December 2021 Alchemical Voice Magazine

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Alchemical Voice - L2M

December 2021 - Issue 11



Hard copy £6.99


Articles Festival of Yule


Seasonal smudge blends Mudras - hand gestures

Angel Prescriptions by Carol Coggan

Mary Magdalene's Legacy Christmas Sweet Bread recipe

Moving beyond the Fear frequency by Kathy Mingo

For Sale Spiritual craftwork Crystal jewellery Holistic art Soy candles

Monthly Insights Crystal, Poem Oracle card reading Celestial Forecast


Free online publication -

Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

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Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11


We head into December's issue and send our thanks and blessings to 2021. We look forward to embracing 2022, and invoke the energy of divine hope. From January 2022, the magazine will be on sale digitally and in printed format and published every two months. Jovi Hoonjan Editor

HEALTH & WELLBEING Herbal Tea Supplier Devraj Singh

Christmas Sweet Bread

West Berkshire Kinesiology & Consciousness Music Martin Lewis

Yoga poses for anxiety, depression and fatigue Love 2 Meditate


33 34 36 16

ART & DESIGN Soy Candles Love 2 Meditate


Crystal Jewellery

Sue's Beautiful You

Subscribe for printed copies of Alchemical Voice


Festival of Yule/Winter Solstice 9 Sarah Jane Dennis

Moving beyond the fear frequency 18 Kathy Mingo

Seasonal Smudge Blends T-Rae Hemmings 22

Mudras Shamanic Joy UK 23

Eden People December events Colin Brice 24

Shamanic support John Sjovik 26

Angel Prescriptions Carol Coggan 30

Mary Magdalene Legacy Julie de Vere Hunt 50

BUSINESS SUPPORT The Treatment Hub, Basingstoke Carol Graham

10 Ethical ways to get your invoices paid Sue Penney

6 friendly methods to handle invoice disputes Sue Penney

40 42 46

MONTHLY INSIGHTS Channelled Soul Verse poems, crystals, celestial forecast and rituals

Meditation Bath Rituals

I am... I am me

Bright Minds Counselling Kate Stewart (Farnborough)

Psychosynthesis counselling Sophie Grant

Sacred herbal prescriptions Zaneta Swan


Spiritual guidance and support Oriel Lux

Spiritual Medium and healer Louise Marie Otter

Psychic readings with Reiki Seichem Tammy Sadasivan

Shamanic healing with Past Life energy alignment Jovi Hoonjan

Healer, Spiritual Counselling & Psychic Jan Reid

Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

Oracle Card by Oriel Lux

Dreamtime - Creation Not sure what to do next? Do you go backwards and forwards over the same questions but just don’t feel like you know what to do? Perhaps you need inspiration because you are feeling stuck or unsure? This beautiful card is a reminder that most of the answers to the questions we have can be found when we quieten our minds. Breathe deeply, allowing the pattern of your rhythmic inhaling and exhaling to relax you. When you feel calm, pay attention to the images and/or words that come to you. Perhaps you have a feeling instead. Our breath is what connects us to life and when we focus on it, we connect to all of creation. This dreamlike state has been used across the millennia as a means to connect to something bigger – trust what you sense and feel and who knows what you to will be inspired to create.

wonderfully accurate psychic readings by

Oriel Lux £10 FOR 2 QUESTIONS

Send 2 questions by email to Oriel and receive spiritual guidance and support 4

Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

Louise Marie Otter, Spiritual Medium I’m an international spiritual medium of over 22 years, a holistic therapist & wellness practitioner based in Port Solent Portsmouth. Are you fed up with buying the same gifts for your family & friends, year after year? Why not, buy your loved ones a gift with a difference. Choose from a wide selection of reading options & holistic therapies!

Website: Facebook: soulriverdragonfly Instagram: louisemariesoulriver Email: 07711 016280

Please visit my website for more details & let Soul River help your gift stand out this Christmas!

Both in person & virtual appointments available.

Craft & Holistic Fair

Workshops 11-11.30am- Sound Bath 12-12.30pm - Crystal Grid Introduction 12-12.30pm - Mala bracelet making 2-2.30pm - Crystal Grid Introduction 2-2.30pm - Mala bracelet making 3-3.30pm - Chakra dancing

Book in advance, limited spaces Facebook:

Save the date Sunday 5th December 10.30am - 4pm Alton Community Centre, Alton Hampshire £3/entrance

Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11


Volume One

Volume Two

To purchase, email 6

Alchemical Voice - L2M

Soul Verse Poem

Issue 11

YULE As we approach the darkest night Keenly await the return of light With bated breath ancestors stood On darkened hilltop, cloak and hood

When frost and snow lay deep on ground And footsteps make sharp crunching sound The holly glows with berries bright And daylight is consumed by night

Excitement also stirs the air As children’s voices loudly share Fun and laughter, games and longs And home is where distant heart longs

The smell of winters fires abound As we listen to their sound Twinkling lights in windows shine Lifting hearts, both yours and mine

Expectant faces search the skies The stars and moon gently arise White breathy plumes from carols sung Share golden glow from lanterns hung

Who can resist the yuletide lure It is the best season I’m sure So welcome now the time is here Revel well in Yuletide cheer

A Soul Verse reading is a message channelled by Sue in poetry form from spirit. These readings are totally unique and can be combined with a healing treatment.


Sue Penney Soul Verse

Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

Crystal selections for December 2021 Quartz Crystal Otherwise known as the Master healer Crystal. The male is clear and the female is cloudy. True quartz crystals will have some inclusions or even rainbows inside where is believe fairies have touched or inhabited the crystal at some point, these rainbows within a quartz crystal are also known as the Diva of the crystal. Be wary of completely clear stones being sold quartz as they may be just clear glass. Special care: Can cause a fire if left in full sunlight for a long period of time not to be used on elderly or frail people, anybody dying or with any mental conditions, as this crystal is an amplifier of the energies it encounters and is very active. The word Quartz comes from the Greek word “Krytsallos” which means ice, as our ancestors who discovered it believed that quartz was actually water that had frozen so hard it could never melt. Quartz crystal is believed to be the oldest crystal there is and holds the energy and knowledge of this planet that can link you deep into the Earth mother’s belly, not only able to connect you to the knowledge of the inner earth realms but also as a bridge to that of the divine star nations and beings that created this planet and us. Quartz comes in many different forms, and radiates a very warm, strong, and uplifting energy of protection, clearing negative energy, recharging the body, bringing in the focus you need and relieving stress. Supporting you with your spiritual development, clarity, wisdom and offers you guidance.

Clear quartz is a great crystal for meditation, visualization, and journeying, it can be used for healing all over the body, on sprains, aches and sore muscles, to release trapped energies from a trauma to the affected area, and all chakra points, to clear and lift your energy, balancing it out. Balls carved out of quartz are used a divination tool, (Crystal balls). The channelled message I got from is… "I am the ancient one, old as time with knowledge to impart that will expand your heart and mind. The answers I have to all you could want to know and healing the patterns from long long ago. Be ready and willing to come forth and connect for your DNA will activate and journey you through the time frames of Mu (Lemuria) coming back to the true pureness of you." The Goddesses and Angels strongly connected to this crystal are: Goddesses: Danu, Arianrhod, and Gaia. Angels: Metatron, Raziel, Kyriel

Sarah Jane Dennis ACHO, RP, ACCRT is Sacred Celebrant and Ceremonialist, Priestess of the Goddess, Moon Lodge Mumma, Priestess and Sister of Avalon, Morgen Cybil trained in Crystal Healing, Angelic Reiki, Crystal Sonic Rejuvenation.


Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

Festival of Yule / Winter Solstice The season of Yule begins in early December when you feel the energy shifting away from Samhain to that of the approaching fertility celebrations and Winter Solstice. The use of Holly and Mistletoe at this time of year stems from our ancestor’s belief that the red berries of holly represent the lifeblood of the feminine and the white berries of the mistletoe the seeds of life from the masculine and used in rituals to ensure the successful union of the male and female to bring in healthy, strong new life to the fields and crops at springtime. Also, evergreen trees were bought inside the home as a symbol of everlasting life, a holly wreath was hung to represent the wheel of the year and mistletoe hung too. People would gather to feast and drink warm spiced beverages from a vessel called a Wassail. Any of these traditions sound familiar to you? Carol singing also has its beginnings in the ancient Yule and Solstice ceremonies, celebrated for two weeks, and a Yule log preferably of oak would be found, in the forest big enough to burn and provide heat and light for the full two weeks of the festival. With a piece of the Yule log from the previous year placed with it as well as ivy and other evergreens. Winter Solstice has been celebrated by our ancestors for many of thousands of years. The word Solstice means standstill. Around the 21st of December every year, the sun seems to rise and set in the same place. This is the shortest day and longest night of the year, where the Holly King has reached his full reign. It is the night of the return of the light, the welcoming back and the rebirth of the `Sun God” also known as the Oak King. Ceremonies were and still are held in sacred stone circles like Stonehenge and Avesbury or long Boroughs that were built in alignment with the rising suns and some sights the setting sun too. One of the most famous Long Boroughs is Newgrange in Ireland, County Meath whose ancient earth chamber is the largest in Europe built around 4,500 years ago for the purpose of honouring the Sun Gods return as he fills the earth chamber of the Goddess with his light in the sacred union to seed the new life of the land that lays fallow and lifeless.

For this is the time for deep rest and dream incubation, astral travel and also the time of the year when we look inwards and dive deep into the void, be still and reconnect and evaluate ourselves, and the seeds we sowed at Samhain to give life to them as they begin to slowly gestate in the body of mother earth and Goddess Darnu the antecedent of the land who connects us to our primal ancestors, the still point of death and spirit of life that continues between our incarnations. Goddess Darnu supports us to see where we need to grow on our spiritual journey. She is the mother of the Tuatha de Danann people the shining ones, from the magical land of the Hyperboreans, who went and settled in Ireland. Tuatha de Danann (pronounced Thoo-a day Du-non) is translated as ‘tribe of Danu.’ The Tuatha de Danann were later driven to the underworld by the Milesians, the people of the Spanish king Milesius. It is said that the Tuatha de Danann tribe are the ones responsible for building the Neolithic stone circles in honour of Danu acknowledging and celebrating their connection to her, the heavens above and the earth below. It is believed that they still live as etheric beings and are known as the sidhe. Some activities you may choose to take part in at this time of year are: Making Yuletide cakes to share Have a winter Solstice eve/ morning gathering ceremony or both to watch the sun setting sharing food and drinks. Finding and decorating your own Yule log, making a hole in it for a candle to light, welcoming the return of the light and Sun God. Have your own simple visualization ritual and candle lighting ceremony For me, the energy of Yule is about consciously taking some time out in the modern-day business of this season to rest, recalibrate and accept the stillness that is offered to me so I can deepen my connection to myself and hear what Goddess is saying to me; reflect on this to ultimately receive the gift of clarity as to how to move on in my path; to get ready to take action and let go of that which no longer serves me to make room for new and exciting opportunities to manifest in my life for the coming year. However, you decide to celebrate this festival, have fun and be merry and bright, to welcome in the new light.

Sarah Jane Dennis ACHO, RP, ACCRT is Sacred Celebrant and Ceremonialist, Priestess of the Goddess, Moon Lodge Mumma, Priestess and Sister of Avalon, Morgen Cybil trained in Crystal Healing, Angelic Reiki, Crystal Sonic Rejuvenation.




If you suddenly feel low in energy, spaced out, drained or ill without an obvious cause - try listening to this meditation. If you feel a lot better after doing it, then you were possibly a victim of an energetic attack.

It is powerful and highly recommended for anyone working energetically with others.

Cost £15

To purchase:


Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

Sacred Herbal Prescription

A qualified Chinese Herbal Practitioner, offering remote herbal prescriptions for a variety of conditions including emotional, mental and physical issues. Through Shamanic Journeying, Zaneta is guided by 'all-knowing ascended masters' to receive messages that will help you for your highest good. Together with Zaneta's knowledge of Chinese Herbal Medicine, a personalised Sacred Herbal prescription is created for you.

Zaneta Swan - 07871 450 281


This music takes you on a journey of healing. 'Variations on a Theme' works on your 11th chakra - Pathwork to the Soul. The 11th chakra is a fourth-dimensional chakra and relates to your ability to acquire advanced spiritual skills (travel beyond the limits of time and space, teleportation, bi-location, instantaneous precipitation of thoughts, and telekinesis) Cost £15


Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

Celestial Forecast by Joanna Bristow-Watkins My monthly celestial forecast is designed to highlight significant dates, either from ancient folklore, or on which you can 'tune-in' to higher frequencies. This is part of my philosophy to reconnect with forgotten knowledge and apply ancient wisdom for modern living. Subscribe at or via the Harmony Healing website to receive email updates as the events unfold. Whilst considerable effort is made to ensure accuracy, this is not an exact science and sources are sometimes contradictory.

December in Britain is the month with the least hours of daylight, but sunlight hours increase from 21st onwards, after the Winter Solstice. The increased daylight - promising optimism - is celebrated as Yule, and here in the UK, Christmas Day on the 25th, which pre-Christianity, in Roman times, was celebrated as the birth date of Sol Invictus (Roman Solar Deity). Landscapes and gardens are skeletal now, except for the evergreens, looking charming when snow-covered and laced with spider's webs kissed by frost. Keep the shivers at bay with seasonal soups utilising Jerusalem artichokes, leeks, carrots, beetroot, parsnips, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, potatoes and winter squash. Enjoy nutty snacks from chestnuts, hazelnuts and walnuts. Late fruiting apples, pears and quince also remain plentiful together with mushrooms and black truffles. The month of December was named after ''decem' meaning 10th in Latin, as November was the 10th month when the year started in March. To the Anglo-Saxons, December was called Ærra Gēolameaning “before Yule" or "First Yule". During December, we can also look forward to the British Celtic Festival of Yule (Winter Solstice = 21st December) followed by the Christian Festival of Christmas (25th) which is also the Zoroastrian Celebration of Zartosht-no Diso and St Stephens Day/Boxing Day (26th) plus two annual Roman Festivals Bona Dea (3rd) and Saturnalia (17th), and the month culminates with New Year's Eve (31st), celebrated as a two-day festival called Hogmanay in Scotland. We have Forest Bathing/Harmony Healing vouchers available as Christmas gifts. We have Forest Bathing events on Saturday 4th (Newlands Corner, Guildford), Monday 6th (Horsell Common, Woking) and Saturday 11th (Harry Edwards, Shere). Our Mindful Chakra Alignment Course runs for three consecutive Wednesday evenings commencing 1st December (see listing below for details and link) and our Full Moon Meditation takes place 7.309.30pm (UK time) on Saturday 18th, with the Solstice Full Moon peaking the following morning at 04:36. Aligning with the moon cycle is very therapeutic, and our next Lunar Alignment Programme commences with the New Moon on 2nd January 2022. We also have the Geminid Meteor Shower peaking 13th/14th. Wednesday 1st December is the start of Harmony Healing Virtual Module: Mindful Chakra Alignment and Unity Consciousness(£66), 7.15pm - 9.30pm (UK time/GMT = UK & USA friendly evening hours). 2¼ hours for 3 consecutive weeks ending 15th December, worth ½ unit towards RSE Level 1. Held remotely on Zoom.


