Lawyer 9 04 web

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rna aw er Vol . &5. No. S

September 2004

ON THE COVER row, Iefi to riP" Shant SpiIkf. w Mdlvy $paler, Ekanor McElvy, Dougla$ McEivy. K=n McElvy, Ko,ie McElvy, Emily McElvy, Paul Io-kEivy Fron' ro"', left 10 'ish" Mi~ Spiller, Dougl.u, 10rLIlha" MeI']vy. M.K Spiller o..up.. on:;! _ ""f.I¥r.,.. Ihr,......,.. of 1M _ _ "".... "'" -..,10. p ..... of "'" ~ 0>II0ft oI~ .. Ihr ~ of AIobonoo, and 10, cr.. _~ ill d.. WI _ _ of fI<IlSooom ill ............. Gooopo. It<.-.I too _. Km.... _ _ of~ ~ ,p_of..... r

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Photo by lhe Robttuon.

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Legal Services Alabama, Equal Justice In itiative of Alabama and Alabama Prison Project Rtceive Alabama law Foundation Grants IIlnlMma Law Foundation gmnu funtls 10 organizations liming indigent litiganrs..


AS B Spr ing 2004 Admittees


T he Alaba ma State Bar Leadership Forum The IISB cmltd progrtlm to fonn pool oflnwym to providt klldu$hip Imd JffVia 10 the Slint.

By Pa,rkk H. Gra,,", I., and Alyct Man..,. Sprucil


M isrepresentation In the Insu rance Application MisrepreMlllalions in in5urana nppljclItion$ am bar m:Ovtry in tlrt

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CW!n1 of loss. By F. Lark Find!

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2004 Annual Meeting Photo Highlights Snndmin was the spot fM eLf, soOaljzing and aldlmting an annrvena ry.

Table of Contents ;» <p~,i"wJ "" fHW 286

Table 01 Contents » from pal' 185


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How to Prepare Yourself and Your Client for Potential Retaliation In Employment Discrimination Cases PIIrtiN initiating EEOC cmims nllm bf! prt(Ntud to ~llthl'T pos$ibk utll/imory adiorlJ by tht ir t mployrr.



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What I Choose It To Mean: of


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,........ __ · _l_""-'" ..... __ $_ _ l_ J """'"' _

By Toni J. Bruton


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disclrnrge in By Bradlry R.


Standard HI PAA Order In Civil Actions


leffenon Corm/)' rommirru dmflS HIPM omen to pumit disd osr jrc of pro/I'dI'd hMlth infu rmarirm in judicial procudi"gs. ByTMAd Hoc HIPAA Commin .. of ,~Tenth

Judiciol Circuit



About Members, Among Firms


President's Page




Executive Director's Report


Young Lawyers' Section


Bar Briefs


Legislative Wrap-Up


Important Notices Mandmory Co"tinuing Legu/ & ,,(otiO Il (MCLE) Ruk fllIIl Regulutiou Changes. rf/ecriVt farmary 9/h, 2Q04 Mill i-GralUs for COllf/icr Prn 'e/r /ion, Mlllragemcrr/ and Resolrnioll


S B P T! MB B R 100<

Bringing laws into amformity ,aka rime and tffort


Opinions of the General Counsel


Disciplinar y Notices



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where goOd people become

exceptional lawyers.

Continuing Legal Education Fall 2004 Seminars September


Developments and Trends In Heanh Carl Law 2004


Update for General Practitioners


Buslnesl Ethics in Government Contracting: How /0 Ma.... the Most Of YOII Relationship with ,"- Federal


The Cutting Edge In Courtroom Persuasion reaturlng Russ M. Herman

8 15

15"' An nual Bankruptcy Law Seminar

22 29 Noyember


12 19 December



3 9 10

17 ~30

Understanding Clall Action Strategy Emerging Issues In BUlinell Torts Ho w to Win in Arbitratlon

18" Annual Wor1ters' Compensation Seminar Corporate Fraud: The Intel'$eetion of Civil Suits and Criminal Prosecutions "Trials of the Century" Inturlng Todd S. Winegar Annual Employment law Update Recent Developments in Insurance Fraud & Sad Faith law Civil litigation Update - Mobile Hot TopiC$ in Litig~tlon : Ol,covery of Electronic Documents and Representing the High Profile Client 11 " Annual CLE BVTh. Hour

For semi rler deleils, vi sit our Web site: http://cumberland.S8mford. edu or 1:811 1-800-888-7454 {in Birmirlgham. call 726-2391 l. E-mail us al Brochures are mailed approximately six weeks prior to seminar date. s.nton:I LIrWIrIity ill .. Equal Opponunitr InIIrIution ..-.I ,, ' ,_ oppIirMmI lor ~ n "'cMimll poogo"'O$ ~ r.gardIH$ot.--. OIor . .. r.. • disability. or natioMI or ettric origw'l



President's Page

By,. D<>ugl<>. Mal.,.

The Most Powerful Profession


h. firs, thins we: do, Ids kill.U ,h~ lawyers·' The.. {amil;..

word, from Shako,,,..,.',


VI or. m<l,t ff'«lutn~y citt<! by tho"" deriding l.wytrs Q' , prof... ion, In reality, Shakespean: was paying an amazing tribute 10 Ih. function and of Lawyers in • society th.t .. lues individuallibtfly and {,rnIom. In

the play,:It! in the 1400£. Jack Cad< ha$ "-'on hired bylhe Dukt ,,{York to .tir up


trouble. TIl..... struggle for the throne, a nd II>< Oukt ,housh' thot if h.

oTdl.mattd a revell. he oould us< the army undc1" hi. control 10 .till the rebollion a nd Sti.. the Ihro"". So, J><k is planning this r~h with rellow mise""n! Dick lh. Butcher. Dick suggests th>! the firs' thing on the agenda, ,h. top priori'y.

mus' be 10 gfl rid of the lawyers. They I:n<'W that for a ",voh In surrttd, th.,. mus' .liminal. those who an: chargnl with .. f<guarding tht most b>;.ic civil right.<. f, <"«lom. and Ii"",ti<$, which aft' the foundation of an orderly society. Shaknpt>r. rrrogniud what Alai. de Tocqucvil1... w wben he Ylsited our country in 1831 to SH what . gr •• , republic w.. lik, De Tocqu~il1e found 288


cit;..". h . d • gr", respect for a nd ,h. authority a nd in Aue""" givtn to l.wytfS formed what h. called. "the most poowtrful barrier agoinst tht ..p.... of domooacy" This OO.oerv:otion .till 'ing. "uo tod.y. W. arc members of the most pOWtrful prof... ion. Evtn though in Alabam ..... lsewh .... bOT com .. togother u. diYC'fS< group. _ Irc.lI united by Our COmmon responsibility to SHk truth and j\Utice and to prot"'t individu.l f""""'m and libtrty. Lawytrs h."" played ,hi. important rol. throughout American hi.tory, At the tim. of our n.tion·, b;,th.l.wytrs played • piv<>ul role. 11>0 D«"rotion of Independence wu wrin.n by Thorn • • Jefftorson •• lawyer. Twenty·r,,,,, of the 56 signers wae l.wynl< James Madoon. I Ilwytr, cre<lited with drafting tltt Constitution, used hi< J.wytrly s.kill. of ......"h and rcAeaion to help him rom]> thi< briUiant doeu· me", . It was .. id ,h .. hi. great.. t ''''"''gth during the Comtitution.l Co"""ntion W I ' in prtp .... tions he rnade btforthand. 'j>Onding rount! ... hours ......<hing and $ludying the issu,", bdort ,hey tame up fo, Otherlawytrs _ft' Ol the


"'mfinal· 10 • ....Mo "'

Convmlion as .-dI. dtba!lng .nd

nwring our I~ i$we$


prod"". 1"'1 i ••!iII!ht law of ou, I.nd, 21 S u,..-. Tw.n,y.'_ of Ih. eonSli.u.ion'. 39.igners wm: 1;1",...... All..- il __ signtd, tht Consti.ution wm' ,0 tht.$Uk> for r.olifOtion. HtK .... .... ~ hard .. .....n: apin.1ames Mad;""'" John lay and Alaanritr

H.lmiI.on-u ~_!ht FcdtroIist ""pm 10 coovin« ,~ Sla~ 10 r.ol;fy t~ Con,,;,ulion.1ky WCR pUlling into I"""ia .~ pmuas;'""" sJtiIls .hoy Iwntd in !htir)'aD ofltpl poetia. 1M '''OmbcD .... !he Icpl profcsoion of ...., doy rnIiu<1 whal • crucialumt .... h'>lory 'My in. and ~ wo,Ud Ind Sluditd.nd JlCrifoccd and fought for . ca ...... in which 'lit)' btlinni

John Adm.. wrole to I frim<!, "You .nd t ....... bttn "". in.o lif. a. a .ime when.1K I".gi.., .. of an.;quity would h• .., wished to Ii .....·' Thoy realized the imporlln« <>f .hei. mislioll, They _nled '0 gel i. right. And 'My, along wi.h others. ""'"tdtd in cra.,,,,!he IonJrIt Wonding <kmornuic rq>ublic in tht h,,,orr of.he world. 1M ...lion grew. and there .t !ht helm wm m;lnyOthtr Iawym. Judlasl<r/m Marsl,.l~ Iooeph Slory, John Quincy Adtnu .nd Daniel Wri>s!er. Then !hen: ..... AOOham lincoln. another~. who ....,.,. !ht Emancipolion Prodo .....ion, ~ th:t. all p<OpIt,wh.a ........ !htir tkin ookw. ........ rntitltd to !ht ~ 'ish""of libmy guauntml in our founding documents.



Ou. 'mportan. ,.... """'ured and binh«l by .I>t dtba'<$ and pe ... of Il wyen. OIlier profruioJU wm: rq>mentcd. but .~ IrpI profruion ..... by for.he dorninm. grouP< Today.~ Iur· rinI of American ~Mrlin and ffftdoms depends no .... on tht coD prnl«1 .h<m ~fflb, .. unda tht prf«plI "I"'" wtrich our "".ion was IOundN.


WbnI .... look around Alabama. ........

""",ben of our profession ,nvolYNI in viTluoily ~ry dop."mtn. of public and priv:tlo I,fe, not only <>/fering ou' pro{<$"'-I....-ncn of ",Oding and counsding. bur also Joerving as heads of COfpOI".ations and i .... i.utions of eduation, bealth. rnI <Wit, (OOlmuniry oopniu.ionJ. and p . ommen!. In fXl • .aII bu. 16 of Alamma>, Sl BO"I"I"IOIt ha.... bttn ALoIwna u"")'<rt-

~mit£ thy ~n£my. -These trial Iawyen have held nothing ~ck in the way they have prc:lICn!ed their ideas "oom closing arguments. Old ideas, reinven ted ideas, and superbly origin,,1 ideas fill the p~ges of this book.~ Johnn~


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President's Page

lWmty·f..., of our ulion', 42 p",.idenu. have bttn I.wyr .... ll 5«n'I$\O mt th.1 no profession, OIh.,.th.n 1~ min_ i.<II}" has had ,uch a profound and wid< impact On Our >o<i<ty. Yet, 'her. i. this """fusing conundrum:

the I'C1l'ltxing problem of public pen;eplion. According 10 • 2002 G.uup Polk only two per«rlt of th~ .ur~ r.t«l 11>< hOJ>eStyand ethical ... ndanh of lowyns as "\'try high: That was the same noting gi'oTIl to w.o, union Ita<krs, ,....1 es'.1r ag<nl$ and 'Io<kbrokr$. ond ju.' right above ,he one per"""! ra'ing gi= to <;Ir .. lesmtn and ,ekmorkff=' A .tudy rornmis.<.ion<'d by the wOOn of lilig31ion of the American B.. Aosocia,ion fq>Ort$,

-Amc1ican. say lhal L1wytrs . '" grttdy. rnanipulativt. and corrupt.'"

Contirwed from page 289

Why Of< _ .u<h • vilifi.,d profrMion! Ptrh.p. if' beause we have. duty to ''Puunt unpOpul .. clients and c.u .... Pt'hap. it', b«au .. olmo.,.,...,'Y political and cuhural que.tion in the Unit«l Slate> is ull imately ,,,,,,Ivtd into a judicial qlleS1i<>". Perhaps iI"~ bt<;au$< \1,.1tg.1 pn:>k$.ion b«om.. the ""peg""t ror the .... <oUr<! in'uranet. lnNical m. lp.. ak~ ond Othe.- cri~. urtainly othe, "planation, "i.t. m.ny of thm' unTt'$Onabl. .nd unfoundr<!. but th. &pth of ,h. crit· ici,m gives ri", to th~ n«<l for xlf-"amin"ion. W. m.y nol h."" control 0 ... ' public p<:T<<ption, but we do h.... con· "01 0.... ' our own condu<1 Ind eh .. ICt.r. 1kcoU«' we or•• ""lion of I...... and 001 of men •• nd bo<:> .... '''omq$ a.. the guardians and prol«tOTS of thot conctp\, was desig1ed especially for small fjrms and solo practitioners who are seeking to minimize overhead expenses while expanding their areas 01 practice. •

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it i. impmtlivt thot we h..... charaa.. that is bo.rond TtJ'""ch. In 110 other cultu," do lawyers playsuch.n important roll'. 1.1 Chief l"'lice Drayton N.btrs h.... id. we must be "wonhy " ..... 'ds" of lhe ruJr of law. This r~uifCS that we h.... . ..-aJ for truth and justice. TIlt public has the fight to apr<:! from all ",....., btrs of the I<gaJ profes.ion the higl=! standard< of integri· ty and moral vim.,. Often the most inli· ma .. and prn;onal malters ITt ~t ..... tr<! to Jawrtn. Often I dit-n,', bu.i ...... Ind wealth ITt <:ontingm' on the dwact .. and

_inuc of. lawyer. TIlt public. the COLlftS. the har, our ditnt>---;IJ mu>1 be .bk to 'rust U$ withoul .........ation, t'IO .ubsti'u..,

not ntgOti.obl<'. A1abam. h.. . ,ich histoty in th. atea of lopI .thic •. Our 1887 coo., of Ethics t'IO qualioouions.

Deed Mortgag e Last Will & Tes tament Will Probate Estate Administration Guardianship & Conservatorship Power of AHomey L e a se & Easement Eviction Corpo ration Adoption Criminal D e f e nse Criminal Prosecutor General Pmctlce Timber Purchase Litigation Downlo",d

wu thc fi ... t in the n.. ion. and it.<nY«l as th. model for many other .101.. and even the America" Bar A.<socil!ion. Thc ALab=. CodeofElhiN WU writ_ len primarily by 11>001.. Goode 10...... a man of integrity and charact .. who .<nY«l Alabama .nd tht 1"801 prof"",ion in monyc.p.dti<$: Hc WU pr.. idcnl of th. Alobom" Sme Bar. Go .... rnor of th. Stat. of Al.OOm • • and a fe<kraJ juds<. Whcn hc wrolc thc Cod. <>f I!:hia. hc inlo<rtcd Ihi. quolC jillt .ha hi. fi ..., p• .,graph, "Th< ... is ccruinly. without any accption. no prof....." in whid! '" many templation. besclthc path 10 ........... from thc ~n .. of strict int<grllY; in whi<;h '" many deli",'e and diftkult queslions of dUly u< consl."lIy arising. . , . Hj~h moral ~rjru:i~lc is I,b" lowya·.1 only sof" guide, lh. only to ...h \0 light his way amidst darkntu and ob<!rU<1ion."

protn.ionoli,m. and wU for trnth and jusli.. :u we fulfill our calling of SftVict \0 clitn!$. tht community and Our profC«ion. When I w.. growing up, my broth.

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as and ,i"crs .nd I were all ",ade to bclie~ 'hat we had unique lalents and gifts. W. ofltn hean:! Ihi.< admonishment from our parents whi<:h [now share wi,h rou."To "'hom mu<h is si""n. mu<h is required." •

Do.ooa\Ic\"~lwIfu.lS l

1IIoM!"t. _

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US.~ ...... IU.SOO .........


~ S,....t .. lliJ [1(m!~ "'" GoIup ~k'<.1

s. """""""""'"Cot<!a8 Sim>o OII.m&onIIo./IaJI: _ _Boo OIl./.WIuIs: __4


I . _--'N<(su,'OI_tTICI 118I501~~

W. h..... t ... mcndou, rnpon,ibilily• ...,...;ng in this most pownful prof"';"n. We ha ..... crucial (>O$;tion in $Oci«y. W" ... entrusted with lht &1ewa,d,hip o f Anterica', ,ule of I.w and we ntml bt worthy ".""ord •. OUT mIls and training provide uniqu" opportuni,ie, for u. 10 lead and ........ in our communities and go.... ,nmtn!. For ""ampie, AbOOm. lawy<fS at time dominated our S! ... ltg_ i.l.ti"" bodi... We orC On« again nceded. nol juS! in st> .. so"",nmenl bu, .1", on city councils.. county commi$$iolU .nd oth.r oil" ... I encourage ..dt ofrou 10 usc rou, 1.lents and ,raining as rou con,inut .. '~ing on tht fron,lin .. in OUT $t01C. 0 ....

"The A1ab.tma Stat< B.... I<brat.. 125 yr.... of profC«ionolism this ytl'r. From it> in<qnion in 1878, lh. Aloboma S,.,e Bar has bc<-n alcaJor among lht nalion', ban. May .... keq> up that Strong 'radilion as ou, joumeyconlinues, .nd may .... <:><I ~ 0""," gtncralion of Iawytrs in ho"."y, in'<wily. dignily,


Executive Director's

By Keith 8. Normatt

He Should Not Have Said It




July, lh~ Sou!he""t~rn

Conf.... n.,., (SEC) M<di. D.ys _'" hold in Birmingh. m. Ont of

tht big oto,i.. of lhe .,.. m was th. ded· • ion of Tmn ...... ·• he.d football co.ach. Phillip Fulme" "'" 10 a Uond. As you may

=all, Fulmer ".ltd tnat h. waS nol .u<"ding !>«au.. of "radical altornq'$" in""l~ in lilig.tion on !>th.lf lwo

form., University of A.! . ... i,"nt footb:ill co.tchcs. A .tory . pp..",d in the MOnlgamny Ad>Trlisn th. d.y fQllowing

Co..h Fulm.,.', remarks to the med .. vi. spulrrphono fronl KnoniU •• T.nn<SStt. Th. 'poruwri,Of fOf Ih. Advcti..,., (hid· ing ~h Fuhmr for not appearing in 1'<1>0", indudtdlht following .,! in hi, . , tido: " ,._One•• gain, I am no" lawyer, .nd r would dig dit<h .. before I'd I>t on. b«lwt it', d •• ntr, mort honorobi. W(lri<. ... •

libesofthis ..m I g.~ ... lIy t.k wilh . grain of 5311. Bnidcs. it ........,r pays to nlgagc in a war of words with .so"""'ne who buys ink by the bonel. J oould not 1<1 this "a"mnlt go unch:oJJ.n~. thoush,.so the nul d.y J .. nl ,he $p<>r!$ writ ... the following 'o..u Mr. Erucy. '[ ~ad you, column .boUI Fulmer in Ihi' morning', Jlriytffiur. I nolM in pa'ticul>r yout rtmaTl<: •... Ontt again. l am nol a b~r, and r would dig ditch .. ""fo.. I'd "" 0".. ""ca.... it', d"""r. mo", honorable woTic ..: J w'" di""ppoinlMlo ",.d such an unncces""ry ,ut.mont. "Whil. .'" a few di, p«>pk in .. ..,ry prof=ion, induding you", Ih. r<'$1 of lhe bwyr" a", hono.abl. and, unlike mosl Olhe, professional group$. .bide by . w,il1cn code of <thics Ih., .. to a hish ..."ndard of conducI th .... for th. ordinary citiun. t would




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was.. you tha.t lawyrrs .re involvM in and ..rvt on mo~ bo.:trds uf d.ic groupo . nd chure"",, in Montgom<ry tha.n any olher profnsKm. The .. me would"" true if you go 10 anycommunily in thi • nation. Inde..,t t doubt thaI cwi< groupo and church .. W(luld allow p«>rk who a", di,),onorable and wilhoul integrily 1o ........ amnng ranks. E.... ry day. many b~rs ""lunt ... , to gi .... Ihoi' lim. to represenl cil;un. who h.." problem . , but who.rt un.blo 10 p.y. Thi. is hardly Ih.". il of p«>rk whu ore dishonorabl •. o..'l'il< wh .. you "y, lawy<1'$ render ..rvia: tu dinll$. to thoi' commu_ nilia and 10 profession. Whal h", g<>u.n Iosl in all of thi' i, th. fact th>1 two form ... mach .. conl.nd that th.y h..... been injured by Ihe dofend.nlS and . ~ unabk 10 gain .... mploym.nt in Ihei, n prof=ion Mau" tho action, of Ih .. dor.ndanl$ amounl to being 'blockJi ..«I: These lwo forme,~ ... .sought out a I. wyr, 10 "p""",nt t!>rnt and 10 prot«:llhdr 'ishl$, You.~ certainly .nlillM to your opinion.ln I" Amendment.lhe genius of ala~r, gua .. nt... you thi. right. Stuem.nts like you ... how ..... ', se ...... nu good purp<>$< and aU merely divi.i ..... Word. are ~rful in"> .nd I think you ooligation in your I""'il;on to US< Ihem wisely and ""n."Jy. Sockty is nul .... ved by one group trying 10 I~>r down .not!>rr. We h.v~ .... n Ihe r~uh. - we h."".ll luffered: W~ will n~r be abl. 10 (ontrol what p«>ple .. y or think about profe$$;"n. As long :u w. (onlinu< 10 ser'" our <h.nt'lrulhfully, honurably and profe$$ion.Uy, thoush. w~ can Ial:< mmfort in knuwing Ihat we h..... rnldcred the highnt .. rvico po«ibl<_ •






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Tho I.qj<ado .. Cop.oI HOII oIfCq • 1<0<1 of ifI".....,. ....J w.. .........a.bI. .. othor ~ t-I.. And .... loco ... on .... I!<IIItn T..." J<-o GoIfTr:>iI. For ..........- . alllo4·Z90- IUS

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Important Notices Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Rule

and Regulation Changes. effective January 9th, 2004 EfJr<tivt! '~m""r 9, 1iXH, M,mdo'<>ry Cominuing Ugal EJurQIWn R"lIu1a,i,," 2.7 ''','' Mopr<d ""d MeLE Rule 2.Cl. R"'~ J. R,d. 5.B, R"I. 6./1, "nd Rule 6.11 ...... "m<1,ded. A"orP~'''' now r~uif.d to ~.rn One hour each YUt of e1hics or professionali,m,

cred't. The minimum number o{hours 12 hour .... ch ~ar. Oth" MeLlO Ruk revision, include an inc ....., of d~ 1.,< {,ling {"" to 5100 a nd 11>< Llle wmpli.1ncc 1« to $100. At10TT>ry5 who fail tu rotn ply with ,be MeLE Rules fo. lale filing and I.,. compli.n"" will be requ ir.d to I"'Y an addi,ionaJ $300 noncompli. ne<- ftt. AlIom.,.. who ''''i<k and maintain 3 principal oITIC' in .n"rhe, smtlh.1 R<jui,.,. MeLE and who can &mon,''''''' <omplian" with hi. o. her principal . 'a'< of practice are o"",mpt from the 12·hour CLE r«juirement but mU$t file tf>< year.cnd AnnUli Ikport of Compli.tnct. Th. Rules rfi>i,ion darify that a;sj"'nt or Ikputy anom.ys g.n ....1.nd district .ftor· noys, ... or deputy d istri« momeys, and public dor"nd<n or. not """mpt from tho MeLlO Rults. For a complete listiIlg of all ......mion' and tho full rontent of tho MCll Rul •• nd Regubtion changes. pl ..... visil the SIOle Ror Mtmbtr pa!\" at ......... ~labar.0'i. •

Mini-Grants for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution Th. Alabama Supreme Court Commi ... ion on Di.putelksolution. through the Ctm.. for Dispute Rtsolmion. annu.1 min;. gran .. to promo," conniC! pre· vention. managrmcnt and rnolution in bolh local and SI ... program .. To bt eligible, organizations must be non ' profit, and fik an application by Octobtt I. 2004. For exantplo. mini· grants can bt usN for court rel ... d programs ( i.•. , . mall d"ms medi" ion using t",nw volunte.. medi.toT$. probate rourt program •. OCttM and vi.i· lationl,upj>ort program.), school p«r m.di.lion tr.ining. community mediation. o mbuds program•. muni<ipaJily/cily di.pu .. r<.<Olution I ... ining .nd programs, sute .nd local agency training .nd program .. low school dinic program$, victimloff.nd..... ronf... ncing. or to duplica .. an existing program in your jurisdi«ion. For mo", information and a appli<>.tion. pk...., call the unt .... (l.l4) 269..()4()9 .•

"_, ,_. _u_

The IIOI1W8'" d&slgned by

lawyers for lawyers

We . an m a ~ e your child suppoo1and uncon1es ted divo<ce cases as easy at 1..• 2 ... 3. .. 1. Enter lhe Case In!ormaH"" 2. Prinl1he Docu .... nts 3. File wah the COUr1

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...... ""',..,_..


. ..-.-........

About Members, Firms ""

n..~ ~ /ong<o"I"'OI;,s.., ouId""",~oJ ~ "~..w... Mob ,IK

""""""""",,, ,./0,.. to 110<

""""'' 1 of•"" or .... "...,....... ~""" ..."" .. ><nd in .o""".........".. anJ/.. ...u"" tl..ny:<> '" 110< I0I0'''' .... St... _

Dtpdn""",. '"

(J3.I) 16J -6J 10 (flu) D< P.o. &%67/. Mo"tgo>tWT]' 36101.


