AOP_portfolio 2011

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01 \ architecture > NEW SCENARIOS FOR ALTERNATIVE TOURISM Bibione (Venice - Italy) > MULTIFUNCTIONAL METRO STATION Paterna (Valencia - Spain) > ROAD CONTROL CENTER Paterna (Valencia - Spain) > LOT E8 - ZAC CLICHY BATIGNOLLES - PARIS 17 Gausa+Raveau Actarquitectura \ Avenier Cornejo Architectes ( Barcelona -Paris ) > COVERED BOWLS FIELD Pergine (Trento - Italy) > INTERIOR DESIGN Pergine (Trento - Italy)

02 \ landscape > NEW SCENARIOS FOR THERMAL TOURISM Montecatini Terme (Pistoia - Italy) > REDEVELOPMENT OF FORMER RAILYARD ‘SCALO MOTTA’ Treviso (Italy) > DONA(U)VAN : A MOVING PROJECT ALONG DANUBE SHIFTING LANDSCAPES Germany, Austria, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania > REDEVELOPMENT OF TOWN’S CENTRAL AREAS Tuenno (Trento - Italy) > VIA FRANCIGENA - MISURA URBANA Piacenza (Italy) > EUROPEAN DELTA ATLAS River deltas : Po, Ebro, Rhine, Rhone, Danube, Nemunas, Guadalquivir > EUROPAN 11 \ WALLSCAPES Alcalà de la Selva (Teruel - Spain)

00 \ info BIOGRAPHY On 22/07/2010 attains the qualification to practice as an architect at the IAUV University of Venice, where on 26/10/2009 he graduated in Landscape Architecture, participating during the studies in the Erasmus program in Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valencia. The graduation thesis is a moving research project along the Danube river, called “DONA(U)VAN a moving project along Danube shifting landscapes� (with M.Carli e G.Mari, relators prof. Munarin, Ceccon, Zampieri) which obtained the dignity of publication and has been presented in conferences and seminars ( Among the training activities, the participation in international projects and workshops regarding urban and territorial investigations; among working experiences the collaboration in different projects with the roman group Stalker/OsservatorioNomade and the collaboration with IUAV Venice Univesity and Osservatorio del Delta del Po in research activities about european delta areas, including the Summer School and the realization of an European Delta Atlas. He also participated in several competitions of ideas and design. Thanks to winning the LLP-Leonardo da Vinci scholarship, he worked for a six months period in Barcelona within the architectural office Gausa+Raveau Actarquitectura, collaborating in the office activities and the participation of international competitions, including the first prize winning proposal for Clichy-Batignlolles ZAC. Interested in the different possibilities of architecture, dealing with themes that constantly switch between different scales: from architecture to city and landscape, and their interrelationship. Supports an open and interdisciplinary approach, in which the project is seen as a process that from the reading of the complexities of the territories, the use and management practices, the dynamics of anthropic and natural transformation, may provide possible interpretations and responses.

ALBERTO OSS PEGORAR (Trento, 13/05/1983) Marrianenplatz 6 10997 Berlin +49 01637451733


01 \ architecture NEW SCENARIOS FOR ALTERNATIVE TOURISM Bibione (Venice - Italy / with M.Carli , G.Mari)

The local actual situation is strongly characterized by a seasonal cadence, where high summer tourism affluxes leave this areas empty and unused for all the remaing period of the year. The alternative scenario wants to break this seasonality and proposes to organize an event going on all over the year, maintaining a continuous and different touristic offer, and a permanent activity all over the area. The organization of a Jazz Festival provides new structures for the summer tourism, to live the beach and the pinewood, partecipating to the different activities linked to the new events of the festival. The project relates the different territorial figures of Bibione, and their specific vocation, proposing a new way of living the place in different periods, through the organization of spaces and programs: housing for music school students, teachers and festival partecipants; paths and pavillons for displacement, concert and school activities; an auditorium for the winter season and floating stages on the sea. The objective then is to provide an alternative way of living different places and spaces in different periods, diversifying the possible activities and promoting the mixity of use and users. A particular attention was paid to the technological features of the conctructed elements, by using sustainable devices and materials, with low environmental impact and possible reversibility and reuse.

01 \ architecture MULTIFUNCTIONAL METRO STATION Paterna (Valencia - Spain)

The new subway stop becomes the new gateway to the town of Paterna. The new building is configured as a concrete surface that through folding operations organizes the different spaces of the station. From the entrance platform, a covered space hosts the ticket office and the access to the lines, toilets and facilities, municipal counters for basic citizens services; the path then underpasses the lines and getting out on surface it configures a large ramp that rises to form a large terrace with views over the sorrounding orange fields, with a panoramic cafè. Under the ramp cover are located the changing rooms, warehouses and facilities serving the bikeway and the urban gardens, while in the sorrounding areas there are the park, playgrounds, table tennis and bowls. Within the context of the new station are then introduced spaces and activities which are parallel at the classic train use. New types of spaces and activities are introduced within the context of the new station, creating parallel uses at the normal experience of train use. They reflect on type of use and user, waiting times and possible alternative activities, enhancing the potentialities of the station and making it a less marginal place, with a more complex and attractive urban role.

