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ARSCO Supplier of Rolling Shutter Materials Aluminum Rolling Shtters Company Ltd.
Established in 1993 by Al-Mutabaqani Group the company was then purchased by MNAF3 Arabia Group in 2005. Aluminum Rolling shutter Co. (ARSCO) trade in aluminum profiles, Motors and Accessories for the rolling shutters industry. It has rapidly emerged as the major supplier of Rolling shutter materials in the Saudi market. ARSCO operates kingdom wide thrugh its two offices in Jeddah (H.Q. & Jeddah 40 th Street),Makkah, Riyadh branch and Dammam branch. Each branch is fully equipped with its own warehouse with a total inventory of over 16 million Saudi Riyals. Executive Management: •Khalid M. AlFuhaid, President. •Mohammad H. ElChbeir, General Manager. •Ahmad Khattab, Assistant General Manager.
Strengths: •Market Share: ARSCO currently control the largest share in Rolling shutters market in Saudi Market and is the Largest distributor for Somfy motors in the Middle East. Market Development: ARSCO is working closely with all its suppliers in developing the market for the all shutters products ARSCO’s team is well qualified and experienced to manufacture, install and train the customer on all the different applications & installations. Manufacturing: As part of the expansion plan, ARSCO has been allocated with land area of 9.000 sqm. in Jeddah new industrial city to build its new fabrication facility to complement its trading activity by providing the contractors with complete solution for the rolling shutters in this booming construction market.
This facility will enable ARSCO to manufacture a lot of the items being imported thus saving on the cost of marerial and shortening the delivery time to contractors. This initiative will enhance ARSCO margins greatly. Business Partners: SOMFY, ASA, CROCI,SIMBAC, GENIUS, ALUPCO, LUPO, EXPALUM, MOLARO, MINGARDI. Product: •Aluminum Rolling Shutters. • Aluminum Roll up fly screen for Windows & Doors. • Galvanized Steel & Grill Doors. • Wood Aluminum, Wood Bronze for Windows & Doors. • Motors for Automatic Doors (Swinging, Sliding & Overhead). • Roller Blinds (Sunscreen & Blackout).
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The group Al-Otaibi of promising companies in the field of building materials in the Kingdom Where it had been established for more than ten years has been allocated section of marble stone four years ago under the name GMS Was her lead in cope with the huge urban in Saudi Arabia, particularly the city of Riyadh, where was created key management since the beginning of the beginning of 2012 after implementation of mega projects including: Wings Makarem Marriott Hotel b Mather and complex housing faculty at King Saud University and building research laboratory at the University of Imam and Research Center at the University of offices Dhahran Al-Ahsa and the city university and research building in extension specialist hospital in Riyadh compound housing the National Guard in Riyadh and the new Medina airport and Al Jazira Bank Road King Abdullah and Panda outlet complex 7 in
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Rectangular Shape with a Modern Look
WOÝbMN « «—UA²Ýû Í“U−Š dÝU¹ ”bMN*« V²J ∫ rLB*« …bł ∫ l u*« lÐd d² ±±±∏∂ ∫ WŠU *«
Da’am Almarowah Residence Designer: Yasser Hejasy for Consulting Engineer Location: Jeddah Site Area: 11186 m² Da’am Almarowah residence consists of fourteen residential buildings designed on a singular module. They are divided into two types of buildings (X) consists of 10 apartments and (Y) consists of 5 apartments. The area of each apartment varies from 195sqm to 220sqm. The buildings are connected visually though in terms of mobility it is connected through green spaces and parkings. What distinguish this residence is the rhythmic shaping and modern composition that is decorated with elegant glass shapes. The project is located in the western province of Saudi Arabia in the city of Jeddah, which represent an investment hub as touristic and business area. The project’s land is laid over 11,186sqm. The Inside Gardens are designed to provide an entertainment dimension to the project. These gardens include all the project’s facilities to offer a healthy and safe environment as well as a view to the residents.
Master plan
ÂUF « jD *«
139 Albenaa
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ﺗﺸﻜﻴﻞ اﺳﺘﻄﺎﻟﻲ وﺻﻮرة ﺣﺪﻳﺜﺔ
ﻣﺴﺎﻛﻦ دﻋﻢ اﻟﻤﺮوة
Residencial building general perspective
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138 Albenaa
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رﺳﺎﻟﺔ ﺗﺠﺮﻳﺪﻳﺔ ﻟﺼﻮرة ﺳﻜﻨﻴﺔ
ﻣﻨﺰل ﺧﺎص
Housing unit main perspective
‰eMLK —uEM
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Ground floor plan
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
137 Albenaa
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136 Albenaa
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135 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±≥μ
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w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
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…uIÐ bŽU?Ý U «c¼Ë lÐd d² μ∏μ[∞∞ j?I “«dD « vKŽ bO?ý Íc «Ë vM³*« ‰ULł “«dÐ≈ w? WOł—U)« oz«b(« t?O q¦9 Íc «Ë w? b½_« ÆŸËdALK W UF « WO U(« WLOI « w Î «dO³ Î «—Ëœ w b½ô« “«dD « vKŽ sJ *« rOLBð e d¹ UL W? œUB « WO?ÝbMN « r?OI « s?Ž d?³F¹ Íc? « sJ *« Ê√ rLB*« Í—UA²Ýù« ‰uI¹Ë ¨W¹uI «Ë …œbF² WOJO?Ýö UŽUI¹SÐ W?¾K²2 tðUNł«Ë nIÝ« wDG¹ YO×Ð …œbF² Ë WHK² ‚ULŽQÐË
ﺛﻘﺎﻓﺔ وإﻧﺴﺎﻧﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﺴﻜﻦ
ﻓﻴﻼ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻄﺮاز ا ﻧﺪﻟﺴﻲ
WO U _« WNł«uK —uEM
ÆW³FB « WLN*« Ác¼ “U$« w rLB*« `−M¹ rLB*« ’dŠ bI ŸËdA*« Í—U?A²Ý≈ ‰uI¹Ë WOKš«b « U?ž«dH « 5?Ð j?Ыd² « o?OI% vKŽ U?ž«dH « l?OLł l? ²ð Y?O×Ð W?Oł—U)«Ë W¾K²L*« WOł—U)« d?OþUM*UÐ ¨ W?OKš«b « WOI³²*« ÆWOzU*« U×D *«Ë ¡«dC)« U×D *« w ÷dF « «c¼ w W bI*« öOH « ŸËdA h ¹ UL UN²ŠU? mK³ð ÷—√ WFD vKŽ XLO √ b U?N½√ w{—_« —Ëb « WŠU? 0Ë lÐd d² ±≤∑∂[μ
ÆsJ *« qš«œ s dEM*« ‰UL−Ð ŸU²L²Ýö U sJ? r?OLB² l? u² ÕU?$ Í√ l?³M¹Ë U³KD²*UÐ ÂU?*ù« vKŽ rLB*« …—b? Èb s? w?² «Ë Âb ²? LK W?HOþu « U?łUO²Šô«Ë qš«œ tðUOŠ j?/ vKŽ …—Ëd?C UÐ fJFM²?Ý ”U Š≈ Èb ”UO ÊS w U² UÐË ¨sJ? *« «c¼ tF²9 Èb? Ë XO³ « qš«œ W?Š«d UÐ Âb ²? *« Už«dH « ÃU b½≈ s l³Mð w² «Ë WDO;« W¾O³ UÐ U —b v?KŽ WDO;« W?Oł—U)« l? W?OKš«b «
ÕUC¹≈Ë ÊU ½ù« WOB ý sŽ dO³Fð u¼ sJ *« s sJ *« rOLBð ÕU$ d³²F¹Ë WO uO « tðUOŠ jЫd² « bO? &Ë ¨ tKš«œ W?Š«d UÐ ”U? Šù« vKŽ e d²¹ ULMOÐ ¨WOMJ? « t²¾OÐË s U? « 5Ð jЫd² « …UŽ«d - p c ÆtKš«œ Už«dH « oOI% W?OKš«b « U?ž«dH « 5?Ð ö?OH « r?OLBð w? WI¹b(« vKŽ qL?Að w² « WOł—U)« Už«dH «Ë ÁUO*« «b ²Ý« l WOFO³D « U¼dþUM0 WOł—U)« lz«— Íd?BÐ œ«b² « ¡U?DŽù w? ULł d?BMF
134 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±≥¥
Simplicity & Modern Signs
WOĂ?bMN ÂŤ  —UA²Ă?Ăť tOI s Ĺ V²J âˆŤ rLB*ÂŤ W dJ*ÂŤ WJ ? WšešeF ÂŤ wĹ âˆŤ l u*ÂŤ lĂ?d d² Âąâˆ‚âˆžâˆž âˆŤĂˇâ€”_ÂŤ WĹ U
Al Mosa Hotel Designer: Hassan Faqih Consulting Engineer Location: Azizia - Makkah Al Mukarama Built Area: 1600 m² We have to say that simplicity often overcomes all complex forms as it enriches the building and makes it in a very calm and presence, and when this simplicity is absenter, tight, and difficult to replicate, it becomes an essential component for understanding the architectural form, this hotel has simple and direct horizontal projections and there is a hollow square from the middle to create a lobby open to all floors and surrounded by a belt forming the building’s wrap which have the hotel rooms. The projection is simple, functional, direct and away from any complexity, turning into to the outside formation it is a block with beveled sides and glass façade narrow from the bottom and wide at the top with a simple and convenient form, making hotels architecture exciting and attractive without any exaggeration or unnecessary additions. We are facing a tight project because the design function and form are correlative clearly by placing the narrow opening at the bottom because the services that do not need many openings exist in this place and whenever we go up toward the top we find rooms that need external views. The direct and successful translation of the function created outstanding building.
s WIO{ WOĹ‚UĹ‚â€œ WNĹ‚ÂŤuĂ?Ă‹ V½u'ÂŤ W uD?A WK²
`šd Ă‹ jO Ă? qOJA²Ă?Ă‹ vKŽô s WF?Ă?ÂŤĂ‹Ă‹ qHĂ?Ă´ÂŤ Ă?√ ĂŠĂ‹Ĺ“ W?Ă?ÂŤcĹ‚Ă‹ ‌d?OÂŚ ‚œU?MH ÂŤ ‌—U?LĹ˝ s? qF& ÆWš—Ëd{ dOĹž  U U{≈ Ă‹âˆš WG UÂł W?HOĂžu ÂŤ ĂŠ_ r?OLB² ÂŤ r?JĂ— ŸËd?A Ă‚U? √ s?×½ w W?IOC ÂŤ W?ײH U Ă•u?{uĂ? ĂŠU? â€œĂśÂ˛ qJ?A ÂŤĂ‹ ‌dOÂŚ  Uײ v ≈ ĂƒU²%Ă´ w² ÂŤ  U b)ÂŤ ĂŠ_ qH?Ă?Ă´ÂŤ  bĹ‚ÂŤuĂ° vKŽú U½bF ULK Ă‹ ¨ÊUJ*ÂŤ ÂŤcÂź w ‌œuĹ‚u WLĹ‚dĂ° ÆW?Oł—UĹĄ W? ĂśĂžâ‰ˆ v? ≈ ĂƒU?²% w² ÂŤ ¡d?G ÂŤ ÆeOL² vMÂł UFM WHOĂžuK WI u Ă‹ ‌dĂ˝UÂł
—dJ²* —ËbK wI _ jI * Typical floor plan
w{—_ —ËbK wI _ jI * Ground floor plan
133 Albenaa
¥UM³  ¹≼≼
VKGĂ° ĂŠUOĹ Ă´ÂŤ s d?OÂŚ w WĂžU? Âł ÂŤ ĂŠâˆš ‰uI½ ĂŠâˆš bĂ?Ă´ WšUĹž w tKF&Ă‹ vMÂł*ÂŤ Ă?dÂŚĂ° ‌bIF*ÂŤ ‰UJýô q vKĹ˝ WFM²2 WĂžU Âł ÂŤ Ă cÂź ĂŠuJĂ° U bMŽË ¨—uC(ÂŤĂ‹ ÂĄĂ‹bN ÂŤ rNH â€?UĂ?√ ĂŠuJ `ÂłBĂ° UŸ—dJĂ° VFBšË WLJĂ— Ă‹ WOI √ j U? p?K1 ‚bMH ÂŤ ÂŤc?Âź ¨Ă?—U?LF*ÂŤ qJ?A ÂŤ jĂ?u ÂŤ w â „dH lĂ?d sĹ˝ ‌—U³Ž ‌d?Ă˝UÂł Ă‹ WDO? Ă? Ă‚ÂŤeĂ—Ă? â—ŠU?Ă— oĂ?ÂŤuD ÂŤ q v?KĹ˝ Ă•u?²H uNĂ? Ĺ“U?âˆ’ÂšĂš ¡dG ÂŤ t?O bĹ‚uĂ° Ă?c? ÂŤ v?MÂł*ÂŤ ¡Ü?Ĺž qJ?Aš wMÂł sĹ˝ bF²³šË dĂ˝UÂł Ă‹ wHOÞËË jO Ă? jI *ÂŤ ÆWO bMH ÂŤ sĹ˝ ‌—U³Ž Ăƒâ€”U)ÂŤ s qJ?Ă˝ v ≈ ‰uײš tMJ b?IFĂ° Ă?√
اﻟﺒﺴﺎﻃﺔ واﻻﺷﺎرات اﻟﻤﻌﺎﺻﺮة
ﻓﻨﺪق اﻟﻤﻮﺳﻰ
≤≥¡UM³ « ±
132 Albenaa
Andalusian Style
WOĂ?bMN ÂŤ  —UA²Ă?Ăś WO Ă‹b ÂŤ ĂŠUJ W dĂ˝ âˆŤ rLB*ÂŤ ¨aOA ÂŤ rOŸdĂ?≈ Ă?b− Ă‚ ¨wĂ˝dI ÂŤ s Ĺ tK ÂŤb³Ž Ă‚ sšœ— pK*ÂŤb³Ž s Ĺ Ă‚ ‌bĹ‚ âˆŤ l u*ÂŤ ≤ ∑∂∞ âˆŤ l u*ÂŤ WĹ U ≤Â Âąâˆžâˆžâˆž âˆŤ w½UÂł*ÂŤ WĹ U
Private Villa
This duplex villa design was inspired by Al-Hamra palace and themed in Andalusian style.The villa boasts a large formal living and dining areas, a grand staircase, a family section overlooking the backyard swimming pool, with 5 bedrooms and a large living room on the first floor and a roof service annex. There is also a complete recreation suite in the basement.
w wNO dĂ° Ă•U?MĹ‚ qLĹ˝ -Ă‹ `Âł? *ÂŤĂ‹ W?OHK)ÂŤ Ă•d? Ă‹ ÂťUF √ WĹ U?Ă? s ĂŠu?J²š u?ÂłI ÂŤ —Ëœ Æà dOŞË ĂŠâ€œU Ă‹ w eM ‌—ULF ÂŤ d?OšUF ‌UŽd - r?OLB² ÂŤ ÂŤcÂź w? Ă‹ WLEÂ˝âˆš Y?OĹ s? W?OžOÂł ÂŤ ‌—U?LF ÂŤĂ‹ ÂĄÂŤd?C)ÂŤ p c Ă‹ WOFOÂłD ÂŤ W?šuN² ÂŤĂ‹ ¡dB ÂŤĂ‹ n?OOJ² ÂŤ WOĂ°u WLEÂ˝âˆšĂ‹ WO c ÂŤ ‌—U½Ú `OĂ°UH Ă‚ÂŤb ²Ă?≈ U Ă‹ WšœU d ÂŤ Ă UO*ÂŤ dšËbĂ° ‌œU?Ĺ˝â‰ˆ Ă‚UE½Ë WOzd Ă‹ WĹ ÂŤd ÂŤ d uš q UJ² rOLB² ‰u uK p – v ≈ ƉeM*ÂŤ ĂŠUJ WOÂźU d ÂŤĂ‹
 UNĹ‚ÂŤĂ‹ r?LB*ÂŤ vĹ u²?Ă?≈ rOLB² ÂŤ ÂŤc?Âź w UO½UÂłĂ?≈ w ÂĄÂŤdL(ÂŤ dB ŸËdA s ŸËdA*ÂŤ w b½_ÂŤ â€œÂŤdD ÂŤĂ‹ ‌—ULF ÂŤ  œdH Ă‚b ²?Ă?â‰ˆĂ‹ w ĂśĂ?ڍ w? b½_ÂŤ Àd² ÂŤ ÂĄUOĹ Ăš W Ă‹UĂ— w dOÂł ĂŠu? U s? ŸËd?A*ÂŤ ĂŠu?J²šË Æ.b?I ÂŤ rK?Ă?Ă‹ ¡uOCK ‌d?OÂł Ă‚UFĂž W? dGĂ? q?B² vKĹ˝ qD*ÂŤĂ‹ wKzUF ÂŤ ÂĄe'ÂŤ p c Ă‹ dOÂł w d?Ă˝ Æ`Âł *ÂŤĂ‹ WOHK)ÂŤ WĹ U *ÂŤ Ă‚UEM UĂ? ¡d?Ĺž ŠΟŽ bĹ‚uš Ă?u?KF ÂŤ —Ëb? ÂŤ w Ă‹ WĹ U? *ÂŤ vKĹ˝ WKD WšuKĹ˝ W?AOF l w bMH ÂŤ
Entrance facade
131 Albenaa
¥UM³  ¹≼¹
إﺣﻴﺎء اﻟﻄﺮاز ا ﻧﺪﻟﺴﻲ
ﻓﻴﻼ ﺧﺎﺻﺔ
∞≥¡UM³ « ±
130 Albenaa
Low-cost housing apartment units
A semi-purpose balconies with shaded wooden screens
ÍœUB² ô« sJ K WOMJÝ «bŠË
WOMJ « «bŠu « U½uJKÐ tOKŽ `²Hð wKš«œ ¡UM
Site plan
123 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±≤≥
ÂUF « l u*«
VAš WJ³ý
VAš WJ³ý
VAš WJ³ý
`D « WI¹bŠ
ÂUŽ ⁄«d
ÂUŽ ⁄«d
≤ Öu/ WIý VAš WJ³ý
`D « nIÝ
≤ Öu/ WIý
WO½UÝdš WJ³ý
± Öu/ WIý dOG wKš«œ —«bł
e d ¡UM ö×
W³²J q−Ž n «u q−Ž n «u WO{U¹— W U dðuO³L W dž …bLŽ√ q−Ž n «u
Exploded floor plans
—«Ëœú Íd² uM «
122 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±≤≤
Lessons from Old Village
p½√ rOLBðË jOD ² « …—ULŽ ∫ rLB*« ZM¼ ÊU¹ËuO Ëœu J¹« 5B « ? ÍUNM½ ∫ l u*« lÐd d² ±≥∑±± ∫ WŠU *«
Tulou Housing Designer: URBANUS Architecture & Design Inc. / Xiaodu Liu & Yan Meng Location : Nanhai, Guandong, China Built Area: 13,711 m² This pioneering prototype for affordable housing in China is inspired by the traditional tulou, the multi-family, fortresslike earth house found in the rural areas of Fujian province. The urban Tolou consists of an outer circular block with a rectangular box within that is connected to the outer ring by bridges and a courtyard. Both the circular and rectangular blocks contain small apartment units; the spaces in between are for circulation and community use. The lower floors contain shops and other community facilities. Rents are low and apartments are not available to car owners, adding to the homogeneity of 7 the community, many of whom are migrant workers. The selfcontained circular form stands in sharp contrast to the typical high-rise blocks around it. The entire structure is wrapped in a concrete screen with wooden inserts that shade the balconies, giving each unit a secondary living space. The position of the apartments also allows for good light and ventilation. Resulting from extensive research into the original earth houses as well as the social dynamics of current urbanisation trends in China, the Tulou Collective Housing is a unique experiment in low-income housing and the transformation of ancient heritage to suit contemporary living environments.