Friday 3rd December is the Roman Festival of Bona Dea, this being a smaller festival than the one celebrated on 1st May but similarly for women only. In Roman mythology, Bona Dea (literally "the good goddess") was the goddess of fertility, healing, virginity, and women. She was the daughter of the god Faunus and was associated with supplying medicinal healing herbs in her temple garden. Bona Dea was also invoked for freedom from slavery; many of her worshippers were freed slaves and plebeians, and many were women seeking aid in sickness or for fertility.

Saturday 4th December, 10.30am - 12.30pm, Forest Bathing+ at Newlands Corner, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) in the Surrey Hills, £25 (+ Paypal fee = £26.25). This is a 2 hour Forest Bathing+ session which will take place in all weathers except 30+mph winds. A deeply relaxing and rejuvenating experience, and which, despite the title forest bathing, does not involve any swimming! Some of the scientifically proven benefits of spending time in woodland include reduced stress levels, stronger immune system response, and a stabilised cortisol cycle. Booking link. Email to go on our forest bathing mailing list.

Important News about Newlands Corner. Newlands Corner, our beautiful ancient forest site in Guildford Surrey, have put up our site rental price so much that we don't know if we will be able to continue offering public sessions there. We had to cancel our September event as the venue hire cost wasn't going to be covered. So, if you want to join us at Newlands Corner, please book in ASAP for one final 4th December session as it is unlikely to feature as a 2022 destination. We will be forced to cancel Newlands events one week before if numbers are low, so please don't leave it to a last-minute booking or you stand to be disappointed.

Saturday 4th December @ 07:43 is the Solstice New Moon, Supermoon and a Total Solar Eclipse (only visible in Antarctica but partially visible in South Africa and Namibia). More details at A solar eclipse happens whenever the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, hence partly or totally obscuring the Sun for anyone viewing from Earth. This eclipse will not be visible in London but will affect all of us energetically. The New Moon Abundance Ritual should be carried out within 24 hours after the New Moon. It needs to be after the New Moon because the moon should be waxing (getting bigger again) to carry the manifestation energy. There are video instructions on my You Tube Page. The New Moon is great time to create Vision Boards. How about creating one for 2022?

Thursday 4th November is Amavasya, part of the Hindu, Sikh and Jain Celebration of Diwali, Festival of the Lights, celebrating the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. Themes, such as joy, forgiveness and knowledge over ignorance, are included as well as rituals to Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and the legend of Rama and Sita is recited. The full festival runs for five days, this year Tuesday 2nd Saturday 6th November, with the main event, Amavasya, being on the third day. However, each day has its own significance.

For the full Celestial Forecast and active links


Vol 1 Issue 1

Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

PRIVATE SHAMANIC HEALING in Fleet and Basingstoke

With the help of ascended masters and spirit healers, we visit one or more of your past lives. We go straight to the source of an issue you are currently holding on to and we help to clear and balance these emotional and body pains.

These sessions help to make your soul journey easier, letting go of past ties and lifting your energy up so you are happier within yourself. Subscribe for printed copies of Alchemical Voice

Subscribe to online copies of Alchemical Voice


Homecraft & Holistic Fair

Sunday 5th December 10.30am - 4pm Alton Community Centre Spiritual home crafts

Craft making activity

Crystal jewellery


Spiritual healing

Pre-bookings advised

Psychic readings

See website for details

w w w . l o v e 2 m e d i t a t e . c o m / h o l i s t i c _ f a i r s F a c e b o o k


@ S h a m a n i c J o y U K


e v e n t s

Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

Yoga poses for anxiety, depression and fatigue

Be mindful and check online for contraindications before practicing

Forward Bend Padangusthasana

Forward bend is a great pose for anxiety. Avoid this pose, if you have lower back or neck injuries. 1. Stand with feet parallel to each other approx hip-distance apart. Lift your kneecaps by contracting your front thigh muscles. Without bending at your knees, breathe out and bend from your hip. Ensure you move your body and head together. 2. If you wish, place index and middle finger in between the big toes and hold using your thumb. If you can't reach just let your arms and hands dangle down. 3. As you breathe in, lift your body as if you are to stand and straighten your elbows. As you breathe out, lift your sitting bones. Do not push yourself too far, your body will direct you as in how far you can go. Any kind of discomfort, ease the stretch. 4. For the next few breath cycles, continue to lift your torso, activating your front thighs and as you exhale lift your sitting bones. 5. To come out of the pose, release your hold, and gently pull yourself up from your hip. Relaxing your arms to your side.


Stress relief as this pose calms the mind, reducing anxiety. Stretches hamstrings and calves, strengthens the thighs and improves digestion.


Butterfly Pose Baddha Konasana


Stimulates the abdominal organs (ovaries, prostate, bladder, kidneys). Good for circulation. Helps alleviate mild depression, anxiety and fatigue. Eases menopausal


Happy Baby pose Ananda Balasana


Stretches your chest, lungs, shoulders, neck, belly, shoulders, arms, and back muscles,

calves, ankles, and thighs.

Lighten your mood by practising this lovely hip-opening pose. Use a blanket to raise your pelvis off the floor as you sit if your hips are particularly tight. Avoid if you have sciatica. 1. Sit on your yoga mat/floor/blanket and bend your knees as you breathe out and pull your heels towards yourself. Drop your knees to the sides (don't force them down) and place the soles of your feet together. 2. Try and bring your heels very close to you as long as it doesn't hurt and keep the outer edges of your feet on the ground. With your index, middle finger and thumb, hold onto your big toes. 3. Lengthen your torso and keep you shoulders down and relaxed. 4. Aim to relax in this pose for a couple of minutes then as you breathe in, lift your knees up and extend your legs.

Forward Bend and Butterfly pose are very good for fatigue plus Cobra pose which we will discuss in the next edition. We wanted to cover the lovely named 'Baby pose' in this edition A wonderful restorative pose. Avoid pose if you are pregnant or have knee/neck injury. 1. Lying on your back, breathe out and bring your knees to your tummy. 2. As you breathe in, hold on to the insides of your feet, just like the image. 3. Make sure your knees are in line with your ankles. Flatten and flex your feet. Gently and slowly push your feet up into your hands and pull your hands down into your feet.

Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11


An engineer called Vic Tandy was the pioneer of associating frequency bands to emotions. The sound of a tiger’s roar is 19 hertz, associated with fear.

Everything in the universe is equated to a vibration and a frequency. Energy moves within the dimensionality of existence, yet our existence is essentially of our own choosing. We determine our own reality to a certain degree. Our world right now is surviving upon the rationale of fear and constriction, daily we are flooded with imagery that shapes the way we VIBRATE in the world. Quantum frequency or vibration is held in the atomic structures of our very being, we are like a violin string at our atomic level, and that energetic signature that we omit, is the one that either enhances or repels what we truly desire. Have you ever wondered why sometimes, whatever you do in your mind and thought, the outcomes always result in the same thing, this is evidence of the fear frequency at work.

A frequency is the movement of sound wave within the surrounding structures, the quicker the soundwave, the higher the frequency.

Fear is a very real thing emotionally, but at the heart of it, we can choose to not be afraid. Politics and largely dogmatic religions use this frequency to control others, we are more susceptible to control if we are in bondage to fear. We all possess the alchemy to alter our own destinies.

Royal Raymond Rife was an inventor from USA who studied at John Hopkins and created the rife machine, which uses certain hertz frequencies to disable certain medical conditions. Wikipedia states “Rife also reported that a invention could destroy the pathogens. documented a "Mortal Oscillatory Rate" organisms, and to be able to destroy the them at this particular rate”

Each soul vibrates at its own unique regularity, I like to think of it, as the DNA code we enter the firmament realm with. In my line of work, I would say that most souls emitted frequency sits within a band of 500hz to 17,000 hertz (this means if you could hear the sound or tone of another person, it would sit within a frequency band) The higher the frequency the lighter the energy that surrounds it.

'beam ray' device of his Rife claimed to have for various pathogenic organisms by vibrating

I myself have Lyme disease that I got from a tick whilst working at a summer camp in California, so I have used certain frequencies to disrupt the spirochete from organising itself. This has worked for me.

Fear resonates on a frequency that is lower, called infrasound, this is below the range of human hearing, that starts at 20 hertz. An engineer called Vic Tandy was the pioneer of associating frequency bands to emotions. Incidentally the sound of a tiger’s roar is 19 hertz, also associated with fear.

All TV channels work on a very low frequency, any wonder then, that as TV and especially WIFI and energy disrupters are gaining control over all our lives, we are descending into a lower vibrational world.


The symptoms of infrasound on the human being are as follows, tingling in extremities, buzzing and distortion in ears, dizziness and vertigo, anxiety and depression, stomach and digestive issues. As children of my era, we spent an inordinate amount of time outside, these days children are cooped up like battery hens, fixated on screens, phones, and self-indulgence, yet they are the unhappiest group in decades! To have all means nothing, if there is no true purpose value placed upon it. There is a counter balance to everything in life, as the world operates within a polarity state of consciousness. Many believe that what is called the miracle hertz, can be used to rid the body, spirit and mind of this restricting fear frequency. This is aptly named miracle frequency vibrates at 528 hertz. The solfeggio scale is a reference point for this. See this link for all the frequencies you can use. Sound healing is also a great tool to help rid one selves of frequencies that trap within the body and soul. I have done a podcast, with sound healing bowls to illustrate this blog, so you can utilise each scale to clear each chakra point - As 5G is coming to the forefront, the disabling and scrambling effect of this will become evident. There is a lot written about how divisive 5G will end up being part of much health and mental health disruptions going forward. So how then, do we bring our own energies higher to break free of this bombardment of frequencies that bring us into tyranny and fear. We must arm ourselves with a frequency of love and harmony, to negate the bombardment we face daily.

How to negate fear within your life: SURRENDER everything up to the universal flow, understand we have no control over that others do. RELEASE any negative emotions and people as much as you possibly can, if someone around you makes you feel worthless, or take you for granted, it is OK to put your own spiritual health first. Kathy has only ever been found via word of mouth, and her waiting list is over a year long. Kathy is an accomplished Aura Medium, Clairvoyant, Meditation Tutor - she specialises in Past Life Regression through shamanic healing and practices Metatronic Healing. Despite her phenomenal abilities, Kathy is one of the most down to earth and humble people you will meet. If she is not at home surrounded by her cats, you will find her hunting for Crop Circles or searching for ghosts and eating cake.



TAKE TIME OUT from vacuous social media platforms/TV/broadsheets, and especially news stations these are true promoters of the fear frequency, nothing sells copy like a good dose of fear! SURROUND yourself in nature whenever possible, the ancient hum of the landscape can reinvigorate a weary jaded soul. READ and absorb as much open-minded information as you can, book readers are, on average, a happier bunch. MEDITATE with a few of the releasing and relinquishing vibrations, 787 HERTZ is a wonderful tone to lift anxiety. You can also place a crystal grid in your house or room. Here is one I did for some friends, who were having trouble with some denser energy in their flat!


Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11


This 5-week course takes you on a journey to get to know who you really are and connect with it! Contact me to enrol.

We will cover Moving on from heavy belief systems Learning to be free from energetic cords Shadow work and archetypes to find your hidden power Guided meditation with movement and music Interpreting dream messages Subscribe for printed copies of Alchemical Voice

Subscribe to online copies of Alchemical Voice


Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11








recognised healer, spiritual counsellor and

psychic, working with clients to help them find







condition which is normally an emotional issue buried deep inside. £40/hour

Location: Three Mile Cross Distance healing available

Jan Reid Be Good to Yourselves 0776 993 6500

BRIGHT MINDS COUNSELLING I'm a qualified Counsellor / Psychotherapist based in Farnborough, Hampshire. I offer warm and friendly professional support for a variety of mental health issues, bereavement counselling, work-related issues as well as helping to support you through these difficult times. I can help you to make any necessary change in your life.

Kate Stewart

Monday-Friday, 10am-8pm Cost: £50 per session 07403 377903

I am working via video and telephone calls, these formats work just as therapeutically as having face-to-face sessions. Following the

government guidelines, I am still seeing clients in person if video calls are not appropriate due to personal family situations. Covid secure measures are being implemented within my relaxing counselling room.


Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

SEASONAL SMUDGE BLENDS By T-Rae Hemmings 'I am... I am me' collection

Smudge sticks have been used since ancient times in ritualistic ceremonies to clear harmful energies. Native Americans are World known for burning sage to cleanse, purify and uplift any space. Sage grows naturally in North America, so it's no surprise that they fully utilise this herb in their ceremonies, and due to commercialisation, you can buy sage anywhere. We decided we wanted to use what Mother Earth is giving to us locally, and so we went foraging to draw from the wisdom of the ancient people to create our own seasonal smudge sticks as part of the 'I am... I am me' collection. We researched what was around us locally, we looked at their benefits and ofcourse contraindications and we will bring to the public seasonal herbs mixed with sustainably sourced resins to create wonderful and powerful smudging blends. Our smudge blend consists of pine needles (locally sourced) - symbology of wisdom and longevity holly berries (locally sourced) - symbology of peace and magic black pepper (locally sourced) - cleansing and protective eucalyptus (locally sourced) - purifying and cleansing cinnamon (locally sourced) - prosperity, empowerment, strength and courage frankincense resin (ethically sourced) - purifying and divine connection jasmine resin (ethically sourced) - love and sensuality This blend fits very snugly into our 'I am Loved, I am me' collection. A truly wonderful scrumptious mix. Perfect to use in rituals or just around the house on a daily basis - excellent for clearing and purifying the space instead of using sage. Brings in love and protection energies.



