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Wash Away Your Stress Jaquar’s Company
With the all new range of Jaquar’s bathing products, transform your bathing experience to ‘Power Bathing’ – the new concept of feeling completely rejuvenated and revitalized. Harmony and wellness of body and mind is a positive approach to living that begins with a conscious decision to shape a healthy lifestyle. In today’s era of stress, pressure and fatigue, personal wellness, relaxation and luxury are important features in bathrooms, especially to escape from the stressful environment in which we live. With stress becoming a part and parcel of our fast paced lifestyle – Jaquar range of bathing products help you relax your body, calm your nerves and invigorate your senses. A caressing and stimulating ` Power bathing` experience is therefore a must today to unwind replenish and recharge our stressed out bodies. Besides serving a functional purpose, bathroom is also a private space which enhances your unique lifestyle. With the home becoming more
of a social space, designer bathrooms have started to encompass specific and central pieces of focus to create a fashionable theme in their design. Call it a freshness boost, a relaxing massage, a cleaning ritual or in short simply dub it ‘Power bathing’, the modern day bathroom is very much a personal sanctuary that spells the ultimate in relaxation. Aiming to present a new style of bathroom design, Sandeep Shukla, Head - Marketing Communication says “Jaquar’s Wellness products promise an unparalleled bathing experience with the highest quality standards that will leave you tingling fresh in today’s era of stress, pressure and fatigue”. Manufactured in accordance with stringent European standards, we at Jaquar, ensure maximum performance and durability with our wide range of products and designs while contemplating the consumers’ bathroom décor. Chrome bathroom fittings are minimalist and those featuring interchangeable features are a suitable component
for modern day bathrooms. Taps and other fittings should be elegant and luxurious yet minimalistic. Mirror finish is a new rage in bath fittings. Ecologically friendly bathroom - focused around efforts to sustain natural resources and conserve energy design has become the most popular choice in bath trends. Luxurious and technological fixtures such as shower massagers and body jets provide a futuristic showering and bathing experience “Bathrooms which feature practicality for family use are another popular emerging trend. Large open spaces without constraints and multifunctional innovative
fittings feature are very much in style now”, says Rajesh Mehra, Director & Promoter, Jaquar Group. Please visit www.jaquar.com for latest Products info, offers and other information’s
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Residential Oasis and Knowledge Environment
w UF ÂŤ rOKF² ÂŤ â€Śâ€”ÂŤâ€œĂ‹ âˆŤ p U*ÂŤ W½UOB ÂŤĂ‹ lš—UA*ÂŤ â€Śâ€”ÂŤĹ“â‰ˆ ? rOBI ÂŤ WF UĹ‚  ôËUI*ÂŤĂ‹ WĹ˝UMB ÂŤĂ‹ ‌—Uâˆ’Â˛K bNH ÂŤ W dĂ˝ âˆŤ ‰ËUI*ÂŤ lĂ?d d² â‰¤âˆ‚â‰Ľâˆžâˆžâˆž âˆŤ WĹ U *ÂŤ lĂ?d d² ∑âˆ?∞∞∞ âˆŤ qKH ÂŤ WĹ U lĂ?d d² â‰ĽÎźâˆžâˆžâˆžâˆž âˆŤ WOMÂł*ÂŤ WĹ U *ÂŤ
Faculty Members Residence
When the housing space is centered around circular space similar to large patio, that brings us back to the concept of the oasis that we feel this residential area is trying to express the residential privacy characterized by the presence association vast population, and this neighborhood is set for the faculty members, and it combines population around one place to express their cognitive and Social association. The idea of the neighborhood stems from the presence of giant ring yard that works as a park for all people and is surrounded by residential buildings that have been developed to address the visual and local languages quietly, without mixing transport and tradition and that makes the neighboring buildings within a single configuration characterized by diversity and vitality from inside and on the level of details. The knowledge message that appears on the neighborhood, stems from the idea of interdependence and the sense of neighborhood boosted by the yard, which works as bracelet regulates the housing buildings in the neighborhood in one necklace, and no matter how far a building from the yard; it will be linked to it via non-material attractiveness formed from the strict urban system established since the beginning.
Villa under construction
149 Albenaa
¥UM³  ¹¼π
¥UA½Ú X%  ÜOH 
Main road to villas
Villa types around the circular space
lš“uĂ° W? U ≤ Ĺ“bŽË  U? ULŠ≼ Ĺ“b?ŽË Ă‚u½ Æ Ă?uKF ÂŤ oĂ—K*ÂŤ w ÂŤ Ă?Ĺ“Rš wKĹĄÂŤĹ“ rKĂ?Ă‹ ≤Â ÂĽâˆž UNM ≤ ≤¹Ο `D? 0 ĂśOH ÂŤ `D?Ă? âˆŤ UÂŚ UĹ l W Ĺ“U)ÂŤ W dĹž wKĹ˝ Ă?u?²×š w½UÂł Ă?uKĹ˝ oĂ—K ĂŠuJš p cĂ?Ă‹ Æ¡u?AJ `D? ≤Â Âąâˆ‘Îź Ă‹ Ă‚U?LŠ—Ëœú? ‌b?Ĺ ÂŤu ÂŤ Ăś?OHK ÂĄU?MÂł ÂŤ `D? w? ULĹ‚ÂŤ l u*ÂŤĂ‹ ≤ ¼¼π Ă?uKF ÂŤ oĂ—K*ÂŤĂ‹ ‰Ë_ÂŤĂ‹ w{—ô wł—UĹĄ —uĂ? bĹ‚uš UL ¨≤Â Âąâˆžâˆ‚ ĂśOH ÂŤ ‰uĹ Ă‚UF ÂŤ UNM qĹĄb ≤ Ĺ“b?Ĺ˝ tO d² ≼ ŸUHð—UĂ? Ăś?OH ÂŤ ‰uŠÆwHKĹĄ qĹĄb Ă‹ Ĺ“ÂŤd _ÂŤĂ‹ ‌—UO K w U ÂŤ qĹĄb
 ÜOH ÂŤ qĹĄÂŤb* Ĺ¸â€œu*ÂŤ ošdD ÂŤ
wDĂ?u ÂŤ ÂĄUMH ÂŤ ‰uĹ wMJ ÂŤ lLâˆ’Â˛K Ăƒâ€“u/
≤ Ă‚ ¹π¼ w?½UÂł `D? 0 wKĹ˝ Ă?u?²×šË ≤ qĹĄb0 ‰U?ł— ‰UÂłI²?Ă?ÂŤ W U w?KĹ˝ Ă?u?²×šË ’UĹĄ qĹĄb0 ÂĄU? ½ ‰UÂłI²Ă?ÂŤ W U Ă‹ w? Oz— Ĺ“bŽË q?Ă?UG l Ă‚ULŠ≤ Ĺ“bŽË Ă‚UFĂž W? U Ă‹ Ă‚ULĹ Ă‹ w³½UĹ‚ q?ĹĄb0 ozU?Ă? W dŞË aÂłD ≤ Ă?Ĺ“Rš wKĹĄÂŤĹ“ rK?Ă?Ă‹ Ÿœu² Ă‹ qO? Ĺž W dŞË Æ  U b)ÂŤ —uM l ‰Ëô —ËbK ≤ ≤¹Ο w?½UÂł `D? 0 ‰Ë_ÂŤ —Ëb? ÂŤ âˆŤ U?O½UĹ Ă‚ULĹ l? WO? Oz— Ă‚u½ W? dĹž wKĹ˝ Ă?u?²×šË W dĹž ÂĽ Ĺ“b?ŽË W?AOF W U Ă‹ fĂ?Ăś W? dŞË
واﺣﺔ ﺳﻜﻨﻴﺔ وﺑﻴﺌﺔ ﻣﻌﺮﻓﻴﺔ ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ اﻟﻘﺼﻴﻢ- ﺳﻜﻦ أﻋﻀﺎء ﻫﻴﺌﺔ اﻟﺘﺪرﻳﺲ
Villa facade and car park
ÍdC(« ÂUEM « s XKJAð W¹œU dOž WOЖUł ÆW¹«b³ « cM l{Ë Íc « —UB « wKŽ WŽ“u öO ≤π∞ œbŽ s ŸËdA*« ÊuJ²¹ öO π∂ sŽ …—U³Ž ¡eł q ©A¨B¨C ® ¡«e?ł« ≥ WI³ tO½U?Ýd)« jz«u(« ÂUEMÐ U¼cOHMð r²¹ wKŽ U¼ƒUMÐ r²¹ öO q Ë © X?ÝUJ¹dÐ ® lMB « ≤ ±∞∂ v ≈ W U{≈ w?½U³ ≤ ≥∞∞ `D? Æ —u Ð ◊U× öOH « ‰uŠ ÂUŽ l u ∫ s ÊuJ²ð öO q Ë ±π¥ w?½U³ `D? 0 w?{—ô« —Ëb? « ∫ ôË«
…—UO « ÊUJ Ë qšb*« l öOH « WNł«Ë
VÞU ² U?¼d¹uDð - w² « WOMJ? « «—U?LF « w ÃeMð Ê√ ÊËœ ¨¡ËbNÐ WOK;« W¹dB³ « W?GK « sL{ …—ËU−²*« U¹UM³ « Ãd ² bOKI² «Ë q?IM « Èu²? vKŽË qš«b « s nB²¹ bŠ«Ë s¹uJð ÆW¹uO(«Ë ŸuM² UÐ qO UH² « lÐU½ w(« t?OKŽ dNE¹ Íc? « w dF*« »U?D)« Íc « …—U?(UÐ ”U? Šô«Ë jЫd² « …d?J s U¹UM³ « rEM¹ å—«u ò qLF¹ Íc « ¡UMH « Á“eŽ ULN Ë åb?Š«Ë b?IŽò w? w(« w? WOMJ? « d³Ž tÐ WD³ðd ÊuJð ¡U?MH « sŽ W¹UM³ « bŽU³ð
¡UC ‰u?Š wMJ? « ¡UCH « —u×L²¹ U? bMŽ v ≈ U½bOF¹ d?O³J « ¡U?MH « t³?A¹ l?Ý«Ë Ídz«œ wMJ? « ‰U−*« «c¼ ÊQÐ dF?A½ WŠ«u « Âu?NH eOL²ð WOMJ?Ý WO uBš sŽ d?³F¹ Ê√ ‰ËU?×¹ «c¼Ë ¨ÊUJ? « 5Ð WF?Ý«u « W?DЫd « œu?łuÐ u¼Ë f¹—b² « W¾O¼ ¡UCŽ_ u¼ wMJ? « w(« sŽ «Ëd³FO b?Š«Ë ÊUJ? ‰uŠ ÊUJ? « lL−¹ ÆwŽUL²łô«Ë w dF*« rNÞU³ð—« Ídz«b « ¡U?MH « œu?łË s? l³Mð w?(« …d?J tÐ jO% lOL−K Áe?M²L qLF¹ Íc? « ‚ö?LF « 148 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±¥∏
Academic Space and Local Language
w UF ÂŤ rOKF² ÂŤ â€Śâ€”ÂŤâ€œĂ‹ âˆŤ p U*ÂŤ  ôËUI*ÂŤĂ‹ WĹ˝UMB ÂŤĂ‹ ‌—Uâˆ’Â˛K bNH ÂŤ W dĂ˝ âˆŤ ‰ËUI*ÂŤ ‌eOMĹ˝ WE UĂ— âˆŤ l u*ÂŤ lĂ?d d² â‰ĽÎźâˆ‚âˆžâˆž âˆŤ WĹ U *ÂŤ
Colleges’ Compound in Unaizah
The colleges’ compound in Unaizah forms archipelago of buildings clustered to each other at the site to allow the existence of a giant medial space and an axis that combines colleges with each other around a “socialâ€? yard that increases the degree of interaction between students and faculty members. The idea deeply focuses on the open academic environment that allows communication and cognitive intersections. The Faculty of Science and Arts and the Community College are located within the general location of in the colleges compound in Unaizah, which is bounded from the north by a road with a width of 90 meters, from the south by a road with a width of 30 meters, from the east by a road with a width 100 meters, and from the west by Shubaily road with a width of 40 meters. The colleges’ buildings appear as identical pairs where the formation appears as a sculpted trapezoidal image separated in the center of the yard through a semicircular courtyard faced by other college courtyard but it deflects to make a broken circle that increases the place of ambiguity and diversity and gives a sense of a distinct urban. The urban formation of the colleges’ buildings balances between the college privacy and public, which connects all the colleges, and here it makes exciting hierarchy that makes its blanks inserted and interdependence comfortably and exploratory. The optical configuration of the buildings suits the urban sculptural trend where the bent surfaces of yards and the exterior façades of buildings are like elements urge to do demo formulized by a local and comfortable style addressing the eye and transmitting it to the well-known references in the architecture of the region. The idea is generally distinct for an academic environment of this size.
147 Albenaa
Ground floor plan
w{—_ —ËbK wI _ jI *
Second floor plan
w½UŒ  —ËbK wI _ jI *
On-going construction
WIOC ÂŤĂ‹ WFĂ?d*ÂŤ  UײH ÂŤ Ĺ“uĹ‚Ă‹ l w½UÂł*ÂŤ w? ĂŽ Ĺ“uĹ‚Ă‹ sĹ˝ Ăś?C WžOÂł ÂŤ l? rzܲK W? Ă‹UĂ—L s s?J1 W?IšdDĂ? ‌U?DG*ÂŤ WOD?Ă?u ÂŤ W?OM _ÂŤ qBH ÂŤ - U?L Æ¥uN ÂŤĂ‹ ÂĄu?C ÂŤ —Ëd U?N Üť qKE t³ý wDšd?Ă˝ ošdDĂ?  UOKJ ÂŤ w½UÂł 5Ă?  —UO?Ă? n ÂŤu h?OB Ă° - b? Ă‹ q?O M UĂ? ‌dJH ÂŤ Æ UOKJ ÂŤ w?½UÂł s qJ W?O{—√ W UĹĄ Ær−(ÂŤ ÂŤcNĂ? WO1Ĺ“U √ WžOÂł ‌eOL² Ă‚UĹ˝ qJAĂ?
¥UA½Ú X% ŸËdA*
Æw U?AJ²�Ë `?šd U?ND�dðË  U?ލdH  tłu²  l o? u²š w½U³LK �d?B³  s?šuJ²  WOM×M* ÕuD  dNEð YOŠw²×M  �dC(  UOKJ  w?½U³* WOł—U)  U?Nłu Ë W?OM ú - WšbNA*Ë ádF²?�ڍ vKŽ Y% d UMF VÞU š –UH½Ë `šd wK× uK?�Q� UN²ŞUO
‌—ULŽ w? W? ËdF* l?łdLK t?KO×šË 5?F  WOI _ W UD²�ô rLB* Âb ²� b Ë ÆWIDM*
ﻓﻀﺎء أﻛﺎدﻳﻤﻲ وﻟﻐﺔ ﻣﺤﻠﻴﺔ ﻛﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﺠﺘﻤﻊ- ﻛﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﻌﻠﻮم وا داب- ﻣﺠﻤﻊ اﻟﻜﻠﻴﺎت ﻓﻲ ﻋﻨﻴﺰة
Project aerial location site
‰öš s j?Ýu « w ‚dH u?×M ·d?×M Èdš_« W?OKJ « ¡UM t?KÐUI¹ Ídz«œ n?B½ ¡UM b¹eð …d? JM …dz«œ lMBO tMŽ ·d?×M¹ tMJ Î U?ÝU Š≈ tODFðË t?ŽuMðË ÊUJ?*« ÷uLž s? w?½U³* Íd?C(« qJ?A² « ÆΫe?OL² Î U?¹dCŠ WOKJK l?ÐU² « å’U?)«ò 5?Ð Ê“«u?¹ U?OKJ « u¼Ë ¨ U?OKJ « l?OLł jÐd¹ Íc? « ÂU?F « 5?ÐË Ã—bð s? qF& …dO¦ åW?O³ð«dðò l?MB¹ U?M¼
l uLK Íuł —uEM
l u*« sL{ lL²−*« WOK ? »«œ_«Ë ÂuKF « WOK q ÊuJ²¹Ë …eOMŽ WE U×0 UOKJ « lL−* ÂUF « ‰ULA « s Áb×¹ Íc «Ë ¨ oЫuÞ WŁöŁ s vM³ o¹dÞ »u?M'« s ˨ Î «d?² π∞ ÷d?FÐ o¹dÞ ÷dFÐ o¹dÞ ‚d?A « s? Ë ¨Î«d² ≥∞ ÷d?FÐ ÷dFÐ wKO³?A « o¹dÞ »dG « s Ë ¨Î«d² ±∞∞ włË“ qJ?AÐ UOKJ « w½U³ dNEð Æ Î «d?² ¥∞ t³?ý …—u vKŽ s¹uJ² « d?NE¹ YOŠ q?ÐUI²
åqO³š—√ò s …eOMŽ w UOKJ « lL− qJ?A²¹ w iF³ « U?NCFÐ —«u?−Ð lL−²ð w½U³*« s? ‚öLŽ wD?ÝË ¡UC œu?łuÐ `L? ² l? u*« ‰uŠ iF³ « UNCFÐ l UOKJ « lL−¹ —u×0Ë 5Ð qŽUH² « W?ł—œ s? b¹e¹ åw?ŽUL²ł«ò ¡U?M …dJH « e dð Æf¹—b² « W¾O¼ ¡UCŽ√ 5ÐË »öD « w² « WŠu²H*« WO1œU _« W¾O³ « vKŽ oOLŽ qJAÐ lIð ÆWO dF*« U?FÞUI² UÐË q «u² UÐ `L? ð 146 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±¥∂
Elevated entrance & Minaret
b− *« qšb Ë …—UM*«
Longitudinal section
Mezzanine floor plan
w uÞ ŸUD
5½«eO*« —Ëb wI _« jI *«
Ground floor plan
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
140 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±¥∞
Letters to the Historical Memory
œUý—ù«Ë …uŽb «Ë ·U Ë_«Ë WO öÝù« ÊËRA « …—«“Ë ∫ p U*« e¹U dO¼“ V²J ∫ rLB*« Í—ULF*« e d*« ∫ ·dA*« Í—UA²Ýô« ôËUILK w d(« W dý ∫ fOzd « ‰ËUI*« …—uM*« WM¹b*« ∫ l u*« oA œ ? WO dA « W dše « ∫ WO öÝù« W dše « ‰ËUI
Khandaq Mosque
The site addresses the history, induces memory and restores the event that has been forgotten. In this place, there are seven mosques built by the time of the Battle of the Trench and constant memory remained here to make it a memorable place spot. The mosque, which we see, attempts to suit the visual and spatial context of the historical mosques in Madinah, but it also clings to the value of the historic place to make a new sign for it. As mosques that we know, the whole building consists of two spaces the first closed and the second semi-open, from the prayer hall and the mosque courtyard surrounded by corridor. This image lingering in the mind about the building of the mosque is quietly back here to interact with the known mosques such as Masjid Quba, Masjid Al-Qiblatain, which have always formed the personality of Madinah outside the area surrounding the Prophet’s Mosque. We believe that the place needs more urban focus and the size here seems to be greater than the capacity of the place of accommodation compared to the remaining mosques, which refer to the Battle of the Trench and the historic event that changed the world. In general, if we separate the building from the place and its privacy, it contains many important details that enhance the identity of the mosque and its urban impact, also the aesthetic details urges to stop and watch, especially with this creative proportionality.
