Medellín, city filled with life reinventing itself every day

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M e d e l l i n c i t y i n h a b i t e d b y l i f e w h i c h r e i n v e n t s i t s e l f e v e ry d ay

Medellín, a Home for


Anibal Gaviria Correa, Medellin’s Mayor


he 2012-2015 Development Plan “Medellin, a Home for Life” is based on clear and strong principles that give force, soul and essence to each public program and project of its strategic route: Life is the supreme value, and all our efforts must be directed to honor, value and protect it. Fairness is an end of all societies, from the moral, political, social and business points of view. Education, culture and innovation are the basis of a city that projects itself to the future. Development must be sustainable and it must respect and potentiate our strengths and our identity. Transparency and good government are built under a culture of legality and the active construction of a participating society. These are the key elements for the construction of the Medellin of the XXI Century. This document contains the flag programs of the Development Plan that embody the emphasis inside the strategic lines and must mean an important articulation exercise of the different institutions and areas inside and outside the Municipal Administration. We have grouped the actions by theme related managing sectors, the way we organize the management of the Secretaries and decentralized entities in the process of the modernization of the Municipality of Medellin, like this: » Medellin City School, Culture, Education, Participation, Recreation and Sports. » Medellin Home, Health, Inclusion and Family. » Medellin safer and more life. » Sustainable Urban Management. Habitat, Mobility, Infrastructure and Sustainability. » Medellin Innovation City. Economic Development, internationalization and Private and Public Alliances. » Medellin Territory for Life. Territorial Management, Good Government and Citizen Participation. These sectors help us articulate, streamline and make more effective what we do every day in our administration, achieving increasing levels of coverage and impact to make Medellín a Home for Life.




D e p u t y M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f Ed u c at i o n , C u lt u r e , Pa r t i c i pat i o n , R e c r e at i o n a n d S p o r t s

Deputy Mayor’s Office of Education, Culture, Participation, Recreation and Sports We work towards making Medellin an inclusive city that enhances the abilities of all its citizens with equal opportunities. From this sector, we contribute to valuing life and diversity through cultural, educational, sports and participation processes. We seek inclusive access, permanence, relevance and equality for each of these systems. Training citizens for Life through innovative platforms.

D e p u t y M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f Ed u c at i o n , C u lt u r e , Pa r t i c i pat i o n , R e c r e at i o n a n d S p o r t s

Strategic Purposes » To offer new spaces for integration, enjoyment and community development. » Articulation of sports, recreation and culture. » Be creative meeting points in the neighborhoods. » Bring the institutional offer closer. Benefited Population 2.417.325 people.

Citizens for Life

20 Units of Articulated Life

Quadrennium Investement $150.000 million pesos.


he Articulated Life Units UVA are a new urban typology in the neighborhoods, for citizen encounters, encouraging sports, recreation, culture, and community participation. UVA Nuevo Occidente

There are 20 UVA developed by the Mayor’s Office and EPM in the city’s neighborhoods, with an investment of $150.000 million pesos.

San Antonio de Prado is one of the seven UVA that will be built in the first phase.

Quadrennium Milestones » Construction of 20 UVA in the areas of Campo Valdes; Santa Cruz, Gerona, Sol de Oriente, Downtown (San Lorenzo and Holasa), Altavista, San Antonio, Santo Domingo, Cerro Nutibara, Castilla, La Tablaza, El Poblado, Moscu, 12 de Octubre, San Javier, Versalles, Porvenir, Nuevo Occidente and Santa Elena. » To promote citizenship for life.



D e p u t y M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f Ed u c at i o n , C u lt u r e , Pa r t i c i pat i o n , R e c r e at i o n a n d S p o r t s

D e p u t y M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f Ed u c at i o n , C u lt u r e , Pa r t i c i pat i o n , R e c r e at i o n a n d S p o r t s

Citizens for Life

Citizens for Life

Good Start

Comprehensive care for children from birth to 5 years Strategic Purposes » Ensure the development of boys and girls starting with early education supported by the construction of identity and self-care; interaction with the natural, physical, and social world, and the construction of language. » Promote training of the educators responsible for comprehensive early childhood development. » Empower families as the main educational agent. » Develop a network of kindergartens and places of comprehensive care for early childhood in the city. Benefited Population 89.200 children from gestation to five years of age.


rogram of early childhood attention is developed in an interdisciplinary perspective of the vital cycle, protection of rights and inter-institutional articulation.

Extracurricular activities City School I

t’s a revolutionary program for civic education and quality in the educational process of our boys, girls and youth in the public schools in the Municipality of Medellin It offers extended extracurricular activities, extra classes in four formative areas: culture, science and technology, sports and recreation, and bilingual studies.

Strategic Purposes » Transform the way students use their free time. » Extend the training time of students. » Improve the quality of education. » Know, learn, enjoy and celebrate our youth’s talents and qualities. » Make the city a school.

En 2012 toda la familia disfrutó con el Festival Buen Comienzo. Abajo el Despacho de la Primera Dama Claudia Márquez apoya el programa Buen Comienzo y los jardines infantiles de la ciudad.

Quadrennium Investement $354.481 million pesos. Quadrennium Milestones » Delivery of 12 kindergarten Good Start in Santo Domingo, Belen, Altavista, Moravia, El Pinal and Carpinelo, Calazania ( stage 1), Moscu, Versalles, Las Estancias, Loreto, La Frontera and La Colina. » Implement 4 Good Start Festivals.

