Lawyer 9 05 web

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SeptemlHlr 2005

Val. 66. No. 6

ON THE COVER Presidem Bobby Segall wirh wife Sandy and sons Joshua arid Jacob at rhe Rosa Parks Museum itl Mrmlgomery 11>;' cover honors \he Mon\gomery Bus Boyo:on and commemorat.. i\S 50lh anni......ary. Tht owt1 also nono" w ~ dtool$ion in BroMkr v. Gayk ",oched by Judge Ridu.rd RiveJ.nd Judge Frank M. John""n, Jr. In tt..t dtooision. Judge Itivts and Judgt IOOn""n held !he statutes.nd ordin.tncts rtquiring ~tion of motor bu$<$ in the Ci\y of Montgo~ .;olativc of the du< 1""""'4 and equal pro\caK>n dawes of the Fou .... nth An .. r.dt""n\ to tn. Constit ulion of W United St.t... AUIlIIMA STATE JAR HEADQIIARTERSSTAFF " j I>nkr A...... """' t p>m<TJ. A ~ "" (H (»4) 269· , j ,!, (800) lS4 ... ,S4 · FAX (nO) lO1~'O 1',-""" .. Wd.~.., ....-...w....."')


AS B Sp ring 2005 Ad mitlees

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A Pers pective On the ASB's Inaugural lead ership Forum By Tripp Haston


learning 10 lead By Rich.TII J. R. Raleigh, Jr.


H ighlights from ASB 2005 Annual Meeting

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By Patrick H. G ....... Jr. • nd Alyce Manley Spruell



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LEADERSHIP FORUM: 346 leadership, Service an d Professionalism

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Taking Care of Business: No n-Consumer Aspects o f the Bankruptcy Ab use and Consumer Protection Act 0[2005 By J. Patrick Darby . nd

Christoph.. L H. wkin.


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Table 01 Contents »

mnri"~.d 0" P"g< 312

Table 01 Contents » from P"~ J21

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Byrd I'. Dillflrd'$, ble.: Deciphering the AlaADEA's Statutes of Limitations Language Sy H. Willl. m Wudm and Kr;.t;n Taylor A.hwonh


Beware the Litigation-Based Waiver Trap: Protecting the Right to Remove In the Eleventh Circuit Sy Chrillophc. L Frml. Ca .. ;~ w. MitchcU and 8 ..11 ftarrillln


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President's Page


71Ielndq1ottlmaoJ Our lUi/kin".


Legislative Wrap-Up HomcRuk


Executive Director's Report


A N~ lmtg·RIII/gre PIon for 71Ie Afnbamo StOl.. /Jar


About Members. Among Firms Opinions of the General Counsel




Important Notices

UlW Finll$ When

Conlaaillg (}lIr Stull

NOII-/.DwytT fmployres Ql<I1rgc Fimu

Implllw Disqunlification af

Positioll A lWilabfe: Assist/ml

34. '"

(inlffll/ Coil/un


Disciplinary No tices

Bar Briefs







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l.<I1dAmeri:a FiI.n::iaI Gn::l4< II'(. · 2200W:xdJest f"Iao; StJIl' 330, ~ AI. 35209 f'tnle: (&Xl) 831~7 · Fax:{20S) 81)8.1011 • ........wl.n:lam.a:m

Michael E. RO:Ie •VIce President. Nea Mlnagef/CcutIeI.~.can Foster G<xxtNIl . /1lfl'q f\ep"esmlatM> •~.a:m eM; W. (ail · Sei;)' lIrK\eIwriter •o:ain@!.nj;mcan Rebeaa E. M¥lasco ./q!«:y ~tatM2 . raook@i.nlam.rnm

President's Page

The Independence of Our Judiciary only loftn pmiMn! tWQ month., bUll can 1~II.hady--il·' prtll y cool. 'iuh. if. 0 10, of work (mo.dywo,k OIMn ma'" for you). but. boy. art ,h~rt perks. I mean, you. lifo <hangn corn_ pIc1dy. I nolictd i1 r~1 ..... y. The firsI lhi", if peopk Irt ,numled, Of pretnId to lit, in whIt you tuw '" oay. And, ""'" when what you Ny is ....ry. peopk .rt poJilt': "'Tb;I(,"n inlaali"l idta,~ as to "CuI tht BS.1Iobbr. bt omous." N<-oorr mmel that I ..... sniou$. Thqr uno .. gr mce1ingo ..1Im)'Ou ....lIt 111m>•• nd '<lmfli"," ""'" ~ you want Ih.m. Most or}")ll .... f.mili., wi.h ronnieu in )'Our fCht<lula NOI rn.! No mo.-xupl for 1"_ pesky judS.... of




ooul$O. Now. if Ih.....·•• conflict, 1he b,a.

,t.ff <on forms =n'_ ' 0 my schcdul •. [ don" ...... haw to &SIt. 1'h.ty want 10 be hcipful. It', .lmosc liU b<in~ brt... -Md. (Nol .ully. bull ..... olwa)'J heard1h.11 prnidtnl ~Id try '" indudo KmaI rd<nncrs in hWhn column. h', .n...· lion B"',i...l Anocher 1hi"8'""'"1O'l "" J"'UI" own tUtioon"y. II ~ "'Tht 0fIiu ofm. Ptts;dm," and it ~ J"'UI" IWn< on it. J',... ntYtf....m hod J'ftlOnai <I>!iontry wilh my name on il. (I had 10 fight to got my ~rm 10 ;,,<Judo my """'" on i•• SlI " 1io,I<1)'.) So. roullf, I'm writ"" IOn> of leil ..... No! llul I h."" mu.:h 10 wril< .boul, il'. juu IhOl I low ...u.g my staliontry. So, if)'OU re«iv< • 101.... from me tItIl rnal<Q no _ . pItaIt ~ the ""nImt and jwI know !hoI I wan~ you to _ my .....ionfty-with my name on it. .... p«$idnIl.)'OU alto F' .Ioe of 1'= IOod. In facI. it)'OU lChtdult tn<IU$h mMinp .. tho right limes, )'OU an cui oul burinIJ fOOd 111",00. ThaI', the InI "'...,.. Dous Mcf.lvy lpoI<r to $0 many IoaI bar wociations. E""ry on< of thoem pnl'>'idcd lunch or din ..... TIlt bnI puI is


tlut fOlIu or~ in.uh«i if)'OU olfn 10 I"Y for)'OUr food-;r,nd I'.., karn«l that good bar preoidtnu try h.. d """,r to o/ftnd. 324



I'mty impreos;wIy, )'OU gtI calli from folb who ~ woWd Iu"" cill«I rou hod rou no! bftn pR:Sidrn1. II."" )'On Ntr" bftn caIkd by tho wuing chief juuiu of the AJab,un" Supmoo' eou... <>too than 10 oOOciI • ~ rontmution ba<k when tb:It ..... 1<o!J>trl1 ........ Iud Iwn. but """"

J F' calk /"rom tho chicf,....iu. 1t~"Bobby Ihif" and "OIirf Iusti« tIuL" (Ok. I'm =amt.... oby.1yInc-buI ht IY$ aIcd ..... onoe, and ... caIkd me "Bobby:] aIcd h.... -)UU1« Nabrn.; ]'... olJo JIOIInI calb from f«I<r.ol judges. ~.1Iy! And, $0 far, 1M won:I"""n' ttmp'" !wn't bftn n.. ntior>td. Om judge "",n invited me to tho EI""'nth Circu it Judiciol Conftrcn<~ who •• J got to ... Mi.m;.b.1nI humor ... rit.,. D.v.!larry Ipnk at lunch. lI.. ry laid lit """""" to Mi.m; from tho United States. Somwn< ot my ubi< osktd me it I Iud ~ to AWwn& from thot wn<" COUDtry.1"bankI to ci>ility ......... from McEivy. my was (. lin") niet<, and......,.,., ,tw. ~ Carlin" ........ o;J;ny "",rds.. ThaI', .no<..... thUl' ..... p«$idmt, ,.,..


gc1IO'"l' oulr~'lhings-just Jib, Iiowltrd !>ton lo" .. Jib,

rou ......



,h ... And. no .... ".,. how rodical you $Olund, p<'Opk pr(1ond IiI<.. you'", no!. dopt. Son"l imrs, you can It!! iI', h.rd for folks to p.... nd. Still, thoy try. And, tome1imrs, my out"'gwu, ""mmonts .an .<lually bt 1""1""i.... F<:>. <':Umpl., I SltggtSt«i to Ktil h Norman tItIl tht b.. """'" from .leeling its president to a proem of ....,.it s.rIection. Ktith laid tho molT bt hurd me talk (about 111 _ anything). the- 1>t11... the- idt~ ..... ndcd. ),,,,, 11110 Inmcd IOfTIC1hing p<elly importUo, as pmidmt,),,,,, Inmcd tlut candor is the- ,,"t policy. M.d McGwi", (Iat;fying on .Itroids briOlT Congrcss) tought ..... thaI. And. "",n lhough «>mt pUt praidtntl haYr .ugsest«i that can· dor ....y not al .... ys bt the ,,"t practkt.

Cumberland School of Low is indebted to lhe mony Alabama altorneys ond iudges who contributed their time ond experti ... to plonning ond specking at our ed<xationol ... minor. during the 200A-OS academic year. We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the followin9 individuals 10 Ihe '<xC'''' 01 our ClE seminor•. Co,m.n s . ....tom. "80

W;lIiom H. AI ........... rv Jome< P. AI"""r>d.r t...1.. M . AlI.n .... 1

). W;11.,m hr..lman '69

J.,..i>/> C. E'fIY III Emma Robinoon &on.

J"me< F, Ar<hibold III

Gr.ggB.&. ..... ). 00~1"" F;.ido, J,. '90 F..d.tick L. Fotv.II

Dovid R. ...... ndoIl '75

Loigh Ki ng rorslm<>n

w. Mjcha.1 Ale""",,, '611

s.c.muol H. Frnnldin Hon. MorI! E, ful ler Ricf.ord M. Goal '91 Hon. 10m.. 5. Go,,.,. ']1

omnK . ~I1 I '69

Jose"" H. Iwghtman Hen,.,. Clay Bamoll, k

S-n A. s..n.!;.Id Hon. 'Tho"",. B. s..nrHon. 5f>ot.on Lcw..toc. BI<><kbum'17 Rob.rt G. l!oIi. k, k

Povi P. Soh.. lioo w. 80tden Hon. Ko,.." O.

Bowd,. '81

Ea...,,-d G. ~ '85 Co~ 5. B""""'''''r Hon. J<><k Codd.II R<><co Colom""" J,. La"", A.


Coria C. Gil.,...,... St.,.Mn R. GI<IUfO!h Jell",,\, M. Gmn! /Iv:x B. G,..,.,.. w;t"", F. G,...,

w. McColl"", Hc>komb '8~ JoooI R. Hom .... ' '95 Hon. W. W. Ha,ol"", '71 Ea...,rd L Ha,din, Jr. J. Morlc Ha .. '78 Alic"" K. Hcryn.o '87 K.nneth D. HcynM '91


Hon, John L. Co .... olI '70 Clinton C. Co".,. '90 Wol,,,, G. C"""'""" Jom .. S, CM",., Jr. John S. Civil" J,. W; 1I .,m N. Clarlc Pattie., CIot/.tt.,

S"'pNn D. H.ning.r

Gi"" D . Coggin '9J Shown J...-d<iN Cot. '93 J. Thoma. Corb.n 0..:. ..... K. Co,1i .. '89 CM ..."" D. C,""" J. Pattiek Do>rby Cf.arI .. L o.noburg B,on""" P. D.n";ng MOcho.! S, Denniston [)a,oid R. Oonoidoon '80 Hon. W.Sccn ~dooo. '64


S""", D. Doughk>r> cho~ .. H. 0""" '98 Joono S. Elli. B. Kirkpottiek II '93 Micho.! D. Knight Aiv<l M. Lamb. ..

Mo,k D. Hess At... L HoItoford, Jr. '85 M. Ann Hoc:b ... p Jon M. Hugho. '99 Nancy C. Hugh.. '91

Cloud. E. H.....,I.,. III

R. Edw;n Lomb..1/, '98 John T. La ...., '00 F"",_ S. loti" '8J Roboo .. W. 1M, J,. '78 Dobto 81<><k L..<> Colin H. L.h Rob. .. E. L",k, J,. Rob. .. P. MocK..,.i. III '80 Hon. Alioo H. Morrin DoUQk>s McE/vy Cynlhio M. McGough Mi<:ho.I D, McKib!>.n Reb.koh K. McKiNMY J. Anthony McLoin '77 Fmnk McRjg," Rober! G. Met!win, J,. '90 W. ~ Mit.o,lII '90 Ctui. Mitcholl Hon. To"""",, O. Mj, Roger S. Mo.....,., Pattiek K. Noko ... "", CO«>l S.... N.loon '77 l~rd J. NooI"",,1I 1

Philip P. Not"", '7J St.."" L Nichoj",

R.,.., Notmon '81 V. Mjcr..ll. Obmdovic 'OIl Thom", L OliVe< II '89 Hc>n. John ~. On '8~ t..wi. W. Pog., Jr Hon. J. Gory p""" '76 W. p""" 'B~ William E. Pipl<in, Jr.


Ricf.ord S. Jo-II. f,onkS . Jom .. 111 Jo....... J. J.nI<i ... Qo""kI R. _ , Jr, '90 G . DougI", _ "79 G,"9"'Y R. J~ '81

C. RoOding Pm lindo w. P""", '89 N. DoW~ P""", "IJ Rober! O . Pour '80

Mlf.o"l' A. '80

Harlon I. P"".. IV

Jom .. A. KH, Jr. '85 T. King '88 M. Chri",,,,, King Ky!. L Kin.,.,. '92

Jam .. R. Pr"" III '78 Pattie., J, '90

Hon, Cory! P. Priv.t1 Hon. R, [)a,oid Prodo.

Hon. T MichooI P"'nom Sa.,.,. A. Rogsdcol. Mi<:ha.1 V. R",muoHn '76

where goOd people become exceptional lawyers.

J....... p. RichotO ~S. Rj,d>ty

John c. Robbi .... '87 AlonT, R~ Gt.orgo W. Roye., J,.

Robt<! 8. Rubin John D. Soxon


L S.1b)' II '9 1

J<><k W. s.Idon Rondol H. Soli ... Jock""" R. S""""",,, III Hon. Will""m A- SIIo.hy '81

Kirk C Show R. WondoIl St..f!i.1d '87 w. Scott Simp"'" "13 W;lIiarn H. Si""" '78 Hon. Jo""" S, S~ W, Stoncil Star ..... '17 Donold W St....,~ W;lIiom B. S,.wort '90 J..,niI•• Dcwn Slith '98

Conni. R"Y Hon. Rod.tick P. Stoul Herwy C. Sttieklond Will Hill Ton"",.!.,., k Hvb.rt G. Taylor S~....,..M.TayI.,.

Ja ..... T_ Hot1 . Hermon Y. Thomo. R;kS. To ..; Mi<:ha.1 J. Vo1 ..i, "15 Alb. .. L 11_10.-.1 II Mori<>nF, Wol"", '76 Oonold V. WatkiN


Poulo Worki.... J. ""'ric Whit. '7. J",md J. Whit. f . White, '80



5,.phon E. Whi!ehond John P. """'~ingt<>n ']2 Cynthio f. W;ll<inoon TomWnght I-Ion. Sf.oro<1 G. Yal .. Tomulo

R. Yo1ling '99

JoyA.Yor\:'Sl ..

V""" fO/Jowjng "am••

<lfr><>tt- Cu"' ....kmd School of(""" olu"''';.

President's Page lilt ..-. "",aninV'ul1.bil\& you fI.d to do OJ president it IIlk obout issuu thot a~ critial.o OUr profmion. So, I'm going 10 candidly .han (to"'" 00 my (rq>rnsN.) (..,lingo with rou .boUl1h.,.. c,ilial '»un: Th. way w¢ "ltcl appell"t judg" in Alobaona ,..kt! (B .. p ..>idents can't

say·.··b.·) Con .... IV'" On th"! Tho .... no mort crilicol WI,Ij' than WI of 1M ~. mu of our jud;ciuy. boIh in practitt and in pnuption. PtopIo - " 10 know----Io

belie "" u..n wt.m lMy wm< 10 court, Ihry wiD rtaift;.wier and rmn... un'ain'..! by contribulion< &om pI&intiIf ~ dorimloo L1~ II.. Buoincso Council. ,he AEA or CWl'I Karl R.,... .,.. Iam<s Corvillt.. Th< way .... rdtcI out judges, though. and eopeciaUy our oppelIot( jud~«>lUly ~', o!Un mt.n_$pirikd. and otw-.ys dtlTK.ln_ i"$ .ltclio,_ltads 10 juu lh, oppo;sit. ptl'CC'ption.' ~allt. Afin 50nlt of th .... ·W<eStlmlon;""-llylt contnu., ou' win-


nilltjudft~ oboul as figu~oblinsjudgo in III< OIynopia.'

Th< 00 WI .... ha... , by plOd rorn. .... cI<ct«I, fOr tht InO$I ~ WtntM, 0011<$1 and good people has ",ade no denl in Ih< pcrttp1ion that OUr judga .rt "poI;1i<ia". in r'<lbQ." II Ihtll' • bttltr waf. Dub! Th.t Alal>ama iI ..... of only eight .Im. (including MilsWippi) that >till sdccu iudFl in mud-lJi""ng tItcOOns (fully prot«I<d by ,lit firsl Amtndmmt) SUS~ moybt no ....... ~.In my Yirw, and in 1M viow I bdio¥oo of tht ..-whdrninl m.tjorily of tho ..... II iI

.... that

tim< 10


IO'Wlid tIw our sys. is """ !hoI !Ix pubtic a=pU 0$ ~I ..... ond !hoI gMs wbsI...,. hi !Ix conap! !hoI wt art o "'Iioo (okay, 0 .mo) rukd by 10... and

1m! 0( juot;':"

byl'f'Opk. w.~. and ... mUS!. b<'gin 01 !Ix !01' of our judicial food


with our opp<U,,< C(JUJ'U. And I h.a"" 0 plan, or o! k ..! 0 bope, okay, 0 wish.

2005-06 License Invoice

ptam!-doy I~ Hctlin--<lIi<f)ustioo }kft;- m:l<In-n Moso-to kad "" out of!lx wilcItrn(:a And. _ do D«<I"

chariIJlIatic I<>d<r. !lu!....... wilh • &f<">!

I<>d<r, this "W;\;t for Godot" "tind: C2Il, and haJ. lI«onlt • rru!<h ""d. tvn1 wo ..... "" CXCUS< for no! trying. We hov< to makt J'I'OSRS" now. Together, we can do

\awyrB art fUJlpOIOd to ~ tho noysoym;and rist 1Ib<M poIitia ..... sdf· in!<T$ ............. IN)' -.n tho upMk'''' <i tho day. And, rist .... WmpIt irItnio. ·~·nreans...-than

w.:. • fitll ~ ....... a


I!', 00$f 1O..,!ho! ........ _ D«<I is.


Ilia 10 "",,:onodwr, and ala! _ comJ>lrinl with OW' Otdt of I'lofmiooll>l Rnpomibibly. J1w', basic. No ..... db! is ~iml.Our ""tor .... 0$ ~ \awytf$, is to promo!< in AIaNma 0 sys.


!mI oflaS1i"ll jUS!ia, 0 sy>I<'II1

in """"" ;nl<'gri!y and iml"'ftWity our cili=» will imP'*' t!'U$! .nd con~dtnu. "'~ mil$!

(G>n';.. ,....J Dn page 328)

Occupational license

Special Membership Online at!

Invoices for 2005-06 occupational license fees ond special membership dues wi: 1 ue rfluded In ear ly S(~ptr;mber. Your 2004-05 occupational license or special membership will expire September 30, 2005 . License fees and speciol membership dues for 2005-06 are due in the Alabama Stote Bar offier; hy October 31 , 2005 and will be delinquent oHer that dote. Occupational Ilcen5es purcho5ed aHer October 31, 2005 will have a 15% late penalty added to the license fee. Payments should be sent to the Aioooma State Bar or may be mode online at If you have a question, please contact the ASB Membership Deportment by

or by telephone, 13341 269- 1515. 328



\1 \H\\I ,H"UV·;I III U HlH.(O'\1l'\11'\('IH.\1 filii \tIU\

Fall Calendar 2005 Justice Harwood Received'

;::'~~;~i:~;,~G,:e;W~i~n Awar

this issue

SEPTEMBER Friday, Social Security Disability Law - Tuscaloosa 16 Friday, Practical Criminal Defense Law - Tuscaloosa 23 Friday. The 8001 Camp for litigating an Automobile 30 Accident Case - Tuscaloosa

OcrOBER 7 7-8


" "


Friday. Administering lhe Decedent's Estate - Tuscaloosa Friday. Saturday, Family Law Retreat 10 the Beach - Orange Beach Friday, Rea l Estate - Birmingham Friday, Immigration Law - Tuscaloosa Friday, End 01 Life Issues - Tuscaloosa Friday, Serving as a Guardian Ad litem in Alabama - Tuscaloosa

NOVEMBER 3 Thursday, DUI Defense - Birmingham Friday. Medical Malpractice - Birmingham 4

Graduate Tax



• ·vgrarn

caff 205-348-2648 for lf7formalfon


Friday, Collection Law - Tuscaloosa


Friday, Hot Topics for the Litigator· Tuscaloosa Thursday, Back to the Basics· Birmingham Friday, 24th Annual Bankruptcy Law Update· Birmingham

17 18

DECEMBER 1 2 2 8 8

9 16

!l()X Ilffi<e SI.ecial: 21 Save !lie ill 21 September 22 12}27·1/3 AIlICU



Thursday, Alabama Update· Mobile Friday, Alabama Update · Montgomery Friday, 28th Annual Estate Planning, Birmingham Thursday, Alabama Update· Huntsville Thursday, Tort Law Update· Birmingham Friday, Trial Skills· Huntsville Friday. Damages and Remed ies: Awards. Interest and Al\orney's Fees· Birmingham Fri day, Trial SIIills · Montgomery Wednesday, Trial SIIilIs· Birmingham Wednesday, Video Replays· Tuscaloosa Thursday. Alabama Update· Birmingham Ski and CLE · Big SIIy, Montana


President's Page dtmonst ... ~th:u


lawymtrulydo .....

justa. thaI .... ~ obouI riPl and """"'6and thaI ... caR """'" tho Iopq r:A justio< .... ......, boor <hiIdmI ond b , . who ~ us. Our go.oI is cbr. W~ must conv;""", our IogiolaIUrt and our dlizms thaI tho mrrit sd<aioo of 'PI"'II..~ judges (.. opp<lf«llo bar prroidtnll) is an idta ~ timo: Iw rome, and ........ and como again and osoin ond again.' Md, ...........! "~ 00 ~. <hariJ.. ,""litbd<r,~oIirn~ rtpuUrion Ind ability. Ie> gui<lt us. ~ """" our 1nOO, despite tilt ohortcoming> of my offoru lO recruit him. Not VI:'I'y long ago. I aJl«lln. pmon BiU Oar"" t>d h« commUte< on judicial srioa"",' 1.11 mo>I IiktIy in ALotwr.. to bot. ~ rnodtmdlyjudicial .do.".. ,,1 ~ "11owIon. ... ""'" I ",obIt"L" And, JU01ioo Gonnan ItOU>lon , with his usual equanimity, fiml


~ "C:lns",tuLo';onJ,

1M :IOOth

funny man, you' ..

I't""" to Jay th., 10 ......"

()II" to .his .uspKiouJ boPnninjl. snnal COfMliTttt mnnb<n.nd I bid OUI • oaK

11101 I""ioo HowIon, t..vinJ penonoIIy pu1~ in our ptUCI>l fY"t'" of judi • cioI dtctions, undtntood fIr 100 well W. 01", btgcd him. Fi ... Uy..... promised him .l.. <k"hip I<om with .,hid> 10 work,' .nd WI: promixd him )'QUI hdl'- Aftt, WI: modo cInr WI .......... no! rryins 10 cha ..... Inythin& brloK tho 2006 cIcctiom, 10 tho vea' and !II>O'I fonu ... of ... all. luSlia Houlton, in my .itw Ilw uItiJn.k prokuional, >gI«d IOIftW. Of couroc. "'r III hI'" rol .. 10 ploy. To promo!. meril KIOCCk>n.l:un willing. if """""ry. to dnn.. n mystlr. "",n mo ..

th.n wual. Ifnothin' .... works, 111 run for \he 1ppd.U•• bmch, on • ticb1 thai"".. AIntnc:on (idol). IudAI' Paulo Abdul. \Ok couJd be dtctcd 100, beawc !'.ula, along wilh W. M.rk Felt, will h.n-



(<<rnp.oign l ooHdl.lionl. If .i,h..

JudII' Abdul Or I.r< .Itcltd. mnil ..Itc_

Why pay more than you have to? Tho _ _ _

-. IYC--


_iI111og11 _ _


-"lII. __


Blumberg li'c.~· _


... UHZl1

'.:.11,..,. _ .-,._ 328

$(' TfMlf. IOU


'ion will quidly pin Alab.1nu·, ""'" critical need. My p$l, :md bopo. is lhM you " ..-., n:aIistlc idraI ......1 how to """'" our IUIC _rd • bc1t .. """'Y of odoaing iI' .1'f'd!a1C judgn. If 1/1" is an ....,., >bou, which you .r< inktt)lffl. or on which you a.. willing to work, wo,k, pie.... enua me .. ~,.Jfr8_>'<Dm.


nftd Iowyor p<>WCf.' I( you ~ with

me, and with IUSli« '""""""'"!>taw< you f«I rilhtT th.a. OUt .ppdW. judges >houId be IUbjtcttd to hwnilialinl rltctions or I"" OUt ;udi<ial .,.sl.rn 5hould be pn-(tim.! by "'" public .. lhe bcSI money coo buy, pI<oo< do 001 .·n.. ~ me. (Kklding, I

...... opnking to~)' In oddilion '" irnpn:Mng Ih< ~ in wIud! .... odoa our ;...ltp. our profaoion Iw od><r critical iowcs, _ , ... , will be d~ in ~unl' rolumnl. 0... wch iss.,. ... 1..1<1 10 indig<n, <kIt-n.., AIict an intkpmdm' judiciary, lhe occond PfOOIl of. >ystcm of 'NO jU>li« is p"""idinc COlnpCl"'" dcfemo wwycn to indigmlS who ..... bcm dwJtd with crim<:s. To prori<I< rnmpn<n< courud. ifsl"lf<tSNf')' to ~ counsel. :md 001 10 have. system w~ lawyns risk btcoming indigent in ordcrto ~m i"dig<m .. We ....... trio lis in tho, .~ right now. W.. hov.o to oddrc:ss rt. The chid" jufliu Iw :appoinltd • comrnisoion 10 addrc:ss ~,:md our bu will tokt • k-.odnWp roIt in th.a • .fIOrt. Anothn-critical ~ .. rivill<pl Kn'. ices 10 lhe poor. At • linl' whnt Legal Services Corporation funding h.. been (ul w.y l>><k. this bu.• nd .... 1."'Y".. in Alabanu, muSt dono •• OUt$t1vn 10 lind· ina • way to assu .... Ih;o, our disadvan,~ dliz<ns au not left wilhout fundament'! dvill<pl...mca.. Mou wiJI be lOid .nd do .... in that" auU by our ..... b,ar ,hroup.oul ,he )"t •• and. il i. hopc<\. for )'tn. into Ih. {ulurr. In, [ "'""t you to know t1ut serv· inc .. pmidmt of OUt wnifitd bar i< a thriDinc eipO,im"" and an ~ honor. The ~ foo- ....,:md poobal>lt b......,..... .... who Iw ....... ......d, has bten 10 meet :md """'" with $0 mmr won· dmul p<Opk. Although I don·I g<I OUt much, I..w)"tr$, to me..... II\( best and


mghtOSl peopIc in the world-the mosI p»Sionat •• the """,t interesting. the mosI >in<en'. the """,t caring. the mosI ........ g<1ic. the mosI ad.1p"'bk. 1M mosI a •• tivt. .nd tvtn tho mosI mtcrtoining.· Lowytrs llf'< good and tN< friends to Oil< .noth.....,Id to their clients. Uh you. I want our pror...ion to I>< all it can I><and tha1"$ a lot. [ also w.on, Our proFns;on to b< p<rrdvt<I by the publ ic for what it '"- oobIo ..,d courag<oU> .;.aIl ing. [ look fo"",rd wry much to working toward that go.>! with all-wdJ. n\art>< oot "all "--<>f you thl'Ollghout thi!. ~r . nd bcyond. •

1 ~ "'" _

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Tbe m ost difficult problems require tb,e

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Illost innovative L-esponses. \\'two""_d_I""....

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a- _ _ _ a,.... &-., I ..... T_ c.m-.. 8iR CIool. _ _ _ _

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Executive Director's

By K£irh B. Nurman

A New Long-Range Plan for the Alabama State Bar


n 1994, the ASB IIo>.r<I of Bar CommiMiontrs approl't<llhe bar',

firsllong· ... ng. plan. The ,o.k fo ... re<ommending th.t plan was <haiT<'d by

Camille CookQfTwuJoosa. Typically. an organization', long-range plan ""ould be revioed or updated ~ry three In five )"'. ... Th. 19'H pLon was "",II ron«iW<! and ",Nt<! lh. for ovtr • dtcad •. Virtually, every goa' addressed in Ih.

1994 pion


.ccompiish«i, ,hank> to

tho dfort.< of many b.. rn'mllt,.. who "",Iunt~ ... d and ",rv<d on b.rcommi,-

lea and t.,k forces. In 2001, bar Prnidrollllrry Morris

'l'\'Oint«l a Long-Range Plan Task For« to draft. ~ pt.n_From 2001·2004. ,h" wi fotct worUd as nint .ubrommin..... In 2004, n....'!y·.IeaN bar Ptcoidcnt Doog McElvy .ppointod a ""'" Long. Range Pian Ta<k Foru (2(){)( Ta<k Fortt) to compl<tr the work of tht pm'iou< task for... H. ..ked Coin< O'Rea. of Mooik and Kan-n Bcyan ofTwcoJoos;. to """'" OS chair and vict-<:hair. re:!p<etivdy. 'Thos< on the 200S T.... Foro: included: Oavt Boyd, Montgomery; immedi-


~t Prcsidtnl Bill Oan. Binninglum; Sam Crmby, D. J>hne;

Caro!i".Gid ......


Rob<rt Gon"",, FIorcnu; Wibon

G........ llinningham' Anthony Joseph. Birmingham, Karen ~1a.. in, Monlg<>rn<ry", R..... kab McKinney. H .. n'''~ Tony Mcl.ain. Montgomery; Tom M",, Montgorn<ry; former bor Pm;ide", John Owm .. TU$CaIoo$a,Gaaid

Paulk; Sm,bboro, Pm.idtnl_EltcI Bobby s.saU. Monlgomery; S,an

Starnes, Bim, ingham, Bill TrusoeU. Pell City; .nd D•• id Wirtn, Mobik. In m<1king its r«omrnmdation fon I><'W Iong.r.rng< plan, tn. lOllS T,.... Force ~ • grt;I.l dtal of inIOrmalion, including: the 199-1 Long·Range Plan, In. 2001 T:uk Force l ubconunin« rq>(>rl$; the reports of. nwnM of standing rommil......Kl t:uk foro:. of the bar; input from former bar p.<$idents; the Iong.rang< pWis of other< hors; and the goaJs and In:1Ids identified by the National As.oo:xi.olion of ila. E=:ulMs and the AmcriGtn SocicIy of A<Krialion E=:uli ...... Caine a'Rear presented the 200S T:uk For,,", "l>(1rl to Ihe Board of Bar Commi ... ion<rl fur il> con.ide1'3lion. The

new long· r.o.nge pl.n u propooed by the 2005 Tuk Force included. mruwn "a/cmm. dclining the foundalional pu.".,... of tn. hor. The plan included . val= uplaining "'" bar, co~ valu ... con.isten' with its miMion. The plan al.., included fi .... broad goals. The goal.... synonymous with th. b. r, ma;o, obj«· lives. Tl>ty influenct ,.....,urces, .uffing. ""mmilt« charges and se<lion initi.,ilU, Finally. the 200s Tuk Forte rq>(>11 identi · fied .... ttgj ... 10 advance the design .. <tl goals.. Th;" POSt May, 'he Board of Bar Commi ... ionen appr<w«lthr ta~ force rq>Ort. adopting the new iong·rang<c pl.n for ,n. Alahama SUI. Bar. TIw: enli .. Ioog· ... ng. plan ".m on page 332.


(Comi""rJ en p<lgt Hl)


ma 401 (k) plan?



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Executive Director's Report ALAB~STATEBAR


3. fup«ially Iddreu Ih. <qul .. ion or IIWY<Crs n01lk"nood 1<> pIX! ;" in AI.tam •.


With respect 10 prof...;"noJ rom~ and ..... icr. I. Part ...... wilh Ioal b.lrs 10 mcourag. <'"tion of men· lOring Of buddy proarams-

].. Rrno:w .m.ingCLE """,imnm... nd nec<b. willi ~

n.. ntisoion mtm>ent of the A1Wma SUI. liar is:

ciallOcw On:

The Sla,. !lor is dedicated to:

... Effcaivmess of corry.......... of hoofS pf"O\luion: b. E=npl;"n II "3" 6~ ond~; c. Number. availability and quality or progran,,_ and

1'rom<H;ng ,h. prof...;"n.l mpon)ibility. compt1C1'1Cl1' and JOI"f.cI;"" of il> members, Improving 'he administration of jultict; and


Inc ..... ing 1be puhlic un<!<r'J.... nding ofond

"". n..



",,1_ ... of It.. AlaN .... SI01t liar is: Tht Abharna S.. k &r is guided by tho val .... of.


Inttp'ity; and


GOALS AND STRATEGIES I. A n ur. the HiS ..... Stand.rd. of Be. Adml..lon , PTof....lon.1 Conduct a nd

d. CoUI'SC On prof... w,nalism for new lawy<crs to .nsure th.11 contenl, 1e"81h and p..... n1.';.,n ot< oppropri.



1. Conlin ... 10 work rooptTllr..-Iy ";,h '''" ComrnW.ion on Prora.i<>nalism.

o..o.r )w,...••

4. Coolin"" "'" ~r'.·~ Sbow" 10 maintaIn Ind incrnst awarm<Sl 01 Of'pottunilits oIford<d by "'" bu staff. proyam. and CLE. ~. D<-vdop PtOS'"rDS for lawyn .runing On ~n.l financt$.I.w practice mln'g<!mnl and qu.lity·of.lir. is.ucs. 6. Encouragt LoW)'ffJ 10 pursue public ..rvi« .nd 10 Ktk public offICe.