Marbles & wood works in Mehrab
Prayer hall
Mosque Court
139 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±≥π
»«d;« w ÂUšd « Ë VA)« ‰ULŽ√
…öB « WŽU
b− *« s×
رﺳﺎﺋﻞ إﻟﻰ اﻟﺬاﻛﺮة اﻟﺘﺎرﻳﺨﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﺪﻳﻨﺔ اﻟﻤﻨﻮرة- ﻣﺴﺠﺪ اﻟﺨﻨﺪق
Aerial view from top of the hills
vKŽ ÊUJ?*« …—b? s d?³ √ U?M¼ å”U?I*«ò Ê√ dOAð w² « WOI³²*« błU *UÐ W½—UI »UFO²Ýô« dOž Íc « w ¹—U² « Àb(«Ë ‚bM)« …Ëe?ž v ≈ ÁUMKB U «–≈ ¨ÂUŽ qJAÐ vM³*« Ær UF « Èd− b¹bF « v?KŽ Íu²×¹ ¨t²O uBšË ÊUJ?*« s?Ž b− *« W¹u¼ s “eFð w² « WLN*« qO UH² « s WO UL'« qO UH² « Ê√ U?L ¨w½«dLF « Ád?OŁQðË «c¼ l U uBš …b¼UA*«Ë n u² « vKŽ Y% Æ‚ö)« VÝUM² «
q³'« w b− *« l u* dEM
⁄«dH «Ë oKG ‰Ëô« 5?ž«d s vM³*« Êu?J²¹ s Ë …ö?B « WŽU s? ¨Õu?²H t³?ý w?½U¦ « …—uB « Ác¼ Æ‚«Ëd? UÐ ◊U;« b−? *« s× œuFð b−? *« …—U?LŽ s?Ž s¼c « w? W?I UF « q¦ W ËdF*« błU? *« l q?ŽUH²² ¡ËbNÐ U?M¼ «Ëb « vKŽ XKJý w² «Ë ¡U³ Ë 5²K³I « b−? WDO;« WIDM*« ×Uš …—uM*« WM¹b*« WOB ?ý ÊUJ?*« Ê√ U?½œUI²Ž« w? Ɖu?Ýd « b−? 0 Ëb³¹Ë ÍdC(« eO d² « s? b¹e*« v ≈ ÃU?²×¹
…d? «c « Yײ? ¹Ë a?¹—U² « l? u*« V?ÞU ¹ b?łuð U?M¼ Æv? M¹ Íc? « Àb?(« bOF²? ¹Ë ‚bM)« …Ëež X Ë XOMÐ w² « WF³? « błU *« ÊUJ*« s q?F−² …dL²? …d «c « XKþ U?M¼Ë Ê√ ‰ËU×¹ Áb¼UA½ Íc « b− *« Æv Mð ô WFIÐ błU? LK wž«dH «Ë ÍdB³ « —UÞô« l rzö²¹ Y³A²¹ p c tMJ ¨ …—uM*« WM¹b*« w WO ¹—U² « t …b¹bł W öŽ lMBO WO ¹—U² « ÊUJ?*« WLOIÐ Æ UN dF½ w² « błU *« qJ 138 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±≥∏
Quiet Sign for Academic Environment
…—uM*« WM¹b*« ? WO öÝù« WF U'UÐ UŽËdA*« …—«œ≈∫ W dA*« WN'« ôËUILK w d(« W dý ∫ ‰ËUI*« …—uM*« WM¹b*« ∫ l u*«
Islamic University Library
The important issue raised by the academic and knowledge buildings is the ability to express their function from the outside and the message that must be received by pedestrians, and the building of the public library at the Islamic University, which has cosmic dimension, is supposed to send a clear message to the university students and visitors about this place. The central library is located at the eastern entrance of the Islamic University in a privileged place. It consists of three floors and a basement with a total area of the buildings of 11,500 square meters. The main entrance consists of the entrance hall, exhibitions, reception, and a main circular stairway topped by a circular dome covered with stained glass, in addition to internal lobby exposed and topped by a cylindrical dome covered with stained glass, and 33 private rooms for studies and research. The library contains many sections such as binding, microfiche, microfilm, references, bibliography, manuscripts, catalogs, public collections, reading rooms, government publications, private libraries, the holy places books, rare books, theses, graduate, maps, in addition to the administrative departments and borrowing.
Central atrium with transparent dome
Ground floor plan
Back elevation
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
WOHK)« WNł«u «
Main elevation
137 Albenaa
¡uC « ‰ušb WOłUł“ W³IÐ wDG wKš«b « uN³ «
¡UM³ « ±≥∑
W Ozd « WNł«u «
إﺷﺎرة ﻫﺎدﺋﺔ ﻟﺒﻴﺌﺔ أﻛﺎدﻳﻤﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﺪﻳﻨﺔ اﻟﻤﻨﻮرة- اﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ اﻻﺳﻼﻣﻴﺔ- اﻟﻤﻜﺘﺒﺔ اﻟﻤﺮﻛﺰﻳﺔ
Front facade
¨”—UNH « ¨ U?ÞuD *« ¨U?O «džuOK³³ « r? ¨ «—b ù« ¨…¡«dI « ôU ¨ W? UF « UŽuL−*« s? U _« V?² ¨W? U)« U?³²J*« ¨W?O uJ(« ¨WOF U'« UŠËdÞ_« ¨…—œUM « V²J « ¨W?ÝbI*« ÂU _« v ≈ W U{≈ ¨jz«d)« ¨UOKF « U?Ý«—b « vM³*« dNE¹ ÂUŽ qJAÐË Æ…—UF²Ýô«Ë ¨W¹—«œù« b− * W¹—ULF*« WGK « bOF² ð W¹dBÐ UM¹uJ²Ð W Ý«d « WO ¹—U² « WM¹b*« W¹u¼ b RðË ‰uÝd « ÆUIOLŽ UOK× «—uCŠ UNODF¹ «c¼Ë s¼c « w
WO U _« WNł«u «
±±μ∞∞ w?½U³LK W?O ULł≈ WŠU? 0 ÂË—b?³ « W U fOzd « q?šb*« s Êu?J²ðË ÆlÐd d?² fOz— ×œË ƉU³I²?Ýô«Ë ÷—UF*«Ë ‰u?šb « ÃU?łe UÐ …u? J W?¹dz«œ W?³ Áu?KFð Íd?z«œ ÁuKFð ·uAJ wKš«œ uN³ W U{ôUÐ Æo?AF*« ·džË oAF*« ÃUłe UÐ …u J WO½«uD?Ý« W³ UL Æ≥≥ U?¼œbŽ ÀU×Ð_«Ë U?Ý«—b UÐ W Uš q¦ ÂU? _« s b?¹bF « v?KŽ W³²J*« Íu?²% lł«d*« r ¨rKO ËdJO*« ¨gO ËdJO*« ¨bOK−² «
WO1œU _« w?½U³*« U?¼dO¦ð w² « W?LN*« W Q? *« UN²HOþË sŽ dO³F² « v?KŽ …—bI « w¼ W?O dF*«Ë UNKL% Ê√ V?−¹ w?² « W U?Ýd «Ë ×U?)« s? r−×Ð WF Uł w W? UF « W³²J*« vM³ Ë ¨…—U?LK ÷d²H¹ w½uJ « b?F³ « «– WO ö?Ýù« WF U'« —«Ëe? Ë »ö?DK W?×{«Ë W U?ÝdÐ Y?F³ð Ê√ W¹e d*« W?³²J*« lIð ÆÊUJ?*« «c?¼ sŽ W?F U'« w WO ö?Ýù« WF U−K w d?A « q?šb*« b?MŽ —ËœË —«Ëœ√ W?ŁöŁ s? n? Q²ð Æe?OL² ÊUJ?
136 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±≥∂
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Dome detail
qšb*« uNÐ W³
Aerial construction site
¡UA½ù« X% vM³LK Íuł dEM
Main elevation Glass Volt
W Ozd « WNł«u «
dL*« WODGð
Side elevation
«d³² *« eON&
Ground floor plan
135 Albenaa
WO³½U'« WNł«u «
¡UM³ « ±≥μ
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
اﻟﺸﻜﻞ ﻳﺘﺒﻊ اﻟﻤﻌﺮﻓﺔ ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ ﻃﻴﺒﺔ- ﻣﺒﻨﻲ ﻛﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﻌﻠﻮم
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Entrance facade
qšb*« WNł«Ë
134 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±≥¥
Optical Signs for Development
wŽ«—e « WOLM² « ‚ËbM ∫ p U*« Í—ULF*« e d*« ∫ rLB*« …—uM*« WM¹b*« ? WJKL*UÐ W dH² oÞUM ∫ l u*« WŽuM² ∫ l u*« WŠU lÐd d² ¥∞∞∞ ∫ ¡UM³ « WŠU
Saudi Agricultural Development Fund
The architectural idea offered by the building is based on the direct optical discourse through the outside geometric modulation of the building & the mass prominent in the foreground, which emphasizes the presence of the entrance and makes the required visual sign that confirms the building identity and gives it privacy. The building contains administrative offices and departments including branch manager, accounting, credit, computer, general office, personnel, collection, movement, statistics, and warehouses, in addition to queries, central, prayer hall, and other necessary services for building, while the annexes contain maintenance, guard, and shaded parking lots. Making these buildings as architectural monument represents a model for modern urban in various cities in the Kingdom and expresses its function and emulation for the main headquarters where access of the project is set by front plaza then leads directly into the entrance, which is characterized by beauty, power and clarity, and then into the main lobby which includes the queries, waiting areas, and indoor garden that has been developed with a beautiful and distinctive view. The building is generally characterized by the interdependence of the various elements and balance between its architectural masses and distinctive facades to achieve a certain corporate personality, especially with the colors used in the striking facade.
Site & ground floor plan
w½U¦ « —ËbK wI _« jI *« Second floor plan
w uÞ ŸUD Longitudinal section Back elevation
133 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±≥≥
w{—ô« —Ëb « Ë ÂUF « l u*«
إﺷﺎرات ﺑﺼﺮﻳﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﻨﻤﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﺪﻳﻨﺔ اﻟﻤﻨﻮرة- ﻓﺮع ﺻﻨﺪوق اﻟﺘﻨﻤﻴﺔ اﻟﺰراﻋﻲ
Main entrance from the front facade
À«bײ?Ý« - b Ë —U?E²½ô«Ë ”u?K−K o?ÞUM Ë eOL²¹ Æ…eO2Ë WKOLł W? öÞ≈ «– WOKš«œ WI¹bŠ tK² 5Ð Ê«eðô«Ë WHK² *« Ád UMŽ jЫd²Ð v?M³*« WOB ?ý oOIײ …eOL*« U?Nł«u «Ë W?¹—ULF*« W b ²? *« Ê«u _« l WÎ Uš ¨…b? R W?¹—U³²Ž« W¹u¼ vKŽ b?O Q² « l ¨dEMK W?²HK*« WNł«u « w? WM¹b w wŽ«—e « WOLM² « ‚ËbMB fOzd « vM³*« vKŽ Y% vM³*« UNÐ YF³¹ w² « W U?Ýd « Æ÷U¹d « dEM¹ Íc « ÍuLM² « ‚ËbMB « å—Ëœò w? dOJH² « Æq³I² *« qJA¹ Ê√ ‰ËU×¹Ë ÂU ú
WO U _« WNł«uK —uEM
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vKŽ vM³*« U?N bI¹ w² « W?¹—ULF*« …dJH « e?Jðdð qOJ?A² « ‰öš s d?ýU³*« ÍdB³ « å»U?D)«ò …“—U³ « W?K²J «Ë v?M³LK w?ł—U)« Íd?² uO'« å…—U?ýô«ò lMBðË qšb*« b Rð w² « W bI*« w? tODFðË vM³*« W¹u¼ b Rð w?² « WÐuKD*« W¹dB³ « VðUJ Ë ÂU? √ vKŽ vM³*« Íu²×¹ Æt²O uBš r? ¨ W³?ÝU;« r? ¨ Ÿd?H « d?¹b ® W?¹—«œ≈ ¨ ÂUF « V?²J*« ¨ w? ü« V?ÝU(« r? ¨ ÊUL²zù« ¨W d(« r? ¨ qOBײ « r? ¨ 5Hþu*« r? v? ≈ W? U{ùUÐ © UŽœu²? *« ¨ ¡U?BŠù« r?
132 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±≥≤
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q¹bM*« vHDB —u² b « WO½b*« WÝbMN « r œ«bGÐ WF Uł w Ãd ð Ʊπ∑∞ ÂUŽ s ÍdÝ WF Uł s dO² łU vKŽ q UŠ hB ð w ±π∑≤ ÂUŽ …bײ*« WJKL*« ÆœUFÐ_« WOŁöŁ q UON « …bײ*« U¹ôu UÐ „u¹œ WF Uł s …«—u² œ Ʊπ∏∞ ÂUŽ WOJ¹d _« bN pK*« WF Uł w „—UA –U²ÝQ qLŽ ÆÂ≤∞±± ? ±π∑μ s ÊœUF*«Ë ‰Ëd²³K WOŁöŁ PAM*« W dý ÂUŽ d¹b Î UO UŠË Æd³)« WM¹b0 …œËb;« œUFÐ_«
127 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±≤∑
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W¦¹b(« ¡UM³ « WLE½√
126 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±≤∂
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¡UM³ « ±≤≤
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…¡UHJ « w?¼Ë ¨W?OHOþu «Ë W?O UL'«Ë W?¹dB³ « UN f?ÝRð d UMŽ UNK Ë ÆWOŽUL²łô«Ë W?O¾O³ « U*UÞ w² « W³?ÝUM*« ¡U?M³ « œ«u —U?O²š« r?O¼UH W¹—ULF*« “d?D « WOB ?ý b¹b% w XL¼U?Ý Æa¹—U² « d³Ž ÃU²½≈ w …b¹b'« VO U?Ý_« w Y׳ð ¡UM³ « …Ëb½ lCð Ê√ ‰ËU?%Ë ¨ UNðU «b ²?Ý«Ë ¡U?M³ « œ«u? ÊuFMB*« U?¼dJ²Ð√ w² « …—u?D²*« —UJ? _« iFÐ W?¹—ULF*« «¡U?HJ « s?Ž d?O³F²K Êu?LLB*«Ë ÆWHOþu «Ë W−N³ «Ë U³¦ « WOÝUÝ_« 121 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±≤±
…dJH « v?KŽ bL²F¹ t?½√ U?L W «b²?Ýô« Âu?NHL œ«u*« ¡UI²½≈ ¡U – vKŽ p c bL²F¹ t½S WOLOLB² « qJA¹ Íc « u¼ t³ ²M½ Íc « pO¹“«u*« «c¼ ÆUN H½ WOzU?A½ù« …¡UHJ « „U?M¼ Ê√ U?L Æ¡UM³ « W «b²?Ý« ¨ …¡UHJ « Ác?N ÊuJ*« dBMF « w?¼ ¡UM³ « œ«u? Ë Í—ULF*« ©”UOÐËd² ® ΔœU³ bOF² ½ UM¼ UMKF Ë ∑∞ ¨ ∏∞ WM?Ý 5Ð U b Ë Íc « w½U Ëd « b UM «Ë …—ULF « w V² …d?AŽ WÐU² V² Ë ¨ œöO*« q³ © U³¦ «® s?Ž tO Àb?%Ë œöO*« q?³ ≤∑ ÂU?Ž …¡U?HJ « w?¼Ë W?−N³ «Ë WOzU?A½ù« …¡U?HJ «Ë
ﻧﺪوه ﻣﺠﻠﺔ اﻟﺒﻨﺎء اﻟﺴﺎدﺳﺔ
أﺳﺎﻟﻴﺐ ﺟﺪﻳﺪة.. ﻣﻮاد اﻟﺒﻨﺎء وأﻓﻜﺎر ﻣﺘﻄﻮرة ÕU²H « b³Ž bL× ‚—UÞ ”bMN*« ∫ œ«bŽ≈ ? Â≤∞±≥ d³L u½ ∑ ? μ
œ«u?*« Ê√ …—U?LF « U?NNł«uð w?² « WO UJ?ýù« qÐ …b¼U?ALK jI X? O ¡UM³ « w? W b ²? *« …¡UHJ « Ác?¼ ÆvM³*« q?LŽ …¡UH w? r¼U? ð UN½√ …¡UHJ « ∫ ‰U¦*« qO³?Ý vKŽ UNM WŽuM² Ë …œb?F² ”UM « rOI¹ U Î U?³ Už w² « w¼Ë W¹dB³ « W?O UL'« dJM¹ Ê√ lOD² ¹ bŠ√ ôË UNzu{ vKŽ Í—ULF Í√ UNOKŽ vM³LK wł—U)« qJA « lMBð w² « œ«u*« Ê√ Æ W¹dB³ « W U?Ýd « Ác¼ ‰U?B¹≈ w dO³ œU?L²Ž≈ WO UJý≈ Ác¼Ë …—ULFK WO¾O³ « …¡UHJ « „UM¼ Ê√ UL ¨ U?Ý«—b « UN uŠ —ËbðË Î UO u¹ UNO ÷u ½ …dO³
Ê√ …d?J s o?KDMð ¡U?M³ « œ«u?0 …—U?LF « W? öŽ œ«u s U¾ lLł W?OHO ò w sLJð UNð«– …—U?LF « UNCFÐ l œ«u*« Ác¼ W öŽ ÆåbŠ«Ë vM³ w? ¡UM³ « ÆWOzUNM « UNð—u Ë …—ULF « lMBð w?² « w¼ iF³ « ¨Ÿ«bÐù« q √ u¼ bŠ«Ë ÊUJ w …d UM² œ«u l?Lł WG ò UN½QÐ W?M¹b*« «uH Ë 5š—R*« i?FÐ Ê√ v?²Š WOŽ«bÐù« d UMF « bŠ√ ÊS? p c Æåd−(« UN ËdŠ ÊUJ w …d UM²*« œ«u*« Ác¼ lLł s √b³¹ …—ULF « w UNO lL−²ð w² « WOłôuJ « WŠuK UÐ t³ý√ UN½≈ ÆbŠ«Ë ÆŸb³*« Í—ULF*« rOLB² « ô≈ jЫ— UNDÐd¹ô œ«u 120 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±≤∞
89 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∏π
Conference & session hall
«d{U;« W U
d¼uł fJF¹ vM³*« jÝË u×M rKÝ …bײ*« 3_« qLŽ the sculptural staircase in its core reflects the UN’s work to create global dialogue
114 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±±¥
Universal Value & Futuristic Architecture
New Regional Head Office United Nations
3XN ∫ rLB*« słUNMÐu ∫ l u*« W UF « o «d*«Ë VðUJLK lÐd d² ¥μ[∞∞∞ ∫ l u*« WŠU W¹u½U¦ « o «d*«Ë nOý—ú lÐd d² ∑[∞∞∞
Designer: 3XN Location: Copenhagen Site Area: 45,000 m² office & public facilities + 7,000 m² archives & secondary facilities The new regional head office of the United Nations is designed with clear references to the UN’s identity and values: It is a building that physically reaches out to all parts the world, while the sculptural staircase in its core reflects the UN’s work to create global dialogue. From above, the eight-pointed star shape is a clear visual reference point, which, like the UN, reaches out to all corners of the world. Similar to the surrounding rusty pier edges, the UN city has a dark burnished steel base from which the white main building rises. This is a reference to the elegant white ships that characterize this part of the Copenhagen harbor. The building has a façade cladding of white perforated aluminum shutters, developed by 3XN and contractor Pihl specifically for the UN City. The shutters ensure solar shading without blocking the view or the daylight. Since the facade is divided into three meter long modules, it is possible for the employees to control the sunshade from their computers. The result is an improved indoor environment, and a dynamic façade expressing a building full of life. From the atrium a central staircase binds all levels together. 3XN has created the staircase as a dramatic spatial sculpture, which is to be seen as a symbol of the UN’s work to create dialogue, interaction and positive encounters between people in all parts of the world. All office levels are characterized by an open and flexible layout encouraging knowledge sharing and interaction as well as individual immersion. Work stations are ensured plenty of high quality daylight and a good indoor climate. The working environment is further improved by an overall health policy including green recreational areas and a number of sustainable features such as: Air quality, Solar panels, Sea water cooling, Water efficiency, Solar shades, and Reflective roofs
113 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±±≥
…eNł√ s? qE « v?KŽ …dDO? « s 5?Hþu*« 5 % v « ÍœRð w² «Ë rNÐ W U)« dðuO³LJ « vM³*« WNł«Ë p cÐ dNEðË qLFK WOKš«b « W¾O³ « Æ…UO(UÐ TOK v?M³ fJFð …dOG² W?OJO UM¹œ WFz«— WI¹dDÐ u×M*« ×b « d?NE¹ qš«b « s l?OLł j?Ðd¹Ë f?Ozd « u?N³ « n?B²M w? e d rL b?I iF³Ð oЫuD «Ë U¹u²? *« œU−¹UÐ ÍœU?M¹ Íc « …bײ*« 3_« q?LŽ f?JF¹ w ”UM « 5Ð W?OÐU−¹≈ «¡UI Ë q?ŽUHðË —«uŠ U¹u²? lOLł eOL²ð Ær? UF « ¡U?×½√ l?OLł jOD ² «Ë Õu?²H*« r?OLB² « ÂU?EMÐ V?ðUJ*« W —UA*«Ë W dF*« ‰œU³ð vKŽ l−A¹ Íc « Êd*« UD× ÆœdH « WO uBš ¡UG « ÊËbÐ qŽUH² «Ë ¡u{ s d?O¦J « vKŽ Íu?²×² XLL q?LF « r²¹ qLF « W¾OÐ Ê« U?L ¨WO UŽ …œuł Ë– —U?NM « W×{«Ë WÝUOÝ ‰öš s —«dL²?ÝUÐ UNMO % s œbŽË ¡«d?C)« WONO d² « oÞUM W? U{UÐ Õ«u _«Ë ¨¡«uN « …œuł ∫q¦ W «b²? *« «eO*« ¨d?׳ « ÁU?O «b ²?ÝUÐ b?¹d³ðË WO? LA « ÆW UŽ `DÝ√ Ë ¨ÁUO*« «b ²Ý« bOýdð
The building is located on an artificial island and highly visible from both the city and the water.