Benefited Population 100.000 students. Culture, sports and recreation, bilingual studies and science and technology are the four phases of the Extracurricular Activities.

Jornada Complementaria

Ciudad Escuela

Quadrennium Investement $74.000 million pesos. Milestones » Coverage of 100.000 boys, girls and youth. » Get to 25% public enrollment. » Impact the 16 communes and 5 city townships in the city.



D e p u t y M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f Ed u c at i o n , C u lt u r e , Pa r t i c i pat i o n , R e c r e at i o n a n d S p o r t s

Citizens for Life

Quality Decalogue

Comprehensive Plan for improving the quality of basic and middle education


he Municipality of Medellin, in its ongoing exercise of rethinking itself along the lines of improving the quality of education, and aware of the components that must be intervened in order to advance on the way of improvement, without neglecting the advances made in coverage and sustainability issues in the educational institutions, assumes the responsibility of formulating - facing the educational community and the general public - a Decalogue with 10 structural axes that will allow the intervention of the variables to make significant changes in the quality of education in the city.

Strategic Purposes 1. Teachers for Living, invest in teacher training, in their dignity and quality of life. 2. Content development and study plans, guiding principals and teachers with materials and pedagogies. 3. Extracurricular activities – City School, with four areas of study, culture, sports, science and bilingual studies as a formative process in the creative use of free time for boys, girls and youth. 4. An assessment and quality improving system, from the Knowledge Olympics and the Testing Saber. 5. Reading and School Libraries, embedded within the Library system in the city for developing reading skills. 6. Continue improving learning areas in infrastructure, endowment and virtuality. 7. Ethical training in Care for Life as a platform for the development of human beings. 8. Schools for Life and Citizenship. 9. Develop a system of Education Management for the city. 10. The Private Public Work in the treatment of initiatives for improving education quality.

D e p u t y M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f Ed u c at i o n , C u lt u r e , Pa r t i c i pat i o n , R e c r e at i o n a n d S p o r t s

Benefited Population Teachers: 10.126 and students: 318.000 in 100% of the educational institutions. Quadrennium Investement $120.000 million pesos. Quadrennium Milestones » Training of over 5.000 teachers and principals for the didactic appropriation of standards and curricular guidelines. » 29 educational institutions built or upgraded, 115 school restaurant, 121 sanitary units, 112 different maintenances. » 200 schools for Life and Citizenship. » Fund “Teachers for Teachers”. » Training of educational research groups. » Model of educational management training. » Software nursery” to encourage research and quality technicians and technologists in software development with international standards. » Delivery of 4.920 tablets and 27.000 computers. » Educational Web Page @aprender Creation of the School Library Network of Medellin. » 50 School Libraries refurbished in infrastructure and content.

Teachers for Life and Knowledge Olympics are two strategies for recognizing the best teachers and students and contribute in the quality of education.



D e p u t y M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f Ed u c at i o n , C u lt u r e , Pa r t i c i pat i o n , R e c r e at i o n a n d S p o r t s

Citizens for Life


Live Reading

D e p u t y M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f Ed u c at i o n , C u lt u r e , Pa r t i c i pat i o n , R e c r e at i o n a n d S p o r t s

Citizens for Life

Multilingual Medellin


he objective of Medellin live Reading is to make people discover how they can improve their own lives through the love of reading. It is a plan to encourage children, young people and adults about the value of reading; it is a program to woo readers with the words that are read and written daily.

Strategic Purposes » Implement actions aimed to promote reading for critical, participatory citizens who respect life as the supreme value. Quadrennium Investement $65.000 million pesos. Quadrennium Milestones » Consolidation of the Medellin Editorial Fund which is a family library for the city. » Presence of “Beyond Access”- one of the most important meetings in the world around libraries - in the frame of the Book and Culture Fair. » Education and Culture united by the development of reading skills. » Constitution of the Reading Cities Alliance where Medellin and Bogota participate. » Constitute the General Public and School Library Plan. With the delivery of Library Park Manuel Mejia Vallejo, Commune 15 Guayabal has new chances to encounter reading opportunities.


program that seeks to develop citizens’ communication skills in other languages - with emphasis in English – to help build an increasingly competitive region.

Strategic Purposes » Structuring a public bilingualism policy. » Use of evaluation and follow up tools with international standards. » Coordination with city clusters for English programs for specific purposes. » Integration with English virtual learning processes with permanent support. » Public communication processes and English scenarios, cultural promotion for internationalization. » Public and private alliances for strengthening internationalization strategies in the city; training for specific purposes. Benefited Population Quadrennium 27.632 English training places for (teachers, students, citizens). Quadrennium Investement $30.900 million pesos.

Quadrennium Milestones » Medellin’s Language Observatory » English studies structuring plan from Preschool to High School. » International certification to the population involved in the different formative processes. » Creation of a new “Virtual Educational Platform Medellin” (Virtual resources). » Professional Development Center for language teachers in the city. » University Language Center in the Pedro Nel Gomez Campus. » Opening of 3 specialized resource centers in each of the IES of Medellin (ITM, Pascual Bravo and Colegio Mayor de Antioquia). » Creation of the first specialized English training program in the country for the Escuela Normal Superior de Medellin.