Mudra is Sanskrit for 'seal' or 'gesture'. Mudra's are hand positions or gestures used in yoga, meditation, spiritual healing and classical Indian dance (Bharatanatyam) practice.

In the book Gestures: Their Origins and Distribution, published in 1979, Desmond Morris discussed various possible origins of this sign but came to no definite conclusion. He stated that: “because of the strong taboo associated with the gesture (its public use has often been heavily penalised). As a result, there is a tendency to shy away from discussing it in detail. It is "known to be dirty" and is passed on from generation to generation by people who simply accept it as a recognised obscenity without bothering to analyse it... Several of the rival claims are equally appealing. The truth is that we will probably never know…”

The mudra in the above large image is called Dharmachakra mudra and represents a continuous flow of energy. The Buddha used this hand gesture whilst he was teaching others, straight after his enlightenment. The classic Prayer position, known as Angali mudra is used in some religions, yoga, meditation and spiritual healing. Angali means 'to salute' or 'to honour', symbolising a celebration of the moment in time.

However it has been tested, using kinesiology to confirm the power of the V-sign gesture.

We are going to get controversial now. The V-sign is actually a mudra! Historically, there is not much information out there, however between 1975 and 1977, a group of anthropologists studied the history of European gestures and found the rude version of the V-sign to be basically unknown outside the British Isles.

The gesture with the palm facing outwards implies victory or peace and done the other way becomes an obscenity. Let me try to explain the 'naughty' gesture and it's mudra... you hold up your index (dominant) finger and your middle (defiance) finger and your palm faces towards you - the mudra suggests that you are directing power back to you, empowering yourself with dominance and defiance! I truly believe that sometimes this gesture is needed to help you balance your self-esteem and not let everyone walk all over you!

There are hundreds of different mudra's which we will explore in 2022!



Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11



Dear AV reader, thank you for journeying through 2021 with us. Here at Eden People we are thankful for everyone that has come across our path, the events we have participated at, and the different gatherings we have facilitated. We are thankful to the Divine Creator Spirit whose presence with us has given peace, love, joy hope and healing to many people. So as we end this year and transition to a new one we invite you to come and connect with us

Get in touch E: W: LinkTree: FB: Twitter: @edenpeople

Eden People based in Guildford & S.W. Surrey, with 20 years’ plus experience of supporting peoples’ wellbeing for body, mind & spirit. We are a not-for-profit community group. Below is information on our activities, contact us to join our mailing list so you can get priority access to book into sessions.

Book your space with us! Monday 6th December - Life Peace Meditation Sessions in Guildford 10.00 – 11.00 am 7.45 – 8.45 pm Please contact us to book a session

Body Blessing & Positive Postures Sessions This is a physical, spiritual, and emotional activity that connects body, mind and spirit. It centres on who we are, how we are and where we are in the present moment. Spoken positive words about & over areas of the physical body encourage the participant to understand their uniqueness and the importance of their body. As we move or create a stance or position during the session the person connects inwardly (spiritually & emotionally) to the outward physical; and this can bring about new thought or feeling from the participant regarding themselves, others and the world. Designed to support your mental health, physical health, spirituality, wellbeing and positive thinking towards self, others and the planet


LifeWalks Sessions

Life Peace Meditation Sessions

This is a physical, spiritual, and emotional walking activity that connects body, mind and spirit. As we engage with the ‘outdoor space’ around us we can sense, learn, receive, and understand more about ourselves, the world around us physically, spiritually, and emotionally. It centres on who we are, how we are and where we are in the present moment.

These meditation sessions are shaped to help participants rest, relax, and find new depths of peace for the mind, body and spirit.Good for those who may have anxiety, restlessness, negative feelings, lack of motivation or self-worth.

As we walk, talk, think, rest, breathe during the session the person connects inwardly (spiritually & emotionally) to the outward physical; and this can bring about new thought or feeling from the participant regarding themselves, others and the world. Designed to support your mental health, physical health, spirituality, wellbeing and positive thinking towards self, others, and the planet

Differing Meditational activities focus on creativity, the natural world, breathing, imagination, use of the senses and tactile interaction. Designed to support your mental health, physical health, spirituality, wellbeing and positive thinking towards self, others, and the planet


SpiritSpace: Online monthly gathering via zoom. Creative expression, Encounter Rooms for Inner Healing, Heart & Destiny Insight, Ruach Cards and much more: more on this via:

Insight, Destiny & Encouragement: Opening life in the fullest Healing: Hands-on or hands off and distance healing Blessing: Positive input for you

Dream Station: Dream Interpretation - email us your dreams for interpretation

Card readings: Ruach and Jesus Deck Card readings

Booking required for all events Cost: Free or donation email: or TEXT 07866247919


Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

The great mystery of time and space is



All time is connected. All time is one. All time is now.

Space is infinite. All points in space are in the centre. We are in the centre. All space is here.


On my shoulders lies the past. In my hands lies the future.

I am a guardian. I am a messenger.

I speak to the future. And I listen to it.

by John Sjovik

The future is here. We are it. And I am weeping...


A few years ago, I worked as consultant in a factory near Stockholm. It was a temporary contract that lasted half a year. During that time, I stayed in an apartment hotel used mainly by businesspeople like me. It was located near the motorway and quite boring. The focus was on easy access to major roads and providing functional accommodation, with a small kitchenette in each room. My job was demanding and staying in the hotel was quite depressing. After a few months, I asked Spirit to help me, to support and comfort me. The following night, I woke up and found it difficult to go back to sleep. My bed was near the window. I opened the curtains and looked at the night sky. Then I spotted three stars in a row. The constellation looked familiar and I realized that I was looking at Orion’s belt. I moved closer to the window and I managed to see two more stars above and two below. The top left one is called Betelgeuse. From that moment, I carried with me the symbolic power of Betelgeuse and the magic of the constellation of Orion. I felt filled with confidence and energy and I successfully finished my contract.

My experience is that if you ask Spirit for guidance and assistance, and you do it with sincerity and humility, help will come in one form or another. All you need to do is to be open and receptive for messages. You need to know how to look...


During my stay, I regularly travelled by metro to downtown Stockholm. On one of those journeys, I had a seat across the aisle from a mother and a child. The girl was maybe seven years old. She had a conversation with her mother. It went like this:

Girl: Mum, have I told you about the special flowers? Mother: Not sure? Which ones are those? Girl: They are special. I keep them in my room. Mother: In your room? You don’t have flowers in your room. Where are they? Girl: You can’t see them, mum. They are invisible to you. Mother: What? Really? But, but... what do they look like? What kind of flowers are they? Girl: They can be any flower you want. They look like the flowers you want them to look like. Mother: And they are invisible? So nobody can see them? But you can see them, right? Girl: Nobody can see them but I can. Well, actually anybody can see them. But you need to know how to use your eyes. You need to know how to look.

