August 2015 - SWGA Praise

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Improving your Christian Walk

By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir

Getting Started with Devotions: 7-Up!

Getting Started in your Devotional Venture "Remember the Morning Watch," was the rallying cry on the Cambridge University campus in 1882. Several students intended on growing deeper in their faith at a time when the popularity of Godly devotion was being replaced by scientific and liberal thinking. These students decided to take a stand against adversity and academic backlash. Their lives would echo, as they do today on our public high school and college campuses when young people have to fight their way all the way to the Supreme Court to go to a flagpole to pray. These Cambridge students found the harsh reality that Christianity was not just an academic pursuit, like filling their schedules with lectures, sporting events, studies, and student gatherings and so forth, just like we do today (but without TV!). The students found a fatal flaw in their busyness, even though they made a commitment to honor Christ: They had little time for the One they were honoring. As they described, "A crack in our spiritual armor, if not closed, will bring us disaster!" So, they sought an answer to their dilemma, a scheme to

balance their hectic schedules and still honor God. They came up with a plan called "The Morning Watch." The first few minutes of the day would be dedicated to knowing the Lord. One of the young men, who was not fond of mornings, devised a mechanical contraption with all kinds of levers and pulleys to persuade him out of bed! This idea spread like a wild fire and was used by God for a revival in England, which was depicted in the film "Chariots of Fire." The modern missionary movement was born along with many Evangelical Ministries that are still in existence today, such as YMCA and the Boy Scouts, who trace their roots to these fine young men. Many famous pastors and missionaries have influenced many generations-all stemming from giving God the first fruits of their day. So, will you meet this challenge? The Challenge is simple, the idea is pure and practical, and it only requires your obedience and persistence. God desires our intimacy, our relationship, and our communion with His holiness. Wow! What an honor and opportunity to go before the Holy Creator of the universe! Listen to my cry for help, my See WALK, page 4

Here is a simple means to get your devotional life started or rebooted that I learned over twenty years ago. The following "7-UP" guide is an excellent way to start your new life in Christ, or renew yourself and get back on track! I believe I first learned of this from my mentor Ray Stedman while attending "Navigators" (a Christian outreach Bible study committed to discipleship on the college campus) meetings when I was in college. Start it off simple, say seven minutes, and you can call it "7-UP!" Seven minutes a day, seven days a week. First, pray for guidance, and prepare your heart and mind; take half a minute. Tell God how much you love Him. This is worship! Second, read a passage from God's Word, spending at least four minutes. That can be just a couple of chapters. Don't know where to start? Start with the book of John. Or, use one of our Bible reading plans or the "The One Year Bible" from Tyndale. It has a passage from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament, and a Psalm and a Proverb that take you through the whole Bible in a year. (This is reading at a rate of 15 minutes a day. To start out, cut it in half, and you are on track for 7-up.) You can also read half when you wake up and half when you go to bed to start off with. Or, create your own schedule; just keep it up! If you are new to God's Word or have been away from it for a while, get the "New Living Translation." It is easy to read and understand. Third, pray again, spending the rest of the two and one-half minutes in specific prayer. Pray for things such as your parents/family, school/work, people in your life, what you are thankful for-and don't forget to confess your sins. You may add the problems of our society, or spend the time in silence and reverent meditation over the passage you just read; and that's it! Then, as you progress, you will have the desire to spend even more time. Most committed Christians will spend more than an hour in prayer each day plus time in Scripture. You say you do not have the time? Well many Christian leaders do it and they have schedules that would blow yours away! There is always time; the question is will you take it? So, when the morning watch comes…. what will you do?


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Where were you born and raised? I was born in Orangeburg, South Carolina. My family moved to Albany in 1987, when I was 8 years old. Albany has been my home ever since. Tell us about your family. I’ve been married to my wife, JoanMarie, for 11 years, and we have 3 precious children. Our daughter, Brantley, is 7. Our son, Brody, is 4. And we recently adopted our daughter, Beckam, who is now almost 5 months old. Joan-Marie is the undisputed greatest wife and mom that has ever lived. How long have you been a pastor? I have been in full-time ministry for 12 years. During those years I have served in numerous roles, such as youth minster, college minister and associate pastor. I have been the lead pastor at Forrester Community Church for the last 3 and a half years. What is the most challenging aspect of your position? One of the most challenging aspects would be the fight against false gospels that are popular today. One of the more popular ones is what we call the prosperity gospel. It says that if you just believe in Jesus, then you will have health, wealth and prosperity. And it claims that if any of those areas are lacking, then you’re faith is not strong enough. This, of course, is not the true gospel. Another dangerous trend is what we call easy-believism. An example

of this is when someone says, “God loves you. If you want to be saved then repeat this prayer after me‌..â€? The call to follow Jesus is so much more than that. The gospel is so much more than that. What is the most gratifying aspect? Seeing people respond to the gospel and trust in Christ as both Lord and Savior. Not because it’s easy. Not because it isn’t costly. Not because doing so promises that we will never experience pain or suffering or loss. But, trusting Christ, knowing that it costs us everything, and knowing that He is absolutely worth it. Leave us with a meaningful message or scripture. Well I think the best thing to leave you with after pointing out false gospels would be to share the true gospel. The true gospel is the good news that God saves sinners. Man is by nature sinful and separated from God, with no hope of remedying that situation. That is the bad news. But there is a remedy. God, by His power, provided the means of man’s redemption in the death, burial and resurrection of the Savior, Jesus Christ. In turning from our sin and self and turning to Christ, we are reconciled to God and adopted into His family. We are then not just saved from hell. We are given a completely new nature with a changed heart and a new desire and will. Romans 5:1-21



