SWGA Health Beat - January 2018

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Third Tuesday each month at 3pm at Phoebe Sumter Medical Center Cafeteria Private Dining Room.

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Mondays at 11:00am Advanced Wednesdays at 3:00pm at Senior Life Enrichment Center Call 435-6789 to Register ~ FREE Ages 60 & up 2 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | January 2018

January 2018 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | 3

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month, an important time to spread the word about this sight-stealing disease. Currently, more than 3 million people in the United States have glaucoma. The National Eye Institute projects this number will reach 4.2 million by 2030, a 58 percent increase. Glaucoma is called “the sneak thief of sight� since there are no symptoms and once vision is lost, it’s permanent. As much as 40% of vision can be lost without a person noticing. Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness. Moreover, among African American and Latino populations, glaucoma is more prevalent. Glaucoma is 6 to 8 times more common in African Americans than Caucasians. Over 3 million Americans, and over 60 million people worldwide, have glaucoma. Experts estimate that half of them don’t know they have it. Combined with our aging population, we can see an epidemic of blindness looming if we don’t raise awareness about the importance of regular eye examinations to preserve vision. The World Health Organization estimates that 4.5 million people worldwide are blind due to glaucoma. Help Raise Awareness

In the United States, approximately 120,000 are blind from glaucoma, accounting for 9% to 12% of all cases of blindness. Here are three ways you can help raise

awareness: Talk to friends and family about glaucoma. If you have glaucoma, don’t keep it a secret. Let your family members know. Refer a friend to our web site, www.glaucoma.org. Request to have a free educational booklet sent to you or a friend. Get involved in your community through fundraisers, information sessions, group discussions, inviting expert speakers, and more. Connect with us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter for regular updates on glaucoma research, treatments, news and information. Share information about glaucoma with your friends and family. What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that gradually steal sight without warning. Although the most common forms primarily affect the middle-aged and the elderly, glaucoma can affect people of all ages. Vision loss is caused by damage to the optic nerve. This nerve acts like an electric cable with over a million wires. It is responsible for carrying images from the eye to the brain. There is no cure for glaucoma—yet. However, medication or surgery can slow or prevent further vision loss. The appropriate treatment depends upon the type of glaucoma among other factors. Early detection is vital to stopping the progress of the disease.

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world, according to the World Health Organization. In the most common form, there are virtually no symptoms. Vision loss begins with peripheral or side vision, so if you have glaucoma, you may not notice anything until significant vision is lost. The best way to protect your sight from glaucoma is to get a comprehensive eye examination. Then, if you have glaucoma, treatment can begin immediately. Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness among African-Americans. And among Hispanics in older age groups, the risk of glaucoma is nearly as high as that for African-Americans. Also, siblings of persons diagnosed with glaucoma have a significantly increased risk of having glaucoma.

Are you at risk for glaucoma? Those at higher risk include people of African, Asian, and Hispanic descent. Other high-risk groups include: people over 60, family members of those already diagnosed, diabetics, and people who are severely nearsighted. Regular eye exams are especially important for those at higher risk for glaucoma, and may help to prevent unnecessary vision loss. Help Us Find a Cure Glaucoma Research Foundation is a national non-profit organization funding innovative research to preserve vision and find a cure for glaucoma. Gifts of every size make a difference. Donate today.

There are two main types of glaucoma: primary openangle glaucoma (POAG), and angle-closure glaucoma. These are marked by an increase of intraocular pressure (IOP), or pressure inside the eye. When optic nerve damage has occurred despite a normal IOP, this is called normal tension glaucoma. Secondary glaucoma refers to any case in which another disease causes or contributes to increased eye pressure, resulting in optic nerve damage and vision loss.




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4 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | January 2018

* Mudra therapy bring changes in veins, tendons, glands and sense organs. * Mudras need no prior preparation. They can be done (mostly but with exceptions) at anytime, anywhere and under virtually any circumstances.

* It will take time to show results.

* They help bring about permanent changes.

* Mudra therapy is not a magical cure for heart issues. Practice this Mudra along with a healthy diet and lifestyle for long-term benefits. If you are under medication, do not stop taking them. This mudra should not be considered as an alternative to medications prescribed by your doctor.

* A constant practice of Mudras can stop or slow down the distractive changes in the human body.

Jyotsna Agarwal Holistic Health Life Coach Reiki Master and Tai Chi/ Qigong Practitioner

* They are like little remote control switches bringing quick and effective changes.

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* Mudra is a very exact and scientific yogic function by which one can develop or even change, one’s internal and external disturbances.This includes mental ( anger, emotional disturbances, intelligence etc.), spiritual (concentration, meditation) or physical (in various diseases, illnesses).

health standings for 28 years. Across the country, health disparities have been noticed not just between states, but even within the same metropolitan Method: Bend ring finger and area. little finger and touch the tip of For Thumb with their tips keeping example, the remaining two fingers neighborhoods stretched. just 12 miles apart in the (CNN) Despite years of efforts Washington area, have a nineto even out health disparities Speciality: As it is the mudra of year difference in life life, it improves the power of life. across the United States, some expectancy, according to the Weak people become strong. It states are dramatically healthier Robert Wood Johnson than others, according to a new reduces the clumps in blood Foundation. These “shocking report. Massachusetts, Hawaii, vessels. If we practice it differences in life expectancy� regularly, we will become active. Vermont, Utah and Connecticut are based on geography, rank as the five healthiest income, education and race, Time Duration: No time duration. states, while West Virginia, according to the American One can practice it anytime and Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana Public Health Association. for any length of time, any place and Mississippi rank the least “This is unacceptable. We and any posture - sitting, healthy in America’s Health believe health is a basic human standing, walking, or lying. Rankings, according to the right. It’s a right for all people report by the United Health and all communities,� according Foundation. The rankings take to a statement on the into account a variety of health association’s website. It improves immunity. factors, such as rates of Overall, the nation’s Improves the power of eyes health is not improving; in fact, infectious diseases, obesity, and reduces eye related physical inactivity, smoking and it’s getting worse. The nation’s diseases. premature death rate -- the infant mortality, as well as air number of years of potential life pollution levels and the It helps remove the vitamin lost before age 75 -- increased availability of health care deficiency and fatigue. for the third straight year. That providers. This is the first time rate has gone up 3% since Massachusetts has been It increases one’s self2015, with cardiovascular named the healthiest state, confidence. ending Hawaii’s five-year reign. deaths in particular having gone up 2% in the same time period. The Bay State won the It helps the body in increasing Drug-related deaths have honor in part due to having the its vitality and sustenance when increased 7% in the past year, lowest percentage of uninsured deprived of food and water. and even states with high health residents at just 2.7% of the rankings overall have faced an population, plus a low uphill battle in this area. prevalence of obesity and a According to the new * During this mudra practice, high number of mental health report, three northeastern states push the fingers against thumb providers. Mississippi and that rank toward the top in gently. Don’t apply too much Louisiana, ranked 49th and overall health have experienced pressure. Keep your body lose 50th, have major health large increases in drug deaths. and breathe normally. challenges, according to the New Hampshire’s rate increased Unnecessary tightening of the report, including a high by 118%, Massachusetts’ rate body would restrict the flow of prevalence of smoking, obesity increased by 69%, and Rhode energy. and children in poverty. Island’s increased by 56%.