D e p u t y M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f Ed u c at i o n , C u lt u r e , Pa r t i c i pat i o n , R e c r e at i o n a n d S p o r t s

Citizens for Life

Medellin to the U



his programs aims to strengthen our higher education system and ensure a greater coverage under a criteria of equality, improving the level of high quality accreditation in the programs offered by our three higher education institutions, Pascual Bravo, ITM and Colegio Mayor de Antioquia and maximize technological and research vocation in the city and the region. Strategic Purposes » Accompany student’s processes in Middle School in public education institutions of the Municipality so they make a good transition to Higher Education. » Increase coverage for access funding and continuity to higher education. » Develop the Higher Education System of the MunicipalitySynergy. » Create the Pedro Nel Gomez technological Campus. Benefited Population 61.280 students. Quadrennium Investement $390.309 million pesos.

In Medellin to the U, we invested $94.000 million in programs and projects for higher education in 2012.

2013 Milestones » Creation of the first “Agency for Higher Education – Sapience”, that exists in the country to maximize technological and research vocation in the city and the region. » Develop the master plan for the Pedro Nel Gomez Technology Campus and develop its first stage. » New synergies operating between our three institutions. » 20 thousand new students in the EPM - Medellin Fund. » 600 new students abroad, with the Link Worlds Program.

D e p u t y M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f Ed u c at i o n , C u lt u r e , Pa r t i c i pat i o n , R e c r e at i o n a n d S p o r t s

Citizens for Life

City L Identity (City I)

Strategic Purposes » Develop valuations on the new cultural identities in the city. » Promote the identity of Medellin from the territorial development. » Communicate the city’s projection from its great cultural landmarks impact.

uz, música, montañas, jardines, agua y el potencial de su gente proyectan la capacidad de innovación, los relatos urbanos y la creatividad de Medellín ante Colombia y el mundo. Conocer a Medellín es como sumergirse en un viaje intenso de identidades que se entremezclan y son la fuente de creación e innovación social que ha hecho de esta ciudad un espacio de gran creación en donde artistas de nivel nacional e internacional han sabido utilizar este crisol como fuente de comunicación, desarrollo y trabajo. La contemporaneidad hoy es cruce de este tipo de interacciones en el que como ciudad buscamos las razones de la búsqueda cultural que nos integra en el valor de la vida, el respeto y la tolerancia.

Benefited Population 2.417.325 people. Quadrennium Investement 20.000 million pesos. 2013 Milestones » Network of Territory Museums. » Park Projects for Culture and Life. » Book: Downtown Everybody’s Patrimony » Festi-camera. » International Tango Festival. » International Poetry Festival. » Flower Fair – Silleteros Parade. » Lights Festival – Carnival of Myths and Legends. » Expo craftsmen. » Loud Speaker International Festival.

Thanks to great events in the city such as the Flower Fair and the International Tango Festival, City I, promotes Medellin’s identity from the territorial development.



D e p u t y M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f Ed u c at i o n , C u lt u r e , Pa r t i c i pat i o n , R e c r e at i o n a n d S p o r t s

D e p u t y M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f Ed u c at i o n , C u lt u r e , Pa r t i c i pat i o n , R e c r e at i o n a n d S p o r t s

Citizens for Life

Wheels Park

Strategic Purposes » To have a Velodrome that meets with International Cycling Union Regulations (UCI), temperature and regulated ventilation to improve cyclists’ performance. » To have a BMX track with all UCI’s technical specifications that is a global benchmark for BMX practice and competition.

Strategic Purposes » Perform extreme sports through the adaptation of urban scenarios that facilitate their practice. With the programs that appeal to young people, healthy recreational opportunities are provided.

Benefited Population 2.530 people annually. Quadrennium Investement $2.450 million pesos.

Citizens for Life

Adrenaline W

e compete by channeling youth’s vital energy through opportunities and conditions for the practice of new and extreme sport activities, decreasing their exposure to socially risky situations.

Quadrennium Milestones » Implement a formative line in alternative sports such as: Climbing, Roller skating, Skateboarding and rappel, canine sports, Fist Ball, Arena sports, and Grass Hockey. » Execute 4 great impact events in the quadrennium. » Race track event. » Motor Sports Day. » Extreme sports competitions, “Medellin Extreme”. » Endurance Cross.


evelopment of sports spaces complimentary to sport units related to roller-skating. The new Velodrome and the Mariana Pajón BMX Track - as central axles in the Wheels Park - an appropriate space for sport disciplines related to wheels (bicycles, roller-skates, and skateboards) is created.

Benefited Population 2.417.325 people. Quadrennium Investement $40.000 million pesos in the Velodrome and $1.800 million pesos in the BMX track. Quadrennium Milestones » Construction of a Velodrome. » A BMX track will be inaugurated in 2014.



D e p u t y M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f Ed u c at i o n , C u lt u r e , Pa r t i c i pat i o n , R e c r e at i o n a n d S p o r t s

Deputy Mayor’s Office of Health, Inclusion and Family

Citizens for Life

Citizens for Life: Formation, participation and mobilization


ermanent interaction with the people of the city through scenarios of participation and citizen’s deliberation; open to plurality and diversity; without exclusion; finding solutions to problems and needs felt in the community, neighborhoods and rural settlements.

Strategic Purposes » Connecting different sectors to build a public agenda for life and coexistence. » Promote deliberation around a citizenship for life. » Access to permanent training services for children between 8 and 13 years of age, young people, counselors, public servants and organized citizens. » Provide meeting and integration opportunities for citizens to decentralize public service, contribute to strengthen social fabric and construction of community networks. Benefited Population 1.000.000 people. Quadrennium Investement $ 104.984 million.

The citizens and the Municipal Administration meet and have dialogues in scenarios like “Life and Equality Days”.