About Members Hrndon Bloylo<k 0<8"y. I<Km<rly of

.".Jt></ with Rushton. Stakdy, Iohn5lon 3< Gomu PC, an..oOJICU tho .", of .... ' offic<, TIl< M<diation Groter... 200 S. Uwt<r>C< Monlgom<ry :lIiliJ.C. 11>< moili", odd ...... 1'_0 , 8ru: 1G4. 36101.{)11>4. Phon< (n. ) 2-\0.2421.


MOcbocI G. ~ forn>erIyof f<J/In D. Suon PC, ""oourJ<el, tbooprni,,& oll:o'w Offi«s of Micha<l G. Gr.olfro. PC. Offi<es .... loared .. 2100 $ou,hBridgt I'aIkway. Suit< ~ Birrninj;twn. Th< nuiIi", _ is f.o. Sox 66O!I15. '5~15, Phon< (lO5) S7J·1919. Ottis,i A. Rob«" 0JU\0\lJIaS ,I>< open;.S ofb« off","" !lUll Magnolia A....... . Magnoli. Sprinp. The: m.ilinS odd .... is Po. 8ru: lOll • .lIi'i55. Phon< (2Sl)96S·9060. W, Vock<n

..,"""1>«0 "'" oprn;"Sof

Rich .... H. Ca, ... 1'C announc .. th" Sand .. S. ltu«hinO<m .nd R",," D. Kirby luI'< join«! ,II< fitm .. oooocio,<>.


Citrin 8< McGloth,,,,, PC .nn""t>«> J'J;..h<th A. Ci,rin joi,,«1 'Il< flmt cf


~"" The La>< Office> of

o.,i. S,,,,.. 0.,;"

.,,"""""'" ,Iu, Grqrory D. Pusll<>< h.. ;oin<d ,he fimt.


ft«l«id T, Enolm s..r"n 11«",." Nom. '"noun« ,II< fo,mation of En,I"" & Norri. PC. with 01'Fi«s Io<.ttd " 6728 1"oylo< Cour~ Mon'go ..... ..,.. Plio ... ()).4) 244·7)". Hall & HoIl LLC ,nllOlltKe5 'hot Kevi" T. Shi .... ,nd Thorn .. S. Itil<y hoY< join«! ,II< fimt .. """" ...... H.... Wynn. N....u & ~on '"""",,"'"

,Iu, Soodto h)"ellogood ,nd lam« R. Moneu<, III h ... join«! ,he fimt.

hisolli« .. 640 S. Md)onough SUm, Moo,pntry 3611>4. Tht ""ili.. _ is 1'.0. Ilo:J. 101. J6!OI·(1I01.1'honc (lJ.4) 1m-1192.

Willi,.., B. War. anOOlinC<> tt.: opening of h.. olf," " J6IS V... n R<»<I. Suit< 116B. Hirminghorn lS2lS. Phon< (m) 655_1492.

itui>b."'. Smi'h, Mell ......... 8rak<f"'d & 8rowd<r I'C O""""n«O Rob«I M. Sp<-n ... [o, ..... ,1y w;,h Crownov<r. St,nd,id5" 8< Sprn«, h .. join«! ,he firm .. , pMt ..,.


EorIH. La>.'O<m. Ir. on,.,.H."'" 'Il< oJ'<n;", ol"Thc Law Off"", of Earl H. I.awoon. Ir.• , II>ffl<sal oftk. of til< Ub<f'y Mu,,w Group. ,nd ,h .. G,ry L W....... Iu< join«! ,II< /i,m, Nakarnw-a. QWnn & 1'>:.11> UP IItIItO<IJt(d

Among Finns

tho, LeoIi< J<>.n ... llonon Ius \>eo::>n><, fWtn<I".

o\."'id&< & I!akh PC Katherine M. KIM hu joined lh< firm .. ,n =<>cia ..,

Kri"." L MHI..- h., join«!'hc ""n,,,,ny ..

an...,,,,,,,,,, ,h.a,

n.. Alaboma Dcp.nmrn, of Fi""nc< .n"""",,<> Carp<n«r I>o<n

,Iu, 1«..,.


'WOi",«I ,hitfltpl cou ... l Tho ... lclti",,, Firm I'C a"noon«> !Iu, Carvin' La"""m h .. join«! th. fi,m .. ." aJOOCia ...

Narl'<l""'W«y. Inc. annoon«> th"

<!<pu,y &<f\<fol roY" ..I.


Sm;,h ~_ UP ,n"""",," Bill St.....n Iu< joined til< fum in its ~ officr.

Sm;,h, SFi .... & Prddy PC .nnoun= Thorn .. M. Uttlo ,nd M,n;" M. "'.. jr>intd the fum .. IWQC;.....



WaIst .... W,U .. Anda-_ '" B,o;n' UP Robrrt .... 1I«I«rI<. Mly II«I«rI< Smith ond V"1Vi.ul S. IIcd.<rl< ,,,,,,,..,,"'" II>< (ornu,jon of ~. Smith & 1I«I«rI<. with ollie<> at Mly S<i......., Sui .. C, 7ll 0>1< am. Driv<. Mobile 3660\1·4224. !'bon< 66O-Ol6!.




BDd.Iry ..... Roo< & Whi« UP ."ooul\C<I. 'h" John O. II<md, III Iu< join«! <h< rum in iu Charlo", offior.

CaJ><lI 8< HO"o'ftI .nnoU!K<> !lut Goo'S< L

!k<k. Ir. h .. join«! ,II< finn ... tnrn"ll><1". 296


,"",,"n«o ''''' "'pra S. Rog«< Iu< b<com<


I....... S. Ward, J<lfW. hrmrt.nd 1(rnrO<lh [<>< • """" .... II>< fomution of

Ward, ........... '" W ....... LLC, with oI!i«s" 400 Sh.oda CtttI:. F'orl;w-.>y. Sui .. 100. Binningham mOlt. Pbonr (lOS) 879-5997. Wauon, lim",..-.on, Givh.n. & PC ,n"""nee> tho, T." L. Hdm.


h.o. b<com. 0 p",ntt.

,••• "' •• ,,., ~«.""' .••

" •• <1

D., .. ,,,,.

.......,..........,......, ... ,.......-'.... -, '\1$ l'" ... 30

..... ...." ........".

Forens icl CPAs ...

"'0-"-5......... '-< ..... 5"," ~ ...........


,,, .. ,•• ~ .... ~1.""_ Ul0l


Beck, Edward Neal Huntsville Admitted: 1998 Died: March 8, 2004

loeb, Bernard Frank

Brown , Alton Ri,路cs. Jr.

Charleston, SC Admitled: 1950

Died: May 31, 2004

Admitted: 1954

Lovvorn , Christie )0 Pa rso n Huntsville Admitted: 2002

Oioo: February 21, 2004

Died: /'o.'lay 7. Z()O.I

Ca n ty, Ronald Austi n Admitted: 200 I Died: April 15, 2004

Massey, Timothy Alan Birmingham Admitted: 1977 Dit~: June 25, 2004

Crownover, Walter Parker

McDermott, William Henry



Admitted: 1962 Died: May 10,2004

Admincd: 1958 Died: May 28, 2004

Dawkins, Joe Maxwell, Jr.

Ncison , Carolyn Bcrryhill Birmingham Admincd: 1969 Dicd: December 24. 2003



California Admitted: 1978 Died: May 20, 2004

Died: Non'mber 2, 2003

Smit h , H ugh Vird cn, Jr. Montgomery Admitt芦l: 1965 Died: June 18,2004

Green, John William, Jr. Huntsville Admitted: 1951 Died: March 2, 2004

Smith, Paul Gordon Birmingham Admitted: 1962 Died: April 29, 2004

Har ris, James Douglas Mont gomery Admitted: 1942 Died: June 7,2004

Winston, Norman Grccn . Sr. Orange Bcach Admittcd: 1967 Died: July 16, 2004

Gamble, William Coleman, Jr. Mobile Admitted: 1991



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Retirement Program


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.......... .



"Cinderella lived below poverty line, was forced to work in violation of fair labor standards, and had ma ny law "

You provide the happy ending . . . Join the Volunteer Lawyers Program Todav! Nom, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone Number Addrus' -_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City, State, Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


o o o

Adopt ion/Legitimations Consumer (t o include ut ility, credit problems defense of contract actions) Real Property (to include deeds, mortgage foreclosures, evictions) Probate (to include simple wills ond small estates)

o o

o o

Bankruptcy Family Law (category includes alimony child support, custody and post divorce proceedings) Uncont ested Divorce Divorce (involving abuse)

Complete and Fax to the Volunteer Lawyers Program (33-4) 261- 6310.

Legal Services Alabama, Equal Justice Initiative of Alabama and Alabama Prison Project Receive Alabama Law Grants undre<b of people- in Alaboma, who could 1\01 .lfon! it ~. $ftvu, wiu re«~ ("'" 1cpI ........ ica from !.cpt Xrvica A1aNm. this roar, lh.nulO sranl$ from ,he AI.born.


l;ow Found.,ion',

IOlIA (ln~r'" on

uWY<" Trim Accounllj vanl program. A $90JIOO V.nt ~ ,i\'to [0 tM lSA for


In FcbrIW"T. AlaNma', [hrtt, .".... ,~

IzpI s.mca oo<por.uions united to fOrm alinsl<. comp~. SI.!tWiode prognom, I.qaI Stmca Alaborna. II«ommmdod by Ihr Alaboma TaoIr:

Fora on II«onfi...... tion. this »tw, in, ....

""t<d S}'SInn ".,.i.ioou ~ Al.tlwna civil

juN~ community 10 belt ... provide cqlUl acuss to juuia: for all AlmoSI 700.000 <;iliu", of ,hiu",to 1;""., 0< ~Iow 1~ poymy!<>d. Thcst f.milia h.... 1""I'(Udmo1<1y lS4.6441cp1 need. I YUt. II<IWttn!.cpt s..,....i~ p",_ varni :u\d pro bono prognms, jus, ove, 16.000 of oIigible low-incolM ciliuns re«ivN lcpIassistanc. In 2001,. gap ~n ..",ices J>ttdtd and OC'fYices r=Md of O¥n 1)8,000.

.... • ....... y;,ion for ddRrtring IcpI ~ 10 ItIt

"",.'.Iow·ir><O<M cit;·

Lcpl Services ..... bama imp....,.,. tb< coonIin;olion of mouous and imptO"'Q fund";";n" 0... of LS.(I ""'" intqni ..... of fundine is the IOIIA ".n. ;, ~ from tht f<>\lI'Idalion this ~.r. fundo ,hal !.SA oould 1\01 do without, 1oCOlrdin& 10



!.SA Excuti ... Dirt<1or I'tt$hins. TI>t EqIUI )uJlia: Initiali ... of AI.ol>am. is oJ", Tt<ti.inS a ""nl from t~ Abbama Uw Foun.ution"IOLTA program,this

time in 11K amount of 10 COIItin· uo: Ihtir work usUiin8 auorntyo who a", "'Pmtnti", IIId~nl defrndanu in til< pool-«>n.iclion '1 0" of capitoJ cases. 8ryan St.....,n5Qn. utcu,in d iTt<,or of ,h~ org..niulion. «knowledged ,h~ larg' pm ,t.. fou"d"ion has pl.~ in tht organ""lion. The: Alaban .. Prison ~,. onotlln gran' Tt<ip;.nl, nuItn .u,~ til .. judge> and jU"" in "'pital ""'" ~ >II ,t..



r>m:I bdo:w smttncin&-

1M PtojKt..-ntly Tt<riw:d. 1'""1 from It.. IOLTA program. Tho: funds will Pf'O"ld< ..,..nollUpport and fu.tIwr tlw ""Iltl< 01 Th< Aloboma PrUon PtojKt II ;, pnforms m-ip'r.. funoio ... 10 lid appoink<! 10 capital asn. n.. founda,ion has .... rd· M a granl'O 1t..l'roifor' """Y ~.r sin« 198'), for I loul of 1661,215. Th, I'roifor", direc,or, Luci. Ptndbnd. ~xp,tIKd t.., fur found. · lion .nd ,t.. Sr;lm. Th, Ai.l>ama Low foundslion is .rmi· ,ltd wi,h ,/w ALabam. Su~ B., and is. """uw., I ... ·~xmpl orpniza,ion dtdj • cak<! '0 law· mllM m.ritin. n.. IOtTA ptOV>m allows .I10mq'S to ~ ,heir comminKkd ~Iionl tru<I accounts 10 in'tftSt. bnring accounts. 1M in\<ftS1 is , ...... forwarded 10 tlw: A.I.o~ Low Founds,ion, which ...... tlw trI<Ifq'lO .ward grant, for bw· rri.o,M chari .. W. pro;.ct.. This )'nr, Ippro.:im .. dy S128'OOO .... Pnn in graO'l-lntI ,Inct 1989. tht Alaban .. Low Found .. io" Ita, pr(Widod 011<1' 512 million in gr.nlllhrough its IOI:rA prop.m. •


1,.,I,ud, ,h,






Numw ,itting For .... m ... ......... .............. ........... ... .. ... ...... .................. ............ ...... .... .. Number c.... 'ificd 10 Suprem~ Court of Al.bam .............................................................................. .

Ctrtiflcation rat.- ............................................................................ .. Co nilie.lion p.,c.magn Uniwr$i.y of A4b.m.o School of Law ................ ..................................................................... Birminglurn School of Low ..................................................................... ............................................. ... ,........ , Cumberland School of Law ........................................................................•...........•.....•............................ lones So:hool of Law ................................................................. Mil .. Colleg. of Law . ......... . .....•..... . ........................ ................................................


47.3 p""'enl

59.l 29.

73.9 perconl SO perCOnl 9.l percenl

'/",/udes ""Jy 'host . =folJy passing b,,, exam and MPRE 1'0, full ttam 'Iolisl;a fo, Ih. ftbruary 2004 exam. S" 10 .......... aja""'.org. click on "Membtrs," ond Ihen ch«k oul lhe ~Admi.ssion." O«1ion.

Alabama State Bar Spring 2004 Admittees Adams. Carvin~ Akins, Christopher AJon Aleund~r. D<:sir« O:lcst~ Andt'Tson, \\illiaID Dominick Argo. Jacob Dale My. Angela Ste»<lrt Barnard. Julie Plant Barr, Philip Adam Ikard. lames Wi!! !kard.n. Jrn;hua Steven 8«);"r1 •• Vivian Shdf.cld Ikdi, Shdia Anne Ikdsolc, Chester McCorquodale llowie. Courtney AI)'SSJ IIraswell, !(asi. Moore Brock. Lnlie Kristin Ilruner. Robert Pag<Buch. Vannsa ~l ichdle lIu~ Charles Monrot III Burns, Steven Andrew IIUll.r, Kevin Todd Cal""rl, Tracy Orr Carr. Ldgh Ann Carroll. Price Hugh Cash. Gwrge Edwin Collins. lane Gunn Dcan, John Jeffrey Dill, Nicol. Minetru Dnsutis. Harry Anthony Du~rr, Douglas J~r~my Oursl. Tiffany Anng<-Iee Edwards., Amanda Ann Fergnson. Jason Malone Fel1erolf. Pamela Bryanl I'idds, Teri Dani.lle Fountain. Dana Lynn. Frias, Brenda Moo",r Gardnrr. Lisa Fra""ts Givan, Juandalyrm [)cltathia G"her. Adam Sh~a Godw in, Lewis Chri< IOpher Good.son. !.Jura DeVaughn {.;r."cs, Michael Anthony Griffin. H iram (..., Ir. GriSSOIll, Candace Ursu!.a Guthri •• Todd Patrick Hancock. Robert Daniel I I",kins, Ron.ld flugh

IIJrI . T~ n~ VoUendorf H'IY.<, Josh ua P,llrick lIuk~. John Michad Ikwglry. \..;1ur~ Ren« I hx, 11""... rd Ray Ir. I !obson. Thomas Mi<;had Sr. Holmes, ElilJbelh Wilson Hooper. Sanford Graham I loward. Kdvin William Ilu«llutl.., Christopher Mark Ilugh($, Judy Ann. I lunl, Anthony Paul Ilunt. Marcus Lee r.ckson. Alan lavon Jackson, Susan Eli~abelh Jefferson, Cartheni. Walk.r Johouon, Beverly Ernestine Johnson.llerman Nathlnid Jr. Johnson, Sherry Lynn Johnwn. Shoryl Slry);"r Jordan, Aud rey Kathleen Jo,,"'$ K.nnedy. John Kirby Kim. Ronald W.It~r I(irby. Renee Drni5<: I(irvalani. Jagdesh BhaS"'andu umlx-rt, Judith Schutzhach Uwwn. Ilarry Stc""n Lewis, Hilly Wayn,' Jr. tilly, Sandra Elaine Linder. Michael Mark Jr. tittle. Sonya Marie Tool~ Madison, Lori Anne Markham. James ROMi Marks, I(emberli i.alresa M,wod. Asim Griggs McClure, Chester !knn.. t II McGlaughn. Michael Dlvid ll imchin, Jonalhan Brock Montiel. Joi Tatum MomroMi, WiJJiam R"bert Jr. M05Cley. Max Anderson Nalu, knnifer Ingehorg Nastrom, Karl Slev~n Nichols., Sand ... Sarah O·CaIbghan. Christy Lynn Od.lI. Gordon Wendell Jr. Odom, Elizabeth Pugh OU1 I.w. Wanda Diane

P.Hler..,n. r'lInes Donnie Pittman, Aleth~a Pric~, Ch .. l.s II "'itd,elt. Nan0 ""thrine Pylant •.~Iich;od Abn R~m.y. Brian Anthony KaI11I"Y, Julie Ann. Rawls, Angela Slate Reid. R(lnald Patrick RobertS, !.Ju~n Davis Rohcmon. Michad Finkr Rogo". Am)' Itira RUllne!s. (;athd Ohnr Ir. Sdsser, Tommiel'a~'e Senft, Pamela Vero Shaw, Joseph Allan Shepherd. Ste,'m G",nt Shores, Joseph B!.air 5);,,10. Katherin. Riley Slaten. Angela Su~ Walk .. Smith, William Bradley Soulh. Justin Gregory Sow~uka. Adam ~rard St«ly. knneth Scott St~phenson, David Winn Stroud, Robert CharJn Sullivan, Ward Steph~n Swickard, Dawn Ann Tandet. Stc,.. n N~al Terr.ll, Michael Van Thrashu. Coria Kay Tidwell. Tallya Leigh Tis<bl~. Audrey Cha l~. '[ond.r, Michael Jay TudiKo. Charley Anthony Turner, Glen Elliot Vick, ~r.Jd Jonts Ir. Vines. Ed ....<lrd iknjamin W.Jston. Clifford Ilugh W.JW<:Irth. Daniel Richard Wayne, Ililary Aliwn White, John Calvin \\'ilQPll5./udd krome Williams., Brian James Williams, Tari J:k"on Willis. LuAnn Baiicy \\'indhanl, Donald Alan Jr.


/.cr. All .... M4dj"," (]{)().j l ~"J Ch~Nts

8nu1flml SI,"",,, 11OOJ} hi..."," and h~,bQnd


Ri,ty Sl.tlO (2004) and


Rjl~)' (1976)

",I",,,, ... <I""f",/rn

Llww. o.w;,~, (lOO.() ,,"" S,,,,, ... 11 Robnn (I991J) Ad"",,« ,m4 hww....J

j Niml. ,If;nn", Dill (2O(U), And,..,., DJI (1001) ""d Tom Minr"" (1988/ Adm;""" hulh4 ..J ""d bro/It,.

Vi,.;"" ,<;iIrffi,/J nrd,,', (1004), Bob Il« k"'r (196 1) ""d /lmy /Jul-,,/, Smirh (2003) .... ,1"';" .... hu.b""J " nii/iao/glrrr r HPT .MBFR 100<

Jon~ Sl4w.

1"_ £,,''''

(1OOf/ and (IJl1J9) ,t,lm,,," a"d mo.htr-in-w ...

'im /J",rd (1IXU) ,md \\711 n",,,,/ r197J) Admi"r~ o"d IMh ...

T:. 路 ers in tF.amli l

Mtt""-' M"c,"'~gltn (!(}(HI. J..Jg.t 1I'i/!;"", D. 11.....11. 'T. ( 1'174 ), )4", ... IV. MtC"'''1itn (/992) .mll EliuJbt,1t Golson McGl.. wgltn ( 1991)

Adm;"N. f.. ,htT-in.Lrw.

''''''It''' ....J ,u'"",;"路"""

...."'y "".. ~ 12(04 ) "nd lorl S. ~ 11/ ( 1980) Ad"",,,, .. ..J fa,h'T

S,n.." C.4"' SI1t1'hnd (lOf)() .",t/

Joj Tiltum Monl,rl l1(04) "nd

MIf,k Iluff. lUIltT ( .!()Q.j) ,,"d

Lti,h RiKbyShrpitml (1998) Adn/;UIt anti wift

Murk G. AIM/in. Sr. (1981 ) ..,,1m;,," "",I /tw.b"nd

J. r ...y llufJ.,wlltT. Jr. ( 1957) A,/",;,,,, un,/ fa,h ..

Cit""" l'riu. " (2004). Susan Prier (/990) alld Jw,/~ CIt",IN Prkr (1975)

/10",,1</ I/. lIa,l';n, (2 0Q.4 ) and 0"1>..",,, Mimi"," (1980) AI/mill" ,,"./ wift

"',Imill". ,i,ur "",' fallt"


Leadership Forum '

ito M.y mffiing.,ht Bmrd of Bar Ctlrnmi<oioneuof th. ALtb. rn. St.1r Bar u nanim,,".]y voled to Alal>ama Stole Ba .... ~adenhip For ~m .. propo&t<l by ,hen Presid ent fli ll a . r k. Th.I •• <k<Ship pmg .... ms adop,ed by many of our .,.,.. and cit~ ha ... si""" rio< ,<> .uch prog""" in v.,iou$ bar U<oci •• ion., •. g.. Cinei"nOl;, lndil",poIi., Lou;',.">, ~"n.ylvani., Te"..., CaUfotni. , and Florida 10 n. "", • few. The in. ugural "fthe Al.hama Sta.. Bar ~ad.r>hip Forum wiU begin in lanuary 2005 and gradu.,. in May 2005. The mwi(>n of 'he Forum is hi prod"", rnmmiutd and inWllved lawyers willing.nd .ble 10 ftll .ignificant""ip .01.. in ,h. local and ".,. tn, • __ i.'ion .. in communitin and in .,alC organiLl!ions and 10 ..."'" .s role rnlKkls in mol1 ... of ethics and prof<uion:ol ism_ The goals .rc: (I) To raist 1M 1t",,1 of ." ,"eness of !.wyers :as lO tht p u,post. "f>< .... 'ion and benefits of the AIabam. 5..,. Bar: (2) To build. core of practicing 1"''Y''n to ~om~ I.oders with respect 10 .thics and prof... ionalism, resulting in ra;'ing lht ""'raU OIhical . nd prore...ion. 1 " . nd ..d. "fI.wytrs in the community; .nd (3) To f"rm • p<><>I ofl.wytr< fmm whim th< Alai,.,,,,, St... liar, .m. and local g<Wallmentai entitin,locol bar usociot ions, and community otg.niu.tion, con draw upon for lcodcnhip and ~. In ,hon, it ;. anticipated that the future I... den of not "nly t ~ " ... bar will com. from citi.. ond <ounti<!;. this groU(\ but .110 l•• den "four Pot.mial'pplieants will b...w to .ubmil an 'pplicalion.• copy ofwhich an b. found on the ASS Web .i1<, """",.~k1ba,.O'l1. For th. inaugural d ..... Ih .... applicatio n. n,w t be completed and mailed pri". to Novemoo I , 2004. A COm mi" .. "f <ommi .. ion ... of ,h. S.... Bar wiU "",;n. ,h... 'pplico'ion. and make r«(Immenwlion. '" the Board of Sar Commiuione...s. wh"le fo r .. kaion. Whik the.., i. "" •go requirement, p. nidpan" pU<liced law fo, nol less than /i.e yun and not mO .... th.n ten l"'<1 I' dus will consUl of no Jl>Olt ,h.n 30 ~Iidp• nts. The program. <lInsisting of foor .... ions, will bosin in llouary of tad. ynr iU1d will tntd "" Thunda)". A nominal f.. will b. du.rge<i with «hobr;hj~ provided t" too.. <liming from public: .....-via arras of lht bar_ The finoi ....ioo, which will OCCW' in May, will <lI""is! of an a!I·dty training .... ion,. soriaI and • din".,. with ~_ The gradua,ioo 0< indu.ction tttr(;s. will ocntr lht fOllowing day .. ,he ~ Khcduled tntding of the Boord of liar ContmisOOnors. The conten.. ,,( the ..,..ions will il>Clude:



mu.' n.""

Leadership through Service Th;. >asi"n will inlrod~ p. rticipants to th. opportuni,ie$ .nd n.. do foe I"donnip in ,ne "at. and local bar usociation., kgi~ .. ur •• judiciary . nd the community_ Information will Ilt provkled r<cgording .. tvice opportunities_

Ethics, Justice and Values Thi • ..won will e.plo .. th. <!e.elop",e"t of ethics in the Alabama SI.t. llar.nd .tv;'" ethia in the pra<1i« of 1.",_

Professionalism Thi • ..won will den". tn. nllure of and goals involved in prof... It will "".min.tho.. <haracter;'lic:s .nd beh.vior "f memllt" of tilt AI.Nma St... l!.or which promote high ".ndard. of <ivility.nd prof..."", .. well .. tho .. pra<;tien which tend '" .d........ ly"hip . nd profesoionaland tend 10 deslroy <"ngeniality.


