Erin Cannington, M.D. Allergy & Asthma Clinics of Georgia
Judith Hatch, DC Holistic Healthcare
Dr. Hans Chang Albany Diagnostics
James Palazzolo, M.D. Sleep Apnea Centers of America
Keisha Callins, M.D. Albany Area Primary Health Care
Kelly Miller, FNP-BC Georgia Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center
ASU’s New Darton College of Health Professions. BETTER. TOGETHER. The Albany State University is committed to principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action. $PMMFHF %SJWF "MCBOZ "MCBOZ (" t
PAGE 3 ~ How to Make Nighttime Caregiving Easier PAGE 4 ~ Let’s Talk Dr. Callins & Ask Dr. K PAGE 8 ~ Skin Care Advice to Reverse Unsightly UV Damage PAGE 9 ~ Winter More Brutal for Asthma & Allergy Sufferers PAGE 10 ~ Get Picky about Pet Food PAGE 11 ~ Lung Cancer PAGE 12 ~ Tissue Donation PAGE 13 ~ Dr. Oz & Roizen PAGE 15 ~ Health & Safety Go Hand-N-Hand
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RECURRING EVENTS PHOEBE PUTNEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Third Tuesday each month at 3pm at Phoebe Sumter Medical Center Cafeteria Private Dining Room.
Wednesdays at 11:00 to 11:45am at Senior Life Enrichment Center Call 435-6789 to register ~ FREE Ages 60 & up
Mondays at 11:00am Advanced Wednesdays at 3:00pm at Senior Life Enrichment Center Call 435-6789 to Register ~ FREE Ages 60 & up 2 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | November 2016
November 2016 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | 3
Fight like a Girl: Don’t Let Fatigue Knock you Down or Out! Enlightenment Women often report, “feeling tired” or “worn out” as one of their most common complaints. Fatigue affects the ability to be effective and efficient in completing tasks at home and work, and is linked to overall satisfaction in life. There are many nonmedical and medical factors that can affect your energy level and it is important to understand what may be impacting your energy level. Fatigue can be physical, or mental, or both, and honestly, sometimes hard to tell the difference. Education Medical concerns that may contribute to fatigue: 1) Abnormal Thyroid; 2) Heart Disease; 3) Vitamin D Deficiency; 4) Anemia; 5) Sleep Apnea; 6) Depression; 7) Other medical conditions like Lupus and Diabetes. There are blood tests that can be done to help evaluate for these conditions. Non-medical concerns that may contribute to fatigue: 1) Lack of sleep; 2) Over-commitment; 3) Lack of exercise; 4) Unhealthy food choices, 5) Stress.
These will require a lifestyle assessment and focused efforts to make the appropriate changes. Empowerment Talk to your doctor about the changes that you have experienced and the appropriate testing that you may need to evaluate your symptoms. Take time to reorganize your priorities to make time for things that are important and helpful to you, such as healthy foods, exercise, rest and relaxation. Take vitamins or medications that may have been prescribed to help you feel better. Encouragement Even though you may not always be able to control your circumstances, you owe it to yourself to do your best to take care of your mental and physical health. When you are tired and exhausted, it is hard for you to get the most out of your life, and even harder to give your best to the people that need you the most. QUOTE OF THE DAY: God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.
Do I still need to fast before a cholesterol test? DEAR DOCTOR K: I heard that fasting will no longer be required before a cholesterol test. Will the results still be as accurate? DEAR READER: To answer your question, I need to first describe what a “cholesterol test” is. There are three types of cholesterol that typically are measured: LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, HDL (“good”) cholesterol and total cholesterol (basically, the sum of LDL and HDL). There is a fourth type of fat measured at the same time: triglycerides. Most doctors order all four tests as part of what’s called a “lipid (fat) panel.” LDL, HDL and total cholesterol levels are not much affected by having recently eaten, but triglycerides are. If measuring the triglycerides is not that important, then fasting becomes less important. Fasting is a hassle, for both patients and doctors. It may be a hassle for you to come for a blood test first thing in the morning, and then to have breakfast, and then to begin your day. And if your schedule doesn’t allow you to have the test until later in
the day, continuing to fast becomes quite unpleasant. Indeed, if you have diabetes, long fasts can be dangerous. International guidelines recently published in the European Heart Journal became the latest official recommendation against routine fasting for cholesterol tests. I spoke to my colleague, Dr. Naomi Fisher, an endocrinologist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She noted that these guidelines defend what many health care systems and doctors have been practicing for several years already. That’s because many studies in recent years have found that eating has only slight, clinically insignificant effects on total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol. Perhaps more important, large-scale analyses have shown that non-fasting lipid measurements don’t weaken the ability of lipid levels to predict harmful events like heart attack and stroke. In fact, post-meal measures are thought to strengthen their predictive ability. This observation may stem from the fact that most people eat several meals plus snacks
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during the day. That means we spend most of our time in a “fed” state, not a fasting state. So lipid levels after eating may best reflect our normal physiology. Having said this, I still ask some patients to come in the morning for fasting blood tests. First, high levels of triglycerides do increase the risk of heart disease. Very high levels can cause other health problems, including inflammation of the pancreas. So if a person’s triglycerides tend to be high, I like to monitor them in the fasting state so that the results can fairly be compared to previous fasting results. Also, a fasting blood sugar (done on the same blood sample) is valuable in monitoring people at risk for getting diabetes. So there can be two reasons, in certain patients, to obtain a fasting blood sample. So ask your doctor if you really need to skip breakfast before your next blood draw. There may be a good reason, like the ones I’ve just given. But there may not be. Traditions die hard. But science eventually preserves only the traditions with proven value.