b¹b'« wLOK ù« fOzd « V?²J*« rOLBð eJðd¹ rO Ë W¹u¼ vKŽ …d?ýU³ WI¹dDÐ …bײ*« 3ú vKŽ W?OM³ W?OLOLB² « t?ðdJ ∫…b?ײ*« 3_« p cÐË r UF « o?ÞUM lOLł v « bO « b ”U?Ý« Ê√ 5Š w ¨qJ?A « WO½ULŁ WL−M vM³*« Ãd?š fJF¹ vM³*« j?ÝË w fOzd « w²×M « ×b? « w*UŽ —«uŠ œU−¹« u¼Ë …bײ*« 3_« qLŽd¼uł ”˃d « WO½UL¦ « «– WL−M « qJ?ý vKŽô« s q¦9 w² «Ë ¨W?×{«Ë W?¹dBÐ WOFłd W?DI½ Ær UF « U?¹«Ë“ lOL' U?¼b¹ b?9 ¨…b?ײ*« 3ô« ¨WDO;« b?B « W?H —√ ·«u?Š —«d?ž v?KŽË vKŽ rzU Êu?K « iOÐô« …b?ײ*« 3_« l?L− sH « v ≈ …—U?ý≈ ¨‰uIB*« VKB « s …bŽU ¡UMO s ¡e'« «c?¼ eO9 w² « WIO½_« ¡U?CO³ « Õ«u? QÐ …u? J v?M³*« W?Nł«Ë Æs?łUNMÐu q³ s —uÞ »uI¦*« ÂuOM*ô« s? ©shutter® WM¹bLK UBOBš Pihl ‰ËU?I*«Ë 3XN rLB*« w LA « qOKE² « sLCð Õ«u _« Æ…bײ*« 3ú WNł«u « Æ—U?NM « ¡u?{ Ë√ d?EM*« V?−Š ÊËœ sJ9 «d² Àö?Ł ‰uDÐ «bŠË v ≈ WL? I
WO UŽ WOFO³ÞË WOM WH «– ÷—√ vKŽ vM³*« lI¹ ¡U*UÐ WÞU× w¼Ë
ﻗﻴﻢ ﻛﻮﻧﻴﺔ وﻋﻤﺎرة ﻣﺴﺘﻘﺒﻠﻴﺔ
ﻣﺠﻤﻊ ا ﻣﻢ اﻟﻤﺘﺤﺪة
Entrance facade
qšb*« WNł«Ë
Main elevation
W Ozd « WNł«u «
Longitudinal section
Theater seatings & screen
111 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±±±
w uÞ ŸUD
÷dF « WýUýË Õd *«
Section thru the theater
‘UF½≈ W dž 5Hþu W dž
Third floor plan
Y U¦ « —ËbK wI _« jI *«
‘UF½≈ W dž q UF 5Hþu ·dž UŽUL²ł« W U
Second floor plan
w½U¦ « —ËbK wI _« jI *«
‘UF½≈ W dž …œôu « W dž UOKLF « WŽU VO «Ëœ UŽUL²ł« W U
W Uš W¹UMŽ fÐö w Ë qO ž W dž
First floor plan
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
…—«œ≈ Δ—«uÞ nA W dž n u² UŽUL²ł« W U
a³D WO bO
U¹dO² U
Ground floor plan
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
110 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±±∞
Heritage Invoking Colours
…—ULFK w Ëœ—«dÐ u —U V²J ∫ rLB*« UO³O ¨Wð«d³ ∫ l u*« lÐd d² ±±[≥∞∞ ∫ WŠU *«
Libyan European Hospital Designer: Carlo Berarducci Architecture Location: Sabratha, Libya Site Area: 11,300 m² The area is a rectangle with the short side bordering the coastal road overlooking stunning beaches and shores. The project is characterized by the emphasis of the horizontal planes with a large coverage plan supported by circular free columns that overtakes the underlying volumes and covers an open triple-height atrium shaded by horizontal brise soleil and cooled by a garden of typical local palm trees. Below the prismatic volume of the Conference Hall, stretched towards the sea with a fully glazed north front, a glass foyer is surrounded by a water basin that contributes to cooling air outside the glass walls of the foyer. Two parallel wings contain the patient rooms on two levels above the ground floor containing the administration and visit rooms. All patient rooms have beds positioned so that they have free view of the sea through large windows from floor to ceiling screened from direct south sunlight by full-height projecting walls 45° over the facade plane. On the back of the area are the surgical rooms, completely closed to the outside with on the upper floors the visitors doctors apartments. Outside and inside the dominant colors are white and silver. The typical color of the medina and the color of the precious metal worked by tinsmiths. White are all the exterior wall coverings and interior floorings both made in porcelain stoneware with antibacterial and antipollution action activated by the presence of light and water, and all the outdoor granite floorings. Silver are all window frames and shading brise soleil together with horizontal floor plans thickness covered with stainless steel finishings, and all inside partitions walls as well as the Conference rubber flooring and its acustic wall covering.
109 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±∞π
Main perspective from the front facade
œ«u0 Z UF*« Íd−(« ·e?)« s WŽuMB*«Ë s qFHð Àu?K²K W× UJ Ë r?OŁ«d−K …œU?C UO{—_« lOL' W³ M UÐ ÆÁUO*«Ë ¡uC « ‰öš wCH « Êu?K « Æ XO½«d'« s? wN W?Oł—U)« v ≈ U³Mł qOKE² «Ë c? «uM « «—UÞ≈ w b?ł«u²¹ fK½U² « …œU s WHK² U³OD?Að l VMł lOLł w Âb ²?Ý√ b Ë Æ√bBK ÂËUI*« qO²?Ý WOÞUD*« UO{—_«Ë WOKš«b « Ê«—b'« ÂU _« Æ uBK W ËUI*« Ê«—b'«Ë
W?ł—œ ¥μ W?¹Ë«eÐ ŸU?Hð—ô« W?K U «d?ÝU tÐ błuO w?HK)« ¡e'« w U √ ÆW?Nł«u « w? WIKG UNł«Ë w¼Ë WOŠ«d'« U?OKLF « ·dž oЫuD « w oI?ý œułË l ×U)« v ≈ U U9 WMLON*« Ê«u _« Ê« UL Æs¹dz«e « ¡U³Þú U?OKF « wCH «Ë i?OÐ_« w?¼ qš«b «Ë ×U?)« w? WIO²F « WM¹b*« s …U?I²M WOł–u/ Ê«u « w¼Ë W?Oł—U)« Ê«—b?'« ÆW?MOL¦ « ö?LF « s? Ë i?OÐô« Êu?K « s? W?OKš«b « U?O{—_«Ë
أﻟﻮان ﺗﻨﺎدي اﻟﺘﺮاث
اﻟﻤﺴﺘﺸﻔﻰ اﻟﻠﻴﺒﻲ اﻻوروﺑﻲ
WO U _« WNł«uK —uEM
j?O×¹ w?zU `D? œu?łË v? « W? U{ôUÐ b¹d³ð vKŽ vM³*« qšb qLF¹ ¨fOzd « q?šb*UÐ błu¹ U?L ÆW?OłUłe « t?½«—bł ×U?š u?'« v{d*« ·dž v?KŽ Íu²% 5¹“«u² 5?ŠUMł Íu²%Ë ÷—_« `D?Ý ‚u? 5¹u²? v?KŽ …dÝ_« lOLł Æ—«Ëe « ·džË …—«œù« vKŽ UC¹« dEM v?KŽ qD² X?NłË v?{d*« ·d?ž w? ÷—_« s …dO³ c «u½ ‰öš s d׳K dýU³ WDÝ«uÐ fLA « WFý« s WOL× nI? « v ≈
qOD² sŽ …—U³Ž ŸËdA*« UNOKŽ ÂUI*« WIDM*« o¹dDK Í“«u? d?B ô« lKC « Êu?J¹ Y?OŠ eOL²¹ ÆW?Ðöš TÞ«u?ý vKŽ q?D*« wKŠU? « l WOI _« U×D? *« vKŽ ÁeO d²Ð ŸËd?A*« …bLŽQÐ WLŽb WOł—U)« oÞUMLK l?Ý«Ë ¡UDž fOz— uNÐò ÊuJO —«Ëœ√ ÀöŁ ŸU?Hð—UÐ W¹dz«œ WOK;« qO M « s? WI¹bŠ vKŽ Íu²×¹ åq?KE nH ðË ¨w?FO³Þ u?ł d? uð w?² «Ë W?¹bOKI² « «c¼ WŠu²H*« W?IDM*« w? …—«d?(« Wł—œ s? 108 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±∞∏
89 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∏π
Circulation loop
The marina tower
s¹ô ÍUJÝ s ÍuO(« ¡e'« qš«œ W d(«
UM¹—U*« ÃdÐ
The masses manage to create a direct but subtle link to the city
b¹bł rKF ÊuJ¹ Í—«œ≈ vM³ ¡UA½≈ WM¹b*« w
106 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±∞∂
The creek is the heart of skyline
Skyline waterfront
105 Albenaa
WODÝu « WOzU*« …UMI «
s¹ô ÍUJ ŸËdA*« WNł«Ë
¡UM³ « ±∞μ
Design Methadology
ÂUF « l u*« w U U¦J « l¹“uð WO−NM
Commercial & cultural activity, restaurant, fountain, social landscape for waterfront
Master plan
ÂUF « l u*«
104 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±∞¥
Visual Connection and Sculpting
ÍdCŠ ÊuLLB ? Êu¹—ULF eO «dÐ ∫ rLB*« wÐœ WM¹b ∫ l u*« lÐd d² n √ μ∞∞ ∫ WŠU *«
Dubai Skyline Designer: PRAXIS Architects Urban Designers Location: Dubai, UAE Site Area: 550,000 m² The concept of cities integrated by all services and attractions has become a basic, economic and urban phenomenon, especially in the cities adopting such economic practice, although building small suburbs on the outskirts of cities is part of the historical practice, such as Madinat Azahra built by Abdul Rahman Al-Nasser (III) by more than a thousand years in Cordoba sides, but the modern concept of the independent city within the big city became part of the culture of urban Dubai. We are facing a real estate project that consists of a group of office and residential buildings with full services penetrated by a canal in the middle that represents the key element to achieve the visual overlooking and build the urban character for the complex as a whole. The geometry configuration of the tower expresses the sense of urban upon which the complex looks as a whole, as the configuration is about two blocks overlapping harmonically like a giant gate that allows to pass through and allows the spatial connection so that the sum of buildings forms a large number of gates that establish the urban transmittance and open up the whole neighborhood for the movement and communication. The architectural composition has the geometric and sculptural simplicity that attracts each other into the sky quietly and without exaggeration and it provides visual configuration that interferes with the surrounding and merges with it without being boring as the overall formation of masses form a simple and acceptable variety that contributes to the enhancement of urban interdependence which the project aims for.
103 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±∞≥
Master plan perspective
e¹eFð w rN ¹ Îôu³I Ë Î UDO Ð UŽuMð lMB¹ ÆŸËd?A*« t ·bN¹ Íc « ÍdC(« j?Ыd² « ¥μ∞ WFÝ vH?A² vKŽ ŸËd?A*« Íu²×¹ ‚bM Ë ¨q?× ≥∞∞ tÐ Í—U?& ‰u ¨d¹d?Ý v ≈ W U{ùUÐ W? dž ¥μ∞ WF?Ý Âu$ fLš Æ WOMJÝ …—ULŽ ∂∞ Ë w UIŁ e d
`L? ð U?Ыu³ « s? d?O³ œb?Ž w?½U³*« W d×K tK w(« `²HðË W?¹dC(« W¹–UHM UÐ s? t?O Í—U?LF*« qOJ?A² « Æq? «u² «Ë »–U−²ð w² « W?O²×M « W¹d² uO'« WÞU? ³ « Âb?IðË W?G U³ ÊËœË ¡Ëb?NÐ ¡UL? « ÊU?MŽ tF Z bM¹Ë jO;« l qš«b²¹ Î U¹dBÐ Î UM¹uJð wKJ « UNKOJ?AðË q²J U Îö2 Êu?J¹ Ê√ ÊËœ
اﻟﻨﺤﺖ و اﻟﺘﺮاﺑﻂ اﻟﺒﺼﺮي
دﺑﻲ ﺳﻜﺎي ﻻﻳﻦ
ÂUF « jD LK —uEM
ÆqJ l?L−LK W?¹dC(« WOB ?A « ¡U?MÐË s?Ž d?³F¹ ëd?Ðú åÍd?² uO'«ò s?¹uJ² « l?L−*« t?OKŽ Íc? « Íd?C(« ”U? Šô« 5²Kš«b² 5²K² s?Ž …—U³Ž s?¹uJ² U ¨qJ
t³?Að …dO³ W?ײ U?LNMOÐ b? UF² qJ?AÐ `L ðË —Ëd*UÐ `L? ð w² « W öLF « WЫu³ « ŸuL− qJ?A¹ Y?O×Ð w?ž«dH « q? «u² UÐ
Ê√ ô≈ ¨W³Þd ·«dÞ√ vKŽ WM?Ý n √ s d¦ √ WM¹b*« qš«œ WKI² *« WM¹bLK d UF*« ÂuNH*« ÆWO½«dLF « wÐœ W UIŁ s? ¡eł `³ √ …dO³J « s? Êu?J²¹ Í—U?IŽ ŸËd?A ÂU? √ s?×½ q UJÐ WOMJ? «Ë WO³²J*« w½U³*« s WŽuL− q¦9 j?Ýu « w WOzU …UM UNI?Að UNðU bš W¹dB³ « W öÞù« oOIײ wÝUÝô« dBMF «
q «uŽË UNðU bš qJ?Ð WK UJ²*« Êb*« Âu?NH W?O½«dLŽ …d?¼Uþ X?׳ √ U?NO »c?'« XMN² √ Êb w U uBš WOÝUÝ√ W¹œUB² « ¡UMÐ Ê√ rž—Ë ¨W¹œUB² ô« WÝ—UL*« Ác¼ q¦ ¡eł Êb*« ·«d?Þ√ vKŽ …dOGB « w?Š«uC « ¡«d¼e « W?M¹b q¦ WO ¹—U² « W?Ý—UL*« s? q³ ©Y U¦ «® d? UM « sLŠd «b³Ž U¼UMÐ w?² « 102 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±∞≤
Panoramic views from sailboat bays and marina to the Miami skyline
w UO W¹ôu ¡UL « jš UNHKšË UM¹—ULK w «—u½UÐ dEM
—«ËeK d uð U dA « oKD « ¡«uN UÐ ŸU²L²Ýù« Balconies overlooking the surrounding areas
w{—_« Èu² *« s dEM WDO;« —U−ý_« `{u¹ Ground level view & natural atmosphere
100 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ±∞∞
Northeast elevation
Section from the north tower
99 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ππ
WO dA « WO ULA « WNł«u «
w ULA « Ãd³ « w ŸUD
North tower level 12 - 17 floor plan
North tower level 2 - 8 floor plan
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∏ ? ≤ —Ëb « jI ¨w ULA « Ãd³ «
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Structural Challenge & Visual Forming
ZOÐ ∫ rLB*« WOJ¹d _« …bײ*« U¹ôu « ? w UO ∫ l u*« lÐd d² μ∏π∞∞ ∫ WŠU *«
The Grove Grand Bay Designer: BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group Location: Miami, FL, USA Site Area: 58,900 m² The Grove at Grand Bay residences, located on the former site of the Grand Bay Hotel and just minutes from key areas including the airport, downtown Miami and Coral Gables shall leave an imprint on the South Bayshore Drive community, redefining luxury and breathing new life into Coconut Grove for decades to come. Developed by Terra Group, Miami’s leading real-estate development company, the construction is scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter of 2012, completing end of 2014. Rising 20 stories over the bay-front, Grove at Grand Bay will showcase 96 expansive residences with panoramic views from every angle as the two towers take off from the ground and clear the surrounding buildings, readjusting their orientation to capture the full breadth of panoramic views from sailboat bays and the marina to the Miami skyline. The interactive movement of the two towers creates a new dancing silhouette on the Grove’s skyline. Whether in the shade of the buildings’ twisting facades or inside, residents of the Grove at Grand Bay will fully experience and relish living amid the open air. The gardens and architecture will fuse seamlessly at the amenity levels, maximizing indoor outdoor living experiences that are unique to the South Florida climate. Views down into the gardens, towards the surrounding canopied neighborhoods, and beyond Sailboat Bay will offer peaceful, verdant backdrops to elegant residential interiors and vast balconies. The interior design of the individual units are refined towards minimalism and luxury. With an open flow-through floor plan, each residence will showcase 12’ ceilings and 12’ floorto-ceiling windows, first among Florida developments, and spacious outdoor terraces with wraparound balconies that create a continuous indoor/outdoor living environment.