Alabama State Bar M a part "f 'he various ..,..ion., the op"""ion, programs .nd benW .. "f ,he S.. ,. Bar wiU be "",mined. Such info,mation wiU gi..... n """",;n. "f the AI.b.rna Stal. B.., normally ,«eived by <ommisoione". If you ... a I''''l''r who m.." th ... requimnen ... pie... Knd in th. appl;",'ion and bet"me • gradu.te of ,h. St.t. B" lnd.,sf,ip Forum. •

E. Allen, and John D•• id Dodd ha ve donated a substanti.1 gifl of $10.000 to .... bli,h Ih. Willi.m I). "Bill" SctuW l<.denhip Fund whkh will "" used to und«w,i.. the L•• d.rship Forum .

___ _...._--_

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.. _s.:oo.fil l>w.

Leadership for Lawyers

_ _ s.-o _ _ .. _ _ "_, _IC. SIlo ••

This seso.ion will pro.ide partic:i~" with .n unde"tanding <>f of leaden.hip through in~ dtsc""ions .bout bQic: kadership principles, individwl I.. dorship ch.racteriSlia .nd gemralleadorship ooUgation .. "yles and .diIk.

on 00II •• _

lht ess<ntial


_"T'oo_" _ _ ......... __ .... ASI. , -.!. SOot _ _ . . . 0;00,0._ .. ..... _ .... ;;;;;,;._ ~

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Misrepresentation The Insurance Application eo,. Dllmo~. NorIirwnltm N~f'l ufo 1'"- Co.,!;III So.2d 810 (ALo.. 199]). Many $1'I~ h..." Jp«ifi( ",";",ion .,.Iults ,hot ",vern ,h... "'Ultions. In Abb:lmo, .... t... Ct>th t 27.14-7(a}(1} providn:

All ".tm>tna Ind dcs<:riptiont in application for In iNURn« policy or .nnuifT contract. or nqtoIialions thnriort. by. or on bdWf 01, 1M Uuum:I or annww.\ .IhalIbr cIremo:d 10 .... 'ion Ind _ w •• nnty. Minepmmutions, omWioou. con=oirnenl of fxt and iDco.1'tCI otal<mnoU ohaII not pnm" •• ,) undt. 'M policy 0.- contract unlta .;, fraudulent; mattri.! <ilh..,. to ,I\( occ<P""'" of rilk Or 10 , I\t hat· ••do"" ... umod brlhe ;muTor; Or tho insurtr in j!POd l'aith .ithft not Iu."" iuutd til< poIiI;y 0< <;()ntn<;(. or ~ no! iswtd til< poIiI;y or wnlr..:t .1 til< pmnlum I"IIt IS oppIicd ror, or would not ~ iNutd • policy or mntnct in u .... .., :amounl or would not ~ pnMt&od ~ wid! ~ ... til< Iuurd muIt· ina in • bso if til< I .... had bom mown ... til< inwru IS rtqUin:d rithtr by til< oppiatinn ror Iht policy


to Rescind .....~~:.~::; an rHCind • policy if ttl< mourN mU.:s tTaudulmt ,.



in tho iouur;lnQ' applialion. The

nlIittpf....."ation in tht application <>lim doa no! como to liv., until dfrwa loss has occurtl'd. Fa< o:ampl<. the cbinu adj .... (T may Irun roo- lh< first timt lhal , .... insuud doa not ~ • ""lid dri>Tn [icrn .. whm he Or $hr ... ods 1M accid<nt I'C'pO'I by the poIiu. An uompl< (,om I diff~rem con!<'XI is whn< lh. C3rr~r I<un. posl 'loss ,ha' the inlured mi.'''I'r\'S<'nttd hiJ h.. llh in Ih. applicat;on f"r lif. in."roll«.!iN

or contractor 0< Olhtrwiot. A1ahomo caoeo inl<rpMi"l lhil. '.. luI< Iu."" <O/I!.isItnlly hdd lh.l • arrier an void a policy if It.. insured', aclion, in com · pieri", !he policy 'pplialion .ft made with an inknllO ci«tj",


(fr.ludultnt) 0' if th~ insured innocently misup'...."t •• f.ct which is nuteri.! to tho a«<pUnce of 1M ri.<k (no int.nt requi,ed). 0' if the """ie, in good f.ith would no' h• ..., .ithe, issued 1M policy 0' W(luld h•..., is>UC<! the policy undo, di/ftr.n' Itrms Iud tho requtSU:<! infonn .. ion br<n diselos...:! (no inlent required). Sn •.g. Taylor 1'. Golden Rult Ins. Co., S44 So. 2d 932, 936 (Al •. 1989); Nariotud Savings uf_l", Co. v, Dunon. 419 So2d 1357, 1360--1>1 (AI •. 1982); Bankers Lifo & Ctu. Co. v. Leng. J.4S So. 2d 13ll. 1323 (Ala. 1977); a."k Y. Al<IlI<lma iii"" Bwm>u Mm. Ctu. Ins. Co., 465 So. 2d IllS. 1])9, 114(1 (AI •. lopp. 198-4). Note This .Ulute appli .. only 10 applicalions for iniliti pol~ th. carrier cannol rescind a '.n ......1 policy b.s.ed on mi,~~ntalion, in 'he original application. Aifll Mu,. Gt=>Jllns. Co.•• Og/tsby. 711 So.2d 938 (AIa.I997), Th.,.-(o ... il is prudenl for th. carritr to r~ui .. I II<'W applicalion for ,ach ",~I policy. Under "".in cir<unuun<es,' oom.r m.y h.~ an oI:>Iil\"lion to invnlig>1< fu.the-r III< .. p'...."Uliotu on Ih, policy applica· lion. Thi. ,..,ui"",,<nl is only OCIivattd wh.... 1M arritr "has sufficient indial;"ns thOl would put 0 pruden, pmon On nolio: SO as 10 ind ..... n inquiry which. if done "';Ih Ihoroughll«$. would rnnI tho trulh." Lang,}o\S So. ld.1 1323 (cil ing N"", York ufo Ins. v. Srrwkl. 243 F- 2d 9(1 (S'h Cir, 1957ll. If the corrier fails 10 invtSligal< funher, il connol con",,1 ot .void tho policy buM on the mis.r<p~ntalion. of tho ilUurtd. Wh<loo lhe puticuhr information di>do6ed 10 • ",,,ier would





ha~ prompted a reasorubly prudm. iruuron"" rompmy to invesligal< In applicant is on iss ... for Ih, jury. ~ Y,

C.... ,dja.. Uftlm. Co. of"'mDw. 198~. 742 F.2d 1329; Du"", ". ufo In~ Co., 58! So.2d 810 (Ab.I99I); LtJIIS.

NOTlhw.,'nn Na'.

345 So-2d 1321 (Al •. 1977). The Abbamo Sup"""" Coun has held Ihat a corritr m.y void • policy and .. f.... 10 pay • cbirn if the ilUured made • fali. ,' that was m... rialto the 'cap",no: of tho Tisk by !h<carr;', or Ihe trulh would h..... ",used Ill« corri.r 1<> not issue In., policy. Na.jal1al Savil1gs Lifo 1m. v. DuIIOI1. 419 So- 2<1. 1357 (Atl. 1982). This i",/u",," w,h inllO«'r!l and in'""';",,,,/ no"rrprt<rnla. I;"". on an i".w","<e appliw';"I1, unl... tho policy iu<lf limitS this doctriM by induding langwtl!<' .taling th.1 only inl.."ion.! misr<p~nta60n will YOi<\ tho polley. n..rtfo ... it must b< d<termined if Ih. corrier would ha.... issued insuranct '" III< applicanl ,fthe carri ... po.......t th'lruth. To p~ ,he misr<p' ....-nt.tion was m... rial. Ih. corrier mUil br ,bl< '" off.". mort thon just l<Stimony from 0 ... il$ own .mployff$ tha, coverag< would nol h..... been issued. n.. carr;'r 01 ...1 br .bl<1o ..tablUh tha, th.t tho rnis .. presrn"'tion was material to tho >caplan«: of Ihe risk. Slnr. Farm ~11ns. Co. v. O/i".,.. 658 F.Supp. 1'>46 (N.D. Ala. 1987}.,., malerial fOCI has brtn ddined as: (I) • f":l ,hal would incrrUt lho risk of lou; ot (2). fOCI that if!:nown would ha.... p ........ ,ed lhe policy from bring iss»«l. Sn Nat'l $av. Ufo 1I1~ Co. Yo Du1l0l1.419 So- 2d 1357 (Ab. 1982): Ntw yo,~ Lifo 1m. Co. Y. Zivil:!', 10 So. 2d 276 (Ala. 1942); En'pirtLif</m. Co. v.




comprehensive training programs fOf new and experienced mediatOfs


or u _


• MecIo!or$ SFce 1995 • TrcW*>g PlCYOl ' IS OIIered Nr:dIor>oo!de • ClAtorrized In--House ~artlg AvoIc%:IIe • MOOt. !tie T~ Ileqiemoob or !tie AIat:wJna Coote.- for 0isp.J!e R.-..okJTIon





~4 18001 ADR·HRM


55 So. 166 (Ala. I'l l ). Whtthn-\ht n:pmm"lion or orni$. lion nu.dt by W iruurd was ·""'ltrial' '" 11M: acapWIa of 11M: risk i$ al"""l tlways a qualion for 11M: jury. S« Ilt~..m ., MUlual 0{ Omaha. I.... Co., 976 F.2d 659 ( 1llh Or. 1992), Stare "lfm Gnonrd I.... Co. v. O/i_. 6:;a F.Supp. 1:w4 (N.D. ALa. 1987); F"!nt fi.wrioll .... Co. v. TII.Irry. 626 So. 2d 1252 (ALa. 199) ; Oor.t ~. AJ.tloormot "" .... Bu ...... Mwl c.u. I"," Co.. 46S So. 2d l1J5 (ALa. 1985). Tho u--01" ...... hn- a ponicubr fkl UlCI'Casft W risk '" loa ......."... by W insura_ <Omponr is ,.)100 ~ QDe f<>r jury. H<rwnn. il ha$ b«-n bdd !hal !lint . ... JOtmcondilions which ;"'...... risk oflou os. ""'1!~of bw, CIo ,l, 465 So.ld IDS (prior COJl\lielioN for crimes of moral ,u.,,;Iuck); Lihaty Nllri<m<IJ Ufo I"",,,,,,,.. Co. Y. Thlmmel, 3J AI.o.App. 275, n So.2d ~79 (1947) (~); Coonn " I'I>lIltirlC' In.u"' ..... Co.. 217 ALa. ", 114 So. 690 (1927) (mimpmomllOlion 01" U t(fll '" ownrnIIip intn$)., ~ eom", W.o. ll( ~. IS} So. 170 (ALa. 1914) (FJIfnlIy, wheIhn- diJ· t i * incrnon rid< ofloa 10 i..... rn iJ for jury. although COIln lw ckdartd ,lu.l oomc d i _ ;"'...... risk of lost OS ""'!1~ of u w), 1"h~ carr icr muO! Ihe premium. for lht policy rescind · rd. In Iht CUt of propcny and ca",..lIy poli<itJ. IIM: premiums muO! be lmder«l inlO COurt. A.I.z. Cotk S 27-14-7(b). Ab lmna', Codt docs not acid ..... wlw:thc-r. in lhe conlnl of 0100 lypes of poIkia.. .he rrlund mlUl be "",dot inlO coun Or can be....,l d i..... ,1y to the insurd.


Cancellation Policy Many n' l<$Iu.~ "' lutOS Ih., go>?rn ",n~IL"ion of ;ruu... nu poIicia.. fur!hcr. diff.....,l ll>1 ul<$ o r standard< win apply dtptndin@:"" the type of poIocy ,nmivrd. I'm cnmplc. In A1aN ...... ,u,. CodtS 27·2.\ ·20 .. "'J. applies '0 aoul!..tlOn of aulOmObilr liability , ......... sr; ;1 docs not oW ly 10 o lher mvnag<s ;n the aulO policy (wd> .oj collISion) nor ' 0 Other ' )1'<1 of poIi . cies (wd> .. health 0' hf. po licies). 1"0 illu" ... le !>ow a ",n,'d l>lion SLllul ••If«" how ,nd whrn a carrier can cancel. I",liq /"/"" • I".., we can look .1 AI.I. Cod. ~ 27_23_20 tI >tq.. ",'ru.h ..." "ullII< ground, f", c.n« ling p<lval. ".... ond>ilt poIicics. 1"Iw: .a.;cq>Ubk tcaS<)T\$ for ~. nOOL"ion . '" ... IOnh in,u,. G:rJ<- S 27 - H · ~I' All automobu. pobq m." onh' be ~.n<dW f<>r one of the following re .... no: (I) (2)

N<>np.ym<nt <If I'rrmium, n.. poilt,' '...., $ "vrnlll"J Ihrougn " mol......! ",;,rrprrWllallOn;

I J)

... nr io><urtd viol.l«I

(If the poIi;;y-.

' n" "f th. 1<rn" And "".Jilion.

Thus, dtrtt of the nillt grounds fur <:an«ILa, ion rdatt 10 mis· tq>...,.."lations in the applicalion. EKII of t....... Ih .... JrOunds .xplieitlyor implicitly ""Iuim • m..... i. l misrtprutnlillion. Thai m. kcs...., .. becau.. lh. <orner does not <.r~ aboul (11 !not bcf..... 1Ms) a minor or immat.... i.aI mi. tq>tQtIIll1ion and ~ ... ,her I:cq> lhe policy in fo,", and lhe premiums comins in. In ordn 10 aclually canoe! • policy. the carrier mlUl notify W II:lmr<I ;",urd in wrili,.. by mailinl or ddivnins the nolie, lO lhe lui known ma~ing add ..... for Ih,1I:lmr<I i ..... red. Aaordinl to AlII. 0>dI S 27-Zl -l6. - Proo( of ""'iling of 1>(111« of " m OOI"ion Or of ....unnS fur canc.lI, ,;on 10 the namrd iruurd at the .dJr.... . how" in Ih, policy .....nb< .ulfocient proof of notice." lloweYtr, th, a rrier still ha. the burden 10 p""'"' rnaiJins;

IWlhctt on insu .... is 5<l1"'S up conuUalion .. a dtkntt on a policy. il lw the burden of p""';,.. by dar .nd convincing tWkntt th. , w notitt of anall.,ion was m, iWlo lhe i... urd . l'roof of oct ....1 ......,;pl of Ih, noti« by th. in.ured i. not r~uirrd •• nd whe", Ih. in.u,rd insisu. 0$ in Ihil cast. that til< I>(Itiu "'.oj ntvt' rruivc-d. il bccom<S • queslion of facl 0$ to whether 11M: ';II>«lL.lion noIie ..... propc1'ly maikd..


StndrJ.rrul ... JJ.tb.r"", """" &. ...... c.u. In .. Co.. /11(.. 502 So.2d )49 (ALa. I987), citing Hill.. r v. Mul"'" A.. I"mobil.lm. Co. . 4S1 So.2d 287. 288-" (Ala.!91W ).

Sut,. """"

In E>: p,,,u Al/Il 11111/, G.nn~! In~ Co.. 742 SQ,2d 182 (Ala. 1m), ... hrg <kn.. th, AI.!:>.o m. Supr.rne Cour! d ..ifi. d ,hal 11M: statu,o rily rrquired proof of mailing only 'pplies to au,omobM 1..t..Jny p<>Iicin. It aJ,," hrld th •• "in W .bo<nc~ of .... y oth ...

" " ule )IO'"efJling no' i<. of ,ancdJ..ion of ,... uran« 0< ~i<'<' I,o n of an .ppli<~t;"n ,n,,, .. n«. lhe outcorne of this """ dcr><nds On the common.!.. ... rules ~ .. ding proof of mailing.' Id. >I 1M. Th. n,,',c< of lI."on 11I.... l be m.,I«I or d. h>?,rd to th. n.,l1«1 Insured 20 d.Y' prio r 10 ,h~ cll"ccti>? dllc of lh. c. nal· I",o n or l~n do.Y' in . dv.n« if th< policy "'"as <anc.Urd for no nf'lvm.nt. s....Ala. Cotk ~ ~7·n_lJ. Of COur$<. you mil" 4""", Iool; to lh. policy lerms 1o m.aU OUI< Ih~ c.....,. ..... no' conl ..... I!WIy <:If'lndrd Ih. no1l<. provi.IOn or olJ>cn,i~ liml1rd .hilily to m.cind tht policy. Th. nO'ie. of <a",, 11otion m ... ' .i,her ind "'Ions for " n<dl.,ion 01. st. l<m. nl informing the imurcd. ",h.. upon w,itt." r'q"'" of lh. " ..... d ;I.."r«l, m"l.d Of MIi,'< .. J lo ,he insu"" no. 1«$ Ih.n 15 daY' prior to th~ dlceli,., dJ,. of .... ",dblion. the i... urer will ~r«ify r..,,,"n. ,>r r,,"'n>. for W<.b ",n.-dlation." A"'. Cod.- S !7-23-B. I ..





" "

must aotify , sibiliry of obWnint: inolll"aElU

duvu&b !be _mobile ....snrd rill; pIm. Sow AloL C.odI § 2: ".,.

In &nJ' ~nl, the can«U.ti<>n muot be ma<k b,' .IOm<<m. wilh tho au.horit)·.o caned Ih. 1",licy, 11l• .;.o"i.r il.. lf <an i".'th. c.n«lIotion or a


gon~ral agem can c.ncel ,h~ policy. II gen~ .. lagen' h.. bo<:n d.fln«l ... n .g.n, who poss<SS<S th. ~r bind th. carri ..... lI«ording '0 AU.. Code S 27_7·1 • gen.ral 1gent is Ibl. to "solici, and nego'i.,. imu ... n~ co01 ..,u on its beh.lf, and if .uthor· iud to do 00 by th. in.urer. to dfeclUU., wu. and coun,."ign con'ra"s." Th. gen<n.l agenf. aclio"" ar. d«m«llo II< !h= of ,h. cOTr;", and tho co"i .... i. di,«1Iy liobl< for tho ""ion of ,I>< generolls.nt Wouhingron N4I'lln~ Co. •. Srrkku.rnJ, 49! So. 1d 872 (III•. ! 985). The policyholder hili no awnog. for Iny lo~ which OCCUr Ifter .ho <oncell.,ion d.... lis expect«l, th." are <:xc.plion. to Ihi' seemingly OOviou. ,ul •. On •• uch =<p'ion is "'here Ih. policy i. inltnlionally Dr unin'.nlion.Uy "in'III«I.


Effect of Acceptance of Premiums After Cancellation Th. corri.r·, ac«-I'"n«" of. premium 1ft.. con<cU.,ion will ,.inStal. Ih. policy. 5« Gulf Gatt Manag<men. OJrp. v. AUla".., bu. Group, 638 So. 2d 862 (ilia. !994 ). In facl ........ acc<pling IWf of Ih. p ... mium 'an ",inStalt the policy if Ih. insuR'd dOtl oot h..... knowl«lg< Ih.t tke policy hllllopsed. Progmsi... S~Jry /n~ Co.,... Fir<r OJm,,"uniry &lIk,lOOO WL640912 (ilia. Civ.llpp.}."Th act of '«<p,ing an imur«l', premium paym<01. conSli,u,.. I ~..,..n, .. ion by 'M insu"",'!Lo, ,h. policy is in full for« and .ff«I." 571 So. 2d 1092. 1095 (lila. 1994) _ oltd on Olher grounds.. 499 U.S. 956 (1991). Su a/..,. NaI;onwld. Mur. bu. Co. v. Clny, 525 So. 2d 1}}9. l}.t} (ilia.

1988) ("By <oll«ting pr=liums, Ilhe ;""u,... 1 was "'Iifying Ihe exist.nce of . COO1 .. <1, which is inconsistenl with iI, posilion ... tho! miSR'p' ...... ,.lions on Ihe!,," of Ithe insured] voided .ny <ontroc,:); Su alsc Gulf Cn,~ Mg' OJrp .. • upra. Th~re or~ .."" ..1&e'OI"$ to b. <on,i<kred when de .. rmining 3C«p!3= of premium. h.s reinSlated th. policy: whrth .. Ih. iruurcd


bill«l by III<: iruu ..... Dr ntertly its I1Oliao of its eleclion '0 .escind the policy al ,h. lim< il a=pled tho premium; wll<1he-r II>< rraipl of Ihe premium ~ i",d· vcrt<nt 0' intentional;« retenlion of the premium ~ permal>C1l1 Dr t<mporary; and whdMr Iht prtmium "'.. rtlum«l wi,hin a reosooabl< tim. aft .. 'M poymen' <am< 10 Ih. a ttenlion of .espon,ible omclal> of 'he il\lu ......

general .genl; wh .. her tho insurer hod


Si.lski v. Com"""",/ J.... Co. of N<W<Irk. Now /t"J'>ry. 605 N.Y.5.2d 599,600 (1993).

If ,"" pr=lium$ we ... only demanded for •• hon ,im< .ub><· q.... n' 10 discovering Ihe mi"'1"~n"'ion, in the appl ico'ion. " It (may hel found ... fact thtre was no waiv<. by ,h.

plainti ff of Ihe right '0 main .. in this ""ion Or to urge fnud. Th .«";pI by the plain'iff of premiu"..... continuing for •• hon tim< .ft... it fin' hod informa,ion Ihat. flOud hod been pcrpetrat«l. did 1101 cOnl,itule. w..i,-.r. Plaintiff had ,h. right 10 follow up Ih. informotion and to im~tigal< whot Ihe f.ets w...... nd il is found •• I fact Ihat the pt.inliff acted with ..olOn.1bl. di'l"'"h:

",,,,,,poUlan /.if_In.. Co. v. Di NIn';, l19 Misc. 1,247 N.YS. 578 (l 9J l). Thi< '''''' It""' I1ftn mn1!ru«i 01 !>old. ing. -!he mnlin...-d re«ip' by !he insu"" of ,,",miums for a short timt afl ... discovny of fraud does not <fI«1 a warm- of iu ri&h' 10 coned, Ihtrt brinS" right to ..-_n· abk invatip'ion. and !he in.urn '-ins KICd with fa ",t1;IbIt rusp.1<h.- Couch on ldluranu l<I Can<IILI,,,," 0RnciJs;"" S 11: ll~. Thatf""" '0 ovoid w.iving 'h" tigh., if. p",mium i. """'P'N dilCOYn}' of ,II< milr<f'''''

rtpreoenll'ion. ,Iw: carr;', may los.< its 'igh' 10 ",ncd nr .toIoCind. COn .... u ..Jy. if ,Iw: carr;" ruc" '00 quidly, i. may no' Iw: .blt 10 dtfcnd iu d«iIion with solid, objec:li.... cvidenu wf>cn (01 if);, gtt. ....-d lOr bad faith. •


_ "' ion,!he (>Inin....,uld promptly .... urn thr p..mi . um. 5« 1ktuon •• Ct/fir, 621 So. 2d 1268 (Ab. 1993).

Final Comments Mi<rtprnen ..,ionl in , II< ;mu..."". "W1ia.ion (>In Iw: f>to.I. How<-ver. DOl oil mil....,....n,.,ions .'H""ud~...t. Whoothtr ",nrding 01 mcinding. thr corritr·, righu art limik<< mi"'~I',am,,'ion mU1! Iw: """mal", ,Iw: n..k- Tha, melOnI'lw: car,in mus, Iw: ablt to I'"f"O"t ob;":liwly tha, it would DOl h...., w.iuCII !he policy .' all 0. on !he ..IDI' "nnl (.hink prtmium •. lintits ond exclu.ion.) if i, had .tlied on ,Itt ntisttl',u<nlo ' 'ion in tit. appl;..I;"n for m.1 policy. TIl< ",,,in mUl' acl promp'ly and pt"udcntly, whidl ....y s«m con,radioOly. TIw: ",rrin m .... mau its dtcision quickly. If it _its 100 """ (which is • .....,. iUbjt<tivt conapI.) .fI... lurnin& of tIw: mis·






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C;kbo. io d...xc"";'" odm,n..... '.,.. fOf tho CNA Lowy .... Ptof.........lliobol, ty Protrrnn in ....... ~ of AI.obomo Thio pannmh., _idro e""dlo:n' CoYe<i>C< .IIId W'YOCc Ftw ~ inf....... uon pIr_ ull ' ·100·445·n17 ex', 516.

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Ubo! - Union ""'" _ . .,. _ ~C _ -. .."a .. a.


[0] 0IIicer

(OC] 01 Counsel

[PJ P..,.,...

1. Name of CUmlnt Carrier:

[S) S<*I



e",.."ed Attorney

Expk8lion Date-


""'- _byAllBeo.

[1C1 1o""""" dao~ eoo ....ctoo

Prior Aces Exclusion 08t&:

2. Prfleot liability Lirnh; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Present Deductible: 3. Number 01 Claims{ Suitsllnei<Ients Filed AQainSt Firm in the Past 5 Years:

Flied? Pending? ... Does your firm do rna» ton CIt class action worto.?