November 2016 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | 5
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Sponsored Content FAMILY FEATURES
t’s one of the great ironies of life: Your reward for surviving the tumultuous teen years, establishing a career and nurturing a family culminates in dry skin, a thickening waist and too many moments peppered with “Now, where did I leave those car keys?” You know ... that time of your life that seemed so far away when viewed from a distance. As the calendar pages keep turning, you may find yourself greeting this new phase of life with mixed feelings: a sense of accomplishment, sure, but perhaps also apprehension for the unknown and even surprise from unanticipated changes. “With age comes wisdom and experience, but it can also include new and unexpected signs of growing older that can impact your body and life,” said Barbara Hannah Grufferman, positive aging expert and author of the best-selling book “The Best of Everything After 50.” Fortunately, in many regards, age is but a state of mind. With these practical tips, you can glide into the future with vitality, grace and confidence.
Ever looked at your driver’s license and thought, “Is that really my age?” It’s time to find out how old you really feel. 1. Are you confident enough to wear the clothes and styles you love? a. Absolutely, I don’t let anything stand in the way of fashion. b. Sometimes – I’ve definitely outgrown some styles. c. Not really ... I tend to go for safe, sensible outfits.
2. Long-distance adventures or local delights: What’s your travel preference? a. The further the better – the best adventures begin with a longdistance flight. b. I love the idea of long-distance travel, but I’d have to be well prepared. c. Close to home – I don’t like veering too far.
Stay true to your style
There is no written rule that once you achieve a certain age, your hair must be cropped close, your wardrobe frozen in time or your favorite vibrant lipstick shade cast aside. True, with age you may make a few modifications, such as a new hairstyle that accommodates thinner strands or one that shows off your gorgeous grays. But your personal style is an important aspect of your identity, and simply tweaking or slightly evolving your look lets you remain true to your familiar self as you enter this new phase of life.
Resist the urge to rest
Filling your time with low-demand pursuits is a perfectly natural response to the liberation of an empty nest or the newfound freedom of retirement. You’ve earned a break, for sure. However, be wary of letting your brain languish to extremes. Find ways to stimulate your mind to help keep you sharp and ward off those “senior moments.”
Make your physical wellness a priority
For decades, you’ve heard admonishments about taking proper care of your body: eating right, exercising regularly, avoiding smoking and excess drinking, and getting plenty of rest. If you ignored that advice, remember this: It’s never too late to introduce healthier habits. Taking care of your body will help ensure you have the physical stamina to continue enjoying your favorite activities, and
will give you the best shot at keeping your health condition optimal. Not only does keeping in shape provide overall health benefits, targeted exercises can help with other concerns, as well. For example, after 4-6 weeks of working out your pelvic floor muscles regularly, you may start to notice an improvement in your sensitive bladder.
Embrace confidence boosters
Change is at the very heart of midlife, and most of us can come to acknowledge, even appreciate, how life has a way of evolving. But changes can sometimes cause confidence to lag, especially when it’s your body that’s changing. “The loss of a job, upheavals in a long-term relationship, financial hardships and empty nests are just a few of the big challenges we frequently confront – not to mention the new health issues that we might face,” Grufferman said. One common confidence breaker: a sensitive bladder. A recent survey by Always Discreet found that women with sensitive bladders feel less confident than those who don’t experience leaks, in
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certain situations like traveling long distances or being in an unknown or unfamiliar area.1 However, you don’t have to let your sensitive bladder stand in the way of living your life. In fact, the same survey showed that most women with sensitive bladders (72 percent) who use bladder protection, such as Always Discreet liners, pads and underwear, say they feel more confident because of these products. The full line of bladder leak protection products provides women incredible comfort, protection, discretion and odor control so you can get back to enjoying life, no matter your age. To learn more about managing a sensitive bladder, including advice for how to talk with your doctor, visit 1The
Always Discreet U.S. Survey was conducted using the IPSOS Panel that surveyed a total of 400 American women (aged 35 to 65 years old). Of the 400 women, 200 have experienced urine loss/bladder weakness in the past three months and 200 had not experienced urine loss/bladder weakness. Significance testing between the two groups was done at a 90 percent confidence level. The survey was implemented between September 15, 2015 and September 25, 2015. In the study were 65 women with sensitive bladders who use products specifically designed for bladder leaks.