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Site plan
WOMJ « w½U³*« lL− w åÊU²? ³ «ò ·ËdI « ‚bMH oÐU « l u*« vKŽ XOMÐ b½«dž ZOKš w W? Oz— l «u s ozU œ bFÐ vKŽ u?¼Ë b½«dł „d²O?Ý «c¼Ë w UO WM¹b j?ÝËË —UD*« q¦ bOF¹Ë ¨wÐuM'«—u?ý ÍUÐ lL²− vKŽ W?LBÐ …b¹bł …UOŠ »uK?Ý« ‰Ušœ≈Ë W U H « n?¹dFð lL−*« ÆW? œU œu?IF bMN « “u?ł ÊU²? Ð w W d?ý å«dOð WŽuL− ò q³ s? —uÞ wMJ? « √bÐ w² «Ë w UO w …bz«d « Í—UIF « d¹uD² « ¨≤∞±≤ ÂUŽ s lЫd « lÐd « w bOOA² « ‰ULŽ√ ÆÂ≤∞±¥ ÂU?Ž W?¹UNMÐ ŸËd?A*« ‰ULJ²?Ý«Ë ¨Íd׳ « ZOK)« WNł«Ë vKŽ UIÐUÞ ≤∞ ŸUHð—UÐ WO «—u½UÐ dþUM «– WOMJÝ …bŠË π∂ ÂUI²?Ý 5?łd³K W?OKŽUH² « W? d(« ÆW?¹Ë«“ q s? …b¹bł WB «— W?OKþ …—u l?MBð 5OMJ? « UNł«u « q?þ w? ¡«u?Ý ÊU²? ³ « o √ v?KŽ ·u?Ý ÊUJ? « ¨qš«b « s Ë√ w½U³LK W¹u²K*«
ÂUF « l u*«
ﺗﺤﺪي إﻧﺸﺎﺋﻲ وﻧﺤﺖ ﺑﺼﺮي
اﻟﺒﺴﺘﺎن ﺧﻠﻴﺞ ﺟﺮاﻧﺪ
The north and west facades are covered by perforated aluminium plate
»uI¦*« ÂuOM*_« Õ«u QÐ WOÐuM'«Ë WO ULA « WNł«u « WODGð
«—UO « n «u v ≈ W¹œR*« «dL*« Passage & hallways to the parking area
Ê«u QÐ UN²zU{≈ r²ð YOŠ «—UO « n «u qOK « w WHK² Parking area below the housing units & has different colours at night
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Side view & parking below the terrace housing
Fifth floor plan
f U)« —Ëb « jI
Longitudinal section
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«—UO « n «u* w³½Uł dEM
¡UM³ « π≥
w uÞ ŸUD
Third floor plan
Cross section
Y U¦ « —ËbK wI _« jI *«
w{dŽ ŸUD
The roof gardens consist of a terrace and a garden with plants
Ground floor plan
South elevation
U dýË oz«b× «bŠu « `DÝ« «b ²Ý«
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
WOÐuM'« WNł«u «
Site plan
North elevation
ÂUF « l u*«
WO ULA « WNł«u «
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A Cell for Life in the Suburban Housing
ZOÐ ∫ rLB*« „—U/b « ? słUNMÐu ∫ l u*« lÐd d² ≥≥[∞∞∞ ∫ WŠU *«
The Mountain Houses Designer: BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group Location: Copenhagen, DK Site Area: 33,000 m² The Mountain is located in Orestad city and offer the best of two worlds: closeness to the hectic city life in the centre of Copenhagen, and the tranquillity characteristic of suburban life. The program, however, is 2/3 parking and 1/3 living. What if the parking area became the base upon which to place terraced housing - like a concrete hillside covered by a thin layer of housing, cascading from the 11th floor to the street edge? Rather than doing two separate buildings next to each other - a parking and a housing block - we decided to merge the two functions into a symbiotic relationship. The parking area needs to be connected to the street, and the homes require sunlight, fresh air and views, thus all apartments have roof gardens facing the sun, amazing views and parking on the 10th floor. The Mountain appears as a suburban neighbourhood of garden homes flowing over a 10-storey building - suburban living with urban density. The roof gardens consist of a terrace and a garden with plants changing character according to the changing seasons. The residents of the 80 apartments will be the first in Orestaden to have the possibility of parking directly outside their homes. The gigantic parking area contains 480 parking spots and a sloping elevator that moves along the mountain’s inner walls. The north and west facades are covered by perforated aluminium plates, which let in air and light to the parking area. The holes in the facade form a huge reproduction of Mount Everest. At day the holes in the aluminium plates will appear black on the bright aluminium, and the gigantic picture will resemble that of a rough rasterized photo. At night time the facade will be lit from the inside and appear as a photo negative in different colours as each floor in the parking area has different colours.
bI ÆœuIŽ …b?Ž q³ w*UŽ Í—ULF WD?Ý«uÐ `D?Ý√ WOMJ? « «b?ŠuK r?OLB² « d? Ë ŸËd?A*« `² Ë oz«bŠË öDL Âb ²? ð ŸËd?A*« ‰uŠË ¨Ã—U)« v?KŽ q U qJ?AÐ oz«b×Ð vKŽ_« s Wł—b² WOMJ?Ý …—UŠ v ≈ WIDM*« v ≈ nOCðË …U?O(« vKŽ Y% WIKF ÆW d(«Ë W?¹uO(UÐ ”U? Š≈ UN …—ËU?−*« WOMJ?Ý …bŠË ∏∞ WOMJ? « «b?Šu « œb?Ž qB% w² « WIDM*« w v Ë_« w¼ ÊuJ²?ÝË ¨…d?ýU³ XO³ « ×Uš «—UO?Ý n «u vKŽ ¥∏∞ vKŽ Íu²% «—UO? « n «u Ê√ U?L l V?ÝUM²ð WKzU bŽUB œułË l n? u …dJ ÂbI¹ ÂUŽ qJAÐ ŸËdA*« Æq³'« «d2 «—UO « n «u q¹u% WOHOJ WO ULłË WOKLŽ ¡ełË …UO×K WKÐU s U √ v ≈ oЫuD « …œbF²*« Æw(« ÍdC(« jO;« l qŽUH²¹
Aerial location site
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«c¼ UN b w² « W?Ož«dH «Ë W¹dB³ « W³O d² « ÊUJ*U d?OJH² « v ≈ l? bðË …dO¦ ŸËd?A*« œU²Ý—Ë_« w lI¹ ¨rŠœe Ë ÍdCŠË ÍuOŠ słUNMÐu WO —U/b « W?L UF « s »d?I UÐ n? «uL ŸËd?A*« w?¦KŁ h?Bš b? Ë b Ë sJ? K ŸËd?A*« YKŁ ULMOÐ ¨ «—UO? K 5KBHM 5OM³ ¡UMÐ s ôbÐ t½√ rLB*« È√— s Íu?KF « ¡e?'« «b ²?Ý« v?KŽ e?O d² « Î √bÐ ö?F Ë ¨sJ? K Î U½UJ Êu?J¹ wJ v?M³*« WK²J « ×b²Ð √b³ð WIOLŽË …dO¦ …dJ l{uÐ v²ŠË d?AŽ ÍœU?(« o?ÐUD « s? WOMJ? « «—UO « n u Ê√ U*UD ¨Ÿ—U?A « Èu² sJ? «Ë Ÿ—U?A « vKŽ Ãd? v? ≈ ÃU?²×¹ s¹dBMF « s?¹c¼ r?LB*« nþË b?I p c ŸËdA0 U½d c¹Ë ¨WOK)« t³?A¹ s¹uJð qLF rL Íc « «bMJÐ å‰U¹d²½u ò w? å U²O³N «ò
l uLK Íuł —uEM
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∞¡UM³ « π
90 Albenaa
Formation Follows Technology
Functional and Visual Trends in the Contemporary Architecture Prof. Mashari bin Abdullah Al-Naim - Eng. Tariq Muhammad Abdul Fatah We present here a range of projects from different areas of the world gathered by close visual and functional relationships, as they are projects that use technology and interact with the place, which are located in it, but at the same time trying to promote the idea of world-class, technical and balanced style away from the excitement, as it is obvious in the works of extreme disassemblers. The relationship between form and function here is very deep, but it does not stop then never, as these projects exceed the phrase “form follows function” through the promotion of technical dimension, which has become imposing tag on architectural form and determines its orientations and frames it in specific frameworks that may have become predictable. Let’s stop at the Libyan European Hospital project in Sabratha, Libya, the building here invests all the available technical capabilities that can contribute to the development of the building that got rid of functional domination. It is rare to find healthy buildings with an optical and eye-catching presence. The functional focus here is high and important, and in this building, the balance between function and form. If we think of the United Nations headquarters building in Copenhagen, Denmark, which is an office building, we will find that the symbolic dimension reinforced by technical dimension contributed in making this building “iconic” in its general configuration, as the horizontal plan is an octagonal star that confirms that the United Nations extends its hands to the world’s all parties. What is important here is that the visual treatment extends to the office building facades and enhances its presence and harmony for being a building expresses the human assembly which is supposed to be harmonious. In the case of urban communities, which have become a contemporary phenomenon par excellence, we see that the treatment is often hesitant between
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the dimension of commercial real estate and the promotion of architectural, cultural and environmental depth. In the Dubai project, the trade-environmental balance is clearly shown and this real estate project represents an urban-technology idea that enhances the human dimension and opens the door wide in front of the city’s residents to interact with the open space, as it is remind us of ideas of architect Le Corbusier when he wanted to increase the green areas at the expense of floor plan of the building, so he went to the top and minimized the construction area. Dubai Skyline reflects this trend, which enhances the urban value of open space and enhances the relationship between the building and the environment. In the case of the mountain housing project in Copenhagen, Denmark, we note that the urban-topographic compatibility, as the idea is based on the investment of technical ability to produce a project that enhances the natural value of the site and provides the required functional need with a deep focus on the visual impact. It is possible to consider the “Grand Bay” project in Miami, United States as an urban renewal project with future specifications, as the existing cities have many parts infected with aging and sagging and need to be addressed comprehensively. This project reflects the new urban phenomenon that has become a “surgical placement” penetrates the body of flabby cities and restores their youth. We believe that this approach that characterizes contemporary architecture will have significant challenges lie primarily in respecting the existing urban fabric and deal with it on the urban and visual level. In Bismarck offices project, we note that it adopted the idea of filling urban emptiness in the building in the middle of a crowded urban, and this requires careful surgical work that enables the new building to harmony with the environment where it is located in.
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88 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∏∏
U½dE½ U «–≈ «c?¼ ¨—«dL²?ÝôUÐ U?ÝU Š√ …UO(« wDFð w² « wN ¨UNM hK ² « Íbײ « d?³²F¹ b¹b'« sŽ Y?׳ « ÊS p c ¨W?B Uš W¹—ULF …d?E½ …U?O×K b¹b'« l Âu?O « …—ULŽ q UF²ð n?O Æ—«dL²?ÝUÐ …—ULF « tł«u¹ Íc « d?³ _« …—ULŽ ÃU²½« w WF bM*« WOMI² « «—uD² « Ác¼ dL¦² ð nO Ë ¨dŁUM²*«Ë ŸuM²*« w² « WOIOI(« WO UJýô« q¦1 Íc « u¼ w ¹—U² « w½U ½ô« U¼—UÞ≈ sŽ Ãd ð ô Æ…d UF*« W¹—ULF*« —UJ ô« UN uŠ —Ëbð
87 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∏∑
اﻟﺸﻜﻞ ﻳﺘﺒﻊ اﻟﺘﻘﻨﻴﺔ
ﺗﻮﺟﻬﺎت وﻇﻴﻔﻴﺔ وﺑﺼﺮﻳﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻌﻤﺎرة اﻟﻤﻌﺎﺻﺮة rOFM « tK «b³Ž sÐ Í—UA œÆ√ ÕU²H U³Ž bL× ‚—UÞ ”bMN*«
WOJOJH² « X½U Ê≈Ë ¨«œb× «“«dÞ l³²ð ô wN WK¾Ý_« s dO¦ dO¦ð ÂuO « …—ULŽ wÝ—U2 ‰ULŽ« vKŽ WOžUD « w¼ wMI² « —uD² « vKŽ WLzUI « WO³z«dG « ‰UJý_«Ë ÁbOF¹ dL²? ÍdBÐ V¹cNð v ≈ WłU×Ð ÊU wMI² « ZNM « «c¼ Ê√ ô≈ ¨…—U?LF « »d √ ÊU …dOš_« …d²H « w Áb¼U?A½ U½d UL ¨…—ULFK w½U? ½ù« ÂuNH*« v ≈ UNLNH½Ë UNF g¹UF²½ Ê√ U½œuFð w?² « …—ULF « v ≈ tM WOzUCH « …—ULF « v? ≈ sJ1 ô t²ÐUŁ WL?Ý bF¹ …—U?LF « w åb?¹b−² «ò Ê√ U?M dŽ U? «–≈Ë ÆU?N Ëc²½Ë
86 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∏∂
Â≤∞±≥ …—ULFK ÊUš Už_« …ezUł
Aerial view with the surrounding landscape
oz«b(«Ë w½«dLF « jO×LK Íuł —uEM
Materials used were red concrete for walls & oak wood for ornamentation of entrance facade
s U √
Laying Out
…ö WŽU
Prayer Room
WO½UŁ W dž
Secondary Room / Lavatory
s b « ÊUJ
Floor plan
81 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∏±
UNł«u « w Âb ²Ý« bI VA)« U √ jz«u(« ¡UMÐ w »uD «Ë W½UÝd)« «b ²Ý≈
wI _« jI *«
اﻟﻤﻘﺒﺮة ا ﺳﻼﻣﻴﺔ اﻟﻨﻤﺴﺎ،أﻟﺘﺎش
s WŽuL− l?Hðdð ¨o¹dD « ÁU?&UÐË ªW?³ON U?NMJ Ë WÞUŠùUÐ —uF?A « `ML² vKŽ√ UŽUHð—« vKŽ Ê«—b?'« ¨¡u{u « ·dž s WŽuL− UC¹« ÊUJ*« r?C¹ ÆÊUJ*UÐ Æ…d³ILK WOKš«b « WŠU³ « v « wCHð w² « lL−² « ·džË rC² WŠU³ « s? bOF³ « V½U'« w? …öB « WŽU U? √ r−? Mð w² « ¨5¹e²K WO³?A)« ‰ULŽ_« s W?ŽuL− «b ²ÝUÐ ÊbF*« s X?AI½ w² « U¹ü«Ë «—U³F « l b Ë ÆWK³I « ÁU?&UÐ qÐUI*« —«b?'« vKŽ w? uJ « j?)« WO³?A)« ‰ULŽ_« s œbFÐ W¼œd « Ác?¼ Ê«—bł X?M¹“ Æw öÝù« wÝbMN « “«dD « vKŽ XLL w² « rOJײ « WM' ÂbIðË ¨“UO² UÐ U?¹e — UF u WO ö?Ýù« …d³I*« d³²Fð UFL²−*« tł«uð W1b WKJA* öŠ lC¹ U³ÝUM U½UJ VDI² ¹ Ê√ ŸËdA*« ŸUD²Ý« UL ÆWIDM*« w WLK? *« nz«uÞË …œb?F² ‰u? √ s ¨5³Žö « s? W?ŽuL− W³žd « Õu{uÐ «uEŠôË ¨W¹u?Ý «uKLŽ s¹c « ¨W?HK² œU−¹≈ w? s¹dłUN*« 5LK? *« l?L²− b?MŽ W? —UF « X u « w Ë ¨WNł s WOŠËd « rNðUłUO²Š« w³Kð WŠU ÊËœ s ¨nOC*« bK³K ÂUF « ‚UO? K VO−²? ð t H½ ÆÊUJLK w UL'« qJA «Ë WO UI¦ « WOÝU (« ‰UL¼≈
ŸËdA*« n Ë w¼Ë ¨⁄dO³ —«—u W?IDM w? WO ö?Ýù« …d³I*« l?Ið qJ?A¹Ë ¨U? LM « s »dG « v?B √ w l?Ið W?FÞUI ÆUNO ÊUJ? « œ«bFð s •∏ sŽ b¹eð W³? ½ ÊuLK? *« U ¹—Uð p?K1 U? LM « w 5LK? *« l?L²− Ê√ r?ž—Ë s «uMJL²¹ r? rN½√ ô≈ ¨œö?³ « w? ÂbI « w? U?ЗU{ W³¹d …d² v²Š WO öÝù« dzUF?AK UI Ë r¼Uðu s œ s W UšË ¨ÊuLK? *« œU?²Ž« ¨p? – q?³ Æs e « s? r¼Uðu 5? U¦ł ‰U?Ý—≈ vKŽ ¨w?½U¦ «Ë ‰Ë_« 5?KO'« WO U{≈ WŠU? w r?NM œ Ë√ ¨W?OK _« r?¼œöÐ v? ≈ oO³Dð ÊËœ s? ö √ …œu?łu*« dÐUI*« Èb?Š≈ s?L{ «b ²Ý« - b Ë Æs b « WOKLŽ w WO ö?Ýù« dzUF?A « `K *« XMLÝù« q¦ …d³I*« w W? Ozd « œ«u*« s œbŽ ‰ušb « W?Nł«Ë 5¹e² ÊU¹bM? « V?AšË ¨Ê«—b?−K WŽU w WOKš«b « UŠU? *« iFÐË …d³ILK W? Ozd « tLOLBð ‰öš s l u*« «c¼ w ÂUN ô« Ëb³¹Ë Æ…öB « WO²ML?Ýù« t?½«—błË W? Ozd « t U? √Ë ¨w?Iz«b(« v ≈ wCHð w?² «Ë qJ?A «Ë ŸUHð—ù« WðËUH² W?¹œ—u « W³FJ « u×½ U?NOłuð - s bK WO U²² UŠU? fLš WDO Ð WI¹dDÐ rL qOD²? wIÐUÞ ¡UMÐË ¨W d?A*«
∫ W¹—ULF WÝbM¼ ¨ÊdO³½—Ëœ ¨d¹œUÐËœ—U½dOÐ U LM « ∫ qLF « VŠU ∫U LM « ¨‘U² √ ¨‘U² √ W¹bKÐ W¹bKÐ fOz— ¨‰b½«dÐb¹dHðuž U LM « ¨‘U² √ ∫ l u*« WŠU lÐd d² ∏¥±μ ∫ WOM³*« WŠU *« lÐd d² ¥∂∏
Islamic Cemetery Altach, Austria
The Cemetery serves Vorarlberg, the industrialised westernmost state of Austria, where over eight percent of the population is Muslim. Though the Islamic community in Austria has had a long history, only recently have burials according to the Islamic rite become possible. Prior to this, Muslims – especially first and second generation – used to send their dead back to their countries of origin or opt for burial in extension of existing cemeteries, but without Islamic rites. The principal materials used were exposed reinforced concrete for the walls and oak wood for the ornamentation of the entrance facade and the interior of the prayer space. A lattice-like system of red concrete walls of varying heights and patterned by formwork delineates five distinct staggered
grave fields oriented towards Mecca and a rectangular one-storey building in a simple but monumental design; towards the road, higher walls provide a feeling of enclosure; towards the mountains they are lower and embedded in the ground; everywhere, though, they are broken and interrupted, encouraging a continuous flow of space and dialogue with the surrounding landscape. The space includes ablution rooms and assembly rooms in a subdued palette that give onto a courtyard. The prayer room on the far side of the courtyard reprises the latticework theme with Kufic calligraphy in metal mesh on the “qibla” wall. The subtle simplicity of the Cemetery’s design and its interaction with its natural surroundings provide a calm and dignified place for spiritual contemplation, burial and mourning.
…öB « W dž The prayer room
80 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∏∞
Â≤∞±≥ …—ULFK ÊUš Už_« …ezUł
Aerial view linking two cities by a bridge
The bridge is supported by structural arches providing trasnsport connections
Master plan of the project
79 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∑π
5²M¹b jÐd¹ Íc « d −K Íuł —uEM
d '« ¡UM³ wzUA½ù« qJON «
d '« —U * ÂUF « l u*«
اﻟﺒﻨﻴﺔ اﻟﺘﺤﺘﻴﺔ اﻟﺤﻀﺮﻳﺔ اﻟﻤﻐﺮب،اﻟﺮﺑﺎط وﺳﻼ
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ŸËdA*« n Ë ¨ö?ÝË ◊UÐd « w²M¹b 5Ð j?Ðd¹ Íc « ¨ŸËd?A*« b Ë W¦¹bŠ W¹ƒd W−O²M Î ¨«e?OL² U¹dCŠ «—u× qJ?A¹Ë vKŽ bL²Fð w?² « ¨‚U?DM « WF?Ý«Ë b¹b−² « W?OKLŽ w? ÊU½uJ*« UL¼Ë ¨‚dD « UJ³?ýË qIM « jzUÝË 5? % qLFð ¨d³ √ W¹dCŠ WDš sL{ ¨ŸËdALK ÊUOÝUÝ_« sJ1 w² « ¨WO²×² « v?M³K …œb× l¹—U?A bO uð vKŽ ÊUJ? « …UOŠ w sJ2 dŁ√ d?³ √ —uH « v?KŽ „d?²ð Ê√ Âd²×¹ ‰«“ U? ŸËd?A*« rOLBð Æ5?²M¹b*« U?²K w? WOFO³D « U?¾O³ «Ë W?OMÐú nO¦J «Ë w?I _« œ«b?² ù« Íc «Ë ¨◊UÐd « w s Š Ãd³ `L? ¹ U ¨WIDM*« sL{ w UO UŽ lHðd¹ u¼Ë —uNE UÐ d?AŽ w½U¦ « ÊdIK œuF¹ vKŽ WKBHM «d2 WŁöŁ s d '« n Q²¹Ë Æ¡UL? « œbŽ UNM …bŠ«Ë q r?Žb¹Ë ¨Èu²? *«Ë ŸUHð—ù« fH½ ¨Â«d² « WJ? ‰Ë_« dL*« hBšË ÆWOM³*« dÞUMI « s? XOMÐ b Ë Æ UÐdF « —Ëd* Ê«dšü« Ê«dL*« hBš ULMOÐ ‰UJý√ sL{ ržUM²ð w² «Ë ¨d −K WO²MLÝù« U UŽb « Ëb³² WO¼UM² W? bÐË qOLł qJ?AÐ ¨…œbF² ”«u? √Ë W U{ùUÐË Æd? '« ¡«e?ł√ 5Ð jÐd¹ q?OLł j¹d?A ö «uLK W?O²×² « WOM³ « 5? Qð w f?Ozd « Á—Ëb?
