C2blive newsletter

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Couples For Christ - Dubai Cluster 2B

Volume 1 • Issue 1

We live by faith, not by sight...

2 Cor 5:7

Christian Life Program

A pr il 2014


ith the grace of God we managed to commenced our 1st Christian Life Program last March 28, 2014, with eight couples as our first participants. The Orientation Talk was delivered by Tito Hernan Fuentes together with Tita Marivic as the Sharer. The CLP is an integrated course intended to lead the program participants into a renewed understanding of God’s call to them as Christian couples. It runs for a total of 13 separate sessions, usually held once a week. Most sessions consist of three basic ingredients: a teaching, a group discussion, and a time for fellowship. Each session would normally last for about 2 1/2 hours.

Tito Hernan Fuentes delivering the Orientation & Tita Marivic Fuentes as the sharer. What a team!

1st Chapter Prayer Assembly:

Together as One

Our CLP Team head is Bro. Bobot and Sis Jenet Cayanan with their CLP Team Assistant Bro. Al and Sis May Ramirez.

What’s inside! Christian Life Program


Chapter Prayer Assembly Together as One Continuation:

Chapter Prayer Assembly


Message from our Cluster Head Evangelization Training ANCOP Cup 2014

Tito Daryl Sarsoza: Leading the Chapter 2B1 thru his teachings.

Our 1st CFC Chapter Assembly for Chapter 2B1 was held last March 24, 2014 which was headed by the two respective units under the care of Bro. Jodel and Sist. Vivian Cayanan with Bro. Arian and Sis. Len Panopio as the service team. Bro. Jodel acted as an emcee and also

led the worship together with the Music Ministry and its new members. Bro. Daryl Sarzosa our newly appointed Chapter Head for 2B1 delivered the exhortation and mainly discussed about Mama Mary.



Announcments Special Events Bible Quotes


(Cont. on page 2)

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