3. What’s your first thought when someone mentions bladder sensitivity? a. It’s an old age issue – it only affects older women over 65. b. Many moms like me experience it after childbirth. c. I have it and I know it can happen to anyone, regardless of age.
4. What’s your fitness regime like? a. Intense – exercise is the highlight of my day. b. Average – I do my best to keep fit but there are challenges. c. Non-existent – I don’t feel confident enough to work out.
RESULTS: Mostly As: You feel younger inside than your real age. Mostly Bs: You feel exactly your age. Mostly Cs: You feel older inside than your real age. Empower yourself to live the age you want to be.
Tips for Seniors Who Suffer From Muscle Aches and Pains You don't have to live with pain. pains seem to be the norm. While it may sound counterproductive, studies have shown that engaging in a moderate strength training program not only helps in toning up, but strengthening muscles that can ache for days. This is especially true as you get older. Experts say that while some pain is expected as you age, it is also the body's way of telling you something. The following tips can help tired, sore muscles and joints feel better: * Soothe with heat. A warm shower or bath, hot water bottle, or warm cloth can help relax tired muscles and ease muscle spams. (NewsUSA) - Sponsored News Knees start to hurt. Hips start to ache. Maybe your lower back too. And you finally understand what "tennis elbow" means. Welcome to getting older. For years, your bones, muscles, and joints have held up with nothing more than a minor twinge here or a bruise there. Now, however, it takes longer to get out of bed and daily aches and
* Invite in the cold -- therapy, that is. Ice packs can soothe pain, especially if a joint is inflamed or swelling (think joints ankles, elbows, shoulders). Try a cool cloth, cold pack, cold compress wrap, or ice massage. Typically the time is 15-20 minutes on, and the same amount of time off the joint or muscle. * Practice deep breathing. The benefits of using the breath to soothe yourself cannot be underscored
enough. Slow, quiet breathing helps relax the body and mind and ease the pain. Aim for about six long, deep breaths a minute. * Get a massage. A foot, back, or hand rub can also alleviate pain. Warm oil or lotion may also help you relax. One note: massage in one area for 10 seconds first to see if it feels good. * Invest in a stairlift. If you have stairs in your home, and there are days that you just can't seem to make it up due to tired, aching muscles, a stairlift, such as those from Orlando-based Acorn Stairlifts, can help. Unlike chair lifts of old, new models are powered by two small 12-volt batteries under the seat or by regular house current. The chair and built-in footrest typically fold up when not in use. Available for straight or curved stairs, these lifts can be a godsend if you're recovering from an injury. The lifts include safety belts, lockable swivel seats, and light touch controls for easy operation. For more information, please visit
From Holiday Dinner Table to Emergency Room Holidays tend to see an influx of calories and stress, and both are culprits for vascular disease. (NewsUSA) - Holiday gatherings are fraught with peril. The average Thanksgiving meal is 3,000 calories, according to the American Council on Exercise. Alcohol consumption is heavier than usual. Frantic travel agendas often result in forgetting to pack medications. A houseful of diverse personalities creates stress for the host family. "Overindulging, traveling and the stress of entertaining have health consequences," said Niten Singh, MD, a member of the Society for Vascular Surgery. "After Thanksgiving dinner, hospital emergency rooms brim with overstuffed and over-served guests."
* High cholesterol * Diabetes * Not exercising half hour daily * High sodium (salt) diet * Blood circulation problems
Daily exercise, a healthy diet, not smoking and a healthy body weight are proactive measures against vascular disease. Non-invasive tests can screen for vascular disease, and medications can help control it.
Strokes are the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. -- 137,000 Americans died of stroke in 2010, according to the National Vital Statistics Report.
"The holidays are a perfect time to announce to family and friends your decision to cut back on calories, alcohol and cigarettes," said Dr. Singh. "Then, invite them to join you on a new holiday tradition -after-dinner walks."
"We see a lot of stroke patients during the holiday season," said Dr. Singh. A 2004 study in the medical journal "Circulation" reported that there are 5 percent more heart-related deaths during the holiday season.