D e p u t y M a y o r ’ s O f f i c e o f H e a lt h , I n c l u s i o n a n d F a m i ly

Quadrennium Milestones » Subscription to Partners for Life and coexistence, social agreements with commitments for Life defense and coexistence. » “Medellin Speaks”: mobilization and deliberation campaign about life in the city with public forums, open television, and virtual platform. » Public Education System for participating under cognitive constructivist models, and critical pedagogy to strengthen and renew community and political leadership. » Integration Centers for Life: 9 new CIB (centers for neighborhood integration) community participation articulators.

We ensure the protection and attention of the family as nucleus of society, so we implement actions that contribute to its overall development and quality of life. We contribute to the improvement of health conditions as an universal right and generate opportunities for vulnerable population groups and citizens living in extreme poverty.

Medellin Home. Health, Inclusion and Family

75.000 Families in Health at Home


program for reorganizing welfare practices, ensuring the traditional model for the cure of diseases in hospital. Attention must be concentrated at home, in the context of its physical and social environment, which enables the comprehensive understanding of the health – disease process and the need for more effective and efficient interventions than the healing practices.

Strategic Purposes » Extend basic action coverture in promotion, prevention and supervision of risk factors at home. » Develop protection factors at the family and community levels. » Contribute to achieving objectives for the millennium development. Benefited Population 75,000 families. Quadrennium Investement $ 59,400 million pesos.

Health at Home reaches the most vulnerable sectors of the city with basic services.

2013 Milestones » Perform 340.700 promotion and prevention visits for the benefit of 340.700 families. » 8.050 educational visits for primary care. » Promote the consolidation of active social networks in territories where the strategy is implemented.



D e p u t y M a y o r ’ s O f f i c e o f H e a lt h , I n c l u s i o n a n d F a m i ly

Medellin Home. Health, Inclusion and Family

Medellin Home. Health, Inclusion and Family

Medellin Healthy and

Medellin Solidary:

Family Medellin O

ur objective is contribute to enhance life quality in the most vulnerable homes in the city, promote their autonomy and improve ways of family and social coexistence, through family support and outreach available around the nine dimensions of human development.

Strategic Purposes » Personalized support to the participating households, through a family plan within the nine dimensions of comprehensive human development. » Manage and bring opportunities around the nine dimensions of human development: health, nutrition, identification, family dynamics, income and work, access to justice, banking and savings, housing and education. » Program articulation and strategies in the Municipality of Medellin led from programs like Potable Water Vital Minimum and the Social Prosperity Department Programs, like Families in Action, Youth in Action, Saver Women in Action and Social Income. Benefited Population 45,000 households.

24.000 hogares reciben el mínimo vital de agua potable en la ciudad.

D e p u t y M a y o r ’ s O f f i c e o f H e a lt h , I n c l u s i o n a n d F a m i ly

Quadrennium Investement $ 79,200 million pesos. 2013 Milestones » Serve 50.000 households in extreme poverty. » Coordination with various areas in housing management for homes participating in the Program. » Graduation of 4.000 homes that exceed the situation of extreme poverty. » Apply an Auspice of the Potable Water Vital Minimum for 29.000 households.

Free from Addictions

Strategic Purposes » Prevention of addiction (gambling, alcohol and psychoactive substances). » Sexual Health Education and construction of citizenship. Benefited Population 400.000 young people. Quadrennium Investement $17.820 million pesos. 2013 Milestones » Opening and maximizing 50 friendly services for young people with comprehensive care in the public network of Metrosalud. » Characterization of young population in the political, social and cultural environment. » Facilitate the creation of listening centers in the city.

With education and healthy life choices Young people have more and better options.


e aim to protect Young people with strategies for prevention of the first use and the use of legal and illegal psychoactive substances, intervening risk factors of health problems such as depression, anxiety and suicidal behavior, which can lead to the consumption of drugs and alcohol.



D e p u t y M a y o r ’ s O f f i c e o f H e a lt h , I n c l u s i o n a n d F a m i ly

Youth for Life

Medellin Home. Health, Inclusion and Family

Quadrennium Investement $ 133,403 million pesos.

Deputy Mayor’s Office for Governance, Security and Citizen Services

Medellin safer and more life

Comprehensive Plan of Safety and Coexistence (PISC)


Benefited Population 577,102 young people.


We have a strong commitment to turn Medellin into a city that respects, values and protects life. In this aspect we have great challenges and we have invested many physical, technological, financial, and human resources to confront it, but it is a long process. We are convinced that comprehensive solutions and firm actions are needed to combat criminal organizations. Projects that increase social equality are needed.

he Youth for Life program seeks the comprehensive development of the population between 14 and 28 years of age. It has six strategies led by the Youth Secretary’s Office in co-responsibility with other five Secretary Offices that together guarantee the rights and will provide opportunities to young people in the city Strategic Purposes » Transfering information, resources and approaches for the consolidation of coexistence strategies, culture, opportunities for rehabilitation and employment, sports and recreation. » Connect the Municipal Development Plan with the Youth Development Plan. » Design the evaluation and monitoring system for the Youth for Life program.

D e p u t y M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e f o r G o v e r n a n c e , S e c u r i t y a n d C i t i z e n S e r v i c e s


route sheet that connects Administration, security and justice agencies and the different institutions. Joining actions to improve security and coexistence in life’s favor, through a security strategy and a complete perspective aligned with national and regional policy.