The human body can be compared to a miniature form of the universe. The universe is made up of the fusion of five elements (Fire, Air, Earth, Water and Space) represented by the five fingers of the hand. The science of Mudra is based on the principle that the root cause of a disease is the imbalance and improper coordination between these elements. By touching or by pressing our fingers on each other in a particular way we can perform different Mudras. Thus, by just keeping our fingers in a particular position the imbalance in the five elements can be eliminated which leads to a healthy body. Different fingers represent different elements.

The report, America’s America’s Healthiest And Health Rankings, has been Least Healthy States analyzing state

January 2018 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | 5

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hen cold winds blow, it’s essential to take extra steps to protect your health. There are a number of techniques that can help keep your immunity high and your body in good condition to support wellness all season long so that you can enjoy the chillier months. There’s no magic formula for feeling your best, but consulting your health care provider is always a good idea when you’re contemplating new ideas to promote better health.

Get up and moving

Without frequent use, muscles and joints can ZHDNHQ DQG JURZ VWLŕľľ OLPLWLQJ \RXU PRELOLW\ Exercise is also an important step in balancing your caloric intake, and physical activity gets your EORRG SXPSLQJ ZKLFK KDV QXPHURXV EHQHÂżWV IRU heart health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a minimum of 150 minutes each week (or 30 minutes per day, at OHDVW ÂżYH GD\V HDFK ZHHN RI PRGHUDWH DFWLYLW\ such as a brisk walk, yoga class or bike ride. Additionally, winter brings fewer hours of sunlight during the day, and per the National Sleep Foundation, darkness naturally causes the brain to release melatonin, a hormone that triggers sleepiness. Exercise can counteract this drowsiness, as the endorphins released through physical activity cause a natural increase in energy levels. Studies show that endorphins can also elicit positive feelings and reduce the perception of pain, which can lower stress levels to help keep you mentally and physically well.

Spice up your routine with herbal supplements

Whether to supplement your diet with additional YLWDPLQV DQG QXWULHQWV RU WR JLYH \RX D VSHFLÂżF targeted boost, herbal supplements can help support overall health. For example, the supplement turmeric, derived from root extracts of the Curcuma longa plant, is widely regarded to have numerous positive health implications. “Since 2013, turmeric has dominated the market as the top-selling ingredient in herbal supplements,â€? said Chris Oswald, licensed nutritionist at Nature’s Way. “As research on turmeric grows, consumers continue to recognize WKH KHDOWK EHQHÂżWV RI WKLV DPD]LQJ ERWDQLFDO ´ Turmeric can be added to several foods, but to ensure a steady, adequate dose, Oswald recommends a turmeric-based herbal supplement, like the Turmerich line from Nature’s Way. The line combines a blend of premium ingredients in two unique formulas, Turmerich Heart and Turmerich Joint. Both supplements feature turmeric extract along with a strong suite of herbal and specialty ingredients for comprehensive, targeted support. Each supplement uses 400 milligrams of standardized turmeric root extract per serving to boost ingredient potency, maximizing SRWHQWLDO KHDOWK EHQHÂżWV

Get ample rest

Adequate sleep allows the body to rejuvenate itself naturally, promoting a better mood, improved system function and increased stamina throughout the day. The National Sleep

Fast Facts on Turmeric

As a root native to Southeast Asia, turmeric has played a role in Chinese and Indian medicinal traditions since ancient times. Here are some other facts you may not know about this botanical: „ „


Turmeric is a relative of the ginger root. Turmeric adds the yellow color to foods such as Indian curry and yellow mustard, and is often used as a dye for its rich pigment. When dried and ground, the underground stem of the turmeric plant can be used to make capsules, tablets, teas, oils and more.

6 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | January 2018

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Foundation recommends older adults get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night for optimal health. Beyond a good night’s sleep, be sure to take some mental downtime, too, to minimize stress and anxiety, both of which can have a negative impact on your health. Find ways to relax through meditation, reading or listening to soothing music, which can help rest your mind and body.

Boost immunity

)UHVK IUXLWV DQG YHJHWDEOHV R྾HU YLWDPLQV DQG minerals that can play an important role in immune health. Studies have shown that vitamin C, which is found naturally in several fruits, is essential for stimulating growth and repair in the body. During the winter months, when fresh fruit can be harder WR ¿QG VXSSOHPHQWV OLNH (FKLQDFHD 9LWDPLQ C from Nature’s Way can be another source of vitamin C.

Maintain skin health

$V WKH ERG\œV ODUJHVW RUJDQ DQG WKH ¿UVW OLQH RI defense against physical harm, the skin is particularly susceptible to wear and tear. During the winter, frequent exposure to harsh elements, from dry air to biting sleet, can have serious impacts on skin health. You can take steps to minimize painful redness DQG ÀDNLQHVV RU FUDFNLQJ E\ UHJXODUO\ PRLVWXUL]LQJ your skin with fragrance-free lotions and herbal oils. They can create a protective barrier between your skin tissue and potential pollutants and irritants, and should be applied generously to areas that are most likely to be exposed, like your hands and face. Also remember to bundle up to prevent the impact of stinging winds, and avoid unnecessary time outdoors when conditions are especially harsh. Find more winter wellness tools at naturesway.com or Facebook.com/NaturesWayBrands.

