Winter 2021
CAREER PLUS HSE The first students to complete a pilot program, Career Plus HSE, at ATC were recognized
The Albany Technical College Adult Education Program will held its first Career Plus presentation ceremony on Thursday, September 16th. The special ceremony recognized the first two students to complete the new Career Plus HSE (High School Equivalency) pilot program. The students have completed all requirements to earn their credentials from the Diesel Technology and Early Childhood Care Education programs. This is truly a milestone for the two students who would otherwise still be in the program. The pilot program for Career Plus HSE rolled out in early 2020. With it came many challenges due to the covid 19 pandemic before it could get off the ground. Career Plus HSE is a program that allows students to combine previously earned high school credits and completed portions of the GED® test with technical college credits to earn their high school equivalency. “Despite the challenges, we are happy we have two students that did not give up even while dealing with the loss of loved ones to the pandemic”, says Dr. Anthony Parker, President of Albany Technical College. “This ceremony represents the students’ determination to succeed.” Pictured is Clifford Thomas who completed the program earning his high school equivalency as well as graduating from the Diesel Technology program. In addition, Sara Gray (not pictured), also earned her HSE and is a graduate of the Early Childhood Care Education program. Congratulations to you both! The students will also receive special recognition during Albany Technical Colleges’ fall graduation which takes place Thursday, December 2, at James Gray Civic Center at 7:00 P.M.
Scan to watch the Special Recognition Ceremony