Additional vascular health information is available at
Heavy alcohol consumption can trigger a condition known as Holiday Heart Syndrome. This is an abnormal heart rhythm also referred to as atrial fibrillation. Persons who experience this condition have an increased risk of stroke.
Heart palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath and chest discomfort are stroke symptoms. Often, stroke patients exhibit one or more of these risk factors: * Blood pressure over 135/85 * Cigarette smoking * Heavy alcohol consumption
November 2016 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | 7
Skin Care Advice to Reverse Unsightly UV Damage Even if you apply SPF every day, your skin will still suffer some UV damage. staging a snowball fight, can damage skin. For example, after a tan fades, people might notice dark spots, uneven skin tone, blotchiness or wrinkles. And that's all just surface damage -- UV rays penetrate deep into the skin, creating damage that won't be visible for years.
(NewsUSA) - Women know that they should protect their skin from sun damage. They slather on sunscreen or, at the very least, a facial moisturizer with SPF protection daily. But how many think about repairing the damage that is already done? Most people associate UV rays with summers at the beach, but UV rays are ubiquitous. Any exposure to natural light, whether from playing beach volleyball, walking to a parked car, sitting near an office window or
"Under the surface there is invisible damage that can and will manifest into what is seen on the upper layer of the dermis," says Dr. Adam Geyer, Kiehl's Since 1851 consulting dermatologist, and instructor in clinical dermatology at Columbia University in New York City. Even if women are diligent about using sunscreen all year long, their skin will still suffer some photodamage. Luckily, women can repair, as well as prevent, damage. Some women resort to expensive procedures, like chemical peels and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments, which use lasers, to lessen visible skin damage.
But women can also repair visible and invisible UV damage at home. Kiehl's Since 1851 (, a company that has specialized in skin care since 1851, has recently introduced its Photo-Age Corrector High-Potency Spot Treatment. The treatment targets the melanin that causes discoloration by decreasing melanin production and helping to prevent existing melanin from rising to the surface. This decreases the appearance of blotches and dark spots for brighter, more translucent skin. At the same time, antioxidants help prevent damage from free radicals. When used with its supporting cleanser, toner and moisturizer, the High-Potency Spot Treatment provides immediate luminosity, reduces dark spots and evens skin tone in as little as four weeks while also inhibiting invisible damage from rising to the surface. The clinically proven treatment is appropriate for all skin types and ethnicities.
For more information, visit
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Winter More Brutal for Asthma and Allergy Sufferers (NewsUSA) As the winter months drag on, cabin fever sets in for many people. However, being cooped up inside is even harder for people suffering from asthma and allergies because more time indoors means greater exposure to indoor allergens. Although mold, pet dander and dust mites are often blamed for sneezing and itchy eyes this time of year, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) warns that winter pests such as cockroaches and rodents can also be common asthma and allergy triggers.
mouse allergens in 82 percent. Moreover, the number of homes containing cockroach allergens increases to as many as 78 to 98 percent in urban areas.
"It's important for a person suffering from allergy or asthma symptoms to see his or her doctor. A medical professional will be able to test for a cockroach allergy, as well as other common allergens," Parada advised. "Although there is no cure for asthma, asthma can be controlled through medical treatment and management of environmental triggers. A doctor may recommend the use of antihistamines and "The saliva, urine and fecal droppings from cockroaches and rodents decongestant medications to contain allergen proteins known to manage symptoms, and may also elicit allergic reactions and asthma prescribe an anti-inflammatory attacks," said Dr. Jorge Parada, medication and bronchodilators." medical advisor for the NPMA. The NPMA recommends the "During the winter months, cockroaches and rodents seek shelter following tips to help keep allergycausing pests out: from the elements inside homes, thereby increasing allergic reactions * Seal cracks and holes around the among those people who suffer from outside of the home, including utility pipes. allergies and asthma." * Properly ventilate basements and According to the Asthma and Allergy crawl spaces to prevent moisture Foundation of America (AAFA), buildup. cockroach allergens are present in * Keep counters free of crumbs, and 63 percent of American homes, and vacuum floors often to reduce the
accumulation of allergens. * Keep garbage in a sealed container, and dispose of it regularly. * Pay extra attention to kitchens and bathrooms -- especially under appliances and sinks -- as these areas are particularly vulnerable to cockroach infestations. For more information about health risks of pests and to find a pest professional in your neighborhood, visit
Watch out for winter Allergy and Asthma triggers.