Whenever you catch yourself reaching for your pack of smokes, pull out the list, instead, and read why you want to break the habit. Having a fixed date for when you want to be done with

the reasons you are deciding to drop the butts will be a great help in getting you past your cravings. Include every reason you can think of that is a negative about smoking and refer to the list whenever you feel the need for a smoke. Make sure you are aware of all the implications of smoking, as this will encourage you to quit. In addition to the obvious chance of developing lung cancer, smokers are known to have twice the danger of dying from a sudden heart attack. Smoking can lead to an abdominal aortic aneurysm, which cause death almost immediately. To help yourself stay quit, smoking can give you something to focus spend time in places where you cannot on. Deadlines often make it easier to smoke. Go to the movies, a museum, a nice achieve a task, and quitting smoking is no restaurant, a coffee shop, or the library. The different. If you tell yourself that you must pleasant surroundings will be a nice quit by a certain date, you will make a distraction from cravings, and knowing that greater effort to do so. Make a list of you can’t smoke in the first place will make healthy things you can do to relieve stress, you less likely to want one. Enlist the help anxiety or frustration. For many people, of those closest to you when you decide to smoking is a way to relieve stress. Your list stop smoking. This includes family can help you find a better, healthier way of members, friends and coworkers. Tell them. coping with negative feelings so that you If they do not know that you are attempting won’t be as tempted to smoke when you’re this very important step in your life, they will having a bad day. If you smoke at home, not know how to help you. Tell them to do a thorough cleaning of your living space, expect grouchiness, trouble sleeping and once you decide to quit. Wash and paint impatience. Most importantly, they can help Smoking leads to cancer, your walls, shampoo or replace your you plan http://www.lung.org/stop-smoking/ asthma and other serious illnesses. So carpet, and launder your window activities in smoke-free environments. To read through the tips in this article and treatments, too. The smell will be avoid unnecessary discouragement, tell learn how you can stop smoking sooner, refreshing and not remind you of cigarettes everyone in your life that you are quitting rather than later. If you have decided to as you walk around your home. Keep smoking. This will prepare those closest to stop smoking, mentally prepare yourself cigarettes out of you mind by eliminating you for the mood swings that often for what’s ahead. Try to focus on the fact the smells. It is extremely important that accompany nicotine withdrawal. This will that you can stop, and that this is not an you talk to a doctor prior to quitting also alert other smokers that you do not impossible dream. Set an official “quit smoking. This person can provide you want or need the temptation of them date” and even consider adding it to your some advice on your best methods of offering you a cigarette. When you are calendar. By taking such a positive quitting. In addition, he or she can provide trying to quit smoking, do not attempt to do approach, your chances of quitting will you some additional support on your it overnight. Nicotine addiction is powerful, increase. If you’re trying to stop smoking, journey. Both of these things greatly and it is going to take you some time to stopping “cold turkey” is a bad idea. increase your chances of quitting for good. wean yourself off of it. Quitting without a means of support for See your doctor and ask him to nicotine withdrawal is an uphill battle. recommend a stop smoking program or Because nicotine is addictive, it’s very medication. Only five percent of people easy to relapse without some form of who attempt to stop cold turkey, with no support when quitting. It’s best to use Let your friends and help, succeed in their attempt to quit smoking cessation medicine, or some type family know when and why you are quitting. reviews smoking. You need help to of therapy when you’re ready to quit. Ask them to help support you in your overcome the cravings and withdrawal When you are first trying to quit smoking, symptoms that accompany any attempt to efforts. Have a friend that you can call try to avoid places that you associate with whenever you feel the urge for a cigarette. quit. smoking. This might mean staying away The benefits of a support system to a from your favorite bar or the smoking spot successful quitting process are incalculable. at work. Staying away from these places Making the commitment to stop smoking also means staying away from temptation, can be challenging. You can do it, though! It which can be a very important thing to do will take some time, plus willpower and Think of all the help and aid when you are first trying to quit. When you patience to quit. The right information and are trying to quit smoking, write a list of all you are bringing to your body and how support can make quitting a lot easier. Take much healthier you are going to be of the reasons why you want to stop. what you have learned in this article, and Carry that list with you at all times. One of because you have taken this vital step in your life. Make yourself a detailed list of the you can be well on your way to achieving a the best place to carry this list is where smoke free lifestyle soon. reasons you want to quit. Having a list of you used to carry your cigarettes.


January 2018 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | 7

Teen Angst: Social Media And Depression A recent paper published in the journal Clinical Psychological Science has sounded the alarm (again) about a serious public health problem: the substantial and rapid rise in the number of teen suicides. The increased rate of teen suicides directly parallels the advent of the smartphone and the rise of social media. The study we’re referring to is titled “Increases in Depressive Symptoms, Suicide-Related Outcomes, and Suicide Rates Among U.S. Adolescents After 2010 and Links to Increased New Media Screen Time.” The last five words may be the most important. It looks like an increase in the screen time spent on new media -- Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and even Google, Yahoo and texting -- is associated with an increase in teen selfharm and suicide attempts! Bullying is rampant on social media; teens are particularly vulnerable. There’s little effective self-defense and, often, even strangers “pile on.” The smartphone means there’s is no escape 24/7. Isolation is another result of increased screen time, even though kids often think it creates more friends. The study says iGens (adolescents 13- to 18years-old in the years 2010 to 2015) spent more time on electronic communication and less time on inperson interaction than their Millennial and GenX predecessors at the same age. And that physical isolation breeds depression. The smartphone evolved from the Blackberry 2006; the iPhone 2007; and Google Android for T-Mobile in 2008. The Pew Research Center says as of 2015, 73 percent of teens had a smartphone; 16 percent had a basic phone (some overlap with smartphones here) and 13 percent had no phone.

(How ironic that those without may be the lucky ones.) According to the researchers, kids seeking help for mental health issues increased by 30 percent over that same time period. This could be explained by improvements in mental-health assessment and access to counseling. However, between 2009-2010 and 2015, 33 percent more adolescents (especially females) exhibited high levels of depressive symptoms, 12 percent more reported at least one suicide-related outcome (unsuccessful attempts), and 31 percent more died by suicide. Another study evaluated 43,138 visits to the emergency department by kids 12 to 18 for self-inflicted, non-fatal injury from 2001 to 2015. There was no statistically significant trend before 2009. After, there was a spike in self-inflicted injury emergency visits among females (poisoning was No. 1 cause). And every year since 2009 saw an increase of 8.4 percent (or more) from 110 per 100,000 population in 2009, to 318 in 2015. The greatest increase hit girls 10 to 14. Trends among males were stable.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Injury Prevention and Control suggests that within our existing health systems we need to “provide and implement evidence-based comprehensive suicide and self-harm prevention strategies,” which include “access to and delivery of care for suicidal youth by creating protective environments, promoting youth connectedness [without phones], teaching coping and problem-solving skills and identifying and supporting atrisk youth within communities.”