Prof...lona' Competencto a nd Service. It. ....11h Iapta to ~n and mtmbtnhip: I . E....... Iho' admiision S1.nd.uds.nd bar nominl1ion " .... nl and con"".nt with tI>< 00.

prO(tOcn no'ionally. 2. En.ur< , h.t the bar nomin.lion i •• n appropriatt ",•• ,u •• of minimum <omJ>(t(nq. 1. tho h>,'sli.oison with In_'I''t Low Jd>ools 10 odd .... w.... of mutua! inkml. inclnding: ... Enouring limely Sludml rqio'rolion with Iht b.&r', odtniWon ~ and b. Considrring pofl·low ocbooI inl<1"mbips for aU

graduates. ~.

Rn-itw - ",[unl0'1 inaCli",,' and ·irn>O~· rmmbel'lhip ta1<gorin and lh. rult$ rtprd'n, 1ransilion 10 uti~ "'IW, with patlicuJ... mphIJi. on; ... I!cin ..... m<nl coots:

b. Ed""'tion xcountab~,ty; and c. Economic irnpKI 0011,," ~r. R. Wilh =I""" 10 prolcN.ional condllCl and rqul.olion: I, ihiodically review and mak l'KOOI'Imm<ialion. rrprding <fuciplinory ruI<'I and pr<><:Nurcs.

:l Conhdtr as.ptOJ of uniformity and expcdimcy in di,· ciplinary rull'S, ulili~ing lh. notional modol~, a moura.



II . Ad ... nce Impro....... nt. in the Admlni. tr. tlon Of .Justice. A. Support w .. lcction 01 ju..,", ond judgn in • mon ...... ,ha' removes 1M judid.. y f"'m political ond .pt'<ial inter· <"$1$, pr...urt$ ond inAueow, I. Support .nd poIrtici,,"'o in .tToru '0 irnplem<nl Ih, rec<>m1llCtlda,ion ~ by 'M Bo,ard of liar Cornmif4;on.m in 2004 lOr <"$t;)blUhing m<,i, ocIcction of oppdUte judI"].. EotabIUh. commil1~ or tool: lOra: lO.<tudy "'" ......, of >tlKlion of circuli and du,rict judges and, wnc", oppropriatc, roordl .... l. wi'" ,he df.,.,. of the variow rirrui, .nd di"rict jud*",' il$IOCia,;"ns. 3. Con>i<kr .ff":'ivcneN of ocuing minimum st.nd..-'" and .. perioneolevels fo, jud~ .. Ieclion. II. Iner .... public und."tonding .nd tt$p«I for 'ho Low•


I, Conlinue public ""OOIIIICftnmU and ",ml"isns. ].. I\uild rdauon./lipt and portnnships with 011 $Iokd!o1d. en (~I, privoI", ........ tion<, found.o,ionI.. (tC,). C. ~ public _ to hich quo.Iity kgoI .......... rrp ...... oI6nmcia1 or other omomsun<>:$. 1. Enhanu public r«<II"ilion by lllte .nd local ban for Lowyns eJlalling in p"",iding pro bonn ..rviuf.

(Omr;num on I"'gt JJ4)



Executive Director's Report 2. Prom<>l~ !h~ pU'P"f'O (01 ond UK of Small a.m.. Coul1 through In .ff..:ti~ rrlWi. ,am!""gn. J. Er.plort marub.ory rundina mt<h.ani,_ f<>. lop! ><:TVices for undtrpriviltgtd Ind poor ptnons. 4. Support tho creation of • .\Iruct..,.. Of mn:lwlism 10 ~, irnproYr and I'f""'ido KOlO1nlabilq for tho provisiod 0( indivnt WpI ~ \hrQughou' tho SLlIt'.

O. lit tht Indtt in "hm.. ';"'" di$purt moIubon. 1. £ncourag< judI!'" 10 ffiluirt rn«Iiation of oome>lk r.lo.ion cases through appropriate court


2. Adopt additional rulH con«rninglh. qualific.otioo and l1'>.inin8 of .rl>il r.llOrt and .... Alobama Codr of £t~1lI

lOr .,bilnlOtS. 3. Dndop pamphlru dirtntd 10 , .... public which ....... _ oily opbin 1M obh",tions and potmtial COOl.


for partir< irM:>/Yod in ;ubil,"';';"" ~.

Explort th" rnrnll of promo!'n. AOR for _ l.wytHO-la"'l"" di>pults.


£. Enhanu tho "Ia'ion,hip bttwttn thol>a, ond judiciary.

1. selling annual """'ing .it. and wua to correspond with .tat. Circuit J~' Associa,ioo mmin" 2. ~nl' tuk fon::. compolof'd of jndiciary and bu mombns 10 adduo$ boIh anor...,.., bd>nioo- ~ judges and iudKn' bd\avior

bem .no......,...

III. M.lntaln en Effecti". Stet. 8 • • Organization

And St.... ctu ... A, Rigorou>ly p••~ th. rol. of,h. bar .. on ;ndepend,n' o .... ni ... 'ion for


prof... ional integrity .nd

.. If. regul .. ion.

6. Aaraoivrly .dvoca~ iN.... whKh ~ tht bar', mit·

sOon wot<mmt , """ do 00 in a man ..... wIUch miaimizn fn&mrnlOtion &rnOnI ito mm>bc-rs.


L. Rtg.lrdin&poIi'i(;ol or ~ tho bar.t.ould IoU positiono andIOf u,ijQt iU mooROQ only with

.-..pea 10 ,00.. issua wh;rn oro to tht bor'. ... ,«1 purposes. .ud! as reguJ.tion of tho kgaI prof.. slon, the improvem<n' of tho q""Li,y of Jo:galservi«s and of the adminiltra,ion of juSlier. and II>< promotion of lhe publk', undn$tandi", of .nd usf'Kl for .1>< Int. 2. MonilOf and. if Ippropria~. oct on cur....,1 issua (Onurn". the rqulalion of the profcso.ion whkh includt. &rnOnI 0Ihen, fcdenIotroru 10 rqulate lawyno. multi· jurUdictionol proctier ,.. il;"l"," and ~ Ioac ...... admi .. ion ruks.

C. Moin.ain tho financial htolth of tho bar """ ilS compon.rnts. L. Muimi .. lhe purpose Ind uliLit.lllion of the ...... b,tr foundation •. 334

! l ' T lMlll HOS

2. MonilO' income: and .. pens<t and d"",,1op nOW n"o'Cnuc

w"= D. Enlunce tht ..... work of Local.nd spe<iahy bars. i. Pntvid< piela"", and ,~tcn os d<nn«I Ipprop.ia~ for the ...... bar.

2. 00e...1ocaI bor «Inf<m>« 10 prumOlO t<!uoolion and

_,king lOr Local voIun'..... It.odns.

1. Consider whether a ..... work of"regional"bars-W Ise more dfecci ..... than ooun.y or ';ngl. circUl' hors in

110m< Irru.

E.. Promo .. an <fTeeli ..... mucw .. for .. rvk. by b.. oommi.';oners. L. CoI1li<kr ',rm Limi .. of not more llun lwo OOf\X(Ulive 1<1"IIU, with an opIion to..n ..... rl<ction.oo ';111", out ......... 2. Dndop a ttmpLol<! or unilOrm dectrooic rq>ort for bar commWion<rs 10 send 10 local memb<n..

}. Appropria'dr pol' minut .. of the oommWion m«1ings on the b,t,', Web .i... F. Develop training oprortuni,ies ror new odmitl«,.lnduding rrview and OUCff"",nl of the olf«tiven<$$ of tho b,t,', in.ugu,aI l.ead<rsltip Forum initi .. «1 in 2005. G. Study the opportunity for and impKI of .tr~;..,o ..ution$hips with tho b,tr. H. Sludy the oommi,,« and lCCtion >lructu ... of tht hor 10 ......... that the ho. is bes. silua.«I .0 m«1 tIS mistion In<! goals. including ",...;.!na.ion o( "rap;d responoo<" «Immitt..,. !o ""'um~, (or ohort, int ..... pro;«u.

IV. Serve Member Need. While Enhencing the U.e of Ber Technoiogy and Communlca tion._ A. CondllCl ~ """Uty-of-lif. JUrvqr in 200S. with >p«i.aI focus on >ludtnl loan tkbo. and ~.iliu mults 10 he • mnnbor-driwn orpnil,a.ion.

B. Promote the prognms and rnourteO of 11.. bo, by mokilll OC«$$ 10 re>our<a "wn-frltndIy" and a"fir>! dIoi«-" for

'''''' L.

Cono.idc. how • "b •• ooJ>Ckrge service" might ""","" ~' 2. Dn<!lop lsendiu p",,"nu.luch II huhh inlur.n«. and progr~ml which aui" in pror,,,ion.!. eco_ nomic a nd personal d<vdopmenl for lawyns. eu.'omiu, pacb8'" 100 promOI • ........,., bmdiu and oervm to various '"t<sO"'" of memlsen. such ;II dndopinB "lUi... ofbtndiu" tarvtinB ,"", i.d pncIi«" "",.ints and ,p«iaItza'iotu. C. ~ Iowycrpulidpolion in meaningful WJ}'IOIIoom",;,,-. in >«lions and in od>tt bar IQb. includint! tion ol. """"'u" of opporIunitin fur I"rticil"tion in the ho •.



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Executive Director's Report V. Advance the Principia. of Di .... r.lty.

I), M.uimiz,o II>< 11K of IIeChnoIogy i>r ~ oomm..rua.tions.

I. o..ttIop...ideo nWCtUlp and onli .... rolLabol'<l,ion to that rural ~ an ......,. patticip,a~. 2.


Anlicil"'~ .hal t«hnolott' and 1M In' ...... will M 'M communication medium of choi« for mmlbo ...

2. Promolt "m,inu";"n of di", .. i'y principln in bw "hoo! odmiWon •.

3. Study and r~po" how ,h. -,i'lU.llow offic."ofth. futur<' wiU opt'r"e and .Ifttt t~ bu. 4.


1/,. bar 10 un<Itt$W>d _nd :lJIticip.1t ttdu>ok>-


P' as it impacls tM pnctia- of .................. rri.uions, ~ and

Tht 19\14 Loof;-Raner I'L>n I'fO"'Cd to lit. vallUbIo planning tool and road map for the Alalwn" Stale Bar. ThonkilO Ihe "",rI;. of


"I>ny clcdica1cd bo, mel1lben, 1ht 2005 pLon w.uId be no Lt.$ helpful 1$ • fu1U," guidt for ~ !he bar focl*" on il< mission. full"~ bar . . . . 110 do\IbI will lISt !he 2005 Lons·1WlF !'Ian Jo dtwIop futun, prosnmo tN1 wit help improw If",,,,b.. ...,...;a. and tnOUR 1ha1!he .. 1m rontinueo 10 fulfill iu ~ ~ irI OIl dJtcIiYo and dfiocit:n1 .............. •

pon ...,;n! with alli.d org,oniutwn.,o best position the Nt ,h. public and ilS mtmbm. Comin~



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mcdi. "tamp:;Iign of.he ~r' iniU"'M, r.uhrr


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Memorials Oarl:, Jam~ Edwud Binningham Admitled: 1941 Died: May 28. 2005 JOlin. Rod~ KnI)""1

Hunuvilk Admitted: 2005 Died: May 16, 2005 ~nnedy.

Din /amu

Mobile Admiued: 1972

Died: May 20. 2005 McDav id. And...,,.,. Scol1 Tusc.l"ol<! Admitted: 2000 Died: April? 2005

Montiel. Gnnulo fi lch Mobile Admined: 1949 Died: I\'by 27, 2005

Sullivan, lamrs Dennis Mubilc

Admitted: 1965 Died: Dm:mbcr 23, 2004 Taylor. ROOm Mauy Binningham Admin..!: 19-40 Died: June] 2. 2()(}S

Wart, DilII id earl Sr.

Millry Adrniued: 1988 Died: June 12.2005 Wireman, lohn Wheallry Thscaloosa Admitted: 2003 Dird, Jun. 10,2005



GEORGE AUGUSTUS TONSMEIER, J R . Th. Mobil. 8.0, AI$o(;.!ion honorS .h. mtmory of Ow'!!" AUS,,'I'" To~itr, lr., who died february 18.2005,.nd rec ogniuJ h .. conlribuliQn 10 ou, prof.,.· .;on UId Our city. George was. nat;"" and lifelong midttU of Mobile ond respec1ed member of th< MilA for more thon.JO ""IrS. H. • graduate of McGill IlISIilUte ••,~D<kd toui$ioru St.o •• UJthoonity ~nd ~ .... od from tht Uniwnily of Abbama School of Law in 1914,and wa. .dminod 10 tht Abbama St.o,. &.or thaI w"'" ynr. Goo,. -. • hi&hfy mpKIM ttonod prKIiTiona, >p«ializins in rnI ....,. .... tlm. He bog&n praaiu with • brief IWOCialiool in his r.thrt', di$linsuishM 6rm ofT"",mritr, Hodnott~ & I>kFaddm and he ...... Kr'O'<d1O$ a puIlim< ptOI«UlOr with tht Offict, of thor DUt,ict Anomor Ot.arla Gnddick. man of impoo.;ng sto"...." which mud! bt\jtd his kind Innpnam<nl .nd chmfuIanjludt. n.. contIt"IOf1l hoard from ......,. ~ havins dealt with him w.. th., t.. was a "R'aI srntltman." Among his jnlnnlS, G<org.o was ." ovid HMI opor.ttO< and gonrn>Wly &""" his lim< htlping sr:nittrnm and "".rom on fomsn .w""", >loy in I<HKh wilh kMd 0.... and family al home. Geo'i<' did .his for the lroops in ViOl Nam.


c.o,. __ •


c..:q. ir. survn..d byhir. wife of 19 Kar.., A. Ton.smttotr; d.&ught<n RachMi Ton""';'" ( Rick) 511'.... 0( Cdumbia, SC; Topn Ann Tonsmritr 0( Mobile Trauy Ma'l\>l'tI Torurn<ift of Mobil.; a broth." William G. Tonomritt of Mobile; aad nlee'" ... phew$. «lUI' .... OIh ... r.LoIMs. and many wonderful )ftts.


Grorgr was. I"' ....., $I. Mory'.

Qmrm and is bu,itd in Old Spring HiU


Important Notices

Contacting Our Staff JII>I .ood..... way _ • .., making,.....' N' .vailabl< to you! £11119/120


" Publ,c;n ionl

Ex! lWl3S

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I'IpM'll"'''''r. o/)(

Position Available A SSI STANT GENERAL CoUNSEl. Tht AIabarn. Stolt &r is DOW ~ing applialions by In, ... with IUUrDeI and wriling samples from qualJfo<d LaW)'<1S fOr tht "",,!>On of -'<Ianl t;mtraI courud. ~ af'l'lications >hould ~ add......., and maiJ<,J lO:

J. Anthony MclaIn ...... Nma St .... 1I;u Gn....lCOUn ..1 1'.0. Box 671 M<>nISOmtry, "l.b. rna ~IOI Thi. positIon r"'luir~ on .."".icncro Lawytr with. 11rongl'rorffiional background. will bt (o",m, ,,.urale wIt h .. and maturity. 'l'ht dNdlin .. for subm, .. ion is o<,oM 1.1OOS. Th. AI.oo",o 51. lrll. , is an 0<1".1 OI'I""lUniry e",ployr.. • ~I.ry"""


Bar Briefs

Alabama C;,il )u!li", Foundation rta1ltly presonlN a S2,OOO check to Kid


On< Transpon, tIM: <mly "'mprQfit trAIl_ <il system in A1abi"", for chiklrm and expectant mothe .. in need of medical ill and without moans of 'ronspoMation. AelF h.. givef1 "'.. , 5671.000 to granu in MontSOm<'Y County". Kid On< <umntJy has • pmen"" in 39 count;"" and h.. provided "'..". 81 ,000 rides ,ill<t ;1> in«plion cart whrn they au

oish' }'«In ago. I'or moT< information. S" to """"Ldon<.O'll. David ~n Ashford ...... ftCtntly inducud .s • Fellow imo the ["I .. nolio"al """demy of Trial La~. khfonl practicn with H'T<, Wynn, Ncwtll & Now!"n in Birmingham. H. is one "r 14 ron< inductte$«l 10 join the &roup of 500 national ."d 100 imcnlOlionallawyers.

The Pe<roleum TWlI\ology Tr:onskr Council Eastnn Gulf Rtp,ion """ounus thai BenMlt L Bearden, an ASB "",m -

bor, h. s b«n deaed ... ddeg." to ,ho Amcri<an AMoc;' tion of Prtrolrum Geologists. Bn.dtn will i01'VC a thltt· ~r ~nn

r<pr=nting the Alob,m> ~ogiul Society in tht AAPG Ho .... of Dcltga'es. AAPG is on imernational geological organi"'';"" and is ,he world', ~I p",fmionil geologk;tl >ociety with """" 3OJlOO mtmbns.

Beml... is dir.aor of the PTfC E.t$tem Culf Il<gionol offiC<' in Tu<caJoosa. Birmingham auorn'1' lock Cri.w.n h,. b«n naJmd chair of th. Automobile l.. wCommiU<"<, of the Ton. Triol and In.unne. Proctiu S«tion of the American BOT Association. The Automobik Low Commiu<"<' i. made up aUorn<yS nationwide from both th. plaintiff ond def...... bars.

Durward & Crome. in Birmingham announc.. th.t C. lohn Durward. 'r. hu beeo,"" • F.Uow of th. American Acad.myofM.trimoni.l Lowye ...

Dd>o ... h ,. Long. $tnior vice.pre.ident .nd g.nua! coun ..1 of Protecti •• Life Corpontion, "'as recently.I"",.d p..... ident of the Auociat;"n of Lif. InsunlK< Coun .. l. Found.d in 1914, the A>ooci.11ion of Lif. [n.UfOlK< Coun.") is a na tion.1 b..r usoci.tion whO$< memben "I"tstntthe ~fe in,unnC<' industry. Long p ..... io"'"'y .. ~ u pre,ident·tl"", of th. os.soci. · tion . nd. ITom 2000-2004. on th. boord of so",mors. William I. Gomble orS.lm. ho. h«n eOO«l president of the Alabama [)flrn$t Lawyers A.!.soci.ation. Dlh.. officors elect«l ... e.. P'lrk~ L W. s.fton of Montgomery. middle di,triet director.• nd Edwin K.Livingston of Montgomery. txOCuti", vice· president. I.ivingston ha, olio b«n installed . , president of the Alabama Council of Auoci.,ion Executi ...... William W. Honon , with H •• kll Slaught.r Young & Rtdiker of Binningham. hu b«n n. m«lto ...... fOr th. fOunh con ..,uti", rur.s vieechair of the InHoY$< Coun$tl I'nctiet Croup of tht American H •• lth Lawyers A>ooci.,ion. Additionally, he wiU .."", in 2005 ·2006 u deputy chair for pro· gram, of the AJlU,", Sa,ban..-O..rey T..k Force. The American Pha",...:;'" Associa tion recently prt$tnt«l Alabama Finan.. Director lim Main with its Hubert Humphrey Award. The .ward..-cogni .... a phann. ci" who ha, m.d. major contributions in go .... rnm.nt at thtlocal. "a" or nationol l... I. M,in

i. fi .... _

dil'fClor a nd Gowrnor Bob Rilry'. ' 01' b..dgel.dviKr .nd was also chirf of .taffond log.Jl.dvisor.o then· Governor Fob !.~ (rom 1997·99. H~ p,"c.i«<! law for 25 y<"" in Anfili.on and Mon'80mny .nd wo,Ud in Union Srrinp and TllKaloosa 0$. phornlKio1 from 19(,3· 72.

Retimlllirminpam ottornty john N. Randolph iI II.. autho< of a poIilial hutory of tht N.otio~ Forw WiIdor ..... -......1 tntitltd. 1M

s.,,,k fow ~ .. lIliw.. ...... pubIi!.htd b)I 1M Univmity of Abbo"", Press, www. ....Pf¥u....ud~.Th. book deI.ils th •• igniflcant contribution of.

of AUba"", la-...yen to t~ 30<$Iab/i.h .nd tnIugt 1M SiJ»e)' Wildern ... Arto. to c.... e the o.uh •• nd Dugge, Mountain wilder· ""'" and.o d($ignate the WOSt Fork Sipsq' N.tional Wild and Sctnic RIwr. num~r

year effott


Matt Ittynoldl. with the finn Podrn lie

podrn.1w hem oppointN dtputy pmbo •• judI" &«1;", Juno I. lOO5. I-k rq>bcn Eddit Vi .....

are seeking to minimize overh ead expanding their areas of practice.


rmtly ......... ~ 01 the Mobil<

Susan S. ....~ .• WrehoIder in the lIinninglwn ~ of Ibkn. Donobon. 1Ioumln. CaktweII lie IJorkowiu., PC.1w bHn t\t(ted 0$ a FdIow of the American Aradnny of AppdLo", Uwym.

\/V\ was desigled espedaIy for small firms and solo practitioners who


Jool" Judson w. Sr. of Mobilo ...... r'Ktntly .... mod J>lUid<nt of tl>< Unl"",ily of Alabama Nati-onal Alumni ........,.. ,i-on. Wtll. holds a bochdor'. <l.rv« from UA and a juris from the VA School of u...Aft..- «<riving his law ~ in 19116, I>< practioM law for II yoart in Mooik Iri>ro being rwncd 10 tht bond! byGoo. Fob Jnn<s in 1997. """"'" lit _ .......... a district court iudfe for Mobilr County. E-k <Uf-



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C,nific.1ion r,rcllltlges University of Ala!>."," School of law .................................................................................... "...................... .. Bimlingh. m School of Law ._............................... _._........................................ __ ........... ,.. ,............................... Cumbcrl.nd School of low _____ ................... ,....... ._............. ,.. ,................................................................. . Ion.. School of Law ..........................•..........................................................•............................•...........•........... ~ I ilts CoIq., of Law .•.•..•..... _....•..•........ _._ ....•.. __ .. _.•..•..•..•..•. _._ ..•..•..•. _.. _.•..•..•..•..•..•. _._ ..•. _._ .....•..•..•..•..•..

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'''' pn-unl

did< on · M.... ben,· aod Ihm d>tcl: 0..1 u..,

Alabama State Bar Spring 2005 Admittees Abney, Charles Eugene Adam., Cassandra Washington Agnew, John Micbael Aldridge, Adrienne [..( Alexander. Danid Ray Andros, Vanessa Mari.

Barr, Paul Allen Barron. Richard SeO!! Bass, Charity Erin

Bea, Stefany LaFawn Bell, lohn Wesley Blackmon, Duryl Tyrone Blankenship, Brandon


Ik>lIaert. Adam Anthony Boone, Ginger Orr

Bourne, Adam Lynn Britt. Danid Jawn Bush Jr., Arnold Cameron, Jennifer Anne Carpenter, Andrew Ellion Cleveland, ll! Ollie Ane;l Crouse, Scott Robert Curtis, III Oliver Benton

0.11, Gabrielle Rene<: Dalton, Michael Paul Daniels, Stephanie Olivia

Davis. Courtney Brooke Davis. Paula Denise Demaslus, Joson David ~ni50n, Todd Leroy Dockery, Rhonda Pouncey Duga~

Aimee Alimi.

Duncan, Jr. St.phen Lyman DuPrt, Iknjamin David

Endsley, Melissa Dawn England, Megan Caroline E'... ns Jr., Maston Alonzo Evans. Timothy Alton Foreman. Richard William Fowler. Carri. Renee Fry. Anna Brantley Garren. Colin Martin Gerard, Carol Robin Gonzalez, Daniel Good.loel Robert Grace, Elise Lapidus Graves, Donna Michelle Greco, Danielle Kar. Gregory. There.. Marie

Grenier, Celeste Crowe Grubbs. Norman O .. ygefo Gualano, Mark Edward Guthery, Shdbie Christine Hammell, Monica Gay Haney. Denis Jan Harris, Cassandra Jean Hess. Michael Richard Hill, lindsey O'Dell Holifidd. Cody lee Holmes. William Allison Hudson. lauren leigh Lagarde Hughes, Jenni(er McPherson Jackson. Pamela Dawn lames, Joshua Brandon lones. Emily Roberts Jones. Gregory Matthew lones. Rodney Kenyal Jordan Ill. Ezra Keahey. George Marshall Kellis, Bundi MicheUe Kin ennan, Damon Patrick Kreag. Jason Patrick lagarde, Ross Forrest latimer. Christopher James lav, Jennifer Rachel uiter. Tara lynn Letson. Michael Dan Logue. Liem Anova Loper, Katherine Erickson Malatesta Ill. John Thoma.s Aquina Mangi.ri, Janie 1,ÂŤ Marshall, Kenya La"ender Mayes. Ralph Benjamin McCullough. Colleen EJizabeth McGough. William Christopher MCMillen. Matthew Ernest McPherson, Robert Bruce Mehon. Blake Neisler Mills, Elizabeth Haney Moody. Bradley Clayton Moore, Shannon Yvonne Moreno, Juan Carlos Munnerlyn. Uoria Candis Murton. Gary Chandler Nations, Charles Christopher Neil. Marilyn Sprouse Newsom, """in Christopher Nichols. Ashley lane

Nored. Linda Williams P.rker Ir.• lohn Robert Parker. Virginia Geneva Paulus. Craig R Piazza. John Anthony Pocks"ller, James Edward Price, William IkInton Ray, Michael Riley Redfield, Terrica laShun Rdd, Shannon Rene Rodgers, Bradford DQuglas Rossley, David Alan Roth, Keri Mason Rutledge, Bettye Lynn Schuetze. Cheryl Ann Sclf, Matthew Travis Sheffield. Amos John Sherer. Jeremy Pa ul Sherman. Candier Dianne Shoultz, Kaylyn Brooke Skalnik, John Allen Slanon, Scott Alan Snable, Joshua Chad Stanley, Mary Katherine Stansberry'loh"s. Amanda lane Stark.y, Gregory Charle. Stewart, Kirk W.ndell Stillwell. Robert Bowen Sto"e, Brandon Clark Strother. Olan Frank Stutzman. Darius Nicholas Tenley. Christine Stuart Thayer. Richard Marshall Thoma.s, Marilyn Creagh Thompson, Joe Haguewood Trottier, David Wayne Turpin, Meredith Lane VanDyke, Zachary Andrew Wake. Nathan Alexander Ward. Adrienne Dio""e Wayland, Edward McCoy White, Carolyn Math is Wilkes, Melissa Criss Willard, Vickie Lynn May Williams, Devimi Martel Williamson, Edrie Ronee Wilson, lonathan David Wilson, Stephen Paul Wilson, Thomas Wade

I' 0;"" ~~t: """"'It-

"'"IIkStro,/ter (JIJOS), Hrt",$l ... 'It~ anj~ lhliu,_C/tIrk<- 985/. Ju/ie&l1t.tT Adn,,'W. "'"lill,


/'I>ula 0..,.... (~S).

f)o",wJM>u (19811 Adm;"",./1fl1on-

Leadership, Service and Professionalism Mission: To produce committed (jlld if/vo/ved lawyers willing lind able 10 fill sigllijicmlt leadership roles ill the local allri state bar associations, in commllnities and ill state organizations mId to serve as roll' models i1/ matters of ethics alia projesSiOIW/isl1I.

The first class of the Stat< 1I.r'0 Leadership Forum gradualtd May 19, 2005 a t a b>nquel at 1M Capital City Qub in Montgomery_ ASB p, .. idem Doug McElry acttd as <mCff_ The guest.peak<, Lieutenant Cen.ta1 Harold G. Moore,

Jr., c,,-author with I"" GlIloway <>f \\~ \\h. Seldi.,. 0"". aN" Young which ... 0< mad. into a major mot;,," pictur. starring Mel Gib"'n in the rol< of General Moor., SO"" an

eloquent !;Ilk on l<adership. I"re$i<ienl McElvy and Pre.ident.l'.lcd Bobby Sqjall pre_ sented • ..,h of {he 21 Smdu,," • \>m;td comp ... in>crib<il with their "amt "fo. p.nidI"'ion in ,he Alabama S1OI< Bar Lc.<kr>hip Forum 2005" Graduates fennif.. B<d",le, Roben />Ii"", . nd Tripp Haston g»'. inspir«i ' ... pon ..... The grad u., ... were:

M,.had B,,,,Uq Almond

"""I/Dhn INma""

Ri',. /llIcn Mc/(Qnnan

Md,,,,r Kay Arwood

fDhn .... Earn"a •.!r

Ttr= GoUlOn Mmar

M~'y M.rgar~'

Ttrry Charlo F,y, /r.

RoIvn u.k, Mino,


!<nnif" McCa..,mon &d<ck FrtJ Marion /I.""n. III Anna-Kad,trin.. G"".... Pa..,.u. Rob,n.<on H'ggins /lowman Krlly Tip'on Lu R)"'n Qv!Jrty Brakr /(Q,h/rtn ....,,,,, Bro ... n


Anna Fu"d..rburl; B..ckn",


""j~ M.

IDhn "'Iber, Smyrh. III


Milltr Ralph Jon",

"'",ho"y Ca,/edS' Pr;,Uta G<lb';ellt Rte>'(J Pringl' [)a\.;J Edw;n Ra;n. Rkna"I"" IInlngh.J. fohn IJbm 5"'y,h. 11/ RJwnd~

Fm/erieka Wilson

The forum consisted of four sessions at the state bar in Muntgomery:

SESSION 1: Leadership for Lawyers Rt"Spon'ible Comm;t!.., Meml>e... , Frank M. Capr;o and p.trick H. Gra""" Ir. Ovavi<wofthe AI.bama Sta,. Bar _ Keith B. Norman, <x«u,ive dirtelOr Prineipl ... of L<.d,,.hip and Ch.Tac,.ri"i" of L<ad.r< _ Dr. Dian. E. lohnson. and M.rk<ling Dq>;tnm.m. Un;ve"ity of A1.bam. Exercising L<.der>hip _ Warren B. l.igh'foo' l..,.d.rship Styl ... &'yType. _ Or. John Illkw.dirrrtor, Conlinuou. Quality Imp"",""",nt, UniVN>ity of Al.boma l..,adm and Followm _ Willi.m N. Clark ?nd Oiscuuion _ L<ad • .-.hip Jer< L Be.s!..,. Hon. "'lbert P. ilf<'Wtr Dr. David G. Rronn<r William N. Clark Dr. John R. 0.". 146



SESSION 2: Leadership Through Service Rrspon,ible Commiuu Men,b¢rs: Dawn W. HaT< a nd Alyu M. Spruell Exrn:i .. _ Lawyen in Sorvir. Lndnship _ Alr« M. Spr",,"

\Vhy Lawytrs'T< N...k<i In Fkt«i and ~ulatory Position. Richard S. Manl. y Seth SI.,. 1'0< D•• id R. lloyd A. Vanon Brnnen, IV Who> th' Ph"' .. -Lawytrs Render So",i"," Me.n, In TO<!ay'. Society - Hon. W. Harold Albr,,,on ERrd ..: An Analysis and Hi",,!), of Alaham. lawyt" In ~ic. _ Alyc. M. Spruell Sorviu to the Commu nity Through th. Financial Suppon of the Alabam. St.le The Progrno of the Alabama Law Founda1'on, In<. Samut! L Franklin. p ..... id.nt T",cy dirraor


Prof<S$;onili.m A!. • Lif.. tyle - Orrin K. Ames, III Group Eu,ci ... (lV-VI) Hon. J. Gorman HOIlS'on. Jr. Panel Diocu .. ion _Professionali.m Hon. Sh.ron L 6l"kbufn Roben D. S<-gall Michael D. Knight Hon.J. Gorman HOllSlOn, Jr. Thewmmi"'" thanks Keith Norman.od hi. 'latT, mo., nQ,.bly Ed Pau,<wn and Kit. Gray, for their oU1>1.nding ,upport. •

. . ____ ...... ---"' ...-__ .... ...... '" -_ ..... _ Potrio:k M.

'r..... . .





_ _ . .. _ _ Iorio,m.", . . _ _



SESSION 3: Ethics, Justice and Values R«pon,iblc Commit .. e Membe,,: E. Allen Dodd, JL and Robtrt G. M., Ir.

To Kill • Mockingbird and the Study of Justiu

" " ___ ""'. _ . . . _a A/y<.

Mooler s,n.n

_It.", ... _ " , .. _ " _ _ ,,,

Hon. Randall I. Col< When Pol",,,, & Jus,,« Collide _ Fourni.. J. Gal•. III

....... _ _ .... ASlio 1W3 " ' _ . . . .


~ _ _ l ..... ASI_"'IorCCO 90 _ _ "' .. _ ......... _ _

<Nercoming Prtjudicc in the Justict I'roo:ss - Frtd I). Gray, Jr. Judging luri .. in the Pursuit of Ju.ti« Joseph C. upy. IJ! lustk. OU1Side th. Courtroom: Leadership in !he Commun'ty _ lam'" Eo I/.o!ch v.lues and Elhia in !he v.'<'s! and Middle Eas!Bill W .... Se.ilacqu. Re$tarch Corp.

SESSION 4: Professionalism Re.pon,ihl. Commin", M.mb¢rs: Hon. .nd William D. Mehon

J. Gorm.n Hou>!on f 'or J""'''''''' "'i£:rirg Or.c: 2OJ-(i8J.(}286

Char""t." The F<>undalion S10n. of Prof",;onili,m_ Hon. Dra)'!on N.btrs, Jr.

dl'F""" _"'.

The Oath of Alabama Atlorneys- \\"llIiom D. Mehon


The Alabam. Ru les of Profe .. ional Conduc! J. An!hony McLain Group ProI:>lem Eurci$OS (I_!H ). Hon . J. Gonn.n How;!on, Jr. Lawyt" Attn'! lypkally Funny Unl ... by Ac<;iden! _ Edword M. p.ue<wn


""ping £suiju.J pmjw posit"'" """"rj'"" J liuJing n.r"ssiIms.. .1Vr nor"< ,,,yo_r affia! (jettU



A Perspective On the ASB's Inaugural Leadership Forum "Servant leade

5 I p." Now'''''' I .odmit.

...... "...... "'it un me. Th. two ";0.... hod wIlided in • • ~h I

h...d'.... d 10 • group of AI.l:>.m~ S'.'e 8..,- membe .. "' Montgomery Ihis PolS' Frbru"uy."" I .....u. "'" ute ~·ri..t'Y afl ..• noon drivt hom< It> from Mon\8<>ll>C1Y.1 <onlinO>O<l to rum the cq>~,i<m ",'or in my bead. ,.,. ,... monIM """'"'" on, \Ix IfIQI, I I"'~ the .non ;1 mad< ""'I<". if 10" rtH<d uJ'O" the truly gr ... k any mid-thO)' ar< the 1 wonlt" "ho l.oJ by .,ampl. through >erVico, ..,h., th.n h• • ing their • ... "·an"" "'".. whd. rhty m<rrly eni"Y the trapp;np of'-k..... ir. II is th< diff'..... nu bttwtrn • grondiose but hollow 'it.....nd • mc.minsful. produc';"" oI'I'iu. And [_Iu(hrnough IOIt.m 100" obout"fft>.. n1loodmhip· through. IltW rnW'''' stant<! this Y"": til< Alahamo Sl.:lle fl.or L<adrnhip I'on"", 110m ... the h, .ino:hild of kUow AS!! n",onhe, r.t Groves, the st.u<d ~Ofth.l.ra<lcnhip Forum


Aft., .u.

