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Erin Cannington, M.D. Allergy & Asthma Clinics of Georgia

Lisa Seymour Integrity Hospice

Dr. Hans Chang Albany Diagnostics

James Palazzolo, M.D. Sleep Apnea Centers of America

Keisha Callins, M.D. Mercer University School of Medicine

Kelly Miller, FNP-BC Georgia Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center


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Third Tuesday each month at 3pm at Phoebe Sumter Medical Center Cafeteria Private Dining Room.

Wednesdays at 11:00 to 11:45am at Senior Life Enrichment Center Call 435-6789 to register ~ FREE Ages 60 & up

Mondays at 11:00am Advanced Wednesdays at 3:00pm at Senior Life Enrichment Center Call 435-6789 to Register ~ FREE Ages 60 & up 2 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | May 2017

PLANNED FEDERAL MEDICAID CHANGES THREATEN SW GA. HEALTH SAFETY NET By Laura Harker One out of every five southwest Georgia residents can see a doctor because of coverage provided by the Medicaid program. Medicaid was created in 1965 as a public health insurance program for low-income residents. Almost 2 million Georgia children, seniors, and people with disabilities across the state receive critical health services through Medicaid. The majority of Medicaid enrollees in Georgia are children. About 78,000 children in southwest Georgia or half of the children living in the region, carry health coverage through Medicaid and PeachCare. PeachCare is Georgia’s name for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, a federal health coverage option for children in families with incomes slightly above the Medicaid threshold. Together, Medicaid and PeachCare help bring the uninsured rate for Georgia children down to 8 percent compared to the adult uninsured rate of 19 percent. Medicaid is especially important in southwest Georgia in providing health care coverage for children. The Georgia counties with the largest percentage of children receiving Medicaid benefits are Randolph County at 75 percent and Terrell County with 71 percent.


About one-quarter of Medicaid enrollees are seniors and people with disabilities. There are 11,000 low-income seniors in southwest Georgia who receive health coverage through both Medicare and Medicaid. Medicaid makes it possible for these seniors to afford prescription drugs and long-term care. Medicaid is the primary payer for 75 percent of nursing home services in Georgia. Over half of Southwest Georgia residents living with disabilities receive Medicaid coverage. Medicaid helps to cover essential supports such as durable medical equipment and home health aides. Medicaid provides this important coverage in an efficient way. The Medicaid program spends 6 cents of every dollar on administrative costs compared to private insurers who can spend up to 20 cents of every dollar on administrative costs. Georgia currently receives $2.11 in federal money for every dollar the state invests in the Medicaid program. This provides a strong return and the flexibility to draw down additional funds for innovative efforts to improve health care. In efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the U.S. Congress recently proposed cutting funding for the Medicaid program. These proposals would fundamentally change the structure of Medicaid by capping federal payments to the state based on each state’s historical spending. Georgia is the second lowest spending state on Medicaid per enrollee. A structural change to Medicaid would lock in Georgia at a low rate and squeeze the state’s budget. A capped Medicaid program is estimated to reduce federal Medicaid funding in Georgia by $4 billion over 10 years. With significantly less funding, the state would need to raise new revenue or cut benefits and restrict Medicaid eligibility even beyond the state’s existing stringent requirements.

“Southern “S Sout uth the her ern rn Hospit Hos H Hospitality ossppita ittality tality alit ali lity tyy ffor or Gr Gracious Gra rac racious aacious cious cicio us Living� Livivving inng� MAGNOLIA PLACE OF CAIRO offers you gracious retirement living and the assistance you need to maintain a healthy and independent lifestyle. Designed to meet each resident’s individual needs. MAGNOLIA PLACE will provide a broad range of health support services to foster continued health and quality of life in a comfortable, supportive family atmosphere. This grand Georgian-style home nestled on four quiet, wooded acres in Cairo, Georgia, offers true southern hospitality to its residents.

The health coverage of some of the most vulnerable Georgia residents would be at risk under any changes to the structure of Medicaid. Southwest Georgia children, seniors, and people with disabilities who depend on Medicaid and the local health providers who depend on Medicaid payments, cannot afford a significant cut to the Medicaid program. Laura Harker is the health policy analyst at the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute

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burning, and difficulty eating. You should try to have a dental exam every 6 months or more frequently if you have concerns.