Tolal P8Id: "-;;;;;;;;:;:;::. If 110. Is ~ plaintitf Of

5. Has any attorney w'IItI the finn ever been disciplined or denied the right to practice?

~':"':;R;'_ ::":.ed~'==========_1

How to Prepare Yourself and Your Client for Potential Retaliation In Employment Discrimination Cases Oft ditn" in nnploymtnl dis(. ;min,'ion U$t$ ~ ror><nned about ..... ,hinB mo~ ,han any 0IhrT whft> ,hory _ I" In anomry"What will lIlT ftIl~ do when .hoy find out flied In EEOC ch&rr.' Unfottun.tdy. lhis 1M)' M I Jtwilimat~ C(>n(nn 11$ ;.uta"'" of ...... i.tti.... in tht nnployment ~Iin&.", far tOO COmmon. Wbm ~ m<eI with tbaor cUm..... .tI<>rn<'y$ w< mLl$l lit honHI :and ~ thtm tOr It.. pouibility of reI.Ii.,ion. lid! my dinll$lIut, although ltg>Ily your "",p/orcr is prohibit«l from .... ali.tting


,ha, [

Ig.ain,' you tOr ~;ng or romplaining >bout di$ctirniAiltion. ,hnt is alwaj'$ that p<*ibility. If any """""" aaion is \2Io:ro ~ns1 your dim •• fift",IM: EEOC chargJO "" bw$ui\ tQf bttn fikd, your dim! <houId know 10 oon~ you irruntdiotdy to m.. any ....,......,. ommdrnmlS an ... INdo.

adrninislr.ti>oe: ch.... 'h.' is pn>pnly ~ 1M court." v~1Ity FttkraJ Sowi"V &"". 60 F.l<i 1504, 761 (11th ar. 19\1)) (q-'''t a..".. " &ts1 T...... $/" .. l/It;""';ry.6SoI F.ld 411, 414 (5th Cir.

Ua,.,." •.

1981 ). tn a../Hd, \he Fifth Circuit hdd tIw:

II is unnt<Jol4afy iIr . pIointilflO ohaLl$l adminislralM mn<dles prior 10 ursini I maLiatioo claim

growing OUI of an oarl~ <h'IF_ . It is til< n;II .. "" of mali.tion cLaims that thoy arilot aft..,. thl' filing of EEOC chal'Jjt. ~uiring prior ......., to ttl< UOC would """" that two clu rges would ha.... to be filed in • maliation caw" double filillB that


.......... _


no I""l"'"t o:apI to

additional proudunl tedmi_ alirics whm • filins...,..jd


comply willi ttl< inlmt olTIIk VII.

Administrative Prerequisites The ~"th arcui. h.. de! •• mincd th"lh ..~ i. '10 n«<I to filt. IUMeq""nl EEOC ch.... Involving a ",tali.tion < wh.", the "grows out of.n

6Sot F.2d .t 414. ~, Ibm: ;. usually graI diIpw ......,. wbat "grows out 0I"':an adntinistntivt chaI'Jjt :and "",,", cIc>ef 1"oIlt. Son>< ~ can be found in th< EItYfn'h Circuit', holding in ""'''''' ~ EngtIMrdllcc. 234 EX! 1219, 1222 (II th Cir. ~), that • Titlt VIJ

III. Iknu,;t app<;lrs that claims ,II .. ar. lik< or rol,,«1 10 thl' ;ni' i.l ch..~ Ir>d would h.", b«n within ,h. I<Opt or tht EEOC·, ini, i.! inVfl, ig,u ion ar. fair ",1m.


In. mor. <~ <k:oling wi,h Ihi, issut, In .mployft: Jut..! in 1><1' EEOC char~ tN, oM btlitwd oM ,.... kTm,_ na~ .. 0 rault of rau and ~ dionimination. c.r,..". ~, c-p. Dqt " H~"",,, RtsooI'"" lS5 F.3d 12n (11 th Qr. lOO4 ). The- Coun hdd that .......... _ obit EEOC invntiption -..Id ha.... indl>dtd on ;nVfl,igatioD in' o th< posoibit RaMI ... ror her kTminalion, including w1w11><1' she WOJ ",rmillat«llOr her complainu obou, thl' .Ikgtd disc';",,". · 'k>n. I<I. or couI$<'. for thl' ..,alia,ion cLaim to r.I.,. back. ,h. initi.1 EEOC chl<F mull ho ... btm 'imely m..!. Su. IInrgotl/.60 f.X! at 761.

Federal Lawsuit Aft .. 1M adminim...... rem<dies "" .... t-n ah ....ICd •• nd you prtpUt to flk. fedcnJ lawsuit. you mUll coruld« ~ SU'nlg\h of your ""a1u.ioro dai m.' nd. VII rKOgnlus two fomu ohmuto.iIy

prot«:t<d oondllCt. An .m~ is pmtooele<! &om discrimination if (I)"M has oppoot<Ilny practice mad< an unUwful empIoymm\ practia by lhi$ $Ubch>ptcr" or (2)"bt has mad< • dIup-. twilicd,

Protected Activity FiJin! an EEOC cha'B" or ala... u;t is tM mot! oIwioul fDml of protected activi' y. Somttimes, howtver, an .mploy· "" moy fik a ch.a1J< buod Od alltptioru of discrimination that a~ not £uppon..! ~thebn~N~.n~plortt

c"Pl"';n """"",,,~y protect..! activity" when hr or .... prot .... an tmployn',



The ~nlh Circuil h:u found di...." ""iden« where ".", or .1 .....




Be,.,,,,,,, •.

3 24

SE'T !~B!J

tmpJo,oor'. acti<>n ..... baW ... an impcrmissiblr malialory tnSOrt).

Adverse Employment Action




LippJurJ, I'; Dtt",nto Slntlioo..01 of Btronrfrln. I"" 267 FJd IIU. 11$3 (II th Cit. 2001). ~', COtnpbInll


~n!1 of On

(oln. claim fO, n:t.aliation. ,Iw; uandord is not wt.rthtr thffl, is. valid hootik work environlllmt claim, oot whrthrr Ipb.intiff) had • p>d·l'ai,h n:atOlIObIc belief that "'" woo the victim'" ouch harawntn~

It ihouId olw> bo ~ dut on employ. nmI not be or written and may bO >horI of actually /iI • .... an EEOC ~ or fnkr;,J lawwiL lnk>rrru1 grYvanca frkd punu.lIIl to an ~pIoycs1' inttmal ~ pnxc. durts:&lt cocuidtmi ~rrd actm· tiu .. odes- Titlt VII. Rolli", I'; Stall of F"'- Dtp'r of u..- bop .. "omr. $6lI F.2d 400 (II th Or.I989). In _ .. ~ instancn, ,ho ~ployct- .... m=Iy thrtattnod to ru. an EEOC ch.olJ< and b«n maliattd apil1$l. Sotnc CQllru ha ... held th .. Tnlc VII prot«ll them .. ....n. R.:Jbj1\jOll ~ AFA Strviu Curp.. 870 F.Su"" lOn, 1033 (N.D,G •. 1W4 )("Sinl)1Iy put. OIl (TrIployn canoot ,."li· ... 'goi""'.n fltlPIt>yt-c bcca .... "'" tht't'altni to bring chargtS of ilkpl diKr.m .... · '~n."); Si .... ~. MM1torntrJ' Cr"mIyCAm·n. 766 fSupp. IOS2. 109() n.1Il (M.D.Ala. 1990)(..-hcn: an employee who tht't'atmrrd to .... his dtp.artmmt was ",t...,. qucntly <knit<! • p_ioo. 1M

:wi$ted Or p;onicipaled in any IIWIIIn in .,. iPYeSliption, procudin" or beuing ....xr Ihis .ubdl.p'...• ~2 USc. Section ZOOOr·)(a); v. T<>I"J Sywm Stn-s., I",~ 151 F.3d 824. »7 (11th Cir.I993). lb"tar.~ . t<1.p«IM/y....1>< "oppoo;tion" ond "ponicipolion" tboua. This discuooion will foc ... on <aU$ involving tht ' opposition" d.m'" which ""... bot .. more common in my practice. On oca.sioru, )'Our ditnl may h .~ di.«\ CYi~o('lory animul.

J<fl«. II. discrimin3lory or mlli.lory 'UiluM <or ..· lating to tbt discrlminotion or «I. li.tion complliM<l by Ih. cmpJo.,tt." Chloa"- Wlwlrr v. e4t<1,904 F.ld 1S4~, 15SS (11th Cir.I990). Whm dir«\ rvi<It-n« is nol avaiLIbit. I\owtwr, the , .... dilional burdtn-ohiftin,l.wysU required in cimlrn.tant;.] a$ft mll.t "" a",,1itd. To ~ublW. a prj"'" fo<W cut of rtU/. "tion, an <mplortt mus. ,hat (I) "" Of .... rnpgtd protect..! activity: (2) lM ....pIoya Iook.n odvnw .... pIofmm, action apOut the .... pIoy«; and (3) thnt was a auoal conncaion ~ ,he protected actiY"r and 1M adva.., .... pIofmmt x,ion. !<Ib_ ~. ~ T. w.uhj",..,.. 8tcM4. Xn-. I ....., HI FJd SOl, 501 (] Ith Or. 2(00), Ortilo &1.... c.-p.r")l /10<., 160 Bd 697, 701 (lith Or.I998): Mmu ~ CAmp"I"" As.I«i,",,- I ~ F.:Jd 1013,1021 (11th Cit. 19'iU). Although thtu eltmm •• havr!>Nn du,Iy.." OUt. whot focII ",m $atisf» ,lies< .km<nlJ nuy not he IKI tk. , deptnding Od tM focII of your c.... following .~ txampl .. of • fow i"" •• th.t may be rai<td ,tg.trding proof nocno $aly . nd sufficient.

". the Eleventh Circuit h.. h.ld:

o:ondun which moy X!ually bo lawful, ..

lot,. as tllt ....pIo)ft an dtmon>tra""'

BOOd faith, ~ belief lhalli>< .... pIoyn'. conduct was an unbwful .... pIoym<nt ptactiu. tilt .... Unionl T«/O~ T",Mcold DMUor..


103 F.:Jd956. 960 (I I th 0,.1997). In othrr word~ nn> if the Colin wtT< to

dtttnnir'l( that tho ,kfm,bnt', conduct doH not con"itu .. an unlawful .... ploy.

m.nt p,oc' ic•. tM .m~ can nor'l(, I\tlcu makt out. prj ...... lode ca.<t' by lhowing that sht: rt>sonably bolitved

,h. was tlppo$ing. viol"'!)n !)f T1 tlc va by h.r .mpl."..,-. Id.

'Ill< ""'" dcar-au cua:&lt thoIoo ........, an ~ islft'mirt.:ll..! or dnnotod. ~. rnartycuadonot bOlO nntty irrto tt.o.< ~ W1octh.n an action is suII'icimt to constit .... an atIw-nt employIIImI action b' J>Ur]>(*S " ' . ~;.., claim mU$! he clclmnincd ... ,caor--~. ""'" basis. Gorpr~ •. FIDnd.J &orrJ of Rtxmu..ll2 F.3d., 586. Tnlc VlJ "docs not limit ill rea:h only to acts ol rculu,it)n that ,>it 1M IOrm or msnll.abk ..... pIoyIIImt actions $Ud\ .. discharF, tra""r.. or dnnotion.· IITIIkmon •. 1I'~1·,'-farI SI<>m, /"" 141 FJd 1451. 1456 (11th Or. 1998). Somt fOu," h~ held thot an .",pk>y. en ><IS ",hot havr an advrtlt aff«' on tM futu~ .mploymcnl opponunitics can cons,itute on advrrsc .",ploy",.n, :>c,ion; fOr pmJX>5" of. re.. li.. iIln <b'm. & ....

/kJdrd <fCDwo". Comm~ 0.....,. C",ml)\ fL. 2S6 F.Jd 1095-. 1117 (11th Cir. 2001): 212 F.Jd .. W( ... f.Onp:.le nnplaymm. oction is·a "«,,ilian'


v. FSuWld 1259

chi".,. III nnploymtn .......... ): Bn>iII

U4.B \\Wktr~.62 (N .!). AJ.. 1999)(. posI-l<1'TIlin"ion tmploymtn •. rd.a.od action "'-'y be ron· &iderod on .dversoo .mploynltn."".ion). CoMI'''''i"" di",h.'V. if p'O"Il"n, (an boo ronslderod.n adveno .",pIoy"",n. x.ion. Du,ky v. APAC.IN•• 236 FJd 651, 6~7( 11th Cir.2OOO): f'wk " ,",,~n",. QMb <fCclM"'1nu, IN •• 129 F.ld 551, SS3 n. 2 (1 1Ih Cir.l997): H,pp v. u/>trly /WI•• Lifo I.... c.., 252 F.ld I!OS, lUO (l llh Cit.2OO1)(<=>sniud in ADEA ~); Griffin v. GTI: F/D,iJ", III<., 182 F.ld !l19. 128) (IUh Cir.lm)(r<=&"iud in (;1$«). Om;;.) of ...... <li"'" opportuni.ies, w..... ~ .dtptiYcd Id ....... pIoyttl of <Oml'nua· .ion which ht ochnwist would ~ ...unod ood)" (;(InSliluu""'-oo nnploy....01" actions '" PUrr<*' ofTi... VII: Shoon_ " BdIstJouIr TdmlmmMnW"""" 110<.,292 FJd 712, 716 (ll.h Cir. z0(2)(<i"", &sJ. 2~ F.ld.1 1118). a difftttni "",i.ion (;In .... consldo. od 0<1"" ... in. involves rodu.lion in · P'Y. p...ligt or mpon.ibility." HinJOll v. Q;nrlr Q,Unl)\ Gn>rg;" Rd. <If &/wr., HI F.ld 821, 828 ( I Llh Cir. 2(00); D<>< v. DttIIIb ""'nil Sdo. Diot.• 145 f.ld 1441,I«S(lLlhCi•. I998).


n.nsf., '"

~IM pnfomwra MWliono,

Ot.ond.,. aIont. do not <:OnIWDk .1Uffi· <in.. ..tvm. empIoyrnmt action. Uns " IV.W. Gm,"l""". I"". 257 FJd 1249. IMI

(11 ,h Cir.ZOOI). Sa vrwmII1. DiNts v. <fLttkt 1IIrl:, 245 F.3d 1232, 1241 ( Iltn Or.ZOOI) (· wisdy rei",I'nl I<) 1...' 1 job pnfo"","n«" n... rnarmda .. "","""""" under Tid. VII w~ !hoy do not trigor any II"I(ft . . ngiNo fotm of..tvm. oction...m as a lou in btntfiu, indiP>illty kif '" oooootionol oppOi1unilioes, or II"I(ft IormaI diocipIint:). .Job pn~ mustlrigtt. II"I(ft tanpJIo IOnn of ""'"""" octioco weh as. lou in btntfilo, indigibilily fot promotion· 01 opponunities, 0' ....,"" formal disci· pli ... .- Oa"is, 245 F-ld at 1241.



Causal Connection "[Tlht 'causal link" C'kmml lrequimrl

........ty oIu" tilt l'Lointiff ...ub1Uh tluol Ihf PfOI"".td activi.y and tht odveno action WHO not wholly unrelaled: H •• ruon ~. Go,.......,/St s.,n Pr.b. CD.. \/ F.ld \/13, \/20 (11th Cit. I\I9J) (cili", Simnr<lnl ~. o.",d~ ,""un". B<l Qf Edwr., 757 F.ld 1187, 1189 (11.h Ci •. 11185). II Iw Ions ..... n held Ih.l, "1.)1. minimum, Ih.

l'Loin,iff m .... dnno.... r.Il. th.1 his ....pioyt-r kntw of hiJ puticir;olion in Ihf ptOIn:ttd activily ....... oi .... of ..... odveno employmen. "".ion.• &us.156 f.ld •• 1115 (11th Cir. ZOOI); CJ<>w,-, 176 f.3d •• 1354; S•.-<;"ldlm"Jo ~. 0". <f Almore, 996 F.2d I I 55, 1161 (lllh Cir. I\I9J). A<k!ilion:olJy.11It Elc-vcnlh Circuit has held th •• "l,jlofc .nnpo..J p' Ol;mity botWCC"1llh. protn:tcd Xlivity .nd Ihf odvnsc action IN)' ....... frocicnl 10 show lhat the two WHO not wholly unrdlltd.&sJ. 2~ F.ld "' I li S; Domnrllort ~. FnMMufQ.rp.,79-4 f.ld m.601 (11 th Ci •. I9M) (discharge- only one month 1ft..- fiJin, compJ,inl with EEOC is~­ ~o(m.Ji .. ion); llryIo. v.lWt~ o.rp..84 F.supp.2d 1248. 1259 (N. D.Al • ., Ftb 24,2000)(0 'aus.llink .... islt<! wh .. e pl. intiff .....ctmirutltd only four months aft... CI1g>gin, in prol""tod activily and hod .n unbltrnUht<! wo.-k rt'COrd un'~ that Ii.... ). Oner Ihf ....pioyft Iw ..... mitl«l out>.... do.i.ol proof HI ,upport of uch elnnrnt of c:aoc, ,lit bunion of prodlKlion now ohtfu 10 lilt tmployn" to Ilrticulat<, t>(In.dil<'rimin'1<)ry explanotion (0. I.king .h•• d"".... a<lion. Metis. 15 F.3d at 102L. 11M> Sup.."", Court has " tha, ·Ihe dofc-ndant"o npl.n .. ion of il.legil;",-,I. rea.ono m...I .... <I... and "'aJOdah/y opetif;c" to ,hot "Ihe plaintiff hr afforded I fuU and f.i. opportunity.o demoru.tnt< protext'- ra", DtptJrfmt7tt <f ..",,,. A/JIl'" t\ tJ.,rdirtt, 450 U.s. 248,25&, 101 S.Q. 1089, 1096,67 LEd.2d 207(1981). [n employmt"nt discrimiruttion <~ where lhe .n.ploytr"' •• pl.nJlion lacks erodibililY 0, whert rtlali.lion is I UR/y moti~ .• cu. is for p' ...... I. Sa 0.'" v. Hun",.jJIe 0". B<l <f Edwr., 7I 7 F.ld 515 (II th Or. 1913). Plaintiff an ohow prttnt by poloo,", 10 "ouch _no


....... impbusibili.ios, incotuislmcies, inrohn-cncic$. o. oonl.-.dictions in the nnployn'. kJjti .... '. rea.ons far ito xlion .h.......on.blo fact findo. could f1l1d Ihtm unwotlhy of ,.-..dcnc• v. PianratiQ~ /'dIU",", 106 F.3d 15111, 15)9 (Illh O r. 1997). HOWC"VC"t", ·Ihf showinl ar pmal need "'" nocmatily in>'OM r"tlhn- ... idCnCC": tho cvidcn« in • pri"" fxi.e c:aoc migt\ .... OItonieDOuJh la oloo show protc:n." RJ>$l v. RIooM$ fimr,'wrt. J"". 146 FJd 1286, 1290 (] Ith Cir. 1l19li). Some~­ pks of mothodo for provi"l pmut .re: (I) In tml'loyn"'. f.,)un: 10 esl.blish flUd ar rt_rutbly obj«li"" .I.ndont. Or P'octdu .... tq!arding do<j • .ion. in diK. imirutlo. y prlKtkc.

Oo.",ir""'" .. 81"";"p..,,, Sorw I~

7J.8 f.2d 1126, I m (11th Cir. 1984); HImiJ v. Bj""."p..", &L <fEd., 712 F.ld I)n. 1J.8) (1 1th Cir. 1983) (cili", lI'a'1<)~ v. N<!,i<JfuJ 1.i0lell .'ittvm. 616 F.ld 8n. 881 (L Ith Cir. 1982): (2) ...i· den«" lh.r ,unil.,/y si,uattd, nonp.o •• sring employe<: WI. 11'''lod mort f.vorably Ih.n pl. in.iff. /'f)/iard v. Monlfl>"''''Y eo..nty. 66 F.Supp.2d 1218. 1132 (M.1l Ala. 11199): ()).n tmployn', r.~un' 10 follow its own policies. IIIw ~.

an...,. ""'''1)\

/kJdrd <f""'N". ea... .... A.a., 2$6 FJd 100- 11011 (I I.h 0 •. 20(1). MClho<b for proving prcI<:X! .... numer_

OUS and

vnr fact opeti6c.

Conclusion When di><\IIoIi1l3 .h... WII .. wilh you. elionl ,)'O\I mull ..... lu.l. lhe .. renJlh of a poaibl< fC"tlliation cbim. If ..... under/yinlos. is wnk, ..... ret.liation ,b,m may hr as wcU. Howc-vtr. in ..,..... UIQ. lhe retalia'ion doim can .... ""'"' prom;,i"l rluon .ht diKrimiruttion <b,m. Rcprdlns Or)'O\l1' ""rcciYcd chat>« of in 1'lI"uing','ion cla;m, YOII. dion. mw' be prop"od fo r Ih. "",. ,ibiHry of I•• min.lion 0, oth...d"", ... Klion. When)'O\l' clien. uks .hol n'g' g'nl qOJarion, ...... lhey "';nllo fi ........ if I ...., lhem," you mwl ho .... tly inform )'0\1' clienl of lhot pouibaity.., 'her " - toll the facto when dccidi", whtthnttl PU""" lhei. aK. lbc lildiboool thai this ~ may MCT thnn from foI· lowi", .hrooJh with the lawsui. m.... not dct..- you from prnonling lhem wi,h .11 of ,ht facto, ..... n if il m<.ns a • pCIlemial di.nt


_ ..... _-,.. .....,. _.. _--"'............. _'.,.ld


;~;.,;_;;.~... ~ ""n.._"_E£OC _ _ _ ... ito_!*' _

.. llU.SC_Itn _ _ _ oI

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s.n.,tn ...n.... _


....,.. ~_ _ . SWWd. A.8E l s.w.. iII<, Itt tid !lIt Illt 1"111 1;0-. , _ _ • Citr"Uon '. t _ IZ2l11lQ 1"111 Or.

_ _ --_ -,. .... ..... ,m . -.

~._ l _ _ ............. ....


_ _ .. looo.. _ _ ....

_ _ lot.

!OIO •• _

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«When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a sco rnful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean- neither more nor

" \ ·,.,'1 !.'

,, •

less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things." "The question is;' said Hum pty Dumpty, "which is to be masterthat's all."

\, -- - - --"-".~326


100 '




-. -_...





Lowio Carroll, "Through the Looking GI...: in Th€ Q,rn plel< \Vork,- of Lewi. o.,roll 196 ( 1939).

It Means Just What I Choose It To Mean: The Preclusive Effect of Divorce Agreements Under § 523(A)(5) of the Bankruptcy Code



ikt d.btors in blnkruplC}'. unh.ppa, m'rTinI (ollples n«d. fm h .I.n in th,;, liva. They nuy _k ,hi; frnh .tar! bydi..:>reing"a<:h other. HOW<'Vt1". by do,ng to. I~ oft.... 1>«orne debtors in ~nknlplCY thnnltl ...... Th .. ..,..... rio io noIlosl on family low pDC,itionas, who artfully d.aft. d,vott<' ",,«menl on bthalf of thri. dien!> 10 .>'Oid thc poI<'nliaUy ~... tinl off..:u bonhup1cy can ha~ on It.. put;"'po.hlion of ddIt intO ",,<so.ia of">uppon" and "propnty I<1I ......... LNono:II'Ideso, I...... IIwyen' dfuru art quickly wiptd ~ by b.ollktuptql OOUIU thaI Ioo/r: bdlU>d the Iabtb ust<I in Iht dio.ortt ap«mml 10 <ittnmiM tho< "true" nalll,.. oJ 1M drbto<'. obIiI."kNu, Ald.ou'" this mull is fnulratin& 10 Ibt I"rtin ODd tht '''Of''fY wt.o d... li<d d>t agrttmtnl. iU I'll",.,.. is to dJtcluo .. "'" Ibnkruplcy Codt', undntyins policy th31 indind"..J ckbron.nould gn><nlly =eM I dilCharp of tlld. pe...,nal tilL Congmo purposefully limited th. ClICC'pIions 10 di.scharg<. and lhal purpoot would be unOmnined" cuditors ....... ano...«l by W""ID<m. ' o OOnUacl .round th. diKhl rg< policy. Thtrdo ••• I di",ru "tvttrntnl thaI improperly labell. P"'I""'Y 1<111."",nl dtbt OS ... pport to P"'Y<'fI' ,h. <kbt<" from dischorging il in b.ankruptcy lOW n<>t b< <nforcw by • bonkr uptcy (ourt.

...,........1 unl,. or propcny f<'Irkmen, a&r«mCr\" bu, not rhr <ikn' ....,~

Onpik ,,,,,", pmnounammu., 'hi> ""ick wD"U W, 1M (coIla'eraJ aloppd) may M u...d in an a"....,p' '0 ponua<k bar'\knlp«y oouns DOl '0 f«O!>rI'IIXSS IM"1Ids (..-en , ....... ,ha, J«m improper) u...d by ","d in a dimru ~ if 1M Igrutnm' con,.i ... CC11ai ............ To 1<gII< W, ;""ut prttlLl$ion .thould april'. 1M diYoru apft. mm, ohouId (I I adnowItdp- ,ha, OM Of boIh 0I1h< I""d may iii< bankruptcy, (II cInrlr divid< Ih< ",,,ju' dtbt. obi.· ",rio ... in,o a...,..... 01 alimony..... 'n' .....'" or support and poopt", f<'Irk ...... ,. and ()I $lal< .... , 'M do<1.i~ of;""1X p~IU$ion


portia 'M O~I 110 """" "'~ pr«l\IiM dI'«t. If oil of ,,,,,", el<rnmts .'" includtd,. bankNplCY coun may find i, bOnd .... in a ~utnl bankrup'cy dischargr: auptKln plOCffding. B.or'\knlplCJ' couru "'iU rai>, 1M idol ardull, wordN dMita' agrfflmll' m;ry p",. dude a <kb,or from .... ;'i&"i.. g Ih~ ... 'u", of his obIi""ioTU: hown'ff. 'hIS .mel.,.;u dl.· cus> why bindinl divor<. Igrfotmenll do no' MCCSSarily undermine ,he 8o.nkrup'er CoMo gtntral diKh.~ policy. The fin! port will $tI ou, Ih< primory 8o.nbup'er Co<k ...:rion. lhal IPPIy in diKh'rg<!" <X«"». lion plOCffdings involving divota' Igr«· men,$, 'he fttOnd wiU dil<UN why b.nk. rupler ooum lypklUy do no' apply INue pudu.ion divoru .g""'.... ",$, and ,he Ihird wijl'Ug&ffl why bankrup'er courts .oould Ipply i»ut prcclu.lon ,0 divor« avrnnenll oon,oinlng ""al.. langwS'".