Aerial perspective a circular & rectangular blocks apartment
Lower floor contain shops & community facilities
121 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±≤±
Íuł dEM
w{—_« —Ëb « w U b)«Ë ö;«
دروس ﻣﻦ اﻟﻘﺮﻳﺔ اﻟﻘﺪﻳﻤﺔ
إﺳﻜﺎن ﺗﻮﻟﻮ
Circular facade in a concrete screen with wooden shades
W¹dB³ « W UI¦ «Ë wŽUL²łô« ¡UI² ô« ◊UIMÐ r²Nð …—uBÐ w ¹—U² « qOJ?A² « bOF² ð w² « WOK;« U?½UJ ù«Ë W?OŽUL²łô« W?łU(« l? …d? UF ŸËdA*« qFł w XL¼UÝ w² « w¼ WŠU²*« WOMI² « wM³*« bOý ÆÂUF « ÊUJÝô« l¹—U?A* W UC WLO œU−¹UÐ UNKOJ?Að - w² « W×K? *« W½U?Ýd)« s W U{≈ l? w½U?Ýd)« s¹uJ² « s?L{ U?ײ w² « U½uJK³ « W?ODG² WO³?A)« UOK(« iFÐ ÆdŁR*«Ë rN*« vM³*« «cN W UF « …—uB « XFM
qOKE²K VA)« s WJ³ýË W½UÝd)« s W¹dz«œ WNł«Ë
Ác¼ ÆW?Ž“u s? U √ w? 5?OM³*« j?Ðdð W?DЫ— 5Ð wŽUL²łô« q «u² « …dJ vKŽ qLFð —u '« ¡UMÐË ‰œU³² « ‰U?− Ë ¡UI² ô« jI½ wN ÊUJ? « WOM³*« WŠU *« ÆÊUJ? « 5Ð WOŽUL²łô« U öF « ¨ÍUNM½ w lI¹ vM³*«Ë l?Ðd d² ±≥[∑±± mK³ð UNO½U³0 ö « eOL²ð w² «Ë 5?B « w o½Ëb½«u UN öš s - w² «Ë WOMOD « WO½«uDÝô« W¹bOKI² « ¨W?¹dB³ «Ë W?Ož«dH « ŸËd?A*« …d?J d?¹uDð w² « WOK;« W UI¦ « 5?Ð jЫd² « «c¼ ÂUŽ qJ?AÐË
U½bŽU? ð w² « WLN*« ”Ë—b « b?Š« vM³*« qJ?A¹ œËb;« q?šb « ÍËc W UF « s U? *« ¡U?MÐ vKŽ ÆrNÐ W? Uš s U? ¡UMÐ ÊuFOD²? ¹ ô s?¹c « wł—Uš —«bł s ÊuJ²¹ Íc « ‚öLF « vM³*« «c¼ UNDÝË w lI¹ WOMJÝ oIý sŽ …—U³Ž w½«uDÝ« lMBO j?Ýu « w ⁄d?H qJ?A « VFJ v?M³ vM³*« s w½«uDÝô« vM³*« qBHð WOM √ WŽuL− w ”UL*«Ë WOMJ?Ý oI?ý s Êu?J*«Ë V?FJ*« —u ł ‰öš s w½«uDÝô« vM³LK X u « fH½ 120 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±≤∞
Living in Nature
…—ULF « u¹œu²Ý ∫ rLB*« 5²Mł—_« ? «“ËbM ∫ l u*«
Treehouse Designer: German Architectural studio Location : Mendoaz, Argentine
Have you ever wanted to be surrounded by nature and still have the luxuries of a world-class hotel? Entre Cielos in Mendoza offers exactly that, fusing an outdoor experience with cushy hotel amenities. Dubbed this lofted hotel prototype is a cocoon-shaped cabin poised atop several steel columns. Designed in collaboration with Baumraum, a German architectural studio, the idea behind the project was to develop several luxury treehouse-like accommodations amidst the Argentine vineyards. Mendoza, in the central west of Argentina sits at the feet of the majestic 6,000-metre Andes. It prides itself with a sophisticated irrigation system that has facilitated around 1,200 vineyards in the vicinity. Perched more than five meters aboveground, the cabin can be accessed by a two-flight stairway. The semi-open interior opens into a panoramic terrace, and contains a guest bed, bathroom, and desk, and sittings. The openness allows the guests to experience nature even while sitting inside the cabin. The tree hotel was designed to maximize comfort and features good shading and thermal insulation.
A semi-open interior to feel nature even inside the cabin
wzUA½ù« qJON « WOMJ « …bŠuK Cocoon-shaped cabin poised atop several steel columns
vKŽ Õu²H t³ý ⁄«d WFO³D «
The treehouse is five meters aboveground it can be accessed by a two-flight stairway
119 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±±π
sJ1Ë ÷—_« `DÝ sŽ —U² √ fLš lHðd¹ d−A « XOÐ dzUÞ rKÝ o¹dÞ sŽ tO ≈ ‰u u «
اﻟﺤﻴﺎة وﺳﻂ اﻟﻄﺒﻴﻌﺔ
ﺑﻴﺖ اﻟﺸﺠﺮ
Surrounded by nature prototype cabins
WOłUł“ Uײ UNHIÝË W u? ³J « Ê«—bł w `²HM Ë d?O¦ wKš«b « ¡U?CH « qF& …œb?F² s U « jÐdðË ¨w¼UM² ô qJ?AР×U)« vKŽ gOF¹ t½Q Ë U?NKO UHð qJÐ WDO;« W?FO³D UÐ qJ?Að UײH « Ê√ UL ¨VMF « U Ëd j?ÝË UNM q?F&Ë W u? ³JK W?Oł—U)« …—u?B « Íc « ÊUJ*« Èb?ײ¹ ô ÍdBÐ Í—ULF s?¹uJð ‰eŽ ÂUE½ œułË ŸËd?A*« eO1 U ÆtO b?łu¹ ÆfLA « WFýô …dÝU d UMŽ l Í—«dŠ
WOMJ « «bŠu UÐ wFO³D « jO;«
…—U¹“ œd− s WFO³D « w³× s WIDM*« —«Ë“ WO bM ·d?ž w W? U ô« Êü« r?NMJ1 ÊUJ?*« w ¹—U² « …d−?A « XOÐ …d?J bOF²? ð …dšU ”uKł W džË ÂULŠË Âu½ W dž vKŽ Íu²%Ë W³³I*« ôu? ³J « Ác¼ lHðdð ÆWO³²J WIDM Ë ÷—ô« `D?Ý s? d?² f?Lš ŸU?Hð—« v?KŽ ‰u u « sJ1Ë W?¹–ôu …bLŽ√ …bŽ WD?Ý«uÐ W½uJK³ UÐ …d?ýU³ j³ðd rK?Ý o¹dÞ sŽ U?N błu¹ ÆÕu²H W³A « wKš«b « ⁄«dH « v « W¹œR*«
Í√ U?NNł«uð w?² « W?OIOI(« ôUJ?ýô« s? w Ë ¨ …—ULF « Ác¼ v « W?FO³D « qI½ w¼ …—ULŽ …—uBÐ r²¹ ô «c?¼ WFO³D « qI½ ÊU?OŠô« VKž√ u¼ bOFÐ X? Ë cM √b³*« `?³ « p c ¨ W?Lzö Ê√ sJ1 …—ULF « v? ≈ WFO³D « qIM½ Ê√ s Îôb?Ð Á«d½ Ê√ sJ1 U u¼Ë ¨ WFO³D « v « …—ULF « qIM½ WIDM w lI¹ Íc « ŸËd?A*« «c¼ w Õu{uÐ ÆVMF « WŽ«—eÐ eOL²ð w² « 5²Mł—ô« w «“ËbM rOI¹ Ê√ s ‰b?Ð t½≈ vKŽ WLzU ŸËd?A*« …dJ 118 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±±∏
Entrance facade
qšb*« WNł«Ë
Glass panel sliding door separates the kitchen & dining room from the terrace
vKŽ `²Hð ÂUFD « W dG …dO³ WOłUł“ Uײ a³D*« œb×¹ „dײ włUł“ q U Ë Ã—U)«
The kitchen
117 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±±∑
Big windows & openings for pleasant ventilation
wFO³D « ¡uC «Ë ¡«uNK n öL Âb ² ð Èdš√Ë …dO³ Uײ
WO U _« WNł«u « Front elevation
wI _« jI *« Floor plan
116 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±±∂
Extended Cabins & Illuminated Spaces
Lucernas House
e²¹d Æ ·√ ? „—UÝ ÆwÐ ? dKJM¹Ë Æ wÝ ∫ rLB*« wKOAð ? Ëœ—U½dOÐ ÊUÝ ∫ l u*« ≤ ≤≥≤ ∫ WŠU *«
Designer: C. Winckler | P. Saric | F. Fritz Location: Catemito, San Bernardo, Chile Site area: 232 m² The house is located in Catemito, 20 km south of Santiago in Chile’s central valley, at the foot of Chena hill. The site is part of a medium intensity production agricultural plot at which the house was not to be exposed. The strategy proposes a one level volume that accommodates the linear disposition of the program. To make even more dramatic relationship with the landscape, the initial volume is extruded in the vertical plane, forming skylights at key points, also creating double heights and a visual tension to the landscape. Similarly, extruded volumes in the horizontal plane, form intermediate spaces such as terraces, access and service garage. The location of windows and skylights, is also due to the need to create cross ventilation, keeping temperatures pleasant during the summer months. The materiality of the project is reinforced masonry, material characteristic of the area, painted dark gray on the outside, contrasting with the white aluminum profiles used for skylights and glass windows, and inside the house which is also white.The plan aims to have maximum flexibility in the public program. The enclosures can form a single space when the sliding door separating the kitchen to the dining room is open, hiding the wall that separates the terrace. Night perspective view from the mountain foot hill
W?łËœe U?ŽUHð—≈ «– o?ÞUM qJ?Að v « ÃU²% w?² « WOMJ? « Už«dH « qš«œ Õd& Uײ À«b?Š« ÊËœ WOFO³Þ …¡U{« ÆUN²O uBš ¡UMÐ w W b ²? *« U?OMI² « ÂUŽ qJ?AÐ ‚uÐUD « v?KŽ bL²Fð «bł WDO? Ð sJ? *« Õ«u? «Ë ÍœU? d « Êu?K UÐ w?KD*« `K? *« Æ·UHA « ÃUłe «Ë ¡UCO³ « ÂuOM*ô« Entrance facade
115 Albenaa
qšb*« WNł«Ë
¡UM³ « ±±μ
UNðUI×K0 W Ozd « ÂuM « W dž vKŽ Íu²×² sŽ WIDM*« Ác¼ qBHMðË WO U{« Âu½ W džË lDI¹ Íc? « XO³K f?Ozd « q?šb*UÐ W?O½U¦ « uLO²½U w lI¹ sJ? *« Æ 5²N'« s ‰eM*« qHÝ√ wKO?Að w Ëœ—U½dOÐ ÊU?Ý WIDM w tOKŽ nOCðË …—U*« s t²¹ƒ— V−% W³C¼ WFHðd*« q²J « dNEð YOŠ ÷uLG « s b?¹e UN½uJ W U{ôUÐ ¨ WOzu{ «—UM qJý vKŽ
ﻛﺒﺴﻮﻻت ﻣﻤﺘﺪة وﻓﻀﺎءات ﻣﻀﺎءة
ﺑﻴﺖ ﻟﻮﺳﻴﺮﻧﺎ
q³'« W³C¼ s ‰eMLK wKO dEM
s sJ *« ÊuJ²¹ Æl²L*« wIOÝu*« ŸUI¹ô«Ë WIDM v? Ëô« WIDM*« W? Oz— oÞUM Àö?Ł «—UO? K n u v?KŽ Íu?²% ¨ U? b)« a³D Ë s¹e ðË qO? ž W dž Íu½UŁ q?šb Íu²% w?² «Ë WO½U¦ « W?IDM*« v?KŽ Õu?²H sJ1Ë ÂUFD «Ë W?AOFLK Õu²H ⁄«d? vKŽ o eM »UÐ WDÝ«uÐ W uN?Ý qJÐ a³D*« ‰eŽ W¦ U¦ « WIDM*« U √ ¨ U U9 v Ëô« WIDM*« ‰eF¹
Á—dJ² q² s qJ?A²¹ Íc « sJ? *« dNE¹ ¨…dO³ WŠU? Ë– t½UÐ w?Šu¹ qJ?AÐ b²1 “ËU−²ð ô WŠU *« qL− d ô« l «Ë w ULMOÐ Æ lÐd d² ≤≥≤ Íc? « —«d?J² « ”U?Ý√ v?KŽ …d?JH « Âu?Ið öLŽ l?MBð WI¹dDÐ tKOJ?Að …œU?Ž≈ s?J1 UNNOłuð bOŽ« …—d?J²*« q²J U ¨ U¹dBÐ U?OM b²L*« j¹d?A « «c?¼ lMB² W?HK² ‚d?DÐ
114 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±±¥
House and Work
…—ULF « ´ rOLB²K sð—u 5 « ∫ rLB*« b½öð—uÐ WM¹b VK ∫ l u*« lÐd Âb μ∞∞∞ ∫ WŠU *«
Burnside House Designer: Ellen Fortin Design + Architecture Location : Portland’s Downtown Site area : 5,000 square feet This 3,000-square-foot single-family house was built on an undeveloped lot in a dense 1920s historic neighborhood near Portland’s downtown. Though it overlooks a 31-acre city park, the site came with several major constraints: it fronts a busy street, the back quarter slopes down 20 feet, and a large 100-foot Douglas Fir requires its own space at the slope of the site. Ellen Fortin and Michael Tingley, both architects, built their combined livework space for $650,000. A professional architecture studio and guest apartment occupy the ground floor. The second floor contains two bedrooms and the main living space - a large single room with living, library, dining, and kitchen areas, with an outdoor terrace extending to the south. The master suite and a west-facing deck take up the third floor. Completed in November 2010, the house, built in a high seismic zone, has a steel moment frame to support cantilevered decks and brace the primarily woodframed structure. On the interior, the architects employed evocative regional materials, such as fir paneling and basalt stone tile.