Your oral health, (taking care of your teeth, tongue, and gums), has an impact on how you look and feel, but it can also have a significant impact on the health issues that already affect women. Oral health issues such as gum disease could increase Your dentist and dental hygienist will work together your risk of heart disease, stroke, and lung to show you exactly how to take care of your mouth, problems; it may also affect your pregnancy, and and make recommendation about what needs to be may be more common in women with diabetes and done to maintain your teeth and your gums. It is women who smoke. Gum disease if sometimes important to know how to brush and floss; when to difficult to recognize because it can be a slow brush and floss; how to take care of dental fixtures process that you may not be aware of until you like braces or dentures; how to clean your tongue; have severe symptoms like pain, bleeding when and what products are best for you. They will also you brush, or being sensitive to hot or cold foods. do an exam to look for early signs of oral cancer. Therefore, your best action plan is to brush and floss daily, and to see your dentist on a regular schedule, and maintain a healthy diet. While oral health is important because of how you look and smell, it is even more important because of how it may be related to other health issues. If it Bad Breath - (fancy name is “hali-tos-is�), may be has been some time since you went to the dentist, caused by not taking care of your mouth (dirty teeth whether it may be due to fear or finances, I highly and or tongue), foods, medicines, tobacco, recommend that you take a friend to hold your hand dentures, or even some health problems. Tooth and look for places with reasonable payment Decay - also known as cavities, are usually due to options for you. When it comes to your teeth, it is the bacteria that normally live in your mouth but cheaper to keep them and take care of them. which may produce chemicals over time that can damage the natural layer that protects your teeth. Gum Disease may be related to changes in the levels of your female hormones at different stages of life (during cycles/pregnancy/menopause), and can affect your gums – bleeding, swelling, pain,




with Keisha R. Callins, MD. MPH Mercer University School of Medicine



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dust mite matter, allergens and dander. It’s important to not only rinse these items but to use a detergent that removes allergens and is gentle on skin, like all free clear liquid and mightypacs laundry detergent for sensitive skin. The liquid detergent removes 99 percent of everyday and seasonal allergens, (Family Features) While springtime means including the top spring allergens: tree and grass pollen, and is the No. 1 blooming flowers, warmer temperatures recommended detergent brand by and more time spent outdoors, it also means allergies and pollen. Tackling dust dermatologists, allergists and mite matter, tree pollen and animal dander pediatricians for sensitive skin. To view is completely different from protecting your the full line of laundry products, visit home against the winter flu and requires a allfreeclear.com. new regimen of preparation and cleaning. Ingredients Matter. Taking preventative measures against spring allergens can Take on spring allergens by refreshing start in a surprising place: the refrigerator. your home with these simple practices, and help get your family ready to enjoy the While most people think about treating allergens in their homes and on their warmer months. clothes, they tend to forget that a good diet is also a good defense. Avoiding Prep for Bed. Allergens don’t go to bed when you do; they can continue to irritate aged, pickled or fermented foods like blue cheese and kimchi with naturally even while you’re sleeping, causing a restless slumber. To help ensure allergens occurring histamines can help prevent and pollens aren’t tracked into bedrooms, coughing, sneezing and itching triggered by spring allergens. Instead, look to boost leave a laundry basket in the hall and your meals with ingredients found in the have family members remove their Mediterranean Diet, such as fresh fruits clothing before entering their rooms. A and vegetables like apples and broccoli quick rinse in a warm shower before bed as well as nuts and fatty fishes that have can help you relax and wind down while also washing away any unwanted pollens essential vitamins and nutrients known to fight allergy symptoms. still stuck in your hair or on your skin.

house, so this season make sure to give pets twice-a-week baths to wash out dander and pollen. Remember to also wash pet beds and chew toys that are thrown around the yard to help prevent allergens from being transported into and throughout your home. With these four steps to help protect your home and family against spring allergens, you can start enjoying a healthy, clean spring. Photo courtesy of Getty Images

Freshen Fabrics. Clothing, towels and bed Give Pets a Makeover. Your furry friend may be one of the biggest culprits for linens - items you come in contact with sneaking allergens and pollen into the multiple times a day - can trap pollens,




%FOOJT " 3PCJOTPO . % t 5SBDZ " #SJEHFT . % .JDIBFM " 'PXMFS 1" $ t /BODZ .D,FNJF 1" $ &SJO . $BOOJOHUPO . % t +FOOJGFS #FSSZ '/1 $