Continued from page 2 King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." "My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music. Awake, my soul! Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn. Psalm 5:2-3; 57:7 So I challenge you to set aside time each day for devotions-the best time you have, when you are the most alert and able to go before your Creator and Redeemer, whether you are a new Christian desiring to know how to read the Bible, or if you have been away from it for a while. If you have not ever been discipled or never really put in the time and effort into your "Walk with Christ," then get ready to start. It is never too late, unless you, well…you die! Where are your desires? Our desires must be focused on Him-Christ our Lord. We must feel the anticipation and the excitement to be with and in Him, so that we not only hear His Word, but we do His Word-the Word of God. So if we become stuck in our anxious thoughts, confusion, or the stressed-out urgency of life, we can stop and get our focus right! Pray that the Holy Spirit intercedes in you and removes the disruptions. Allow yourself to receive His comfort and grace. Remember, it is not anything we do or any effort on our part; we are only to receive what Christ our Lord gives us. And to receive, we need to make sure that the stuff that gets in the way gets out of the way. Augustine, also a "Catholic Saint," was one of the foremost philosophers and theologians of early Christianity. While serving as bishop for Hippo Regius, the leading figure in the Church (396430), he was perhaps one of the greatest Christian thinkers of all

time and the one person with the biggest influence in theology for Catholics and Protestants, even more than the Reformers; Calvin and Luther were influenced by him. He also was the main person who influenced the "western world view," our cultural identity both in Europe and the U.S.! Augustine fought vigorously against his bad habits and sin nature so he could grow deeper in our Lord, until he learned a lesson from a small child, which he felt was the Word of God. Let Augustine's influence keep influencing you! His point? Don't let your desires rule you; you rule them by focusing on Christ. The Benefits of doing your Devotions Devotions are the trust step where the rubber of the tires of our faith meets the road of life. All this is the main point of why we study the Bible-to do something with it. Of course, we all do something with it. Either we ignore it or we are transformed by it. We can master, even be transformed by the Word; but if nothing comes from it, it is meaningless and nearly worthless. This is one of the main points of the book of James. Our faith must have a response to it. Yes, we may be saved; but what good is that if we do nothing with it? Committing to a Plan of Growth: Ask what do we need to do with Faith, Hope, and Love? 1. What do we need to "FIND" "We all have some people around whose lives tell us what faith means; so seek them out!" 2. What do we need to "REMOVE" "We must remove from our lives anything that would get in the way of our Lord, including the sin that holds us back..." 3. What do we need to "FOCUS" "We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus; as a racehorse has blinders on to keep it from being distracted, so must we."

Bible, Prayer, and Accountability 4. What do we need to "DON'T" "So let us run the race with our focus on the Lord and blinders to everything else-and never give up." More insights to help you with your personal walk with Christ With the knowledge we have learned, it becomes our responsibility! And then we are to ask, "How then do I live?" What can I do now, today, or this week to implement the instructions given to me concerning my relationship to Christ, to others, and to myself? Keep in mind that true application comes only from the result of a life transformed. You may do good works without Christ, but they are done out of a sense of obligation and guilt, and not out of a response to your sin nature that has been covered by grace, creating a willing and loving heart ready to model the character of our Lord! The Fruits of the Spirit are the result of a life transformed by Christ! How we are untransformed: "The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God." (Gal. 5:19-21) How we are transformed: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such See WALK, page 5

Insights to help you on your Devotional Journey Invite God into your study as your teacher. Ask Him to free your mind from distractions and help you concentrate. You are entering a learning partnership with Christ! •This will give you greater personal conviction! (Philippians 3:10) •Your life will change! (John 1:1-3) •Your attitudes will change! (1 Cor. 5:10) •You will be pointed in the right direction! (Isaiah 40:31) •The glory of God will be pointed out to you! (Jeremiah 1:6f) •The Bible will break through your self-will and deceptions, including sin, temptations, and rationalizations, because the Bible is the voice of God! (2 Cor. 11:1f) •Jesus' temptation involved the satisfying of His physical hunger; but His focus remained on the Father! •You will realize that there is no other final authority than the Word of God! • A good plan is essential to any undertaking, and learning about our Lord gives you His plan. Imagine yourself as a participant-as if it is your story, as if you are there. How can I make sure my desires are toward church? Go over the "The Three Essentials of Discipleship" that will endure, "faith, hope, and love-and the greatest of these is love." 1 Cor. 13:13 (NLT) Read 1 Cor. 13:12 and Col. 1:3-8. Then ASK: •Faith is our…? •Hope is our…? •Love is our…? Patient endurance is what you need now, so you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised. (Hebrews 10:36 NLT) Read Heb. 12:1-2



memorization will become easier since the verses have taken root in you!