You can take steps to enact the CDC recommendations in your home.

Self-inflicted harm among teens is preventable: Talk to your teens; discuss counseling; curb the use of smart devices. True, when you take away a 16-year-old’s smartphone the first thing you’ll hear is, “How am I supposed to stay in touch with my friends?” But it’s good to keep in mind that when the Blackberry was first introduced, it was referred to by some as “Crackberry” because of its addictive properties. Parents need to help their children find face-to-face ways of connecting to friends through team sports, school clubs and shared hobbies. Give teens a basic phone to stay in touch (your folks didn’t even have that and they turned out OK). Limit tablet and computer time at home to homework/brief socializing. Have no digital devices in the bedroom. Maybe it would be smart to start treating smartphones like liquor and tobacco. Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic. To live your healthiest, tune into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit www.sharecare.com. (c) 2017 Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D. Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc.



8 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | January 2018

January is National Winter Sports TBI Awareness Month By Dr. Kirk Panneton – BlueShield of Northeastern New York Winter is an exciting time. It’s also a challenging time to stay active. Many of us participate in winter sports, such as skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, hockey and snowmobiling. As with most sports, there are risks for injuries. Some of the more critical injuries involve the head.

If you or a loved one participates in winter sports, you can take precautions to prevent head injuries during play: Wear a properly fitted helmet that is appropriate for the activity. Helmets can go a long way toward preventing or reducing the severity of a TBI. Set a no hits to the head or other dangerous play rule for hockey and other contact sports. Take lessons. If you’re going skating, skiing, or snowboarding, basic lessons will help you learn how to fall more safely and less often.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention encourages coaches and parents to follow a four-step action plan when a concussion is suspected during sports activities. The four steps include: Remove the athlete from play. Ensure the athlete is evaluated by a health care professional experienced in evaluating concussions. Inform the athlete’s parents or guardians about the possible concussion. Keep the athlete out of play the day of the injury and until a health care professional experienced in evaluating concussion says they are symptom-free and okay to return to play.

The many organizations that support and recognize National Winter Sports TBI Awareness Month spend each January raising awareness of the health risks athletes face when they participate in winter sports, specifically traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and concussions.


Because they can cause long-term and permanent health issues, concussions should be taken very seriously. Recent initiatives and rule changes in both professional and amateur sports indicate that a shift in mindset about the dangers of TBIs and other head injuries is taking place.

January 2018 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | 9

Stay Safe During Hunting Season – Dr. Troy Skidmore

for any health condition, bring it with you and make sure you have plenty of water so you don’t get dehydrated.

wellness plan is if you don’t stick to it. Before you make a plan, you need to know your why. Why do you want to get in better shape? Maybe you recently found out you have pre-diabetes and you want to make sure it doesn’t progress. Maybe you want to lose 20 pounds in six months. Maybe you want to be able to run a 10K race by the end of the year. Or maybe you just want to be able to play with your grandkids without running out of breath. You need to identify the primary factor that will motivate you throughout the year and constantly remind yourself of it.

Not everyone should hunt in a deer stand. If you have any problems with balance, dizziness or weakness, it’s safer for you to hunt at ground level. Dr. Skidmore is a board If you do use a stand, make sure it’s in good certified orthopaedic condition before you use it. Check for dry rot on the surgeon with Phoebe straps and rust on the ladder and other metal parts. Orthopaedics of Albany Follow all the safety guidelines for your stand, attach who sub-specializes in it properly to a sturdy tree and utilize a safety sports medicine and harness. general orthopaedics. Once you know why you want to get in better shape, you should make a plan that is reasonable for you. If If you’re unlucky enough for something to go wrong Hunting is a great outdoor activity that many south you know you’re not going to be at the gym at 6:00 on a hunt, staying calm and remembering your Georgians enjoy, especially this time of year. Most emergency preparations will help you get through a.m. three days a week, don’t set that expectation for hunters take proper precautions and follow safety yourself. If you know you’re never going to stop the situation. If you’re smart and cautious, you can guidelines, but accidents and medical emergencies eating pizza altogether, simply resolve to eat it less reduce your chances of having an emergency and may still occur. I have treated patients in my career rather than not at all. increase your chances of having a safe and who have suffered broken bones and other injuries successful hunting season. from falling out of deer stands. Other things can go Having someone to keep you accountable is a great wrong as well, so before you head out on your way to stick to a wellness plan. Find a workout Know Your hunt, you need to make sure you are as prepared buddy. If you promise someone you’ll meet them at Why for a as you can be to deal with an emergency. the gym before work or go for a walk with them after Healthier 2018 work, you’re much more likely to follow through than The first step in that preparation is to have an if you’re just working out on your own. Get other – emergency contact plan. It’s best to use the buddy members of your family to agree to eat healthier and Julian Maddox/ plan healthy menus together. system and hunt with a partner. Even if you have a Phoebe buddy with you, and especially if you’re hunting alone, you should tell someone where you will be Aim for variety in your exercise. Some people love to Wellness hunting and what time you will return so they’ll work out, but if it can be a chore for you, make sure Promotion know where to look for you if you don’t return on you don’t get bored with it. Schedule time in the gym Account time. one day. Play tennis another day. Meet friends for a Executive walk on the riverfront trail the next day. The key is to Keep a working cell phone with you, make sure you be consistent and get some kind of exercise just Julian has worked at have a cell signal at your hunting location, and about every day. guarantee that someone will be available to answer Phoebe for 11 years, focusing on promoting your call if you get into trouble. If you’re hunting in wellness with the Phoebe staff and in the A proper diet and regular exercise will improve the community. an area with spotty cell service, you should quality and length of your life. Plus, if you develop consider using a walkie-talkie system or bringing confidence in your fitness, it will often give you more Wouldn’t you like to end 2018 healthier and in better confidence in other areas as well. The new year along a flare gun. shape than you started the year? Sure, we all offers new possibilities for you to take control of your You should also carry a first aid kit, and it’s a good would. We know we need to eat right and exercise, health, and if you take advantage of those idea to undergo CPR and first aid training. Since and we often start a new year with plans to do just opportunities, 2018 can be a great year. And you Georgia is home to multiple species of venomous that. Too often, however, those aspirations quickly just might end the year looking a feeling a whole lot snakes, you should consider wearing snake boots fade away. It doesn’t matter how good your better. and having a snake bite kit. If you take medication


“Southern “S Sout uth the her ern rn Hospitality Hosossppitita H Hospit tality tality alit ali l tyy ffor lity or Gr Gra Gracious racious racious acicio ac cious us Living� Livivivin ing ng� Dr. Bradford Cotten, D.C.