8 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | May 2017

No matter what they say, you can prevent some cancers! prevalent), and just 5 percent by inherited genetic traits. Furthermore, they state, “Deleterious environmental ... factors ... to eight hours of sleep nightly; and stress-response can directly increase the reduction. That’s the formula mutation rate.” for a long, healthy life, and it’s From other studies, it’s well in your control. established that obesity is associated with an Mehmet Oz, M.D. is increased risk of cancer of host of “The Dr. Oz the kidney, gallbladder, Show,” and Mike endometrium, ovaries, Roizen, M.D. is thyroid, liver and colon. For Chief example, overweight Wellness women are two to four Officer and times more likely to be Chair of diagnosed with endometrial Wellness cancer. Institute at Johns Hopkins Cleveland researchers found that the Your power over cancer Clinic. To live majority of cancers of the lies in avoiding toxins your healthiest, pancreas, brain, bone or (tobacco is the most tune into “The prostate are attributable to common one, but BPA, Dr. Oz Show” or random and unpredictable BPS and phthalates also visit genetic mutations. are common); making www.sharecare.com. However, they also found smart food choices that somewhere around 29 (avoiding the Five Food (c) 2017 Michael percent of all cancers are Felons and taking half a Roizen, M.D. and triggered by environment multivitamin twice a day); Mehmet Oz, M.D. and/or lifestyle choices physical activity (10,000 Distributed by King (and those cancers often steps a day or the Features Syndicate, are among the most equivalent); getting seven Inc.

Once again, headlines proclaim a “shocking finding” that makes us nuts! This week’s 72-point headline goof? “Nearly Two-Thirds of Cancers Are Caused By DNA Mistakes.” ARGHHH! That proclamation makes it seem like no matter what smart lifestyle choices you make, you can’t dodge the big C. That’s WRONG, WRONG and more WRONG. And the research those headlines are based on doesn’t agree either!



May 2017 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | 9

Dr. Charles A. Rouse, Jr. Founder The Medicine Man’s Corner

http://www.themedicineman.com board. Keep repeating this cycle until the wart disappears. Sometimes it takes up to a week to get it gone. To speed up the The therapy is easy. You just cut you a piece duct tape big enough recovery and make it disappear to “smother” the wart. Cover even faster, 1 drop of “castor oil” the wart up with the tape or “tea tree oil” will kill the virus and leave it on for a day. much quicker. Because the tape is non-breathable it will The hardware store trick will be a do the job in no time. lot less expensive that the trip to The wart is viral and the doctor. The immune system can be fortified to such strength the virus will be annihilated. If it’s a that a wart doesn’t stand a chance. You do this by using glutathione big wart, after removing the tape, 150mg a day. A strong immune soak the wart in system makes things top notch. water for a short period #yourhealthismypassion Dr. Charlie and then “buff” with pumice or an emery great wart removal. It sure beats liquid nitrogen freezing therapy.

belongs in your medicine cabinet as well as your tool box. Surely there’s 1,001 uses for duct tape, but I know how to make 1,002 the use that will work for you medically. Duct tape therapy is a

IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO JUMPSTART A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE FOR 2017 American respondents believe drinking water helps maintain a healthy lifestyle.

4 TIPS YOU NEED TO SUCCEED (Family Features) Each year, millions of Americans make New Year’s resolutions to achieve personal or professional goals. For many, that means focusing on improving health and wellness. You tell yourself this is going to be the year you join a gym, eat better or drink more water. Yet that commitment often falls short, as a recent survey suggests less than 10 percent of Americans achieve their resolutions. There are many reasons people fall short of their goals, including setting the bar too high or being overly restrictive, which can lead to small failures and setbacks. However, there are easy ways to get back on track. A Global Water Survey, published by Nestlé Waters and Kantar TNS, revealed 94 percent of

One key to jumpstarting a healthy lifestyle is staying hydrated by drinking more water. With so much focus on food, beverage choices are often overlooked. With no calories or added sugars, water is a smart choice to stay hydrated. Here are four tips from Sarah Ladden, a registered dietitian and Director, Nutrition, Health and Wellness at Nestlé Waters North America, to help you stay hydrated in 2017 and beyond. GOOD HABITS SHOULDN’T FEEL BAD. Overly restrictive commitments can set you up for failure. Instead, adopt small and manageable changes to your daily routine and they can add up to big changes over time. For example, swapping just one 12-ounce (140 calorie), sugar-sweetened beverage with water each day could cut up to 50,000 calories and more than 65 cups of sugar from your diet in a year.