Christ! Do not skip your meals in God's Word!

Continued from page 4 Digging Personally: things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other." (Gal 5:22-26) God uses His Word to transform us; it is what He does, and then what we do. He sends us His Spirit; we respond. Satan would like nothing better than for you not to do the above!!! Do not procrastinate. Press on!!! Do not assume that because you understand something, that you have applied it!!! Do not get frustrated. You cannot expect instant results. Studying the Word without putting any application to it is like buying a nice new car, taking it home, and keeping it in your garage. Then all you do is sit in it and pretend you are driving and listening to the radio, but never actually turning it on or going anywhere with it. When we read God's Word and do nothing with it, we become the biggest fools in the universe! This area of putting feet to God's Word is the most neglected aspect of our Christian life! But it is at this part that our lives change and God uses us to change others. Read Romans 12 or choose a short book like II or III John or Jude or…) and go through it together or in small groups as a devotional. •Jesus urged us to build our lives on His Word. (See Matthew 7:24-27) •What must I do to make God's Word real in me? •When will what I learned end up in my day planner? •What is my response? •The Word of God is to lead us to model the character of Christ, to be formed in the image of God. Mediate over the passage you are studying-that is reflect on it, ponder it, and think of it so that you are seriously going over the passage again and again in your mind. Then the

•How are you encouraged and strengthened? •Where have you fallen short? How can you improve? •What do you now intend to do with the information given to you by the Holy Spirit through God's Word? Remember: "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching…" We must never substitute personal beliefs for doctrine (2 Timothy 3:16)! Doing our devotions is simply getting into God's Word, and it must affect our everyday life including how we think and how we feel. From this come our values. We are to be active in God's Word even when we are not reading it. Our lives must be based on analysis, synthesis, valuing, organizing, and comprehending our Lord Jesus Christ to our very "existential core," that is the very soul and being of who we are in Christ! We must have the confidence that the Bible is truth, and the truth is living within us. Without such confidence, we can in no way transform ourselves, let alone infect others with the Gospel message! This is Knowing It! We must allow God's Word to bend and break our will and desires over to His! More questions to ask yourself and God while doing your devotions: •What did God say to you today? •What/whom did God nourish with you today? •Are you appreciating it? •Are you not only receiving the great benefits, but offering them to others around you? •Are you a changed person as a result of receiving the Word? •Service is who we are in Christ, and not so much what we do for

Spend the remaining time in prayer for your individual needs and for others and how your learning can apply to both. You can also "Meditate" (read slowly several times quietly with a sense of being surrendered to Christ, and not full of the noise of your thoughts and plans). A paraphrase of Hebrews 12:1-2: "We have around us many people whose lives tell us what faith means. So let us run the race that is before us and never give up. We should remove from

our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that so easily holds us back. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish." More passages to mediate upon: Psalm 119:133; Proverbs 2:4; Phil. 1:911; 4:8-9; Romans 1:18-32 So let us go out and live as our life belongs to our Lord, as it does, and be holy! © 2000, Richard J. Krejcir, Ph.D., Into Thy Word Ministries

The B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) The word "Bible" comes from the Greek word "biblion," meaning book. Since most Christians consider the Bible to be the foundational book on how to live, this derivation seems particularly appropriate. I recently heard a priest who was preparing to hand out Bibles to graduating eighth graders tell them with a wink and a smile that the word "Bible" stands for "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth." There is more than a grain of truth in that catchy acronym. Consider how the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament contains detailed dietary laws and rules about clothes (e.g., Deuteronomy 22:5 tells us that "A woman shall not wear a man's garment" and at 22:11 it says that "You shall not wear cloth of wool and linen mixed together.") Many of these rules seem strange to us today because we are so far removed from their ancient context. But, most of the proverbs and rules for how to get along with each other make prudent sense and continue to provide a rational basis for how we should live. The Golden rule is a timeless piece of universal advice. Consider the opening verses of the book of Proverbs, which supplies their rationale, and almost a rationale for the entire bible: "To know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of understanding. To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, judgement, and equity; to give prudence to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel." Proverbs 1:2-5 – Christopher Simon





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Where were you born and raised? I was born and raised in Cairo, GA. Tell us about your family. I am married to Diane Davis Simmons, and we have two children and six grandchildren. How long have you been a pastor? I have been a pastor for a total of 31 years - having pastored 7 years in Dawson, GA and Shingler, GA, and currently 24 years at Mount Zion here in Albany.. What is the most challenging aspect of your position? I have to say the most challenging aspect of my job is to consistently lead myself, so I can accomplish all of my personal and organizational goals. What is the most gratifying aspect? Seeing how lives are impacted as a result of my service in the Kingdom of God is definitely the most gratifying aspect of my work. Do you have any advice for


someone who feels called to the ministry? My advice is three-fold for anyone who may feel called to ministry: 1. In the words of Charles Spurgeon, "If there is any way you can keep from answering the call to ministry, don't answer it." 2. Make sure that your call is from God and not some other internal or external source. 3. Do whatever is necessary to understand your calling in the context of scripture. Leave us a meaningful message or scripture. My personal Living Intentionally For Eternity (LIFE) verse is Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." (KJV) Romans 1:16 is a scripture verse that personally surrounds me every time I preach: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth: to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."