Dr. Ron Register Jr., D.C.

Deanna Gilmer, FNP-C

Dr. Bennett Dixon Cotten, D.C.

MAGNOLIA PLACE OF CAIRO offers you gracious retirement living and the assistance you need to maintain a healthy and independent lifestyle. Designed to meet each resident’s individual needs. MAGNOLIA PLACE will provide a broad range of health support services to foster continued health and quality of life in a comfortable, supportive family atmosphere. This grand Georgian-style home nestled on four quiet, wooded acres in Cairo, Georgia, offers true southern hospitality to its residents.

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10 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | January 2018


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7 Steps to Better Security Online

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irtually no one would park a car in a busy area, leave the keys in the ignition, roll the windows down and walk away. Yet many people who would take precautions to protect their vehicles leave access WR WKHLU SHUVRQDO DQG ¿QDQFLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ ZLGH RSHQ ,Q WKLV GLJLWDO era, it pays to be just as diligent when it comes to virtual properties as it does physical ones. These seven steps can help you create a more secure environment that protects you from online attacks. Make your device a fortress. Whether you’re using a desktop, laptop or mobile device, taking proper precautions to safeguard the device itself is your ¿UVW OLQH RI GHIHQVH 8VH UHOLDEOH LQWHUQHW VHFXULW\ VRIWZDUH DSSO\ ¿UHZDOOV block pop-ups and prevent sites from logging your location. Make it a habit to log out of websites and regularly delete your history and cookies, especially if you’re using a public system or one that others access regularly. Shop smart. Only make purchases from encrypted sites and limit purchases to a single credit card that you regularly monitor. It’s a good idea to make online purchases using a card with a clear policy about your liability in the event your card number does get stolen or you unknowingly purchase from a fraudulent seller and need to recoup your funds. Be wary of strangers. Although social interaction with people you’ve never met is the norm via chat rooms and other internet-enabled sources, it’s still smart to treat those encounters with caution. Never divulge personally LGHQWLI\LQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ RU ¿QDQFLDO GHWDLOV DQG DYRLG RSHQLQJ HPDLOV RU following text or message links from unknown senders. Keep privacy in mind. Know that virtually anything you post online can become public at the hands of someone with ill intentions. This even applies to things you post that you intend only for friends and family to see, as one of them can easily copy and forward on your photos, words, etc. If you’d be worried about the general public seeing it, don’t post or share it. Go ahead, be vain. Looking for yourself online isn’t really an ego move, it’s a smart one. Periodically searching your own name could reveal information in the public domain that you’d rather keep private or it could point to potential identify fraud. Monitor your credit and accounts. Particularly if you have an active online life, whether for social, work or practical purposes like banking or shopping, SD\ FORVH DWWHQWLRQ WR \RXU FUHGLW DQG EDQN DFFRXQWV +DFNHUV ¿QG DOO VRUWV RI ways to get to your identity, but regular monitoring can help you identify a problem before it spirals out of control. Manage passwords responsibly. If you’re like most people, you probably use the same (or a variation of the same) password across numerous accounts. ,WœV KXPDQ LWœV HDV\ WR UHPHPEHU +RZHYHU RQFH D WKLHI RU KDFNHU ¿JXUHV RXW \RXU ORJ LQ FUHGHQWLDOV DOO RI \RXU SHUVRQDO LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG ¿QDQFHV DUH ULSH for the taking. Avoid repeating passwords across multiple sites and change passwords often for better security. For more tips to protect your family’s privacy and stay safe while online, visit eLivingToday.com.

4 Tips to Make Sense of Cyber Security


t’s no secret that kids have a sense of invincibility. While that trait can bring some endearing reminders of the innocence of childhood, it can also have some highly unfortunately consequences. In the context of cyber security, an action by an unknowing child can impact the entire family. 7KH PDMRULW\ RI 8 6 KRXVHKROGV DUH ¿OOHG with devices that pose a potential threat to your personal security. In fact, according to the 2016 Global Consumer Security Survey by Trend Micro, nearly half of households have two or more computers and nearly a third have three or more smartphones. 'HVSLWH WKH PDQ\ EHQH¿WV RI D KLJKO\ FRQQHFWHG world, the potential for danger is strong. While there are plenty of parental controls and blocks available, they aren’t foolproof. Educating children about potential risks and how to avoid them with these tips from Trend Micro can go a long way toward protecting your family from potential cyber problems. 1. Understand what you’re saying yes to. Be involved, knowledgeable and interested in the devices, apps and sites your children use for school and for fun. For sites they use for school, ask their teachers for more information. For apps they’re using at home, spend 15 minutes trying it yourself. 2. Use privacy settings and features. Make sure you understand what privacy protections your browser or devices offer for your family when your kids are accessing their favorite sites, apps and online services. Many browsers allow you to prevent sites from tracking what you do and where you go online, so spend some time looking at web browser settings to see what privacy options are available to you. 3. Use features and services available within an app or website. Also take a look at the privacy settings available in WKH VSHFL¿F DSSV ZHEVLWHV RU JDPHV \RXU family uses. Most will let you have a private

account, which means the whole world won’t be able to see what you post or who you’re connected to. 4. Remember that being online is a public life. Nothing is truly private online. If you and your family keep this in mind, it can help you all think through what you are about to post, like and click on, as well as who you connect with online. Explore more ideas to keep your kids and family safe online at internetsafety.trendmicro.com.

January 2018 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | 11

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hile school safety is of the utmost importance to parents, millions of school-age children begin and end their days with a bus ride. To provide some measures for parents to help increase safety going to and from the bus and during the ride, the National Association for Pupil Transportation offers these tips.