"'t" .,...

!Woo It.. kYd of owom>tSS of I&wytt$ ... 10 Iht purpost.

op<n.ion In<! btndi.. of the ASS; Build. (Ore-of pRCticing 1."'Y''' 10 !>«orne I.. <k" with "'1"'<1 to ethics .nd prof.",;on.Ji.m. ,.,u1"ng in r.umg 'he .we,..U elhi.,,) and prof"';on.1 $,.nd.,d, of I.WJ'"' in 'he community: and


I'ofm I ~ I.wyen flOm wh;.:h th.r ASR. and Io<al JO'Vtrnn><ntol O1t,\I($. Ioc>I bu woe;',,,,n .. . nd

communi1y organintion. CO" dr.,,· upon for kader.hip and ..",kt.


Roughly .10 ASS nltrnbtrs ch.,...n .arly this yur to repn:s<n1 tilt IULlg ...1 da .. of !lit l...drnhip Forum. Wo UPIt from nonh, ..,u,h .nd cen''''} Alob.",,; pwntif!" .nd dri'n" finn>; dvi1.nd aim,n,,) pr:>ni<ts: pfiv.... nd public !"".cticn; ond dive"" "",i.1 b.ckground •. Wh ik I ,rust futuf' cI.~ will c()n, inu. 10 .. pond on ,1.0 Jiversity frqnl, Ou' cI..s ,.p~nt«l

• I>c-.hhy cro....«tior\ of ou, .tatt b,a,. Vel, despi,< our ,·...iN b,a~und .. we.U shared. common PLlrro'" to k..,-n 10 bt btll.,. ..,vanl I•• de .. \0' oU, ASS, in p",l",ul><, .nd ou' <om· muni,i.., in genor.l. f.J p.tterson ond Rit. eray", the ASB. ",ith ,helltll' of numtrous ASB llItIt,bt"" <oordin>,ed .nd led 0 ..n.. of four oaoion .. once. mon,h. on Frid.>~ through ,lit wint., .nd .rring. F.ach lnS,.,n ,,,,uot<! on " .p«tfl< .mibult of I•• de ... h;!' ond oncluded "Lo.d... hi!' for Lawy ...,""Loade.. hip 'hrou~h Snvkt; ")"'Ik', r:lhk" .nJ •.- .nd "l'rof''''on.I"",.Fin;aJly, we01~' S.. du.ui'm Jinn ... nd « .. monr th., included I keynote .&Itt» from ...uly TC"tNrUbl< 1<aJo,. I t Genrnd H..J MooR. who .. k.dtrsh,p >lory "-" memor;.lired in dlt toook and mov ... h .. \Ii'" SoIJ .... ()",~ ~nJ YOUD,. t..och.<n<ion .nhghwlt..l. i"'riroJ on ..! enriched In fulfill,,'~ tht "., • .1 SO.I of rai.IIIS awar."... of ,h. A!;H·, putpost. <>p<'" ,ion .nd benefit>. we lurnoJ how ou, A~H i, oryniuJ, odm,nu· tored .nd Led.. W. I.. rned about !lit mi ..ion of .... AJ.b.amo Uw FoundotlOn, th.r ;00 of ,he Boud of B,tr COmmi<$ion ...... nd th.r ""iow. comminoa .nd ... foruo 8"" pLlrpoO< to ,he ASH_ AI tach ..... ion, wt wtl"t pnviloged '0 I•• m from ..,IV.'" load. .rs ill our stat< b....,,! Oil' wmlttuniti". 11>.... included cur· .. ttl .00 form", ... 5H ot!i<:tn. curnn, .lI1d fornt<1" Slat< .nd f..d· ...1juJici.aJ oII";(:i.als. IC".Jnni.cs and Iowyors of all >lripn. Our 'l"'akm op<nN \"try rnsortol " . into tOOr Ii,," md th.ort<l "·'th u. ,h,i, hoJ'<1 for ,ht future 0( OUr profe1.l.oon. fl .... i,;ust ...I'.... nm; ..... rnpli~gof whot w< wnr pr"'iI~ to loam .nd c;njoy:



Frt<I G.. y irupirt<l '" with I.;, r<m.1..kabk hf, story. includina his 'riwnph ............ mlng prtjudkt in ,he Judicial !,""no:

N)rmer IUI1l(' Go.-m.n Houston ch.l1'ng~ us to om,,' I.k ,h. <>«J,nple of f.tticu. fi"ch ill u';"S pow.r Ind Idvant.l8" for trlo ..1 pur~


Rick Manley explained !he need for mort t.wy= in SCfY. ice through our ",I< Logidaturt and ,lit ~ of such

*"""" ** *

ludge Harold Albritton txpltinN Wh.l Our ASK.

mOno.lAwy'" lUnd.. &tv;a, me.n, in today', society:

Jo< Espy I«tured u' on how to N. tenacious, cletormin .." but professional opponent in litigation; and

Chid lu"i,e Dr.Jyton Nabors ...k<d ..<II of us to first cQn,idn our purpo .., n<Xl. to ddine the moral ,lOn dard. intended to Ii .... by; and finally, doallenged us to stay ,rue to thM< moral,'anda,do.


At nrious times in the .euions,th•• peahr'. podium f,1l • ilent and the action moved ", the audience. Th«c di$€u<sion. i"",lved. wid. rans. of difficult j ..",. facing ,h. ASS, our legal <yslrrn and A1abJma in gt"eral. W•• II Nnent«l from ,h... <"I· leetive .... ion<, which ," .... led varied poin,. of view, but <on,i,_

nIh .... From Ih;, g<:",rallack "f oor><ern ,bout rd,tionships with "tMr bar m.mbe ... it ;, .. 11", to in<ivili,y. Coming out of progrom.1 am mos! grotoful ror having had tho opportuniljl to build friendships wilh 1a~ .. with wlmm I likly ~ !<Quid hoY< c~ palh< but for tho u.dem.ip ForunL On. of the ar· tain benefits for futu", u.d .... hip !'oNm particip.nt .. and tM ASS. is the opportunity to combat tho anonymity Ih",a' through inl<raction while ""'ngthrning Ih. AS/I aGro .. geographic boundaries, divene political viewpoints and variod pmotie«. If j'Qu af< an ASS mernber who ha.< practiced for nOllas than five ",a" but no mo'" th.n l<n,! .trongly .nrou"'s< you to apply to partJdp.1< in n<>et yur'. uad.rohip !'orum. You will be rkh.. for tM <> and fri.ndships that a .. In


ch.nces or member-Io-member 'n<)nymity inC"'>$<. Aoonymity oft.n brte<b impuoivrntS< and ,loom... in rcl.tionships wilh


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tenlly w.U · '....,nN po,i'iM'. Rduio",hip. mati .. and pnhap' lhe ""'" ;nlpoM.nt benefit Oflh. lndtnhip Forum will b< ,ho.. relationships bom. from panicipation in tho program. k Ih. ASS', membem.ip grows, the

'f,;'" Allonory


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F ()



Learning to Lead At the outset

of the First Annual AIalwna SWt s". Lndn-!ohip Forum. d•• 'naugu .... clut ..... aokrd

whnhn i, bdi~ Itodttl wert born. 0.if Itodtnhip ..... tau"'t and ""unod I II<h,,,, thaI tht c>p,adty to k.d is within '>eh of us, Circum,t. "cts, porsonal abili· ties.nd y<>ur I"'<>onoi willin~ d;""I<, when and how)'Qu wdllud. In<krship.. I bd~. is not >Uli<. It changes.. ~;t<\m.h;p.tyIes mwl eNnl!"'. gn..n ..... rond";"m and cimllJU1>nus. Aft .. having tho wonderful opponuni· ty to mix with .. I nd (ulUrel •• d, .. of the bor, he., othtrs' !'<up..:ti.O$ and dr.,. upon !>'he.. ' ffl"'".nct< durin, my porti.';!"lion in the ASB t,.,.dtnhip Forum.l h.", com< to btlinot thai «1"1.,n1y two things.rt rtqu,rnl OM to Meom ••, Fin',.,.... mU$l b< .w.... of opponunity to Iud. Sttondly.o"" mu!! ""'plth. ft.pon.ibility. On. muO! :acC<fI1 thc position of l.ader- th.t is.. 10 II< in ,horg< of wmtlhing for whidJ 'hqr • rt .<$pomiblr. 1ht pis of tht u..s..IoIup Forum ••,..... to ....... ,11< It>-.I of of t.wym.:as 10 11... purpoooo, Opml1lOfl and btn<iiu of the ASS. '0 build. co ... of prulicing onomtySlo btromt leode .. in Ihe bar. Ind to form a pool oflawyen from which 1M ~ Su~ liar•• tale Ind local p <I'I\Ml'IItoi mlitit$.k>a! bar woc;'lions and community o!,&,niulions an draw upon for la4:nhip and 1<fVkc. The ~adrn.hip Forum durly mtI il' goal ...... we dis<.....d. and .. John M........ 11 ooled in u.uImh;p 101: I...p;",'io",,/ Quor.. a,u/





$ f'YIMBIl


1M""., for Utukn. 1Ndtr$h,p


menl ;.. mmmr JOUrnoy. not a boo lriP. Al ....dy. .... ny 0( my cluomat.. have oought out and"""""P1ed ~.odtnhip J"II'i. 110m U\ 1M bar and in 1M .ute. Lawyns in Alaba. .... havt oIways kd-in thelcgoJ community.thei, loal con,munit;'" 1M .. at. and m. a whoi<'. Ind..d. OUr $lite bar'. mo'l1O;' " t.-yns Itcndn

"",ion ..

Sftvict-." Y* Io>mcd thM our ....te bar was chutntd in lS73,and .... t by 1M7. the bar iUdf took "" alrodmhip roIe.leading the way ro, oth<-r " ... bat> in po .. ing ,he firs! Codt of flhia for I.wy=. Welea.ned from sclllcos ~ currmt ~.odtn 0( the bar. aboul

..m.... dcdia.lIOO and ~te

!ndrnhip. On the r.:rpo< o(!he itnow 0( bwytts in Iht mmmuruty. WI ...... I4htfoot told US not to be cono:mcd

about the imog< O(lawym-do wtut is .igh.t. bt "",g!>. >nIoul advocates for what is ,.;v.t. ond il wt do ,his, Ibt image 0( u..-yns .."ill bt improved lad by enmplc. he told .... and don', :uk wboniinotcs to do _

!h.oo J'OU- I'Unu< ClI:dImct and

mmmuniCllC with )'OUt oubordin.l .... lie lavIIh in public: in yow 0( others and give emlit ~ ,""'it is d".. 8< modts,


and bt balIDced in )'lur lift-family. Iiitnds. faith and ""","unity. He properly advised us to odhc-rt 10 o:ouneous tINt·

anJ in 2004 di=tcd 5118.000 from tM In~_ On Lawyn ~ ","""nt proV ..... ("lOIIA") 10 IcpI aid to the poo •• to lhe adminim.lion 0( justice and to rommunilyeducalion Provo"".~.dcts in Our bu h".. di""ted O'vtr $10 million to the$< progra m. 'in« 1997. We listmtd with cona.n thot of the 35 mnnbcn 0(1b< Alolwno ........ only II ~ ~And.o( ,hot LOS " .. ,,01>< .. 0( tbc how.c. only ......... ~ lawycTs (now riglt .. our f"dIowcluoma~. Paul IRMarco ...-as ,",""tly ckctcd to the hoU$C). We di><lthe imp"'t th>l !his reduction of number! of auorncyo I"rtic;· in the Jcs'<Latu ... ""' had "" our tu~. and l1ooo- 1M lcpIWu ... docspn..tcly .-do m. gv.idanu o(,t.oo. KhooI<d in thot ..... as iI undnukeI .... .....n 01 [WI-inS bw< ftt Alolwno', ct"uns.. Lawyn· Ic><l<n like Rich.rd Mlnley of Dm>opoIi .. who .. rved in the Al,ban" hoU$C of "'p",. .. n,.t~ ror 17 1""'1"$ .nd 1M Alolwno lOr IOurynrs..ond IoIho...-ved 2~ 1"""" ... """""'" 0( tbc boord of .... commiloioncn ond th .... lim« as via· pmi<Imt 0( Iht ....t~~. chKusscd ..ith us thot irnportme< ofha","S u..-yns in our Icsio.Lalurr . ........ Ii.toned to leaden like Rick MIni,,!,. Gov. "lbort II...,.....,.. Just""

advtrsary as}'OU ""OUId ........ to be treated ond SO .. far "}'OU pouibIy an to aocom· mod.a .. )'OUt adYttury.

Gorman Housoon. Jr.. J.... IlcasIcy. ond Fred Gray ..... rnIiu<I that puhaps~ oomctim«1cad by JU'I <loins- They~.od by cumpIe. CmainIy. M1 • ""It CDITl ' pi< lOr I<adm in our ..... Y* hAd the p~.. u ... to I.. m from

W. learned from I.. J.", in our bar who guide the Al.b.!J1);I La .. Foundation

Q,iof Jus,i« D.. yton .... who .«emly km Our II." through. period

nltnt o()'OUt ao;Iven;ory. 1O tINt )'OUt


0( judlCiailurmoil. HI' dWk~ us to


M honesl, 10 be and In M prepo.r..d. Lawyers. OS Wt diocu...w,.rc involved in a win. lolo< g,llnt, bcn~Io< Ih~ ,wn parti.. ""'<llved.rc 00 . d"ed 'hOI .nylhing good fur on. i, "'d for Ih. olh., (th. ,d,"ollship <>( 1M rbinliff .nd the tid, in 1M I.wluit). !n win·1os< ~ honesly il vit.olly import.nt. w. must 1>< Io<rupul""sJy honnl and play by Ih. rule>. ond II>< ' 5Kf<1 to winning" ,I><

win ·k>s< .. _,Chl.n .... "" N.ob<n n.pI.&u>td, IS to 1>< honest, be fair Ind bo l'I<l""ed, W. arc aU undtt • S""" dtaI of presMJrc. Bu', 0$"" dJscusoed in ou, "Legol i'toftWo .... b.m· 0«1100 01 \he Le.d.....I"p I'orum, credibilily is our smgIe besl UIo<1 that .... bnng 10 our clienl. lepI p~naI .. m, .... de<ided. encotnpustS compel"""" civili.y, inl<1!rily and commi,,,,,,nl 1<> ,h. rul. of law. '0 juSI"e .nd 1<> Ih. public good. On May 19, 1M 27 gradual .. of th<-

Alabarna SUI< 110, lnIkohip Fo<um Its· trned to . rnI hero and 1oadtT. ~n;ml Gmt-raI H.roId G. M~,. Uni~ 51.,.. ~tiliwy.-Jnny pad ...,., war

hero and author 0I1~ \'ktr SMd>tn Otoa-. gnJ )lNo"!. a book aboul h is """,ioncts in V"IttrWn. l.ieulmanl GtntnJ Moon.

encou.....,.t US I" In I profesI.iooW. honorable, loy>I.nd caong w~ $<IW 0Ibns and Slri ... 10 <in ...... bnt. There orc rnany in Alabama


bi>lnry.• nd "' Abbam. presently. "r pro. f...innlll, ""t",rable, Ioy>l.nd caring Ind • .-.IIip. Carl fJHo tl . Sr. hung up his l.wyer'l shingk In )•• per in 1936, .nd b. .. rvN Al."'rna in Ih. Uniled 5'.... CongrQS froln 194810 1965. during which Ume he helped '" author the N.lional om.... f.d ....n;.,., Act (provid· in! Iow' COM coIIeF kwu) and the Rural ~ StMct Att (whicII rnt...r.ced rural .nd urlwllibBrin tIuougboul the United SI.I..). Thii tawyn·ltade. was th<- fint ...apoml oilM 1<>1111 F. Kennrdy ' Pro/ile ,n Courage" ....... rd. lawyers conlinue to rm<kr krYi«. )uJges .... bnrd from at the Ltadershtp ""rum.nd Ihroughoul the .,.,~ .ule in ptrh.p:s unpopular "'YO at un.... bea .... ,hoy orc $Crupulously honeot,

and oonurutled to Ih. ruIo oilaw. ju>li« and the public"p>d.lndm likt ._~ Golt iItp forward w ~ '$ (KIt su.1~ bar p•..;donl. W. Mard f",,,, lawyn·kaders likt Albert Br<Wf:r who ......d in ,be h""le "f .. p'>"..... '" I;"utcnant gove.nor atld as ",~r of Ih. 5101. of Alo"'ma, ).... Ika$I<)', who .. rved .. lieu· ,enant governor .nd, fOr a shor1lilll'. as z<lY="" oilM 51.,. of Alabama; Richud MaoL.y. -..ho ..-.-I our """ in the bnwt of reptaftlUI!YeS. '" the ..... tc and seIfIesaIy ..-.-I OUr b.>r. and Dr. David Bronner •• tawyn who has Iud ..........'. in bu$u>ao and rn,nprise ottint .. chXf accuI .... officer 0( 1M lti1irnncol SyoIcnu of AIaI:wn.L My duomal .. and I -.-. i"""red by lhose ,,~ committed Indm., atld gradualed from Ih" Loado-rsh,p ""rum wllh • gr •• I<. koowl · edge "r wllnt .... can 1.0<1 and opportuni. Ii.r$ W ""d. LI ",.n as • mo .. f<"",nl ~ire 10 .. ~IO Ieod in our bar and in


,h.a, ""'"

I btI~ InUSI bt lrained in 1M okillf of IHdtrship. and IMy must bt wiIlmg to 11<1' furword and :w:q>t the role of Ir-.odo-r. Cmamly. .... ltamed • gml deal .boul kodtnlup l'''OIlION and roles U1 thr bar and In our "",", and ".. -.-. lrallled tn load. nl,,1' by $(Kt"It of (KIt "",.', S""'leII paSt and cu."",1 b>oyc-r. Io~ w. "'.... COll"n .... ltadenhip eduulion, and lit;"" 10 I<ek I)11t &tid accq>1 po>llion. of Ioadenhlp. Many "f Illy d . .. m. t.. h...... lrt.dy begun ,<> <in 51>, O(upli"$ 1",,1Ito/U of I..""'hip in lhe b.r and. tl1 0"'" CUt, $•• t.. politics. """,nw )rffuoon said ....., tht .nd of your life, lhe " nly Ihmgo .... h ..... kft ..~ ou< ..utl" n. 'tI", and ""ptri<nas. Mill thetn ""I,...,rd .... ry!· 1mcoungr you to pafl lCipal< ;n the m~"uryoxpm· <1l« of 1M Lndersh.p Fonlm-w Itam to Iud OUt "', as it COIl"" utllOi<ad in the and .n ,he .... tion. lU our and our bar udIo ....... ..uted I" tht sekction of appdIal< court Judges .nd ir.d.grn. dtfftut, .... wiD lurn to Iowycr. ltade .... ptrh.", oorne of ..-horn honed 1M" !c..t.rship Ikill. in lit< ZOO5 AI. "'rna Sill< II", Lo..tership ""rum •


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_.-...... --_ ...-.---.(877) 233,2245

- ,,"" ""-"'-.-~.


ALABAMA STATE BAR LEADERSHIP FORUM CLASS U-2006 DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES! We want you to take a chante on yourself and sec if you have the "rig]n smff.H

Applieanu should submi t a complel~ application 10 the Alabama SuII' Bar, Atln: Edward M. PaUel"5Oll, P.O. Bcuo: 671, Montgomery, AL 36101..()611, along with (a) your perso....1 resum~ (not to e:<c~ 2 pages) (b) one leiter of reeommenohlion and Ie) a narrative summary addre$sing why YQU shou ld be selected as a participant in the Leadcl'$hip Forum Cbss, what you consid~ to be your rnO$I impoManl contribution to the legal profession and to the community, and what you hope 10 gain from participation in the Leadership Foru m. The narrative summary should conclude with a signed statement that you understand attendance is a requirement for the successful completion of the progrnm. Applications mUSt be completed and received prior to November 1, ZOOS. Successful applicants will be notified on or before December 15,2005. Each cluJ will coruist of no more than 30 partidpanl5. The program will be made up of a minimum of four 5e$$ioru beginning in January and ending in May. Some overnight travel may be required. One exewed unexpected personal or professional absence i$ allowed. Applicants are encouraged to apply only if they expect to attend all sessions. For more infonnation, direct all questions to Alyce M. Sprucll, at (205) 345.8755 or

Name __________________________ Position,______________ EmployerlFirm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

"== __________-",==-_____ ---,,,---_ s,rftI/Su;,. c;,,/SUo" Zop

Business Address __ Business Phone

~) _ _ _ __


________ E.Mail________________

What is your area of practice? __________________________ Year of first bar admission _ _ _ States Admitted _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ A nominal tuition (TBD) for each participant will be charged and is due by January 15, 2006. (The 2005 fee was $250.00.) Payment plans are available. A limited number of scholarship money is available. If accepted in the Leadership Forum, will you find it necessary to seek scholarship assistance towards the tuition fee, and if so, what percentage? rlcerse check one:


0 ___%

No D

I understand the purposes of the Leadership Forum 2006, and will devote the time and energy necessary to make it a successful experience if I become a participant.

, ClE Program Materials from the 2005 Alabama Stote Bar Annual Meeting ore avai lable on a single CD. It's convenient, portable and worth every penny!

The Rniew of D_ages 011 "","I The Dclferentialleview of ~ ..........5 Trode Secrets: "Trash or TrecmIre'" Non-COIWpllitnw.: M(oIlfl'oOi,ls lot to <ont,ele_" (case Law Update: Best Cases tor the Defettdald Case t..w Upd,crte: From 1M Plaintiff's Penpedr,. Dealing witt. IlIIpIIired ParfDen; and Associ.s Elcmanic Diwnrery .... (a .... uter Fwen$iu E路~ Re'enri ..... Preservation and Spoliation legal Ethics Upc!ate-200S

PLU S! o


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Legislative Wrap-Up

By IWbm I.. M<c",ky. Jr,




W.D"", and his "St.,.',

Ria1uo Platform" at.pul~ him into ..... ional prominma in tho early L'J6OJ. In 1971.1ho CoIu',hlrion.>l Commission, which had bcm <....,«1 by an Act of 1M ~tll'" in 1969. pl'OpOK'd iu final draft. One of Ihe key polnu in II>< <ommw.;.,n', findIn& \Olaf a ,i",il.. philMOphy Gt<>,gt w.lI"", cxpoun&d, which was ,h.l ,'>la know bflttt tnan tho f~ol govan .... n. how Ie> ...... n .hrir pt<>pIt. ,imil.,1y th< Commission propooc<l county "Homo !Wk" wllh , ... idea lhat county governmem know bc1t..- tho.n >1.01. lU"",nnl(nl how 10 0>" II"';, county. A lub$tqutnt dlort {O. con,til"lionai "(Ofm _, nwk during Gonrnor Fob J.", ..' fi ..ll..-m. Th. iss... ('" Home Rule w", a ""'}or Wilt. In lh.l~t.1t .«ott for C<)n,'ilulion;oi rni1ion. undt. Gov. • ...,. Bob Riley, HOlD< Rult "'... one. _ • major issuI<. In lilt 2005 Rcp>br s-ion, thr 1tpIaru", odopI<d."UmiItd Sdf~ Ac\" b count .... which [ t.- outlined btIow. ThO. ~ IimimI powen 10 (:(lUll. .it!; who opI into tbt low, but sptcifi<::oIIy prohibilS local taxation. This O\l~in< of Act 2005·200 is 001 a >UbslilUlc lOr m'icwing !he bw, but 10 sM lzwym.. point of

tq.nnina '" u~ this ntW 14

Alabama Limited Self-Govemance Act 2005·1OO (58 129j "'" (Ad. 11 ·3,0.·1 I. Th. county com",;";"n ""'y b< Ii",n !ht follnwing powm; Act




Home Rule 2) Eounc! reguJ.tion o~ any regu_ b ,ed buli_ oai.-i.y; 3) Aff«t any oourt or p<'r1OfI"'~ 4) AlT«t any public I<hooi'y>t<m; 5) AfI«t pa,i-mutuel bt1ti"ll Of any pori ·mu.ud bnting fata,ty; 6) Aff«1 !IK l".... mrntnt of I municipalit y 0' of =Iain public co'pora'ioru, 7) A««, the pri .... te or <",,,

(Sut.;«t to S""...,.1I Llw or !IK /\UNma conO!i!U!ion) 1) ...o.lmIm! of Wftdl; 2) Comrol ohniINb; 3) Control oHIltr. 4) Control of ",nkya,t! areas that , ...OIe a publie nUlSan«", and 5) Ab>ttment of nob<\ un$>ni!ary ..-wage or pollu!ion ''''>ling a public: nuisan«. 2. How tlK ~ art impltrrtnltcd I) By molutlOn of!1K rmjority of a county commiaion,

..."."ninB '<l.a!iolUhips. ucq>t .. '''''dnt! to lhe am:iK of an indt· pmdtn!~.


&knd the powtr ofrqulo!ion of WiI!n, po. tdKonununoations



petition sip>td by pa«nl of the IO)UI nwnbtt of qu>IifiNI dtctoo 0( the county who 2) In mponIO 10 ~

mid< in the .... inawpon!ed alQS of the county. The peti.ion mUS! include

m. full kBoI """"" and iWldrtun and fiItd in the ~ of proho~

JudF. Tho judge 01 prob:o~ must ver· ify the poI~ion within 60 d.ys oro;! bward ~ 10 the councy <1lInInisoion to ~ for • rrinmdum. 3. Powers vanlftl under , .... 0(\ may "'" ~OOn$lru«llO~ or sup"'$«It local law mac;1ftI aft .. May 26. 2005. F.:iistinJ CUff..,! low is 10 be read in PI'''' ''''',..... wi.h 'his a.:t. 4. Coumy rommislionl may adopt ordiru.nca to providt for noIiu !O pnsons cilftl for vioLllion of!M ordinanca Inc! JhaU also include proudura for .ppnt. 5. l"hes.. powrn do nol include any 'u,hority '0: 1) Levy Or coll«t ,un Ot non_·.,....'''''ncc

.dminis! ..!;.., f..", or n!oblw. .nd onfo,a pl.""ing.n<! wning;

0' dtclric: ulility 1<........... 9) AIf«t rW>u gnnlftlto >gricul!ur01, manufacturins or industrial plants; 10) AIr«1 Or rnfoK<: <nvinlnnl<n!ol <>J<nl<nu; or 11) RnI,ic! or regulate mining 1Cti.-i,ie/; VOn,ed f«lmol or , utt pnmiu. Of any lCtiom tt<tricli", Of regub!'''11 procasi", or disl,ib· uling of mining producu. 6. Counties nay conln<1 with munkipolilies or othn coun!'" 10 rurciK pown-s. 7. Munieipal u. ilities a~ "'" pm::!udod ftnm «p.andins inlo tht county. Munidp.alitin <h.aIl not COtIn·

lin the authority to ...... n or rqu-


10ft municipa1 WiI!<r and ~.,.... 1CmS!hot opo:mt within lho counly. Counl;" with Clast; II! .....icip.lli!""..tUch hnr.~~

prtSid<d owt br' ct.ainnan tkatd coun!ywidt and county oonutlisoion rno:mbm who are dected by .inglt rntmhor distric:u require a fou .... fiftlu

nujorily VOl. of th. commission ~ 10 impinnonttM act. 9. Coumy commissions c. nnol <xpond county fund. for impro"". monl of privol. proporty. 10. Adoplion of a limilw home rule ordin.",,": I) Prior 10 .doplion, the coumy commission ,hall: a. I'o<t noliet of inltnllO adopl for "' i<a.<1 30 day>: b. Publi.h n01ieo., I. .., IWico. beginning a1 i<a"uu"tt """,ko prior 10 Ihe nl,,'ing, in all,.. in Ih. county ,hat ar. au'horiud 10 publish l<gal .d""rti<t"",nl>: .nd c. NOli.. shall in<lude linle, date and Iocation . t whkh the propo;s<d oruinanet wiU be consid· ered and .dvist where ropin of t~ maybe obtoin<d: 2) Adoplion of the ordi".nce m",t be al ' r<:gulorly Khoduled rom · mission mooting by majorily >'(Itt: 3) Ordinanc.. mu" be ktpl in a '"'fI.ral. book .nd on a Web , ite, if " .. iI.ble; and 4) Adoption is only tffecti .. in • row'ly .ft.... ~ by. ",.jorily ""t. of tho .Ioao... in tho uninco<pO,..tod a ..... of . county at a pt"tmary, general Or .poci.ll dection held for a"other purpos<. A VOle nl"y only be lakn 0""" ,,-;ery 48 months. 11. A rounly may nol cha'S' ftt< IMI d actual c",u and connol roll«1 charges or fees for ... ",ices unrdated to th. proporty. 12. A counly conuniuion nuy nlab!W> and enfortt odministralivt and civil penalties. A fin< cannot <XU<d SISO por day or in !he a~I'. Il. A .... , ion ofth. Acl mak<:< '1'«iol provi.ion. for a county wilh . Classm nluni.ip.lily ,h.. h.. an .lccud c"unly commission chait. 14. A county commission ,h.1l call for a ~f.rendum election on 'he "'I"'al of 'he "rdinanet following. ......Iulion of Ih. counly commis· •ion or in '''ponst 10 a petition .igned by ten pefttTl' of Ih. ,01a.I nUnlber of q, .. lified elotto" who

= ..

.... ide in ,h. uninro'l"lraled por· tion of th. county. Cou"'y is e>«:Iuded unleso IS. jeff• it ,.",.als aisting sptcific local acts. 16. Th. Acl istff«tivt M.y 26. 2005.


First Special Session. 200. Th. fin' Special Session of 200s began Tuesday. July 19 .nd lasted for only fivt days.. aI which limo th. kgisblure p....d o General Fund Budget. Ih,reby complet . ing the work i! began during lhe Rrgular Seuion. The only .ip,nifian! piecn of kg. i,lation offet:ting lawye ... were: HB·8 D.U.I. Section l2_5A·191 is .",e nded 10 pro· vide for who h .... a blood .Icohollevel of .04 or gre.t« '0 be guilly of D.U.I. HB·12 Unemployment Comprn$Olion Sect.ion 25 ·4_8 i. a",,,nded 10 .pply 10 lhe .... i&" of rat .. when lhe bu.ineu is !,..nofe,red. SB-53 x.",1" Penon. wmmilling $<Xual offoD$O< wiU h.... enhanced punishmenu. Penons commilling offenses again" a child under 12 will ,otei", a A ftlony with a 20·y ... minimum.len_ lenco. Th .. e art new and short.,l;mes for offende ... to notify th •• heriff if !hq- movelheir "' or joN. Th .., a~ also r"lric!ion. of whe .. an offender m.y ,,"O.k. SB·68 Erninen! Domain MunicipaJilit"$ or coun!i .. ""y nol condemn proprrty for non·g<I ...,,,n· montol rt1.U. office. commo,cial, resi · den,i,l, 0' indust,ial devtlopm,nl Ust. $B·87 Jury X A prnon ""y ..... i... an <XCU .. 0' ddoy in jury ..rvico if lhe pe""n hu fivt or I«s employen or if onotht •• mploy« h.. been ...""""ned for jury dUly. Also. on< nl'y be rn:ustd if ....,.;0, would ....... an · und"" or ext ... "", phys;..J 0' hlrd<h.ip" .. defrned in th. Acl. Failure 10 .ppo.. for jury st .... ice may ,",ult in 0 5300 fine. SB·I06 Condominium, Condominium escrow accoun!s. Ovt. len I"''''enl of the putch ... priu, m.y be used for con'lruclion purposes.

n.... wetc also 47 1oaI1aws. o. general laws ,ffotling particular agencies. Ihll


Annual Meeting of the Alabama Law Institute

The annu.1 m«'ingofthe Alabama taw Institut. wu held July 21 ., Ihe ASB Annual M'ding in Point 0 .... The following Omet ... were re_d<CIed: President: Rq>.es<ntativ. Dnnet.iu. N..... ton Viet· President: s.nator Roger Bedford Secr<1.ry: Bob McCurity "'emben of!he ExecUlivt Commin« .~

Rq>r<stn,..ivt M.reel David Boyd Jam .. Campl>tll William aark

Peck Fox Rep~ .. nta1ivt Ken Guin Richml,.!or Rodger Smilherman In addition, O.lJty M~llOn. Jr. of Montg<lmt"T)' and YetI. Somford of Opelika were eleele<! emeritus membe ... r"r life ofth. Ex«utive Commiu«, ..cb. having ... rved mort th.n 25 yea", in , I.. d.",hip position with the Low Institu1<. In .ddition !o ... por! of the !..ow InstituI.·, activilies. which <:;In I>t found on the In,,;tul •• Web .;te." ....."W.gli.", Dorman Walker .pokt on ,he two lignificanl pi ..... of l<gill • . tion p....d during Ih< Regul" Session. the "Open M"lin81 Low" and lhe "AI.ham> l.imitod Self G<>vernance Acl." Fo. mOre information .bou! th. In";t1l'e or 'ny of its projecl" conl.c! Bob McCurky, di .... tor,Abham. Low In"i!utt. P.O. B<>x 861425. "JWcaloos. lS486-0011. fax (20S) 348 ·8411 0' phon. (205) 348· 14 11,0' vi,it our W.b , ite at www.ali. jta '''-QI. Ul. •

_l_ . . . _ . . _ . . _...._- - ..

-~--..... • oIe;

- ........ _



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SEPTEMBER 9 Developments and Trends in Health Care law 2005 16 BusineS$ Ethics in Government Contrading----Understand and Successfully Navigate the Special Ethical Rules that Apply to all Federal Gove rnment Controdors 23 The Basics 01 Will and Trust Drafting 30 Advanced Legal Writing Wo~hop

OCTOBER 7 14 21 28

16th Annual Bankruptcy law Seminar Creditors' Rights Mastering Trial Advocacy DUI : The Low in Alabama The AtTest and Prosecution of OUt Cases

NOVEMBER 4 19th Annuol Workers' Compensation Seminar 18 Reel Justicel Power, Passion and Persuasion in the Modem Courtroom leaturing Dominic J. Gionno

DECEMBER 2 8 8 16

Employment law Upda te Hot Topics, Birmingham Hot Topics, Mobile Goin the Edgel '" Negotiation Strategies for lawyers featuring Martin lalz 29-30 12th Annual CLE by the Hour

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or IIlslt

Taking Care of

Non-Consumer Aspects of the Bankruptcy Abuse And Consumer Protection Act of 2005


n April 20, 2005, l'miMnl Bush

sign"'! ,he a.nkruptcy AbUM and Co~umtr ""'1«lion "'" of 2O(l5 (tht "Act"). Though uruin provi· ,ions btcomt rtrcaive " difftrnll limn., g<neraUr the ..vt wiD .ppIy 10 hanbuplq' aoa fiIrd .11.. 0cr0bc1' \1, 2005 . TIM: Act ~reIomlS tht broWs! mn· haw of II.. UnilN. Sum Il.onkruplCJ' Code, II USc. 101-1330 (II..