Why go on a Faith Based Cruise and Land Tour?

Why would Christians want to go to the Holy Land? There are many benefits to traveling through the Land of the Bible Biblical Literacy: • Remember more because you have seen with your own eyes • Study Bible more because you have new enthusiasm for Bible learning Connection to Scriptures: • Bible becomes three dimensional... it comes alive for you • You’ll read the Bible with new eyes! • You’ll read the Bible more often because you have a special connection Spiritual Renewal • Immerse yourself in the Holy Land, God will touch you • Renew the commitments you made at your baptism or in some cases, make those commitments and become a member of Christ’s church through baptism in the River Jordan • Renew your enthusiasm for things spiritual Evangelism • You don’t have to see the Holy Land to believe... but seeing the Land where Jesus taught worshipping in the land where he worshipped makes it easier to be an enthusiastic evangelist for the Lord. Curiosity • Don’t we all wonder what life was like

for Jesus? • When you travel through the Land of the Bible, you will catch a glimpse of the land he knew and the life he knew. See firsthand what you have only read. What are the important Christian sites travelers can expect to see? Bethlehem • Where it all began • Oldest functioning church over the cave • Shepherd’s field Nazareth • Tiny town where Jesus was born - tiny no longer • One water source - Mary would have been there, as boy Jesus would have, too Sea of Galilee • Area where Jesus did most of his teaching and preaching • Capernaum where he chose to live Tabgha • Mt. of Beatitudes - hear the sermon on the mount ON THE MOUNT! Jerusalem • Mt of Olives view of old city • Palm Sunday Walk • Garden of Gethsemane pray under an ancient olive trees see how easily he could have escaped over the mountain... he chose to stay • Old City life reminiscent of Jesus’ day

• Way of the Cross walk through the busy city as Jesus did when he carries the cross • Garden Tomb - reminds us of place Jesus died and was buried What kinds of worship experiences can travelers expect? There will be time for group worship as well as personal mediation... here’s a few: a) Sea of Galilee Boat Ride stop motor and have worship as group b) Mt of Beatitudes hear Sermon on the Mount ON THE MOUNT c) River Jordan renew baptism vows or be baptized in the Jordan d) Garden Tomb communion service e) Upper Room songs and meditation f) Garden of Gethsemane pray under olive trees Why is it important for Ministers to lead a group? Spiritual Leader: • A minister’s most important job is to nurture the spiritual life of his or her

church members... to be Beverly Pressley the spiritual leader. Leading a group of church members to the • Holy Land is one of the most powerful spiritual experiences a Christian can have. • The minister should be the leader of this experience! Empower preaching sermon material: • Preaching is one of a minster’s most pressing and important tasks. • Travel to the Holy Land will provide material for hundreds of sermons. Preach with authority: • The experience of traveling through the Land of the Bible will empower your minister to preach with authority FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: Beverly Pressley – Cruise Planners 229-299-4469 or 1-877-594-4862


ALBANY Mt. Zion Baptist Church 901 S Westover Blvd (229) 432-6837 Albany Christian Church 1501 Whispering Pines Rd (229) 436-0416 Greater 2nd Mt. Olive Baptist Church 310 Dewey St (229) 435-9961 Byne Memorial Baptist Church 2832 Ledo Rd (229) 436-5700 First Baptist Church - Leesburg 135 Main St (229) 759-6576

Leesburg United Methodist Church 117 Starksville Ave N (229) 759-2096 Greenbriar Church 1344 US 19 (229) 446-4642

Greater United Pleasant Green 1512 Philema Rd S (229) 438-8062 Albany Community SDA Church 381 Fussell Rd (229) 436-3631 AMERICUS

Leesburg Church of Christ 106 Callaway St (229) 759-2030

Central Baptist Church 190 Upper River Rd (229) 924-4092

Pointe UMC 238 Cedric St (229) 435-5551

Cornerstone Church 245 Southland Rd (229) 924-7409

Philema Road Baptist Church 114 Stocks Dairy Rd (229) 435-3135

Restoration Church of Americus 1213 Douglas Cir (229) 931-6244

New Hope Baptist Church 1209 Graves Springs Rd (229) 439-9997

First United Methodist Church 200 S Lee St (229) 924-3169


First Presbyterian Church 125 S Jackson St (229) 924-2162 St. Mary’s Catholic Church 332 S Lee St (229) 924-3495 First Baptist Church Americus 221 South Lee St (229) 924-9035 Faith Baptist Church 947 Felder st (229) 924-5890 Union Tabernacle Baptist Church 900 Adderton St (229) 924-0421 Americus Pentecostal Church 820 Magnolia St (229) 928-3178 TIFTON Northside Baptist Church 4605 Murray Ave (229) 382-6855 St Anne’s Episcopal Church 2411 Central Ave (229) 382-7505 Our Divine Saviour Catholic 1205 Love Ave