,ha, •

( BI such dtbt. Includes .Iiabili,y daip'...!" alimony. mainknml:<. or suppon. unless _h Ij" i> aauaUr in 1M nHIlR of alimony. main, .... nor or support. II

u.s.c. Section ~2)(al(Sl. Punu:om 10 Section

52)(a)o(5), only I dtbt. .... , is """,ually in 'M

For bankruptcy

or ro.......


alimony, m;rln1<Tllncc o. support of I opowt, sp<>u>t Of child of ,.... <kbror i> aupt...! from dischargr:-. Ddru of this typt Irr ofien rrf.... red ' 0 in cast law oimply .. "support" deb ... Section 51J.(al( 15) SlIlt$:

purposes, the

(. ) A discha'J<' undtt fK{ion 717. 1141. 1228(.1. 1128(b) ..... 1328(bl 00.. no' di,. dtargr: an Indi.Id~a1 deillor from Iny ,",,-

most important part of a divorce is the


Sections 523(a)(5) & 523(a)(15)




of 'M kind <ks<:riOOJ in par.· graph (5) ,h .. i. Incu. red by Ih. d.btor in Ihe cou"" of I divorce: 0' ttp.",'on or in ronnoc,lon wl,b. t<para,ion I gt". menl. di",rce: d"," 0. 0,1In onk. ofa oourt of record. I dct~rmln,ulon nudt in Iccordance wi,h S.... or "ffl'or~lllw by. go>nnmmW unit unlf:N--


between the parties (A) 1M <kb'or do... not h..., .ho .bih\ylO into categories of Ipaysucltdtbt.fromlncomoorprop<nyof .... debtor nor rt"-.bly n«mIry to M support and property

For banluuptcy .... rposes. 1M' 1"" oh d~ ",,"" "'" ;. ,hot portitlon of dtbt. bctwcm ,hot I""ia Into a'OSO'd 01 support and prnpnty f<'Itlnntn' Mea .... In dtbtor m;ry nor discha"" oil ...... hll suppo" 1Itbu ~ StcbOn 523(1)(5) Of his property f<'Itlcmml dtb .. under Section 523(1)0( 151·


eipmd<d 'M .... In' ..... _ or .upport of Ih< <kbtor Of a ri<pcndml of 1M <kbror and. If the dtbror ;. .....s..d in I buli..... for 1M p.oym<nl of apmd;Ium n«<UItJ' lor Ih< con'inua'lon. pranv.,ion, and op;n. lion of .uch buli_ Of


Stc,1on 321(a}(S) Slain in rrk-va .. , po.t: (I) A dlscha"" undC1" "",Ion 717. 1141. InS(I), 1228{b}. or 1328(bl 00.. nor diKh'rg< In indlvidwl dcbror from

Inydd>t(51 to •• poUtt. for ..... . poutt. 0. child of Ih~ <kb,or, for

alimony '0. mlin .. n.n" for. or ,uppo" of .uch .pou.. or child. in <onn""lon wilh • t<l"mion Iglttmtn,. di",,« d«ffl' or other ord .. of. oourt of ~ord. dc'e'nllnl! lon m. d. In acco. d..... wl,h SI.IO Or lo"ilo.i.llaw by 1 gov·

(81 clisctwJ:in8 ...... dtbr would ..,..,1, in a btMfi, to lhe dcbror ,bal ouhot"i&hf 1M dc1nmm,;al corutqUCIICCS to a spowt', ro. ...... 'pow<'. or child of Ih<deb.or.

11 Us.c. So<tion 523(1)0(15). I'ur$, 10 So<tion 5ll(1j( 15), Iny dtbt incurrrd in 1bc COUnt 01. diYor"oo Of .n OOflnoC'lOO willi a dM>rtt agr<m>n>I that is nor.......-.d wodtr Sea.,.. 523(1)(51 ;. e:=pI<d from d~ unI<so tht d<bror can ~ M dots not ha", tht.bility to pay tht dtbt Of" ....t alkrwing him '0 ~. discharge 0I1h< debt will rcsuI, In • bmefi, 10 h.m ....1 ;. 5fr"\(1' lI... n tht dcrrimmtol constquma:s ...., will btfoll hll Cl·spowt if .... i> allowed 10 discharge the: dtbt. Dd>t$ of thillypt art oficn Trltrrt<I to .. "propC1"ly ... o:Itbu. Unlike .upport dcbu. which ... ~ """"PI...! from d""'>rg<. propmy ...!Itmm, deb ..... frutum!ly dilchargtd in ""n""'prey.



Issue Preclusion Typically Does Not Apply to Divorce Agreements Dcbton oIlm Irgut d.." !My """"" M obit 10 diK ...... I..,. drbI W>dtd ... propnty ~Ikmft\l in 11Id. ~ "I'ffm<n1S. Similarly. fQr~ 'J'OW<'S of dobIon .rgut ,hat .oy debl labfltd

luuppon in

Ih~ir diVQn:~

' p,r«me,, ' should bo: o:cq>,od from

disch. rgt. This "'lunl<nl is commonly known as thor domi... of WU(



or (oILaltnl <SIOppd.lIthou&h courtS ooruidtT·

i.. II.. pomliSM dI'ca of • di¥Ol'tlO ",""",,,nt in discho...

o:cq>Iion prnc«di"ll' frtqumtty do no! couch il in thooo tDCI


11K United 5,",.. Supreme hu Mid thaI i ..... puclu.i<m 1"lnciplt:llPPIy in dil<lw"gt =q>Iion proctt<ling<. """"" •. ~98 U.s. 279, 285 11.11 (1991 ). A bonhupl<}' (Gun mU$l find foor ckmmu prnmt 10 invokr it

Ca.,..... L.

n.. ...... in 1M P''''' Klion In<! II.. iss... in lho: bonk · ruptcy COUI.



2. Tht blnk,uplcy (U,,", wu oclu.lJy litigated in lho: prior oction:


n.. dttmnin.alion of tilt ;...,. in tht priOT "",ion _ u ilic:;aJ and n«W;lrrlW' of II>< judgment in thaI Uli. plion: I nd

4. Tht burdtn of ptnuOiion in th, disclu.rge proc«ding nol bo: >ignificamly he:avit. than 1M burdtn of pcnuasion in lh< initial action. &.M ... ~ Bnw;rlWlorm.:l<.lJ.I.,6l fJd 1319, 1322 (Lllh Or. l'm)(quoting /" ... 1Imb, 931 F.2d 42. 4} 11.1 (lIth Or. 1991 » . A di'ovru ag=n>mI.1ib ony 1C'!tIcmm1. will "'" ordinarily mttI th<st (00, rtquimncnu btn_ il is _ act.wly lilis>k<l In n: BI1>It.242 B.R. 5)1, 511 0.4 (&nkr. M.o. I'LL 1999)(cl!inf; \0 Cin!>:o..h Dam ! . - Fin. Corp., 904 F.ld 1498, 1504 (l lIh Or. 1990)). 'ThtrtfoR, I>AnknIpIcy 0DUfU typically look bdIind ~ ago...".." .. 10 dtvrminr Iht "trut" ...,"'" 0I1ht d..btor'f obIiption'!'hoe EIoYmIh CiJ'\:uit Coon 01 Appeab tOllows this ana/yfis......, though it docs not ..... Iht \tt'nu"i.<sut prtdWlion" or "colbttral ~oppd' in i .. ~ nuption deciWons. In ff<JrrdJ v. HarrdJ (I" n: H""""). 7St F.ld 902 (I uh Cir. 1985), the Coun of ~ a>nsitItftd whtthct a drb!or'. ortnnpt on hiJ olimony:and dWd oNigo ...... ___ d~ undn his sq>antion..mmL Although illbund IhaIIht deb!or'. obIiptions ___ ~ hom ~. .... HarmI Coun did not m«dy i0oi< to> tM IabtI attached to> tM ob)ig.otiool in the parties' .."."'t"", >grttmtIIL Id. .t 906. Instnd. it hdd th.ot bml:ruplcy 0DUfU should i0oi< brilind •



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di",,,,,, agrttrntnt to d<1amine whether . 1.beI ooxuratdy....&cts the ""lure of ~ dtbtor's oblig.ation. Id. In • ~lltIlt dtci$ion.

Cumming> v. Cummings. 24-1 F.3d 1263 (L Ith Cit. 2001). ~ Coun of Apptili apl.ained til< policy behind iu holding in Hamil. It .ut«l that in conducting an inquiry into In. ""lure of . ddltor', oblig.>tions. banhuptcy court:; "ClI1not rely solely oro thelabd ~ by tht panies" in their d;",,,,,, ~nt bttakl.le "il is likoIy that nrith.,. tht panies not til< divon:e COUT1 CO<lltmplattd tht dfecl of "uM«JlltIlt banhupt<y wll<n tht obhgotion am\<." Id. all265 (qUOling In '" Gionakas, 917 F.2d 759. 762 (3rd Cir. 1990)). Th ... decisions make sense be< ...... :L1 the Cou,t of Ap ptili COrf«tly poinu out in Cummings. divorcing part ... rarely ron_ sider lhat a bankruptcy <"uri m.y effectivcly fe-write the n.ture of tht obligatio", 1i'l«1 in their di",,= ag:«m<nt if " .... 0>( them fil .. hanhuplCY. In'tt.d. the ",'ties belie~ lhat lheir di",r", .grttmtnl is tho fmal oettloment of th";r obliplions to Olhe,. I, is o>nly 1.;.te,. when the bankrupt<y judge info""" tht ",ni., th .. tht dtbKl' may dis<harge any obligation lhat is no>1 r"r .uppon' (kaving ,h. dtbtor', ox-spouse respon.ibk ro>, paying all 0>/ tho dimrcing p.rt ... • joinl dtbts), that the parti .. ,uli.. the inll"',I.= o>r tht lobel. used in Ihoi, diva"", 'sr«mtnt. The,.mre. dim"'" 'sr«ments Iypically are no>1 siv<" iu"" preclusive effecl in a .ub><q""nt dis<ha.rg< txctption pt"OC«ding.


Issue Preclusion Should Apply to Certain Divorce Agreements In both the Cum",ing> and HarTrll <as<$, tht Coon. of Apptals not binding in • discharge =<plion procetding. HlIWN01". the dim,"", il oonsi<krtd did not cootain tht langwg< ~ to supp<>tt a 6nding IhOl ;..".. pIKlusion '""l' be applied. If the divo"'" agreem<I'Ll< hMI ( I) ackoowledged thaI "nc or both of III< l>anics may fik bankruplcy. (2) d.uty dividtd tht panies' debt obLig.ttions into ral<g<>ries of a1im<>ny, "",int<naJJC< 0' "'JlPO'1.nd proptrly setlk""'nt. and (3) statt<! thai tho panies imondtd tht ogrtttt""'t to> ha"" issut preclusiw df<Ct. the p.>rty .rguing lhalln. divoru ag=ment mould be binding would \U"" had • mt>dt """'8'" n.... thrtt ekmenl< '""l' ha~ .. ti<fitd tht 00"""'"'" .. press«! by ,n. Court of AppnIs rtgUding tht divoo;e agr=ntn'" in tht Cumming> and Hamil C:L14 They are dis<t.t>sed ""I""'l<ly bdow. Firsl, . dim= .grttmtnl should conloin a "b.nkruptcy" d."", by which Ihe ... ",knowl.dge that thoy.rt .wart

cotTectIy held that tht parties. diYorct ag=ment _



road again....


- - - CG,erIDg the state willi free CLE



their ~n. rould bt affected by a ...m..qumt bankruplq' filinJ (I..,., ,h•• wppon obligations arc no! dilda'l'l""bIt undtr Stet;"n 523(0)(5), but 1""1"'''1 ~t obIigo.ions arc ditdu.rS.. bk if 1M ddl.Gr .. lilflCS 1M rcqu;mnmu of SKI;"" 52){a}( 15)). n.. b.:onk.uplcy notiGt dl .... ",ill obow ,II., 'M P"'~ _'" ai .... n not;c,. of 1M p<»<ibk .ff"", of. IUlnooq ...". banbuptcy wh.m thoy Lohdod obl;8"Ii<>n .. It will Iho

oddrw. cOllUm by lhe Ekwn,h Circui. (;our! of APP"oll in Cumming>, In , h.t~, ,h. Co" .. of APV<'.aJS found 1h.,". <QU" annol rtly solely on the label UKd by 1M I""in" tlKa .... "it is liktIy th., ntilhtr 11>0 panin 1>0\' the divo,« """n ront<mpUlCd lhe nm:1 of •• .,bscq...... , bankruplC)' wbm 111< obligation amot."l44 FJd., 1165. St<:ond, 1M divoru asr=nm' should pba opearoc obIif;ol;oo. undtr hndns titled '5uppo)l1" .1Id "Propmy $.uk_.,.: Doing so wiU indica~ 101M bonkruptcy COlI" that 11>< ;",cnd tht dtbto<. oblip1;"n to fal] into. specifIC alogory of dioclursrabk 01' non-diKhl!'S'".1>It dtbt Tho ' lhould Iho ronuin an intognlion d ..... in Ihi. o«l;on by which tht p..,i.. acknowlMlI' th."ho provisions «>n-



10 discItary: II .. property 1<111cmt1l. dtbu. for """mpk. would 'rioIole III< Bankruptcy Codt', ...... nd diKItars< policy. F.........n ... F....",.." (In ..,~It), 165 II.R. 307.312 {Bankr. S,o, FLo. 1994). H..-...., tho pfO\/isions diK1Jostd in tllio:uliclc """'Id 1>01 .;.,jale HI)' policy of Iht B.nkrupt.,. Code if lhey arc un 10 ..... ..,Iy clarify .hr part;'" reprdlng Ihrlr .uppa" and ptt>p<'rty debll ralh .. 'han In .. n anempt to ./Teel. deblO", ,ub"anli"" right to disdu'i"_S« Om,ming< II 1263 (finding Ih.1 "I.] debl .. in Ihr ....'u"' of .upport 0, alimony If at III< Ii"", of ill "ealion Ihr p;ort;" inkn<itd ,he oblipl;"" 10 function ... 'Uppo!'1 or lllmony").

Like the


Humpty Dumpty, _ the parties to a

Conclusion lIyindudin&IMlhm: ......... udiocusscd

.00... in a divoroo .grc<m<n•.• dcboor. or

hisa.opo.-.maybublt'OUlCthedo<_ trine of Uwt prodwion 10 pcmudc I Nolrupt.,. «Iun from Kcond &"'""'" their intenlion, ..... rdlng .be 'suppon" Of'propo..,y .. nkmonl"lal>cllh.,. u .. to>c. particular obliplion. Like thr ,ha.."., Humply !>u,nply. Iht p;lr11",,0. divof« . '.... ""'nt may fin:.olly l>c Iho mlSl ... of Ihei. wo.d .... n.! lhe 1aM1. thry ~ lO ~ tOO. oblip60ru wal ...... n iUII .,hot they d>OOK'hom lO mean--,..I,he, """" nor less. Alll>ou&h Ihis may allow III< p;onics 10 lrnpmpa. Iy bbd thrir obIiptioru in _ ",-;, ... desi.:obk muI. In mool i..... ncn.. Th< p;olt'" will ftCriw, ,t.. benefi. of Ibcu informed NrpIn: judic-W officitIl· .,. will be proJJrOto:d by DOl requiring Nnkrup"Y rouru ,n i0oi< behind diYoru 1II'"","<nll Iho,lta"" olrndy bttn 1ICru· linlud by dlyo= rour.., .owI tho Bankruptcy Cock', general disdu..,. policy wat not ho dillutWd bea~ Ih. OS .........,I will .imply~.J the parties' ;n'..,1 ..... rding'lIc ,ltarKIO' of obllg'lion< ralhr. tIIln 'Homp! ", IIU .way Ill< dcb,Or'S righl 10 • gcncnl diochors<.

divorce agreement may finally be

tainod in lh. wrill~n ..S'e.-..... nl are I~only to Ind ony o.. J .S'ttmtnu or du' ''' undtr kdmoJ or SUI~ Iaw"re not «In· IkItml p;o" of 1M S« HQrmJ •• 90HI3 {re,.alnl d.~ dcblO.... "'Zumm. thai his ... pport obIip.;on. wnt diodY.'F"bIt t:><u .... ho ~ no dUly '0 iUY ,hom undtr ... ~ low Iii .. hil oon reached tho • of majority). n.. In.ogro'ion cia .... ohouId hdp lO pm ...... bonkruptqr rouru from wn>idtring IOU":" OIher .han I~ diYoru ~I ",11m Iry. I"B lO dtt .. ml,.. .ho put ... ' in •..,1 undn- tho """"",",I. Finally. tho diooru ave.-mml $hould «Inlain an "~ p.-.dwion" or "rollalon! "Ioppel" clau .. by -...f>ich lho p;orl'" indicale til .. Ih.,. Inl~nd 11\.n. l"...mt1I110 h .... precluli"" dF"" reprding Ih. nature of Iheir ob~g.>liono. Although dioorc. Is,.. nICnll'ypicIUy do nOI gi~ , i.. lo issue precl ... ion hoc ..... Ih.,. do not nl«llho four ,equl.. menu n«:flSlrry. Ihi. d,u .. m. y gilT IMm ,ueh dFtel bMo~ tm, United Sl.I.. Su~rem. Coun h.. hold Ih.l;s...., preclusion .. applicablo 10 I 1<111..,,,onl Igfft..... nl In ",hlch III< p;ort ... , ..... Iy indicolc thry Intend tOOr """'..... nl 10 Ita"" ",tel... "", dI'ttt. J\TdIoT v. ,I'io......., In 1462, 1468 {200}){citing ,o~ v. CaJifor~"', 530 :J92•• '4 (2000)). Addllionally, ...... precI...ion rrl,..ipks Ippty in disc ...... auption pfOCftdiJl&s. en.,.tn v. Go .........,. U5 ... 1 L(1991). 1'ht<rlo..,. dlvoru agrttnItIlI which con.. I... In ...... preclwion cIa~ may be btndi"B in •• u~. Nnktuptcy diodto..,. cuq>lion pro««llnsThio i. noo '0 ~ tho, any provision in • diYoru agrttnItIlI -...f>icll ron .. ln. an iosue preclusion cIa~ wlU be binding in I .ubKquenl bonkruptcy cuo. Th< United SIal.. Sup ....... CoU" hal II<ld Iltal issut preclusion i. no, applicab" If it runl CO\!nllT 10 tho ... tutory poll.,. of tht Bl nkrup"Y Co<k. Y. Fri>m, H2 U.S. 127, 139 n.IO (1979). A provi,ion ",.I_lng Iho deblo,', 011<1 ~

the masters of


their words








_... _... _......,... ................


Endnote: AAor ... _ _ _ , . , _ .... .. __ .. _ "'-"10 """ ... .".. .... -'.10 -,. .. s....~l~IO_"'*


... _ . ' I i I

-_ ... __ -. __ ._ _.. 0.-._111' .. _

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.... _ _ ... 0 ...... _ "





n Apra 14. 2003. the ~tions promulll"tcd 10 emu .. the oon/i-

dtnti.oli,y of huh" infor· m>'ion pum"'n1 10 tht ~.hh Insuron<X I'ortiIbaity:and "'cc"""lability Ao:. of 1996, 42 U.s.c. ~ 13)()(dl t1 ~ ("HII'M·) became df«tiYo. HII'AA is one resuh 01 tho<....aoi'" II~ btI.....m t<dlnoIosY and pn.acy. On< (J)Wt conunmt<d on tho m..ioNhip '--n tho bonmlS of ICChnolofy and Ih< individual', intctal in

question .... ,Itd In the 21., C<1llury by Am .. kln •. nam<ly balancing the princy

cone.rn. O('r'$ul technology

.d... ""'mrn'J. The mort accessible m..1 p"f$(I .... llnlQrm>lion btron>«, tho mo", crltic'.1 it" to crell. into!Ugibl< "'Hltll.... to provide In baLanu bot""", tht indio ridual inl<:TUlI in his or her privacy .nd II.. nalional inltralS, in this m..w.a.IUPAA compIianu,'

ptMCJ'. oslOllowo:



01 IIot J'TiVK)' Rule mui; • d... rnatic d<'p.or1u", (rom tilt "'."",ltl.1t of mt<Ii<al and kg;d pnc_

ti«. The ch.n~ is. myopic nom;n.tion on 0 lone nomple of what m.y II< th. oins't m",! ImpQrtant

In IUpOIU< 10 1M n'flulo,;o... bo:wmins cff«Ii ..., Pruidinl Circuit Coun Jud~ ScoIt v"....U of 1M 1h1\h


Citrui, .ppomlt<! an d4I "'" oornmi,,~ of att<>rneys from I "',i.ety of pn<1ia uns to addrcu what methods for h~ndling ~U"U for mtdicol inform"ion in dvil.ctionJ. Th. purpose

of Ih. ad "'" rommin"" ~ 10 <kt<r_ mill<' how cMllilig>nll could conduct diocovcry in con,pli."« with HlPAA withoul pl.cin8 In unrl<'<f$S;Iry and und~ burden On I'" COUTU 10 resol~ p.ivacy iss.... on • twis. in mind Ih'l ,he;ory pu.poKo(HlpAA as mkacd in ilS 1tgisIa1M history illimtd II rrs.... ,in& tht commrtCiai bth;ovk>. 0( tht ... ,ionaI bnhho •• indWtry. no' conduct of pulieo in civilliliplion.' common"" has hem lrI<'tIi", regul.orly tin« Mly ZOO) and his dtwlop<d a pro. p<>$ed roun order. whid> IUomp" 10 b;o). ."'" lhe lilipn!"t inl<resl in p.ivacy ",i,h the brooder inl< ...... of ,h. judici.oJ sys. I<m in fl(il1101in8 lhe =hange of h..lth info.m.tion in civil Kllon •. Th. com· min"" .. It.ot<! on. o.d .... nd ·rl<.

I'no." "" "'"


H IPAA ORDER IN CIVIL ACTIO N Ul"'n compli.n« with Alabam.l.w. the a1torn~ for.M p. ni... andlor pro .. pan;.,. to this I.Wiuit ... l"',mi1l<:<l to oI:>,.in.1I health information, including charg". therefore, rel.ting to.ny Individual who i •• pany to this cal<. or of any deadcnt or othoT rcal P"'Y in interes' ... presented by .n ex«utor.• dmini.".,or. gUArdiAn. next friend, or "u,,~. Thi. Order neither broad"ns nor remielS .ny pArty'. ability to condu« di><o .... ry pu ... u.nt to Abbam. I.w. th. sole purpo .. he.."f being only to permit compliance with the H.alth In.unm,e Pon.bility .nd Account.bility Act of 1996 ( H IPM ). This Coun Order au,horizes .ny ,hird·p.rty who is provided with ••ubpotno requ""ing ,h. pmduC1ion of documen" 'If comm.nding "!tndanc•• , de""si,ion or , ,.;.1'0 di«].,.. Pm'<c,ed Heal, h [nfoTma,ion in "'""n"'o .um r«[u .. t OT .ubpotn •. Thi5 Coun Order i5 intended to authori ... uch di><lo.ure. under 5e<tion 164.512(e)( I) of the privacy tq!ulation. issued pu" .... nt to the He. lth In.uran<< Portability and "<countability Act of 1996 (HlpAA). No,hing in this Order ,hall be <k<:med to .. Iicv< any party or .. <orner of ,he tequiremeTl" of the Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure. Nothing in this Ord .. permi" disdo ..... of confidenti>! rommuni<;ations. for the purpost. of diagnosis Or 're.'mrnt of. pa,ien", m.n,al or 'mo'ional <on<li,ion, induding okoltoJ or dn'g .ddiction, among the pa,ien', the I'Atient". p.yth01herapist, and person. ""00 a .. participating in ,h. diagnosis or , .. atment under the dil"<Ction of ,he psychotherapis', including members of tht pa'ient". fnnily. nOr does this Order permit disclosure of rt<"Ords or information "Ia'ing '0 HIV '''''ing O!" . . xually 'r:on.mitted di ...... Nothing in this Order <hall M construed '0 . uthoTi~ any party or . ny . ttorney fo, . ny pany to ..1. . ... e""hong.-•• ubonit 'If .ha .. any l'To,ec,ed HcAl'h Infurmation wi,h any o,her I"'rson or .ny othe, emity, other than an . grnt Or employee of the attorney or par'y. Thi. Order prohibits the partie. from or di,<1osing th. Prot""ed H.alth Information for any purpo .. o,her ,h.n ,hi5liligation or p,ouedings. At ,he conclusion of 'his action . nd at ,he wriuen tequnt of an Individual whose Prot<cled He.lth Informa'ion has be<:n disdoo<-d, or such Individual', authorized rep ...... nt .. i.... , all recipi."" of ,n. Prot<c,ed H.. lth Information <hall relum '0 the "'ques,ing party the documen" and all col'i .. thereof ron1Oining Pro'<c,ed Heal'h Information received by th.m pursuam to this Ord",. e=p' that Prot<c,ed Health Information. which is included in in,urance m .. . nd law firm litigation mes. may M ,..,.ined to allow compliance to 'he '""ten' and fur the period that .uch re'.nlton is r«[uirrd by Alabama in.u .. nce 10Wi and the Alabama $..,. Bar ",I.. and rtgul .. ion>. DONE and ORDERED this the _ _ da~ of _ _ __ _ _ _~, 20_,






ligniflC'.anl and h.lpful

feedbacl< from !M Itpl ond mnli<al communil;"" indudin! many d rcui! coun j~ rniK'd Ihtir orisinal om..- in M.uch 2(XM. Tho <q!UialionJ implnnmling HIPAA ""'coIlocIivdy known 0$ the "privacy ",le."1M privacy rule <SI. bIWlt!; pmudurt< fOr the dilclow.., of "pnlIC(!od he.ohh informalion." ProIrO<d lX".dth infonmtiOll is ~ ddincd ..