Urban Infrastructure Project Rabat and Sale, Morocco
Linking Rabat and Salé to form an urban hub, the project was born out of a new vision of large-scale regeneration, one in which improved transportation and mobility were to be priority components of the larger urban plan, generating the specific infrastructure projects that would have the most significant and immediate impact on the populations of the two cities.. With its provision for vehicular, tram and pedestrian links between the two cities, the design still respects the overwhelming horizontality of the built and natural environments, allowing Rabat’s 12th-century Hassan Tower to retain its vertical dominance of the skyline. The bridge is divided into three separate carriageways on the same level, each supported by structural arches; one for the tramway and the other two for vehicular traffic. Separate
decks are maintained over the regular, shorter spans of the Salé viaduct but united as the asymmetrical structure curves into the nautical base bridge on the Rabat side. The concrete supports, in subtly varying arced forms, are deliberately delicate and lace-like in appearance. Besides providing transport connections, the structure also offers an urban roof over the alluvial plain of the Bouregreg River, creating a protected public space for markets and leisure activities. The project is a successful outcome of the combination of exemplary bridge design, infrastructure improvement and urban planning. The Hassan II Bridge has become a new iconic symbol of Rabat-Salé, reinforcing a modern, progressive, twin-city identity and laying a sound basis for future infrastructure development.
∫ W¹—ULF WÝbM¼ ¨f¹—UÐ ¨…—ULFK ÊU dO „—U U ½d ∫ qLF « VŠU ‚«d d « wÐ√ Íœ«Ë d¹uDð W U Ë d² ±∞≥∞ ∫ wKJ « ‰uD « d² ≥≥∞ w½U¦ « s (« d ł ‰uÞ d² ±∞∞ d −K W¹d׳ « …bŽUI « ‰uÞ
…UA*« d2 wDG¹ wzU?A½ù« qJON « d '« qHÝ√ Bridge base form as protected covered roof for pedestrian
78 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∑∏
Â≤∞±≥ …—ULFK ÊUš Už_« …ezUł
Bazaar path
The architecture of the Bazaar is essentially build with red bricks
Entrance facade of restored Tibriz Bazaar
77 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∑∑
‚u « qšb WNł«Ë
‚u « d2
¡UM³ « w dLŠ_« »uD « «b ²Ý«Ë e¹d³ð ‚uÝ …—ULŽ
General site plan
ÂUF « l u*«
إﺣﻴﺎء ﺳﻮق ﺗﺒﺮﻳﺰ إﻳﺮان،ﺗﺒﺮﻳﺰ
WOKLŽ w —œU½Ë eOL² ‰U¦ v ≈ e¹d³ð ‚«uÝ√ X u% VFK¹ Y?OŠ ¨l¹—U?A*« d¹uDðË Íd?C(« ÿU?H(« …d «c « b¹b& w bŽU? q UF ULN «—Ëœ À«d?² « ÆWO ¹—U² « e¹d³ð WM¹b* W¹uMF*«Ë W¹œU*« rOJײ « WM' Íc « bO dI « vKŽ w?ÝUÝ√ qJ?AÐ —«“U³ « ¡UMÐ ÂuI¹ WOM³ W?K² v? ≈ W «d² …b?Š«Ë …œU? s? ‰u?% WKOLł WŠu W?FL²− qJ?A² ¨W dše Ë WJÐU?A² WO?ÝUÝ_« dOÐUF² « U? √ ÆW¹dF?A « …bOBI UÐ t³?ý√ ¨WI?ÝUM²*« …¡U{ù«Ë ¨…b?¹dH « dÞUMI « v?KŽ Âu?I² œuF¹ ÁUM¹√— Íc « ¡U?M³ « Æ·—Uše «Ë ¡UM³ «Ë ¨ŒU?M*«Ë …—U−²K ÊUJ?L l u*« s?J Ë ¨WM?Ý ≤¥∞ u×½ v? ≈ b²9 ¨ÂbI « w WЗU{ WOM “ …d² v? ≈ Á—Ëcł œuFð d³²F¹Ë ÆÍœö?O*« d?ýUF « ÊdI « v²Š a?¹—U² « d?³Ž rN?Ý√ b Ë Ær UF « w W¹bO dI « UFL−*« d?³ √ bŠ√ ¡UM³ « «—UN Ë U?OMIð qI½Ë ¡UOŠ≈ …œU?Ž≈ WOKLŽ w lO{«u*« s rN Öu/ vKŽ ¡uC « jKÝË ¨WO M*« ÆW¹d¼u'« WO uO «
ŸËdA*« n Ë WOMÐ_« X{dFð Ê√ bFÐË ¨s¹d?AF « ÊdI « dš«Ë√ l ’Uš qLŽ —U?Þ≈ ‚öÞ≈ - ¨Âb?N²K t?O W?¹bO dI « ‰U;« »U× √ tM bOH² ¹ Ê√ vKŽ ¨l u*« «c¼ …—«œù WO uLA « ¡UOŠù« …œUŽ≈ ŸËd?A* WKB×L ¨W¹—U−² « WLOI « vKŽ ÿUH(« vKŽ qLF¹ ·u?Ý Íc «Ë ¨l uLK Æb¹bł s tzUOŠ≈ b?OF¹Ë ‚u? « «cN WOMG « WOŁ«d² « •∏μ u×½ .bI²Ð W¹«b³ « w W uJ(« XLNÝ√ ULMOÐË w ¨bz«d « ŸËd?A*« «c?¼ cOHM² W?O U*« WODG² « s? ‰U;« »U× √ W —U?A tO dB² « Íc? « X? u « ‚u? « lL²− ÂbI¹ ¨r?O d² « W?HK s • ±μv?KŽ ≤∞∞∞ ÂUF « cM Æq?¹uL² « «c¼ s • π∞ u?×½ ÂuO « ‚«u?Ý√ sL{ UFL−*« s b¹bF « ¡UOŠ≈ …œUŽ≈ X9 ¨ 5 % - UL ¨s¹dłQ² *«Ë 5J U*« W —UA0 e¹d³ð Æl u*« w? W UF « U? b)« ¡U?MÐË W?O²×² « W?OM³ « ÍbO dI « d−(« s wM³*« lz«d « ‚u « «c¼ lL−¹Ë WOKLŽ X?9 YOŠ ? —«“U?³ UÐ ’U)« l?ÐUD « u?¼Ë ? ¨WKB;UÐ ÆW?¹bOKI² « U?OMI² « «b ²?ÝUÐ r?O d² «
∫ W¹—ULF WÝbM¼ w UI¦ « À«d² « WLEM w WŠUO «Ë W¹ËbO « ·d(«Ë ‚dý WFÞUI Ê«d¹« ¨e¹d³ð ¨ÊU−OЗ–√ ∫ qLF « VŠU w½«d¹ù« w UI¦ « À«d² « WLEM w WŠUO «Ë W¹ËbO « ·d(«Ë ‚dý WFÞUI ‚u « lL²− ªÊU−OЗ–√ ∫ l u*« WŠU —U²J¼ ≤∑ ∫ Ÿ—UA « ‰uÞ r μ[μ
Rehabilitation of Tabriz Bazaar Tabriz, Iran
Tabriz Bazaar was officially protected in 1975 and covered by special stewardship measures until 2010, when it was added to the World Heritage List. The complex covers 27 hectares with over 5.5 kilometres of covered bazaars. By the late 20th century, however, its brick buildings were crumbling due to decades of neglect, and a management framework was established, based on the participation of the “bazaar” community, together with municipal authorities and the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organisation (ICHTO). A successful pilot restoration project was decisive in winning over shopkeepers to the advantages ensuing from an overall rehabilitation project that would conserve and revitalise the valuable heritage of the Bazaar. Since 2000, numerous complexes within the bazaar have been rehabilitated with
the participation of the owners and tenants. Infrastructure has been improved and public facilities have been built. The sophisticated brickwork throughout – hallmark of the Bazaar – combines both structure and ornament and proved to be a challenging training ground for current experts in restoration who learned in the field from local masons as it was repaired, using traditional techniques. The unique vaulting and domes present intricate geometries and the timcheh (domed nodal crossroads) combine spatial importance with other spacecovering geometries. The Tabriz Bazaar is a unique example of an urban conservation and development project in which heritage plays the role of catalyst and it has reclaimed its position as the dynamic urban centre of the city of Tabriz.
qš«b « s W³I « w ·—Uš“Ë qO UHð Detail of repaired dome
76 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∑∂
Â≤∞±≥ …—ULFK ÊUš Už_« …ezUł
New structures
d¹uD² « bFÐ vM³*«
Details of restoring the original structures without harming architectural coherence
X¹“dO³ w ¹—U² « e d*«
75 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∑μ
Old structures
d¹uD² «Ë b¹b−² « q³ vM³*«
e d*« w WO ¹—Uð w½U³ Õö ≈Ë rO dð …œUŽ≈
إﺣﻴﺎء اﻟﻤﺮﻛﺰ اﻟﺘﺎرﻳﺨﻲ ﻟﺒﻴﺮزﻳﺖ ﻓﻠﺴﻄﻴﻦ،ﺑﻴﺮزﻳﺖ
¡UMÐ …œUŽ≈Ë ¨wI³²*« —«b?'« s …œuIH*« ¡«eł_« ‰«b³²?Ý« …¡U?Ýù« ÊËœ ¨wK _« ¡UM³ « sŽ eOL²K WKÐU …b¹bł ¡«eł√ qzUÝu « «b ²Ý« -Ë Æ¡UM³K q UJ²*« Í—ULF*« o M « v ≈ ÆŸËdA*« ¡«eł√ q U w WOK;« œ«u*«Ë WŠU²*« W¹bOKI² « rOJײ « WM' b?AŠ w? W?O uJ(« d?Ož ‚«Ë— W? ÝR X?×$ 5OK;« 5O d(« ‰ULF «Ë W?OMF*« UN'« W U U UÞ V½U'« v?KŽ dBIðô ¨W?OKLŽ w? r?NM …œUH²?Ýô«Ë V½«uł qL?Að qÐ ¨V? × rO d² « ‰U?LŽ√ w ÍœU?*« ‰öš s? ÆWO?ÝUOÝË W?¹œUB² «Ë W?OŽUL²ł« Èd?š√ …d²H dL²?Ý« w?² « u?;«Ë ‰U?L¼ù« W?OKLŽ f?JŽ ŸUD²?Ý« ¨VF ËbIF w?ÝUOÝ ‚UO?Ý sL{ W?K¹uÞ WM¹bLK WKLN*« WO ¹—U² « …«uM « fO dOOGð s ŸËdA*« s Ë Î ÆUC¹« ”UM « …UOŠ w dOOG² « oOI% qÐ ¨V? × W bN*« w?½U³*« ŸËd?A*« lłd²? ¹ r ¨Èd?š√ W?OŠU½ UNO b ²? W «d ŸUłd²?Ý« v?KŽ qLŽ qШV? × œuI¹ UL ¨WO ¹—U² « Èu?MK ö¹bÐ ŸËd?A*« ÂbI¹ÎÆUC¹« WO²%WOMÐ v ≈ X¹“dO³ w? ¹—U² « e d*« q¹u% WOKLŽ q³ s À«d² « rO dð WOKLŽ ŸËd?A*« qN? ¹Ë ÆWO UIŁ UC¹√ rN `L? ¹ Íc « X u « w ¨5OMF*« ’U ?ý_« ÆWOð«c « rNðUFKDð oOI% w
ŸËdA*« n Ë e d ? ‚«Ë— U¼√bÐ WK U?ý qO¼Qð …œUŽ≈ WDš s ¡e− u×½ ‚dG²Ý« Íc « ŸËdA*« «c¼ qLŽ ¨w³F?A « —ULF*« μ∞ ŸËdA* W−O²M UÐ Uł–u/ qJÒ ?ýË ¨ «uM?Ý fLš ¨WOŽ«b²*« X¹“dOÐ W?M¹b ¡UOŠ≈ …œUŽ≈ v?KŽ ¨W1b …bKÐ WOKLŽ ‰öš s WM¹b*« ÊUJ …b¹bł qLŽ ’d oKšË W¹bOKIð ·d?Š ¡UOŠ≈ w r¼U?ÝË ¨l u*« vKŽ ÿU?H(« w wK;« lL²−*« „«dý≈ - Æ Æ‰«ËeK UNI¹dÞ w X½U dOž WOK;« ULEM*« qLF « qLýË ¨tðU¹«bÐ cM ŸËdA*« ¨s¹dłQ²? *«Ë 5J U*«Ë ’U?)« ŸUDI «Ë ¨W?O uJ(« VMł v ≈ U³Mł UFOLł «uKLŽ b Ë ¨l uLK 5 b ²? *«Ë s U dD «Ë Ÿ—«u?A « n — - –≈ ÆWM¹b*« W?¹bKÐ l Ÿ—«u?A « Ác¼ ¡UL?Ý√ qL% U?Šu l?{ËË ¨b?¹bł W U{≈Ë ¨WO²×² « WOM³ « Y¹b% - UL ªÕu{uÐ oÞUM*«Ë UNł«Ë vKŽ ÿUH(« - ULMOÐ w×B « ·d?BK VOÐU½√ w W UF « UŠU « qOFHðË ¡UOŠ≈ …œUŽ≈ p c Ë ¨w½U³*« WOzU u « ÿUH(« WOKLŽ w W Uš WÝUOÝ XF³ð« ÆWM¹b*« rO dð l ¨W? UF « UJK²L*«Ë w?½U³*« 5? % s o?KDMð WOFL²−*« e? «d*«Ë W? UF « WOMÐ_« s? …—U² W?ŽuL− vKŽË ¨rO d² « w? WÐd−*«Ë WO*UF « U?H «u*UÐ W e²K bMŽ Ÿb³*« nOJ² « vKŽ …—ËdC « bMŽ qLF « bL²Ž« Í“«u² «
∫ W¹—ULF WÝbM¼ —ULF*« e d ¨‚«Ë— 5D K ¨tK «— ¨w³FA « ∫ qLF « VŠU nÝu¹ ∫5D K ¨X¹“dOÐ W¹bKÐ ªoÐU « W¹bK³ « fOz— ¨d U½ ¨W¹bK³ « fOz— ¨WKOJ « VO Š oÐU « d¹b*« ¨ÃU(« vÝu ∫ l u*« WŠU lÐd d² ¥∞[∂¥∞
Revitalisation of Birzeit Historic Center Birzeit, Palestine
W UF « Už«dH « W'UF
This five-year project, part of a rehabilitation master plan initiated by the Riwaq – Centre for Architectural Conservation and eventually involving 50 villages that have retained a high degree of historic integrity, has transformed the decaying town of Birzeit, created employment through conservation and revived vanishing traditional crafts in the process. Through focusing on towns and villages in the area under Palestinian civil authority where an estimated 50% of the surviving historic structures of Palestine are located and where most Palestinians live, Riwaq realised that it could save much of Palestine’s remaining heritage, and at the same time have the greatest socio-economic impact. Five years of work have yielded impressive results: streets have been paved, named and clearly signed;
infrastructure upgraded (water) and added to (pipes laid for a future sewer system); facades have been conserved; and public spaces have been created and rehabilitated. Riwaq pursued a policy of preventive conservation to upgrade the public realm and restore select public/ community buildings to accepted international standards, coupled with a creative adaptability in replacing sections of wall remain distinguishable from the original structures, without harming architectural coherence. Affordable traditional techniques and local materials were used throughout. The successful social, cultural and economic revitalisation of Birzeit undoubtedly stands as an inspiring model for the other villages and rural areas in the “50 Villages” programme and beyond.
Restored public places
74 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∑¥
Â≤∞±≥ …—ULFK ÊUš Už_« …ezUł
The Centre is built as a pavilion with two primary buildings in a big courtyard
s¹dO³J « 5OM³*« jÝu²¹ Íc « ¡UMH «
Medical center elevation some parts is elevated from ground
vM³*UÐ ÎöOK “d³ð w¼Ë w³D « e d*« WNł«Ë
Bamboo blinds were used as shading materials of the center
…dO³ öE ¡UMÐ w u³ U³ « «b ²Ý≈
WŠ«d'« e d fOzd « qšb*« WOMI² « vM³ s U *« U b)« vM³ ö UF*« vM³ W UD « Õ«u √ ’U)« ÕUM'« w³D « lL−*« U¹dO² UJ «
General site plan
73 Albenaa
ÂUF « l u*« jD
¡UM³ « ∑≥
‍ﺎﺰ اďť&#x;ﺴم ďť&#x;ďş ďşŽŘ§ďşŁďş” اďť&#x;ďť˜ďť ďş?‏ ‍ اďť&#x;ďş´ďťŽŘŻŘ§Ů†â€ŹŘŒâ€ŤŘ§ďť&#x;ďş¨ďşŽďťƒďťŽŮ…â€Ź
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Salam Center for Cardiac Surgery Khartoum, Sudan
The Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery consists of a hospital with 63 beds and 300 local staff, with a separate Medical Staff Accommodation Compound sleeping 150 people. The Centre is built as a pavilion in a garden with both primary buildings organised around large courtyards. The hospital block is of the highest technical standard with complex functions including three operating theatres optimally placed in relation to the diagnostics laboratories and ward. Mixed modes of ventilation and natural light enable all spaces to be intimate yet secure. Seeing the abandoned containers that had been used to transport construction materials for the Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery, the architects were inspired to reuse them to house the Centre’s staff. Ninety 20-foot containers
form the accommodation block, each unit consisting of 1.5 containers, with a bathroom and small veranda facing the garden. Seven 40foot containers are occupied by a cafeteria and services. Insulation is through an ‘onion system’ of 5-centimetre internal insulating panels and an outer skin comprising a ventilated metal roof and bamboo blinds. A solar farm powers the water-heating system. The compact state-ofthe-art hospital has had a tremendous impact, treating significant numbers of patients not only from Sudan and its neighbours, but from a good 23 other countries as well. In addition, people come to train here and, most importantly, its example and vision have encouraged the establishment of further medical centres of excellence in other African countries.
Δ—uD  vM³ Emergency center
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Culture Hugging Economy
Aga Khan Award 2013 Prof. Mshari bin Abdullah Al-Naim Aga Khan Award idea is still focused on direct urban experiments, and the goal was to take a leap in the awareness of the Islamic architectural heritage value and to build a new attitude of this treasure that was wasted on a daily basis at the level of the entire Islamic world. Changing attitudes is not as easy as person believes it could, as the heritage sites were considered as a significant burden on cities and some were seen as one of signs of past backward, which should get rid of, and changing this attitude needs a society believing in heritage and is ready to fight for it and has a willingness to work on that on a long-term. So, the Aga Khan Award started for more than 35 years in order to change the urban culture and build a new
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vision based on “cultural development”, which officials were not believing in it, then the award was presented in order to restore them to their localism and make academics, who were educated in the West and did not have opportunity to come into contact with their heritage and architectural history, as custodians and protectors of this heritage. The change that happened was not by force and imposition, but conviction through contacting, and projects offered by the award every three years since 1977 confirm that we have an important cultural and economic source that we have never pay attention to. So, we only have to rethink about it, invest the enormous potentials granted to us by God Almighty
and employ this heritage in order to make it as a “bridge from the past to the future” not only culturally but economically. The important lesson offered by the award in each of its sessions is hugging culture with economy, as there some people see that culture is expensive, a source of expense and not a source of income, while the winning projects stress that culture can be inexhaustible oil wells and it can contribute significantly to the build of local economies and turn areas without natural resources to high economic income areas because they have cultural resources. This meaning is shown in the historic center of Birzeit in Palestine and the historic market project in the Iranian city of Tabriz as the important economic value of
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profound cultural, painstaking, and arduous but worth suffering work is provided. In these projects, architectural heritage presented itself in a practical manner far from the passion and open the work doors to residents of these areas and attracts millions visitors each year, while showing to all that the economy can grow when the cultural potentials of the place are invested systematically and clearly. I believe that we are standing in front of a work like a “message” which urges to hold on to history and openness to reality and deal with it pragmatically and economically, and this is what we lack, because some people think that the preservation of historic buildings is just a “cost” and does not have source of income, and this a mistake
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judged by many. The Aga Khan Award is characterized by taking care of projects that people could not think of them as winning projects, and perhaps that’s what makes the award delves and stimulates deeply into the subject of development, as the goal here is not just “architectural beauty” and “complex engineering”, though these topics are important and influential in the architectural work, but in this award it farther than that as there is a strong focus on local communities and their role in urban development and there is another aspect pays tribute to the owner and all those who contributed to the construction of the project and not only to the architect who is usually the subject of architectural awards.