(229) 382-4600 Journey Church 304 20th St W (229) 238-3749 Eastside Baptist Church 1490 Kennedy Rd (229) 382-0730 New River Church 17 Old Brookfield Rd (229) 386-2693 Carpenter Road Church of God 40 Carpenter Rd N (229) 382-4880 First Presbyterian Church 217 Park Ave N (229) 382-6730 Beulah Hill Baptist Church 321 Tifton-Eldorado Rd (229) 472-1505

844 GA 33 (229) 891-3421

Trinity Church 201 12th Ave SE (229) 985-3660

CrossPointe Church 110 Northside Dr (229) 242-7702

Lifespring Community Church 2010 GA 133 (229) 985-2233

Southland Church 2206 E Hill Ave (229) 245-8188

Mother Easter Baptist Church 1400 W Central Ave (229) 985-5191 Lakeside Assembly of God 146 Washington St (229) 985-5424 Friendship Alliance Church 835 26th Ave (229) 985-4908

New Life Presbyterian Church 3500 Fulwood Rd (229) 382-7238

Moultrie First Church or Nazarene 410 12th Ave SE (229) 873-6265


Calvary Baptist Church 830 26th Ave SE (229) 985-3237

First Baptist Church 400 S Main St (229) 985-2103 Heritage Church

Church of Christ 1915 GA 37 (229) 985-3596


New Covenant Church 3531 Bemiss Rd (229) 247-7777 Christ Episcopal Church 1521 N Patterson St (229) 242-5115 Vision Church 2711 Bemiss Rd (229) 333-7702 Perimeter Road Baptist Church 4091 Inner Perimeter Rd (229) 333-0746 Morningside Baptist Church 2604 Bemiss Rd (229) 242-1426 Azalea City Church of God 247 St. Augustine Rd (229) 244-1855


Is Your Marriage in the Red? Not the Blood of Jesus As I think back to our betrothal, I remember our church was in the middle of one of those prophetic declarations of "debt free for you and me." You know the type we speak of right? As a part of this, we wrote down all our debt and brought it to church and showed each other how much debt we had. We looked at each other with our miniscule combined debt and hefty 401k savings, and exclaimed, "This is great we can aggressively tackle this little bit of debt and still have a truck load to invest in the vision God has given us!" Then KABOOM, I got laid off, got a job, and then was laid off again. Stanley was laid off too. It became a joke that he was semi-retired! We used all of our savings to live. In less than 2-3 years, we spent thousands of dollars and had paid off none of our debt. The transition to financial freedom was nowhere in sight. At times, we thought what happened to Yahweh’s (God's) promise of opening up the windows of heavens and pouring out the blessings we have no room to receive? What about you, have you had this or similar thoughts? Here are 8 Pina Principles to sidestep obstacles, crossover financially, and win: 1 - Use Your Strengths Typically every marriage has a spender and a saver. Generally one person is better at saving. The saver can view the spender as immature and irresponsible. On the other hand, the spender sees the saver as too frugal and a dream killer. Instead of letting it divide you, use the strength of the saver to stick to your financial savings plan and build financial security for the family. 2 - Trim the Excess Fat The average household carries about $10k in credit card debt. To begin eliminating excessive debts you need more money to conquer the habits that enslaved you. You can gain more money by reducing the "extras" and your living expenses. Cut out the monthly shopping sprees, eating out at extravagant restaurants, stop loaning family and friends money, and increase your insurance deductibles. We had to give up going to Starbucks and Stop & Shop everyday and purchase a home

warranty to alleviate unexpected home repair costs. Where can you slash costs? Every little bit adds up and can go towards paying extra to eliminate your debt.

3 - Be a Team According to a Harris Interactive survey, only 50% of couples maintain combined accounts while 18% keep separate bank accounts. Wow! Only half were team players with their spouse. To win financially utilize a team approach. One thing has always been true for Stanley and I is that what I have is his and whatever he has is mine. So when I wasn't working, he dipped into his 401k savings repeatedly for our expenses and when he wasn't working, I did the same and carried the load financially. If I ate, he ate. When I paid "my bills," "his bills" were paid in tandem. If I treated myself to something special, I treated him as well. This set the tone for us. In the sense, we never fought about this is "my money" or that is your bill. After all, arguing is not going to reduce your monthly debt! 4 - What's the Grand Total? As Stanley and I began to take steps to become financially free, we identified our total debt amount. I'll never forget that day. I called Stanley on the cell phone and said, "What do you think our total debt is?" He guessed a couple of numbers and none of them were accurate. I couldn't believe the number either. Why? Because we constantly guesstimated our debt by saying it's about $20k or we don't have a lot of debt only $25k. It was neither. The truth about your total debt will set you free. Find out your grand total and use it to mobilize your debt-free campaign.