"'.... /Utf

infOrmation • ...-httll..- oral or rtCOrded in .ny form or mnlium. Ihot: ( I) iJ cuaU<! or recei...-d by •

healthc ... provider. h•• hh pbn. publ;'; health oUlhorilY....... PIoyt-r. life iNu ...... school or univnsily. or hnlthc... c... rin~ ond (2) ..,I.Uet 10 \he put. prnc-nl. or (ullin phyoical or menl..! heallh or condilion of on individuol; proYiPon of health<;.u to .n individuol, for lhe pall. pusenl. or fUI"u P' Ymenl for the p<ov;';"n (Of heallhca .. 10 .... individual'

Tho privacy TUIc ~Iet health plans. hnhbc... cIoaringhowel. .nd '-loon: ~ ("~ m""n-) in Ihtir distiol"'" of prokCtcd Mallh informaIKm.' Under Ihe HIpAA ..,guLolion$, 1'''''''' I<-<Ied heallh inform>1ion may be disdosed by. cove.od mlity in the cou ... of. judkW or :odministr.. ';'" p~", primarily in Ibm: (I) COUrt order. liillUbpomaIollI..- bwful proc .... or ( ~i) W';11m autboriz.olJOn of 1M individ· uol who6e prot<-<kd health informalion is JOu&hl" Fi",. a COUrt may om..- 1M dildosuu of prol<-<Iod h.. hh information. R'Iulolion 45 c.p.R. S 164.512(e)(i)


providel , h.t. "~red entilY moyd"· clox prol<-<ted heallh informalion in \he cou ... of .ny judicial prO«tdins" ... "Iiln raponse 10 on om..- of. coun or odminisll<ltiw Iribunal. povridtd that the CO¥en:d m!ily disc""" only the proI"'" od Mallh infortn;llion aprtSOJy .ut'-Iud by ,uch coun order." Second •• litig. nl may .IS(> ~k proI<-<Ied he.lth informOlion wilboul a court order by ""uing a disc(noory r<qual or otll..- Lowful proc<$l. Hnwtvn. with_ 0lM1 COtm order, 1M lillpnl ....... (I) giw the CO¥en:d m!i!y " .. I ....OCI...,. OIoIUnl"lCt-WI ..,.."".bIt efJOI1' ~ bren mW.IO 8iw noli« orlM reque>1 10 Ihe individuol wbo is 1M lubj<-<I of Ihe prol<-<Icd heallh informlTion Or (2) give lhe covcml .nlily ".. Ii.facl...., OIoIuronce" Ih;ol tho- party ~king 'M prottcted Mallb info ..... tion bas modoc muonoble c1JortIlO """'" a -qu.Uifi-rd prot«tiw order." A qualifi-rd proIccli ... om..-. in pertinenl pan, is.n om..- from 1M court thol prohibits 1M ...., Of!M prot<-<Ied M.lIh info ..... tion for .ny PU'po5COlher Ih." the liligalion and r<qui' ei Ihe .... u.n of the prot<-<Iod hnllh informolion 101M rowrcd .."itt or \he .....tru<_ lion of the protected health inl"ormalion. Satiolact...,. ,""u.. net for I"""J>CIO'S of B;';ng noIia mcan$ ,h;ol tho- «WCI"Cd enlily ~ivcs. wrillm sulomenl.nd documenlation Ihot Ihe I""y r<qunling lhe p1Olt<tcd hullh infornul,on h;u made a good failh ."empl 10 provide wrill.n notiu 101M indJviduol whose prot<-<tcd Ir.eaIth information is heine _&ht. The notia must include ouffidenl informotion aboul tho- liligalion in whiclt Ihe pro,,,,,od Mallh info ..... tion is uq .... lcd 10 permillhe individual 10 r.iI<- on obj<-<tion and mU" "al< lhallhe lime for ,he ind;v;duol 10 ro"" on obj<-<. lion h;u lapood and no ob;.crioru wen: rdtd or the obiections ~ bom <e>oIw:d by tht courL Solio!actory ..... r._ tho, the purr Iw ....... dJoru 10 otCUIC a quolirocd prot""iw order ...... ns thaI the CO>"Cred enlity n:«iva. wrill<n "at<_ menl ond documenlation IhOl lhe parties h;o<-«! 10 a q"alifiod prol<-<Iive

o.der and presenlcd illo Ih. cou" <" Ihe po"y ~kin8 the protecled Mallh infor_ mollon h;ol ""I .... ted a quollr>o:d 1'101«. liw order from lhe court. Thtrd, HIPAA aIlow$ • ""Iimt 10 autJ>0r00 1M .-cIca$c of his own protecled heallh inl"ormalion.' In "neral. a valid 1"lboriulion m"" contain a $pt<ifi€ Moe';p!ion of \he informl1lon $Ough •• lhe of \he coy· erod enlily aUlhoriud 10 make 1M disciooure, a d6cription of the purpose of the disdo,,,,e. on npirolion date. and lhe li&nat,,'" of tho- palienL This mue of ,,"!ulalionllw h:ood a p1OlOund impact on tht proctiu of law. h""hhc" •• provide .... nd ...... pIoro-.... Thul, lhe lid II« commiu<-< WO$ formo:d 10 dtal w"h 'he imp.ct oflhHC r<gu1•• lions on 1M .... ryday pracliu of civilliligalion. 1I«a"", HIPAA permits 1M dis· dow ... of protcctod '-llh info .....'ion in • judicial pmcttdut. by various .......... 1M lim q ...... ion thaI the dII "'" OOm ... il1« h:ood 10 decide was which method 10 odopllo facihme the ordcr1y disclo.u« of prol""cd h•• lth inform._ l ion in co ... pliance wilh HII'AA. The oommiu<-< rtjecled tho noIion of uty;ne upon • subpoena or 0Ihn- bwful proccu. withoul a court order. beco_ \he ....... ""..... IMtJ ofCWill'rrlmluTt do not rtqUiu Ih;ol tht p.rty _kina .-.cords giw IIOtia. i. •. , ..Ii.factory 11$""''''''. under evc-ry circum".nce. WilhoUI .,1.. factory "'''100<' .ilh .... by nOIic< .nd tM opportunity 10 obj<-<t or a quolir>o:d protecliw order, which meetJ lhe minimum uquirnnml.l undrr the low•• subpoc>l or otll..-Iawful pnxao in 1M abl<-nce of • court order is dcf<-<Iiw ond invalid under IlIPAA ~tioru. 0 ... oumple of lawful pnxffi without • nOlic< ""IUiUmenl illhe"ioJ .ubpoe· n• . Under RuLe 4~ of lhe ""'..."'" Rules ofCivill'nladurr. thoTt "110 ""I";"" menl !ha, a ",""y giw not'" 10 the ...t...n.. pury of...vice of a Iri.ol '''~ no on I non-purr, CO¥en:d mlitr-uch 0I.1t"IO'dica1 pmvidcr_lO compel the ~ .ntity·, .ppearann .nd 10 pro· duce documenl.l roncerning Ihe adver .. pOrly. AIso.;I .... 8Cn<rally alVffd Ihot il






HI PAA ORDER IN WO RKERS' COMPENSATION ACfION Upon oompH.n« with, lh~ .ttorn.Y' for lh. 1'.,,;... n<llor $IrQ se p."ies to thill.w,u;' ar. pormined to <>111.;".11 h•• lIh inform.tion. induding charseslheufort, ",lating 10 . ny Individual who i•• p. ny 10 'hi< case. or of .ny d« odem or oth" ....1PJrty in int ....". "'1''''''"10<1 by.n <=ulo,. • cimini.,rotor, glindi.n, nexI friend. 0011« or mat«, Thi. Ord .... neitM' b .... &n' nor ,estric" any party'. ability 10 conduct discovery pursu.nt 10 A1.oom. I.w, 1M ..,~ purprut horrof bting only to permit roml'li.1Kt wilh th. Health In.u ..lI<. Portability and Account.bility Act of 1996 (H1PAA ).

This Court Or<kr . uthonus .ny third-party who is provided .. jlh ••ub"",n. '<questing 'M production of documtJIlS '" commanding ottrndanct a' d<p<>,jlion or Irio! Or. rcqu<$t in <omplian<t with th~ Alabama WOTkr ... · Comp<n .. tion An '0 di>clo", Pro,wed H•• lih Information in respons< to such ~ ....t or . ubpo<na. This Court Order is inlen<kd 10 .ud> disclo...... undtr s.ccion 164512(.)(1) of ,he privao:y ~tion. i..ued pursuan' to the Health In.ura,,,,, Portability .nd Ao:ountabmty An of t996 (HIPAA).


Nothing in this Ord<r . han be ""'mod to reli"", any party or at1oTn<1' of the ~ui=><nu of the Abbam. Ruks of Civil Procedu",_Nothing in this Ordor p<rmiu di.dosu", of confid<n'iol commun;':"tions. mad< fOT the purpo ... of diagnosis or t",.tmen! of . patient', men,.1 or .motional condition. induding alcohol or drug addi"ion, among lhe pat"nl. Ihe pat;'",', psyc/loth=pist, and p<nOn, who a'" )XIMicipating in Ih. diagnosi, or trtatn .. nt under Ih. dirtaion of the I"ychotherapisl. including membtts of 1M pat;",,!', family, HOr does. Ihis Order p<rmil di,<losure of !'«Oro.. or information relaling to HIV "'ling or $<xually tTan.<miued di$<..... NOlhing in thi' Ord.,,- 'han be COnstrut<! to . ulhori~ any party or any . UOrnty for any party to "I...... • xchange • • ubmit or .hart any Prot""'ed H.. lth lnfonnation with any oth.r p<.-.on or any olh .. entity, olh.r than .n agent Or .mplo~ of the attorney or party_This ardor prohibits the )XIrti .. from or di" the Protected Health Information for any purpose other than thi' litigation or pr<>««lings. At the ""ndusion of this action and at ,he written reque" of an Individual who", Prol<,<tod Heallh [nfonnat.m hu bocn di"los.d. or .uch Individual', authoriu<l rel're><'ntotive, an m:ipients of th. Protc;;tod Health [nforma'ion .han ""U<n to the ~u ... ing )XIMy the documenu ond all copies thereof containing I'totc;;tN Health Information r=;~ hy them pursuant to thi' Order, except th. t Protectod Health Information. which is indudod in i",uran<t claim files and law firm litig.,ion files. may be rminod to .Ilow compli.n<t to th~ <:<I<nt and for the p<riod that .uch «I<01ion is ~uired by Al.b.m. in,urnnct ond the Al.b;tma Stal< Bar rules ond <tgulation .. DONE ond ORDERED thi' the _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, .10_ .



S!PTE M 8E R 100<

.... lmprxtiallO draft OM uniform !"lIenl IUlboriulion Ih.ol could Iw used in aU <MI "'lions. Tbt commilt« drrid· od in or&. r..d"", I~ numhtt of f"'!UnI. 1<> Ih~ coun 10 rulo on whl l would M I burdcn!<)mt numbe, of HII'M obj«l ions, promol. j..,jj,cw OCO/IOmy, and )'f1 comply wilh 1M txp'"' I<mU of HII'M,' COlIn onkr . . would II< suftieiml. Thus, Iho WInmilt« dralUd a propoot<l ..... n ordtr W, could M rn1<Ted Ik'"l ... ith a $Cb<dulinS order in vin.wly III dvil ""ions. Undoub,rdly, ,h. r<Sulll ionl!,,"rmil I (<>w. «I .nl ily 10 diKios< pl1)l<'I:lrd h..lth infmm.ali<>n in 1M ........ of any j.odicial prourdiCIJ"in ~ .... to on ordtr of a COlIn,' Ntvnthde!.o.lho comm,U« """ghl to bUll,", 1M propootd onkr wi.h many of I~ ptOIO(lion$ !ho. I,.. f"'!uir..d in a qualiflCd prolo:a~ o,oit" 111.,.. p,oIO(lions. although hOI rtquirrd 10 be in . courl ord.r, wt,.. ldopCtd by 1M commiu« 10 uphold 1M of HII'M and 10 tailor 1M onkr 10 mony of.~ ~',.." \lJ\1q"" 10 ~ma law. Thex include:


Umitaliocu WII~ di,do"..,.. of prot«1<d Ml ith info.malion i.$ ,"Iriclrd 101M 1lIo,n.,.. Ind parli .. and Ihei. agenu; A prohibition apilUl 1M 11K or", of ptOIo:aod hnIth

infmmoti<>n lOr any I"''P<* o.lM th.on Iho 61'salion; A f"'!uirnnr;n. Ihl t l~ pro.«trd h•• ith inform. lion be wurnrd 10 1M individual whoot protcatd ht-alth informalion "'4 diK~ undn entaln dKUICUl_ and

I'rovi$ions tho.

moI<e it ...... WI

the order ....... doa 000: .uthor· ~

Iho diodosun' 01 m<1llal htalth

n'<Ord$ or rewnIs relati""n HN

!<Sting or """"lIy InlUmil1«1 dLlnot,

The commiu« did 001 in,end 10 broaden or reotrict any pony', ob~ity to <nndun discovny pu.,...nlln AJ.Mma law, at 1M propootd onkr txprns/y 11.1a. Fo. in.stanu,1ho commiu ... did nol inlend In Ind lhe order doa nol lit ... 1M Ia... nf Alabama !"".taining In ex """. ;nltrvio.>s nf hulthc"'I'",vidtll U ;1 uill«l, u> I~ tff«liw d.t< of HII'M.nd aslho common bwconlinun todnoriop Utt$p«I~olHIPAA. This order doa no( chanll'" whol>OeWr Iho "o'~ ollho law w;th rospea to ex ,...,,~ inltrVio.>s at arlkul.lC'd in .w.... ~. Elkws. 200' WL 22113880 (A I•. 2OO'l,lh. sol< I'UlJ>OSt bring only In !,,"flnil rompli.",. wilh HIPM. In .dcIi,Oon. ond ptrh .... roo,.. imporl.nlly,,~ or&' makes d~". thai • cowrt<I ,,"Iity IN)' dildolr prott'CtftI "".Jib infm ....lion in ~_ CO I discovny f"'!unI Of Olher lawful process giving much......drd comfor t '0 Ih~ oo-;.ore<\ <nlily Ihal Ii>( rour< authorizes I"" di.dosllr~. A Sl'<ond <ommil1« has dnlUd I .im_ i).,. ordtr for Wo.ktn' Compcn.. li<>n Acl QlQ.AJlhou&h HIPM n:rmpu <laims brou&h,"ndn $lii~' compn>oa_

li<>n taw.. a xwnd ordtr

Waf ~

d... ln I"" r"'l WI th< Alabama Wo.ktn' Com!"" .... li.on Acl <nnlalnl> provision ."",rding Ih~ r~I,"" of mtdical infonn._ lion 101M <mplnyn unique 10 "",.ktn' OOnlJ'C' .... lion <Un,"" AIor. G>.h I«25-5-n(bl, and 1<> 1ho cowrt<I

t.,. """"u..

nuity Ib.I il .... , furnish I"" rn«I.ic:aI info.mal;"n withnul rioI.oli"l tIIPAA. Tht workns' <Ompn>oalion HIPM or&r i. vireually idenliallo 1M nnkr discuunl in Ihi. orticl<. Like Ih. HIPAA nl'tk. in civil ICl ions,lh. WO,kell' <nmptn ... ion nrde. is no! inl.nd«l CO alee, 1M Ia ... conctrllinl ex "''',. inltrVio.>s nf "".JIhc:o.. prnvidrn in wori<cn' compensa.Oon aoa as addlaltd in Ex , Sm"Iwma~ Bros. 1hod:''':' I"", 751 So.2d 1m (Ala. 1999). In shore, Ih~ commil1« bd ....... IItoI Ihis ordoT oIlowJ Ih, onktiy disdO$u,.. of proltC,«I htallh infum'''i.on, b<>. ing in mind 1M individwl 6Iipnt'. privacy con_ «rnI and pr-rn". linl~od n'SOUr<a of the j.odiciary to handIc: t1'p<3Ctd r<qUOW for health infnrmatinn. Howntt, I"" commi".. rnoogn;"" lhat Ihis .rea of Ih.l ... is deYdoping Ind Ib.llhe,.. may II< • nt...t 10 lhe nnkr from IUnt 10 lim•. 1b Ih'l1 rod, Iho oomnliu« will conI;n"" 10 ...... ptriodially. •


... '-

Endnotes to .... /'I'M ~ 2QlI1'





s..'-;CU. !'6U':!ItIl1

I GoooooJ _J.D.

""H.,"'''. ,,_ _ _ ..






Young Lawyers' Section he Alabon .. Stat. !la, Young I~ So:tion ha< JUS! completed another ~ ~ )'ftr undtr tht Itodor>hip of 51113:1 Luckio of Mobik. This past )'ftf. as in aU yn .... lhe YLS held ots anmw ~;" Snninar on 1M !hint wrdttnd in M>y_ Ooo:;win, "'" $mlinar f<:ttum:l oxo:IIml spoak= and was weIl ..!<ndod by l"W'S bwym from :uound tho >I.le. Kim ....'aIkrr of Mobil< ~ .. &",,1 dr3l of credit fOT her Ieodmhip in pt.nningand ~ lhe otminar. Ow ....:tim! also ~ aU of Iht law finnl and busintssts


By B,annon Buck

that gomerousIy ~ II... ~in Stminar. TiIt .... ppon of thtoo SJ>OIUO" is ailX:al to lht ,ucass of IN ~

Beasley, Allert Crow, Me\hvln. PorI;s & Miles, P.C." sponsor for semina. brea~taslS iIlld breaks Taylor Marti'lO. P.C.- golf tournament sponsor Hare. Wyoo. Newell 8; Newton, Ll,P.- beacl1


Foshee 8; TUIIlel. reach p;lJ\'i sponsOr Oth..- spon.., .. of rho ..,m;nar includo:

Armbr«:t>\ Jadson. LLP Bairlbridge. Mims, Rogefs 8; S,IlIth. LLP. 8axIey, Dil lard. Dauphin, McKnight 8; Ba.clilt Br.!d1ev. Ar""t,lIose & White Burr & Formarl. LLP. CaWniss. J<.:ivI:;It>1. 6ar00er. ().ma$ & O"NeaI Carr, Nlisoo. f'l.9>.1tJward. OIMr & Sl$sion, PC. Ctmioq'lam. Bwlds, Yara, Crov.def 8; BrOMl Oian>JOO. Hasser. f,nsl & Luckie Gardner, Middlebrooh. Gibbons, Kittrell & ~sen.


Hand Arendall. LlC

Insurln.:e Sp..;ialist. 0;, (l/ Savamah. Georgia Jinks, Oalll~ 8; Craw, LLC. Lexis Nexis ligi1tlocl1, F,,"tJin & White. LLC. Luthel. OkienbIJIg 8; Raioey, P.C. Marsh, Rickard & Blyan Maynafd. Cooper & Ga~. P.C. McCallum & MeUMn. ~C. McKen:!II!. Taylor & Zarlatll Miller. HamiRon. Snider & Odom. LLC. NEXTEl Comroonications Olen. Nic!lol3S & Copejand. P.C. Sm;1h. Spues & 1'eIXIv. P.C.

ThornsorI WeS!

A!; I w,it~ thin'ticle in luly, the ""ter of F..xr.;utiv< Committ.., membc,rs is >lUI boeing fin.hW;!. YLS of! for Ihi, 'r~ Chri'ty Crow. prnidtnt·.lt<t. Union


Spring>; Rom.n Sh.ul. «,<rno,y, Montgomcry; and Bryan Og<4kr, tr~O$ '

u"". Mobilt.

Looking """.d. tht YLS will host it. annual Iron !!owl e LF.. This ytar·. scmin>.r will be Friday a~.,.!\OOn, November 19. tht day hdo", tht Iron Bowl. 11K- .eminor will I>e in Birmingham, and WI' ho", that many of you by for ..,me CLE otdit on your .... y to lltscaJoooa for the bij game. Tho YLS will bo: providing roo ... information .bout1ht Iron I\owl Cl.E in the coming .....,\:s. I .m Vl'ry ...:i,td .bout • nrw opportunity for tht YLS .nd for young I.~ throughout~ ... One of oor own. Sl<phm Blacl<. hO$ orpnimf . non .profit progr:Im calkd "lmpoct: An Alabama Studrnt Strvitt Initiative." The Yl.S plans to part...,. with and ,upport 0""' of tht programs under this non·profit that will be known as tht SpeakFtrloI Debate Program.<J'irst" mislion is to tnrich the on.. demic ...per~ of giAtd studentS from ou' .... large>! pllblk high Khools by I"'rticil"'t;"n on citywide debate teams. The program will also p,.".,;de st.n · dardiwJ test preparation, guidance on college odmislionsJodIoIanhil".nd .ubstan· tNt ••",un... inttrruhip<. The SpeakFirst progr:Im will bosin this faU in Birmingham and will sp..-ad to othtr cities ;n coming }'taro. The YLS hopes to assisI by organil.;ng Yl.S ..,Junt~ to W(lri: with tht dtbote 1<>n" .nd to off... SUtnmtf int"""'ip$ to tht pmicipating >ludrnts.lf you .'" int ..... ted in being i~, pitas< con~t mt. The YLS will continue to help orgon;"" .nd support the ASB Admissions ~ moni ... nd the . nnual Minori' r fu-Uw Confermc:e. We will .ao cominuelo work with ,he ~ E.mffgtn<y M .....g<m<ttt Agency to coordinale ,he provis;"n of rr... e"..,."..ncy icgaI ... ist:anc< when natural ~trn strik< in Alabon ... ! look forward to working with )'OWlS lawyers from KfOSlO the >U~ to KtV<: our mernbo:r> . nd thr p..blic. [ wdcome all qucstions, com""'nl$ or ,ugge>';"ns ""S"rding the oct;vitics of oor I«tion ond


ways WI' ""n improve: OUr p~

'fders. Riis. Mllfray & Curran. LLC. Watson. JilM'lf!rson. 6ivha.n. Martin &

McKinoey. P.C 338


B.annon B"d: is a ,ha,..hokh. in rite firm

of Mayt,ard,


6- Galt.


p-----------------------------------. I I I I Whll oIher inlormation would yau lik. to see incl uded I n part oletl electroniC/online dir.ctory1_____ I I I

Times are changinq and we'd like to hear from you!

Th. Bat Diflletory oldie Ala~"" Slale Bar is one 01 the

mosl utililed "Niees provided 10 you as I member, To keep in slep with the needs of vou and yourmff. we would like la know how ta mak. the OIII;ne directory mor, tlfic:ient and user-lritfldly. Man, IuIr associltions .... going .xelusivtly anli'" i~ead Dli liard-bound 짜trsian. Thi:l_ the cost 01 priminlll paper directory Ind IlIIIIrH Ihat thl information it up 10 dati. Currtntly, our onlinl dil1lClOry lisIs OIIly member contact information.

Pla..a laka I moment to tUN.y your slaff and let us know your thoughts.


How ol'lIn do 'f1Iu us, the printed di,.ctory1

How oft.n do 'f1Iu IIH the onliM memb.r directory1_

Would you un Ih' on line direclory mor, lrequ.ntly it it contlin.d: o AlliIJ;MnI Suue II짜 ()ganowlon.l'\ogfams ltd Operaoons AlliIJ;MnIIUas oIl'roItssmII CcnU;t AIQmI StardaJlb kr ~ f'rocaoln

Alabama Stardwds kr ~ Lawyar {bw~ Attorney Ro1!efS The CouIts and Mmon lstratrva Officers Alabama law Schools

."'~ "';'il '

Please lID: or mail your compIellld $lJrvey to 334-261 -0310 or to Susan AOOres. director of I#lVtll.lllCiltions. P.O. Ilo:o: 671. Mo"lgOI,.. y. AL 36101 1M $I,IY8'f is also aY(Iilalje onIfIe OIl the " .. "bell page 01!Ibir'.GVp.

Bar Briefs The Trial






Found ..;o!> rn:<ndy n.m«lth. finol · for iu 2004 Trial La~r o{the Ye.. Award. Th. n.tionally prtStigiou. award i$lx$tOW<'d . nnually upon tho Iri.llJ~r or lawyers wllo have made tho grr"." contribution to the public in1<=$t by trying or I<'lt[ing a prKt<knt . KIting ""se. One Alabama anorner. Wyman Gilmon of Gilm"rt law Offi~ in G= Hill,Abbam.o and Brentwood, Tennaset. lOIS among lhe fin.l~lS.

M.rk Daniel Malon.,. of Ikcllur h.. b<= =n«I. lru$t~ofTh. Rot ..y

Foundation OJf Rotary InlO ..... 'ional. one of the world', largest humanitarian organization. with J.2 million busintss and prQf~n.1 kadcl$ in mOrt than 165 counnies. Maloney, who join. 15 trustees from around 'M world on the ...., ,,{Rotary', un .. nn",,~. will htlp

lead The Rotary Found.lion un1,12008. M.loney ;. • mtmbtr of 1M firm of

Bl""kbum. " ,.Joney &- s.;h up~. LLC. in Deca,ur. The Alo.b. ma C.imjn;d Derense Lawyt .. Associ.,ion (ACDU.)