reach all day – a pitcher on the kitchen counter, a bottle in your car’s center console, a refillable bottle at your desk – to keep healthy hydration top of mind. ADD SOME SPARKLE TO YOUR DAY. Sparkling water is a great option for those who favor something other than plain water. With zero calories and no added sugar, sparkling water is a delicious, refreshing choice for healthy hydration. When entertaining, consider adding a DIY sparkling water bar to your repertoire – just put out some sparkling water, sliced fruits, vegetables and herbs, and your guests can do the rest. TURN YOUR WATER BOTTLE INTO YOUR TRAVEL COMPANION. The survey revealed that American consumers are 72 percent more likely to drink water in their cars. Whether you’re commuting to work or running errands, you’re constantly on the go and a bottle of water could be your best companion. To learn more about healthy hydration, visit nestle-watersna.com/en.

REPLACE WHAT YOU LOSE. Adults are made up of 60 percent water, Photo courtesy of Getty Images which needs to be replenished throughout the day to help you maintain #13632 a proper fluid balance. Keep water within Source: Nestlé Waters

10 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | May 2017

Photo courtesy of Getty Images




ummer is a time for playground fun, camping, boating, swimming, biking and other outdoor activities. Longer days mean more time outside and more physical activity, which translates to increased potential for injuries. Playground falls, lawnmower accidents, FDPSÂżUH DQG ÂżUH SLW EXUQV DUH VRPH FRPPRQ childhood injuries that can happen during summer months. “Sustaining a serious injury can be a life-altering event for a child,â€? said Chris Smith, Chairman of the Board of Directors for Shriners Hospitals for ChildrenÂŽ. “We see patients every day with injuries caused by accidents and we are committed to raising awareness about how to stay safe.â€? These tips from Shriners Hospitals for Children can help your family enjoy a fun, injury-free summer.

Go Outside and Play

Outdoor play provides physical and mental KHDOWK EHQH¿WV LQFOXGLQJ RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU exercise, creative expression, stress reduction and access to a free and natural source of vitamin D – sunlight. Before sending kids out to play, make sure they are wearing shoes to protect their feet from cuts, scrapes and splinters, and wearing sunscreen to protect against sunburns and harmful ultraviolet rays.

Playground 101

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that emergency departments treat more than 200,000 children ages 14 and younger every year for playground-related injuries. Before your kids head to the playground, keep these precautions in mind: „ Choose parks and playgrounds that are appropriate for their age and offer shock-absorbing surfaces. „ Teach children that pushing and shoving on the playground can result in accidents and injuries.

Tips for a fun, safe summer

„ Remind kids to go down the slide one at a time and to wait until the slide is completely clear before taking their turn. Teach them to always sit facing forward with their legs straight in front of WKHP DQG WR QHYHU VOLGH GRZQ KHDG¿UVW „ Remind children to swing sitting down. Encourage them to wait until the swing stops before getting off and to be careful when walking in front of moving swings.

Make a Safe Splash

While playing poolside may be a blast, Safe Kids Worldwide reports that drowning is the leading cause of injury-related deaths for children ages 1-4 and the third-leading cause of injury-related deaths among those under 19. Additionally, the University of Michigan Health Systems estimate that about 6,000 kids under the age of 14 are hospitalized because of diving injuries each year, with 1 in 5 sustaining a spinal cord injury. Prevent accidents and injuries with these tips to ensure your family’s safety around water: „ Instruct children to never swim alone or go near water without an adult present. „ Give children your undivided attention when they are swimming or near any body of water. „ $OZD\V MXPS LQ IHHW ¿UVW WR FKHFN WKH GHSWK before diving into any body of water. „ Never dive in the shallow end of the pool or into above-ground pools.

Fun on the Water

Boating, tubing and other water sports can be great fun but can also be dangerous. According to the U.S. Coast Guard, nearly 71 percent of all boating fatalities are drownings, 85 percent of which are a result of not wearing a life jacket. Here is what you can do to enjoy the water safely: „ Always have children wear a Coast GuardDSSURYHG SURSHUO\ ¿WWHG OLIH MDFNHW ZKLOH RQ a boat, around an open body of water or when participating in water sports. „ Educate yourself. According to the U.S. Coast Guard, 86 percent of boating accident deaths

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

involve boaters who have not completed a safety course. „ Always check water conditions and forecasts before going out on the water.