5 - Get a Grip Get a grip and keep track of your money and budget. It can be as simple as an Excel spreadsheet to track income and expenses or a software package such as Microsoft Money or Intuit's Quicken. 6 - Talk, Talk, Talk Find a way to communicate in a healthy manner about your family's financial plan and goals. As we know, money can be the number one stressor in marriage. It is what some couples fight about the most. Many of these fights are the result of unclear or unspoken expectations. I strongly urge you to block off time for financial planning and discussions to track progress or lack thereof. 7 - Move Forward Now I shoulda did "x" or I woulda did "y" isn't gonna get you free in your finances. It's done now. Don't pout about it, blame your partner, or let it paralyze you into inactivity. Think of it like this, the longer you do nothing, the longer you stay in bondage. Commit to moving forward now. 8 - Fess Up You need help with your finances. Admit it; things have snowballed into some serious debt, and you are in the red. If so, get some help. It could be a combination of a financial planner, securing additional income, or a coach to identify the things you believe about money that are keeping you in debt. In either case, talking to an objective professional partner can ease some of the tension. We pray these principles bring value and shed light upon your marriage. Closing Words for Leaders Being in a financially out of control relationship is no fun and certainly brings God (0) zero glory. If you need the professional help referenced in this article, get it and get financially free. There really isn’t any excuse for staying a slave to lenders. We’ve been financially free for eleven years, and there is so much more we can do with what we’ve been blessed. Imagine feeling good about being able to place the bulk of your financial resources into things that lift and inspire you and others. It’s time to get out of the red.

Karen M. Pina is the founder of Gifts Ordained by Direction. Her exclusive approach for leaders develops the character necessary to rise to greatness in business and ministry. She has written three books and created over 100 ministry, business, and personal development resources that quench leaders’ thirst and hunger for spiritual meat and marketplace wisdom. Karen has been a guest on several television and radio programs that challenged leaders to move to the next level of significance in every area of their lives. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services and a Master’s of Education (M.Ed). in Higher Education Leadership and Administration. Karen will defend and obtain and a Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration (Ph.D.) in 2016. Her education and gift of wisdom has served her well as she has coached, consulted, and trained doctors, directors, entrepreneurs, visionaries, IT professionals, bishops, apostles, executives, coaches, prophets, teachers, pastors, and a vast array of leaders to greatness. To learn more about the books, resources, and Karen go to


Selections from the Permanent Collection: Through September 30 The Art on Religion exhibit focuses on the some of the relationships and influences art and religion have had on each other during their long and often intersecting histories, which have often been as contentious as they are congenial. The subject of religion holds a somewhat peculiar place within art, as individual artworks can be divided into religious art and art about religion. This exhibit looks to overlay these two types of artwork to illustrate how each has influenced the other during different points in history. In some examples, the visitor can see how a traditional style of art, created for a religious expression, was adapted for use in more secular subjects. Conversely, some of the

exhibited objects will show how developing artistic styles were woven into the traditional narrative forms of religious artwork. There are even examples of how subjects and styles that were once explicitly religious were later used to exemplify universal subjects or concepts, far removed from their original connotations.The Art on Religion exhibit consists of twentyone objects from the AMA’s permanent collection dating from the early 1600’s through the midtwentieth century in a variety of mediums, ranging from oil painting on canvas or animal skin to woodblock prints to drawings and sketches on handmade paper.

Matthew 20:25 - Jesus called them together and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave - just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Submitted by Pastor Daniel Simmons Mount Zion Baptist Church, Albany



Known as the "Day of Atonement," Yom Kippur is a day when people who subscribe to the Jewish faith atone for sins between themselves and G-d of the past year. Yom Kippur is a complete Sabbath, which means no work can be performed during the holiday. Fasting is a part of Yom Kippur, and Jews are expected to observe a 25-hour fast that begins before sunset on the evening before the holiday and ends after nightfall on Yom Kippur. The Talmud, which is the collection of Jewish laws and traditions, also lists several lesser-known restrictions regarding Yom Kippur. Washing and bathing, the use of cosmetics or deodorants, wearing leather shoes, and sexual relations also are restricted on Yom Kippur. Restrictions may be lifted on Yom Kippur when certain special circumstances arise, and children under the age of nine as well as women who are with child are not permitted to fast on Yom Kippur. Jews spend much of Yom Kippur in the synagogue, where they pray and take part in services that may begin in earlymorning. Morning services may continue until mid-afternoon, when practitioners can briefly go home before returning in the early evening to partake in ceremonies commemorating the end of Yom Kippur. According to, the bread that serves as the Eucharistic host during the Sacrament of the Eucharist is unadulterated wheat that is reduced to flour, diluted with water and baked with fire. That can be problematic for Catholics suffering from Celiac disease, an autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack the lining of the small intestine when proteins that are commonly found in wheat, rye and barley are ingested. Sufferers of Celiac disease must remove all wheat from their diets, and that includes the wheat hosts used during the administration of the Eucharist. Many Catholics with Celiac disease felt marginalized by their inability to accept the host during the Eucharist, which is such an important component of the Catholic faith. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops determined that a low-gluten host developed by the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in Clyde, Missouri, met the Code of Canon Law requirements regarding the host, making it possible for Catholics with Celiacdisease to once again receive the Eucharist during Mass.