You need to know how to look. That is what it is all about. And sometimes, you need to close your eyes, so that you can see more clearly.

John Sjovik


Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11


Jovi Hoonjan, Shamanic Joy UK

Start the year with good intentions by expanding your spiritual self!

This course is perfect for those who are keen to develop their psychic and spiritual connection.

Attend a group practical classes once a week (Basingstoke)

Optional weekly one-to-one online development meetings

Listen to specific online Love 2 Meditate meditations

This course will cover meditations, divination tools, spiritual healing, protection techniques, and psychometry.


Next course starts: 9th January 2022


Deep insightful guidance


For intuitive psychic readings with reiki seichem and oracle cards, contact



Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

ANGEL PRESCRIPTIONS Carol Coggan We have explored several different Archangels, and how they can specifically help you. I suggest that you also turn this on its head, so rather than thinking of a particular Archangel and how they can help you, I want you to think of a challenge you are faced with and then ask the Archangel to help. Thus, if you have a challenge of health, turn it around and thank Archangel Raphael for your healthfulness.

There is one final Archangel to ask for help specifically at this time, and that is Archangel Metatron. Archangel Metatron clears lower energies and helps you work with sensitive children. But it is his knowledge of the physical universe that we are asking for at this time. He can help you with bending of time. He collapses or extends the time. If you are late for an appointment, ask for his help and you will find that the traffic lights are green, or if they are red, it seems that you are not stopped for long. What should have been a 20 minute journey, suddenly seems 10 minutes. If you do arrive late then Archangel Metatron will have intervened, so that the person you are meeting is late, or is held up in another meeting!

December can be a lovely month but also a challenging month. I love Christmas, it’s all the decorations, the giving of gifts, the Christmas food, and the feeling/ambience of contact with family and people. It is also a time when we put pressure on ourselves financially, emotionally and physically. It’s considering the pressures and the challenges that we can ask the Archangels to step in. Some people can’t wait for Christmas to be over, others find it difficult as they are on their own. Whatever your situation I am going to suggest four Archangels who can help you throughout and thus create a positive time of year for you.

So how can Archangel Metatron help over Christmas? he will help you extend time, so all the things you feel you need to get done, the shopping, the present wrapping, the decorating of the house, the cooking etc. Ask for his help and you will find that instead of fretting over the task that it all becomes manageable. You view it in a different light, you achieve and enjoy what needs to be done and the supposed importance of “other stuff“ falls away.

We ask Archangel Raguel for relationship harmony. He will step in and resolve any relationship conflict, so if you are delighted at seeing some family members but not all, then ask Archangel Raguel to step in and ease the situation.

Radleigh Valentine talks of Angelic prescriptions, which is considering the Archangel needed for your challenge and placing them around you in specific points as you go about your day. Thus my Angelic prescription for you this Christmas may be Archangel Raphael (health) back left and Archangel Ariel (prosperity) back right, Archangel Raguel (relationships) front left and Archangel Metatron (time) front right. Ask these four to be with you as you set off on your day. You know they will be there for you and of course, your Guardian Angel is always with you.

We ask Archangel Ariel for abundance, she is known for manifestation and prosperity. She is the guardian of the planet’s resources and will enable you to meet your earthly needs, and thus provide prosperity in many forms. It may not be the exact Christmas present you want for yourself, or to give to others, but ask her for help as you manage your resources over the Christmas period. We ask Archangel Raphael for total healthfulness and this is both physical and emotional health. It is the physical energy to complete all the tasks we challenge ourselves with at this time. Remember to take a step back/time out and have plenty of physical rest, and view the tasks positively as Christmas is a time of fun. 0781 806 5514

Dream Builder Life Coach to help design your dream

Have a very happy and blessed Christmas, creating your own Angelic prescription with your army of Angels.

TRANSFORMATIONAL LIFE COACH As an Angel Therapist, Dream Builder Life Coach and channel, I support you in working with your Angels to achieve the life you would love to live.

I offer Angel Card readings, workshops, therapy sessions all to enhance your transformation.

You are a spiritual being having a human experience.

Location: Guildford, Surrey Remote sessions available


Free online Shamanic Meditation with Love 2 Meditate

Flying with Eagle

Levels of Consciousness (728) tested to be the equivalent to enlightenment

"I loved the gentle beat of the drum in the background, like a stabilising heart beat! Your chosen words of wisdom and beautiful natural imagery was lovely taking me on a clear and

much needed healing journey. The additional notes are totally fab, the recommendations for crystal and aroma therapy are particularly up my street ​Y ou have created some truly fantastic resources and should be super proud!! The website looks beautiful too. For a techno phobe like me the images of nature are a big help!" - Rebecca

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Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11


A warm welcome. I am an experienced BACP registered Psychosynthesis counsellor offering confidential support for individuals within a safe, supportive and accepting environment. Depression, a general sense of overwhelm, heart brake, the experience of loss in all its various forms including the loss of what was expected or hoped for are all experiences that can be hard to sit with and process through on your own. Transitions in life such as divorce, grief over the loss of a loved one, changes of job/location/home, general overwhelm of relationships can also be hard to live with at times, and may feel stuck or hopeless. Psychosythesis counselling is specifically designed to support you at these sensitive and complex times in your life. I practice a soulful approach to counselling, where all parts of you are welcome. Our work together is about helping you to look at the parts of yourself that deserve or need more attention; that may have been rejected, ignored or feel unseen or gone unheard. We gently look at

Sophie Grant Counselling to Nourish your Soul Mytchett 0776 997 1145

what brought you to this point in your life and through awareness create more understanding, insight and connection with your inner world. Psychosynthesis brings many gifts including a greater sense of balance, deeper connection with

Psychosynthesis ...working on a soul level

self and often a sense of harmony restored.

I look forward to our meeting

Sophie 32

"I found that each session I would learn or recognise one key thing about myself and my journey that I could go away and understand and process in the week ahead meaning I was able to come back to the next session with a new perspective and a deeper appreciation of myself.”



Finding your inner light This course teaches you seven ancient shamanic techniques and tools, offering unique individual feedback to help you connect with your own light, enhance your intuition and open yourself up, so that you can find, connect with and follow your individual soul journey.

Believe in your power This course teaches you to tap into the power you already have, revealing it to bring you confidence and the enthusiasm to be the person you were always meant to be.

Pure Divine Connection Journey with us on this unique course and raise your vibrations so you can attract goodness into your life in all different forms.


Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

Christmas Sweet Bread We are getting festive! Here is a lovely nutty and moist sweet bread cake. Flaxseed helps to improve digestive health and lower blood pressure. Both flaxseed and walnuts are known to reduce high cholesterol. You do need time to prepare for this recipe, so plan ahead folks!

