lOCllte anyone. BattgrOlJro.! searches. Asset searches. Crimirlal. malliaga and diYoo::e rocordS. Military records. Ph:na I'AA'llber \lace$. Nationwide 01 try state. f'!Ione 1-lm-250-8885: fax 1-1OJ.. 619-6731: Web site: .........,.~com Civil records . Birth and death reoonh.

• TRAFfiC ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTIO N: I haw! reconstr\I:rl!d over 3,000 traffic accidents in 23 states 00 highways. SlIeetl and railmads ifM:lIvi"llIruck$, vans. eats. pedesuiaos. uains. arid farm implements, Coonputer~r· ated drawings are pr~red 10 illustrate...,. OIliniorls. Ove< :II years"<ieoce .. reconstrocting accidef11s. Board certified by ACTAR. Call John T. Bates, !oll·free. (aXI) m 5950. • HANDWRmNG EXPERT/fORENS)C DOCUMENT EXAMINER: ABFD£'WI1~ied, 1'orIre+/ chief. ~!I(IIl8(j Documents Division. U.S. Army CrirniMl lnves!igab(WI liIbora\orj. American Socie\'i of Questiooed Document Examirlllll. American kademy of Forensic Sciences. eMI arld criminal cases accepted. Farrell ShiWK. Shiver & Nelson Document inveS!lgaV(WIlabora!ory, 1903 lilac Ridge Drive. Wood$1OCk. Georgia 30189. PIma 1710) 517-

"" 340



m eo.. 4156,

• REAL ESTATE EXPERT: Broker 35 yeals: state·approved leacher 35 yuars; mortgage comparl'/ eX8C\l!'ve 12 j'e8Il; licensed home inspector for State of Alabama; autl\or for teal estale !eXlS: Wlote, ditected. po-odoced OWl 300 videoIaudio trainiroj I~, Resurre arl(j fee Wledule (WI request Don W. Williams. 5<,,1509 Shades Crest Road.

Birmillgllam 3522S. 1'hone 12{l5) 97S-3893.

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• ODCUMENT EXAMINER: Examination of questioned doc· urreots, Ce<tilied krreosic llinlwritirog an:! documeot examiner. Thirty-seven "",",s' experienoo ;" ail lorensic docunent po-obiems, forrnertro. chief questioned 1Iocu'nen! anaIysl USA CrmnaIInves!igati(WIlaboralories. Diplomate {oolfied)-ABfllE. Member: ASODE: 1At, SADFE: w.cDL Resune aM fee sctredule 0jXl(! tequest Hans Maye,- Giclion 218 Merrymclll Drive, Augusta ll!(I7. PIma (7001 000-4267.

• SEAVlCf OF PROCESS, INVfSTIGA· nONS AND SUlMll.I.ANCE. Priorfly S«'IICI wtIhin IIl).mo1e .-dius/A Mobile. Ower 6..lO) to\01 ~ ItI' hnkIeIivIIftIIfn\ll'II~Iy __ . 0.. ~..t1U ' ... ~corn­ pIeIed. ~ 5 Assa:aites, P.O. lion llJX166, Mobolt 36618-0006.l'i0ii: 12511 S(9.49691l1C*1Sed..t bcnItdI.

• EXPERT WITNESS: . , WIII'II!S$ seMI;. a prIMded rwia!iId to ,UIHII in lleal!lo and I'olman seM:e ~,",1M:IIving developmenta l disabi l'~wmen~1 ,etardation/$pIl,iai!ion/mll'llal i'ea l!IVnursong 00rne and loospnalttMd8rd 01 '311. WiUiam A. L~. Pll.D Ptooto. 16201 221-6415; Itrnaill~" lPialxna:om Web si!e WIOW~~.CM>.