2013 Milestones » To Form young people for work and human development, expanding coverage beyond the 1.450 young people and 1.200 adults estimated in the Development Plan. » Advancement in the contact with the productive sector to form young people and promote their employability. » Strengthening the Youth Observatory. » Redesign the Youth Public Policy. » Youth Card Design. » Training in food production in eco orchards; promoting solidary economy; construction (making of paving stones, ground leveling, installation, maintenance and painting) and gardeners. » Implement community plant nurseries. » Start the construction of the circumambulating garden in the areas of ecology restoration, mobility and housing.

Strategic Purposes » Implementation of the Public Municipal Policy of Security and Coexistence. » Adoption and strengthening of Information Technologies and Security Communication. » Strengthening the Integrated Emergency and Security System of Medellin. -SIES-M» Prevention of forced displacement and the use of children and youth by criminal structures. Benefited Population The 2,417,325 inhabitants of Medellin and visitors Investment 2012 - 2013: $ 125,067 million. Four years: $ 212.632 million.

Over $70,000 million invested in safety programs and projects.

2013 Milestones » Formulation and implementation of 22 local security plans. » Formulation of the first public security policy for Medellin. » Strengthening technology for security: Mobile CAI ‘s, intelligent patrols, security arcs, and security online. » Delivery of a Criminalistics Laboratory. » Creation and strengthening of the Alliance for security and Life with coresponsibility.


D e p u t y M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e f o r G o v e r n a n c e , S e c u r i t y a n d C i t i z e n S e r v i c e s

Sustainable Urban Management. Habitat, Mobility, Infrastructure and Sustainability.

Metropolitan Green Belt and Medellin’s Circumambulating Garden

D e p u t y M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e f o r G o v e r n a n c e , S e c u r i t y a n d C i t i z e n S e r v i c e s

Sustainable Urban Management. Habitat, Mobility, Infrastructure and Sustainability.

Medellín River Park


he Circumambulating Garden of Medellin is the heart of the Metropolitan Green Belt, a project that seeks to bring life, equity, economic development, environmental sustainability and institutionalization to the hills of the city, promoting integral human development. It is an encounter between the urban and rural, a recovery of the natural landscape elements and improvement in habitat, mobility and accessibility.

With the River Park, Medellin recovers public space for citizen encounters and contact with nature.


Strategic Purposes » Pedagogical Civic Urbanism, with community participation. » Mobility Corridors (pedestrian pathways, bikeways and monorails). » Ecological restoration, environmental preservation and construction of urban facilities. » Implementation of forest systems, agroforestry and silvopastoril systems. » Comprehensive improvement of neighborhoods. » Risk mitigation and development control.

Benefited Population 1.217.000 inhabitants. Quadrennium Investement $545.000 million pesos. 2013 Milestones » “Start construction of mobility components with the pedestrian path (Path of Life) and ecological restoration in the Circumambulating Garden. » “Social management, promotion and disclosure of the project in the territories intervened. » Implementation of community plant nurseries.

t is an intervention and urban renewal project around the Medellin River to connect the city efficiently; mobility, public space, additional equipment and environmental intervention. Engineering and town planning work hand in hand to make the Medellin River a main meeting point for citizens.

Strategic Purposes » Environmental: harmonize the connection between the river and its effluents, fauna and flora. » Urban-architecture: integrate town planning with public space, park landscaping and its connectivity, as a process of urban renewal of the city. » Social: strengthen the cultural relation that is woven between the population and the Medellín River Park. » Mobility: promote longitudinal and transverse mobility of vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles in the River Park. Benefited Population 2.417.325 people. Total Project Investement $ 1 billion, 200 thousand million pesos. 2013 Milestones Study and project design. Technical, legal and financial structuring.



D e p u t y M a y o r ’ s O f f i c e o f H a b i t a t, M o b i l i t y, I n f r a s t r u c t u r e a n d S u s t a i n a b i l i t y

Deputy Mayor’s Office of Habitat, Mobility, Infrastructure and Sustainability We strengthen the urban development of the city by improving its infrastructure, physical connectivity and mobility to improve the quality of life, create conditions for competitiveness and ensure access to decent housing and a sustainable habitat.

Sustainable Urban Management. Habitat, Mobility, Infrastructure and Sustainability.

Habitat and housing: 100,400 housing solutions


mprove the conditions for a decent life by promoting housing access, coverage and quality of public services; a sustainable habitat to ensure the effective enjoyment of these rights of the inhabitants of Medellín. Enhance their human and social skills, especially to households, urban and rural human settlements in poverty, social vulnerability and precarious habitats.

Benefited Population 100,400 families Quadrennium Investement $ 578,877 million pesos

In 2012, there was a 372% increase in new home construction over 2011.

D e p u t y M a y o r ’ s O f f i c e o f H a b i t a t, M o b i l i t y, I n f r a s t r u c t u r e a n d S u s t a i n a b i l i t y

Strategic Purposes » Municipal subsidy in housing allocation for the displaced population. » Comprehensive habitat improvement. » New housing developments through public - private and Popular Housing Organizations (OPV). » Temporary rental subsidies for families who require temporary housing solutions for people living in risky, disaster or public work areas. » Subsidies for used housing as needed by the assisted population. » Strengthening the Housing system in Medellin. » Attention to a target housing population that need solutions in the framework of the Metropolitan circumambulating Garden.