November 2016 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | 9
Photos courtesy of Getty Images
Understand the Ingredients Quality pet food isn’t necessarily the most expensive option. The right choice for your pet is the food that delivers the right combination of ingredients and nutrition for your pet’s special needs. The experts at Diamond CARE suggest looking for these preferred ingredients when you have a pet with unique dietary needs. „ Limited ingredient products contain a narrow selection of high-quality ingredients and provide an alternative feeding option that still delivers complete nutrition. „ Easily digestible protein refers to carefully selected, easily digestible, high-quality protein sources, such as egg protein, potato protein, lamb meal, chicken meal or salmon. In foods made for sensitive skin, you may see “hydrolyzed protein,� which refers to a protein source broken down into tiny pieces that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction. „ Grain-free formulas contain ingredients such as potatoes and peas to provide highquality carbohydrates as an alternative to grains. „ Antioxidant formulas contain guaranteed levels of zinc, selenium and vitamin E to help support a healthy immune system.
„ Fatty acid blends combine omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids from sources such as VXQÀRZHU RLO FKLFNHQ IDW HJJV RU ÀD[VHHG ZKLFK KHOS VXSSRUW a pet’s healthy skin and coat. Omega-3 fatty acids from marine sources are often added to dog food formulas. „ Probiotic strains DUH EHQH¿FLDO bacteria that help support digestion and a healthy immune system. Look for probiotics GHYHORSHG VSHFL¿FDOO\ IRU GRJV and cats that are processed under strict human-grade standards to ensure purity. „ Fiber blends in weight management formulas help dogs and cats feel full, while blends RI VROXEOH DQG LQVROXEOH ¿EHUV in other formulas help support optimal digestion. „ L-Carnitine is often added to weight management formulas because it helps the body metabolize fat. „ Glucosamine and chondroitin, which promote joint health, may be added to senior formulas or weight management formulas to help support joints that may be working a little harder due to excess weight. „ Superfoods aren’t just for humans. Ingredients like kale, chia seed, pumpkin, blueberries and quinoa are particularly high in nutritional value and help provide more complete nutrition for your pet.
hen a beloved family pet experiences health problems, it can take a toll on the whole family. In some cases, it can take weeks or even months to identify the problem, and more importantly, where the solution lies. In some cases, the answer is as simple as changing what your pet eats. If you’ve always thought all pet foods were equal, think again. Veterinarian-developed formulas, such as those offered by Diamond CARE, are created for pets with unique dietary needs but also provide affordable FRPSOHWH QXWULWLRQ ZLWKRXW VDFUL¿FLQJ quality or taste, so you can feed your pets the special diet they need for as long as they need it. Learn more about these common ailments that may be corrected with a new high-quality feeding regimen, and talk with your veterinarian about a treatment plan to get your pet back to better health.
Sensitive Skin
While a rash or other skin irritation can be an obvious sign that your pet has sensitive skin, other behaviors such as excessive scratching, biting and licking
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can also signal a problem. Identifying the cause is essential to bringing your pet comfort. Skin irritation among pets is generally caused by something in their environment, such as an allergy, a parasitic infection or in more extreme cases, a neurogenic or infectious condition. Skin problems can also arise from poor nutrition. If your dog has skin sensitivities that might be related to diet or allergic skin disease, try a diet with hydrolyzed salmon as the single animal protein source. Ingredients such as omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids have also been VKRZQ WR EH EHQH¿FLDO WR VNLQ DQG FRDW health. Some sensitive skin formulas not only contain hydrolyzed salmon but are grain-free and made with peas WR HQKDQFH WKH ÀDYRU DQG SURYLGH KLJK quality carbohydrates.
Weight Management
A few extra pounds on your dog or cat may not seem like a cause for concern, but too much weight can cause a long list of health problems. Just like humans, one of the best ways to counter a weight problem in pets is to adjust what they’re eating. An option such as Diamond CARE Weight Management Formula for Adult Dogs or Adult Cats can help address your
pet’s weight issue without leaving it feeling hungry. Powdered cellulose, a VRXUFH RI LQVROXEOH ¿EHU KHOSV \RXU pet feel full, while L-Carnitine aids the body in metabolizing fat. To make sure your pet gets all the nutrients needed, this formula is rounded out with omega fatty acids, guaranteed antioxidants and probiotics developed specially for canine and feline digestive health. Talking with your veterinarian can help identify other ways to help your pet lose weight and also help you rule out any underlying medical concerns that may be causing weight gain or preventing your pet from being as active as it should be.
Sensitive Stomach
Though it may seem like it at times, not all dogs have cast-iron stomachs. A limited-ingredient formula that combines potatoes and egg protein is a good, easy-to-digest option for VHQVLWLYH GRJV 2WKHU EHQHÂżFLDO LQJUH dients may include psyllium seed husk, D VRXUFH RI EHQHÂżFLDO ÂżEHU ZKLFK helps support proper digestion, and probiotic strains that are native to the canine gastrointestinal tract. Learn more about healthy meal solutions for your pets at
LUNG CANCER is the LEADING CAUSE OF CANCER DEATH, taking more than 450 lives Every Single Day.