. 1«,«1 offi""" for lhe 2004· 2005 yt'OT at it. a nnual rnttting .nd 'urnrn<r ",minar. In .dd itKm, th~ .t.tewid~ ","",i.tion top recip~nts of it. annuol.wards at ,h~ r=nt annual award. lunch",n.

J'.l,ct«l ... r. Jim Robert•. pK<id<nt. a pubIi<: defend.r for Tu..:oIoo$O County: Joe-Von H ~t, presiden'·eJ"'t. a f« deknder for the Middk Dis";,,. of A4bam.o. Montgon><ry: M~1inda Morgan Au.t in. yice·presi· dent .• partner with Holt, Mus..]e".." , Holt & Morgan, FlorenC<'; Ja mtl J. Jeffr;"" Jr., ""mary, with the Sherm,n Jeffritl Law Ollie"" Mobil<; and Carl". A. WilI;"m., t ... osu=.• fttkr.1 ""rendrr for the Southern Di.trict of AL.l>am., Mobile. Eltel«llo tM public d.f.nder> "pT<'$<n1ati"" 110. wa. llobby Wooldr idge- of the Public Def,nde" 0Hi«. T"",.I""", County. Immed;..,. 1',.1 Pruident is Beu« A. G.rdn .... Hun1>vilk. R<·~I<-Ct«l to d istrict _itt_president ~ Roh<n Tut.,.. Huntlyill" R.ndy Brooks, Anniston: John Robbin., Birmingham: Bill Blanchard, Montgomtry; Li.. Clayton. Mobil.: Gordon Arm>trong, Mobile: Rill Kominos.Ota'k: and Mich""llJptun, TU$<a1oo ... In addition to .Iecting offlC<f5, ACDL'. . 40 honortd it. membn-s for out.tanding rontributiom to tM pror.-won of crimin.1 def,n", this pOSt ~ar. lohn Edmond M.y> of Decotu, rn:civcd ,he ....,.,i.tion', hightlt honor, the Roderick Jk.dd.,.. Aw:....I , fo, • lifetime of achi ..... m.nt in lh. field of c,;m;nal d<f~n"'. Rec.iv;ng


Save time and pa~ online! PlrcbolSe IjIII" ICclI\IiNml itellSe 0/ 'ill spec'" lIember".!! BIllE fD' ~tHIII~_

maiCes UJiII ~e luiled i11 5epiembel"lIate IfImr f~ectrq iI!Imin.. ~md Pilll lILIEI


SI P T EM5 5 R 200 .

I'Taidmt'. awards ,his yar war Rld•• rd 1.11'0, Mdi ..... Morpn AuOl;n, 84U Bbnduord, om. Malcom, BoIbbr

Woo/d.idll"', Arthur Mad<\m, Po..! A. Youn" , •., Jot Gallo, W~oon Myers. .n<! JO<"l SosoI· Rc«iving Mo.i, .w:on!s wm: Rich ...1 Koith, Co.I ... Willi.m" S' evo GI.woth • .wI Jdf Duff..,..

Thorn .. S. Rote - . d«ted pmidtn' of 'M Ma.i'i ........ w Asoocia,ion of the Uni.ed SI •• es (MIA). Rut is tit< firtt AUborn"n 10 Ind 'M orpniulion in iu IOS-yn. history. RlIt,a m<mbtT

01''''' Mobil< fi nn of

john"""", Adanu, Bailey, Gordon &: Hu,i, llC. wiU guiM ,"" OCIi",in of 'M ],l00' memM' prof... ion.1 organi"'ion 0"'" 'ho ntx. y..... i,,"i""10 INk imp •.,...."",nu in ma.i,i[1\< ..,... Ronald i..tYil1,. part ..... wilh Wolnon, Wdb, An<Itrson &: BalM 1.1.P in 84rmi"""'m. ~ __ namtd thai. of ,lot Commtt'''' on S Corponliono of ,Iot.-\Jnma,n Bar Asoocialion', s.c,ion ofTanlion. He will stn'\' al choi r for a two·Y"" 'tom. M.rsh.1I Counly District Judll'" HOWll,d Ibwk r«tn~y .rc~vtd ,h.

Joseph E. St< .... nt Aw:ord. n.. SI~nt Aw:ord is. n>liona! award &i",n annually 10 an '''''''''1 who is • ro.m..r H....y S. Truman Scholar.nd who has tstabliohed an oUlSUndins record in ~onvitt.

The.....m ..... ptnmt..d 10 Jude< Hawk by Uniltd Su .... Sup.....,. Coun IUSlia Carma Thomas in his dumb<rs in W..... ington. The I",,'ia Thonw "",is«lllawk for his ..nvien. on FBI agent .• legislator .nd now .. . iudS'" The SItYtns Award ..... <Stablishtd 10 wn,mtnKIn~ tho ~r. and ..m.:. of us. Di$Irict Coull Jud8" loRph E. Stroma, who "-' ben! • IJuStft and ",tsiodtnt of tho fUny S. Truman Sd>ob.rship Founcblion. ~ had........d in the \\bItm District of Misoouri, whrR lot hod .....n:td with IUSlia Thomas pnor to Thom.s·, 'ppoin""tnt 10 tho u.s. Supmnc Coun.

Tbe mc>-.-t difficult problems require t:lte

_.,.......... _--,...-

........ _ _ .... _ 5 0 ....... _ _ _ _ _ _ ........ _

, WlSSI!l8IPI'I Wd.u;vTnUI -'. , ,'I1ffilIIIA.'iCE COMPANY

Legislative Wrap-Up

By !«>be" L M<C"rI~)llr.

Bringing Laws into Conformity Takes Time and Effort F ,>,Jr ,nos<

Or the pul2S yea .... lhe Alaboma IcgiWolU~. with til< :assistanct of tilt Alabama Uw ln$ti1Utc, Iw sought to bring I""" in OO1lformity to in OIh ... ,tates and to gtntt':llly modtmiu LoW$ oli .... hundH:ds of years old. With ,od.i. gIobaIC-<OIlU=, sUit linn for


«>n1I'rl<Itt b<rome blurml. norm is 00 longer for""" 10 ~ born, grow up and

diot in tht.<Un< «>mmunity. Loa"" Iumoo

and jobs croo lta~ Ii".. I'<'gu\uly. The need for L.wy<1'S to know the .pplicabl< Law for thrir clients is rrJ()tt complicated by the in,.rSI.,. of th< 11>< first mojo, rMs;on for AIahaIlU, underukm by tl>o Llw Im'itut •. "'.., crimi· naI laws. The IWd for du< ~ equal t~trnml of parties. ar>d cn1.inty 10 the Low ",used Alabama 1<>"""", • airninal <od< in 1980. I, is p"nm>ed .fu,nhc Model Pmol Code, the >landard in most SUIts. Alabama', ....,.I.w,lh.t dated back 10 England', 1635 Statute of FJi ..l><1h, ""'" brought into th.1Qth ,.nlury in 1983 by adopliQn of th. Uniform Proo",. Codt. Thi.l.w govorning tstolt$ is 'h'l.ow in. majority of ,w••. S""inessl",,-. h.~ gr<\Itly c:xpandtd. In 1980,Alabun.a had. erupo....tion Act and • ""11"""'ip Act. In oddilioolO lhese lwo, lhere~ .. now oru for Prof.... ional Corpowions. ll. Partnnlhip$. Limi!<d liabililY ¥.!rtno..oip$. Limiled Li. bUily Companies, Rc-aI Es!.~ lnvntrntnl1hl$l$, and Non·Profil Corpowions. All of I.......





follow Uniform or MOOd Acts adoplro by


SI.Its. 1\KaUS<' thr$t oru w= add<-<!

KViotd over Ihe pasl 20 ye ..... now III< .. ... ioad", inronsiSl.ncits. AI.boa"", hn btom in the prt>C<o$ of devt!oping • Business Emil;" M. whkh dt... up Ih..., inconsi$l<n(;" and makto III< formalion of mlil;'" ..1.lionsllips b<1\vttn mli· I;'" ocuuit>ili'l' of records, el(:. The draft Of

wilt be oomplelN Ihis year .ft.r asix·ye.r 'Iudy. The draft..,.. of tho Uniform Act$. only this year, ho .... form«! th';r own pro;KIlO synthniu III< """ous .nlil.... The Uniform Comm.rdal Cod. was lim p.sst<l in Alabam. in 1965. This year Ih.ln<lilule COmpl<1od ii' rcyi.ion .ft., • 12-yeor rev;"'. Each .ffid. was indio vidually , .... itwt<I .nd ..... riuen .nd .dopled bylhelogi,lalu", Th. Uniform CommtrciaJ Codt i. ont aru of law Ihat i, uniform Ihroughoulthe United SW". Th. M.Mma Supreme Coun has Ii""· wi<r modemi~ its Rule< of Civil Procedu.. (1974). C'iminal Rul .. of J>rocrdutt (1991), and Evidence Rul.. (1996). u,ing mod.l. OIM' Slales ha", .1", nord. So"", matte" remain uniquely ,Ia" 'p<"<ifi, as in family law. i.t. marri.1!<' .nd divorc•. How"""r. tht int<tltat. n31u .. of 1M partin now r~uire roopenlion belween Ih ••101.., .nd "",iou. up<"<u ... g<lvtrnrd by the following OC'$; Uniform IOlem.l. Family Support Acl ( 1998). Uniform Child o.mody

""ltdio:lioon and EnForummI Act (2000) and Unif<>nn Enfo'"""'''1 of I'>ornnlic VioIm<COnkrsAct (lOCM). ."... fcdtnl gowrruntnl Itu incrtas·

insIY ..,;w:ted 1c-gi>l>.,Ion ,hen allowed ,u,.,m OP' oul by p..,lng conro,ming

•tat" kgill .. ion. Cons'~ .n;acled tht

Eit<:lronio: Signa'ures in CIob;oI and io.w Commer<e Act Of "E-S1CN" bul aU"wuUtts 10 opt by pasWll """. fOrml", Ic-giolo'ioro on 1I.. lUbj«l ... did AloNma by adopli", III< Eit<:lronio:



""I {lool}.

In 2002, Congras pau.ed ,he Hrlp Amnico Vol. Act (lIAVA}."" Act pro-

vide! 1b.J. $l;Itts mUll


conForming q.

isUlion by 2006; uth<rwix, fnlcnllaw applir$. At. .... irocmIiIIt b - . maruncn~ $l;IieI will rtUi-.r a r.o.r-... parol \Q rnabIr th<m 10 implemenllho: _ t.-. Alabama pau.ed iu HAVA conkIt"ottin$ Act in (21Xll). LtglsU'ou I... rn of o,he. 1\. ln·Lows

through til< N.tional Conference o( Sme LtgisJ .. "." and Council o( SI.", GoYnnmenu.. "Sunxt" o( "Fncin (197(;). "Onn Air ""1"t20Im, and ugu. lolion of"Poy 0.,. Loo","t200J) '""'

o..ampln of mac\t'd Lows 1b.J, art Mid..r ·Unlf<>.m" 0' "Mudrl" AcU, bUI,

no""llI<,,", II. rtlml,kably simiW do>< to ,h. illtoreh.nse or , .... lc-gi,l.,ion. Th. illt ... l3t. II.lurr or I.w .... rtrog. n~ by lhe AW>ama SU", I\.ar when. in 1912, lhe ASB mad< "I.." Ihrff·cby Nr o:;am of all Alabama tnlinllO include On< doy oI"mulli·,u"," and lWO day$ 01 lati",by!.IaNma aarni ........ ln loo}, lho b>. wrnt 0"" 1I<fJ furthet- and...,... b .. lwo d. Y' o(·multi·... .. • . nd "J>< day of ALob.rn. n.mi""".

For LowyttS.1hi$ intorsu", conformity of laws provideo hiM.,.,. .nd inlOrpRU. lions from other ju,iMlictions. For 112 ,...... the N.tionaI Coo,I",,,," of Coonm$ontn on Uniform SIa", laws hu bcm writing uni(o,m.cla. ",. rQt.""",nu of the Low by til< " """,icon Law lrulitu,. h."" nUtt<! Jinu 1923. and til< modrI ac .. of the American I\.ar AMocialion aU Ki"-'< bxIt&round .0 proj. «u of the AIabam..J law lJ1101itul<. lbe lrutitul<, •• the ~ ofiuCouncil. lI""'ics 11.... uniform and ......M bws and tKOmtn<1ld£ th<m b AW>ama ......

A111.WI from wh..""", SOII'a" m,,>! fli in wi,h tho existing.nd ,u,roundlng law on the .ubj«l. The 1~J1ilult, through lu

.,........ 01 cornmittocs, lIudan!he "",. umrntndtd low, ...... OOIIf<>.mi", rn ...... and provida commentary ",pLoining the ~ Low. Lawyon Ita"" tIo.;. .... Ilable when lh~ n(W law io en&(led. Th. Code: publilhm indude the mmmill~ commenlary. 1...p.b1<)rJ in AIabamo do "'" haV<' indio yjduoJ teJatdo scaf( !.qiJWiV<' cornmin<a ....... """""'" p.... idtd ..,. .... law lrutitute 0Iiydurin& .... 1<pbIiV<' IC$IioB. ConxqumtIy, the 1egisLo1W"<" ondopendml ~ lIems from the LegiobIM RdtrtnU SeMce .nd the A1ab.ima Uw 101£IIIU'''. These .gmeics Ire minimally ....trtd al bnt. St.tts with budjI<I ~ "' AI;obo.m&, mUM obIoin the btntfit 01 naliDNl dralU of unilonn ond ......M at.U and ......-:t Iegiobtion &om other ~ ................ TholnAAuoc hal; dnftM olrno£t 100 major acu!Or A1ab>ma wbilo openling with a budget arl'rootima",1y fivt 10 ten pcr«n' of . hol in olhtf$'~teI. The loutiluoc rdlcs on .... ~01 Alabama I.owytts....too donate hunclrt<b of thousando of doIbn of )'CIllO prtpart It.... acts b the IegisLot~ Th;' pod I . )lw """""" 10 the bondI ond bar ialarzdy rcsponsiJIe b Alabama·, log. itl:;o.,iV<' J""V'S' inlO ............ milleMiwn.

law Institute Annual Meeting ",. Law hUtilUl< held its """ual mooting July 23, 200-1. Offiom dcaed wn-e: Rtpmentot;" DnnetriUl Newton, pres;. <kilt; $tnolOr R<>tI<r Bedford. vla-ptQi. <kII~ ond Bob McCwWy,...:mary and d&ftcIor. ExrcutM Coinmd,"," _ mb""


indu<It: o.vicIlIoyd. William N. Ridwd S. MWo:y, Rq>ratnt.oIiYo Ken

Cuin, o.Jdey w. Mdton, J.~ ~ Mi«d Black, Jamao M. ComJ>bdl. and s.... t.... Rodger Smith..m,n. The m«Iing ft.turtd • dilCu ..ion or "Acmunubility in Govern"",n •."

Panelists war; Sma'o, l.ow<LI Barron, prtSidtnt poo-t<m 01 the ......"" Rcp.-nuti~ SnIt lIam ..... "

Ipt2l= 01

lhe howt of ~nl.tiV<'l; Jim Main, f""net di""'lo, for the Stat. or Alabama; and 'im Willi.m" di.<:(lo" l'ublic AIT.irs CouncU of "I,b. m•. For me ... information oboUI the Irut;lu", ..... ny 01 iu pmj«u. COnu.ct Bob McCu,ky at the Alamma Law hUCitlJlC. P.o.lIo.oo 1161425. Tuscaloosa }S486-00l), fu (205) 348·841 1, plio ... t205) 348-7411, Of vUit our Web ,j", ..

.......... ~U.I1~ .... ~L~..

Thank You Thank you, President Bill Clark and Commissioners of the Alabama State Bar, for the recognition you gave to the Alabama Law Institute at the 2004 ASB Annual Meeting. I was honored to receive the award on behalf of the hundreds of lawyers who have donated their time and expertise to " Render Service" to the state of Alabama to moderni7.e Alabama's laws. - Bob McCu.lq

Opinions of the General Counsel

Lawyer Who Has Formerly Represented a Client May Not Represent Another Person In the Same or a Substantially Related Matter Where the Present Client's Interests Are Materially Adverse to the Former Client Question: "Th purpose ofth;, 1~1" is to ~""l • fo,ma1 opinion from your off"" Il'g"rding wboth'" my low firm .hould be disqu.Ufltd from r~pr...,nt;ng the Plointiff Corpomion A in litigation. "J btli."" 1h.:o1 all oftht ",levant ram art.ld out in lh. {.. Uowing docurn<nts

which are endosed: l. Complaint fdod by Corporation A • gains. CorporationS.nd Mr.)",,",

for dam.go> arising from an .lIogc<I bruch of «!uiprntnt!<cue and on a p<rS<>n.t gu .... nty: 2. An, ..... and ('.(Iun'erd,;"" of

Corponlion II and Ion ..: ) . Ammdmtnt to on."'", .nd counl..cia;",,: 4. Corporation A'J on.wo' 10 count..• claim.; S. App.... "« ofLa~r A .. co" ....l for Corporation A; 6 Mend.nt's Objection 10 Ap~aran« of Atlornry. wilh at!o<hM Exhibits A. Sand C;


unt1 {mm uWJ"'r X 10 IudS" Rit.,

with ,.r.rencod .ua<; and 8. Respon .. of Lawytr A's firm in oPPO_ .ilion to !Hkndan.s"Obj«tion.o App"r>n~ of Anorney'wi.h atu<htd uhibi,. I through 6. 344


"JudII' (tit< h ••• <kN th .. I requ .., this opinion from your offic<. Enclo$<d i< a copy of the orde, which I am .uhmi.ting '0 JudII' (tit< which I upc<, will be $ign«l $honly."

Answer: 11>< documenUlubmi!l«l wi,h your req ....., fo. opinion ohow tho, you, fi,m i< prntn~y ,."rntnling Corpor>lion A .g>i!l$l Corpor.uion 8 .nd Mr. Jon ... Corpora,ion II i< in th. bu.inelOof dnigning ond pnwiding prin,«l b",i".ss form$. k"''' i$ "'" pr<'Sidtn. and sole .""kholder. Thi$l.w.uit was fil«l on and d... 1< wi,h an . l1cg«l bruch ofon tquipnlent 1e...1«men. by Co'poration B .nd lonn. Th.,.., i< • coun .....d .. im and. third_party complain. .. ",dL The I.... ogreemen. wu m'e,«l in,o on July 29. 19&8. Co'pora,ion A i. d.irning dam. gn in .he amount of S9.120.00 as ~ result of tn. breach. During 1991. L:.wyt, A·, p;."""" (" Pa,mer") ,.".... n1ed )0".. wn.n he wu co",idtring the form.,ion of anoth .. «>rporation which would offer consulting ..,vicn '0 the same dimt.l. th .. Corpora,ion B .. rvi<<<l Por''''' m" wi.h Jonn on one occosion . nd ",j,h hi< 3«:Oumanl on . no,h ... Prior '0 'his, p...t".,. t..d neyt. had any de.Jinp wi,h ei,h., m. n. P."n., m<1 wilh "'"


IKCOUnwlt. Mr. Smith, and om, a I.".... 1M ...." d.>y ronfinning ",lit kq point< .... cx.>mincd." In AugUSl, P~"ner mot with loncs about forming tbe new compony. Tho ~~. h<' Jen. lones. fourP'F IeIt .... ""in3 nu, ",h<' essen,ial faru ,.... .mpotted '0 me IOfItIher wj,h my ~"""""iom for r..rthcr coruidcn._ ,ion". An.... .ha,. ... 1>0 furthcr cooIX, bee.....,.. """ ..... and IoneI or ,ho occoun"nL At ,lit md of AuguOl. Pan ..... om, • bill for hi, .\CTYOcn. r~r1n.,. hO$ .ubmincd an affKIJvil of hislUO(ia,ion wi,h Innes and aU <k>cumenl.l from his file .~ .nached 0$ ahibiu.. ~ is "" qlltltioo w. jones . . . . dim. of "'rl .....·• for a brief period 0( ,ime and tha, h<' obllincd infomulion in .1It (OU,sc of.1It rcpreoo:ntation. which woold h<' confulcn.ial und .. Rule l.6{a). Since lones is. fomltr c1i.", of uwyor A·, firm. Rule l.9 mU$t be oddrC$Scd when ."",her member o(.he finn rtprcscn .. .noIhcr piny in I bwouit >pi.... Innes. Any " .. ,,""', 0( tht fum is disqualified undn Rule 1.10 if ..." ..... hinudf would be disquaU!iocd by any .ypt 0( <OfIAic, 0(

;n,cr'QI. Rule 1.9(.) pwvidcs .hat llawytt who Iw fornltrly .. presented. di<n. ""'y t>OI ..p.... nl .noIhcr pnson in "the same or. wMcan'Wlr m..tcd rna" .. wbtrt thr presen. dicn(s inlC1"eOlS OR .......wty o<Iwrsc 10 W IOrmcr client' In dclcfminilll ..t.nhcr IWO ma'"", ..., • ...muntioUy rNtcd."w >COpC Ind wbjKI 0(.1It IWO rna ..... mU$I be .... mined. Tho iss..... involwd mU$I h<' vtry dOltly ronnt<"U:d. r." .....·s rcpreoo:nl.,ion of 1<>..... Ipp<'aI> to ha ... b«n brief and limiud in ocopc 0$ oppoocd 10 an oogoins rq>rcscn"'ion 0( jonrt. buoint'-f. If tht ,rial court finds from dlt Caru bcfo~ il thaI Corponlion A'Sluil i......... nlially m..,cd '0.1It ........ 0( prio' consuJl>'ion, lhen tho fi,m il pr«eludcd from .<t'reoo:n'ing Corpo .. tion A ag;oin .. Innes in It.. in ... nt


case. If tht finding is otherwise, then Rule 1.9(b) m ..... be oddrns<d. Rule l.9(b) is dir...:,cd to Ih. p"""'ion of diem confidences g;oincd by a lawyor the formtt "l""""ution. Public infonnotion or information ~ known is no! cnc:ornp....d in W rule. ~ is • praumpOOn tha, • la"')'r1" has pined <OfIlidrnlw informa,ion in the priof ..."..,..,.,... ion of. dien,. nu, <:an be r<buncd by 1ht lawytr. ~ is al50 the presump'ion thaI if . lawytr ~ coofidcntW infunn .. ion tho, lit will poten'iaIIy .... ;, in • ....yod....-.. to the IOnncr dicn~ In Wt ocnsc, if (J)I1fidcn,w information is in any pooAbIc way disacMD..-. to klrnICT dirn~ La"')'r1" is d;oqualiflC"d. If;, is found WI P."fIt' could ..... tilt info,m.tion lit gath..,cd during hi, "'OTt ,.prcscnwion of Jones, in .ny ad~ .... ....y. or ,hoI br would ....... n adViln'.gt boc.o ..... 0( his arq~iml ~g<'. !ben lit .nd fum ~ disqual;fwd from "p'cs<nting eo.po.. lion A. If an analysis of tht InlOnna,ion rcvtab ,ha, it could 1>0' ho used by ..." ...... ;n Iny way. in tho Corporation II case, 'Mn the firm is nol di<qUllif>td. The Disciplinary Comm;"ion is no' """'1'0 mah any factual or rMhcr find· "'" dcknninalr.. of this question. Tbcn is I moIion '0 disqwli(y pn>d"'1 in the trw COUT\ and ,booc .... " ..... ~ for thr COltn '0 dt<:idt_ Tho Commission would point ou' 'hIt th."oppe..."", of inlP"'I'riC1y";' no' the .t."d.. d II this ,irrlt .nd. tb>l, in and of i'sclf, rIMs not r<qui,e I disq..wif""ion. Th.a. ttrm is no! UKd in ,lit Rules of Profeuion:ol CondIKt. Tho appllalion of.udt I SIIndud ,ends to result in bLlnkct disqualifi" "ion bKausc il docs "'" 'm !lit actual .. t.tion"'ip. if any, hot.....,.. tM«l n",lt •• of the two rcprescn..,ion. ;n.o accounl. !RO-Im-Il! •






Disciplinary Notices Transfer Mobile allorMY Wayn~ Alan [hias was lramf~rrM 10. disability jnaclj~ .ta'uS df..,li"" May 20, 2004 by

order of the Di>ciplinary Board of the S"'e II ... {Rule 27 Ic}; Prt. No. 04·02 )

Notices to Show C&


~ "I><roby pvm to. Stophrn James [)uP"l'. who practi<ed !..'" iI1

Alc:<andria, Virginia. md whoso whtmbouts "'" unknown, that purSlUnt to an ord<r to show call$< of the lli>ciplllW)' Commlssion of 1M AIabam:. SUI< Bar, <!at«! April 12. 2004, he has 60 days from the date of \hi< pubOO.tion (StpkrnbtT 15. 2004) to oomc into. compliaoo: with 11.0 Oitnt StruriIy Fund 11 requin:mrnt for 2004. with the Qiem Security Fw>d ........ melll ~uimnenl sIWl result in a.usperuion ofhiolicons<. ICSF No. M-Z81 ~ is I><r<!>y givm to RKhard WaY"" Mil<II, Jr., who pr>Cliced low in


AlabMItt,AL1ham.1, and

w""'" "t.=-

.bouts ..... unknown, th>1 purwant to an ord<r to show ca.,.. of the Disciplinary oornmi>sion of the Alabama SUlO Bar, datM AJ>rlIll, 2(1()4, h< 11.1$ 60 d.j'$ from It... rut< of this publication (Sepl<mber 15, 2004) 10. com< in1o. romplianct with tht aiem Socurity Fuoo ....wn<n' mjuimnml tOr lOOt Notxomplia~ with the Oirnt Strurity Fund a$S<$Smen' ~imoem >hall ,.,.w, in ......· p<1Iloion of his 1icms<.(CSF No. 04--67J Kalrina Mu'min. wh .... Wh<"'dOOUI< .'" unknown.mus,.nswer the ,0.1000''''' Sla1< /la,', formal disclpli· nary charges within 18 days of

Septemw 15,2004, QT, \heTt.ft<r, lhe charges contained lh<rein .h.1l be dttmt<! admittt<! and .ppropr;",. di>cipliM "'aU be imposed 'goinS! IItr in ASB No. 03.234(A), bclol<O lht Disciplinary Board of tilt A!Jba"", Slat< Il>r. lASS No. 03.234(A)1 Notkt is htm>y gi .... n to Frank Moiont Smith, Jr., who pradictd t.w in Auburn, A!Jba""" and whoo< unknown. that pur·




suant to an order 10 !how a .... of tilt Disciplinary Commission of the AIab.tnu St.t~ Il>r. datt<! April H, 2004, lit hu 60 days from lht dt,. of this publication (Stpt<moo ]5, 20(4) 10 COm< into with tilt M""dat<>ry QlOtinuing Logo! EdOOltion nquirt1l1mlS fur 2003. Noncompl;"na: with lht MCll «qWremcnts "'all .... ull in • suspm. sion orh;. 1~.ICll No.Of..181 } Notie< is iI<!"<by gi ...... '0 [)a"id Mom, SobtU. who rrn<1ictd law in Cumming, Gtorgi ••• nd wlws< wh ..... bouts are unknown, thot pur· $ .... nt to an order to show ca .... of the Disciplinary Commission of 'he Al. ha"", State Ilar. datN Alml 2,

2004, lit has 60 doys from the date of this publication (Stptemoo IS, 2(04) '0 COm< inlo compliance with the Man<Ul1ory Continuing l<gal EdOOltion '"'Iuimnen!> for 2003. Noncomplia.nct with the MCll rcquimnmts .holl result in ••· .ion of hi,li~n"'. ICll No. 03 -137}

Disbannent The- SuP""'" Coun entered an order adopting ,iI< <kci<ion of 1M

Disciplinary Board, rand Ill, disb.1J· ring Mobilt attorney llIom.. Mi<hod Tompkins from lhe practi<. of law in lht SUI. of A!Jhama, elfee· ti~ Novnnbcr 5, 2003. Thmpkin. mtffed a con .. nt to disbarment on St-pt<mber 25, 2003. Formal ch>.rges had be<r> fileJ in ASB No. Ol-OlS(A) and ASIl No. Ol -22O(A}, . nd Tompkins .... iveJ lht fding of form.l ch>.Tg<$ in ASIlI'lO$. OI . 226(A}, 0) · 228(A), Ol -229(A), 01 ·27O(A}. 01 · H1(A), 01-233(A), . nd 03-013(A). The$e comploints im'OMd Th,npkin<' """l'1"""" of atto"",!,', rees, aft .. "'IIidI lit pnformed little or no legol work On bdulf nf tilt clients Tompkin. also withdl'<'W clients' funds from his tfU$t ><COunt fur prr· sonal use. Th ... rnatl<1'S itt...,jyeJ vio-lal1ol\$ of 1M following pruvis1on:; of the Aklb.:lma Ruin of Proft<>jonal GmJua l.}, 1.4(.}, 1.4(b), l.S(a ), 1.]5(a}, 1.15(c}, 1.16(d}, 8.1 (b), 8.4(c},andM(g).