• EXPERT WITNESS: NMd • aldiblt .,.n11'fG. k!c. QIIIW!IWII8lI*\IItI' 'jCIUl E>rarnpIts: BiornIId'oetI..t bior".d"r icII; lulcling laiknI; mnsII1I:bDn saler, ..t rwlalfId c:oda; ~ ..... ocs and jl'obIIm$. OSHA iasues; $lips. 1111'$ aod lalls; ~ liIbol,1y. ~ van_ w. _ . Call tI' Mile PEG, n:.. 950 Tl'" StreBt, North, Su'!e 632. BtrrnOno,;...., 3520J·1126. Ptooto.I20S1458-8S16, E-maiL 1rhpc4hoI,a;m Web 5O!e:

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• POLYGRAPH EXAMINER: Retired fBI Agent wotl1 ~ VUlI 01 fBlexPl!n8rlC8. Board-certilied and lieen$8[j in rro.rltiple

w. 01", h,,,. on~.. oImwId for ind,VMluaIIOieraI ..oomeys .. _ _ _ ODd ponron Iovel.


All inqulriQ tm!$tricllyconf.denlial. I. Ala ba ma" t Onln l : •

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96 l l or~J

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• IRS BOOK: /he rruslfwdFl8crN8ty ftm<Jll'I afiRe 6672: ffff!<;fivfJ Clien( Representation. is IhB text (56 pageslthat has what you oeed tg repre~t clients before IRS, To order. telephone or 18.< Jack T. Noll at !lffil923.Ql57 or ~·mail me at NOfJTOmsn.r:om. Price is $45 plus sales


E-mail: l'a!king. fax. u@~es.


• OFFICE FOR RENT: Attome'(s office 8Ild secretarial space avai lable for rent in established law office in Pelham, Shared reetption III ... Wired for phone 8Ild networll'ho;wle John. 12DS1 664·3838.

Positions Wanted • P1)SmDN WANTED : Was/1u>,jton env;. roomental attorney seeKs comparable poii· lion wi1h law firm or rorporation. specializ· ing in negotoatian. due diligence. I,ugallan. leg islations. 8Ild regulatOl'l compliance I'ho;wle Dean at 12021 586-2948 or (1031411)..


Wanted Positions Offered

For Rent • OfACE fOR RENT: Five fumts Sooth law olfa. Offices available at 1117 22"'Street, Sooth. All oocillary .ervi!:es ioclocled: receptionist. oonf9feote rOOOl. telep/lorle wI Vfitoo mail. lax machine, copier. net· ....oo:ed hi·~ OSt Internet coonectlOl'l, 8Ild Iree pat\:ing. Offices iIfll provided at OlIO:! flat rate. starting al $575. No ~I-up cha!ges. "Viflual" offices available, Please caf l Torn PIooff. <!Sq, at 12DS1939-OXXI, • OffiCE FOR RENT: Lawyer o!lite. 223Il Th,nj A_. Nortil. Birrmngham 3S2O:l.

• POSmONS OFFERED: Attorneys needed throughout Alabama for pre·paldlegal members. General practiliOlll!<$ preferred , Guaranteed moothfy income. similill 10 an HMO. fax resomes 10 1!(I41730-0023 or ema il ~egalsef' AM,: Norma Gammons. U.S legal SeMwS, 1ro:.1'ho;wle!i6-l.AWS

• lAW BOOKS: Used Alabama law booi:s, in rurrenl or near tooent state, Alabama Oigesl 2d. Alabama fIepMer ld. WEISt Code 01 Alabama. Alabama specific ueatls· es. Also AI~ooma historical aro.! antiquari· &rl Please call 12561 350-2252. •

• POSmoN OFFERED: fstabli$hed Lee CoU1ty firm seeh associate with one 10 five years' experience. litigano" back· ground prefer«!d. P1ease send re&!1T18 to P.O. Bo~ 4(\4, AOCium 36831-404.

JOIN US! The Alabama State Bar L1wyer Refem! Service GIn provide you with an ex(ellent means of earning a living. so it is liard to believe that only three pemnt of Alabama attorneys partkipate In this servkellRS wants you to consider


The Lawyer Refeml Service Is not a pro bono legal service. Attorneys agree to marge no more than $25 for an ini" tial (onsultation, not to exceed 30 minutes. If, after the consultation, the attorney decides to accept the case, he or she may then charge his or her TIOfmaI fees. is that

" matter what the outmme of the . friends or .~i!~ .' 11'1




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