It can go undetected for years, and by the time symptoms appear, it is often too late.
In 2014, Phoebe adopted Lung Watch, a pilot program pioneered at Layey Hospital and Medical Center in Massachusetts that uses low-dose CT scans to screen individuals who meet certain risk criteria which include age, When detected early, however, smoking history and other risk factors. the five-year survival rate for To date, Lung Watch has Stage 1 lung cancer is nearly 90%. screened more than 1,000 individuals in Dougherty, Mitchell, Terrell, Lee and Worth counties and detected 30 cases This cancer had no generally of cancer. The program is adminisaccepted screening test for early detered by the Phoebe Cancer Center, tection in high risk individuals – until a which is a designated Lung Cancer Al10-year study called the National Lung liance Screening Center of ExcelScreen Trial found low-dose CT scans lence. can detect the tiniest lung cancers at A collaborative, multi-disciplian earlier, more curable stage. The nary approach brings together primary study further showed that annual care physicians, cancer clinicians, pulscreening of older current and former monologists, a nurse navigator, supheavy smokers reduced the number of port service staff members and deaths from lung cancer by 20%. volunteers. Patients receive coordi-
nated, high-quality care, including presentation of their case to the lung tumor conference, a comprehensive team of medical professionals who review each case and assist in mapping an appropriate care plan. A lung nurse navigator is assigned to patients when they enter Lung Watch to connect them to needed services. This includes guidance through the process, education, and even providing the peace of mind that comes from having “someone in your corner.” Our primary care physician community is an important front line in the battle against lung cancer. For individuals who meet the criteria, your doctor can make the referral for screening. Your doctor can also assist with smoking cessation programs and lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of lung cancer. Phoebe’s Freedom From Smoking program, offered in partnership with the American Lung Association, is open to all, and there are many more local and state resources available. Our goal is always to provide access to the most effective technologies, programs and treatments. As a community united in this fight against lung cancer, our challenge is to raise awareness about lung cancer risk, educate others on the impact of early diagnosis and the benefits of stopping smoking. November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month and a designated time to do that. I hope you will join in the effort this month and all year.
Lives can be saved!
November 2016 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | 11
"Stars of Life" Float Honors Heroes of Organ and Tissue Donation Chen's knee was saved after she received a fresh tissue transplant from a young donor who had been killed in a car accident. She participated in the float as one of 26 float riders.
(NewsUSA) Americans impacted by organ and tissue donation joined to celebrate the cause on Jan. 1 in the Tournament of Roses Parade aboard the Donate Life "Stars of Life" float. Each year, the float is built as a tribute to the millions of people touched by organ, tissue and blood donation, including living donors, donor families, transplant recipients and transplant candidates. Among the participants involved with this year's float were two distinct individuals sponsored by AlloSource, one of the nation's largest non-profit providers of skin, bone and soft tissue allografts for use in surgical procedures. May Chen, from Fremont, Calif., saw her life changed as a tissue recipient, and Dr. Richard Kagan, a seasoned burn care surgeon in Cincinnati, works daily to further the cause of organ and tissue donation. Chen, a skilled martial artist who competes at international levels, is a popular Tai Chi instructor in California and is president of Health Qigong Association USA. Several years ago, a severe knee injury threatened to end her career altogether, until a tissue transplant gave her new hope.
"Everything I've done since the transplant, and all that's to come, are because of the tissue donor family," said Chen. "The allograft gave me a second chance to fulfill an unrealized destiny." Across the country from Chen, Dr. Kagan works as the Chief of Staff at Cincinnati's Shriners Hospital and Director of Adult Burn Care at University Hospital. Kagan is responsible for giving thousands of patients the chance to live despite life-threatening burns, often using allograft skin -; a gift from deceased human donors. Kagan was included as one of 14 "Walk of Fame" stars within the float, which honored those who've made a lasting impact on organ and tissue donation. He was selected for his progressive research and dedication to the promotion of tissue donation. Donate Life's 26 float riders were immersed in a shower of stars climbing more than 30 feet in the air, representing all the people who make the gift of life possible. Each year, millions of organ and tissue recipients are impacted by the gift of donation. It is simple to register to be a donor, by visiting Donate Life America at
Organ, tissue, and eye donors have the power to save up to eight lives and enhance many more. You can make a world of difference!