According to the CDC, more than 300 children ages 19 and under are treated in emergency rooms IRU ¿UH DQG EXUQ UHODWHG LQMXULHV HDFK GD\ 8VH WKHVH WLSV WR KHOS NHHS FKLOGUHQ VDIH DURXQG ¿UHV ¿UHZRUNV JULOOV DQG RWKHU KHDW VRXUFHV „ Teach kids to never play with matches, JDVROLQH OLJKWHU ÀXLG RU OLJKWHUV 0DNH D KDELW

of placing these items out of the reach of young children. „ Do not leave children unattended near grills, FDPSÂżUHV ÂżUH SLWV RU ERQÂżUHV $OZD\V KDYH D EXFNHW RI ZDWHU RU ÂżUH H[WLQJXLVKHU QHDUE\ ZKHQHYHU WKHUH LV DQ RSHQ Ă€DPH „ Take your child to a doctor or hospital LPPHGLDWHO\ LI KH RU VKH LV LQMXUHG LQ D ÂżUH RU E\ ÂżUHZRUNV „ /HDYH ÂżUHZRUNV WR WKH SURIHVVLRQDOV 7R VHH PRUH WLSV ÂżQG DFWLYLW\ SDJHV DQG OHDUQ how to become a “Superhero of Summer Safety,â€? visit shrinershospitalsforchildren.org/safesummer.

When the Unexpected Happens


t was a beautiful, sunny day when Jordan Nerski headed to the playground with his mother, like millions of other kids on summer vacation. One minute Jordan was climbing on the jungle gym and the next he was on the ground with a broken elbow. Accidents like these are why emergency room doctors and staff refer to the summer months as “trauma season.� During these warm, action-packed months, kids spend more hours active and outdoors, often without adult

supervision, increasing the chance of injury. When these accidents occur, parents want the best care possible for their children. Jordan’s mother Jackie received a recommendation from a friend who suggested that she bring her son to the Shriners Hospital for Children — Portland walk-in fracture clinic. “The experience we had was truly amazing,� Jackie Nerski said. “It was a stressful time since he was in a lot of pain, but everyone from the greeter at check-in to the

doctor made it the best experience.� A simple and streamlined process, Jordan, equipped with an X-ray documenting his break, was checked-in at the fracture clinic, treated and casted in under 2 hours. Jordan returned with his mother for follow-up visits to ensure his elbow was healing properly and they found every visit to be stress-free and informative. “At each visit, every care was taken for his comfort and to answer all my questions to appease my anxiety,� Jackie Nerski said.

“It was an experience that was fantastic; though one I hope we don’t need again, but if we do, we know where to go.� Including the Portland location, there are 22 Shriners Hospitals for Children in the United States, Canada and Mexico that provide specialized care to children with orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries and cleft lip and palate, regardless of the families’ ability to pay. Of these 22 hospitals, 13 also offer walk-in fracture clinics.

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Gochujang-Glazed Chicken

Learn why foil-packet cooking is hot, hot, hot




s the saying goes, big things come in small packages and that may explain the burgeoning popularity of foil-packet recipes. Minimal preparation and cleanup are easy trade-offs for the immense flavors you can create in these tiny containers, whether you prepare them in the oven, on the grill or over an open flame. The secret to successful foil cooking is locking in the layers of flavor from each ingredient. It’s surprisingly simple to create delicious, healthy dishes when cooking with foil. An ingredient like seasoned rice vinegar offers a wholesome alternative to many condiments and flavorings while giving your packet a big flavor boost. With no artificial preservatives, flavors or ingredients and no high-fructose corn syrup, Nakano® Rice Vinegars are the perfect solution for building better-for-you foil-packet meals. With organic varieties and easy-to-read labels featuring real, recognizable ingredients, you can feel great about layering delicious flavor into your next foil-packet meal with rice vinegar. Garlic seasoned rice vinegar delivers a boost of flavor to this Asian-inspired chicken, creating a sensational main dish. Add crisp fresh veggies tossed with organic rice vinegar and garlic as a side then finish the meal with a sweet take on a juicy fruit crisp. Find more inspired ideas for healthy meals at Mizkan.com/Recipes.