The Supmn< Court or ALaboun. onl<~ lhot Jxkso,will... nom<J' loti ~br~ &om tho prx. in tht Sto~of...w.-.lOr. pmc.:Iof91""'" withcmlil to boo P-> lOr JO d.,.s l""iotuIy orrv<d. WeI ow· pcns;on to boo<otllt nroxn-,., On June I, 20001. The ,ulvcu.ion wu upon a dtcioion of the l)isclplinary Bo.ord fn'OkinI Formttr'. probal;.", wflidl hod poniouIIy t..m inlpos<'d.1in I'onnIn pit<! pty to vioI.o'in& !WIt SJ(.} and RuIt a,4(1} • ..u..b.>"", R~"" It{ f'ro/mit""j Gmdtll'l, 1'o,"'1tt ad.nittcd th .. he mtployftla dion' in adlangt' lOr ItpI <a'Vias ond, Lher.aftet. prIIYid. cd rnininW or irrIpropft traininK and oupnv;.ion dun.. ~t and ~ in ir.a11"opt;"~wndUC'l of. t .... oflaw

How to keep your family from becoming your long-term care provider.


..,....,...l.nd rauaI"'IU~ with ,he

Whitt on probotion, tilt [)il<iplinary Commission, in CIIItt, found that I'o"Uln hod vioIokd RIles 1.3 and 1.4(0), Alfobo, .... /Ma It{ P>of<~ 0-1"", in connrction with hi< reptT.....""Ilon of. husband and Wlk in • hilnkruptcy mI tt .. whc.-mn 1'0.",1..had not rimdy fik<I.nd complrlcd the bonkntptq.IASB No. 9')· IIs.{A)j


Montpnrry ~ Mitd\ McBnl pled .,wty btkw tho Dilciplinary Commission of tht Abb.oma Sl'~ liar 10 .... /o'.. inl imo. b",intOl rr.nsaction with I dim!. a .;oo.tion of Rule l.8( a).

..u,.r...... """'tfp'",...,..""o-I"", ~kllr>l ftpt ..... /&.dimtwho_

annnptin& 10 colka $40.000 &om ....,



othrr att.,.".,... When McBnl coI\r(tcd lhe, he ntgOIial«l with hio diml fOr on S8.OOO loon. The ~I w,Q not writttn. hut McBnl promiord 10 ~ It bock within about • )'rIt', pIu6 in1f1U1. Mc8eal did _ ~ tho loon. I'unuant 10' mndj,ionalguilry pb.1ht DUcipiinary Com.niWon Ii1>prndcd Melita! from Ih. practkt oflow in lhe St.~of Abb.oma (or. pciod of91 ...,... but otay<oj Iht JWptru.ion and pIaud Mcllnd on probaIJOfI. McBnl ..... ordoemI to . . . . ratitution.(ASB No.. 03.2O(A)! R.wtlJyilk . ttorney Iohn Frtdtridt Pilot ...... inkrimly ~ from the pncti<:e oflaw in tht Stolr of A1oIwn.o pursuant 10 Rule 20(0). iIW»mo Kula tf DisnpImtuy Prt:oarJ..rr. by order of the

..,.l1y ,ltinlu .bo.1I IonK·,erm arr

un,il ,hey n«d i" mud> koJ

.bou, who will

be pn>"idi", ,ho ~. The fo.;o: io

on< ...

bcaom ... P"'pa'" IU, ,I>< wo ..,.oJ pro,eel .....,.. impo... n, wi,h lo",·Term Car<

fi ... Am<f .. ~n' """', 50 will

lruunntt ftom 61"" C .... ....d

Blu. %i.ld of AI.h .. m., • company ,Iut'. bo.n P""""""S

A1abomi.uot for .,.... 68 ,... ... Ion,.<~,m


au .vensa' O'<er


nil tod.y f",

$40J)OO ,""".:tlly, i,', ,imply DO<

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1 888


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<nIDmu,ion ... 1 888 651. s.462. ViM, ... II

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BlueCl'Oss IJlueSbicid

. . -.

Or Alabama _em, _._-_. ,



Disciplinary Notices Di$<iplirury CommiWon of ..... Alabama State Bar, dUctivt Juno: 3, 200.1. Pilati pItd guilty in Ih< Unital Stat<$ District Coon fur the Nonhcm Distri<:t of AlaOOno 10 an inform.:otion charging him with making a f.ili< ....ttrntnl to ,t.. ~ Bumm of [nYO$Iigation •• viob· tiwl of 18 U.s.c. Sc<:Iion 1001. {R ..... 20(0); Pet. No. 04-{l5) On April 28, 2004, In. AI.borna SuP"''''' Court ..."ard on orOO occtpt. ing tM Marth 19.2004 om.r of Iht Alabama S131< DiscipUn.ry


Conunission ML<p<nding Troy .ttorn<y John Mid>od Woodham for 0 period of

roY< yea .... n1l'O.lCtM to f<br ... ry 20, 1001. PrMcIl'$ly, on Fd>nury 20, 2001, an order was by the Disciplinary


SEPT t M!ER 100.

COIJtitllled from page 347

ik>a,d, """"I VI, plocing Woodham on disability in><tivt .... tus. On ,"urm 13, 2001, Woodham oonS<"Jlled to di><ipli ....

consisting of • ,u'pen,ion fOr • period of fi .... Y"..... Woodham h.d bttn ron· victtd of fdony o~ The Disciplinary Commission occeplro Woodham', conoml tn disciplin< and ""P'ndtd Woodham fOT. period of ~ yn<$, rt'n);>C1i .... to tht wt. h. w;u plooed on di>ability inactivt <talus. (ASB nos. 0I·\3(A). 01-14(A). III -22(A) and U]·76(A)!

Public Reprimands Michul Hilding McDuffi" r=i...d. public rtp. imand without gon<nl publication on May 21. 2004. for .;Oloting

rules 1.1. 1.3 and 1.4(a). AR.P.C McDuffit w... ttloin«l to I'<'prt$tn! on individual in 0 dimr« modifi",!.!ion for • f~ of $\,500. The elim! paid. S500 r<ttin .... and within lwo Wffk<..]><Iid .notha S100. n,., dienl then m.d...... ~men!.!o hai .. his credit union .... 1<1 McDuIf.. S>II. week tow:lfd ]><IYmenl of 1110 f~. Aft .. paying $850, 1M eli",,! $top~ the WffkIy ]><Iym<nt$ be<;;,~ 110 had ht.rd noth ing from McDuffie, although 110 hod =rived ... uranuo from McDuffie'• ...:m,,,y tbol 110 would relu," 1110 dient'. colis. Subsequently.!1>e elienl learned Ih.! McDuffie h.d lost his file and he..., I"<"lueoted 10 ..... nd!1>e information to jl,kDuffie. The eli~nl complied with Ihe requeol, but McDuffie did nothing.

McDu~ informtd tilt dimt that lit had only ottriwd th< ;"niallt'tatr.n of S500 and th< lit would ntlwr ~ to

pay the $1,(100 twanu Of fotnd proof of pay"",m of th< additional amounn p.aid bdoft M would r.~ tM l>dition. Tht dient $Ont McDuff.. cop;n of tho font two cl>ccks be had written and copin 01 his cmIit union "at<mmts. H~, McDu~ told him that ... "not KCq>Iabk." Th.n'nft..-. th< dxnt tmnlnated McDuff", and dnn,ndt<:I tilt rt1.urn of hi. and a refund. McDuff.. ""tif~ tM clitnt that lit Io"(Juld Wmn $&50 within , .... .up. H. did 1\01. FirWly. aft..- tM lou complain' w ... flled, McDuff.. roturnrd $6:10 to th< dimt and mjumod that"" drop his COm· pLaint. n.. dimt _Id not withdraw tilt complaint.IASB No. 0).90(A)]


for , violaTion of RuJ. 804(11, ,u.".,_ IbJn 0( ~I CDtu/...,. In July 1001, Smith..,.. ....piO)'N by 1Ifr'1' & "'-"tos. Smllh began tq>rn<1Itln~ M'ryCo,k in an inlunnc~ claim. Cork had .ignod an .mployn.. nt contrac' with Ikrry & "'-"tos. In aU cOrtt' opondenc. with 1M (Iitnt and tilt iNU ... noo company, Smith Ut~i!cd IkTry &: A$soc:iakS Inll"fhtad. Onu the caS< woo octtkd, Smilh mj_cd Iha. tilt ad; ....... mau th< check payable to him ptrsonaUy and to tilt clknL On Augu" 28, 2001, .\ 11M- 1«1'"'' of Smilh.lh. adjusl<. KIll a . heck for $29.000 to Smith·, home odd ..... TIlt thtd _ mad< payable ,0"M.&'1 Coo-k and Law Off"oca of S. Vina-m Smilh." Smith took. th< check to th< bonk whm: hi> wife _ tnlp~ :rnd hod III< other checks i.....d to Cork Ind hil1Uflf in ~p«'ivt amounU of

$21 ,1:10 ~nd $1,250. Smith depooited the S7,2~ ch<d; in his pcnonaI """"nl. On Sq>tember 6, 2001, Smith orn' th< signtd rdt... bock to th< Idjw,er in • 1Ifr'1' &: ",-I.t« (nv.· Io~. Sm ith ..., .... r Idvi"", Ikrry lbout 1M Teaip! of tht Cork fotttltmtnt . htdr. Of iu dUbu.ormem. Smith ..,.. paid by 1Ifr'1 & "'-"t.. th""'&h Stpt ......... 17.2001. On M->rdI 4, 1OO}, 1Ifr'1 :rnd Smith reached an agrnmen, aboo, Ihi> {ee and Smith I..., paid $5.000 in otttlemtnt of thi.< m.ltu· IASII No. OJ· lOCAl!

On M.y 21.1OO4.Sdm. anomer Bruce Co"" Boynton receiYfd I publie rtprimand with .,....., publicalion fix a ..-ioI.o,ion of R..... 1.5 (a), A/oIbam.o R~1a 0( I'n>f-ioMl CoMW1. On May 11. ZOOI, tilt complain.nt hired 1Ioyn1<>" to a.. i.. her in , oileaing lif.

11 1114<11 AUan McGill re«iYfd a publ;" rq>rimand .. itboo, gmonl publication on May 21. 2004 fix YioL&ting ruks 1.1. l.), 1.4(b) and 804(, ) (e) Ind (II. A.R.P.c. McGiU'.1irm was rrt ... ncd to pum... Ihird.pnty daim on Ioth.tlf 01 I dimt who..,.. injurt1.l in I $lip-Ind. falllKCid<nt during tho cou ... ofher omploy"",nt. n.. fim..... not hir'" 10 repr ... nt the diont in a workl"r', con.~n .. tion caJt or I Stat. EmployftInjury Compcuation TfUft fund caJt. Tho cato ..,..,...;gned 10 two ooMr bwycn in th< firm prior,o McGiU', ..... &11 ....... t to tt.. ,&I<' in Mardi 1m. At tIM- tim< the tafot"" wigned to McGill. the >1atut. o{ limimi"''' .... indicat'" tQ run in Sq"emlotT 1999. 'n.. third·panycLaim ... 1\01 ftlod within tilt shlu" ollimitationo, which ...n dur;", th< time th< caJt was wi&ncd to McGaL McGiU did not notify tlw: dimt o. mnnllm of hi> firm that tilt ....t.... had run. H. ,bo millep,,,,,,nt'" to.M clknt that the cLaim had been filedlnd provided ru-r with I copy o{ th< complaint ,h.t M signod,lm, .......". fLIed. Tho clitnl did not diKovn that th< .... tu.. had run on Iwr cLaim untillOOl. (MB No. OJ· 57(A)1 On MIY 21. 2004. AlbertvU~ anorney St.v.n Vi"""nt Smith .eaivtd. public reprimand wi.hou, gt..."al publication

lR et..~&t PE ft..DID~

to (he Beach

SEACH RHoft..T (Of/..ANGE l\(ACH)

OCTOB f~ 22.;"'"2r.!o04 P~HNHD IYABI CU ,0·1'0 "\0 Il.lD IY TIl! f .... MILy L>-,W Ii ttlel< Of THI .... L>-,I .... M.... fl ....l€ I .... "

o..u 1·IOO·~~7·~SI 4 0" Vt III ................... IICl( .OJ...(;

Disciplinary Notices insurance p.oettds on polkia held by Iuct dtuasnl son. The contract that ,h. signed with Boynton ",lied k>T. rc,ai1l<1" of $7,000 to be poid from the in.u... n~ proc~,. Thi .... taint, ..... for 8oymon', dfo'" in bringing .bout a criminal prosecution of the penon who killed hr' son and .Lso 10 fiI ••

civil.<tion ago''''' ,uch p<'T'l>n. A con· 'ingent fee of 33 113 percent .Iso .ppliM 10 .ny Lawsuit r~ui.ed 10 colke! the il\$ur.nct pl'<)Ctt(\$, and any "'<:~ry in a civillowsuit (<>. wrongful "'ath. On May 25.2001 .• chrd< for

$25,000 "'.. pt'r$Qn.Jly &Ii"",cd to th. complainant and Boymon.l\oylIlon cashed the check Ind g..... the com plainant 118.000. kt-tping $7.000 for him ..lf. BoyntOn did nOt re<Over undt. the double 'n.urnn;,y provi.ions of lhe policy. Boyn,nn did not punue

any criminal pro«..ding. or civil




umtifHled from page 349

action ag.>'n., the I.. rson .... poo.;bl. for lhe rompLoinanf, son', dt.lh. Afte, obt.ining the $7.000 from the iruurpr<>«<d" Roynton. in eff""t, tOO~ no further .ction .nd stopp«! ode· qu.1,dy communicoting with tM rompl.inont .wu' ,h. rem.ining 011< walltN him to pursue for Mr. In ronjunction with I!oynton', guilty 1'1... he mad •• refund ", tlu: romplainant.IASII No. OI-307(A))


On M.y 21, 1001, l1Jscoloosa "'<>r1lC")' j.m.. Dwight Smith """,i\'td. publ;" reprim.nd with genen.l publicotion fur .iol>.tioru of ruin 1.3 .nd 8.I(b), Alaham.;. Ruln of Prof""ionaI CondUCt, in ronju""ion with. rompLoint rd.,.red by tM presiding judge of tM Alabam. Cout"! or Criminal ApjX"31s. Smith was .ppoint"" to "1'r<$<JIt • crimin.1 diont on '1'1'''' from a Rul. 32

deni:ol in lh< Circuit Court ofThsc.1oosa County, Abl:>ama. Record. indkat. that lht '1'1",>1 was flkd on August 21,2001. A bri<fing notict was .. nt Out tlul """"" day. On September 17.2002. tlu: roort gront«l Smith I ......,,-<I.1y eMensi<>n tl} fiIc "'" .ppdbnt', britf. On S<v!<mkl 24, 2002, the rourt gront"" • 45·d.y ..........ion. It Sntith·, request. On Nmtmkr I\, 2002. Sntith ""'" gralltC'd In ~itional ..,..n.d.y <Xtm$ion 10 No=nber 15.2002. Sntith failed 10 file I brid by that d.. ... Smith ""'" stn, • deficiency oolict by the pruiding judge, but "ill f.iIed to fIl< • b,;.{. ",. al'l""'l ""'" that mrundtd to tl>< circuit rourt with Jireaion, thlt Smilh k ~1t>OVed '" appellat. rou"",L ",. roun pfOl'ided thi$ inforrn.t;c.n tl} lht S.... B.aT. Smith also bdtJ to ....pond in writ· ing 10 this rontpl,int, while ha>'ing been gi,..n ample opportunity to do so. •


Law: Recrnt lkvdopmems

Position Statements and Evaluations in Mediation

Admin istr~ t ive Law: Recent Opinions Delivered by

Power I>crsuasion: Craig Ball Oil PowerPoint

the Office of the Attorney General, State of Alabama

Preparation for Compl~x Litigation and Pr~nlation T«hnology

ABA's Guiddines for the Appointment and Pmormance of Defense Counsel in Death Penalty

• The Top Ten Mistakes Mad~ by Trial Lawym


Volunteer Lawyers l>rogram: A Nation at WarHow Do We Protect the Rights of Our Service Members!

\'/hat a DiffeTt'nce a Year Makes: Civil Decisions with an Impact Upon Trial

Women's Section: Paying Our Ouer-Women in Bar Leadership

\\forkas' Compcns.uion Update 2004

Bad Behavior in Mediation

Belter Writing: 60 Tips in 60 Minutes

Compu ter Forensics for Lawyers Who c..n't ~I the Clock on 'lbe ir VCR

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Intellectual Property Case Study: Mumbo, Gu mbo, Jumbo & Checklist Labor & Employmen t Law Update

• U&al Ethics Update 2004 •

fo. lediating Complex Cases, Mass Torts and Class Actions

Mediating in legal Pr.tctict: An Invaluable Tool

Plu$ ... the CD contains the Alabama Rules of Professional Responsibility, as well as information and forms from many of the bar's programs and setvices.

Name: __________~__~~____________~~~7;----------------

Total Cost: $15 Please I9ITlit CHECK OR MONEY ORDER MADE PAYA8LE TO THE ALABAMA STATE BAR for $15 onc:I forward it with this order form to: CommunIco1ionl 0ep0i'".,1, AIobamo 5taf8 Bar, P.O. Box 671, Mo,,'JIICH'IWY, Al36101.

Classified. RATES

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)kmb<n: 1\000", Iooopn bar ............ pn .......... _. EXCEPT b 'pooition ............. "pooiboao

.&..d' .. ~+

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Srnd daMi/Wd <Of'!' ond J'OJ"II'I'1" 10 KimbnIy II.ol1lhm. P.o. flo>; 41,.. M"."pn<r\' )6101-41~ I>UU <bod Of _ O<do< !'Ir'" '" n. ANobo ....



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ecr-t.1'IIiIIcI G. c...t f3l.Il39tJ..77(I)lI' • _fM • . - • 1lIAffIC ACCIDUfl RECONST1IUcnON: I


IlidglIPo.. WoocbD;:k. ,.... :JIll. " (TIOI • DOCUMENT (XAMIN(JI: ~ '"

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1100 (XAM11fER: AfIRl£-andI.I. .....,

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• 8IUNGUAlATTOANEY: 1... . . - - as 10....,.. ~ 10 law ...... l'NOIIe:IirI litiIJIIr;IO ...III G.rnon ao, ... _ Co'IIk! Us, DIgooIr W Rid! 1t12O!>l9J9.9852. WrIJ-.

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ings Irt JIII!)IrId 10 ibtrBII my III"I\iOnS. 0... )l j'NrI' ~ in rconslJU:ttng ac:ci. dIoIU ~ by ACTAR. ec..tact Jo:two I 81", lOII·k.. 1tl!103l m595C.


d!ooI IIuauoNoI ~ 0..-. U.S Iwf/ CrioIonIIIoMsu;rIoGn "*'-Y -.... SotMr of a.-.or.d 000;0 •

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_"'~Iif;"""""Con\w;t~ o...t IJ'I. 1OI-ht. 11118881 nI-$95l. WI/J no: .... ' ___~~dl<llA,HAIS.

... dispIIt ...... PIoowa_ . . . . .

GI_-... ......... L4*."'" ~-"'wrfI ......... a ...

I'{ ...... in AI.. MS.IA R.


sc. Coru;t Hal K.


• IHSIJRAHCl. EXI'£IIT wmtUS: 8r" ........ fony . .· _ ...... ~25

_ . risI:-r'.¥'+K .....;orq......ctr!g.

.......... _ _ OopAiw,



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Caoro. ItIontI2S11851.28lj. E..... . ..

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For Sale or Lease • SOI111tSlDE B1RMINilIIAM OffiCES: o..r.

• MEDIATION: Bin ••"" _


mIIlu malprlCt>tllJil*! witnwts. III........... IIat 'III ......... v.... IItiSlICtoon


l.<lWM~in""""""~ Iibgoaan. ....... JJ+b( 0-. .......

Robert E. Per Mechanical Engineer

pert • BSI\IE N(lrwich UIli .'ersily .I\ISME Lehigh Uni.'ersi ly 'Adjuncl prore:ssor III UAB · Own~r or 2 patents J6 ,..,. 0/ ii..,.;rld <-A,..ri...c< o 1'o",,1'10nb" o In... III SI..,I mill. o l'ulp III mil"


~::;;::::::::':::;..-.;.-----' _ Fk<1ric h.......,. 0 (;tm.n, III LI_ ' 'lIfnl>


C"""J'U(tIon Si, ..

• o.....ind III hI _ _ 1taI Plallt> AI. I'ro/". l.ke_ No. 907S

Te1\'pho ne 205985 .. 0727

. .ng ""'" "'~I _ lor ~ity, ~~ offiot twdinQ. toItl\lllllllg S.QOl SCI- It.IOCaIId II 1111 22noI SnII. Scdo.

Classifieds Continued from page 353 GralIi;QtJon. .. Iton -...g Ihura ID

.......... -....,..


<m,. '*""',foo ""'" _

~ call

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........·.A merit. n k'xa IScarc h.50m Birnrillghtlltl (105) 'JJ'J.'I811 Nllriol/K'iut' (800) 'JJt).'J/]lJ

Positions WantedlOffered • ATrOfINFt' f'OSmON WMTEO: ~ ..... _lI.glnnlist M ilo


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r... ~,

~tiOlUol' ~


.... ~,tonIIICI cnftq rill ~lIIuon.

Richard G. lIrock, Esq.

Brannon .'ord. Esq.


bnnnon@:unc, klnlcgaIKarch.rom

Allanta Nashv,lIe

BirmIngham Tampa

MemphIs Ne .... York

MIamI lo s Angeles

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u._ ~"'~


; _


bn.1IIIpQo!d 10: AnconIr ill

1ll')8211O • •


7 '-.

_1Iboo... .' .__

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nll/llfll ~ lirmlloullld in III oeM ClIPi~ CIba. '-"-' ltd ",*1hIIdIr1 rnusI 11M • P'Ofi~ bool 01 ~ \IuoitIw!tld . . .' 'j~oIIioI MIrIIIuol*a.lllip • II •• bISId ~ flU lim'" SIll"""

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Jason Pee,·y. E!KJ .

....,....~_.a. ,.,~


~1iIl 10: MwgInu!'a1rw. 0gI0. LiIM & l.\lWw.llP. ~O. Bo. 1865. ~~3520' ·1865,


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Atlanta _ Nashvll io



Momphl s No .... York

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