w U _« qšb*« ? ± W U ? ≤ WKzUŽ W dž ? ≥ Êe ? ¥ a³D ? μ ÂUFÞ ? ∂ WAOF ? ∑ W dý ? ∏ W Oz— Âu½ W dž ? π fÐö W dž ? ±∞
Longitudinal section
w uÞ ŸUD
Second floor plan
w½U¦ « —ËbK wI _« jI *«
111 Albenaa
sJ *« v ≈ ÍœR*« o¹dD « s dEM
¡UM³ « ±±±
ÂULŠ ? μ WKzUF « W dž ? ∂ ëdł ? ∑
First floor plan
W dý ? ± WAOF ? ≤ ÂUFÞ ? ≥ a³D ? ¥
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
w{—_« —Ëb « jI Ë ÂUF « l u*«
Site & Ground floor plan
Street view
Êe ? μ Âu½ ·dž ? ∑¨∂ ÂULŠ ? ∏
W Oz— Âu½ W dž ? ≤ ¨ ± fÐö W dž ? ≥ W dý ? ¥
w U _« qšb*« ? ± qšb*« W U ? ≤ u¹b²Ý ? ≥ a³D*« ? ¥
اﻟﺴﻜﻦ واﻟﻌﻤﻞ
ﺑﻴﺮن ﺳﺎﻳﺪ ﻫﺎوس
Main perspective from the front facade
s WOÐdG « W?IDM*« vKŽ WKD WOł—Uš W?IDM v « t{dF W?IDM w wM³ sJ? *« «c?¼ Ê« Æl? u*« rŽbÐ ÂU? rLB*« ÊU? w? U² UÐË ‰“ôe? « d?D) WIDM w? U uBš w³?A)« wzU?A½ô« ÂU?EM « ÆW¹–ôu U UŽœ l{uÐ ÂU YOŠ …dzUD « U ö³ « ©sJ? *« VŠU ® rLB*« Âb ²?Ý« ÂUŽ qJ?AÐË qF Ë ¨sJ? *« ¡«eł« VKž√ ¡U?A½≈ w WOFO³Þ œ«u WOFO³Þ dNEð w² « sJ *« UNł«Ë vKŽ fJF½≈ «c¼ Æw½«dLF « jO;« l WKš«b² Ë WDO ÐË
WO U _« WNł«uK —uEM
Èœ√ «c¼ q Ë ¨ Âb? ≤∞ nK)« ÁU?& iH M¹ t?½« WO UŽ Wł—bÐ bOH²? ¹Ë n?K² vM³ d¹uDð v? « ¨—Ë«œ√ ÀöŁ s sJ? *« ÊuJ²¹ Æl u*« ·Ëdþ s ’Uš r? Ë qšb*« vKŽ Èu²×¹ w?{—ô« —Ëb « Í—ULF rOLBð V?²J v « W? U{ôUÐ ·u?OC UÐ ¨Âu½ 5² dž vKŽ Èu²×O ‰Ëô« —Ëb « U √ ·d²× …eOL² W?³²J Ë a³D*«Ë ÂU?FD «Ë W?AOF*« W? dž W dž q²% ULMOÐ ¨ »uM'« ÁU&UÐ WOł—Uš WIDM Ë W U{ôUÐ w?½U¦ « —Ëb « UNðUI×K0 W? Ozd « Âu?M «
WO ¹—UðË W? U¦J « W?O UŽ W?IDM w sJ? ¡U?MÐ ©Â ±π≤∞® b?½öð—uÐ WIDM w? X u « f?H½ w Ê« w?MF¹ «c?¼ ¨ …d?O³ W?¹uLMð U?ÐuF t?ł«u¹ Èu² vKŽ …dO³ U¹b% ÂU √ ÊuJOÝ rOLB² « ÍdC(« jO;« l qŽUH² «Ë ÊUJ*« l ÂU−? ½ô« tł«Ë YOŠ U?M¼ öF Áb¼U?A½ U u¼Ë ÆÂUŽ qJ?AÐ rŠœe ÊUJ? W?Nł«u q?¦ U?¹b% r?OLB² « qJAÐ ‰uGA w U ô« Ÿ—U?A U ULz«œ ‰uG?A Ë YOŠ —b×M v?KŽ lI¹ t? H½ l u*« Ê« UL ¨ U?Lz«œ 110 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±±∞
Front facade on night view shot
WO U _« WNł«u « s WOKO …—u
Side elevation
109 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±∞π
WO³½U'« WNł«u «
Longitudinal section
First floor plan
Ground floor plan
w uÞ ŸUD
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
108 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±∞∏
Extraordinary and Internal Fluidity
p¹Ë“uÝ ÊË— ¨Êu Uł bOH¹œ ∫ rLB*« lÐd Âb ¥∏∂∞ ∫ WŠU *«
NaC1 House Designer: David Jameson FAIA Ron Southwick Interior Area: 4860 ft2 Photographer: Paul Warchol Photograhy Breaking the prescriptive mold of horizontally layered homes, NaCl House aspires to render unclear the spatial organization of the project and explore an architecture of ambiguous scale. The resultant massing reveals an imperfect, rough-hewn form recalling the natural isometric formation of mineral rock salt. The exterior composition is read as a single object that reflects a dynamic fluid interior. Uncorrelated to the buildings structure, glazing panels are detailed flush to the exterior surface, eliminating shadows which further inhibit a reading of the buildings scale.
Staircase to the upper floor
wHOþu « dO³F² «Ë p?ÝUL² « W¹Už w q?š«b « q²J « Ác?¼ nþuð w² « W?Ož«dH « W uO? «Ë ¡UC lMB ×U)« s Ëb³ð w² « …d?OGB « tCFÐ vKŽ `²HM Ë Ÿu?M² Ë nK² w?Kš«œ ÆX u « fH½ w iF³ « W¹d² uOł …b?ŽU vKŽ ŸËd?A*« …dJ bL²Fð UNł«u « qOJ?Að b?OFðË ÷u?LG « l?MBð WNł«Ë błuð ö? ¨ W d(« V? Š WOł—U)« ÊUIðô« W¹Už w vM³*« qF−¹ Íc « d ô« t²ÐUŁ œbF² sJ? t?½« v?KŽ t? bI¹Ë w?ÝbMN « ⁄«d?H « Ê« v?KŽ U?Lz«œ b?O U² « l? —u?B « lC ¹ ô w½U ½« ‰U− u¼ wKš«b « wMJ « ÆWOł—U)« W¹dB³ « WOKOJA² « dO¹UFLK
ÍuKF « —ËbK ÍœR¹ oKF rKÝ
Double layered ceiling at the reception & main entrance
107 Albenaa
‰Q ²½ UMKF&Ë W¹dB³ « b¼UA*« iFÐ U½dO¦ð X½U U? «–« U? uBš U?N²O¼U s?Ž «d?O¦ WD³ðd …œb?× —u v?KŽ œuFð U?M½U¼–√ …—uB « Ác¼ ÊuJð U? bMŽË ¨ WMOF nzUþuÐ d¦ √Ë d¦ √ b¹bײ UÐ √b³ð sJ? *UÐ W öŽ UN WЗUI² ÊuJð œUJð tð—u Ë sJ? *« vMFL
w³OFJ² « sJ? *« «c¼ w Æ”U?M « ÊU¼–√ w?
sJ? *« …—uB WOI ô« …bŽUI « d? J¹ Íc « wŠuð WJJH Ë W³ d q² qJý vKŽ ÁdNE¹Ë ¨nK² …—uB « ÂuNH Ëb³¹ ÂUE²½ô« Âb?FÐ Ê« u¼ …—u?B « Ác?¼ t bIð Íc? « ¡U?×¹ôU
d ô« l «Ë w ULMOÐ v{uH « W?¹Už w vM³*« s sJ? *« Ëb³¹ Íd?B³ « p?OJH² « r?ž—Ë
¡UM³ « ±∞∑
qšb*« WIDM w nI « ŸUHð—≈ w ·ö²š≈
ﺧﺮوج ﻋﻦ اﻟﻤﺄﻟﻮف وﺳﻴﻮﻟﺔ داﺧﻠﻴﺔ
ﺑﻴﺖ ﻧﺎﻛﻲ
General perspective from the main entrance
fOzd « qšb*« WNł s ÂUŽ dEM
106 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±∞∂
Aerial surounding of the building
Exterior seating
105 Albenaa
sJ LK w½«dLF « jO;«
WOł—Uš U Kł
¡UM³ « ±∞μ
Open to the outside view
WOł—Uš U Kł
WAOF ? ± ÂUFÞ ? ≤ WAOF ? ≥ WDÝu² W öÞ≈ ? ¥ a³D ? μ Âu½ W dž ? ∂ W dý ? ∑ `³ ? ∏ WI¹bŠ ? π
Second floor level
w½U¦ « —ËbK wI _« jI *«
First floor level
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
w{dŽ ŸUD W¹uN² « `{u¹ Cross section with natural ventilation diagrams
w uÞ ŸUD Longitudinal section
104 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±∞¥
A Formation Over Hollywood
‌—ULFK Âąâˆž f ≈ âˆŤ rLB*ÂŤ Ĺ“uO uÂź âˆŤ l u*ÂŤ lĂ?d Ă‚b âˆ‘Îźâˆžâˆž âˆŤ WĹ U *ÂŤ
Openhouse Designer: XTEN Architecture Site Area: 5,500 sqft (Interior Floor Area) 7,500 sqft (Exterior Floor Area) Photo Credits: Art Gray Photography The Openhouse is embedded into a narrow and sharply sloping property in the Hollywood Hills, a challenging site that led to the creation of a house that is both integrated into the landscape and open to the city below. Retaining walls are configured to extend the first floor living level into the hillside and to create a garden terrace for the second level. Front, side and rear elevations of the house slide open to erase all boundaries between indoors and out and connect the spaces to gardens on both levels. Glass, in various renditions, is the primary wall enclosure material. There are fortyfour sliding glass panels, each seven feet wide by ten feet high and configured to disappear into hidden pockets or to slide beyond the building perimeter. Every elevation of the house opens to capture the prevailing breezes to passively ventilate and cool the house. The fireplace is made of dry stacked granite, which continues as a vertical structural element from the living room floor through the second story. The main stair is charcoal concrete cantilevered. Several interior walls are dark stucco, an exterior material that wraps inside the space. The use of cut pebble flooring throughout the house, decks and terraces continues the indoor-outdoor materiality, which is amplified when the glass walls slide away. The building finishes are few in number but applied in a multiplicity of ways throughout the project, furthering the experience of continuous open spaces from interior to exterior. Set in a visible hillside area above Sunset Boulevard, the Openhouse appears as a simple folded line with recessed glass planes, a strong sculptural form at the scale of the site. The minimalist logic of the architecture is transformed by direct and indirect connections to the buildings’ immediate environment.
103 Albenaa
ÂĄUMÂł ÂŤ Âąâˆžâ‰Ľ
The facade primarily enclosed with glass materials to open view the surroundings
w?MÂł*ÂŤ U?Nšu²×š w?² ÂŤ W?OKĹĄÂŤb ÂŤ q?O UH² ÂŤ XO½d'ÂŤ s WĹ˝uMB ‌Q? b*U ĂŽ UI QĂ° Ă b?šeĂ° s wMÂł 5²N'ÂŤ s oKF*ÂŤ fOzd ÂŤ rK? ÂŤĂ‹ ÆWLĂ—H²*ÂŤ W½UĂ?d)ÂŤ —uC(ÂŤ s b?še*ÂŤ Ă‚bIĂ° Ă‚UĹ˝ qJ?AĂ? ‌dJH ÂŤ b RĂ°Ă‹ ¨‌dĂ˝UÂł*ÂŤ WKN ÂŤĂ‹ WDO Âł ÂŤ s U LK UNDĂ?ÂŤdĂ°Ă‹ sJ? *ÂŤ  U?ލd Ă•U?²H½ ĂŠâˆš v?KĹ˝ Æt WO UF ÂŤ ‌¥UHJ ÂŤ oIך
vKĹ˝ Ă?u²×š XOÂł ÂŤ ÂŤcÂź ĂŠâˆš uÂź dEMK XHK*ÂŤ d _ÂŤ ∑ ádFĂ? U?NM q ÂťUĂ—?Ă? w?Ĺ‚UĹ‚â€œ ÂťU?Ă? ÂĽÂĽ ʍ—b'ÂŤ w wH² Ă° UNK Ă‚ÂŤb √ Âąâˆž ‰uÞË Ă‚ÂŤb √ `² v ≈ ¡bNĂ°Ă‹ ¨vMÂł*ÂŤ w WOHKĹĄ oĂžUM w Ă‹âˆš vMÂł tKFĹ‚Ă‹ Â¨Ăƒâ€”U)ÂŤ vKĹ˝ Wł—œ vB QĂ? vMÂł*ÂŤ ‰UÂłI²?Ă?ÂŤĂ‹ WOFOÂłD ÂŤ WžOÂł ÂŤ l UIOLŽË Ăś?Ĺ˝UH² WšuNĂ° oOI% qĹ‚âˆš s V?Ă?UM*ÂŤ wFOÂłD ÂŤ ÂĄÂŤuN ÂŤ ÆÂUF ÂŤ ‰uĂž WÂłĂ?UM WOFO³Þ
ﺗﻜﻮﻳﻦ ﻳﻌﻠﻮ ﻫﻀﺒﺔ ﻫﻮﻟﻴﻮد
اﻟﻤﺴﻜﻦ اﻟﻤﻔﺘﻮح
W³CN « vKŽ√ s ×U)« vKŽ WO U _« WNł«u « ÕU²H½«
WO U _« WN'« w —«u?Ý_« W «“≈ v ≈ W U{ôUÐ vKŽ oz«b(«Ë Už«dH « jЗ qł√ s WOHK)«Ë Æw½U¦ «Ë ‰Ë_« 5¹u² *« W?K² qJ?ý v?KŽ ÂU?Ž qJ?AÐ Ëb?³¹ sJ? *« V½«u'« s ÃU?łe UÐ …UDG WH²K WO½U?Ýdš ULNCFÐ sŽ 5²KBHM 5?²K² UN½Q Ë dNEðË qO UH² « l qš«b² `¹d bN?A w iF³ « Æ¡Ëb¼ qJÐ ¡«dC)«
W³C¼ j?ÝË w Í—U& wŠ w sJ? *« lI¹ W?OFO³D « q?O UH² « q Èb?ײ¹Ë œËu?O u¼ jO;« l Z bM u?N UNO lI¹ w² « W?IDMLK ÆWM¹b*« vKŽ WFz«— W öÞ≈ ÂbI¹ X u « fH½ w Ë Î qO UH² « l? o?LFÐ ö?š«b² Ëb?³¹ sJ? *« s Ë W³CN « ŸUHð—« Èu²? vKF tÐ WDO;« ‰Ë_« o?ÐUD « b - ¨W?K U(« Ê«—b?'« ‰ö?š ¨w½U¦ « Èu² *« vKŽ WŠu²H WI¹bŠ błuð UL
102 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±∞≤
Sustainability & Future Energy
¡«dC)« WOMÐú dD fK− ∫ p U*« dD ? WŠËb « ∫ l u*« lÐd d² ≤≤μ ∫ WŠU *«
Energy Efficient Villa Client: QGBC Location: Doha Site Area: 225 m² Perhaps Qatar is the first Gulf state which began making great strides towards building its local standards for green architecture, and perhaps the celebration of the Qatar Green Building Council (QGBC), the Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa), and Barwa Real Estate Group in the official opening ceremony of the first villa project “Passive House” (or the housing that produces negative energy) which will save energy in Qatar, marking a major shift in the country’s burgeoning construction industry and the rest of the countries in the region. Under the Baytna project, two 225sq m villas have been constructed side by side in Barwa City for a comparative study on the benefits of the Passive House design in Qatar’s hot and arid climate. With one villa constructed to conventional standards and one built using passive house standards, the experiment hopes to demonstrate that the passive house villa can achieve a 50 percent reduction in annual operational energy, water and carbon dioxide emissions compared to the other villa. The cost of the low-energy villa was estimated to be 16% more than the conventional house, initially aimed between 15%-20%. Following this testing and commissioning period of six months, the two villas will be occupied by two similarly-sized families, with at least one child, where further monitoring will take place for one year, as a real life demonstration of environmental principles in practice. “With the opening of Qatar’s first Case Study Passive House, we have paved the way for a more sustainable future for generations to come. By testing energy efficient solutions, we support Qatar’s shift from a carbon economy to a knowledgebased economy in line with the Qatar National Vision 2030,” Issa al-Mohannadi, chairman of both QGBC and Qatar Tourism Authority (QTA) said.