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Peace Center for Cardiac Surgery in Sudan is a simple project and reflects the community initiative and giving it the award is a type of strengthening the local dimension not only on the physical level, but on a social level. Also, a project such as the Islamic cemetery in Austria shows this important dimension of the projects that serve the Muslim community in Europe and other regions of the world. The idea here is based on the social impact on architecture adopted by the Aga Khan Award since its founding and we believe that after all these years, the whole world became interested in this dimension.
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م2013 ﺟﺎﺋﺰة ا ﻏﺎﺧﺎن rOFM « tK « b³Ž sÐ Í—UA —u² b « –U²Ý_«
eOL²ð UNMJ WOðUOŠ WO½U? ½≈ WÐd& sŽ Z²MðË UN²¹u¼ UN WOÐœ_« ’uBM « q¦ W?MJ _« vKŽ WŠu²H wN p c ¨…b?¹b'« À«bŠ_« W UC²?Ýù WKÐU …œb−² …b²2 WÐd& UN½uJÐ w uN «bÐ√ qL²J¹ ô h½ tMJ WO Ë_« hzUB K ÊuJ*« XÐU¦ « hM « tO ÊUJ*« Æq³I² *« U öF « s WK? KÝ qJ?ý vKŽ UN²¹u¼ ÂbIð WMJ ô« Íu²% w² « WM¹b*«Ë ƉUL² ù« —uÞ œb& w² « WOM¹b*« åW œUB*«ò gOF¹ WM¹b*« s UÝ s qF&Ë wM¹b*« Àb(« lMBð w² « W¹dB³ « b¼UA*« Èd¹ WM¹b*« s UÝ ÊU «–S ¨w uO « bNA*« —«dJð s qK*« d? JðË …UO(« tÐ qH²% Íc « åwŠd? *«ò w uO « Àb(« Ê√ ô≈ b¹b?ý TD³Ð ô≈ „dײðô t²ÐUŁ WO½«dLF « wŠd? *« qLF « ULMOÐ åÕd? W³?Ašò œd− W¹dB³ « U¼b¼U?A s qF−¹ WMJ _« Ác¼ dA³ « dO?Ý s Âb √ WOð«c « UNðdO?ÝË ÊUJ*« Y¹œUŠ√ ÆÊUJ*« l ”UM « qŽUHð u¼ wIOI(« a¹—Uð qL% w¼Ë wŽUL²łô« ‰uײ « b? dðË wM “ r «dð qL% wN ¨«bOIFð UNM d?¦ √Ë W¹UJŠ UN Âu¹ q Ë …œb−² Ë WOŠ UN½u v?KŽ «bÐ√ dŁR¹ ô ÍdB³ « bN?A*« U³¦ UNKš«bÐ Íc « u¼ ÊUJLK ÍdC(« bNA*« Æw U² « ÂuO « sŽ WHK² ÊuJ²?ÝË o³?Ý Íc « ÂuO « sŽ «b U U½UJ d³²F¹ W¹dC(« ÕËd « Ác¼ ÊËœ ÊUJ*« ÊS p c ¨ULz«œ …b¹b'« t²¹UJŠ l?MB¹ U¼—Ëcł l WM¹b*« q? «u²ð U bMŽ ÆWM¹b Í√ t?M w½UFð Ê√ sJ1 U dDš√ «c?¼Ë ¨ÕËd?K 68 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∂∏
Contemporary Islamic Architecture Aspects
House Design Designer: New Perspective Architecture and Engineering Consultant Location: Riyadh The design concept is based on a private villa for a prominent businessman and his family. The design utilizes all corners of the lot property with emphasize on maximum privacy from adjacent neighbors and incorporating water features and landscape considerations around the villa building in addition to gym and leisure facilities. The lot size is 30x50 meters with a total land area of 1500sqm, situated on the corner of 20 meters wide road. The shorter side of the lot faces north and in it is the family entrance. The longer side, on the other hand, faces east and in it is the formal entrance. Generally, the concept applies islamic contemporary architecture blending with a more open space incorporating courtyard and water features with major emphasize on privacy, which was achieved through the building orientation and its external architecture. Islamic culture and tradition particularly in Saudi Arabia are very unique and conservative. Men’s or guests have separate entrance from the family or women entrance. This influences the design of the Arabian houses and the allocation of interior spaces. Therefore, the designer created a permanent solution in a unique approach through introducing a U-shape building form with a central open court. The final design was approved by the client after some minor modifications. But the provision of the courtyard with a swimming pool while most of the big opening windows have a view to the courtyard and minimizing opening at the neighboring properties. In general, the design drifts away from the inertia of traditional methods in dealing with the social and historical inventory and deploy it with innovation and modernization.
Fountain features
63 Albenaa
…—u UM « dBMŽ
¡UM³ « ∂≥
First floor plan
Ground floor plan
Open courtyard & water features
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *«
¡U*«Ë WŽ«—e « dBMŽ tÐ Õu²H wKš«œ ¡UM
ﻣﻼﻣﺢ ﻣﻌﺎﺻﺮة ﻟﻌﻤﺎرة اﺳﻼﻣﻴﺔ
ﺗﺼﻤﻴﻢ ﻣﺴﻜﻦ
Front elevation
«œUF « Æwł—U)« tKJ?ýË vM³*« tOłuð ‰ö?š s W¹œuF « w W Uš w öÝô« ÀË—u*«Ë bO UI² «Ë ‰Ułd « Ë« ·uOC « YOŠ WE U× Ë …b¹d Ë WHK² dŁR¹ «c¼Ë WKzUF « Ë« ¡U M « sŽ ’U)« rNKšb rN WOKš«b « Už«dH « l¹“uðË vM³*« vKŽ dýU³ qJAÐ vKŽ vM³*« qF−Ð WŽu½ s? b¹d q×Ð vN²½« Íc? «Ë w Íe d ¡U?M vKŽ Íu²×¹Ë U u¹ ·dŠ qJ?ý bFÐ WOKŽ WI «u*« X9 w?zUNM « rOLB² « ÆnB²M*« qBOH « sJ Ë qOLF « q³ s WHOHÞ ö¹bFð ¡«dł« ¡UM dO uð ‰öš s W?O uB K rz«b « q(« ÊU lOLł tOKŽ q?Dð Íc « `³? *« vKŽ Íu×¹ w?Kš«œ WOFO³Þ …¡U{« d u¹Ë XO³ « Už«dHÐ W U)« c «uM « sŽ UłËdš tłu² « «c¼ q¦1 ÂUŽ qJ?AÐË ÆW¹uNðË w ¹—U² « ÊËe *« l q UF² « w W¹bOKI² « WODLM « Ÿ«bÐô« v ≈ œuI¹ wŽuÐ tHOþuð …œUŽ≈Ë wŽUL²łô«Ë Æb¹b−² «Ë
WO U _« WNł«u «
W½uJ W Uš WOMJÝ öO rOLBð vKŽ …dJH « eJðdð w qG² ¹ t²KzUŽË ·ËdF ‰ULŽ« qłd s¹—Ëœ s l U¹«Ëe « W UšË ÷—ô« WŠU? lOLł rOLB² « w½U³*«Ë WIDM*« s WO uB)« W?OL¼« vKŽ bO U² « ÊUJ q w ¡U*« dBMŽË W?FO³D « ‰Ušœ«Ë WDO;« tO d² «Ë W{U¹dK WBB *« s U ô« v « W U{ôUÐ μ∞ w ≥∞ ÷—ô« WŠU Æ⁄«dH « U Ë« WOCIðË 5Ž—U?ý W¹Ë«“ w lIð l?Ðd d?² ©±μ∞∞® d?² tł«u¹ ÷—ô« s dB ô« V½U'« Æd?² ≤∞ ÷dFÐ YOŠ ‚dA « ‰uÞô« ULMOÐ WKzUF « qšb YOŠ ‰ULA « WOMJ? « WKHK WOLOLB² « …dJH « Æ·uOC « qšb …d UF*« WO ö?Ýô« …—U?LF « s? UNŠË— bL²? ð vKŽ Íu²% v?² « WŠu²H*« U?ž«dH « l? Ãe²9Ë W UI¦ UÐ ÂUL²¼ô« l wzU*« dBMF «Ë wKš«b « ¡UMH « WO uB)« u?¼Ë U?NLO bŠ« ‰ö?š s? W?OÐdF « WO uB)« s? »uKD*« b?(« v? « q? u² « -Ë
—uEM*« V²J ∫ rLB*« WOÝbMN « «—UA²Ýö Y¹b(« ÷U¹d « ∫ l u*«
WOÝbMN « «—UA²Ýö Y¹b(« —uEM*« ∞∞π∂∂±±≤∞∞∂≥ππ ∫nðU¼ wwwÆnp≠designsÆcom info@np≠designsÆcom
62 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∂≤
WOM d « öOH « ± ? wÐdF « ÖuLM « Multiple Residence Corner Arabian model-1
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *« ≠± Ground floor plan
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *« ≠≤ First floor plan
w½U¦ « —ËbK wI _« jI *« ≠≥ Second floor plan
WOKš«b « öOH « ± ? wÐdF « ÖuLM « Multiple Residence Inner Arabian model-1
w{—_« —ËbK wI _« jI *« ≠± Ground floor plan
‰Ë_« —ËbK wI _« jI *« ≠≤ First floor plan
w½U¦ « —ËbK wI _« jI *« ≠≥ Second floor plan
61 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∂±
Multiple residence- General site development plan
Comparative site analysis for lot 1 & 3
WOKš«œ Èdš√Ë WOM — WKH Öu/ vKŽ ŸËd?A*« Íu²×¹Ë W dž ¨·u?O{ fK− ∫s? w{—ô« UNIÐUÞ w? Êu?J²ð ”uKł W? džË ¨WKzUŽ q?šb Ë ¨·u?O{ q?šb ¨ÂU?FÞ w U{« dOG WKzUŽ ”uKł® ¨Ã—œ ¨Õu²H a³D Ë ¨WKzUŽ ”«dð ¨ÂULŠ l? WOł—Uš ”uKł W? U ¨©WOM d « W?KHK ¨ozU? « sJ?Ý ¨5ð—UO?Ý n u ¨WI¹b(« vKŽ Õu?²H ‰Ë_« o?ÐUD « Íu?²×¹ ULMOÐ ÆW?Oł—Uš W?I¹bŠË `³? ¨W? Ozd « ÂuM « W dž ÕUMłË ¨WKzUF « ”u?Kł W dž ∫vKŽ ·dž ≥ Ë ©WOM d « WKHK ® W dž qJ ÂULŠ l Âu½ ·dž ¥ W ËeF WIDM ©W?OKš«b « WKH «® W dž qJ? ÂULŠ l Âu?½ qO? ž W džË ÂULŠË Âu?M « qL?Að `D? « w Âb? K ÕUM'«Ë W? Ozd « W dG « ÕUMł w ÊuJ¹ Y?O×Ð ÆÍu Ë q× q% ¨Í“u? U' WŠU? Ë WOł—Uš WI¹bŠ ÍuKF « q w ¡«dC)« UŠU? *« …œU¹e Ë W?¹bOKI² « U d?A « WF u² WOMJ? « «bŠu « U½uJ Ê√ WIOI(«Ë ÆsJ? rOLBð tMŽ Z²½ b?¹błË nK² »uK?ÝQÐ W'UF UNMJ …UO(« j/ sŽ d³F¹Ë WOK;« qO UH² « w ’uG¹ e?OL² Æd UF*« tM «eð d
¹ Ê√ ÊËœ WE U;« WOÐdF « …dÝú W UD « s qOKI² « qł√ s —UJ √ …b?Ž nOþuð - b? Ë «– …¡U?{« åLEDò light emitting diode U?NM aerated concrete W¹uKš W½UÝd)«Ë Æ wzUMŁ rKL jz«u×K W? U{ôUÐ wł—U)« v?M³*« ·ö?G blocks W UD « „öN²?Ý« iOH ð w bŽU? ¹ «c¼Ë W?OKš«b « tOłuð v ≈ W? U{ùUÐ ÆW?¹—«d(« W «uš ‰ö?š s qKIð vM³*« tOłuð W?I¹dÞ≠ Už«dH « l¹“uðË v?M³*« b¹e¹ ‚dý ‰ULý ÁU&UÐ vM³*U W UD « „öN²?Ý« s …œ—U³ « ÕU?¹d «Ë ÕU?³B « fL?ý s …œUH²?Ýô« s —b? W?OFO³D « …¡U?{ô« «b ²?Ý« v? « W? U{ôUÐ Æ Už«dHK rOK « l¹“u² « ‰öš s ŸUD² *«
l u*« qOK% qz«bÐ WÝ«—œ
WOÐdF « sJ W dý wwwÆmaskanarabiaÆcom
Courtyard and water features
¡U*« dBMŽË wKš«b « ¡UMH «
60 Albenaa
¡UM³ « ∂∞
Alcasaba Residential Complex
Enduring Values and Local Cultures Owner and Developer: Maskan Arabia Co. Designer: New Perspective Architecture and Engineering Consultant Location: Riyadh The design team task is to create a middle end residential community with the most appreciate set up of living and leisure without neglecting local cultures and traditions. The requirements in general must come in two different models considering the inner and corner lot requirements; each model have three different themes. In addition, the client have preferred to adapt contemporary or modern design concept to be applied with the strong identity of islamic character. For each lot there are two approved designs and as mentioned there are three themes for each lot. These themes are using the same approved typical floor plans for corner and for inner, while the themes differ in the facade and the treatment of islamic arches and elements. The site consideration: The lot subdivision are divided by15 meters wide inner road with the corner villas area not less than 600sqm and the inner villa not less than 500sqm. The design team developed the concepts starting with bubble diagram, concepts and sketches during the design process, creating different arabesque pattern and a strong islamic identity with a touch of contemporary architecture. Building concept form in U-shape has created the best approach. The Space requirements: each ground floor in the villas consists of formal guest sitting, dinning hall, guest entrance, family entrance, family sitting, open kitchen, staircase, additional sitting in corner villas only, open terrace with view to courtyard, isolated casual sitting with toilet, car parking, driver’s quarter, swimming pool. The first floor consists of family sitting, master bedroom suite, 4 bedrooms in corner villas and 3 bedrooms in inner villas, isolated area for maids, laundry area. In general the project delivers local cultures and enduring values that will be felt by the residence and will interact with their life styles.
