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We at GreatLander Publications understand what • Direct mailed to over 40,000 homes and businesses in the Mat-Su Valley. a challenging & unprecedented time this is for • Our publication has been in print for over 15 years and contains editorial everyone, personally and professionally. content, as well as advertisements. • During It is the only publication of its kind that isof direct mailed exclusivelyreach to this difficult time uncertainty, the Valley. entire Valley toand let customers • the We have our ownMat-Su in-house Graphics team canyour create an ad for you, at no additional charge! know the status of your business and options to To view copies of the latest publications, please check us out at: purchase & shop with you! DISTRIBUTION: mailed to to the theMat-Su Mat-SuValley, Valley,Wasilla, Wasilla, DISTRIBUTION: Direct Direct mailed Palmer, Willow,Trapper TrapperCreek Creek Palmer,Big BigLake, Lake,Houston, Houston, Talkeetna, Talkeetna, Willow, and per month! month! andSutton. Sutton. Over Over 40,000 40,000 per
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Full Page .................................. 97/8” W x 121/4” H ...................$1317.50 1/2 Page .................................... 97/8” W x 6” H .......................$892.50 Front Cover Banner ................. 97/8” W x 2” H ...........................$550 1/4 Page .................................... 47/8” W x 6” H .......................... $459 1/8 Page.................................... 47/8” W x 27/8” H ...................... .$255
Leslie Love, Advertising Director todAy ! (907) or 274-0611 Call todayc! All (907) 274-0611 (907) 398-4647
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GreatLander Mat-Su
April 2020