99 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ππ
General aerial perspective
Front elevation
·u?Ý ¨q U ÂUŽ Èb vKŽË Æ 5²KH « ÈbŠ≈ WOHO WFÐU²* p? –Ë ¨5²KzUF « W³ «d Íd?& s rNðœUH²?Ý« Èb Ë WO uO « rNðUOŠ dO?Ý w rN² U ≈ ‰öš W¾O³K W?I¹bB « UIO³D² « w sJ? K ÊU²KzUF « qI²Mð Ê√ l u²¹Ë ÆqKH « w Âu½ ·dž ≥ s? WH R*« WOł–uLM « q?KH « ÆÂ≤∞±≥ ÂUF « dš«Ë√
Íuł —uEM
WO U _« WNł«u «
‰u u « ÊU w?ÝUÝ_« ŸËd?A*« ·b¼ Ê≈ qKH UÐ W U)« pKð sŽ b¹eð ô WOzUA½≈ WHKJ² Æ•≤∞Ë ±μ 5?Ð ÕË«d?²ð W³? MÐ W?¹bOKI² « W²? Ð …œb;« WO³¹d−² « …d?²H « Êü« √b?³ðË UNð«—b Ë …b¹b'« q?KH « ¡«œ√ —U³²šô ¨dN?ý√ ¡UN²½« bFÐË ÆbŠ√ UNKG?A¹ Ê√ ÊËœ WOKOG?A² « 5²KŁUL² 5²KzUŽ —U?O²š« r²O?Ý ¨…d²H « Ác¼ ULNM …bŠ«Ë q qGAð YO×Ð œ«d _« œbŽ w
اﻻﺳﺘﺪاﻣﺔ وﻃﺎﻗﺔ اﻟﻤﺴﺘﻘﺒﻞ
ﺑﺎﺳﻴﻒ ﻫﺎوس
Front facade view in big open garden
Y¹bŠ lÐUDÐ öOH « rOLBð -Ë ÆÍË«d×B « W³ MÐ q √ ÁUO Ë W UÞ pKN² ð ULMOÐ ¨`¹d Ë WLB³ « —U?Ł¬ w d?O³ ÷U?H ½« l? ¨•μ∞ ¨åU?M²OÐò ŸËd?A `?$Ë «c?¼ ÆW?O½uÐdJ « öO ¡UMÐ w? WO U{ù« nO UJ² « i?Hš w? U¼bOO?A²Ð qLF « √bÐ Íc « å”ËU¼ nO?ÝUÐò s d¦ √ ÈbF²ð ô w ¨Â≤∞±≤ fD? ž√ w ÆW¹bOKI² « öOH « ¡UMÐ WHKJð s •±∂
WŠu²H*« WI¹b(« s WO U _« WNł«u «
q¦1 U u¼Ë ¨dD w W UDK …d u ©WO³K?Ý w UÐË W Ëb « w? «¡U?A½ù« ŸUD w W?KI½ ŸËd?A sL{ ŸËd?A u¼Ë ÆWIDM*« ‰Ëœ Æ…ËdÐ WM¹b w åUM²OÐò WŠU? mK³ð 5²IÐUD² 5?²KO ¡U?MÐ - b?I ¨…ËdÐ WM¹b w? Î UFÐd Î «d² ≤≤μ U?LNM q WOLOLB² « d?O¹UF*« W? ¡«u Èb? W?Ý«—b dD f?ID å”ËU?¼ nO?ÝU³ «ò ·d?F¹ U*
WO−OK)« ‰Ëb? « ‰Ë√ s? d?D Êu?Jð U?0— ¡UMÐ u?×½ …dO³ «u?Dš uD ð √b?Ð w?² « ¨¡«dC)« …—ULFK W U)« W?OK;« U¼dO¹UF ¨¡«dC)« WOMÐú d?D fK− ‰UH²Š« qF Ë ¡U*«Ë ¡U?ÐdNJK W?¹dDI « W? UF « W? ÝR*«Ë ÕU²² ôUÐ ¨W¹—UIF « …ËdÐ WŽuL− Ë ¨©¡U dN ® å”ËU¼ nOÝUÐò öO ŸËdA ‰Ë_ wLÝd « W? UÞ Z?²M¹ Íc? « Í√ w³K? « sJ? *« Ë«®
98 Albenaa
¡UM³ « π∏
Dining room
ÂUFD « W dž
qš«b « w d−(« «b ²Ý« UO{—_« w ÂUšd UÐ Î UłËe2 Èdš√Ë …dO³ Uײ tKK ²¹Ë WOłUł“ Tile stones extended to the interior walls and marbles on floors
97 Albenaa
¡UM³ « π∑
Living room with open view
×U)« vKŽ WAOF*« W öÞ≈
Section thru bedroom
Section thru entrance
ÂuM « ·dGÐ —U ŸUD
qšb*UÐ —U ŸUD
UILŽ lMBð …—ËU−² Ê«—bł
Different sections
`³ *UÐ —U ŸUD
UNKK ²ð ÃUłe «Ë W½UÝd)«Ë d−(UÐ …UDG …dO¦ jz«uŠ ÃUłe « vKŽ qDð …dO³ Uײ The building mass is made up of concrete, bricks, and glass with big openings for visible outer view
Ground floor plan
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
96 Albenaa
¡UM³ « π∂
Modernist Purity and Geometric Expression
Êu¹—ULF ”—U Ë ”—U ∫ rLB*« Êœ—_« ? ÊULŽ ∫ l u*«
Villa in Amman Designer: Faris & Faris Architects Location: Amman, Jordan
It is rare to see Arab houses with modernist purity, as we see in this house, where the general trend in designing the Arab housings is the dominance of decoration and ornaments on the public image of the house so it is difficult to distinguish the houses from each other.Fresh approach here, which depends on the surfaces of geometric expression, has its own importance, especially if what we know that we need to re-form a mental picture of housing rooted in the Arabian mind.The villa looks very modern and interacts with the site, and the blocks seem direct and do not hide anything, as we feel them simple, easy and clear, although they are solid and hide the family with privacy. When we try to link the form with horizontal projections we don’t find that the horizontal projection has that privacy for the external configuration, as the house is an extended U-shaped blocks consisting the inside courtyard as its space with private overlooking especially with the presence of a swimming pool. The designer provided the possibility of separating the villa through the two floors, where in ground floor there are four bedrooms, a living room, a reception, a dining room, in addition to the kitchen and bathroom, with some private bathrooms for bedrooms and four parking, while the first floor contains three bedrooms, a living room, a reception, a dining room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Taking care of the lobby’s outer materials here is the most influential part as the horizontal projected extensions cover an opportunity for the formation and using stone material makes the overall shape with a natural sense that suits the surrounding environment. In general, this beautiful sculptural work is one of the factors and elements of beautiful and stylish architecture which attracts others to look and enjoy the scene.
«œ«b?² « Ê≈ «–≈ ¨ «d?OŁQð d?¦ _« u?¼ W?Oł—U)« «b ²Ý« Ë qOJA²K W d vDFð wI _« jI *« ”U? Š≈ Ë– ÂUF « qJ?A « s qF& d−(« …œU Æ WDO;« W¾O³ « l r− M¹ wFO³Þ u¼ qOL'« w²×M « q?LF « «c¼ ÊQ W UŽ W?HBÐ Ë WIO½_« Ë WKOL'« …—U?LF « U uI Ë q «uŽ b?Š« Ë UM?ÝU Š≈ dO¦ð Ë …b¼U?A*« v?KŽ Y?% w?² « …—uB « Æ U?Nð—ULFÐ l?²L² « Ë d?EM UÐ ‰u?CH « WO?ÝbMN « WO d(« UNOKŽ VKGð …—u w¼ W UF « oOIײ `?O×B « t?½UJ w? l{Ë ¡w?ý qJ Ê« «c¼ ÊuJ¹ Ê« ÊËœ WÐuKD*« WOł—U)« …—u?B « sJ? LK W UF « WHOþu « »U? Š vKŽ «c¼ Êu?Jð Æ WIzU WOÝU ×Ð UNF rLB*« UN d²Š« w² «
Entrance facade
95 Albenaa
¡UM³ « πμ
Ë a³D*« v ≈ W U{ùUÐ ¨ ÂUFÞ W U Ë ‰U³I²?Ý≈Ë ·dG W U)« U UL(« iFÐ œułË l ÂUL(« ‰Ë_« oÐUD « U √ ¨ «—UO?Ý n «u WFЗ√ Ë ÂuM « Ë W?AOF W U Ë Âu½ ·dž ÀöŁ vKŽ Íu²×O kŠö½ Ë Æ ÂULŠ Ë a³D Ë ÂUFÞ W U Ë ‰U³I²Ý« Õu²H*« dL*« Ë Ã—U)« vKŽ qDð ·dG « r?EF Ê≈ fOzd « q?šb*« ⁄«d Ë WOD?Ýu « WI¹b(« v?KŽ Æ sJ *« wŠUMł tMC²×¹ Íc « WDO ³ « `DÝ_« «– UNł«uK ÂUF « s¹uJ² « Ê≈ …u? J*« WODzU(« W×K?Ý_« UNF lÞUI²ð w² « Ë Ë ržUMð U?Nł«u « s? qFł w?½œ—_« d?−(UÐ Œu?Ý— Ë …u ¡UDŽ≈ l ¨ 5F « ÁQ?D ð ô s?¹U³ð u?N³ « œ«u?0 ¡U?M²Žô« Æ W?¹uNK «b?O Qð Ë ¡U?M³ «
qšb*« WNł«Ë
ﻧﻘﺎء ﺣﺪاﺛﻲ وﺗﻌﺒﻴﺮ ﺟﻴﻮﻣﺘﺮي
ﻓﻴﻼ ﻓﻲ ﻋﻤﺎن
Main view from swimming pool area
WÞU ³Ð t½_ U½dO×¹ Íc « lM²L*« qN? « s Ÿu½ Æ WIOLF « Ë W U)« t²¹u¼ t wM qLŽ WOI _« j U? *UÐ qJ?A « jÐd½ Ê≈ ‰ËU×½ U bMŽ WO uB)« p?Kð t w?I _« jI? *« Ê≈ b?$ ô q² s?Ž …—U?³Ž sJ? *U ¨ w?ł—U)« s?¹uJ²K wKš«b « ¡UMH « qJA¹ U ·dŠ qJ?ý vKŽ …b²2 œułË l U? uBš W U)« t?² öÞ≈ t ¡U?C qB WO½UJ ≈ rLB*« d Ë bI Æ WŠU³? « ÷uŠ —Ëb UÐ b?łu¹ Y?OŠ ¨ 5IÐUD « d?³Ž ö?OH « «c?¼ W?AOF W? U Ë Âu?½ ·d?ž W?FЗ√ w?{—_«
s×M ¨ ¡w?ý Í√ wH ð ô …d?ýU³ q²J « d?NEð UN½√ rž— W×{«Ë Ë WKN?Ý Ë WDO? Ð UNÐ dF?A½ W b ²? *« «¡UCH « U?NHKš w?H ð Ë W?²LB ÆWO uB)« «– WKzUFK Íc « X?×M « «c¼ q? Qð s? n? u²½ Ê≈ s?J1 ô lMBð …—ËU−² Ê«—bł sŽ …—U³Ž sJ? *« qF−¹ qJ?A « bMŽ nI½ Æ …œb?F² ‚U?LŽ√ «– U?ž«d wÝbMN « s¹uJ² « VŽu² ½ Ê√ ‰ËU×M wł—U)« √bÐ√ vŽb½ ô …d?ýU³*« Ë WÞU? ³ « ržd ¨ ΔœUN « q¦1 uN WŽd Ð tÐUFO²?Ý« sJ1 qJ?A « «c¼ Ê≈
wŁ«bŠ ¡UI½ «– WOÐdŽ s U Èd½ Ê≈ —œUM « s ÂUF « tłu² « Ê≈ «–≈ ¨ sJ *« «c¼ w Áb¼U?A½ UL ·dše « WMLO¼ u?¼ WOÐdF « s U? *« rOLBð w sJ? LK W UF « …—uB « vKŽ WOł—U)« wK(« Ë Æ UNCFÐ s?Ž s U? *« eO/ Ê« VFB¹ t½« v?²Š «– ÕuD? « vKŽ bL²F¹ Íc « UM¼ wIM « t?łu² « U uBš W U)« t²OL¼√ t Íd?² uO'« dO³F² « …—uB « qOJAð …œUŽ≈ v ≈ WłU×Ð UM½≈ UM dŽ U «–« ÆWOÐdF « WOM¼c « w W ðd*« sJ *« sŽ WOM¼c « ¨l u*« l qŽUH² « Ë WŁ«b(« W¹Už w öOH « Ëb?³ð 94 Albenaa
¡UM³ « π¥
Fountain in the central court
Entrance elevation
Side elevation
93 Albenaa
¡UM³ « π≥
¡UMH « jÝu²ð …—u UM «
qšb*« WNł«Ë
WO³½Uł WNł«Ë
Open veranda
Side elevation
longitudinal section
¡UMH « vKŽ qDð W½uJK³ «
WO³½Uł WNł«Ë
w uÞ ŸUD
Iwans & Natural
Second floor plan
First floor plan
WFO³D « sC²% U½«u¹≈
w½U¦ « —ËbK wI _« jI *«
Ground floor plan
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
Lower ground floor plan
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
o×K*« jI
92 Albenaa
¡UM³ « π≤
Arabian Originality and Belonging to Nature
WOÝbMN « «—UA²Ýû ÍœUN « b³Ž V²J ∫ rLB*« ÊULŽ ∫ l u*«
Architect Villa Designer: Abdulhadi Engineering Consultants Location: Amman What distinguished Mowafaq Abdul Hadi’s works is this profound presence of ancient Arab architectural details and the association to the surrounding environment at the same time and this is not surprising as this approach has been used by the Arab architecture through the ages and is not surprising to see it again in this inimitable architectural experience. Architect Mowafaq says: “Thanks to Allah Almighty, when I first started developing designs of my home in 1994, I started passionately collecting all my dreams to build the shelter with special characteristics which will make me happy, so among of them loving being close to the nature such as water and green spaces, fishes, and birds, loving the beauty of sky through its sunrise, sunset, clouds…etc, and enjoying rains and snows”. Mowafaq also confirms that he was interested in enjoying privacy by saying that “human home is his intimate oasis and his private heaven while his family members are the springs of happiness, as well as I like spacious appearances and visual open range; these two elements which make person feel free and ready to go.” “I like the internal communication acoustically and visually between the housing’s various spaces making its life full of people and security and free from boredom and tedium as the household are close to each other even if their subjects were different,” he added. Architect Abdul Hadi is impressed by Islamic architecture as it is the pure magic and he smells history fragrant and tales of parents and grandparents and he feels overspill to roots and the branch belongs to main. From this point we can see houses that he designed like a series of anecdotes near each other but each one has its own privacy and pleasure.
91 Albenaa
¡UM³ « π±
Elevated entrance
ÍœUN «b³Ž Í—U?LF*« Æ åw?½UF*« WIOLŽË ¡U?DF « w w¼ò U?NMŽ ‰uI¹ WO ö?Ýù« U?Mð—ULŽ Ád?N³ð a¹—U² « o³Ž r²ý√ UNO Ë h U)« d×? « ÍdE½ v « œ«b² ôUÐ dF?ý«Ë œ«bł_«Ë ¡U?Ðü« U¹UJŠË «c¼ s Æ åq? _« v ≈ Ÿd?H « ¡U?L²½UÐË —Ëc?'« UN½Q Ë UNLL w² « uO³ « Èd½ Ê√ sJ1 oKDM*« iF³ « UNCFÐ s W³¹dI « U¹UJ(« s WK? KÝ Æt²F² Ë t²O uBš t UNM q sJ
qšb*« WNł«Ë
Ê«Ë rNCFÐ s Êu³¹d XO³ « q¼Q qK*«Ë d−C « ŸË—QÐ dEM « ·U%≈ V?Š√Ë ¨ rNF{«u bŽU³ð w? HM v uð ULM¹« WO UL'« WOž«dH « U?ðu×M*« XO³ « ÊU ÊS ¨ ÁUO% Ê√ vF ðË ‰UL'« Âd²% WOM³*« tð«¡UCH W U)« ÊU? ½ù« …UOŠ Õd? U √Ë b¼U?A*«Ë ‰uBH « pK² WKOL'« WOHK)« w¼ ÊuJ « i³M »öš ”UJF½« ULN qE «Ë fLA « …dÒ Ł W?¹—«bł UŠu U?M r?Ýd¹ t² dŠ ŸU?I¹«Ë
ا ﺻﺎﻟﺔ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ وا ﻧﺘﻤﺎء ﻟﻠﻄﺒﻴﻌﺔ
ﺑﻴﺖ اﻟﻤﻌﻤﺎري
Main entrance
ÊU? ½ù« XO³ WO uB)UÐ l²L² UÐò UL²N ÊU lOÐUM¹ r¼ tK¼√Ë W? U)« t²MłË WLOL(« t?²Š«Ë w ‚Ëd?¹ U?L ¨ÁdŽU?A u?O¹—«uŠË tðœUF?Ý Õu²H*« ÍdB³ « Èb*«Ë W?³Šd « ôöÞù« p c W¹d(UÐ f?HM « Ê«dF?A¹ U2 Ê«dBMF « Ê«c?N UOFLÝ wKš«b « q «u² « nDK²?Ý«Ë ¨‚öD½ô«Ë U2 ¨W?HK² *« sJ? *« «¡U?C 5?Ð U?¹dBÐ Ë s WO Uš s _«Ë f½ôUÐ WLFH tO …UO(« qF−¹
XO³K fOzd « qšb*«
w²OÐ r?O UBð l{uÐ v? UFð t?K « qCHÐ √b?Ð s —b?IÐË ≠ c?š√ ¨ ±ππ¥ ÂU?Ž w? ’U?)« ÈËQ*« UH t?Ð rKŠ√ U q lOL−²Ð ≠ nG?A « VŠ UNM ÊUJ? ¨ U?N−N³ðË w? H½ bF? ð w?² « —uOD «Ë ¡«d?C)«Ë ¡U?*U WFO³D « s? »d?I « ‰ULł v? ≈ d?EM « V?ŠË t³?ý√ U? Ë „UL?Ý_«Ë U¼u×½Ë U?N uOžË U?NÐËdžË UN Ëd?AÐ ¡UL? « t½√ b R¹Ë åÃuK¦ UÐ Õd*«Ë —UD _UÐ ÕdH « WF² Ë
—uC(« «c¼ u¼ ÍœUN «b³Ž o u ‰ULŽ« eO1 U W?I¹dF « W?¹—ULF*« W?OÐdF « q?O UH²K o?OLF « «c¼Ë ¨X u « fH½ w WDO;« W?¾O³ UÐ ◊U³ð—ô«Ë tOKŽ —UÝ Íc « ZNM « u¼ ÊU bI UÐdG² fO »dG²? 0 fO Ë U¼—uBŽ d³Ž WOÐdF « …—ULF « W¹—ULF*« W?Ðd−² « Ác?¼ w? b¹bł s? Á«d?½ Ê« XO³ « ÍœUN « b?³Ž o u Í—ULF*« r?LB¹ U bMŽ ULMOŠò o u Í—U?LF*« ‰uI¹ Æt?O gOF¹ Íc? « 90 Albenaa
¡UM³ « π∞
Family living room overlooking the garden & swimming pool
WŠU³ « ÂULŠ vKŽ qDð WOKzUF « WAOF*« W dž
Dining room
ÂUFD « W dž
Open kitchen
Õu²H*« a³D*«
87 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∏∑
High wall separates the stair & living room
WAOF*« W dž w jz«u(« qO UHð
Upper bedroom floor
First floor plan
ÍuKF « ÂË—b³ « —Ëœ jI
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
Concept housing styles
Ground floor plan
¡UMH UÐ t² öŽË ‰eM*« rOLBð —UJ √ qOK%
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
86 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∏∂
Quiet Sculpture & Residential Sense
s R*« ÕU²H « b³Ž V²J ∫ rLB*« ÂU b « ∫ l u*«
House in Dammam Designer: AFM Location : Dammam
This housing stops us with its simplicity and deeply critical sense as the designer wanted to reflect his architectural experience in his own house through addressing the spaces and style of the project in a way to achieve the integration of modernity and abstraction with the requirements of the traditional Saudi family and meeting its needs through the development of creative design solutions for its challenges represented by providing housing overlooking general spaces, including living rooms, lounges and dining rooms while providing flexibility through the possibility of dividing it whenever required privacy. The house’s block has designed in a U-shaped that embraces a side garden and a swimming pool, making the building as a natural curtain to provide privacy required through two ribs of it, and forming the studio block overlooking the garden, which extends from the master bedroom in the upper floor above the terrace’s outside space, as an additional curtain for the house’s third side, as well as providing a shaded terrace using strips of Japanese wood treaded for external use and that whenever wet by water you will smell jungle natural wood. The planning idea provided large glass openings overlooking the garden and outer space which allow the entrance of natural lighting without scratching privacy. The challenges of design also included providing external spaces and balconies used by all family members from different corners of the house with full privacy while preserving the traditions and ethics in contrast to the traditional model used in most contemporary houses which contain gardens and balconies in the houses’ front facades that can not be used unless as aesthetic appearance that needs maintenance and care for not being used by family members.
rOLB² « U¹b% XKLý UL Æ…œb× Ë W uIF UNÐ l²L²¹ U?½uJKÐË W?Oł—Uš Už«d d?O uð ‰eM*« s WHK² U¹«Ë“ s WKzUF « œ«d? √ lOLł bO UI² « vKŽ WE U;« l W?O uB)« q UJÐË ÍbOKI² « ÖuLMK Î U öš W?O öš_« jЫuC «Ë Íc «Ë …d? UF*« ‰“U?M*« r?EF w? d?A²M*« UNł«Ë w? U½uJKÐË o?z«bŠ v?KŽ Íu?²×¹ ô≈ UN «b ²?Ý« sJ1ô w?² « W?O U _« u?O³ « W¹UMF «Ë W½UOB « qJA0 wN²M¹ w ULł dEML
ÆWKzUF « œ«d √ q³ s UN «b ²?Ý« ÂbŽ V³?