Aerial viiew of residential compound
Site plan
59 Albenaa
¡UM³ « μπ
ÂUF « l u*«
Alcasaba ﻣﺸﺮوع
ﻗﻴﻢ ﻛﺎﻣﻨﺔ وﺛﻘﺎﻓﺔ ﻣﺤﻠﻴﺔ
wMJ « WÐU J « lL−* ÍuKŽ —uEM
—UJ _« d?¹uD²Ð rOLB² « o?¹d √bÐ b?I Æd² μ∞∞ s?Ž Bubble W?OKOKײ « U u?Ýd « s? «¡b?Ð W?OLOLB² « X½U Ë å UA²JÝô«ò W¹ËbO « U uÝd «Ë Diagrams rOLB² « o?¹dH «b?ł WF²2 rOLB² « s? W?KŠd*« Ác?¼ WO ö?Ýô« …—U?LF « w? œu?łu*« v?MG UÐ d?ŁQð Íc? «Ë wMJ?Ý rKF rOLBð tMŽ Z²½Ë œuIF «Ë ”«u ô« W UšË wKš«b « ¡UMH « Âb ²Ý« rLB*« Æ…d UF WO ö?Ý≈ W¹uNÐ ¡«uNK WŠu²H WŠU? d uO sJ? *« rOLBð s ¡e− w tOKŽ ·—U?F² u¼ UL ¨W?O uB)« W?KL²J W?KzUFK j)« w¼ WO uB)« ÆW?OK;« «œUF «Ë WOÐdF « W? UI¦ « wzUNM « qJ?A « XKJ?ý w² «Ë rOLB² « WOKLŽ w fOzd « ÂUŽ qJAÐË ÆU ·dŠ qJ?ý vKŽ vN²½« Íc «Ë sJ? LK UNMŽ d³F¹ w?² « WOMJ? « W¹dC(« …dJHK ÂU?F « Êu?J*« UNÐ dFAOÝ w² « WM UJ « rOI « s b¹bF « Êe² ð ŸËdA*« Æw uO « tðUOŠ j/ l ržUM² qJAÐ qŽUH²²ÝË s U «
ô …—uEM d?Ož «œUFÐ√ q?L% U U?³ Už WOMJ? « W?'UF*« …—U³Ž wN p? c w½«dLF « qOJ?A² « w q¦L²ð Ê√ s?J1 qŽUH² « ‰öš s? dNEð ÍœU*« ÊuJ*« w s? U ¡eł s?Ž dNE¹ rOLB² « «c¼ w Æw½«dLF « jO;«Ë Âb ²? *« 5Ð ÍœU*« 5ÐË ”u? ;« dOžË ”u? ;« 5Ð o «u² « «c¼ lL− rOLBð u¼ ŸËdA*« s ·bN « ÆÕu{uÐ wLOI «Ë «œUF « ‰U?L¼≈ ÊËb?Ð …d UF*« W?AOFLK rzö wMJ?Ý sŽ …—U³Ž ŸËd?A*« U³KD² ÆWOK;« W? UI¦ «Ë b?O UI² «Ë U'UF oO³Dð l WOMJ? « qKH « s 5ł–u/ r?OLBð «bŠu « 5Ð f½U& o?K) WOł—U)« UNł«uK W?HK² qOLF « Ê« v « W U{ôUÐ ÆŸËd?A*« WŠU vKŽ WOMJ? « UN «b ²?Ý«Ë W¦¹b(« Ë« …d UF*« rO UB² « wM³ð qCH¹ rO Ið - b Ë ÆWO öÝ« W¹uNÐ sJ WOLOLB² « —UJ ô« w qKH « ¨d² ±μ ÷d?FÐ WOKš«œ Ÿ—«u?ý qJ?ý vKŽ l u*« qIð ô WOKš«b « U?LMOÐ lÐd d² ∂∞∞ s?Ž qIð ô W?OM d «
sJ? W d?ý ∫ —u?D*«Ë p? U*« WOÐdF « —uEM*« V²J ∫ rLB*« WOÝbMN « «—UA²Ýö Y¹b(« ÷U¹d « ∫ l u*«
58 Albenaa
¡UM³ « μ∏
wMJ « Alcasaba ŸËdA
Alcasaba Project
WK UJ²*« W¹—UIF « ‰uK(« œU−¹≈Ë Í—UIF « d¹uD² « ‰U− U¼dO uð ‰öš s? UNOKŽ œUL²Žô« sJ1 w² « WK U?A «Ë UN «e² «Ë …dšUH « WOMJ « l¹—UA*« s WFÝ«Ë WŽuL− —UO²š≈ b?OF vKŽ ¡«u?Ý WOMN*« dO¹UF*« v?KŽ√ o?O³D²Ð WO UŽ …œu?ł «– WOMJ?Ý «bŠË ¡U?MÐ Ë√ e?OL*« l? u*« UN OÝQð cM Ë ÆW¹œuF « dÝ_« UłUO²Š« l VÝUM²ð UN ULŽ√ w Î «“—UÐ Î «u/ W dA « bN?ý ¨≤∞∞∏ ÂUŽ w ŸËd?A q¦ WOMJ? « l¹—U?A*« s b?¹bF « —u?ÞË ¨÷U¹d « ‰ULý w å ≤ öO sJ? òË å± öO sJ? ò UNŽËd?A Ë ÷U¹d UÐ —c?F*« wŠ w? —«b « ŸËd?A Ë w WOÐdF « sJ? —UL¦²?Ýö Âu?KÐ ‚ËbM b?¹b'« wŠ w wMJ « Alcasaba ŸËd?A Ë ¨5LÝUO « wŠ W dA « XðUÐ v²Š ¨÷U¹d « w UNF¹—U?A ÀbŠ√ 5DŠ ¨rzö*« sJ? « dO uð WOŠU½ s WJKL*« w bz«d « —u?D*« ‰U− w 5? UM*« Èu √ 5?Ð s Ë Î «dšR “U? b? Ë WOÐdF « «—UIF « Ÿd …ezU−Ð ¨r UF « Èu² vKŽ —UIF « w …œbF²*« WOMJ? « «b?ŠuK d¹uDð W d?ý q?C Q Æ≤∞±≥ ÂUF W¹œuF «
New Perspectives Wins Three Awards
Sustainability and Real Estate Development
Single residence private villa
57 Albenaa
¡UM³ « μ∑
Great designs comes from great teams. The relationship between the designer and the owner that are represented in architecture is shown in Alcasabe project. These efforts culminated in earning New Perspective the International Property awards. At the event of Dubai last October 24th 2013, NEW PERSPECTIVE has won the International property awards for: the Best Architecture Single Residence Project in Saudi Arabia (Private Residence Project), the Best Architecture Multiple Residence Project in Saudi Arabia (Alcasaba Project) & the Best Architecture Multiple Residence Project for the Arabian Region (Alcasaba Project) that already nominated for the judging against the other regional winners from across the world to discover the overall world’s best winner in its category. The announcement of the international
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‍اďť&#x;ďş˜ďť„ďťŽďťłďşŽ اďť&#x;ďťŒďť˜ďşŽŘąŮŠ ŮˆŘ§ďťťďşłďş˜ďşŞŘ§ďťŁďş”â€Ź Alcasaba ŸËdA `OĂ˝dĂ° - tÂ˝âˆš d cš ÆwĂ?Ĺ“ WMšb ¡uĂ?Ă‹ ¨r UF ÂŤ Ăˆu²? vKĹ˝ ‌ezU'ÂŤ fHM wMJ? ÂŤ ÆÊbM w Ă‚â‰¤âˆžÂąâ‰Ľ dÂłL? šœ dN?Ă˝ w UN−zU²½ s?KFĂ°  U?Ă—HB ÂŤ w? lš—U?A*ÂŤ Ă c?Âź ádF²?Ă?ÂŤ r²O?Ă?Ă‹ ÆWO U² ÂŤ  —U?A²Ă?Ăť V?²J u?Âź Y?šb(ÂŤ —u?EM*ÂŤ V?²J j?OD ² ÂŤĂ‹ ‌—U?LF ÂŤ w? h?B ² WO?Ă?bMN ÂŤ tĂ°U bĹĄ Ă‚bIO Ă‚â‰¤âˆžâˆžâ‰¤ Ă‚UĹ˝ fĂ?QĂ° wKĹĄÂŤb ÂŤ rOLB² ÂŤĂ‹ 5?Ă?bMN V²J*ÂŤ rCš Æ’U)ÂŤĂ‹ w uJ(ÂŤ 5?Ĺ˝UDIK W?Ă?bMN ÂŤĂ‹ ‌—ULF ÂŤ w WĹ˝uM²  —U?N  –  ¥U?H Ă‹ v ≈ W U{ĂšUĂ? w½dLF ÂŤ jOD ² ÂŤĂ‹ w?KĹĄÂŤb ÂŤ rOLB² ÂŤĂ‹ —uEM*ÂŤ V²J vF šË Ælš—UA*ÂŤ vKĹ˝ wMH ÂŤ ¡d?ýڍ WOLM² ÂŤ oOIײ WOKLĹ˝ WOŽbĂ?≈ ‰uKĹ .bIĂ° v ≈ Y?šb(ÂŤ l²L²ð WO Ă‹Ĺ“Ă‹ W?OKĂ—  d³ť Ĺ“uĹ‚u p –Ë W ÂŤb²? *ÂŤ qCHĂ? WÂł?Ă?UM ĂŽĂ´uKĹ oI% ‌dOÂł Ă‹ WKšuĂž  d?Âł Ă? ÆWĹ˝UMB ÂŤ ‰U− w ÂĄU dA ÂŤ lOLĹ‚ l ĂŠĂ‹UF² ÂŤ ŸËd?A —uD Ă‹ p U ÂŽ W?OĂ?dF ÂŤ sJ? W d?Ă˝ bĂ’ ?FĂ°Ă‹ w ‌bzÂŤd ÂŤ WšœuF ÂŤ  U dA ÂŤ “dĂ?√ ĂˆbĹ â‰ˆ ¨ŠAlcasaba
Ăˆu²? vKĹ˝ qLĹ˝ ‚d s Ă´â‰ˆ ‌bO'ÂŤ ‰ULĹ˝_ÂŤ Z?²MĂ°Ă´ VĹ U Ă‹ r?LB*ÂŤ 5Ă? W? ĂśF U ¨ ‌¥U?HJ ÂŤ s? l?O — w —UJ _ÂŤ WLĹ‚dĂ° w qÂŚL²ð W ÂŤd?Ă˝ W ÜŽ ŸËd?A*ÂŤ WOžOÂł ÂŤĂ‹ WOĹ˝UL²łô  UĹ‚UO²Šô oIך Ă?—ULF V? U Ă c?N ĂŽ U?ł–u/ ŸËd?A*ÂŤ ÂŤc?Âź q?ÂŚ1 ¨W?šœUB² Ă´ÂŤĂ‹ “U bI ¨W?šbÂł ÂŤ cM UN−zU²MĂ?  d?LĹ âˆš w?² ÂŤ W ÂŤd?A ÂŤ wĂ°ezU−Ă? Yšb(ÂŤ —uEM*ÂŤ V²J ĂĽThe international property awards ò ‌ezU'ÂŤ U √ ¨wMJ? ÂŤ Alcasaba ŸËd?A sĹ˝ p –Ë rOLBĂ° qC √ w?N V²J*ÂŤ UNOKĹ˝ qBĹ w?² ÂŤ v Ă‹_ÂŤ WJKL*ÂŤ Ăˆu² vKĹ˝ Ĺ“bF² wMJ?Ă? ŸËd?A* Ă?—ULF ŸËdA*ÂŤ fHM WO½UÂŚ ÂŤ ‌ezU'ÂŤ U âˆšĂ‹ ¨WšœuF ÂŤ WOĂ?dF ÂŤ wMJ?Ă? ŸËd?A* Ă?—ULF rOLBĂ° qC √ ‌ezUĹ‚ w?Âź v ≈ W U{ĂšUĂ? Æw?Ă?dF ÂŤ s?Ăžu ÂŤ Ăˆu²? vKĹ˝ Ĺ“b?F² qC √ ‌ezUĹ‚ vKĹ˝ Y?šb(ÂŤ —uEM*ÂŤ V²J qBĹ p? – ŠWOMJĂ? ĂśO ÂŽ ’UĹĄ wMJĂ? ŸËdA* Ă?—ULF rOLBĂ° ÆWšœuF ÂŤ WOĂ?dF ÂŤ WJKL*ÂŤ w w Ă‚â‰¤âˆžÂąâ‰Ľ dĂ?u² √ ≤¼ w ezÂŤu'ÂŤ Ă cÂź ÂܲĂ?≈ - b Ă‹
winners at the International Grand Finale event in London on December 06th 2013. NP-Designs is a design consultancy firm specialising in Architecture, Planning & Interior Design established in early 2002. NP-Designs provide its clients both in public and private sector with a diverse range of skills and backgrounds covering areas of architecture, engineering and interior Design, urban planning and urban design in addition to the construction supervision services. The firm strives to bring innovative solutions that are practical and implantable to complex development issues, working towards achieving a more sustainable development and human development. The combination of local expertise and knowledge with international experience enable us to provide a wide range of services. The firm is keen at working towards the
benefit and interest of our clients, reaching Win/ Win solutions through collaborative efforts and adopting interdependency relationships with all our partners and colleagues in the industry Maskan Arabia Co. is one of the leading Saudi companies in real estate development that provides comprehensive real estate solutions for a divers array of residential projects and commitment in applying professional standards in location selection and quality residences. From its establishment in 2008, the company grow its operations and developed several residential projects like “Maskan Villa 1� and “Maskan Villa 2�, Aldar project, and the new project “Blom-Maskan fund�. Alcasaba residential project is the new project in Riyadh making the company a pioneer developer in providing suitable houses. Recently, the company has been awarded “Best Development Multiple Units in Arabian Region�
—uEM* V²J UNOKŽ qBŠw²  ezu' WO�bMN   —UA²�Ý Yšb( Awards Conferred to New Perspective
56 Albenaa
اﻟﺠﺪﻳﺪ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺒﻨﺎء
ﻋﺎزل ﻟ ﺳﻄﺢ
ﺳــﺎﺋﻞ ﻟﺤﻤﺎﻳﺔ اﻟﻤﻮاد ﻣﻦ اﻟﻌﻮاﻣﻞ اﻟﺨﺎرﺟﻴــﺔ ﻳﻌﻤــﻞ ﺑﻨﻔــﺲ ﻃﺮﻳﻘــﺔ اﻟﻄــﻼء ﺣﻴــﺚ ﻳﺪﻫــﻦ وﻳﺘــﺮك ﺣﺘﻰ ﻳﺠــﻒ وﻳﺘﻤﻴــﺰ ﻫــﺬا اﻟﺴــﺎﺋﻞ ﺑﺄﻧــﻪ ﻣﻨﺎﺳــﺐ ﻟﻼﺳــﻄﺢ اﻟﻤﺴــﺎﻣﻴﺔ واﻟﻐﻴﺮ ﻣﺴــﺎﻣﻴﺔ ﻛﻤﺎ اﻧﻪ ﻣﻨﺎﺳــﺐ ﻟJﺳﺘﺨﺪام ﻓﻲ اIﻣﺎﻛﻦ اﻟﻤﻐﻠﻘﺔ أو اﻟﻤﻔﺘﻮﺣﺔ ﻛﻤﺎ اﻧﻪ ﻳﻤﻜﻦ ﻧﺰﻋﻪ ﺑﻜﻞ ﺳــﻬﻮﻟﺔ ﺣﻴﺚ أﻧــﻪ ﻳﻌﻤــﻞ ﻛﻄﺒﻘﺔ ﻣﻄﺎﻃﻴﺔ .
ورق ﺟﺪران ﻣﻀﻴﺊ
إﺑﺘــﻜﺎر ﺟﺪﻳــﺪ ﻋﺒﺎرة ﻋﻦ ﻣﺠﻤﻮﻋﺔ ﻣــﻦ ورق اﻟﺠﺪران ﻳﺘﻤﻴــﺰ ﺑﺎﺣﺘﻮاﺋﻪ ﻋﻠﻰ وﺣــﺪات اﺿﺎءة ﻣﻦ ﻧﻮع LEDﺻﻐﻴﺮة اﻟﺤﺠــﻢ ،ﺗﺘﺄﻟﻒ ﻫﺬه اﻟﻤﺠﻤﻮﻋﺔ ﻣﻦ ٢٢ﺗﺼﻤﻴﻢ ﻓﺮﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ ﻧﻮﻋﻪ .وﻳﻬﺪف ﻫﺬا اﻟﻤﻨﺘﺞ اﻟﻰ إﺿﺎﻓﺔ ﻟﻤﺴﺔ ﺟﻤﺎﻟﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤــﻜﺎن ﺑﺎﻻﺿﺎﻓﺔ اﻟﻰ اﻟﻜﻔﺎءة ﻓﻲ اﺳــﺘﺨﺪام اﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ ،ﻳﺴــﺘﺨﺪم اﻟﻤﻨﺘﺞ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺠﺪران اﻟﺪاﺧﻠﻴﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻤﺒﺎﻧﻲ .
ﻗﺎﻃﻊ ﻟﻤﻮاد اﻟﺒﻨﺎء اﻟﺼﻠﺒﺔ
اداة ﻟﻘﻄــﻊ اﻟﺨﺸــﺐ واﻻﻟــﻮاح اﻟﺨﺮﺳــﺎﻧﻴﺔ واﻟﻤﻌﺪﻧﻴــﺔ ﻳﺘﺄﻟــﻒ ﻣــﻦ ﻗﻮاﻃــﻊ ﻣــﻦ اﻟﺒﻮﻟﻴﺴــﺘﺮﻳﻦ اﻟﺘــﻲ ﺗﺘﻤﻴــﺰ ﺑﻘﻮة اﻻداء وﺳــﻬﻮﻟﺔ ا/ﺳــﺘﺨﺪام واﻟﺪﻗــﺔ ﻓــﻲ ﻋﻤﻴﻠــﺔ اﻟﻘﻄــﻊ وﻳﻌﻤﻞ اﻟﺠﻬﺎز ﺑﺈﺳــﺘﺨﺪام ﺑﺎﻟﻜﻬﺮﺑﺎء.
ﺑﺎب ﻟﻤﺪاﺧﻞ اﻟﺴﻴﺎرات
ﺑﺎب ﻟﻤﺪاﺧﻞ اﻟﺴــﻴﺎرات ﺣﻴﺚ ﻳﺘﻤﻴﺰ ﺑﺤﺠﻤﻪ اﻟﻜﺒﻴﺮ ﺣﻴﺚ ﻳﺘﻮﻓﺮ ﺑﻤﻘﺎﺳﺎت ٥ﻣﺘﺮ ﻋﺮﺿ Sو ٣ﻣﺘﺮ ﻃﻮﻻً ﺗﻢ ﺻﻨﻊ ﻣﻦ اﻟﻔﻮﻻذ اﻟﻤﻄﻠﻲ وﻛﺴﻮﺗﻪ ﺑﻄﺒﻘﺔ
ﻋﺎزﻟﺔ ﻛﻤﺎ أﻧﻪ ﻳﺘﻮﻓﺮ ﺑﻌﺪة أﻟﻮان .
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اﻟﺠﺪﻳﺪ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺒﻨﺎء
أداة ﻟﺘﺤﺴﻴﻦ أداء ﻏﻠﻖ اﻟﻨﻮاﻓﺬ
ﻻﺻﻖ ﻛﻬﺮﺑﺎﺋﻲ
ﻳﻌﻤﻞ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻟﺼﻖ اﻟﻤﻮاد ﻣﺜﻞ اﻟﺨﺸﺐ او اﻟﻤﻌﺪن اﻟﻤﺴﺘﺨﺪم ﻓﻲ اﻟﺒﻴﻮت ﻣﺴــﺒﻘﺔ اﻟﺼﻨﻊ ﺑﺪﻻً ﻣﻦ اﺳــﺘﺨﺪام اﻟﻤﺴــﺎﻣﻴﺮ ﺣﻴﺚ ﺗﺼﺒــﺢ اﻟﻤﻬﻤﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺗﻨﻔﻴﺬ ﻫﺬه اﻟﺒﻴﻮت ﻋﻤﻠﻴﺔ ﺳﻬﻠﺔ وﺳﺮﻳﻌﺔ . ﻳﺘﻜــﻮن ﻣﻦ ﺷــﺮﻳﻂ ﻣﻌﺪﻧﻲ ﻣﻐﻠﻒ ﺑﻤﺎدة ﻻﺻﻘﺔ ﻣــﻦ ﻛﻼ اﻟﺠﺎﻧﺒﻴﻦ وﻳﺘﻢ ﺗﻮﺻﻴﻠــﺔ ﺑﺎﻟﺘﻴﺎر اﻟﻜﻬﺮﺑﺎﺋﻲ ﺣﻴﺚ ﻳﺘﻤﻴﺰ اﻟﺸــﺮﻳﻂ ﺑﺎﻟﺴــﻤﺎح ﺑﻤﺮور اﻟﺘﻴﺎر اﻟﻜﻬﺮﺑﺎﺋﻲ ﻣﻦ ﺧﻼﻟﻪ ،و ﻳﻌﻤﻞ ﻋﻠﻰ إذاﺑﺔ اﻟﻼﺻﻖ وﺗﻤﺎﺳﻜﻪ ﺑﺎﻟﻤﺎدة ﺳﻮاء ﻛﺎﻧﺖ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺨﺸﺐ او اﻟﻤﻌﺪن ﺑﺸﻜﻞ ﺟﻴﺪ .
أداة ﻟﺘﺤﺴــﻴﻦ أداء ﻏﻠــﻖ اﻟﻨﻮاﻓــﺬ ﺗﻌﻤــﻞ ﻛــﺬارع واﻗــﻲ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺤــﺮارة اﻟﺘــﻲ ﻳﻤﻜــﻦ ان ﺗﺴــﺒﺐ ﺗﻤــﺪد ا^ﻟﻤﻮﻧﻴــﻮم ﻳﺘــﻢ ﺗﺮﻛﻴﺒــﺔ ﻓــﻲ اﻟﺴﻜﺔ اﻟﺤﺪﻳﺪﻳﺔ ﻟﻠﻨﻮاﻓﺬ وﺗﻌﻤﻞ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺗﺴــﻬﻴﻞ ﻓﺘﺢ وﻏﻠﻖ اﻟﻨﻮاﻓﺬ ﻣﻊ ﺗﻐﻴﺮات درﺟﺎت اﻟﺤﺮارة .
اﻟﻮاح ﺗﺸﻜﻴﻠﻴﺔ
وﺣــﺪة إﺿﺎءة ﺟﺪارﻳﺔ ﻃﻮﻟﻴﺔ ﺗﺴــﺘﺨﺪم ﻓﻲ اﻻﻣﺎﻛﻦ اﻟﺘــﻲ ﻻ ﺗﺤﺘﺎج إﺿﺎءة ﻗﻮﻳــﺔ ﻣﺜــﻞ اﻣﺎﻛــﻦ اﻟﺮﻋﺎﻳــﺔ اﻟﺼﺤﻴﺔ .ﺗــﻢ ﺗﺼﻤﻴﻢ ﻫﺬه اﻟﻮﺣﺪة ﺑﺸــﻜﻞ اﻧﺴــﻴﺎﺑﻲ ﻳﺴﻬﻞ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻤﺴــﺘﺨﺪم اﺳــﺘﺨﺪاﻣﻬﺎ ﺣﻴﺚ ﺗﺘﻜﻮن ﻣﻦ اﻃﺎر ﻣــﻦ PVCﻣﻐﻄﺎة ﺑﻄﻼء رﻣﺎدي اﻟﻠﻮن ﻳﺘﻤﻴﺰ ﺑﻤﻘﺎوﻣﺘﻪ ﻟﻠﺒﻜﺘﻴﺮﻳﺎ ،وﻳﺘﻢ
اﻟــﻮاح ﺗﺸــﻜﻴﻠﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﺰﻳــﻦ ﻋﻨــﺪ ا`ﻧﺘﻬــﺎء ﻣــﻦ وﺿــﻊ اﻟﺴــﻴﺮاﻣﻴﻚ ﺳــﻮاء ﻛﺎن ﻋﻠــﻰ ا^رﺿﻴــﺎت أو اﻟﺠــﺪران .ﺗﺘﻜــﻮن ﻣــﻦ اﻟﻨﺤﺎس أو اﻟﻔﻮﻻذ اﻟﻤﻘﺎوم ﻟﻠﺼﺪأ أو اﻟﺨﺸﺐ وﺣﺘــﻰ اﻟﺰﺟــﺎج .ﻳﻤﻜــﻦ ﺗﺰﻳﻨﻬــﺎ ﺑﺎﻻﺣﺠــﺎر اﻟﻼﻣﻌــﻪ أو ﻏﻴﺮﻫــﺎ ﻣــﻦ
اﺳﺘﺨﺪام ﺿﻮء اﺑﻴﺾ ﺑﻘﻮة ١٠أو ٢٨واط .
أدوات اﻟﺘﺰﻳﻴﻦ .
