Aop cv 2017

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EDUCATION 06 / 2010

State Exam Qualification to practice as an architect \ Venice IUAV University \ IT

10 / 2009

Master Degree in Architecture \ Venice IUAV University \ IT


with the thesis “Donauvan, a moving project along Danube shifting landscapes” An itinerant research project along Danube river (with Matteo Carli and Giulio Mari) Mark : 110/110 cum laude, dignity of publication

( Trento 13/05/1983 )

Via Bellini 6


Erasmus European Student Exchange Programme Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura \ ETSAV Valencia \ ES

03 / 2006

Bachelor Degree in Architecture \ Venice IUAV University \ IT European Workshop IUAV “ Exibition and museal spaces ” European Workshop IUAV “Sites evaluation techniques ” European Workshop IUAV “ Specialized buildings design” Venice IUAV University

38057 Pergine Valsugana \ Trento +39 340 3828281

07 / 2005 07 / 2004

prof. G.V. Consuegra prof. A.B. Payà prof. M. Galantino


07 / 2003

Interested in the different possibilities of architecture, dealing with themes that constantly switch between different scales: from design to architecture, city and landscape, and their interrelationship. Supporting an open and interdisciplinary approach, where the project is a collective process that by understanding the complex dynamics of anthopic and natural transformations and demands may suggest and provide possible interpretations and solutions, both specific and extensive.

07 / 2002

Scientific High School Degree \ Liceo Scientifico “Galileo Galilei” \ Trento \ IT

10 / 2010

Tutor at Summer School “Po River Delta. Building Scenarios in fragile territories” organized by: Osservatorio sul Delta del Po, Venice IUAV University \ Boccasette – Porto Tolle \ IT

07 / 2010

Partecipation at workshop “ green(S)trip_Territorial investigation laboratory ” promoted by: Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori Provincia di Trieste \ Trieste \ IT

09 / 2009

04 / 2007


Partecipation at Summer School “Po River Delta. Building Scenarios in fragile territories” organized by: Osservatorio sul Delta del Po, Venice IUAV University \ Gorino Sullam - Taglio di Po \ IT Participation at the project “Rieres//Rambles_Roaming Ultrabarcelona” organized by: Osservatorio Nomade/Barcelona con Acm, Can Xalant, Ciutats Ocasionals, CCCB, Elisava, DEIA, UB Facultat de Belles Arts, ETSAV-UPC, ESARQ-UIC, Architettura Roma Tre \ Barcelona \ ES


Collaboration with Rocco Zanoni \ Architecture Design Arts \ Trento \ IT

05 / 2017

Collaboration at the festival Terminal 17 | Street Art Festival \ collective Zeroidee \ Udine \ IT


AOP Lab \ own freelance practice in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Design \ Trento - Cagliari \ IT

2011- 2016

Architect employed at ManMadeLand \ Landscape Architecture Office \ Berlin\ DE


10 / 2011

Collaboration with LOSS Studio \ Architecture Office \ Trento \ IT

03-08 / 2011

Architect employed at GAUSA+RAVEAU actarquitectura \ LLP-Leonardo \ Barcelona \ ES

10 / 2010

Seminary “ BLUE IN ARCHITECTURE | work in progress \ Venice \ IT

03 / 2010

Lecture “DONA(U)VAN a moving project along Danube shifting landscapes” \ Cles \ IT

12 /2009

Meeting “Sulla riva del fiume, dialoghi tra la città e l’acqua” \ Trento

12 / 2009

Collaboration in the realization of the volume “Summer School on the Po River Delta. Creating scenarios for fragile territories” \ Venice IUAV University \ IT

03 / 2009

Collective exibition “Treviso sintesi 2008, vuoti a rendere” \ Treviso

11 / 2009

Collaboration at the realization of the exibition “Urban Display” \ with S.Munarin \ Mestre \ IT

10 / 2007

Collective exibition “ I giovani e le terme. Architettura e Paesaggio a Montecatini Terme” \ Montecatini Terme \ IT

2005 / 2006

Collaboration with the collective Stalker \ Osservatorio Nomade (

04 / 2010

Research and analysis activity on european deltaic territories, elaboration of comparative diagrams and maps, building of an European Delta Atlas \ Venice IUAV University \ IT


+ Villaggio dell’Arte 2006 \workshop of relation and re-construction of collective memory \ Matese \ IT + Campagna Romana \ project exploring urban borders and in-between city \ Roma \ IT + Dynamicity: tactics for the changing city \ exibition “Immaginare Corviale” \ NAI Rotterdam \ NL + \ project “” inside the research project “Corvialenetwork” \ Roma \ IT + Art Workshop 4 \ tutor at art worshop with prof. L.Romito \ “” \ Venice IUAV University \ IT


“ Requalification of Bus Terminal and Train Station Square ” \ with R.Franceschini \ Belluno \ IT

07 / 2017

“ EUROPAN 14 ” \ “A LA FRESCA. Microclima Urbano“ \ with R.Franceschini \ Platja de Palma \ ES

01 / 2017

“ Requalification of Piazza della Mostra Square ” \ with G.Mari, R.Franceschini, R.Cetto \ Trento \ IT

11 / 2016

“ Re-development of the historical center of Collalbo” \ with Studio Waiz \ Collalbo \ IT

11 / 2012

“ Boiart 2012 : Tree House at Malga Boiara ” \“FUORILDENTRO” \ with M.Carli, F.Bonadiman \ Cles \ IT

08 / 2010

“ EUROPAN 11 ” \ “ WALLSCAPES “ with M.Carli, R.Franceschini, G.Mari, G.Roncador, V.Garcia Segarra \ Alcalà de la Selva \ ES

04 / 2010

“ Urban Planning Process, projects for Piacenza ” “VIA FRANCIGENA_Misura Urbana” with M. Carli, G.Roncador \ Piacenza \ IT

11 / 2009

“ Requalification of the central urban spaces of Tuenno ” with Walter Quaresima, Rocco Zanoni \ Tuenno \ IT

09 / 2008

Selected work to participate at Barcelona Landscape Biennale \ Former Railyard Park \ Treviso \ IT

MS Office, Web, Autocad 2D / 3D, Vectorworks, Sketch Up, V-Ray, Rhino, ArcGIS, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator; Windows and Mac OS


Working experience in international teams, both on architecture and landscape architecture competitions and projects (Italy, Spain, Germany) Strong teamwork and communication skills; positive and respectful team attitude Personal and professional reliability; ability to work indipendently work and design managment based on quality, efficiency and attention to detail Flexible and proactive approach, ability to adapt and manage multiple responsibilities Design experience in Design, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning Analysis of urban contexts and territorial processes and transformation dynamics Mapping and cartography, diagrams and conceptualization Technical drawing, 3D modeling and Rendering Artistic drawing and conceptual sketching, hand and digital Graphic Design, text editing; layout and publishing; Photo editing Design and Self-construction of furniture, objects and lamps in wood and concrete Hobbies: cinema,music;travel;cooking; alpinism, climbing, ski touring, running, biking

LANGUAGE SKILLS Italian \ Mother tongue English \ C1 \ FCE Cambridge University ESOL Examinations Spanish \ C1 German \ B2

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