Open court and swiming pool area
85 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∏μ
d ËË ‰eMLK W¦ U¦ « WN'« w WO U{≈ Î «dðUÝ `z«dý «b ²?ÝSÐ …cHM tKHÝ√ WKKE W d?ý «b ²Ýû ’U)« Z UF*« w½UÐUO « VA)« s dF?ý ULK ¡U*« q²Ð√ U?LK Íc? «Ë w?ł—U)« …dJ Ê√ U?L ÆwFO³D « »U?G « V?Aš W×z«dÐ WF?Ý«Ë W?OłUł“ U?ײ d? Ë j?OD ² « wł—U)« ¡UCH «Ë W?I¹b(« vKŽ qDð …d?O³ Ë ‘bš ÊËœ s WOFO³D « …—U½ù« ‰ušbÐ `L? ð U¹bײ « ŸËd?A*UÐ wŽË— UL ÆW?O uB K WHKJð sL{ cOHM² « WO½UJ ≈ l WIDMLK WOšUM*«
WŠU³ « ÂULŠË Õu²H*« ¡UMH «
ﻧﺤﺖ ﻫﺎدى وإﺣﺴﺎس ﺳﻜﻨﻲ
ﻣﻨﺰل ﻓﻲ اﻟﺪﻣﺎم
Pespective view along the main street
t½Ëd*« tO d u¹ Íc « X u « w ÂUFÞ UŽU Ë X³KDð U? v?² tLO? Ið W?O½UJ « ‰ö?š s? qJAÐ ‰eM*« WK² XGO bI Æp – WO uB)« WŠU³Ý W dÐË WO³½Uł WI¹bŠ sC²×¹ U·dŠ tð«– b?×Ð Î UOFO³Þ Î «dðU?Ý ¡U?M³ « s? qFł U?2 5FK{ ‰öš s? WÐuKD*« WO uB)« d? u¹ qD*« ’U?)« u¹b²?Ýô« WK² X½u UL ¨t?M W? Ozd « ÂuM « W dž s b²L*«Ë W?I¹b(« vKŽ wł—U)« ”«d?² « ¡UC ‚u Íu?KF « —Ëb? UÐ
fOzd « o¹dD « vKŽ WKD*« WNł«uK —uEM
ÍbIM « t? ×ÐË t²ÞU? ³Ð sJ? *« «c¼ UMH u¹ t?²Ðd& f?JF¹ Ê√ r?LB*« œ«—√ b?I o?OLF « W'UF ‰ö?š s ’U)« tMJ? 0 W?¹—ULF*« Z œ o?I×¹ qJ?AÐ ŸËd?A*« j?/Ë U?ž«d W?KzUF « U?³KD² l? W?¹b¹d−² «Ë W?Ł«b(« UNðUłUO²Š« vKŽ W?ÐUłù«Ë W¹bOKI² « W¹œuF? « W?OŽ«bÐ≈ W?OLOLBð ‰u?KŠ l?{Ë ‰ö?š s? ÊuJ¹ sJ? dO u²Ð XK¦9 w?² «Ë U?NðU¹bײ ôU Ë f U− s W UF « tðUž«d w Î UŠu²H 84 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∏¥
Explicit Blocks & Classic Sense
ÃU(« ‚—UÞ ”bMN*« V²J ∫ rLB*« d³)« ∫ l u*« lÐd d² ≤∞±∞ ∫WŠU *«
A Villa in Al Khobar Designer: Tariq Al Hajj Location : Al Khobar Site Area : 2010 m2 The housing is much larger than the façade that shows as its block extended behind the facade dramatically where there is a clear motor axis that separates the building into two semi identical blocks forming the various sections of housing starting from the men’s section, which is divided into two identical rooms preceded by the entrance in all its details and its presence in the foreground as a free neutral element confirms the motor axis. In men’s section, there is important details where there is a courtyard open to the sky behind the entrance and provides directly natural light to the entrance hall. There are also two passages surrounding the courtyard; one links the men’s section with the family section and the other links the dining room and related services with the other part of the family section. The family section is placed in the middle and consists of a giant circular hall located in the middle behind the courtyard where some service rooms are in between, but this hall forms a private motor axis that ends in its center. This hall is linked with several living rooms overlooking the swimming pool which represents the final extension of the housing. The spatial distribution of the ground floor represents an exciting trip on the level of movement, social activities or interaction with the external environment that also enhances the block & clearly highlights it. On the first floor, the bedrooms stretch over men and family sections and the swimming pool section remains in its own floor but it forms a beautiful gradation of the urban blocks which is always enhanced by the designer by using the simple and classic urban formats which he used in his previous designs.
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *« First floor level
w½U¦ « —ËbK wI _« jI *« Second floor level
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *« Ground floor level
ÂË—b³ « —Ëœ Basement
Perspective from family entrance
83 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∏≥
WKzUF « qšb WNł s —uEM
ﻛﺘﻞ ﺻﺮﻳﺤﺔ وإﺣﺴﺎس ﻛﻼﺳﻴﻜﻲ
ﻓﻴﻼ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺨﺒﺮ
Perspective from formal entrance
wž«dH « l?¹“u² « ÆsJ? LK wzUNM « œ«b?² ô« Èu² vKŽ WIOý WKŠ— q¦1 w{—_« oÐUDK l qŽUH² « Ë√ WOŽUL²łô« UÞUAM « Ë« W d(« U¼“d³¹Ë WK²J « “eF¹ t½√ UL ¨w?ł—U)« jO;« b²9 ÂuM « ·d?ž ‰Ë_« oÐUD « w? ÆÕu?{uÐ ÷uŠ r vI³¹Ë WKzUF «Ë ‰Ułd « r? ‚u ×bð qJ?A¹ t?MJ b?OŠu « t?IÐUDÐ WŠU³? « tłuð ULz«œ U¼“eF¹ w² « WO½«dLF « q²JK q?OLł WDO? ³ « WJO?ÝöJ « WO½«dLF « mOBK rLB*« ÆWIÐU « tLO UBð w UNOKŽ œU²Ž« w² «
fOzd « qšb*« WNł s —uEM
błu¹ UL ÆdýU³ qJAÐ qšb*« WŽUI WOFO³D « fK− jÐd¹ U?L¼bŠ« ¡UMH UÐ ÊU?DO× Ê«d2 ÂUFD « W dž jÐd¹ dšü«Ë WKzUF « r IÐ ‰Ułd « r? s dšü« ¡e'UÐ UNÐ WD³ðd*« U b)«Ë u¼Ë WKzUF « r? błu¹ nB²M*« w ÆW?KzUF « nB²M*« w lIð W öLŽ W¹dz«œ WŽU s ÊuJ ·d?ž i?FÐ U?LNMOÐ q?BH¹Ë ¡U?MH « n?Kš UNÐ ’Uš w dŠ —u× qJ?Að UNMJ U b)« ·dG « błu¹ ôË U¼e d w wN²M¹ —u× tMJ ”uK−K ·dž …bŽ …bŽUI « ÁcNÐ j³ðdð Èdš_« q¦1 Íc? « WŠU³? « ÷u?Š vKŽ q?Dð w?² «
w² « W?Nł«u « s? «d?O¦ d?³ √ sJ? *« Ëb?³¹ WNł«u « n?Kš …b?²2 XO³ « W?K²J ?U?¼dNE¹ `{«Ë w dŠ —u?× błu¹ YOŠ dO³ qJ?AÐ t³?ý 5?²K² v? ≈ v?M³*« q?BH¹ `?¹d Ë WHK² *« sJ? *« ÂU? √ ÊöJ?Að 5?ðdþUM² 5²ŽU v ≈ Ÿ“u²¹ Íc « ‰Ułd « r s «¡«b²Ð« tKO UHð qJÐ q?šb*« UN bI²¹ 5ðdþUM² t³?ý —dײ ÍœUOŠ d?BMF W bI*« w Á—u?CŠË błu¹ ‰Ułd « r? w Æw d(« —u;« b? R¹ Õu²H ¡U?M błu¹ YOŠ W?LN qO UHð „U?M¼ …¡U?{ô« d? u¹Ë q?šb*« n?Kš ¡UL? « v?KŽ 82 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∏≤
Historical Sense & Social Expression
WOÝbMN « «—UA²Ýö w−¹d)« ÊULOKÝ V²J ∫ rLB*« …bł ? WCNM « wŠ ∫ l u*« lÐd d² μ∞∞ ∫ WŠU *«
Duplex Villa Designer: SAK Location : Jeddah Site Area : 500 m2 The general trend of constructing housing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is moving more to small residences and the future suggests that we should think about creating new solutions that make small residences the dominant culture, and this requires that we have to actually offer new ideas to convince the Saudi family which involves in this matter. We are facing the «duplex» system which seems to become more receptive to the family and became a replacement of the «villa» and forms a new culture that many Saudi architects have become innovated in the design. What distinguishes this design that it simulates the architectural style of the old city of Jeddah in terms of designing the facades and the usage of materials (reef stone) in the main façade. Each duplex consists of two floors and an annex. The ground floor has a main entrance, a salon, a living room, a dining room, a guest bathroom, and living room bathroom on a total area of 150 square meters. While the first floor contains the master bedroom, three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a small kitchen on a total area of 150 square meters. On the roof there is an annex that consists of a bedroom, a bathroom, a laundry, a large store, a small store and service room on a total area of 75 square meters. In general, this trend heralds the emergence of a great diversity of the Saudi housing in the future as duplex itself has a great potential to achieve diversity.
81 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∏±
First floor plan
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
Longitudinal section
Cross section
ÆlÐd d² ∑μ WŠU? 0 W bš W džË dOG ŸuMð —uNEÐ tłu² « «c¼ d?A³¹ ÂUŽ qJ?AÐË YOŠ q³I² *« w ÍœuF? « sJ? LK dO³ oOIײ …d?O³ U?½UJ ≈ f?JKÐËb « b?łu¹ Æ⁄«d?H « «b ²?Ý≈Ë WŠU? *« w? Ÿu?M² « Î UOKš«œ U?NFMB¹ w² « …b?¹b'« U?M¹uJ² «Ë vKŽ WDЫd² U? öŽ œu?łË l Î U?Oł—UšË ÆwŽUL²łô« Èu² *«
Ground floor plan
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
w uÞ ŸUD
w{dŽ ŸUD
f?Oz— q?šb t?Ð b?łu¹ w?{—_« —Ëb? « ÂU?LŠË ÂU?FÞ W? džË W?AOF Ë Êu? U Ë d² ±μ∞ WŠU 0 WAOFLK ÂULŠË ·uOCK ÕUMł vKŽ ‰Ë_« —Ëb? « Íu²×¹ ULMOÐ ÆlÐd 5? ULŠË Âu?½ ·d?ž Àö?ŁË f?Oz— Âu?½ w Ë ÆlÐd d² ±μ∞ WŠU 0 dOG a³D Ë W dž s Êu?J²¹ Íc « o×K*« błu¹ `D? « Êe Ë dO³ Êe? Ë WK? G Ë ÂULŠË Âu½
اﻟﺤﺲ اﻟﺘﺎرﻳﺨﻲ واﻟﺒﻌﺪ اﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻲ
ﻓﻴﻼ دوﺑﻠﻜﺲ
General perspective from the main street
ÊUJ q?²×¹ —U Ë …d?Ýú W³? M UÐ ö³Ið —u Ë ‰UJýQÐ …b¹bł W UIŁ qJA¹Ë åöOH «ò 5¹œuF « 5¹—ULF*« s dO¦ —U …œbF² rOLB² « «c¼ eO1 U ÆUNLOLBð w ÊuŽb³¹ W1bI « …bł WM¹b* Í—ULF*« “«dD « w U×¹ t½√ œ«u*« «b ²Ý≈Ë UNł«u « rOLBð YOŠ s ÆW Ozd « WNł«u « w ©d−(«® Æo×K Ë s¹—Ëœ s bŠ«u « fJKÐËb « ÊuJ²¹
fOzd « o¹dD « WNł s ÂUŽ —uEM
WJKL*« w s U? *« ¡UMÐ w ÂUF « t?łu² « Ê≈ s U? *« v ≈ d¦ √ t−²¹ W¹œuF? « W?OÐdF « UMOKŽ V−¹ t½√ w « dOA¹ q³I² *«Ë …dOGB « s qF& …b?¹bł ‰uKŠ —UJ?²Ð« w d?OJH² « «c¼Ë …bzU « W UI¦ « w¼ …dOGB « s U? *« …dÝ_« lMIð …b¹bł —UJ √ ÂbI½ Ê√ öF VKD²¹ ÂU √ s×½ Æd _« «cNÐ WOMF*« wN W¹œuF? « d¦ √ `³ √ t½√ Ëb³¹ Íc « åf?JKÐËb «ò ÂUE½ 80 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∏∞
Visual Balance for Andalusian Style
ÃËdÐ V²J ∫ rLB*« …bł WM¹b ∫ l u*« lÐd d² ∑π± ∫ WŠU *«
Villa in Jeddah Designer: Buruoj Location: Jeddah Site Area: 791 m²
Work on developing models of architecture acceptable for the Saudi family probably represents one of the important trends that a lot of those interested in contemporary Saudi housing seek for. Though, there are trends need developments and diversity and this in itself makes us think to look for all the experiences that support this diversity. The building looks symmetrical one and visually liberated and suggests clear dynamic though the block is significantly coherent and elegant.The site contains two separate houses, each located in one of the corners of the land while leaving space between them for gardens and external details that are designed to strengthen the internal spaces and give them a presence and infinite openness to the outside. The details of the outer block consist of elements that are not frequent, but rarely, especially in the corresponding block which consists of the entrance that leads to the internal rectangular-shaped saloon. In this façade, the symmetry imposes some repetition, but the rest of the facades’ elements are dominated by harmonious and comfortable diversity away from the exaggerations that we see usually in such an architectural trend. It seems that the spatial distribution helped in forming this diversity as the horizontal projections were distributed in a simple geometric way. Generally, this type of housing represents a special taste for the Saudi family as it is part of its memory and historical fantasy of the concept of housing.
79 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∑π
First floor plan
Ground floor plan
UM Ëb³¹ Íc? «Ë ÆÍ—ULF*« t?łu² « «c¼ q?¦ ŸuM² « «c?¼ w bŽU?Ý wž«dH « l?¹“u² « Ê√ Íd² uOł qJ?AÐ XŽ“Ë WOI _« j U? *U ¨W¹—ËdC « d?Ož b?z«Ëe « jO? Ð w?ÝbM¼ s U? *« s ŸuM « «c?¼ q¦1 ÂU?Ž qJ?AÐË uN W¹œuF « …dÝú W³? M UÐÎU Uš Î U «c w ¹—U² « U?¼—uBð s Ë UNðd «– s? ¡eł ÆÊü« sJ *« ÂuNH*
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
W?Oł—U)« W?K²J « q?O UHð Æ×U?)« v?KŽ Î «—œU?½ ô≈ …—d?J² dOž d? UMŽ s W?½uJ Íu²% w?² « …d?þUM²*« W?K²J « w? WÎ ? Uš wKš«b « Êu? UB « v? ≈ œuI¹ Íc? « q?šb*« ÷dH¹ WNł«u « Ác¼ wH ¨qJ?A « qOD² *« d UMŽ w? UÐ sJ Ë —«d?J² « iFÐ d?þUM² « `¹d*«Ë ržUM²*« ŸuM² « UNOKŽ VKG¹ UNł«u « w …œU?Ž U¼«d½ w?² « U?G U³*« s?Ž b?OF³ «
ﺗﻮازن ﺑﺼﺮي ﻟﻄﺮاز أﻧﺪﻟﺴﻲ
ﻓﻴﻼ ﻓﻲ ﺟﺪة
Main villa front facade perspective
wŠu¹Ë Î U?¹dBÐ Î «—d?ײ Èdš√ W?Nł s Ë WJ?ÝUL² WK²J « Ê√ rž— W×{«Ë WOJO UM¹bÐ Æ…dO³ Wł—œ v ≈ WIO½√Ë ULNM q 5KBHM 5²OÐ vKŽ l u*« Íu²×¹ ⁄«dH « „dð ULMOÐ ÷—_« ÊU —√ b?Š√ w lI¹ w² « WOł—U)« q?O UH² «Ë oz«b×K U?LNMOÐ WOKš«b « U?ž«dH « e¹eFð q?ł√ s X?LL w¼UM² ö « U?NŠU²H½«Ë U¼—uCŠ U?NzUDŽ≈Ë
öOHK WO U _« WNł«uK —uEM
W u³I W?¹—ULF “dÞ d?¹uDð vKŽ q?LF « bŠ√ q¦1 U0— ¨W¹œuF « …dÝú W³ M UÐ s dO¦ UN vF? ¹ w² « W UN « UNłu² « vKŽ ¨d UF*« ÍœuF? « sJ *UÐ 5L²N*« d¹uDð v ≈ ÃU²% UNMOFÐ UNłuð „UM¼ Ê√ dJH½ UMKF−¹ tð«– bŠ w «c¼Ë ¨Ÿu?Mð v ≈Ë rŽbð w?² « »—U?−² « q s?Ž Y?׳ « w?
