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Reach More Customers - Expand Your Business -

DISTRIBUTION: Direct mailed to the Mat-Su Valley, Wasilla, Palmer, Big Lake, Houston, Talkeetna, Willow, Trapper Creek and Sutton. Over 40,000 per month! DISTRIBUTION: Direct mailed to the Mat-Su Valley, Wasilla, Palmer, Big Lake, Houston, Talkeetna, Willow, Trapper Creek and Sutton. Over 40,000 per month! The Greatlander Mat-Su is our monthly publication • Direct mailed to over 40,000 homes and businesses in the Mat-Su Valley. • Our publication has been in print for over 15 years and contains editorial content, as well as advertisements. • It is the only publication of its kind that is direct mailed exclusively to the Valley. • We have our own in-house Graphics team and can create an ad for you, at no additional charge!

To view copies of the latest publications, please check us out at: www.matsugreatlander.com We at GreatLander Publications understand what a challenging & unprecedented time this is for everyone, personally and professionally. During this difficult time of uncertainty, reach the entire Mat-Su Valley to let your customers know the status of your business and options to purchase & shop with you!

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Full Page .................................. 9 7/8 ” W x 12 1/4 ” H ...................$1317. 50

1/2 Page .................................... 9 7/8 ” W x 6” H .......................$892. 50

Front Cover Banner ................. 9 7/8 ” W x 2” H ...........................$550

1/4 Page .................................... 4 7/8 ” W x 6” H .......................... $459

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cAll todAy! (907) 274-0611 leslie@greatlander.com w w w.greatlander.com Les ie Love, Advertising Director tod y! (907) 274-0611 or (907) 398-4647 leslie@greatlander.com www.greatlander.com

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