, -=-- --

----, .,

"II.&nltruplC)' Codt") ... ~ Ito .....:tma>1 in 1978. eommmwy 1w mncmtnkd on the .trort of lht Act on COIlSUITIn" hankruptcin.. tHoling with pt"rttiw<I .bu>ct in conSumt' ao<1 was tht prj· p;t ....g. of th. An. However. nlwi. Focu. on con.Unlor

nu.ry irnp<lu, for



~ t... obKurt<\ .M imponanu of .... Ad to busl_' U>nth,'W'S 10. buslnao dtblors and crtditOn aK at ......... and .om. a~ of unanain conK<fUt'K'I'. ConJf<S$ inltndtd to prol«t I'" im .....ts of cmil ..... ,nd Iiglkn lWJUirnntnts lOr'" &:bl. Commtrci.ol LandJonls.ltnd<n. . . . ...ndon ,nd orhn crtdilors ""'" im"" •• IOnl """" riglill un<kr the Acl. 8y incrtas· ing k-",ugt of coruin I>On·deblo. conOlil...,nc;n o,er olh ...... how<vtt.• he ""1'1$0 may h.", Uninl.nded n'galive CO"K<l""ncQ for bUlir'l<$S <rtdilol'$. Tho followi"ll diKu .. ion highlights <....ain .p«tJ of 1M Ad IhOl ....y ha", p.articul.r JisnirlCllnu in <a$n under chapl'" I I of 1M IIankrupiC}' Cock. C........lly•• businoo filing chapl'" I I ~int in ~ of ill ....:10 u il lrios; 10 <fOIPaitt. A ddJ1or·jn·pos.scslion has ...--1 of Iht obIigo,ic>ru and powen of • 1r1Ulft in bankruplcy and ,......s<> i,• ....:11 and ,«,irs as • fid""iory for crtdi.o" oDd OIMr I"'n;" in inlereol. M.ny of Ih. pnwision. dis· cuw:d lKlow 'pply in.1l b.lnk.uplcy <&It$. bUllhe mate,;"I, refer 10 Ih. deblor .IIM. Ihan 1"" .,ull.. to <'mpha· .i"" .he dcbtO.·in.pcwasion·, role in, (h.op'" II cas..



Commercial Real Estate Leases A dtbtor may .......... Ot rc;.ct <:lKU. tory COn"aru and unnplrtd kues ......... ..aion )65 of 11K IIankrup«y Code. Al.>umplion bi..... I'" Iwlkruplcy ...... ' 0 I'" COn'ro.' or ....... kje<1ion relicft$ Ih. dtblOO- .nd Iht dial. from notlhe. oDd liq"id'les II>< COunltr'l"'fly', d.mages (0. Ih. deb.o.·s btc;lch, Undtr cu'rtn l I.w. Ih. deb,o. muOl dc-cide 10 ... unlt o. ,ejecll>On- ..... den,ia] real p~rly leasa w;lhin 60 days of Iht filing of I'" bankruptcy pel;' lion. bUI may obl .. n multiplt,....,n indefinile meru.iono on • >hawing of co..,... TIlt Ad .tt\t1'<k ..aion 36S(d )(4J 10 ptOI'iIIr tha, , ... ddMor', dcadlin< 10 .......... o. rc;.ct • commtrrial ,,;0] prop. My In.. is Iht •• rlier of 120 days afkr !he filing dale or !he mIry of an order conf"...,in. a chapin- I I plan. p......;.;t.d 1M <oufI for COli'" may txlmd tlt.edcad· Ii"" onu for 90 days. Th. cou .. may sranl 1>0 furthn- e,lermon. unJ .... ,he lesso. specifICally C<l"Stnll. The N:.! .. ill hut! .. lOil .... nd olher busir'l<$S deblors dcl"'ndcnl on kaxd ccKnnltrci,1 , .. Iptop<rly. As .. p.. Cliol mall ••• ddMotl ..ill ..., forced ci1hcr to

rejoe<l .. lu,Me lea.n p ........ urtly Or


... u........... I ...! "Itlmalely may ~ TIlt efJ«1 wiD be 10 inc~.... 1M pow<1' of Iandlotdo in commerd..1 UI<'$ vii .. vii not only tlt.e debtor IKn olso comnltrriallcndns, uru«urtd crt<\ilOrI and orher ""flies ;n inlnnl.

n.. Ac! furtMr provides .h.. if a ddJ10r

... urne:oond I.... rejoe<II a CClmmtrcial "aI l'f'OIIt"y ....... tilt landlord', admin· is!ra, ivc U"der lhe k.", shall"" limited 10 ol>l1801ioll, due for Ihe'M>' yur period followinglhe laIn of rejeclion or Jutrtndcr of l"Jf4OIion. n.. bal· on<o of Ih.Icsfor·, damages will be tm', ed as ...""raJ lltu«lIrtd claim. Under cu.renl law.• htlandJord may claim adm",;st ... " vc txpflUt priority fOr all da ........ 'mi", through 1M tnd of.1>< ...... ~ ... b;«IIO' ~ dulylO mlllpt •. The I...,.,.... cap amdionkS ,tit- <!tpIM tffKl o( a deblor'> premo· I.. ", ...",npl"'" und<r .he new .im< lim· ;11. bul Iaoo." under leasa thaI tht &:blur ... urne:o.Dd latn ..ject> slill may tit- 1,'8" el>Ough to '.nder mony esUI.. Idmini,lra.i",)y i~IOI"'''I. Wilhou. limi· lotion. under tbe Acl thel.ndlord has no dUly 10 mil>g.o,e illadmini""uivc daim, n.. ""I ,1$0 ...... ndJ SKtion J65{b) of I'" Bankruptcy Code wilh rtspcct to ,

debtor'S non _montl.ry dd.ults under a CQmmttCi..! <t.1 <sWe Ie.... A debtor may ,,"ume a It... or CQntracl o.... r th< CQunler-parly', oojcai<>n only if it cu"" all ou •.,anding d<faults. CQntrt>v<rsy h as ari$cn ""'" h<>w 10 Ire.l no"-montlary ddault, th.1 cannot b< cur«! rtlroa<ti .... 1y (for enmple. a going ou' of b",in<» $.al. Or • ''''pcn,;o" of opt"'lions in violalion of. ,hopping«nter 1....}.lMAcI dari· roes Ih>! if. cur. is impossible, t~ debt'" is not r~uirtd 10 undo the proKribed .nivity as 3 CQndil ion 10 "$Sumplion. Howt .... r. the debtor rou" acl in aeror<fa",. with I.... provi,i<>n, g<linS for"·anl. Moreover, if th. d<f. ult is. f.ilu", to optral< .ccording to It.... "'Iui,..""nlS. Ihe drblor rnU" CQrnpt"""c t~ L1ndlor<l for any p«uniary Iosoes.

Limitation of Exclusive Periods Th. Actlimiu . drbtor', ability to • ""'nd the time to role .nd _k"onfir_ mation oh chapteT J J pl.n. Undttcur_ <tnt!.w. the deb'or generally has the

adu'; .... right to m •• pl.n for the c,rst 120 days of th. Ca ... nd th. adusi .... right to solicit occ<pTance of a pJ.n for Ihe rorsl 180 daysofthc ...... Under 5«lion I 121 (d).lnc cOurl m.y incr.... or decrease .>eh ptriod for .. u... The . mcndmtnt. provide lhat a coun may "," .",tend the dtblOr'S 120 day ptriod 10 fM. pl.n more than 18 months aft<"flhe filing date or tnc 180 day ptriod to obtain oa'ptances oh plan mo'" lh.n 20 months b<rt>nd Ih, rding dale. Th' limit< on extending the aduoi .... pt.;oo, a", •• ignifi .. nt", from <u. rent low and ;nerea.. tnc ""!loti",i"g powtr of I,"ders and olh" "rtditOrs in Cal« ,,·h.,.. the debtor is unable to or unwilling 10 fo,mulat. an ' «<publ. plan .

Single Asset Real Estate Cases CQngrns wrotclhe concept of .ingl. aSSN ",al .. t3t. ,aO<$ into tnc Sankrup.'Y Code in 1994 . A singl. as.<l1. ca .. invol ..... • debtor Ih.t rtCtivtS substantiaUy.U its income from a sing\< ",.1 .".Ic project

(excluding , .. i<lmli.1 real proJl<'ny wilh fewer than four uni") and has no other 5uhs1amiol Ol"'ral;ons. Under >CClion 362(d)(3), lhe automalic .t.y terminal« with "'p«I to the """ured <rtdilor'. right< against col1.teral in a single .... t ..... unles.o., wi1hin 90 d.ys of th. filing date, tnc drbtor ha, .ilh.. fdeda plan of reorganization th>! h .. a ".","obl. [>0<_ ,ihilily of being confirmed wilhin I rea","abl. time Or <Ommtn"« monlhly payment< 10 Ih. """urtd credilor in.n .mounl equollo in1<""1 at. curren, f.i, mark! rotc (not nec..... rily th. con'ract rate) On Ihe value or tho <rtdilor'$ inter_ «t in the CQllateral. The .. curtd londer i, .... Iillcd to inte"'l paym.nts und .. 5«ti<>n 362(d)(3} ..... n if it is not .nlitledlO

M ED I A T I 0 N

-"""""'" -- - "

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odoq ... ~ prolcclion poymmlS (Ihal is., iflhe ,...dilorJ inl ..<:S1S a~ not harmod by a dtcli... in lhe- ....... of tht I""I'"Ir). Undtr <Urm>llaw, 'Wlio"ion ofl""",, ptO"'dions is limittd by tbt dtfj. nilion of""""," """'" rnI come"", ,ppIy 10 (aJn """"" the ww.od deb! i5 $01,000,000 or lou. The Act ehmtlUtco lhe- $01,000,000 cap. As, mult, ,!< ,01001 ","Ios,"~ proj«t. will boo .ubject to >«.ion 362(d}()), "",rdltSl of the .mOunt of >«urtd debl, The Ac. further provldos tha' ;n'e,nt p;oy .... nt' mm' he O<jtW 10 tht r"",..kf.ult contract ralt on tht val ... ofd... mht"'" interal in the col· 1a....aI, ....... if ,he ·curr~n. f.oi< tnarkoot ra~" is ..... n.. a.... t>dJ'....lIS clarify ,lui tho ~mmll may he from rmU or other inc...... ,enm,od by the coIbt.w rtprd\r:s$ oflmdtt COfUtnl (~, a debt"" ""ntnJly cannot .... a.h «>I1.o .. r· 01.,...1' 1 Imdtt'lobjoction wi.hout providin, R'plac...... coUatnal), The t'I<'W Low ealend. tht 9O,<I.or p<'riod within which the deb.or mUll commence p.lY· .... nt 0. f,cc s••y t.rmin.tion 1o thelal .. of 9(l d')1 01' .HI ....l'" ,fIC' Ih. coun findJ the deblor 10 he •• in!l. '»<1 debto._ AccordiltJly, a deb'or may II< ablt 10 <lItend lhe 9( p<.iod by conl ... ing iu SUi .... III • !U'I&I' ~ ,tal oslOt" ddHo •. n.. n<1 ctr«t of tho AcT, hown-. n, is 10 1I ...... "h.o II.. abiltty of Imdtn 10 lOr« • qUId, Kltlommt of oi..p. """'" .-.<>1 nUl< (q<$ on f.o~ 'nnu. ~



a .... tl'l< coun IhaII con ....1 or dismiss lhe em un .... the COlIn sp«:ific:ally iden· lifies ciKUmJlan<n""""""" thai ....h rcUcf if """ in lhe- bat inl...... of cnditOn and tht "",'c. n. dt-ka • mobOn 10 convnt "" dismiss. an obj«ling pony m",' ....bI .... tbt~ 1$ • 1"<3IOlUbIe likdibood lb. • • pbn will ... ron· firmtd wilhin • "'lOrU>bIt p<'riod of timt .nd, with ,"pcct 10 taCh ,""und for au .. (oth .. IMn .ub"anli.l or conlinu, inglou lOOt din,inUlion of ,he ."... ) Ihe~ " ..._".bIe jUlltf... ,ion for lhe 0<1 or omi .. ion .nd Ih. acl or om;";"n will bo< (Ured within. rcasonabk ,ime. Fittidly, 11'1< Acl ,oqu;m tht coun 10 COrt1.......... hn.;n8 on • moIion 10 ctW\Vflt or dismlSf """ Lo.n than 30 days .ftn fiI· Ing and 10 dtcidr tht lDOIion ...,,/un IS days after lhe- .Utl o( lhe hnfins, unless lhe- _ n l COfISCT'Itf ttl • contin ... ~ lOr a r.p«ir" p«iod of ,Unt or compcDing eire"",""",," p ..... nl lhe coun from mcfl.tJ'I tht u..... lin'llio. The ....... "andordo lOr """,,""ins or dismissi",. dtapttT II QUI' will enhance the power of.u crodil""- By inc~";n8 tht abilily of.n isoI.tled or realeit ...", .redilor 10 i"tetfcrc "i1h 11'1< dobIOr'. C* throush moI~ 10 convm or doinusJ. thr ommdtnmlS abo mor..."k 10 the ~n. of en:dilors who ha¥O KIlled with tht dobtor or othorwisr wish 10


.\Uf'PO'1 the dr;b&ot'. ~ion.

Conversion and Dismissal The Acl .ub".".;"11y ""p."d.,he con" dilion. undrr which. II ..... muot be dismilSOd 0. con ... "ed to ch. p· It, 7 .nd lishlenllh. slO"d.rds under which 11'1< court .....y dony a motion to "",... n 0' dlJlnl$l. The AcT abo app<"U1O 10 dian!!" lhe thai may bring. IDOIIOfI '0 """'"" Or dismisJ by ddetl", rrittcnca 10 tbt United Sta,.. Trust .. and ,he- &nkruplC)' Admin"t .. tOt. The Act ""po ..... !he ........""jwivt List of pounds 10 con ... n or dismiss from !he <ur ......1 1m 10 16. Mo~ impon.ntly, tbt Act """tan,WIy duonZ"f th~ .... ndard of p,.,.,( in favor o( 11'1< m<WUI! pany. Curt."t Low p,..,.,.id<:$lhat tht court may convert 01 dilmi ........ for ausc. Tht t'I<'W law p..,..ideslh" upon a.t.ow of


Protections for Sellers Of Goods Stctlon 5046(c' 01 the II.InktuplCy Codr


~ po ......... the of. alppWr of p>Ods on mdi. TO rcdoim IjOOIis nom an iNohoml dr;b&ot u..JtT tht Unibm Commm;iaI Codt ("UCC""), oubjc<:t 10 (n. 1inutI!JO)nS. The odIrr m .... <IrmMod 1'<Clamalion in ....;0"'11 ...itlnn 1m days of ......1'1 of the aoods by tbt buyer/debtor Of. jf the Icn·.t.y pmod .>:pi..... ft .. lhe con,~,of.he b;!.nkrul>!<)' ......, within 20 doys of reccipl. The odIrr may nos

«claim aoods from a p>d Wth purd>as<r


lOr nJuc under ,ho ~Ioot couns ha¥O hdd tNt • Iondrr WIIh &1IoatJnt: Iiocn on invmIorr ill. px>d eouh purdlasalOr steurity imnut in !he aoods pnnws!he odI<r'. rrdamatoon fiBhU. The ,\(1 modif.... Section S46(c) to m.nd lhe p<riod for rccLoimi"l p><>d.> rtalvt<i by Iht deblOt from .cn days ' 0 45 ....Y' (rom reccipl. n.. Acl furtMr provides Ihat if Ih. 4S ·day lH"iod .fi~r lhe commcn,,,mtnl of tho CU<',' ..II.. may n...u a recla",.,ion demand up 10 20 days '~"Ih. honkruplCY filing. The AcT .pccili.. tha' .ishll of rcclamo.· lion are dofe"ed by • prior "'uri,y inlernt in p><>d.> or procctdo, confi, ml.l1g lhe <urrcn'lopl ,tali' r Ih ••• ""lamalion ri&hU may ...... po-... tocal val ... only in casa whrrr lhe dtbIor'. iml<nlOl"}' is u...... umbnftl. More"pttfioontly, ,he- Ac, .mends Sect"'" ~)(b) of tl'l< Bankruptcy Cod< 10 p"""",," selic .. lhe rishl 10 sod; .11o.... nce .nd poy .... nt o(.n .dmini.Inli ..... p<n .. (Loim for lhe ""Iu~ ofany good. rec.lved by the dtblor within 20 010)1 befote 11'1< wit of honktuplcy. Admi~islrati.e np<n .. dal", •• ..., e"liIk<! 10 p.iorily of I"ymcnl over OIhcr u ........ rrd d.ims. A dtbIor V""'t1IY ... ill not he roqUlrccllO I"Y .",h <launs immcdiotcly upon allow~nu, bul ",ill ...... 10 pn:w .... lOr full poym<nt of odmlnut"' .... ""pcnsc dooms 10 obuin conftlltU'''''' of. chap~r 11 pbtL n.c seller mar ""lOin odminislr>l;'" ""pmso< Irnlmmt....., if i, f.;to to maU. timely reclamalion <:kmand. M""""",,,", unlih tht ..lit,', .ishu und.. "'Iion ~c). Ih ...II..', .ishll under re>'iocd >«Iion ~J(b) • ..., nol . ubjcc' ' 0 In. ' ighll of . " ordinary eou,," buyer, a good f.ilh pur· e...... r "". >«urod Itnd<:,. In addilion 10 inc~.. ing Ihe ehances. lrade ... ndo. will he poid lOme or .11 of iu claim. lhe ,\(t incrcaJn ,he Ic>otr.ase of l rade ... ndo" in th.dtblOf', ........ nO>.;l'IOII. n.. COJl of r<Orpniution will incrrasc, 10 tht d.ulmml oflmdca as wrl1 as dtbIon.. Funhcr, lhe odminislmi,... <lIpmso< prio.ity ror p>Odi dcli.......d on ,he ~ of bankrup' cy ..... y .ffCfi pref... .nce cia" .... "&''''111 ... ndon .. lhe deb,or/UU" .. fae.. an oddilional hurdle in, Ihat. p.y .... nl enlitled Ih. ... ndor 10 rtai ... mo .. Ih.n it would h.... in .. 7.

.... """*


Use and Sale of Estate Property Tho Aa an'In'Ids lMion .l63 with ~ to Ihr ...." ....nd ........ ol >p<cific; typ<t of ..u~ propnty. ~ pmvisiono

will compIiea.e 111< dJons of dtbtors to ~ and 1Wtt. and may afl«t <rcdrtors' .ffun •• " InUlm;" nl... through bonkrupC<y ~ Thr Nt pro.kIe> .h., it. dcbIor. in connection wlth


offering. producl or .\nVic. CO on individu.J,Iw. policy prohibiting the Ir.nlr.. o( "r......o",lIy kkmifi. bk inl\)mu.· lion" about 1M indivjd.,ai,o uru.ffdi>,N third pon .... 'hrdcl:rtor may no! , ......ftt _h inlOnn;o,;oo unlosl: (a) thor """"'""'" ... or ....... II COMimnt with u..;



<>pp($' Itt.,

and may lit motiva!ed 10

w. fC$O.dkso of lhe <irwm·

stances. A ...... con .... ind .... .,. in bank·!Cy ombtMhmm 1_ abo di$russi.nn of hnhh to .. tw\krvp« bdow) will wor\. 10 ,~&lnmonl of com.....m.l cmlilors. The At! abo li"';u or oonditions salts by oonpn>fiu 10 fo,-. profil corponlions, These rna""", ",m .... si,gni!kanl in ..... healtheare ind.... ry. whc .. ddno<s onm .re nonprofits llul J('(k 10 rt(Irganize or liquid.o!. IhtOllgh - ' $;01 .. to conllMreial corpor.,jol1$. The Act prohibits.ny .t>eh s;.lr absent compli.J_ ",jlh .pplicable

or (b ) thocou"appoonl1'mn<wnC1~ ' ;-~

_ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-r ~ .nd ol'PfO"U tho oak Of Itast.fin- _~ and ......rin& and find·

' ''8 Ihr .....


-..Id _


.ppliabk ...,., .banIuupIcy Law. PenorWly idtnt,f.. bIt .nlOmu.lion ~ dtfinod:tt Ihr fi .... nan .. (or ini.W) .nd 1>.11 namr; ~ graphic odd,ef,$ or physic;al pUa nf mi<!t,ler, demonic oddrns: ltirphonc

num""" . , 1'\". of rrsidtncr. Social Securityaccount "umber; er<dil card o<ct>unl number; and, if a••"d.ted with th< fortgOing. birth do, •• plK<' of birth ond nu~ 0( binh (nti,"","'. adoption (n1i/ioool .., Of n.h.raI.1"IOO anif"",,,,. Tho COIUIIlI"Itf prr.....,. ombudsmm will havt >landing to oppnr and be I><ard ., Ih< hnrinS ond to pt<Wi<k Iht COlIn with infunmtion IOal4i>l in the~· •• ion p~ ..... or It-. Tho COUfI may mn..xr tho oXbtor', prMq policy. potmtiil Losoeo, pi"" wou or l>m . 'fit< to ron'Umcf1..nd potCfl.W .htmil. tivn that would mi!igo!t privacy I".... or p<>!rn!lal com !o conlunl<1'S. Th~ ~ pro.i,ion .ri... out of l"Sili · mal. ronctrrn in , ..e. wh"", In!~rnel ' baKd dtb!Of'J h.... soughl '0 $dl conlact informa!;"" on eUJlom<rs ond .i,ilors 10 rornm<n:;ai Wri> The scopt" of,~ delinil,,", is poIm!iaily broad mcrugh.


IIew prOVISlOtl

arises alit of legitim a cm'cems ill cases where Illtemet-based d"~rors have sought to cot/tad i"J\"""'~('" a ll customers visitors to CO,'""" Web sites.

""""""". 10 apply 10 QIhe. lOinS COna1"n ..... ltIroIY"" ' ""Om...- lim, p><>dwill

..... ammdin~TIIt~·.

ond will h.... ,,., I"r!icubr incenli ... In

al " - "W't.ocd ;............t rccmI health· baoktupeciu 10 ..... INI • propooed saIo now.. _. bw. TIlt Act ~ IN, the ~ of the ~ in which at'<


the nonpro6t drilcot is ;,..... poI.!<d. was bnt<d or dc><s bIIsinaI ""' otanding 10 appeal' wi!lt reop<a !O ,hesoe iI4ut$, <WtI if !he .,.,. OI~ " DOl • pMty. These ~ b«om< oftMiw .. of lhe <1.:01< of mac1rnnll and owly to coses pmdin~ on April 2{), 2005; provided. too.."n'C'r. ,ha! in confirming a pl.n in 0 pondins CO« the ooun mwh romider ...tcether the <lunges subst<lntiilly would affea the tiptts of 0 port)' in interost tlul .:quired.O><h rights an.. the Iihng of ..... WnbupIcy. TIlt Act ~ 1M SKtiM J6J(f) (which...-.... the saIo of ....... im and dear '" liens and othtr ~l "'" not apply '" Wcs of ...,. IIt1n'ell in 0 tom1.llnC'f


! I

acd .. lransaction IN, is JUbjea !O the Truth in lmdin l Act or any in! ...·


in I

OOMllt11Ot" <redil

Acconlingly. dl. pure""",, of oom~m...e tcdill"'P<'~.u mnain ' ubjea to oil claims and dcfmset of tho conoumor under ..... conlracts to ..... COI,INC1. mtnt 0$ if It.. saIo

had not Iwn COOIdIIcItd uncItr SKtlOO J6l(f).

Special Healthcare Provisions The Act ddlnet -healthcore busin<$$" os


compmso'ion will bt mlitkd 10 adminis' ....iw ~ priofi1y, which ~ in dfcct, that tmlirors will bt required to fund ,he OCt""'Ou of on ind<'pmdenl >gm' ,h., will no! "",wer 10. I"nicw.r dim,

oon·b.UlkntplC)' Iorw. S\;IIt ottorneys~.


.ny privI!< or puOlic ..,I"Y primarily ..,gaged in offering to the general publlc f..:ilil;" and strVictS for the diagnosis and I~.tmenl of injury. d.roml;ly or di ..... I nd "'''Sical, lrealmenl. p$yChiatri<: 0.obolelric COR. The Act odcb «<too l51 10 .... B-ankruptcy Codt. providins • heaIthcaro btwn<$$ ",ithoiit fundo to 5tt>R' ..,Iim! hoahhtare I't«)<d$ undcr opplicabk bw m .... "'" a ),,"M'. publication notice '" in,.." to d<St"", the ....:o<dJ ..... a~pI to conuotl adI oII«Ifd patient ..... insur· antt carrier dift'Ctly, by ma~. within 180 <lap. If lite I'CCOf'Ib oro not cbimI:d during !Ito porind. ,he ddMor mLISI ""'10><$1 by cnt.r..d maU !lul e.m .ppropri.!e fe.i< ....1ogeney 10k ~ of the t«or<.b;, ~.f\ ... the deblor m.,. deslroy




,.:r'laining ,""",<is but only through

sp«ifi«l n><'!iIods to <"Sur" privacy. Th~ Al;t odds section '3310 the 8.1nkruptcy Cod., n'quiring 'ppoint· ment of. to •• lthea .. within It>. first 30 days ofa h •• lIb carr b ... in... c.... If lh. drblor provides long·term C.... 1M court may 'ppoint a $!Olclong. un<kr 'he Old.. Amtric.n$ Act of 1965. The o",bud.· rna,,', du,i .. include monitoring .nd fOponing to the ro"M on tilt qu.!ily of p.11i<nt 01"'. The ombudsm.n wUi n."" accnIIl0 pa,irnl r..:ords but must confiMnti.Uty wilh rnf>KI lo.uch

"= 'Of"


If. h.. lthea", bOl$ines. <oS< converts toch.pter 7. tho AcI WJuiro. It.., ' ....'« to we moon.ble best effom to 'ran,fer

o'"I, to. local h..hhe.r. business tnat provid ••• ub.t;rntiaUy simil.r ~u. main,.in. a r..sonabl. quality of cor~. Th~ <0$" of. "ust.. or , fedo ..1.~nq in <losing . h.ahhcore .... , ..",f..· ,ing ~Iienl' and of ,hall bt ."Iitled 10 adminil"ali~ expon .. priorily.



The Actinclude.· severa] provisions regarding a fast-track procedure fo r small businesses to weed out cases unlikely to succeed and to expedite procedures for potentially viable cases.




Small Business Cases Tho Act indud<s ........1 pIt"'isinn. r<garding a f.. proc.dure for .mall" to WoM nnl cosn unlikdy 10 ,,,,,,oM .nd 10 up«lilo procedures for po<.nli.lly casn. A small bu.inns deblOr i, defined "' • ... having an aUKS"to debl nf not more Ihan $2.0 million (nol including doblo 10 .ffilial.. and ... ). A bUO;n ... under Ih. limil will not bt a small bUlin ... if. nedi'or commin«, is appointed. but may r<VttI mck 10 ,m.1I bu,in ....tatus if • <ommill«' i. 'pl">inled but hoI acli~, Th. ""all bu,;"... <!tblOr will fac•• ddi· linnal reponing .. qui .. m."I, regarding profitability. cosh How. Lox '<lum.and o,h •• mailers. Th. Unil«l Stat.. Trull"" nr BlnkruplCY Admini.t .. tor is l'«]uiJed 10 more clO$<Iy monitor Ih •• mall bu.i· ,.... d<btor·•• ctivil~. WitMutiimi"tion, th. deblor mu.t .ubmit to an iniliol intc,,"j ..... and to In investigation into its viabilily and tho condition of ;1, books and records. Th. coutl may <..end the .m.lI busin... d.btor', lim. 10 iii •• plan bey<>nd 300 daY' aft.. the filing of Ih. ptti'ion only if th. debtor can p'''''' it is mo ..

likely ,h.n not to obtain conf"motion within I ..asonable tim•. If the d.btor fil ... plan th.t m"" ...11 app]iabl. .. qui .. m<nt>.lh. courl ~n ... Uy mUS' <ohfinn ,h. plan within 45 daY'. Th. Act 100..'" ,h. di$dosur< '«IUi .. m."I. for small bUlin ... debtOf$. direcl ing COurt. to take th. oi .. and complexity of • ca« il110 o«ount in d"'.rmining whoth .. di.· <10<"'0 i, adtquA" . nd allowing courl. to di.ptn .. with. di.clo,,,,.. .\;tlt'fJl<n' altogether if tho pl.n, ad«lu"le infonnalion. Fu, ""un may 'PP""'" a di",losu~ .t.. em .. nt on I ""n_ dition.1 b. ,i •• on limited notic•.• ubj«:1 to final.pprovo! on full notke at th. ""nfirm.tion hearing.l1>< Act , Iso indud .. a II<W <XC'plion to tho autom.,· ic .tay in .... ill mingo by. omal1 bUlin ... d<blor.

Individual Chapter 11 Cases Tht Act makes ~.I rdin<m<n" in dl.tpltt II a..<:< filed by indiv;dwls. Mosl of tho cttangn art int<ndtd to make indio _idual dl.tptc:r II pia", look mort jiJ.z dl.tptcr 13 pl.ns. Under III< n<W law•• pLln of an individual ,lut pr(}\'ides f", less Ihan full ~ym.nt of uns«uml claims ~ not be confinned unless tho vol ... of prop<11y to he dislributed to Ul\S<Cuml ~mlitof$ ;. not less than til< amount of the debtor', proj«1«1 disposal>le inmm< duro ing til< ~-r<"r p<riod b<ginning on th. date th.t the fif$' payment i, dU<' undtr tht pLIn. [f tht disposabl. income I<SI ;. .. tWled,.,t indi,jduai dtbto. may .... in property in tho estot. ev<n though u ....... cured nedit"", ... not paid in full. so long ... tho d<bloT pal" all r<quired domeslic "'pport obIig.o6ons. This chang< .... ptnds applicalion of tht "absolUle priority rule" in individwl chap'''' II cases. which is of .'11 .... 1>1< procticaleffKt under rurrrn,l.w, In Inother nod to chapler 13. !he A<I provides tlut In individual debtor may modify a ch'pter 11 pl.," 10 i"" ..... or red .... th. amount of ~ym<nto, 10 "",ond the lime ptriod for p:>ym<nlS, Or to .It... the .mounl of distribution to. credilOr who .. ( ;. I,...ted by the plan. Similarly. the ameodm<nl' I'ro,ide th.1 an individu.1 chapter II debtor >hall not reai .... a discharge until completion of .Il ~ym<n" und .. the pl.n. unlm for callS< shown. Undtr wling law. lhe disclurgo

cnttml upon ronfirmalion. Howe ........ tht rourt may IY'-nt a dis<:h'rg< aft .. ron· firm;tion to an indi. IkblOr who has not compl.ted p,aym<nt. unlk, the pl'n if th. value of th •• mount of p«>p<rty dis· t,ibutt<i und<r the plan on account of each un.ItCurtd claim i, ""tlas th.n the omm'"t th.t would ...... b«n p,aid in a chapt., 7 and rnodi/ico,ion of the plan i$ nQ1 p",cti<al)le. Finally. the Act tighteru the "'Iuir""""," fot tht di"'h~ of.n individU31 ddltor who engaged in fdonies reLaIt<ilo the .bus< of the I\anknJpt<y Codt. "",uriti.. violations or .uy criminal act. int.mionallort or willful 0' r«kJ ... miKOndoo t"" ",uses serious physital injury Or dea,h to another individual in the pretttling fi ... yurs. Th. Acl """,nds proP<"y of Ih...tal< in on ind;"'idual ·, chapler 11 10 include ... rything 'he debtOr OWnS as of the p<tition date plus . 1I proP<"y. including earnings from servi ... pcrforrnt<i by the deb'or. acquired .fter commence"",nl of Ih. usc but heforeth. cas. is clo>«l. di.· missed or con... ned. Under current Law. i$

most COU'" h.... hold Ihat an individu.1 debto,', post-pelition wages and .. I.ry were nol p,an of the .. t.l<.