WNł s «dþUM² v?M³*« dNE¹ ÆŸuM² « «c?¼
78 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∑∏
Openness & Spatial Efficiency
WOM √ V²J ∫ rLB*« ÂU b « ∫ l u*« lÐd d² ∑μ∞ ∫ WŠU *«
Al Rabdi Villa Designer: Afniah Location: Dammam Site Area: 750 m² Since the beginning there was a desire from the owner to feel that he lives in a building that is not separated from the walls that surrounding it, and he wanted his own house to be part of the space surrounding and he was thinking of making spaces overlapped to look like one space but can be used in time of need as divided spaces. The point of view here was based on the idea that the Saudi housing is filled by non-independent and repeated spaces, and the main concern was to make the housing efficient and highly functional and that is considered as a high priority for the owner so the spatial relations have appeared here to reflect the content of the Saudi housing and not its details. The living room is the central area which makes up the rest of the spaces which extend from the living room to make a common dining room and then other family spaces then to form the housing as a whole. The design idea is simple and originally arising from the increasing of spaces which formed the building block that appears simple and the entrance seems in the middle of the block with the first floor extension which balances the housing block in general and gives a sense of depth and openness on the ground floor level. The housing simplicity may emphasize the importance of intimate sense of place with the housing design as the warm feeling is here but it is difficult to determine its origin and perhaps this is the secret of housing as a whole and its spaces and their relationship to each other.
Bricks stone in main entrance
75 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∑μ
qšb*« WK² w d−(« «b ²Ý«
First floor plan
Ground floor plan
Longitudinal section
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
w uÞ ŸUD
ا ﻧﻔﺘﺎح واﻟﻜﻔﺎءة اﻟﻔﺮاﻏﻴﺔ
ﻓﻴﻼ اﻟﺮﺑﺪي
General perspective from the main entrance
sJ? « WK² Ê“«u¹ Íc « ‰Ë_« oÐUD « œ«b?² « l ÕU²H½ô«Ë o?LF UÐ ”U? Š« w?DF¹Ë ÂUŽ qJ?AÐ W½“«u² WNł«u « Æw?{—_« oÐUD « Èu²? vKŽ Už«dH «Ë q?²J « l? b uðË WG U³*« s?Ž b?F²³ðË UNOKŽ w² « WÞU ³ « ÊuJð U0— ÆsJ? LK WKN? « s U *« rOLBð o «d¹ Ê√ WOL¼√ b Rð sJ? *« «c¼ œułu T b UÐ —uFA U ¨ÊUJ*UÐ wLOLŠ ”U Š≈ d?Ý «c¼ qF Ë ¨Á—bB b?¹b% VFB¹ s?J U?M¼ ÆiF³ « UNCF³Ð UN² öŽË tðUž«d Ë qJ sJ *«
fOzd « qšb*« WNł s ÂUŽ —uEM
bI p c ¨p ULK W³ M UÐ WO UŽ W¹u Ë√ d³²F¹ WO UŽ sJ? *« Íu²× fJF² WOž«dH « U öF « dNþ WIDM*« d³²F¹ fK−*U ¨tKO UHð fO Ë ÍœuF? « b²9 w² « Už«dH « w UÐ UNM qJA²ð w² « W¹e d*« rŁ s Ë W d²?A ÂUFÞ W dž lMB² f?K−*« s bFÐ qJ sJ *« qJA²O ¨Èdš_« …dÝ_« Už«d u/ s ö √ W¾ýU½Ë WDO Ð rOLB² « …dJ Æp – w² « vM³*« WK² qJ?Að UN½√Ë ¨UNK «uðË Už«dH « WK²J « n?B²M w qšb*« Ëb?³¹Ë WDO? Ð dNEð
dF?A¹ w p U*« Èb W³ž— „UM¼ X½U W¹«b³ « cM jO% w² « —«u?Ýô« sŽ qBHM dOž vM³ w t½« ⁄«dH « s? «¡eł tÐ ’U?)« XO³ « b?¹d¹ ÊU ¨t?Ð qFł w? d?JH¹ ÊU t?½√ U?L ¨ sJ? *UÐ j?O;« wJ bŠ«Ë ⁄«d? UN½Q Ë Ëb³² WKš«b² U?ž«dH « ÆWL I Už«dH WłU(« X Ë UN «b ²?Ý« sJ1 sJ? *« Ê« …dJ v?KŽ e dð X?½U d?EM « W?NłË …—dJ²*«Ë WKI² dOG « Už«dH UÐ ¡wK ÍœuF « WOHOþË …¡UH Ë– sJ *« ÊuJ¹ ÊQÐ ÂUL²¼ô« ÊU Ë 74 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∑¥
Spatial Openness and Social Contact
WOM √ V²J ∫ rLB*« ÂU b « ∫ l u*« lÐd d² ∑μ∞ ∫ WŠU *«
Al Matrood Villa Designer: Afniah Location: Dammam Site Area: 750 m² The idea is based on the possibility that the block is floating above the basement which nearly occupied the land area so the gardens and open spaces are all part of the basement and linked with the other floors visually as a large part of which is open to the sky. The idea relies on this communication between the spaces that make up the housing block as a whole.The public spaces in the house appear to be linked with the outside and open to each other with the presence of oblique stairs in the housing’s motor axis. In general, the details of the house seem like other Saudi houses as we have noticed that the middle-income family able to build a house has become very attentive to the design of housing and benefit as much as possible of the land area, which has become expensive and therefore the level of housing has developed a lot during the past ten years and there are many lessons can be learned from them in this regard. In this housing in particular, the details of simple facades look harmonious with the general component of the house and coherent with the large spaces provided by the design itself, where the focus was on the vertical relations available rather than using the land area in horizontal relations and stifling the outer spaces, and this is what we see here through opening the block at the surrounding and giving full opportunity for each resident to enjoy using and watch thespaces voids formed by the house elements.
Side elevation
73 Albenaa
WO³½Uł WNł«Ë
¡UM³ « ∑≥
First floor plan
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
Ground floor plan
Longitudinal section
Mezzanine floor plan
5½«eO*« —Ëb wI _« jI *«
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
w uÞ ŸUD
إﻧﻔﺘﺎح ﻓﺮاﻏﻲ وﺗﻮاﺻﻞ اﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻲ
ﻓﻴﻼ اﻟﻤﻄﺮود
Main perspective from the front facade
ÊuJ*« l WLžUM² WDO ³ « UNł«u « qO UHð w² « …dO³J « UŠU *« l jЫd² Ë XO³K ÂUF « vKŽ eO d² « - Y?OŠ t? H½ rOLB² « U?¼d Ë „öN²?Ý« s ôbÐ W?ŠU²*« WO?Ý√d « U? öF « oMšË W?OI _« U öF « w? ÷—_« WŠU? s Áb¼U?A½ U? u?¼Ë ¨W?Oł—U)« «¡U?CH « WŠUð«Ë U?NÐ jO;« v?KŽ WK²J « ÕU?²H½« ‰ö?š ŸU²L²?Ýû 5M U? « qJ? W?K U W? dH « UNKJ?Að w² « Už«dH « …b¼U?A Ë Â«b ²?ÝUÐ ÆXO³ « d UMŽ
WO U _« WNł«uK —uEM
ô XO³ « q?O UHð ÊQ? ÂU?Ž qJ?AÐË ÆX?O³K b?I Èd?š_« W¹œuF? « u?O³ « s?Ž Ãd? ð …—œUI « q?šb « WD?Ýu²*« …d?Ý_« Ê√ U?MEŠô rOLB²Ð «b?ł r²Nð —U? UN XOÐ ¡U?MÐ v?KŽ WŠU? s ÊUJ ô« —b …œUH²?Ýô«Ë sJ? *« w U² UÐË ¨s?L¦ « WE¼UÐ X?׳ √ w?² « ÷—_« ‰öš «dO¦ —uDð t? H½ sJ *« Èu²? ÊS …dO¦ ”Ë—œ „UM¼Ë ¨WO{U*« «uM?Ý d?AF « ÆœbB « «c¼ w UNM rKF² « sJ1 ’uB)« t?łË vKŽ sJ? *« «c?¼ w d?NEð
WLzUŽ XO³ « W?K² ÊuJð Ê« v?KŽ …dJH « e? dð U³¹dIð ÷—_« WŠU? q²Š« Íc? « u³I « ‚u? WŠu²H*« UŠU? *«Ë o?z«b(« ÊS? w? U² UÐË oЫuD « l? q? «u²ðË u?³I « s? ¡eł U?NK Õu²H UNM dO³ ¡eł Ê√ Êu ÎU?¹dBÐ Èdš_« 5Ð q «u² « v?KŽ …dJH « bL²Fð Æ¡UL? « vKŽ UL ÆqJ sJ? *« WK² qJ?Að w² « U?ž«dH « UN½Q Ë d?NEð sJ? *« w W UF « U?ž«dH « Ê√ iF³ « UNCFÐ vKŽ WײHM Ë Ã—U)UÐ WD³ðd w d(« —u?;« w ·d?×M rK?Ý œułË l 72 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∑≤
IDC q UJ²*« ¡U/ù« W dý ∫ rLB*« ”ULý uK(« …błU ØÂ ∫rOLB² « o¹d Í—U ³ « œuL× ØÂ ÷U¹d « ∫ l u*« lÐd d² ∑∞∞ ∫WŠU *«
Housing & Entertainment
Private Lounge in Riyadh Designer: Interactive Development Co. Ltd. Location : Al Riyadh Site Area : 700 m2 This lounge gathers the idea of housing with entertainment as it is a place to receive guests, gather family and spend some days out of the routine of life. Previously, many of the cities in the Kingdom especially Riyadh had houses in farms and these houses were the main entertainment and gathering area outside the strict lifestyle, in addition to being a place for social interaction. The building here is a form of an extended rectangle where gathering, reception and dining rooms occupy most of the ground floor spaces, which shows us that such a large lounges’ main objective is the extended family gathering or large social events and this is a phenomenon has become known in most of Saudi cities. This configuration is reflected on the building block that takes a form of an Andalusian shy model led by outstanding arches that form a clear corridor while the ceremonial entrance is located in the middle and the first floor’s block looks simple as it contains bedrooms and suites. The whole idea is simple and clear, but focuses on the social communication as the power shown by the external shape designed primarily to send a clear social message that reflects the owner’s financial and social status, and this is what can be understand clearly here, especially with the organization of the general location where the lounge block overlooks at the down area and another building is facing it while the swimming pool and gardens located in the back. It is important here to highlight the block visually and spatially compared to the natural composition of the site, which gives it a double social dimension.
First floor level
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
Ground floor level
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
Site Plan
71 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∑±
ÂUF « l u*«
اﻟﺴﻜﻦ واﻟﺘﺮﻓﻴﻪ
إﺳﺘﺮاﺣﺔ ﺧﺎﺻﺔ
Perspective from formal entrance
Wł—b UÐ ·bNð wł—U)« qJ?A « U¼dNE¹ w² « sŽ W×{«Ë WOŽUL²ł« W U?Ý— YFÐ v ≈ v? Ë_« sJ1 U «c¼Ë p ULK WOŽUL²łô«Ë WO U*« W?½UJ*« l u*« r?OEMð l U? uBš Õu?{uÐ t?ð¡«d vKŽ WŠu²H WŠ«d²?Ýô« WK² błuð YOŠ ÂUF « ULMOÐ dš¬ v?M³ UNKÐUI l?I¹Ë ‰ËeM « W?IDM ÆnK)« w? lIð o?z«b(«Ë WŠU³? « ÷u?Š rN UOž«d Ë U?¹dBÐ W?O½«dLF « W?K²J « “«d?Ы Íc « d _« l uLK w?FO³D « qOJ?A² UÐ W½—UI ÆÎUHŽUC Î UOŽUL²ł« Î «bFÐ tODF¹
fOzd « qšb*« WNł s —uEM
u¼ ”UÝô« UN b¼ …dO³J « UŠ«d²Ýô« Ác¼ q¦ WOŽUL²łô« U³ÝUM*« Ë√ b²L*« ÍdÝô« lOL−² « VKž« w W ËdF X׳ √ …d¼Uþ Ác¼Ë …dO³J « WK² vKŽ s¹uJ² « «c¼ fJFM¹ ÆW¹œuF « Êb*« t bI²¹ ôu−š Î UO? b½√ “Î «dÞ c ²ð w² « vM³*« Î U×{«ËÎU «Ë— qJAð vM³*« WK² sŽ …“—UÐ œuIŽ dNEðË j?Ýu « w w UH²Šô« qšb*« lI¹ ULMOÐ ·dž WK² U?N½u WDO? Ð ‰Ë_« o?ÐUD « W?K² W×{«ËË WDO Ð UN² dÐ …dJH « ÆÂuM « W×Mł√Ë …uI U w?ŽUL²łô« q «u² « v?KŽ e dð U?NMJ
wN tO d² « l sJ « …dJ WŠ«d²Ýô« lL& Íd?Ýô« lL−² «Ë ·uOC « ‰U³I²?Ýô ÊUJ? w Æ…UO(« 5ðË— ×U?š ÂU¹_« iFÐ ¡U?C Ë U uBš W?JKL*« Êb? s dO¦ X?½U oÐU? « uO³ « Ác¼Ë Ÿ—«e*« w uOÐ UNÐ błu¹ ÷U¹d « ×Uš lL−²K Ë tO d²K wÝUÝô« ‰U−*« w¼ X½U U½UJ U?N½u v ≈ W? U{ôUÐ …œU?'« …UO(« j?/ qOD²? qJ?ý vKŽ vM³*« ÆwŽUL²łô« qŽUH²K ÂUFD «Ë ‰U³I²Ýô« ôU Ë f U−*« q²% ¨b²2 Ê√ UM dNE¹ Íc «Ë w{—ô« oÐUD « UŠU VKž√
70 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∑∞
Sculpture & Modernity Expression
w½ö eŽ W UÝ« ”bMN*« ∫ rLB*« WOÝbMN « «—UA²Ýö bFÝ√ —bOŠ ∫ Í—UA²Ýù« …bł ∫ l u*«
Villa in Durrat Al-Arus Designer: Usama Azkalany Consultant: Haider Asaad Consulting Engineers Location: Jeddah The villa here looks different and forces us to stop and watch it as it is an overlapping “Collage” composition that gathers cubic shape with the soft cylinder and is clear from the beginning that the designer intended to design this striking formation. The idea here depends on this overlapping between the contrasting shapes that can be a different sculptural expression, it may be difficult to understand but without a doubt it forces us to think and analysis even at the level of horizontal projections, so whoever sees this block will stop to see the internal details and spatial composition of this villa. In fact, the spatial distribution is simple and reflects the block directly as there is cubic shape block that overlaps smoothly with the cylindrical surrounding to make public spaces, while the most of the spaces concentrated inside the square. Despite the idea’s simplicity, it turns with the height and takes different forms in order to create this outer block’s multi sculpture. In general, this house expresses a fine orientation that may no longer prevalent in the current period as most housing designers tend toward simplicity, direct and easy expression which achieves a residential sense and at the same time is away from exaggerations. This building does not exaggerate in formation, but it uses function deeply and quietly in order to create the formation and this, in our opinion, is important and reflects fine abstract potentials with great benefit.
69 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∂π
Back elevation
First floor plan
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
Íc « qN « dO³F² «Ë …d?ýU³*«Ë WÞU? ³ « X u « fH½ w Ë wMJ « ”U Šù« oI×¹ Æ UG U³*« sŽ bF²³¹ tMJ Ë qOJ?A² « w? m? U³¹ ô v?M³*« «c?¼ qł√ s ÍËd?²ÐË oLFÐ WHOþu « Âb ²? ¹ fJF¹Ë ÂU?¼ d √ «c?¼Ë ¨qOJ?A² « œU?−¹≈ …b?zU «– W?¹b¹d& WOKOJ?Að U?½UJ ≈ Æ…dO³
Ground floor plan
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
ÆWFÐd*« WK²J « qš«œ Už«dH « VKž« e d²ð ŸUHð—ô« l ‰u?ײð UN²ÞU? Ð vKŽ …dJH « o?Kš q?ł√ s? W?HK² ôUJ?ý√ c?šQðË WK²J « t?OKŽ Ëb³ð w?² « œbF²*« X?×M « «c¼ ÆWOł—U)« U0— wKOJ?Að tłuð sŽ sJ? *« «c¼ d³F¹ VKžQ WO U(« …d?²H « w? Î «d?A²M bF¹ r u×½ ÊuN−²¹ s U? *« wLLB U?Nłuð
اﻟﻨﺤﺖ واﻟﺘﻌﺒﻴﺮ ﻋﻦ اﻟﺤﺪاﺛﺔ
ﻓﻴﻼ ﻓﻲ درة اﻟﻌﺮوس
Main perspective from the front facade
v²Š qOKײ «Ë d?OJH² « v?KŽ U½d³−¹ p?ý b¼UA¹ sL WOI _« j U? *« Èu²? vKŽ WOKš«b « qO UH² « W dF* n u²O?Ý WK²J « Ê√ WIOI(«Ë öOH « ÁcN wž«dH « VO d² «Ë WK²J « s?Ž d³F¹Ë jO? Ð wž«dH « l?¹“u² « qJA « W³FJ*« WK²J « „UMN ¨d?ýU³ qJAÐ w w½«uD?Ýô« jO;« l? q?š«b²ð w?² « U?LMOÐ W? UF « U?ž«dH « l?MB² W?ÝöÝ
WO U _« WNł«uK —uEM
n u² « v?KŽ U½d³& W?HK² öOH « Ëb?³ð qš«b² åwłôu ò s¹uJð UN½√ …b¼U?A*«Ë ¨5?K « w½«uD?Ýô«Ë w?³OFJ² « Ÿu?L−¹ ÊU r?LB*« Ê√ W?¹«b³ « s? `?{«u «Ë …dJH U ¨dEMK X?HK*« qOJ?A² « «c¼ bBI¹ ‰UJ?ý_« 5Ð qš«b² « «c¼ vKŽ bL²Fð U?NK Î «d?O³Fð Êu?Jð Ê√ s?J1 w?² « …œU?C²*« ÊËœ tMJ t?LN VFB¹ b ¨ÎU?HK² Î UO²×½
68 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∂∏
Arabian Touch and Geometrical Balance
Houses in Diplomatic Quarter
WšœuF ÂŤ Wš—UIF ÂŤ W dA ÂŤ âˆŤ p U*ÂŤ WOĂ?bMŸË Wš—ULF  —UA²Ă?ÂŤ  Ă?—ULF*ÂŤ e d*ÂŤ âˆŤ Ă?—UA²Ă?ڍË rLB*ÂŤ áUšd ÂŤ ?  —UH ÂŤ wĹ âˆŤ l u*ÂŤ lĂ?d d² ¼≤[∞∞∞ âˆŤlDI ÂŤ WĹ U w ULĹ‚Ă´ÂŤ
Designer: Arch Center
This design compel us to think of the history of the Saudi House and the transformation it experienced in the last 5 decades. These transformation provides lessons required for the development of the culture of housing in Saudi Arabia. We are confronted here with a design that brings us back to history and yet does not lose a modern touch.The composition is deeply rooted in the arabian character with all its calmness and effeciency and simple forms overwelmed by the human side. The design is for two connected villas at one side to allow for larger area from all other sides of the house, and to give the buildinga visual value through geometrical balance.The floor plans also expresses the culture of the Saudi House and the social changes that appeared in the Saudi family lifestyle.