Before the Bus Arrives „







Ensure backpacks are packed securely so papers and other items don’t scatter as the bus approaches. Create a morning routine that puts kids DW WKH EXV VWRS ¿YH PLQXWHV EHIRUH WKH scheduled pickup time. This helps avoid a last-minute rush, when safety lessons are easily forgotten, and ensures kids are safely in place for boarding. Encourage children to wear bright, contrasting colors so they can be seen easier by drivers. Walk young children to the bus stop or encourage kids to walk in groups. There is safety in numbers; groups are easier for drivers to see. Instruct children to walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, advise them to VWD\ RXW RI WKH VWUHHW ZDON VLQJOH ¿OH IDFH WUDI¿F DQG VWD\ DV FORVH WR WKH HGJH RI WKH road as possible. If kids must cross a street, driveway or alley, remind them to stop and look both ways before crossing. Verify that the bus stop location offers good visibility for the bus driver; if



changes are needed, talk with nearby KRPHRZQHUV RU VFKRRO GLVWULFW RIÂżFLDOV WR implement changes. Never let kids wait in a house or car, where the driver may miss seeing them approach the bus. Remind children that the bus stop is not a playground. Balls or other toys can roll into the street and horseplay could result in IDOOLQJ LQWR WKH SDWK RI RQFRPLQJ WUDIÂżF Instruct children to stay at least three steps away from the road and allow the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching it.



Leaving the Bus „

On the Bus Ride „


Remind kids that yelling and other loud noises are off limits as they could distract the driver. If cell phones and other electronic devices are permitted, instruct children to mute the sound or use headphones so as not to create a distraction for the driver or other riders.

When boarding the bus, items can get bumped and dropped. Caution children that before picking anything up, they should talk to the driver and follow instructions to safely retrieve their possessions. Teach safe riding habits: stay seated with head, hands and feet inside at all times; use a seatbelt (if available); keep bags and books out of the aisle and remain seated until the bus stops moving. Also instruct children to never throw things on the bus or out the windows and to never play with or block the emergency exits.



Remind children to look before stepping off the bus. If they must cross the street, teach them to do so in front of the bus by WDNLQJ ÂżYH ELJ VWHSV IURP WKH IURQW RI WKH bus, making eye contact with the driver and waiting for the signal that it is safe to begin crossing. For parents who meet their kids at the bus stop, remember that in their excitement kids may dart across the street. Eliminate the risk by waiting on the side of the street where kids exit the bus. Make the bus ride part of your daily “how was school?â€? discussion. Encourage kids to talk about the things they see and hear on the bus so you can discuss appropriate behaviors and, if necessary, report any concerns to school administrators.

A Safe Transportation Option Beyond teaching safety precautions around the bus, there is another option to ensure kids are transported safely to and from school each day. Many school districts are moving away from noisy, pollutioninducing and expensive diesel buses in favor of buses powered by DQ DOWHUQDWH IXHO OLNH SURSDQH ZKLFK RIIHUV QXPHURXV EHQHÂżWV IRU school districts and their students.

Safety: Jenna Bush Hager, a teacher, author, journalist and parent

Jenna Bush Hager

of two, has partnered with the Propane Education & Research &RXQFLO WR HGXFDWH SDUHQWV DQG VFKRRO GLVWULFWV DERXW WKH EHQHÂżWV RI propane school buses. School buses powered by propane offer numerous safety advantages. Propane school buses are quieter than diesel buses when operating, making it easier for drivers to hear both inside and outside the bus. This can have a direct impact on student behavior, and many districts have reported fewer disciplinary issues as a result. An interactive audio quiz detailing the difference between the types of buses can be found at QuieterSchoolBuses.com.

12 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | January 2018

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Discuss the Bus Join the discussion (or start one) on school districts exploring a switch from diesel buses to cleaner alternatives by downloading resources including fact sheets, videos and more at BetterOurBuses.com.

“As a former teacher, I know parents often overlook how the ride to and from school can impact a child’s performance in the classroom,â€? Hager said. “A child’s attitude or behavior before they arrive at school can set the tone for the whole day.â€? In addition, these buses meet rigorous U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and each is equipped with an automatic shut-off IHDWXUH WKDW SUHYHQWV IXHO Ă€RZ WR WKH HQJLQH ZKHQ QRW UXQQLQJ Another safety consideration is the health implications of older diesel buses. The shorter height of younger students can put them face-to-face with a black cloud of diesel smoke every school day. With propane buses, however, students aren’t exposed to the harmful particulate matter in diesel exhaust, which is known to aggravate DVWKPD DQG KDV EHHQ LGHQWLÂżHG E\ WKH :RUOG +HDOWK 2UJDQL]DWLRQ DV a carcinogen. However, “low-NOxâ€? propane engines are 75 percent cleaner than current federal emissions standards require.

Savings: Not only is propane consistently less expensive than diesel fuel, the buses themselves don’t require the same expensive repairs and replacement parts that today’s modern diesel buses demand. Saving money on transportation costs puts schools in a better position to appropriate budget toward meeting students’ needs in the FODVVURRP DQG RWKHU DUHDV VXFK DV ¿QH DUWV DQG DWKOHWLF SURJUDPV

holiday meal where they are a guest. You might even offer to accompany them on a holiday shopping trip where a friend and extra set of hands can be helpful.


Doing something for someone else, such as helping at a soup kitchen, staffing a coat drive, or working with children, may lift your spirits and help everyone feel better about the holidays.

FEELINGS OF GRIEF AND LOSS CAN BE HEIGHTENED DURING THE HOLIDAYS Traumatic current events or the death of a loved one can add stress to the season; Integrity Hospice & NHPCO offers advice Many people are greatly affected by ongoing media coverage of national and international tragedies that have played out in recent weeks, just ahead of the holidays. And for those individuals who are grieving the death of a loved one, the holiday season can also be a particularly painful time.

Often, friends and family members of those affected by a loss are unsure how to act or what to say to support someone struggling during the holidays.