Preferences Crt<iiIO" «<.iving p,a.yment on <laims,1 I debtor on the .... ofbankluptcy m.y be r«)uir«l to return the p. yment, to th. bankruptcy ..tot. under sedion ~7(b) oflh. Bankruptcy Co&. The deblor (or IruSI~) m>}' avoid as a pref". enee any Iran,ftr ohn inl.....1 of the debtor in propnty: (l ) 10 or for Ihe of •• ,cditor; (2) fo, 0' on account of on .me.oedc:nt debt owed by the debtor before the nan,fc, was mode: (3) m>dc whilt the deblO' was insolv.nt; (4) on 0' within 9Od.yo hefore the ftlingof the pelition (oron or within . YO"' bdore the filing of Ihe p<lition if Ih. tron,f.. was 10 an in,ider); and (5) thai the credito, «<.i,.. more than it would have if th. €UC were a case undcr .hapte' 7. Ihe tr.tMfer had nQ1 heen m.d., and the creditor '«rived


payment of .uch deb1 to the e><lent pro· vided by the Bankruptcy Co&. The theory behind t"" preftrence statuI< i. 1h.>1 eredilO" ,«r;"'ing p,a.ymml h..... heen "p...-krred" over c,cdilo" not r«<iving payment and. to promot~ ~U3I­ ity of treatment. prdercntial tran,f." mould he returnt<i to the ..1.1< and redistribuled r.ttably 10 creditors. SllCh logic ten'" to "",k hell" for I_wre" than bu.i· ness people. who generally find public policy an inad~U3t. rationale for return· ing p,ayments to whkh they~ ... ntitled The inability 10 coli"" a bad aerounl u'u· ally is a I..... of an emotional issue for a bu,iness th.n b<"ing fo .. «Ito gi .... back .n account .Iready coll«t«l. The Act .. significant "'lid 10 preftrencc <ltfendant .. Fit>!. section 547«) of th. B.nkruptcy Code cre.l.. a numbe, of affinnati", d.fen .... On. of Ih. rno:st,ignificant is the ordinary co"", of business defense unde, subs«tion (e)(2). which provid .. 1h.t a tran,fer is not avoi<bhk 10 Ihe t1.1CJI1 ,uch tran.fer was: (I) in paymenl of a debl incurrt<l in


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'he ordinary rour« or bu.sin... Or finan· cW affairs of the dC'btor and th. defm· dant; (2) made in ,h. ordinary rour« of bu.sinw Or financial alfairs or the debtor and defendant; Il1ld (3) made a=rding ordinary bu.sinns The >e«lnd prong or ,h. defe .... is .ubj«ti~, ~ on 'M rour$< of dea~ng bctwrtn the 1""tin. The third prong is objecti ..... b.ON! on industry st •• ><lards. Under curren! low, th. preferm« defendant h.. the burden of proving all th .... eltmtnu. Th. Act gre.tIy simplifies the ordinary rou .... of bu.sincss derm.. by changing the ..,.d in .ubstaion (,)(2) I(> an 01. «I that tht <kfrndan, don t\OI ha.... to pro'. both the .ubjectivt arid objecti .... t.... but only one of th<nL He""', under the new b .... 10 e:«:q>! a t,.,nsf... from .",i<\J""" .. . pref· a def...-.dant will have to p""" ( I ) the I""",f... in paymrnt of a debt incurrtd in the ordinary COU .... ofbw.ineso arid (2) the t"",sfer w;l$ made in ><GOr. dance wilh the COu .... of bet"""n the p>l1in 01 according to indtlilry st.n · dards. The .,usteflct of. viable affirmative defense often is tM moot imponant elc-ment in negot .. ting !he $<ltlemenl of a pm...."'" daim. The Acl will provide prderrnct defendants with additional 1m· g>ining power in $<tlkmmt disru<5ion<. In addition [() providing a more defen· wnl' friendly ord in. ry cou'" ofbusi"... Men$<••he Act significantly alttrs the roM· henriit .nalysis of litigating smaller prde-r. <net aaions. Under Olrrrn.IaW. a can profit grt:Itly from r~ing large numhers of",,"," pm.......... clai"" in the debt.".', home forum. E"", if the cL.inu "'" weak Or subj«t '" valid dekrues. dtfrnd.tnts in forcip,t. jurisdktions rarely can jU5!ify the ceooomia of defmding the and are for«<! [() $<!tIe quidly to avoid nprn.<e. Pur:ru.m. [() the Act. ft"Viscd..aion 547(c) will preclude . Mendant·. prmren« lia· bility on I... nsfe-rs tmaling less than $SJIOO in the a~te. fUJ1her. the Act rev .... 28 U.s.C ~ 1'109 '0 provide that an ac60n to ...,id • n(ln·ronsum<r debt ag>insl a non· insider for less than $11).000 must he brought in the district in which the defm· dan. rnide!.. The Act will reduce the nwn· her of nuisance pre{.......... clainu and allevi.te the pressure on businesses [() pay p~ demand. beco .... the amount is 100 small [() ju.uilY a Men$<. The Acl . Iso "",end. proleClion' 1<> oocured creditO"_A transfer und .. $O<.ioo








10 0'

!>I7(b) may includ.!he ptrfcction of a li.n '" $O<urity inl''''1. The ptrfeaion of • lim 10 $<"CUre an 1l1l1<ad.n' deb" th .... • fore. ""'y he . voided .., •, dopriving an otherwise oocured creditor of its oollawral. Under the curnmt ....-.ion of oedion !>I7(c)(1)•• purrh .... money oocu· ri.y in' ..... ' anno, be, avoided .. . pm.r· met if the lender ptrfea. within 20 d"l" of th. deb,o" receipt of propat}'_ The Ac1 .."",4 Ihe pe-riod 1<> 30 days. The ptrkclion of • purrtwc mon.y oocurity int....,., wi.hin )(} days will relaw back 1<> the w te of 'he debro,'s receipt foT pmer. <net purr<"'<. Similarly, u,lder $O<,ion >17(.). the ptr. feaion of my lien Or $<CUri'y intern! rn..'n back to !he da,e or .nachmen' if ptrfeaed wi'hin len days. The Ad revi ... substaion (e ) incrtalt!he "",,,red lender', grace pe-riod 1<> 30 days. The Ac1 also . mends $O<,ioo 362(b) to allow ,h. fiI· ing of finmcing "alemenU and other acu or ptrf«tion during !he extended groct ptriOO . These relation·bad; provision. provide prot«tion only from pr&"'''''' attad. n.ey do not aIfcct stOl. law ruln regarding perftction or lien priori.y. Moreover, ,he Ad does 001 amerld tM '''''"•• powers under $CCI;"n 54. of!he BankruplCy Code a",id $O<u,ity inter· es" thaI .re unporf«ted .. of lhe filing WI<. If the debtor run bankruplCy during the grace poriods provided by SCC1iotts. 547(c)(3) arid (e), the lender may be able 10 eliminate pr.ftre-nct ""'I""ur•• hUI the oocurity in'....,.', at ri.k The Act does ""t, therefore, change the impon."ce of prompt ptrfn:t;"n or $O<urity interest •. Of further note 10 lend.... and other credilors relying On insider gu.rantin, the Act revises «<lion >17 1<> provide thaI 'ran,f.fS bct\o....... 90 daY' ond one yea, before !he bankruptcy filing moy be avoid · ed only wi,h rt$pKI to a creditor who is .n insider. 1ltis chango rep .... n.. Congress' second effort [() .ddrw the $(>. coiled Dq>rizio doctrin •. Section S-47(b) p~ for the ...,i<\Jncc or 10 01 for the benefl1 of a credi[()r. PaymentS 1<> a th ird party <rr<iiloT holding Il1l iruider gu.ruttyare also f.". 1M bendlt of the insider, who .. expooure urlder lhe gu.oran. ty is reduced (on<! who al<o is a cred.itor by virtue of his oontingent ",,!>rogation rights against the debtOl). In f.eyi, Y, Intp>CIJ IWnd Fin. Curp_ (I" .. V.N. o.prizUJ Om .. ,. 0>.).874 Fo2d 1186 (7th Or. 1989), the



coun applied a literal Ttading of $O<, ion >17 to hold that. non·insider credi1<>r ..... .ubjt<1 to the extended one-year reach· back pe-riod for paymentS that benefited on insider SU' ... nIOl. Congre« tried to fix the problem in 1994. bul g<>I only halfway, by providing that such pm....""" could not he rc«>veRd from the non· in.ide... The Act appear> 1<> do$< ,h. ~ loop by pre-_ting \he.voi<Wx:e ¥ payments to non-insiders more than 90 daY' prior to b. nkruptcy.

Fraudulent Transfers Se<tion 548 of the Bankruptcy Cod< empowers • 'ruS1~ or DIP 1<> a",id tra ...· ftrs the debtor mad. wi.h a<1u.t intm.lo hinder. deloy or defraud creditor<. Comlructively (... udulent t... nsfefS al<o art a",id.!ble. regardlns or inl<nl. if the debtor w.. in><>lvent or urldet"ColpilOlited at 'he tim. of the t.. nsfer and Te<ei..-ed ~ than "asonably equ<vaknt v.tu•. The Act am.nds $<Ction 548(. )(1 ) to apply to tran.f.... occurring wilhin IWQ years of the filing of ,he bankruptcy p<lilion. The cur· """ ", ·bod ptriod is on. rur. This pt<>vi5ion only applies 10 call<S filed one y<"ITOft . . .... ctmenl (April 2(1, 2(06). 1\cco<tS< the reach· back period exponds, .lOme litigants next yeor potentially will face the anomalou •• ituation or. transfer .sheltcred from fraudulen' transfer a.tack bta..... he dC'b[()r med bankruptcy too cOlly ,.,herthan too late_ The Act odds a new .ul>scction (e) [() SCC1ion 548 [() exp.nd lhe deronilion of fraudulen' l... nsf.. [() include transfen by a deb[()r 10 a Itlf·.!tItled trust orsimilar device within len of bonkruplCy if lhe debt'" is a beneficiary of the lrust and made the 'r.on,fer with intent [() hinder, d.loy 01" defraud creditors. The amerld· ment provide. a new weapon 10 boltl. fraudulent aMd proln:tion "rategies. hu, applies only 10 tran.fen i"""I>ing a';tual intenl and not [() constru<1i,..1y fraudulent t",nsfen by in<oIven. deb,ors rtcriving I... than re3.IOn.bly equivaJen' value . Th. Act provides that a to an insider under an tmpl<>ymenl contrac, may be avoided as a f.. udulenl t... n.f.. i( it was not made in the ordinary couT$< of bUlin..... Under this pro,i,ion , alhowing of .ctual in.ent to def... ud.rId a .howing of insolvency i. not necessary_ Th. e.".ordinary nalure or Ihe payment. in and of i""lf, . ubjects the tran,fer to

avoid.l>«, unkss ~ dtbto<



solUbly "'luivaknl ...1... in «<< for 1M I ... n,f... Thi, p""'"ion beron,,,, tff..:tive on 1M d.JIC of tnactmtnl buI if applicable only 10 QIoOS filed on or .ftnlilt do't of <nOC! .... nl CAprii 20. 200S).

Executive Compensation Tho loa prohibits poymnu ol relmlion bon ..... '" inoidtn (~officm" d.IrecIors and princlp.1oI_.,.,. ol tht dtbtor) una lhe COlIrl finds ThaI tach aff«u-d individu.>l h., on ouuundingjob oIfn- from iltI04htr business at tht ...... or ",,"ief r.o~ ol ~ and 1M otrV_ ices prnvicI«I by tho pmon .... $OnIiailo ' ,he RlrvivaI of tht debtor'o~' (not mtrriy no«soary to III< dtbtor·, ""lpni . "lion or to maximiu IW<1 valoxs). In odd1tion, rtI<1Ilion bon ........ capptd. Tht loa abo prohibits tnnlI~ poymmts to an in<i<I<r omIeso tho poymm' io por1 of • proyam ~ .....ilabIt to 011 fuU limo .."pioyca .nd tht amounl of tht p'y",.. n, if nol gre.,er Ihln ton Ii",.. the lmounl of th< ......... """ pry to non_ manag<mc:nl trnpIoyoa: du,,", th< akn · dot 1ft1. Tht Act prohibm othtt lrarWm or obJi&ationo ouuid< 1M 0Idinary (ou . . . olbusi ...... for lhe bmclil ol oIliocno, .... n· I$ft$ Or consul .. nt'"1\01 jwtil'icd by lhe facto and circumsta ..... of !Itt which "",.limil !be- dclHor', obiIiIy to pry lOr D&O ~ on bthaIf of offian and dlrraon.. "":unmdmmts prtn'idc mio/" to mditors on a porticularly piling ioout (inc"oling pay to in.idon who presided oYtt lhe dcIHor'l bankruptcy), but mdiIOfS may suifft" tJo.c ~ if dcb«Jrt ... unobIc 10 main u,. rm~


Creditor Committees The Acl giws bankruptcy court$ oddi· lioNI.uthorily",,"" tht ODmposition of cmLlOt" wmrnin<a and impooa addilionaI risJ>Is and obiig""ons on.:ommill« lIl(ttobers. Uncicr CUrrenl law, tht Un;ttd StatCS Trw(": or II.onkruptcy Aclmini"""or Iw tht authority 10 and change COInmiIl« """obe, .. ",. ....... law pnwides thaI tht l>onkrupccy COW"\ may ott:Itr • cIt.a,.. in ""nobeosbip 10 ........ adoquo~ ..,.........,tllionof mdoloa.. WlIhouIlimit-o. lion, til< coun may onItt an inc .._ in ,he nUInbn- of comrnin..: II'I<Inbtr> 10 includt


smaIJ I> concerns thaI dispropor_ lionately nta)' bf a~ by nonpayrnrnt of cUinu. This change ma.y bf signiftcanl both k.r unaUtt cm:Iilors and institulional bondholders that tcnd to ~ """. min..,. in ...... ClOtS. Tht Act amends KCtion SOl(b)(4) of tM o..nkruptcy Code 10 din,ln.'e the right of. comm;tt..: membfr to I<'C k compensalion for .nornq<s .nd account . ants Ktlintd ,n coOUlKlion wilh pcr1Onni", ooonm;tt« duties. Commill« mtmbcrs Ktlin th~ r""llo _k rom . pensation of OIh« ....... n.bIc and n...... , .. ry <XI"''''''' under .... ,ioll SOl(b)(l). ",. Act rtquires comm;l1ccs 10 ~ in/Onm,ion 10 crtditon who OR not mem · ben of tht commin«. WhiIt ~.osin& uns<:cumI <mii1ori a<:(;aO 10 irOOrrnotion, this proviI.ion r..... daJwrI for debtors

and olhcr portia.. M.."btr> of ~n official commil!": a duty 10 main_ tain <nnfdmlialily. QMi1Or$ wbo ... no( oi. coonmin« do not haYC Lor dut .... "" ""luiring tho coonmin~ 10 lurn "..,. inlOnnalion 10 gcncnI uns<:cumI c..ru1OOJ. tto. new law uninl .... 'ion.11y may force tht publk disclosu .. of S,...ncia!, pricins. Indt Jtcrrt and ... Iocr rcnsitive infoom.Iioa. The new low doa no( ~ a mcchanisoo by which a .......".,..: can

It"'" .....

>im,- 1o me-- inform:O!ion or 1 coun <on

otdn- such informalion not bf disclosed. Dcbton and od,.,. ~ies in interest will It.~ 10 bf cardi..oI

aOOu' oIwins con6dm.

tiaI inbnwotion with ....-nminm.

Summary: The Trend i'rovisklns ;n 'M Acl not diKl>SIed >boYc ........OlJY fuUow I wnsiJI ....I ,heme: Tht busi ...... debtor fac8 ....... Ind.moos bunllcs 1O.......png from clt.apler II u....... a plan 01 m:><pnizalJon. A number of odditionaJ provisions in lhe Acl matcri_ oUy will inc ...... a dtbtor'$ ca&h neWs early in tht (Qt and lhe burden of administnJiYc and othtt priority claims throush confirm.ation, for aamplt. tht At! ...... _ tioly doubIrs tht <:ap and tJo.c ........ ·back period k.r priority w.- doims. Tho Act abo "'~ til< Iic-n. priorily and otl>tt righ" of (Ntrai. .nd loa] taxing authorities Ind limits tht debtor', 8ccibiIi. ty in dr:di"l with w: cIaimf in its pWl. Further, tht Act ...... utilit><s 10 w.;" on wi! do:pooiu Ot othtt <ash <qUMJrnu 10 en.""e pool-petition utility I<I"Yicc:s to ~ dtblor. Dcl>IO,. (and Icndc,.) will con·


front additional cIoaIImta (and opport ... nilies) in financl"ll chapltt II ~ The trmd <Hf;r Ito. lost decade has b«n ..,uruc the mq,aniWion and survival of ~ in cIt.apItt II . II prtcIominan1Iy hai boaomc a ............... 10 Jell tht dct>tor"o ~ II a II"in8 concnn. The trmd oIicn is $dutary lOr tho ....!Cfpriaval .... ~ whole, ~ 1hc val ... oitht IIICU undn- ....... owncnItip., m-. and clear 01 debts and willi p-eMer apitalizMion and ma.rwp:onenl raoutn'S- ~ tht ... of bIO$inoooa is • .,m.aty .-.lid U$C of <hoptcr II. A ... can bf the be:<! mt.lJU of job< and .-naxlmwng lhe mum 10 crtditon, but rartIy ~ equity in.... _ .... in tht dcbtoo-. for..,.,.. or ill th< At! io Iikdy 10 .. ctk,",~ tht trmd """"""" tht .... 0I~ 01>1 01 ch.apttt II.


""'' 8

Conclusion (hopt..- I I traditionally has bWnctd .he inltmts ol tht debtor and oII>tt por_ lies 10. banluuplC)' (Qt, " , . Act oi&nifi. candy oIten lhe baImc~ by weakc-ning tho dcbtor'$ poIilion Ind pn:Mding im!"'''.nt new 'ights 10 ~icular ponies in inlt""". By "'ltering tht hoLo_ "Pi.... tht dcbtoo-. tbt Act will <»mpIio::aIe thr cfIOm of unf• • YOm! crtditon 00 proI«I their " " - in clt.apICT II. Now. mor-t than ......., bwt--. os.$IIQuid not .... , .. chaptn I , without. <IN. WI stra'<gjIand open coron,unin-. tion with all crtditor JIIOUpo. Similarly. if ml..-po-ik val .... is 1O....-vM th< cIaimf of;cular constiI.....n.. foYOm! by tht Act. cmIitoOJ mUOl work with dcbIors in ..,.,.. faith to npedi~ and "ottmIinc the MgOti<tlion 010 ronl(nsual plan. •

,-__....---",... ... -,,----""......,--_

J _ _.. _ "

-.-""_"looo"' __ "'.,. ____ UP."

Mt •• _ " .......

-.,...LIIoIOt ... ~l_



_Mt _ _ • ., ".







moft AUbarna prxIilionm; know,IMnll I conlraclu·

aI rriolionth.p or I borpining urul rat.inion, worI<cn in AIoboma ~ "'" nn~ "lI'wiIl" M<CIoo,n ~. c«,,·Color Boltl'", 578 So. 2d 1299, 1300 (Ab. 1991) (eil' £lSI T... _ , VilJiniro. 6 Gtoopr Ry., 8 So. 86&. ing 1!I5S-6'J (Ab. 1890). A.cmrd. \\Wllr WIotd I'r<r<l...... /II(.~. 1/,,1fW1, lOO4 Ab, J.EX1S J.46 • I, • 18 ( De<:. 30, lOO4, Ab.) {eil' ina HofJ"'''n./.J>1I«~., I..... v. c..mpbtl~ SI2 So. 2d 725, 128 (AI.o. 1987)). In OIMr word .. on .mpioyeT o. In nnployft can t.. min.t. lhe tmploym<nt .. iatioruhip fo •• good "'0010,' bod .. ooon 0' no "~lOn.t .11. c«".0>/tI B<>lIling Co. ConscI. v. l/oIlnnd,.,., 885 So. 2d 125. 12() (Al, . 2003) (citing W~I·MM



$I...... Inc.~. Smi./rmnorn,S72 So. 2d lB, US (AI.o. 200}) (quotina c../hrnh ~. l\o\o<IdIwm Plumbr", 599 So. 2d I I ID, Inl (Alo. 19112))).


Howcvt-r,OYe\' the ~~ .... AIalwna Iqil.laIU" hu<:or>Td <:<UpIions which .fJonIli.rutN prott'CIions to .1· will nnploymtnt rdationlhip> undtr ""rio'' 1< circunutancco. Thto< circum.t.noes incltrdr:d dOOimil\lting on the b.uio 01 jury .."""', ,tJ.,. Cook S ]2·16·8. 1 (lOO4),.nd rrtlIiation against ,.,."k.trs' cornp< ....tion doln .."t ... A"'. Cook S 25·5·1 1.1 (Z004). The most.-.emt p~«t io" .fforded to W(lru rs in Alob. rna;' AUhom;o', AS" O"'rimin.tion in E"'ploymrnl Act, A"'. Code SS 2S-1-Ul,., ""1. (2004) ("AlaA[)!'.A"). Thi, ,I"ute


prohibits cmployt" from discriminating .,1, ror rmploymcnl or cmploren .4() T"" of ap' or oIdn- on Ih. buis of COnscq ....... lly. ;n'''' III;'" under lilt AbADEA. an cmployn m>y not tmnin'l1. a ..,......"cr cmploytt braUSC' of


the cm~', ap'. The AbADEA '"' ..... Itd in 1997 and. th .... is ...Ialivdy new statult. G;"n ill shorl hislory Ind 1M predomin.nco of d . ;"" under Ih. co rresponding feder.1 110101•. Al.!wn. COUrts only h.w Umittd <"XJ'<fM,nco Wilh AlaAOEA claims. Th.t rircunutanco contributtd 101M ltalt of <ODfuIion that d.evriopN bHwttn Alabama', r.dcral di,"i"t <OWU "'PMinl tM ;tpprOprial' Umila' (;>$OS discuMed lion periods for A10ADEA infno. For Ih.ol ..,_. when 1M EIn>nIth Circuil Coun of Apl""lo in Jo_ ~. Dilklrrl'.. Inr., III Dd 1259 (11th eir. 2003) .-.<emir wuconfronltd wilh ,h. ronfulion , urrounding I'" Al;aADEA'1 $UlU1(l of limili· lion .. il <t"t1tfotd tht foIlowi", question 10 lhe Abboma SupmncCoun: " Iwlhlt is the applicable limil"ioru p<Tiod for • doIm l>tnu&ht und<r Iht IAl&ADEAI.-,.....up ...... coun In.wned lhe q..... lion in BynI •. OiII4rr1'.. In<., 2004 Ala. tEXIS 79 (Apr. 2, 2004,Ala.J. This.nick will review Iht origin ollh. prtViou, COJlfwion .....,....,n Alatwna', (td _ eral oilitricl coun. "PMingl"," AbADEA'. >lllUtes of limilltions Ind how thotoo cou.t. II1cmpttd .O logically m:onciI< rooJlictin& applicalions of tht Al&ADEA', limil,tion I"'rio,h. Addilionally, Ihil anicle will disc .... Ihc . u!'."m. court', holding in HynI who""'n il rona!!y d.dphe.-.d Ai..r.ADI!A', $U!ulcs of limilation. w,!ll''' .nd. In <loin,.." cIc..1y outlillC'Cl Iht AbADEA', oIIC.rul;" limitation periods.. Pk.... ~ lhat thil utid< is _ me.,,1 to pro..;dc a complole anill)'lil 0.- "",,<View O(Ib< AlaADEA.,.... praclilioner should Ih. Al;aADEA il .. lfand ,ht inl" pm;"" cases and orliclct rcl.ttdlhcmo for a ''''''''''sh discusfion of .... 1COpc' and application of tht AbADEA.

wmu.. s.e



Why the Confusion Over the AlaADEA's Statutes of Limitations? The rnwn for 1M ronfuNon oon 1M 'pproprial(

limiulion ""nods ror AlaAOEA daim. is quite lin>pl~, the AlaAD~:A

.doplS the fto.krol A¥ Discrimination In Ernployrntnt MI. 29 U.s.c." 6Z1, tt wq. (2004) ("FcdADEA"), limitation p<1'iods bul docs no! indudt an odmin"_ I.. tivc ahatUlion ~uirnn<nl. TIx AbADEA pto.ides that -... 1M mncd.... dd'cnsa. .nd >laMes of limilations. undtr It he A1oADEA] stWl ... the .."", " thotoo uthoriu<l by the (I'MAI)EA] cxul'tthat a plaintiff .h. llool'" uquimlto pu" ..... ny . dministr.t1iw action Or mncdy prior 10 minI wit .• .- ",10. O>dr S Z5--1-29. Tl>cTcfoN. to dc11'tJIlint the oppropri;IIe ,totul .. 01 limitations undrt Iht AbADEA. 0111 mIlO! undrt· .... nd tht FrdADEA',limitation J'<fiodo.. Tht limil.tion perio<t. under the f<,dADEA .rr guidtd by ill administ .. li... nhnotion '''luirr' "",nt. In ihorl. Ih~ FcdADI!A p"""id., 'hat briorr I rompLainont m,y bring I civil .aion, hcI.... mtUl ~ hWhn administno.iw mIIld.... 19 USc. S 6l6(d ) (2(JO.IJ. firsl. I compllirunl musl file I cbarge' of diKrimiru· tion wilh 1M &ju.ol Employmwl Opponunity Commission ("EEOC") within ISO da)'l oItht .Utgtd discriminatory act. 29 U.s.c. S 626(d)(l). Iflhc EEOC f.ils to oct On th. <h.rge' wilhin ISO d.)'I of 1M fwn, of 1h< d\;orp: or disrniues tM dlarp:. it <houId '""" a ""'•. to-.... nota 10 tht compili/Wit""" compiairunt thm hoi 90 da)'l from the issuanu oI'M righHolue not"c'o file .Iowsuit . 29 U.S.c. S 626(dJ( I ) & (c). Typ;.;;tlly. if. rom_ f.iI< 10 rnttI the .ndlor 9Cklay odminillrali ... Ii"", limil", quml civil aaion by 1M rompiairgnl ~ an tht bc:u oIkpd in Iht <harp: 01 discnmirulion will M tunc· ~ III F.3d II 126l·68 (discu .. i", I'" faa lh.t un<kr .pprop,;.I. circum'ianas. th. FcdADF.A·, ,t.tut. of limil'li"", nul' ... equil.bly toIkdJ. Allhou&h Iht AlaADEA adopt. I'MADEA', >lllUIes of limi,"ions, i. does no! uqui.., I pI.>,nl,/f 10 ahatUl any admini>lnol;"" mn<dies brio.., b,ingin,1 civil action: -...• plaintiff ,h.1I nOI'" rcquiRd 10 pUr$u<.ny admin;.I.-.'i ....... lion o • ..~y 10 filinpuil .. .- IlIoo. CoM S 25+29. Th .... prior to BynI, " Illoromply wilh 1M AlaADEA. la COUrt dA) . in8 wilh an Ai..r.AI)EA d..,m lad to] rooI...1M problom 01 rnttIing lhe Ai..r.ADF.A·s $Cem· inglyconAicling r<qui~nIS



Ihal, on Ihe one hand, Ihe FodADEA'. ,UlUle of limitalion. appli« 10 AlaADEA d.inu, while, on Ihe olher hand, Ihe !'MAPEA', .dmini>'... li .... ."h,u>li<m rt<juirem.m, which i> Ihe b•• i> fo, il$ .u,u'''of,limil>lions mjuiremen', d<>a nOl .pply 10.uch d .. im .." JWbi""," y, R<gion. Fin. Corp., 242 F, Supp. 2d 1070, 107l (M.D. AI •. 2003).

Courts Attempt to Make Sense of The AlaADEA's Limitation Periods Ikfo", BynI, thr.,., of AI.Inma's froeral di>I,;" <oun, ."emptrd to reconcile the AlaADEA', .totut", of limitations provi.ion with Ihat ofth. FedADEA in lighl oflhe !'MADU', .dmini>lwi.... ."h.u"ion rt<jui.-.menl, all remins different condu.ion .. Firs', the NOf1hern Dimkl of Alabama, W.... rn Divi.ion hdd that "[t[h. cle.. impon "fth. AlaAOF.A .. . i, 10 .dopl, .. the 10nSC$I,. 180·day ".tute of limitations for action, brought pursuant 10 the {AlaADEA] .. ." /Orln y. Dill~n1~, Inc .. 2002 U.s. Di". LEXIS 26769 - I, -44 (May 30, 2002, N.D. Ala.). Thus, under Jmoe>, an emploY"" would h .... l80days from Ih. dal< of 'he oll<Srd discrimin>lOry ICt to file hi.!lh., AloADU civil • ction "r olherwisc, be 'ime·barred. Allernati ....1y, aner /0"", lhe Nonhern Oistric1 "f Alaban,., Southern Divi.i"n f"uoo Ih.t the AJoADEA "is . ilenl a, '0 'he limita'ion, I"'rio<!" and held that AlaNm~ DHl. ~ 6-2-38(1}-whkh provides for. lwo· year "",u" of limi .. tion, wh.n 'he AIaNma DHl. """', nol OIh .. wise .pecify the appropriale limitatioru period·appli« to AlaADEA daim .. Dooky Y. AUlo"."io" U£iI Corp., 218 F. Supp. 2d 1270, 1276·n (Aug. 21, 2002, N.D. AI •. ). G>nr", Robinwn, 242 F. Supp. 2d.1 1072 ("D<l<IIey igno"" the AlaADM, 1.ngua~(] which provid .. fOf a st.tu" of ~mi"'ion. that i> the same •• Ihat in t~ FedADEA."). Finally, Ih. Middle Dimkl of Abbam" N"flhern Division declared Ihat "an employff would ha ... viable AI ..... OEA if .he filrdlhat daim ~ith~r (0) within Ihelime period that a timely par.Utl !'MADU il filt<l or (b) within 4SO d.ys of the act of dil<rimin>lion, whkh ..... ' i.lon~r'- Robin",", 242 f. Supp. 2d at 1078. The cou,,', 4SO·d. y ca!eulation in Robinw" was based on Ihe 180 days. compl.inan, hu to file.n EEOC ,harg<', plus 'he 180 days th. EEOC con eilherlCl on Ihe ,harge or i"ue. righl-Io-,uelett«, plu, Ih. 90 days the complainant has 10 file a civil .ction ona hel>h" r«t-i,,,,.,uelctter. Id.ln other wo ..... lhe 4SO·day limil ".. Hect [rd[ t~ lime that.n emploY"" with. !'MADEA claim would Iypically h ..... , Onder ... the ~ADEA wi'hout time ."ten$ions, '0 file a judi,;.] complain' of.. r the discrimin"ory act." [d., if not resoIvrd, the di.l3gr«menl I>Vtr and confu,ion ,urrounding Ihe AloADEA', "",utes of limitalion. could h."" Ird to incorui$tent ""ull> throughout the Courl$ .nd c..· .. rd on incentive---undoubtt<lly, 0 justifird inc.nti ...... for plainlill'$ to forum $hop. For eumpk, if a plAintiff filrd an AI .... DU daim 365 d.ys .r'"r t~ .Iltgtd dil<riminalory hel,~ would h ..... limely daim ifit was filt<! in the Nonh .. n


Di",ict of Ala!>.m., Sou,hern Division (,ince Dooley would apply. IWO-y<"Of ~mitalioru period to A10ADEA claim,) Or in 1M Middle Dimlct of Alabam a, Northern Division (since Roin""", would opply 011..". 450-d.y limitation, period to AlaADF.A d . ;nu), but not in Ih. NonMrn District of AI.boma, W"".rn Divi.ion (,i nce Jon .. would apply 0 lSO·day limilation. I"'riod to AlaADEA,). 0., • pl.intiff wh" filed .n AlaA[)EA SOO d.ys .fter the allrg«i discriminatory ICt would h...... timely daim if il was ftlt<! pun""nt 10 the Nonh.", Ois,rict of AI.bama, Southern Divilion'slwo-y<"Of "atul< of limitation. for such daims, bUI nOI if il was mrd in the Northern Di>trict of Alabama, W.. tern Division (because of Jon .. ) or Middle District of A1.bama, Nonh.,n Divi>ion (because of Robinwn .nd ... uming the .. was not a cor""ponding !'MADEA daim Ihat cxtendrd,he limitaiion. period), Addition.Uy, amidst t~ "mo'ph".. of di"'p,r«ment and "'nfUlion, pl.intiff, migh' alt<>geth.r ha .... betn discour:lgt<! from bringing theit AloADEA dainu because of tho uncenainty as to wht1h .. tht-ir, we", tim ..!>.rred. Likwis., .1t"rn~ mighl h ..... betn hesitant to .. p .... ot AlaADEA pl.intiff, for fear Ihat Iheir time, energy and resou .... "''Ould lit 'I"'nl on time·b .. red AlaADEA c1oim' th .. ultim ...Jy would bt judicially<I of on thel>a'i. of . uch untimelin ....

Byrd v. Dillard's, Inc.: Deciphering The AlaADEA's Statutes of Limitations Language App ..~ntJy recognizing the pot=tial problt~ that could ,esuh from the AlaA[)EA stalutes of limitation. conundrum, 'he Middle Dis,r;';t of Alabama, Northern Divi,ion nolt<! in lIobin"'" th ...lthough Alabama couru could w;h pUI th .. ir own spin on th .. AloADEA ,totut.. of limilations language, ulti· mately Ihe "i.. ue [W<luld h..... to btl resol.....:l by the AI.!>.ma Sup .. m~ Coun." 242 F. Supp. 2d at 1078. Fortunat~ly, th. Sup .. m~ Court of AI, hod.n opp"rlunily 10 do so in Byn1 when the Elevrnth Circuit cenifird the qU«lion.

Byrd v_ Dillard's, Inc. Gerda Byrd ("Byrd") became mlpl<>yt<l with 0 Gayf..', dt:-p.rln-..nt sto", in Tuscalo<"'" Al.barn. in 1975. In 1998, DiUard'., ]J>C. ("Dillard',") pu .. h.sed G.yf..'. bUI offered all Cayf"'s mlpl~employm~nt with DiU,rd'" Wilh DilJord'.. Byrd ""'I maM an 1l$Si> $.Olts manager ("AA5M") and rccei.....:l the .. me .mounl of p>y oI>e r«eivtd while mlpl<>yt<l wilh Coyfer', . Byrd loarnrdl ... r Ihat Dillard" was I"'rm.nently eliminaling the AASM po>i,i"n, and r.. Mr ,h.n '«<pling.n alternative management po.ilion (per Dillard', , ..truouring pIAn), oI>e ac<eplt<! ",,'e.. n<-< p.y .,111 lerminatrd h.. employ . SO years "Id. ment with Dillard', in May 1999 wh<n .he How~r, upon 'I"'aking with Andy Poole ("Pool."), Dillard'. operation. manag.r, on lune 8, 1999, Jlyrd I•• rn«llhat Dillard', was reilUt.ting the AASM pO<ition. Soon the ..a~ ..., Dillard',


had forD"l<fly Ipplied 10.11< [FcdADEA I had b«n

hired l1tra..,. Win .... ("W"' ....."), a .........n PonIt allql<dly

ailed ",.,..", and !'«I'y," for an MSM poo.i.ion in Oaot.... 19'1\1, .hnd>y 8yn:I to lilt an EEOC for , . discrimina.ion under II.. FcdADEA on february 24, 2000. Whon Byn:I filtd a civil :IoCIion in Ihr Northool Dislnct of W<sI<rn Division in D=rnbtt lOOO as>tr1ins. inJtr" itJia, IhlADEA and AlaADEA claims, Dillard's rnovt<I fur ",mm.ory


judgrnm. 00 .he b.uis

,ho, 100.. claim' wen: unlimely.lones. 2002

U.s. 1>i4t. lJ'.xlS 2676\1 "' ')7. Dillinf,.~ 11\.., 8ynf. F<dADEA claim w.. limr·barnd bra"",. hiving fil<d hrr EEOC ""... 00 Frl>nwy 24. 2000. <lit biltd 10 lilt hn <Iw¥t within laodaysof ....... a, 1999, Ihr dale 00 which 8ynl w.. ink>nnrd tho. DiIbrd .. inten<lcd '0 M. new AASM and, ","""" Itamtd of Ilw aIqt-d discrimination. Y.., Brnl :I.!Il<'I1t:d tho. tht 18O-<by fil ... prriod did IlOl begin 10 run until "'""-':IoCIudy _him! inwlhtMS.\t ~ in 0cr000r 1999"bo<:a_ u..t _w IitlI poan. at whidlih< a.opMtd that $I>< had bm! di$. <rim;"',..! lfIIinM 00 ofher . .- kl at ' 38. n.. COlIn disapftd wilh 8ynt, ~,oondudi", tho. her F<dADF.A claim was timo-blntd bta_"priIl< 10 th< 18O-day period ltadin& up


10 htr EEOC <Iw¥t,.$he had rtuon 10 htlint. and :IoCIuaIIy did bd~, .hI. DiILonl". had diJc. imi .... cd agoin>ll>tr on Ilw b.uis of hn "8<' in vioLolion of ,he IFodADF..... I.· rd. II '41. Wilh IC$I'«"O 8yrd's A1aADEA, Dill • •d·, "guod ,h" i. also .im,·b.o.mI: IDl ·. poinuou' th .. thnt .,,'wo .im< limi" in'he IFcdADEAI: an IW~ indivldu.oJ mu<l fiIt a chi,.. of disaimi ... ,ion wi.h the EEOC wi.hin lao days of II.. <omplain«i·of ~, .nd mu<l fiIt his Of her complain' in rtok,a[ (OlIn within 90 d..y> of ~ his Of her right 10 .... lot ••• from ,II< EEoc. 11 ",!UOS that Mat_ d........ ,he only limita.ions p<rio<b p .......t in ,II< IF«lAOEAI.'II<Alabama ~'u", <karly in.mdod IhI' ~rtin fili", ... i' under tho [AlaAl)EAI art ... t;<tt to. ., ,he Iongesl,. ISO-day .... u,. of limi'ation .. 001 ..<1'. btoul( ' hf [FcdADEA'sl fOm><1" ' WO-yoa' sWut. o([imitatio", was rtptaltd well btfo .. th. A1lb.mol'1lioJ •• u.. p.....d.ho IAlaADEAI .•ht l<"!lioJ • • urt ck.. ly did no, intend. IWO'l'''' "",ul< of limi.o.ion, 10 .pply '0 .c, io,," brough. pursUOnt'" ,h.IAloADEAI.