إﺿﺎءة ﻟﺪور اﻟﺮﻋﺎﻳﺔ اﻟﺼﺤﻴﺔ
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اﻟﺠﺪﻳﺪ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺒﻨﺎء
إﺑﺘﻜﺎرات وﺣﻠﻮل ﺟﺪﻳﺪة ﻓﻲ ﻋﺎﻟﻢ اﻟﺒﻨﺎء إﻋﺪاد :اﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﺔ ﻟﻮﻟﻮة إﺑﺮاﻫﻴﻢ أﺑﺎ اﻟﺨﻴﻞ
إﻃﺎرات أﻧﻴﻘﺔ ﻟﻠﻨﻮاﻓﺬ
ﻧﻮاﻓــﺬ ﺟﺪﻳﺪة ﺗﺘﻤﻴﺰ ﺑﺎﻃﺎرﻫﺎ اﻟﺬي ﻳﺠﻤــﻊ ﺑﻴــﻦ ا;ﻟﻤﻮﻧﻴــﻮم و PVC اﻟﻤﻨﺎﺳــﺐ ﻟﻠﻤﺒﺎﻧﻲ اﻟﺴﻜﻨﻴﺔ ،ﺗﻢ ﺗﺼﻤﻴﻢ اﻻﻃﺎر ﻟﻠﺴﻤﺎح ﺑﺠﻤﻊ ﺛﻼث ﻃﺒﻘــﺎت ﻣــﻦ اﻟﺸــﺮاﺋﺢ اﻟﺰﺟﺎﺟﻴــﺔ وذﻟــﻚ ﻟﺪﻋــﻢ اﻟﻌــﺰل اﻟﺼﻮﺗــﻲ واﻟﺤــﺮاري وﺣﻤﺎﻳــﺔ ﻋﺎﻟﻴــﺔ ﺿــﺪ اﻟﺸــﻤﺲ وﺗﻮﻓﻴــﺮ ﻓﻲ اﺳــﺘﻬﻼك اﻟﻄﺎﻗــﺔ ،وﺗﺘﻮﻓــﺮ اﻻﻃــﺎرات ﺑﻜﺎﻓﺔ اﻟﻤﻘﺎﺳــﺎت وﺟﻤﻴــﻊ ﻃــﺮق ﻓﺘــﺢ اﻟﻨﻮاﻓﺬ.
زﺟﺎج ﻛﺎﺳﺮ ﻟﻠﺤﺮارة
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46 Albenaa
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New HQ for Apple The Cupertino City Council unanimously approved US tech giant Apple>s plans to construct its proposed spaceship-shaped headquarters. The cost of the building construction is US 5 billion, and it will have a capacity of 14,000 workers at a total area of 260,000 square meters close to Apple’s current HQ. British architect Norman Foster has designed the building which will cover a Pentagon-sized footprint. Apple has focused on the functioning of life inside the new building, to show that it does not intend to launch it as an aesthetic formation only, as a large number of building facilities have been built such as the lobby, the main interior and exterior corridors, restaurant, exterior gardens, offices, and the streets surrounding the building. As schedule, the building will be inaugurated in 2015.
The Information Center in King Abdullah Financial District Project Receives Fourth Degree Certification The information center in King Abdullah Financial District project has received a fourth degree certification awarded by U.S Uptime Institute. The fourth degree reflects the highest degree of specification international rating and represents the latest and smartest techniques.
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‍ﺎﺰ اďť&#x;ďť¤ďťŒďť ďťŽďťŁďşŽŘŞ  ďťŁďş¸ďşŽŮˆŘš ﺎﺰ اďť&#x;ďť¤ďť ďťš ﺒﺪ ا‏ ‍اďť&#x;ﺎďť&#x; ﺤﺟ ďť‹ďť ďť° اďť&#x;ďş˜ďşźďť¨ďť´ďť’ اďť&#x;ﺎاﺑ‏
A competition to Select Egypt Participant in Venice For the first time in 33 years the selection of Egypt participation in Venice International Architecture Competition will be through an open competition. The competition will offer transparency in selection and will help in identifying new architectural talents in Egypt.
w U* e d* w½U³ iF³ —uEM
ŸËd?A w  U uKF*ÂŤ e? d rOLBĂ° q?BŠ‌œUN?Ă˝ v?KĹ˝ w? U*ÂŤ t?K ÂŤ b?³Ž p?K*ÂŤ e? d ‌œUN?Ă˝ wŸË ¨WFĂ?ÂŤd ÂŤ W?ł—b ÂŤ s? n?OMB² ÂŤ UptimeÂŽ bNF qÂł s `M9 w² ÂŤ n?OMB² ÂŤ vKĹ˝_ÂŤ Wł—b ÂŤ fJFĂ°Ă‹ ¨wJšd _ÂŤ ŠInstitute Ăˆu² *ÂŤ uŸË ¨WO*UF ÂŤ nOMB² ÂŤ  UH ÂŤu s Æ UOMI² ÂŤ v –Ë Ă€bĹ âˆš qÂŚ1 Ă?c ÂŤ lĂ?ÂŤd ÂŤ
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WšdB*ÂŤ W —UA*ÂŤ —UO²ť r²š ĂŽ U UĹ˝ ≼≼ cM ‌d ‰Ë_ WIĂ?U ošdĂž sĹ˝ ‌—ULFK w Ă‹b ÂŤ UO MO w UMOĂ? w dOLĂ? p cĂ? Ă•d Æ 5šdB*ÂŤ 5š—ULF*ÂŤ 5Ă? WĹ u²H Ă?—UC(ÂŤ oO? M²K w uI ÂŤ “UN'ÂŤ f?Oz— VšdĹž o ÂŤĂ‹ W UIÂŚ ÂŤ dÂšâ€œĂ‹ ÂťdĹ˝ dĂ?U —u² b ÂŤ ĂŠâˆš ¡U{âˆšĂ‹ ‌—ULF ÂŤ W?M'Ă‹ “UN'ÂŤ s? W d²?A ‌—œUÂł vKĹ˝
40 Albenaa
‍ا ﺧﺒﺎع‏
The Start of the Implementation of the ‘Dubai Safari’ Achievement end of 2014 The project is located Warqa area fifth on the road to Ras Al Khor. At a cost of AED 150 million on an area of 400 hectares, the project aims to create an instinctive center for domestic animals and global rather than park built in the Jumeirah area. The project consists of a number of key villages of animals such as the Arab village and village Asian and African village and open safari in addition to the area of the valley. To integrate all of the natural environments in a unique experience as the project has a garden especially for children, an educational center, a veterinary clinic, the center of the multiplication of animals
Starting Creating Arabsat Headquarters in Riyadh Arab Satellite Communications Organization (Arabsat) has signed a contract to build its new headquarters in the Diplomatic Quarter in Riyadh. The new building will be established on the 14,000-square meter land awarded for Arabsat from the Kingdom. Arabsat CEO Eng. Khalid bin Ahmed Balkhuor said that this project was in collaboration with the High Commission for the Development of Arriyadh, as HRH the Emir of Riyadh has issued approval to the commission take over the supervision of the design and implementation of the building in an international competition which witnessed the participation of more than 25 local and global designers. The building will be implemented within 30 months.
w�œ �—UH� ŸËdA* ÂUŽ jD
‍م‏٢٠٥٤ ‍ﺑﺪإ ﺗﺏ ﺳﺎعي دﺑ ŮˆŘ§ ďť§ďş ďşŽŘ˛ ﺎﺔ‏ WĹ U vKĹ˝ rŸ—œ ĂŠuOK ÂąÎźâˆž WHKJĂ? Æ—u)ÂŤ â€?√— ošdĂž vKĹ˝ W U)ÂŤ ÂĄU —u ÂŤ WIDM0 ŸËdA*ÂŤ lIš W UI*ÂŤ WIšb(ÂŤ s Ă´bĂ? WO*UF ÂŤĂ‹ WOK;ÂŤ  U½uOĂ—K Ă?dD e d ÂĄUA½Ú ŸËd?A*ÂŤ ¡bNš —U²JÂź ÂĽâˆžâˆž WšdI ÂŤĂ‹ WOĂ?dF ÂŤ WšdI ÂŤ qÂŚ  U½uOĂ—K WO Ozd ÂŤ ĂˆdI ÂŤ s Ĺ“bĹ˝ s ŸËdA*ÂŤ ĂŠuJ²š ƍdOLĹ‚ WIDM w  UžOÂł ÂŤ W U q UJ²² ÆĂ?Ĺ“ÂŤu? ÂŤ WIDM v ≈ W U{ĂšUĂ? Ă•u²H*ÂŤ Ă?—UH? ÂŤĂ‹ WOIšd ڍ WšdI ÂŤĂ‹ WšuO?Ă?ߍ ‌œUOĹ˝ ¨wLOKFĂ° e d ¨‰UHÞú W? UĹĄ WIšbĹ vKĹ˝ ŸËd?A*ÂŤ Ă?u²×š UL ¨‌bšd WĂ?d& w W?OFOÂłD ÂŤ Æ U½uOĂ—K dOÂŚJĂ° e d ¨WšdDOĂ?
 U� dŽ vM³ dI* fOzd  qťb*
‍اďť&#x;ﺒﺪإ  ؼﺸﺎإ ďťŁďť˜ďşŽ ﺎب ﺳﺎت  اďť&#x;ﺎﺎ؜‏ w(ÂŤ w bšb'ÂŤ U?ÂźdI ÂĄU?AÂ˝â‰ˆ bIĹ˝ ĂĽÂ U?Ă? ÂťdŽò WOzUCH ÂŤ  ôUBĂ°Ăť WOĂ?dF ÂŤ W? Ă?R*ÂŤ X?F Ă‹  U?Ă? ÂťdF WJKL*ÂŤ UN² b w² ÂŤ á—_ÂŤ v?KĹ˝ bšb'ÂŤ v?MÂł*ÂŤ Ă‚UIš ¡u?Ă?Ă‹ ¨ áUšd UĂ? w?Ă?U uKĂ?b ÂŤ Ă?cOHM² ÂŤ fOzd ÂŤ —uO)UĂ? b?LĹ âˆš sĂ? b UĹĄ â€?bMN*ÂŤ ‰U Ă‹ ÆlĂ?d d² ÂąÂĽâˆžâˆžâˆž W?Ă?ÂŤd UN²ŠU? mK³ðË WI ÂŤu  —b YOŠ¨áUšd ÂŤ WMšb dšuD² UOKF ÂŤ WžON ÂŤ l ĂŠĂ‹UF² UĂ? - ŸËdA*ÂŤ ÂŤcÂź ĂŠâ‰ˆ  UĂ? ÂťdF w vMÂł*ÂŤ cOHMĂ°Ă‹ rOLBĂ° vKĹ˝ ¡d?ýڍ WžON ÂŤ w uĂ° vKĹ˝ áUšd ÂŤ WMšb dO √ wJK*ÂŤ uL? ÂŤ VĹ U ƍdNĂ˝ â‰Ľâˆž ‰Üť vMÂł*ÂŤ cHMš ¡uĂ?Ă‹ ¨w*UŽË wKĂ— rLB ≤Ο s dÂŚ √ UNO „—UĂ˝ WO*UĹ˝ WIĂ?U
38 Albenaa
ÂĄUMÂł ÂŤ ≼âˆ?
‍ا ﺧﺒﺎع‏
Jeddah Faces Ten Priorities Jeddah faces current and future challenges identified by the mayor of Jeddah in ten priorities, which are: managing storm water and flood, cleaning Jeddah city, improving roads, solving the problems of traffic, reducing pollution, improving the waterfront, parks and public squares, creating effective urban environment, treating unplanned slums, and effective governance and municipal services. These priorities have been translating into seven main programs to be systematic and style change during the next four years, which are: infrastructure where storm water and floods management, the environment to be a clean city, public squares and parks, improving transportation, developing a program for the slums, as well as a program for urban areas and patterns of land use, and a program for the effective management and governance and municipal services.
Eastern Province Municipality Continues Development Work to Improve King Fahd Street in Dammam Eng. Jamal bin Nasser Al-Mulhim, the deputy mayor of Eastern Province for the reconstruction and projects, explained that the municipality continues its development along King Fahd Road in Dammam at a total cost of SR 48,194,638. He pointed out that the realization of the project extends on both sides of Abu Bakr and Omar ibn al-Khattab tunnels in the part between the Abu Hadriyah bridge and up to Jubail bridge, as the works of pavements, interlock, asphalting, lighting, irrigation and drainage from Omar Bin Al Khattab street and up to southern part Abu Bakr street, also the works of street’s northern part have been completed, including pavements, interlock, lighting, asphalting and rain drainage from the intersection of Omar ibn Khattab street up to Al-Muwasa Hospital street entrance, and from Al-Dres station up to Abu Baker street. As for the part between Al-Muwasa Hospital entrance and Al-Dres station, will be completed within 20 days.
‌bł gO½—uJ ÂUŽ dEM
‍ﺸﺎ؊ ŘŁŮˆďť&#x;ﺎت ﺗاďş&#x;ﺎ ďťŁďş¤ďşŽďť“ďťˆďş” ďş&#x;ﺪ؊‏ âˆŤ wÂź  Ušu Ă‹âˆš ‌dAĹ˝ w ‌bĹ‚ WE UĂ— 5 √ UŸœbĹ WOKÂłI² Ă‹ WO UĹ Â Ušb% ‌bĹ‚ WE UĂ— tĹ‚ÂŤuĂ° s b(ÂŤ ¨dO? ÂŤ q U?A qŠ¨‚dD ÂŤ 5? % ¨WHOE½ W?Mšb ‌b?Ĺ‚ ¨‰uO? ÂŤĂ‹ —U?D _ÂŤ Ă U?O â€Śâ€”ÂŤĹ“â‰ˆ ÂĄUOĹ _ÂŤ W'UF ¨W UF WO½dLĹ˝ WžOĂ? ¨ W UF ÂŤ  UĹ U ÂŤĂ‹  UÂźe²M*ÂŤ ¨WšdĂ—Âł ÂŤ WNĹ‚ÂŤu ÂŤ 5? % ¨ÀuK² ÂŤ lÂł?Ă? w  Ušu _ÂŤ Ă cÂź WLĹ‚dĂ° - b Ă‹ ÆWšbKÂł ÂŤ  U b)ÂŤĂ‹ W UFH ÂŤ WL u(ÂŤĂ‹ WDD *ÂŤ dOĹž WOzÂŤu?AF ÂŤ WO²×² ÂŤ WOMÂł ÂŤ âˆŤ wŸË Ă´âˆš W Ĺ“UI ÂŤ Ă‚ÂŤuĹ˝âˆš WFĂ?—_ÂŤ ‰Üť dOOG² ÂŤ ÂťuK?Ă?âˆšĂ‹ WO−NM ĂŠuJ² W? Oz— Z ÂŤdĂ? 5 %Ă‹  UÂźe²M*ÂŤĂ‹ W UF ÂŤ  UĹ U ÂŤĂ‹ WHOE½ WMšb ĂŠuJ² WžOÂł ÂŤĂ‹ ‰uO ÂŤĂ‹ —UD _ÂŤ Ă UO â€Śâ€”ÂŤĹ“â‰ˆ YOĹ Â Ă´ULF²?Ă?ÂŤ â—ŠU/âˆšĂ‹ WšdC(ÂŤ oĂžUM*ÂŤ Z? U½dĂ? p c Ă‹ WOzÂŤu?AF ÂŤ o?ĂžUMLK Z U½dĂ? l?{Ă‹Ă‹ q?IM ÂŤ ÆWšbKÂł ÂŤ  U b)ÂŤĂ‹ W UFH ÂŤ WL u(ÂŤĂ‹ ‌—œÝ uN lĂ?U ÂŤ Z U½dÂł ÂŤ U √ w{—_ÂŤ
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dOLF²K WO d?A ÂŤ W?IDM*ÂŤ 5? √ qO Ă‹ `?{Ă‹âˆš ĂŠQĂ? rĂ—K*ÂŤ d U½ sĂ? ‰ULĹ‚ â€?bMN*ÂŤ lš—U?A*ÂŤĂ‹ Ĺ“ÂŤb² ÂŤ vKĹ˝ W?šdšuD² ÂŤ UN ULĹ˝âˆš q? ÂŤuĂ° W½U _ÂŤ WO ULĹ‚â‰ˆ WHKJ²Ă? p? –Ë Ă‚U b UĂ? b?N pK*ÂŤ ošdĂž lĂ?—Ë W?zU Ă‹ ĂŠuOK ĂŠu?FĂ?â€”âˆšĂ‹ W?O½ULĹ U?Ÿ—b ¨‰Uš— ĂŠuŠÜŠË w½ULĹ Ă‹ WzUL²Ă?Ă‹ n ÂŤ ĂŠuF Ă°Ă‹ w³½UĹ‚ vKĹ˝ b?²9 ŸËd?A*ÂŤ ‰ULŽ ĂŠQĂ? —U?Ă˝âˆšĂ‹ w ÂťUD)ÂŤ sĂ? dLĹ˝ oH½Ë ošbB ÂŤ dJĂ? uĂ?ÂŤ oH½ v²ŠË Wš—bĹ uĂ?ÂŤ Ă?dĂ?u 5?Ă? U l ÂŤu ÂŤ ÂĄe'ÂŤ lOLĹ‚ s ÂĄU?N²½ô - Y?OŠ¨ qOÂł'ÂŤ Ă?d?Ă?u ‌—U½ÚË XKHĂ?ڍË „u d²½ôË WH —_ÂŤ ‰ULĹ˝âˆš Ÿ—UĂ˝ s —UD _ÂŤ Ă UO nšdBĂ°Ă‹ Ă?d ÂŤ ‰ULŽË w dJĂ? u?Ă?ÂŤ Ÿ—U?Ă˝ v²ŠË ÂťU?D)ÂŤ s?Ă? d?LĹ˝ w ÂĄUN²½ô - UL ¨ ošdD ÂŤ s wĂ?uM'ÂŤ ÂĄe?'ÂŤ „u d²½ôË WH —_ÂŤ ‰ULĹ˝âˆš s w ULA ÂŤ ÂĄe'ÂŤ s? —U?D _ÂŤ n?šdBĂ°Ă‹ W²KH? ÂŤĂ‹ ‌—U?½ÚË Ÿ—U?Ă˝ qĹĄb v²ŠË ÂťU?D)ÂŤ sĂ? dLĹ˝ l?ĂžUIĂ° v²Šfš—b ÂŤ WDĂ— s Ă‹ ¨ ‌U?Ă?ÂŤu*ÂŤ vHA² 36 Albenaa
ÂĄUMÂł ÂŤ â‰Ľâˆ‚
‍ا ﺧﺒﺎع‏
New District in King Abdullah Economic City King Abdullah Economic City has recently launched two additional phases of the land for those who want to own property in the beach 2 area in Al-Murruj district which is one of the finest coastal districts of King Abdullah Economic City characterized by overlooking at of the Red Sea. The King Abdullah Economic City is one of the most important and largest economic projects, which focuses on the establishment of an integrated city with an area of 168 million square meters on the Red Sea coast to the north of the city of Jeddah, also includes the port of King Abdullah and diverse residential and coastal areas suit different income levels and segments of society and equipped with high-quality infrastructures and facilities and surrounding public services, as well as educational and medical facilities and a number of diverse restaurants, cafes and various sales centers overlooking at the waterfront in Al-Bilsan district, one of the city’s most prestigious residential areas in the economic city.
Inaugurating the Development of National Hospital in Riyadh Riyadh Governor Prince Khalid Bin Bandar has inaugurated the expansion and development of the National Hospital in Riyadh, in the presence of a number of senior officials in the health sector in the Kingdom. The hospital included all specialties and departments such as surgery, esoteric, women and birth as well as children, care center for adults, new-borns, specialized section for the X-ray and magnetic resonance, physical therapy, and the Department of Emergency, which can be ready to receive casualties and critical situations. It is noteworthy that the clinical capacity of the hospital is up to 324 hospital beds distributed at the departments of emergency, children, the unity of perspectives, surgeries, and they are linked with audio and video circuit can be used in the broadcast via satellite to anywhere in the world.
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Alcasaba Residential Complex
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The Mountain Houses
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Libyan European Hospital
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