Main Perspective - Villa type L
‰≈ Ăƒâ€“u/ ĂśOH wI _ÂŤ jI *ÂŤ
w Ăƒâ€“u/ ĂśOH wI _ÂŤ jI *ÂŤ
Ground & typical floor plan - Villa type L
Ground & typical floor plan - Villa type K
d³Fð WOI _ j U? * ÆÂUŽ qJ?A� rOLB²  dOŒ bF²³ð ôË WšœuF?  sJ? * W UIŠsŽ w²  W?OŽUL²łô  ôu?ײK UŸdO? Hð w?
w U² UĂ?Ă‹ WšœuF ÂŤ ‌d?Ă?_ÂŤ ‌UOĹ vKĹ˝  √dĂž wL²MĂ° WOލd q?O UHĂ° s Ă bÂźU?A½ U ĂŠQ?
sJ? LK sŸd ÂŤ X u ÂŤ w ‌bzU? ÂŤ W UIÂŚK o?OLĹ˝ qJ?AĂ? f?JFÂ˝âˆš U? u?ŸË Ă?Ĺ“uF? ÂŤ ÆqO UH² ÂŤ q vKĹ˝ `{ÂŤĂ‹Ă‹ Villa type N
67 Albenaa
ĂŠâ‰ˆ Ăƒâ€“u/ ĂśO
‰≈ Ăƒâ€“u/ ĂśOH —uEM
‌—U³Ž r?OLB² ÂŤ ĂŠu?Jš ĂŠâˆš p? U*ÂŤĂ‹ r?LB*ÂŤ s ‌bĹ ÂŤĂ‹ W?NĹ‚ s? 5²I ܲ 5?²K s?Ĺ˝ s? W?Ĺ u²H ‌d?OÂł WĹ U? W?Ĺ UĂ°ÂŤ q?Ĺ‚âˆš WLO WK²J ÂŤ ÂĄUDĹ˝â‰ˆ qĹ‚âˆš s? Ă‹ ĂˆdĹĄ_ÂŤ  UN'ÂŤ sJ? *ÂŤ w²K² ĂƒU bÂ˝â‰ˆ UNIIך d?Âł √ W?šdBĂ? Wšu q²J ÂŤ d?NEĂ° YOĹ Ăś?F oI% U u?ŸË wĂ?dF ÂŤ qOJA² ÂŤ ÂĄĂ‹bÂź UN b š ĂĽWšd² uOĹ‚ĂĽĂ‹ WLO rŽœ w VBĂ° UNK Ă‹ ĂŠâ€œÂŤu²*ÂŤĂ‹ jO Âł ÂŤ
ا ﺣﺴﺎس اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻲ واﻟﺘﻮازن اﻟﺠﻴﻮﻣﺘﺮي
ﻣﺴﺎﻛﻦ ﻓﻲ ﺣﻲ اﻟﺴﻔﺎرات
Front perspective - Villa type K
UNOKŽ vGD¹ w² « WDO ³ « UNðULÝË UN²zUH Ë ULN «d √ tð«– bŠ w «c¼Ë w½U ½ô« V½U'« Íc « wHOþu « V?O d² « œd− Èb?F²¹ t½u …d²H « w 5LLB*« ÊU?¼–√ vKŽ vGD¹ —U
¡«uÝ tO m U³*« qOJ?A² « “ËU−²¹Ë …dOš_« ÆW¹dB³ « WÞU ³ « Ë√ bOIF² « WOŠU½ s w?Š w? l?I¹ Ê“«u?² Êu?J ÂU? √ s?×½ ÍQð—« b? Ë ÷U¹d « W?M¹b w? «—UH? «
w Öu/ öOH WO U _« WNł«u «
a¹—Uðò w dOJH² « vKŽ r?OLB² « «c¼ U½d³ł tÐ d w² « ôuײ «Ë åÍœuF? « sJ *« 5I¹ vKŽ s×M ¨W{U*« œuIŽ W L)« ‰öš Î UÝË—œ UM ÂbI²Ý ôuײ « Ác¼ s dO¦ Ê√ sJ? « W UIŁ d¹uD² …b?AÐ UNłU²×½ WLN oLŽ v ≈ U½bOF¹ `¹d qOJAð ÂU √ s×½ ÆUM¹b s¹uJð ¨…d UF*« ”U Š≈ U½bIH¹ ôË a¹—U² « U?NzËbNÐ W?OÐdF « WOB ?A « —Ëc?Ð q?L×¹ Villa type O
Ë√ Öu/ öO
66 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∂∂
…¡«dIK W Kł Ë√ V²J W dž
W Uš U uÝ— œułË l W¾ «b « Ê«u _« «b ²Ý≈Ë ‰UHÞ_« Âu½ W dž ÆUNŽ«u½√Ë «—UO « ‚U³ Ð t UL²¼« vKŽ Î «bO Qð …—UO Ð
WO²¹“ WOM WŠu tHKš błu¹ fK− Ë d¹dÝ tÐ ¡eł vKŽ Íu²×¹ ÂuM « ÕUMł
63 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∂≥
“«dD « WOJOÝö W Oz— Âu½ W dž
X b ²Ý« bI Ê«—b'« U √ ¨ UO{—_« w VA)«Ë Ê«—b'« w WOFO³Þ …œUL »uD « «b ²ÝSÐ eOL²ð Âu½ W dž W² U)« «¡U{ù«Ë WDO ³ « nײ «Ë «—«u ô« iFÐ ÷dŽ Ë√ V²J « l{u n¹ËU& qLF UNðU×D
62 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∂≤
nI « w ‘uIM «Ë W¹—«b'« ULO I² «Ë W%UH « Ê«u _UÐ eOL²ðË ôËUÞ …bŽ vKŽ Íu²% ÂUFD « WŽU
u³I « —Ëœ w W Kł
61 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∂±
…¡U{û WO³½U'« «—ułUÐ_« iFÐ p c Ë …¡U{ù« w U¹d¦ « «b ²Ý≈Ë fOzd « Êu UB «
rLB*« s …c
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
rLB*« √bÐ WÝ«—b UÐ t²³¼u qI Ê√ bFÐ sLŠd « b³Ž W dý fOÝQ²Ð d1uF « qOKš ‰öš s dNEO ¨ ôËUILK tJ¹dýË d1uŽ UNO q UJ²ð WLžUM² W¾OÐ WOŽ«bÐù« t ULŽ√ ƉUJý_« l Ê«u _« WOFO³D « œ«u*« «b ²ÝUÐ Î ULz«œ ·uGý t½_Ë X×MÝ ULK W dH « “UN²½≈ vKŽ Î U Ëœ ’d×¹ ¨tÐ lM²I¹Ë dJH « fH½ vM³²¹ qOLŽ œułuÐ 5Ð XM¹U³ð b tLO UBð Ê√ lM1ô p – Ê√ ô≈ ŸbÐ√ b Ë WOŁ«b(« WŽeM «Ë WOJOÝöJ « WŽeM « sŽ ÃËd)« vKŽ rLB*« ל YOŠ ¨ ULNOK w
—u « Èu² iHšË c «uM « …d¦JÐ ·u Q*« vKŽ ÕU²H½ùUÐ p – `L ¹ YOŠ ¨ wł—U)« ÆrOLB² « ‰ULł —UNþ≈ ÎÓ UC¹√Ë Ã—U)« u¼ WKzUF « œ«d √ l tFL−¹ Î UŽUL²ł« qF Ë YOŠ ¨ŸËdA q w tKLŽ tÐ √b³¹ Íc « ÕU²H*« s tKCH¹ U vKŽ ·dF²O rNM q l fK−¹ s t²OB ý l VÝUM²¹U Ë ‰UJý√Ë Ê«u √ UłUO²Šô Î UO³K ŸËdA*« wðQO ¨ UłUO²Š« œd q UłUO²Šô Î UO³K rŁ s Ë qJ …dÝ_« Æ…bŠ vKŽ UNO
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
60 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∂∞
d1uŽ qOKš ”bMN*« ∫ wKšb « rOLB² « ÷U¹d « WM¹b ∫ l u*« —ËbK lÐd d² ≥μ∞∞ ∫ WOM³*« WŠU *«
b¹bײ UJOKÐ_«Ë UŠuK « «b ²Ý≈Ë Ê«—bł ‰« vKŽ U¼u½UÐ œułË l fOzd « Êu UB « ‰ULŽ_UÐ ‘uIM*« nI « jÝu²ð …dO³ U¹dŁ v ≈ W U{ùUÐ WO³½U'« …¡U{ù« l¹“uðË ¡eł q ÆWO{—_« vKŽ ÂUšd « ‰ULŽ√ tKHÝ√ s Ë WO ³'«
59 Albenaa
¡UM³ « μπ
WOLOLBð WH K t³ŠUB¹ dýU³*«Ë —UB « wž«dH « l¹“u² « fH½ w Ë bŠ«Ë ÊUJ t½Q Ë ÊUJ*« s qF& W?Žb³ WOKš«œ W U)« t² U Ë t²LO Ë t²OB ?ý ⁄«d q wDFð X u « WЗUI²*« W b ²? *« Ê«u? _« U?ł—œ w `?C²¹ «c¼ Æt?Ð WÎ Uš WOKš«b « U³OD?A² « w Ë X u « fH½ w WM¹U³²*«Ë Íc « `¹d*« Ÿu?M² «Ë Ê«—b'« w V?A)«Ë ¨Ê«—b'« ‚—Ë s qF−¹Ë dŁR Ë g?¼b UM¼ ržUM² « ÆnI?Ý_« vKŽ dNE¹ ÆtO ÊuJ¹ s Íu²×¹ T «œ ÊUJ*«
اﻟﺜﻘﺎﻓﺔ اﻟﻜﻼﺳﻴﻜﻴﺔ واﻟﺘﻔﺎﺻﻴﻞ اﻟﻔﺨﻤﺔ
ﻗﺼﺮ ﺧﺎص ﻓﻲ اﻟﺮﻳﺎض
v ≈ U½œuIðË UMŁb% UN½≈ Ædš¬ v ≈ ÀbŠ s U?MKIMð WKB² Ë tŁUŁ√Ë Áœ«u Ë t½«u √Ë tKO UHð w Z bM½ U?MKF&Ë ¨ÊUJ*« …—U³Ž dBI « Æ‚Ëc? « lO — ržUM²ÐË W bÐ Á—U?O²š« - Íc « cšQ¹ Íc « rK « ⁄«d UND?Ýu²¹ qJA « WKOD²? WK² sŽ ¨‰Ë_« oÐUD « w 5²Nł v ≈ ŸdH²ðË ÊUJ s √b³ð …dz«œ qJý U½u UB « Ÿ“u²ð ULMOÐ rK « nKš fOzd « Êu UB « lI¹Ë q²%Ë ¨5³½U'« vKŽ ·dG « w UÐË ÂUFD « W džË Èd?š_« «c¼ ƉË_« o?ÐUD « ”u?K'« ôU i?FÐË ÂuM « ·d?ž
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55 Albenaa
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54 Albenaa
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48 Albenaa
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46 Albenaa
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Strawscraper â€ŤŘĽďşłďş˜ďťœďť¤ďşŽŮ„ ďťŁďş¸ďşŽŮˆŘš ﺑﺎ؏‏
Strawscraper project is a complete of the construction of the tower built in 1997, where the latest technology and systems for the production of energy were used. The novel proposal building will be covered in thousands of tiny bristles for turning a building into a wind power generator inspired by the anemones that are at the bottom of the sea where creates a scene of wavy design of the building. The challenge here is to generate energy from the wind inside the city, so this design opens new horizons for how to design buildings that can produce energy.
Oryx Island Project Unveiled In preparation for Qatar’s 2022 FIFA World Cup, plans have been revealed to scrape a massive artificial island right off the coast of Doha and will be comprised of five temporary floating hotels to offer a luxurious solution for up to 25,000 visitors. The two million square meter Oryx Island will also include villas, restaurants, trade shops, and residential towers.An open air theater pavilion and a total of 234 villas for both temporary and permanent use are also planned. HOK and ABS Architects have been commissioned to design the floating island that takes the form of an Oryx head. The project aims to make the island, especially for pedestrians, electric vehicles, and ferries that will replace taxis in order to preserve the island’s environment clean and free of carbon emissions.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art to be Extended The project will add 225,000 square feet of new space, and seven storeys, which will provide natural landscapes for San Francisco’s downtown. The design aims to make the building as energy efficient and aspires to a 15% reduction in energy costs and 30% of water consumption and 20% of the production of wastewater. Also has a vertical garden inside the building, which will be the longest mural garden planted. It is expected to complete the construction within three years.
W UD ÂŤ ĂƒUÂ˛Â˝â‰ˆ ĂƒdÂł —uEM
ĂƒdÂł ÂĄUMĂ? ‰ULJ²Ă?ÂŤ Strawscraper ŸËdA d³²Fš Ă€bĹ ÂŤ Ă‚ÂŤb ²?Ă?ÂŤ - YOĹ Ă‚ÂąĎ€Ď€âˆ‘ w? Ă ÂĄU?MĂ? r²O?Ă? UL Æ W? UD ÂŤ ĂƒU?²½ô W?LE½_ÂŤĂ‹  U?OMI² ÂŤ W UD ÂŤ dO Ă° vKĹ˝ qLFĂ°  dOF?AĂ? vMÂł*ÂŤ WODGĂ° s W UD ÂŤ ĂƒU?²½Ú WDĂ— q?LF bšbĹ‚ Ÿu?½ u?ŸË s ŸËd?A*ÂŤ ‌dJ rLB*ÂŤ vĹ u²?Ă?âˆšĂ‹ ¨ Ă•U?šd ÂŤ YOĹ dĂ—Âł ÂŤ ŸU? w ĂŠuJĂ° w² ÂŤ ĂŠU?LFM ÂŤ ozUI?Ă˝ Ă?bײ U Æ vMÂłLK ĂƒuL² bN?A rOLB² ÂŤ oK š ¨ WMšb*ÂŤ q?ĹĄÂŤĹ“ Ă•Ušd ÂŤ s? W UD ÂŤ b?O uĂ° uÂź U?MÂź bO u² WšbOKI² ÂŤ  U?MOĂ?—u² ÂŤ l{Ă‹ VFBš Y?OŠ‌bšbĹ‚ ‚U ÂŹ `?²Hš rOLB² ÂŤ ¨ WMšb*ÂŤ q?ĹĄÂŤĹ“ W? UĂž ÆW UD ÂŤ Z²MĂ° ĂŠâˆš sJ1 w² ÂŤ w½UÂł*ÂŤ rOLBĂ° W?OHOJ Ă?ÂŤ UN fO Ă‹ W?M ÂŹ UN½QĂ?  dOF?A ÂŤ Ă cÂź e?OL²ðË s  dOF?A ÂŤ Ă cÂź ĂŠuJ²ðË Æ Z?O−C ÂŤ s Ÿu½ UNMJ9 WODG{Ă‹dN h?zUBĹĄ UN tÂł d ‌œU? WOzUĂ?dN W UĂž v ÂŤ Ă•Ušd ÂŤ s UN² dĹ qšu% s ÆvMÂł*ÂŤ w Ă‚ÂŤb ²Ă?Ăś UÂźdO uĂ°Ă‹
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UN* ‌dšeł jD
Ă‚â‰¤âˆžâ‰¤â‰¤ r UF ÂŤ â€?QJ dD W Ă‹Ĺ“  œbF²Ă?ÂŤ sL{ WOĹ˝UM —e?Ĺ‚ ÂĄU?AÂ˝â‰ˆ ŸËd?A s?Ĺ˝ n?AJ ÂŤ f?LĹĄ r?CĂ° W?Ĺ Ă‹b ÂŤ qĹ ÂŤu?Ă? q?Ă?UI W?L { Æl−A ≤Ο[∞∞∞ ‰UÂłI²Ă?ÂŤ UNð—bI0 w² ÂŤ ¨‚œUM ĂƒÂŤdĂ?âˆšĂ‹ Wš—U&  Ü?Ă— Ă‹ rĹ˝UD Ă‹ qK rCĂ° U?L b Ă‹ Æ≤ ÊuOK ≤ —e'ÂŤ WĹ U mK³ð YOĹ WOMJĂ? 5š—ULF*ÂŤ 5?Ă?bMN*ÂŤ ò ABS Ă‹ HOK ò nOKJĂ° qJĂ˝ s ‌dJH ÂŤ  uײĂ?ÂŤ YOŠ‌dše'ÂŤ rOLB² ŸËd?A*ÂŤ ¡bNšË Æò w?ÂłE ÂŤ ò U?N*ÂŤ ĂŠÂŤu?OĹ â€?√—  UÂł dLK Ă‹âˆš ‌U?ALK W UĹĄ ‌d?še'ÂŤ qFĹ‚ v? ≈  —UO? ÂŤ ĂŠUJ q% w² ÂŤ  —UÂłF ÂŤĂ‹ WOzUĂ?dNJ ÂŤ WHOE½ ‌d?še'ÂŤ WžOĂ? vKĹ˝ ĂżU?HĂ—K p –Ë ‌d?Ĺ‚_ÂŤ ÆÊuĂ?dJ ÂŤ  UĹ UF³½ s WO UĹĄĂ‹
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44 Albenaa
Continuing Strawscraper Project
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PROJECTS ‍ﺸﺎع‏
Architect Zaha Hadid has joined forces of engineering and construction specialist AECOM to design Al Wakrah Stadium in Qatar that will host matches during the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Al Wakrah Stadium will seat 45,000 spectators surrounding with a cultural fabric inspired by Islamic architecture and historic buildings. The design aims to cope with temperatures in the region through the use of systems and techniques for cooling and climate control inside the stadium and producing and reusing renewable energy. The top-tiers of the stadium will be modular. Following the tournament, the capacity of the stadium will be reduced to 25,000 seats.