01 \ architecture ROAD NETWORK CONTROL CENTER Paterna (Valencia - Spain)

The project objective is to recover a residual space, consisting in two empty areas resulting from the road infrastructural system. The considered area consists in two spaces included between the urban border of Paterna and the CV31, and bounded to the south by the railway elevated passage. By the realization of a building for the road network control, the intention is to activate the two separated areas and transform them from empty space to a space of relation and a link between two urban parts. The functional program of the control center is then supported by a wider scale program, that coulf connent the two city parts, building a new urban front and becoming a place of relation with the existing infrastructure. A new cycle and pedestrian way overpasses the road and reconnects the urban areas, organizing a new accesibility to the sport facilities, the bikeway and the existing metro stops. A path that gradually regains the encountered marginal spaces and organizes them into a sequence of new public spaces, from the simple shaded restplace to the new public park with the square, cafè and auditorium.

01 \ architecture LOT E8 - ZAC CLICHY BATIGNOLLES - PARIS 17 Gausa+Raveau Actarquitectura \ Avenier Cornejo Architectes ( Paris ) - COMPETITION - first prize winner

02 \ landscape NEW SCENARIOS FOR THERMAL TOURISM Montecatini Terme (Pistoia - Italy / with M.Carli , G.Mari)

_The first step consists in the territorial crossing of Montecatini and the subsequent recognition of four homogeneous areas, identified respectively by infrastructural or orographical borders. This is the first context’s physiognomy: four different ways of inhabiting and representing the same city, four different looks to read its complexity. _The definition of a diffuse system for Montecatini requires a reflection on which possible structure could permit its order and management. The intent is that the city itself and its instances could become the system framework. The homogeneous characteres of the four macroareas are then fundamental to locate the intervention areas and propose new models to be integrated in the territory. _To understand the many opportunities of participation in the proposed system, samples covering all the territory have been considered. They highlight the different possibilities of organization and location of new activities, proving to be the best device to read and represent a territory and its system of relations. _In the delineation of a scenario by the activatation of new plugs, the whole urban context is reconfigured. The macroareas gain new units, becoming a place of indited relations. Through the prTheir interrelation developes thanks to the autonomy _In the new diffused organization, the border becomes the ‘zipper’ between different contexts. Its character is superstructural and specially relational, which hosts connecting flows and becomes the place of discussion and guidance about a new participatory geography. _In particular, the intervention focuses on the railway line which divides the city, redesigned as a linear park that will become an element of reconnection between the two parts of the city. The project organizes fixed equipment such as paths, crossings, the new station, thermal areas, and arrangements for temporary events and for private participation of the neighborhood in the activity of the park.

02 \ landscape REDEVELOPMENT OF ‘SCALO MOTTA’ EX RAILYARD Treviso (Venice - Italy / with M.Carli , G.Mari)

The project offers a transformation scenario of the former railyard area of Scalo Motta in Treviso, an infrastructural context in close contact with the historical city walls and the environmental system of the rivers Sile and Storga. The aim is to integrate the program of a new metro station, the realization of a urban park and the reconversion of Tenni football stadium throgh their interrelation with the existing urban, territorial and environemental contexts. The tools are both an analytical and inventive approach and a working scale that constantly an dialectically switches between the small detail and the urban and territorial issues. Starting from the identity of urban enclave of the site, from the recognition of the actors called to participate and morphological characteristics, the design process is developed as a constant interweaving of different degrees of complexity. The soil project becomes then the key to read and transform the investigation context, a device to develop solutions to questions like the water cycle and the park self-sufficiency, the gradual depuration of the polluted soil, the public and environmental reappropriation. In this sense the architectural work is intended in the same meanings, a device that through the morphological operation of folding wants to integrate in the water cycle, in the processes of the park life and the participation program. The project explores the different stages of its evolution, from the initial park infrastructure, through the stage of the depuration and environmental reappropriation characterized by public characteristics functions, to the simulation of a second stage where the arranged devices could integrate functions of private reappropriation.

02 \ landscape REDEVELOPMENT OF TOWN’S CENTRAL AREAS Tuenno (Trento - Italy / with W.Quaresima, R.Zanoni) - COMPETITION -

02 \ landscape VIA FRANCIGENA - MISURA URBANA Piacenza ( Italy / with M.Carli , G.Roncador) - COMPETITION -