.0 m.


.0 ..........




Id..a' '43. Byrd .pptaltd .11< miry of ",mmory judgment in f...-o. of Din,rd', to ,he Elc-Yon.h Circui •. lni.ially. the Elc-Yon,h Circuit IWlied tho "'Iui ..bk .<>IJjng doctrine ond <ondudcd thlt 8ynl·, lSO ·day .im< ptriod for mins III< EEOC charge did no, """n.o .un until Oc,obe. 1m wh.n Byrd I.arntd ,h .. Win I... h.d bt<n himl, "nol,,·i,h... nding h..... I~. ''''pkion of.go diser;mi .... ,ion.· !ond, H I F..J.d at 1266. AJ such ..... EEOC,hl'g< w., .imtly filtd. ond COn"'_ quently.'''' Coun .Mlumm.>.ry ju<!gment.n.<r<d in Dillord', f._ on the FcdADEA claim. lei. Court Ihm <onfron •..! Byrd', AIAADEA <bim .nd the ...' u .... of limitations Ww rdatod .hntlo. £kvtr,th Clrrui' DOItd 'hit Mat.... d... FodADEA·, limi ... ion p<rio<b .'" IUbscriI><d by enWn adminil ...."" ""Iuimnmtl, "i. is diffKuh, if not impoooibk, 10 Ifln.r.. tl>cm 10 lhe [AlaADEAI."1d, ., 1169. Would th< FcdAOEA's 9O-day Umiu.ions period apply 01" in"rod, would th< FcdADEA', l;mi... ions ptriod 'Wly! Could .h. FcdADEA·. and lao-day limi"'ion pe<iods bt combin..! ' 0 p1"OYkIe .n AI.o.ADf..... plaintiff with 270 da)'$ tho <lat. of Ibt alltgtd disc, iminalion f~, a civil ac.ion! A1 .. rn .. i.... ly. would S '.2.33(1)', 'wo.~.. default litni.. ,ion ptriod .pply! Th. Court .1 ... poimod ou,.hep""ibili,y ,h .. ,h. """ .w,I. rul.- ou~ined in Robimon migh"pply. !'m ... 33! F.3d a, 1169 n.5. Thus, re<ognwng ,ho d~n' b<twffn AI.obama·, ftdotr· al district (OIItts and Ihf ~ '" pidanu from AI.obama·s .. a .. cowu rqanlins the AlaADEA'..... u ... of limit .. ions .nd. ......... hln taking a "JI"'II' IS 10 whethn 8yn:I', AlaADEA claim _ . imo.bam.!, .11< Eln'onth Circui' «t1ir...d th< question "1 .. lhat is th<.pplicabIt ~mil~'io", period for a claim brough, undo. .... [AlaADEA I" ,o.he Abhama Sup ...... Court. kl .. 1169. Th. Elc-Yonth Circui' declined 10 mnand ,he c.... it hod • <kat nilins from ,II< suprtmHQun. Whm .nswrnng th< <ro1ifJO<l ques' ion in Hyrrl. the sup ... m< <ourt Slaltd th .. bKaul(.1I< A1ilADEA has no adntin;', ra.;"" ..<haustion rtqui .. m,n'. in addi.ion.o .he {.<I.ha. il u"" .h, plura)· .... u...• ... hen n.."d •• ing Ih., .h."... "OIu' " of limi-



Id. at "41·U By.d counured .h.. ,ho FtdADEA•• i.... Umi .. o,~ .... my odminislra'M: piddi_ whi<h cannOf bt .pplied AlaAl)EA cblms (Iln« ,II< AlaAl)EA "- no odminisl .... m:<lion rtqU, ........... ) ~nd, thcftfo",. A1ab.oma'. dd'ault •__ ,a.limita' ions prriod in ~ '·2-33(1) waf applicablo: 10 AlaADEA doims. AJ; wi.h tho FcdADEA cbim. .11< court diugtttd w,th Byrd and concluded ,h.. , "' moot, AlaAl)EA doims had 10 1M: fiItd wi,hin lao days of.ho do .. of the alles<d disaimin .. ion .nd OO~Uf"tly, her AlaADEA claim was un.imely: IWI""" deb •• ing.nd pUSing the [AlaADEAI, ,he A1_!».mo ItgioJllurt wuunainly in po .....ion of.h. knowltdg. til ... h, .wo.yo"' , .. of limi" ,ion' ,h"





by Conveso and the only limi ..1ions pni. ods rnnoining in ,II< (FcdADEAI wen: th. 9O-daydeod· Ii". by which lik lui, .ft.. ...wI" of a righ' , .. ond 'hf lBO·day de.dli ... by ... hkh a ch.rge of discrimilu.ion with III< EEOC ... ITIha< deadJi_ ... ju.iodk'ional bu., in .... d, 1(..... as. fo.m of it.,u,. of limi','ions. "",mplc .. wilh pow.r ,n';rely bar $\lit on on o.hnwil( ~alid discrimin .. ion claim. Th' 1'1l;'La,ur< prnunubly know .ha.,h. COUt .. had ,,,,.,td Ihn< deldl ..... as .. OIuln of limill'ions ... hen il choot adopt ,bt"">1U'" oflimi'.'io"' .... uthori.N by .he IFcdADEAI" for the: IAlaADEAI. de", imP"" of JJ... Ood<~ 25-1_29. thm. is to adopt .••• 11< IongtSl •• IMkby ""u" of limi .. tions for actions brough, punuonllO .he [AlaAl)EAI·· . ~

Deciphering the AlaADEA's Statutes of Limitations Language The 18O-day limitation period As to th. lSO·day limiwinn< period, the court held that if. ploimiff f~es an AlaADEA claim in a .t.te court within ISO days of the alloged discrimination (i..,., the amount of 'imt within which. complainanl has to fil. an EEOC charge for.n alltgtd I'MADEA vioiation).lhe plaintiff', i.timely. Thu ... .hort-.nd-swtet rul.: Ih. plaintiff has ISO days from the date of discrimination to file . n AlaADEA <him in a ,t.l. coul"\-

The 9O-day limitation period II:; to the I'MADEA', 9O-day limit.tions period, th. oourt hold that if a pl.intiff limtly file!. an EEOC charge {presumably for . parallel FedADEA claim .inc. ,he AlaADEA does not rtquirc a diICrimination charge bt ftled} and ,ubst<juently .-.aivn a rightto-sue 1<1l<r. tht plaintiff h.. 90 days from .-.aipt of the right ·to· .u. 1<1ter to file an AlaADF.A daim in a ,Ute coun (i-, ., the amount of time within which. complainant has to file a civil action under the I'MADEA after .-.aiving a right-to-.ue notic.). Under this "",nario,. plAintiff has .lonF pcriod of time to f~. hi$/n.,- AW.DEA -n., plaintiff has ISO days 10 me hi.<lher EEOC charge. plus the time period the EEOC retain, the charge. plus 90 days after the EEOC wues a right_too,,,,, nOlice. Howevcr, in this ,itu.tK", a plaintiff will ha", \W(Itimt limits with which helshe must comply: ,he ISO days to 61e the EEOC <harge and the 90 days to file • c;"i1 action on« the ..... noIice is iss,,",,- Thu .. although. plaintiff has the bt""fit ofh.ving a IonF period of time to file hisJher AlaADEA daim, helsh. has two opponunities to run afoul of ,he time limits. and " fail _ ure to m«1 either On. of the lime limits prnumably will result in the claim bting time-b,arretL It ;. important noI. tho, under .ith....wu,. of limiu,ion< $Lt"nariQ. an AlaADEA plAintiff mu<! take.<Omt kind of :action within lBO d.1ys of the aJltgtd discrimination in order to preserve hislher dairn-heJsh. m\lil either fde hi$/her daim in a $late «>un. O!" he/$h. mUSt file a n EEOC dw-gt. Only undn" tht stCOnd sunario does th. 9( period become relevant, which does not evtn occur um~ aft.. the EEOC has issued . right-to-w, noIict:. Once th. 5upr<m<: coun an,werod the EI ... nth Circuit', cer_ tified qu .. tion. the EI....""th Orruit, pursuant to 8yrd, vacated the summary judgment ""tered in favor of Dill.rd', on th, AlaADEA dum. When doing"", the Court .. t forth 8ynH holding and then ,ummuily >tated, " Ialccordingly we "",ot. th. entry of 5ummary judgment to Dill. rd·, On the . .


IAlaADEA I claim . . : , but declined to fully discuss its .....," for vacating the summary judgment . ion.. Y. DW~rd'<, /rlC" 368 F.3d 1278, 1279 (L lIh Cir. 2004 ). Preoumably, it did.<O becaUICc it found Ryrd's AiaADEA claim timtly under the 9O-d.y limita'ion I"'riod.ln oth.,recall th.taft .. invoking th. equitabl. tolling doctrine, the Court rondO>ded that Byrd', EEOC charge __ timtly f~ed within 180 days of th •• lIoged discrimi_ nalion a nd theufore ... <ated the.urnrn"y judgmente"t"ed on thel'MADEA claim. Thus.. because lIyrd timely med an EEOC charg. wi,hin ISO doyo of ,h. alleged di>crimin. tion .nd (presumably) 61cd her civil action within 90 d ays of the EEOC', issuance of the right-to-'Il< Mtke,. her AlaADEA claim was timely under the 9O-day limitation, I"'riod.


Conclusion The A1aADEA afford> ox... in protectiotu to at-will ""'ploy«> that they o,h.rwise would not h.~ under I.w. H......""r, unde"tanding the A1aADEA',limilalion periods has 1>«n diffi_ cult and obviously was • rKurring .<OuTa of confusion for empl".,-.n. their counsel and the court .. thctrlJy dimini<hing the A1aADEA'. protections by unnectSS>.ry pr<:><Murai impodiments. Although the . upreme coon now has clarified the AlaADEA:. otatutes oflimi'.'ion, longu.!\<. complying wi,h the ".ggered filing deadlin", will continue 10 prt$Cnt a procedural huard for AlaADEA plaintiffs and thei. counsel. It aI.<O should bt nOled th.t th. Byrd Court did not indicate whether the A1aADEA:s limit.tion I"'riods will be .ubj«t to <quitabk tolling., are the FcdADEA', limil3tion periods. See I. Sheffield & Ik Bostick. 59 AlA. L REY. at 114 {'{ Al iaborna courts will hove to determine "'hether ,h. limiut ion, I"'riod io ,ub.i«t to <qui,abl, tolling"l . ConstijuentLy. it is safe to ,,"urne th.t d.. pite the guidan« fOWld in Byrd, AlaADEA claim. will continue to present vari._ tions on issues of timtlin ... and the question rrganling <quitabk tolling will have to be addressed soon. •


._l . __ .. _ . . . . _ ...11-_ _ _ _ ... .w ...... _II-I>wll-_-.., .. ,., ...... _ ... _......... ... ... ................--


H. Wolli_ W_


_Ito'o&"_ ... _ ...... ___ .. __ _"'_'-./.0_. lrioOo loyIor _ _


lations, un<kr Ilh. A1aADEAI shall bt th ... mt as Ih~ aUlhorizM by the IFedADEAI".lhe AlaADEA givn effecllo both Ih. 9O-day and ISO-day limimion periods un<kr lhe FcdADEA. 2004 AI •. LEXIS 79 01 ·8 ·9. IndeM. Ihe court had no probl.m applying .h. FedADEA·. 5tatut", of limitations to AlaADF.A d.irm when il outlined \W(I all<mati", AlaADEA stalut", of limitations.


_ _ II-I>wlo_.



(is widely recogniud lhal challmges

'''' fe<kTal ""un', .ubject man~, juri$dicti<>n cannQt be "",im;! by 1"',.

tits 10 1M litig.niall. n..... d ...IIrngn may be ..i>ed at any tim< by any party, ~

.... 'PO"" by 1M coun,.nd .. any kvd. including for 1M rID' limt on '1'1"01.

Qosclyakin 10 principles of ,ubject mal'<. jurisdiCtion is tht door;"" of removal. whnrlly. dtfcndtnt -TtOIO""" lb. cast from .101e coon to the .ppropri.,e f«kral roun. 1I<caU$< ohh. dO$< «>nn«;lion bctWffn rtmo>'>l.nd principl .. of .ubjKt ""111.... jurisdiction, one fNy "'ume tha' lht right of "mo",,1 is os immuJ\e from wai,..,. .. challtng<$1O. ft<kr:ol <;ourt', jurisdiction. This misptrccplion is ptrpt!_ ""ted by tht vrry t<fIn> "right of =novoI' and -mnoval jurisdiction: wltich """" In

"'gge>1 fund. mrrual, . b..,lut< and unkl,crtd rights in. party'" Ttn'l(l'o'<. Nothing could bt further from thttruth. Ih. oruy thing truly fimdamrn_ tal .bmn • d.f<1>dant'. righllO mnovt is

.,h. fi.mdamrnw principle ... that rnnoval is. purtly ''''u1<>'1 right which is II> be >lrictly rorutrutd in v;...... of II>< con_ gressional policy against rtmoval law." }n$I"'. Inc. v. Mo""",n Saks & ~ 0>, 6~Z F. Supp. JIo.311 (n N ..... 1987); "" also GIob<J S<I",W,. eomm. Co. •. Start/pill U.K. LUI.. 378 F.3d 1269. 1271 (1 1th Or. 2004) ("A deftndam', righl 10 rcmovr an "",ion .ga;n" il from W f~ rourl 'i$ purdy "OIul0ry .nd thrnfQr< ;1, ocop< an<! Iho Irrms of its .vailability .... rnlirdy dopondrnl on lhe will of Congrns.·"). Conlrary to whO! romm"n ..,... may sug· g«1. I'" "righl" of rcmov;d may br ,,·,iv..!, an<! in any num"'" of....,... Fi"" a defon· danl waj>'t:< its rishl 10 r<rn<)V<" by "'" limdy filing a nola of romoval. &t 28 U.s.c. S 1«6 (dclining limd"r."", foc rcmov;d); Mil .. ;" •. Mrn,.". Carp, 142 F.



Supp. 2d 13<16. 1349 (M.O. FLo. 2001) (mnandinllO >Ute o>un wt..r. dofmdml had mit.Itd ml1OV2I d<adlinr, and had thus W3Md iU ri&h1 to """"""". s.a.nd.. ~l mil' conIrICtlWly woM its oishI 10 mrIIr"O• .Ift SN>ppc. lnoo. ~. RtdoM, 171 F.Jd 1249, 1160 ( II'" Cir. 1999) ( amt ...,.wty waiYN




Allhoup. Ihis tttn\. de..-. ito IW1icalion it a"Y'hing but. Cou.u across .he coun'rr diuc=' owr wha. rond"", is ... ffiriml 10 constitute a wai_. Examples on lilt fri ..... prorid< so"",

amonl Olbn Ihings. rdin8 • motion /0. ... mlnll)' judp,mtnl). ~ ,,,- alImpieo on .1It m<k of Ih< ~ha>Iion-condUCl $fJKtrum. whal will c:omtillllt ... fficimt ..... '" ...1< COUll

"""'" "'ickli..... For cx.ompk. mo6l couns. (ndud"" ,lit Middk Oistrict of ALohaInl Ind "'" SouIMm o..trict of

pn>ee>seS .0 ali1ip1ion·b.>oed ..,.,.. no is mu. ky., bat. Much of the amfuoion powo from the (acll"'" I drt.,mmllion ofwhat conIIilu.aouffiriml ..... ner;asuily '"'lui ..... wt-by-mt an;t/ysis. Th. lack 01 ~Ih Cirtuit authority !n'Y olso bt It) blunt.

their to...- by incIudinz forum $tltcIlon cl;IUS( in I«Urity ~t). Conlroclual rwd I'lOl bt dnr and u'>Cquivocol. /d. Third.and ~known. I


dof.,.,dant lNy ..,i~ it. right to remove through ilS litigo6on·boJed ooOOIld. Th ... may bt Iny numbttof rta· ION that. puty conKiowly dooc:idn 10 .... ;...., ilS ';PlIO ............. H.,......,..'.lhttt may oIso b< any numbn- of ramilino,..... wIwn 0 .......iw:f .... 'islu 10..........., .. an unlOttun:>, ••nd uninlmlkd con· ""lilt""" of. Lo.;k of ro..-

Litigation-Based Waiver In the Eleventh Circuit Tho EkYmth Cimoil dil"«lly acI<:I..-d Ih< iMut of..t..t .1lirTnoli>-t ...It coun ..... ...;u _itul< a wai.....- '" Iht right 10 m'I>OYt in April 2004. in a pair '" asa d<cidcd less than

>i&hL T'helitiption.baK<!

w;o;""'r, btin! ,hei.."

two wccb; """n. In

undmlood of ,he lh, ... ~. pre$tnu the mo,l d.l\gcfOW opportunity for In uninttndod wli ... "

Litigation-Based Waiver? Cornmonlr ~ ,he "'itip-



at 1246; "'""" 8;1,_ S«~ I~. 166 F.LD. .J9. 41 (M.D. A1o. 19116). Ewn

allhough lhe litiplion-baKd waiwr mUll he ·d..... Ind unequivocal: ~ COU.u h.a~ ~ the Jitip'ion_ tw.d WI ..... is ofI<11 -inadwf1<11t- Set. ~.,.. Folq~, Mlid I"UN/~/t, I..... , ll2 F. Stopp. 2d 1279. 1282 (CD. CaL 20(4); Chk4g<l Ti"~ do Co. v. \\IIow•..,. S,om, I"e.• S83 F, Supp. 57S, sn (N.D. HI, 1984); &dell •. H,R.C. Lt,I" 522 E



Suw. 7)2. 7)7 (E-I). Ky. 1981 ). 382




\'t)-'tth. J66 F.k1 !24S (11th Cit. 20(4). and Yu<tfrMth v. Nt/soo, M""i .... 1Uk-y 6Sra~'" UP. 365 F-ki 12~. ( 11 .h Cit. 20(4), the Coull odd....-.:)Iht optcific iMut '" whMcr ruin! a motion II) dlsrniI.o in ~ oourt COItIli_

What Is the

1iM.twt.d ... ~;. cIotknd.on. _iva ill 'iPl 10 n:movr In oction from lI.t. to I'tdcnI coun when it makts ",lI"ocifnl ..,.. 01 JlI'" court procossn to d ...",n,'rat< I wiUin&ntsS 10 litipte the cos. befun: the .tale "",n prior In fdinS' ROtk. of mnovaL Yu<4zadth •. NtllO~. Mullin .. Rill-y.... Sc~rborough. LiP. 365 EM 1244 (11th Cit. 20(4). Anion.' .... in.ubsuntial .nd "'"'""I)' 10 prct<rv<' ,he $I., u. quo will ~ he .ufficitnllO &m<MInllo waN-


IUlCloufficitnl .... 0( ...1t coun pro<eUCIlO_ilul<o wai.....-.


Florida, h... h.1d .h.. m.rtly filing • deft",i"" ,"pon,;"" pltading in IIlt.coun-iuch II In .n...... will no. tfl'tcl. WI;'~. Sr. ...,., 1/4,.." " Gor$oI, .... Mbn.. 1",,_. 1M F.LD. 414, 416--17 (M.D. A1o. 1999);M..... ' HmJd PIrIo. Co.~. Fern-. 606 F. Supp. 122. 124_U (S-D. FLo.. 1914). A' "'" Olhn .'n ......, r<qUClling' judsrom' on lilt mtfito (rom lilt ..... ""un. """ .. wi,h. motion /0. surrunuy judr,m<nt, will.I""", i ..... i..bIy CON.i· luft ..... ivt" Sr., ..". (]w,,,,..,,.~ &"".115<1""",, CAy Mnna •• In<.. 2004 WI. )70215 (M.I). Fli. 20(4) (Iri.l Oftkr) (ddtndl"" wlived righllo .... by,

In both the rd.rnnt bets..., wbstanlMly idmtiaI.l'bintif& o.ucd in FkIrida 1111< wu.rt. Dricndanl$ then 6ltd nlOIions 10 di!.tni<s in tht ...I<coun. Tho allc-ged • (.UUrt 10 ml~ a cWm. and all",· naliYdy lnO""d fo.- a mort dcfinil<' ..... ",.nl. Tho 1'I<otf.nlith dtfmdanto lnO""d 10 diuuil& /0, lad of pt'rsonaJ .nd "'" aioltn«' <>from·

Unilftl SuI.. Dislrin Coull FOr Iht MidrIIr Dislrin 0( F\orido. Tht district coun .... .".,../t mnondcd both asa 10 Iht lillie coun, IooIdlng W.lhe ~u had waived tlwiI nghtlO ~ when tbty filed motions 10 di<mioJ in ...... coun. Tht EIeYm,h Cin:u i'.........d.nd

"",.",Jed In both cal<'$. Tho: Court flJ'$l toot up Ih.

».wf:Jldrh ..... and in • pt.

........ opinlDn. held ..... drkndm..' to di<miso st.~ court did I10Il COnst'IU~ "substanlioJ <>If......... or Ikfen ·



$l"" actions 'n ,lal. coort" ",ff1(;'m 10 COl\$lilu~ I waiYor of 1M righ.IO mllO¥L Tht Court on<On<d 1Iw. nriIhrr Ibr <:\den . nor tht Court h;.d ..... any action on tht motion 10 diAAiM oI'trT ~ had bcm flltd. ~lorid>. bw ~uira • motion to dismiss bt f!led within l() days. Ind tht fN.cnI stlM.. aIlow)(l dry$ ~ ....-aI, the Cowl t'urIbr.- on<On<d th.aI this "'1uandui' JIoouId I10Il bt uIfd 10 pm'mIl m~ COOrt dtfmdant who proI«U II" 'ighlto fiI< I mot ..... to dismiss fl'Oln .!«king to mll<Wt. Just II doys Illn dodd'ng Ywu{:Adt~. Ibr F-'"mlh Cimlil ~..:hod tho ...... rut. .... in ~. "P'n. tlw Coun ~~. soned Ih>l "";11In I.... defmdanu nor the st>l< COurt hod t.l«n any oclion on Ih. mot'on 10 dwni .. , Left unon.w.r«l by l ho Cour"'I"'" op;ruoo. is whelM. 1M Court", ruL"" -..Id ho .. '-n 1M 01 .... h;.d tho dtftn· donts pur>ut<llbr motions to dismisf. or the SloU coort COfIIiMr<d or d.n.«I th.m. Th. Court .100 did nOI Idd .... whelh., ilS &urn.inOlion "",UJd ho"" bom d'«... nl hod tilt Ii .... Iim'l for fil · i .... moIion to dismisobom th ........ or ......... !han ,ho I;"", to ~. _ iJ 1M o:u. in AJab.oma ei..;uil COOrtl (:10 days 10 fil • • molion 'odillni..}. IItynnd thnc IWO as<:!, the EINnl th Circuil has bcm wle.n on whal will or will noll constilu~ JUffidmI oubstanli.! onion in stott COUrt to rfIiect • waiYor 01 the mnovaI rishL Tht FJovmlh CiKWI odrnowlodgod lho liti&l1ion ·~ wa ..... f\vr )'tart tar! in SniJppn-. /"" Y. Rnian, 171 F.ld 1249. 1260-61 ( 11th cu. 1m}. bul only to disrinplish il &om connactual _ ...... "I u.- in tha, ...... 1l>t f.ln.:nth Circuit oIso addttssod lho liliplion."-«I 101...... in 1991I in I'r><I1«0 <k f"ca ~ ATrJ.T 0>.. IJ9 F.ld 1)68, 1:181 n.15 (11th Cif. 1998), but,....q.t«I the dilcusslon tol 1Oot!lOle, in ..-hich the COOrt condudod thai "the plai,"i",' "".mpllo pn<tno Ibr limdi ...... 01 Iny posNbk MUU diKMotry (;;lJl1lOll be «1....1«1 wllh a WI ..... of Ihrir fi3ht to objo<1 to ranov;al."


b-.I WI'- of tIw righl 10 rtmo'W: is SClnt ot btsl. -1I"f'O'I'ilI principkf COn bt gIo.Md from 1~lho.ity from til< di,· tri<1 coum wilhin tho E1~n'h Ci=il, IlJ>d QI« (rom Olher couna.

Counterclaims One kwon thaI tilt Iowtt k<knJ COU1T a.... I.ach is Ihat d..r.ndmll should IK cognizant of the p<mt>tw fo .. litig:o,ion. t-:d wa ..... 01 nay .... of the ~tip. lion, including at tho initial pIad ..... stage. In I'driJ ~. J\OItd, 4Jt F. Supp. S78. 8&).81 (M.D. FLa. 19n), and Br,#, " Miami Wi..JowCorp." ISS F. Supp. 229. lJO·3J (M.I). Ga. 1956). the Mlddlo dis· Incu of ~lo.ida Ind ~ rnp«tivdy,

hold thaI 1M ddmdanu in ,holor c:ascs waMd Ibr .....1 to ImIOYO by filing _ . compuloory couo,ndairru in lho st>" COurt. (The drltndanl in /:I,'W t.od 0100 fiI«I I rio' in ."'t.menl.) Rolh c001"l$ muon<d t"'l tilt ddmdan", by filing tilt non-o:wnpuloory counlndaims, lAd ..... "nwily o.ubmin«l thmudws 10 ...... juri>diction of 1M stott bocawe!hoy bod ooughl .ffi"'''livt mid' from lho ...1. counl"'t W;U ~nd whal cJ.iml "",uld be rtquirtd 10 be filed in an .~ in thai court (Lt., ~ counl.m.imI). 'I'M fbrl> and B"w opiniom oIso ....... to WUflI thol filing compw.ory count.rcbiml wilh Ih~ In"'~' will not .mOunlto. "'oi"", •. ollhough Ih .. w;u not btfoJo IhoK cou.lS, .nd p_ • • dont on thi< iu.ut within 'M Elcvmth CiKui' illutprisingly sparw. Most (bul not aU) coun, as=- wilh this pnnciplo. Tho..,.ro1 10 .voiding th.liligation. bl$<1l w.ive. in 1110 counl.rcllim cont .... th ••do~, is to mol« .uu that 1M COun' l..m.imI on< iJ filing in ...1. coon could bo f.irly thol'lOCUfir.,<d .. compuloory, a dttnmir1.ltion not alwa)'l ~_y 10 rn.W:.

The Answer Another kNon tho, COn be lnm<d (rom the di<trin (OU.I opinions ;. thai, aI~ bnnsi ... ~coun ....

General Guidance from Other Courts

claims may ImounllO • _,-, limply fiI· ins In answer lik<ly will not. Consistenl with v'mwly nay other coun 10 addrr<$ the ...... isollt. 1M f<dtn[ dist.ict couru lOr Ibr Middle District of Abb&mo Ind Southern Disrrict of FIorid.o " - both hold thaI mtrdy filing ... Inswer in w.~

Although 1110 of guidon.. from tho EI~nlll Circuil on Ihe lilig:ot;on·

,...;"", •. Brown Y, Siwer. 128 F. Supp. 2d

coun is in.ufl'lCirnl actiYily 10 ron"ilul • •

IlolS, 1l47-U (M.IlAI.L 2000) :~• Go<=Stz " KntJi. 111(.. 606 F. ... pp. 127, I U·l') (&0. Fb. I~). Including Iffi.· mat;"" drltrues ~ oot eh.~ Ihis mulL Brown. Il8 F. Supp. M 01 1l47. Admilud/y. 1_ «>u ... ha"", indical...:! tho, fili ............. wn ma, ron<Iilutt I _'-.In tm, J..... ~ lbon wilh III< CtnlnJ District of Califo,nia, nOl«l in dicl. tn>! "Ib Ih~ dofon , may Wli .... his 'i&hl to rcfl'lOVO thouId he fiIo an .....wn in ....1...... n, =-01 gn>trIIly OCCUr> bd'ou Ibr <kfmcbnt .......... ,"""",No pIoading.0,,,",. RoWt", 41 f. Supp. 2d 1080, 1087 n.4 (CD. Cal. 1999). Fifty )'t'r>t.r· !l.., 1110 Fifth Circuil notod tllll "if the lpar'y] Iud any .igh, of rnnoval il woi...:! t1w ....... ..,. its anown." Ta.u J.t.b<J rJ. M0b4ir M4'Urmt Iw'~ ~ SiQ~dn.-d ........ I~~ Co., 175 F.2d 8l5. ua (Slh Cif. 1~9). How ....... th ••tal.m.nll hall(' nol bcm fol!owN by tilt Centrol Disrticl of o. the modrrn Fifth Ci..;uit.1lJ>d thrw JU~ 1>0.. found no ""","n """ision. w...... I COOrt did in (;act UCOVIiu. wai .... ~ on t ho ftling o( an .n..... ' olon •.


Discovery Coum within tilt Ekvmlll Circuit ha"" generally viowod $O'rvin~ d~ IS m.r~ly a dd~nli .... action nec ..... ry 10 moinloin th.II"ul quo..nd III"" 1>01. hQiI for I _;,..,- "'1UmtnL In Bn>w~ •• Stwn. tza F. Supp.ld Il4S. 1l47-U ( M.D. Ala.. 2OOO).1/w Middle Dislrict of A1abo""" hold Ih.1 I poo'Iy" wvinS in' ..' "'!l.lori.. and dO(u .... nl producl ion rtqU ..IS, ..... n in coniun(1ion wilh all ."'__ KIting oul allirmal;"'" d<knsts and • moIion lOr ~ drilnito SI.U· mml, did 1>01 WI;"" ill .....1 to~. 1l>t COurt reasoned th.1 1M d..rondant', Klions .....~ "nOI It .lI companbl. 10 Ihe .o.t of dis"""li .... molion add.eosillg the .... rin of a a... thaI a'1uab/y mighl moSI dnrly .s._I"I~ an inl ...1 to Itl. II Il4II. Similarly, in £mya.Go&.aIt2 y. Kr<if/, I"", 606 f. Supp. t 27, 128 (5.1). no.. 1985).111. South •• n Di"riclof ~lo.ida h.ld Ih ... p.rtY-, $O'tving inl ..• rogatories, in addition 10 an a",__ .nd moIion for ao ....ion of tim<, did 1>01 rff.... a WIivn. A$ wllh 1M /:ImIm .....". 1M Kr<if/ court uO$OMd thlt tUi .... dis, rovcry "d ... lydolnl not ,...idn\<. In un«juivoca[ int<nllO wnovol.nd



u such hatst b«n held not .0 resuh in u.. WJi~ of Iht <ighl '0 ,nnovt." Id. A&>in. ~.lrti&,n .. .tmuId bewort. M.... couru wiUlin .... ~th Circuit

Ala. 1996)); . n>OIion for conlOlida.ion of, .... "'... in ..... coun (BIq y.

haY. """ ~ .... iMut of ....;.",hosed on dloa:Nrry. Tho ....;onty of -'fU......ode .... ElevntdI Cirnm 10 IIddr-. "'" ...... agrt<" thai ~ o:IiscIot<. nydou ............. tIw righI to ........... , ~, .ha, pooi.ion is not uniwnal. Fo<

dolln;l ................ (Broom v• .$.:wrT. 11B F. Supp. 2d lJ.4S. 1l47· ... (M.D. Ala. 1000)). On thtopposi •• >ide ofu.. same


insW>«', u.. Dislrict of ~ "texko in

0wMz v. Ki"",Id, 1S F. Supp. 2d

1118, lIB (D.N.M. 1998), hdd .ha •• ~ w.alwd ript 10 _ _ al1n tftYint! discowry rtquOU ond • motion 10 diomios. ThaI cauUon should be tcmpcmi. of """"""' by tho rttoSI'nion that tho o.n.:z opinion is thr <:>:UpIion .nd no! .ht ruk.

Motion Practice Motion praclia in suu coun abo raioeo .ht po'..... iol for a UI;ption·"-<I WJMo-. Thr motion lOr JUIIlnW")' j~. ",nn ....... '."I""'nl, wilh tnOS1 011 coum 10 add ..... h. "'u. (oI lhough th •• Is nO. many in the E1 ....nlh Circuil)

og .... ng Ih.1 filing Iht motion raulu in • WJi ..... of tIw righl to """""'. fiijng mull;pIe """ion>, .nd stl.inC,hnn for htlori"l Or actuolly "'Pins Ihtm incrc.. _ ef 1M risk of. W>.ivtr. For instance. thr Middk l>i<trict of ~lori<U hdd in QIomman ". Bevtrly s,,""na o.y ManOT, I""., 2004 WL 370275, ., -I

(M.D. ~1 •.


th.'"[d[dtndanll waivtd thtir .ighl 10 ....- this ac.ion 10 fC"dcnJ coun by proceedi", in .... '" coun, filinS a "kHion 10 [fumio6, Morion fOO" Sumnury ludgm<nl.ndJor Motion 10 Slrih, .. rving Plainliff wilh .bose dis· posilivt molion. and agr ... ing 10' h .... ing ,i"", 10 h.,.., lbose molioru di.poscd of in co....: faing JOm< othtr motion>, however, doc> not appear 10 conllitU •• ' ..u.n. Tho Southom Dill";':' of florid.. has htId lho, • non.pony·, fili",. ",o':;on 10


;nl.......". did nol consti.ul •• wlivc •. Engk v. /1..1. lI.Iyno/dJ 1'ott<>m> Co., 122 F. Supp. 2d 1355 (5.0 . flo. 2000).o.h.r mot""" not off<cting. waivt1 indod. • lIlOIion ro. Oldnuion of li_ (£sInnGott<dn~. KnIfi, Inc., 606 F. Supp. 127,

ro. ...

128 (S.D. FIa. 1985); a motion y I"'ndin, .rbi.nlion and om... COmI"'lling .mil'''';On (J;M v. 8ilr",0..• ~u,irin. In~., 166 F.R.D. '9. 42 (M.D.

T"'",,", Ins. Co., 27 F. SU1'P. lS 1. 354 (S.D. Ala. 19l9)); ond. molion for mort

coin_tho Soulbom D.s.";':' '" Florida t.... hold llu. "I'JIOI'inl • motion for p~limi· IUry injuDetion .bo doa not offcct a w.iv... Mimni H=ld Pllb. Co., Diy. <1 Knighr.Ridd... Nn.-'P"I""" III<. Y. hrrt. 606 f.Supp. 122. 124 (5.1), FIa. 1934 ).