(NewsUSA) - When Justin Thorpe crashed his car into an embankment, he was a new driver and just 16 years old. His life was instantly changed. Following the accident, the car caught on fire. Thorpe was severely burned over 40 percent of his body. He did not wake up for two months, as he was placed in a medically induced coma in the hospital while his serious burns were treated. What Thorpe discovered after he awoke was that the generous gift of life from numerous human tissue donors had helped to save his life. While in the coma, Thorpe was treated at the University of Colorado Hospital by Dr. Gordon Lindberg and Dr. Joshua Goldberg. The doctors used allograft skin, a gift from deceased human donors, to cover his wounds and promote healing. Although skin substitutes or animal skin can also be used in the treatment of burns, human allograft skin is considered the gold standard.
For more information please call: Carla Hawkins, MBA Education Specialist Multicultural Donation Education Program LifeLinkÂŽ Foundation 2875 Northwoods Pkwy. Norcross, GA 30071 Mobile: 229-291-7457
Tissue donations can provide critical protection to burn victims in the early stages of their treatment.
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"Human allograft skin works the best because it adheres better, it stimulates new blood vessel growth and is not as prone to infection," said Dr. Lindberg, M.D., Ph.D, director of the hospital's burn unit. "Once Justin had recovered from his injuries,
we replaced the allograft with his own skin. However, the initial life-saving treatment with allograft wouldn't be possible without the generosity of tissue donors." Although the 7,000 square centimeters of allograft tissue that were used to treat and cover Thorpe's burns only stayed on his body for two weeks, it provided critical protection in the early stages of his treatment. "In the U.S. someone is burned every 29 minutes. Stories like Justin's are a lesson for everyone -; tissue donation can have the same life-saving impacts as organ donation," said Thomas A. Cycyota, president and CEO of AlloSource, one of the nation's largest providers of allograft skin used by burn centers to treat severely burned patients. It is easy to help save or improve the lives of others by registering to become an organ and tissue donor by simply visiting Donate Life America at Now nine months after his accident, Thorpe is back to being a teenager -; playing video games and biking. Although scars remind him of the crash, he is also reminded of the second chance he was given by the generous donors he never met.
November 2016 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | 13
Football Season Marks the Time for Car Care
LIBERTY HOUSE ADOPT A FAMILY PROGRAM Liberty House of Albany, the battered women’s shelter is again promoting their Adopt a Family Program for the Holiday’s for its 12th year. Liberty House serves hundreds of families in Albany and the surrounding communities who will need assistance this Thanksgiving and Christmas.
We thank you for your continued support in keeping families and their children safe in our community. Please call Misty Johnson at 438-7094 for more information. PRESS RELEASE/PSA
Last year, through the generosity of community businesses and families, Liberty House assisted 48
families and their children with food and gifts It is the hope of the Liberty House Board of Directors and staff that our community will once again help to assure that all families served by our agency have the kind of holiday season that so many of us take for granted.
(NewsUSA) As the leaves fall and the cold weather approaches, everyone begins to feel a little football fever. Just like the greatest coaches check their starting line-ups each year, make sure that your vehicle's most important parts and systems aren't corroded, empty, deflated or worn out. With kick-off around the corner, Firestone Complete Auto Care offers the following tips to ensure your vehicle is ready for fall after a long, hot summer.
* Make sure to have your tires rotated according to the schedule in your vehicle's maintenance guide -- usually every 5,000 miles. Regular rotation will even out the wear patterns on your tires. Hydrate. * Check your vehicle's fluid levels, including transmission, brake, power steering, windshield washer fluids and coolant to make sure they're properly filled.
Run some drills.
Get some air.
* Remember to have your belts, hoses, air filters, windshield wipers, lights, fluids, and battery cables and terminals all checked by a professional before the fall season begins.
* You can't tell if a tire needs air just by looking at it. The only sure-fire way to determine if your tire needs air is with a tire gauge. The tire could be six to 10 PSI underinflated and still look fine.
* Fall weather can be wet and dreary. One way to prepare your vehicle for the wet weather is to check the tire treads with the "penny test." Insert a penny in the tread, Lincoln's head down. If you can see the top of Lincoln's head, the tread is worn and the tire probably needs to be replaced.
Having a creative playbook is a must for any successful football team, but having a well-maintained vehicle is a must for any driver. So blitz the bad weather, and make sure your car is well equipped for this fall!