Quadrennium Milestones » Achieving Headquarters VII World Urban Forum by ONU-HABITAT. » First Ibero-American Housing Ministers meeting. » Housing System Consolidation. » Partnerships with the private sector for the creation of OPV. » Housing Census. » Cooperation Agreement ISVIMED - ONU HABITAT for Global pilot project for inclusion and community participation in pilot urban renewal processes (PILAR, by its English initials “Piloting and Inclusive and Participatory Land Readjustment”). The Mayor’s Office of Medellin, through ISVIMED, contributes U.S. $1’000.000 and HABITAT ONU, U.S. $1’065.000. » Comprehensive Habitat Improvement Program in the Circumambulating Garden (new houses, improvements, legalizations and certifications). » Definition of the temporary rental program as transient public policy.



D e p u t y M a y o r ’ s O f f i c e o f H a b i t a t, M o b i l i t y, I n f r a s t r u c t u r e a n d S u s t a i n a b i l i t y

Sustainable Urban Management. Habitat, Mobility, Infrastructure and Sustainability.

S.I.T. Integrated Transport System for the City of Medellin

D e p u t y M a y o r ’ s O f f i c e o f H a b i t a t, M o b i l i t y, I n f r a s t r u c t u r e a n d S u s t a i n a b i l i t y

Sustainable Urban Management. Habitat, Mobility, Infrastructure and Sustainability. .

Road infrastructure

with comprehensive development for mobility


t is possible to have a more equitable and competitive city and territorial enjoyment. Accessibility and connectivity projects in terms of road infrastructure are aimed at improving vehicular and pedestrian mobility and connectivity within the city.


etro, tram, metrocables, metroplus, buses, bicycles and public integrated services are the multimodal Integrated Transport System. It will improve mobility supported by physical and logistic intervention and restructure of public transportation. An efficient, comfortable, safe, affordable, inclusive and sustainable system that integrates fares and operations.

Strategic Purposes » Improve mobility conditions of public transportation users. » Use of clean fuels. » Electronic monitoring of public transportation. » Efficiency in service operation with accessible fares and elimination of the ‘penny war’. » Improve road safety. Benefited Population The 2,417,325 inhabitants of Medellín. Quadrennium Investement $163,418 million. 2013 Milestones » Start operations in basins 3 and 6.

Medellin faces the river again with an intervention that includes the construction of the Mother Laura Bridge, to join Castilla with Aranjuez.

Transportation integration will bring more convenience and better service to citizens.

Strategic Purposes » Build new roads with their complementary works. » Venture into new alternatives for the development of infrastructure through public- private alliances and valuation tax contributions. » Medellin a Garden for Life: Maintenance for the conservation, protection, propagation and research of gardens, vegetable covering and trees in the city. » Construction, maintenance and parks and public space upgrading. » Sidewalk Plans: Teaching Civic Urbanism for Pedestrian Mobility. » Building bike paths.

Benefited Population 2,417,325 inhabitants of the Aburrá Valley. Quadrennium Investement $1.8 billion pesos 2013 Milestones » Start the construction of the Mother Laura Montoya Upegui intra-urban bridge. » Start the construction of the extension of 65th road, between 103E-104, second stage. » Start the construction of the second phase of road improvements of 80th – 81st Avenues. » Start valuation tax works.



D e p u t y M a y o r ’ s O f f i c e o f H a b i t a t, M o b i l i t y, I n f r a s t r u c t u r e a n d S u s t a i n a b i l i t y

Sustainable Urban Management. Habitat, Mobility, Infrastructure and Sustainability. .

Ayacucho tramway and two additional cables (Green Corridor)

D e p u t y M a y o r ’ s O f f i c e o f H a b i t a t, M o b i l i t y, I n f r a s t r u c t u r e a n d S u s t a i n a b i l i t y

Sustainable Urban Management. Habitat, Mobility, Infrastructure and Sustainability. .

Central Park of Antioquia. Central Parks System T

he program Antioquia Central Park (Central Parks System) is developed by projects, agreements and synergies. It contributes to scientific knowledge, protection and management of strategic ecosystems in order to move towards sustainability in Medellin. It will be done by means of the restoration, protection, scientific and strategic ecosystem management of environmentally important areas.


t is a transportation solution for the Central-Eastern area of the city which connects the Ayacucho Tramway with two aerial cable systems. In this way, transportation alternatives will be integrated for sustainable mobility, contributing to reducing traffic congestion and maximizing travel thru pedestrian pathways.

Strategic Purposes » Less C02 emissions » Reduction in commuting times. Its route will be a 12 minute trip with 6 stops and 3 stations. » Safer transportation and reducing accident rates. The project is to save 38 lives and 1,386 less injured people. Benefited Population 360 000 inhabitants in the Central Eastern area of Medellin.

Subregional planning allows a harmonious and balanced development of the territory.

Strategic Purposes » Keep natural supply of environmental goods and services in the territory. » Maintain ecological connectivity and generation of recreational areas.

Quadrennium Investement $607,000 million pesos 2013 Milestones » Generate 2,043 jobs during the implementation stage. » Purchase land required for the execution of the works. » Start the construction of the tram. » Start the construction of the two additional cables.

Benefited Population The 2,417,325 inhabitants of Medellín An investment of $607,000 million for the construction of the Tram and two additional cables.

Quadrennium Investement $29,708 million.

2013 Milestones » Declaration of San Miguel Hill as a regional protected area. » Pilot Program of payment for Environmental Services in Medellin. » Action Plan for the Integrated Management of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Medellin. » 81 375 trees planted for water basins protection. » Marketing and promoting natural tourism for the strategic ecosystems of the city. » Recovery and maintenance of environmentally and recreationally important urban areas. » Delimitation and baseline for declaring Quitasol and Pan de Azucar Hills protected areas.