Tho pR<NmI rogordins """""" II) diJ. mia, ",,--, io not II) <MY II) u-nc. AfItr 0>gdtII;and r-f-Idt. ~ appear-. in tho EkYmth Circuil that mo-reIy filing" motion 10 dismiso will nOI oo .... i'utr a waivcr.....J'hough as diKusstd .bovt ODe could II'pIO thaI this ..... ion is otilJ in doubt in QOCJ wn.." .... tim<.o ""f'Ond '" • complAint in ...... «lUll is no ohoo1cr than .....imt to ....-. One ohouId not WU/TIt !hot tIw EkYmth Cir<u~ ~ .he.,.-ion of whtthtr lCIing on • ,notion to di<mi.<s, or filing" .notion to di.." ... in ><kIilion 10 01 ..... ,U.. ooun fil· ingo tonoI~Ul"" waMr. As dis<u<I<d 0IbcM-, in thr y-t' H,;and 0>gdtII opin. _ tho COW1 addIUkoll .M tiline of motions 10 dismia, with no further action on mo.. motions.~, \be coun did ..,. add ... lhe issuo of whtthe.- filing" motion 10 dismiss. in ><kIilion '0 other octionI in ........'" coun, 101m wnstilUI •• l~ipIion·b.ed waMr. Othtr -'fU " - For insun<., in ~ K Nnr.p. I..... 1m Wl54S14 (5.D. ~1.L 1999). the Southtm Distria of FIorido hdd !hot "jbly >clunurily mtcring into "dtspl>$i'M ruI· ing on an okmen, of PLoin,Uf'. Complainl in stolt court (di<mi<$ing • claim following • motion to di.l.misJ[, DefC1l<bnl """'"

.ffi.....~ .... of .... 1Ul. COW1 pro<1'S$. ond thrm.r w..Md its right to ........... \be action 10 frdoral coun."n.. Middle DWrin 0{ f1oricLo recogniztd a WJivtr wbm tIw dd"mdanl fikd Ihroe motioN 10 di..",i .. aOO scheduled. h•• ring On .he motion. SdtoIr. ". RDV Sf<>rr.. I....., 821 f. Supp. 1<16\1. 147'0 (M .D. ~1.L 199)).

A Combination of Procedures Ono faclor liligant< ohouId con.ider in "'lluing. or dd"mding og.>inll an .rgu.... nt

of..... iver is ,ha, oomnilU'K>ru or .... ivtf ore made l,ugtly on a not·by·cas< b.1$is haW on ,be sp«if>c CtrClutU1;U>C($ of ..."h cat. Thost OO,nn;n.'io" •• rt ".. d<.

often no1;n ,... _uum ofa.ingk- onion. bu,lUS<d <)n the ",mw.ti.. oIf«t of . mul'ipli<:ity of action$ It is ronunonly "'" the single Klion of fili"ll • mOh"". for In>una. ,110, wiU efl"«1 ..... ivn. bu, the rumulat;" .tr.oct 01 multiple J""O«durai tnat>NVftS in the " ... COlIn. ~. simply booo ..... """ coon holds tN' tadI

individ...J "",... <Ioos not conS1~"'''' ......... <Ioos not IItftd than tIw cwnw.,;,.. whoIt will not bt ritwed.ouch.

Consequences of Waiver Ontt a f'iltT"";'" its ""',


tIu, ri&hl. witlllinu1<d """""''''''. is woiYcd No- aJI ,ime. Tholi,ip'ion·1N.S<d

wHvn is II(> " " " " " ' " o..ffttdanl$ ""'" othnwioc- may havr choom 10 li,,,,,1< '" fodtnl COW1 will boo IOro:d 10 U';ptt the claims in SUit mull. AdditicHWly. ilI1 ordtr rrmandlng an impropnly rm>O¥<d claim bM;k 10 "",. coun "may N'quirtl"'ymtrt, 01 ju.l1 CO$lS and any npn>1ft. indudi"ll incu,n:d as • resul' of ,he ....".,....1.· 28 Us.c. ~ 1447(j, for. ditnt. and an .,1Ornry'. ,duion< wi,h !tis dien', iI1i. can bt. al. S1rovhi<: mull,

'"orn<"j' r..:..

A Word of Caution It gO<S wilhou, .. ying ,hallitigam. bt uu,i"us obou. rtlying On ""n · blndin" 'Xtr • . juriS<lictionai au,h"ri'y. Thi. is ",,'licul.,1y lru. wilh rtgar<! I" toS< law Inal~"i the issue "f li,ig'''ion· tMstd wol ...... , Jiv<'n ,hat !hi• • rt. "f the Ia... in ",,"ieula. is Huid .nd in many rt>p«t ...m in its infancy. Addilio .... Uy, Slo,Np.dfic proceduKS may ""II' dict.o.. whet"' •• aclion< o:>nstilUI< IUtrociml ",botam;'" activity 10 resull in I worm-, Ibcrrby ruWtinS ;" $lem;"s/J di¥nJrn1 p<>$ilimu from tbt samt court.. for iMtanu. a1t1tou&h COlI .... g<n<nIIy h<>Id w, merdy filins an 'MW<1' in "", court does not COMlilUI< ..... ivn of ,he ~ould


'",,1'" mno... t~ oouru ~ 10 odd,", the ;...,. may SOOMt find waiw. whtrt the defendan, .... rrli«I Oft I ..... Law procnlUrt .Uowi"ll..,......a1 denials in

.nI_. .

in ,..-dtt 10 .... id !he U... KSp<NI" in .n 'MW<1' in ftdenJ ~".

Ull imal<ly. Iht questi<>n of ",Nt litiga. ,ion conduct in ..". coun i ..... fficiml'o dl'"" I ....i.... "f 1M risht to ..""..... i. a 8'q> issut 'hat ... ill o:>nlin~ '" bt dc<id· nl "",. lin .. "" a case·by-case buis. Fo, now. toke ,h, CU<'$ alrtady d"dd«! "n ,hi. i"u. allO""" guidanct. but pl'<>C«d wilh cluli"n: You,', ,ighl'o rtmovt deptnds "n it. •

_l_ . . ___ _ . __ ... _""'----Qo '



. ~­

-_ _tton_ -_ .. _. __ ""---_ e-Iow._ 0:.. _ . _ . _ _ _



_." __ "Jo"_211(11 ....


About Members, Firms TIlt' Alabama

lAwyer tlO IOllger plIblisJIf!S addresses alld telepllolle numbers ,wless tile (lllllOlmCemellt relates to tile openj"g ofa lIew firm or solo practice.

Abo ut M embers

Among Firms

lito! ChillOlll _ l h I openiIl(I of !he low Ollie. of V.,.,i•• ioot CIIin ..... 700 A/Q'rII A-... s.m..~ (3)1) 874·/111

c. 8.rt.. Ad.OI wd 8ry," P. Win!-. .......... !hi !«TT1IIIOO 01 Ade ... Wi., .. LlP.

Y.Ifl ~


Jowph p, Y.. H_. 1~.,1IUis\anI _ _ dIIftIIt fill' !hi MIIIIII DmrICl of - . _Iht-""OoIlhI a... JtM,II p, _ - . . Lie, C' S Docauo 0 eo. I

0IIi<:."sv-. ,

J. Mi..... M_KO _ ' " ~1t

laf ...,.. SIaM bJJ151Q '" ... ·,l6130·2S1Q. " ' - 034l2Q·7!m. c.D~$.1(18. PO


o\Iae.,. II.-

MoIWI. s.- &....... f'C. .. _ _ .. !'C, 1206210.

. . - _ _ A2OCI2 gr.u. allhI ~of AIMIII SdaloI~"'_1

_aD of ... ~ I.... """"'"

'iicior . I n.,.. rorn.ty 01 Emcni VInes.

Gorham & WaI,...p 1'1:. _ l h I _


Victor blloy ue. 50S N 2Od1 SUIII. s..~ 16!iO.~

352Il3 """'" t20512«-' " 9.

Bon Jooep/l Mi _ _ _ _ l1li_ 01 MI ... low !'C. 201 ...... PIKe. 700 29110 SWill SovIII. Bi ... (20511/ 4·1199 "" addiIoill "SItl r r -

v-. """" CIIfioI..,. rog"'_.,OO...,....ShoI., ..."".. ."" . . . . Mc:0-101 _ _ _ _ _

lSII01 "-fl5I&I ~


hk.., 1tooo. B._.. Coldw.llili 81ft.will: I'C _ _ _ lilt oddi!"", ol

r........,. M , luplnncl, f rle L PlUiII and

RIo."" h,."

to lilt firm', BimwQ'Iarn oIIica. "" lOrn IIbo _ _ _ O. ~ ttwo r.w oIhcIr "*"CI"'O ........ ~ "" 1Wm's ~ L ' - o...w C. _ lift .., CliIIM C. .,.." ........... ~ or BrMr. . . . . . 1 _ UP. III &1 SI. .... 16Ih1br. MaWo:J6IIDL ""'"" I2SIIG<Il71


.,. .~


!Swye" to, lIrwy...

W. un onak. your

dlYr>«>e c .... II HIY" 1 .. , 2 .. , 3, .. 1. En"- lhe c... 1nI_lion 2. Prinl lM Oocumen1. 3. File with .he Court


._, -




.r;s.., .",",, _ _

. "....--"'""--,,~

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334·244·2983 SA,TTAGl 'A,lA,W OFFICE




...........nd money? UnconlHled Divorce In Alabama 2.0 ...... S595 Ready to




, , ...... -

s _ ..

Bio ",j"'I_ DIfiDI

"._,."_,",,--. _u_ "'""-.,..... __ ..... _ .._._--. _.._-__ '--.._.. _ . _--,_ ._,---.... ...... .... _-,,' __ ..- ----_ ........ " .__ -- . The ...h-...~

child l uppo.l . nd uncont. sted

H ._ ......... _

.......... c. ,_ '*.-:I .. ...,. ..

I\0I0,.,. l!i565 """'" 12051



lor AI' - Sat. T" _ _

1610J.C/2f1, "'-034l2fi3-3561

O!*'I'I oi l . &e.It ni, ShoI. PO.1Ioo \.019,


pnc1a'" dooIII ... "" ill


' . ScOllSlo ·, '"

mil JKk W",,* P,,1:wa'r. $I.o1I1-A. luscaloo:<a

In Alabaml2.0 .................. $195

IIobert C. Compbtlt III and hrry C. Pri..

.....,.".. !hi opIIIIW1g at Compbtlt Dub & Pri ... 1151 tHiS

Ser'IicI Road. Sult~ 7OO(UrIm

PlanLer! TOMIl Mobilo. PIme 1151l47f>.2400. Copoll& Howl rd PC •...,1I1 off""", in Montgon'lef'r and l)poIiIa...-......::es that

Miell •• 1 P. O.h.. 110. becorno I<' auoc:Oaw 01 tho firm arrI will WIllI: in Iho Montgornory office.


pol .... a RoIIbi ... .,...,...,.s 11\;11 WhilMy

T,,_,. w.blIa Rokrts PC 01 T" ~ ...,....,.. that J _ H. R.btrto. Jr. twos joiled Ihofirm ... _ ,

B. P.lsol has jOined 1110 1m IS I<' """"iato

Wil ... ,110 LH Pol. _ Wt T. Dwj.ght SI.,n and S...... I H. Gi ..... haw _ part. .I will1lh1"""- and C~td W. A"es. Urim •• M. Como,.lIKhol M. H.wlld. 1. MlrIl Moeli", CIIII1 L Mill . and MarIl F.

Tho P_1l1Jow Firm PC '" ArdiIkIsia .......,....1IIat Corey DI.ial BryH and Gra ... John Scali haw beo:wne associated ",,1I11h1 """-

Midi Both Still.. PC IhI1 Don ... M. G" ... has beo:mo nsocilt«l 'M1I11ho flllll.

P. n..k.. ic ' - *omel$$OCiall/ld withlho ,~

~I<I.. Htd., W.rth . ..... ,. Brya nt & Stono PC ...-......::es tNt Jo .... J. Coomn arrI by D. Wilbu .. haw becorno Ihar-'

lbomol, _

... Gillis & So", PC .....,....

AI ... l aigl .. ard Jo •• n Britt .........,. tt. B,itt An ..... p W::. ",,111 offiteI .. 8irrnir<jiarn and W&tlmPb. •

Iho hirA;! lit tamill. L Elwants !lS • • taI! anor.... iI its ~ oIIio:e. and 01 Ch.orl..

forma~"" ot

J_. II OS 0I!0mI'f iI its ~ o/IitIo, F,ittI.... & Dow •• y PC ...-......::es (tIj1 Paul E. M.,... and 0\) .... A. Dug •• haw joined tt. firm III nsocoates. Go. .I•• Glmbl •• Clio ... 110 Chin.,. LlC and V,I.ri. Ki . .. Chittooo ..........oo INU a.nom has - . appoonllld • .....,;,:ipol judge for tt. t:ity 01 StImo and eHer:tive .II.oIe 1. 2Cl1i...,. W1Utoo W1!!draw1ng kom !hi r.... Tho firm_ ,.,;n retLm to C.mbl •• Gamble & Coil ... LlC.

Tho Jof1.... ~ CoIrn" Oiotric. Anorn,,', Offiu in 8irmongham.........,.,. Iho IdditOOll 01

ARE YOU PAYING TOO MUCH FOR LIFE INSURANCE? 7IIn>ooP 0.-1........" "'" """...- . _ Hr. .........,. _Iq/II,


T,I .. Koch F..... ,m. 11*lua1lld lrom !hi i.OWefsoly 01 Alabomo law School ,,2003 and rrevioo.l$ly wor'<.od kt I taw firm in 1lloIsu. AI1.n Goodwi ... worked I" an orWe resurch seMte .fter gratWbng kom ~ School of law



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"" '" OW


m. " " " ". " ". sm ". "" ''" "" "" ".... eo-.-..... ,ttl


SIll ,~





,m• l'.OJl S' ."I

c- l'r._ ~


$.1((1.000 Lovd t ....

FrO<Ioritk T. KoryIc ..dlll. 111 has joined tt. MoOIo film 01 Tlylo' Ml rti ... The lirm has changed its _10 To,l .. Morti ... KuyklNHlIIi The new office is Ic:cated 11 51 S1. Joseph S~Nl MobiII. 1"norII115114lJ-] I31



,. '"

Tho I.Iw OHic •• f Eorl H. l.lwoon. Jr. ~


nmolhy B. Loggin. and L loggin. ~ tt. teO(II!(IIng

01 tho" offices. Tho lotgi ... Fi.. LlC is IoooIIId tt 100 Non!> College Stroot. Ow ~ P\lcn j3)1) 493-9761



". ".


MoI<. Sop<! I'r<f<nt<I

-' • ...... ., "" = = ~





sm ro'


Drane Insurance Carter H. Drane

(800) 203-0365

...-.:uo:es that Willi. ", F. Smith. II lIa. joon8d Iho film .. foeld

"".,, _ _ >- ""'"'" Of _ _ _ w... C- IJr. l>3OJJDOll.<wl T.... c....,. ~r.

ttwee a t~ .IosejIh B"tlo,. III ,s a:ZOOZ IJ3duoto at !hi lMersl'Y 01 AIabamo law School and was rr~" rrrtate ",acta in ~


I ... T................ Y"'Io""'''''.fr«_oopotk ... _ _ l ' OOJlOO


" ""



't.m ,,~


Opinions of the General Counsel

BT J. ","h...., Md... ,..

Imputed Disqualification Of Law Firms When Non-Lawyer Employees Change Firms QUESTION: In forn ..i "pinion, RO-91·01 .nd RO. 91-28, th~ J);!< 'r1irn.ry Comm, .. ion of tho AI.h.",. SWe OM hold. in ,,,b,un,,,,. <onl1i.,. of in,,,,,,, re.ulting lTom .mpl~5,,'S law firm"


•• n l>t ,,,,.rromc by hu; ldin~ a *Chin<S<" ,,'.11" to .'.(,...., Ih .....,,,,Iy hir<'d emrl(>;""" from I I i,

",..."ing rroaJuf(S "e

in.rr«u,c ".. ltt"

a "on·bW)"' •• mpior"" h;u o~Llln rd 0011-

fid.n,w inf<>,n'J,inn ron'<1'n<I18 tht "'. 1<. in lill&o ' ;',,,,. COIl.ldtr.lliun

vf the'


ro'ilion. 101.<" bj' til«<' All' on.o n jnd C1hk.l



ANSWER: A non_uwyn nnployft who <han~ be htId '" CM ........ Wl>dards IS • Iawyn- in dmrmini", wh<tb.<r • conllic! of i~ ttUu. A fum which h~ a non-Lowyn nnployft pr<"'iowJy _~ by OPPOOinB <OtIn ..1in pmdillS lifoplion would ha,., 0 ronOict of incOI<'>1 ."tlhutfo". mUll M di<quilinro if. during ch. <ou... of CM pl't'Yiou, elllp]'lj"""'''' Ih. 'IllrlQ}'tt acquirtd ronSdtnl,oI in!u,,,,,tlion <om .. ninll Ihe c.... low 6 ....... mWl

DI!IcJ.JS~ION : In ><>lne iu,<$didion. the "Chin... JQ!1' ..,,... for ronllieu ,nulling from <1wIp.rng fiml> Iu. btm ~pplied Io"........ .u """.,.~ Tbt ALoha"", SurrtmC Coun. ~.Iw



,.kt\ !h. f'<"ihon Ih.1 Ih. "o,in...

",-all" ron<'l'1 "'ould no! .pply 10 pra<I1cin~ b",.,,,,.ln IW/vn. v_ t/"rrhm., 572 So,2d 12.11 (AI •. 19901. ,h. coun hold. by

of ,licl•. Ih>llh. "eh,"u, .... U· could nol ~n .ff.. live ",ret" 10 .11<""<),' i" rri'-dl< rra,.ic. bu. should apply only 10 sovern"'."1 or olh., publidy cmpl~ .lIorllty •. 572 So, 2d I~Jl. 1234 al n. 1. M",. 'igni! III 1m. lilt Alabama SI.I. !!.or 1'f'.II'<*'l.r.d lhe>.un. Surn:me Cou.l itdop!N. the AIatwna /tWa <I{ ~n.Jl 0>nJ...... whi<h bto;""", o:ff«I~ ~""ry I, 1991_ Rule 1.I00b} 01' 1ht IIJJes <I{ 1\"(",;",,,,, 0>nJ..... II"""'"'" ronftiru of ;n,OT<'$' on the parr of ,,-~,-

.... tolion by clIt 6nn. Tbt rulo ~ no ....... ion of; Of ~ lOt. Iltr)' 1}'P< of "O>inrot woIJ" ocnmins procao. IIaocd upon 1M "",,-, the ()fOO, of

Gmn-aI Counsel and the O*:iplinDy CommiMion J>.w CIORIi$tmtly hdd thaI ...m con8icu on lh< parr 01' .n attorn<)' can"'" be cum! 01" O¥nt:omr by nettion of . "Q,inell' ",-all" Of any o'lIto- 'J'P< of fCfftflin, pro<t<Ju". Tbt Di$ciplinary CommiloSion.~. rtfuStd 10 disallow Ih. "Chi..... wall" «m<<tl! in add.., conflicts of inl....l ",hieh .. " resull ",ho" a non·awyff chong<> Low firm<. In .-.unl ru", various jurisdictions loqunlion lilt efl'ecli ........ of .......i'" pro«dura wtwn 0 non_ uwya nnploytt ",1>0 <Mnacs firms is in M~ btgun

poasnoion of confMlmtw inl'onn:o,ion o:>nUfn"'11M maner in li,iplion, One of I'" 6rl1 jurisdiaions 10 ..;crt .. ottn· ing :mel 10 It.oId non-Lowyn nnplo)fts 10 tlt.r .."'" Itondo.d IS 10",),<" was 1M U.s. Dimict Courl for lilt Wn'em Dis'ricI of Misso~ri. In \\'illw.tnf., TraIlS World iI.;rl; ..... I..... , ~ F. $uPI'- 1037 (W. n Mo. 1984). Ih. Co~rl 1M following ""en •• nt: "Non-Lowyn p<n<>nMlare widely used by a"')'<rJ to ass"t in rendtr· ins k&aI"rvica. Paralcpls. i .......lipl""" and socrcu.ies mu .. h... ready a«eM '0 diml confidencn in order 10 .....1 thtir InOl"...,.

ously m.pIoyed by O(lpO$ing «>UnId in ongoing h'i~'i(m and pmvid<s. in ...... th.1 an '11<><11<')' wnh ronllden,iol

nnployo-rs. If inl'orm.o,ion provided by. diml in confider>« 10 an anorney (Of ,110 I"'flIO"' of obuin'nSIopI advict could be used again .. 'he dim, b«ou$<' . m<m_ bet- of 1110 .110rnty'. non-bwytr SUpporl "aff 1m 1M .110mcy'.

info""'li"" oI"'UI. (om><f dimllw 0 """Ilie, of inte ...l which p"",ludes •.-pre-

nnployrn.:nl, II would h.... 00_ ",wing .ff..1 on both the fr« How

a fum whid1 tmf'loyo .... IlIot"")' previ-



Opinions of the General Counsel ,ha,

0( information betWf<111M dienl

and lh~ attorney .nd '"' \he "'" and q.wily(,r~I....-vica !'tn·

and mort juriodictlOfl. concluded Rule 5.'(.~(b}'. wh<n fud in conjunc_ tion with Rill, I.lO(b)', U<juira lhal

<kml by an .norney. Every d...,..,;oll'ec .... '1. ;o_,ill"lo. I)r para_ Irpl W<)uld \lot fr« 10 im!»,' m nfi_

.. me IlOJw.rds OI.llorl\tyS with r<g;oni 10 clitnl conrodtnli. li, y and ronfiicu of

non·l. wyt'Nmpkrr<n be held 10 lhe

drnl;., information lO th< opposition without .ff<'Cli~ reslraim.l'IK only prKIieaI ""', I() ....Urt Ihis wm 001 NpptfI and \0 p~ _ public ,.,.., in 1M "'lUpuiaus administration of justia is 10 subjoel ,.........,,' of~ 101M ...... dUabairy L..wyns h.o ... whn> IMy Ira,,", IqaI nnploymml with ronfidmtiallnfonno' ion." SU FSupp..' 1G44.

inl'!'eI1 ,..ultin, from chansin, firms. 1'ypicaI of 1M ju.iodicrioru whkh .... pIoyed chi!. on.alysl. i, tho optn;"" of


Suh$tqutnlly, 0$ mort >lOIts M&>n 10

.... Supmnt Colin 01 NnW in CWffi-

•. OW .... Cowrl,

condudcd .. 1'oI1ows: .....'bm so. 1871ARi'C RuIc 5.31

infornution by I nonlawyrr thIn Ihat obtlin.rd by I bwyrr. No ralion.1< U offered by Cu.ff"", whkhjunir... I I....r Mgr~ of prot~lion fOl confid.n· 1101 information limply boo:au$< it .... by. non.Lowytr 1$ <>pp06fd 10 • I• ...,...... 1"Mrtfort. _ thai 1M policy of prol<Cl . in8 1M allOfnty-dimt ptiviq.. mwtbt preoc1""fd Ihrou,," impulN disqllllif\ao'ion whtn •

160 (2) (ARK UG (bl(. nonLowytr I/I1Il'io)'w htmm< ""bjtct 10 tilt wne ruin sovnning impuIM di>qualiflCation. To hold oth.rwise would grant I... prot<aion to


~ inl"onnation.

>«.".. tmplo,omtn. with. finn who rq>-

is in conjunction with SRC

Mod.IRwln of Pro{.,..;"na/ Con,I"", or SO",e v'fuuion ,hereof, mort

&<lop! Ike

LI) Nev. 1165. 9<15 I'.ld

950 (1997). Tho Ntvada SuprmM'Coun

lilt confidential and pr"il~

..... nU I diml .. ilh ""t"blly adv<-rS< in ...... I." 945 P.2d at 953.

n.. N...w Supmnt Coun ,,,,,,,,,,,,. i=lthe '"Qintf( w.u- appmadt a. having

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Heard I><,n "r<>undly etil ieiztd for ignoring II>< « alili« of drecli .... scl'<'tning and lil igaling IhO! 1M"" .hould il , .... r .. i.... The courl e ilod as a n .:umple of such cri'i_ ci.m an ",id, in 'h, c:;..,'g<rcwn Journal of Ltgal ElhiN, viz., "For . ... mpl., Ont ronuncntalOr .xpl.inod ,hal' majority of cour!> h.o.... reje<:'od Kr«fIing beca.... of the unCttU.inty regarding the effecli .... n... of Ih' sc«<n, the monetary i""mi .... invol..,d in breACh ing tht $Crun, the fear of disclosing privikg«! inform.tion in th. cou ..... of pr<>.,.ing an rffecli .... sc«<n, and Ih, possibility of accidenl.1 d isdo.urn. M. Peter Mo""r, '<$<' Walls: A Means of A,."iding Low Finn DiS<jUOllifiCilion Wh.n a Pt""n.tlly Disqualified Lawyt"r Join. the Fi,m; 3 c:;..,. /. ltgal Ethirs 399, 40), 407 ( 1990)." !N5 P.2d " 953. There are nu"",rouS othtT decision. wh irh rearh Ih, .. rot or , imila, condu· ,ion., e.g.. Q",'y v. Sh.,,,,;n lI'il/;ams, 156

F. R. D. 575 (D.C. N. J. 1994); M M R)\I'<IU"u """'" "'Ind,m,;al, I",. v. Thamn IoJs«imts, 7&1 F. Supp. 712 (I). eonn. 1991 ); Ma/:iIQ Corp. v. US, 17 C. I. T. 240, 819 F. Supp 1099 (CIT 1993); Glow:r /lcrrl.d Gas Corp. v. Cirrk M. Ikw:rag< &1m, lnc,. 129 A.D.2d 673. 514 N.Y.S.ld 440 (1987); Sma't Indum;ts v. Supt'io, Courr. 179 Ad .. I ~ 1. 876 P.ld 1176 (1994); Knuli;;, v. River<. no s.o.ld 289 ( Fl • . Di$t.App. 1999): o"inrJ v. Awltl, 194 F. R. D. 678 (E. D. Wash.

2000); alld Zim" .. ,m"n v. Ma),,,"''' &lII/i"g Co.. 270 Kan. 810, 19 P.3d 784 (200 I ). In Z;",,,,.,,,,"n, ,uP"', Supr<m< Court of Ka"", pointc<l oUI


t hor dl.squouificOlion i. nol inevi1>blc;n =ry iruunee. holding loday does nor mean that disqu.liflCation is m. nd>lory whonewT a non_LowycT movn fr<>m one pri .." film to another wh .. e th'lWO firm. a re in>olvcd in ~ing lili8"lion and ""' ..... nl adveroo !'lilies. A finn "'"'Y avoid disqu.alifimion if ( I) the non'O~r

I.:owycT omployec ~ ~ ocquimJ 1Il"1eria1 and (Qnfid",!iaj informa_ 'ion regarding,i8"tion or (2) if the dienl <>f Ih. former firm waives disqualilkat ion and .pprove"he u"" of. SCr«fling <kYiee Of«c waIL' 19 P.3d at 793,

For the ..."""n. st.tod .bove, tho Di",iplinary Commission of Ihe AI,"'ma Sial. Ihr is of Ih • .,pinion tha' a Mn_ lawyer employ« who ehanS"" law firm. muU I>< hold to th ..."", 'undard . ... . lawyer in d.-1 .. mining whether a ""n/lie, of im,rnl ""i.l • . A /irm which hi~ . non_lawycT ,mploy« previously omploycd by (Qunsd in pending liti8"lion would ha ..... ",nAiel of imere<' and, Iherefo ... must be disquali_ fied if, during Ihe cour"" of lh, pr~ious employment , Ih. employ« ><<juilod COn_ fid,ntw informalion ",neerning th. ra..,. How"'"', ... indicatod in Zimm.,man, ' UP,"", the elienl of Ihe former firm rruy waiv< di.squalifiration.nd appr<> .... Ihe u"" of • ",«<ning device or o.incscwall. ( R02002-01 ) •

Endnotes IVo ~~ pr..- .. foIowo' "Wotb _ ... """"-!or ~ "' .. _ ..... "'111 • ........tol._io ..... Iirto _ _ ••



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Disciplinary Notices

Notice to Show Cause S,epb on D" . n< ""wl. r, WhOK wh.,..,.bou!J .r. unkoown, mus, .n..... , the A.t.\>a"", S, ... 1J,or'. r.,mul d i><iplin. ry du,!<, within 28 <I.yo of Septnnbe. u, 200~, <Jr. 11I<r.-,f,.., 1M a/kg.tlio", <ont.iM<\ ,h, ...." shall bt dtmVd odmiuctl and app'opria,< discipJin< wll bt impwtd him in 1185 !\OIl. Ot-03(A) and 00I_174(A), br ~ Diooplin.Jry Boon! of ,I>< A1a~ $1 •• < /1.1.,


Reinstatements Tho Supre",e Coun of ALo!,."", entered an onltT b:m<l upon lh< dc<;u.:.n of Disciplin.lry IIoatd. I'md VI. rrirut.lin& Monlgomory

.n.......,. Branch I:Ioo>doon

KIoess 10 tho. practitt 01 low in tho SI:Itt 0( Alabama,cftM .... 111M I5,ZOOS. [Ptt.

b Rrin. No.05-01] Tho Supttrnt Court of Alab.ama <1l,emI on onkr booed upon 'he <!«i-

.ion of Di,dplin.ry 1Io.n! , P. nd VI. ,";nst.1in& flo""" .It,,.nry lIarry Neal B.... nnon lO.1It PrKl~O{Law in ,hot $t. •• of Alabo ..... , df«t .... lun. 15,

ZOOS. IPd, roo- RtiJI. No. O4-IM1

Disbarment Birminslwn .ttomt)' Marvin I.H S, .......". Jr. was disbuud from Iht practice of law in the Stat. of A1aba"", .ffecti~ May 6, 2005. by order of the

AUbam. Sup ...... Coun. Th, ,uP""'" court rnltr«l its otlkr baKd upon til< dccioion of 1M DiKiplinuy Soard of ~M ~"'" Sla~ Bu.

SI~" """ In~"';mlT'u.pmdcd from II>< practi« of Law in II>< ~ of Abbam.11"'rMW>' to Ruk lOla).


Rules of OUt;pli""". Prorolu ... , by of .h~ m.dplinuy Cornmi$Oion of .h~ AJ.lnrna S'.'~ Il• • ~"'"

(If..,.i •• April 22, 2003. 392

S!PTlIotBER 200!

11>0 oomplaim that rna<k lho boJis of lho dUlnrmtnl I'/;lS 0"" of numtn>uS rnmpbinL$ 1iI«I ag.tim. $1....." .h.. rauI.«I in his in ... im ous.pnuion. SpKiIicaIIy, Slew>" rc-pmomtcd an indi-

rid"'" in • Won! civil action.. Tho a.... "'" 1(111«1. Tho d ..... .;p..d tho xnlf.. rn.." ~ but did J>Ot "",tho tdll<mml chock bra .... SIcwa" told him it .......Jd .akt ........ limo b<ii.>tt 1M chod<could bt disbur>ed. ",....A...

wh(n tho di..l1 """'" ail 10 i"'lui~ about .ho I(Illem<nl p~ $...... ", or ",moo"" to his discn.1ion, would I.U .ho d ....' ..... tho fund> ho.d no. be... fl"CrivM. Howtvtt, Skw.u1 do:pofitcd tho I(Itlomm. chock into his .ruIIlKCOWI. lho cbr Wr tho dient promptly Msn«I ~ho sonIomm~ IMe.d. ho tr.....mml $015.000 of tho US.QOO 1(I~1omm1 inlo

his 6nn', :o«:oun' .nd us«! rtIO$I of.he diem', $ha~ of.he ..... kmtnl to I"YOIM finn txptlU4 ... ~~ •• hearing in the n.. tt .... M DiKipli ... ry Soard found Stewm SUilly of vioL&.in~ ruks 1. 15(.), I.lS(bJ &nd &.~ (a). (oj ond (ll. il..1I..P.C.nd fixed Slew~.", diocipli ... udUbormm'-IA.S8 No. GH8(A)]

lIinningham a"orney James Shawn McKinnon Wi" dioharr«l from .he practic. o f Low in .he St . .. of Alaba" ... • ffc-c.i .... Iu". 17. 2005, by ord.r of the

Alabam. Suprtl"" Cl~r!. The $~p,e"", court en!ered its order ba<td upon !he dod.ion of !he Disciplinary Ilo.1rd of lhe Alabama SUI. 8 .. ",~p!ing McKinnon', .urrende, of his license and ronsenllo disb.anncnL [Rule 13; Pot. N" 05.(11) Scottsboro .. torncy Denni. Cene Nichols was diobarred frOln tht prac· tiee of law in the Sm. of Alabama, «Ftcli"" lune 8, 2005, by orde' of tho Alabama Supreme Court. The ,up,e"", court .nlered its order ba<td uJ'On 1"dt<i.ion of the Disciplinary J\o.o.d of

,he Alabama S,at< Bu. Th. board fur,,,-, ordered ,h .. Nichol. make ,""i!u· lion of all f... p;.id 10 him in ,ase no! p'eviously rrfundr-d I. scI fonh in Ih. fo.m ol charges filr-d 'goin" him. Nichol, faUr-d!o respond to tho fo.· mal ch.rg.. fIlr-d "goinst him by Offi~ of C.". •• l Clunsc!. As I .... ult ofth. Wault judgment 19oinsl him. Nichol. found guilty of .11 of the charges •• folklw>: In ASII N" Ol-ll(Al. Nichol< ''''er,r-d a fee of 5640 to rep,..,..-m a elicnl in. crimin:ol mall",. There.~e', he t>«.mc un.blc!o pu"uel'" m.lter



due !o hi. being $u'p<ndr-d. Nichol, f.Ur-d!o comm uni."" with !he dient 0. to refund he. f... and f. ilr-dto 'espond to he. filed with the Abba"", S,.,e B... [Violation. of .ules 1.3. 1.4(b). 1.5(0). l.l6(dl. 8.1(b), and 8.4(g). ".R.P.C.] In ASB N" 02·28(A). Nichol, """cplr-d • r.. of $600 fmm a dientto a bankruptcy. He did not file the bankruptcy. The.eaft.r. h. was 'IL<. p<ndffl from the pr"ti~ of bw. Nichols only rttundr-d a portion of the and failr-d to .... pond to the rom· plain' filr-d with th. ba •. [Viol.. ions of



What You Never Learned In Law School: How To Be A Litigation Lawy er! @ Presented By: M. Warren Bu, le •• £squire

Lyons. Pipes & Cook. P.C. Mobile, Alabama


T h i< 2-<iay iIlt"",ive tou=. appt<I\"ed by the: Alabama Slate Bar MondalOr)' Conlinuing Legal FAucation Comm issions fOf 13 C Ll, <....ti ... in<ludinll Ih. mud" UI"}" L bour or OIhi.r$ <rodils. i. designed 10 ac:celera!e the

lellnI i.g process for liligation associ.,es. and allow .uomey. !o complete their ann .... l ell requirements ill one .:ow>e. The ....,.,ial.. will learn IIow 10 pro-aclively tlandle a I.wsuit from the lime the file is opened throug/lthe: inv<Sl i",'ion !J3gC- the diorovery ~ and trial prqoamion. Thcy will al.., be: U"gill bow 10 effeclively repor1

information to elients and be spec:if><: and detailed in thei. time entries to decrease clim' redocUons ill their overall ~illing. The """"" "'ill moke ....,.,ia... more effie;""t and independen~ and thefefore, allow finns to brttcr $nY< their clients and become more profiLObl<.

' _ w.. t l l j o _ Ccrning to Yoo, Neo i-n

2005: Montgomery. AIoberno October 10·11 .....w~. """bema October '7·16

_ I w. . .