From Canterbury to Rome in 1.600 km, from via Campagna to Piazzale Roma in 2.5 km. The route of Via Francigena offers a moving reading of Europe, through continuous sequences of landscapes and territories. Going along the way, it grows an intimate relation between themselves and the situations encountered, and in this sense the pilgrimage not only leads to a destination, but also to a personal elaboration about the meaning of territory and landscape. The alternation of movement and rest orders a rythm that from journey schedule transforms in a system of territorial measurament system, with complex scales and contexts. The european scale intersects the national and regional scale, up to the local and microurban scale. The leitmotiv of the pilgramage is then the stop theme and the constant measurement of the route, and was selected as founding concept of the project “Via Francigena MISURA URBANA”. One of the aspects that places the city of Piacenza inside the general framework of the via Francigena is indeed its belonging to that “ruler” running for 1600 km from Canterbury to Rome, which abstraction allowed the passage into the local and microurban scale, but maintaining a semantic and identitary tension withe the overall scale of the route. Therefore it was used the device of distance measurement, that altough belonging to the extended scale, could meet the need of the urban scale. The structure of this european ruler is then compressed within the urban context of Piacenza, expanding its use possibilities by the organization of new spatial devices for the reactivation of the city central places, and marking their local \ global position along via Francigena.

02 \ landscape DONA(U)VAN : A MOVING PROJECT ALONG DANUBE SHIFTING LANDSCAPES Germany, Austria, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania (graduation thesis with M.Carli, G.Mari)

DONA(U)VAN is a research project on the Danube river conceived as an european infrastructure, hydrographic basin in an archipelago of nations, liquid border between landscapes, meetings and stories. An itinerant process of reading and writing through an hydrographic basin of 817.00 km2, along a river of 2.888 km, 10 nations, 4 capital cities, 8 languages. A one year long process, divided in three main stages: the first as an itinerant and explorative experience of a three months journey, from the sources in the Black Forest to the delta in the Black Sea; the second as systematization and synthesis of the journey materials and deepenings; the third as elaboration of a project scenario in the delta area. The choice of this river arises from its possibilities to offer a transversal reading of the complex system in which it flows through, the river as a “point of view”. In this sense the river is intended as a transnational vector, crossing Europe from west to east; a becoming fluid landscape, that is a continuity factor permitting a reading and representation from an ‘islands and borders’ to ‘gradients and passages’; a common term between a wide range of scales, that allows their crossing and interrelation. These previous statements led to start the research process along the whole river through an itinerant approach, organized using as tools: a mobilhome as a moving unit, as a device of relations, displacement and working place; a network of contacts (institutions, local actors, universities, associations and friends) that could offer a sort of access keys to the territory; a “journey diary” as a tool of daily synthesis and representation through mappings, texts, images, videos. After the exploration period, followed a process of re-writing and reelaboration of the questions emerged from the journey experience, through synthesis charts representing the sites and contexts different scales, and a glossary that allows the catalogation and the crossed reading of the danubian topics and subjects. At the same time it has been developed a study of the river from a physical-morphological point of view, taking in consideration the river forms, dynamisms and transformations, in the two scales of river basin and geographical unit.

The crossing of this two reading systems led to define the river as a sequence of shifting landscapes. A synthesis of six fragments representing the river through its transformations (management, navigation...), reactions (river answers) and repercussions (consequences on territorial settings). After having followed, described and represented the Danube river, the research wanted to experiment how the consciousness of the river in its continuity and complexity, could participate in the elaboration of a project scenario on a local scale. Between the sequence of shifting landscapes, the Delta area has been chosen as the context more capable to represent and talk about the river and its basin’s complexity. A context which physical setting inherites the effects of the upstream dynamics and transformations, and that consequently represents the most fragile and changing part of the river body. In its cultural setting the delta configures a place of diversity, escape, isolation, hybridation, representing a transnational cultural condensation of the danubian basin. A territory which actual perspectives aim to rediscover a specific identity in a fragile context. The guidelines for the project scenario developed in Sulina (the last city in the delta, the eastern of Europe) have been the re-signification of the great operations and the exogenous transformations; the confrontation with coastal growth and erosion dynamics; the re-placement in a danubian transnational context.

02 \ landscape EUROPEAN DELTA ATLAS Venice IUAV University / Observatory on the Po River Delta

The European Delta Atlas has been realised within the research project “Observatory on Po River Delta� promoted by IUAV University of Venice and financed by CaRiPaRo Foundation. This work proposes an analytical view on the principal features of some european delta territories. The comparation between the deltas of the rivers Po, Ebro, Rhine, Rhone, Danube, Nemunas, Guadalquivir is finalized to identify common situatins and problems, as well as specific and particular issues. he analysis criteria were selected from those able to highlight some important ecological issues (mainly related to climate changes and hydraulic risks) but also specific economic and social problems affecting these territories. Data were collected from synthetic studies and informations provided primarily by researchers and lecturers from the countries of the analyzed deltas. The research on one hand underlines the great diversity between these areas, while on the other if focuses on identifying common problems among these fragile territories. The main topics reagard: the management of hydrographical network; the loss of local economic potential, due to the flood risk; the process of progressive salinization; the disappearance of natural habitats and loss of biodiversity; risks linled to the average increase in the global temperatures. The Atlas reports an overview of problems and presents some ideas for a wider debate about the future development of Po river delta.

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