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QUITTING SMOKING DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SCARY... Fall often means wet roads, so make sure that your vehicle is prepared for rainy weather. 14 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | November 2016
Photos courtesy of Getty Images
ost people recognize the importance of a healthy lifestyle when it comes to physical and emotional well-being, but you may not realize that some healthrelated activities can pose a safety risk if you don’t take proper precautions. Making safe habits part of your healthy lifestyle can help ensure you’re able to enjoy the results of your efforts. Warm up your workout. Exercise and physical activity are essential to a healthy lifestyle, but failing to approach your workouts with the proper warmup and know-how FDQ UHDOO\ EDFN¿UH $FFRUGLQJ WR the experts at WebMD, a warmup is important because it gets blood circulating and eases muscles into more vigorous activity, getting them loose, warm and ready for the challenge. Know that technique matters. Another potential safety pitfall when it comes to working out is improperly using weight machines or employing improper technique for activities like yoga or core training. Failing to execute your exercises correctly can not only produce sub-par results, you may actually end up hurting yourself by causing a sprain or other injury. Even if you tend to be a loner when it comes to working out, enlist the expertise of a trainer or coach who can show you the ropes before you set out solo. Exercise caution outdoors. A few hours spent in the great outdoors can leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated; fresh air is good for your body and your spirit. However, spending too much time soaking up the sun can have a detrimental impact on your health – overexposure to UV rays is a major risk factor for developing skin cancer. Exposure to the elements, such as strong winds or harsh cold, can also take a toll on your body.
The American Melanoma Foundation recommends lathering up with a sunscreen that has a Skin Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15 any time you’ll be outdoors for more than 20 minutes. Even winter conditions pose a threat to bare skin, as snow can DFWXDOO\ UHÀHFW 89 UDGLDWLRQ Be wary of expiration dates. Most people at least periodically use prescription drugs or over-thecounter medicines as part of their commitment to staying healthy. However, for people who rarely use medicines, their cabinets may be ¿OOHG ZLWK SRWHQWLDOO\ GDQJHURXV expired medications. According to the FDA, both prescriptions and over-the-counter meds can lose their effectiveness over time and even become unsafe. Especially concerning are the medicines that can change chemical composition or become a breeding ground for bacteria over an extended period of time. That’s why it’s important to properly discard medicines after their expiration dates have passed. Make reasonable eating choices. With countless diet options available, it may seem impossible to know which is most likely to help you achieve your desired results. When evaluating eating plans, be careful to avoid diets that are excessively restrictive, as these can have a serious impact on bodily organs that rely on nutrients to function. Also be wary of diets that recommend cutting entire food groups; a balanced diet with moderate portion sizes is the best approach for delivering your body the nutrition it needs for top performance. Committing to healthier living is an important step, so be sure you can reap the rewards by making your journey to better health a safe one. Find more tips for living a healthy lifestyle at
Contact Lens Safety Tips W
ith nearly 41 million adults in the U.S. wearing contact lenses as a safe and popular form of vision correction, there is a growing trend among Americans to alter the appearance or color of the eyes by using decorative contact lenses. However, if these lenses are bought illegally and without a prescription from your eye doctor, they could lead to serious health issues and potentially damage your eyesight permanently. “Many consumers consider these lenses a fashion or costume accessory when, in reality, decorative lenses DUH DOVR FODVVLÂżHG DV PHGLFDO GHYLFHV DQG VWLOO SRVH WKH same potential safety and health issues as corrective contact lenses and require a prescription,â€? said Andrea P. Thau, O.D., president of the American Optometric Association (AOA). The AOA recommends contact lens wearers take proper steps to protect their eyes and maintain a consistent hygiene routine, including: „ See a doctor of optometry for a comprehensive eye H[DPLQDWLRQ DQG SURSHU ÂżWWLQJ DQG SUHVFULSWLRQ IRU decorative contacts lenses, even if you don’t require lenses to correct your vision. „ Never buy lenses from retail outlets or online sites that don’t require a prescription.
„ Always follow the recommended contact lens replacement schedule prescribed by your eye doctor. „ Wash and dry hands before handling contact lenses. „ Carefully and regularly use cleaning solution to rub WKH OHQVHV ZLWK ¿QJHUV DQG ULQVH WKRURXJKO\ EHIRUH soaking overnight in multi-purpose disinfectant solution. „ Use fresh solution to clean and store contact lenses – never reuse old solution. „ Only use products recommended by your eye doctor to clean and disinfect lenses. Saline solution and rewetting drops do not disinfect lenses. „ Store lenses in the proper storage case and replace your case every three months. In addition, cases VKRXOG EH UXEEHG ZLWK FOHDQ ¿QJHUV ULQVHG ZLWK solution, dried with a tissue and stored upside-down when not in use. „ Remove contact lenses before exposing them to water. See your optometrist immediately if you experience redness, pain, irritation or blurred vision while wearing your lenses. For more information about contact lens hygiene and safety, the risks associated with decorative contact lenses DQG WR ¿QG DQ RSWRPHWULVW QHDU \RX YLVLW DRD RUJ
November 2016 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | 15
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16 | A (SCNI) Southern Community Newspaper Product | November 2016