Fo< .-giSlrDtion information:


pl""SfI .... our regiSlrat;on form on OUf _bsilfl at www,lPC lgw.<9mO< conItJd Aiic8 Borron 0 1 lyon., Pipes & Cook By F'hor.&: 12511432 ..0481 6y Fax: (2511 43 3 · 1620

---,..,. -, . . " " , . . - boO .

. c -_ _ _

Disciplinary Notices

rules 1.). 1.4(b ). l.~(a). 1.16(d).and

8.4(,), A. .R.P.C.) In AS8 No. 02 · 500(,,), Ni<hol. OC«J>1t<l fm of $66() f,om • cli,nl 10 flI. al>onkruptcy. Th ....f, ... Nkhol. w;u int .. imly , ... pmdod from tho practic. of law w;' />out having peT' fonntd 1M -ptnI ... pon ...... ias. Nichol. lold thulimt lhal he would ""'" _ " " aUon><y WOIk on Ilk man ... but failftllO do .... 1V-,oLliion. ofru,"''), I.~{b). 1.5(1), 1.16(4), 8.I (b). and S.4 (Jl. AI!.P. C] In ASS No. 02 ·93(A). Nichols was hi •.,! in L995 by a dimt 1<> file • Chapt,. 13 b&nkruplcy. In 2002. tht clitnt flied I complaint IoIilh lilt AI,b,n .. Smt 8.. III"8in8 thai Nichols had ""pi two check> th .. h. d bttn .. nll0 him ond.lo th. elk"t" knowlrd8'" Nichol. h. d a>htd on. of III< ch..:u. Dflpit. noIices by C<fl;f~ mail, Nicholt n(Vff r<'$pOndro in any way 10 tht compLtinl Iiltd with m.. b... [Voololions 01 rules U S(I) and 8.1 (b), AI!.P.CI In AS8 No. OJ-S I!A). Nichols was hi~ by • diml and hi> wi ... in 2002 10 ""ndlt an odoption. Ii< w<>.< p&id of UOO for this ..... k, pillS "61i"8 Iftt,' which h< ilIbd lOr on Ih= sq>oral. occa.iont. Nichol, told In. ditnl.< thlllM adoption p,lptrs h.od b«n filed, bUI upon (h« wilh Ih~ d~rk of th~ (OUn, Ih~ di~nlS I~.rned Ihol the adoption hid nt'l'ff bt-tn fded. Nichol. r. iled l<> respond tl> th~ compWnt riled with t~ b... IV...... lions of ruks u. 1.4(b). 1,S.1.4(.) and U(g), A.R.P. C IIASB ..... 02· 21 (A), 0223(A). OHO(A). 02 ·9)(A). :md 03_ SI(A)I


Suspensions Sd"", .uomty RoIKri Boland Blair w,,, .umm~rilr ,ulptnded f,om th~ practiu of law in t~ Sll te of A1. bl "'" pu .. ulnt to Rule 20( 1), AlaNma Rub

of Dilripimary Prt>ctdu ... by order of ,he Disciplinary CommWion ofth. S"'I. Bar e/fo<li ... Moy 20, 200~. Tilt ord.r of the Di$ciplin. ry Comtni .. ion wu blstd on I pttition filed by lhe Offou of Gcllrnll tvidcn<in8 l hOl Illoir had foiled to rapond to uq ...... for information from 1 dudplinary IU"","Iy duri", the ' OUIl<' of. diociplirury imati&>lion. [Rw. 20(0); 1'<1. No. 05-05[ On luly 14. ZOO5. the Supmnt Coun I>r Alobama ml<ml.n order ou>pn><l · i", A4bama '((orMY lkatric. Elai_ au".,. for • ptriod of.....,n month.<. On Jun. 24, 20004. ali ........... ptndcd ror • ptriod of """n month. by the C,i.",nct COmm,,, .... of the $lolC Bar offull. The I~'n" of h<r su.ptn,ion illCludtd. one-month .u.ptn';"n, with ,he .. mainins .... "",mh. prob.o'M .... b;"'1 to 'pKific knru and cond ilio .... OIivn .... in>! ..... led to "",u re$liMion 10 1110

oompU.inan .. Erib

McdIow_Bn.l:ton. in the lItIOUnt of '9,21), on Of bc-f<>R My 11, lOOt. In Of >boul Stptnnbcr Of Octob<r 2004. tho Alaboma Sla" liar ~ no!ioo of Oliver'. IUopmsion from the N.tioruilawycr R-osul" ory D....

"'""Upon ,he Abbo"", Stlte Ba," r=ipl of ,he unified ropy of 'he 'U$ptn$ion from the State Sa, ofTtlW-,. notice of ming was made Ind on FobrU.1ry 25, 2005, In orOO ..0$ ~nle,ed req .... ting OIi".,. to .II>ow ca_ why idcnliallMl m:iprocal d iscipline """uld noelikewUe bt impostd. 01;""'- filed ." aruWl"t to tlt.r.!how co_ CNdtt :md 'latn! tlu,.,.. could lind 110 pounds as 10 why idmlicallnd udprocal d ..· cipline U>ouJd no! likn<,,", It.r impostd. Tho April 28, 2005 mo!ion fOr order'0 ;mpo6< m:ipro<'ll diKipline >as V.lJlted on M.y 5. 2Q05 by tlt.r A1ob.amo Sll t~ II .. Disciplinlry Board, J>.n~1 V, e/f":li~ on ,h. dar oflhe onlt •.

On May 20, 2005, ,heSupmn< Court of Al.b.",. entered .n orOO .«tpIing the ordt. of I'.n~l l, Di$ciplinory I\o.Ird of tho AI.b.",. S,.,~ B.r, ~ntercd on Mi rth 15, 2005,.u.ptnding Mobile attorney 51.phen K<ith 0"" fo r a pniod of Ii... )'t..... tffC<tive July 11, 2002, ,h. date of his int<-rim ..... ptnOOn. 01"10 waiftd the filing of fOr_ nul . ltaf1lC' and pled guilly 10 vioIalions of .,.IuI J. 1.5(I ) :md 1. I6(d). AItP.C. in ASB ..... 04_8)(A).04· 87(,0, ) and Ol- I~( A). Ono plnd guilty 10 aU du'1!" filed in .1>< rnnoin· inS bor compbinlS: In AS8 No. 00·43(A), O""' .... m . lned by. dien' ...-gardlns termin.tion of chUd . upport obligation< du~ to hi. child'cn having ",ached the of '''lIl1Cipllion. Ors<> fliled to lile 'he _euory I"ptrwork with the COurt and would not con>mun;ule with hi' cli<nl. Ors<> "'fundtd I portion of tho fea.IMI"'" 1.1 Ind 1.4(1),A_It~cr In ASB No. OO-2I6(A).O",, __


n:1oined and IYid SI,soo to ""'......., 1 diml 'oprdins I prioon .$CHt ...... tho clit-nt was ~ A btlori", ..,., Kheduled on I mo!ion-.o-resl ..... 'u", _tenet liled byClno. I..... rfld on at leUI four occasion .. Ono did not ptrform Iny otlKr LcpIKrvicn on behalf of his die" •. [Rul. 1.5(. ). A.R.p. el In ASII No. 01 -204 (A),. diem "".ined Ono 10 obllin cmcrg<n<y tcn\. porary C\lIlody ofhcr ' ttpchild.. Ono instructed tilt dimt to ....... to his


office 10 oompkt. flOCe!6If"y poprrworl<. When tho dimt.ppnrtd II Otto',

office, 0...0', >!Ift" knew nothi", >bout II>< eox. Tho diml hired anochcr bwyn ., an oddit>onal w In oompktt the ....,ter. n..t IawJ'l"r """plcl<d tho """. .......-y wod; :md obIaincd an ,,,ot'g<'oc, ordtr. Allirll. Ono rrluocd to rtfund the diml', """"y claimi", the dim1 foiled 10 >how fOr her oM'OinIJ,-.cnt. Lal ...., Orw rcl"undcd the fH;. lruks 1.3, 1.4(a) . 1. 5( . ) .nd 8.4(8). A.R-P.e)

In ASS No. 02-59(A), Oroottnd...d • lru$t oecount ch«k 10 the probate COurt. Th. chtck wos re1urnt<! for fund>. Th. court $<nl 011(1 nume'ou' nOI~ '<garding the di<honort<l inmum.nt. Oroo fant<! to crmit Ih. fund. 10 the probate coun for app=imat<ly th,.. ,$. In Orso·s writt.n '''pon", to the bot, h. """nti.lly admil1«'l that h. d id not I:.ttp hi. clients' fund. in. stp,tra" oerount de!ign'lt<! a, ' Anorney Tru>1 Accoum; "Al1orney F.o<row Account" 0' "Anomey Fidociaty Account: 011(1 0110 odmittt<! Ihal it woo nol his pracIke to sep ... te di.m,' fond, given 10 him for filing f_ f,om hi. uwn fund •. (rul.. LlS(a) I.1S(d). Ll5(e), 1.15(0, 1.15(8), 8.4(d ), and 8.4(8), ..... R-P.CI In ASS No 02-60(A). in 0<100<, and Nov<m\>eT 2001. 0"" n<$Oli.l.d Ih,.. .Il"p".I< W<I,thl ... chtcks. each in Ihe amount of 53,3%.80, to Woddwid. Staffing in violation of the criminallilws of the SUit of [rules S.4 (b), 8.4(c) and 804(8),

..... R-PC) In ASS No. Ol-79{A). 011(1 was rtt.intd to an unronlestt<! divor«. Bet,.,...n Fd>ru.ry .nd D<c.rn\>eT 2001. the client .nd hi. wife n<"gOli'lt<! Ih. t.,m. of divorce on their own . The wik·,liIwycr .. nt 011(1 ,h. tit"Cult<! divofu document .. 0'$(1·' client signt<! the doeum.nt •. 011(1 did not m.lh. divorce petition until.fter Ihr client fdtd. romp],int wilh Ihe hor. [,ules 1.3 and 1.4(0), ..... R.P.C) In ASS No. 02-156(A). 011(1 ,..• • rctaint<! to optn a guardian.hip/ron....... atorship for thr cli.nt'. mot~r. 0,,,,', olrKe pr""idt<! with 011 ntcts<uy information. The dient ..... 'epeatt<!ly askN by 011(1" offiu to provide the .. me information .h. h.d pr(lvidN •• rli ..... The clienllater I.. rnt<! thai thr .:a.. bad nol been mt<!, although 011(1·' office ".ff h.d told her Ihe m.tI .... had bttn f~ed.


Aft.... un,u=fulltlrn>pl$lU m..1 with Ot$<), 0",,', $<<Vices ""re tenni·<!. Wi,h knowledg. th.t he h.d bttn<! by Ihe client, 011(1 .tltmptt<! to file the SUardian.hip/«m. ",.... tor>hip_ 011(1 failt<! or .. fu;ed 10 refund the f... [,ul ... l.l, 1.3, 1.4(a), 1, ~(a), 5.I(c), 8.4«), and 8.4(8), A-R-P_c.) In ASS No. 02-!67(A), Or$(l ..... hired to file .uit ag.>in't tW<l individu· regarding an .... ull. f~t<! the , uil on 2, 200!. Only one defend.nt wos served. The $<rved d.fend.nt filed ..... rified molion for .wnmary judgmenl claiming th.t he was nol one of the ptTWn. who com mint<! the ..... ult. OrSQ filed nO affi· davit. in Oppo$ilion 10 Ihe ,,,mmary judgmtnl motion .nd, therefore, it was grant«l. 0"" ..... d that he thought h. could rely on thr "verifi.d com· plilin'" filt<! to initiatelhr .:a", ho"'ev· ...., il wa. not I • .... rified" The dient nude $< .... .-al.fforU '0 (> hi< f~e from Ors<>. but 011(1 would not .. I.... it. IRule l.l.



A-R-P_c.) In ASS No. 02-178(A), Or." wos hi,t<! to me 1 civil.uit.nd ,,·os an advance r.. of 5900 loward • $1,500 f.... After 0,..., faile<l to I:.ttp stVttal ochedul«l appointm.n1&, 'he dientte,minatt<! 0"" .nd ~u"'M a .. fund ufthe f.. and his ftle. 011(1 did nol refund .ny portion of Ih. f.., and could not loe ... the clien'·, fil' .frults 1.3, ].5(1), 1.16(d) and 804 (8). ,t.R-P.CI

In ASS No. 02-194(A), the Disciplin.ry Commission dttermintd th.t Ihi< be di.miSK<! if 011(1 a refund of half of Ih. attorney'. f__ The clien' rel.inM 0,..., for. r.. of $2.5«) 10 .pptol the co",t', deci,ion in the client', divorce. Aft.. 011(1 had the r,r>t court d.,. conlinut<! his l.w lictn$< wao ''''ptndM. 011(1 sent the client'. files 10 anolher attorney, but d id not fo"",,,rd or refund Ihe unu;ed


Disciplinary Notices

portion of hi. <fI.inor, Th~ clitnl had 10 I"Y on addition.1 53,SOIl 10 tht nnI '1lo,n..,.'o oomp!'" hor co ... [rul.. 1.3, 1.5(0) and 1.16(d), .... RI'C.]

In AS8 No. 02·207(A). 0'1<1 was I"id $1500 10 •• pr .... nt 0 dient in a cmlody p. DC«ding. On<> f.iled to preP'''' for h•• rings .nd f.II«Ilo Jubp<><· n. 'pprop';". witn ........ [rul •• 1.3, 1.4(0),1.5(0) and 1.16(d ),ARP.c.] InAS8 No. 02.208(A).0"" ~ fflainrd \0 rtprtS<'flt • cli.nt in a juve' nik criminal m.11o,. La,.,., tho cli.n,', moth .. U<j"",..:1 ,halO"", g<1' ron· tinuance of tho courl d.,., as hr' "'" woold be 001 of O\.te unt~ schooI ...rt<d



The Alabama MandatOlV elf Commi"ioo cOOIiouaily evaluates arid approves i11-Slale, as well as nation· wide. Pffl9lBmS which are maintairl8d in a tOrfIPlJtftr database. All a.e identified by spOrlSOI,locatioo. date 3ild specia"'" area. for a ~ompIete liUing of CUflent ctE opport~itie$ 01 a caklOOar. C\lIltact tho MaE Cormlissioo offICe 31(334) 269-1515, e~ ten:;i(wI117, 156 01 158, or \'00 may view a com!llele lis\ing of _ .... CU01ent 1II'09'iIIfIS at tI)e state lIa(s Web slta



Qmtinu<d [mm pago 395

0"" did not fJ •• ny pl..dings ..,.king a continuanc •. nor did h. appear in coun.;' war .. m wa> isouod and ,h¢ ditn, wa> a..-rt$'od, (Rult 1.3. AR.P.C] In ASH No. 02-109{A), 0"", w", rt1ain.d to represom a cli.m with an adoption_ 0"" had ,h. di.n, .ign th. ntce«ary adoption P'p«S. but n.... r plac.d th. ntc...ary notic, in th. ntwSp.aptr nOr iii. th. pl .. dings in cou,t. sa"'t client r ... inod 0"" to represent her in a d iVQre•. 0"" achi<'Vtd any significant legal results in tither cast. The elknt terminatt<! Orso·..."'i«$, but re«I""d no .. fund ofany fte. p.tid. (rul .. l.l. 1.4(0). 1.4(b) andl.5 (a), AR.E'.C] In ASB No. 02·212(;'), Oroo was rc""'nod to rep ....nt a dient in. d>ild (u"OOy m.It.".. The client p.aid 0"" $1,000. At the tim. of ' D.p<n,ion. h. had not performed any .ignili· e.nt leg.>1 work fur th;' client, 0"", did not refund any portion of tht uneamed f~ Irules 1.5(.) and 1_I6(d), A.R.I'~C.] In ASIl No. 02-213(A), 0"", "'" "taint<! to "presom. dient r<proing visitation iMues with hi' chad"n. Th. dient .igntd OOcum<nt. which Wtre to be mod in cOurt. 0"" I"er ",lItd the dient and told him th.t ht wo.s o""rbooktd with ditn" and th.refOr. W", turning over hil; COst to .nother I'wy<'r. In f.,cr, 0"", h.d txtn $U'r<ndtd by the b.... Th. dient I.. rnod that Orso had nol flit<! anything on hi. behalf. [rules 1.3, 1.4(b) and L5(.).AR.P.C] In ASH No, 02.237(A), a diem paid 0"" S3,S.OO to represonl him in a <rimin.1 e.... _Approximatdy!tn month< 1>1."., O",,'.lken .. wa •• u," p<ndtd. 0..., forwarded the cIi."t'. iii. to another .norney, but did not refund . nyoflht ftts. (rules 1.5(1) .nd 1.16(d),A.R.P.C! In ASS No. 02·238(A), 0"" wo.s hired 1o replntnt. ditnl in a criminal c.... , Utef, Ors<> inform<d Ih. clienl Ihal he had txtn .uspendtd from the



pro"ice of I.w and could not r<plntnl her. The dient was unsucc.... fu1 in obtaining. refund. [rul.. 1.5(a), 1.16(d) and 8.4(g), A.R.P.C! In ASS No_02·239(A). Orso wa, .... intd.o "plntnl a criminal dienl .o..,.k a .. ntenee rtdllClion. Ors<> met with Ih. diml .nd .d,.;sed him to coli after four wteks fO, an update. Afterwords. the diem was to get in con1act with 0..0. (rul•• 1.3. 1.4(1). 1.5(.) .nd 8.4(8), AR.E'.C] In ASS No. 1)2-255(A).a dient hired Or-'O to handl •• p<lition fOr guardi.n;hip and con ..,vatorship. Later. Ih. ward died and Ih. matter con""rttd to th. prob.te of.n "1Ote. At the tim. of hi. suspension, 0"", don. ""ry lil~. work 1o establi.h and do .. Of prnbal. the .,'ate. Ors<> provided hi, iii. materials 10 . nolh.". ."orn.y but did nOI refund any ofthe f.... [rules 1.3. 1.5(.). 1.16(d) and 8.4(8), A.R.P.C] In ASB No_ 02·265(A), Orso wo.s ret.intd 10 rq>r~I' dienl in 1 child .upport matter. Prior 10 his ,uspen· sion. Or$O did no' file any pl •• dings. return the di.nt', phont call. or refund any portion of Ih. unU$<'d r..,. lrules 1.5(.) and 8.4(g). A,R-P.C] In ASS No. 02-266(A). 0..., was retaintd regarding ,< of ,-.nudd>ild custody m.ller. Mltr 0"",', ''''pension. h. did nol ",fund any unused portion of Ih. advanctd r..._0"" "ated in hio rt$pon.. 10 Ih. b.. that l>t .. nt her me to another Illorney. bUI did nol reme",ber who. [rules 1.3, 15(a} ond 1.l6(d). A.R-p.e! In ASS No. 02.267(A}. Orso was rttaittod 10 COfftcI the deed to prop<rty. client ~ pun:hu<d Orso did not complete the work and .rubse<Jumtly did not rrlund any un....,,;[ attot"ncy', f.... ! rule. 1.3,1.5(0) and lJ6(d).AR-P.C] In ASB No. 01-18O(A),O..., was "'plntnling a di.m in conntclion wilh . dimn:., ,hild .upport c.... and Ch.pteT 13 bankruprcy. Orso borro,"od 58.000 from the dimt. 0"", exeeuttd a

Disciplinary Notices

1M di<nl and non< of tht od .... oud ket w.~ refu,Kkd. [rules 1.3, 1.5(a) and 1.16{d}.A,RP. C[ In ASII No. 02. ,,2(A). 0,.."


him!!O rC'J', ... nt. dient wilh. possible ,td""ion in his prison .. mcllCC. Ono ncvtr flkd • motion or OIMr



for I ...." ...... mill<_

tion. [ruks 1.3, L.4{a), 1.4(1)) and

l.s(aj. AR.P.C) In ASS No. OJ. IO(A). Orso __ maintd 10 ropmcnt. diml in • dMKu. Prior 10 his~. lot had no! initialed any diwlou ~ [rub IJ, l.4(a). 1.5(. ) IOIId 1.l6(d). A.R.P.C ] In ASS No. O)-l5(A). 0'00 __ ...... int'dlo rq>.atn! • ditnt in • mild 'UI'P"" mou ••. !ly lhe dOle of his su<· ptnlion. 0'1(1 hId no, prrform«l.ny .ubmlll;.l work on the a«. 0..." f. iltd 10 mund ."yorth< f_ p,tid [rules 1.4(b ), 1.5(1) and I.I6{d ), AR.P.C] In ASH No. 0). 26(,\). 0n0_ him:! 10 <q>reKIIl. dim, in I divoru maIl ... Tho oppooing put)' "'""" rapond-

cd 10 tho- . ._ . 0"" ....1to him. SUbotq ..... , to kif susptDIion, Ono did not mund any of 1M advanctd ftts. lrul,", I.}, 1,5(0) and 1.l6(d), A.R.P.Ci In ASB No. O}-41 (A),0n0..,.. m.iM<! in or abouljUM ZOOO I" pur_ "" •• wrongful de. th action. Whe" tht dient would inquire about the >l3Iu1 of ,h. CO$<. she would ulu.lly be told th.t thoy wore . ... iting • roun d.;.t._Aft .. QnQ't tl>lpolUion. tho di,nl !ta rr=! thO! Ono did no1 flit the lawsuit. lrultt U. J.4(. ). 1.4(b), I.S(. ). 1. I6(d ). M (. ), and M (d. ilR.P.c.] In ASB No. 04· B)(A). Ono .... !"tIainod and p.oid 10 rq>rnn>l • dimt in criminal malt..... <>no a~uM for <oun 1M aft ... COlIn had adjourned, 0110 did linlt or no worJ< in 1M mat· t.... IruItt I.J. 1.S(a) and l.l6(dl. A.R.P. C.I In ASII No. 04·87(11.). Orso .... hirt<l to fiIt a divoo:.. After 0110', suspcrWon, tho client icamtd that Ono had 001 fiItd

hif~~ [ruIc$l.3,l.S(.}

and 1.16(d}. ilR.P.CII ASB no5. 04· 08)( A}. 04· 087(11.). 02· I<)4(A). OO·U( A). 00-2 I6(A), 0 1· 204( AI. OHS9(t.}. 02 · 060(t.}. 02-(I79(A). 02 . 156(1.). 02· 161(A). 02, 118(1.). 02· 1<)4(1.1. 02· 201(A}. 02·lOS{ A}. 02· 209(A), 02· 21 2(A). 02·1 IJ{A). 02·2]7(1.), 02· ZlII(A). 02· 2l9(A). 02· 2S5(A), 02· 265(A). 02-266(1.). 02·167(AJ. 02· 2110(1.). OJ.l83(A), 02 .l'IlO(A), 02· J04(A). 02·32 I (t.), 02.lll(A). OJ.. 10(1.). 93-425(1. ), 93-426(1.). OJ.. 041 (A). 04-O&}(A), &: 04'87(A)I


On AprU 22. 2005. tM Supmnc Cour! of Abbama adoptt<! tho M. n;h 9, 200S ordtr ,nlerW by the Diociplin.ry 1Ioan!, I'. n.l V. acc'pting the condition.1 guilty 1'1.. cnt.,t<! by lIi.minsh. m . nornq- Stephen Danid Phillips in"""inS ~r complainlJ tmd &&o'ilUl him, Phillips waivtd tM filing of fOrnuJ cba'i" by 1M tw- in ASB No. 04· I'7(A) .nd (SP No. OS17O(A). He plod guihy toviobtio ... of rules 1.) and .. I(b) • IM• ~ QmdJICI. in conllCC1lon with 1"'-' twO compbinlJ. Pbillipo had bttn dd'.ul!<d on tht mttits in tht ........ ining cha~ filed against him. ""iIlips ...:knowlt<!std ",il! of atl rul. .iolation. oUtgtd in $Oid cha'i"_ Phillip. outpl<d • fivt. yur .u.ptnlion in lflOlution of tho disciplinary.:asn ponding ogoin" him. He re<civtd crod· it for tM . imt ho ho .. pont un<kr . n lntnim .nd wrnmory .u<ptn';"n undtr Rule 10, ..u..M.... II .... <Jf DiIc,pli""l)' I'rIKnlwrr. which was cfl"«tivt Moy 11, 200J. Pbillips is '0 ' isn • twO·~.... ront~ wjlh tht




uwytr Auis~ Provam.

SIocaWIII complttion of tbat program iholl be a condition of any NtU,"" rrin· "otcmtnu to tho practi« of 10.... [n ASH numhtnt O).lO)(A}. 03· 10~( A ). 0)· 107(1. ). Ol . ll~(A) . 0) · 116(1.), 0) , 128(1. ), Ol.ll9{A). 01· 1~A), 03. 146(1. ). 0]-166(1.). 0)·

161(A}. O)· IU(A}. O)· IU(A}. 0)· 146(A}• • ruI 04· 1~(A). Phillips plod &uilty to .ioIatins, in whol~ or In p art . rul.. 1.3, 1.4(1), l. ~(a). 1.16(d), 8.I (b), M(c). and 804(,). A.II.P.C Phillip' tithtr failed to fll< ~nkrupl'l' for his dimts or willfully negltclod the ~nk· l\Iptq aftcT fiUng. Phillips abo f..ikd or rriultd 10 rommunic:ttc with his dim" and failed to rrlurul fees ossoci· .t.<d wi, ....n ..... 1ASB number. 0)· 10)(1.). 0 )· LOS(A). O)· I07(A). 0)· 114(A). 0). 11 6(1. ). 0)· 121(1.). 0)· 129(A), O}· I }O(A). 0), 146(1. ), 93· 166(1.). 0)· 167(1.).0)· 183(1.) . 0 3. IU(A). 0). 246(1.). and (M·15(A» M.dist>n .nornoy Dl vid A~by Th"", •• WIS , u.)ltndod from tho pr.c· ti« ofl.w in the s.. t~ of AI.~m. for • p.,,1od of tWO ~"$, cff<Cti~ June 8. lOGS. by ordtr of tht Al.~ Suprrmt Court. n.. ouprcme COlIn mtcml il' ordor bued UP'>" tht "",,i· olon of 1M Diociplin.ol)' Boan! of tht Alobama Stat( 80,. In ASB No. 04. 127(1.). 'Thomas accepted a ... ai ...... of $6>18 from • d imt. n......ft ..., Thomas did );11" or no work o n tht .... lttr, _uld not ... um tht diont', pho".. calli ond failed to tomnlunicatt with hor about lho .mu< of lho m"' e•. During the rtprntn tolion. Thoma. look po»n.ion ofth, titl( to lh' di.nt'. w h icLoe. Iu of tho date tM <lien1 mod h... grVv. .net with the Al.~ .... Stote lIor, Tho""" hod no1 ... urntd the titl. to hor ~itc h<r ""Iutsts fOr ilJ !"tIurn. 'Thomas failed to INWtI" til< p ...... ncc fiI..d wi.h tho ~r, with tht ~r·. Lost '"'I..... for I ...,..,.,.....be1ng


... umtd ....rktd "rd"tutd." In ASS No.04· IJO(A}. 'Thomas acupt<d a rrtai"..r of $5.H from a diont to rtp"""'t him In a child ouppon modif.... tion .....lIer. Thcreaft ... Thonw icft h is finn.ruI told the clitnt ho was havingtroub!t &<fting his r~ .. from hi. fornl(' finn. Throushout Ih.

rtp.tStnl •• ion. Thoma, failtd to com· munia.l~ with his elicnt and did littlc or no ,",u,k on the mJtt.r. In F.bruary 200-1. Thom.. told th. di<nt h. would refund the ftt bu, nNrr did. Onpilr two '''lu ...... Tho""" f.ilcd to th~ griev.n", med 'gainst him with the Al.bama S13I< Bar. Fonnal "'arges weR fiIcd in ... '" <a$e on S<ptembtr 15. 2004. A!. a •..wl of Thorn ..' failUR to . n.wer the formal on bnwry 7. 2005, the discipli· nary hc.. ing ollker granted .he har'. motion for judgment pu"umllo Rult 12(.)( I) ..... t..Nm4 Ruin of /)j«ip/j,,,,,), f'ro<tJUrt, finding Thorn .. guilty .. m.'IItd in the formal charg«. On M.y 17. 2005. the motter w.. !>tan:! Mort I'o"cl V of I"" Disciplinary Board on the 001. question of th. appropnal< dis· ciplin. to bt imf""td. As h.. betn ,tal· ed.lhe Dis<iplin.ry Board ortkrtd that Thomas bt ,u.ptndtd from ,!>t prKIiu on. ", in thc State of Alob.amo for, ptrio<! of two yea"" .ff"".;.... immedi· atdy. 11>0 boom furth.,. ordtt-td thaI Thomas ~ res,i,ulion of aU ftt:! ~ him in .. rh """ nol puviously refunded .. oet forth in t"" fornu! ""'II" f.Jtd agains' him. lASS nM. (14. 127(A) .nd (14- Jl.O(A) ]

' ' 'W<1'



Public Reprimands Enl<rpri .. attorn.y John Rkh.nI Hollingsworth r""eivtd . public rq>ri. mond wi,houl gene,aI pub~ca'ion on M.y 20. 2005. for violal ion. of rules ) ,'(0)(2) and 8,4 (0) • .... IQNm~ R,,/.. uf PrO!OfSiona/ Condu<I. Hollingsworth w.. appoinlrd con .. rva'or for hi. f'lh~r who wu physically and tmntally incapaci .. ,ed. Whil. "' .... ing as cons.._ valor, Hollingsworth obtained. war· tan,y deed conveying rear ..tal< from his r.,h«,o him. His f.thcr .ubsoqucnl. ty died Hollingswo<lh failed to providt not;"" to tho coun and obtain prior

.pproval of 'hc rrar ..tal< conveyance and failed to disclost ,helraruaclion in hi. inv.ntory and """unting. whkh wa •• ubmitttd wilh the pt'i,ion for final .ldtltmtnl.IASS No. 01-137(A) I On M.y 20. 2005. Millbrook aHomey John D.vid Norri. rrceived. public reprim.nd wilhout general publication for viobtion. of rults 1.3. 1.4(b) and

1.5(.). JliaOQnt4 Ru/n of Prof...ional Cond,,"/, Ali'" Mink hired Norris


rq>re..-nt her in conn«tion with. cwo 'ody GISt ;nvo,,"ing h ..<on. The case wu ptnding in Chilton Counly. On April 16, 2003, . cii<nt ""n,ract wa, """""ttd, Mink paid Norris 51.000 in insllt.llm.nLS. Norris allendtd on. hu,· ing in )uvt11ilc Court. Aft .. th.t , he moved to ,nol""r firm aod ",...d communicating wilh Mink.. Norri. look no f"'th .. "'ion on Minl '. CO$· lody cast, in"<Iing ,ha, thc m>lltT wu going bt h.ndlcd by • lawyrr h. had ....,.i.. ed '0 a.. i" him with the Cut, That lawyer denied any .u<h arrangem.n"O Mink, .. well • •• o thc bar. Norris rtfunded SJOO to Mink wh.n he provid.d hi. wrinen r"pon", to th. bar ""mplaint . (ASS No. (I4.14O(A)(


On May 20. 2005. Hirmingham ottorney Paul Ardtie Phillips received a public reprimand wilhout general puh· licalion. for violation. of Rul< 7.3(a), in ASS No. 03-Cl45(A); Rul< 8.4(8) in ASH No. 03-lsa(Ah and Rule 1.I5(b) in ASS No. (I4 ·078(A) • .... /aNmQ Ruin of Projffliona/ Cood"". Phillips w .. al<o plattd 00 lwo )'tars' probat ion. In ASB No. 03-Cl45(A), an investiga · tor working for Phillips madc direct ""nt.ct wilh a n automobilc accident victim, who w ...lready rep ..... nted by co" .....l. Phillips and his inontigalo, bItt nt<1 with th. victim and had her sign, terminating her '~;Sting coun ..J and e]«'Culing' contract .mploying Phillips.

In ASS No. 03-188 (A). Phillips offered money 10. UAJI employt< in r<lurn for infonnation on ""idco, victims admitted 10 ,"" hospi_ tal. Thot cmployt< "ported this offer to a ho'pital ,u pt",ioor, who in;t;ated. b.. ""mploint . gainst Phill ips. [n ASS No. (14·078 (A), Phillip. Stl· tied a slip.and-f.U ""'" for a elicnl and receivtd a .. nl.ment cbed, for $ 10,000 on luly 7. 2002. Phillips did not pay lhe dient his sr.aR of the proceeds un,il [kambt,6, 2002. lASH nos. 03· Cl45(A). Ol-lS8(A) .nd Cl4-078(A)]

On May 20. 2005. T,,!C'1oo$a .t1OTnC}' James Dwight Smith rt<rived a public reprimand with gentraI pubIica,ion for """"tions of rules L3 ond 1.4(0). ....w.o,,,,, RuIn uf ProfNSimI<l1 Condutr. On August 3.2001. cynthia Hubbnt hired Smilh 10 rtpre5C11t her in • ocxuaI ho....",.,,1 Cast ogainst her employer. Sht ,.;gntd a contract on that du•• and aI<o fiIkd in portions of on EEOC com· plaint fOrm wNch ....... to bt compltttd by Smith'. ~ fOr b(er signal Urt, and 10 bt filed with the Ef.oc. Aft<,- tho inilial rnttting. Smith ncver filed the complain, with ,ho EEOC, ''''' did Smith takt ony other OC'I ion on Hubbnt'. bduIf. Hubbert coUed Smith On scvn-aI CI<'.aSions to lind ou, wbtn slit should ""tnt in 10 >ign thc complaint. Smith &iltd 10 RSpOnd 10 those Gill$. Upon Icaming that her cast hod bttn compromised by Smith .. ntgIect, slit filed ~ ""rnp1aim wi,h lhe Alabama St. te Bar. [n RSpOnl< to her complaint. Smi,h conced· ed that. "J am probably guil,y of ."<1npling to take on a matt« [ should flO( hove ,oken on." Smith blamed tbt problem on ramily mtdictJ probltms and his in",lve_ in ...........r large doss action lawsuits. Smith aI<o O(ated thaI Hubbert w,", out of touch for on .. t<ndtd period of lim<. However. Smhh', office lilt ""ntaM no indication of:my.tJort by Smith 10 con· 1OC'I her abou, the """ during thislimt. IASIlNo.03·I36(A)1 •




Classifieds "Going to the Web" h,,, ,,,,,,, ,,, ,.... "...

. -, ""-- · ' -b.omQ _ 1_~-, . " ".~ will no long .. ""~I't d . ..ifitd ad.! rOT print in 1M m.~ .. i"". Ad. a1'eady undo< ,,,"t ra(t will b< p,imtd through tht N()VCmb<, 2005 i.,u• . Howc,v..... th. AJ.barn. SUI< IJ.or will g1. dly ~t d . ..,fied ad. on lh. ASS Wro www_.u.ha,.o~ for. nom",. 1(.... For '''lu'''mtnts or Gl>e>lionJ .bout your cl ...ifitd:o<l, . _mail "" 1 ~I~b.o,.",!.

Aso f ~


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