By The Numbers Currently, there are 12,854 congregations of the Church of Christ in the United States of America. Within those 12,854 congregations, there are 1,259,136 members of the church. This averages out to about 98 members per congregations in the 50 states as well as the District of Columbia. There’s an average of 24,689 members per state (including DC) and an average of 252 congregations per state. Across the country, there are 10 states that have fewer than 1000 members:
Delaware - 935 Members
South Dakota - 906 Members
Maine - 836 Members
New Hampshire - 829 Members
Utah - 815 Members
Hawaii - 747 Members
Vermont - 560 Members
District of Columbia - 481 Members
Rhode Island - 400 Members
North Dakota - 361 Members
The states of the Midwest region of the United States (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin) represent 13.532% of the total membership of the churches of Christ, an actual number of 70,387 members out of 1,259,136 total members in entire country. Within the region, there are 6 congregations with fewer than 100 members:
Iowa - 74 Congregations
Minnesota - 40 Congregations
Nebraska - 49 Congregations
North Dakota - 7 Congregations
South Dakota - 23 Congregations
Wisconsin - 66 Congregations
Of the 2,110 Congregations in the Midwest region of the United States, Five states (Ohio - 418 congregations, Missouri - 441 congregations, Michigan - 198 Congregations, Indiana - 343 congregations, and Illinois - 286 congregations) account for nearly 80% [79.905%] of the congregations with a real number of 1,686 congregations out of the 2,110 for the region. In terms of total membership, a number totaling 170,387 members, those same five states, (Ohio - 35,447 members, Missouri - 34,332 members, Michigan - 22,925 members, Indiana - 27,333 members, and Illinois - 22,128 members) account for 83.437% of the total membership across the region [142,165 // 170,387]. In terms of overall reach, the churches of Christ in the Midwest region of the United States account for 0.259% of the total population [170,387 // 65,729,852 ].
The states of the Northeast region of the United States (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont) represent 2.070% of the total membership of the churches of Christ, an actual number of 22,066 members out of 1,259,136 total members in entire country. Of the 9 states in the region, only two have more than 100 congregations (New York, Pennsylvania) with the rest each having less than 50 congregations each:
Connecticut - 25 Congregations
Maine - 25 Congregations
Massachusetts - 27 Congregations
New Hampshire - 15 Congregations
New Jersey - 43 Congregations
Rhode Island - 7 Congregations
Vermont - 11 Congregations
The 394 Congregations in the Northeast region represent 3.065% of the total amount of congregations in the country. Of the 394 Congregations in the Midwest region of the United States, Two states (New York - 104 congregations & Pennsylvania - 137 congregations) account for 61.168% of the congregations with a real number of 241 congregations out of the 394 for the region. In terms of total membership, a number totaling 26,066 members, those same two states, (New York - 8,282 members and Pennsylvania - 7,827 members) account for 61.801% of the total membership across the region [16,109 // 26,066]. In terms of overall reach, the churches of Christ in the Midwest region of the United States account for 0.048 of the total population In that region [26,066 members // 54,571,147 total population].
The states in the southern region of the United States (Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia) represent 74.156% of the total membership of all the churches of Christ in the United States of America [933,756 // 1,259,136]. Of the 17 States (including District of Columbia) only 3 have fewer than 100 congregations:
Delaware - 13 congregations
District of Columbia - 3 Congregations
Maryland - 50 Congregations
Of the 8,784 Congregations in the Southern region of the United States, Four states (Texas - 2,114 congregations, Tennessee - 1,448 congregations, Alabama - 887 congregations, and Arkansas - 746 congregations) account for nearly 60% [59.142%] of the congregations [5,195 // 8,784]. In terms of total membership, a number totaling 933,756 members, those same four states, (Texas 281,667 members, Tennessee - 168,810 members, Alabama - 91,440 members, and Arkansas 68,531 members) account for 65.376% of the total membership across the region [610,448 // 933,756].
The states in the Western region of the United States (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming) represent 10.239% of the total membership of all the churches of Christ in the United States of America [128,927 // 1,259,136]. Of the 13 States in the western United States, 7 have fewer than 100 congregations:
Hawaii - 16 Congregations
Utah - 19 Congregations
Alaska - 25 Congregations
Nevada - 29 Congregations
Wyoming - 32 Congregations
Idaho - 42 Congregations
Montana - 43 Congregations
Of the 1,566 Congregations in the Western region of the United States, the state of California account for nearly 44% [43.487%] of the congregations [681 // 1,566]. In terms of total membership, a number totaling 128,927 members, California accounts for 47.739% of the total membership across the region [61,549 // 128,927].