PERFECT FOIL POUCH 1. A 12-inch square piece of foil is a good starting point, but you may need to adjust depending on the recipe. Remember you’ll need plenty of extra room around the ingredients for the heat to build up and cook the contents to perfection. 2. Use heavy-duty foil to avoid tears or poor seals that can spill ingredients and precious seasonings and juices. 3. Spread foil on a flat surface and add a light nonstick spray, if needed.

4. Place ingredients and seasonings in the center of the foil.

5. Bring long sides of the foil together over the food. Pinch together and make 1/2-inch folds straight across at least twice for a strong seal. Remember to leave plenty of open space between the foil and food. 6. Make 1/2-inch folds on each short end, folding toward food but leaving at least 1 1/2-2 inches between the seam and food.

Gochujang-Glazed Chicken

Servings: 4 Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 45 minutes 4 tablespoons Nakano Seasoned Rice Vinegar – Roasted Garlic 2 teaspoons gochujang (chile bean paste) 6 tablespoons maple syrup 4 teaspoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons, plus 2 teaspoons, olive oil 4 teaspoons Dijon mustard 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 8 chicken thighs 4 cups fresh cauliflower, riced (use grater or food processer so cauliflower resembles rice) 1 1/2 cups fresh scallions, sliced 2 cups fresh sugar snap peas 3 sprigs fresh cilantro, for garnish Heat oven or grill to 375 F. In large bowl, mix together vinegar, gochujang, maple syrup, soy sauce, olive oil, mustard, salt and pepper to form marinade. Dip chicken in marinade and toss lightly until coated. Lightly oil foil pouch and layer base of pouch with cauliflower. Add scallions and sugar snap peas then place chicken on top. Carefully pour remaining marinade over pouch contents (ensuring that liquid stays inside foil). Seal foil packet and bake or grill 30 minutes. Open foil to create 2-inch long vent then bake or grill another 15 minutes, or until completely cooked. Garnish with cilantro before serving. Chef’s tip: For best results and added flavor, marinate chicken 30 minutes before preparing pouches. Substitutions: In place of gochujang, red pepper flake paste can be made by mixing 1 tablespoon red pepper flakes with a few dashes soy sauce and 1 dash sugar. Alternatively, substitute 2 teaspoons sriracha for gochujang.

7. Handle pouch with care to avoid piercing or tearing, and always use tongs to remove pouches from heat.

Bartlett Pear and Oat Crisp

Servings: 4 Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes 4 cups fresh pears, medium diced 4 tablespoons Nakano Seasoned Rice Vinegar – Mango 3/4 cup quick oats 2/3 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup, plus 2 teaspoons, all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon 6 tablespoons butter, diced into 1/4-inch squares Heat oven to 375 F. Toss pears in rice vinegar and set into lightly greased foil pouch. Combine remaining ingredients in bowl and use two forks to combine ingredients until mixture becomes crumbly. Pour mixture evenly over pears, seal pouch and bake 20 minutes. Open top of foil and bake another 10 minutes, or until crisp and golden. Chef’s tips: For crispier crust, refrigerate crumbly mixture 30 minutes before baking. Serve with scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.

Bartlett Pear and Oat Crisp

Mediterranean Vegetables

Mediterranean Vegetables

Servings: 4 Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 25 minutes 3 tablespoons Nakano Organic Rice Vinegar – Seasoned 1/4 cup olive oil 1 teaspoon salt, plus extra, to taste 1/2 teaspoon pepper, plus extra, to taste 1 tablespoon, plus 1 1/2 teaspoons, fresh parsley, chopped 1 1/2 teaspoons fresh garlic, minced 1 cup fresh zucchini, sliced into 1 3/4-inch long, 1/4-inch thick planks 1 cup fresh green pepper strips 1 cup fresh red pepper strips 8 fresh stalks asparagus, slicing off 1/4 inch from bottom of stalk 1 fresh portobello mushroom, sliced into 1/2-inch squares 1 cup fresh eggplant, diced into 1/2-inch squares Heat oven or grill to 375 F. In large bowl, mix together rice vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper, parsley and garlic to create marinade. Clean vegetables then place them in marinade in small batches. Toss to coat then place in foil pouch. Pour remaining marinade over vegetables and seal pouch. Bake in oven or over indirect heat on grill 25 minutes. Add salt and pepper, to taste, after removing pouch from heat. Chef’s tip: Open pouch after 20 minutes of cooking and allow vegetables to crisp slightly under direct heat for remaining 5 minutes.

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