Ingredients 9 medium-sized apples (mix types) 200g walnuts 500g raisins 3tbsp rum 1tbsp cocoa powder 1 cup of soft brown sugar 3.5cups of gf flour 0.5tsp baking powder 0.75tsp salt 1.5tsp ground cloves 1.5tsp ground cinnamon 1.5tsp ground mixed spice 2tbsp ground flaxseed

Steps 1. Prepare the apples one day in advance. Grate all the apples (including the skin) into a bowl. Add the walnuts, raisins, rum, cocoa powder and sugar. Mix everything together. Cover the bowl with cling film or equivalent and leave overnight in the fridge. 2. Preheat the oven to 180degC (350degF) 3. The next day, add to the apple mix, the flour, baking powder, salt and spices. In a separate cup, mix 3tbsp of water to the flaxseed and once they have expanded, also add to the mix. Knead the ingredients together until you get a dough consistency. 4. Place the dough into a 25cm loaf tin and bake in the centre of the oven for 80-90 mins. Watch the bread and just place some greaseproof paper over it if it looks like it's getting too brown on the top.


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MARTIN LEWIS 07968 740550 Newbury, Berkshire


Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

ONLINE GUIDED MEDITATIONS by Martin Lewis, Kinesiologist


Rebirth of your Existence meditation is about taking a journey to the beginning of your existence as a being of energy - before physical existence became manifest. As you listen to this meditation, you will become more open and spiritually aware.

531 Levels of Consciousness represents unconditional love – love that is pure, unfaltering, unwavering, and not subjected to any external conditions, and joy - the dominant emotions being serenity and compassion. This is the inner joy that arises from every moment of existence rather than from an external source

Cost £15 To purchase: 37

Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

Soy Candles Our soy candles are infused with high intentions and sacred geometric power symbols £14.99

Dragons Blood When you burn this candle you will feel the warmth of love touch your heart. You will feel dragon's breath flow around you bringing in powerful protection. This candle will make, anyone around it, feel that they are cared for and looked after everything will be ok. 38

Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

Sue's Beautiful You

I hope you enjoy my handmade healing crystal bracelets. I use good-quality crystal beads and put my heart and soul into making the perfect bracelet for you. These pieces are infused with Reiki symbols. Facebook page:

Stunning eye catching suncatchers made with a selection of different crystals and infused with reiki symbols. For this piece I have used golden healer and citrine chips. Comes in a pretty box and with bow. Prices vary and start at £20 + p&p

Herkimer Diamond - The Master healer Stunning Master Crystal that will benefit the wearer in many ways. This beautiful stone will cleanse your chakras and will open channels for spiritual growth and energy flow. Herkimer Diamonds are one of the strongest crystals for clearing electromagnetic pollution or radioactivity. In healing, herkimer diamond is good for detoxification, relieves insomnia caused by geopathic stress. Corrects DNA cellular disorders and eliminates stress and tension from the body. These Beautiful pieces of jewellery are infused with protection reiki symbols and come in a black gift box. Starting prices from £25 + p&p

These cute little crystal angels made with clear quartz base, ameterine / fresh water pearl wings and amethyst, aura quartz and carnelian heads. A fine chain and hoop to place either on your Christmas tree , window or even use as a pendulum. Making a great present. Smaller Angel £15 , larger Angel £20 comes with white velvet pouch . P&P not included.


Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

The Treatment Hub Basingstoke

The Treatment Hub is a beautiful health and wellbeing clinic offering five bespoke therapy rooms and one large events room, all designed to a very high luxury specification. Each room allows the privacy and professionalism you seek during any treatment.

Town Centre Location Reception / Waiting Area Refreshments Available 7 days a week Open until 9pm weekdays Free WiFi


Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

We have a GIFT for you!

We would love you to visit our beautiful health and wellbeing clinic and experience the therapies and treatments on offer from our skilled practitioners. So… we have a ‘Hub Multi-Pass’ waiting for you. Our ‘Pass’ gets you £10 off your first visit to any participating therapist, counsellor or health practitioner that you haven’t visited before.* You can also enjoy free classes and events* The GREAT news is that you can use it over and over again*

Please go to our website and sign up for your Free Pass and Hub News. Hub News is a monthly emagazine keeping you updated with all the wonderful therapies, treatments, classes and events available for you to try, together with information about our participating practitioners. Your ‘Pass’ can only be used for a first visit to a practitioner/class or event that you haven’t visited before. Your ‘Pass’ cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. See ‘Hub News’ for latest list of participating practitioners Subject to availability


Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11


Wouldn’t life be simple if you could guarantee that your invoice would get paid on time every time? Sadly, this isn’t always the reality. With the economy coming out of recession, there is a very clear and present danger that your business invoices may not get paid in a timely fashion. Here are our best tips for getting your invoices paid

1. Invoice promptly The longer you take to invoice someone, the more likely the bill won’t get paid. Of course, no invoice normally means no payment… Do you remember the early days of running your business? When you were amazed that some business owners got lax with their billing? Then, you get busy servicing your customers and clients and the admin slips. Before you know it, you become that business owner who has become slow to invoice! If you are finding that you are getting behind on your admin, then contact a bookkeeping company to help. Cloud accounting software such as Xero, Quickbooks or Freeagent, all include the feature to do recurring invoices for example.


2. No billing surprises The more unexpected a bill, the more likely it won’t get paid. If a project is going to occur some extra expense or cost, always talk to the client or customer promptly about it. If you just crack on with it and don’t tell the customer about the unexpected cost coming their way, you risk getting into a payment dispute. Before you bill someone, always make sure that: - they are aware and expecting the bill - they have agreed to pay the bill

3. Make it easy to pay your invoice This is such a simple one but easily missed. Make sure you are removing any barriers to paying your bill. Such as: Including a ‘pay now’ button linked to a payment gateway on your invoices. For example, Xero will do this for you with your Stripe account. If you visit the customer on-site, then have the means to take payment whilst you are on site (a card machine). Technology is such that you can easily connect a gadget or download an app to your phone to take card payments. No need for an expensive and bulky card terminal. Include your bank details on the invoice. Offer your customers the option to do a bank transfer, set up a direct debit or pay by credit card.

4. Set up a direct debit or payment mandate for your customers and clients If you have regular customers, getting a direct debit mandate signed from them is a great way to be more in control of when they pay you. GoCardless is an inexpensive direct debit solution that integrates well with the likes of Xero, Freeagent and Quickbooks.


5. Ask for payment before you start working for the customer or client There is no rule saying you can only invoice after you start work for a client. In fact, we would ask for payment upfront for some of our services, such as a client wanting a one-off tax return. If you (or your customers) are not happy with a 100% upfront payment, why not ask for a deposit to get the work started?

6. Build a relationship with the accounts payable team at your customer's business It always helps to be nice to the person at your customer’s business who actually pays your bill. The stronger the relationship you have with them, the more chance your invoice gets paid promptly and without being ‘delayed’. This may not be your direct contact. It could be someone in their finance or accounts payable team/department. So, who in the customer’s organisation is responsible for accounts payable? Can you get their name and contact details to help ‘ease the way for your invoices to be paid’?

7. Understand your customers’ accounts payable process Do you need a PO (Purchase Order) number on your invoice? How does the invoice need to be addressed and who to? What needs to be on the invoice for it to be paid promptly? Who at your customer’s organisation needs to sign off the invoice before it will be paid? Who in the customer’s organisation is responsible for accounts payable? And can you get their name and contact details to help ‘ease the way for your invoice to be paid’? When a finance department is preserving cash for a business, they will reject an invoice for payment for the smallest reason.