Upcoming Events Open Call: Calling All Sopranos and Tenors Southwest Georgia United Gospel Choir Cathedral of Praise 125 W 4th Ave, Albany Contact Cedric Williams (229) 462-3388 First Saturday of Each Month 8:00 am - 10:00 am Dougherty Prayer Vigil 222 Pine Ave, Albany Contact Rance Pettibone, Sr.: (229) 881-4828 Saturday, August 22 7:00 pm The Gospel Starlights in Valdosta Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center One Meeting Place, Valdosta (229) 245-0513 September 18th - 20th Prayze Factor People’s Choice Awards Power Prayze Weekend Sheraton Hotel Airport South Atlanta Reserve at 1-800-325-3535 Ask for Prayze Factor Group Rate Friday, October 9 7:00 pm Pure Freedom for Teen Girls & Their Moms Biblical Teaching on Beauty, Love, & Modesty Unity Baptist Church 311 Smokey Rd, Newnan Saturday, October 10 7:00 pm Pure Freedom for Teen Girls & Their Moms Biblical Teaching on Beauty, Love, & Modesty Church at Liberty Square 2001 Liberty Square Dr. NE, Cartersville Tuesday, October 13 6:30 pm 46th Annual GMA Dove Awards Lipscomb University’s Allen Arena Friday & Saturday, November 6th & 7th 2015 10th Annual Atlanta HealthCare, Music & Gospel Festival Sheraton Gateway Hotel 1900 Sullivan Rd, Atlanta Sunday, November 8 7:00 pm Building 429 Live in Concert Unity Baptist Church 311 Smokey Rd, Newnan Thursday, November 12 7:00 pm Mercy Me Greater Than Tour Griffin First Assembly 2000 W McIntosh Rd, Griffin

Please submit your upcoming events to Jennifer King,


Is Faith Really a Good Thing?

The benefits of hiring professional photographers to shoot religious ceremonies COURTESY OF METRO CONNECTION

(NewsUSA) - Turn on the TV, go online or stream music, and it may seem like there is no place for faith in our culture. People -- especially young people -- will share just about any detail of their personal lives, except when it comes to their faith. Many are reluctant or even embarrassed to share how their faith makes them who they are. Despite this trend, there are tens of millions of Americans who still value their faith tremendously, and they want to make faith more visible. Thanks to a fast-growing social media movement ( people, regardless of their religion, are openly celebrating their faith -- because they believe faith is a very good thing. How is faith good? Let us count the ways. 1. Faith inspires, empowers and comforts billions of people the world over. And that makes people of faith happier. 2. People and organizations are motivated by their faith to help millions of people every single day, in soup kitchens, hospitals, schools and homeless shelters. 3. People of faith live longer. 4. People of faith are more engaged in civic life. 5. People of faith are more likely to be lawabiding citizens. 6. People of faith are more generous and charitable. 7. Faith has the power to add deep spiritual meaning and help people survive the most challenging times. And last but not least, a basic teaching of every major world religion asks that we treat others as we ourselves would want to be treated. If more people followed this Golden Rule, that alone would be a positive influence on society. And that's reason enough to promote the value of faith. What does the future hold for faith in America? Nobody knows for sure, but those who value their faith can help push back against current trends by visiting and sharing with friends. showcases compelling stories about faith through videos, uplifting quotes, articles and images. Hopefully, more people will feel inspired, and ultimately feel good about expressing how their faith makes them who they are. These are small steps, but they are making a big difference, and can help restore the value of faith in America.

Participating in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, often referred to as Holy Communion, as a child and Confirmation as an adolescent are pivotal moments in a person’s life. Communion and Confirmation complete the Sacraments of Initiation in the Christian Church. According to Pope Paul VI, “The faithful are born anew by Baptism, strengthened by the sacrament of Confirmation, and receive in the Eucharist the food of eternal life.” Much importance is placed on these important rites of passage in the Church. As a result, many families prefer to do all they can to catalog and remember religious celebrations for years to come. Professional photographers can help families preserve the memories made during these milestone moments in a young Christian’s life. There are many advantages to hiring a professional photographer to document these special religious celebrations. The following are just a few reasons to consider professional photography for your event. • Expertise: Professional photographers have the skills and expertise to capture the perfect shots. Skilled photographers will know which angles or backgrounds produce the best results in photographs, and that can help create lasting memories for families. According to the Professional Photographers of America, many certified photographers also are students of art, lighting, posing, fashion, and even interior design. They can combine these elements to create images that will last a lifetime. Photographers also have high-end equipment and know how to adjust shutter speeds and zoom in with a high-powered lens to provide interesting details without intruding on the ceremony. • Security: Many photographers

rely on an off-site service to keep digital backups of their images. That helps safeguard photographs should the photographer experience a technical glitch on personal equipment or in the studio. Backed-up images can be referred to later should you require more prints. • Set task: The photographer’s job at the ceremony and after-party is to capture images and nothing else. The presence of a photographer allows family members and parents to fully immerse themselves in the festivities without having to worry about taking photos. • Impressive stationery: Photographers may offer photo

packages that include portraiture, invitations and thank-you notes. Guests can remember the event long after it is over with a beautiful photo thank-you card. • Customer satisfaction: Professional photographers know their business is frequently based on customer service and satisfaction. Many photographers are willing to go the extra mile to provide a series of ideal shots that will make for precious memories. When big religious moments are unfolding in a child’s life, hiring professional photographers is a great way for parents to capture special moments that will last a lifetime.