SR160 Million for Health Care Projects in Jouf
‍زﺎ ﺣﺪﺪ ďş—ďş¸ďşŽŘąŮƒ  ﺗﺟ ŘĽďşłďş˜ďşŽŘŻ اďť&#x;ﺎ؊  ﺎ‏
dD w ‌d u  œU²�Ú —uEM
s VFK*ÂŤ ĂŠu?J²š YOĹ V?FKLK WOĂ?UFO²?Ă?Ă´ÂŤ W UD ÂŤ iOH ²Ă? `L? Ă° w² ÂŤĂ‹ WÂł d  bĹ Ă‹ bFĂ? ĂƒdH² ≤Ο[∞∞∞ v ÂŤ VFKLK WOĂ?UFO²?Ă?Ă´ÂŤ ÆW uDÂł ÂŤ s ÂĄUN²½Ú
v ÂŤ b?šbĹ UÂźâ€œ W?š—ULF*ÂŤ W?Ă?bMN*ÂŤ X?LCÂ˝âˆš Ĺ“U²?Ă?ÂŤ r?OLB² W?O*UF ÂŤ AECON W d?Ă˝ â€?UJ  œUF²Ă?Ă´ÂŤ sL{ dD W Ă‹Ĺ“ w ‌d u ÂŤ WOĂ?UF²?Ă?Ă´ÂŤ W UD ÂŤ mK³ð w² ÂŤĂ‹ Ă‚â‰¤âˆžâ‰¤â‰¤ r UF ÂŤ w UIĹ ZO MĂ? WĂžUĂ— ĂƒdH² ÂĽÎź[∞∞∞ VFKLK w½UÂł*ÂŤĂ‹ WO Ăś?Ă?Ă´ÂŤ ‌—U?LF ÂŤ s? vĹ u²? l nOJ² ÂŤ v ÂŤ r?OLB² ÂŤ ¡bNšË Æ W?O š—U² ÂŤ Ă‚ÂŤb ²Ă?ÂŤ ‰Üť s WIDM*ÂŤ w ‌—d(ÂŤ  Uł—œ Ĺ’U?M*UĂ? r?Jײ ÂŤĂ‹ b?šd³²K  U?OMIĂ°Ă‹ W?LE½ ‌œUŽË ‌œb?âˆ’Â˛*ÂŤ W UD ÂŤ ĂƒU?Â˛Â˝â‰ˆĂ‹ VFK*ÂŤ q?ĹĄÂŤĹ“ ÂťUF Ăş ĂŽ ÂŤe d Ĺ“U²Ă?ڍ rCš UL Æ UN ÂŤb ²Ă?ÂŤ W? U{ĂšUĂ? Ăˆd?ĹĄâˆš W?O{Uš— o? ÂŤd Ă‹ W?OzU*ÂŤ eOL²šË Æ V?FK*UĂ? W?ĂžUĂ— W?š—U&  UĹ U? ‌—b?I UĂ? r?Jײ ÂŤ W?O½UJ SĂ? Ĺ“U²?Ă?Ă´ÂŤ r?OLBĂ°
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Prince Fahd bin Badr (Prince of Jouf Region) has put the foundation stone for several health projects in the region. The projects include several health centers and medical housewares, worker residence, and new health care centers. WO× WšUŽ— e d Ë vHA²
Awards to Four Design Contracts for the First Phase of Doha Metro Project Qatar Railways (Qatar Rail) has awarded QR30 billion worth four “design and build� contracts for the first phase of the Doha Metro Project. The award of contracts for the first phase of the Doha Metro project is a major step in the program of Qatar railway development project. The construction of Phase 1 is scheduled to begin later this year and expected to be completed by 2019. The four contracts relating to Phase 1 comprise the following underground sections - Red Line North (RLN), Red Line South (RLS), Green Line (GRN) and Major Stations (MS).
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Al Wakrah Stadium in Qatar
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His Excellency Dr. Osama bin Fadl AlBar, Mayor of the Holy City of Makkah, has revealed, during an interview, the latest details and stages of the staff accommodation project (Ritaj District), which is one of the most important construction projects for Al-Balad AlAmeen Company in Makkah Gateway, including the development and human dimension with the participation of both the public and private sectors and covers an area of 519,017 square meters. The project aims to establish a residential developed complex with the latest methods for employees who work and reside in Makkah, especially those working in the central area of the Grand Mosque.
ﻛﺸﻒ ﺗﻔﺎﺻﻴﻞ وﻣﺮاﺣﻞ ﻣﺸﺮوع ﺿﺎﺣﻴﺔ رﺗﺎج ﺑﻤﻜﺔ اﻟﻤﻜﺮﻣﺔ
WJ w Êu?LOI¹Ë Êu?KLF¹ s?¹c « 5?HþuLK t¹e d*« tIDM*« w? 5K UF « WÎ Uš ¨ t? dJ*« 5Žu½ dO uð r²O?Ý t½√ UL ¨Â«d(« b−? LK dOG tOMJ?Ý «bŠË ¨ tOMJ? « «bŠu « s? Æ özUFK tOMJÝ «bŠËË ¨ 5łËe²*«
ﻣﺸﺮوع ﺗﻘﺎﻃﻊ ﻃﺮﻳﻖ اﻟﻤﻠﻚ ﻓﻬﺪ ﻣﻊ ﻃﺮﻳﻖ ﻋﻴﻦ ﻧﺠﻢ ﺑﺎﻻﺣﺴﺎء
Developmental Project for the Intersection of King Fahd Road with Ain Najm Road Al-Ahsa Municipality actually begins implementation of the developmental project for the intersection of King Fahd Road with Ain Najm Road at a total cost of about SR 121 million. The project aims to provide free and smooth traffic movement on the King Fahd Road from west to east, which then will be connected to tunnel intersection of King Fahd Road with AlDiwan Road, which will be completed at the beginning of next year.
Inaugurating King Abdullah Park in Ta’if HRH Prince Mansour Bin Miteb bin Abdul Aziz, Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs, will inaugurate King Abdullah Park in Ta’if on a total area of 150,000 square meters. The park is one of the most important cultural and touristic attractions in Ta’if, where featuring distinctive services and facilities. The park consists of 53,000 square meters of green areas, 26 PVC umbrellas for families, 28 distinctive wood pergolas, and four camps.
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اﻓﺘﺘﺎح ﻣﻨﺘﺰه اﻟﻤﻠﻚ ﻋﺒﺪ ا& ﻓﻲ اﻟﻄﺎﺋﻒ UŠUD? *« s lÐd d² n √ μ≥ s? Áe²M*« W? ułdÐ ≤∏Ë W?OKzUŽ W?KE ≤∂ Ë ¨ ¡«d?C)« - UL Æ ULO ¥Ë ¨…e?O2 rO UB²Ð WO³?Aš ≥ ˨ W UF « ÁU?O*« «—Ëb? U?FL− ∂ ¡U?A½≈ w UL'« V½U'« rŽb 5²OzU 5ðdO×ÐË dO «u½ ò „u? d²½√ ò W?H —√ «b ²?Ý« -Ë ¨ Áe?M²*UÐ ¨lÐd d² n √ ≤∑ sŽ b¹eð WŠU? 0 «dLLK »U³AK 5²ŠUÝË ¨ ‰UHÞ_« »UF _ 5²ŠU?ÝË WOŽUL'« WO{U¹— V?Žö rCð YOŠ Áe?M²*UÐ v ≈ W U{ùUÐ …dzUD «Ë WK? «Ë ÂbI « …d q¦ Íd'«Ë w?ALK dO UC Ë W?¹œdH « »U?F _« UL ¨ W?HK² *« U? b)UÐ 5²ŠU? « rŽœ l? l «u Ë Uł—b Ë WŠu²H Õ—U? ¡U?A½≈ w?(« e? d* h?B l? u Ë ôU?H²Šö ÆÁe²MLK …—«œ≈Ë …bLF «Ë
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40 Albenaa
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Details and Stages of Ritaj District Project in Makkah Revealed
—U _«
Riyadh Mayor Abdullah bin Abdulrahman Al Meqbel recently signed contracts with a number of national companies to execute 26 projects at a total cost of SR 227,251,036. The projects are divided into two sections; the first one consists of 11 projects in Riyadh at a total cost of SR 116,884,809, including engineering designs studies for roads, maintenance and updating of traffic signs and guidance in Riyadh, regulating the construction permits in Riyadh Municipality, studying development and improvement of streets and roads in Riyadh, maintenance and rehabilitation of different parks in Riyadh, developing metal flood barriers and some sites critical, lighting the extensions of AlNakheel area and of the Western Gateway, rehabilitation of public squares in Riyadh, and cleaning municipalities. The second section consists of 15 projects for Riyadh municipalities, at a cost of SR 110,366,227, including asphalting, paving and lighting municipalities streets, linking the villages, rehabilitation and development of the parks, the creation of public recreational park, cadastral, mechanical study for the soil, conducting hydrological study, preparing the necessary reports, and improving and developing the squares.
Dividing King Abdulaziz Road Project into Three Phases The Makkah Development Authority has divided King Abdul Aziz Road project into three phases, where the first phase includes the area located west of the project Jabal Omar to Jarham Street on a total area of 176,000 square meters, and Al-Zahran District located west of Abdullah Arif Street down to the Third Ring Road on a total area of 289,000 square meters. The second phase includes the implementation of the southern road of the project on a total area of 226,000 square meters. The third phase is to remove the rest of the real estate starting from east of King Abdullah Mosque to Jarham Street, and west of King Abdullah Mosque up to Abdullah Arif Street on a total area exceeding 381,000 square meters.
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SR 227 Million for Several Projects in Riyadh
—U _«
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WÝbI*«dŽUA*«Ë W dJ*« WJ d¹uDð W¾O¼ XL ¨ qŠ«d ÀöŁ v ≈ e¹eF «b³Ž pK*« o¹dÞ ŸËdA »dž WF «u « WIDM*« v Ëô« WKŠd*« qL?Að YOŠ WŠU? 0 r¼dł Ÿ—U?ý v ≈ dLŽ q?³ł ŸËd?A »d?ž l? «u « s?¹—U¼e « w?ŠË ¨≤ n? √ ±∑∂ Ídz«b « o¹dD « v ≈ Îôu Ë n¹dŽ tK «b³Ž Ÿ—Uý WO½U¦ « WKŠd*« U « ¨≤ n √ ≤∏π WŠU? 0 Y U¦ « WŠU 0 ŸËdALK wÐuM'« o¹dD « cOHMð qLAð U?N öš r²O?Ý W?¦ U¦ « W?KŠd*«Ë Æ≤ n? √ ≤≤∂ b−? s √b³ð w² « «—UIF « s? vI³ð U Ÿe?½ s Î UÐdžË ¨ÎU d?ý r¼dł Ÿ—U?ý v ≈ tK «b³Ž pK*« n¹dŽ tK «b³Ž Ÿ—U?ý v²Š tK «b³Ž pK*« b−? Æ≤ n √ ≥∏± “ËU−²ð WO ULł≈ WŠU vKŽ
38 Albenaa
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Saudi Railway Company (SAR) has awarded a SR 137 million engineering contract to an international company to design the route of the land bridge that links Riyadh with Jeddah. The railway land bridge will be extended to about 958 km, connecting Jeddah with the ports of Dammam and Jubail through the capital Riyadh. The designs are expected to be completed within 14 months.
Intelligent Transportation Studies in Dammam Metropolitan Completed The Eastern Province Mayoralty has completed all studies and designs for components, elements and objectives of the Intelligent Transportation project which passes through its final stages, where documents and necessary plans have been prepared to begin the first implementation phase to execute this strategic project in Dammam Metropolitan. The first implementation phase includes executing the intelligent transportation system for King Fahd Road extending from the intersection with the Abu Hadriyah Road in the west to its intersection with King Abdullah Road in Al Khobar in the east.
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‍اﺎإ ﺎﺔ دعاﺳﺎت ďťŁďş¸ďşŽŮˆŘš اďť&#x;ďť¨ďť˜ďťž اďť&#x;ﺏ ﺑﺤﺎﺿﺎ؊ اďť&#x;ﺪﺎم‏ —dI*ÂŤ s Ă‹ ¨‚u ² ÂŤ e ÂŤd w ádF ÂŤ „U?A √ WLE½_  Ü Ă‹ dO u² ܳI²? qLF ÂŤ r²š ĂŠâˆš l qIM² ÂŤ s?J1 Y?OĂ—Ă?  UÂł d*ÂŤ w? W?Ĺ Ăś*ÂŤ o?šdD ÂŤ —U?O²ťË Ă?—Ëd?*ÂŤ Ă‚U?Ĺ Ĺ“â€œĂ´ÂŤ V?M& oO M² UĂ? p –Ë Wš—Ëd*ÂŤ WJÂł?A ÂŤ vKĹ˝ ŸdĂ?_ÂŤ Æ —Ëd*ÂŤ â€Śâ€”ÂŤĹ“â‰ˆ l
Inaugurating Overpass Intersection of King Abdulaziz Road with King Abdullah Road Riyadh Governor HRH Khalid bin Bandar, President of Arriyadh Development Authority, inaugurated the traffic movement on the overpass along King Abdulaziz Road with its intersection with King Abdullah Road which will connect north and south Riyadh. Also, the governor will inspect the implementation of the second phase of the development project of King Abdullah Road. The implementation of the said project, is considered one of the new projects taking place in the city’s road network to facilitate traffic movement between different parts of the city in general.
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36 Albenaa
ÂĄUMÂł ÂŤ â‰Ľâˆ‚
SR137 Million (SAR) Railway Line Project Awarded
—U _
A project to develop Saihat Lake and turn it into a tourist investment attraction area has been revealed, and through an integrated project the Eastern Province Mayoralty intends to implement it during the coming period and it includes entertainment sites, spas, shopping area and services. The project is located in Dammam. The total area of the project is 58,0645 m2, while the investment area is 20,789 m2, the body of water area is 197,457 square meters, and developed spaces with parking lots are 383,188 m2.
Housing Projects in Central Riyadh Arriyadh Development Authority (ADA) in cooperation with the Ministry of Housing has selected areas for residential development with different densities and residential units in the central districts of the capital within the development plan for central Riyadh. This plan includes the implementation of major housing projects. The specific area is confined between Al-Washim Street, which is connected to Omar bin Al-Khattab Road in the north and Kharj Road in the east, and Ammar bin Yasser Street, which is connected to Al-A’sha Street in the south and Al Imam Abdulaziz bin Mohammed in the west, on a total area of 15 km2.
Constructing Bridge at Imam Ali bin Abi Talib Street The Eastern Province Mayoralty intends to construct a bridge at Imam Ali bin Abi Talib Street with its intersection with King Fahd Road in Dammam, and the project is among the mayoralty’s projects for improving intersections and terminating traffic jams in Dammam. The project aims to address the problems of current traffic jams, raise the level of services and achieve desired development goals. The bridge will cost SR 67,790,000 and will consist of two lanes each direction with a total length of 665 meter and a total width of 17.17 meter, while the high speed will be 70 km/hour.
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¡UM³ « ≥¥
ﺗﻄﻮﻳﺮ ﺑﺤﻴﺮة ﺳﻴﻬﺎت
Development of Saihat Lake
—U _«
WO U ù«
ﺗﻮﻃﻴﻦ اﻟﺨﺒﺮة واﻟﻔﺮص اﻟﻀﺎﺋﻌﺔ ﻧﺤﻦ
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30 Albenaa
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Book Review
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Palace in riyadh
Houses in DQ
Villa in Durrat Al-Arous
Private Lounge in RIyadh
÷U¹d « w ’Uš dB
”ËdF « …—œ w öO
÷U¹d UÐ W Uš WŠ«d²Ý≈
Al Matrood Villa
œËdD*« öO
Al Rabdi Villa
ÍbÐd « öO
Villa in Jeddah
…bł w öO
Duplex Villa
Villa in Al khobar
d³)« w öO
House in Dammam
Architect Villa
Villa in Amman
Energy Efficient Villa
Õu²H « sJ *«
Naci House
w U½ XOÐ
Burnside House
ÂU b « w ‰eM
”ËU¼ b¹UÝ ÊdOÐ
Lucernas House
d−A « XOÐ
Tulou Housing
u uð ÊUJÝ≈
Private Villa
Al Mosa Hotel
W Uš öO
vÝu*« ‚bM
w b½_« “«dD « vKŽ öO
’Uš ‰eM
Da’am Al Marowah Residence
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