M e d e l l i n c i t y i n h a b i t e d b y l i f e w h i c h r e i n v e n t s i t s e l f e v e ry d ay

M e d e l l i n c i t y i n h a b i t e d b y l i f e w h i c h r e i n v e n t s i t s e l f e v e ry d ay

The Wishes Park, where the remodeled Municipal Planetarium is located, is one of the new referents of the city.

Sustainable Urban Management. Habitat, Mobility, Infrastructure and Sustainability


Planning and Management for Land Management


e will consolidate a sustainable regional habitat according to law requirements and the dynamics of occupation and territory capacity, thanks to coordinated urban and rural planning. We will apply urban planning and formulate rules and management planning instruments, making emphasis in the revision and adjustment of the POT and taking into account the consolidation of conservation and environmental protection of systems (Main Ecological Network); mobility and transportation; public spaces, equipment and public services; the definition and consolidation of the rural and urban borders and the River as the articulating axle of the City; the immovable cultural patrimony system of Medellín and comprehensive risk assistance will also play an important role. Emphasis will be placed on land management through the various planning instruments established by law like the partial plans, property regulation and legalization, comprehensive housing improvement, urban renewal, housing integration and macro projects, among others.

Strategic Purposes » Revision and adjustment of POT. » Formulation and management of planning instruments. » Comprehensive planning of the Transportation and Mobility System. » Establish the Public Spaces and equipment System » Urban regularization. » Rural urban regularization. » Invigoration strategies for Urban Renewal Plan. » Design and implement of Partial Plans. » Comprehensive Risk Management. » Urban obligations investment. » Public Policy of Home Public Utilities. Benefited Population The 2,417,325 inhabitants of Medellín. Quadrennium Investement $11.401 million pesos.

2013 Milestones » Land Management Plan reviewed and adjusted. » Feasibility study of potential lots for locating Collective Public Transportation Logistics Centers in Medellin and its districts. » Geological, geotechnical and slope stability study, in 7 districts of commune 6. » Project for the legalization and regulation of Iguana’s middle water basin. » Completion, reviewing and adjustment process for Moravia’s overall improvement partial plan. » Revision and adjustment of partial urban renovation plan in “Plaza de Ferias” (Fair’s Plaza) and Bayadera. » Comprehensive Management of Construction & Demolition Waste. » Public Utilities Information system services that includes intelligent networks. » Strategies aimed at increasing coverage and connectivity services associated to the TIC’s in the Municipality of Medellín.



Deputy Mayor’s office of Science, Technology, Innovation, Economic Development, Internationalization and Public-Private Alliances

Deputy Mayor’s office of Science, Technology, Innovation, Economic Development, Internationalization and Public-Private Alliances

Deputy Mayor’s Office of Science, Technology, Innovation, Economic Development, Internationalization and Public-Private Alliances We maximize economic development in our region through the strengthening of its capabilities and its productive structure. We generate progress, innovation, competitiveness and decent work. Similarly, we include Medellin in the regional, national and international scenarios to benefit from the dynamics of social cooperation and lure global investment. Route-N Building consolidates the North as an innovation sector in the city.

Strategic Purposes » Investigation support policy for scientific, technological and business research for our new knowledge businesses. » Operation of the Science, Technology and Innovation Fund, associated to the city’s strategic clusters and emerging sectors. » Consolidation of Route N, CTi Plan and Science, Technology and Innovation Fund. » Implement the Science Technology and Innovation Plan of Medellin, 2011-2021. » Tax incentives (Article 182 of Tax Code of Medellin) for innovative activities in priority economic sectors. » New North of the city. Technology and Innovation District for the settlement and development of high added value businesses.

Medellin Innovation City. Economic development, internationalization and public-private Alliances

Science, Technology and innovation


ntrepreneurship with high growth potential and differentiation, and creation of the CTI Fund. Promoting and Developing entrepreneurship and new business of knowledge with high potential for growth and differentiation, strengthening the Regional System of Innovation and Entrepreneurship to increase productivity and city competitiveness.

Benefited Population » 10,000 citizens with cultural and innovation programs » Universities and institutions of the Regional Innovation system, technology development institutions, companies and entrepreneurs in Medellin. » 200 entrepreneurs Investment » 2012-2013: $60,999 million. » Four years: $159.081 million.

Quadrennium Milestones » Medellín as the most innovative city in the world according to the Urban Land Institute and the Wall Street Journal. » Holding the EmTech in Medellin, the world’s most important conference on emerging technologies, organized by Technology Review from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). » Establishing the Hewlett Packard Global Services Center in Medellin. » Hold the Illuminated Cities Assembly (Luci) in Medellin. » Approval of the CTi Plan: It will receive an annual 7% of EPM’s surplus stocks until 2021. » Support policies for research, scientific development, technology and innovation in Medellin. » Financing projects, programs and activities with high science and technology content.



Deputy Mayor’s office of Science, Technology, Innovation, Economic Development, Internationalization and Public-Private Alliances

Deputy Mayor’s office of Science, Technology, Innovation, Economic Development, Internationalization and Public-Private Alliances

Medellin Innovation City. Economic development, internationalization and public-private Alliances

Urban development and


ctivate and energize mechanisms developed by Law 1508 of 2012, which establishes the legal framework for Public Private Associations.


Medellin Innovation City. Economic development, internationalization and public-private Alliances

Strategic Projects » Alliance for life. » Naranjal’s Partial Plan. » Sevilla’s Partial Plan. » River Road Park.