8. Put in place a process for unpaid invoices This process could include a series of communications when the invoice is issued. Then a call or email the day before the invoice is due to see when it is going to be paid. Then a series of calls or emails a number of days and weeks after the invoice is due to be paid. Most accounting systems such as Xero, Quickbooks, Sage etc will have a feature for automated reminders for invoices. If you need more than the basic invoice chasing that this software will provide, consider using a more sophisticated credit control tool such as Chaser.

9. Consider offering a payment plan for customers who have built up a large unpaid debt Most customers want to pay your bill. But sometimes stuff gets in the way. So consider offering a payment plan. Getting paid over 6 months in instalments is better than not getting paid at all.

10. Stop work if your invoices don’t get paid We see this regularly. Where a business owner carries on working for a customer in the hope that the invoices will get paid eventually. The debts pile up and may never get paid. You’ll be surprised how quickly your unpaid invoices may get paid if you stop working for a client.


Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11


Talking about money is never easy, especially when you’re a small business owner. But, unfortunately, there’s no avoiding it! There will come a time where you get a client or two who disputes an invoice, and you will have to manage it in a way that doesn’t damage your relationship. If you want to prevent payment disputes (and know how to resolve them if they do come about), you have to implement effective credit control procedures. Here are 6 ways to manage invoicing and payment disputes easily and effectively.

1. Be organised You don’t want to waste more time than you need to resolve payment disputes, so make sure to keep good records and be organised. You want to be able to find your agreed deliverables and any information you need on billable costs as quickly as possible.


2. Always agree on cost first Before you complete a job or send an invoice, you have to set expectations with your client. Talk to them about the service you will be providing and by when and how much it will cost. Agreeing on the billable cost before you undertake the work is essential to minimising any payment disputes. If you can follow up the discussion with a quote and have them agree to the proposal, even better! You’ll be able to refer back to this if you have any issues in the future.

3. State your invoicing terms as clear as possible To ensure that your clients pay efficiently (and to nurture a consistent cash flow for your business), create a payment policy and make it clear. Your clients need to know how to make the payment, what your payment terms are and when they have to pay it. They’ll also need to be aware of the consequences if they miss deadlines.

4. Be friendly (but stick to your guns) The worst thing you can do in a dispute is to immediately cave to what they want or to respond in a very emotional way. To avoid getting angry or frustrated with the client, make sure you have all of the documents and figures you need to justify your point. Then, you can come back to them with a clear and very reasonable explanation and they’ll be more willing to agree. In the instance that it was your mistake, own up to it quickly and send a revised invoice. The aim is to not burn any bridges here!


5. Work towards a resolution Regardless, whether or not it was your fault or the client’s fault, or just a misunderstanding, it doesn’t really matter; at the end of the day, you both want to come to an agreement that satisfies you both. Keep this in mind when handling an unpaid invoice or payment dispute and always communicate via email so you have a record of what’s been said.

6. Seek the support of an accountant If you’re really struggling with unpaid invoices and managing your accounts receivables, an accountant can help you build a consistent cash flow. From putting the necessary software in place to chasing payments for you, they can guarantee that you get paid what you are owed on time AND without damaging any client relationships.


Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

Meditation Bath Rituals 49

Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11


MARY MAGDALENE'S LEGACY written by Julie de Vere Hunt

PROLOGUE “This is the book Great Seth (son of Adam) composed and placed high in the mountains on which the sun has not risen and cannot rise… Great Seth placed it on the mountain called Cheraxio, so that, at the end of times and ages, it may come forth and appear to this holy incorruptible generation of the Great Saviour and those dwelling with them in love… Amen The Gospel of the Egyptians

April 367 CE: Nag Hammadi Athanasius, the orthodox patriarch of Alexandria, wrote an Easter letter to all the monasteries in Egypt. The letter listed those books that were to be considered ‘acceptable’ and included in the Bible – the oldest known list of the 27 books in the New Testament. All other writings were considered heretical and were to be destroyed at once. Unsurprisingly, the Nag Hammadi codices were not on this list. And so it was time… The monks were prepared. The word was given and two of the younger brothers, Abu and Kahlil, prepared for their mission that night. There was no time to be wasted. Fortunately, it was almost a full moon and they would not need lamps to light their way and alert their enemies. Kahlil, slight in stature, carefully packed the collection of books in his old battered leather satchel. Safely inside his satchel were the 13 papyrus codices and two diaries. The diaries of Mary Magdalene and her daughter Sarah, chronicling what happened after the Darkest Day when Yeshua was crucified. Abu, an ox of a man, effortlessly lifted the large earthenware jar to the saddle of his camel and bound it in place. Abu nodded at Kahlil and they rode into the night towards Cheraxio mountain. Abu led the way and after a few hours, stopped, looked around to ensure there was no one around, dismounted and hobbled the camels.

Abu carefully unloaded the large jar onto his shoulder and Kahlil carried the satchel and two spades they would need to dig a hole and bury their treasure. Khalil, nimble and light on his feet like a mountain goat, led the way, following an undefined but pre-agreed route. Abu, slowed down by his load, followed at a steady pace. After climbing steeply for half an hour or so, Kahlil stopped by a huge boulder, laid down his satchel and started digging in the soft soil against the cliff face. Abu arrived and joined in with the digging – with two of them progress was swift. The hole had to be at least six feet deep to completely cover the jar and its precious contents. Whilst Kahlil placed the books inside the jar, Abu set about making a seal out of sand and water. The sand contained lime and when mixed with water formed a quick-drying mortar which would make an air tight seal. He used a palette knife to apply the mortar to the rim of the jar and then placed a bowl on top, held in place by a large rock for good measure. Between them they lowered the jar into the hole and put the soil back burying the jar well below the surface. They smoothed the surrounding soil with the soles of their sandals so it looked undisturbed. An owl swooped past and startled them – they smiled at one another in relief. But no one came this way, and they were sure they hadn’t been followed. It was done.

“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the End.”

Old Testament, book of Daniel 12:4




‘Apostle to Mary Magdalene’ is the first book – an overview in A-Z format of everything we know about Mary Magdalene from religious scholars, the New Testament and the Gnostic Gospels. Repentant sinner, ‘bride’





















cellular as





establish the truth. This book provides a useful platform for the next two books.. ‘Mary Magdalene’s Legacy’ is the second book - a story of murder, betrayal, love, faith



courage It









Magdalene after the crucifixion; carrying on the bloodline of Jesus, and transmitting his original






community she founds at Lake Mareotis near Alexandria, Egypt. ‘Mary Magdalene’s Final Legacy’ is the third and final book of this series. It follows the

next three generations of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, through the diaries of Jude, their grandson, grandson.








discoveries of remains and ancient papyrus fragments unearthed since 2000 form the basis for this story. Mary Magdalene leaves one







waves through the church today. These stories are based on the Universal Truth.

Price includes postage. Available from


Alchemical Voice - L2M

Issue 11

ALCHEMICAL VOICE We promote complementary holistic businesses that can offer readers the best and most suitable product, service and advice

To purchase a hard copy of this or previous editions, click on the QR code

Published by Jovi Hoonjan, Alchemical Voice



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