If It’s Not Happening Now,


While it may be natural to worry about the future, we lose a lot of sleep and we worry unnecessarily about things which never come to pass and over which we have little or no control. The phrase “if it’s not happening now, it’s not happening” is meant to convey the idea that we should be more attuned to the present moment and less concerned about what is going to happen tomorrow. This isn’t meant to suggest that we shouldn't plan for the future or complete our work ahead of time. If you have a paper due at

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day's own trouble be sufficient for the day. R.S.V. Matthew 6:34

school tomorrow or a project at work that must be completed on deadline, then you should be working on it. But, too much of our waking life is made anxious by vague fears which never come to pass, not to mention how these fears disturb our dreams. So, we should do what we can to prepare for tomorrow, but then enjoy the present and remember that if the dreaded thing isn’t happening now, it isn’t happening and may never happen, so don’t worry.


Choosing a Confirmation name COURTESY OF METRO CONNECTION Young people prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation in various ways. In addition to immersing themselves in religious studies and possibly attending a spiritual retreat, soon-to-be confirmands are asked to choose a saint’s name under which they will be confirmed. Patron saints serve as role models to confirmands as they continue their spiritual journeys. Choosing a saint’s name is not something to take lightly. Some people associate with a particular saint because the name reminds them of a certain family member, while others relate to saints who have come to be known for standing for something specific in their faith. Certain saints may be the patron saint of a prospective confirmand’s ancestral country, while others may be associated with a particular occupation the youngster hopes to one day pursue. It is difficult to pin down the exact number of holy men and women who have been officially named as saints, and the true number is debatable, but various Catholic groups and theologians say there are more than 10,000 saints that the Catholic Church venerates. Regardless of the exact figure, confirmands have many special holy people who can serve as role models and guide them through both Confirmation and life. To begin the selection process, think about a particular trait or skill you admire, and then research saints who may have possessed these traits. Otherwise, you can narrow down the list of saints by choosing a general category. If you aspire to be a teacher, choose a patron saint of educators, such as Saint Catherine. If you are enamored with a certain area of the world, like Scotland or Russia, choose Saint Andrew, who is the patron saint of these countries. If a certain name has meaning to you, research the saint that bears that name and find out if you feel spiritually guided by what the saint did in his or her life. It’s common for confirmands to want to pay homage to a lost relative or friend who shared the name of a particular saint. It is a way to be guided by two special people. You also can pray to God and ask for guidance in choosing a saint. Spending time in prayer may provide you with greater clarity. Also, reading religious texts can shed light on the lives of many influential saints throughout history. Head to the library or a bookstore and visit the religion section. Chances are you can find a book of saints. An added benefit to such an approach is the opportunity to learn more about your faith and the figures who helped shape it. If you need further assistance, speak with a clergy member at your church. A priest may have even more insight to share and can be a good resource to help guide you.

The meaning behind the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Confirmation COURTESY OF METRO CONNECTION

Roman Catholics and some Protestant denominations recognize seven sacraments, which are considered to be the means of grace through which God bestows spiritual blessing. The Sacrament of the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Confirmation are considered milestone moments in the lives of young Christians, and those who do not subscribe to a particular religion may want to learn more about what each of these sacraments symbolizes. Sacrament of the Eucharist Sometimes referred to as the First Holy Communion or simply Holy Communion, the Sacrament of the Eucharist is when some Christians first receive the body and blood of Christ. Catholics believe Christ is present in the bread and wine offered up during the Eucharist, which is administered near the end of each Mass after it has been consecrated by the priest presiding over the ceremony. Catholics believe that the substance of the bread and wine changes during a process called transubstantiation, which can only be performed by a priest and must be performed before the Eucharist can be administered. The Eucharist traces its roots to the meal served during Jewish Passover that commemorated the delivery of Israel from slavery in Egypt. Catholics believe that, during the Last Supper, Jesus Christ celebrated the Passover meal, blessing and breaking

the bread and wine and declaring that it was His body and blood. Sacrament of Confirmation When Catholics receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, they believe they are receiving the Holy Spirit through the anointing with oil and the laying on of hands by the bishop or priest presiding over the administration of the sacrament. The Sacrament of Confirmation is so named because Catholics believe it confirms and strengthens baptismal grace, further strengthening the bond Catholics have with their faith. Catholics typically receive the Sacrament of Confirmation during the early stages of adolescence, and upon receiving the sacrament, they are then recognized as adult members of the Church. In that light, the Sacrament of Confirmation is often equated with the Jewish ceremonies of bar and bat mitzvah, which initiate Jewish girls and boys, respectively, into the Jewish faith, which now recognizes them as adults. While the Sacrament of Confirmation is most often associated with Roman Catholicism, other denominations of Christianity, including the Eastern Orthodox Church and many Anglicans, participate in the sacrament as well. Similar to the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the Sacrament of Confirmation is only bestowed on Church members who have previously been baptized.


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