Many hospice and palliative care programs throughout the country host seasonal events for the community that bring feelings of peace and goodwill Hospice professionals, who are experts in helping such as the Festival of Trees, an annual event from people deal with feelings of loss and grief, Hospice & Community Care in Lancaster, recognize how difficult the holidays can be for some Pennsylvania. and offer helpful suggestions as the holiday season moves forward. Here are some tips from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization: “Our spirits can be adversely affected by negative coverage from current events that seems to be coming at us from all angles, whether it’s via television, newspapers, radio, or the Internet. Our Some people find strength in long emotional reactions can be heightened during this established traditions while others may choose to time of year,� says J. Donald Schumacher, a avoid customs of the past and do something new. licensed psychologist and president/CEO of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. It’s okay to do things differently. “Situations that stress danger and uncertainty in the Both tasks can be overwhelming for world around us are particularly discordant during someone who is grieving or overwhelmed by events the holidays when we traditionally think of a period going on in the world around us. Lending a hand can of ‘peace on Earth.’ be a great way to let someone know you’re thinking about them and their wellbeing. Added Schumacher, “And for those mourning a loved one – whether a recent death or one long ago If someone you know seems – the holiday season which is customarily marked down or depressed, consider inviting them to join by celebrations and family gatherings can be full of you for a holiday concert, religious service or a painful reminders that heighten the sense of loss.�

It can be important to acknowledge that a friend or loved one is struggling. Don’t discount their emotions, but give the person hope that, eventually, he or she will enjoy the holidays again. Don’t avoid someone because you don’t know what to say. Active listening from friends and family is an important step to helping someone coping with grief or overwhelming feelings of loss. Letting them share their feelings can help healing. When someone is grieving, it is okay to let them know that you are thinking of the loved one who died. Cards, phone calls and visits are great ways to stay in touch. Given the activity of the season, some people may make it through the holidays without any issues but they might find the post-holiday period to be more difficult. So circling back after the holidays to see how he or she is doing can help. “Hospice and palliative care professionals have always recognized the need to provide emotional and spiritual support to those who are dealing with loss,� added Schumacher. “Hospices often offer support to community members struggling with grief or loss so it might be useful to check with your community hospice to see if support is available.� To learn more about grief or coping with loss, call Integrity Hospice @ 866 311 2273 or visit NHPCO’s CaringInfo website, www.caringinfo.org. NHPCO December 14, 2015

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January 2018 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | 13

Routine saliva testing can also measure illegal drugs, environmental toxins, hormones and antibodies indicating hepatitis or HIV infection, among other things. In fact, the ability to detect HIV-specific antibodies has led to the production of commercial, easy-to-use saliva test kits. In the future, saliva testing may replace blood testing as a means of diagnosing and monitoring diseases such as diabetes, Taking good care of your mouth, teeth and Parkinson’s disease, cirrhosis of the liver and gums is a worthy goal in and of itself. Good oral and dental hygiene can help prevent bad many infectious diseases. Protection against harmful invaders: How saliva breath, tooth decay and gum disease—and can help you keep your teeth as you get older. disables bacteria and viruses Researchers are also discovering new reasons to brush and floss. A healthy mouth Saliva is also one of your body’s main may help you ward off medical disorders. The defenses against disease-causing organisms, flip side? An unhealthy mouth, especially if such as bacteria and viruses. It contains you have gum disease, may increase your risk antibodies that attack viral pathogens, such as of serious health problems such as heart the common cold and HIV. And it contains attack, stroke, poorly controlled diabetes and proteins called histatins, which inhibit the preterm labor. growth of a naturally occurring fungus called The case for good oral hygiene keeps Candida albicans. When these proteins are getting stronger. Understand the importance of weakened by HIV infection or other illness, oral health — and its connection to your candida can grow out of control, resulting in a overall health. fungal infection called oral thrush. What’s in your mouth reveals much about your Saliva also protects you against diseasehealth causing bacteria. It contains enzymes that What does the health of your mouth have to destroy bacteria in different ways, by degrading do with your overall health? In a word, plenty. bacterial membranes, inhibiting the growth and A look inside or a swab of saliva can tell your metabolism of certain bacteria, and disrupting doctor volumes about what’s going on inside vital bacterial enzyme systems. your body. The problem with dental plaque: Links to Many conditions cause oral signs and infections and diseases symptoms Though your saliva helps protect you against Your mouth is a window into what’s going some invaders, it can’t always do the job. More on in the rest of your body, often serving as a than 500 species of bacteria thrive in your helpful vantage point for detecting the early mouth at any given time. These bacteria signs and symptoms of systemic disease — a constantly form dental plaque — a sticky, disease that affects or pertains to your entire colorless film that can cling to your teeth and body, not just one of its parts. Systemic cause health problems. conditions such as AIDS or diabetes, for

in your mouth can also compromise your mouth’s normal defenses, allowing these bacteria to enter your bloodstream. If you have a healthy immune system, the presence of oral bacteria in your bloodstream causes no problems. Your immune system quickly dispenses with them, preventing infection. However, if your immune system is weakened, for example because of a disease or cancer treatment, oral bacteria in your bloodstream (bacteremia) may cause you to develop an infection in another part of your body. Infective endocarditis, in which oral bacteria enter your bloodstream and stick to the lining of diseased heart valves, is an example of this phenomenon. Plaque as cause of common conditions? Long-term gum infection can eventually result in the loss of your teeth. But the consequences may not end there. Recent research suggests that there may be an association between oral infections — primarily gum infections — and poorly controlled diabetes, cardiovascular disease and preterm birth. More research is needed to determine whether oral infections actually cause these conditions, which include: Poorly controlled diabetes. If you have diabetes, you’re already at increased risk of developing gum disease. But chronic gum disease may, in fact, make diabetes more difficult to control, as well. Infection may cause insulin resistance, which disrupts blood sugar control. Cardiovascular disease. Oral inflammation due to bacteria (gingivitis) may also play a role in clogged arteries and blood clots. It appears that bacteria in the mouth may cause inflammation throughout the body, including the arteries. This inflammation may serve as a base for development of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries, possibly increasing your risk of a example, often first become apparent as heart attack or stroke. Some research suggests If you don’t brush and floss regularly to keep mouth lesions or other oral problems. In fact, that people with gum infections are also at your teeth clean, plaque can build up along according to the Academy of General increased risk of heart attack and stroke. The Dentistry, more than 90 percent of all systemic your gumline, creating an environment for more severe the infection, the greater the risk additional bacteria to accumulate in the space diseases produce oral signs and symptoms. appears to be. And gum disease and tooth loss between your gums and your teeth. This gum Saliva: Helpful diagnostic tool may contribute to plaques in the carotid artery. infection is known as gingivitis. Left unchecked, In one study, 46 percent of participants who’d Your doctor can collect and test saliva to gingivitis can lead to a more serious gum detect for a variety of substances. For lost up to nine teeth had carotid artery plaque; infection called periodontitis. The most severe example, cortisol levels in saliva are used to among those who’d lost 10 or more teeth, 60 test for stress responses in newborn children. form of gum infection is called acute necrotizing percent of them had such plaque. ulcerative gingivitis, also known as trench And fragments of certain bone-specific Preterm birth. Severe gum disease may mouth. proteins may be useful in monitoring bone loss increase the risk of preterm delivery and giving Bacteria from your mouth normally don’t in women and men prone to osteoporosis. birth to a low birth weight baby. The National Certain cancer markers are also detectable in enter your bloodstream. However, invasive Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, in dental treatments — sometimes even just saliva. fact, estimates that as many as 18 percent of routine preterm, low birth weight babies born in the brushing United States each year may be attributed to and oral infections. The theory is that oral bacteria release toxins, which reach the placenta flossing if through the mother’s bloodstream and interfere you with the growth and development of the fetus. At the same time, the oral infection causes the mother to produce labor-triggering substances too quickly, potentially triggering premature labor and birth.