Intelligent city

Target Territory 16 communes and 5 districts of the city. Achievements » Naranjal and Arrabal urban renewal partial plan has advanced in the phases of project profile and viability on agreements executed during 2010 and 2011. » Agreement made with the National Savings Fund as strategic partner for projects promoted by EDU. Arrabal and Naranjal Partial Plan. New commercial and residential areas.

2013 Milestones » International architectural competition. » Guidelines and parameters in the POT revision, to ensure the viability of the project, articulated with the Master Plan for the Metropolitan Services Corridor. » Development and advancement of technical, legal and financial structures to achieve a concrete road concession and funding plan for the works to be done.


mplement strategies conducive to improving life quality for citizens through the deployment and provision of services in an Intelligent City. Development and use of ICT’s as way of contributing to problem solution and/or exploitation and maximization of opportunities in education, security, mobility, environment, economic development, habitat, citizen participation and equality. Strategic Purposes » Connectivity and innovation for citizens’ digital inclusion. » Contents, tools and services for citizens’ information, participation and interaction. » Use and appropriation of ICT: technology for quality of life and citizen security. Quadrennium Investement $26,602 million pesos.

Thanks to the digitization strategy of Medellin,it received the Ibero-American Digital Cities Award Digital in the “Big City” category.



D e p u t y ’ s M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f T e r r i t o r i a l M a n a g e m e n t

Medellin, Territory of Life. Territorial management, good governance and citizen participation.

Comprehensive intervention of the

city center

D e p u t y ’ s M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f T e r r i t o r i a l M a n a g e m e n t

Medellin, Territory of Life. Territorial management, good governance and citizen participation.

Participation for territorial management, mobilization and organization for life and equity

Permanent cultural, sports and safety activities are part of the Comprehensive Intervention of the City Center.

Strategic Purposes » Rebuilding citizens’ trust in institutions and governance in the territory. » Achieve Inter-institutional articulation for a comprehensive Intervention of the center.


o strongly feel Medellin’s heartbeat, we wager to regain its meaning and convening power, from the recognition of its historical and cultural patrimony and a comprehensive intervention process with social, safety, mobility actions and coexistence to summon all sectors of the city.

Benefited Population 1,000,000 residents, workers and visitors to the Center. Quadrennium Investement $12.203 millions 2013 Milestones » Articulation of diverse institutions, for the development of a comprehensive intervention strategy of the City Center.


itizen mobilization of more than 250,000 residents of the city facing the planning and management of local development, summoned to participate in democratic exercises with more than $376,000 million destined so citizens can participate in decisions about priority projects in their territories in need of investment.

Strategic Purposes » Local planning and participative budget with a global start of $ 584,973 million pesos. » $60,731million pesos for implementing Life Events and exercises of participatory budgeting. » Agreement Events, as participation scenarios with representative actors concerting agreements around offer and institutional services. » Life and Equity Event, as participation scenarios to arrange solutions to problems and community needs. Benefited Population Inhabitants of the 16 communes and 5 districts of the city. 2013 Milestones » Execution of the participative budget 2013 -2014. » Life and Equity campaigns for districts and communes.



D e p u t y ’ s M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f T e r r i t o r i a l M a n a g e m e n t

Medellin, Territory of Life. Territorial management, good governance and citizen participation.


as guarantee for good governance


nsure absolute transparency in managing public affairs. Securing credibility and public trust, as a result of an institution that works for comprehensive human, equitable, inclusive and sustainable development.

D e p u t y ’ s M ay o r ’ s O f f i c e o f T e r r i t o r i a l M a n a g e m e n t

Medellin, Territory of Life. Territorial management, good governance and citizen participation.

Modernization A

chieving a modern, effective, efficient and transparent institution, with a culture of quality social services, maximizing public servants capacities and optimizing the physical, technical and technological media of the administration, in order to provide a better service to the citizens.

Strategic Purposes » Working in sectorial articulation. » Organizational engineering and quality. » Information and Communication Technologies. » Strengthening of logistic services. » Comprehensive management of human talent.

Strategic Purposes » Strengthen the internal control system. » Administrative transparency and probity. Quadrennium Investement $ 4,700 million pesos

Benefited Population 17,000 public workers and state teachers

2013 Milestones » Implement the Hiring Transparency Fair.

Quadrennium Investement $94,031 million

By the hand with the Government of Antioquia (as part of the AMA Alliance), the Hiring Transparency Fair was held, which had more than 3,400 visitants.

2013 Milestones » Articulating the work of the 6 Deputy Mayor’s Offices and creating job vacancies for the new Municipal structure which optimizes management. » Expanding attention to citizens to 14 hours.

Citizen Service. The Mayor of Medellin’s Office has the longest service time for citizens in Colombia, 14 continuous hours a day.



M e d e l l i n c i t y i n h a b i t e d b y l i f e w h i c h r e i n v e n t s i t s e l f e v e ry d ay

M e d e l l i n c i t y i n h a b i t e d b y l i f e w h i c h r e i n v e n t s i t s e l f e v e ry d ay

Strategic Projects 2012-2015 The development Plan 2012-2015 “Medellin, a Home for Life� implements a series of strategic programs that improve the quality of life, environmental conditions of the city based on the principle of sustainability.


Medellin city inhabited by life, reinventing itself every day.

Anibal Gaviria Correa Medellin’s Mayor Document with general aspects of the strategic route of the Development Plan 2012-2015 Medellin, a home for life. It can be fully downloaded in Editing Communications Secretary Design Laura Durango O. Photography Medellin’s Mayor’s Office Archives Adrian Franco Medellin Town Hall May 2013

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