have gum disease — can provide a port of entry for these microbes. Medications or treatments that reduce saliva flow and antibiotics that disrupt the normal balance of bacteria 14 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | January 2018

If you didn’t already have enough reasons to take good care of your mouth, teeth and gums, the relationship between your oral health and your overall health provides even more. Resolve to practice good oral hygiene every day. You’re making an investment in your overall health, not just for now, but for the future, too. ©1998-2006 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). All rights reserved. A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. “Mayo,” “Mayo Clinic,” “MayoClinic.com,” “Mayo Clinic Health Information,” “Reliable information for a healthier life” and the tripleshield Mayo logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

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How to keep your busy, adventurous family safe



amilies are seemingly always on the go. From soccer games and school trips to excursions with friends and vacations with the family, people are constantly on the move, exploring new places and experiencing new things. In fact, a study by Sfara shows that kids today are XVLQJ SXEOLF WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ JRLQJ RQ ¿HOG WULSV DQG taking long-distance road trips at much younger ages compared to 30 years ago. As exciting as these new opportunities can be, it’s equally as important to make sure families – and kids – stay safe and protected at home and on the go.

AROUND THE HOUSE Know your neighbors Whether you live in an apartment building, cul-desac or the countryside, make it a point to get to know your neighbors. Building these relationships isn’t only neighborly, but can help keep you safe. Not only can you have a stronger community of people to lean on for small crises, like borrowing forgotten ingredients, and larger emergencies, such as weather-related disasters, but you’ll also have a better understanding of your surroundings.

Help in an instant While security systems deliver some peace of mind, they’re not always fool-proof, and they also aren’t WUDQVIHUDEOH WR WKH RྜFH VFKRRO RU \RXU VXPPHU getaway. Always on and always available, an app such as Sfara Guardian can help keep you and your family safe, no matter where you are. By just tripletapping your phone, even while it’s in your pocket, the app connects you to a live emergency manager who can provide the help you need. If you’re unable to respond, it will dispatch local responders to your exact location immediately.

Accessibility :KLOH EDE\ SURRÂżQJ VWDUWV LQ \RXU FKLOGUHQÂśV HDUOLHVW years, limiting their access to certain areas or items is important throughout their childhoods. When you have a young child, locks on cabinets and gates across steps may be your focus when it comes to home safety. As kids get older, ensure they do not have unsupervised access to dangerous items like cleaning supplies, prescription medicine or kitchen knives. Make sure to also have open conversations with kids about the dangers of seemingly safe home products so they are equipped to make appropriate choices outside the home.

Fire safety

Help on-the-go

Take the time to ensure your home is properly HTXLSSHG LQ FDVH RI ÂżUH &KHFN WKDW \RX KDYH ZRUNLQJ ÂżUH H[WLQJXLVKHUV DQG WKDW ZLQGRZV DQG ÂżUH HVFDSHV are not blocked by heavy furniture or other objects. Be sure everyone in your family knows the plan in FDVH RI D ÂżUH RU VLPLODU HPHUJHQF\ DW KRPH DQG LV aware of how to contact help, if needed.

Today, virtually everything is available at your ¿QJHUWLSV ULJKW WKURXJK D VPDUWSKRQH 1RZ VDIHW\ is that accessible, too. Apps, like Sfara Guardian, can connect you to live experts who can help you in virtually any kind of situation. For example, if you’ve been in an accident, the app can detect you need help and send local responders even if you can’t speak. Learn more at sfara.com.

AWAY FROM HOME Tools to take on the road In the past, families brought the essentials with them ZKHQ RQ WKH JR ¹ D ¿UVW DLG NLW VQDFNV DQG ZDWHU bottles. Now, in addition to the basics, make sure you add modern essentials to your packing list when you’re away from home, whether you’re going on a GD\ WULS RU D ORQJ YDFDWLRQ &DUU\ D SRUWDEOH SKRQH charger in your bag or in your car to ensure you can always connect to family, call for help if needed or MXVW XVH \RXU SKRQHœV ÀDVKOLJKW LQ FDVH RI D EODFNRXW

Stranger danger When in public, be hyper-aware of your surroundings and the people around you. Talk with your kids about how they should respond if they are approached by a stranger. It’s a good idea to practice at home so your child feels comfortable giving an emphatic “no� if the need arises. If you’ll be at a crowded location where you may become separated, use your phone to take a photo of your child so you have a current photo and clothing description ready if the unthinkable happens.


ost families spend an ample part of every day in their vehicles, between transport to school, activities, work and various errands. Keeping everyone safe is easier than ever with a slew of safety features that are increasingly available, either straight from the factory or as add-ons to your in-car experience. Advanced Navigation: While built-in navigation systems in cars may just seem like an added convenience, they are also a key safety feature. Navigation systems R྾HU HDV\ DFFHVV WR GLUHFWLRQV and points of interest on the road, which can help eliminate distractions and reduce the possibility of accidents. Features like voice control can make navigation hands-free and allow you to concentrate on the road. Smartphone Crash Detection: Today, the technology in your pocket is often more advanced than the cars you drive or ride in. Apps like Sfara Guardian can detect a car crash or incident and dispatch help. Because the technology is on the phone, it works whether you are the driver or passenger and in your car or someone else’s. Roadside assistance has a modern twist, too. If \RX QHHG KHOS ZLWK D ÀDW RU D tow, you can request service on your app and map the driver in real-time as he or she heads your way. Lock Controls: In some vehicles, an adjustable setting allows you to control which car doors unlock depending on ZKLFK GRRU \RX RSHQ ¿UVW RU how many times you press the unlock button. This feature can allow a driver to safely enter the car on the driver’s side without unlocking other doors and potentially giving access to an intruder. Similar controls can keep mischievous kids from pushing buttons in the back and unlocking or opening rear doors or windows without your knowledge.

January 2018 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | 15

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